#i should think of a queue tag .. i dont have one but also i dont have much art to queue anyway so absndkkf
cheaploafs · 2 years
Tumblr media
the answer is yes by the way
Tumblr media
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fedoraspooky · 4 months
In light of tumblr shooting itself in the foot, I've been thinking about what I should do with my art from now on. Obviously, deleting my old posts off here isn't gonna do shit, it's essentially locking my door after my house got emptied out by burglars. Especially with my old rp account I no longer can log into, they're just gonna steal and sell my old art that I posted there and I can't even flip a questionably-affective toggle about it.
Thing is, I dunno how many people are gonna actually leave. I'm not even sure I will, since I have a lot of friends here... And after so many shitty updates a lot of people are just hanging on out of spite at this point.
That said, I'm considering that for art posts and stuff, maybe I'll post them elsewhere and just link to them here so they're not on tumblr's servers? Idk... Tumblr tends to kill the visibility of links but I'm not really sure what else I can do.
Also, there's the question of where to actually post new stuff. Bluesky seems the most active but I dont know if old posts cut off after a certain amount of posts like twitter does, in which case that would not be a good archive in the long run. xnx
Cohost is functionally pretty close to tumblr, but ngl it seems super isolated on there bc of its commitment to not showing any likes on your posts. I get that its to combat the social media numbers game, but the downside is that it looks like nobody's even seen your work. If people like something of yours there's no way outside of notifs to see it, so scrolling down on your page and seeing only zeros after zeros of comments on stuff (comments are the only visible number), it's easy to feel like you're just posting into a void.
Pillowfort is pretty good, and they just added tag blocking and the ability to queue/schedule posts. Still kinda quiet and invite only, but if you sign up for the invite queue you can get one pretty fast. Also i probaby have a ton of invites sitting around if anyone wants one. I wish it had an app, but mobile web version works well enough I guess, and I'm already used to doing that with sheezy and newgrounds, so I just have those open in mobile tabs together.
Speaking of, Newgrounds has been pretty good, but due to the nature of the portal system and stuff you're more encouraged to post only your better-looking stuff there. You CAN post doodles if you want, but only outside of the portal, which limits their visibility. Kinda like dA's scraps system I guess.
Sheezy looks super promising customization-wise so I'm thinking of posting there more when it opens up to more peeps.
Toyhouse also looks really good for OC and story things too, and also has a good degree of customization.
There's probs options I haven't even thought about, but its good to know there ARE options. I may post in several of those places for now and see how it goes. Test the waters a bit.
If you're thinking of moving your art elsewhere lemme know where, I'm curious to see where people are going :o
Especially you moots, i need to refind my pals in these other places!
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so are you not actually pulling back on posting the arjuna hate posts? i'm just a bit confused bc you said that it was getting excessive and it would be moderated more, and then three more (the bhima ask ALSO was another excuse to shittalk people discussing arjuna rather than actually get into anything about him) asks that were hating his fanbase got posted after that.
there's been nine posts complaining about how much they hate his fans, how much they think hes screwed over karna, etc etc, very likely submitted by the same one/two people with a vendetta who are using this blog as a platform to try and harass others who don't interact with them. is spamming the blog with the exact same opinion over and over acceptable?
i just dont understand at what point it becomes too much, like if someone gets sick of it and begins to regularly submit asks over and over about the same subject (like how annoying karna fans are, and how they complain about nothing, and how karna's very existence screws over their fav) will those get posted and tagged also? even if it has nothing to do with karna but one or two of his fans? where is the line here?
i understand you want to post all kinds of asks here even if theyre controversial opinions, but this is very clearly someone trying to hold a dialogue where no one can actually hold them accountable because they can post all their thoughts through an anonymous confession blog. isnt there a difference between a one off 'i find x fan annoying bc of y' and sending in 9 asks in a month about it?
We re-examined and re-wrote the rules after the constant deluge of asks about Arjuna which have, thankfully, slowed down, and in fact several were deleted from the queue after Mod M and I agreed that they weren't within what we thought the parameters should now be. The asks that have been about Arjuna after that time (few as they've been) have fallen within these new parameters. Spamming the blog with the exact same opinion over and over will, now, likely get you a single post with the rest deleted unless you space them out over a considerable length of time (weeks, if not months).
If you want to complain about Karna or his fans, feel free, so long as it's within guidelines. The fact that we haven't really gotten any hate regarding him or his fans is quite shocking to me. I don't know what it is about Arjuna or his fans that brought forth all these submissions.
I have to say, I do take umbrage with the fact that you seem to assume this is only one or two people spamming the blog. Going under the likely assumption that you're a fan of Arjuna, thinking that only one or two people submitted those asks unfairly puts the onus on people within the fandom you may already be biased against. This is 99% anonymous. Neither you, nor I, know if this is one person submitting these asks, or if those 9 asks could have been sent by 9 different people. If you want to assume this is all one or two people, I can't stop you, but I think it's an extremely biased and unfair assumption to make. It's completely possible that just that many people within the Fate fandom dislike Arjuna and his fans.
I would like to nip this in the bud right now for you, and everybody else. Assuming you know who or how many people are sending the submissions, unless you are directly told by a person, is arrogant. You don't know, and neither do I.
As far as Arjuna hate goes, there is one post in the queue right now mentioning him, and while it is negative, I wouldn't say its negativity is directed toward him. If you want to send hate about Karna, go for it. I am not at all stopping you, just read the rules first.
-Mod D
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months
I’m too late to submit, but with the shenanigans happening with takes that dont harm anyone, I’m curious. Are there any takes that you decided won’t be in the tournament?
You're not too late to submit! If there's something you want to get off your chest, the form is still open!
But as for the other part of your question, that's something I've been thinking about as well.
Please read the whole thing - it's important, and there's a poll at the end because I need everyone's feedback.
From the beginning I wanted this blog to be a place where people can share any controversial opinion they have, and that hasn't changed. But at the same time, this is still a light-hearted tournament blog, and even though I've fucked up in the past, I always try desperately to make sure that no one ever feels uncomfortable on this blog because they see something potentially triggering.
And, even though it's been so long that I wouldn't blame you for forgetting, this is still technically a tournament blog, and there'll be a bracket with matchups at some point.
And there's no way I can include serious takes like those in a tournament bracket -
I'm not going to make you guys vote between mental health issues and homophobia, with the winner going on to face chicken smoothies in the finals.
I can't do that. I won't.
But at the same time, I also don't want to tell people they can't submit takes like that. Serious issues still deserve to be discussed, and from the beginning, I wanted this blog to be place where people can share any opinion on any topic, no matter what it is.
I've received a lot of takes relating to a number of very serious topics - including some extremely controversial takes on those issues, that many people would find offensive and/or triggering - and I think having a forum where people can share opinions, debate those takes and discuss more sensitive topics is important as well.
But I'm not willing to post those potentially offensive takes on this blog. I want everyone to be able to enjoy it.
So, here's the problem:
From the beginning I wanted this blog to be two things -
A place on the internet where no one would ever feel unsafe or unwelcome
A place where people feel comfortable sharing any opinion anonymously, no matter what it is.
And now I've come to the sobering realisation that those two things just cannot co-exist.
So, I've been torn for a while over how to deal with this - but now I think I might have thought of an alternative that I want to get everyone's opinions on.
I could create a side blog purely dedicated to submissions that I think are too sensitive for this main blog.
That way, people will still be able to submit and discuss those submissions - and anyone who doesn't want to see that kind of content can just block that blog and enjoy this one without worrying about seeing anything that they're not comfortable with.
When I say purely dedicated, I mean that other than an untagged master post explaining the purpose of the blog, it would only post polls and nothing else. It wouldn't be a tournament - just polls, like the ones we've been doing, except this time it would be about issues that should be taken seriously.
Asks would be closed, and all the polls would remain completely untagged other than a specific tag for the blog and any relevant content warnings. Also, there would be no posts from me, no pictures and no joke responses - just a simple 'Do you agree? Yes/No' for every poll.
It would just be a queue ticking along, posting maybe a poll a day at a scheduled time, and if you want to discuss those topics, you absolutely can - and if you don't want to see it, you don't have to.
Meanwhile, this blog can then be fully dedicated to goofy shenanigans and vicious ratios.
The only alternative would be just to update the rules and ban those kind of submissions outright - but I feel on some level that would go against the reason why I started this blog in the first place.
But I do want to get your opinions on this.
Please let me know what you guys think.
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i'm considering running a poll (on people's favourite historical extant garments, bit different from this) and i was wondering if you had any advice for me
things i should do, things i shouldn't do, that sort of thing. you're a poll runner veteran at this point i think
Wow, one summer of doing polls and im now a veteran!
Umm, i dont really know what advice to give exactly. I use google Forms to collect submissions, and have the form make a spreadsheet automatically. From there its basically just figuring out what you actually want to include in the tournament (I accept most of the words i get as long as they're not already in, but other polls only do ones with a certain amount of submissions, or stuff like that).
Then you can make a bracket, and from there you just start queueing polls up!
Oh, also when you make your submission form, feel free to tag me and other poll blogs to get a wider reach!
Good luck with the poll!
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Hey OP I know there's still almost a week left, but I think an option should be that a character who gets over a certain number of votes (IDK 2000[questionmarkthattumblrwon'tletmeaddforsomereason]) but still loses can be reintroduced to the tournament elsewhere with the justification that if they got that many votes but still lost then it can be chalked up to a seeding issue because, given most of the polls being under 1000 votes total, it was probably just an issue of seeding.
Am I suggesting this for selfish reasons[questionmark] Yes, absolutely. But also there are five or six days left and I may theoretically be doing The Enemy a favor if the tides turn because [gestures at the numbers] a lot of people clearly care about this and maybe if the matchup happens AGAIN later in the tournament, we can get an even wider sample size and really duke it out
Someone should have told me X pairing was bad because they're both fan favorites, either one of them getting disqualified in round 1 is just bad for the game.... However, I am a little noodle with no backbone and am terrified of judgment and I know another tournament host deleted a poll because people were talking about wincest?? And people got mad at the host for being a bad sport and saying they manipulated the outcome because they were unhappy??? (No judgment to the host, they told the people they were uncomfortable, I wouldn't be very happy if people were talking about SA in my tags)
Proposal: How mad will you guys be if you-know-who loses this round BUT takes the slot of whoever has less number votes TOTAL. So like X character who has 1500 votes takes the spot of X character who only got 150 votes.
Pro: It's more fun. They're a fan favorite. I worry that people will turn out if such a popular character doesn't even make it to the top 32. One of the most highly submitted characters. The poll has only been live less than two days and it already has more than twice as many votes than any other poll.
Con: Against the rules and people may get mad at me.... I don't want to open the doors to do this for everyone.
Other Proposal: Every round leading up to the semi finals, a 24 hour poll of "won with the least number of votes and lost with most number of vote" and who every wins that one stays. Soccer tournament style. I think. i don't know. I don't want spots.
& Being totally totally honest, if my blorbo does get into the top 32 I dont think I'll have the motivation to run part two "whos most likely to get into heaven" because these polls are a lot of work and i need at least one blorbo to seriously root for or its not fun for me. You could call me a bad sport idc the polls take at least 5 hours to make 32 with the graphics, organize the propaganda, queue and then continue to check the reblog in case there's more propaganda.
This isn't like a threat or anything, if anyone else would like to host the "most likely to go to heaven" tournament, I'd totally welcome and support them. It just wouldn't be fun for me and I'm not going to do something that doesn't bring me joy. That being said, I will still finish this tournament no matter what.
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whosthatdccharacter · 6 months
Heyo! We've done six of these so far and it's been fun running this little game for yall. I hope its entertaining for you!
Now that we've got some under our belts I wanted to open up for feedback on a few different points. Im going to go over how ive done stuff so far, so if you have any thoughts on aspects of it you can chime in.
Putting the rest under the cut since it's kind of long.
1. Timing
So far I've tried to post new ones at sort of random times in the day so it doesn't give any one a consistent advantage. Im US Eastern and posts might go up anytime between 8am and 2am. I might even use the queue to schedule round the clock.
Another timing thing is that when someone guesses right, I give at least a few hours more before posting the reveal. It's just to give people a little more time to play, even if someone gets the answer right away. That's not to say you cant play after the reveal posts go up, but if youre anything like me, as soon as the ability to see the answer is available im clicking that link lol.
And since the reveal post tags the winner, I wait at least a few more hours for the next silhouette post so the prev winner doesnt have the advantage of being notified of the next one.
So a question here is should I wait longer or shorter on any of these areas? Do you like that its only one unrevealed at a time?
2. Difficulty level
This has been the hardest because it's a learning curve to find what's easy, what's hard, and why. There are SO many characters and runs, so it's hard to know if something I thought was memorable was even a blip on other people's radars. So ive tried to do a mix of difficulties.
Easier ones mean more people have the satisfaction of guessing and maybe getting it right, but if it's too easy then it might feel like these are puzzles for babies.
Harder ones mean a challenge and a lot of satisfaction if you figure it out or know that it's some niche thing. But if it's too hard then nobody gets it and it can feel kind of bullshit.
So what im wondering here is, do you feel like these have been too easy or too hard? Do you like it being a mix?
3. Character and image selection
If I put up a straightforward silhouette of Etrigan, everyone's going to get it and there's no challenge. On the flip side if i did a silhoutte or jason blood standing in a contextless room its like that could be literally any random man, so itd lead to random guesses. So ive been trying to find the sweet spot of the silhouette being somewhat familiar but not completely unique, and the rest of the image with some stuff going on. I think that's been going well but it does mean it relies on me and my ability to make a good little puzzle of it. So i hope I've been doing an alright job in that area.
Choosing from particular runs is interesting. I usually think of a character first then go find something they were in. Im finding the stories with other characters and team ups are good options to provide that extra context. But then the tricky part is that i have to be at least somewhat aware of whats popular and whats not. I dont want to use a panel from a run nobody read (unless its really good), and I also dont want to do one so infamous that everyone knows it like the back of their hand. So as with choosing particular images, I hope my choice of titles I'm sourcing these from has been fair.
4. How to guess
I went with tags so it encourages people to reblog and hopefully spread awareness of the blog. I think its also the easiest way people are inclined to interact per post. We couldve done asks but sometimes those get dropped by tumblr, and all the reveal posts would be answers to asks instead of standalone posts.
I like the idea that even for old ones people can still play and have fun with guessing on their own. Not sure if theres a clever way to encourage that.
And i hope the leaderboard is fun. Just a small incentive to participate. Its like saying nice job, thank you for playing.
5. Hints
As mentioned previously, if over a day goes by and nobodys got it ill post a hint. I've only done one hint so far and i was really not sure how subtle or overt i should be. Idk if anyone has thoughts about it?
So that's it. That's the process behind things and kind of where my mind is on it. I want it to be fun and chill, so if you ever have feedback about something you can always send an ask. It can be about the topics here or really at anytime about anything.
Thanks for playing everyone! Keep it up!
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ethersierra · 2 years
Welcome to my big log.
About me:
URL used to be taakosleftshoe
My main blog is @moreclaypigeons
my art blog is @sierraveree-art
I run @tazsapphicweek
I have listened to all of the TAZ campaigns, I love Ethersea and Steeplechase especially.
I am an admin and editor of the wiki, which you can find that at adventurezonewiki.miraheze.org, and our blog is @adventurezonewiki, where you can send any and all questions!
I love to draw and sometimes write.
AO3: lessclaypigeons
If you want me to tag anything just lmk!
Proudest posts:
Convincing Justin to GM
A look at my umbrastaff ft taako cosplay
Being a catalyst of the infamous pants post
beary bluejeans
nanofather essay
WIP Proudest posts, art edition:
[I’m still working on getting all of these applied to posts I made before having this kind of system. also this is like 100% for me lol but feel free to sort as you please]
#barry queuejeans - my queue tag! if i've queued a post, or more likely, a reblog, i will add that tag and u will know i was not online just then. it helps keep the ecosystem going.
#srb or #self reblog
#favs - my favs
#sierra speaks - me talking
#a sierra original - a post that’s mine!
#my art
#ask game - did an ask game :D
#fic ref - I’m saving for reference for a fic
#writing tag - my writing
#to id: I still need to add image ID's
#tbr to be read/come back to later
#ref - reference, use for later
#taz playlists - when i talk about playlists!!! i love them!
#other people's fics - i have on occasion mistagged these without the apostrophe. my bad
#friends art
#thank you for the ask! - if i've answered an ask, it should show up here!
#not taz - if im talking about something thats not taz, it ends up here. and you may think oh sierra this is a taz blog why would you-- i do what i want. jk it is probably smth about fandom or my time creating art for fandom or smth
#headcanons - dont use this tag enough so sorry guys
#discord??? i forget my tag tbh
#ttazz spoilers - im unhinged. if u didnt want the the adventure zone zone spoiled LMAO
Campaign specific tags (i don't often do character tags. but sometimes)
#taz steeplechase
#taz steeplechase spoilers - SPOILER TAG block if u are not prepared
#steeplechase bingo - there is a steeplechase bingo card i am filling out as i listen. it SHOULD??? be tagged this?
#ethersea ref - see above
#ethersea environment ref
#the adventure zone ethersea - usually only on original posts. not consistent
#taz ethersea spoilers - I try to always mark ethersea spoilers with this. so filter it if you’re not caught up!
otherwise, spoilers in: #taz e spoilers
#taz ethersea - originals and reblogs will typically contain this one
#taz e - less common but will use if i’m rushing?
#amber gris
#devo la main
#oksamber (aka bubbanana) amber and kodira (oksana)
#the adventure zone balance
#taz balance spoilers
#taz balance
#it's taako! you know! from tv! - my taako tag
#magnus burnsides
#merle highchurch - ok so i dont use it that much
#blupjeans - barry and lup
#taakitz - taako and kravitz
#magnulia - magnus and julia
#a taag if you will - taagnus tag (get it)
#lucretia and taako - they make me emotional. what can i say
i also have a tag for every arc, pretty much. theyre not consistently added cause i decided to do them later: #### #eleventh hour # #stolen century # #post story and song
Design reference (aka when I see a design I like for a character) (WHY DO I HAVE SO MANY TAGS HERE) 
#design ref
#montrose design
#emerich design
#beef design
#amber gris design
#amber design
#devo design
#zoox design
#oksana design
#urchin design
#blinkshark design
#taako design
#kravitz design
#merle design
#magnus design
#lucretia design
#lup design
#barry design
#voidfish design
#davenport design
#julia design
#aubrey design
#indrid design
#indrid design
#augustus parsons design
#callan design
#lulu design
#argo design
#firbolg design
#fitz design
#rainer design
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loztotkfanart · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to reach out and say thank you, and that your blog inspires me to keep posting art, even though I don't think it's the best.
I love seeing what others have to share, and I really appreciate that you consider mine worth sharing too!
My recent post (16 different messy link sketches!) was a bit hard for me to share because it's both messy and not really appealing to look at imo. But this blog reblogging it was really nice and helped me out to keep going.
So this might be a silly question, but I was wondering, do you have a preference on what you would like to share for this blog? You might not and that's okay, but if there is a preference, I might want to try focusing my art on that if possible.
Thank you again and I hope you have a wondeful day! :)
ahhh yes, i thought those sketches were very cute! i enjoy them immensely. i went through your blog a little to familiarize myself again with your work, its very good. i don't think you should sell yourself short
IMO of what kind of artwork you should be making, whatever the hell you want. Don't let the lure of notes and popularity lead you to draw things you dont enjoy drawing. It's your skill, your time, your materials, no one should dictate what you do with them. unless its for commission, but that's a whole 'nother ball game
as far as my own personal preferences to what i reblog, im pretty open. though i do have some general rules that i follow. First of all, the artwork has to be from the artist themselves, ooooorrrr in rare occasion, the artist has to be linked prominently. like, i sometimes reblog stuff from RetroGamingBlog2, even though they do not create art, but does link to the artist.
second, the art has to be mostly zelda related. i prefer all zelda related, but, ehh. Like, sometimes people draw smash bros, which has some zelda characters, but not all of them. if its like, one zelda character in a scene of ten, i'll probably skip it. same thing with people posting "art dumps" of sketches with lots of different fandoms. like, if its ten pictures and only one or two are zelda, i might pass. the art has to be of substantial quality to get me to reblog it, cuz i do consider what my audience might like to see. the only exception is artist commissions pages, i do reblog commissions pages regardless of if they are in the zelda fandom or not.
third, i do try to reblog as much from learning artists as more skillful ones, but sometimes the quality just isnt there. and esp. if the learning artist posts many pictures at a time, i might just choose a couple to reblog instead of spamming everyone with a lot of that artist. or it goes straight into the queue, which doles out art over a period of time at a more manageable rate
and fourth, i try not to reblog Ben Drowned stuff, cuz im not really sure its zelda related??? i also find horror stuff distasteful in general, esp without proper content warnings. but that doesn't mean i havent. and usually that stuff isn't tagged by the OG posters, and i'll add tags myself, which slows me down if i have to add a lot of tags. cuz anyone who follows this blog knows i reblog a lot XD
the last thing i'll touch upon is the lemon stuff. im ok with lemon content, heck i make my own lemon content, which i've reblogged to this blog ^^* i tag it "legend of lemon" for anyone who wants to block the tag. and now tumblr has added that mature filter, which is such a big help. sometimes the OG poster doesn't add a mature label and i'll just do it myself to ere on the side of caution. that being said, most lemon art is not posted by the OG artist, and doesn't have a link to the artist either. i also find some lemon art personally distasteful, and i feel weird reblogging it even with a mature label and tags. BUT, ya know, im here to serve. if people want me to reblog everything, then everything i shall reblog. i know there is quite the split in the zelda fandom between lemon and not lemon. i've been blocked by a couple folks because of it XD
hope that answers your question. please create art that you enjoy creating, and if you do have any zelda art that you want me to reblog, just send me a DM or @ me in the post. more than likely i will reblog it
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elytrafemme · 2 years
Hey. Ive been following you for a while and yk just friendly neighborhood kid trying to get a following
I try and write, but i was wondering how to start bringing up my account as to how to get my writing up and about, as well as like what formatting i should try out first in the begining (like blurbs, 1 para descriptives, one shots) (i dont do x yn it unnerves me)
... Honestly im a bit confused and lost and ur a huge deal to me so some advice to the fan if you will :>
hey hey! keep in mind that i'm just one person out there who writes, so take everything i say with a grain of salt, but i will do my best to give advice :]
i think the absolute main thing when it comes to writing is that you HAVE to write things that you yourself enjoy writing. a while ago, there was a fic i started for a fandom, and it got the attention of a pretty popular person in the fandom space, who was super super excited for me to continue it. it ended up never getting a second chapter, because while that external support was nice, i was never truly in love with the concept of the fic and honestly found myself more and more stressed at the prospect of working on something i didn't care about.
getting support for the things you create is amazing-- everyone loves validation and getting to have a community of readers is so so nice-- but you have to love what you're creating, not just go after what you think people might want. and it took me personally a while to learn that but once i did, i started enjoying the things i wrote way way more, and i think people who read the works i made could tell that.
in terms of the /kind/ of writing you put out there, i haven't noticed one type of piece getting more attention than another. i recommend that if you post a piece, you give some kind of header with the title of it, if it involves characters list the main characters involved (if it involves OCs you could describe them briefly but i am not experienced in posting original works on tumblr so i can't really speak to that), list off any major content warnings (i.e. death, core, etc.), and give an approximate word count. that way, especially with one shots, people know the length of what they're about to read and can set aside time accordingly for it.
when you do that, also, you can then tag for those things! I'm not the best at tagging my writing in all honesty, so I'm not sure of all the tips and tricks there, but I think you can get a lot out of tagging the main characters involved (if a character only shows up as a brief reference in 1 line, i don't recommend tagging them). past that, you can always look in the tumblr writing tag and see how other people tag their things; that might give you a better idea than i can.
also, if you do start to get people reading and enjoying your writing, you can make a tag list! i'm ... also notoriously bad at using mine, but basically if you get a few works up you can ask if people want to be tagged any time you post a new piece of writing. that's a good way to have people consistently look at things!
last tip i'll give is that you should absolutely reblog the FUCK out of your own writing, because that seriously does help. a lot of people also tag on "reblogs are appreciated" or "reblogs > likes" to encourage other people to share their writing. don't go up to someone directly and ask them to reblog something/why they haven't, since that is a pretty uncomfortable experience, but on the actual post itself i think it's fine to say that you would appreciate people who like the post to also reblog it! just a gentle nudge y'know.
also this is super minor but one of the good things about reblogging your own writing is that you can queue things (albeit i have never used tumblr's queue system so again, grain of salt), and hit different timezones! 4-6 PM EST is the time range i usually shot for with posting anything i wanted people to see, but i have no idea if that's actually the best time, so you can use self reblogs to experiment
i don't know if this is what you wanted me to answer for you; truth be told i was a little confused at your intiial question haha, but i hope that this is somewhat helpful! best of luck with writing :]
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infinitelysilvr · 2 years
pinned post time lmao
i'm beetlejuice/hollow/Ingo, they/he pronouns, im arospec ace. yall can call me any nicknames based on Ingo/beetlejuice/hollow or the hollow knight. or something based on my username ig anyway i figured i should make a main account since i dont. actually have one. so i'll probably use this to post stuff that isn't directly osha and stuff or to rb my art and writing from other accounts
also my messages dont work so if you want to message me use @infinitelysilvr3
tags under the cut, mostly for me so i can find stuff later
Types of content:
Beetle Writes - my writing Beetle Draws - my art Beetle Talks - me saying things Beetle Reblogs - me reblogging things Beetlequeuece - my queue Stim - Stimmy Posts Beetle Buddies - my ocs :D Ask - that's an ask Anon - asks by a masked stranger
Special Fellas:
Subway Master Ingo - Am Train Manne :) Shadow the Hedgehog - both the character and the game Giratina - Gira :) Litwick / Lampent / Chandelure - Luxa :D Zorua - Both zorua and zoroark
All Pokemon Tags:
List became too long. Can be found here.
Queer Beetles - Any and all queer content Hollow Knight - Hollow Knight FNAF - Five Nights At Freddy's (All Types) Undertale - Undertale stuff DND - Dungeons And Dragons Ace Attorney - Ace Attorney Pokemon - Pokemon Cats - All cats big and small Crystals - Crystals! Puns - Punny posts Catgirls - Catgirl posts Mouse Girl - Mousegirl Posts Important - Posts I think are important Language To Remember - Terms in other languages I want to keep track of Star Wars - Star Wars Deltarune - Deltarune Comics - All Comics Solarpunk - Solarpunk :)Minecraft - Minecraft Birds - Birds Dogs - Doggos The Stanley Parable - The Stanley Parable Warriors - Warriors the cats books Science - Any and all things to do with science Music - Musicy things Politics - Political things I remember to tag in case people dont wanna see Legend Of Zelda - That's zelda baybee Mad Science - Science but cooler and probably an osha violation OSHA - osha vibes Wildlife - animals that live outside. Not domestic animals Vocaloid - All vocaloid things Renaissance Faire - That thing with the recreation and all that Star Trek - Star Trek LARP - Live action role play ATLA - Avatar The Last Airbender Kirby - Kirby! Furbies - furbieessss Mario Bros - The mario brothers series and spinoffs Power Rangers - Go Go Power Rangerssssss Fish - fish posts. fsh Sharks - bitey fish posts Studio Ghibli - You know the studio with the ponyo and the howl Animal Crossing - Fun little animal chill game :) animal crossy Sonic the Hedgehog - the go fast franchise Sonic the Hedgehog Lore - because apparently i have too many thoughts abt this Sonic the Hedgehog Headcanons - for when the official parts of the franchise disappoint me
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reverais · 2 years
listen i didn’t know that tumblr had a tag limit and the whole bunch of my stream-of-consciousness-public-journal-entry is missing so im rewriting everything bc, of all the times, this is not one i want to forget
listen my queue is about to end and im about to drop some very emotionally-driven language formulations. the hell is language formulation even. i just dont know how to put any of this into words
tbh i feel like i havent really come to terms with everything
your girl just went through an unfortunately loss and went back to home for it. and philippines has some funeral customs i still cant wrap my mind around. tbh i feel like i haven’t mourned at all here. most grief ive experienced was from the three days it took to plan getting here
and im already anticipating the most grueling “return to normal” when i get back to canada
like i go back to work literally the day after i land (thank god its wfh tho). but i want to wail. i want to be unable to breathe bc i cried it all out. not just the loss. but the missing of home, the missing of family. again.
god i hate it. i always know its going to be like this whenever i leave home. but it just never seems to get easier. like i cried into my eye mask two days ago. we shouldve gotten drunk. thats why i didn’t cry yesterday. i was kinda elated even. i was like i should go home tomorrow (today) bc the night ended so well. not that tonight didn’t end well. but theres just a certain feeling looming. and i just want to cry it all out already. like rip the bandaid. but not here. not in front of everyone. especially not in front of ma. who also seems to be trying to choke things down.
no time ever feels enough but there’s always that thought of i need to make money, things are waiting for me. and tbh my lifestyle and comfort just isn’t for here no more. but anywhere the family is, i’ll go. no matter the mosquito and ant bites.
not to make this anymore complicated but church, man. i already know there’s something waiting for me there. and i don’t want to hear a second of it. i dont even think i can bring myself to be around people i can genuinely be myself with much less the ones who just orders and tells me what to do. that one is hard to explain as is. but ig thats just another bandaid to rip off when i finally have the guts to
“funny” things is that im this close to cursing god. after how i took in technoblades passing, he really thought to send another one my way. thats just cruel now
theyre all talking about me coming back next year december. and december is the known preferred time now bc not only is there more to do but the weather is nicer. more expensive but a more worthwhile trip. plus i have a list of what to bring back now. chocolates obv, the halloween sales ones esp. water bottles seem to be a current trend but still useful even out of trend anyway. ill try to find books for a particular cousin. and maybe speakers bc they love the bluetooth one. oreas and pringles and candies overall which are honestly cheaper here but whatever they want. the kids love toys still - i haven’t seen that kind of exciting in forever and i want to see it again. these kids got me running around and sweating. dont got their stamina and endurance for heat and itchy grass
all in all i think money goes the furthest here (as is anywhere). ill just buy experiences. ig thats movitation to stay in the deadend job for now. and to commit to pursuing something hopefully better for my future.
its late tho, i need to wake up early. good night.
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wildflower-rain · 2 months
long post with just my musings about nothing. more a journal entry than anything else. all lighthearted stuff.
dont know if im in a mood but im considering stepping away from this blog and the internet in general for a bit.
been on here to much lately or something plus some other stuff. idk i may disappear briefly.
hesitant to do so because i think my unintentional attempt to keep stuff in this blog's queue is why my brain hasn't just rejected it. like thats not a big consideration point but it is there.
tbf there aren't many points here at all. i just kind of started thinking about this like two hours ago so yk, i may wake up and forget i said anything.
been less engaged in some ways anyway. and more in others. been on here for long periods but i normally try add a bit of commentary in the tags if only for my own memory and amusement. but i haven't seen much that ive really wanted reblog to begin with and ive had nothing to say about anything. also as i think i said in the last two posts here now i just dont have anything to say at the moment. nothing understandable and shareable at least. got real life stuff happening too. had a lot of work to do. and a lot of stress. not actually that much stress probably , not compared to normal because like every situation is a high stress situation to me. just how i work. but i may well be forgetting how stressed i've been. i'm not sure.
idk. this blog does help me sort out my brain some. which is a point to the the other side. this post is basically a journal entry. and thats really how i use this blog most of the time. rambling about random stuff. its more consistent than any journal i've kept or have tried to keep. wondering if it would be unreasonable to make a private sideblog to actually just use as a journal because apparently tumblr gets the thoughts out of me.
i should make a journal tag. maybe. i don't know. for some reason i have more faith in tumblr not losing all my stuff than my other digital note taking and journal stuff. and generally i think better in typing. i do have a physical journal. i just don't think as freely in it, my hand gets cramped or i cant write fast enough for my thoughts. so i like digital stuff. and apparently my brain sees tumblr as more likely to not lose my stuff and die than anywhere else. at least out of places that i like the format of. don't like the idea of dumping this all in a word doc for some reason. it would make more sense. i could stick things on a usb but no, instead here i am with my billion word tumblr post that anyone can see. maybe ill start copying things into word docs after the fact idk.
i dont know why im so afraid that all my shit will be deleted. i really havent lost that much digital stuff over the years, nothing important to me i dont think. not accounts, not saved info, not my own pieces of stuff.. maybe one or two things i dont remember. i dont know why i just dont trust stuff to not get lost becuase of some screw up. idk. its 3:30am i'm going to sleep now. i had more work to do but im tired and i need to do more stuff tomorrow so i might as well get some sleep.
goodnight tumblr. or goodmorning or whatever time it is when this gets released, imma queue it.
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
my laptop won't let me airdrop to it from my phone anymore lkshlgshgjdkf
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handcat · 4 years
NOPE. Book Tag
Source: here
thank you @sunel0 <3
1. NOPE. Ending: A book ending that made you go NOPE either in denial, rage, or simply because the ending was crappy.
everything, everything, it has been years since i read that but that twist/ending was bullshit, i have never felt more rage in my life, fuck that book, fuck, i dont remember all of the details of it but in general it felt like shit, it just brushed away all of the stakes and demonized people with mental illnesses and generally felt like garbage, god i am pissed
2. NOPE. Protagonist: A main character you dislike and drives you crazy.
main guy of giovannis room i forget his name because im dumb, first of all, i love that book, i really do, im not saying i dont like it i just want to make that clear dfasafds, but i would kick main guys ass any day of the week <3
3. NOPE. Series: A series that turned out to be one huge pile of NOPE. after you’ve invested all of that time and energy on it, or a series you gave up on because it wasn’t worth it anymore.
this was awhile ago lol but the maze runner books, i loved the first one and then i got part way into the second and realized i hated where the story was going and stopped reading, that was in like middle school and i do not remember what i didnt like but i was pissed
4. NOPE. Popular pairing: A “ship” you don’t support.
idk, i cant really think of a specific one offhand, aside from like obviously gross ones but yeah idk, best i can think of is in trc when ppl ship kavinsky with people, or really like any dream pack stuff, but to each their own, i just dont vibe with all that lol
5. NOPE. Plot twist: A plot twist you didn’t see coming or didn’t like.
can i say everything, everything again? it really pissed me off, i still remember the pure rage i felt reading that 
6. NOPE. Protagonist action/decision: A character decision that made you shake your head NOPE.
every decision made by zebulon in the death and life of zebulon finch, i love those books but he is stupid as fuck <3
7. NOPE. Genre: A genre you will never read.
okay i have read high fantasy before but generally i just don't vibe with it, idk its hard to get invested for me :/
8. NOPE. Book format: Book formatting you hate and avoid buying until it comes out in a different edition.
not super applicable but i CAN’T read ebooks, my brain just does not comprehend, similar thing with audiobooks, i only listen to audiobooks of things ive already read bc i space out a lot and miss chunks lol
9. NOPE. Trope: A trope that makes you go NOPE.
stories that are like super futuristic technology stuff with like tech genius characters??? is that a trope??? does that make sense??? anyway i hate that, i dont think ive read many books like that so ill use the mcu as an example :) it just feels like theres no stakes because everything can be solved by just inventing a new machine! also most uses of time travel, i forgot that one (exceptions would be like bill and ted or paper girls but they are rare)
10. NOPE. Recommendation: A book recommendation that is constantly hyped and pushed at you that you simply refuse to read.
i haven't seen it much recently, but captive prince, just the whole premise and shit that ive heard about it makes me very uncomfortable
11. NOPE. Cliche/pet peeve: A cliche or writing pet peeve that always makes you roll your eyes.
too many pop culture references and shit like that, i feel like i dont see it a lot in stuff i read, but like an example is more recent rr stuff, like it just rarely works and takes me out of the story and i just do not like it
12. NOPE. Love interest: The love interest that’s not worthy of being one. A character you don’t think should have been a viable love interest.
i couldnt think of one soooooo colin greenmantle! he’s a weak bitch who didn’t deserve piper and im glad she killed him!
13. NOPE. Book: A book that shouldn’t have existed that made you say NOPE.
all for the game... its bad
14. NOPE. Villain: A scary villain/antagonist you would hate to cross and would make you run in the opposite direction.
dr leather from zebulon finch!!!!!! why was he like that???? hweee.... fweee..... bitch ill kill you!!!! he was my first thought, idk if hes the scariest but he was fucked up!!! meat etiquette???? people garden????
15. NOPE. Death: A character death that still haunts you.
noah czerny, i do not see it <3
16. NOPE. Author: An author you had a bad experience reading for and have decided to quit.
cassandra claire, i started the mortal instruments in middle school but tbh with just everything ive heard about her and the content of her books... no
okay! now tagging people! i said i wouldnt tag more people but im actually curious so im going to! as usual no pressure! @audikatia @darkadam @pynches @gaynanlynch @adamparrishthot @czernydefencesquad uhhhh and anyone else who wants to! yeehaw!
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hirookouji · 4 years
its been so long since ive been on this blog idek my tags anymore
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