#i simply think it's neat
caluupin · 10 months
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microsofttothemax · 2 months
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when your son somehow manages to discover the best gossip so you keep him around the pizzeria simply to find out the most recent rumors of the customers
a continuation of this au which is now my roman empire
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salthien · 3 months
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i'm running out of captions. here take this
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lexfoster · 7 months
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Richie Lipschitz & Jason Jepson: A Lovestory in the Making
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theaceace · 6 months
Though Roderick and his followers didn't realise it at the time, the magic in the circle and the glass orb meant that the only people who could see Dream were the ones that were there when he was summoned, so as far as the guards are concerned they're guarding an empty glass sphere that a delusional old man thinks holds something. And then of course, Hob gets hired as a guard and it's dealer's choice if Dream has realised by then that no one but Burgess and his Order can see him.
But then because Hob is sort of aware that magic and esoteric things do exist, he sees Burgess (sr or jr) talking to the globe and is like, huh. Maybe there is something in there. But maybe it's a demon like the rumours say and I shouldn't let it out. But Hob starts talking to Dream anyway while the other guard takes longer and longer smoke breaks.
Whichever Burgess is around at the time realises that there must be something about this guard, because the next time he comes down to yell/bargain/threaten, Dream has moved. He's hidden his face, there are handprints against the glass, and the dreamlord's shoulders are shaking.
It doesn't take him long to figure out the pattern - that this only happens around Robert, for whatever reason, and the man himself has no notion of what's in the circle - and eventually he sends the guards out so that he can tell Dream exactly what he'll do to this Robert if Dream doesn't comply. That he may not understand what it is about this one man that compels one of the Endless so, when he has been so unaffected by everything else but the death of his familiar, but that doesn't matter. He will find out, and he will leverage it, however he needs to.
He turns and leaves, and basically I want Hob to wander back in none the wiser and settle into his chair and his usual routine of talking all moony eyed about his stranger, while Dream is roaring his fear and fury and beating his fists bloody against the glass
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lil-cat-wizard · 11 months
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Fearne neat
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mishapen-dear · 10 months
dapper’s having such a hard day today because its the day the code finally finally killed him and. he doesnt even know. he doesnt even know that somewhere out there its mimicking him. wearing his sister’s glasses but his cracks. its calling slimecicle dad. it didnt get that from juanaflippa- she called slime papa. where else could it have learned that but the egg it tried to kill nine times. from the egg it succeeded killing once.
“my name is dapper” it says. dapper huddled in his house and didnt go to his sisters’ bday party because of it. and he doesnt even know
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angelsdean · 14 days
i'll be honest, i truly do not understand when people get all up in arms whenever anyone involved with spn describes cas's love for dean as beyond the human understanding of love, as if there haven't been posts made on here for years by fans literally describing cas's love for dean / destiel's love as akin to worship, a powerful force greater than god, cosmic, all encompassing, profound, etc etc. i thought the outrage was silly when jensen expressed the idea of cas's love being more than romantic back in denver con 2021 and i think it's silly now with these bedlund tweets. not to mention being more than and beyond something imo means it encompasses the romantic AND more. it's romantic, it's platonic, it's cosmic, it's worship, it's everything. and i think that's beautiful. and yes, it's exactly what their love is. a huge profound force that changed the narrative, that wasn't meant to be there, that kept breaking through anyway.
and i understand what people are saying about this language being used for a queer ship etc etc, but like, there's nothing inherently wrong or negating their love in saying that it's a greater love. if anything i think it's saying, hey, see these two? yea their love is bigger than what we can even comprehend. idk i'm just going to continue to take these statements in good faith. and also, until the reboot happens, they can't really say more about destiel beyond the bounds of the confession. jensen, bedlund, misha, etc can't speak to dean's feelings, for instance, or confirm anything one way or another, because if those feelings are a major plot point to be explored and acknowledged in the continuation then to speak about them now with any kind of definitive statement would be spoiling / jumping the gun, and it's not their place to make those statements yet, if we are indeed going to see more of dean and cas's story in the future (which i mean, at this point based on their statements about the reboot it's really a When not If situation).
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oarmeal · 11 months
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ashley j williams im free every night
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jahiera · 7 months
frustrating thing about any game with dichotomous endings is everyone wants to think that their ending is the more correct one when typically (if the writing is good) it’ll be more like both endings should be coherent within the narrative and how we arrive at the ending we get with the reasons and intentions is what’s interesting, and fun to pick apart. compare and contrast! how do these two endings intertwine, how do they play off each other. parallel stories are running in video games and they’re always in conversation with each other if the writing is well done, in a way that don’t work in any other medium for storytelling and it’s so so so fun.
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julnites · 1 year
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bonefall · 6 months
The actual theme of this week was just me defending WindClan with my life, really. WindClan get behind me
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alexiethymia · 1 year
I love “I heard your voice too”, but I also love the translation, “Thank you Meryl. It reached me. Your voice”.
It cements the parallel between them as foolhardy, reckless idiots who never give up, as well as makes a neat little call back to the first episode where Meryl ropes him in. Meryl’s voice reached him in time to save him, and Vash’s wire reached her in time to save her from Knives.
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thatwitchrevan · 20 days
Thinking also about Liliana casting a simple, invisible, carnage-less spell that just makes you drop dead instantly and Merilwen responding with visceral, devastating, overwhelming elemental attacks that break and bloody her.
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waz-glowstone-here · 3 months
This girl in French class threw away an empty tissue box today and as she was doing it I was just thinking "nooo.........how could you do this......to his mic stand....."
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Would you recommend getting “Wings of Fire “ cuz I can’t really make my mind up whether or not to get it…
honestly? yeah! the first arc is pretty damn solid and a ton of fun, so even if the first five are the only ones you read, it'll be a good time. fun characters, cool concepts, Dragons As People... it's just neat. the first arc - Dragonet Prophecy through The Brightest Night - is the best of the three
the second one is fun too, with awesome new characters and concepts, but honestly? i'd recommend reading it just so that you understand the solo book Darkstalker, bc imo that is the BEST book in the series. it fucks so severely, im not even exaggerating. it. goes. Hard. but yeah arc two - Moon Rising through Darkness of Dragons - while not as good as the first one, is a fun read, and the characters are (with a few exceptions) bangers. shit gets crazy
arc three... eh. its mid compared to arc two, let alone the first. Sutherland's writing slowly starts to lose quality and the plot is... uh. interesting. some of the characters are fun, but it's just! it could be better! but there is another standalone that's a fun read, which would be Dragonslayer - if memory serves, you don't need to read the arc to understand it, since its new characters + takes place in the past (but i'd rec reading that after at least the first arc). it's not Darkstalker levels of good, but i could compare its quality to the second arc
that was a whole Guide lmao oops. hope this helps! i really do think its worth it!
tl;dr: yea <3
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