#i sound very cute when i'm caught off guard and my voice trails off just saying
starsonmarsy · 2 years
total privacy in my house is a rarity, especially at night when everyone's home.
so i'm very much enjoying the fantasy of doing things in secret, but having to be very, very careful.
toying with my vibe as we chat and i'm forced to hold in all my gasps and squirms.
casually slipping dirty things into the conversation, and i just have to not react and carry on as normal.
being fractionated over and over, but having to disguise my sighs and whimpers, and try to keep the conversation going without trailing off or slurring my words.
just being messed with while having to appear completely normal to the world, knowing that the consequences of making too many noises will get me in trouble.
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quinncupine · 8 months
I guess I stuffed all my fluffy fics away for a rainy day so here's another one!
Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Word Count: 950
Summary: Getting hit with an inebriation quirk isn't so bad when you have a hero who isn't opposed to cuddling.
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"Whoa!" you giggled as your feet tripped over themselves on your way into the house.
A strong hand grabbed your own before you could faceplant and pulled you upright. Biting your lip to suppress another fit of giggles, you twisted around to come face to face with two worried green eyes.
"Oh, Izuku," you patted his arm, finally realizing he was behind you, "Hey, who put that step there?"
"It's always been there." He hesitantly released you to see if you could stay upright on your own.
"I know that look," furrowing your brow, you crossed your arms, but the effect was ruined by that spacey look in your eyes, "I'm fine. You heard the doc, just a little side effect of the q…" You lost your train of thought and glanced towards the kitchen, "I'm hungry. Do you want pizza?"
"Um, maybe you should go lie down," Izuku suggested instead as he led you through the kitchen toward the living room. "The doc also said this would last a few more hours at best."
"Oh, you worry too much." As the two of you entered the living room, your body leaned back into him, and once your head hit his chest, you looked up. "Wait, why are you worrying again?"
The couch came into view, and you forgot about your question as you skipped over to it and faceplanted on the soft cushions. A muffled sigh sounded from underneath you before you yawned and did a full-body stretch.
"Come," you turned on your back and made grabby hands at him, "come lay with me."
Izuku didn't have much choice in the matter. As soon as he came close enough for you to grab his hand, you pulled him on top of you. He let out a breathy oomph and readjusted himself, so he was sitting side by side with you.
When he sat up, you scrambled to roll over so that your head lay in his lap. It was the best position to stare up into those cute freckled cheeks of his. He smoothed the flyways back from your face and settled for tracing his fingers over your forehead.
"What happened?" you asked, finding his free hand and messing with his fingers. "I feel so heavy."
"A quirk," he gently explained for the nth time since taking you home from the hospital. "Someone who couldn't control their quirk very well."
"Oh no," eyes wide, you stopped fiddling with his fingers and leaned your head up to meet his eyes. "Are they in trouble?"
"…No," Izuku murmured, finally relaxing back on the couch. "It was just a kid. An accident. He'll get some help controlling his quirk, is all."
"Good." Content with that answer, you resumed tracing little shapes into the back of his palm. "You know, I like your hands."
"My hands?' That caught him off-guard.
"Yeah." Smothering one of his palms against your cheek, you grinned. "They're soft."
"Soft?" He sounded unsure. "Really?"
"Well…no," you shrugged, "they're rough and calloused. And they've got scars all over them." Your voice trailed off into murmuring as you dazedly traced one of the bigger jagged white lines that ran the length of his palms onto the backside. "I like them, though. They hold me so soft, did you know that?"
You didn't wait for an answer, too engrossed in tracing lines down the pale, faded scars to see his flushed face. "You're so strong, and yet you've got the gentlest touch I've ever known. Don't you think so?" When you reached his wrist, you wrapped yourself around it and laid his large hand against your cheek, eyes roaming back to him.
"I-" he cleared his throat, flustered by all the insouciant praise, "-I guess so." He glanced at his other hand, observing the years of hard-earned scars, and allowed himself a small smile. "I never thought about them like that."
"Never change your hands. I love them." You placed little kisses on each fingertip, giggling at each sloppy smooch before your eyes widened and you looked at him. "Oh, but don't worry, I love you more."
Izuku laughed at that and reached over to grab your own hands, placing a loving kiss across the back. "You know, I love your hands too. They really are soft. At least, softer than mine." As he spoke, you shivered as his warm breath tickled your fingers. "And they always know just how to calm me down with a single touch." He paused just long enough to catch your hazy gaze. "But what I love most about them is that they're attached to you."
Your foggy brain tried to process the words, and with a quick glance at your own hands, you gave him a relieved smile. "Oh, I'm glad they're attached to me, too." You wiggled your fingers for proof.
"Come on," he laughed, kissing your forehead and, in one easy motion, lifted you off the couch. "Time to get some rest."
"No, wait!" You squirmed in his arms, alarmed. "What about my pizza!"
"Alright, alright!" he managed to say through your fingers, pulling at the fat of his cheeks. "I'll order the pizza!"
That seemed to do the trick, and you immediately went boneless in his arms with a content sigh. "I really love pizza." You closed your eyes for a few moments of peace before they flew open again with urgency as you grabbed his face, pulling him close to whisper, "But don't worry, I love you more…just don't tell the pizza."
Satisfied, you closed your eyes and curled into him. With a fond, if not exasperated, sigh, he went to tuck you into bed.
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
"The Reverend"
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Warnings - Religious themes
Note: Lowkey hate the minimalist pic for this one bc it's not how I think kita would look but whatever yk. This didn't feel very wild west-y, lowkey hate the fic too 🤨
/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
There are two sides to every coin.
This town is no exception. Tourists, visiting family or friends, people who just stop through, they only get one side of it. They get the kind people with bright eyes and even brighter smiles. They get the easygoing townsfolk who have absolutely nothing weird going on under the surface.
The reverend, on the other hand, gets the other side of that coin.
The church was put together. Well taken care of, cleaned regularly, polished and bright. The townsfolk, (aside from a few stragglers), came in on Sundays for the regular sermon, then they'd leave. Occasionally a funeral would be held there.
Of course, that wasn't all that happened. In fact it was far from it. Kita, working in arguably the most energy filled place in the whole damn town, has witnessed multiple things he wouldn't begin to explain. Birds who looked a little too human, whispering in the steeple, oddly quiet older women and men during Sunday service who he never sees again. He'd considered finding someone to work alongside him, though nobody was very willing.
At this point, he's just gotten used to it. And he's gotten used to you.
Hearing your voice in his head, seeing you prowling around his dreams, watching you occasionally lurk in the halls. Hell, he'll even say something back to you if your constant comments in his head about his 'stupid cross' got too annoying.
Not to say that he knows what you are though. What your name is, where you came from, if you're good or evil. He's just settled on neutral, much like an anarchist who would come through to say something about the church.
When it all started, he almost thought he was being punished for something. That some wayfaring god had sent you to torment him for the multitude of sins he's gathered during his day. Though, the longer it went on, the clearer it became that you were no lackey.
Tonight though, he could tell something was different. He could tell the moment you didn't disappear as he approached. You just kept sitting in his chair, feet propped up on his desk.
"What're ya doing here." He'd asked coldly. Kita hardly ever saw you. Usually you only showed in his dreams, or just as a disembodied voice in his head. When he did see you it was only for a couple seconds.
Your head shot up from the paper in your hands. (One that you clearly plucked from his desk). "Oh-! Hi father," you said, dragging out both of the words. Kita could already tell that this interaction was going to be hard to get through.
You, on the other hand, were elated. The cute human who you may or may not have a crush on is standing less than fifteen feet away from you, and you weren't booted back into the veil! Maybe today you could actually stay here.
Kita watched you pull your legs off of his desk, leaning forward to grip the edge of the chair visible between your thighs. The only reason why he wasn't startled or frozen at the moment was how...non threatening you looked to him. Maybe others would say otherwise, but he's seen you enough in his dreams or out of the corner of his eyes to be fine.
The abnormally large bat shaped ears jutting out from the sides of your head shifted with every expression you made, reflecting whatever you said. Two small horns, one larger than the other, grew out of your forehead. Aside from that and your weirdly glowy (e/c) eyes, you looked more human than he thought you'd be. Still, he could just feel that you weren't.
"Well," he sighed and leaned against the doorway. "Is there something you needed, demon?"
You gasped in faux offense, chuckling shortly after. "I'm not a demon, father," you rolled your eyes. "I'm more...meta human." You gave him a toothy smile.
His look didn't falter.
"Right," you deflated at his lack of interest in your antics, dragging out the word. "I jus' wanted to see you."
That caught him off guard, his hand instinctively reaching to the cross strung around his neck. "For what reason," he started slowly.
"Mm I dunno," you gave him another insufferable smile, "Maybe I jus' really like cute humans with grey hair."
He still looked far from impressed. "Well, leave," he said.
You looked shocked for a moment. You knew he was blunt but you didn't think he would just straight up tell you to leave. You shuffled awkwardly in his chair. "You don' wanna learn about me? N'my kind n stuff," you nervously trailed off.
He sighed heavily, dragging his large, well worked hand through his cropped hair. "No, I do not. Unless you've got something important to tell me, or show me, I do not need you here."
Your ears drooped a bit. You don't know why you thought this would actually go anywhere. The longer you watched him, the more you built up this image of how it would be in your head. You'd meet, he'd fall head over heels for you, you'd be 'stuck' in this realm, an adventure would ensue, and eventually it'd end with you staying and getting married to him.
Childish, sure. Childish and rather stupid, but oh well right? As it turns out, you were far less charming to him than he was to you.
He turned to leave. He hadn't anything important to do in his office anyways, though now he just wanted to head home. "Wait!" You called.
Kita could make out the sound of his chair being pushed out as you stood up. He paused, giving you a brief invitation to say what you wanted to say. "Can you just give me a chance! Please? I'll be good, promise," you nervously tugged on your larger horn.
He looked down, eyes closing. "A chance for what."
You ignored how it sounded more like a demand than a question. "I dunno! Just hangin around? I'll even work at the church! Just let me stay with you, only for a week!"
He perked up at your offer to work at the church. Turning around, he finally looked you dead in the eye. "Only if you work."
A smile split your face, head nodding up and down feverishly.
No way in hell was this a good idea, but at least he could keep an eye on you.
Do not repost, translate, or copy my work on to other platforms.
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unknownwriting · 3 years
I love your blog, so if you don't mind can I request a one shot with monkey d luffy x female reader where the reader has a habit of giving luffy butterfly kisses. I'm dying for lots of fluff. Thank you!
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Butterfly kisses
Summary- ^^ requested
Character(s)- Monkey D. Luffy
Warnings- none :)
Word count- 1.9k
Notes- butterfly kisses are literally the cutest thing in the whole world 🥺💕 I got a big carried away, this was honestly so cute to write, I hope you enjoy. Also happy Valentine’s Day
Butterfly kissed- soft kisses made from fluttering one's lashes against their lover's skin. An innocent act yet one filled with so much passion. The perfect kissed for (Y/n) and her captain, Luffy, to share. A soft and airy kiss making their relationship all the better. Ever since their relationship had started a while ago, (Y/n) continued to pamper Luffy with those kisses to this day. At first, the kisses were occasional, only happening when they split up to explore an island or after Luffy got into a fight. However, throughout their relationship, the kisses began to grow more frequent. Every night before they go to bed when they wake up, and whenever the 2 leave each other sides.
Although Luffy doesn’t think too much of the gentle kisses, they mean so much to (Y/n). Those simple kisses represent so much between the 2. The kisses show that the 2 of them have a very unique way of showing their love. And even though those kisses mean so much to her, and probably mean the same to Luffy, she couldn’t help that little voice that echoed in the back of her head.
What if Luffy’s getting tired of the kisses?
It was a pointless thing to worry about. It really was but that didn’t stop (Y/n). She continued to think about it, letting it consume her thoughts.
Letting out a small groan, (Y/n) learned over the railing and watched the dolphins swimming in the wake of Sunny. She didn’t mean to get the attention of the others seeing how her worrying is pointless, however, her groan seemed to grab the attention of the crew's archeologist. At least she was lucky to catch her attention and not someone else's, Robin seems like she would know a bit about the topic.
"Are you alright, (Y/n)? You seem a bit upset." Robin questioned taking a spot next to her side. Even if it was going to be easy to tell Robin, (Y/n) thought about it for a moment. With (Y/n) already knowing the answer, she decided to tell Robin anyways, just so she can have someone tell her that she was just overthinking things.
"I...I'm not sure Luffy likes my kisses anymore. I'm probably overthinking things, but it seems like he's bored of them." (Y/n) signed, leaning up from the rail and looking over at her older friend.
"What makes you say that?" Robin wondered.
"Because that's the only kiss I give him, and he never kisses back. So you can't blame me for thinking that." (Y/n) explained, unknowingly grabbing the attention of the crew's moss head too, "But I thought he always preferred those kisses."
"Jeez, you are overthinking it." Zoro blurted out joining (Y/n) at her other side. Jumping a bit, and earning a small giggle from Robin, (Y/n) looked over at him.
"Luffy's the easiest guy to even date. Always speaking his mind, doing what he wants when he wants it." Zoro pointed out, and (Y/n) knew every single one of those to be true. Luffy always tells (Y/n) what he likes and what he doesn't without a 2nd thought.
"Zoro is right. Overthinking things with Luffy is pointless. If he doesn't like them he would've told you. Luffy's simple-minded like that." Robin agreed. (Y/n) knew she was also right, she knows she could go right up to Luffy and ask whether or not he likes the kisses but she doesn't want to do that. She doesn't want it to be that simple.
"Ugh, I know but I don't want it to be that simple. Sometimes I want something to happen." (Y/n) exclaimed throwing her hands into the air, "Everything is so easy with him, which I don't mind but sometimes because things are so easy with him I can't help but overthink things. Like I'm doing something wrong or something."
Now Zoro and Robin could understand that too. Because Luffy is so easy he's just as complex. A curse disguised as a blessing.
"The 2 of you are on night watch tonight, right?" Zoro asked.
"Yeah, I think so."
"Then ask him then. It'll just be the 2 of you so you can have his full attention." Zoro has suggested before watching off again, probably to find someplace to sleep. As he walked away, his suggestion began to sink in. It was a pretty good idea, It just might help later tonight.
Later that night, while everyone else was sleeping or getting ready for bed, (Y/n) and Luffy both stood guard on the deck of Sunny watching out for any threats. Seeing how nothing ever happens, the 2 of them ended up goofing off, like any other night. They both told each other stories, jokes, and played games. It what the 2 of them would also do when it was their night to stand guard.
"No way. Rayleigh really made you fight those types of monsters?" (Y/n) laughed, listening to Luffy's crazy stories about training over the past 2 years. To (Y/n) the stories sounded so extreme but she knows well enough that it was true. Luffy is inhuman like that.
"Shishishi, yup. At one point I couldn't even eat until I dodged their attacks. It was hard." Luffy whined remembering that time. It was hard but it needed to be done. He needed to get strong for his crew's sake. For (Y/n)‘s sake. It would be a lie to say that Luffy didn't think or worry about (Y/n) during his training. That was one of the things that he missed the most, her warmth and her smile. And not the mention the amazing kisses she gave. He definitely missed those the most. Feeling (Y/n)'s soft lashes brush against his skin in a repeating fashion. When the 2 of them had reunited it was something that (Y/n) didn't hold back either, kissing him every chance they got to make up for all the time apart. However, recently (Y/n) hasn't been giving out the kisses anymore. The thing about Luffy is that he's dense, not clueless so he knows something was wrong with (Y/n) for a while now. As if he also overheard was Zoro said earlier, Luffy decided to bring it up.
"Sheesh. Only you could go through such intense training." (Y/n) giggled as she looked into Luffy's dark brown eyes. Now was going to be the perfect time to bring up the kisses. And she was, wanting to clear up the confusion as quickly as possible. But just as she gathered her thoughts and opened her mouth to say something there was a crash at the back of the ship. The crash echoed for a moment before it when silent again. Both (Y/n) and Luffy turned around to face the sound, waiting to see if anything else was going to happen. When it stayed silent and nothing else happened, (Y/n) was the first one the get up.
"Guess I'll go check out that sound," (Y/n) stated as she began to walk off. Luffy watched with a close eye as she walked. It didn't take Luffy long to realize something was missing. (Y/n) doesn't just walk off like that. She always kisses him before leaving. Before she could get far, Luffy stretched out his arms and wrapped them around her waist, yanking her back and into his lap. A soft yelp let her lips as she soon came into contact with Luffy's chest.
"Huh? Luffy what's wrong-" (Y/n) gasped as she felt his grip about her tighten. With his strong arms pushing her back, (Y/n) was almost able to feel every inch of Luffy's chest against her back. Something like this rarely happened. Luffy was never big on physical contact hence why they stuck to butterfly kisses.
"I'm not letting you go." Luffy cut (Y/n) off, resting his chin on her shoulder. With a blush covering her cheeks, she glanced over at him to try and reasons with him but when she looked she only got Luffy's intense stare back. Now (Y/n) knows he's being serious.
"W-what?" (Y/n) stared down at the grass on the main deck to embarrassed to meet his gaze. She began to play with her fingers as she waited for Luffy to say something. And the waiting was not helping at all, it only made her impatient. Luffy normally doesn't wait like his, he would just speak his mind. While she waited, (Y/n) could still feel his gaze on her at they sat in silence. Finally, with a squeeze from Luffy's arm, she spoke up.
"Because you haven't given me a kiss." Luffy blurted out.
"Huh?" His comment clearly caught (Y/n) off guard. She was not expecting those words to come from his lips. Luffy hummed into her shoulder and nodded.
"You haven't given me a kiss all day..." Luffy trailed off as his face sunk deeper into (Y/n) shoulder. In all honesty, (Y/n) didn't how to react. Luffy rarely acted like this, it came as a total shock. This side of him is completely new but it was cute. Clingy but cute. Glancing back down, this time she noticed that blush that covered the top of his ears. Seems like this side is new for Luffy too.
Staring down at Luffy a bit longer, a small smile crept onto (Y/n)'s lips as a burst of laughter erupted from her throat, "I didn't know you liked them so much."
"Of course I do!! Your kisses are super soft!!" Luffy exclaimed looking up from (Y/n) shoulder. Laughing once more, (Y/n) shimmed her way out of his grasp and turned aground, and faced her blushing captain. Locking eyes with him, (Y/n) placed a hand on her cheek and began to caress them with her thumb.
"Well that's good to know. I was afraid you didn't like them anymore." (Y/n) confessed.
"Why wouldn't I?" Luffy sounded offended at (Y/n)'s comment. Looks like he loved the kisses as much as (Y/n) loves giving them, "(Y/n) kisses are the best. As good as meat."
"...Luffy don't compare me to meat." (Y/n) let out a small scoff at his comparison. As weird as it sounded, it meant a lot to her. In Luffy's eyes, nothing beats meat.
"What? Meats amazing."
"I know, but that's not really the best thing to say to a girl." (Y/n) scoffed leaning into his flustered cheek, and began to flutter her eyelashes. He probably didn't mean to, but a small hummed left his lips in response. With that reps once in mind, (Y/n) went to his other cheek and give him another kiss, then his nose, then his forehead.
"Shishi, You're kissing me a lot."
"Of course. It only fair because I didn't kiss you at all today." (Y/n) smiled, placing one more kissing on his cheek. With all the kisses done, she leaned back and stared into Luffy's smile. It was relieving to know that Luffy enjoyed the kisses too. Now (y/n) won't have to overthink the kisses again. With his hands still around her waist, he hugged her again and sunk his face into the neck, as if to say thank you. And of course, (Y/n) hugged back. Luffy also knows that her hugs are just amazing as she kissed, so warm and full of love. It would be easy for them to of them to get stay like this forever but (Y/n) still has to go check out that sound.
Shifting around a bit in his grasp, (Y/n) spoke up, "hey, Luffy I still need to go check out that sou-"
"No, I want you to stay here." Luffy lurked out again, squeezing (Y/n) tightly again. She stared down at him again. His childish and clingy behavior is kicking in, there's no leaving him now.
With a quiet giggle, (Y/n) nodded and hugged him again. She'll just have to check out the sound later. Right now there doesn't seem to be any reasons or way to leave the comfort of Luffy's hug.
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ashestospace-fics · 4 years
Thank you nature
Character: Kite
Show: HxH
Reader: shortMale
Category: Nsfw/smut 
Warnings: sizekink mainly
Summary:After years of teaming up together for several missions, the tension between you and kite gets too much to handle.
Request open!
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It's the fourth day you stand down to guard with Kite in this new research. Something about a tiger evolving a new skill had brought your group together to observe it and analyze it's new behavior. It was a slow and quiet process that got any person bored if they weren't mentally prepare for it. But for you and kite it was one of the ways you both seemed to interact better. Neither spoke as you both got into a task, but lately that silent was slowly suffocating your lungs as the missions, days, and hour pass for you.
You don't know when it started, the brush of his hands against yours when he handed you things. His worried tone when you both encounter enemies, how in most occasions even though he always says if you can't keep up with him don't bother to follow. But quickly turns around to shield you from any attack. His hair gently touching you as he leans a bit too close, to his low chuckled that vibrated against your ears when he's the only one around to laugh at your jokes. Lately now just a simple glance of your eyes locking had your breath itching.
"Nothing still?" Kite's voice snap you back too reality as he lean over too look at the monitor clenching in your hands. He's hair falling slightly over your arm and hand. It tickled a bit, making your cheeks heat up at the proximity.
"Uh no, nothing yet" you mumble back, your eyes staring at him as he lean back to pull his hat to cover more of his face.
"at this rate we might not get anything, maybe we should move locations?" He hold into his chin as he stare back at you for confirmation. For a second you felt your eyes trail down to his lips, as soon as they looked down they snap back to the monitor to turn it off.
"yeah I think we should, i’m kinda getting tired of just standing put here" you mumble out as you stood up. Both of you were sitting near trees, which had you both hidden this entire time. He followed your lead on standing up, his looming body towered over you easily. Which normally in the start it pissed you off to a whole other level, because for a guy you were ridiculous short. Even though you were strong and could handle yourself, your height made people think other wise. Meanwhile Kite never really tease you or mention how short you where( he actually adored it.)
Looking down at you he had a lot of urges to pick you up randomly, but that would be too out of character. So the closest he has ever done too actually physically show it was his random Pat's in the head when you both finish a job. It follow no comment but a slight smile. In the start you didn't think much of it, but now it was something you itch in your weird quiet friendship with the tall hunter. You two where good friends, so you thought but the idea of actually admitting your feelings for him seemed impossible in any near future. But the feeling of bursting and screaming your feelings and desire where clearly taking over by the minute.
"let's head down north, I saw a cave over there" he suggested, you only nodded in agreement as you both started walking,your surroundings was mainly trees and bushes to no end. So when you both stop to the sound of something breaking not even Kite expected to be suddenly sliding down along with you down a narrow creak. He's arms instinctively wrap around you and pulled you closer as you slide down rapidly, your eyes squinting shut as Kite used his legs to stop the harsh impact, but not enough for you to not hit the ground and slide off his grip.
Both of you panted slightly at the scare, you look around the close gap area you both where stuck in. Your body was pressing against him as your hands grip on his white sleeves.
"you okay?" He finally breath out in his normal calm town.
"oh yeah totally, that woke me up for sure" you slightly joked, then the situation in hand woke up more in the position you where in. There was little space to move, and if you two wanted to get out it was going to take a while to even squeeze out. But that wasn't the problem. The problem was that both his and your hips where press together along with your chest on his upper stomach. His hair was a curtain over you as his hands stranded you from above as he hold into the solid wall of rocks behind you.
It had your face bursting into a blush as you looked away, there was no way you will escape with out making this one awkward, you could feel your excitement growing by within you. Don't think anything dirty don't think anything dirty DON'T THINK ANYTHING DIRTY
"y/n I'm going to try and move too make it easier to get out" he suddenly warn in a quiet tone, his hot breath made you slightly light headed as you let go of his arms.
"uh okay, um uh just be careful..." You whisper out as you hold in a breath. Kite sudden movement had your eyes shutting open as his hips rolled against yours as you tried moving left. Oh fuck, you bite down your lip as he moved again slightly trying to shake his way out which just felt like a way worse idea. Your face felt like it was gonna explode by all the blooding going up, and it was not helping that you were getting hard. Heat was spreading over your body like rapid fire.
"K-kite hold on I don't think this is working-ah fuck" you hand flew over to cover your mouth. Even though it was a quiet moan you knew he heard it, he's hips had thrusted forward while he tried standing straight and you let it slip in mid sentence. Your head was glue down as you looked down at your own hard on, your legs felt weak and the embarrassment made it worse as you look at the tent in your pants. Now you where freaking out as he stop moving, you grossed him out you knew it, he didn't say anything but you knew he was staring down at you. Shame was eating you up as your legs shocked ever so slightly.
"Sorry, sorry I really am! Y-you are just s-so close and you kept moving and my head feels dizzy an-" you suddenly blabber out as you tried arching your back away as your hips moved away from touching his. You didn't even know what you where saying anymore but he's voice cut you off.
"...Did that felt good?..." He breath out, the first time you looked up at him. Only to be greeted with brown eyes looking at you in almost a haze as his pale skin was light pink. Kite's nen could normally warn anyone on how strong he is and scare them away but right now you felt like you were stuck in place as you stare at him. You felt weak on the knees as you slowly now focus how he's breathing was going faster and heavy as he lean closer to you.
"Y/n... I asked a question" he whisper out, and you felt like coming just then and there.
"y-yeah it did.." you breath out in a shaky tone as you didn't look away from him. A small hummed escape him as his hands trail down to your sides and grab you by the hips to pull you against him again. Feeling the friction between both your groins had you almost whimpering as you shut a eye close.
"let me...take care of that then..." he whisper out as his hands on your hips tighten as he's lips meet yours in a desperate sloppy kiss. His nose bumping against yours as he tried pulling you closer, you felt yourself melt into the kiss quicker than you expect, your thoughts going blank just by the fact that Kite was actually even kissing you in the first place. You expect something but definitely not this. It was also clear, he was very inexperienced by how sloppy the kisses where. But right now you didn't care, your hands tangle themselves in his hair. The kisses becoming more desperate and more in sync with both your actions, a light of passion and frustration built from it. Now apparent to you that you weren't the only one with desire for the other.
You let out a small yelp as he pulled you up and rested you against the wall, his thigh between your legs roughly rubbing against both your back and cock had you whimpering again as he pulled away from the kiss. He was staring at you with hungry eyes underneath that hat, his thumb rubbed against your swollen lips.
"y/n...you're such a good boy.." your body arch at his words, his hand trailing down to lift up your shirt and undo your pants so quickly your brain was still processing the heated kiss until you felt long finger rubbed against the tip of your cock.
"k-kite..ah" your hands grip on his shoulders as he planted more kisses on your face and neck side. "So small, I feel like I could break you if i’m too rough" he mumbled out between kisses and nipping. You pouted at this slightly, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pulled him closer. "T-try me.." you mutter out, there it was. You felt him smile against your skin as his leg moved forward to grind against you as he pulled your pants and underwear down to your ankles. You hold in the breathy moans as he wrap a arm under your bottom to hold you still. Your erection had him humming in your ears as he place a finger on your tip. "You are quite cute like this.." he said to his own amusement, he never imagine seeing you make such expression. He never imagine he would ever get turn on the way he is right now just by a little of foreplay and you cornered.
His slender fingers wrap around you and gave you slow strokes as he planted gentle kisses on ear, he was eating up every little moan that escape you. Pleasure slowly building up on the pit of your stomach. Your voice only seemed to get louder in his ears as he pulled away his hand from your cock, bringing it up to suck two fingers of his. "Quite desperate are you?" He muse as he watch you effortlessly grind your hips up in a haze. So small you practically sit in one of his thighs no effort. You didn't respond as you lean your head against his chest, heavily panting as he lifted you up slightly.
"M-Mmh? What are y-" you caught yourself gasping and gripping on his sweater. He inserted a finger in. Your legs slightly twitching as he pumped it in slowly before putting another on in with easy. "Oh they slip right in, those it hurt y/n?" he mumbled out. "A-ah a bit.." you manage to breath out. A small hum came back as a reply, he kept working his fingers inside you. Twisting and pushing as far his long fingers could reach. It had you moaning and groaning against his sweater as he stretch you out. He quietly observe every little reaction of your body and voice, how you will clench around him when he push far enough, how you where somehow getting wetter as he kept pumping his fingers inside. It had him biting his lower lip in anticipation and trying to look for self-control as he watch you become undone under him. The way your voice kept calling out to him was about to make the man snap.
"k-kite, s-stop" you mewled out in between his fingers harsh harassment. Your eyes watering up slightly as you look up at him, he stop moving. "did I do som-" "no..no just put it in already, the teasing is a pain" you complain as your hands dived down to undo his pants. His protest where quiet down by your lips as soon as he tried stopping you. It was a desperate attempt to get too the point, but also to just quiet his worries away. A low groan escape him as soon he felt your hands against his cock. It was long and big as you expect, the little voices in your head slightly worried on how your small figure was going to take it in. You gave it a few slow pumps which had him hissing as he place his hands against your hips as you position yourself against him.
You shivered at the contact, his hips jerked up to press against you. Self control was slowly slipping out of his mind as he panted against your neck. "S-shit.." you gripped on his shoulder as he place mouth open kisses on your neck. "I'll be gentle.." he whisper out trying to reassure you. His hands slowly brought you down, the stretch slow mix with pain and pleasure. A shaky breath left pass his lips until he bottom out. The whole time you hold in you breath as you tried relaxing around him.
It took a few minutes, the whole time Kite kept placing gentle kisses up to your face trying to calm down both of your nerves. Between each nip of your skin and the feeling of heat invading each area you heard a small praise from him. A low groan escape you as shifted on him. "Y..you can move now" managing to breath out those words his hands grip on your waist again. He slowly pull you up before slamming you back down. Earning both a low moan from both of you. He repeated it, having you slam down on his cock until he had a steady pace as he thrusted into you. Each time earning high moans from you and whimpers as he hit each spot of your walls perfectly.
At this point you both seemed to have forget where you were. Not giving a care at all as he pull you closer to him as your nails dig on his sweater. Bending slightly and changing the angle had him hitting your prostate in the most delicious way possible. It had your eyes rolling back as you shocked on his hold. Your walls clenching around his cock drew a low groan from him as he felt you get close to climax.
"Kite! Oh fuck I'm close- s-so close ah oh god" He pull a hand behind your head as he drew you to another messy kiss. His thrust becoming frantic as he reach down your orgasm. Your body arching and spasing around him as he rode down his own before pulling out. His lips drown out your moans as he came. Your body stay stiff as your cum hit your own stomach. His legs finally give in and slide down with you still in his grasp too sit down. Both of you panted heavily as you lean your head against his chest.
Both of you stood still as you took in what you both just did. His hand drew up to push your sweaty hair off you face. "So....uh is it to late too say I like you now?" You blurt out while smiling up to him. He stare at you before letting out a small laugh as he look to the side. "No Y/n I like you too" he pulled you closer as he place a kiss on your forehead. You couldn't help but smile out of relief. “thanks nature for this one right? this took too long” he almost cough up at your words. “Y/n..” 
"great, but how do we get out of here now?"
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Chapter Two: First Date
Chapter one
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You and Gojo went to get ready.
“I’m taking over your bathroom.” You said as you grabbed your suitcase.
“Awwwwww, you mean I don’t get a show?” He said jokingly.
“Nope, not yet!” You stuck out your tongue cheekily at him as you disappeared into the bathroom.
“Not fair!” He yelled, chasing after you and almost running head first into the door you’d just slammed shut.
“He’s something else,” you chuckled to yourself as you slipped off your clothes and entered the bath. Soon you could hear nothing but the sound of water spraying down your shoulders and dripping from your hair, as you lathered soap all over yourself and allowed the misty wetness of the shower to rinse your worries temporarily away. You hadn’t felt so refreshed in a long while... it was as if you were a different person by the time you got out of the shower and made your way over to the mirror to dry your hair. You dabbed your long (H/C) locks dry and twirled them round your curling iron, taking care not to overdo it and risk ruining your hair texture. “Now time for makeup!” You were careful not to overdo your makeup, just a simple smoky eye with liner and mascara to make your beautiful (E/C) eyes pop would suffice.
Finally, it was time to put on your figure-hugging purple corset dress. Its sweetheart neckline exposed just the right amount of cleavage, giving you enticing curves at the front, and the skirt hugged your hips snugly to emphasize your shapely figure. You wiggled your way into the dress and tightened the ribbons to achieve the perfect hourglass shape. “Perfect!” You said to yourself admiring how beautiful you looked in the mirror and shook your hips. “Damn I’m hot!” You said with newfound confidence as you wiggled your butt, the skirt swishing upwards to show off your lace thong. You finished up at last and slipped your black stiletto pumps on. “One final check to make sure everything is perfect.” You said as you twirled around again in front of the mirror – like a princess preparing for an important ball. But you didn’t quite trust the mirror enough; just to be safe, you took out your phone and snapped a few photos of yourself posing, with your head tilted back and the most dazzling smile on your face.
“(Y/N) are you ready? It’s getting late!” Satoru’s voice from the other side of the door shook you out of your trance at last. As the door swung open, you saw his eyes lighting up in awe as they traveled down your body. “Holy shit (Y/N) yo-you look absolutely gorgeous!” He said as he gazed upon you. “I think I have a new found love for corsets. God damn (Y/N)! Please tell me you own more corsets and that you brought at least one more with you.”
“Yes, I do own more corsets, but I didn’t bring any others with me….. Satoru my eyes are up here!” You snapped your fingers in his face to yank his focus away from your cleavage.
“You could knock someone out with your boobs! I never realized just how nice they really were (Y/N).” He smirked as he reached for your breasts playfully.
You rolled your eyes at Gojo as you swatted his hands away. “Behave Mister! You at least have to take me on a date before I let you do anything else.” You said sticking out your tongue.
“Keep sticking out that tongue missy and I’ll give it something to do.” He teased smugly giving you a sexual smirk as he bit his lower lip.
You inched closer to Gojo. “Oh yeah? Whatcha gonna do about it?” You asked narrowing your eyes as you stuck out your tongue again teasing him.
“This!” He pulled you into his arms kissing you deeply as he pushed you against the wall. He broke the kiss trailing his lips down your neck.
Instantly his intoxicating cologne invaded your nostrils making you go weak in the knees at how amazing he smelled. “F-fuck Sa-to-ru! S-stop p-pleaseeeeee.” You moaned out as he bit your neck making you tremble.
“I’m sorry I just can’t help it….” He cupped your face leaning in close. “You’re just so much fun to tease, I love the way you react to me when I touch you turning you on. Plus you smell like a cupcake…. I have an enormous sweet tooth and I just wanna eat you up!” Gojo seductively licked his lips.
“I-I'm not turned on….” You replied shifting your eyes lying horribly.
“I call bullshit! I know you’re turned on (Y/N) you’re a hot trembling mess right now in my arms.” He replied taking your chin between his thumb and index finger as he tilted your head up to look at him.
You averted Gojo's gaze.
“See! You can’t even look me in the eyes when I call you out!” He said teasing you as he grabbed your butt feeling bare skin. Gojo moved his hand up feeling the lace fabric of your thong he took his fingers and snapped it making you moan. He smirked at you. “Did you wear a thong just for me beautiful? Does this mean I'm getting lucky with you tonight?” His ocean blue orbs instantly lit up like a child on Christmas.
You gave him a smirk. “I don’t know? Let’s see where the night takes us.” You said as you ran your finger down his chest. “If you’re good maybe you’ll get lucky with me in some way.”
“Oooooooh in what way?” He asked getting excited.
“Well I’m not giving myself up completely to you yet…. You still need to work for that. So you’ll just have to wait for later and find out how far I will let you go.” You grabbed his collar pulling Gojo in tenderly kissing his lips.
“Well then let’s get going!” He eagerly held out his arm for you to take.
You stepped into his embrace instantly his arm was protectively wrapped around you.
“Are you ready for an amazing night beautiful?” He asked as you stepped out the door with him.
You leaned up and kissed his cheek. “Yes I am Satoru.”
“Lets go wait for the Uber.”
“Everyone is staring at us Satoru! It’s making me feel uncomfortable.” You said to Gojo as your eyes darted around the room catching nasty looks from a bunch of girls. “These girls look like they wanna rip me to shreds!” You said shifting uncomfortably in the booth.
Gojo pulled you into his lap wrapping you in a comforting embrace. “They're just jealous because you have me all to yourself.” He smiled and kissed your lips trying to make you feel better.
You buried your face in his neck trying to hide yourself. “But why? I'm sure most of these girls have already gotten with you….” You mumbled into his neck. You took a deep breath in smelling Satoru's wonderful scent, instantly it calmed you down.
“It’s because of the way I am acting with you….” Started Gojo as he rested his head on top of yours. “I never show affection like this towards a girl I'm just hooking up with, but you’re different from any of the other girls. You’re special to me.” Gojo looked at you with his inhumanly beautiful galaxy blue orbs smiling at you warmly as he played with your hair, all your worries started to disappear as he comforted you.
“How?” You asked picking your head up, searching his endless ocean blue eyes.
“Because when I am with you I see something more than just a random hook up. I want to get to know you (Y/N)…. Something about you is driving me crazy, making me want you more than anything and I don’t know why, but I want to find out so damn bad…. You very well may be the girl to tame me.” He said smiling at you sweetly. “Now are you ready to go to the club and dance with me? Or would you like to skip the club and just go back to my apartment?”
“Well I have never been to a club before so I am curious to go to one, but….” You trailed off.
“But what?” He asked taking your hands in his, getting excited.
You giggled in a flirty manner as you playfully pushed Gojo. “Satoru you’re certainly eager to get me home!” You said coyly.
He gave you a goofy grin and nodded his head. “Yessssss! Yes I am!”
“Well mister eager pants you’ll just have to wait!” You smirked at Gojo. “I wanna go to the club.”
Gojo groaned in annoyance. “You just love to torture me baby girl, don’t you?” He asked teasing you as he ran his fingers down your arm making you shiver.
You gave Gojo a cheeky smile and nodded your head as you got off his lap. “Come on babe the faster we go to the club the faster you get me home.”
He looked at you shocked. “Did you just call me ‘babe’?”
“Do you not want me to?” You asked shyly as your cheeks flushed a deep red.
“No, no, no I want you to…. I'm just not used to it, you kinda caught me off guard with that one…. Baby.” He winked at you giving you a devilish grin.
You turned even redder as he called you that.
“You are so cute when you blush!” Gojo kissed your nose making you turn into a tomato.
Meanwhile the same group of girls from earlier were staring you and Gojo down.
“Absolutely disgusting!” Started one of the girls. “Just look at the way Gojo is acting with that girl!” She scoffed.
“Yeah he never acted like that with me!” Another girl chimed in. “It’s like she has him whipped or something! What is her vagina made of fucking gold or something!?”
“It’s pathetic he’s like a lovesick puppy! How unattractive!” Scoffed another girl.
The group of girls continued to stare as you made goo-goo eyes with Gojo.
He noticed the group of girls glaring at you, he rolled his eyes before kissing the top of your head. “Okay let’s get going baby!” He said loudly so the group of girls heard him.
The girls faces went from disgusted to shocked.
“D-did he just call her ‘baby’!?” One of the girls said.
Another girl shot out of her seat. “Oh my God someone was able to land Gojo as a boyfriend and it’s a fucking Freshman!?” Blurted the girl.
You and Gojo both looked at the group of girls and laughed at them.
“Is there an issue girls?” You started. “What are you jealous that a mere Freshman is the girlfriend of the hottest, most desired man on campus?”
“Why you little bitch!” Yelled one of the girls as you and Gojo turned to leave.
“Wow how unattractive to make a scene like this in such a nice place! Grow up.” Stated Gojo as he wrapped his arm around you.
“Yikes, those girls were crazy.” You said trying to avoid the fact that you just called Satoru your boyfriend as you and him walked out of the restaurant.
“So I'm your boyfriend now?” Asked Gojo smugly as he pulled you into his strong embrace, with a big grin plastered to his gorgeous face stretching from ear to ear.
“I got caught up in the moment?” You looked at him lying badly once again.
“Uh no I don’t think so missy. Would you care to try again?” He poked your nose. “Reset!” He laughed.
“I-I-I I got nothing to counter with on this one.” You sighed in defeat and held your hands up. “You caught me I surrender Satoru I'm y-.”
“Oooooooh!” Gojo interrupted you getting excited. “Wait, why are you surrendering? (Y/N) you uh kinda lost me on this. A little help please beautiful?” He said pouting.
You rolled your eyes giving him a ‘are you serious' look. “Wow really? IF YOU WOULD LET ME FINISH!” You started to laugh.
“I’m sorry I heard you say you surrendered to me and my thoughts got the better of me.”
“No, you know just for that you can wait or try and figure out what I was going to say on your own.” You said smugly. “If I remember when we get home from the club I'll tell you then.” You trotted away shaking your butt just enough so your skirt flew up showing off your amazing ass with that sexy lace thong.
Gojo was completely entranced, holding out his hands to grab it he ran up behind you perfectly cupping your cheeks with his giant hands as he gently clapped them together. Giggling you pushed your butt up against Satoru's crotch teasing him as you wiggled it pressing against him more before twirling around. “H-hey now! You know for someone who is a virgin you’re a naughty little girl.” He caught you mid-twirl making you face him as he rested his hands on your hips. “(Y/N) you keep teasing me like this I won’t want to go to the club.” You shook your hips dancing in Satoru's arms as you grabbed his shirt yanking him in closer kissing his lips.
“Then get me to the club I'm dying to dance! I love club music!” You grabbed his hand starting to dance with him.
The club was filled with people, music was blasting as the neon lights went to the beat of the bass. You and Gojo we’re completely lost in each other as you grinded on him to the beat of the music, he had never seen anything so hot in his entire life as he grabbed your ass pulling you in closer to him your body was is perfect sync with his as you danced. The song finally ended and you stepped off the dance floor with Gojo to get a drink, you walked up to the bar with him. “Wanna do a shot with me pretty girl?”
“Only if I can pick it!” You responded.
“Okay you’re on!” Gojo replied smugly.
“What'll it be?” Asked the bartender.
“Two alien brain hemorrhages please!” You responded.
“Coming right up!”
“What the hell is an alien brain hemorrhage?” Gojo questioned you.
“Only my favorite shot!” Was all you said as the bartender made your drinks. “Cheers!” You cheered Gojo and downed the shot.
“Hey that was pretty good!”
“I told you!” You replied confidently.
“Excuse me can we get two more rounds of this?” Gojo asked catching the bartender as he walked by.
“Sure! Coming right up!”
“We going shot for shot again Satoru-kun?” You asked raising an eyebrow.
“Yea why not? I wanna go home drunk with you plus to be completely honest I’m not big into drinking I’m a total lightweight so a few shots will do me good and I actually like what you chose for a shot baby girl.”
You and Gojo did a few more shots, both of you started feeling nice and tipsy suddenly you heard the start of your favorite techno song, grabbing Gojo's hand you yanked him onto the dance floor. “Woah what’s the rush?” Gojo asked pulling you into his arms.
~Ahhh, ahhh, ahhhh, ahhh, ahhh~
“This is my favorite song!” You replied as you pushed your butt against Satoru's crotch wrapping his hands around your waist.
~Take a little bite of my eager neck~
You spun around grinding up against Satoru as you sensually bit his neck making him moan as you pulled him into you.
~Let the burning keep me in check~
He looked at you with a burning passion in his eyes as he pulled you in closer to him, his senses going haywire as you wrapped your leg around him pressing your crotch against his hand.
~Overflowing, I cant deny the lust I feel around you~
He grabbed onto your waist snapping his hips against your crotch turning both of you on even more.
~Want a feeling that I'll never forget
How about I make your appetite wet?~
You could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter as he snapped his hips into you again your head tilted back as you moaned loudly.
~Delusions about this, every night and day~
Between Satoru grinding on you and the intense bass of the music, you were getting so turned on as you grabbed his neck attacking his lips.
Satoru saw how turned on you were “I wanna make you mine.” He whispered in your ear right when the song said it making you go crazy as you moaned out.
~Just slowly trace a line right down my back, I'll feel it right in my soul!~
The bass dropped and you quickly with it as you ran your hands over Satoru's crotch feeling his growing problem, you knew he would be pulling off the dance floor at any moment.
~Love will never mean I have to think you're right~
You came back up, Satoru pulled you right in grinding against you to the beat of the music.
~People hide away the secrets with their pride~
His hands traveled under your skirt grabbing at your ass, snapping your thong over and over again.
~Never knowing if the rules that we live by~
Satoru's other hand traveled towards the front in between your legs.
~Govern each and every day and every night~
Gasping at the sudden friction your hips bucked wildly as his palm rubbed against your thong.
~And without a doubt I see it in your style~
You looked deep into his ocean orbs moaning out as he kept his hand between your legs.
~When I think you're gonna leave I'll take a dive~
‘Accidently' one of his fingers slipped inside you.
~Deep within a never ending scarlet sky~
That was it the feeling of your tight dripping pussy around his finger ruined Satoru.
~Waiting for ecstasy to take control and make you smile~
You moaned into Satoru's mouth as his finger went deeper inside you.
~Ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhh, ahhh~
“Ah, ah, ah, ah! Heh, heh.” You went in perfect sync with the song pulling Satoru closer into you gently nibbling his lower lip.
~Drowning deep within this love sensation~
Satoru couldn’t take it anymore you were turning him on so much, he pulled you off the dance floor and called a Uber as you left the club.
~Getting lost in the sex vibrations
Now I'm ready for take off, brace yourself for an explosion~
You waited outside for the Uber, Satoru was standing behind you rubbing his hands up and down your thighs as he pressed his growing bulge against you while kissing your neck making you lose yourself in his touch.
~For this trick, rip off your SHIRT
come on, follow me, I’ll show you thirst~
The Uber finally came, Satoru opened the door for you to get in, he got right in behind you instantly turned his attention to you as he started making out with you passionately.
Kissing him roughly you straddled his waist bucking your hips against his crotch making Satoru moan into your mouth as you ripped his shirt open.
~It’s alright, Let’s GET FLYING we’re starting~
“Hey you two! Keep it in your pants til you get home!” Yelled the driver as he glanced at the time of arrival to see how long he would have to bare the sounds of your lewd moans. “Only seven minutes thank God.”
~Don’t you worry my DARLING~
Satoru sneakily slipped his hand into your thong gently rubbing your clit. “Shhhhh keep quiet so we don’t get caught baby girl.” He whispered into your ear as he slipped his finger inside you again.
~Instead of labels can't we say we're friends~
You buried yourself into his neck to stifle your moans as he pumped his finger in and out of you.
~I'd rather take you as you are without an oath~
Faster and faster he fingered you, making it almost impossible to stay quiet. You lifted your head up hungrily attacking his lips.
~Love will never mean you have to think I'm right~
You were so drunk on Satoru your body moved on it’s own as your hips bucked again, making his finger go deeper.
~We were never gonna give marriage a try~
“HEY YOU'RE HOME!” Yelled the Uber driver bringing the two of you back to reality.
~Coz I always thought you'd find another guy~
“Thanks for the ride man!” Satoru replied as he took out his phone to rate the driver and give him a generous tip for having to put up with the show.
~Holding onto every time you died inside~
You and Satoru got out of the car stumbling your way down the hall to his apartment.
~Take a look into my heart to give you life~
You didn’t even make it into his apartment, he couldn’t take it anymore pinning you up against the wall, his lust getting the better of him. He grabbed at your ass trying to take off your thong as he grinded against you kissing you deeply.
~Make a choice to either hide or stay in sight~
You stopped Satoru's attack on your lips. “Sa-to-ru…. Do you really wanna give your neighbors a show Satoru?” You pointed to an open door and two pairs if eyes watching you and Satoru.
~Gotta hurry coz I won't reveal my side of the story don't you see I've got it held up in my mind~
He glanced over at the prying eyes and picked you up running into his apartment.
~As the world around you is crumbling down (I've got you with my spell)~
He locked the door and ran straight into his room throwing you onto the bed.
~The only one that you can count on is yourself~
“I've been waiting for this all day my sweet, sweet (Y/N).” Started Satoru as he parted your legs, pulling off your thong. “Now pretty girl what can I do to you?” He asked gently pushing two fingers in hoping you being distracted would let him go further with you.
~I don't ever wanna fall in love~
“Sa-to-ruuuu!” You moaned out. “Fu-fuck.” You whimpered as he rubbed your clit with his thumb.
~Just let me play the game, make your skin feel numb~
“(Y/N) just give into your desires.” Satoru whispered into your ear as he ran his fingers over your soft skin making you tremble beneath him. “I see it in your eyes you’re trying so hard to fight it baby girl.”
~You could call my name, pretend to love for fun~
He was right you wanted him to do everything to you but, you wanted to make him wait. You took a deep breath in gathering your thoughts and coming down from your high. “S-Satoru, I-I want you to come up here and kiss me…. I love kissing you.”
~'Cause I don't care when you suck on my tongue~
Satoru did so, you attacked his lips kissing him deeply moaning into his mouth as his fingers went deeper.
~Can't you see, tonight you'll end up mine?~
Your hands traveled down unbuttoning his pants, taking his member out you gasped at the girth you felt as you wrapped your small hands around it.
~I'll do you fast and hard, you're gonna end up blind~
Satoru moaned out loudly at the sudden surprise. “Mmmmmm (Y/N) eager aren’t we little cupcake?” Cooed Satoru as he leaned in kissing your neck and started to untie your corset.
~I'll give you a sign and then you'll see in no time!~
All the air left your body as he finished undoing your corset. Your eyes fluttered closed as he took your dress off exposing you completely. Your face turned bright red, you wanted to hide, never in your life did you feel so vulnerable than in that moment. Your skin became hotter and hotter by the second as your heart tried to beat out of your chest. Deep inside you were panicking.
~All Right! All the tension, killer engine~
Satoru could feel the tension starting to build inside you. “(Y/N) if you want me to stop just say so…. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He said in a soothing voice instantly calming you down.
~Let's go, we're gonna BURN BURN BURN~
You inhaled a deep breath trying to gather yourself. “No Satoru please don’t stop…. This is amazing yet terrifying at the same time…. I’ve never been touched like this…. I’ve…. Never felt like this. Please do more to me Satoru.”
~What you want my lovin' for?~
“Well love what will you let me do to you?” He asked again this time actually wanting an answer from you.
~Stop begging me for more~
“I want you to d-do e-ev-everything to-to me-“
“Really!?” He said cutting you off. “You do!?” Satoru jumped at your approval getting ahead of himself he started to strip.
“Woah hold on a minute Satoru I'm not finished talking!” You shouted as he got on top of you pressing his member against your thigh. “F-fuck.” You wined out as his tip gently grazed your clit. “Th-this isn’t helping…. How do I say no when you’re literally on top of me looking at me like that.” A frustrated sigh left your lips.
He kept looking at you his ocean eyes filled with lust, wonder and excitement all melding together at once.
~Dance away your feelings and move to the sound~
“God damnit you’re making it so hard right now….” You mumbled.
“Did I make you crash? You can’t even form a coherent thought (Y/N).” Satoru said teasing you.
“Well gee I wonder why Satoru? I only have the sexiest man ever on top of me trying to fuck me.” You replied giving him a disgruntled look.
“And there she is! Okay can you give me a straight answer now darling?”
“What do you mean by that Satoru?” You questioned the white-haired man.
“You're calmer now aren’t you?”
You nodded your head yes.
“Then now that you’re thinking clearly I can get a straight answer from you?”
You started to tremble again.
“Why are you acting like this (Y/N)?” Satoru asked his voice laced with concern as he got off of you.
“Y-you're just so intimidating Satoru.”
“But you’ve been teasing me all day why are you so nervous now?”
“I mean I can talk the talk Satoru but I am still a virgin so being in a intimate setting like this I'm scared, all these sensations are all so new to me…. I mean yea I’ve masturbated before but this is nothing like that…. This is so much better.” You took a deep breath in. “Okay I'm okay! I'm not ready to go all the way but you can do anything else to me Satoru.” You smiled and tenderly kissed his lips.
~Come on baby, GET DOWN!~
With that approval Satoru instantly went down on you. “Oh my Godddddddd!” You moaned out as he sucked on your clit. “F-fuck Sa-to-ruuuuu!” You wined out tugging on his soft white hair as you became a puddle at his touch.
~Love will never mean we have to think we're right~
Satoru ate you out like an animal that didn’t have a meal in weeks. The sound of him licking up your juices echoed through the room, that wonderful sound turned the both of you on so much….. Never in your life did you think someone could make you that wet.
~People hide away the secrets with their pride~
Your breath hitched as you felt the knot in your stomach start to pulse, you were getting close to an orgasm. “F-fu-fuckkkkk Sa-Sa-Satoruuuu I'm-I'm c-cu-cummmmmminggggggg!” You wailed out as your walls tightened around his fingers you came gushing into his mouth. You heard faint moans coming from Satoru as he licked up every last drop of your juices.
~Never knowing if the rules that we live by~
Satoru finally came up for air, he had a huge smirk plastered to that gorgeous face of his. “Baby girl you taste delicious!” He cooed as he leaned in to kiss you making you taste yourself.
~Govern each and every day and every night~
“Why is this so hot?” You thought to yourself as Satoru sloppily kissed you making your juices dribble down your chin.
You broke the kiss and looked at him with a smirk stretched from ear to ear. “Lay down I wanna try something.” He did so, you got on his chest so you were in the 69 position.
~And without a doubt I see it in your style~
“Wait (Y/N) are you going to do what I think?” He asked you getting all excited.
~When I think you're gonna leave I'll take a dive~
You didn’t answer him, instead you let your tongue do the talking as you licked the milky pre-cum off his tip, making him shiver at your touch. You let out a soft giggle as you slowly worked your way down his shaft paying the most careful attention to each part as you licked grazing your piercing over the smooth skin.
~Deep within a never ending scarlet sky~
“(Y-Y/N-N) you’re v-very na-naughty for a v-virgin.” Satoru moaned out as you encircled your mouth around his tip, making him gasp at the wonderful feeling. “F-fuck (Y-Y/N-N)!” He whined out as he grabbed your ass diving back into your soaking core.
~Waiting for ecstasy to take control and make you smile~
You moaned out making your tongue vibrate against his shaft as you took it in it’s entirety down your throat causing Satoru to buck his hips almost making you choke.
~Let the power of desire unleash~
You continued to lick and suck taking complete control, Satoru stopped eating you out and just laid there becoming a hot mess beneath you.
~(Can't take this anymore)~
“Oh my God (Y/N) your tongue piercing feels a-am-amazinggggggg. If you k-keep this up I’m-I'm gonna burst!” Satoru moaned out as you deep throated him again. “F-fuck baby girl I'm getting close to cumming! G-gahhhhhh!”
~Without a second thought my passion slowly burns~
You continued to work Satoru until he couldn’t take it anymore, he came in your mouth and you took every last drop. Gently you sucked on the tip making him squirm finally you released yourself from his member.
Satoru pulled you off him and laid you down next to him as he pulled you in close. “Baby girl that was amazing!” He cooed as he kissed the top of your head.
~So take control and show me what it's worth~
“Would you believe me if I said that was my first blow job ever?” You asked him.
“No I wouldn’t.” He chuckled. “Well you’re really, really good at it! In fact that was one of the best ones I’ve ever had. That tongue piercing is something else.”
You blushed at the compliment. “T-thank you Satoru.” You rested your head on his chest and soon fell into a deep blissful sleep.
@divine-delight @g-umi @sassyeahhhh @marimagines @floweryimagine
19 notes · View notes
throughthenotes · 3 years
Bowling w/ @AMindfulChaos @ALoverOfDreams & @InspiredAdams
Just one or do you want a pitcher? <Beer. Talking about your traditions, it was nothing for Rainey and I to put a large pizza, nachos and a few pitchers of beer away while bowling in our day. It was the one thing she had insisted on once we found ourselves aged out of the system. She called it our one day of the week that we could look forward to for years and the old pastime had quickly became a favorite to us both. The problem was ever since my run in with gallery guru as she had come to call him, I had been laying low when it came to my partaking in any substance. Drinking mostly. Apparently, my issues tended to turn into a variety of problems that only people with policing authority could handle and wasn't that just the bitch of it all. "Actually, how about a Pepsi."> Rainey.. <That earned her a look. "What? I just don't feel like drinking any tonight." Right. Shaking my head, I took a turn towards the concession and headed there while Rainey set up our game. The half hearted glare she had given me in return, earned herself a chuckle of recognition. I knew why she wasn't drinking. Not that my sister was a lush or anything but beer and bowling, normally went hand in hand. Shrugging it off though and having to grab a bowling ball on the way back, I finally made it up there to look over the menu, even though it didn't take me long to figure out what I would be ordering. It was almost always the same. However, my thoughts were suddenly stolen from me because of the lovely brunette directly in front of me in line. You would have to be blind not to notice her but even with that, it would still be a poor excuse. That's when it hit me. What was I thinking? She has be here with someone. Another friend maybe. Seeing not another soul around on half price Wednesday night, I finally spoke up when you seemed to be lost in menu land.> Do you normally bowl by yourself? <So it wasn't the greatest ice breaker but my first impression wasn't a total loss I hoped when I flashed her that crooked grin.>
{I had fully intended to lock myself in my room and binge trash TV with a boatload of munchies. But @InspiredAdams wasn’t having any of that. He was insistent that we do something “outside of the house.” I held out for a long time. But then he promised me one of those ooey gooey cheese pizzas they had down at the bowling alley. And that sounded way better than the stuff laying around the house. Especially since we were down to slim pickings as we approached grocery day. As soon as we were inside, I left him to figure out all the technicalities while I made a beeline for the snack bar. The question was just pizza? Or did I want some wings too? Nachos? Oh, they had sliders too… Suddenly I was pulled from my decision making from a voice behind me. I spun around, intending to lie and say I was here with my boyfriend. It wouldn’t be the first time I had forced Chris to play the boyfriend role to save me from some random. Then he offered me that crooked grin, and my heart did a little flip} Oh, I’m not alone. {the look on your face told me you were assuming, and my eyes flew open a little wider} Brother! {jerks my thumb over my shoulder in the direction that I had left him} I’m here with my brother. {smiles, glancing around now for anyone that looked like they were with you} What about you? Are you here alone? {cringes internally at how hopeful that sounded}
I'm not alone. I mean if you count us both, we're here together. [Chuckling low, I glanced in the direction you looked before turning my gaze back to yours. My grin only growing wider at the mention of a sibling because what were the chances of you believing me when I told you it was the same for me.> That was a joke. I'm here with my sister. <Not a joke. It couldn't be if it were true and we very much were not alone. Those kind eyes of mine, won you over then when you smiled my way, letting me off the hook only to have it falter when the clearing of throats could be heard. "You ordering, hun?" Arching a playful brow, I point up at the menu you had been looking at only moments ago.> They are waiting on you. The pizza is good and so are the nachos. My sister likes them.
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{I wasn’t ready to stop talking to you. And I had just opened my mouth to ask if it was an older sister or younger when I heard the cashier asking for my order. My cheeks instantly flushing as I let out a laugh at myself and turned to her} Oh, geez. I’m so sorry. {flashes her a bright smile before beginning} Um, a pepperoni pizza, please? And a pitcher of Pepsi? {glances over my shoulder at you, taking that nacho recommendation to heart} Oh, and some nachos too please? {I quickly paid her, and stepped out of your way, off to the side where she told me to wait for my order to be ready.}
<"Same for you?" I actually laughed, shaking my head out of my thoughts at the order you had already placed.> The Thomas special. <I knew you were watching on. The fact that we spent that much time here wasn't lost on me or you for that matter when asked for my own order. It was our usual and I paid accordingly once she rang me up. Receipt now in hand, I casually slipped it into my pocket and walked over to wait beside you when our pitchers of Pepsi were set down in front of us.] They will put the rest on a tray and bring it out.
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Can I walk you back to your lane? <I didn't want to part ways just yet. Besides, I still needed to get your number and when you offered me that smile again with a touch of a soft nod, I held my arm out for you to hook your arm around. Leading the way, carrying your soda for you, we reached our fork in the road so to speak, and I cleared my throat before addressing the situation we found ourselves in. Again.] I guess the question now is are you seeking out lust or looking for love? [Can't help but smirk when I look you way now.]
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{pops my brows at mention of the Thomas Special. Wondering if Thomas was the first or the last name. Then it dawned on me that it meant you came here a lot if you had them knowing your order so well. And I smirked to myself. Suddenly I was very interested in bowling more often. Chris was going to be either really pleased, or wishing he had never made me come out tonight. Then you were standing next to me again. I didn’t even have the ability to care how lost I seemed because all I could think about was how good you smelled. If Ed or Chris were here they would be rolling their eyes and accusing me of already mentally doodling our names in a notebook. That’s…if I knew your name at least. Thomas though! I knew Thomas! Then you asked to walk me to the lane and I probably agreed way too easily. But it was such a cute offer. And you were hot so…} Umm…? {Your question had caught me off guard. Both is a bad answer right? I laughed nervously because I had half a mind to be really honest and tell you that it was both. But I also knew that was going to only get me in trouble. So I said what I hoped wasn’t going to scare you off} Honestly? I would love to be in love. I write a lot of songs about it. But, yeah, actually experiencing it would be…cool. {cringe number two of the night. I needed a better vocabulary}
Love it is then. <With a soft tug of my arm and a wink, I began the short walk with you down to the LOVE side of the lanes, pointing it out on the wall with a kick of my chin in that direction.> Does this look familiar now? <I knew in asking that you could have taken it literal, and began looking for your brother, or you could have taken it all the way back to my original question itself. For whatever the reason, I chose to stay in that space and ask the question that had been dancing to get out since you said you had never experienced being in love before. My desire to know more about these songs was fueled by your same statement as well.> Never. Not even a guy in high school? <You have to at least be in college, right? There was no way around it and you really hadn't offered that up yet either. So I took the plunge and spoke up with a grin.> What name could I find these songs under if you don't mind me asking. You already know my last name is Thomas.
{I had to stop myself from facepalming when I saw the big letters written on the wall. But before I could turn too red with embarrassment at my awkwardness, you redirected my mind with your next question} No. Most of the boys in high school were too scared of my brother. {CRINGE! Why would I say that? Now you were really gonna run. But rather than make things better, I did what I always do and just kept talking. Making it worse, I’m sure.} He had a little bit of a temper and… {Trails off as I finally manage to stop myself from rambling, and clears my throat} Nothing has been released, released. I mean, I have a Youtube. Camryn Adams. {smiles} But you can call me Cammy.
Ah, an older brother. <With a temper no less. This was getting better by the second. Was it possible I was walking towards that sense of impending doom? Or would I be spared of your brother's wrath upon his first impression of me. Fuck... Glancing back over my shoulder, I look Jaiden Thomas. Trust me when I say, I'm still going to check out that Youtube. <Flashing that crooked grin again, I pulled you closer to me by that hook of my arm you had.> You want to head back the other way?
{my eyes had scanned all the lanes close to LOVE, and I hadn’t spotted Chris. I guess I should’ve waited long enough to figure out where he was going before I went to the snack bar. But then, if I had done that, I might have missed you. Giving one last scan, I nodded my head} Hmm…yeah, I don’t see Chris anywhere. Maybe I should’ve known he wouldn’t have gone this far. {laughs more to myself than anything, relief flooding my body that you hadn’t dropped my arm the second you heard about my brother} Oh! There he is! {lifting a finger, I pointed to him before pulling you to stop for a second} But if you contact me through my Youtube…I might mistake you for a weirdo that wants pictures of my feet and not answer…
Do you want me to contact you again, Cammy? <It was only a quick glance in the direction you pointed, your brother not that far from where @ALoverOfDreams was before I turned my attention back to you and that death grip you were suddenly imposing on my arm. Smirking at first, I welcomed how forward you appeared to be, going for gold as it were only to be cut short with the rest of that final thought. Yeah, the second you said feet, I knew I pulled a face. It would have been smart of me to pause when you held me back by that arm of mine but I couldn't stop the chuckle if I wanted to. You laughed at the expression on my face, and nervous or not, I leaned in to whisper against your ear, unbeknownst to me that @InspiredAdams was about to make his presence known just in time to see you cozying up to yours truly.> How about you give me your number and I'll text you. That way you have my cell too.
{Flushes instantly at your first question. I was making a ton of assumptions, and I knew it. But I really liked you already and it just happened. Then you leaned in and whispered and my stomach filled with butterflies, causing me to completely forget about the proximity of @InspiredAdams, already reaching for my phone in my back pocket to hold it out to you} Here, text yourself with my phone.
Sure thing, beautiful. <And just like in the movies, it really was that simple. You had been getting your phone out when I heard a shuffling of feet and yours of course, came to a full stop when I heard the clearing of a throat next. "Cammy, this guy bothering you?"> Who, me? <It was your brother. There was no way it was anyone else and from the way you had spoken, I believed this wasn't a normal thing for you. Bowling that was.> She's fine. Just giving her my number. You mind holding this? <I didn't give @InspiredAdams a chance to really reply. Instead I simply handed the pitcher of Pepsi over so I could take your phone from you. All the while your other arm was still hooked around mine as I plugged my number in, quick to snap a pic of us together while your brother watched on and waited for you to introduce us.>
What the hell is taking her so long? [I glanced toward the snack bar and didn’t see @ThroughTheNotes over there anymore. Then I finally saw her coming toward me. But she wasn’t alone. Immediately I was on my feet and making my way over to her. She was way too fucking nice for her own good. And I was fully prepared to pull out whatever card I needed to make him get lost] Cammy, this guy bothering you? [He barely looked at me when he answered with that, “Who, me?” And my brow shot up as I was handed a pitcher of soda, looking between @ThroughTheNotes and @AMindfulChaos.] Camryn, who is this? Do you know him?
(I must have entered @AMindfulChaos's name three times before the electric scorecard saved it. The final time, I changed the spelling to L O S E R and would you look at that, it set up the sheet no problem. Laughing quietly to myself, I hadn't heard the gentleman walk up until he asked me if I needed assistance. Politely declining his invitation to join him when I explained I wasn't alone, he didn't seem to take the hint until I held up my hand, sporting a gold band. The fact that it was found inside the bowling bag of one "Fred from Kentucky" and after many, many failed attempts to locate its previous owner, Fred from Kentucky had been born. Thinking back to the day that I found it, I remembered the crap Jaiden had given me over the name. "Fred the blue ball. Do you hear yourself, Rainey?" We had a good laugh about it but it worked seeing how Fred always came through for me from that day forward. Smiling now too, I waited to look up until the guy had made his exit to return to his own lane, taking a gander around the bowling alley in search of my brother. It wasn't like Jaiden to take a stroll, always one to come right back anytime we were here, I furrowed my brows when the snack bar attendant showed up with our food. It was only after further inspection though I realized it wasn't ours and I got up to go in search of you, heading back up to the bar to let them know our order was wrong in the process when I spot you with a girl. And a guy... Feeling that pit in my stomach already, I started to head towards you all instead. Our food long forgotten as worry started to set in.)
{squints my eyes at @InspiredAdams in warning. He was NOT going to scare this one away. And I hoped he was picking up on my unspoken message as we stared at each other. Until you held up the phone and I smiled for the picture before finally speaking} I do now. Chris, this is Jaiden. Jaiden, this is my totally going to not be a jerk brother, Chris.
<Chuckling, I waited until I handed the cell back to you before I extended my hand.> Nice to meet you ... <Not a jerk Chris almost flew out of my mouth when I happen to see Rainey heading our way on a mission. Her purpose plain as day the closer she got and I mumbled "Shit.." under my breath. The last thing I needed was this guy on my ass about you but to do it in front of Rainey, well I wouldn't live it down if I got us kicked out of our favorite home away from home. Not to mention, it was your brother.> ... Chris. She was alone so I offered to escort her back to her lane. I plan on asking her out soon too. <What the hell was I saying? This was suppose to make it better, right? Laying out my intentions. Rainey always said it was the best policy to be honest so why stop now.> I was just on my way back. <Looking to @ALoverOfDreams as I spoke, that last part was meant for her when I finally cleared my throat, only taking the moment to introduce my sister to @ThroughTheNotes, purposely.> Cammy, this is Rainey.
[I kept my eyes on Cammy as she gave me her damn looks. And continued to stare at her when she introduced me as her “not gonna be a jerk brother, Chris.” Then @AMindfulChaos said that bit about asking her out that had my eyes finally flicking over to him, really assessing him now as I firmly shook his hand. He looked like he could be another clown in the business Cammy played around in} Are you an artist too? {I smirked because I was out of slapping range of Cammy. But then we were joined by another person which left my question unanswered. But one look at her and I wasn’t too bothered to hear the answer anymore. If this was his sister, maybe I could keep an eye on him if it meant she stuck around…]
It's nice to meet you, Cammy. (My gaze darted between @ThroughTheNotes and Jaiden, seeing her arm still wrapped around my brother's like her life depended on it until I saw him shaking hands with the other guy privy to our little gathering here. The gesture between the two was older than dirt and more so added to complement the giving of your word on something. I could read body language pretty well though. The guy didn't seem to thrilled about Jaiden escorting her back but all that changed the second he looked back over his shoulder at me.) He boxes. I mean, boxing. Like bowling. I mean it's not like bowling per say but it'ssss a sport. (Damn it. Not now... My smile was small as I gave Jaiden a look of my own. If he wasn't going to tell him, I was.) That is if you consider kicking ass an art form.. (Maybe I wasn't so good at ice breakers either. Being met with utter silence was clue number one. Not even crickets as the four of us stood there as if we were in a stalemate. Only I wasn't going to allow that.) Would you guys like to join us for a game? Or maybe you two would like to play your own? Oh I know, teams!
{smiles brightly at Rainey when she addresses me. Then squeezes Jaiden’s arm at the mention of his being a boxer. Should I point out the obvious to Chris that they had something in common? That could be good? Or maybe very bad… Before I made up my mind, the silence was broken again, and I jumped on it} Yes! Chris! We would love to. {nods}
<Fantastic. Can't wait. Those were just a couple of options for answers to that ever popular question my sister asked and as I felt you give my arm a second squeeze, your brother's gaze sizing me up once again caught my attention after Rainey had let the cat out of the bag.> I do good for being fairly new to the sport. I get by. <Giving another nod of my head, I wink and start to walk with you as Rainey leads the way, speaking loud enough for Chris to hear me.> So you want to play against me, Cammy or with me? I could show you a few things too.
[Boxing. So, he wasn’t a clown in her business. He was one that dabbled in mine. Now I was assessing him in a whole new light. Cammy was in for an earful on the way home. I’d seen how fucking cocky some of those guys could be… “I do good for being fairly new to the sport.” Cue my brows shooting up again. Maybe not too cocky… “I could show you a few things too.” Nope. There it was. I opened my mouth to bite back on that bullshit only to have Cammy fucking kick me. I let out a grunt and glared at her as she shook her head at me. It was clear I wasn’t getting her away from him tonight. So now, I needed to make the best of it. With a smirk, I spoke up again, bruised shin be damned] Cammy doesn’t need to learn anything new. And the Adams are better as a team.
Family first always. You guys like pepperoni pizza? We have plenty! (Yep. Making lemonade shouldn't be too hard with the lemons this bunch was carrying. Trying to make light of the tension that seemed to shift into second gear and right on into third when I reached our lane, I didn't even look in the direction of the guy from earlier as we passed him. Opting to stop at our scorecard to enter in your names instead as I see Jaiden assist Cammy with finding her ball.) Chris (Lifting my gaze to yours, I smile, before continuing on.) With a "C" or "K"?
[Clearly I was speaking French. And this guy wasn’t the least bit deterred by me. As I watched the two of them picking out balls, I was redirected by my name being called. My gaze catching with @ALoverOfDreams’ and grinning crookedly at that smile. disappointment, but did my best to hide it]
That's right. Like the rain but with an EY at the end. (Don't ramble. Don't you do it! Telling myself that should have worked but I wasn't so sure it was going to. Not when I saw that crooked grin of yours.) It's okay, they seem distracted. (Taking your hand when you offered it right away, I gave it a light squeeze, my smile growing kinder by the second. That was until I followed your slight change in direction with your eyes down to our clasped hands. Oh no! How was I going to explain this? And even better, the follow up question to that, was were you going to believe me?) Fred from Kentucky.. (That questioning brow lift you gave had me laughing nervously as I started to explain it, still holding your hand until I realized it and I let your hand slip free suddenly. The game hot potato had nothing on me.) My fake husband. I use the ring to keep creepers away. Like the guy we walked by? (Fighting the internal groan won out over hiding the heat that seemed to rise on my cheeks at how close you were and I broke my gaze away from yours so I could finish putting your names in.) Do you guys bowl a lot? I don't think I've seen you here before.
[Fred. From Kentucky. At first, I thought you were trying to tell me you were in a long distance marriage. But then the pieces of the puzzle started to fall together. And oddly enough, when you mentioned a creeper, I felt that same protective instinct I had a few minutes ago bubbling up again. But this time it was about you and not her. Apparently he had felt the weight of my stare. Because he looked over just in time to lock eyes with me in a stare down I wasn’t going to lose. And I smirked when he were out of my mouth] I wonder if I could convince Cammy to get a Fred from Kentucky… [just as quickly as I said it, I realized that was probably offensive to you seeing as how the current dude was your brother. And I mumbled out.] Sorry… [looks up at the screen where our names finally popped up, welcoming the chance to ignore my little outburst] We used to bowl a lot with our pops. He was on a league. But after ma passed, he became a bit of a hermit. [jerks my thumb over my shoulder in Cammy’s direction] She’s been in a funk lately. So I thought I’d pull her away from the Netflix and out into society again that doesn’t involve the shitheads that she dances with.
Oh, I don't know about that. Fred is a good man, he works hard for his family. A very upstanding and loyal guy too. I wouldn't have married him if he was a cheater. (Teasing a little, I gave your arm a soft nudge but only after spying your stare down that bounced between Jaiden and Mr. Creepy, himself. Waiting until your gaze finally met mine again and I nodded softly as I spoke.) You two have more in common than you think. Jaiden is just as protective of me as you are of her. (My voice took on a softer tone then but didn't lack in conviction as I spoke about my brother. He was the only family I had left. I loved him.) I know you just met me...us really but Jaiden is a good guy, he just has some issues sometimes controlling himself when people are assholes too. (Taking a moment, I looked behind you to see them standing there a ways back, bowling balls in hand and lost in their own conversation. My smile widening further when they start to make their way back over to us and I'm quick with my own curiosity taking center stage for a second as I added to the "story". Only this time, it included you..) So was your wife busy tonight too?
[I wanted to take you at your word about Jaiden. But it wasn’t that simple for me. I’d seen her go through too much shit with her overly trusting heart. What if he had a hidden shitty guy side that you weren’t privy to as his sister? Still, I didn’t hate the protective side you hinted at. As long as his aggressions didn’t ever turn toward Cammy. The thought alone causing me to tense up for a second before blowing out a calming breath. Your question causing my eyes to snap back to you in utter shock] Me? Wife? [shakes my head with a chuckle] No. There is no Francesca from Kentucky. Real or fabricated.
<There's a first time for everything right? As sayings went that one there was a great indication that I was pulling double duty, while trying to appear cool about it, and was failing miserably at that. It was the first time I not only had tried to keep my eyes on Rainey but then there was you, and that pull to let my gaze linger on your beautiful face was just too great.> I apologize. I don't normally leave her for this long. <And therein lies the dilemma. There was the asshole that was in here every time we were that constantly hit on my sister too that was a factor. So the protective streak kept hopping the rails like a train would, the direction it sought suddenly flipped like a switch and damn if that didn't make me feel exposed for all of 60 seconds too long. In fact, it put me downright on edge. I had a feeling you could sense it too because suddenly I was met with a pair of the kindest eyes I had ever seen and I braved that grin for you. Having found the right size ball, our trip back over to our lane was met with one last pitstop and that was to ask for a fresh pie and pitcher to be brought over, the clerk letting me know it would be on the house for the mix up anyway.> Be honest, are you any good? <Chuckling, I take the ball from you to carry as we head back that way. The sight of your brother sitting so close to Rainey causing me to pop my neck and grin over at you.> At the game. Any family secrets I should know about?
{I could sense the anxious energy rolling off of you. And after a few seconds of watching your eyes flick back over to your sister, I recognized that same brotherly protectiveness that Chris sported most of the time. Which honestly, made me like you even to her, but I knew if I were talking to Chris, that wouldn’t have comforted him either. So I stopped myself, instead just following your lead first to the snack bar and then back toward the lane} I used to be decent. {glances over at you with a smile} Our papa was on a league and he used to take us bowling a lot. But I haven’t been for a long time. So I might be a little rusty.
Rusty or not, it's cool that your family use to bring you. Rainey and I went once before when we were kids but it wasn't until we left the system that our love for it really took off.<Too much, too soon? I didn't think so. The way I looked at it if you weren't interested after that then I knew where you stood. Something told me though that wouldn't be the case as I gazed into your eyes.> Does your Dad not bowl anymore? You said was.. <Which led me to believe something happened or he would have been here today. Still holding your gaze, I stopped just a few feet away from the lane. Close enough to hear your brother start to clear his throat and I motioned for you to go on.> He can wait.
{my curiosity was piqued by your statement. But then you were asking me about papa. And I didn’t know which way to go. With a laugh, I decided to tell you just that} First, I want you to know I’m very curious about your past now. {smiles} I hope you’ll share with me whenever you feel comfortable? And papa is still around. He just… {makes a face} I don’t know how to explain it. He’s different. After mama passed, he stopped leaving the house. We go over there a lot to make sure he’s okay. But he doesn’t like to come out, he stopped working on cars with Chris… It’s almost like he died in a way too. {sighs} I’m sorry. That’s super depressing.
No, I'm sorry that happened with him. Sometimes things happen to people and they just don't come back the same. <My eyes flickered briefly over to Rainey as I said it, hearing her laugh at something your brother said and I offered you an apologetic look when I turned back, adding a crooked grin into the mix.> I am glad you told me for what it's worth. As for me, I'm an open book. You can ask me anything.
{laughs with a shake of my head} Oh, Jaiden. You shouldn’t have said that to me. Watch this… {pulls you over to where Chris and Rainey are sitting and taps Chris on the shoulder} Hey, Chris? What would you do if… {laughs hard and looks at you again when he groans instantly} See? I ask TOO many questions. And it annoys some people. {sticks my tongue out at Chris}
Yeah but I'm not some people. I'm Jaiden. <Taking a moment to watch the exchange between you two, I chuckle and shake my head. There was no question you were siblings and as I looked over to Rainey, I kicked my chin up next, our secret signal as if to ask if everything was okay. When she gave me that kind smile of hers in return, I felt the tension leave my shoulders a bit and took a glance up at the scorecard, ready to start our game. As I looked up to see who was going first I see the name LOSER in the spot where mine normally went and my eyes narrowed playfully in my sister's direction.> Cute, Rainey. I'm on your team, remember?
[“What would you do if…” Those words meant Cammy was about to unleash a million hypothetical questions on you. And I couldn’t help but groan the second I heard them. I didn’t even care that she was setting me up to prove something to Jaiden if it meant I didn’t actually have to go down that path. But it was my turn to laugh when I realized Rainey had put his name down as loser] I like the odds already. [shoots Rainey a wink]
(There was no Francesca. At least not from Kentucky and not real either. That meant no girlfriend and no wife. Suddenly, I found myself smiling wider at that little known fact now and started to say something moronic like, "That's really great!" when it hit me out of nowhere. Just because there was no Francesca didn't mean there wasn't the possibility of a Fred for you too. I felt silly then for my assumption at first, thinking I read your body language all wrong and was about to ask if there was a Fred instead when both of our teammates showed up. Our conversation cut short.) There you guys are! (It was then that I moved to sit on my knees and address them both, only to be reminded that it was moments ago that it had been just us planning to play, and not teams with new friends.) It was before I asked them. Give me a break. (My tone was teasing even when you give me that wink and I mouthed a quick "Sorry." to my brother. Our fresh pizza and Pepsi arriving then too.) I'm up first! (Gathering up my ball, I took to our lane after thanking the server for bringing our food, making sure Jaiden tipped before I moved to the middle diamond, marking my spot with the tip of my shoe, seeing my shot right as I take it and I come back after rolling a spare. Not bad! Now, it was game on.)
{rolls my eyes at my brother’s cheesy remark, grabbing a piece of pizza instantly. It was, after all, the thing that had convinced me to come in the first place, and taking a seat on one of the chairs off to the side of the lane as I watch Rainey take her for my overprotective brother}
<I probably sat there and watched the whole thing unfold before me for a good ten minutes. Long enough for your brother to damn near trip over his tongue with the way it rolled out like some damn cartoon with wolf eyes. Only my sister wasn't Jessica Fucking Rabbit. It was payback for the way I had handed the pitcher over and seeing the both of them interact as they were, Rainey all smiles more so than normal, I had to wonder just exactly what your brother's story was, and yours too.> Is it good? The pizza? Best in all the state as far as bowling alley food goes. Not to mention, they serve Pepsi. Speaking of which, do you want? <Chuckling, I got up while you took a bite of pizza to grab us both a cup. The soft nod you gave me as you brought your hand up to cover your mouth was adorable and I poured us some of the tasty beverage, handing you the cup as our siblings became lost in their own conversation, with your brother finally getting up to take his shot when I clear my throat loudly as if to say some time today..> So I'm curious about something. What are you going to tell your boyfriend about me taking you out? <Sitting down beside you now, I ran my arm along the back of your chair, the action causing you to scoot in closer to my side and I take a drink, grinning over at you.>
{Mama always told me to take my time when I’m eating. Especially around boys. It’s not lady like to stuff your face like you haven’t eaten for a week. I never listened to mama. And this pizza was exactly what I wanted. So when you asked me if I wanted some Pepsi, all I could do was nod. Luckily I had managed to swallow and hadn’t taken a sip of my soda yet when you asked that. My eyes automatically darting to my brother because of how he’s covered for me in the past before returning to yours} There is no boyfriend to speak of. {smiles} What about your girlfriend. Will she be mad at me for sitting this close?
No girlfriend. <I chuckled at your comeback. The assumption on both our parts turning up to be false and yeah, I was happy to hear that.> You know I had to ask with you being so beautiful and all. So what is it that you do? You working anywhere or go to school? <Taking another drink, I watched as you did the same, this unspoken conversation we were having with our eyes was just an added bonus when I bring my free hand up to tuck a loose strand of your hair behind your ear.> Your brother have a job? <I didn't see anything wrong with asking that. Doing a bit of recon work myself, I wanted to know what I had to look forward to in the likes of your brother suddenly hanging around too. I wasn't about to let anyone hurt Rainey.> He got a girl?
{takes my time with my next sip, only popping my brows in response first. If you spent any time around me, you would quickly recognize the tells that I was about to tease you} Hmm…were you thinking about asking him out too? {smiles wide at you. I knew what you were doing. And I didn’t blame you. But I had to tease. Had to. Finally letting a laugh out, I answered you} I am a Laker Girl. {smiles proudly} I’ve worked for it all my life. And my ex ALMOST screwed it up for me. But I made it. I also do a lot of acting and singing. I’m a born entertainer. I’m also in school. It’s one of the requirements actually. {nods seriously} As for Chris, he’s a photographer and does web design to pay the bills. So he lives on his computer. {leans to the side, placing my hand beside my mouth as I whisper} And he’s single. So you’re safe to make your move. {nudges you before busting into a fit of laughter}
I don't know though.. What if I'm not his type? <Laughing this time, I had been busted before but not quite like that. You were smart, funny and hot. Did I really meet a Laker girl at the bowling alley? Could I be that lucky? You were definitely beautiful enough, that was a given but as I let my eyes wander down along your body, checking you out, even with you sitting I suddenly had visions of you in your uniform. Those routines at half time coming to mind then too and I quickly snap my gaze back up to yours before looking back at the scorecard, coming face to face with a shooting glare when I see that it was officially my turn.> Looks like I'm up. Hold that thought. I want to know more about this singing career of yours and your channel. <I hadn't forgotten about that part either. Grabbing up my ball, I killed what was left of my drink and set the cup down. Moving to take my position to serve you with a strike first thing. Setting the bar pretty high where my competitive nature was concerned.>
{I watched as a series of emotions seemed to play out across your face, relishing in the fact that you seemed to be just as animated as me without meaning too. Then follows your eyes to the scoreboard, nearly humphing that you had to leave, and watching maybe a little too closely as you took your turn. Jumping up and cheering for you when you roll that strike, causing Chris to remind me that you’re the opposition} What? It’s in my nature to cheer. Kind of. {offers him a shrug and laughs before turning back to you as you return to the sitting area}
<And that's how it went. Every few minutes we would take our turns, keeping up with our separate conversations for the most part outside of the occasional trash talk we seemed to throw one another's way. It was all in good fun even as I moved to help you with your next turn. Not really caring to win one way or the other anymore, the more we chatted, my curiosity piqued.> When are you off? Or maybe I should ask when a good time is to take you out on this date of ours? <grins and grabs up another piece of pizza, offering it to you first.>
{mama’s words were playing out in my head again. “Don’t overeat. That’s not lady like either.” Reaching for the piece, I smiled at you} We practice a couple times a week. And, of course, I dance at all the home games. Other than that it’s kind of up in the air with my other projects. {laughs} But if you give me a date, I’ll make it work. {winks at you as I take a bite of that piece of pizza now}
We will make it work. <I put emphasis on the "we" part and grinned, picking up another slice and digging into it. Thinking over the evening and what you said while I chewed, I waited until I finished my slice to ask my next question.> You think it would be okay if I came and checked out a home game? See you in action. <Grinning wider at the thought, I shrugged a shoulder as I got up to take my last turn, Rainey calling my attention to the scores. Yeah you didn't have the final say on who could attend but we both knew I would be going to see Then maybe I could escort you home. Unless you have other arrangements made? <Glancing your brother's way when I said that last part, I was waiting for my ball to come back to me on the return.> Does that sound like a plan?
{sits up straighter in my chair, the excitement clear on my face at your question as those butterflies filled my stomach. The idea of you watching me while I was out there would make my night. And I was ready to say yes before you jumped up and went to take your turn. You probably knew my answer anyway as I bobble headed along while you talked} I can get you really good seats too! One of the perks. {my smile dropping slightly} Sometimes I don’t get out of there until a little later though. Will that mess with your work? {tilts my head curiously} What do you do anyway?
I take a couple of courses then I drive the delivery van for Rainey. Wherever she has a catering gig, I normally will hang out but the last one didn't go so well. <It wasn't really my story to tell, it was Rainey's and while I was okay with sharing anything and everything about myself, there were some things still private for her. Offering a small grin, I nodded impressed, the excitement clear as day on your face and I have a seat next to you to start changing back into my shoes so we can turn our bowling ones in.> I think congratulations are in order. You guys won. <I wasn't even sore about it. Granted, I wasn't sure how well I liked your brother getting all cozy with Rainey but I didn't have much room to talk, did I?> She's going to have her own commercial kitchen one day. That's her dream.
{I could feel the weight of Chris’ stare as we made our plans. But I ignored him. He was NOT going to have any say in this. I did shoot him a smirk though when you came and sat back down next to me so he couldn’t fully eavesdrop on what it was you did} I’m smile} And that you help support her dream. Maybe I could put a good word in with the team next time we need an event catered.
You would do that for her? <My brows popped at the gesture, my grin widening further when you nod once again and I couldn't help but chuckle. The offer to put in a good word could do wonders for Rainey's business, really getting it off the ground more. The Lakers were nothing to snub your nose at either and the more I thought about it the more I realized just how life changing that could be for her. For us.> Only if you're sure but you know don't have to. I'm still taking you out regardless. <Winking, I gathered up my bowling shoes when you do, walking with you up to the front slowly on purpose to drag the night out, I didn't want it to end even though I knew it had to. It wasn't until we were all outside though, our siblings walking ahead that I slowed even more, turning to face you.> I'm going to call you tomorrow.
{If you were walking slowly on purpose I couldn’t tell. But I sure was. Thank goodness I let Chris talk me into coming tonight. This was way better than the promised pizza. My last thought causing me to let out a soft laugh at myself that probably confused you} Please do. {steps a little closer, leveling my gaze with yours} And like actually call tomorrow, yeah? None of that macho guy stuff where they make you wait a day to not seem too eager. Trust me, I’ve dated those guys and I’m not interested in more of that.
<Keeping my gaze locked with yours, I let you finish, thinking there was no possible way I was waiting two days to call. Not after the night we had and as I reached out to stroke your reddened cheek, seeing that smile, I shook my head and leaned in, whispering against your ear when we reached your car, your brother having walked Rainey to ours across the parking lot.> You’ll be lucky if I’m not texting you before then. I’m not like other guys, Cammy. <Leaning up against your car with you now, I can’t help but grin then too, seeing that blush deepen across your face..> You’ll see first hand that I’m not. That’s a promise.
{I know I had just met you. But I already trusted you. I’m sure Chris wouldn’t be happy to hear that. But it was the truth. And I found myself chanting in my head, please don’t be too good to be true. Please don’t be too good to be true} I believe you. {playfully glares at you, the effect being lost as my blush betrays me} Don’t make me regret it. {That crooked grin had those butterflies kicking up again as I let out a shy laugh} And you can text me any time you want. I might even assign you your own special tone.
No regrets. Not even a single letter. <Laughing, I cracked that joke, hoping like hell you've seen that movie when I stopped short, brows furrowing at first before I gave you that crooked grin again. That shy laugh I was sure was going to be my downfall but I was finding I didn't mind the more we spoke. I thoroughly enjoyed the night out bowling with you and went as far to tell you so before opening your car door and waiting for you to step inside. At that last minute however, I took hold of your hand and brought it to my lips, kissing across each knuckle as words left my lips, that grin still firmly in place.> I really had a great time. Text when you get home? <Even that was a date in itself if we thought about, a date I was looking forward to once I were settled for the night.>
{With that kiss to my hand, I was a goner. However this turned out, good or bad, I was in for the ride. Giving your hand a light squeeze as I finally settled into the seat, I smiled up at you} I will. I’ll pick out your special tone on the ride home. {offers you an exaggerated wink and a laugh}
I’m thinking beginner’s luck maybe? (How is it this easy to joke with you? I had been asking myself that all night and almost let the words slip out once or twice when the ice breaker effectively did its job. We had found ourselves in a rather comfortable position. Some mild jabs when it came to our turns during the game but the night had actually turned pleasant which I was grateful for with the addition of yourself and your sister to our little bowling league mix we had going on.) So no Francesca, huh. How is that possible? (A very bold or forward question coming from me. It was so unlike me to even... Oh. Realization hit like a ton of bricks then. Was it considered flirting? If it was, it was so apparent that I was bad at it and BOOM, hi there anxiety.) I'm glad I... mmmet you tonight. (Oh yeah. Yep. Still horrible at it. In fact, my nerves got the best of me and I had to pause so not to stumble over my words. And only when we reached my van, did I take a chance glance your sister’s way with Jaiden, making sure they were okay before I continued on around to the passenger side of my van with you, feeling completely safe in your presence while out of sight of Jaiden’s. Which was another first for me too.)
[I didn’t know where the hell you came from. But I was thanking all the stars and gods that I had the idea to bring Cammy here today. Had I not, I wouldn’t have met you. Which is funny because before tonight, I was completely closed off to the idea of a relationship again after the dumpster fire that was my last. A few minutes with you and I was rethinking the whole thing. You were a total package from what I could tell. Funny, beautiful, a good sport. Hell, you even caused me to lay off of Cammy for the time being while she was clearly getting close to your brother. I couldn’t help the goofy grin that graced my face when you stumbled over your words for a second. Damn if that didn’t just make me like you even more} Honestly? {stops so that I’m standing directly in front of you as you lean back against that van door} I almost had a Francesca. And that was a mess. {rubs the back of my neck before giving a shrug} Kind of turned me off to relationships for a while. {smirks, the fact that I was being so quick to say certain things the exact way I always tell Cammy not to not lost on me as I reach to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear} I’m feeling a little more open to them again now though…
Now? As in right now... (I had zoned in on those eyes of yours first but then that goofy grin was next which only made me smile wider, effectively leaving my gaze to linger on your mouth. You were right there.. That strand of hair you tucked behind my ear fueled my desire to reach out but I stayed right there pressed up against the van. Reminding myself that this wasn't some steamy romance novel. At least not yet.) That's good.. I mean wait no, it's not good. I didn't mean it was good that Francesca hurt you. I would never. (Cue my blush again then, silly me making this more awkward for us both and oh hi anxiety thanks for rearing your ugly head again. Sighing softly, almost embarrassingly so, I give you a kind smile, trying to rein it all in when it felt like you stepped closer. And suddenly it felt really hot..)
[Somehow you managed to get more desirable with every minute. And when you made that slip saying you wouldn’t? I grinned probably the most embarrassingly dumb grin I’ve ever grinned in my life. Figuring I might as well go for broke, I stepped a little closer, carefully assessing your face and body language for any resistance as I brought my hand up one more time, this time cupping your cheek as I shook my head} I wouldn’t either. {lets the words hang between us for a few seconds, carefully gauging your reaction for a couple more seconds before whispering] Please don’t slap me. [With that, I took the plunge, leaning in and placing a light kiss to your lips]
Make it a good one. <That crooked grin wasn't leaving my lips anytime soon. Not when I kept seeing that excited smile grace yours and I reluctantly let your hand slip from my fingers when you finally had a seat in your car. Shutting your door for you, I waited until you rolled your window, giving you a wink first before I dipped my head inside and brushed my lips against your cheek.> Be safe, beautiful. <Righting myself and the world for that matter, I started walking backwards towards the direction of our van, keeping you in my sights for as long I groaned and waited for my sister to get inside. Knowing the drive home was going to met with an awkward as hell conversation.>
(Oh my God.. He was going to do it. One second, I was convincing myself I was never hearing from you again and the next, I was throwing all caution to the wind when your words grand slammed into my brain, finally registering. "Please don't slap me." I melted into a puddle right then and there, legs wobbling, the whole shebang! For that split second in time, I was the heroine of all my books. All those worlds I got lost in and even if it was the smallest of kisses, it meant everything in that moment. Only it wasn't a book I was reading, it was my life. It was ME you were kissing. Very lightly, I returned that kiss, lips slow dancing against yours and I brought my hand up to coax you closer by that soft grasp of your jaw. Completely lost in you until I heard the van door slam and I was catapulted back to my very real reality.) Call me.. (It was a simple request and when you nodded against my lips, ignoring my brother completely, I gave you one last kiss to remember me by.) Night.. (I tried opening my door from behind me, fumbling for the door handle before I finally got it open and I turned to hop inside, coming face to face with my own brother. Mouthing "Not a word!" as he started the van and put it in gear, his groan of disapproval, was laughable and I did just that quietly as we made our way home.) #Kismet #WFW #ForKeeps
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thegreatfanblog · 4 years
Okay so I have a fic request that's a little more personal but I think has the potential to maybe be cute! I'm a woman with short hair (pixie short. have had it like this for over 8 years) and I love it and I'm a pretty confident person. But I have these little self conscious moments thinking about how guys might not be into me because of my short hair. Maybe a fic where a fem reader has short hair for whatever reason and is having a moment of insecurity/self doubt and orlo reassures them? :,)
hi!!!! sorry for the late response! i really hope you enjoy it.
“Stupid fucking girl,” the Lady said as she dragged you through the hall, drawing the wary gaze of your fellow serfs. You panicked.
“Please, please, my lady, what did I do wrong?”
You honestly did not know. Last your mind was coherent, you were collecting silverware from the cupboards for dinner as you had been ordered. Her grasp tightened and you gasped out in pain.
“Don’t know?” she laughed, a shrill noise escaping her throat as she pulled you along. “We’ll see about that.”
She yanked you further down the hall, bursting into the living room the Emperor and his court were currently inhabiting. You fell hard as she shoved you to the floor, incidentally right at the Emperor’s feet. Scrambling to kneel, you snapped your eyes to the ground, and waited.
“The fuck is happening?” he questioned sharply at the Lady. She pointed petulantly at yourself. You strained to watch her movements out of the corner of your eye.
“I just caught this skank stealing silverware from the kitchen!”
She crossed her arms cockily, her mind returning to showing off her prey to the Emperor.
“What the fuck does that have to do with me? Hm? Get the fuck out.”
The Lady’s face was crestfallen, her heels stuttered backwards as if she had been shoved. She bowed, and did as told, tail between her legs. The Emperor sighed. He turned to you.
“Give me whatever stupid fucking silverware you stole.”
You reached your hand into your apron pocket, it returned empty.
“Apologies, your excellency,” you swallowed, “however I seemed to have dropped them when the Lady surprised me.”
He nodded.
“Someone bring me a pair of scissors,” ordered the Emperor. You heart stopped dead in your chest. He was going to murder you, in front of all of these nobles, for something you hadn’t even done. He leaned down to speak lowly to you. You pushed back the urge to flinch away.
“You probably didn’t do anything, but you’re just a serf, so,” he cheerily explained, zero pity to be found. “I don’t really care if you did it or not.”
Your breath grew shaky at his words and you started hyperventilating as the scissors were passed to him. You froze.
He raised them out of your view, as your eyes were still firmly pointed towards the ground. You barely felt the brush against your hair until the sharp snip of the scissors drew your attention.
Your hair.
The Emperor clipped away, giggling gleefully alongside the rest of the room. You were in shock. You sat motionless atop your folded feet beneath you. Fat tears slipped down your cheeks.
Your skin itched at all the loose hair chopped from your head, falling downwards and gathering all over your skin and clothes. He stopped.
“Stand up.”
You hesitated.
“Stand. UP.”
And you scrambled to find purchase upon your feet. You stumbled and almost fell again, causing the room to break out in laughter. As you finally stood tall and steady, the Emperor circled you.
“Good enough,” he stated plainly. “Now get the fuck out.”
You bowed and then bolted from the room, the giggles and guffaws nipping at your skirts as you did so.
In the hallway you were alone save a few guards at the door that eyed you pitifully. Hastily, you moved further away from their gazes that burned in a different way from the Lords’ and Ladies’. You slowed slightly, finally coming to a dead stop a moment before you were to enter the sight of a large mirror hanging on the wall of the palace. Did you want to know? Yes, you found the answer quickly and stepped into view.
Oh. Were the Emperor not the Emperor, he would have made an excellent barber, you thought. You hair was chopped fairly short from the sides, with the top of it only slightly longer than it. It was a very good boys cut. It was... okay you supposed, save for the fact you were not a boy and he had taken something integral to your personhood from you. The tears welling up in your eyes were barely noticed as you gazed at the mirror silently. You supposed they began to fall because-
“Pl-please don’t cry.”
Your head snapped to the left where the voice originated. Fuck: it was Count Orlo. You hastily wiped at the tears you were surprised to find, and he took a step forward. An awkward silence followed.
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head to convey your thoughts, as if you had outwardly consoled him, saying “It wasn’t your fault.” The Count wrung his hands together, biting his lips in worry.
“You look -I mean- you look rather nice?” The end of the sentence trailed off in a question, and you found more tears slipping out in response as you silently stared at his feet.
“No! No! I meant it!” Count Orlo quickly said, waving his hands. “It really suits you and I think you look rather p-pretty.”
You glanced up, incredulously, taking in his appearance to gage whether he was lying to you or not. His cheeks were tinged pink, and his hands clenched at his sides. You came to the conclusion that the Count was being honest. You again wiped at your tears.
“Th-thank you sir,” you feebly responded, staring at him with wide teary eyes. He jumped slightly when you spoke, but he found himself staring back. The Count again stepped forward, as if drawn towards you. He lifted a hand to your shoulder, where he brushed some of the excess hair off absentmindedly. The Count stared at his hand instead of your eyes. You stared at him as he began to speak.
“It... could be diff-“
A loud crash from the other side of the palace caused the both of you to jump away, breathing heavily. The Count’s head shot in the direction behind him, where both of you had assumedly came from. You nervously fixed your skirt.
Still looking at the hallway, he began again.
“It could be different, if you wanted.”
Another crash sounded and he started backing that way, glancing back at you. He picked up speed slightly.
“Find me after dinner tomorrow!”
And he was off, hurrying down the hallway, no doubt to fix whatever had been broken. In a way.
You played with your short hair distractedly.
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fruit-cupz · 5 years
Could i get somd cute gavin x mc where shes taking care of him when hes sick (i feel like gavin is the type of person to say I'm not sick as they cough up a lung)
LOL honestly I feel like he is too. I wrote this while I was in the car omf But I did my best :’) As always, thanks for the request! 
Gavin x MC Sick Days
Word Count: 1,430
Rating: Floof- and I love a shirtless Gavin
The evening sun beated down heavily as Yuna leisurely walked to Gavin’s apartment. The pair had made plans to attend a concert for a famous pianist whom she had been gushing over the past week. As a previous piano player herself, Yuna grew up deeply admiring the woman always striving to play with as much musicality and passion as the protege did.
Despite her excitement however, she couldn’t help but feel something was off. Gavin hadn’t been responding to her texts the entire day with the exception of one curt good morning message. It was very unlike him.
Finally reaching his place, Yuna lightly knocked and stood waiting for a response. She fidgeted with the strap of her bag when there was no reply and began to wonder if he had forgotten their plans. Feeling slightly impatient, she knocked again, this time more harshly than the first. “Gavin, it’s me Yuna.”
The sound of a muffled groan elicited from within the apartment, and heavy footsteps grew louder as they approached the door.
Yuna gasped when the door swung open to reveal a haggard looking Gavin, cheeks flushed with a sheen of sweat over his forehead. His breaths came out uneven while he leaned against the door frame in an effort to stay upright.
“Gavin!” Rushing forward, Yuna quickly wrapped an arm around his waist to support him the other coming up to rest against his shoulder. Shutting the door behind them with her foot, she struggled to lead him back to his room. His body felt entirely too warm, and she grimaced feeling how he was practically drenched in sweat.
When they reached his bed, Gavin ungraciously fell forward with another groan. Yuna frantically rushed into his kitchen, filled a bowl with water and ice, then grabbed a clean kitchen towel before reentering his room.
Sitting beside him on his bed, she dunked the towel into the bowl and rung out the excess water. Her brows knitted together in worry as she dabbed his forehead softly with the cloth. He sighed at the comfort the coolness brought. Seeing Gavin like this when he was normally so composed left Yuna feeling unsettled.
“Yuna.” He panted. “Is it already time for the concert? I’m ready to go.”
She smiled sheepishly and brushed aside his bangs touched that he still wanted to attend despite his condition. “Gavin, you’re sick. We can’t go anymore.”
His eyes shot open, and Yuna was startled when he pushed himself up. “What do you mean I’m sick? It’s really just a slight headache.” Following his valiant proclamation, a wave of dizziness rushed over him, and he crouched over, head cradled in his hands.
“Gavin, you have a fever! Just take it easy.” Yuna gently guided him back down on the bed and picked the towel up once more.
“But the concert…” He trailed off.
“Please, just let me take care of you.” She pleaded while taking hold of his hand.
His bleary eyes stared at her, stubborn and defiant, but he said nothing after that.
She smiled triumphantly.
“Did you take medicine and eat?” She asked while running the wet cloth along his arms.
He closed his eyes enjoying the feeling. “Yeah, probably an hour before you arrived.”
Yuna breathed out a relieved sigh and made a mental note to make soup for him later. Knowing Gavin though, he probably didn’t have the necessary ingredients to make it; let alone anything other than take out and milk in his fridge.
She silently continued her ministrations before eyeing his sweaty v-neck.
“You should change your shirt. You’ll feel more comfortable.” Yuna suggested.
He felt the bed shift and opened his eyes to see her rummaging around the top drawer of his dresser.
“Middle drawer on the right.”
She mumbled a thank you and picked out the first shirt she came in contact with before returning to his side. Removing the rag from his forehead, she helped him sit up. He grunted adjusting to the change of position.
He feebly clutched at the hem of his shirt and sluggishly tugged it upwards. Yuna felt her cheeks catch on fire as she caught herself staring at his exposed skin. His muscles flexed while he struggled to pull off his form fitting v-neck.
Noticing this, Yuna weakly aided him in removing his already partially removed shirt. Her heart thumped loudly, and she feared that maybe he could hear it.
“I imagined you doing this but in a completely different situation.” Gavin murmured feeling slightly bold under the spell of his fever.
Yuna awkwardly tugged his shirt over his head unsure of how to respond to his daring statement. Silence once again settled between them.  
Sitting now completely bare chested, Gavin sighed at the coolness of the air around him and leaned his head backwards on the headboard of his bed. Yuna stood and deposited his shirt into his laundry basket then picked up the kitchen towel to submerge it in the ice water.
Clearing her throat, she nervously twisted the rag in her hands. “Um, can you sit up again? I’m just going to wipe down your back and chest really quick.”
Gavin said nothing as he followed her request. He observed her with half lidded eyes. She furrowed her brows in determination desperately trying to remain focused at the task at hand rather than the hard planes of his back, the broadness of his shoulders, and the definition of his muscles…
She pursed her lips and shook her head. She felt guilty for having those types of thoughts while he was this sick, feeling as though she had taken advantage of him in some way. Gavin chuckled, easily recognizing the confliction in her eyes.
“Don’t laugh, I’m trying my best not to be embarrassed!” Yuna chided feeling flustered that she was the only one affected by the contact. She slightly pulled away from him, but he grabbed the wrist of her free hand and placed it over his chest.
She gasped at the sudden contact. “G-Gavin?”
Yuna attempted to pull away, but he held her in place and flattened her palm against his bare chest. Her eyes widened when she felt the frantic beating of his heart.
“You’re not the only one.”
She wasn’t sure if the flush on his cheeks was completely due to his fever. They sat silently staring at one another, neither daring to make a move.
Before she could reply, Gavin’s brows scrunched in pain, and he lifted a hand to press against his head. Yuna blinked out of her daze and quickly pulled away, her cheeks stained with what she thought was a permanent blush.
“I’m going to get you some water. Hold on.” She retreated to his kitchen for a brief moment grateful for a bit a space between them.
When she returned, she found that he was tugging his clean shirt over his head. She felt slightly ashamed that a small part of her was admittedly disappointed.
Walking over, she held the water out to him which he took with a grateful thank you and drank greedily, finishing the entire cup. Taking the glass from him, Gavin lowered himself back onto the bed.
“You should sleep, I’m sure you’re really tired.” Yuna sat beside Gavin and ran her fingers through his hair. She was relieved to see how he seemed slightly more comfortable.
After a moment, he turned to look at her with a serious expression. “Yuna, I’m really sorry we had to miss the concert. I know how much you wanted to go.”
Caught off guard by his apology, her eyes softened as she gazed at him. She took hold of his hand and told him honestly, “Your health means way more to me than some concert, and anyways, I’m glad that I was able to be here for you. You’re always the one helping me, so this is the least I could do.”
Gavin’s lips tugged up into a tired grin. Drowsiness seemed to be winning the battle against him, his eyes fluttering shut with relief. “I’m really thankful… I don’t remember the last time someone took care of me while I was sick.” His voice grew softer, and his breathing evened out signaling that he had fallen asleep.
Yuna’s heart clenched at his confession. Her chest ached at the thought of how lonely he must have been this entire time living alone. She leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to his temple.
“Gavin, I love you.” Yuna whispered.
She silently promised that she would be there for him in the future too.
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S.T. REWRITE - S2:E2; Chapter Two, Trick or Treat, Freak - [Pt. 3 - FINAL PART]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
After Will sees something terrible on trick-or-treat night, Mike wonders whether Eleven’s still out there. Tensions grow between Y/n and Mike as does their concern for Will.
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||Reader's POV||
There was a slight hiccup in plans, so I was unable to go over to wills house before hand for trick-or-treating, but thankfully everything was back on track. I ended meeting at mikes house with Dustin and by the looks of it, we had gotten there just in time. Jonathan pulled up and we all waited anxiously for them. The boys started hitting each other with their empty pillow cases and I laughed. Movement up ahead caught my eye and i smiled when I saw will heading our way
"Hey, Egon!"
We all caught up quickly before, planning our route.
"So, Jonathan's not coming?" I asked, knowing that was originally the plan.
Will smiled and told us Jonathan was cool enough to let us go alone, as long as he was back by 9. I smiled at him and linked our arms, as I goofily marched on down the street.
"Tonight we feast, fellas!"
We'd been out for about an hour now, and will had turned on the video camera he brought.
We all waited patiently at the front door, Dustin and Lucas fought over who got to ring the bell. Soon enough a nice lady answered the door.
"Trick or treat!"
"Oh!" She beamed, reaching for the candy bowl. "Well, aren't you cute? The little exterminators." We all tried to hide our disappointment and the unexpected statement, when the lady turned to me.
"And who are you, young lady?" I forced a weak and awkward smile, and I felt the camera pan over to me, I could see Will snickering at the comment.
"Uh," I looked around, and finally shrugged. "It doesn't matter, thank you!" I trailed off, taking the candy. 
The door had closed behind us and the boys did not miss the opportunity to laugh. "Well, at least I'm not an exterminator!" I retort with a laugh.
Lucas began rummaging through his pillow case and sighed. "If I get another 3 Musketeers, I'm gonna kill myself."
"What's wrong with 3 Musketeers?" Dustin asked.
"'What's wrong with 3 Musketeers'?"
"No one likes 3 Musketeers." Mike argued.
"Yeah, it's just nougat?." Will said.
"Uh oh, here we go." I thought.
Dustin was quick to the defense. "Whoa, 'just nougat'? Just nougat? It is top three for me."
"Top three?"
"Top three!"
"Oh God, Give me a break." Mike whined.
"Seriously, I can just eat a whole bowl of nougat. Straight up."
"That's cause you're weird, Dustin." I laughed, as he stuck his tongue out at me.
I had fallen into the head of the group and just as I turned around I was surprised to say the least when I saw a Michael Myers Mask inches from my face, the figure was in all black and swinging a machete.
In my fight or flight response, I screamed, and threw my arms out and pushed the figure away as backed up.
The figure had been laughing, by winced and it's hands flew to to it's arm, holding it and wincing. "Ow, what the hell?"
The voice sounded familiar and with it's free hand, pulled the mask back and we all relaxed when we saw it was Max.
She shook her arm out and frowned, seeming confused, but she looked back at us and laughed.
"Holy shit! You should have seen the look on your faces. Also, your hands are, are like burning up, you might have a fever or something, cause like, what the hell was that. And you?" She pointed at Lucas. "Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl." 
She laughed and continued walking. I looked down at my hands and saw that they were still pretty red. I frowned as I looked at my hands, and rolled up my hands and touched m arm, wincing at how hot it was.
Lately, I've been noticing that it's been getting... worse. More frequent, to be specific. It's getting harder to control, like when I'm caught off guard like this, it's like a reflex and I can't control it. I don't know what's wrong with me, or how this is possible, or even how in the hell I got these abilities, but i can't help but feel more.... isolated. I-
I looked, up, realizing everyone was heading for the next house, except for Will. He lowered the camera a little.
"Are you okay?" 
I smiled weakly and shook my head. "Yeah, I'm fine." I wanted to tell him my concerns, but the tape was going so I opted not to. "Let's go, we better catch up."
I straightened my head and kept on walking.
Some time had passed, and we had stopped by a few houses at Loch Nora. And Max was right, there were a ton of full sized candy bars.
"Another full-size. Like, seriously, rich people are such suckers." Dustin laughed, but then he grew quiet. "Wait, you're not rich, right?"
"No, I live up Old Cherry Road."
"No, it's fine. I mean, the street's good for skating."
"Mmm, yeah. Totally tubular." Max raised her eyebrows and laughed at Dustin's comment.
"What? Did I say that right? Or is it, like, tubular."
Lucas and Dustin started doing their impression of a surfer, which made Max and I laugh. "Stop, my ears are actually hurting."
I had started to fall behind so I could walk with Mike and Will.
"You okay, Mike? You've been quiet."
He looked between Will and I, Will was now aiming the camera at us.
"Did you agree to this?" 
"What?" Will asked.
"What do you mean?"
Will lowered the camera. 
Mike glared at Max. "To her joining our party."
"It's just for Halloween." Will offered.
"You should have checked with me." He snapped.
I frowned. "Mike, what is your problem?" I asked, annoyed by his sudden behavior.
"She is! She's my problem. She's ruining the best night of the year." With that he stormed off.
"Mike," I called after him, quickly walking to catch up with him. "Mike, we should at last talk about this, Mike-!"
I heard a clatter from where we came from and my instinctively whipped around. I noticed Will wasn't with us.
"Will?" I called out, my heart starting to pound.
I ran back around the corner, and I could hear Mike following me.
I wanted to kick myself for not getting there in time, a bunch of a-hole teenagers were harassing him. Will was laying on his back, looking taken aback and his camera was on the ground with him. But all I could focus on were those bullies who were laughing and pointing at him as they walked away.
I ran after them. "Hey, piss off! You leave him alone, you hear me? Mind your own fucking business, a-holes!"
They just laughed and sneered as they kept on walking. I took a sharp and deep breath, and turned around. I heard Will calling my name, he was frightened.
"Will, are you okay-?"
"[Y/N]! Mike!"
I felt my stomach drop when I saw him. He was pale as a ghost and staring up at the sky. Before I could say or do anything, he turned ran behind some houses.
"Will!" I ran after him and I could hear Mike behind me. 
"What's going on?"
"He must be having another episode. Some assholes cornered him and now he's having an attack. Come on!"
I heard other footsteps join us and I assumed the others overheard and ran after us.
I saw Will stop suddenly and dive behind a ledge. "Will!"
I came around to halt, and saw more frightened than I'd seen him in a while. He was clutching his legs as they were tucked far into his chest, he rocked back and forth, his eyes closed and his breathing heavy."
My heart ached to see him like this. As quickly as my body could register, I reached out to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He jumped when he saw me.
"Will, it's me. It's okay, it's over. It's just me. What happened."
His eyes ere wide and frantic, he was looking around, still in shock.
"Will, I need you to breathe, okay?" He was shaking pretty heavily but he looked at me and nodded, taking deep breathes.
"Holy shit!"
"Is he okay?'
The others had caught up to us. 
"I-I don't know."
Mike knelled down and I moved over so they could talk.
"Will are you hurt? Are you okay?"
"I'm gonna get you home, okay? I'm gonna get you home. Hold on."
I stood up and offered my hand, Mike did the same. Will grabbed our hands and shakily stood up, he still hadn't said a word.
I grabbed an arm and started soothing him. That was when Mike snapped at me. "I got him."
I just stood there in shocked silence.
Even Dustin seemed put off by his behavior. "Mike?"
"Keep trick-or-treating. I'm bored anyways." He had a weird venom in his voice, and my blood began to boil.
We all stared after them. I was very angry at Mike, but more than anything I as worried about Will, and I just wanted to make sure he was okay.
"What's wrong with him?"
I felt anger and sadness blending together and I stormed off. I wanted to run after Mike and give him a piece of my mind, but I knew that's not what Will needs right now. I stopped short when I saw Will's camera and candy bag. I sighed, all the anger leaving my body and all that was left was worry.
I walked over and knelled down, pickup the camera and checking it. Thankfully, it seemed to still be in good shape, nothing other than some scratches and a dent in the plastic but other than that it seemed fine. I sighed, and turned off the camera, having realized it was still on. I closed it up and knelled back down, picking up his pillow case full of candy. 
My mind was racing, and but it never seemed to leave Will. 
||3rd Person POV||
"It's like... It's like I'm stuck."
Mike and Will had made it back to Mike's house. Will was currently waiting for Jonathan to show up, and the two were hiding out in the basement. Just before they had gotten to the house, [Y/N] had caught up to them, returning Will's camera and candy. She checked in with Will and quietly slipped away, something the boys couldn't help but feel a little bad for, Mike specifically.
Will had calmed down enough and he trembled ever so slightly as he recalled the encounter.
"Like, like, stuck in the Upside Down?" Mike asked gently.
"No." Will sighed, trying to find the right words. "You know how on a View-Master, when it get's like..." Will struggled with the words and gesturing.
"Caught between two slides?"
"Yeah. Like that. Like, one side's our world, and the other... the other slide is the Upside Down."
Mike was quiet s tried to understand all that was being said, all the while Will continued. "And there was this noise coming from everywhere."
Mike noticed the look in Will's eye, it was distant like he wasn't there. "And then I saw something."
"The demogorgon?"
"No. It was like this huge shadow in the sky. Only, it was alive. and it was coming for me."
"Is this all real?" Mike asked gently. "Or is it like the doctors say, all in your head?"
"I don't know. Just..." Will looked to Mike desperately. "Just please don't tell the others, okay? Especially [Y/N]. I don't want her to worry, and... and I know she's got a lot of stuff to worry abut already. And the others, they... They won't understand."
Mike looked to his lap and nodded. "Eleven would."
Will recalled all the stories they would tell him about Eleven. This made Will perk up. "She would?"
"Yeah. She always did."
The boys grew silent and Mike smiled sadly. "Sometimes I feel like, I can still see her. Like she's still around, but she never is." he shook his head, sniffling ever so slightly. "I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy."
"Me, too."
Mike looked to his best friend and smiled weakly. "Hey, well, if we're both going crazy, then we'll go crazy together, right?"
Will chuckled lightly, and smiled at Mike. "Yeah. Crazy together."
"[Y/N], are you sure you're okay, you seem kinda not fine" Dustin called after his sister as she walked sadly into the house.
Her only reply was the front door slamming shut. Dustin sighed and was about to go after her when he heard a noise coming from behind him. He froze in place, and ever so slowly turned around. He stared at the metal trashcan as he heard the strange noise again. It was strange, high pitched growl.
"Mews," he called softly, not believing for a second i twas his mother's cat. "is that--"
The trash can moved suddenly with a loud echoing thud and Dustin gasped, dropping his bag of candy on the pavement. His heart was racing and he kept telling himself that there had to be reasonable explanation but for the life of him he could not think of one. Dustin slowly reached behind his back and pulled out his "proton blaster" and aimed it at the trash.
He slowly and cautiously stalked forward.
The high pitched growl echoed off in a metallic manner once more and the trash can shook.
He crept further. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit."
It chirped and growled. 
He stepped closer.
It growled again.
This is it, He thought, Now or never.
Dustin summoned every scrap of courage he could muster and let out his best battle cry as he ripped the lid off the trash can, and aiming his blaster at the bottom of the can.
He froze suddenly, staring at the strange sight before him.
"Holy sh-"
Tag List: @dickkwad @aimee-lucass @iblesstherainsdown-in-africa @miscellaneoustoasts @acexattorney
DM me if you want to be added!
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onewaigu · 4 years
Memory (pt.2)
Genre : short story
Theme : angst
Pairing : Kanghyun(Onewe) X Reader
Description : time had stopped once you caught his eyes. this was the very first time you guys met in a very long time. were you friends? who knows. you did ruin a perfectly normal friendship with him. Question was, why were your eyes filled with regret when you saw Kang Hyungu in front of you?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Smiling with a drink in hand, I can talk about it now.
“That'll be-”, you choked on your own words.
You couldn't believe it. Out of all the people in the world, your first ever customer had to be him. Kang Hyungu. Maybe it wasn't him, maybe your eyes were just playing tricks on you. You tried to convince yourself.
“..free-of-charge?”, he cocked his eyebrow questioningly. He was probably amused at your sudden daze.
You snapped out of it.
“2000 Won please”, you avoided his gaze looking at only the money in his outstretched hand.
Once he took the change you gave him, you let out a deep sigh of relief. An air of awkwardness was clouding your consciousness that you weren't even aware you were holding your breath for quite some time.
Finally, he was about to leave.
Except he didn't though. Instead, he paused right in front of the store's entrance with his hand clutching the door's handle, head bowed.
From your peripheral vision, you stared at him quizzically. Slowly in that short period of time, questions started to flood your head only to be interrupted.
“Did you really think I wouldn't recognise you, Y/N?”
He chuckled but it was different than before. Your heart clenched upon hearing the once familiar sound, now coated with an essence of melancholy.
Time seemed to miraculously slow down. The silence in between was almost deafening. Your heart was pounding against your chest. No.
“And here I thought I'd gotten the wrong person but no, it is you isn't it?”, he humoured sarcastically. Ah, that hurt.
Before you could muster up the courage to reply him, you found his fingers curled around your wrist before gently yet firmly dragging you around the counter and out of the store.
You couldn't care less about leaving the store unsupervised. Besides, there weren't many people around.
The sound of the banana milk bottles hitting the table outside brought you out of your thoughts. “You never changed, huh?”, he asked, a faint glimmer of jest in his eyes.
“Still the same Y/N who loves daydreaming”
Now both of you were facing each other, sitting at the table outside the store. The LED lights behind you were illuminating softly onto Hyungu's face. It made him look like an angel almost. Anyone who saw him at this moment would have described him with one word — ethereal. Your eyes unconsciously wandered around his features. Blond suited him well.
“There you go, again”
“So do you”
You repeated yourself, “I mean, you changed too”. Specks of red dusted your cheeks.
“We have something in common then”, you caught him lifting the corners of his mouth slightly.
I wanna go back, back, back, back, back.
Fitting. Cause you wanted to go back to how it was before with the banana-haired boy in front of you.
“Hm, nice song”, Hyungu hummed.
“..yeah”, your voice trailed.
“It makes me wanna ask, do you ever wanna go back?”, he asked knowing you knew what he meant by 'going back'.
There it was. The kind smile that you always saw whenever you were with him. With your friend, Hyungu.
He nodded understandingly at your silence, he knew. Of course he would.
“If only he hadn't existed in our lives, huh?”
Both of you knew who he meant. Kim Youngjo.
Seemingly perfect to anyone who knew of him, he was a year above you in school. Raven-coloured hair, alluring dark orbs, pearl-white teeth. Juniors idolised him while seniors wanted to be friends with him.
Everything happened when he crossed paths with you.
It was lunchtime but you and Hyungu decided to skip it for the school library instead.
Miss Lee, the school's librarian, had told the both of you that the library was going to be restocked with newly-released manhwas. You guys were manhwa addicts so it wasn't surprising that you wanted to be the first two to grab ahold of them.
A few manhwas in, your eyes were starting to droop involuntaringly. Glancing to your right, you saw Hyungu's black fluff of hair touching the pages of a manhwa he was reading. Idiot fell asleep.
You tried to tug the manhwa from under him so he wouldn't drool all over it but you accidentally tugged too hard Hyungu's head hit the table with a low thud.
Someone stiffled a laugh.
Your head shot up to see Kim Youngjo-sunbaenim standing near a bookshelf not to far from a still-sleeping Hyungu, trying hard to hide his laughter.
You smiled gingerly in his direction.
That was the very first interaction.
Spicy food should be dubbed as the devil's food in your honest opinion. It tempted and it tortured people. Too bad, your love for it had blinded any signs of rationality in you. You kept eating it then regretting after.
One day, you had bought spicy tteokbokki for lunch. Normally whenever you were having a spicy food crisis, Hyungu would immediately get you some fruits to cool down the spice.
However, he was on sick leave that day so you were forced to suffer silently in your seat. The spiciness was too much you couldn't even stand up.
Luckily for you, a bottle of banana milk appeared in front of your eyes. You didn't even care who gave it to you, you immediately downed the whole bottle.
Later you found out that it was Youngjo-sunbaenim who had given you the banana milk. Blush creeped up your cheeks out of embarrassment. How kind of him.
After that, both you and Youngjo-oppa kept crossing paths with each other. Every time you did, he'd always give you a bottle of banana milk. You found it cute. Days passed and the two of you slowly got closer each day. People were waiting and expecting you two to date.
Eventually on your birthday, he met you after school with two bottles of banana milk in hand.
“Aw, two for me? Tell me, Youngjo-oppa..do you maybe have a crush on me?”, you nudged his shoulders teasingly.
He scratched his red ears, “Actually Y/N, yeah I do”.
You stopped in your tracks. His blunt honesty caught you off guard. Yeah you always thought he was cute and kind but never did you imagine the two of you being more than friends. It made you curious.
“D-do you maybe wanna be more than friends with me?”, he stammered while he fidgeted with his hands behind his back.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, do you..wanna be my girlfriend?”
For the rest of your school years, you and Youngjo-oppa paraded the hallways as an item. It began with him joining you and Hyungu during lunch. Then he was practically there with the two of you anytime and anywhere. You found it quite endearing..in the past.
Blind love took ahold of you that even when Hyungu would always excuse himself everytime Youngjo-oppa appeared, you didn't even think twice as to why he did it.
The more you were with Youngjo-oppa, the more you were drifting apart from Hyungu. You didn't even notice.
Dating Youngjo-oppa was a thrill. You skipped lessons with him, hanging out under the bleachers. You would sneak out of the apartment at 2 in the morning to go to noraebangs with him. Being with him made you rebellious and you thought that it made you happy.
Until one day, Hyungu approached you after you had avoided him for a few weeks straight.
“Y/N”, he called out.
You tried to avoid him but he was too fast. He then led you under an empty staircase. His face devoid of any humour. “What's happening to you, Y/N?”, he asked looking at your eyes that were avoiding his gaze.
You shrugged him off, “Absolutely nothing's happening to me, Hyungu”.
Just as you were about to leave, he'd caught ahold of your wrist before replying to you in his most gentlest voice, “This isn't funny anymore, Y/N. You know you've changed ever since that guy entered our lives”. He sounded like a defeated puppy.
“That guy is my boyfriend, Hyungu and if you can't accept that then maybe you're much better off without me!”, your voice started to raise, anger boiled in your veins. The nerve of him insulting your boyfriend.
“No I'm not, Y/N..because I care about you”, his voice cracked saying those last words.
“Well, if you cared about me you would understand my feelings”
With that, you just left him alone under the staircase without even daring to look back. Little did you know with slumped shoulders, Hyungu was trying hard not to let his tears fall as your back became smaller in his blurry vision.
From then on, both of you didn't talk to each other even until Hyungu graduated. Unfortunately for you, you had to stay back a year because your grades were failing. So after a few long years of friendship..that was eventually ruined, the two of you were finally not going to see each other everyday.
You always thought to yourself about how stupid you were for trusting Kim Youngjo more than your bestfriend. Now you were alone without a trusted friend or a cheating snake by your side. If you could, you wished to go back to how things were before.
Whoever heard your prayers, you couldn't thank them enough. You had been wondering if fate ever decided to make the two of you cross paths again.
Finally, you were there sipping banana milk with him.
Looking back then, I would've called myself a fool.
this one really took a long time to write heh, anyways here's the angsty part two of Memory ^ ^ Part three's gonna be them talking it out with each other~
enjoy reading and stan Onewe
(video credit : Onewe - Reminisce About All)
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amethystpath-writes · 5 years
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Prompt: Serum Injection
Fandom: Original
This is a continuation because I quite liked the last one. Here's part one!
Danielle groaned as she began to wake up. She didn't remember ever falling asleep the night before. What had happened the night before anyways?
Her eyes fluttered open finally and though the world was still an awakening blur, Danielle could tell this was not her base. The room looked a little odd; it was at an angle. Now that she thought about it, she wasn't standing or sitting down; the angle she was seeing wasn't coming from either of those positions.
She could feel an odd ache and slight sting around her ankles. And wrists. Even her neck felt that way.
Finally she thought to stretch. Maybe she wasn't lying down, or standing up, but whatever she was doing, stretching would take away the ache, yes? But it didn't. What little bit she was able to move her shoulders only hurt her more. It felt as if her skin was being pulled apart at her shoulder.
"Careful," piped a voice. It was a boy's voice certainly, but Danielle could hardly tell where it came from. It was muffled, robotic. "It hasn't healed all the way. We don't want that mark to be ruined; I would have to do it again. You didn't take it well the first time."
Danielle couldn't remember anything, and the more she tried, the more emptiness her mind conjured. It was like her brain was purposefully blocking it out.
She looked down as much as she could; something shined beneath her chin, but she paid no mind to it. She wanted to at least remember what she was wearing, but what she saw didn't help at all. She was in pajamas, but they weren't her own. Where in the hell was she? Why was she wearing someone else's clothes?
She began looking around the room. "Who are you? Where am I? What do you want?" She finally spotted it; a red blinking light on the center of the ceiling. A camera, she knew.
The voice didn't respond. He had to have known she had spoken. There was a camera for the gods' sakes! Maybe it didn't record audio.
"I'm sure you are wondering where you are," the boy's voice explored. "You won't like it very much, however you did make the decision to be here."
She chose to be restrained like this? No, she didn't think so. But then again, maybe she was saving someone. Was she finally sent out on a mission? It must have been an individual mission because none of her other teammates were here. Perhaps they were being held in a different room. Or, perhaps they were smart enough to avoid being caught.
Please tell me I didn't do this all on my own, she prayed. She couldn't have been that stupid, doing a mission all by herself. She had only juts learned to control her powers not all that long ago. She had just joined the team!
There was a sound like paper crunching. Danielle recognized it as the intercom at her school, her old school. She didn't go to school anymore after the accident. She couldn't ever show her face that openly again.
Danielle looked away quickly as more light flooded the room she was in. It was a door opening. When she was finally able to look back, she saw a sillouhette making its way into the room. It turned around, shutting the door and flipping a switch. Light flooded the room once again, causing Danielle to squint and turn her head away. She let her eyes get used to the light beneath her eyelids before she opened them.
The boy was looking down at the floor directly in front of her. She couldn't tell what he was looking at, but she heard him set something hard down at his side. He then began to set up a foldable chair; Danielle could only see the top half of it, just barely if she really strained herself to look.
The boy sat down, clearing out his throat, but he still wasn't looking at Danielle. He reached for something, the hard object, Danielle assumed. She heard a click and whatever thing she was being held captive against began groaning as her head was positioned over her feet. The table, or whatever it was was leaning forward, her face coming closer to the boy's face. He was still concealing it. Was he wearing a mask?
As the table continued to tilt, Danielle found a knot in her throat. The restraints weren't tight enough to keep her back against the wall. No, her body was suspended by the restraints now. The metal, or leather, or rope, or chain, was digging into her skin now.
She finally came face to face with the boy. Rather, she came face to mask. She could see his lios, and she even watched as they worked into a smile. The familiar click sounded and the machine of a sort stopped moving. She was forced to face this- this monster of a boy.
"You are stunning even in my pajamas." He brought a gloved hand up to touch Danielle's cheek. There was nowhere for her head to go where she could avoid his touch so she just accepted it with closed eyes and a skewered, angry face. They're his clothes?
"Why am I here? What do you want? Who are you?"
"Whoa there, Danny. Easy on the questions. You know the answers. You just need a little reminder." He ripped his mask off just as he did before. "If there were a fire in the room, it would be even more appropriate," he hummed. "Ah, well. You remember, yes?"
Of course she remembered, it all came back to her in a flash. She relived it all so quickly that it took her breath away. The masquerade, the speak of the accident, the metal pole, the fire, the strong arms... He branded her. He made her his own. He captured her and she didn't know how she would ever get out, not in this position. "It's you."
"Lucas Banton, in the flesh." He bowed his head. "Known as QuickSpirit in the human world." He held out a hand as an introduction before snatching it back. "Oh, right. I must have forgotten. Anyhow, I already know who you are, my little trophy!"
Danielle's response was to snap her head towards Lucas' hand, flashing her teeth, and trying to bite. His hand disappeared, reappearing at his side. "I. Am. Not. Your. Prize."
"Oh, but you are. You even agreed to it."
"I never agreed to this! I met you at that masquerade to save my friends! I never said you could burn my flesh or kidnap me!" Danielle struggled against the restraints, soon stopping when she realized it was only hurting her more. She sighed, letting herself sag. There was no restraint across her chest or stomach and the arch in her back hurt, but it would be better to conserve her energy.
"You should keep fighting, looks pitiful, almost cute." Lucas grabbed the object beside him. Danielle had forgotten to even look at what it was. She was so distracted by him that it just didn't matter anymore.
He opened up a metal case; the lid flew open. To an unsuspecting victim, the lid would have fwapped them in the face. Lucas knew very well what it was though and opened it with a stretched neck.
"This, Danny, is going to pinch." He pulled out a vial of black liquid. It looked thick by the way it stuck to the sides of the glass when it swoshed around. He pulled out a syringe to go with it. "Would you like to know what it is?"
She knew she had no choice but to listen, so she did just that. She waited, listening. She used what strength she had to straighten her back, holding herself up with her restrained arms.
"It's a serum, as you can probably tell. 'But what does it do? Where did it come from?'" he mocked, "You might know BrainWrecker; he's our most skilled elite. He leads us now, actually. He was blessed with two different powers. He loves chaos. In fact, he stole this serum right here from the guards trying to inject him. They used to only inject him with the fake metal you see in childrens' jewelry. But, you see, humans like to experiment. They created a formula that could strip a superhuman of their powers. BrainWrecker saw it happen to all of his cell neighbors and he would be damned if he let it happen to him. He brought it back to me, a gift to the new recruit. He really is a nice man if you get on his good side."
"Right. BrainWrecker has a good side." She rolled her eyes as best she could. It took more focus than she thought. She almost let her stomach sag in the air again. Her back hurt too much to let that happen. "I presume you're going to tell me you have a good side, too? I should get on your good side?" she guessed.
"Most certainly. I can be kind, Danny. I have been kind. Aren't my jammies so comfy?" He smiled as she scowled. "I'm doing you another favor by taking away your powers. Now you can't get into trouble by killing any of my team, which means you won't be killed in return. I'm saving your life."
"Is that how you see it! My gods, you're sick!" Danielle fought against her restraints again. She had to get out of this place. "And if you think, for one minute," she yelled, spitting onto the villain's pretty face, "That I can't kill you without my powers, you have another thing coming for you!" Her wrists and ankles were becoming bruised as she continued to fight.
"You can't even put up a successful fight with powers, let alone without." The syringe was filled and poised. "Now, this is going to hurt more if you resist. I wouldn't use your powers unless you plan to entertain me. I truly do love to see you squirm."
"You disgust me. I don't know how you see any good in yourself."
"I didn't say there's good in me. I just advised you to get on my good side. I saved you from death, but I know you're going to be miserable here and I can't wait to see it, especially knowing I was the cause of it. However, we can be friends. It's up to you."
Lucas reached up just the tiniest bit, syringe in hand, and plunged it into Danielle's arm. Her teeth gritted. She was suppressing the urge to scream. It was like fire, nothing like being branded by hot metal; it was a different fire. It traveled through every vein, leaving a trail just as hot as the fire ignited.
Danielle did so well hiding the pain. Of course her face was skewered, contorted in pain, but even the expression showing could have been worse if she allowed it. Even Lucas was impressed with how well she was handling it after hearing BrainWrecker's stories. But, Danielle's pride was quickly washed away when the flames tickled her brain. "Stop," she screamed. "Make it stop, make it stop!" She clenched her fists, the pain drawing her power into the palms of her hands. Lucas said not to resist, and she wasn't trying to. The pain was just so intolerable, she couldn't help it. And it made it so much worse. The fire heated up dramatically in her palms, fighting to vanquish Danielle's power.
Lucas scooted his chair back. Her salty tears were falling into his clothes. So the pain really was as bad as BrainWrecker said. Sure, Lucas had heard his trophy scream and beg, but this was oh-so-much better.
When her screams and sobs finally faded into nothing, Lucas broke the atoms of the restraints holding her, the metal turning to nothing. Danielle fell to the floor limply, still sobbing but not out of pain. She just felt so useless without her powers. She knew that her threat was empty. She knew that Lucas was right. She couldn't fight with her powers, so what could she do without them?
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dsmadmin · 3 years
Written By @DeanWinchester_ @KingOfHell_DSM & @AngelicOperator
The air cold around his lifeless body, encased in darkness. Silence and peace for one rare moment. He'd sought relief from the constant pain knowing he'd gave everything he had left to flee it. A red glow slowly lit the tomb his flesh burning as the demanded payment. Moments later he took a breath, eyes opened looking inhuman. Black and lifeless orbs had replaced the hazel irises. Lifting his right hand to peer at the burning mark. He was closed inside something, putting his hands against the stone cover he shoved hard to the left and sent the stone slab hurling off and hitting hard floor cracking down the middle. Sitting up he pulled the gauze away and climbed out of the coffin. Cracking his neck he looked around adjusting to this void of feeling. There was no pain just quiet. @KingOfHell_DSM
Crowley - •Crowley sat on his throne. Demon after demon complaining about something. Lucifer was out, doing hell knows what. But it played his favor. He could run Hell as he saw fit. It was what he wanted. To command and hold onto the power of the tortured souls of Hell. At this moment. He feared nothing, sure there were things that could kill him. But when his plan falls into place. It will be hard to take him out.
A smirk spread across his lips.* And there it is. What I was waiting for. *The mark of Cain had been a perfect plan. He just had to wait. And it looked like he didn’t have to wait long. With the power of his mind he called.* Come home.
Colt - -Instinctively he disappeared from the cavern and reappeared in hell's throne room. Black eyes focused on Crowley not even acknowledging the demons in the room.-
Crowley - Well..well...Colt Winchester. You surprise me. Already got yourself killed. •he chuckled and stood from his throne.• Leave us. •he ordered the other demons away. They bowed and left the room.• You have made my day I must say. •he walked down to him, standing before him. Oh his plan was falling into place. The key piece had always been Colt Winchester. And now he had him. And he wouldn’t let him go.• Follow me, I have something for you. •he walked around him and to the door. Opening it and stepping out.• I do believe you’ll love this gift. The mark is nothing without it. •hands placed behind his back. He walked through the halls of Hell. To the room where all relics are held. Stepping inside he looked through the mess of relics for the first blade.•
Colt- No speaking he turned and obediently followed, the demons they passed moved the fuck bad whispering to themselves. The torches flickered lighting the way of what seemed to be an endless corridor. Walking in behind Crowley he stood watching, recognizing a few items laying around from the many years of hunting. Lucifer came to mind for a split second but he didn't care anymore so he didn't ask if the angel had returned yet.
Crowley - The first blade laid in a box with magical ruins, that only Crowley could open. When he found it, he wasn’t about to let it just lay around. He whispered words of magic. The box, glowed a deathly black and purple. Lifting the lid, there nestled in a blood red cushion was the
first blade. Made from the bone of a donkey’s jaw. Cain had once held it. And now, now it was for the mark bearer. He gripped it, pulling it from the box. Turning he walked back to Colt.• This is what you will use. You will find it will suit you. •offering it to Colt.• Now, you will get to see some very dear people. •chuckling• Oh to see their faces. You, Colt Winchester, are you to bathe in blood. Even the blood of your family. Unless of course they play nicely.
Colt - Keen eyes never left the demon, taking hold of the gruesome looking blade he felt a surge of power. But more prevalent was the desire to kill. The mention of “family” made him look back up at Crowley his face stoic. A dead man has no family.
Crowley - It much of a talker are you? •chuckles, oh it would priceless to see the faces of his family. When the time came.• Let us first leave a little mark on the world. •motioning him to follow.• There is a prophet. That is highly guarded. He has been such a throne in my side. he lives in New Orleans. Care to have a little fun? •smirks• We will go and find him. You, •points to him.• Are going to kill him, in the bloodiest way possible.
Colt - Falling into step beside him.- I’d be happy to oblige. What makes him hard to find? Is he hidden with magic?
Crowley - •nods as the walk back to throne room.• Yes, strong magic that most demons can’t get through. But you, are different from all other demons. He has a family, they will have to be killed as well. Don’t need them running off and telling now do we? You have to brake the through the wards. I might suspect that hunters might be guarding him as well. Those are another pain in my ass. If there are any there. Take them out as well. It will get back to the other hunters in time.
Colt - No witnesses. Understood.
Crowley - nods, with a smirk. Oh this was going to perfect. Getting back to the throne room. He picked up a file, handing it to Colt.• Here is what was able to be gathered on him. •it was a small thin file.• James Conrad, 38. New Orleans, LA. I’ve explained what I know. He lives just outside the city. Once you’re caught up. We will leave.
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Colt - Colt listened but didn’t really give a shit. He could finally breathe without some bullshit theatrics. When emotions aren’t a factor anymore life becomes crystal fucking clear. He’d been an idiot for looking for Jake all these years. He’d been an idiot holding on to hope their family would be fixed or atleast somewhat together. Never again would he bother with him or his bullshit. He was beyond done. Maybe a little guilt was left getting Qhuinn involved. Although Qhuinn hadn’t taken no for an answer either, so the guilt wasn’t just his to bear. He disappeared only to reappear with Crowley outside the “prophets” home. As he let go of the shit from his human life he concentrated on the job in front of him. Clutching the blade he looked at the property. Head tilting to the side as he listened and felt the power radiating off the angels on the property.- There’s three. I’ll be back. -With that he tried to materialize right inside the house but they’d put up wards. He tried to push through the invisible wall but it made little difference. So he put his blade away and disappeared, this time he reappeared and held a woman he’d grabbed from the sidewalk in town.- Here little piggy... come out, come out wherever you are! -Colt held the blade to the bitches throat.- Come on you chicken shit douchebags, I’m gonna cut her throat and continue to cut throats till you assholes come out and we handle this face to face... -The woman struggled against his grasp, whimpering and completely fucking pathetic. He wanted to tell her she was absolutely freaking ridiculous but theatrics...- Five! Four! -The woman screamed begging to be let go. - Three! -A high pitched sound rang in Colt’s ears and thrill went down his spine. The blade ran across her throat and blood sprayed from her carotid artery.- Whoops, my bad! You guys really should come on out! She looks like a fish out of water! God doesn’t care and the angels are dick bags... -The woman dropped to the ground trying to stop the blood but to late because her heart was pumping faster now and the crimson spray was relieving her of the vital fluid. Colt listened, to her last gasps.- To late! I can do this all week! -Poofs, this time the local pastor.- Pastor, do you believe in god? Angels? -His eyes black as midnight.- “I do. Let me pray for, God can help you.” -Colt laughed with no true emotion at all.- Sorry, that boat has sailed. You’re going to die by my hand if the angels don’t appear. If they appear I et you go, if they don’t I’m going to use your intestines for early Christmas decorations on this tree right here.
Ethan - -Ethan had heard rumors that Colt had now become a full fledged demon and now he knows it’s true.
With a soft fluttering of wings, he appears a few feet away from him and a man begging for his life. There is a small trip of blood running *trail down the mans neck where the first blade had made a nick in his skin.-
Colt! Put that down! What has happened to you?
-Ethans voice is commanding and firm, although he is falling apart inside.-
Colt - Ohhh fuckin' heaven does have a sense of humor. -Pat's the pastor on top of the head and shoves him away.- This isn't your fight big guy... and I'd -Starting to circle Ethan.- take a fuckin' vacation for awhile. Consider it some good advice from an old friend. -Jerks a thumb towards the house.- See some of your kin is inside and they're pissing me off. I have a job to do. So bug out or tell the rest of them to hand over the prophet... but either way I'm going to kill them all. If they cooperate I promise to make it fast and painless if not... I'm k ill em' -voice-changing to a more demonic tone.- slowly. I like the screams... I hope they fight back. -Smirks-
Ethan - -Ethan glances over at the pastor who is making a fast getaway, running down the street. Satisfied, he turns his attention back to the demon who has taken over Colt who is circling around him. Ethan crosses his arms across his chest-
Frankly, I’m not impressed. I don’t think You can get inside or you you’d already have done it.
How about you nix the badass routine and we sit down and figure shit out?
-Ethan knows he’s wasting his time, but he feels like he’s gotta try.-
Colt - -Laughs- Matter of time, the body count will rise or I'll bust through this magic. I bet I can drag a witch out here to help. It's cute you're trying to stop me. -Moves closer.- Are you hard? Cause I am. Reminds me of all those fights. I don't want to kill you, no I want you to live. -Throws the blade and buries the tip in the ground.- But the question is how far will you go? I have a lot of clarity nowadays. Not burdened with that fucking heart-wrenching love for your ass. It's amazing how liberating being a demon is. -In reach, he looks up at him.- I've not broken anymore, this is me free of all that bullshit. You'd look so fucking hot in chains... wouldn't have to deal with the bitch version of my whining. I can see why you left, no hard feelings. Hell, I'd have left me too.
Ethan - You sure are a mouthy motherfucker aren’t you? I bet you even like to talk to yourself just to hear yourself talk. -shakes his head, not letting the demon get into his head. Eyeing the knife in the ground knowing its part of his strength-
Colt - -Laughs- You like my mouth.... go ahead, try it. You fastest Ethan? I don't think you are and if you're not careful I'll have to cut your throat, drain your grace.... Now there's an idea, Ethan, human just like Andrew had been. -Shoves him back.- Remember that night on the beach all romantic, just us. Well an Andrew... did you feel betrayed your vessel wanted me too? Cause you my deal angel have always been one jealous fucker. His whimpers were softer than yours... I guess that's where we got our tastes for threesomes huh? Andrew watching and feeling what we did to eachother.
Ethan - -Ethan is usually pretty chilled, but the demon’s words cut deep. Without thinking, he balled his fist and hit him hard with a right hook.- Shut the fuck up. Andrew is not a topic you can speak of.
-He’s working on a plan and is buying some time.-
Colt - -The angel wasn't using everything he had yet and Colt's spit blood from his mouth as he picked himself up off the ground and cracked his neck.- Why? Jealous? I always did like the tender, needy fuckers. I mean look at Jake. But you, you Ethan where on a whole other level, under all that bravado is a broken angel... so fucking sweet I could mmmm savor that forever... -Using his abilities appears behind him and throws an arm around his neck tightening down his hold.- Should we go somewhere private? So you don't have to act this way for your kin inside? See, they know I'll fucking kill them so they're hiding like the bitches they are and they're not gonna shed a tear if I put you down. Join us. We can rule this mutherfucker together. Come on baby... you know you like the dark side. -Licks his earlobe.-
Ethan - You have no damn idea what you’re talking about. So...how about you shut the fuck up. -vanishes from his grasp to appear in front of him.-
I’m giving you one more chance to end this peacefully. I’m tired of talking. -He stands as a warrior. He is the angel of strength and he’s going to show him why very damn soon.-
Colt - Peacefully? You’re a prude Ethan, I don’t want to be saved. -Baring teeth he lunged at the angel tackling to the ground. Colt began whaling on him. He was out for blood, the power of the blade was so strong and he held so much pain inside. And this angel represented a life he
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