#i spent $20 on cheese today I can’t be trusted
ivy-and-ivory · 1 year
I need ao3 to come back online before I talk myself into buying a Goncharov tshirt
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queerna · 1 year
| 10 : 54 AM |
— on the bus to my viewing :D super early but we move lolol like 1h 30m to wait 😾 listening to Disco by Surf Curse 👍 i got up alright had some toast my outfit today is a mix but i think it’ll add to the androgynous mood :P
| 11 : 20 AM |
— Ordered some food from shop waiting for my cheese toasty now ^_^ in the same spot that me and my gf had a date here a while ago February 26th 2022 :) wish she was here xx just realised it’s the same day i took the photos that’s in my phone case 😭💕💕.
— me hungry 🦧🦧🦧
| 05 : 17 PM |
— back home i got everything i needed ^_^ the viewing accommodations went goooooddd. super excited. had to do a lot of confusing shit alone which is annoying but we move xoxo
— gonna make tea and chill til i gotta make dinnerrrrr.
| 11 : 48 PM | rant incoming
— so had dinner spent time with my gf. but my brother who is super annoying and a pain IN THE ASS I MEAN MUM IS HIS ASSISTANT like me and my girlfriend shouldn’t have to deal with his shit and have to look after him. like we are treated like babysitters and cleaners it’s fucking irritating.
— it wouldn’t be so bad but he’s spoilt, loud, obnoxious, a windup merchant  and needs assistance with everything. i want to start uni now and i want to be in LDR so i don’t have to deal with him😾😾😾😾
— typical she told us late like no warning she comes home in 24 hours and she asked about my accommodation viewing like 10 hrs late yk. she just cares soooo much. explaining that my mum is abroad and i’m here still is such depressing thing to admit like ;-; yes i am alone yes she doesn’t care enough to take me with her. ;-; i want out of this house so bad
— people ask oh you enjoying your mum being gone? how do i humbly say fuck yes i hate being her maid equal 24/7 :D without it being hard truth. like 😀 yes i am enjoying my freedom and happiness 😀 fuck my life.
i’m tried i need sleep but i cba rn. i can’t rant to my gf bc she’s asleep poor girl woke up at 2am and has gone bed at 10pm which that’s good yk.
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… that makes me want to puke cry shit and punch someone xox still can’t decide if i wanna go to college to get my results. bus fare is money. that’s it i’ll probs need lunch etc. that costs. when will my motherfucking money come in from trust fund. i’ll call them AGAIN tomorrow 😾
— i gotta remain positive. today is a good day to manifest i don’t wanna mess with the vibes 🫢🩷
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*sings* the family REUNION
A/N: A nice Klaus x Topazi. I’m projecting, and this is also comfort for me right now xx. I’m sick of this country, I want to get the fuck out, but I can’t, so this is what’s happened. I’ve thought about writing this one before, but I think what we all need right now is some tenderness and warmth, so what better way to do it than through fanfiction. This is the first time I’ve written for an OC, and I like it so far. This was initially for a black reader, then I thought, literally today “oh topazi” so here we are.
Warnings: food (and lots of it), mild drink, knowing myself small mentions of racism, mention of sex
Cheeky Tag List: @misskittysmagicportal, @super-unpredictable98, @badsext, @sean-falco, @the-freckled-luba, @iamsexytrash, @crabstick, @robertsheehanownsmyass, @frogs--are--bitches, @seancekitsch
“KLAUS, COME ON, I CAN’T BE LATE” Topazi yelled through the house, checking herself in the mirror one last time before springing to where Klaus was.
 He was sitting on the kitchen island, nibbling on some chips. His feet tapped against the counter every other second.
“I told you, don’t eat yet, you won’t want to eat before we get there and that’s forbidden fruit sir.” she sternly stated, fauxly crossing her arms at him.
“Fine, by the way, your pasta salad is amazing.” he said, making a small chef’s kiss motion with his hands.
  Topazi facepalmed as Klaus kissed her cheek, and he walked to the door and put his sandles on. Jesus sandles, actually. To spent hours making two tins of pasta salad, and he ate almost a full corner of it. He must’ve eaten some of it while she was in the bathroom, or when she was lightly scolding the cats for disturbing the resident mice. She rolled her eyes and packed into the car, but not before saying goodbye to the houseplants.
“How long is the drive supposed to be?” Klaus asked, long limbs extending in the car.
“Just about an hour. It won’t be long, trust me. You’ll wish the drive was even shorter when you get there too.” she said, smiling and Klaus grinned back at her, and he kissed her once more before shuffling over more to his side of the car.
  About 45 minutes of time passed, and during that time, Klaus had opened a plethora of tangents, including pegging, ketchup being a smoothie (to him), why he doesn’t personally trust roaches(they just look weird, and they live forever), as well as why it took so long for him to cut that god-awful beard. All the while T was swerving in lanes, and glancing every now and then at the clock in the car. Klaus sat guzzling water while talking, and she knew the question was going to come up at some point, so she slapped her big girl panties on and took it.
“Are we there yet?” Klaus asked, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. His stomach was poking out, but just barely, and Topazi sighed heavily.
“Klaus, come on. We’ve got a little less than 20 minutes left, it’s not my fault you drank all that water.”  she said, half stern, half jokingly.
“But I have to gooo. Can’t you pull over or something?” he whines, puppy dog eyes showing.
‘We’re on a highway, Klaus.” she muttered, gritting her teeth before pulling into a lane. That caused him to cross his legs, and close his eyes, groaning.
“Please, I really have to go. I’ll try to repay the favor when I can, I promise.” he begs, hands covering his crotch. T thought about it for a moment, and she’d been meaning to have Klaus eat her out again, so why not. She reached in the back and pulled out an empty bottle, and he picked it from her hands.
“I’ve been meaning to do this for a while.” he says, turning away from her and she gagged lightly, but at least he didn’t wet his pants....this time.
Topazi continued to drive for the promised 20 minutes, and she arrived at her parent’s house, cars already piling onto the lawn. Klaus quickly headed to the trash can outside, and threw the bottle away, getting sanitizer from the car. She grabbed a tin of the pasta salad, as well as Klaus, and he followed her to the front of the house.
“Are they even going to like me?” Klaus mumbled, eyebrows scrunching. They’d  had discussions about it before, and his worry was extremely valid. She didn’t want Klaus to feel left out, or bad about anything. He was still a really good lover. He’d voiced his concerns multiple times, and time and time again, she reassured him.
“You’ll be fine. If they say one thing you’re uncomfortable with, I won’t hesitate to leave this place and drive all the way back. You know that.” T replied, using a hand to softly rub his cheek. He leaned into her touch, and the door opened, right as she was reaching for the doorbell for a second ring.
“Hi! Come on it! And you bought a guest, who is this?” Alena asked, ushering her daughter and guest into the house.
“Mom, this is my partner Klaus. Also, pasta salad, which is getting warm as we speak, so let me set it down.” Topazi rushed into the kitchen, shuffling quickly into the house, Klaus bumbling after her, looking around. She opened the fridge and shoved her dish in, gently patting it before stretching mildly, an aftereffect of staying in one spot.
  T walked back over to Klaus and he smiled at her mom, who was walking him outside to meet the rest of the family. She followed closely behind, and she noticed him getting more and more comfortable. He went around meeting everyone and shaking their hands, or hugging them. T met up with her siblings, hugging them, and letting her nieces and nephews up on her hips. She played with them and chatted for a while, and Klaus came back to her, almost skipping.
“Did you know that your dad served in the Army?” Klaus asked her, a small sparkle in his eye.
“Klaus....he’s my dad. Why wouldn’t I know?” she replied, tilting her head to the side. She giggled at his look, and her siblings noticed him, and gave him a collective small rundown. She did argue with her siblings a fuck ton, but they always tended to come to her aid if needed.
  Klaus went around and introduced himself to T’s aunt that just came in, and she giggled as he was almost crushed by the force of her hug. She patted his back and looked him up and down.
“Goodness, you need somethin’ to eat, one more gust of wind, we won’t see you ‘til Christmas!” she stated, shaking her head jokingly.
  He giggled at the effort, and prodded about needing to go to a chiropractor. She cackled, and he went back to T, placing a tiny kiss to her cheek.
“This is going surprisingly well, what the fuuuck?!” he whispered, and she wrapped her arms around him, and hugged him. He placed his chin on top of her head and sighed in her touch. The moment, however, was short lived, as one of Topazi’s nieces came between them and giggled around their ankles, and Klaus picked one of them up, asking their name.
  She was pleasantly shocked at his reaction with the kids, and soon enough, the two of them were running in the yard, playing tag. She was currently in the lead, and her siblings were bounding towards her, waiting for there to be a chance to tackle her. Klaus came up from behind her and tackled her, causing the both of them to crash to the ground.
“Oh come on, that’s nowhere near fair!” she yelled, trying to wiggle away from him. He looked into her eyes, and pecked her lips. They sighed against each other and the sun baked their skin. Klaus eventually rolled off of T, and just as they were getting hungry, dinner was called.
  She ran to the backyard, dress billowing behind her, Klaus in tow, and she washed her hands before getting in line. Her mouth simply watered at the selection of southern food placed in front of her. Klaus was somewhat surprised at everything, but welcomed it happily when confronted with....wait a minute....sweet potatoes with cherries?? Topazi laughed at him, and promised to explain it to him once they sat down. Your family, and you could practically hear their thoughts “Shouldn’t he get more?”. It half sickened her to think of that though, so she found a lawn chair to sit in, carefully placing it to avoid the ant beds and tree roots.
“Okay so, what the fuck is with the sweet potatoes?” Klaus asked, shoving a spoonful of potato salad in his mouth.
“They’re called candied yams. The cherries help them become sweeter. And don’t take the fucking breadcrumbs off the mac and cheese. I’ll slaughter you, that’s the best part.” T whispered, slowly becoming more and more full.
  She went back for another serving (or two) and stopped at dessert, which was provided graciously. Many cakes and pies laid in front of her, as well as tarts, and, wait, who the fuck brought Krispy Kreme?
“Who got lazy?” she mumbled, walking back to Klaus with her plate full of sweets, and she immediately took a bite from the glazed donut, eyes closing. “Still warm though.”
“I mean, Honey only taught me to make a couple things, and donuts weren’t one of them.” he stated, sipping his tea.
  The sun began to set, and the drinks started pouring. The stories began to filter out, and Topazi saw Klaus start to nod off, and she announced their leaving. He sleepily said his goodbyes and when they got into the car, Klaus knocked out almost immediately. The drive home was very quiet. Music played quietly on the radio, and T hummed along quietly. Klaus shuffled every now and then in his sleep, and his breathing fogged the window on his side of the car. When they arrived home, Topazi gently woke Klaus, and he slowly made his way into the house, practically sleepwalking. As they were undressing and getting into bed, Klaus quietly whispered a couple words. Topazi barely heard him, and he repeated himself.
“Thank you for letting me meet your family. I enjoyed it. I’m happy I got to know the people who raised you. They did a damn good job too.” he whispered back, gently kissing Topazi’s head. She got a bit flustered from the compliment and gently thanked him as well, and the two of them fell asleep to the sound of their respective partner’s heartbeats.
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snowdice · 4 years
Road Trips and Missing Persons (Part 24)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Virgil, Virgil & Janus, Logan & Patton, Emile & Remy, Roman & Remus & Janus
Characters: Patton, Virgil, Janus, Remus, Roman, Logan, Emile, Remy
Summary: Patton was just getting groceries. The next thing he knew, there was a knife at his throat and he was an unwilling uber driver. Virgil’s on the run after the murder of his dad, and it’s not just his paranoia that’s telling him he’s being chased down. He has to get somewhere safe, somewhere he can trust, and all he has is a couple of stories from his dad and a name: “Green Bellow Foods and Dispensary.”
Meanwhile, everyone else is trying to find a missing 15 year old, all with different pieces of the puzzle about where he is. It really is too bad that no one is answering their phones.
Notes: Secret Agents AU, knives, carjacking, kidnapping, murder mentioned, guns mentioned, pepper spray, blood mentioned, drugs mentioned, explosions, car crashes (more to be added)
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve affectionately named it the Goblin Brain Fic because it’s helping my brain actually get motivated for studying. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 My Master Post
Logan had kept them in the meeting room for literal hours, pausing only to feed everyone except Patton and Virgil (who had actually eaten dinner). Eventually, he decided that he was satisfied with the explanations (Well, no, perhaps not satisfied, he was still very displeased with everyone except Virgil and maybe Emile, though Emile had not helped himself when he’d realized that he’d spoken both to Patton and Remus in the grocery store near Remy’s house early and he and Patton had proceeded to go off on a tangent about pasta.) and had taken them all to some of the hotel style rooms in the base.
The room Remy, Emile, Janus, and Virgil were in had two double beds. Virgil and Janus had claimed one of the beds already and were currently curled up together on it both asleep. Janus had apparently picked up Virgil’s stuffed spider from home and stuck it in his pocket. He had ordered Remy to dry the slightly damp toy with a hair dryer before consenting to laying down. The two of them had fallen asleep easily after their long days, the stuffed spider laying on the top of Janus’s chest and Virgil’s arm thrown around him loosely.
Emile had stayed up longer and taken a shower before emailing his receptionist asking her to cancel all of his appointments for tomorrow (or today as it was by now). He’d climbed into bed a couple of minutes ago, leaving Remy the only conscious one in the room.
Virgil stirred awake as Remy stood up from the chair he’d been sitting on and stepped towards the door. “Dad?” he asked.
Remy took a detour to stand by his bedside and stroke a few of the curls that were still damp from his shower away from his face. “Go back to sleep, kid.”
“Where’re you going?” he asked.
“Just gonna go grab some coffee,” he said.
“It’s night,” he pointed out.
Remy cracked a grin. “Yeah, well, you know me.” He tapped him on the nose. “I’ll be right in the mini kitchen outside.”
“Kay,” Virgil agreed, laying his head back on Janus’s chest. Janus never stirred, dead to the world in the way he only ever was when Virgil was snuggled up against him.
Remy closed the door quietly behind himself and wandered over towards the kitchen.
“Can’t sleep?” Patton asked when he stepped into the little area. The man was sitting at the small two-person table with a mug of what looked like tea and a box of Oreos.
“Having trouble chilling out,” Remy replied. “You know how it is.” Patton hummed in acknowledgement as Remy investigated the coffee maker.
“You know,” Patton said amused. “If your trying to calm down and sleep, coffee may not be the best solution.”
“Babe, do you know me at all?” Remy asked. Patton just shook his head.
“Besides,” Remy continued. “Who said I was planning on sleeping any time soon?”
“You should try to sleep,” Patton said, frown clear in his tone even though Remy was turned away, putting coffee grounds into the machine.
“Says the man already out here eating cookies at half past 1.”
They were silent until Remy’s coffee was finished. Remy poured himself a cup and went to sit across from him. “Thanks for not shanking the little bastard on sight.”
Patton’s nose scrunched. “I should have known he was yours with that mouth of his,” Patton said, then he shook his head. “He’s a cute kid.”
“He held a knife to your neck.”
Patton shrugged. “It’s not the first time I befriended someone with a deadly weapon on me,” he said. He pushed the packet of Oreos over to him. “I hope you realize I’m filing for joint custody.”
Remy laughed. “I figured after I heard you spent over 3 hours in a car with him.”
“I’m going to teach him how not to curse and why falling asleep during a kidnapping is not ideal.”
“Well, Emile’s already tried his hardest on the first front, so good luck, and the boy likes to nap at inopportune times, what can I say?”
“Takes after his dad.”
“I am both insulted and flattered simultaneously.”
Patton giggled softly.
“But, seriously,” Remy said. “I do owe you for making sure Virgil was okay even if you didn’t know he was my spawn.”
Patton shrugged. “You don’t owe me anything.” He paused. “Well, you could buy me some cheese since I’d just bought a bunch to make mac and cheese, and it all went bad during the long car ride.”
Remy snorted. “Why do the lactose intolerant fear no god?” he asked. “But, sure, I’ll be happy to reimburse you and endorse your hedonistic ways.”
Patton smiled at him and finished off his tea.
 Despite his suggestion that Remy head to bed a few minutes before, he did not put his mug in the sink, but filled it back up with water and popped it into the microwave. Remy turned back to his coffee for a moment and immediately felt arms come around him. “Thanks for not being dead,” Patton said into his ear.
Remy chuckled and patted his arm. “You’re welcome Patty, but really what did everyone expect? I’ve got a couple of kids to raise still.”
Patton just hummed and kept hugging him until the microwave beeped. He grabbed his mug then and plopped another tea bag into it.
“So, not what you planned for your weekend, huh?” Remy asked.
Patton shook his head sitting back down. “I was going to make the mac and cheese and watch reruns of Parks and Rec,” he said wistfully. Then he grinned. “I probably would have still been awake at this hour anyway.”
“Oh, Pat. How many times have you watched that show?”
Patton just smiled at him, eyes sparkling. “We really should try to get some sleep,” Patton said.
“Yeah, well, Emmy snores.”
“And Lo kicks,” Patton said, “when he’s not trying to crush me. Not that trying to sleep in the same bed as one of the twins is any better.”
Remy snorted. “Didn’t take Logan for a cuddling type.”
“Oh, he always tries to deny it, but he’s a big softie.”
“Explains why I’m not dead all over again.”
“Hmmm,” Patton agreed. Then he grinned. “I have the Netflix app on my phone,” he divulged.
“…We’re starting with season 3.”
“Of course,” Patton agreed, pulling out his phone.
They got yelled at in the morning by Logan for falling asleep at the table.
The end! Except for the epilogue.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by emptyspaces
What song reminds you of being in middle school? Patron Tequila was a huuuuuuuuuge bop in 5th grade, and I can tell you too many kids who were too young for the song nevertheless vibed hard to it. Down by Jay Sean also reminds me of mid-elementary school. I believe both have so far been one-hit wonders, lol.
What was the first thing you learned how to cook? I don’t cook cook, but I remember we had one day in like preschool when we were taught how to make homemade pizza. That was the first dish I remember making. We used white bread for the crust and topped it with tomato sauce, grated cheese, and sliced hotdogs. I ended up liking the ‘recipe’ a lot and frequently asked my aunt or grandma to make it for me.
What does your hair currently look like? It’s slightly damp since I took a shower a couple of hours ago, and it’s currently styled in a low side ponytail.
Who's the worst driver you know? It’s been years since I’ve been in a car where my uncle was in charge of the wheel, but I would always end up feeling nauseous whenever he was the one driving. I never figured out why, but my best bet is because he tends to press hard on the brakes. I also don’t trust anyone who’s fine with being way too close to other cars.
What are some wild animals commonly found where you live? I live in a residential area where there are approximately 0 wild animals roaming around lol. I do have some neighbors who keep chickens, but that’s as wild as it gets over here.
Does it take a lot to make you cry? Nah. Just show me a stereotypical emotional video, like anything to do with grandparents or pets reuniting with their owners, and I’ll produce some tears for you in seconds.
If the last dream you had came true, would that be a good or bad thing? Bad. I was relieved when I finally woke up.
Have you ever had a lucid dream? No. I’ve tried doing it before but just could never get in the zone.
How long did your last car ride last? Something like 20 minutes. The mall isn’t that far away and most of the travel was because our house is way too far from the village’s entrance.
Isn't it disgusting when people chew with their mouth open? I mean c'mon... It’s icky but I have other worse pet peeves.
What's your most prominent memory from 2009? I used to keep this journal where all of my entries were of me roleplaying in the Twilight universe. Obviously it’s embarrassing to think of now, but I must’ve written quite well back then because my classmates loved reading it and used to pass it around during recess and lunch hahaha. That was my only successful stint in fiction writing ever. I know the notebook is still around somewhere, but I refuse to see even just the outside; too much cringe lol.
Do you think there will ever be world peace? A little pessimistic answer but no.
What's your biggest problem at the moment? A client was supposed to send us this file that I needed so I can proceed with a deliverable that we were asked to do today, but he never followed through. That’s fine by me since executions get moved all the time, but it also means he’ll probably send it sometime during the Holy Week break and I’ll have to work during one of my days-off this week. -__-
Has anyone ever told you you're too emotionally needy? I don’t think so. If someone has it would most likely stick with me.
Has an ex ever told you that they want you back? Nope. She has an infinite amount of pride in her bones for her to do that.
Have you ever turned down a job offer? I have never had to, and so far I’ve only been the one turned down haha. Joke’s on them; I’m super happy with the job I’ve landed.
What's the longest hospital stay you've had? For what? I’ve only had to be confined once and that was just an overnight stay. It was a dengue scare but turned out to be just a low platelet count.
Do you know anyone who doesn't know the basics of using a computer? My maternal grandma refuses to learn anything that’s got to do with modern technology, and I suuuper doubt she’d be able to figure out how to turn on a laptop or computer.
What was the last snack you ate? I was feeling hungry earlier and had a bite of this guava chip that my workplace had sent over as a care package; but it tastes super healthy and blech and I felt like I deserved something more junk food-y for finishing off the work week haha. Now I’m having KFC delivered at 1 AM :(((
What's something really basic that you're terrible at? Lighting up a matchstick. I’m scared of fire and I always ask my dad to be the one to light up my scented candles every single time.
Is it just me, or are tv shows/movies getting to be really dumbed down? No. Different generations, different tastes catered. I also think I’ve answered this survey before because I remember saying that I actually appreciate how content these days are more inclusive and open about tackling sensitive issues. That’s the complete opposite of ‘dumbed down’ to me.
Do you know any same-sex married couples? Finding one in the Philippines is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but yeah I happen to know a couple of couples. They probably handled all the paperwork in the US, but still. I’m glad their family is able to thrive here.
What was the last appointment you scheduled? It was a telemedicine consultation. I didn’t need it, but one of our clients recently partnered with this telehealth service and they wanted someone from the agency to use a free trial so we can have a better idea of what the service offers. I was the sacrificial lamb (lmao) and so I had to have this quick video call with one of their doctors. That was the first instance I was glad to have scoliosis because it gave me something to talk about, because otherwise I would be completely lost on what to consult about.
Are you happy with the person you have become? Getting there :) I definitely don’t have as many self-loathing moments than I used to just a few months ago.
What year were you born? 1998.
What does your favorite watch look like? I don’t have one; I don’t use watches as I will probably lose them in like a month anyway.
Did you have one of those Tamagotchi things as a kid? Yeah, but I personally didn’t get the hype and quickly went back to my other toys.
What's your favorite kind of wine? Sweeter ones. I can’t stand bitter wine.
When was the last time you felt lonely? Last Sunday. I was talking to Angela and Andi more excessively than usual that day; and it was most likely the quarantine getting to me. Even though they reassure me that I’m not being too clingy or annoying I still feel like I am, so that day made me rethink and reflect about ways to expand my circles and gain new friends.
Are your parents still together? Yeah, I literally just got them their KFC orders like 10 minutes ago.
Have you ever been so broke you didn't know how you'd keep a roof over your head? I’m thankful to have never been in this position.
Do you know anyone who believes that vaccines cause autism? Possibly. But at least they’re smart enough to keep their mouth shut about it.
What was the last piece of furniture you bought? OMG OMG OMG I *literally* just received it this afternoon but I finally bought a cute lil night lamp for my room :> :> Hahahaha I’ve spent my last four employed months spending on nothing but food, but I decided to switch it up a bit and finally purchase something that won’t be gone the next day, hence the lamp. Not really furniture, but still. It’s the cutest thing ever and it’s currently lighting up my room really prettily!!!
What's a new skill you'd like to learn? Climbing.
How did you celebrate your last birthday? It was the peak of the pandemic when the entire world was still scrambling to figure out how to handle it, so all stores were closed and no one could go out. I barely remember what had happened since that day just flew by, but I do recall that Angela had a box of sushi delivered to my place.
Do you have any great housecleaning tips? Not really.
What's your favorite cocktail? Zombie.
Did your favorite movie come out before or after you were born? Way before I was born; it’s 31 years older than me.
Is there anything you need to do before the end of the day? Nope.
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teacup-crow · 4 years
Here’s my entry for Zombies, Make! round 1, 08/08/20. Shout out to @crownleysand @puptart! This is based on prompt 1, a picture of pancakes, and a tiny bit on prompt 3, Bitter and the Sweetness by The Ready Set.
I couldn’t decide on a tone for this fic so it’s kind of melancholy and also fluffy at the same time??? Writing stuff in 90 minutes is HARD!
Spoilers up to S2M44, probably set some time before the start of season 3. Gentle 5am. 
Summary: Sam, Five and Paula try and celebrate Shrove Tuesday, despite the circumstances and the fact that none of them are sure how to.
You wouldn’t know it, but the kitchens at Abel supposedly had a rota. There were clearly defined roles and times for cooking and dishwashing, splitting work fairly across the township. Janine had spent an entire afternoon colour-coding it. It was even pinned to the bulletin board.
Nobody adhered to it anymore, to her eternal annoyance.
It wasn’t for lack of trying to keep things together, but having to constantly scratch names off the list had got harrowing in recent weeks. Things got done, eventually, and it was easier to suit dietary requirements with most people cooking for themselves, meaning the kitchen was almost always free. Still, there was a strict system for taking items from the pantry. Supposedly on guard duty, Pat was slumped and sleeping on the stool outside the storehouse door as Five crept inside.
Last Shrove Tuesday, of course, things had been different.
Sara and Simon had been there for starters, keeping track of the calendar, her reminding him to give something up for Lent, him rolling his eyes and saying surely having to give up the entire world as we used to know it was enough of a sacrifice, ending with a puff of flour and annoyance as she shooed him out from under her feet. Last year, Janine had begrudgingly thrown her hands in the air and agreed that, as it was for religious and cultural purposes, she supposed the supply of eggs and flour and milk could be repurposed. Someone had found a semi crushed can of golden syrup, Sam had given over a curly wurly to be melted for the cause, and they’d made so many pancakes they’d gorged until they were stuffed. The kids had loved it, stickiness all over their faces and fingers. It was probably the first time most of them had ever been completely full.
Lent is supposed to be about repenting, you know, Sara had mock admonished a bloated Simon.
Repenting? It’s about eating your body weight! He’d patted his stomach, and belched. The kids giggled. The women had sighed.
This year, Five quickly grabs the ingredients and tucks them into their backpack, before belly crawling back through the pantry, shelves of tins and bags of potatoes pushing at the netting, threatening to spill onto their skull. It won’t even be missed, they tell their guilty conscience. It’s not like Tess. This is for a good cause.
Sam and Paula are waiting in the kitchen, him with bated breath. She just looks extremely tired, sitting in one of the sinks, staring out of the window every now and again. To be reunited, and so quickly left behind, has aged her. Living in a township where nobody trusts her can’t be easy, either, but Five saw the way she held Sara’s hand as she died. Sam knew how much Maxine adored her. And for both of them, that was enough for their friendship and gratitude.
“We never really did pancakes at home, you know,” Sam says cheerfully, measuring out some flour as Five breaks the eggs. “School were very big on it, though. I mean, in China there’s Spring Festival, which I suppose has similarities to Easter in a lot of ways… Five, Paula, have you ever had mooncake?”
Five shakes their head and shrugs. Paula doesn’t respond.
“Oh man, you’re missing OUT. Oh. I just remembered I’ll probably never have mooncake again. I mean, maybe we can figure out how to make it? I don’t really remember the ingredients, but…”
He chatters away as they stir the mixture and heat the stove (which for once, decides to work first time) and send Five on a dramatic quest to find a non-scratched frying pan. The first batter burns black to the pan when the two of them get distracted in conversation, Five’s hands swimming through the air at a pace only he can keep up with. The second falls on the floor in a valiant attempt to flip it.
“Sara made this look really easy, didn’t she.”
“She used to make them for her boys,” Five signs, and swallows. The fun of the afternoon suddenly sticks a little in their throat.
“Yeah. That’s why I wanted… I just wanted to keep today alive. For both of them, really.”
Paula stands, and wordlessly takes the pan, scraping out the mess and methodically starting again, turning the heat down. She makes three perfect circles, and Five slathers them with squandered butter.
“I didn’t think you did pancake day?”
“I don’t, but I can at least work a gas hob, unlike the two of you.” It’s the first time she’s cracked a bit of a smile since Maxine disappeared as she watches their delight biting into them. “You two just wait for Passover. Then you’ll know about cooking.” Then, remembering, looks at her hands again. “Except I can’t risk going near a knife.”
“Don’t worry, Five and I can be your sous chefs!”
“Yeah, that definitely won’t end badly,” Five rolls their eyes so hard even Paula gets the gist, and chuckles.
“What else do you do on Shrove Tuesday?” she asks.
“I’m pretty sure Phil was saying there’s a race?” Five scrawls in their notepad. “I have no idea whether that’s a real thing or a New Canton thing.”
Sam, running water for the dishes, turns and splashes them. “You also thought cheese rolling was just a New Canton thing.”
“I’m sorry that I don’t know your weird English town things!”
“Excuse me, cheese rolling is a legitimate event. Anyway, you could beat every single one of those New Canton runners in a straight up race, hands down.”
“I don’t know, Fifty-three is fast…”
“You’re faster. Hands. Down.”
Five grins up at him with a megawatt smile. He smiles back, reaching out to daub their nose with soap suds -
Pat’s crochety voice suddenly filters through the kitchen doorway. “Hey, did someone take something without signing for it?”
“Oh. So, this is where the running comes in.” Five grabs Sam’s arm, who grabs Paula’s, and the three of them burst out of the kitchen and charge towards the exit before the old man has time to turn and see them.
“Are you two,” Paula heaves for breath on the other side of the township. “Are you two always this childish? ”
Sam sputters as Five signs, “I prefer to call it young at heart?”
All she can think of is when her and Maxine were that way, rose tinted smiles, treating the world like it was still brand new despite everything and everyone being against them. I miss that.
Five sees her face, and signs slowly, mouthing the words to let her lipread. “We’ll get her back, Paula, wait and see. She needs to taste pancakes that good.”
“And in the meantime, you’re now officially in someone’s bad books for doing something pointlessly stupid.” Sam smiles. “Welcome to Abel.”
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brenli · 4 years
Questions in the time of Quarantine
Tagged by: @goddamnitkastle (Thanks!!! This quarantine time is really something so the distraction of this is very welcome~)
1. Do you ever make your bed?
Oh yeah, it’s basically the daily routine. Even with me spending a lot of my time sitting on top of my bed, now. I still have to make it before I do so. 
2. What’s your favorite number?
3. I don’t really know why; I guess in my head 3 is a very “complete” number?
3. What’s your job?
Welllllll the thing that WAS getting me money was Front of House Management, but, you know. What’s there to house manage, these days~?
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
Probably not to be honest. Not unless I could get like a free ride to a performing arts school, and even then I’m really not sure.
5. Can you parallel park?
Barely. I avoid it at all costs. XD
6. A job you had that would surprise people
I guess that answer varies dependent upon how a person met me, some people get surprised at my Front of House work and some people get surprised that I had a barista stint and some people get surprised that I spent a summer helping a woman prepare one of her properties for a family who were slated to move into it, whilst living in that property.
7. Do you believe aliens are real?
Absolutely, believing otherwise is the peak of human arrogance. I just don’t have many presumptions that we know what extraterrestrial life even looks like, or that they’d even be interested in the likes of us.
8. Can you drive a manual car?
No, I’ve never had the need or opportunity to learn. 
9. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Pffffffffffff I don’t know; it’s honestly pretty hard to pin something on me as a GUILTY pleasure. Like if someone were to come up to me today and be like, “I know you were a MASSIVE Backstreet Boys fan in their heyday and you even wrote fic with a highschool friend of yours!” I’d just bold-faced be like, ��And what of it?” (This is true by the way. XD) So, I don’t know.
Can my guilty pleasure be cheesy poofs? I know that artificial cheese powder is bad, but I love it anyway. XD
Can mint chocochip ice cream be my guilty pleasure??? I don’t knooooow.
10. Tattoos?
No, not yet? I have a lot of grand sweeping ideas for getting inked but a lot of it is dependent on ensuring I’m being regionally and symbolically accurate in design, and the delicate balance of trying to marry two different cultures together. (vaguevaguevague Basically I want to marry precolonial Visayan marks with designs that speak toward French rococo design, which is. A very ambitious wish. I’m also attempting to fit a triskele on my body somewhere as a nod toward Gaul. /vaguevaguevague)
11. Favorite color?
Black, white, gold, and warm colors.
12. Things that people do that piss you off?
BOYYYYY. Self-righteousness to a fault is a big one. Being too proud to listen is another. Caring more about money than a person’s well-being is also one, and violating a person’s trust and sense of safety. /vague. 
13. Any phobias?
The loss of my voice. Literal and metaphorical.
14. Favorite childhood sport?
15. Do you ever talk to yourself?
Absolutely, it helps me process.
16. What movie do you adore?
I mean, there’s a lot depending on my mood, so. Beauty and the Beast (both the OG Disney and the live action remake). Moana. Hunchback. Lilo and Stitch. Pocahontas (yeah I know I know, but listen Kocoum could get it; if it were me I would have happily married him and thrown myself full force into some mission to make his serious face crack into a smile, IT WAS A THING). Andersen-douwa Ningyo Hime. A Nightmare on Elm Street (and also ANOES 3: Dream Warriors). The Blue Lagoon (I hugely blame Mama for this one - can THIS be a guilty pleasure? XD). What Dreams May Come. Wonder Woman. The AOS Star Trek movies. Moulin Rouge. Moon Child... The Last Samurai (because it introduced me to Sanada-san). Ringu (yes I saw this after TLS). Alita: Battle Angel. Audition. The Underworld films... I’m sure more could come to me but I’ll stop here.
Oh! The Crow. Stigmata. The Queen of the Damned (Can THIS be a guilty pleasure thing I know it’s such a WILD departure from the books but like, I can’t help it, Aaliyah is a Goddess and the aesthetics are everything early 2000′s babygoth me lived on~) Okay now I’ll stop.
17. Do you like doing puzzles?
I guess it depends on the puzzle, but I feel like that answer loosely translates to ‘no.’ XD
18. What’s your favorite kind of music?
I’m honestly all across the board but I lean toward the following usually: hard rock, some metal, and grand-scale instrumentals. There are some notable deviations toward pop and r&b, but. Those first three are home, I suppose?
19. Tea or coffee?
It’s always coffee in the morning, but it’s always tea all the rest of the time. Like. I homebrew iced green tea with honey and that’s usually what I’m living on for the rest of my day, after my morning coffee.
20. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grow up?
I basically wanted to be Jem. XD
Tagging: @halorecoil @yacky-jackie @candybunnieholic @lemonedscream @malevolentqueenofspiders @alias-b @anagraves @godofrapture and I don’t know, YOU if you wanna; I’m not your keeper~
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Survey #249
“every wall that i knock down is just a wall that i’ll replace.”
Has anyone done anything nice for you today? Nothing in particular. The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do? We visited our mom in the hospital. Fun. Have you ever been so lonely, you cried? Oh, plenty of times. Have you ever given homeless people money? No, not that I've ever really had money to give. Do you usually bring or buy a lunch for school? I absolutely never buy from the cafe, I'll tell you that much. The price is fucking ridiculous; it's a standard number regardless of how little or how much you eat. Fucking $8 or so for a goddamn hot dog or something. I always either pack something or Mom and I drive over to McDonald's. Does it bug you when you want something done, and it doesn’t get done? Ugh, yes. Have you ever tried so hard to save up for something, but it was too hard? I don’t think so, no. I've rarely been in a position where I'm saving up for something because I rarely have any money on me. The last time you had sex, was it in their bed or yours? Hell if I remember. What was the last pill you took? One of my morning meds for my mood. If you were to have sex right now, would you use a condom? Yes. What’s your sexuality? Have you ever questioned it? How old were you when you figured out you were definitely straight, or bi, or whatever? I'm bi, though I grew up believing I was straight. I became definitely sure in '17. Do you fit in at work or in school? I don't care enough to think about this. Were you ever a fan of macaroni & cheese? Do you like Kraft dinner? BITCH yes that's my shit. Is there a laundry basket in your room? If yes, what color is it? Not currently, but all of ours are white. Have you ever read a book all the way through in one day? Not like, a big book. What would you do if you found out your last ex is engaged? Be very confused. Do you get along with your significant other’s family? N/A, but for anyone I've ever been with where I knew the family, we got along fine. Have you ever gone horseback riding? Where? Not really, just at like, fairs. Have you ever cried at a real wedding? Yes, but it was due to PTSD more than anything else. Who was the last person to be on a bed with you? Well I sat with Mom on her hospital bed. What were you afraid of the most when you were a kid? Thunderstorms or being separated from Mom. Depends on the age. Do you know how it feels to be cheated on? No. Do you have feelings for someone right now? How strong are those feelings? And does that person have feelings for you, too? Yes; "controlled" is the best way to put it ig; and idk. Who’s the last person that told you they loved you? My mom. Where was your Facebook default picture taken? The living room. What’s your brother(s)/sister(s) names? Misty, Katie, Bobby, Ashley, and Nicole. Do you like to cuddle? Yeah, if I like and am comfortable with that person. Are you currently reading a book? Yeah, amazingly. What’s on your mind? Way too goddamn much. Does any part on your body hurt? Not right now. Do you have nightmares a lot? I have nightmares/terrors on an almost nightly basis (I wish I was exaggerating) by now and it's fucking old. Who was the last person you texted? Sara. Think a lot before you fall asleep? It consistently takes me at least 20+ minutes to go to sleep because my brain doesn't shut up. What’s your favorite thing to have on your bed? MY CAT Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? Probaby like Wal-Mart. It's just a tank top. Last people you went to the mall with? Uhhhhh my mom and my sister I think. Are there any stressful situations in your life? Mom's cancer diagnosis is going to be my end in the stress department. Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed? Depends on where I am/who else is present. Where did you get your last bruise/cut from? Roman was playing a bit too rough with my hand. Did you cry at all today? No. Who was the last person you hugged? Mom. What is the last gift someone got you? A gift card to either Dairy Queen or Sonic, can't remember which. Is anyone on your bad side right now? No. Did you have a dream last night? A nightmare where I woke up crying/screaming that I physically couldn't kill myself for some reason I don't remember. And I remember Jesus was in there somewhere. Bro idk but it made my throat hurt like a bitch. Ready for kids? NOOOOOOOOOO and I assure you I never will be. What’s one thing you do when you’re mad? Cry, easily. Do you like where you live? No, fuck this house. Like, we *need* to move. How often do you lose your voice? Extremely rarely. I have to be sick as hell. Are you a good babysitter? I don't think so. How’s your mood? Sad, pretty lifeless. Do you have a job? No. Ever thrown up in a car? No. Is anyone over protective over you? *Over*protective, no. Have you ever violated school dress code? In high school, apparently, because I got in trouble for a shirt once that I'd worn many many times before that never caused trouble until then. If you are listening to music, is the singer male/female? Male. What (if anything) do you give up for Lent? I don't take part in Lent. I did sometimes as a Catholic kid though, but it never lasted. When you feel like giving up, how do you convince yourself not to? Like, on life? It's always the belief that I have one shot at this and can't let a few bad passing moments decide to cut it short. What was the subject of the last list you made? Grocery list that Mom wanted my input on. Do you ever get nervous before interviews / important meetings? Oh hell yes I do. Who pays for the majority of your belongings? Hi, I'm Brittany, I'm 24, and my parents pay for absolutely everything because I'm one hell of an excuse for an adult. Would you ever willingly shop in a thrift store? Dude, I love thrift shops. You can find the coolest shit. What is the most that you would ever spend on an outfit? I don't have a clue. I don't shop and never have shopped for clothes nearly frequently enough to gauge here. Is there anything you do that just outrages your parents? Mom hates when I curse excessively when I'm seriously upset. When was the last time you were embarrassed in public? How the actual fuck am I blanking here. I'm always embarrassed. I can blink "wrong" and be humiliated. Have you ever won an award you were actually proud of? Yeah, a few. What is the coolest science experiment you’ve ever done? Well, it wasn't an "experiment" per se, but dissecting a frog in the 7th grade was dope. Are you experiencing difficulties with any friends right now? No. When you apologize to someone after a fight, how do you go about saying that you are sorry? By saying sorry??? Not trying to be a smart ass, just... say sorry. I do absolutely ensure I'm sincere and do all I can for me to come across as such, but yeah. Have you ever played around with “dry ice”? No. Do you think parents are responsible for the actions of their children? To a degree. When was the last time that you corrected someone? I don’t know. When was the last time you were corrected? ^ Is there any celebrity you like to “keep up with”? There's a couple. Celebrity gossip: YAY or BOO? Ugh. Now the gossip part with celebs, I just don't care. What is the most life-changing book you have read? Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. Have you had a negative impact on anyone’s life? Probably. Has anyone had a negative impact on yours? Who/why? Yes, let's not linger on it. What does marriage mean to you, specifically? My feelings towards marriage have evolved semi-recently. It was once the "happily ever after" portion of a relationship, the goal to me, but now, it's really just a wise (to some, of course) financial option for a strong, stable, tested relationship that you intend to be permanent. Like, it's a piece of paper, congrats. I'll admit my mind still somewhat sees it as a desirable milestone, but I know that's simply the works of societal conditioning. How will you know when you are ready to get married? I don't know. This actually brings to my attention that I've pondered if I'll ever *confidently* know after Jason. I really don't know. How much time have you spent contemplating your own death? I mean, not a hell of a lot, but I'm sure more than the normal person. Is there a joke that you just can’t stand? I really hate any joke that's rooted in discrimination, or is just purely hateful. Have you ever read any self-help books? No, though I've contemplated them a bit. What is something you used to love, but now greatly dislike? Country music, oh boy. What is something you used to dislike, but now like? Hmmm. Lol first thing that comes to mind is mashed potatoes, I guess. Thanks, Sara's Mom. When (if) you become a parent, what will you do differently, compared to how your parents raised you? I'm never going to be a parent. Do you equate spanking with physical abuse? Would you spank a child? I can't say I exactly equate them, no, but I absolutely disagree with it. You do not teach children through fear and pain. If your bf/gf wanted to wait until marriage for sex, would you be willing? Yeah. Is there someone you wish you could trust/you wish was trustworthy? Yes. Is there anyone that you no longer want in you life? Who/why? No one that plays a big role in my life, no. At least not off the top of my head. How has your outlook on life changed in the past few years? I've strayed further from my fairy-tale outlook of it every year for the past few. Some can call it a much more negative view, but it's realism, baby. It doesn't depress me, even though I'm sure some may see it as such. I'm more accepting to fact and less preoccupied with "it'd be nice if..."s, things like that. Have you ever walked out of a boring movie (in theaters)? No. How open are you with people you know online? Depends on the person and location something is being shared. If a celebrity is involved in scandal after scandal, is that likely to affect how you view him/her & his/her work? Of course. What is one celebrity that you have zero respect for? Man, I don't pay enough attention to this or know all "the facts" or whatever. What is one fashion trend that you hope makes a comeback? It's the Rawring 20s motherfuckers LOOK the scene style is fucking adorable let's bring that shit BACK. What is one that you wish would just die out already? Idc. Have you ever driven under the influence of alcohol/drugs? Hell no. Are you overly attached to your material possessions? Some. Have you ever ridiculed anyone for their clothing choices? I'm sure I have when I was younger, but never aloud, I'd hope. Now, I seriously don't care what you wear. Living in poverty: what do you think it’d be like? I literally am riding on the poverty line and shit's bad enough, so I don't care to find out what it's like any lower. What is one “diet” that you think is just utterly worthless? The keto diet used to seriously appeal to me, but now I totally don't get it. You're GOING to gain weight back as you switch to a regular diet again. Not just that though, keto is extremely unhealthy to the body. It's tempting because yes, it has drastic results, but it's an awful choice. What advice would you give someone that is uncomfortable with his or her body/appearance? Oh hunny me too so don't ask me. What advice would you give someone about to start high school? Don't put too much weight on the people you're involved with. Don't let your world revolve around them. "They're" right when they say half those people won't mean shit later. What foreign food are you NOT interested in trying? Honestly? I'm not educated enough on cuisines to know. I have no clue what most entail. What foreign country do you believe is misunderstood? "I’m sure they all are." <<<< Do you understand/read Shakespeare? We read some stuff in school, and for the most part, I understood it. It's not something I'd go out of my way to read now. Would you feel more comfortable living with someone that owned a gun? I don't know for sure, but actually, probably no, BUT that's only because I don't trust my impulsive ass with her suicidal history. Otherwise, I'd feel safer with a gun. Have you ever had a make-over? Not a serious one. What’s the longest time you’ve stayed out of the country? Where? I've never left the country. Name one thing you’re grateful for today. My mom being here. What is your favorite high school memory? Long bus rides home with Jason. What is the most insane thing you’ve done to/for your crush that (s)he might not/might know about? Take a plane multiple times by myself and endure airports when my muscle atrophy was at its worse probably, lmao. Name three teachers you liked in high school. Coach Collie, Mrs. Cruz, Mrs. Williams... man, I could go on for a long time. I had great teachers. Who is your best friend? Sara. What’s your favorite song right now? Probably "Hunting Grounds" by In This Moment ft. Joe Cotela. Write a line from any song. My favorite lyric from the song that's playing right now is "I fell asleep at the wheel again, crashed my car just to feel again" bc some part of me feels that shit. Do you know at least one Disney song by heart? Which one? Oh, I'm sure there's a lot, "The Circle of Life" to name just one. All TLK ones really, lol. Would you rather be a hobbit, an elf, or a dwarf? E L F What are the first five things you would splurge on if you were a billionaire? Help Mom monetarily, and then like... I'd have to fight from blowing ALL of it on tattoos lmao. Do you blow dry your hair or do you let it air out? I just let it dry naturally after using a towel. Do you blush when you receive compliments? I think so. Depends, though. Candles or incense? Incenseeeeee. Can you juggle? No. Reason behind the last time you laughed until you cried? I don't remember. Are you one who brags a lot? No. Something you love to eat or drink at the fair? I don't know any typical "fair foods" I actually like. Your favorite vegetable? Broccoli. Are you confrontational? I'm the polar opposite. I will do anything to avoid confrontation. Have you ever caught yourself talking in your sleep? That's another nightly thing now. Do you catch lizards? No, leave wild animals be. Do you like pretzels? Yeah, preferably soft ones.
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champagne-stars · 5 years
Sooo I got mealybugs :(
So some mealybugs got into my house and I’m le-sad. I think it came in on my prayer plant that I bought in August. To be honest it didn’t look healthy when I bought it but I was pretty new to plants and thought maybe that was just how that plant looked (I am definitely mostly to blame for this situational, I should have trusted myself when I thought it looked off but I seller didn’t seem concerned so I just blamed my inexperience). I didn’t know what it was at the time so I let it go thinking the plant was just sad and maybe a bit moldy but perhaps when I got it home it’d be better in my dry as fuck house.
I was back at the place where I bought today and just thought I’d ask about it since, again, I just assumed it was some sort of moldy-rot situation, but they suggested mealybugs. I didn’t think that was right since it didn’t quite look like the pictures they showed me, but when I got home and looked it definitely was that.
The bastards also got into my Hoyas (two out of three of total hoyas owned, and both my some of my favourites since I seem to only have any success with Hoyas) and the Alocasia as well (which is sad, because it didn’t have a good summer as it was). My Pilea is somehow unscathed despite being on the same surface at the Hoyas? It looks like the fuckers just walked on by and went to the other Hoya? (Strangely enough).
Ironically, it it also didn’t seem to affect my succulents in the room, which I find hilarious, since I can’t keep those bastards alive normally. The Sweetheart Hoya and the Sansevieria (not mine) seem to be okay as well. I’m afraid to move anything out of the room since the only other room I could put plants in has (seemingly) healthy plants.
The prayer plant spent over a month there (August to late September), right after I brought it home, and yet didn’t seem to contaminate any of the plants in that room (which is a blessing since most plants in that room are not mine, and the ones that are would be heartbreaking to replace - a umbrella tree that is probably close to 20 years old and my favorite child the Chain of Hearts).
I also picked up a Raven ZZ and a Swiss Cheese Plant today (both of which I’ve wanted for awhile and both of which were rather pricey, I had been waiting until I was pretty confident in not killing other things before I invested in them) I moved them out of the room once I confirmed the mealybugs (they are now in the presumably safe space). Which is not ideal, since I promised those I live with that all the new plants I bought would be in the secondary (mealydangerzone) space.
I’ve spent some time tonight cleaning the infected plants with a mixture of spraying rubbing alcohol on the worst bits, and cleaning the other bits with rubbing alcohol and q-tips. Luckily none of them seem as bad as the prayer plant.
Unfortunately, I’m not confident in my ability to save the prayer plant (it looked pretty bad), so it has been taken outside (tonight's killing frost will likely be the end of it). There were a whole bunch all over the outer pot it was sitting in, so I’ve sprayed that down as well, and will wash it tomorrow (though I am not sure where I’m going to do it since the kitchen sink is near the (seemingly) healthy and unaffected plants.
I know the mealybugs aren’t dangerous to people, but I lowkey feel super itchy and skin crawly just thinking about them. Like I kinda want to somehow sanitize the entire room just to be sure). I know that tea-tree oil is good to get rid of a lot of bugs, does anyone know if it will deter mealybugs without harming the plants?
I just hope that I can save my hoyas and keep my pilea safe. I am super not confident with my plant skills (lowkey got obsessed when I turned 30) and am still learning. This experience is super discouraging and kinda makes me think that all hope is lost and that this might not be the hobby for me after all. I know it is a common pest, but all the information online seems to suggest that it’s hopeless, now that I’ve got it in the house I’m fucked it’ll be here forever :\ seems like a waste to bring anything else in now. 
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
OKAY so today was a lot of course. I had my alarm set for fucking 3:45 am but OF COURSE kitty decided to jump on me at precisely 3:31 am and I was like really kitty?? really???? that she proceeded to bite things while I tried to lay down for ten more minutes until I just kicked her out of the room, then sorrowfully dragged my ass out of bed when my alarm went off. Didn’t have to do much to get ready of course so I was good to go by 4, went on uber and put the first stop as Jess’ place so we could pick her up then to the airport, and so we did. the airport was fairly chill lol nobody all that awake since it was like 4:45 am. we needed caffeine so we did a fairly ridiculous starbucks order (and by that I mean I goaded Jess into ordering a soy chai with two espresso shots which they then made as a soy chai with three espresso shots and I was so thrilled with myself) then walked down to the gate. We waited like 20 minutes or so till we started boarding. Jess SOMEHOW managed to get upgraded to “comfort plus” which is coach but slightly less shitty, so she got to be like 3 rows ahead of me while I was in coach with the commoners. Apparently they gave her bananas and several snack choices, whereas when they handed me a cranberry almond breakfast bar and I was like “do you have anything that doesn’t have nuts in it?” they were like “no” which made me want to pretend I was allergic to nuts and write to delta complaining about this. but during the actual plane ride I spent most of it reading the complaint I got yesterday about the torts issues I forget if I talked about this or not?? I’ll get to it at some point lol. I got sorta sleepy at the end and was kinda fading in and out of sleep when we landed. Upon landing we found my bag rather easily, then went on a wild goose chase trying to find where you can get to the ubers, then was like oh fuck that’s a really expensive uber but guess we don’t really have any other choice??? so we took our really expensive uber over through manhattan to where our airbnb is in “West New York” New Jersey, because staying in Manhattan is like upwards of $250 per night and that’s not happening. so we’re in a bedroom of an apartment which is fine. we got changed and then took another uber over to where NYCC actually is, which got caught in traffic around like construction getting out of new jersey and took forever. but THEN we got to the con center. it’s huge, of course. Oh, we’re cosplaying Gary and Ava, last minute change from our Riverdale plans because Jess wanted to be able to carry her Beebo around all day and I hear that was a massive hit. So she got a signing with the Titans cast at like 1:15, so we walked around a bit and then I went to get food because I hadn’t eaten since 5 am starbucks because I wasn’t seated on the nice section of the plane, so I went out to the food trucks and waited in a very long line for some second rate mac and cheese from a food truck (I was disappointed) while Jess got to go to her lovely signing. then I ate the food, then I went to the bathroom which also had a long line and tried to make the wig that I hate look semi-decent and idk if it worked, but then Jess was done so I tried to guide her to where I was and just ended up going to find her anyway. Once we were reunited we went through the show floor for a while, then the artist alley, and this was about the point where Facebook informed me they reached a verdict in the Laquan McDonald murder trial for former Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke. Imma go off on a bit of a thing here, but like, you cannot underestimate how much this case has effected the public to police relations in Chicago. Basically, short story, a white cop shot and killed a black teenager (who happened to be a foster child, which I know because people I worked with knew him) when there are like 7 other cops on the scene and right away goes on the record saying Laquan lunged at him with a knife so he had to shoot him in self-defense, and the other cops on the scene all backed up his story. Case closed, right? It would’ve been if a certain dashboard camera hadn’t surfaced with the entire incident on video with Laquan walking AWAY from Van Dyke and Van Dyke just shooting him in cold blood, and every. single. officer. on the scene lied to protect him. like, if that isn’t a gigantic message to minority communities that they can't trust the police, idk what is. But that was 2014, it took them a full year to release the video and finally bring charges, and up till now that they actually tried him. I’ve been following the trial fairly closely thanks to a podcast called 16 Shots (oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Van Dyke put 16 bullets in this 17 year old foster child?) which had been recapping the court coverage every day. At first hearing the jury had a verdict after about a day and a half of deliberation, I felt kinda worried because it felt to me like it would take more than that to convict a cop of first degree murder. the outcome though was one I was halfway expecting, they convicted him of second degree murder, which is known as a lesser-included offense, meaning it’s something the jury can decide on if they don’t feel like the full charge is warranted but he’s not innocent either. second degree murder in this case is following the imperfect self-defense rule, which is when a person believes that they need to kill the other person in self-defense, but that belief was unreasonable (whereas a reasonable belief would potentially get you acquitted). So I wasn’t terribly shocked when the verdict came back with that. The interesting part for me at least ended up being that they convicted him of 16 counts of aggravated battery (one for each shot) and that has sparked some conversations among law students/lawyers on my page as to whether those sentences would run consecutively or concurrently, because if it’s the former he may very well die in prison, being as the mandatory minimum on the charge is 6 years (which would place him at a total of 96 years, on top of the murder sentence) so we’ll have to see how sentencing plays out. but of course they immediately revoked his bail and he’s sitting in prison tonight, the first of many nights to come, and that is at least some justice to what has been such a divisive incident, even when I personally feel like there were enough aspects of premeditation (such as before he got to the scene hearing what the cops were saying and remarking “I guess we have to shoot him then”) to warrant first degree murder. but anyway, back to con world. we walked through artist alley for a bit and then ended up meeting up with a new friend who is gonna be one of the co-hosts with Jess and I on the upcoming Batwoman podcast, so we just sat and chilled for a while to talk and get to know each other and it went really well! So I’m definitely looking forward to that adventure. After that we wandered the show floor some more until it was 4:30 and I could line up for my funko buying slot. they have a lottery to be able to purchase any of the NYCC exclusive funko pops, and if you get a slot you can purchase them but only one of each type. At first the booth was kinda a mess and there was like a huge people traffic jam but I waded through it and found the actual line. I ended up talking to this kid behind me who was from Scotland who was pretty nice (I say kid because I was like “you’re a baby right?” and he was like “well I’m about to turn 21″ and I was like “yeah that’s what I thought” 😂😂) but we just talked about the pops and the options and some of the shows, so that was nice. he ended up buying like 21 of them I think because he was bringing a bunch home to different friends. I ended up buying four, killer frost for a friend, the Supergirl one that I may or may not resell at some point, Aquaman just because I wanted him, and one of the characters from New Girl for Jess because the main character is named Jess and she has a friend (”friend”) with the characters name so she really wanted that. the line took a bit but once we got up to the counter they were super quick. they then proceeded to give me the biggest bag known to man, made out of those like reusable shopping bag material but like, maybe about 4 feet by 4 feet in height and length? it’s fucking huge lol. but after that I met back up with Jess and we headed out, ended up taking the subway one stop up to times square just because we weren’t sure if the neighborhoods we would have to walk through if we did walk would be safe. Once we got there we needed food so I suggested Juniors because I always end up there and they haven’t let me down once. I of course got my favorite matzo ball soup and a potato pancake, and it was lovely as always. After we finished dinner we walked up to where the theatre was and got in line for the very first preview of King Kong, the broadway musical. We had seen the theatre marquee for it back in July when we saw mean girls (which was right around the corner) and Jess really wanted to see it, and it just so happened to start while we were already gonna be in NY so clearly that was fate. So we lined up, the opened the theatre a little earlier than usual so we got to our seats and waited for a bit. Now of course, as an actor and someone with a degree in Theatre, I automatically analyze just about every element of a show, whether I’m trying to or not. I basically expected it to be a dumpster fire, and there were definitely some cringeworthy moments, but they were fewer than I expected. I of course expected the technical elements to be phenomenal and absolutely groundbreaking as far as broadway goes because this has definitely never been done up till this point and they absolutely nailed every element of the technical side of things. Sadly what was lacking was what would classify as the heart and soul of any broadway musical- the book and the score. It reminded me a lot of Spider-Man: TOTD in that they invested heavily in technical elements but lacked in actual story and musical quality. I will say, the lead woman absolutely carried the show, and she was fucking phenomenal, so I will definitely give her credit for that. Now I haven’t actually seen the old movie from he 30′s that this was based on so I can’t say for sure, but I don’t believe the character of Ann Darrow was originally a POC, so I liked that they went in that direction. but as far as music goes, I can recall like, maybe a few words and a few stanzas of music, but the rest of it was very forgettable. again, though, the technical elements were absolutely phenomenal. So they definitely get credit for that. I couldn't help but thinking man, they’re gonna sweep on those technical effects Tonys they never actually air on tv 😂😂😂. I feel like the appeal is very similar to spider-man as well, and their main patrons are gonna be tourists, which I mean is a fairly good model to work off in NYC, so I predict it’ll run for a few years then quietly disappear, and not many will miss it. so when it was over we got an uber back to our airbnb, showered and got ready for bed and now I’m here and OY am I tired as I’m sure you could assume from the beginning of this post, but consider this me signing off for now. Goodnight loves. Happy weekend.
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pigsocks · 6 years
WHOA HOLY SHIT ROLL20 LOOKS DIFFERENT we spent a good few minutes oohing and aahing over it and Julienn rolled 4d20 just for giggles (I got 40)
we are deciding finally whether we want to ride the handWave or to ride skeletal horses.... I think we’re going via horses to Sanguina
we are all REELING about the price of potions in this gd game.... a THOUSAND GOLD for a potion of greater healing?! YOU MUST BE MAD
time to get all stocked up for our Journey To The West (just to Sanguina) and we are considering types of armour
our DM is working on a calendar for this world, and there are 9 months in a year! And 5 of those months are a single day long :’D and apparently today is Hellsday (the days of the week are named after the planes) and it is currently fall
each hexagon on our map is 24 miles, about.... which means our map is FUCKING GIGANTIC THIS COUNTRY IS HUGE HOLY SHIT
so, our journey to the capital will take us about 8 days since we don’t trust ourselves to sleep on the horses (since it involves a lot of checks :’D)
rations bought! We spent 20 gold (for 10 days’ worth) LET’S GET SOME FANTASY MAC AND CHEESE
so now it’s time to procure some skellie horses! Apparently this horsewhisperer guy is hardcore even by Eternian standards :’D
“You, uh.... don’t look like you’re from around here.” “....what makes you say that?” “-gives us a whole litany of reasons-” “OKAY FINE”
“Well I charge 3 copper per mile.... to Sanguina, so that’s 11 1/2 gold per horse” so that’s 34 gold for the three of us (since Gilly can’t ride on a horse herself, she doesn’t know how so she needs to double up with someone) 
we decide to go by horse one way and take the hands back.......
Shaman rolled a d12 but got a 1..... if he’d rolled an 11 or 12 we would have had a random encounter but since he got a 1 we didn’t..... however, something else IS happening
3rd night into our journey we see the same flock of crows following us and a few of them start flying down to peck at the horses.... since the horses are skeletal they aren’t reacting to it but one of the crows is chipping away!!
(Gilly is still on her horse because she is afraid that if she gets off she won’t be able to get back on it again)
she shot an arrow at it to get it away but since she rolled a 1 THE ARROW LODGED INTO THE HORSE’S EYESOCKET
she yanked it out, leaving a bigger hole in it than the crows would have left, much to Julienn’s dismay
Julienn casts Detect Magic on the horse’s ‘wound’ to see if the crow did anything, and we detect two necromancy spells on it compared to only 1 on the other horses....  nothing we can really do about it for now
and of course it was Jack’s horse!! GOTTA KEEP AN EYE ON IT
CatFish (which is Gilly and Julienn) rides again!!! Aka Gilly’s sharing Julienn’s horse. The murder of crows is still visible and still follows us but does nothing else for the rest of our trip
we see the city up ahead and notice that the buildings..... are made of bone and wood......... we don’t hear carriages or horses or merchants arguing, you hear the beating of the city’s heart as blood is pumped through every building in the city! Closer we see where the sound is coming from, and the buildings are all pulsating slightly :’D It’s not an overpowering sound but it’s inescapable 
they don’t have doors but SPHINCTERS (”I’ll let you get your snickering out of your systems” “UH THE PLURAL is ‘SPHINCTA’ “ and this kinda triggered all our needs to hit the bathroom :B
it seems like all the doors are controlled with necromancy magic, so like.... we can’t even get in
this is the first city that we’ve been to that does not have walls, and the buildings get taller and taller as you go further in, and in the middle there is a spire that sticks out because it is made of porcelain
there are no windows but occasionally an EYE will open in these fleshy walls :’D organic surveillance
there’s a guard standing there outside this defensive-looking building and her armour is made of bones...... her own bones and when she stretches we just hear cracking :’DDDD “Like cracking your knuckles, but all over your body”
she is the closest official-looking person, and Shaman decides to go up to her to ask if there are any good places to stay
she’s thinking about this really hard and just goes “nope! Don’t know about any ins or outs!”
she mentions the tower, as that’s where all the tourists seem to go! She is named Callie
we decide to ask her some more questions about the mayor, “he’s kind of a weirdo.... he wears one of those dead people masks that the people from the north wear” (all of us: OH SHIT)
“He promised that he was gonna revolutionize necromancy forever... and some other stuff I can’t talk about.... and y’know, he’s a really good necromancer? The mayor’s in charge of keeping the heart beating so that’s important... you gotta be really good at necromancy to be the mayor in the first place”
“you’re wearing a bunch of dead cow skin on you, that’s really weird...........” me, dying from laughter in the background because of course THAT’S what’s weird to her
she makes a fucking meat clone to stand in her place, and it grows teeth just to smile at us oh my god Julienn is like two steps away from fainting
she and Shaman are getting on like a house on fire oh my god, she decides to come with us to the tower as an escort, and the tower (which is incredibly tall) at least has actual DOORS
“I can’t believe this myself, but the mayor has decided to allow you guys to stay here!” us: OH FUCKKK
the help desk guy takes the party to what appears to be some kind of suite, which is fancy and has a lot of silk (since this whole city uses materials that were once biological in nature, e.g. bone, silk, etc.), this room was probably used for foreign diplomats and stuff
we had to do a perception check.... Julienn rolled an 18 but everyone else got 9s :’D We look in the bathroom and there is a big hot tub! It is unclear how it’s staying warm, but at the bottom of it there is already a pillow.... and a mattress............. and blankets........
Julienn notices a special hair brush (for Tabaxi, probably??) next to one of the beds, next to another bed there are potted plants all growing out of sand (desert plants) and the last bed is just plain. Completely nondescript................
there’s also a stocked bar, and all the same fancy schlogg’s milk stuff is on the bar!!! It’s elder’s schlogg’s milk, so that means it’s the Good Stuff (tm) :’D THIS IS CREEPY AS HELL EVERYTHING IS SO CATERED TO US
there are multiple rooms in this place, and behind one of the doors is a music room!! Full of instruments and a crystal that amplifies your voice when you talk into it.............. Julienn is very tempted but continues on exploring them all with Jack
another room is almost like a tiny museum, full of memorabilia. It’s got glass cases full of weapons, skulls, one of them has an entire skeleton (it looks like it was a zombie at one point, because it looks like it was stitched back up together) in it and above it is a plaque (it says “this is the first bounty of the Blue Arrows”) that has a coat of arms. There are two arrows crossed over each other, and they are blue
there’s another plaque about the skull named Roger Stepopolis (?) who was a necromancer who abducted people from Khurl and experimented on them to make a living skeleton.... he was caught and brought to justice, so says the plaque
Jack says that she was the one who chopped his head off!! Julienn’s mind is BBBBLLLLOOOOOWWWWWWNNNNNNN and some of the pictures on the walls have Jack in them! In one of them she’s traveling with a half-elf and a human, and in another one she’s fighting a skeleton
Jack is very reluctant to talk about her sordid past, but she’s telling us some stuff.... “before I hit Benevol I was in Eternus for a while, and the Blue Arrows were hiring, soooo....”(she was more of a bounty hunter and not a mercenary)
another round of perception checks (again I rolled the highest), and Julienn is the only one to hear cackling laughter from above them, through the ceiling
“What if I think real hard about the specific alcohol we had on the train?? Would it show up at the bar?” (nothin’) “Well.... so much for that theory.....”
at least the night passes without incident, and Gilly and Shaman wake up first; there was a 4th bed and THERE’S SOMEONE FUCKING IN THERE
“It is a man wearing a mask.....” “I FUCKING CALLED IT”
Shaman goes over to give him a poke and he’s like “I forgot that you elves rest for so little!”
he does however stop dead when Shaman mentions the crows...
our DM’s voice for this guy is hilarious oh my god “Oh, you wanted me to divulge my evil plan?” “Well, what if it’s not so evil?” “NO! IT’S VERY VERY EVIL -cackling-” cue us all dying with laughter
“I saw your exploits on the train, very funny~” “was that you?” “Oh no, I don’t much like the demons, I prefer the dead!”
he considers himself the greatest magician who ever lived, and wants to kill the second greatest magician in the world (Geraldine)
he needs to be a lich himself before he takes her on; destroying her phylactery would simply reunite her with her body, though he plans to destroy it before they ‘duel’
“as soon as I figure out how to become a lich myself!” (SO HE DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO DO IT YET but he’s studying the phylactery)
he’s planning for Geraldine’s inevitable contingency plans, but is at a disadvantage due to being watched by her agents; so he’s making us look for it in his stead (he has hidden the phylactery again)
“I know that it sounds awful, but...... tough shit”
we let him know about the crows and he called Geraldine a clever bitch.................. he knows about the necromancy spell that we couldn’t figure out but isn’t telling us
we have to north to Khurl, to see Khurl’s queen, and under the mountain to the Underdark
SHE’S HOLDING A TOURNAMENT THAT IS A WISH (spell)!! If it was easy to get a hold of the phylactery via a Wish spell Sirkus would have already done it, but Geraldine’s contingencies being what they are it’s the sort of thing that if you wished for the phylactery you’d get an exploding one in your face :I
we’ve got approx 40 days to get to Khurl for the tournament, if we decide to do
“keep it hidden, it’s indoors, if the crows see it around your neck you may be dealing with more than crows... she can track it, but I put a block on that, yes, BECAUSE I’M A GENIUS”
Shaman pulls out the jewel and shows it to Sircus - it takes him by surprise, he casts some magic on it and rolls it around in his palm but can’t make out what it is.... (evocation and conjuration as we found earlier, and it’s greater than teleportation) 
he wanted to hold on to it but decides to give it back
“I thought it was implied, but yes! If you don’t do this you’ll all be murdered and turned into my undead servants :D”
we’re at least getting him to spring for our fees to get to the tournament, by way of him chucking a giant diamond at us before absconding
then housekeeping rolls by and says, “did any of you guys order more booze?” and lo and behold it was the booze Jack was thinking of
Julienn’s like “FOR FUCK’S SAKE” and does an impression of Sirkus like “haha you guys are dumb and I can read you like a book!” “-I QUITE LIKE YOUR IMPRESSION OF ME-” and we burst into laughter 
DM: “well -I- know where the phylactery is!” me: “WELL I FUCKIN HOPE SO”
we DO have one more option, though it’s apparent only to Gilly... and it was to meet up with Lance and Marcus again after our recon!! KNOWING MARCUS HE MIGHT BE THERE SO HEY HEY HEY
OH MY GOD THERE ARE CARRIER PIGEONS IN THIS WORLD but they’re really only largely used in Silveria, due to the lack of magic
now we’re seriously debating on what to do next; we’d like to get back to Khurl but the problem with the train is that.... we’re still under suspicion for the whole runaway train thing from before :I so we’re going back to Callie to see if she can use some of her bone/skin rearranging magic to get us some legit disguises
we get a skin map (eeeeew) and make our way to her house (because she’s under house arrest for leaving her post to help us D: )
“110- 80% I got this! I’m not really good at this with dead people, never done this on living people before......”
Shaman wants to look like a high elf, and as such has to roll a constitution save :’D but it doesn’t hurt, and now he looks like a high elf, a young man at 100 years old! 
Gilly wants to go next and become human (”well, I don’t wanna disappoint Marcus, so~”) and whispers that she’d like to add a little more to the chest..... and the butt.... she nails her con save and though it feels weird it does not hurt. Callie goes a little overboard with the chest rearranging so Gilly’s got like, F-cups and now she’s 6′7″ and has her human name of ‘Sharon’
“GUYS GUYS CAN I GET WINGS?!” “No!!” “Okayy.....”
Jack just decides to become a little shorter (down from 6′3″ to 5′7″), her con save was a little low so she can hear and feel her bones just kinda crunching unsettlingly and some of her bones slide out of her feet :’D It breaks off and the skin closes off after it (Jack decides to keep those bone bits and tosses them in her bag)
Julienn just decides to go calico and a little taller... there’s no immediate colour difference though, though Callie says that the colours (when they come in) are gonna be purple :’D
“It was like, telling me not to change your shape and stuff” - Callie, about Jack’s flesh..................................... “while I was touching her skin it went like, through my mind, like my nervous system was connected with hers”
Shaman went from desert hobo to pinup - “Yeah, just like Jesus- WAIT NO I DIDN’T MEAN IT LIKE THAT” “Enjoy hell, man :’D”
 Immeral Sunsinger is the high elf name that Callie chooses for him, Gilly is Sharon Baker, Julienn is (”PUSSYLIPS” “NO”) ‘Click of the Spoons’, aka Click, and Jack is..... (Callie pokes her, and pokes her nose and Julienn gives her a poke too) .... Jaclyn (at the insistence of her skin, she’s still Jack!)
 Callie then transforms into a weird .... dragonfly............. creature thing and flies off to register us early for the tournament! She waves at us but all we hear is weird roaring :’D
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put a number in my ask - all
i’m impatient but @soldierofthenight
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
@soldierofthenight duh
4. Are you easy to get along with?
yeah i think so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
probably but i’d be the sober one 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
people that are honest and that care about me and are understanding and gentle
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
honestly i’ve spent a good majority of my day watching drake and josh so we’re gonna go with them
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
literally bri
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
i don’t really text
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
i’ve been listening to the mamma mia sequel’s soundtrack as background music, otherwise i usually have on one of my two playlists
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
i found bri lol
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
i would
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
i have no opinion
21. What are you bad habits?
typically negative and a bunch of other things people don’t need to know about
22. Where would you like to travel?
new york city or disney world
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
going to bed. jk idk
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
lmao is this a thing 
26. What do you do when you wake up?
i check my notifications
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
i just wish i could go outside without getting a sunburn
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my mom 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
i’ve been told that before, but guys are shit tbh
30. Do you ever want to get married?
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
this is completely hypothetical because the idea of a threesome really doesn’t appeal to me very much at all, but i guess kristen stewart and ally hills. or joan jett and courteney cox? is this question weird yes 
33. Spell your name with your chin.
zxaa ngnz
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
i’m trash and i love tv, but without tv
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
of course
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
hi @soldierofthenight
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
the disney store, walmart, fye, hot topic (i’m trash)
40. What do you want to do after high school?
i want to be gay 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
i’m either insanely anxious, sick, or upset
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
46. What are you paranoid about?
everything lol
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
i don’t think so. 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
of course
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
my entire body lol
53. Favourite makeup brand?
i don’t spend money on expensive stuff so it doesn’t matter
54. Favourite store?
hot topic or fye
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
purple, pink, black
57. Favourite food?
mexican followed by italian
58. Last thing you ate?
macaroni and cheese
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
it was in the parking lot of my old apartment complex with a boy i’ve known forever.
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
my friends are all my real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
umm depends
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
sabrina, kelly, and megan are my closest friends.
71. Craving something? What?
like every food i can’t eat right now lol
72. What colour are your towels?
i don’t know
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
75. Favourite animal?
cats and pigs
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
no pants
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
scream or beauty and the beast
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
the original of course
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
it’s been a long time since i’ve watched it
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
i don’t want to answer this lol
90. Name a person you love?
hi @soldierofthenight
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
not exactly
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
like 2 or 3
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
too many
95. Last movie you watched?
this is so embarrassing. it was drake and josh go hollywood
96. Favourite actress?
courteney cox or kristen stewart
97. Favourite actor?
leonardo dicaprio or zac efron
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
two cats
100. How are you feeling?
sick lol
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
don’t regret anything or it’d change where you are now
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
we always do
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
yeah probably
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
nothing productive
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
of course
111. Do you have trust issues?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
my mom actually
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
not recently
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
only when i’m sick
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
it used to be sweethearts by sara zarr but i also loved gamer girl by mari mancusi so much that i own a copy.
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
122. Is cheating ever okay?
don’t cheat on your significant other. 
alternatively, if your spouse is cheating on you and you know this (think sam smith’s i’m not the only one) do what you gotta do or wanna do.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
i didn’t before, but i do now.
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
music, food, my significant other, games, tv shows
128. Would you change your name?
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
yes i do
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
i’m gay sorry
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
probably bri
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
i have nothing good to write here unless you want every catchy abba lyric
134. Can you count to one million?
if i tried but who would want to?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
i can think of one
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
half closed
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
june or december
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
it went ok
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
"music is probably the only real magic I have encountered in my life… It’s pure and it’s real. It moves, it heals…" - tom petty
"there's nothing wrong with you, there's a lot wrong with the world you live in" - chris colfer
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
no book near me
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lesbianbruabba · 6 years
all of them!
Anon you are trying to kill me but also like..thank you
1: Full name
I’m not stupid, I’m not putting my full real name out. lol
2: Age
3: 3 Fears
Being rejected, depression consuming my life, going deaf or blind
4: 3 things I love
My brother, my friends, music
5: 4 turns on
Gentle caresses, dirty talk, teasing, kink stuff
6: 4 turns off
Uhhh. Pedophilia, scat, incest, racial degradation? I’m going for the most hardcore bad stuff lol
7: My best friend
I have a lot but for simplicity’s sake my bestest is @lettiehigh
8: Sexual orientation
9: My best first date
10: How tall am I
5′2. correct question is how short am I
11: What do I miss
Special ham sandwiches
12: What time were I born
I don’t fucking know
13: Favourite color
14: Do I have a crush
I have multiple. 
15: Favourite quote
“They don’t sell cheese at the jewelry store” - my husband Felony Steve
16: Favourite place
My bedroom
17: Favourite food
Chicken nuggets from a hong kong mcdonald’s. They taste like shit in scotland
18: Do I use sarcasm
Sometimes but I’m not that good at it
19: What am I listening to right now
No More Time - Flor
20: First thing I notice in new person
21: Shoe size
22: Eye color
Dark brown/black
23: Hair color
Dark brown/black. it’s gotten darker over the last few years
24: Favourite style of clothing
Frilly or bondage-y. Sometimes both at once
25: Ever done a prank call?
27: Meaning behind my URL
RPDR fic pen name
28: Favourite movie
29: Favourite song
Right now it’s Felony Reunion by Felony Steve
30: Favourite band
Waterparks, flor, All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, you can’t make me pick
31: How I feel right now
32: Someone I love
My baby brother
33: My current relationship status
34: My relationship with my parents
Rocky but overall it’s fine. It’s like an ongoing negotiation but I know they love me really.
35: Favourite holiday
I went to England when I was 14 with my school. 
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
Nipple piercings, I want a hip tattoo on my right hip because I haven’t self-harmed there and it’s a bit of a ‘sacred space’ now. someday I want a lyric tattoo, a flower tattoo (roses pls) and a watercolor one. I follow so many tattoo instagrams and they all look so pretty
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
At the very very beginning to make an aesthetic pastel blog. Got into roleplaying for a couple of years, made some good friends, some sad things happened, moved onto rpdr fic, evolved into the mess it is now
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
what ex
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
Good morning snaps from my brother and copyright from @samrull
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
42: When did I last hold hands?
Not a thing I’ve done in a long time? 
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
Depends on whether I do makeup or not. 10 minutes if I don’t have to, 20-30 if I do.
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
Nope. I don’t shave unless there’s a special event.
45: Where am I right now?
My bedroom in Edi
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
I don’t drink :)
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
reasonable level most of the time. Unless I am feeling particularly apathetic/anhedonic/depressed
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
Back in Hong kong yes
49: Am I excited for anything?
Dan and Phil show, possible trip to Copenhagen, possibly seeing flor, doing fashion design or Danish at uni next year, improving my fluency in languages, my brother visiting Edi, going home and seeing all my friends, going home and seeing my teachers I miss them so much oh my god, possibly seeing one of my crushes again!!
Oh and I’m going to a convention on sunday so that’s pretty great too!
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
Yeah my brother we’re a bit too open
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
depends on how often I leave my room/spend time in others’ company that I’m not comfortable with. 
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
Tuesday at 7:30 pm
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
Cool, thumbs up dude. he kisses well
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
Yeah probably. lbr I trust people too easily
55: What is something I disliked about today?
I didn’t move from my bed much. but! I got a lot of drawing done and I studied some Polish so that’s a win. fuck you for making me think negatively :)
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
there’s this girl in denmark i owe a very long apology to. her. and maybe her cat.
57: What do I think about most?
My crushes, analyzing whether I have a pattern/type of crush, random etymologies, whether Russian is harder than Polish or I have a warped bias, whether my friends care about me or am I overestimating my place in their hearts
58: What’s my strangest talent?
I can say thank you in like 15 languages that counts right?
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
The wolf from little red riding hood
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
In front bc I am shite at taking photos
61: What was the last lie I told?
my meds are making me better
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Video chatting oh my god
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
I sometimes hope ghosts exist. idk about aliens
64: Do I believe in magic?
65: Do I believe in luck?
66: What’s the weather like right now?
Not that bad for scotland tbh but chilly for late April
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
Essentials of Polish verbs and grammar or something. google it
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
no???? who tf likes that what the fuck
69: Do I have any nicknames?
This one friend I used to have called me Christababe. Also people at school called me Lily
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
Self harm cut from a few weeks ago. Got infected (it’s fine now)
71: Do I spend money or save it?
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
With a tongue sure but not my own lmao
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?
Yes a lot of it because my closet is next to my bed :)
74: Favourite animal?
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
Eating ice cream and surfing the drag race reddit
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
I don’t know???? Johnson?
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
78: How can you win my heart?
Don’t manipulate me.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
Married to Felony Steve
80: What is my favorite word?
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
Like my faves? @rippling-waves @samrull @lettiehigh @veronicasanders @lecafenoirx
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
Listen to Waterparks they have the best music. -dabs-
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
Fluency in all languages
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
“are you in love with me”. if asked by certain people. alternatively “do you like girls” asked by other certain people. 
86: What is my current desktop picture?
DDLC fanart
87: Had sex?
No but close
88: Bought condoms?
No but I have one from the Hive from a fresher’s package
89: Gotten pregnant?
no dear lord 
90: Failed a class?
Nope and I hope not
91: Kissed a boy?
92: Kissed a girl?
No, I wish
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94: Had job?
Yes, barista and factory worker
95: Left the house without my wallet?
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
Kind of? Not really? It was more of an argument but we’re friends now. I was a stupid thirteen year old 
97: Had sex in public?
98: Played on a sports team?
Lol, tell another one
99: Smoked weed?
100: Did drugs?
No, will not
101: Smoked cigarettes?
No, I hate smoking
102: Drank alcohol?
I had a few sips of white wine that were absolutely DISGUSTING
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104: Been overweight?
Currently am
105: Been underweight?
I wish
106: Been to a wedding?
Yeah of distant relatives and teachers
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
Try 14
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
I don’t watch TV, There’s no tv in my student hall and back home the TV is only for news
109: Been outside my home country?
Yep too many times tbh
110: Gotten my heart broken?
Unrequited love-wise yes
111: Been to a professional sports game?
Yes and spent the whole time reading (I was a kid and my mum couldn’t/didn’t find someone to babysit)
112: Broken a bone?
No, thank god
113: Cut myself?
Yes, trying to quit it
114: Been to prom?
Yep and I sang on stage too! 
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter?
No and not interested tbh
117: What concerts have I been to?
Waterparks, Avril Lavigne, All Time Low
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
Yes, quite a few times now
119: Learned another language?
Try multiple
120: Wore make up?
Yeah! Trying to do it more
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
No, too late for that now
122: Had oral sex?
No but I want to
123: Dyed my hair?
No but I want to
124: Voted in a presidential election?
No, HK doesn’t have presidential elections
125: Rode in an ambulance?
126: Had a surgery?
127: Met someone famous?
Famous in Hong Kong yes. Worldwide no. I’ve met the UoE principal though
edit: Iza reminded me that I’ve met both Courtney Act and Sasha Velour! 
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
Yes but not like…creepy. for drawing reference I’ve gone through a lot of people’s social media this morning lol
129: Peed outside?
When I was like 4
130: Been fishing?
Not that I can recall
131: Helped with charity?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
No because I’m too much of a wimp to confess. Maybe a few years later
133: Broken a mirror?
Yep, the one I use to wear my contacts (when I used to wear contacts)
134: What do I want for birthday?
Sex and liposuction and a corset and maybe someone to love me and a full happy day with no depression or anxiety
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
I don’t want kids. But if I did have kids, here is a list of nice names: Gracie, Ljudmila, Nico, Agneta (this one sounds really fucking familiar but I don’t know why), Anthony, Selene, Kristoff, James
136: Was I named after anyone?
No. My Chinese name means to have manners and to be gentle lmao. My English name is literally just the first thing I blurted out when the teacher asked me for my name. Wednesday was a name I look after Wednesday Addams though.
137: Do I like my handwriting?
I hate my Chinese and English penmanship it looks like shit but my Cyrillic looks GREAT
138: What was my favourite toy as a child?
Barbie, I had Genevieve from the 12 dancing princesses
139: Favourite Tv Show?
Drag race, b99, ASOUE, the good place
140: Where do I want to live when older?
In Edinburgh
141: Play any musical instrument?
The ukulele and I think I still remember a bit of guitar
142: One of my scars, how did I get it?
Cutting. Most of my scars are from cutting. A few from childhood bruises
143: Favourite pizza toping?
144: Am I afraid of the dark?
145: Am I afraid of heights?
all the time
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
A lot worse than sneaking out buddy
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
148: What I’m really bad at
controlling my fucking feelings and not falling for peple
149: What my greatest achievments are
Sewing my prom dress, making an animation, juggling learning 3 languages (slowly) at once, surviving high school because honestly I didn’t think I’d make it to graduation
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
That bisexuality doesn’t exist
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery
Depends on how much i win but assuming it’s a big amount of money, split it and donate a third to charity, give a third to my parents, split the rest of it in quarters and give three quarter to my dad for investments and spend the last quarter
152: What do I like about myself
I have pretty hair and nice tits and I can draw (not well but I can draw), and I have a bit of talent in learning languages and fashion design
153: My closest Tumblr friend
@samrull without a doubt
154: Something I fantasise about
My brain giving me a good yummy serotonin
155: Any question you’d like?
….anon you didn’t put a question (this happens every goddamn time i s2g)
Thanks for the ask though this kept me occupied for the good part of an hour :)
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adventureswithartie · 7 years
The first draft of my wedding speech
Today I imagine, if we were successful in organising a secret wedding, has been a surprise for you. It's been tough telling lots of lies to you all!
We planned today as we did, so we could, without pressure, create the most perfect day for us, surrounded by those nearest and closest to us. It also means you haven't had to buy us expensive wedding gifts!
We have spent the last 6 weeks (yes we organised all of this in 6 weeks!) living on adrenaline and excitement.
I cannot thank all of you enough for being here. We needed to spend our magical day with all of you.
When I first met Aaron, I thought a number of things. I thought he was a bit of a dork, a perfectionist; an all or nothing kind of person. I thought he was thoughtful, caring and kind. I also thought he was gorgeous - with sparkling long lashed blue eyes and a really really nice bum.
Aaron was my friend first. Now he is my best friend.
One of my favourite quotes is: "sunshine through the clouds".
Aaron, is quite simply, my sunshine.
Since meeting & falling in love with Aaron, I have learnt such a lot. About him, about life; about myself.
I have learnt such a lot about love. About what love is. About what it means to explicitly, exclusively, utterly love & adore another human being. To be unconditionally and wholly connected to another person. To look into the future and only see him. To feel secure and safe and happy.
Greek mythology describes how when Zeus made humans, he made them with four arms, four legs and two heads. They were strong and fearless beings and Zeus feared their power united. Because of his fear, he separated the human body into two and condemned them to a life apart, searching fruitlessly throughout the whole world for the other half of them. Their soulmate.
I read about this many years ago and romantically adored the sentiment. I vowed to never tell that story until I met the other half of me.
What is a soulmate? To me, it is taking care of one another, putting his socks in the washing basket because he doesn't, spending your time together, baking special ginger biscuits, loving one another. It is, going to the supermarket and buying 20 bags of sweet & salted popcorn because you know he loves it. It is forgiveness. It is middle of the night talks and cuddles. It is filling the freezer with ice lollies and buying lots of grapefruit when she has weird pregnancy cravings. It is catching him dancing in the mirror and him being really embarrassed about it and calling it shoulder exercises... Oops sorry Aaron! It is accepting and adoring the person, simply for themselves. It is finding out the embarrassing and cringy stories of the past and not teasing them too often about it (but often enough).It is learning of their little idiosyncrasies and loving them even more for each of your discoveries. It is disagreeing about the requirement of a string quartet in the Registry Office (what low key wedding?). It is laughing. A lot. It is making a special trip to a restaurant to persuade them to let you buy a certain hot sauce that she likes. It is supporting the other selflessly. It is laughing at one another's crap jokes. It is not getting too frustrated when she annoyingly passenger seat drives. It is facing obstacles and difficulties together and being united, always. It is about seeking the perfect cuddle chair and getting weird looks as you sit in it together for long periods of time in Next and put the world to rights. It is about excitedly creating and building a life together for yourselves. It is about cheese stories (it's a great story trust me... Basically we went to a hotel and ordered room service. On the menu, there was an option to have cheese for main course AND for dessert). It is friendship. It is our first joint present together being a label maker and spending afternoons labelling everything in the house. It is selfless. It is correcting my grammar mistakes and me telling you to piss off. It is understanding one another. It is give & take. It is comfort and safety. It is simple and complicated and magical all rolled into one. It is fighting for one another and overcoming all obstacles to be together. It is putting the other first; and the other in return putting you first. It is laughing together, even when you didn't think you could laugh. It is compromise. It is love.
Today, I married the love of my life.
It is one of three greatest days in my life.
One, was when our incredible, beautiful son was born.
The other to add to today, was the day we decided to be together. To 'make it official'. To fight together, to be together.
The past year has, as you know, been both the worst and best in my life.
I didn't expect to prepare for this day without my mum. It is a given that she would be there. Mums would typically cry at every single wedding dress you try on (yes, even the really awful ones - but your mum thinks you are beautiful in whatever you wear), tries to bully you into inviting a random long lost relative you don't even like, complaining about your menu choices, venue, everything you pick. Your mum would typically excitedly pick a new hat and gushes with pride to anyone and everyone about your upcoming big day and obviously telling them the major role she played in organising your perfect day. She is supposed to listen and support whilst you have a melt down about looking fat in your dress, worrying about the flowers, fretting about the table plan, forgetting vegetarians when organising the menu. She is supposed to cry like a newborn child as she helps you dress, gets tipsy drinking fizzy wine.
At least, I think that's what she is meant to do.
I know though, that our Debs, would have simply loved every moment of this. In reality, she would have listened to me talk excitedly about our plans (I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to keep our surprise wedding a secret from her - I'm too transparent & she would have known, that we were planning something far beyond Arthur's naming ceremony). It has been really hard work lying to everyone! She would have helped me calm down when I worried about the small details and she would have helped me find the solutions to problems. She would have worried with me, laughed with me and cried with me. She would certainly have stereotypically cried at every dress, but she would have sobbed when I tried on the perfect one.
Thinking about planning today and how she would have felt and what she would have done, what I do know for certain is that she loved my groom. My husband.
She loved him the moment she first spoke to him through Facebook messenger (having religiously, meticulously Facebook stalked him - in fact, she told me things about Aaron she had discovered that I didn't even know). She said he looked nice at his last wedding!
She loved him when he first gave us some advice and helped us get her to the hospital when she was unwell.
She loved him when I shared more & more about him and whilst I fell in love with him.
She loved him when she first met him in person - she told me he was lovely and handsome and kind. She commented on our ease and contentment together.
She loved him when he sent her messages and her messages to him - whether she was worrying about me (& he reassured her I was ok), or she asking him to bring her bottles of Sprite or Heinz tomato soup or he was drunkenly sending her texts.
She loved him when he, rather unsubtly may I add, asked me to go outside whilst he spoke to her about something whilst she was in castle hill hospital. I knew at the time he was asking her permission to propose to me. Unbeknownst to me, he showed her a picture of the beautiful ring he had designed. She put on her glasses to see the picture and looked over the top and said "it is lovely". She also said not to rush (yet here we are, less than a year later, standing before you married!)!
She loved him when he supported me, took care of me, kept me safe and well, held me, talked to me, loved me.
She loved him when she knew that though she would not always be there, Aaron would. She knew that he would love me, and I him and we would build a life together for ourselves.
She loved him for his incredible family, who she knew would also love me too. She took much comfort knowing I was so graciously, so openly accepted into his family. That they would help me and care for me and support me. I will always be so thankful to Cathie & Jonathan for Aaron. I am so thankful to you for creating him and raising him to be the incredible person that stands before you today. I am so thankful you created Harriet and Emma and Becca who are three sisters to me too and adoring aunties to our son. I am thankful for Annabell who we had to let her in on the secret (otherwise she would be in London right now house sitting for her friend! - thank you for helping me get dressed today!). I am utterly grateful to you for being such doting and loving grandparents to Arthur. Thank you for making the promises you did to my mum and for wholly following them through and taking care of me.
I wish, so desperately wish, that she were here to partake in today. As we all wish with those we love who are no longer here, it is difficult to learn to live without them by your side. I am grateful and always will be, that she met and knew and loved my husband. That though she does not stand along side us today, she will never be far away from us.
I wish to thank you for being here today.
To thank you for your friendships. To thank you for your support. You know who you are.
My bridesmaids - I'm sorry I've taken away the hen do... We can still have a hen do can't we? Thank you for being my friends and for accepting to be my bridesmaids, I love you all dearly. Let's definitely have a hen do.
My lovely sister, who is beautiful and kind and strong - you have been my advisor throughout my life. Sometimes we have argued (thanks Dad for making us be friends again when we argued as children - forcing us to hug one another whilst we simultaneously glared at you and hated you for making us). I asked you to be my chief bridesmaid - partly because you promised lots of strippers for the hen do, but mostly because you truly are my best friend and I love you. I'm so proud of you and proud to be your sister. I'll throw the bouquet in your direction, ok? Sorry James... Can we still have a hen do?
My dad & step mum gill - thank you for teaching me how to handle my drink, for making me laugh and making me confident and unable to be embarrassed by anything. Thank you for advising me and still letting me make my own mistakes. I'll mention the mustard story here... It's the story my dad proudly tells. I was a toddler and we were having dinner. On the table was a jar of english mustard with a teaspoon in it. I reached for it and gradually put it closer and closer to my mouth... My dad told me repeatedly not to put it in my mouth, not to eat it, it would hurt... Yet I still closed my mouth around a heaped teaspoon of english mustard. Perhaps a harsh lesson I learnt, but you taught me right from wrong and let me make my own choices. I'm sure you regretted that when the police knocked on the door with a very drunk 15 year old me.
Thank you for raising me, pushing me and teaching me not to be afraid. I love you both. Gill, thank you for making my dad so happy and for loving him. Thank you today dad for walking me down the aisle.
My grandparents, who have spoilt me from the day I was born. Grandparents have a very special relationship with their grandchildren. It's filled with love and laughter. I'm so lucky to have my mama, grandad Bob and grandad cliff to help my parents raise me. I love you all very much.
Ron. Thank you. Thank you for all of those times you stood up for me. For teaching me to be stubborn - yes I think I get that from you. When you met my mum, all of those years ago, she was unhappy. But you came into her life and showed her happiness. You supported her and in turn supported us. You never shouted at me when I came home worse for wear and came to wake you up to drunkenly tell you all about my evening and that I loved you. In fact, you remarked how boring your life was once I moved out. Luckily for you I came back a couple of times... Sorry about that! These past few months, you've been not just a dad, you've been my mum too. I ring you now at 10pm on a night and speak to you when I need advice or reassurance. You've been a rock, solid and reliable. You're an amazing grandad - you cuddle him and play with him for hours at a time; and it's still not enough for you. I'm so glad you walked me down the aisle today. Thank you. I love you so much.
Arthur. My beautiful boy, my ray of sunshine. Our son - we love you so much. I never knew it was possible to feel this level of love and adoration for a tiny human being. You and your daddy have made me smile; and kept me smiling. I promise that we will always love you and support you and you can be whoever you want to be.
We wanted today to be about us. To us, it is the marriage that is the most important thing, but it has felt very important that our wedding reflected how we wanted to marry. Simply, and surround by those we love. Maybe we will have a blessing one day soon and have a big free for all party, we are still undecided, but for now, the right thing for Aaron and I was to get married, be married, surrounded by all of you. It has been very difficult lying to you all so furiously for the past few weeks, I've been all over the place trying to remember what I've said to who and keep stopping myself from excitedly blurting it all out. I hope we managed to truly surprise you... Just know that today is absolutely exactly how we want it. I speak for us both when I say how truly happy we are to be husband and wife.
It is times like these that make you realise just how lucky you truly are. I knew when I met Aaron, that he was one of a kind. I knew that I had found the love of my life and my soulmate. Lucky for me, I only had to wait for 23 years to find him. I am so blessed to have met a man who makes me a better person. It's corny and romantic I know, but it is so true. He makes me want to be better, for him but also for me. He has taught me how it feels to be so in love and to know that as long as you are together, you will always be ok. That you can get through anything.
He is the most incredible father to our little boy and when I watch them together my heart swells to bursting. I watch sometimes on a quiet evening spent at home with my boys and cannot believe how incredible lucky I am to have such a beautiful family. We are the core.
I have married the love of my life today and I feel like the luckiest woman in the world.
I'm only going to make one toast today, if you could please join me and raise your glass to the love of my life, my husband, Aaron. To Aaron.
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flas · 7 years
Flour or Wheat - Wentworth Miller
I've been coming here a long time, to this strip mall hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant off the freeway, with the chicken quesadillas I decided somewhere in my mid-20s (without much research, admittedly) were the best in Los Angeles.
In 199-something it was a small chain with franchise dreams and few locations, one of which was near-ish my apartment. When it closed I started commuting to a location that was not near-ish. It was far-ish. And when I brought someone along they would inevitably pronounce, between bites, that it wasn't worth the gas.
I paid them no mind.
I have a history of mental health issues and routine is important to me. Also consistency. Which might be why, once I started coming, I didn't stop. Why in the hundreds of times I've approached the counter I've always ordered the same thing.
One chicken quesadilla on a flour tortilla with guacamole. Rice and beans on the side. Plus chips.
Seriously. I've never tried anything else on the menu. For all I know the shrimp tacos make men weep. I don't care. They're not on my radar.
Yet somehow, despite getting the same meal about twice a month maybe ten months a year for almost fifteen years, the guy behind the counter never remembers my order.
Or, by extension, it would seem to follow, me.
This isn't "Cheers." Nobody knows my name. And if anyone's glad I came, they're keeping it to themselves.
Eventually I learned not to expect the guy behind the counter to know my order. What I could expect was a set mouth and a flat stare. Free of charge.
And that's been a relief.
At times.
At times I have deeply appreciated being made to feel anonymous. No one approaches me here. No one asks for a photo. No one seizes an opportunity to go full koala around my waist while a friend repeatedly fails to take a picture on their smartphone.
Other times, vacuum-sealed in my LA existence, moving from apartment to car to freeway and back, the luxury of not having to touch or be touched by another human being mine to indulge, I have very much wanted the guy behind the counter to know my order without me telling him first.
But no. Every time I walk in we have essentially the same exchange we've been having lo these many years:
Him: Upward nod and/or raised eyebrows with a split second of eye contact to signal I have his attention.
Me: "Chicken quesadilla, please."
Him: "Flour or wheat?" They've got two kinds of tortillas to choose from.
Me: "Flour." Let's not go crazy.
Him: "Rice and beans?"
Me: "Rice and beans."
He spreads a flour tortilla on the stovetop, sprinkles it with cheese while I pay at the register then get my salsa from the salsa bar. Unless I get my salsa from the salsa bar first then pay after. That part changes depending how fast the lady at the register rings me up. (I think of this as my chance to practice being flexible.)
When my tortilla is done browning and the cheese melting, the guy takes it off the stovetop and says, "Chicken or steak?" Even if I am the only customer in there, mine the only order being juggled, I will be asked to repeat my choice of protein.
Me: "Chicken."
Him: "Rice and beans?"
To be fair, I don't know his name or order either (assuming he eats there too). To be fair, I'm sure it's no picnic chopping onions and grilling carnitas for a living. I spent a summer scraping uneaten refried beans off plates at a Mexican restaurant in Phoenix. An outdoor restaurant. In Phoenix. In summer. So while I don't/won't insult the guy behind the counter by pretending to understand the depth/breadth of his experience, I feel like I can imagine it. At least a little bit.
Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just a spoiled jerk with a sense of entitlement. Maybe the guy's having an off decade. Maybe his dog ran away and never came back. Maybe he needs some sweet understanding. Maybe I should cool it with the judgments and projections. Maybe it shouldn't matter to me that he can't (won't?) remember my order.
But it does.
Whatever. I don't come for the service. I come for the quesadilla. Which, most likely, is average. But which, drawn to ritual as I am, I've eaten enough times to become sentimental about. Ditto the 90-minute drive there and back, the smell of the hand soap in the bathroom, the validation stamp with the red ink they stamp on my parking stub that gets on my fingers if I touch it before it dries. This is my spot. My joint. My Cheers. Even if nobody knows or cares what my name/order is. This (most likely average) quesadilla is threaded through my LA history, this city I've liked and hated (almost) equally, a place I came to because it's "where the work is" and, now that the work is taking me away, I'm thrilled to leave. A town that has never felt like home, even if it was where I chose to lay my head.
As the poet said, #notmyvibenotmytribe.
Which is why, on the eve of my permanent departure, about to begin a new job in a new city in a new country, as I ready myself for a set of experiences that promise change and growth and shift and all the things that used to frighten me but which today I recognize and embrace as gift and gold, it's only fitting that I make the drive to my little Mexican restaurant one last time, for one last chicken quesadilla on a flour tortilla. And by doing so honor all the other times I came here to enjoy "my last quesadilla." Not because I was leaving town but because I was going to go home and kill myself.
Of my close friends, I've known Depression the longest.
By 10 we were well-acquainted. He was there for my first attempt, at 15, for my second, freshman year at Princeton, and for the multiple dress rehearsals and close calls that followed. He was there as recently as four years ago, seated in the front row for what was in some ways my most serious breakdown since college. When all I wanted was to die. When Depression had me convinced - deep down, on a cellular level - that I Would Always Feel This Way and that There Were No Other Versions Of Me/Life On Offer.
That was before I realized Depression is a Liar.
That was before the daily meditation, the prayer, the affirmations. Before the therapy, the men's work, the move from isolation into community. Before the self-expression via writing (privately, professionally) and coming out (publicly). Before the gentle (and sometimes not-so-gentle) letting go of the people, habits, and belief systems that knocked me out of my body, lowered my frequency, and robbed me of a good night's rest. Before the gradual conclusion that I did not come into this world preprogrammed to self-destruct. (That upgrade/virus came later, courtesy of outside influences.) Before the understanding (remembering?) that my birthright is joy. But joy won't just come when I call it. I have to invite it. Gently. With intention. Building a connection, a trust, over time.
But I digress. Where was I? Oh yes. Chicken quesadillas.
Over the years, on a handful of dark days, I would determine that my final meal would be my favorite and when it was finished, I would exit this earth. Because I couldn't imagine feeling better. Because I couldn't imagine a different, vastly improved state of existence.
Which, obviously, represents a colossal failure of my imagination.
That was another tool in Depression's toolbelt: the limits of what I could and could not imagine.
The man I was then couldn't have pictured the man I am now, moving (more) consciously and (more) thoughtfully through the world, (more) alert to the people, habits, and belief systems that invite peace and purpose into my life on a daily basis. A man departing (escaping) Los Angeles with a plateful of things to look forward to.
The man I was then wouldn't have believed any of this was possible. But it was. Is.
And to celebrate, I'm treating myself to one last chicken quesadilla on a flour tortilla before I go. Because it's f-cking earned. If I do say so myself.
I park my car in the underground lot, get my parking stub, enter the restaurant. I walk past the guy behind the counter and into the bathroom to wash my hands. Emerging, I get my tray, approach the counter, and see that for the first time in the near fifth of a century I've been frequenting this chain, on what is potentially and very probably my final visit to this strip mall hole-in-the-wall, this totally unexceptional restaurant I've spent years patronizing and a not inconsiderable amount of gas money getting to from various apartments, the guy behind the counter has already got a tortilla heating on the stovetop for me. Flour.
Eyes down, he sprinkles it with cheese, says to me or himself or to both of us, "Chicken quesadilla."
It is a statement. Not a question.
I say, "Yes. Please."
And "Thank you."
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critical--veins · 6 years
Answer all of those horrible questions 🙌🏼
Damn if u say so!
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
yes! I luv my parents v much they’re so supportive of me :’)
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
my parents! lol
03: Do you regret anything?
I regret agreeing to answer all these :) :)
04: Are you insecure?
05: What is your relationship status?
lonely wit a big fat heart!
06: How do you want to die?
07: What did you last eat?
I’m eating a veggie burger now & it’s tasty, idk what its made of but it’s tasty
08: Played any sports?
I did competitive cheerleading in high school :-)
09: Do you bite your nails?
no !
10: When was your last physical fight?
I physically fight myself everyday, she’s a fucking bitch
11: Do you like someone?
u see.. I have an underlying crush on a boy I can’t have... that I repress,,, so for the sake of this uhhh nope def not in luv with anyone ,,
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
no, but now I’m intrigued? should I??? am I missing out?
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
14: Do you miss someone?
yes I miss my best friend & my family sooooo much going to school far away is rlly hard sometimes :///
15: Have any pets?
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
ok real talk,, really good! I met with my adviser to schedule my fall classes & we had such a good talk, she told me I was so organized & it was a lovely conversation, she’s so sweet I luv her. also I took two fucking exams today & I don’t think I flopped on any of those, then I just spent an hour in lab lookin at fish so I’ve had a rlly good productive day & that’s rare bc usually I’m just Sad :) 
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
18: Are you scared of spiders?
if they sneak up on me yes! otherwise they’re not the worst! kinda cute!
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
fuck noooooo I’ve grown so much these past two years or so & I still am tbh, don’t wanna relive all that shit lol
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
if by snog u mean kissed.. uhhhh chili’s parking lot ahahasdkalk
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
I’m going on a day trip to boston on saturday to go to the aquarium?? never been to boston so that’s exciting & aquariums are so fuckin cute.. then sunday I’m going to a hardcore show w my friend for a band called boundaries & I luv those guys :) 
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
just my lobes but I want my noseeee so bad
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
I’m a slut for science
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
I miss some friends sometimes
26: What are you craving right now?
fuck man so much affection, I’ve been single for a long ass time now,,, gotta cuddle myself :/ :/
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
yeah it wasn’t all that tho, not a good time lol 
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
30: What’s irritating you right now?
college has been really fucking intense & I wanna go home, plus there’s a boy making my life one big shit plate but it’s been this way for like a year so Ii’m fiene :) 
31: Does somebody love you?
I hope lol 
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
I’m kind of a fool actually & I trust too easily so if anyone wants to hmu & tell me how to distance myself without missing him that’d be gr8 lol. . 
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
damn this is bouta fuckin expose me! I dreamed about the boy from q33 & q30 bc he has broken my brain! it was a nice dream tho, my dreams are the only time it’s nice hahahahahasdoiflksdjfl
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I don’t often cry in front of ppl but I think the last time I did was in front of my parents bc they were helping me pay for school. they give me so much I felt really bad but so thankful at the same time & just had a fucking meltdown lol, college is expensive it’s real fucked
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
IF I HAD TO SUM UP MY PERSONALITY IT WOULD BE “gives out second chances too easily” LOL
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
god I fuckin hope not
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I was 16 I was rlly old, bc ulgy & introverted
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
no but again, should I ?
51: Favourite food?
mac & cheese will forever be the most superior food & u can’t change my mind
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
absolutely not lol
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
uhhhh I was listening to balance & composure, and la dispute & staring at the wall bc that’s all I do
54: Is cheating ever okay?
I’m gonna say no but if it DOES happen, pls don’t stay with that person, break up with them, be honest, just don’t continue on like nothing happened bc if you’re cheating you obv don’t care enough about the person to be able to have a real healthy & sustainable relationship. 
55: Are you mean?
I never fucking talk
56: How many people have you fist fought?
zero (see above answer)
57: Do you believe in true love?
I believe the human brain is weird as fuck & if you wanna believe in true love you can have it, but the other person has to be on the same page u kno what I mean?? is true love real? no. but is anything real? also no. 
58: Favourite weather?
I’m a summer hoe til I die! gimme sunshine & fucking HEAT
59: Do you like the snow?
I do loveeeeeeeeee the snow tho it’s so pretty, I just love being outdoors & I get cold easily so summer is my shit. 
60: Do you wanna get married?
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
it’s the best
62: What makes you happy?
music, art, nature, my friends & family
63: Would you change your name?
I like the name lucy! I just wish whenever I tell ppl my name’s lucy they didn’t respond by telling me about a dog they knew named lucy (it happens almost every time lmalkdfj) 
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
all I think about is kissing the last person I kissed, it’d be the best thing lol 
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
idk man, I’d be like “thank u” 
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
the fucking boy I’ve been complaining about for every question lmao
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
probably my friend emily! we always get deep it’s gr8
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
I do not at all actually
70: Is there anyone you would die for? 
thank u for tha ask sorry if my answers suck :)
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