#i spent like 2 hours on the coloring for this šŸ˜­
thedrotter Ā· 1 month
i saw this trend and it reminded me of Yuuichi okay i had to do it ... featuring Yuuichi's heart on the back: for once they get along on the topic of mayonnaise
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peapod20001 Ā· 1 year
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They are BRIGHT and full of LOVE šŸ’ššŸ’›
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eternallyhyucks Ā· 1 month
first love | choi yeonjun, wc: 2.5k
ā€” unrequited love, angst
ā€” this is my first long fic pls bare w mešŸ˜­
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š–¤ ą¾€
your crush on yeonjun wasnā€™t like the rest of the crushes youā€™ve had in your life. this time you were actually friends and you spent a lot of time together. but after a while, you felt like maybe your crush was more than just that.
the first time you met yeonjun was on his first day at your job. you had only started about 2 weeks before and he walked up to the register saying it was his first day. even before he walked up you had noticed how cute he was when he stood in the line, so when he said he was working there, you felt a little flustered.
so his first day began, and you had to start training him. unfortunately for him, you were also still a trainee yourself. about an hour into the shift, while you were showing him how to make a drink, your other coworker came up behind the two of you to see how you were doing and noticed the color of the drink was a little off. he took the cup in his hand, smelled the tea, and thatā€™s when you realized your mistake: you used to wrong tea. you and yeonjun giggled about it but you still couldnā€™t help but feel a little embarassed.
before your shift ended, you built up the courage to ask yeonjun for his instagram. he agreed and you started looking for a sticky note for him to write on. after looking for a minute, you realized the store probably ran out so you just grabbed a sharpie and told him to write it on your hand. the moment he took your hand to write his username, you felt your breath hitch.
as soon as you got home, you went to follow him and as you were scrolling through his highlights, you noticed he had a girlfriend. you laughed a little because it made sense.
so you moved on. at least it wasnā€™t an actual crush. you just thought he was cute.
so the two of your continued working together and became pretty close, along with the rest of your coworkers.
and any thought of having a crush on yeonjun was gone.
.. until a couple months later.
after a long closing shift together, you felt kind of giddy on the drive home. weird.
two days later you had another shift together, and afterwards everyone was going to get dinner together.
you felt the same weird, slightly giddy feeling again during the shift.
during the dinner, you two didnā€™t sit at the same table, so you werenā€™t thinking about him, but when you were near him you felt something in your stomach.
a couple days went by and you had a shift with him again. this time you went home and realized you might like him. you had to remind yourself that you canā€™t, he has a girlfriend. and yet, your brain wouldnā€™t listen to you.
a week went by and he randomly texted you saying he had to tell you something.
whatā€™s up?
i feel like you should know since weā€™re pretty close but my girlfriend and i broke up
omg iā€™m sorry
itā€™s okay, ig it was inevitable
of all the times they couldā€™ve broken up, it had to be when you realized you had a crush on him. of course.
unfortunately for you, the two of you started texting each other way more than usual, which made your crush grow even more.
after a couple weeks of silently crushing, you decided to tell your best friend about it. for some reason, she said she saw it from a mile away. as in, ever since your first interaction with him.
you also chose to tell your closest coworker about ā€œsomeone you have a crush onā€ without revealing anything about who it is and she kept feeding into your delusions saying he definitely liked you back. but there was no way he did. he had just gotten out of a pretty long relationship. even if he did, you didnā€™t want to be a rebound.
a month went by and your crush on yeonjun had only gotten worse. the two of you texted everyday. he told you random details about his day and he texted you good morning and goodnight and he even told you to have sweet dreams?? what kind of friend does that? everytime he was around you, you felt a weird tension.
one day, you and a small group of your coworkers planned to hang out together, yeonjun included. he came a little later than everyone else because he was stuck in traffic, but the moment he walked in, you felt awkward. not because of him but because you wanted to make sure he didnā€™t feel the same tension you did.
the whole time you were hanging out, it felt like he was always lingering around you. either youā€™re walking next to each other or hes simply just standing by you. maybe it was just you, but whenever youā€™d walk next to each other, your hands kept brushing against each other.
you kept avoiding him, but somehow he appeared anyway. after a while, everyone wanted to get drinks, so you walked to your cars. you needed to fill up your gas, so you said youā€™d meet everyone there. in your head it felt smart since that way you could sit somewhere away from him.
after filling the gas in your car, you drove up to the drink shop and saw that there was one seat open next to your friend. smiling, you sat there and felt a sense of relief since there was a person between you and yeonjun.
unfortunately things will never go your way because 10 minutes later, one of your friendā€™s boyfriend came in and since yeonjun was sitting next to her, he got up to give the seat up for her boyfriend and instead pulled up a chair next to you.
you avoided eye contact and focused on talking to everyone else because you couldnā€™t stand looking at him in case your face heated up.
he was always so close to you. always touching shoulders, touching arms, barely any space between you.
you always wondered if it meant anything to him. did his heart race like yours did?
2 months into your crazy infatuation of yeonjun, he was the same as always. touchy, flirty and knowing exactly how to make you feel flustered. even if he didnā€™t actually know that he was doing it. that is, until your birthday.
he had decided on his college of choice for the upcoming school year and got posted on the schoolā€™s introduction instagram page, so of course you and your other friends reposted it on your stories.
you spent the day with some of your friends who came back home for break and the night with your family. after a night full of celebration of you, you went to bed with a full heart and checked your messages. there you saw yeonjun talking about a girl that slid up on his friendā€™s story asking about him and calling him cute and how heā€™s been texting her all day.
you felt sick to your stomach. of course he didnā€™t feel the same way you did. of course he didnā€™t. but why was he acting the way he was? why did he do that with you?
you had planned to hang out with yeonjun and your other friends the weekend of your birthday and now you didnā€™t really want to see him at all, but you couldnā€™t cancel now so you thought you might as well make the most of it.
the day started out nice, the six of you met up at the mall you worked at and made your way to the friend groupā€™s designated driverā€™s car.
you made a mental note not to sit next to yeonjun, so as he got in first, you made sure to get in last. you wanted today to be fun.
as the day went on, you noticed yeonjun was on his phone a lot and everytime you glanced at what he could be doing, it was always instagram dms. figures.
you werenā€™t disappointed about him texting the girl anymore, it was the fact that he was on his phone so much when you all took the time to plan a group hangout and spend time together. and of course it hurt that he was also on his phone because he was talking to someone else. the worst part was that everyone else in the car noticed it too. they also noticed how much it hurt you, no matter how hard you tried to hide it. but it seemed like yeonjun was the only one that didnā€™t seem to notice it.
you realized after a while that there was no point in sulking the whole day so you decided to just ignore him completely. wherever he went, you went somewhere else. when you all went to eat, you sat at a table of six with three seats on each side. he put his stuff down on the left side and went to the restroom, so you sat on the right side.
but when he came back, he moved his stuff to the seat next to yours and gave you a reassuring look. why was he doing that?
the entire time you ate, you didnā€™t really talk to him and after a while you could tell that he realized what you were doing.. which made you feel bad because he became quiet.
since you were out for your birthday you wanted to take polaroids with everyone individually. you knew that it would have been strange for you to get a picture with everyone but yeonjun and you didnā€™t want to ruin the air for anyone, so you decided to push your feelings down and ignore it for the rest of the day.
as you posed for the picture with him, you both leaned into each other and put up two thumbs up. an awkward pose the two of you always did. you smiled at him to pretend like you were okay and he smiled back.
when you all went back to the car, you had one person between the two of you. after a couple minutes of the ride you got a call from your mom asking when youā€™d be home and got a little panicked since you didnā€™t want to get in trouble. throughout the ride, you didnā€™t talk much, not only because you were nervous about getting in trouble with your parents, but also the whole situation with yeonjun.
he noticed your silence and as you were looking out the window, you felt a hand on your back. he was trying to reassure you that itā€™d be okay. that gesture in itself make you want to cry.
why did he keep caring about you like that? were you just overreacting?
the day after you all hung out for your birthday was his last shift at the shop you worked at. you opened the store and he came in an hour after. you couldnā€™t just ignore him, so you tried your best to act normal.
the shift was pretty quiet since you didnā€™t really know what to say but you chose to push your feelings down again because it wouldnā€™t be his last day ever again.
at the end of the shift, he was cleaning up in the back when you went to go put something away. as you walked away, he called you back.
ā€œwait come back hereā€ he pulled at your sleeve.
you stood in front of him, confused.
he took two steps forward and gave you a hug. ā€œthank youā€
you pulled away and looked at him with a sad look on your face. ā€œfor what?ā€
ā€œi dont know, youā€™re a really good friend. you know that?ā€
you smiled, ā€œof course i know thatā€ and as you turned away, your smile faded.
you realized that you had to get over yeonjun, but it was harder than you thought.
when you first started liking him, the two of you had made plans to get your ears pierced together for his birthday. though you thought the plan would fall through, it didnā€™t, and suddenly there you were in his car on the way get food before the appointment.
you bought him two gifts for his birthday: matching bracelets that he said he wanted, and keychains with his favorite artists albums on them.
before eating, you gave them to him and he started unwrapping them in the car. he opened the bracelets and immediately said,
ā€œi knew youā€™d get these.ā€
ā€œliterally howā€
ā€œbecause when i mentioned it the other day you told me not to buy themā€
you laughed as he opened the keychains.
he gasped when he saw them, ā€œTHIS IS SO COOL,, wait is this why you asked everyone for their favorite albums?ā€
ā€œyes and i got lucky since you were the only one that repliedā€
he started putting them on his keys and looked over at you.
ā€œyou know when iā€™m in college and iā€™m walking around campus, i could probably pick up girls with theseā€
you rolled your eyes, ā€œiā€™ll take them back right nowā€
the same week you had gotten your ears pierced, you also got a new job! which happened to be the same place yeonjun was againā€¦
but it wasnā€™t him that got the job for you, it was your other old coworker since she knew you were looking to leave your old job.
before you were scheduled, your new manager was debating whether to put you earlier or later in the month, but yeonjun made sure they made it earlier so that you could work with him on your first shift.
usually something like that would have made your head spin, but you were finally getting the hang of your insane crush on the boy, so you brushed it off.
your first day also happened to be his last before he left for college, and although you still hadnā€™t gotten over him, you knew that once yeonjun left for college, things would be really different. you just hoped youā€™d still talk to each other.
so when you were parting ways, he gave you a long hug. one of those hugs where you can feel the love from the other person.
you pulled away first and put out your pinky.
ā€œdonā€™t be a stranger, yeonjunā€
he interlocked his pinky with yours.
ā€œnever in a million yearsā€
about a month after yeonjun left for college, he texted the group chat with just a picture of him and a girl holding hands.
thatā€™s when you remembered him telling you about a girl he met at his collegeā€™s orientation when you had went to get your ears pierced together.
instead of feeling sad, you really just felt like it was time to get over him.
so with time, you did. he was really happy with her and that was all that mattered to you.
your friendā€™s happiness.
y/n really did get over yeonjun. they didnā€™t feel sick when they saw him. they could talk to him and not feel tension, and with time they even talked to each other about the people they both liked together.
but deep down, a part of y/n really felt like maybe they were in love with him.
maybe yeonjun was their first love.
and do people ever really get over their first love?
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@izchone , @baekswoons , @jiwon-44 , @junityy , @pr0dbeomgyu , @neos127 , @fiantomartell , @wccycc , @koishua , @changminurheart , @rainbowglitteramythyst , @baekhyunstruly , @soobin-chois , @yjwfav , @fairybinie , @sleepingisweak
!! unable to tag bolded
ā€”send an ask if you would like to be a part of my taglist!!
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fordohyon Ā· 11 months
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Kim Woonhak x GN! Reader
SUMMARY - (not really s summary but a preview(ish) thingy??)
You sigh as you remove the heavy mascots head, a cool breeze from a fan chilling your flushed cheeks. You notice one of the basketball players standing behind you. Number 23. "I never knew you were a girl," he comments. "Or pretty."
fluff, fluff, andā€¦. fluff!!
mistaking reader for a girl, calling reader pretty, Mutual pining? maybe being too short. English isnā€™t my first language so please expect grammatical & spelling errors šŸ˜­
lmk if i left out anything,, Not proofread!
A/N - should i make this into a series??? also plz tell me if there are any grammatical errors or what. I'd also really appreciate it if you give me feedback and reblog!!
It's been precisely two hours since you donned the bear mascot outfit representing your school. You only agreed to do it because no one else volunteered and thought it might be fun. However, the experience has been anything but fun. With only 30 to 40 minutes left in the costume, you are counting down the seconds until you can take it off.
The basketball jersey, hat, and shoes the bear is wearing are decorated with your school's logo, with the school's signature colors of yellow and green accenting the trim, number, and player names. You are thankful that nobody from other sections knows it's you inside the costume; otherwise, you would feel incredibly embarrassed.
You check the time and realize that 20 minutes have already passed. You hope the game will end in the next 10 minutes or so. A few students request a picture with you, and you oblige them. Five more minutes pass, and the game is nearly over. You canā€™t wait to get out of the mascot outfit and take a shower.
Sweat drips down to your ankles, causing you to shiver. This is the longest you have ever worn the mascot, 2 hours and 10 minutes.
After what had seemed about an eternity, the game finally finished. All of the players and spectators collected their belongings and fled. Except for a handful who freshened up or spent time with their friends prior to heading home, unfortunately for you, Kim Woonhak happened to be one of those individuals, for whom you were growing feelings.
Once everyone had left, you finally had the chance to rid of the ludicrous costume that had caused you to sweat profusely. Though you noticed a few lingering figures in the vicinity, you chose not to approach them, assuming they were likely teachers, janitors, or guards. As you removed the mascot's head, a cool breeze struck your face. you were taken aback to find Kim fucking Woonhak standing there, his jaw dropping and eyes bulging in what appeared to be an utter shock - as though he had just witnessed the most unbelievable thing in his life.Ā  "I... I never knew you were a girl, or uhm.. uhh... pretty!" Holy shit. This is extremely mortifying. YouĀ can't even begin to express the depths of humiliation you're feeling. The fact that it involves Kim Woonhak, the person you've had the most obvious crush on since sixth grade, makes it incredibly, excruciatingly, so intensely humiliating. Is it just you or does it seem like the fan isn't working?Ā 
"Thank... you?" The words slipped out of your mouth, your voice wavering with uncertainty. As you fidgeted with the bottom half of the mascot, your hands betrayed your nervousness. The expression on your face told the whole story - a mix of embarrassment, anxiety, and the discomfort of being caught off guard. Sweat trickled down your forehead, emphasizing the redness that flushed your face, a combination of the stifling heat and the overwhelming humiliation of the moment. Woonhak's unexpected presence only intensified your unease, leaving you at a loss for words.Ā 
"Sorry, I didn't mean to catch you off guard. I-I was just checking if anyone was here since I was uh, gonna lock up the.. uhm... gym!" Woonhak stammered, his apology filled with genuine concern. He tried his best to shed the awkward tension that enveloped the air but fell short in his attempt.
"It's alright. No need to apologize," you reassured him, your voice trembling slightly. "I wasn't expecting anyone else to be here either. I assumed it was just teachers and guardians. Guess we both got caught off guard." You utter as you took hold of the lower half of the costume, a sudden chill in the air sent a shiver down your spine. The contrast between the hot and humid gym and the cooler surroundings intensified the discomfort, further adding to the already awkward situation.Ā  Ā 
Woonhak nodded in agreement, his eyes still fixed on you with an intensity that made you feel self-conscious. You tried to disregard it, but the emotion only grew stronger. You wished you could just evaporate- or at least get out of this sweaty, reeking costume.
As you struggled to remove the rest of the bear suit, Woonhak stepped forward to help. You were grateful for the gesture, but it only caused you to feel more exposed and vulnerable. You tried to focus on the task at hand, but your hands were quivering so badly that you could barely get a hold of the zipper.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, you were unburdened by the costume. You took a deep breath of fresh air and felt the calm draft wash over your sweaty skin. You turned to thank Woonhak, but he was already walking away, his head down and his hands playing with the fabric of his jersey.
You felt a pang of disappointment, but you couldn't blame him for wanting to get away from the awkward situation. You gathered your things and headed out of the gym, feeling fatigued and embarrassed. you couldn't help but replay the uncomfortable encounter in your head, wondering if things would ever be the same between you and Woonhak.
As you make your way out of the gym, you notice Woonhak and his group of friends looking at you. Just as you try to avoid their gaze, he rides up to you on his bike, beckoning you to join him. "It'll be faster if you ride with me. Don't forget to take a warm shower, wouldn't want you to catch a cold. I want to see you tomorrow!" His words catch you off guard, and you can't help but feel a mix of confusion and excitement.
Up close, Woonhak looks even better than you remembered. His endearing smile and delicate demeanor make him seem like a big teddy bear. You hesitate for a moment, recalling the events that happened earlier, but ultimately agree to ride with him. "Uh, okay," you reply, your voice tinged with nervousness. Despite your uneasiness, you're grateful for the opportunity to spend more time with him.
As Woonhak makes his way down the road on his bike, he suddenly turns to you. "Hug me, so you don't fall." he says with a smile. You're surprised by his proposal, but you don't hesitate to envelop your arms around him. As you hold on to him tightly, you feel a sense of warmth and comfort wash over you. It's as if all of your nervousness vanished at that moment, and you can't help but feel grateful for his presence. Being in his arms feels like a dream come true, and you can't help but wonder if this is the start of something special.
As you ride on his bicycle, you can't help but feel a sense of security and contentment. The wind rushes through your hair, and the relaxed breeze washes over your skin. You feel alive and free, and for the first time in a long while, Woonhak's company is enough to make you feel safe.
As you reach your destination, you shift to thank Woonhak for the ride. But before you can say anything, he leans in and plants a soft kiss on your cheek. You feel your face flush with warmth, and your heart races with excitement. You can't believe that this is happening to you - it's like something out of romance fiction.
"Thanks for the ride," you murmur, your voice barely audible. Woonhak beams at you, and you feel a sense of belonging wash over you. Maybe this is the start of something special, something you've been yearning for all your life. As you make your way back home, you can't help but let out a squeal of excitement. You're grateful for the unexpected turn of events, and you can't wait to see what the future holds. But for now, you're content just being in the moment with the person who makes your heart skip a beat.
do not translate, repost on other websites, or take my work. posts on tumblr, stay on tumblr. I do not cross-post my work unless I say so!
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meanbossart Ā· 3 months
A long over-due ask compilation (Art & Music)
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It's vaguely based on a short story from the book "The Consumer" by Michael Gira, specifically "The Boss". I think it came up in conversation with a friend or something when I was picking a new username, so that's how we arrived at it - this was almost a decade ago so, my memory on it is a little hazy!
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HAHA thank you so much!!! Glad you enjoy what I do šŸ˜ŽšŸ»
I BELIEVE this little guide I put together over here might be helpful to you, also! I touched on pretty much everything you brought up.
As for reference material when it comes to facial expressions, I have a mirror next to my desk which I glance at often and make weird faces at LOL and for consistency, it's really a matter of learning to dissect and remember facial structure. It's just something you end up developing an eye for when you've done it for long enough! Naturally, if we're talking about drawing existing characters, it's always helpful to just look at some pictures of their mugs and take a minute to define what features about them make their faces recognizable - I touch on this at the link above as well!
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I do plan on making a "drowstarion" (love that, by the way LOL) playlist eventually, life's just been kicking my ass and I hardly have the time šŸ˜­and when I do, I just wanna draw.
Otherwise I don't have any other playlists floating around at the moment, BUT the one my boyfriend made for his Vellioth comic can be found here, and it might scratch a similar itch!
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Thank you! I believe this was in reference to this post. Something like that takes me about... An hour??? If we're talking just the colors, at least. Though that's a really rough estimate because I take a lot of breaks, so my sense of time when I work ends up pretty skewed. Even if the application of the colors themselves took less than 20 minutes I probably spent 2 hours just staring at it LOL.
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My friend, I have no idea. I'm in a constant battle between "I want to draw more realistically" and "I want to simplify my art so I can draw more/faster". What you see is the result of that ongoing brain-tug-of-war.
Also, just the way I assume everyone else develops theirs - they see stuff they like and emulate it until their art is Frankensteinish enough to be it's own unique thing!
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I'm far from a Type O Negative buff, BUT I'm happy to share some of my favorites with you! They're quite scattered across a couple of their albums so I'm not sure I have a favorite, but I would say October Rust is a good starting point.
In no particular order, these are my most listened tracks of theirs: -Love You to Death -Black N.01 -Haunted -She Burned Me Down -Can't Lose You -I Don't Wanna Be Me -Be My Druidess -September Sun -Tripping A Blind Man
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Alas, I was one of those people who was already drawing in kindergarten šŸ˜… though I would say I only started taking it seriously when I was around 15-16 years old. As someone who has tried their hand at several other hobbies since reaching adulthood, I get what you're saying that it can kinda feel like... You missed the wagon? I've felt that way about all kind of things lol
That said, I've seen adults managing to develop their art skills extremely fast and effectively before. Understanding where and how you need to improve, and how to follow lessons/guides best is something that is vastly improved by maturity and knowing how to best hone your time, attention, and resources - and those are skills we completely lack as children. So, I sincerely believe that as long as you commit yourself, you can definitely get to a point that you're happy with in a couple of years if not less.
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JUST DO IT BUDDY we are all just people looking through a screen and you won't ever see, talk, or meet 99% of the folks who ever clap eyes on what you post. Whenever you start getting nervous about sharing something, take a minute to ask yourself why you're nervous, and if none of the reasons have any genuine substance besides being afraid of what people "might think", just go ahead and post it. You're no mind-reader after all, and if you are, I doubt you can hear what a guy from Argentina or wherever is thinking about the art you made.
Point is, nobody online can touch you šŸ¤·and if someone doesn't like what you do, they can simply choose to not interact with it, and if they do you can block and move on. There are zero reasons for you to feel "bad" about putting up a doodle when our experiences on the web are so easily curated nowadays.
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safwunnz Ā· 8 months
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I probably put too much work into the lineart but whatevs-
Just some stuff about the process of making his designā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø
I literally couldnā€™t make a design that was 100% a loose fit- I had to make it tighter on the waist cuz it looked weird if I didnā€™t šŸ˜”šŸ˜”
This costume went through three different beta designs- but yeah I like this one a lot ig-
The colors were rlly easy since I knew exactly what they were going to be from the start :3 idk why I spent so much time on the lineart šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ can you believe my dumbass spent OVER TWO FUCKING HOURS ON THE DAMN LINEART- THATā€™S LIKE 2/3 OF THE TIME I SPENT ON THE WHOLE DRAWING ITSELF-
no this wasnā€™t inspired by pomniā€™s or jaxā€™s design, I didnā€™t even know tf tadc was when I made the design
also uhh hereā€™s the lineart and flat color
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oh shayt I forgot the sketch- uhhh here it is ig
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artacetinker Ā· 2 months
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Couldnā€™t be happier with the result tho for my second digital piece too Iā€™m so goddamn happy
Beeeeeeeeeeeeg krill featuring spirit and 2 skids
I wanted a more leviathan like look for it, similar to in game already but color and wayyyy more eyes which I think looks cool too
Watermarked it too cuz fuck them copiers, I spent too damn long on this for someone to nab it
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jewbeloved Ā· 1 year
Christmas Day with the boys + Craig and TweekšŸŽ„šŸŽ„šŸŽ„šŸŽšŸŽšŸŽšŸŽšŸŽ…šŸŽ…
If you don't celebrate it, that's alright then. But also happy Hanukkah (for the people who are Jewish)
Warnings: None, why would there be warnings on a Christmas day? šŸ˜‚
Gender: Neutral
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šŸ’ššŸ’™ The Main Four ā¤ļøšŸ§”
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The second you woke up out of your bed and checked your calendar, you were excited to see that it was Christmas Day.
You ran out of your room after putting on your (favorite color Christmas) outfit. And went to the phone to call your boyfriends letting them know it's Christmas day!
"Guys! It's Christmas day!!"
"Merry Christmas (nickname), we'll be over there in a min :3"
"Merry Christmas (Name), but are you sure we should bring Kahl since he doesn't celebrate Christmas because he's Jewish?"
"Shut the Fuck up fatass!"
*muffles* (It's Christmas day, but I didn't manage to get you a present...I could only afford to get my little sister one...)
"Oh! That's alright Kenny, don't have to get me a present, we can just celebrate Christmas together. You can bring your sister along!"
You hung up the phone and knew that they would be over quickly then just a min.
You used this time wisely and planted all of their gifts under the Christmas tree, while your mom was preparing Christmas treats for you and the boys.
When everything was completely you heard a knock on your door and opened it up to see your 4 lovable boyfriends and Karen standing there with gifts in their hands with a sweet smile on their faces.
"Merry Christmas (Name)!" They all sang at the same time making you flustered.
You allowed them to come inside and went to place their presents for you under the tree. But Karen wanted to hand you your present early.
"It's a thank you gift for always being so nice to me and my big brother Kenny, it really means a lot to both of us.." You pulled Karen into a hug and she hugged back.
Bro Kenny wanted to cry at this adorable moment between you and his sister. šŸ„¹
"Don't worry about me, I already talked to my parents and they allowed me to come over and celebrate Christmas with you ONLY even though I'm jewish"
"Hehe alright then, let's get this party started then!"
Bro, you're so damn lucky you get to spend the great holiday with the boys. They have spent Christmas a lot of times by themselves or with their family. But this time they wanna spend it all day long with you.
Gathering around the Christmas tree and singing the Holiday song like it's a ritual, but Kyle just listened to all of you singing it though. You don't mind that because it is understandable and obvious.
Eating the snacks that your mom has made, they immediately all want another! The snacks tasted so good! By the time you finished yours the other ones are already gone šŸ„²
And finally, opening presents. Your place is going to be kinda a mess with all of the present wrappers around the floor. But everyone cleans it up after tearing off the paper.
All of the presents the boys and Karen gave you each contained (the item that you always wanted) inside of the box, and you got them theirs and they were really grateful to you for that.
And last but not least, the sleepover and watching a Christmas movie. You put on your (favorite movie) on the TV and everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and joined you on watching the movie.
It took them a few hours to sleep because they wanted to stay up and watch it longer with you.
You obviously cuddled with the boys on your bed, because there's not a lot of room on the couch. Kenny had one arm wrapped around Karen while the other was wrapped around you in the cuddle pile.
When it was time for them to go home, you got a goodbye kiss from each and every one of them. You gave Karen a kiss on the forehead and a hug before she left as well.
Best Christmas and Hanukkah day everā¤ļøšŸ§”šŸ’™šŸ’š
šŸ’™ Craig and Tweek šŸ’›
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Spending Christmas with these 2 sweethearts is clearly heaven for youšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ„¹
You made sure everything on your schedule was cleared so you wouldn't have any plans going on at the moment, this is a special day for you and your boyfriends.
This time you went a little overboard with prepping everything for this holiday, you literally had a bouncy house in your backyard šŸ˜³
The time Craig and Tweek arrived at your house, was the time for Christmas to start. No questions.
You did notice that Tweek didn't seem to be anxious at the moment, but you didn't question him about that. He didn't want to be anxious on Christmas since it was with you.
Craig having his usual everyday expression, but you know deep down that he has a big smile on his face ready to start celebrating Christmas with you.
All 3 of you guys wore matching Christmas couple outfits for the time being.
Eating snacks. Eating snacks with them was normal as eating any other kinds of food. They didn't make a mess, they didn't ask for another, and they happily cleaned up their mess if they did.
Christmas games. Bro they didn't expect you to have games laying around, you really went overboard with prepping everything šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ŠšŸ„¹ they still enjoyed playing the games with you though, and they ABSOLUTELY loved playing inside the bouncy house! They stayed in there for like 3 hours šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ
Opening presents. They got you a bunch of gifts tbh šŸ˜³ you obviously got them a bunch back in return. Opening presents this time isn't messy since you guys were opening them over a wrapper bin.
Cuddling sessions. You're literally stuck in their embrace for a longggggg time. They ain't letting you go anytime soon, you're their little/big sweet teddy bear (Depending on your height)
Sleep time. They're also staying over for the night to sleep with you until Christmas is over. Enjoy this time sleeping with them specially.šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ„¹šŸ„¹
Same as the boys, you also get goodbye kisses and hugs from Craig and Tweek. But this time they promised to come back later.šŸ’›šŸ’›šŸ’™šŸ’™
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I was listening to this music while writing this- also Merry Christmas again to everyone!!!
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itzsana-kiddingmenow Ā· 10 months
Gifts: Part 2
š’š’†š’†: Minho
š’š’†š’“: Felix
š˜µš˜©š˜Ŗš˜“Ā š˜§š˜Ŗš˜¤Ā š˜Ŗš˜“Ā š˜¢š˜£š˜°š˜¶š˜µĀ š˜µš˜Ŗš˜¤š˜¬š˜­š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜ØĀ š˜“š˜°Ā š˜Ŗš˜§Ā š˜µš˜©š˜Ŗš˜“Ā š˜Ŗš˜“š˜Æ'š˜µĀ š˜ŗš˜°š˜¶š˜³Ā š˜¤š˜¶š˜±Ā š˜°š˜§Ā š˜µš˜¦š˜¢Ā š˜ŖĀ š˜“š˜¶š˜Øš˜Øš˜¦š˜“š˜µĀ š˜“š˜¤š˜³š˜°š˜­š˜­iš˜Æš˜Ø!Ā šŸ’—
tw: shirtless Minho šŸ« , massage oil
im sorry its short, i have exams šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
this is flustering-
Now for the next member to torture. Felix looked at the time. 2:17 PM. Damn. He had spent almost half an hour in Chanā€™s room. He had to get answers about his gift. He already knew they all teamed up to get him something, and Felix was definitely urging to figure out what it was, but he was almost enjoying this. It was like a little mystery! For his birthday, too, it was. Felix grinned as he made his way over the evil catā€™s room. Minho. Now what question was he going to ask him? Felix pondered as he knocked on the door.
Ā He was going to pounce on the boy the moment he opened the door, but then Felix caught the look of exhaustion on Linoā€™s face when the older looked at him, and Lixie felt a little bad. He knew Lee Know had an exhausting schedule, being one of the best dancers of the group, and he knew it wouldnā€™t be fair to wreck the boy after such a long day.
So instead Felix ended up asking, ā€œAre you ok hyung? Do you need cuddles, or a massage?ā€ The birthday gift left his mind immediately when he realized how tense Minho looked. ā€œYeah, a massage would be nice, thanks and sorry, Lixie.ā€
Ā Felix nodded as he ran to the shelf to get the massage oil, Lino removing his shirt (šŸ« ) and laying down on his stomach. Felix sat on his waist and popped the lid, the lavender scent of the oil making them both sigh, suddenly feeling sleepy. Lixie worked out all the knots in Minhoā€™s back, smiling at the satisfied sighs the older was making.Ā 
After Yongbok finished with all the proper massaging, he grinned. It was time.Ā 
ā€œ...hyung?ā€ ā€œmmmmhhhhmmmmā€ was his response. ā€œYa know that my birthdayā€™s tomorrow right?ā€ Lee Know nodded. ā€œWell, I wanted to know what color it isā€ This made Minhoā€™s head perk up, confused.Ā 
ā€œI thought you would want to know what it is, not what color it isā€ Lee Know giggled, smiling sleepily. Felix frowned, aware that Lino was making fun of him.
He grabbed the bottle of lavender oil, spreading some on his hands. ā€œYou will tell me, wonā€™t you?ā€ ā€œNope, sorry. Strict orders from Channie.ā€
Felix smirked. This was exactly what he was counting on. He darted his hands down to Minhoā€™s exposed sides, massaging the oil in a very ticklish way.
ā€œHey what are you- AHAHAHA?!ā€
ā€œWell, you wouldnā€™t tell me, so now you suffer.ā€
Felix giggled at the lack of coherent speech.Ā 
He made sure to scribble his fingers across the wide expanse of Lee Knowā€™s back, digging into back ribs. MInhoā€™s arms shot back, grabbing Felixā€™s wrists weakly, as he couldnā€™t do much when he was on his stomach.
Ā Lee Knowā€™s face reddened almost immediately, cackling as his body was zapped of itā€™s energy, succumbing to the torture. When Felix turned around, he screamed when he felt hands grabbing at the back of his thighs, an incredibly weak spot for him.
He felt tears welling up, the lavender scent which had seemed so refreshing now seemed intoxicating as he tried his hardest not to faint.
Felix, obviously annoyed by the lack of secrets being spilled. He scribbled on the back of knees, not realizing Minho was gaining enough strength to suddenly flip over.
He grabbed Felix by the shoulders and the two wrestled playfully for control. Lee Know was gaining the upper hand until Felix smirked, hands shooting to bare underarms, crazed laughter shooting out of the older as he fell backwards.Ā 
ā€œAre you ready to give in yet?ā€
Felix frowned yet again, hands slipping down to bare ribs, finally finding the spot that would break the older.
ā€œYAHAHAHA NOHOHOOO AHHHHHH-!ā€ The rest was cut off by silent laughter, Minho pleading as Felix knuckled ribs, straddled grip not allowing a moment of rest.
Felix lowered his hands to lightly tracing Minhoā€™s stomach, allowing the older some words, but Lino couldnā€™t stop giggling, the oil making it tickle so much more.
ā€œNonono hahaha its bluuuhuhueā€ Felix stopped his tickling, giggling at Linoā€™s wrecked state, face red and covered with tears, chest heaving.Ā 
Felix got up and left, leaving Minho to recover. Now he needed to find out moreā€¦.
i hope you enjoyed! Feel free to request however pls check my intro before interacting!Ā Part 3 will be out soon! Have a good day! šŸ’—āœØ
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jspenft Ā· 2 years
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āœ§ PAIRING : Katsuki Bakugo / Izuku Midoriya / Shoto Todoroki x Femā™€ reader. (Thanks to @izukuisbaby for helping me with Sho's part-šŸ˜­)
āœ§ AN : Supposed to b mix of headcanons and fic, but became stories for each. May be long, sorry. All characters are aged up. Not proofread. AN #2 : I feel like I write better for those I simp. So if you happen to read everything, guess who's my crush among these 3.
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šŸ‰ Go mountaineering. He's a man of thrills, obviously he loves it.
šŸ‰ Is initially reluctant when he proposes the idea to you, but automatically changes his behavior when notices the stars in your eyes. As trivial as things are, you love to learn more about the man you likes. He likes spicy food ? You train all night long to cook him the best mapo tofu he's ever eaten ! He like mountaineering ? You going there with him without hesitation !
šŸ‰ Hours spent on the internet to learn about this sport. Wanting to impress him, and above all not to make mistakes.
šŸ‰ So arrived at the store for purchase of equipment, you already know what to take.
" - So fleece clothes are here, windbreaker is done... you whisper to yourself Katsuki, did you take gloves ?
- Mmh, even in your favorite color.
- Okay, we have almost everything. you say, moving towards another aisle
- May I help you, miss ?
- Oh uh yes, I'm looking for a helmet. you respond to the salesman who popped up behind you
- You're lucky, I have this magnificent aerodynamic helmet. It's our far among popular model with cyclists and there're only a few copies left. I can also recommend these shorts and overshoes, very trendy among women.
Katsuki inwardly laughs at the salesman's tirade to restock you with a bunch of expensive and useless equipment, in order to fulfill his sales quota.
- Oh no, you must have misunderstood, I'm not a cyclist, but mountaineer. you answer cheerfully Besides, I would need a harness and a survival blanket.
- Oh um excuse me then, mountaineering equipment are on this side, follow me please. he pulls himself together
After a while, you have everything you need and let the salesman get back to his business. Katsuki returns, leaning on a shelf and crossing his arms, with more items in his bag.
- Well then, you seem to know your stuff. he smirk
- Yeah ! It's not complicated, you really have to be stupid not to know about that stuff. proudly assert yourself
After a few seconds of silence, he answers.
- You know that.. we have a common computer, don't you ?
- Yeah, why bringing that u-
- And I have access to the search history, right ? he cuts you off
You're trying to remember something incriminating you could have researched, when it hits you. Silence broken by your boyfriend again.
- That's it, remember ?
- I-
- Ā« It's not complicated, you really have to be stupid not to know about that stuff. Ā» he declares with a cheerful voice, imitating your way of speaking earlier.
- It's not what you think-
- Never said it's a bad thing. It was actually quite fun to read Ā« everything you need to know about mountaineering Ā» , Ā« mountaineering for beginners in 5 steps Ā», Ā« best equipment-
- Ahh all right got it, it's embarrassing...
- Ā« How to impress your lover Ā»...
- I could die of shame right now... you whisper
- It's okay, sorry, just funny to see you like that. he continues after a silence But hey, given the number of searches, you must have spent hours and hours on it. I love that you try to impress me, but please think of yourself. I'll explain it to you properly, so don't worry, okay ? You'll always up to it.
His speech warms your heart.
- Okay Katsu, let's get the latest items and go to the checkout, yeah ? you answer with a light smile
- Sure thing. "
šŸ‰ Groans during the journey, secretly hiding his joy at being able to share one of his passions with you.
šŸ‰ Arrived at destination, fresh air hits your face, it's cold but so pleasant. Katsuki takes you aside from the group of apinists and asks you one last time if you're sure you want to do this. And you obviously answer in the affirmative.
šŸ‰ Trainer explains the rules to everyone.
" - Well before starting, know that this is a beginners group. So for the more experienced, be sure to help others for their first time and be patient. As for the others, remember that mountaineering isn't climbing, it's an extreme sport, so be careful and attentive. We'll start after checking material, thanks for listening.
You turn back to Katsuki.
- Have everything in your backpack ?
- Of course I do, who do you think I am ? Even bring a first aid kit in case Madame is injured. He throws you a flick
- Ouch ! We won't even need it cause I'm strong enough. Look, I even took a compass ! you exclaim while chowing it
- Y/n... where's the North ?
- Well, it's here. you say pointing at your right
- What's the point of having a compass if you don't even know how to use it... Your sense of direction is still biased as I can see, sweet.
- Said the man that were looking for sugar in all kitchen cupboard for like 2 hours. Who has the worst sense of direction ? you smirk
- Hey, calm down you two trainer interrupt him finish tying the rope, we're leaving in 5 minutes.
- Tch, yes sirrr~ " he rumbles
šŸ‰ As a mountaineering groupe, you're all attached to the same rope. Katsuki insists that you be in front of him. Then he can guide, help you, and watch your ass.
šŸ‰ He admires your serious face, giving your all.
šŸ‰ Arrived at mountain refuge, you both take a well-deserved rest.
" - I'm proud of you, but you didn't need to overwork yourself for today.
- Who said JUST for today ? you glare at him
- Uh ?
- I love mountaineering, and from now on, I want it to become a daily thing, for both of us. "
Bonus : two grandmothers gossiping :
" - See this young girl blushing over there ?
- Flirting in a store, young people these days... "
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šŸ‰ Literally fuckin' everywhere.
šŸ‰ Notes, takes a lot of notes. Have a notebook especially on the places you love to go to. Whether it's places he's already taken you to, or those you mention in the course of a conversation.
šŸ‰ Tries to plan everything from a to z, is so focused that he becomes clumsy. So obviously, his mother notices.
" - Izuku, I'm glad you came to visit me, but could you please stop staring at your taiyaki like that.
He stops daydreaming and quickly raises his head
- Sorry mom, I was in my thoughts.
- Seriously, you've been very tense lately, a problem at work ?
- Oh no, don't worry, it's about Y/n.
- Y/n ? What's going on with my beautiful daughter in law ? she said smiling
- Mmh, we're going to spend our first vacation together and I don't know what to doā€¦ he said collapsing on the table
- She likes the beach, doesn't she ? Why don't you take her there ?
- Yeah, I already intended to...
- What's the matter then ?
- Beach is not enough, need other things, I just want it to be perfect.
Inko answers with a tender looks on her face
- You know, it's not a honeymoon or anything, just vacation. I know her very well, and no matter what you do, she'll like it. I'm sure just being with you is enough for her. Simple words, but words that a son needed to hear from his mother. Come on, tell me the activities you've already thought about doing with her, I'll help you.
- Oh that's good cause I just wrote everything down, so there's this place but I'm hesitating cause we've already been there once and I dunno if it's good for holidays, otherwise we could do that I know that she liked it last time, ah and also that [...] "
'And here we go again with his usual monologues...' she thought
šŸ‰ Makes you breakfast in bed on first day of vacation. He's usually really caring, but now he's so attentive that you wonder if it's an important date that you forgot.
šŸ‰ Of course not, it's neither your couple anniversary, nor your birthday either. He just wanted to mark the occasion, having been very busy with his work lately.
šŸ‰ " - Izuuu, my feet hurttt. you moan Plus I need to go to the toil-
- There's still this shop, want me to carry you honey ?
- Yes plea- I mean no. We can go tomorrow, why'd you absolutely wanna go there now ?
- The day isn't over yet Y/n. Come on, I still have things to show y-
You suddenly let go of his hand.
- No, sorry but I really am tired. Can we do this another time ?
He looks at you intently, as if surveying the situation.
- Oh um.. I'm sorry. I was so happy we're spending time together that I didn't pay attention to what you really wanted... he confesses after realizing
You move closer and take his hands in yours.
- It's okay honey, all that matters is that you meant well.
Admiring each other's eyes, as if you were alone in the world. Until a thought brings you back to reality.
- But umm.. Can we go now ? I really wanna pee you confess by no longer holding up on your legs
- Oh sure, I'll carry you right away ! " he suddenly respond with a soft smile
šŸ‰ At the end of the day, you give him a massage on his back (he loves it, don't tell me otherwise).
" - That's not fair, I had to take the lead today, and you ended up taking care of mee~ he pout
- You shouldn't have taken so much trouble for me, you idiot. "
šŸ‰ He gave his all to prepare you the best vacation of your life. So much so that he became stressed. In the end, you still did some activities that he prepared for you. Apart from that, you both preferred to enjoy present moment.
šŸ‰ Went to the sea, several times, especially cause you wanted to try all flavors of ice cream from the nearby ice-cream maker.
šŸ‰ You managed to get movie tickets for the premiere of All Might's biographical movie. He cried. What a fanboy
šŸ‰ He'll take you to the gym. Since when he's not at work, he's at the gym, you want to start sport to go there daily with him.
" - Arghhh, I can't take it anymore- you growl
- Come on Y/n one more rep, you can do it !
You thought you were going to suffer at gym, but not that much.
- You doing great honey, that was perfect !
- Perfect my ass you collapse on the floor I'm exhausted~
- Hehe here you go he hands you a bottle of water You mustn't flinch, I want to do my sport with you now
- Mmh thanks Izu
- Something bothering you ?
- Hum no, that's just.. you wave your hand come closer.
He leans over and you whisper in his ear.
- Don't you see girls over there watching us ? I mean, watching you ?
- Mmh ? Oh, it must be cause I'm kinda well-known. he touches his face looking a little embarrassed
- 'Or you just look attractive' you mumble
Yeah you mumble, but he understand, absolutely everything you just said. So he slowly approached, put his hand on your cheek, and kissed you.
- A few more series ? There's nothing MY wife can't do. " he declares with a soft smile quite loudly, not just for you, but as if he wants to be heard by women around him.
And you just sat here, amazed.
šŸ‰ After going to the sea, cinema, gym; he listens to all your suggestions and takes you where you want. Fairground ? No problem, you may be adults, there is no age limit for having fun. You buy lots of sweets, so many you'll have to takes some home, so many that Izu give some to his colleagues at work. Katsuki told him several times he doesn't like sweets, but ate them anyway.
šŸ‰ In short, no pressure. He learned not to stress out trying to please you. You just both enjoy the moment.
Bonus : returning from the gym :
" - Did you really call me "my wife" earlier ?
- No, I mean yeah, but it was on impulse and-
- Hope you'll take your responsibilities and truly call me your wife then. you smirk leaving him in the bedroom
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šŸ‰ Fancy locations.
šŸ‰ He sends you a message to ask you to wear something nice for tonight. At first you're taken aback 'cause you weren't thinking of moving today. Indeed, lying in your pajamas in your bed watching TV, you're not really ready to go outside. But then you're pretty happy that he's asking you to go out, so you answers him 'Of course ! Can't wait for 2nightā¤ļø' with a smile on your face.
šŸ‰ The evening, you find yourself a little disconcerted.
" - A costume, and a restaurant ?
- Yeah, don't you like it ?
- Yes ! I just thought we were going to have a picnic. Well... I'm going to look ridiculous in this little summer dress in a 5 star restaurant...
- Why this ? You are very beautiful in this dress.
- If you say so... "
šŸ‰ In the middle of the meal you felt a little uncomfortable, with this impression that everyone is watching you. You even came to wonder if he was not going to ask you out, I mean in marriage, why put so much effort for a simple date otherwise ?
šŸ‰ But no, nothing at all, you just went home afterwards. Not that you actually expected him to propose to you but. And the following days, the same. He takes you to a fancy place, you expect something, but in fact nothing happens.
šŸ‰ Every time you offer him a simple activity or outing, he says he has a better idea in mind.
šŸ‰ Shoto notices after a while that you don't like these outings that much.
He needs advice.
But his friends from high school promo say so many different things that he no longer knows where to turn.
" - Dance lessons ! Here you go, it's a good activity to do as a couple. Besides, it would be so funny to see you dancing !
- No Mina ! A date at restaurant, that's what he need ! It's so romanticc~ answers Toruu
Girls continue to debate, as if the principal concerned no longer exists.
- Huh, it's just vacation, right..? Question meant for his friends, but Shoto talks more to himself at this point. Plus I already do date restaurant... he mumbled
šŸ‰ Was initially asking for some advice on where he could take you on vacation. Then girls jumped on him so excited to help him. In the end, they're more debating on the best date than helping him with his vacation...
šŸ‰ They didn't help him at all, all their words were mixed up in his head. So he decided to turn to a better person, the one he's sure will be of good help : Fuyumi<3
" - Wich places could you take Y/n ?
- Yeah, she looked so happy to finally be on vacation, but I don't know where to take her. I think i screwed up.
Indeed, he didn't really think about it. But it was by seeing ads on TV, billboards, and couples in the street that he realized it. Holidays are significant in a couple
- What if you just ask her ? Don't take it so seriously. " she smiled
šŸ‰ He now has clearer ideas thanks to his sister. And can finally talk to you.
" - You know, it's not that I didn't like the outings you prepared for me. It was just.. too much.
His face relaxes, as if he had finally found the solution to an enigma still unsolved. Sooo...
- Where would I like to go on vacation ? Mmh.. where you wanna go !
- Huh... he makes his usual stoic face
- W-what, did I say something wrong ? Oh, that doesn't help you at all, does it ? you answer looking sheepish
- Exactly...
- Well, where did you go when you were little ?
- Little... he whispers to himself
- Ah, don't answer if it makes you uncomfortable !
- No do not worry. Uh, we used to go to the temple, and... Matsuri..? he responds like he's not sure
- Perfect, that's what we'll do then !
- That's all ? he seems disconcerted I mean, I thought vacations were important to you.
- And it is, I want to learn more about you, and share the things you aspire to. you share a wonderful smile
šŸ‰ Soo, cultural places
šŸ‰ In the town next door, a Matsuri, a famous Japanese festival, was taking place. You definitely go there. It's so simple, but seeing your face so happy makes his heart feel better.
šŸ‰ Between food stalls and rifle shooting, you had no time to get bored. It was really something you wanted to do at least once in your life.
šŸ‰ You both go to the temple. You usually go there very little, more at New Years. But Shoto comes from a traditional family, so obviously he goes there a lot more often.
šŸ‰ Before leaving, come the time to write a wish on a wooden plaque, the ema.
" - What did you write ?
- I can't say that Y/n.
- I know.. have a sense of humor.. you pout
After a short silence he continues
- ... What did you write ? he pout too
you answers with a smirk
- Someone gets nosy too.
Bonus : Girls after talking for hours :
" - And you Shoto what d'you think ? ...Shoto ?
- He's been gone for a long time. " replied Tsuyu
Yes, he slipped away in the middle of their conversation.
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Ā© jspenft 2022 : do not plagiarize, steal, contort, copy, or translate my content to other platforms.
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plinkcat-gif Ā· 2 years
hellooooo iluuuu <33333
for either obito or getou if u feel like it hehe sljkdhbf <33333
U KNOW I WOULDVE DONE GETO FOR U BUT I SAVED THIS SPECIFICALLY FOR OBITO OR RIN SJDKSKDJ <33333 i will make it up to u by drawing a geto sometime <3
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man i struggled w that lighting šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i spent like two hours coloring this DKSKFJFKFJ <33333 but the lineart was suuuuper fun :3333
glitter is smth i def need to work on,, might need 2 find or make a brush for that i think
(also yeah the first pic below cut has those lines ignore that i was experimenting and i didnā€™t want to change their colors Again for the lighting change i did DKSJSHD)
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skyloftian-nutcase Ā· 1 year
Hi, I wanted to tell you that I really like your healthcare AU. šŸ’• I had to quit my job in veterinary medicine because of my disability and the emotional toll it took on me (I'm doing much better and studying for my bachelor's degrees in two different fields now) but I still have an interest in both veterinary and human medicine.
I just spent the past 2-3 hours binging this stuff and it's hit every single one of my emotions at this point, so rest assured that you're a great writer. I am literally tearing up. šŸ˜­
Anyway, I'll be heading over to AO3 in a moment to read more, but... as a huge Four Swords fan, I have to ask about Four's colors. I feel like Red would probably be more inclined to handle pediatric or psych patients, and Vio would lean towards surgery, but I don't know what Blue and Green would do. Assuming that you have an idea and that the colors exist in this AU to begin with.
Ahhh well, welcome to the fun, Iā€™m so happy youā€™re enjoying it!! ā¤ļø And Iā€™m very glad youā€™re doing better and moving forward :)
I donā€™t know much about the Colors from the manga, or really the manga in general (for the purposes of the AU Four is just his own person), but based on what I know of them youā€™re probably right about Red, Vio might be more of an intensivist for the medical ICU or an infectious disease doctor because both of those specialties are very much focused on puzzling/problem solving and research, all I know about Blue is heā€™s the angry one so uh not sure, Green I guess would just be doing what Fourā€™s doing since he seems like the one closest to Fourā€™s characterization šŸ˜…šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
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aiixen Ā· 11 months
how do you draw so quickly?
I don't šŸ˜­ I'm actually super slow when it comes to drawing anything past the sketch/rough colors, it usually takes me few days to finish a fully clean piece (even if my art style it's still a bit messy!)
Most of the art I share here it's stuff that takes me around 2~4 hours, depending on how much I can focus on the piece and if I feel like cleaning it or not!
The real secret is... Getting obsessed with a character/media and/or having no free time so you need to force yourself to rush haha , if you stare at my pieces for half a second too long you can see that they are super messy šŸ˜­, but it doesn't really matter as long as you (as in the artist) are satisfied with how it looks + having the main focus cleaned up enough.
For example in my most recent art the character's hands /shirt and hair are not refined AT ALL. But the focus of th picture is the face, which I spent more time on it to have it look clean.
Beside this, I sometimes post art I had already done since a while but forgot to post... šŸ«£
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15 Questions
Thanks for the tag Moya!
1. Are you named for anyone?
Technically yes. My middle name is a biblical one, and also myā€¦. Aunt?? Cousin? Iā€™ve met her but I think sheā€™s my dadā€™s first cousin and I donā€™t know what that means I am to her.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Likeā€¦ what type of cry? Sobbed? End of December. Cried? About a week ago. From laughter? Sunday night. My brother was building a clearance gingerbread house and the icing said ā€œmade in a nut free facilityā€ and my brother leaned over to me and said ā€œso no men there?ā€ And I lost it. Later he just fucking leaned over and started to hands free eat the house and I lost it again. Just little tears? Last night. I saw an instagram reel and I got misty eyed. I donā€™t remember what it was about.
3. Do you have kids?
Haha no. Iā€™m not strictly opposed? But Iā€™m not fucking doing that by myself and relationships are real low priority to me.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I used to more. Not so much anymore?
5. Whatā€™s the first thing you notice about people?
Mostly what theyā€™re doing. And then if they seem happy or not.
6. Whatā€™s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Honestly neither but I guess happy endings. But not inspiring movies. I fucking hate inspiring movies I spent enough time in church having my emotions manipulated Iā€™m not fucking paying to sit and do it again. Miss me with that shit.
8. Any special talents?
Talent? Uh, I have super flexible shoulders? I guess I would consider my natural aptitude to figure shit out as a talent? Other things I would consider as skills cause I worked for them. So like crafts and my flexibility and writing.
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
You donā€™t have the time to have me list them. And they rotate pretty frequently. But!! I just got a drop spindle and Iā€™m currently obsessed with it. But crafts are definitely a constant. Any craft, Iā€™ve probably tried it once. Iā€™m really not kidding.
11. Have any pets?
Not at the moment. I want rats someday but Iā€™m so busy I wouldnā€™t be able to give them a good life šŸ˜ž
12. What sports have you played?
As a child: basketball, soccer, football (like American football lol), tennis, cheerleading.
As an adults Iā€™m pretty active but not really in organized sports. Now Iā€™m doing mostly running, gymnastics, and pole dancing.
13. How tall are you?
5 footā€¦.. 5??? 6???
14. Favorite subject in school?
I honestly liked most of it. I hated geometry tho. One I always wanted to do was Linguistic but alas, FL state law kept me from doing it. šŸ˜­ (not that like linguistics specifically is illegal, google excess credit hour laws)
15. Dream job?
Hahahah i donā€™t even know. I donā€™t particularly want to work. However I wish I could do animal education at a zoo. I would love that. I would love just answering questions about iguanas.
Oh. Oh waitā€¦ my like, dream unbelievable never going to happen job would be an acrobat. Fuck. When I was younger interacting with circus related material like movies or books or even color palets would make my heart hurt. Like sometimes I couldnā€™t interact with it because it just hurt so much. Itā€™s just so cool and fucking magical and mesmerizing. I loved it. And even at like 15 I thought it was too late for me to ever be a part of that world.
And then when I turned 22 and had a fucking life meltdown, I was watching fucking unus anus and heard Ethan talking about gymnastics and decided to justā€¦ try something. And I quickly found out it wasnā€™t too late?? That I still had a chance to learn and try and experience circus arts??? Now Iā€™ve tried acrobatics and aerial silks and contortion and pole and got on a trapeze once. And now itā€™s my motivation for how I take care of myself. I have to eat food and move my body and take care of myself. I have to because if I donā€™t Iā€™ll never be able to try lyra/aerial hoop. I gotta keep going because Iā€™ve got pole on Wednesday and Iā€™m so close to the body spiral.
When I get emotionally low I remind myself I gotta keep going so I can get back to my circus arts.
(Please note I know circus havenā€™t always been good and nice and happy places. I get it. I know. Iā€™m not talking about that)
Tagging! @as-a-matter-of-whump @brutal-nemesis @cowboy-anon @i-can-even-burn-salad @jordanstrophe @just-a-silly-little-whumper @milk-carton-whump @poopraven @quietly-by-myself @redstainedsocks @susiequaz12 @thoughtsonhurtandcomfort @ziptiesnfries @tearyvictim @
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enluv Ā· 1 year
not on anon (fun fact i spent like 3 minutes trying to spell the word anonymous before i gave up and now magically i managed. anyways.) BUT HERE I GO W THE QUESTIONS RAAAAAH
(1) fav color!!!!
(2) first kpop group you started stanning
(3) fav type of coffee (americano, latte etc)
Tumblr media
(1) fav color?
light/baby pink CURRENTLY but overall itā€™s black/red !!
(2) first kpop group you started stanning?
i would have to say bts/exo introduced me to the world of kpop because i liked their songs but stray kids was the first group I officially stanned and by that i mean like learned the names of the members and watched content from them !!
(3) fav type of coffee?
fun fact: i donā€™t drink coffee šŸ«¢ yes yes thatā€™s right! caffeine makes my anxiety 10x worse so I try and stay away from drinks that have lots of it in them!! but i do drink teas :) my favorite tea is green tea with lemonade and a pump of raspberry :) or black tea with raspberry!!
boop boop ask game!
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we-can-be-heroes Ā· 1 year
Color asks : 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 21, 24, 29, 35!!!!! tu peux en ignorer si c'est bcp :p
1) any favorite color(s) and why ?
Lol I love this one <3. When I was very little I used to be in love with the empty blue screen we had on the TV before putting on a VHS ! In the same era I remember that when we went for walks my dad would take us to the free permanent exhibitions of the Centre Pompidou, and there, there was the famous Bleu Klein lollll ! So I directly associated it to the blue of our tv. My dad used to call the blue of our tv screen Ā«Ā bleu vidĆ©oĀ Ā». To this day I never checked if he invented this term or if itā€™s actually in any Pantone, but when I have to answer that question I always say, I love every color but bleu video is one of my favorites heheh ļ¼ˆ ļ¼¾Ī½ļ¼¾ļ¼‰ā™„ā€æā™„!
2) Any color(s) you hate and why ?
I can't think of any color I hate right now. When I was like ā€¦ in fifth grade ? There was a moment where I was like ā€¦ anti-orange šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ and saying stuff like Ā«Ā itā€™s the color of vomit šŸ˜± !!Ā Ā» . It was a brief moment I love orange now.
5) favorite color combos :
Adore this question too heheh, SO !!!:
Purple and green // Brown and blue // Pink and Green // Black and Pink // orange and blue // orange and purple // red and Pink // red and Black // blue and pink. I'm going to stop here
7) Whatā€™s your color palette ?
hummm my color palette depends of what I use it for. When I paint I think it's a lot of neon colors and very vibrant primary and secondary colors. When I dress up most of the time itā€™s darker colors
10) Gold, Silver or Rose golden ?
I love all of them but when I paint I use gold the most. (Would like to use the 2 others more often)
12) What was your favorite color as a kid ?
Bleue vidƩo !!
21) What colors go best with black , in your opinion ?
All neon/very very vibrant colors/the combos I wrote earlier. The contrast is šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ’¦
24) What color makes you feel the strongest feelings ?
I think all colors can make me feel very strong feelings depending of the moment (But once again blue maybe) ? I can also be very sensitive in a bad way if Iā€™m in a room entirely painted in one color, for instance certain types of light yellow will make me feel very uneasy and dark pinks will end suffocating me lol. But surprisingly enough I LOVE spending time in very dark rooms šŸ˜­. Spent 5 hours in the goth club yesterday/this morning with very low light and all black walls with red neons and I felt very comfortable. But ofc I guess Iā€™ll also interpret the colors differently according to the context ā€¦.
29) if youā€™re a visual artist tell us how you work with color ?
Hummm I think itā€™s a big mixture of different things. I use a lot of color combos that used to be present in my childhood (what I remember of my grandmaā€™s house etc) . Iā€™ll also use whichever color gives me the more pleasure in the moment lolll, but depending of the story Iā€™m telling Iā€™ll intuitively start with what is the most symbolic for me.
35) Thoughts on yellow ?
Very Light yellows can make me feel weird/ but I will love them if associated with other pastel colors. Neon yellow is my favorite thing on earth, especially associated with other vibrant colors + black šŸ„²
Thank you very much for the questions hehe šŸ’“ā£ļøšŸ’“ā£ļøšŸ’“ā£ļøšŸ’“ā£ļøšŸ’“ā£ļøšŸ’“ā£ļøšŸ’“ā£ļøšŸ’“sorry for talking so much and repeating myself + for my weird English & Bless all colors !!!
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