#i stand by my Warriors Wanted To Be A Lawyer headcanon
jeanbie · 2 years
porco as a teen hcs<3?? tysm!
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⏤ hii! sorry for a late response, here are my porco as a teenager headcanons! i'm assuming u mean modern hc...because i think canon!porco is too busy with warrior training to actually enjoy being a teenager so i think they'd be boring, but i can think of some if u still want canon-related porco hcs!! other than that, enjoy!! &lt;;33
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for most of his teen years, i think porco is just figuring himself out
he probably feels a lot of pressure to live up to his brother (who went to an amazing uni and is doing an amazing degree and is just so amazing, yeah yeah he’s heard it all before)
porco doesn’t really know what he likes and what he doesn’t
he definitely follows a lot of crowds, trying to one day figure it all out
porco puts on a front when he’s in public, as if he doesn’t care about anything or anyone or anybody else’s opinions on his life
but i think in private porco is kinda sensitive and easily bothered by stuff
which is why his day to day life might shock people
porco’s room is a hand-me-down from his big brother but it has a lot of character
porco likes art and draws a lot in his spare time
(he could never do anything with it, he doesn’t love it that much, but it’s an escape for him) 
so his desk is full of sketch papers and pencils and he’s that person who has drawers just filled with books and papers and some can’t even close properly
porco also likes to read and has a pile of random books down by his bed
when porco’s like 14 he starts to get really invested in planes and the mechanics and the whole aesthetic of pilots is kinda what his style is revolving around at the moment
he likes the top-gun movies soooo much
he owns one of those aviator jackets and wears it religiously
porco is also a lifeguard as a part time job, again he doesn’t really care much about it but it gives him some money and he gets to use the gym they have for free
personality wise, i think porco is really funny and honest which can sometimes cause conflict and it’s been the reason why he has no friends
then when he hits 16 and transfers schools when his parents decide they wanna be closer to the city that marcel moved to for uni, he meets a new group of friends
porco likes to start drama and then remove himself from the equation
actually he just likes to start shit with people for fun…which is why his mum thinks that he might be a good lawyer, he’s good at debating and arguing with people and doesn’t crack under the pressure of thinking of a comeback or a point or even a source
he probably does use reddit a lot….a flaw..
he’s also an avid porn watcher….like a lot of teenage boys, but sometimes he watches it even when he isn’t horny, just when he’s bored
he swears a lot and always has pencils in his pockets but he refuses to use a new one until it’s so small that he can no longer hold it
porco would kinda like to go into design engineering if he goes to uni (:
⏤ teen porco’s bedroom: a map
it’s small so there’s not a lot going on
porco doesn’t like to cling to his past self so anything slightly related to his childhood is in a box in the loft, he doesn’t want to look at stuffed animals now that he’s grumpy and a teen
his corkboard is full of cinema tickets, he definitely likes to keep the cinema tickets to all movies he goes to
sometimes porco can get lazy with his laundry and just has stuff everywhere but eventually he cleans it up
porco can be very clean when he’s feeling stressed, and he likes to deep clean the house (his mum likes that) when he’s feeling the stress get to him
he has a lot of movie posters in his room
and as i said, the drawings all over the desk
i think porco probably doesn’t have a tv in his room because he doesn’t watch a lot of tv, so his games console is downstairs because he shares with his dad
there’s nothing that makes his room stand out from anyone else’s room because porco doesn’t LOVE being in his room
if he can help it, he likes to sit in the living room in his house with his family or he’s out with his mates
if he’s in his room its to study, draw or sleep
⏤ porco in a friend group
unassuming at first 
but he’s the cause of chaos in his group
currently his friend group consists of the warriors (zeke, colt, reiner, bertie, annie, pieck, yelena…the marley team yk) and sometimes ymir when she can be ripped away from her girlfriends’ clutches
at first i feel like porco is feeling his way around the group and then he starts to come out of his shell
his personality is quite “Chaddy” and sarcastic and he often jokes around for fun, never really meaning any harm by his flirty jokes or relentless borderline bullying
he also smokes with the guys a lot and figured out that marcel smoked and did every drug he could name at uni just for the experience, so he has something to bond with him about when he comes back for a bit 
he thought his friends would find his hobbies weird but he comes to realise that these guys don’t give a single flying fuck what porco likes as long as it’s not revolting and yk, wrong
bertie, in fact, likes to draw and annie reveals she drew creepy anime characters when she was a pre-teen
porco and his friends like to doss in public places, like at skate parks or in the treehouse that zeke has in his backyard that his dad built for his half brother but since eren’s younger, zeke can take it by force (eren doesn’t care because he’s too busy trying to flip his skateboard on the patio with his own friends)
porco is also a bit of an underage alcoholic but he absolutely cannot drink wine or else he will be drunk too fast and be sick anywhere
he is that kind of freak who likes the Godfather pitcher at spoons and all of his friends think that’s disgusting 
porco likes to tease and mess around but he is quite supportive of his friends, even when his words don’t align with that fact
⏤ porco in a relationship
himbo alert
he can find it confusing trying to be himself two times at once
because who he is with his friends is who he is on the inside, but who he is with his partner is also him but with alterations
he is quite laid back and toooo chill, which can sometimes be a problem with his s/o
his partner would need to also be low-maintenance because i just think porco would have a hard time finding the willpower to be over the top
he definitely puts his all into a relationship but it would be shown in ways other than extravagant flowers
he’d draw or doodle his s/o in class or something and probably likes writing love letters like an old man
but he does not believe in valentines day, that man thinks it’s a commercial scam and he’d rather just kiss his partner and give them a cute letter or drawing…cause he’s not spending £8 on some chocolates for one day, he loves his partner but that’s crazy
that stupid boyfriend who isn’t aware of how stupid he is sometimes
but you just need to learn to love it if you want to be tied down to him
(probably said and believes in “bros before hoes” so take that into consideration too)
he’s not a RED flag but he’s turning amber yk
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alexissara · 2 years
The Iconic Matriarch
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[Art by Kanesha Bryant from Thirsty Sword Lesbians: Advanced Lovers and Lesbians]
The Matriarch in Thirsty Sword Lesbians is one of my artistic prides and joys. I've created lots of comics, short stories and worked on several games. The Matriarch to me is a design stand out. I want to talk about the design of that playbook more specifically sometime but instead I just want to talk about the iconic for the playbook here. The iconic here is an AU version of my OC Jillain Owlnight. Jill originated as a NPC character in a roleplay that was the adoptive mother of one of my partners OCs. I really loved her and so did she. Jillian was a lawyer who did her best to help people, she was a scrapy woman in independent practice and single just doing her best. Still she was wise, she loved magical stuff, was a big fan of birds and was did her best by her new kid.
She recurred in some other roleplays as a mother figure as a staple wink and a nod or as someone's lawyer. Eventually though, she was brought into Love Beyond The Holy Light, which was a webnovel I had been working on for a while as a powerful witch with an affinity for owls, a POV character and the mother of another POV character. This fantasy version of her was probably my most in-depth dive into her as a character. This and the following modern roleplay really finished the refinement of what this character was.
Jillian is a trans woman who lived a really hard life with bad parents, runs away from home and has fend for herself or is taken in by some magical bird, either way she is living a fairly different life than other kids. She gets a lot of skills because she needs to be all around good to survive and the lesbian falls in love with a girl, typically after years there is a sad break up, she goes through a flop era and gets her shit together when there is a kid in need that she had to care for. From there on Jill is a mega mom, she does everything for her kids and tries her best to make the world a better place. Maybe she slips up at one point, sells her morals for the kids safety or comfort but eventually turns around to do right by her kids.
Which brings us to this iconic AU version of Jillian. I wanted a version of her to do something new with less baggage. I think I said to just warrior her up at first but I was asked to provide a bit more detail and I suggested a bit more of a Sci-fiy kind of vibe. Kanesha then used the very little guidance to make this master piece. I don't know what they intended but clearly they took inspiration form the playbook too, where they gave Jillian mob boss vibes since one of the examples for The Matriarch is a mob boss. The amazing details were basically all their idea.
After getting it here is kinda how I picture everything about her working but this is just my headcanon, I hope people take her and do whatever their brains come up with for her. To me this version of Jillian runs a queer gang. Their all about bashing back and smashing the system. She is a very proud mom of her kids wearing stuff they made for her. Each color of bean represents a different kid she has taken under her wing. The eye patch was made by a sweet daughter of hers as well and the bracelets were gifts from her oldest daughter. She rips off the rich and gives back to the queers posing as a CEO or something to explain the luxuries her organization affords people.
Her family mechanic is her right hand in the mob, one of her older kids and her wife. Jillian has Been around from her experience living on the streets and traveling for jobs and warm food. Then she has In The Family due to her crime family being a known force that is not to be fucked with.
Anyway, that was my idea for the iconic here. Have you played The Matriarch, if you have what were they like? Do you have any ideas for one or been in a game with one? Did the Iconic art give you any ideas like it did for me? I'm also just always happy to hear about any TSL OC, let me know in the replies and stuff.
If you enjoyed this or anything else I've wrote, consider subscribing to my patreon to help me make more good lesbian and trans art. https://www.patreon.com/AlexisSara
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wutheringmights · 2 years
bites i mean puts in three votes MYSELF. :grabbyhands: modern au :O??
ok enough people have bitten me than I am obligated to talk about this so prepare to be VASTLY DISAPPOINTED by how mundane all of my ideas are
Instead of a war, the entire drama is based around the results of a civil suit that has the potential to change the law, etc etc etc
Very important and dramatic stuff
And you know what? I wasn't planning on there being a tied in reality show aspect, but at this point, we got to do it, don't we?
The Knights of Hyrule are a law firm headed by Lincoln Harkinian, which deals with high profile cases as well as a lot of charity cases
So the backstory is that Warriors, who is in college at the time, is told to help out on a very important legal case as an intern involving his distant cousin, Spirit
Spirit at this point was also in college to study to be an engineer. he and Warriors are distant cousins from the same massive extended family that every member of the Chain is from
I should mention that this family is so massive that it can be a little unclear at times how everyone is related to each other. Have you ever gone to a family reunion and met someone who is your mom's cousin's uncle's child? Like that.
So the original plan was that Spirit would stay the summer at the Harkinian home while Warriors interns with his dad to work the case
The case is probably something like Spirit being accused to doing something illegal at his engineering internship when in reality he was a whistleblower for some massively unsafe work practices
Except Warriors messes the case horrifically to the point where Spirit not only loses but his reputation is ruined, and that's not to mention that Warriors's had terrorized Spirit the entire summer
Needless to say that this was the last straw and Lincoln disowned him and kicked him out
Warriors has nowhere else to go, so he blows his savings on a huge trip around the world and disappears for a few years
When his savings are up, he ends up having to beg for a place to stay with his extended family
Up until this point, he's been a high living city boy (like New York), but everyone in the family who isn't a Harkinian is living in farm country
So this small home town has the majority of the Chain living there more or less, and Warriors has to adjust to having a massive wrench thrown into his life plans
So Warriors begs for a place to stay, and what do you know, Time takes him in
Except, Warriors doesn't know he and Time know each other from before. See here, that same time period Warriors was working on the case, their distant cousin was also staying with him and Spirit.
Despite being older than him, this cousin had a massive baby face and hadn't hit his growth spurt yet, so they all thought he was still in high school
And now that Time has finally grown, aged, and got face tattoos; he's utterly unrecognizable
Warriors can't ever remember meeting Time before, but he also hasn't been to a family reunion for years, so he just smiles and nods and goes along with it
Between his soul-searching trip, therapy, being away from the city, and having some consequences be knocked into him, Warriors has started to get over his emotional issues and decides he wants to give college another try and maybe get into law school on his own merits
And he starts to make friends with all of his other distant cousins, who all turn out to be really cool people
(Wind is still younger than Spirit, but he's still his uncle by virtue of people in his family having babies very late and too early in life)
Plus all of Warriors's distant cousins barely know anything about the Harkinian branch of the family, so he gets to skirt by unnoticed
The entire origin of the AU is the idea of how funny a modern family reunion would be when the Harkinians are this infamous branch of the family who are both extremely successful and a total mess. Rumor has it that Lincoln disowned his kid. He and Warriors get into a fight by the open bar and Warriors splashes a margarita on him. Lincoln married some guy from the Dragmire family (who have wronged our family for six generations now!) but Ganondorf actually seems like he's ok and honestly we like him better than any of the other Harkinians so he can stay. Plus he goes to all of Warriors's school plays and talks about him and Linkle like they're his own kids. Apparently this massive bit of drama happened in their family a few years back and Time is the only one who knows what happened but refuses to speak about it because then he'd have to take a side and he's not willing to do that.
Anyway, eventually Lincoln comes back into Warriors's life because something from the case Warriors screwed up is relevant in this civil suit and Warriors's expertise would be greatly appreciated
So Warriors is flung back into not only city living, but workings of the rich folk as he tries to right his wrongs
of course he brings his favorite cousins with him (or more like they invite themselves)
And Spirit has disappeared at this point, but basically he ended up abandoning his degree and is now making a good life for himself as a car mechanic
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semirahrose · 7 years
[1/6]Do you think Castiel’s aversion of violence and conflict after he took on Sam’s “madness” in S7 might be more than just a product of the horror and death that Godstiel caused but also a reflection of Sam’s Cage trauma? Cas said that he at first used to hallucinate Lucifer just like Sam but that changed after a while to whatever his own mind concocted and it got me thinking, what if there were other more subtle imprints of Sam’s experiences that didn’t fade or manifest differently but …
[2/6]… were still present in Cas’s crazed mind? Like wanting to run away from conflict? Again, Cas has plenty of reasons to get there on his own after the whole Godstiel situation but when “Emmanuel” remembered his past, he was deeply troubled and disturbed but it didn’t drive him to lose his mind. Taking on Sam’s hell memories induced hallucinations did. It does stand to reason that we can deduce some things about Sam from what we see from Cas afterwards, right …? I mean, it makes sense to …
[3/6]… me that a guy that has been brutally tortured for a minimum of 180 years would want to avoid all and any possibly hostile/violent/bloody situations. But Sam couldn’t get away from any of it because he got his hell memories back when they were in the midst of an apocalyptic level crisis that wouldn’t let up until it left him completely alone and I can’t help but wonder if he was white knuckling it through his repulsion and aversion of conflict/violence and just running on fumes …
[4/6]… (plus EVERYTHING else he was going through) for the sake of those who needed him despite wanting to run for the hills from all the bloodshed of the hunter life and then did precisely that the minute he lost all his reasons (Dean, Bobby, Cas) for hanging on? And this is a guy who already never liked the hunting life and is still the character least inclined to use violence unless he absolutely needs to. What if even his becoming less and less verbally confrontational in the later …
[5/6]… seasons, even in situation where his anger is justified, has less to do with him becoming more mellow/diplomatic and rather more to do with an unexamined and reflexive deeply embedded need to avoid conflict in whatever capacity the hunter life and his family dynamic will allow him? I am soooooooo sorry! This is such an incoherent half thought-out word salad! And I know that this is probably even too far-fetched to be called a headcanon, let alone it be substantiated by Canon, so do feel …
[6/6]…free to mercilessly quash down my mad ramblings! Just wanted your opinion since you are far more perceptive than I can ever hope to be so … thoughts? *sheepish grin* :D
Pshh, no way! You’re super perceptive and wonderful, and I’m honored that you’ve chosen to share your awesome thoughts and theories with me! 
I don’t know if Castiel’s reaction to taking on Sam’s hell memories had anything to do with Sam. It’s possible that having all that violence bouncing around in his head made him particularly averse to conflict, but even though Castiel is a powerful warrior, he has cared deeply for people from the beginning, and what happened to him when he took on Sam’s memories may only have been that part of him magnified by the trauma he took on. I honestly don’t know...
I really love your analysis of Sam! “And this is a guy who already never liked the hunting life and is still the character least inclined to use violence unless he absolutely needs to.” True! I imagine it’s possible that inflicting violence might have been especially hard after s7, but like you said, Sam has never really enjoyed the hunting life. Even though he is good at hunting and understands the necessity of it and the way it can help people, he has never gotten the same sense of fulfillment Dean gets from it. Dean seems to enjoy the thrill of taking down the bad guys. He doesn’t particularly savor the tough bits, like dealing with moral ambiguity and philosophical questions. Sam, in contrast, seems to enjoy the thrill of research and discovery. (He really would have made a great lawyer--Sam, going at the books for days on end, would have been perfectly at home.)
LOVE LOVE LOVE your theory about how Sam’s Hell experience might have been part of the reason why he became more passive and less verbally confrontational in later seasons. I think that’s a part of it, and I think the events of season 8 exacerbated it. Sam ended the season literally suicidal in his attempt to atone for his imagined sins against Dean. What happened with Gadreel and when Dean had the Mark only made it that much worse. Only in seasons 11 and 12 (inexplicably, without accompanying character development), have we seen him return to asserting himself.
What if even his becoming less and less verbally confrontational in the later seasons, even in situation where his anger is justified, has less to do with him becoming more mellow/diplomatic and rather more to do with an unexamined and reflexive deeply embedded need to avoid conflict in whatever capacity the hunter life and his family dynamic will allow him?
I agree with this absolutely, and well-said!
Thanks so much again for sharing your thoughts! I really like your analysis.
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