#i started watching like...ten years ago on tv with my mom it was season 8 the very end i remember japril having sex and the whole boards
maddy-ferguson · 2 years
i'm only 21 isn't that way too young to be watching season 19 of grey's anatomy
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martsonmars · 10 months
I'm bored so I'm bringing this back from ages ago. I sadly don't remember who tagged me, and anyone's welcome to play!
Rules: bold the things that apply to you.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I’ve known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favourite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of Sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
some comments under the cut
I used to have blond straight hair when I was a kid. Around age 8-9 it exploded and now it's darker and curly.
I am so happy I became comfortable with tight shirts 🥰 I love tight shirts in cold months. Instead I can't wear tight clothes in the summer because I suffer the heat too much. I don't like extremely tight trousers in my crotch area but I don't mind tight on the legs.
I have only my ears pierced. In Italian ear piercings are called orecchini and anything else is called a piercing, so my first reaction is always to say no when I'm asked about piercings. But they're still piercings, right? Anyway yeah.
I used to have braces and I kinda loved it. I was so sad when it was over.
I sunburn so easily 😭
I don't think I have freckles (just lots of moles) but for some reason I'm not sure. (Which means I don't have them.) (But...)
My painting nails habits are: nails always painted for a couple of weeks and then nothing for weeks or months. I go through phases.
I don't typically wear make up, but it's been a year since I started wearing it more often and I'm happy about it. It's just a fun thing I do when I have time or remember, I almost always put make up on when I go out at night but that doesn't happen often 🤣
I'm not *not* pleased with how I look. There are some things about myself that I don't like but I'm way more comfortable with myself than I used to. And right after showering (only time my hair looks good) and with the right clothes (often winter clothes but I got some nice summer clothes too finally) I feel very pretty.
I think I have a pair of Adidas but I don't care about either of these brands. I only wear my Adidas when I need to wear that kind of shoe (basic trainers) for some reason. Actually if I have to choose I prefer Adidas because I don't like the Nike symbol.
I don't play a sport currently but I'd like to start doing archery again.
I can technically play several instruments. In reality, I lack practice or better skills in all of them. I played piano consistently from age 12 to 15. I wasn't the greatest but I had solid technique and could play an adequate amount of things with practice. But my piano setup was unpractical and so I never practiced after I quit taking lessons (and I quit taking lessons because I never practiced...) Now I don't know when's the last time I played. Maybe one day I'll have a nicer setup and start playing again. I can play guitar (acoustic and electric) at a basic level. It's self taught and I lack the discipline and consistency to practice and improve and especially to learn the difficult things that would be a jump in quality. But really I just want to play some songs and sing along, so for now it's fine. I play ukulele too — technically same situation as guitar but I'm way better at it. I can play one song (the Concerning Hobbit theme) on the tin whistle. I played the triangle in my middle school orchestra when there were no piano pieces for me. I'm pretty good at playing the recorder (in the sense that it's actually pleasant to listen to it and not torture).
I definitely know two languages. (Italian and English.) I am supposed to know French (exam in one month everyone panic) — I definitely knew French years ago, now I understand it (really well in written form, only if slow and nice in spoken form) but speaking and writing are a mess. I have an extremely beginner level of Spanish (which I can understand somewhat due to the similarities with Italian but beyond that I have a basic level) and German. (Technically Russian too but other than the alphabet and some words I forgot everything.) And I studied Latin and Ancient Greek in high school but all I can do is translate them with the help of a dictionary.
I think I won a medal when I used to do archery. And I got a second place at a piano contest and a money prize for several writing contests.
I can do a few origami from memory, could do more with help but idk if it counts.
I think I prefer TV shows because I can only bring myself to watch something when I need a background distraction as I do things, and movies don't work. Too long when I need company for a short activity and too short when I plan on hyper focusing on a project for a million hours. (Though all these 8-10 20 minute episodes are basically a movie.) I also feel like the mental investment I have to make when I start a new TV show and need to pay attention to understand plot and characters pays off if there are a lot of seasons, and sometimes that's what I need, vs a movie that's over so soon and I need to pay proper attention for a too high percentage of it compared to a TV show. Other times I need something short (but even then I seek one season TV shows before looking for movies) but more often I need to know that I'm starting something that will keep me company for a while. I feel like I only watch movies when I'm reminded they exist or I'm intrigued by them, so it's linked to my desire to watch that specific movie in that moment — while I more often want to watch TV shows (without having chosen one yet) as a general activity.
I love singing!!! I think I'm kinda good at it but I wish I had the chance to practice more in a place where I don't feel like I have to be quiet.
I don't know if I started a new book series this year. Plenty of new books but were any of them a series????
I should travel more often!!!!! While I still don't work!!!!!!
I can do a handstand with my body half in water 🤣
I have a crush on my girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly I lost all the friends I made before 2015. But most of the 2015 people who are still in my life are my closest friends, so that's aaaaaalmost 10 years. We're so close.
I consider the person I'm dating one of my best friends so I'd say I'm dating a best friend (there is a person I still call “my best friend” and I never dated her, nor any of the people I used to call best friends when I thought there had to be just One Best Friend, but I now believe I have several best friends and I am dating one of them, so.)
I have a billion of online friends. Almost all my friends (and definitely all my closest ones). I've been lucky to meet up with a lot of them and hopefully next year will bring many more.
I'm not sure I've actually ever slept under the stars 🤔 I have slept outside in a tent for sure, but under the stars? Can't remember.
Clouds are the BEST. So are rainy days (unless I have to go places on foot) and I love thunderstorms when I'm safe inside (though I rarely get to to what my heart desires — stay in bed with tea and a book — on account of the Things to Do and the Situations). I love rainy summer days because they're not common here and I despise the heat with my entire being and summer makes it better for a little bit (if it rains properly. Otherwise it's just more humidity and makes it worse forever).
I like colours but I'm not sure I pay close attention to them all the time. More often if it's nature, yeah.
I ALWAYS sleep on the train and I always sleep in the car if I'm tired and not engaging in conversation. I can sleep on planes, boats, etc.
I believe in love and if love exists it's also true.
Never had proper Mexican food so I can't answer. I don't like beans though, and most of the Mexican food I've found around had beans and so I didn't try it.
I used to make up scenarios to fall asleep all the time. My favourite activity was to plan trips. Now I struggle to sleep if I'm not literally falling asleep and can't keep my eyes open, so I mostly only go to sleep when it takes me 2 seconds to fall asleep and I don't have time to think.
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userlarri · 4 years
i wanted to get caught up on tag games so here we are 🙃
tagged by @atlxsperalta, thank you ives! 💚
tag ten people you want to get to know better!
relationship status: all alone
favorite color: purple! also glitter
three favorite foods: pasta, orange chicken, burrito
song stuck in my head: you can’t hurry love by phil collins
last song i listened to: señorita by justin timberlake
last thing i googled: boy meets world season 3
time: 8:13pm
dream trip: fiji, bahamas, jamaica - anywhere beachy, i am not picky
anything i really want right now: a burrito lmao
tagged by @bloomlauren, thank you leah! 💙
answer some questions then tag nine people you’d like to know better or catch up with
last song: believe by cher (it changed from JT a minute ago lol)
last film: scooby doo
currently reading: i’m about to start white fragility by robin diangelo! should be delivered thursday
currently watching: schitt’s creek, and shameless s10
currently craving: still a burrito 🌯
tagged by @zelds-spellman, thank you ju! 💜
bold what applies to you:
i’m an i-need-to-pull-the-driver-seat-all-the-way-in kind of person // i wear glasses or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i wear makeup // i don’t smile often // i am (sorta) pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i have met up with someone i met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i make up scenarios in my head to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i have at least one dog // i have at least one cat
tagging some recent mutuals 💖 @archiesbetty @danjlevy @patrickrose-brewer @donniesdarko @pietros-maximcffs @charmed @adoreyou @katsmcnamaras @cantfightfatetoo
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stressed-crow · 3 years
i didnt exactly get tagged, but @lieberts​ said the “whoever wants to do it” thing (like 4 moths ago but i just found it in my likes) so here i goooo
also i tag @krchov​ @cowardlylearningtobebrave​ @feathereddamsel​ @gruntie​ and @luwucifer-s​ but like, only very vaguely. feel free not to~
Rules: Post your first twenty songs in a playlist on shuffle
Mama (My Chemical Romance)
Stigma (BTS)
Man Who Sold The World (Nirvana)
End of Spring (ONEWE)
Love Maze (BTS)
I’m so afraid (Holland)
Dear my friend (agustd)
O-O-H Child (The Five Stairsteps)
Go Go (BTS)
Time is Running out (The Muse)
Movement (Hozier)
Les Passants (Zaz)
The Witching Hour (ODJBOX)
Feelings (Hayley Kiyoko)
0X1=LOVESONG (txt)
YAYAYA (Stray Kids)
Empire (Of Mice and Men)
Problems (Mother Mother)
Question (Stray Kids)
Kill Your Heroes (AWOLNATION)
(i do not take any criticism on my music taste, least of all a costructive one)
2. Rules: MAKE A NEW POST, bold what applies to you and tag whoever you want to get to know better.
I’m an I-need-to-pull-the-driver-seat-all-the-way-in kind of a person // i wear glasses or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing  // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo  // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how I look // I prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
i play a sport // i can play an instrument  // i am artistic  // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own (if it was like... chill wildreness. i mean i can get a fire going and shit like that i cant fistfight a bear or whatever) // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean (i dont like it tho the sea scares me) // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift  // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least one dog // i have a cat ---------
sage green or baby blue | moon or stars | paperback or hardback | piercings or tattoos (i want a new one... both piercing and tattoo) | drawing or writing | saturn or jupiter | line without a hook or mr. loverman (what does this mean??) | ancient greece or ancient egypt | prague (yo i live here thats wild) or amsterdam | dark academia or light academia | indie aesthetic or cottagecore | stargazing or late night drives | strawberries or watermelons | rings or necklaces | extrovert or introvert | dragons or griffins | ocean or mountain | silver or gold | dawn or dusk | creative or free spirit | early bird or night owl | cook or bake | dagger or sword ---------
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest (i dont do either) // braids or pigtails // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos (new!! both!!) // summer or winter (both suck) // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon (am european) // strawberries or watermelon (im using this opportunity to pick the other one yes) // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theaters // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
5. Post one picture from my camera roll (no new downloads) to sum up my personality! u get two bcs they are v good
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RULES: Answer 30 questions and tag others
Name/Nickname: lucy 
Gender: female 
Star Sign: leo
Height: 170 cm 
Time: 22:04 
Birthday: july 1  IS WHAT I WROTE INITIALLY bcs i cant fucking read and thought it just said “date” lol anyway its 11th of August
Favorite Bands: bts, stray kids :)
Favorite Solo Artists: sunmi, taemin :) and hozier i cant betray him 
Song stuck in my head: la la la la vie en rose
Last Movie: def some horror movie but i forget which lol
Last Show: probably the untamed lmaooo did not even finnish it 
When did I create this blog: december 2013 apparently 
What do I post: kpop babey 
Last thing googled: i gotta fact check lots of shit for work so probs smting sports related (but make no mistake i dont know a single thing abt sports) 
Other blogs: what for i dump everything here
Do I get asks: no
Why I chose my url: self-explanatory
Following: 100
Followers: ???
Average hours of sleep: about 8 hours 
Instruments: none 
What am I wearing: pink pajama shorts with kitties, black shirt torn beyond decent wearability and this dark green... jacket,,, hoodie...thing.
Dream job: village witch 
Dream trip: me @ japan: 
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(i was supposed to go study there starting winter 2020 :) im abt to lose my fucking mind :) so yeah you get a dead meme for this) also new zealand, iceland, and going back to sweden sometime
Favorite food: pizza bithc its versatile, also cereal coz im a child
Nationality: czech (rip) 
Favorite song: black swan (bts), levanter (skz), take me to church (hozier), noir (sunmi) (those are from the top of my head current favs theres way more but here u go)
Last book read: MIMOZEMŠŤANÉ V ČECHÁCH (= aliens in czechia) by idk, some married couple thats probs wanted whatever xfiles had but low budget, its pure nonsense, best read of this year, dont regret a single second
 Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: magnus archives bich i dont give a fuck; middle earth to blaze it with hobbits; i wanna be one of those lil shaky-head-tree-things in mononokehime
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thomas-mvller · 4 years
Tag games x 283129
Hello everyone so uh lately i've started to be more active on my music sideblog which means i've been hearting stuff like crazy for the past couple of months aka all the things i've been tagged in has been buried under all that nonsense SO because i hate leaving things undone i thought on doing them all at once and tagging a bunch of people so they can get a little distraction by doing them (as in, not all of them but whichever they might want to do)
Again: you do not have to do all of them, not even one if you don't feel like doing so! there's a game for everyone so hey!
Tagging: @havertsz @foreverbayern @germanynts @sherlockisonfire @debushit @sadiiomane10 @miasanmuller @elishamanning @abcde-fc @bbjim @littletentaclemonster @tamtam-elizabeth @minimalloss @pearfight and whoever wants to do this! if you see it, consider yourself tagged >:))
Alright, here we go:
1) I was tagged by @/tamtam-elizabeth and @/sadiiomane10 to post a capture of my lockscreen, homescreen and last song i listened to. Thank you both <3
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I used to be very annoying when it came to changing my lock/homescreen so now i just don’t do that often anymore (previous to that my homescreen was a pic of lfc winning ucl OBVIOUSLY) also i haven’t really been listening to music lately but i did have a depeche mode phase like two weeks ago and this was the song i replayed the most so hey!
2) “Get to know me” tag
Tagged by the always thoughtful @/tamtam-elizabeth , thank you and i’m sorry for taking so long ;-; <3
Name: Cloud
Birthday: sometime in november
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
Height: 5′4′’ or 1.65 (last time i checked..... which was like seven years ago)
Hobbies: lately it has been sewing facemasks 😂 that aside i like watching movies, random videos on yt, baking and crafting sometimes
Favorite colors: black, red and teal
Favorite Book: don’t think i have one :o
Last Song Listened to: barrel of a gun by depeche mode
Last Movie Watched: currently watching prince of egypt. if that doesn’t count then ben hur 😂
Inspiration or Muse: i really don’t know what to say here 😂
Dream Job: i still haven’t given up to my goal but at this point i just want a job that gives me stability and zero worries
Reason Behind my URL: Thomas Müller (German pronunciation: [ˈtoːmas ˈmʏlɐ]; born 13 September 1989) is a German professional footballer who plays for Bundesliga club Bayern Munich. A versatile player, Müller plays as a midfielde- okay no in all seriousness yess this url is bc of a football player 😂
3) Ten songs playlist tag
Tagged by the joy that is @/foreverbayern and the always sweetest @/havertsz . thank youuuuu <3
Rules: We’re snooping through your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
Some months ago I made the mistake of transfering the songs i had in my old computer to my current laptop and there are some stuff that just........ should not be acknowledged so i can’t do shuffle HOWEVER i will choose ten random songs i’ve listened to/discovered this year (technically speaking is the same) so here it is:
art-i-ficial by x-ray spex
sunny afternoon by the kinks
desire lines by lush
paper cuts by incubus
pure love by hayley williams
spirit by bauhaus
no one knows by screaming trees
let’s love by suho
all we need is a dream by cheap trick
cosmonauts by fiona apple
bonus: you’re so close by peter murphy (god i adore this song)
I wouldn’t be surprised if these aren’t your cup of tea tbh 😂
4) “Core aesthetic” tag
Tagged by @/havertsz - i’m sorry for the delay ;-; and thank you <3
rules: search your name + "core aesthetic" on pinterest, get a moodboard & select a few photos that come up
i can’t really use pinterest so i googled it instead, as you might’ve guessed this is what i got 😂
ps: i’ve been informed not to use pinterest so if you wish follow this post’s indications
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ah this is so pretty, i loved doing this!
Tagged by @/germanynts @/havertsz and @/elishamanning to do this tag, thank you all <3
rules: describe yourself with pictures you already have saved. no downloading or searching for new ones. then tag 10 people.
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if you want further explanations for each pic... ask ahead 😂
6) “bold what applies” tag
Tagged by the always enJoyable @/foreverbayern, thank yoooou <3
rules: bold what applies to you and tag a bunch of people
- Appearance
I am over 5’5 // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing over tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (had three...) // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look  // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball caps backwards
- Hobbies and interests
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with my friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush  // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // my parents are together // I have hooked up with my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
- Aesthetic
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep (i did that for a long time and i sicnerely don’t recommend it) // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire (quick story time: one time when i was 12 my friends and i sneaked into our seniors’ school anniversary activities and they lit this huge bonfire near the football field, it was nuts) // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean (spoopy shit) // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favourite season
- Miscellaneous
I can fall asleep in moving vehicles // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
my god this is getting embarassing i had stuff long due ;-;
Tagged by @/tamtam-elizabeth. think you for thanking on me when doing tag games, i mean it :-: <3
How old are you?: 24
Surgeries?: one
Tattoos?: none yet ://
Ever hit a deer?: i have never seen one so... no 😂
Sang karaoke?: yeah... years ago 😂
Ice skated?: nope
Ridden a motorcycle?: had the chance but nope
Ridden in an ambulance?: nope
Skipped school?: a handful of times
Stayed in a hospital?: for a few hours
Broken bones?: nope
Last phone call?: i haven’t called anyone in ages 😂
Last text from?: my mom
Pepsi or coke?: coke but i don’t mind having pepsi
Favorite pie?: haven’t had one
Favorite pizza?: chorizo + corn + red pepper
Favorite season?: autumn
Received a ticket?: don’t even know how to drive
Favorite color?: black, red and teal
Sunset or sunrise?: both!
Favorite Christmas song?: don’t think i have one, maybe universe by exo?
Cupcakes or cookies?: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good q, cookies?
8) “find your match” tag game
Tagged by @/tamtam-elizabeth, you’re allowed to punch me in the face at this point
Take the test
Reblog this post with what type you got
Tag 7 mutuals to do the same!
I got the Dreamer and my ideal partner would be The Innovator ?)
Seek out opportunities to collaborate with INNOVATOR types, who combine your lofty idealism with a focus on pragmatic solutions. The grounding energy of the INNOVATOR can inspire you to apply your imagination to real-world change.
that’s deep fam 😂 but okay!
9) “get to know me tag”
Tagged by: @/littletentaclemonster . thank you and sorry for the delay ;-; <3
nickname: cloud zodiac: scorpio height: 5′4″ / 1.65 last movie I saw: can you believe i managed to watch another thing while making this? anyway it was The celluloid closet last thing I googled: block site extension favorite musician: as of right now? depeche mode song stuck in my head: you’re so close by peter murphy other blogs: @/brltpop and @/s-lay-ing amount of sleep: as long as i can get (usually 7 or 8) lucky numbers: don’t think i have one dream job: whatever gives me stability what am I wearing: pajamas  favorite food: chinese, mexican and italian language: which ones do i know? spanish and english somewhat. i want to learn japanese and german :c can I play an instrument: nope favorite song: atm is YOU’RE SO CLOSE (8) random fact: my nails usually grow sort of square except for my thumb and index fingers, they grow round for whatever reason describe yourself in aesthetic things: ?????????? idk man, messy room? loose clothes? football? cd’s on a shelf, posters on the walls ?????
Tagged by @/littletentaclemonster you too can punch me in the face
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans • I play an organized sport  • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midday most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors not words
EARTH: I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything (sort of) • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
Water an aether huh, i don’t know what to do with this information 😂
if you ask me i would very much appreciate it if you do the songs playlist tag bc i need recommendations thanks. Also massive apologies to the ones that were due since last year I had them in my drafts i swear!
Stay safe everyone :D
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aceofstars16 · 4 years
I’m finally doing some old tags that have been sitting in my likes for months oops...I won’t be tagging anyone but feel free to do them if you want!
Tagged by @singpraises​
1. Are you staying home from work/school? ~ I haven’t been working or on school even before this started so yup....
2. If you are staying home who is with you? ~ My mom, dad, sister and cat!
3. Who would be your ideal quarantine mate? ~ Honestly I’m doing okay with my family so...yeah, I guess my sister
4. Are you a homebody? ~ For the most part? But I also like going out from time to time and not going to church is rough :(
5. An event you were looking forward to that got cancelled? ~ Well, the Kentucky Derby got moved so that was a little sad but they still had some coverage so that was nice? I’m blanking on anything else aside from just seeing my friends and church family
6. What movies have you watched recently? ~ Oh man a lot? I borrowed movies from the library and my sister has borrowed some from her work too??? The last one I watched was The Willoughbys, it was pretty cute actually, I was pleasantly surprised by that haha
7. What shows are you watching? ~ In terms of shows that are airing, Ducktales is the main one, though I watched The Good Doctor and B99 but now the current seasons are over. My sister has also been watching Community so I’ve been passively watching that, and last night we watched more Spirit Riding Free. I want to watch Clone Wars but I just...haven’t yet xD
8. What music are you listening to? ~ Mostly just my regular music, though I have been listening to spotify more, I actually made playlists for my characters and have been listening to @jupiterlandings​ Indy playlist a bit cause it has a lot of music I don’t know and it’s nice to mix it up 
9. What are you doing for “self-care”? ~ Mostly going outside and hanging with my family when I can, and sometimes chatting with friends online, I kind of want to do more of that, but I keep going through phases of wanting to talk and wanting to chill so...xD
10. What are you reading? ~ Honestly, not much, I started Among the Brave, but I haven’t read any of it in a while...I lowkey want to reread TLC or PJO but I haven’t yet. I’ve also been reading Romans
These two I was tagged by @theshadowedqueen82​
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you
I am over 5′5″ / I wear glasses/contacts / I have blond hair / I wear sweatshirts a lot / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings / I have at least one tattoo / I have blue eyes / I have dyed or highlighted my hair (once and you could barely see it xD) / I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles (a few on my arms???0 / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile / I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport (I played basketball a while ago so?) / I can play an instrument (a little bit of piano...) / I am artistic / I know more than one language / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami /I prefer movies to TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault / I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand
I have had my first kiss / I have gotten drunk / I have told a crush I like them / I have traveled outside of the country / I have flown on an airplane / I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours / I have had a near-death experience (maybe??? I’m not sure what counts xD) / I have caught something on fire (intentionally I think but?) / I have performed in a talent show (I’m not sure maybe but if so it wasn’t big?) / I have shot a gun / I have been on TV (technically I think I was but I never saw it so?) / I have gone scuba diving / I have broken a bone / I have slow-danced / I have gone on a shopping spree (I’m counting going to the mall and just looking at stuff xD)
I am in a relationship / I have been single for over a year / I have a crush / I have a best friend / I have known a friend for over ten years / I have a brother / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / My crush has confessed to me / I have had a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sun rise / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / The sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like (I think?) / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire (do campfires fit? xD) / I pay close attention to colors / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle (I used to be able to but I don’t know anymore) / I am the mom friend / I live by a certain quote (kind of, Have Courage and Be Kind) / I like the smell of Sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities/ I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive stick-shift / I have memorized an entire song in a day (maybe? I know I learned Let It Go pretty fast xD) / I believe in true love / I dream up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multi-racial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs / I am LGBT
My top 7 comfort films! I have a hard time figuring this out so just...some of my faves I guess?
1. Mulan
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2. Princess Diaries 2
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4. While You Were Sleeping
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5. Spiderman Homecoming
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6. Secondhand Lions
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7. Bolt
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1. What color are your socks?
All of my socks are either completely black or black and gray. Lol.
2. Have you ever lied about your age? Why?
Only once when I was like, 12 or 13 making a second Youtube account lol.
3. What is something you regret in the past month?
Becoming distant and isolating myself from most of my friends. Quarantine has not been good for my mental health tbh.
4. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Honestly? Not sure. Part of me doesn’t, and part of me does. Can’t really get either part to agree one way or the other.
5. When was the last time you wrote someone a letter on paper? Definitely well over a decade ago. Honestly can’t remember.
6. How old were you when you first learned how to ride a bike? Who taught you?
I was 11 or 12, and it was my older brother Jack who taught me. He also taught me how to drive lol.
7. Do you get along with your parents? Why or why not?
We get along well enough. Now that they’re retired the house is a much calmer environment.
8. What’s your favorite season?
Spring. I love seeing everything in bloom—the colors are very pleasing to me. I love seeing lots of green, and lots of lush plantlife.
9. Do you currently like someone?
Hmm, not entirely sure about that one. I guess I don’t really have any strong feelings for anyone in particular. Maybe. 👀👀
10. Have you ever used an Ouija board?
Nope, and I don’t plan on it.
11. What’s the last song you sang?
It was a song for choir this past semester, though I don’t remember the title that well or the composer.
12. What’s your favorite scent?
Never really had a favorite scent, honestly. My sense of smell has been pretty dull/weak for as long as I can remember and I’ve never really given much thought to any favorite scent.
13. What’s your favorite urban legend?
The Roswell UFO incident of 1947. It sparked my interest in aliens and UFOs at a very young age, and is probably responsible for a good deal of my love for sci-fi.
14. What’s a bad habit that you have?
Poor self control when it comes to time management. I tend to let myself get absorbed in things.
15. What’s a strange habit that you have?
Hmm. Totally blanked and could only come up with “making noises and pretending to be a mech of some sort when moving around my house”. That’s all I got.
16. What’s the first instrument you learned to play?
Piano. I started learning at 8 years old.
17. How would you describe your ‘type’?
Y’know funny enough I’ve never really thought I had a type. However reaching my mid-twenties has made me realize that my ‘type’ is kind, compassionate, goofy, and nerdy/geeky.
18. Would you rather stay in or go out?
Depends on the company, I guess. Though, usually I prefer to stay in anyway.
19. What was the last thing you said to your mom?
“I’m taking Dax out.” When I went for a walk with my dog lol.
20. Do you want to get married someday?
Definitely didn’t used to. I’m at the point where I’d be down if my partner wanted to, though I’m not sure I’d wanna spend a shitload of money on a wedding. Guess it depends on financial status at the time and the preferences of my partner.
21. Have you ever snuck out?
Nah, though I never needed to. My parents typically let me leave house whenever I wanted to as long as I told them who I’m with and when-ish I’m going to be home.
22. Can you sing well?
I can match pitch pretty well, but I can’t produce pitch un-aided. Usually. So kinda. I’m ok at best, all things considered.
23. What’s an embarrassing thing that happened this week?
I went off on some of my friends over something kinda silly because my mental state as of late hasn’t been all that great.
24. When was the last time you went sledding?
Uhhh, definitely more than ten years ago.
25. Have you ever liked/do you like someone you know you can never be with?
You kidding me? That’s like, all of my crushes ever. Maybe that’s an exaggeration but honestly it’s certainly FELT that way each time.
26. Do people often mispronounce your name?
No, though I have known a few people throughout my life that said “Bin” rather than “Ben”. I eventually realised it was an accent thing and stopped giving a shit very early.
27. Would you like to live in another country?
Yes, actually. For no small number of reasons. I’ve always wanted to live in Italy ever since I visited when I was 15.
28. Do you like to watch ghost hunting shows?
I definitely used to. I don’t really watch tv much in general anymore, though.
29. Who was the last person you said “I love you” too?
My mom.
30. What’s something you’d like to be better at?
Social interaction. Speaking in general. I’m MUCH more articulate in writing/typing than I am speaking.
31. Have you ever stayed up with someone who was sad?
Yes, and I’m always willing to do so.
32. What was the last thing you cooked?
I helped my good friend prepare some bomb ass ramen a few months back. I guess that counts.
33. Do you think you’d make a good parent?
I’d like to think so, yeah. I would make sure my children know I’m always there for them and will support the hell out of them.
34. Do you have trouble sleeping at night?
I don’t, but my dipshit body does.
35. Where is your best friend right now?
All of them are either playing video games or asleep.
36. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Factoring in every aspect of the morning ritual, about 40 minutes. That’s if I’m going somewhere like work or school. If I’m staying home then there’s no getting ready for anything but sitting on my ass lol.
37. How late do you usually stay up at night?
Depends on the time of year/what I’m doing the next day. Right now during quarantine I average anywhere between 2am and 6am. I’m trying to fix that currently.
38. When was the last time you cried and why?
The last time I truly cried was sometime in 2015. I was listening to Breaking Benjamin’s latest album and feeling exceedingly lonely/depressed. It wasn’t a great day.
39. Have you ever won a contest?
None that I can remember, honestly.
40. Can you draw well?
Lol. No. I have very little visual artistic talent or skill.
41. Would you ever date someone you met on tumblr/the internet?
Definitely, though obviously I wouldn’t just jump right in. I’m down for long distance relationships, too. But obviously mutual trust and emotional connection would have to be established first.
42. What was the last thing you ate?
Some brownie fudge M&Ms lol.
43. Do you think you’re/you’d make a good boyfriend?
I don’t really know. Never been in a relationship so I don’t have anything go off of. On the one hand I’m super understanding, laid back, and accepting of boundaries. I just want to make sure people feel comfortable and safe around me. On the other hand I’m also forgetful and very selfish when it comes to my time. I also obviously have plenty of emotional trauma/baggage (who doesn’t?) that tends to impede how I interact with people, so. 🤷🏼‍♂️
44. Have you ever had a near death experience?
Not that I can remember, and I hope I never do. The closest I think I ever came was when I fell off a ropeless bridge into a dry riverbed at 4 years old. Got a concussion from that.
45. What do you think people think of you?
Well, my anxiety tells me I’m annoying and boring. The logical side of me tells me most people in my life enjoy my company, so I guess there’s that.
46. What is your middle name and do you like it?
Don’t feel like sharing my middle name here, but I will say I don’t dislike it. Kinda neutral.
47. Are you close with either of your parents?
Kinda. My parents were often emotionally distant/abusive to my brothers and me growing up, and it’s left me rather stunted emotionally, and generally unwilling to establish a deeper relationship with them. We’re a bit closer than we were when I was a teenager, but honestly not much.
48. Do you like yourself?
Generally speaking? No. There are parts of me I’m proud of, but honestly I often find myself wishing I was someone else. I’m far from the self-loathing I experienced when I was younger, though.
49. State five facts about your appearance—
1. I’m 6’1”-ish.
2. Definitely just a bit chubby.
3. Blue eyes.
4. Currently sporting longer hair because I haven’t had a haircut since about September.
5. I have a number of faded scars on my arms from various self inflicted/work related injuries. All of them were caused by extreme clumsiness/poor spacial awareness.
50. State five facts about your personality—
1. I’m super goofy—I make lots of weird noises and motions.
2. I tend to ramble about things I’m interested in, particularly hyper fixations.
3. I like to think I’m a pretty compassionate human being.
4. Extremely awkward, but strangely that doesn’t show because I’m apparently a social chameleon.
5. I’m an observer, but also an overthinker.
Whew, that was a lot! Thank you, friend!
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donkey-hyuck · 5 years
^^Song based off Jeremy Zucker I love him sm
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Word Count- 3.5k
Genre- ANGST/ some fluff/ humor (?)
Pairing- Na Jaemin X Reader/ includes dreamies+Mark, sorry Jeno is the ex but he’s mentioned a few times and they see him a couple times .
The lyrics of the song that are mentioned are NOT in order of how the song goes
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Why do you cry with your hair tied up? And my t-shirt on?
You were in your best friends t-shirt, crying your heart out. Your, now, ex-boyfriend, broke up with you and it’s a few days post break up, but you were still hurting. He was your first love, how could you not? In the midst of all this commotion, your, very concerned, mother had called your best friend.
“Jaemin, they need you. Now.”
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Jaemin. Na Jaemin. Your best friend of over eleven (11) years. You’ve always envied him, for being so outgoing, for being the exact opposite of you. He was a total, natural, flirt, and a pro at dating, stealing the hearts of many.
So, here he was, barging through your door, eight (8) at night, with snacks, movies, and his hoodie, finding ways to help console you as you’re going through your first ever break up.
I’ll be outside when the sky falls down
He was your best friend. There for you from the start. He was there for you when you got bullied, he fought them for you, helped you get over those mean people that hurt his best friend. Whenever someone tore you down, Jaemin was always there to bring you back up. And you were thankful enough to have someone as special as Na Jaemin in your life.
You’ve never had the imagination to think of you and Jaemin together. It’d be nice because he was the sweetest person you’ve ever let into your life, but you just didn’t see it. Though, your mother had thought otherwise. Telling you that he is the perfect man to go out with. He was kind, generous, selfless, and so much more. Yes, you love him so much, but only as a friend. He was your best friend, nothing more, nothing less.
Little did you know, all that was going to change.
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It was now a few weeks post break-up with Jeno, and the crew all decided to go roller skating, back where Jisung and Chenle work. Mark being the oldest and wisest, as his stupid ass claims, came to pick you all up.
Once you get to the destination, everyone agreed to play two (2) rounds of laser tag first. It was a blast, and it really did help you get over your seven (7) month relationship with Jeno. After the laser tag, you walked to the counter for the roller skates and greeted Chenle, who was giving your roller skates, and Jisung peering from the back to the front to see his friends.
“Hey Lele! Jisung!”
“Hi besties! The usual, right?”
You all nodded in excitement, ready to go to the rink and just have some fun.
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As the night was coming to an end, well, for the roller skating bit, you and Jaemin were seen playing some of the arcade games. As you were trying to beat him at an intense game of street fighter, someone glanced your way and it was none other than Lee Jeno. Your first love, but also, your first heartbreak. And as soon as Jaemin saw him, he tried to distract you from looking behind you. The only thing he could resort to, or more like the first thing that came to his mind.
He kissed you.
And you were in total shock. Never in your life did you believe that your best friend would mold his lips to yours in a kiss. And you never in your life believed that you would kiss back. The kiss lasted a few seconds before Jaemin realized what he did and pulled away instantly.
“I-I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me. I just saw Jeno and remembered how much he hurt you. I’m so-”
I’ve won and I’ve lost but I fell and I fucked it up
The words that were going to come out of his mouth quickly dissolved as you push your face into his chest. Reassuring him that it was fine and everything will be okay. When you lifted your head from his chest and met his gaze, his eyes were brimmed with tears and his face was turning pink out of frustration and embarrassment. A single drop of his tear cascaded down his cheek and you were quick to cup his cheek to wipe it, leaning your forehead against his in the process whispering, “it’s alright. We’ll be alright, and we always will.”
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By the time it was ten (10) o’clock, everyone was crowded on your bed and the space near your bed. You were all currently reminiscing the past by watching old Nickelodeon and Disney tv shows and movies.
Falling asleep to the soft chatter and laughter of you friends, your eyes grow heavy and you soon drift off to sleep dreaming of god-knows what.
The following morning, you are awoken by the sound of laughter and plates being set down on the table. And once you realized your friends weren’t in your room, you lazily got out of your bed to get ready. When you came down everyone shouted a, “good morning Y/N!” And you responded with a, “morning guys~!”
But when you glanced at Jaemin, he looked like he was trying to avoid any contact with you. After that whole incident, he hasn’t paid much attention to you, now that you think back to last night when you guys came home. “Jae? Are you still thinking about, uh, what happened last night?” He lookd straight into your eyes and apologized again, hugging you with his face pressed against your stomach. “I’m so sorry. I was so stupid to do that. You’re my best friend.”
I hate to be the one to make your fears fire up
You chuckled again and ran your fingers through his hair, telling him that it was really okay and it didn’t mean much because it was so abrupt. He looked up at you and pouted. “So, were good?” He asked. “We’re good.”
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Fast forward to school, first (1st) period, which wasn’t really a period, it was more like a chill advisory before school actually started.
You were in the midst of a conversation with Ryujin when she pointed out Jeno, your first love, walking towards the two (2) of you.
“Hey, Ryujin, can I borrow Y/N for a sec?”
You desperately looked at her, pleading her to say no as your pupils dilate. “Sorry, we’re kinda busy right now.” And that made you sigh in relief, “thanks.”
First bell had already rung and you were in your second (2nd) - though you think technically your first (1st) - period. Fortunately for you, Yeri and Hyuck were in the same class. Yet, unfortunately for you, so was Jeno.
You quietly told them what happened not even fifteen (15) minutes ago concerning him. “Ugh, what does he want? He broke it off with you, didn’t he?” Questioned Yeri. “He did. But I don’t know what he wants.”
But you can’t help to think about the kiss that you shared with Jaemin. He did claim to see Jeno constantly looking at the two (2) of you playing your arcade game. “What a weirdo,” chimed Hyuck, you and Yeri laughing and agreeing. “Indeed.”
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By the time the second bell for lunch rang, you ran to your locker to put away your things whilst your friends try to look for a lunch table to sit. And unluckily for you, so was Jeno.
His locker wasn’t far from yours. Yes is was past halfway the hallway, but the hallways weren’t that long to begin with, so if you were to avoid him, he still could’ve easily saw you. And that he did.
“Y/N wait!”
You stopped in your tracks and groaned, slowly turning around and clenching your jaw as well as balling your fists together.
“Yes, Jeno? Is there something wrong?”
“Listen, I know that I broke up with you, but, I want to get back together. My life has been horrible these past few weeks and I’ve missed you. My parents have too. Please come back?” You didn’t know if you could believe him. You know the real reason he broke up with you. He was cheating on you. You caught him texting some girl who didn’t go to your school, you also passed by them while you were at the mall with your cousins. They were in the hallway of the bathroom. Pressing their lips together. “Bullshit,” you spat in his face and turned on your heels to leave. Until he grabbed your wrist. “What do you mean, bullshit? I meant what I said,” he pleaded. “Yeah right. You could’ve said anything other than that. It’s too clichè for me to fall for that. Besides, I saw you two (2). You were basically eating each other’s faces. Just get over us, because I already have and I don’t plan on coming back,” with the final word, you left, leaving him paralyzed by your words.
Easier to blame with a broken heart. Hate me now that we’ve grown apart
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Later that day, Jaemin swung by to greet your mother from his mother, but also to tell you about the project your supposed to be working on. You were both busy that day and hadn’t had the time to really start on it.
“So, our bio project is about the energy of life. It says that we have to create a manipulative poster of some-sort regarding to the energy of life, based on cellular respiration and photosynthesis. I’m free any day except for Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday’s, but, you already know that,” you explained. “Mhm. I have basketball practice coming up but we can work on it on the weekends and some free periods,” he, too, explains. “Okay then, it’s settled! I’ve got to go to work soon but I’ll see you tomorrow okay Jae?”
“Of course.”
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“Y/N! I’m coming home late today so will you be able to get a ride home with someone?” Your mother tells you as you get into the car for her to drop you off.
“Yeah, I’ll have Jaemin drop me off today. But he has basketball practice until four (4). Just in case you come home during that time.”
“Okay. I probably will be home later but thanks for letting me know! I love you, bye!”
“Love you too mom. Bye.”
You enter your, what you consider, advisory class as usual and sit down to talk to Ryujin, Chenle, and Yeji. Yeji was someone you’ve known of, but you didn’t really consider each other as friends. All you knew was that she was friends with Ryujin and she currently has a crush on your best friend, Na Jaemin. “So, Y/N, how’s Jaemin? Basketball season is coming up and was wondering when their first game was.”
“Oh, uh, well, he’s doing fine I guess, and their first (1st) game isn’t until Friday this week.”
“Great! I’ll see you all there?”
“Of course! We never miss his home games. We’re his biggest fans!” said Chenle.
It was now free period and you walked into your bio lab looking for your presentation on the energy of life. You texted Jaemin to meet you in your bio class to find the poster and clarify some things listed in the rubric/instructions. “Hey, I’m here. Sorry I’m late,” he said, walking through the door to find you talking to the teacher. “You’re fine. I got all our questions answered anyways. Let’s head into the library.”
Once about forty-five (45) minutes have passed on you both working on your poster, some messing around included, there were about fifteen-twenty (15-20) minutes left of your free period and you both decided to just talk, like usual.
“My mom asked if you could take me home today. I’ll stay after school to watch you practice.”
“Okay, sounds great. I would be glad to have my best friend there to support me.”
“Oh, shut up, idiot,” you laughed and playfully pushed him. “By the way, Yeji asked about you. She asked when your first game was.”
“Did you tell her?”
“Of course I did. I was with Chenle and Ryujin anyways, I couldn’t lie.”
“Ugh, I hate her. She’s so obsessed with me and I barley even know her. I just be nice to her because she’s Ryujin’s friend.”
“Me too Jae, but we can’t do anything about it.”
“Then wear my basketball sweater for the game on Friday, Y/N.”
“Why would I?”
“Because I want you to. You’re my best friend. Why wouldn’t you?”
Oh shit, he got you there.
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It was the afternoon of the first basketball game of the season. You and your friends walked through the gym doors quite early to see the boys practice and to get good seats right at the front. However, before you could all sit, Yeji screamed to Ryujin to get her attention, or more like everyone’s attention. “Ryujin!” And everyone looked over to see where her voice was coming from. Then, she slowly walked towards your group of friends. “Hey guys! Can I sit with you? I want to see my star player,” she dreamily sighed, her hand covering her heart. She didn’t seem to notice that you had your best friends basketball hoodie, which was a good thing since you didn’t know what was going to happen once she saw you wearing it.
When the game was over, Jaemin ran to his friends and they all congratulated him with high-fives, hugs, kisses - it was only Hyuck but whatever - and when he came towards you he hugged you while lifting you in the air. “Nice sweater.”
“Thanks. I got it from the best,” you playfully winked.
“Jaemin!” Screamed Yeji, while she was running towards him, pushing you all the while. She jumped into his arms causing him to stumble back. They seemed a little busy so you walked back to where your friends were.
“Congrats,” she said to him.
“Uh, thanks. But I got to get to my friends, we have plans later.”
“Oh! Am I able to join? I can ask Ryujin.”
“Uh, sure. Ask her, I guess.” He sighed.
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Mark and Jaemin drove, in two (2) separate cars of course, to your favorite diner, Daybreak to celebrate Jaemin’s win. Yeji, of course, wanted to go with Jaemin. So, she went to his car, opening the passenger seat.
“Wait! Uhm, Y/N is coming with us, she can sit in the front,” he quickly said, catching your attention beofre you entered Mark’s car. “I am?”
“Yes. You are,” he pleaded with his eyes.
You sighed and exited Mark’s car to climb into the passenger seat of Jaemin’s car. That’s when she finally saw that you were wearing your best friends basketball hoodie. “Wait, Ryujin, you can come in Jaemin’s car too, there’s enough room,” you shouted, glancing at Yeji’s face when she realized you were wearing his sweater. She obliged and got into Jaemin’s car before she could enter Mark’s.
On the way to the diner, Ryujin and Yeji was laughing, though, Yeji’s laugh was getting more obnoxious the more she did so, at least, she got more obnoxious in your opinion. When you looked up at Jaemin, you could tell he was annoyed too. His nose scrunching every time Yeji laughed.
After, what seemed like an eternity, you reached the diner and Jaemin immediately clinged onto you, not wanting any contact between Yeji. And being the touchy Leo he is, wrapped his arm around your waist while walking into the Daybreak.
You and your friends grabbed a booth and combined a table together to fit the ten (10) of you. By now, the owner, Taeyong, was pretty used to your regular occasions and always greeted you.
“Hey guys! Another win?”
“Yes! You should’ve been there, the people on the team is so cool!” Said Chenle and Renjun.
“I call sitting next to Jaemin!” You rolled your eyes and mentally face-palmed yourself. “Sorry, I’m sitting next to Y/N.”
“Oh, well, I can sit on the other side of you, right?”
You knew how much Jaemin wanted to decline, but being the nice person he was, just sighed a small, ‘okay.’
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It was killing him inside. Having a one-sided love. Love that will never happen. He’s hurting. Jaemin has loved you since the dawn of time. He remembers when he first met you, instantly falling in love. It was as if God created something so perfect. Someone for him to cherish and love. But that someone didn’t love him the way he did. He just wanted all the pain to go away. He wished he never met you, he’s glad he did, but, you never returned his feelings. And you probably never will. He just wanted to end it all. He wants to numb all the pain so he could live a day without torture. So that’s when he did it. He confessed.
All these shots poured down the drain, I tried but it tastes like novicaine
“Hey. Y/N, can I talk to you.”
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“Oh my gosh! I’m so happy for you two (2)!” Your mother exclaimed when you broke the news about you and Jaemin. “I knew you two (2) would end up together!” Her reaction made you both laugh.
It was a tough decision to make. Yes, you only saw Jaemin as a friend, but something - some sort of spark - knocked you out of your daze and your reality when Jaemin kissed you that night. You then thought to yourself, yeah, maybe I do desire Jaemin. And, for the time being, it was the best.
Breaking the news to your friends and his family was exhilarating, but it was also nerve wracking. They were all happy for you, and shouted different sayings with the same meaning like
“Yes! I told you they would get together,” or, “You guys finally came to your senses.”
Everyone was happy for the two (2) of you. And you were happy for each other. You were happy to have Jaemin and he was happy to have you.
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Wanna get the fuck out this lonely town
It was now your second (2nd) semester of college. Graduating out of high school a year ago. You and Jaemin have been dating a little over a year. But that all was about to change.
“Why? Why don’t you spend any time with me anymore?” He scoffed.
“Jae, we’re in college. We can’t spend all of our time together anymore. Hell, you almost failed three (3) of you classes. You have to put your all in the work you’re given.”
“Yeah, but we never spend any time together. You’re in all of those three (3) classes. I try to ask you but you’re always blowing me off with ‘homework’ or your work.”
“We’re adults now. This is reality Jae. It’s not that great for the time being but it will have to do. Just do your work, it’s not that hard. Plus, you have your job,” you sighed. “You’re so frustrating,” you muttered under your breath.
“I’m frustrating? Do you hear yourself? I just want to spend a little more time with you. Can you not wrap your stupid ass head around that? We never see each other because every time you’re in those damn classes, you sit in the front listening to the stupid professor.”
You sigh letting go of the pencil you were clenching so hard in your hand.
“Look, this argument isn’t going anywhere. I need to finish this report for one of my classes. Please, can we just get over this pointless argument. And please leave, I have to work on this,” you pleaded.
“I’d be glad to,” he huffed, taking his sweater and walking out of your apartment.
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You wanted to cry. You haven’t spoken to Jaemin in a week and a half. You don’t even remeber the argument at this point and you miss actually conversating with him. You had to confront him.
>>Meet me at the park by my apartment in five (5)
<< okay
Sitting at one of the swings, waiting for Jaemin, you go on your phone. You hear footsteps coming towards you. Knowing it’s Jaemin, you look up from your phone as he sits on the swing next to you.
“What did you want to talk about?”
It’s breaks your heart to say these words. “Let’s break up.” And his eyes widen, cupping your face into his large hands, tears already forming in his eyes. “Why?”
“Jae, we’re not happy. We don’t have enough tile for each other. Hell, we argued about our time management weeks ago. We have our own lives. I have to focus on mine and you have to focus on yours. You can’t fail you classes because of me.... we have to break it off.”
Na Jaemin. He was your best friend of eleven (11) years. Your boyfriend for one (1). He knew you like the back of his hand. He knew that you would continue to reject. And with two (2) broken hearts, he leans his forehead against yours. “Okay... but we’ll always stay best friends right?”
“Of course.”
If I’m honest, pretty sure I’m still alone, at loss for words
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You leave Jaemin’s arms with a heavy heart. You can’t look at him right now. But he’s still your best friend, even if you dated for a year. You can’t give up everything you’ve ever known. No matter how much you desired each other, maybe you and he were only meant to stay best friends. Forever and always.
What do you desire?
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Okay, listen, Ik the argument was kinda (REALLY) stupid, but I tried to think of an argument that kinda made sense???? But, enjoy this anyways😭
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thecomedybureau · 5 years
The 100 Best Things in Comedy We Were Witness to In No Particular Order of 2019
OK, 2019′s officially over and we’ve wrangled our 100 truly favorite things in and around comedy (and it really spans all of comedy) that are not ranked whatsoever. It’s just like the title says and, it’s, as it is every year, quite long, so we won’t waste any more time with this intro. 
Oh, in case you forgot and/or curious and/or need a quick refresher, here’s our 2018 list. 
1. Rory Scovel Live Without Fear-This documentary follows Rory Scovel and his journey through six nights of completely improvised hour sets. In a single word, it’s inspiring. You see the way Scovel truly connects the audience and keeps it that way through his indelible charm and endless curiosity. The near unbelievable story of the Relapse Theater in Atlanta is also beautifully threaded in the doc as well. The clips of the improvised performances capture the magic that stand-up comedy can be that’s absent from the majority of comedy specials. You should be required to see this whenever and wherever it comes if you have any level of interest in comedy at all. 
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2. Naomi Ekperigin-From her own stand-up, to her podcast with husband Andy Beckerman, Couples Therapy, and her writing across TV, and everything else she does, Naomi is such an thoroughly commanding, yet delightful presence that we love seeing every time anywhere (and she should already be way bigger of a star already).
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3. Cait Raft’s Presentation on “Bradley Cooper’s a Star Is Born Takes Place in an Alternate Reality Where 9/11 Never Happened”-Witnessing the imagination of Cait Raft up close was a privilege for us. This amazing dissection of the zeitgeist left us in stitches and with our mouth agape for how thoroughly it proved its point.
4. Corporate Season 2-The second season of the ultra dark workplace comedy delivered once again on its hysterical nihilistic satire that’s so prescient, yet still so unbelievably funny.
5. Mom-Prov Presents Family Therapy-Improviser Izzy Roland was daring enough to have her mom and her grandmother, both of whom are also in showbiz, to join her on stage for one of the most madcap, fourth wall-breaking, entertaining improv shows we’ve seen all throughout 2019.
6. Jena Friedman-So, this year, Jena delivered yet again with her subtle delivery and calm demeanor that hides her absolutely killer jokes. The follow-up to her Adult Swim special, Soft Focus, upped the ante with an interview of a gun-toting John McAffee and her brilliant Conan set about everyone’s true crime obsession.
7. Brendon Walsh’s Afternoon Delight-This last year, Brendon Walsh let everyone know that he was and still is one of the best at pulling prank calls, which is so much harder now than it was even ten years ago. This live show actually has Brendon place live prank calls in between stand-ups and the ride you go on is absolutely thrilling.
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8. Jacqueline Novak’s Get on Your Knees-Novak’s solo show has more than earned its spot as an Off-Broadway show with bringing such an exquisite, almost never before seen comedic sensibility to the topic of blow jobs.
9. #F*ckF*ckJerry-Props to Vulture Senior Editor Megh Wright for sparking the fire to take out the egregious social media accounts of F*ck Jerry that just lifted jokes from comedians all across the Internet without pay or attribution.
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10. Lorelei Ramirez-We’ve known distantly about Lorelei Ramirez for so many years, but seeing them up close was a breathtaking experience that had us laughing so hard. Their artistry in comedy that gracefully borders on performance art and even horror is absolutely inspiring.
11. Aaron Urist-Denver’s Aaron Urist is such a killer joke writer and joke teller and has been for years. We just were reminded about that with his burning bush joke during his latest LA trip.
12. Booksmart-Olivia Wilde’s directorial debut was not only a reinvigorated take on movies that specifically hone in on the end of high school, but also had a sincerely hopeful vision of the future generation. We hope that Booksmart finds its way to the top of the coming-of-age comedy films pantheon.
13. Rachel Mac on Lights Out-One of the highlights of Lights Out with David Spade is how unfiltered and raunchy they let comics get during their sets on the show. Rachel Mac took that amount of comedic license and thrived in getting into the nitty gritty about her last teaching job.
14. What We Do In The Shadows-The FX TV adaptation of the seminal Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement film in 2014 exceedingly succeeds in nailing the comedy of minutia in the world of the undead that also happens to be in a (somewhat) grounded reality.
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15. PEN15-Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle’s vision of 2000 and their performances as teens were so spot on that PEN15 would deserve acclaim just for that. However, the heart of this show made its humor stand out in an ever crowded field of coming-of-age comedy.
16. Tiffany Haddish’s Black Mitzvah-A lot has happened for Tiffany Haddish since her last special (she’s a legit A-list celebrity now), but it’s clear that she is still her unapologetically positively, life loving self. This special is evidence of that, especially with her bit about her New Year’s show that she got undeserved flack for.
17. Straw Men-Lindsay Adams, Danny Palumbo, and Sam Wiles (and producer Kimmie Lucas) put on what is our favorite imagining of a comedic debate that we’ve seen thus far. The encouragement to make the most ridiculous, baseless arguments and being transparent about the whole thing is a golden goose of comedy.
18. The ending of Gloria Bell-Well, we can’t very well give away the ending to this English language dramedy remake from Sebastián Lelio that has Julianne Moore shine as bright as she has ever shone before, but just know that we stood out of our seats, applauding what she did to John Turturro right at the end.
19. I Think You Should Leave-Tim Robinson’s unflinchingly absurd sketch series unequivocally has many of the best sketches of 2019. The hot dog costume and Mexican restaurant sketches will have us busting up through, very likely, the next decade.
20. Les Miz and Friends-Bonkers (and we mean that in the best way possible) doesn’t begin to describe how wild this meta and great this puppet and human hybrid take on the theater institution of Les Miserables. The sheer cleverness on every level is awe-inspiring. 
21. Dave Ross’ The Only Man Who Has Ever Had Sex-Ross has been a longtime favorite of ours for the contrasting bounciness and darkness of his comedy. His debut album captures this dichotomy perfectly.
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22. Nikki Glaser: Bangin’-Nikki Glaser’s first Netflix hour special started off with a bang, pun intended. Her frank, but heartfelt exploration of all facets of sex is so damn funny that Glaser gets away with being as blue as she wants.  
23. Super Dating Simulator-This live, interactive version of various Japanese video game dating simulators is one of the more innovative and surprisingly charming things we saw this year. Creator Sam Weller did a bang-up job not only making a video game work as a stage show, but doing so with a very off-beat sub-genre of video games
24. Emmy Blotnick’s Party Nights-Blotnick’s latest album shows Emmy at the peak of her delightful observational powers. The concept of a “Self-Potato” is just priceless.
25. Tammercise!-Folks in comedy are getting all sorts of clever these days to redefine traditional formats and disciplines and push the art form forward. Madeline Wager does this exquisitely with a solo show of a woman unraveling that doubles as legit aerobics class.
26. The Cherry Orchard w/Chad Damiani and Jet Eveleth-Damiani and Eveleth explore a new angle on postmodern clowning by supposedly doing a Chekov play going through dress rehearsal without any of the players knowing what they’re supposed to do. The back and forth between the live direction and the tomfoolery on stage is truly hysterical.
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27. Bake Stuff with Lindsay LIVE-It’s about time for a comedic cooking show that actually does teach you a wonderful recipe and also explores and resolves(?) childhood trauma. Lindsay Adams’ Bake Stuff with Lindsay, which we indeed saw live, accomplishes all of that and inspires all those watching to cook through their feelings.
28. Shalewa Sharpe’s So, You Just Out Here?-Shalewa imbues homespun wisdom with marvelously colorful descriptions all throughout this very satisfying album.
29. The Amazing Johnathan Documentary from Ben Berman-The Amazing Johnathan’s life story is pretty captivating as is. The story about Ben Berman trying to tell his story amidst several other people trying to tell his story is absolutely engrossing and is somehow all true.
30. Julio Torres’ HBO special “My Favorite Shapes”-Torres’ special is simultaneously one of the most daring and silly hour specials in recent memory and his elevation of prop comedy to a whole new level is to be commended.
31. The Underculture with James Adomian-James Adomian has been one of comedy podcasts’ most in-demand and bright shining stars. It comes as no surprise that his own podcast that revs up all his characters has some of the best, most dynamic, absurdist interviews in political and pop culture satire. 
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32. Daniel Van Kirk’s Thanks Diane/Together Tour-Van Kirk’s first, complete hour that he both toured with and released as an album is so impressive with how deftly Dan manages a balance of sincerity and mischief from wire-to-wire.
33. Conan in Greenland-Conan marvelously turns his travel specials series Conan Without Borders on its head by attempting to buy Greenland based off of Trump’s stupid tweets.
34. Mary Beth Barone’s Drag His Ass: A F*ckboy Treatment Program-Mary Beth Barone’s live show exploration into her dating life is illuminating and hilarious throughout, but the actual interview that she does live with a “f*ckboy” is transcendent.
35. Obvious Plant’s Carnival of Toys-Jeff Wysaski AKA Obvious Plant really outdid himself this year in his quest to permeate everyday reality with a satirical twist. He not only made a whole line of custom toy figures that satirize pop culture on so many levels, but opened up a whole pop-up museum for several days to exhibit them in all of their bizarre glory.
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36. Sports Without Equipment with Coach Keith Alejo-This Dress Up Gang sketch is one of those ideas that are simple, yet so out-of-left-field. Literally, they take sports without equipment to its funniest conclusion.
37. #Squatmelt-Howard Kremer’s desire to keep the spirit of The Meltdown with Jonah and Kumail alive has evolved into its own very special thing in the form of a DIY stand-up comedy show/walking tour that periodically migrates around LA.
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38. Catch-22-Trying to adapt such a monumental literary work like Catch-22 is almost a fool’s errand, but writers Luke Davies and David Michôd do a smash-up job for not only bringing Heller’s immortal words to life, but also sticking the landing for all the darkly absurdly comical moments that run rampant throughout the story.
39. Get Rich Nick-Even if they didn’t have the fantastic banter, riffs, and asides from the very funny duo of Nick Turner and Nick Vatterott, this podcast that explores how to make money real quick is one of the best new podcasts of the whole year. Fortunately, Nick and Nick’s humor runs rampant through every episode and makes Get Rich Nick engrossing and makes you actually laugh out loud.
40. MK Paulsen-The comedy of MK Paulsen can be faster than a bullet, but as satisfyingly silly as a gun that shoots a flag with the word ‘bang’ on it. Every time we see him do stand-up, it’s a fun, rollicking ride that’s equal parts offbeat whimsy, clever wordplay, and an agile sense of timing and play.
41. Father Figurine by Matt Kazman-The dour faces of the family in this dark comedy short play to the highest comedic effect perfectly. A dead patriarch and an apathetic family make for some of the best dry humor in 2019.
42. Funk Shuffle-Danny Cymbal, Dennis Curlett, and Michael Gardner comprise Funk Shuffle, an improv group that manages fly freer and more untethered than almost any other improv group that we’ve ever seen. They make their defiance and experimentation with improv forms really work due to the trio’s unflinchingly playful spirit.
43. Gary Gulman’s The Great Depresh-Gulman, as one of comedy’s premier craftsman, of course, delivers an hour of stellar comedy with this special. He also manages, this time around, to destigmatize depression and, in general, be hopeful. That particular comedy trifecta is such an impressive feat that very few can accomplish.
44. Greener Grass-The scope and ambition of Jocelyn DeBoer and Dawn Luebbe’s directorial debut hints at some really special things to come from them in the future. Their absolutely demented, pastel drenched absurdist vision was a shocking delight through and through.
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45. Jenny Slate’s Stage Fright-Slate’s best comedic strength is her unshakeable vulnerability. This hour special lets Jenny present that trait as intimately as she has ever presented it and gives an in-depth look as to where that hilarious vulnerability comes from. 
46. Heather Anne Campbell swatting a baby out of someone’s hands in an improv scene-At this point, it should come as no surprise that Heather Anne Campbell is one of our absolute all-time favorite people in comedy and thus, she kind of just ends up making it on this list annually on her own someway, somehow. This year, during a performance of her improv group, Heather and Company, we laughed as hard as we’ve ever laughed at Drew DiFonzo Marks initiating a scene by rocking a baby back and forth and then, Heather insanely swatted it out of his hands and stomped on it. It sounds ludicrous, but trust that Heather made that so unbelievably funny. 
47. Adam Cayton-Holland’s Happy Place-Cayton-Holland’s live solo show based on his critically acclaimed book of the same name pulls off oscillating between cleverly wrought and self-aware comedy and some of the most heartbreaking stories you’ll ever hear about his late sister. Holland’s focus and calm make it all miraculously blend together.
48. The Authorized Unauthorized My Favorite Murder Musical-In the world of unauthorized musicals about things that you wouldn’t really think about being adapted into unauthorized musicals (it’s a bigger ever-burgeoning world every month it seems), the staged reading of this My Favorite Murder-inspired musical that we saw was phenomenal. The full stage production to come in 2020 will undoubtedly be something really great. 
49. Pedro Gonzalez-Pedro’s jokes are so expertly written and crafted that you forget that he immigrated to America as a teenager from Colombia and learned English as a second language.
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50. Garry Starr Performs Everything-UK comedian Garry Starr’s solo show is a genius send-up and celebration of theater as a whole. The physicality and the sheer madness of the whole show are so thoroughly hysterical.
51. Kira Soltanovich-We just want to take a moment to appreciate the agility of the comedy of Kira Soltanovich. Not only does Kira play any room or any show as far as we’ve seen, but her drive is just unstoppable (see ep. of The Honey Dew).
52. Mike Birbiglia’s The New One-Though it seems almost too routine that Birbiglia comes out with a new hour special that garners tons of acclaim for its ornate and complex and, ultimately, very satisfying tapestry of stories, Birbiglia delivers exactly once again with one such solo show/special on fatherhood.
53. Michelle Buteau-We saw Michelle headline just a few months ago at Dynasty Typewriter and were reminded of just how good Buteau is. She combines being heartfelt, having a fun bit of attitude, and an absolute command of the stage in such a beautiful way.
54. Gareth Reynolds’ Riddled with Disease-Many folks know how great Gareth is from his madcap riffing on The Dollop, but Reynolds shows he is fantastic with a sharp, hilarious, yet still fast-and-loose-feeling hour.
55. Sara Schaefer’s LIVE LAUGH LOVE-Sara, above most folks working in comedy today, goes to great lengths to be considerate, inclusive, and vulnerable in her comedy and it’s so, so wonderful because of that. This album is yet another great example of that mix.
56. Sean Patton’s Scuttlebutt-Sean Patton’s latest album is a fantastic note to any and all that Sean is, hands down, one of the best comedians ever to spin a yarn (and also share some damn fine true stories) and deserves way more accolade and attention for that now and going forward. 
57. Matt Rogers’ Have You Heard of Christmas?-Rogers had quite a 2019 in putting culture on notice, but his queer and subversive holiday musical extravaganza might be one of the best pieces of holiday themed comedy of all time.
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58. The Chris Gethard Show with Robby Hoffman-Not only does Robby Hoffman keep the punk rock, conventions-be-damned spirit of TCGS alive, but she makes it so much her own and lets her hilarious, domineering persona transform the show into another very special, unique round of controlled chaos.
59. The taping of Eddie Pepitone’s latest special-Eddie’s sound and fury and his irreverent stream-of-consciousness-seeming comedy were flawless in this latest hour. Everyone in attendance, including ourselves, were in stitches for the whole taping. Props to director Steven Feinartz for one of our favorite looks of a special that we saw last year (which you’ll all get to see soon in 2020).
60. Eric Dadourian’s closer on Nebraska 2-Dadourian is always all in for the sake of a real bold, imaginative bit and, as such, pulled off one of our favorite closers of the year on his very first full length album.
61. Jessica Kirson: Talking to Myself-Kirson’s hour special on Comedy Central really let Jessica cut loose and let her showcase her stand-up expertise. From the way that Kirson contorts her face to her deep well of voices/characters to razor-sharp quick wit to, of course, her signature asides to herself, Jessica really kills it in this hour. 
62. Brody Stevens-Long live the “jock doing performance art” comedy (one of our favorite descriptions of Brody’s comedy by his dear friend Zach Galifianakis) and may he rest in peace. Yeeeees! Enjoy It!
63. Byron Bowers on Colbert-Byron Bowers and his clever, yet sincere, dark, vulnerable comedy put up one of our favorite late night sets this year. From the opening to his frank jokes about his dad make us think that it’s just a little crazy that this is his network TV debut.
64. Desus and Mero on Showtime-With the upgrade of being on Showtime, Desus Nice and The Kid Mero are having the most fun in late night with the freshest voices and format (and they’re able to pull that off with only being twice a week).
65. Fleabag Season 2-creator and star Phoebe Waller-Bridge assuredly has more masterpieces ahead of her, but managing to top herself from one masterpiece season of dark romantic dramedy with another one is something that deserves all the accolades and awards that it has gotten.
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66. Kenny DeForest on Corden-Kenny dismantles toxic masculinity so incisively through the whole set that he most certainly earns all the applause breaks he gets the whole way through.
67. Josh Gondelman’s Dancing on a Weeknight-Gondelman is often thought of as one of the best, sweetest people in comedy. This latest album, for all of its being clever and genuine, is proof that he indeed really is that sweet and funny.
68. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 3-The perennial prestige comedy from Amy Sherman-Palladino earns its keep by having some of the best writing (it’s almost impossible to write jokes that are contextualized for the 50s/60s and make them actually funny for 2019 audiences) and also being one of the most gorgeous looking shows in all of television.
69. Nick Ciarelli and Brad Evans-Whether it be pulling pranks on Twitter, their plethora of hysterical sketches doing an impression of Jack FM on shows around town, or their monthly live sketch character showcase Atlantic City, Nick and Brad are a damn fine comedy duo and have been for quite some time. 
70. Caitlin Gill’s Major-It’s quite the magic trick to make an hour of comedy that’s entirely clean and have it being clean not be a thought that you’re thinking about at all when listening or watching it. Caitlin Gill spectacularly does just that with this album as Gill can make all of her earnest rants, imagery, and observations work in any way that she needs to.  
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71. 97.9 The Rat Race-Ben Roy’s satirical reimagining of a morning radio “zoo crew” is so spot on, then gets real twisted to make this one of the most surprising and rewarding podcasts of 2019.
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72. Mike Lane’s Picture Frames-This short film from Lane heightens the idea of remembering those you love after they’ve left this mortal coil to such a ridiculous level every step of the way (and is more and more enjoyably unpredictable the further it goes).
73. Paige Weldon on Corden-Paige’s upbeat self-deprecation is just hard to resist and it makes the best impression in this late night set on The Late Late Show with James Corden.
74. The Righteous Gemstones-Danny McBride’s latest HBO series that darkly and comically dissects the South might be his most ambitious yet, but, of course, he nails it. The constant suspense perpetuated by hysterically tragic characters in the world of televangelists is profound.
75. My Friend Chuck-Comedic erotica author Chuck Tingle (one of the absolutely most unique voices and cadences we’ve heard in awhile) and friend McKenzie Goodwin celebrate their friendship every week for a podcast that’s preposterously funny and, also, more heartwarming than almost anything we’ve heard or seen. 
76. Joey Clift’s Telling People You’re Native American When You’re Not Native Is a Lot Like Telling a Bear You’re a Bear When You’re Not a Bear-Clift makes such biting, pun intended, commentary with this short film/PSA that is also so playful that the message about Native identity will undoubtedly stick with you.
77. Megan Gailey’s My Dad Paid For This-Gailey strikes a wonderful balance of charm and attitude and fervent desire to burn down the patriarchy. Such a mix accents her very delightful observations about herself and the world around her in this marvelous debut album. 
78. Robin Higgins as Baby Yoda at Tournament of Nerds-Higgins might have made one of the best, first attempts at Baby Yoda cosplay. She also, for what’s supposed to be a roast-style competition between fictional/pop culture characters, perfectly imagined how Baby Yoda would roast someone while maintaining Baby Yoda’s sweetness that has captured the hearts and minds of the Internet.
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79. The Man Who Killed Don Quixote-Terry Gilliam went through hell, did a few laps, and came back over several years to get this meta-quixotic tale about reimagining the legendary novel Don Quixote made. The finished film, for us, was worth the wait. 
80. Jo Firestone on The Tonight Show-Jo’s sense of play is so pure and present that it’s kind of irresistible. Combined with a perfect amount of self-deprecation, Jo really delivered a terrific set we’ll probably never get tired of.
81. Paul Rudd continues his time honored tradition of playing that one clip of Mac & Me on Conan-Rudd evolves the arc of this long running bit on Conan where, instead of playing a clip of what he’s on Conan to promote, he plays the same exact clip of the universally panned alien comedy Mac & Me. We all know what’s coming and yet, without the benefit of surprise, Rudd’s annoyance of Conan still keeps on being so damn funny.
82. Billy on the Street featuring Reese and Mariah-This year, we were lucky enough to get two instantly classic episodes of Billy on the Street with Reese Witherspoon and Mariah Carey that gave us our fix for our obsession with Billy Eichner yelling at strangers on the streets of NYC.
83. The Dollop England & UK-As Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds embarked on an entire England & UK tour of The Dollop, they thought it prudent to do a mini-series specific to Great Britain and did a smashing job making fun of British history. The Cyril the Swan episode is particularly brilliant.
84. Lost Moon Radio-The live musical sketch comedy theater troupe (Lost Moon Radio truly lives up to such a description) marked their 10th anniversary and put on an absolutely fantastic “Summer Block Party” this year that both showed that they still got their ingenious musical sketch comedy chops. 
85. Nate Bargatze’s The Tennessee Kid-The calm with which Bargatze pervades all of his comedy is part of what makes it beloved by nearly any and all that see or hear Bargatze’s stand-up. That’s such the case now that Nate gives updates to stories from previous specials on this latest hour. 
86. Beth Stelling on Kimmel-Every detail of this set on Jimmy Kimmel Live is pretty stellar. That includes Beth, in general, for her warm demeanor, smile, and cleverness, the Chippendale’s story, Beth’s mom being there in the crowd, and, of course, the surprise guest at the end. 
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87. Liz Climo’s Please Don’t Eat Me-This illustrated book is just the latest in a long line of uber-adorable and genuinely-funny-for-all-ages books from Climo. Liz seems to have quite the knack for making unlikely animal friendship jokes. 
88. John Hodgman’s Medallion Status-Hodgman’s journey through the various statuses of airline privilege/celebrity is a superb serving of existential humor, done up with Hodgman’s painstaking attention to the exactly right details. 
89. Jane Curtin’s 2019 New Year’s Resolution “My New Year’s Resolution Is To Make Sure The Republican Party Dies”-Said during a CNN interview with the SNL alum, this was the first thing to make us heartily laugh in 2019.
90. Alex Kavutskiy’s Squirrel-Kavutskiy’s short film dives into the concept of forgiveness unlike we’ve really seen and, as is Kavutskiy’s style, is so darkly spellbinding and so pointedly funny at the same time.
91. Astronomy Club: The Sketch Show-The long running comedy troupe known as Astronomy Club really ran with their chance to do a full-fledged sketch series on Netflix. They’re so endlessly clever on in their sketches, especially when it comes to the subjects of identity and oppression, and pack in so many jokes and sight gags that you’ll definitely want to watch it more than once so you don’t miss anything.
92. Dolemite Is My Name-Eddie Murphy seems poised to make a real return to comedy (and stand-up comedy in particular) and this marvelous biopic of comedian and blaxploitation star Rudy Ray Moore AKA Dolemite is the perfect way to start.
93. Anna Drezen on Corden-Drezen has such a perfect sense of farce and misdirection and puts on a beautiful display of those two things from start to finish in this set on The Late Late Show with James Corden. 
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94. BUTT’s Yoda themed dating app sketch-This sketch is so prescient of the resurgence of the world’s current (baby) Yoda obsession. Also, while this is so absurd with its deep dive into various Yoda fan art and cosplay, Joe McAdam and Chris Stephens’ take on dating apps is so sharply and deeply funny. 
95. Mel Brooks Unwrapped-The never ending bit of attempting a documentary between Mel Brooks and the BBC’s Alan Yentob is yet another display of the true, unquestionable genius of Mel Brooks.
96. 50 First Stephs-The amazing, hysterical Steph Tolev kicked off 2019 with a show where 50 or so of her compatriots and contemporaries did various impressions and characterizations of her. Part roast, part loving tribute, part amazing showcase of the depth of creativity in LA comedy, Tolev’s night for herself was something really special.
97. The Bongo Hour with Sandy Honig and Peter Smith-Honig and Smith brought their wild variety show that featured such wonderful bits, characters, drag, and burlesque to LA and showed, truly, how much better life is when you’re fluid about nearly everything.
98. How Did This Get Played?-Hosts Nick Wiger and Heather Anne Campbell and their take on the “worst and weirdest” video games do their namesake, the beloved How Did This Get Made?, proud. Even if you’re not a gamer, the way they dissect the most bizarre video games ever made along with Heather and Nick’s chemistry is very, very enjoyable.
99. Joe Pera Talks With You Season 2-This second season of Joe Pera’s unique talk-to-the-viewer series is so calming that the comedic twists sneak up in the most delightful way possible. There is a certain beauty to Pera’s show that makes us want to have Joe Pera Talks With You playing on a loop in a contemporary art museum.
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100. John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch-John Mulaney does “it”, yet again. “It” being releasing another hour of comedic brilliance that’s so markedly different than whatever he did before, yet, somehow still stamped with an indelible mark of Mulaney’s comedy of obtuse hyper-specificity. 
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waezi2okko · 5 years
Top Ten OK KO episodes
In the "Incredibles" movie, the bad guy Syndrome plans on staging a fight to become a famous superhero. And when he eventually becomes too old for that, he plans on selling his technology so anyone can become super, arguing that if EVERYONE is super... no one is.
"OK KO, Let's Be Heroes" has a different view on this. In the show, EVERYONE is super, so everyone are AWESOME!
"OK KO" is one of those shows that are so wholesome and fun that you stop thinking about logic and just accept this strange world of heroes and villains who takes inspiration from video games, comicbooks, action movies, mangas and more stuff hero-related. It has a feel of a game being played in a sandbox by kids who brought their random toys and are just going with it.
In the show, our main character is KO, a 6-11 year old kid who wants to become a hero. In order to get experience and be more familiar with the world of heroes, KO takes a job in a bodega run by his idol Mr. Gar. KO befriends Enid and Rad, the teens who works in the store as well, and assists them in running the bodega as well as defending it from destruction whenever the evil scientist Lord Boxman(who lives at the other side of the street) attacks the bodega with his evil robot children.
Yeah, it's kinda silly:P But in an awesome way.
Besides the humor, the creative character designs and the many references that will make you feel old if you get them, it is also the modern cartoon show that I think does the best relationships as well developing said relationships(sorry Steven Universe). Anyways, made this blog because I feel my main one has too much OK KO stuff, so I will start of this one with a top ten of the best episodes of the series.
Number 10: We Messed Up.
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I HAVE to include this episode on the list since it was the first I watched.
Mr. Gar is out, and he has SPECIFICALLY told his employees to stay away from his office.
... So they go to his office. And breaks his stuff. The three friends must figure out how to stall their boss as well as how to replace the picture of KO's mom(that he for some reason has) so Mr. Gar won't be... disappointed!
I HAD to include this episode on the list since it was the first OK KO ep I watched. Also, a lot of lore was revealed in this episode, leading up to future episodes and storylines as we learn that Mr. Gar used to be on a superhero team with KO's mom Carol AND that Mr. Gar apparently used to be a masked wrestler. That, and the episode is just plain funny, mostly because of Mr. Gar being extra as heck!
Number 9: Whacky Jaxxyz
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When KO gets introduced to the game and toy Whacky Jaxxyz by his cool classmate Nanini, KO jumps aboard the trend and even enters a tournament with Nanini.
Buuuut then they meet other people who play Whacky Jaxxyz as well and realize that the game's fandom is rather toxic.
And by "rather", I mean "VERY".
As a kid from the late 90s and early 00s, I can relate to this episode since I collected stuff such as Bayblades, Yugioh cards and such. I still feel cheated sometimes by the Yugioh franchise as well as being irritated by the fans of it who can sometimes ruin it for me. This episode shows how something fun can get ruined by both the people who provides it as well as the people who obsess over it.
Also, famous YouTuber ProZD is guest star:)
Number 8: Let's Watch the Boxmore Show
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When KO and his friends are about to defend the bodega against another robot attack from Boxmore, they realize that they don't have to lift a finger since the robots are fighting EACH OTHER. Wanting to know what is going on, Mr. gar gives his employees permission to use his monitor room since he has hacked the surveillance cameras of Boxmore, allowing them to see what is going on in the robot factory. Our heroes realize that there is a competition in Boxmore, EXTREMELY similar to a reality TV-show. KO, Rad and Enid ends up getting addicted to watching the "show", even rooting for their favorite robot and ends up quarreling about who deserves to win or lose.
I grew up in the golden age of reality TV-show and can recognize the stereotypes WAY too well, both the contestants as well as the fans who obsess over the shows. This was just such a stupidly hilarious episode to watch. And Christopher Niosi who voices minor characters was on the top of his game in this episode.
Also, if you don't know Christopher Niosi, you should check out his YouTube channel.
Number 7: My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad
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KO gets in an insult contest with another kid named Chameleon Junior. And like all kids, Chameleon Junior argues that his dad could beat up KO's dad. And this specific insult gets to KO since... well, he DOESN'T have a dad. So he tells CJ that he might not have a dad, but that his mom Carol can beat anyone up. The two boys part ways to get their parents to fight to prove who has the stronger dad/mom. Carol tries to teach KO a lesson about talking things out, and... yeah, things escalate when a godzilla-sized chameleon dad is involved.
I was tempted to place this episode on the number one spot imply because watching a very angry hand-to-hand fighter mom beat up a giant lizard was amazing. But the ending twist that is a reference to old Godzilla movies was clever as heck. Chameleon Senior is revealed to actually being a giant man in a lizard costume, kinda like how old Godzilla movies had a man in such a costume.
Number 6: T.K.O.
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KO is frustrated since he still doesn't have powers like Rad and Enid and worries that he will never become a true hero.
But then he meets a shadowy figure who tells him that he can help him reach his true potential.
... Yeah, KO shouldn't have trusted the guy.
I kinda knew from the start that KO would end up having an evil side that made him powerful, especially since he looks so much like Ryu from Street Fighter. But the way his dark side(AKA Turbo KO) is introduced is actually rather creative. It isn't anger that makes KO go dark, it is a combination of a whole lot of negative emotions that appears when he feels insignificant. That means that TKO has much more potential than just being a little angry monster, he is all of KO's negative emotions, including sadness, frustration and depression.
Number 5: Red Action To The Future
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One of Enid's friends is a timetraveler called Red Action. When Red is getting a call from her Power-Ranger like team that tells her to return to the future, Enid is too proud to tell her not to go, fearing that Red would think less of her for being "clingy." But all Enid gets out of it is that Red is busy fighting a war in the future, and whenever she sees her again, it is only for short visits, and Red has aged months and years every time Enid sees her. Red ends up having lived a whole life in what was minutes for Enid.
With a show like OK KO where timetravel is a thing, you can have episodes that tackles with friends who doesn't say things to each other due to a mix of pride and shame, then realize that they missed their chance and a lifetime has passed. Enid gets to experience this much faster since Red is in the future, so time is relative.
Number 4: Rad Likes Robots
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After an intense battle between the bogeda workers and the evil robots, one of the robots named Shannon gets hit by lighting and then falls in love with Rad who quickly becomes infatuated with the robot as well.
So, yeah. This is the Romeo and Juliet episode. But unlike other cartoon shows, this one does Romeo and Juliet right, if you ask me.
I actually mad e a whole blog about the episode that you can read RIGHT HERE.
Number 3: Know your Mom
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KO's mom Carol is one of the strongest people in Lakewood next to Mr Gar. So it is sort of weird that she isn't a big-time superhero and instead just runs a fitness center.
When KO does research on his mom for Mother's Day, he finds out that she actually USED to be a big-time superhero. She was known as Silver Spark and was a member of the world's greatest superhero team POINT(Powerful Operatives Investigating and Neutralizing Trouble). But then she decided to quit the team 6-11 years ago. KO is horrified since HE is 6-11 years old, so he believes that he might be the reason to why Carol left POINT. So KO decides to call her archenemy and make him come fight her as the perfect gift.
What really sells this episode is Carol's old enemy Succulentus who is voiced by Jonathan Davis, the leading vocalist of the nu-metal band Korn. Most of his dialog has references to nu-metal songs, most of them I actually caught, making me feel old, especially since Succulentus is an old fart. Sure, he is old because he is a cactus, but it is still funny to be reminded of music you grew up with that is now considered "old".
Number 2: You're in Control
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This was an awesome season one finale! Not only did it have an epic battle, it had been built up to through the whole season, making it that much more satisfying to watch. And it even had one heck of a cliffhanger that made me even more hyped about season two.
Number 1: Special Delivery
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Enid and Rad are KO's best friends and pseudo older sibling. But they are also each others' best friend. So "Special Delivery" is an interesting episode since it focuses on Enid and Rad relationship without KO involved.
Someone has ordered a package from Mr. Gar's bodega, so Rad and Enid have been given the task of delivering it while KO stays in the store. The one who ordered it is in a town far away, so it is roadtrip time!
Rad and Enid actually has fun being together while driving to Neo Riot City... But Enid ends up having too much fun on Rad's expense.
Best friendship episode of the whole series since it focuses on communication and what the lack of it can cause since you can end up unintentionally hurt someone who is important to you. Also has the awesome and cliche song "I Wanna Get Out of Here" written by William Gibbons who is songwriter for the band Kara's Walk Home.
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Proven Innocent Season 1 Episode 11
Trigger warning: This episode deals with child abuse and the death of a baby
We kick things off with Levi coming over to Madeline's apartment. She's expanded her Rosemary wall to include the things that they found at Sparrow Ridge. However, she can't identify some of the initials on the closet, but Levi is able to. She leaves to go to work, and Levi promises that he'll keep looking into this.
Our case kicks off when a scientist goes on TV to say that he now believes that a lot of things were once mistaken for shaken baby syndrome. This is upsetting to the lawyers because it could mean that there's a lot of innocent “baby killers” sitting in jail. Our client du jour is one such lady, whose baby died ten years ago.
She was suffering from postpartum depression, and didn't bond with her baby in the way that society deemed acceptable. She confessed to her mother-in-law that she didn't want her baby, which, as you might imagine, was then used against her in court.
In Violet's podcasts, she usually likes to use “tell your truth” a lot. However, this case was kind of the opposite, because the client had told her truth, and in the end, it got her sentenced to prison.
In court, they bring the scientist up onto the stand; he had testified about the baby having been shaken at the original trial. The prosecutor says a lot of inflammatory things, which angers even the judge, especially because there's not even a jury that she could be talking to. The judge finally agrees to let them reexamine the medical evidence after the scientist asks to take another look... if only because he doesn't want for something like this to haunt him.
As Madeline, Easy, and the client's sister are leaving the courtroom, they run into the client's now former husband and his mother. The mother-in-law starts spitting accusations, how could you do this, blah-blah-blah... but the sister gets into the mother-in-law's face and is like “you never cared about the baby! All you care about is yourself!”
Later, Easy and Madeline go talk to the scientist guy at his lab. He says that science has advanced to the point where they can now see that the brain bleed that caused the baby to die happened a good five days before when the baby actually died. This is huge, because the entire time table gets thrown out the window; the client hadn't been alone with watching her daughter on that day in question.
They go to the father to get a blood test to see if it's remotely possible that the baby had a rare blood clotting disease. He's anxious to find out what happened to his baby, if his ex-wife didn't shake the baby to death.
However, it's obviously too early for that to be the cause of death, so they're back to the drawing board. They notice that there was a weird bruise on the baby's chest. Talking with the client again, and she says that days before the death, the husband had been taking the baby to the doctor and they'd been in a fender-bender. It probably wouldn't be enough to hurt an adult, but for a tiny baby? The client says that the car needed some body work done on it following that.
While all of that's going on, Levi goes back to Sparrow Ridge to look around some more. As he's looking at the door with all of the names and tally marks, he notices that the cobwebs are blowing in some breeze. He pulls the cupboard away from the wall, and discovers a room with an old mattress on the floor. He brushes the dust off from the wall and finds a sun with the letter R in it.
And because we need to have our Bodie subplot... He talks with his girlfriend about how she just brought her nephew over like that. She seems to think that he's not ready to have this kind of relationship, calls him an overgrown manchild, and storms out. We'll get back to this later.
Madeline and Violet go to talk to granny; Madeline seems to think that she'd rather talk to them in the privacy of her house rather than to be dragged into court and made to testify. The granny scoffs over the accident having caused harm to the child, and says that she'd slept through the entire thing. She goes on to say that since she and her son were taking the baby to the doctors when the accident occurred, following the accident, they continued on to the doctor's appointment. There, the doctor examined the baby and found her to be in good health without even so much as a bruise. Which doesn't make sense, because, as mentioned there was a weird bruise across her chest... almost like from an accident.
Bodie and Easy, meanwhile, go talk to the ex-husband's son from his first marriage. He was like 8 years old when this happened, but according to granny, he was at boarding school and hadn't really been around his half-sister much. So they track him down to the university library, where they're surprised when he says that he's working. When they question him about his family's money and how they own half of the university, he says that he's not on good terms with either his father or his grandmother.
On the way out, Bodie tells Easy about his girlfriend's nephew. Easy tells him that you can do all of the right things, and still end up living in a hotel room. He seems to think that Bodie would make a good dad for the exact reasons why the girlfriend stormed out: because he is a manchild, and that would make playtime the best. However, he tells Bodie that he can't make this decision for Bodie.
Later, the first wife comes in. She says that she was forced to sign an NDA about not airing the family's dirty laundry. However, Easy and Madeline sort of coax her into pointing them into the right direction. She tells them that the grandmother would physically abuse her son. And as if that wasn't bad enough, she knows that granny had broken her son's arm; that's when they got divorced.
They don't show finding out corroborating evidence to support this, just Madeline and Easy going to confront the ex-husband about all of the abuse, that granny could have been the one who hurt the baby. The husband is obviously upset over the entire thing, because he loves his mom. However, Madeline is quick to point out that he clearly wants to get to the bottom of this as much as anybody. He confesses that his mother hurt him, but Madeline reminds him of his son's broken arm. “Horseback riding” my ass. He insists that granny loved her granddaughter... but Easy also points out that he's sure granny loves her son and grandson, too.
This leads them to the family pediatrician. He refuses to just hand over the files, as you might expect, and says that the baby's files are filed away somewhere, since she's dead now, and the case has been closed for a while. Violet accuses him of stonewalling them, and Madeline says that he's clearly covering up child abuse and never reporting it. They leave, but Madeline says that they'll be back with an order for those files... and somebody else will come and take away his medical license.
This causes granny to storm into their office later, all in a huff. However, Madeline and Easy aren't daunted by her huffing and puffing with little to actually show for it.
Levi goes to Madeline's that night with the information of what he'd found. On top of the hidden room, he found out who owns the house. It's some long Sanskrit name and one part of it means “sun”. Madeline read a lot in prison, and she was very drawn towards eastern religions. And it fits with the sun that Levi found in the other room. They talk about it for a moment. Madeline remembers how Rosemary had seemed to be obsessed with losing her virginity... and at the time, Madeline had thought that it was just college stuff. However, now she's certain that it has something to do with this cult.
They mull over on who that they can talk to. The gothic chick is out, because Heather has scared her into being silent. However, Levi points to one other chick and says that she sent him a Christmas card in jail once; she seemed to think that he was innocent.
So he goes to talk with her. She's reluctant to talk about it, but eventually says that some guy named Robbie was the charismatic cult leader. He filled her with a sense of spiritually... and when she was in high school, where people are already struggling to figure out themselves, it was kind of a big deal.
She goes on to say that Rosemary was the favorite, and it pissed former favorite, Heather, off something fierce. She says that she won't talk anymore shortly after that.
Later, as the team is going through the medical records, they're fuming that the doctor was not only hiding the records of child abuse and not reporting them, but if he'd made any reports at all, he'd clearly destroyed them. However, there is something in the ordinary check-up report worth noting: the son had gotten a flu shot the weekend before the baby had died. Which stands out because granny insisted that the grandson had been at boarding school when the baby had died.
They go back and talk to him; he's still reluctant but gives in after a while. He says that he was home that weekend. Granny had asked him to watch the baby while she'd gone to use the restroom. The baby had been crying and crying and he'd kicked the highchair. She'd hit the wall pretty hard.
He testifies about this in court. And not only that, but also about the abuse that he'd suffered at the hands of granny... but also about how granny had told him to keep quiet about having hurt his little sister.
The judge frees the client. And as granny tries to sneak out, the judge says that if it wasn't for the statute of limitations, she would have granny arrested for child abuse, neglect, and covering up a crime. However, the court of public opinions will punish her as they see fit.
As the newly freed client leaves the courtroom, her ex-husband comes over to talk to him. As you might imagine, neither the client nor her sister want much to do with any of their specific brand of bullshit. The client, however, does tell her former step-son that none of this was his fault; it was a combination of an accident mixed with granny being a horrible person. (Meanwhile Granny is slammed with reporters outside. Haha. Court of public opinion indeed.)
Later, Bodie invites his girlfriend and nephew over, where he attempts to do a hand-shake-fist-bump with the kid, and then invites him to eat the spread of junk food he's laid out. He tells his girlfriend that being involved with this case has told him that having poor role models turns kids into horrible monsters as adults. So he wants to be a good role model for the kid. The girlfriend likes this and they kiss... much to the kid's displeasure.
And Bellows? What's he been up to this episode you ask? At the end of the last episode, he'd ordered a search of the lake. He's opting for drones, since they're more “discrete” than divers, but as his wife is quick to point out, more expensive. His wife also slams him because he's using campaign funds to pay for all of this, which I hope that I don't have to tell you is ILLEGAL. Bellows doesn't give a shit about what might happen if he fails to find anything, or if it all turns out to be a dead end... he's got blinders on that only say one thing: MADELINE SCOTT KILLED ROSEMARY AND HAS GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT.
As you might imagine, they finds all sorts of neat junk at the bottom of the lake, and any one of them could have been the possible murder weapon. His campaign sugar daddy (Yes, because that's what he is) comes in to complain about this, but Bellows points out that the sugar daddy had told him to find new evidence about Madeline's guilt. Bellows takes out this old camping lamp, and says that it matches the indentations on Rosemary's scull, and the metal fragments from the lamp also match those found in Rosemary's brain.
Bellows calls in Heather, and asks her about the lamp. She seems shocked about the entire thing, and kind of scared. She then says that she saw Madeline carrying the lamp the night of Rosemary's murder, right after Madeline and Rosemary had had a fight.
This leads Bellows to send police to go arrest Madeline.
Okay, so theory time: considering what Levi found out from the other cult member, about the things that they were doing in that cult, as well as the put-out feelings Heather had about Rosemary suddenly becoming Robbie's number one... On top of Heather's shock and horror upon seeing the lamp... I'm guessing that Heather is the one who actually murdered Rosemary. And it was all out of jealousy. It would also explain why Heather keeps lying about the entire thing, and why she's so insistent that Madeline and Levi must have killed Rosemary. She's covering up her own guilt, and Madeline and Levi just made handy scapegoats. She was probably afraid when they got out, and even more afraid when Bellows produced the lamp.(But we shall see.)
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externally-upset · 5 years
Alright going all in I see. Let's do this
1. I mainly use Spotify
2. I try and keep it clean but somehow always winds up messy
3. I've got brown eyes
4. y'know I've got a really generic name but I do like it. Why, I have no idea
5. I'm currently single
6. Scatterbrained, happy, adventurous
7. I've got natural black hair
8. So I don't drive because it actually hurts my leg to drive. Also I can't sit still for longer than 5 minutes
9. I shop everywhere that has toys lmao. I'm a toy collector so I'll go anywhere that has em
10. I don't really have a style. I try and live my life as cozy as possible
11. I don't really have a favorite social media account
12. I have a full/queen size bed
13. I've got lots of siblings. In all, I've got 6 sisters and 2 brothers, but some are step family. I've got 1 bio sister and 1 bio brother, both younger than me.
14. I've been looking into moving to Washington recently, but I think I'd rather travel the world than settle down somewhere, for now at least
15. I don't use the filters myself so I can't speak on that
16. I don't use makeup so I don't have a fave brand to talk about
17. I shower everyday, I get really sweaty so I gotta
18. I don't have like a definite fave TV show. It varies from month to month. Although this summer it was Nisekoi, which is an excellent anime
19. I wear a size 11.5/12 shoe
20. I'm 5'11
21. I wear almost strictly sneakers
22. I don't go to the gym, I should though. I really should
23. Dream date would be to have one lol, um I guess to go up to the mountains together and star gaze or something to do with the mountains. I just enjoy being outside
24. Too much to count 💸💸 lmao jk I've got $60
25. Ain't wearing any but if someone came through right now, I'd put some black ones on
26. I had four, but my mom stole 2 of them
27. I was working in drywall for awhile but I hopped out of that and am currently applying to places. I specifically was a taper, so like when drywall is put up in the house, there are gaps between the pieces put up. I covered those gaps up, all over the house. It doesn't seem like a lot but when you've got 15-20 feet ceilings, it gets hard
28. I've got quite a lot of friends and I love them all
29. I've know I've done bad stuff that others remember me for but I can't think of anything
30. Oh man I loooooove lavender scented candles. Lavender scented anything is the best
31. I honestly can't think of any boy names that I like
32. 3 girl names: Sochi, Lavender, and Laurie, which is actually the name of one of my best friends
33. Anthony Hopkins is my favorite actor by far
34. Fave actress is definitely Meryl Streep, I fell in love with her when I first saw the Devil Wears Prada years ago and it just snowballed from there
35. My celeb crush is either Bonnie Wright or Jessica Keenan Wynn
36. Fave movie has gotta be The Great Mouse Detective
37. I used to read a lot, not so much anymore. Of everything I've read though, Christine by Stephen King has been my favorite read
38. Everyone wants to say brains are more important and they are, but unfortunately in the world we live in money rules over all
39. I used to be called Chancho but not any more
40. I've been to the hospital more times than I'd like to think. I had a heart condition that flared up in high school so I spent a lot of time at the hospital. I'm still not even sure what it was and am sure the doctors made it up to take my money
Beauty and the Beast - Angela Lansbury
Beauty and the Beast - Celine Dion, Peabo Bryson
Higher - Creed
Eres Mi Droga - Intocable
Crossing Field - LiSA
Don't Blink - Kenny Chesney
Junkhead - Alice In Chains
Your Decision - Alice In Chains
Losing A Whole Year - Third Eye Blind
Forever Halloween - The Maine
42. Nah, no meds for me
43. I think I have an oily skin type
44. Biggest fear is leaving those I love behind when I pass along to the next life
45. I don't know how many kids I want
46. I always have my hair either in a bun or braided
47. I live in a medium sized family home
48. My grandma has been and always will be my role model
49. It was being told how wise I am
50. Last text I sent was to my homeboy, telling him "this school shit is wack"
51. I was 6 years old when I found out Santa wasn't real
52. A nice Truck is my dream car or maybe a souped up Subaru, with an anime wrap for shits and gigs
53. I'm cool with smoking weed, but no cigarettes and only smoke outside, don't need my stuff to smell
54. Yeah, I'm here in college, but I don't like it
55. Rural areas by far. I've always wanted my own farm
56. I wanna be a high school history teacher and that requires a degree, so that's why I'm in college
57. I don't like the shampoo and conditioner from hotels, don't like the way they feel. That being said, yes I'll take them
58. I've got freckles but you can barely see them unless were face to face
59. Yes and no. It really depends on my mood. I try to take more smiling pictures now
60. I've got quite a few, mostly memes though
61. Of course I've peed in the woods, with the amount of times I've been hiking and camping with no bathroom in site, you gotta
62. I watch almost strictly cartoons, if we're being completely honest
63. Chicken nuggets smack, no matter where they're from
64. If it calls for it, honey. If not, then sweet and sour sauce
65. Alright, so it depends where I'm at. If I'm home alone, just my underwear. If there are people here, shorts. If I'm at someone else's house, I wear whatever I have on
66. Never participated in a spelling bee in my life
67. My hobby is collecting. I've been collecting things since I was a kid. I've switched between many things in my life. I've gone from Wrestling figures, to sports cards, to vinyl records, to Funko Pops. I actually collect a little of everything I've mentioned now
68. I can't draw for shit
69. I don't play any instruments, although I've tried learning how to play the Ukulele
70. Last concert was seeing Four Year Strong and Seaway like 2 years ago
71. I prefer tea over coffee
72. I guess Starbucks as I've never had Dunkin before
73. Marriage sounds nice, but I don't need to. Like if I'm dating someone and they said they don't wanna get married, I wouldn't have a problem with it. As long as we're in love, that's all that matters
74. Aha, I'm not answering this one
75. If ever I get married, I don't know what the last name situation is gonna be
76. Burgundy and blue look absolutely fantastic on me
77. Yeah there are a few people I miss
78. I always sleep with my door closed and my closets too
79. I belive in ghosts, although I prefer to call them spirits. Used to see them frequently as a child, still do sometimes
80. Biggest pet peeve is when people try to tell me what to do. Not like suggestions but actually tell me what to do. Irritates me to no end
81. Last person I called I think was my Dad, but that's because I couldn't find him in the store
82. Black Cherry Vanilla is the best but no one sells it anywhere
83. Golden Oreos are pretty damn good so I'll go with those
84. If I have to choose, probably rainbow sprinkles
85. Just a plain white tank top
86. My phone background is a picture of Ricky from Trailer Park Boys saying "Man, maybe I am gay."
87. I can be outgoing, it kinda takes a bit for me to open up though
88. I fucking love when people play with my hair
89. My neighbors across the street are very nice, but next door neighbor is a dick, always judging shit
90. I usually wash my face in the mornings
91. I used to get high a lot, not so much anymore, although I'd really like for that to change
92. I spent a good portion of this year drunk, so that's a problem. I actually only started drinking when I turned 21 last September. Never been hungover either, so I've been blessed
93. Last thing I ate was some chips
94. "Thank you to the miracle that we are able to meet in a dirty and ugly world, even like this" My Song - Girl Dead Monster. This is from Angel Beats and these are rough English translations
95. I prefer winter over summer, but spring is my fave season
96. I love night time, always will
97. I will always pick dark chocolate over all other chocolates
98. September is my favorite month, not because it's my birth month, but it's the one month where everything feels right
99. I'm a Virgo
100. Last person I cried in front of was my homeboy Mason, albeit I was drunk as fuck and don't remember it but he does. Says I scared him
Goddamn that took forever, but I did get over being bored, so bless you Anon
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hallucinosims · 6 years
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Hi here’s the get to know me tag let’s get to knowing
I was tagged in this by @gunthermunch
125 questions under the cut, if you do decide to read i suggest getting a snack first
I tag @emovatore @humanitys-shortest @liliithvatore if you haven’t done it yet
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? Lee and Leo are the go-tos in real life but I get called Hall on here and I think that’s a rad nickname too
3. BIRTHDAY? Feb 5th
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? I am a slut for the Percy Jackson series and Leo Valdez was one of the reasons why I started going by Leo more often then my full name
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? Yes yes absolutely yes. One, earth really can’t be the only planet in a universe with infinite possibilities to have life on it, you know? And ghosts is more like a spirit thing.
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? oooh fuck me up this is a hard one uhhhhhh Classic author probably Edgar Allen Poe but Contempoary I’d say Tony Kushner
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? the Musical Theatre station
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? I don’t really like... food. I don’t enjoy it. But I guess I like savory over sweet
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? Liar by Queen or Greek God by Conan Gray
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? I-Cunt-tic, pronounced like iconic but... you know
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? Please Never Fall in love again Ollie MN
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? Kidding, that Jim Carrey tv show that premiered this year. Beautifully edited and told story
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? I’ve seen Bohemian Rhapsody 6 times this month alone so probably that on wards
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? dying in the same place i was born
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? idk, i’m not really an animal person
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? playing in the ika playscape
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? i have quite a few best friends but when im at school/work then my good friend Julio
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? a very doe eyed dark brown
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? i re-dyed my hair black recently so let’s go with that
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? going to denmark to be a farm gay on my semester off
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? currently Sims, Queen, and Falsettos (the musical)
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? i didn’t have cable but there is no way in hell i’m saying cyberchase so, Mia and Miguel
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? none that i can think of
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT?i actually really enjoy both
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? True West, it’s a really good play
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? ...Bohemian Rhapsody for the 6th time
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? most stringed instruments i can figure out pretty quickly but i’m best at guitar and piano
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? i follow over 5k people i don’t even know who i follow
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? basically Kirby. I want the power to take others powers
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? in michigan on rainy afternoons in my bunk bed with my laptop on my lap. Or like, the floor of a bookstore
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? loaded question
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? I used to do competitve dance, competitve cheer, biking, and volleyball
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? like a week ago to my grandma, she likes getting post cards in the mail
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? i used to be. not so much anymore
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? people who saunter. We got places to be fellas
51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? i’m to anemic to be either 
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? i’m actually not to into media that take place in other... wait i take it back i wanna live in Hobbiton
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? ehh sometimes
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? It’s a part of my career so hopefully
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? i’m skippin school rn
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? Manhattan’s Lower East Side. I live in the Upper West Side right now and it’s aight but it’s not the LES
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? Tony Kushner
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? yee and before you ask my fave is Deadpool
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? when people be on some bullshit
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? one sister who is ten years older than I am
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? ... iced coffee despite it being 30 degrees out
75. CAN YOU COOK? I’d like to think so. Wish I had a oven tho
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? music, my family (sometimes) I’m trying to love myself so let’s throow that one in there
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? people who stroll/saunter, when people are on their bullshit, dark chocolate
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? male “friends”. But, I know a lot more girls that I keep up with more often.
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? Manhattan, Upper West Side
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Thursday in my Theatre class but we were all crying so i’ll let it slide
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? i don’t really watch anyone consistently
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? prety solid i love them both even if my mom hates my sexuality and threatened locking me at home when i came out to herelol
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT?Copenhagen! I’ve wanted to go to Denmark since I was ten
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? Nah son
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? defenitly a lot less than my story style insists lol. I do believe in God tho
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? strawberries and some medicine that i can’t remember the name of
95. CAN YOU CURL YOUR TONGUE? yes i’m a lesbian it’s what we do
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? Literally anytime i’m wrong about soomething. I love being exposed, put in my place, roasted.
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? Forest so I can find my mans... my MOTH mans
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? you know what you want, don’t let your concerns get in the way of your ambitions
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? Deadass I talk to myself more often than otherpeople
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? I give everyone I can think of second chances because i’m a forgiving sone of a bitch and yet they continue TO BE ON SOME BULLSHIT
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? THat be mine i may be forgiving by moral compass be broke as hell and I haven’t eaten in like 3 days because i’m so broke
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? When I’m answering this question for a job application i sure do
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? tragicallu
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? i have 5 holes in my ears and a nostreil piercing
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? yes 2, one chest, one forearm. But that’s only because I don’t have money i need more
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? yes and she’s a bitch
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? eventually I feel like I would make a pretty solid kid
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? Being high for three days straight
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? i just finished pulling one
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOU CLOTHES? black as you can see by my simself  i really do dress pretty much only in black because i aged poorly out of my goth phase
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? Yep, Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, Trade Show stuff, probably for school or local news a few times
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 18
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? Know in your soul like your blood knows the way from your heart to your brain, know that you’re whole. - HEdwig and the Angry Inch
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? This is a really boring last question but savory but if you made it this far i’ll expose myself a little more. I’m black and Jewish, I go to a performing arts Conservatory, and this took me so long to answer because I hooked up with someone in Brooklyn last night and i had trouble getting back to my dorm.
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thotyssey · 6 years
Bar Babe of the Week: Robert at  Top of the Bay
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Summer’s almost over, so get out to Cherry Grove one more time kick one back with Top of the Bay’s Bar Babe Robert!
Bar that I work at: Top of the Bay in Cherry Grove
How long I've worked there: This is my first year and I love it — the best job I’ve ever had.
What are my shifts: Friday through Monday — Sunday night is my favorite though. We have a really great piano player that night, and she creates a really calm and relaxed atmosphere.
What makes this bar great: I love all the Cherry Grove bars, but Top of the Bay is a little different. It functions as a little bit of an escape from the Fire Island insanity for us Grove locals. It’s not a dancing bar — it’s a place to sit and talk and have a moment of calmness, which can be very important out here. I can do high volume bartending, but I’m much better as a therapist bartender, and that’s the vibe I try to create here. I want people to be able to come and get away from the noise and relax and feel like they can talk and vent to me and let their shoulders down.
Best drink I make: Anyone who’s ever spent five minutes with me knows I take tequila very seriously — probably way more seriously than any other aspect of my life, for better or (mostly) worse. If you come see me on a Sunday or Monday happy hour before I get service checks coming in from the dining room, I’ll be fussy and meticulous and make you a great margarita without the sour mix and all that crap. If you ask me during the dinner rush you might get sour mix but you’ll still get a sweet smile.
In the summer I’m also a negroni drinker because I’m a 90 year-old Italian man who loves Campari, and I like to do an in and out glass rinse with Pernod or some kind of anise liquor... which might sound gross, but actually adds something really subtle and nice to the drink.
I love it when customers: Say hello to the person sitting next to them and start conversations.
I hate it when customers: Won’t look away from Grindr for a split second to make eye contact when they order from me.
Craziest thing I've seen here: Top of the Bay is pretty chill. I think the craziest thing I’ve seen was my own facial expression in the mirror when I was trying to behave myself and not steal chocolate cake off of a customer’s plate while they were in the bathroom. It was stressful.
Other places I've worked: The Ice Palace. I’ve always been a Grove Girl
My hometown: The Bronx. Born, raised, will probably haunt it long after I’m dead. Years ago, when that song was big, people used to tease me in a good natured way by calling me Robbie from the Block (I grew up near the 5 train, now I too am On the 6) — it made me inexplicably angry the way that random, stupid things do when you’re young and take yourself too seriously. Now that I’m older I think it was kind of cute, especially considering some of the other things I’ve been called in subsequent years.
Stuff I do when I'm not bartending: Reading, writing, eating. I’m generally elusive and hard to find in the Grove during the day — I love how small and close knit our community is here, but I go crazy if I can’t carve out some alone time to retreat into my own head before work. Reading was always my chosen non-alcoholic escape from reality. Then, like most obsessive book people, I tried to start writing my own. I’ve written three novels — none of which are particularly good, but I’m working on it — and I have a few stories published in various places. I’m working on a book about Fire Island that I’m hoping to finish when I get some quiet time in the fall.
Otherwise you’ll generally find me at Cherry Grove Pizza sitting alone with food for 6-8 people in front of me.
Single or Taken: There’s a couple of gentlemen that I love back home
Who/what turns me on: Gentleness. It’s easy to get hardened and cynical working in nightlife. Some of it is self-protection, and some of it is circumstantial — you tend to see a lot of the worst in people when you do this long enough. Very few of us are at our best at 4am, especially out on Fire Island where everything is so heightened and intensified. We come out here and bring a lot of our pain and our damage with us, and when you add alcohol to the mix it sometimes brings a lot of our issues to the forefront, and we end up with a lot of egos jockeying for position and we don’t always treat each other with gentleness. I’m drawn to people who aren’t necessarily martyrs and doormats the way I have a tendency to be, but people who can maintain a sense of calm and caring, who can manage to be empathetic without going crazy in the midst of the maelstrom of frenetic energy we create for ourselves out here.
Favorite music: Tori Amos and Madonna. My two fellow Leo queens.
Favorite movie or TV show: Most people who only know me casually might expect me to pick some depressing artsy thing, but in all honesty my favorite movie is Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead, and my favorite TV show is Golden Girls. I can also recite every single word of every single episode from the first ten years of The Simpsons.
Favorite drag queen: I say this in 100% honesty and not as a pageant answer — I think every single one of our girls in the Grove is amazing, and each one adds something special and unique to the island. I’m not a performer of any kind and half the time I can’t even be bothered to tie my shoelaces, so I have so much respect for how hard these girls work and all the preparation and (literal) sweat and blood that goes into what they do. I will say that any time I’m not working I will ALWAYS go see Porsche at the Ice Palace — I’ve been watching her show for ten years now, and I’m constantly in awe of what she does, and I’m not just saying that because I successfully nagged her into singing a Tori Amos song for me on my birthday. This summer I’ve also fallen in love with Boudoir LeFleur — smart, funny, beautiful, and one of the best dancers I’ve ever seen. Her show with Kimmi Moore Thursday nights at Cherry’s is my absolute must see show of the season.
My drag name would be: Ricotta Salata
Favorite gogo boy: Generally I’m just nervously looking at their feet praying they won’t knock any drinks over, and then awkwardly guilt-tip them without looking up before I run away from the bar.
Favorite DJ: DJ 2Face! He’s at the Ice Palace Monday nights with Pixie Aventura and then all over the place in the city. He really understands how to create a night, a mood, a feeling out of music and is one of the hardest working people I’ve met in nightlife — seriously, go find him.
Other stuff you need to know about me: I’m obsessed with figure skating, to the point where I have almost a concerning idiot savant knowledge of it, and I finally landed my first jump this year at the age of 33. Don’t bring up Tonya and Nancy in front of me unless you’re prepared to hear a six hour dissertation, and never, EVER bring up Tara Lipinski.
Follow me on: Facebook, where I post like I’m someone’s mom, Instagram where I’ll post blurry drunk photos from drag shows, and I don’t really know how to use all the other shit.
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yuniesan · 6 years
Girl Meets Season 6 - Episode Ten
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Synopsis: The Journey from High School and into College will test everything Riley knew about her life, her friendships and her love. What life lessons will she learn in her first year of college?  
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
A/N: Sometimes I wonder if I should write an alternate universe College Fic where they all meet in college instead of them meeting in middle school/grade school.
Episode Ten – Girl Meets Radio Days
There was a call for radio DJ’s at school, Riley had heard that they wanted fresh voices for the school’s radio station. She didn’t want to do it but she thought of the three most perfect people of it, and she wanted to see if they could have fun together while entertaining the rest of the school. Taking the flyer, she skipped towards her room thinking of how to bring it up with the three troublemakers. She loved them, honestly, she did, but sometimes when Charlie, Zay, and Sam got together it felt like they were joking about one thing or plotting something else.
She sat in her room thinking of a way to broach the subject when she saw them next, while working on her homework. The semester was almost over and she had papers to hand in and test to study for, so she wasn’t sure it was a good idea to bring this up with the trio, because they were in the same place, but since the flyer specified that they would start in the spring if they were accepted then it should have been alright.
With her mind wandering she hadn’t heard the door open, she hadn’t known anything had happened until Lucas put his arms around her making her jump, and sending her heart into a frenzy.
“Lucas,” she squealed out as he kissed her cheek. “Give me a heart attack why don’t you.”
Her heart was hammering in her chest, “Sorry I thought you heard me come in, usually you’re trying to finish a paragraph before you turn around,” he said as she tried to control her own heart. “Sorry for scaring you.”
“No, I’m sorry,” she said as she turned the chair towards where he stood. “My mind was somewhere else.”
“Riley,” he kneeled down in front of her before taking her hands. “What were you thinking about that made you forget that there’s a whole world around you?”
“I was thinking about the whole radio DJ thing,” she said to him before putting one of her hands on his face, looking into those green eyes she’s known so well for so long. “Not for me but for Charlie, Zay, and Sam.”
Lucas watched her eyes for a moment, as she ran her hands through the roughness of his five o’clock shadow. “They would be an interesting combination on the air, especially when they’re plotting something,” he said before he took her hand and kissed it.
“Yeah well I figured after the whole writing contest thing, that it would be a good idea to give them a hobby, plus it also means that they wouldn’t get into too much trouble, and they’re good at talking.”
“I’m also sure that putting them there would mean that they wouldn’t have the time to plot out another way to sign you up for something that you weren’t sure of.”
“Don’t remind me,” she said thinking back to Halloween weekend, they had all decided to go to a party, they needed to relax, only for Zay and Sam to shove her on stage before blindfolding her and dropping her into a kiddie pool full of jello. “They’re a menace I tell you.”
“You sound like your dad,” he said with a laugh. Riley looked at him horrified, she hadn’t realized that her father’s mannerisms had rubbed off to the point where she would quote him at a moment’s notice. “Don’t worry, it’s cute. Plus, there’s days where you sound like your mom too. They raised you so it was bound to happen.”
“It’s still weird though,” she said to him making him laugh.
“Okay,” he said after he could breathe again. “Tell me more about the radio thing.”
It took her ten minutes to explain to Lucas about the fact that she knew that the trio would be good for the radio station. They all experienced life differently, they were from three very different backgrounds, but they all had gone through their own problems over the years. She knew that they could talk about a number of things, while at the same time relating to other people. There was also the fact that they liked to make jokes and laugh which would be fun for their classmates to listen to, especially during stressful times like finals.
“Well Zay has always loved cracking jokes, plus he’s good with music,” Lucas said when she finished. “I’m still getting to know Sam but from having lunch with her during the week, I realized that she’s a good person, and while I’m still trying to get over the fact that Charlie is around, it would be good for him too.”
“For all three of them,” she said feeling weird for plotting this.
Bringing up the idea to the trio was a lot harder for Riley than she would have thought, mainly because they were all on a weird finals schedule and they were nowhere near each other or in the same place. They didn’t even have time to have their usual lunches between classes, they were almost always running in one direction or another. Lucas always made sure to stop by her room to check on her, and she always brought him a snack when she was sure that he hadn’t left the library in hours. His classes were a little more demanding than hers, because she was still undeclared while he was in the veterinary sciences, so she worried about him.
At the end of the week she still hadn’t had the chance to talk to Charlie, Zay, or Sam about the radio thing and was about to give up until she got a message from Zay about a movie night. The message as it turned out was from Sam, who had taken Zay’s phone by accident during a mad dash to the dining hall.
“It’s insane, I really should put a different case on mine,” Sam said as she leaned back on her bed while Riley looked through Netflix for a movie. “But I was like, what are the odds that someone would have the same phone case as mine, it’s only a bunch of cookies.”
“Yeah but Zay loves cookies,” Riley said with a smile. “One time his grandmother sent him a cookie, this was during freshman year of high school and it was cookie day, I had an assignment from school for a debate, so I decided to be evil to understand the assignment, and I stole Zay’s cookie and told him it wasn’t that good of a cookie.”
“That doesn’t sound very nice,” Sam said to her, but Riley could only smile.
“I know and I felt bad about it after a while, but if it weren’t for that cookie we wouldn’t have started taking baking classes, and we wouldn’t be as close as we are now,” Riley sighed thinking about the early years of her friendship with Zay. “Don’t get me wrong we were close but it always felt as if there was this invisible wall between the two of us.”
“I doubt that, you’re a very friendly person.”
“That’s the thing though, for Zay I was the girl Lucas couldn’t stop talking about, I was the one stealing away his best friend, and well in some ways, I was the reason Lucas had changed so much since leaving Texas. There was always this weird thing because of it, but after the cookie incident I guess we sort of found a happy middle.”
“I wish I had had friends like that growing up,” Sam said smiling. “My sister wasn’t the best sister I could have had, when my mom remarried it was weird and having Missy for a sister was probably not always the best when it came to making friends.”
“Well now you have friends, and we’ll be there for you,” Riley said smiling, she loved meeting new people, but she also loved it when her inner circle of friends expanded.
The door swung open revealing Zay with a bag full of snack in his hand. “We have food,” he said as he walked in, Charlie not far behind with a bag of drinks.
The four of them settled around the small TV they had in her and Sam’s room, Lucas was still in class finishing up his lab so Riley was left to cuddle with her pillow until he got there.
“What are we watching,” Charlie said as he settled himself on the floor in front of Riley’s bed.
“Sense and Sensibility,” she said as a joke remembering how Charlie had told her about his sisters. When he looked at her with wide eyes she couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “I’m joking, we’re watching Thor Ragnarok.”
“I hate being the only boy in my family,” Charlie muttered and while Zay and Sam started laughing.
“Oh, before we start,” Riley said before dropping her pillow to grab the flier on her nightstand. “I saw this a while ago and thought about you three.”
She handed the flyer to Zay who had been sitting on Sam’s bed, the three of them converged around it and started reading it. “I thought it would be fun for you guys to have a radio show,” she said not knowing if it was a good idea anymore. “I think it would be a good outlet for you,” she continued, while thinking that they would stop ganging up on her for certain things.
“As interesting as it sounds,” Zay looked up after a moment. “Why not you?”
“I already have a million things on my plate,” it wasn’t a lie, she was always doing something. “Plus, you three like to joke around, and you’re so different from each other, not just in family background but in all aspects, but you all click and you can give advice on things like what you’ve lived through.”
“Again, why not you?” Zay asked one more time.
“I don’t know, I guess I just want to concentrate on my writing, and school, plus I was thinking of going out for the school’s journal instead.”
Zay nodded along with her words before smiling. “You’re going to be a great writer one day,” he said with a smile. “And well, maybe this would be fun. I don’t have anything in my background other than sports though.”
“I doubt that matters,” Sam said looking at them. “I have academics in my background.”
“I have nothing other than a part-time job and some sports,” Charlie added.
“See what I mean,” Riley said smiling at the trio, “From what I know, Zay loves music… a lot, it’s also really diverse because he could be talking about Celine Dion one moment and Childish Gambino another. Charlie, you love to talk about movies, it’s weird that you watch the b movies more than anything even if some of them are horrible. Sam, while we’ve only known each other for a short time, you have a sense of humor and a passion for books, that scares me sometimes but heck if I know anything.”
“You my friend pay too much attention to the people around you,” Sam said before getting up and sitting next to Riley. “I’m with Zay though, you should do this with us, you’re a people person, you’re good with helping others, and you have this unhealthy infatuation with Cuddle Bunnies and Red Planet Diaries.”
“Not cool Sam,” Riley said feeling her face heat up. The only reason Sam even knows about Cuddle Bunnies is because she caught Riley and Lucas watching it one day, while cuddled up against each other.
“Oh god,” Zay said before he started laughing. “It’s Lucas… oh man… this is too funny.”
“What,” Charlie asked before Zay started cracking up next to him.
“Zay if you know what’s good for you,” Riley said in warning, pointing her finger at him. “You won’t say another word.”
“Yes, Miss Matthews,” he said before turning to Charlie. “Lucas loves Cuddle Bunnies.”
“Isaiah Babineaux, you meanie,” she screamed out before throwing her purple pillow at him, Zay stuck his tongue out and she launched herself off her own bed, landing on him before attempting to smoother him with Sam’s pillow.
The door opened behind them, Lucas standing there gaping at what she was doing, “Do I even want to know what Zay did to piss off Riley?” Lucas asked before walking inside and taking off his coat.
“Something about you and Cuddle Bunnies,” Charlie answered.
Lucas’s eyes went wide, “Riley you have my permission to kill him.”
“Lucas, NO,” Zay screamed out.
“Riley,” Lucas said looking into her eyes communicating his intent to take out his best friend, for revealing his secret, so she hit Zay with the pillow. Laughing for a moment before she stopped her assault on Zay she jumped off of the bed and walked over to her boyfriend, kissing him on the lips while smiling. “Nice to know you have my back,” he said softly before putting his arm around her.
“I have been forsaken,” Zay screamed out. “And attacked.”
“Yeah well, it’s your own fault,” Charlie said before getting up and sitting on the bed next to Zay. “Now can we finish this conversation so that we can start the movie already.”
“Fine,” Zay said grumbling and acting wounded, before winking at Riley. She knew he wasn’t really hurt, honestly it reminded her of Auggie, the way they used to fight.
“What’s there more to say,” Sam said looking at the room. “The four of us could fill up an hour or two just talking and playing music once in a while, it’s not like we would have to do it every day.”
“Wait,” Lucas said to the room. “Four of you?”
“Yeah, we’re dragging Riley into this,” Zay said with a smile. “It wouldn’t be the same without her around.”
“Plus, if there’s anyone here who could keep us in check it’s her,” Charlie added.
Lucas smiled at her, “Well I approve, it also means that if I had to study I could listen to you all joke around.”
“See big plus all around, now let’s watch the movie,” Charlie said before settling himself next to Zay, Sam on his other side, while Riley snuggled up next to Lucas.
“Sure whatever,” she said admitting defeat, there was no way to get around the three of them, and she knew she would have fun even if they just talked about random things on the air.
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starlightkun · 6 years
85 statements tag!!
i was tagged by the lovely @agustdomain (yes we talked for two minutes and you were super lovely)
long tag so im putting it under the cut, and i’m also not tagging anyone bc idk i just don’t
1. drink - diet coke!! im mildly addicted lmao
2. phone call - my friend, he needed to vent
3. text message - "i leave for ten minutes and y’all nasties start licking lamps” in a group message with krys ( @cheesyramynry ) and cj ( @vernwn )
4. song you listened to - shine by pentagon
5. time you cried - uh like a week ago because i was really tired physically and emotionally
6. dated someone twice - nope, and i don’t think i ever could,,,,
7. kissed someone and regretted it - never even kissed anyone before so uh,, no
8. been cheated on - no, thankfully,, it’d like probs break me tho
9. lost someone special - yeah
10. been depressed - yes, a lot better now
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - no, and i plan on never drinking, the idea of not being in control of myself absolutely terrifies me, and i just kind of start crying around people when they drink (alcoholic mother)
fave colors
12. orange
13. purple
14. light gray
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yes!! they’ve become some of my best friends now too
16. fallen out of love - nope, never been in love in the first place
17. laughed until you cried - so many times, most recently about two weeks ago
18. found out someone was talking about you - idk in what sense this means but yes????
19. met someone who changed you - yeah, for sure
20. found out who your friends are - absolutely
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - don’t use facebook and have never kissed anyone lmao
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - don’t use facebook
23. do you have any pets - four dogs, three horses
24. do you want to change your name - i quite like my first name, but i’d want to change my middle name tbh
25. what did you do for your last birthday - i had a space-themed sweet 16 and got a car!! it was real fun
26. what time did you wake up today - like 7 am,,, which is sleeping in for me
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - sleeping thank god,, unlike now, where its almost midnight and im doing this tag bc i took naps earlier and couldnt sleep
28. what is something you can’t wait for - sleeping
30. what are you listening to right now - im watching arrested development bu the last song i listened to was shine by pentagon
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - uh yeah??
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - the fact that i need to work during the one week that i was promised i’d have off
33. most visited website - youtube and tumblr probably,,, pretty much all i use my laptop for, plus writing
34. hair colour - light brown
35. long or short hair - just go tmy short hair baack!! i call it the bisexual bob lmao
36. do you have a crush on someone - a real intense one?? no, not for a hot second, but lots of people where i’m like ‘yeah id date them’
37. what do you like about yourself - that i’m the mom friends, and support my friends as best as i can; also my dimples!!
38. want any piercings? - i’ve been meaning to get a second piercing for years, and i want some cartilage ones too, and maybe a lip piercing
39. blood type -  either a or o
40. nicknames - mel, melly, lini, bini
41. relationship status - single, don’t plan on doing much for a little bit since i’m gonna be a senior next year and then leaving
42. zodiac - libra
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv shows - house md, arrested development, uh the eccelston, tennent, and smith seasons of doctor who (i dont watch a lot of tv these days)
45. tattoos - none, but i really do want some when i’m older
46. right or left handed - righty
47. ever had surgery - nope
48. piercings - just your regular one in each earlobe
49. sport -  i swim, as well as coach swimming and teach swim lessons!!
50. vacation - officially on summer break, first week is my only vacation before i have to work seven days a week
51. trainers - i’m guessing this is like,,, the british term for sneakers?? i’ve got a couple pairs
more general
52. eating - got myself a pizza an hour ago
53. drinking - it came with the diet coke
54. i’m about to watch -  another episode of arrested development
55. waiting for - graduation/college
56. want - to eventually see literally a n y of the groups i like in concert,,,,,, they never come to florida smh
57. get married - not for a while
58. career - right now i teach/coach swimming, but i’m going to college for asl interpreting
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs, they make me feel safe
60. lips or eyes - eyes, i think they’re really pretty
61. shorter or taller - i don’t care either way, i’m fairly tall so it’s whatever to me
62. older or younger - at my current time i life, i’d prefer same-age, but in the future i don’t see myself caring about that much
63. nice arms or stomach - oof arms for sure
64. hookup or relationship - i’m definitely not about hookups, so relationship,,,, althought i for sure have commitment issues lmao
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant. so hesitant,,,,,,, i need to think things out before i do much
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger -  ,,,,,,never kissed anyone
67. drank hard liquor - absolutely not
68. lost glasses - don’t have glasses, i see for free
69. turned someone down - yeah
70. sex on first date - nope
71. broken someone’s heart - ,,yeah
72. had your heart broken - not commpletely, no,,, i never let myself invest that much,,,,,, part of the commitment issues i guess
73. been arrested - lmao no
74. cried when someone died - yeah, a little too much
75. fallen for a friend - a bit
do you believe in
76. yourself - of course,, it wavers sometimes, but i know i’ll be okay in the end
77. miracles - sure
78. love at first sight - absolutely not
79. santa claus - until i was thirteen lmaooo
80. kiss on a first date - meh, maybe
81. angels - not in the biblical sense,, but i think that people can eb angels in their own right
82. best friend’s name - there’s a few,,,, gwen, krys, nathan, cj
83. eye colour - light brown with a little bit of green around the outside
84. fave movie - dead poets society, handsome devil, and john mulaney’s comedy specials on netflix (don’t even @ me, they count)
85. fave actor - can’t rlly just pick one,,,, chris evans is pretty cool tho, and so is tom holland and chadwick boseman
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