#i still cant believe it. those kids must have been terrified
how sweet it is (to be loved by you) - todoroki x reader [chapter 2/8]
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You are the head baker and owner of a struggling bakery. When pro hero Creati comes in for a wedding cake, of course you accept.
As a business owner, you are excited about the boom in profits resulting from the publicity of working a hero wedding.
As a baker, you are ecstatic to work on an extravagant cake - your most ambitious one to date.
As a woman, you are terrified as you begin to grow feelings for the one person you REALLY cant: the groom.
NOTES: NO infidelity, NO cheating, NO divorce!
Chapter One
Four Months Before the Wedding
His voice is deep and his words soft-spoken. He politely kicks his winter boots against the mat at the front door and takes another step into the bakery. The movement causes flakes of snow to detach from his hair and flutter to the ground around him. It’s almost magical, like a scene from a fairytale. Wow. You can’t help but stare.
The man is tall -more so than you’d thought from the rare interview you’ve seen of him- and impeccably well dressed. His expensive-looking navy coat is long and chic, somehow managing to fit both his smaller waist and powerful shoulders. It’s probably tailored. You idly think of your coat hanging in the back: an item you’ve had for about five years now that definitely looks its age. What wouldn’t you give to be one of these rich people that for some reason seem to be visiting your bakery recently.
That thought brings you back to reality. Right. Pro hero Shouto is in your bakery.
Why is he in your bakery?
It slowly dawns on you. Rich people. The wedding. “Oh, you must be here for the cake.”
“I am.” He nods, looking around the little front area. You feel a little self-conscious, hoping that everything he sees is up to his standards. “Forgive me, were you about to close?”
“No no!” You wave your hands as he turns to look at you. “It’s okay! This actually works better, we can discuss everything without being interrupted.” Walking over to the door, you flip the sign over to ‘closed’ and gesture towards the seating area. “Please take a seat. I’ll go grab my stuff and be right back.”
Turning on your heel, you head for the back room without another look back at the hero. Instead of going straight for your wedding binder and notebooks, you lean against the nearest wall and place your head in your hands.
Oh my god. Shouto Todoroki is the groom.
Somehow, this wedding is an even bigger deal than you thought. Obviously, any hero wedding became an important event, but you had thought (hoped, even) that maybe Creati was marrying a civilian or a lesser-ranked hero. The wedding would still be a big deal, but you were confident in your ability to handle it. Shouto Todoroki, a beloved hero in the top 15, is definitely not what you were expecting. This wedding is bound to be huge in a way that you definitely had not prepared for.
The hero profession is a solitary one. Pro heroes rarely date, and if they do it is a very secretive affair. It is extremely dangerous to date a hero and those brave enough to try become an instant target for villains. This target only gets bigger the higher the hero’s rank is, and most top heroes don’t even try.
Thinking about it, you can’t really think of any of the top 10 heroes other than Creati (apparently) who are in a relationship. Sure, there were rumors about the number six hero Deku and the number twenty-four hero Uravity, and Endeavor must have had someone if he has kids but-
Oh no.
Oh no no no.
Todoroki is, well, a Todoroki . He is Endeavor’s son. The terrifying number one hero will probably be at this wedding. The number one hero will probably eat your cake. And if it’s both Todoroki and Yaoyorozu’s wedding, you can bet that a bunch of other big-name heroes will be there as well. Your vision swims as pressure pushes on your shoulders. How can you even begin to deliver a cake up to this caliber? You might be good, but you’re just one person.
You’re going to need to block off more days.
After what is probably a suspiciously long pause, you manage to calm yourself down enough to push off the wall to grab your binder and notebook. You pause before heading out to the front area, taking a deep breath to steel yourself before walking out.
Todoroki has found a small table near the window. He has partially turned away from you, face resting on his palm as he looks out to the snowy street. He has taken off his scarf and coat, both draped carefully over the back of his chair. How does he manage to look so elegant while doing something so normal?
You pinch your thigh. Stop it. You can’t think this way about him. You have to be professional. He is a client. He is a married man .
“Sorry for the wait!” You call out, heading over. He turns to look at you as you sit across from him, placing the binder and notebook on the table. You take this opportunity to introduce yourself properly. Up close, you find him even more handsome than before. Those dual-toned eyes are calm and watchful, and his sharp features have a symmetry to them that would not look out-of-place on a Vogue Japan photoshoot.
“Nice to meet you.” Todoroki gives a polite smile, shaking your hand when offered. It’s quite cold. “I believe Momo has already spoken to you about the general idea.”
“Yup!” You nod, taking the moment to open your notebook. “Unless things have changed, we’re still going for a five-tier cake.” Glancing up, you wait for him to nod before continuing. “What design are we thinking of?”
You look down, ready to write quick notes on whatever design has been chosen. This is the part you’ve been both excited for and dreading the most. Normally, you are extremely excited to get a design and to work to bring that design to life. You live for the expression you see on the client's face at their first look at the finished product. This time though...you’re nervous.
The design that is chosen will either make or break your next few months. If the design is easy and normal, you will be able to complete it on time with confidence. If the design is unusual and complicated, you honestly don’t know what you are going to do. This cake has to be perfect down to the smallest details, and you have to balance your time between the cake and running the store. Maybe you can hire another baker on a contract for help. Hmm.
After a few moments of no response, you look up. “I don’t know.” That normally blank face seems unsure. His mouth pulled into a small frown.
“You...don’t know.” You blink. That’s a bit weird. “Okay...I just thought that you would have a bit more input.” He is the groom, after all. You didn’t think Yaoyorozu was the kind of woman to insist that only she had input in these matters. Wait. Was that rude to say? You decide to push past it for now. “No matter, as long as we can get the full contract done for today I’ll be happy. I’ll need the design elements as soon as possible though if we want them to be completed on time. Some parts will probably need a lot of planning. Do we know the flavour or flavours yet?”
You suck in a breath through your teeth. Calm, be calm. “ Okay. I’d like to set up a taste test of the top requested flavours, so that you can get an idea of how the cake will actually taste and make the final decisions. I’ll need to do that as soon as possible.”
“I understand.” He nods, a bit stiffly.
“Do you...have a date in mind?”
He gives you a surprised look, two-toned eyes flickering over you. “...for the wedding?”
You sit up straight. “No!” What the hell? Did he think you were propositioning the groom to his own wedding? “You obviously have a date for the wedding. For the taste test!”
“Oh.” He replies simply, not seeming to understand the absolute absurdity of his own question. “No, I will likely not be involved with that. I only came today as a favour.” A favour?
Todoroki takes note of your confused expression and explains. “They got held up by the villain attack.” Oh, that makes sense. Yaoyorozu must have gone to help the others. The U.A students tend to appear whenever possible to help each other out. You think it’s sweet that they have such a strong bond after graduation. You don’t really talk to anybody you went to school with anymore.
His explanation does give your meeting a bit more context. If Yaoyorozu is ‘in charge’ of the cake, and Todoroki did not expect to even be meeting you, you can’t really get too annoyed at him that he doesn’t have the answers. At least he showed up and didn’t leave you wondering if you’d been stood up by the heroes. In the end, you decide to table the question about the cake tasting date, but underline it in your notebook. You’ll need that, soon.
The rest of the meeting goes smoothly. The two of you go over the contract in as much detail as possible. While it is extremely unorthodox for you to leave blank spaces in your contracts, you are sort of forced to do so in the areas of flavors and design. In the end, the hero couple is paying over double the amount you would normally charge for the cake. You can’t imagine any crazy design or flavour going over that cost. Neither hero seems like the crazy type of client. You’ll be fine. Hopefully. If you’re wrong then...well...you’re kind of screwed. The publicity has to be worth it.
After only about an hour of discussion (you really don’t have too much to go over, with Todoroki knowing nothing about the design or flavours), the meeting is over. You close your notebook, stand up and offer a hand to shake to end the meeting. Todoroki stands, shaking your hand with his cooler one. He assures you that somebody will reach out to you soon about the needed elements. You hope you’re right.
“I am sorry that I kept you after hours.” He says as he gracefully slides on his coat, glancing outside. “I hope you don’t have too far to walk.”
You shake your head. “Don’t worry, I actually live upstairs.” Something flickers in his face that you can’t catch.
Then he nods. “I see.” He wraps his scarf around his head, somehow managing to look both cute and attractive. He heads towards the door, the bell chiming as he opens it. “Goodbye then.”
“Goodbye!” You smile and wave. “Be safe out there!”
You watch as he leaves, completely still until you can no longer see the red and white hair out the window. Letting out a deep breath, you sink back down into the chair.
Well, that sure was something.
You’re not sure exactly what prompted the suddenly quick response after so long of nothing, but some of the information you need comes the very next day.
It’s early morning. The store has just opened, you can hear the slight bustle of your loyal morning folk as they come to get their breakfast. Your morning worker -a young man named Tanaka who is almost scarily jolly in the morning- welcomes everyone with his juxtaposition of a voice: booming yet somehow soft.
You have been down at the bakery for hours now, getting the first round of bread, pastries, and other necessary items complete before opening. It’s a lot of work, but you can’t complain. At least you still have work. You have just finished a batch of your personal favourite, rosemary goat cheese croissants when your phone rings in your pocket.
Pulling your phone out of your pocket (the thing has been covered in flour before, it’ll be fine), you check the contact name.
[ Contact: C Manager ]
Your eyes widen, and you instantly accept the call. With one careful eye on your ovens, you walk over to a nearby wall and lean against it. “Hello?”
"Good morning.” The soft voice of Yaoyorozu chimes in on the other end. You straighten a bit, surprised to hear the hero directly. “My apologies for Shouto the other day. I understand he wasn’t too much help to you.”
“No no, it’s okay!” You gesture with your hands, realizing afterward that she obviously doesn’t see it. “He was really kind, and we still got some work done.”
“I see.” She hums thoughtfully on the other end of the phone. “Well, he did mention that you were getting stressed about certain elements of the cake. Is that correct?” Oh no. You hope she doesn’t think you’re being rude.
But she doesn’t sound annoyed or frustrated at you. If you had to guess, her tone sounded more amused than anything. You bite your lip before answering. “Ah, well...I don’t want to pressure anyone. I just need to get started on certain things or it won't be done in time.”
“Yes, I understand.” She responds. “I figure I can give you some of the design ideas now if that works?”
Oh, hell yes! “That would be wonderful!” You can’t help but smile. Finally. “Do you want to meet somewhere?”
“Unfortunately, no. I’m caught up in this-” She pauses as a loud sound comes through the phone. “ thing at the moment. Will you be amenable to me giving you the details over the phone?”
“Oh, yea! That’s okay.” You push off the wall and rush towards the office area, grabbing the newly named ‘Y&S Wedding’ binder with your flour-covered hands. It’s fine. You anchor the phone between your shoulder and your face and grab a pen with your other hand, opening the notebook to the ‘design’ page. “Okay, what do you got?”
The cake turns out to be pretty normal as far as wedding cakes go, which you are extremely thankful for considering everything. It is a five-tier cake, classic white with cascading pink flowers and green stems/leaves. That is...definitely doable. You can ace this. Thank god. Relief hits you hard in the chest as you write it down.
“Is there anything extra that either party would like to be added?” You ask, your tone dipping into complete professionalism as your mind has a mini-party at the relatively easy design. You doodle a happy face beside your notes.
“No, that is alright,” Yaoyorozu replies. “It was a struggle already to talk him down from some of the crazy cake designs he had in mind to something more...appropriate.” A pause. “Not that any of the ideas were bad per se, but I don’t think the wedding is the place for a giant All Might statue cake.”
Your mind-party screeches to a halt. What?!
“He...wanted an All Might cake?” You ask in disbelief. That doesn’t sound like Todoroki at all. Maybe it was a way to ‘get back’ at Endeavor? There have been plenty of rumors over the years about that relationship, but they team up enough now that most have been pushed to the side.
“Yes, well, he adores the man.” She says it with a fondness that seems almost inappropriate considering your current state.
You think of the calm prince-like man from the day before. Could he really be that big of a fanboy of a hero like All Might? It just doesn’t compute. They were so different. You really can’t picture it. Still, it’s not like you really know Todoroki. Maybe he has some secret obsession or something.
Somehow, you feel like you’ve gained some insider knowledge. The press would pay a good amount for something like this. Not that you ever would go to them, ew. Actually, would they even believe you if you did? It was so absurd.
You realize that you have disappeared into your own thoughts. A big no-no when on the phone with a client. You pull yourself back. “Thank you for the design! I will get to work right away. Do we have any idea when we can do a cake tasting? That is the last big milestone here.”
“I’m sorry.” She responds, sounding truly apologetic. “It’s...difficult between all of our busy schedules. I promise I will work to get something set up.”
Well, honestly that is all you can really ask for. You thank her for the information and her time. The two of you say your goodbyes, and hang up. For a moment you stare down at your notebook in surprise. This is not how you expected things to go. It’s early, and you have a lot to do today. You already can tell you will be partially distracted, your brain trying to figure out the specifics of the design.
You smile. In the end, finally, you have something you can work with.
1 Week Later
Ten minutes before closing (of course) , the bell above the door chimes. You can’t see who has walked in, your back to the door as you wipe down a table. You take a brief moment to close your eyes and breathe before turning around.
“Good evening!” Your customer service voice is normally on point -the stuff of legends really- but this time it becomes higher-pitched at the end.
Shouto Todoroki stands in your doorway. Again.
After the last meeting, you truly didn’t expect to see the man again until his wedding (maybe not even then). He didn’t seem to have any input in the cake decisions, nor did he seem to care about not having any input.
“Oh, hello again.” You smile, fighting to keep your voice steady as you shove the cloth in your apron pocket.
“Hello.” His mouth ticks up in a soft smile.
“Were we supposed to have a meeting today?” You ask, pulling your phone out of your pocket to look at the date. No, you don’t think there was a meeting scheduled. You see Todoroki shake his head in your peripheral vision. The hero politely kicks his shoes on the mat and takes a few more steps into the store. Heterochromatic eyes look around for a moment before catching on to something to your right.
“Then what can I do for you today?” You ask politely, following his line of vision to your display case. “Here for a snack?”
Those eyes look straight back at you. “I want to order another cake for the wedding.”
What?! Your heart plummets. Another cake?! This late?! When you’re already having trouble getting the specifics on the first one?!
Todoroki seems to notice your panicked expression, hands going up in a calming gesture. “Not a large cake, but one of those small specialized ones.”
Your panicked thoughts pause. Wait. “Do you mean… a groom's cake?” Please be a groom's cake. You can make a groom's cake.
He nods. “It’s a surprise.” A surprise? For Yaoyorozu?
“Uh, sure. I can do that.” You reply. “Hold on a sec.” Instead of going for your physical notebook in the back, you decide to simply bring up the note app on your phone. It’s not as professional, but it works in a pinch. “Is there a theme?”
“All Might.”
You blink slowly, mouth opening in surprise. All Might?!
The conversation with Yaoyorozu comes to the forefront of your mind. Is he...really just an All Might fanboy? That seems so wrong, somehow. You narrow your eyes at his blank expression, considering him.
“...you must really like him, huh?” You whisper.
Todoroki tilts his head a bit to the side, eyes narrowing in confusion. “He is a very good teacher.”
...is that enough to get an entire cake based off of the man?!
A long moment passes where you both stare at each other, neither seemingly sure of what to say. Eventually, as the professional you have to break the tension. “Well, okay. I can definitely do that. Groom's cakes tend to be relatively small and fun. What elements are you looking for?”
“I will leave that up to you.”
“Uh, are you sure?” That is a lot of power he is just handing you, especially when he seems to care so much about the retired number one hero.
“You are very highly recommended by the Uraraka’s.”  Do the Uraraka’s know everybody?! “I don’t really...have an eye for design either way, and as the wedding gets closer I feel like I may become too busy.”
“That makes sense.” You mumble, writing down on your notebook app. Weddings are normally difficult things to plan, and you can’t imagine the amount of stuff necessary for a large hero one. If he wants you to design the smaller cake, you can do that. Your mind is already pulling together a few ideas. Similar to the large cake, you’ll need to make this one amazing. “What budget are you thinking?”
“Is 50,000¥ enough?”
Startled, you look up. 50,000¥ was a lot for a groom's cake. You want to tell him so but said groom is no longer in your line of vision. Glancing over to your right, you find the hero looking into your display case. He seems to care very little about the amount he just mentioned (ugh, rich people) so you simply say. “Um, yeah...that’s enough.”
You walk closer to the man, wondering why he seems so interested in the unsold pastries. “You are about to close, but there are so many left.” He looks up as you get closer. “How much longer will they last?”
Stopping to stand about a foot away from the man, you also look into the display and frown. “Oh...yeah, they are probably going to be thrown out, sadly.”
“Why?” At his soft voice, you glance over at the hero. Your eyes lock with two-toned ones.
“I try to sell the leftovers at half-off the next day, but they still barely sell.” You shrug. “I try to give as much as possible to the local shelters, but it isn’t always possible.” Looking outside at the hail coming down, you know you won't make it there today.
“Do you always make too much?”
“No.” You sigh, looking back at the sad, unbought pastries. “We used to be much busier, a year or so ago, but that chain bakery opened down the street and took a lot of my customers with it. Sometimes I still find myself baking as if it’s as busy as it was a year ago, just on habit really.”
There’s a long silence. Then, “I’ll buy them.”
Your eyes widen as your head swings towards the hero. “What, all of them?!”
“Yes.” He nods.
“No no no you don’t have to do that.” You find yourself saying, hands waving uselessly in front of you. “I wasn’t trying to pressure you or anything, it’s okay. You don’t have to-”
Todoroki shakes his head. “No, I want to.”
He looks straight at you, eyes telling you that he won’t back down from this. And well, you’re really not sure why you are refusing him. Maybe it’s the worry that he thinks of you like a charity. “Are you sure?”
The next five or so minutes are spent with you packing up every last dessert and pastry into bags. Todoroki will need to use both arms to carry them, but the man doesn’t seem concerned. You are about to put the last rosemary goat cheese croissant away when he interrupts. “Wait, can you leave that one out?”
“Oh, sure.” You reply, placing it on a napkin as you close the paper bags on the counter with a piece of tape.
Todoroki reaches forward, his hand grabbing the croissant with one hand and bringing it to his mouth. One bite, and small parts of the flaky pastry flutter to the ground. You don’t mind, it makes you happy that the croissant lasts the entire day. Also, his wide-eyed expression is adorable.
He chews a bit more and swallows. “It’s good.”
“Thank you.” You smile. “You don’t have to say that, you know. I won't be offended or anything.” Okay, a bit of a lie. You adore those croissants.
“I’m not lying.” He insists, two-toned eyes staring straight at you. “It’s really good.”
His eyes are a bit more intense than normal. You look away, your cheeks warming a bit at the complimentary words. Shit, no. Married man. Nope. Not going there, even for a second. “Well, thank you.” You even your voice and continue packing the bags, keeping your eyes away from the man.
Once done, you carefully slide the bags across the counter towards him. “Here you go. Do you need help taking them anywhere?” Your professional voice is back.
Todoroki gives you a weird look, taking the bags in his hands. The croissant he was eating is mysteriously gone, although you notice a small crumb on his cheek. You look away. “No, I will be okay.” His deep voice echoes a bit in the small room.
After a brief moment, he walks towards the doorway. “Thank you for coming!” You call out, not moving from behind the counter. It’s safer here. “I’ll get started on the groom's cake right away! If I see you again, I’ll run my ideas by you.”
“I’ll come again.” Todoroki looks back with a small nod. “I hope you have a good night.”
The hero leaves as quickly as he appeared, disappearing out of sight only moments after he exits the bakery. If you had a chair behind you, you would sink down into it. As it is, you rest your hands against the counter in exhaustion.
These heroes were taking a lot out of you. Damn.
2 Weeks Later
You stare up at the imposing building ahead of you, dread pooling in your stomach. The building itself was a hotel, tall and beautiful in architecture. That doesn’t matter too much though, you’re not exactly here for the hotel. No, you are here for the fancy-as-hell restaurant at the top: Eragawa.
Even the elevator to the restaurant is fancy. Luckily you are alone in it, so you are able to stare and judge your reflection in the mirrored walls without anyone seeing you. You frown, using your free hand to try and pat some of the flour off your shirt and organize your hair a bit. It doesn’t work, you already look extremely out of place.
It’s not like you wanted to be here at this fancy restaurant in your work slacks and shirt covered in various ingredients. The day had started normally, with you planning to spend your free time getting caught up on overdue paperwork. However, a text early in the morning ruined that plan.
[ Contact: C Manager ]
C Manager: Creati will meet you at Eragawa today at 7:30 p.m for the taste test.
Truthfully, you were starting to get a bit annoyed. The manager never asked your opinion, or even if you were free at the time they wanted you to be. They would always just make plans without you. You understood that Creati must have a really busy schedule right now, but damn . Still, it’s not like you could refuse. You had been waiting for this for a while now.
You: Okay. Thank you!
So, you had spent the rest of the day busier than ever. In between baking and managerial duties, you had to make a variety of cakes and icings in different flavours. Since you didn’t have any idea of where to start, you picked the most common flavours for her to try. It was... a lot to do on your own, and not for the first time did you wish you had some sort of assistant.
By the time you had everything ready to go, you had just enough time to make it to the restaurant. Knowing how impossible it had been trying to get this cake tasting appointment in the first place, you didn’t want to risk anything by being late. You had no time to shower or even change out of your work clothes. You simply grabbed the container of cakes, threw on your old coat, and ran out the door.
Now, though, you wonder if maybe it would have been better to be a bit late. The elevator door opens on the top floor, revealing a modern-looking restaurant in dark colours. You clutch at the handle of the container and look around. Wow. Nobody here looks like they would be caught dead in anything not a designer brand.
The hostess looks you over with a critical eye as you approach, but smiles and welcomes you nonetheless. “Good evening! Welcome to Eragawa, how can I help you today?”
“Um, hello.” You smile awkwardly back. Even the hostess is dressed nicer than you, damnit. “I’m with the Yaoyorozu group?”
The hostess blinks slowly at you. “Of course. Please wait here for a moment.” She turns to disappear into the back, another host taking up her post. You shuffle to the side of the waiting area and look around. The restaurant just screams ‘posh’ with its white tablecloth and candles and napkins folded into roses. You’d bet those glasses are made from actual crystal too. Damn.
The elevator door opens again as a group of well-dressed men and women walk in. You lean into the wall, trying to make yourself invisible to the other customers. It doesn’t work, and a woman in a fancy dress looks down her nose at you as she passes. The host takes them immediately to their table. Figures.
Eventually, the hostess you were talking to returns. “Please come this way.” You notice her smile is a bit larger this time as she leads you through the dining room. Quite a few patrons give you odd looks as you walk by, clearly not used to someone covered in powder walking through the area.
The hostess leads you past the dining room to a hallway in the back. You have just enough time to wonder if you are being taken out back like some sort of mafia movie before she stops at a door. She turns and opens it, bowing low as she gestures for you to go inside.  
You walk through, eyes wide. Somehow, the private room is even more extravagant than the dining room. It’s dark and modern, like the rest of the restaurant, with giant windows overlooking the city. A beautiful crystal chandelier hangs from the tall ceiling. In the middle, two people sit at a round table. They look up as you enter.
Yaoyorozu’s eyes widen as she takes you in. You offer her a sheepish smile, before glancing at the other person. He looks at you with a carefully blank face, but you know he must be thinking something by the way those heterochromatic eyes flicker up and down over you.
Both of them are dressed beautifully. Yaoyorozu is in a gorgeous maroon dress and Todoroki in a light-blue button-down shirt and dark pants. They look properly dressed for this occasion.
Somehow, you feel even more embarrassed. Your cheeks warm a bit as you take a step into the room. “Um, hello.” You attempt a smile. “Sorry if I’m late, I just closed the bakery. Hello again, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki”
“Were you unable to get someone else to close the shop?” Yaoyorozu asks. If someone else were asking, you’d assume it was some sort of dig. Instead, she honestly just sounds concerned.
“I would if I could.” You reply, placing the cake carrier on the table. “Unfortunately, it’s just me.”
The two of them share a look that you can’t decipher. You just hope that you haven’t somehow embarrassed them. “Anyways,” You begin, trying to lighten the mood. “I come bearing the best gift of all, free cake!” Not much of a reaction there. Maybe a free cake to a rich person isn’t as great. Hm. “I’m actually glad that both of you could make it, this way we know for sure that the cake is up to your standards.”
Yaoyorozu looks at the carrier on the table. “Should we wait until after dinner?”
“Ah, I actually have food at home.” You lie, wringing your hands in your lap. There was no way you are staying here. It is too awkward. “If you like, I could leave it with you and head out? I won’t be able to stay though.”
“I see.” Todoroki replies, sharing another look with Yaoyorozu. “Then, shall we begin?”
The cake tasting goes...weirdly. While you have brought a wide variety of selection, the two come to a decision within the first three cakes. Their final decision doesn’t even come from one of your options but is rather a mix of a few they haven't tried yet. In the end, they decide on a vanilla cake with both a strawberry and matcha layer in the middle. They decide on it quickly, too.
“Do you want to try the samples I have?” You point to your cake options with strawberry and matcha. It’s a smart move. For all they know, you suck at these flavours.
However, Yaoyorozu simply shakes her head. “You are recommended by the Uraraka’s.” Her mouth ticks up as she looks over at Todoroki. “Plus, Shouto brought your desserts to the agency a few weeks ago. They were a resounding hit. I am confident in your abilities to pull this off.”
You turn to Todoroki, eyes wide. “You did?!”
He nods. Your mind blanks for a second at the implications. A bunch of heroes eating, and liking your desserts. That is really cool. Still, there is a very different matter at hand. “B-but those are pastries and desserts, not cakes.” You try to get them to see sense. The cakes are right in front of them, why are they messing about?
“It will be okay.” Yaoyorozu nods. “And, well, to be honest I do have another meeting I need to attend.”
Wait, what?
Didn’t they want to have dinner? Why is she leaving? You blink in confusion as the woman stands up. She looks over to Todoroki first, smiling, before turning to you.
“Good night you two.” She says kindly as she turns, walking out of the room with only the clicking of her heels audible. The door closes softly behind her. You stare at it for a moment, mind a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief.
“What just happened?” You turn back to look at Todoroki. The man is also wide-eyed, staring at the door.  “Uh, are you okay?”
That seems to shake him out of it. Heterochromatic eyes shift to you. “Yes.” He nods. “We should also leave.” The hero stands up, grabbing his coat from the back of his chair. It’s the same long navy one you admired the first time you met him.
“Um, okay?” You reply, confused. Oh god, you hope you haven’t done something to somehow ruin their entire night. Dread curls in your stomach as you pack the cakes back up into the carrier
Todoroki leads the way back to the elevator. Yaoyorozu is no longer in sight, probably long gone by now. The staff seems as confused as you feel as you leave, sending odd looks to each other. Your stomach tightens a bit more.
It’s only when you reach the elevator that something clicks in your head. You were dining with two heroes, who both suddenly started acting weird. Really, there is only one explanation you can think of: there’s a villain nearby.
Your heart pounds heavily as you enter the elevator, clutching the carrier tighter in your hands. If there is a villain nearby, why didn’t the heroes evacuate the restaurant? Maybe it’s not safe. Maybe they have to wait for more heroes or a hero with the right quirk?
Despite having lived in Musutafu for most of your life, you’ve never been too close to a villain attack. You have always counted yourself lucky in that way, but maybe your luck is running out. You glance over to Todoroki at your side. The hero doesn’t look any particular way, that blank mask still on his face.
The two of you exit the elevator and head out of the hotel lobby. There is a distinct lack of heroes or police outside, which surprises you. Yaoyorozu must have called for someone, right?
Todoroki leads you across the street to the nearby sidewalk. “What do you need me to do?” You whisper as you finally come to a stop. “Do you want me to call the police?”
“The police?” He looks down at you, tilting his head slightly in confusion. Then his eyes narrow. “Is something wrong?”
Is something... not wrong? You look back up at the hotel, where everything seems completely normal. There is no screaming, no fighting, nothing.  Oh.
As the panic subsides, another layer of embarrassment begins to creep in. Were you really freaking out over nothing??
“I-uh, thought that since we booked it out of there so fast, something had to be wrong.” You look away and try to explain, face warming. “Maybe like a villain or...something.”
“Ah.” He replies. “No, nothing like that.”
“Then...why did we leave?” You risk a glance back up. Todoroki is still looking down at you, expression once again soft.
“You were uncomfortable.” He replies simply.
You can’t even deny it. “So we left?”
“So we left.”
Well, damn. That’s sweet. “But...what about your dinner?”
He pauses, looking around. “Where do you want to go?"
“Uh, I have food-”
“Don't lie.” He interrupts, looking back at you. “You spent your whole day working and baking these cakes. You didn’t even have the time to change before coming here. There is no way you had time to make food.” That’s the most you’ve heard him say at once. Huh. And well, he’s right.
“I could have leftovers?” You attempt, knowing that you’ve been beaten. Your shoulders slump a bit as you consider arguing more. Who are you to be eating with a hero anyways? But...you are tired and hungry. All fight drains from your exhausted bones as you look up at him. You think about potential places as you look around. Honestly, you haven’t been to this part of town much (other than a few fancy dinner nights with your ex, but you don’t want to think about that). Todoroki waits patiently as you think.
“Well...I know one place.” You finally say. “But I’m not really sure if it’s your style.”
“It’s okay.” He shrugs. “I’m sure it's good if you like it.” Oh god. Why does he say those things? You hide your flushed face by walking away. The hero falls into step beside you, seemingly content to let you lead the way.
Walking with Todoroki at night is an ethereal experience. You know it will be a part of your dreams for years to come. Both of you are quiet, taking in the scenery as you walk. It’s cold through your thin jacket, and you shiver a bit at first. It’s a bit weird, but after a few moments, the temperature seems to rise. You put it down to scientific anomalies.
“There it is.” You point out a small stall half-hidden on the street. The two of you make your way over to the small. You keep one eye on the hero, ready to abort at the smallest sign of hesitation from the man. This is definitely not his usual scene.
When you are almost there, the man pauses. You turn, looking up to his face. “Todoroki?” The hero looks surprised, eyes wide and staring at the name of the stall.
“It’s perfect.” He responds, before starting to walk again. His pace is faster than normal, and you have to actually speed up to keep beside him.
As you finally make your way up to the soba stand, you call out. “Hey Haru!”
Haru -a middle-aged man with a bald head- looks up, smiling big when he sees you.  “Hey! I haven’t seen ya sorry face ‘round here in a while. How’ve ya been? Come ‘ere to chat with this old man?” His eyes then catch on Todoroki. “Ah, I see.” His smile ticks up into a smirk.
Your own eyes widen. “No! It’s not what you think, Haru. We’re just here to eat.”
Haru doesn’t look like he believes you but lets it go. “Havin’ the usual then?” You nod. He turns to Todoroki. “And fer you?”
“Do you have cold soba?” The hero asks, taking a seat on the stool next to you.
“Hah! Do I have cold soba?” Haru replies sarcastically. “‘Course I do!”
“Haru makes the best soba on this side of the city.” You say, looking up at Todoroki. The hero looks down at you, and his expression makes you pause. His face is soft and kind, eyes glittering with delight. He smiles.
Your stomach flutters. You push it away and smile back.
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littlx-songbxrd · 4 years
In defense of Thomas Lightwood
An analysis
Tw. Death, Grief
We're all well aware of the letter game, and how passive agressive Thomas has been towards Alastair after the engagement party. Most people cant understand why he's so mad over rumors he already knew had been spread, and are pretty dissapointed by all the angst caused by a situation that could easily be solved by communication. Well I have a different perspective of the engagement scene, something that would explain much better why Thomas is so over the edge over this situation. Why he refuses to let Alastair apologize, and why he "has been WANTING (key word WATING" to hate him"
Thomas Lightwood hasnt been allowed to grieve. That is a fact. In the book, he decides that he needs to jump into action, that he needs to do something to prevents others from suffering the same fate his sister had. Thomas Lightwood in page never allowed himself to stop for a moment and ackwnoladge his situation. Ackwnoladge the fact his world had been turned inside out, because in his mind he couldnt grieve as long as there were others hurting. Its both a very noble thing to do, but its also a way to avoid the reality hes facing. To tricky himself out of his grieve
Grieve manifest in so many different ways, but Thomas chose to simply escape it. He threw himself so hard into finding the antidote, and then into saving christopher (Which is a fact all on its own that he literallt had his sisyer die and his cousin almost die back to back) He found ways to keep busy, to keep ignoring. But even if he ignored them, he still had them. Which is so much more painful.
Lets go back to some key components of Thomas character. Thomas is kind, to a fault. He likes to see the best in people, the best in situations. A thing that has led him to be reduced to only his kindness within his close circle. He was also very sickly when younger, to the point of smuthering. In chog, one of the key points to his arc is that he wants to break away from those stereotype he was placed. Thomas wants to be seen as more than nice, more than some cute kid, more than someone they have to protect. A lot of what he does in canon goes back to him wanting to be seen as more than what he thinks hes seen as.
And althought a great arc, it really creates tension when Thomas is in a place where he NEEDS to let himself be taken care of. For him to grieve properly, he needs to allow himself to be vulnurable. He needs to accept the love and concern of those around him, let himself be protected again even if its for a little while. A thing Thomas refuses to let himself be since he doesnt want to be vulnerable around the people he cares about. Because he fears being vulnerable will just make them go back to their old ways, and hes scared of it. He doesnt want to be protected, so in his mind he doesnt need to be
So he doesnt need to grieve
He just needs time to get over it, and he thinks that by continuing on like everything is normal he'll adventually get to it. Without anyones help
But again, this doesnt mean his grieve isnt there
It just means hes avoiding it as hard as he can, making the feelings manifest in ways Thomas wont be able to recognize. Because in his mind, hes fine. In his mind Thomas Lightwood is completley fine, so theres no explanation for his feelings.
Now lets take a look at the ball scene, knowing that his level of emotion is close to the edge, because there are so many feelings he hasnt sorted through. Hes, again, trying to distract his grieve. He must have already not being doung good, seeing as Barbara was to be engaged soon enough to oliver. Most likely she had been talking about it, and now to be at his best friends engagement party without her. His first party without her sneaking off with Oliver, nust have been hard. He tries to have a good time, and then Alastair comes. A person hes been getting close to, a person he might even consider a friend
Then Mathew says the secret, and Thomas asks him to stop. If you notice there is a gap between Mathew saying the secret and Thomas snapping at Alastair. Thomas emotions were all over the place, it was a hard time, a hard moment , and all he wanted was a decent fun evening. Maybe even a distraction from the silence at home where his sisters laughter use to be. Instead Mathew brings back years old rumor, and for a moment. Its too much for Thomas. He snaps after almost a few weeks of holding everything in.
Him snapping at Alastair has nothing to do with the rumor itself, him snapping has to do that Thomas cant deal with his emotions anymore. The rumor mathew brought back not only sent him memories of of a bad time in his family, it must have sent memories of her too. In that moment it was too much to bare for Thomas, and he snapped at Alastairs expense.
From the way Thomas behaves in the few snippets we have, and how he is handleling his grieve. I'm willing to say Thomas isnt even really angry at Alastair at all. Yes he's upset he did that, but in a way, hes using Alastair as a way to get rid of his feelings. He feels so hurt, but hes not grieving. So in his head Alastair is causing the pain, and he hates him. Hes in so much pain right now and hating Alastair is a way to get it out of his system. No one bats an eye if he hates Alastair, it makes SENSE for him to hate Alastair
Thomas needs to grieve, but hes not allowing himself the vulnerability that comes to grieve. So his unbalanced emotions lie in his hatred for Alastair. A hatred we know (thanks to the snippets) he himself DOES NOT understand. He blames it on mathew, he blames it on his parents. Thomas doesnt understand where his hatred comes, he just know he is hurt and assumes its on Alastairs behalf.
He doesnt want to believe that he feels abandoned, that his sister died and christopher almsot died. And there was a good period of time it fell only on him to make sure he didnt loose a cousin after and his sister. He doesnt want to deal with the vulnerability that he misses her, doesnt want to deal with the fact it terrified him to not be able to save christopher.
And because Alastairs actions sent him over the edge, all that pain he doesnt want to sort out he has placed on him.
Thomas Lightwood doesnt hate Alastair Carstairs because of the rumor. Thomas Lightwood hates Alastair because he doesnt know who else to blame for his emotions without realizing he misses his sister.
Tagging @doitforthecarstairs cause I promised
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abimee · 3 years
can you tell me abt ruhan and ryder? very cool guys 10/10
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Ruyan is a 28 year old she/him agender bisexual and Ryder is a 24 year old she/her transmasc bisexual, they met when ryder was 8 and ruyan was 12 becayse ryder killed one of ruyans bullies on accident.
Ryder is actually from another timeline of Ruyans universe, and in a sense is that timelines Ruyan but in the sense that theyre both actually a piece of the same person from millions of years ago (a lady named azem). Ryder's world went to shit because in her timeline of events graha tia never woke up from the crystal tower abd the ascians won their fight to rejoin their star system. They took Ryder and fucked her up making her similar to an ascian where shes a soul without a body that cannot die and enter the lifestream unless under very specific bindings. they then just sort of let her go because they won so its not like she could do anything to them and sort of just fucked her up to see if they could remake their original self existence before just making another dead soul.
she then took her old body, stole a dudes vital organs, and used the knowledge disposed to her in her dead world to move over a timeline and ended up in ruyans. she then put her stolen organs into the body of a dead child who gave themself to their god to exit out of the reincarnation cycle and used the fresh organs to revitilize the body so it can age and "live" and ryder can create the false belief that she was a normal living child. and then she accidently killed one of ruyan bullies because she was a 20 year old champion of the world destined to fight now stuck inside a kids body trying to act like one while also having severe anger issues
ruyan is an abandoned child who under his family teachings believes that indulgence and wanting will get him punished by their gods because their ancestors indulged too much and now must deprave themselves to win back the mercy. hes very sensitive and tries to be bold but often gets picked on by kids for his belief that he is his communities reincarnated god as they believe that you can see the gods in certain peoples eyes and those two are destined to marry. but everyone sees ruyan as a crybaby and a strange child and he has little support to keep him strong until he meets ryder, who would kill for him
they protect each other and eventually at age 16 ruyan takes ryder away to try to form a new life elsewhere, eventually leading him to his current life in eorzea. cue the story of the game they exist in FINAL FANTASY FOURTEEN
ryder eventually resees her universe and beyond and sees all that wouldve happened if it didnt explode in her face, and even meets the man who let her world die and ruyan has a crush on him and ryder is so godsamn terrified of it because he broke her heart before her world ended and shes scared thats destiny in this tl and ruyan is very fragile since this is the first time hes ever fallen in love and she seems adament to believe graha is his soulmate. dude does the same thing and it ruins ruyans world for him
but its fine because ryder sees a part of the tl that never existed for her and a man shes never seen before who acts close to ruyan abd she recognizes that this means something. she can see things under the surface ruyan cant because she knows this story so when something is different or altered she chases the possible outcome and tries her hardest to push for ruyans life to be happy and joyful and for him to live on where ryder didnt. and he meets his future husband but he still believes hea destined with graha while ryder is eating cardboard because she can SEE how different ruyan acts towards this elf guy like hes not tense and shaky like he was with graha hes relaxed and pushy and laughs loudly and he can see the way the man returns every toch affectionately and ryder is basically experiemcing a movie where she knows how it ends and the snails oace writing is making her scream for it to just happen already
eventually she ought to let ruyan know of her existence as what she is and she does when ruyan himself learns he IS the god he thought he was, because his god azim was an ancient interpretation of this ancient being named Azem who lived in the first iteration of their world, he is a shard of her existence that split amongst the worlds born of the original world. and so he has to know that ryder is just a ghost of a dead existence and that she too is just a long forgotten veing grasping for the threads of life.
and eventually she does gotta leave. her time will be up one day and ahe cant keep living in a world not made for her, she just haf nowhere to go and nobody to hold onto but her time with ruyan had shown her all the love and joy in the world that couldve been and that she needs to accept that she cant have that. ryder is a trope i really like of like a cathartic bad ending, she is someone who will not get a happy ending and there are people in this world like that and to accept that and that she has to let go is very important to me. she has to disappear and let ruyan lead through his life and the universe made for him, but shes at least happy she got to help ruyan there, like it was fate for them to meet; one life for one world etc etc
and ruyan int fully alone when ryder disappears, because they both know that she wont just cease; her exist will be reborn, someone else in this universe will take her place, another ryder will come and the ryder of this timeline ia out there somewhere. there are flecks of her in this univers dug into the fabric of it and ruyan will forever see her presence where it left its mark; ruyan will hear her laughter in his own, see her silhouette in her faborite chair, see her running through a crowd and disappear before he can call to her. people pass him and he swears its ryder but they look nothing alike, ryder in people who do not answer to that name and do not recall a thing. even a Shade of Ryder lives in in amaurot, the hollow concept of her existence given refuge in the concept of a world that died long ago.
ruyan even eventually meets the person Ryder is reincarnated into, years later when hes married and wishing to have a child and he meets this aggressive, stubborn, obnoxious child abandoned to the orphanage by parents who died and a family that refused to accept them. the child calls himself Hildegarde and he pushes his classmates, refuses the authority of his teachers, he plays by himself and in that look of rage in his eyes does Ruyan see all the pain and sorrow of Ryder reborn into the world, the part of ther that gave her existence meaning and morphed into its own being seperates from azem, from being ruyans other, from being ryder. and with that Ruyan is able to see Hildegarde for what he truly is but a poor kicked dog that everyone refuses to listen to its begging and ruyan is able to get through to the child and show him that he can be loved and accepted and cherishes, even with fangs and claws and bites because
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because its what ryder showed ruyan
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Loki ep 6 thoughts
-recap reminds me I hate ravonna
-I want more mobius/sylvie
-Greta thin burg I love u
-upside down heart in rock
-this music slaps everyone say thank u Natalie holt
-they look so good….ugh
-sylvies hair…wah
-she’s asking him to tell her to stop :’)
-best buds I love dem
-she’s pulling the ‘I’m 8 minutes older than u!!’ Argument that every twin pulls
-she needs a moment now but she didn’t hesitate back in ep 4. Hmm
-Tom looks fuckin great here let’s not lie
-statues?? Omg who
-ominous door slam
-what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
-I need a second
-I’m so sorry that gives me the ‘HEY SISTERS’ jumpscare energy I’m laughing but terrified
-it’s fuckin kang aint it
-oh he scared
-he’s scared
-of the lokis
-wants to bargain with them hmm
-this never ends well
-this is a trick loki PLS DONT FALL FOR IT
-full offense but ‘we can reinsert you so you won’t disrupt the timeline’ and ‘you can kill thanos and have the infinity gauntlet’ cannot POSSIBLY coincide
-her eyes are creepy
-don’t let this overrule your GOAL SYLVIE
-god one of you have braincells pls
-oh she thinks they’re a thing too huh
-Disney don’t do it I stg
-sylvie looks so annoyed girl me too
-even my cat’s confused
-I don’t wanna have any sympathy for ravonna don’t show me those stupid fuckin rings
-why is this so funny
-knife buds
-I shouldn’t love him but I kinda do
-okay but they’re so funny just holding their knives to him
-I’m so sorry sylvie is so cute
-her little hair flips
-it’s a Loki thing
-he’s funny but I’m fairly certain I’m gonna hate him
-at least call her by her preferred name bitch
-“one mans void is another man’s….piece of cake”
-youre not sorry bitch
-B-15 like I’ll expose the fuck outta your ass
-Loki I love you but this is obviously bigger than you think
-man’s a script writer omg
-ugh not him being a sylkie shipper
-man I hate u
-right when they thought they could start doing their own thing and making their own decisions he’s like SIKE!!!
-I sad
-this bitch is exactly why I’m like meh on Christian god
-must be boring
-man I don’t want him to turn them against each other
-ravonna is. A little unhinged
-‘an illusion conjured by the the weak to inspire fear. A desperate bid from control’
-I’m sorry but she sounds like cliche christians
-this is coming from a cradle Catholic
-why is this the mokius/Loki fight from ep 4 all over again
-she literally says crisis of faith
-mobius: hey I think this entire institution has manipulated us and I'm gonna try and figure out what's at the bottom of it
ravonna: lies to him, has him killed
ravonna: wow i cant believe he would betray me like that
-no bc its giving Aaron burr 'now I'm the villain in your history'
-its giving catra and adora in s1 when adora's like 'they're awful' and catras like 'yeah we been knew. How dare u not condone that'
-except I don't ship Mobius and ravonna
-I had to pause to write this rant
-she threatens to prune him again as if he wouldn't just go back to the void
-mobius: we can't take away ppl's free will
Ravonna: i disagree
mobius: where are u going
ravonna: in search of free will
-mobius being left ONCE AGAIN
-poor bitch
-everyone has evil clones just let shit happen
-why is it literally an entire religious allegory
-im so confused
-what does the illusion of the time keepers do at all
-he fills the same spot as them either way
-is it anonymity?
-why doesn't he just kill all the bad variants of himself
-he sounds like a liar I don't trust him
-hes just an asshole
-why doesn't he offer ppl the option to work for the tva
-if he thinks they'll still work under Sylvie and Loki then he must think they'd help
-why does he look scared
-idk why but I'm real tired of all this
-time shit's confusing
-dude i just want lokius interaction
-no I’m so ficking emo
-I want them to be besties
-“because you can’t trust. And I can’t be trusted”
-bro I’m sad
-I’m so sad ab Loki
-he’s trying so hard not to hurt her pls
-I am going to SOB
-that’s it I’m fucking logging out
-Disney I hate you
-I’m so fucking pissed
-I’m so tempted not to finish this episode I’m mad
-anger fills me from top to bottom
-I am taking a moment
-are you SERIOUS
-my exact words when she says ‘I’m not you’ were “AH fuck. GODdammit” but I need you to take the liberty of imagining the exhaustion in my voice
-bro I’m just so mad
-I’m like apathetic to the rest of the plot rn sorry
-I couldn’t care less ab this
-man I am so disappointed
-I’m sorry I just am
-does it really fuckin have to go like that
-god at least let me have one last Lokius moment
-Tom Hiddleston’s deliverance of that rant was so fucking good
-like. You can hear how truly fucked up he is about all this. We’ve never seen Loki like this
-I’m rly emo about it
-I’m actually going to kill marvel
-I am. Divorcing this show
-are you fucking kidding me
-no because fuck you
-I am going to be pissed forever
-you fucking make MOBIUS FORGET HIM?? JUST LIKE THAT???
-I’m so tired
-I just want to take a long fucking nap
-I’m gonna spend the next few years pretending this episode doesn’t exist
-fuck everything man. I’m fucking mad I haven’t been this mad since I watched infinity war in theaters.
-with that I will be. Dying somewhere
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alkhale · 4 years
Enough for Two (Tendou x Mute!Reader) Ko-fi request
So sorry but here come the waves of request that i have for you.if you cant write some it doesnt matter.I like being able to make requests but i especially want to support you. Can i get a Tendou x reader fic please?
If and when your commissions are open would you be open to writing about a Soulmates AU Reader/Satori Tendou or what ever AU/Non AU you want? If you have too much on your plate, then no worries I just really enjoy your writing!
Also found here on AO3 if it’s more convenient to read, please enjoy!
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Sometimes people do things without reason to give themselves reason.
It’s a bit of a strange thought, but it’s really the only thing that makes sense to you in this situation right now at lease.
You watch your notebook go sailing across the hallway floor, sliding like a hockey puck until it smacks with finality against the opposite wall. You stare, still on your hands and knees from where you’d been about to pick it up and feel an incoming sigh well up in your lungs, hefty and full of power.
The sigh leaves your lips, nothing but a quiet, big gust of air. It does nothing compared to the racket of laughter filling the hall, shrill giggles that make you wonder if your own laugh sounds like that. You pray not.
In a perfect world, you imagine yourself turning your head to the trio of girls behind you—always in threes, isn’t it?—turning around to face their laughter with a disgusted frown and opening your mouth and spitting out, “ What the hell is your problem?” They’d probably turn white as ghosts and go screaming for the hills.
But the girls don’t go screaming for the hills. They continue to laugh and those words never leave your lips. They can’t, anyway, and your notebook is all the way at the other end of the hall since one of them sent it flying with a good kick. You remain there on your knees, staring after it for a long while before you turn back to the three girls.
They smile at you, bright, glossy sneers pulled over their lips.
You’re not really sure what it is but you think this is where you hypothesis comes into play—bullying doesn’t quite make sense, but at a school like Shiratorizawa where the students are rich and wonderful and have mostly met the hierarchy of needs necessary for a good life—they get bored. And when students are bored their minds wander, their hands wander, and their eyes wander too, all the way until they land on the girl who never says a word in the corner of their class they like to call a freak even though her problem isn’t freakish—it’s perfectly diagnosable.
When people get bored they sometimes need a reason to remind themselves they exist, even if there really is no reason for that at all.
“Oh, sorry,” the first one says, exactly the way they would in a drama—it’s a little amazing, actually. Maybe art imitates life more than you thought. “We didn’t see it there.”
“You shouldn’t just crawl on the floor like that,” another says. “What if someone tripped over you?”
“You look sad like that,” the last one says, pitifully. “Need some help?”
You gaze at them for a long moment, meeting their eyes in silence. They snicker, putting hands daintily over their mouths. They’re the annoying types who like to make sure their arm sleeves are folded up nice and neat so everyone can see the ink black words scrawled out on their skin, make sure it’s not hindered at all, bold and visible.
They start shooting each other looks. “Can you believe her?” they say to each other. “Look at her, oh my god. Is she for real?” and “Wow, this is so sad. We should stop.”
But they’re bored, so of course they’re not going to stop.
It’s useless, but you move your fingers anyways, aggressively shifting your hands in the air.
“ No, thanks. You can scram you pieces of shit. I’m tired of choking on your perfume. ”
It’s quite a hefty amount of words leaving your fingers. They take it as your way of feebly apologizing or saying something that fits their narrative and they giggle, turning on their heels and leaving you behind. This probably won’t be the last you see of them, not until graduation, but that’s fine.
It’s just one more year.
You wait until they disappear around the corner and finally stand up, brushing dust off your skirt and your knees. You stare at the floor for a few minutes, thinking up words and sentences in your head and using the memory of voices you like to imagine your own voice sounding just like that—telling them off and giving them a scare.
“W-What? You’re not mute? Oh my god!”
Yeah. You think, scoffing in silence at yourself. As if.
You feel a bit more resentful than usual even though this isn’t really anything new. They’ve done worse; tripping you in the halls or shoving you on their way to their desks. You’re just a picture perfect target in their pitifully cliche world to give them more meaning to their otherwise useless lives.
When you think of it in such a haughty manner, it does make you feel a bit better. Just a bit, because this still sucks.
You shake your head, reluctant to go get your notebook but knowing you need to do it anyway. You rub the etched, pale marking on your wrist for reassurance and start the long trek down the hall, keeping your eyes on the floor.
If it gets anymore annoying or anymore physical, you’ll bring it up to the teachers. You hate the thought of getting the staff involved but you’re not stupid enough to let them get bold enough to shove you down some stairs and risk your life. Who knew what the hell these pigeons were capable of? You’d just be the sad, bullied mute kid telling on the teachers but who cared?
No one.
Your stickered notebook pops up in your vision, grinning food stickers beaming back up at you. You blink, briefly terrified for a second before your head quickly snaps upwards.
His shocking red hair juts up in your field of vision first, followed by the easy, sneaky looking slant of his eyes and the almost perched little way his lips curve up into a tiny, peckish smile. Beside his face he throws up a giant peace sign with his two fingers.
“Hiyah,” he says, grinning cheekily at you. “This is yours, rrrrriiiiggghhhtt?”
He’s in your class, you realize, mind racing. Tendou, I think. He’s on the volleyball team and he sits two chairs behind you. You remember all this because you always collect the papers up at the front and see his name, messy and hurried. And he talks a lot too. He’s loud and laughs and teases people all the time in class—you watch him sometimes because you’re a bit jealous of how much he talks, how much he’s able to talk, shifting the tone of his voice in all these little creative ways, whether because he’s making fun of someone or just answering a question.
He feels like someone who really, really makes good use of his voice. Makes sure it's used, you mean. Doesn’t waste it.
You like that.
Tendou flaps the book once in front of you. You blink, quickly nodding and reaching out to take it.
He holds it up over his head, grinning down at you.
You stare up at him in disbelief, feeling your stomach sink.
Not him too. You knew he was notorious for being disliked amongst some of your peers—people tended to forget you were mute, not deaf—and he teased people however he liked. He was a generally tough nut to figure out no matter how you looked at it, but you never took him for a small time school bully either.
Disheartened, you wordlessly look up at him, frowning. Tendou continues to smile, holding your notebook over his head.
“Is that what you say to someone who helps you?” he says. “Nooooothing?”
I can’t. You mouth, pressing your hands to your mouth. I can’t. Sorry. You move your lips, exaggerating how you mouth the words. Thank you. Please give it back.
“Nope!” Tendou says. “Try again.”
He’s ridiculously tall. He really must be good at volleyball too. There’s no way you’re getting it with a measly jump. Your hand clenches into a fist at your side, your free hand twitching on instinct to sign out your words but you wordlessly try mouthing them at him again, feeling your frustration bubble up useless into your throat.
“Come on, I know you can do it,” Tendou says cheerfully. You clench your fist harder. His free hand moves sloppily in the air in front of you, waving his fingers in a lazy sort of manner that matches the easy look on his face, amused. “Try again!”
Wait a minute.
Your eyes quickly hone in on his free hand, staring at him in stunned disbelief. Tendou’s smile widens and he moves his hand again, shifting his fingers. With purpose. Not uselessly. You stare at Tendou’s hand, eyes growing round in shock. Your jaw drops and you look back at Tendou.
“Try,” Tendou signs and says, grinning like an imp, “Again!”
Your hands quickly move, “Thank you.”
Tendou drops your notebook right into yours hands, grinning. You stare, stunned and disbelieving, a part of you realizing he signs terribly—he must’ve just learned—and Tendou throws his hands behind his head with a whistle. “There ya go! You’re not so mute now, are ya!”
Your eyes shoot up to Tendou’s but he’s already turning, waving his hand at you and disappearing around the hall. “Bye bye (L/n)-chan!”
You’re still standing in the hallway like an idiot, staring at the spot where Tendou had been in disbelief.
Tendou, the loud, tall, bright red-head kid in your class, the same kid you never saw yourself ever communicating with, the same kid who was on your school’s top notch volleyball team, the same kid who made fun of people and scared others off and only hung out with his team—
Knew how to sign? A bit? Badly?
You blink, stunned.
---- ---- -------
“Wow! This thing is practically empty!”
Your head shoots up in shock at the familiar voice, eyes going round as Tendou sits in the desk in front of you—it’s very much not his desk and you think you can see the bothered student at the front by the door, but his friends shoo him away from saying anything as Tendou continues to flip through your notebook. It’s nothing private—small questions to people or asking someone to hand you something when you couldn’t speak up or gesture. This notebook was the one you carted around to try and communicate with your classmates, hoping to start conversations and talk with them.
No one used it, so you didn’t either.
Tendou doesn’t look the slightest bit bothered, big and lanky and taking up all the space as he continues to flip through the notebook. He hums to himself, lips pursed in that funny little way of his until he gets to the empty pages.
You stare at him like some kind of exotic bird, a bit mystified by his presence.
“Say, (L/n)-chan,” Tendou says. “Isn’t this kind of sad? You even wrote Communication Notebook on this, but there’s not much communication going on, is there?”
You move your hands, signing, “ Not many people to talk to. It can’t be helped.”
Tendou’s eyes rapidly follow your hands and he squints, making a constipated face. You exhale quietly in amusement, signing again, slower, watching to see if he understands. Tendou’s face becomes unreadable and then he turns to you, lips pulled up into a massive, almost creepy grin.
“(L/n)-chan, how bold! Didya just say you like me?”
You shake your head. Tendou blows a loud horse sigh through his lips, flapping them. He’s clearly upset you didn’t make more of a show of the whole joke. Instead, you take your notebook from his willing hands and write. “Sorry. I was wondering if you knew how to sign. There aren’t many people to talk to so it can’t be helped.”
“Nah, it’s fine,” Tendou says, waving a hand. “I only learned a little to get your attention anyway. Makes sense~”
You stare at Tendou, stunned by his honesty.
“Aren’t ya bored of just sitting here all quiet?” Tendou asks.
You write, “I guess.”
“Ugh. I’d get bored. I like talking, you know? It fills up the silence real nice. You know what I mean?”
“ Yes. I like it when you talk too.”
“That was supposed to be a joke. I was kinda making fun of you. (L/n)-chan are ya not good at picking up jokes too? Or are you just flirting with me?”
“No. It’s just how I feel.”
“Haha, okay, you weirdo! Why don’t you teach me some more sign language then, hmm? I bet you’ll get awful tired writing in that all day and I’m a pretty quick study~”
You stare at Tendou, lowering your book and frowning at him. Tendou continues to grin, his little perched lip look, sneaky and unassuming as he waggles his brows at you. You sort of understand why your classmates call him creepy, but it’s mostly from his heights and mannerisms more than anything else. Otherwise, Tendou Satori is just… another teenage boy.
You pinch your fingers together into an okay sign, still marveling at the strange creature in front of you.
Tendou’s eyes drift absently to the pale mark on your wrist and he grins, holding up his fingers in a peace sign, using it like scissors to cut your okay sign in half.
You stare at him.
“Sheesh, can’t get any reaction out of you, can I? What a tough crowd!”
--- --- --- ---- ----
This is the first time you’ve ever had class with Tendou. It’s your first time properly “talking” to him too. You know him from the announcements, from the rumours that spread here and there about his unsettling ways and most importantly, you see him on the screens when your school calls the students together to watch the boys’ volleyball team dominate Sendai’s qualifiers all over again.
Outside of staring at him from time to time and appreciating the way he talks, that day two weeks ago now in the hallway is still the first time the two of you have ever properly interacted. The day after that he approached you in class and now everyday since—Tendou talks to you.
And he talks a lot too.
Between classes he talks to you, sidling up with his lanky, swaying body like some kind of cowboy from a foreign western. He perches over and sprawls across your desk like the two of you have been friends for years, talking about school, about class, about your classmates even or this and that, but he mostly talks about you, anime, or volleyball.
He walks you between classes since the two of you mostly share each one and he stands or crouches by your desk, talking and talking while you frantically scribble or take a few minutes each class period to try to teach him new phrases and words. He didn’t lie about being a quick study, but he’s still sloppy so it’s funny to watch.
This whole thing is a bit bewildering, to be honest. You don’t know what prompted Tendou Satori to start talking to you and make such an emblazoned effort, but maybe it’s for something similar to why those three girls like to pick on you. For no real reason at all.
You don’t really mind it, to be honest. Reason or not—he’s an entirely welcome presence, jokes, teasing, and strangeness—all of it.
“Did you like this week’s Jump ?”
“Yes,” you sign and then switch to writing. “The new chapter for Chainsaw Man was good. It made me sad though.”
“Wow, wow, (L/n)-chan you like the gorey stuff, huh?” Tendou muses, tapping your book. “Scary! I thought you’d like We Never Learn better or one of the other ones.”
“ Act-Age is good,” you write. “I’m invested. Which one do you follow? ”
“The classics! One Piece! My Hero! All the typical, easy to understand, not too complicated—I’m just kidding, don’t you think Denji’s an idiot?”
“ Yes, but I like him too. ”
“(L/n)-chan, don’t tell me that’s your type of guy,” Tendou gasps, looking scandalized. “Uneducated perverts?”
“ No, ” you sign and then write, “ I like guys that seem hard to understand but aren’t.”
“Ugh, that sounds like a headache!” Tendou flops entirely onto your desk and you raise your notebook to write. “I can only talk about Jump with you, Wakatoshi said he won’t read it until the end of the season for us! Can you believe him?”
“Yes. ”
“Traitor! (L/n)-chan, you beautiful traitor~ How cruel~”
You turn your notebook over so Tendou can read it. He squints up at you.
“Not that I mind, but Tendou, is there a reason why you started talking to me?”
“The golden question!” Tendou shouts, not even trying to sit up. You move your notebook so you can see his face and Tendou just grins back up at you, looking satisfied. “Does there have to be one?”
You shake your head. Tendou hums, content. “Perfect! We’re on the same page then.”
Tendou nearly cracks the spine of his Jump that he leant to you, opening up the pages and holding it over both of your heads. You have to weasel awkwardly under his arm and crane your head to look up at what he’s looking at too, faces side by side and Tendou grins. “Now, what did you think about Promised Neverland’s finale?”
-- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----
You stare at your empty shoe locker in silence, frowning at the sight of it.
The shoes that were supposed to be there no longer are. You stare at it for a moment longer, glancing down to your school slippers and then silently turning over to the trashcan a few feet away. You gaze at it for a long time before walking over to it with your head held high, ignoring the outburst of giggles and feigned gasps of disgust as you come to stand in front of it.
You tuck your notebook into your bag, lifting the lid of the bin up. Some students look over in confusion and several make faces as you roll up your sleeves, spotting your shoes under a heap of lunch trash and papers. The snickers and giggles grow louder and louder, a waste of the sound you wish you could emit yourself.
“ Flying super Satori kiiiiiiiiick! ”
A long leg snaps into view before a foot promptly smashes into the trash bin, knocking it sideways and spilling trash into the shoe locker entryway. Students jump aside, shouting in disgust while you gape in disbelief, staring at the pile of trash before your head snaps over to the criminal, eyes bulging.
Tendou stays crouched on the floor, sticking his tongue out and throwing you a peace sign from where he sort of crab walks beside you like some kind of creep, uncaring in how the other students gape at him like an alien. “How was that? Pretty cool, right? Ten points?”
You stare at Tendou, mouth slack.
His hands swipe out and he snatches your dirty shoes, shooting up to his full height and nearly forcing you to jump back in surprise. He grins at you, wiggling his brows before he grandly turns on his heels, your shoes in one hand while he loudly shouts with the other, “Oh, my goodness! Who made this mess? Someone better clean it up before a teacher comes!”
“Tendou, what the heck you crazy bastard? You’re the one who knocked it—”
“Sorry,” Tendou shouts in horrible English. “I don’t speak Japanese!”
Tendou snatches your hand with his free one, breaking out into a gleeful sprint. You hurry to keep up after his long, lunging legs, practically huffing in exertion while Tendou holds your dirty shoes and he tosses his head back and laughs and you stare at him in disbelief, throat constricting tightly as you leave the other students and noise behind.
The evening glow turns his hair fiery and redder. Tendou’s laugh seems almost insane and infectious at the same time. It makes you feel a little hysterical, chest growing tighter. You can’t hear anything else but your own pants and his racket of laughter.
He runs with you in tow all the way to the volleyball gym, right where the two of you normally part ways and he goes to practice and you go home.
Tendou tosses your shoes into the nearby watering sink with a flourish, twirling on his heel like he’s dancing for you and moving his lanky body in all sorts of funny ways before he tosses the spout on and watches the water pour over your shoes, humming.
You stare at his broad back. You stare at it for what feels like an eternity, panting heavily, shoulders and legs trembling because you don’t do sports like this monster of a young man in front of you. Tendou turns the water off and turns to you with a peckish grin, twirling a bandaged finger. “Out of breath already? You should get into better shape, (L/n)-chan!”
Tendou fishes your soaking shoes out from the trough, gives it a quick inspection before nodding, flapping them out with one hand while he casually continues speaking, “You know, now that I think about it, the name was a bit cheesy. Maybe something like, Flying Kick of Justice or maybe—”
You quietly hold your arms out in front of you, spreading them a bit. Tendou arches a brow, looking at you with his little impish smile.
You take a few meaningful steps forward. Tendou doesn’t move, staying still until your face collides with his chest and you wrap your arms around him. Tendou just continues to smile, looking amused while you raise your hands and sign above your head at him.
“Thank you.”
“Oh, (L/n)-chan,” Tendou sighs, but he throws one arm around you anyway, patting your head. “You’re so awkward. Lucky for you, I’m great at dealing with verbally stunted people. My best friend hardly speaks a word after all!”
The door to the volleyball gym slides open, revealing none other than the superstar himself—Ushijima Wakatoshi. Tendou blinks and you look over at the volleyball legend, blinking as well.
“Tendou,” Ushijima says. “Practice in two minutes.”
Without another word the door slides back shut. You stare at it while Tendou breaks out into laughter. “See! What did I tell you?”
--- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---
It’s three months into this—hanging out, getting to know each other, learning, communicating, becoming friends with Tendou Satori that you first notice.
You hadn’t meant to look in the first place since you didn’t think about soulmates and what-not often, but it just happened when Tendou was playing with your hair, trying to arrange it into a set of funky looking braids and you’d caught a glimpse at both his wrists.
You reach out, grabbing both of them in surprise. Tendou blinks over the top of your head, sitting cross-legged on your bed— “(L/n)-chan, invite me over! Let’s play some video games or read manga!” and he lets you pull his arms closer, quickly inspecting his wrists.
You blink rapidly, a little stunned. You look again and again to make sure what you were seeing wasn’t wrong and Tendou hums in amusement above you, letting you finish up until you finally look back at him, hands moving to sign, quick and clear.
“Tendou, you…” you pause, unable to finish moving your fingers.
“It’s blank! You’re not crazy, don’t worry,” Tendou says, finishing it for you. He proudly shows off his bare wrists and you stare at them a second longer before looking back to his face, brows creasing in worry. “Aw, don’t make that face, (L/n)-chan, you’ll get wrinkles!”
You know it’s possible, people not getting marks. Most people are all born with them—the first words your soulmate is supposed to say to you tattooed in simple ink onto your skin, always on your wrists, right there for anyone to see.
Tendou’s wrist are bare of any mark, not a single piece of ink in sight.
“I think you know better than anyone,” Tendou teases above you. “Words aren’t everything to a relationship, right~”
You smile at Tendou, but your chest still aches a little bit. Tendou’s strange, but he’s funny. He’s funny and kind. Very, very kind, even if he likes to act like he isn’t or seem worse than he really is. He deserves someone kind too, even if the statistics for actually meeting your soulmate are low.
You show Tendou your mark, a simple black V and nothing more. He stares at it, looking bewildered for once himself while you simply shrug back at him, holding up two fingers like a peace sign but as a V instead.
Tendou suddenly bursts into laughter. You stare at him, pouting in silence while he clutches his stomach, rolling around on your bed and wheezing.
“Well, (L/n)-chan, how about this,” Tendou says once his laughter dies down. “If you don’t like them, how about I take their place, hmm?”
You pretend to think it over for a bit. Tendou nudges your head with his foot and you swat it aside, turning over to him and pinching your fingers together in an okay sign.
“You’re so boring! Have more of a reaction, why don’t you? You know how hard I’m trying here?”
You smile at Tendou, chest full.
---- ---- ----- ----
Maybe it’s not always that people do things for no reason to find a reason themselves.
Maybe these people just aren’t reasonable to begin with.
“Guys, look at how creepy this is! She’s writing all over it like she’s talking to herself—yikes!”
You stare at the three tormentors, frozen in place for a moment as you watch them flip through your notebook, fuller then it’s ever been. You watch them, second after second ticking as they laugh and point to the stacked conversations, the doodles and jokes and the pages stuffed full of proof that you and Tendou have built something, something dearly precious over the course of this year—
Two of them look at you and laugh, watching you at the entrance of the classroom. The last one holds up your notebook, her glossy lips moving, and then her perfectly manicured nails start ripping one of the pages.
It’s Tendou’s page. It’s terribly unlucky or lucky she picked that one. He’s written all over it, trying to be quiet that day.
“(L/n)-chan do ya get sick of me talking? People say I talk too much all the time.”
“No. I like it.”
“Aw, you’re just flirting!”
“No, I really, really like it.”
“Hahaha, then maybe I’ll talk enough for the two of us, hmm?”
You feel it tear all the way down to your bones.
“What a freak!”
Something snaps.
They clearly don’t see it coming when you go flying across the classroom, lunging for the monster with your notebook. Her eyes go round in disbelief and then furious anger when your hands find hers, ripping the book from her grasp as she fights you for it, shouting and cursing. Her two cronies are quick, grabbing at your hands and trying to haul you back but your mouth is parted in a soundless, furious scream, flailing your fists and hitting, pulling and tugging at them as you scream and scream and scream even though no words come out.
One girl nearly slaps you but you duck and shove your foot into her stomach, knocking her back into a desk.
You shout at them. Shout and shout and shout and shout . You imagine the words cutting them in half. Imagine how they’d feel hearing the horrible things spat right back into their face—
She looks up at you, eyes red with rage and the other two thrust your hands down, stomping on your feet to try and hold you down while she raises her hand to strike again.
“All three of you are ugly pigs! Don’t you have anything better to do with your lives? Did all your parents ever teach you to do is bully the quiet kid? That’s terrible! You’re all horrible!”
The shrill, overly high-pitched voice catches all four of you off guard, staring at each other, stunned. The three girls share quick looks, looking startled out of their minds while your shoulders heave, ragged from the panting and soundless screaming. You don’t understand—
Firm, large hands suddenly grab you by your waist, hauling you up into the air and away from the other two girls. You quickly grab your skirt from flying up and whirl around, eyes round in disbelief when Tendou’s sleazy, easy grin meets your gaze, his eyes crinkled.
Your already quiet world quiets further, soft and silent as you stare at him and he gazes back at you for a second, assessing your disheveled form before he promptly sets you down onto your feet behind him like you’re some kind of toy. Tendou even takes a second to brush some dust off your shoulder, fixing your jacket with a happy little hum before he ruffles the top of your head and grins at you.
His eyes are crinkled at the corners, narrowed into dangerous slits. You freeze.
“Don’t worry,” Tendou chirps. “I’ll speak for both of us~”
He turns around with a flourish, blocking your view of the three girls and holding his hands out. “Sorry, ladies! I know you all might want a piece of her, but as her manager, I’ve got to be her translator and I believe my client says—oh, yes, yes, I hear you loud and clear! She says you’re all a bunch of useless bimbos with too much time on their hands!”
You gape at Tendou, clasping your hands over your mouth even though no words come out. The three girls look stunned and Tendou sweeps on in his fake, shrill voice, “Your perfume smells cheap and your nails are so last season—wow! Did you get enough sleep? Your pores are huge!”
“Asshole!” a girl shouts.
“Tendou, you freak!”
“Tendou, what do you think you’re—” one girl starts but Tendou thrusts a finger out, pointing it right at her face.
“And now this one’s from me! ” Tendou says in his own voice, a little huskier than you remember, a little firmer, clearer, and he grins devilishly at the three girls. “So listen up, hmm?”
Your classmates always complain if there’s anything about Tendou, it’s that he tends to come off as a bit scary sometimes.
You’d never really thought so until now.
“Find something better to do,” Tendou says cheerfully, eyes narrowed into dagger thin slits as he brings one threatening hand up into the air. He smiles, dripping malice, “Or you’re going to regret it, okay?”
One girl swallows, looking ready to argue despite her ashen face. The other two grab her hands, furiously shaking their heads as they drag her away from the two of you, shooting you and Tendou glares. “Freaks! Both of you!”
They run anyway though when Tendou arches a dangerous brow at them, tails between their legs. You stare at the empty classroom door in disbelief, not quite able to wrap your head around the entire exchange or how all of this happened in so little time—
“Hmph, they can’t appreciate art when they see it,” Tendou complains loudly, dragging your attention back to him. He picks up your fallen notebook, flipping through the pages and idly smoothing out creases. “Girls like that are never going to get a boyfriend, don’t worry, (L/n)-chan. You’re much cuter than they are~”
There’s something loud pounding in your head. Maybe it’s your heart. You’re not really sure what it is in the quietness of it all as Tendou calmly turns to you, holding out your notebook.
Your fingers twitch. You feel your fingers moving, spelling out his name. Your mouth parts, breathing.
Tendou, thank —
He brings up one hand, winking at you in an expression that doesn’t fit his face at all while he throws up a peace sign, the same one he always does, just like when the two of you first met.
“Our victory this time~ If they try it again, I’m not afraid to block them! I’ve got a mean—”
You freeze.
You stare at Tendou’s peace sign.
Your brain short circuits for a second. Something like adrenaline starts to pump rapidly through your body and you gape in disbelief, turning your wrist around and staring at the large, bold V on your skin. Your parents always joked with you about the kind of situation you’d have to be in for the first word your soulmate ever said to you to be V , but what if it wasn’t a matter of saying it but—
Signing it?
You feel your heart almost stop. It kicks back into gear, loud like a set of drums. You quickly grab Tendou’s blank wrist, surprising him as he blinks curiously down at you. “Hmm? What’s gotten into you, (L/n)-chan—”
“Tendou!” you sign, cheeks flushing. “Tendou, this might sound crazy but—”
You grab your notebook, quickly flipping to a blank page and hurriedly writing onto it. Tendou blinks, looking playfully confused until you turn your page to him.
“I think we might be soulmates!”
Your heart threatens to burst out of your chest. Tendou stares at your page for what feels like eternity before he pushes it down with one long, bandaged finger. He grins at you over the top of your notebook, waggling his brows.
“(Y/n)-chan, are you trying to ask me out? You could’ve just said so~”
You toss your notebook to the desk, lunging at Tendou with your arms thrown wide, mouth parted in a soundless, desperate laugh and Tendou simply grins in that sneaky little way of his, looking as content as a cat as he wraps his arms around you anyway and hoists you up.
“Ara, was I found out?”
In your flurry you abruptly press your lips to Tendou's unable to contain your excitement or words, hands no longer enough. Tendou goes stiff, eyes round as saucers when you pull back and stare at him, beaming brightly and quickly signing. "You're so dumb!"
The top of Tendou's ears start to turn red. You stare at him in surprise, pressing a hand to your mouth.
"Tendou,"  you sign. "You're so honest."
"Bzzt! Wrong answer! Better kiss me again or I'll drop you."
Without hesitating you quickly duck your head in close and this time Tendou meets you have way with his cheeky grin, both your lips molding together in a kiss that floods with laughter, even though not a single sound escapes either of you.
"I never said I didn't have one. My soulmate just doesn't have much to say~"
- Tendou gives you a whistle for when you go to his games. He always waits and then when his team scores or he blocks, a furious sound of tweets and whistles goes off, making everyone look up into the stands to find you, crazy-looking and furious waving your hands and blowing the whistle. Someone has to ask you to stop before it confuses the players. - Tendou collapses onto the floor, laughing so hard he starts to cry and Ushijima tells him he should give you a bell instead. "Bells are also soothing," he says. "Or a drum."
**** please don’t ever make fun of someone’s pores! I think I’d cry ;-;
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction to S/o Being a Ballet Dancer
A/n: I'm assuming this means like pointe dancer and/or principal dancer??? Anyway!!! Hope you like it bb!! I had fun doing this one!❤❤❤
Requested by: @desertofdessert​ (thank you bb! feel free to request again! this was so fun!!)
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Chan watched you gather up stuff and put it in the huge dance bag you carried. Unfortunately, you couldn’t spend Chan’s day off with him. It was just one of those times when your schedules didn’t match up. Chan totally understood. If you managed with his busy schedule than he could deal with yours. He also understood the expectations you were under as a principal dancer.
While he never was in the position himself, he has taken many ballet and modern dance classes when he was in Australia, so he knew how intense your job was. He also knew how short your performing career might be. “Why don’t you come with me?” Your voice brought him out of his thoughts. 
“To practice? Won’t I get in the way of the others.” 
You shook your head and tossed an extra water bottle over to him. “I’m just going for a solo run.” Chan smiled and jumped off the couch, following your out the door and to the studio your company rehearsed in. He watched in fascination as you stretched and slipped your pointe shoes on. For the next hour, Chan sat against the mirror and quietly watched in adoration as you danced across the floor. 
“You wanna try?” 
You had the brightest smile on your face as you pulled him up from the floor. You guided him through some steps and giggled as his technique was a little rusty. The two of you danced and laughed for the next couple of hours. You caught his eyes in the mirror as he held your waist to support your feet transition. A blush crept onto his cheek when you reached behind you and ghosted your hand over his cheek, coming down off your toes.
You did so in a way that was so graceful and almost like a dance move in itself. It sent chills down his spine. He loved seeing you in your element. You turned into a different person when you were dancing, he loved seeing you confident and moving without hesitation. He loved seeing your smile as he assisted you through a posse turn. You practically lit up the entire room.
I cant believe some people forget Chris has some classical dance training. I love thinking about him as modern dancer like wow
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Being a dancer himself, Minho loved how passionate you were about your art. He loved that he could have someone to go to the gym with and would understand having to go on crazy diets. It definitely helped his motivation with you to keep in him in check and vice versa.
However, what he didn’t like was your schedule. Usually, he came home late, and you left home early. He wasn’t the most touchy-feely person, but he did miss seeing you sometimes. So, he made a commitment to you that he would soon regret. There Minho was. At the studio with you. At five in the morning. “Only for you.” He muttered under his breath for the thousandth time. 
It was really his idea. So he was to blame. He was the one who asked you to teach him a routine. However, he had no idea spinning on his bare feet would hurt so much. “You wanna try a lift?” You said coming beside him, resting a hand on his shoulder. 
How were you not out of breath??????? Minho was sweating buckets under his jacket. “Hell yeah!” Why did he say that? That was not what he meant. He meant no. He meant let’s go back to bed like normal people. You explained to him how to do a pretty simple lift and how to get out of it. “Hold up. You want my hand where?” He asked with a mischievous smirk. You rolled your eyes and shoved him lightly. 
“It’s a simple move. Let’s try just once- without the coupe turn.” 
Minho laughed and nodded. He followed your instruction, watching in the mirror. As directed he placed his left hand around your abdomen and this right secured tightly over your right thigh. “Okay and now you lift up and dip.”
“Which way?”
“Forward and down. Duh.”
“You’ll do fine, Minho.” Carefully, he lifted you and he was surprised feeling the muscles of your stomach tighten and hold yourself up in his arms even as he dipped you. “See! You did awesome.” You laughed when you saw his terrified face in the mirror.
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Changbin was ecstatic when he found out you were a ballerina. He was so proud of you. After that, he never missed one of your shows. He was always seated front and center with the goofiest, most proud grin on his face waiting for the lights to go down. He also makes you sign his program for every show. He keeps every single one of the programs and he says he wants to make a collage to frame for you.
He does worry about you often, knowing how strict your career is. He knows your schedule almost better than he knows his own. He’ll constantly check up on you and send you a text reminding you that you have to change out your toe pads and drink water.
You smiled hearing your boyfriend’s ringtone as you exited the rehearsal room. “Hi, Binnie! Where are you?” You giggled hearing he was waiting outside for you. He greeted you with a sweet kiss and wrapped his arms around you, blocking the cold air from penetrating your thin sweater.
“I’m buying you dinner. Let’s go.” He grabbed your hand and dragged you to the nearest hole in the wall restaurant he could find. He frowned when you ordered so little to eat. He sent you a stern glare as the waiter took away your menu. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped when you saw his face.
“Bin, I’ve got a dress and corset to fit into! Don’t worry, I remember our rule.” When you and Bin started dating he came up with this rule he was adamant you follow, especially while you were prepping for a show. He had a rule that you couldn’t walk away from the table if there was still food on your plate. He instituted the rule when he figured out you weren’t finishing meals the closer a show was.
Towards the end of your meal, you smiled as Changbin placed a generous piece of his food onto your plate. You picked it up and ate it gratefully. You frowned when he placed another piece on your almost empty plate without looking up from his food. Again you ate the food, honoring his rule. This time your boyfriend held eye contact with you as he dropped a huge piece of food on your plate. 
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When Hyunjin met you he was instantly fascinated by you. When he found out you were a professional dancer the man was immediately whipped. However, he was so obsessed with the fact with the idea of being the perfect dancing couple he forgot to ask what kind of dancer you were. 
You had nothing to do today. Hyunjin was busy with schedules today and couldn’t come over. You had an audition coming up for the lead in Cinderella so you figured now would be a good time to practice. You had bought this apartment specifically for the fact that the living room was huge and had nice real wood floors. 
Pushing all the furniture out of the way you cleared a large enough space to dance in. Pulling out your semi-new pointe shoes you started prepping them. The room started to smell a little like burning fabric as you burned the frayed edges of your ribbons. A rich sound rang throughout your apartment as you banged the pleats of your shoes on the floor. 
Music filled your apartment as you went through your audition routine. You focused on your turnout, keeping it perfectly positioned throughout your movements. You pushed up on relevae and into an arabesque keeping your core tight and leg high and elegant.
You turned to find Hyunjin staring at you with his jaw dropped in shock. Turning off the music you walked over to your boyfriend with a smile and kissed his cheek. He still stood frozen like the drama queen he was. “Hi, honey! How are you?” He blinked and stared at you. He stepped away and took in all of you, his eyes lingering on your shoes. 
“This is not what I expected......but I am so impressed right now.”
You smiled and pulled him down to kiss you, but he stopped your motion. “Nuh-uh. That’s cheating. You gotta work for it now.” He smirked down at you. With a giggle you rose in your shoes and kissed him, tangling your fingers in his soft hair.
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Your relationship with Jisung was almost as old as the both of you. You had always been friends since before you could remember and Jisung could even remember you telling him about your very first dance class. You remembered him kissing you after your first lead performance and his cheeky smile when you and to stand on pointe to reach his lips at the time. 
Jisung loved to watch you dance. It was maybe one of his favorite things in the entire world. He was always proudest when he was watching you float across a dance floor or stage. He was captivated by how powerful you were and what you could make your body do. However, there was another side to it...
“Ji...” You said walking through the door of your shared apartment. Hearing his nickname he jumped off the couch and took your bag off your shoulders. As the days grew closer to your shows he made sure to always be home before you. Even if that meant him getting up at three or four am to go back to the studio. You kissed his cheek with a huge grin and watched with adoration as he put your stuff on the table and picked you up and hurried you over to the couch as carefully as possible.
“Baby, I’m not glass. I can walk!” 
When you were seated he grabbed the several ice packs from the freezer and made sure that he had enough to switch out later. You giggled watching him scramble to take care of you. Carefully, he took off your sneakers and winced at the red spots on your ankles and feet. “Ji- I can ice my own feet. I’ve been doing it for years-”
You laughed and pulled him to your lips by the collar of his shirt. You loved that he knew your schedule. Even before you had moved in together Ji had known your schedule after ballet. Ice, eat, ice, stretch, ice and review rehearsal footage, then sleep. “How was your day?” He asked pecking your lips again. You smiled and looked into his soft brown eyes. 
“Fantastic now.”
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Felix and you had been friends long before he made it big in the music industry. He always knew you danced, but until you started dating a couple months ago he had never really taken an interest in your dancing. Not because he didn’t care. He was just so god damn busy. He felt kind of bad that you didn’t even expect him to take an interest. 
You never asked him to come to a show. You never really talked about rehearsals unless it conflicted with setting up a date, and you never danced in front of him. So, he was determined to change that. You came to the JYP practice room straight from rehearsal as Felix had asked. 
You greeted the boys as the left the studio and found Felix standing by the mirror messing with his phone. He jumped when you wrapped your arms around his waist. “Ready to go, Lix?” You asked after kissing his cheek. “Actually,” He said turning around.
“We are gonna have our date here. You are gonna teach me about ballet!” You laughed and kissed him with a bright smile. You knew he wouldn’t last more than two hours. An hour later, Felix had shed his hoodie and was sweating through his tank top while you stood happily in your leggings and pointe shoes. You had to admit he was doing better than you thought.
“Oh my god! How do your feet open like that, you mutant!” Felix cried out trying to stay in first position. 
However, when it came to actually dancing, Felix was fascinated. It was so different from how he danced. Felix had surprisingly good extension and he got some pretty good air on a couple leaps. And he loved watching you dance-especially when you went up on your toes. He thought you looked beautiful and elegant. 
“That’s it I can’t take it. Take me home.”
“Great! Now I can teach you the second half of ballerina life.”
“What’s that?”
I've low-key wanted to do a Felix ballet au bc gosh darn he is just so elegant and wooooooooww ballet!felix
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Seungmin loved watching you dance. The two of you didn’t live together yet, so he took every opportunity to see you dance anytime he could. He came to all of your shows and you practically had to kick him out of your closed rehearsals. For his birthday (per his request) you choreographed and performed a routine to his favorite Day6 song. 
Date nights for the two of you usually happen after your rehearsals end and consist of your icing your body on the couch with Seungmin next to you, either watching a movie or talking and eating takeout. 
“Seungmin? Are you here?” You called out into your apartment. Sounds from the kitchen confirmed the presence of your boyfriend. “Minnie?” You dropped your bag by the door and took off your shoes. Seungmin shuffled out of your kitchen with two mugs of tea in hand. 
“What are we doing tonight?” He asked, setting the tea on your coffee table. He sighed when he saw the innocent smile on your face. “Really......again?” He laughed when you nodded excitedly. 
You cheered as he went to get ice packs and you pulled up Centerstage on Netflix. Seungmin was a good sport. This was probably the twenty-sixth time he had seen this film since dating you. He knew that the movie made you happy, especially if you had a rough day at rehearsals. 
“Man,  Cooper gets douchier and douchier every time we watch this.” Seungmin sighed, his arm around you. 
“Yeah and Charlie gets dreamier and dreamier.”
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Jeongin watched the video you sent him with a huge smile on his face. You were on tour with your company, so you couldn’t be with him for a few days. Even though you were still in the country, he really missed seeing you. 
It was so weird for him to not pick you up from practice. His eyes twinkled as he watched you dance across the backstage area of a venue. He smiled when he saw you rush back over to your phone and wave to him with a happy grin. The video was sent two days ago. You had talked earlier that day but he still missed you. 
“Jeongin,” His attention snapped away from his phone and to Chan towering above him. His hyung helped him stand up and clapped him on the back. “Ready to go back to practice?” Jeongin sighed and nodded. “Hey, I’ve got a surprise for you,” Chan said running to his bag. 
“Chan I’m just kind of depressed with Y/n away for so long.” 
“I know. That’s why we are going to Y/n’s next show.”
Jeongin’s eyes widened as he watched Chan pull out two tickets to your show, Giselle. After practice, Chan drove the two boys two hours away to your venue to see her perform. Jeongin watched you dance across the stage with bright eyes. He loved watching you become the character of Giselle, though he couldn’t help but be a little jealous of the man who played your fiance.
When he and Chan surprised you backstage, you jumped into his arms and kissed him all over. “Innie! You came!” He smiled and wouldn’t stop talking about how fantastic you were. 
“Y/n! Oh my god! You were so good! The whole leap thing, and your turns! And the thing with the lift- it was so cool! You did incredible baby!”
Requests are open! Just send an ask!
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star-gamerxox · 3 years
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I posted 825 times in 2021
490 posts created (59%)
335 posts reblogged (41%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.7 posts.
I added 130 tags in 2021
#aria - 26 posts
#aurora - 25 posts
#a&a asks - 25 posts
#ship kids - 11 posts
#selfless acts of courage - 8 posts
#gravity falls - 8 posts
#sunrise - 7 posts
#selfless acts - 7 posts
#nftumblcryptids - 7 posts
#dark cream kids - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 96 characters
#in a chapter we’re more people join the group (which an abuser or true kidnapper wouldn’t allow)
(yikes we don’t ask about this tag, it was because I was ranting-)
My Top Posts in 2021
Aria's ref
This is the first time I've ever made an actual ref.
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As you can see by the design, shes the cream version...
But both of them hate Ink.
41 notes • Posted 2021-02-13 15:36:07 GMT
Dark Cream Week, Day 1
Just a Bad Dream
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I was planning on coloring it but ran out of motivation for it, and time. This is going up at midnight on the 10th my time. Coloring would have had it going out later.
If you cant tell, Shattered is having a nightmare about that scene in, I believe it was never be the same again, where he stabs Cross.
He us able to snap himself out if the nightmare because he remembered his kids. He awakes to Cross and their kids, Sunrise and Daybreak, going to wake him up.
Dark Cream week (and dark cream comic) by @zu-is-here
Shattered by @/galacii-gallery
Dream by @/jokublog
Cross by @/jakei95
Sunrise and Daybreak by Me
44 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 05:01:10 GMT
Daybreaks Birthday/1st Anniversary
So I wanted to start with remaking (sorta) the first drawing I ever did of them, their ref. I also did some adjustments, mostly with daybreak, and changed their pictures to fit my style more now that a lot has changed. When I first drew them, I was still drawing 5-fingered hands. A lot changes in a year.
Im really proud of this except 1 thing… I kinda, sorta, drew Sunrise’s small arm on the wrong side…
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Warnings: Angst, mentions of possible death, slight hallucinations (you’ll understand what these are at the end)
Last sentence isn’t the end of the story, If it doesn’t show up, I made a comic to show the ending
“Hey, I know you’re not feeling well but I thought I’d tell you what we did yesterday, that way you can get excited to do it when you’re feeling better!” She smiled at her brother who watched her for a moment but said nothing. He must not have felt like talking.
“We went riding in a hot air balloon yesterday!” Sunrise grabbed her brother's hand with her hand, although she had to pull away to rub her eyes as her other arm, shortened to a nub as always, couldn’t do that for her.
“Papa likes to buy you things when we go out, I bet you noticed them on your dresser,” she giggled and he gave a small nod and managed a smile. His face seemed a bit flushed and she frowned.
“Do you still have a fever?” She stood to feel her brothers forehead, gasping as she nearly tipped over when she lost her balance. She took a step backwards, gasping quietly in shock. She started to shake a bit. Falling over was terrifying for her.
“You okay?” Daybreaks voice sounded like a ghostly whisper. His throat must have hurt him a lot.
“I’m fine Day, don’t worry… do you want anything?” She asked and he shook his head softly. She smiled at him and shifted to sit down next to him, meeting his gaze before sighing.
“How are papa and dad?” He coughed as he whispered those words. She reached out to grab her brothers hand and sighed as she locked eyes with him, her voice shaking.
“Papa doesn’t come home much anymore… he insists that you’re like this because he ‘broke his promise’… Dad had to explain it to me… I was two days old when you nearly died and apparently papa promised you that he’d be a better papa if you were okay… apparently he thinks he broke that promise and that’s why you’re…” she stared at his closed eyes and started to cry. His eyes were closed. They’d been closed for over two years.
“That’s why you’re in a coma!” She had been pretending all that time. Her school counselor said the hallucinations were just how her brain coped with two years of not having her best friend but she just thought she was being petty. She felt selfish. Why could her brain create these moments with her brother but her parents were left to suffer without him.
“Two years Daybreak… why aren’t you awake now? It’s… bubba… you’re fifteen and a half… well not really anymore huh? It’s your sixteenth birthday… you collapsed on my twelfth birthday… it’s not fair.” She balled her hands in his blankets and openly sobbed for a bit.
“Papa is gone and dad is trying so hard to take care of you, me, and help papa with their ‘work’ and finding the cure for papa… but I don’t know what to do anymore. Syntax comes over everyday but I still feel alone.” Her voice cracked. Syntax, Daybreak's best friend from school, was the son of Error and Blue. He had come over everyday since Daybreak went into a coma. He had told Sunrise how his best friend would have gotten pissed at him if he didn’t take care of his little sister while he was gone.
Sunrise was thankful for that. With Syntax around all the time, he had become her best friend too, only having to ‘compete’ with Starbow, her childhood best friend. (Starbow by @seertale)
“Yesterday, while Syntax was changing your IVs, i was talking with Starbow and dad… I jokingly acted like I could raise objects… things actually started to lift… we got all excited until we heard static from your room. Syntax had just glitched out than crashed… I still don’t have magic… papa and dad always say that they much prefer my affliction of the curse compared to yours… I’m just magicless and missing half an arm…. You are partially blind because you nearly died at 18 months, and now are in a coma again…” she hiccuped and leaned her head against his bed.
“Bubba… please wake up… please…” unannounced to her, there was a faint orange glow falling with her tears and a faint glow around her hands as she begged her brother to wake up.
“Sunrise! I made dinner! Come on,” she glanced up, standing to see Syntax at the door. She wiped away her tears as he sighed.
“Come on… let’s eat…” he whispered.
“Give me a minute then I’ll be out…” she whispered, after a moment he nodded and walked back into the main part of the house, she sat back down next to her brother, starting to cry once more and her fingers dug into her brothers blankets, barely realizing that her magic was appearing… and she had no clue what it was about to do.
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48 notes • Posted 2021-08-02 04:02:52 GMT
Studio Au Inkerror @yuriyuruandyuraart prize
(This was written before anything about Studio au Ink and Error was figured out. At the time, and still, I wrote this as my head canons for them per Yuri’s sorta request.
Where I very much love the headcanons created for them, I’m staying with my headcanons and these are also the ink and Error actors for my stuff as well, how I’d imagine it for me-)
For the longest time, Error was certain he hated Ink. The artistic actor probably didn’t realize the fact he had himself a rival, but Error was his rival. Or, well, he was until this latest movie.
You see, it all started when they were both young. Error auditioned for a role and got it. After being on set for two days, Ink appeared and Error was fired. They said Ink was a better fit and he took Errors first ever role. After that, Error hated him, refused to work with him.  
That’s probably why he wasn’t told who his co-star was for this movie until his first day on the set. It pissed him off, really did, when Ink walked on set. Ink was his co-star, and his character's romantic interest.
“No way!” Error said with anger filling his tone.
“Come on Error! It’s just a show. It’ll get you a lot of great publicity,” his friend Nightmare, another more famous actor, sighed. 
“Yea! But he’s only as famous as he is because he stole my part!” Error snapped and Nightmare only sighed.
“Hey look. I did a lot of convincing to get you this part. Stop complaining and just man up and do it. I won’t be the fool.” Nightmare flicked Error's head before leaving the room.
“Hello everyone and welcome to set. Let’s start with introducing the stars of our little show. Error, Ink, come up front.” The producer smiled. Error came up slowly while ink walked up excitedly. 
“Hello! My name is Ink!” The other grinned at the crowd.
“Hey. I’m Error.” He mumbled a bit. He was silently glaring at his co-star who didn't seem to notice or care.
“Hey! I remember you!” Ink grinned and turned to the other. Error just scoffed and moved back into the crowd.
“No way!” Error hissed as he tossed the script to the side and hid his face in his hands.
“Oh come on Error! We can’t rewrite the script and we’ve already filmed ten scenes! It’s just a simple kiss scene!” The director groaned.
“With ink! A simple kiss scene with Ink! No way!” Error grumbled. The director let out a loud groan.
“We aren’t rewriting this for your grumpy self. Get over it and get it over and done with. I’m not dealing with your crap.” She stormed out and Error grumbled more and flopped his head down on the table in his trailer.
“This. Is. Gonna. Suck.” He hissed.
Nightmare burst out laughing as his friend complained to him about the scene he had to film.
“You’re being a big baby.” Nightmare teased and Error hissed at him.
“I have to film this today.” Error insisted.
“So what!? I’ve had to film kiss scenes with people I’m not even slightly interested in. It’s a common part of being an actor. Get over yourself.” Nightmare, being done with his friends bull crap, stormed off. Error sighed and grumbled.
At the end of it all, Error found himself not hating that scene as much as he thought he would. He still grumbled and complained but he saw Ink less as the bad guy in his situation. He didn’t seem to hate Ink as much.
See the full post
57 notes • Posted 2021-02-12 17:02:15 GMT
It’s finally here!!!
Peep me trying not to cry the majority of the vid (I opened the wooden charm and started to legit cri)
I’m so happy
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134 notes • Posted 2021-07-12 18:21:24 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
ok one L abt reading the series on my ereader is that the flipbook illustrations arent there ;_; those were my favvvvv
anyways I love animorphs still
I feel like I'll end up repeating myself a lot during these little liveblogs lmao but mannnn it’s so good. its so hardcore. like I know that that’s the whole Thing but I still get shocked by some of the stuff that happens 
like a big theme in the series centers around the morality of killing your enemies - and it’s so all over the place bc in book 6 you have jake boiling a bunch of yeerks alive, which is kinda gnarly if you think abt it, but the alternative would be to leave them there and let them infest people soo...? and that’s basically the point, that there are never any easy choices in war 
also I went on the animorphs wiki to look at trivia bc I love doing that and I cant BELIEVE (some of) the books were reissued in 2011 and they changed/removed some of the references to be more ‘modern’ omfg....talk about erasing 90s culture smh 
likeeee I was born in 97 so I didn't exactly grow up in the 90s and therefore some of the references go over my head but its so charming and fun to have them there! and it makes sense given that the books are SET in the 90s
I don't remember ever being confused by any of the references as a kid (tho for sure a lot of them went over my head), but then again I read the books in like 2008 sooo
also some of the stuff that they change - like changing ‘recorded w/a vcr’ to ‘recorded w/the TV’ or ‘floppy disc’ to ‘flash drive’ may make more sense to modern audiences, but doesn't make sense in the context of the story still being set in the 90s
tho it is funny that the books use the phrase ‘hook up’ to mean ‘meet up’ a lot bc that is a phrase that definitely has a different meaning nowadays
alsooooo as it turns out I'm p sure I only read a couple of the spinoffs - the hork-bajir chronicles and the ellimist chronicles (which was confusing lmao), bc my library didn’t have the others :( 2007/2008 woes....
but now I get to read the spinoffs woooooooo so I read the first megamorphs and the andalite chronicles 
I'm reading them in the chronological order (I think?) which is good bc part of the problem was that I read the ellimist book at a completely weird time and it confused me more lmao
megamorphs 1 basically felt like a regular animorphs book except longer, but the plot didn't feel like it needed all that extra page space tbh? even so it was an entertaining adventure
and rachel having amnesia was great, amnesia is one of my fav tropes lmao. and it was a lot of fun here, though a bit underutilized 
another favorite trope of mine is time travel, so I'm gonna have a really fun time here w/that
as for the andalite chronicles, I really enjoyed that one. I thought it was a well done story about the horrors of war (which is a theme animorphs does excellently), kind of similar to the overarching story of the whole series, but fit into one book without feeling rushed
the way the story starts out with elfangor wanting to be a hero, not understanding what that entails, to the end where he IS going to be a hero, and he knows now that this is a burden rather than a reward 
the horror elements are also really strong, with the taxxon morph being horrifying of course
and mannnn I loved that we got to see more of the taxxons as a species, and see that not all taxxons submitted to the yeerks - which breaks the previous theme of ��all the taxxons are evil just because’ 
this book also establishes that the taxxons gave themselves over to the yeerks due to their constant hunger being unbearable, so it isn’t just that they’re evil for fun 
animorphs does such an excellent job showing that each ‘side’ of a war will have good and bad (or at least sympathetic and unsympathetic) people 
also loren was awesome, what a cool character. though I didn't realize she was literally like 13 until the very end of the book, holy shit. that's crazy. i thought she was 16 at the youngest....geez. her throwing a rock at visser 3 is even more iconic knowing she's a middle schooler at the time
and chapman was here! I'm assuming this must be the same chapman as the assistant principal controller... I thought it was a little strange to put chapman in that role, bc in this book he was a huge asshole basically the entire time, but in the previous (’future’) book it was revealed that he became a controller willingly only to spare his daughter, which is pretty far from this book where he’s actively trying to sell humanity out to the yeerks...people change I guess? (also he got his memory erased so I guess there's that)
alloran was a really interesting character. horrors of war again - we hear from his old buddy that he used to be a fun, witty guy, but war changed him into somebody who would do horrible things 
and him becoming a controller was horrifying, obviously, but I like that alloran wasn't portrayed as some perfect, holy guy in order to make it all the more tragic when he got infested. its already fucked up enough as it is, and making him flawed was a lot more meaningful 
and him wanting to flush all the yeerks out into space....oooooof the (later) parallels hurt 
plus the fact that elfangor refusing to commit genocide against the helpless yeerks (even though they’re the enemy) directly contributing to alloran becoming a controller.....oof. I love that it shows that even making the morally correct decisions during war can lead to awful things happening, but not in a way that endorses evil actions - the story isn’t saying that elfangor should have killed the yeerks, it’s saying that there are no good choices in war 
arbron being trapped as a taxxon was fucked up. but also really intriguing, especially how he found purpose and led a free taxxon uprising. I don't remember if we hear from him/the free taxxons again but I hope so
also the plot twist of tobias being elfangors SON...bruh. I do remember that despite not having read this book so it must come up in the main story later but my memory of that is vauge so I’m excited to see how that plays out. it’s always gonna be hilarious to me that ax is technically tobias’s uncle 
and then the ellimist drops in and wacks up the time stream even more. classic. I love the crazy time travel stuff in animorphs
omfg and the bits where elfangor is a human tech guy and talked about his friends bill and steve LMAOOOOO
also the scene where elfangor drives the yellow mustang while blasting '(I cant get no) satisfaction’ by the rolling stones was one of the most iconic things I've ever read
basically I loved all the angles of war fucking people up. from loren’s dad, to alloran, to elfangor himself learning about the true horrors of war...v well done imo
ok back to the main series - so my pick for the most fucked up scene SO FAR (in my own personal opinion) - the scene where they're in the jungle and rachel passes out in bear morph and a bunch of rainforest ants start EATING HER ALIVE and like crawling into her ears and mouth and HGGGGGG that was genuinely so fucking disturbing
its a good thing that the time travel made it so rachel couldn't remember that bc that was fuuuuucked
another contender is a scene we don't actually see - erek having his capacity for violence instated and then slaughtering a ton of human and hork-bajir controllers 
like damn, you know its fucked up when its too fucked up for ANIMORPHS to even ‘show.’ this is a series that doesn't pull punches but evidentially that would've been Too Much to actually portray (understandably). also i feel like seeing the aftermath/everyone’s reactions had more of an impact than describing erek killing a bunch of people would have
also I forgot that marco Literally Fucking Dies during that scene and that's why he doesn't get to see the slaughter. wow
and then in the very next book JAKE dies too. jesus
oh it was also so sad and fucked up when marco’s dad told him that he and his wife used to fight sometimes, but then all of a sudden they stopped fighting, and their relationship was basically entirely peaceful and perfect - and this is how marco knows exactly when his mom was made into a controller, bc of course a yeerk wouldn't care enough to get into petty arguments like that....ooooof
Okay and book 15 really got me...that was fucking heavy man. Geeeez. Everything w/Marco and his mom is so fucked uppppp
Like he literally has to deal with so much awful traumatizing shit. The scene where he pretends to be a controller and is face to face w/visser one and THAT HIS MOM but he can’t even do anything, and he just sees the evil in her eyes and thinks about how there’s no way she had been controlled by a yeerk that long before bc he’s never seen her look like that...that was so fucking sad.
Plus Marcos mom now thinking that Marco is a controller...aughh...and then later Marco knows he can’t even think-speak to her bc he’ll just talk about everything he’s wanted to talk about to his mom this whole time... ;_;
And the parts where Marcos humor slips and the utter rage he feels towards the situation comes through...man
Plus everything about him being understandably afraid of sharks after being nearly torn in half by one back during their first dolphin adventure
Augh oh and jake telling Marco that everyone can tell something is up bc Marco isn’t joking around and talking about how insane their plan is like usual, so Marco fakes it sand does all that even tho he’s terrified and conflicted...aughhhh
Ok and the last scene where Marco is thinking about a future where he and his parents can talk plainly about how awful and traumatizing everything is, and then eventually they’ll feel okay enough to joke about it, bc Marcos mom is the one who taught him to look at the funny side of life...Oh The Pain
There were a lot of great fucked up individual lines in this book too. I’m just so sad about these poor middle schoolers jfc
Also I do distinctly remember the scene where they collapse the shark tank at Ocean World or w/e, it was weird af reading it bc I remembered none of the rest of the book but got weird deja vu reading that scene and remembering having read it like 13+ years ago
if it’s not clear by now I have a pretty terrible memory for media which is honestly good bc then I can reread things and it’s like new
Also jake...man...I said it previously but I was kinda eh about jake when I first read these bc he’s kinda the ‘basic’ character, but now I find his story much more interesting
His conflict over being leader is really good. KAA does a fantastic job capturing the pressure he’s under bc he was chosen by his friends to be the leader, so he REALLY can’t back out, and he doesn’t necessarily feel up to it, but feels he has no choice in the matter...
And constantly having to make really difficult decisions that could get his friends killed...geez. It’s so much pressure. And he talks about wanting to go back to being a normal kid when this is all over, and it kinda strikes me as him being in denial - like, there’s no way things can ever be ‘normal’ again, but that’s his way of coping.
Especially with Tom and all that. That conflict is so compelling...jake having to play all these different roles - as leader, as a son/student, as a regular brother to Tom - he’s constantly having to act a certain way and rarely gets to be Himself
It’s actually kinda relatable in a way - that feeling of being In Charge, but in a somewhat abstract and informal way, so you feel like regular old you, but you have to carefully regulate how you act bc the people around you expect a certain standard of behavior from you...
And all the morally grey situations they’re put in are fucked up, but especially for jake who has the final say on what they do, even when knowing it could lead to his friends being killed or made into controllers
Like in the book with the cannibal yeerk guy - there’s basically no good choices there. Jake lets the cannibal live, and (at first) implies that it’s for the best that he’s cannibalizing other yeerks and therefore helping get rid of some yeerks - except that he kills their hosts too
but the alternative would be to directly kill another human being who isn't actively fighting/resisting you, which is a fucked up thing for a middle schooler to have to do 
And the conflict between jake and Cassie is really excellent bc jake has to make these awful decisions, and Cassie is the type of person who can’t stand that sort of thing, so it gets left up to jake a lot, but then she’s upset with jake for doing something awful, even while knowing that there were no better options
like, her asking jake to kill the cannibal guy for her was really fucked up, but also entirely understandable for cassie as a character to ask. it was an emotionally charged situation, and cassie is an emotional person. she’s also somebody who like to Act, to do concrete good, and getting rid of an Evil Bad Guy in front of her would be a definite action
But Cassie is a great source of morality to the group - most of them are pretty jaded, but Cassie is able to hope in a way none of the rest are. It creates a really compelling dynamic between jake and Cassie that I kinda dismissed when I was like 10 or w/e
Also the scene where jake as a fly gets crushed and starts dying? Seriously fucked. And then after when he’s nearly breaking down in the airport and Cassie comforts him...that was a really good scene. Cassie is so good  
And the continuity is so excellent - I love how in book 17, Cassie (and jake to an extent) doesn’t really weigh in on the moral debate abt the oatmeal bc she’s still shaken up by asking jake to murder a guy for her, and then (presumably) going ahead and lighting his house on fire when jake doesn’t kill him
And augh jake and Marco have such a good and interesting dynamic - the entire group kinda pushes each other into their respective ‘roles’ in the group, but for a few books that’s really true for jake and marco
I don't remember what book it was but at some point marco (I think) mentions that jake understands what marco is dealing with w/his mom being a controller bc of tom, but that they don’t talk about it bc they ‘don't talk about stuff like that’ or something and I'm just like noooo talk to each other :( 
but at this point jake feels like he can’t really express doubt and fear and stuff like that bc he’s the Leader and they look to him to be strong (which is ironically very similar to how rachel feels), and marco feels like he can’t be serious bc he’s the funny guy. 
Basically I love all the different dynamics in the group. How Cassie and Rachel are such opposites but are best friends and get along well, while Marco and Cassie are more directly opposed - as jake says, Marco is ruthless, and Cassie definitely isn’t. Rachel and Marco are also pretty different which is interesting, bc they have a lot in common, and actually agree on a lot (even if they disagree out loud) but their commonalities combined with their circumstances make them react very differently to the same situations
I also love seeing the differences between characters from each other’s POV - like, p much all the characters think that Rachel is completely fearless, but when the book is from her POV, we get to see that that isn’t true at all - she feels plenty of fear, but she recognizes that her role in the group is to be the fearless one, so she pushes aside her fear to fit into that role (which inadvertently pushes her more and more into that ‘fearless warrior’ box - something that happens to all the characters more and more as the story goes on, like jake as ‘the leader’ and Marco as ‘the jokester’).
Also I loooove the grey morality of literally everything. Like the book where ax discovers an andalite traitor - not a controller, just an andalite who betrayed them to the yeerks. This leads to the deaths of like a hundred other andalites, and that whole scene you really just feel for ax, bc he feels so awful about everyone else dying while he escapes, yet he’s also so grateful to be alive, which he in turn feels bad about...
And ax’s conflict about being torn between his home w/his fellow andalites and his new home on earth w/his friends is great
And oh man I fucking love book 19. Any of the books where it goes more into the yeerks and their side of things are so good, just like the book where jake was made into a controller.
And book 19, where we meet a sympathetic yeerk, comes right after 18, where we meet an andalite traitor - again, I love how we clearly see that no one side is completely good or completely bad
So yeah book 19 fucking slapped. That shit was so compelling. I love how Cassie made a bunch of foolish decisions based on naïve hope, but it worked out!! Things aren’t always bleak and awful!
Except there were plenty bleak and awful parts of this book. It had a great balance of moods tbh, even though a lot of the situations were extremely contrived lmao. I love the stuff that aftran says, which is basically what I was thinking when I started my reread - being a yeerk fucking sucks, you’re literally a blind slug but also completely and fully sentient, on the same level as humans and andalites - and as afran pointed out this book, the yeerks are born as parasites, just as humans are born as predators - why is it okay for the humans to kill countless animals to eat, but not for the yeerks to enslave races to act as hosts? Well, the situation isn’t totally comparable, which Cassie and Marco both point out when aftran makes that comparison - the yeerks are enslaving sentient species, and cows and chickens are not the same as the humans and hork-bajir (though the story understandably doesn’t fall too deeply into the ‘who deserves what right/animal sentience’ rabbit hole).
And I like that aftran points out that the yeerks basically have 2 options currently - stay helpless and blind in a yeerk pool, or enslave a host. It’s interesting to hear that a lot of yeerks don’t like doing this but see it as the only options, as opposed to complete sensory deprivation. It makes me wonder if there are yeerks who are so staunchly against it that they elect to stay as pool-bound slugs forever
Also maybe it’s the shounen anime fan in me but I don’t even care that much that Cassie’s entire plan was completely off the rails and hinged on only the slightest chance of success - with failure being much more likely and completely catastrophic, with the animorphs and their loved ones all being wiped out, vs success being unlikely and also achieving...a moral victory? Peace between two enemy combatants in a huge war? nothing all that concrete...anyways it was a bunch of good-faith horrible decisions on Cassie’s part, but I don’t even care? I love stories where hope and love save the day against all odds, especially when they’re wielded like weapons by a character and make everything end nicely
This is especially true here bc animorphs is generally a series that leans very far away from that type of thing, so when it does happen, it feels like a victory. Plus the David trilogy is next so we kinda need a happy ending while we can
also bc I compared animorphs to hxh last time, I now have to compare it to the other series I've (partially) liveblogged, transformers mtmte.
this is gonna be more abstract and brief but basically. mtmte is all about after the war, and everyone has so much trauma and everything just sucks, so they all go on a space cruise and work on themselves. basically.
but the series does a lot of exploration of how war fucks people up - same as animorphs, tho animorphs spans the beginning of the war (for the main characters at least) until the end, whereas mtmte starts when the war ends.
but the point is. both series do an excellent job showcasing the wide range of reactions people have to being put in unthinkable situations during wartime. all the major characters in mtmte go through arcs where they heal/change from the war, some more subtle than others
basically the animorphs needs to go on a wacky space cruise adventure with a bunch of other fucked up people and figure their shit out, mtmte style
ok this is wicked long already so I’m gonna end it here. also I feel like I should start the next liveblog w/the david triology bc I’m for sure gonna have a lot to say abt that
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blookmallow · 3 years
and now, the thrilling conclusion, where EVERYTHING GOES TO SHIT
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never did find all these tapes or understand what they were about, either. gdi 
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fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK NO NO NO!! NO!!!
god this scene was so well done, though. almost too well. something about the old phone and the. “my friend is suddenly Not Okay what the fuck do i do” really, really struck a nerve with some shit i went through in high school 
i dont... understand what happened to his body, though. i think he did this because he knew they needed someone on the Other Side to be able to stop the cult. maybe he also just couldn’t take the pressure anymore as well. i think he realized someone had to and he decided it would be him. maybe he even knew something about what sal was going to have to do and maybe he didn’t want to be there when it happens. maybe he knew he wasn’t getting out of this alive anyway, so he decided he’d rather just do it himself and let his death mean something. i dont know. i dont know. this hit so fucking hard im honestly still a lil shaken up about it 
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so i guess... whatever the cult was doing, whatever demonic influence is still ravaging this place, everyone was already doomed from the start. everyone was already infected with the curse or The Dark or whatever it is. everyone who died here couldn’t pass on because something went Wrong and was keeping them there 
and at this point i think everyone was essentially already dead before sal got to them. they would have been consumed either way 
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i dont think i like the fact that sara is being taken by the dark, too. i dont know what that means. maybe it just means david believed she was a person enough for the dark to latch onto her and try to take her too. maybe it means something else 
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i dont understand what happened to these two, either. they’re the only ones who were faded out like this instead of being consumed by the ooze. it didn’t seem to make any difference, though. i dont know why only maple knew to run or why she didn’t try to take them with her 
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WHAT??????? NO????? WHAT 
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this is so bad this is so bad this is so bad you’re gonna make me do this aren’t you. you’re gonna make me do all of this 
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im sorry man you were weird but as far as i can tell you didn’t deserve this
sara isn’t acknowledged. i still want to know why the dark was trying to take her too 
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im sorry im sorry im so fucking sorry 
well. i guess that. explains the trial, then. boy this sure is a fucking lot to take in
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anyway, im. ashley now and ive found maple. i guess this is how we’re dealing with this. fuck
i dont understand why the. they’re not kids anymore now but you know, the main group, isn’t being taken over, i dont think ash lived at the apartments so she could have escaped it but everyone else grew up there. you can’t say it’s not long enough to get infected because maple didn’t live there initially, she moved in with chug later and it still got her. im not sure that it got chug and his daughter. they weren’t in the shadow ooze. but they were faded out and they. were also. among the body count, so. clearly sal believed they were already too far gone
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i think this is the first actually clean and well-kept bathroom we ever see in this game, id be happy for them, but, well. you know 
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b............beedle juice................
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i dont really understand why this style shifting thing is happening, different realities converging or something, i guess, but im into it 
“character shifts into other parallel versions of themselves in different styles/travels across different universes” sequences are always my favorite i dont know what you call that or if it counts as a trope but i love it 
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none of us are surviving this, huh. like actually none of us.
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but then she. wasn’t dead and had a new ghost arm that i think was also me. im her haunted arm now its fine we’re fine everything’s fine 
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i cant tell if im supposed to know these people or not i think that might be neil though........ probably maple. god. god 
for some reason i keep wanting to call maple “willow” where is that coming from
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big fan of being able to just smack cultists into bloody puddles with our new ghost arm though that’s very nice 
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YES THANK YOU I AM AWARE i had a bad time with the controls on half these little final boss mini game things fsjdg
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anyway, uh. that sure was a lot of things and i still have no idea what happened at all. i am confused and terrified thats all i can say
i mean. like. this is an incredibly good game its very well written the characters are so real and engaging, the story hits you over and over again right in the fuckin guts, the passage of time and gradual development and change through different points of these peoples’ lives is done so well and its so interesting and unique but at the same time i do not understand a goddamn thing that just happened here 
also according to my very depressing episode stats i seem to have missed a shit ton of things, so maybe that’s why. genuinely think im probably just going to immediately start a new game and play it again now that i Know and. well, suffer again, mostly, but also just. try to understand try to figure out what i missed 
i think part of the problem is it took me way too long to realize there were occasionally things i could interact with that didn’t specifically. say i could interact with them, i got used to looking for like. the little marker subtitle things that pop up over important objects/etc like “radio” “sal’s room” but sometimes there’s like. a little thing on the ground you can pick up that doesn’t say anything when you stand over it or something and i guess? i must have? missed a lot of those 
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theadorablespderman · 5 years
Everything to love about Far From Home not in this order:
Literally seeing that opening with all our loved avengers that are no more.
Whitney Houston “I will always love you” made me cry because damnit Tony’s face was right THERE! NOT OK!
The blip footage was pretty damn funny not gonna lie.
Peter’s cute ass plan to tell MJ how he feels.
MJ’s favorite flower being a Black Dalia because of the murder. Literally a girl I can relate too. Murderinos for life sister. Idk but it just made her sooo relatable!
The fact that Brad is a kid grown up from the blip and that made him seem all the weirder for MJ.
Jealous Peter was so freaking amazing! Oh my gosh! That face he’d get. I’m a sucker for jealousy and they did it so good.
Making MJ this awesome character she was before but also obviously has this softer layer where she does have flaws and insecurities and she’s really sweet but also so badass. That was amazing.
The starting relationship between Peter and Beck. It was cute and so I was sad knowing that Beck was somehow going to be the villain.
Also let’s talk about how Beck is basically Syndrom from the incredibles.
That scene with Peter and Brad....the pure terror when he snapped that picture
Also seeing how big of a dick Brad is and how unhealthy jealous he was.
“Nick Fury” getting ghosted, showing up in Venice, tranquilising Ned (don’t touch him you monster) and then promptly highjacking Peters Summer trip.
Showing the emotional trama Peter is going through. The anxiety, the greiving. It was very reminiscent of Iron Man 3 when Tony suffers from PTSD after the battle of New York. I loved that they showed Peter reacting as any kid would, many adults too, which is to just try and forget anything happened but being faced with the reality every day. So well done.
Happy and May’s relationship. Enough said 😂😂
I feel cheated we didn’t see Mr delmore again.
Addressing all the problems the Blip/Snap created. High school aging, school, drinking ages, homelessness and housing issues. That’s just the start of it I’m sure but they covered those pretty well and I love that.
The technology that made Beck into Misterio was so well done. Instead of some frankly, kinda far fetched story that he came from an alternate earth (which I was willing to believe but felt it was a cop out in terms of plot and character) they showed the real world issues that superhero’s can create. The Enemies that have a real deep rooted hatred for hero because they’ve personally been betrayed or wronged by them. Because marvel has always made clear, everyone is not on the hero’s side.
Steeping Misterio’s powers in tech which is classing marvel but again, so brilliantly done in this movie. I loved the development. Because at first glance, half way through, I was thinking “wow this is really kinda weird and unexplained and too witchcraft for what marvel usually brings to the superpower backstory” I know it’s weird to say after everything marvel has done. But it seemed just a tad out there without being too hard to grasp. Which again was brilliantly done because that was the whole point.
The nod to Misterio’s helmet even when Beck was in the hologram suit watching everything play out. I guess it was his screen? But I loved the staple of even without his big over the top suit he still had the trademark helmet. Great costume design.
Peter’s soft gazes towards MJ. Nearly gave me a cavity they were so sweet! Ahhh sooo cute
Mr. Harrington’s marital problems nearly made me pee my pants....we all knew here in the fandom that shit like that would half to happen but my god lol
The opera scene was sooo freakin cute and that one step Peter took when he saw Brad move in was so freaking cute and hot!
MJ running after him and finding the critical peice of information to crack the case wide open. Loved it.
Betty and Ned’s Sicily sweet romance that you knew couldn’t possibly last. They really nailed the realistic high school romance. But I still ship it.
The bus scene was epic. And when Peter knocked Flash out...god it was amazing.
Mj obviously having love eyes towards Peter same as he does for her.
All the iron man images got me feeling depressed as hell
“are you being serious because I was only like 67% sure?” That was amazing. Seeing MJ get so excited and trying to keep that hidden was awesome
The fact that she was so pleased with herself but also played it hella cool when Ned walked in and she said she figured it out. Literally that is me.
The shirtless Peter trope that we all wanted and freaking got! So freaking cute how she tried to peak at his abs. Like understandable girl.
The fucking illusions. Turning our sweet trusting Peter into a ball of mess. I was too.
God when he had to tell himself it wasn’t real but it still totally feels like it is.
Him trying to save MJ when she’s “thrown off the Eiffel Tower”
Every traumatizing thing Beck shows and tells him during the illusion. So shitty.
Seeing Tony’s grave, seeing iron man come out. That was awful and we all felt it in the movie because we’ve lost him too. We could FEEL that slap same as Peter.
Beck telling Peter that Tony’s death was his fault. I was abouta hurl myself at the movie screen.
Every illusion done in a way that just when you think it’s over, it’s never stopped. You forget what’s real and you feel trapped in it same as Peter does.
WHEN HE GETS HIT BY THE TRAIN!!!!!!!!!! Nearly had a damn heart attack!!!! My mom had to look over and ask if I was ok because I literally stopped breathing for a solid 30 seconds.
Showing gradually just how insane and evil Misterio was.
HAPPY BEING CONCERNED FOR PETER! LIKE SINCERELY AND HONESTLY CONCERNED! It’s good to know he’s got Happy to take care of him and May but that Peter still has a father type figure he can count on after Tony. Because you know Tony wouldn’t have put up with any of that getting hit by a train shit.
Also where the hell was Karen? We missed her. We got Edith but Karen wouldn’t have let Misterio take her over. WHERE WAS KAREN!!
Peter crying and needing to know Happy was real. Broke me heart
That hug between them was so sweet and you can see the concern on Happy’s face
Happy and Peter opening up to each other was so awesome considering their relationship in Homecoming.
ALL THE TONY and PETER PARRELLS! All of them!!!!!!!!! Not the people saying “Spider-Man’s the next Ironman” no the actual hints and glimpses at how similar him and tony actually are. The hologram gauntlet shot, a straight parallel to Iron Man when Tony is building his first real suit. Obviously “Back in Black” by Led Zeplen (formally known as AC/DC) playing. Another obvious hint toward Tony. The Stark sunglasses. Peter falling with the parachute and it literally looks like Ironman with his jet stream behind him from a distance. There’s so much more I’ll do a whole other post on.
Of course: “I love Led Zeplin!” Hahaha it’s such a kid thing to say! I’ve said it before I knew the big differences between AC/DC and Led Zeplin. It was so freaking perfect.
Peter making his suit and Happy’s face. Bittersweet and I live for the affection he holds for Peter now.
The Netherlands Holding cell...must I say more?
Brad’s downfall and MJs amazing comment about him taking pictures of people in the bathroom. Ep-ic. Even flash was like “bro that’s so weird”
Mr. witchcraft was hilarious and I loved his aside with Brad “I’m gonna be the cool teacher and tell you you can’t do that anymore.”
Flash is definately Gay or Bi and I’m so here for it. That wink he makes to Peter proves it.
All the near death truths in the vault of the tower.
Peter and his “Peter Tingle” And while we’re on the subject the banana he gets to the face while packing.
Important. His amazing skills at the end trusting his instincts (which is great because May says in regards to MJ, but it applies to this too) May tells Peter to trust his instincts and don’t think too much. And that’s what he does when he defeats Beck.
The bad ass “you can’t fool me anymore” after redirecting the gun away from his head at the end. Literally was so intense and well done.
Peter and MJ’s kisses! I loved how awkward it was at first and the slightly less awkward one. They really accurately captured the awkwardness of teenagers in love. Like that’s what it’s like guys.
Show me MJ’s parents you cowards, or show me something. Anything. I just want to know the nature of the situation.
Ned and Betty’s breakup. So funny and honestly not surprising at all. But still I ship them.
The hand hold. So cute.
May and Peter still being the cutest aunt and nephew duo there ever was.
I totally thought Peter was going to end with telling the world he was spiderman....BUT SOME OTHER ASSHOLES DID IT FOR HIM AND MADE HIM INTO A VILLAN AND IM PISSED. LOOKING AT YOU MR JAMESON YOU PEICE OF SHIT.
The movie ended and I have no idea what’s next.
Mid credit of MJ swinging through New York. Home girl doesn’t like and neither do I. Looks full on terrifying we don’t blame you hun.
After credit where the skrulls have been playing Maria and Nick fury for the whole movie. Honestly it made more sense because Nick fury seemed just a bit off. ALSO WHERE IS THE REAL NICK FURY at and I’m so psyched to see where this new movies are gonna go!
Alright that all for now folks!!!! Everything about the movie was great!!! I will have to watch again ad see if anything more pops up. Sorry for any spelling errors I’m on my phone.
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illusionlockarchive · 4 years
romeos huge rant on comedy, horror, and how they interlap
ok, so. full disclosure, what got me to make this post was this joke post right here.
so the initial premise is funny, haha okay. yeah. oh youre a kid and your punishment at school is that you have to stay at a room full of wasps. its funny because its absurd. it couldnt happen irl. youd think it wouldnt happen irl. youd hope so.
the thing about comedy and horror though? is that they actually operate on very similar concepts.
and that is, the absurd. the uncanny valley. what youre expecting the least. what youre not seeing and not registering. jumpscares are effective if at least to get you to jump, even if they are cheap. meanwhile, jokes where they completely twist your expectations to get you to laugh do the same thing.
it may be hard for you to believe me, but in the end, the bad ending of tattletail is the other side of the same coin as a joke that goes “i swallowed a tablet with some water. everyone on the apple store was terrified of me.”
i have not read the wasp story, but i can guaranteee you, i CAN imagine it being scary, if the right tones are used and suspense is built up nicely. with the right twists and turns, knowing when to keep things quiet and when to blow things out of proportion.
OR it can end up being unintentionally hilarious, if the characters in it are way too cliche to be real and feel more like caricatures of teachers and students, if things are rushed and details lose their meaning and value, if we are just to focus on being an audience watching a kid get chased around by a swarm of wasps, instead of putting ourselves in their place.
im neglecting to mention something though. horror is not the TRUE other side of the coin to comedy. no, thats tragedy. and im sure many more people have heard of that. the two masks used in theater, one happy, the other sad.
and now we come to two very interesting modifiers. im sure youve heard of the term ‘horror comedy’ to refer to a subgenre of horror that does have jokes and silly things still happening, and may not take itself all that seriously. but why is it a specified subgenre? because MOST horror is tragedy.
this is why, despite liking many horror games or even stories, in the end i still dont consider myself someone who actually likes horror as a general genre. most horror focuses on the seriousness of the faults of humans, on our fragility, on all we can lose or are even bound to lose, on the fear that what we feel so confident about having close to us can be snatched away in a second, that our sense of reality can crumble. most horror? doesnt end well.
comedies in general tend to focus on the absurdity of life, on how many silly, strange, or even uncanny situations can happen that can challenge us, but not in a harsh way, but in a way that, despite so many bad things happening, we still get to point and laugh it off and be okay at the end of the day.
literally, all it takes for a tragedy to become a comedy, and vice versa, is a tonal shift. when i told of my idea to create this post to my boyfriend, he backed me up, and told me “the difference between horror and comedy is in the soundtrack and silly sound effects”. hes right.
of course, there are things that you should have the decency to not laugh at, still. to keep your mouth shut and know when to reject. but good comedy knows how to stray away from that, and good tragedy knows how to handle it respectfully without making it torture porn.
so, as horror hinges on tragedy, on the fear that we all know we must face in our lives, because a scream is as natural as laughter, so horror comedies are born as an interesting paradox.
a year or so ago, i got the opportunity to watch the banana splits syfy movie. i was a huge fan of the banana splits as a kid, and would often watch their reruns. those silly furries meant a lot to me. but im not stupid, i know thats a horror movie, i went in kinda knowing what to expect.
it was a gore fest, and for about two or three nights i had trouble getting to sleep. i wasnt actually scared of my childhood friends in animal costumes, as i knew how absurd and irrational my fear was, but just the images of the massacre being fresh in my mind were enough to send me into a panic if i lingered for too long, which can happen, you know, when youre about to sleep.
i think a scene that perfectly blurs the lines between comedy and tragedy, as well as just plain horror in it, is the scene where a man gets killed by being put in a magicians box and sliced in half as a ‘magic trick’ by fleegle, the dog. as he pleads for his life, and his soon to be wife watches in horror and pleads for the robot dog to stop (yeah theyre robots in this, weird), fleegle continues to slice him in half and blood spurts out, until he is dead, and fleegle just happily and proudly showcases what he has done, as if he just did a real magic trick.
watching that was horrifying, of course it was. but at the same time, it was what i wanted and expected when i thought about “banana splits horror movie”. fleegle just did something completely absurd and entirely uncalled for. and what doubles the uncaniness of it is that it was supposed to be something harmless, a magic trick. think about this if it was in an adult swim cartoon. the same thing could still happen, but be treated as just a weird, gross joke. fleegle could even swear, say ‘heres your fucking magic trick damnit! oh you dont like it, well i quit!’ n then throw his hat on the ground and step on it.
they are essentially the same scene, but the cartoon version of it is presented in a way that shows full on just how absurd and unexpected it is, without any seriousness to it, probably without any moody music to accompany it. meanwhile the movie one focuses on the fear, grief, and horror of putting us in the shoes of a woman who just watched the man she loved be killed, with the shots being extra impactful.
in the end, the banana splits syfy movie is a horror comedy though, because most of the movie is spent finding the most creative, absurd, borderline funny ways for people to be killed off. as you watch it along, you dont know whether to laugh at the weirdness and absurdity of the events or to genuinely feel grief and fear over the bodies piling up.
i could also just go over a million other examples available to me right now. in fact, as of the time im writing this, i have the latest vinesauce corruption stream pulled on youtube. during corruptions, the most bizarre and absurd things happen, and often times, things get scary. we see the video game characters we love be deformed and twisted in ways that you can only imagine hurt, but they still act as if thats normal! so you cant help but laugh.
earlier today, i watched a gameplay video of bonbon. its a short horror game, with a very... different antagonist. i wont spoil much, because, i dont want to deter people from buying it. but i will say, there is a reveal at the end, which slaps you in the face with the realization that you have been played for a fool all along, and the developers would probably laughing at you if they saw you after youve beat the game. its a joke, and the fear that they cultivated so lovingly, is the punchline. your fear becomes a punchline. to me thats one of the highest forms of blurring horror and comedy, and one i prefer to some more gory and harsh attempts.
and i mean, i have to mention fnaf here, dont i? its a great example too, particularly because, if you look at the games by themselves, they generally take themselves pretty seriously as horror stories, minus a few odd cases or references. but they just have enough wiggle room that, if you look at them from afar, as an audience, you can take these characters youre supposed to be afraid of, and have fun with them, because it is pretty damn absurd, and even funny at the end of the day, that youre expected to be afraid of essentially big, robotic childrens toys. and thats when many fun, fan renditions that focus on lighthearted situations pop up. vanny herself is pretty funny even! the idea of a person who dresses up in a full fursuit to do crimes is pretty hilarious.
all in all, i think i just really appreciate how horror and comedy can converse with each other and how that says something about how we, as humans, are easily made impressed, made to be surprised and shocked, to jump or to laugh. and we are always looking for that thrill, it just depends on if youre looking for laughs or screams.
so yeah, maybe ‘wasp room’ can be a pretty good story. is it a horror story or a comedy? we wont know until we read it. (also if you made it to the end reading this holy shit i love you , i fully recognize i talked way too much)
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wongiemei · 5 years
a/n: maybe i should just turn this blog into an nct dream one
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first of all,
story time!
your uni is fucking expensive and it’s more expensive if you live in the grounds
so you being the wise human,
you went to get an apartment near the campus
it was great and all since roommate!jaemin was paying for his stuff
you were both living respectively until he had to leave
the dumbass didnt even bother to tell you
one morning you just woke up and found his note
‘hey bitch! figured you were too much of a rock to wake up but i moved out! the family wants me to go back home and tend the restaurant’
the whole day yesterday, you were working
bc,,, yknow
broke college life
and you just walked in half asleep towards your room and fell asleep
so you didnt really see or notice
but were you freaking out bc your roommate suddenly moved out?
ofc you were freaking out
not only was your roommate gone,
how were you going to find a new one?!
jaemin expected your phone call that afternoon and he endured through all your screaming
‘babe, i’m just going to be gone for a year-or two’
‘oR tWO?!’
‘hun, my dad’s injured and his back can only let him do so much. ma’s working too much and i dont have any siblings to help. i figured i could just hold off college until my parents are ready’
ugh, jaemin is such a family boy
‘but jaems! you couldnt have at least told me that yOu wERe mOvING OuT?! and! rent is due soon! i can’t pay for that myself!’
jaemin couldve easily told you to warn yoy
but he didn’t want to tell you bc he couldnt handle you sad and didnt want to upset you
however, now jaemin really understands how shitty that move was
‘tell you what. i’ll pay for this month and make a few phone calls and i’ll get you set up with a new roommate, deal?’
knowing how much of a social butterfly he was, you agreed
ofc you trusted jaemin but part of you feared that he might pair you up with a freak
but he’s not that mean, is he?
you can definitely see renjun doing that but not jaemin
so there you are,,
sitting on your couch alone
without jaemin, your apartment felt really empty
its been a few days since he moved and you were miserable
jaemin hasn’t even texted you about that potential roommate
just as you were about to call him,,
your doorbell rang
you froze and you looked at the time
it was nearing 11 at night and you don’t remember ordering delivery
if jaemin was here,
he would answer it for you since you would be too scared to do it
but you mustered up your courage and peeped through the peep hole
the man was dressed in all black with a black mask and a black cap with his hood over it with a black hoodie and black pants
ngl, you were terrified and trembling
he rang it again and you jumped
typing out a quick text to jaemin saying ‘hey bub, if i don’t text you in an hour, that means ive been kidnapped so call the police’
you grabbed a pan from the cupboard and gulped before you opened the door
thinking he would just walk forward and grab you, you closed your eyes and raised your pan over your head and swung
a shriek from in front of you made your eyes snap open and found the guy on the floor with a fetal position
you both just froze for like a phat minute
snapping back to reality, you held the pan in front of you
‘if youre going to kidnap me, i got a pan and im not afraid to hit you with it!’
you tried to sound intimidating but your voice was shaking so much
the guy stood up and he took off his hat and the mask to reveal a blonde haired kid
okay, so you were sHOokETh
damn! this boy is fine!
he gave you a shaky smile and held out his hand
‘hi! i’m lee jeno! you must be y/n? jaemin told me you had an opening for a roommate?’
now you noticed the two duffle bags at the side
the embaressment and the shame settled in slowly and you found yourself burning up
nodding, you motioned him to come in
jeno awkwardly walked in and was amazed at how big the layout was with the low rent
‘yea, its kinda hard to believe that we only pay that much. at first i thought there was a ghost in here and that’s why its so cheap’
you tried to make small conversation but laughed weirdly at jeno’s slightly terrified face
‘no! there really is not ghost here! ive lived here for a year and there hasnt been anything so please dont understand! please be my roommate!’
you begged and jeno thought you were weird
but jaemin was right, you were weirdly adorable in a way
so that’s how you and jeno became apartment buddies!
now onto the good stuff!
so, jeno is a vv clean guy
like he’s the type to just pick up a wrapper in the street and throw it in the garbage
so naturally, he likes to keep the apartment as tidy and neat as possible
but you being a mess you are,
you usually leave a lot of things everywhere
lets just say you have a short memory
‘oh? how did that get there?’
eventually, jeno gets sick of it and he confronts you with it
ofc you understand and you actually try to be better
since jeno is literally the most perfect roommate
maybe even better than jaemin
(but don’t tell him that)
jeno is the type to re-stock the pantry with snacks and the fridge with ice cream
since youre both college students, ramen is practically always available in the house 24/7
he also makes the coffee every morning since he works early and wakes up first
even though he doesn’t like the drink and prefers milk, he still notices how you survive off of coffee
babie likes to pick you up some iced americano while he gets a frappe
you on the other hand,,
you’re very surprised
when you got to bed after showing jeno around,
you messaged jaemin
ofc he was worried af and was blowing up your phone
‘bitch answer the damn phone!’
‘whatthe fuck is happening?!’
‘i need to know if you’re still alive!’
‘oh fuck i shouldnt have moved out’
smiling softly at how worried he was, you responded to him
‘you hoe, it hasnt been an hour yet so chillax. i’m alive, unfortunately, and i just met my new roommate. again, thanks for the heads-up. youre so bad at those. i literally thought he was a burgular or a kidnapper. but he seems chill and emo. just my type.’
but jeno is F A R from C H I L L
oh my goodness,,
hes a crackhead
theres this sound he makes when he’s confused and you couldnt figure out if its cute or weird or if he’s doing this on purpose or thats just how he is
you and him basically communicate with memes
sometimes, at the weird hours at night, he sends you a dumbass meme
you cant help but snort 
also, you promised to take jaemin out to dinner to repay him for the great roommate
‘hes literally one of the best people youll ever meet. it just so happen he needed a place to sleep. now you owe me’
hes a science major while you were a computer major
he basically brings home weird stuff to analyze and it just hella stinks
but hes considerate enough to actually put it outside
whenever he’s focused, he talks to himself or the thing he’s analyzing
‘okay mr. fishy. your scales are really big and its bigger than average’
its so cute
oof also!
jeno doesnt have a job yet he always makes rent on time with extra money to spare
he even sometimes buys you stuff saying, ‘they reminded me of you’
for your birthday, he bought you a pearl necklace that mustve costed thousands
at first, you thought he was a chaebol or smth
which you wouldve been vv jealous of bc youre a struggling college student who works at the coffee shop
but, you were answered when you caught him walking in half-dazed and half-asleep with cuts all over his face
it was like 2 in the morning and you were pulling an all-nighter for some project and wanted to get a glass of water
but here he is, hood up, lip busted, black eye, cheek cut
you shrieked and ushered him to sit on the dining chair
thinking he got mugged or something, you start drilling him questions
‘hun, if you were beat up, we need to call the police! this is illegal!’
but jeno chuckles and brushes the stray hairs out of your face as you tend to his lip
‘pls dont. if you do, ill be broke and i wont have money to pay rent then i cant be your roommate anymore’
cue confused y/n
‘if i dont make money, youll kick me out and youll have to find another roommate. i dont want you to go through that hassle again’
ofc you were flattered that even during this situation, hes still thinking about you
‘how is this making money?!’
‘i cant believe youre oblivious to so many things. i thought for sure youve caught on.’
more confusion
‘eXCUse mE, lEE JEno? since when have you started coming home with all these things in your face?’
you were worried that this wasnt the first time this happened
but if you think hard about it, thats why he always wears his mouth masks and he always has his blonde fringe down and sometimes wears sunglasses even though its cloudy outside
‘ohmygod lee jeno are you in a gang?!’
jeno was shocked that you came to that conclusion but laughed at how adorable you were rn
with your wide eyes and mouth open
‘nah, bro. i box. its the only way i can make easy money.’
‘but,,, why did you hide this from me? if you needed money i couldve helped you’
he looked at you skeptically
‘sis, you could barely afford that muffin the other day’
lee jeno now looked different from the jeno you met the first day
What you thought to be an innocent little squish was a fighter at night
‘yah, can-um-you need to take this off’
you mumbled while tugging on his sweatshirt
he nodded and slipped it off
he explained why he came late when he first moved
‘i had a late night match and yknow,, school and all, i barely had enough time to come'
as you dab the wound, you try to make small talk to distract yourself
 ‘so,, youve been boxing this whole time?’
you asked, trying not to get distracted to the way his tight shirt clung to him, showing his defined body
there were bruises up and down his arms and his knuckles were busted
‘yea. i have been since senior high. gotta make money, yknow?’
‘but jen, you can work in coffee shops or at local bookstores. its not worth seeing you busted up like this’
your lips trembled at the thought of him being beaten up too hard to the point he gets into a coma
jenos eyes widened at your wobbling lips and he softly cupped your face
‘hey, im okay and ill be fine. you dont have to worry about me. i usually win, anyways’
his confidence made you chuckle
‘i trust you, lee jeno. just make sure to make it home to me every night.’
‘i know you do and i will. always.”
ever since then,
youve become his little caretaker
youve informed jaemin of what hes been doing and he knew but didnt want you to judge him immediately
smh, jaemin really sucks at informing people
but jeno tries to help you keep up
he even sends you texts that hes fighting that night and your little ‘fighting!’ always makes him smile
his manager and friend, chenle, noticed that hes starting to smile more
chenle likes boxing and wants to be a part of it but doesnt want to be hurt
so,, what better to be the manager of his friend
‘yah, hyung. what’s got you giggly today?’
jeno pointed to the screen and giggled at the little good luck gif you sent
his eyes turned to crescents and chenle smirked
‘wah, you like her, don’t you?’
at the mention of ‘like’, his smile dropped and he shook his head
‘no. of course not. shes just a friend.’
chenle being chenle,,
he continues to prod
‘okay. so every night, you make it your priority to make sure you’re home by 2 in the morning for your friend’
smh, chenle youre so annoying
but hes so right
ever since you caught him,
hes been making sure he gets home at the same time 
he sends you a text that hes on his way and you set your ringtone at a very high volume so you wake up and take care of him
during fights, he makes it his sole mission to make out of this alive and a winner for you
but that never crossed his mind as his feelings for you
he just thought of it as making you not worry for him
but then, he starts to think about your stupid little habits
the way you make this face whenever you dont understand
or when you still leave little post-it notes everywhere with ideas you come up with
he noticed it all and he loves them
‘hOLy ShIT!’
that night was when he realized his feelings for you and he was so dedicated on finishing it that he quickly won and he dashed home with his money
bursting through the door, you looked at him with wide and startled eyes
‘what’s wrong?’
you came running but he scooped you up to a hug
ok you were confused but relieved that he was home and alright
jeno looked at your face and wanted to confess but chickened out at the sight of you
you were so good to him and honestly, he doesnt deserve you
(his thoughts, not mine)
he stuttered and you motioned him to continue
‘i won!’
he shouted and you congratulated him, even though he literally won all the time
guiding him to the chair, you began to dab his cuts
(dab that bitch)
‘im starting to think that your opponents either really suck or youre like the god of boxing’
he didnt know how to take that but blushed red at the mention of him being a ‘god of boxing’
‘nah, im just good’
you eyed him and smiled
he continued to watch you heal him and inspected your face
heavy eyebags and sunken cheeks, it mustve been a long night
he felt a pang in his chest thinking that you push your stuff away just to help him
‘you dont have to keep doing this for me, yknow’
you halt and look at him seriously
‘i know i dont. but i cant sleep at night thinking youre in pain and alone when i can be there for you’
even though he just realized it, jeno was pretty sure he fell in love with you a long time ago
but if it was possible, he fell in love with you even more
‘thank you’
his soft voice filled the silence and you vowed that you will always be there for him whenever he needs help
a few days later, jeno hasnt been to a fight
sure you were worried at what was going on in his head but partly relieved that you dont have to see him so battered anymore
but this was so un-jeno
just as you were about to talk to him about it, he announces he got a job at the bookstore down the street
‘huh? i thought you didnt want to work’
you question while he looked sheepish
‘i realized that i was starting to become a burden since you take care of me every time. so i thought i should quit and get a regular job. besides, it doesnt hurt as much’
he laughed but you didnt react
‘lee jeno, you gave up boxing and the money,,, for me?’
he nervously looked up at you and you noticed the redness of his cheeks
‘i-well-if you put it that way’
‘listen to me, im flattered and i truly love that you dont want to get beaten up anymore. but i dont want you to quit something you like because of me'
‘but you always take care of me and push your priorities away to clean me up. i dont do anything in return and i dont think its fair!’
he argued and a soft smile crept up your face
‘yah, lee jeno'
your voice became a whisper
‘it doesnt matter to me if you dont do anything in return bc i dont see this as a favor. you are mine to take care of and i will do anything for you, you understand that?’
he looked at you in shock after hearing your response
he also turned red at the mention of him being yours
‘so-but-i dont think-'
he stutters but you place your hands on his arms making him stop
‘all i ask is you to come back home, to come back to me'
by now, yall were blushing
even though it might not sound like it,
but yall just indirectly confessed to each other
yall stared at the ground and jeno looks up, biting his lip
‘hey, y/n, can i make it up to you with some coffee?’
your head darted up and looked at him with wide eyes
‘like-like a date?’
it came out suddenly and you stepped back in surprise, cursing yourself
but jeno chuckled, eyes scrunching cutely
‘it'll be one of many'
lmao i didnt really like this but i made it at 2 in the morning and i kinda like boxer!jeno
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stimmypaw · 4 years
stimmypaw reads Thunder & Shadow, another blog post
much like the first time, I am continuing to read A Vision of Shadows for the first time and sharing my thoughts as I go! This post of course has a bunch of spoilers for Thunder and Shadow. It’s all in the read more, have fun!
I'm so glad echosong is okay but what will she do??? Where will she go??? I'm so worried
I don't like it that Briarlight is stuck in the medicine den all day, love to see her playing with kits and showing her strength tho she's so sweet and good she deserves better
Now littlecloud is sick too???? Fuck!!!!
Also seems Needlepaw and Alderpaw haven't managed to get along better yet, maybe Alderpaw can talk to her through Leafpool since she's going to Shadowclan?
Also graystripe is awful as always and I love him 2 bits
I love Rowanstar's character too, he's so stupidly proud. Shadowclan has a fun trend of having a long line of mediocre to awful leaders and I feel bad for Tawnypelt, Shadowclans braincell who should be leader.
Jayfeather is gonna miss his friends
Twigkit lifting her front paws im 💖💖💖💖 AAAAA BABY
Graystripe :] he's silly
Omg feather time
If something bad happens to this feather ill fraud my taxes I will commit many crimes this delivery must happen safely and if anyone takes it from violetkit I will Kill
Omg sleekpaw don't be so mean poor littlecloud :c medicine cats are important!!
I see alderpaw leaving his feather behind alderpaw get it to violetkit Now
Oh God imagine being puddlekit, shadowclan needs to get its shit together real fast
Leafpool is just that picture (i do not see) while trying to process the mess they got her in
OKAY SO I'm glad he's getting along with needlepaw and that he can finally give violetkit her feather but LITTLECLOUD GUYS??? LITTLECLOUD?????????
My heart melted with violetkit, this was so sweet, why are the queens so mean to her??? She's just an autistic icon bro!! Like every cat I like in these books.
Alderpaw: hey I have an idea, why don't we commit crimes?
Last time this happened the character immediately died tho
I am suffering for violetkit
i wish violetkit would spend more time with leafpool im sure she’d be caring maybe?? maybe im just desperate for violetkit to be loved
no one here knows how to treat a kit
im so sad
aaaaa i hope needlepaw treats violetkit better from now on, this is hearbreaking.
Fuck I knew it, the rogues are coming for them aren’t they? And where’s Skyclan now????? fuck fuck fuck
ok I have no clue who Fernsong is but he’s funny already why is he like this what is happening why is he blocking them from looking at Honeykit while talking about how worried he is about her?? Absolutely misterious I love him
  Jayfeather 🤝 Yellowfang
 “I don’t want kits around me”
oh the girls are fighting
oh the girls ARE fighting
furzepelt had a cool name im sorry to hear he only existed to die immediately :c
onestar also is very proud, im glad he accepted help this time tho
i forgot bumblestripe was a cat and i was wondering if it was just a typo for bramble
also what’s up with dove and tiger??? i forgot everything about their relationship in the previous books because i don’t care about it and the erins tend to write some pretty boring straight couples
the way they’re described makes me feel like needlepaw and sleekpaw are just differently colored versions of each other at times, are they related?? they don’t seem to be.
and here’s the bit that’s previewed, oh boy, it must have been seriously scary being violetkit, but i hope they don’t convince her the clans hate her :c thunderclan likes her shadowclan just sucks
What do these background cats want from Twigkit???? To shoot lasers out of her eyes?? I guess she isn’t magical or anything but also she’s just a kit??? Firepaw was also just a kittypet and he’s a big deal :/// y’all just don’t get it, I hope Twigkit doesn’t get Dovepaw’s protagonist anxiety
I know Twigkit is being scolded but this scene is just so cute like Jayfeather is just tucking her in a moss bed while being mad at her for leaving camp
Thats another one I need to draw i love them
SPARKPELT YESSSSS YESS SYE SYES YES 🎊🎉🎉🎉🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈💖💖💖💖💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💕
Mothwing ableist????? That's cringe
Omg poor kestrelflight
Jayfeather misses Leafpool so bad, Puddlepaw must feel awful though
This apprentice rebellion is Nuts its so good oh fuck!!! I'm loving whats happening here its awful and perfect
Violetkit is getting bitter :c she needs 2 be embraced and loved stat
She is also clearly getting some bad dependency and abandonment issues, desperate to do anything to please so she won't be left alone again :c
Kitnapping, this is bad
Oh, very interesting
These apprentices and rogues are so smart god this is a perfect plan
Twigkit absolutely is the sunshine
I love her interactions with Alderpaw, I wish she had gotten to see her sister
In comparison Violetkit looking around camp desperate for attention is awful
Oh fuck bribing
Oh fuck ou fuck the 4chan kids are angry
I'm angy
Oh no
Something bad happened :c
Bramblestar: good day!
Rowanstar: Oh Is it??? You could say that while starving in winter, cringe ass
Mistystar: its not winter tho
Onestar: well you're fat
God rowanstar must be obliterated
Hey where's the rowanstars maps use idk loon on a lake or something this man has angst!!!
I appreciate Ivypool is her mentor, at least Someone is honest about whats going on and hey they can both relate on the fear of not being special! Ivypool can be very good to Twigpaw im counting on her
Oh fuck
Violetpaw sounds like she's in trouble with the rogues :c aa
Violetpaw don't be mean about your sister :C she misses you so bad
Sleekwhisker is like that dad that let his kid starve until she learned to open a bean can she didn't want
Holy fuck
Aaaa violetpaw D:
Jesus christ that was awful
That was so intense I was so nervous for Violetpaw, I'm really happy for her now aaaa
Another gathering already? Wowie
I hope Shadowclan gets those herbs soon :c
I see he appeal in FernIvy and I appreciate it
Violetpaw and Twigpaw sharing a den my heart......this is IT
Jayfeather: I want to steal
I'm listening to Burn Pygmalion! and "viscious kin" is very fitting for this series ehhehe
I love violetpaw and twigpaw btw
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I cant believe Alderpaw is an all lives matter kinda guy
Yesss rebel get those herbs alreadyyy
Starclan has agreed to let kestrelflight kill onestar, goodbye onestar /j
Epic I love you harespring
Alderpaw being confused at Jayfeather saying he is proud is the Best
What an ending! Terrifying and hopeful at the same time, I am very excited to see the hijinks Bramblestar and Rowanstar will get into and how they will go searching for Skyclan, it was PAINFUL to have that prologue talking about them with 0 hope of them showing up again Nothing Nada Zilch, feels like that and the ending were just 2 remind us that that was still the major plot point hahaha, I appreciate it I guess. I'm glad Violetpaw and Twigpaw are on uh good terms despite it all, not very ideal and they're both upset but they still consider each other siblings and know they care about each other :'0 Alderheart getting his name is epic too!!! I was hoping he would soon. I loved everything about his interactions with Jayfeather here, loved all the characterizations really it was just top notch, Onestar being a bastard, Needletail, OH AND SHADOWCLAN JOINING THE ROGUES, top notch!!!! The ancap apprentices were a riot.
This was a good book!!! Flowed very nicely and smoothly, reading in shadowclan's point of view for more than around 3 chapters was great. I can barely wait for the rest!!! Will Violetpaw find belonging in this new era of Shadowclan??? Or will she leave again??? Will Alderheart somehow figure out where Skyclan is and get them together at the lake??? Will Twigpaw get all the spicy details of Dovewing's secret romance with Tigerheart??? Who knows!! But I am very excited to find out what happens next :D
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Since today was a bad day I’d like to apolize to bora in advanced....
Out of all the outcomes, it had to turn out like this? Its like whenever i finally start to feel happy, it always gets ripped away from me.But life isn’t fair, especially to runaways. I guess that’s why i opened the door to a strangers apartment. I remember the hunger pains I felt that day, I ember how cold it was sleeping outside. God that feels like ages ago, its hard to believe that I’ve only been with you all for only a few months. I Romberg meeting all of you for the first time, I was terrified but you all tried to make me feel the most comfortable I could be. I still Romberg that special knock seven used to let me know it was him and not some random stranger. I also remover that little lie he told me when I said I didn’t want anything to eat or drink,” I have a gift card that’s about to expire,” that never fails to bring a smile to my face. On the ride to the penthouse, seven told me to give jumin a chance, that he isn’t some cold, heartless Man. He just doesn’t know how to express his emotions.
Jaehee, god she was a life saver when i got my first period, I couldn’t thank her enough after she calmed me down and made me realize that I wasn’t dying. I was so embarrassed, but she assured me that it is natural and it is nothing to be ashamed about. She was the older sister I never had, taking me to get bras that actually fit, teaching me how to brew coffee, giving me girl adddvice, thank you so much for that. You are so amazing and I love helping you at your cafe.
Yoosung, I can’t believe how close we’ve gotten, you’re so fun and easy to chat with. You always help me take my mind off of my bad dreams by playing LOLOL together, well its more you playing the game and me pressing random buttons. And all the times you have helped me with homework questions, but i guess that’s a benefit of online school. You might get teased by everyone but you’re amazing, and kind, and I cherish our moments together.
Zen, you took on the role of an older brother the second you found out my age, and that I’m a runaway, but I guess it’s cause you’re one too. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that. You reminded me so much of my older brother, but you and him are different people with different amazing qualities. You made me feel so safe, and I always had so much fun whenever you took me to rehearsal. I still smile and laugh when the lighting caption took me to their booth during lunch, while you were still practicing and let me use the spotlight, and I kept moving it around and you had to follow. That was so much fun. You were the first person who gave me a real hug in years, and I accepted it, it felt so good to be hugged with so much genuine care and affection that I cried in your arms. I know that you don’t always get along with jumin, but seeing you both try to get along for my sake warms my heart.
Seven, you were the first one I met. That first night I was at the apartment I know it was you who sent laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner, food, tooth paste, a toothbrush, and other supplies I needed but didn’t have. You just didn’t want to take the credit. You were the first person in a long time to give me those supplies without a hidden motive. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me, you arranged for me to stay with jumin until you all found a suitable home for me to live in(although that didn’t happen lol) you work tirelessly and put other before yourself, even though you love teasing yoosung everyone knows that you love him, not only him but everyone in the rfa. All those jokes and memes you send in the group chat are always hilarious, and all those times you broke into the penthouse at night to “play with Elly “ when it just by coincidence that i had a nightmare. We would always end up laughing so hard it hurts. You helped me in so many ways that I cant even name them all, thank you for always helping me.
Jumin, it has been a few months since you took me in, and those few months have made me the happiest I have ever been, without you and the rfa I dont know what would have happened to me, You took me, a runaway teenager, who you didn’t know, who was so reserved and barley talked, and you helped her. You turned me into the person I am today, and the person I am today is happy. You stood by me during the whole Glam and Sarah situation, and you didn’t even know me too well but you still protected me. You are always there for me during my nightmares. You even took me to see multiple types of doctors to make sure I was getting healthy, and to find out what steps to take to get me there, from setting reminders on my phone to eat, to getting me a weighted blanket so I could finally sleep through the night. You took on the parental role for a down on her luck runaway, and gave her a chance. I can’t ever thank you enough for that. I love you dad.
Sometimes I wonder what was going on in everyone’s heads when I popped up, but I just need everyone to know that I love them, so so much. Not many people can say that they got a second shot at having a family, but i did, and I love my family. You all showed me something I hadn’t felt since my brother died, love, affection, and a sense of belonging. Please, none of you blame yourselves for what happened to me.
Love, Bora Han.”
Hot tears streamed down Jumin face as he read Bora’s letter, the smell of disinfectant permeated the hospital room. The letter in one hand as the other gripped his unconscious daughters hand. The only comfort he found was the beeping of the heart monitor, telling him that his daughter is still alive. After four hours of emergency surgery on her shoulder from the gunshot wound, and countless stitches on her left leg from where unknown threw her onto the broken glass covered floor. He needed to make a getaway, what’s a better distraction that shooting a child in their shoulder then throwing them practically across a room. She must have written the letters once we got news of the bomb in the apartment being controlled by unknown. It zen got her to a hospital just in time he is sitting on the chair across the room, asleep with dried blood on his shirt. He isn’t even supposed to be here, but all it took for the nurse to let it slide was some flirting, from his part. And I handed her more than enough money to convince her. All that matters is that my daughter is alive.
It was hours before I felt something squeeze my hand. My eyes meet a pair of purple eyes that look so insanely tired, they were already welling up in tears as zen rushes to grab a nurse and water.
“ hey duckling, I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere,”
“ i-“ she starts to cough, which makes her groan in pain, the meds must be wearing off. A nurse runs in to check up on bora as zen holds up a cur of water and brings it to boras lips. She must be so thirsty, and she looks so scared, she hates hospitals but right now her safety it top priority.
“ I’m so sorry dad” she says crying. Stroking her hair I try calming her as much as I can without her being in more pain.
“Duckling, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about, you were so strong, and you still are so strong. I promise I wont leave you alone here.” I say calmly, making her calm down a bit.
“ me too kiddo, I’m not leaving you here too,” zen says as bora looks at his shirt.
Crying a bit bora turn to zen,”I’m really sorry about your shirt,” which makes everyone laugh a bit.
“ I can buy many shirts, but there is only one of you,” he says playfully tapping Bora on the nose.
Seeing bora struggle to keep her eyes open, we both turn off the lamps.
“Get some shut eye kid, we will be here the whole night, and when you wake up, we will still be here,” zen says stretching out on the couch, as I lie on the reclining chair. I’m kind of glad that the lights are off, its so hard to see bora in a cast, she just looks so small in that big hospital bed, but she is safe, and alive. We can get through this, I’ll be there every step of the way.
While I don’t think that Unknown would do that, nor would write something of that dark regard in this universe, I can tell that it was very cathartic for you to be able to write this out. So, if this helped you coped with your pain in any way, that is good. I appreciate that you shared your perspective on Bora’s thoughts and her feelings over her time spent with the RFA. 
She’s so very appreciative of all of them. They’re her family. She can’t imagine life without them. 
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lovebunnie · 5 years
fr the poem questions: all of them >: )c
jared... only for you...
the tyger – are you a taker of calculated risks or do you enjoy playing with fire? would you rather ask for permission or forgiveness?
i am a major rule follower, i am not at all adventurous and i like to stay in my comfort zone. my life is a mix of staying true to my comfort zone and doing what I feel is right, first instinct. 
i carry your heart with me – do you believe in fate? what’s your secret to living a good life?
i tend to not believe in fate, it tends to make people not take responsibility for their actions and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth; predestination takes away humility from us. and i wouldnt say that im currently living a good life, its getting there but more often then not i would not describe my days as ‘happy’, more so just another day. but to make a day not outwardly bad, i firmly believe in having a really good breakfast in the morning and taking a shower at night. both of those really make my days better.
i wandered lonely as a cloud – what does nature mean to you? where do you feel most at peace?
nature for me is what comes to us instinctively and what we turn to for comfort in trying times. i feel the most at peace either at summer camp or in my bedroom with my cat :3
blackberrying – what were your early years like? do you miss being a child?
my early years were very happy, i was a very happy and funloving child. it was a time where i wasnt told about any of my family drama so i lived in blissful ignorance. i definitely miss being a child, all the way up to about 7th grade. its just been downhill from 8th grade and on.
ode to a nightingale – how do you feel about your own mortality? do you believe in life after death?
my mortality is something of a burden i carry with me everyday, a reminder that every minute is precious and this is the only life i get, i have one shot to not fuck it up. i dont believe in the afterlife, the concept of death is something that if i think too hard about then itll fuck me up.
hope is the thing with feathers – what gives you hope? what would you tell your 10-year-old self?
hope comes from those news stories about good news, like charity donation goals being hit and remembered anniversaries and flower bouquets in public, there is good in the world and sometimes its hard to find but its always there. to my 10 year old self, i would tell her to not hold too tightly to those around you, and that life constantly changes so dont get too attached or comfortable because itll prevent you from growing in the future.
the road not taken – do you find it hard to make decisions? what regrets do you have?
its really hard to make decisions because i always assume that my ideas are wrong or bad so if someone else takes the lead, i cant be blamed. as far as regrets, i wish that in my past, i just put myself out there more. i couldve spent highschool actively seeking for possibilities instead of sulking and wishing they came to me. they dont ever, you have to find them.
still i rise – what's your relationship with yourself like? what are your best qualities?
i have a bad relationship to myself; if i admire one trait about myself, the other traits must be less than. for example, if i think i look nice one day, then i remember abt my grades or my writing and how much i hate both of those. i can never be fully at peace, it will never be enough to sate my psyche. my ‘best’ qualities depend on the day, right now i think i have nice eyelashes.
howl – can you express yourself freely? do you feel smothered by societal norms?
i struggle everyday to be my genuine self. its not so much societal norms but my own mind; i want to look nice but i dont want to attract too much attention. i want to be remembered but not for how good my ass looks or whatever. my biggest fear is that people see me as something desirable but only sexually so i want to dress how i feel but i cant because im terrified of the gaze of men on my campus.
the raven – are you in touch with your feelings? how would you describe the relationship between emotions & rationality?
im extremely in touch with my feelings. i can acknowledge when i am angry or sad or happy, even if i dont know why. i allow myself to feel my feelings and then let them pass, i hate bottling those things up. between emotions and rationality, i use my emotions 9 times out of 10. i ask myself, ‘what do i want?’ and the first thing i come up with, i know is what i truly want to do. 
sonnet 116 – how do you define love? what qualities do you look for in a significant other?
i think love is everything; its the warmth of hanging out with familiar people, its when people remember facts about you, its a meaningful hug and its ‘this reminded me of you’. its different for everyone but i feel love in everything i do. in a significant other, the biggest thing is being able to make me laugh, if youre funny than im sold.
to autumn – what's your favorite season and why? what cherished memories do you associate with that season?
my favorite season is winter because it has lots of holiday warmth, good food, pleasant childhood memories, and comfortable clothing. also i love snow. i have very vivid memories of a blizzard in maryland when i was 11(?) years old, my neighbor tied a sled to the back of his ATV and dragged us around the cul de sac, it was so much fun!!
the waste land – do you like big cities? if you could choose any place on earth, where would you settle down?
i love big cities, they evoke so many feelings of love and the atmosphere being surrounded by people makes me so happy! if i could live anywhere, i think it would be san francisco, i love the city and the weather and the public transportation!!
o captain! my captain! – what are your aspirations in life? what motivates you?
in life, i want to give a tedtalk. i would also love to publish a book but i dont like what i write so if i ever did, id end up hating the book anyway in a year or so. i want to teach people the joy of public speaking and i want to give kids the joys i had given to me by my teacher when i was their age. my motivation comes from, this has to be done and if no one else will do it, it might as well be me. i have the passion and everything else will follow after that.
she walks in beauty – what's your aesthetic? how would you describe the relationship between inner goodness & outer beauty?
id describe my aesthetic as lovecore, i love the color pink and red and hearts and flowers and teddy bears and dresses and sparkles and valentines day and i love everything stereotypically ‘cute’. and i feel there is no outer beauty without inner goodness, if someone has bad intentions or a rotten core, their outward appearance will reflect.
one art – how do you deal with loss? do you write diary entries, poetry or prose?
thankfully i have not had to go through tremendous loss in my life but when i feel an emotional loss or general low point, i tend to move towards art, aimless doodling to take my mind off of situations. it centers me.
work, sometimes – how does your favorite weather make you feel? what is happiness to you?
my favorite weather makes me feel SO happy, all smiley and giddy and like things are going to be okay, just for one day, i will make this a good one. happiness to me is comfort and joy, its something that makes you laugh until your sides hurt and its art that you look at and feel. happiness isnt a huge moment, its little moments scattered throughout the days.
acquainted with the night – do you think there's such thing as the right time? what’s your outlook on the world?
no, i dont like to set things off for the thought of there being a right and wrong time. time isnt real and we only have so long on earth so there is no time but the present. go get that tattoo, ask them out, eat that snack. my outlook on the world is that there is a lot of bad shit but there is also a lot of good shit you will never see but it important nonetheless. you cant change the world in a day so you might as well take it one day at a time, working everyday to make it as good as possible.
if – do you daydream a lot? are you volatile, or do you stay calm when conflicts arise?
i love to day dream, it helps me determine what i really want and its a lovely distraction when the goings get tough. i try to avoid conflicts in every situation possible but if i were pushed, id either accept my mistake and apologize and work towards a better future; or i would tell the other person how im feeling and what i can do to help them feel better.
what would i give? – do you cry often? if you could change anything about your past, what would it be?
things make me sad but rarely enough to cry, things more so tend to weigh me down then break me. i let the sadness take me however it sees fit. and if thats to cry, so be it. if i could change anything about my past, i would just say that you will only get this chance to start over in a new state once, the years will go by quick so to TAKE OPPORTUNITIES WHEN THEY SHOW THEM SELF TO YOU!!!!!!
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gratiasancti · 5 years
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because @ineffablequestion​ decided to really put my patience to the test today . not that i mind , ily .
1. What is your middle name ?
2. How old are you ?
23 as of right now !
3. When is your birthday?
oct. 19th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
libra waddup
5. What is your favorite color?
i don’t really have one ? muted colours probably
6. What’s your lucky number?
again, can’t say i have one but maybe 29
7. Do you have any pets?
a dod and a horse
8. Where are you from?
finland / uk
9. How tall are you?
174 cm
10. What shoe size are you?
eu 39-40
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
like seven, if you don’t count my collection of riding shoes and boots. oxfords, brogues, wellies, trainers, and the rest are probably heels. as for riding boots, a lot.
12. What was your last dream about?
that i was late from work and got thrown in a tar pit because of it. and then i sold my old history teacher 500€ worth of alcohol and lottery tickets.
13. What talents do you have?
none?? unlimited sarcasm, idk
14. Are you psychic in any way?
i’m not sure if i believe in this stuff
15. Favorite song?
honestly, anything from hippo campus or glass animals.
16. Favorite movie?
the grand budapest hotel
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
someone who counteracts some of my anxiety and excitedness with a calm and, when needed, firm character but is still funny and can be themselves. preferably someone who i feel is my intellectual equal, and we can share everything with each other. maybe a bit older than myself, but not by much. other than that, i really don’t care.
18. Do you want children?
currently, i can’t see myself ever having kids. just doesn’t seem like my thing. especially babies. maybe adopting or fostering could be an option, but only if i was sure i could give the child a good home.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
i don’t think i want to get married
20. Are you religious?
not particularly
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
maaaaaaany times. multiple riding accidents, broken bones, a car crash. then just being an idiot in general. and chronic back problems.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
apart from once forgetting to pay for the underground and getting an 80€ fine, no.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
i’ve met and had dinner with two different finnish presidents and some other ‘upper class’ people but other than that, no. 
24. Baths or showers?
one of those rain shower things
25. What color socks are you wearing?
i have no socks !!!
26. Have you ever been famous?
uhhhh not in the literal sense of the word but i’ve been infamous at school when i was like 15. made a meme of one of our teachers that went low key viral in our city.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
definitely not in the hollywood sense of things. 
28. What type of music do you like?
a lot of things. anything, really, depending on the time of day and if i’m feeling particularly emo.
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
that’s like the only type of swimming finnish people partake in. naked in the sauna, naked in the lake/ocean. so yes, multiple times a year jhdsnhb
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
currently like five
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
either on my back or on my stomach. depends on what place hurts that day lmao.
32. How big is your house?
closer to 400 m^2 . i still live with my parents but will move into my own flat in six months, once it’s ready. that’s going to be appx 70 m^2.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
i know its a bad habit but i often dont have breakfast. if i do it's usually fruit and yoghurt or some toast.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
yes. fun fact; my cousin has won the european championchip ( in some form of archery idk ) like twice , i think. 
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
fuck. i use it Too Much™
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
can’t remember the exact amount of hours but we were sailing and our shifts got messed up to the point where i had either not slept at all or slept so little in like four days i was genuinely hallucinating. almost jumped into the sea because i thought i dropped my life vest,,, which i was wearing.
39. Do you have any scars?
a few. dumbest one probably when i rode in my shorts but used a saddle and rubbed the skin off of my calf. also from hay work, those little dots that look almost like moles.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
not that i know of
41. Are you a good liar?
yes, unfortunately. it’s a bad habit in the sense that i tell a lot of white lies when i could genuinely tell the truth with no consequence. like, it would be the one and the same.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
also yes. i’ve seen some shit. also i have surprisingly good people skills.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
i can speak english in my normal accent which is kind of queen’s english (?) upper class idk, then in world’s english ( so basically no accent / neutral ) and then in finnish (rally) english .  i can also speak swedish with a rikssvenska (standard swedish ???) accent and then finlandssvenska which is finnish swedish (and an actual thing lmao). also i can butcher a norwegian or danish accent in swedish if i really try. my finnish is very neutral, but it does vary a bit depending on what city i’m in.
oh, and also a shitty southern american accent. 
44. Do you have a strong accent?
if i let it shine through, yes, but i tend toward world english because anything else scares finns. but when i speak finnish (which is most of the time) i don’t really have an accent. maybe you can hear that i’m not 100% finnish but that’s about it.
45. What is your favorite accent?
i don’t really have one ! all accents are really fascinating.
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
i have a few expensive dresses, and then of course my riding clothes which cost ridiculous amounts of money because fuck everyone who likes horses, i guess. like excuse me but why is it normalised that you pay over 1000€ for a helmet??? anything less and you’re a peasant.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
pretty much ambidextrous, though i prefer to write with my left but do everything else mostly with my right. my handwriting doesn’t differ too much from left to write.
51. Are you scared of spiders?
yes. ew. and we’re lucky to only have tiny ones in finland !
52. Favorite food?
ummmmm. currently carelian pie maybe?? idk such a good snack.
53. Favorite foreign food?
squints??? sushi????
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
depends. often too lazy to clean but incredibly stressed and uncomfortable when its messy. meticulous about all the wrong things.
55. Most used phrase?
either some form of keysmash or “FUCK”. also in finnish either “voi jumalauta” or “voi saatana” which both basically translate to “jesus fucking christ”.
56. Most used word?
also fuck. this really must say something about me smdh.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
really depends. sometimes 10 minutes, sometimes two hours. on a normal day w/ shower and moderate make up, 15-25 minutes.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
depends really. i hope i don’t!
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
whomst the FUCK bites lollipops ?!?!?!
60. Do you talk to yourself?
i’ve only recently started. it’s terrifying.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
when driving if i’m listening to music, yeah
62. Are you a good singer?
honestly, no clue. i don’t really sing in front of people so i haven’t gotten opinions.
63. Biggest Fear?
64. Are you a gossip?
not about my friends, ever. but i will definitely listen to any tea you want to spill.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
idk does kingsman count as dramatic?? the first one was hilarious.
66. Do you like long or short hair?
both have their perks!
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
LMAO i can name like 3 if i really try.
68. Favorite school subject?
history, english lang & lit, economics.
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
extrovert but i get tired easily
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
yes ! we go to the maldives once in a while, because finland doesn’t offer much in terms of diving sites.
71. What makes you nervous?
not a lot of things? i guess some responsibilities. things left for me to do even if someone else was supposed to do them.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
a dark room ? no. a dark forest at midnight ? hell yess. finnish winter darkness is terrifying simply because its so depressing. seasonal depression is real yall.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
depends. if it’s a trivial mistake and they haven’t asked to be corrected, no. if it makes me or someone else feel bad or just makes any situation worse, then yes. but never unkindly.
74. Are you ticklish?
YES. ugh
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
no. i can’t recall doing so, at least. but i have participated in spreading them.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
yes. at work a couple of times simply out of necessity and also when i took part in MEP. was committee president twice and president of the general assembly once. though idk if that counts since i was like 17 and its all p much play pretend.
oh! and also when i captain our boat. but again, idk if that counts.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
yeah, ever since i was like 16 :/
78. Have you ever done drugs?
no, and never will. not my thing !!
79. Who was your first real crush?
probably a boy from class. i can’t remember, really. i’ve never been too  ‘romantically inclined’ i  suppose.
80. How many piercings do you have?
just my ears, once.
81. Can you roll your Rs?
almost every r in the finnish language is technically rolled so yeah. i feel bad for those finnish people who cant !! makes everything so hard.
82. How fast can you type?
according to this thing 75 words per minute on my first try, so idk how accurate that is.
83. How fast can you run?
not fast. i  hate running, and am very out of practice. 
84. What color is your hair?
idk ? like, light brown ?
85. What color are your eyes?
again, idk. blue/green/grey
86. What are you allergic to?
dogs, cats, birch, and almost anything that flowers in the spring jshbdsjh
87. Do you keep a journal?
not a journal per se but i have a ‘little black book’ which i keep rather meticulously about my thoughts on the day, important things i need to remember, my expenses etc. a habit inherited from my dad. i’ve gone through like six of these in the past few years.
88. What do your parents do?
my mum is a mayor and my dad is a ceo
89. Do you like your age?
yeah !
90. What makes you angry?
91. Do you like your own name?
yes !
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
ksjdsjhb no. at this rate i’d end up naming a child crowley or sum shit
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
i don’t want kids but if i did gender would be a non issue
94. What are you strengths?
lmao i have good people skills, work well under pressure, get along with everyone, am determined and ?? a good leader??? idk
95. What are your weaknesses?
i take on too much responsibility, i have anxiety and depression, i get frustrated at my own failures, i’m very self-critical and unforgiving. also no self-control when it comes to rp.
96. How did you get your name?
i think somewhere from my dad’s side, not entirely sure.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
possibly? not sure. but fun fact! a great great grandmother (? or something of the sorts) from my mother’s side actually survived the sinking of the titanic.
98. Do you have any scars?
wasn’t this asked already?
99. Color of your bedspread?
this blue mandala like pattern idk
100. Color of your room?
white and a very mellow blue
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