#i still feel like i got more attached to the characters than usual
dduane · 5 months
Hi Diane!
I promise this will end in an ask, but I have a story to share first, if you have the time.
I’m very new to Tumblr, in fact, I was moved to finally create an account to send you this message, but I’ve been casually poking around for a bit. A quick google last summer told me that Tumblr is the best place to get Good Omens news from Neil himself, but it didn’t do the courtesy of warning me just how magnetic this particular bastion of chaotic creative internet mayhem can be. This story is one example. Fun note, when I was composing this message my husband looked over my shoulder at the literal essay I’d typed out and suggested that I maybe, perhaps, might consider shortening it to the length of a conversation that could take place in an elevator. Or in line at the coffee shop. However, i’m not one sacrifice enormity for brevity.
Your post the other day regarding the cover for your novel, Stealing the Elf King’s Roses, got me thinking. First, that it was a very genuine thing to share, second, that I wasn’t entirely sure why I wasn’t immediately familiar with your work, and third, what a fun visual challenge. I was still thinking about it when I should have been sleeping, so I decided to dig in. I almost stopped reading your bio at the ‘blah blah blah’ because I was feeling quite bad about my media literacy at that point, but then I saw that you’re well-known for the Young Wizard series.
The Young Wizard series.
I said I’d try to keep it brief and this is my best attempt. I read books 1-5 of that series during the hardest, strangest, most heartbreaking time in my childhood when I desperately needed a different reality than my own. What I found in your novels was so much better than that. Your stories, your characters, your vision, helped teach me to ground myself in my strengths, frame my reality with hope and purpose, and how to build the spaces I needed within myself to find the compassion, forgiveness, joy and peace I so desperately needed. One of the things I built within myself on my healing journey was a beautiful jeweled box. It resides in my mind just off of I-335 in Topeka, Kansas. I was driving through the flint hills on a road trip from Milwaukee to Wichita when I finally finished the long process of constructing it, so that is where it stays, shining in the sun and twinkling under the stars. This box contains everything I experienced that couldn’t come with me as I grew. Crafting it was a lengthy, emotional, wrenching process, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done to allow me to become the person I am today. I used visit it every now and again, to make sure the jewels are still bright, but I’m very careful to not jostle the lid.
I’m recounting all of this to you because two nights ago I quite suddenly found myself standing beside my box for the first time in almost a decade. I could feel the gravel under my slipper socks as I gently opened the lid to see my copies of your books resting at the very top. I wasn’t immediately familiar with your work when I saw your name because it is so inextricable from the very fabric of how healed myself, that I accidentally let your words fall under the closed lid of the very box they helped enable me to make. Nothing else clamored to be released as I carefully pulled them out, and once more closed the lid.
So, the ask. I will be brief here - I’m an artist. Not currently working professionally as I’m exploring a different career path, but I’m usually working on a personal project or two. I needed a new one and was still intrigued by the post that started this all, so to help me process the emotions described above I made a version of a cover for STEKR and wanted to ask if I could share it with you. It looks like I can’t attach here, but I’d love to post it on my new, very empty page. It truly might not be your style, but I once again found solace in a space you opened the door to and this time I have the opportunity to share it!
Also, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
You're so very welcome! And I'm really glad the books were there for you when you needed them. (And plainly are there with you still.) 😊
And absolutely, post that cover! I'll be delighted to see it.
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anthonsgi · 9 months
★’・゚:。・:*:First kiss with HSR characters PT.1:。・:*:・゚’★
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【Note: Hello! I haven't written anything in a while, but I recently got a surge of motivation, so why not take advantage of that? :) There will be a few parts because I want to write for many characters and the process of writing each one is really long for me so I prefer to spread them out a bit, so if the character you would like to read about isn't here, keep an eye out for future parts, perhaps I will include them there! As per usual, English isn't my first language and I'm learning as I go, please be patient with me. Requests are open! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧】
【Pairings: Kafka, Argenti, Blade x GN!Reader】
【CW: I may have added some angst here and there, but I couldn't resist (I tried to end it with a good, slightly bittersweet conclusion each time though)! I wanted to make the characters' traits as similar to the game's as possible, but a few things may still be out of character, sorry in advance!】
a lil note: this is literally just all of these characters being absolutely SMITTEN for you and them fawning over you, but every day is a good day to get praised left and right, no?
It shouldn't be much of a surprise that you fell in love with this young and exceptionally charming woman. As a Stellaron Hunter, she ensures that Elio's predicted plans are carried out. That being said, you were a completely unpredicted element in a series of missions; there was never a mention of you ever being included in situations that you always found yourself stuck in. Kafka always saw it as "the usual result of the unforeseen nature of destiny," as she liked to explain to you.
After a while of simple acquaintance, she has grown more fond of you than she has of anyone. Not only were you beautiful in her eyes, which was a big thing for a connoisseur of beauty such as herself, but she felt at ease with you. She may be a sly, unbothered criminal whose prize for capturing her is enough to provide many good-lived lives for a bunch of Vidyadharas, but she actually really appreciates the times when she doesn't feel like she's being chased by people or by time itself.
Being with you was as enjoyable as studying the waves—a peaceful activity, a thought-provoking process. She desired to look at the horizon and discover more than meets the eye, however, it was quite impossible. The job of a Stellaron Hunter is challenging not only because of the relentless pursuit of destiny and the never-ending dangers but also because it entails never staying in one place for too long, never forming more meaningful connections, and never attaching yourself to finite, frail matters. Even though she knew she was more unlikely to run into the same individual twice as a Devil Hunter than she was now, her options were usually limited.
Kafka isn't one to fully hide her true feelings; she spoke very highly of you, your way of being and thinking, your appearance, and your tendency to be the miracle of one's destiny (*cough* talking about herself there). She has developed a habit of complimenting you just to see you squirm away from her gaze and bite your lower lip to try and stop a smile from forming. These occurrences weren't rare; they always followed the same pattern: she said something = you discreetly reacted = she noticed and couldn't stop noticing.
A kiss from her would be more of an indication of her love than a reveal, showing rather than declaring it. It may have happened during one of your late-night chats where you slowly opened up to one another, or it could have happened in the early morning after she invited herself into your home after you had just woken up and weren't sure if you were still asleep. In any case, without having said much, she leaned in, rested her hand on your cheek, and left a tender and delicate kiss on your lips. It didn't last long, but it meant more than a decade of stolen glances and conversations with hidden meanings.
It didn't feel like a goodbye kiss, it never did, but it was clear it was some form of leaving you wanting more, leaving you yearning for her to come back and see you again, and leaving you wondering how long it would be before she does it once more.
Knight of Beauty, a follower of the fallen Aeon Idrila. He's constantly on the journey to honor the principles of beauty itself, spreading the grace of his Goddess all over the universe. Discovering numerous forms of beauty in the ordinary and in the extraordinary. When he first laid his eyes on you, it was as if time began to bend around you, a black hole in which the concept of time didn't seem to exist, trapping anyone and everyone residing in its proximity.
Recognizing refinement in people was second nature to him, admiring their souls that mirrored their personalities and beliefs. He wished nothing more than to convey compassion to those who possessed honorable qualities, pure hearts, and desirable traits. Your beauty shone with such radiance that it put the stars to shame; your existence was an excellent reminder of Idrila's presence in the universe.
To Argenti, love is a miraculous feeling that is a joy to experience; it reflects a person's deepest desires and is an act of care so poetic that it almost brings a tear to the eye. In a way, having never experienced it before and having no opportunity to try due to his commitment to traversing in solitude, he decided it wasn't he who was supposed to feel it and that he was merely destined to admire the beauty of it from afar.
Meeting you meant the world to him; you made him feel love for another person for the first time—the all-consuming love from every classical novel he had read. The purest form of it is tragic love, one that breaks down the foundations that hold one's life in perfect balance. He spent several days and nights with you, staying in one location longer than he ever did since becoming a knight—the place where he started to ponder his destiny and his vocation.
He made every effort to push these thoughts away, thinking such things felt like a violation of the universal code of chivalry he upholds, yet when he gazed at your gentle smile as he held your hand, it was a tougher battle than that of a wax candle facing the sun. He was melting into a pitiful puddle as your very being formed him again, never to be the same as before.
One beautiful night, when the birds had gone to sleep, no expectations were laid forth, and no secrets were to be unveiled, Argenti took you by both hands, kissing each knuckle as if they would break if he put pressure on them. He spoke of you as if you were the one he had devoted his life to worshiping, his lips singing silent praises; perhaps it was a prayer, perhaps an apology. His eyes met yours, a nonverbal plea, and you leaned in, connecting your mouths in a passionate kiss, electricity coursing between each soft teeth clashing.
What an outstanding farewell kiss that was. The thought alone made you gulp down the lump growing in your throat. Argenti has to leave, or rather, ought to leave; otherwise, he's afraid he may decide to stay. He's certain your paths will cross one day; it's just the way of the world. Either way, he always finds himself drifting towards beauty. Behind him, he will leave a timeless tale of a wounded and repaired heart, as well as a dose of fate that makes no mistakes.
The undying man who became a blade, a shell of a person, a mara-stricken monster with no hope for craved demise. His story is one of endless agony and misery. In this everlasting life, Blade's abilities are used in matters including bloodshed, spreading the pain he felt himself, and only then would he feel himself disappear, even for a moment. As bitter as that was, it was reality, his burden to bear. Blade didn't have "companionships" and never needed attachments. The closest he had to an acquaintance was Kafka, whose voice managed to calm the monsters who grew inside him relentlessly, and possibly Silver Wolf. However, he didn't understand her, nor did he wish to.
How you were able to capture his wounded heart remains a forever-unsolved mystery. He, of course, didn't decide one day that the way you laughed made him feel emotions so intense that he wondered if what he was feeling was some form of suffering he'd never experienced previously or that his intensified urge to protect you wasn't just due to the fact he was always nearby when danger struck, but because he genuinely cared. It was a lengthy process imbued with a myriad of understatements and denial. An "I love you" leaving his lips was as bizarre as the prospect of hell freezing over... yet when it did happen, you only wished to hear it again.
He frequently wonders why he finds himself faintly grinning primarily in your presence alone (and obviously during combat). When you resided in his vicinity, everyone could feel a shift in the atmosphere surrounding him, as well as a change in his usual behavior. It was almost comical to observe, especially to his fellow Stellaron Hunters, who never missed an opportunity to tease him. Nonetheless, love expressed by a presumably loveless man is as fascinating as it is arduous. Your existence was curative, helping him to rediscover parts of humanity he thought he had lost, yet healing is a part of him he has come to loathe with every fiber of his being. At one point, he distanced himself, as if limiting your healing influence on him was the sole thing that he could control about his 'condition'.
That didn't last long, and he scurried back to you like a moth to a flame. Blade didn't grasp the concept of physical touch as a kind of comfort; it never failed to remind him of how many times he had been hurt. You, once again, were the exception. Gentle arm touches, random lacing of fingers, your scent, and that insufferable (not really) look in your eyes whenever you stared at him drew him in. As much as he despised life, he did not detest the idea of living simply to be with you; that paradise that always seemed to be out of his reach, a mere push away, appeared to be standing right in front of him.
A minor brush of your body against his made you excited, but a kiss? It's overwhelming to even imagine. You'd have to initiate it, subtly steering the conversation to a topic where it wouldn't be too odd to inquire about moving to the next step in your relationship, acting as lovers. If Blade didn't wear a stoic expression on his face more than half the time, you could tell by his nervous swallowing that he would be at least blushing a little. He wasn't an adolescent, and he didn't think of a kiss as the grandest gesture of intimacy; nevertheless, that didn't free him of hesitations. Being vulnerable and helpless in the hands of another, all of his shortcomings could be easily revealed.
Kissing Blade had to come naturally when you were alone and indulging in small talk; there was no need for a perfectly timed gust of wind or a captivating blanket of stars above, just two imperfect people pouring all of their desires, yearning, and passion into a single imperfect kiss. Your lips met, linking your souls and creating a sensible spark deep within. There was no distance between you, and you were both entirely defenseless against the other's will. After you moved away, it was as if a thousand sentences were pulled from your mouths, yet no one spoke a word. With swollen lips, you were unable to resist a grin while Blade leaned in for another kiss.
lil ending note: hope you enjoyed! also, I have to mention that I know that both Kafka and Blade are Stellaron Hunters so the main problem portrayed in Kafka's part (the never being in one place too long) could potentially be brought up In Blade's part as well, but I decided that would be pretty repetitive so I wrote about Blade's history instead :D
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
In Emma, the incident that sparks the story isn't a death or a loss of fortune or even someone new coming to town. It's a wedding. A happy event, usually the end of a story. But I like how this acknowledges that even a happy event like a wedding can bring its own kind of sorrow. Emma's happy for Miss Taylor, but she still mourns the way that her life has to change. Marriage can massively alter social circles, especially for women, taking them away from the home sphere and into a new life, and forcing the people they leave behind to deal with the loss. Here, it's a good change, but it's still a change.
Emma's in a unique position among Austen heroines. She's got money, a comfortable home, a loving father who would prefer she stay in his household for the rest of her life. She doesn't have to consider matrimony as a business arrangement the way some heroines have to. If she marries, it's going to be almost solely for companionship.
Because that's the one thing Emma lacks. She's lonely. She loves her father, but he's not someone she can engage with socially or intellectually. She ranks above everyone in town, so there's no one who can be on an equal level with her. Her father won't travel, so she can't get involved in social events with people who are of her rank and happen to live a little further out. Her attachment to Harriet is a desperate attempt to create a companion of her own social rank, and then marry her to Elton so she can remain in Emma's social circle. Mrs. Martin would be just another farmer's wife who sits below Emma's level; Mrs. Elton can be her equal.
But we can't overlook the fact that Emma makes the situation worse through snobbery. She's not only of a higher social rank than the people around her--she feels herself superior to them. Her father has plenty of friends, but to her, Mrs. Goddard and Miss Bates are just "prosy old ladies". Which is fine--they're more of her father's age, not hers. But it does indicate a wider personality problem. There's more than a hint of Mr. Darcy about the way she goes about detaching Harriet from Mr. Martin because he's so "coarse and vulgar", and trying to raise her up to Emma's standards of what's acceptable.
So, anyway, Emma's uniquely positioned in a story where friends-to-lovers has to be the character arc. And in the process, she's got to overcome her sense of superiority that makes it so difficult for her to classify people as friends.
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amerricanartwork · 1 year
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Technically, Pebbles is right here, but I think it's about time he got a taste of his own medicine!
This is technically the first true comic strip I've done... ever, it seems! I've had it in the works for at least a week, and I'm really enjoying how it turned out! It was inspired by a Reddit post I found comparing these two characters, and this silly scene just popped in my head as a result, since that part of the Gourmand campaign where Pebbles makes little side-insults about your weight will never not be amusing to me. Probably requires more context to get than the previous, but I hope you still found it funny!
Also, a headcanon of sorts below, if you want some more serious ideas:
I like the idea that Five Pebbles has a particular disdain for Gourmand, not just because he's the polar opposite in many ways, but because Gourmand represents everything Five Pebbles and the Ancients sought to overcome: indulgence, attachment to the pleasures of life, attachment to family, having low aspirations, accepting your place in life, accepting life in general the way it is.
I also like to think part of it comes from jealousy — this fat, lazy animal barely scratching the surface of civilization is both able to enjoy all the pleasures of life AND ascend whenever he wants, meanwhile the near-godlike supercomputer far more intelligent than this creature could even hope to fathom in a century is stuck just standing there, abandoned by his creators, trying to solve an unsolvable problem while he literally rots away? He'll hardly admit it, but it really does feel quite unfair, if you ask him.
I'm curious to see how my ideas for Five Pebbles evolve over time. As of now, I actually have like, half the campaigns to finish still (did Survivor and Monk, and just about to complete my Gourmand run), so my ideas of his character may not be the most accurate right now. From the glimpses I've gained through fanart and such, there seems to be so much more to the story of the Ancients and their iterators, and it's tragic at that. Needless to say, though I usually don't like tragedy, I'm very curious to see the rest of that story...
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thatonegenshinsimp · 4 months
Something’s Fishy Here (Merperson!reader)
Notes: My contribution to Mermay 2024 while I still have motivation to write this month.
Characters: Alhaitham, Diluc Ragnvindr, Wriothesley, Dainsleif, Neuvilette, Capitano
Warnings: mentions of physical violence
Alhaitham (Lemon Shark)
Sumeru was known as the land of kelp. It was a large kelp forest before the reefs of Fontaine and after the clear waters of Liyue and Mondstadt.
You, being one of the more curious members of the merfolk, had been traveling alone for a time.
Sumeru, as it happened, was one of the places you’d been wanting to visit the most.
That was when you first met Alhaitham, a lemon shark merman who was a tad more standoffish than most others of his subspecies.
You were a beta fish merperson, your tail frilled and colorful. It was one of your only defense mechanisms save for the shorter claws you had compared to other more aggressive merfolk that came from harsher places.
Alhaitham was, by all standards, a good lover to you. He treated you well and kept you safe if ever he saw someone as a threat.
One time, you accidentally flipped him over while you were bothering him and that was the day you realized what Tonic Immobility was.
He likes nuzzling your neck and is practically attached at the hip to you all evening after a long day apart from you.
Diluc Ragnvindr (Red Snapper)
You were a shark, so you often tended to be a bit of a loner.
That’s why you were so surprised to find that you had feelings for Diluc, a Red Snapper merman.
Diluc didn’t really know how to react when he found you were often there to help whenever he needed assistance, but he figured out why when you bared your teeth at Donna when she tried to make him uncomfortable and get in his personal space.
Soon enough, he plucked up the courage to ask you to be with him. He noticed you looked rather excited when he asked, and you happily said yes to him.
He definitely laughs when he realizes you can go into tonic immobility.
He doesn’t do it often, given that you’re in a trance for almost fifteen minutes every time he does it, but he does find it heavily amusing.
He likes staying close to you, given he rarely gets to have a break from work, so you usually help him with his work when you’re not working for the Adventurers Guild.
Wriothesley (Great White Shark)
Shark Wriothesley is the best Wriothesley
You were a swordfish merperson, but you quite liked being around Wriothesley even before you got into a relationship with him.
There’s a lot of hunting competitions between the two of you.
Wriothesley, despite knowing you can hold your own, definitely fights for you whenever you two get into any skirmishes with others because of his more instinct driven nature that rears its head in fights.
His territory is the Meropide Trenches that separate the north and south hemispheres of Fontaine’s waters.
He hates it when you flip him over. His tonic immobility lasts for a little over ten minutes, but he still hates it because it stresses him out.
He’s fiercely protective of you, but it’s because he loves you and doesn’t want you getting hurt.
Dainsleif (Greenland Shark)
He’s definitely a Greenland Shark merman in my personal opinion.
Khaenri’ah used to be a reef system, but during a tectonic shift, was sucked deeper down in the ocean, resulting in a tsunami due to the colliding tectonic plates.
The tsunami wiped out many in the population, which were sharks, and Dainsleif, cursed by the Seven alongside the other pureblood Khaenri’ahn people, slowly became a Greenland Shark, but his tail remained the same deep royal and navy blue colors it had always been, despite the fins morphing over time to tolerate the far lower depths of the sea.
That was when he met you, a snailfish merperson, who lived closer to the deeper depths of the trenches.
You got along well with him, and often visited him given how easily you traveled to the deeper parts of the trenches without any trouble.
He’s a tad more protective, but that’s because he doesn’t want to lose you as he has most of not all of the other people in his life.
Neuvilette (Swordfish)
Neuvilette is a swordfish merman, I’ll die on this hill.
Instead of being protective and possessive of you, he mostly just tries to avoid situations where you would need his protection.
He likes giving you gifts, it’s one of the ways he expresses his love for you.
Suddenly, your home is filled with little trinkets and shiny things he finds whenever he’s out and about in the reefs.
He also speaks to the melusines, who swim around with you when you’re unable to see him due to his work.
He likes physical touch, it’s one of the things that calms him down in the rare occasions where he gets angry.
Though he rarely shows it, he does often worry about you, even if you can defend yourself.
Capitano (Great White Shark)
Another shark merman.
Capitano is one of the larger shark merfolk, so he usually doesn’t even need to fight for someone to get the message to leave if they bother you.
You’d wandered into his territory by accident, but you, being a remora fish merperson, immediately thought he was friend shaped and swam up to say hi.
He’s perplexed by you. Few to none of the other merfolk in these waters swim within half a mile of his territory, but he’s certainly not one to refuse the company of someone as kind as you, so he lets you explore.
He slowly grows to realize he has feelings for you, and it’s only when he sees Dottore, a tiger shark, going after you that he realizes that he’d rather fight someone to the death than see you hurt.
After all, it ought to be only him biting you, and certainly not to kill you.
After that incident, he asks if you’ll be in a relationship with him, and you say yes.
He’s a good lover, and provides most anything you wish for.
He’d raze the whole ocean if only to see you happy.
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compos mentis 2
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, chronic health issues, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: After a long court case, your mother stays attached to her lawyer, bringing even more contention into your life.
Characters: Andy Barber
Note: ookay here we go with this guy.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The restaurant is buzzing with voices. It adds the disorienting ripple in your head. It feels like there’s something crawling over your scalp as you try to blink away the haziness. It’s just fatigue. That never goes away, only ebbs and flows. 
You sit on the leather cushion of the curled bench. The booth is lit by a small chandelier hanging above and the plucking of strings strums under the drone of patrons. The sconces against the wall are blurry and bright and the people all around are merely shadows. 
The server appears and doles out the food. You got the butternut squash soup with a French bread roll. With the weather turning chill, it sounded delicious. Besides, you don’t have the stomach for anything heavy. 
You glance over at Andy’s thick sirloin and your mother’s glazed chicken. Your hunger roars in your stomach. You shakily unwrap the cutlery from the cloth napkin and thank the server as your mother taps her glass. The man, in his pressed white shirt, smiles and pours her some more. Andy clicks his tongue but says nothing. 
“Anyone else?” The server offers. 
“We’re good,” Andy answers for both of you. 
You could laugh, if you had the energy. Anyone would look at you and know you shouldn’t be indulging. No, you have your lemon water and that’s good enough. 
“This looks delicious,” your mother chirps and takes a gulp of chardonnay, a hum at the flavour. “Oh, that is divine too.” 
“I hope you enjoy. Both of you,” Andy says. “I know you had a busy day.” 
His elbow touches yours, almost as if it’s intentionally. You look at his shoulder but no higher. You steady the spoon over the bowl and dip it into the soup. You lean forward to taste as your mouth jabs into one of the slices of grilled chicken. 
“Mm, the maple is nice but a bit much,” she complains after a sampling. 
Andy exhales slowly, measuring his breath as if to conceal his sigh. It’s strange. He seems annoyed by your mother more often than not and yet he takes her out for dinner and got her that fancy ring. You don’t understand relationships. Not past the shallow ones written onto the screen. You probably won’t ever know the real thing. 
You rest your spoon on the wide brim and take a piece of the bread. It’s still warm and it smells wonderful. You pinch off a morsel and dip it into the creamy broth. You nibble on it, resisting the urge to shovel it down. 
“You sure the soup’s enough?” Andy asks. Again. He questioned you when you ordered an appetizer over and entree. He even offered to get an appetizer for the table instead. 
“Oh, sweetie,” your mother swallows around her words. “You know she doesn’t eat very much. Her stomach is so sensitive. And look, that’s such a lot of soup. She probably won’t even finish the bread.” 
You nod. You could gobble it all down but you know better. You’ve been sick before from letting your appetite deceive your mind. She’s right. You’ll be full soon enough. Your stomach always starts to ache after a few bites. 
“Ah, sorry. I don’t mean to pester. I just want to make sure you have everything you like. If you wanted a piece of my steak, I think there’s a lot more than I need here,” he chuckles and cuts into the sirloin. 
“Oh, she can’t have red meat. Too heavy for her,” your mother tuts. “Really, Andrew, you are so sweet to offer though.” 
“Yes, thanks,” you murmur as you squish bread between your fingers. You’re suddenly very conscious of every bite you take. 
“So, any more doctor’s appointments?” He asks. “I could come along next time? Since we’re gonna be one big family. I’d like to help out if I can. All this work shouldn’t be on you, Danica.” 
“Oh, my,” your mother slurps more wine. “You really are a dream,” she touches his sleeve. “That would be wonderful. Nothing this week though. Just next month but she does need her script filled. If you don’t mind getting that, it would be a great help.” 
You want to shrink into a speck of dust. You hate it. You’re rarely ever included in conversation. Not for real. You’re only ever the topic of discussion, like you’re not even there. 
“Mom, I told you,” you insist and wipe soup from your oxygen tube. “I can go get it. It isn’t very far.” 
“No, no, no. I told you before. You cannot take the bus. It’s absolutely out of the question. You could get caught on something or worse, you could fall.” 
“Hm, that’s... she’s an adult, Danica, if she wanted to--” 
“Andrew, you don’t know the risks. I do.” 
He opens his mouth then shuts it. His lips thin as he holds back his retort. He saws into the steak. 
“Well,” he looks at you, “if you’d like to come along, I can always drive you.” 
“I can just do it myself,” your mom insists sharply. 
“Relax,” he warns. “She wants to do it herself, she can. She’s not entirely helpless, is she?” 
You chew your lip. Your mother has that look. The dangerous one. Andy’s never seen what it can truly lead to. 
“Whatever is less trouble,” you utter and focus on your soup. “Sorry.” 
“Sorry for what?” Andy challenges, “you did nothing.” 
You nod and take another spoonful. It’s really good but you can’t truly enjoy it. You just want to go home. Away from these strangers. Home where you can be alone. Where you can put some walls between you and your mom. You know you’ve already ruined her night just by being there. 
Your mother almost finishes the bottle. That’s not unusual but since she met Andy, it’s less frequent. As you leave the restaurant, she’s leaning heavily on him, her heels click unevenly as one shoe keeps slipping loose. You follow, clutching tight the handle of your tank. 
You stop by the SUV as your mother purrs and wraps her arm around Andy. She squeezes his butt and you look away, slowing as you try not to intrude. He flinches and pushes her away, clearing his throat. 
“Danica,” he girds quietly, “please, not here. You’re drunk.” 
“I’m not, I feel good,” she slurs. 
Embarrassment scalds across your chest and down your spine. You never wanted anyone else to see her like this. You know it’s not her fault. It’s yours. She’s stressed from taking care of you and gets a little carried away trying to unwind. 
“You’re all over,” Andy gets her to the passenger door as she staggers clumsily, “come on.” 
He angles her around with one arm around her back and opens the door. He gets her into the seat as she giggles and her hand flutters down his shirt. He pulls away as he catches her hand before she can get any lower. You linger by the back of the car and act like you’re not watching. 
He mutters but you can’t make out his words. He clicks the seat belt around your mom and slams the door. You wince and the wheel of your tank squeaks. He sighs and his shadow turns to you. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he opens the backdoor, “come on. I’ll get you two home.” 
You nod and come forward, head and shoulders down. “Thanks,” you drag your tank with you, “sorry.” 
“Sorry, for?” He wonders. 
You sniff and shake your head. You don’t know how to answer. How do you explain the truth to him?
“Here,” he reaches for your tank as you say nothing. “Let me help.” 
You have to keep from crying out and reach to shove him away. You’re overly protective. You have to be. That’s what keeps you going and you’re just not used to other people touching it. He lifts it as he nudges you gently. 
You grab the side of the door and haul yourself up. You heave as you fall into the seat, light-head and he fits the tank in in front of you. He reluctantly lets it go and tickles your knee. 
“You okay?” He asks. 
You watch his hand. You nod and grab the seat belt, “fine.” 
“Hmm, I should probably look into some more accessible, huh?” 
“No, no,” you protest weakly. “I manage.” 
“Well, sweetheart, you shouldn’t have to just manage. You should be comfortable. That’s why I took your case.” He brings his hand up and surprises you as he brushes your cheek. You twitch. “You like dinner?” 
“Yes, sir,” you answer and flatten yourself to the seat. “Thank you.” 
He hums and tickles your skin before he recoils. He draws back and grabs the door. He gently shuts it as his eyes cling to you. Your heart is racing. You’re breathless yet that isn’t so unusual. 
He gets in the front seat and your mother babbles and reaches for him again. He swats her back and starts the car. She mutters and slumps into the door. 
“Danica,” he says. She doesn’t respond. He repeats it louder. She snorts. He curses under his breath. You’re happy she passed out, it’s worse when she doesn’t. 
You sit in silence as Andy backs out of the space. He looms rigidly as you shrink as small as you can. Usually, he’s nice. He has this way about him that you assume comes from being a lawyer. He makes himself approachable. But not right now. He’s agitated. You can feel it fuming off of him. 
“I’m sorry,” you eke out as the tension strangles you. 
“You don’t need to apologise for her,” he insists with another sigh. 
“But... she drinks because of me. I know.” You say. “Because I’m sick.” 
He clucks and squeezes the wheel tighter. “No, that’s a bad excuse. She’s an adult.” 
You don’t argue. There’s no reason too. For once, someone isn’t blaming you. Besides, how far did it ever get you. 
He drives on and you turn to watch the dark buildings pass outside the window. The moon is a sliver above and the stars a speckle around the wisps of clouds. You stare up into the expanse, admiring the streaks of dark blue, black, and grey. 
As the car slows, you tear your eyes from the sky. You blink in confusion. You’re not at your house, but Andy’s. You’ve been there once before.  
He shuts the engine off then sits back and spreads his hand across his forehead, “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I just realised I’m at the wrong house.” 
You stay silent. You thought your mom was asleep. He turns to look at you as he flicks on the compartment light. You squint at the sudden brightness. He means you. 
“Do you need anything at your house?” He asks. “Medicine or...” 
“It’s... in my pack,” you touch the belt bag across your stomach. “Tank’s mostly full.” 
He nods and looks you over, “I’m sorry. It’s been a long night. You don’t mind the guest room?” 
You shake your head. You don’t want to make his life any harder. And he should apologise to you. No one does that. They don’t owe you that. 
“Alright, again, I know it’s not easy for you. Probably a lot cozier at home,” he turns straight and shuts off the light. “Let me get your mom inside.” 
He unbuckles his seat belt and his keys jingle as he opens his door. You click the button on your belt and pull the handle. You push outward and the door is pulled from the other side. Andy appears in front of you. He helps get your tank to the ground and offers his hand. 
You don’t want to be rude so you let him help you down. You wheel around your tank as he shuts the door, the opens the passenger side. He ducks into the car and drags your mom out. He stands straight and shuts the door with his elbow. 
“Sorry to ask but could you unlock the door? Code is...” he gives you the numbers and you blink as you try to keep track of them. 
“Okay,” you nod and shuffle past him as he waits. You go up the walk and lift your tank up the low stone steps. You’re overly aware of him behind you. 
You get to the door and stare at the keypad. As you enter the numbers, you realise they’re familiar. It must be a coincidence. In a certain format, they would denote your birthday. The pad flashes green and the door clicks. 
You push down the lever and step back out of the way. 
“Go on,” he nods. 
“No, it’s okay,” you say. “Mom needs to lay down.” 
He looks down at the woman in his arms then at you. Even in the dark, you see his disappointment. Again, you can’t help but wonder why he puts up with her. You have no choice, as she has no choice in taking care of you, but he does. 
“You’re a good daughter,” he says as he slowly steps past you. 
You trail after him, your tank bouncing through the door, and you shut it behind you. You stand on the mat and roll your wheels back and forth, trying to get the excess dirty from them. Then you sit to take off your shoes. 
“You can turn on a light,” Andy chuckles as his shadow looms over you.  
You stare up at his silhouette. He’s close. He must not realise it in the dark. You turn and flip the switch.  
He smiles as he keeps a hold of your mom, “I’ll put her on the couch for now,” he says, “then I’ll get you settled.” 
You nod and bend to move your shoes onto the rack. You don’t look up again. You’re hot. Very hot, even though cool air flows from the vent just across from you. It’s just because you’re used to being at home. That’s it. 
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mikavlcs · 1 year
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
Summary: During an unprompted visit, Wednesday discovers something that you’ve been trying to hide.
Warnings: competetive!wednesday, overuse of parenthesis, this exists outside of canon bc i didn’t wanna come up with characters to replace thornhill and weems lol
Word count: 2.5k
Notes: this was requested by an anon (dino, hi), hope you enjoy!
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Wednesday could not stand most of the Nevermore population.
Normal teenagers were already grating enough but throw in the various quirks and abilities that came with being an outcast, and you were left with a supernaturally aggravating group of people that Wednesday wanted nothing to do with.
Most of them managed to vex Wednesday without even speaking—their mere presence an irritation to her. And that went for both students and teachers alike. No one was safe from Wednesday’s wrath.
But amongst the outcast-driven chaos and adolescent body odor, she managed to find a few people that she tolerated. Diamonds in the rough (though she would never describe them as that to their faces).
People like Enid, whom she was slowly and unwillingly warming up to, and Eugene, who reminded her too much of her brother for her to not become somewhat attached to him.
Xavier was still able to agitate her by merely being within her immediate vicinity, but he had his rare, fleeting moments of tolerability. Though they started off on the wrong foot, Bianca had earned her respect, solidifying her place on Wednesday’s short list of acquaintances…until they entered fencing class.
And finally, there was you.
A truly unlikely friendship. One that actually began as an initially one-sided academic rivalry.
You were the unfortunate soul that she got assigned to sit next to in a few classes. Because of this, Wednesday found out quickly that you were very smart.
Not as much as Wednesday (no one was), but enough to earn her respect and allow the competitive air between you to form.
She, of course, was winning but you were never far behind, and she refused to let you win.
For your part, you participated in her competition without complaint, but you seemed to do it more out of interest than a need to best Wednesday. Which shifted the dynamic in a way she didn’t expect.
Because unlike Bianca, you didn’t return her insults or instigate fights. You were kind to her. Always. Even when she was anything but kind to you. It made her feel… unpleasant.
So she resolved to stop being excessively rude to you, toning down the insults and leaning into apathy which was her first mistake. Her second was the decision to engage with the small comments you made during class rather than ignoring them outright because once she started lowering the wall between you, she couldn’t help but let it fall a little further each day.
The more she got to know you, the more her indifference morphed into something unrecognizable. The coldness she extended toward you melted, and the acquaintanceship turned into an actual friendship.
It shouldn’t have. In theory, she should have never grown close to you. You were shy, unnaturally clumsy, and you had an absolutely ungodly obsession with puns. But you were also sweet and endearing and pleasant to be around.
It worked in spite of the odds because you somehow exploited the same weakness within her that Enid and Eugene did. A fact that should have upset her but didn’t.
Still, the rivalry, though much friendlier now, endured. Both because Wednesday’s want for challenge never ceased and because you began to enjoy the competition as much as she did.
(Wednesday also enjoyed the look of wonder you had whenever she showed you a perfect test score. But she would never tell you that because you would then think that she was trying to impress you. She wasn’t.)
Whether she was influencing you or not was unclear, but you came out of your shell, matching her usual light insults with playful jabs of your own. Teasing slowly replaced the shy comments you made during class, and you grew just a bit more confident around her.
It only served to warm her up to you further.
The amount of time Wednesday would spend with you outside of class unknowingly increased. And with this newfound closeness, she started to notice some…oddities about your supposed clumsiness.
At first glance, it appeared that you were just chronically uncoordinated—tripping over things that were in plain sight was an everyday occurrence for you—but she discovered that this lack of coordination was a symptom of a greater issue.
That issue being that you had terrible eyesight.
The first time she really picked up on it was while working on a project together outside. You were working under the shade of a tree in the field behind the school and a flash of movement from above caught Wednesday’s eye. She went to inspect it and had to stop herself from rolling her eyes.
Thing, the attention seeker that he was, was trying to wave to you from her balcony.
She commented on it so you could wave back and get him to stop, but when you turned, you didn’t wave back. Rather, Wednesday watched as you struggled to find Thing above you, unfocused eyes flitting in every direction without finding their target.
It got to the point where she took pity on you and pointed to where he was hopping on her balcony railing. You waved in his general direction and got right back to work but Wednesday’s mind lingered on the incident.
She began paying more attention to your behaviors in class, the way your eyes squinted, and you had to lean forward slightly when trying to read something that was just a little too far away.
You struggled most in Miss Thornhill’s class, which Wednesday couldn’t really blame you for.
Thornhill moved at a breakneck pace, something Wednesday liked about her class, but she wrote terms in a small, nearly illegible cursive that even her well-trained eyes had trouble deciphering at times. Being assigned to sit at one of the tables near the back surely only exacerbated the problem.
And if it were anyone else, Wednesday would be happy to know that she had a leg up on the competition. But you weren’t anybody else and instead of finding victory or satisfaction in your hardship, she found herself wanting to help you.
An urge she obviously resisted, but it persisted nonetheless.
During a particularly rough class, Wednesday watched as you constantly tried and failed to understand the things written on the whiteboard up front.
You were so distracted with your notes that you made no attempts to tease her, nor did you tell her a single joke. Not even a terrible pun when she sat down in her seat. It bothered her far more than it had any right to.
After class, Wednesday stayed behind longer than usual. You noticed—if the glances you sent her way were anything to go by—but didn’t say anything. That only bothered her more.
She sighed, slid her class notes over to you. “Here.”
Startled, you looked over to her, then to the papers, then back to her.
“You’re letting me borrow your notes?” you asked, astounded.
“Just this once,” she warned, cold eyes piercing. “It would be a shame for one of my only worthy academic rivals in this outcast prison to fall behind because you refuse to act on your eyes’ obvious inadequacies.”
Before you had the time to comment on her admittance of your intelligence, she was swiftly packing her things and walking off. Just before she left the classroom, she heard a bemused, but grateful “Thanks, Wednesday!” called out behind her.
She ignored it, just as she ignored the disgusting fluttering feeling that accompanied it.
Unplanned setbacks were nothing new to Wednesday.
Honestly, this one wasn’t even really her fault.
One of the gorgons—tall, loud, and annoying—called her tiny. Him finding three uncovered, full-body mirrors in his dorm bathroom was simply what she would classify as karma.
When confronted she denied any involvement, citing it as “a truly unfortunate accident” but Weems, for all her faults, was no fool.
So now, Wednesday was confined to her dorm room for the week as punishment. Thornhill was stationed outside to make sure Wednesday didn’t leave her room after classes for anything other than meals and extracurriculars.
Wednesday didn’t have the heart to tell Weems that this feeble excuse for “solitary confinement” was more an escape for her than a punishment.
Though it was proving to be an obstacle for her now.
There was a Botany test scheduled for the next day. That was part of the reason why Wednesday chose to lend you her notes. But she wanted to get some studying done before her quickly approaching writing hour, so she had to get them back.
(Not that she needed to study—she had every word written on those papers memorized, but another sweep over its contents wouldn’t hurt. Especially if it guaranteed her a higher score than you.)
She had planned to retrieve them after harvesting hives with Eugene, but now it wouldn’t be that straightforward.
Fortunately, security measures as amateur as having a teacher stand outside her room were as simple for her to bypass as performing an autopsy. Something she could do in her sleep.
“Thing,” she called to her disembodied companion, “fetch me one of my spare grapples and some rope.” When she didn’t hear his tell-tale scuttling, she begrudgingly added a low, “Please.”
The sound of scampering finally reached her ears and Thing appeared beside her, the grapple and rope she requested nestled between his fingers.
She took the items from him and began tying the rope to the grapple’s end. “Thank you, Thing. If Enid returns before I do, then tell her to cover for me.”
He flashed her a thumbs-up and crawled over to Enid’s bed, no doubt intent on raiding her magazine collection.
After knotting the rope, she kicked the window open and ducked onto the balcony, connecting the hooks to the balcony railing. She threw the rope over the edge and gave it a hard tug to make sure it was anchored properly.
The grapple didn’t budge. Satisfied, she grasped the rope, climbed over the railing, and rappelled down to your balcony below with ease, spotting your hunched form through the glass of your window once her feet hit solid ground.
Silently, she pushed the window open, slipped in, and approached you. “Are you finished with my notes?”
You jumped, hard, knees banging against the underside of your desk and scattering your papers. Chest heaving, you spun around, relaxing when you saw her. “Wednesday, oh my god. Don’t scare me like that.”
She would have laughed or given you a sly remark, but she was distracted. Her attention completely taken by the glasses on your face.
The sleek, thin frames sat steadily on the bridge of your nose. She despised how she noticed the way the color accentuated your eyes. Even more so, she hated how she couldn’t deny that they looked…nice on you.
How unfortunate.
“So you do own a pair of glasses.” The words slipped from her lips as her eyes traced them for the fifth time.
You paused, then settled back against your chair, hands moving to reorganize your jumbled notes as you avoided Wednesday’s eyes.
“Two actually.”
Confusion coursed through her. You had the solution to your problem within your grasp this entire time, yet you decided to not use them? It made no logical sense.
“Then why don’t you wear them to class?”
“I-“ you sighed. “It’s stupid.”
“More stupid than knowingly impairing yourself and your performance in your classes?” Wednesday deadpanned. You stayed silent. She exhaled. “I vow not to use the information to blackmail you in the future if that’s what you’re worried about.”
The promise pulled an airy chuckle from you, and she cursed the warmth it spawned deep within her chest. “I actually wasn’t worried about that, but thank you for the assurance anyways, Wednesday.”
Wednesday gave you a nod and kept her eyes on you. Her expectant gaze didn’t go unanswered for much longer. Your eyes moved to the floor, apparently finding your socks a more interesting sight than her. Not that she cared.
“It’s just-I don’t like the way they look,” you admitted, soft and unsure. “I know you don’t care about others’ opinions but I’m not like that. I’m afraid people will laugh at me if I wear them outside of here. You probably think that’s stupid.”
You were right, she did think that was stupid. Because it was. She knew that insecurities were rarely rooted in logic, but this was just ridiculous. Ridiculous enough that she had to unpack it in steps.
First, the idea that anyone would laugh about you wearing glasses was odd. Thornhill and Eugene wore glasses without issue or ridicule. And if the vampires could walk around in their moronic sunglasses with no shame, then you should have no problem traversing the halls with your glasses.
And second, the ludicrous idea of yours that you looked bad with them on. If anyone were to see you now and say that you looked bad, she would question their own need for glasses.
Even she couldn’t find a single negative adjective to describe how they looked on you. In fact, she was having the exact opposite issue.
Wednesday debated just not saying anything in case she let her unsavory feelings slip accidentally, but she didn’t like how downtrodden you looked. Especially when it was because of something as insignificant as this.
“Well, if you’re going to listen to anyone’s opinions then listen to mine since you know I’m always correct.” The tiny smile that crept onto your face threatened to derail her thoughts, but she pressed on. “I think that you should wear them more often, and if anyone laughs, I will personally see to it that it’s the last sound that they ever make.”
You looked up, surprise flashing across your features. “Really?”
“Considering you literally need them to see, it just makes good sense to wear them, does it not?” she drawled out evenly. Seeing your remaining hesitance, she continued. “And in spite of what you may believe, they don’t make you look any worse than you normally do.”
Despite the blatant insult she included to try and distract you, your face lit up. Wednesday nearly looked away. “You don’t think they look bad?”
“No. I think they frame your face quite nicely actually.”
She didn’t catch her mistake, too busy fighting off the heat spreading in her cheeks to notice her fatal word choice. But you did. You gasped, a wide smile pulling at your lips. “Was…was that a pun?”
The words hit Wednesday like a punch to the stomach. She recoiled slightly, but knowing she couldn’t take it back she heaved a heavy, defeated sigh. “Not an intentional one.”
“Oh my god,” you said through a burst of giggles, “I can’t believe Wednesday Addams just made a pun.”
“Please stop pointing out my linguistic shortcoming. I hate being reminded of my personal failures,” she grumbled, trying to minimize the damage as much as possible. But you paid her plea no mind.
Your soft laughter filled the dorm, a melody almost as pleasant to Wednesday’s ears as the ones she played on her cello. The radiance you exuded in that moment was overwhelming.
She should have been upset with you, she really should have, but she could muster no negative feelings in the face of your unbridled joy. Even if it was at her expense.
So she let you have this victory. Just this once.
And maybe, just maybe Wednesday would be willing to accept defeat more often if it meant seeing you like this.
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re-colligere · 2 months
The Gene Archives: All the Other Ships
More ship stuff, this time all the other guys that aren't fashion disaster <3
As per usual, warning for old ass art and a lot of images.
Fashion Disaster | General Art
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I think this was my second favorite ship next to Disear back then. I still find them pretty neat (and the 2nd movie certainly added fire to the flames, im sure) but funnily enough it's not in the forefront of my mind as much anymore. For personal headcanon reasons. Still think the dynamic's very fun.
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um. APPARENTLY? ?? It was probably the heteronormative side of my head that somehow got attached to this average hwhite boy enough to ship him with Riley. I don't know how to feel about them now really...I think they're better as friends. Only half-related but I rewatched Riley's First Date? and that's STILL so funny to me I need more shorts like that actually. Please Pixar I'm begging on my knees I need to see other characters' emotions and stuff as the focus pleas please pleaseeeee
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This last one very much doubles as a disear thing, but this gets to be here.
They get to have their own section because I'm not normal about them now, and this disturbing lack of yuri is unacceptable. This is a reminder of my crimes I need to atone for. I'm so sorry women.
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Collection of other sillies that I didn't focus on too much, still think they're all adorable though :'] I think a majority of these were tumblr requests as well.
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Sorry I did the "Anger pulling Fear's nose to kiss him" twice. I think it's still a fun way to get Fear's tall n lanky ass down to kiss mr. blockhead over there.
Also, Sadness x Sweaters is peak actually!!
There's not that much I made... I drew more fusions than fankids, and I'm putting the fusions in a separate post because I didn't exclusively design them with romance as the starting point for the emotions. Also there's a lot of drawings and I kinda want to fluff up the "general" post with more thangs in there.
Unsurprisingly, it's mostly the disear fankids. Surprisingly, there's also tearnerve babies in here. ??
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I've remade Revulsion in his own post, but he does have a little sister! I'm unsure of bringing her back. I probably will...
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Good lird....the anxiety.............
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pr0wlerpunk · 2 months
First time
Character: A-train
Warnings: Talk about sexy times, unprotected sex(wrap up before you get smacked up), nsfw, cussing (yk the usual freaky boys stuff) (also not proofread)
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You didn’t tell Reggie you were a virgin at first. You’re both really popular and if it ever got out that a member of the seven was still a virgin then it would be really humiliating
When you first joined the seven you naturally gravitated towards A-train, he was the nicest all be it cockiest out of the group. You didn’t flat out trust him and he didn’t trust you either, but as time passed you both grew closer, increasingly so that he told you his real name and a little bit about himself
You grew to like the speedster and felt bad about keeping this secret from him when he trusted you so much, It was slowly eating away at your sanity and on one particular event hosted by Vought to congratulate bringing back the deep you told him
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“What did you need to talk about princess?” He smiled, the pet name rolling off his tongue with ease, making your face flush as you chewed your bottom lip anxiously
“I wanted to tell you something..something I’m kind of embarrassed about..” you sighed, your shoulders tense as your hands gripped the dress you wore. He frowned, taking a step closer towards you, the light reflecting off his glasses giving you a clear view of the worry in his eyes
“Hey, what’s up?” He gently grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to his body, his eyes searching over your flushed face
“I uhm..I’m still a virgin..” His eyes widened slightly as his lips twitched which eventually sprouted into a wide grin as he laughed, Your eyes widened as your heart started to race as a sense of worry and dread took over your features
“Don’t laugh!” You stammered, starting to pace back and forth, your hills clicking rapidly against the marble flooring as thousands of thoughts raced through your head. You only stopped when he grabbed your shoulders, the feeling foreign as it brought you back to reality
“I’m sorry, why’re you embarrassed about that exactly?” He smiled, his head tilting to the side a little as he gazed down at you
“Because I’m an adult and I’m literally apart of the Seven!” You groaned, looking down at the beautiful flooring to avoid his gaze, it wasn’t until his shoes came into frame that you looked up.
A soft smile on his lips as he brought his hand up to cheek, caressing it softly with his thumb
“there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, I’m sure you have your reasons for waiting” he said softly, his tone held a bit of warmth and sincerity that made your heart swell and a wild idea pop into your head.
You cautiously took a step forward, your hand on his chest as you looked up at him through your lashes
“can you help me?” His eyes widened, sure there were times he’d wish he could touch you more than a friend could but he knew he couldn’t, so hearing you ask him this almost made him do a double take
“You want me to help?” He’d ask carefully, scared he’d change your mind if he talked too loud or too fast. His heart pumping rapidly against his chest as he watched you nod, his hands almost instantly moving to your hips as he pulled you close to his body
“words baby, I gotta hear you say yes” you about melted when he said that, you grip tightening around the suits clear chest plate
“god, yes, please Reggie” that’s all he needed to hear as he crashed his lips against yours, his grip on your hips tightening as he pulled you flush against his chest, your eyes fluttering shut almost instantly as you gasped, his tongue slithering into your mouth as your lips parted.
he was first to pull away, his lips attaching to your neck as he nipped and kissed the soft skin, you arms going around his shoulders as a quiet moan escaped your lips, the small noise going straight to his head as he groaned against your skin
“god you’re perfect” he whispered against your skin as he backed you up against a pool table, his fingers digging into your hips as they slowly slid down to you thighs, pushing you up against the table, your dress bunching up around your hips as he slowly rolled his hips against yours
“so reactive for me” he smirked, his fingers sliding down under your dress before moving back up to stop at the waistband of your underwear, his cool fingers dipping in to collect your wetness, a soft groan leaving his lips
“I haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already so wet” he buries his head into your neck, sucking dark marks onto the skin as his fingers pump into you slowly, your back arching against him as your mouth parts open slightly, little moans and whines escaping into his ear,
he pumps his fingers a little faster now, your moans growing louder as your hand goes down to grip his forearm
“Reggie” you moan against his ear, your close, dangerously so, and you don’t think you can wait any longer, he lets out a soft grunt as he pulls his head away from your neck, his gaze flicking from your lips to your eyes
“I know baby, come for me” he grunts again, his gaze fixed on your reaction as he circles your clit, that only has you coming in seconds, your head tilted back and your eyes shut, a loud almost pornographic moan escaping your parted lips
“do you still want me to fuck you baby?” He asks softly but his tone is completely different, it’s rough and has a hint of desperation that makes you moan and eagerly nod your head, a soft “yes” leaving your lips as he pulls down the bottom half of his suit slightly, his hips pressed against yours as he removes your underwear, slipping them in his pocket as he removes his boxers
“are you sure you’re ready baby?” He asks softly, his hand coming up to gently cradle your cheek, his thump rubbing against the soft skin
“we can stop if you want” he tilts his head to the side softly as you lock eyes with his, yours completely blown out and glazed over as you nod
“I’m sure Reggie, I wouldn’t want it with anyone other than you” hearing those words slip out your mouth he nods, pressing his lips against yours as he slowly moves inside of you, not stopping until he’s completely inside, bottoming out as you clench around him, whines and small sounds of discomfort leave your lips as he tries to shush them
“I know baby, tell me when to move” he grunts softly, his fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs as he tries not to move until you say, you breath slowly trying to blink away the little pain you feel before nodding
“please Reggie” you moaned softly, giving him the confirmation he needed to start moving his hips, he’s slow at first-making sure he’s not hurting you before picking up his pace, his hips snapping against yours as the pool table slides against the floor, the balls scattering around and falling to the floor at the sudden force
“F-fuck, you feel so good baby” he’d groaned softly, his forehead resting against yours as you clenched around him, driving him further and further to the edge as he panted
“Reggie, f-fuck” you whined, your grip tight around his neck as your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer as your vision went white and you came for the second time, with you clenching and moaning his name he’s not far behind, his hips stuttering against yours as he emptied himself inside you
You sat there panting as a soft smile made its way to your lips
“thank you Reggie” you rubbed his back softly
“no, thank you” he sighed before leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips
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Lets just say you both were incredibly close after that
(Guess I may be back omg :O)
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dawnisatotalqueen · 6 months
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title: broken promises
character: steven hyde x reader
warnings: profanity probably I didn't rlly pay attention, mentions of marijuana usage, talking down abt women smh.., jealousy, miscommunication, ZEN MASTERS MENTION
summary: after hyde's fight with your date and his almost admission, nothing had happened between you two. next thing you knew, it was veterans day and someone else had their eye on hyde.
disclaimer: i do not support danny masterson in any way, shape, or form. i just have an attachment to hyde </3 (this is exactly what I said last time I just wanna make sure yall know...)
word count: 2,094
part one
Nothing had happened between you and Hyde since that fight. Your relationship had reached a stalemate.
That didn’t stop you from questioning it.
Your dates had slowly dwindled down, though it wasn’t that you didn’t have options, guys old and new still asked you out, but you couldn’t bring yourself to go out with them.
You wanted Hyde.
Too much to ignore.
Much to your dismay though, someone else had begun pursuing Hyde, someone that you never really could’ve expected. Jackie.
After her and Kelso broke up again because of him hooking up with Eric’s sister Laurie, Hyde had given her lessons on “Zen”. The two’s friendship started to bloom, and Jackie quickly caught feelings.
You couldn’t blame her, and the more you thought about it, they made sense. Despite that, you didn’t like the idea of it. It wasn’t fair, and you knew that, but you just couldn’t help the bitter feelings in your chest when you watched the two.
It was Veterans day, which meant it was time for Red Foreman’s annual party. He was pretty passionate about the day, being a Veteran himself.
Everyone was down in the basement. You were sitting in the chair opposite of Hyde’s, watching as Jackie talked to him while he sat on the washer. “So Steven, isn’t Veteran’s day romantic?”
“Oh yeah, government pawns, and missing limbs. That’s amore.”
“I know, I know!” Jackie placed a hand over her heart. “It’s a day for people in love to have fun together!”
“Man, all this talk of fun makes me wanna have fun… Hey! Let’s throw stuff at other stuff!” Kelso gasped.
Eric perked up, getting off the couch. “Man, that's perfect! I got stuff!!”
“I’m in!”
The two boys went upstairs and you couldn’t fight back your snicker.
Jackie turned back to Hyde. “So, Steven, you wanna go to Mr Foreman’s barbeque with me?”
Before he could answer her, you decided you could not sit and watch this, so, you went upstairs to go throw stuff with Kelso and Eric.
You wore a simple (F/C) dress, with your classic jacket. You looked around the front yard, there were a multitude of people that Red and Kitty knew, and a few different people that your friend’s knew, but it was mostly the usual crowd. You knew that Donna’s Dad was having a party, but you liked the Foreman’s house. You’d still stop by though.
You noticed Jackie with a guy you didn’t recognize, and you decided to walk over.
“Everybody, this is Chip, Chip, this is everybody.” Jackie motioned around to the people in the area, that being you, Fez, Kelso, and Hyde.
“Hey everybody.” Chip nodded at you guys.
“Yo.” You nodded, glancing over at Hyde. He looked.. Grumpier than usual. You felt your insides twist, and a brief sense of dread.
Chip told Jackie he’d grab her a drink, then went off. You watched as Jackie walked over to Hyde and you sighed a little, walking over to Kelso and Fez.
Kelso had his arms crossed over his chest as he huffed. “Man, this isn’t fair! Why does some random dude get to bring Jackie to the party?!”
Fez grumbled. “She could do soooo much better.”
You let out a breath. “Right? But it’s just to make Hyde jealous, so chill.”
“That’s not cool though, man!” Kelso whined. “I thought Hyde liked you!! So what’s goin on?!”
“I did too.” You sighed, watching Jackie and Hyde’s exchange.
After a little bit you saw Jackie get up, leaving Hyde and Chip alone to talk. You weren’t sure how it went down, but when you passed by, you heard Chip speak.
“She’s a bitch.”
You paused, turning around. Using your context clues, you figured he was talking about Jackie, which pissed you off. You were almost ready to give him a piece of your mind when Hyde said, “Oh no..” And he hit him.
You squeaked, jumping back from the two. “Holy shit!”
Jackie ran over. “What happened?”
“Somethin– Bitch– He–” Hyde looked between Jackie and the very knocked out Chip.
Jackie looked between them before gasping. “He– He called me a bitch and you hit him!”
“...No.” Hyde stared at her, very obviously lying.
“I am the bitch! And you love me!” Jackie looked like she had actual stars in her eyes and you could feel your heart crack. Did he love her?
You needed to get out of there. Maybe a date, maybe something, anything–
“L/N!” Kelso huffed, nudging you.
You blinked. “Huh?”
You looked around, realizing it was night time and you were outside somewhere?
“Get your head in the game, man!”
You remembered now. After talking to Kitty, Hyde came outside and asked Jackie out. Kelso and Fez were upset, and you.. Were hurt. Somehow, some way, the two boys had managed to convince you to spy on Jackie and Hyde’s date. Did you have a momentary lapse of judgment? Probably. But there was no backing out now.
The three of you snuck through the trees, eventually arriving right behind Jackie’s car, where Jackie and Hyde were sitting at the front of it. Their backs were to you, and you couldn’t hear them.
“What are they saying?” Fez tilted his head.
“Don’t worry, I can read lips.” Kelso stared at the back of their heads. “Jackie’s saying.. Wow I really love this date, Hyde!” He put on a high pitched voice for Jackie. “And Hyde’s sayin.. Yeah, totally man, I agree.”
Fez gasped. “Really? They’re having that much fun?”
You put a hand over your mouth, trying to conceal your laughter so as to not get caught. “Kelso, I don’t think that’s what they’re saying–”
When you looked back up though, Jackie and Hyde were leaning in..
You felt your heart drop.
You could’ve thrown up on the spot as you quickly stood up.
“L/N!” Kelso whisper-shouted at you, but you couldn’t sit there. You’d seen all you needed to see.
What you didn’t see though was how when Hyde and Jackie parted from their kiss, neither of them were into it. They gave it a shot, but it didn’t work. In his head, Hyde knew why. He had you in the back of his mind. He had been trying to ignore it for months, playing it cool like he always did, but that wasn’t working. He didn’t like you any less than he did before.
As it turns out, it might’ve been too late.
You were going on a date. For the first time in months, you were thinking about a guy that wasn’t Hyde.. Or, well, trying to.
Loyal to your old routine, you were heading to the Foreman’s house to wait for your ride. Your outfit wasn’t much different than your usual ones, but you did look a little done up.
“Hey, L/N.” Donna nodded at you, a lazy smile on her face. Everyone looked pretty high.
They were passing around the blunt, Hyde being the last one who had it. “Wanna hit?” He raised a brow.
You shook your head. “Wish I could, but I’m only gonna be here for a sec. I have a date.” You hummed.
“Really?!” Jackie gasped, looking over. “You haven’t been out in months!”
“Yeah, thought you were giving up the whole meaningless date thing?” Eric tilted his head, looking over at you.
You shrugged, shoving your hands in your jacket pockets. “I was, but, I don’t know. Guess there’s not really a point.” You side eyed Hyde in a way that you thought was sneaky, but unbeknownst to you, he saw it.
Your glare made him sit up a little straighter. He’d seen you when you were mad, but it had never been directed toward him before. What’d he do to piss you off– And more importantly, what did that have to do with you going on a date again?
Kelso looked at you. “Oh heey– By the way, are you good, man? Yesterday after we were watching Jackie and Hyde you ran off and we didn’t see you after!!”
“I told him that you probably had to go to the bathroom.” Fez nodded, sinking into his chair.
You immediately went pale. “Ahah– Yeah, uhm. My bad. I didn’t feel well. But, wowie, jeez, look at the time I gotta go– Bye!!” You quickly called out, going right back out the way you came.
Hyde put his hand over his mouth, mumbling. “Shit..”
It made sense now. You saw him and Jackie, and based on what Kelso said, didn’t stick around long enough to hear how it ended.
What didn’t make sense was why you would care. Why would it matter if he kissed Jackie?
You had been gone for about two and a half hours. Everyone dispersed, and Hyde couldn’t help but be reminded about the night you spent together months prior. This time though, he planned on changing things.
He paced around outside, hoping that the guy you were out with would drop you off the same place he picked you up.
Lucky for him, he was right. A nicer car pulled up, and you got out, exchanging a few words with whoever was in the driver’s seat.
You were happy with the date. It wasn’t anything extravagant, and you didn’t really like the guy, but he was nice, and it was fun. You were planning on just walking home before you heard your name being called. And not your last name, which is what everyone called you. It was your first name. It sounded foreign from that voice.
You had turned around, tilting your head before your face dropped. You didn’t want to talk to Hyde. In the back of your head you knew you didn’t have any place being mad at him, but you were hurt.
You blew out a breath. You just had to act like you didn’t care. Easy. “What’s up?” You shoved your hands in your pockets, looking at him.
“Can we talk?” He walked up the driveway, standing in front of you.
You winced, talking being the exact opposite of what you wanted to do with Hyde. “I don’t know, I need to head home–”
“L/N.” He stepped a little closer. “I just wanna explain what happened between me and Jackie.”
You froze. Of course he knew.. After what Kelso said earlier, there was no way he didn’t know.
You blew out a breath. If you couldn’t play it off, you needed to try to fix things. “Listen, Hyde, you don’t need to explain yourself. It’s fine, you like Jackie, she likes you, and it’s cool.”
“L/N–” He ran a hand through his curls, taking off his shades.
You didn’t see him without his sunglasses very often, and it always caught you off guard when he’d take them off.
“I don’t like Jackie.”
You blinked, tilting your head. “What? But I saw you guys kiss on your date–”
“You didn’t stick around long enough. If you would’ve stayed, you would’ve seen that the kiss didn’t mean anything. There– there wasn’t anything there. No sparks, no feelings, it was just.. A kiss.”
You listened before furrowing your brows. “Okay, um, that’s, okay.. Why are you telling me this, Hyde?”
“Because I like you.”
You felt a heat creep up your neck all the way to your cheeks. “What?”
“I like you. I– I don’t know when it happened, but I know that a few months ago when you spent the night I realized it. And, it’s not a big deal, but it sorta seemed like you might.. I don’t know. If you don’t like me, it’s cool, but it was starting to feel like you do.”
You stared at him. He liked you. But what about your promise? What about the possibility of ruining your friendship? A messy breakup could start bad things in your friendship. But…
Could you ever forgive yourself if you didn’t at least give it a chance?
You looked down, your cheeks growing redder by the second. “I uh.. I like you too.”
Before you knew it you felt hands on your cheeks, tilting your head up. “Could I..”
You nodded, the motion being so small it was almost unnoticeable.
He closed the space between you. The kiss was gentle, sweet, a result of years of denied pining. Then, it turned deeper, more passionate, the tension between you finally bubbling over the edge.
It was everything you wanted, the perfect kiss for a perfect moment.
Maybe some promises were meant to be broken.
tag list: @cantbecreative
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xdinaryvamp · 12 days
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ 🩷 ` soul “video game lover”!!
where you meet shota on an online video game, falling in love with him even if you've never seen him. and now you're afraid that meeting the guy behind the avatar in real life might shatter your opinion of him.
genre : fluff, online love, gn reader.
pairings : gamer!soul × gamer!reader.
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since you were young, you've always been a big fan of video games, but you were never vocal about it. none of your friends shared that hobby, therefore feeling forced to live your passion alone.
so, when playing an online game you met shota, a video game fan like you, you were so happy that you almost started dancing in your room. yes, you never saw him in real life, but he quickly became the most present person in your life.
you texted him everyday, playing games together during video calls and sharing every bit of each other’s life, even the most useless things, like the yogurt you ate for breakfast or the new jeans he had bought.
soon enough, you realized you fell in love with him.
it wasn’t surprising, seeing how easy it was for you to be yourself around him. but still it seemed wrong to you, because starting a relationship with someone you had never actually seen seemed strange, dangerous even. so you kept your feelings a secret for months, keeping the relationship you had with him still.
that’s, until you got a text from him.
shota: you live in xx city, right? (・・;)ゞ
y/n: yeah, why??
shota: ₍^ >ヮ<^₎ .ᐟ.ᐟ
shota: i’m on the train
shota: almost there!
y/n: WHAT
shota: ദ്ദി๑>؂•̀๑)
no need to say that you got no additional answer.
an hour later he called you to get the address of your house, and after about twenty minutes he was already outside your door, ringing the doorbell continuously.
you rushed at the front door, after spending the last hour and a half tidying up your house and yourself.
before you open the door you realize how stupid it might be to let someone into your home who could very well be a different person than what they appear to be online. but then you think back to the months - almost a year - spent together between games and calls, and you reassure yourself. and you're also reassured by the fact that he's probably the dumbest of the two, since he's the one who went all this way for an online friend.
“shota.” you say, when his figure finally appears in your field of vision.
he just smiles. then he leaves his suitcase to hug you. and it's the best hug you've ever received in your life.
“i should scold you for showing up here without warning.” you murmur with your face buried in his shoulder, hoping he can't sense your heart beating faster and faster.
you hear him laughing next to your ear: “i warned you an hour before.”
you huff, knowing that in that moment you're anything but angry at him.
he detaches himself from your body, taking his suitcase and then finally entering your house. “shall we play together?”
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
you're both sitting on your bed, a half empty bag of chips in the middle, two joysticks and an action game on the screen.
you've been like this for a while now, elbows touching and the comfortable silence of those who have known each other well for a while.
you're doing your best to stay focused on the game, ignoring as much as possible the closeness you currently have with the boy.
the crush hadn't passed, and the excuses about it being nothing more than a virtual relationship were now no longer valid.
he was there. on your bed. eating your chips.
you could hear live all the strange noises he usually made when playing, sounding like a character himself. you could feel the bed move when he moved. and now, damn, now you could feel his head resting on your shoulder, his hair brushing your cheek, his arm completely attached to yours.
you were dying internally. and you were very close to doing it externally too, as it seemed like you were about to have a heart attack.
“sorry for rushing in here without saying a word." he said, as he blew the head off a zombie with a gunshot.
“no problem. i'm happy to have you here.” you answer. and it was true, by now you had even forgotten about the fact that until that morning you hadn't even suspected his visit.
“it's that... there's something i wanted to tell you, and i don't like communicating important things by text.”
“something happened?” you ask. you hands trembling as you pretended to still look at the screen.
“i think i'm in love with you.” he says in one breath, without removing his head from your shoulder, and without daring to remove his eyes from the game.
you are speechless. your cheeks become red as you watch the words "game over" appear in front of you.
“i know it's weird, and i don't expect you to reciprocate,” he adds, seeing that you hesitate to answer, "but i felt i had to tell you. if you don't feel the same we can always pretend that nothing happened. i'll go home and…” he was nervous and you knew it. he always talked a lot more than usual when he was.
“shota” you swallow the lump of saliva that had formed in your throat, forcing yourself to speak. occasions like that don't come around twice. “i like you too.”
for a minute there is only silence. then he suddenly shifts to look you in the eyes.
“really y/n? really?” he seems happy, and you breathe again.
“i've been for a long time, to be honest.” you confess, scratching the back of your neck in embarrassment.
“me too.” he takes your hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb. “i could no longer pretend to see you only as a friend.”
“i so want to kiss you right now.” and you also want to beat yourself up for waiting so long and being a coward. yes, you would like to do both at the same time.
he smiles at you. with his free hand he caresses your cheek, before closing the distance from you and leaving a sweet and slow kiss on your lips.
your heart melts. and in silence you pray that this is just the first of thousands of other kisses, without knowing that he is doing the same.
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girlreviews · 7 months
Review #146: Parallel Lines, Blondie
Man oh man oh man. I love Blondie so much. I found this record in the Windsor Oxfam. I don’t remember exactly how old I was, but I remember what boyfriend was with me so that puts me between 15 and 18. Yeah, same guy. I actually don’t remember if he ended up getting his hands on this record or not. I think I still have it. Will rifle through my collection later to check.
Blondie was in the “being cool” wilderness for some absolutely crazy reason at that point, and nobody really gave a shit about them anymore. When I was 17 or 18 they were playing the Reading Hexagon which is honestly still just such an unbelievable insult I’m still annoyed about it. I’ll circle back to that.
Parallel Lines epitomizes the complete and total coolness and badassery of Debbie Harry. I have never wanted to be someone more than I wanted to be her. So much confidence. Such incredible cheekbones. Such commitment to art. No apologies. The voice of an angel one moment and snarling whimsical warnings, like, hey you, don’t fuck with me, the next. Always standing in front of all of those completely non-descript nobody dudes. Yeah they’re playing the music, but who cares, who are they? It’s all her. She is Blondie.
Can I pick a favorite? It opens with Hanging on the Telephone, in which she is really threatening to rip the phone clean off the wall. It might be that one. But we’ve also got the classic One Way Or Another, which needs no comment, and one of my actual favorites of all time, Heart of Glass which never fails to fuck me up, but like, it’s a god damn disco track? Like sure, yeah, let’s boogie away our heart break. And I did. And I have. And I will. And these are all SINGLES. We aren’t even discussing the actual album tracks yet. Just listen to it. Honorable mention goes to Sunday Girl, which I always really loved. It’s cute and it’s kind of sweet in a very teenage girl kind of way that worked for me since I was in fact, a teenage girl. Also, not on the official album release, but there was a version of that track where the latter half was sung entirely in French and I always really dug it.
Okay so circling back to the Hexagon. This is a weird story and I’m still not sure how I feel about it, to this day. As I said, Blondie were playing a show at the Hexagon. I was absolutely obsessed with them, and Debbie Harry. I was also 17 or 18 and spent every penny I had on going to shows, but those pennies were pretty limited. I worked as a waitress at the pub that was two doors down from my house. It was full of characters. One such character was a regular, he was in his late 40s, was very wealthy, didn’t drive, was single, and spent literally every bit of his spare time in that pub. Think on that. He paid a lot of attention to the various young women that worked there. Was he creepy? No not exactly. But did it make you uncomfortable? Yes it did. Because you never knew when he might make it weird. Everyone liked him well enough. One day out of the blue this guy presented me with five tickets to the Blondie show. I didn’t know what in the hell to say or whether to accept them. Or what it meant. Whether there were expectations attached to them. Whether it was okay to take them. I was uncomfortable. I was 17.
Here’s what happened. My Mom, who sort of knew him too, since he was always there, decided it was fine, because she wanted to go. But for it to be okay, she decided he also had to come. So we went, he came, and a few friends too. The thing is though, she never knew him like I did. I saw him every day. I saw him with the other girls that worked at the pub. I saw him drunk off his ass. I don’t know that I ever would have taken the tickets. Or if I did, I’m not sure I ever would have invited him. I feel a bit queasy about it to this day. I think in the end something really off-base happened one night between him and someone on staff and he got barred. That was usually the way it went with regulars who were there that often.
The other thing to note is that Blondie ended because Debbie Harry was with Chris Stein, who was literally dying of some rare autoimmune disease throughout their last tour. There were other factors at play, but essentially, they broke up because he was too sick and she stayed at his side and became his full-time carer. When he was well, he left her. They are, remarkably, still close friends to this day and still perform together. Just never forget that men are dogs, and that Blondie is and always will be Debbie Harry. I love her. To this day she looks better than I do in a mini skirt and I love that for her.
ETA: I checked and in fact, I do not still have Parallel Lines in my record collection, but I am quite confident it got lost when I moved back to the US. Also, I’m not 100% certain that show was at the Reading Hexagon. I just know it was a shitty venue not worthy of Blondie. This was 18 years ago. You get the idea.
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equestriagirl16 · 2 years
So I know Arven’s nickname for us, ‘little buddy’, is 100% a completely platonic title he you gives you as someone who’s inherently a softy and connects with you pretty quickly as you dive into helping him with his biggest troubles.
But as a full on Arven simp and someone who’s also a very touchy feely person there’s just something so extremely affectionate about that title. Now whether you prefer the idea of a platonic or romantic relationship with him is all up to the individual, and is totally valid. But for me there’s just no denying the genuine giddiness I feel whenever he calls you that.
Perhaps it’s because he’s one of the few characters in Pokémon games to flat out call you something other than your name. Or maybe the fact that he mostly prefaces it with ‘my’ before saying it, which adds this extra layer of praise and slight possessiveness as if he was instantly attached to you at the hip. Not to mention it usually follows up after a compliment. And the feelings just grow stronger as you continue on your journey with him, getting to know his personality and motivations as he learns yours. Slowly leaning on and confiding in one another through it all.
It’s almost like he knew, like he knew he made the right choice. Sure at beginning it was because he realized you were a strong enough trainer to help him, but he started to see you were so much kinder and cooler. Your reputation proceeded you, but he got to know you personally and not many others can say that. He has so much pride in you and feels like he owes you so much, the least he can do is stick by your side being as much of a constant in your life as you are in his.
At the beginning you were his little buddy and through everything you’re still HIS little buddy. And running into him throughout the game and hearing him say that has made me physically smile more times than I’ve realized.
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oneshlut · 11 months
Overjoyed (Dr. Flug x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General Dr. Flug crushing and confessing headcanons
VERY rarely experiences love. This is very new to him, so he will NOT recognize it the first few months he has a crush
Will think of you as a really close friend! At least, he thinks so. He may get a bit more insecure because he thinks you're a better person than him
If you treat him like a normal person and like.. don't bully him??-- He will get attached. I don't think he's recieved affection in a hot minute
You, overall as a person, fascinate him. How can someone be so kind, smart, witty, good-looking (in a totally platonic way), AND care for him? Part of him thinks you're not real. Don't worry, he just hasn't experienced love that often to know what admiration is
He doesn't understand why he gets so nervous around you. He's not scared of you at all, not like he is around Blackhat--you were, in fact, the opposite of him. So why was he getting all fidgety and jumpy around you? It didn't make sense how he could feel so comfortable around a person, yet still feel so anxious all the while
Over time, he becomes a bit protective over you without really knowing it. He'll push you out of his lab when he's doing a dangerous experiment, or will give you the easiest job on missions (besides 5.0.5.'s). He tries to refrain himself from acting this way sometimes, he doesn't want you to feel like you're incompetent in any way--all his intention was to keep you safe! And now he's spiraling because he doesn't know why he feels so protective over you
Sometimes you'll compliment him, and he feels as if Blackhat himself just told him he did a great job on a mission. Except, this time his heart was beating faster, his palms were more sweaty than usual, it felt stuffy inside his mask, and-- ..Goddammit, why is he getting so nervous again?? He then realizes he hasn't responded to you yet, and mutters a small 'thank you' that made him sound a lot less confident he wished he could've sounded
Eventually, he got sick of it. He needed to find out what the hell was going on. So imagine his mini panic attack when he googles 'why is my heart beating so fast', and Google tells him his heart is failing
It's not like he doesn't know what love is, no, far from it. He's seen his average romcoms (and hated them), he knows what love should be like. Hell, he knows the entire chemical formula for the damn feeling. He was just never able to understand what others felt when they said they were 'in love'. Until now.
For him, it was unbelievably weird to have his heart race for someone that wasn't out of fear. Honestly, he.. liked the feeling. If it weren't for how he reacted to it.
Dr. Flug wasn't this nervous around you before. Normally, not at all. When you hung out at his lab, he would ramble on and on about his inventions, only checking in every few minutes to make sure you weren't getting bored of him or anything. But now, knowing his feelings for you, he feels horribly nervous around you. This affects every little thing he does, and he hates it.
When you hang out with Flug now, he realizes how truly lucky he is for you to even do more than just glance over him. Him? Why him? Why not spend your time with anyone else..?
Then he realizes you actually care about him. His existence. He isn't.. invisible to you. And suddenly he's over the moon.
Right--about the way Flug acts around you. Every conversation you have with him suddenly has this weird air around it. You could tell he was more nervous than.. well, usual, but whenever you asked he just waved it off as some upcoming mission or invention he still had to work on. You'd normally decide not to dwell on it too much.
On his end, he thought he was doing everything horribly wrong in front of you. "Catch you on the flip side"??? When has he ever said something like that?! Not to mention his stammering practically increased by 5 times its normal amount, as he was fumbling over most words in every single sentence he dared mutter around you. If he wasn't talking, he was tripping over his untied shoelaces (he almost always had them tied, god, what happened to his schedule-?) or spilling some important chemical all over his workspace.
Overall, he was more fidgety than normal, and he hated it. It made him want to tear his bag out. Why couldn't he just be normal around you? Now he's just worse than he ever was. All his attempts of impressing you were down the drain at this point. But at least he hasn't completely drawn you away--I mean, you still liked hanging out with him! At least, he thinks you like spending time with him.. Part of him is still just the slightest bit insecure.
His worry for you has increased when you go on missions with him now. Part of him wants to just keep you in the hat ship so you don't get involved in something messy, but he knows that would be unfair for you. Flug just worries about you getting hurt, is all. He tries to focus on you a bit more during missions to make sure you're doing alright, but sometimes this just causes him to fuck up even more in front of you. Way to go, Flug. He suddenly feels as if his engineering and villainy PhDs didn't really do that much for him in the long run.
As we all know, Dr. Flug is far from someone to act on feelings. He acts on his logic, most of the time at least. With this in mind, he is the last person you'd think of as someone who would confess their feelings to someone. In all honesty, even if he did muster up the courage to try, he would pass out on the spot. So, he just tries to wait it out until this crush subsides. Spoiler alert: it doesn't!
Right, right--so, since he probably won't ever come clean about his feelings to you, you'll probably eventually just have to confess yourself. Unless Flug slips up one day and accidentally says he loves you in one of his long-winded rambles, in which would make a very awkward situation.
Under the circumstances that you do confess to him first, he.. well, Flug won't believe you at first. You've probably just gotten yourself mixed in with one of Demencia's pranks. A bit cruel, but nothing he couldn't handle. He will have to talk to Demencia later though, she's been getting on his nerves lately.. And besides, the whole spiel of you actually liking him, caring for him, and wanting to be with him? Yeah, okay.
So he laughs. And then he realizes you're serious. Oh. You're serious.. Oh.
Ohhhhhh crap. Okay! So you like him. It was.. It didn't feel real. But it was. And now that same feeling came back to him, the one where he feels his hands getting sweatier, his bag getting stuffier, and.. a new symptom. His legs turned flimsy, and could now just barely hold his body. He leaned onto his desk for support. If only he could see how red his bag was at the time.
And yes, you were able to calm him down, but even as the day progressed, Flug still couldn't swallow the situation. He laid in his bed unmoving, still, and.. awake. He couldn't get his mind off of anything that had happened that afternoon. He's probably pinched himself at least 6 times now, making sure he wasn't just dreaming or anything. After the 7th pinch.. yep, he wasn't.
Eventually, this surprise faded away into another new emotion.
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shigayokagayama · 1 month
Could you do Teru for the ask game?
oh boy. ok.
Sexuality Headcanon:
gay. specifically. ok. maybe my most strange and specific take. but i feel like teru being into girls would kind of make his character arc... weaker? bizarre sentence i know but. hear me out. of the shots we get of him before mob enters the picture, 2/3 of them involve him flirting with girls. post mob we never ever see him with a girl again aside from one omake where there are a crowd of them trying to ask him out on valentines day who he is turning down. i feel like we are supposed to see these relationships as being a part of his fake, "perfect" persona he sheds rather than anything that came out of general interest. he's dating them because he's the handsome popular guy and that's what he's supposed to do, not because he's actually interested at all.
Gender Headcanon:
i like bigender teru a lot
A ship I have with said character:
terumob GIANT ASTERIX in the very specific context of being post confession arc. i see heart eye panel as the exact moment his false, idolized image of mob fades away and he sees him for what he truly is and still chooses to love him flaws and all. i really do think they are able to understand each other on a much deeper level than most people because they have both seen each other at their lowest and still chosen to continue wanting to be in each others lives. they both coped with their powers by creating these perfect masks to show the world (teru's as the prodigy and mob as the nice guy who will do anything for you and never ask anything in return) and were the first to be able to identify each other's facade because they recognized themselves in them and 💥. they mean a lot to me. also i do think the "they dont hang out much post canon" thing is a slight misconception, teru says they dont plan hangouts much and usually just run into each other and hang out from there. that with teru's "you should ask me to hang out more" gives such "im so used to other people making the first move that i havent developed the skills to let people know that i want them in my life" energy it makes me a little insane. anyway.
A BROTP I have with said character:
i need him ritsu and shou to run in circles hitting each other with rocks. i think any two of them on their own hang out normally and if you have the three of them + mob its normal but just the three of them and they start inventing games like "powerline volleyball"
A NOTP I have with said character:
pre confession arc terumob. like mob would never because tsubomi but if they did date it would last one month and they would never speak again itd be so bad (spoken from experience by a person with similar attachment issues who has dated people ive been hyperfixated on before)
A random headcanon:
HES SUCH A FILM BRO I KNOW HES A FILM BRO. this kid's letterboxxed is comprised solely of 1960s horror films made on a budget of 2 dollars and if you watch any of them with him he will provide trivia the entire film. also he has npd source fucking look at him
General Opinion over said character:
hes my favoriteeeeeeee the first time he showed up with the wig i went "alright this is gonna be my favorite character" and i spent the first half of season 2 mournfully going "i miss haystack boy :(" every episode he wasnt in. and then i read the manga and i got crazy insane over him. i really do feel like the anime dumbs him down a lot manga teru is a completely different person and hes so interesting i need to like. tear holes in my drywall. god. teru.
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paradiseismine · 20 days
Finn and his characters cuddling you - headcanons
Pairing: Finn Wolfhard + Finnverse characters x gender neutral!reader
Warnings: rather fluffy with a tinyyyy bit of spice, ok? No smut this time ❤️
Summary: how Finn and each of his characters would cuddle with you 🥰
Love note from Nina: my last two Finn-related fics pretty much flopped, and that made me quite sad. I considered abandoning this account, I’m not sure if I should just keep putting these fics out into the world, even if no one cares. Anyway. Trying to write some fluffier stuff as well 💕
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Finn Wolfhard (himself)
Our beloved boy won’t say it to your face, but he’s a sucker for some cuddles. He was a bit more reserved regarding physical affection when you two met, but with time, you truly made him a serial cuddler. Whenever he has some time off, you’re required to meet up with him and cuddle him for a good couple hours. Finnie lovesss putting his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat, or just lying on top of you altogether. He says it’s really calming, and his anxieties all seem to melt away. If you run your fingers through his hair, humming or whispering sweet nothings to him, it’s over - he’ll either fall asleep in a minute or get the urge to, you know, take things further. Being able to relax and trust someone so much actually turns him on quite a bit.
Boris Pavlikovsky
It’s hard to make this one ask for cuddles, he’ll mostly just lie beside you in bed and cuddle you without a word, or make you lie down with him if he knows you’re not busy. Being a big spoon all the way, expect him to attach himself perfectly to your butt, and get used to feeling his erection a bit while you’re cuddling. It doesn’t mean anything, though - he’s just relaxed, he’ll say, nothing malicious. There has to be some serious hand holding all throughout the cuddling session, some neck kisses and sweet words in Russian or Polish as well. Also lots of “love you forever, kochanie”, “you smell so good, wish I can smell you forever”, that delicious accent never failing to make you smile.
Mike Wheeler
After a d&d campaign or a stroll at the mall with the gang, your paladin expects some good time alone with his sweetheart - and cuddles are mandatory for him. He’ll normally take you to his room or to his basement, put his arm around your shoulder with the lamest “fake yawn” move and cuddle you. You’ll laugh and embrace him fully, still amazed that he actually pulled off that cliché on you (and well, it worked). Mikey loves some light making out and tender caresses as you two cuddle, even if they don’t lead to anything - he just loves touching your body in anyway he can, just feeling that you enjoy his company and his touch is more than enough to get him smiling like a little kid.
Miles Fairchild
Cuddles are a bit rarer with Miles, but that’s just because he doesn’t really know how to ask for them. Non-sexual affection is a bit harder for him, you’d always known that. So, you can just initiate the cuddles whenever you want them, and he’ll never deny them. When you two cuddle, he’ll embrace your body fully, tangling his legs to yours, arms around your torso, all of it. Usually you’re on top of him, he likes to think he’s protecting you. He’s not very vocal on expressing his feelings for you, but he’ll run his fingers through your hair gently, ask if you’re comfortable, if you need anything, and talk about anything you want.
Trevor Spengler
You know Trev can’t resist some good cuddles. He was a bit shy at first, but as you two got closer, he felt more comfortable to ask for cuddles and kisses when he’s feeling a bit needy. When you two are in bed, he lovesss to be the little spoon and wear you like a human backpack. If you’re on the couch or on the backseat of the Ectomobile, he’ll cradle you like you’re a baby, making sure to caress your face gently and pepper you with kisses. When you watch horror movies with him, it’s his time to shine, as he gets to squeeze you in his arms and “protect you” from the ghosts and monsters in the films. He finds it adorable when you squeal and rush into his embrace as you get jumpscared.
Ziggy Katz
Our favorite internet celebrity is THE cuddles man, hands down. He’ll always make sure the bedsheets and blankets are fresh out of the dryer and that he smells amazing himself. The lighting is always a bit dimmed, mostly provided by the neon signs in his room. He’ll ask you to put your head to his chest and cuddle him as he runs his fingers through your hair, gently playing with it. Expect a lo-fi playlist to be playing softly on the background, as well as some slow kissing here and there. If it’s later in the evening, you two will probably end up dozing off and having some good repairing sleep together, only to wake up completely tangled up in each other’s arms the next morning. He just loves having you around and sharing that kind of intimacy with you.
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