#i still have mike matt and sam lmao
ilguna · 1 year
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softpine · 11 months
holy shit that was incredible 🧎 as usual right after reading one of ur posts i'm craving a LOT of bts info. how did u decide who would be the closest to which until dawn character? were there any choices u went back and forth on? how are u so talented? are there any hidden easter eggs? how do u think their relationships would change in the following months?
the edits are beyond stunning, i've been staring at the portraits for so long and i'm gonna reread the whole thing tmrw in case i missed smtn <3
ahhh thank you!!! i'm so happy you liked it 🥺💖
so the thing is, i'm like. wildly hyperfixating on until dawn right now and i decided to platinum the game, which involves replaying it at least 3 times (in my case it took 6 because i'm bad at gaming lol) so i had a ton of time to think about this AU while i was watching the same unskippable cut-scenes over and over. the first thing i thought was "haha i also have a character named matt who's kind of a pushover" and the rest is history :')
Josh = Finn: i knew i couldn't have an actual josh in this case because none of my characters would do exactly what he did, but the core elements of josh are already in finn: he was wronged by the people in his life he trusted the most, he lashes out when he feels strong emotions, and he's really just scared and lonely underneath it all. so then i thought, what if josh's fake ghost antics were an actual ghost? and who's better for that role than finn? however, his parents are definitely not rich, so the lodge couldn't belong to his family. that's why i decided to make it a larger hunting lodge where all kinds of hunters would come together. also did you notice how i didn't even tell you who killed finn in the AU because no spoilers :P
Sam = Asa: i actually don't care for sam tbh but she's the obvious leader of the group, the level-headed one, the angel on your shoulder. asa can be impulsive at times (especially in regards to finn) but he's still the person i would choose to be at my my side during a crisis. his parents are the only ones with money, so it makes sense for danny to purchase the lodge without visiting it himself. sam is also compassionate to josh and has somewhat of a romantic thing going on with him if you read it that way, so that fits for asa and finn.
Jessica = Elaine: jess (best girl!!!!!) is the first person with the possibility of dying, and her death/injury is the catalyst for multiple characters future decisions, so her equivalent had to be someone who's also strongly connected to numerous others. so elaine is perfect! she's also the only person of my group who i can imagine storming outside in the snow in her underwear to give her friends a piece of her mind fjskjds but she also has enough strength of character & resilience to make it realistic that she might survive so many injuries.
Mike = Austin: this felt like a no-brainer because austin already has knowledge about guns, he's fearless, and if elaine got hurt, austin would go fucking ballistic. he stops caring about his own survival and starts making brash, unwise choices. but that's where the similarities end, because i actually really hate mike and i feel bad comparing austin to him lmao. say what you will about austin, but he would never try to talk his way into having sex with a girl who literally says "i'm just not feeling it". i hate mike 😒
Chris = Stevie: now hear me out!! at first glance you might think stevie would be ashley. they cry a lot, they look to others for guidance, and they even look alike. but stevie strikes me as much more of a chris type, being that chris was never meant to be the hero. he's a goofy nerd who tells jokes when he's nervous and screams his head off any time he has to do something brave. and that's exactly what stevie's role in this AU is. despite her nature, she's making brave decisions for the benefit of her friends. (but this pic did remind me of ashley)
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Matt = Matt: he's kinda just..... here. he cracks some jokes, he can either diffuse or encourage arguments, he plays second fiddle to his girlfriend most of the time. he tries to be the hero but fails miserably. but he has a good heart and he almost never does anything controversial.
Alisa = Ashley: alisa is WAY less outwardly emotional than ashley, but she has the same chaotic, contradictory nature. she cares about people, but she's also capable of coldly letting others die to save herself. she's good at making others feel protective of her even if she doesn't need protecting. she's VERY curious.
Jada = Emily: listen emily just doesn't fit with any of my characters even though i love her so much. but jada does share her determination in the face of fear, her will to survive at any cost, and the way she has the capability to soften up and be really sweet under the right circumstances. they're both much more resourceful and capable than you would initially think. but jada is more likely to follow others' guidance than make plans herself.
other stuff!
for the safe room scene, i thought it would be more interesting if it was the archetypal heroic boyfriend who was bitten and the archetypal damsel in distress who holds his fate in her hands. but there is no way in hell that austin would just sit there and let someone shoot him. when he takes alisa hostage, it almost makes it easier to shoot him; if he were pleading for his life, jada would never pull the trigger, no matter how much alisa told her to. but since he puts himself in the position of the aggressor (the exact thing they feared he would do) it becomes a more believable dilemma. of course, we learn later that the bite is not infectious and austin never would've turned, but none of them know that yet. even austin doesn't know. this scene in the game is extremely horrifying to me so i hope i did it justice in my AU too!
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i said this in the replies too, but: the playthrough i envisioned with the stats and pictures makes these major choices: elaine initially survives the mine, matt dies by the rope, stevie's leg is fine, jada shoots austin (why she's covered in blood in her portrait), jada & alisa die in the explosion, stevie rescues elaine, and finn saves asa!
imagine the lantern is doing this shit the whole time LMAOO
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the swiss army knife in my AU basically has the same function as the flare gun in until dawn. if matt doesn't have it, he'll die. but if emily doesn't have it, she'll only be bitten. but getting the flare gun into the right hands is sooo convoluted so i had to simplify it for our purposes.
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butterfly effects
i didn't include these because i was trying to keep things brief, but here's some of the other ideas i had:
if elaine & austin's relationship drops too low before they arrive at the guest cabin, then elaine won't kiss him and will go outside to look for her phone against his wishes. that's where she would be taken by the creature instead.
if jada and alisa don't find enough clues about finn's disappearance, then they will not recognize finn when they find his remains. this makes finn less likely to protect them later in the night.
if jada shot austin and her relationship with alisa is HIGH, then alisa will give herself injuries on her face to help corroborate their self defense story. if jada shot austin and her relationship with alisa is LOW, then alisa will be fascinated and say "i didn't know you had it in you..." but will not offer to corroborate the story. in both scenarios, alisa will then say she doesn't want to sit around with austin's body. jada will have the option of leaving with alisa or staying inside the safe room. jada can say no (alisa might survive, jada dies), or yes (they both might survive). or if they have a high relationship, she can convince alisa to stay too (they both die).
if matt survives the attack in the mines, then stevie's leg will be injured because she didn't have the knife, meaning she arrives much later to rescue elaine/matt. so if elaine is still alive, matt can find her in the mines and they have a conversation. they will both be impressed by each other's survival, and elaine will feel bad that matt is only in the mines because of her. she asks where austin is, but matt has no idea. then stevie shows up and the rest plays out as described!
after dawn
so obviously their relationships would vary wildly depending on who survives and what choices they made to get there.
in an everyone survives playthrough, austin and elaine would break up soon after the events of the game. if you notice, elaine's perception of austin went down a lot because austin didn't try to save her after she fell down the elevator. she felt abandoned by him when he was the most physically capable & experienced person who could have saved her, but instead it was her injured best friend who never gave up on her. so they're done lol. stevie and matt would break up amicably (for reasons unrelated to the night in question) and remain friends, because how could they not? as for alisa, she doesn't talk to any of them anymore. she was only ever close with jada in the first place, but after jada refused to shoot austin, she lost all trust in her. after finn's remains are found, his spirit is no longer chained to the lodge and he's able to join asa at home. this version of finn is like a normal ghost in that he can appear to anyone he wants. he becomes close friends with all of asa's friends, especially stevie. and then... a few years later... a family called the washingtons purchases the property for their kids (josh, beth, and hannah) to throw parties in. just kidding sjfkjsd sole survivor playthrough: with the outline i laid out, there's actually no way for each of them to be the sole survivor because i had to cut so much out for brevity (i know it doesn't seem like it lol). but it's possible for asa, stevie, elaine, or matt to be sole survivors. the most heartbreaking is probably stevie, who would've had to see matt's decapitated head, heard the lodge blow up with asa, jada, alisa, and austin inside, then watch elaine die right in front of her. so that's super fucked and i don't want to think about that anymore!! asa being the sole survivor makes the most sense logically, because he has finn to protect him for most of it. elaine or matt being the sole survivor would be if one of them dies early in the game and then stevie dies trying to help elaine/matt escape. in any case, i don't think all the therapy in the world could cure that amount of survivor's guilt... everyone dies playthrough: the group become ghosts who haunt the mountain. finn's body is never recovered because no one is alive to report it to the police, so he is never at peace either. danny still owns the property, so he destroys the cable car and builds a giant electrified fence so that, hopefully, no human will ever return to the cursed mountain. i can't even / don't want to imagine how any of their parents would be able to move on after such a tragedy, it makes me genuinely sad to think about :( everybody dies playthroughs are all fun and games until you think about what comes after 😭
ANYWAY THAT'S ALL!! thank you so much for indulging my frankly rabid brain fjskdjs i know i keep saying it, but until dawn is my most confusing obsession because i first played the game in 2015 and i wasn't a fan; i thought the characters were annoying and the gameplay was lacking. but a few months ago i randomly decided to watch a playthrough of the quarry and that made me want to give until dawn another chance, and now...... yeah. idk what happened here but now it's all i can think about lmao. but being able to talk about the game with other people is sooo fun and i'm really happy i did this!! 💖
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
I love Until Dawn but unfortunately I only like The Quarry.
gonna put spoilers incase ya yet to see the game, I suggest it. It’s a good watch but the ending is a tad-bit unfavorable. Shoulda stuck with the police interview, not a fucking length boring podcast...
Straight up, I absolutely enjoyed trying to understand the meanings of the Tarot Cards, I loved trying to imagine what would’ve happened had ya done this rather then that ya’know? What if they grabbed the fireworks? What if they went down this way rather then that way.
I had such a fun time piecing together the story and the clues.
But man, mystery and solving things aside, the lack of character exposure and development leaves a foul taste in my mouth.
Let’s start this off by talkin bout Nick.
From the play-through I watched(Jack’s) Nick was more or less dropped after the pool shit-show(maybe half way threw the game?) like, he explodes and then dips. We see him locked up on the Hacketts basement but what happened to him after the power goes out?
I get that you can’t really have us play him, he’s the enemy now but I just don’t feel like we really got the chance to play or interact with him. He was more or less incapacitated after his attack so there’s that too.
Just feels like Nick didn’t get awhile lotta time and attention given to him and he reminds me of Matt form Until Dawn. I get that he was essentially a Plus one being Emily’s BF but that man got like no screen time. He also reminds me of Jessica, home girl was asleep for like the majority of the game lmao.
Second off, Kaitlyn. She was also severely underused in my humbled opinion.
The way the game presented her, she just seem so full of potential, the way she put Jacob and Nick in the ground with her marksmen(?) skill's, how she often took charge of the situation, the fact that this girl jumped form a hanging car and landed back first on tires and proceeded to get up like nothing happened ?
They were playing her up to be the final girl and yet? She was just kinda there with Dylan against Caleb.
She’s like Sam tbh. Both feel like the final girls, both very bad assed and both reconfirm my *half hand flip*
Third off- ✨Ryan✨
He’s got to be my favorite but man, it just felt like there was something else to him, sorta like Josh.
He just felt like he knew what was going on or at the very least knew something that the others weren’t aware of. Considering how close he was to Chris, I wouldn’t have been shocked if he clued Ryan into the situation. Not outright tell him bout the werewolf’s but maybe that there’s creatures around here.
But who knows, maybe this is my over-critical mind thinkin that everything is sus and mistaking an awkward boy for something that he’s not. Also Him and Dylan ftw
Fourth- Emma. I don’t like her
No. Nope. Nuh. Not for me.
I just, no, She’s kinda manipulative and I don’t vibe with that. I get that Jacob is still in love with her and wants to stay with her and she doesn’t want to stay together. I can respect that, long-distant relationships aren’t for everyone so good on her for voicing her reasons. 
But there is absolutely no fucking need to string that boy on for that long, to keep flip-floppin and givin him hope. That's just not it girl. 
Also low-key thought that Emma and Abi were gonna be a item :P
Sixth of all Dylan is a fuckin king omg.
This man, i swear to god. He’s actual pretty damn smart and brave for telling Ryan to chop his hand off and being aware that there's an infection spreading when Nick is bite.  
He’s good “comedic relief”, quite funny and I like how he vibes with Ryan and  Kaitlyn. Gives off Chris vibes. 
I thinks he’s neat. 
Seventh goes to or girl Ash- I mean Abi. 
Lack of time and attention tbh. sounds/acts like Ashley. 
Kinda disappointed. 
Eight is Mister “needs to snap outta his fucking trance” Himbo Jacob.
He’s the jock(cough cough Mike cough cough) and just radiates himbo energy. 
Jacob, please im begging you, get over Emma. You’ll be better off I swear!!
Now on to various other rambles- 
Travis Hackett is Flame-thorough guy, could say the whole fam is but we all know how that fairs. 
I was also gonna cry my eyes out if Max died and Laura is pretty the final girl too. 
Also, don’t lie to me-the werewolf’s are just reskinned Wendigos. I get that they didn’t want to stick the whole fuzzy-wuzzy furry werewolf’s but surely, just surely, they could’ve made them just a bit more werewolf looking?
They all looked slimy and smooth, bit of fur here would’ve done some good at making it look more mangy and viscous. I get that they are all covered in blood and gore but, they just look like slimy Wendigos. 
I’m sure y’all could’ve guessed my stance on the end-credit scene but I’m sO DISAPPOINTEDIN THE LACK OF A GROUP REUNION. AH, there should've been tears shed for lost friends or tons of hugs and happy/awkward/flirty convos bout the whole damn night. but no, no, we got a podcast.
I get that it’s ties into the start with Ryan and the whatnot but we were robbed i tell you, ROBBED!!!
I’d give this like a 6.5 outta 10 tbh. It did keep me interested, loved all the clues and details despite some being super obvious(Dog boy...), Thought that Eliza was a good “replacement” for the totems and i enjoyed her but thought that her stroy kinda fell flat. You’d think she’d come out and like terrorize ya for your actions but no, she just threatens you. 
Honestly thought that Mama Hackett was gonna play a bigger role but i was so shocked when Jack blasted her face off lmao. Good realism tho, got the chance to shoot someone why not take it? why wait. 
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mirkwood-princeling · 3 years
hello mary i am bothering people. what would ND be if they were LOTR? not ness character swaps, but creatures?
hello! do you mean like species? hmm that’s interesting, ok i hope this is what you mean:
kurt hummel- chris colfer literally doesn’t look human like he just looks like an elf he has the right features. and going off of kurt’s passion for music and fashion and things like that he definitely is an elf.
quinn- she just has the vibe, like soft and dainty and has similar features like kurt, idk exactly how to explain it
santana - she just gives me elf vibes idk i think i just put the pretty characters as elves (not that the others aren’t pretty but yk what i mean)
brittany- ok i could see brittany as a human too but her clothes just have elf vibes, like cottage core fairy type style
finn- i almost said dwarf but just how big and tall finn is i would say human, idk theres not much else, probably from Gondor
sam- i think he would also be a human, but I could see him being from Rohan, they’re more country and he’s kind of country right 😂
rachel- ok as funny as it is to call her a hobbit bc she is small she doesn’t have the personality of one but i don’t know where else i would put her
tina- i could see her as a few different species lmao i just put her here but i’m open to suggestions
puck- i would say puck is a dwarf, he has a gruffer personality and also seems like he would be into building things like dwarves do
artie- he seems fairly innovative and good with his hands i feel like he would be a dwarf, even if he doesn’t have the same physical stature
blaine- just for jokes blaine could be a hobbit because he is smol and has curly hair BUT in the lotr/fantasy klaine AU i have stored in my brain i have kurt as an elf royal (sometimes king sometimes not) and blaine as a human who was in a traveling like music/theater group but his bubbly personality and physical appearance i would say hobbit (an elf/hobbit romance is unheard of but if tauriel and kili could be together in the hobbit movies i’m letting this happen, it’s cute)
mike chang - idk he just has a more mysterious and elevated vibe, he doesn’t get super involved in drama and just seems like he would be powerful
mercedes - ok this was hard and i was tempted for elf but i think she is confident and powerful enough to be a wizard idk but wizards get along pretty well with elves and i think she and kurt would still be besties
matt (he deserves to be included) - he just seems powerful idk, also he’s kind of elusive and mysterious i think he has wizard vibes
this was really interesting to think about so thank you! obviously none of this is me trying to stereotype anyone and i may have forgot someone i tried to do the original ND plus blaine and sam but i’m tired so idk if i got everyone. if anyone else has thoughts i would love to hear them half of this was just guesses and the other half vibes and this is my interpretation of the different races in LOTR (i also didn’t include any of the monster type creatures lmao)
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angelhummel · 3 years
Then do the Nd men. Kurt,Finn,Puck, Artie, Mike, Matt, Sam,Blaine, Ryder, Jake, Rory, Joe, Mason, Roderick, Spencer, Alistsir, Skylar Myron (anyone I missed?)
Do we include Jesse?
Okay this one is harder mostly bc I literally do not care about most of these guys xD Also I will include Jesse, to the disappointment of any Jesse fans that follow me lmao. Will try to keep it short and sweet. (There’s 13 girls and 19 boys? Why do we need them). Going from the top down instead of bottom up this time bc idk how I feel about some of these guys so we’ll get the best out of the way and do process of elimination
Kurt. King of the show, king of my heart, number one supreme for all time
Blaine. He’s my baby and I love him
Sam. I think of s2-3 before s4-5 but I still love him. 
Jake. Literally one of the only boys with TALENT. He’s got the voice and he can DANCE. No other boy on the show comes close. Plus he’s such a sweetie and a cutie on his lil scooter <3 We stan
Puck. An underrated king. Should’ve been the leader of the club if we needed a cishet jock as the leader at all. He had some shaky writing in s1 but he was such a sweetheart. Also he’s funny, insanely shippable, and had some of the best growth on the show
Roderick. We finally got some plus size boy representation, some plus size representation period that wasn’t just a joke, he had an amazing voice and also he was sexy as hell. That’s enough for me to put him here
Mason. Also sexy as hell, also has a great voice. He was a total sweetheart and part of the few things I loved about s6
Mike. He still pissed me off a couple of times but idk he’s still insanely more tolerable than a lot of the boys. He was such a talented dancer, all his actual songs were nice and/or fun, aaand he’s just good to look at :)
Myron. Literally the most talented performer New Directions had ever seen. No I do not accept criticisms or arguments, that’s a fact
Artie. He could be a misogynistic little asshole sometimes but also it’s realistic. He was funny, had some good moments, and obviously had one of the best voices on the show
Spencer. People think they deserve a goddamn Pulitzer prize every time they write a gay character that’s into sports and not fashion and it’s so fucking dumb lmao. Buuut I do still like him. I think he’s funny, I like the few songs he gets, and I loved him and Alistair’s relationship <3 
Ryder. He is one of the main causes of s4 being as messy as it is. He goes through so much bullshit for nothing and it’s actually hilarious. And when he has nothing else to do, you can guarantee he’s providing some great background moments
Alistair. In the show for like ten minutes but idk. He’s a cutie and I like his relationship with Spencer. Our cup runneth over with white gay boys
Joe. He’s kinda dumb but at least he’s nice?? Also he’s fine as hell
Matt. Our silent king. He only had 3 lines so he never had time to piss me off. He is also a provider of great background moments. Also he has hardly any personality despite Dijon’s best efforts, so we can make him whatever we want and ship him with whoever we want. The possibilities are endless. 
Jesse. If he weren’t as absolutely fucking hilarious as he was, he could easily be last. I just don’t like him as a character. But he does make me laugh constantly and that’s what matters.
Rory. If his introduction wasn’t tied to two of my least favorite characters, I could like him a little more. Like he really didn’t do anything wrong, he was just kind of annoying and we didn’t need him. But “you’re skinny like the crops failed on your family’s farm” remains one of the funniest lines on the show, not sorry about it
Skylar. Not a highlight of s6 and didn’t really make an impression on me :/ However he gets bonus points simply for having a real name and not being called “gay warbler” or whatever the hell (:
Finn. :)
send me some glee things to rank!
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flaine · 3 years
Hey angel 💖
Am currently listening to my dance vibes playlist and thinking about that time Mike suggested a footloose marathon (the fact that he didn't get to perform footloose is just tragic smh 😔)... I haven't seen the original but I saw the more recent one a few years ago and Fake ID by big & rich is such a bop.... I guess it counts as country so sam and potentially finn (bc of his vocals in red solo cup lmao) are my obvious choices to sing it but id want Mike n britt as lead dancers.... idk it would be fun to have the whole glee club dancing n goofing around n just overall having fun
Also more vb au furtana hcs for a much needed serotonin boost... furtana + showing affection:
Finn is by far the most physically affectionate! He gives great hugs that both Kurt and Santana love, and also developed a habit of kissing Santana's cheeks 🥰 and despite Santana not being a huge fan of physical affection from people, finn one of her few exceptions. Also casual displays of affection!! Like slinging his arm over their shoulders, clapping their backs, etc, he does it all
Kurt loves gifts! He always buys these little trinkets that remind him of finntana and is generally great at picking out stuff for them.. and sometimes he'll hide lil handmade presents for them in random places so that they get cute surprises throughout the day... (finn and santana always buy each other gag gifts n dumb stuff for shits n giggles but when it comes to getting stuff for Kurt they both put in a lot more effort. It doesn't always work out, especially at first, but he knows they're trying and that's all that really matters to him)
Santana's the clumsiest at showing love unless they're not paying attention hdjsjfjs she's so used to throwing playful jabs at finn and she did spend a few years putting Kurt through a lot of shit so it takes a while for her to be upfront about showing genuine love to him... but eventually it starts by coming out in the form of compliments sandwiched between insults until she finally allows herself to put down that harsh persona and give both boys the sweetest compliments when they need it the most. Most of the time she sticks to affectionate insults tho lmao. She's 100% that person who goes "Finn and Kurt are my brothers and I will kick your ass if you say anything bad about them" but once they walk into the room she'll turn around and call them both dumb shits bc she's the only one who's allowed to insult them 😔💞
Wow look at that I just rambled on and on about them again hdnshfjs I miss drawing them 😔💔 it's your turn to ramble now so... tell me more about rutherchang pls I'm v curious....
Have a wonderful day ily and I'm sending u the good vibes my playlist is manifesting 💓💞💕
hey love!! <33
i KNOW mike deserved to do footloose.... i absolutely adore footloose gcv (sam and artie sound SO good i won’t get over it!!! and it just slaps!!) but still i do have footloose in my mike playlist bc he is the Footloose Fanatic ! he deserved a lil dance number to it and tbh i think it’s a song he’d sound great performing!!
but this song!! it definitely has the vibes of nd just having the time of their life n goofin off jamming together.... which is like the absolute best glee vibe possible, just them being a happy lil family 🥰🥰 i cosign on this 100%!!
(also i just tend to love 80s movies but i do recommend the original footloose!! and also dirty dancing if u havent seen it... i didn’t expect to love it sm but it’s my fav dance movie for sure :) )
and oh my gosh furtana 🥺🥺.... you rambling in my inbox is my fav gift to receive <33 i am going to MELT i swear.... theyre a lil family i love them sm... finn kissing santana’s cheeks 🥺 kurt hiding presents for finntana 🥺 and santana is absolutely that person but we all know she loves them sm <333 these made me so warm....
and i will gladly talk abt rutherchang since u asked <33 here is an assortment of hcs i have for them!!!
matt loves singing so he secretly rly wanted to join the glee club (wish we actually got to hear him sing </3) & he was kinda nervous to bring up the idea but as soon as he told mike, mike was also ready to join with him!!! even though he wasn’t much of a singer himself he was happy to do it for matt, plus he felt like it’d be a lot of fun n he’d get an opportunity to dance :)
matt’s favorite thing in the world is watching mike dance, there’s nothing he’d rather do. sometimes they’d stay after school and just hang out in the ballet room and matt would just happily watch mike practice, n sometimes matt couldn’t help but join him n they’d just dance together :)
i think mike is rly close with his mom, and one thing they love to do is cook dinner together :) she was happy to let matt join in when he was over the house, and to this day he tries to find takeout as good as what he made w/ mike but to no avail... 
matt is an artist!!! he was shy about it but he made a few pieces to give to mike as gifts, which mike adored. after he moves away, matt still looks at his paintings sometimes and realizes they’re about mike...
your recent art piece reminded me a lot of this thought i had for them - but basically at some point soon after they reconnect, they obviously have a lot to talk over (they’re prioritizing communication this time around!) so they go out to some emtpyish diner early in the morning and spend hours there just catching up and falling back into each other again, realizing that they are both very much still in love <3
in terms of music that makes me think of them... basically all of heartbreak weather by niall horan!! but if u wanted to listen to any specific songs, everywhere, arms of a stranger, & still are very rutherchang to me 🥺
thank u for letting me ramble abt them sfjksdlh <33 ily and hope you have an even more wonderful day!!!
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So what’s your plan for your gleewrite? Like, for every season?
Ok so I have some notes for every season. Also some notes I may have just come up with right now lmao.
Though, it’s only notes and we will see if it actually gets into the plot.
Season 1:
Highkey Brittana moments no one notices because heteronormativity ™️
Lowkey Faberry moments everyone except Rachel and Quinn (and Finn) notices because suddenly heteronormativity doesn’t exist
Who’s Mr. Schue?? A character on a preschool morning show??? Or what?
Distraught and pregnant Quinn
Matt gets more screentime yay
Something happened in freshman year with Rachel and Quinn and we might find out what or we might not
Puck sings the into to Phineas and Ferb as his audition song
Season 2:
Quinn is feeling down for obvious reasons and this girl needs therapy
Ok everyone needs therapy but she needs it the most
Baby gays pre-couple cutie scenes
Keeping that Faberry scene the writers cut in 2x16 like i’m gonna write it word for word from the leaked script
Kurt and Blaine met on an online roleplay forum and it turns out both of them randomly reference it irl without any of their friends understanding and that’s how they bond??????????????
Kurt does not switch schools to Dalton and Sue Sylvester is actually taking big responsibility to make sure Kurt is not bullied
Brittana is more lowkey after santana realised she’s a lesbian and now people seem to vaguely understand what’s going on
Mike tries to make Sam the new Matt bc he misses Matt and Sam is like *does a voice impression and takes his shirt off randomly*
Season 3:
Either Finn outs Santana and gets hell of a lot of consequences for it or he does not out her and is supportive without forcing anyone out of the closet
Undecided: Blaine moves to Mckinley like in canon or he does not and klaine continues as usual
Skank Quinn is here but it’s more like a look and attitude rather than ”I want my baby back fuck you imma join a gang”
No finchel wedding but just like Rory said: Quinn texts and drives in every timeline
Though she is in a wheelchair for atleast the rest of the season, but still stands up once in prom because that was a too cute moment for me to not include
Maybe letting Joe do more stuff not only in this but in the upcoming seasons too because what did he really get to do ? Also when was he in Glee and when was he not?
Doing ”you were singing that song to Finn and only Finn, right?” scene justice.
Even though Brittany was great in s4, I still want her to graduate with her class and maybe like. Struggle a bit but eventually passing.
Season 4:
Oohboy most changes are happening here
I’m switching the s4 and the s6 newbies except for Marley and Unique who get to stay
Madison is a lesbian, the end
All breakups happen but they are more resonable and healthy
If Blaine does not switch to mckinley in s3, then he’s still hanging out with the kids there and the Blam content is wild
I don’t know if Marley would have an eating disorder now that Kitty isn’t there, but if she does then it’s handled much better
Wemma wedding is happening and they get married bc I can’t deal with Will’s drama
Quinntana sleep def happens!! And it makes Quinn... realise some stuff. If she could do it with her best friend without problem, then she could...
Rachel is actually pregnant - does not keep it - lots of emotions for her bc of it - makes her relationship with Quinn stronger - also makes you want to root for her to get Fanny Brice
Giving Finn a proper and satisfying storyline before... yeah.
Season 5:
Saying goodbye to Finn... 💔
No one has seen Brittany for months and then she just shows up and was like ”I was kidnapped by scientists but i’m good now”
Klaine wedding happens in this and all season is to prepare for it
Rachel slaying it on Broadway and does not quit
Sure she can find it tiresome in some episode but she does not quit
While we don’t follow the newbies after graduation we do know what happened to them
Season 6:
Guess what: The old newbies has not quit!
So the New Directions are now Jane, Madison, Mason, Roderick, Spencer, Alistair, Marley, Unique, Kitty, Jake and Ryder. Later also Myron
Tho they don’t have very big roles anymore but they are happy to have a Glee club again
Rachel did not quit Funny Girl, but something happened at the production that made them cancel it or smth
So she and Kurt decide to help Mr. Schue (who still works at Mckinley) to reinstate the Glee club again as their NYADA job thing
Brittana’s wedding is mostly exactly like canon except that it’s just them.
Since Klaine is not broken up anymore, and neither is Brittana, you know who Sue is gonna ship? That’s right: Faberry
Quinn and Rachel have both been busy with school and Broadway and stuff and haven’t really been seeing each other but Sue has seen enough alright
Faberry in an elevator is gonna be chaotic guys
Last episode is gonna show how it went for all of them and not only like. Klaine and Rachel and Tartie.
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emsorcism · 5 years
    Some may have noticed ( and two I have told outright ) that the character tags I use for the main ten are all lines from one single poem- ‘Seasons’ by Laurie Hill. 
As winter touched her ashen face, it touched this heart that beat. With memories of the spring of her, the warmth my soul did meet. The summer of her laughter, the autumn of her sighs. The breeze blown clouds her whispers, the rambling brook her cries. No spring will warm my life again, nor summer bring the dove. No autumn bring the still for me, since winter claimed my love.
    Naturally I changed the pronouns of the second stanza so it would fit the boys but it’s otherwise unchanged. But why choose a poem, and why this one in particular? 
    It’s all because of this post here, which uses the song ‘The Seasons of My Love’ from Game of Thrones. I don’t know why but I found it to be very sweet and accurate for the four daughters of darkness. Because of this I ended up associating them all with their given seasons- spring for Jess, summer for Sam, autumn for Ashley and winter for Emily.
    as a side note this also means i think of Mucha’s “four seasons” posters for them
    When I decided to revive emsorcism I had to revive the tags as well and I decided no better way to do so than to take inspiration from that post. I went through a few versions like ‘winter maiden’, ‘as white as winter’ and I even considered doing it based off of the tarot at one point- y’know, The Hanged Man. 
    Eventually I turned to poetry. That sounds so nerdy... but it’s a great source for aesthetics and beauty, both inside and outside of rp! In my opinion, anyway OTL
    And then I came across ‘Seasons’. Ugh, my heart! It’s about someone mourning the loss of their beloved but the interpretation is different for Emily. I shall now begin the Big Dissertation in regards to why I gave each character a certain line because yes, I do  put a disproportionate amount of thought into these things! 
    Hannah “As winter touched her ashen face / it touched this heart that beat.”     Beth  “With memories of the spring of her / the warmth my soul did meet.”
    Hannah and Beth share the first stanza since they are the ones which kick off the game. Initially their tags were going to be the other way around but once I considered Handigo I decided this way was better. Winter touching an ashen face is reference to both the season Hannah ‘died’ in and to her appearance as the alpha wendigo later on. Memories of Beth are less tainted than that of Hannah since she didn’t become a wendigo and I headcanon that Emily was friends with both twins, so she looks upon their times together fondly. 
    Mike “The summer of his laughter,”
    ‘The summer’ here being the era of Mike and Emily’s romantic relationship. I believe they were together for a while ( in teenager time ) and that their time together was one of the high times of Emily’s life- she had a great boyfriend, a great best friend, an active friend group and was doing incredibly well in school. It was a carefree point in her life. 
    Chris “the autumn of his sighs.”
    This was a bit of a ‘leftover’ line, the type that you pair with someone because they and it are the only ones left free after everyone else have been paired. I don’t think Emily and Chris were ever close, I imagine he would’ve found her confronting personality tiring most of the time, especially when she butted heads with someone. 
    Matt “The breeze blown clouds his whispers,”
    Oh, Matt. I hate to say it but Emily didn’t deserve you, not as a rebound, at least. ‘Breeze blown’ is in reference to how fleeting his and Emily’s relationship together was. There’s no solid timeline in regards to when Mike broke up with Emily but I believe it was at least five to six months before the events of the main game, leaving Emily and Matt’s relationship a few months old at best. I interpreted ‘whispers’ as a symbol of romance in the poem- though it could also be trust, as in telling someone your secrets- and I think Matt was quite a romantic! 
    Josh “the rambling brook his cries.”
    Josh, Josh, Josh! I’m still kinda bummed that he and Emily never properly interacted. The most we get is him breaking up the catfight between her and Jess. Emily and him were never too close, in fact I think that she was rather cautious around him given his mental health. Her parents never really talked to her about that type of thing, leaving TV to do the education and we all know how stellar media depictions are. Technically this one cheated a bit since I associated ‘his cries’ with him crying out while he was hallucinating in the mines- something Emily isn’t aware of. Still, it’s a good association. 
    Jess “No spring will warm my life again,”
    JEEEESSSSS ;U; JESS AND EMILLLYYYYY ;;;U;;; I do love these two and their friendship, honestly. Jess was Emily’s first true friend, marking the ‘spring’ and warmth of her life. She is also vivacious and bright, a further association with spring. 
    Sam “nor summer bring the dove.”
    It may seem like an obvious association, what with birds and all, but that was more of a subconscious thing since I only remembered Josh called her a bathing bird later on. Emily has a rather solid friendship with Sam that can only be seen in-game under certain circumstances, such as if she accompanies Sam out of the basement without Ashley, she expresses concern for her. Sam is also just rather... summer-y, don’t you think?
    Ashley “No autumn bring the still for me,”
    Hoo boy, now here is someone Emily didn’t like who for once wasn’t involved in her love life! ‘The still’ I believe is in reference to calmness but Ashley does anything but calm Emily, if anything she just makes her angry. Perhaps ‘the still’ is the tranquility of anger? Lmao.
    Emily “since winter claimed my love.”
    And now we end with my girl. Winter claimed both her love as in the people she loved and her general love of life itself. She’s also a stereotypical ‘ice queen’, thus winter.
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tag game
i was tagged by @starfisharchives -- thanks babe 😘😘😘
height: 5′7″
relationship status: single, mum’s forcing me to mingle ((note to self: never tell my mother when i think a boi she knows is cute as heckity again))
where i live: straya ((aka australia))
time: 1:00am ((whoopsie doops why am i still awake))
followers: 116 ((how and why i have that many idk but thanks for following this blog lmao 💗💗))
following: 44 ((used to be 120 something but i did some cleaning lol))
favourite season: idk. when the temperature doesn’t a) make me sweat my tits off or b) freeze my tits off kdsfjdsf ((seasons fucking suck over here))
favourite fruit: plums, bananas, apples
favourite flower: peonies ((shoutout to blair waldorf for introducing me to them)) and violets ((because that’s my middle name--fun fact!))
favourite animal: i really fucking love kangaroos because a) they can disembowel and b) are really fucking cute!
favourite instrument: piano, drums, violin.
favourite smells: my doggo’s fur, bacon, fresh coffee.
favourite colours: black, red, purple, pink, green, grey, blue.
3 favourite foods: lasagne, banana muffins, pizza.
favourite fictional characters: steve rogers, bucky barnes, sam wilson, tony stark, clint barton, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, scott lang, hope van dyne, cassie lang, matt murdock, foggy nelson, frank castle, will byers, jonathan byers, joyce byers, jim hopper, eleven, mike wheeler, dustin henderson, lucas sinclair, sylvanas windrunner, khadgar, thrall, varian wrynn, percy jackson, annabeth chase, nico di angelo, adrian ivashkov, sydney sage, and i’m going to stop right there because hoo boy that’s a lot lmao.
coffee/tea/hot chocolate: shit i love all 3 buuuuut coffee is love, coffee is life my dudes.
average hours of sleep: welp i’m sick as hell rn so uhh about 10-12. 
cats or dogs: doggo doggo doggo doggo doggo!! have a pic of the derpiest little shit in existence: texas the iggy
Tumblr media
# of blankets i sleep with: one thicc blanket and if it’s really cold, texas becomes my own personal heater.
lipstick or chapstick: lipstick because it makes me, trash queen supreme, look hot.
song stuck in my head: zero to hero // hercules soundtrack
last song i listened to: can i have this dance // zac efron and vanessa hudgens
last movie i watched: disney’s hercules because a) that was and still is my favourite fucking disney movie in existence from the story to the characters ((especially hades i love himm)) and the SONGS holy shit and b) i’m gonna write it as a stucky au because steve is the fucking embodiment of hercules it’s INSANE aaand i was trynna figure out who the characters aside from meg and herc should be ksdfjskdf
top 3 tv shows: stranger things, daredevil, riverdale.
books i’m currently reading: i don’t remember the last time i picked up a book??? this ho is all about the fanfics lmao
last thing i googled: mistweaver monk uldir raid guide! because i need to know the fights by mondayyy and uhh it’s sunday and i still dont know them lmao 
tagging: @brooklynbabybucky @thegirlnooneknows5 @shegavehersunflowers @nycbuckys @mrvelunvrse @janesargnt @ladyrevealedofcloak
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dieuleveut · 4 years
January 3rd, 2018
Haha well here I am again. Happy New Year. 
I haven’t forgotten who I was a few months ago and where I was emotionally. I’m only back here to kind of get a jist of it, so maybe I can figure out what to say to Matt. Everything has kind of been figured out now. 
I’m leaving Peoria, IL the fuck behind on January 31st. i mean, what a fucking chapter of my life right?? All those fucking firsts and fucking lasts. All those people I met, people who touched my life and mine theirs. Even if it was a minuscule encounter, a touch is a touch. I hope I never forget anything or anyone. 
Too bad my memory is shit. Let’s see what I can write down, maybe reference later when I can’t remember a damn thing. 
2013. First frat party. First drunk. Cara crying. Tina. Snowstorm. Crushing mad on Michael Holwey. Smoking weed at some dude’s blacklight attic. Smoking weed with Michael and his roommate Jake. Worked at Hy-Vee (easy to carry over my high school employer lol.) Trying to open a can of ravioli without a can opener (we used a hammer.) Tried to have my first sexy time. Failed pretty miserably. 
2014. Tried again for “first” sexy time. Still awkward as fuck but more successful? Sparked something with Jake when watching Monty Python and Holy Musical B@man. That was actually something really nice I’d like to remember. He asked me if he could kiss me and I stayed the night at his place, just cuddling. It’s too bad he got a little too TMI/emotionally open too fast about his fetish for being eaten (?) and crippling depression. 
2015. Failed sexy time with Jake. Very failed. Yikes. But wild ride with Marquita, as a roommate. Basically Catherine and I had wild time following her around, listening to her and her boyfriend (?) have very slappy quiet sex save for the occasional “yeah baby” (lmao). She followed us to our dinner outing to Happy Fish to confront us about house problems. Lots of yelling and shady texts. Omg we also lived with Shannon and Austyn?? Shannon was super needy and Catherine had a bad dream about Austyn so we got along with neither of them lol. I think I started working at Happy Fish at this time :) Katie, Stella, Alex, Dan, Alan, Steve (ew), Mike, Angela, Jeremy, Alberto, Stephanie. I quit the next year to focus on my capstone but then got myself rehired because ~money~ but I got to love my new crew with K, Nick, Maggie and Sam.
Oh my gosh. Okay, I’ll finish the fucking four year long summary later. But point being is that I’m fucking leaving and never coming back. Time to start a new chapter but before I do that, I feel like I need to gain some closure from Matt. Arguably he’s the only serious boyfriend I’ve ever had, arguably the only one I genuinely loved. Max was great and I only have good memories of us, but we never got past kissing so I’m not sure we were physically attracted to each other. But Matt helped me realize that I’m not bad/not interested in sex. I very much love sex, making out, foreplay, all that. 
He also gave me a sense of domesticity that I hope to have with someone someday. I really loved living at his place, deciding where to go for lunch, watching him make dinner, going grocery shopping with him, playing with his son Hunter. Having my own toothbrush at his place. This is something I have never had with anyone. So Matt means/meant a lot to me, or our time together has provided me with a really meaningful perspective on who I am and who I can be. So I want to reach out to him. Ask him out for a coffee, solely for the reason that maybe we both have questions that need answers. I want to hear his gained perspective from us. I want to know how he’s doing. I want to know if he’s back together with Lily. I want to know how she’s doing. How Hunter’s doing. My only reason for hesitating is that I don’t know what to expect. Of course I can paint an ideal scenario in my mind:
We meet. He’s kind of happy but we both hurt just a little from seeing each other, hearing each other, speaking to each other for the first time in months. We involuntarily avoid eye contact while gracefully explaining what’s new. How we are now. Our experiences were more or less the same. We both grew from it. Neither of us regret it at all. We catch up for the rest of the time before cordially parting. It feels great that there’s no awkward silence; it’s like we picked up in the middle of the good part of “us” and the bad never happened. Afterwards, we share a strong, long hug. Maybe our foreheads touch and we stay in the moment just like that. Too afraid to let go but eventually we do. We part ways to our separate cars. We can’t see the other person, but neither of us leave the parking lot immediately. Finally, we smile and drive off. We never see each other again, but we don’t need to.
At least...that’s what I would hope for. Realistically, I believe Matt may not be emotionally ready. Maybe I won’t be either. I might burst into tears upon seeing him. He tends to shut off when he’s upset, so it might just be a lot of me talking and asking and receiving one word replies from him. Or maybe he’s absolutely glowing. He and Lily are back together and they could never be happier. Actually...I don’t know why that would upset me. Genuinely, I hope he’s happy. That boy may have hurt me, but I’m better now. I bounced back. Being cheated on is certainly something I’d like to keep to a minimum, but I can’t hate him. I can’t wish the worst for him. So maybe I just haven’t thought it completely through, but I think getting coffee and closure with him may be good for us. I guess we’ll see.
5:45am (don’t be fooled, I was just writing like two minutes ago) -
I miss Jacob, my counselor/therapist. He talked a bit more than I imagined a therapist talked and he assumed a lot about my life, but he was still a really good listener. I rarely get a chance to just talk about myself, my mental wellness and everything going on my life (or lack thereof.) Sometimes I just feel like a jumbled mess and Jacob was able to make sense of me. I like making sense. I miss making sense. That’s why I liked Jacob. Maybe why I might like therapists. Probably why I like writing these stupid drafts. They’ll never get posted, but they help me make sense of my life when I can’t see the forest for the trees.
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torontoarenas · 4 years
my take on every trade deadline trade
as you may have heard, several trades happened today. here are my comments on all of them. just the trades that happened today, though. if you came here expecting to see my opinion on, like, Washington giving up a third-round pick for Ilya Kovalchuk, you’re outta luck, pal. that trade happened yesterday.
aw, heck, tell ya what, I’ll give you that one for free (”seems fine”). anyway, let’s get started.
Detroit trades Mike Green to Edmonton for Kyle Brodziak and a 2020 conditional fourth-round pick.
I don’t know if Mike Green is still good (though given his age and the team he’s played for in recent years, I have a pretty good guess), but at the low acquisition cost of a mid-round pick and some guy I didn’t know was still in the league, it doesn’t matter too much.
Ottawa trades Vladislav Namestnikov to Colorado for a 2021 fourth-round pick.
on its face, this is a mostly inconsequential trade, but I’d like to take this space to point out that Ottawa traded their own 2021 fourth-round pick for him earlier in the season, which means they likely downgraded a draft pick for “a few months of Vladislav Namestnikov in a lost season.” cool.
Ottawa trades Jean-Gabriel Pageau to NY Islanders for a 2020 conditional first-round pick, a 2020 second-round pick, and a 2022 conditional third-round pick.
that’s a bit rich for my blood. J.G. Pageau drives play pretty well, but he typically doesn’t score at a very high rate. what’s his shooting percentage this season, by the way? 17.8%? ok, yeah, that makes sense. I see why Lou traded a first and a second for him now, and immediately extended him for six years. look, any time you can buy high on a 27-year-old who’s shooting nearly double his career average shooting percentage and then lock him up long-term at a price point commensurate with the assumption that he will continue to produce into the future at the same rate he has this year, I guess you have to do it.
Florida trades Vincent Trocheck to Carolina for Erik Haula, Lucas Wallmark, Chase Priskie, and Eetu Luostarinen.
hmm. is there any reason why Florida would want to trade a reasonably productive, play-driving centre who’s signed at a decent cap hit for the next two seasons for a return best described as “a collection of spare parts”? is it that his on-ice save percentage this season is .877 and Dale Tallon’s a dumb guy who’s bad at his job? nah, that can’t be it. oh well, guess we’ll never know!
Montreal trades Nate Thompson to Philadelphia for a 2021 fifth-round pick.
not worth it. Thompson stinks. why give up any draft picks at all for him, even one as low as a fifth?
Toronto trades Michael Hutchinson to Colorado for Calle Rosen.
oh, hey! Calle Rosen’s back! I have no other commentary to offer re this trade.
San Jose trades Patrick Marleau to Pittsburgh for a 2021 conditional third-round pick.
hey, sure, why not. would’ve preferred to see both Marleau and Thornton join the same contender, win a Cup together, and then kiss, but I guess that’ll just remain confined to my fan-fiction. for now.
New Jersey trades Wayne Simmonds to Buffalo for a 2021 conditional fifth-round pick.
look, if you insist on lighting a draft pick on fire in the frivolous pursuit of a playoff appearance that isn’t gonna happen, it might as well only be a 2021 conditional fifth. who cares.
Anaheim trades Derek Grant to Philadelphia for Kyle Criscuolo and a 2020 conditional fourth-round pick.
I tried to have an opinion on this trade, but I just can’t muster one. sorry.
Montreal trades Michael Peca to Ottawa for Aaron Luchuk and a 2020 seventh-round pick.
in my day job as accountant, we have this phrase we like to use during audits and reviews. basically, if the balance of a given account is so small that it wouldn’t be worth our time to test it, we note that in the file by saying “trivial. no further work performed.” that’s this trade and about 70% of all trades on deadline day.
Anaheim trades Nick Ritchie to Boston for Danton Heinen.
this trade seems pretty reasonable for both sides. I don’t have much else to say about it other than “lmao remember how Don Cherry wanted the Leafs to draft Nick Ritchie instead of William Nylander”
Detroit trades Andreas Athanasiou and Ryan Kuffner to Edmonton for Sam Gagner, a 2020 second-round pick, and a 2021 second-round pick.
two seconds is a little pricey for a guy who is very bad defensively and isn’t a superstar offensively, but also the Oilers desperately need players who can score when McDavid and Draisaitl are off the ice. Athanasiou should help with that a tiny bit. I give Edmonton a grade of “not great, but mostly forgivable” and I give Detroit a pat on the back and a supportive “attaboy!” re this trade
Ottawa trades Tyler Ennis to Edmonton for a 2021 fifth-round pick.
decent low-cost pickup by Edmonton
Buffalo trades Evan Rodrigues and Conor Sheary to Pittsburgh for Dominik Kahun.
I’m puzzled. I was under the impression that Rodrigues and Sheary were both pretty good. so’s Kahun, I guess, but did Buffalo just want to shed salary? am I missing something here?
Dallas trades Emil Djuse to Florida for a 2020 sixth-round pick.
New Jersey trades Louis Domingue to Vancouver for Zane McIntyre.
trivial. no further work performed.
Philadelphia trades T.J. Brennan to Chicago for Nathan Noel.
hey! T.J. Brennan’s still kickin’ around! neat!
Montreal trades Nick Cousins to Vegas for a 2021 fourth-round pick.
hey, sure, why not.
Columbus trades Markus Hannakainen to Arizona for a 2020 conditional seventh-round pick.
trivial. no further work performed.
Anaheim trades Daniel Sprong to Washington for Christian Djoos.
I hope Sprong can earn a permanent NHL job some time soon and retroactively prove me right for wanting the Leafs to draft him back in 2015
Anaheim trades Korbinian Holzer to Nashville for Matt Irwin and a 2022 sixth-round pick.
Holzer was a sub-replacement-level defender for the Leafs five years ago. how on Earth is he still in the league and why is anyone trading for him?
Los Angeles trades Derek Forbort to Calgary for a 2021 conditional fourth-round pick.
♫ some things you do for money / and some you do Forbort bort bort ♫
hope you liked that joke because it’s the only thing I can think of to say about Derek Forbort 
Columbus trades Sonny Milano to Anaheim for Devin Shore.
Devin Shore plays the same position as Sonny Milano and is older, more expensive, and not a clear improvement. not sure why Columbus would make this trade, but it doesn’t really matter all that much
San Jose trades Barclay Goodrow and a 2020 third-round pick to Tampa Bay for Anthony Greco and a 2020 first-round pick.
wait a minute Tampa Bay traded WHAT for Barclay Goodrow?!
Chicago trades Erik Gustafsson to Calgary for a 2020 conditional third-round pick.
yet another trade that makes me shrug my shoulders and say “hey, sure, why not”
Calgary trades Brandon Davidson to San Jose for future considerations.
“future considerations” is a lovely euphemism for “nothing,” don’t you think? I wish it had more applications outside the sporting world
New Jersey trades Sami Vatanen to Carolina for Frederik Claesson, Janne Kuokkanen, and a 2020 conditional fourth-round pick.
say it with me now: hey, sure, why not
Toronto trades Jordan Schmaltz to NY Islanders for Matt Lorito.
trivial. no further work performed.
Three-way trade between Chicago, Toronto, and Vegas: Chicago receives Malcolm Subban, Slava Demin, and a 2020 second-round pick from Vegas; Toronto receives a 2020 fifth-round pick from Vegas; and Vegas receives Robin Lehner and Martins Dzierkals.
this is a great trade for Vegas. they’re a dominant team at 5v5, but their undoing this season has been wretched goaltending from Marc-André Fleury and Malcolm Subban. Robin Lehner’s been much better than those guys, obviously, so it makes perfect sense. I feel much better about my earlier prediction that Vegas would make the 2020 Stanley Cup Final now.
in addition, I’m impressed that Stan Bowman was able to recognize that his team stinks and, therefore, holding onto Lehner past the deadline would’ve been pointless. congrats to him.
from the Leafs’ perspective, getting a fifth-round pick for eating a little bit of salary ain’t bad either.
Edmonton trades Joel Persson to Anaheim for Angus Redmond and a 2022 conditional seventh-round pick.
trivial. no further work performed.
NY Rangers trade Brady Skjei to Carolina for a 2020 conditional first-round pick.
I dunno if Brady Skjei moves the needle enough to be worth giving up a first-round pick, but it’s far from the most egregious asset management I’ve ever seen
0 notes
skold · 7 years
this post is Marina’s List Of Favorite and/or Iconic Music Videos
this could also be subtitled as: if you truly want to understand me as a person, watch these videos because it’ll answer a lot of questions
it’s gonna be a long one so i’ll pop it under a cut
alright we goin by artist then chronological
knife blood nightmare - this is iconic for me simply bc i rly wanted to look like wil in this video so bad in 6th grade.
die romantic - WHAT A BOP. i used to do my black eyeshadow like wil in this video too lmao
poppin champagne - because blonde alex and also?? honestly?? what a wild video. this is truly late 00s oversaturated pop punk at its finest
i feel like dancin - i’m not the biggest fan of this record or even this song in general but this is like, quintessential all time low to me video-wise. like. it’s everything i want from an all time low video.
follow the water - or as sam carter says, follow the wah-uh. first of all i love that this is in a church. second of all when will i get to go to an architects show this lit here in the states
heartburn - bc they all look pretty. ok. aesthetically on point as well.
beast and the harlot - i don’t always bop this song but when i do, the whole cul de sac does too. no but really this was so influential to middle school me i wanted nothing more than a boyfriend who looked like zacky or jimmy and whatever eyeshadows zacky was wearing in this clip
i miss you - the video that inspired this post. THE AESTHETIQUE. 20′s inspired romantigoth film noir. i don’t yell about this music video enough.
chelsea smile - it’s literally just a house part video but the song literally defines the year 2009 for me. emetophobia warning at 1:08
it never ends - this video got mad shit but i love it. pretty heavy gore throughout this video
alligator blood - CREEPY ASS AESTHETIC SHIT!!!! i live for it. 16 y/o me had it so bad for matt nicholls and him getting tied up and violated was like, god tier for me
visions - more creepy aesthetic shit. the videos on there is a hell were underrated
hey john what’s your name again? - i gotta throw this one in just bc this hurls my ass right back to the year 2008. that bible imagery. those haircuts. it was a better time for music
salt - i’m not crying you’re crying!!! how did anne and christian franceschi manage to spawn two flawless and talented siblings!!!!!!
ebolarama - it’s a performance video in a roller rink what more could you want
wanderlust - you’ve probably caught on to the fact that i love creepy aesthetic shit.
decayin with the boys - THIS VIDEO HAS ME HOWLING. there are too many good moments to list here but the personal highlight is the dude admiring the lesbians making out, then he turns and admires they gays making out at about the 1:30 mark. also the jenga dream sequence. there’s a dick in this video, just a heads up. and a whole bootyass. i love andy williams. mild emetophobia tw at 2:30
a dangerous man - eric nally’s screeching was the soundtrack of 2008
i like it - the chorus of this song is literally just “that’s the biggest black ass i’ve ever seen and i like it” and i have nothing more to say
holy touch - it’s a performance video but it’s. different. i really don’t wanna ruin this by saying too much about it. that’s just kinda how foxy shazam were. this song is a fucking banger. yes, they did have a trumpet player in the official lineup.
joyriding - another performance video that’s. different. lmao. aesthetically perfect
lifestyles of the rich and famous -  the proletariat banger we weren’t ready for in 2002, but we’re ready now.
girls and boys - old people being punk rock. that’s all.
predictable - i SPECIFICALLY remember watching this on the good charlotte website the day this dropped. THE EARLY 2000S BAD CG IS REAL. i was literally ten years old but i somehow Felt every word of that spoken bridge, man. WHEN THE LITTLE GIRL GIVES JOEL THE ROSE AND IT TURNS BLACK i deadass thought that was so fucking dope y’all
i just wanna live - ignoring the irony of joel whining about being famous, this video had THE MEMES. 
longview - iconic simply by virtue of being their first video.
when i come around - ask me about my favorite songs of All Time and i’ll probably mention this one. it’s still great nowadays. i love all the shots of berkeley.
brain stew/jaded - this is such a great piece of art lmao the fucking. sludgy feeling of brain stew going into the chaos of jaded is great on the record, but even better in video form going from being stoned in sepia to tripping acid in an oversaturated cluttered space
walking contradiction - comedy gold
hitchin a ride - creepy weirdness and an iconic bassline. also mike dirnt looks fine as hell in this video
minority - i’m running out of ways to explain that a video is iconic to me purely bc of how important the song was to me at a given time lmao.
american idiot - is there anything i can truly say about this video? it was perfect in 2004, it’s perfect in 2017. uncomfortably relevant. epilepsy warning for strobe lighting effects in the second half
holiday - technically this was released before blvd, but since it chronologically precedes blvd in the story, i’m putting it first. this is like 90% here for the bridge section y’all. fucking iconic. i wore a fedora on the first day of sixth grade bc tre cool wore one in this video. not my proudest fashion moment. emetophobia warning at 1:56 but them playing EVERY character in the bar scene is perfection
boulevard of broken dreams - ah yes, 2005′s most overplayed song. i could not escape this song. every time the intro started everyone would just look at me bc i was The Green Day Chick. this video is aesthetically perfect though. shout out to mike dirnt’s jawline in profile
work song - first of all, this song makes me cry. second of all, the video is dreamy as fuck. it gives me irl chills. i love the choreography so much. the whole vibe is very modern southern gothic. and it’s incredibly intimate feeling without being... sexual or vulgar, i guess. 
adrenalize - first of all i’m gay. second of all i’m gay. this video is decidedly nsfw
whore - aesthetically pleasing. chris motionless being subby is the real highlight here
sick like me - again, it’s here for the aesthetic.
big bad wolf - also aesthetic but THIS MAKEUP LOOK. maria’s makeup look in this video is actually literally my aesthetic goal. epilepsy warning for strobe light effects
sex metal barbie - say it with me: aesthetic. i also love this one bc the lyrics are largely lifted from people talking shit about maria on the internet, shaming her for being a woman with sexuality and agency, so fuck yes i support it. mild body horror warning for this one
making monsters - john’s videos are mostly performance based but this one is so cute lmao. where do i cop a j5 action figure
paparazzi - i’m only including the RLY vital gaga videos here and the full version of paparazzi is her best work imo......
bad romance - .......but bad romance is a close second.
telephone - i can’t not include this one though. the collab of the decade.
one step closer - i think this was the first linkin park video i saw Back In The Day......... it was 2 heavy 4 baby me at the time lmao but nowadays it’s one of my fave lp songs. the video is super corny let’s be real but it was 2000
numb - this song is so fucking emo but i love it. the video is like peak emo too. i swear the main girl in this video was like my fashion icon at the time. layered tank tops, ripped loose jeans, oversized hoodies and jackets. i wanted her hair so bad lmao
what i’ve done - this video is really visually solid. i thought this was like the Deepest Shit in middle school lmao
sweet dreams (are made of this) - THE CINNAMON TOPOGRAPHY!!! god i have no complaints about this video except that twiggy is in it. visual fx?? dope. wardrobe?? dope. location?? dope. manson in the wedding dress?? dope. unsanitary warning for the later half of the video bc manson gets pooped on by birds lmao
tourniquet - one of my fave vocal performances by manson tbh. i prefer this one of the two videos floria did w/ manson. 
long hard road out of hell - femme manson and religious imagery need i elaborate
the dope show - the first manson video i ever saw. i was... so creeped out lmao. LOOKS ON LOOKS ON LOOKS. john 5 lookin like a snack in this one
i don’t like the drugs (but the drugs like me) - this is probably the most heavy-handed manson has ever been with the christ allegory lmao and yet......... i love it. also shout out to manson and rose’s dogs bug and uncle fester for guest starring. body horror tw here
coma white - basically a flawless music video i have nothing to say here that isn’t already said by the video itself
disposable teens - everybody looks great in this one except twiggy fuck twiggy. i actually love the mtv version of this video too, which is all performance, but i can’t seem to find it rn??
the fight song - one of my fave manson looks. those boooooots tho. the gloooovessssss. i’m gross let me live
tainted love - sorry to send y’all to vimeo for this one but i couldn’t find one on youtube that didn’t look like it was filmed with a potato or watermarked. y’all slept on the genius of this video tbh
mobscene - hello it is me gaogfucker666. 
this is the new shit - still me, gaogfucker666. this video feels misinterpreted too honestly
(s)AINT (director’s cut) - specifically the director’s cut bc more tim skold in a dress and boots smoking a cigarette. this video is seriously fucking nsfw. needles, drugs, sexual content, vomit etc watch with caution pls
personal jesus - i love this glam rock look so much. tim looks so good in this he never wore the look again bc he knew he looked so good we could never handle it a second time.
putting holes in happiness - I CAN’T FIND the extended version with tim’s full solo and i wanna scream. but. here’s the official version
say10 (short) - i really fucking wish he’d compounded off this for the official say10 video, beheaded orange man or not. just the verse. it’s so good. moody and creepy and AHHH.
we know where you fucking live - heed the warning at the beginning lmao. i honestly loved this video. i know some people thought it was edgy but i rly rly don’t see that. it’s offensive and obscene yeah but it doesn’t have that edgelord feel, as much as i love to call him an edgelord.
reincarnate - old school horror vibes!!! as a Humble Fetishist of Boots and Gloves, this is a great video. also this is one of those songs where i Feel the lyrics for real
eternally yours - THE COLORS!!! THE FUCKIN IN A COFFIN!!!! i have nothing more to say
looks that kill - please watch this corny ass fuckin 1983 ass hair metal ass music video. please. i’m tryna add more shout at the devil era nikki sixx vibes to my wardrobe tbh
wild side - i love a late 80s arena performance video ok also where do i cop nikki’s shirt
dr. feelgood - i will always credit this as one of the songs that made me want to play bass tbh
vampires will never hurt you - too emo to view with the naked eye.
i’m not okay (i promise) - the video that spawned a million high school AUs. god i love this one. even watching without the nostalgia goggles it’s great.
helena - perhaps my favorite music video of all time? if not then top 3. this video still remains my ideal aesthetic 12 years later. HOW I’M TRYNA BE. i just wanna look like an extra in this video, okay.
the ghost of you - time to cry!!!!! emetophobia warning at 0:47
welcome to the black parade - it’s hard for me to talk about these videos bc they’re so universally iconic that to explain why i love them so much would be mostly redundant.
famous last words - see above. this song means the world to me
desolation row - if i had to pick a video other than helena to look like an extra in i’d pick this one. has gerard ever looked this good, before or after this video?? peak.
down in it - these are getting linked to vimeo since the official nin account has them all uploaded there in better quality. anyway i love so many of the shots in this video and i love the colors and i love bab trent
head like a hole - SO dated y’all but bab trent leveled up and became baby dread trent.
happiness in slavery - this is seriously graphic. but it’s great. also where’s the extended version that shows trent getting eaten by the weird carnivorous robot
gave up - bABY BRIAN!! infants, y’all. INFANTS.
march of the pigs - it’s a one-take performance video but it’s...... so much more than that. this video hurts me in my hand/glove kink.
closer - this is in the top 3 with helena honestly. it is... a piece of art film before all else. a Must Watch. 
burn - another case of a video being important to me because of the song it’s for tbh.
the perfect drug - marc romanek is a GOD. also a piece of art film honestly. just y’all wait till i make my dnd character based on trent in this video lmao
starfuckers, inc - hm, another nin video that trent invited manson to be in. interesting. all memes aside it’s a great video even as much as i hate the use of the “fat = ugly” trope. epilepsy warning for flashing effects in the last part of the video
deep - why. are. y’all. SLEEPING ON THIS!!!!
only - this may have been the first nin video i willingly saw and recognized as nin. this video still holds up, especially with it being 95% cgi and still looking as good as it does.
living dead girl - the theme song of my life??? iconic couple costume idea????
meet the creeper - i have to include this video because it’s BAD. it’s terrible and i fucking love it
american witch (live version) - WHEN ROB PICKS UP JOHN AND STARTS SPINNING HIM AROUND!!!! this is here specifically for all the long hair john content
dead city radio and the new gods of supertown - the aesthetic. everybody looks great. matt is in a gorilla suit
well everybody’s fucking in a ufo - highly nsfw. where do i begin with this fucking hot mess...... sheri’s huge fake boobs. john and matt and ginger as astronauts. john jerkin off. the aliens with dicks. the fact that the whole story is about getting gang banged by aliens???? nothing will ever reach this level
self titled promotional clip - epilepsy warning for a lot of flashing and smash cuts. sort of a few partial music videos in one, but there are only two official skold videos, so i gotta include both of them. the quality is garbage. it’s so incredibly 1996. yet i love it. the last song, anything, is pretty nsfw as in there’s actual femdom porn clips but this is why i love it.
better the devil - if there were more skold videos i’d put them here. but as i said there are only two. tim out there lookin like not just a snack but a full course meal in 4k quality. goddamn. the only man i can ever truly call d*ddy. tiffany and eli lookin like delicious side dishes as well.
you’re so last summer - flava flave is in it
this photograph is proof - this song makes me so fucking nostalgic............. it transports me right back to eighth grade lmao. tbs were one of my fave bands in middle school.
makedamnsure - the most emo song of all time?? side note regarding tbs: real talk, being fat in middle school, seeing another fat person in a band was so fucking reassuring and great. i love eddie. 
liar (it takes one to know one) - these visual effects are SO cool, even now.
jealous minds think alike - ART... no but actually look at these literal fetuses. i fucking love this song. it’s probably my fave track on take off your colours.
kiss and tell - you right it’s another house party video BUT. baby josh with an undercut. he must be 18 or barely 19 here??
stay with me - jkfljkghdfskljgs okay serious time: this song got me through a seriously rough part of my life and i have the title tattooed on me partially because of the video. 
loverboy - i have never seen a fandom in such utter chaos as the ymas fandom was on the day this video dropped. holy fucking shit. the THIRST was REAL. 
bite my tongue - peak ymas captured in one music video. that’s truly the most important part. that peak sns era ymas was preserved forever in this video.
lived a lie - is it bad if i still kinda want a “we are believers” tattoo lmao. i really....... love this song a lot. is it obvious by now that ymas love a big chorus lmao
give - this song gives me The Feels. it deserved better than a performance video in an empty arena but it’s all we got, so here it is.
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junker-town · 5 years
10 winners from Week 4 in the NFL
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Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images
Fournette is good, but is he “Kyle Williams as a wedding officiant” good?
Week 4 did not put elegant football on display for the world to see. The final Sunday of September played host to a wide swath of ugly football across the league.
An AFC East showdown between the Patriots and Bills saw five interceptions thrown and the deciding touchdown scored via blocked punt. The Bears lost their starting quarterback minutes into their rivalry game against the Vikings. The first touchdown of Seahawks-Cardinals was a pick-six from a player who’d never had an interception in his six-year NFL career.
But manure helps flowers grow, without brutal ugliness we’d never appreciate true beauty, ugly ducklings become swans, etc. Week 4’s abject grossness made its bright spots shine a little harder. So who provided the silver lining to this week’s stormclouds?
It wasn’t ...
Not considered: the Falcons, who threw for nearly 400 yards and got 10 points from it
Matt Ryan has thrown for at least 304 yards in each of his four starts in 2019. His 331 passing yards per game are 22 more than his MVP campaign of 2016, when he led Atlanta to an 11-5 regular season record and a league-best 33.8 points per game.
Despite this, this year’s Falcons are 1-3. They are averaging only 17.5 points per game. They have to throw the ball so much because they’ve only led twice in a game so far — and both times it came in a Week 2 win over the Eagles.
Atlanta has gone from dark horse contender to looking like a team that had been called up from relegation without being ready in any meaningful way. The crazy thing is, the Falcons still look good on paper. The defense is allowing fewer than four yards per carry and fewer than 5.5 yards per play. Austin Hooper has emerged as a powerful cantilever to a receiving corps led by Julio Jones, Mohamed Sanu, and Calvin Ridley. Ryan sure seems like the kind of QB you’d want throwing the ball 44 times per game.
Then, you watch them play football and they look like they’re cosplaying a poorly organized Senior Bowl scrimmage.
Now, on to...
This week’s actual winners:
10. Marcus Mariota, who would really like to get paid in 2020
Mariota was the beneficiary of Atlanta’s ability to make uneven quarterbacks look like All-Pros this fall. The fifth-year passer followed Jacoby Brissett’s lead by carving up the Falcons in a win that was never in question after halftime. Mariota threw for 227 yards and three touchdowns on Sunday. More importantly, he refused to give Atlanta any extra opportunities, keeping an impressive season-starting streak alive:
.@Titans Marcus Mariota is the only QB who has started every game this season and has yet to turn the ball over
— NFL Research (@NFLResearch) September 29, 2019
2019 has been an extremely Mariota year, as he’s alternated strong performances with confusing ones en route to what’s shaping up to be a nine-win season. Those inconsistent outings — he’d needed 49 dropbacks to throw for 304 yards in a 20-7 loss to the Jaguars a week prior — have made the Titans reticent to offer him the kind of deal most former top-five picks earn with their second contract. If Tennessee isn’t convinced, some needy team could look at Mariota’s showcase against the Falcons as a reason to give the Heisman winner who’s been to the playoffs only once in four seasons $50 million guaranteed next spring.
9. Trevor Davis, who is a running back now I guess
The greatest player an 80-yard football field has ever seen needed only one game to leave his mark in Oakland. The former Packer — acquired 11 days earlier in exchange for a sixth-round draft pick — hasn’t seen a target with his new club, but the wideout/kick returner was the Raiders’ most electric runner Sunday.
Yeah, @Trevor9Davis is gonna fit in just fine around here.#OAKvsIND | #RaiderNation pic.twitter.com/NjO4eK3VKe
— Oakland Raiders (@Raiders) September 29, 2019
Davis only touched the ball twice against the Colts. He finished his day with 74 yards and a touchdown in the Raiders’ 31-24 win.
8. Jadeveon Clowney, who gave the Seahawks the exact presence the Texans really could have used
Clowney had never notched an interception in his five-year career leading up until Week 4. This made sense, as the pocket-destroying edge rusher was rarely asked to do much in coverage with the Texans or Seahawks. He wasn’t in pass coverage Sunday when he rewrote that section of his NFL resume.
THAT. WAS. HUUUUGE!@clownejd takes it to the house! #GoHawks x #SEAvsAZ pic.twitter.com/dl78eUxOik
— Seattle Seahawks (@Seahawks) September 29, 2019
Clowney was being blocked at the line of scrimmage when he used his 6’11 wingspan to pluck a Kyler Murray pass out of the sky. All he had to do after that was beat an offensive lineman to complete the first pick-six of his career.
That didn’t mean much for a Seahawks team that was rarely challenged in a 27-10 win over the Cardinals, but there was some delicious symbolism involved for Clowney. He’d been traded to Seattle after the Texans refused to offer him a market-resetting contract extension in 2019. His presence was missed in Week 4 as Houston fell to Kyle Allen and the Panthers.
Even though Houston got to Allen enough to force three fumbles, the Texans could have used another game-changing force alongside J.J. Watt and Whitney Mercilus to finish off a resilient young passer who managed to escape danger and reel off some big plays.
Kyle Allen avoided that JJ Watt sack!#KeepPounding pic.twitter.com/vZRfCwDHZk
— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) September 29, 2019
The final score? 16-10 — a deficit that was, for one week, exactly what Clowney produced for his new team.
7. Eddy Pineiro, who might make Matt Nagy a little less insane about the double doink
The Bears ran more than 10 different kickers through the wringer in an effort to find Cody Parkey’s successor this offseason. That spinning wheel eventually landed on Pineiro, who so far has rewarded his head coach’s faith.
Pineiro may not have had a kick as important as his game-winning 53-yarder in Week 2, but he was still a consistent presence for Chicago Sunday. He made all four of his kicks in Week 4 — three field goals and an extra point — and has converted 14 of his 15 kicks (eight field goals, six XPs) to start the season. He was especially valuable in Week 4 because his Bears played all but one series of the game without starting quarterback Mitchell Trubisky.
Backup Chase Daniel was fine in relief (195 yards, 6.5 yards per pass, no interceptions), but the furthest he could drive the Bears after that first drive was field goal range. That’s when Pineiro took over, building Chicago’s confidence in its special teams back one kick at a time. He poured in 10 points in a 16-6 victory over a Vikings team that never found its footing against the Bears’ brutal defense.
Pineiro won’t erase the pain of Parkey’s audible failure until he does it in the postseason, but Sunday’s performance continued a good start. If Trubisky misses extended time, Chicago could wind up leaning on its kicker to provide the bulk of its scoring until he comes back.
6. Nick Chubb, who helped the Browns bust the myth of the 2019 Ravens’ defense
No team had rushed for more than 160 yards against the Ravens defense in their last 29 games. Chubb hit that mark on his own in a Baltimore beatdown (hey, that sounds familiar) in Week 4.
The second-year back helped shatter the mythos of the Ravens’ stingy defense, carving his AFC North rival up from the inside out. Chubb ran for 165 yards on 20 carries, none bigger than the 88-yard score that stomped out Baltimore’s comeback hopes. Lamar Jackson had hit Mark Andrews for a touchdown one play earlier to cut the Browns’ lead to 24-18 — but Chubb made sure that was as close as Jackson would get in the fourth quarter.
To. The. House.@NickChubb21, everybody. pic.twitter.com/RCeJGdSsaX
— Cleveland Browns (@Browns) September 29, 2019
How did his quarterback Baker Mayfield — who had a day of his own with 342 passing yards — feel about his performance?
Lmao pic.twitter.com/55VRH8N8cM
— JTB (@B1ckle) September 30, 2019
Pretty good!
5. Devin McCourty, who is approaching interception immortality
McCourty had four interceptions in his previous four seasons with the Patriots. It only took him four games in 2019 to match that total.
The Pro Bowl safety has yet to play a game this season where he hasn’t come down with an interception. He got on the board early against the Bills, sniffing out a bad Josh Allen decision downfield:
Devin McCourty has 1 INT in every game to start the season so far -- that ties Mike Haynes for the NFL record for most interceptions in consecutive games pic.twitter.com/Kmt7xOeJHc
— Christian D'Andrea (@TrainIsland) September 29, 2019
That first-quarter pick put him alongside lofty company. McCourty tied an NFL record with interceptions in four straight games — a mark previously held by Hall of Famer (and former Patriot) Mike Haynes. McCourty doesn’t have the same impeccable resume Haynes has, but a late-career renaissance would certainly bolster any Hall of Fame debate the three-time NFL champion and three-time All-Pro has working in his favor.
4. Christian McCaffrey, who definitely inherited his father’s hands
McCaffrey has been one of the league’s most dangerous receivers out of the backfield since entering the league in 2017. On Sunday he pulled off his most eye-popping catch yet:
Christian McCaffrey is Superman pic.twitter.com/rGmaC5rpYB
— Sam Monson (@PFF_Sam) September 29, 2019
McCaffrey finished his day with 93 rushing yards, but he was much more valuable for backup-turned-starting quarterback Kyle Allen with his hands. McCaffrey caught all 10 of Allen’s targets, paving the way for the second-year quarterback to earn his third straight victory as a starter.
3. Mackenzie Park and Jordan Binggeli, whose halftime on-field wedding sparked a Bills comeback
Here’s a sentence I never thought I’d type:
Jim Kelly was able to give Josh Allen a pep talk because he was walking the bride down the aisle at a Bills-themed wedding at halftime.
CBS reported that the Bills’ legend spent some time on the sideline to talk up Buffalo’s current quarterback and address other members of the team. It worked, too! Kelly was one of several honored guests as two superfans exchanged mid-game nuptials in front of one of the sport’s most raucous crowds.
Mackenzie Park and Jordan Binggeli won the @BuffaloBills' NFL100 Experience of a Lifetime, and were married halftime of today's game! Former Bills legends Kyle Williams, @JimKelly1212, @thurmanthomas, and @SteveTasker89 were in the wedding. #NFL100 pic.twitter.com/sha7BTiJ9l
— NFL (@NFL) September 29, 2019
Kyle Williams WAS THE OFFICIANT. The dais was Zubaz-striped.
And @BuffaloBills legend Kyle Williams officiated the wedding! pic.twitter.com/3xexcOpwxu
— NFL (@NFL) September 29, 2019
The Bills were outscored by 10 points before the wedding took place, then held New England to just three second-half points after Park and Binggeli said “I do.” Buffalo didn’t win, however, which means the team needs to have a halftime wedding every week from now until its eventual 2023 Super Bowl win.
I don’t know where or what the reception was, but if it didn’t include someone in a Tyrod Taylor jersey getting powerbombed through a flaming folding table then I’m not sure we can call this a real Bills wedding, regardless of Kelly’s presence.
2. Frank Gore, who could be the last player to ever rush for 15,000 yards
Gore did not look 36 years old while being the only bright spot of a foundering Bills offense. The future Hall of Famer gashed the Patriots’ vaunted defense with regularity Sunday,
No run was bigger than his 41-yard sprint in the second quarter. It not only set up Buffalo’s first points of the afternoon, it also made him only the fourth player in league history to ever rush for 15,000 yards.
FRANK GORE JUST GOT TO 15,000 RUSHING YARDS pic.twitter.com/nnvKEtqQ7V
— Christian D'Andrea (@TrainIsland) September 29, 2019
Gore finished with 17 carries for 109 yards — his first 100-yard game as a 36-year-old but 13th of his 30s — and averaged more yards per play than the Buffalo passing game. While the former 49er, Colt, and Dolphin is comparatively elderly compared to his peers at tailback, he put together a throwback performance to stand out as the Bills’ offensive MVP in a near-upset of the reigning Super Bowl champions.
Gore now ranks fourth among all NFL players in rushing yards, behind only Emmitt Smith, Jim Brown, and Barry Sanders. He’s first among active backs. Here’s where that top five stands after Sunday:
Gore: 15,021 yards Adrian Peterson: 13,408 LeSean McCoy: 10,820 Mark Ingram: 6,335 Lamar Miller: 5,854
So yeah, there’s a good chance Gore is the last member to join the 15K club for a long, long time.
1. Leonard Fournette, who gained 225 rushing yards
I know, I thought he might be washed after last year’s 3.3-yard per carry campaign, too.
Can't be stopped.@_Fournette now has 165 rushing yards on the day.#DUUUVAL pic.twitter.com/PnXKmJKQBG
— #DUUUVAL (@Jaguars) September 29, 2019
Fournette’s big day gave Jacksonville the leverage to come back from a 17-3 second quarter deficit and then later a 24-23 one with 92 seconds left to play, giving Gardner Minshew a safety valve in his second straight win behind center. And though Minshew was impressive in the comeback effort, Fournette’s third-year breakthrough may have finally stolen the spotlight — or at least tilted it slightly away from — the league’s most interesting rookie.
He also celebrated the blockbuster performance by cussing out a starting offensive lineman for nearly drawing a 15-yard penalty at the end of the game. That’s either a stunning example of leadership or, if you’re not sold on Fournette as a legit NFL running back, something weirder.
After nearly forcing his way out of Jacksonville with a disappointing 2018, the former No. 4 overall pick is finally starting to live up to his collegiate pedigree. He’s on pace for a 1,600-yard season, and while he’s unlikely to keep that pace, he’s got a great opportunity to put last year’s injury-shortened, 439-yard campaign in his rear view.
0 notes
angelhummel · 5 years
I knooow and it’s so doubly funny because Puck can get his shit together and join the glee club along with Matt and Mike but Finn has to keep being like “bUt My PoPuLaRiTy” and like go try to slushy Kurt when everyone else has stopped?? Finn always had like 847 chances to screw up and people would still hail him as the leader. It just didn’t matter how many times he reset, how many times he had to relearn the same lessons. It drove me crazy. Finn Hudson is white male privilege lmao
Oh also remember when Sam came to McKinley and was like the coolest guy ever and was gonna sing with Kurt bc it was no big deal and he was just a genuinely good guy? And then Finn like tried to warn him of the unthinkable horrors of a gay guy having a one sided crush on him and tried to dissuade him from doing a duet with Kurt? 
Or how all the girls were like “We need to help Kurt” and all the boys were like “Hey Karofsky leave Kurt alone” and Finn was like “Aww I missed the fight :( I was still on the football field :( Sorry” But then he sings a song so it’s all dope! He’s a great leader!! 
Aalsdgjsdklgjsdk I have so much beef with Finn but I’m gonna stop here before this post ends up being like ten paragraphs long yikes. But yeah man. Not my fave.
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thekorcariwilds · 7 years
What's your opinion of the UD characters who are not Jess and Emily (can you include the twins in your answer if possible)? i love your interpetation of the game so I'm curious about your response.
these are kinda loosely in order of fav to least fav but some of them are really close lol
sam is my fav after jess and emily!! she reminds me a lot of one of my best friends plus i like hayden panettiere so i pretty much liked her immediately
i like matt a lot too!! he’s probably the only male character in the game who i could actually see myself being friends with irl he’s just a nice beefy boy
i feel like i never got to know beth or hannah well enough to have super strong feelings about them, but i still love them both and i always love seeing sisters who are close & care about each other bcuz im close w my own sister. i also love the fandom interpretation of beth being a lesbian
i have really complicated feelings towards josh but i like him as a character a lot and i do really like him even when i wanna smack him (but how much of that actually has to do with josh vs me just REALLY loving rami malek is unknown)
ok ashley’s a character i was kinda lukewarm on for a while (i didnt actively dislike her, but i never really liked her either) which was 99% because of the scene about emily’s bite but she’s grown on me enough that i do genuinely like her now, just not quite as much as the other girls lol
kinda like ashley, i don’t have super strong feelings about chris either way. i like him but not to the point that i actively seek out content about him or would be upset if i got him killed in a playthrough
mike is the only one i outright don’t like lmao. i can kinda tolerate him but every time he talks i really want to punch him
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angelhummel · 5 years
Can I just talk about glee’s treatment of their MOC characters. Because while racism in general gets ignored by fandom, I feel like these characters are particularly neglected. I mean Matt Rutherford was dropped without a mention and replaced by a white guy. Mike didn’t get a storyline until s3 and it was full of Asian stereotypes (which isn’t inherently bad but this wasn’t the time), Blaine was whitewashed and Jake was thrown under the bus. Glee didn’t give af about any guy who wasn’t white.
And they had sooo few guys of color throughout the show. Like I’ve said before, at least one NY guy could’ve been non-white, and at least one s6 newbie guy. Like yay you’ve got a plus size guy and a gay guy. But it was still so pale lmao. Thank god for Jane or it would’ve been like when you look at the sun reflecting off of snow for too long and it fucks up your vision 
Also okay. Now you guys know I love Sam. He’s my third favorite guy, probably top five characters. But Sam was so unnecessary. Like maybe Dijon wanted to quit the show. Maybe there was stuff happening behind the scenes (bc yeah, there was a lot of that) and he had his own reasons for not coming back. Or maybe they fired him, who knows. Anyway, there was literally no reason for Matt not to just move to the front lines and have literally all of Sam’s plots. 
Matt was already on the football team. Maybe he starts getting more recognition as a star player and Finn doesn’t like it. I don’t want Finn to pray to a grilled cheese sandwich for Matt to get hurt tho, so scratch that. Anyway he gets more people’s attention, and that includes Quinn. So they start dating and he’s pulled into the whole messy love dodecagon we’ve got going on here. 
And he easily could’ve been the one with financial problems in the family and living in a motel and having to take care of his two younger siblings. Like there’s no reason that couldn’t have been him. And he could’ve had the unspoken friendship bond with Quinn and Kurt. Like he was right there, why didn’t they just keep him?? 
And I still count Blaine as poc even tho the show didn’t seem to. Just when it was easy to make fun of him or crack a joke about it. But yeah I just got an ask about the white washed Warblers the other day. I mean everyone talks about Glee’s characters of color being used as decoration to make the show look diverse or whatever. But at least they mostly got to do stuff. They had songs and plots and everything. Wes and David were literally just... there. Like Kurt goes to Dalton and ends up sitting at a table sipping coffee with three beautiful boys of color. One gets white washed and the other two have like 6 lines combined for the rest of the show. Boo 
And poor Jake. Honestly I’ve really liked him on this latest rewatch. And I don’t wanna like totally blame him for what happened. Bc 1) Cheating is the only way the writers knew how to create relationship drama and 2) Bc it was like a smaller scale version of what happened when Blaine cheated. It wasn’t just like oh I’m bored or I’m horny and I wanna sleep with someone. Like there were feelings involved. I don’t think Jake’s reasons for it were just surface level. Idk, either way it wasn’t handled well. But I still love him
Honestly I think Mike was treated the best out of all of them. Which isn’t saying much at all. Like yes, overbearing Asian parents, I’ve literally never seen that before. Wow. But still. He got his little sliver of spotlight in s3. He got to follow and eventually achieve his dreams. And he still showed up over the course of the series so at least the writers weren’t just like “Fuck him” and tossed him out 
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