#i couldnt shoot ashley
ilguna · 2 years
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vizishereig · 2 months
How about either 49 or 50 for Leon?
First attempt at writing Luis. I tried so hard ;-; and this still doesn’t feel like him, wah. Thanks for your ask, though :D (I would have tried to do both, but I couldnt for the life of me mix it together. aka my brain was being particularly stubborn)
49. Sweet
After all is said and done, Leon wants nothing more than a shower and to pass out for a fucking year.
He isn’t going to, of course, but he wants to.
There are still things to do when he gets home. Namely, taking care of Luis. The Spainard had been patched up along with Ashley while Leon spent his time arguing with higher ups. It took… way too long and Leon was exhausted by the end of it, but Luis was allowed to accompany him home. There would be more talking, more arguing, but for now? For now, they’ll be left alone.
A long, impressed whistle breaks Leon out of his thoughts, watching the aforementioned male scan his, admittedly, plain flat. Leon feels himself tense but forces himself to relax. It’s just Luis, it’s fine.
Brown eyes turn to meet his gaze, eyes twinkling playfully. A far cry from the shaky breathing and wide, panicked eyes from earlier, in the mines. Leon relaxes now, more genuinely. He’s okay. Luis is okay. They’re alright.
“Damn, Sancho. The government pays well, eh?” Luis teases, failing to hide the exhaustion in his voice. Leon huffs out a small laugh, waving him over.
“C’mon. You sound like you’re going to fall asleep standing up,” Leon replies, warmth seeping into his voice. Him and Luis had… something, in Valdelobos. Lingering touches, warm words. There was a kiss, in the elevator. But that moment was quickly overshadowed by the knife that was shoved into Luis’s back.
Luis follows without complaint, which shows Leon how exhausted the other is. He lets Luis sit on the edge of his bed, grabbing a pair of sweats and a shirt that’s a little big on him and hands it to the other.
“Would you want to take a shower, or…?” Leon asks, leaving the option there, in case. Luis looks like he considers it, but shakes his head. They’re both exhausted and even though Leon would prefer to not dirty his sheets, he also feels too low on energy to try and take a shower.
So, he grabs the clothes he took out for himself and heads to the bathroom to change. Gives Luis some privacy, even if the distance feels like a string pulling taut. Tries to not rush through the actions of getting dressed, looking in the mirror and grimacing at the bags under his eyes and smudges of dirt and blood. Decides to wash his face off, feeling just a little bit better.
He exits the bathroom, seeing Luis struggling to put on his shirt. Leon feels a bit of guilt, stepping forward to help. Luis bats him away though, shooting him a small smile. Wanting to do it himself, even though he knows it’s probably hurting his back.
Leon’s stubborn like that, too.
He relents, letting himself watch the male struggle with the shirt. It doesn’t take long for him to get into it, all things considered. Still, Luis finishes up, laying back against the bed gingerly, sighing once he’s finally laying down, letting himself go limp.
Leon blinks, almost surprised at the sudden swell of affection at seeing the other man, in his clothes, in his bed. Alive and safe. Some more of that tension melted, Leon sitting down on the edge of his bed.
“Enjoying the view?” Luis asks, a flirty smile on his face. Brown eyes watch him, content. Leon rolls his eyes, huffing and laying down, facing Luis.
It’s quiet, now, everything feeling still and calm. That’s probably what has Leon moving a hand up, cupping Luis’s face, gently dragging his thumb over the brunette’s cheek. Luis hums, staying still, eyes trained on his own. After a bit, though, he tips his head forward, touching his forehead to Leon’s, closing his eyes.
They stay like that for a long while, Luis, with his eyes closed, breathing in the calm in even breaths and Leon watching, drinking in the other’s features.
The kiss comes soon after, and it’s entirely expected. It’s slow, sweet, careful. Exploratory, in harsh contrast to the kiss shared in the elevator, which was passionate, quick, and over much too soon.
They lay there, exchanging small kisses until Luis succumbs to sleep, Leon watching as his features slacken and smooth out. He looks peaceful.
Leon settles down, standing vigil until he too slips into unconsciousness.
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vxxlkyrie · 7 months
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Word count : 942 words (4 865 characters)
“Ash.. what on earth are you wearing?” You stood awkwardly outside one of the bathroom stalls, staring at Ashley. She thought it would be hilarious to go to school dressed as Cupid for Valentine’s Day.
“I told you I was going to dress as Cupid!” She says with a big smile. You were speechless.
“I thought you were joking!” You whisper-yelled to her. It definitely wasn’t the usual colours she wore, especially not to school.
It was a poofy, white and pink dress with light pink ribbons all over. She even had the bow and arrow with the heart tip. Even down to feather wings on her back. Definitely wasn’t the craziest thing she’s worn, but still, she mostly wore black and purple not white and pink. To be fair she did show up to school in one of those blow up dinosaur costumes.
“Don’t you think it’s cute? I was going to go around school pretending to be Cupid!” She was definitely excited. You sighed. Once Ash had an idea there was really no talking her out of it and you knew that.
The two of you walked out of the bathroom, making your way to the gym. Since Valentines Day was in a couple days, the school was throwing a dance for the students. And of course, got the very same students to help organize it.
The rest of your group was sitting in a corner blowing up balloons and working on a banner. Larry, Ash and you had been assigned to work on the banner whilst Todd and Sal blew up some balloons. Well, more Todd blowing up the balloons and Sal tying them.
As Ash and you resumed your sides of the banner, she leaned over to you with a smirk.
"You knowww, since im 'cupid' now i could totally shoot both you and Sal" She said, winking a couple times. Your face flushes a little.
A while ago you had confided in Ash about your, very not secret, crush on Sal and she's been trying to get the two of you together ever since, insisting that he liked you back.
"No!" You whisper-yelled in her direction, hoping to not get Sal's attention. You looked over at him quickly to see him struggling to tie the end of the balloon around his finger.
"I really regret telling you i like him."
"And i keep telling you to tell him cause he likes you back!" You quickly try to cover her mouth. Unfortunetly, you werent quick enough and the entire group looked at the two of you. Ash took your hands of her mouth.
"I'm telling you, ask him to go to the dance with you." She smiled at you. You looked awkwardly at her, then to the boys.
"You like soemone?" Todd asked.
"Possibly.." You respond with a quiet tone.
"WHO?" Larry pushed Ash out of his way. Sal didnt seem to want to be part of the conversation. Was he upset? You cleared your throat.
"No one." You said with a smile. It hurt a little to call Sal 'no one' but you had to say it to get Larry off your back.
"Are you still coming to my place for our movie night or are you going to be too busy with your new.. boyfriend" Sal said, a hint of anger, maybe even jealousy, in his tone when he said 'boyfriend'.
"Yeah i am, and I don't have a boyfriend." You say quietly. The two of you remained in silence as Ash eyed the two of you closely.
The silence between you and Sal was nearly unbearable. Normally when the two of you would watch movies together, it would be a shitty movie Sal had found and the two of you would laugh and criticize the plot and awful characters.
But now it was silent, with the ambience noise coming from the TV.
"So." Sal starts.
"Once you and this new guy get together, will he join the group?" His tone indicated that he wasnt too fond of the idea. You couldnt help but be flattered that he didnt want other guys that were interested in you join the group.
"Well no." Maybe it was the fact that Ash had finally been starting to convince you or maybe it was cause it was going to be Valentine's Day soon, but you had suddenly thought that hinting to Sal that you like him would be a good idea.
"No?" He sounded almost hopeful as he turned to look at you.
"He's already in the group.." You said silently, your cheeks flushing. You couldnt look at him, it was too embarassing.
"W.. already.. is it Larry?" You look at him suddenly as he asked.
"No? What made you think that?"
"You went really quiet when he was asking about it earlier." You sigh.
"No it's not Larry.." Sal looks at you in silence.
"So.. it's me..?" You look over at him and nod.
"Really?" He asks quietly. You nod again. You could feel your face get hotter and hotter as time went on, the silence from before returning.
"I mean, I was going to ask you to the dance." Sal said, slowly reaching to grab your hand. You smile.
"I'd be happy to go with you, if your offer still stands."
You would never forget the giant smile Ash had on her face when the two of you had walked into the gymnasium the night of the dancehand in hand.
Who knows. Maybe if you had listened to Ash a little sooner, you wouldnt have had to be as patient with your feelings as you were.
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nowandthane · 8 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
tagged by @menacingmetal thank you!!!! <3
tagging @grim-starling @stormikins @vakariansvixen @westernlarch @illusivesoul @drelldreams @xoshepard (i know you already got tagged but tag me in yours too if u do it i wanna see it xD) <3 and anyone else who wants to do this!!
I am a fan since: I first played in September 2022 and it's consumed my life since! I had the OT since like 2018/19??? but i couldnt play because it gave me motion sickness kjdfhgkdf then I got MELE free cause amazon was doing a thing and by that point i had friends who taught me to mod the game and i can play with relatively few issues now :3
Favourite game of the series?: oooh idk i love them all and i played them first time all in a row so theyre kind of like one game to me... probably me2?
MShep or FShep?: femshep. ive yet to complete a game with anyone other than femshep. well, anyone other than sarani specifically lmao but hopefully that'll change xD
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: earthborn!! (sarani again xD)
Biotics or Tech: tech (again... sarani. she is not a biotic)
Paragon or Renegade: paragon choices, renegade dialogue xD
Favourite Class: infiltrator!! ive never played a class other than infiltrator (yes, you guessed it, sarani :3) but im trying out vanguard like anytime now so we'll see?
Favourite Companion:
Least favourite Companion:
you could put a gun to my head and i still wont answer those two i will not choose
My squad selection: i dont really have a main i think? it depends on who's narratively appropriate for the mission, then on who will help me most with their build. i try to make sure everyone has equal time cause i wanna see them all....
Favourite In-game romance: well it's def thane if youve known me a while youd know i used his name for like over a year while i was figuring out my gender stuff xD also garrus and tali ofc <3 but tbh they're all good!! with the exception of jacob cause bioware did him so dirty ugh
Other pairings I like: joker/edi, miranda/ashley, miranda/jack are some of my faves but tbh this world is my playground i WILL mix and match them xD
Favourite NPC: jenkins nihlus and aethyta, i kind of really want her to [liara shoots and kills me]
Favourite Antagonist: Saren for sure i need him to choke me
Favourite Mission: Priority: Tuchanka probably... i love mordin so much and his arc... beautiful
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Tali!!!
Favourite DLC: arrival. ok no lmao. omega probably!
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: destroy i guess but only because i pretend the geth and edi dont die lmao.
Favourite Weapon: black widow!!!!!
Favourite Place: Rannoch
A quote I like: Tali's 'The difference was you.' and 'I got better. I got you.' (very romance specific i know i love her okay) garrus's 'gray... i dont know what to do with gray.' legion's 'do these units have a soul?' kolyat saying 'the prayer was for you' when wrex says shepard is a sister to him
im gonna go cry now
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castlehark · 1 year
got to chapter 4 with my brother so far in UD. he got upset when he couldnt save josh which was a bit funny but also frustrating because he wanted to restart the chapter and then called it quits for the day even though that chapter had to've only been half an hour ...
oh well. i'm very excited for when he finds out josh set the background stuff up. im surprised how much he doesnt remember from all the times i played the game before
he was also very good at recusing jess and im very proud of him 👍 i was wondering if he'll kill ashley in a rage for revenge for josh ... but the only way that would happen (before we find out josh's identity as the psycho) would be to "shoot her" (i think) which kills chris instead. might make him more mad. unsure. we will find out ... eventually
OH OH hes also doing wonderfully finding clues especially totems he definitely looks harder than i ever did hahaha. he almost has the guidance totem pole filled. i only ever filled the death one. we got the one with mike and wolfie which was very exciting and i shouted and he laughed at me
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comphersjost · 4 years
More Than This ➸ Mikko Rantanen
its 3 am and i couldnt wait to post this. its self indulgent, all of it
You have a thing for bigger guys. And Mikko, well, he takes notice.
word count: 3.9k+
warnings: slight angst? if you squint, reader cant get off, size kink (obviously), smut, thigh riding, mutual pining if you squint, sorta best friend!jt
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You didn't know how you let JT talk you into letting him swipe through your Bumble account. And you definitely don't know how he managed to get you to let him do it while displaying your phone on his Apple TV. And what you absolutely, totally, completely did not know, was how you let him keep going when Ryan, EJ, Gabe, Mikko, Naz and some of the wives and girlfriends arrived at his and Josty’s shared apartment. 
You'd known JT for years, so your dating life wasn't exactly a new subject for you. Besides, it had seemed fun at the time, the group of you lounging around the living room as JT swipes through Bumble for you.
“Hey what about this guy? He's cute!” Gabe says. JT scrolls through the guy’s profile.
“Wait,” you said, stopping him from scrolling any further. “6’4? Swipe right.”
The group erupts into laughter at your words, though you were being completely serious. JT swipes right anyways without scrolling through the rest of “Andy”’s profile, the group cheering as you match. You lock eyes with Mikko, completely by accident, and the dark look in his eyes tells you he knows something you don't. He stands, announcing he's going to get a drink from the kitchen, but you don't miss the smirk tugging at his lips as you gulp, your eyes travel up his hulking frame. 
Your attention is pulled away by Naz saying something about a guy’s bio being “ultimate douchebag vibes”, and that’s when you decide it's been enough. You snatch your phone back from JT, disconnecting from the screen mirroring despite the protests around you. 
“You guys have snooped into my dating life enough,” you laugh, “All thanks to Comph here, but that’s enough, seriously.”
With a grumble, the group relents, allowing the conversation to progress past “6’4? Swipe right.”
You were staring again. 
You knew it too. You also knew that if you didn't stop soon - like, now - you were gonna get caught. Again. Just as a thought goes through your head, you feel an elbow digging into your side. 
“If you want to fuck him, just shoot your shot.” You turn to glare at Ashley, finally tearing your eyes away from the blonde brute on the other side of the bar. You reach over to smack JT with the back of your hand as he starts laughing.
“Fuck off, dude,” you say, rolling your eyes. “Even if I wanted to - which I don't, by the way - I couldn't.”
“Says who?” JT says incredulously. “Besides, don't you have a thing for big dudes?” As your oldest friend of the group (though he wasn't always your friend for as long as you've known him, he was your brother’s friend from college before you moved to Denver), JT had the most shit to talk. 
“Says my contract with your team, Jimothy.” The ginger grimaces at the nickname, but lets it slide, opting out of his usual reaction of punching the guys in the arms when they called him that. Instead he laughs again at your defensive expression and your avoidance of his question, turning to call the rest of the guys back to your table. Your glare intensifies as he gives you a shit-eating grin. 
“Technically you don't know that it says that. What's the worst that could happen, Y/N?” he teases, wiggling his eyebrows in a manner that was so unlike him. Drunk JT was the worst you thought. “I'm sure he’d be down for a -” he pauses dramatically “night of passion.” 
You gag at the way he says it, at the same time you here an accented voice say.
“Who wants a night of passion?” 
You tense, not having realized the rest of the team had actually come back so quickly. You force yourself to relax and paint a playful smile on your face, turning to look at the Fin. 
“Nothing, Jimothy’s just being stupid as usual,” you say dryly, scooting over as Mikko motions for you to move further in the booth. You pretend not to notice Ashley’s shit-eating grin as Naz rolls his eyes at her antics. Luckily no one at the table says anything incriminating before the boys start up a new conversation. 
In the chaos you almost don't notice Mikko stretching, placing an arm behind you on the booth. But you do notice, and it makes you stiffen. Mikko feels your body go rigid, glancing down at you with a confused pout. He leans down for a moment until his mouth is by your ear. 
“Are you okay?” he murmurs as his hand drops to caress your shoulder in what you guessed was supposed to be a comforting manner. 
“I’ve got a lot on my mind,” you lie easily, avoiding his gaze. “Just a little on edge.” 
If it was possible his voice lowers, making you strain to hear him. “Just relax.” And - that really doesn't help, heat settling in your gut at the words. 
“Actually -” you say abruptly, finally meeting his eyes for the first time that night, “I think I’m gonna go home. I’m just not feeling it.” 
You can see Ashley watching you closely from the corner of your eye, but you don't turn to look at her. Instead you raise an eyebrow expectantly, motioning for Mikko to get up out of the booth so you could leave. He looks surprised by your sudden desire to leave - lips parted in confusion and what you thought was a hint of hurt. 
With a reluctant look on his face, Mikko slides out of the booth, stepping aside to let you slip past. You send a quick wave to the table, and after a brief goodbye, head towards the exit to wait for your Uber. You assumed Mikko sat back down as you walked away, so it surprised you when you heard Mikko call after you just as you'd begun to walk towards the curb. 
“Y/N! Wait!” 
Your step falters for a moment as you glance over your shoulder, pausin to let Mikko catch up with you. He reaches for you for a moment, before pulling back. 
“Are you okay? Seriously.” 
And like, you hate the concern in his voice. Stupid you think. Stupid accent and stupid pouty lips and stupid - 
Your thoughts are interrupted by Mikko repeating your name, softer this time, as he takes a step closer to you. Your breath hitches at you stare at him towering over you, trying to force yourself to think of anything other than how his massive hands would feel on your body. 
“Yeah,” you finally choke out, taking a step backwards towards your waiting Uber. “Yeah, I’m good, just - I'm just tired and have a lot on my plate right now.” 
You're reaching for the door before he can respond, barely catching his faint “Text me when you get home safe!” before the door is closed. You pretend not to hear him. The driver glances at you in the mirror quizzically, seemingly wanting to ask how you left Mikko Rantanen outside of a bar without so much as a goodbye, but thinks better of it, turning up the soft music on the radio as he begins the drive towards your apartment. 
You feel drained when you finally get home, showering and changing into more comfortable clothes as quickly as you can before crawling into bed. Your thoughts drift to Mikko as you close your eyes, the heat in your gut from before returning. You consider taking care of yourself, but considering you haven't been able to get off in weeks, the idea seems even more exhausting, so you let sleep overtake you. 
“You didn't text me.” 
You glance up from your laptop to see Mikko standing in the aisle of the plane, his eyebrows furrowed into a slight frown. 
“What?” you say dumbly, you stare up at him, forcing your attention away from one of his enormous hands as it curls around the back of the seat in front of you. You only succeed in noticing his thighs in his basketball shorts, the chiseled muscles making your mouth go dry.
“When you left yesterday,” he clarifies, pulling your gaze away from his thighs. “I told you to text me when you got home safe.” 
“Yeah, oh.” 
You're taken aback by irritation in his tone - and slightly offended. Who was he to be annoyed with you? 
“Well, I was really tired, so…” you trail off, eyes falling back to your laptop screen. You hope he takes it as an end to the conversation, and luckily, he does. 
You feel bad for being short with him, but JT and Ashley’s teasing from the night before - and, let’s face it, from months before - was getting to you. You can't help but watch Mikko’s back as he retreats, heading back to the front of the plane where he usually sat. 
You see him slump in his seat, blonde curls barely visible over the backrest, and a pang of guilt shoots through you. It’s gone the moment you catch JT’s eye, flipping him off as he grins knowingly, before shaking your head and focusing on your work. 
You didn't have time to lust over Mikko. Not when you had the job that needed your complete focus. 
The flight is short, and you arrive in Edmonton faster than you thought you would. You try to ignore Mikko’s burning stare as the players and staff exit the plane, trying your best to tune into the animated story Josty was telling JT. 
You breathe a sigh of relief once you close the door to your hotel room, finally relaxing for the first time all day. The game wasn't until tomorrow, so you knew you had time to do what you wanted - which was absolutely nothing. 
And nothing you did, lounging around in your room watching Netflix and declining an offer from JT to go out with, well, everyone. It didn't help that you knew Mikko and Mark’s room was directly next to yours, but as you heard the chaos of a group of 30 grown men, and then some, heading out for the night, you relaxed a little more. 
An idea pops into your head when the noise finally fades, your hands slipping further down your body to rest above your shorts. You were tense, and needed release - desperately. You give in to yourself, slipping your fingers under your shorts and panties, gasping as your fingers slide through your folds. You're already wet, sensitive from not having been able to cum in weeks. 
A soft whimper escapes your lips as your fingertips find your clit, rubbing gently to work yourself up. You can't help the noises that escape your mouth, trying to keep yourself quiet, but easing up when you remembered that everyone had gone out. 
Your breath quickens as you rub tight, fast circles on your cunt, your back arching. Your other hand finds your breast through your thin t-shirt, pulling and pinching at your nipple. The added sensation makes you moan loudly into the empty room. 
Your hand moves faster and faster in your panties as you pinch your nipple roughly, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth to keep yourself quiet - just in case. 
You're so so close, you can feel it. Your orgasm is right there, and it feels endless as you chase it. You move the hand that's playing with your breasts down to slip under your panties, sinking two fingers into your pussy. Your back arches even more at the feeling, whines escaping you now even with your lip between your teeth. You just - you need something to push you over the edge into you euphoria but - 
“Fuck!” you sob, your body collapsing back onto your bed as your hands cease their movements. You draw your hands out of your shorts, repeating “Fuck”, before resigning to the fact that you just can't cum. Tears slip down your cheeks as you attempt to catch your breath. It ached, how bad you needed to cum but you just couldn't. So you give up on, trying to find anything else to focus on. Only hours later did you find yourself falling into a restless sleep. 
The knock on your door makes you jump, the sound echoing in your empty apartment. You frown as you think Who the fuck is here this late? You'd only just gotten home and settled from your trip to Edmonton, finally relaxing on your couch with Netlix already pulled up and ready to browse through. You're so caught up in wondering who could be at your door that another three heavy knocks sound at the door. 
 Impatient much? you think bitterly as you make your way to the door. 
You nearly slam it shut again when you see who's on the other side. 
“Mikko,” you say, a questioning tone to your voice. “What are you-” 
“I heard you.” His words are abrupt, cutting your sentence off. You frown, not understanding what he means. You step aside to let him come in, and he doesn't hesitate before sweeping into your apartment, slipping his shoes off and taking a seat at your couch. 
You raise your eyebrows at Mikko’s boldness as you come to stand in front of him, about to ask him to clarify what exactly it was he heard, before he answers the question for you. 
“Last night. In Edmonton.” 
Your blood runs cold, but his voice lowers, thick with intention. 
“I could hear you, when you couldn't cum.” 
“I - I -” you stutter for a moment, “I thought everyone went out last night.” 
It's not a denial of what Mikko said, and he knows it. 
“I stayed behind,” he says simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. His eyes are dark, and you can't bring yourself to look away, no matter how badly you wanted to. 
“I…” You flush under his gaze, somehow both absolutely mortified by him hearing you, and curious to see what he would say. “And you're telling me this because…?” 
Mikko is silent for a few moments, mulling over his words. “Let me help you,” he finally says, his voice low and husky. “Let me help you cum.” 
You can't help the way you gasp, the desperation from the night before flaring up again. 
“Mikko I don't-” 
“Think it's a good idea?” he finishes, his hands coming to rest on your waist, pulling you closer. “I don't care. I want...I want you. I want this. I want to help you.” 
You sound uncertain but he knows you've already made up your mind. You let out a yelp as he tugs you roughly into his lap, smashing his lips into yours. A moan escapes you immediately, god he was incredible. Mikko is big, he's so big that one of his arms wraps itself almost completely around your waist, the other coming up to cup your face, nearly covering half of it. You feel small in his lap, and you love it. 
His tongue darts in and out of your mouth, coaxing small noise from you as you grip his shoulders. It was better than you could have ever imagined, the way he bites your bottom lip and tugs back on it with a smile. You whine again as his giant hand falls to your ass, flexing over the flesh and squeezing. 
He pushes against your ass, guiding you to rock against him. You tear your lips away from him, head falling to his shoulder at the friction. Your brain is fried, unable to think of anything but the behemoth of a man in front of you. 
“God he's so painfully my type” you remember telling your friend when you first moved to Denver. You didn't tell her why. You didn't tell her it was because of his size. You didn't tell her it was because he was over a foot taller than you. And you definitely didn't tell her it was because you wanted him to use that size to his advantage with you. 
And use it he did, moving your body the way he wants against him as you whimper pathetically. Mikko maneuvers you so that you're seated on one of his massive thighs, your leggings doing next to nothing to provide a barrier between your cunt and his thigh. 
“Please,” you find yourself whining before you can stop yourself. The pressure of his leg against your clit makes you giddy, unable to think of anything but more more more. Mikko’s hand on your ass guides you, rocking your hips against him as the other caresses your hair. 
“That's it,” he spurs you on, accent thickening as he moves you, “Just like that, good girl. Feels good doesn't it?” 
You whimper again and nod against his neck, moving your hips even as he guides you. The friction feels delicious against your cunt, and you can already feel your orgasm building up. Mikko murmurs soft words of encouragement as you rut against him, the tent in his sweatpants growing tighter as more noises escape your throat. 
Logically, you knew Mikko’s size would likely match the size of his cock but - nothing could have prepared you for what you felt against your thigh as you rocked harder into him. His cock was straining against his sweats, thick and heavy as you pushed against him. 
Mikko’s hand disappears from your ass for a moment, before coming down again with a rough smack. You jolt at the sting and cry out as it only brings you closer to the edge. Your hand curls around his neck, your face smushed into his shoulder with his other hand cradling the back of your head. 
“Please, Mikko, please!” you sob into his t-shirt, so fucking close to release. You were desperate, strings of curses and his name and “pleasepleaseplease” the only words leaving your mouth. He coos gently at your desperation, bouncing his leg slightly to give you more friction. 
“I've got you, rakas,” (beloved) he murmurs lowly, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “You're close aren't you?” 
“Mhm.” Your voice comes out whiny, but you could really care less, too caught up in chasing your orgasm to care how you sounded. “Mik - Mikko, please, please.” 
“That’s it,” he repeats, the hand that was cradling your head disappearing, only to come down on your ass sharply. A sob is ripped from your throat as you wind your hand into his hair and pull. “Come on, there you go, are you going to cum for me?” 
“Yes yes yesyesyes,” you babble, frantic as you seek your high. 
“Cum for me, rakas,” Mikko growls. “I want you to cum for me.”
The filthy, commanding tone he uses is enough to send you over the edge, throwing you into white-hot ecstasy as you finally - finally - achieve the release you've been craving. You're faintly aware of the scream you let out, and the tears slipping down your cheeks, but you're too focused on the pleasure you're feeling to be embarrassed - or even care, for that matter. 
Mikko holds you tight to his body as you begin to regain consciousness, rocking you slower and slower against his thigh until he stops, tugging you so that you straddle his lap instead. You're hyper aware of his cock pressing against your thigh, achingly hard. 
“You did so well,” he purrs, peppering your neck with soft, wet kisses. “You did so fucking good, you're so beautiful when you cum for me.” You whine at the words, finally finding the strength to lift your heavy head from his shoulder. 
“Sorry I ruined your shirt,” you snivel, gasping out a sob when another tremor wracks your body. Mikko pulls you back into his chest, chuckling softly. 
“That's alright, suloinen asia. (sweet thing) You did so good for me.” 
Mikko strokes your hair softly as your sobs slow to a stop, holding you tightly to him to build you back up where he shattered you. He whispers sweet nothings in your ear as his fingers caress you, the heat radiating from him lulling you into a daze. 
“Thank you,” you whisper softly, curling your hand around the back of his head. You pull back softly to look at him, and you can't help but revel in what you see. Mikko’s cheeks are pink, his lips swollen and bruised, and his eyes are blown wide with lust. He stares up at you in admiration, smiling almost shyly at your gratitude. 
“Y/N I - fuuuck,” Mikko’s words are cut off when you rock your hips against his aching cock, his hands flying to your waist. “What are you - oh - Y/N - shit -” 
“Please?” you mewl softly, pouting softly at his reprimanding stare. 
“Stop that,” he groans, his head tilting back slightly in pleasure. Whether he's talking about your pout or the way you were grinding on him - who knows. 
“Please?” you repeat, smiling triumphantly when his hands on your waist push you a little harder against his dick. 
“Yeah,” he breathes, “Yeah, yeah, okay, one condition.” 
“Mhm,” you hum, too distracted with roaming your eyes over Mikko’s chest and arms to pay attention. 
“Hey.” Mikko grabs your face between two fingers, squishing your cheeks together as he forces you to look at him. You stop breathing for a moment, his grip on your face unrelenting as you wait for him to tell you his condition. “My condition,” he says, “is that I want more than just this. Let me take you on a date. And no more swiping right on any other big guys on dating apps.” 
His words catch you by surprise, and you laugh loudly. Mikko lets go of your face when you do, watching you throw your head back joyfully. He's confused for a moment, but accepts your kiss, smiling against your mouth as you giggle against his. 
“Is that a yes?” he murmurs between kisses. 
“It's a hell yes,” you smile brightly, leaning into to steal another. 
“Great, now can I fuck you over the back of this couch and make you cum again or what?”
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mysterybustershq · 7 years
cristian’s birthday » event.
we forgot to post it so here it is!
kimberly didn’t want to be here. while she was fully in support of celebrating the birth of a god, she knew the chances of spending any time alone with him were slim to none. she watched as the mysterybusters tolerated each other, leaning against the wall with her phone in hand. she was considering faking an excuse to leave, but the idea of leaving without saying anything to cristian was too much. but she couldn’t talk to him directly. struck with an idea, she pushed off of the wall. “hey, guys,” she called, loud enough to get their attention. “who’s up for a game?”
isaiah had been talking to ashley, when of course kimi interrupted, by calling out about wanting to play a game. isaiah couldn’t help but already get a bad feeling about said game, whatever it may be. he still didnt feel entirely right about being at a party since gina, and he honestly didn’t care about cristian or his birthday (in fact, he couldnt think of something worse to celebrate). but ashley had wanted to come, so of course… isaiah had too. isaiah took  a sip from his bottle of beer, glancing around. “what kinda game? you sound like the guy from saw when you say that.”
blair (rip!)
“i’m sorry i didn’t know we were all in middle school,” blair speaks up from her spot in the room,  eyeing everyone. she didn’t want to be here, celebrating the birthday of her best friend’s ex who, by the way, had cheated on her. it felt wrong but blair hated being left out of things and damaris was here too so that made it more tolerable.
truthfully, the only reason julian tagged along with kimi was to make sure she didn’t end up sleeping with the birthday boy by the end of the night. he sat with a half-empty beer bottle, waiting for someone to pick a game. “spin the bottle is not happening.”
“but spin the bottle would be so fun!” bryce replied, his words slurred as he finished off his beer- tossing the can over his shoulder. lately he had been drinking more than usual but he didn’t care- it was relaxing.
“we have enough drama without whatever spin the bottle would bring.” vanessa deadpanned, eyeing everyone in the group and lingering a little on bryce with a degree of exasperation, not quite able to believe her ears. like they needed THAT on top of everything else. on the other hand… “we could break out the ouija board,” was her suggestion, said with a small shrug as she sat back in her chair, “see if anyone wants to give some birthday wishes from the other side.”
sofia took a sip of her beer. she was happy to be at crisitian’s party, even if some of the other were not. she grinned when vanessa mentioned the ouija board, nodding. “ouija board? i’m totally down.”
daniel (rip!)
“absolutely not,” daniel said immediately, before the rest of the group got too behind the idea. it was the weekend; it was a party, they needed one night where they were just normal kids without all of the ghost bullshit. “no ouija board. what game do you guys wanna play?”
isaiah held up his hands. “no. no. no board.” he said, exasperated, as he so often was whenever vanessa spoke. “i hate to agree with daniel. ” in fact, he hated daniel in general
reaching for a new beer can, bryce began to chant ouija board over and over again- not really stopping to think that, he wouldn’t enjoy that.
“yeah, no board. that’s why weird shit always happens to us— we fuck with the dead too much.” naomi commented, as if her opinion mattered. “let’s just play something dumb like truth or dare… or pictionary! better yet, let the birthday boy choose.”
“uh, yeah, that’s a big no,” cristian exclaimed, following along with the others’ protests, before he sipped the drink in his hand. he had been trying for so long to fight the demon on his back,  using a ouija board at his birthday party would just be asking for it. could he just have a day where it wasn’t brought up ? upon hearing naomi’s suggestion, cristian shrugged. “i don’t really care. just something that doesn’t get in the way of me drinking.” his focus went back to the drink in his hand, but their blank stares egged him on, forcing him to speak up again a bit reluctantly. “or  . . truth or dare, i guess? that sounds as good as anything.” he shrugged again, nonchalantly.
“truth or dare it is! who goes first?” naomi looks around at the group, raising her eyebrows. “that’s how it goes, right? i haven’t played this game in so long i literally forgot how to play it. well not forgot but just very iffy on how it’s supposed to be played.” this was the first time since the halloween party since naomi had been excited to have some real, non-threatning fun. no ghosts or demons, just her and her friends.
“i want to go first!” bryce cried as soon as he heard that they’d settled on truth or dare, nearly falling off of the couch in the process. he loved truth or dare- or well, he loved games.
isaiah pinched the bridge of his nose, taking another long drag of his beer before deciding to just go with this inevitable disaster for now. he glanced over to where damaris was, and patted the spot next to him, for her to come sit. “i haven’t played truth or dare in like 80 years.”
blair takes damaris’ hand and drags her to where everyone else is, sitting on the other side of her brother. “you ask someone truth or dare, if they answer truth then you ask them a question and if they answer with dare then you dare them to do something. not that hard… idiots,” she mumbles the last part, “so okay, i’ll ask bryce. truth or dare?”
“oh oh oh,” bryce responded, his eyes lighting up in excitement as he looked at naomi. he was so excited that was getting to start- this was just amazing, his dream come true. “uh- dare! wait no truth,” he responded, “wait no dare! okay that’s my final answer!”
damaris didn’t really care what they did, or where she was, so long as they could have just One quiet night. getting pulled around by blair was all well and good provided that it was done in a calm environment, though she was considerably happier when she was able to sit in place beside isaiah - best friend one side and about the only person in the group she felt happy and safe around, at this point, on the other. she watched bryce try choose with only vague interest, murmuring to isaiah as he struggled, “to think we coulda been finishing brooklyn 99 instead of being here.”
“i dare you to… not say anything for the next three rounds. vanessa and naomi are already here, we don’t need another chatterbox in the group.” blair flashes him a fake smile, “who’s next?”
“oh, that’s such a lame dare!” sofia protested,  shooting blair a look. “truth or dare is already less exciting than the ouija board, don’t make it stupid.”
a frown spread across bryce’s face as he heard blair’s comment, “b-but,” he stammered as he slowly sunk back on the couch, his arms folded across his chest. this sucked. blair was mean.
isaiah couldn’t help barking out a small laugh at blairs ‘dare’. “alright. anyways. moving on.” isaiah said, wondering how he always ended up being the one moderating this. “somebody ask blair, or whatever. im getting another drink. anyone want one?”
alex said plainly next to sofia, a smile resting lightly on her face, for once in her life content to be quiet ― half out of general distaste on being called on. “cariña, chill out, it’s not… that bad,” she told her friend. “i mean, truth or dare? not good. but not… that bad.”
naomi wasn’t even phased by her comment, “i— okay go off i guess…” she shoots bryce a sympathetic smile, looking at isaiah. “i’d like one if you don’t mind!”
“yes,” julian called out, taking isaiah up on his offer. he hadn’t finished his, but worked quickly, chugging the last of it down. “bryce can’t even ask the next person,” he laughed, realizing that the game was now stopped. “who’s next?”
“do you want a hand?” damaris asked after two people had piled onto his offer, taking any opportunity to exit the game she didn’t have much desire to take part in.
isaiah nodded, pointing to naomi and julian to show he’d get their drinks before looking at damaris. she definitely looked like she needed a drink. “i’ll get you one too.” he said, already shuffling off to the kitchen to see what he could grab up. he looked back as damaris called out, and hesitated, before realising she probably just wanted out. “uh yeah, sure. i can’t carry all these drinks myself.” he lied, with a nod.
sofia made a face and took another sip of her drink.  "still–you know what? tonight’s for cristian. this is what he wanted.“ there was something about alex’s use of cariña that made her heart melt a little, but she ignored that feeling for now. "i’ll go next. somebody ask me?”
blair smirked at everyone’s reactions and leaned back on her hands, waiting for someone to go. “okay! uh… truth or dare sof?” naomi spoke up, hoping to lighten the mood after the rude dare blair had given bryce.
“don’t want you spilling any!” she was already up and off her feet, stepping carefully around everyone else to join him in the search for more drinks, and more than happy to have even the briefest of escapes. “you as big a fan of the game as i am?” she asked him with a smile as she joined him in the kitchen, naomi’s voice carrying through from the other room. the sarcasm to it was obvious.
“dare,” sofia replied, leaning towards naomi expectantly, smiling. “always dare.”
“hm…” naomi tried to think of something good before an idea popped into her head. “i dare you to prank call nathan and act like you’re asking for a booty call.” she clapped her hands together excitedly, proud of herself for thinking that up.
isaiah chuckled at damaris’ clear sarcasm. “yeah, i mean … if it makes the others happy, i guess we can both mutually suffer.” he nudged her gently. “plus side is, if we’re gone long enough i doubt anyone will even notice. i doubt we were prime truth or darers anyways.” he joked. he glanced around the kitchen before finding a stray bottle of vodka. “here, let me make you a cocktail. it’ll be good. promise.”
sofia laughed. “easy.” she pulled her phone out of her pocket, flipping through it for a moment to search for nathan’s number. “let’s see…ah, got it!”  she put it up to her ear, finishing off the end of the beer as it rang on the other line. “nathan?  it’s me, sofia. i was feeling really lonely, and i started thinking about you, and how guys in sweaters are just super sexy. and i know i complain about you telling me what to do all the time, but i can think of one place where i’d be happy to let you…call me back.”
julian sat with his head in his hands, really hoping that isaiah would be coming back with another beer soon. or a gun.
“so long as my suffering doesn’t become me having to do one of blair’s dares… or truths. they’re probably just as bad,” she chuckled, softly, her affection for the friend she’d left sat inside obvious as her distaste for everything, as a whole. “i don’t know about you not being a prime candidate for it all, though- at least… two of the girls in there, wouldn’t mind getting dared to 7 minutes in heaven with you,” she teased, knowing he was a taken fella ( side eyes at verena ), and also knowing the group. if they had eyes, then they’d thought about isaiah in that way. she grinned and nodded, happily, trusting him totally with whatever it was he was about to make. “i’ll get julian and all their not-amazing-and-specially-made-by-isaiah-maxwell drinks, while you do!”
isaiah couldn’t help grinning, as he so often did, just around damaris. he couldn’t help looking at her, even leaning in closer to drop his voice, in faux-flirtatiousness. “what about any of the girls in here?” he couldn’t help tease, before straightening back up, still grinning. “well, know that if i get to pick someone for truth or dare- you’re my prime candidate.” he wasn’t even joking either, he liked doing dumb stuff to and for damaris. he nodded, chuckling. “good idea. now what are you in the mood for? something strong, fruity, sweet, orr… ?” he asked, already grabbing up a few other bottles and inspecting them
Nathan (who was enjoying a glass of wine he got in the clearance basket of Bottle King) was interrupted by the sound of his voicemail inbox pinging. He opened the message, listened, and promptly put his drink down to text the girl back. He had already gone into uncharted territory by going balls deep into Ash, he certainly was not going to try and frickle frack Julian’s cousin.
sofia blinked in surprise as his quick response. "oh my god,” she said, tilting her phone screen to show alex what nathan had said. she wasn’t that worried about it. who cares what the babysitter thought of her? she sent him a text back and she laughed, shaking her head. “he’s not gonna be able to look me in the eye on monday. amazing–okay, who’s next?”
she couldn’t even help it- she let out what could only be called a hoot of quiet laughter, struggling to try and sober herself for a play along and a, “oh, i’d definitely be the third girl,” before dissolving into her giggles for a minute. it was absolutely true that she’d once had a tiny ( maybe not so tiny ) crush on the boy before her, and back when he was a relative stranger, she certainly wouldn’t have minded being dared to anything with isaiah - but he was so much MORE to her than just someone nice to look at. he’d maybe become her best friend in the time they’d been rooming together ( sorry blair ) and that was, as they say, that. “consider yourself mine too,” she managed, finally, her mood well and truly upped as she moved about the kitchen, making the others some basic drinks, “why don’t you surprise me? anything isaiah maxwell approved is good by me.” and for once, she really wasn’t saying that to be her eager to please, always-willing-to-let-others-take-the-easy-route self - she trusted him, without rhyme nor reason.
“good job, sofia. didn’t think you’d go through with it.” naomi crosses her legs and rests her head on daniel’s shoulder. “you can ask anyone in the group now.” she answers.
blair glares at naomi and daniel but says nothing, looking away and waiting for someone to hurry up and ask something so they can finish the dumb game.
isaiah grinned, even bigger, as he got the desired reaction from damaris. he had to admit - he had fun with the girl. even when they were doing nothing. she was just so easy to talk to. “stop, you’ll flatter me. i might even blush, mari.” he said playfully.  "damaris lennox wanting me? wait til the rest of the lacrosse team hears. they’ll lose their shit. .also, blairs truth or dares arent that bad. she .. as a whole actually … i dont know. shes different, kinda.“ he shrugged, not knowing how to explain it. "kinda feels like we’re actually family these days instead of two people arguing over a credit card.” he added, as a joke.  isaiah glanced over at damaris once again, before nodding slowly. “sure.” isaiah said, already putting way too much vodka in the drink because he hadn’t seen damaris have fun in ages. he even carefully lined the rim of the drink with sugar crystals, to give her the full cocktail experience. “and you gotta drink the whole thing!” he added, hoping she hadn’t seen how much vodka he’d put in
as naomi rested her head on his shoulder, daniel was overcome with a wave of affection, not just for naomi but for the whole team. it made him so happy to see them all getting along (kind of). he wrapped his arms around the girls on either side of him, pulling both naomi and ashley closer. “sof, who’re you asking?”
“me? not go through with a dare? who do you think i am?” sofia scanned the group around her, tapping her finger on her chin as she considered her options.  she raised an eyebrow at daniel, then crossed her arms. “since you interrupted my thinking, daniel: truth or dare?”
daniel raised his eyebrows and nodded as sofia spoke. “dare,” he answered, not wanting to risk any questions about him and naomi.
“alright. dare it is. i dare you…” she trailed off, leaving a dramatic pause. in truth, she was trying to find something to get him to do. “uh…take off your shirt. for the rest of the game. y'know. for science.”
“no one will ever believe you,” she replied with an easy smile, pausing in the pouring of julian’s drink to look over her shoulder at him, “and if i’m asked, i’ll play dumb.” ( writers note: “she’d watched ashley so much, it wouldn’t be hard” would be included here, if damaris was that Type of Character ). “blair’s not bad. not really,” was her swift response, her need to gas up the other girl at a time where it seemed almost right to, too much. it was nice to hear that they were getting on better - it’d always felt like she was friends with blair and then, separately, friends with her brother, and it wasn’t hard to see from either side the divide that had sort of existed there. “i’m glad to hear that,” she said, very genuinely, “i know she cares. about you, i mean- she cares about a lot of people, and things, more than she ever really lets on. it’s good that you two are doing better.” and then, because that was sappy and i, as a writer, shy from anything remotely so, she moved on again. “oof, the whole thing?” she was a little skeptic, of course, but always willing. “i promise i will, soon as we’ve got these back to the others- if they haven’t forgotten, they’re probably wondering what’s taking so long!”
“maris! beers?!” he needed another before daniel’s shirt came off. for sure.
“ooh, bring me one too!” sofia called, waving her empty beer bottle in the air.
alex pointedly looked away from sofia, nope, nope nope, that is NOT my friend she thought at a giggly loop. she also avoided looking at daniel (lest she not be able to look away) as she completely downed the rest of her drink. “do we have any more wine?!?” she called out towards them.
“alright, alright,” daniel said with a laugh. removing his arms from the girls’ shoulders, he used his newly freed hands to pull his shirt off. dropping it in ashley’s lap, his eyes scanned the room, deciding who to ask. “alex. truth or dare?”
alex slowly dragged her eyes towards him, “you need jesus,” she murmured to herself. half the idea of not talking was not getting called on, and yet here she was, talking and getting called on. fucking god. “… truth. if i MUST, you profound scoundrel.”
“truth. truth, truth, truth, truth, truth,” daniel said, tapping his finger tips together mischievously as he considered what he could ask alex. “alright.” his eyes lit up as he decided, shooting her a smile. “are you and sof hooking up?”
as more people called out for drinks now, isaiah realised they had been gone for a while. “shit. looks like people are missing us. julian seems to be missing you.” isaiah wiggled his eyebrows. “maybe you and julian could date. think of that! my two best buds. plus, julians handsome. and sweet.” isaiah couldnt help but always want to set up damaris with ANYONE so long as she stayed away from that demon (cristian). isaiah smiled then, warmly, because as always- damaris was just kind, and always willing to talk to him about anything, any time. “yeah, i agree. i mean.. i know she puts on this .. act. or show. but she’s not always like that. and its good to be reminded of that sometimes.” isaiah said, “you’re a really good friend, mari. not just to me.” isaiah poured lemonade now, as well as a splash of orange juice, and cranberry juice. he rummaged for a second, before topping the drink off with an umbrella. “ta daaaaa!” he presented the bright red drink to her. “WE’LL BE THERE IN A SEC!” isaiah called out, as he heard more people wonder about the drinks. “okay, how’d you go? find beer and wine and whatnot? gotta keep the people happy, huh?”
alex slapped her hand on her knee, cheeks heating up at an absurdly quick rate and, with all her being, avoiding even thinking about sofia, looking at sofia, or answering that question. “DARE! i mean dare!” she coped out, like the coward her momma raised her to be. “dare!” where was that wine????
“do you even know how the game works?” blair looks at alex, “you can’t change it once you’ve said it. now answer his question.”
sofia’s eyes widened, and she felt her face turning pink. she fell uncharacteristically silent. she stared at her empty beer bottle, as if she could will more alcohol into existence.
alex decided to glare at blair firstly, and then turn to daniel. she went with her same flair, and replied evenly, “wouldn’t you just love that?” with that, she kissed sofia harshly on the cheek, leaving a dark red stain, before standing, “i have to use the ladies room!”
“wait!” ashley called out, not picking up on the awkward tension. “before you pee, ask someone else.”
she, quite commonly, stomped her foot - way for ash to ruin a dramatic exit. “uh, you, go, my young padawan. t or d?” with that she continued her way out.
“his drink. he’s missing his drink,” she corrected, very, very quick to respond to isaiah’s matchmaking ( which was sweet, but very much unneccessory - in a way that was  a very 'reality star after her 5th breakup of the year, in february’ way, she had long since resigned herself to a period of lonesomeness in aid of 'finding herself’, and it was going very well, she’d have you know ), “i think julian has eyes on someone else, 'zay. but he is very sweet, and definitely the top notch kinda guy i’ll look for some time in the future.” they were having such a wholesome moment, it was very easy forget that they’d left the main party for a REASON, and everyone elses shouts really put a damper on the wholesomeness. maris smiled back at him, kindly, taking the compliment that she was sure she didn’t deserve ( she hadn’t been a great friend of late to ANYONE, but it was nice he thought so ), maris very gratefully took her own drink from him with a 'thank you, isaiah. for everything! not just the drink.’ another smile ( because as a writer, i feel i haven’t yet exhausted my 'she smiled’’s), and grabbed what she could for the others that were yelling. “you grab that wine-” she nodded her head towards the bottle on the top, “and i’ll bring the beers-” they were already in her arms, and she finally made her way back through the door, handing off the nearest one to whoever it was close by.
“dare.” ashley answered, before leaning over to daniel. “what’s a padawan? should i be offended?” she whispered.
sofia stood statue-still, watching alex as she stood up with wide eyes. if this were a cartoon, she probably would have little hearts flying around her head. she un-froze, reaching up and touching her cheek lightly before clearing her throat. she made a point to not look at julian. or anyone else. “ISAIAH. BEER. PLEASE.”
Bryce had honestly lost track of how many rounds it had been- but he was still silent, instead choosing to spend his time throwing things at Micah.
“it’s something from star wars, i think.” naomi hears ashley’s question and decides to answer before daniel does, “i don’t know. nerd shit.”
micah swatted the object from the air, sticking his tongue out at bryce. he wasn’t paying attention to anyone here, but he was very focused on not being hit. 
“it’s from star wars,” kimi supplied, watching the two idiots, with her most pleasant voice. was it time for her to go yet? “actually, um, i think i left something in my car, is it cool if i step out to get it?” and never come back?
“ooooooooh,” ashley nodded, drawing out the word in exaggerated understanding. “i hope it’s not that ugly bear guy.” shrugging it off, she turned back to the rest of the group. “someone dare me.” alex had left, and ashley was too impatient to let the game stall.
cristian continues drinking, not keeping track of how much, already starting to feel a bit tipsy as he listened on with a curious brow., things getting a bit interesting.
it had been hard of late, for isaiah to talk to damaris. she’d been distant, or just unaviailable since the halloween party. isaiah hadn’t felt like they were them for a while. until now. “julian has his eyes on someone?” isaiah couldn’t help repeating, surprised. julian hadn’t ever said anything to him. “you know.. i have a few guys on the lacrosse team. just say the word and you know they’d line up for you. court you even. it’d be like an episode of the bachelorette.” isaiah paused. “not that i watch that.” he added. fake bitch. he smiled, pleased when damaris took the drink. sofia joining in the yelling now. with a small sigh, he turned back, walking with damaris into the room. ( enter gif from community of troy entering with pizza and the place is on fire). “what the… where’d daniel’s shirt go? where’s alex?” he handed the drinks off to julian and sofia and naomi and whoever tf else wanted one. “you guys are all so damn impatient.” he said, with a shake of his head, sitting back down with them though.
happily taking the next beer, julian popped it open, taking a good swig before pointing to ashley. “i dare you to watch a single star wars movie. once in your life,” he said, jokingly, laughing.
sofia opened her drink up and took a sip as quickly as she could, then headed over and sat next to cristian. there was still a giant lipstick stain on her face. “fuck this game, man,” she mumbled. she looked over at him, leaning forward and resting her chin in her hand. “are you having fun? it’s your party, after all.”
“i can’t do that,” ashley shook her head. “they look bad. okay, who hasn’t gone yet?”  her eyes settled on the person that had dared her. “julian! truth or dare?”
isaiah’s eyebrows raised, unsure as to why they asked julian how he felt about verena. this game was making less and less sense to him. “julian, do you ever pick dare?” isaiah couldnt help asking, genuinely curious.
“ah, well,” sofia replied with a shrug. “there’s always next year. and the year after that. and the year after that. and the year after…well, y'know.” she hit him softly with the back of her hand, trying in vain to rub the lipstick mark off of her cheek. despite her efforts, she just ended up with a big red mark. “shut up. probably more action than you’ve gotten lately.” she turned to the room, and yelled: “julian never picks dare 'cause he’s a wuss!”
“i pick–” interrupted by sofia, julian frowned. “i do too pick dare! sober julian picks dare. after three beers, julian picks truth.” he raised his beer, taking another swig.
“the best reporter on the team ?” cristian mocked, glancing at julian with a confused look, finding his answer uninteresting, “weak. we all know you want to bone her, man. just admit it.” he rolled his eyes slightly, shrugging. then, as sofia hit him with the back of her hand, cristian let out a light laugh, which only continued as she tried to wipe the red off her cheek. “ more action than me ? please, ” he poked back smugly, shaking his head.
“wait what?” isaiah’s voice was loud, cutting across every other conversation as he looked over at julian and nobody else. “what?” he repeated, and he felt this awful, awful swooping sensation in his stomach. “you… and vee?” isaiah wasn’t sure if it was just cristian being cristian, or if it was true- but isaiah felt terrible suddenly. mainly because he hadn’t thought about vee once that entire night, but also because he truly had never known anything about julian and verena. other then that .. isaiah had to admit he didn’t actually feel … anything, except for surprise.
“yeah… vee your girlfriend. c'mon 'saiah, she and julian have been all heart eyes over each other for months.” blair figured her already knew that but alas.
isaiah was nonplussed, “why didn’t anyone tell me ?” he couldn’t help ask finally, still looking at julian for confirmation. “y'all just let me date my best bro’s crush? that’s so uncool of me.”
“cristian…” sofia said, a warning tone creeping into her voice. she didn’t often find herself in this situation. still, she’d had enough to drink that she couldn’t quite verbalize what she wanted to say. “wait julian, is that true?” she just looked between her cousin and her friend a few times. she scoffed at cristian’s comment. “definitely more action than you. what can i say? the ladies love me.” she was starting to calm down, brush the kiss on the cheek off as a bit. something to tell daniel off. alex didn’t really like her like that…did she?
“i don’t want to–no, hey–” julians voice was drowned out by all the other comments being thrown around. he put his beer to the side, sinking into his seat more, trying to avoid isaiah’s eyes. “he’s just talking shit,” julian said, refering to cristian’s unwanted comment.
bryce perked up at the sound of his friend’s name, eagerly looking around for her. once he realized that she wasnt there, he sunk back into the couch, as he took a sip of his beer.
isaiah still looked unsure, especially because julian wasn’t meeting his eyes. “but blair said it too.” he couldn’t help pointing out, glancing over at cristian briefly. isaiah drank more of his beer down, trying to think of what to say or do now.
“i sure did.” she crosses her arms against her chest and looks over at julian.
cristian wasn’t even phased. “what?” he declared, looking from julian to sofia and back, unmindful of the sensitive subject he had exposed and not really finding the awkwardness in the situation. “no shame, julian,” he shrugged, “forgot she was your girlfriend though, maxwell. oh well.” his tone came through with a carelessness.
julian chose to ignore cristian, leaving sofia to deal with him. “blair, isn’t it your turn, anyways? come on, back to the game. truth or dare, blair?” he was quick to change the subject.
isaiah shot cristian an unimpressed look, before looking back at julian. he still didn’t really want to let this go. “you’d tell me though, right? if you liked her. if you didn’t want me to date her.” isaiah repeated. he didn’t entirely believe julian right now.
“yeah i’m not participating in this game. i only told bryce to shut up to save me from a headache.”  blair shrugs her shoulders,  "so find another contestant.“
bill nye-12/08/2017
bryce narrowed his eyes, his grip on his can tightening as he heard blair’s comment. sure he was probably being annoying, but did she have to be so mean? her words kind of hurt. "s-shut up blair,” he mumbled
“i’ll go,” daniel volunteered, just wanting to get the attention off the topic at hand and back on something slightly lighter. “do your worst, vega.”
“yeah, i would tell you, man,” julian said, quietly to isaiah, aside from the group. more drunk than sober, julian really thought he was being convincing. “ah, yeah okay. truth or dare, daniel?”
“you…are trouble,” sofia said, not un-affectionately. “big trouble. like i said before, fuuuuck this game.” she became very interested in her beer again, then found herself staring at the door alex had left from.  at the mention of  the name, vega, she started paying attention to the game again. “ha, daniel is getting dared by both vegas.”
“dare, i guess,” he nodded as sofia made the decision for him.
“you got the first one, i get this one,” he said, pointing over to his cousin. he then looked at daniel, shirtless, and laughed. “i mean, you’re already halfway there. take your pants off, dude. that’s your dare.” julian was desperate for any distraction he could make to turn the focus off of him.
with a sigh, daniel stood up, undoing his belt and pulling of his jeans, leaving him in just a bair of boxers. “next time i’ll have to pick truth, gotta keep some of my dignity.” his gaze darted around the circle, settling on cris. “birthday boy. truth or dare?”
naomi’s cheeks reddened as daniel undressed and she made sure to divert her gaze somewhere else to keep herself from drooling. x
bryce finds himself drawn to daniel, but after a few seconds of staring he adverts his gaze. 
almost forgetting he hadn’t gone,  cristian looked up from his drink when daniel called him out and gave the other a bold look, eyes unworried. “dare,” he said as if his response were obvious.
as soon as blair heard daniel call cristian out, she knew what she had to do. “i dare you to tell us who you cheated on damaris with.” at this point, blair does not give (1) fuck about anything.
isaiah glanced at damaris, who suddenly looked extremely, extremely sad. he felt a rush of anger, yet again, at cristian, and then looked at blair. “blair… come on, maybe we shouldn’t talk about this.” he couldn’t help putting a protective hand on top of damaris’, offering it a small squeeze and hoping to god they’d change the damn subject
cristian definitely wasn’t expecting that, his eyes widening as blair finished speaking. he knew that information was bound to get out eventually, but he didn’t think for a second that it’d be like this. part of him wanted to whine and complain about blair’s dare, and maybe it was the alcohol taking over, but he wasn’t the type to just give up defeat. especially when he had just called julian out for not being truthful. cristian gave ashley a subtle, sorry look before speaking, “well, she’s in this room,” he started vaguely, avoiding eye contact with damaris and taking as long as he could to answer the question.
blair glares at naomi.
in the same way that she had never been able to avert her eyes from horrible events before her, like crashes on the freeway that were impossible not to look at as she drove by, there was some kind of morbid interest in what he had to say. she couldn’t help but WANT to hear the answer she hadn’t had in all the time since, even though her heartbeat was drumming hard and fast and isaiah’s hand on hers, suddenly, was urging her to want anything but. keep the peace. it’d be easy to do, like always - all she had to do was agree with him, shoot down blair’s idea, and let what cristian said fall on deaf ears. let the night go by, without incident. they could have one, NICE night, if she just choked back her words and let someone else change the subject. but she was so sick of it - she was so sick of being nice, and of letting things go by unsaid because she didn’t want to cause a fuss, of letting her feelings fester and mold instead of acting on them. and in spite of better judgement, of knowing that it wouldn’t lead anywhere good, she cleared her throat and said directly to cris, after a long moment had passed, “you don’t see how that’s… worse than not saying anything at all, do you?- because…- because if you hadn’t said THAT, then i wouldn’t be sat here looking at ALL of my so called friends, and wondering if they…- if they were part of ruining what we HAD. instead of just… being honest, and decent, for once in your life, you’re dodging the question, and making everything WORSE, like… like you always do.” a pause, to catch her breath, and then she wa piggy backing on blair’s dare- “who WAS it, cristian?- which one of our friends did you screw on the side?”
isaiah kept his eyes on damaris, feeling his own heart twist in pain for her. damaris was the last person who deserved to be treated like this, and seeing her this upset made isaiah want to truly whisk her away, back to the safety of their flat, and watch brooklyn nine nine. suddenly, he really regretted bringing her with him, and playing this dumb game. maybe they should have just stayed in the kitchen. “mari.” he said softly, but he didn’t know what else to say, or do. it was just painful  to see her like this. “blair, why’d you have to bring that up?” isaiah couldn’t help adding, before looking over at cristian. “and you’re a real asshole, dude.”
bryce chewed on his lip as he noticed the tension in the room, his eyes immediately going towards damaris, to see if she was okay. she wasn’t- but he wasn’t sure what much he could do. she probably wouldn’t want his drunkass trying to hug her, so he settled for a small, sympathetic smile.
“why? because i’m tired of having liars and backstabbers in this group.” blair replies, “and damaris doesn’t deserve to have the truth being hid from her. so, cristian, grow some fucking balls and tell us who you slept with.”
ashley could feel her heart pounding against her chest as cris answered, her eyes dropping to daniel’s shirt that was still in her lap, her fingers wrapping around a loose thread. her heart broke as damaris spoke, knowing how she felt. she didn’t know if cris would say it was her or not, but she didn’t even give him the chance. “it was me,” ashley blurted out, finally looking up and meeting damaris’ eyes. “i’m sorry damaris, i didn’t know you, or even that you existed. i was gonna say something as soon as i found out, but,” her voice trailed off, not wanting to put that blame on cris.
ashley spoke up before cristian had the chance, his mouth half open as if it were about to speak but then, with the secret coming to light, his face froze at the blonde’s confession. there wasn’t many times in his life where he was left speechless, but he honestly didn’t really know what to say. “yeah, well,” he mumbled to no one in particular, “there ya’ go.” cristian knew it had to be awful for damaris to have to hear that, especially after all this time– but it had to come out eventually, and at this point, there was not much he could do but accept the consequences. his eyes diverted to the floor for a moment before glancing at damaris with a mix of uneasiness and guilt. “i’m uh– sorry too,” he decided to add, nodding awkwardly, his voice low as he dug his teeth into the bottom of his lip, “sorry you had to find out like this.” his jaw clenched stiffly, uneasy with the vulnerability of the situation, but a part of him did actually feel bad.
blair let out a laugh as ashley spoke up. OF COURSE she was the mystery girl.  and to top it off, cristian confirmed it. “you’re literally such a moron. why are you on the team? let me guess you spread them open for daniel too.” she glares at naomi and daniel before her gaze is back on ashley, “and the fact that you never told damaris… why? to keep cristian from not talking to you or what? my god you’re like a free for all, ashley. is there anyone you haven’t slept with? i’m sure that list is as small as your brain.”
the stilted 'im sorry’ from cristian had isaiah glaring even more so at the boy now. isaiah tried not to groan at ashley’s admission. he closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. couldn’t they all just have one night? one night without this crap? without someone sleeping with someone, or somebody kissing somebody else? isaiah didn’t look at ashley, instead fixing his gaze on cristian. “you’re sorry ? wow, that sounds so genuine dude. and you know what? you’ve totally fixed it. damaris is the nicest girl any of us have ever fuckin’ met and you destroyed her. do you think about that? or anything other then yourself?” isaiah couldn’t help snapping. as blair began speaking, isaiah’s eyes closed once again. “blair” he said, sharply.
blair hummed and pointed to isaiah as he spoke, “he’s right. a half assed sorry isn’t going to fix everything, you fucking idiot.” she rolled her eyes as isaiah said her name, “what, isaiah? you’re mad because ashley’s given it to everyone except you? jesus christ you deserve better than someone who has an open twenty four hours sign in between her legs and knows how to count to four.”
“blair, for once in your life: shut the fuck up.” isaiah sniped, “ashley can do whatever she wants, its her fuckin’ body.” his eyes finally went to ashley. “so long as it doesnt hurt people.” but it had. it had destroyed damaris, and neither her or cristian had ever said anything. isaiah knew ashley probably didnt intentionally hurt damaris, but it was still awful news, all around
“how about you—” blair doesn’t reply, instead she gets really quiet and sighs. “fine.” she’ll remember this like a true scorpio.
as soon as the insults began to leave blair’s lips, naomi went to sit next to ashley and wrapped her arm over her shoulder. “don’t listen to her.”  she gives the blonde a reassuring smile. she’s been the target of blair’s wrath before and it was never pretty so the only thing naomi could suggest ashley to do was to just stay quiet.
“fuck off, blair.” it was the first thing micah had said all night. usually, he and blair didn’t butt heads. they were similar, in some ways, and it was why he kind of liked her. but he liked ashley more, and he wasn’t gonna let her be talked about. “it’s her body, and she can do what she wants with it. she doesn’t owe anyone shit.”
having been initially stunned by it all, cristian was suddenly shot back into reality once blair started to go off. “ hey, hey! no need to attack ashley like that, okay ? just quit it, blair,” he spoke up, his brows drawn in frustration, the intensity of the sitation pushing him to intervene. “ it’s not all on her. i’m definitely more at fault than she is. so just–“  he ran a hand across his face, sighing deeply, evidently annoyed with how shit had gone down hill. cristian rolled his eyes at the maxwells now turning to him with the harsh words, having had enough with people messing in his business. "yes, i’m fucking sorry. what ? i can’t say sorry ?” he spat back, palms out, getting heated, “ i’m well fucking aware that’s it’s not going to fix everything, dude.” eyes narrowed at isaiah.  "and i rather not have to explain myself or plead for fucking forgiveness in front of all of you, when there’s really only one person it concerns.“ he took another heavy sigh, his anger rising.
he didn’t want to draw any attention to himself, but julian had reached the bottom of his beer three blair-drags ago. he quickly rose out of his chair and practically ran away to the kitchen.
she’d been at peace with it. that was the WORST part - damaris had, in one sense of the words, let it go. her heart still ached when she thought back to what they’d lost, and there were times that she had caught herself looking towards cristian with a crushing sort of sadness at what he’d done ( her mind straying more than she’d admit to the other party, and who she was… question now answered ), but she’d done what she could to move on, and it had shown. ask anyone - they were getting on, now, better than ever. if she closed her eyes then and there instead of wasting all her time staring across at cris, eyes tearful, then she could even conjure up the image of him bending his head over the birthday cake she’d made, and hear their easy back and forth. easy. that’s what it had become, to be around him, to talk to him, or at least… what it was getting to. her heart was MENDING and she was better for it - and then blair had brought it up. she knew her friend had, in her heart of hearts, meant well. whatever her motivations, she had, in a way, meant to do good. but the road to hell was paved in good intentions, and knowing that it was ashley - the girl she’d smiled across the room to every morning since she’d joined, the blonde she’d been so HOPING would end up with the very boy who’s hand she now tore her own from, didn’t make it any better. it didn’t make her feel RELIEVED, to know, and to not have to look at naomi, and kimberly, and vanessa, and the others, and wonder who it was. no - knowing didn’t make ANYTHING better. it just brought it all back again, everything she’d felt when it had first happened. it reopened the wound she’d managed to close, and standing up, damaris was done. she’d gotten what she wanted and she was DONE, with cristian, with ashley, with the whole entire group of people who had until then been sat around celebrating her ex boyfriends birthday."thank you, for your apologies,” her words were stiff and stilted, the lack of emotion behind them startling considering that at current moment, her hands were shaking violently and her heart seemed fit to burst from her chest, “they mean a lot.” they didn’t. it was obvious, they didn’t, but she didn’t care. damaris’ gaze leveled with blair, and she added before anything more could be said, “don’t, blair. DON’T DO THAT. i…- i- you being nasty is just… it’s so uncalled for, right now. don’t pick on her, and insult her, and… and belittle her choices, because you think you’re standing up for me, because you’re NOT. nothing you just said to ashley has made me feel ANY better, and nothing else that comes out of your mouth WILL, so for once just shut up, and stay out of it.” it hurt her, to be so blunt to blair, but it was so important for her to know - for her to let her know, that ripping into another girl didn’t make damaris feel any better at current moment. it took two to tango. they could say all they wanted about ashley, and cristian, but it didnt’ change what they’d done, and it didn’t help. what would help, she knew, was getting herself out of a situation that was making it difficult for her to breathe - and with one final look around ( mostly for dramatic effect by me ), damaris carefully stepped around them all, and made her much needed exit with a softly spoken, “night.” over her shoulder.
ashley nodded, leaning into naomi’s touch. she wasn’t planning on saying anything; what could she say? blair was right, except for the sleeping with daniel part. and blair should be defending her friend. she shot both micah, cris, and isaiah a small smile, thanking them for defending her.
“oh you guys don’t piss cristian off too much because then he’s going to go off on another killing spree and blame it on the ghosts!” she says sarcastically, still not over the silverwood thing. however as damaris started talking and directed all that attitude at her, blair had just about enough. “oh whatever damaris. i’m tired of you acting like such a weak and soft person and for what? only to be walked all over? cheated on? you’re a mess and trust me when i say that i don’t want to get involved with you or your dumbass drama again. so consider me staying out of it, forever.” she glares at damaris as she leaves and waits a few minutes before gathering her things and leaving as well.
there was a beat of silence after damaris spoke, and then stood and walked away. isaiah was speechless. he’d known damaris for a while now and he’d never, ever, ever seen her so heartbroken. he’d never seen her look so destroyed and upset, and he couldn’t help it. isaiah’s attention turned back to cristian, as he stood up now too. “mari-” he called out, knowing it was too late and she’d gone. she probably needed alone time, but that didn’t mean isaiah couldn’t at least try. he turned, to face cristian properly, his palms balling into fists as he glared at the stupid male. “man, you aren’t trying to fuckin’ fix anything. stop pretending like you have some redeeming quality to you, the only reason half of us are here is because of the free alcohol. nobody gives a shit its your birthday because nobody gives a shit about you.” isaiah couldn’t stop, he was on a roll as he walked right over to cristian, for no discernible reason. he thought of this asshole with slimy gross hands touching ashley of all people, and that was what pushed him over the edge. isaiah didn’t realise he’d lifted his arm until it was too late, and then … he was punching cristian right across the jaw.
“daniel put your clothes on you look like an imbecile.” naomi mutters, grabbing the shirt from ashley’s lap and throwing it in his direction. “you wanna go get something to drink? i know julian’s in the kitchen!”
even though he had ran away, julian kept an ear to the room where the team was, hearing mostly everything that was being yelled at each other. it wasn’t until he heard the sound of the fight beginning that he actually did anything about it. “whoa!” he called out, rushing out of the kitchen. “two fucking seconds–god dammit,” he muttered, looking to daniel. “ah, you get cris?” he said, figuring he would grab isaiah.
“oh, fucking save it, ma–” cristian started to say, waving off isaiah who was now standing above him, but before he could even finish his sentance, he felt a heated force collide with the side of his jaw, sending cristian through a whiplash of emotions. and just like that, that was all it took. as cristian brought his head back to look isaiah square in the face with such irritation, he almost wanted to laugh. “wrong move, maxwell,” he hissed between his teeth, still soaking up the pain of the punch to the face. it was as if he had been waiting so long for this moment. all the tension and hate had finally built up between the two, and it was all coming to light. almost immediately following, cristian got up with the same force as isaiah had and immediately reciprocated the other’s punch, his body clashing with his opponent’s as the two began to entangle themselves in a brawl.
daniel had just finished putting his clothes back on and was already on his way over to isaiah and cris when julian returned. he nodded silently at him, moving over to cris as quickly as he could, but was a few seconds too late. flinching as cris threw a punch, daniel gabbed on to him and tried to pull him off of isaiah. “dude, c'mon. let it go. you guys are even now.” couldn’t they just have one night?
julian entered into the fray at the same time daniel did, pulling isaiah back away from cristian, trying not to get hit himself. “you’ve made your fucking points,” he groaned.
“shit. cris, dude–” he tried to grab his best friend, in hopes of pulling him off of isaiah. while micah liked isaiah, and had the confidence that he could take just about anyone else, cristian would eat him alive. “dude, stop. both of you.”
“Well,” from her place sat in the corner, clutching her drink like she’d just been on a wild rollercoaster and had to keep it safe ( which is what the past ten minutes had felt like ), Nessa let out a low whistle under her breath announcing to them all, “Your display of testosterone is really, really cool and all- really, I think Naom.. some very eager beaver might just PEE herself … or himself, with all these hot men bickering right in front of her, or him, but- maybe you should both ask yourselves very carefully, 'does it solve anything to punch my foe again and again’? And if the answer is no, then.. don’t.” She paused, considered, and then clarified ( though she didn’t expect her words to do any kind of good ), “this isn’t a test, the answer is very much NO, so quit it and drink your problems away like normal people.”
kimberly… well, she planned on leaving. and she wanted to, really. then the game got interesting, and she wasn’t the type to miss a good show. it wasn’t like she didn’t already know cristian and ashley were fucking. it was how she and cristian met, really. but she did feel a sting in her chest, having to hear it announced to the whole group. she hated it. but, apparently, not as much as everyone else. she sat back and watched as the group imploded. she wasn’t surprised by that either; any “pure, wholesome night of good, pure fun” was bound to be ruined by either ashley’s stupidity or someone else’s big, fat mouth. (or lana’s dramatic ass passing out. whatever.) as fun as that was to watch, nothing quite compared to watching cristian attack isaiah. she bit her lower lip, suppressing a smile. oh, she’d be having good dreams tonight. she listened to what nessa said, giving her a small fraction of her attention, as her eyes followed cristian’s form. “drinks would be good,” she commented in response to vanessa. her voice might’ve been a little high pitched, but she could blame that on nerves. and not the fact that this fight was turning her on a little.
chest heaving with adrenaline, cristian eventually allowed himself to be pulled from isaiah, his eyes still rushing with fury as his two friends stopped him. he didn’t say anything – just gave isaiah a dirty look as their fight came to an end, and nodded reluctantly to micah and daniel at his sides, his arms settling. he wasn’t one to give in easily, so his chin still held up superiorly as he turned away.
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ashenworth · 5 years
OKAY hear me out. I had the sudden urge to finish my Twilight s/i’s story. I couldnt just leave it unfinished it was eating away at me. so here it is, The whole ass backstory i wrote for my Twilight s/i. im so sorry if mobile doesnt show the read more, bc its fucking LONG
words: 10 560
Ashley Hale (formerly Ashley Davidson)
Born: Sept 15, 1942
Turned: 1962
From: Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Born near the end of the second World War and raised in Edmonton, Ashley (but she prefers “Ash”) lived a relatively normal life until the age of 20. Her father, who was deemed unfit for service, worked as a bank teller. Her mother a nurse, before becoming pregnant.
One night, in July of 1962, she and her family were taking a road trip to visit some relatives outside of the city. Rain was pouring down, but they were only about 10 minutes from the nearest rest stop. Her father, not wanting to spend any more time in the rain than needed, decides to speed up a little in the hopes of arriving sooner. Nobody would have thought that it would be an issue, as the roads had been empty for most of the trip so far, but that would prove to be wrong. With all the rain, he failed to notice the deer that had just stepped onto the road until slightly too late. He swerves and successfully avoids the animal, but the wet ground fought against them and caused them to tumble into a ditch.
When Ash regained consciousness, the car was beat up and laying on its side, having flipped a few times over. Weakly, she manages to pull herself out of the busted window, adding even more cuts and bruises to her frail body. As she falls to the ground, head spinning and vision blurring, she glances inside the car to see her parents, completely still and covered in blood. Before she can make any sense of it, she passes out from blood loss.
Her vision slips in and out, creating a slideshow of the events to follow. A few shots of nothing. Click. Two pairs of feet near the car. Click. One pair is now closer, wearing combat boots. Click. The other pair, sneakers. Click. Both pairs, now next to her. Click. Long, curly black hair and set of golden eyes. Click. Then, black.
Searing and unrelenting pain. It floods her body in a wave, and is so powerful that she can’t think. Writhing and screaming for what feels like hours. Is there no end? Please, it hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
Please, it hurts so much.
How long has it been? It feels like weeks. Months even. It doesn’t stop. Why hasn’t she died yet?
It’s subsiding. Is she dying? Is it finally over?
The pain lessens. Only a touch, but enough for some relief. Then, ever so slowly, it lessens more and more. When it’s finally over, she lies there. Unconscious, but peaceful.
She has a dream. It’s blurry, but, she sees a couple. A man with pale skin and bright blonde hair. His arm is around a woman. Same pale skin, with brown, almost red hair. They’re smiling warmly at her. Her head turns. There she sees four other people. All with the same pale skin. She feels happy to see them. One of them, a dirty blonde haired man, steps towards her and holds out his hand.
She wakes up. As her eyes adjust to her surroundings, she starts to panic. She’s in a log cabin that is completely unfamiliar to her. She sits up. Before she can survey any more of the room, she has another dream. This time, while shes awake.
The same scene as before, but shifted in perspective. Her hand is outstretched. She’s seeing through the dirty blonde’s eyes. In front of her is a short haired woman. She’s mesmerizing. As this short haired woman looks into her eyes, she feels warm. Like these people are family. The short haired woman smiles, and takes hold of the hand in front of her.
She comes back to reality, to the unfamiliar scene she found herself in. Her mind is racing. What is happening? Why did I see that? Who are they? Where am I? Shouldn’t I be dead? Before she can calm down, the door opens.
The black haired woman she saw at the scene of the car crash slowly comes in, but freezes when she sees Ash awake. Quickly, she shuts the door, and footsteps can be heard walking away. She comes back with a cup in her hands, and holds it in front of Ash’s face
“Please, drink this.”
“What’s going on? Who are you?”
“Before I answer any questions, I need you to drink this. You’re thirsty, right?”
Ash almost didn’t notice with all the chaos, but her throat is burning. She can smell the drink so strongly that it’s almost like it’s calling to her. She takes the cup and starts to drink as fast as she can without even looking at it first. Her thirst subsides enough to calm down a little.
“There, is that better?”
“Yeah, it helps.”
“My name is Helen. My partner, Jo, and I found you in that car wreck.”
“I… don’t really remember much of it.”
“And you probably won’t. Your life… it’s going to be very different from now on. You were dying. Holding on by a thread with the little strength you had. We saved you. Jo was against it, but, I couldn’t just let you suffer there…” Helen trails off. She looks down and remembers something. “Oh! Right, let me get you a change of clothing! I promise, when Jo comes back, we will explain everything.” Helen gets up and leaves the room.
Ash looks down. Her clothing is torn and covered in dried blood. Right. I guess she didn’t really get a chance to change. Helen returns with some clothing in her hands.
“Here you are! They might be a little big but that’s nothing a little alterations can’t fix!” She hands Ash the clothing and starts to walk out of the room. “Oh, by the way…” Helen looks at her feet, a little sheepish. “We never managed to find out your name.”
“Oh! Uh, Ash.”
Helen nods. “Ash. That’s a beautiful name. When you’re done, please, come on out.” She smiles, and leaves the room.
Ash’s thoughts keep racing through her head as she changes. I’m alive. I was saved. But, there’s so much I still need to know. The burning in her throat intensifies again. That drink she had earlier still lingering on her tongue.
Before she can leave the room, Ash hears muffled voices through the door. Curious, she places her ear to the door. It’s hard to make out fully, but she can hear some of what is being said.
Helen: “...woke up…”
???: “....thought…..wake up...tomorrow….”
Helen: “Go….hello”
Ash hears footsteps coming towards the door, and she backs away quickly. Helen knocks
“May I come in?”
“Oh! Yes, it’s fine!”
Helen opens the door and her eyes light up when she sees Ash.
“Oh, those clothes fit you well! I’m glad.” She shuffles to the side of the door to let someone else in. A tall, stocky woman enters the room. Red curly hair comes down just past her shoulders, and she’s wearing what seems to be hiking gear.
“Ash, this is Jo. My partner.” Helen introduces the two of you, a slightly nervous look on her face. The tall woman, who you now know is Jo, has a blank expression.
“Hey, uh, sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up. We weren’t expecting you to come back to us so soon.” Jo mutters.
“That’s alright. I’m still not really sure what’s going on anyway…” Ash trails off, sensing a little but of tension in the air. Jo shoots Helen a look.
“Jo, she just woke up. I wasn’t sure how to handle it on my own.” Helen admits, head turning towards the floor. “Why don’t you come out into the dining room, Ash? We can explain everything there.” The pair walk out of the room, hand in hand.
She follows suit, walking into the main area of the cabin. It’s a lot larger than she expected when you compare it to the size of the room they were just in. Ash takes some time to take in the sights. From the paintings on the walls to the decorations all around the room. Slowly, she makes her way into the dining area, where there’s a table big enough to fit 10 or so people.
“Please, have a seat. I’ll get you some more food.” Helen walks to the kitchen while Jo sits at a chair. Ash isn’t quite sure where to sit, so she takes a spot just diagonal of Jo as to not make things weirder.
“How you feelin, kid?” Jo’s raspy voice cuts the silence like a hot knife, startling Ash slightly.
“Uh, not awful, I guess. My throat is killing me. I have this..very strong craving. I don’t exactly know what I need though…” Jo sighs.
“Yeah, I remember that feelin’. Don’t worry, it’ll be a bit more clear soon.”
Helen comes back with a pitcher and a few glasses on a tray, one glass already full and ready to be served.
“Here, Ash, drink this. It will help with that burning in your throat.” She encourages. Ash ignores the irresistible smell coming from the cup for a very short amount of time to examine the liquid. It's crimson in colour and thick. Without a second thought, she downs the whole glass.
“God, that's good.” She groans, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.
“Huh...I’ve never seen a newborn with that much restraint.” Jo somewhat mumbles to herself.
“Yeah, they’re usually so...feral.” Helen murmurs, a puzzled look on her face as she gets lost in thought. The two give each other a quick look as they continue to think aloud.
“I guess she’s just different. It’s not like we’ve seen every newborn in the world.” Jo quips.
“You’re right. Hell, we haven’t even seen a gift with our own eyes. Just talk.” Helen replies.
“Um...I’m sorry to interrupt…” Ash quietly speaks up. The two turn their heads to her, looking like they forgot she was even in the room. “What’s going on? What do you mean by ‘newborn’? Like, a baby? And why can’t I stop thinking about...” She trails off before finishing her sentence, not wanting to say it out loud.
“It’s okay, Ash. It’s going to be alright.” Helen tries her best to comfort the younger girl. “Uh, this might sound really weird but-”
“Yer a bloodsucker.” Jo cuts Helen off.
“JO! What the fuck!”
“She deserves the truth and she deserves it straight.” Jo leans back in her chair, crossing her arms.
“Wh-what? Do you mean like...Dracula? Like, old legends and myths?” Ash’s brain is running a million miles a second, jumping from question to question and the overwhelming craving she has. “Is...that what I want so desperately right now? Is it blood?” Her heart would be pounding if it was even moving at all.
“Yes. Jo and I are vampires as well. That craving is going to stay for a while. When things get settles down, we were going to take you hunting.” Helen says, being careful to choose her words.
“Hunting? For...humans?”
“Oh, Lord, no! Jo and I only hunt animals. There are plenty here in Northern Alberta. We don’t touch humans”
“If you show that kind of restraint out there like you did in here, you shouldn’t have too much of a problem when it comes to feeding. Not many people up here, anyhow.” Jo reassures. Ash stays silent as she tries to sort out her own thoughts and process this new information.
The room stays silent for a minute or so, before Helen cuts through it.
“I’m sorry, Ash. I’m sorry for making you this way.” She puts her head down in remorse. “We smelled all the blood from the car crash. When we got there, the two in the car, who we assumed were your parents, were already dead. You were just lying there in the grass, hanging on within an inch of your life. I felt that you deserved a second chance. It was all my idea. I was the one to change you and I swear I will help you through this.” She says through gritted teeth, determined to finish what she started. Ash stares at her for a few seconds.
“Thank you. For giving me a chance. I’m still so confused, but I feel like I’m going to be okay now.” She smiles warmly at Helen. Helen smiles back, perking up at Ash’s words.
“Okay then, how’s about we try some hunting?” Jo remarks, standing up from the table. Helen and Ash follow suit. As Ash stands, another vision comes to her.
It’s the same set of people, but in a slightly different scenario, They’re all sitting together in one big living space, talking and laughing. The scene pans over and she sees the same beautiful woman from before. The woman looks at her and smiles warmly. Ash is filled with a strong feeling of love from looking at her.
The vision fades and Ash comes back to the real world to find Jo and Helen staring at her.
“Sweetheart, what just happened? Did you see something?” Helen asks, walking over to the dazed girl and placing a hand on her back. “Please, tell me.”
Ash explains the visions that she has seen in great detail, even down to the colours of insignificant background pieces of furniture. Helen thinks on it before speaking.
“I think you may have a gift, Ash.” She says, smiling brightly to the girl.
“A gift?”
“Yes. Some of us have what we call ‘gifts’. I’ve heard of things like mind reading, future seeing, or, the ability to inflict pain without touching a person. Not everyone has a gift, so, you’re a bit special in that way.” Helen starts walking over to Jo.
“So, what gift do I have?” Ash questions.
“Well, we’re not completely sure. It could be future seeing. We would have to do a little bit of testing before we can figure it out.” Helen stretches out her hand. “For now, let’s go do some hunting, okay? You look parched.”
Ash takes it, and they walk out the door and into the dark of night.
    The year was 1920 when Mary Alice Brandon (aged 19) was changed. She lost her memories, but her visions of the future were only intensified. Her first vision after changing was of herself and another vampire. She and this male vampire were close, holding each other and whispering into each other’s ears. She saw this, and could see that they were in love.
    Her second was of herself and this man together, surrounded by a beautiful family. They were all talking together. She knew that she belonged with them..
    Her last vision was vague. It was of herself, running through a forest. When she stops, she looks around. Then keeps running. She stops again, and looks around once more. Before she can take off, she comes face to face with a woman. Her dark red hair catches the eye of Mary Alice as it moves with the wind. They lock eyes for a moment, in shock.
    And it ends. She wants so desperately to see more, but nothing happens when she tries. She decides to set off in search of those she saw in her visions.
    Some time passes. She changes her name to just “Alice” and her search for the man from her visions finally comes to an end in 1948. He finally shows up at the empty diner they were fated to meet in and Alice is elated to finally see this mystery man, who she learns is named Jasper, in person. They bond and become closer than they could imagine, however, they both can tell that they aren’t meant to fall in love. They decide to stick together and brace this world with a newfound companionship.
    Two years later, they find the family from Alice’s vision. The Cullens, they were called. Carlisle was the oldest. A doctor with incredible restraint and a calming aura. His wife, Esme, who was gorgeous and caring. Edward, a somewhat closed off boy with the gift to read minds. Rosalie, a hardened woman who was given a second chance she didn’t want. Lastly, Emmett. A burly manly-man who is head over heels for Rosalie. They accepted Alice and Jasper into their home and into their hearts quickly, which meant the search was over.
    Alice spent the next few decades with the last of her visions in the back of her mind. She didn’t have any follow up to this mysterious girl and where she would be able to find her, so she would just sit and wait for another vision, like she had done so in the past.
    Then, one day, she finally got one.
    The year is 1967, 5 years after Ash Davidson turned. Her newborn years have come and gone and she’s come to terms with her new life.
    With nowhere else to go, she still stays with nomads Jo and Helen, the women who replaced her parents after the change. They taught her how to hunt, and they answered every question Ash had about this new form.
    “Do we burn if we go in the sun?”
    “Nope, myth. But, our skin takes on a glittering effect that would give us away to any human who sees us, so be careful.”
    “Are we invisible in mirrors?”
    “Nope. You could have just checked that one yourself.”
    “Do we need to be invited to be able to enter someone’s house?”
    “Nah, that’s all folklore.”
    And so on. Every question they could answer, they did, as they guided this young vampire through her new life. Now, they’re helping her train her gift.
    “Okay, now, I want you to stay here in the house. Jo and I will leave and you’ll hear a loud noise. That’s your signal to start. You got that, Ash?” Helen, the black haired woman, is standing outside of the door to the log cabin that has become home with Jo, ready to start training for the day.
    “I got it. Listen for the noise and start.” Ash gives her a thumbs up and watches as the two of them disappear into the woods. After a few seconds, a loud crack can be heard from the direction they headed, and Ash takes that as her cue.
    Ash closes her eyes and focuses on Jo. She searches for her in the woods, winding through the trees and bushes until she finds her.
    Ash opens her eyes and finds herself in the woods, leaning against a tree. She looks to her left and sees a small tree trunk cracked in half. In her hands, she’s got a piece of wood and a knife and is whittling something. When she looks up, she sees Helen, who seems to be speaking gibberish.
    “Wolf. Hairbrush. Scalpel. Orange. Baseball. Zebra.” Helen is repeating this set of words in this exact order, with her fingers making numbers to match. Wolf is three, hairbrush is five, scalpel is ten, orange is two, baseball is one and zebra is ten again. Helen repeats this pattern  a total of 5 times.
    “Okay, I think we should be good.” Helen says, as she turns around and heads back in the direction of the cabin.
    Ash blinks and she’s back to where she was, standing in the living room of her home. She waits for a few minutes before she hears the other two return and open the front door.
    “So?’ Jo says, as she walks towards Ash, holding a knife and a piece of wood in her hands. “Whatcha got?”
    Ash repeats the six words and their numbered counterparts exactly as she saw them back to Jo and Helen. Helen beams
    “Oh, sweetheart, that was perfect! You did so good! You were faster than ever, too!” Helen wraps her arms around Ash in an embrace.
    “Yeah, good job, kid.” Jo mumbles, staring down at her project. Ash closes her eyes again and looks through Jo’s for only a second before coming back.
    “Jo, I know you’re happy, too. No need to hide it anymore.” Ash puts on a sly grin as Jo shoots her a glare, and mumbles something to herself about “that damn kid and her gift”.
    For the years to come, Ash would train her gift to the point to where she didn’t have to search for the person she wanted to find, she could just focus on them and see what they do. She tried endlessly to see any of the people from her first activation, but to no avail. She wouldn’t get anything until a little over a decade later, in 1979. The same year that Alice Cullen finally had her second vision of the dark red haired woman.
    It’s been 29 years since Alice and Jasper joined the Cullen family, 31 years since they met and 59 years since Alice turned and had her very first visions of the future as a vampire. 59 long years that she waited for something to turn up about the woman she saw in her visions. Alice knew that this woman would mean something to her. She just wanted to know more.
    When the vision came, she stopped dead. She was out hunting with Jasper, Edward, and Esme. Along with them was Tanya from the Denali coven, another vegetarian group that the Cullens have been staying with for quite some time now.
    Edward, who had become accustomed to when Alice had a particularly important vision, clued in instantly and was watching with her.
    She saw herself following the dark red haired girl through the woods and up to a cabin. She took in the sights and noted the cabin as the girl led her inside. Alice sees two other women, both vegetarian vampires.
    The vision ends and Alice can barely stand. Finally, a clue. A big one, at that.
    “Alice, that was the girl, wasn’t it?” Edward asks, knowing all about Alice’s search from her own thoughts. Alice nods lightly, and Esme drops to her side.
    “Girl? What girl?” Tanya questions. Jasper cuts in.
    “When Alice turned, she had three visions. One of myself, one of the Cullens, and one of another vampire girl. She’s been searching for this girl for almost 60 years with nothing to go on. This is the first time since then that she’s seen her.”
    “This girl, is she friend or foe?” Tanya asks, nervous about the intentions of this stranger.
    “We don’t know. We just know that she’s important to Alice.” Esme pipes up, her hand on Alice’s back, comforting her.
    “I think I know where she is.”  Alice says quietly. Edwards follows.
        “That cabin, we saw it on our way up to Alaska, didn’t we?” Alice nods.
    “I think so. Tanya, do you know of any other vegetarians nearby? The three I saw all had golden eyes like us.” Tanya shakes her head.
    “Not that I know of, but, Carmen and Eleazar might. We separate when hunting and they may have come across some nomads before. I can ask when we get back.” Alice nods, then stands up.
    “Okay, let’s get back to hunting. I’ll need to be at full energy if I’m going to look for her.”
    “You mean we, right?” Jasper raises his eyebrow at her. Alice shakes her head.
    “I’m sorry, but I think I need to do this alone. She might get scared if a cavalry shows up looking for her.” 
    “We can’t just let you go alone! We don’t know her intentions, or why she’s important to you.” Jasper raises his voice, his concern growing as the conversation continues.
    “What if she’s important because she’s the one who kills you, Alice? We don’t know anything about her because you haven’t had any visions.” Edward chimes in.
“She won’t. I know it.” Alice says, getting more and more frustrated.
“No, you don’t! If you knew for sure, then I would know, too!” Edward yells.
“I can just feel it, okay? You have to trust me!” Alice yells back, getting into Edwards face.
Jasper puts himself between them and places one hand on each of their shoulders. Instantly, the tension dies down.
“Stop, you two. Alice, don’t you think it would be smarter if someone came along with you? They can just watch from a distance. She doesn’t even have to see them.” Jasper asks, hoping to convince her.
“Fine.” Alice caves, knowing fully well that they won’t give up on it. “But, they have to stay far enough back that she won’t know anyone’s there.”
“Then, I’ll do it.” Edward offers. “That way, I can hear what she’s thinking and step in if i need to.”
“You won’t need to…” Alice mumbles under her breath as everyone prepares to finish their hunting trip.
Edward says nothing when Alice’s thoughts are filled with protests to the idea. “Okay, let’s get going. I think there’s some deer to the north.”
The day that would change Ash’s life forever. It started out normal. At sunrise, she sat outside and watched the sun come up through the trees. A tradition she started after a few years of staying with the two nomads who found her. 
Then, using her power, she would check the perimeter to make sure no one was near the cabin by ‘expanding’ her senses to cover 100 metres all around the house, a skill that she developed while training.
When nothing was found, she went back into the house to do some cleaning. Dusting, vacuuming, etc. When she was finished with that, she would use her free time to do various other hobbies. Training her power, reading, or knitting. Those are what she was currently invested in.
Today, she decided to train for a bit. She wanted to try expanding her search radius from 100 metres to 200.
She goes back outside and sits down in the snow. Then, she closes her eyes and starts to expand her senses once again.
Within seconds, she hits the 100 mark. Slowly, from there, she pushes herself further. 101, 102, 103. It takes a few minutes but eventually, she hits 150. She opens her eyes and pulls back, happy with the results. She closes them again and goes a second time, hoping to speed up and to hit 200.
Although, this time, when she hits the 200 mark, she picks up on something.
When her vision returns, she running through the trees. On the surface, she’s calm and collected, but underneath, her emotions start running wild. Hopeful, but nervous. Excited, but worried.
Ash comes back to her own eyes and panics. Someone’s actually near the cabin for the first time since she’s turned and she has no clue what to do.
Thinking quickly, she closes her eyes once more and searches for more people. She gets a hit, someone who is a few metres behind the first person. All she can see through their eyes are the trees in front of them and the other blurry figure running through the forest. They’re extremely worried for the one they’re following.
She comes back after searching. Two other vampires, coming straight for the cabin. A situation she has never had to deal with until now.
She stands up. I have to take care of this on my own. Without alerting Jo and Helen, who are sitting blissfully unaware inside the cabin, she heads towards the unwanted guests.
Making sure to stay quiet, she slowly comes up to the place where she last saw them and hides behind a tree. Then, she enters the first person’s eyes. They’re standing in the middle of a clearing, looking around in circles for something.
“It was here, wasn’t it?” They say to themselves. It’s a female voice. Her emotions are still running wild, but this time, she’s more hopeful.
When this girl looks around, Ash notices that she’s not at all well hidden behind the tree she picked. As if on cue, the girl notices the same thing and slowly started to walk towards the tree.
Ash comes back to her own eyes. Her mind starts racing with all the options she has but as far as she can tell, none can end well. Taking matters into her own hands, she decides to confront them.
She quickly comes out from behind the tree, baring her teeth and ready to fight. And she sees it.
In front of her is a face she knows all too well. A face that she’s been searching for since she turned in 1962, 17 years ago. The face she knows as the ‘short haired woman’.
And she’s standing right in front of her.
Instantly, Ash notices the shocked expression on the short haired girl’s face.
“It’s you.” The woman says, unable to muster anything else.
“I...I’ve been looking for you. For 60 years.”
“Si- you…” Ash sputters out, unable to stop the rapid thoughts going through her mind right now. Slowly, the girl gets closer and takes Ash’s hand into her own.
“I’m Alice.” She says, with a smile.
“I’m...I’m Ash. How...how did you find me?” Ash asks.
“My gift. When I turned, I saw you in a vision. I’m a future seer. I saw this place, that cabin, and you, just a few months ago. With the help of some friends, we were able to track you down.” Alice replies.
“You...you saw me? When you turned?”
“Yes. I knew somehow that you would be important to me. But, I couldn’t see you after that. I couldn’t see you no matter how hard I tried. Then, I finally did. And it brought me here.” Alice explains, her face beaming.
“I saw you when I turned, too. My gift allows me to see through someone else’s eyes, and to feel the emotions that they feel. I saw you, and a group of others. Then, I never found you again. I tried and tried but nothing happened.”
Alice brings her hand up to Ash’s face, caressing it lightly as tears form in her eyes, and smiles.
“We...saw each other? That means that our fates lead us together.” She says.
Ash nods, taking her own hands and placing them on top of Alice’s. Then, she remembers something.
“Wait. Someone was with you, right? Who was that? I can’t seem to find them anymore…”
“Oh! That was my brother, Edward. He was with me just in case out meeting didn’t go well. I think he backed off once he realized that things were okay.”
Ash closes her eyes and quickly checks on Jo and Helen to make sure they’re still okay. When it’s confirmed, she grabs Alice’s hand.
“Come with me. I want you to meet my family.” She says, as she pulls Alice behind her towards the cabin.
Periodically, Ash looks back at Alice. Sometimes, in disbelief that she’s even here. Sometimes, she just wants to keep looking at Alice’s face. She’s even more beautiful in person.
When they reach the cabin, Ash stops.
“Wait out here, okay? I want to explain the situation first.” She says. Alice nods in response.
Ash lets go of her hand and opens the door to the cabin.
“Jo? Helen? Where are you guys?” She calls out to the two nomads. She could easily find them with her gift, but the last time she tried that, she found them having sex. After that, she decided just to ask.
“We’re in the kitchen!” Helen calls out.
When Ash enters the kitchen, she sees the two of them sitting at the island, talking to each other.
“Oh, so you guys decided this room wasn’t getting enough attention?” She quips. Helen laughs.
“We just decided to switch it up for once.”
“Alright, so. I gotta talk to you two about something.” Ash says, her voice growing a but shaky.
“Hey, what’s up, kid?” Jo asks with a worried expression on her face.
“Okay, don’t get mad. I was training my power earlier. Y’know, trying to expand my search radius. When I managed to hit 200 metres, I, uh...I got a hit.”
Jo stands up.
“You WHAT?”
“Just calm down! Everything’s alright, I dealt with it myself.” Ash tries to reassure Jo, but fails.
“You dealt with it ALONE? We told you to tell us if you found something!” Jo yells. Helen stands up and grabs her arm.
“I know! But, I wanted to deal with this on my own. I figured that if things went south, I could yell loud enough for you to hear me.” Ash jumps back at the sound of Jo’s booming voice.
“What happened, Ash? Who were they?” Helen steps in.
“Well, that’s the funny part. Hold on a second.” Ash says, quickly running to the door and bringing Alice inside.
“You guys…” She says as she pulls the shorter girl behind her into the kitchen.
“This is Alice.”
Jo and Helen are silent as they stare at Alice, who smiles brightly back at them.
“Hello. I’m Alice Cullen of the Olympic coven. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Alice greets them and curtsies with a nonexistent dress.
Jo and Helen don’t respond. Instead, they eye her over from head to toe. Helen takes notice of her features and it clicks.
“Ash, is this…” Before Helen can finish her question, Ash nods.
“It’s her. Alice is the girl from my vision. She found me.” Ash smiles wide. Helen starts to tear up.
“Oh my gosh...it’s really her? You’ve been looking for her for so long…”
“Well, she’s been looking longer.” Ash retorts.
“60 years, to be exact.” Alice says.
“60 years? Oh wow. How did this all happen?” Helen asks. The two spend some time explaining the whole situation to Jo and Helen. How they both saw each other, about Alice’s vision, and the meeting. When they’re all caught up, Jo is smiling to herself while Helen is basically full on sobbing.
“You two...this must be fate pulling the two of you closer together.” Helen says through her tears.
“Nah, this is just some freaky bloodsucker coincidence.” Jo shoots back with a quip, smirking. Helen smacks her arm.
“Jo! Stop that.” Everyone laughs.
“Well, I think we should give these two some privacy. Ain’t that right, Helen?” Jo shoots Helen a look.
“Right! We’ll let you two talk alone. I think you both probably have things you want to talk about.” Helen and Jo get up and leave the room for their own.
“Come on, it’s getting dark. I want to go sit under the stars.” Ash grabs Alice’s hand once again and brings her back outside. Together, they find a spot in perfect view of the sunset and sit down in the snow.
They spend the whole night talking to each other. About their lives before and after turning, their gifts, their families. Any topic they could think of they had a conversation about. Through the whole night, they grow closer and closer. By the time the sun comes up, they both can tell that they’re meant to be together. Whether it’s love or friendship, it doesn’t matter. They’re supposed to be together. Right here and now.
As dawn breaks, they stop talking to admire the sunrise. Alice rests her head on Ash’s shoulder and grabs her hands in her own. Together they sit, peacefully in the glow of the morning sun.
In a window from the cabin, Helen can be seen watching the two of them huddling together.
“I think those two are mates.” She says to herself. Jo lets out a loud laugh.
“Ya think? Hel, the whole time that Alice would talk, the kid couldn’t take her damn eyes off of her.” Helen giggles in response.
“Yeah, you’re right. Alice did the same exact thing.”
“So did you when we met. Every time I’d look back, you would turn your head so damn quick but those curls gave you away.” Jo laughs to herself.
“Yeah, yeah. Not like yours did you any favours.” Helen snaps back. Together, they laugh as they reminisce about their pasts.
When day fully breaks, Alice suggests that Ash come up to Alaska to meet the Cullens, since Alice already got to meet her family. After a long talk, Jo and Helen caved and agreed. They lectured her for hours before they left.
“Remember, try not to let anyone see you in the sun.”
“And don’t go using your gift all willy-nilly, alright? Save it for when it’s needed.”
“And find some food before you go! You’re going to need your energy for the trip!”
After lots of “yeah” and “I know”, they set off. A few yards from the cabin, they meet up with Edward, who stayed just far enough to hear them just in case something went bad. I think this one’s the mind reader, right? I still remember his face. Ash thinks to herself. Edward chuckles.
“Yeah, this one’s the mind reader.”
Ash gasps and instinctively throws her hands over her mouth even though it wouldn’t help at all.
“It’s alright. I hear worse on a daily basis.” Edward laughs again. “So, what did you mean that you ‘still remember my face’?”
While on the road, Ash shares her story to Edward. She describes everyone she saw in her vision while Edward and Alice tell her who they are.
“So, the blonde man and the dark brown haired woman? I assume they’re a couple.”
“Yup, that’s Carlisle and Esme. Carlisle is the one who turned most of us.” Edward says.
“They’re basically our parents. At least, they are when we’re living normal lives” Alice chimes in.
“And the beautiful blonde woman with the burly man?”
“That’s Rosalie and Emmett. They’re mates as well.” Alice explains.
“Yeah, Rosalie can be a bit harsh so don’t take anything she says to heart. Emmett’s a manly guy. He’s the strongest out of all of us by far. Might want to fight you when you meet.” Edward warns.
“That leaves...the dirty blonde man. I’m guessing that’s Jasper.”
“Yeah! He’s the one I told you about. How we met after I turned.” Alice beams when talking about Jasper.
“Right! Your partner in crime.” Ash retorts.
Suddenly, Alice stops. She stares into nothing as she has a vision. Edward quickly watches along, looking concerned, but his face softens as he sees it as well. Ash, seeing the two of them, decided to try something. She closes her eyes and focuses on Alice’s. When she gets her bearings, she sees nothing but the forest that Alice is staring at.
She focuses a little harder. Slowly, a vague outline of something starts to show. A group of people. She can’t see their faces, just their outlines. Then, the vision ends.
Alice and Edward are smiling together while Ash adjusts back to her own eyes.
“What was that, Alice? I tried to see it too, but, I just got some blurry outlines.” Ash asks.
“Wait, you saw something? From my vision?”
“I think so. I saw maybe 7 or 8 people. I think they were people…” Ash trails off, trying to remember all that she saw. Alice’s eyes widen.
“Yes! I had a vision of us! Of you meeting my family! You can see my visions!” Alice yells excitedly and she clasps her hands onto Ash’s shoulders.
“Yeah, I guess I can…” Ash trails off, thinking of how she could start training this aspect of her gift.
“Wait a second. What is your gift again?” Edward asks, confused by the conversation.
“Oh! I guess I never fully explained it. I can see through someone else’s eyes. Let’s say you were looking at Alice while I was 100 feet away staring at a tree or something. I could put your vision into my mind and see Alice from your point of view. Does that make sense?” Ash rambles.
“Yeah, I think I get it. Actually, I’d like to try something. Alice, could you walk a few feet away from us and look in our direction? Make sure you can see the both of us.” Edward requests of her. Alice looks puzzled, but obliges.
“Okay, Ash, can you look through her eyes for a second?”
“Uh, yeah sure.” Ash replies, catching on to what Edward is trying to do. She closes her eyes and pops into Alice’s. She can see herself and Edward from between some trees.
“Alright, I got it.”
“Okay good. Now let me just-” Edward cuts himself off with a gasp.
“I can see what Alice sees. From your mind. I can see us.” He says, a hint of excitement in his voice. “This could be a good strategy for hunting.”
“Yeah, it could be.” Ash says, distracted by her own gift. While what she can see may be fairly boring, her ability to feel emotions is overwhelmed by Alice. Her heart is so full of love for the two that, for the first time, Ash can’t handle feeling two people’s emotions at the same time. Quickly, she cuts the connection and returns to her own body.
“Did-did you feel any of that?” She asks Edward, feeling physically strained from this exercise.
“Feel? I can only see, I can’t ‘feel’ anything when I read someone’s mind. What did you feel?”
“My gift lets me see someone else’s eyes while also feeling their emotions. The emotional response was too much, I had to stop.” Ash says, plopping to the ground to get her bearings. Alice sprints over to the two of them.
“What happened? Are you okay?” She asks, worry flooding her voice.
“I’m alright, I’m alright. I just wasn’t expecting such strong emotions from that.” Ash leans against a tree to relax for a minute. Alice’s face washes over with an embarrassed look.
“I’m sorry. I was just...so happy that you two were getting along…” Alice trails off, covering her face with her hands. Ash laughs.
“It’s alright. It’s not your fault. I’m just not trained enough to handle it yet.” Ash reassures Alice as she stands back up. “Okay, let’s get this show back on the road. I think it’s time for a meal.”
The three of them spend a day hunting for food in the woods. Edward and Ash decide to test out their new strategy by having Alice go ahead and send animals towards them while they wait to trap them. It works out well enough, but the constant use of her power drains Ash of all her energy.
“Sorry, I’m not used to using my power so much. I never really used it back with Jo and Helen.”
“You didn’t use it much? Most vampires use their powers as much as possible in the first 25 years. Then, they usually get bored of it.” Edward says.
“I just...never really had the chance to. It was just us three out there, so there wasn’t much to see really. The only time I ever really used it was when I was training.” Ash mumbles to herself.
“Surely, you must have encountered other vampires, right? You would have used it then.” Edward asks. Ash shakes her head.
“So far, you two are the only other vampires I’ve met other than Jo and Helen. You guys showing up at my cabin was the first time I ever had to try to defend us. Luckily, there didn’t have to be any fight, but…” She trails off.
“But, you still don’t know what to do in case someone malicious does show up.” Edward replies, having heard from her thoughts. Ash nods.
“Well then, we’ll have to teach you then.” Alice pipes up. “We’ve dealt with our fair share of nomads. Usually, you won’t have any problem with other vampires. Those who feed on humans may show up hoping to find some, but will leave if they realize there are none around. Others tend to think that you’re in their territory. That would be the only time you may have to fight someone.” Alice gives a lecture of the ins and outs of fighting other vampires. She lists off reasons another vampire may want to fight, different techniques, and how to thoroughly kill a vampire.
“Do you have any experience with fighting vampires?” Alice asks.
“Uh, Jo and Helen taught me some basics before the end of my time as a newborn, but, that’s about it.” Alice sighs. It’s like they never wanted her to leave the cabin…. Her eyes widen as she thinks of something.
“Wait, have you ever been around humans?”
“Oh, yeah! We have to go into town sometimes to pick things up. The first time was extremely hard on me, but Jo and Helen were there with me so it helped. After a while, I got used to it.” Alice puts her hand to her chin, wanting to ask another question but isn’t sure how to bring it up.
“Have you ever had human blood before?” Edward asks suddenly, startling Alice. After reading her mind, Edward decided it would be best to just outright ask.
“Yes. I had human blood on my first day as a newborn. I didn’t kill anyone for it. I didn’t turn anyone for it, either. Helen gave it to me in a cup. She’s close with the nearest town’s doctor and was able to convince him to give her a pint. After that, we hunted for the first time and they told me all about how animal blood won’t be as satisfying, but it does the job. Trust me, I’m not that secluded from the world. Jo and Helen know a lot and have taught me so much.”
Edward nods and takes a step back, satisfied with her answer, and gestures Alice to continue.
They spend the few days it takes to get to Alaska talking about how to defend yourself against other vampires, stopping every so often to practice together. It’s a long journey but, eventually, they arrive back at the Olympic-Denali coven household. As soon as the enter the door, they’re greeted by Esme, who comes over and brings both Edward and Alice into a big hug.
“Oh, I’m so glad you two are finally home. I’ve missed you guys.” She says, holding them tight.
“Esme, come on. We were only gone for like a week.” Edward says, embarrassed. Esme laughs.
“I know, I know. Everyone was just worried.” She says, as she loosens her grip. Then, she turns to look at Ash.
“Esme, this is Ash.” Edward introduces them. Esme shoots Alice a quick look, and Alice nods in response.
“Hi, It’s nice to meet you.” Ash says, holding out her hand. Instead, Esme pulls her into hug.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you. You’re like a local legend around here.” Esme laughs to herself. Ash giggles back.
“Well, it’s nice to finally put the rumours to rest.”
Then, the rest of the Cullens come bounding towards the door, all ready to greet their family members after the trip. They all huddle together to say their greetings.
“Welcome home, you two.” Says Carlisle, as he wraps an arm around Esme.
“Yeah, we thought you two mighta died out there.” Says Emmett, as he punches Edward in the arm.
“Well, we’re just glad you’re safe.” Says Jasper.
Carlisle turns to their guest. “So, I think we can all guess who this is.”
“Everyone, I’d like you to meet Ash. You may all know her as the infamous Red Haired Girl.” Alice says as she wraps an arm around Ash’s waist. Ash chuckles.
“Funny. In my house, you were Short Haired Girl.” She looks at Alice and smiles.
“So, Ash, this is-”
“Wait. I want to try this myself.” Ash cuts Alice off.
“Let’s see. This-” She points to Carlisle. “- is Carlisle. He’s got his arm around Esme. This-” She points again, this time at Emmett. “- is Emmett. Next to him is Rosalie. And way in the back must be Jasper.” She point once more to Jasper, who’s looking a bit disinterested. Everyone nods in response.
“Well, I see you’ve done your research.” Carlisle says.
“Well, I think Ash and I have a story to tell everyone. Could we move this into the living room?” Alice starts to usher everyone away from the front door and into the living room, where they share their story one more. They explain their visions and their meeting, and talk about what they did at the cabin. They all talk for hours. Soon, the conversation lands back on the ‘local legend’.
“I swear, she thought about you night and day. I would go weeks sometimes only hearing her thinking about finding you, or even just replaying that vision in her head over and over. It was like a broken record sometimes.” Everyone laughs along with Edward’s story as Alice holds her face in embarrassment.
“Well, Edward was the only one who actually knew what you looked like. The rest of us just had to take their words for it.” Rosalie comments. “Honestly, I sometimes thought maybe you weren’t even real.” She laughs to herself.
“Oh, Rosalie. Let’s be fair to Alice, she has been hoping to find her for 59 years.” Carlisle pipes up, placing a comforting hand on Alice’s shoulder.
“Yeah, I got the lucky side of this deal. I’ve only been hoping for 17.” Ash says, grabbing Alice’s hand and squeezing it, hoping to make her feel better.
“How did it happen, anyway?” Jasper cuts in from the other side of the room, silencing everyone.
“Jasper, you can’t just-” Edward’s about to tell Jasper off before Ash cuts it short.
“It’s fine. Do you mean ‘how did I die?’” Jasper nods.
“Well. I was in a car crash. In 1962. My parents and I were driving down country roads in the rain one night. Almost hit a deer. We swerved a little too much to avoid it and landed in a ditch. When Jo and Helen found me, my parents were already dead, but I was still hanging on. Just barely. They decided to give me a second chance.” Ash’s voice lowers as she recounts her past, still fresh in her mind.
“How old were you?” Jasper asks.
“Twenty. Just a few months shy of twenty one.”
“...Sorry.” Jasper puts his head down.
“It’s fine. I have to face it. It happened. Now, I can move on and live different lives.” Ash says, flashing a small smile at Jasper. Quickly, the conversation shifts to a different topic.
When the conversation picks back up and becomes lively once again, Ash gets an idea. She closes her eyes and connects to Jasper for only a second before opening them again. Just long enough to get a hit on his current emotions and to disguise as a blink. In that split second, she noticed a lot of different emotions, none of them positive. The only one she could identify was worry. It was the strongest out of the bunch, thus she picked up on it first.
Edward on the opposite side of the room as them notices the commotion in their thoughts and clues in.
Why does it seem like he’s been hounding me since I got here? What’s going on in that guys head?
Well that’s obvious. Edward thought to himself. He’s extremely protective of Alice.
Jasper’s thoughts, on the other hand, were a different story.
What the hell was that? What the fuck did I just feel? He shoots Ash a look. What gift does she have and why did she just use it on me?
Edward smirks to himself at this new information, and decides to stay silent.
“By the way, Ash, you said you saw a vision of Alice, right?” Jasper speaks up again. Ash turns to him and nods.
“Alice saw you because of her gift. I’m just wondering. What kind of gift do you have? It may seem strange, but, I thought I could feel it just now.” Jasper calls her out.
“Actually, my gift is the ability to see through someone else’s eyes. If you were in the other room, I could describe every inch of it without having ever set foot in it. All from your vision.” Ash replies, turning her body towards him.
“Is that what that was then, you were looking into my eyes?” Jasper accuses.
“Actually, Jasper, the reason I connected with you was to figure out what the hell you were feeling. I can pick up on your emotions as well and I’ll be honest, you’ve been giving me dirty looks all night and I just wanted to know what was going on.” Ash snaps back at him. Alice reaches her hand up and grabs Ash’s arms. A few moments pass without a word said in the room before Jasper stomps over to Ash and grabs her hand, pulling her out of the room. Alice stands up to protest but Edward stops her, reassuring that they’ll be fine.
Jasper pulls her into another room and slams the door shut. Then, he takes a second to calm himself down, which by proxy also calms Ash down.
“Listen. Alice has been looking for you since the day she turned almost 60 years ago. I’ve been with her almost since day one. I love her to death and I couldn’t imagine how she would feel after finally finding you. Forgive me for being skeptical, but, I can’t help but keep her best interest in mind.” Jasper explains to her while pacing the room.
“Jasper. I know. I know about how you and Alice were together before joining the Cullens. I know how close you are because she talked about you so much. I know how much you care about each other, so I can understand why you were worried. You have to remember. I’ve been looking for her, too. Maybe not as long, but I had those same feeling she did. The worry, the hope. Everything she felt, I did too. Not just her, but all of you. I saw all of you in my vision. Your feelings are completely justified because if I was on your side of this equation, I would be scared too.”
Jasper sighs. He walks over to Ash and grabs her hand into his.
“I know the love you two share. I know you’re not going to hurt her. From the moment you two walked in the door, I could feel the joy radiating off of the both of you. I just want Alice to be happy and safe. I know now that with you, she will be.” Jasper shows a small smile before letting go of her hands. Then, Ash puts one out for a handshake.
“Let’s start over. Hi, I’m Ash.”
Jasper chuckles and grasps the hand with his. “I’m Jasper. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
The two of them share a laugh. Ash closes her eyes and connects to Alice.
“We should get back. Alice is so worried, I think she might explode.” She says.
“Whoa.” Jasper clutches at his chest.
“Hey, you alright?” Ash asks as she cuts the tie with Alice. Jasper let’s go and stands up straight.
“I think...I think I felt what Alice was feeling. Through you.” He says. “Hey, try someone else.”
Ash obliges and connects to Esme. Her heart is also filled with worry, but it’s mixed together with the overwhelming love she has for her family.
“Whoa. Okay, that much love and worry in one place? That’s gotta be Esme.” Jasper says, taken aback by the force of her emotions.
“Yup. She’s got a lot of love packed inside of her.” Ash opens her eyes and cuts the connection. “So, uh, that’s pretty cool. Edward can see the visuals, you can feel the emotions.” Ash comments as she stares at nothing and gets lost in her own mind, thinking of ways that this information could benefit them. Jasper grins.
“This could be useful for fighting…” He trails off as does the same. They stand there in silence for a moment, lost in thought, before Jasper snaps out of it.
“Hey, we should get back out there. They’ll be worried.”
“Oh! Right.” Ash opens the door and steps out.
As they both turn the corner, Alice’s eyes lock on to the both of them, hoping to figure out what happened in there. The two of them laugh together before joining the rest of the group, and the weight lifts off of Alice’s chest as she sees them acting friendly. As Ash approaches, Alice grabs her arm.
“How did it go?” She asks quietly. Ash chuckles
“It went great. Things are fine now.” Ash smiles widely at Alice, hoping to reassure her. Alice sighs in relief and smiles back.
The hours pass as they all talk together, laughing and joking like they’ve known Ash for years. When night falls, people start to split off to do their own things, and eventually it’s down to just Carlisle and Esme together with Alice and Ash.
“So, I think it’s safe to say you two are mates, am I right?” Esme asks.
Alice and Ash share a look and nod to each other.
“Yeah, I think we are.” Alice replies.
“Then, where do you two go from here?” Carlisle cuts in, looking concerned. “It’s hard for mates to stay away from each other after they’ve found one another. Ash, you have a family in Canada, right?”
“Yes, I do.” Ash answers.
“Have you thought about what would happen in this situation?” He asks. Ash thinks for a moment.
“No, not really. At least, we didn’t talk about it…” She trails off.
“How about you, Alice?” Esme asks.
“No, I haven’t either. Because this is my family. I couldn’t ever imagine leaving you all.” Alice says with a confident look on her face, that then subsides when she realizes what’s at stake here. She looks down at Ash who is still lost in thought. “What about you?”
“I...I love Jo and Helen. They taught me everything about this new situation I’ve found myself in and raised me to become who I am right now. But...I hate myself for even saying this. I think I belong here. In the Olympic coven. When I saw you all in my vision, you felt like family to me. Then, I actually met you all, and it was like seeing an old friend for the first time in years. And, I didn’t want to let go of that. I still don’t.” Ash rants for a while, trying to make sense of her feelings as the words spill out of her mouth. After she finishes, Carlisle nods.
“I think I can speak for most of us when I say that we all felt the same way as well. I truly believe you belong here with us. But, there is no rush. It’s your choice.” Carlisle says as he stands up and grabs Esme’s hand, leading the two of them out of the room to let Ash and Alice talk.
Ash leans back in her chair and sighs loudly.
“You know, I can come live with you too.” Alice says, hoping to break some of the tension. Ash shakes her head.
“No. Alice, I’ve already made up my mind. I want to be here. I really do think I belong here with you. I’m just trying to figure out how to tell Jo and Helen.” Ash sighs again. Alice leans over and kisses her, grabbing her hand and squeezing it in the process. When Alice pulls away, she smiles.
“Just remember, you don’t have to do it alone. I’m here now.”
Ash smiles widely and grabs Alice’s face, pulling her in for another kiss.
“We’ll come up with a plan.” Alice mumbles against Ash’s lips. She pulls away. “Remember, we still have a week to think about it.” Ash grins at Alice’s reassurance.
“Come on.” Alice says, standing up and grabbing Ash’s hand. “I still haven’t shown you my room.”
Ash smiles again as she’s pulled along by Alice up the stairs.
    The week goes by quicker than Ash thought it would, and if she had any doubts about her decision to stay with the Cullens, they were gone before she could make it back to her own place.
    With a few hugs from the Cullens, Ash and Alice head out the door to return to Alberta for what may be the last time.
    Time passes, and soon enough, they arrive at the little cabin in the woods. When they get to the door, Ash stops for a second to compose herself.
    “You alright?” Alice asks, wrapping her arm around the other’s waist and pulling her close.
    “Yeah, I think so. This might be the hardest conversation I’ve ever had to have.” Ash sighs, trying to muster up the courage to open up the door. After a few deep breaths, she puts her hand on the knob and twists.
    “Guys! I’m ho-” Ash cuts herself off in surprise.
    “Ash?” Alice walks in beside her.
    On the floor next to the door are 4 suitcases, stacked up and open, revealing the contents inside. Clothes, trinkets, books, etc. All items that belong to Ash.
    “What...the fuck?” Ash thinks aloud.
    “Surprised ya, didn’t we?” Helen’s voice can be heard as she steps into the room with a smirk on her face, Jo trailing behind.
    “What is all this?” Ash asks, unable to process what she sees in front of her.
    “Sweetie, it’s your stuff. Pack and ready for the big move. Our little birdie is finally leaving the nest!” Helen turns to Jo as she says this last line and wipes away a fake tear from her eye.
    “How...did you know?”
    “Ash, it ain’t that hard to figure out. You and Alice are mates. You two would never want to be separated ever again after finding each other. And the way that you spoke about the Cullens in your vision made it all the more obvious to us. They’re your family.” Jo speaks up from the back.
    “But, what about you guys? I mean, you basically raised me from my second birth. You’re both okay with this?”
    “Well, of course we are! Ash, we love you. As they saying goes ‘If you love something, you gotta let it go.’ It’s time to let you go, sweetie. Besides, it’s not like you can’t come visit us!” Helen replies enthusiastically, with a giant grin on her face. Ash turn to Alice, a soft smile on her face.
    “Well, that was easier than I thought it would be.” She laughs. Ash walks to Helen and Jo and gives them both a big hug. “Thank you. For everything.”
    “Now, come on Ash, you’re not leaving yet! Stay for a while and we can all have a chat.” Jo waves them all into the kitchen where they sit at the island and talk for hours. When the sun starts to set, they know that time is now up.
    Ash and Alice stand at the door, carrying Ash’s suitcases. They turn back to Jo and Helen, and give them a nod, before heading off towards their future, together with the Olympic coven.
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tmblogs · 8 years
March 15, 2017
(Warning for anyone who reads this, really probably only Clare, and Anna, but this one might get wierd. I mean if you guys read this I am still not sure if people look at this blog or not. Remember this is my unfiltered emotions about the day, and is a diary where I record my thoughts… so really dont read this one okay guys really i swear dont read it dont fucking read it). Woke up it was my birthday today. Me and Anna were talking last night until pretty late, but I had a fucking lab to do, actually two, but yeah those labs sucked. Went to bed at three, and finished them in the morning. My parents made me waffles this morning, which isn’t not normal I mean we make waffles all the time, but I appreciated the gesture. They also bought me more fucking cologne, the expensive shit, which I am very happy about because it wasn’t to much. I totally forgot how fast it shoots out when you first get a new bottle think I accidently put way to much on but whatever. I missed first period on purpose, because i couldnt do three tests in one day. In chem the tests went better than I thought, but two problems I just couldn’t get. I have the second part of the test tomorrow. After that I saw Anna, which is always nice, and we sat in the art room with maggie, and theo. Maggie was continuing her painting of plums, and like I was watching amy curry paint something a few days ago, and like goddamn is it relaxing watching people that know how to paint, paint. I have no idea what to do though, because Jason came up, and like the whole situation with him as just gotten way overblown, which is understandable, because there is so much emotion intertwined into the predicament. I just feel so guilty about the whole thing, because I don’t know if Anna was okay with cutting him off, and I know she did it by her own accord, but I basically accidently told her to when she found that private blog. I mean I didn’t want it to happen like that, but I really don’t know what I wanted to happen. I want them to be friends because I know she enjoyed that friendship, and her being happy is important to me. Would I have been fine if she had cut him off for like other reasons yeah, but now that I am the reason I just feel bad. Saw Colin today we had wierd interaction in the hallway. He was probably just having a bad day. Still was wierd though. I just sat with hannah at lunch and scrambled to do math homework because kristiana was on the photo trip so. But she didnt even check the homework. Ooooh and mr. Boogaard fucking cornered me and forced me to say I could take the test. Math was fine, just checked the homework. Gym was good I studied for my math test, but me and clare couldnt walk outside because of the fucking snow so that sucked. In english we are watching a beautiful movie, and like every few seconds I just want to gasp because it is either beautiful or just extremely genius. Then study hall came around, and I took my math test, and it went well I think, i was rushing though because I thought I had to take a history test that I hadn’t studied for in like a few minutes. But when I walked out of the library I was just like no not going to happen today it’s my birthday not gonna be taking a fucking history test sorry mr. Boogaard. Lowkey scared how he is gonna react to that tomorrow though like really. I sent him an email at like 3 in the morning so hopefully he gets it. I walked home with Anna. It was nice, but then we seperated ways. Me and sean were talking about sex, and shit today. (Alright stop reading now after this ppint is where it will get wierd so stop reading everybody if there is anybody reading dont read it i swear Anna Clare if you went against my wishes and got to this point okay, but do not continue) He was fucking exasperated with me. Because he was talking about how he just wanted to hook up with anybody, just like a one night stand type of deal, and he was like asking me about Anna and shit. And i was like even if Anna asked me right now to have sex I would say no, and he totally didnt understand. I dont know maybe I’m weird, but like how are you supposed to just have sex with someone you know. There has to be like a stromg intimate connection there, and I mean that takes time I feel like. But he thought I was fucking stupid so idk, it does sound awfully feminine, but I mean what’s wrong with that. So yeah I still dont kmow if he is gonna asl out ashley or not hopefully not because she will reject him, but also I kind of hope he does because I want to see what she will say or how she’ll reject him. Anna thinks I should tell him not to do it but idk. I picked up icecream from my house, and I also brought a bowl because I didnt know if Anna would be one of those people to not like eating out of the same container, and I mean i am usually one of those people so I would understand, but I mean if I am going to be kissing her like sharing icecream is like nothing so. Brought it just in case though. We are getting through gilnore girls pretty fast although I have no fucking idea about what happened in the last few episodes we watched. I mean I have already seen it twice ao it doesn’t really matter. Ah but kissing her is so good, and just feeling her body, and being close to her, and she is so beautiful, and amazing I dont know what to do with myself. We’ve been going to like a house that she has been house sitting at though, which has been great because we can be fucking alone, but apparently she is losing the house soon so what the fuck are we going to do then. I mean it’s not like we can make out like that in my house, and while her house is larger I am deathly afraid of her parents walking in on us. I mean that would be so fucking bad I think they would literally murder me. So i dont know what we are going to do because we cant just stop or I cant at least she’s addicting. So idk and it’s way to cold outsidr, but hopefully it will get warmer. Ah there are so many things I would like to do with her, snd I cant wait. Going to the beach with her especially. It will be beautiful i mean the beach is beautiful enough, but with her there like it’s going to be fucking insane. Idk and the beach is my child hood I mean we’d like go every weekend no matter what season or month. I mean my family all grew up there, and I sort of grew up there even if I didnt live there. So hopefully I’ll get to take her there too. Hooefully that’s the beach we go to. I mean it’s the best beach, but she probably has another in mind. But yeah being with her was amazing, and is amazing. But also it’s like I’ve totally stopped caring about anything, but her, and that isnt good because I have so much fucking work, and every so often i think about it and I get so anxious for like a few seconds and I need to do it, but I cant think. Alright well I got home, and had chicken soup with cheese, because it tastes better with cheese, and some fried rice. (Another wierd thing coming uo dont read please)(really dont)(please) I havent masturbated in a while, which is wierd, but literally all the porn I used to look at just doesnt turn me on, and I dont know what’s up, but it’s cool, and yeah that’s all basically that was my birthday. It was pretty great in my book. Sent mr. Boogaard an email so hopefully he gets it before I have to see him. Agh I love Anna so much it kills me. Alright going to sleep for another hour I think
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introisms · 5 years
* wong yukhei. he/him. cismale. ╱ i am pretty sure i saw ashley ’ash’ huang at manon’s party that night. the twenty one year old is in their  second year at west bridge studying film. i hear they were at manon’s party because he always went to manon’s parties or out with her/her friends. i wonder if they got the same restricted call as us. will they comply? + worn down denim jackets, messy stacks of dvd cases, bong disguised as a travel coffee mug . ◜ blue. 18+. est. she/they. ◞ ( yogi bae ex connection + extra cirriculars: track team, newspaper, gaming club )  
[ P I N T E R E S T ]
good at running theyre definitely very good on the track team yeah he’s not got the longest legs in the world and also has definitely aged his lungs from smoking too much so he needs someone with his inhaler at the end of the track but thats okay you dont need to worry about that. sometimes he skips meets though has probably been threatened to be kicked off once or twice but somehow managed to keep himself on.
also good at dining and dashing. you guys want to go to mcdonalds? yeah he’s not paying and by the time you realize its either your wallet coming out youll have to catch up with him about a block away. yeah he has sticky fingers and yes he does realize thats its like morally wrong but he does try to say its morrally grey more than anything else
hes easily youre every day burn out if you need someone to give you weed hes your guy at a party hes the first one to offer up a joint and if youre really feeling like it shrooms. he doesnt do anything too hard but he likes to have fun. hes definitely very loud and obnoxious hes always the centre of attention or at least tries to be even if that means he has to do multiple keg stands and spend ten minutes in the bathroom just to go back out there. its not exactly what you would expect because he’s definitely a lot quieter in the day.
he loves movies that are so bad his extensive film collection has it all and then some seriously he has enough dvds in milk crates that he could make a whole new bed frame out of them from texas chainsaw massacre 2 to return of the living dead hes a walking film encyclopedia hes definitely the randy from scream meets much cooler marty from cabin in the woods. yeah he spouts off crazy ass theories all the time yes he listened to 40 hours of true crime podcasts and creepypastas last week and yes he submitted his film history assignment about 30 minutes late because he was too busy writing an alternate theory to the candle cove or some shit.
hes an only child with a single mother she worked her ass off for them since she had him very young and he couldnt be more grateful for the life he was given. he learned how to have fun with the little things and yes he defintiely suffers from the only child weridness but its kind of fun.
loves a good night out while he loves to party he can try and make any dumb situation fun. whether it be stealing a shopping cart and ending up with a broken arm or at the skatepark thats really on you if youre willing to follow him. honestly he lives by a if im going to die if im going to taken down it will be on my own terms by my own hands. or you know youre just going to skateboard over to the 711 get a couple slushies and maybe spray paint a cop car. LMSDLMSLM
runs a conspiracy column on the school news paper offers out advice and started a conspiracy theory that the grading system is backwards hes really just trying to convince that so he can get away with barely making it.
makes bad horror films for class hes really hoping one day he’s going to stumble on the next blair witch except its actually interesting and good and he treats them right instead of making a terrible walking simulator movie with a shit ending.
bisexual and very proud of it hes very flirty and just overconfident in what he does stupid idiot thats all i have to say about him. hes just a goof and a lot of times that shit comes off as super flirting and most of the time it actually is.
makes friendship bracelets. he will just give you one he thinks theyre really cool yeah maybe hes got some vsco girl traits whos seriously gonna clock him for that.
nintendos whore has over 3000 hours in animal crossing new leaf actually planned his own funeral when lucky moved out.
doesnt show up to class sometimes actually a lot of times yeah you know that cliche of a student skateboarding down the hallways to make it ontime from the early 2000′s movies thats him. fell asleep under the bleachers at a track meet and almost got kicked off the team and just said that he had diarrhea  
makes too many jokes about jacking off doesnt even mean it most of the time has used it as an excuse to get out of hanging out with people really was just drinking a third can of monster energy drink and dipping a oreo in it to see how far to the edge he could push his body.
loves synth music and movie soundtracks has a playlist of just five hours of vaporwave
doesnt really know what hes doing usually just talks and thats it hes bad for interrupting and talking too much  forgets a frozen pizza in the oven and almost got his dorm burnt down because of it.  
listens to only emo music and punk music from before 2008 and says vibe check constantly about anything. vibe check
tinder date/ set ups that either led to something or didnt
good friend who hacked their instagram one night and started responding to dms just funny doesnt have to been anything crude. they do it to each other some nights like just hang out
hookups. good or bad. one night stand or on going.
party friends
they stole your muses bike and they caught them LSMDLSMDLMDSLM
they stayed up one night and tried to fully solve a cold case even went to the library so late that they got kicked out. it was a long night full of energy drinks and crazy theories. they still do this sometimes now.
crushes they can be mutual or one sided i really dont mind. like i said before ash kind of gets crushes really easily and they kind of just dissapear out of nowhere as well but like we could work something out
exes any gender is good uhhh ash probably has never been in a serious relationship other than his high school one after that he was like uuuhhhhh we just dont know anymore dudes.
snuck them into a concert with them and maybe they drank when they were too young and ended up almost in trouble with the cops because they got caught. or just generally they dine and dash together or movie hop or go and do dumb shit together.
someone who they ‘tutor’ hes dumb as shit hes not tutoring anyone but really he just stolen answer to exams for them he doesnt always ask for payment but like usually free weed or maybe buy him a pizza or some shit
been in his films before he covered them in really bad fake blood and its probably a horror comedy
idk maybe a good influence makes him eat like... idk a salad at mcdonalds instead of two boxes of 20 chicken nuggets
share his bad films with him watches movies with him and gets high they made friendship bracelets together and put each others names on them they play video games they shoot the shit and yup thats that
camp friends/childhood friends
party friends
someone who thinks hes annoying as all hell
just friends/crushes/fwb idk
a roommate??? do we do those here i need to read the housing bit again
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Rivals Thread: Burnley vs Manchester City via /r/LiverpoolFC
Rivals Thread: Burnley vs Manchester City
I will buy a Burnley kit and make Sean Dyche my phone & computer background if they pull something off today. Yes, I am a mad lad.
Burnley vs Manchester City @ 14:05 UK TIME
15': Borefest so far, City with 70% possession
17': Gonna take a piss, hope Ashley Barnes can also take the piss and score a hattrick in the time that I'm gone
18': Great play from Burnley just then, I don't know if I can watch this whole thing. Never thought I'd be clenching for another team.
20': Kompany uses hands on Barnes. Free-kick Burnley.
22': Wood (pls have a better first touch) kicks shite Smiley Face Tattoo Man in the Wood. Kyle Walker also slips and hurts himself.
27': Burnley are really trying their best. Not much more you can ask for.
27': Bernardo shoots but its soft.
30': The Brexit Boys playing better currently than that shite effort from the Manc Cunts last time out
35': Ashley Barnes with the GEGENPRESS, takes the ball off Sterling then Sterling pushes him over. Free kick Burnley. Barnes playing for his Liverpool contract.
40': I have an assignment due soon but cannot work on it until I know the result of this match. Meanwhile Aguero tries his best Phillipe Coutinho in a red shirt impersonation and it goes over the bar, just.
42': Pep is bald.
43': I say this with 100% seriousness, I honestly think Ashley Barnes believes he's getting a Liverpool contract if he wins this. He's the best Burnley player atm. If he wins this, I'm all for it.
45': There was a great opening but the ball wasn't hit well for Barnes. +2 Added time. Burnley fans doing great with the "ole's" for the shit passes from City. Pep's body language shows that the only thing in his head right now is Salah, Mane and Firmino.
HT: Burnley 0-0 Manchester City. Obvious nerves from City, I'm loving it. Very happy so far.
This is the first thread of this kind that I've done and so far, it's been a good result so I am not changing anything. I expect all of you to remain doing exactly what you were doing in the first half. Let's go Burnley.
46': WE ARE BACK. No clue if something scary happened as by the time I got to the TV Burnley had a goal kick all of a sudden.
48': Alright lads City have come out of the dressing rooms a different team. Really shitting my pants now. Two close chances but its still on.
49': City thought there was a handball. Don't know what they're on about to be honest. If I didn't see it, it didn't happen. See, the word handball has two words in it, hand and ball. The ball hit Ashley Barnes' (our hero) ARM. The rule isn't called ARMBALL. Carry on lads.
54': Aguero drags a shot wide. Loudest "OLEEEEEEE" yet.
56': Barnes is everywhere. Burnley are soldiering on.
57': Another clusterfuck in the Brexit Box. Corner City. BURNLEY DEFENDING FOR THEIR LIVES.
59': Lowton wonderful tackle on Sterling but he's hurting.
60': An hour gone. 30 mins left. Commentators still talking about "its a penalty". Sorry, too late.
63': Fucking hell. City score 1-0. BALL WENT OVER BY 2.95MM. As soon as Peter Drury started saying "Agueroooooooo" I knew it was a goal. We can't be pissed about that, we aren't owed anything by Burnley.
65': Peter Drury tells us (liverpool fans) to turn off the TV and go out. I may actually consider that. Cheers lad, son's crying.
70': Lads the thread was going well until you all went full "Liverpool Match Thread Doom and Gloom". Relax we weren't owed anything. We just have to sit back, clench and see what unfolds.
72': Bernardo Silva with a clear shove in the back. Throw-in.
78': A few attempts to play the ball from Burnley but they're just not up for it.
79': As I say that fucking hell they got the ball in the box but cleared easily
80': Guess who's parking the bus?
82': McNeill playing well last 10mins. Aguero off, Stones on. Burnley are tired.
87': Sterling being a dirty cunt.
90': +4 added time. It's the hope that kills. That last cross from Burnley made me feel something and Ederson catching it took that something way.
91': FREEKICK BURNLEY about 30-40 yards out. EVERY BURNLEY PLAYER UP. 4 CB's on for City.
92': .....aaaaaaand its dead.
93': Freekick city in Burnley's half. It's over.
96': Full Time. Brendan Rodgers, we believe in you.
We were owed nothing and you have to commend Burnley for their efforts. ONTO BARCA NEXT FOR US.
Submitted April 28, 2019 at 12:44PM by NabyDecoKeita via reddit http://bit.ly/2GOM08P
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caredogstips · 7 years
Liverpool and Manchester United fail to light up Anfield on drab night
Jos Mourinhos tactics reaped the stinging from the residence slope in a much-hyped Premier League encounter that neither he nor Jrgen Klopp could afford to lose
If the world was watching, as the promotion would suggest, then Liverpool and Manchester United owe a lot of apologetics. The biggest ticket the Premier League has to sell to a global audience did not include incident or entertainment at Anfield and Jrgen Klopp seemed beyond convenient excuses to deplored his crews responsibility for the non-event.
When you are in a good moment you can play much better and it should not depend on how the opponent defends because the infinites are always similar, he told. Our problem was that we didnt ascertain them tonight. When his adrenaline stages subside in a few epoches occasion, nonetheless, the Liverpool manager may situate greater ethic on a place and a first clean expanse of the Premier League season than a below-par presentation he answered stemmed from the fact his squad couldnt get rid of the hectic.
Liverpool, shortage various key components in center midfield, were a reflection of their goalkeeper Loris Karius unconvincing but unscathed. The German goalkeeper twice fluffed his directions but was reprieved by umpiring decisions against Zlatan Ibrahimovic on both opportunities. The residence line-ups prime inaccuracy was a lack of intelligence in belonging, according to Klopp, and his selection issues did provide an explanation despite his lack of interest in excuses.
The first play to be played under the floodlights of the revamped Anfield made the spotlight on Liverpools strength in depth for the first time this period. Klopp had no cause to change his central midfield trio of Adam Lallana, Jordan Henderson and Georginio Wijnaldum, with the former Southampton man experiencing the finest incantation of his Anfield career, the fraternity chieftain prospering in the holding character, where he had developed down by the game, and the 25 m summer signing from Newcastle United settling instantly. They have enhanced Liverpools threat and ability to harry rivals according to their administrators hopes, but harm deprived Klopp of two thirds of his preferred midfield and it had a major abiding on Liverpools performance.
Only when Lallana superseded Daniel Sturridge in the second half and Roberto Firmino shifted into the center impressing statu did Anfield catch a glimpse of the teams potential.
For the first time in the Premier League, Liverpool started without Lallana-Henderson-Wijnaldum in the centre. Lallana was exclusively saw fit enough for the substitutes bench having suffered material groin trauma in the acquire at Swansea City before the international interruption and trained for two days. Wijnaldum did not get that far, with the hip injury picked up in Hollands World Cup-qualifying defeat by France ruling him out completely.
The disruption resulted in Emre Can preparing his first commencing from the campaign in place of Lallana and Philippe Coutinho falling into the Dutchmans position to the left of Henderson, but was not confined to personnel. There was a lack of energy, adventure and understanding at the very heart of the Liverpool team and that, more than any curbing tactics from Mourinho, was responsible for the flattest of the three league fixtures at Anfield.
Dropping Coutinho into the deeper role moved gumption in so much as that positional change had erupted Liverpools display when the Brazilian changed the injured Lallana at Swansea. A reduction in the home slopes danger and shift was inevitable with their inventive troop 50 yards further away from David de Geas goal, but the extent of the potential impact clearly offended and infuriated Klopp. His frenzied educations to his disjointed midfield was the stand-out feature of an otherwise incident-free first half, although it was Can on the receiving demise of the majority of members of the managerial volleys.
The German internationals only other start this season had come in the EFL Cup tie at Burton Albion on 23 August, where reference is exasperated an ankle hurt. Rusty would be the kindest description of his return to the side as Can lost wealth and challenges too easily against Marouane Fellaini and Ashley Young, while his hesitancy to break forward stimulated Klopps firstly outburst in his compatriots direction.
Coutinho demonstrated “hes not” averse to bird-dogs wreak where reference is chased Antonio Valencia across the pitch and wakened an already fired up Anfield with a accurate undertake on the United right-back. Otherwise, with Hendersons distribution below-par, Coutinho unable to compensate for Wijnaldums ability to protect the Liverpool defence when United countered and Can toiling, there was a distinct paucity of cohesion to the home unit. Even Zeljko Buvac, Klopps first assistant coach, made a rare appearance in the technological province to persuade an improvement from the Liverpool midfield.
Naturally, midfield troubles had a knock-on accomplish for the isolated Sturridge, Sadio Man and Firmino. Lallanas arrival arose moments after Can virtually rectified its own contribution with a low-grade shoot that delivered a superb save from De Gea and with the England international injecting necessity, Coutinho likewise action a stunning stop from the United keeper from distance. We had a few good minutes but not enough to deserve the prevail, Klopp said.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Liverpool and Manchester United fail to light up Anfield on drab night appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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