#i still love that fic soso much :’3
oughhhh i’m thinking abt no place in nature!reader again……………
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alwritey-aphrodite · 5 months
pookie first of all: CONGRATS ON 1K OMG!!! SO PROUD OF YOU🫶🫶
also: loving all the arranged marriage fics they’re all soso good I’m so happy and grateful ❤️
anywayss, I have a new idea!!
-either a new girl reader, and sejanus is immediately infatuated w her
-orr more of a peacekeeper!sejanus with a district/covey reader bc it’s literally stuck in my head so badly rn😭
thank you so much, congrats again🫶🫶
ps: wish me luck on midterms this week, I’m dying🙏
AHHH THANK YOU SO SO MUCH 🥰🥰🥰 im sorry this took so long, but im sure you did amazing on your midterms <3 also, peacekeeper!Sejanus and covey!reader mean the world to me (as does matchmaker Lucy Gray hehe)
The Covey are a flashy people, performers to their very soul and the most lively bunch you’ve ever seen. With a love of bright colors and music, it’s hard for any of you to fly under the radar when compared to the rest of the citizens of District Twelve, the people who will never claim you as their own but are happy to dance to your songs and send your cousin to fight to the death.
You, however, aren’t built for the stage. Your voice is better suited to singing lullabies than it is to performing on stage, and even the thought of that many eyes on you makes you feel like you’re on the verge of throwing up. Still, you contribute where you can, helping your cousins write their songs and being a willing audience when they need to test out something new, and you still work, sewing new clothes and patching up the old.
Lucy Gray is something of a momma bird, despite the fact that she’s only a handful of weeks older than you, and she’d rather see you set up and happy before running off with Coriolanus. Luckily for you, he has a friend who, in your opinion, is much kinder and cuter than his blonde counterpart. You’d tell him that, if only your tongue didn’t tie up in knots every time you made eye contact.
Walking towards the lake, Sejanus is sure to push any low-hanging branches out of the way for you, holding out his hand to help you over loose rocks and tangles of roots. The two of you talk the entire way there, almost oblivious to the people surrounding you and the feeling of Lucy Gray staring at you. If you turned around, you’re almost certain you’d catch her grinning.
When you finally make it to the dock, you try not to stare as Sejanus pulls off his shirt, turning away to pull off your own clothes, completely unaware of the way he blushes as he turns back towards the water, for reasons unrelated to the beating sun. No matter how obvious Sejanus makes his affection, it seems impossible to you that somebody like him could love you, and even just friendship seems a little unbelievable sometimes.
The two of you wait for your younger cousins to go splashing into the water, certain that if you had jumped in first, you would have gotten pummeled with water and flying limbs. Launching yourself into the water, you resurface with a giggle as you watch Lucy Gray leap into the lake with Coriolanus hot on her heels. Sejanus is treading water next to you, and the two of you share a smile as you watch Lucy Gray out of the corner of your eye.
“They’re something else, aren’t they?” You wish you were as trusting as Lucy Gray, able to just accept affection like you deserved it, but you’re too busy daydreaming to realize that Sejanus is looking at you like you’re something to be admired.
After about twenty minutes of Maude Ivory’s splashing, you grow tired and heave yourself onto the dock, drying off in the sunshine and dangling your feet into the water. Sejanus sits next to you, claiming that he’s never been the strongest swimmer and he’d rather sit with you on mostly-solid ground, but from the way Lucy Gray winks at you, you’re almost certain it’s just an excuse to sit next to you.
The rest of the afternoon is spent lying side by side with Sejanus in the sun, talking about whatever comes to mind and kicking at your younger cousins whenever they decide to try and tug you back into the water. It’s all sunshine and giggles, and there’s a strange feeling forming in your chest, right in the center of your ribs, a feeling that grows whenever Sejanus looks over at you, eyes half-closed from the sun but still full of a sort of adoration that’s completely foreign to you.
These are always your favorite days, your favorite moments, little pockets of sun dappled peace for you to hold close to your heart and revisit whenever you’re feeling down. The way Sejanus looks at you, smiles at you, laughs at your jokes, places a gentle hand on the bottom of your back to guide you over rough terrain, catapults today to the top of your heart, a precious little jewel to hold onto.
In those moments, replaying the day over in your head with a dreamy smile on your face, you don’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing or reading too much into the way Sejanus seems to orbit you like you’re the sun, you just get to smile at the memory of the way his eyes crinkle with the intensity of his joy and the ghost of his warm palm on your back. And, no one can scold you for replaying these moments over and over, even though you’re much too nervous to ever say anything to Sejanus about the way your breath catches and your heart constricts whenever you see him.
Tagging my beloved @beybaldes because it feels illegal not to at this point
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desb3ar · 3 months
ok this was originally gonna be an anon post but i decided to STOP BEING A PUSSY!!!!
your art of miggle is sooo osooooo osooooo sososoo coool..... i love the way you draw him so big but he also just looks sosososo soft and gentle!!!!! i saw the horror art and thats what really made me want to write this because ur ability to absolutely make him turn a 180 is awesome........ i remember seeing that art of him as a weighted blanket and tbh it really spoke to me because i'm autistic and ykw i want a big muscley bf (miguel) to lay on me and be my weighted blanket!!!!!!!!
and your nonviolent communication fanart is sooo good.... granted spoilers for me cus i haven't finished it yet (school unfortunately) but greensagephase must be elated everytime they see u post because i think you're bestowing a writer's greatest honor to have their fic have fanart!
AAAAAAND NOT TO MENTION U ARE A WRITER URSELF AND THATS AWESOME TOO i read all of your works and tehy'resoooo!!!! they're soooo!!!!!! YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE MAN it rlly adds depth to mig even if it's soso simple and domestic your talent really shines in both areas!!!!!!!
so... haha..... we are both artists and writers (x reader writers to be specific.... and we both like The Specimen.... whadya say... buddy..... mutuals???? 😊 (THISISSOLONG IM SORRY YOU CAN DELCINE IF YOU WNANA)
im still so stunned i am even capable of turning miguel into this lovable guy. i dont even mean to 😭 i honestly thought i was doing the complete opposite because i wasnt meaning for him to be made out that way, which is funny and somewhat cute. many always say that and im always beside myself when it’s mentioned . him being some sort of weighted blanket, that drawing? one of my favorites ngl. i just might draw some more soft miguel, have them all in one post to relief dashboards of my spam LMFAO
i could go on and on about nonviolent communication. #1 fic of all time. I spent more time than id like to admit reading it, its that good. thats why i draw the things i do, its such an enjoyable read 😭 i gotta draw more of it instead of waiting on the next chapter because theres so many amazing moments i read that i really wanna put on the canvas. green deserves so much fanart for how well-constructed their story is and for the amazingly done writing that makes miguel come to life even more. it’s astounding, green is really the reason i was writing to start with ❤️☺️
on the subject of writing, ive GOT to write more, just need some ideas that isnt too far from how he is in canon (i love him for what ive seen, not because of the fantasies ive hd lmfao). writing takes so much thought and i commend those who take their time to make amazing pieces, i can barely crack 2k words without thinking this is a masterpiece when the talented can make 4k words and its only the mf START. ITS NUTS. but im not here to compare, just paying so much gratitude for authors on tumblr haa im rambling UGH
THANK YOU SM FOR THE KIND WORDS!! and dont worry, i dont get a lot of long messages in my inbox, its rare, so this means a lot more than you think <333
and amazing on having balls, respect <3
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atzfilm · 1 month
hey bee!! i finished reading project omen yesterday night and have come two years late to the party to pick your brains for lore and give you a somewhat hysterical review because my gOSH it was incredible (i also read the kraken and ch_i san and your writing is so chefs kiss UGH)
firstly i'm literally in awe that you produced over 40k of AWESOMENESS the whole thing was so good shdfuhhaidu like the feels and the details and yunho and gi being matching koi and yeosang highkey seducing people and HWA best believe i was crying at that bit
every single bit of the worldbuilding and the characters u gave the atz members you ate sO HARD
you actually ripped my heart in two because. the best friends to lovers and then joong's angsty confession of how he's afraid and him falling to his knees in front of reader?? reader seeing the same anguish in his eyes when he saw hwa again?? I WEPT
also wooyoung's wings are literally amazing. him cradling her with them almost unconsciously when they come out and them coming out when he came I WAS SCREECHING OMG
and the thing about how joong doesn't understand human idioms, he's literally so cute, like the bit where reader is like 'only god knows' and he's like 'yes i do know, anyways - '
ERM AND JOONG'S DOUBLE DICK I UH UM (it was perfect. the way he's like a reptile so he has a reptile dick. perfect. delicious. also his biting reflex when he comes. even more perfect. plus him being cold blooded too.)
ok so time for me to pursue the lore: i'm assuming gonggi is jongho because he's mentioned to be the youngest, so what is he god over - i know gonggi is that game with the rock things, is it something related to that?
does san exist in this universe?
also, i know they have their human forms but joong is mentioned to have green hair and woo to have orange, can they change the appearance of their human form's hair to be natural colours or is it just like that?
FINALLY, THE CLIFFHANGER AT THE END??? bro i'm going to cry thank you so much for blessing tumblr with your writing brb i'm going to think about this for the next 9-10 working years
hiii!! no worries about coming two years late, it took me a few weeks to answer your ask so we’re even asdbfjasdnf. first!! thank you sosososo much for enjoying project omen and my other stories! it makes me happy that it’s still being read even after all of this time <3.
AHHH the part with hwa, i think i actually teared up a bit writing that part ;; i get emotional thinking about it AND THANK YOU!! it’s crazy because i did not expect to write So Much of it.. let alone 40k i’m not sure i’ll ever be able to do that again omg
best friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes ;; i love it soso much and i’m a sucker for the angst and the struggling feelings UGHHH i love it so BAD
PLEASE!!! that’s one of my favorite things about his character, i love him being very clueless when it comes to idioms that the reader mentions </3
little to say about this point SADJNKFASNDF if you read any of my other fics it’s definitely a trademark !!
gonggi is jongho!! his “power” or ruling is air!
honestly and i know people may hate me,, san does exist but i truly forgot to mention him in the fic … I KNOW. i reread it later on and i was like no way did i forget to add san in here… DKFMS
they can change their appearance! i don’t quite remember and it’s been a while since i read it myself, but i’m pretty sure it only changes when they go back to their true form? since wooyoung hasn’t changed in a while, his hair is brown in the beginning but slowly goes back to orange once he lets his “true” form out.
THANK YOUU!! i’m so happy you enjoyed it as much as you did :<
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coldercreation · 2 months
Would love to read the back story on Liam & Kits meeting/getting together! Absolutely enthralled with their dynamic. Is it common in ur world for two alphas to match up like they have or is it somewhat rare/odd? How did everyone’s parents take it? Did they meet before or after Isac was pack? Have so many questions on them haha!
Have been following your fic for years and it’s hands down my favorite, thank you so much for all of the incredible effort you put into it!
Oee thank you very much for the lovely message!!<3 It makes me soso happy to hear you've liked the series and have followed along for this long! :')
My Litty babies yess!! I have a post here on tumblr that outlines broad strokes of their (+Iz) background and getting together before Nat comes into the picture. Some of this info is sprinkled here and there in the actual series too, but the post goes over the main points of their backgrounds.
I'll reblog it for you after this, it's been a while since I've done that so it's about time I boost it up again so anyone who's not seen it might spot it!
Thank you again, it really means a lot to hear you've enjoyed the series and that it still has your interest after all this time. I appreciate it very much a lot xx
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v--143 · 11 months
heya! i read ur new fic and i LOVE LOVE LOVE IT-please continue writing i will support u to the end of time…but can i request lee! changbin ler! chan if u need any ideas? THANK U HAVE A GREAT DAYYYYY <3
Stop stop I love everything about this eueueiwjwjjwwjjsm thank u anon 🫵🏻🩷
Hope you enjoy soso much ^^ it’s a little shorter than the usual, but I hope its still good!
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< Picky Perfectionist >
[Ler! Bangchan]
[Lee! Changbin]
❤️‍🩹 For the sake of this story, they all live within their subunits together! Vocalracha, danceracha, 3racha <3
“No I think it should have a bit more bass to it.”
“You think so? On which part? I thought it sounded perfect” Changbin replied to Bangchan from the bed as he sat at their production desk going through the potential title tracks for their newest album. They had been working hard for it, and Chan was determined to make it as catchy of a hit as possible.
“I really do think it’s fine as it is” Bin chuckled at Chan the perfectionist.
Chan scoffed and shook his head. “No, no” he said while doing slow hand motions, “if you listen to this part it doesn’t match up well with the chorus. The chorus already has an intense bass part to it, if the pre-chorus does too then it’ll sound way too jumbled together and have no actual climax or way to identify the different between pre chorus and the actual cho-“
“nO wAy To iDeNtiFy ThE pReChOrUs FrOm ThE aCtUaL cHoRuUhUhUAHAHAS” Changbin mocked Chan as he laughed loudly at him from the bed.
Chan laughed to himself and turned in his chair, eyebrows lifted and shocked.
“Mhm?” An amused Changbin replied, lips pursed.
“This is important.”
“I’m aware.”
“Are you? Really?” Chan questioned.
“Looook I think it’s fine but if you want to change it with your perfectionist picky ass then-“
“I am not that picky! I want it to sound really good!” Chan insisted.
“Oh yes because I don’t. I hope it sounds like shit actually.”
“You‘re so-“ Chan snatched his headphones off his head quickly and walked over to the bed. Bin was laid down on his back when Chan quickly hopped on top of him, sitting criss cross on his thighs with his arms stretched out on either of Bin’s sides on the bed.
“Hello” Bin giggled up at Chan.
“Why are you being like this”
Bin shrugged but began flinching at Chan’s hands, as they were now motioning and moving around with his every word, and Bin knew he would be too tired after his workout to defend himself.
Chan noticed immediately and began to poke and prod at Bin’s sides, having him jolt around everywhere while having a firm grip on Chan’a wrists.
“Stop DON’T. Quihit thAT” Bin yelled as he was prodded.
“sToP dOnT qUiT tHaT- wait, did you say ‘don’t quit that’? Okay” Chan said as he grabbed Binnie’s sides and squeezed them up and down.
“NHAHAHAHA” Changbin yelled out as his back arched and he desperately tried to kick himself away from Chan and his quick hands.
“STOHOHAP CHAHAN” Bin wrapped his arms around his torso.
“Oh no you’re not gonna hide now” Chan got up off Binnie’s legs and placed a knee to each of his sides, then swiftly flipped him over and went to town on his back ribs.
“ARGAHAHAHA” Bin yelled out. He couldn’t defend himself especially now since he was on his stomach, the most he could do was weakly swat at Chan’s hands and… pray.
Chan wiggled his fingers across the expanse of his back ribs and lower sides, making sure to dig into the spaces between them whenever he could. Bin was screaming and out of breath by this point.
Chan was on the verge of tears himself with all the screaming and whining Changbin was doing.
“I had no idea it was this bad for you! I will be using this against you more often.”
“NOHO NO YOU WOHOHAHAHANT” Changbin screamed right as Chan managed to squeeze his fingers right into a sensitive spot between his shoulder blades. He stayed in that spot vibrating his fingers as Bin’s voice rose an octave each time.
“NO! NOHO Stop stohop don’t do THAT. OH MY GOHOD NO no no. No stop, Chan, move your fingers please moHOHOHAHAVE”
Changbin’s face was red and teary. Chan had a certain way of moving his hands quickly and placing them precisely on spots that make one go crazy, making the entire experience 10x better worse.
“Am I still picky? Do you still feel the need to mock me??” Chan teased as he dug his fingers in right under his arms.
“NAHA WHAHAT Do youhou wANT FROM MEE” Bin screamed as he shook his head side to side. He paused his attack to lean forward and look down at him.
“Have we learned why we shouldn’t be cocky?”
“Youho are an awful person. Get ohoff me” Bin giggled as he caught his breath. He was attempting to wiggle his way out from between Chan’s knees, until he began prodding at his sides once again.
“NO! NOHOHA HEEELP” He screamed before Chan got the chance to get him too good. He shuffled out from under him after a few twists and turns and they began to playfully wrestle as Bin tried to get free of his grip.
“Bin I swear if you even try to headlock me-“ Chan said as he grabbed at Bin’s bicep with both hands, already wrapping itself around his neck.
“APOLOGIZE THEN” Bin screamed.
“ME?! What did I do”
“Everything-“ Bin’s voice was cut off as Chan grabbed a pillow and slammed it directly into his face, causing them both to fall back onto the bed.
Chan laughed loudly as Bin stared at him wide-eyed from beside him.
“You” he said, pointing, “are unjust.”
Chan reached over and scribbled his hand over Bin’s chest, earning a yelp and a quickly standing Changbin in a defensive position.
“Oh you’re so dramatic. You and Hyunjin need to have a competition” Chan scoffed.
“You almost killed me”
“Big baby”
Changbin flipped him off and sat at the desk. He had completely forgotten they were in the middle of producing.
“Actually, I do think it sounds a bit better without so much bass in the prechorus.”
“See! I told you! It just woudlnt make sense if it did! You really think so?”
Changbin laughed loudly as he ran out the room with an irritated Chan hot on his trail. It was gonna be a loud and long day in the 3RACHA dorm.
I think this one’s shorter than my usual, I was slacking a bit in the creative department here 🥲 I hope it’s still good and enjoyable! ^^
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kaykay-13 · 6 months
hi omg!! i read a couple of your xingyun fics and loved them soso much, just wanted to say that :')) <3333 thank you for writing!
thank you so much <3 i’m glad to see my xingyun fic still stay in relevancy after god knows how long TToTT
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pennie-dreadful · 2 months
Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :3
An inbox ask game? For moi?
1. Discovering a new band with TONS of lore and becoming soso obsessed with them, yes this is me once again plugging Unleash the Archers and their duology Apex and Abyss, if you are into fantasy and sf at all pleeeeease give them a listen, yes it's metal but it's not like. scary blood drinking virgin sacrifice metal. you'll be fiiiiine after 3-5 days to emotionally recover from top tier storytelling that a lot of screenwriters and producers could stand to learn from tbqh
2. It's so cliche for me at this point but I genuinely love so much cooking and baking and feeding people. My current food obsession are these peanut butter noodles, but I've made this sauce with just stirfried veggies and chicken too. So yummy.
3. My new kitty ;_; Weegie is my third black cat, I swear I don't do this on purpose
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From left to right, Sam, Mica, and Weegie (full name Luigi Mario, he came with the name, don't feel like changing it)
Bonus Oz
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4. The incredible amazing friends I've made recently in The Last Herald Mage fandom. It's so funny how it lies dormant for years then has an explosion of activity (small 30 year old book fandoms be like). I learned how to Discord for you guys!
5. The other friends and folks I follow in the Loki and Dreamling fandom. I sadly don't have the time and brainspace to read fic as much as I used to, or vomit my opinions write meta, but I still love seeing all your posts about them.
Thank you for the ask <3
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ssparksflyy · 3 months
can i have back to december??
dear ari,
i love ur acc soso much, it so calming, v pleasing ♡♡ i love stalking u ( YES IM A STALKER BRO ITS NOT ON PURPOSE IT FR JUST HAPPENS ) nd then js falling down a rabbit hole, learning random shit, watching my parents fall in love like im looking through an old scrapbook, yk, the usual! when i tell you your fics were ( and still are ) my ROMAN. EMPIRE. i remember rereading them while twirling my hair nd kicking my feet, they r just that cute ♡ i honestly think ur so cool like ur a barista?? i quite actually could never, i dont think id be able to memorize drinks n shit, theres no room in this empty brain </3 ALSO I FORGOT UR AUSTRALIAN?? HOWS IT FEEL TO LIVE MY DREAM AND GET IS IT OVER NOW X I WISH YOU WOULD AND HAUNTED X EXILE. ur the luckiest duck fr ♡ n e ways yea! ilysm, (even though you almost married another guy and abandoned me and reya) my fav chocolate enthusiast!
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2. YOUR PICREWSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOO FUCKING CUTE I ADORED THEM ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! very insane of you to make that comment abt gojo watching you sleep though.... :(((( he's my baby and he deserves a good night's rest:((((((( anYWAYY YOU LOOK SO ADORABLE WITH EARS YOU ARE MY BABY TOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH AND THE KISSING ONE!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE BLUSHINGG:((((( sugu with glasses and satoru with his staring problem i love them so much it's crazy...
HELLLOOOOOOO MY LOVELY LITTLE SUNFLOWER :333333 YOU AREN’T LATE AT ALL THERE IS NO SUCH THING …… TIME ISN’T REAL…….. <- i’m kissing your forehead over and over again while saying this btw I LOVE YOU <3
WAHHHH YOU’RE SO SWEET 😭😭😭😭 the sugu timeloop au!!!!! i’m so happy you liked the snippet!!!!!!! you & me & sugu 🤝 spring symbolism fr…… BUT GAH I REALLY AM SO GIDDY THAT YOU’RE LIKING IT SO FAR 🥺🥺 it’ll definitely rip your heart into pieces but hopefully you’ll enjoy it anyway!!!! my baseline for it is just that reader keeps looping over and over again trying to keep suguru from dying…. me when my crush is doomed by the narrative <333333 they’re super special 2 me!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope you’ll like them both!!!!!!!!
AND THE PICREWS PLSSSS YOURS WERE SO ADORABLE TOO MICKEY I CRIED !!!!!! had 2 sneak some ari gojo hcs in there i’m sorry 😔 i just think he dreams abt suguru sometimes and wakes up in a cold sweat + silently watches your chest rise and fall until his heartbeat calms down….,,,,, you’re his rock . sniff. BUT YES THE ARI EARS THE SUGU GLASSES THE GOJO STARING PROBLEM…… he is such a weird little guy . imagine opening your eyes during a kiss and just seeing this 🧿🧿 PHDJDHHSHSJ …….. me personally i would Cry
BUT WAHHH ILYSB 🥺🥺🥺 i’m doing well!!!!!!!! grinding my ass off in phanpara trying to get sugu (muffled sobbing) and trying to catch up on asks and fics and art :33 i hope you’re resting and relaxing and eating properly…. drinking lots of water too!!!! AND SHRIMPMIN :(((((( i hope his new cone lifestyle isn’t too hard on him……. pls give him a kiss and call him a good boy in my stead……… silly little guy . i love you both sooo much. kissing your little foreheads… mwah mwah……..
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abigails-gf · 1 month
hiii u wrote my request soso perfectly - i was crying a little while reading it lol :( abby would be the best partner ever and i feel like u have such a good grasp on her character and what she’d say and do in scenarios like that. thank u so much <3
also! i had read your other fics about abby with a partner who struggles with sh and that’s what inspired me to send the request in, i really appreciate u writing for people like me. it means a lot and ily for that. it’s so hard to find the type of comfort that abby would give, the acceptance and love that you write her as providing
again, thank u sososososo much and i hope u have the most wonderful day ever <3 <3
woah. thank you so fucking much, nonnie. to me, writing these is super comforting. imagining her, one of my comfort characters, say things i wish someone would've told me – that's therapy. haha.
but seriously. this means so much to me. as someone who struggled with self harm for years, and still struggles with urges – i promise you it gets better. it takes some time, some help (preferably from professionals) and experiencing with different coping mechanisms but it gets better. writing abby comfort reader, whether reader's having a bad day, having urges, feeling insecure... it's how i cope sometimes. and i'm so glad that i'm able to help, make you feel a bit better. you are so loved. thank you so fucking much for this, anon. this is the sweetest thing i ever received.
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booksandpaperss · 2 years
Welcome to booksandpaperss (aka chaos lol)
Hello hello fellow gay people! Apparently people actually follow me?? And since I usually end up spamming my page with reblogs this is me making an effort be somewhat organized on here so ppl can actually navigate this blog and find my posts (to a decent degree anyway 💀)
update as of 4/4/23: my apologies to feminism bc as you will see 90% of this blog is Mike Wheeler. there’s rlly nothing I can do abt it, hope you understand 🙏
Other sites where you can find me:
ao3 - booksandpaperss
instagram (art acc) - @/fizzy.noodle.doodles
Blog Index:
Writing (WIP excerpts, ficlets, snippets, etc) -
My mandatory Be Nice to Me (by TBF) byler fic- byler fic WIP sneak peak, aka my painting fight fic that completely spiraled out of control and is now also Mike hostage theory, petergate, and lettergate all wrapped into one
And I’ll look directly at the Sun (but only in the dark) - byler fic WIP sneak peak, title loosely based off of anti hero, it’s a pre s3 byler relationship study
right by your side- byler WIP sneak peak, Will-centric and Will has powers fic, among other things ;)
A Look inside Max Mayfield’s “last word” letters to the party- an index of ficlets for my version of Max’s letters to each party member, very angsty, will be updated as I post each letter <3
Info dump post of my season 1 rewrite - byler fic WIP (multichapter), it’s just a general overview of my season 1 AU where Mike goes with Will into the UD ;)
Clinging to Before - a bite sized byler rain fight study/ficlet/poem of sorts
To Swing in our Rusty Memory (like the age old pact) - a Mike gets vecna’d poem from Will’s POV, heavily inspired and influenced by Achilles Come Down and I Know the End
Will comes out to Mike- some quick dialogue only writing practice with the blorbos
Angsty Will animation
Stranger Things posts Masterlist-
List of current in progress analysis posts
major clue in s4 that Mike is vecna’s next target
Let’s talk a lil abt Mike Wheeler, his depression, and what it means for s5
My iconic Stranger Things HotTakesTM
The REAL fruity four
why canon byler is gonna be a huge win for the queer community (breaking down dumb comments on why byler shippers are “overdramatic” 🙄)
we’re really overlooking how much the painting lie was a huge break in Mike and Will’s understanding of their friendship (aka how it’s definitely gonna blow up in Will’s face later)
Mike’s Basement Beats: When love breaks down- analysis (a look at Mike’s s4 arc)
Mike’s train wreck of a “love confession” actually just confirmed byler is mutual
Mike’s expression right before he starts his monologue is confusion + heartbreak
My perspective on Mike’s monologue when I was watching it as a casual viewer
Mike is sooo getting targeted by vecna in season 5: an essay in screenshots
Still having doubts abt byler bc of the monologue? Don’t worry I gotchu
Using my perspective as a lesbian to prove that Mike Wheeler is gay asf (we been knew but still)
Finn Wolfhard’s acting choices in the first flirty byler scene (you know the one)
More on Finn’s acting choices and style
Another look at Will Byers in the Van Scene (will, Mike, and feeling like a mistake, ft the amazing @heheidks)
Shaggy bowl cut Byers agenda
Some Unhinged van scene byler proof
Byler’s love languages <;3
Byler vol 1 in a nutshell
Byler endgame proof: screenshot compilation
Will’s feelings for Mike have been made a crucial part of the plot and will be addressed properly in s5
a brief look at s4 El and overcoming abuse (I’m soso proud of her omg)
Mike’s gay realization arc is already almost complete and can be broken down into 3 parts (mid s2-s4)
Mike and El already broke up in s4 onscreen (Will just didn’t realize and since we got the breakup primarily through his POV we didn’t notice at first either 👀)
Mike gets a sword in s5 agenda has evidence behind it 👀
Episode 9 lighting parallels/analysis (byler and lumax ft some of my moots)
Mike, Will, and queer realization
Mike and El both associate their romantic relationship with losing their best friend
A quick look at how the show shows Will and Mike’s crushes on each other, and what that means for s5
Dustin and his well meaning but horrible no good very bad gaydar (ft byler being dumb and Lucas being tired)
100% accurate and byler tumblr approved analysis of Mike fans vs Will fans
My delusional and self indulgent but also kinda realistic byler scenario for a season 5 trailer
PSA for byler shippers/stranger things shippers in general (and even just fandom with teenage characters in general) to stop shaming teenagers for having sexual thoughts and acting like it’s abnormal
Mike’s alleged romantic love for El was never actually believable to her
Camera angles, volume 2, and Mike Wheeler (aka an analysis of the subtle transition into Mike POV for season 5)
Stranger Things 4 through the lense of a Shakespeare tragedy
the Wheeler parents: a quick debunking of fanon assumptions and misconceptions
Unhinged bowlcut metaphor (you’ll see lmao)
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
I still remember logging on in the morning and going onto yt and seeing the premier rahhhhh, also duuude i remember the first time i saw the clip on tommys stream BRO it was stuck in my head for daysss
God i cant believe ive been in this fandom for 3 years (as of this month actually! Lmaoo), that's actually insane
I remember thinking it'd just be a phase too LMAOO i shouldve known better... the marvel movies were my prev fixation and that lasted literally over 10 years so o7
I dont mind it tho, i gen adore this fandom soso much (even with all of its many problems lol) and even tho im soooo slow at writing lmao i really really love my aus and am happy to work on them for years<3
remember how I said in that other ask I just answered that I avoided listening to wilbur's music for a long time after I got into his content bc I didn't think I'd like it? yeah that includes when ynb came out. I'd already been subscribed to wilbur's channel for nearly a year at that point but I ignored literally everything he did that wasn't 100 player videos LMAO
I wish I'd watched that premiere but noooo I just thought all youtuber music sucked so I didn't even bother
despite the fact that I subscribed to wilbur in early 2020 I don't really count myself as joining the fandom until jan 2021 bc that's when I actually started paying attention to stuff and getting involved in the community so I haven't hit 3 years yet, but it's coming up quick. god that's insane.
I can't imagine having a hyperfixation for over 10 years. all my prev hyperfixations only lasted about a year at most?? maybe a year and a half?? so I'm really confused how I've lasted in mcyt this long but I think I figured it out, and it's that my proper 'hyperfixation' actually died out after the first year or so, but I just stayed interested in the content in an intense but not obsessive hyperfixated kind of way. idk I'm not worrying about it too much. I'm having fun and there's always a constant stream of content coming out so I'm gonna ride this interest train as long as I can
I love this fandom too :) and more specifically, if I didn't have the lovely community I have with you guys as my readers my interest in writing fic for mcyt probably would've died out completely, but I'm really glad I'm still having fun here and that we have such a cozy little corner of the internet <3
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all-or-nothing-baby · 7 months
wow. you had quite a busy few days. i'm tired just imagining it =P, but i'm happy you had fun and got to spend the days in a way you wanted. it's important to take time to do that. (even if it requires ample painkillers, lol) may you recover quickly. <3 ^__^ again, i'm glad you enjoyed the ficlet, and the additional slight shade of a scene. as for a continuation, of course! write it! you write such beautifully poetic angst; anything you could create would be most excellent.
honestly, SO MUCH busier than usual. i'm still paying for it lol but it was worth it :)
i just left a comment on your gorgeous little FIC ON AO3 that quotes all my favourite parts and gushes over the glorious angst and the wonderful characterization. bc BRUH? soso good.
again, a hundred thousand thank yous to you for being so very kind <333
when i'm not so tired, i hope i can write a wee continuation—and be able to do your wonderful piece justice. i've been drifting through the ocean of creative block on my raft made of sponge for a while, now, and i've not written anything (or made art) for harringrove specifically for an age x'0 (special apology to those of you who were following my cherry bomb series; i do still intend to finish it, one day!)
till then, i love you kind nonny <3
cassidy xp
EDIT: i promise i will make a fic rec post over on my harringrove sideblob @prettyboy-like-you when i have re-charged!
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prettyboy-like-you · 1 year
thanks for my tag @deedoop, sorry it's taken me 17 years to get around to doing this xp
RULES: answer the questions then tag some folx you want to get to know better/catch up with.
never let me down again by depeche mode bc it's the last song i heard on my harringrove spotify playlist cherry bomb which i've been listening to today for some inspo.
among other stuff, i'm currently on a rewatch of twin peaks and i just finished s2ep7, lonely souls. oof.
i'm about to put sunday's ep of the last of us on the idiot box... i've managed to avoid spoilers, which is always nice! (the link is to my art on main bc i have no shame lol)
oh man, all the things! a wonderful book on mycology by merlin sheldrake called entangled life and a lovely book by poe @munsonboy called how to be autistic. i've STILL not started greywaren, lol, the last book in the dreamers trilogy by maggie stiefvater (and yes, the link audaciously takes you to more art of mine on another sideblog). i also still need to read the last two chapters of @witchsickness danae's brilliant harringrove fic adverse effects. oh and there's another harringrove fic called anti-body by v @aeon-of-neon i want to start and also their latest dreamling fic the zero hour!
🍄 <- these lil guys!
unrelated? to what? lol. um i'm gonna go with learning sign language, bc i've finally gotten around to starting the BSL course i treated myself to about 4 years ago, aha, and i'm enjoying learning the language soso much!
tagging, play or nay, everybody i've tagged above plus: @stevewhoreington @chrisbitchtree @grey-sides @passivenovember @lovebillyhargrove @harrgrove @harringrovest and other mutual's i should be putting here but can't think of, plus anybody else who sees this and wants to play—consider yourself tagged!
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fireflywitch · 11 months
hi firefly!! i love your work!! ive been showing a lot of love to california show your teeth lately (and its absolutely 1000% deserved!!!) but i also wanted to make sure you knew that i also love "i think there is someone (you love)" bc i was going back thru my bookmarks recently and discovered that it was You who wrote it and i was like :0 that fic is so crazy feel good and soso lovely and i still think abt the final scene w them all at the madonna concert having a blast ALL THE TIME. makes me wanna cry from joy every time 😭😭😭
I also had a question about CSYT: ao3 shows that there are gonna be 19 total chapters... will this be the complete story or will you be writing a sequel? I promise I'm not trying to get ahead of myself lol just curious!!!!
i hope you have a great day!!!! 🩷🩷🩷 thank you for gifting us even a fraction of your work to read!!! i feel blessed so thank you!!!
awwwww skrjghkxjhdfg ur literally out here making my day and yes! i think there is someone (you love) was my first time really playing with will & el's dynamic and i definitely think you can see it as a theme in everything that's followed hahahahaha
yes! so cali show ur teeth is 19 chaps (18 regular + an epilogue) and i am planning to continue it as a sequel if ppl are interested :) it's been a lot of fun playing in this little alternate universe, and i have a lot of extremely rough drafts for how my own version of s3 and potentially s4 would play out - but CSYT will be its own, completed story on its own as well
thank you so much again! glad you're enjoying it <3
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