#i still might draw more of em later because they're fun to draw :)
mysticalcats 5 months
Could you give us two different style skimbles from two different productions talking about their fav topic? (Trains ofc)
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us tour 5 and moscow 2005 skimble!! 馃殏
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muffinrecord 4 months
Current Plans + Musings
I don't plan on playing Exedra to the degree I did for Magia Record, or playing it at all. Because of that, I won't be taking an active role in the community and archiving anything for it. Of course, if Exedra has like amazing gameplay and stories then this is all subject to change, but for now I think I'm done with phone games.
The two youtube channels will stay up and I'll check em periodically to make sure there aren't copyright strikes against the content. I've saved all my raw files, especially for the battle animations, so I can remake them in the future if the music ever becomes a problem for some reason.
Google Drive will stay up until Google rots away. I haven't recorded footage in a long time (as in stories, I do for the character doppels and such), but I'll upload things if they're sent to me.
Magia Union Translations still plans on translating things and making videos, especially leading up to the end, but also for after the game is over for whatever wasn't made in time. I'm not sure what form this will take in the future-- if it'll be manual captions added to the videos or not, but I know it WILL happen.
As for this blog, I'm not going to delete it or anything. However I'm going to be taking a step back. I'd like to say that I'll do liveblogs but I mean... *gestures at blog* I've been saying that for years and the only one I really did successfully was the Oriko one lmao. Ahhh oh well.
I'll have more words later, but it was really fun to be part of a fandom experience like this. I'm excited to work on my own original story projects though and quiet down a bit.
When I started this blog, I never expected it to have people actually read it. Or look at it. I just wanted a place to gush about how much fun I was having. I didn't even want to tag the posts with "Magia Record" at first because I was terrified people would be mean at me, haha.
But I'm glad I did. I made so many good friends through this game. I'm glad it existed. And it made me happy to have a place where people cared about what I had to say. Some folks actually got their news from here, can you imagine that? They had notifications turned on for this blog. My god.
Anyways, I'm going to be here for the next two months, and tomorrow I'll start reblogging fan projects and initiatives, plus general news. Maybe this blog will turn into a dumping site for art and fanfic reblogs, who knows. I might watch the remaining stuff and add various thoughts here and there.
Otherwise, you can find me on my main blog @malignmuffin, which only reblogs stuff (I don't talk much if at all there). I have another tumblr blog for my comic, but I think I'll reshare the name once I actually have content you can look at on it. It's pretty bare bones for the moment.
Actually it'll be funny if the end of this game is what makes me finally work on it again. I was in the process of working on it when NA came out, and it totally derailed me. Stopped writing, drawing, just focused on this silly little phone game. Now it's like those five years have gone by and I'm going back to where I started, except I think my lil comic is going to be a bit better than it was before. If I actually make it, that is.
If I ever do actually make my comic and start posting it, I'll be sure to update y'all here. hah
Anyways, thanks for being on this wild ride with me. The memories have been great, and I'm glad I had this experience, even if it had to end.
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princelyre 24 days
I have a lot of numbers from the ask game, so here they are!!
4, 10, 11, 17, 20, and 28!
feel free to not answer any of 'em if you dont want to -dogwaterdish
oo okay so!!
4. probably all might </3 i wanna make like a billion drawings of him but sometimes it's just like. wait i'm not drawing his eyes correctly. wait his hair goes more backwards. wait
(oh yeah and your thing reminded me I CAN'T DRAW HIS MUSCLE FORM EITHER LIKE HOW ??? WGAT)
in fact i only realized i could draw him back in july. back in like 2022 and before i tried drawing him but just could NOT so i stopped trying to draw him and i only tried again like 2 years later
10. hmm. i like jackets but i also like. scarves/neck bandana things??? i don't always know what they're called but those can be pretty fun. there aren't a lot of pieces of clothing i like to draw because i'm still getting the hang of clothing folds but yeah!!
also this made me realize i literally do not remember the last time i drew a dress/skirt. i need to practice those-
11. yeah, i listen to music, specifically my main playlist!! there's a lot of variety in there it has like 800 songs lmao. but sometimes i'll forget to put it on and after drawing for a while i'm like "oh yeah i should probably put some music on!!! oh well lemme just finish this one thing" and then 1 hour later i still didn't do it-
17. nah lmao, i think there was one point (a very short period of time) where i would keep my school water bottle next to me on the table while i drew but uhh. idk why i just stopped doing that-
sometimes i randomly stop drawing to have a little snack (and drink water. if i remember. i need to remember more) but that's about it :P
20. hands!!! i like drawing hands!!! sometimes
it mostly just depends on if i have a good reference. because if i don't, i can SOMETIMES still draw the thing (at least sort of) but usually it'll just come out real wonky. and even with a reference i'll sometimes struggle but i used to struggle with them a lot more, i'm getting the hang of them now :D
28. honestly dadmight week is my first one!! though i'd like to participate in more, especially zines and stuff, i think that'd be pretty cool ^-^
sorry for the wall of text jshdjs but ty for sending so many i had fun answering these >:3
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zarvasace 1 year
This is partly for accountability and partly just to get all this out of my head! This last month or two have felt so hectic, getting used to a new work and sleep schedule and all. I'm still not quite there.
If you're curious about what I've been working on and what my plans are in terms of writing and art for the rest of the year, read on. :)
I will say, though, that if you want more of a specific AU or story, the way to get it is by asking questions and leaving comments! Asks and comments remind me about things I'm doing and get me excited about them again! I have these plans, but I also am very good at chasing inspiration to unknown (and sometimes unimportant) corners!
By Fandom
Linked Universe Projects
I've been feeling less motivated to work on LU stuff, but I still plan on at least finishing what I have open, so you can look forward to some of that!
Disability AU鈥攐ne small mobility trio fic in the works. A few vague ideas for doing backstory fics.
Council (1931 vampire AU)鈥攖his is still the "backburner to backburner" fic, but I do have some fun ideas. I just have been distracted with other things! I think this AU is a lot of fun and I'd love to do more with it. We'll have to see.
The Marvelous Misadventures of Wind and His Merry Band of Maybe-Human Misfits鈥攃hapter 7 (out of 9 or so) is in progress. I have it all outlined out, and it's fun to work on, but I have (again) been distracted! This is, I hope, going to be my main December project. It'd be nice to finish before it turns 2 years old next summer. Oops.
I have several other WIPs that aren't very exciting and probably won't see daylight, but they're there if I feel like them
Coloring book鈥擨'm part of the coloring book project! :) I have already finished 1/2 drawings, and they went so well, I'm considering doing more.
Shatterproof manga page鈥攕till on my radar! I'm doing the end scene from dazzling diamond danger, and my ambition keeps outgrowing my time.
Four Swords Projects
Fairytale AU鈥攎an I've started this Vidow BatB fic literally five times. I have an almost-complete draft sitting at like... 20k?? iirc, but I kind of hate a lot of it. I also like a lot of it. It's a bit difficult for me to work on rewriting something in that situation. Anyway. Another December thing probably.
Fright Fight鈥擨 have ideas for every week, but am currently unsure if I want to draw or write for them. Most of my October will be focused on filling these prompts!
Vampire Lords AU鈥擨 have strange as severe is this my fate open right now, with a fair amount of material... it just needs to be edited a bit. I do want to keep working on that, I've just... well. Distraction. A common theme. XD I might be feeling another little bite fic coming on, too.
Fright Fight鈥攕ee above
Fright Fight part 2鈥擨 have a few side things to do for this, like making graphics that I haven't quite finished yet. They shouldn't take long, I just gotta do em!
Stickers鈥擨 am in the process of drawing some stickers! Yay! These are for my work, but also just for me. I want some Halloween stickers. This is a backburner project.
Nanowrimo project鈥擨 need to spend some time figuring out a few things to really get going on my princess-verse. I'm going to be doing Nanolympics this year, so hopefully some of their preptober stuff will help!
Hearts Linked Together鈥攎y super-cool Linkverse. XD I love my dumb timeline, and all the characters, they're just filler drawings that I haven't had time to continue.
Secret Zelda project鈥擨 really really need to do this! I can't say much right now, but it involves a fair amount of work, both writing and art. I think I haven't gotten very far on it yet because I'm intimidated. Stop that.
Zine edits鈥擨 worked really really hard on an art piece for a LoZ zine coming up! This week is critique, and I anticipate a few edits later.
By Month
Facebook posts鈥攁 lady I know wants to commission pretty quote images to post on her Facebook. I need to reply to her text. And do them.
I primarily worked on the fic Blood-Sucker's Guide to High School. I also worked on and submitted one fic and one piece of art to two different zines, which I hope you'll see soon.
If you care, you may have noticed I'm not doing Whumptober this year! Part of this is because I'm a bit burned out from the above, and part of it is that the prompts just didn't seem very inspiring to me this year. Maybe that's just my mindset. I haven't been in a very whumpy mood.
I'm planning on filling weekly prompts for @fsfrightfight this month and maybe chipping away at some other fics, in addition to one more zine contribution. I'm also going to be planning for November and doing some scattered art work here and there.
NaNoWriMo! I considered skipping this... but I'm feeling really inspired and motivated to do it, especially with October as a break. I'm going to write some original work, and that will be the focus of my November. I'll likely get some other art done, too.
I hope to dedicate this month to finishing things up from this year! That means working on "backburner" projects.
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lavender-tea-dragon 1 year
Aa! I'm a bit shy but, I love genshin and play it all the time, can I just say you genshin OC's are literally so cool! I might have missed this but are they all mondstadt-ers? I was looking at their visions and I was a bit curious, their designs are amazing! I love how many notes and details you included on the side! Do they have any special or cool details you feel like gushing about?
Awe, thank you so much!! ;; I typically take notes when designing rough drafts for new characters, it's a habit that helps me remember little details that I might forget later on. I'm so glad you like my silly little ocs! (And thank you so so much for asking about them!) <3
Before I get into the 'dets, here's just a little chart with everyone's names and pronouns on it so y'all know who I'm referring to!
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While they all currently reside in Mondstadt, not all of them are from the city! Ayleen is from a smaller town somewhat close to the area (still deciding on whether it's a canon one or one I made up) and Justice is from Sumeru! I just happened go draw them with the Mondstadt Vision because I forgot what the Sumeru one looks like XD
As for fun facts/details, I have a few of 'em! First off, Cameron doesn't know why and how the heck they got a Vision; she's more of the content, stay-at-home type, not really ambitious. Yet. He still has one for some reason??? Honestly, Cam doesn't really like the fact that they have a Vision, they see it more as a burden or a confusing reminder more than anything else; a mistake of an Archon. She doesn't use her powers very often- he knows how to like, draw water out of a well or stop a leaky water pipe, but for combat? Yeah they don't know what they're doing XD It's mainly why they stick to making shields and other defensive/supportive measures!
A fun fact about Justice is that they are Lisa's apprentice! They are training under her to become a librarian as well as learning to use and strengthen their powers! She moved to Mondstadt from Sumeru because she was fascinated with their government system and wanted to learn more!
Those are the most significant little details, or at least the ones that get me the most excited! ^^ Thank you again for asking about them, and I look forward to sharing more art and story 'dets as I develop more! <3
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heliodorwrites 10 months
An exhaustive fic progress report of all my current WIPs for those interested (edited because I forgot some):
Stranger Things fic:
nowhere is the dreamer or the misfit so alone - I actually have most of chapter 5 written and know how the chapter will end. I'm just stuck on the scene where Max goes over to Dustin's house. I'm still not sure how close to canon I want to play it. One day I'll rewatch Stranger Things and get back to this, but I think I need to practice writing mystery and action some more so I can really do justice to bringing my plans for this fic to life
The Dragon's Bride - So in the covid brain fog I forgot where this fic was going last year. I wasn't keeping detailed notes about it so I'm just kind of trying to recreate what I want to do with this before I post anything. I have been working on the second chapter though. Overall I want it to have soft Ghibli film romance vibes
JJBA fic:
Houses of the Holy - The orphanage chapter is so hard to write. Why did I think writing out Caesar's whole life story was a good idea??? He doesn't even meet Lisa Lisa until chapter 3! Making up backstory from scratch is haaaaard. My hubris knows no bounds.
had to fall in love - ah band au my beloved. I fucked up the timeline and haven't felt like fixing it yet. I might just pretend I meant to do that all along and just keep writing. Then I could fix all the dates and ages at the end. This fic is a hot mess but It's fun.
Wonders Never Cease - this sci fi au is even more of a hot mess. God I'm a disaster. Don't look at me.
Unpublished WIPs/ideas (also JJBA):
Hotel CA - Caejose pwp set in a world where vampires have overrun the world. Caesar is the leader of a little group of humans taking shelter in an old hotel with a crumbling sign. Joseph sneaks in to Caesar's suite disguised as a woman in the hopes of seducing Caesar into a false sense of security before he reveals his identity. Of course Caesar knows it's him immediately and is curious to see how far Joseph is willing to take his ruse.
Bring 'Em Back Alive - a post-PHF five-years-later fix it endgame Fugiomis fic where Fugo and Mista team up on a murder mystery mission in a Passione-run nightclub where the ghosts of their shared past are disturbed and they fall in love with each other. I'm having trouble juggling the OCs for this one. I think I have to write a more immediate post-PHF fic to establish the villains' motivation better. The playlist is already up on my fandom Spotify though I may change some of the songs around.
i wanna be a slut - this one is named after a Pansy Divison song. It's basically just modern no stands au poly!mista fic where not all Bucci gang is dating each other but Mista ends up either dating or friends with benefits with all of them. Not much angst just Mista gets to be happy and carefree and have a lot of love in his life.
idk what to call it yet I've been calling it figure drawing au or michelangelo nudes - Modern au, no stands. After Mista gets fired from his latest job because his manager hates him, Fugo offers to pay him in cash if he agrees to model for a project Fugo is working on. It's all so Pretty Woman that Mista kinda can't help but fall for Fugo, who is gorgeous and sensitive and brilliant, but Fugo is such a sad lil rich boy he can't imagine Mista wants him for anything more than his money. Mista's just so handsome and so good at living in the moment defying expectations to do whatever the fuck he wants; he's everything Fugo wishes he could be. I just want to write the Fumis romcom of my dreams where Fugo is a PhD student and polymath good at different forms of art and science and Mista's a himbo. I deserve this.
another college au draft where Mista and Narancia are roommates who don't realize they're pretty much dating. Giorno invites all his friends to a house party at his mudad's house. Narancia gets drunk and finally makes a move on Fugo, who gets offended Nara seems to be trying to cheat on Mista with him. Idk this one might never see the light of day tbh but you know I love the Torture Dance Trio so maybe
I do not have time to write all this. Knowing me I'll just come up with more ideas tho lol.
Phantasmagoria - Fugio gothic horror au where Fugo's parents give him to Dio for mentorship and Fugo quickly learns Dio doesn't actually practice law all that much and his house is fucked up. He meets a cute boy he only ever sees wandering the halls at night
Uh the draft is called Gothic Horror Pillar Men in my drafts but it's more of a bodice ripper type story. It's about Joseph being locked in his grandma's estate awaiting his upcoming marriage and interacting with the strange men who prowl the courtyard looking for something at night. Not sure if I'll ever finish this one but idk. The wedding rings play into it a lot but they're not poison in this au or like inserted into Joseph's body.
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gamebunny-advance 2 years
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Grab Bag Doodle Dump
Oh, what's this feeling? The feeling of wanting to explode because I haven't posted sketches in a while? Well, I better post something then~
I haven't been as productive as I'd like since work picked up, but it's starting to slow down again, so hopefully I'll be able to work on some more personal stuff. I've almost finished Kun3h0's new model, I just need a little extra tweaking and then maybe making a few extra emotions and I'll be good! We're also only 20 followers away from the next milestone here, so hopefully requests will open soon too.
Anyway, here's the usual notes under the cut:
1-2) Clay Face sketches. I gotta couple more plushies to upcycle, a monkey in a rainbow hat and a purple bunny. I'm actually gonna try to sell these, so I do hope that y'all will consider taking a look and/or spreading 'em around once they're done ^o^! The monkey is gonna be party/clown themed, and I'm gonna try to make the bunny magical girl themed, but they might turn out generic. More info at a later date~
3-4) Potential plushie upcycles. For the first bear, the pallet and theme is Yinu inspired, but I'm taking some inspo from this song too. I want to cover them in yellow roses since I got a few during a Michael's clearance sale, but I've yet to come across a yellow bear for it, so this one is gonna be on the back burner until I stumble across one. The other one is a MikuxNoid fusion to finally use that pink Kpop bunny I got forever ago. This one is just for fun since I actually already have an idea for that bunny, but I still wanted to sketch the concept.
5-6) Kun3h0 x 1010 ver 2. I like the designs I made for both, so I doodled them again. I gave 1010!Kun3h0 her rabbit ears back since they're important to her design, I just changed the shape a little to match the 1010 aesthetics, so they're sharper and don't have the globes at the top. Kun3h0!White is basically unchanged.
7) Soda Shop!Green. I will finish this collection someday. Hopefully. Maybe.
8) "Ghosts". A XIO doodle I never got around to finishing. I'm still evolving the idea, but I'm starting to think of XIO's personalities as their own separate people that just happen to occupy the same body.
9) Kindergaten AU. I dunno, I thought it was a cute idea, and I have some scenario ideas for it, but I feel very silly about it since it's just fluff. I dunno if I'll ever make anything based on it. Maybe someday when I'm less self-conscious.
10) Build-A-Goat: So I never actually set up my tent this year, and I don't think I'm gonna. I'm just too unmotivated~ That said, this was the original plan for my tent rather than the Tamagoatchis.
11) Gemu doodle. I wanna draw him and the retro gang again ;3;
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bumblesimagines 3 years
Green Thumb
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Request: Yes or No
Ppl seemed to like the Imagine and nobody really said anything about it being a fic but I like that (Y/N) sooo. For anyone confused about the root things, (Y/N) has root bracelets on each wrist that he can control. He can't make roots come out of his hands or anything. (Y/N) isn't gender neutral ik I use second person for a gender neutral reader but I'm starting to rlly like second person view lmao. If people like this enough, I might keep this fic going to Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame.
You placed your hands on the sides of the pot, watching the dead flower slowly regain its color. You could hear the faint sound of chatting and music from the party Tony was holding. Parties were never your thing. Parties meant crowds of nosy people with nothing else better to do. You heard your bedroom door open, turning around and looking at Clint.
"Hey, why don't you come downstairs? The party's ending." Clint offered a small smile, holding his side. You looked back at the flower, standing and gently placing it back with the other flowers on your desk. You approached Clint, feeling him gently wrap an arm around your shoulder.
"How's Laura?" You asked softly. Clint grinned, licking his lips as he glanced at you. You liked Clint. He was like the father or older brother you never had.
"She misses you. She mentioned wanting you to move in once training was complete." Clint revealed, looking at you. You blinked, brows raising as you stared at his face, wondering if he was joking.
"Think it over." Clint gave your shoulder a small squeeze as you joined the others, nodding to Maria. She gave a nod in return, a small tight smile on her face. You didn't blame them for not trusting you. You had attempted to kill them a few times out of fear. You took a seat on the couch, watching the Avengers laugh and chat. You stayed silent, fingers gently tracing the root bracelets.
"You thought of those yourself?" Maria asked softly, tilting her head. You looked at her, nodding.
"Having them on me makes me feel safer." You replied quietly, looking back at the roots. You continued to trace them, watching them shift slightly at your touch. Dr. Cho leaned over, humming in fascination.
"It's incredible how responsive they are to you." She whispered softly, meeting your gaze briefly for permission. You nodded, watching her reach out and touch them.
"How much can you feel? Or is it just a control thing?" She asked.
"Uhm, I know when they're dying or are in need of something but they don't feel pain so.. Hurting them doesn't hurt me." You explained. Dr. Cho nodded in understanding, leaning back.
"I'd love to ask you more questions later, if you don't mind." She gave a kind smile. You looked up upon hearing grunts, watching Clint attempt to pick up Mjollnir while Thor watched on in amusement. He gave up, chuckling. Tony went next, the smug look on his face disappearing when he couldn't lift it. You chuckled softly, watching James try to help Tony but the hammer didn't even budge.
"(Y/N), why don't you give it a try?" Clint asked after Bruce went. You licked your lips, glancing at the Avengers when their gazes went to you.
"Go on, give it a try." Thor encouraged with a a big smile. You stood up, walking up to the table where the hammer sat. You grabbed the handle, roots slithering down your hands and wrapping around the hammer. You pulled, suprised to find it was definitely harder than it looked.
"Don't pull a muscle, kid." Clint called, chuckling as you huffed, letting go of it and retracting the roots. You took a seat beside Clint, gently leaning against him as Steve went next. He went at it but wasn't able to lift it.
"It's rigged." Tony called with a shrug as Clint stood, a chuckle leaving him.
"You bet your ass."
"Steve, he said a bad language word." Maria pointed out in playful seriousness. You chuckled softly. Clint had told you all about Steve and the bad language joke. You stood up, about to call it a day before a ringing noise stopped you in your tracks. You looked up, noticing a half built robot limping into the room, mumbling stuff.
"Clint?" You called out, frowning. Clint looked at you before turning around, standing up as everyone's attention shifted to the robot. Clint slowly backed up until you were within arms reach. He knew you could protect yourself but he cared about you too much to let you get hurt.
"How could you be worthy? You're all killers." The robot said, motioning at them with its broken arm.
"Stark?" Steve's gaze stayed locked on the robot. The robot continued to speak, stumbling about. He replayed a clip of Stark saying something. Maria took out her gun, slowly standing up. Clint immediately grabbed you when the robots bursted into the room, pulling you along and hiding.
"Stay here." Clint whispered, standing up. You frowned, watching him go. Your looked over the room, noticing Dr. Cho attempting to hide behind the piano. You stood, quickly going over to her as a robot rose up. You raised your hand, making a root shoot out at it and wrap around its neck, throwing the robot to the side and watching it break.
"Thank you." Dr. Cho whispered as things began to calm down. You helped her stand, making eye contact with Clint as Thor threw his hammer at 'Ultron', breaking him into pieces.
"(Y/N), go to your room." Clint breathed out.
"No, he deserves to know what happened here." Steve said, giving you a nod.
You licked your lips, glancing at Clint when he silently drew an arrow. You unclenched your fists, watching the root bracelets around your wrists grow and wrap around your fingers. You were surprised you had even been asked to tag along considering you were still new and young. You watched the Maximoff twins, stare at Tony with pure hatred. Not long ago, you were also an enemy of the Avengers. Clint had taken you under his wing, practically adopting you after everything. You assumed you were only allowed to tag along because of your powers. You had gained better control of them over time.
"Stay alert and stay close." Clint told you, shooting the arrow once the fight began. You watched the robots, nodding. You leaned forward, slightly over the railing, fingers moving. The roots wrapped around them shot out, wrapping around one of the robots that had lunged for Steve. You moved your arms back and apart, watching the robot be ripped apart. Steve looked up towards you, giving a greatful nod. Clint grinned, drawing another arrow. You noticed a flash of blue and white running below, keeping an eye on it. Another root shot out, successfully making the male Maximoff trip and stumble. You retracted the root, shifting your attention onto the men with guns.
"What a shitshow." You muttered, sighing softly. Clint glanced at you in amusement.
"Language." He called playfully, chuckling when he heard Steve groan. You let a small smile slip, roots wrapping around the necks of two of the gunmen. You slowly clenched your fists, making the roots strangle them. You heard Thor mention something about the Maximoff girl trying to mind control him.
"Drop 'em." Clint said, giving you a pointed look. "Only make them pass out, don't kill them."
"Fine." You huffed, dropping the men with a small scowl. Clint shot an arrow that knocked out a whole floor, giving a satisfied hum. You heard soft footsteps, spinning around and grabbing the girl Maximoff by the throat, grip tightening with each passing second. Her eyes were wide, caught off guard. Fear flashed in them briefly. Clint quickly planted an electrical arrow on her forehead. You removed your hands, glancing at Clint.
"You seriously need some freshing up on those people skills." Clint said, shaking his head. You scoffed, head tilting slightly.
"She's the enemy!"
"No killing-" You were suddenly shoved forward, bumping into Clint and crashing into what seemed like a control room. You grunted as pain struck up your back, turning your head and watching Pietro pick up his sister bridal style. You shot out your hand but he dodged the roots, using his superspeed to run off.
"Yeah, you better run." You heard Clint breath out. You turned towards him, roots retracting completely.
"Are you okay?" You asked softly, feeling glass digging into your hands as you slowly stood up, grunting softly. There was definitely gonna be a big bruise on your back when you checked later. You helped Clint stand, watching him attempt to contact the others. You leaned over the railing, seeing Steve laying on some stairs. You raised your hand, having the roots grab onto something sturdy before jumping over the railing and heading down to the floor he was at. You approached him, crouching down, cupping his face and seeing his red eyes and dazed look.
"The girl got to Steve." You said, sighing softly.
"Natasha as well." Clint replied. "Seems like the whole team is out of commission."
"Wonder what they're seeing." You muttered, standing and having the roots gently wrap around Steve's arms and waist. They were thin so dragging him along was the only choice.
"Having fun on your first mission yet?"
"Oh, fuck off, Clint." You called with a huff, trying to drag America's sweetheart across a ship, avoiding bodies and trying to keep his head from bumping into stuff.
"Sorry, buddy." You winced, watching Steve's head bump against some steps. Once outside, you were able to drag him along with more ease, getting him inside the step as Clint went to get Thor. Natasha had slowly come out of her daze, groaning softly and holding her head. You looked at him, gently slapping him. Steve gasped, panting softly as his blue eyes met your (E/C) ones.
"Welcome back." You muttered, standing up.
"What happened?" Natasha asked, looking at you with furrowed brows. She looked around the ship, standing.
"Where's Banner?" She asked with a frown. You rubbed the back of your neck, stepping aside so Steve could get up.
"He.. He and Stark are in the city. He hulked out." You told her, concern appearing on her features. Natasha cursed under her breath, though her mind seemed to be somewhere else. You turned towards the entrance, seeing Tony with Bruce. Clint returned with Thor, silence filling the air as Clint got the aircraft in the air. Clint motioned for you to get closer, a smile appearing on his face.
"You did amazing today." The praise made you smile, nodding as you glanced down at the ground. It had been your first real fight.
"Does that mean-"
"Not yet, we still need to work on some things. Soon enough, you'll be officially part of the team." Clint assured. You nodded, taking a seat nearby and sighing. Clint steered the ship to his home, landing it. The Avengers seemed confused at the unknown location but you happily got out of the aircraft. Clint chuckled, watching you head up to the house and enter.
"Honey? We've got company!" Clint called. Laura appeared from one of the rooms, smile widening.
"Hey, sweetie." Laura cooed, arms extending and wrapping around you. Both of you chuckled when the baby kicked.
"Someone's happy to see you too." Laura smiled, placing a hand on her belly before greeting Clint with a kiss.
"Gentlemen, this is Laura." Clint introduced her to the team. You enjoyed Laura's company. Her warmness was welcoming and she had been more than happy to take you in. Footsteps echoed lightly, preparing Clint to greet his kids. You smiled, watching them greet him. Natasha had been the only other one who knew about Clint's family. Lila gasped softly upon seeing you, quickly running towards you. You bent down, picking her up and chuckling.
"Miss me?" You asked, giving her a gentle hug. Laura looked over, smiling softly.
"Of course she missed they missed their cool big brother." Laura said, giggling softly when Lila noticed Natasha and happily went over to hug her. Cooper took Lila's spot, giving you a big grin. Thor suddenly left the house, Steve following.
"What have you been up to?" You asked, watching Coppers eyes light up. He grabbed your hand, pulling you along to his room. Laura and Clint hadn't officially adopted you but they were more than happy to do it. Once you were done with training, they were gonna get the papers and make you a Barton.
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bansheeoftheforest 3 years
1) What expression do you think is the hardest to draw
2) If your tgs ocs could be any mythical/supernatural creature what would they be
3) Random headcanon of yours?
4) One random headcanon of mine (that I'm pretty sure is common) is that due to Hyde, if Jekyll were to go into a state of adrenaline he could absolutely lift like something well beyond what a human should be capable of. Just an absolute huge boost of strength
5) Do you think j&h bones are super stong or super weak? One one hand your 'bones grow back stonger' but on the other. They're breaking them everywhere everyday. I feel thatd make em rather weak
Can I just start off by saying that I like that I can always count on you to ask me something when I make 'ask me' posts? You're wonderful x3
1) All of them. I can draw 1 and 1.5 expressions, either being sheer indifference/mild annoyance or a grin. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not very good at drawing and I try to get better at expressions but... Expressions are so hard. I have no idea how you do expressions so good honestly, but I would say the hardest is like... Very exaggerated faces? Sad, mad, happy... Especially sad, they look so weird when I draw them sdfsd
2) OooooooOoOohhh.. Collin would be a centaur for certain, or basically any other humanoid/animal creature since I made him an animal lover and a horse breeder (although that might be up for change, I'm thinking of revamping the chars sooner or later)
Hmm... I have mentioned (in between the lines of 1 post. that was) that Abigail would, at some point, maybe become a banshee, mostly because the heartbreak of losing her son, being in love with a man she can't have plus the fact that Douglas is more or less borderline abusive (and considering the fact that Douglas might or might not have had a hand in her death, I'm still debating that point), and banshees are seen as a good creature too, warning people of their or a loved one's death. Either a banshee or a forest nymph, perhaps? Maybe a selkie?
Lastly, Douglas... Werewolf, maybe? A werebear, perhaps? Some kind of bear/wolf monster at the very least, something generally aggressive and capable of great destruction/murder if left unattended. Douglas a... Shitty dude, to say the least. He does not like people and he could not give less of a shit if he hurt people around him, and while werewolves generally are remorseful for the pain they cause and the fate they lead, he... Would not care. Have I mentioned he is a very bad dude?
3) Random Hc of mine... Hmmm... The hc I can think of right now is either A, Henry can no longer feel pain after the HJX potions and his body regrows and regenerates quite quickly, basically like a lizard, so he could chop his hand off and be perfectly fine, just needing to... Well, use some potions to regrow it. Mostly because I like the idea of Brokenshire and the Scotland yard, or sponsors, interrupting an tired Henry who just wants to get his work done but they refuse to leave him alone, so he carries on with his experiments and just... Chops his hand off without flinching, much to the horror of whoever is watching him, or B, that literally everyone (except, of course, for the older peeps like Cantilupe, Maijabi and Sir. Danvers/Lanyon) has had a crush on Henry at some point. All the Lodgers his age? Half the Scotland yard? He is a sought after man, as shown during An Army Of Nightmares, and to be fair, I'm sure he would have been able to make some question their sexuality... More than once.
4) Oooh, I have actually not seen a lot of that hc! I knew it existed but I wasn't sure if it was common or... Half canon at this point because everyone just has accepted it already. I think it makes sense and is a really good one! Anyone, under a specific set of adrenaline, can get crazy strong in life threatening situations, but perhaps Jekyll's strength or necessary amount of adrenaline got altered with the help of the HJ7? this is a very interesting hc!
5) Man... On one hand, I love the angst, and I love to have like... Frail, sick, weak characters because --as a writer-- they are fun to toy with, which is also why I hc/made Collin have some kind of longlasting illness that makes it hard for him to have a normal work, but also makes him need to wear that scarf most of the time. However, as per my previous hc, I do feel like they would be stronger-- Perhaps not because they get broken every night but instead because the HJ7 physically alters their body to make way for the two different life forms. I like (and have basically accepted it as canon) the hc you got/made that, if Henry lost a finger, it would grow back on Hyde and Henry would have it when he turned back again (the teeth post, I believe? I'm not sure if that was the specific conclusion you came to but I digress), so, I do believe it's a bit up for interpretation and the context? It would make a good baseline for an sickfic story, but also a comedy fic because Henry just... Cannot get wounded... At all. Unsatisfactory answer? Most likely but sdfsdjfhs
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