#i feel like i drew them in two different styles. i apologise i drew them on separate days
mysticalcats · 5 months
Could you give us two different style skimbles from two different productions talking about their fav topic? (Trains ofc)
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us tour 5 and moscow 2005 skimble!! 🚂
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cookieeks-art · 9 months
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Here’s a little project I worked on last year, but kinda, forgot to post? It’s a fake Red shoes art book spread for Edda! The composition, and art styles used, is mainly based on Snow White first page, and Arthur's second page from the actual art book, including of course the artist featured in them (aka Jeon Mi-jin (전미진) who drew the art that the art on the first page and the drawing to the top right on the second page is based on, Kim Sang-jin (김상진) aka Jin Kim who drew the art that the first drawing and the four lower drawings in the second page are based on, and Choi Minjeong (최민정) who drew the the art that the top middle drawing on the second page is based on.) (I had to use Google translate to get the names in the Latin alphabet, so I apologise if there’s any mistakes, I tried to keep the Korean name order for all the names, with the exception of Jin Kim.) [EDIT: I took a closer look Arthur’s first page today and realised that it served as a bigger inspiration for the first page that I drew then I remembered when first posting this, so shout out to that page as well which have two drawings made by Jeon Mi-jin and Choi Minjeong respectively.]
If you’ve been around for a bit you might also notice that two of the drawings on the second page are redraws of older sketches, which I mostly did as a fun treat for myself, since I find redrawing old art pretty fun. I also took this opportunity to give Harriet’s clothes a small makeover, taking some inspiration from Snow herself, a bit from the shapes of Drottning Kristinas gowns (like the drape around her shoulders and how puffy their arms are, and the general shape of the collar), and most likely from looking at details of other dresses I can’t recall at the moment (I do specifically remember looking up images of historical lace collars to get an idea of how they could look, but I don’t remember if I looked at a specific site or what sites I could have looked at in that case). I tried to keep it relatively simple with some spots for details, but looking at it now I’m not entirely sure how well it would fit the movies vine fashion wise (both Regina’s and Snow’s dresses both feel pretty modern to my amateur eyes looking at the cuts and shapes), then again I guess I can always say that the fashion is different kingdom to kingdom I suppose.
Also small shout out to Kay @the-moonlightknight who was someone who helped years ago to actually put words to Eddas personality back when I had to make a reference sheet for a discords event, which is the reference I went back to and used small parts of when writing the text for the first page.
(ID in alt and under the cut)
Two fake Red shoes art-book pages depicting my oc Edda and Harriet (A pale chubby woman, with deep eyebags, brown hair and grey eyes).
The first shows Harriet, dressed in a blue dress with lace and snowflake themed embroidery, wearing a crown and matching necklace, with her hair up in a ponytail, is looking forlornly at the viewer, her hands held before her. Edda, dressed in her casual while fluffy shirt, dark muddy red skirt and bodice, and brown leather boots, is looking to the side with a lopsided smile and holding out her knife. Cookieek is written under both of them. Behind them is a wavy dark red graphic with a pattern of thin leaves. In the bottom right corner is two patterns running side by side, one of simple tight stitches, and a more detailed snowflake inspired embroidery pattern. To the upper right of the page is a block of text titled “Edda & Harriet”, and reading: “Edda is a wise woman in the woods that Arthur stumbles upon after entering Frode kingdom to search for it’s missing princess. Edda is also the identity taken on by said missing Princess Harriet after she was able to leave the castle behind. Her life as a mistreated princess has left her jaded and with a distain for nobility and royalty, but her escape has given her hope for a better life. In leaving the identity as Harriet Edda has made a big change in her way of dress, as well as letting the mask she’d been forced into as a royal slip. She’s determined, eccentric, and considerate, with a hunger for magic knowledge. At first she doesn’t realise she’s falling for Arthur, taken in by his ridiculous yet sensitive personality and his way of smiling, but when she does she’s sure she can’t tell him at risk of making things uncomfortable between them. She doesn’t realise that a lot of the ridiculous things Arthur has done has been to show love for her, and that they are both just as willing to sacrifice themselves for the other.”
The second is a page with drawings of Edda and Harriet. The first is a grey scale drawing Harriet looking mentally exhausted, with a thousand yard stare in a profile view. Second is a head shot of Harriet crying in a blue frilly nightgown as pale hands with long nails grip the sides of her face, tips of light brown hair hovering above her. Third is a drawing of Edda sitting and talking to someone while smiling as if she’s about to laugh. Fourth is a collection of greyscale drawings of Edda making a few expressions, such as: 1, looking intrigued while grinning sinisterly with a shadow over her eyes as she holds her chin, 2, looking in awe of something with shine in her eyes, her hands hovering in front of her, 3, looking embarrassed and startled, a blush across her face and her fist held to her chest, 4, scowling deeply with a dark shadow over her eyes. Cookieek is written under all of the images.
End of ID]
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blaithnne · 3 years
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Lauren’s birthday is January 31st - which makes it almost a full year since I drew her reference sheet! And dear god did it need updating
Lauren’s design hasn’t had any dramatic changes in the past year, but it has changed in subtle ways. I don’t draw her with her jacket that frequently, and her sleeves are now rolled up. I also changed her hair, initially both strands of blue came from her ponytail, but I didn’t like how it looked so I changed that, her hairs shape has also changed and become more fluffy!
The bottom two pictures are Lauren’s design for my “What If” AU, which is an AU I’ve talked about a few times where Lauren never ran away, and is present for the events of the show! I wanted to edit her design slightly for it so that it’s clear which version of her I’m drawing. If you have any questions about how she fits in with certain episodes or just in general in this AU please feel free to send them in! (I had some asks about the tide mice episode in this au a while back that I’m yet to answer, but I am working on that lol)
In general I would like to apologise for the lack of Lauren content, or any content, lately. It’s been a difficult year for me and I haven’t had much time or motivation to work on personal projects, and I’m not sure when I’ll be able to, but I hope you enjoy what I am able to put out :]
I’m over all very happy with how this turned out, I think it’s a major improvement from the original and that I’ve improved at imitating the shows style a lot since the first ref sheet! I might make more refs for different angles or outfits in future, but we’ll see :]]]
Also thank you for 500 followers!!! Ily guys!!
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
It’s A Match Chapter One
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Summary: Filming is over and Henry returns home to and empty house. And he doesn't like it, things are getting to him and he doesn't want to be alone anymore. Then his brother suggests online dating, it sounds mad but henry decides to give it a shot. If worst comes to worst he just deletes the profile. He has nothing to loose right?
Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Cheese, Self Indulgent Fic, Rpf, Plus sized reader.
A/N: so I wrote this before the whole 'girlfriend' shock and everything that has followed. I was of two minds whether to ever post it but honestly, this is my blog and I've clearly stated that i am going to continue writing Rpf. I want to do a little ficlet/mini fic and well here we go. It wont be smutty just  somewhat angsty then fluffy. Enjoy~
Taglist: In Reblogs.
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Henry slumped back on the seat in his conservatory and sighed, from here he could see his brothers and their wives outside, each snuggled up on the out door wicker sectional he had got to have the family over. It was the first family get together for over a year. He was happy, god it was amazing to see them but... He couldn't help being a tad envious.
They all had a family, wife and kids to go through this shitstorm in. He had no one, well he ha Kal. But that was it he sighed and looked away sipping from his cup slowly takeing a moment for himself. He needed to just chill, but it was getting hard... This year had really knocked him back he was at an all time low he hadn't felt like this for a long time. He knew he was depressed, he felt stupid there was no reason to be but there we go.
Henry had been getting himself all twisted for a while now, filming the Witcher helped but now that was over and he was home alone. Left with his thoughts in a big empty house.
"Sooo little brother want to tell me what's going on or am I gonna have to get mum in here?" Henry jumped at the voice and spun around to face his brother who was keeping a safe distance at the door. Wiping his hands down clearly just having washed them again.
"I ah its nothing, you know me I'm a worry wart" he said waving off his older brother he didn't want to bring down the mood of the small gathering, it was why he had come in here to take a breather.
"You called us all here for a visit hen, out of the blue when lockdown is still being eased out. Its clear you don't want to be alone, yet your sitting in here alone." His older brother said leaning on the door frame folding his arms trying to figure out what was really going on. He could see his little brother was hurting he wanted to help.
"I've got Kal" Henry said with a chuckle and looked about for the bear only to frown and sigh seeing the room was empty apart fro  him and his brother.
"Kal's outside with the kids hen, what's up? You can tell me you know" henry sided as his sibling  moved sitting in the small seat across from him. He knew that his family would listen but he felt so... spoilt like he was asking too much and was being selfish. It wasn't like him.
He grunted leaning back choosing not to look at his brother instead focusing on the cup in his hand. He spun it slightly then heaved a sigh. He wasn't getting away with not speaking about it, he was going to air out his worries one way or another. With his brother or his mother, and he loved his mother but this was? He wanted to keep this issues close to his chest. So far only Kal knew about his problems.
"I... I've had enough... just had enough of fucking covid and being alone... i felt isolated before all this shit kicked off and now?" He vented releasing all the fears he had. It was tough, he was a family man without his own little family, he hadn't managed to find anyone to share his life with and it got to him. He tried being sincere and polite, he took care of himself and tried staying true to himself but... something was missing it had to be! On paper he was a safe bet a good man! Yet his relationships never worked. There were different opinions or his other half couldn't handle the life style or they tried changing him or they couldn't put up with the way he loved so furiously- so openly wanting to always hold and kiss them. It just never quite worked.
"Its- fuck everything has just caught up with me...worries I've had for a few years now I could ignore them you know? I had other stuff going on, was always out and about meetings and press tours I was busy! But now?" He tried putting his feeling into words but he was conscious, he didn't want to whine or bitch about his life. He loved his work and the life he had made for himself he just? Wanted someone to share it with.
"Now after covid you've got all the time in the world to think?" Henry nodded agreeing with his brother. Covid had made him face these fears head on. He has been alone for the best part of a year with the uncertainty of his work and filming quarantines and isolations.
"Yeah, it hurts I'm... I'm in deep and I? I don't know how I'm getting out of this slump" henry finally said outloud, his brother dipped his head listening to him as he ranted. Started letting out all the frustration and anxiety out but stopped short with another growl closeing his hand around the cup tightly hissing in frustration then looked away.
"And what's caused it? I know you hate being alone but?" Henry sighed shaking his head as his brother tried coaxing more out of him. He drew in a shaky breath wanting to cry, he was just so lost and upset over being upset and alone.
"Two lock downs... Two alone- I? If this carries on for the next few years I don't... I don't want to be alone anymore! I want to settle down, I want an actual personal life! A relationship a family and? How? How am I gonna find all that? They want fame or money or something! Women never seem to want me for me, they say the do then judge me for my hobbies- I'm a geek I like tech and games and fantasy! And women don't like that" he spewed the words like they were venom, half ashamed of being so dramatic but the fear was real. Henry was scared, he wanted love. He wanted a family of his own, and it seemed impossible, now more then ever.
"I want to meet someone who will take me as I am, for me and I just I'm giving up. I'm giving up on it I can feel it, almost forty and look, alone unmarried no kids-I have no one to share my life with, it hurts am I not good enough for that?"  He hung his head as he spoke the final words put loud. He felt so vain and full of himself when he said them out loud, his skin crawled.
But it was how he felt, being the muscular decent looking man he was didn't go with his personality. He was a geek and the woman who were drawn to him didn't want that. And the woman that shared his hobbies normally weren't confident enough to even speak to him. Society's views on acceptable couples had put Henry in no mans land.
"What about online dating?" His brother spoke up but Henry just grunted rolling his eyes frustrated.
"What? No I cant do that I'd be fucking swamped" he hissed in irritation frustrated at the mere suggestion of him trying to date online.
"Whoa hold your horses let me finish I mean come on Hen there's bound to be hundreds of shy sweet women on there, I mean girls that are into your hobbies and stuff aren't usually the ones out and about partying and stuff, so its more likely they will be online" his brother quickly explained before Henry could pop off on one and shut him down.
Henry opened his mouth and stopped himself. That was a good point. Many of the women he would click with weren't going to be in bars or fancy parties. They were normally shy and at home most of the time reading or playing games.
"I... You really think i could meet someone? Meet the one online?" He asked in a small voice warming to the idea. His sibling smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes little brother, your a down to earth guy, just make a profile and have a look, if you don't like what you see you can delete the profile" henry nodded slowly thinking it over. There'd be no harm if he failed well he'd be no worse off, a little disheartened but that's about it.
"Look write down a few things you want in your dream girl, have a pseudo name like fucking I don't know Hank! Or something and say your a runner on set or something" his brother spoke up quickly as Henry sat back and actually thought about it seriously. He was right, henry could tweak things and be careful about what he shared and if he did meet the one then she'd understand... He could explain the predicament he was in. That he just wanted someone who liked him for him. And he would only reveal himself to her if she was the one and he was sure she would understand. As long as he was himself and honest about everything else in his life then there was no harm... and if he used proper photos of himself just... half cropped out then? It wasn't catfishing? Because he was being himself just using the nickname his mother used to call him.
"O-okay so be myself but... Just tweak a few things? So they don't know its me?" He reiterated to his brother still trying to figure out the morality of this whole idea.
"Yes! No full on pictures, no photos of Kal either new photos henry not old, maybe of your eyes up or something? Girls love blue eyed boy- not your right that brown will give you away... you could even fuck em up with a behind the scenes character photo? I mean come on how many men use a superman photo for their profile these days?" He encouraged wanting more then anything to cheer up his little brother.
"I yeah... That could work ,thank you- I'm sorry I got so worked up it... Its just getting to me now" henry apologised but his brother shook his head and chuckled standing up to go back outside to the others that were all happily chatting in the garden.
"I know Hen, look just give it a go, you might be surprized... come on lets get back out there, after all you are the host~ you cant just run off and hide" henry grinned standing and following his brother. It was decided, he'd give online dating a go!
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A week later Henry sat at the computer everything was ready, he'd taken some precise photos and had spent the last half hour writing a profile up. He had felt a little guilty about this... Was he lying? Technically it was him, he was going by Hank which was a nickname his parents gave him as a child, luckily this site didn't require a surname because honestly? He had no clue! To fend off some guilt he had thrown in a behind the scenes photo of himself as superman it wasn't much but it helped take the edge off. The other photos were cropped and there were a good few just so that the women knew he wasn't technically a catfish; he even did one with him covering half of his face with a piece of paper with Hank scrawled across it. At the time he felt silly but it helped with his anxiety over the whole thing.
He paused for a second eyeing the screen rereading the profile over and over trying to make sure it was alright and honest. And it was, he had explained a little about himself, his hobbies and interests and his job... Only brushing over he worked for the film and tv industry recently working for Netflix he hadn't exactly explained what he did but there was enough information.
With a deep breath he clicked the button his mouse hovered over going live with the profile. Now all he had to do was wait and hope he caught a good womans eye. Within moments a few profiles popped up, matches. He scanned them flicking through some of the profiles and felt his heart crack. They were all full of badly filtered photos and used slang that to be honest he didn't even understand. What was so hard about using plain English?
He growled growing frustrated clicking through what were clearly a bunch of wannabe sugar babies. Each profile had a main photo a little bit of info then a few more pictures added to them. He scanned each one quickly going through the motions judging each one. 'Too far away... Your clearly not even eighteen?... Oh you like dc? Really hate to break it to you but thor is not a dc character' Henry grunted as he bypassed what felt like hundreds of women each with their own 'duck face' selfie most advertising their Instagram pages some even ballsy enough to add their only fans pages.
'Wait a second who was that?' He paused and scrolled back up and eyed the image on screen. It was a face on photo a cute woman smiling uncomfortably. Unlike everyone else's there was no distorting blur or heavy editing, the only make up was in the form of eyeliner in a set of black slightly uneven cat eyes. A slightly skewed black flicks making a point of no editing on the photo.
She was a full figured woman with proper kissable round cheeks and a sweet nervous grin. Her eyes were what got him, they were kind and genuine he could see she was uneasy about the photo but she was beautiful. She lived about half hour away which wasn't to bad.
Henry clicked the profile and scrolled down she didn't smoke, drunk occasionally and had no children. She did however have a college education in animal care and ran a small business. Centred on dogs by the looks of it. He moved further down reading the profile.
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Y/n, 30, business owner, e/c, 5'4, curvy
I'm shy so will take a while to warm up to you. A honest woman, sometimes to honest I don't seem to have a filter 🤗 I'm laid back and tend to be sarcastic and I love animals I'm a kc certified dog breeder as well as run a small successful business that caters to dogs. So if you are allergic or don't like dogs then leave now but thank you for clicking🙃
I spend most of my free time gaming or reading. I enjoy the fantasy genre and love dc and marvel (though I love dc just a tad more🤫)
I have one fur baby in the form of my lovely girl Amii who is a three year old malamute. Yes malamute not a husky or Akita so again if you don't like dogs or big dogs I'm not the girl for you.
I'm looking for someone to have fun and maybe build a life with. Covid has been tough being single and decided that it was about time I tried this whole online dating thing. If you want to chat pop me a message 🥰
I do not have a personal Instagram, snapchat or only fans! Stop asking for pictures!😠😠
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Henry's face split into a huge grin. She seemed to good to be true. She was wholesome, successful in her own right and looked fun. She didn't seem to be full of kale and bullshit. Just genuine and? Henry couldn't put his finger on it but there was something drawing him to this woman.
True to her word there was no Instagram link, no only fans or snap chat or anything. He scrolled further seeing photos of her and the biggest fluffiest dog he had ever seen in his life. She was sitting down next to who he assumed was Amii her dog and he melted. Y/n looked happy and content, living her best life.
There was nothing that sent alarm bells ringing, no racey photos or 'Netflix and chill' innuendos. The profile was clean and genuine.  He was right the woman was a little chunky but extraordinarily beautiful. The curves suited her and made her look more... cheerful and he could tell she was strong aswell, you had to be to have a huge dog like that about you.
There were photos of her walking a large pack of dogs in the wood; that he recognised! They were the very same he took Kal to only ten minuets down the road, he even recognised the small logo of her company on the jacket she wore. He had seen dog walkers wearing the same jacket so he knew of her brand. I he remembered correctly the company offered dog walking, grooming and kennel facilities as well as offering Breeding services helping stud dogs and stuff. They also helped advertise registered breeders and took in rescues for rehoming. It was a brilliant little company that he had even used for Kal once or twice to get his teeth cleaned and nails clipped, because Kal was a bugger for his pedicures!
He moved further down seeing more photos of the woman a small section with the games and tv she liked. Witcher was in both the tv and games category aswell as peaky blinders, Vikings and a few other shows.
Henry paused as he saw the chat button. Should he? He but his lip twisting on the spot in he chair rocking from side to side. What harm is there? He could just send a message she looked like a fun loving woman, he shared the same interests and stuff... so why not?
His fingers hovered over the keys ready to type out the words. But he choked. His mind ran blank what does he say? Hi? I saw your profile? Does he ask for a date? What does he do?
He let his hands fall and growled. Then scanned over the side of the message bar seeing a few pre-typed responses.
'It's a match!' 'You look fun, lets chat' 'I like your profile picture'
He winced they all seemed... wrong? Somehow they were polite and all but it- they wasn't personal or anything just... not quite right. He looked down as Kal came padding over and slumped next to him resting his chin on his foot with a loud sigh. With that Henry had an idea typing away a little message and hitting send before he could really think.
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You sighed typing away the latest wage slips and added up all the various overtime, you really needed some more staff on now that lockdown was coming to an end. Thankfully animal care was essential so you hadn't been hit too hard a few staff were on furlough as they were extreme high risk and shielding but you were going out of your way to make the premises covid safe. Luckily it wasn't too hard as much of the business was just a few staff and lots of dogs.
You frowned when a chat icon popped up in to corner of your screen. 'Hank?' You though trying to remember if you knew a Hank? Maybe a client or some old friend... but you honestly couldn't recall. You l saved your document and clicked the small icon bringing up a chat and frowned a you read the little message.
'I call my dog bear but he has nothing on Amii, Shes the fluffiest dog I've ever seen in my life she looks perfect for bear hugs😅'
'what the hell?' You cursed scrunching your nose up at the screen rereading the words. That's a bit random... you clicked his icon a small photo of half of his face then froze as a dating profile opened up. 'Oh... shit' you said seeing that your own profile you'd set up a few days ago out of curiosity had garnered the attention of the handsome blue eyed stranger. You swallowed biting you lip thoughts of finishing updating your records now gone as you scanned Hanks profile and a small smile crossed your face.
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Hank, 37, works in the film industry. Blue eyes, 6ft, muscular.
Decided to finally try this online dating, unsure what to say other then I'm looking for a life partner. I like to think I'm funny and laid back. I'm fit and active but that doesn't mean you have to be, but maybe my lady could come for walks with me and my four legged son? I promise he's my best freind and a good boy.
My job is tough and I'm away for long periods of time, but when I'm home I like to play games and am into warcraft. I paint miniatures when I can. Fantasy and superheroes are a big part of my hobbies so if you don't like all things geek then I'm probably not for you.
But if they are? Then feel free to message me, I will reply when I can.
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You read and re-read the profile And your hands hovered over your chicklet keyboard. Biting your lip, do you respond? He seemed sweet and real... if that made sense. You took a deep breath. What was the worst that could happen? Asking for a plane ticket? You decided to take a chance and typed back a reply hitting send whilst you had your nerve and then flushed.
"And they say fluffy dogs only lure in women~" You giggled to yourself  moving a hand over the huge fluffy girl beside you giving her pets whislt thinking of a reply.
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chroniclesoferoda · 4 years
Summer Love
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(This one shot is dedicated to Italian Harry.. I had thoughts 🥵🥵 please don’t hate it 😂)
It had been a pleasant day. The air was warm and the general vibe had been something Y/N longed for. Y/N had taken a break from university in the UK and came to Italy for a short break before her next term began.
She’d been planning a solo trip for the longest time and finally decided it was time to materialise this plan and make it come true. Y/N couldn’t be any happier. She didn’t feel the burden of waiting for her friend(s) or have the need to go wherever they did. She could execute her own plan and could feel like a free bird. Y/N had been sipping on a cool lemon ice tea sitting at a small table in a chic yet cozy cafe. She’d been noticing passerby’s and small kids playing with each other with the added background music of a local artist. It was a little past 7 and the sky had a strong tint of pink, gold, yellow and orange making the mood and atmosphere beautiful and straight out of a picture.
It wasn’t like Y/N was any less perfect. Dressed in a Medi white dress, she surely stood out in this cafe filled with strangers dressed average. Y/N truly missed no opportunity. Her eyes scanning the crowd and enjoying the live music playing, fell on a young man who’d seem to be well built, dressed in a black shirt and white trousers. She’d seen the back of this man but as he turned she realised this was none other than Harry Styles. She’d been a huge fan but could never keep up with his music since she got busy with university.
Y/N did not shift her gaze an inch. He’d looked far more handsome, taller and muscular in person. For some odd reason, she knew that he was famous, but always had this feeling that there was a completely different vibe to him. She felt it even more so, after spotting him in public.
She noticed that Harry had his gaze on her too. From afar. However the young man and woman gazed at each other with no words spoken, but just out of curiosity and amaze of how the two looked. Harry of course could not stay any longer out, and had to quickly leave the area trying to avoid the crowd. Glancing at Y/N one last time, and hitting her with a small smirk he disappeared into a lane.
Y/N couldn’t really understand what just happened. Much to her shock she never expected Harry to look back at her. She felt her stomach flip multiple times with Harry’s intimidating gaze on her but felt a strange power at the same time. After watching him disappear, Y/N too paid for her drink and left.
It had been a restless night for Y/N. She couldn’t get that look out of her mind and barely slept. The next morning she decided to divert her mind and decided to go out for a run. Before she began her run she was bumped into, rather in full force, by a masculine body which knocked her hard into the stone pavement.
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Y/N couldn’t comprehend what had just happened and the young man had fallen on top of her too. She gathered her senses and looked at who it was and found that it was Harry. Harry had already been staring at her and smirked. He quickly brushed himself off her and offered his hand to help her up. While holding his hand she realised how soft and plump they were yet firm and steady at once. She noticed how his muscles and his chest flexed when he lifted her up. Harry had secretly stole a gaze of her chiseled abs that peaked from her crop top.
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She’d realised that he’d actually aged well and had developed a fantastic physique.
“I’m sorry, love. I shouldn’t have been this careless.” Harry started the conversation as he looked at her with the same gaze he did the previous evening. Y/N had a smaller frame but definitely defined and curvy. “I’m alright. Not sure how lucky my cards are today to be bumped by Mr. Styles himself.” Y/N said as she realised that she’d been too blunt in her flirting which she usually isn’t. “I’m sorry, that came out so wrong. I should go.” Y/N said as she began heading the opposite direction. Harry had a much larger frame. He moved to block her prompt exit and said “Hold on. Give me an opportunity to apologise to you properly. At least tell me your name.” “I’m Y/N..” she said as she felt that same strange power while looking at him.
Harry had been struck by how stunning she was. That feeling was mutual. He apologised properly and the two parted ways. Harry walked backwards gazing at Y/N and Y/N had turned around looking at him and smiling one sides for the first time driving Harry crazy. Harry never believed this would happen to him. He was instantly attracted to this young woman he’d seen only twice in his life. He knew she was something else. And had a feeling she was definitely a “no-bullshit” person. And that attracted him more.
It had been Y/N’s last day in Italy and she had decided to go for a movie. (yes much like the chance of this one shot coming to life, there is no coronavirus!!!) She had quickly bought her snacks and rushed into the theatre. She didn’t realise who she sat next to. Harry.
Harry quickly glanced to the woman who sat next to only to double take and realise who actually sat next to him. Y/N.
The two of them gazed at each other smiling softly, but feelings mushy and excited inside that they had met each other again. “So we meet again.” Harry said and he took a kernel and popped it into his mouth without breaking the eye contact. “So we do.” Y/N said as she bit into her watermelon slice and made herself comfortable next to Harry.
“So Y/N what do you do?” Harry asked her and much to her surprise she couldn’t believe that he remembered her name! “I’m getting my masters in criminal law and criminology in the UK. I thought I should go on a solo trip sometime in my life, so hear I am!” Y/N tell him as he nods his head and thinks to himself the courage and bravery she had unlike the women he’s met in his life who wouldn’t take a trip alone to a foreign land. “How has the experience been for you?” “It’s been rather amusing and definitely the experience I needed. Would’ve been a lot better had I bumped into a stranger everyday though.” Y/N says as she winks at Harry unable to believe where all this confidence was coming from. “Oh is it? I second that myself. This trip has been quite something else for me too. Many thanks to a charming young woman who couldn’t get her eyes away from me.” Harry said as he stole another popcorn kernel from her.
Another person who was watching the movie in the theatre disturbed by the two of them talking hushed them. “Sorry! Will keep it down” said Harry as he came closer to Y/N’s ear where his warm breath which had smelled like the popcorn he’d been secretly stealing from her bucket hit her ear immediately making the hair at the back of her neck stand “You are beautiful Y/N. I apologise if I seemed creepy earlier, but you’re difficult to look away from.” He said as he nudged her cheek with his stubble covered cheek which made her feel a 1000 different ways. Harry’s scent had been strong, though not overpowering. It had a powerful effect on her and she couldn’t breathe for a second unable to accept that all this had been happening with her. “You’re far more beautiful than you look Harry” Y/N said as she placed a tiny kiss on Harry’s ear.
She did not have any idea of the effect she had on Harry. With another short glance, Harry, while rubbing his stubbly cheek on hers gently placed his lips on hers where his moustache slightly tickled Y/N in the most pleasing manner. Softly kissing each other, Harry played with the ends of her hair and slightly tugged on it and curling it with his fingers while Y/N drew random patterns on Harry’s arm and played with the hem of sleeve slowly putting her hand inside it and massaging his arms gently.
The movie had seemed to come to its end but Harry and Y/N couldn’t pull away from each other. When they did, they knew this was something that couldn’t go forward. It was just a summer love. And the two softly smiled and sat there in each other’s company until they had to leave...
I AM SORRY IF THIS WAS SHITTY!! Ugh but these are my thoughts of Italy!Harry 😫😫😫
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heyyyharry · 4 years
Harry asks Bambi to read a book to him (My Girl blurb x In Another Life)
I found this on Patreon and realised I hadn’t posted this on Tumblr. I posted a sneak peek in April and never posted the whole thing and nobody reminded me 🤡 
Word count: 1.5k
Harry is casted for a movie adaptation of a book, but he’s been too busy to read it and the deadline’s tomorrow and he’s exhausted and can’t find the audiobook, so Bambi ends up reading it to him.
“So you haven’t done your homework and now I have to do it?” She dropped the book to her stomach, glaring at him. He was paid to read a book; she wished her job was that interesting.
“I’m playing the main character,” he had explained. “I was supposed to read this during the weekend but I’ve been too busy, and the deadline is tomorrow but I can’t find the audiobook.”
“Then read it yourself. It’s not that long.” Not to brag but she’d read books twice as long in one night. He’d be fine.
“I haven’t slept for almost two days,” he had said. “If I read now, I’ll fall asleep.” It was true, though. He could fall asleep anywhere anytime if he was too tired. It was a gift and a curse at the same time.
Now he was lying on his side, an arm folded under his head, lazy green eyes boring into her as he pouted. “I used to help you with your homework, kid.”
“It’s not even the same thing,” she said, shaking the book above his face. “I have to read all of this tonight. Out loud.”
He flipped onto his stomach and clasped his hands in front of his nose — puppy dog mode activated. “Please, baby, please. I’ll be good," he pleaded. "I’ll do anything you say. Just help me this once.”
“Manipulative.” She weakly slapped his cheek, a smirk tugging at her lips, then she stared at the ceiling and groaned loudly. “Fineeee. I’ll do it.”
“Yay!” He clapped like a seal and drew her closer, kissing her jawline. “Tomorrow I’ll do anything you say. I promise.”
“Psst, I don’t need your promises. You always do everything I say. Often more.”
“Best boyfriend ever.”
She sneered at his own praise and circled her arm, which he lay his head on, around his neck to hold up the book. “This feels like reading a bedtime story to a kid,” she laughed as he nuzzled her chest.
“I’m a kid.” He grinned up at her.
“So you get to call me ‘kid’ every day and when you want to be spoiled you’re suddenly a kid?”
He shushed her with a finger to her lips and said, “Save your voice, baby.”
She shook her head as he snuck a hand under her shirt — his shirt — and cupped her breast. He always did that when he was bored. It didn’t have to be sexual; he simply loved fondling her breasts.
“Start now, Audiobook,” he commanded.
She sighed, flipped the page and cleared her throat as she began. “Chapter 1. The Painting…
“They said in London, you were never far from a museum…”
“Oh my God, I got it, I got it!” Harry grabbed her arm, shaking slightly so she would stop reading and look at him.
She’d thought he’d already read the script. As it turned out, he’d only received the script for the first few scenes. The director wanted the cast to read the actual book and visualised what happened next using their own creativity. Harry would stop her after every chapter to tell her something she’d already figured it out, and she never complained because he looked like an excited puppy.
He glanced up, chin on her arm, giving her a discovering kind of smile. “My guess is that Edward was the one who killed Ann. She’d trusted him but he’d chosen his throne over her. So she put a curse on him so he’d know what it’s like to lose her over and over again. They fall in love in every lifetime, and he never actually has her. He’ll never have her again.” Then, his face turned wondering. “Would you have done that to me back then if you were a witch?”
“Bold of you to assume I’m not a witch.”
His lips stretched wide as he pinched her chin. “Answer the question, kid.”
“I wouldn’t.” She shook her head assertively. “Which is why I think you’re wrong. Either Edward wasn’t the one who killed Ann, or she wasn’t the one who put the curse on them, or both. I wouldn’t want to die over and over again for someone who doesn’t love me.”
“But I loved you back then,” he whispered and pressed his nose into her cheek. “I always have.”
“I didn’t know back then, so it didn’t count.” She stuck up her chin, eyes narrowed at him.
He grinned. “That’s why I have to tell you I love you every five minutes to make up for it. I’m romantic as hell but you call me annoying.”
“You’re a little bit annoying,” she said with a matter-of-fact tone. “Annoying people make their girlfriends read a whole book to them.” She shook the book above their faces, which made him cackle.
“You’re not nice to me so don’t expect me to be nice to you.” He tickled her nipple and she smacked his arm, but it was more like a playful push.
“Now shut up so I can continue.”
“Yes, ma’am.” His dimples reappeared.
When they reached half of the book, they took a short break. Harry had to pee and she had to drink water, her throat was itchy as hell. When they returned to the bed and made themselves comfortable – she lied on her back, holding the book above her chest as he curled up next to her, head on her arm – she cleared her throat and started reading again, her voice noticeably croaky.
He twirled a strand of her hair around his finger and tugged gently to get her attention.
“You know the rule, H,” she said without looking at him. “You have to wait for me to finish before you comment.”
“I actually want to say that you don’t have to continue.”
Her gaze jumped to his face. “Are you tired already?” she asked, slightly perplexed.
“No, but you are.”
“I’m not.”
“You’ll have a sore throat tomorrow because of me, babe.”
“Then so be it,” she huffed stubbornly. “I have to know how this ends. We’re not quitters, Harry Edward Styles.”
“You’re not. I am.”
“No, you’re not. My boyfriend is not a quitter.”
He giggled as she leaned down to kiss his forehead before laying her head back so she could continue where they’d left off.
At chapter five, the main characters finally kissed. She and Harry started cheering like they were watching it on the kiss cam at a sporting event.
At chapter seven, she had to stop halfway to release a long frustrated breath. The antagonist Lillie/Emilié kept getting in the way of the main characters. She felt like Emilié could be Ruby in another life; the thought made her skin crawl.
“Edward is an asshole,” Harry scoffed as she flipped the page to chapter eight.
“No, he’s not,” she argued. “He loves her. It was different back then. A prince had to marry a princess.”
“If I were him, I’d grow some balls and run away with Ann.”
She didn’t comment, only gave him a fond smile and continued.
At chapter eight, shit hit the fan. She completely forgot the fact that she was reading the story out loud. She couldn’t look away from the page or stop for a water break even when her throat was achingly dry. She had to know how this ended.
“Holy shit, I was right! I was right!” She jolted upright when the big secret was revealed and accidentally hit Harry’s head with her elbow. He groaned like a sad puppy and she apologised, rubbing the sore spot on his head.
By the time they finished the book, a new day had begun. She gulped her water, put the empty glass on the nightstand and flopped back down on the bed, lying head to head with him. Instead of going to sleep so he wouldn’t look weary on his first day on set, they lay wide awake and discussed the story. They were satisfied with the ending, though Harry felt so bad for the dead character he’d almost cried at that part. Maybe she should stop telling him to watch Game of Thrones.
“One last thing,” she said as he turned off the light. Her eyes were barely used to the dark so she could only feel him snuggle closer to her, almost resting half of his body on top of hers, one hand under her shirt.
“Don’t fall in love with the actress who plays Ann like you did with the character.”
“Bambi.” He shook with quiet laughter. His voice was barely above a whisper as he replied, “I imagined you as Ann. I can’t fall in love with a different face.”
“Then don’t imagine my face when you kiss the fake Ann,” she giggled.
When he hmmmed, she could hear the smirk in his voice. “You know I never imagine your face during my kissing scenes. I only want to feel that magic when I’m really with you.”
Then, it was quiet again; he’d drifted off as soon as he finished. In his sleep, he kept asking if she wanted to run away with him.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
The Night Tour ~ KNJ [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 2K
↬↬↬Genre: Fluffy!!! Non!Idol Au, Street artist Reader! Museum worker Namjoon
↬↬↬Pairing: Namjoon x Gender Neutral Reader
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Namjoon walked down the streets with his glasses on, he'd heard that the famous unknown street artist was out again and he was dying to get a glimpse of their work again. He'd slipped into a hoodie, jeans and put on his thick-rimmed glasses, he wanted to be ready to see the work that was bound to be amazing just like the rest. He had been walking around the streets for hours trying to find out where the artist would hit but it always changed whenever they did something, the last time it was an abandoned factory floor and Namjoon had just missed the artist. The paint cans were thrown to the side and the paint dripping wet so the artists couldn't have been far. His head spun around when he heard the familiar sound of a spray paint tin hitting the floor, he thought it could have been them but it was just kids spraying on the side of a dumpster. The first time he'd ever seen some of the artist's work was when he was walking home from a night shift at the museum he worked in.
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The museum he worked in was four floors high, it was just an art museum where he took night shifts patrolling the corridors to make sure nothing was ever stolen he had hoped the night work would eventually lead onto the day work but it hadn't happened. So he spent most of his night walking around the museum and taking note on everything he saw, learning everything he could on each piece that was there. So much so in fact that he could probably give the guided tours with his eyes closed taking people around there. 
"See you tomorrow Namjoon," The day guard said as Namjoon walked out of the back entrance and into the alleyway of the museum where he was shoved against the wall quickly as someone in a hoodie raced past him, 
"Hey! Watch it!" He yelled out at the person when he was pushed against the wall again by two policemen who were racing after the first one. 
"Sorry, sir!" He shook his head at the officer that had apologised and began his slow walk home towards his apartment in the middle of town but that was when he noticed it, a giant spray-painting across one of the walls of a building in the alleyway. It was beautiful, the painting was telling a huge story about global warming and what it was doing to everyone around them. 
"Whoa." He ran his hand over the paint when he felt how wet it was, whoever the police were chasing must have been the artist that had created this masterpiece. He took a step back to admire it, even more, when he noticed the tag along the side of it, 
He took a photo of it on his phone before searching for the tag online, there had to be someone else who had seen this artwork before and as he walked he dove deeper into the artist. 
"An unknown street artist who goes by the name Zee, are they ruining property or just spreading a message?" He whispered to himself as he walked up to his apartment building and opened the door, he held it open for an elderly lady who thanked him before leaving. He clicked on images scrolling through to thousands of posts from people all sharing what amazing work that artist had done, it was incredible. Whoever Zee was, took things that were happening within the world and painted them onto the side of buildings, tracks and billboards so that people would finally come to their senses. 
"Who are you?" He whispered seeing the same black hoodie that had sprinted past him in the alley, people had caught glimpses of Zee before but never their full face. No one knew who they were or what they looked like. It was clear Zee wanted their identity to be hidden for a reason - mostly because of the cops Namjoon thought but this only intrigued him more as he continued scrolling for hours. Learning everything he could about their art style and being captivated by each masterpiece that could be found.
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As he was about to give up on finding Zee when he heard sirens and someone yelled out a string of curse words before dropping something against the stone floor, his head snapped around to see the same black hoodie as before racing towards him only down the opposite side was four policemen. 
"Here!" You frowned hearing someone calling out to you, a guy who stood around 5''11 dressed in a hoodie and blue jeans was grabbing onto your wrist and pushing you against a wall, 
"Get off me!" You screamed wiggling against his grasp when he stood in front of you and titled his head to the side, he ripped down your hood and smirked. 
"Hi Zee," You groaned at him when you heard police rushing down behind him, 
"Excuse me," Namjoon turned to face them and you froze thinking that this was it, it was finally the moment you were about to get caught after all the years of work you'd done. 
"Yes, officer?" His hand linked with yours and automatically your heart began to pound against your chest, looking up at his sharp jawline and taking in his appearance. It was only now you were realising how good looking he was, his hair was blonde and to the side, he had huge glasses on that made his big brown eyes look adorable. 
"Have you seen someone rush by here? They would have been carrying paint with them?" You swallowed the lump in your throat trying to hide your paint covered hands behind Namjoon who pulled you closer and chuckled. 
"Sorry officer, I was a little preoccupied with my partner." The officer nodded before bidding you goodbye and going back towards the alleyway exit.
"You covered for me...Why?" You pulled your hand away from him not wanting to give in to the fact that just because he was incredibly good looking he could touch you like that.
"I find your work to be great Zee, always wanted to meet you." You nodded at him slowly and held out your hand for him to shake, 
"I'm Namjoon." He shook your hand and you felt that same intense spark from before rush through your body, sending shivers up and down your spine as he looked down into your eyes. 
"Y-Y/n." You stuttered out, you'd never told anyone your real name before. Sure fans had met you but you never told them who you were, it took away the allure to your work but with Namjoon it was different. The longer he stared into your eyes the longer you wanted to tell him everything about your life, as if he had some kind of weird superpower that drew you into him.
"What got you into street art?" You laughed softly as he questioned you, heading straight in for the questions but instead of being creeped out by the sudden interest it made you smile and feel warm inside. 
"W-well I-" You didn't know, you just viewed it as art and a way of sending a message, 
"I'd tried as a normal artist for years...Canvas's, photograph and stuff but it just never took off...Street art was a way of vocalising myself and what's happening in the world." Without even realising you were now walking together and towards the work you'd just done, it wasn't finished because the police had shown up, 
"I think your work is amazing." You smiled at him and began walking together towards your car, 
"I feel like I've seen you before." You mumbled as you reached a parking lot, you always parked in the same one next to the museum and he chuckled. 
"You pushed me against a wall a couple of months ago...Completely my fault I'd just walked out of work." You stared over at where he was pointing at the museum, 
"You work there?!" He nodded his head at you frowning as to why you seemed so excited about it,
"I love it there! I used to go all the time as a kid!" You yelled excitedly checking the time to see if you had time to head inside but it was getting close to their closing time, you never had time to go anymore. Between painting and work it had been hard to fit fun stuff into your life,
"Damn it."
"What?" He asked he hated that your smile had faded into a frown, 
"It's closing soon, I just- I wanted to go." You sighed leaning against your car and staring at it, he could already tell you were disappointed in not getting to go. 
"Meet me there tonight? In two hours? I'll sneak you in and we can have a night tour together." You stared at him with wide eyes, was he serious. 
"Like a date?" You whispered looking him in the eyes and biting down on your lip, it had been years since anyone had even come close to asking you out and your heart was thumping against your chest.
"Yeah...Yeah I mean if that's okay." He stuttered out looking at you with a giant smile on his face to match the one that was now painted across yours. 
"A night tour sounds perfect," You leant up taking charge of the situation and kissed his cheek, 
"I'll see you later Namjoon." You whispered before getting into your car and driving away from him while he sat there smiling wildly. 
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"This is my favourite," You watched as Namjoon raced over to a painting of a huge garden full of couples. He went into a lengthy talk about what the painting was about and who had painted it, he had done it throughout the whole night and you smiled the whole time just listening in 'awe' as he spoke lovingly about every single thing within the museum,
"You should be giving the tours," You whispered when he returned back to your side, you took his hand in yours as you turned around one of the corners and walked towards some sculptures. You were almost done with everything inside of the museum and it had taken the whole night to get around everything because he would go into length talks. You didn't care though, spending all of this time with him made you feel special.
"What's this?" You asked walking over to a rope and he chuckled just shaking his head, 
"Just a rope," You titled your head to the side and pulled it, it drew open the curtains that were on the skylight right above you and you gasped looking up to see a clear night sky with the stars and moon right in front of you.
"Whoa." You whispered
"Looks like something you would paint." Namjoon chuckled looking up at the sky before down at you, you were busy staring into the sky you hadn't felt his eyes on you.
"W-What?" You stuttered out looking back into his eyes when he cupped your chin between his index finger and his thumb tilting your head up to look at him in the eyes before he began leaning down, your eyes fluttered shut as our lips came into contact with one another. Your arms moved around his neck while his wrapped around your waist, drawing you closer to him and kissing you softly under the starlight night. It felt like something that only ever happened in books and movies, the whole world seemed to brighten up the moment he kissed you and you. 
"Whoa," You whispered pulling apart from him and staring into his eyes, that was when there was small laughter coming from the other side of the room. You both pulled apart to see someone covered in tattoos with long black hair standing there, 
"Jungkook-" Namjoon when to complain but Jungkook held up his hand and shook his head, 
"You enjoy your date, I'll go back downstairs and main the first floor." Jungkook laughed leaving you both there embarrassed that you had just been caught in a makeout session.
"Friend of yours?" You laughed softly pulling back and holding his hand, he nodded. 
"Yeah...He works here on the bottom floor. I'm sorry-"
"Don't be, you can make it up to me later...On another date?" You questioned looking into his eyes and praying that he said yes, 
"I'd love to."
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@writingdreamsnottragedies​ @snowy-meowl​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @lynnthevirgo​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @rjsmochii​ @callingmyangel​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @innersooya​ 
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hs-devote · 4 years
18. E X C L A M A T I O N
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Moodboard // Content // Masterlist
All characters and situation in this story are fictitious. Resemblance to any person living or dead is only God knows.
Previous chapter;
It took a few moments for Y/N to connected the dot. One thought came up yet she really didn't like this, “So, you said that Dale Jespersen–”
“Jaden Peesel and Randell are the same person, and he's Dale Jespersen.” 18. EXCLAMATION
Cutting someone off was rude. But, she didn't mind, for now, since she didn't think her tongue could spill whatever she was having in her head. However, what Douglas just said earlier made her blinked.
“How come?”
She tilted her head toward her boyfriend, watching Harry gave Douglas a keen look. His voice was surprisingly steady yet firm as always. His demeanour was nothing to worried about.
For now.
"Randell didn't take the payment through a bank account, the media paid him cash. Meanwhile, Dale's account was increasing high a week before the tape being published. His transaction record shows money out to Victoria's account three days since she sent the video to Jaden Peesel, and some certain amount made into his account in three consecutive days a week after the media gave the cash to Randell."
“He might look like shrewd, but he made one omission, Mr Styles.” Eric added, “Randell's signature is exactly the same with Dale Jespersen.”
Eric gave him a copy of agreement where Randell sold the video and the media must keep his identity secret. Then, gave him another one of Dale's signature.
How could Dale be smart and stupid at the same time?
“That's a stupid move if he wants to be anonymous but make an agreement like that." Roman murmured.
Douglass nodded, “Not only that, Victoria once sent a message to Dale that she succeeded to steal the tape from Ms Powell and sent it to Jaden Peesel and Randell's number. Here.”
The man gave Harry another copy transcript of the evidence, only made the CEO of Erskine furious. Y/N could tell her boyfriend now was suppressing his anger, it was clear from how hard he gripped the papers of evidence in his hand.
“Jaden Peesel and Randell are Dale Jesperson. Victoria Selley is the one who worked with him and it obvious that the two of them started this commotion."
“Fucking hell!”
Everyone flinched in their seats as Harry punch the table with his bare hand. The atmosphere felt thick and intense, no one dare to open their mouth. Y/N watched Harry lowered down his head, gripping his hair hardly and growling fumingly. Exhaling deeply, all she could do now is rubbing his back up and down to soothe him.
“But, what's the reason?" Elle cried, "Vic and I are best friends! We're good with each other!"
“At this point, Ms Powell," Allen began, "We all know Mr Styles and Dale Jespersen are eternal enemies if I could say. They haven't had a good relationship since back then. As for Victoria Selley, we don't know yet what her motive is. But, all I know is Victoria was bitter about her break up with Mr Styles."
“And now, both of them teamed up to take revenge on Harry.” Y/N mumbled, “How could they both know each other?”
“Those two are still on my list, Ms Y/L/N. After this meeting, we'll file this case immediately with all this evidence. We don't yet know their reason. However, they got arrest, we can get that answer."
All of them was mind-blowing. Never crossed her mind, someone who made this mess was the one who was always looking for trouble with Harry. Dissatisfied with the previous one, Dale now came up with a bigger issue. And to make the matters worse, he teamed up with someone she didn't think of.
“I don't know your friend is such a snake, Elle.” Sebastian sighed, “A true friend would never do that.”
“It all makes no sense. I can't believe it.” whined Elle, “We're still in touch until now for fuck sake!”
“How could you not see that, Elle. The fucking footage proves your rotten friend betrayed you. That bitch doesn't deserve to be called a friend.” Harry snarled, raising his head to stare at everyone in the room. Even though his eyes weren't on her, Y/N could feel he wasn't Harry. His persona turned 180 degrees different.
“I want that pile of shit and the cheap whore get arrested the day after tomorrow at most.” he seethed, “I don't care how much I will pay the police to quickly arrest them. I want the news of their arrest in three days. Widespread throughout the entire earth if necessary.”
Without any other words, he got up from the chair and exited the meeting room – leaving the loud bang of the door echoed in the air.
“I'll come with you. Because it's not only Mr Styles who's a disadvantage here, Ms Powell lost 30% of her contract just because of that." Roman spoke, "I believe we better go today."
“Just, just do what must be done, Allen, Mr Kane. And thanks for the hard work, also for Eric and Douglas." Y/N drew a heavy breath, "And for Elle, I'm sorry for all this mess. You're not the only one who hurt, many parties feel the impact."
“As for Harry, I believe he's unstable right now. You guys know how hard he holds his temper." she added.
“I'm sorry for that old video, Y/N. I intended nothing for keeping the video."
It felt like a dream for Elle being nice to her. Because the first time they met, Elle was uncomfortable with her. And how she was apologising about the tape, made nice progress. Y/N bit her lip before giving the woman a small smile, "It's the past we couldn't get rid of. Some of our younger behaviours are stupid, reckless, and questionable. This has all happened, so.." she shrugged, "The most important thing is, we have to quickly close this case so it doesn't get worse."
Elle frowned, “But, what stuck in my head is.. why?”
“Their reason is still mysterious, Elle. Once we meet them, we have to force them to speak.” she sighed, “No matter what.” . . . .
Some days were still needed before the files completed and submitted. At the same time, it was reported that Dale had submitted his resignation from Machtig. Even his house, which had been spied by Allen's worker, hadn't shown the slightest bit of activity during the last three days of spying.
It was no secret Harry went on a rampage. His current level of anger surpassed anything else, and it was the worst everyone have seen. It all went more and more disastrous when the client bluntly revealed the reasons for their backing out.
We couldn't work with 'someone' like you
How the hell Erskine have porn crazed man as their leader?
It would damage our image if we continued to work with Erskine
All of those made Harry almost destroy his own office. He was seeing red, the only thing he knew was a burning fire – as in his head and feelings right now. He felt like being surrounded by flames that were ready to devour him.
Erskine's stock fell dramatically, he was forced to close several branch offices that weren't profitable and resulted in laid-off his employees. This was the darkest stage in his life; never thought he would step into a black abyss like this.
Every night, Y/N would always accompany Harry on late-night meeting with the finance staffs, HR staffs, and several related divisions to calculate how much money left for Erskine could pay their employees. And it ended with them deciding which candidate to get layoff next.
This wasn't an easy task to write down the names of employees to be fired. Harry knew his soon-to-be fired employees have obligations and responsibilities of their families. However, it was the best choice and he hoped they would understand and get a better job.
How was Marcel doing?
Oh, the man loved it so much.
The anger, the stress, the betrayal burnt his emotion and let Marcel smirked in his glory. Marcel was still Marcel, with his arrogance and extremely temper. The broken door, shattering glass, and pieces of papers were his masterpiece. All the shouting and yelling were him. The office atmosphere was unpleasant and less comfortable. Even when Harry or him passed in front of the employees, everyone seemed afraid albeit in their hearts, Y/N knew they didn't like him. All they could do was stay silent rather than be his target or be the next employee to get layoff.
But, one thing surprised her. He could be a little rational when in a meeting even though a few harsh words slipped out. Hell, even he was nice enough to her.
If he barked at employees, tore their papers, slammed doors in their faces, or smashed glass to intimidate them, Marcel was never more than scowled at her – unlike their first encounter.
Of course in this kind of state, Marcel was more dominant than Harry. No wonder if Marcel was more present than her actual boyfriend. And it made her worry since it had been five days in a row Harry couldn't switch his position. Y/N had started to panic, she couldn't think of Harry wouldn't come back again.
“How's he doing?”
“Awful.” she sighed, “I don't know what to do any more, Niall.”
Since Marcel had been here long enough than Harry, and of course he missed the therapy, Y/N took initiative to meet with Niall herself – without Marcel knowing. She was sure Marcel would go mad if he found out that she secretly met Niall to fix him. Both of them now were in a coffee shop somewhere in Borough, and had been talking for half an hour – about none other than Harry Styles.
“Where is he now?”
“In his penthouse. The last time I checked he was playing FIFA when I said goodbye.”
Niall raised an eyebrow, “And Erskine?”
“We're on the most critical stage since it was founded, according to the legal team. Marcel even want to retire and sell the company for fuck sake!”
“H would smack him for that.”
“Absolutely," she nodded, "Since the client doubt Harry's performance and scoffs at our leader is a porn star – according to them, we now just have five companies remaining. And we don't know if when they will announce the back out."
“I'm sorry for that, Y/N.” Niall smiled apologetically, “God knows how strong you're guys.”
“That's why we think to change the CEO's position temporarily until Harry and Erskine are completely clean from this case.” she shrugged, “At least it may growth their trust again, while we rest Harry and help him to find his way back.”
“How did he respond that?” Niall sipped his coffee, “That's a huge step.”
“The directors and I haven't told him yet. But I think, we'll kinda lie at him. Says he definitely needs his leave while someone will take over the position. And of course, we'll lend that important seat to the rightful person."
“Do you have the name?”
“We have. But, I'll discuss this thing with his mother first. It's her late husband's company after all.”
“If I could be honest, Y/N, this is the most Marcel has been in Harry's body in consecutive days. And if we don't help him, it might get worse than we thought. I bet he threw the medicines away.” he stared at her, “Why don't you take him on holiday? It can help him to clear his mind.”
Y/N squinted her eyes, “Don't you think it's a bit risky? He'll reject it at very second.”
“From what I've heard from you, Marcel was likely growing an attachment with you." he smiled, "Which something I was surprised."
“Take the advantage and bring Harry back with us. I can't lose my best friend and we'll work together for that, Y/N.” . . . .
To Y/N dismay, Marcel rejected her offer first, said it wasn't important. Yet, she managed to persuade him and said he needed some time away to shut off this mess. She wouldn't take a risk to bring him far away from London, and her choice fell on Windermere.
The natural beauty of England's largest lake could be enjoyed directly through the cottage she rented for a week. She didn't know how many days they would need, that made her rent the contemporary property for the whole week. The house was lying on the shores of the lake, offering four bedrooms with four bathrooms also. The kitchen and dining space holding magnificent views across the lake, not to mention they had private shoreline and jetty mooring. Such a unique escape and worth the four hours drive from home.
It had been three days they were there and Harry seemed to be enjoying his rest here. The new situation and different vibes calmed him and made Marcel less frequent. Everything Harry did was cycling around the district, took a long walk, even swimming in the Lake Windermere. The lake itself was well-known as the largest and deepest in England, it made her nervous because Harry was so stubborn and insistent to do wild swimming there.
However, a few things happened and made him changed upon his return. If he left as Harry, he would back as Marcel. Like this morning, he was her Harry. But, when he got back after finished his jog, his aura was different. He was cursing all the time, ignoring her questions. And from that moment, she knew he was Marcel.
“What happened, Harry? You were fine this morning." Y/N asked her tenth question for him, didn't give up to get the answer she wanted. She knew the man who was drinking in front of her was Marcel, but if he didn't want to answer, Y/N would find it difficult to find out the case.
“That fucking asshole got on my nerves,” grunted him, “He threw his water on me. Who does he think he is?!”
She raised an eyebrow, “He threw water on you? What was the reason?”
“Like the hell I care?” he rolled his eyes, “But, I think the bloody nose will teach him the lesson.”
“Harry.” Y/N stressed her words, her legs stepping closer to him, “Did you punch him?”
“Of fucking course! What do you expect me to do? Doing nothing like an idiot?” Marcel tilted his head, “He got my face wet, and I got his nose wet. Paid off.”
Her shoulder fell off, "The wet is a different kind, Harry. But, you just punched him, right? Nothing more serious?"
“Why do you ask me like that, darling?" he smirked, "That's a bit weird. You seem don't mind me punching someone."
She gulped, feeling overwhelmed by the fact that Marcel brought his face closer. His eyes which although almost resembled Harry's, still kept her struck in the place. Albeit Marcel inhabits the body of her lover, the feeling of intimidation by someone who wasn't so familiar still made her skin tingled.
“That better than you drown him on the lake.” she murmured, yet at once she cursed her stupidity for saying like that. She had to quickly cover it before Marcel got suspicious, “I'm joking. I don't know if he was rude to you or not but I think he kinda deserved it if he had no reason to threw his water.”
“You're funny," he shook his head before pulling his face away and walked inside, "Would you fancy home-cooked meal? I'm not into a take away for today."
“Would you do the dish afterwards?" Y/N wiggled her eyebrow, looking at Marcel who was digging the shelves in the kitchen. One thing she liked about him was, he loved cooking more than Harry. Harry loved to cook, but not as often as Marcel if he was here. Marcel would almost cook every day if he was present, even though he had a rough day or his anger was on the cloud.
“Only if you clean the table beforehand.”
“Only clean the table?”
“You heard me m'lady.”
. . . .
The holiday originally was for them only. But, Y/N invited Anne to come two days before their return to London. This short escape was help Harry to rest and gather his energy, as evident from Marcel that barely appeared since he admitted he punched someone's nose.
The morning was only seven straight, Harry was still sleeping safe and sound while Y/N just opened her eyes five minutes ago. His heavy arm draped her naked side tightly with his other one was folded behind his head. She brought her fingers running along his chiselled jaw, down to his lower lip and made a stop in the chin. He was so peaceful and fragile when he was sleeping, yet once he opened that damn gorgeous pair of green eyes, he would turn into a solid one.
Her memory took her back to the last night sex. She didn't lie when she said both of them were sex-crazed. They were always constantly had sex everywhere or whenever they had the chance. Either a wild one or the gentle one. Y/N also didn't understand why her intercourse activity was high, whereas previously with Elliott, she wasn't that frequent to have sex.
She drew a smile remembering how beautiful the sunset was while she moaned Harry's name. Since their bedroom had windows overlooking the lake, it was a nice addition to heeding their sex activities. The warm sunlight cast Harry's beautiful face sweating as he deepened his thrust, grunting deeply while the woman beneath him squinted her eyes in pleasure. And when they both reached their high together, the sky was already dark since the sun had gone down, their hot bodies shivered from the cold wind kissed their body.
Hell, even thinking about that made her down there throbbing nervously.
Y/N never denied that Harry was the greatest sex she ever had. His little seductive comment would always get her wet. And sometimes made her think there was something wrong with her because she was so easily aroused.
She was too busy with her own daydream to notice that Harry had opened his eyes and was watching his girlfriend stroking his cheek slowly. He intentionally didn't make the slightest sound or movement, waiting for Y/N to realise that he was awake.
“Enjoying me that much?”
The way his morning voice was raspy and thick out of his mouth, startled the girl all of sudden. Her hand jerked away from his smooth cheek, tucking it below her chin. Harry giggled of the way she blinked her eyes, before throwing the sharp look on him.
“Good morning, baby.” he snuggled closer to her neck with arms tightening around her waist, his naked fingers drawing the circle on her lower back seductively.
“Good morning, golden.”
“Golden?” raised an eyebrow, Harry gave her a questionable look while head tilted up to her. “What's golden?”
She hummed, stroking his sharp jawline playfully, “Mmhm. The way your face lit up when the ray of sunshine glistened your pretty face, it has the golden beauty, H.”
“Such an unusual nickname,” he shrugged, “But, I like the definition.”
“Glad to hear that.”
“Anyway," he sighed, placing his palm on her hip instead, "Mum will come today, right? What time will she arrive? I think we can get her from the station?"
“Around four? But, she told me earlier we don't need to pick her up since she will take a taxi to get here.”
“All right,” he yawned, “Let me stay still like this for a bit before we have breakfast.” said him before nudged his head on the crook of her shoulder, his index finger stroking her hip gently.
Harry and Y/N were silent for five minutes, didn't say a word – just enjoying the closeness to each other. She almost fell back asleep if Harry's cheeky hands went down her stomach, teasing her down there. She gulped and whined at the same time when his fingers nudged her core, playing with her clit before gone to feeling her inner thigh.
A frustrated sigh was coming from her mouth when Harry rolled his finger up and down her cunt, feeling the sticky and wetness of her before taking the next step that made Y/N shake. She let out a whimper when his thumb nudged her clit, moaning deeply when she felt his two fingers being pushed into her.
“My sweetheart is always wet and ready for me.” he hummed in her ear, still with his fingers pumping in and out of her, “Such a beautiful morning, yeah? Me and you, after our endless sex last night and waking up aroused and loaded.”
“Harry..” she whined, her chest rose up and down to catch the breath since she was running out of the oxygen. And all of that because how magically his fingers worked her out.
“Come for me, baby. Come in my fingers, I know you need that. Want you to clench my fingers.” muttered him while fastening his fingers' thrust on her, “Do it, darling. Do it for me.”
Harry didn't need much time for lifted his body and hovering the girl he was fingering, while he added the third finger, he leaned down to kiss her. A satisfaction smirk formed on his lips when Y/N buckled her hip and lolling her head, feeling the overwhelmed of his three fingers working on her. She cried out when her man picked up the speed, only for made her moan even more.
He kissed her throat, “Such a good girl. You feel so good.”
Y/N felt that. Her stomach twisted in pleasure while she screamed out his name, feeling the high came to reach her. Harry smiled, shaking his head looking down at his wet-sticky fingers after he pulled out. Bringing them on his mouth, he licked all of them clean.
She was gasping for a breath while her eyes set off of her boyfriend who was licking her sweetness on him. Her droopy eyes stared dreamily on him, watching the way he was naked with all of his glory and his pride resting stiffly between his thick thighs. She gulped, thinking how easy for him to get horny and now, the way his length sprung confidently in front of him, she was sure they wouldn't get off this bed for another hour.
“Your cock is cocked.” she bluntly said, giving him an unbelievable look.
“Love that my baby paid attention,” he chuckled, “Thinking you can handle the loaded morning?”
“I th–”
The way Harry frowned over the ringing phone showing he was annoyed. He was about to fulfil his lust but the damn call in disturbed their morning. Y/N giggled softly when Harry moved away from the bed and stomped his footsteps, acting like an annoyed little kid.
“It's Allen." he murmured while looking at the bright screen, then exchanging a look with Y/N.
“Harry." she gave him a warning look before shaking her head – no. Along they spent the time here, both of them agreed to not picking up a work call. Whatever it was. She wanted to make this short holiday their temporary escape from work, she just wanted to unwind and forget about problems for a moment.
“This must be important." he looked at her, like he was asking permission, "Please?"
If it was Allen, something must have happened. And Harry was right; if Allen called him, he would deliver important news. And maybe, maybe it would bring some relief for both of them considering how much they were facing right now.
“Put on the speaker, I don't want you to take the news yourself."
Harry just nodded, before swiped up his screen and put his phone on the bed – leaving the speaker on. She mouthed a thank you, then focusing on what Allen would tell them.
“Hello, Harry. How are you? How's the holiday?”
He stole a glance from her before shrugging his shoulder, “I'm fine, thanks. The holiday is.. amazing. What made you call me, Allen?”
“Something with the case, H.”
Again, he looked at Y/N who was also staring at him. The way they exchanged looks telling each other they didn't know what the lawyer would tell him. Y/N just nodded her head, letting her boyfriend continue.
“And.. what's that?”
“We knew we've taken this case to legal action. With all of the evidence lead to Dale Jespersen and Victoria Selley, they were being sought while this escalates the lawsuit in court. Victoria Selley has been arrested at her house, but for Dale Jespersen, they still couldn't find them." he paused, "We have a suspicion that he changed his identity. Or the worst, fled out of England."
“I thought you should know what to do, Allen." he scoffed, "Spread out his picture and activity record! Ban him for travelling overseas. Should I be the one who tells you such a simple thing like this?"
The rage on his eyes wasn't something difficult to understand, Y/N might never know what it was like if she was him for now, but she knew well the anxiety and anger flooded on him. She couldn't reprimand him who was currently yelling at his lawyer, all she did was wait for him. She flinched when he was screaming at the top of his lung at Allen when he got the dissatisfaction, only to get him angered even more. Raised her hand to try to ease him, she was flabbergasted when Harry quickly shoved her palm away – grabbing his mobile phone and walked out of their room. Y/N could no longer her Allen's voice, it seemed her boyfriend had turned off the speaker.
Harry never shied away from her, no matter what.
She didn't know what are they talking any more or how he cursed his lawyer. She would take a guess he was on the other side of the cottage, or even on the patio. But, that was impossible considering he was still naked. He didn't even take his shorts on him before walking out!
“Fucking moron!”
No, it wasn't the curse made her flinch. The way Harry slammed hard the door made her jump on the skin, along with the banging wooden table. She just prayed that Harry didn't break something here, but she had to get prepared – especially Anne would come today. She didn't want Marcel's presence today.
Should she do that?
Her phone was in her hands, but she was still hesitant to call someone she wanted to ask for help. She didn't want to bother that person, especially they were on holiday. However, her determination was unanimous when another slamming door being heard again. Y/N didn't know if it was still Harry, or Marcel. Quickly she found a name in her contact and pressed the call button without hesitation.
. . . .
Anne knocked on their door exactly at four while her son was out from an hour ago. Both of the women hugging each other before Y/N helped Anne with her suitcase, and of course the mother would ask her son whereabouts since it was only Y/N who opened the door for her.
“Harry is out. I think he's taking a walk, or cycling?” Y/N mumbled after escorted Anne to her room.
Anne just nodded, but, she quickly noticed something was wrong when her son's girlfriend looked off. Squinting her eyes, she took Y/N's arms and bring her down to sit with her.
“Are you okay, sweetheart? You look.. off.”
A nervous laugh came out from Y/N's mouth, "I'm fine. It's just.. well, Harry is in a bad mood today, so don't be surprised if he's a little grumpy."
“You two didn't fight, did you?” Anne frown, “Did I come at a bad time?”
“No, no. We didn't fight. We're fine, really fine.”
“Good then. The bruised on your neck told me so.”
Y/N gaped at what Anne just said, her face flushed in embarrassment and reflexively covered her neck. While she was feeling awkward, Anne just winked at her – laughing softly before patted her arm.
“Do you want me to look around? We have our private dock and I believe you'll like it.” she quickly changed the subject, hoping Anne would do that. She couldn't linger staring at the older woman after she was being caught for her sex life.
“Sure. This cottage is so pretty, you know?” Anne smiled, getting up from the bed and went out with Y/N.
“Definitely. I rented this right away when I saw the description.”
Y/N happily guided Anne to each room while Anne admired every corner of the cottage they rent. She squealed in surprise when her eyes caught an outside hot tub with the lake viewing. But, the things she liked the most were the massive kitchen and the terrace with the beautiful lake view every day.
“How's him, Y/N? How's Harry coping with all those problems?” asked Anne, sitting in the iron chair. Her eyes stared warmly at Y/N, soft yet worries smile adorned her lips, “He wouldn't tell me about that in the slightest, and I'm worried about him if he keeps it to himself.”
“The good news, Anne, we're going to file a lawsuit in court with all valid evidence we have, and I'm sure Harry will win this case. One of the subjects has been arrested while the main man is still out there. And it leads to the bad news."
“That was... fast?”
Y/N nodded, "I know. But, it's not – according to Harry. He thinks Allen and his team are taking too long to deal with all of these, and he has been emotionally unstable since Allen called him this morning for only told him another subject still hasn't caught."
“And.. Erskine? Lucas would take over his job for a while, wouldn't he?"
“It's the best choice at the moment. We thought with Harry being so unstable controlling his anger lately, and the client's currently waning trust in him – we asked your nephew to help us at our headquarter since he already understands his duties and not someone else for the company – especially he's the family. I apologise if our plan is presumptuous, we're just trying to keep your family's business."
“I understand, Y/N. Lucas told me your plan to try to foster the client's trust by temporarily changing Harry's position. He also said you guys lost a lot of clients, and that's obviously a big problem." Anne sighed, "This isn't easy for my son."
“I can't even imagine being him, Anne. With so much to endure, he must be so depressed. I don't blame him for always having a hard time holding back his anger.” she mumbled, “He didn't even take his medicine! He needs them to help him relax.”
The sound of the opened gate made the two woman pause, turning their gaze to Harry's figure who had just returned. Anne hurriedly walked in to meet him in the hallway, while Y/N following behind her. Harry wasn't so surprised to see his mother in front of him, he quickly greeted her and hugged the woman who gave birth to him.
“I'm going upstairs. Just call me if the dinner was ready." he gave them a small nod before jog up to the second floor. Y/N just smiled apologetically at Anne who was shrugging her shoulders, "That's what worries me."
“Was he like that from the start of this holiday?”
“He was unstable. He was fine at first, but if something ticked him, he just threw rude or harsh word. Then, this morning became worst – like what I told you before. He was screaming, even slamming the door.”
Anne pinched her temple, “I'll try to talk to him at dinner. Maybe he'll listen to his mother. He shouldn't be so tense on his break time.”
. . . .
“What are you doing here?”
Yesterday, exactly when Harry was on the phone with Allen, Y/N took a risky decision. With doubts put aside, she called Niall for advice. Since their holiday should go well, it turned a little unpleasant because a few small things bothered Harry and even got Marcel had the chance to swap their positions. Being the kindest person he was, Niall offered to visit them. Mainly last night Y/N sent him a message that Harry or Marcel, had yelled at Anne. And that wasn't a nice thing to see.
How did Anne respond? Of course, she was shocked. Her son had never yelled at her for such a small thing. No, Anne wasn't angry. Anne was concerned and worried about him.
Niall's smiled faltered when his blue eyes seeing Harry was standing in front of him. The way his best friend's green eyes showed displeasure at his presence, and from then on he could tell Harry was in a complete mess.
“I met him at a cafe not far from here this morning, he was ordering his breakfast when I said hello. Turn out he's in a symposium. And I invited him over for lunch.” Y/N lied, exchanging the look with Niall beside her. Impossible for her to be honest with her boyfriend, he could have thrown his best friend out if she intentionally invited Niall to come over.
“Hello, H. It's been so long since your last session.” Niall shrugged, “How are you?”
“Fine,” Harry muttered, then he flicked his eyes to her, “Mum was asking for you. She needs your help with the noodles.”
She nodded, “All right.” then smiled to both men, “I'll leave you two.”
Y/N rushed to meet Anne in the kitchen while occasionally glancing out the window watching Harry and Niall who started talking while walking towards the patio.
“Do you think this is a good idea?” Anne threw a question while stirring her pot, “Is he suspicious?”
“I told him I met Niall just this morning and he's on.. a business trip, kind of. Then, I asked him to come over.” she answered, “He was a little unfriendly to Niall. But, he did nothing.”
“I just wish he could open up to his friend, at least. Maybe he's a bit hesitant to talk with me.” Anne sighed, “I can't believe he hesitated to talk to his mother or girlfriend.”
“Maybe he would feel comfortable talking to another male."
If only Anne knew..
Niall was her son's doctor, a psychiatrist. It was very easy for a professional like him to get Harry to talk to him. He wasn't only acting like a best friend, but also a doctor to his patients. And Y/N put hopes on Niall, so at least her boyfriend could hold his emotions and let this short getaway be a success for him to calm down.
“Harry doesn't look that tense any more. The way he's standing more relaxed now.”
“Should we call them in? I think they'll be more comfortable talking with stomach full.”
Anne just smiled and nodded while preparing the plates. The conversation between Niall and Harry stopped as she slid the door and invite them for the lunch.
During the lunch, Harry had his mouth shut closed – just enjoying his meal. Sometimes it made Niall had to led the conversation so he would join them. Y/N and Anne sighed in relief when Harry was laughing a little for whatever jokes that Niall said. At least, that's a good thing Y/N had seen since he received the call from Allen.
Talking about that, Harry still hadn't told her what made him so annoyed when his lawyer called him. She also didn't dare to ask him straight forward, just let him took his time to come and told her – if he wanted to.
The sun was getting dimmer, and Niall was still talking with Harry – took him to the dock and making Harry unconsciously undergo his therapy session. It took them almost two hours before they get back inside.
Y/N paced back and forth waiting for Niall in the hallway, while peeking at him who was saying goodbye to Harry and Anne. She exhaled in relief when Niall approached her at the door.
“Is it done?” she bit her lip, whispering to Niall since she didn't want Harry to hear them.
“He's fine,” Niall nodded, “He's unstable, even when I talked to him his emotions were volatile. His resentment towards Dale greatly affected his mood.”
She lowered his voice, “Was Marcel there? He showed up this morning, I think. It was when his lawyer called him.”
“Even Harry behaved as normally as possible, I think a third of our conversation – I spoke to Marcel. And that was the most friendly conversation with Marcel. If usually he always bitter to me, he just told about his grudge and disgust – albeit he had snap at me beforehand.”
“Will he be okay? Do you think this will be successful?” she worried, “He could stay away from his phone and not think too much about all of these. But, Harry is still Harry.”
“Honestly, he refused when I asked him to take his medicine. Which I think it was Marcel who refused me, not Harry. But, you may try dissolving the medicine and mix it with his food.”
“I'll try.” she mumbled, then smiling sincerely, “Thank you so much for taking your time to come here. That's very helpful.”
“My pleasure, Y/N. I happen to be in Leeds, so not that far to drive here. Besides, I'm also worried about him.” he sighed, scratching his nose, “How's Erskine, anyway? Heard from him, he has no more control in the company.”
“He's exaggerating too much. Lucas, his cousin, currently takes his place for a moment only until Erskine gets its clients back. His job is nothing more than restoring public confidence in Erskine. When it starts to recover, Harry will return to the office.”
“Fine then. I hope everything goes well.” Niall smiled, “I should go now. Thank you for the lunch.”
“You don't wanna stay for dinner?”
“Ah, thank you. But, I have to go back to Surrey tomorrow morning.”
Y/N nodded in understanding, then escorted him out and waited until his car left her cottage. A small smile on her lips faded when she turned around – finding her boyfriend standing just a few feet away. The man was just silent while staring at her, his eyes sharp made her shudder.
“Harry?” mumbled her, taking a few step forward carefully. Her eyes were still staring at him who hadn't respond. Her heart rumbling, was it Marcel in front of her right now?
“You invited him on purpose, why?”
Y/N froze. Did Harry hear her conversation with Niall? Since when was he standing there?
She wanted to lie, but if she did, Harry would be furious at her. His cold voice indicated that he didn't like what he has accused of her. And she had no choice.
“I talked to him about your session. And he told me he was in Leeds and would come over if he had time.” she said, “And then he came over. So, I assumed he had spare time.”
“And you lied to me.”
“I have no intention of lying to you, H.” she pleaded, “I was just asking for an advice and he offered to help, by coming over.”
She wasn't lying but that wasn't the truth.. her inner goddess facepalmed.
Harry snickered, shaking his head, “Don't lie to me.”
“What are you hiding from me?!”
She paused her step when Harry shouted at her. Her heart was beating wildly yet he still dared to look into his eyes. She wasn't sure, was this Harry or Marcel?His irises were still bright like Harry's, but suddenly darkened a second later – before brightened again.
“I'm not hiding anything from you.” whispered her, “Don't you trust me?”
A deep frown formed on the forehead when Harry was laughing, shaking his head like she just told him something funny. But, what came out of his mouth struck her.
“How can I trust you if you lie to me? What's your intention brought Niall here? Trying to give me a ted talk and tell me everything is gonna be okay?! Bullshit, Y/N! All is not well.”
His loud yelling made her shrink and it was depressing. It might not be good for her to lie to her boyfriend but she did it for his good. She just wanted him to recover and stay positive through the problems.
“Harry, can you lower your voice, please? I don't want Anne to hear." she begged, "I'm sorry if you don't feel that way and I don't understand how you feel. But, this isn't the end. Soon, you'll be free. Victoria had been arrested, and the case still running while they hunt Dale down. Once he's caught, everything will slowly return to normal."
Taking a step closer, Y/N placed her palm on his bicep – stroking the tense muscle, trying to ease him. “At least your anger and resentment will pay off.”
Harry roughly brushed her hand away, looking at her sarcastically then left her alone.
“Don't repeat that bullshit again," he scoffed from the dining room, "How will everything be all right? You don't know how hard it is to grow trust. Not everything will be. Maybe for you, but not for me. Everything won't be the same."
“Harry,” she walked to him who was standing by the sliding door, looking through a glass the like across them, “We'll go through this together. If everything will no longer be the same, we'll face it together. And I believe, good fortune will be on our side.”
Y/N thought Harry heard her when he didn't argue. Yet, she was wrong when the man smirked at her. He turned his body to face her with his eyes gazed at her so scornful.
“How many times have I told you, how can I trust you after you lied to me about that fucking doctor?”
She flinched when his loud voice rang in her ears, reflexively kept her head away from him. She didn't lie when she felt like wanted to cry. This was the first time Harry screamed at her after a long time. The feelings of worry and disappointment stirred in her heart.
“How can I trust you when you have another intention with that fucking psychiatrist?! How can I trust you after you made my directors agreed to have Lucas as your new boss and kicked me out of my own company?!” he screeched, “How can I trust anyone when they can betray me?!”
“How could you say that?" her voice trembled, "I don't kick you out from your own company. We all know Lucas is just for clout. You still hold the highest position, and the most important one."
“You know very well I hate a liar, Y/N.” he rolled his eyes, “I can't just believe what you say while you keep a lot of things to hide. I don't know as much and as important as how much you cover up. I can't believe with people around me just like that.” he growled, “Everyone always put on a mask before it finally disappointed me.”
“I don't hide anything from you! Why are you doubting me, H?" she cried out, "If I lie or was pretending in front of you, why am I always beside you? Don't you think I'm not tired? I'm exhausted! I'm exhausted of all these problems!" her panting breath suffocated her, "Who's not tired of dealing with problems of someone disordered?"
Harry clenched his teeth, “Watch your mouth, Y/N. You can't carelessly call me abnormal.”
“I don't call you abnormal? You're just.. different.”
“And now you're just lying to me.”
“Harry?” she looked at him shocked, “I'm not lying to–”
“Yes, you're. You just called me abnormal, different, someone with disordered and won't admit it. What's the difference between abnormal, different, and disordered?"
“Don't twist my words, Harry..”
“Fucking liar!” He violently hit the glass door until she could feel the vibration, her breath caught off when he leaned forward – staring at her coldly while his raged breath kissed her skin. She noticed his pupils were dilated and irises grew darker with face reddened with anger. Was Harry so annoyed with her?
“I'm not fucking liar!" she shook her head, "Stop accusing me of being a liar!"
“Then, what's the right nickname for you?” he challenged, “A fucking slut?”
Hearing your significant other uttered something that you never imagined before, of course it would break your heart. Y/N had never thought before her Harry would shatter her feelings – her heart. Especially she was aware enough it was really him who said that, not another one. When the rude nickname slid out of his mouth, she looked him in disbelief. The way her eyes flashed how upset she was, her breath was short as if there was something suffocated her.
“Excuse me, Harry?” her voice was low, “A slut? Really? What do you mean by that?”
“What other nicknames suits you if you don't want to–”
“I'm not a fucking slut!”
This was the first time, and Y/N hoped would be the last time, she raised her voice in front of Harry. They would never yell at each other if they got into a small argument. For Harry himself, it was no secret he had shouted in her face, well it was Marcel actually, but what he just said was completely out of his own soul. Somehow if he was annoyed and uncomfortable, everything would look wrong for him. Even if he could be honest, he thought this holiday was useless since that made it difficult for him to monitor his company, and all of the problem he had.
“What's better than slut for someone moaned another man's name when she had sex with her boyfriend?" he laughed derisively, his eyes refused to look at his girlfriend who saw him with a dropped jaw.
“Are you fucking mental, Harry? When did I ever do that?" she gritted her teeth, "Don't make up something that–"
“Marcel was laughing at me after that night. He's always bragging how he could make you moan his name.”
It was like being thrown to the bottom of the ocean when Harry muttered something she never expected. She was dizzy, she felt she couldn't breathe. The nape of her neck was hot, her tongue locked leaving her speechless. She never found out Harry knew the accident that night, in which they were – or she and Marcel, drunk and ended up taking off each other's clothes, – and you knew what happened the rest. In her mind, he never remembered it since he was drunk and never brought it up later.
“And you just realised it, Y/N?” he tilted his head with the look in his eyes was piercing through her heart, “You don't know how disgusting it was to see you fucking him, Y/N.”
“And now tell me..” his chest panted, “WHAT'S MORE FITTED ON YOU THAN A SLUT!?”
His voice boomed around the cottage making Y/N turned her head away. She could feel the flames of rage roiling within him, and she wasn't brave enough to go any further. Her heart pained by the way he called her, but she realised that Harry was hiding his pain and pretended that he didn't know that his lover was having sex with another man.
“Harry, we were drunk that night and–”
“And you realised that he wasn't me, didn't you? And yet you still let him fucked you.” he scoffed, “You were aware he's Marcel, Y/N.”
“I– ”
Harry turned his body, his hands crossed on his chest. And at that time, Y/N wanted to cry because she couldn't recognise the eyes was staring at her. No, not whose eyes they belonged to. But, the way he was looking at her like she was a trash.
“Or maybe you enjoyed being fucked by Marcel?”
“Harry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to–”
Her trembling voice was refuted by him who looked so done, "You don't know the feeling. My heart broke to see you did that but on the other hand I couldn't do anything. I am sick of being helpless when something that should be mine is being used by others."
“Now, tell me, Y/N. What would you feel if you were me?”
Y/N shook her head, her eyes were squinting. No, she couldn't imagine it. She couldn't imagine it because she didn't want her heart break. She couldn't imagine the disappointment she had to accept.
“Why, Y/N? Why did you do it? Why did you let it happen?”
She shuddered, his whisper right in her ear made the goosebumps appeared on her skin. She could feel how close his face was to her right now albeit her eyes still shut closed, refusing to look at his eyes. She couldn't bear the eyes of someone who disappointed with her.
“Do you want him instead?”
With the blink of an eye, Harry grabbed her hand and pushed her down to the floor, sending her squeezed into the corner of the kitchen. His rough behaviour once again made her frozen in place, never in her head she thought he could rude to him. And this was Harry, not Marcel.
His slow steps took him to the woman who was curled in the corner. She gulped harshly when he squatted in front of her. She couldn't make a sound, her adrenaline was racing, her heart was pounding with fear. She felt like a lonely deer ready to be pounced on by a hungry tiger.
“How could I trust someone who lied to me?” he worked his jaw, “And the most pathetic thing is, she's someone who's important. But, she played me with lies and bullshit.”
“I'm not, H..” her voice quaked, “I'm not lying anything. And for Marcel incident, I couldn't say how wrong I was.”
“You know I don't like liars and traitors, Y/N. We've talked about this before. I even entrusted my big secret to you but this is what I got?” his voice was cold, sharp and heart-wrenching, “You have no idea how disgusted I am for thinking my girlfriend fucking someone. And both of them seemed enjoyed it so much.”
“Harry..” she began to sob, “I don't mean that way..”
He got up, walking away from her. With a huff, he paced back and forth in front of her. For a moment, he rubbed his face before shaking his head with a chuckle. She cautiously watching him carefully, she didn't dare enough to move from there since her body becoming numb.
“We both knew we enjoyed that night, darling.”
She had never turned her head this fast, staring at him who suddenly was standing in front of her. Oddly enough, he was smiling at her. Smiling like he wasn't mad at her like a few moments ago. And now, she recognises the pair of eyes that always haunted her nightmare. She saw Marcel there, smiling sickly at her.
“What do you want, Marcel?" she growled at her, muster up the courage to confront the creator of all these messes, "Don't you feel enough? Don't you feel enough to ruin Harry's life? My life?"
“Oh, darling.” he cooed sweetly, “He was very upset. He was crying because he couldn't stop me and saw with his own eyes how much you enjoyed our sex.”
“I was drunk, Marcel.”
“I'm aware. But, whose name did you moan that night? Harry or me?” he smirked, “I'm flattered that you knew I was there and still let me made you orgasm.”
“Stop it, Marcel.”
“Why? I'm talking the truth, am I?” he arched an eyebrow, “You have no idea how much I missed the feeling of your skin on me. Can we do that again? And maybe give Harry a little show?”
Y/N didn't think twice as she stood up to attack Marcel. She didn't care that the person in front of her now shared the same body as Harry. All she wanted was to punch Marcel. But, he quickly stepped back before turning his body away.
“No! Go away, Marcel.”
She heard he was talking to Marcel. Was this Harry talking to Marcel?
He grabbed his own hair with knees fell to the floor. He grimaced, as if in pain, with his fingers still tangled between the roots – pulling them harder. Y/N hesitated. What should she do? Should she approached him or keeping the distance?
Because what she was paying attention to at this time, Harry was trying to prevent Marcel from taking over. His hoarse voice repeatedly saying no to the person who tried to control his mind.
Yet, everything went silent when no more sound came out of his mouth. Only their ragged breath filled the open air. Y/N still huddled in the corner while Harry still backing her. She thought this was the right moment for her to approach him. She got up and took her steps painfully slow, hand reached out to touch her boyfriend's arm. Her heart was pounding so heart like she could hear them clearly in her ear, cold sweat pouring down her neck like she was about to experience something. Everything was so quiet, painfully quite that it scared her. Never once did she feel like this even when Marcel was around.
Not for a second she landed her hand on his arm, the man quickly turned his body making her flinched. She didn't know why Harry scared her so much with the way he glared at her. She ventured back into touching him, but what happened next made her gasped – again. He pushed her again until she fell near the dining table, made her head hit the edge of the table. What's wrong with him?
“What's wrong with you?” she cried out, touching her temple which seemed to be swollen. Hell, she wanted to scream at him. She really understood his emotions were unstable but pushing her away wasn't something nice.
“Sometimes I think, maybe it was a mistake to let you knew my secret.” he murmured, eyes looking away from her, “At the end of the day, you would use that for your own good.”
“I trusted you with my secret. I trusted you with him. If I never told you about him, I would never see you were fucking with him!”
Harry thought everything would be fine if he pretended to know nothing. Yet, every time he thought about it, his chest was aching. Like something was giving him a pressure. The feeling of betrayal and guilt, always haunted his heart and mind. He felt betrayed by the two of them but it was all his fault. Who wouldn't get mad if their girlfriend betrayed him in such a thing like that?
“But, you're the one who chose to tell me, Harry! I never asked you. You told me you thought I was the right person to deserve your difference. You trusted me, Harry." she panted, "Let me ask you right now. Where's your trust in me? Why do I even think you don't trust me any more?"
“Don't you think I'm tired of all this? I'm tired of your erratic temper. With your emotions that I couldn't guess. I'm sick of you not being able to control yourself when I know you can! But, guess what? You chose to won't try.” she screamed, didn't care if Anne heard them upstairs. “Do you think it's easy to handle someone like you? Absolutely not! God was very kind to give me patience all of this time.”
“Now, I'm thinking. Maybe all this is God's way of repaying everything you've done. As Harry, or even Marcel.”
Harry didn't even need to think twice when he grabbed the nearest pitcher and threw it to her. Y/N couldn't even dodge it since it was so fast hitting her. She looked at him dead in the eye, not believing what had just happened. But the pain in her head seemed to make her realised that the man who was supposed to protect her, treated her harshly and didn't hesitate to hurt her.
She blinked her eye, trying to digest what just happened. Y/N didn't know how hard the pitcher hitting her head until it was shattered and hurt her. She felt the pain just after a drop of blood ran through her face. Then, she shifted her eyes to him. Harry. She couldn't trust her voice at this point, just giving him a look of disappointment and pain to him to understand. And for Harry, he was still had his eyes on her with a reddened face, jaw tightened and both fists were clenching tightly.
Both of them didn't say a word, just exchanged glances. Y/N didn't feel the pain, her adrenaline was racing so hard that she felt like he was numb.
“How many more times do you need to hurt me, Harry? Have you not realised all this time, the way you closed yourself for me is also hurting me? And do you realise that too makes me question your trust in me?” whispered her, “Tell me, H. How can we restore the trust and be optimistic about everything we face?”
Harry still had his mouth closed, eyes sharp on her. During the silence, Y/N felt the excruciating pain in her bloody head. But, she ignores it. She needed an answer from him, now.
Harry was seeing red. No one ever tested his patience like this. Not his family. Not the company. Not even Marcel. Maybe Marcel would applaud him seeing he couldn't make peace with himself. After all, that was what Marcel wanted, right?
Hearing his girlfriend raised her voice at him, he felt she was insulting him. With jaw clenched tightly, he pulled her away before smashing her against the wall. Y/N felt her back and head hit the wall hard. She couldn't count the number of times her body being slammed, she was too busy trying to get Harry's hand off her and begging him mercy.
“This is what you've got for betrayed me.” Harry gritted his teeth, no longer slamming her body but hands still tightly gripped her hair, “Don't even test my patience if you can't handle it.”
“You're the one who tested my patience, Harry.” her breath stammered, her head was burning.
She cackled slightly, before coughing because her breath was shortened. Her eyes glanced slightly at Harry who still gripping her roots, “Do whatever you want, Harry. I can't stop you, can I?”
Everything went creepy silence along with Anne's deafening scream. She blinked softly, lolling her head towards her boyfriend. She didn't know why she was smiling like nothing happened. The last thing she knew, she smelt her own blood soaking her face as her breath slackened. . . Please excuse some errors Talk to me :)
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youarejesting · 5 years
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[Masterlist] Pairing: BTS x reader (i don’t know if this will have ships or just friendship or what I am just letting it run its course) Genres: friendship, drama, romance Rating: All Summary: Your brother works with a few BigHit dance teams and whilst having permission to accompany him at work the city shuts down banning anyone from stepping outside for a whole WEEK while they disinfect the streets. If you step outside you might get arrested, shot or poisoned by the chemicals they are emitting through the city. Words: 3.1k Announcement: I have 901 followers this. I can’t thank you guys enough. Stay safe. (this has a tiny inspiration from the movie exit and that is that they can’t go outside that’s about it)
[Part 1]  [Part 2] [Part 4] [Tag Yourself Here]
Again sleep evaded you, leaving you pissed. Ready to destroy your brother's clock because it just kept ticking. Unable to take it any longer you left the room strolling through the hallway like a zombie. You moved through the building to many floors you knew you definitely should not have been on but you were ready to use your foreigner card. The one that allowed you to walk into restricted areas. All you had to do was look at them and say.
‘I am sorry, I don’t speak Korean’ and when they try to translate it to you, ‘I am sorry, I didn’t know I can’t read any signs’. This was a great way to feed your curiosity and get in some snooping. The fifth floor was full of recording studios. It was quiet, the whole building was still. Yet here you were walking in some mang slippers that were way too big for your feet. As you walked passed the doors you heard a faint sound coming from inside a studio.
Finding the studio named ‘Genius Lab’ emitting such a beautifully inviting melody you were met with the stark contrast of the studio door. Trying not to laugh, there was a doorbell, a keypad lock and there was a mat that said ‘go away’ with a cat giving the middle finger. Someone didn’t want people to enter. You kept walking along but ended up at the stairwell heading up another flight. 
The sixth floor looked different. It was like a high-end office; the floors were buffed and it was so open, it made the other floors look like a shed and the basement like a hole in the side of a mountain. You knew it represented the tiers of people in the business so it was probably right that you spent most of your time underground. You didn’t step onto that floor going back down to the fifth. Slowly watching your feet as you retrace your steps along the corridor. Startled you fell back as you received a door to the face. 
“ah joesonghabnida, ah sorry sorry” he couldn’t stop laughing. Feeling so tired you just laid there on the ground staring at the ceiling, but this to him was pure comedy. 
“Are you okay?” He called, you blinked eyes barely open, he stepped over you and walked around until he could crouch by your head. Yoongi looked absolutely stunning above you especially when he was amused. What you didn’t know was he thought you looked equally beautiful below him. “Are you sleep geodgi… Ah, I mean sleepwalking?” 
“I wish I could sleep” your voice was more like a croak from the lack of use, “I haven’t slept in days and it’s making my head hurt”
He straightened you up onto your feet and he walked with you back to where you were supposed to be staying. He wished you good luck and continued on to the BTS meeting room.  You laid there trying to meditate, count sheep, anything but it wasn’t working. The air seemed stale and it was too quiet. His laptop on his desk had a blinking light and you couldn’t sleep. 
The next morning you walked down the stairs slowly gripping the rail not trusting yourself. You had been like this before, usually, able to stay awake for two whole nights but when the third night came you would pass out. Everyone had gathered around on the first floor talking about something. 
Leaning over to a young man, he was short and stocky. His hair looked odd as it fell limp against his face like it had been cut for a specific styling technique but you assumed everyone was living without their hair and face products. “what are they talking about?”
“They got an alert today saying that the Information centre had food supplies. The Yongsan Health centre has our supplies for this area. But they need a volunteer to go collect the supplies for this building, they are just calculating how much they would need and no one wants to go”
The people awkwardly shuffled, they were scared. Whether it was lack of sleep or because you felt like you had been freeloading on their supplies, you found yourself stepping forward to volunteer, “I can get the supplies” The man looked relieved handing you the suit. You looked at them and began putting it on, some people helped you. Looking out over the crowd you saw Jungkook and Hoseok the two looked confused for a second pointing at you before running off.
Assuming they were going to get your brother you quickly asked for a map of how to get there. They drew up a map and handed you a long-range walkie talkie. With a deep breath, you sealed the suit and started the breathing piece. It took a long time to get through the streets and you followed the instructions, it was going good until you came across something that wasn’t on the map. 
“Hello, this is y/n, I seem to have come across a small intersection that wasn’t on the map. There are two parallel streets going diagonal to my right. Is it the first or second street that I am supposed to take when turning right” you waited and there was no response. “Okay, can I ask that you put, mister y/l/n on the walkie talkie or even Kim Namjoon as I am comfortable talking with the two?”
“Hello, this is Kim Namjoon. Your brother is both pissed and restrained at the moment. How can I help?” “Okay the map says turn right but there are two streets to my right, can you tell me exactly which right am I to take the first or the second?”
“Uh… Okay, I will check the map for a second, Jimin, hold this?”
“Hello, friend” Jimin’s voice came through the radio
“Annyong, Jiminie. Eotteohge jinae?”
“That’s good, I am just standing in the middle of the street, I am bored”
A sweet song came through the radio and you listened and felt your body swaying. His voice seemed to fog up your brain but it made you feel special that he was singing for you. Trying to ignore the discussion in the background on what street to take. You decided to just start walking. You were wasting time and the air filter. Trusting your gut you headed down the first and looked at the map if this was the case you would reach the centre on your right.
“That’s a really pretty song Jimin, what is it about?” Grinning as you had found the place, you listened to Jimin speak flustered. You stepped inside the building and handed over the form. They wheeled over a canvas wagon with a long handle, the whole thing was the size of a single bed and up to your hip.
“Uh, it is about my love for you” Your cheeks turned pink, “I can be uh… whatever Jimin you want me to be?”
“I want you to be you Jiminie, that’s the Jimin I like the best. The one that is real. Not filters but natural Jimin.” Turning to the people and asking specifically if they had any extra products that weren’t foodstuff and they looked at you, you did some bargaining and you left with a few extra things. Jimin had become too flustered and handed the walkie talkie to an equally flirty Seokjin.
“Hello, It is I handsome Jin. I am here to cure your loneliness” He said making an exaggerated kissing sound into the walkie talkie. You felt like the lack of sleep and the situation was making you goofier and more giggly. They sent you off, you pulled the wagon along it was heavy and you were getting more and more tired. It was hard to pull the wagon down the street and you were outside the building. 
“My loneliness is killing me, and I, I must confess that I still believe still believe”
“Ya! Spears! Britney Spears?” he laughed into the device as you rounded the corner walking down the main street the building insight.
“Okay hello again, we figured it out it is the first street,” Namjoon’s voice came through the walkie, laughing as you had already gotten back to the building. You pulled the wagon inside and everyone turned excited, some cheered and whistled while others were talking about the bravery of westerners. You pulled off the top of the suit taking in the open air, feeling a little dizzy. 
“Something tells me she already knows that Joonie,” Hoseok laughed patting your back, Namjoon sighed in relief. Almost tackled by your brother, you tried to stay upright while he looked you over for any injuries. He scolded you openly in front of everyone but you were too busy stepping out of the suit. Wrapping your arms around him, “You were scared I get it, but I am fine, relax it’s over”
Eating lunch, you finished quickly heading to the basement for a shower, wheeling a heavy wagon across the streets of Yongsan was tiring and left you sweaty. When you opened the door, however, you saw the glorious figure of Seokjin, he was not wearing a towel but was thankfully facing away from you. Apologising and shutting the door, your mind flooded with images of his shoulders. How could they be so wide you wanted to hug him, hold them in your hands and rest your head against them. 
He stepped out and grinned at your pink cheeks, He thought you looked cute all pink like that. Throwing you a wink as you ducked past him. The shower was perfect, your muscles relaxed and you were feeling cleaner already. Washing your hair, it sounded as if the door to the bathroom had opened but when you peaked your head out there was no one there. You continued showering, hearing the noise again. Again it was no one. 
You tried to ignore the noise, hearing it a few more times. Until Jimin’s voice called out. You only understood Jin’s name the word hurry and shower so you assumed he was complaining about how long Jin was in the shower for. Before you had a chance to respond he spoke again and the shower stall door pushed open. Jimin was staring at you shirtless. Having just enough time to wrap a towel around yourself you knew he had gotten a glimpse of your body. He was frozen staring back and forth between you and the bathroom and with one singular apology, he left the room. You quickly finished up getting dressed and went to the storage room to hang out your clothes. 
Taking the elevator upstairs you were walking back to b/n’s (brothers name) office. As you passed the Bangtan meeting room you heard laughing. You had missed Jimin’s recount of exactly what had transpired memories replayed in his head. He had given details about the way your hips curved and the likeliness of your breast feeling like soft pillows. You only heard him groan in what you thought was in embarrassment “I can’t look at her in the eye again?”
“It’s fine, so you saw her naked, Jin just said she saw him naked” You knocked on the door and Taehyung answered his face splitting into a boxy grin, his imagination working overtime with only what he had heard from Jimin.
“The shower is free, please tell Jimin it’s okay, I am not mad or anything” Sighing you gave a wave which he returned grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze before walking away you heard laughing.
“She isn’t mad, maybe she likes you and that’s why she doesn’t care if you saw” Taehyung teased his friend. “She looked really tired?” “Yeah she hasn’t been sleeping” Yoongi added “On the plus side we don’t have to practice if there is no tour in the foreseeable future”
“And what if there is a cure tomorrow” You smile at the playful bickering but don’t stay any longer as you aren’t an eavesdropper” 
Stepping into b/n’s office you sat at his desk trying to find your favourite sleep music. Hoping that if you found it you might have a chance at sleeping. You spent hours trying to find it but couldn’t remember the name, only the picture. You gave up heading to dinner. You were dragged over by Taehyung to their table. He sat you across from Jimin trapped between Taehyung himself and Jungkook both amused. Eating together Yoongi asked you if you had managed to get some sleep and you shook your head and almost fell over.
“I guess I am a fussy sleeper, but I like when it is dark and there is like air moving across my face and there is this sleep music I use. It's like one tone and it really helps me sleep” they listened, relaying their sleep habits.
“I like to sleep holding someone” Taehyung frowned “but the others don’t let me”
“If you need a cuddle buddy Tae, I like cuddles” you leaned over resting your head on his arm tired. His heart sped up and a few of them felt almost jealous at this statement. After dinner you walked upstairs going to try and sleep again, hoping that the adventure had tired you out. Reaching the top of the stairs, your head began to spin. Before you could topple over backwards you felt a hand on your back. Jungkook led you away from the stairs sliding his arm under yours and behind your back he watched your head fall forward. 
“Are you okay?” He caught you as your legs gave out and carried you in his arms. 
“I think she might have passed out,” Jungkook said as he stepped into the meeting room.
They walked over to see you asleep ahead resting against Jungkook’s chest. Clearing off the couch he lowered your body onto it. You looked so tiny in Jungkook's arms and when they tucked you in, you curled up even smaller.
“Hmm with the light out the storage room is pitch black and I can see about the sound maybe her brother might know and I can recreate it” Yoongi hummed looking around at Jimin who gestured to the air purifier
“We have this, do you think that could work”
“That might work,” Namjoon said.
“Jungkook and I will carry her to the basement?” Hoseok said collecting some bedding and watching Jungkook carry your body against him to the service elevator.
“Words, I never thought I would hear from you?” Yoongi laughed. They laid out a futon and your sleeping bag and they positioned the air purifier so it would create a small breeze across your face. Your brother remembered the name of the music you listened to and they moved a set of speakers down to the basement and started playing it. The moment it played your body relaxed under the Sleeping bag and you rolled onto your stomach they left you to your peaceful sleep. 
It was refreshing. You were dreaming that you were walking next to someone but every time you looked over their face would change. It was a mix of all the bangtan boys. You woke confused, it was pitch black and you didn’t know where you were, that was until you caught a familiar scent. You moved across the room and turned on the light. Looking back you felt a warm sensation, the boys had done all this for you. Checking the time you had been asleep for several solid hours. 
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 4] [Tag Yourself Here]
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isitgintimeyet · 4 years
Road To The Aisles
So, eventually, here it is, the final chapter of this story. Thanks you all so much for taking the time to read this story and for all you likes, reblogs and comments. It means so much to me. 
Special thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge, @wickedgoodbooks, @happytoobserve for all their support with this too
Warning: it’s their wedding night - will be nsfw under the cut
Chapter 25: A Happily Ever After?
“And what would humans be without love?"
RARE, said Death.
― Terry Pratchett, Sourcery
It was that time of the day, that brief lull in the wedding proceedings. The wedding breakfast had been consumed (creamy wild mushroom soup, the tastiest Scottish salmon fillet, and a classic cranachan to follow), speeches had been made (the usual mix of teasing ribaldry and genuine heartfelt sentiments), toasts had been given. The wine had been flowing freely, just enough to relax everyone, but with no-one yet drunk. The marquee was full of chatter as different social groups began to mingle and the band unpacked their equipment ready for the evening festivities.
Claire sat back in her chair and sipped her gin and tonic (strictly clear liquids only today to prevent stains on her dress).  She gazed around, watching the comings and goings, the interactions of her and Jamie’s friends and family. One one side of the room, Geillis was holding court at a table, her hands gesticulating wildly, relating some hysterical anecdote judging by her audience’s reaction.
At another table, Mrs. Crook was feeding William stewed apple. After a bit of an unsettled start to the reception, William had quickly grown accustomed to the numerous unfamiliar faces and now seemed to be wallowing in all the attention, clapping his hands joyfully at every new effort to entertain him, even, most unusually,  managing to distract him from his food.
In the corner across the room, Murtagh was giving Wee Jamie a piggyback whilst being chased by Brian with Maggie in his arms. And straight ahead was the unmistakable broad back and shoulders of Jamie... her husband. He was in conversation with John, but, somehow sensing her eyes upon him, he turned around. Their eyes met, each full of promise. A promise not just for tonight but for their future life together. Claire felt a tingle up her spine. Even across a room full of people, their connection was physical, alive, electric.
His gaze intensified, his eyes darkening as Claire felt her cheeks warm under his scrutiny. Then, clearly mindful of the effect he was having on her, Jamie flashed a bright, knowing grin and blew her a kiss before turning back to his conversation with John.
Claire briefly closed her eyes, breathing deeply. The scrape of a chair next to her forced her eyes open. Isobel perched next to her, greeting her with a broad smile.
“It’s been a wonderful day so far.”
Claire returned the smile. “Yes, it’s been just perfect. And thank you for looking after William during the ceremony.”
“My pleasure. I wasn’t actually sure he was going to behave, he was none too keen on leaving his dad’s side at first. But how cute is his little tartan outfit?”
“I know. Jamie had it made specially. Such a thoughtful thing to do.”
“I’m sure that’s not the only thoughtful thing he’s done for today. I bet he has a —“
The ringtone from Isobel’s phone interrupted the conversation. She glanced at the screen before declining the call. Without a word necessary, it was clear to Claire who the caller had been.
“Was that —?”
Isobel nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologise.”
“She keeps wanting updates. It’s like she’s torturing herself. I’ve sent her a picture of William and one message saying the ceremony is over. I’m hoping this all gives her enough closure to move on. Anyway, enjoy the rest of the day, Claire, you both deserve it. And don’t worry about William when Jamie—“
Neither of them had noticed Jamie creeping up behind them. Both jumped slightly at his staged cough. He kissed Isobel gently on the cheek before holding his hand out to Claire.
“Isobel, mind if I steal ma bride away? I think the band are about ready fer the first dance.”
Isobel smiled and shook her head as Claire took her husband’s hand and let him lead her onto the dance floor.
The lights dimmed as the band struck up the opening chords of ‘Fly me to The Moon’. Jamie and Claire made their way to the centre of the floor to enthusiastic applause from all their guests. Jamie grinned, made a bow and, with a dramatic flourish, pulled Claire into him.
With her head on his chest, he rested his cheek against her curls and closed his eyes, savouring the sensations around him; the softness of her hand against his palm, the scent of her delicate perfume, the lyrics of their favourite song, the gentle sway of his wife’s body in time to the music.
“You are all I long for, all I worship and adore,” Jamie whispered softly. “In other words, please be true. In other words, I love you.”
Claire raised her head and smiled. “Love you too.”
As the song drew to a close, Jamie led Claire over to an empty table.
“I’ve a wee bit of a surprise, tonight, Sassenach. We willna be staying here this evening. A friend of Da’s owns the Loch Ness County House hotel and we’ve a suite there this evening. We’ll be back here tomorrow after breakfast, in time tae head back tae Glasgow.”
“But, what about —“ Claire began.
“Dinna fash,Sassenach. Everything’s sorted. Isobel is staying here tonight to take care of William and Geillis has packed yer overnight bag. It’s ready in the hall fer ye. And Da has taken care of transport. He’s called in a favour and we will be travelling there in style — a friend’s Aston Martin no less. What do ye think? I wanted our first night tae be special, no’ jes’ in ma bedroom at Lallybroch next tae ma airfix models and old rugby kit. Ye dinna mind, do ye?”
Claire wrapped her arms around Jamie’s neck and kissed him gently on his nose.
“Not at all. Our first night would be special wherever we are, but that sounds just about perfect.”
“Well then, Mrs Fraser, let’s go and enjoy the rest of our reception, before our own private celebration.”
Claire gazed appreciatively around the hotel room as Jamie carried their overnight bags and placed them on a large blanket box at the foot of the enormous four poster bed. The room was definitely luxurious, in a suitably understated way. No rose petals on the bed, thankfully, or towels moulded into swans, but a platter of handmade chocolates and a bottle of champagne on ice next to two lead crystal champagne flutes.
She sighed happily and sat on the edge of the bed, bouncing gently on the mattress.
“Such a comfortable bed. I’ll have a fantastic night’s sleep in this.”
Jamie eyed her indignantly. “I dinna plan on sleeping, Sassenach.”
He moved closer, standing in front of her and took her hands in his. “When I first saw ye, in the kirk, ye took ma breath away. I couldna believe how beautiful ye looked in that dress… all day long, every time I saw ye. And now, all I want tae do is see ye out of it. I want ye naked next tae me.”
Claire eased herself off the bed and patted Jamie’s chest. “And there’s nothing I want more. Give me a moment.”
She leant past him and opened her bag. A cascade of tissue paper and a note lay on top. She read, in bold letters ‘TAKE THIS INTO THE BATHROOM, NOW … MRS FRASER.”
Ignoring Jamie’s quizzical stare, she gathered up the gift and paused briefly.
“Can you unhook me please?”
Jamie came up behind her and fumbled with the delicate hook and eye at the top of the zip. He eventually succeeded in unfastening it and then slowly drew the zip down Claire’s spine to her waist. His hands snaked their way underneath the fabric, fingertips lightly caressing her skin, trailing a path to her abdomen. She closed her eyes and gave a slight moan before pulling away.
“Pour the champagne, then, Jamie.I won’t be long.”
“Ye wee tease,” Jamie called after her. “D’ye ken what ye’re doing tae me?”
The bathroom, Claire noted, was as luxurious as the bedroom with a large whirlpool bath and a shower made for two (even those with Viking proportions). She put those thoughts aside as she ripped into the parcel.
Inside was another note from Geillis:
‘I ken the underwear you’re wearing now is pretty enough, but, as I told you before,  you need something special for tonight. So have a wonderful night.
Your husband can thank me later.
Love you, G’
Inside was a short kimono. Claire held it up, admiring the bronze shimmering hue of the (very) sheer fabric. Nestled in the tissue paper beneath it was a matching bra and thong. She quickly shimmied out of her dress and pretty but practical white strapless bra and seamless panties and donned the new attire.
Staring at her reflection in the full length mirror, she twirled quickly around, watching the fabric shimmer under the lights. She had never worn anything quite like this before. The plunge, underwired bra was completely sheer with pale peach scalloped embroidery trims and tiny satin bows. Her nipples, already erect with anticipation, were clearly visible through the flimsy fabric. The thong, in the same sheer fabric, left her bottom exposed, with the short kimono barely covering her rear. She gave a final quick twirl to her reflection before opening the door into the bedroom.
Jamie lay on the bed in his white shirt and kilt. He quickly sat up as Claire sashayed to his side.
He swallowed hard. “My god, that… that… incredible.”
Claire smiled coyly. “You like it, then?”
“Are ye kidding? Ye look amazing… sexy…” He reached out and ran a fingertip gently around one nipple, then the other. “I feel a bit overdressed.”
He made to stand up but Claire placed her hands on his chest, forcing him to lie down. She climbed on to the bed and straddled him, her knees on either side of his hips. Leaning forward, her fingers fumbled for the buttons on his shirt, a small sound of satisfaction escaping her lips with each successful unbuttoning. Finally, she pulled the shirt open. Raking her fingernails down his chest, through the ruddy hairs, she watched, fascinated, as his nipples puckered and skin pebbled at the sensation.
Jamie groaned and raised his head, his mouth demanding access to her breasts. Instantly, she complied, moving up his body. He greedily drew a nipple into his mouth, rolling his tongue around the hard bud, relishing the shivers running through Claire’s body.
Claire gave a whimper of dissatisfaction as he pulled away, the air cold against the now sodden fabric of her bra.
“My bra’s all wet now,” she pouted, looking down at her chest.
“Hmm, now tell me, Sassenach, is that the only place ye’re wet?” One hand traced a path from her breast down her abdomen, resting lightly on the small triangle of fabric. “I think I need tae see.”
His hands moved to grip her bottom firmly, urging her further up his body. Claire hesitated for a moment.
“Are you sure?”
Jamie grinned up at her. “Oh aye, Mrs Fraser.”
With a bit of careful manoeuvring, Claire shuffled up the bed until her knees rested on the pillow, either side of his head. She leant forward slightly, resting her forearms on the ornate headboard. Jamie’s breath was warm against her thighs. His hands caressed her bottom, drawing intricate, random patterns over her skin.
The tiny sliver of fabric was no barrier as Jamie’s mouth began its exploration. Instinctively, Claire shuddered at the exquisite sensation and closed her eyes. Her breath grew ragged as his tongue stroked along her wetness before flicking the small nub. A bolt of pleasure coursed through her body, her muscles contracting as his  lips began to suck, his tongue continuing its rhythmic assault on her core.
She slumped heavily against the headboard, now incapable of supporting herself, her body focusing solely on Jamie and the urgent climb towards release.
“Sassenach, open yer eyes. Look at me…” The low rumble of his voice created entirely new sensations on her sensitive flesh. “I want ye tae watch.”
She forced her eyes open and looked down to see his piercing blue eyes, watching her face intently. She watched transfixed as his tongue resumed its sensuous movements, swirling around her warm moistness. His face buried between her thighs was the most erotic sight she had ever seen.
Sensing her climax was near, Jamie increased the intensity. Claire moaned, throwing her head back.
“No, watch!” There was a sense of urgency in his muffled voice as, from behind, his fingers joined his lips and tongue in the pleasuring of her very core.
Claire felt her orgasm spread from deep in her belly, possessing every inch of her body. With a guttural cry of release, she came hard and fast.
Suddenly boneless, she fell to the side, one leg lying across Jamie’s chest. Still  panting, she reached across and stroked her husband's cheek, her moisture glistening on his lips.
“Oh my god, thank you,” she whispered.
He turned to face her and drew her close to him.
“I love seeing ye like that, the uncontrollable, wild ecstasy on yer face. I canna tell ye what it does tae me.”
Claire’s hand moved from his cheek, down his chest to rest against his groin. His excitement was clear through the fabric of his kilt.
“You don’t need to tell me what it does to you... it’s pretty obvious.”  She slowly stroked his erection.
Jamie grinned as he started to get up from the bed. “Let me take ma kilt off then.”
Claire shook her head. “No, don’t take it off. I want you to leave it on… please.”
“Well, then, just as well I’m a true Scot isn’t it? But,” he ran his fingers along the edge of her thong. “I think we need tae get rid of this wee thing afore we start on round two.”
“And, Sassenach, d’ye think we could mebbe try that again wi’ the camera?” He added hopefully.
Claire flung her arms around Jamie. “Oh, Jamie! How much do I love you?
Jamie stood on the decking and watched the waves breaking on the clean, white sand. The location of this, their honeymoon hideaway, was perfect, the sunny weather was perfect, the promise of five nights, just the two of them, was perfect.
“Sassenach,” Jamie called in through the open patio doors. “What are ye up tae? Yer coffee’s here and it’s getting cold… as is yer husband.”
Claire wandered onto the deck and wound her arms around Jamie’s waist. “Jamie, I’m sorry. I know we’ve done the shopping already, but we need to head into the village, to the pharmacist.”
“Are ye ok? I’ve some paracetamol in ma bag.”
“I’m fine. I’ve done a stupid thing though. I can’t believe I’ve done it… and on our honeymoon.” Claire buried her head against Jamie’s back.
Jamie turned and wrapped his arms around his wife. “It canna be so bad. What is it?”
“I’ve left my pills at home. We’ll have to go and get some condoms.”
Jamie was silent for a moment.
“Sorry.” Claire apologised once more.
“Or mebbe we dinna bother with the pharmacist.”
“But a honeymoon with no sex? Is that what you really want?”
Jamie put his hands on Claire’s cheeks and stared intently at her face, searching for a glimmer of understanding.
“Nah, I think there’ll be plenty of sex. That isna what I’m saying.”
“Then—“ Claire’s expression changed as she realised what he was asking her. “You mean—“
“Aye, Sassenach, let’s make a baby.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’ve only ever been surer about one thing in ma life, and that’s turning out pretty well, Mrs. Fraser. So what say ye? D’ye think it’s a good idea or are ye no’ ready? I willna be upset if ye want tae wait a while.”
Claire pulled Jamie’s head down to hers and kissed him firmly on the mouth. “Yes, James Fraser. Let’s make a baby.”
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sareyen · 4 years
A Machine Without Feelings: A Jane Eyre AU (Part 10/11)
Read on ao3
Chapter 10
Charles kissed Jean and Ororo’s cheeks in that sequence, the women both squeezing his hands for good luck. Jean murmured that they would be waiting here for good news – because, they refused to believe that things would go badly. Charles was grateful for their positivity in a time when his stomach was tying itself up in knots.
Charles left Jean and Ororo at their hotel in the town just outside of Ironfield, the same town that Charles had been walking to when he met Erik for the first time.
It was now almost a year later that Charles has returned, and the day was bright and sunny, unlike the day he ran away. Many things had changed in that time; Charles was older and wearier, even if he did not look it. His soul, a soul that was as much Erik’s as it was his, was tired and withered. The string tied beneath his left ribs tugged painfully, but as the carriage had neared, he could feel it knotting itself back together.
People that loved each other would only part if one of them wished it. Charles had always been the one who, naively, thought that Heathcliff’s words had been beautiful. It was funny how he was the one to have caused the pain those words warned him about.
Charles had heard nothing from Erik, not that he had tried to contact him recently. Part of Charles held a fear that Erik had moved on. Unlike Charles, Erik had been in relationships with women before, and many more than one. What if Charles was just another one? One of his mistresses that he fleetingly loved because he abhorred his mad wife?
But Charles couldn’t bring himself to believe that, not when he knew Erik. Erik had withheld things from Charles, yes, but the parts of himself that he did let Charles see, they were real. Erik had shown Charles that he loved him, even when he hadn’t told him everything. While Charles still loved Erik, he was sure that Erik still loved him.
‘He’s still calling my name, I can hear it,’ Charles thought to himself, heart hammering as he hobbled out of the hotel with the aid of the walking stick Logan had made for him on his nineteenth birthday.   
The dirt roads leading up to Ironfield were impossible to traverse on his wheelchair, and Charles was resolved to get there on his own. Charles limped his way to hail a carriage from the front of the hotel, which soon dropped him off at the closest stop along the road to Ironfield. Charles paid them, before beginning the trek up to the grand house.
Charles had always enjoyed this walk, and remembered how he felt when he and Erik would walk it together in the light of dusk. Erik would sometimes tug him behind a stocky tree and press him up against its trunk, sealing Charles’s red lips with his own and kissing him until he couldn’t breathe.
Now, the walk was laborious, a little sweat building on Charles’s brow as he hobbled down the familiar road.
It was when he drew close enough to break through the veil of overlying trees that Charles stopped dead in his tracks, walking stick clattering to the ground.
Ironfield Hall, his home, was a ruin.
What had used to be battlements that stood tall and proud against the horizon were charred black and crumbled, revealing burnt exposed rafters that splintered into jagged pieces. Ironfield no longer had a roof, its walls now mere slabs of broken stone on the ground.
It looked like fire had razed Ironfield to the ground, and Charles suddenly couldn’t breathe.
Charles fumbled to pick up his discarded walking stick before hopping and dragging his maimed leg forwards and forwards, numb to the pain as he stared with wide eyes at the remains of the once-grand mansion.
Crows squawked around the caved-in roof, Charles pushing his way through the non-existent door, which had been reduced to black coal.
The inside was as bad as the exterior, if not worse. It looked like no furniture had been spared from the inferno, the wooden banisters of the staircase mere twigs on the ground. Charles wobbled forwards, heart growing more and more frantic as he realised that the estate, the estate where he had fallen in love and had his heart filled and broken, was a wasteland.
“Oh, God,” Charles choked out, falling into Erik’s downstairs study. It had also been touched by the fire, and was devoid of its books and souvenirs from abroad, his desk black and empty. It seemed like, apart from the fire, looters had ravaged the place bare.
‘Where is Erik? Moira? Alex? Where is everyone? What happened? Oh God, I’m toolatetoolatetoolate.’
“Who goes there?!” a sharp voice called out, Charles whirling around at the sound of the voice. Footsteps rushed forwards, before bursting into the study. The man who tore through the room skidded to a stop when he saw Charles, stumbling back with a double take that would have been comical in any other situation.
“Charles?!” Scott yelled, rubbing his eyes like he had seen a ghost. It was indeed Scott Summers, looking different but the same. While before he had always worn a coachman’s garb, he now donned a fine suit and spectacles. His hair was neatly styled, longer than it used to be – he no longer looked like a young coachman, but a wealthy lord. Like someone who finally married a wealthy woman like Emma Frost.
Charles was speechless and in shock, Scott recovering first and rushing towards him.
“Charles, is that really you?” Scott asked frantically, pulling at Charles’s cheeks, like he expected his hands to go right through him. When Charles yelped at the pain of having his cheeks pulled so harshly, Scott jumped, apologising profusely. “Charles, what are you- Why are you here? When did you return? We thought we would never see you again, we thought you had perished, we didn’t know…”
“Scott, what happened here?” Charles asked, hand holding his walking stick shaking desperately. “Scott, where is Erik? Is he… He can’t be…”
Charles’s mind reeled back to the night he had saved Erik from being consumed by flames in his bed. Erik had left that incident unscathed, healthy, safe and whole, but this time… If this time Erik had died in a fire, when Charles had left him…
Charles felt sick, and swayed on his feet.
Scott saw him begin to topple over, quickly rushing and catching the former tutor, snagging his arm before he fell to the ground.
“Charles! What happened… oh, your leg,” Scott said, noticing the walking stick and the way Charles didn’t put any weight on his left leg. “Never mind. Here, let’s go to another room. The drawing room is one of the only rooms that is still functional. Let’s sit there, and I will explain what happened.”
Charles weakly nodded, letting Scott help him down familiar yet broken halls to the drawing room he and Erik had shared many chess games together. When Scott led him through the doors, he could hear the clink of their glasses, the scrape of wood against wood as someone moved a chess piece, an occasional laugh, an impassioned voice as they argued, the soft press of Erik’s lips against his.
Scott lowered Charles into his old seat, which appeared to have remained in the same spot beside the chess set. There was no chess set in sight, though – it had been taken by looters some time ago as well.
Scott was about to take the seat opposite Charles – Erik’s seat – but he must have seen the pain cross Charles’s face, and stopped part way. Scott coughed, standing up to lean against a shelf instead.
“Where do you want me to start?” Scott asked, Charles licking his lips. He wanted to know if Erik was alive, but he was afraid to ask the question. If he asked, and Scott said that he had died…
“The beginning. From when I left,” Charles said, voice shaking. Scott nodded, rubbing his face and taking in a deep breath.
“We found out that you had left when we heard Erik scream out your name. He had gone to your rooms at around ten that morning, wanting to talk to you again, to try and explain himself. He had knocked on your door for a long time, until he felt like something was truly wrong, and that you weren’t just ignoring him. He burst down the door, and that was it. You were gone. He had screamed out name over and over, we could hear it from the other side of the mansion.”
‘He had been calling for me, and I had heard him.’
“Erik… Erik was beside himself, of course,” Scott said, Charles growing pale. “He ordered us to look for you, and took off on his horse himself – but by then, you were long gone. He locked himself in your chambers then, for two weeks straight. Moira had to bring him all his meals, and even then, he seemed to have no appetite. He began to eat more when we all… well, at that point, we weren’t afraid of losing our jobs anymore.”
“He recovered physically after that, and on the outside, he was the same Mr Lehnsherr. Maybe more bitter and snappy, but his mood had always been changeable. Inside… inside he wasn’t the same. We all know why you left, Charles. The master did, too. Before you ask, no, he never blamed you for leaving. He knew he had done you wrong, and he believed that he was paying for his mistake. He never stopped loving you or waiting for you, though. Moira caught him praying, every night – and you know that the master was no Christian.”
‘He never stopped loving you,’ Charles repeated, stomach twisting. Why does that make it sound like he…
“It was about a month after that. His wife… Creed’s sister, she escaped one night and took a candle from a sleeping Anna-Marie. She set fire to all the curtains, to the beds, to everything. She burnt Ironfield Hall down, Charles, but before it was completely destroyed she climbed onto the tallest battlement and threw herself off it.”
Charles gasped, somehow able to picture it clearly. The ghost – Clara Creed – with her long blonde hair and white night dress, bare footed and wild. He could see her leap through the air, thinking that she was a dove, and falling until she hit the hard stone below. She would have died instantly.
Scott paused, letting Charles stomach the news, only continuing when Charles nodded slowly.
“Moira and the other girls escaped in time, but…” Scott’s voice grew thick then, and Charles knew what was about to come. “Peter was trapped in his room, terrified. Alex and the master looked for him, and the master found him and got him out. But Alex… Alex became trapped when the rafters collapsed. He… my brother. He passed that night,” Scott coughed, overcome with emotion. “We held the funeral for him the week after.”
“I’m so sorry, Scott,” Charles said, voice shaking as he closed his eyes. Apart from Moira, Alex was the person Charles was closest with amongst the staff. Alex, the first person he had met when he arrived at Ironfield Hall. Alex, who had smiled at him and made him feel welcome, who had told him that ‘so you love a man? What is so wrong with that? Someone people never love at all in their life, and is that not worse?’
“Thank you. It was six months ago now, Charles,” Scott said, trying to give Charles a reassuring, thankful smile. “We have begun to heal. Alex… Alex considered you a close friend. Everyone did. After you left, we all missed you, and talked about you often. We all prayed for you to be safe, but we never knew where you had gone, even when Erik had hired investigators. It was like Charles Xavier had vanished off the face of the Earth. Where did you go, Charles?”
“Past the Moors, to a small parish there. I… I was taken in by the inhabitants at Eden House,” Charles said softly. “Two of them came here with me today.”
“We’d all be glad to know that you weren’t alone,” Scott said, stepping forward now to gently place his hand on Charles’s shoulder.
Charles had to ask the question now, unable to take it any longer.
“Scott, is he alive?” Charles asked, the man blinking.
“He? Oh. The master. Yes, Charles. Yes, he’s alive. I should have told you that from the start, I’m sorry,” Scott said quickly, Charles releasing a breath he did not know he had been holding, letting out a choked laugh.
“Oh, thank God,” Charles shook, folding over on himself, dropping his head into his hands and wiping his wet eyes before turning to Scott again. “Where is he then, Scott? I came back for him. I… I heard him calling for me.”
“When Ironfield burned down, we could no longer live here. He relocated to his second, smaller residence a little further into the country. It is called Genosha Manor,” Scott explained, and Charles’s legs, even maimed as one was, itched to run there immediately.
“It is small, and didn’t need many people to maintain it. Only Moira and Lorna went with him and Peter. Moira has written to me recently, though, and it appears that the master has sent Peter to school. Now, only Moira is there to tend to him. Angel found a new situation, and Anna-Marie… Anna felt guilty about not being able to stop Clara, and couldn’t bear to work for the master any more. She found new work a few shires over, for a family that lives at a place called Westchester.”
Scott jumped when Charles let out a shocked, incredulous laugh. Coincidence, or fate?
“How far is it to Genosha?” Charles asked, Scott beginning to smile now.
“Only a few hours by carriage. If you leave now, you can get there in the afternoon,” Scott said, Charles nodding, gripping his walking stick tightly with newfound determination.
“Thank you, Scott. For everything,” Charles said, Scott nodding and helping Charles to stand.
“I have to tell you though, Charles. The master, he is not the same man. When he went to save Peter from the fire, he did not come out unscathed,” Scott said, and Charles just shook his head, patting Scott’s arm.
“Neither am I. Neither of us are the same, now – and maybe, that’s why we will be fine this time.”
Scott did not accompany Charles to Genosha, since he had to return to his and Emma’s own home. Emma was currently with child, and Charles did not want to take him away from her side during such a critical time. He had only been at Ironfield to try and salvage what the looters missed, but found that he was too late. Scott had been too kind, still offering to escort Charles to Genosha when he saw how poorly his leg was. Scott only gave in when he met Jean and Ororo when he dropped Charles off at the hotel. Charles doubted that Scott would have left him in anyone else’s hands.
Charles told Jean and Ororo about what had happened, and they had held Charles’s hands the entire coach ride. When they arrived at Genosha Manor, within the boundaries of the afternoon as Scott had said, Charles was suddenly frozen in fear as he took in the unfamiliar building.
It was no Ironfield Hall, and was a simpler country house, though Charles knew that it would have costed a hefty price because of the sprawling lands that came with it. The manor itself, however, was small compared to the extravagant Ironfield.
The manor was made of a warm-toned stone, in contrast to the dark greys of Ironfield. Rustic glass windows spanned the walls covered with climbing ivy. The manor was not imposing compared to Ironfield, and in fact looked inviting and warm from the orange glow the early sunset was beginning to cast upon it.
Charles breathed in and out with every step Jean took as she wheeled him across the gravel walk way to the manor.
Ororo knocked on the door, before stepping to stand beside Charles, clutching his hand.
Charles’s breath quickened when he heard footsteps reach the door, the sound of a lock unlatching loud in Charles’s ears. The door soon swung open inwardly, revealing Moira, who was dressed in a dark black dress. Her hands froze mid-motion, the door only half open as she stared at Charles, like he was a phantom.
“Hello, Moira,” Charles said, Moira’s eyes immediately filling with tears as she opened the door fully, cupping Charles’s face with her hands and letting out a sob.
Moira opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by an achingly familiar, cold and brusque voice.
“MacTaggert! Send whoever they are away! I don’t want to be disturbed!”
“Erik,” Charles whispered, Moira letting out a quiet laugh, wiping her eyes.
“Charles, you’ve come back,” Moira said, taking all of him in. “I knew you were alive. Others thought that you maybe… But no, no. That doesn’t matter anymore. You’re here now.”
“Yes,” Charles said, Moira looking away from him then, finally noticing that he was not alone. “Moira, these are two of the people that cared for me while I was away. They are like sisters to me. This is Ororo, and behind me is Jean. And this is Mrs Moira MacTaggert, my dearest friend.”
Moira beamed, eyes a little wet again, and she smoothly curtseyed at Ororo and Jean.
“Charles’s family is considered my family,” Moira said, smiling at them warmly. “Come in. Charles, as you probably heard, Mr Lehnsherr is…”
“In one of his moods, like always?” Charles supplied, Moira letting out a laugh, a wondrous sound, like she still couldn’t quite believe what was happening.
“Yes, exactly. And I suspect, like always, you have a remedy to temper such a mood?” Moira said, eyes twinkling.
Charles nodded, mouth curving upwards.
“Of course, Moira. Now, where is Erik?”
Erik sat outside beneath a shaded tree with Magneto lying at his feet. He couldn’t see what the tree looked like, and didn’t know whether its leaves were whole and green or yellow and sparse. He could hear the wind run its threads through its branches, though, and the rustling was loud.
Whole and green then, he pictured in his mind’s eye.
It had been months since Charles had left; almost a year, now. Erik didn’t know exactly how long it had been, because the loss was still as raw as it was that first day. Erik could still feel the gaping hole in his chest when he had kicked down Charles’s locked door and seen the wide-open window and billowing curtains. The room had been so cold and so empty, so devoid of everything that was bright.
It was also hard to count the days when every day was cast in darkness. After his wife had burnt down Ironfield, Erik had gone blind. He no longer witnessed sunrises and sunsets, and simply spent his days sitting in the library or outside under this tree that he had never seen before.
Erik did not know why he spent so much time in a library full of books he could not see. Maybe it was because the room smelled like Charles, like ink and parchment, or books and dreams. Sometimes when he closed his eyes, his vision not changing at all, he could imagine that Charles was sitting next to him.
But Charles was not. If Charles was here, he would have let Erik rest his head on his thighs, gently brushing a hand across Erik’s eyelids, comforting his broken eyes. If he were here, he would clear his throat gently and read Erik passages from Brontë, or poems by Donne. He would read about Heathcliff, and Erik would have made a sarcastic comment about it. About how Heathcliff pined, and how Catherine left him.
Erik had never liked Heathcliff, but he could maybe understand him a bit more now.
Charles felt the breeze change, growing chilly. It would be around now that Moira would come to fetch him for supper, even though he was not hungry. She would offer him her arm, to guide him through thicket and the shrubbery, and he would snap at her for belittling him. She wouldn’t say anything, but would make sure her footsteps were loud enough so Erik could follow.
So, Erik sat there beneath a tree that he could not see, waiting for a person that he wished was someone else.
Charles saw Erik from afar, and his breath caught in his throat. Scott and Moira had told him – warned him – that he was not the same man that Charles remembered. That he was blind and hurting, much like Charles was.
But, when Charles saw him, he did not see a broken man. No, Erik was still beautiful to him, in every way. His hair was overgrown, falling over his eyes that could not see any way, and his beard was thick and messy. He did not bother wearing a neck tie these days, frustrated that it was difficult to tie without eyes, and he apparently always wore the same brown pants and the same white shirt. What did it matter, now that he couldn’t see it? What did it matter, when Moira was the only person to ever see Mr Lehnsherr, the fallen former master of Ironfield Hall?
Erik may have looked different, but the way he made Charles’s heart quicken and squeeze was very much the same. Charles still loved him, that had not changed.
Jean wheeled him as close as she could take the wheelchair, the contraption unable to weave between the bushes and thicket. Charles thanked her softly, and she gave Charles a smile, before retreating with his chair back into the manor with Moira and Ororo.
Charles gripped his walking stick, and began stumbling back to the man that he still loved, even when they were worlds apart. Even when the string between their left ribs was stretched, making their hearts bleed, it had not snapped.
No, it was still there, drawing the two closer and closer together, until Charles was standing before him.
Magneto smelled Charles before he saw him, and immediately recognised the man. Magneto rose to his feet immediately, letting out a happy bark, racing over. Charles smiled quietly, bending down to rub the dog’s head, the creature barking again.
Erik’s head snapped towards the noise, hearing his companion bark and the snapping of twigs under a human’s feet.
“Magneto, down. It’s just Moira, Christ,” Erik snapped, his dog’s barking too loud. Magneto listened to his master, but licked Charles’s hand once more, trotting with glee back to Erik’s side, sitting there with his tail wagging while looking at Charles.
Charles smiled a little at Erik’s snappish tone, glad that the man had not lost all of his fire and passion. Charles just hoped that, somewhere buried under all of that pain and hurt, there was still a man that could smile in that singular way of his that showed too many teeth.
Charles grew closer, and Erik’s unseeing pale eyes looked in his general direction. While his eyesight was no longer with him, his other senses had heightened. He heard the crunching of twigs and fallen leaves, but the steps were too heavy, the rhythm unlike Moira whom he heard every day. There was no swish of a skirt against the ground, and Erik tensed his muscles at the intruder.
“Who’s there?” Erik asked, Charles’s heart fluttering. When he didn’t answer, Erik’s eyes narrowed, the man shifting where he sat. “Who is that?”
Charles sucked in a breath, taking in the man in front of him, before finally speaking.
“Magneto knows me, Sir.”
Erik’s hand immediately flew out and grabbed at the phantom-like being, unseeing eyes widening. Erik’s hand slapped Charles’s wrist, making the man laugh a little, before reaching out to meet Erik’s touch half-way. Erik’s hands sought Charles’s, wrapping around his palm and his digits, running his fingers through them with an unmistakeable tremor.
“I know this hand,” Erik breathed out, pulling at Charles’s hand until it was close enough for him to press his mouth against, breath shuddering against Charles’s skin.
“I would hope so, Herr Lehnsherr.”
Erik let out a choked noise, kissing the hand in his before dropping his forehead to it, breathing heavily.
“Charles,” Erik whispered, the owner of the name letting out a sob-like laugh, falling to his knees, his legs unable to keep him upright any longer. Charles let his walking stick fall to the floor, using his free hand now to cup Erik’s cheek, feeling the unfamiliar beard beneath his fingers. Erik’s cheeks were wet.
“I am come back to you, Erik,” Charles murmured, craning his neck upwards to press his mouth against Erik’s. The kiss was not perfect, not in the slightest; Erik’s lips were shaking, and Charles couldn’t breathe. But, it was a kiss that was real, as real as it could be.
“Are you really here, Charles?” Erik demanded to know, letting go of Charles’s hand to grip his face, thumb smoothing over the familiar slope of his cheeks, nose, lips. These were Charles’s features, real and warm under his fingers. “I’ve imagined you like this so many times, but…”
“I am here, Erik. I’ve come back to you,” Charles assured him, kissing him again, and Erik finally kissed him back after loosing a wrecked sob.
“I thought I lost you,” Erik choked against his Charles’s mouth, Charles letting out a noise from the back of his throat. Charles shook his head, their noses bumping.
“Never, Erik,” Charles said, pressing his forehead against Erik’s. “I heard you calling for me. You never lost me. I’m here, and I’m not going to leave.”
Erik was too overcome with emotion to speak, his body, heart and soul filled to the brim with relief, thankfulness, disbelief, love, passion, everything.
So, Charles just kissed him again and again, before pulling back only a touch, to whisper;
“And don’t forget, my love – you still owe me wages.”
Erik laughed, for the first time in a long time.
And, for the first time in a new forever.
Next chapter (11/11 epilogue) →
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jovialyouthmusic · 4 years
Girl’s Night Out
A multiple AU piece of fun featuring my female LIs
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Elizabeth Dalgleish wakes in an unfamiliar place in the company of three strangers. What they have to tell her will change her life completely - but she will have a lot of fun too!
Word Count 1559
A/N This might not make sense if you’ve not read my other fics, but I will try to explain.  All four of my female LI’s are going to meet in cyberspace along the lines of the Many Lives of Drake Walker and have one heck of a party. Here Elizabeth (star of my regency period drama Past Times) wakes to find herself in the company of Lucy from Two’s Company Three’s Allowed, Charlotte of Charlotte’s Choice and Sophia of Protect and Serve, and they have some ‘splaining to do…
Elizabeth Dalgleish lay quite still. She had fallen asleep to dreams of her Captain; of the kisses they shared, of the delicious tingles that ran up her arm when their hands touched, of the warm feeling in her belly and in her womanhood when she looked deep into his eyes. But she had woken to unfamiliar voices.
‘Okay Sophia, we’re tired of hearing what a stallion Bastien is, and what a massive penis he has. Let me tell you, it’s not what you’ve got, it’s how you use it’ The first voice was regal and clipped, and as she lay quietly trying to work out what was going on, another voice piped up. It was another woman, and her voice was sultry and deep.
‘You’ve not lived until you’ve had two men in your bed, believe me – and one of them a King’
‘You two are unbelievable. Just because you’ve both got titles doesn’t mean a thing. Bas and I do just fine thankyou, we don’t need a palace to live in, or a manor or fancy titles.’
‘That’s cruel, Sophia’ the first voice went on ‘I was born into it, I had no choice’
‘More like written into it’ the second voice chimed in.
Elizabeth struggled to understand what was going on. What was this talk of other men? She opened her eyes a little to see what was going on. The three women had their backs to her, and were dressed strangely. Had she somehow woken up in the future? What could these new fashions be? Frantically she ran her hands over her long muslin nightdress, knowing how completely different she must look from the other women. She didn’t follow fashion slavishly like some she knew – but how embarrassing to be wearing last year’s dress when meeting strangers. One of the women turned and jumped slightly. She had long dark wavy hair and her dress was of the deepest purple hue she had ever seen. She blushed to see that her legs were bare.
‘Hold on, this one’s waking up’ she said ‘How come she’s self aware? Les has barely written half a dozen chapters’
‘Careful, you’ll frighten her’ The woman who had spoken of a palace had long flowing blonde hair, and came to her side ‘It’s okay darling, we won’t hurt you’ Her accent was familiar – she was very obviously English although she couldn’t place her regional accent.
‘W – where am I? Who are you?’ Elizabeth sat up. The room she was in was strange – it was white, brightly lit, and she lay on a white padded table. The other women sat on odd chairs made of a peculiar white substance like ivory, but the shapes flowed and curved and were far too large to be of that material.
‘Oh boy’ said the woman with long dark hair ‘how are we going to explain this? She’s not even from the same time period’
‘Let’s start with names’ said the blonde woman, smiling at her reassuringly ‘I’m Sophia, and this is Lucy - and Charlotte. Queen Charlotte’ Elizabeth sat up even straighter, alarmed, then ducked her head in an impromptu bow.
‘Queen? Your majesty – I’m Elizabeth’ she started timidly.
‘Hey, don’t forget I’m Queen too’ Lucy chimed in.
‘Frigging royalty’ muttered Sophia, then louder she added ‘Don’t worry darling, you don’t have to bow or curtsy – their titles are entirely fictional’
‘Fictional?’ Charlotte burst out ‘How dare you!’
‘Yes, well explain to Elizabeth here how you’re both queen of the same country in the same timeline’ Sophia said sarcastically, and Charlotte subsided. Elizabeth swung her legs over the side of the table to face the other three. She crossed her hands over her chest
‘I’m so sorry, I’m not dressed properly’ she apologised ‘I’d just gone to bed, and then – well, I woke up here’
‘Oh don’t worry sweetie’ Lucy said ‘You can wear whatever you want to – just think about it’
‘I – whatever do you mean?’ Elizabeth protested.
‘Well, like this’ Lucy said, closing her eyes.
‘Wait Lucy – don’t…’ Charlotte’s tone was urgent. To Elizabeth’s amazement, her dress changed colour – and style. She shrieked and her hands flew to her throat in alarm.
‘Witchcraft!’ she cried, terrified ‘What hellish nightmare is this?’
‘Calm down Elizabeth, it’s alright’ Sophia said soothingly, but her heart hammered in her ribcage and her breath grew short. ‘Okay, okay, it’s all a dream’ she said ‘Close your eyes and think of where you were when you went to sleep. Deep slow breaths now…’ Elizabeth closed her eyes and obeyed her.
‘Okay, open your eyes’ came Sophia’s voice as she pictured her bedroom. On opening them again, she was comforted to see she was indeed still in her very own bedroom, sitting on the edge of her four poster bed. The other bed beside it was empty, and she wondered where her younger sister, Amelia, was. The other three women were still there, so she drew a shuddering breath and stood up to go over to her closet and pull on a robe.
‘What are you all doing here?’ she asked, making her voice firm even though internally she was far from calm. ‘If this is a dream why don’t I know you all?’ Charlotte sighed
‘Do you only dream of people you know?’ she asked. Elizabeth furrowed her brow in thought
‘Not always - oh, I see your point. But why are you dressed like that? Is it some sort of foreign fashion – or a costume party?’ Sophia looked at Lucy sharply
‘Not exactly’ she said ‘I really don’t know how to explain things to you.’ She sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the mattress for Elizabeth to join her. She looked around the room and her eyes alighted on a book next to the bed. ‘Do you read novels – romances, Elizabeth?’ She nodded, blushing
‘Mama tells me they are not for refined young ladies – but I can’t help it, they are so exciting!’ Sophia smiled and patted her hand
‘Well, Elizabeth, it’s like this – we – all four of us – are characters in a book – each of us has our own story, but the same writer’ Elizabeth frowned. ‘It’s not quite that simple’ Sophia went on ‘but when a story is read a lot, the characters come alive. It’s odd because your story hasn’t been read very often, I don’t quite know how you’re self aware’
‘You mean – I’m not real?’ Elizabeth gasped. She pinched herself ‘I feel real’ she said, puzzled.
‘Well, what is real?’ Sophia smiled ‘Our writer sometimes comes to visit us. I don’t know quite how it works, but her reality is different from ours. I suppose yours is also quite different to ours.’
‘Oh?’ she asked, her mind whirling ‘Different in what way?’
‘We – well, effectively we come from the future – the twenty first century’ Elizabeth’s eyes grew wide to start with, then she squeezed them shut, starting to chant
‘This is all a dream, this is all a dream, thisisalladream…’ After a while she opened them again, and rubbed at her eyes, but nothing had changed. Her shoulders sagged. She had no choice but to believe Sophia.
‘I don’t understand’ she said ‘How can this be?’ Sophia shrugged
‘It’s just the way things are’ she replied, and squeezed her hand. ‘Hey, maybe we should tell you a bit about our stories and you can tell us about yours. It could be fun’
‘We could visit some of the others’ grinned Lucy. Sophia glared at her
‘Baby steps Lucy, baby steps’ she warned. ‘Okay Elizabeth – tell us your story. Who’s your love interest?’
‘My what?’ she asked puzzled, then realised ‘Oh – my young man’ her eyes shone as she remembered
‘I’m getting married tomorrow’ she said ‘To Captain John Lykel’ her voice was dreamy ‘He’s wonderful – so gentle, so loving. So handsome.’
‘Knowing Les, probably hot as hell and great in the sack’ Lucy piped up. ‘You’ve got one heck of a wedding night coming, darling’ Elizabeth blanched at her coarse words, which she did not quite understand. Her eye alighted on Charlotte’s ring finger, and she looked at the other two women. Lucy had two wedding rings, Charlotte had an engagement and wedding ring, and Sophia had an engagement ring.
‘You all have beaus?’ she asked, then thinking perhaps they didn’t quite understand her. ‘Sweethearts - husbands?’ Lucy laughed
‘And then some’ Elizabeth frowned. Sophia patted her hand again.
‘Yes darling, our writer has given us all someone special. We’re all linked in a way – because we’ve been self aware for a while longer than you, we know each other’s stories. But we should probably explain. Make yourself comfortable, and we will too’ She closed her eyes and waved her hand, and an odd piece of furniture appeared. Elizabeth jumped, but took a deep breath. This was obviously ‘normal’ in her new reality, so she should probably get used to it, she thought. The item looked very much like the chaise longue in her front parlour, but it had a continuous back all along it. Charlotte looked down and dusted it off and shook out a cushion before sitting on one end, and Lucy plonked herself on the other. Sophia leaned back against the corner post of the four poster bed, and Elizabeth perched on the edge of the mattress.
‘Very well – tell me all about it’ she smiled. ‘It all sounds very exciting’
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Something wicked this way comes.
I played around in the land of Limbo for this holiday short. Forgive me for my terrible sense of humour, my dear. 
Warnings: fluff and ominous forboding
Something Wicked this way comes
Holidays and seasons were creations on Prime. They served to mark the passage of time and stave off the boredom of existence whilst creating distractions from daily obligations such as work and paying bills. At least that was how most of the residents in the twelve realms saw it. Here holidays that were celebrated on Prime were not common and treated as a kind of novelty. They were lavishly over emphasised versions of whatever was deemed the norm for mortal humans.
When the Princess of Limbo came into power these events that hitherto had only been recreated through descriptions passed on from word of mouth by someone who had documented the drunken ramblings of returning foot soldiers that had spent a full cycle on Earth and were eagerly regaling the scribes with the tales as more welcoming ales were handed to them. Now there was someone who had lived the events first hand and could present the real deal to them.
“I really don’t get why we are doing this.” Yukimura grumbled as he sunk the dagger in his hand into the tender flesh of the bright orange gourd.
“Oh, quit complaining and just do it already. Quicker it’s done the quicker we can get back to doing everything else.” Hideyoshi replied even though he was also struggling to understand why this was a fundamental part of a holiday. But it if was what the Princess wanted; he was more than happy to oblige.
“What are you carving anyway?”
“It’s a face. Sadie said you carve faces into these things.” Hideyoshi held the pumpkin to head height turning it to face front and show off his handy work.
“That’s a face?” Yukimura hid nothing of his shock allowing his jaw to drop at the creation being displayed.
“Of course. Why what do you think it looks like?” Hideyoshi arched his brow questioningly.
“You really don’t want me to answer that.” Yukimura muttered returning to his own creation, whittling away layers of the skin to produce a more three-dimensional look to its design.
“Have you two finished your little task yet?” A cheerful voice called out from the door as the owner entered with all the grace of a slithering snake.
“Nearly. How did setting up the audience hall go?” Hideyoshi replied while he added in a few things he had just thought of that should clear up the confusion over his pumpkin.
“Finished. I had a little bother removing some stains from the large cauldron but after Masa’s dragon helped jet wash it, it was a piece of cake. I must say Yukimura that is a splendid looking Pumpkin.” Mitsuhide bent down and peered over the to men’s shoulders showering praise on the younger one.
“Thank you.”
“And Hideyoshi…?” Mitsuhide turned to look at the second pumpkin for a little longer. Yellow eyes taking in the details carved out of the giant vegetable.
“… well at least you tried.” Mitsuhide patted Hideyoshi’s shoulder as if consoling a child that had just lost some sort of race in school.
“Why you!”
“How’s it going in here?” Sadie entered carrying some candles.
“It would appear the pumpkins you have requested Princess are complete.” Mitsuhide turned ignoring the imminent threat from Hideyoshi who had stopped at the sight of Sadie from pointing his dagger at the white-haired menace.
“Really? That’s great let’s see them then they need the candles.” Sadie beckoned for the pumpkins taking Yukimura’s first and looking at it happily.
“You could just use some of your talents to create the light, couldn’t you?” Yuki picked up one of the candles and looked at it as if checking to see if it was really just a candle.
“I could but that would be like taking the heart out of the holiday Yuki. Wow, this is great!” Sadie traced over the intricate carving with her index finger.
“You said it had to have a face on it.” Yuki blushed a shade of crimson and rubbed his hand at the back f his neck avoiding eye contact. It made Sadie giggle as even after all this time he still could get so embarrassed easily over nothing much at all.
“I had no idea you could carve like this though it almost looks like a real gargoyle. And Yoshi…” Sadie put down Yuki’s pumpkin in favour of Hideyoshi’s turning it over and over in her hands as she tilted her head this way and that to look at the pattern.
“Before you say it I know. I have been told it doesn’t look like –” Hideyoshi began what was about to become a formal apology for failing in his task only to be cut off in his endeavour.
“It looks just like a Picasso. How fabulous! I mean there is an eye there and one here too. It’s wonderful.” Sadie beamed a happy smile that had any retort from the others dying in their throats.
“I thought you said they had to be faces.” Yuki asked as he was the first to snap out of his confusion and drew closer to get a better look at the “fabulous” pumpkin.
“Well, they are just different styles. Besides faces is tradition on pumpkins but lots of other things are also carved on them too. Dragons, bats, witches…” Sadie happily explained as she placed another candle into the second pumpkin and lit it.
“I wonder what our dear Hideyoshi would pleasure us with on his next attempt…” Mitsuhide drolled teasingly.
“Say that again snake and I’ll show you first hand.” Hideyoshi muttered just loud enough for the other man to hear him.
“Promises, promises.”
“What is up with you two today? You are fighting worse than usual.” Sadie asked. Both men had been like this all day. In fact, it had been since the previous night where she had asked Mitsuhide to help with the planning and decorating as Hideyoshi was busy with other work and Mitsuhide had requested some time to ask her questions about the requirements so they had spent a half-hour alone in her office discussing it all.
“Nothing at all.”
“Uhuh. Well anyway. Let’s go put these at the gate so the visitors can see them.” Suddenly realising the reason behind the tension Sadie smiled and sent out some calming emotions to them through the bond. The men visibly relaxed and followed after her.
“Oh, Sadie!” Hideyoshi called out about to grab back his pumpkin that was being carried by the Princess.
“No nothing…” He pulled back his hand and tried to ignore the new sensation bubbling up in him.
“Feeling a little embarrassed are we Prince?” Mitsuhide hissed.
“Shut up!”
“If you two are going to start kissing or something can you warn me so I can get out the way? I have enough dealing with Shingen and all his antics without that as well today.” Yukimura cast out his words as he brushed past the bickering men and made his way to the gates with Sadie.
The audience chamber was decorated in coloured paper streamers and bunting, the autumnal harvest display alongside the abundance of candy looked like something out of a glamour magazine on Prime. It was perfect.
There was a bucket set up to bob for apples. Sugar doughnuts hung on strings from a washing line so you could eat them with your hands held behind your back. Mitsuhide had even cleaned up a few cells in the dungeon and set them up as a part of a haunted house. Something that was later inspected and deemed too dangerous by Orion and therefore shut down.
Creatures from all over the realms had paid a visit and received their treats and now it was down to the last few guests. The ones that would stay and drink till dawn. Dannie came bouncing in her vibrant hair offsetting the rainbow spiderweb pattern on her costume perfectly. Her luminous pink wings fluttered as she ran into the room.
“BOSS!” She practically jumped into Sadie’s arms as she wrapped her up in a big hug. You would have thought they hadn’t seen each other in years not just a few months.
“Dannie! I’m glad you made it.”
“Well, I had a little help.” Dannie looked over at the devil that entered the room. He had put on a pirate costume for the evening and Sadie had to admit it suited him, and not just because of the eye patch.
“Thanks, Masa.”
“No problem. I found her jumping around in the street.” He laughed patting Dannie on the head before moving towards Yasu and joining him in grabbing a candied apple.
“In the street?” Sadie looked worriedly at Dannie.
“I was not jumping around in the street! Ok, you know the Irish pub on the corner by work? They were having a singles night and –” Dannie animatedly tried to dispel the worry albeit in a rather flustered fashion.
“Ha-ha, it’s cool honestly. You look nice. Cobweb fairy?”
“Rainbow cobweb fairy if you please.” Dannie put her hands on her hips giving her best sassy attitude performance she could. The heels of her flower-patterned combat boots clicked on the stone making it seem even funnier.
“Well, naturally I apologise.” Sadie laughed causing Dannie to start laughing as well.
“AUNTIE!” Happy voices shouted loud in the room bouncing off the vaulted ceiling.
“Alcaeus! Saffie!” Sadie turned to scoop up the two little Angels. Alcaeus had the same flame-red hair like his mother, his father’s eyes and smoke grey wings. Saffie was the perfect representation of an angel, fluffy white wings with silver hair but she had the same magnetic amber flame hued eyes as her mother.
“Hey, you two little monsters don’t just run off from the gate leaving your Dad and me behind!” The angel of mercy appeared a little out of breath but smiling.
“Good to see you Aerion.”
“You too Sis.”
“Wha—Ack! Orion you’re going to dislocate a wing.” Orion in a slightly drunken display had grabbed his big sister in a bear hug. Sadie made a mental note to check the level of alcohol in the punch bowl or at the very least check to see if Orion’s cup had been spiked with something that affected only angels. It might be a family gathering but they were all living with demons and devils after all.
“Oh thank heaven’s you found them.” Uriel rushed in behind his wife openly sighing when he saw the two children clinging to their aunt.
“Uriel this is my plain you can hardly lose these two and even if you did I would find them.”
“I know I’m sorry.”
“Such a worrywart.” Aerion elbowed him in the ribs something he took easily before helping to get her released from her brothers embrace.
“Hey, you cherubs want to bob for apples?” Shingen called out from over by the games. Kenshin was sitting opposite him waiting for the tall redhead to make his move on the chessboard.
“YAY!” both angels ran over and were joined by Masa and Ieyasu. Masa explaining what to do and Ieyasu standing by with a towel reminding them not to drown or it would give him more work in the infirmary.
“Nobunaga don’t eat all the candy.” Hideyoshi could be heard with his usual reminder.
“Shingen that goes double for you two.” Yukimura echoed the demand causing everyone to chuckle.
“Hehe, it’s hard to see who the kids are and who are the grown-ups isn’t it?”
“Vad you made it.”
“Well large crowds are not my thing but you make allowances for family.”
“Well said.”
In the courtyard, the soul beasts were enjoying their own collection of treats and looking fondly at the bipeds as they partook of games and drinks. One by one the creatures began to drift into sleep.
Mochi curled up into a purple smoke ball held close by Kyrion. Ugo and Gualtero were laying side by side the great hellcat pulling on the furry ninetails to use some of it’s tails as a blanket. Savrog and Kirek had fallen asleep side by side on a branch above the collection of critters their wings touching making their glow look like it was shaped in a love heart. A fact that no one wished to say to the two bickering birds for fear of scorching. 
Takeshi-Akshai and Vode were close by. The former in his usual corgi sized form was curled up on one of Kenshin’s capes. Zilli was enjoying the dancing shadows in the audience chamber and played a few pranks on the children where they would make things float around and tickle them.
Sheverosh waited for a time before he moved away from the group and made his way to the roof. Something that Sadie had not failed to sense. As soon as the party had lulled into something close to the end she made her way to join him.
“Did you enjoy your holiday Sadie?” The great dragon enquired from the battlements.
“Yes, it was great. I mean it wasn’t exactly as it was on Prime but it was better than nothing. Why are you up here?”
“Clearing my head. I find that there are times that it is a little difficult to maintain myself in large groups. I have been alone for some time after all.” Sheverosh explained eloquently something that was certainly relatable.
“You too huh? I mean I get it. I obviously prefer to be surrounded by people I care for than to be alone but I get it there are just sometimes you want to be alone and hit that reboot button.”
“Reboot?” The dragon turned to look at Sadie his golden scales shimmering like golden grass in a summer breeze.
“It means to recharge and have some you time so you can get up the next day and be you again the next day. So, I guess we aren’t dissimilar.” Sadie smiled and looked out over the castle wall to the land that had become her home.
“No, we aren’t. I too would prefer the company to being alone but you are right there are times you crave solitude in the chaos.” Sheverosh nodded solemnly.
“Think we’re in the wrong plain for that.” Sadie chuckled maintaining her focus in the distance. Something was on the horizon she felt almost sure of it but for the time being, it was beyond her sight.
“Perhaps we are. But it’s a good balance.” Sheverosh turned to look in the same direction joining her in her nightly observations.
“Yes, it is.”
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heyyyharry · 4 years
My Girl: Harry is too tired so Y/N reads to him
(a My Girl and In Another Life crossover)
AU: actor!Harry, older!Harry, younger!Y/N, childhood best friends, friends to lovers.
Word count: 1.5k
More on my Patreon!
“So you haven’t done your homework and now I have to do it?” She dropped the book to her stomach, glaring at him. He was paid to read a book; she wished her job was that interesting.
“I’m playing the main character in the movie adaptation,” he had explained. “I was supposed to read this during the weekend but I’ve been too busy, and the deadline is tomorrow but I can’t find the audiobook.”
“Then read it yourself. It’s not that long.” Not to brag but she’d read books twice as long in one night. He’d be fine.
“I haven’t slept in almost two days, Bambi,” he had said. “If I read now, I’ll fall asleep.” It was true, though. He could fall asleep anywhere anytime if he was too tired. It was a gift and a curse at the same time.
Now he was lying on his side, an arm folded under his head, lazy green eyes boring into her as he pouted. “I used to help you with your homework, Bambi.”
“It’s not even the same thing,” she said, shaking the book above his face. “I have to read all of this tonight. Out loud.”
He flipped onto his stomach and clasped his hands in front of his nose — puppy dog mode activated. “Please, baby, please. I’ll be good," he pleaded. "I’ll do anything you say. Just help me this once.”
“Manipulative.” She weakly slapped his cheek, a smirk tugging at her lips, then she stared at the ceiling and groaned loudly. “Fineeee. I’ll do it.”
“Yay!” He clapped like a seal and drew her closer, kissing her jawline. “Tomorrow I’ll do anything you say. I promise.”
“Psst, I don’t need your promises. You always do everything I say. Often more.”
“Best boyfriend ever.”
She sneered at his own praise and circled her arm, which he lay his head on, around his neck to hold up the book. “This feels like reading a bedtime story to a kid,” she laughed as he nuzzled her chest.
“I’m a kid.” He grinned up at her.
“So you get to call me ‘kid’ every day and when you want to get spoiled you’re suddenly a kid?”
He shushed her with a finger to her lips and said, “Save your voice, baby.”
She shook her head as he snuck a hand under her shirt — his shirt — and cupped her breast. He always did that when he was bored. It didn’t have to be sexual; he simply loved fondling her breasts.
“Start now, Audiobook,” he commanded.
She sighed, flipped the page and cleared her throat as she began. “Chapter 1. The Painting…
“They said in London, you were never far from a museum…”
“Oh my God, I got it, I got it!” Harry grabbed her arm, shaking slightly so she would stop reading and look at him.
She’d thought he’d already read the script. As it turned out, he’d only received the script for the first few scenes. The director wanted the cast to read the actual book and visualised what happened next using their own creativity. Harry would stop her after every chapter to tell her something she’d already figured it out, and she never complained because he looked like an excited puppy.
He glanced up, chin on her arm, giving her a discovering kind of smile. “My guess is that Edward was the one who killed Ann. She’d trusted him but he’d chosen his throne over her. So she put a curse on him so he’d know what it’s like to lose her over and over again. They fall in love in every lifetime, and he never actually has her. He’ll never have her again.” Then, his face turned wondering. “Would you have done that to me back then if you were a witch?”
“Bold of you to assume I’m not a witch.”
His lips stretched wide as he pinched her chin. “Answer the question, kid.”
“I wouldn’t.” She shook her head assertively. “Which is why I think you’re wrong. Either Edward wasn’t the one who killed Ann, or she wasn’t the one who put the curse on them, or both. I wouldn’t want to die over and over again for someone who doesn’t love me.”
“But I loved you back then,” he whispered and pressed his nose into her cheek. “I always have.”
“I didn’t know back then, so it didn’t count.” She stuck up her chin, eyes narrowed at him.
He grinned. “That’s why I have to tell you I love you every five minutes to make up for it. I’m romantic as hell but you call me annoying.”
“You’re a little bit annoying,” she said with a matter-of-fact tone. “Annoying people make their girlfriends read a whole book to them.” She shook the book above their faces, which made him cackle.
“You’re not nice to me so don’t expect me to be nice to you.” He tickled her nipple and she smacked his arm, but it was more like a playful push.
“Now shut up so I can continue.”
“Yes, ma’am.” His dimples reappeared.
When they reached half of the book, they took a short break. Harry had to pee and she had to drink water, her throat was itchy as hell. When they returned to the bed and made themselves comfortable – she lied on her back, holding the book above her chest as he curled up next to her, head on her arm – she cleared her throat and started reading again, her voice noticeably croaky.
He twirled a strand of her hair around his finger and tugged gently to get her attention.
“You know the rule, H,” she said without looking at him. “You have to wait for me to finish before you comment.”
“I actually want to say that you don’t have to continue.”
Her gaze jumped to his face. “Are you tired already?” she asked, slightly perplexed.
“No, but you are.”
“I’m not.”
“You’ll have a sore throat tomorrow because of me, babe.”
“Then so be it,” she huffed stubbornly. “I have to know how this ends. We’re not quitters, Harry Edward Styles.”
“You’re not. I am.”
“No, you’re not. My boyfriend is not a quitter.”
He giggled as she leaned down to kiss his forehead before laying her head back so she could continue where they’d left off.
At chapter five, the main characters finally kissed. She and Harry started cheering like they were watching it on the kiss cam at a sporting event.
At chapter seven, she had to stop halfway to release a long frustrated breath. The antagonist Lillie/Emilié kept getting in the way of the main characters. She felt like Emilié could be Ruby in another life; the thought made her skin crawl.
“Edward is an asshole,” Harry scoffed as she flipped the page to chapter eight.
“No, he’s not,” she argued. “He loves her. It was different back then. A prince had to marry a princess.”
“If I were him, I’d grow some balls and run away with Ann.”
She didn’t comment, only gave him a fond smile and continued.
At chapter eight, shit hit the fan. She completely forgot the fact that she was reading the story out loud. She couldn’t look away from the page or stop for a water break even when her throat was achingly dry. She had to know how this ended.
“Holy shit, I was right! I was right!” She jolted upright when the big secret was revealed and accidentally hit Harry’s head with her elbow. He groaned like a sad puppy and she apologised, rubbing the sore spot on his head.
By the time they finished the book, a new day had begun. She gulped her water, put the empty glass on the nightstand and flopped back down on the bed, lying head to head with him. Instead of going to sleep so he wouldn’t look weary on his first day on set, they lay wide awake and discussed the story. They were satisfied with the ending, though Harry felt so bad for the dead character he’d almost cried at that part. Maybe she should stop telling him to watch Game of Thrones.
“One last thing,” she said as he turned off the light. Her eyes were barely used to the dark so she could only feel him snuggle closer to her, almost resting half of his body on top of hers, one hand under her shirt.
“Don’t fall in love with the actress who plays Ann like you did with the character.”
“Bambi.” He shook with quiet laughter. His voice was barely above a whisper as he replied, “I imagined you as Ann. I can’t fall in love with a different face.”
“Then don’t imagine my face when you kiss the fake Ann,” she giggled.
When he hmmmed, she could hear the smirk in his voice. “You know I never imagine your face during my kissing scenes. I only want to feel that magic when I’m really with you.”
Then, it was quiet again; he’d drifted off as soon as he finished. In his sleep, he kept asking if she wanted to run away with him.
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larosepompon · 6 years
Carnelian Desire Taeten x Reader
Taeyong x Ten x Reader - Carnelian Desire (Vampire!au)
You were finishing up your shift at the morgue one Thursday evening, listening to music softly as you rifled through the last of the paperwork that was due for tomorrow. Autumn here had its rainy spells and today was no different - making for a fitting mood.
You loved your job, it was serene and allowed you to relax, the other people you worked with were like-minded and good people.
Often you'd get odd activity happening around the building, unexplained noises or movement, but it never really bothered you- it was just part of the job description.
The morgue was on an industrial estate with a few other medical facilities including a blood bank and a crematorium. Quite the morbid mixture for some.
"Did you want a coffee before you go, Y/N?" Your co-worker asked, heading out with his own mug to fill.
"Oh, no thanks I- ow, fuck" you curse as your filing gave you a shallow cut. Brows knitted together, you grab a tissue to mop up the red leaking from your thumb.
"They could use that next door!" He laughed, "did you hear that 20 donor bags went missing last night? This is the second time in a month, but it seems like it might be one of the staff - no alarms were sounded or anything."
This nugget of information intrigued you, was the person selling it on the black market? What on earth for? It seemed strange to you that someone would want to steal such a thing. Ideas and insane thoughts rushed through your head, thoughts of the supernatural - vampires or ghouls such as those you used to dream about when you were younger. Your mind reasoned soon enough that it was most likely the former. Someone out there was strapped for cash, needing a quick fix for one of their habits.
Your vision zoned in on the tissue, and the colour blossoming through as you blotted the small wound. "Were there any leads? It seems strange that someone would just take the supply..."
"None so far, seems like something out of a horror movie though, right?” he shrugged and walked into the kitchen to refill the coffee.
A few days after and the news your colleague parted with you, still played in the back of your mind. Setting the alarm of the morgue and locking the large gate, you were startled as a large crash reverberated off the buildings in the usually quiet surrounding.
You went towards the loud clatter, which sounded like someone had been thrown into a pile of crates. Trying not to draw attention to yourself, you halted at the corner of the warehouse, just peeking enough to see what the commotion was. Eyes widening as you saw someone held up by their throat by a man with neatly styled fiery hair, anger scrawled across his features. He had him in the air, against the wall – not a an easy (or possible) feat for someone of the redhead’s stature.
“We don’t appreciate little kittens snooping around” A sultry voice quietly murmured by the shell of your ear, as a frigid hand clamped over your mouth. Panicked, you tried to struggle away from the new presence, but they held you steadfast against their chest. “Hmm? Don’t you want to watch the rest of the show?” The stranger leant his head on your shoulder, as he manoeuvred you to get a better view.
The red-haired man spat with anger at the person he held up against the warehouse. “That’s the fucking last time I trust you. I warned you not to cross us, Lee. There’s not much a human like you could do against me. You dared to steal from us not once, but TWICE? You piece of shit.” He slammed him against the sheet metal of the building, making the man groan. You started to tremble slightly as your fear kicked in. Watching and not being able to do anything, you saw as he brought the man hastily to his mouth and took a large bite out of his neck. The blood pumping out of the wound almost looking black in the faint spot lights of the industrial estate. You saw him lap up some of the offending ooze before shoving his hand through the man’s chest, twisting and ripping his heart out. Your adrenaline only amplified the sounds coming from in the distance, hot tears spilling from your eyes as you couldn’t help but keep your gaze focused on the unlikely scene at hand. A moan sounded by your ear, as the person that held you captive nuzzled your cheek and crook of your neck. It made you shiver.
“You won’t think about running away will you, kitten? Now you’ve seen what happens to those who make Taeyong and I angry….” You screwed your eyes shut and shook your head as best as you could in this situation. As soon as you opened them, this ‘Taeyong’ was inches away from you, face and chin covered in scarlet, heavily panting from his fit of rage. “Ah, we had a little voyeur, so I made sure she enjoyed the show.” He laughed as Taeyong’s gaze bore into you. Chilling red eyes drew you in as the hand was slowly removed from your mouth. Your lips trembled as you continued to stand there, fearing that moving might put you in the same situation as the crumpled body a hundred yards away.
“Ten, you should have taken her away. She didn’t deserve to see that.” Taeyong took off his jacket and wiped his face and hands free of blood, save for the dried patches that still clung to his creamy skin. The familiar metallic smell reached your senses and brought you back to reality. Ten pouted and you turned slowly to finally look at him. The boy was shorter than Taeyong, with steely grey eyes and a coy smile. Along with their un-naturally good looks, you noticed their hair colours matched their irises.
“I thought it’d be exciting to make her watch though. You looked so hot back there.” You wanted to sit down and take all the events in, processing it through your mind slowly. Instead, the cogs whirred in your brain and you blurted out-
“How did you do that? That shouldn’t be possible...unless yo-” Ten glanced your way, nodding his head in your direction.
“Unless we’re not human? Well, aren’t you quick!” he laughed to himself as Taeyong placed a hand on your shoulder. You involuntarily flinched, understandable in this situation, but gave him your full attention.
“What’s your name, love? I realise we haven’t gotten off to a good start, but my friend and I would more than love to start again and make it up to you?” His thumb caressed your skin exposed on your collar as he posed the question. Something about those burgundy eyes of his drew you in, clouding your rational thoughts when you should have been running.
“It’s y/n…my name is y/n. Are you sure about this? I could just go…” your voice wavered, seeming smaller than a mouse. You felt as though you were away with the faeries. Delicate hands were planted at your waist as you heard Ten’s voice again at your ear.
“Oh, no, it’d be our pleasure…”
Unsure about how, you managed to return to the comfort of your own home in one piece that night, mind still a little hazy from your strange interaction with the two earlier on. The following day you got a call from an unsaved number, who you soon discovered was Taeyong, inviting you out to a very swanky bar lounge in the city “夢中夢” . He insisted you meet them so they could repay you for the ever-so-traumatic ordeal they made you witness. Told you not to worry about getting in as the doorman will be expecting you. You opted to dress up for the occasion, especially after seeing how well-presented the two were the previous night, you’d feel completely out of place if you turned up in casual clothes.
Smoothing down your black satin cocktail dress, you took a moment to admire your efforts in the bathroom mirror. Hair in a loose updo with soft ochre and umber eyeshadow, the soft glitter accentuating the small diamantes stitched into the chiffon of your sleeves. You spritzed some of your favourite perfume on your décolletage before collecting your evening bag by the door. Luckily your taxi didn’t take too long to arrive at your destination. And, true to their word, as soon as you stated your name, a waiter escorted you to a room overlooking the main floor of the lounge, where Taeyong and Ten were reclining, chatting to each other with a glass in their hands.
“Ah, y/n, you made it!” Ten’s smile was infectious as soon as he saw you, pearlescent…teeth glinting under the spot lights. “I have to apologise for yesterday, I didn’t mean to scare you so much, I only wanted to a little…” he trailed off as he went to stroke your hair gently. You returned his smile and he took your hand to lead you over to Taeyong, who stood as you neared. Pressing a kiss to your cheek, he slid one arm around your waist to guide you down to the couch with them. Underneath his expensive cologne, there was still that faint metallic scent that made you recall how dangerous the pair could be.
“Thank you for coming, y/n, you look absolutely delectable tonight. What may we get you to drink?” Taeyong had moved his arm around your shoulders and began to absentmindedly stroke just behind your earlobe while Ten sat on the other side of you, running his bony fingers down your forearm to your wrist. You weren’t really used to so much skinship and felt your face heating up to their touches.
You managed to stutter out “some r-red wine, please” through your flustered state. The waiter came and went, as did the time as your glass kept getting refilled and you giggled your way through conversation with the extroverted pair. What you didn’t notice, were the looks they constantly exchanged, or the fact that they had been nursing the same glass all evening…
When your glass was filled for the third time, instead of handing it to you, Ten took it upon himself to take a sip and catch you by surprise, clasping your chin in one hand and pressing an open-mouthed kiss to your lips. Letting out a quiet moan as you tasted the wine slipping down your throat, your eyes locked with the feline features of the silver-haired man. He sucked on your lower lip, nibbling lightly before running his tongue across it to clean off the excess liquid. Rose dusted your cheeks as you were pulled away from his hands, only to have your head turned gently by the chilled fingers of Taeyong. His expression was filled with lust as he brought his face to yours, brushing your noses before his plump lips jutted out to drag against yours slowly. Your breath came out shakily as you gazed at him with heavy-lidded eyes, heart beginning to race. When he kissed you, unrushed and sensually, tongue moist as it swept yours, you barely felt your dress being casually unzipped and cool pecks placed in its wake. The chiffon fell from your shoulders, much like the sighs from your mouth, Ten’s hands slipping around the front to unclasp your bra. His chilly touch welcome against your breasts, becoming pert and sensitive as he rolled your nipples between his thumb and forefinger.
“You sound so aroused, y/n, so alive…” Taeyong drawled out, voice resonating low in his chest. His thumb entered your mouth, pulling your jaw down and padding over your tongue. “I can feel your heartbeat in my throat, y/n. You don’t know how tempting you are, do you?” He licked his lips, glistening in the light, his burgundy eyes seeming to have a certain luminescence to them.
“Taeyong, please, can we take her? I can taste her through her skin.” Licking a wet stripe up your neck, you shivered, weakly holding onto their limbs where you could reach. Rubbing his nose to the back of your neck, Ten whispered “would you like that y/n? Would you like to know what that’s like? Being between us like this, warming us with your inner heat…We’ll make it worth your while…” His hands caressed your thighs and parted your legs as his fingers dipped to stroke the crevices either side of your womanhood. The two were driving you mad with how erotic they were. You were sure Ten’s words were more than correct, but you also had alarm bells going off in the back of your mind, slowly being muted by their saccharine words and chilled touches.
“Oh God, please, please let me know what that’s like” You felt like your head was spinning, sharp teeth grazing the nape of your neck followed by kittenish licks made with up-turned lips. Clothes were shed on all parts, littering the floor with rich jewel tones and ebony. You ran your hands down Taeyong’s torso, feeling the ridges of hard muscle under feather-soft skin. Sinking your fingers into his hair, you brought his mouth down to yours, the passionate embrace parting moments later with a string of saliva. The red-head moaned, and you craned your head backwards to reach for his smaller partner. Ten’s kisses were more eager, fierce as he explored your mouth. Soon enough you felt a mouth covering your chest, drawing in and sucking on the protruding flesh. Rolling your hips, you felt Ten’s erection, pressed in the line of your backside. Beginning to feel a little bold, you reached to wrap your fist around him, earning a groan from the male; Taeyong chuckling as his fingers slipped inside your heat. Your body jolted, surprised at the smooth way his appendages pumped in and out of you, curled to draw out every noise they could. Head leant back on Ten’s shoulder, Taeyong kissed up your throat, suckling at your pulse before groaning and grabbing the stony hair of the man behind you, their mouths colliding in a frenzy. His fingers became harsher, as you were held in place by the two, seeking relief from each other.
“I ...don’t think I can stand for much longer…” your voice sounded distant as you trembled with pleasure, arousal was thick in the air between you. Withdrawing his fingers, you watched as his tongue danced along them, cleaning off your cream. With each lick, his canines elongated slowly, the pillowy, pink muscle working between each digit. Ten lifted you into his arms with ease, much stronger than you initially thought he’d be, and set you down on a pile of floor pillows toward the back of the room. The music in the background provided a steady beat, bass echoing through the walls softly, as you heard a hushed voice count in various languages. The feline man crawled between your legs and pulled at your hips, bringing you flush with his mouth. Wasting no time, he set to work running the flat of his tongue against your folds, sighing at the taste of your wetness. You grappled at a pillow behind your head, as you felt your insides throb at his administrations. Licking your lips, your eyes met a very erect and proud Taeyong, who ran his fingers through your hair before gripping at it gently, guiding you to his already leaking member. As you took him in your mouth, you realised that it was the only part of him that resembled normal body temperature. He made your throat take him in long strokes, set with a steady pace as you endeavoured to please him as much as you could.
Ten’s tongue had gotten to further regions, using his slim fingers to stretch your puckered hole. You groaned around the man in your mouth, eyebrows knitting together at the sensation. Taeyong tightened his hold as he moaned, deep in his chest, before stroking your cheek to comfort you.
“Relax, little one, you’re going to need it” he smirked, abdomen twitching in excitement as he looked at you, wide-eyed around his cock. Ten laughed airily, dribbling onto his fingers to coax your body open.
“You taste so good already, kitten, I can’t wait to have all of you.” You all but screamed as Ten took you by surprise, sucking harshly on your clit. The little bundle of nerves causing your first orgasm of the evening to roll over you. “Oh dear, you’ve come already? I think that’s hardly fair on us, don’t you think?” His wicked smile making your insides stir.
Taeyong removed himself from your now swollen pout, urging you to climb onto his lap. Your head fell back, loose hair trailing down your spine as you sheathed his engorged member. He thrust up shallowly, as if testing the waters, to which you held onto his shoulders to steady yourself. He lay down and smoothed his hands over your back, holding you close, your behind beckoning Ten to take a similar position. As he slowly entered your ass, your whimpers were comforted by Taeyong’s whispers, kissing your temple and letting you know how good you were for them. Ten drooled a little more over your entrance for good measure, before slowly rocking himself into you over and over again. Once you were panting, the male beneath you combined his thrusts into the mix. Feeling full was an understatement - but they filled you in such a way that you felt so complete to have them both in you, moving inside your pink walls, warming their touch as promised.
“Mewl for us, kitten, let us know who pleases you.” Ten ground out, licking your ear before delivering a few particularly hard thrusts. You couldn’t stop the hiccupped moans of their names that erupted from your throat, not even recognising the voice as your own. When Taeyong started to thrust up with as much fervour, you felt drowned in their presence, bodies curling around you and more wet kisses shared between the three of you. Your head rested on Taeyong’s shoulder, brow lightly damp with sweat, before you cried out – Ten almost growling as his canines made through your skin like butter, earning grunts from Taeyong, following suit in the crook of your neck upon the sweet scent hitting him.
“oh fuck, don’t stop!” you whined, their thrusts and the suckling on your wounds making pleasure bloom inside you. You felt their thrusts become more erratic, as you pulled Taeyong from you and kissed his stained lips. He moaned and you licked into each other’s mouths, not caring for the red dripping down between the valley of your breasts. Ten sunk his teeth in further, before he came deep inside you. As his head came up quickly, your blood splashed onto Taeyong’s hair and face, to which he dove to mouth off before sharing more scarlet kisses. The shorter male parted from you, to which Taeyong took hold of your hips and bucked up a bruising pace – your cries and tears from the overwhelming sensation driving him toward his goal. He released against your cervix with a guttural shout. The feeling caused you to come again, the mixture of your juices seeping out from your abused holes. You felt so dizzy, but so blissfully satiated, as the two men took you into their arms and lapped at your wounds, littering warm kisses over your skin and knuckles, to the crown of your hair. Your eyes fluttered closed as they draped their limbs over you in their hold. When your breaths evened out, Taeyong reached over and stroked Ten’s hair lovingly, combing out dried blood for him.
“Should we keep her? She seemed to take it quite well…” Taeyong’s eyes widened at the man’s question, growing soft as he saw the mischief in the grey eyes and the pretty smile.
“Perhaps we should first ask once she’s awake.” He chuckled.
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askingdiabolikbois · 6 years
S&M bro's Pokemon
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I think Shu would like a loyal dog Pokemon that can be his silent partner. Having this Pokemon would help him feel less alone and it would be a comfort for him. Given this I think a Growlithe would be good for him! She is too lazy to train one, but maybe if he’s had it since he was a child the Pokemon would get to know his nature, and know that Shu needs someone by his side. The Pokemon wouldn’t be walked very much by Shu, if at all, so he roams the mansions gardens and forrest alone but always returns to his trainer. Growlithes are known for being incredibly loyal, and thats something Shu really needs.
I also think Shu would be good with a Snorlax, they are fairly easy to handle as they mainly eat and sleep and dont require much attention, however Snorlax’s need to consume 400 kg of food whenever hungry is a hassle. She tends to let it raid the kitchen whenever it wants, which lands them both in trouble with Reiji.
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A poison type Pokemon like Arbok would be most useful to Reiji because he can extract some of it’s deadly poison to use in his potion and teas. He also likes how it’s long tail can be used to tangle victims who try to run away, before using the long tail as a whip, keeping them trapped until Reiji is able to fetch his own whip to really start the punishment.
For some reason I can also imagine Reiji with an Oricorio (sensu style), it’s elegant appearance is what drew him in. It was on a ‘business trip’ he was required to attend for his father that he spotted the Pokemon. The beauty of the bird made him want to catch it, so he did using a luxury ball. With it’s Japanese style markings, and graceful etiquette it became a good companion for Reiji. It took a liking to tea ceremonies, and enjoys helping it’s trainer polish his tableware collection. When Reiji found out it was a ghost type as well as flying he was initially fearful, however after knowing his partner for quite some time he adjusted to this after a little apprehension. He even considered having it drink a coloured nectar to change it’s typing, but he deemed the other various forms to lack the elegance the Sensu style did. To this day his Oricorio is the only ghost type he can tolerate.
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Ayato dreamed of becoming a trainer ever since he was a small child, he dreamed of travelling the world and playing with his Pokemon. Cordelia would never allow that, so even on his 10th birthday he wasn’t allowed to start his journey. He was so disappointed as he was hoping to receive a Charmander and become the best trainer ever. As soon as his mother was dead he went out to get a Pokemon, skipping the starters because there ‘generic’, and wanting a super cool and powerful pokemon straight away. He now has a Pyroar, and is training it to be the best. He is a terrible trainer and can’t think up good battle strategies thus he doesn’t have any gym badges, he uses brute strength and doesn’t focus on battle plans.
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Kanato would need a submissive Pokemon who was small and cute, and didn’t bother him too much. A Teddiursa would be good for him, it reminded him of Teddy which is why he took a liking to it. As long as it was pre-trained and knew not to annoy its trainer it may have a good relationship with it’s trainer. Kanato treats his Pokemon like familiar, making it his slave and doing tasks for him. He would treat his Teddiursa to tea parties and dress it up in cute outfits. As long as it doesn’t upset him or Teddy, or evolve into an Ursaring, then it may survive.
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Laito likes Pokemon because there friendly and cute, and can be submissive. They won’t leave or hurt you, and there good attracting girls/boys too! Laito is a Pokemon coordinator alongside his Serperior. He started out as a fun way to meet cute girls & boys, but he became pretty good at them and has won several ribbons. He likes the overall look of Serperior and likes seeing it’s long body have a helpless bitch entangled in it’s grip, watching them thrash about with no success, slowly being strangled by the serpents strong grip, seeing them shake in fear at the mean glare in the Pokemon’s eye and the deceitful, lustful gaze from Laito’s…that really gets him going.
He also has a ‘cute’ Pokemon for the appeal, he has this signature move when he’s flirting, where he lifts his fedora and a cute little Vulpix pops out, playing it’s role perfectly so it’s trainer can obtain their newest flirtation for the night.
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Subaru has a Mightyena, it started following him around as a Poochyenna when he saved it from a pack of Houndoom in the forrest one night. He got annoyed at the Pokemon for following him, but eventually came to not mind it. He decided to catch the Poochyenna because he was sick of it trampling his rose gardens, and scratching his coffin lid in search of him.
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His partner is a Xatu, houses it to predict the future so he can ensure he and his brothers safety, and also their plans for completing Karlheinz’s tasks are going to plan. 
He also has a Noctowl whom he uses as a familiar, because of Noctowls silent flying, exceptional hearing and eyesight, and it’s wise nature it makes the perfect spy when need be. A Noctowl never lets it’s pray escape, which is something Ruki shared in common with it, it watches over anyone Ruki wishes to remain in the mansion, and ensures they are where needed to be when Ruki is busy and cannot himself. Noctowls are also known to peck people who harass it, so Azusa is constantly bothering it in order to be pecked.
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Kou has a Skitty! Ruki wasn’t pleased about it but as long as it’s kept in it’s Pokeball outside of Kou’s room, and around Ruki he allows it. It took a lot of convincing but Kou insisted the cuteness of the Pokemon alongside his good looks would draw in many people and his idol career would improve! Kou spoils his Pokemon and is always buying it cute little bows and his social media is full of cute pictures of them both!
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Yuma has several Pokemon that he’s caught to help him with his garden, he found his first Pokemon, an Oddish, when he was pulling leaves in his garden and it started streaking horribly. Yuma was going to silence it, but it wriggled away so he let it go. Yuma noticed the soil was looking glossier, and healthier in patches of the garden. New flowers were blooming too, one’s he hadn’t planted, he soon realised it was the work of Oddish, and caught it and trained it to help his plants grow. 
His second Pokemon is Chesnaught, he found it as a Chespin that has wondered through to his garden, and he was furious to see it had eaten some of his berries it had grown. It ran off before Yuma could harm it, he found it the next day raking the soil, attempting to cover berry seeds in the ground. Yuma saw it was trying to apologise and decided to raise it, and teach it how to garden. Once it evolved into a Chesnaught, and gained the fighting typing, Yuma used it as a sparring partner as well. After a hard day of gardening the two would blow of steam by having a ‘mock battle’ with each other.
His last Pokemon is a Mudsdale, he received it in a trade for a random Pokemon he found in the forrest. Mudsdale was excellent at plowing the fields and helping to carry the harvests, and other heavy objects. The Pokemon became very useful to Yuma and it’s docile nature lead it to become Yuma’s most trusted companion.
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Azusa has two Pokemon, his first is an Ageislash, he received it as a Honedge when he bought it in a store in the demon world,mistaking it for a knife. When he found out what it truly was he loved it even more. It’s the top ‘knife’ in his collection, and he really loves it. He had fun evolving it, and he enjoys it’s different forms and seeing how it can cut him in different ways depending on which form its taken.
His second Pokemon is a Pawniard, he read about this Pokemon in one of Ruki’s books, and went in search of one.He snuck it into the mansion and kept it hidden in his room for a while. Eventually he was caught and begged Ruki to let him keep it, after a lot of convincing and compromise he was allowed to keep it,with the rule it must wear an Everstone stone so it can’t evolve and become too dangerous for Azusa to own.
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