#i stole this from my main so if you've seen it before don't worry
sickfictropes · 1 year
Good things: sickfics where everyone has different remedies for an illness (insomnia, sore throat, stomach bug, head cold, etc) and the sick character must be subjected to all kinds of benevolent torture as each member of the group turns rehabilitating them from a nurturing experience into the fucking Space Race
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Of Ice and Blood
Part 6
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Part 6~ cuz I love y'all <3 don't forget to drink your vitamins and keep hydrated! Stay safe and healthy my loves :)
Word count: 3k+ words
Pairing: Tai'chi Kashharzol (Orc) x Pearl Blackbell (Human OC/Reader)
Warnings: None. (tis a fluff-filled chapter)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
* beware of little shifts in perspective from two characters, we will be jumping casually from their minds.
You caught the orc staring at you again, with a smile that made his tusks jut out more. "H-Hi!" you blurted out, waving.
As you began walking towards him, you found yourself losing balance, your legs giving out. You closed your eyes reflexively and expected to land face-first on the tiled floor.
Only you didn't.
You felt a strong arm around your waist and a large hand on your back, nearly covering the expanse of it. Instead of the floor, you found yourself smushed against something warm, and that thing, you figured out a second later, was Tai'chi's chest. You became flustered and felt your cheeks and ears redden. Your nose was practically inhaling his scent now, all that musky and rich smell of his making you light-headed. Stuttering, you pulled your head back.
"I-I-I— Ta-Tai'chi???"
Congratulations self, that was perfect, wow.
"Hm? Oh, uh, sorry. I acted on impulse when I saw you collapse." He said as the grip he had on you slackened and moved to hold your shoulder to support you in case you fall again, his other hand, though, remained in its place behind you.
"Don't w-worry about it. My legs just gave out, haha."
That came out awkwardly.
Damn, he is fast.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, his words filled with genuine concern. Your ears were sporting a tinge of red, he noticed. Your scent also changed, signaling you were flustered.
"Ye-yep! We should uh, head back to class now. Oh! We haven't eaten anything for lunch." You said and as if on cue, your stomach grumbled to agree, followed by another grumble but louder, it wasn't yours but Tai'chi's.
The two of you laughed from the sounds they made.
"You're right. How about we go to the cafeteria first to grab something before we head back to our classroom?" He asked, smiling down at you.
"Great idea!" You agreed, a little too eager than you would've liked.
"We should get going then."
He straightened up and removed his hand from your shoulder when he was certain you wouldn't stumble again. Though, he let his hand on your back linger a bit longer even after you left the office.
The trip to the cafeteria was peaceful, minus the sounds of muffled talking coming from the rooms. Tai'chi was beside you as you walked down the halls, thankful that your legs found their strength again.
Arriving at the significantly less crowded canteen, both of you went ahead and ordered some food before finding a place to eat. Spotting a vacant one a few tables from the main entrance, you trudged to it, Tai'chi following close. You sat down and got a clearer look at his tray.
It was a lot, though you expected it to be. There were more vegetables than meat though.
"Not a fan of meat?"
He looked at you and laughed, echoing through the whole cafeteria, which resulted in some students glancing in your direction.
You were a bit taken aback, not expecting that sort of reaction from him.
"I'm sorry. I just- I don't know why I found it funny. I meant no offense."
"None taken."
"To answer you, I'm a huge fan of meat, red meat to be exact. This was the only portion that's left when I asked for more. And I'm still growing so I made up for the lack of meat with the vegetables. We orcs love a healthy and hearty meal."
What he said made you smile even more.
"What about you?" He glanced at your tray to see a portion almost similar to his albeit more assorted. This made him look back up and you, flabbergasted. "You can eat all of that?"
You looked down to inspect your food choice, and you instantly felt self-conscious.
"I...Uhm yes. I can." You replied, albeit meekly.
Tai'chi noticed the sudden change in your voice and made himself clear; "No, no I didn't mean it like that. I'm just, well, as you already know I haven't met many humans aside from the ones in a village back home, so I was just surprised." Watching him explain himself made you smile again. The thought of you being repulsive vanished out into thin air.
"I eat a lot. Though sometimes I eat more junk than healthy food. Anyways, let's begin, shall we? We're already late and I'm starving!" Laughing, you both know today's attendance in class isn't much of an issue. They did say there won't be any lessons today to give time for 'socializing' instead.
You stopped in your tracks when you realized you haven't shown him your face ever since you met. You looked around to see if anyone was watching and stole glances at the one in front of you. You slowly removed your mask and revealed your face. Not many have seen you without it, only those who are close to you, specifically your family.
"I guess this is the first time you've seen my face, huh?" Nervous, you asked.
Tai'chi stared at you so intensely you felt self-conscious once again. "I-Is there something wrong?"
'Shit, does he find me unattractive? Weird? Not that I expected the opposite but —'
"No. No, there's nothing wrong. You-"
"I'm what?"
"You're beautiful."
'Did he just—'
Your face heated up again and this time you had no mask to hide it.
Hastily, you covered your face with one hand and looked away.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when you did, coughing into his fist before he started eating.
Once you cooled down, you did the same. Trying to focus on the savory food they served in the uni.
Eat, damn it.
You barely noticed the orc, or perhaps you chose not to, as you wolf down your food like you haven't eaten for weeks. Another thing he found admirable and attractive. You ate cleanly, not letting a single piece of food go to waste.
He'll have to find some time later to formally introduce himself, along with other...things.
You leaned back on your chair, noticing Tai'chi doing the same, as you let the feeling of content wash over yourselves. The food was great! You made a note to thank the cook later.
You sat up after a moment and arranged your dirty utensils. You were against the thought of making the cafeteria's job of cleaning harder than it is. So you cleaned up, stacked plates properly in your tray with concentration, you didn't realize until later that you did the same to his dishes. You didn't spare a peek up into his eyes or else you'd make a fool out of yourself again. Taking a napkin, you wiped your mouth clean before you quickly put on your mask, much to Tai'chi's dismay.
You stood up but before you could walk away, a hand reached out to grab your arm, stopping you. He stood up from his seat.
"Uh, yes?"
"There's still time before our next class starts. Would you mind taking a stroll around the campus with me?"
"Y-Yeah— sure. I wouldn't mind." You replied, avoiding his gaze.
The two of you strolled around the quiet grounds of the campus. There were trees, younger than the ones in the forest. You took in the nice scenery before you, feeling the fresh, cool air, the gentle rustling of leaves, calming, and the scent of your companion to your left, relaxing and sweet. You were in a daze, barely paying attention when Tai'chi said your name and stood still.
He chuckled lightly at your response.
"I want to continue where we left off in the forest."
"Oh. Oh, of course."
"I want to know more about you, Pearl. So I'll start with my true name." He knelt down which startled you momentarily.
"I am Tai'chi Kashharzol, eldest of five siblings, son of Durog and Gala. I come from the Northern stronghold of clan Fatof'san. Before I came down to the city, I was trained and taught basic socialization by an old human who lived in the village under our protection.
"I went through one of my clan's traditions and hunted down my first Snow Bear. The elders gave me an honorary title to carry, right after my kill."
You stood there listening to him earnestly as he told you all of this with pride, taking in each word and committing them into memory.
"I was given the name, 'Frostbreaker'. It is my warrior name." He took a breath before he asked. "Will you honor me of becoming my friend?"
All of this sounds like a confession— technically it is but there's something, intimate about it. The way his eyes shone with such determination and something you can't figure out.
Should I ask? He stopped talking, snap out of it–
"Oh, wow. I mean yes! Yes I'll be your friend. I'd be more than happy to. The honor is mine!"
You beamed as he returned a toothy grin.
"Right. I should also say something like that, well, uh, wait." You were slightly nervous as you removed your mask, offering a shy smile before speaking.
Breathe in.
And out.
"I am Pearl Blackbell, only child and daughter of Leon and Athena Blackbell. I'm from a town, West of here, Red Springs is its name. My parents taught me martial arts, and, uh, the use of self-defense weapons." You paused and showed him your crimson knuckles. "This is my favorite one to use, I'm sure you noticed already. My father... didn't want me to leave home without any assurance that I can defend myself. You were right when you said I have experience in combat. A decent amount of it," you sighed.
"I always, almost every day, get into trouble standing up for someone, bullied, or abused. I also held my own when someone tries to harass me, smashing their faces in."
Tai'chi in turn listened closely, his gaze intense on you. He was concerned about what you implied. Many attempted to assault you? How many times? Did they hurt you? Your smile faltered as you told him the next things about yourself.
"I... didn't have friends as I grew up. People tend to be afraid of what they do not understand, y'know? They didn't want me near them, finding me weird for wearing a mask, plus my reputation for punching humans didn't help," you laughed self-deprecatingly. "So I spent my whole high school years training, mastering my art with the help of my father, who was of course, very strict and hard on me." Finding nothing else comfortable to say at this stage, you went quiet.
"Can I ask you a question?" The orc said a moment later. He was bothered by the fact you had no friends, not even one. And training, training meant pain.
"Only if I can ask one in return." You replied, feeling bold all of a sudden. He grinned at this.
"Why do you always wear a mask?"
There was no trace of ulterior motive in his scent, not the usual annoyance you smelled every time someone asked the same question. So you answered him, honestly.
"Promise you won't get weirded out?"
"I swear on my name."
"Oh. oh, okay that's good. You see, my nose, or my sense of smell specifically, is err, not normal."
Now this made Tai'chi's eyes widen. Did you have an illness of sorts? Is your health in danger? Were you h–
"I can tell how someone is feeling based on the changes in their scent. My nose is very sensitive to odors so I keep wearing a mask every time I go outside. It has been like this since I was born. My doctors say it's rare for a human to possess, they say it's special, a gift from a higher being."
"When we went in the cafeteria after our first class, "—Tai'chi inserted— "Was the reason you stopped advancing inside further, the sour and disgusting smell of the students in there?"
"Yes, actually— Wait, how did you know?" you asked.
How does he know??? Did he just smirk?
"I can smell them too."
"You can?!"
"So you mean to tell me, my nose functions similarly like yours?"
"Yes, perhaps, a little bit differently. Or maybe it's because you didn't hone it."
"How can you say so?"
"I can block out certain smells if I want to. And based on your reaction early on, you're having a hard time doing so, is that right?"
"W-Well, yes. You're right. Usually, I'd wear a mask with a basic filtration device, but that doesn't work when I'm inside a closed space and the scents are all mixed up and concentrated."
Tai'chi nodded in reply. He began to stand up and you were met with his towering form once again. You took a step back so you can put less strain on your neck from looking up.
"You still owe me an answer to a question by the way."
"Go on and ask then."
"So, uh, is it just me or when you told me about you...it kind of felt different from how talking to a friend sounds like..." You fidgeted, a certain heat slowly creeps up your face again as you looked around not wanting to meet his gaze. You felt your heart rate increase as you noticed his scent change, telling you you were right.
Tai'chi sighed heavily and rubbed his temples before gathering the courage to talk.
"Yes, it was different."
"We use that kind of formality, usually towards someone we want to court."
Did he say 'court'?!
"C-Court??" you squeaked. Pretty sure your face is redder than the color of your brass knuckles, your heart hammering in your chest you believed he could hear it.
"Courting, or dating, or whatever everyone calls it down here." Breathing in deeply, he returned to kneel before you and took your hands into his, large palms caressing your small ones.
"I'll have to rephrase my words."
He locked his gaze into yours, deep blue eyes to your mahogany ones.
"Will you allow me to court you, Pearl Blackbell?"
"W-Why would you want to court me?"
The hell would someone want to court me? I'm seen as a freak by most people and I'm not soft or girly like the others. I don't like skirts or dresses. I hate makeup. I have calloused hands, scars hidden under my clothes. I don't understand —
He gave you a soft smile, cutting off your train of self-deprecating thoughts. "I can hear your mind, Pearl. Don't think low of yourself. You are amazing, y'know that? The first time I saw your eyes, and the moment you fought for my sake, I knew I was smitten. You are graceful, each motion fluid and filled with strength, people would never expect you possess until they feel it through a punch you throw. You are kind, righteous, beautiful, strong, with a heart of gold. It is a shame how most people do not see it. I want to prove myself to you, and win your heart properly."
You were about to pass out from his confession when you remembered you need to respond! Gathering what courage and energy you have left, you answered.
"I...Oh my God... I don't know what to say— I've never experienced this, ever! I'm afraid I won't know what to do- what if I mess up? What if I—"
"Listen, liga ni..." He cut you off as he rubbed circles on your hands, that small shift of language sent his voice into a guttural one. "This is also a first for me, and I share your fears in this. But my wish to pursue you remains unwavered. I will try my best to woo you, and if I do something you didn't like, it is up to you to end the courting, any time you want, and I will stop immediately. I hope we would stay friends if it comes that..." He said as he broke eye contact and looked down.
"Tai'chi..." Seeing him sad like this made your chest twist in discomfort.
Steadying yourself, you studied him, his scent was pure, no malice within his words, he was speaking from his heart. With renewed confidence, you finally decided.
"Tai'chi Kashharzol...I wish to court you as well."
He snapped up his gaze back to you and saw you smile. He scented you just to make sure you weren't doing this out of pity. The moment he realized it was genuine he lifted you in the air and spun you around. You were surprised at the sudden outburst but laughed together with him once you got over it. He set you down after a while and moved his face close to yours but halted immediately when he saw your eyes widen.
"Too forward?" He asked.
"Y-Yeah." Your heart was doing backflips, even if that sounds so ridiculous.
He understood. "I apologize, I got carried away." But before he pulled back you pressed a quick kiss on his forehead. He almost purred from the gesture but suppressed it as not to scare you in any way. You were new to this after all. He cleared his throat and reached out a hand to you.
"We should head back, our class will start soon."
"O-okay." You moved to wear your mask again before taking his hand, enjoying the rest of the walk in silence. You were still nervous, but you decided to focus on the now.
I've never felt like this before... Is it a good thing? I think it is.
And with that on your mind, you let yourself relax.
A pair of cruel eyes witnessed the whole exchange, remaining unnoticed as he hid behind a tree, a good distance from where you stood. They watched you and the orc walk away before they went the other direction.
"She will be fun to break. A female, human Blackbell, tempting. This will be a great chance to demonstrate and prove how monstrous an orc could be." They snickered. "I will enjoy this, exceptionally."
"In time, Pearl. In time."
Now now who is this suspicious person?!
Liga ni — means 'little one' (as an endearment) in Orcish
Tags: @crackinanutshell @kokokatsworld @mitchiesdungeon
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
Christopher wailed helplessly for seemingly the sixtieth time that evening. He has been brought by an unknown force to many places he hasn't even seen, and in a space of only thirty minutes, it was safe to say that he has traveled all four or so corners, and nooks and crannies, of the planet Earth.
And now, he found himself standing at the edge of the cliff, staring down from a height where he could fall down, down, down into the deep, vast ocean where the waves crashed wildly, with no hope of coming back up alive.
"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!" Christopher was truly about to stumble down when a strong hand grabbed his already wrinkled coat, saving him from his demise.
"I GIVE UP!" The doctor finally cried in defeat. "I GIVE UP!"
"Come again?" Came the threatening voice of the man behind him. The man who was responsible for all of these unwanted travels.
"Ah, I can't quite hear you." Vergil simply answered. "The waves are too loud. But, where shall we go next? The Himalayas? The Amazon? Or perhaps the - ?"
"And you swear it?"
"Very well." Vergil replied, and after another slash of the Yamato, Christopher and him were back to Swan Lane in mere seconds.
Christopher collapsed on the ground, almost worshipping the dirty asphalt for seeing and feeling it once more. Then, fishing the necklace from his pocket, he turned around to see the eldest son of Sparda looking down at him.
"Here, man, take it!" Christopher said as he handed the trinket back to Vergil.
"And I hope you learned your lesson." Vergil spoke as calmly as he could as he took the thing from Christopher's hand. He knew that the man would have no reason to lie now, and should he find him doing it again, he'll take it upon himself to make him face even greater consequences than ever before ( he was strongly debating whether to leave the doctor on an indigenous island tribe who still used poison darts to assault invaders but, he took mercy upon him and avoided the place altogether ).
"Yes! Yes! I swear I will be good!"
"Very well, then." Vergil nodded, then turned on his heel.
Christopher waited for Vergil to disappear and only then did he finally try to get up. Thinking with gusto on what to have for breakfast ( for it was, indeed, almost morning ), he simply walked back home without calling for a taxi ( luckily, he didn't drop his cellphone on the way to Nairobi ). Opening the door and going straight to his kitchen, he opened his fridge and found,... nothing.
Thinking that his eyes might only be tired from seeing too much within a single night, he closed the fridge and blinked several times. Then, he opened the fridge once more. Still nothing.
"What,... the hell?" Christopher muttered under his breath.
His hunger almost consuming him, he began ransacking the shelves for anything to eat, anything at all. But, it was useless.
Someone stole all of his food!
Collapsing on the chair, he tried to stifle his screams of frustration as he grabbed fistfuls of his hair when he saw a piece of paper on the table right in front of him.
Curious, he grabbed the paper and read the words written on it.
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Kittee an I ate all yer foods
It was yummee
Bydawei (Y/N)'s pupels tot me da alfebet last kreesmas and I learnt how ta wraite
Thankz fer da meal!
Yum yum yum
- Griffin
Can we go bak next time? Da mufens r hella delishas! Will bring Nitemerr too! He sez he wants ta see ya!
And at the bottom of the letter was a drawing of a frazzled - looking bird, with fierce - looking red eyes, in different shades of blue. And beside it, an illustration of a black cat with red eyes with the words, haha! Kittee gos mrreow! written next to it.
That damned poet's pets,... ate all of his damned food!
🌸 Three Wishes 🌸
The start of the new year proved to be very fruitful for you. First of all, Christopher Lancaster has moved to a different city that was very far from Swan Lane ( you found it strange that Griffon and Shadow seemed to be saddened by this fact ). Avery and Roman finally shared the good news to everyone ( you were not that surprised, actually, but all of you were very happy for the couple, nonetheless ). Your grandmother and Fleminger started seeing each other more and more and they both looked very happy ( once, Fleminger even visited the kindergarten you were working at and gave a musical instrument to each child, not to mention the more than generous sum he donated a week prior ). Dante left alone for Gaoltown on a mysterious gig he didn't want to share with others ( he didn't divulge the full details of the commission but, Morrison did spill that the client this time needed more than an Exorcist, and because of that, you have a strong feeling of what the Devil Hunter would be facing there ). Lady and Trish took turns watching over Dante's shop at Morrison's behest ( said they have this ladies' night thing going on and that they were working so hard because of this ). Nero went on more Devil Hunting missions with Nico ( Kyrie started tagging along, cooking foods for them and assisting Nico with Breaker repairs ). And Vergil? Let's just say he was busy with something,...
What about you and V?
For one, you have witnessed how V's demeanor changed for the better. As a matter of fact, he felt so different now compared to how he was the first time you've met him. Now, he smiled a lot, ate more than ever before, and most importantly, he finally allowed himself to loosen up a bit and have fun. 
Also, you're very happy to see how well he has gotten along with your students ( he insisted on visiting there every once in a while, either to play the violin or to read fairy tales ), that, over time, the children has gotten attached to him. So, he finally made the decision to apply there as a substitute teacher ( he can't focus on a full time teaching job because he was still active as a Devil Hunter ), and, honestly? You were beyond thrilled and excited. You even began looking forward to the days when it was his turn to teach because, every time he whips up fun tales for the children to listen to, he would always ask Griffon and Shadow to act out as the main characters ( the demonic bird was already asked to play as an astronaut who got lost in space, a pirate who can't swim, and a Genie who can't cook barbecue, and the demonic feline was already made to play a mermaid who turned into a hair brush, a warrior who came out of a durian, and a witch who turn swine into fish ). On some rare cases, the generous poet, along with his pet demons, would play tirelessly with the children for hours on end until the familiars got so tired, they turned into their stalemate states a few times.
And what about outside your work? Honestly, you couldn't ask for anything else, for you felt so content and satisfied with V by your side. He has even taken a vast interest with your full - time occupation as a pianist ( being a surprisingly talented musician, himself ). He never missed any of your concours and he has become your biggest fan ( he would always kindly ask to play something with you if you're not busy ). 
At times, you didn't know, or couldn't figure out, what you did to deserve such a very loving, thoughtful, and wonderful person. Your wounds of your past has now fully healed, thanks to V, and everyday, you look forward to seeing him and spending the rest of the day with him. You never stopped thanking the Heavens for granting you this wonderful opportunity of being together with the most loving, caring, and gentle man you have ever met.
Indeed, with V by your side, you have become the happiest woman on earth.
February 14, 2020
" ... and we can handle the rest. No worries!"
You still couldn't understand. Your partner's back! And what's more, she's with Vergil!
Vergil Sparda, of all people!
The two were graciously asking you to take a rest from teaching, taking over as teachers for the day to make up for the lost time ( your partner has been absent for quite a while ). And honestly? The two were doing a pretty good job ( you were a bit scared of what the students would think of Vergil, turned out he was fond of children deep beneath his stoic and intimidating shell, and they easily fell in love with him ) that you instantly felt confident of their skills.
But, work matters aside: Vergil was, indeed, the man who has been visiting your partner since last year! The man has been trying so hard to win her affections over the holidays, hence his absence from Devil hunting missions! And you saw that he has finally succeeded! The smile on his face said so!
And your partner? She looked positively radiant! And she should be! She's finally together with someone who deserved her love and kindness!
Finally, she would no longer feel heartbroken and lonely, and she could focus more on her violin now!
"It's alright, (Y/N)." Vergil reiterated as he handed a stuffed tiger to a little girl. "We can take it from here."
"Thank you, Vergil." You said, smiling at him and feeling so grateful for his initiative and generosity.
"No. Thank you. For taking care of my brother." The eldest son of Sparda answered. "I have never seen V so happy. And content. And full of life. He has changed, and for the better. I'm sure mother would be so proud of you, and she would feel honored to have you as a new member of the Sparda family,... little sister."
"Oh! I," you mumbled, suddenly feeling the heat creep up your cheeks and ears at the thought of marrying into the Sparda family. " ... thank you so much, Vergil."
"Come on, (Y/N), it's the fourteenth of February!" Your partner playfully told you as she held onto your arm. "You know what it means, don't you?"
"I don't know about that!" You lied with a shy smile, already feeling excited for this wonderful day.
"Go on! I'm sure he's waiting for you outside." Your partner let you go and practically pushed you out of the room with a mischievous look.
Giving the couple one last look before going out, you waved at them and said, "Thanks, guys!"
"You're welcome, (Y/N)."
"No problem, partner!"
Wearing a smile that could only be described as full of love and happiness, you went outside the colorful kindergarten building and, indeed, saw V waiting for you outside. And what's more, he was atop a jet black motorcycle that made your eyes widen in awe.
With a devilish smirk, V gestured for you to join him and said, "Nero persuaded me to get my own vehicle, since we would not be getting Nico's services for the next couple of months."
"That,... looks positively badass!" You admitted as you received your helmet from him. "Is this what you're trying to learn last month? How to ride a motorcycle?"
"Indeed." V answered as he felt your arms wrapping around his mid section. "Surprised?"
"Yeah!" You answered as you watched him wear his own helmet.
"Where to, my sweet lady?" V asked, his deep voice laced with mischief and excitement.
And with a little smirk of your own, you said, leaning onto him, "Wherever your heart desires, my dear poet."
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🐦 Griffon's love letter is brought to you by my one and only little chicken, @lilttlechicken . Thank you so much for the help and support! 🐦
🌸 Thank you so much for the love and support, guys! By the way, there is a running joke / trend in every chapter of this fic. Let me know in the comments section if you noticed it, and I might give you a little gift. ;) 🌸
🌸 @la-vita , @dreaming-gamer , @birdgirl69 , and @v-vic . 🌸
"V,..." The poet heard Dante's voice from a distance. "V! Wake up!"
V opened his eyes and saw the worried look on Dante and Griffon's faces.
"V," Dante muttered as he grabbed the poet's shoulders, helping him sit and trying to wake him up by shaking him a bit. " ... are you okay? What happened?"
"I thought you're done for, V!" Griffon, who gently landed on his leg, sounded like he was crying in despair.
V felt his eyes getting heavy and hot with unshed tears, and there was a growing pain in his chest that was beginning to feel more and more like a massive inconvenience. His hand reached up and clutched it, feeling emptier and lonelier than ever before.
"I saw her." The poet began, his voice hoarse and raw with emotion after such a shocking and harrowing experience. "As a dancer, a musician, a teacher, a patient, a partner, a lover,... " Looking into Dante's eyes, he let out those words that nagged and gnawed on his conscience, begging to be freed after such a long time. "It has always been her, Dante."
"What do you mean by that, V?"
"It was (Y/N). We were always together. It has always been her. And her alone." Taking a deep breath, he finally set those tears of his free from their deep, jade prison and declared, with a clear voice, "(Y/N),... is, indeed, my soulmate."
Leaving the poet for a while, Dante stood and marched directly towards the one who caused V all this misery.
The one woman, dressed from head to toe in black, who mourned for the lost of her love.
For many centuries.
"Azalea," Dante began, looking down at her and trying to get through her intimidating shell one more time. But, he still couldn't. " ... what happened to V? What did you do to him?"
The woman named Azalea returned Dante's worried gazr, her pair of gold rose eyes that shed so many tears seemingly penetrating the depths of his own soul.
And with a look that made the Legendary Devil Hunter realize how weak he really was before her, she spoke,...
"I opened,... his eyes."
V and Dante will return.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter Eight- Part Two
   They waited, wrapping up their wounds with bandages from the first aid kit Joyce kept in the bathroom. Phina did hers by herself, shooing Jonathan away when he tried to help.
   "Go help Nancy," she told him, "I've done this plenty of times on my own."
   She now sat against the wall, on the floor, ignoring their quiet whispers. She had pulled the gun she had stolen from the waistband of her jeans, switching it from hand to hand. It was a .9mm, a similar caliber to Nancy's, but this one packed a stronger punch.
   "Where'd you get that," Nancy suddenly asks.
   "I stole it off an agent from Hawkins Lab earlier when I went with Hopper to get Mike," Phina shrugs, looking up at the two.
   "Do you even know how to use that thing," Jonathan asks.
   "Come on Jon, you have so little faith in me," she laughs, "I'm a better shot than you are."
   "When did you learn to use a gun," Nancy shouts.
   "Remember when I was in 8th grade, I was hanging out with that Clark kid? Yeah, well that summer  he took me shooting with his family almost every weekend," Phina explains.
   Nancy sighs through her nose, shaking her head at her sister. Nancy goes back to wrapping Jonathan's wound, and Phina tunes them out again. She stared up at the ceiling, thinking. Thinking of her past, of her family, of the craziness going on lately, just thinking. Getting lost in her own mind. She did it to distract herself, to keep her from feeling the terror coursing through her. Not for herself, no, she didn't care what happened to her, not at all. No, if Jonathan or Nancy were to get hurt, she would never forgive herself. Or if something happened to the kids, while she had left them on their own, that would kill her inside. The terror was enough to shake her to her bones, so she drowned it in the thoughts she could control, the good ones.
She fell so deep into her mind, that she was almost blind to the entire world. Nancy and Jonathan's conversation fell on deaf ears.
   Loud knocking suddenly sounded on the door making Phina jump, breaking through the veil of escape she had made. She falls back into reality, hard, she looks towards Nancy, who's eyes are wide with terror.
   "Jonathan! Are you there man! It's Steve," Steve Harrington shouts from the other side of the door.
   Phina jumps to her feet, why is he here?
   Steve starts knocking again, "listen, I just want to talk!"
   Phina looks at Nancy and Jonathan, who both give her a nod, and walks over to the door, cracking it open.
   Steve looks at her, confused, "Phina?"
   "You need to leave," tells him right away.
   "Listen, I'm not trying to start any shit," he pleads.
   "I don't care, you need to go. Please," Phina pleads back.
   "I know, I messed up, I messed up! Ok, please, I just want to make things right," Steve's voice wavers, "ok? Please."
   Phina gives him a look that he's never seen before, a look of understanding, of sadness, of, fear? She was scared of something, scared for him. He looks down at her hand that's resting against the door, noticing the bandage.
   "What happened to your hand," he asks, he grabs her hand gently into his, cradling it, "is that blood?"
   Phina she rips her hand out of his, "that is none of your concern."
   "What's going on Phina," he asks, "wait, did he do this?"
   "What! No," Phina shouts.
   Steve pushes past Phina to get inside, "Steve! Steve, stop! You need to leave!"
   "Let me in," he pushes past her and stumbles inside, seeing Nancy and Jonathan standing in the middle of the insanely messy house.
   "What is, what the," Steve stutters, looking around at the lights and the lettered wall.
   Jonathan starts to push him, "listen to me, you gotta get out of here. I'm not asking, I'm telling!"
   "What's that smell, is that gasoline," Steve shouts.
   Nancy pulls her gun on Steve, "Steve! Get out!"
   "Wow wow, wait, What," Steve yells, holding up his hands, "what is going on!"
   "You have five seconds to get out of here," Nancy shouts, "five."
   "Nancy, that's a little over dramatic, don't you think," Phina shouts at her sister then turns towards Steve, "Steve! You need to leave, right now!"
   "Put the gun down," Steve pleads.
   "I'm doing this for you," Nancy tells him, the lights flickering above her.
   Phina pulls her gun out of her waistband, looking around the room, at the lights.
   "Phina! What is happening," Steve screams, seeing the gun in the redhead's hands.
   "Steve, you need to go, please go" Phina shouts, then turns to her sister, "Nancy!"
   "Two," Nancy continues counting, Steve freaking out, yelling.
   "Nancy! The damn lights," Phina shouts.
Nancy stops her countdown and looks up, looking at the rapidly blinking lights. She turns away from Steve, looking all around. Phina slowly makes her way over to Steve, he was completely defenseless, and was now on her list of people to protect.
   "It's here," Jonathan shouts, grabbing the nail ridden bat.
   "Wait what's here," Steve asks.
   "Where is it," Nancy asks.
   "Where is what! Woah," Steve screams, seeing the bat, "easy with that!"
   Phina pulls Steve towards her, raising her gun to protect them, "shut up and stay close to me, got it? Where the hell is it Jon!"
   "I don't know," Jonathan yells.
   "Where is what, hello! Will someone," Steve is cut off by the Demorgorgan crawling through the ceiling.
   Phina and Nancy both raise their guns, shooting off a few rounds at it, not affecting it at all. Jonathan grabs Nancy and turns towards Will's room.
   "Go, run!"
   The Demogorgan falls through the ceiling and Phina turns, grabbing Steve's hand and bolting. The race back to Will's room, the Demogorgan letting out an awful screeching roar.
   "Jump," Phina shouts to Steve as they get to the trap.
   "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," Steve screams, as he leaps over it.
   They run into the room, the door slamming shut behind them. Steve grips Phina's hand in absolute terror. She subconsciously pulls him closer to her, squeezing his hand back, half to comfort him and half to comfort herself.
   "Jesus! What the hell was that," he shouts, "What the hell..."
   "Shut up," the other three teens yell at him.
   The Demogorgan screeches again and Phina pushes Steve farther behind her, raising her gun towards the door. Steve yelps, cowering behind Phina.
   "What's it doing," Nancy asks.
   "I don't know," Jonathan breathes heavily.
   Phina grips Steve's hand, not caring that she was practically breaking it, neither did he.
   She watches for the yo-yo to fall, but it doesn't. The lights stop flickering, and it goes silent in the hallway.
   "Do you hear anything," Nancy asks.
   "No," Jonathan answers, closing his lighter.
   Jonathan slowly opens the door, preparing for the Demogorgan to attack, but it doesn't happen. He looks back at the others, a confused look on his face.
   The four teens slowly creep out of the room, looking for any signs of the Demogorgan. To their relief, it wasn't there, Steve still holding onto Phina's hand like a scared child.
   They walked slowly back into the main room, Phina holding her gun to the ground, ready to aim and shoot at any given time. Jonathan leads them, his bat held out in front of him. Nancy and Jonathan look for any signs of the monster, finding none.
   "This is crazy," Steve was whispering to himself, slowly getting louder, "this is crazy, this is crazy! This is crazy!"
   He finally lets go of Phina's hand and grabs the phone, dialing 911 probably. Phina marches over and takes the phone from his hand, throwing it to the ground and slamming her foot down on it.
   "What are you doing! Are you insane," he shouts at her.
   "It is going to come back," she yells at him, "and you need to get the hell out of here before it does!"
   Steve looks down at her, her fiery emerald eyes glowing, not in hatred, but in concern. For him, he realizes. She had never, ever been concerned for him, no, she'd hated him from the moment they met, for her to be scared for him, worried for him, meant that he was in serious danger, and she didn't want him to be hurt.
"Please Steve, you've got to get out of here," she whispers, "please."
   He nods, shell shocked. He give her one last look, before bolting out the door, running to his car.
   Phina let's out a breath that she didn't know she'd been holding as soon as he is out of her sight.
   Almost as soon as the door closes behind him, the lights start flickering like crazy again. The three of them circle up, back to back, looking everywhere for it.
   "Where is it," Nancy asks.
   "Come on. Come on you son of a bitch," Jonathan says, "you see it?"
   "No," Nancy shakes.
   Phina's heart pounds in her chest, "where the hell is it!"
   "Come on, come on, come on!"
   The lights go out completely, Phina looks up at them, "son of a bitch."
   The noise of the Demogorgan makes Phina turn around sharply, to see it standing over Jonathan.
   "Jon!" "Jonathan!"
   The Demogorgan hits Jonathan, knocking him to the ground, and his bat falls from his hands. It gets on top of him and slowly lowers it face to his.
   "Jonathan!" Nancy yells.
   It opens its mouth, Phina raises her gun and starts shooting at the same time as Nancy.
   "Go to hell you son of a bitch," Nancy yells at it.
   It stands up to its full height, looking at Nancy and Phina. They continue to shoot at it, Nancy running out of bullets before Phina. Phina shoves Nancy behind her as the thing steps towards them, running out of bullets after a few more shots. The monster takes its sweet time walking over to the girls, almost as if it is taunting them, like it knows it's won. Phina slowly raises her hands towards the Demogorgan, the center of her palms slowly heating up, her eyes beginning to glow golden. The Demogorgan pauses.
   Then, out of nowhere, Steve screams, hitting the Demogorgan with the nail ridden bat.
   "Steve," Phina shouts, lowering her hands so she won't hurt him.
   The monster swings at him, but Steve ducks, taking another hit at it. He backs towards the hallway, the Demogorgan following. Steve hits it again, and again, until it steps in the trap.
   "It's in the trap," Steve yells, and the three run over to him, "he's stuck!"
   "Jonathan now!" Nancy screams.
   "My lighter, it's gone," Jonathan shouts, searching his pockets.
   The Demogorgan starts to pry the trap open, screeching in pain.
   Phina panics, pushing Jonathan out of the way and yells, "god damnit, move!"
   Jonathan jumps out of her way and she throws her hands up, her eyes glowing golden and a wave of fire shoots from the palms of her hands. The gasoline lights, and so does the monster.
   "What the hell," Nancy screams.
   The monster screams, the fire licking the roof of the house. Jonathan grabs at the fire extinguisher, not about to let his home burn to the ground. As the room is engulfed in smoke, all of them are blinded. They are limited to their sense of hearing.
   Coughing fills the air, and then a scream, Phina's.
   Steve recognizes it instantly, "Phina!"
   The smoke clears, and to the teens horror, the monster, and Phina, are gone. All that is left is the strange gooy substance bubbling on the bear trap, and drops of human blood mixing into it.
   "Where is she! Where is it," Steve shouts, holding the bat in the air.
   "I don't know! It should be dead," Jonathan yells, frantically looking for his best friend.
   Tears stream down Nancy's face, her mind filling with awful thoughts, like how she might loose her sister, just like how she lost her best friend.
   "Where is she, where did it take her," Steve yells, his voice cracking, turning to look at Nancy and Jonathan.
   "The upside down," Jonathan whispers, tears for his best friend forming in his eyes, he falls against the wall, almost as if he can't support himself anymore.
   Steve falls to his knees, Jonathan's reaction causing Steve's heart to painfully lurch. Phina was in serious danger, and Steve realized he had no idea how to help her. And, with that thing there as well, she was as good as dead, and Steve could feel his world crumbling beneath him.
-2126 words-
Oh no! Phina's been taken!!! Here is that action I've been promising you, and the little Steve action as well. Hope you enjoyed it.
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