#i support any sort of dynamic between them tho
ayahimes · 1 year
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dyn : ayaka kamisato + kaedehara kazuha ©
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nekrophoria · 9 months
For the OC ask: 5 for Mel, 15 for Serena, 17 for Simon, and 10 for any character of your choice!
Thank you <3
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How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
If it's only Mel we're talking about....not very far.
He generally tends to take what he perceives as the path of least resistance in almost any situation and wouldn't really go beyond that unless he really really really had to.
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Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
Not really. (tbh none of my characters have an actual face claim apart from Lyall partially)
I did sort of implement certain attributes of fictional characters or people I know/ have seen somewhere in both her style and facial features tho...just not enough to really call it a face claim.
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Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim vs the World for example is a character I very loosely based her on.
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What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
(small tw for transphobia just in case)
Most of the answers here would be too much of a spoiler so I'm just gonna go with one thing, which is the fact that his relationship with his mother suffered quite a lot under his transition.
It's not like she disowned him or broke contact or anything like that, but she still has a lot of trouble becoming adjusted to it, which naturally causes a lot of tensions between them at times.
Part of me would love to just say "fuck it" and have his mother be 100% accepting and supportive but sadly that is not always the reality.
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What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
One AU I would really love to explore more is the storyline of Mabon and @drawing-way-outside-the-lines' Caspian.
I like to think this AU is kinda...sorta what could come to be if Volatile was an interactive story (à la Life is Strange) and Mel/the Player made all the worst possible choices one could make.
I personally really like to dabble in this AU because:
a) I can just fuck around without much thought for plot and coherence
b) I love Caspian and his dynamic with Mabon.
and c) it allows me to explore a more unhinged side of Mabon.
Seriously I feel like guy has so much potential to be an amazing villain, but that part of him would never have a place in the canon for various reasons...nor would I really want it to be canon so...yeah....AU it is.
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stormyoceans · 1 year
As someone who doesn't like vice versa I dare you to try make me like jimmysea
SKFGDSKFGSKDGFSKDGF I—i mean if they're not really your thing i doubt anything i could say is gonna make you like them but YEAH OKAY SURE WHY NOT I CAN TRY
let's meet our boys separately first!!!!
jimmy. actor, doctor, babygirl. frankly has my undying admiration even just for being able to juggle his acting job while also studying to become a dermatologist and somehow succeeding at both literally could never be me. people tend to dislike him for his role as wai in bad buddy, but you only need to watch any bts video from the show to see how much he is adored by everyone and if anything that should be proof of the absolute range he has as an actor. avocado enthusiast and self proclaimed extrovert (is he tho. is he really), don’t get fooled by his quiet and responsible appearance, he’s actually the most deranged man in the industry. i still remember the day an anon told me he improvised nomming on his co-star's face and using a pillow to suggest stripping said co-star down and eating him out all in the name of Acting™ because i've never been the same ever since. the me before and after i was given this information are completely different people
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sea. actor, athlete, dog dad. you won't get a single objective thought out of me because i am: Disgustingly Fond. debuted with a killer performance in the show 55:15 never too late as a supporting character, the fact that he's somehow still so underrated when he's one of the best actor in GMMTV makes me want to bark bite maim kill. he is an actual ray of sunshine with a smile that could light up the entire world and also the perfect example of an introvert: he has the innate ability to somehow disappear from any social gathering, but if he wakes up in a silly goose mood you will find him shamelessly twerking in front of everyone and being an absolute goofball. he's also a great singer and goes along with everything jimmy does because he is a big Simp™ (who's more deranged, the one who noms first, or the one who noms back, this is the question)
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and now onto them as a pairing!!!!!
jimmysea. with a 5 years difference between them, they are actually the pair with the biggest age gap in GMMTV, which could have come in the way of their on- and off-screen relationship, but from what we are privy of i think you can see in every interaction they have that they clearly adore and are incredibly fond of each other. maybe it's because they share the same kind of derangement, or maybe it's because they both are very hardworking and humble boys who always try to give their best, but somehow they work. as the older one jimmy is always there to help and guide sea however he can, but when he needs it sea is ready to step up and carry the weight for him. they may not possess the kind of chemistry that's all sparks and fireworks, but they have a quiet gentle intimate one that makes them look like they've been married for years, which is also helped by their insane ability of looking at each other with so much love and adoration in their eyes it feels like your heart is getting curb stomped against the sidewalk. they don't really know what fan service is and they can go weeks without seeing each other (the drought eras), but when they do hang out they usually go out to eat and swim together (preferably at the pool in sea's condo after jimmy drives him back)
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..not sure why this came out as a sales pitch tbh ;;;;;; honestly there are a lot of things i could add and if i were to convince you to like them i should probably send you links to videos and stuff like that but. im not really good with this sort of things ;;;;;; (i guess i could still suggest you to watch their praew interview to have an idea of their dynamic)
in the end all i can tell you is why i personally like them, which is mainly because what transpires of their relationship feels very genuine to me and they seem to be really sweet boys who just stand in their introverted corner minding their business doing their own thing portraying high romance and giving incomprehensible levels of adoration derangement goofiness talent ability skills. THEY ARE JUST SO COMFORT SHAPED TO ME IDK WHAT ELSE TO SAY
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codenamesazanka · 1 year
Any thoughts on an au where Hana becomes All For Ones successor instead of Tomura? Or where they are both his successors and have a sorta Daki and Gyutaro (Demon Slayer) dynamic of villainous siblings?
I once wondered why exactly AFO didn’t pick Hana to kidnap/manipulate/groom. Like, she’s also a Shimura child - in fact she was born first, so if he had been planning for a sort of ‘Torture All Might With A Shimura Descendant (Before Then Using The Child As A Vessel For My Immortal Evil Soul?)’ all this time, he could’ve started earlier. She’s a girl, who looks even more like Nana, so the psychological torment for All Might would’ve been higher, probably.
One of the more popular theories in fandom seems to be: Shimura Tenko was born quirkless; AFO gave him the Decay quirk that would eventually bring ruin to the family and allow for AFO to swoop in as a ‘savior’. And thus it seemed like the Shimura tragedy was plotted by AFO nearly every step of the way:
1) Take one Shimura Child
2) Give them Decay
3) Wait for (or somehow induce) Accident
4) Profit
But then, if this was the plan, why not use Hana? All For One (Quirk) can take away any original quirk Hana had anyways, so Decay could still be bestowed and he can still bullshit some explanation about mutant quirks and innate urge to destroy and cultivate a ‘Symbol of Fear’. Simply put, why Tenko as the figure for his nefarious plan and not Hana?
Was it because AFO found the Shimura family too late and Hana already manifested a quirk and so it would’ve been suspicious if she suddenly changed powers? Was it because AFO didn’t actually have a specific ‘Use Shimura to Eventually Torture All Might’ plan (or had several to choose from but hasn’t decided on one yet) but when Tenko was indeed born quirkless, AFO thought that was too good an opportunity to pass up? Did Tenko have some quality that Hana didn’t and AFO focused on that? Or was it, as the responses to my question suggest, because AFO is a sexist bastard and a girl was no good (although he seemed to have been okay having girls as spares in his shady orphanage)?
It’s all kinda convoluted, these questions and what ifs. In any case, an AU where (Tenko still exists but) Hana was chosen as successor would mean, I think, that: All For One had an eye on the Shimura family for a long while before deciding to enact his plan, and he would specifically pick Hana either for a small bonus psychological torment to give All Might (super Nana look-alike) or because Hana had some quality he preferred/needed (her budding trait of sneakiness?) or a secret third thing. Which means AFO here is just a bit crueler, and his exact plot is slightly different, and also apparently he does not mind having a girl for a vessel (agender/genderfluid All For One, Go!). Fun elements to explore.
For some shameless self promotion tho, I actually have written an (unfinished) fanfic in which Hana survives and while she isn’t AFO’s successor, she’s nevertheless also groomed to take on a role in AFO’s evil plots, as sort of support for Tomura:
Unfortunately I am not familiar with Demon Slayer and am not sure what dynamic Daki and Gyutaro have, but I too had wanted to explore what villainous Shimura siblings would be like.
Between the different and perhaps clashing survival tactics both would develop; the potential for some unnerving AFO/OFA older sibling-younger sibling parallel; me having AFO give Hana a lying quirk (because he’s cruel with a terrible sense of humor like that); and me taking cues from this real interesting quote of Oneshot Tenko’s Hana’s
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—I thought I could have a fascinating AU to play with. It’s a WIP I’m actually particularly proud of, and if you decide to read it, I hope you like it too!
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namor-shuri · 1 year
Love your edits and overall page 💘 What other ships do you enjoy outside of Nashuri/Namuri, if you care to share?
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Hey 🧡 Thank you for the love, I have fun making them! Lowkey bummed my posts aren’t posting to tags anymore but alas. With the recent "what ships piss you off + what ships do you love" trend going around Twitter, I was just thinking about mine the other day and realized most of them have some sort of angst to them 😅 Outside of NAMOR X SHURI, here are some of my other fave ships over the years [in no particular order] Let’s get into it *cracks knuckles*
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A. SAM X BUCKY: "Can you move your seat up?" "No."
I have to say that this ^ line reeled me in but what sealed my fate was the offscreen friendship between Antony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. Those damn compilation vids on yt killed me; they are too funny together. I genuinely feel like they aren't even acting when they work together. You can see their friendship shine through, and I think that's why Marvel realized they needed to do something with this goldmine. In regards of the characters Sam and Bucky tho, I enjoy both a romantic or platonic love between them. There's a strong connection there either way full of support, transparency, shared pain etc and these two losers have my heart. Also, I will never get over that scene in Endgame when Steve speaks with Sam and before accepting the shield, Sam looks over at Bucky and Bucky nods in support *ugly cries*
Show: The Falcon & The Winter Soldier
B. FLEABAG X PRIEST: "I love you." "It will pass."
This ship is definitely one of those ships that devastated me 🥴 Their awkward and yet endearing connection was everything. Fleabag’s dry humor and wit just jelled so well with the Priest in such an unassuming and comforting way. She truly found her match, which made the whole thing that much more tragic. The parts where he broke the fourth wall with the audience and questioned who she was talking to took me out lmao. I was heartbroken with how the show ended but in the midst of everything, it felt fitting. I don’t think they should have done it any different. I also find it funny that we never learn Fleabag or the Priest’s actual names.
Show: Fleabag
These two are one of my first ships when I was young so the nostalgia hits hard with them. As an adult looking back tho, Inuyasha and Kagome’s relationship pissed me off the majority of the show rofl. His back and forth with Kikyo was SO unnecessary. They were so aggravating at times that at one point it was a toss up between Inuyasha and Koga for me. Koga was looking like the better man for Kagome. He meant business and knew where his priorities were. But in the midst of it all, Inuyasha and Kagome’s bond just did something for me. I remember younger me freaking out every time Inuyasha lost his shit and went full demon mode when Kagome was in any eminent danger. I was like “that’s love right there” lmao smh. Also the fact that they kissed like one time [twice??] during the entire show was so *screams into void*
Show: Inuyasha
D. LO'AK X TSIREYA: "Outcast - that's all they see!" "I see you."
Shout out to my fellow Avatar fans out there ✌🏾 I remember when the first movie came out, I freaked out and wanted a banshee SO BAD bruh lol. With the second installment and it’s new batch of dope characters, there’s so much to talk about [especially with these two]. They are basically a mirror of Jake × Neytiri, but in a different font? I love how attentive Tsireya is with Lo’ak and how much she looks out for him and his siblings. She was the first person to truly embrace and see him for him. Their love lanquage is clearly physical contact and it's too adorable. I look forward to seeing how their dynamic/ relationship evolves over future films to come. My blue babes 💙
Movie: Avatar - The Way of Water
E. STEVEN / MARC X LAYLA: "I don't need protection. What I need is honesty."
First of all, this show was sick on so many levels! You’re telling me we got to have a Guatemalan-American actor and Egyptian-Palestinian actress play mcu characters in a show revolving around Egyptian gods and legends sprinkling in themes of mental health and family?? To say I can’t wait for the second season is an understatement, but I digress. I loved Oscar and May together on screen. It was funny seeing Steven and Marc go back and forth over their dynamic with Layla and then Layla grappling with the multifaceted differences of the man [men?] she loved. I enjoyed all of the action sequences but I hope we get to see more of their complicated relationship explored in the future. It’s just so fascinating to me. I will never get over Steven kissing Layla for the first time and Marc absolutely losing it lmao.
Show: Moon Knight
F. AMY X DANNY: "Why is it so hard for us to be happy?"
Now before y’all hop on my dick for posting about this show [in the midst of recent controversy w/ David Choe, which f*ck that guy btw🖕🏾] I watched this BEFORE Choe’s shit came to light. I can’t tell you what to do. You have to personally make that judgment call of whether or not you want to support/watch the show yourself. Anywho *fixes clothes* This show is insane. It's hilarious, tragic, relatable, the whole nines. There’s so much to it but these two specifically take the cake for me. Amy and Danny's relationship take a minute to come into fruition but by the time I got to the end, I was hooked. I also just need Ali and Steven to do another project together because their a quirky pair, but their a pair I didn't know I needed until now. It was beautiful to see how despite all of their strife, Amy and Danny truly saw one another’s souls. They were reflections of one another. That entire tripping sequence in the desert the last ep was funny af but beyond deep.
Show: Beef
G. DRUIG X MAKKARI: "My beautiful, beautiful Makkari. Did you miss me?"
I'm going to be real with y’all, Druig and Makkari were the one good thing that came out of Eternals for me [aside from Kingo and Phastos' roles]. I don’t know what it was but I couldn't get into the movie for some reason and what threw me was the fact that I thought I would. They only had like 2 seconds on screen but they were the only thing I could think of walking out that theater. I swear I couldn't get over their charming dynamic. That scene where Makarri thought Druig was killed and starts going ape shit on Ikarus was peak cinema. No one harms her man! It was also such a dope moment to learn later on that the actress who plays Makarri, Lauren Ridloff, is deaf in real life. I bow down to that Queen. These two characters are just *chefs kiss* and I really hope Marvel doesn't mess up a good thing and we get to see their relationship blossom over time in a beautiful way. This Druig ^ line KILLED me. Me and who when?
Movie: Eternals
H. ZUKO X KATARA: "You rise with the moon. I rise with the sun."
Yes Aang x Katara are cute but Zutara? ZUTARA?? *violently bangs credit card on table* It was full of angst, grief, healing, sexual tension, the list goes on. They could relate to one another’s pain with losing a parent and so on. Zuko helping her find and confront her mother’s killer was everything too. Of course she had every right to be pissed at him and the fire nation but it was nice seeing Zuko work to gain Katara’s trust over time. He caused so much pain and damage to the avatar crew so for him to come back and try and rectify things was monumental. This is also one of those shows growing up that had me in a chokehold. I couldn’t decide what element I wanted to bend because all benders were so badass to me [my girl Toph was the mvp tho. Hands down the coolest].
Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
I. RAGNAR X LAGERTHA: "We shall meet again and fight, and drink, and love one another."
Where are my fellow Viking fans? ⚔️ This show was INCREDIBLE and their love story specifically was so layered and complicated. Lagertha was the epitome of loyal but I love that outside of her dynamic with Ragnar, she was just such a dope character overall. She really held her own and took no shit from anyone, man or woman. Her hands were rated E for everyone. Their love had its huge ups and downs but you could tell after everything, there was still a deep affection there. They would do anything for one another and that was apparent every step of the way. Even after Ragnar’s death, Lagertha still kept the love she held for him in her heart. His dynamic with each character on the show was intriguing but nothing beats their powerful connection. She was one of the few people who got to see all of the real and raw sides of him and that was beautiful. The show was never the same once Ragnar’s character died [which I still don’t understand this monumental writing decision??] but it was amazing nonetheless.
Show: Vikings
J. LOUIS X LESTAT: "I wanted to forget him, and yet it seemed I thought of him always."
I didn’t watch the first iteration of this novel so I was completely new going into the show. I heard about it way after it came out but it did not disappoint. It lived up to the hype 100%. Louis, Lestat and Claudia were such a disastrous trio but I loved the little family they created [before things went south rofl]. Louis and Lestat’s story was intriguing and I was engaged from start to finish. I swear that moment when the reporter Daniel put two and two together that Louis gave Lestat an out, I yelled at my screen lol. Their love was intense to say the least and although certain moments were hard to watch, these two were electric. With that, it was so suspenseful watching Louis and Claudia ban together towards the end and scheme against Lestat to gain their freedom. The whole thing was just so *sighs* *refrains from writing a novel*
Show: Interview with the Vampire
K. BRAEDEN X DEREK: "I’m protecting my investment."
I know a lot of people shipped him and Stiles together [I mostly enjoyed their entertaining dynamic in a platonic way] but Derek and Braeden did something for me. They fought bad guys while being domestic together and younger me ate that shit up lol. Also seeing a black woman be in a type of role and show like this was also 1000/10. More black women in fantastical roles please 🙏🏾 I feel like this was the first healthy romantic relationship Derek was in too and it just had good vibes all around. He truly learned to trust a lover again. The beginning of their relationship was also hot af and that initial “anything you can do, I can do better” cat and mouse back and forth was *chefs kiss* That scene where she was teaching him how to use a gun >>>>> The reboot of Teen Wolf was not my cup of tea + I was bummed we didn’t get to see future Draeden [or their future kids??] but alas. We always have S3-S5 to look back on.
Show: Teen Wolf
L. WOO X JUN-HO: "What if you think of it as dancing the waltz?"
They are for sure one of my favorite ships. Woo and Jun-Ho need to be protected at all costs 🫶🏾 I don’t even know where to start with these two or this show. If you haven’t watched it yet, please go watch it. It’s on my top kdrama list for sure. Being close to people in my life with Autism, it was heartwarming to see how Jun-ho treated Woo. He treated her like a human being. He was loving, empathetic, patient, kind. All of the ways you should be with others in general, no matter how different or similar they are to you. It was fascinating seeing how the show tackled the subject of relationships that involve differing mental conditions and capabilities. The show was such a slow burn with them that when they had their first kiss I LOST it. I was giggling, screaming and kicking my feet in real time lmao. I’m conflicted bc I want to see a S2 but I also want it to stay the way it is. I don’t know how they would continue everyone’s story but if they resume it, I will be SAT.
Show: Extraordinary Attorney Woo
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I'm realizing a big trope I cling to is "Enemies to lovers". I don’t know what it is about it but it just eats each and every time. It has a certain je ne sais quoi 🤌🏾✨There are a BUNCH of other ships l love but I'll cap it here before this post becomes a whole novel.
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cloudmancy · 2 years
you have made me think so much harder about this dynamic than i ever would on my own! i do appreciate that because it is a very fun dynamic but i also think it’s not…. it’s not you’re not a confidant because i have a newer shinier thing, it’s oh i thought you were my best friend but i am realizing the feelings we have for each other are very different. (even knowing they has started considering wuvvy at some point; i don’t think they really considered her as romantic competition to hob at any point after the whole situation started. she is firmly advisor-zoned) It’s rue realizing that using her as a confidant would be unfair to her at this point because it is putting her in a position that is painful for her. they are saying i am now going to mentally grieve the bond we had because i am incapable of giving you what you want/need here. i have been on either sides of this relationship irl! it hurts from either side of the pond.
it’s hard being in unrequited love with someone! but it’s also hard realizing that your most steady source of support is one it is unethical to lean on. one that is about to break. the best thing ever just happened to rue and they went to share it with the other most important person in their life and realized both that the other person cannot exist in the same place as the first, and that an emotional divide larger than they can really ever fix has formed between them without their knowledge. ow!
you’re right that they shouldn’t have sent the letter with them tho. wuvvy literally tried to kill this man babe like. even if you don’t know she’s in love with you (which i think they only just started to realize, i think rue hadn’t considered anyone to be any sort of romantic possibility before this bloom) you know she is wary of this relationship and is acting strangely as of late. deliver your own damn letter my guy.
sorry this was so long you’ve been making me Think about this dynamic lately. also please don’t take this as discourse i genuinely just like talking about these characters.
I firmly believe it was an insane decision to have wuvvy send the letter... literally you deserve to have your letter ripped up! but yeah it's a hard situation that they're both in. thanks for sharing your thoughts I'm glad more people are speculating about what the complexities of it all mean for rue and wuvvy :)
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haystarlight · 2 years
For the ask game: The Owl House
Send me a movie/book/show and I’ll tell you:
favorite character:
Edalyn Clawthorne, aka Eda the Owl Lady. It always goes back to her. She's this amazing character with such a good sense of humor and interesting personality. We need more characters like her, who show us that older women can be smart and strong and powerful (and, yes, super hot). I also know her story is very important to people with chroninc ilness or mental illness or dissabilities. I don't personally have something like that but I do really relate to her in other ways.
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least favorite character:
Oh, Boscha. Definetly Boscha. She's just annoying and boring. Like, yeah I get it, we needed a bully character that wasn't like Amity and wouldn't want to become friends with the other kids because a bully character can facilitate stories like WILW and OUAS and MLC more easily. And like, her design looks good. But we could never see her again and I would not miss her at all.
Every time she talks I just want her to shut up. Why are people giving Hunter grief? she's the one with the annoying voice. I think some people do want Boscha to become a nicer person and grow and mature and, I mean, she's 15. She's still very young, she could eventually grow up into a better person with time. But I'm not as interested in seeing her grow as I was with Amity or Sasha Waybright.
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Oh, I'm having a hard time choosing. I really like Luz and King because they remind me of myself and my little brother.
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I also love Hunter and Luz because I like that sort of friendship where two people constantly make fun of each other and annoy and insult each other but it's never with bad intentions. Like, they give each other a hard time but, in the end, you know it's their way of showing they care for each other. And I think it's super sweet how Luz went and sacrificed herself for Hunter in CATH. I understand why people ship it, even though I choose to see them as platonic friends.
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Raine and Eda, aka Raeda. They have such a rich and powerful story together. Their emotional scenes always get to me so bad. They always make me feel the angst and the joy and the EVERYTHING. I get so excited whenever I see them interact. I really hope they get their well-deserved happy ending, because Idk what I'd do with myself if they didn't. Also, Eda's Requiem/Raine's Rhapsody is such a beautiful song.
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I don't really have any poly ships for this fandom, unlike with Amphibia or Shera or STVFOE, all of my ships are just 2 people. I don't really see any characters in a polyamorous relationship. Tho I support the fans who do.
I guess the closest thing I have to an OT3 is the Emerald Trio (Hunter, Willow and Gus). But not with Gus as part of the relationship, I like Huntlow as a ship by itself. More like, their trio of friendship. More like, as much as Hunter and Willow are already a couple by themselves, their friendship with Gus is a big piece of their relationship. Like, their mutual friendship with Gus is something that makes them more dynamic as a couple. And they totally invite him to come with on most of their dates. He's the third wheel but he's happy about it.
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Boscha and Willow, aka Boschlow. Mostly because I don't like Boscha as a character, like I said before.
Like, I understand why people ship it; it kinda has an Enemies to Lovers vibe. Like, it might remind some people of Early Season 1 Lumity. The difference between Boschlow and Lumity however, Luz and Amity were more rivals than bully/bullying victim. Like, as much as Amity gave Luz a hard time, Luz also went out of her way to annoy Amity; it was a mutual rivalry. Whereas, Boscha always attacked Willow unprovoked. Willow just wanted to be left alone and Boscha kept bothering her. Unlike with Lumity, where they both annoyed each other.
Also, Boscha is shown to be a constant bully throughout Willow's whole childhood. Like, it seems she kept bothering her for years and years. That's a long time of built-up resentment and maybe even trauma, it's hard to take that and try to build a relationship from it. (Similar to how it took a long time for Willow to forgive Amity and be her friend again). Unlike Lumity, where their rivalry was short-lived so they didn't really have that much built-up resentment to deconstruct before getting to the Friends to Lovers portion.
Before Huntlow was presented to me as the beautiful ship that it is, I used to ship Willow with Skara (Skarlow). Because Skara was never really a bully to Willow, she was more Boscha's lackey and it looked like she might have a good heart and a good sense of humor under her blind loyalty to Boscha. Low and behold, it turns out I was right! She does have a good heart! Skara seems like a very sweet girl. And I support people who continue to like Skarlow.
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favorite storyline:
Aww, maaaaan. So hard to choose. They’re all sooooo gooooood.
Maybe Eda’s character arc going from “I keep everyone at a distance, I don’t make connections, I don’t want a family” to “I AM EVERYONE’S MAMA! I HAVE 3 CHILDREN AND I WILL ADOPT 3 MORE IF LEFT TO MY OWN DEVICES!”. Like, it’s more complex than that. Something something emotional vulnerability something something allowing yourself to open your heart to people.
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And Hunter’s character arc of him learning Philip is a bad dude and slowly easing his way to rebellion. Something about him going from “Human (derogatory)” to “Luz (affectionate)” really hits me where I live, I’m not really sure why. I don’t know if it’s a redemption arc because I never saw him as a villain but it’s definetly an improvement arc. And I feel like it could’ve been done better with more time but.... you know, Godspeed.
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least favorite storyline:
I don’t know....... the Bat Queen maybe? I don’t dislike her! she’s fine! I just.... you know. Now that we’re going godspeed and we don’t have time for this... that’s it, we don’t have time for this. I don’t care who the Bat Queen’s owner was, we don’t have time for that! I don’t wanna spend what precious time we have with the Bat Queen that we could be spending with the kids.
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Also, we haven’t really seen it yet so it doesn’t count but.... the fact that Belos is not 100% dead. I despise that with every fiber of my being. I want him to be dead so badly. I don’t wanna spend a single second on Philip anymore. I just want him dead. And I have faith that the crew knows what they’re doing but just.... I would’ve been so happy if The Collector flicking him had been it. Like I was so relieved when The Collector tagged him, I was like “FINALLY”. And now it looks like he’s coming back and I’m like “WHY WON’T YOU STAY DEAD”. 
Also, the fact that Belos survived The Collector trying to kill him makes me feel like it makes The Collector less scary. If he tried to kill someone and they survived, then he’s not as scary anymore. Ya feel?
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what I wish had happened but didn’t:
I guess this could still happen but it probably won’t. I really wanted to hear Raine sing. Like, I want to hear all the characters sing because they all have really beautiful speaking voices so logic dictates that, if they have a beautiful speaking voice, they’ll have a good singing voice too. But especially Raine because... you know, Bard. 
And we probably won’t get that. Not just because ain’t got no time. But also because I know that Dana Terrace doesn’t like musicals so she would never write a musical episode or even just throw me a bone of a single scene to let me hear my angels sing. Just let the theater kid breathe please. 
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what happened that I wish hadn’t:
I don't know if I can think of anything that I wish hadn't happened. I don't really have any thoughts on that front.
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gleefullypolin · 1 month
Getting stuck in a single mindset is really very bad for the fandom at large. I've seen people fall in love with a theory then refuse to be swayed by the fact that it's likely that's not what's going to happen. Or to like a fic and then get mad at other fics for not being the same as the fics they like. There's a lot of entitlement in that sort of behavior and I don't think people realize how they're acting when they're in the middle of it.
It all depends on the ship dynamic for me tbh. Mostly it's canon because the ships I like are usually rife with chemistry and it works for me. Sometimes I just think these characters might go nicely together, ha.
That damn boy has absolutely flirted with Pen before and either not known it or didn't think about it. The whiplash he has probably given her must have thrown her for a loop. I know he's not an idiot and I could be wrong but I feel like it's been implied in some of the interviews that maybe he's known her so long that he's just not put her in that position. Something has to flip the switch and oh boy it looks like his switch gets good and flipped.
I didn't read much about the scene just that the balloon scene is a bit of Hero Colin so I haven't heard anything else about it but between the guy trying to keep the balloon under control and the one who looks like he's holding her as a shield, I pick the one trying to control the balloon.😭
My girl! I want her to stand up for herself. I want her to love herself and accept herself and grow into her voice. I also want Colin to stand up for her and I want her to stand up to Colin and whoever else gives her reason to (except maybe not the Queen, keep your head, Pen) and do it confidently and let them hear the smarts and wit that we know is laying underneath the girl who stumbles over her words when put on the spot. We believe in you.
The Hook nonsense was unreal. I think one of the dumbest ones of the later seasons, one where it was obvious Emma and Hook were ending up together was saying how he promoted rape culture. Literally they would throw whatever at the wall and see what stuck. The same people who wanted Emma to end up with Regina, mind you, were very very concerned with Hook's purported support of rape culture. Unreal. And you're right, his redemption arc was insanely well done. Media could learn a lot from how they handled his.
I know it's 3 weeks away but if it could be now that would be great, ha. I just want to knowwwww and see it for myself. Also to scream and kick my feet but whatever, I am very adult I will handle this like a mature person, I'm sure.
Yes you have to be willing to move from a mindset especially if its something you came up with from a spoiler or a snippet or your own headcannon. Or to attach any of the actors life to the characters life. I’ve seen it all and that behavior doesn’t sit well with me. And I can’t see how it can help your enjoyment of a show. If I felt that way about a character or actor I would stop watching it. In fact I have done that honestly. But sometimes the biggest thing to ruin a show is the fans LMAO!!
I’ve had a few where they started to gravitate a pair together but nothing ever happened and that was a bummer but never went goo goo over. It takes a lot for me to truly gravitate to ship tho.
Yeah I remember the scene in season 2 where he returned and he was hugging his family and then he turned to look at Pen and you thought they were going to hug before the kids came running in but the look he gave her was a look that NO platonic friend would EVER give another friend. That was longing if ever I saw it and I was like WTF was that! But then he would do these things where he would say lovely things to her and then boom…of he ran like a turd! So flip the damn switch Pen, talk about his eyes and blink those lashes and flaunt those boobies cuz boy needs a wake up call!
RIGHT I thought the same thing. Why is the veggie boy hiding behind Pen? Like boy stand up and stop touching her! Ok I’m really joining the I don’t want to like LOWK! Let’s start the fan club right now! We can be the founding members!
Yes I was working on some quotes for my countdown to season 3 and I love a couple of them where she’s speaking to Colin and he’s like omg I can’t believe you are speaking to me like this and I really want to see that Pen! I’m dying for that girl to come out! Cuz yes girl that’s the one that needs to speak to Colin and tell him how you feel! He already knows she is smart and witty and the best person he knows, but once he sees her as a woman that he wants its going to be FIRE!
OMG yes the damn rape BS with the Swan Queen and Swan Fire ships was so freaking annoying. Because he was anything but like that. It was just so ridiculous because Neal left her pregnant in jail and Regina kept trying to KILL her. But OK!! And all Hook was doing the whole series was trying to chase her across every realm in every story. He died for her how many times? Lol.
I had to create my count down because I can’t wait any longer. 3 weeks isn’t going fast enough. I’m over this. I am kicking and screaming now. This is taking tooooooooooooooo long.
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soulmeshart · 3 years
Why Stolitz will be endgame
Since the latest episode of Helluva Boss dropped (episode 5) I’ve been seeing a lot of people simply pointing out that Stolitz is problematic and toxic and that it shouldn’t be shipped. However these people never really think about the fact that  a) this is only the fifth episode b) where the ship is heading So I’m here to talk about that. What we’ve seen in these first 5 episodes is simply a look at what the relationship between these two is and who they are individually. This episode in particular was great because it pointed out two important things to us: 1. Blitzo doesn’t hate Stolas’ and deep down probably craves some sort of romantic relationship between them 2. The core issues of their current relationship Let me elaborate both of these 1. So far we’ve had the impression that Stolas is simply a nuisance to Blitzo and that he is simply using him for the book. All of their interactions up until this episode we’re pretty negative and made it seem like their relationship is purely sexual and that it exists for business reasons only. Episode 2 let us know that Stolas wants to get Blitzo involved in his life outside of the whole “transactional fucking” thing and this episode let us know that, well, Blitzo really doesn’t mind that. Think back to the first scene in episode 5. If Blitzo only wanted a purely professional relationship with Stolas or even hated him(as some people believe for whatever reason), he wouldn’t have agreed to go to the Harvest Moon Festival. There was nothing for him to gain by going there and he agrees to the invite without any real hesitation. This let’s us know that Blitzo doesn’t hate Stolas and is fine with being involved with him outside of their deal. Now for the “craving for some sort of romantic relationship part”. There are 2 hints about this in the episode. The first one comes in the scene where Blitzo tries to explain his relationship with Stolas to Striker and gets really emberassed. Remember what Striker says: “So you even conned that ditzy blue blood into getting you to the surface.” If this was the case Blitzo probably would’ve been proud of himself and simply confirmed that what Striker just said was true. But that wasn’t what happened. He got flustered and started fumbling his words around. The second hint is in the scene when Blitzo finds out that Striker is planning to assassinate Stolas. Striker tries to get to Blitzo to get him to join his side. He keeps telling him things that clearly bother Blitzo. For example: how the system is rigged against him. In those things he also lists the fact that Blitzo is being treated by Stolas as a toy/plaything. Now, why would Blitzo be bothered by this if his and Stolas’ relationship really is purely transactional. If that were the case then they’re both just using eachother and that’s the end of that. Blitzo is using Stolas for the book and Stolas is using Blitzo for sexual favors. Now weather this is or isn’t the case isn’t important here, what’s important is the fact that Blitzo doesn’t want this to be the case. Aka he wants his relationship with Stolas to be something more.
2. Now let’s look at the core issues of their relationship which are all presented in this episode very nicely. Stolas does a lot of condescending things to Blitzo throughout the episode. He baby-talks to him twice, puts out a cigar on his horn (though we know fire doesn’t hurt imps, it’s still disrespectful), he shows him off in public like he’s some sort of thing, etc. Now let me clear this up first, Stolas’ intentions aren’t malicious. He loves and cares about Blitzo. When it comes to the show, we know this because a) If Stolas just wanted to fuck an imp, he could’ve gone to way less trouble to do so and wouldn’t have to lend out his book which is VERY important b) He wouldn’t try to get Blitzo involved with his personal life and the most important person in his life, his daughter. A parent introducing their SO to their child is a pretty big deal. Now Stolas should’ve considered both Blitzo’s and Octavia’s feelings before doing that however we know that he really isn’t experienced with healthy relationships with other people (romantic and platonic). If we’re talking outside of the show, there are official instagram accounts for all of the Helluva Boss characters. The two most active ones are actually Blitzo’s and Stolas’ (jeez i wonder why). Now these accounts we’re confirmed to not be a 100% canon in the sense that not everything that happens there happened in the actual universe of the show. However Viv has stated that these accounts are ran by people who know all of the characters PRETTY GOOD. And in case you haven’t seen these accounts, Blitzo and Stolas have a lot and i mean A LOT of very positive interactions there. Sure we will occasionally get a horny comment left by Stolas’ on one of Blitzo’s posts or even a horny post of his own regarding Blitzo. But what we see more is just genuine wholesome stuff between the two. For example: Stolas constantly leaving positive comments on Blitzo’s posts such as telling him to have fun when he goes to hang out with either Loona or M&M, him supporting Blitzo’s passion for art and horses, we also get to see him putting up missing posters and searching for Blitzo at one point when Blitzo get’s lost. We see him visiting Blitzo to take care of him when he’s sick,etc. The list goes on and on. Obviously most of this didn’t happen but what’s important is the fact that Stolas clearly cares about Blitzo, like, a lot actually. The show hasn’t gone to this point yet but this is clearly where it’s headed. Plus the official twitter account for Helluva Boss reposts a ton of Stolitz fanart and they don’t do this for other ships, except M&M.
Now back to the issues of the relationship. All of the things I’ve listed (the baby talk, the cigar thing,etc.) wouldn’t seem like much of an issue IF there clearly wasn’t a class difference between them. In this episode the show REALLY let’s us know how bad imps have it. It’s rare to see them start businesses, the system is rigged against them, Stolas is also kind of condescending to them in his speech (though it’s obvious he actually does like imps and he isn’t intentionally being like this. He even calls the Harvest Moon Festival “charming”). I don’t think he realizes how inappropriate his behavior is. I think future episodes will almost a 100% tackle the topic of Stolas’ realizing how different the lives of imps are from his. This will also let him have a better understanding of Blitzo. All of his actions towards Blitzo through the episode, even thought they’re made with good intent, to Blitzo it just seems like Stolas sees him as a toy (even thought this isn’t the case).
In short, on one side we have Blitzo who is craving a romantic relationship (specifically with Stolas) but believes that Stolas is simply using him for sexual reasons and deeply dislikes his unintentionally condescending attitude towards him, and on the other side we have Stolas, who had lead a loveless life for years and has finally fallen for someone but is too blinded by his infatuation for Blitzo and the thrill of love to consider how Blitzo is feeling and the difference between their positions.
Now, this ship is going to be an end game ship a 100%. What we’ve seen so far is only what the starting point of their relationship is. They’re both going to grow as the show goes on and so will their relationship. Stolas will learn to consider other peoples emotions (which isn’t only a problem specifically related to Blitzo but also his daughter), the struggles of imps and how to properly convey his emotions so that Blitzo doesn’t mistake them as purely sexual. And Blitzo will also need to learn how to open up his heart and to stop running away from others (which is something he does I’m assuming, it looks like he ran away from his relationship with Verosika and it seems like their relationship was p serious given the fact she has a tattoo with his name).
Also while I do think Striker and Blitzo have a fun dynamic, I don’t think this is even an option as an end game ship. The sexual tension was high but that’s about it. Plus Striker was trying to manipulate Blitzo which isn’t cool in my book. Not against the ship tho.
So yeah, gonna reblog this when these 2 idiots (stolas and blitzo) get together with a big “told ya so”.
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welcum-to-sp · 3 years
13, 14 and 20
13. Favorite ship? Tell us why!
I have two! And I can’t pick one! Sorry!
Okay so it’s twenny and staig. I knoww that they don’t even interact in the show but the reason I like them is bc I’m currently writing a very long fic rn and it’s the only ships there. Basically I like them just because it’s my interpretation and a huge load of my headcanons. Honestly, if I’m given a chance I’d talk about their dynamic, all the conflicts, motives, etc for hours haha. Idk they just fit. I’ll try to explain why very quickly.
Staig. Simple well-know dynamic that always works. Craig is the person who loves to talk a lot about stuff he’s interested in, he’s rational and wants understanding and living life in peace. Stan is more energetic but he doesn’t bother Craig if he sees that he’s not in the mood for action. Stan is pretty self-centred and loves to talk about himself, still he doesn’t need pity, he wants a solution and support. The thing is when Stan and Craig started hanging out, they quickly realized that it’s the first time in their lives when someone really listened to them. Stan helps Craig to leave his comfort zone time to time, while Stan finally met someone who cares about his feelings and supports him whatever it takes. Oh and they’re both nerds, obviously.
Oof it’s a hard one to explain without explaining the whole fucking plot to the thing I’m working on but ok. Again, everything is pretty simple. Kenny and Tweek are both outsiders of some sort. Other kids never wanted to be around Tweek, while Kenny, who had friends tho, never got any recognition ever. When they started hanging out they realized that they not only found someone who finally noticed them, but they also don’t have to act like someone else to get the acceptance and the attention. They finally found someone who they see as their equal. Kenny knows that he can be himself, he finally feels comfortable, while Tweek gets more and more confident (he’s the leader in their relationship if I can say so), he slowly loses his crippling fear of being alone. Oh, and they’re both into conspiracy theories haha
I’m sorry it’s so muddle, it looks better with context😭
14. Least favorite ship? Tell us why! (But don’t tag it; that’s rude!)
Style. My reasoning is simple: I don’t like Kyle as a character, I can’t see them being in a relationship at all. From my perspective, Stan has too much going on, all of his problems and worries are always there, while Kyle is not the saviour type. I don’t think that Kyle would tolerate this kind of behavior, he’d simply leave. On the other hand, Stan doesn’t need someone around teaching him morals, his beliefs are already formed, he’s not going to change them in the matter of seconds. I barely can see them as friends when they grow up, I’m not even talking about the romantic relationship. Okay, but even if it “works out” I find it boring. For me it’s easier to think of the conflict (with satisfying ending) between Craig and butters, than of the conflict between Stan and Kyle. Sorry no I’m not doing this.
20. To you, what’s the most disgusting/worst moment in the show?
It’s hard to tell since I’m not grossed out easily phaha. I’d say the whole “Ginger Cow” episode made me feel very uncomfortable.
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bestworstcase · 2 years
Yo I just came across your mamoth of a Penny post you mad lass and it was fascinating read! Loved it! I honestly just wanna thank you for acknowledging and highlighting her relationship with Winter. While I do see people comment on how great and unexpected it was I really got the sense that many people thought that it doesn't really rival her relationship with say Ruby(tho maybe I just don'tfollow the right people). And I am not really a fan of ranking relationships since people obviously can and do have many close relationships with others without there being some kind of hierachy. But I feel it is kinda important to shout out Pennys relationship with Winter not just because it is important to her character and arc but also because I think it's special to have their friendship develop independent of our main cast and that it works so well even if it was so unexpected. It's just such a well written dynamic that deserves to be talked about so thank you!
thank you i care them
ghdksfh i think the undervaluing of penny's friendship with winter is fueled a lot by the popularity of ruby/penny and shippers in general having a tendency of kinda. zeroing in on their ship
but its always sort of baffled me because the friendship between penny and winter is more important, narratively speaking, than penny and ruby, because penny's and winter's moral and emotional quandaries and the arc of them struggling together with those things is one of the major thematic arcs underpinning v7 and has huge ramifications for what happens in v8, whereas penny and ruby's developing friendship is... just not one of the load-bearing pillars supporting the story as a whole, ya know? which isn't to say its insignificant but its like. it's a nice couch.
SO its like--tbh any textual analysis of the atlas arc that tries to place greater narrative emphasis on penny/ruby than on penny's friendship with winter feels. off to me, in exactly the same way that it would feel weird to encounter someone saying that a really nice couch is what's holding the roof up.
on the other hand
speaking in terms of the characters perspectives and like, what and who they care about and how they value those relationships--in THAT sense, my feeling is that penny values ruby's friendship just as highly as she does winter's (and i think reading that friendship as tinged with romantic interest makes sense) but she's probably a lot *closer* to winter simply by dint of having had so much more time--
like penny meets ruby when she arrives in vale to prep for the vytal festival and they click right away but also really only have like... a couple months tops to get to know each other, while ruby is kept busy with school + trying to figure out what torchwick's up to and penny's handlers are actively working to keep her isolated from other people, so they wouldn't have had much time to hang out and what time they did have would've been in pretty short stints, by necessity. so its like—they're very compatible and enthusiastically want to be friends and probably managed to cram a lot of bonding into that very thin amount of time, but theres like... a depth in relationships that can really only happen over long periods of time, which they didn't have a chance to do before penny died in v3.
and then at the beginning of v7 they immediately pick up where they left off but they're in a similar boat of just, not having a lot of downtime so most of the time spend in each other's company involves one or both of them working, so again they get along super well because they're really compatible, and they squeeze plenty of bonding into this less than ideal circumstance, but it's still like--they CARE about each other so much, they're COMFORTABLE with each other, but their dynamic in v7-8 i would describe as "solidly friends, starting to become close and mutually interested in growing closer" whereas i would describe penny+winter as close friends/found family. (same with ruby+weiss or ruby+blake or ruby+yang). like the LOVE is there, with penny and ruby, that's the foundation, and they're beginning to fill in the shared experiences and history and like depth of knowledge that defines deep, close friendships like what penny has with winter or ruby has with her teammates.
which is less about like. hierarchy of friendships (which is inane) so much as it is like--hm as far as penny/ruby goes what really interests me is they have this IMMEDIATE connection and then have to struggle and really make the best of what little time they have to take that spark and build it up into a real fire, and the world and circumstances makes that so damn hard for them, and in atlas theyre in like this murky. not-truly-close-yet, wanting-to-be-close, becoming-closer zone and stuck in a situation that is just not conducive to building the kind of relationship they both obviously want to be building with each other, and i love the tension and drama of that dynamic and the potential of how it could evolve if things went a little differently and penny survived, and also the tragedy of loss happening in the middle of this murky zone and the pain of losing not just penny herself but also all of the possibility for what could have become--and i think the reason NND content by and large doesn't appeal, both in terms of the analysis coming out of NND circles and fanworks centered around NND, is overall it kind of skips straight over that messy liminal Becoming™ zone to land on a more, i guess, finished relationship? its kinda like i want to watch a house get built and the NND crowd by and large seems to be doing house walkthroughs and interior decorating instead.
i've kind of wandered away from the actual content of what you said rip i just. i have a lot of thoughts abt penny
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kaaytea · 3 years
Can I have some headcanons of miyuki dating coach Kataota daughter (if he had one since him having a daughter isn’t canon) and how would Kataota react to finding this information out
Ok wait this is such a fun idea tho 😶 I kinda go into detail about how his daughter would be involved with the team for a bit and this is a LONG post... I hope you don't mind 😅
Miyuki and Kataoka's daughter
Read more of the KDAU HERE
I feel like Miyuki wouldn't get into a relationship until the end of his first year/beginning of his second year
He was kinda thrown into the catcher position when Chris got injured so I feel like he probably put most, if not all, of his focus on the team
With that being said
The entire team knows Kataoka's daughter
She would hang around practices and go to all the games so everyone knows her (I feel like she would do this even before officially enrolling to Seidou. She had nothing better to do and liked watching the different dynamics of the team over the years)
She's really close with the third years because she's watched them grow from the messy batch of first years to the absolute power houses they were now
So in short, she's kinda like the third years little sister :')
Obviously she'd be very knowledgeable about baseball. When you grow up with a parent who's job is coaching you're bound to pick up things about the sport
I can definitely see her, if not being a manager, than at least helping them out a lot
Honestly I think she'd help out regardless if she was an official member of the team or not
Because Kataoka was a pitcher I think most of her knowledge would be on pitching
Which brings me to how she more formally meets Miyuki
Her father had entrusted her to take notes on how the main batterys were doing now that Chris had injured himself, leaving a first year catcher to take his place
Miyuki payed her no mind as she observed, only acknowledging her when she pointed out small mistakes the pitchers were making
Once she had finished watching the pitchers she instructed the group to return to the field for the remainder of practice. The girl lingered in the bullpen until it was just her and Miyuki
He wasn't expecting her to talk to him but she did, pointing out a few things he could work on with Tanba. Miyuki suspected she had waited for the others to leave so she wouldn't embarrass him, which irritated him slightly but was grateful for nonetheless. Everyone was still warming up to the idea of him replacing Chris so it was nice of her to refrain from saying something that would bring even more attention to him
They walked back to the field together making small talk as they went. Miyuki was surprised to find out she was in the same class as him, he had just never noticed her
Miyuki quickly understood why his upperclassmen were so fond of the girl. She was always nice to him and had a plethora of tips and tricks up her sleeve. Her constant presence in the bullpen led to an odd sort of friendship between the two
Miyuki always had the impression that people didn't like him very much -old teammates complained that he was horrendously arrogant and pushy- but he couldn't help how welcomed he felt when around the younger Kataoka, almost like he was drawn to her
At the beginning of his second year it became painfully obvious his feelings for her were anything but platonic
In any normal circumstance he would ask her on a date and everything would be A ok!
But this wasn't any normal circumstance
It was an unspoken rule at Seidou that Kataoka's daughter was strictly OFF LIMITS
So Miyuki decided to ignore and suppress any and all romantic feelings he had for her
Out of sight out of mind
Well... That is until she confessed to him
Yikes....he uh... didn't see that coming at all
Miyuki would have classified himself as a grade A dumbass if he turned her down so the couple turned to the only logical answer
✨Secret relationship✨
They'd eventually tell Kataoka...but for right what he doesn't know can't hurt him 🤭
We all know Miyuki is a cheeky lil shit so he's really gonna push the limits with this
I'm talking stolen kisses in the bullpen, holding her hand under the table, pressing his hand to her lower back when they passed each other in the halls, "going over the scorebooks" which is code for meeting on field A once the lights had been shut off and going for a walk together
The Seidou team is HUGE tho so they were bound to be found out by someone
That someone was Furuya who walked in on the two making out in the bullpen one night
Rip Furuya 😶
That's when they decided to finally come clean and tell her dad
Miyuki had NEVER felt mOre awkward than at that moment
Sure he dealt with Kataoka's bone chilling stares and strict coaching on the daily, but being sat across from him in his office holding the hand of the one thing that's more important to his coach than baseball felt like he had been thrown into the deepest pits of hell
Kataoka is smart. He had a sneaking suspicion as to what was going on between the two but never wanted to confront the idea
And now he was struggling with wanting to protect his little girl -his pride and joy!- and letting her follow her heart
Ultimately he agreed as long as they kept it to handholding only when around him and if Miyuki promised to take care of his daughter
The smile on his daughters face was more than worth it when he approved of the relationship (his heart melted on the spot :'))
Do you really think Miyooks got away with out a smidge of threatening?
No....no he did not
Before Miyuki left the office Kataoka warned him that if he ever broke his little girls heart he'd never be able to pick up, let alone look at, a baseball for the rest of his time at Seidou
Now that the cats out of the bag, the pairs relationship would be way more open, but still low-key by Miyuki's request
A lot of their time shared together is at practice. She brings him water, helps Miyooks put on his catchers gear, and almost always joins him in the bullpen
Before games she pulls Miyuki aside and places a kiss on his cheek for good luck. In return he gives her his Seidou cap to wear :')
They probably barely get alone time so whenever Miyuki gets the chance he sneaks her into his dorm so they can hang out in an environment that's not on a baseball field
He probably uses this time to just hold onto her bc wOw he's never met someone whose hugs feel so warm and cozy
You can bet that when the rest of the team discovers their relationship the third years are ready to throw hands if Miyuki even makes her frOwN once!!
Poor Miyooks has to deal with 10+ protective "older brothers" and her father
The third years warm up to the idea tho once they realize they have something to tease the stone cold Miyuki Kazuya about
Kinda jumping ahead but when Miyuki is appointed as Captain she would instantly be right by his side supporting him. She'd be the one to reassure him that he's a great captain. She'd probably also be willing to lend him a hand if he ever needed assistance
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eevee-nova · 3 years
Saiouma or Saimota? Whatever one you prefer
This is just a lot of fun answering these things so imma do both if that's cool with you! 😊
• Saimota:
I'm gonna say Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
I can't say I really did in the beginning. Shuichi is prob my fave protag and Kaito is obvs my fave character, but I didn't pair them up, cuz there wasn't that much hint dropping in canon, and their dynamic was cute bro like but didn't jump out. I ended up seeing a lot of fan content and its really a cute and wholesome ship. I like it more than Kaimaki mainly cuz of Shuichi's ability (even if it is only in his head) to call Kaito out on his shit which is a very important thing for a Kaito ship.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
It's cute, they definitely care about each other and want to see each other grow in their confidence in themselves. I think the friendship foundation is already there which makes it super wholesome, and I feel like there's just a lot of support going around. Also height difference and top tier bromance is just adorable!
3. Unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
It needs a lot of work communication wise in order to work in a canon sense. Idk if that's "popular" or not. But I think, like with Kaimaki, Kaito needs to bring his walls down, as well as deal with his jealousy issues, and stop with the hero persona, and Shuichi needs to get Kaito off that pedestal he puts him on. And I think it's realistic to say it could happen and be very lovely.
Don't ship it
Oof is this controversial? Maybe but probably not. Lets just dive right in!
1. Why don't you ship it?
People can take what they want from a specific piece of media and shape it how they want and explore certain aspects of it in whatever ways they want and that's one of the best parts of fandom. People can ship any two (or more) characters simply because they want to and that's super cool. It doesn't have to be canon, it doesn't have to have any textual evidence, the characters don't even have to interact in canon because it's the creativity of content creators that make that stuff so good or compelling or interesting.
That being said tho, I'm the type of person that in order to ship something, I need some sort of canonical display between the two characters that can be seen as some sort of potential between them. I don't see it with them. I played thru v3 once myself and then a few months later watched a play thru. I knew going in that this was the most popular ship in the fandom and I was readying myself to see the ship baiting and chemistry between these two and it just... never happened? And then on the second time I tried to put a ship lens on and I still just didn't see it. It felt odd to me because of how often Shuichi brushes off Kokichi and how Kokichi's interest in Shuichi seemed to have more to do with his talent then who he is as a person. They're both great characters and platonically I'd love to see a developed friendship with them, but overall it just didn't click with me.
2. What would have made you ship it?
I'm not sure considering a lot of what would make me ship it would throw one or both of them wildly out of character. For Kokichi, I feel like he needs someone to match his energy and passion, and someone who will entertain his bullshit while understanding the deeper meaning behind it. While Shuichi is capable of seeing the deeper meaning, I feel like he wouldn't really tolerate the antics and chaotic behavior. Shuichi needs someone stable, who can support him, and won't expect more than he's capable of. Which I can't see Kokichi being able to level up to that. It's hard for me to say, honestly. I really like both their characters and I wouldn't want any part of them changed to fit a specific dynamic.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
The whole detective/outlaw thing is a fun concept, and aesthetically they look nice together. Protag/antag ships can be interesting if done right and the whole truth vs. lies thing is cool.
Thanks for the ask, this one got me thinking a lot!
Send me a ship and I'll tell you if I ship it or not! 😊💜
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the-worst-fe-player · 3 years
Dimitri for the character ask thing? :)
Sorry this took a while tumblr decided to crash instead of posting it right when I was almost finished sorry
Favourite thing = everything. But for real probely how much he try to do his best even if it isn’t the best thing. Like take the end of azure moon when he was going to spear el only killing her after it was clear there was no saving her and like honestly there was no real reason to save her yes dimitri rembers there childhood but it’s clear at that point el doesn’t and even then she invaded his homeland and is the reason god knows how many people died and had that meet up which was just a big fat yikes across the bored yet he still wanted to save her. the there his supports with flayn ingrid Ashe Mercedes I could go on the further show how amazing of a quality it is and how it will make him an amazing ruler and I think the end of am Murl shows that with him with the children and many others
Least favourite thing = probably the byelth worship but tbh I have that problem with pretty much all house leaders I just don’t get it mabey because I never had to beat real ships with my teachers but yeah
Favourite line = “I am certain I will be hearing them until the day I die. But I will not cover my ears. I will go on living... and their voices will serve as a warning”
I love this line while it’s sadly looked behind a s support it shows dimitris growth as a character the voices with no longer control him yet they will also never go he goes on the live an successful life dispute it all and it’s one of my favourite lines because of that. Also on a personal note while the voices I hear and the delusions I face are nothing like dimitris they still scare me and I often don’t feel like I’m in control of myself sometimes so seeing someone even if it’s a fictional character that’s like me still thrives gives hope you know
Brotp = Claude lol. like no offence to those who do iv just never really seen it but I would love to see them just hang out there personality pre time skip are so different that there could be funny stuff and post time skip seeing them re kindle that friendship and help join almyra and fodeln together meaning claudes dream can come true even in am
Otp = dedue I’m a sucker for prince / most loyal dynamic anyway but I think they would be so cute with each other and the ship dynamic can go from angst to fluff (tho I prefer the fluff lol) tho tbh I kind of ship dimitri with a lot of people like I multi ship a lot of three houses
Notp = I got two el even if you ignore the whole is it incest thing I still wouldn’t like it. (Trigger wanring for sexual mental and physical abuse next bit please skip this part if uncomfortable ) felix. My first introduction to this ship was an untaged abuse fic on a03 that had felix rape and physical assault dimitri in an attempt to save him. And so many of these ha ha felix edgey while in love with dimitri isn’t that funny that he’s saying how much he’s hates everything about his husband and wished he was dead or a better persons posts like it’s straight up verbal and mental abuse like as someone that was mental and slightly sexual (I was pressed into having sex) it makes me fucking sick to see it and because of that iv grown to hate that ship and will only look at it if a muatal that I trust reblogs or make the content because it can be good but it scares me you knao. Like I’m not saying wiring bad things is inherently bad fuck iv written stuff about my own experience in a way to vent and we can’t exactly not write about bad things because that can make good story arch it but there’s a fine line between I’m writing this and it’s clearly a bad thing to isn’t it so romantic I’m not gonna tag any of this so suvours will see this and be reminded about how we see the thing that fucked you up cute
Random headcanon = The sort of guy that can wear shorts and sandles in the snow
Unpopular opinion = the pre time skip hair isn’t that bad yall just mean 😭
Song I Associate with them= Achilles come down it’s my favourite song and just listen plz 
Fav pic = this cipher art
Tumblr media

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jubberry · 3 years
oohkay let's go tua with those ship asks: fiveya, horrance and alluther.
thanks el i love you
Send me a ship and I'll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
fiveya obvs i ship this since this is 90% of my tua drawings lol
1. ill wait ill wait (to be the one) by georgiestauffenberg made me ship it cause holy fuck dude. I dont know if i ship them romantically when i saw them onscreen cause first of all, age difference is kinda weird lmao. Second, they dont rlly interact much outside literally the first couple of eps. But he was so soft for her, and i felt like they had so much unexplored history.
so i looked at fanfics cause i was wondering if ppl still ship it, then i liked the description of this one so i gave it a go.
Basically the premise is that vanya dates a much older man who seems to know a lot about her. And it was amazingly in character and just provided their characters some depth that u wouldnt find outside of a romantic relationship between them. (The implication of five pining while she doesnt know who he is, their missed chances when he time travelled, fives missed chances of living and having a 'normal' life bec of his own hubris, vanyas insecurity and being able to open up bec shes with someone whos known her since childhood). Its so sweet and thats how i was like, oh yep i can do so much more with these two, and what has kept me interested in drawing them etc.
2. My favourite things are the shippers cause i made some friends in the fandom who are super cool and supportive! I dont get super involved in fandoms and usually just watch from afar so finding people to talk to and muck around with in this tiny fandom is super cool 😭
Though thats not to say I havent come across some bad apples in this fandom and things that I dont like. I think thats the importance of carving out a place for yourself and ur friends in fandom tho.
Another thing I like about the ship itself, i just like the grumpy person whos soft for one person trope. Its so cute. I like all the little clues in canon on how their relationship as kids is quite warm, which is interesting cause five is basically the star student and he can be quite cold vs vanya who is the black sheep of the family.
I also like how five likes her powers even when she caused the apocalypse he spent the majority of his life in lol. Like its a popular hc that five is just a wife guy and i love that.
I see vanya as the type who has a lot of love to give, and she sometimes has unrealistic expectations of what her partner can give. Betrayal and lies really angers her, but also when her partner cannot meet her expectations of love she gets very upset bec its also an indication of how shes not good enough, or not loveable enough to be able to have this in the relationship (her insecurity means every failing always comes back to her, even if its out of her control).
I feel like five would be a level-headed person enough in the relationship to not be afraid to say 'vanya ur being stupid' (ie. the s2 confrontation lmao). Also, five's personality means she will never have to doubt his actions bec she knows hes the type who will not give u the moment of the day if hes not interested.
Not to mention they also have the whole apocalypse vs. saviour, hero/villain thing. Theres just a lot to explore!
3. I probably have several. But mostly I dont mind five being a dick to vanya bec first, even if the appeal is hes soft to her hes already kind of a dick in canon lmao. Also, vanya isnt a child. Shes grown and she can handle petty af things like five telling her shes not good at cooking lol. I also dont mind it cause I feel like people are getting too afraid to write... conflict for fear or portraying an abusive relationship or smth. Like, chill. Conflict is fine, resolving it is how u get a story. However in saying that, nobody should be obligated to write any way unless you want to! Fanfic is for comfort so if what your doing is making u happy then its good enough!
horrance which i also ship but i love the platonic and romantic relationship equally:
1. I came in tua in general not shipping anything so Im honestly not sure. I do remember someone doing a meta before s2 came out that was basically how ben acted weird when klaus summoned dave in s1 that made me go 👀 Otherwise, tua s2 rlly made me like them cause tua FED horrance shippers. Like..... the fact that klaus didnt want ben to leave him, and ben knows thats why he stayed 😢 or the fact that klaus was all over him for some reason???? Somebody also mentioned gay ben once and I resonate with that deeply. Like i get that jill exists but i resonate with gay ben deeply.
2. I love their bickering, theyre so cute together. I just like ben being angry bec hes self aware that hes got both shit and amazing taste. Shit bec he cant believes he likes Klaus (and also amazing also bec Klaus). I think the idea of them being kind of underdogs, theyre not rlly leader types and dont want to be, helps them bond together even in platonic horrance. They're both down to earth, and even tho they can annoy each other, they also know if they want a space to feel comfortable its with each other. Theyre not pressured by rivalry over leadership, or any sort of competition.
I love the idea that even tho ben is like klaus's ''conscience'', hes also down for chaos and bitchy. I feel like klaus rlly enabled that side of him, its not exactly a good thing but its p funny lol
3. I know some people think their dynamic is unhealthy but i dont care lol
alluther. So id say i dont ship this, mostly due to the fact that im not invested? Just like all tua ships so far I rlly came out not wanting anything but platonic relationships cause I feel tua doesnt do romance very well. With alluther, theyre so cute but im not super invested in either of their chars so they havent stuck for me. I appreciate seeing them and talking about them tho, and I'm def open to exploring them further.
1. I think tua canon romances are just so lackluster 😔 Idk who writes the romances but I was just like 'nice' but afterwards I dont really think about them. I love their dance scene and the message behind it! Otherwise, theyre sweet like most of the tua romances but im not super invested, same with all the non canon ships.
2. I really feel like tua needs to decide on what their relationship is. Like, just say its incest or not and stick with it 👀 Or if you wanna support it or not, just make up ur mind. I think I would've liked it better if I found the characters more interesting. Allison especially I feel like suffers from the fact that tua just doesn't want to make her ''mean''. They want to make her supportive and are less interested in making her flawed (ie. she should've had a conflict with Vanya in s2, but the writers didnt want to write the girls fighting which is stupid imo and not what that conflict is about).
In regards to Alluther, the scene where Allison gets annoyed at Luther for sleeping with someone else felt out of line. Like, how are you marrying other people and moving on but Luther isn't allowed to? But honestly, I don't mind if they actually just acknowledge it and make it a deliberate part of Allison's trait that Allison can expect a certain loyalty automatically from other people (which can tie in to her childhood being a star, and the rumour).
Luther is a big simp for Allison, which is sweet, but at the same time it would be nice to have him explore himself for a bit, and who he is outside of the academy. Then maybe they can rekindle their relationship again as new people and see where they go from there.
3. I don't hate them, but they're ok. I'm not super invested in them, just like all the tua canon romance. But I wouldn't mind making content for them if I were a bit more invested in their characters. I love their dance scene in s1 and I feel like its super a underrated portrayal of what their relationship is meant to be. I know no one talks about it but it's just such a great scene, and I'm pretty sure the choreographer was into interpretive dance? The scene had a lot of meaning that I don't see people dig around with.
Essentially I'm pretty sure the fairy lights are obviously a throwback to their childhood together, spending time outside of Reggie. So the dance scene kind of symbolized that pocket of space they made for each other in their life (even if theyre far away, or with other people, they will always have that space for each other).
The way they danced was more like playfighting than dancing, which means their relationship isn't sensual. It's more ''pure'', and romantic. Its basically two kids rekindling their love as adults. I also think this is a response to the incest, cause in s1 tua klaus literally said that 'thank god Regg is not their real father' right before Allison and Luther meet lmao. So its kinda like saying Allison x Luther isnt supposed to be 'ohh step sibling hot' but two people who experienced the same trauma as kids and finding comfort with each other (and rekindling that love after many years).
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ayellowcurtain · 3 years
In OG, Isak and Jonas's friendship takes a few hits but at the root of it is a mutual and balanced love, care, understanding and common ground. A brotherhood. Jonas has some wonderful qualities and so does Isak. In wtfock Jens seems to have a lot less to offer the friendship than Robbe. The departure from OG that is evidence in s3 makes Jens short comings more pronounced. He does the bare minimum. Do you find that Jens takes from his friendship with Robbe more than he actually puts in?
I look at Jens x Robbe and Jonas x Isak and I can’t believe it’s the same relationship. i'll probably rant a little bit here, anon because, if you can’t tell by my icon (Lucas VDH and Kes, both Isak and Jonas in SKAM NL), the Isak x Jonas are my favorite relationships in the skamverse, right next to the Evaks, of course.
I don't think it's fair to measure if Jens and Robbe are taking and giving the same amount tho. You should give what you have in a relatinship and not hurt yourself in the way. I do think at the start of s4 it was hinted that there would be trouble in the boy squad (who remembers when Jens was suddenly giving K—o the eyes and everyone was going crazy over it and then it was never mentioned again?And Robbe leaving the vlogs was obviously a plot point since s3 that was also never really dealt with (it seemed like Robbe was upset sometimes about just beng the edit boy this time but idk).
In this post here I talked a little bit about how I see Robbe and Jens’ relationship so you can have an idea of how I see them and how much they have grown through the seasons.
So what I mean when I say that I can't see how these two major relationships that should be the same are basially opposites:
Whenyou have a best friend, you choose to be by this person's side for better or worse. You call them out, you give them space, you trust that you know who this person is and you choose to be by their side even when they're being assholes to you. You know thm and you wait and they'll come to you whenever they need or feel comfortable with. Sounds familiar?
Now, whenever you have a silbling relationship, it's not much of a choice. It's family so you can't just drop their asses when they're not really there for you. You'll have ups and downs but you'll stick to each other's side becaue he's your little or big brother and you know they don't mean any bad even when they're clearly being "bad” for you. Recognize this one too?
Jonas clearly chooses to be by Isak's side from day one, even during Eva's season (which is ironic because the photo that I use in my icon is one that Lucas posted while Kes and Isa - Eva in SKAM NL - were broken up. And the caption was something snakey like "for better or worse, I'm always on your side” or some shit like that).
Anyway, like Isak says, whatever Eva tells Jonas, Jonas will tell him eventually . So Jonas chooses to share everything with Isak and when Isak doesn't do the same, they get angry at each other but Jonas chooses to give Isak some space and he's happy to be there whenever Isak comes back to talk and pay for his food. I can't really explain because when I say vocal, I mean with their actions, their body language, etc. But Jonas and Isak are more vocal with their support and love for each other. There's clearly a bond, even when they're apart.
Jens and Robbe are like brothers. Their communication is terrible, the have phases where they can clearly live away from each other without missing their best friend. Their ups are very high (ït could be me” when Robbe is coming out might be a high if we think Jens was Robbe's very recent past crush) and their down is basically non existing (they just go live their lives away from each other - one still making vlogs and the other probably living all the time with his lover). They forget the other exists but when they're together, it's chill too.
Jens and Robbe feel like a relationship that's very close to their age, still a little too vague and open for misunderstandings, still a little too childish. But, like I said in that post, I feel like they're still good at getting each other, at standing up for each other whenever they might really need . Some people didn't lilke it but I loved the looks they had during the second half of Robbe's season when it was clear that Robbe wasn't finding his words and Jens stood up for him when Robbe needed him to. For once, he wasn't thinking Moyo's jokes were funny, for once he understood why Robbe wanted to keep what was going on with Sander between them, etc.
I explain everything a lot better in my previous post about their relationship, the reasons why I see them as a big brother x little brother dynamic more than best friends so I won't rant much more about it hahaha
Also! I also mentioned in that post but it seemed like Jens and Robbe were actually dressing up more alike and having the same sort of messy hir look too during s4. I wish it was something the team had thought about to show the audience in a different way that Robbe and Jens were even closer now but after going through the whole season, I sadly think it was just an accident.
Or maybe it was part of the boy squad drama plot (with Jens being interested in K—o too, with Robbe never being with the boys anymore) that they team dropped when they saw how much the fandom hated the whole season. So they dropped a bunch of plots to try to save what they could.
I still have hope for a little bit more of their relationship during Yasmina's season because, from what I'm reading, the Sobbe plot might be a little different than OG and if the spoilers are correct, it'll involve a little bit more of Robbe sort of having to pick his friends’ side or Sander and his "new friends” side.
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