#i swear the only way I'm ever gonna actually get proper sleep is if i luck into being rich enough to hire an anesthesiologist every night
kitsunerokko · 2 years
sleep problems... x_x my beloathed
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feeblescholarmyass · 1 year
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cw: panic attack/extreme anxiety, I swear that y/n isn't this nervous all the time, originally written in 3rd person so there may be some wrong pronouns (she/her for placeholder character)
Sumeru boys x GN!reader (together because y/n is a poly bad bitch)
"Hi, I'm Y/n! I'm a first year Amurta student in the Akademiya. Hold on, I think someone is calling for me. Coming, Tighnari!"
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"I'm not sure this is the best idea anymore. Maybe I should have joined Rhawatist with you instead. What if I don't know anyone? I'm gonna fail." You tugged at a strand of hair that had fallen out of place.
"Don't be silly, Y/n. You belong in Amurta. As much as I'd love for you to be in my classes, I know you'll do better there." Layla smiled reassuringly at you and squeezed your hand tight.
"Okay. If you're sure." You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. "We got this."
The sound of Layla's stomach growling interrupted your gathering of confidence. Layla blushed and you crossed your arms over her chest.
"Layla, what was that?"
"Uh, I may have been so excited that I forgot to eat breakfast this morning... Don't be mad!" Layla whimpered, blinking sadly.
You sighed and shook your head. "It's fine. We can go get breakfast. Thank goodness we share a dorm. Otherwise, I don't think you'd ever have a somewhat proper schedule."
"Yes, Y/n. Sorry, Y/n." Layla giggled, pulling you over to a nearby cafe. The pair sat by a window and ordered their breakfast, both too tired to have much of a conversation.
The sound of voices arguing caught their attention.
"Are you an idiot? No, I'm not getting you coffee. You should have slept last night if you wanted to be less tired."
"Oh, then what's your excuse? You just like the taste?"
"No. I acknowledge my own issues with caffeine. I may have a small addiction. But I, unlike someone, can afford to buy it."
"Ugh! You're so infuriating!"
Layla slouched deeper into the cushion of her seat, using her hood to hide her face. You raised an eyebrow at her, asking Layla for answers silently.
"Don't worry about it. They're some upperclassmen. Alhaitham and Kaveh. They're pretty well known, both for their intellect and attitude."
"Oh. Makes sense. They're already so loud." You shrugged, grabbing your smoothie from the waitress and taking a sip.
"Take a seat, you two." A grouchy sounding voice joined in. You glanced up, searching for its owner. Long, silver hair and crimson eyes captivated your attention.
Your fingers itched for your pencils, hidden deep in your bag. He was so pretty. "And who's he?"
"Oh, that's Cyno. I don't know much about him. He's their friend, I think."
"Hm..." You rested your cheek on your palm, watching the group of boys. "And who's that?"
"Tighnari. He's the more mild one in the group, as far as I've heard. I think he's from the same darshan as you." Layla yawned. Her head nodded once, twice, then once more before quiet snores overtook anything else she had to say.
You sighed, moving Layla's food out of the way so she didn't land in it, then helped her lay her head on the table in a somewhat comfortable position so she didn't wake up aching.
"Maybe that will be my first project. I'll make a sleep aid for Layla that she can actually afford. If she agrees to be a test subject, I bet I could give it to her for free in the name of research." You muttered to yourself while twirling your straw around in your smoothie.
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When Layla finally woke up, the two of you finished breakfast and hurried to the Akademiya. You now stood in front of the huge main doors, surrounded by fellow students. Layla pulled you to the side, knowing that you both needed some space.
"Okay, you're going to do great Y/n. I'll see you at lunch, yeah?" Layla smiled reassuringly, only slightly less tired than earlier.
"Mhm. Lunch," You muttered distractedly. Your hands were shaking and you felt a little like you might throw up. The thought of lunch made it worse. You were lucky that you had gotten that smoothie down earlier. If you tried eating now, your really would puke.
"Go make some friends in Amurta. You're good at that. You're gonna be the most adorable first year there, you hear me? You're cute, you're confident. The stars never lie." Layla squeezed your hands twice, not letting go first.
You squeezed back and took a deep breath. "Same with you. You'd better make some friends who can keep you awake during class, or at least let you borrow notes."
"We got this," Layla grinned. You grinned back. You let go of each other's hands and began on separate paths to your darshans.
You kept your eyes on the ground, your peripheral vision going just far enough that she could avoid running into others. You knew that if you looked up and saw the vaulted ceiling and crowd of people, the tears you had already fought down would return.
You knew all of this, but you looked up anyway.
"Archons, I can't do this," you whispered, panic overwhelming you. You looked for an exit, anything that would get you out. A familiar face or a room that had a lot less people.
You found a door to a copy room and snuck in, closing the door behind you. You covered your mouth and bit your lip, trying to force the tears to go away.
It didn't work.
You grabbed the chiffon scarf you had worn specifically to distract yourself, tugged it closer around your shoulders and crouched in the corner.
Amidst your panic, you hadn't noticed that the copy room wasn't empty. An older boy watched you silently, shock keeping him quiet.
After some time, you senses started to slowly return to normal. That was when you noticed someone standing in front of you. You breath caught in your throat and you slowly looked up.
The boy with pretty hair and cute animal ears looked at you with wide eyes.
"Are you okay?"
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gl00mxstar · 2 months
I think I'm getting better now
I don't feel like shit this much right after waking up and when I do sometimes it goes away on it's own a bit quicker
my 'seemingly out of nowhere or from stress and physical activity pains' are less painful that what they used to be in the past few years and even tho I still can't do that much it's way better than I thought I could get
since I both dropped out of high school (and apprenticeship too) and it was literally too late to do anything bc it was almost end of school year I'm not 'obliged' to see people or go to place where stress anxiety and fatigue eat me alive
with 3 above comes better sleep too I can go to sleep and wake up whenever I want without a worry so it helped a lot too I also can sleep less and feel better (I realize how ridicilous it sounds but I always felt like shit when sleeping '8h like a normal person' but when I slept for only few hours I felt really good energetic and refreshed)
I'm more energetic and feel actual motivation to do stuff get better and rather than 'I wanna have bare minimum of living conditions to survive and not go insane' it's 'I wanna make my life better to actually live and enjoy it'
I've managed to take better care of my emotions and even open up more to 'right people' and not bottle them up or turn them into just self depricating jokes like I always did I even vented 2 times (first time 5h and second around 3/3,5h I swear I would have never thought I'll ever do it and for such a long time too I know I def wouldn't manage to when I was younger) also treating tumblr as my personal diary and venting helped too I don't really care if haters or someone I know irl sees my posts if they see this and are gonna have a problem with that it means we just never meant to be friends honestly it's better this way since from that I'm gonna have an easy way of getting to know this
for the one above thank you friends I've made in the past few years also to dca fandom and furry community ya'll have one of the most welcoming people there it's hard to feel uncomfortable and bottle up the emotions around you don't change ever 🫶 (ig it's easy to see someone's struggling when you have first hand experience sobs /hj)
after years of struggling to understand 'what is wrong with me' in everyday life and school I realized I have autism and adhd (thank you reddit tons of articles online and friends with autism 🤝) unfortunately the healthcare sucks where I live especially the mental so I can get a proper diagnosis but I'm 100% sure it's that and knowing what is 'wrong' with me takes away a lot of weight off my shoulders and I finally don't feel bad abt having stuff like sensory issues and problems with understanding certain social norms etc
I learned to go out to buy groceries without being on the brink of a panic attack again so now it's the same as it was when I was younger while I don't like doing it at least I can actually go and buy something
I can now bake again without being reminded of the time I was stuck as an apprentice in horrible work environment were even faint smell of dough or vanilla sugar outside of the workplace were enough to be triggering
I'm finally getting back my 'bad mouth and attitude' as others liked to say when I disagreed with something when they thought they were the smartest person in the room while being wrong so I can now say what I really think and not cry while literally just defending myself and my personal opinions so again going back to how I was when I was younger
I'm a bit less worried abt my cats since the vet clinic was opened in my village (the one where there are actual ppl working here and not just pretending I still don't get it how they were making any money since they weren't open most of the time) and even though I still don't have money for the vet at the very least once I get enough I'll have it close to get them to one
I have way less suicidal thoughts now I hope one day I can get it to 0 or at the very least to 'random thought of remembering the bad past'
I'm trying to speak english outloud to try and learn the right pronunciation (I know what the word is supposed to sound like but I have problems with speaking even in my native language) also I'll try to make phone calls and leave voice messages once I feel more brave to do so I also have in plans trying to read some fics or books to get both my spoken english and reading skills better at the same time since I'm terrible at reading outloud too
I managed to switch from traditional art to digital decently quickly imo and now that I even draw a lot faster than I used to the thought of actually making a living from art seems way less insane now
I've made few good friends both irl and online that I have common interests with and that I'm vibing with hopefully once the weather gets less intense and my health get better and I'll have some money to go out we'll meet
I have one of them keep asking me to go out she's so sweet 😭💕
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
love triangle w malia x reader x stiles plsss 😍💗💗🐺🐺🚙🚙
Malfoy, Draco Malfoy
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a/n: hi hi! sorry this is a little short. I just wanted to finish it up and get it to you as soon as I could. I hope you enjoy.
word count: 500+
summary: harry potter, malia, and stiles. what more could you want?
warnings: a couple kisses that's it.
teen wolf - masterlist m.masterlist
What are we watching?" Stiles asked, entering the living room. Which you and Malia currently occupied, eyes focused on the screen.
"Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone," you responded, grabbing the popcorn Stiles held in his hands and settling it on your lap. Malia leaned over your shoulder grabbing a palm full for herself. She leaned back and you followed by resting yourself between her legs and leaning into her chest.
Stiles hummed in response. Pulling up the blanket that you and Malia were sharing and sliding under it as well. Malia rested into his side while he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"I've only watched up to the Goblet Of Fire I'm pretty sure. Scott always got too annoyed at Ron when we tried to binge it." You furrowed your brows.
"Was that why he had a sudden hyperfixation on Emma Watson?" You questioned.
"Yep," Stiles responded, popping the p with his lips. You nodded to yourself, quietly.
As the movie started the three of you quieted down. In the process Stiles' hand found yours, enclosing it in his grasp and resting it on his thigh.
"Who's the one with the burnt hair?" Malia questioned for the third time.
"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," you answered in a british accent. Malia let out a huff.
"I swear to god, he sounds like a deformed rat." Stiles let out a snort as you chuckled to yourself, not denying her statement. You flung the blanket off of you, tossing it to Stiles.
"I'm gonna head to the bathroom real quick," you announced, leaning in to give a quick kiss on Malias lips and getting up. A scoff was heard behind you and you turned to Stiles who looked rather offended.
"Where's my smoochy?" He questioned. You cringed visibly.
"I'm not giving you one if you ever call a kiss a smoochy again," you stated approaching him, placing a peck to the corner of his mouth and retreeting. However he held you still and connected your lips once more, holding you chin with his hand and giving you a proper kiss.
This time you pulled away giggling and making your way to the bathroom.
Once you freshened up and headed back you were met with the sight of a drooling Stiles laying on Malia's shoulder.
"He does this every time," you whisper, crawling back into your original spot. Malia hummed quietly, wrapping her arms around your waist and kissing your temple.
"At least he's actually sleeping," she stated, grabbing the blanket and covering the two of you. You grabbed the popcorn and handed the bowl to her. She grabbed a handful and thanked you gently.
Silence settled over you as your hand fell once again to Stiles' thigh. Rubbing your thumb lightly against it as your other hand covers Malias.
Slowly you followed Stiles' actions as your eyes Grew heavier. The heat of Malias body and the drowning sound of the movie lulling you to sleep.
And you wouldn't want to fall into the endless dream land any other way.
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1800-omi · 3 years
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characters: sakusa x reader
warnings/genre: liberal use of italics, female reader, swearing, angst, fluff
notes: i tried to proof read as much as possible i swear
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Saying Sakusa Kiyoomi was good-looking was an understatement. Everything — from his soft skin to the way his perfect black curls fell on his forehead to his deep brown eyes — looked amazing on him. From that description alone one might say Kiyoomi is feminine, but his well built body and strong jaw say otherwise. He was pretty. Perfect balance between masculine and feminine. With that said, you couldn’t understand how Sakusa Kiyoomi had eyes for you when everyone else had eyes for him.
In fact, Kiyoomi not only had the looks, but he had the smarts too. He had perfect grades, had won so many awards, so many certificates. He had been at the top of his class ever since primary school. You weren’t sure whether there was something he has not achieved. He is the golden boy every family wanted, so when your family found out you were dating him you could say they were more than pleased.
Having known him for more than 3 years and having dated him for 2 years, you knew that being Sakusa Kiyoomi’s partner wasn’t easy. To others, you weren’t Y/N, you were Sakusa’s girlfriend. The perfect girlfriend for the perfect boy, always by his side, always supporting him. This was not necessarily a bad thing, but at times you thought whether you’d ever be more than just someone’s girlfriend. Not to mention, were you just an accessory to him too? When with him, you had this terrible desire to be loved, and still there was a horrible fear of being left behind.
Once again, you decide to put all these thoughts and insecurities aside. Letting out a soft sigh, you open the door of the café you were supposed to be meeting your boyfriend. The edge of the door shakes a little bell, causing it to ring, alerting the people in the café that someone has entered. You look around the place, eyes searching for your boyfriend.
The café was decorated beautifully, with big lilac plants planted in vases placed at the corners of the room. Each table had a little vase with a small flower on it, you never were sure whether all of them were real or not. The metal chairs were each coloured differently and looked quite vintage, each of them had a cushion placed on top of it, to make it more comfortable. The pastry and desserts the café offered also smelled wonderful. This place calmed your nerves the moment you stepped in which is why it was your favourite place to spend time in.
Looking around the café, you see Kiyoomi sitting at your usual place, at the corner. You make your way to the table he’s sitting at and sit in front of him.
“Hello, love,” he says the moment you take a seat, “how was your day?”
You take your bag off and put it on the empty chair beside you. “My day was good. I'm quite tired, though.”
“Not getting proper sleep again?” he raised an eyebrow, “you do know that's not healthy, right?”
Another thing Sakusa Kiyoomi likes to do is make sure you’re living as much of a healthy and perfect life as he is. You knew he did this out of love but sometimes you couldn't help but feel as if you couldn't keep up with him and his perfect lifestyle.
“Yes, I know. Don’t worry, I did get sleep, I just didn't get my daily coffee today.” That was a lie. You were up all night studying for your exams. The exams you have not studied nearly enough for because of the responsibilities that came with being the cheerleader’s captain.
“That’s good then.” A waitress walked to the table you were sitting in, placing two coffees and two slices of cake on it, one for each of you. “I ordered for us, I hope you don't mind.” He says and he removes his mask getting ready to sip his coffee.
“Thank you, you always know what I like.” you smile at him before looking down at your slice of cake, grabbing a fork and begging to eat it.
You see Kiyoomi grab his phone and swipe a few times all before opening his mouth and saying. “The exam results are out.”
With that, you feel your stomach turn and you get hit by a sudden wave of anxiety. You are not sure whether or not you want to check your results right now. You know you did not do well, but you can't just stand there staring at your cake either. You slowly pick up your phone, hands slightly shaking. Kiyoomi doesn't notice this, actually, he does not know this side of you at all.
He sees you swipe a couple of times, all before freezing and gulping. You’re praying he doesn't ask about your grade, so you try to ask him questions instead. “So, what did you get?” you put your phone down and put both your hands on your lap, playing with your fingers under the table.
“Maximum points, as usual,” he answers, making your stomach feel even sicker.
“That’s amazing! Congratulation—”
“What about you?” he interrupts you, his dark brown eyes staring into yours.
“I did, um, I did alright!” you stutter, forcing a smile at him. You were proud of your grade, but you knew he would not feel the same. It wasn't even his opinion on his grade that mattered to you, it was the fact he did better than you. You used all the free time you had for studying, you truly gave it your all, and yet here you are, second, again.
“Let me check.” before you could protest, he grabs your phone.
“No, Kiyoomi, ” by the time the words left your mouth he’s already swiped a couple times.
He opens his mouth and lets out a soft sigh, a soft sigh that almost went unnoticed by you. “You know, I’m gonna need to tutor you more often.”
Here he goes, once again, making your heart ache. Making you feel so small, so useless, so ashamed. He does not know that you were expecting way worse. He does not know that if you didn't have him, you would be way happier with your results. To him, your efforts are small, so, so small. This feeling has been going on for years now, you can’t remember whether there was ever a time where you didn't feel like the second-best beside him. He made you feel so pathetic, it made you angry and unbearably sad.
“Actually, no, I don't think I need your tutoring. I did quite well.”
“I know you did, but you could’ve done better.”
“Oh? Well, I didn’t and I’m proud of my results.” You raised your voice slightly. Your tone made it seem like you were trying to prove something wrong even though there was nothing to prove him wrong.
He could sense you were mad at him and he didn’t even know why, which made him angry too. “What’s with the attitude? It’s not my fault you didn’t study. You literally had weeks to do it.”
That did it. You were at the edge of breaking. “You know what? You’re right, it’s not your fault. I was the one wasting time coming to all your games and getting your cheerleading squad ready. I was the one wasting time supporting you and your dumb fucking team.” At the end of the sentence, your voice broke and your vision was getting blurry by your tears. By now, everyone else in the café was staring at the argument go down. “Next time, I won’t even fucking bother.” You grabbed your bag and rushed out the door, trying to sob as quietly as possible.
His eyes had widened at your response. He put his head on his hands and whispered, “Fuck, I messed up.”
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It had been two weeks since you last talked to Kiyoomi and there was not a day that passed in which you had not thought of your fight with him. Whenever you thought about what went down you felt sick. Yet here you are, sitting on your desk, homework waiting to be finished in front of you while you think about it again. All Kiyoomi was trying to do was help you, how could you be so selfish? How could you let your jealousy take over? Your failures are not his fault. You should’ve just studied, but you’re so fucking useless you can't even do that properly. Regret and anxiety had consumed you. Seeing him in the hallways of the school didn't help. You weren't sure what was going on with your relationship anymore, is he breaking up with you? Once again you were dragged away from these thoughts by the sound of knocking on your bedroom door. You shake your head, trying to make yourself sound as normal as possible before talking, “Come in!” you say, looking back at the homework in front of you.
“Hey, ” You’re shocked to hear a voice that didn't belong to any of your family members. You turn around to see Kiyoomi. “Your mom told me to come up, sorry if I'm interrupting.”
“No, it's alright.” you stay quiet, not sure whether you're gonna continue this conversation normally or not. Should you apologise? Should he be the one to apologise?
“I’m sorry,” Kiyoomi speaks up and continues before you can reply. “Can I sit down?” You nod and get up from your desk as he sits down on your bed. You sit down next to him and speak.
“ 'm sorry as well.”
“No, you don't have anything to apologise for. I shouldn't have said what I said.”
“No, you don't understand, it's my fault. I, ” you start tearing up, “I was so selfish and I was jealous and, and–”
“Jealous? Of what?”
“Of everything! I mean, you’re so perfect and you achieve everything you want to and I’m just so terrified of being left behind. I'm so terrified of always being second.”
“Love,” he pulled you into his arms, making you start sobbing.
“And I’m sorry I’ve been so selfish. I’m sorry I couldn’t be a better girlfriend, I’m so sorry.” You manage to get out through the sobs. “It’s just that these thoughts have been hurting me so, so much. I don’t think I can take it.”
He kept hugging you as he answered. “Love, I couldn’t have asked for a better girlfriend. You’re always so supportive and I know you always try your best.” He placed a kiss on your forehead, “I’m sorry for making you feel this way. Please know that to me, you’ll always be the first. I love you.” You hadn't expected Kiyoomi to say anything, he had always been the type to just let his presence comfort you. The fact he’s trying to reach out to you with his words made you realise how much you meant to him.
“I love you too.” you wipe your tears. “Thank you, Omi.”
Instead of replying, he kisses you. You missed his soft lips on yours, you missed the feeling of having him so close to you. You missed feeling so loved, feeling so important to someone and at the same time having someone who’s just as important to you. You missed him.
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reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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yoongsicles · 3 years
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warning: almost cheating
wc: 1,673
genre: lil' fluff, angst
Track 2: One Last Time (Ten Lee)
Sometimes you still question yourself if choosing your modeling career was the right choice or even leaving your family just so you can go to Paris.
There's still a lot going on inside your mind to this day. Ever since you've been chosen to become one of the models in your agency to go to France, you have never been so happy in your life. It was a dream come true for you but being there made you realize how incomplete you are.
Sometimes you still question yourself if choosing your career over him was the right choice.
Him. Ten Lee.
You two were inseparable ever since elementary. He was there in your ups and downs, you were there when his parents got divorced. You were his first everything and he was yours.
For him, you were the love of his life, his everything. But that was before you broke his heart.
You are officially invited to Ten and Lisa's wedding.
You've read this countless times but it still hasn't sunk in. Lisa was your high school best friend. You knew from the beginning how he feels about Ten but since you were still his girlfriend back then, Lisa didn't have a choice but to accept the fact that you're his.
And now. They're about to get married.
"It's good to have you back here" your sister, Yeri held your hand while she's driving. She just picked you up from the airport.
You're still looking at the invitation when Yeri noticed you.
"You don't have to go, you know" she sighed still focused on the road. "I can't miss Lisa's big day," you said putting the invitation inside your purse.
"Don't you think it's kind of insensitive for her to send you an invitation?" she asked and added "Three years ago when she told you that she's dating Ten, that was foul. I mean you're her best friend and dating your ex is just" she sighed again.
"I have no control over their feelings, Yeri. All I have to do right now is to support them" you tried showing her a smile but failed.
It was exactly six years ago when you chose your career over Ten.
When you got to Paris, you still tried continuing your relationship with him but you weren't happy anymore. Long-distance doesn't work for you but for him everything was possible.
Until he was the only one left trying. Ten knows that you're about to give up but you already did.
Ten supported your career still even though in return, he'll lose you.
When Lisa told you that he was dating Ten two years after you broke up, that made you realize that breaking his heart was a mistake.
And now you're too late.
"We're here" you got back to your senses when the car stopped. Looking at your house, you can't express how happy you are now that you're finally home.
Two days after returning to Seoul, you and Yeri went to Lisa's bridal shower.
"Now you're nervous" Yeri teased you, "I told you this is not a good idea. What will happen to you at the actual wedding? Passed out?"
"I'm fine" you smiled at her. You saw Lisa entertaining her guests and took her a minute to saw you too.
"Oh my God, you're here!" she ran towards you giving you a hug "Hey," you said still hugging her "Six years, y/n. Six freaking years and the only thing that can get you back here is my wedding" Lisa squealed holding both of your hands.
"Well, I can't miss this," you tell her smiling. Yeri scoffed beside you giving Lisa a fake smile.
The night went well. You saw your high school batchmates, got to drink your favorite wine, and you also got to bond with your sister.
Lisa's bridal shower was about to end when you saw Ten entering the venue. You felt like everything stopped. Seeing him again after six years was overwhelming that you can't even think properly.
He went to greet Lisa and the other guests. "You're not supposed to be here! This is an all-girls party" you heard Lisa shooing Ten away but he just held Lisa's hand tighter "I'm here to pick you up. It's getting late" Ten replied.
You were waiting for him to notice you until he did.
"You never told me that Ten got way hotter now," you told Yeri still looking at Ten "Uhm because he's already your ex?" she answered.
"Y/n! Come!" Lisa called you but your feet were glued on the floor so Lisa decided to bring Ten and walked towards you.
Both of you and Ten had an awkward greeting but he made sure he's making you feel comfortable by having a proper conversation with you.
"I'm glad that you'd get to attend," he said. You don't know how to answer that so you just gave him a smile. Ten has known you enough that he can see the pain in your eyes.
He tried not to think about it but seeing you so beautiful tonight can't deny the fact that he missed you too. After all, you were his best friend.
On the way home, you don't even know if it's the alcohol that's making you sad or seeing Ten earlier. You still can't move on from how good he looked.
You still love him. You still do and it sucks.
The night before the wedding, you've decided to visit Ten in his apartment. You knew Lisa's not gonna be there because she's not allowed to be with his groom until the wedding.
Different emotions filling you up right now as you knocked on his door. Drinking too much will make a person too vulnerable and make you do something you'll regret the next day.
And here you are at his doorsteps.
"Y/n?" Ten was clearly surprised because the last thing he wants was a visitor this late at night.
"Can I come in?" Ten was hesitant but he was worried that something's up so he decided to let you in. Walking past him, he smelled the alcohol all over you.
"Are you-" before he even gets to finish his question, you cut him off by saying "I still love you" which shocked him. He was confused, so confused that he became mad at you.
"Why now?" he asked "I know I don't deserve you anymore but please hear me out for the last time" you started crying in front of him.
"I'm sorry it took too long for me to realize the mistake I've done. I swear I tried coming back but Lisa was already there"
"Yes! She was there and is still there. She never gave up on me, y/n. Unlike you who made it seem so easy"
You were sobbing and Ten was just looking at you.
"I'm so sorry" you hugged him and he was doing nothing. Just letting you hug him. Ten missed you so much but this isn't right at all.
When you let go of him, you looked him straight in his eyes still crying "I missed you" you whispered. This isn't supposed to happen, you both thought but your emotions are fighting back.
Both of you know that the love is still there but for Ten, it's the love for his best friend and not for the person who broke him before.
On the other hand, all you wanted to do was kiss him again but before you could even do it, you passed out in his arms.
Waking up to familiar yet unfamiliar surroundings, you see yourself wearing a man's shirt. Realizing where you are, the events from last night flashed in your head.
You facepalmed. You swear in your life that you'll never gonna drink again.
You get up immediately to get your things. You saw Ten sleeping on his couch. I can't wake him, you tell yourself.
You just felt horrible that you're in his apartment, six hours before his wedding but thankful as well because nothing regretful happened last night. Yes, saying those words last night wasn't regretful at all for you because now you have the chance to fully move on.
Ten woke up to the sound of his alarm. Turning it off, he got up to see if you're still in his room but you already left. He sighed remembering what happened last night.
He noticed his and Lisa's wedding invitation on his table alongside a letter.
It was from you.
Dearest Ten,
I'm sorry I wasn't able to bid goodbye properly but what I'm sorry the most is the pain I've caused you. You didn't deserve it at all. The consequences I got when I lost you were enough for me to let you go and what happened last night was a part of it. Even though it wasn't my plan to get drunk and barge in like that, I'm still thankful that all is out now. I'm finally free from the burden inside me. I have decided to go back to Paris and never come back again. It's the least I can do for both of you and that means I can't attend your wedding as well. I'm just scared that everything will come back again if I see you getting married so this is the best solution. Yeri was right, I shouldn't have come in the first place but I think that was because I wanted to see you for the last time again. You were my best friend and you still are but unfortunately, everything has its ending and I'm afraid this is ours. Our history will always have a special place in my heart and I thank you so much for being a part of it. Please make a much better history with Lisa. You deserve each other and I'm glad she's the person you're gonna spend your forever with. Be happy always :)
Thank you for bringing me back home. I will always love you, Ten.
The Breakup Playlist
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starbuckie · 4 years
Some Quarantine Lovin’ Chapter Five: Love is a Many Splendored Thing
Marvel Highschool! AU
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Obscene amounts of fluff, kissing, swearing, kinda a lot of angst
Description: Bucky Barnes is absolutely, no doubt about it, in love with Y/N L/N. He’s loved her since the day he laid eyes on her in the third grade. He loved her when he had his own girlfriend, and when he was barely friends with her for a whole summer. And of course, in his freshman year, they are now stuck together. In a house. During a worldwide quarantine. This should be fun.
Words:  5,207 words
A/N: Hey guys! We��re almost at the end of this series, and I’m a little sad. This was my first ever fic, so it’s always gonna be my baby. This chapter deals with death, mentions of abuse, and a car crash, so if you didn’t see my warning above, and you are triggered by any of these things, please do not read because I don’t want to upset any of you. However, if you do read and find something offensive, please please contact me and I will do my best to fix it, and I don’t mean any harm at all, and am sorry in advance. Also, I listened to this “howlos” playlist while writing this and it is an absolute masterpiece. Moving on from that, thank you so much to my beta @transparentfestivaltiger as always, and thank you for reading!
(also seb looks like a freakin’ baby here)
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Things didn’t change as much as Bucky thought they would after he and Y/N confessed to each other. They still had the same sweet friendship from before, but now they could sneak in a kiss or two, and there were a lot more heated glances and affection. 
As soon as Y/N’s parents had come home that evening, they knew exactly what had happened. Of course, Mary and Charlie L/N had known that the pair of best friends liked each other: it had been obvious since the third grade. Though Y/N and Bucky may have not realized it that early, they had practically been an old married couple since the beginning of their friendship. Now that they were in a “relationship”(or as much of one as they could be in while quarantined together), they weren’t allowed to sleep in the same room together, and they were watched a lot closer. While Bucky blushed and apologized every time Y/N’s parents caught them kissing, Y/N laughed. She knew her parents were happy for her, and frankly, it was adorable to see Bucky turn into a bumbling mess. 
It had only been two weeks into quarantine when they had kissed, so they unfortunately still had to go to classes. Of course, no one else knew about it but their friends, but Bucky wanted to yell it to the world, thus having him proclaim, “I kissed Y/N L/N!” in their physics class, which disturbed Mr. Fury, but he congratulated them nonetheless. Yeah, there was non stop teasing from their classmates after that. 
The weeks kept rolling by, and soon enough, they had a week off of school for spring break, when Bucky took his best girl on a date. The two claimed to be in a relationship, but after Sam pointed out that Bucky had never actually asked Y/N out on a first date, he panicked. With the help of her parents, he managed to pull off a date at Prospect Park, right by the big lake. Bucky had insisted on being a “proper gentleman” like his mama has taught him, and went so far as to pick Y/N up from the front door, which her parents swore was the cutest thing they had ever seen. He made his mom’s old pumpkin pancake recipe, and they had breakfast for lunch, sitting in the grass, just talking for hours, and trying to refrain from removing their masks so they could make out with each other. Once it had finally hit evening, they walked hand in hand on the way back to her house and spent the rest of the night watching movies and cuddling.
After that, the duo wanted to spend the rest of spring break catching up on sleep that they had missed, but Y/N’s mom forced them to wake up at eight in the morning every day that week to get exercise. Neither of them were pleased. However, as much as they disliked the exercise, it gave them a chance to be alone. Y/N and Bucky went on tons of walks around Brooklyn, strolling down memory lane as they found someplace that they had forgotten about from when they were younger. It was nice for the two of them to just talk about their futures and how much the virus would affect it. 
Spring break was unwillingly coming to an end, but Mr. L/N refused to let either one of the students be seen in online classes until they had cut their hair. Sure, it was only mid-April, but Bucky’s hair had turned into a messy flop of brown hair that fell just past his ears. While Y/N opted to cut her hair herself(which resulted in a choppy, uneven cut that Bucky and her family made fun of), Bucky asked Y/N to cut it for him.
“Are you sure, Buck?” She chided. “You saw how mine came out, and you make fun of it, yet you still ask me to do it?”
The messy-haired boy sat in a chair in the bathtub, in just his boxers, holding a spray bottle of water. “Y/N, your hair may look like shit,” he grinned at her face of mock offense, “But I trust you completely with mine. Plus, you’ll actually be looking at it while you cut.”
“I was looking when I did my hair!” Y/N argued.
Bucky laughed at her exasperation. “If you were looking in the mirror while cutting that, it makes it so much more sad.” She scoffed at his witty comeback and snipped off a piece of his hair. “Hey, give me a warning!”
“Sorry, baby,” she giggled. “Are you ready now?” With a deep exhale and nod of his head, Y/N took the spray bottle from his hands and began to dampen his hair. It didn’t take too long, just a few quick snips by the base of his neck, and she considered it done, and a hell of a lot less scruffy looking. She had spent her last day of break looking at styles and instructions on how to cut hair on Pinterest, and while she knew she wasn’t a professional, she thought she did pretty damn well.
“Okay, Buck, you can look now.” Y/N handed him a small compact mirror, and he dramatically squeezed his eyes shut. Rolling her eyes at his reaction, she said, “Come on, quit being a drama queen. I think you look very handsome.”
Finally, Bucky opened his eyes and looked at his shorter cut. She was right, it didn’t look too bad, and he looked less “homeless” as her father had called it. Running a hand through his freshly cut hair, he grinned, but stopped after taking in her words. “Was I not handsome before, doll?” He wore a small frown on his face, which Y/N kissed off.
“Buck, you’re always handsome, don’t be silly.”
He smirked and pulled her onto his lap. “I know.”
She leaned her head down on his shoulder and whispered, “Cocky bastard.” He delivered a pinch to her hip, which made her yelp. Grinning, he kissed her and she turned in his lap to straddle him. Her hands slipped into his freshly cut hair and tugged, making him moan a little into her parted lips. During their make out, however, they didn’t hear the footsteps of Mrs. L/N, and only looked up when they heard her groan. 
“Good lord, can you two not keep your hands off of each other for five goddamn seconds?” Y/N quickly got up from Bucky’s lap under her mom’s careful watch. “Ria is on the phone, right now, but I’ll tell her to call back.”
At the mention of her older sister, Y/N jumped out of the bathtub. “No! No, I'm here, let me talk to her!” She scrambled to get to the phone, but slipped on the bath mat and landed on the tile with an “oof”. Bucky, being the protective boyfriend he was, immediately got up and ran to her.
“Are you okay, doll?” Her nose was a little red from bumping it on the ground, but she grinned nonetheless. Ria’s laughter could be heard over the phone, and her mom was trying very hard to stifle her laughter. With a quick nod, she took Bucky’s hand and got up.
“I’m great! Ria, you’re a little shit.” The girl stalked over to the phone and started talking and squabbling animatedly with her sister on the call. 
Bucky and Mrs. L/N took one look at each other and started cracking up together. She pulled him into a hug, and whispered, “You make her so happy, Bucky. Thank you so much.”
He looked up to this mother figure of his and shook his head. “No. Thank you, Mrs. L/N, for being so happy for us. To be honest, I didn’t think you or Mr. L/N would be too happy ‘cuz of my father.”
The older woman frowned at Bucky and looked at him dead in the eyes. “You have nothing to feel guilty about, Bucky. Your father doesn’t define you as a person and trust me, James, you are the best kid that I know. You take good care of your little sister and all who you love, and every day I think about how lucky your mother was that she got to have a kid like you.”
Bucky’s eyes started to fill with tears, but he managed to whisper out a “thank you” with a croaky voice. Dropping a kiss to his forehead, Mrs. L/N walked away, leaving him with a sad smile on his face until Y/N popped her head back into the bathroom.
“Buck! Ria wants to talk to us both! She misses you a ton.” He wiped the tears from his eyes, which Y/N noticed, but didn’t mention, and went to grab his hand to walk to her bedroom and talk to Ria.
School started again the next day, leaving the six students in their friend group complaining and nearly on the verge of crying within the first two classes. They didn’t have finals this year, but teachers still assigned them “tests”, which really were the same thing with a different name. 
As it grew closer and closer to the end of the year, it became hotter and hotter, Y/N and Bucky becoming sweaty messes in their study rooms. One particular early May afternoon, Y/N sat in her bedroom, waiting for her play rehearsal to start. This year, they were (going) to put on a production of Steve Martin’s Picasso at the Lapin Agile. She was cast as Freddy, the local Parisian bartender, so she was working on her accent with her lines from her script.
“Yeah, well, we're all writers, aren't we? He's a writer that hasn't been published, and I'm a writer who hasn't written anything.” Y/N spoke loudly. From behind her, she heard a booming laugh.
Bucky stood in her doorway, grinning, no shirt on due to the blaring hot weather. “If that was your French accent, then you definitely need to keep working on it.”
He walked into the room, swooping down to place a kiss on Y/N’s awaiting lips. His arms would’ve wrapped themselves around her shoulders, but she quickly pushed him back. Chucking at his frowning expression, she said, “It is way too hot to be hugging me right now, but we can settle for a romantic high five.”
“A what?” 
She sighed like it was the most obvious thing. “Well, as much as I would love to, I cannot hug you right now because it’s too hot. What I can offer you, however, is a romantic high five. A high five that says, we’re not just friends, but we’ve been dating for about a month and it’s not just platonic.”
Amused expression on his face, he plopped himself down on her bed. “And how would one share a ‘romantic high five’ with their ridiculously beautiful girlfriend?” Grinning, she walked over to him and gave him a high five while kissing him. He smiled against her lips, and asked, “Like that?”
With one more peck, she sat back in her seat and picked up her phone. “Exactly like that.” They were fools who were completely, and utterly in love with each other, though neither of them had said it to the other yet. Lovesick smiles painted on their faces, they both sat staring at each other until Mrs. L/N suddenly broke into the room, wide eyes teary and a frown on her face. Both of the kids looked to each other, then at the mom. 
“Mom, what is it?” It was concerning for Y/N to see her mom in this panicked state, considering that her mom was well put together, and she had only seen her break down on a few occasions. 
She turned to Bucky, and with a small voice, said, “It's your father, Bucky. He’s gotten into a crash.”
That was all that was left in the room. When Bucky’s heartbeat stopped pounding, he could hear his harsh breathing and see Y/N in front of him, her hand covering his heart. “James, can you hear me? You passed out.” Her hand moved to his cheek to wipe off tears he hadn’t even known were falling. “My mom’s getting Becca into the car so we can go to the hospital, though I told her you might not want to go right now. He’s going to be in surgery for the next few hours, but it’s whatever you need, okay, James? Whatever you need.”
He sat up, grabbing Y/N’s hands and squeezing on to them tight. “I want to go.” Though Bucky was worried, he pulled himself together on the outside. Goddamn it, Barnes, he thought, pull yourself the fuck together. He knew he was being too harsh on himself, but it was part of his nature, and he couldn’t get rid of the nagging voice in his head telling him to do better. “I’ll go put a shirt on and meet you guys in the car. Do your parents have masks?” Y/N nodded, tears in her eyes, and placed a featherlight kiss to his forehead before he left.
He grabbed a hoodie from the guest room, and turned to leave, but saw Becca’s baby animal book. It had been his before, something his mom would read to him to calm him down, and he saw it as his comfort object. Snagging it from the bedside table, he ran through the halls and out the door, where he saw Mr. and Mrs. L/N sitting in the front, and Y/N waiting for him with the car door open on the left side. He and Y/N climbed into the back seat and strapped themselves in, trapping Becca in her car seat in between the two teens. 
Becca’s pretty blue eyes were teary, and she whimpered quietly, almost as if she knew what was going on around her. She was just one year old, still so innocent, and wasn’t even aware that her father never looked after her, or beat her mother before she had died giving birth to her. Bucky grabbed onto her foot softly, an action that consoled Becca’s quiet cries. 
The car rumbled beneath them, and Y/N looked over to Bucky on the other side of the car. His face was stoic, staring out of the window with a sheen of calm surrounding him. His eyes weren’t teary anymore, but she could see the storm that was brewing beneath them. She knew that he was worrying a lot, his thoughts probably a jumbled mess of negativity, and underlying guilt. It wasn’t his fault, not even close, but she knew for a fact he was blaming himself anyway. She reached over to lay her palm over the hand that was holding Becca’s foot, and Bucky looked over to Y/N’s eyes, and gave her a small, sad smile. 
The rest of the car ride was silent, Y/N’s parents choosing to say nothing, knowing that Bucky didn’t want to talk. He would always get closed off with his emotions during hard times, and it took him a very long time to open up about his feelings. When the New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital came into view, Bucky’s heart started to beat at an alarming rate. 
“Y/N, Bucky, how about we drop you off at the front, okay? Tell them that you are his son, they’ll help you.” Y/N’s mom was facing them, trying to remain calm. Bucky nodded, and when they pulled up to the front, the two students worked together to get Becca out of her seat and jump out of the car. Y/N hoisted the small baby up onto her hip as Bucky grabbed her hand and led them inside the doors. 
The light was an unnatural blinding white, and people surrounded the waiting room with masks on. There were people sleeping, people tapping their feet nervously, and people looking like they would love nothing more than to get out of the room. Briskly, the two marched up to the reception desk. Surprisingly, it was Bucky who spoke up.
“Excuse me, ma’am, my name is James Barnes, I’m the son of George Barnes, and I believe he’s in surgery right now. His contacts are the same for all of us, and I think you called a Mary L/N to inform us of the accident.”
The pretty blonde at the desk looked surprised at the straightforward greeting from the young boy, but she just adjusted her mask over her nose a bit more and nodded. After a few seconds of typing, she turned to the side and grabbed a file of paperwork. “Hi James, my name is Tina, and I’m a nurse here. Your dad is going to be in surgery for about an hour more I believe, but here’s the paperwork that you or Mrs. L/N are going to need to fill out. If you have any questions, you can come ask me.”
With a quick thank you to Tina, the three children went to go sit in the back of the waiting room, where a small cluster of seats stood. Y/N texted her mom to let her parents know that they had made it inside quickly while Bucky started filling out the forms. “Wait, Y/N, can you ask your mom to bring the book that’s sitting in the backseat?” 
He knew it was trivial, but he really needed that book. Y/N could see the pleading in his eyes, and nodded without question. She would have to ask him later. “Of course, James.” She always called him James during serious moments, knowing that it was what his mom called him, and it soothed him a lot. He continued to fill out the information he knew on the papers. About ten minutes later, Mr. and Mrs. L/N came in, masks on and book in hand from the parking lot. There was only one seat left, so Mr. L/N let his wife sit as he stood and looked around the area. 
It was surprisingly very quiet for the next hour and a half. Bucky had finished the paperwork with the help of Mrs. L/N within thirty minutes, but he spent the rest of his time assuring Steve’s family he was okay on a phone call and reading the baby book to Becca over and over again. 
“Not a hot dog; my hot dog.” Bucky spoke in a higher pitched voice than normal. He was always gentle with his little sister, wanting her to know that he was a calming, caring presence in comparison to his loud father. Becca pointed to the pigeon holding a hot dog on the page, giggling and spouting nonsensical baby gurgles. 
Y/N smiled at the two, and closed her eyes while listening to Bucky read the children’s book. Though he had read it numerous times in their time in the waiting room, his soothing voice just lulled her to sleep even more. She hummed a song under her breath, and let sleep take over her. 
“Mary L/N! Is there a Mary L/N in here?” A nurse dressed in baby blue scrubs and a mask entered the waiting room and Bucky shot out of his chair. Y/N rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and brought Becca closer to her chest. As Y/N’s mom raised her hand, the nurse walked towards them. “Can I talk to you alone please?”
Bucky and Y/N looked at each other with confusion written on their faces, but Mrs. L/N answered the kind nurse before Bucky could open his mouth. “Of course, lead the way.”
He knew what this meant. There was no other reason that the nurse would ask to speak to the parent alone, and his heartbeat started speeding up again. A lump rose in his throat, and he was barely able to say, “Can I hold my sister please?” Y/N nodded, knowing what the nurse and her mom were talking about as well. She handed the now quiet baby over to his shaking hands, and looked into his eyes. 
They didn’t even shed a tear.
Bucky could barely remember walking down the white hallways, turning the corner, taking deep breaths and holding onto Mrs. L/N’s hand. Y/N and her dad weren’t allowed in, as they were trying to keep as low of a number as possible inside the room, so he didn’t have the comfort of his girlfriend being there with him as he faced one of his greatest fears. 
The room was quiet when they entered, another nurse and a doctor standing at the foot of the bed where George Barnes lay. His eyes were shut from what Bucky could see, but his head was bruised and covered in a bandage, most likely covering a shaved head and gaudy scars. “He was drunk, James, he didn’t have control, and the other car didn’t see him either. He had serious trauma to the head, and a broken wrist when he entered surgery. George was in critical condition when he was brought in, but he died in surgery. I’m sorry.”
Bucky managed to nod numbly and look down at his dad. He didn’t know what to say to him. “We’ll give you a few minutes alone.” The nurses and doctor shuffled out of the room and Mrs. L/N placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder.  
“Do you want me to leave, James?” Again, he softly nodded without a word and didn’t look up as her footsteps echoed away in the empty room. Bucky secured his arms around Becca better as he walked over to take his father’s cold hand.
Bucky could only hear his heartbeat, as all the monitors were off. Even his little sister was quiet, her small squirms nonexistent. He took a few deep breaths through his mouth,and let them out through his nose. His blue eyes focused on his father’s hands, ones that used to bring him so much pain and suffering, that now laid limp and still. Finally, Bucky let out the three words that he had never heard back from his father. 
“I love you.” Pause. Becca started moving around again, but he shushed her gently. “I think that’s all that needs to be said. Goodbye.”
He placed a soft kiss on his dad’s temple, and left quickly. As soon as he opened the door, he pushed past all the people waiting for them to be done and made his way back to Y/N in the waiting room. He could hear the doctor calling his name after, but Mrs. L/N must have stopped him because he stopped hearing it after a while. Y/N stood up when she saw Bucky, but he silently grabbed her hand and led them outside. Glancing over her shoulder, she shooed her dad away, and followed him outside.
She didn’t speak until they were back in the car. They had walked around for a while, realizing they didn’t know where it was. Settling into their seats, Y/N took the bottle of hand sanitizer from the front seat cup holder and squeezed some into both of their hands. “Are you okay, James?” 
He looked at her with a straight face. “Yeah.” She frowned with his short answer, but she knew he wasn’t telling the whole truth.
“Bucky, you know it’s okay to cry, it’s just me here. It’s okay to let your emotions out sometimes. You can talk to me, like always.” She reached over to take his hand, but he moved it away. She knew it was just part of what he was feeling, but she couldn’t help but to feel hurt either way. 
“I don’t need to let my emotions out, I’m fine,” he responded in a clipped voice. Y/N nodded softly and placed her hand on Becca’s foot, wondering what had happened. Sure, Bucky had had times where he wouldn’t talk to anyone, but eventually she would always be able to get to the bottom of it and support him. This new, closed off feeling from him was different for her, and she didn’t know what had gone wrong. It was quiet for the next twenty minutes as they waited for Y/N’s parents, and even then they barely spoke. As soon as they got back to the house in Brooklyn Heights, Bucky took Becca and immediately went to their room. Y/N let out a dejected sigh and started to head to her room to email the director of her play, when her mom stopped her. 
“Honey, give him some time, okay? He’s just lost his father, and I know that he doesn’t like to talk about his feelings, but it’s different now. Both of his parents have passed, and it’s a really big change for him.” She brought her daughter into a hug and dropped a kiss on her cheek before retiring to her room. Y/N walked into her room, flopping on her bed, quiet tears for her boyfriend rolling down her face.
Bucky didn’t attend dinner that night, which was okay with the rest of them. Y/N was still having a hard time not going to his room and smothering him in sweet nothings and hugs, but she understood that he needed time to process the past few hours. Her mom was right: it was a huge change. He was now orphaned, and only fifteen. Eventually, he’d need new guardians, and none of his close family was alive, and his other relatives from Romania probably had no clue he existed.
At around one in the morning, when Y/N’s parents had fallen asleep, Y/N crept out of her room quietly to check on Bucky. The door creaked a bit when it opened, giving her a view of her boyfriend sitting cross-legged on the bed, shoulders shaking from his silent sobs. He looked up upon hearing the door open, and wiped his tears off as fast as he could. “Hey, doll.”
She didn’t say anything but simply pushed him back down onto the bed gently and wrapped her arms around him. It took a few seconds, but the tears started falling again, his crying quiet. Y/N just held him for a few minutes, as he let out his tears, and rubbed his chest soothingly. When he was done, he kissed her gently and said, “Thank you.” It took another few moments, but he started talking soon enough. “I shouldn’t be sad. Right? I mean, he’s the man who hit me and my ma relentlessly, and all my life has been nothing but hell because of him. I should be fucking celebrating right now. Right?”
His watery blue eyes stared into hers, and she sighed, taking Bucky’s hands and bringing them to a sitting position. “I think it makes sense.” Y/N whispered.
Makes sense? It made no sense to him. “How can you say that?” He questioned incredulously. “This man treated us like shit, he blamed Becca for my mom’s death, he would hit me, tell me I’m not good enough,and I still worked my ass off for him. He didn’t love us! And after all the shit he put us through, put me through, why do I still care? Why do I still love him? It doesn't make sense.” Hot tears slipped down his face again, as he whispered, “It doesn’t make sense.”
He started to cry again, and Y/N pulled his head into the crook of her neck as his arms latched like vices around her torso. Running her fingers through his short brown hair, she said, “It may not make sense to you, but no matter what, as horrible as he was, that man is still your father. What he did to you was evil, pure evil, it truly was, but I can understand why after everything you’ve been through, you still love him. It doesn’t make you less of a man or weak. It makes you stronger, and I can’t be more proud of the person you’ve become since I met you. You have nothing to feel sorry for, James Buchanan Barnes. This is not your fault. None of this is.”
She moved her lips to his, and they moved against each other languidly. “I love you, James.”
His eyes opened, and hers watered up at her confession. “I love you too, Y/N.” They brought their lips together again, her thumbs rubbing small circles onto his cheekbones as they breathed each other in. When they finally pulled away, Bucky had the smallest of smiles playing across his lips. “Thank you, Y/N.”
Y/N made sure Bucky was staring at her directly, and she spoke with a firm voice. “Whatever comes next, we’ll get through it together. I promise, James.” Pressing his lips against hers one more time, he grabbed his phone off the stand and started to swipe through it. “Are you okay, Buck? You need anything? We can talk more if you need.”
Opening Spotify, he opened his “Slow Dance with Y/N” playlist. “I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love With Me” by Billie Holiday started playing, and Y/N knew exactly what he was doing. Bucky had had the playlist since the sixth grade, when he first bought his phone with the money he earned from babysitting, and the pair had danced to it numerous times before he had started dating Dot. But he didn’t even play that with her. No, this one was for his best girl, no matter what. Y/N was too special to share with anyone. Offering her his left hand with a shy grin, Y/N smiled big with an eye roll and graciously accepted it.
“Oldies music again, Bucky?” She was teasing him, and he knew it as well. Y/N absolutely adored this playlist, that he made just for the two of them, with her entire heart. Pulling her flush against his chest, his right hand coming to rest on her waist, he kissed her hair lightly.
“Well, you have always called me old fashioned, sweetheart.” He twirled her around, her giggling as they danced around the room. Becca slept soundly in the crib and the moonlight illuminated their faces. “I think this song fits in well right now.”
Y/N sighed, letting her eyes close. “It really does.” After a few seconds, she remembered her previous question that had gone unanswered and asked again. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about anything else, Buck?”
“I think I’m done, doll. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Just wanna dance with you.”
And he did, softly dancing barefoot, with the occasional twirl, until falling asleep hours later. When Y/N’s parents came to check in on them the next morning, they smiled seeing their daughter and the boy she loved so dearly wrapped around each other, quiet snores escaping the both of them.
@transparentfestivaltiger​ @barnesjamcs​ @kitkatd7​ @adorkably​
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luccislegs · 5 years
KID N LAW IN POLY RELATIONSHIP YESS I'm weak for buzzfeed unsolved ish situations so! Let reader drag them to some haunted place or mb just to the forest at night bc i feel that it would be hilarious with these two dumbasses pretty pleaseeeee
ik you said reader so maybe, if you want, i can write where reader does take them to some haunted as payback to kid and law’s in on it idk. i laughed at these a few days after i wrote them so i hope they’re funny lol
sweet christ if you ever make it out of this you swear you’re going to murder kid
if law’s facial expression is anything to go by, there may be some black market organ donating in his future
kid had suggested camping to the two of you the week earlier, since law finally had a little bit of time off from the hospital, and it was a way to get away from the city and spend proper time with each other
you were fine with that, in fact, it sounded fun
only somehow, kid had picked what had to be the creepiest forest in existence
more than once, you heard snuffling in the trees that surrounded your campsite, followed by the sound of footsteps running off at a fast pace
not to mention what sounded like people yelling in the distance
conveniently, kid hadn’t heard any of that and insisted that it was fine, he had camped here before and nothing had happened
you really weren’t sure about that though
law had taken it upon himself to keep you glued to his side, sharp eyes scanning for signs of werewolves or bigfoot in the trees because that was just the vibe this whole place gave off
that or cannibals, and that wasn’t very appealing either
“we’re almost out of wood,” kid said after a while, “i’m going to go get more”
both you and law are up in an instant, “not alone you’re not”
you look at each other and almost laugh. almost.
kid’s looking at the both of you oddly, but shrugs his shoulders, since more hands meant less trips, and leads you into the darkness with a flashlight
naturally, your luck being what it is, it goes dead
“i just put new batteries in before we left,” kid swears, smacking it on his hand
law jumps a little as you slide your hand into his and whisper, “we’re so gonna die” and he can’t help but agree
the snuffling comes back, and you nearly scream
kid hears it this time and mutters, “what the fuck” just before there’s a loud animal scream from the same direction
“oh hell no,” is law’s response and his hold on your hand tightens as he books it back in the direction of the camp fire. 
poor kid is left behind but oh well law can’t save both of you
besides this whole thing was kid’s idea and if anyone deserves to die it’s him, but fortunately for everyone you all make it back, even if kid is a little upset at being left behind, but law points out that he would be the best person to tackle…whatever the hell that was
for some godforsaken reason, kid still insists that you stay which, he does have a point. trying to pack up and hike back in the dark is probably more dangerous than sticking around and the fire should keep any animals away
the same can’t be said for cannibals, but they’re susceptible to large sticks to the dome, so it should be fine
you all cram into the tent and you cement yourself firmly between law and kid, not willing to be anywhere near the edges of the tent in case whatever that was gets brave
facing law, you listen to kid’s deep, even breathing and wonder how he can sleep with everything happening, but know that law isn’t likely to sleep tonight, so you whisper, “what the fuck was that?”
you know already that he’s been flipping through a list of the most likely candidates and how to best fend them off, but somehow his answer doesn’t reassure you
“i’ve no idea, ___-ya. i’ve never heard that before.”
you groan and wiggle closer so you’re pressed firmly to his chest, and kid grumbles in his sleep as he follows you, sandwiching you between them
you whisper to law, “it was nice knowing you. i say we murder kid if we die.”
law laughs, but it quickly cuts off when there’s a rustling outside of the tent.
“i said if not when,” you whisper in horror, elbowing kid in the ribs to wake him up.
he does with a jolt and whatever is outside freezes, but you know it hasn’t run off, so kid gets up and peers out the flaps of the tent while you and law cling to one another
kid yells and jumps back into the tent, causing you to actually scream, but then he starts to laugh. “it’s just a dog. he looks hungry.”
instantly you and law start to smack kid, yelling about how it wasn’t funny. it really kind of was.
you all climb out of the tent and gather around the dog, petting it and talking to it and laughing at each other for how ridiculous you were all being, except…
law, ever the rational asshole, says, “i don’t see how this dog could have made that noise.”
you almost want to hit him and now you’re all watching the trees again, and suddenly the dog whimpers and runs off, and your hair raises as you catch sight of something in the shadows just outside the light of the fire
maybe it’s your imagination, but it looks like it’s standing on two legs, so you elbow law who also sees it, but before anyone can do anything a bright flash of light appears, blinding the three of you and you all start yelling
“woah, woah, hey, no need to lose your heads,” a calm voice cuts through and you peer through a gap between law’s and kid’s arms to find the forest ranger you had met at the sign-in post
“uh, can we help you?” you ask like you hadn’t just been screaming like murder victims a second prior
“well, no, i just came to warn you that there’s an escaped convict that was headed this way about an hour ago–”
before he can continue, you and law both look up at kid and say, “we’re leaving,” with law tacking on an, “if you want to stay, stay, and we’ll be sure your tombstone says ‘murdered by an escaped felon because he was too stupid to leave.”
fortunately, kid isn’t that stupid, so the three you work to pack up under the watchful eye of the forest ranger and hightail it out of there, and at the mouth of the trail you tell the ranger about what you had heard earlier, and he chuckles
“yeah, you get people out here sometimes that take drugs and do crazy things. or maybe it was a bobcat,” he explained, as you load your things up into your car.
“and uh, which do you think it was?” you ask, not entirely sure you want to know the answer. you jump as the hatch is slammed shut and law and kid come to stand beside you, each taking a hand.
“uh, well, given the season, the time and the proximity, i’d actually say it was more likely a mountain lion was stalking you,” he said, and waved as he walked off.
“oh my god,” you mutter at the same time that law says, “never again.”
kid has the decency not to argue
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tk-productions · 4 years
Mystic Sisters- Ch.4 You & I
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Yua’s pov
Every. Single. Day. I saw Haru at school, or at the train or at Mystic cafe. Wherever I went it seemed he was there too. It was hell running into him everywhere. I swear he’s stalking me at this point.  I tried avoiding him but he always popped up unexpectedly looking into my eyes the same way he used to. Weeks went by without either of us saying a word, we just stared at each other not knowing who would make the first move. Today was another day of us not talking to each other. I sat in the corner at Mystic cafe sipping on a iced tea waiting for my sister to finish 
her shift. After Haru ordered his food he made small talk with my sister. He said something to make her laugh and I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my tea. 
“I’ll be back in 10 minutes” he told Hikari then walked out of the cafe still laughing at whatever they were talking about.
“ Haru!” I called out as I followed him out of the cafe.
He stopped and turned around to face me but stayed completely silent.
“Oh so you're not gonna say anything?” I said getting irritated.
“What do you want me to say?” He said like he did nothing wrong.
“I just want an explanation on why you left.”
“I don’t need to give an explanation.”
“Why do you always do this? You run away when things get tough. You've been back for weeks but haven't said one word to me.” I yelled out of frustration.
Haru said nothing, he just looked at his watch, went back to the cafe and grabbed his food and walked past me like nothing.
“You're such a jerk and I hate you Haru. I fucking hate your guts!” I cried out looking at his back. It was like I was talking to a brick wall. Haru stopped walking for a second then just continued without looking back.
 I stormed back into the cafe with mixed emotions. Should I feel angry, sad, or relieved that I dodged a bullet?  I was so angry I wanted to rip his throat out.  OMG why am i thinking like this? Ripping his throat out? Come on Yua. Suddenly I felt really thirsty so I grabbed my iced tea and chugged it.
“Yua-chan are you okay?” Hikari asked, sitting across from me placing another iced tea in front of me. 
“No, I'm over here imagining ripping Haru’s throat out .” I said suddenly feeling stressed.
“No that’s completely normal.” she joked. “But seriously what’s wrong.”
“I just want to talk to Haru but he keeps pushing me away. How can he tell me he loves me, leave and show back up like nothing happened.” I sighed in frustration.
“Hey don’t beat yourself up over this. It’s his fault. He’s the one that left not you. You just have to find a way to talk to him and not rip out his throat.” I nodded, taking another sip of tea. She may be younger than me but she’s always right.
“Your shift is almost over right? Let’s go to the bookstore on our way home.”
“Yay!” she yelled excitedly, drawing attention towards her from the other customers.  
“Sorry.” she said quickly heading back behind the counter. Only Hikari would get excited over books I laughed to myself.   
I really didn't know why I was so hung up on Haru. Maybe it’s because he’s the only guy I loved. Or maybe it because he left without giving me an explanation. My mind kept drifting off thinking about him as I tried to do my chemistry homework that's due tomorrow. My eyes grew heavier as I tried to focus. “Maybe I should take a break.” I yawned resting my head on the desk. 
“Just a quick nap.” I yawned again before drifting off to sleep. 
Haru and I were cuddling under a tree and I felt so relaxed and happy. I looked at him and smiled. But he didn’t smile back.
“Is something wrong?” I asked reaching out towards him.
“I don’t wanna be with you anymore Yua.” He told me pushing  away.
“What? We just got back together the other day. What could have changed?”  sitting up  turning to face him. “Why do you keep hurting me like this? Did you ever even really love me?
“I gotta go. I’m sorry Yua,” Haru replied to me getting up walking away leaving me like he always did. 
“Haru come back here!” I called after him “Haru!” but he didn’t answer, he just kept walking.
I opened my eyes and all I could feel was anger.  I was so angry but I couldn’t let a dream drive me crazy. I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone to check the time. 
“4am? Ugh! I didn’t finish my homework!” I said frustrated.
Finally the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch. I didn't know if I could sit through another minute of balancing equations. I sat my books out for the next class before heading to the library to meet hikari and Hisako. I found the girls sitting at a table in the back of the library laughing quietly to themselves.  
“What’s so funny? I could use a laugh.”  I said as I joined them at the table.
“Hisako fell out of her chair in class today then slipped on her chair getting up.” Hikari said laughing so hard she had tears in the corner of her eyes.
I laughed a little before looking at Hisako. “Are you ok?” I asked.
“Yea I’m fine. Thanks for asking Yua. I'm never visiting Hikari before her class again though” Hisako replied to me with a smile.
Hikari started talking about buying more clothes at the mall, I smiled nodding as if I was listening before zoning out watching the rain fall from the window. The rain reminded me of something Haru did before we broke up.
Haru and I were at our favorite spot during lunch and I couldn't stop talking about our anniversary that was just around the corner. 
“I planned the whole day out first we're gonna go eat breakfast together---” I rambled on and on about our date but Haru didn’t even look like he was paying attention.
“Are you listening to me?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“Huh.” he said caught off guard. “Yea I’m listening.” he replied.
I gave him an unsure look. “Ok then what did I say?”
Haru laughed before looking at me with his beautiful eyes and sexy smirk that I absolutely loved. Completely changing the subject Haru told me. “Close your eyes and turn around for me.”
“What? You're changing the subject.” I called him out.
“Just do it please.” He asked. I squinted my eyes curiously at him before turning around and closing my eyes  just as he said. I slightly jumped as I felt something cold touch my neck.
“Ok you can open now.” He told me and I can tell he was smiling.
Opening my eyes I looked down to see a beautiful necklace. I turned around and faced him, smiling like an idiot. “The two hearts are us right.” I asked, holding onto the pendant.
“Yea and I also had our names carved into it.” He replied.
My smile grew bigger. “I love it.” I told him.
“Good. Don’t ever take it off no matter what happens between us ok.” He said seriously.
“I won’t.” I smiled as I leaned in for a kiss.
 I smiled at the memory “Those were truly the good times.” I said messing around with the necklace still around my neck. I know I said I wouldn’t take it off. But new Haru makes me want to.
“What are you talking about.” Hikari said looking at me before smirking “It's Haru isn’t it?”
“I am not but nice guess.” I said sarcastically. 
“Yua just get back together with him and stop torturing yourself.” Hisako said stealing some of Hikari’s grapes.
“Nah he belong to the streets.” I joked.
“But so do you.” Hikari sassed.
My smile disappeared as I looked at Hikari in shock. “I do not. I am a proper lady thank you.”
“Keep telling yourself that.” Hikari said sarcastically while laughing. I rolled my eyes at her. “I swear sometimes you act just like Haru.” I mumbled before getting up.
“Where are you going?” Hisako asked.
“I have to go to class early.” I told the girls goodbye and left. Okay so maybe I didn't actually need to go to class early. I needed to talk to Haru and work things out between us. I wondered mindlessly through the school hallways looking for Haru. Somehow I ended up in our spot. The spot where we spent most of our time together. Not much had changed. There was a new mural done by the art club that made the space brighter. I walked over to the window staring at the rain heavily falling down. I played with the necklace again still thinking about that day. Just as the bell rang I felt a gust of air go by. I turned around watching the older boy walk up the stairs not even acknowledging me.
“Haru!” I called out but he just kept walking leaving me like he always did. 
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
Pictured with You (Epilouge)
A/n: we have come to an end to this story of mine. Thank you for sticking around for so long.
Summary: It's been a year, and you're looking for something to do on this week long vacation.
Warnings: fluff
Word count: 1.9k
One year later
We wanted a week away from the craziness. Just one week for ourselves and our friends to hang out and not care about having to work - me on the finishing touches of the new album, which I'm actually stressing about right now because y/n still knows next to nothing about it. And that's stupid of me because literally every song is about her and if she tells me she doesn't want that then I'm screwed because I have nothing else to give the label.
She's kicking her feet softly from the edge of the pool, looking nothing less than breathtaking as the blinding sun hits her body just right. I swim away from my friends and to my rightful spot between her legs. Y/n looks down at me when I press a gentle kiss to the tops of her thighs. "Whatcha thinking about, love?"
She hums, running a lazy finger down the column of my neck. "Nothing. Just like watching you have fun, is all."
"It'd be more fun if you got in with me."
"I think you have attachment issues, Mendes."
"Yeah?" I bite playfully at her knee and she laughs, trying to push my head away. "Might have a point there… but I'm not gonna fix that."
"Gonna cling to me more?" She teases as my hands snake around her body, resting softly on the curve of her butt.
"Mmm…" I mumble against her neck. "Never gonna stop clinging to you. Gonna hold you like this forever and ever."
"Don't threaten me with a good time."
"Get in with me," I beg, jutting out my bottom lip as her hands lace through my wet curls. "I'll carry you." That gets her attention.
"Okay," she nods. "Well get me in, rockstar." I smile up at her and swiftly, but carefully bring her down into the pool with me. She shudders at the feel of the cool water against her warm skin. "Fucking hell, it's cold!" Her teeth chatter as she rests her head on my shoulder, arms wrapping tightly around my neck to steal my body heat. We stay like for minute, allowing her to get used to the unfamiliar temperature. "We're good," she mumbles and I slowly move us over to our friends who are goofing around, splashing each other.
"Oh good, she came to join us!" Brian exclaims. Before I know it, y/n is tugged from my arms and being spun around until she's finally thrown into the pool, completely submerged in the chlorine filled water. "There," Brian says triumphantly, with a laugh. "Now you're on our level."
She pushes her baby hairs out of her face with a shake of her head and an exaggerated eye roll, "so thoughtful, Bri. Thanks for that." She splash him once before taking my outstretched hand.
"Sorry, honey," I mumble into her hair, pressing her back to my front. "He caught me off guard."
"S'okay." Her head rests against my chest as we watch them make fools of themselves, not a care in the world. I whisper the words of the song playing into her ear and she falls deeper into me, wrapping my arms tighter around her waist.
"Y/n/n?" I say after a while of comfortable silence drifting between us.
"Shawny," she scrunches up her nose, hating the cutesy nickname, but she can't help that it comes out when she's a little tipsy. I love it though, and kiss the tip of her nose.
"Move in with me," I request, my head buried in her neck.
"What?" She giggles, turning in my arms.
"Move in with me," I say again.
"Where's this coming from?" She wraps her arms around my neck once again.
I shrug, "I mean, you've been going over there a lot more often recently. And… I have a drawer full of your clothes already."
She hums, "well I think I'd need more than just a drawer if we decided to do this."
"I'll get you your own damn closet if you want."
"You'd have to move houses if you did that."
"Then let's look for one. We can find one with a closet just for you, and we can make you your own dark room."
"Whoa there, big spender. That's a big commitment. You sure you can handle all that?"
I nod, "Yes. Hell, I'm ready to marry you right now if you say yes."
She looks up at me with a smirk. "you asking me something, Mendes?"
"Depends on what your answer is," I counter. "What do you say, honey? Will you marry me?"
"I think… my answer is… yes."
"Yes," she nods, a big smile on her face.
I laugh, pressing my forehead against hers before kissing her deeply. "Oh god, baby. I love you."
"I love you too."
"Let's do it tonight," I plead, my eyes closed.
"Yeah. Let's fly out to Vegas and just get married."
"You really want to? I don't even have a dress."
"We'll get you something there. Come on, y/n. Say yes?"
"You," she pokes my chest with her pointer finger, "are completely insane."
I shake my head, "is that your way of saying you'll do it?"
"Well duh," she rolls her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing that we were gonna do this.
"Yo, what is with you two? Do you ever let go of each other?" Connor asks, splashing us.
I hold y/n's head against my chest before I ask. "You guys down for a quick road trip?"
"Where?" Brian asks, shaking out his wet hair.
"Vegas," I say with a cheeky grin.
"What's that look? What are you planning?" Connor questions.
"Y'all feel like being witnesses to a wedding?" Y/n asks, sparing only the smallest of glances to our friends. They're in complete shock. But it only takes a second before they're jumping on top of us, screaming out congratulations.
"Shit, let's go! We hit the road now, we can be there just after sunset." Brian is already pulling himself out of the water.
"Nervous?" Brian claps my shoulder while I fix the collar of my shirt.
I chuckle, "dude, my heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest. I've never been more nervous in my entire life."
"Well what's that thing you always say? Nerves mean you care?"
"Yeah," I nod. "But, god, man. I'm getting married. Did you ever think that was gonna happen? Like this, no less?"
"Hey," he holds the sides of my face and slaps my cheeks. "Don't stress about it. The love of your life is just on the other side of that door. You're just minutes away from your forever. This is going to be the best day of your life."
I swallow the lump forming in my throat, "Yeah. You're right. It's y/n." I can't help but laugh. Because I say it like I'm not still a nervous wreck every time she looks at me. Like my heart doesn't skip a beat every time she smiles. Like I don't forget what I'm about to say because I get lost in those piercing -
The door opens and Connor starts walking down the aisle, arm linked with y/n's, and I swear my breath catches in my throat. She looks beautiful in the white blouse we just got her, and the high waisted, ripped jeans that she insisted on wearing because a skirt was just not her. And I agreed, but to be fair she could tell me she wanted to wear a paper bag and I would have went along with it because I just want her. It's not until she's in front of me, wiping at my cheek that I realize I've been crying watching her walk toward me.
"Hey, come on, bub. Marrying me can't be that bad," she jokes.
I laugh, wiping roughly at my face, "Jesus, no. You're just so beautiful."
She flips her hair playfully, "Well then what are you waiting for, Mendes? You gonna marry me or not?"
Mendes. She's about to be a Mendes, and I can't wait.
I wake up the next morning, sheets thrown haphazardly over me and the beautiful girl in my arms. I watch her figure for a few minutes, once I've adjusted to the bright light the sun brings into the room. Her hair is all over the place, but still framing her face perfectly as her eyes moved rapidly behind her eyelids. Her naked chest is just barely covered by the white bedsheets, one arm thrown over her stomach. And then my eyes land on that dainty ring she fell in love with the second I slipped it on her finger last night and it hits me that I'm laying in bed next to my wife. And I let myself think about how I get to wake up next to her forever. It's the most perfect moment.
Until my phone rings beside me and suddenly it isn't anymore.
"Hey, Andrew," I whisper as I answer his FaceTime call.
"WHAT IS THIS I'M SEEING ABOUT YOU GETTING MARRIED?!" Andrew's loud voice booms through my phone and I flinch because y/n stirs beside me.
"Shh…" I point my phone to my girl who is still sleeping, thankfully.
"You got married. Don't you think that's something you should tell your manager so that he's not blindsided early the next morning by all of these pap photos and articles and hundreds of texts and emails asking if it's true?"
"Well I am sorry I didn't tell you."
"So you did? Shawn, what were you thinking? This is everywhere right now."
"I was thinking that I have the most perfect woman by my side and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with her and that I wanted the rest of my life to start right then and there. That's what I was thinking. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and I'm sorry that it's online. But I'm not sorry it happened. I have everything I've ever wanted right here next to me." I look over to see y/n looking up at me with a sleepy smile.
"Shawn," my manager tries to grab my attention, but I can't seem to focus on anything other than the smiling woman next to me.
"If you'll excuse me. My wife just woke up and I would like to give her a proper good morning." I shut my phone off and reach over to brush a strand of hair from my girl's face. "Hey there, beautiful." I say quietly and lean down to press a soft kiss to her lips.
She hums, "good morning, handsome."
"Sleep well? You were… very tired last night," I say with a smirk and she moves to slap me, but I'm quick to catch her wrist.
"Nuh-uh, Mrs. Mendes." She giggles into my chest. "What? What's so funny?"
"Nothing," she shook her head, her hands on either side of my face. "It's just the first time I've heard it like that. I like it."
"Me too."
"So Andrew's mad."
I shrug. "He'll get over it. Now come cuddle," I lay on my beck and open my arms for her. It doesn't take long for her to shrink into my side, head on my chest.
"You still want to be married to me?" She murmurs, half asleep once again.
I press my lips to the crown of her head, "for the rest of my life, baby."
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Shawnmendes mea vita = my life 💍
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That's it, guys!! Thank you for reading!!! Like, reblog, and leave feedback!! 💙💙
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Do you think I need to report or tip the deliveryman for taking advantage of the unlocked front door? Rio: can't decide Buster: Are you sure it was unlocked? Rio: Well I was sure I locked it actually but apparently not Rio: Indie also swears she didn't forget so must've been me Buster: Unless she swore on her stash there's no reason to take it as gospel, babe Rio: True Rio: thanks anyway 😚 they look really pretty in the kitchen window Buster: Hold on, I didn't send you anything Buster: What kind of delivery was it? Rio: Yeah, tbh, I didn't think it was you Rio: but I was hoping Rio: [the picture] Rio: they look kinda cheap Rio: cannot work out who they're from Buster: Is the address right? Maybe they're for next door but yours was open Buster: Fuck it, throw them out and I'll replace them for you Rio: There isn't one, there's like nothing Rio: Maybe Drew's planning to give 'em to someone Buster: Ask him Buster: Could also be one of Indie's friends, you said they were cheap, like Rio: Awh, how sweet Rio: yeah, I'll ask Rio: how are you anyway? Buster: Better before I was worried about your home security Rio: Don't be Rio: You've never forget to lock up before? Rio: Be Drew that'd be 😥 Buster: Course not Buster: My parents would kill me Rio: Guess you have more stuff to steal Rio: luckily we've just been gifted something so that's as good as you can hope I suppose Buster: No bullshit, are you okay? Rio: It just shook me up a bit Rio: but now I've had time to calm down Buster: You can stay here any time and for any reason Buster: You know that Rio: I know Rio: I promise I don't need that though Rio: even though I miss you Rio: wish you were here Buster: I miss you too Buster: I'll come and see you this weekend Buster: Move some shit around Rio: Can you? Rio: don't if you can't Buster: I can Buster: And I want to Rio: I wish they were from you Rio: not an unsubtle hint Buster: I don't need any hints Buster: I just ordered some Buster: But we can track the delivery on these, like Rio: I love you Rio: see who gets here first, you or the flowers Buster: I love you Buster: But they better or else we are gonna have to have a word with whoever the fuck delivers shit to your place Rio: 😂 Rio: its not quite that rough that the postie throws it and runs Buster: Says you Rio: What does that mean? 😏 Buster: It means I've only got your word for it since I can't exactly forgo the hotel and sleep over Rio: You'd prefer your hotel, I'm not gonna oversell it that hard, like Buster: I ain't gonna deny that either Buster: Unless you stayed there and left me alone at the hotel Rio: That just ain't gonna happen Rio: never ever Rio: least no one here is really keeping that close a check on where I am Rio: much easier Buster: Yeah fuck knows where I'm gonna say I am if anyone asks Buster: I'll obviously think of something as per but the standard excuses are gonna start sounding like they are exactly that one of these days Rio: I know Rio: be easier if visiting your sister was a little more in question Rio: but that would require actually doing that so Buster: As much as I love you, babe Rio: I know Rio: she's settled well though Buster: No need to try and make any friends when she's got Junior, is there? Buster: He more or less guarantees her an easier life Rio: Alright for some Rio: lucky he's such a nerd they let him skip Buster: Exactly Rio: Why you gotta be so overachieving, huh Rio: I'm so bored without you Buster: I didn't get put forward a year, I'm clearly not working hard enough actually Rio: Nah, you just don't have crazy genius brain Rio: which I think is probably a good thing Rio: and your school would never, doing everything by the 100 year old book Buster: Cheers Buster: For the compliment and the reminder Rio: You know you're still going to get everything you want Buster: Course I am Buster: I've earned it despite my lack of a genius level IQ Rio: Are you mad I called you not a genius? Buster: Like you said, it's a good thing Buster: Fuck being a weirdo Rio: Bit rude Buster: Come on Rio: You don't need to call anyone a weirdo if you're not mad Buster: You know what I mean Buster: I'm perfect as I am Rio: Okay Buster: Don't get mad Buster: Just 'cause I ain't Rio: 🙄 I'm not Rio: shh Buster: Convincing Rio: Well I will be if you keep going on Buster: Behave Rio: Come over and make me Mr. Perfect 😏 Buster: Friday afternoon Buster: Soon as school's over and done with Rio: 😾 I guess I'll behave then then Buster: Are you gonna be perfect? Rio: Aren't I always? 😇 Buster: You know you are Buster: But you also know I wanna hear you promise Rio: I promise I'll be perfect for you Buster: Good girl Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: You're so rude Rio: distracting me Buster: What are you doing that needs your full attention? Rio: I'm trying to cook Buster: I'll leave you to focus then, yeah? Buster: Wouldn't wanna be even ruder or anything Rio: Don't you dare Buster: You know I always dare Rio: Oh, so we're playing now? Buster: Yeah Rio: And you aren't playing nice Buster: I didn't make any promises to be Rio: Me either Rio: 'til Friday Buster: You can't help yourself though Buster: You're an angel Rio: For my sins Rio: and yours Buster: What sins are those? Rio: If I need to remind you, then its really been way too long since we last did a visit Buster: Or I need to remind you how heavenly everything we've ever done together is Rio: I wouldn't mind that reminder Buster: Call me Rio: [does] Buster: Tell me the kitchen ain't on fire Rio: It ain't Rio: Dinner is gonna be late Rio: but we'll all survive Buster: Well I'm not sorry about that Buster: I've gotta wait til Friday to have dinner with you Rio: I can't wait to cook for you Buster: Don't make me miss you more Rio: You wait 'til I have my own place proper Rio: treat you like such a 👑 all day every day Buster: I'm not sure I can wait, baby Buster: Jesus Rio: Next time your parents are away, tell me and I'll get the next flight Rio: never guaranteeing a free house here but we can play then Buster: Hold on, I'll check the calendar Buster: [a date] Rio: It's done Buster: Easily Rio: then when you go uni we can be together all the time Buster: Every day Rio: Can't we just be 18 now? Buster: I swear I feel older than that already Rio: Me too Rio: its crazy we've been doing all this over 2 years now Rio: never mind everything else Buster: Yeah Buster: Looking at their calendar only proves that my parents treat me like I'm older when it suits 'em Rio: Good for parties Rio: good for me and you Rio: but it must feel so big when its just you in that house Rio: my poor baby Buster: Technically not good enough though 'cause I can't move out or change schools Buster: But I ain't complaining Buster: Especially when I've got you to keep me company if it gets lonely Buster: Just one call away, like Buster: And like you said, the parties and visits mean I rarely am alone anyway Buster: We'd definitely have gotten closer to getting caught if I had different parents as well Rio: It won't last forever, even if it feels like it Rio: best place for you to be right now Rio: and I'll always be here Rio: no matter what Rio: sometimes I forget no one knows Rio: when I'm talking to you Rio: but then its painfully obvious again when we have to hide it Buster: I know Buster: Me too Buster: But that doesn't have to be forever either Buster: We can tell 'em when we're older Rio: We'll have to Rio: I can't just suddenly decide I wanna move to America when you happen to be going too Buster: And when I propose, you won't be able to hide a diamond that big Rio: You can't just say things like that Buster: Don't you wanna marry me? Rio: Of course I do Buster: Good Rio: You really want to marry me Rio: and be with me forever Buster: Of course I do Rio: Buster, I love you so much Rio: how are you real Buster: I could ask you the same question Buster: But I reckon whatever you think makes me unreal does the same to you Rio: You're just Rio: I'm just so glad you're in this as much as I am Rio: we want the same things Buster: I've never half arsed anything in my life, I'm not about to start with the most important part of it Rio: That's why I love you Rio: you're so dedicated and passionate and Rio: fuck Buster: It's for you as much as it is me Buster: I ain't forgotten the future you want Buster: I'm gonna give you everything Rio: Just marry me now Rio: Jesus Buster: Not until you can openly wear the ring every single day Rio: Okay Rio: deal Buster: I'll get you something else to wear in the meanwhile Buster: A ring that's not so obvious Rio: Baby Buster: I fucking love you Buster: There needs to be another word for it that's more descriptive or whatever Buster: Just more everything Rio: I get it Rio: I get you, you get me Rio: There's nothing I wanna do where I don't want you with me Rio: other people don't even register, never mind compare Buster: I feel that too Buster: Since I was a kid Rio: No one else could hold my attention like you Buster: 'Cause there's nobody else like me Rio: Not even close Buster: You won't ever regret choosing me Buster: I'll make sure you don't Rio: I know Rio: but it was never a choice really Rio: not in a bad way just in a Rio: I don't even know Rio: like we was meant to be from the start Buster: I know Buster: Like you said, we're the same in that and loads of other shit Rio: Plus you're the hottest boy to ever walk the planet so obviously, you're mine 😋 Buster: Yeah, that too, like Buster: But even if you weren't the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, I'd still want you to be mine Buster: 'Cause you're the best in so many other ways as well Buster: And I'll never be over how perfect you are or what you make me feel like Rio: Stop being perfect and sincere when I'm just trying to live over here Buster: We've established I can't Buster: Or won't Rio: How do you do that Rio: cheer me up Rio: make me forget Buster: 'Cause I always get what I want Buster: And I want that for you Rio: You're the best Buster: I know Buster: So I deserve you Rio: What do you wanna do when you're here? Rio: Aside from have me be perfect, obviously Buster: We need to get you a ring, of course Buster: Unless you want me to surprise you with it Rio: 😁😁😁 Buster: If that's what you actually look like, show me Rio: [the most excited selfie] Buster: Baby Rio: Daddy Rio: tbh Buster: Tell me what you wanna do when I'm there Buster: Aside from saying that again, obviously Rio: 😏 and again and again Rio: Hmm Rio: just be with you Rio: I don't care what we're doing, as long as its what we wanna do Rio: makes a change from my routine Buster: Well that's the least I can do Buster: Don't worry Rio: I'm never worried Rio: not when I'm with you Buster: Good Buster: You're safe with me Buster: Even if you forget to lock every door Rio: I won't Rio: I'm not a total idiot Buster: I know how smart you are, babe Rio: 🙄 Buster: Don't Buster: I'm serious Rio: Its whatever Rio: I don't need to be smart Rio: just work it Buster: You are though regardless Rio: Whatever you say, babe Buster: You gonna listen to whatever I say? Rio: 🙉🤭 Buster: Alright then Rio: Awh, you mad at me? Buster: Is that what you're trying to do? Rio: Maybe Rio: has it worked? Buster: Try harder Rio: 😤😠💪 Buster: Come on Rio: . Rio: That's me not replying, 'cos nothing makes you madder than being ignored Buster: Well played Rio: Thank you Rio: If I do it for real will you call me again? Buster: How could I resist? Rio: Don't Rio: only me who's gotta resist talking to you Rio: which is really really hard Buster: I'll make your efforts feel worth it Rio: 😣 Buster: I promise Rio: Okay Rio: I can do it Buster: Prove it Buster: [calls]
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chubby-varkid-hell · 6 years
just gonna jump in here and throw a request at you since i'm a weird gremlin like that but.... could you write something with a post-tftbl Rhys based on the one Moriarty quote "honey you should see me in a crown"?
How’s this work for ya, anon? I wrote it in like two hours.
Title: Hail To The King
Words: 2360
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Some Minor Swearing, Not Edited/Beta’d
In a world of locked doors…
Rhys ran an exhausted hand through his thoroughly disheveled hair, half in an attempt to tame it and half in an attempt to remind himself that he still inhabited a living body and wasn’t just floating on some bullshit alternate plane of existence. He’d been at his desk in an office of the abandoned Atlas building he’d holed up in since…
He’d been here for a long time, was all he was saying.
His eyes burned from poring over all the paperwork needed to get Atlas back on its feet. His head was pounding in a combination of strain from processing the information and pure exhaustion. His back and neck were stiff and painful―every minute movement was agonizing. He desperately wanted to sleep, but…
But he couldn’t.
He didn’t have time for sleep.
He reached out with his new cybernetic arm for the cup on his desk. It was the only part of him that didn’t twinge and jerk with every movement from stiffness, but unfortunately… Unfortunately he tended to get distracted by the simple silver metal that made it up. Even in the dim light of this old, musky office, it gleamed. He was proud of that. He was proud of the arm in general.
He’d built this arm from scratch, more or less, and it hadn’t been easy in the slightest. It had been his first order of business after getting the building up and running proper. After that he’d made his new ECHO eye.
So many tiny, delicate pieces in that one… So many mistakes to make.
He shook his head and grabbed the cup, lifting it to his lips. Hesitating just a moment longer, he was soon taking a hearty swig of its contents.
That didn’t prevent him from taking another drink, of course. It merely led to a disgruntled internal monologue about the quality of the coffee he was still drinking.
No matter what anyone said about him, he knew no one could deny his determination… Or his rising levels of spite. And that spite and determination were what led him to finish the disgusting mug before setting it aside once more. He knew he should have just drank it while it was hotter than the very spite burning through his veins that had led him to drink it in the first place.
The coffee was colder than Handsome Jack’s dead heart, more bitter than Fiona, and about as energizing as being told he was being promoted to Vice Janitor, but all of that in combination somehow gave him the energy to look over the last of the files he desperately needed to look over.
There were still several that he needed to look over eventually, but for now he’d done all he needed to do. He could sleep at last.
He smiled to himself as he stood, stretching out, and stumbled over to the modest nest he’d built for himself behind some ancient-looking filing cabinets, out of view of anyone who might come into the office. Though the likelihood of anyone, even Bandits, coming to the old Atlas building wasn’t exactly high, it never hurt to be prepared. He needed to watch his back down here.
The man with the key is king…
Dragging his hand across the display before him, Rhys rearranged the items into a more manageable configuration―priority tasks at the top, partially covering the less important ones. He nodded, satisfied, and set about examining the first thing on his roster.
He almost hated himself for setting such a task as the most important for possibly the ninth time this week, but it was a necessary evil. To get Atlas back on its feet he needed workers. To get workers he needed to recruit. To make himself go out and recruit, he needed to set it as his primary task.
So far, he had two staff members, and neither of them were particularly useful to actually producing anything for the company… Which wasn’t to say they weren’t useful at all, of course. They certainly had their uses.
But he needed engineers. He needed mechanics. He needed desk jockeys. He needed many more workers that he couldn’t really put names to the jobs of when he was running on so little sleep. It’d been at least two days, now, since he’d gotten up from his meager nest behind the cabinets and set to work on several other tasks that needed done. He’d mostly been attempting to recruit during the day, since most of the people likely to be in need of a job he could provide them with would be awake that that time.
He peeked over his shoulder at the one window in the room. Even through the blinds he could see the sun beginning to climb into the sky at last. It had been dark the past couple of days―rainier than he’d ever seen it. Stormy. The place had nearly lost power several times.
But the sun was out now.
It was time to recruit.
He sighed and smoothed his hair back. He needed desperately to wash it and slick it back proper, but running water was precious and better used keeping him alive right now. He’d wash it tomorrow… Along with the rest of his body.
He checked the second priority item once more, just to remind himself what it was.
It was simple enough. Sell a few items to make a little money to put toward repairs and making new items. And paying his workers. He just had to hope he met someone who wanted Atlas wares.
He paced over to his desk, straightening his back and wetting his lips with his tongue. Presentation was important, especially at this stage in the reemergence of Atlas. He needed to look his best.
He converted his main holoscreen on the desk into a mirror app and checked his appearance.
Fine. He was presentable, at the very least. His hair could use some work, and he needed to smooth out some wrinkles in his suit, but for the most part… For the most part he wasn’t looking too bad. He could stand to go another day before he for sure had to change things up and take that shower.
He’d just have to be careful. He never knew when the water was going to decide it didn’t want to work.
He smoothed out the wrinkles in his suit, smoothed his hair back again, and grabbed the duffel bag full of handmade tech he intended to pedal while he was attempting to get some employees. It was heavy, as was to be expected, but that was fine. He could live with that.
The bag itself? Certainly not handmade, but he’d managed to take some time out of his schedule to carefully place an “ATLAS TECH.” decal on it, and seeing that decal? It reminded him of what he was doing with this company.
Yes, Atlas would still make weapons―that was a given. But Atlas Armaments was long gone. Atlas Technology though? Atlas Technology was just getting started. And Atlas Tech was going to be the biggest company on this shithole of a planet, no matter what Rhys had to do to make that happen.
The ends justified the means, as far as he was concerned.
And honey…
Atlas had a grand total of twenty-seven employees, not counting their beloved CEO, and Rhys absolutely preened at the knowledge every time he thought about it.
Yes, there was still a ways to go before Atlas rose from the ashes like an extremely technologically advanced phoenix, but there were twenty-fucking-seven people willing to help him in this endeavor. And, according to his first two hires? There were more waiting to be interviewed.
It made him positively giddy, if he was honest.
His new dream was finally beginning to come to fruition. His hard work was finally going to get him somewhere.
He laughed to himself a bit and threw a glance at his nest in the corner.
The employees had picked out their own places in the facility to stay until Rhys could provide them with housing, but thankfully they all understood that Atlas wasn’t anything amazing just yet. Rhys could pay them, if everything went well, but he couldn’t provide a place for them to stay outside the facility yet. It seemed to ease their minds a bit that he was also roughing it in the facility with them.
Soon enough, they’d have the money to have proper company housing. As long as things kept going well. As long as he was able to keep selling Atlas tech to people who needed it at reasonable prices.
And, see, that was the thing he was almost certain had made him the money he’d earned so far―he was selling this amazing tech at a reasonable price. He wasn’t overselling it or underselling it. He was offering it at more or less the price of the materials and a little labor. People loved good tech at reasonable prices. They ate it up.
As long as he kept doing that, he knew he could make some good money… At least until Atlas was back on its feet. Then he could raise the prices of the goods a little. Feed the people some crap about using better materials for even better tech… Even though he knew very well he’d be using some of the money for exactly the purpose of buying decent materials. For the most part Atlas still had some awesome materials lying around here, though, and he didn’t really need to buy any until the completely tore through what had been left in the storage rooms.
He laughed to himself again and sagged into his chair a bit.
First order of business once the company was well and truly thriving?
Better furniture for the offices in this dump. The desk in here was nice and sturdy, sure, but the chair? He’d sat on sand more comfortable, thanks. And the desks and chairs in the other offices? Miserable. His employees deserved better.
Thinking about having employees made him laugh again, lips stretching into a rather contented smile.
Things were running pretty smoothly right now.
He could probably…
He could probably go lay down, couldn’t he? He could head to bed for the night and get back to what he was working on in the morning. He sat forward again to check, and his smile only grew into a grin when he realized that, yes, he could do this in the morning without any negative consequences.
Hell yeah, he was going to put this off until morning. He deserved a good night’s sleep after all the all-nighters he’d been pulling these past few months.
He flopped into his nest after shutting off the lights in the office and passed right out regardless of his intimate knowledge of how sore he’d be in the morning from spending another night on the floor.
… You should see me in a crown.
Rhys stepped out onto the catwalk above the main floor, beaming to himself with pride as he gazed at the now fully-operating production line. He had enough employees to staff the whole building, with his first two employees having been promoted to the heads of the Security department. They had an entire team of people just as good as they were behind them. And the rest of the facility? Well, it was working wonderfully under several nearly over-qualified Department Heads who actually listened to Rhys when he told them that their department needed to do something.
The main thing being produced at the moment were weapons, shields, and cybernetic enhancements. They’d already sold several dozen cybernetic limbs to people in need of them, and Rhys had gotten a new employee from it―a cybernetics specialist who could help people attach their new limbs.
Everything was going perfectly.
He turned and paced down the catwalk, wandering through the facility, just making his rounds, letting himself be seen overseeing production. It was good for company morale for him to be involved in their day-to-day operations. It helped employees to see that, yes, he was a busy man, but he wasn’t so busy that he couldn’t have a look ‘round here and there.
By making his rounds when he could, he made himself open and accessible to his employees. Made himself seem more like a person and less like an intimidating voice over the intercom that had no body and all the power necessary to fire someone.
Things were going pretty much perfectly, if he did say so himself, though.
He made it through the rest of the day, and found himself beaming yet again when he remembered he didn’t have to retire to his office to sleep (although that had gotten more comfortable ever since the company started making some reliable money and he’d put a couch in his office). He’d managed to get some company housing set up near enough to the facility that he and his employees could walk to and from work.
His home was the nearest to the facility, of course, but he got to work the earliest and stayed the latest, so it was only fair. His schedule had him getting to his office before the facility actually started production in the morning and getting home an hour or so after everyone else had already left. That was okay though. That was how it was supposed to be.
He headed home, yawning, and calmly collapsed onto his bed.
It wasn’t anything lavish―not yet. It was just a bed, and it’d do just fine until Atlas could assert itself a little better. Until he was selling several hundred items a day instead of several dozen items a week. It was better than the nest on the floor, if nothing else, though. It worked for his needs. It was soft enough not to make him ache.
He stared up at the ceiling with a grin on his face.
Things were going perfectly, and, honestly? Jack had been right about one thing.
Damn it was good to be the king.
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moonlight-moogle · 6 years
BTS as Daddies
warnings: dd/lg, slight sexual themes.
Kim Namjoon/RM
ok first thing first
like excUSE ME
king daddy™
I think Namjoon would be a semi-strict daddy
have a list of rules you have to follow
and lord knows if you break them you’re gonna get punished
Namjoon values trust and would feel as a daddy it's his job to punish you, if he didn’t, he’d feel like he had broken your trust a little
he has great self-control
the minute you use your safe word, he’s already getting you cleaned up and the bath’s already running and he is ready for snuggles
cuz don’t get me wrong
Namjoon isn’t all rules
he would be the biggest cuddle bug.
loves to have you sit on his lap
plays with your hair all the time
kisses your temple a lot cuz he’s tol
low key high key whipped for you
constantly checking up on you to see if you’re okay, even if its just a hand on your shoulder
he’s so patient with you
never raises his voice
prolly calls you ‘little one’
reads you bedtime stories
I'm sorry I'm just
in conclusion
Namjoon is a very good daddy. you are in safe hands, little one
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Kim Seokjin/Jin
Kim Seokjin
where do I start with this boi
I picture him as a very soft daddy
kinda protective
like if anyone ever were to judge you for being a little and living the life you lead...
boi he’d be ready to throw hands
not really
Jin takes shit from no-one and would know when to cut people out
he’s a shady bitch
if someone judged his little girl/boy for being their cute innocent self, it’s their loss for not seeing how wonderful they are
thinks the world is too cruel for your little heart 
is afraid people will judge you so prefers if you keep little space in the home
knows from looking at you when you’re in little space
calls you something cute like ‘little puff’
showers you with kisses
constantly taking pictures of you
lives for his time with you
you want daddy to dress as a prince?
you want to play tea party?
daddy will bake cupcakes
hates to see you cry
literally swOOPS you up in his arms if you ever hurt yourself and cry
tuts at you and calls you silly when you have a tantrum
less strict than Namjoon
only a few basic rules 
“no swearing” and stuff
less enthusiastic about punishments
most you’ll get in terms of physical punishment is spanking
and that’s if you’ve been really bad
Jin opts more for timeouts and no TV time
occasionally will opt for orgasm denial if he’s feeling particularly satanic
best in the game at aftercare.
has set treats, candles, bubble bath, blankets, stuffies, pacifiers - ANYTHING his baby needs
I'm realizing only two members in that this is gonna make so soft uwu
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Min Yoongi/Suga
this boi is my bias so um
strap in
I think Yoongi would be more like Namjoon in terms of how daddy he is
he’s highkey whipped for you
doesn’t show it in public
prefers to spoil you with the gummy smiles in private
definition of patient
you could be having the mother of all bitchfits, screaming bloody murder and this boy would sit there and watch until you’ve tired yourself out 
just sighs “are you done, kitten?” and wipes the tears from your face
yes he calls you kitten
he always makes time for you, no matter how tired he is
lives for naps with you
loves it when you curl yourself into him
buries his face into your hair because he loves your smell
rests his hand on your neck 
he doesn’t mind bringing you outside when you’re little as long as your hand stays locked in his
kisses your forehead cuz it makes him feel taller
he’s more laidback than Namjoon in term of rules but will go all the way with punishment if he needs to
owns a remote control vibrator 
boy don't play around
will buy you the cutest onesies and pacifiers
lives for that cute smile on your face when he puts it on you
I'm just imagining him smiling with his whole mouth at you
then kneeling down and taking the pacifier out of your mouth to kiss you
 U W U
watches Disney movies with you
loves it when you straddle his lap and lay across his chest so he can wrap his arms around you 
you’re literally the only person he’ll allow in his studio with him.
the walls and desks are littered with little drawings that you do for him while you’re with him
speaks more with actions than words
little fleeting touches to check your okay
such a sweetheart during aftercare
has you sit between his legs and massages your arms
hums to you softly and plays with your hair
makes you feel like you re the only thing in the world that has ever mattered to him
cuz sometimes he believes that
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Jung Hoseok/J-Hope
I think everyone knows that Hobi is quite literally a ball of sunshine
this reflects a lot into his daddy-ness
his little will never 
be bored
almost Yoongi level sugar daddy 
actually, screw that he’s probably more of a sugar daddy
you literally have any toy you want
half your wardrobe is all supreme and bucket hats cuz he likes it when his baby dresses like their daddy
dances with you all the time
this boy has so much energy oh my god
he’d love to bring you to the park and push you on the swings
shows you off to everyone
especially bangtan
fairly laid back
doesn’t like having a lot of rules cuz he just wants you to live
can be stern if he needs to be tho
punishments are probably limited like Jin’s
timeouts are as painful for him as they are for you cuz he just wants to hug you
this boy would very sadistic in the bedroom
did I hear
perhaps some orgasm denial?
high key satan
really hates to raise his voice at you
has had a few slip ups here and there when you’ve been particularly difficult
rights his wrongs almost immediately
definitely is not above saying sorry just cause of the power a daddy has
daddy/little relationships are all about trust, communication, and understanding that everyone is equal
Hobi would value these immensely 
Hobi seems like the type of person that if you were to bring up littles to him, he might think it was weird at first
but then he’d see how happy it would make you
and he’d be whipped
I picture Yoongi and Namjoon as naturals at being a daddy
I feel Jin and Hobi would have to learn 
the fact that you put that much trust in them would melt their heart
Hobi would strive to be the best daddy you could ever ask for
you best believe this boy would braid your hair.
kiss your cheek and giggle into your skin like a lovesick fool
calls you his little angel or ‘cherub’
the type to make you chocolate chip pancakes for aftercare
Hobi would never really have considered being a daddy until he met you
and lord is he thankful he did
you are quite literally the moon, sun, and stars to that boy
frick im soft
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Park Jimin
this boy is my ultimate bias wrecker so 
the fuck
buys you pretty clothes and takes Polaroid pictures of you to keep in his wallet
you’re his phone background and his desktop background
calls you his doll
literally just doesn’t say your name
just calls you by complimenting you
“gorgeous, come over here.”
“how are you, pretty?”
is so soft for you
kisses your nose and pinches your cheeks
thinks you’re so cute he could eat you like a muffin
playfully nibbles on your skin to hear you giggle
sits with you and lets you braid his hair 
spins you around when you dance to hear you scream laugh
you literally make him cry from laughter
he has rules for you but not as much as Joon.
has been known to get quite frustrated with you if you have tantrums
Jimin has quite the temper on him and does slip up and yell when he’s stressed sometimes
almost immediately regrets it and feels so bad
god forbid if he makes you cry
literally would never let go of you
c u d d l e s
punishments are like a mix between Hobi and Jin’s
he’ll have no problem putting you in time out if you’re being a little shit
he will use punishments like orgasm denial and edging but he wouldn’t be as satanic as Hobi and Yoongi to use overstimulation
the softest thing in aftercare
cleans you up, puts on your favorite movie and cuddles you in bed
gives you stuffies and a pacifier and kisses your forehead
watches you fall asleep to make sure that you’re okay
will check up on you for days afterward
I literally had to stop like three times writing this part cuz of all my uwus
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Kim Taehyung/V
my fuckin boi
Kim Taehyung
is a literal puppy
so playful
you are literally this boys entire world
brings you outside to take aesthetic candid shots of you he later posts on Instagram
a lot of them are pictures of you with Yeontan
or in pink frilly outfits, he bought for you
calls you his precious little babygirl/boy
puts flowers in your hair
loves when you wear his clothes
literally will purposefully give them to you to wear around the house
brings you for drives - usually to go get ice cream
sings to you ALL THE TIME 
does that cute thing where he laughs and claps his hands when you sing with him
gets really into it so he’s dancing around the kitchen, belting out Disney bops with a whisk in his hand
your lips are his favorite thing
but has a kink for kissing your hands
just loves to have your hand in his
Tae is literally the most understanding, caring person so if he ever felt the need to punish you for breaking rules he’d have like a proper talk with you about it
“why didn’t you listen to daddy, precious?”
would always be worried that he had done something wrong
it’s his life goal to make you happy
would never raise his voice but he does get frustrated if you’re misbehaving and he doesn't know what to do
literally, if he was ever punishing you he would make you beg and scream for so long before he let you cum.
might not even let you cum if he’s feeling particularly sadistic
if it’s too much for you, he’s so soft with aftercare
makes you hot chocolate, lays you across his chest and sings you to sleep
will remind you of how much he truly adores you and how good you are
he sings your praises to the rooftops
plays with your hair and rubs your hips
wakes you up in the morning to cuddles and TV
aftercare is one of his favorite things
he’s honestly so content being a daddy
you are literally the most precious thing in the worl to him
once again
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Jeon Jungkook
this boi ruins me holy hell
I feel like at first, Kookie would be slightly out of his comfort zone knowing that he has to care for someone
cuz he da maknae
everyone babies him
but after a while, I think he’d really enjoy the change
you’re his princess/prince
and you rule his house
you are spoiled, let me tell you
we all know that this boy strong
he would carry you everywhere in the house
he’s gotten used to the constant cries of “daddy, up!” when he’s in a room
loves to cook for you
has you sit on the counter with him while he makes dinner
you’re his little assistant chef
sneaks little nose kisses between giggles
loves to kiss your shoulders and your neck
sits with you at the table and colors
always puts yours on the fridge
bounces you on his lap all the time
gave you a bunny plushie to remind you of him
needless to say, it's your favorite
gets frustrated quite easily if you’re being difficult
timeouts are his punishment of choice
usually leaves you there for five minutes
always comes over and kneels down to you
makes sure you say that you’re sorry and then scoops you up in his arms for cuddles
isn’t fond of orgasm denial
prefers overstimulation
this boi top of his game on this
carries you to the bath for aftercare
is so kind and gentle when he takes care of you
dresses you in the softest PJ’s
literally carries you around and bounces you gently in his arms
gets you a bottle and lays in bed with you
loves your butt
taps it gently to help you sleep
sings to you 
you are literally his favorite thing
in the world
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poor-sickies · 6 years
Aw man, I'm still not over your beautiful broken Shiro fanart! So would you mind writing Shiro+crutches for the Bad Things Happen Bingo? :D
So this one turned out a little longer than I antecipated… but I had a lot of fun writing it! It’s pre Kerberos, Keith is almost 16 and Shiro is 22. Keith drives here, but (also for the sake of fanfic) I imagine the Garrison gives their students special permissions to drive at 15 if they pass a series of tests. 
For anyone who hasn’t seen, this fanart is the one mentioned in the ask, and fits perfectly in this fic!
There are still four slots empty, so feel free to request the ones that haven’t a blue dot on them!
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word count. 5307 words
prompt: painful wound cleaning
Read on AO3
It’s pretty late now, almost ten PM, and very muchpast Keith’s usual dinner time. That’s not the issue, though - he can cook byhimself, and he doesn’t mind being alone.
But Shiro was supposed to be home six hours ago. Andon top of that, Keith’s calls went straight to voicemail.   
They’ve been on summer break for three weeks now, andShiro had invited Keith to stay on his apartment until the new school year.Shiro still has some occasional classes, so he needs to go to the Garrisongrounds from time to time, but today, he had left on his bike in the morning tomeet Matt, saying he’d be home by four, and hadn’t come back.
So Keith is pretty startled when he hears a car parkingin front of the apartment. With a quick jump, he gets up from the sofa andpeers into the window.
It’s Matt’s car.
Keith runs to the door and steps outside, feeling thelight breeze of the summer hit his arms. The sun has already set, but he canstill make out Shiro’s shape on the passenger seat.
Matt opens the car door on his side, immediatelynoticing Keith’s presence.
“Hey, Keith,” he greets with an apologetictone, “sorry we didn’t call. I don’t have your number, and Shiro’s phonedied.” 
Matt makes his way around the car, towards the trunk,while Keith notices Shiro opening his door, but making no move to get out.
That’s when he sees Matt carrying a pair of crutchesand walking to Shiro. 
“What happened?!”
Matt helps Shiro get up and lean on the crutches, andstays behind to close the car door. 
“Shiro…” Keith gasps, his eyes widening. There is acast on Shiro’s leg, from toes to mid-thigh. He walks slowly, hesitantly andunbalanced, still not used to the crutches, and Keith rushes to the front doorto open it. 
He thinks of going back, to help Shiro go through thethree steps in front of the door, but Matt is right behind Shiro, ready tosteady him up when he leans backwards way too much and is about to fall.
“Whoa, careful there. Just go slow, you’re not used toit yet,” Matt says gently, holding Shiro’s shoulders to help him stand upright.
Shiro grits his teeth and keeps going, lookingslightly embarrassed for nearly falling on his ass. Keith winces. He’s neverseen Shiro this miserable. He looks like a kicked puppy.
They finally make their way inside, and Matt helpsShiro lower himself into the sofa, quickly asking Keith for a couple ofpillows.
“Shiro had a little motorcycle accident,” Mattexplains, carefully taking Shiro’s leg to put the pillows under it. 
“What?!” Keith asks, dumbfounded, “How?!”
Keith is aware that Shiro does like to pull somestunts on the bike, but he knows what he’s doing, and he’s very, very careful. Hell,he doesn’t even let Keith try most of them! 
“Went against a rock, I was sentflying,” Shiro groans, arms crossed in front of his chest. “Un-fucking-believable.”
Matt winces at Shiro’s tone. It’s already bad thathe’s swearing, which he rarely does, but he sounds really frustrated. He hasbeen quiet ever since they left the hospital, spending the small car triplooking down, hissing in pain whenever the car hit a bump on the highway (andhow Matt cursed those irregular roads). 
And alright, he can admit this situation sucks. Shirohad been so happy this morning, talking about the camping trip in the desert hewas going to surprise Keith with. But now… well, that might be off limits inthe state he’s in.
“It was a pretty unlucky break, right below his knee,and a fractured kneecap,” Matt says, setting the crutches down next to thesofa, and taking a seat next to Keith, “he’s gonna need those crutches fora while.”
Keith stares at Shiro, with pity in his eyes. He looksdown still, but he doesn’t look as furious as he sounded before. He just lookstired and in pain, gaze fixed on his cast. 
“Does it hurt, Shiro?” Keith asks softly, concernfilling his eyes. 
“Yeah,” Shiro answers, and he’s probably blunter thathe means to be, but doesn’t look like he’s exaggerating. “Wanna go tobed.”
“I can help,” Matt offers, getting up, “you wanna takea shower first?”
Shiro shakes his head. “Tomorrow.”
Keith doesn’t want to think about it. Showering withthat cast will not be easy, especially with all the trouble it seems to begiving Shiro already. It seems heavy, and Shiro looks like he can barely standon his own without leaning in some direction. 
“What about dinner?” Matt asks, before turning toKeith. “Have you eaten?”
“Yeah, there’s still some mac and cheese, I can goheat it up,” Keith suggests. Matt looks like he’s about to accept, but Shirodoesn’t let him.
“I don’t want to eat,” Shiro sighs, “I just wannago to sleep.”
Keith’s heart breaks a little with Shiro’s voice. Nowthat he looks closely, his eyes are red, and he sounds like he’s about to cryif he hasn’t already. He thinks of giving him a hug, but he’s somehow afraid ofjostling his leg and hurting him more.
Matt knows better than to insist when Shiro’s likethis. “Alright man, let’s get you to your room,” he picks up the crutchesagain and helps Shiro up. 
Keith goes ahead to open the door to Shiro’s room andnotices that Shiro looks the most frustrated when he actually needs help.
Well, it’s not like Keith can’t relate. 
It’s Matt who helps Shiro into his pajamas, and Keithwho tucks the blankets around him and stacks a pillow under his broken leg.Shiro has to lay on his back, to keep his leg elevated, but he still turns hishead to the side, slightly burying it in the pillow. 
“Hey, dude,” Matt calls out, “you need anythingelse?”
“Not really.” Shiro waits a moment beforeanswering. “Thanks Matt.”
“No problem, man. Feel better. I’ll come by tomorrow.”
As he leaves the room, Keith sees Shiro pulling theblanket over his head. It sends alarm bells ringing in his head.
Shiro is really upset.
Matt seems to notice as well, because he places acomforting hand on Keith’s shoulder when he’s by the front door about to leave.
“Hey, don’t worry too much,” he says, “he’s sadand tired, but tomorrow he’ll feel better. Being in pain probably doesn’t helpeither… he’ll be fine though.”
Keith nods. Matt isn’t only one of Shiro’s bestfriends, but also a pretty smart guy. If he can trust anyone, it’s Matt.“Thanks.”
Matt leaves, after promising to stop by tomorrow tobring some games.
Keith only stays awake for a couple more hours,watching TV, before going to bed. After brushing his teeth, he stops by Shiro’sbedroom door and peers inside. Shiro is still in the same position he wasbefore, and by his regular, soft breathing, he appears to be asleep. Good. Heneeds it.
But when Keith gets up in the middle of the night togo to the bathroom, he hears noise from Shiro’s bedroom. He walks closer,rubbing his eyes, still half asleep. Then, he hears a frustrated groan, andrustling sheets.
Shiro is awake.
How long has he been up for? And more importantly, whyis he not asleep? Keith suddenly feels much more awake, and lifts his hand toknock lightly on the door.
He goes inside, opening his eyes more to get adjustedto the darkness, and moves closer to Shiro’s bed. 
“You’re awake,” he says softly. 
“I am,” Shiro deadpans, reaching out to turn on thenightlight. His leg is still on the same position, on top of the pillows, buthis torso is twisted to the side, one arm under the pillow. 
Keith takes a seat on the edge of the bed and glancesat Shiro’s cast. “Leg isn’t letting you sleep?”
Shiro closes his eyes. “I already tookpainkillers. Don’t seem to be working.”
Keith hisses in sympathy. He’s had his experience withbroken bones, more even than his dad (and even Shiro) were happy about, and heknows how bad the pain can get in the first couple of days, especially withoutproper pain relief.
“Is there anything I can do? Food? Water? I can get-”
“Just go to bed, Keith,” Shiro sighs, and Keithdoesn’t miss the way his eyebrows crease when a particularly bad wave of painhits him as he shifts again. “I’ll be okay.”
“I don’t want you to be alone like this,” Keithinsists, as he gets up and goes around to the other side of the bed, sittingwith his head against the headboard and his legs next to Shiro’s. “It’snot like I have to be up early tomorrow either.”
Shiro lifts his eyes, curiously, to look atKeith’s. “But I’m just laying here…”
“Well, so am I,” Keith says back with a softchuckle, “I’ll keep you company.”
Shiro doesn’t say anything, but clumsily reaches withhis right arm for a drawer under his bed, takes out a pillow and hands it toKeith.
Keith smiles, and places the pillow behind his back.At least Shiro’s accepting his company. That’s not bad. Now he just has todistract him from the pain. He thinks about going back to his room to pick uphis guitar and strum something… but then he has a better idea.
“You want me to read to you?”
Shiro snorts. “Read?”
Keith looks at Shiro’s bedside table and picks up thegrey book with hard cover. “Plato’sRepublic,” he reads out loud, and stares at it for a little toconsider. “Didn’t know you were keeping up with philosophy,” hechuckles. 
“Nothing wrong with studying the Greek masters,” Shiromumbles, “maybe it would do you some good.”
Keith shrugs, and opens the book where Shirobookmarked it. “Great, I can do it now.” He stops a little, clearing histhroat, and moves the book closer to his eyes. “…the pilot likewise, inthe strict sense of the term, is a ruler of sailors and not a mere sailor?…”
Keith continues, eyes fixated on the words that hedoes not give much though into, only enough to read them aloud. He feels Shiroshift beside him, leaning closer, listening.
It’s five in the morning when Keith feels his mouthgoing dry, and notices Shiro’s soft snoring. Without much thought, he placesthe book aside and slides down, covering himself with the blanket to get somemore hours of sleep. 
When he wakes, the sun is already up, and apparentlyso is Shiro.
Keith sits up, and listens carefully. He candefinitely hear some mismatched clicking sound coming from the bathroom, whichhe recognizes as Shiro’s crutches.
Then he hears a pained grunt.
“Shiro?” He calls out as he gets up, throwing theblankets back, and walks to the bathroom. The door is closed. “Shiro, are youokay?”
“Yes,” Shiro groans from the other side, short andrushed like he’s running out of breath. “I’m fine.”
Keith hears the crutches settling against a wall, andthe noise stops. Until he listens to water hitting the sink.
“What are you doing?”
He’s pretty sure Shiro means to say “trying to brushmy teeth”, but it comes out a garbled mess that he only makes out after a fewseconds.
Keith considers going inside. He knows Shiro probablyshouldn’t be up, standing alone in a closed bathroom without anyone to help.But he also knows he would hate Shiro barging in to help if it was him in thissituation. So he doesn’t.
“I’ll make breakfast then,” he says, close to the doorso that Shiro can hear. But then Keith hears him spit into the sink.
“It’s done, there’s bacon and eggs on the table. Justleave some for me!”
“Eggs,” Shiro repeats, as he slowly limps out of thebathroom, “leave some for me. I haven’t eaten yet.”
“You shouldn’t even be up! And you just madebreakfast?!” Keith exclaims, waving his arms in the air.
“It wasn’t thathard,” Shiro groans, flopping into bed carefully with his leg stretched infront of him. He opens his drawer to take out a pair of sweatpants large enoughto fit around the cast. 
“You still shouldn’t be standing in front of a stovefor twenty minutes when you broke your leg yesterday-” Keith stops himself, andsighs. “I’m just thinking that if it were me, you probably wouldn’t even letme be up.”
Shiro snorts, after pulling the pants over his goodleg, “and you’d be complaining to me that you were fine and didn’t needhelp.”
“Like you are now?” Keith crosses his arms and raisesone eyebrow. “Come on, I’m just trying to look out for you. Admit it, yougotta be in pain, and there’s no need for you to be doing stuff around thehouse, when I can do it, and you can just lay down and let your leg heal.”
Shiro lets go of his sweatpants and lets himself slumpforward.
“This sucks,” he mutters under his breath. Then, helooks up at Keith with a face that is quite literally the dictionary definitionof sad. “I’m gonna be like this all summer…”
Keith shrugs sympathetically. He remembers his finalsweek, just two months before, of Shiro motivating him through another latenight of study. “This summer, we’ll go out every week to ride in the desert,”he said, with the biggest smile on his face, “you’re gonna be a pro by nextyear.” Keith knows how excited Shiro was for their summer together, but now,most of their previous plans are simply undoable. 
“We… can still do some things…” 
Shiro chuckles humorlessly. “Yeah, like what?Laying around all day?”
Keith considers. He was never a fan of “layingaround” and doing nothing all day. But there are a lot of activities he enjoysthat don’t require walking or standing. 
“I’ll think about it,” he says with a slysmile, “and let you know after breakfast.”
“So… videogames…?”
Keith nods from where he’s kneeling on the floor,setting up the PlayStation Matt brought. “Yep. You don’t even have to besitting for it.”
Shiro rolls his eyes. He’s leaning back on a pillow,leg stretched in front of him. And from the look on his face, he does notappreciate Keith suggesting he plays laying down. 
“Besides, Mario Kart always cheers you up. And you twohaven’t even gone through all the scenarios,” Matt yells from the kitchen.
Keith moves away from the TV, the PlayStation finallyset up, and sits cross legged on a pillow, leaning against the couch Shiro islaying on. Matt comes from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn and sets it downin the coffee table, before crouching to plug his own controller into thePlayStation, ready to start playing.
They play for a few hours, and Shiro does seem a bitmore relaxed for a while. But when the levels are almost complete, and thepopcorn is all but gone, thanks to Matt, Shiro starts getting quiet. He hasleaned back again, and he’s more laying than sitting at this point. 
His leg hurts. Well, it does since yesterday, when hewent flying from his bike and crashed ungracefully against the hard rockformation, but it’s worse now than when he woke up this morning. His stomachfeels unsettled, and he’s not sure at this point if it’s from the pain or themeds, but he definitely doesn’t want to look at the TV any longer. 
He sets his controller down in his lap, and closes hiseyes. “I think I’ll pass the next round,” he says quietly. Keith turnsaround quickly to look at him, and Matt clicks quickly on his start button forthe game to go back to the main menu. 
“What’s wrong?” Keith asks, “is it your leg?
Shiro nods. If his eyes were open, he would see Keithand Matt exchanging worried glances, before springing back into action. 
Matt approaches him gently. “Are you comfortable? Doyou wanna get back to bed?” 
Shiro opens his eyes slowly. Keith is alreadydismantling the mess of cables around their TV, and Matt is hunched over,looking him in the eyes with a genuinely concerned look. 
“You guys can keep playing, I just said I didn’t feellike it anymore,” Shiro snaps, probably a little rougher than heintended. He hates to be ruining the fun for everyone just because his leghurting. He doesn’t mind being alone for a little.
“It’s okay,” Matt shrugs, a kind smile playing on hislips, “we can play another time. It’s alright if you wanna take a nap orsomething.”
To his own annoyance, Shiro ends upbeing helped by Matt and Keith back to bed, again. He doesn’t tell them how bad his leg hurts,especially standing, as he feels his joints swell inside the cast, throbbingwith an ache that hasn’t left since yesterday. He doesn’t tell them, but hedoesn’t need to either. As soon as he’s laying down, with Keith moving aroundhim, nestling him up with pillows and blankets, Matt has already gone and comeback from the kitchen with painkillers and a glass of water. 
“Thanks,” he says, as he accepts the glass and thepill. The bed is more comfortable than the couch at least, and if not for thefeeling of helplessness growing in his chest, Shiro would relax a little. 
The painkillers leave him groggy for the rest of theday. Matt stays until dinner time, and that’s when Shiro wakes up again. 
Keith suggests a shower, and honestly, Shiro can’tblame him. He hasn’t taken one since yesterday morning before the crash, andits hot. He’s sweating everywhere, and a nice warm bath would definitely helploosening up his sore muscles.
But Shiro knows he can’t possibly go on the bathtub onhis own, not with his leg like that. So he resigns and lets Keith help.
They manage to find a plastic bag big enough to fitall around the cast, and Keith puts a small plastic bench on the tub. Shirowears one pair of his old boxers, and a flip flop on the foot that isn’tencased in the cast, to avoid slippering. Leaning on Keith, he manages to getin and sit on the bench with his leg stretched forward, on top of the edge ofthe tub. Keith takes his t-shirt off and goes in too.
Shiro takes the shower head, and runs it through hisskin. The water pressure is very weak, but for once, he’s glad for it. The hotwater feels soothing and relaxing on his skin, and he does feel a lot fresherafter washing his body.
“You want me to get to your hair?” Keith looks down athim, wet bangs plastered to his face. Apparently, he had decided to shower too.That wasn’t surprising for Shiro, with this heat, and especially with Keith’slong hair, he tended to suffer a bit when it was this hot. 
Shiro considers his offer. It’s not something he can’tdo by himself, but the bench is small, and with his leg sitting on the edge ofthe bathtub, his balance is a little off. His back kind of hurts too. So heaccepts.
“Thanks, Keith.”
He tilts his head back and lets Keith shampoo it. Hisfingers are gentle, massaging the back of his head, until they get to thelonger part in the front. Shiro lets himself close his eyes and relax. Despiteit all, it’s not unpleasant to be cared for like this. It almost feels like notenough when Keith turs off the water and towels his hair. 
“Let’s go?”
Exiting the bathtub is a little trickier. Shiro standson one foot, hands against the walls, while Keith takes the bench out. TakingKeith’s hand, he swings his good leg out, and Keith guides the other one,before giving him his crutches. 
They get dressed in Shiro’s bedroom, hair still wet.The sun still hasn’t set, and the warm light invades the room. It feelspeaceful. Laying on the bed, wearing his softest cotton t-shirt, Shiro feelslike he could fall asleep again like that. 
“Okay, you really have to eat something now,” Keithsays, sitting on the bed as he puts his wet hair on a ponytail. “Youbarely even picked at lunch, and didn’t touch the popcorn when we were gaming.”
“I’m not hungry. I’m actually kind of tired,” Shirosighs, closing his eyes. 
“Just some toast,” Keith insists, “I’ll even bring ithere. Then you can sleep.”
“Alright,” Shiro nods, “but make it quick, orelse I’ll be sleeping.”
He rests better that night, only waking up once ortwice, to kick the blankets away when the heat got too much. 
This time, Keith doesn’t let him cook breakfast, andsure enough, at eight thirty in the morning, he’s going in his room with aplate of toast and a mug of coffee. 
“This is pretty nice,” Shiro comments as he rubs hiseyes, still sticky and sore from sleep, “but we could have eaten in thekitchen.”
“No need for you to be putting weight on your leg,”Keith shakes his head, sitting next to Shiro with his own plate. 
Shiro sits up, back against the headboard, andstretches his arms above his head. Despite his little use of the crutches (thatwas still too much for Keith), his hands are starting to get red and blistered.It can be from how much weight he puts in them, to balance himself with theadded weight of the cast. Either way, it’s not pleasant when he has to grab thefork and plate. He makes a mental note to get some cream for it later. 
“Those look painful,” Keith comments, with a nodtowards his hands, between bites of toast.
“I think it’s normal if you’re on crutches.”
“I think it’s normal if you’re oncrutches too much,” Keith corrects him, “you should be restingmore instead of trying to take care of the house when you obviously can’t.”
“Alright, alright,” Shiro gives in, “I’ll spendthe day in bed today, does that make you happy?”
Keith frowns, swallowing another piece oftoast. “How will you go to the bathroom?”
Shiro rolls his eyes. “Except when I need to goto the bathroom.”
“Sounds good to me.”
For the best part of the morning, Shiro asks Keith tobring his laptop, and responds to his emails, even managing to get started onsome of his work for the next semester. Keith wants to keep him company, so hetakes his guitar and strums a quiet melody, lying in bed next to him.
And it isn’t so bad for Shiro. His hands, slathered incream, don’t hurt as much now. He’s giving his broken leg the rest it needs,and the little song Keith is playing has a relaxing tune to it.
But his restlessness comes back after lunch.
“Why don’t you read a little?” Keith suggests, noddingtowards the philosophy books on Shiro’s night stand.
Shiro responds by wrinkling his nose. “Don’t feel likeit, “ he pouts. “I wanna go for a run.”
“Please tell me you’re joking,” Keith says, putting downhis guitar.
Shiro groans. “I know I can’t… but I’m so bored.”
Keith stays still for a minute, considering hisoptions. Matt had left the games in the living room, for them to play if theywanted. But that would require helping Shiro to the living room, and if he canavoid getting him out of bed, he will. Besides, Shiro doesn’t seem to be in avery good mood for games. They could watch a movie on Shiro’s laptop, but it’scharging now, and the cable isn’t big enough to reach the bed.
Then Keith has a different idea.
“I’ll be right back,” he shoots up from bed, and outthe door, leaving Shiro with a confused look on his face.
Keith comes back almost two minutes later, and drops ahandful of pencils and a notebook on Shiro’s bed.
“So we’re playing hangman…?”
“No,” Keith says, picking up one of the pencils andhis own notebook, and settling down on the bed beside Shiro. “We’redrawing.” 
Shiro frowns, as Keith shoves the notebook into hishands. “Keith, I suck at drawing.”
It’s true. Shiro doesn’t hate drawing, it’s just notsomething he does usually. While he passed all of his classes with flyingcolors, his art teachers back in middle school took pity on him and passed himwith a C for effort.
“I know,” Keith replies, without taking his hands offhis notebook, going through the pages, “but it’s relaxing. You could try it.And,” he adds, “it doesn’t require you to move much. Besides, it doesn’t putmuch strain on your palms, just your fingers. So it’s good.”
Shiro looks at the pencil and at the empty page,considering. It’s not like he has anything else to do. “What do I draw?” Heasks, looking up at Keith.
Keith shrugs in response. “Start with somethingsimple,” he suggests, looking around the room. “Maybe that stack of books overthere? It’s simple enough.”
“It’s gonna come out terrible,” Shiro groans, butstarts sketching nonetheless.
He observes the books in front of him, stacked in thedresser. Starting up with some lines, he looks back and forth between the paperand the books, and tries to pay attention to the directions.
Shiro is…definitely not an artist. The proportionscome out messed up, and the lines are too mulled over. But he has to admit – itis relaxing. It gives him something to focus on, even if the result is notgood.
Keith is turned slightly away from his, looking at thetwo cacti on the window. His sketch is turning out really well, but that’s notsomething Shiro doesn’t expect. It’s one of Keith’s hobbies, when he doesn’thave much homework. He never does anything too detailed, but he’s pretty goodat getting the general lines and proportions and making it all look…nice.
“It’s looking good,” he says softly, leaning forwardto see it better.
Keith smiles. “How’s yours coming up?”
Shiro shrugs and shows Keith the page.
“That’s…” Keith trails off, looking for words, tiltinghis head sideways as he looks at his drawing. “…not too bad…?”
Shiro chuckles. “You don’t need to lie, I know it’sbad.”
Keith shakes his head, putting down his pencil infront of him on the bed. “It’s a matter of practice,” he explains, taking Shiro’snotebook in his hands, and running his finger above the jagged lines. “Youstarted well here, but the proportion is wrong as you go down. And the linecould be cleaner.”
Shiro raises his eyebrow, amused. It’s funny listeningto Keith explaining things in such a detailed and technical way. “You hadclasses about this or something?”
Keith shakes his head. “Only art class in school. ButI liked it.”
“Well, you’re really talented.”
“Not talent,” Keith insists, picking up the pencil again,“practice.”
“That sounds like something I would say,” Shiro laughs,tuning the page on his notebook.
“Well, maybe I’ve been spending way too much time withyou.”
Matt eventually slips up about the camping trip.
It was a matter of time, really. It’s not like Matt isterrible at keeping secrets, but Shiro had spent so much time talking to himabout it, making sure to pick the best spots to sleep at, looking up online fortents, and simply telling him about how much fun he and Keith were going tohave. 
But it’s been two weeks now since Shiro broke his leg,and any plans he had been making for the camping trip seemed to be forgotten.Truth is, if he wanted to surprise Keith, like he had been planning, it wasterribly out of question. He couldn’t even drive. Matt would offer to do so, ifhe wasn’t going to board a plane to Geneva tomorrow, for a family vacation inItaly. 
He visits Shiro when he can, and tries to talk toKeith every day. It’s not like he doesn’t trust Shiro to tell him if he’salright, but he knows how Shiro is - besides, Keith seems to appreciate theextra help.
“He’s beenalright. A bit bored, but I think that’s normal,” Keith says over thephone. 
“Taking his afternoon nap?” Matt chuckles fondly.
“It’s hot,” Keithshrugs, even though Matt can’t see it, “I’dsleep if I could.”
“Ah, dude, it really sucks what happened to him. Hewas so excited for this summer,” Matt sighs sadly.
“Yeah,” Keithagrees, “we were gonna go out to thedesert with our bikes. He was gonna show me how to get through that one spotwith the cliff.”
“Yeah, and that went to hell, like the camping trip.”
Matt immediately realizes his slip up.
“What campingtrip…?”
Well, it’s not like he can take it back now. He onlyhopes Shiro doesn’t get too angry. “Uhh, I wasn’t supposed to tell youthis,” he explains, “but Shiro had been planning to camp out in the desertthis summer, for a few days. With you.”
“Yeah,” Matt says, “it’s one of the reasons whyhe was so upset when he got hurt. He had been planning it since spring break. Ieven have the tent at my house. He wanted to surprise you.”
Keith stays silent for a little. When he speaks upagain, Matt recognizes right away the usual tone he uses when he’s about to be mischievous.
“Hey, Matt… isit okay if I come by to pick it up?”
The tent is much bigger and comfortable than Keithimagined at first.
He used to go camping with his father, and on the rareoccasions they slept on a tent, and not under the stars, it had been small withthin walls, letting any breeze or humidity from outside get in. 
This one, however, is much bigger. He’s pretty surethat at least three people fit comfortably. And the walls are thicker andisolating. The blue tent is set up on the Holts’ backyard. Keith had taken thecar while Shiro slept, leaving a note to say he had gone to get groceries.Matt’s parents were busy packing, but had let him in kindly, offering snacksand everything, until Matt dragged him to the garden. 
“It was on the basement, I just brought it here so youcould see it. Shiro really went all out with this one,” Matt smilessadly, “I mean, he had been looking for a new tent before, and he wanted agood one. But I only saw him looking for bigger ones when he was planning thistrip.”
“Is it okay if I take it?”
Matt nods, still staring at the tent. “Of course.It’s Shiro’s.” Then, he turns to Keith, his expression looking a bit worried. “Yousure you can handle this? I’d love to help, but I’ll be a few thousands ofmiles away.”
Keith nods, certain. “I used to camp with my dad.I have lots of experience.”
Matt chuckles. “Alright. Let’s pack this baby up,then.”
Packed, the tent is about the size of an umbrella.Keith closes it in the trunk and drives away, after saying goodbye to the Holtsand wishing them a good vacation. 
He’s got a camping trip to plan.
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fight-me-wyatt · 7 years
Richie Tozier ~ I'm Not Even Sorry
Request/Prompt: “I’m not even sorry” from  @cxxl-gall  Thank you! 
(Just clarifying that, she did in fact DM me and ask to change from mike to Richie (which is 100% okay), so that you don’t think I slipped up!) 
Ship: Richie Tozier x fem!reader
Summary: the reader is heading home from grocery shopping and Richie runs into her - literally- and ends up asking her out slyly. 
Type: fluff. (I think?) 
Warning: Only warning would be swearing. And sexual innuendos. What did you expect. It’s Richie. 
Word count: 2295 (including A/Ns)
Hope you enjoy it. Let me know! 
(not my gif, credit goes to @imultifandomstuff !)
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The full paper bags in my hands were very full, and I could only just see over the top. I adjusted them slightly and sighed, starting to make the long walk back home. 
 The rhythmic sound of my worn out sneakers hitting the pavement with each step calmed me down from the awkward encounter I had had at the small corner store. 
 I had managed to give the shopkeeper the wrong amount of money and not realize it until he pointed it out, and responded to him saying “come back again” with “you too, love you, bye.” I didn’t even realize until the lady behind me chuckled, and by then it was too late… So.. I just left. All of this in front of several other customers waiting in line. Oh and how could I forget about dropping one of the bags on my way out the door. 
 I shook my head in embarrassment and focused on the bright blue sky and the very few clouds in it. I started humming to the tune of ‘Africa’ by Toto, finally in an okay mood. Better than okay. I was feeling good. 
 Well, I was, until I heard the sound of bikes being peddled, and a boy screaming something along the lines of “She was really fucking hot, and she kept staring at me. She definitely wanted to get in my pants! I mean who wouldn’t!” 
I also managed to hear the reply of another boy, who said, “Richie, she was old enough to be your mother, and she was probably staring at you because you kept spraying food everywhere when you spoke. Literally no one wants to get in your pants.” 
 I chuckled slightly at the response, and tried to see where they were, so I could cross the road without being hit. All I could see was carrots, apples and cabbage blocking my view. 
I thought about why the name Richie rung a bell. It was when he yelled back to the other boy that it clicked.
 “Just because you’re jealous that my sexiness reaches out to all ages, you fucking Jew, Stanley.” 
Richie Tozier. Trash mouth Tozier. Kind of funny and kind of cute… Not that I’d ever go there. I’d heard and seen him and his group of friends around school. The losers club, they called themselves. 
That must be the rest of the losers club on the bikes, as I could hear chatter and laughter. 
I decided to wait until they had gone past, so that I could cross the road, and not get run over. That would’ve been embarrassing. I tapped my foot to the beat as I hummed to myself. I was just getting to chorus when I heard a higher pitched voice shout out. 
 I turned my head so I could see partly between the carrots, to see Richie on his bike, looking behind him, coming right at me.
I yelped and tried to move out of the way, but I stumbled over my lace. Richie’s bike hit the curb and he went flying over the handlebars, and landed on me, tumbling us both to the ground. 
I groaned, having hit the concrete hard. I looked up to see Richie staring at me with a slight grin on his face.
 “Jeez. Y/N. I barely know you, and yet here I am… On top of you. Not that I mind of course. I’d be happy to do it again sometime.”
I groaned and shoved him off me.
 “Get off me, pervert. Besides, you’re the one who fell for me. ” I rolled my eyes and sat up, dusting myself off. “Next time, watch where you’re going, asshat.”
 I started collecting the fruit, vegetables and other food that had rolled away and out of the bags that I had dropped when I got run over by Richie. I blew my hair out of my face with a scowl. One of the bags had ripped making it harder to rescue the food. Miraculously, only three eggs had been broken. The fruit was a tad bruised, but easily salvaged. 
With my back turned away from Richie, I wondered if he had moved. I could still see the rest of the losers club standing in the middle of the road with their bikes, waiting and watching with curiosity.
I had a pounding headache and my back was definitely going to be bruised tomorrow. I searched for the last apple on my hands and knees. I was sure I brought five, not four. My elbows stung. Stupidly, I had put them out, as I fell backwards. As I sighed, about to give up, I heard a satisfying crunch. 
My face and mood both turned even more sour. I turned to face Richie, and he smirked at me as he took another bite out of MY apple. 
That little shit. 
“you know, I’m not even sorry.” He said slyly.
I clenched my fists. 
“Oh trust me, Tozier, you will be soon.” I threatened.
He frowned slightly, then shook his head.
“No, I don’t think so. You see, Y/N, I think it’s the universe telling us to get it on.” He winked, and I noticed for the first time that he wasn’t wearing his glasses. 
They must’ve fallen off when he crash landed.
 “Ugh.” I rolled my eyes, a look of disgust evident on my face.
I paused, thinking. 
“Wait, how do you know my name?” 
 He looked taken aback for a second, before regaining his usual cocky demeanor.
 “You sang. At the school concert. And since then I haven’t been able to get you out of my head.” He said, sappily, and mockingly, so I took it as a joke. 
What I didn’t realize was that he was serious. 
 I scowled harder before smiling sweetly. I grabbed his glasses from where they lay a short distance away. I placed them gently on his face, while he just stared at me in confusion and awe. I reached behind me and grabbed something he couldn’t see. I leaned forward, until our faces were inches apart. His breath hitched. 
“You know… Since you took that apple from me… ” I said in a soft voice, tilting my head slightly. 
Richie simply smirked. This poor boy. He had no idea what was coming.
 “.. You really… OUGHT TO TAKE AN EGG AS WELL, JACKASS!” I smashed the egg, that I was holding behind my back, on top of Richie’s head, and it ran down the sides of his face, which had a look of fear, surprise and shock on it. 
The rest of the losers club burst out laughing, whooping, cheering and clapping. I grinned and stood up, bowing to my audience. 
 I didn’t notice Richie slip a piece a paper in the unbroken bag as I awkwardly waved to the losers club. I picked up my bags awkwardly and narrowed my eyes at Richie suspiciously. 
“Were you always holding that pen?” I asked him, wondering where he had gotten it from. 
Richie shook his head and pointed in the general direction of Eddie.
 “Uuhhhh n-no I had it in my pocket… Because Eddie had asked me to look after it while he reorganised his fanny pack.” He said smiling slightly, but he looked almost afraid.. 
I nodded, content with his answer.
 “Maybe you should learn how to actually ride a bike, trashmouth.” I said to him before I continued on my way.
 I could hear the losers club laughing as I walked away, with a quiet “shut up” from Richie.
I got home and let myself in. The door was unlocked, despite no one being home, as my parents were very trusting and didn’t believe anything wrong could happen in little old Derry. 
I sighed, dropping the bags carefully onto the counter. I shook my arms out; they had almost gone to sleep after carrying the heavy bags for so long. 
I turned on the radio and Michael Jacksons 'Billie Jean’ was playing. I proceeded to sing and dance around the kitchen as I put away the shopping. I cleaned up the broken egg shells and washed the dirty vegetables. 
 After everything was put in its proper location, I peered into the bag to make sure nothing was left. I frowned in confusion. 
At the bottom of the intact bag was a business card of some sort. I pulled it out and read the front and snorted with laughter. 
In neat, typed out letters, it read: 
My friends call me Richie, 
But you can call me tonight, hot stuff. 
 I turned it over, still giggling to myself, to see a hand written message scrawled on the back. 
This one read: 
 Y/N - if fate lets it happen, maybe you could call me, 
And I’ll pay you back for the apple (and the egg) 
By taking you out for a date?
 - Tozier 
 I smiled and shook my head. This goddamn boy was gonna make my heart stop - whether it be because he runs me over again, or if he keeps being cute and funny, I don’t know, but I knew it would happen one way or another.
 I sat down on the couch and stared at the phone, then Richie’s card, then the phone again.
 “Fuck it” I whispered.
 I strode over to the phone and dialed the number. After three rings, it was picked up.
 “Hello, this is the Tozier residence, you’re talking to Maggie.” The voice on the other side of the line spoke confidently.
I didn’t say anything for a few seconds before kicking into gear. 
“Uh, yes, hi, hello, Mrs. Tozier. Is-is T- is Richie in? I’m a classmate and I -uh need to talk to him about…. Class…”
 “Sure thing, sweetie, I didn’t quite catch your name sorry?”
 “Oh, uh, Y/N, Y/F/N, sorry.” I responded.
 “Okay, Y/N, I’ll go get him for you.” 
The line went silent for a while and I started to debate whether or not to hang up when I heard his voice again.
 “Y/N? I-I didn’t think you’d actually call…” He sounded almost shy for once…
 I chuckle quietly, “yeah, well, I had to ask: do you really carry a bunch of business cards with pick up lines and your number on them!?” 
Richie laughed “well duh, how else am I going to keep up with demand?”
 I scoffed “oh, yeah, I’m sure, so I assume the woman on the phone was your secretary, and not your mother the phone before? How many do you carry on you at once anyways?”
 I could almost hear Richie blush through the phone. He stammered, trying to respond.
 “Uhh… I.. Um.. Yeah, totally.. Ha, ha.. Uh I carry about ten most days. Gotta limit the ladies ya know? I used my dads typewriter and the photocopier down at the library..”
I let out a long, low whistle. 
“Wow. You’re really holding back, aren’t you. Only ten per day.” I laugh, and twirl the phone cord around my finger. “I suppose the old library ladies have a couple of their own cards that they got from you, don’t they?” 
Richie chuckled sheepishly “oh, you can bet on it. So, ah, did you - did you read the other side of the card?” 
I smiled and flipped over the card, rereading the handwritten note.
 “Yeah.. I did.” I said softly. 
Richie’s breath caught in his throat “well-” his voice cracked and he cleared his throat “well, uh, did you- did you think about it?” 
 He sounded so nervous… So I decided to tease him a bit longer. 
“Yes. Yes I did. For a while actually.” I said cool and easily.
 “Oh my god Y/N! Just, do you want to go on a date with me or not? Because I really like you, and you’re killing me here.” He said in an outburst that surprised me.
 I stood there grinning like an idiot for a few seconds, before his voice brought me back. 
“Y/N? Hello? … Hello?” 
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, sorry, got a bit distracted. Well, I WAS gonna say yes, but now I’m not too sure…” I said dead seriously, trying to get payback. 
His voice sounded dejected when he finally responded “Oh.. Okay… Well then, bye, I g-” 
I quickly cut him off before he could hang up.
 “Richie! Richie - wait! I was joking. I would love to go on a date with you. Because ” I took a deep breath “because I think I like you too… But you have to promise not to run me over with your bike OR ditch me for one of the library ladies” I laughed softly, waiting for his response.
 Richie laughed “Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N, you really had me going there…. And although those are some pretty high expectations of me, I think I can manage, so… I promise.” 
In the background I could hear Mr. Tozier call out “language, young man!”
 “Sorry, dad.” Richie called behind him, before returning to me.
 “Does tomorrow afternoon work for you?”
 “You bet your ass it does, Mr. Fate.” 
“See you then, Miss. Apple.”
 A/N: My first character imagine! I’m not sure if I like it or not… 
I enjoyed writing it though! 
Please send in some prompts or plots with a character/cast member guys! I haven’t done any stranger things ones yet. Xx 
After some difficulty I have managed to make my paragraphs work again! (thanks @cxxl-gall )
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