#i think a lot about that scene where jasper just fucking
the-stolen-century · 5 months
Raine and Eda's gem fusion (TOH / Steven Universe crossover)
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Their fusion dance is just the scene in Eda's Requiem where they play their instruments back-to-back, but then they glow and fuse - but continue playing, because now they have 4 arms, Raine's arms on top playing the violin and Eda's arms on the bottom playing the cittern.
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Their combined gem is sphene/titanite - base colour gold (eda) with green (raine) and red (both of them) sparkles. More designs and AU description under the cut:
Separate designs for them (Eda is big and shaped like Garnet because she's a fusion between Eda and the corrupted Owlbeast. Her harpy form is the harmonious fusion that happens after the Owlbeast's corruption is healed):
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Alt design for the fusion, with merged/faceted eyes instead of separate ones - I just love how perfectly Eda's pointy eyes fit under Raine's round ones!
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I imagine their combined personality might be like a rock star, because Eda's brashness and showmanship overpower Raine's stage fright, so they can finally be a star musician together. I love to think about how elated they would be after their first performance!
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Plot (?):
So titans can travel through space, just because they're so magical. Several hundred years ago a titan arrived on earth to hide from the Archivists, carrying with it a lot of refugees from its original planet. The titan died, exhausted by the stress of the trip, but the refugees whom he protected survived and started a new life. They are protected by shielding magic from curious humans. They are a little different from the witches and demons of the boiling isles - they're gem-based lifeforms who form visible bodies around their gems, and they have very long lifespans.
One summer, Luz the human (obsessed with gems and magic) accidentally goes through a portal that Eda has made, ends up on the island and decides to live there instead of summer camp.  She meets Eda, whose gem has become fused with the corrupted gem of the Owlbeast, so sometimes the Owlbeast takes control of their shared body.
Luz becomes best friends with King (King is basically Steven and doesn't know he's actually a titan/diamond), who didn't have any friends before her because nobody has seen his type of gem before so everyone thinks he's weird. (The gem society in Steven Universe is kind of obsessed with roles, ranks and hierarchies, so seeing an unknown gem is unsettling). She basically becomes Connie to King's Steven (non-romantic, lol).
Luz has some adventures learning about the island. She gets to know Willow, who is an "overcooked" jasper and insecure about it just like Amethyst, but v. powerful once Luz helps her overcome the insecurity. And Gus and Amity.
Meanwhile, on the titan’s home planet, Belos (not a human in this AU) has formed a deal with the Archivists to be allowed to rule the planet in a way that the Archivists approve of in exchange for trying to find the escaped titan. And now they have found earth somehow. Raine, who leads an underground rebellion against Belos, manages to be the one sent to earth. Unfortunately for them, Belos sends Hunter (Belos’s pearl - Hunter has big pearl energy, right?) along with them.
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Once they arrive on earth Raine keeps trying to secretly sabotage Hunter’s attempts to find the island so they can find it first themselves and warn everyone.Don't know how that goes, but eventually they find Eda - maybe even in the human world and not on the island? So they finally meet again after a long time. Back then she was too afraid to tell them she's a fusion but now she doesn't give a fuck, which leads to them rekindling their relationship!
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bengiyo · 8 months
I am curious for your perspective on the way the OF creators are interacting with fans and have even admitted to editing the show based on fan reactions. It strikes me as an unusual level of interaction and capitulation, though of course TV is a live medium that is nearly always responsive to reactions to some extent. My preference is for a lot less of this kind of thing, but I know you have experience with direct interaction with media creators and have found it enhances your experience sometimes. What do you make of how these dynamics are showing up in OF and the effect it’s having on the show?
TV and Critic Background
So, I am actually the worst person to talk to if you think the creators should be quiet about their work, because I really enjoy talking to directors, producers, actors, cinematographers, and especially editors about their work. I often go to film festivals just to talk to the creators about their processes.
I've also been in the TV space a really long time, and I am used to this kind of behavior. I don't think a lot of folks who are in BL are used to being in the process of TV itself, and I think a lot of people have let the Netflix binge model inform the way they view TV. TV is not like movies. When you get a movie, you are seeing the end product of filming, editing, test screenings, re-edits, etc. TV is usually only an episode or two ahead of the viewers.
It's extremely normal for a show to respond to feedback when characters test well. The 100 did this with Jasper. He was supposed to die in the pilot when that spear entered his chest, but he tested well with audiences so they revived him.
Fun Fact: This is why Kiseki: Dear to Me didn't just move their release schedule up when episode 8 was leaked early. They probably weren't finished assembling episode 9.
I followed Sense8 through its entire development process all the way from rumors and then J. Michael Stracynski's posts about it, to the things Lana and Lily said about it, to the commentary from the cast.
I have a special hatred for Rick Behrman over Star Trek.
I absolutely hate Russel T. Davies because of Cucumber.
I bailed on Supernatural because of the way the writers condescended to us at comicon after killing Kevin.
I know some fans are upset about the idea that scenes they wanted to see got cut, but I was there for Noah Galvin opening his fucking mouth to talk shit about other actors at ABC who were playing beloved gay characters and that subsequently getting The Real O'Neals canceled. The show had a very short second season and I feel forever salty about that.
What does this mean for Jojo and Ninew and Den?
I actually think Jojo, Den, and Ninew are fine. I don't think they usually poopoo on valid reads from what I've seen, and mostly they're having fun with the fans, too. I just don't think people are used to the creators being so honest about how feedback affects the editing process.
I think this is the first time we've had a big show in a while where the creator was fairly active on socials about the show. Aof and Au are usually pretty quiet when their shows are airing, and only give small tidbits while they show is airing. Jojo is silly and likes to play with fans. Den is feisty and has a gay agenda to pursue.
Truly, I don't think Jojo and friends are that bad about anything with this show, because they're mostly just laughing and stating things that are obvious to people who pay attention to how the sausage is made.
That being said, the biggest struggle OF is having is shipping. The FK girlies are so loud and their heavy breathing has likely influenced the way Jojo and friends decided to write Ray. The FB girlies are so into them that it's made Jojo and them dial back some of their Top content because the audience hates him so much. Only Boston and Nick feel like they've made it through the shipping gamut intact because Neo and Mark aren't bringing a bunch of preexisting shippers to the table.
Coming off of episode 10, you can see this plainly with the nasty4nasty dynamic with Boston and Nick. The emotional core of their dynamic feels true, even down to the way their moments in the store mirror their first interactions again. Boston came in for service about his phone and intentionally showed Nick something on it.
I don't think Jojo has ever had to work with multiple acting pairs that were big branded pairs prior to this, and this is only his second time really dealing with that. With Never Let Me Go, Pond and Phuwin weren't that big yet, and he wasn't threatening their ship with anything complicated. OF is challenging for people who just watch BL as fap material and have to deal with their faves not being easy people to parse.
As usual, we go back to that post that goes around all the time, thought I think the OP deleted it:
"Never ever be normal about fictional characters but please GOD be normal about the people who play them, I am begging you" -tumblr user mantorokk-writes
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ballcrusher74 · 3 months
Your sona (bigform) looks very cool, reminds me of the silhouette of a dinosaur, what is the critter and what inspired such a cool mech tang?
My sona (Jawbreaker) is a fucked up star alien thing ! You're gonna get a little more than just what he is and inspirations and I hope you don't mind, I made a whole fucking species just for this guy's backstory LOL Stellarites are shapeshifting, celestial beings created with star energy. Their strength varies, depending on what kind of star their energy was sourced from. Jawbreaker (his actually birth name is unknown and he forgot himself) was created with the energy of a quasi star as an experiment for his overlord, Metsu. He served in their celestial empire as a royal guard, and had a close eye kept on him. He excelled compared to his peers, and was deemed spectacular at his work- the only downside was his short temper. He was constantly consulted about his attitude, and it only seemed to grow worse. He grows disobedient, to the point where he is sentenced to be shattered for his resources to be recycled. He escapes from his home planet, landing on Earth. He examines life from afar, and takes on a more humanoid form. As he lives out his days on his new home, there's something that he can't avoid now- taxes. So what's a better job to get when you used to be a guard for an intergalactic ruler? Become a hitman! This is where he obtained his helmet and his name. A couple years go by and he's considered a perfect killing machine, being able to leave such little trails behind in his work. Then, he fucks up one day. A single drop of his blood is found at a scene. This results in a huge chase for him, especially because he is extraterrestrial life. He eventually is caught, and used in government experiments. These experiments were based off the mega-structure, dyson spheres, in which they tried to extract energy out of him. He manages to escape this, takes on his current form with a repainted helmet and fresh new look, and is now a party-animal alien out on the run with a bounty on his head. (This is like, a really watered down version of his story cus if I put the whole thing here that shit would go on forever)
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Also y'know what, fuck it, here's the full ref sheet + cool guitar item that I keep forgetting I have OOPS
Going onto actually inspirations now, here's a couple !
The general design was just based off of character design aspects that I like a lot. Chunky shoes, shoulder pads, big sleeves, huge zipper- etc, etc.
The hoodie and boxers combo just comes from the fact that that is typically what I roam around in
The star eye was me trying to recycle from my old sona, but the true origin of it was it being a reference to one of my favorite musicians at the time, Grandson ^_^
The half heart locket is for my boyfriend <3
The big ol' eyebrow is just cus I have bushy eyebrows + I love big ass eyebrows
I'm gonna be honest, the hair was when I was trying to make my sona on Roblox but I obviously couldn't have my helmet, so a red base and cyan trihawk came along and it's stuck since then + I FUCKING LOVE MOHAWKS SO BAD
The blood is based off of glowstick liquid . Please trust me when I say to not eat glowsticks they do not taste good .
The colors are also kinda recycled from my old sona, but also because I fucking love red and cyan
The whole alien aspect is taken from the fact my birthday is on the same day as the Area 51 raid LMAO
Exaggerated proportions kinda came from FNF . yeag
THE HELMET . The helmet was a thing I scrapped from a really old oc of mine, which was kinda taken from Jasper (SU) . The addition for the jaw part was inspired by a bear trap
also these two that I use for this blog . They're obviously more jokey looking + I made it so they are both immortal beings that have existed since the dawn of time that just fuck around on Earth but yea it's also just me . but funny looking
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I think that is it . yeag
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polyhexian · 5 months
so…any idea where eventually!Jasper would appear in the Watching & Dreaming credits sequence?
I'm hopeful that he and Hunter would have a healthier relationship by then. I mean, they're always gonna have issues. therapy for life.
but after the drama on the 1-year Halloween anniversary, I get this sense that, like, they spent that first year trying to have a relationship but not always knowing what to do with each other. sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not. kinda feels like there was a lot more not leading up to Halloween, like Hunter's been festering.
if the Halloween blow-up is a tipping point, I'd hope year 2 is them finally confronting the hard things. having the difficult conversations and realizations.
and then by the time we skip to year 3 and the epilogue, their relationship is more stable. solid. not perfect, but also not as likely to implode.
Yeah I'm imagining a lot of year one is... Hunter wants that relationship and he wants it to be perfect so he just keeps shoving down all negativity or issues so the only way anything gets acknowledged is when he explodes. Really trying to skip all the steps. Forcing it.
The Halloween explosion is definitely a breaking point. Up till now everyone has been sort of tiptoeing around it like trying not to interfere or anything but Jesus Christ Hunter, that crossed a fucking LINE and his friends are finally going to tell him so. Which obviously makes him feel quite attacked, but the second someone is like "if you treat people like that they won't stick around" and he swivels full into "oh my god I went to far and now he doesn't want to be my dad anymore, everyone I know and love is going to leave me eventually, etc, etc"
And it's obviously darius's breaking point too. His treatment of jasper has shifted away from the soul crushing guilt a fair bit even if he's still letting him do whatever the hell he wants. Which means it's time for him to also finally step in and have a hard conversation with hunter about his dad and his expectations and the shit jasper will never tell him unprompted. I think he needs that perspective before he can really approach jasper with any kind of earnest Big Feelings Talk. Also jasper needs to make some adult friends who aren't birds
I think by watching and dreaming we are doing a lot better. Jaspers the one doing the insufferable hair ruffling. He's being kingcenaea cupcakes. He's doing a lot better. He's probably friends with Alador and on significantly better terms with Darius. I have this shot in my head of like, the scene with hunter and Willow, she gives him a big hug and they go skidding down that hill, only this time they both tumble off the side of the screen, only for jasper on a palisman staff to pop up having caught them, with Willow sitting behind him and a very huffy hunter thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Willow is laughing at him before they're off to grab the others
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goldeneyedgirl · 8 months
This is kind of a random question, but I thought about that while reading your story Variable Stars, more specifically that scene in which Alice decides not to kill Peter and Charlotte. If it had happened, how Jasper would've reacted? Or, in a canon version, how do you think he would react if Peter and Charlotte were killed (not by Alice but a nomad or something)?
Ooof, Anon, you woke up and chose violence. We'll start with Variable Stars.
So, in Variable Stars, Alice sees Peter and Charlotte and kills them quickly and moves on.
Jasper is extremely close to both of them in Variable Stars because he is alone - no wife. It's kind of a cocktail of soldiers in arms, paternal, and brotherly. Like an older siblings raising a much younger sibling. So when they stop visiting and communicating with him, this is scary. Jasper has always had Peter at his back and for Peter to vanish... he spends a lot of time trying to find them. Obviously he never does, and because of where Alice found them, no one else (Maria) knows what happened either.
That weighs on Jasper terribly. That they found themselves in a fight that they could not win. He hopes they died quickly and together. But because he cannot confirm their deaths, there's always a little piece of him that hopes that they're still out there. He's much quieter and more serious by the time Alice joins the family.
It's quite a few years later that Edward puts together Peter and Charlotte as some of the vampires that Alice killed during her Rebellion Years. He does end up telling her what she did, and Alice is broken that she did that to Jasper. She considers a visit to Volterra to have herself destroyed but Edward tells her that the last thing Jasper needs is to lose another of his people.
She does tell him, and it changes them. For mental health reasons, Jasper has to separate the idea of the Alice that killed Peter and Charlotte with his Alice. Is it healthy? No! Is it necessary for him to live his life? Yes. Their relationship is fundamentally changed, and very bittersweet; Alice spends the rest of her life essentially trying to keep Jasper as happy as she can to make up for her terrible mistake, and Jasper has to live with that constant cloud of self-loathing and regret that surrounds her.
In canon, oh boy. (Also, anon, if you want Charlotte and Peter and Jasper drama, can I recommend going to talk to @flowerslut? Maybe subscribe to her new fic Roots? It's insanity and is a fucking vision into the dynamic Jasper has with his people and his past. 11/10, A+, six seasons and a movie. But I digress.)
In canon, Jasper would be on the war path, and Alice with him. Jasper would hunt them to the ends of the earth and remind their killer why Jasper's reputation precedes them. Both Alice and Jasper have a violent streak, and even if the deaths weren't planned, the killer would regret ever touching Peter and Charlotte.
And then I think Jasper would grieve heavily, and probably seek out solitude for that grief; he'd definitely retreat from the family a little. Peter's friendship and loyalty shaped who he was and who he got to be so much that there would always be a hole where his brother was. That Jasper couldn't protect Peter or even save Charlotte for Peter would weigh very heavily on him. I can see the darkest point being Jasper resenting the Cullens because if he'd been with Peter and Charlotte they'd still be alive, and maybe even resenting Alice for not being able to see their deaths so he could have protected them.
Alice has no real reference point for the grief of death or strong relationships outside her immediate family that we're made aware of in canon, so I can see her struggling a little knowing how to support Jasper in that kind of grief at first, but ultimately just being present so he isn't constantly alone and brooding. I can also see her struggling with the void that Peter and Charlotte have left behind.
I can see her gently reminding Jasper that even if they weren't with the Cullens, everything falling in place so that Jasper could have protected Peter and Charlotte is pretty unlikely. And I think she'd observe the fact that she didn't see their deaths indicates it was just one of those terrible, unplanned moments; there was no grand plan to assassinate them, no grudges or agenda. Just a series of choices made in the moment.
She's gifted, not a god.
Ultimately, Jasper is no stranger to pain. He'd be a little sadder and a little quieter, and possibly cleave tighter to the Cullens because he's now without alternative allies. He'd be even more protective of Alice, but he'd keep going and keep Peter and Charlotte as a very, very sacred memory.
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serenity-lattes · 2 years
Where Stranger Things characters would actually live in Indiana.
If you’re actually from Indiana, this will make sense to you. I live within 40 minutes of where Hawkins supposedly is and these are my hot takes. 
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Hopper: It was mentioned that he was originally from “the big city” and honestly, I think it would be Fort Wayne. Lots of factories there and he just fits, I have no specific reasons. He would definitely avoid the north end, it would be too “metro” for him. 
Murray: South Bend. There is a specific demographic there and that’s where the conspiracy theories would reside. 
The Byers: South side Muncie. Will would be enamored with the children’s museum and there are loads of pretty sceneries for Jon to snap pictures of. Joyce would have her selection of small mom-n-pop shops to work at. 
The Wheelers: Bloomington. Higher class, college town. Nancy and Mike would have all the opportunities they could dream of in this hellscape of a state. 
Steve: Carmel. It’s ritzy and pretty centralized in the state. And holy shit it’s SO NICE but it’s round-about hell. There are no stoplights or stop signs, just round-abouts. I avoid it at all costs, but the Clay Terrace is fun to walk around and shop at. 
Robin: Northern Greenfield. It’s a suburb of Indy, but there’s a little part of the town that’s lower-middle class. Even though the houses are only 45k, they’re pretty decent.
El: Logansport. If you expect something “off” to go on in Indiana, it’ll be in freaking Logansport. When you’re not smelling the awful odors from Tyson’s factory, you get the interesting stories from the state hospital. I think she would be in the more rural part of town, but there are specific spots in the downtown I could picture her in. 
Dustin: Wabash. I know many people from this town and honestly, all the kids have talent. It’s smaller, but it has a Wal-Mart, and there is a great farmer’s market and music/theatre scene. 
The Munsons: Converse. It’s a really small town, but there are really neat places to visit (see Jefferson Street BBQ). But given the reasons above for Dustin, they could easily live there too. 
The Sinclairs: Southern Kokomo. Not the biggest town, not the smallest. It’s quite diverse. And the houses on this side of town are pretty nice! There are pretty ponds and an amazing Japanese steakhouse. HOWEVER!!! Please avoid the north-east end because it’s fucking scary. Every time I’m on that end of town, it’s guaranteed to result in hearing at least one set of “pop-pop-pops”. Give me a Demogorgon any day. 
The Hargrove-Mayfields: This would have been Neil’s plan to move. And what we know about Neil, he’s not a nice or accepting person in any capacity. Elwood, for sure. I’ve had dear friends run out of these because a specific “clan” of people reside there. However, once Billy and Max are old enough to leave, they head for Lafayette. It’s not California, but it’s a nice enough, big enough place to be. 
Bob Newby: He’s so quaint and pleasant, he would be from Jasper. There’s a nice train ride you can do on the weekends during the fall and I can picture him being one of the tour guides on it. 
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Reneesme falls into a crack of the universe and meets Edinburgh. Do they become friends? Is she afraid of him? Does she try to connect with this world Bella? Is she happy to mean nothing to Jacob and the Cullen?
Alternate idea, Edinburgh falls into Reneesme's universe and meets her. Does Edward kill him as he's a plot from the volturi?
Anon's referring to @therealvinelle and my The Less Than Immaculate Conception where Bella and Marcus have a love child named Edinburgh.
I would say write the fic (and I still will) but for once in our lives a fan HAS ACTUALLY WRITTEN THE FIC! Check out A Beautiful Castle by KeyboardAndADream.
As for if Vinelle and I were to do this? Well, it gets tricky based on who the fuck Edinburgh grows up to be.
What Are You Talking About?
When we leave off, Edinburgh has literally just been born. He's not talking, he's not doing much of anything yet, and we just have a really weird after-birth scene and then Jasper takes it upon himself to murder Eleazar due to unrelated drama.
Vinelle and I never had to come up with his character.
We had vague thoughts on what his power would be: to know a person's deepest weaknesses both psychological/physical/gift wise. But we never had to think about what this kid would be like, who he'd take after, and what living in a tower pretending to be in his uncle's harem would even do to him.
There's a lot unexplored with Edinburgh di Volterra which makes it hard for me to answer this question.
Because if I don't know who he is or grows up to be then I have no idea how he reacts to Renesmee Cullen falling out of a crack in the universe onto his doorstep.
And that's if he's ever even told the Edward Cullen drama.
(Similar vice versa)
In terms of Edinburgh meeting the Cullens, he'll have to very swiftly pretend to either be a Volturi defector (like Eleazar) or else to have nothing to do with them to survive. I imagine he'd just be very confused on who half these people even are and what his mother's doing married to this lunatic and acting like a lunatic.
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
ugh my wired headphones are still hurting my head >:(
s3 ep2 huntara
ahahah I love this one
(if you're new here: i'm rewatching She-Ra for fic-writing purposes, and live-blogging my way through them making commentary and jokes and side notes about random shit. bc this is a REwatch there are many references to later plot points)
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is that the Beta Kindergarten
(man I've been making a lot of Steven Universe references in these lately, but yeah I can't look at sandstone slot canyons without thinking "hrr hrr where's Jasper")
(wait has a Jasper cosplayer actually taken photos in one of these in like Utah? a quick image search says no. damn.)
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how many times did I look at this establishing shot before I realized this part of the Fright Zone is the ruins of a ginormous spaceship
ALSO "day 135"? I noted yesterday that someone working on the show said sOMEWHERE that each season is about a year and I was like "ehhhh" but I guess that's not far off.
That makes the whole catradora arc even more angsty tbh. For some reason I thought the whole show took place over like a single year or so. But FOUR OR FIVE YEARS?? they pined for each other while trying to murder each other for MULTIPLE YEARS????
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Listen. I love this ship. I'm always weak for "complete asshole with tough act is soft for one (1) person"
(tho lemme tell you. do not actually date those dudes irl. *sigh*)
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why did so many 80's cartoons have extremely unrealistic quicksand scenes tho
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gdi adora
The Crimson Waste is actually just a western bar full of furries. But seriously designing the characters in the bar must've been hella fun
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AAHAHAAHH Adora being so, so blatantly gay for Huntara is one of my fave things
Did they need to establish that Adora is into women? Pfft, no. Did they still decide to show us Adora being absolutely smitten on sight for an older, big, buff, badass, butchy lady? YES.
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Doesn't hurt that she looks likes this lol
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like it's the least subtle thing on EARTH i love it so much
oh no now I want to look up fics
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18 of them are explicit. well. I'm just gonna. leave that tab open.
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lol there's a moment where Glimmer and Bow are like "ha ha we need to talk amongst ourselves" and turns around and Adora is still just staring at Huntara with googly eyes without noticing what Bow even said and lemme tell you, I've been that fucking obvious and oblivious
Huntara literally is like "oh my god you kids are gonna end up DEAD without me. FINE." Meanwhile, Adora:
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Plot plot Huntara leads them to a trap and they get hit with tranquilizer darts and dropped into a pit.
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that's just a nice shot tbh
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EAT SOME DAMN SOUP your girlfriend spent TIME on that
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she just refuses to be afraid of him
Anyway yeah this is when we find out he's just a clone of Horde Prime the Big Baddy of the series, Hordak is a "defective" clone, he was sent to "the front lines" to die and fell through a portal into Etheria. "with nothing but a broken ship, I built an empire..." the whole point of the portal is to bring Horde Prime through, which means that's what he was doing when he tried before and ended up with A Magic Baby (Adora) instead.
The animation in the flashback is clearly inspired by Lotte Reiniger which is super cool??
Back to the Crimson Waste, they've gotten themselves out of the hole, and Adora's upset because the whole point of this mission is her getting more info about Mara with the hopes of understanding her own past better
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she's RIGHT
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"...at least to me..."
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She makes him a nice techy exoskeleton armor thingie
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that's a start but c'mon I know you can do better than that
lolol the recorder baby critter KICKS HIM in an obvious "dude really????"
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look at him!!! AAHAHAH
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i'm gonna go over the image limit and tumblr's gonna cut me off and make me reblog this any minute now but this episode is jUST TOO GOOD
"I like being friends with you, too" ;_;
Huntara's "friends" make fun of her for being a softie while she swings the She-Ra sword around and then Glimmer drops in wooo
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yeah I know this is a fight scene but eheheheh
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and then they banged
okay they kept fighting but like, c'mon
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the "sword point under the chin" thing is just so good and I loved the way they did the angles here
OH SHIT I forgot Huntara had heard of She-Ra
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Anyway Huntara does her little speech about how she also used to be a Horde soldier but left because Hordak was such a dick to his soldiers. "you would know, you were one of us."
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Huntara does her little "you can't defeat the Horde alone even if you're She-Ra" and she responds with "yah I'm not alone tho"
but also that shot is unnecessarily hot
....i've hit the image limit with two minutes to spare so I went back and deleted one because
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(not gonna get into how Shadow Weaver's face-touching thing is what made Adora do it here but yeah)
Huntara tells her minions to get lost, admits that the war scared the shit out of her and that's why she ran, but she knows that's bullshit and she promises to help Adora stop the war :D and then leads them to the place they were originally looking for: the ruins of Mara's ship!
(gonna...see if any of those fics are any good 👀)
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mayomalice · 4 months
midnight sun • twilight
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I'd like to start this review by saying this: i am not a knuckle cracker. but if i was, i would be cracking them before i begin my review.
lets get into it starting with the pros of this book before i rip into it with the cons.
for the most part i actually thoroughly enjoyed this book, there were several moments that made me giddy having been able to see it through Edward's perspective, such as being able to get brief glances into other peoples heads and know what they were thinking in that moment, because.. that's literally his power. it brought forth several short almost witty moments- some of them i believe to be unintentional, such as a descriptor for jasper in a moment to be 'and jasper was... suffering.'.
while i am aware of Edward and Bella's relationship being not all that healthy, that doesn't prevent me from loving them together. (because to be frank there are far worse pairings out there). For a lack of better words and words that make me cringe just at the thought of typing, once again, the movies really fail to show how much rizz Edward has. like he was seducing me to be honest, and i'm not even remotely attracted to men.
other than those pros that will conclude the positive section of this review, as i've listed in other book reviews for the series a lot of the same positives apply to this one. that being said, i don't wish to retype all of that once again.
lets move on to the negatives this book had for me.
firstly, Edward is extremely broody. to an eye rolling extent. while yes, i have been aware of that from reading the entire original series, and having watched the movies hundreds of times.. it still doesn't make it any less irritating when he's constantly saying things like 'Bella deserves someone better than me' 'Bella shouldn't be with someone who's killed people (COUGH, rapists).. etc.
secondly, from roughly page 568 until the final page, 658, i hated almost everything i was reading.
the entire scene where they're trying to get Bella out of danger is truly a frustrating read. Edward is a moron who refuses to listen to Alice who's trying to diffuse both him and the situation at hand, which in turn worries Bella further.. Emmet is unsure of what to do as he's sat in the backseat with a now even more stressed Bella.. Edward being no help at all like i said previously as he refuses to pull over so Alice can tell him what they should do for way longer than what should've been touched on within that chapter.
furthermore the car chase scene was torturous to read. why is it that with only a single apart am i being told that the car is driving at 150 m/ph? twice? why is it that you continue to tell me the car is going '160' '170' '180.'... that detail is entirely unnecessary when all that truly needed to be said was something like 'the car was continuing to increase in speed rapidly'.
my next massive complaint has to do with Carlisle and licence losing medical malpractice on his part. now, i love Carlisle. it's not so much about HIM, but mores about stephanie's idiocy regarding topics that she clearly did NOT research before including them in her novel. (something which is not new for her and her writing at all).
the complaints are as follows:
1. the 'she's lost some blood' comment. no shit. both you and Edward are actively kneeling in the pool of her blood which she's actively laying in. she's lost more than 'some blood'.
2. WHYYYY are you doing sutures outside of a hospital?? and how?? and where the fuck do you have to supplies- let alone sterile supplies to do so?? i understand that Carlisle is a doctor but that's not just something you have just chilling in your back pocket or in your car. so once again.. WHAT?
3. WHY do you have morphine on your person to treat Bella with.. morphine is an opioid, and there are legal restrictions that come with that.. as far as i'm aware you would not just have morphine on you, let alone a high enough dosage to treat Bella who has; 4 broken ribs, a broken leg, 2 open wounds on her head (which directly goes back to #2 of my complaints), and a body almost coated in bruising from head to toe. there is NO way.
4. Taping Bella's ribs. first of all, this is no longer a practice that is used as it makes it hard to take deep breaths, which bella was doing, because on top of everything she was also actively turning into a vampire.
5. i understand that they 'couldn't go to the hospital' because of the vampire turning on their hands, but they should've. if they truly had to keep Bella human, Edward should've sucked the venom out on the way to the hospital. in my opinion though, Bella should've just turned then and there. it would've saved everyone a world of trouble as well as once again, saving them the trip to the hospital entirely.
that's all for my medical malpractice complaints, now onto some more general complaints, i'll try to keep this short.
1. how did nobody in the small town of Forks notice the ballet studio having been lit on fire and burned to the ground? it's a small town, people are nosy, people would notice and come to see what's going on.
2. Bella was only kept in the hospital for 9 days despite her condition.
3. no obvious timeskip in the writing to show that Bella had recovered enough to be walking around and able to go to her school dance.
4. a lacklustre, disappointing ending. the final sentence literally being; 'as the night finally overcame the end of the day, i leaned forward again and kissed the warm skin of her throat.
with all that being said, up until the climax i did enjoy reading the book. it's not the best in the series at all, but at least it's not new moon.
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cto10121 · 4 months
Midnight Sun Part 2!!! Possibly my favorite section; I could not put it down, especially the rescue part. I did have Des Notes, though:
“It wasn’t really a difficult ask.” Nope, no way a vampire from 1901 would say this 2020s slang in 2006. Don’t slip up, Meyer!!! Or get better editors!!!
Alice introducing herself to Edward by hugging him and calling him brother and Edward going like “Yep, legit” will never not be great
Edward lying in bed and nearly giving Bella a heart attack with his sluttishness is almost worse in his POV, omg. How the fuck does that happen
Edward reading Tooth and Claw just because Bella recommended it. Remind me again why some people don’t like Edward?
Wait—Edward describes Bella’s scent as “lavender” or “freesia.” One of Bella’s favorite scents is lavender, as well as clean laundry. And she blushed when she looked at Edward, clearly thinking about his scent. Could Edward’s scent actually…be similar to Bella’s? Is that why her scent affects him so powerfully? Holy shit.
Edward “It was enlightening and alluring to watch her in her element” (Bella *eating Cheerios*) 🤝 Romeo “See how she leans her cheek upon her hand” (Juliet: *leaning her cheek on her hand*)
“Bella had gone to the other room to calm her mother. And then the vision had overtaken Alice.” Nice way to cover up that little plot hole, very enterprising
“The image of myself astride the sleek black motorcycle was so appealing that for a second I ignored her” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It’s giving Terminator. Love it. Also, what a great parallel to Bella’s motorcycle adventures
Very ambivalent about the highway scene. Otoh, it’s interesting and clever and detailed how the Cullens worked together. Otoh, it’s over the top at places! Like why did they flip the car into upcoming traffic????? Why did they even have to switch cars to begin with????? Meyer really should avoid full-length action scenes (I did like the Victoria fight in Eclipse, though)
Ngl, the James hunt is probably better than in Twilight, if just because Edward is at the front of the action. Still amazing how James slipped away from them
“Bella’s blood was the opposite of pain. It erased every burn I’d ever suffered. And it was so much more than just the absence of pain. It was satisfaction, it was bliss. I felt suffused with a strange kind of joy—a joy of the body alone. I was healed and alive, every nerve ending thrumming with contentment.” The Metaphor(tm) has now become literal.
Book Edward *drinking Bella’s blood*: ✨Bliss ✨🥰 >>>>>> Movie Edward: *gnaws on Bella’s arm like a chicken wing*
“The chuckle that bubbled up from my chest surprised me. I had her blood on her tongue. It was probably tinting the edges of my irises red even now. It was drying into my clothes and dyeing my skin. But she could still make me laugh”
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Jasper looks so dangerous to other vampires that James just…accepts his fate. Like welp, guess I’ll die. Iconic
“Why am I towing that ridiculous truck?” Okay, the Cullens hating Bella’s truck is officially a gag.
“For a moment, I imagined Renée as a vampire. Would her thoughts shout audibly at everyone, inescapable?” Nice foreshadowing/Easter egg for Renesmee. So there is a meaning and rationale behind the name other than Bella’s corniness.
That section where Edward watches James’ video and is so overcome with rage and despair and then starts to pray for the strength to leave Bella…that passage was so well-written I was nearly crying
Re: Edward’s decision to leave Bella, It is genius on Meyer’s part (or, well, just practical) to make the obstacles internal instead of external. Edward needs to deal with the consequences of leaving Bella and learn from his mistakes
Finished and in sum: This was great and only gets better in the re-reading. There is a lot of whinging and whining over certain aspects, mostly by anti fans, but those didn’t really bother me. Most lines were taken out of context, as they always do, and spun into something questionable; in context they were fine. Then there are those who say it is better and better-written than Twilight, but I disagree. Twilight was much better structured and less superfluous in detail than Midnight Sun, which could get bogged down in minute-to-minute summary. That said, Midnight Sun does have the advantage that all the dynamic change and development are on Edward’s side than Bella’s, as in a proper Beauty and the Beast telling. But Bella’s story does have power and is arguably more subversive than Edward’s. I think the two complement ultimately each other—the subtext of Twilight is the text of Midnight Sun, and vice versa. Reading both gets you a more complete picture…which the TV show would undoubtedly fuck up in some way if they decide to use parts of Midnight Sun. Le sigh.
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olympianroyals · 2 years
- April 23nd, Saturday -
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Achilles: Princess?
Pandora: I just need a minute please, Achilles
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Achilles: Take all the time you need, you won’t be disturbed
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Pandora: Where did everything go wrong? How did it come to this?
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-Pandora sniffs-
???: Yo Pandora!
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???: Hey, get your hands offa me!
Achilles: You need to leave or we’ll make you.
Jasper: Your not to disturb the Princess during this time
???: The Princess is my niece, let me through! Pandora!
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Pandora: Wha Uncle Sven? Hey, let him through!
Sven to Jasper: Like I said, get your hands offa me before you start somethin' you can’t finish boy
Pandora: Are you seriously making a scene right now Uncle Sven?
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Sven: I wouldn’t have to if they would have just let me go when I said to
Pandora: They are just doing their job uncle.
Sven: Still, ya can’t manhandle a brotha like that. You betta tell ‘em Nicecy ‘fore i do
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Pandora: It’s fine guys really, chill out uncle Sven jeez
Sven: You alright girl?
Pandora: I’m fine
Sven: Been trying to get in contact with you for weeks. Tried calling ya phone and everything but it went straight to voicemail so I figured they must have taken it from ya
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Pandora hesitates, looking away: Ah..yeah....about that...
Pandora changed the subject: How have you and the kids been?
Sven: We've been alright, taking it day by day. I know everyone has been worried about you girls staying here with these people.
Pandora: We have been fine, Uncle Sven, everything has been… fine
Sven looks around: Ya know, for some Royals, they could have done the funeral a lot better, could hardly see any of it with how far back they put us but I know for damn sure this isn't what my sister would have wanted.
Pandora: Yeah Mama isn't really the showy type but this is how the Royal Family does these things as I'm told.
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Sven: Still, she left with ya for a reason, and now look, ya right back in a place where she didn't want ya at in the first place
-Pandora says nothing-
Sven: The situation is fucked but don't worry Nicecy, everything is gonna be alright. I got everything all figured out and soon you won’t have to worry about these people anymore ya feel me?
Pandora: Mhmm
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Sven: I know it’s gonna be rough for a minute with all y’all kids all in the same house but soon we’ll get a bigger place and things will finally work out. Trust me.
-Achilles and Jasper share a look-
Pandora: What are you talking about Uncle Sven? Us all in the same place?
Sven: I know having 9 sims in one household is damn near impossible, but once we move into this new spot I've been eyeing up, things will get a lot better.
Pandora: I am in confusion because what do you mean 9 sims in one household?
Sven: Oh forsure, we all going to be together after me and Imani get custody of y’all.
Pandora: whaaa
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Book 1: The End of Chapter 1, Episode 18
|The Beginning of Chapter 1 | Previous Episode 17 | Recap |
AN: Annnd that's a wraaap for Chapter 1!! I will be honest, I didn't think we would have made it this far but lorrrd we finally made it!
I'm really happy with myself.
Now onto this mini-series......I don't know when it's gonna come out but don't worry it's coming
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The Problem With Court Of Darkness (game).
A) Jasper.
Look, I'm not gonna lie - the makers of this game fucked up. And by fucked up, I mean really fucked up in all the wrong ways.
Call me harsh, but what in the fuck were they thinking? They made a romantic route about a character that a) Drugs, molests, and forces a woman into getting drunk, and then b) Created a 'romantic' scene where said character seduces us by fantasising about how he touched us whilst we were unconscious and wants to do it again.
This is NOT okay - and I can't believe this was allowed by the Play Store. This is revolting.
And that's not all - Voltage released an event in the Japanese game where we choose between Jasper and Lance. Now let me summarise for you: Jasper manipulates MC into getting drunk, and keeps guilt-tripping her into drinking more and more, even after she can't walk and can barely speak. Lance then comes along and gets MC away from him and helps her sober up a little, and warns MC about Jasper being a shit person - before Jasper comes back and tries to once again guilt-trip MC into ditching Lance and going with him, whilst discreetly insulting Lance because he was there first, getting all frisky with MC despite her being nearly passed-out drunk.
Then we choose a character to follow.
I literally have no words for how fucking disgusting this is.
Finally a few minor (in comparison) scenes - when Jasper is meant to be teaching MC how to be a maid and so he teaches her all the wrong things because he finds it funny, putting her at risk (she was in hiding) and embarrassing her.
How he physically forced MC into Guy's room whilst she was having lunch, locking her in and letting Guy harass her and force her into a contract against her will.
How he has (multiple times) done nothing whilst Guy literally holds her hostage against her will.
B) Guy.
Nearly as bad as Jasper to be honest.
Shall we talk about how he uses magic to force her into telling him things against her will? Or how she has to agree to be his servant and do whatever he wanted just for him to stop? How about how he refused to allow her to befriend his brother, dragged her to his room, molested her against her will, and then proceeded to break their promise and use magic to force her to stay still?
How about the time he forced her to be his by refusing to let her leave and threatening her? Or when he used magic to force her to come home with him and tried to severely injure Toa when he came to rescue her?
Or the smaller moments, like when he removed MC's clothes and forced her to bathe with him? Or how he forced her to be his partner to the ball and forced her to take lessons days after day? Guy is a sexist, cruel, horrible person, and the fact that he's meant to be the lead consort is disgusting.
C) Fenn.
A lot better than the others (surprisingly), but I'll never forget the one scene that made me hate him - when he used his magic to render MC unable to move and proceeded to go farther than kissing with her in public. Disgusting.
Also, the fact that him being a chronic liar to the point where he actively misleads and gets MC into troubling or embarrassing situations can't just be accepted because "I had a sad childhood so that gives me permission to be a dick".
D) Guy and Fenn have no qualms about kissing MC against her will. I don't like Toa either, as if Guy hadn't immobilised him, he would've done the same, when she was scared, a stranger (he made a move).
I'll be honest, a like a lot of the characters - but this game fucks up so badly with some of the MAIN consorts. If the creators seriously think that is REMOTELY okay, then I fear what their views on love is, because it's sickening.
On top of that is their horrible plot in general - nearly every route is EXACTLY the same:
All the girls are jealous of MC and try to sabotage her (most common idea when you're bad at storytelling ever), or MC spends half the route jumping to conclusions and presuming her partner/crush doesn't like her or their relationship is failing before of a fortune telling session, and rather than do the normal thing and communicate (like you should with a paramour), she does bad or silly things in secret to try and fix it and ends up troubling her partner before whoah! Turns out the power of love fixes all! That, or it's Guy refusing to communicate.
So all in all? Redo Guy and Jasper's routes, and personalities in general.
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pigeonwit · 10 months
ooooo 2 and 9 for the author ask game!! :))
jaspeeeer my booooy hello!!! it's so gd late here :)
(ask game is here if anyone wants to chuck something in there)
2. What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
maaan i feel bad with this one cause like no ones OBLIGATED to respond to a fic but. probably 'vice vermin virtue'? it's the first newsies fic i posted after coming back to the fandom so it's not the BEST written but i do still really like it. i like taking pretty things that are easy to make sense of and making them weird as hell. how would you accommodate certain wings. what would the sort of Wing Hierarchy be. how would it affect status, how would it affect your everyday treatment. what kind of rules are there with wings and how would a person break those rules. and then of course the character studies you can draw from that - davey having very delicate and easily crushable wings, and therefore always believing he must keep himself unnoticed for his own safety. jack with ugly common wings that he just REFUSES to see anything good about, and then finally allowing himself to be loved so thoroughly, inside and out. etc etc. wingfics have definitely had their time in the sun tho and i understand why they're falling out of popularity - maybe if i'd posted it when i actually had the idea it'd have more response? but my writing style in 2019 was a hot mess. still i'm gonna keep at it when i have the time i have so many ideas. spot with bat wings and barney peanuts with roller pigeon wing-deformities live in my head rent free forever.
9. What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written?
my favourite scene that i have ever written for anything ever is the vivisection scene from 'i am not a fool entire'. no contest. i say this about a lot of fics but that scene truly is my baby. it's probably the first thing i wrote that i looked back on and went 'oh - that's GOOD.' i saw some snippets of jasper barlow and donnie's storyline in the IDW comics and i became obsessed - i was already deep in the tmnt2012 sauce at the time, just because i found it a fun and silly childhood experience that i never got to have as a kid, but finding the IDW comics and realizing oh fuck. wow. there's intense shit in this. there's longlasting trauma. there's people struggling with their humanity and their identity. it made me wonder how that might work if i projected that onto 2012 donatello, since the 2012 version, while dark, is still a kids cartoon and follows kids cartoon logic, in that none of the truly traumatic events (eg everything that happened to donnie ever) really stick. i had a lot of little wips and fic thoughts at the time but IANAFE was the first fic where i was like 'okay. okay. i WANT to post this. i feel like i can post this.', and i hadn't felt that way in years - and it all started with me deciding 'today i will make a fifteen year old turtle suffer the most traumatising experience i can think of For Funzies'
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polyhexian · 8 months
I love Jasper so much, your OC is so, so great. Just saying a chapter of Eventually where that beach scene does happen would be VERY happily received. Obviously writing is a lot of work so this isn't meant to sound demanding, (sorry if it does) but if you were already thinking of maybe doing it... yes.
In case you were considering maybe following this idea, for a layout you could maybe just have a collection of chapters that are just: 'moments from the canon show but what if this timeline of jasper is there omg' in no particular order. Just like a scrapbook collection of what-if moments. Totally don't have to, but just a thought. Would be cool, cause your writing is cool.
I definitely really LOVE that scene conceptually. I very well might write it. If I do it will probably be a second chapter as opposed to a new one shot fic.
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goldeneyedgirl · 9 months
okay, so, Memento Question, just for you to remember that people actually appreciate that fic: in that version, in which Alice lives (or is changed by Jasper), she lives her life differently? Or all the visions are the still the same as the version where she dies and something, maybe Jasper, just changed in the last minute? Idk if answering this would count as a spoiler tho
Awww, Anon, thank you so much.
For the part of Memento Vivere where Alice lives, everything is the same until about halfway through Memento Mori, and then Jasper makes a Decision and that's essentially where the story changes - this is essentially the first scene of where the story diverges.
It's very much reinforcing that Alice did nothing wrong, and that one person making a decision to reach out to her in some way would have changed her fate - whether that was her father or stepmother, Carlisle as her doctor, a classmate etc. (The whole situation is really just a metaphor for how often depressed teenagers are left to slip through the cracks and are too often failed by the people - the adults - around them.)
Alice would always be a temptation to Jasper, but she only became a plausible target for him because she was so isolated and solitary.
But I digress.
For the part where Jasper changes her, everything is the same, Alice just wakes up buried in the forest and that's essentially where we start. And that's when we get into Consequences and Fate and Found Family <3
I can't say anything about visions without getting into spoiler territory, but obviously Alice with a support system, or Alice with a more evolved gift is going to look a little different than the very miserable young girl in Memento Mori who spent a lot of time worrying about her inevitable death.
Anyway, anon, have a sample of Jasper's POV from Memento Mori! I don't think I've posted it before, but if I have... enjoy it again?
Carlisle is home quickly
“Jasper killed Alice Brandon.”
The words hit Carlisle like I’ve stabbed him. Four plunges of the knife. I see the news sink in, and I can see him go rigid, to resist whatever reaction he wants to have. He swallows hard and nods once.
“You cleaned up?” he asks, his voice hoarse, and his words directed to Edward.
“Yes. She won’t be found,” Edward affirms. He’s right; her grave is deep in the Olympic National Park, where only the most experience of climbers could get to easily. No hunters would go there, no police dogs could get to the scent. She’ll never be found.
I don’t need Edward’s gift to know that Carlisle is remembering other accidents we’ve had to clean up; the wet, meaty sound as we pulled off limbs to simulate an animal attack; slicing deeply into flesh to mimic ripping; impromptu pyres, and rocks filling the pockets of horror-stricken corpses.
“What do we do now?” Esme asks. I don’t need to look up at them all. Flavours of shock, grief, frustration, rage, and pity rush to meet me. “We… we can’t leave, not without Bella.”
Rosalie huffs, Edward growls, and Carlisle is just staring off into space.
“We’ve broken the Treaty,” Carlisle murmured. “We must leave.”
“We don’t have to go anywhere.” Our gazes swing to meet Emmett, who looks thoughtful. “Everyone in school knew she had problems. They’ll say she ran away or something. We graduate in a few months.”
“Jasper can’t leave the house like that,” Rosalie says waspishly, and it's hard to comprehend that my eyes are fucking luminous with her blood.
“Bella doesn’t graduate until next summer,” Edward says in a dark voice.
“I will contact the school, and tell them Jasper is ill,” Carlisle says. “But… I am not comfortable with this plan. If the pack finds out, they have the right to attack us at any interval…”
“So, we prepare,” Esme says firmly. “We hunt in groups. We stay close to the house. If we have to separate, we regroup at the house in Alaska. We start preparing now, so that once graduation is over with, we can leave immediately. As for Bella, if we are forced to leave, we keep in contact and reunite with her once she’s graduated.”
It takes a week for Alice to be noticed as missing. Edward reports that the police were told three and a half days after I… after, but it takes a whole week for the other students to notice her absence, for the truth to get out.
Some precocious sophomore sets up an odd shrine to her on a noticeboard - her pale face peering out from a photocopy of her school I.D. picture. A few paper flowers and cut out pictures of candles.
And this is the closest Alice Brandon will ever get to a funeral.
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Tag people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @tm-trx - Thank you! ☺️
Three Ships
Buck x Eddie (9-1-1) - They’ve had a grip on me since early 2020 when they showed up on my dash and have never let go since. I have no clue if they’ll ever go canon, but I’m going to root for them always.
Pacey x Joey (Dawson’s Creek) - I can’t call them my first ship, but it’s a close damn thing. I remember watching DC every week and just despising Dawson. I know it was technically his creek, but damn was he annoying, especially when he was with Joey. And then there was Pacey. Still one of my favorite television characters ever. They were so cute together and seasons 3 & 4 of the show were just excellent, mostly because of their chemistry and how many scenes they shared.
Bella x Jasper (Twilight) - Team Edward/Team Jacob, who? To be honest, I don’t really know where this one came from. I have just been in the mood recently to read some Bella x Jasper fic, and luckily there are some excellent ones out there. These moods have always ebbed and flowed, but this pairing always seems to come back every so often and they’ve got a grip on me right now. I’ve even started rewatching clips from the movies (??? what am I doing with my life???) and looking for fanvids on YouTube. I’ve always gone for the unexpected/rare pairings, I guess. Thank fuck for fanfic and fan created works.
First Ship
Kimberly x Jason (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) - Does it make sense? Not so much. But I haven’t ever made sense, even as a child. I always remember being mad that Kimberly got with Tommy and would think up scenarios that could change canon even way back then. I was writing fanfic in my head before I even knew what it was. I wasn’t joking about those unexpected/rare pairings.
Last Song
Volcano Girls by Veruca Salt - Alternative rock has always been my number one genre, particularly 90s alt rock and female-led bands are badass. This song is so kickass.
Last Movie
The Proposal - Needed a mindless rewatch of something cute, that I’d seen before.
Currently Reading
Fight Like Hell: The Untold History of American Labor by Kim Kelly - Just got this one from the library and haven’t read too many chapters yet, but it’s great so far!
Currently Watching
9-1-1 - Finally getting around to finishing my rewatch of the series with my mom that we started last year. Just made it to the halfway point of season 4. I am in no way prepared for 4x13 and 4x14. 😬
Puppet History - Doing a complete rewatch of the series, now that the latest season is finished. I do a lot of rewatches, I’ve noticed, lol.
Good Omens - I saw stuff on Tumblr when the first season came out, but I was able to get the DVD set from the library and I’m finally watching it the whole way through.
Ghosts (CBS) - I watch this one every week with my mom and my aunt.
Currently Consuming
Water - it’s almost 1am here. If I tried to eat or drink something else now, I’ll be up even later.
Currently Craving
Fries. Always fries.
Tagging some folks from my notes (but no pressure of course): @sarcasticfina @holypiercednipplesbatman @molly2009 @organizedstardust @periru3 @calculated2stagger @bleakmonday
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