#i think cats actually kill more infants than dogs do
msburgundy · 7 months
the other thing cats do is actually, more frequently than you would expect, kill babies. they lay on them because they're warm, but the weight of the cat prevents the baby from inhaling and causes asphyxiation.
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aqours · 1 year
hi former Warrior Cats Kid here, most of that post is accurate! the incest is largely unintentional and happens because there's like 900 cats and 7 authors and all of them have different ideas on what the cats' family trees are supposed to look like (many instances of, for example, cousins or niece/uncle mating, at least one niche instance of full-blood siblings doing so). there IS a novella/bonus story that basically revolves, iirc, around a side character getting groomed by someone much older than her as an apprentice (which is basically analogous to preteen/teen age), but aside from that there are many other age gap ships that aren't handled very sensitively. i can't recall any specific examples of spousal/mate abuse but i'm sure it happens. i vaguely remember the "there's no reason for gay cats to exist" thing happening in a Q&A, though i think that was just one author going off-script rather than the collective opinion. i don't have any personal anecdotes on how the fans treat(ed) poc tho, but i do think there was some discourse about the fake religion of one of the groups of cats in the middle of the series being a stereotype of indigenous cultures. don't quote me on that one
unsurprisingly the post doesn't mention the at times Very Explicit Gore permeating the entire series (this makes it even more convincing satire in my humble opinion). in the first six books alone multiple infants get kidnapped and one gets killed, someone gets run over by a car and permanently disfigured, someone gets mauled by a pack of dogs and permanently disfigured, someone gets chased by a (different, i think) pack of dogs off a cliff and she drowns, a mother slowly poisons her blind son to death in an act of assassination, and someone gets graphically disemboweled, among other things. it's pretty brutal!
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jeks-tgs · 4 years
Keep Quiet - 1: Unfortunate Company
Robert sighed as he stepped out of the coach, pausing a moment to help his wife down, before approaching the Society reluctantly. The crowd was smaller today, and Brokenshire had at least managed to keep a path clear, but the constant yelling wasn't getting any better. Ever since those creatures had been spotted closer and closer to cities and towns, the general public had been scrambling for a scapegoat, and mad science seemed to be the majority vote. Still, he was a Lanyon, and he held his head high even as insults and threats alike were hurled at him.
"Chin up, Robert," His father hissed at him, and he lifted it even higher with a slight glare at the older man. It lacked it's usual venom; ever since the man had started accompanying him to the Society, they had begrudgingly started actually talking to one another. The only good thing brought about by all these accusations and fear-mongering was the lack of fighting during family visits.
"God, the nerve of those people!" Lisa huffed as she took her hat off, hanging it by the doors. "As if a group of scientists in London could have had anything to do with what's going on! It started in Wales, for God's sake!" Robert nodded in agreement, his father merely letting out an equally annoyed sniff.
"I honestly don't understand what the fuss is about," Hastie said as he hung up his coat. "We have bloody werewolves in London, and from what I've heard, those pests from the woods are easy to kill. There haven't been any more reports from Wales since last month. Clearly, they've handled it on their own." A sudden noise caught their attention, and the three Lanyons looked over to spot a familiar terrier rushing towards them, claws clicking on the marble. Lisa grinned, crouching down and allowing the little church grim to clamber into her lap, laughing as he licked at her face.
"What, no kisses for me?" Lisa rolled her eyes as Emma pouted at her, holding her arm out to bring the blonde into a hug, kissing her cheek. Hastie shifted a bit, still a tad confused by his son and his wife's relationship dynamic with the Jekylls, but he wasn't one to turn on his family and get them arrested for something as simple as love. He watched idly as Zosi rushed around Lisa's feet, lifting his little paws as if to say 'down here!!' It was quite adorable, and, ever the sucker for dogs, Hastie knelt down and gave the little scamp some attention.
He stood up, following his son, his daughter-in-law, and one of their lovers to the office of their other partner, biting back a laugh at the sight inside. Henry Jekyll, the founder of the Society, one of the most brilliant minds in London, was currently standing on one foot with a wine glass raised high above his head. Clinging to his lifted leg was a scraggly kitten with only one eye, peeping irritably at being denied the alcoholic beverage.
"Lithium! No! You can't have wine!" The Scot desperately tried to reason with the six ounce ball of black fur, but Lithium was having none of it, and kept trying to climb higher. Finally taking pity on him, Emma strode forward and scooped up the angry little thing, the black cat still meowing squeakily. "Thank you, darling. She's getting to be far more bold in her demands." Emma shook her head with a laugh, holding the irritable kitten to her chest.
"Reminds me of a certain blond urchin," Robert teased playfully, and Henry shot him a grumpy scowl. They all found their places to sit, Lisa and Emma chatting and leaning on one another as their husbands bustled about working on papers and signing things. Hastie busied himself with going through some of the more recent death threats targeted at the Society, chuckling occasionally at the outlandish claims. He paused for a moment, squinting at the paper.
"Robert, this letter says here that your little organization is to blame for.. 'the mist'?" He asked with a huff of amusement. "What, does your lot control the weather now?" Robert made a disgruntled face, letting out a flat, "Ah, 'the mist'. It rolled through Wales a month ago, around the same time they must have figured out their mess. Of course, those bastards out there are all taking it to be some sort of omen, and blaming us for it." The Lanyons shook their heads, exasperated, and Emma rolled her eyes as she started picking through the letters as well.
"Oh, this one's rich!" She giggled, holding up a letter.
"Um.. hey..?" Henry's voice held a note of concern to it, but he was ignored in favour of the gossip.
"They say Henry is a madman and Robert is some demon from hell, and that they've both dragged Lisa and I into a pact with satan!"
"Everyone.. t-there's, um.."
"Ha! Read this one, Ems," Lisa held up another letter, eyes twinkling.
"Ah, now we're succubi dragging two honest men into sin? Goodness, we seem to switch our roles in these tales frequently!" Emma laughed. "Talk about inconsistency."
The sound of Henry staggering back into his desk quickly caught their attention, and they all fell into an uneasy silence. Outside the large windows in Henry's office, the world was obscured by a dull cloud, though no water droplets formed on the window.
"S-Something ran past.." Henry whispered into the tense quiet of the room. "Something big..." Lisa grabbed Emma's hand tight, but before she could reassure her, they heard a commotion outside the doors. Henry rushed to poke his head out, letting out an alarmed sound before hurrying into the chaos that was now his entrance hall. "Everyone, please! Calm down!" He fruitlessly tried to enforce peace, but those who had run in from the outside were too busy demanding explanations. Henry stepped back, fearful that the agitated crowd might advance on him.
"Alright, what the hell is going on!?" Robert demanded, moving to stand in front of Henry. "Why are you in our building? I thought a majority of you swore you'd die before stepping foot in here? Well?" There was a brief moment of silence, before a young woman with a baby in her arms called out, "I-I was just passing by, sir, when the mist rolled in.. I.. I h-heard something awful out there.. people screaming.. I saw everyone rushing into the nearest buildings, a-and this one was the closest to me." Robert's expression softened, then furrowed in concern as he began taking note of how many people with children were present. He swore under his breath, then motioned Rachel over.
"Right, those with children, infants, or pregnant, please follow Ms. Rachel to the kitchens. If you need anything, let her know," He watched as people moved to group up with the cook, and Henry couldn't help but marvel at Robert's natural leadership. "Those with ailments, the elderly, and injured, Ms. Lavender will take you to the infirmary." Lavender rushed over, having been watching the chaos from around a corner, and began leading her group to the appropriate rooms, slightly larger than Rachel's. That left a majority in the main hall. "Now, calmly, explain what you know of the situation. And before anyone decides to theow accusations, we here at the Society are not responsible for this. Yes, you sir?"
"There's something in the mist," A middle-aged gentleman explained. "I heard it. Caught a few glimpses, but it's hard to see out there. Could barely see the folks around me." The others murmured their agreements and own confirmations of spotting something in the mist.
"Alright. There's something in the mist," Robert swallowed, voice tinged with worry. "Is it dangerous, or just frightening? Did it harm anyone?"
"I heard screaming," A woman said shakily. "Not normal screaming, it was dreadful. It.. i-it sounded like someone was being torn apart out there." This sent a burst of renewed panic through the crowd until Robert shouted for their attention.
"Okay. So, we know there's something in the mist, and that it is potentially deadly," He began to pace, thinking. "Alright, everyone away from the doors and windows. Henry, fetch the Lodgers, tell them to start covering and blocking all outside doors and windows. Emma, Lisa, help me with getting these people into rooms. Father, you've still got—"
"My revolver, yes," Hastie nodded, lifting his vest enough to show the handle. "I'll start looking for more weapons, I take it?"
"Yes, we need to be able to defend ourselves incase anything gets in."
They all split off to managed their own tasks, and Robert couldn't help but worry as he took in the amount of angry signs and aggravated faces amongst the people they were soon to be locked in with.
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justjessame · 3 years
Avery Emerson Clay: Could I Interest You In A Nice Beating Instead?
I know what most of you are thinking - if Clay were in my position (or Dad, or Hell even Jake) they would probably NOT rush into poking and then fighting the bear that tried to do a reverse Goldilocks in my bed, but you know what? I’m NOT Clay OR Dad OR Jake for that matter. I’m Avery Emerson Von Houton Clay (yes, I DID go full heiress title) and I was PISSED off.
“You’re adorable,” Max scrunched up his nose as he took in me standing next to MY bed, feet shoulder width apart, ready to take on his pansy ass. “I’m not going to fight you, Avery. No matter how badly you want me to.” I glared down at him. “Come here, sit down, you’re cute, but you really don’t want to try me, sweetheart.” He actually patted MY bed, like I was a puppy and he OWNED it. “Come along.” If my eyes got any narrower, I was pretty fucking certain I would be as nearsighted as Jake without his glasses.
I considered attacking him on the bed, but then took a deep breath and realized that the entire point he was making was that we were ALIKE. OK, so Avery, let’s try to BE LESS like this dick. Let’s try to tap into the other part of our genetic makeup - the commando part. Time to play WWFCD? (What Would Franklin Clay Do?) Either the OG or the Sequel would probably try to gather more intel, which meant, as much as I’d rather rip my own limbs off and bleed out - I guess I’d be joining Max in my bed again. Fuck.
Relaxing out of attack mode, I sat down on the edge of my bed. “Avery,” Max sounded like he was bleeding patience and I wished like hell that he was just bleeding. “That doesn’t look very comfortable. Come now, up here next to me.” He patted the spot next to him and I contemplated biting him, since he was treating me like a bitch, why fucking not? He grinned and I had a dark feeling that he knew what I was thinking. “Let’s save the biting for when we’re a little more comfortable with one another, shall we?” I suspected that he was trying to sound seductive, just like Mom had asked if he’d been in the elevator, but all I could think about was how he was a shitty substitute for Jake.
Play along, I told myself, and scooted up to sit next to him against my headboard. “Better?” I asked, and fought against flinching when he reached out and took my hand in his. Linking our fingers, I allowed it, but again his soft and perfectly manicured hands were a far cry from the hands that I wanted touching me. “Will you tell me where my cats and dogs are now?”
“Your pets are fine, Avery.” Again, like with Rose he acted like they didn’t matter - to him they didn’t. “A sedative that I had triple checked by a very expensive vet was added to their food and water - they’re in kennels and they’re being monitored by the best that money can pay for.” But not by me, I thought, and they would be terrified. “You’ll be reunited with them, I promise.”
“Mom and Dad?” My mom’s bracelets, that she still wore after ALL these years, came to me in another flash of terror. Please don’t let this idiot have given her something worse to wear instead. And Dad? God, please don’t let him be TRULY retired.
“Again, safe. Quiet and tucked away.” His fingers were tracing my skin, and I felt like I was being touched by something slithery and gross. “Your father is quite the fighter - I can see where Clay gets it from.” A twist of fear hit me low. “Tranq darts can stop the biggest badasses in their tracks, lucky for him.” Fuck. “As for Clay - and his team.” The icy chill of real terror creeped down my spine. “You have to know, Avery, I cannot let them live. Any of them.”
I thought about what he was saying, what he wasn’t saying as well - while he was touching me and considered Clay and Dad - how we worked in the library even while this asshole and his dunces listened in. I’d done it, clearly, I’d pushed hard enough to get him out in the open. Sadly it worked a little TOO well, but what could I do to fix it?
“Tell me about yourself?” His jacket, folder, file - the intel on Max was miniscule. But he wanted me to think we were MEANT to be - destined - soulmates, right? So prove it. “Who are you?”
“Me?” I nodded, twisting our hands so I was touching HIM now. Tracing the lines of his veins, the lines that the so-called psychics at the carnivals would have called his life lines or love lines, trying to show him that I was gaining interest in US. “What do you want to know?”
“Where are you from? What do you do? Who ARE you?” I looked up at him from under my lashes, keeping myself from batting them - let’s not overplay our fucking hand here. “If you want me to believe that you WANT me, Max, then I should know YOU, shouldn’t I?”
He studied me, clearly looking for any sign that would trigger his bullshit meter, but you know what? Max wasn’t a Clay and he clearly didn’t have the internal lie detector that we were born with, because instead of tossing my ass onto the floor and getting the fight started, he cupped my cheek and started talking. Fucking amateur.
I listened to every single word that Max said, and honest to fuck, once I got his ass talking he seemed to LOVE the sound of his own voice. The epic tale of where Max began and ended went on and on and on - I nearly went fucking batshit listening. But I had to, because I knew, from being raised at the elbow of Franklin Clay Senior and following Franklin Clay Junior around like a puppy begging scraps that every single target will eventually tell you exactly where their weakness lies - all you have to do is LISTEN.
I wasn’t only looking for how to hit him hard, mostly because I knew that if I could do what I really was working toward - Clay would do that - but I wanted to know if MY actual plan would work. If what I wanted to try would have any type of chance in the flames of hell of working. And as I listened, I thought that it might, if only to save one - but I only had to save ONE. Because I knew if I could save ONE - like dominoes the others would follow.
“Pooch,” Max’s eyes locked on mine, I’d actually gotten closer to him by the end of his tale and I was almost curled onto his lap - my hand on his heart and our faces inches apart. “He just became a father.”
“I know,” he looked at me as if he was waiting for me to explain why I’d bother telling him something he knew about and could give two shits about.
I bit my lip and let my fingertip trace his lower lip. “I think it would be incredibly sad for his son to grow up without a father -” he started to argue, but I stopped him by tapping his lips with that same finger. “Aisha is after you for having her father killed, isn’t she?”
Max considered what I was saying. “She’s an adult, Avery, Pooch’s son is an infant.”
“Infants grow up,” I murmured, letting my eyes drift to his lips as if I wanted so badly to taste him - ew - but I needed to keep up the game. “And when boy children grow up knowing their fathers were killed in less than fair conditions -” Plant the seed, water it, wait for it to take root.
He grew quiet and I waited for a few beats, but I knew eventually I was going to have to sweeten the deal. As badly as I wanted to NOT have to. “You think that Pooch’s son could be a threat one day,” before he could consider killing another child, I nodded and then moved in, moving my finger and nudging his nose with mine. Letting our lips meet, taking him off guard, I shut my eyes and let him take over.
I never quite understood that old quote “Shut your eyes and think of England.” Yeah, I get it now. It wasn’t that he was a bad kisser, it was just that I’d rather kiss the ass end of one of my goats. But I had to pretend, and fake it like I’d never in my life faked anything in my life. Giving a slight moan, letting my tongue touch his, even nipping his lower lip - but the entire time I was also telling my stomach to NOT empty into his mouth.
When I pulled away, panting a little heavier than I needed to, Max looked at me like he was thinking he made the right choice and I was thanking God that he was an idiot.
“I think that if you gave Pooch his family and an incentive to live happily ever after with them, he’d walk away and never glance back at you or this entire fucking situation,” I whispered when we both were ‘recovered’ from our first kiss. “Please?”
“Are you bargaining with me, Avery?” Max was smiling, not smirking, not mocking - he was just asking me if that was my game.
“Yes,” I answered with a nod. “I am, because if you want me to walk off with you into the sunset - after you kill my brother and -” I ignored the flash of pain I felt at the thought of Jake. “his team, then ONE new father shouldn’t bother you.”
“One new dad,” his thumbs were sliding under my eyes and I waited. “Pooch for Clay?” I waited. “You would give up your own brother for him?” I didn’t answer. “Alright.”
“OK,” I agreed, swallowing and hoping against fucking hope that Pooch would understand my fucking plan without hearing it.
“But,” he drew my attention back to his face. “We have to finalize it -”
I nodded, thinking we’d shake hands or whatever - I’d sign something stupid.
I wasn’t expecting him to start pulling my tank straps off my shoulders, his lips meeting my skin. “Consummating our relationship is the perfect way to do that, isn’t it, Avery?” FUCK. Literally.
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Survey #288
“i never believed the devil was real, but god couldn’t make someone filthy as you”
When was the last time you drove or travelled for over an hour? Where did you go? Around a month back, I rode with Mom and my sister to my mom’s doc appointment. When you get old, are you going to let your hair go gray or dye it instead? Haha, I don’t see my desire to dye my hair wild colors ever fading. What genre was the last book you read? Was it any good? Fantasy. It was very good. Did you ever wear braces on your teeth? Yes. What’s your favorite condiment to have with sausages or hot dogs (or the vegetarian equivalent)? I just have ketchup and mustard. Which fictional character can you relate to the most? Is this a character from film, TV or a book? I dunno, there’s just so many to dig through. I’ve never felt a *strong* connection to any. Do you groom your eyebrows? If so, how? Not really anymore. Do you own any photo albums? Are they dedicated to special occasions or just a random selection of photos? We have old ones stored in a cabinet somewhere. I haven’t looked at them in a long time, but I think they’re loosely bound by time periods. What’s your favorite meal of the day - breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Breakfast, for sure. Who was the last person you texted? How do you know that person? Sara. She’s my best friend. What was the reason behind the last time you shouted or raised your voice? It wasn’t severe at all, but I raised my voice to tell Roman to stop clawing at the carpet. Are you a citizen of more than one country? Would you ever use that advantage to move abroad? No. Have you ever read any of John Green’s books? If so, which one is your favorite? I barely started The Fault in Our Stars, and that’s it. I’m quite sure I would if I actually read them, though. Are you a protective person? UM ONLY JUST SLIGHTLY. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? No. There’s been very, very mild ones here, and the one “big” one (which, mind you, was only big enough to make the pool water barely tremble) that’s happened in my lifetime I wasn’t even home for; I was hours away at the zoo. According to Facebook outrage much more recently, my area experienced a teeny-tiny one, but I sure didn’t feel it. Are you a fan of penguins? Omg yes, such darlings. So intelligent, too. I particularly love emperor penguins. Has anyone ever sang to you? Yes. Are you a good painter? I’ve been told so. Before buying a car, do you usually test drive it? I’ve never been in this position. When was the last time you met someone for the first time? Ummm I dunno. Maybe Nicole’s ex? Have you ever cooked with crab or lobster? Could you ever bring yourself to kill a live lobster/crab? No and no. I hate the taste of both. Squishy and just… ew. Which fast food restaurant do you go to the most? What do you tend to order when you go there? Being the cheapest, probably McDonald’s? I usually get a double cheeseburger and small or medium fry. Does it bother you when dogs jump up at you? Does it bother you less if it’s a smaller dog? Nah. I mean their claws can hurt, but it’s all worth a dog’s love, haha. What kind of animal did you touch last? Was this animal one of your pets? I pet my cat Roman last. How would you describe your sense of humor? Have you ever offended someone when you were only joking? Seeing as I don’t even find myself funny, idk how to answer that. I don’t believe I’ve ever offended anyone with a joke. When was the last time you cried - what caused it? It was literally last night when I was really deeply thinking about stuff I’ve been running from. What’s your favorite flavor of potato chip? You can’t beat the original ruffled kind, imo. Do you prefer fruit or vegetable juice? What kind of flavors do you like? I love fruit juice, but you’ll never see me even try vegetable juice. I enjoy lots of fruit ones: mango (my favorite), pineapple, strawberry, watermelon, orange, apple… Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? How did you meet this person? If you mean via a call and not texting, that would be my psychiatrist. I met him during my partial hospitalization. He helped save my life. Who was your first celebrity crush? Which celebrity do you like now? Jesse McCartney /swoons. Now I’m a l l about Mark Fischbach like jesus fucking Christ lord- Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? It’s closed. What’s your favorite love movie? The Notebook. Afraid of heights? Kinda, yeah. Do you take a vitamin daily? Not daily, no, but I have to take Vitamin D once a week. Wal-Mart, Target, or K-Mart? Wal-Mart. Is K-Mart even still around? Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos; I don’t really like the latter. Are you patient? N O P E, not unless it’s really called for. Which are better black or green olives? I hate olives. Black aren’t as awful, though. Who was your high school crush? Ha, Jason surpassed “crush” by a lighyear. Have you ever had your computer or e-mail hacked? Did anything bad happen as a result? No to both, but I’ve had my Facebook hacked. Nothing too bad happened. Do you prefer the company of people or animals? Animals, for sure. I need human company sometimes too, though. When was the last time you went to the beach? What did you do there? A few years ago when Colleen and I were still friends. The water felt fucking incredible, so I swam a lot, and then I just chilled with her, her husband, and their then-infant son under the umbrella. I still got insane sun poisoning, though. What kind of milk do you prefer to drink (if you drink it at all)? 1-2%. Skim is gross and whole is too thick. When was the last time you wore some kind of fancy dress? That witchy photoshoot I mentioned in I think the last survey. Do you enjoy dressing up (ie. in suits or smart clothing)? When was the last time you did so? Ugh, no. Too much effort and usually not very comfortable. See above answer for the second part. What’s worse - being overdressed or underdressed? I think the latter would embarrass me more. What do you think would be the worst thing about being stuck in solitary confinement? Being alone with only your head for “sound.” And if you’re in solitary, odds are your head isn’t in a good place, so it just makes it worse. How old were you when you learned to tie your shoelaces? Idk, but I know I learned it the “wrong” way first from Dad. It always annoyed Mom because they weren’t tight enough, apparently. Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays? For the most part, honestly not really. I love SEEING places decorated, but hate doing it myself. So much effort for sometimes not even a month’s worth of enjoyment. Would you rather go into a restaurant or just go via the drive-thru? I prefer the drive-thru. Do you like having your teeth cleaned at the dentist? Yeah, even if there may be a bit of pain here and there. It feels nice afterwards. Have you ever had a gun drawn on you before? YIKES, NO. When was the last time you went to a petting zoo? I probably haven’t since I was a baby. How old were you when you first started using Tumblr? Have you had the same blog all that time? Idr, but I know I was waaaay late to the party. I’ve had the same since the start, though. Are you a fan of Reddit? What are some of your favorite subreddits? I’ve never used it. Have you ever watched those YouTube videos of people popping their own spots or zits? Do you find them gross or fascinating? EW EW EW EW NO. They gross me the FUCK out. What’s a food you hated as a kid but love now? How about vice versa? Hmmm… I only know vice-versa, really. I loved peas as a baby, but now it’s a “fuck no” from me, man. Do you prefer socks, shoes or going bare foot? Bare feet, at least where it makes sense. Are you currently in the second story of a building? No; my house doesn't have a second floor. Who was the last music artist you listened to a song by? Ozzy. Have you ever written or drew something on a dollar bill? No. What was your favorite childhood game to play with your friends? We played lots of things, but I guess "Categories" in the pool probably wins. Basically the person on one end of the pool had to guess somebody on the other side's favorite in a certain topic, and if they guessed it right, you raced the other person to the opposite side. Whoever got there fastest was the next guesser. Where did you get your favorite pet from? My favorite pet of all time, my old dog Teddy, we got as a puppy from a friend of a friend. Her cocker spaniel had a massive litter and adopted the babies out. Have you ever called animal control on anyone? Not me personally, no. I think my mom did when our childhood neighbor's two rottweilers got loose and killed at least one of our kittens of the time; she was livid because it wasn't the first time they got out and attacked our cats, and of course us kids were absolutely devastated. I think they got off with a warning. Do you prefer wearing hoodies to coats? Yeah, especially slightly oversized. Is there anything written on the shirt you are wearing? No, it's just a black tank top. Have you ever been to another continent? No. Do you ever go out of your way to avoid someone? Not really. What was your last voicemail about? I don't even have a voicemail set up, so. Are you currently wearing a belt?I haven't worn belts since high school. How much was gas the last time you looked? I think $1.99. Is there someone who would support you no matter what? My mom, probably. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?I REALLY don't want to think about this one. Do you still get carded when you try and buy things you’re old enough to? I very rarely order one, but I don't really get carded for drinks at restaurants anymore. Do you know anyone fluent in a really uncommon language? Not that I know of. Do you kiss on the first date? This would depend on a lot of things. Odds are though, no. When was the last time you slept on something other than a bed? I've got no clue. How do you feel about the last person you shared a kiss with? I love her. Describe your current mood: Hopeless. Confused. Aimless. Exasperated. Just depressed. Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? I mean, somewhat, but also not really. I don't believe life exists by chance, so whoever/whatever made that decision obviously had some reason - but not for each person in particular, I believe. I highly doubt something/someone thought out extravagant stories for every single thing that lives. I believe we give ourselves a reason. What is something you have done this year you’re proud of? Absolutely nothing, off the top of my head. What were you doing 10 years ago? I woulda been 14, almost 15... so starting high school. I was in school with actual goals and confidence I'd do great in life, despite my depression being in full swing. Did you ever have a MySpace? Yup... Still remember Natasha Bedingfield's "Pocketful of Sunshine" was the song on my meerkat-slathered page too, haha. Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship? I don't believe in breaks, period. You don't turn love on and off. Do you have a YouTube channel? If no, would you create one? If yes, what’s your content? Yeah, but it's not one that seriously produces content. Its primary purpose is just to like, favorite, and rarely comment on stuff while having recommendations catered to my interests. I used to make GMV/AMV-type things and mostly Meerkat Manor tributes, as well as various MEP parts because BOY could I only accomplish very short videos. I no longer have "professional" video editing software (I'd always pirated it before, anyway...) nor the necessary motivation and patience to make them anymore. Are you a math person? Heeeeeeeell no. Have you been ghosted before? Would you ghost someone? No to both. When do you think things will be normal again? Who the fuck knows. It'll probably be a couple years, at least. Do you watch anime? If I'm watching television, yeah, I like some animes. Do you like TikTok? Never used it. Do you ever miss Vine? YO Vine was fuckin FUNNY If you're in school, are you doing it on Zoom or in class? I'm not in school, so. But if I was and in-person classes were expected, guess who the fuck isn't going with how serious I am about social distancing. Lives come before education. Would you ever have a pet rat? I've had a handful, but I don't think I will again. Their cages require so much cleaning, and they need more socialization than I'm able to provide. I fucking adore them, though. Favorite memory with your best friend? It's weird, we've "seen" each other for only like, a month's collective time, and I'm not sure of my answer because there's so many. Have you ever dated someone more than twice your age? No. Have you ever “dined and dashed”? No, I never could. Have you ever been cut off by a bartender because you were too drunk? No. Have you ever borrowed money from your mom & lied about why you needed it? I don't think so. Have you ever dated someone just because they had money? Fuck no. Have you ever lied to your spouse about the money you spent shopping? N/A, but I wouldn't. Have you ever flirted with a cop to get out of a ticket? No. Have you ever lied during a job interview? Me? Social? People person? Well duh, of course I am. Have you ever switched tags on an item to pay less for it? No, that's awful. Have you taken any pics of yourself that you wouldn't want your parents to see? Actually no. Did you ever get fired and tell someone you were laid off? No. Have you ever turned in a school paper that someone else wrote for you? Absolutely not. I liked writing papers anyway and am very serious about creative honesty. Do you feel accepted by your BF/GF’s family? N/A If you were an employer, would you hire someone with your exact work ethic? Well, what's the job? Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument? No. The only thing I ever did to his car was decorate it for his birthday lmao. Have you ever done something because of peer pressure you are ashamed of? I don't think so, no. Have you ever been embarrassed to introduce your parents to anyone? No. Would you leave a note on a car claiming responsibility if you damaged it? Yes. The guilt otherwise would be unbearable. Have you ever used someone's handicapped parking pass to get a parking spot? Ew, no. Have you ever held back a well-deserved compliment because you were jealous? I wouldn't put me past it lately. For yourself, would you rather have a perfect body or high IQ? I hate my body so fuckin much that I'll take the first, please. Have you ever used a false ID? Nope. Are you embarrassed to tell people your job? I'm embarrassed to admit I don't HAVE a job. If you ran over an animal would you keep driving? Oh my god no, I'd have to stop to break the fuck down. Ever lie about you (or your kids') age to get a discount? Ha, I'm sure my parents would sometimes at restaurants when I was young. Do you really care about saving the planet for future generations? A LOT. Have you gotten close to anyone recently? Not really. Do you remember the first conversation you had with the person you have feelings for? No, but I can assure you it probably wasn't nice lmao. Have you ever gotten a D or F on your report card? Not until college. If you had twins, would you give them rhyming names? No. What are you listening to? "Radio" by Rammstein is on atm. Have you ever fallen into a mud puddle? Maybe as a kid. But that might'a been on purpose, lol. Are you scared of spiders? To a degree. Like, I want a few tarantulas but will scream and jump five feet the moment I see a huge spider beside me unexpectantly. I think they are very, very fascinating and important, but I also prefer to give them distance. Unless I have a camera in hand, haha. Do you think that crying is a form of weakness? Absolutely not. Have you ever slept on a couch with someone? Yeah. Last person to call you? Some number from Mississippi??????????? Ever feel like you have been replaced? Oh yes.
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armsdealing · 5 years
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as the god of clouds, thor is scarcely at home and instead, he's always out and about either seeking adventure or on call for his skillset by gods and worshippers alike. this being said, he has a number of established homes both in asgard and in midgard that he frequents and could be found at whenever necessary.
in the lore, thor is ascribed three dwellings -- þrúðheimr / thrudheim, or the world of might and strength, which is mentioned as his realm or kingdom (grímnismál, 4), bilskirnir, or lightning-crack, which is specified to be the name of his hall or mansion (also mentioned in grímnismál), and Þrúðvangr / thrudvang, or power-field, which could be interpreted as a different name for thrudheim, yet i chose to view as just a different location within the realm (pictured above).  
as always with norse myth, not much is mentioned about any of these places. thus i choose to take some creative freedoms with their descriptions and specifications. however, according to the norse myths by heilan yvette grimes, thor was born actually in midgard/verland (the land of men) with his mother jord (noteworthy for being the personification of the earth, and a jotunn). he was quick to grow and soon jord realized she could not manage him. at just a few months old he was able to lift and kick off the ten loads of bearskin piled on his cradle to keep him warm, a worthy feat for a grown man and inimaginable for an infant. all around, he apparently got on her nerves a lot (according to etter robert james, he was all around a handful, throwing massive and destructive fits, pulling at his parents hair and ears and being a little shit all the time, basically), so she sent him to the giants vingnir and hlora to be raised as their foster son in jotunheim, the reason why sometimes thor is referred to as vingthor and hlorridi.
one small detour: in the endnotes to his translation of the völsungasaga, jesse l. byock explains: “fosterage was a norse custom of having a child raised in another household in order to extend kinship bonds or to form political alliances”. since we have to assume that the giant-asgardian conflict was still alive and well while thor was growing up, it's good to keep this in mind for later reference -- maybe not for this post, but in general. 
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upon his return to asgard, and after killing a rock giant that threatened the aesir, thor was rewarded with some lands upon which he built a estate, and that estate was called thrudheim. in stanza 4 of grímnismál it is described as "a land [that] is holy, which i see situated near the aesir and elves". not much else is stated about the kingdom. some believe that in the afterlife worshippers of thor may end up in it, but unlike what you may think, not many of these worshippers are warriors. those tend to go to valhalla (the hall of odin) or folkvang (the hall of freya). instead, thor's hall tends to receive the common folk, peasants, farmers and workers of the land, and only a certain type of those who die in battle (primarily the "thralls", as in the servants and slaves, as opposed to the noble warriors, who will go to odin's hall). this much is mentioned in hárbarðsljóð, where odin (disguised as a ferryman) openly mocks thor with this fact during a verbal spat. 
so, knowing the population it will have, we can guess that the kingdom counts with many of the amenities of a large, tightly packed farming city. i'd also envision it surrounded by farms and crop fields, specially wheat fields considering that sif, thor's wife and an earth goddess, would be living with him. it's these fields what i would call thrudvang and what would give thrudheim the appearance of being washed in gold -- on top of, of course, the gleaming strikes of lightning that would be frequently seen in the cloudy skies. it's likely the kingdom plays a big role in asgard as a hub for agriculture and livestock farming -- i.e much of the food (and some of the mead) the gods eat and drink comes from thrudheim. the harvests would be always bountiful and perfect, thanks to the kind weather and generous soil endowed to the realm by thor and sif respectively.  there would be crops and flora of all kinds, as it's a very lush place, but it must be mentioned particularly the presence of oak forests due to their significance in thor's worship, as well as other plants and produce: the ash, the hazel, the birch, the rowan (also due to sif), the thistle, garlic, onion, houseleek, leek, vervain, burdock, hawthorn, the blackthorn, bramble, holly, nettle, and the rose, all of which have special properties and meaning in the cult of thor. (may be topic for a different post)
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the massive hall was built for thor also around the same time as thrudheim was established as his estate. grimnismál, stanza 24, has odin reveal the following vision as he catalogs the dwellings of the gods: "five hundred rooms and forty / there are, i think, under the arches of bilskírnir / of those halls which i know to be roofed / my son's is the biggest." in gylfaginning, when he introduces thor, snorri has hár say that thor has a kingdom and a hall called bilskírnir with 540 rooms, which is the greatest of buildings, equal only to the one in valhalla. in skáldskaparmál snorri says that "owner of Bilskírnir" is a valid thor kenning, and in fact "prince of bilskirnir" is attested in the skaldic corpus. the meaning of the name is unclear, but it seems to be either "suddenly illuminated (by lightning)" or "everlasting." according to heilan yvette grimes, in bilskirnir, thor's fallen worshippers "guaffed mead and banqueted on enormous meals, and practiced their warrior skills in preparation for the last fateful battle."  in regards to appearance grimes also noted that the outside of bilskirnir was studded with shields and glowed red in contrast with the inside which was a gleaming purple.
it's a gigantic "mansion", but more than that, it's tall enough to reach the skies, as apparently thor frequently shoots lightnings from the top floor. it's also here specifically where he's said to live with his wife and children.
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palafito in ologá, venezuela.
ologá, in contrast to the realm of thrudheim, is a tiny settlement where less than 50 families reside in stilt houses, or palafitos, which are houses raised on piles over the surface of the soil or bodies of water. it's located south of maracaibo, 1m over the water level, and it's a community of fishermen. it's sustained mainly by said fishing but also by tourism, as it's from its palafitos that the world-famous catatumbo lightning can be comfortably seen and photographed. (you can click in their names for some nice galleries featuring catatumbo and ologá) 
thor feels a natural connection to the place, given its peculiar atmospheric conditions which make it so predisposed to thunderstorm activity and lightning (which occurs during 140 to 160 nights a year, 10 hours per day and up to 280 times per hour). he has a natural pull to it, drawing special strength from the perpetual storm, which sent him to the small town sometime around the mid 50s and made him build his own stilt house there, keeping in mind his size and height, something that quickly made him the object of curiosity from the locals. he made his most used human persona, dario belmonte, be born here, and he became a very active figure in the town as a fisherman, builder, and healer and all around friend to everybody. it got to the point that eventually he pretty much confessed (more or less) his status as a god to the entire town, as there was no other way to explain his lack of aging and magical abilities. to this day, they continue to keep his secret, and he visits them sporadically every few years to make sure they're doing well.
his palafito is not more lavish than any of the other houses in the settlement and it's made from the same materials. it's a two room house and anyone else is free to use it whenever he isn't here -- he usually leaves it to his neighbors so they can rent it to tourists.  
in his post-ragnarok verse thor, who was meant to die after his battle with the midgard serpent, ends up coming back to "life" in the depths of the maracaibo lake during one of the loudest thunderstorms the townsfolk had ever witnessed. he's found floating unconscious by a couple fishermen in the morning and taken to the house of one of the older citizens, who recognizes him. he's nursed back to health and it's from this point onwards that thor begins his arc exploring what is left of midgard.
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farm in sweet grass county, montana.
located in the outskirts of big timber, montana, thor counts with a 4 bedroom farmhouse with a barn and 4 horse stalls + heated tack shed. next to the house sits a metal shop with concrete floor and overhead door with electricity throughout. the barn and the arena are surrounded by corrals. 40 acres surrounding the house comprise the perimeter, cross fenced as needed. there are 4 wells, one in each of the 120 acre parcels.  
thor established this farm in 1995, and lived in it almost permanently between march of that same year and november of 2007. he didn't live alone, however; he invited his brother tyr -- who was then living in kentucky -- to live with him so they could be close to one another. almost simultaneously thor made tyr the part owner of the estate. in the farm they keep up to four horses, a dozen of chickens and six goats (which he keeps for milk), and a variety of crops cycled in and out depending on the season (carrots, beets, potatoes, green peas, sweet peas, broccoli, corn, and more). they also have two dogs, two huskies by the names brynjar and einar that freely roam the property, as well as tyr's three cats.
after 2007, thor still technically continues to live there, but he travels more frequently.
PHOTO CREDITS. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4. 
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
hmm, got any nice hcs or ideas you haven't gotten to talk about in other asks?? I'm still reeling from the magic/ians shitstorm that happened this week, cute stuff would be welcome(if you want to of course)
i absolutely do!! i don’t follow that show so i’m not sure what happened but i can absolutely provide soft and random content!!
Diego is the person who, when he had food that is bite sized, will toss it up in the air and catch it in his mouth. He will do this for everything, and yes it IS to establish dominance
i have a lot of thoughts about the family converting that depressing ass courtyard into a big old garden with flowers everywhere and maybe a vegetable garden/herb garden that Grace could help tend to and the kids could all sit out there and relax
i have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Five and flowers and appreciating green and growing things because i’m treating the ash in the apocalypse as being like, post a bunch of massive volcanic eruptions that kill a whole lotta shit and fuck up crops and plants hardcore and idk if 40 years is enough to recover because sometimes it can take hundreds of years to recover from that
okay this is a sad one but I headcanon that the first time Klaus really thought about the future was in a cot surrounded by the noises of the jungle and men snoring as he and Dave whispered back and forth about things they wanted to do after the war, where Dave would smile and tell Klaus about this little diner that wasn’t too far from his house growing up that made the best pancakes in the states and that one day Dave was going to take Klaus there, or about the ice cream place downtown that was just to die for, or the roller rink where Dave had all his birthday parties growing up and and and - just all the places Dave wanted to share with Klaus, all the places he planned on taking him, on showing him - and that’s the first time Klaus started actually planning towards a future, his future, their future
(at some point, Klaus does end up going to Dave’s hometown. Diego offered to drive him, but it ended up somehow being a family road trip. The roller rink closed down. The ice cream place is also closed, in its place is some fast food place. But the diner is still there, somehow. They all go in and Klaus cries into his pancakes when they arrive because this was something Dave had wanted to show him, a moment Dave had wanted him to have, and it aches aches aches)
Klaus 100% finds some buddies from his squad who are still alive who are absolutely gobsmacked to see Klaus because they 100% just assumed he’d cracked when he told them he was from the future and all that but here Klaus is, plain as day, and they’re all fucking thrilled to see him and are good
one of them shows Klaus pictures from a protest where the whole squad had shown up in Dave and Klaus’s names to advocate for gay marriage being legalized
also when Klaus tells them about time travel bullshit and is all “blame my brother” he absolutely 100% introduces Five to his war buddies and I genuinely can’t decide if this was a brilliant or terrible idea because Five is an old man who would absolutely get these old war dogs black sense of humor but also they would look at this child who looks around their grandkids age or whatever and be like “hmm. we’re adopting klaus first of all, on principle. we’re also adopting you. actually just. the whole family. all of you. you’re all traumatized infants, and any family of klaus is family of ours”
the whole family gets an squad of old veterans who are taking them all under their wings whether they like it or not tbh and they’re all chronologically older than Five anyway so respect ur elders son
HMM another headcanon i haven’t talked enough about is my artist!Five headcanon where, because Five feels a need to keep his hands busy, he turns from writing equations to drawing. He also did it in the apocalypse though, usually with a stick and a patch of dirt or something. Just doodling, scratching lines into dust and improving
this is basically just me trying to get my idiot son to do art therapy and start drawing and be really good at in and also end up sketching his siblings a whole lot (not always his siblings as they are now, but as they are in his memories: thirteen and fresh faced and the last time he saw them alive because the only other memory of them he had to cling to was the memory of their dead bodies for forty five years)
i have a random headcanon that Vanya fosters kittens in her spare time for no reason other than the fact that i like it and i like kittens and also i have a scene in my head where she hands a teeny baby kitten to like, Luther or one of the others and they’re just transfixed by how illegally tiny these kittens are what the heck
Klaus is the sibling who, when washing his hair with shampoo, spikes it into a mohawk for no reason other than simple zest for life. He also sings in the shower, and i’m talking like operatic singing and he’s certainly going to try and hit all those high notes. He won’t manage it and WILL sound like he’s slowly being murdered, but he’s certainly going to try
the first time he does this in the house three of his siblings bust into the bathroom convinced the commission came back and klaus is startled and screams and when he finds out why they busted in is all offended like “clearly i am the only sibling with CULTURE so FUCK YOU ALL”
i have so many headcanons about Claire and Five tbh for no reason other than the fact that i think they would be a terrifyingly chaotic duo because Five is 100% willing to just go with whatever Claire has plans for and absolutely no frame of reference for what is an isn’t appropriate for a child to be doing so when Claire is like “hey how fast do you think i can slide down the banister” five is right there going “hmm idk but i’ll time you if you want”
five and claire, showing up at the picnic covered in mud and soaking wet, holding frogs: what’s up everyone we caught dinner
klaus buys the whole family matching heelies because i say so and because it seems like the kind of impulse purchase that Klaus would make tbh
i feel like klaus instigates a lot of childish activities that the whole family ends up participating in. Why yes, Luther, we have taken over the entirety of the living room to build this big ass box fort. Why no, Luther, you aren’t allowed inside it and if you come close we WILL pelt you with these scrunched up balls of paper we have decided to use as ammunition. I can assure you that Diego is just as accurate with paper balls as he is with knives, Luther
this has ended up being a lot of Klaus but look if you think Klaus doesn’t demand that Luther give him piggybacks and carry him places then you’re just wrong because he would also demand that of every single sibling and will throw himself at them regardless of whether they’re actually capable of holding him up or not (Vanya is,, deceptively strong surprisingly enough)
Five, like a cat, will splay out and lay in patches on sunlight in the house. Maybe he could have been left alone about this habit, but Klaus decided to start doing it as well in solidarity and now the others end up tripping over one of their brothers limbs entering a room and end up on the floor swearing up a storm
okay that’s all i got for now
come back later and u may receive more Random Headcanons a la moi
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callsignbaphomet · 4 years
Just an excuse to introduce a creature and writing practice. 4 pages and 1,763 words. Personally I don’t think it was graphic enough to warrant the warning but just in case trigger warning for body horror.
Norway Sunday, April 22, 869 C.E.
    They set out at first light, Sanaa, Grete, and Eli at the front. Ingvarr and Jørgen behind the women, concern and concentration adorning their faces; swords at the ready. In front of the group, Agnarr, leading them to the very curious finding that made its way into his property only to collapse and die from wounds sustained in battle.
The old man had heard tales of the phenomenon since he was a small boy almost a century ago. He’d heard stories of creatures with no form of their own but could steal the form of others with just one glance. They could become perfect copies that looked, behaved, and even smelled just like that which they mirrored. The only tell was the way they spoke. They couldn’t control their voices; they’d speak in broken sentences that made little to no sense. They spoke like an infant who was first learning to speak but there was no emotion behind their words. Only a monotone echo of words they heard from those they mimicked. Thus, the name stuck, mimics. It was worse when they managed to copy the shape of an animal since they had perfected the look and the sound. Once a mimic took on the shape of an animal it was impossible to tell the difference.
There were dozens even hundreds of theories as to where these creatures came from and what their original shapes were. The most common theory was that they came from another realm and that they are incorporeal creatures with no shape to call their own. Mirroring others was how they hunted and hid from predators and hunters alike.
“Caught between a deer and a wild boar.”
“For how long?” Grete asked.
“I’m not sure. I woke up this morn’ and found it. My guess is it was near death when it dropped on my doorstep. Had large slashes all over its body and big bite marks. Now I know why my dogs were barking all night long. Animals can tell, you know.”
“I was under the impression that it was impossible to tell.” Sanaa observed. She was fascinated and eager to see the creature. Ever since she found herself in this land she’d heard of the mimic, how it moved amongst people, how it used speech or what passed as speech to lure victims, how it could shift into animals to escape pursuers, how no one had ever seen what they actually look like. It seemed intelligent and some of the people even debated if it was sentient though most doubted it. It was fascinating and it reminded Sanaa of her home. Her people dealt with all manner of oddities from the small to the celestial and beyond.
“There’s the thing.” Agnarr announced as they reached his home.
Out in the front lay a massive carcass with equally massive injuries. Grete walked past Sanaa and Eli and slowly circled the creature to examine it. She was bewildered by the specimen at her feet, she slowly crouched down to get a closer look.
“Be careful, Grete.” Jørgen said as he squared up. His brother followed suit and both siblings braced themselves in case the creature was merely feigning death.
“Ah, don’t worry. It’s dead all right. Poked it a few times with a stick to check.”
“This is…incredible.” Grete whispered as her eyes darted over the body. The torso was that of the common wild boar seen in the wilds, the tail of a boar but much shorter, all but the left hindleg was of the deer, the hindleg resembled a boar’s. Clearly it ran on the other three legs seeing as the other was shorter. Grete then turned her attention to the hooves. They were horrible fusion of boar and deer, she guessed walking was uncomfortable and running was out of the question. Her eyes moved along the neck, long like a deer’s but wide as a boar. The head was a sickly mix of a deer and a boar, both seemed to fight for dominance but neither won. Snout as wide as a boar with no teeth and half a tongue, the one side of the skull facing upwards was a deer’s. The deer side had a tusk protruding from the eye socket and on the other side was a single horn, the surface cracked like dry tree bark and broken in several places. Missing an ear on the deer side, most likely torn off by whatever attacked the thing. She carefully lifted the head to see the other side. Just as she suspected, the other side resembled a boar but to her shock the ear on that side was shaped like a human’s. It was covered in thick brown fur, but it had the shape and flexibility of a human ear.
“Have you been hearing strange sounds around here?” Grete finally spoke up.
“None whatsoever. Everything’s been real quiet.”
“This mimic was trying to take a human form but died before it could continue. Left ear is in the shape of a human’s. Most likely to try and get help from you.”
“How? It was twisted.” Agnarr asked as he pointed to the mimic.
“I’m sorry, twisted?” Sanaa asked.
“Mimics can…well…mimic people and animals. Usually they shift quickly, almost in the blink of an eye if they have to.” Eli said. “Sometimes though, something goes wrong and while they shift to a different form, they can become confused in the process leading to what you see before you. A mix of two, three, four or maybe more animals. The twisted mimic cannot untwist itself and every time it tries to shift it just deforms further until it’s deformed it can’t move. Eventually it dies of hunger or thirst or something else kills it.”
“Is it always twisted with animal features?”
Sanaa looked at the group as it fell into an uneasy silence. Apparently, she asked a delicate question. Eli cleared her throat as she recalled a tale her great grandfather had told her once.
“When I was a young girl there was a family that had recently lost their eldest son to a fever. He’d gone off to explore the wilds and lost his way. He was found a few days later with a bad cough and a burning fever. They tried to save the boy, but the fever took him. That year the winter was especially brutal and unforgiving, so much so that animals risked hide and limb just to be closer to the village as it was warmer due to the fires. The bolder ones took shelter in our homes. Then one night the entire village awoke to the sound of horrible screaming. It sounded painful and agonizing. Several people took weapons and torches and ran into the wilds following the loud screams. They called out but only the screams answered so they followed them. Crawling on the ground was a twisted mimic. Torso and head of a human, the boy who died, it was pulling itself by it’s one good arm because the other had shifted backwards and was missing all fingers. From the hip down it was a mess like it had been a cat at some point. The patches that weren’t covered in fur you could see skin broken by bones protruding in the wrong direction. The screaming was the worst part, it was mixed with crying, but it didn’t have any feeling behind it. As if the only time it heard a person they were crying and that was all it could imitate. Obviously, it was put out of its misery and the body was disposed of. It tried to mimic the boy but became twisted.”
“It’s a rare occurrence though.” Agnarr reassured. “We figured the damn was freezing and starving, so it tried to imitate a human to seek shelter from the elements. Most likely saw the boy when he was lost and remembered his shape.”
“Are they violent?” Sanaa asked, more fascinated than worried.
“It depends but they have been known to lure people out into the forests. We sometimes don’t find more than blood on the ground.” Ingvarr said.
“Hmm,” Sanaa exclaimed while reaching into her bag and pulling out a small but sharp blade and an old piece of cloth and crouched down beside Grete, “Are they loners or do they roam in packs or pairs?”
“They never attack each other but they stay as far away from one another as possible. I’ve tried to study them from afar and I can’t even tell you if they mate and reproduce. They mark their territories so whenever we kill one, we take their bladders and coat the outside of the village to keep them away. Which reminds me, Agnarr, you should think about spreading some of it around your home before you get rid of the carcass.”
“Aye, will do.”
“Is there a tell?” Sanaa scrapped some of the fur off the creature’s hide and placed it neatly in the cloth and carefully put it back in her bag. “You know, is there a way to tell if one perfectly imitates a human? A mark? Some kind of sound they emit?”
“Well, they can mimic animal sounds perfectly so it’s impossible to tell when they take the shape of an animal. But if they imitate a person, they talk weird.” The group turned to look at Ingvarr and then at Jørgen when he elaborated on Ingvarr’s answer.
“Yeah, they can’t seem to form sentences correctly. It’s sort of like when a very small child is trying to learn to talk but it sounds false. Whatever they say has no feeling behind it, they don’t even respond correctly to anything you say or ask. They just say anything they might have heard before.”
“Animals can tell.” Eli said as she turned to Agnarr. “Animals out in the wild give them a wide berth or sometimes run away from them. Agnarr said his dogs were barking all night long.”
“That’s right. First one of these things to show itself around here in twenty years.”
“Yes, but there’s been a decline in their numbers in the last ten years that I’ve noticed.”
“That’s interesting.” Sanaa pulled out a small glass container from her bag and filled it with the creature’s blood and held it in her hands to observe it as it swished around in the container.
“What’ll you do with that?”
“Well, Ingvarr, I don’t trust these for medicinal purposes, but something tells me I can unlock some secrets that could benefit us.”
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nauseateddrive · 5 years
"One day, you'll say, 'I want kids.'"
Surely. Pfft.
"...so keep in mind that when you do have children, you know that..."
I find that when it comes to offspring, precedents are implausible. But, go on.
"When are you having kids?"
Thanks for your concerns, people older than myself. By the way, I'm twenty and I just moved in with the guy.
* * *
Many of these discussions took place in 2012. Today, I'm twenty-eight. A generous plenty say I look seventeen, twelve on days speckled with sunshine and free of humidity. I have not seriously dated a man in more than two years. Silence is joyful, and my bank account is calm. I should also mention that my vocal chords are so much less strained because I've hardly engaged in another argument about when to get pregnant, how many times, and who would perform tasks of necessity while the other did all the indoctrination. My first relationship - the only serious one I've had - was outwardly quirky in that Wall-E and EVE sort of way, but if anyone was our neighbor, he or she would tell a different story. My live-in boyfriend had a dogged coldness resembling Kevin Lomax from The Devil's Advocate, and my meltdowns were just as grating as Mrs. Lomax's pleas to just "make a baby." Oddly enough, he was the one proposing plans for The Spawning. I just wanted him to spend time with me more.
My opinion on kids? I would make for an unfit mother. Possibly because of maladaptive behaviors, my urge to crush Pepsi cans to bite-sized accordions, a desensitization to insults my friends would classify as "bullying." I couldn't possibly impart a set of ethics to foster happiness and prosperity in the life of a child. "Oh, but that would be my job, love bug." Let's assume that besides diapering, clothing, breastfeeding, and these advanced duties to follow, I couldn't possibly have any sort of influence on my child. Doubtful.
Sometimes, whether at work or in a doctor's office, I witness an angry child thrashing a baby doll, or a careless, soporific child who drags the tiny mannequin by the hair. The parent may reprimand the child, and might even say: "Look what you did to your baby. No, don't do that!"
I can't say I've had these experiences, at least at a very young age. I never took an interest in baby dolls. Now, I do remember having multiple miniature dolls either given to me by older children or found in the clamor of Saturday swap meets. I do remember the Ken and Barbie, not genuinely Mattel but sufficiently humanoid to warrant their being called such. And with the screech of cheap Velcro, their garments were gone, and Ken slept on top. Well, I thought they were sleeping, but adults were displeased with my mission in choreography. I never saw those miniature knockoffs again. Predictably, I was supervised as I played with the Native American doll set. The male was removed, and eventually, so was the horse.
The clarity of my childhood memories astounds a handful of people, partly because of my current tendency to gloss over details and fail to follow directions. I could readily retell the plots and messages of numerous commercials in the mid-to-late '90s, the older Generation X-ers nodding and smirking in a way that asks, "Why do you know all this?" I was especially terrified of public safety announcements. "Only you can prevent forest fires" disconcerts me as much as "Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna play?” But one campaign I couldn't tolerate was the one with the shaken baby. The teddy bear etched in stone, the infant's screams in the background, a camera in a dance of epilepsy. Then you see the whole tombstone and something along the lines of "Our Beloved Child." I think I was five or six at the time, but that was quite a horror flick.
What the frustrated adult committed against the baby, I would replicate three years later. To my Furby.
We were better off then and at this point my parents had learned the rules of Keeping Up with the Joneses. But they didn't buy the Furby. Even now, I question the merits by which he entered our home. Oreo. That's what my babysitter's older sister introduced him as, placing the box in my twiggy little arms, pinching my cheeks because that's what people do to you when you're eight, chubby, and loudly pretentious. She was fired the week after. I still remember being asked if the Furby was supposed to be paid for.
So consensus states that Furbies are Satan's little mercenaries. Infantilized Gremlins, wingless bats with beaks, sorely mutated flying monkeys. Whatever they may be, and in whatever year they were manufactured and marketed, we know that each and every Furby could use obedience classes with S.T.F.U. Consulting (I suppose we should add "LLC" to this, protecting the venture from lawsuits should the classes not work). That little gem plastered onto their foreheads? I don't believe it was ever a sophisticated camera, or a recording device. I couldn't teach Oreo anything. If I couldn't make him dance like my friends could with theirs, how could my children follow simple rules? Not that I was making this irrational connection in 1998, but my friends often joked that as much as I carried that loudmouth around, he was "kinda" my baby.
Furbies have this creepy voice a bit too similar to that of an aggressive cougar you've either known or heard of with a burgeoning case of emphysema. Yes, I also remember some graphic anti-smoking ads. I think above all demands, mine's signature croon was "Hungry." I'd press my finger on its plastic red tongue to hear those simpering "Mmmm"s and so many "Hungry"s that wouldn't cease no matter how often I fed the damn thing. Frustrated, I'd bury Oreo beneath layers of blankets, chuck him in multiple pillowcases, wedge him beneath the wall and my mattress. His nighttime cravings annoyed us all. 
There was a point where I was reprimanded harshly for walking by Oreo during his "naps." We had had it with his shit.
We couldn't figure out how to turn the fucker off. Honestly, I don't remember anyone even taking steps to activate the Furby. He came into the world as is. It's eerily similar to those robotic babies they hoist onto high school freshmen in state-mandated health class. Abstinence only, this will teach you. And in those health classes I do remember some frustrated girls perpetrating acts of legitimate mannequin abuse. Kind of like those angry toddlers in doctors' offices. Oreo once again begged for food. I couldn't quite teach him to dance on cue. He never did anything other Furbies did in all the commercials. I knew you could rub them on the tummy and all, but I thought, "What if I turn him upside down?"
And he hung from my grasp, looking very much like an obese bat that lost its wings long atrophied. Characteristically, he screamed, "Weeeeee. Fun!"
My intention was to punish him. So I shook him.
"Weeeee. Fun! Tuba, woah! Do do do do do dooooo..."
(Oreo uttered this phrase multiple times. I could never really make out exactly what he was saying, but I am certain that he did say "Tuba.")
As my hands were too tiny for one to do all the handling, I tried to spin him around. Really, I churned the animatronic butterball in multiple directions, my arms growing tired, my frustrations projected.
"Woahhh! Woahhh!"
I continued with this odd punishment.
"Woaaaahhhh! Me scared!"
The cry was loud. But that "Me scared" was a bit unsettling. It was a mix between a coo and a gasp, like he knew what I was trying to do. But I continued in my campaign to silence Oreo.
"Whooopeeeee! Fuuuunnnn!"
Blatantly contradicting the sentiments expressed immediately prior. I continued.
"Woaaahhh! Me scared! Heeeee."
That "heeee" actually sounded remorseful. I felt a twinge of remorse. But it wasn't enough, as I did continue.
Repeatedly, he would cry about being scared. And suddenly, a snorting sound. And while he hung upside down, the base of his odd little person in the clutches of my white-knuckled hands, he spoke the awaited mantra.
"Wooooo. Wooooo. Wooooo. Something something. Cocoa."
(Again, it's often hard for me to properly recall exactly what that thing said. I'm pretty confident he said "cocoa." He had some decent taste.)
And silence. For a good two years. Despite several jabs and pinches in evenings to follow, Oreo persisted in his slumber. Or coma.
Twenty years later, and I'm ordering books on Amazon to better address my anger, impatience, and tendency to seethe. Babies, and children in general, stay absent in my plans. But really, no one would take the story of Oreo seriously enough in reviewing my constant fears. That day, I became a little scared of myself.
Kristine Brown shuffles between poetry, prose, data entry, and wishing she could properly fly a kite. She photographs strangers' cats and writes poems for them. You can find these poems on her blog, Crumpled Paper Cranes (https://crumpledpapercranes.com). Her writing appears in Hobart, Philosophical Idiot, Burningword Literary Journal, among others. Her novel, Connie Undone, will be released on March 1st, 2020.
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iprincezzinuyoukai · 5 years
Done! The babies have arrived and the best thing is that both parents are alive! [hides a scroll labed evil plan]
I’ve been thinking about the hatchlings since before, especially since they’re too cute and adorable not to appear in a future in some Legendary movie — This was my only conclusion as to how they might appear... It’s worth dreaming about. If anyone has any doubts about the size of these little ones, usually dragon cubs are human size, even smaller than us. Considering the height of Ghidorah and Rodan... well, they must be very careful with the hatchlings.
I don’t want to fight the ‘read more’ anymore. I tried to in my sister’s laptop, but it won’t let me! So if it makes you lazy to read it here, it’s okay, remember I post all my stories on my AO3, same name.
If at the end of this you want to kill me, I challenge you to a sword fight behind a McDonald 's.
Little Ones
The eggs were still warm, but there was still no sign of life in them. That’s what made Rodan start to worry. What if a few don’t hatch? What if none of them did? That they were still warm wasn’t because there was life inside, but because of the lava? He doesn’t remember that this would take so many days for his kind.
A roar in the sky made him look up. Ghidorah had returned from his search for Godzilla. The three-headed dragon was hell-bent on fighting his King again. On the one hand, Rodan was grateful that Infant Island was so impossible to find and reach, he didn’t want to know what would happen to his mate if they actually came to face his King, and Godzilla knew that Ghidorah was still alive — On the other hand, it pissed off Rodan, it was like fighting Godzilla was the most important thing to King Ghidorah.
For the first days Rodan didn’t allow Ghidorah or any of the heads to approach the eggs. They were too rough to deal with something so fragile, but now that the eggs had been hatched for several weeks and the shell had become hard enough the Fire Demon allowed his mate to get close to smelling them or at least touching them.
The King of the Skies could see the confusion and curiosity in their eyes. For him, too, this had been new, maybe it had something to do with his mate not being from this planet.
It was strange at first. Ghidorah didn’t know how they were born, did they also come from an egg just like this one? When they woke up they were already in the dark space with no one or anything, but themselves. So the eggs caused them such curiosity and at the same time a strange feeling.
Just as the eggs had tied Rodan to the ground, preventing him from flying with them in their search for the weak King or exploring the world as he promised them, they had them tied to Isla de Mara, they were all that the three heads could think of so they couldn’t focus at all.
It wasn’t a feeling they liked. But they had no other choice, they didn’t want to get away, they didn’t want to lose sight of their mate, but the eggs on the other hand...
Ghidorah came up to the nest, Ni touched one of the eggs with the tip of his nose, slightly moving it, this time without Rodan growling, this one was warm and smelled of them — Not exactly them, it was a mixture of Rodan’s lava and their thunders. King Ghidorah walked away from the nest once he finished analyzing all the eggs to lie on the edge of the volcano, watching Rodan return to cover the eggs and wait.
For a moment Ghidorah thought of inciting his mate to fly with them, the eggs would be fine, they were warm, firm, a faint sign of life came from within, so why not? However, remembering the times they insisted on the same thing to Rodan, to the point where San bit him — And not in a gentle way — To get him out of the volcano and this one will scratch his neck, maybe it wasn’t a good idea. As much as they wanted a fight, they didn’t want it to be with their mate.
Ghidorah couldn’t help, but question when their offspring would be born, whether they would resemble them or their fire mate, how strong they would be, and if they could already leave them...
Not many days passed since that night when clouds covered the moon on Isla de Mara and lightning began to light the night.
Rodan screeched from his place, rising from the nest, alerting Ghidorah who was confused by the sudden action of their mate. It was then that they saw one of the eggs move and with it another thunder roaring near the place. They weren’t creating this thunderstorm.
It was then that the first lightning struck the sky.
 And with it, the sound of the first shell breaking.
“A thunderstorm,” Stanton commented, turning around in his spinning chair, “Titans like symbolism, don’t they?”
“I suppose this must be Ghidorah’s doing.” Coleman said.
“It’s not as strong as the ones he usually produces.” Chen said from her seat. Cameras installed near the volcano — Which they installed when Ghidorah was away and Rodan was sleeping — Had already begun to show both Titans and their curiosity and impatience towards the eggs.
Soon the doors opened, letting Mark, Madison, and the rest of Monarch in who were impatient for this moment, not every day is known of the birth of a new Titan.
“Are they going to be born now?” Madison asked, taking a seat next to Chen. After the trial with her mother, the mythologist kept in touch with her, knowing how much Maddie needed a friend, and Madison didn’t know how to thank her for stepping in for her.
“I see you’ve changed the camera’s viewing range.” Mark said, he was standing idly beside Stanton.
“Well, I don’t want Mommy and Daddy to keep destroying our drones, believe it or not, they’re not free.” Stanton said, annoyed.
“Well, whatever’s coming out of those eighteen eggs everyone should be ready.” Mark whispered, hoping Maddie wouldn’t hear him. Madison might be as smart as her mother, but she was an obvious lover of nature, so despite the fact that they were Ghidorah’s spawn, it didn’t take Maddie’s idea that everything deserved a chance no matter who their parents were.
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” Sam said showing up behind both of them. He understood Mark’s concern, they didn’t know if Ghidorah’s offspring would do the same as their parent as they were born.
Chen watched Maddie, her head tilted to her side, trying to take a closer look. Her trembling hands were holding a packet of cookies, she could tell how excited she was for this moment, for a moment Chen saw Emma’s face.
Chen handed her an iPad.
“From here you can see it better, it’s the small camera, though, I think you can modify the range.” The short-haired woman said like it was a secret.
Madison smiled, sitting comfortably, dragging her feet to the spinning chair. She’d have liked to have been there when these little ones were born, just like she was at Mothra’s or when she and Andrew saw their cat give birth to her kittens.
The shell was greenish gold, not the regular size she was used to seeing in other oviparous species, from her point of view the egg mustn’t have been larger than the size of a dog.
It was then that she saw the crack and movement in the first egg that was about to hatch. Emotion and curiosity overtook her. What would come out of it?
The egg started to crack.
They had nothing to do with it.
The three heads looked at Rodan, the Fire Demon was too concentrated on the first egg, it kept moving from side to side, and more cracks followed the first until a blow shattered them.
A small claw had passed through the shell, moving it impatiently until a second made a presence, and just as lightning struck the earth beneath them, it was surrounded by yellow rays exploding in half, leaving beneath the remaining part a small creature sitting on its hind legs and covered in a strange liquid.
Rodan approached the hatchling, removing with his beak the shell that covered its face and didn’t let it see by the way it moved its head from side to side and shrieked. The little, golden, four-legged creature as soon as it saw the two giant beings in front of it, the first thing it did was move awkwardly, side by side, until it ended up stumbling with what Ghidorah noticed was a wing glued to its legs.
The hatchling squealed when it couldn’t stand up, as the wing was still attached to its body and tangled between its legs, which Rodan responded by helping it up while more creaking sounds were heard behind them.
The others were being born.
Some eggs broke as soon as they were kicked, some others seemed to be biting it from the inside, and very few seemed to be intending to exploit them with the same rays as the first one used.
Rodan walked away from the first born to go see the hatchlings who needed help getting out of the egg, leaving the first to beg for his return, and falling back to the ground trying to get up to follow him.
Ghidorah watched the little one still lying on the ground, Rodan was busier watching the other eggs, waiting for the others to break their shells. But this little one, it was too persistent, even though it couldn’t stand up at all, it was still trying. Motivated to go after its parent.
One of their tails went beneath the little one, taking care of the spikes and lifting their front legs first and then the back parts. They noticed that the wings were still attached to its body because of the liquid it still had covering it.
Ichi approached the little one, moving its wings with his snout, taking them off, noticing that beneath the first part of the belly was covered with a soft green fur. San started licking the little one, cleaning him up. The little one smelled of electricity and fire.
The little one stayed in one place, neither moving nor making the slightest noise, but it seemed to be enjoying this gesture by the way it moved its head to allow more access to the tongue. Once the little one was clean, Ghidorah intended to walk away to see Rodan when they felt something on their claws.
The little one, who could already move better and whose wings it now had dragging (instead of folding them elegantly as they or Rodan did) jumped from claw to claw. Ghidorah put their heads together, watching the little one. As soon as it was in front, it leaped towards Ni, placing its front legs on his snout.
Ni sneezed, abruptly pushing the little one away, causing it to fall around, but instead of shrieking and staying on the volcanic floor, as was when Rodan walked away, it turned around and stood up quickly to get under them.
Ghidorah observed the little one with such strangeness, only to see a second and third clumsily walk behind the first. A strange and light weight landed on one of their tails, there were four of them, two of whom were curiously touching the golden scales and trying to bite the spikes of their tails.
The three-headed Dragon looked at the little creatures, pulling them away with their tails, but to these it seemed more like a game.
Ichi called their mate, hoping that he’d know what to do, only to see him surrounded by the rest of the hatchlings as he approached the lava.
Were the hatchlings lava resistant? If they managed to make their shells explode by summoning the same rays that they did, it was a probability.
Rodan gently approached the golden hatchlings to the lava. As Ghidorah already saw coming, they were curious, but they also showed a certain rejection by approaching and splashing the magma with their small claws. Even after the disgusted gesture, Ghidorah concluded that their hatchlings were perfectly immune to lava, although they didn’t seem to love it in the same way as their parent.
Rodan didn’t seem satisfied with his hatchling’s gesture, but he let it pass, at least this time. By pulling away from them he spread his wings, they were still small to fly and therefore they still couldn’t hunt for themselves and still couldn’t feed on the energy of this planet — That’s if they’d inherited any characteristics from him because apparently they seemed to take after his mate.
Ghidorah watched their mate spread his wings and get away from the island, for a moment they considered doing the same, maybe finally they could fly together again, the alien Titan longed for that — Then he watched Rodan take a couple of laps around the island, dive his beak into the ocean and take flight to return to the nest, landing over the golden edge and calling on the hatchlings, who didn’t for a second hesitated to approach their parent, something Ghidorah appreciated when the little ones left their tails alone.
The hatchlings devoured the fish with such voraciousness that there was no doubt that their fangs, however small, could become lethal.
Ghidorah lay near the nest, watching the little ones eat and Rodan nuzzle them with such devotion, just as he did with them, his mate seemed content, proud even... And them… Well, they were just as pleased that their hatchlings were here.
Monarch's outpost didn’t know whether they should be happy or worried. They had witnessed a birth of Titans (how many could say they had seen one?) and at the same time, it was the offspring of one of the Titans who could stand up to Godzilla, the King of the Monsters.
“I think we should give them a name.” Coleman thought out loud.
“Titanus — ” Stanton looked at the redhead, but this one shrugged, clearly had no idea. The scientist looked at his other coworkers, most looked at each other, muttering names.
“Rodorah!” Barnes screamed from the back of the room, Griffin facepalmed while Martinez gave thumbs up.
“For the last time, Barnes, we’re not using that.” Chen massaged her temple, she was more concerned about the impact that the hatchlings would have on the world, now that there were young and vulnerable Titans there would be many attempts to reach them... But given who their parents were, it was certain someone would die before they got to them — Although if it was a Titan like Godzilla...
Chen was certain that Godzilla didn’t know that King Ghidorah had offspring or else he’d have left Infant Island by now. It was urgent that she speak to her mother or aunt, one of them must have known something by now.
Madison was fascinated — No, more than fascinated, she was enchanted with the little golden Titans that surrounded Rodan and Ghidorah, both were lying over the volcanic floor while the hatchlings played with each other and even discovering that they had wings and tried to spread them out for themselves, she wanted to see one more closely, see it on video wasn’t enough, she’d no idea how her Father could resist when he saw the wolves and their cubs, and not try to pet them.
It was then that she thought, They aren’t pets, they are Titans, the old and new Gods.
She was so immersed in the hatchlings that she didn’t notice the discussion behind her among the scientists and the Monarch's armed force. These new Titans needed a name. Apparently they couldn’t be called Titanus Rodan because they didn’t seem to take after Rodan, but they did from Ghidorah, despite being born with only one head they could be the spitting image of Monster Zero.
Madison squeezed her cookie packet that her Father had bought for her. They were sugar cookies, she wasn’t much of a sweet tooth like her Father, but her Mother and Andrew loved that kind of dessert and candy. Doraditas, that was the name of the product. —
“Doraditas.” Maddie pronounced it in Spanish, it meant gold or little gold, like these hatchlings... “Doraditas… Dorad… Dorat.”
“Did you say something, Maddie?” Chen looked at her, she hadn’t paid any attention to her since her head was starting to get a migraine from the nascent discussion in the Outpost, so she couldn’t talk to her sister, everyone wanted to baptize these hatchlings, most of them had done so when the Titans were found in their hibernation state. Emma and she had named a few, Monster Zero had been Emma’s idea and favorite. Her grandmother and grand auntie were the ones who give the name Mothra when Monarch found her temple.
“Dorats.” Maddie whispered, hoping only Chen would listen to her. It was a dumb name, but in her head it made sense.
“Dorats?” Chen asked, repeating it. Maddie nodded
“It's like dorado, golden.”
Chen nodded the same way as maddie, understanding what the girl wanted to mean by it. “Titanus Doratto.” She uttered the name a couple more times, starting to make sense. “Titanus Doratto.” She told her colleagues.
“Doratto?” Mark asked, he wasn’t bringing any ideas, though he did seem to disagree with some names.
“Dorats.” Maddie said, feeling more confident, Chen liked the name... And somehow reminded her of her Mother and Andrew.
Monarch’s workers looked at each other again, muttering to each other. Stanton and Coleman didn’t seem entirely convinced.
“I like the name.” Barnes said, supporting Maddie.
“It makes sense to me.” Martínez supported similarly, Griffin said nothing, only rolled his eyes and ended up nodded at Foster’s confused gaze.
It looked like the little ones would be named Titanus Doratto, Dorats.
“Congratulations, Maddie.” Chen smiled at her, “Looks like you named your first Titan.”
Maddie smiled proudly. She named these little ones... She gave names to Ghidorah’s offspring just as her Mother once did with their Father.
So... This was done, right? The hatchlings are here, found their wings, and even were fed, so this ends here, doesn’t it? Doesn’t it? Because Rodan doesn’t seem to have the same idea as them.
King Ghidorah was getting impatient with Rodan’s slowness.
The Fire Demon watched their hatchlings with such attention, watching over them, not wanting to lose one out of sight and taking care that they didn’t fall into the lava, while they were immune to the magma it was likely that none of the hatchlings knew how to dive or surface as he did.
Taking them carefully with his beak to leave them back in the nest, he was sure his hatchlings needed warmth, the thunderstorm was over when he felt a bite on his right wing. Ni tried to draw him away from the nest, the other heads pointing towards the ocean, away from Isla De Mara.
Was Ghidorah thinking of leaving again? Rodan couldn’t hide his anger and sadness, but if Ghidorah needed it, it was fine, he knew they always came back after all.
The Golden Demise saw their mate walk away from them, and enter the nest, guarding the hatchlings, though there were one or two who tried to get out until Rodan take them by their beak.
Ghidorah was confused, why did Rodan keep insisting on taking care of the hatchlings? They were no longer fragile shells, they’d be safe as long as they stayed on Isla de Mara, they’d know how to fly and feed with time.
Rodan was about to rest when he heard his mate’s persistent call, the three-headed Dragon kept pointing away from Mara, only this time he understood that Ghidorah meant him, that he should accompany them this time.
The fire Titan denied, he couldn’t leave their hatchlings now that they were just born, they were small and still weak.
Ghidorah apparently didn’t like their mate’s refusal, this time the three heads called Rodan, and he didn’t move from his place in the nest. They could use their Alpha call, and their mate would have no choice but to follow them... However, for some strange reason, they didn’t want to hypnotize Rodan, because the moment their mate realized their hatchlings had stayed in the nest he wouldn’t hesitate to turn around and leave them.
Maybe if the hatchlings hadn’t existed in the first place... 
The hatchlings, beneath Rodan’s warm body, looked at Ghidorah, curious and frightened by the position in which their three-headed Father spread their wings and thunder resonated over them. Rodan rose from the nest, worried about leaving his hatchlings, but he wasn’t going to let Ghidorah get close to them to hurt them.
Rodan felt the lava heat inside him. This emotion… He hadn’t felt it in thousands of years, not when he fought Manda, not when he fought the Queen in the human nest, for a while he thought he’d lost it forever. But if The Death Song of Three Storms provoked his rage, he wouldn’t hesitate to use it to protect his hatchlings.
The three-headed Dragon watched their mate staring at them. Rodan wouldn’t let them near the hatchlings and that he hadn’t thought of wanting to leave them either.
San asked that maybe Rodan was right, maybe they should wait a while before flying back with him, maybe if they reasoned with him — Ni didn’t think so, they had grown tired of waiting, of feeling tied to this piece of volcanic land surrounded by detestable water. Ichi had no intention of fighting their mate, they knew who would win, even more so, they didn’t want to hurt him, they didn’t want to lose Rodan’s warm, his affection… But now they’ve lost it, and it’s all because of those hatchlings.
Mara’s night sky broke in a chorus of thunder and lightning when the three heads roared towards the hatchlings, the golden wings flew away from the volcano, lost in the dark clouds, and the sound of lightning and thunder followed it, until it was only a hum in the distance.
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pckarchives · 5 years
beneath the cut , you’ll find an extremely long and unnecessary character fact sheet. i also switched some birthdays to fit the canon calendar. except for lydia’s, i’m keeping her birthday in november, because this show is a clusterfuck of uncertainty. also, there might be typos or answers left unexplained, but i got tired of proofreading, so it is what it is.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟏.     ›     alicia marie levesque boyd-whitley.
► species ➔ hybrid mixture of vampire and werewolf. ► biological age ➔ 21. ► weight ➔ 127 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′10″ ► build ➔ very thin and lanky. no matter how hard she tries, she cannot build muscle. ► disabilities ➔ physically, none. mentally, she has a lot of anxiety to work through. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ her speed is her greatest asset. being both vampiric and lycanthropic gives her a leg up in that department. she also has a fair amount of strength, claws and fangs, but... she would rather put her speed to work. ► skills ➔ see above. ► weaknesses ➔ she’s inexperienced when it comes to fighting. she’s also victim to the heightened emotions of a newborn vampire, so... that’s fun. ► worst habits ➔ sleeping with people she doesn’t get along with. there’s nothing wrong with sleeping around, in and of itself, but the fact that most of the guys she sleeps with are absolute pieces of shit... it doesn’t always end well. has been on the receiving end of a lot of slut-shaming. it doesn’t bother her as much as it used to, because it’s her body and she’s not ashamed of what she does with. but it used to hurt, being targeted because she lives her life the way she wants. ► nervous tics ➔ she has a bit of a stammer when she’s nervous. it’s nothing major, but it is a little frustrating. ► sexuality ➔ bisexual. she hasn’t been with many girls, because pretty women make her nervous. her last female crush was on lucy, which... yeah, she’s taking that one to the grave. ► are they single? ➔ yes. ► are they happy? ➔ yes. ► are they angry? ➔ no. ► are their parents still married? ➔ as far as she knows, all five of her parents are dead. which... that has to be a record. but aside from her biological mother, both pairs of adopted parents were married when they died. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day she came back to beacon hills. ► worst memory? ➔ the day she was kidnapped. ► biggest regret? ➔ being reckless enough to let genevieve kill her that day. imagine the problems she could have avoided if she’d been a little faster. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ saving rohan. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ lashed out at the pack. she knows they’re all over it, but she still feels bad. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ the doctors making her into the thing that she is now. ► what scares them the most? ➔ the idea of being kidnapped and trapped again. also, rollerskating rinks.  ► who have they left behind? ➔ no one, really. again, her adoptive moms are both deceased, and they were the only ones keeping her in michigan. ► who would they kill for? ➔ anyone she cares about. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ the dread doctors. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ she likes to think that she hasn’t hurt anyone? ► who scares them the most? ➔ no one, anymore. doctors, in general. but no one specifically. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ “i miss you. but i’m okay now.” SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ ansbach falls, california. she was born in a commune and lived with her biological mother for a few months, but was handed over to the her biological dad when she was still an infant. she’s been back to the commune twice since then, once when she was about four and once right before she was kidnapped. like, the day before that happened. huh. ► hair color ➔ brown. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ february 16, 1999. ► gender ➔ cis female. ► summer or winter ➔ winter. ► morning or afternoon ➔ afternoon. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ no. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ yes. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ she’s never been in a relationship. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ not that she knows of. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ not that she knows of. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love, believe it or not. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ a few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in. ► day or night ➔ day. this vampiric curse can suck it. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ no.  ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ yes. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ no. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ yes. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ yes. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ no. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ primarily, lucy knight. but also: gwen delaney, tatum bellfleur, theodore raeken. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ see above, with the addition of vernon boyd. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ dominic kim. not true fighting, just playful bickering. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ theirs, any day.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟐.     ›     amari rose kent.
► species ➔ golem. whatever that means. ► biological age ➔ 19. ► weight ➔ 121 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′6″ ► build ➔ lithe. she has a bit of muscle, but it’s not much. ► disabilities ➔ physically, none. her entire body is the magical equivalent of a prosthetic, so she’s still adjusting to it, in some ways. mentally, she suffers from a fair deal of trauma from her childhood, but the worst of it might be her dependence on drugs. now that she’s in a new body, it isn’t so much a biological need as it is mental.  ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ her fists. she packs a heavier punch now, but she’s always relied on her fists for problems. that said, she isn’t a stranger to picking up a crowbar or a wrench and getting the job done. ► skills ➔ she is... surprisingly charismatic. as recalcitrant as she can be when people try to get close, she has a way of pulling people in. she also knows her way around a lock. or any sort of security, for that matter. she learned how to steal and break into places at a young age. also knows how to navigate a drug deal, but she doesn’t do that anymore. ► weaknesses ➔ mentally speaking, her inability to cope with her problems gets her in more trouble than not. it leaves her crippled every time a past issue comes up, rendering her completely useless. physically, she doesn’t have any weaknesses. her body is made of clay, but it is... incredibly hard to break. once she gets used to functioning within a body without organs, she’ll be nearly indestructible. nearly. ► worst habits ➔ getting intoxicated instead of anything else. selling her body for the sake of that intoxication isn’t that great, either. ► nervous tics ➔ chewing gum. ► sexuality ➔ technically, pansexual. which is proof enough that sexuality isn’t a choice, because if it were, she would never look at another man. ► are they single? ➔ yes. ► are they happy? ➔ doesn’t even know what that means anymore. ► are they angry? ➔ plenty. but not as much as she was. ► are their parents still married? ➔ yes. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day owen got to see tatum graduate. there was never a doubt that tatum would, but it was still a day of pride for all of them. both of the bellfleurs were happy. that’s all it takes for her to consider it a good day. ► worst memory? ➔ november 16, 2008. ► biggest regret? ➔ not being able to do more for tatum and owen growing up. not being able to protect them from people like genevieve. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ protected tatum from the real world. protected owen from what happened to her. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ allowed the bellfleurs to believe that they’d ever messed up with her. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ a great deal of sexual assault and victim blaming. oddly enough, the neglect from her parents outweighs that. ► what scares them the most? ➔ the idea of tatum experiencing a fraction of the pains she did growing up. ► who have they left behind? ➔ her parents, technically. realistically, no one misses her. ► who would they kill for? ➔ any of the pack.  ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ her parents. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ judith. ► who scares them the most? ➔ gordon shaw. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ “fuck you.” SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ beacon hills, california. ► hair color ➔ black. ► eye color ➔  brown. ► birthday ➔ october 30, 2000. ► gender ➔ cis female. ► summer or winter ➔ summer. ► morning or afternoon ➔ why is evening not an option? ...afternoon. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ no. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ no. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ what relationship? ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ yes. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ it wasn’t much of a secret, but yes. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ no. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ lust. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea. ► cats or dogs ➔ cats. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ a few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ wild night out. ► day or night ➔ night. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ yes. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ yes. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ every fucking day. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ her biological family? no. the bellfleurs and the pack? yes. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ yes. she died. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ yes. the first time she was kicked out, she was eleven. she’d screamed at her parents for not listening to her and instead of actually listening, her mother threw her outside and told her to come back when she was willing to be mature. it happened on and off throughout her life. the last time her parents kicked her out, she officially moved in with owen and tautm. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ it’s not a secret. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔  tatum bellfleur. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ no one. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ tatum and owen. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ judith mayer. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ tatum and owen’s, easily.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟑.     ›     camden wesley layton lahey.
► species ➔ phoenix. ► biological age ➔ 28. ► weight ➔ 175 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′9″. ► build ➔ very muscular, but still fairly lean. ► disabilities ➔ physically, none. he spent a while recuperating from a gunshot wound that took away function of his left hand, but that was a few years ago. phantom pains flare up when he’s under a lot of stress, but otherwise, he’s good. mentally, the ptsd and amnesia tend to take their toll on him when he lets tension build up. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ a gun. problematic, he knows, and he’s just as much a gun control supporter as anyone else. but he’s army and he’s a cop. if he’s going into any type of battle, he’s going in packing a piece. ► skills ➔ he has incredible reflexes and is good at picking up peoples’ tics and cues, especially if he feels like they’re going to be a threat. he’s also an incredible marksman. put a bow and arrow in his hand, and he has no idea what to do with it. but give him a gun and point to any target, he’ll probably nail it. also knows how to diffuse bombs and tripwires. he’s also strong, but that’s a given. ► weaknesses ➔ his physical humanity in a very physically inhuman world is a weakness of its own. mentally, his lack of a memory gets to him sometimes. the threat of someone hurting ana cripples him like nothing else. ► worst habits ➔ hiding his disabilities because he doesn’t want anyone to pity him. ► nervous tics ➔ none. ► sexuality ➔ he’s leaning towards bisexual, but all of his experiences with men have been rushed handjobs in military facilities in between drills. and who you fuck when you’re in the military says nothing about you other than... you’re in the military. ► are they single? ➔ very. ► are they happy? ➔ usually, yes. ► are they angry? ➔ no. ► are their parents still married? ➔ he doesn’t know. ► happiest memory? ➔ hard to say, given the lack of memory. but the day ana graduated high school was pretty amazing, by his standards. post-memory retrieval, the day isaac was born definitely tops the charts. ► worst memory? ➔ again, hard to say. but he thinks it had something to do with a bomb. or with someone hitting him. he can never tell for sure, but those are the two things that get him the most when his ptsd kicks in. post-memory retrieval, the day he came home to find that his dad had put isaac in a fucking freezer. ► biggest regret? ➔ going off to the army and leaving isaac behind. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ met ana. came home. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ he died. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ everything his dad ever did, including killing his mom and leaving his brother with the issues he has now. ► what scares them the most? ➔ losing isaac and ana. the idea that someone will hurt the two of them and camden can’t stop it. ► who have they left behind? ➔ isaac. ► who would they kill for? ➔ isaac and ana. but really, anyone who need him to. he’s no mercenary, but he’s a soldier and the two are almost the same thing. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ his father. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ his little brother. ► who scares them the most? ➔ no one. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ “i’m sorry.” SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ beacon hills, california. ► hair color ➔ brown. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ june 1. ► gender ➔ cis male. ► summer or winter ➔ winter. ► morning or afternoon ➔ morning. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ no. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ no. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ he did. he’s had a series of relationships that didn’t last long. not because they didn’t try, or because he wasn’t committed. he’s just never been in a place to have a relationship, because he’s still trying to get to a safe place, mentally. he can’t really devote himself to any type of romance, when he can’t even get through a whole month without falling into some abyss of frustration and hopelessness. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ yes. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ no. at least, not that he knows of. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ many regular friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ neither? ► day or night ➔ day. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ yes. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ he didn’t exactly fall, but he has been pushed. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ yes. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ he’s... trying. with isaac, that is. ana has never been much of a problem. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ not really. even with his memories back, he wouldn’t call it messed up. not because it wasn’t bad; the term just feels dramatic. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ yes. what do you think going to the military was? ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ yes. his dad kicked him out frequently for fighting back. camden didn’t mind if he was hit, but he would always snap when his dad tried to hurt isaac. his dad would kick him out for that, just to show camden that he wasn’t the big man of the house. his mom once kicked him out, for his own safety. she didn’t let him come home for a few days, but she took the brunt of her husband’s anger then. camden hates to say that he’s glad it was her, but... at least it wasn’t isaac. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ ana’s really the only friend he has. which says a lot about him, but.. yeah. ► who is their best friend? ➔ anastasia hale. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ see above. his intention is to cultivate a similar relationship with isaac, but results remain to be seen. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ none of them. prediction-wise, i would say he’ll butt heads with cora or elliot the most, but camden isn’t much of a fighter, anyway. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ ana or isaac, that’s not a question.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟒.     ›     charles gerard argent.
► species ➔ human. ► biological age ➔ 21. ► weight ➔ 150 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′11″. ► build ➔ very athletic; a healthy mix of muscle and leanness. ► disabilities ➔ physically, he has a slight limp that he has become a pro at hiding, as a result of an injury to his leg. mentally, depression. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ he prefers close combat and whatever that entails. if he has a weapon on him, great. if not, he still makes it work. ► skills ➔ he’s proficient with any weapon you put in his hand. he also knows how to make his build work for him, regardless of the size of his opponents. and, for better or worse, he is his mother’s son. ruthlessness comes easy. to balance that out, he wants to be a doctor, so he’s good at tending to injuries and things of that nature. ► weaknesses ➔ physically, he’s human. mentally, his self-loathing is not his friend. ► worst habits ➔ bottling everything up until he’s literally standing on a ledge. ► nervous tics ➔ none. he rarely gets nervous. and if he is at all nervous, it’s a full on anxiety attack, not a tic. ► sexuality ➔ he has recently discovered that he’s bisexual. he screwed around with guys back in high school, but that was mainly to piss his parents off, not because he was actually interested in anyone. ► are they single? ➔ yes. ► are they happy? ➔ no, but that’s no one’s fault. ► are they angry? ➔ no. ► are their parents still married? ➔ yes. ► happiest memory? ➔ valentine’s day. he doesn’t know what it was that made that day so easy to exist in, but that moment where he stood with boyd and mason, dancing to some tiktok song, while katie and tatum levitated, and nana and cecelia made cookies... he doesn’t know why, but that moment sticks with him. ► worst memory? ➔ the day he woke up after his suicide attempt and realized he hadn’t escaped anything. ► biggest regret? ➔ living. trying to be honest with his parents. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ nothing that he can think of. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ killed the beast. at least, he thinks that should be the answer. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ his parents deciding to train him instead of love him was pretty fucked up. ► what scares them the most? ➔ the idea that he’s becoming exactly what his parents wanted him to be. and he feels like he is? the thought of killing someone doesn’t scare him. it was something he’d fought so hard against, but now it just... it’s fine. if that’s what he has to do, then he’ll do it. but that’s not who he wanted to be. that’s not what he wanted to do. ► who have they left behind? ➔ no one who misses him. ► who would they kill for? ➔ this pack. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ his parents. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ realistically, himself. ► who scares them the most? ➔ himself. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ nothing. SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ kauai, hawai’i. ► hair color ➔ naturally, brown. sometimes, he dyes it red. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ september 11, 1998. ► gender ➔ cis male. ► summer or winter ➔ summer. ► morning or afternoon ➔ morning. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ no. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ no. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ she did. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ probably. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ no. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ no. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ a few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in sounds nice. ► day or night ➔ day. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ no. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ no. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ no. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ yes. literally all of the time. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ allison and chris, yes. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ no. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. he wishes his parents had kicked im out. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ kali laghari, allison argent, dominic kim, and cassandra rodrigues. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ kali laghari. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ dominic. they bicker so much. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ frankly, you could ask him to choose between his worst enemy and himself, and he’d still choose them.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟓.     ›     cora vienna hale.
► species ➔ werewolf. ► biological age ➔ 23. ► weight ➔ 123 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′4″. ► build ➔ very lean, with a little but of muscle, courtesy of her years of soccer and fighting. ► disabilities ➔ physically, none. mentally, she dissociates real quick when things get bad. she also has ocd that she doesn’t recognize and does not talk about. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ claws. ► skills ➔ she does not mind killing. in fact, she is very good at it. she’s small, she’s fast and she’s brutal. she has werewolf-typical strength, too. her greatest skill is her ability to cloak her presence. she doesn’t do it often, but she can hide her scent and silence all of her sounds, including her heartbeat. she can also mute her link to the pack. she did that once back in high school and it freaked liam out so bad, the kid cried, thinking she’d died or something. so... she doesn’t do that often. ► weaknesses ➔ she stumbles at the thought of her family. ► worst habits ➔ she is quick to decide how much she isn’t worth and play the martyr card. she also doesn’t talk about her problems, because she’s a hale. ► nervous tics ➔ none. ► sexuality ➔ regrettably, bisexual. ► are they single? ➔ spiritually married to erica reyes, but officially single. ► are they happy? ➔ yes. ► are they angry? ➔ yes. ► are their parents still married? ➔ deceased, but they were married when they died. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day aunt lorraine told her, jackson and katie that they were related. ► worst memory? ➔ the day of the fire. ► biggest regret? ➔ outliving her family. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ defected from deucalion. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ let ana die. at least, that was her worst act. now, she has to rethink the whole thing. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ everything decualion and kate did. ► what scares them the most? ➔ that ana really will be disappointed in the woman she is now. that peter is proud. ► who have they left behind? ➔ as it turns out, ana. ► who would they kill for? ➔ this pack. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ deucalion. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ realistically, derek. ► who scares them the most? ➔ deucalion. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ “i’m sorry. this isn’t how i thought it would be, either.” SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ beacon hills, california. ► hair color ➔ brown. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ march 27, 1997. ► gender ➔ cis female. ► summer or winter ➔ winter. ► morning or afternoon ➔ morning. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ she refuses to ever believe that she is. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ no. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ it was a mutual decision. college acceptances had rolled around and kira had been accepted into new york university. both of them knew that would be her choice over beacon hills, so the decision to break up was... very calm and mutual. it hurt, but they knew it was for the best. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ no. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ little bit, yeah. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ not that she knows of. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes. remember that wanting something so bad that it hurts thing? SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ regrettably, love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ secretly, romantic night in. as far as the public knows, wild night out. ► day or night ➔ night. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ no. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ no. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. but if nothing else, deucalion has taught her how to suppress that to the ultimate degree. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ yes. the entire time she was with deucalion, she wanted to disappear, but that man is impossible to hide from. sometimes, she wants to disappear while she’s here. but that’s mostly a result of her own shame, not anything that the pack has done. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ yes. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ yes. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ yes. she ran right into deucalion’s grip. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ erica reyes, kira yukimura, lucy knight, vernon boyd. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ derek. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ theirs, easily.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟔.     ›     daniel nahele mahealani.
► species ➔ human. ► biological age ➔ 23. ► weight ➔ 179 lbs. ► height ➔ 6′0″. ► build ➔ very muscular. fiona swears he has more muscle than skin. ► disabilities ➔ none. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ a bowie knife that the argents gifted him back in high school.  ► skills ➔ he has incredible aim, so he does well with throwing things. he does pretty well with any weapon you give him; not charlie or allison levels of well, but probably won’t die levels,  which is good enough for him. he also has the build to take a hard hit or someone ramming into him. ► weaknesses ➔ being human. ► worst habits ➔ gets very emotionally distant when he’s freaked out. hate to say that he becomes a replica of his father sans the abuse, but he does. he’s just as cold and factual and mildly hateful, though the lattermost is usually well-hidden. ► nervous tics ➔ he taps his foot. ► sexuality ➔ gay. ► are they single? ➔ yes. ► are they happy? ➔ yes. ► are they angry? ➔ no. ► are their parents still married? ➔ he doesn’t know. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day he met theo. ► worst memory? ➔ the day he found out jackson was the kanima. ► biggest regret? ➔ nothing, really. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ brought theo to beacon hills. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ nothing serious that he can recall. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ being poisoned with mistletoe kind of topped the charts. ► what scares them the most? ➔ being useless when his pack needs him. a milder fear is the idea that he’s a shackle for theo. ► who have they left behind? ➔ he once left the entire pack behind. ► who would they kill for? ➔ anyone who needs him. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ his parents. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ no one he can recall. ► who scares them the most? ➔ no one. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ nothing. SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ o’ahu, hawai’i. ► hair color ➔ black. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ february 9, 1997. ► gender ➔ cis male. ► summer or winter ➔ summer. ► morning or afternoon ➔ afternon. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ yes. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ yes. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ he did. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ probably. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. only toxic ones. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ probably. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ a few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in. ► day or night ➔ day. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ no. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ no. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ no. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ if by family, you mean the whittemores and the pack, yes. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ no. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ yes. his dad used to kick him out whenever he heard about danny having a boyfriend. it happened a few times when he was a teen. it wasn’t frequent nor did it ever last longer than a few hours, but it happened. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ jackson whittemore, lucy knight, lydia martin, theodore raeken. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ theo. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ jackson. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ he’d choose theo, no questions asked.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟕.     ›     derek alexander hale.
► species ➔ werewolf. ► biological age ➔ 31. ► weight ➔ 184 lbs. ► height ➔ 6′0″. ► build ➔ muscular, but still on the lean side. ► disabilities ➔ physically, none. mentally, some hereditary depression that he’s... doing his best to get over. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ his claws. ► skills ➔ typical werewolf strengths, with the addition of maturity that comes from age and experience. he’s also built enough to take a hard hit. as a perk of being an alpha, he has some authority and a bit of power in his growl. ► weaknesses ➔ he’ll play martyr on any given day. ► worst habits ➔ lashing out instead of dealing with his shit. ► nervous tics ➔ he starts regrading student papers. it’s hilarious and a little ridiculous. ► sexuality ➔ pansexual, but he hasn’t been with a man since his college days. ► are they single? ➔ no. ► are they happy? ➔ yes. ► are they angry? ➔ not anymore. ► are their parents still married? ➔ deceased. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day cora came home. addendum: the day he discovered ana was still alive. for that matter, the day he found out about katie and jackson. also, the day they got malia out of eichen house. ► worst memory? ➔ the day of the fire. ► biggest regret? ➔ not finding his sisters sooner. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ allowing the rest of the pack in. he was reluctant at first, but he can no longer imagine a reality where this pack doesn’t take up all of the space in his life, his home, his heart. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ turned erica, isaac and boyd. he was angry and he was greedy, when he did it. but he should’ve never brought them into this life. he regrets doing it now. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ kate. ► what scares them the most? ➔ letting this pack die. ► who have they left behind? ➔ though it wasn’t intentional, he left his sisters behind. ► who would they kill for? ➔ this pack. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ kate. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ cora. ► who scares them the most? ➔ currently, ana. god knows that girl has a hold over his heart that no one else does. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ no idea. SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ beacon hills, california ► hair color ➔ brown. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ december 25, i’m not doing math. ► gender ➔ cis male. ► summer or winter ➔ winter. ► morning or afternoon ➔ morning. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ yes. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ no. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ he’s still with allison; before allison, he’d ended that relationship. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ yes. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ probably. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in. ► day or night ➔ night. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ yes. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ yes. he was a very clumsy teenager, believe it or not. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ yes. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ sans peter, yes. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ yes. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ allison argent, lucy hale, scott mccall, owen bellfleur, rohan laghari, elliot aldridge. the lattermost pains him to admit, but derek needs friends closer to his age. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ allison. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ allison. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ scott. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ not even a question.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟖.     ›     dominic joseph kim.
► species ➔ witch. ► biological age ➔ 21. ► weight ➔ 136 lbs. ► height ➔ 6′1″. ► build ➔ very lean, with a built of muscle. ► disabilities ➔ physically, none. mentally, once he gets over that paranoia, he’s golden. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ he’s not a fighter. he much prefers support. but if it does come down to attack, he has a water affinity and a blood affinity. ► skills ➔ see above. his main skill is in support magic; barriers, wards, potions, etc. he also knows a lot about rituals and traditions, because he studied them so often growing up. also knows how to make a sinfully delicious cocktail. ► weaknesses ➔ because he doesn’t like offensive magic, he isn’t as good in it. he’s good enough to fight, but he could not win on his own. ► worst habits ➔ he tends to overthink consequences and the fear can sometimes paralyze him into inaction. in the heat of the moment, he can move and react before anyone. but if you give him time to think, he’ll work himself up. ► nervous tics ➔ he brews. potions, usually, but cocktails, if he has the ingredients. ► sexuality ➔ sexuality is a social construct. ► are they single? ➔ unfortunately. ► are they happy? ➔ very. ► are they angry? ➔ no. ► are their parents still married? ➔ he imagines so. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day cecelia met the pack. ► worst memory? ➔ the day of the harvest. he counts himself lucky that he managed to grab cass and escape. but he still remembers everyone that he couldn’t save. he remembers watching his friends die and being unable to stop it. ► biggest regret? ➔ not being able to save everyone that night. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ ran away with cass. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ left cecelia behind. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ his ex-girlfriend magically paralyzed him back when they were seventeen and assaulted him. it feels like that shouldn’t be his choice, over what the coven did and everything else. but he escaped the coven; he didn’t escape what she did to him. ► what scares them the most? ➔ the idea that the coven will harm the pack, all because he brought them into this mess. ► who have they left behind? ➔ he left all of salem behind. his parents, his grandparents, old friends, exes. but he doesn’t regret it. he did what he had to do to survive. he has cass and cecelia now and that’s all that matters. ► who would they kill for? ➔ this pack. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ the coven. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ cecelia. ► who scares them the most? ➔ the coven. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ “we’re okay.” but that’s a message to cecelia and cass, only. SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ salem, massachusetts. ► hair color ➔ brown. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ may 26, 1998. ► gender ➔ cis male, but he’s not attached to the identity or the pronouns. gender is a social construct. ► summer or winter ➔ summer. ► morning or afternoon ➔ morning. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ no, which is a shame. he deserves to be in love. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ yes. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ he did. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ yes. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ yes. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ not when it comes to love, no. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in. ► day or night ➔ night. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ yes. he snuck out frequently in his youth. his no-nonsense parents always caught him and he always got in trouble for it. the trick is to never learn from your mistakes. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ yes. who hasn’t? ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ he wanted his sister back. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ in the spirit of survival, yes. other than that, no. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ if you mean the pack, yes. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ kinda, yeah. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ yes. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no? who does that? ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ cassandra rodrigues, charles argent and owen bellfleur. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ cass and cecelia. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ charlie. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ he has and will choose them every time.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟗.     ›     elliot james aldridge.
► species ➔ vampire. ► biological age ➔ 185. ► weight ➔ 174 lbs. ► height ➔ 6′3″. ► build ➔ he’s very lithe, with some muscle, but not much. ► disabilities ➔ none. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ compulsion helps in a lot of ways. he also has a love of torture that he knows the pack does not approve of. ► skills ➔ vampire-typical abilities. it is also... scarily easy to turn that humanity shit off and go straight jack the ripper. but he doesn’t do it often these days, if only to spare himself rohan and iliana’s disappointment. ► weaknesses ➔ if he’s being totally honest with himself, stiles. any other situation, elliot can keep his head on straight, even if it’s rohan and iliana at stake. but he knows himself well enough to know that if stiles were ever in danger, he would probably lose it. ► worst habits ➔ he’s a bit of an alcoholic. a bit. also tends to compel and feed from people instead of dealing with his feelings. ► nervous tics ➔ none. ► sexuality ➔ pansexual with a preference for men. ► are they single? ➔ kind of, but not really. officially, yes, but no one believes that. ► are they happy? ➔ weirdly so. ► are they angry? ➔ no. ► are their parents still married? ➔ his parents are dead. but they weren’t married when they were alive. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day iliana came to beacon hills. having his family all in one place again is the best thing for a sentimental man like him. ► worst memory? ➔ april 9, 1908, aka his wedding day. he still doesn’t want to talk about it. ► biggest regret? ➔ falling in love with alistair. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ moved the fuck on. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ see ‘biggest regret.’ ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ alistair’s manipulation. ► what scares them the most? ➔ alistair. the idea that he’s genuinely in love with stiles. he hopes that he isn’t, but fuck his open heart. ► who have they left behind? ➔ no one, really. ► who would they kill for? ➔ he’d kill for no reason, but also for this pack. for himself. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ alistair. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ probably rohan. ► who scares them the most? ➔ no one. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ "can we please exorcise kali?” SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ no place that still exists. england, for what it’s worth. ► hair color ➔ brown. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ october 31, i’m not doing math. ► gender ➔ cis male. ► summer or winter ➔ summer. fuck the winter and spring months. ► morning or afternoon ➔ evening. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ he hopes not. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ no. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ he did. though, technically, he’s still married. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ no. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ romantic, yes. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ no. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ no. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes.  SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ lust, dear god. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ alcohol. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. not that his own stupid cat cares. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ many regular friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in. ► day or night ➔ night. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ he is a grown ass man, he does not sneak anywhere. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ no. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ if he wants to disappear, then he does. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ yes. they’re annoyingly functional. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ no. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ not really. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ he very vocally hates kali. but not really. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ rohan laghari and iliana khepri. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ kali laghari. the working theory is that they fight so much because their birthdays are a day apart. the previous theory was that they were fighting for rohan’s favoritism. truth of the matter is that she’s just an awful, despicable little gremlin of a ghost. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ he’ll save them all.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟎.     ›     erica juliet reyes.
► species ➔ werewolf. ► biological age ➔ 23. ► weight ➔ 124 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′8″. ► build ➔ she’s very lean with little muscle, but all the right curves. ► disabilities ➔ she had epilepsy before the bite. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ miss i have beautiful everything is not afraid to use her body against others. she has done so before and she will do so again. also, the claws don’t hurt. ► skills ➔ werewolf-typical abilities, with the addition of having connections to track people down. ► weaknesses ➔ none that you know of. ► worst habits ➔ she can be a bit... blunt. ► nervous tics ➔ she shops. ► sexuality ➔ pansexual. ► are they single? ➔ she is spiritually married to cora hale, but legally single. ► are they happy? ➔ yes. ► are they angry? ➔ sometimes. ► are their parents still married? ➔ yes. ► happiest memory? ➔ honestly, the day derek bit her. sure, her life went to shit a little, but at least she wasn’t fucking seizing and being made fun of anymore. ► worst memory? ➔ the day she had a seizure in class and the entire school decided to make it a viral joke. ► biggest regret? ➔ fighting scott, stiles and allison in the beginning. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ breaking cora out of her shell. shit takes work. you’re welcome, beacon hills. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ she broke scott’s nose once. he forgave her and everything, but actually hurting scott mccall is about the worst thing anyone can do. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ see ‘worst memory.’ also, the whole motel trying to make her kill herself thing? yeah, that fucking sucked. ► what scares them the most? ➔ quite honestly, nothing scares her too much. ► who have they left behind? ➔ the pack... sort of. she’s only upstate, so she actually isn’t that far. ► who would they kill for? ➔ she doesn’t really plan on ever killing for anyone. but if she had to kill, it would be for cora. for this pack, honestly. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ her own fucking body, to be honest. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ who even knows. ► who scares them the most? ➔ no one. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ “long time, no talk.” SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ ipswich, massachusetts. relocated to beacon hills shortly after birth. bounced back and forth for a while in her youth. ► hair color ➔ blonde. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ february 2, 1997. ► gender ➔ cis female. ► summer or winter ➔ summer. ► morning or afternoon ➔ afternoon. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ no. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ no. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ she’s never been in a serious relationship. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ yes. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ no. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ no. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ lust. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ wild night out. ► day or night ➔ day. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ no. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ yes. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ frequently. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ not really. she hasn’t spoken to her parents in a little over a year, and it doesn’t really bother her. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ a little, but not enough that she’s going to get dramatic about. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ she’s had her moments with derek, but ultimately, no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ cora hale, above anyone else. also, lucy knight, isaac lahey and vernon boyd. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ cora. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ cora. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ scott. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ you’re crazy if you think these two can’t save themselves and each other.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟏.     ›     fiona evelyn porter.
► species ➔ witch. ► biological age ➔ 21. ► weight ➔ 118 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′7″. ► build ➔ she’s very thin, but not unhealthily so, anymore. it’s a process. ► disabilities ➔ above anything, her disordered eating holds her back from a lot of things, physically speaking. mentally, she’s a cocktail of things that she’s working on. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ earth magic. ► skills ➔ she’s beyond skilled with earth magic, to the point where she’s perhaps a little too tuned into the earth. also has a strength in ancient spell-casting. also not afraid to use her fists against a mean human. ► weaknesses ➔ physically, she’s only as durable as any other human, and she has no muscle to back it up. mentally, she has many pitfalls, but the worst of which is body image. ► worst habits ➔ she stops eating when she gets angry with herself. she’s trying to get better, okay? ► nervous tics ➔ baking. ► sexuality ➔ lesbian. ► are they single? ➔ no, and she’s proud of it. ► are they happy? ➔ so happy. ► are they angry? ➔ no. ► are their parents still married? ➔ yes. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day of the ball, when she and cass kissed for the very first time. honestly, every memory with cass is her favorite. a strong contender is also the day that cecelia came to beacon hills and fiona officially said fuck you to irene. ► worst memory? ➔ the day of the battle of the beast. she thought she was going to die; she thought they were all going to die. ► biggest regret? ➔ letting her grandmother have so much power over her for so long. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ freed herself from irene. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ the whole witch plague saga was... a saga. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ her family disowning her for her sexuality. ► what scares them the most? ➔ this pack meeting a foe they can’t beat without losing someone on their side. ► who have they left behind? ➔ no one. everyone in her life left her first. ► who would they kill for? ➔ she doesn’t really have the capacity to kill, but if she had to, it would be for this pack. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ irene porter. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ herself, honestly. ► who scares them the most? ➔ truthfully, kate terrifies the hell out of her. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ “get wrecked, scrub.” SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ ipswich, massachusetts. relocated to beacon hills when she was fifteen. ► hair color ➔ brown, though she is prone to dying her ends. ► eye color ➔ blue. ► birthday ➔ april 22, 1998. earth day, baby! ► gender ➔ cis female. ► summer or winter ➔ summer. ► morning or afternoon ➔ afternoon. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ yes. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ yes. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ she’s still with cass; before cass, she ended that relationship. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ probably. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ she doubts it. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs! ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. actually, many best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ both. can she have both? ► day or night ➔ day. she’s a little scared of the dark. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ no. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ yes. so many times. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ no. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ she gets along with her parents and she’s... okay with her siblings. other than them, she doesn’t know a biological family. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ yes, but she’s not mad about it. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ katie conrad, liam dunbar and jackson whittemore. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ katie. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ katie. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ liam. the two of them fight more often than not. it’s rarely ever serious fighting, but when it gets real, it gets bad. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ katie. katie, katie, katie. every time.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟐.     ›     hayden louisa romero.
► species ➔ fairy. ► biological age ➔ 19. ► weight ➔ 109 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′7″. ► build ➔ she’s very thin with virtually no muscle. ► disabilities ➔ none. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ her glamour. it’s really the only thing that she has going for her. don’t get her wrong, she has thrown punches before and will happily do it again, even if she breaks a few bones in the process. ► skills ➔ glamor, self-healing, enhanced people- and supernatural-sense, weight modulation, deal manipulation. all of that is fae-typical. personally, she knows how to stay in her lane and avoid trouble. ► weaknesses ➔ fae have virtually no strength. their bones are all very fragile and hayden is no exception to that. ► worst habits ➔ hiding information that others might want to know. ► nervous tics ➔ she hides. ► sexuality ➔ hasn’t had much time to experiment? she’s never really been attracted to anyone, as far as she can remember. but again, she hasn’t had much time to look around. ► are they single? ➔ yes. ► are they happy? ➔ maybe. ► are they angry? ➔ not really. ► are their parents still married? ➔ they never were. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day satomi ito adopted her. ► worst memory? ➔ the day she traded her skin for wayne. she doesn’t regret it, not even a little. but that was the worst pain she’s ever had to live through. a close runner-up is the day she traded her wings for baby food. again, she doesn’t regret it, and wings can grow back. they just... haven’t, yet. and it hurt to get them removed. ► biggest regret? ➔ not leaving her mother’s house sooner. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ bargained for custody of wayne. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ repeatedly failed to tell lucy the truth. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ her mother was an abusive drug addict and her father was pretty much nonexistent. then there were the doctors at eichen house. ► what scares them the most? ➔ nothing, really. death, she guesses. ► who have they left behind? ➔ her mother, but fuck that lady. most importantly, she left the ito pack behind. and they know where she is now, so that isn’t so bad. but she missed them more than she can say. ► who would they kill for? ➔ she would have a very hard time killing anyone.  ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ the eichen doctors, probably. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ she imagines the ito pack was hurt by her disappearance. ► who scares them the most? ➔ no one. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ she’s been trying to figure that out, too. SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ beacon hills, calfornia. ► hair color ➔ naturally, it’s whitish-pink. as far as the world can see, it’s black. ► eye color ➔ naturally, crystal blue. as fas as the world can see, brown. ► birthday ➔ august 22, 2000.  ► gender ➔ fae don’t have genders. feminine pronouns are fine, but she doesn’t necessarily consider herself a girl. ► summer or winter ➔ winter. ► morning or afternoon ➔ morning. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ no. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ yes. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ she’s never been in one. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ no. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ no. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ no. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade. ► cats or dogs ➔ both. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in; sounds safer. ► day or night ➔ night. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ yes. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ no. fae are too graceful for that. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ no. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ yes. and so she did. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ no. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ no. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ yes. she was twelve and had just realized that she wasn’t human. her mother was no help and her father wouldn’t even pick up the phone. it came down to staying with her abusive mother while she struggled to figure out who she was or leave, so she left. she lived out on the streets for a couple of weeks, before a woman from the ito pack found her. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ she isn’t sure anyone considers her a friend. except for chloe, so... maybe.  ► who is their best friend? ➔ chloe, by default. brett talbot could count, but he’s closer to a brother than a friend. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ brett. other than him, no one. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ in her own pack, brett. in this pack, she recognizes that she’s biased and drawn to lucy. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ no one. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ she would like to say that she would choose brett or lucy. but realistically, they could both save themselves. she could not.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟑.     ›     judith wendy mayer-argent.
► species ➔ human. ► biological age ➔ 18. ► weight ➔ 111 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′3″. ► build ➔ she’s very thin and petite. ► disabilities ➔ none. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ when it comes down to it, she’ll have a whip, courtesy of one genius tatum bellfleur. she also discovers an affinity with machetes and fire, but that’s another story for another day. ► skills ➔ she has quick reflexes. other than that.. yeah, we’re not getting into that yet. ► weaknesses ➔ she is so painfully clumsy. ► worst habits ➔ she will do anything to be loved. ► nervous tics ➔ she eats and bulk-buys cupcakes. ► sexuality ➔ bisexual. ► are they single? ➔ yes. ► are they happy? ➔ yes. ► are they angry? ➔ never. ► are their parents still married? ➔ her adoptive parents, yes. her biological mom is single, and she doesn’t know about her biological dad. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day she met amari kent will always be her favorite memory. ► worst memory? ➔ november 16, 2008. ► biggest regret? ➔ telling the truth that day. not being able to tell the truth later. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ lied to tatum about that day. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ ruined amari’s life. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ she dated a bad guy not long ago and he did a lot of bad shit. it never went into sexual assault territory and it rarely ever got physical. but he was very controlling and generally just... awful. he would call her at one or two o’clock in the morning just to shout at her. slam her into lockers, scream at her in front of his friends, humiliate her, that kind of thing. the worst thing he ever did was knock another girl up, then scream at her for being upset about it. ► what scares them the most? ➔ nothing yet. ► who have they left behind? ➔ no one. ► who would they kill for? ➔ she could never be the one to kill. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ amari kent. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ amari kent. ► who scares them the most? ➔ these days, kate argent. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ it truly depends on which family you’re referring to. SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ vallejo, california. kate went as far away as she could get once her water broke. relocated to beacon hills once the mayers adopted her. ► hair color ➔ brown. ► eye color ➔ green. ► birthday ➔ january 1, 2002. ► gender ➔ cis female. ► summer or winter ➔ summer. ► morning or afternoon ➔ afternoon. she works mornings, but she hates them. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ yes. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ yes. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ kate did. she ended it when she came to beacon hills, right before she shipped jude off to ireland. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ no. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ no. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade. ► cats or dogs ➔ cats. she may be allergic, but that will not stop her. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ wild night out. ► day or night ➔ day. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ yes. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ oh, god, yes. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ no. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ with her adoptive parents, yes. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ no. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ she’s not entirely sure anyone likes her enough to consider her their best friend? if she’s being honest? she wants to say nicolas hernandez, but she can’t say that with any level of authority. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ no one. her parents know almost everything, but they don’t know about the november incident. nico doesn’t know about that or her ex-boyfriend. no one else comes close enough to care. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ previously: tatum and owen bellfleur. eventually: amari kent, charles argent and kali laghari. post-meet, she wants to be close to allison and the hales, but she’s also mildly afraid that they hate her. they’d have good reason to. as of now, she isn’t close to any of them. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ amari. because amari will always blame her for what happened that day and jude will always skin her knees trying to make up for it. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ when it comes to the four horsemen of the apocalypse ( a title that no one can take from her, she is not taking any criticism on this topic ), they can all save themselves. but she has chosen amari every time, and she’ll continue to do so.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟒.     ›     kali kaira laghari.
► species ➔ she doesn’t fucking know. ► biological age ➔ 241. ► weight ➔ 121 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′6″ ► build ➔ lithe. much like amari, she has a bit of muscle, but it’s not much. ► disabilities ➔ none. the whole ‘seeing and hearing ghosts’ thing can be a bit debilitating, but she’s learned to work past that. ...learning. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ if she needs a weapon, she will use whatever she can get her hands on, proficiently or not. but she prefers to stick to the sidelines. ► skills ➔ she hasn’t discovered all of this yet, but aside from seeing and communicating with ghosts, she can bring them back to life, regardless of how long they’ve been dead. will also be able to banish ghosts or give them the peace to move on. can also go full poltergeist when her body reaches a certain level of exhaustion. ► weaknesses ➔ as far as she discovers... nothing? her body is still human, so it has the same weaknesses, except that she cannot die. even if you snap her neck, it’s the equivalent of going to sleep. burn her to a crisp and she just regenerates. chop her up and scatter the pieces, she regenerates. doesn’t save her from pain, but it does save her from death, so. yay. also, salt doesn’t work, for whatever reason. mountain ash does. ► worst habits ➔ she tries to deal with everything on her own. she also doubts her own worth in the pack and in the world far more than she should. ► nervous tics ➔ she fiddles with the throwing knife charlie gave her. ► sexuality ➔ pansexual, in theory.  ► are they single? ➔ yes. ► are they happy? ➔ she’s trying to be. ► are they angry? ➔ in a lot of ways, yes. ► are their parents still married? ➔ her parents are deceased. ► happiest memory? ➔ the night of the ball, when she and rohan danced again. she’d waited two hundred years to be able to dance with her brother again. and for it to be such a euphoric night? unbeatable. ► worst memory? ➔ she has a hard time choosing one. ► biggest regret? ➔ she regrets falling in love as a child. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ lived long enough for amari to regain her own life. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ morally speaking, killing valack. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ it would be incredibly difficult to pick one thing, when so many awful things have happened over the course of her lives. ► what scares them the most? ➔ being abandoned. to get deeper into that, she has this fear that her worth ends with amari’s life. now that amari is living on her own again, there is no need for kali anymore. does the pack care what happens to her, now that she isn’t serving as an incubator for someone else? why should they? and if they don’t, what’s stopping them from cutting her off? realistically, she knows that’s all ridiculous, but she has always only been a voice in someone else’s head. it’s hard to think anything else. ► who have they left behind? ➔ no one. ► who would they kill for? ➔ amari. any of this pack, truly. but amari needs her protection more than anyone else. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ the cult that cursed her in the first place. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ all of the girls she embodied but could not save. ► who scares them the most? ➔ no one. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ “you will not exorcise me, aldridge!” SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ nowhere that still exists. ► hair color ➔ black. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ october 30, i’m still not doing math. ► gender ➔ cis female. ► summer or winter ➔ winter. ► morning or afternoon ➔ morning. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ no. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ yes. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ the last relationship she was in personally ended with death. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ no. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ no. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea. ► cats or dogs ➔ cats. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in. ► day or night ➔ day. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ no. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ yes. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ no. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ yes. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ yes, sans elliot. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ no. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ she vocally cannot stand elliot. but no, she does not hate anyone, secretly or otherwise. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ she wants to. she is not sure how anyone feels about her. ► who is their best friend? ➔ charles argent. eventually, amari kent and judith argent are added to that list. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ charlie. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ aside from her brother, elliot and iliana, charlie. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ elliot. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ all of the listed members could save themselves perfectly well without her martyrdom.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟓.     ›     kira fuyuko yukimura.
► species ➔ thunder kitsune. ► biological age ➔ 22. ► weight ➔ 120 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′4″. ► build ➔ she’s very petite. as much as she wants to fight it, she is among the tiniest members of the pack. ► disabilities ➔ physically, none. mentally, she has a lot of anxiety and trauma that she refuses to acknowledge but needs to work through. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ her katana. the fox is a backup plan. ► skills ➔ electric manipulation, for one thing. also has insanely fast reflexes. can beat anyone’s ass in a fight, size be damned. ► weaknesses ➔ she’s so awfully clumsy and awkward. ► worst habits ➔ suppressing her traumas for the sake of not being a burden on allison’s shoulders. ► nervous tics ➔ she bites her lip. ► sexuality ➔ lesbian. ► are they single? ➔ yes. ► are they happy? ➔ most of the time. ► are they angry? ➔ no. ► are their parents still married? ➔ yes. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day she came back to beacon hills. even if it was in the middle of a bad time, she needed to be home again. it was also when she met gwen, and she’s very thankful that she did. ► worst memory? ➔ the day someone assaulted her at the train station. ► biggest regret? ➔ not being able to protect herself that day. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ moved to beacon hills. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ dated a mermaid. that was... an adventure. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ see ‘worst memory.’ ► what scares them the most? ➔ being weak. ► who have they left behind? ➔ her friend, eden. ► who would they kill for? ➔ anyone in this pack. her parents. eden. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ realistically, she should say peter or deucalion or kate. honestly, she wants to say train station guy. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ cora, she thinks. ► who scares them the most? ➔ any guy that she doesn’t know. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ nothing in particular. that said, she can always call up her parents on the phone, so it isn’t like they’re out of touch or anything. SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ manhatttan in new york city, new york. ► hair color ➔ black. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ october 2, 1997. ► gender ➔ cis female. ► summer or winter ➔ winter. ► morning or afternoon ➔ afternoon. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ no. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ yes. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ she did. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ yes. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ no. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in. ► day or night ➔ day. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ no. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ so often. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ yes. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ yes. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ she’d call it weird, but not messed up. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ cora hale, iliana khepri, gwen delaney, liam dunbar. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ cora and iliana. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ surprisingly, scott. the two of them butt heads a lot back in high school, for no particular reason. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ please. if anything, cora and iliana would have to save her, never the other way around.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟔.     ›     liam stephen dunbar.
► species ➔ werewolf. ► biological age ➔ 20. ► weight ➔ 145 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′8″. ► build ➔ very athletic, slightly more muscular than thin. ► disabilities ➔ physically, none. mentally, there’s the intermittent explosive disorder and the severe attachment issues to get through. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ his fists. he’s also not against weaponizing his i.e.d. ► skills ➔ werewolf-typical strength, with the advantage of being sturdier enough to take harder hits and keep going. he’s one hell of a fighter. also has the best grasp on which pack mate is feeling what out of the betas. his sense doesn’t hold a candle to scott’s, but aside from him, liam is the most finely tuned to each pack member. ► weaknesses ➔ like all werewolves, there’s that whole wolfsbane issue that they all seem happy to ignore. he’s also incredibly weak for all of his pack members and gets frantic at the thought of any of them being in danger. ► worst habits ➔ he is the king of lashing out. ► nervous tics ➔ he plays lacorsse. ► sexuality ➔ he keeps telling the pack he’s straight, but he’s been attracted to guys before. has dated a guy. granted, that ended badly, but it still happened. ► are they single? ➔ yes. ► are they happy? ➔ yes. ► are they angry? ➔ literally always. ► are their parents still married? ➔ yes. ► happiest memory? ➔ not to sound cliché, but the night of the ball. dancing with gwen was probably the greatest thing he’s ever gotten to do and he wouldn’t trade that memory for anything in the world. ► worst memory? ➔ he’ll never say it, but the memory of theo trying to claw his own eyes out still fucks with him. not in any seriously damaging capacity, but that is one hell of a thing to come back from. ► biggest regret? ➔ dating fucking garrett. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ calling scott the second gwen remembered the dread doctors. letting her see the book in the first place was a colossal fuck-up, but all’s well that ends well, right? ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ it was a few months before everyone moved away for college and liam wasn’t handling the incoming change well. he wanted scott to fight back, to make them stay. of course, he knew that scott would never do it and he knew why, but he was afraid of being left behind and afraid of being an omega. he was pissed that scott wasn’t trying to keep the pack together and he lost control. broke a couple of scott’s bones, damn near killed him. it didn’t get that far, because the rest of the pack eventually caught on and stopped him. he knows scott let it happen, because the guy didn’t even fight back. and the worst part is that he knows scott would’ve let him kill him, if it had gotten to that point. scott was never even mad at him. he just hugged liam for a really long time, once all of his wounds healed up. it was undoubtedly the most fucked up thing liam had ever done, and scott was fine with it. i’m glad it was me, he’d said. you needed to let it out. i’m glad it was me and not someone else. liam still wishes it were someone else; no one else would’ve just let him hurt them like that. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ his ex-boyfriend threw him in a well of wolfsbane. it wasn’t like garrett was abusive or anything. their relationship was actually pretty cool. then the guy started talking about a deadpool list or some shit, and liam figured that was as good a time as any to break things off. ► what scares them the most? ➔ the idea of losing control and hurting another pack member. ► who have they left behind? ➔ no one, really. ► who would they kill for? ➔ anyone in this pack. and he knows that probably won’t ever happen, but if he needed to kill for this pack, then he would. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ his biological dad really fucked him up when he walked away. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ scott. in every way possible, scott. ► who scares them the most? ➔ himself. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ “i get that mason’s the favorite, but i need you two to act like you love me for five minutes.” SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ beacon hills, california. ► hair color ➔ brown. ► eye color ➔ green. ► birthday ➔ august 3, 1999. ► gender ➔ cis male. ► summer or winter ➔ summer. ► morning or afternoon ➔ morning. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ he’s scared to say yes. but maybe? he has no idea. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ no. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ he did. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ no. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ a little. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ no. who the fuck would be that interested in him? ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ lust. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ wild night out. ► day or night ➔ day. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ no. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ yes. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ yes. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ yes. he and his dad banter day and night, but he loves his family. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ hell yes, he would. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ mason hewitt, gwen delaney, and katie conrad. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ verbally, fiona. physically, scott. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ them, duh.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟕.     ›     lydia charlene martin.
► species ➔ banshee. ► biological age ➔ 22. ► weight ➔ 130 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′3″. ► build ➔ she’s very petite and curvy. ► disabilities ➔ physically and mentally, none. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ she has a taser, courtesy of allison, but she isn’t a fighter. ► skills ➔ she throws one hell of a party, can fix any wardrobe, can give a good fucking makeover. also a talented artist, but not interested in that kind of thing. banshee-wise, she can sense death. she doesn’t realize it yet, but because she’s part of a pack, her powers are gradually narrowing in on them. she eventually gains the ability to see the pack, wherever they are and whatever they’re doing, if they’re approaching a dangerous situation. she also gains the ability to touch people and get a glimpse of who they are and what their mindscape looks like. ► weaknesses ➔ she is incredibly human, with no fighting skills. and her banshee abilities can render her useless, if they overwhelm her. ► worst habits ➔ pretending things don’t get to her. ► nervous tics ➔ she chews on her pens. ► sexuality ➔ she’s only ever been with jackson, but she’s self-aware enough to know that she’s probably bisexual. ► are they single? ➔ nope. ► are they happy? ➔ yes. ► are they angry? ➔ yes. ► are their parents still married? ➔ no. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day of the ball. seeing how happy everyone was for the first time in years and knowing that she did that? the greatest thing she’s ever done. and fuck you, she’s proud of herself for being able to wear that dress again. reclaiming her personhood and her body, that was the boldest and strongest thing she’s ever done. ► worst memory? ➔ the night of winter formal will always be a hard memory to cope with. but the battle of the beast is a strong runner-up. she felt all of her friends brushing death on that night and that wasn’t easy to get over. ► biggest regret? ➔ pushing everyone away for so long. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ putting together the ball for everyone. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ allowed peter to manipulate her. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ peter mauling her. ► what scares them the most? ➔ the idea that peter is still watching her somewhere. the thought that he knew what he was doing when he attacked her and everything that she does is somehow part of his paln. ► who have they left behind? ➔ no one. ► who would they kill for? ➔ this pack. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ peter hale. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ she’s probably hurt a lot of people in her mean girl days. ► who scares them the most? ➔ peter. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ “i love you, too, mom.” SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ beacon hills, california. ► hair color ➔ strawberry blonde. ► eye color ➔ green. ► birthday ➔ november 9, 1997. ► gender ➔ cis female. ► summer or winter ➔ winter. ► morning or afternoon ➔ afternoon. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ very much so. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ yes. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ she’s been in the same relationship for ten years. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ probably. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. lydia commits to everything. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ yes. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ no. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in. ► day or night ➔ night. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ no. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ no. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ no. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ the only family she has is her mom, so yes. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ incredibly messed up. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ if lovers don’t count, allison argent and daniel mahealani. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ see above, plus jackson whittemore. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ jackson. it would be a lie to say they haven’t had rocky days. never anything that they couldn’t come back from, but they have had their rough moments. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ as if any of them would need her to choose for them.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟖.     ›     scott lucas mccall.
► species ➔ werewolf. ► biological age ➔ 22. ► weight ➔ 163 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′10″. ► build ➔ he has a very athletic build, with a mix of muscle and lean. ► disabilities ➔ none. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ he would choose not to fight, but if he must, he chooses his roar. ► skills ➔ alpha-typical abilities, with the addition of sports-given sturdiness and speed. ► weaknesses ➔ he’s not very authoritative, which isn’t good when you’re an alpha. he also can’t deal with a lot of chaos. unless it’s mid-battle, chaos makes him shut down, because his brain gets all panicked and useless. ► worst habits ➔ pretends everything’s okay when he’s hurting, so long as everyone else is doing well. ► nervous tics ➔ he bites his thumb and bounces on his toes. ► sexuality ➔ very bisexual and proud. ► are they single? ➔ no. ► are they happy? ➔ yes. ► are they angry? ➔ no. ► are their parents still married? ➔ no, thank god. ► happiest memory? ➔ the night he and lucy adopted peach and played mario kart. it might’ve been a small moment, int he grand scheme of things, but watching lucy’s face light up when she won a round and watching her realize that games are not violent or bad, they’re just fun was undoubtedly the greatest moment of his life. ► worst memory? ➔ the day matt shot him in front of his mom.  ► biggest regret? ➔ not being able to protect his pack from everything. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ saving all of the animals that have come across his table and saving peach. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ became alpha. it wasn’t his choice, and he knows it’s supposed to mean that he’s earned it. but it feels like a huge waste on him, considering he can’t lead. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ when peter bit him. he’s grown to love the life that he has now, but it still wasn’t his choice. ► what scares them the most? ➔ the thought that he can’t save his pack. ► who have they left behind? ➔ no one. ► who would they kill for? ➔ scott knows he could never kill anyone, but if he absolutely needed to kill to save someone else, he would. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ peter hale. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ his mom. and in a lot of ways, he’s hurt liam. ► who scares them the most? ➔ a lot of people scare him. peter, more than anyone else, but that’s a fear he’s taking to the grave. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ “hi, mom!” SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ beacon hills, california. ► hair color ➔ black. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ september 23, 1997. ► gender ➔ cis male. ► summer or winter ➔ summer. ► morning or afternoon ➔ afternoon. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ yes. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ yes. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ before lucy, his last relationship was honestly a slight and secret fling with danny that they just let die once scott realized how much he liked lucy. before danny, there was allison and that was sort of a mutual decision. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ he hopes not. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ not that he knows of. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ yes. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade. ► cats or dogs ➔ he loves all animals. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in. ► day or night ➔ day. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ yes. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ yes. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ yes. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ he gets along with his mom, doesn’t think about his dad. he has a stepsister that he doesn’t really talk to, just because he’s so estranged from his dad’s side of the family. they were amicable when they were kids, though he did lightly bully her. he gave her the nickname mumbles when they were kids and that’s probably why the universe is so mean to him. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ well, yeah, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love his life. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no way. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ mieczysław stilinski, allison argent and derek hale. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ stiles and lucy. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ verbally, derek and kira. physically, liam. also erica and jackson, purely due to the kanima saga. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ he’d choose the pack over himself any day of the week.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟗.     ›     tatum coretta bellfleur.
► species ➔ human. ► biological age ➔ 19. ► weight ➔ 98 lbs. ► height ➔ 5′5″. ► build ➔ she’s very petite and fragile. ► disabilities ➔ none. ► weapon(s) of choice ➔ she’s a pacifist, but if she has to choose a weapon, let it be her brain. ► skills ➔ she can build anything, given enough time. also has an eidetic memory now, for better or worse. is also a very fast learner. ► weaknesses ➔ she doesn’t consider herself, when it comes to risks. she’s far too willing to die, even though there’s no reason to. she doesn’t want to die and has no intentions of harming herself, but she also doesn’t see the harm in dying, if it saves others. ► worst habits ➔ instead of acknowledging when things bug her, she just smiles and bears it. has resulted in a lot of contained anger that she doesn’t deal with. ► nervous tics ➔ she tinkers with mechanics. ► sexuality ➔ pretty damn gay. ► are they single? ➔ yes. ► are they happy? ➔ yes. ► are they angry? ➔ no. ► are their parents still married? ➔ she doesn’t have parents. ► happiest memory? ➔ the day amari regained her own life. ► worst memory? ➔ a teacher at her high school, mr. finley, tried to cop a feel. when she said no, he pushed her down the stairs. it was an accident, but it was still messed up. luckily, amari did not mind getting revenge. ► biggest regret? ➔ being a burden on amari and owen. ► best thing they’ve ever done? ➔ asked katie to fix her memory. ► worst thing they’ve ever done? ➔ ruined amari’s life. gotten amari killed. ► worst thing that’s ever been done to them? ➔ a lot of bad things have happened to tatum, but none of them really bother her anymore. the worst might be the mr. finley situation. he was creepy for a while, but she overlooked it because she liked his class. nothing ever happened, but she realizes that she was preyed on and it sucks to think that someone took advantage of her that way. ► what scares them the most? ➔ the idea that she’s always going to be a burden on her brother. ► who have they left behind? ➔ jude, even if it was an accident. ► who would they kill for? ➔ tatum could never kill. ► who has hurt them the most? ➔ her biological mother. in trying to protect tatum, she ruined her life. ► who have they hurt the most? ➔ owen and amari. ► who scares them the most? ➔ no one really scares her. ► if they could say one thing to their family right now, what would it be? ➔ probably another apology, but she’s trying to stop that. SEVEN FACTS ► ‘birth’ place ➔ beacon hills, california. ► hair color ➔ brown. ► eye color ➔ brown. ► birthday ➔ december 21, 2000. ► gender ➔ cis female. ► summer or winter ➔ winter. ► morning or afternoon ➔ morning. EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► are they in love? ➔ not yet, but she’s willing to fall. ► do they believe in love at first sight? ➔ yes. ► who ended their last relationship? ➔ she’s never been in a relationship. ► have they ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ probably. ► are they afraid of commitments? ➔ no. ► have they hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. ► have they ever had a secret admirer? ➔ not that she knows of. ► have they ever broken their own heart? ➔ no. SIX CHOICES ► love or lust ➔ love. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade. ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs. ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ few best friends. ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ wild night out. ► day or night ➔ day. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS ► been caught sneaking out? ➔ no. ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ no. ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ no. ► wanted to disappear? ➔ yes. FAMILY ► do they and their family get along?  ➔ yes. ► would they say they have a “messed up life”? ➔ no. ► have they ever ran away from home? ➔ no. ► have they ever gotten kicked out? ➔ no. FRIENDS ► do they secretly hate one of their friends? ➔ no. ► do they consider all of their friends good friends? ➔ yes. ► who is their best friend? ➔ alicia boyd, amari kent and owen bellfleur. ► who knows everything about them? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’re closest to? ➔ see above. ► pack mate they’ve fought the most? ➔ no one. tatum doesn’t fight anyone. ► if forced to choose between their life and that of their closest pack mate, who would they save? ➔ them. every single time.
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Tagged by @ariela-of-aedyr​! Don’t quite know who else to tag, really ^^° So with that, get really for a LOOOOOOOOOONG post after the cut x3
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(The one in the Middle!)
name ➔ Maevina Alagadda! Originally, Mae mes Rei
are you single ➔ I am working on it. Working on not beign single, I mean.
are you happy ➔ Overall, yes! I love the sea, I love my friends, my life thus far, that my brother still lives, and I am only mildly stressed with the end of the world possibly oncoming! But I am working on that too!
are you angry ➔ Only at very specific people!
are your parents still married ➔ I do not even know who my father was, and I cannot remember my mother, me and my brother were bought as infants.
birth place ➔ A duchy in Old Vailia. Don’t think the name will tell you much, especially since the previous rules... Kicked the bucket, a while ago, and since then they are working on maybe renaming the place.
hair colour ➔ More, smoke colour. Black to grey!
eye colour ➔ You tell me, buddy. Wish I knew!
birthday ➔ Ehehehe... Hehhhh... Good question.
mood ➔ Content, quietly screaming inside, but really only quietly.
color scheme ➔ I personally like dark colours, dark red, green, blue, don’t matter to me! And yellow, sometimes, if I am feeling fancy!
gender ➔ Woman. Lady. Lass.
summer or winter ➔ Summer, most definitely. It’s warm, everything is a bit easier, it’s comfortable and there are flowers.
morning or afternoon ➔ Afternoon. I am not exactly an early riser, despite what you may think.
are you in love ➔ I think. I am figuring it out. I don’t have any experience with this kinda stuff, I apologize.
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ I do believe in attraction at first sight! But I think actual love needs a bit of time.
who ended your last relationship ➔ ...I never had one. Please do not judge me. I was busy.
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ I do not think so. To be perfectly honest, I highly doubt many people would have interest in... my type, to begin with. It’s not exactly a common thing. I don’t think I ever hurt any feelings in that direction.
are you afraid of commitments ➔ Nah, I am fine. I mean, I was committed to my duty, despite it being forced on me, afterwards committed to fleeing when my master changed, then committed to figure out my awakened Soul and to fight a thousands of years old Cult Leader, and now I am chasing down a God to stop the end of all live in existence. I think I can stay committed if I want to!
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Yes. If I wouldn’t hug someone a day it would be a wasted day. Als, Vela get’s cuddles every day and every given chance anyways.
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Have you taken a look at me for longer then five seconds? I HIGHLY doubt so.
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ I like to think that I am simply realistic in this regard. I know my strenghts and weaknesses!
love or lust ➔ Love. It means more. And is easier to get since it has many forms.
lemonade or iced tea ➔ ... I am... Sorry? Cold tea? Who would drink cold tea? Is that a thing?
cats or dogs ➔ I mean. I have a panther, loyal companion to me for many years now, and Ally makes me biased here. Cats!
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ Any friends. Just any friends at all. All friends are good friends!
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ First one is easier! Anyone can get drunk of their hookers! And it tends to be more fun. However, you do already know I am biased here.
day or night ➔ I feel a bit more comfortable at night. It’s calming, quiet, a cool breeze. And you can see the starts, which is also great when you are on the middle of the ocean!
been caught sneaking out ➔ Don’t remind me, please! I can still feel the whip from that one time...
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ I once got kicked, if that counts. Otherwise Ally would catch me before I can actually fall.
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ That feelings, I do know. I know it indeed...
wanted to disappear ➔ Surprisingly, not! Most of the time I was content with my life, as weird as it sounds! When I was still a slave I had my brother, and when I was free, I had... well, my freedom! And after that, it only got better, really, and I was happy with having a bigger purpose in life!
been involved in a fight you thought you couldn’t win ➔ One or two times. Usually, I trust my abilities in that regard, and I trust my companions as well!
smile or eyes ➔ Eyes. You can smile with your eyes, you know! So with eyes, you have both in one!
shorter or taller ➔ Taller. Or same size, really.
intelligence or attraction ➔ As long as they are friendly, I don’t mind if they are lacking in either otherwise!
hook-up or relationship ➔ Relationship, I think.
do you and your family get along ➔ With my brother, yes. Even after years of seperation, I don’t think there is anyone else in the world who knows me better than he does. My niece as well. Since Vela is basically my daughter, and I think I am doing my job as a mother rather well, I would say it’s good there too! Otherwise... I don’t exactly have relatives. None that I know of, at least. Don’t know if my mother still lives or who she even is, don’t know my father either. So with the family that I do have, it’s great!
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Mhh... I don’t think so, really. Like sure, some people would put the slave part into the category of “messed up”, but... I prefer to ignore the slavery part of my life during that time, and rather think about how I could grow up more or less safely with my brother, I got my Alcestis, my panther, so I could do my duty as a guard better. AND! I wasn’t even killed at birth! Which is, at least as far as I think, pretty good! After I got free, I spend most of my days just running through the countryside, could smuggle myself on a ship, got a new home, a new purpose in life, friends of course, a lovely daughter too later on, and overall... I am overall happy with how it went!
have you ever ran away from home ➔ I mentioned this previously, right? When I switched masters, and the new one was far more cruel then his father, me and my brother fled and got seperated during it. To put it short, ran away and succeeded!
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Heh, no.
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ I do sometimes feel a bit stupid around them. And I sometimes feel a bit... well, the opposite of that as well. But I could never hate any of them, I am pretty sure of it!
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Not all. But definitely most.
who is your best friend ➔ Edér, I think, if I really need to pick someone. I can simply trust him, no matter what. I stayed in contact with him for the longest time after we got done with Thaos, and during our travels, he already grew on me. He is a very dear friend, one I can be both serious and utterly silly with, and someone I deeply appreciate. I still don’t know how I can ever thank him for just leaving everything as it was the moment he heard Caed Nua fell, just to pick me up, bring me along the entire way and sail across the ocean on a moments notice. I don’t think I can ever make that up to him.
who knows everything about you ➔ My brother, most certainly. Otherwise... It is not like I am shy, or closed off about my personality and previous life. I am pretty open, and it is easy enough to just find out everything about me, really. I do not mind who knows! I have nothing to hide, really. If you want to know something, just ask!
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guardianofmemes · 5 years
fallout 4 companions best to worst
with funny images at the start of each character review! DLC companions included! also BIG TIME SPOILERS FOR FALLOUT 4 OKAY 3 2 1 GOOOO!
1. nick valentine - clockwork PI 
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positives: he’s a robot detective who loves neon and smokes even though he has no lungs you know he’s a man who appreciates aesthetic.
negatives: none
2. old longfellow - old salty 
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positive: grandpa time. he's perfect. this man is everyone's rough and tumble but supportive grandfather. he's a rough block of wood, well worn and with a sense of humor, drinking habits, great dialogue, fantastic personality and can follow you around, he never outwears his welcome. he can even follow you around the commonwealth. rivals nick valentine for best companion to me.negative: i can't really think of ANY.
3. codsworth - lovable orb 
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positives: truly a stalwart companion, never abandons you, waited 2 centuries for the player character. it made me upset you couldn't romance them, the character who truly had a connection with you. they're fantastic and the top 3 was a REALLY close call.
negatives: cannot romance, wHY TODD YOU COWARD
4. preston garvey - minutemen general 
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positive:  i can't even bring myself to post a jokey image for him he's just that good. god his character is good. he's a broken man, but he still doesn't stop helping others, or giving up hope. he's truly a good person, but not unrealistic. he has his limits, and can bend and break. and unlike other companions strangely, he DOES have more loyalty breaking points than the others, like if you side with raiders he will shoot you on sight. unless you deviate from the carefully curated quest paths in which case aaaaaaa also his backstory good, and i like how he faces his inner demons, altho i wish he'd just take the mantle of general. he honestly deserves it.
DOWNSIDES: ANOTHER SETTLEMENT NEEdS OUR HELP. making any companion a never ending, radiant quest hub, is a BAD FECKIN IDEA BOYO. BUCKO ITS A BAD IDEA. as a result of him being a radiant quest hub, its the onbly thing people know about him, care about, and experience while in game, because before and after every character interaction is something about his radiant quest hub quests. also romancing him feels HORRIBLE just like mac cready.
5. john maccready - ratface 
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positives:  Positives, I like snarky mercs. And he had real Scout vibes.Honestly if you forget he existed in any other fallout games, on his own he's a decent companion. I like having him around, he's like that coworker of yours who keeps stealing office supplies but he always has spare smokes if you ask. honestly maccready is like if you dipped piper in the FEV. he's just a better version of her.  she's too heavy handed i'm sorry
negative:  again bethesda's bad design about being afraid of upsetting consumers. because once you finish his personal quest, spoilers getting the cure for his infant son's sickness, he should IMMEDAITELY RETURN TO HIS SON. WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE MAC AND CHEESE. GO RAISE YOUR SON. also romancing him just feels dirty and manipulative. this MAN IS CLEARLY STILL GREIVING FOR HIS DEAD WIFE!!!  most of the romance paths honestly feel dirty and manipulative to me, like you're taking advantage of their friendship and trust in you
6. Ada - actual wife 
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positives: i love robots and this is like if curie didn't suck and wasn't born sexy yesterday. she has a character arc and is cool and has personality and also she's made of different robot parts when she starts out and that's cool. her story is good and even her generic lines are charming.
negatives: after the mechanist dlc is over she has no more unique cool things to say, and its sad they didn't prepare enough dialogue for her
7. john danse - paladin pants 
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positives: danse is a trooper, he's a boot boy yeah. in literal apocalypse land tho, understandable. also he is loyal to his team and anyone he considers his friends. once he spoilers is exiled from the brotherhood for being a synth and loses his way he does lose some of his hangups, becomes a more thoughtful person. his character arc is good, i like how he ends up.
negatives: holy fuck my cat just jumped in my lap he's like my way or the highway haha. anyways back to pants paladin. like i said he has some hangups, aka his racism from living in the brotherhood, a proto-fascist military cult. but honestly this doesn't make him a bad character, and he does get better from it. i'm gonna be real here the only negative about him is again, THE ROMANCE PATH. IT FEELS SO NEGATIVE AND DIRTY AND MANIPULATIVE. like i see people say he's a bad character but no he's just a bad person. and even then, he does learn and adapt.you can have characters who aren't good people in your stories
8. piper - waifu bait 
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positive:  extra extra read all about it, the tracer of fallout 4 not totally a bad thing tho, she's just.obviously the companion you're supposed to like the most.
negative:  her quirkiness has its charms but it can be KINDA much sometimes. also she’s obvious waifu bait. however in the end she's really more a person i'd want to argue with as a friend and hang just chill around she's pushy tho and i don't like being railroaded into certain quests or storybeats.
9. dog - dog 
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positive: dog is dog
negative: is not robot detective or butler, but is still good
10. deacon - MY EYES!!! 
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positives: charming spy man, so deep in the weeds he doesn't even know his own past or even if he's a synth. that's quirky and cute. he also has that very obvious spy charm of, his disguise is just him wearing clothes. iits funny like superman putting glasses on.
negatives: honestly he's just kinda bland. he's such a mystery wrapped in an enigma locked in a puzzlebox owned by that demon guy with the needles in his head, that there's nothing to know about him. really i can't figure him out. or get to know him.then again some of that is due to trust issues. i mean neat character trait but there's not much for me to consume here.
11. john hancock - anarcho beef jerky 
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positive:  he's a pretty free wheeling kinda dude and i like that, he stands up against bad authority, to an extent, and that's where some of my issues crop up
negative:  it could also be blamed on shitty bethesda afraid you wouldn't do certain content if it locked you out of your favorite companions, but he'll stand with you through allying with the institute, the brotherhood, anyone. also his anarchist leadership style has resulted in a lot of issues for his community he doesn't seem keen on fixing or reflecting on anytime soon. also constant substance abuse and he'll encourage you to take on the party hardy lifestyle tooi just look at freeside i mean goodneighbor i mean freeside and i think "man you're supposed to be the king i mean the mayor you should do better". ripoff of the king i'm gonna rip off the bandaid tbh, not even as cool as the king. the king really looked out for freesiders while hancock kinda just... meanders about the place. being mayor with no authority on purpose just makes you, a guy who kills people sometimes.
12. automatron - build-a-bear workshop BUT WITH GUN 
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positive: there's a few distinct personality modules and voice actors for the automatron companions, each one is enjoyable, i liked them, and they were all different from each other. i consider them like mini companions. plus being able to build your very own custom robots with any parts you want is the most epic part of this companion.
negative: the dialogue for the voice actor packs is pretty limited, like pretty limited. not a lot to hear before they loop. i'd have to say these are more neutral than even X6-88 for me
13. X6-88: oh that uniquely named courser that showed up as i destroyed the institute, wait he was a companion??? 
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okay negatives time
negatives:for real tho he's just uh, again kind of a Nothing character. not as disappointing as Strong tho. As an institute courser he's just... well he just Is. he exists. doesn't really question his nature tho, or consider what life would be like outside the institute... its like if Danse had no character arc at all and spoilers just stayed in the brotherhood like a good proto-fascist feudalistic power armored boot boy. he feels like a quota like todd howard walked in the design room and said "we need an institute companion" and then the designers said "... fuck. we're almost done with the game's story okay lets cook something up". i'd have to say he's perfectly average. he's like the bland guy from the wendys commercials about how spicy their chicken is
14. porter gage - why do i keep stepping on this rake 
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positives: his armor looks cool, and his voice actor is good. i like that a raider character is portrayed by a sneaky advisor type instead of just a chest beating tough guy on chems. porter is an interesting take, and his motivations and methods are interesting.
negatives: his motivations don't make sense though. he's seen over and over in his life that raiders simply are unsustainable and don't work, always breaking apart. yet he... still wants to be a raider, and advise raider gangs? it doesn't make sense. also if you buddy up with him preston will hate you, and you have to eliminate your OWN settlements in the commonwealth. sorry porter but i'm not willing to make that kind of sacrifice at all. he's alright as a character but not really deep. having a backstory doesn't mean you're deep, that's Bethesda Deep™. Bad, no. Die now with the rest of nuka world, gage.
15. strong - fallout 3 was a mistake 
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positives: non-human companion, i like that. super mutants are always cool
negatives: lumpy and misshappen as fuck oh god he's like a slab of moldy ribs. also his character? what character? he's just a bog standard super mutant, not even a cool one from the west coast. he's just an orc, a raider painted green with half a brain and a penchant for eating people. he doesn't change or evolve, he's just. he's a Nothing character.
16. curie - born french yesterday 
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positives:  so i guess i should start with the positives since that's a trend in this list now. positives! robot, and one that's both aware of how the world's dead but wants to learn, and make it better. i always like robots, and well. uh. robot. i'm out of positives now.
negatives: she is the living embodiment of th e born sexy yesterday trope. profoundly naive, yet unimaginably wise. and spoilers once she gets a SEXAYYYYY human bod from a braindead synth, her naive nature is played up even further as WHAT EEZ DIS STRANGE FEELING UWU I FEEL HORMONE AND LUUUV its bad, its bad its bad. french maid plus nurse wrapped into one, with the mind of a child, aka its the born sexy yesterday trope. and you can only fuc once she's out of the robot body and this makes betheseda COWARDS. LET ME HAVE MY ROBOTS.
17. cait - drug
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negative: commit go away from my game. rude, not fun to be around, substance abuse storyline is NOT handled well. also in boston the one irish character is all fucked up come on man.
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elysiumwaits · 5 years
I was tagged by @novemberhush which is great because I love to talk about myself. It’s a problem sometimes at work, but it’s great for when I’m in therapy and doing memes on the internet!
Rules: answer 15 questions and then tag 15 people
1) Are you named after anyone?
Kind of. So my name is Emily. My mom had a cat named Emma - my biological father (who was not a good man) was jealous of the cat, and, long story short, Mom did not have a cat because of this asshole. So she named me Emily because she liked the name. I’m essentially named after her favorite pet. My middle name is Marie, it’s a family name - the last person who had it before me was my Great Aunt Marie, and she was, I’m told, the kind of woman who would take no shit and no prisoners. My mother told me it’s a very fitting middle name for me.
That said, please, please, please don’t call me Emily. Em is okay, I go by that in real life, but I actually prefer Eli or Ely most of the time. 
2) When was the last time you cried?
Shit, son, I cry at the drop of a hat. Probably a couple days ago? I’m a frustration crier and a happy crier and a oh-shit-I-dropped-my-fork-again crier, so it just... doesn’t really register anymore.
3) Do you have kids?
No. I work in a daycare, specifically the infant room. I love it, but personally, I don’t feel like kids are currently in the plan. This may change - I love children, but right now I don’t trust anyone enough to share a child with them, nor am I financially or mentally stable enough to raise one. 
I am, however, extremely maternal, so I will probably eventually have one. Just one.
4) Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Mmm, kind of? I don’t suffer fools gladly, which is sometimes a problem because my mouth moves before my brain catches up. I don’t use sarcasm in a mean or mocking way with people who don’t know any better - I will exaggerate it to use it with children so they know, without a doubt, that it’s sarcasm and a joke. Adults who should know better than to do ridiculous things, though, are fair game. 
Take, for example, the woman who told me I didn’t dress professionally enough in the infant room because I was wearing leggings and a comfortable t-shirt.
I used sarcasm with her. “Oh, I’m sorry. You’re absolutely right, I’m sure you put makeup and heels on for [child]’s 4 am feedings, too, right?” And then I pointed out the stains on my shirt from baby food and formula. 
With kids, though, who are old enough to understand what sarcasm is, I’ll do a really exaggerated, over the top eyeroll and be like “Oh, goodness, we never ever go outside, do we? We’ve never gone outside a single day you’ve been here!” or something like that, because they laugh and they know it’s a joke. It also helps them develop critical thinking and communication skills.
5) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Okay, so, I am a hypervigilant person thanks to a lot of PTSD-inducing trauma, so the first thing I notice about a person is usually how they hold themselves and if they have anything in their hand. I notice body language religiously - someone with an aggressive, threatening stance is immediately labeled a threat, whereas a person walking with arms to the side, shoulders back, and a general open body language is labeled not-a-threat.
That’s how I live my life, day to day. Threat or not-a-threat. Every single place I go.
I don’t recommend it.
6) What’s your eye colour?
Blue - apparently a very striking blue, I’ve been asked multiple times if I wear contacts. I do not.
7) Scary movie or happy ending?
HAPPY ENDING. And honestly, I have to know that beforehand or I have too much anxiety to enjoy the book/film/show/game.
8) Any special talents?
Writing, though that’s less talent and more intense and obsessive devotion to a craft. 
I hesitate to add: I’m also very good with tarot cards. Give me enough time with a person, one of my decks, and I can pry deep into their lives and tell them things about themselves that they’ve never revealed to another soul. It’s honestly terrifying. I have stories.
9) Where were you born?
Missouri. Technically in a helicopter, not actually in a hospital. It was a very emergency C-section, I was a month early, and Mom had actually coded. She likes to tell people that I’ve tried to kill her at least once!
10) What are your hobbies?
Writing, gaming, reading, Youtube videos and shows, crochet (less so lately, I have trouble remembering patterns these days). I write a lot, I read mostly fanfiction right now, I game when I can (usually Skyrim, Dragon Age Inquisition, or Minecraft), I watch a lot of Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter, and occasionally I make blankets and washcloths when I get so stressed that I can’t function.
11) Do you have pets?
YES. Okay, so I have Boo, who actually might be my soulmate. I’ve never felt so close to an animal. He hopped in my car one day when I pulled into a parking lot, and I was like “Oh, okay, I have a cat now,” and he’s been mine ever since. In my defense, he was very, very skinny, declawed, and more than likely abandoned. I call him Seizure Cat sometimes because he always seems to know when I’m about to seize, and he’ll climb on me and purr so that I don’t wake up alone. It really helps. 
Then I have Piper, who is my princess. She is 16-17, and to be frank, I stole her. I say I rescued her, but essentially, I stole her. I saw my friend’s dad kick her hard enough she bounced off a wall, and when it was time to go, I just picked her up and took her with me. For a long time, I was the only person she would let near her. She’s mellowed out quite a bit, hangs out mostly in her basket next to the food bowl, and yells when she wants attention - if you try to pet her before she wants it, she gets super angry. So affection is always on her terms!
Last but not least is actually my parents’ dog, Kobe. He is a massive German Shepherd/Treeing Walker Hound mix that we got from a pound in St. Louis. Brought him home at 8 pounds, found out he had distemper (he was the only of his litter to survive it), and 95 pounds and roughly three years later, he sleeps at the end of my bed (or couch when I can’t sleep in the bed). He is insanely smart - he’s officially smart enough that he knows all the commands he’s supposed to, can understand sentences and respond to them. He just doesn’t listen, because he pretty much knows he doesn’t have to. Luckily he’s an only dog, and my parents and I adore him, because he’s pretty much untrainable, simply because he’s so damn stubborn.
12) What sport do you play/have you played?
I can tell you that there is not a single person in this world who has ever looked at me and said “oh yeah, she’s sporty.”
I broke my wrist in a junior high kickball game. I wasn’t even playing. I was walking around the gym, talking with my hands with my friend @artsake-dreams and someone kicked the ball. It was hard enough that it flew across the gym, bounced off my hand, and snapped my wrist. The gym teacher didn’t believe I was hurt, the substitute nurse thought I was faking, so I walked to the office and cried to the secretary (who was my mom’s friend, mom is a teacher in the same district). Mom brought the x-rays in and very quietly and intensely not-yelled at the nurse and the gym teacher.
Later, in senior year, I got banned from playing hockey in the gym because I was too aggressive and almost got a detention for swearing. The only reason I didn’t was because the PE teacher was honestly just glad I was showing an interest in something physical.
13) How tall are you?
14) Favourite subject at school?
English/Writing. I also really enjoyed the sciences, even if I wasn’t good at the math. I was excellent when it came to the theories, but the formulas were really difficult for me. I also really love philosophy.
15) Dream job
I want to say writer, but that’s a lie because I don’t like people giving me deadlines for writing. I think an editor with a publisher is my dream job. Possibly a college-level writing/English/literature teacher. I’m one of those people who believes that writing is a skill that can be taught (though some are born with an innate talent) and that it’s something that should be taught. But that’s a post for another day.
Uh, okay, tagging some people? @artsake-dreams @sophaoat @thepeacering @icarusthriving UUUH it’s 2 am I don’t know 15 people off the top of my head, sorry, BUT if you see this you’re welcome to do it and say I tagged you!!!
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futurewriter2000 · 7 years
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A/N: Heyoo, I’m back with the imagine I had finished so long ago but totally forgot about. No jk, I finished it today but started it like few motnhs ago. The ending is a bit different but I really didn0t know how to finish i so sorry.
PAIRING: none but I put Fred Weasley x Potter!reader
Requested by anon:  please could you do a Harry Potter imagine where the reader is Harry’s sister and they end up having a fight at Grimauld place over her wanting to join in the war and either Sirius or Remus comforts her? (Of course Harry apologises at the end, he loves her too much to stay mad at her!)
TAGS: @shadyladyperfection, @nadinissavage, @geeksareunique, @huflerin
Part 2
War. Tearing everything apart since even before it starts. It happens every day. Between enemies, lovers, friends and family.
Its war. Nobody loves it.
This war was different though. Far different. It was a war revolving your younger brother, Harry James Potter.
On 31. October 1981 he was marked for his entire life, an infant only with you in the next room. Somehow he didn't know. Somehow you were missed by Lord Voldemort, it will always stay a mystery to you why your brother was chosen instead of you. Why didn't Voldemort come after you before Harry like he did with your parents.
You were unprotected, your father running downstairs to face The Dark Lord himself while your mother stayed in the nursery with Harry. Mystery. Such a dark mystery.
And now you were here. Starting your last year in Hogwarts, arguing with your little brother.
"I'm your older sister Harry!" your shout came from the locked room in Sirius' old bedroom.
They were far away, yet the arguing echoed through the whole house, to their curious ears. They didn't talk, only listened.
"Excatly, (y/n)! That's why I need you to be safe!" Harry shouted back.
"You will not boss me around Harry James Potter! I swore to protect you and I did nothing more than trying to keep you safe from all of the trouble!"
"Well, congratulations. You did an amazing job. " he spoke in sarcasm.
"I did not choose this life Harry! I did not get to have my own name like you did! Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived! Who was I !? Oh thats (y/n) Lily Potter, Harry's older sister."
"Then why are you complaining if I was just in your way!"
"Because I am your sister and you are the closest thing I have for a family!" you exploaded, your fingers cramping from all the anger and the clenching. " Mom and dad would never forgive me. So I'm joining this war. Whether you like it or not." you finally finished and stormed out of the room.
Harry was left alone. All alone, defeated.
It was his fight. His.
And you.
You were his older sister. The one who protected him from the Dursleys. The one who everybody loves. The smart, funny and the loving one. The one who read him bed times stories, argued with Petunia and Vernon until you were kicked out. You had good grades, an intership waiting at the Ministry after Hogwarts, a bright future ahead of you.
And your dreams. Damn your dreams. The ones who told about the cute apartment you would buy after Hogwarts. Staying with your best friend Oliver Wood and then with Harry moving in after his graduation. All three of you would have a dog or a cat. Mostly a dog because Oliver hated cats, saying they are little devils with furry faces and adorable round eyes.
He can't. He just can't. Not you.
He stormed out of the room, walking in the living room where everybody sat except for you and Remus.
"Where is she?" he asked impatiently, walking around with his eyes searching for you.
Sirius stood up from his chair and walked over to Harry. Touching him by the shoulders he gently pushed him down to sit. "Harry. Your sister. She's a stubborn young lady. She won't give up on this. She won't give up on you. "
"I don't want to lose her, Sirius." sighed Harry and looked down on the picture he always carries around. "You know she kind of reminds me of mum. She may not see it but I do." he simpered and brushed his thumb over the photo.
Sirius chuckled and looked down on the photo. "You know Lilly was also so stubborn. It was her way or no way at all. All innocent on the outside yet so fierce on the inside. "
Harry looked up at Sirius and smiled. "What else?"
"The first time your sister called me Padfoot, she actually said Patwoof. It was so adorable I screamed so high that the next day I lost my voice. And now, whenever she calls me Pads or Padfoot, I almost feel like your mother is with me. " he laughed and took the photo in his hands, Harry carefully watching as Sirius' eyes flickered of pain for a small second. "You know she wrote me every day. She believed I didn't do it. No matter what the paper said she belived me. She said a man like me would never betray a man like James." he smiled and gave photo back to Harry. "I didn't reply though. Not to a single letter. Yet she still sent me till the day I finally broke out. To be honest her letters seemed to make my days in Azkaban a lot more tolerable."
"She won't give up. Will she?" Harry suddenly spoke making Sirius chuckle and pat him on the back.
"My dear boy, she will kill you herself if you don't appologise."
And suddenly the door burst open and the whole pack of red heads came bursting in.
"You two are the absolute worse! Crookshanks is just a cat." spoke Hermoine with her ginger cat in her arms.
"If by cat you mean a ginger ball of fur from hell, than yes." said Ron and fistbumped George.
"Oi, Harry! Where's my beloved (y/n)? Did she miss me?" grinned Fred and sat behind the table.
"Still not giving up, eh Fred?" snickered George and wrapped his arm around his twin as he sat down.
"You never give up on love Georgie."
You sat on the balcony. Your eyes set on the stunning blue moon and the night sky. You kept looking at the moon because somehow it calmed you down and some days, it was the only thing that seemed to make you feel better.
"Hey." said a soft and low voice from behind.
You turned your head over your shoulder to see who it was, only to set your eyes on the tall and handsome man.
"Remus." you simpered and turned your gaze back on the moon. "It's not full yet so you can relax." you added without taking your eyes off it.
He sat beside you, his eyes drifting to the moon but quickly turning away. "You know (y/n) he only wants to protect you."
"I'm the one who needs to protect him." you replied and hugged your knees as you felt a slight cold breeze brush your skin. "I won't change my mind."
"Oh, I know you won't." he chuckled and took off his coat only to wrap it around you.
"Thanks." you replied and grabbed the coat to wrap it a bit tighter.
"You know I once won an argument with you mother."
You shot your head after you heard this. "Really?"
"Yes. She was stubborn, just like you but she was also afraid back then. So I think that was also one of the reason why I won... That night, the October 31st, you weren't home with them. You were with me and Sirius." he sighed and looked at you from the corner of his eyes only to find you listening carefully. "I convinced her that it's safer for you to be somewhere else if The Dark Lord decided to attack." he paused for a moment. "It was Harry though, who I wanted to take first but she insisted on me taking you instead because it would be the only way she would know at least one of her babies were safe. After we found you a safe place we went back to get Harry but it was too late."
"Thats why." you suddenly realized. "That's why I couldn't believe Sirius did it. Because he was with me the whole time. He never left my side. He could have never gone to The Dark Lord and betray my parents. Because he was afraid to leave my side."
"Yeah. I wish I knew that sooner too. All I'm trying to say, (y/n), is that no matter if you join the war or not, it won't be pretty. Somebody will die and you will lose the people you love. But with Harry you have to be a little more understanding. He lost so much, he just can't afford to think he'll lose you too."
He was right. Of course he was right. He was Remus Lupin, he was always right. You glanced at his emerald green eyes and smiled. "So I guess, I need to talk to him...again."
He slightly nodded and got on his feet. "Come on. I'll come with you."
As soon as you got closer to the room you heard a loud chaos and laughs coming from it.
The Weasleys. They always seemed to be the loudest.
You walked in the room with Remus by your side and all eyes were on you, especially Fred's since he always fancied you.
"Missed me?" he winked at you and put another spoon of mashed potatos in his mouth.
Messing his hair, you leaned your elbows on his shoulders and whispered in his ear. " Still not giving up Weasley?"
"Never." he smiled and tilted his head backwards to meet your eyes.
You rolled your eyes and stood back up, just to see if you could find your brother. But he wasn't here, nor was Sirius.
"Where's Harry?" you asked and looked around the table.
"He went upstairs with Sirius." replied Ginny.
"Okay, thanks." you said and put your hand on Ginny's shoulder as you ran up the stairs.
You were standing in front of Sirius' bedroom, door slightly open and his voice softly talking to your brother.
"When they brought her home, the whole gang waiting for her, I couldn't be happier. I mean she was just a bald potato back then but she was so beautiful and so small."
"Okay, I'm coming in." you said after hearing him say that, making both of them look to the doors.
Sirius' mouth curved into a smile and before you could say anything to Harry, he cut in first.
"Come here, dear. I was just talking to Harry about your childhood days."
"Yeah, I heard. I'm the bald potato." you sighed and plopped down next to Sirius.
"Figure of speech." he defended before placing his hands on both of yours and Harry's knees. "James and I were more than best friends. We were brothers and even though we pranked and we laughed, had loads of great time and unforgetable memories, we also fought."
"Please don't let this be a lecture." you groaned and leaned your head on Sirius' shoulder.
"Shh, dear child. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time." he shushed you and put his hand on your cheek. "So, as I was saying James and I used to fought. A lot. I was used to tidiness, living with my mother I had to live in tidiness, but James... he was such a mess. There were many days where we faught about the mess, the essays, projects we had together, girls, Remus.."
"Remus?" asked Harry.
"Yeah. He was the most responsible one so Remus was always the best for projects and plans." added Sirius before continuing with his lecture. "Look. You two are brother and sister. It's obvious you want to protect her and she wants to protect you. But the two of you need to stick together because that is the only way you will be able to protect eachother. Trust me. I would know."
After hearing what he said, both you and Harry wrapped your arms around Sirius and squeezed him in a tight hug.
"Thank you Patwoof." you added, making Sirius slightly chuckle.
"Patwoof." he repeated, holding back the tears as if it was the first time he ever heard it.
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deadromance619 · 6 years
Hey, is this thing on?
What do you mean it's not recording?
No I'm not going to write my life story down, the only thing I'm writing is my payment contract. Do you know how long that would take?
Oh, you're going to write it down, I'm I paying you for this?
You're going to do it for free, sheesh, well I'm getting a cut if my story makes it big, maybe people could finally see the greatness of Ratchettee I'll try not to bend the truth to much.
Wait, did you just write that down?
Well stop!
Okay, throw away everything I've said so far.
I know I'm not paying you.
What kind of idiot going to wanna read this?
You just wrote that down too didn't you?
Okay let just get this back on track my name is Ratchettee to my nana or Ratchet from my friends, yeah like the town. An as you might of guessed I'm a goblin, HEY ARE THERE ANY VISUAL AIDS IN THIS THING?!
What do you mean you don't know, aren't you the author?
I'm going be on the front cover of the book right?
I thought this book was about me?
You mean there are others?
Yeah but I didn't meet up with those guys until way later, I mean a lot of stuff happened before I met with Jaundace and his boys, boy were those guys some characters.
Fine jeez, I'll try to speak more visually but I'm not making any promises, now where was I. Oh right, I'm a goblin, I have green skin, my hair is white, I'm 22, and nice people say I'm a rogue and not so nice will call me a thief. But I'm nether, what I really am is a cook and maybe an aspiring chef. While most of my kin think technology is the best way to profit. I know that the best smelling herbs and spices and freshest ingredients is the best way to get a person to open there gold purse. I remember when I was just a kid goblin I tasted my first 5 star meal I knew that this was how I was going to take a bite out of the world. An even as a kid if I made something that tasted terrible but at least looked good I would sit and watch them choke that foul meal down without complaint.
Okay there something you should know about goblin breeding. Goblins are made kind how you imagine, I mean just because were born green that doesn't mean were not mammals, I've heard of some cross breeding with orcs and humans, not gnomes though. Ew, I'll give you a second to get that thought out of your head.
Nana's do the hazardous and life threating job of taking care of goblin babies, you see the first second when a goblin is born there as wild and feral and as a cat with rabies, so we throw them in a dark hole in the ground and lock them up during the day, try to block out all light, and throw food down there so they can eat, and yes if you do fall into this hole they will try to eat you, even if you're a goblin, and even if you're the mother. But they won't eat each other, I always wondered about that, well not all of us anyways. I heard of some sick goblin tribes wouldn't feed the baby goblins and they would actually be forced to eat each other. At night we put a latter down in the hole with a fire going. The baby goblins climb up the latter and they stare into the fire until the morning. If the goblin is still feral he will go back into his hole where he or she came from, if he or she is not he or she might try to go outside and look at the sun. That's where nana's come in, they start breast feeding for a few weeks, introducing tools and toys, but some of them are still feral and a nana needs to be able defend herself if a feral goblin tries to attack her with some of the tools she had gave to him or her to try to expand his or her mind. But I think I must have crawled into a feeding larder because I think I just wanted to eat good food or food that tasted or smelled good. Maybe there was a restaurant not too far from where I was raised because me being a goblin I'm not too interested in building or tinkering with hazardous explosives like my kin. Not that cooking doesn't pose its dangers, I mean it does. I mean I remember this one time this human got half his body covered in burning olive oil, I mean boy was that funny. I mean you know what they say, "You can't take the heat get out of the kitchen."
But I think working in a kitchen made me value something a little bit more than money. I cook, I create and I'm incredibly excited by what I do, and I feel I could do so something much more and while my kin might be tinkering with dangerous mechanics, nearly losing limbs I was usually making something that would make cooking things a little faster. Okay, maybe I cut a few corners, and let say maybe on some level I was responsible for that hot oil spill, but I'm not one to cry over spilled milk, I'm too busy looking for the next cow.
So I was raised near the most southern parts of the Eastern Kingdoms in the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale by the Venture Company and I cooked a lot of raptor eggs. At least that what I got started with, we hunted a lot of raptors. There meat was pretty good at the time but I look back on it now and to this day I would think it was a somewhat tough meat to chew. I had a lot of work beating this meat with hammers and when a high class customer came into my kitchen to eat I would prepare a more tender raptor , so I got kind of good at beating meat…
Shut up, I can see you laughing over there!
…with hammers and cutting things with knifes. A lot of meat is best when you cooked it within the hour you killed it, not raptor meat though. Eggs are good though, I enjoy those even to this day. So my reputation as a cook got really bad but the chefs I worked under reputations got really good. I mean even though I invented new tools to make cooking faster when I worked under a chef they got all the credit, but if they exploded or malfunctioned yeah, just blame it on the reckless kid goblin, but after you washed soot out of your eyes. we discovered something wonderful, that fire where the horses uses to be, just turned into something that smelled delicious.
Yeah, I got fired from the kitchen and what was worst is that chef moved to Booty Bay and made a fortune off my raptor and egg recipes and since the kitchen had no good cooks or chefs they tore the kitchen down. Some of my goblin brothers and sisters were impressed by my inventions and asked me if I could work making wood shredders, but they knew I hated working on those machines. But I worked half hardly and made most of my meals on a camp fire. I remember on my tenth birthday a bunch of my co-workers pitched in and got me a big stewing pot, at least that's what they said, I had seen those stewing pots at nearby troll tribes that littered the jungles, they most likely stole it, but they had a whole bunch of ingredients that I had never seen before. Fish, flowers, herbs, meat, craw-fish not many vegetables or mushrooms though, all in all there wasn't a lot of food that was native to Stranglethorn Vale but it all smelled really good. I wished that I had a whole kitchen but this pot was twice as tall as a fully grown goblin I asked my brothers, "Where did you get all this stuff?"
They pointed at these giant fat tan creatures with horns on their heads, I had never seen one of them before in my young life but they were Ogres, the Venture Company had just started employing them. So I prepared the best meal I've ever made and the smell brought everyone to the pot but I wanted those cheating backstabbing humans away from my food, I wasn't sure about the ogres though, they seemed alright. So I told my kin this story I'm telling you right now and they told me, "Ratchet, you're not like us, and I know you don't like how greedy we may come out to be, but we all had to learn this lesson the hard way. Even the labors of this company have been griped out of our pay and we have starved because some of us tried to have a kind and care free attitude towards life. "
I asked my kin why people take advantage of us. They said, "Look at us, were short, they have to look down on us like we were children, they think it's cute when we try to take the profit that is rightfully ours and while gnomes might be fine with that we don't. We take knifes to their Achilles tendon bring them down to our level and say, 'Listen if you don't pay me I'll kill you!' We goblins have got to stick together in hard times and make them see the downfall for underestimating us."
I'll tell you this now because if you talk to any goblin they will tell you a time they were cheated out of there profit, but it's still relieving to cook and serve food for my brothers of the workplace. I fed the ogres and boy could they eat, I talked to some of them and they weren't that bright and were downright loud. I asked them where did you get this food and he just pointed up. I asked, "You got them from the sky?"
The ogre shook his head, "North! You's small for goblin, but cook good."
He tried to pat me on the head, I tried to move his huge hand off but he was so massive I couldn't stop him from petting me like a dog. I bit his hand and grabbed it almost like I was feral again. The claws I had as infant hadn't completely gone so when he pulled away I dug into his flesh with them. The ogre screamed out in pain as I crawled around his body like a lizard making strange tongue cries, I remember everything going red and then black. When I woke up I was locked in a dark room and I yelled, "Hey let me out, I'm sorry!"
My nana opened the door in full plate armor and armed with a shield and hammer, "You know I thought with you being ten now that I wouldn't have to worry about this happening again. You messed up that Ogre pretty bad you know."
The ogre I messed up was waiting for me, he had scratches and bruises on most of the parts of his body I remembered that I did have my hammer in my pocket; it was gone when I was locked up. There was two other ogres that were with him, the one I messed pointed at me, "Dats him there."
The two ogres looked at him and then me and broke into laugher, "Rocko got beat by that, he small even for a goblin!"
Rocko pulled a club from his back, "Me smash you dis time." He said.
Nana banged her club against her shield and got the ogres attention, they stopped laughing, "Goblins are dangerous, especially when their kids and the babies are downright deadly."
Rocko laughed, "Mommy goblin thinks she can fight, me smash you too. Boys we's make goblin stew tonight!"
Nana smiled and took a deep breath, "Well if violence is the only thing you understand."
I had seen her catch the fastness feral goblins and throw them in their holes and even kill a few, but I never saw her fight an enemy that was four times her size. In a flash Nana zoomed behind the ogres' legs and smashed her hammer so hard into the back of the ogres' knee caps that he went airborne and smashed into the ground, but she didn't quit, she smashed her hammer into the ogres head fracturing his skull. I saw her smile and looked at the other two, the second ogre smashed his hammer at her and she moved to the side ever so slightly. She could have completely dodged it but she moved a few inches away, "CLEAR!" she yelled
She shocked the second by touching his metal hammer and he fell to the ground shaking, he wasn't breathing. Nana had a smile from ear to ear as she approached Rocko, "Nana don't!" I yelled
She stopped but she kept her eye's on Rocko, "Why not, they came here to kill you and my kids."
"Me no's wants to kill you, just him. Me not understand why momma can fight better than all other goblins." Rocko pleaded.
Nana put her hammer and shield away, "I'm not a momma I'm a nanny, I deliver the babies and I care for them. I told you kid and baby goblins are dangerous."
Rocko just looked and her, "Me's not understand nanny, babies not dangerous, babies cute and cuddly."
Nana took something from a cage, it was my pet rabbit, I was planning on eating him but I warmed up to him and kept him as a pet. "Nana what are you doing with Jeff?"
Nana held him upside down by his legs and Jeff screamed a disturbing yell of pain, "I'm teaching you both a lesson Ratchettee."
I rushed toward her to try save my rabbit but she wasn't just fast, she was strong too, she grabbed me by my face with her free hand, took me to the ground, and smashed her metal boot on my chest. I flayed and scratched at her armor but she just looked down at me holding my rabbit. I flayed I made the same tongue roars I made before; I felt everything go red again. I saw her look at the Rocko, I could feel the rage building again, and I started pushing with my hips to get her off me, "DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING FERAL AGAIN RATCHETTEE OR THIS TIME I WILL KILL YOU!"
"You kill you son?" Rocko questioned.
I felt the rage leave me, I had to survive and I cried, "You can't feed Jeff to those monsters!"
She stomped on my chest again, "Those monsters are your people Ratchettee, you were like that and so was I. If this ogre doesn't know the truth about our people he will attack again with more of his friends and if you don't learn to control your rage things like this are going to keep happening." She pointed at my rabbit; he was still screaming trying to lift himself up. "For worst, you'll be dead. I've raised you for ten years now Ratchettee but I rather see you dead then as mindless giblin."
She kicked me away and opened the door to the goblin baby holes. It was too small for Rocko to get through but he got down to her level and watched through the bars "Rocko could you grab Ratchettee and make sure he doesn't go anywhere, don't worry, he won't go feral again."
He grabbed me by my shirt and held on to my arm, "I got him." Rocko said.
I didn't watch but I heard my rabbit make one last cry and she threw him down into the hole. Then I heard them, those same high pitched tongues roars they had always made, but this time it was with my screaming rabbit. I didn't know what they were doing to him he must have been screaming for about a long 30 seconds. Rocko let me go to hold on to his ears and I ran out the door I rushed over to where my birthday present was and knocked it over and beat it with my bare hands, I couldn't understand why was I alive, why was I born a monster, why couldn't I just cook food and make people happy. I never wanted to be an animal or a greedy taskmaster that made people's lives miscible, so why was I only given these two options.
Well Rocko saw me crying, he didn't say anything at first, just walked around and whispered things in other ogres ears. I decided to sleep outside, it was still warm in my pot and if trolls tried to kidnap me I could save them the trouble of trying to put me in a pot to cook me. But when I woke up I was in my bed and Nana was looking over me, "What do you want?" I asked her.
She was asleep, but she was sleeping sitting down, "Someone would like to say something to you. You can come in now!"
Rocko came through the door, "Ratchettee me sorry about bunny. Me also sorry me try to smash you. Be friends?"
I got up, "You don't wanna be my friend Rocko, my people are nothing but mindless animals or greedy bastards. We can never be anything else." I looked over at Nana when I said that.
Rocko smashed the side of door, "NO! RATCHETTEE NOT GREEDY, RATCHETTEE NOT ANIMAL, RATCHETTEE NICE! Ratchettee cry when nanny kill bunny, Ratchettee has birthday party and gets no gifts, no gold, Ratchettee only gets food and stolen troll pot and Ratchettee shares with all goblins and even stranger ogres and me's ruin it for you. Me so sorry Ratchettee. Please be friends, me make sure no one hurt you."
I smiled I looked over at Nana and she just nodded her head and smiled, "Okay I forgive you, and sure we could be friends, but I don't need a body guard and don't call me Ratchettee anymore, it's just Ratchet, just tell me where did you get all that food?"
Rocko breathed in hard, "Me tells you, we's gets it from North."
"Like how far north like Stormwind or Ironforge, or maybe Lordaeron?" Nana asked.
Rocko shook his hands and his head, "No, not far north just North."
"So it's only a few miles away north, can we walk there?" I asked now.
Rocko held on to his head, "No, North is place, North is name, North end."
"You mean Northrend. You got the food from Northrend?" Nana finally had it.
"Northrend? Are you sure it's not North End that name makes more since." I added
"I'm sure, the Venture was thinking about expanding there but right now it's crawling with undead, they might have picked up these ogres there." Nana explained, "Rocko are you from North End?"
"No, me just work as mercenary, but me no good fighting, me just good at smashing. Undead very scary." Rocko explained
"It's been a growing problem in Lordaeron, which is why we weaponized the wood cutters but if there heading toward Northrend I guess we don't have much to worry about." Nana explained
So me and Rocko became friends, helped me fix wood cutters and carried around the big metal pot then I wanted to cook someplace else. Engineering school didn't really interest me all that much but I did learn a little about volatile fuels, and since I had a whole bunch of herbs I used for cooking, alchemy came really easy to me. At the very least I could make potions that tasted really good, but I wanted to open another kitchen, this is when I started charging people for my food and potions. Some of my kin were proud of me at first. I was finally handling gold and hoarding it like a goblin should, but some people didn't like it and started borrowing or stealing. I had to convince Rocko to collect, he was a teddy bear though, but he could at least look menacing and he could break stuff. I didn't like living like that though, Rocko had bruises from time to time. He told me a lot, about the orc invasion and the human's war, about what happened in Outland. He was one of the smartest ogres I've ever met, he just talked funny. When I tried to correct his speaking by saying "I" instead of "Me" or "I have" not "Me gots" he explained that is was his accent. That ogre writing had over 2000 hieroglyphic letters but as more cities were destroyed and clans fled to the wilds learning to speak with a tablets and hammers and nails that couldn't be taught, But Rocko knew how to write enough hieroglyphic letters to send messages to Kalimdor. He never ever wrote on paper once though. Said it was meaningless to write on something that could be destroyed to easily. He said then the orcs drank the demon blood the first thing they destroyed was the books, but the tablets and walls filled with hieroglyphics was how he learned to read. He taught me how to read and write in common and speak and write orcish, but those hieroglyphics, the ogre language in general. Rocko was endangered species, he was way smarter then I gave him credit for. Wasn't big on math though, he could add and subtract and multiply and divide with some practice but building, engineering, you have to know a lot more. But he did show me something, something we both came up with.
We were talking one day and he told me, "What's yous want in life, yous not happy here?"
I told him, "Once I saved up enough money I'll build a kitchen here and import goods from Northrend maybe all around the world."
"For gold?" Rocko asked
"Of course, you have to have gold if you want to do things, kitchens don't play for themselves you know." I explained.
"Ratchet has lots of gold, Rocko also has lot of gold, but yous food tasting bad, does Ratchet care. You use same corn oil for two weeks." Rocko complained.
"Someone needs to watch out for the gold, once we get more shipments I'll be able to spend it for food and kitchen equipment. But since we have to work on woodcutters to pay for the Ventures protection, I don't have time to be looking for ingredients right now. I can only feed the people willing to pay." I said it but it hurt to hear the words come out.
"And you let them steal?" Rocko stated.
"I let MY people borrow MY money Rocko with interest! You collect, it's why I feed you for free!"
Rocko crossed with arms, "You hate yous people because they greedy, Ratchet. I no like yous food and yous people not like yous food, they only eat cause they starving. I let some eat for free and even give yous gold for free." He confessed.
"Why would you do that?! IS THERE SOMETHING FUNNY ABOUT STEALING PROFIT!" He wasn't laughing but I hoped it was joke. "Please tell me you joking."
Rocko just stood there arms crossed and kept from looking in my eyes.
"You're fired, Rocko. There are pretty of ogres working here I don't need you!" I look back on that time with a lot of regret.
Rocko took the pot of two week old molding corn oil and spilled it on the ground, "Then you no need this!" Rocko took the club off his back and smashed the metal and stone pot so hard it made a spark that fell into the oil. The oil took blaze and a river of burning oil went towards the work areas. That oil burned for a long time and the fire burned a whole weeks' worth of wood from shredding. Me and Rocko weren't on best terms, I couldn't cook at all which made me really depressed and I didn't have Rocko to help with the wood shredders which was also depressing. The Venture Company found out it was us or so I thought, and the foreman asked us to explain why we were on bad terms.
I exclaimed to the foreman, "It was Rocko fault, he caused the fire when he spilled corn oil and broke my cooking pot, and it caused a spark and burned all the wood and some of the jungle."
The foremen laughed and said, "I was asking why you guys were at one time thick as thieves and now you won't even look at each other, but thanks for that. We wrote it off as a fossil fuel leak that went bad, not the first time it's happened."
So I confessed nothing "So we can forget what I just said right? I mean it's Rocko's fault, You know what they say, 'The bigger they are, the harder they avoid work' " I claimed.
"Nope, you're going to pay for this." The foreman said with a laugh. "But I am wondering about the oil you were using, it burned for a long time. Could you make more?"
"Dat oil was three week old. Me glad it went up in smoke, it's nearly poisoning us." Rocko said still angry at me.
"You both are in trouble, "The foreman explained, "Don't think I haven't heard about your bad cooking Ratchettee and your property damage Rocko. We just wrote it off as goblin acting like a goblin."
"Hear dat Ratchet, yous everything yous said you hate, a greedy destroyer of things." Rocko teased
I looked at the foremen like I was hoping he would do something after hearing something that, I was his people and he was mocking us.
"Greed is a means to an end Rocko, our goals are what drive us, not always just our profits. And you Ratchettee you can't just blow off someone that helped you get there. That why I wanted to talk to you both but that fire, people died, and that's enough to get you both hanged and I'm sorry to say you will be held prisoner until we decide what to do with you."
So from there I shared a cell with Rocko, I fought when they tried to arrest me but Rocko went quietly so I had a lot of time to work on my Alchemy trying to recreate the corn oil I made before until they figured out what to do with us. Rocko asked me, "What are you going to do when yous make that fuel?"
I was busy trying to work, "I don't know Rocko, it took three weeks of that oil rotting in a pot for it to burn like it did. We will most likely be hanged before that time."
"If yous makes it they let us go?" Rocko asked.
I rolled my eyes, "Yes, Rocko they'll let us go."
"Then everything goes back to normal," Rocko let out a sigh, "What's about me and you?"
I laughed, "There is no you and me Rocko, once I make this fuel I'll leaving a false recipe, they'll know it takes three weeks to make, that will be more than enough time for me to get out of here so I never have to see another Venture member again."
Rocko held onto two bars on our cage, "You said these were yous people."
I half smiled and looked outside the cage, "Some of those goblins owe me a lot of gold and would like to see us hanged so they don't have to pay it back. All the while they were stealing from me, what could I do to stop them? They were always holding back. Once I figure this out I'm going to Ironforge and using this fuel to build tanks that will smash this whole encampment to the ground."
"Do I hold you back?" Rocko asked "What about cooking? You uses to like making people happy with yous food."
I just looked up at him, I couldn't think of anything to say at the time.
"They no hold you back, you do. We should leave because they will kill us. But should just go and never come back, vengeance not help anyone. When ogres attack groms for destroying ogre cities it didn't bring our cultures back. We just lose more ogres and the ones alive only know war. Now there no smart ogres." Rocko told me.
"Well what should I do now?" I asked.
"What makes Ratchet happy?" answering a question with a question.
"It uses to be cooking but I don't want to be here anymore." I said seeming hopeless.
"We could go to North End, uh, Northrend feed mercenaries, no goblins or Ventures there." Rocko suggested.
"And ingredients, all those things you brought back, do they have kitchens there?" I continued.
"They gots Inns with food and rooms so, yes, maybe." He said.
"Then we can go, you can take me there right?" I was pretty excited.
"Yes." Rocko answered.
"Great so I guess I better get back to work, if we wanna to get out of here." I said at the time.
"No need." Rocko pulled two ends of the bars and they snapped off like twigs, like I said he was smarter then your average ogre. I stole some keys to get Rocko out of his cell. And we stole a row boat and made our way to Northrend. Not the whole way, you know, caught a bigger ship that took us there.
From there we were friends again and we set sail to Northrend. We met up with some of Rocko's old buddies that were still smashing up undead, fishing, and hunting. They were making a lot of money since most of the humans had fled since the undead started showing up, and people still wanted furs, leathers, herbs, meat and fish. But I didn't care about that, Rocko took me the Inn with no kitchen but after working for almost a year without a kitchen and doing everything out of a troll pot. I was in heaven, I whipped up something in three hours but I could have been there for the whole day and served everyone in Rocko's old mercenary band the best dinner I've ever made. I, at least I think it was a pretty happy time for me since me tenth birthday. After a week I needed help from Rocko in the kitchen, a lot of the other ogres helped out in the kitchen as well. The owner couldn't be believe the impact it was having, some people waited out in the cold to eat my food, and a lot of other mercenaries leaders came to talk business about jobs and missions. I asked Rocko one day, "You said you had a lot of gold did you leave it in Stranglethorn Vale?"
He shook his head, "No, me leaves it here. Me's never took it, why?"
I smiled, "Cause at this rate I'll be able to open my own restaurant."
"Is that what yous want out of life? Yous seem happy now." Rocko said
I shrugged, "Sure, but not here, it too damn cold, maybe a nice spot by the beach."
Rocko nodded, "Ogres like beach, that's why we's goes to Strange Thorn, me not the only one dat dislike fighting."
"But what should we call it?" I asked, "Ratchettee Spaghetti!" I suggested.
Rocko laughed, "No, you made dat already. It's good but something better."
I looked up at Rocko and thought, "What about Rock and Ratchet?"
Rocko face went pale, "No, leave me out of this, at one time me not do good things for Blood Maul clan. Me ruin yous reputation."
I was a little surprised to hear that, "Okay just Ratchet for now until we think of something better?"
"What's about Ratchettee's Serengeti" Rocko suggested
I looked at him questionably, "Is that some kind of ogre word?" I asked
Rocko half smiled tilded his head to the right, "Kind of."
We were going through suggestions for names when a tall blonde human in full plate armor stormed into the inn. "I am Prince Arthas Menethil heir to the kingdom of Lordaeron, I need soldiers to eradicate the undead that plague your lands."
Yeah Arthas Menethil, aka the Lich King, everyone says the Frostmorne corrupted him, but when he came into the inn I felt something was off about him. Something I only felt when near the meanest and greediest taskmasters in the Venture Company. If that dwarf and his band of treasure hunters weren't with him he would have left with two broken arms, but I was told Muradin Bronzebeard and his band of explorers were regulars. Rocko looked outside the kitchen, "Muradin?!" he shouted.
"Rocko, they never told me you'd never come back, you're a sight for sore eyes, I thought you were scared of undead." Rocko slapped his hand secured it with the other and let go.
"Me's no fighter anymore, me's a cook now." Rocko explained.
"I always knew you were smarter than your average ogre, you always knew when to run away." Muradin said with a laugh, "But this place smells great, you cooked all this food yourself?"
Rocko bended down to the dwarves level and he looked over at me, "You don't say."
"Muradin we don't time for this, if these men are willing to fight let bring them quickly" Arthas ordered.
"Who the hell do you think you are, coming into my kitchen barking orders?!" I finally said.
"With every minute that passes the undead forces grow stronger, goblin." He explained still sounding high and mighty.
"Good, if it keeps backstabbing humans out of here all the better. We're making a lot of gold by importing goods to other parts of Azeroth, we don't need human royalty in our lands telling us how to live." I shouted.
"He's a prince, means he gots lots of gold." I heard one of the mercenary whisper to another.
"Let's kidnap him and hold him for ransom." The other mercenary suggested back.
Arthas pulled out a small bag of gold and gems spilled them on the mercenaries table, "We have very good miners in Lorderon they dug up mines your people already missed, since these gems and gold pieces are rightfully yours I would suggest you smash the ships that are planning on sailing off with them. I could lead you to them if you spare my life of course."
I remember Muradin trying to speak up, but he was pushed away by Arthas, I didn't think much of it then.
"How many ships?" Rocko asked.
Arthas smiled, "Five ships filled with gold and one with gems, any of you willing to continue fighting will be rewarded by my father the king and I will forget the statements that your band just suggested."
"Rocko please don't tell me you believe that, he just trying to save his own skin with his coin purse!" I pleaded.
"I would think a goblin would jump at any chance to take five ships filled with gold lie or not." Arthas said with a laugh.
"What did you say to me?!" I rushed toward him kitchen knife in hand but Rocko stopped me by grabbing me.
"Give me second." Rocko said to Arthas, but a lot of mercenaries were already walking outside.
"Rocko, no, he's lying, I don't like him." I pleaded with Rocko, upset more about the statement Arthas made about me.
"Me knows this, but yous not survive one winter here Ratchet, me knows he's lying but me sees pictures of him. He is prince and he will pay well for job well done, me promise no fighting undead. Me smash boats and then come back in few hours. When we gets paid we all move to Kalnidor nice spot off by the beach like we's planned."
The idea made me smile and it was cold enough as it was. I didn't know what it would be like if the deep winter days were to set in. Rocko left with his old friends and that was the last I saw from him again. I sometimes think if there was anything I could have said to make him stay, or pushed the whole ransom idea, or threw that damn kitchen knife at Arthas's throat how different the world would be today. But I'd like to think that every single ogre that died that day was holding on to hope that this one job could set them up for life, if it wasn't for Rocko I would of taken a deal like the one Arthas offered and maybe Rocko was only looking out for me when he took that job. I'm sorry this is one of my biggest regrets and if anyone holds a grudge against me they could rightfully, but I do beat myself up over that terrible day.
Anyways, it was midday when he left but I stayed up for most of the night waiting for him to come back. I tried to head out there myself but it was so cold. I told myself someone has to come back. The innkeeper let me stay in one of the beds for free and said he would wake me as soon as someone came back, but I woke up a few hours before midday, and nothing. It was warm enough for me to start tracking and so I packed up the spiciest chili I could make, goblin fighting juice, and a big bag of salt chunks and started tracking. I was covered from head to toe but goblins aren't made for cold weather, I used the salt to track my way back, works a lot better than bread crumbs.
I tracked ogre tracks to traces of an encampment, I found the boats that they smashed but they didn't look like boats used to carry precious metals. The tide was somewhat high so all I found was traces of fire and a few broken boat pieces; I thought maybe Arthas made them an offer they couldn't refuse. I mean Rocko had watched me cook a hundred times and once he got hands on he knew the orders really very. He just wasn't very good with a knife. I thought, "humans have to eat too", and if they were all gone maybe they employed Rocko to cook. I told myself that but I really didn't check the wreckage of the boats, I didn't check the fire for burnt cloth or bones, and if the tide weren't up I might have found Rocko's club or more weapons. So I followed traces of tracks, there were so many of them at first but they died down once I went into this cave. I couldn't find any traces ogre tracks or weapons. I thought about heading back but night was setting in, building a fire in that cave was my best bet. So I kept tracking looking for any signs of ogre remands. There was obviously fighting going on human bodies and dragon bones littered all over the place, some of them still warm. I was somewhat relieved, but I still had no idea where Rocko might have been. Then I heard coughing from inside the cave, when a spit, then a heavy breathing. "Hello!" I yelled into the cave.
"Help." I heard a familiar voice say and more coughing. I walked slowly toward the voice, "Hello, I'm looking my friend, did they leave you here for dead."
"I can't move, there something stuck in my collar bone and I'm pinned to the ground, I can't move my arm and I think there's blood in my eye's" I heard the voice say.
As I moved closer into the cave it got darker I couldn't see anything, "It dark I'm going light a torch. Tell me if you could see it!" I yelled.
"I can see light but it's faint, I don't think you're far just walk toward my voice," he said and let out a loud cough.
I walked toward the voice like he said, and I saw the dwarf I met earlier but he was impaled on ice through his thick armor and also pieces of ice where in his body on exposed parts of his body but his helmet was intact, though he was bleeding onto his beard "Is it bad?" he asked.
"Can you move your fingers?" I asked.
"This side, aye, the other." The dwarf cried out in pain, "with some effort, aye."
"Where's Rocko, the rest of the ogres, they were with you?" I asked.
"Died, he killed them… " the dwarf explained but was stopped short, his body was shacking. So I covered him with my jacket. It was too small to cover his whole body though. So a started a fire with wood I took from the smashed ships. The fire was going but the dwarf still shivered; his body was so cold even when exposed to the fire. The areas of ice in his body weren't melting and that big piece in his collar bone showed no signs of melting. I took off his cape and covered him removed some of wet clothes but it seemed like he was breathing less ,I heated up some hot water and tried to heat my clothes just get something warm on him. I wiped him down with hot salt water it helped remove some of the smaller pieces of ice from his wounds. But that big piece.
Oh before I forget, do you know anything about Fighting Juice?
You don't.
Of course you don't, you're from Kezan right, Gallywix probably never told you.
So sometimes when you hunt and you shoot at prey and you don't kill it, you slow it down and you can still chase it without a mount. You keep shooting or stabbing not to kill but to injure, until the beast falls from exhaustion, it also helps if the beast still tries to fight back, hence the name; Fighting Juice, you kill it you take out its heart chop it into tiny bits. Throw it in a pot lined with olive oil, blood and all, add a little more olive oil, add some silverleaf or kingsblood herbs, salt and pepper for flavor. Let that heat up until the meat is nice and brown add some boiling water. THE WATER HAS TO BE BOILING don't put warm or cold water to the pot or it will lose its effect if it cools down at all, just to the point to where all the meat is submerged, stir until it's a unformed brown color and serve to a restrained someone about to undergo painful surgery or someone about enter a losing battle.
The more wounds you add to the game you're hunting the better the juice, you can also add earthroot but that would cause it to become a hallucinogen and no that's not what I gave Muradin Bronzebeard. Well I did, just not the earthroot one, I had to pull out that damn ice spike or he would of died from hypothermia. I'm not a doctor but I've seen the effects Fighting Juice had on people, I mean the dwarf had been suffering for a really long time. I've never tested it on a dwarf before and I think the animals in Northrend might have fought with a lot fury then the ones in Stranglethorn. Another factor could be that maybe the ogres were better hunters then I gave them credit for, might have been able to put a lot more wounds on a prey if they thought of it more as a game. Who can put the must wounds on a single prey? Anyways, once I pulled out the ice spike the dwarf runs out of the cave, bleeding, half naked, screaming on the top of his lungs, not my fault. Okay maybe I gave him WAY too much Fighting Juice, maybe I thought it would be great idea to pour salt in the wound to dry it out, like I said I'm not a doctor, but I didn't think he was going to pull through. I mean he didn't react to the salt water treatment earlier.
That what my nana did for me when I got hurt, said it would clean the wound and stop me from getting hurt again, cause ya know treatment was painful.
Oh don't look at me like that, he's alive now you know, give me a little credit.
Anyways, what was I saying, oh right. Scared the hell out of me, by the time I left the cave to check on him he joined with some other dwarfs riding on one of those, what are they called again? Joemanors, jimonors, worms, big.
Yeah that it, jormungar, well him, a few other gray skinned dwarfs were fighting a few of those things and seeing Muradin hopped up on Fighting Juice ripping out the teeth of these worms. I knew the juice gave you a certain level crazy in battle but holy balls, most of the other dwarfs were just in awe as Muradin killed this group of worms. They didn't even notice me, but I wasn't built for this kind of weather so I went back into the cave without any of them noticing. He was going to be in a butt load of pain once the fighting juice wore off, but he did manage to tell me what happen to Rocko and his band, but never said who. I figured it was Arthas but I was unsure why, that damn wind chill chilled my fingers to the bone, the snow that fell hurt like tiny wet shocks of electricity. I would have liked to keep tracking while the trail was still hot but I used up all my salt trying to fix up Muradin Bronzebeard, but there was still a trail of salt leading back to Arthas encampment and I remember there was a port within looking distance were I found the wreckage. So I went back into the cave where I found Muradin, ate my chili and rested until day broke, there was enough light to see almost everything in the cave I spent the night in, but I still woke up cold, with a sinus headache, a really sore throat, and a pretty bad cough. I could clearly see there was a something like a throne or pedestal with writing on it, it said, ""Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit" I finally got it, this whole quest, meeting Muradin's explores, betraying Rocko and Muradin was to find a treasure. That cheating backstabbing human, I was going to kill him for that, and in the back on my mind I wondered how much could a blade like that be worth. I ran toward the encampment vengeance, rage, and greed burned in my heart. I ran with three blades one in each hand and another in my mouth. The prince of Lorderon seem like he was waiting for the troops to move their supplies in a ship, but he was wearing completely different armor when I saw him at the inn and it seemed that his hair turned completely white. That didn't matter though, I was smiling from ear to ear when I saw that beautiful blade on his back. Without much thought I jumped up and stabbed my blade into Arthas's collar bone feeling the blade go into flesh and then crack through the areas of his upper vertebrae. A sweet sound of a clean and quick kill, but Arthas didn't fall down like a sack of potatoes like he should have. He grabbed me but I had already started to work on his blade I grabbed with both hands and then something happened.
Why are you looking at me like that? You don't think I did that do you? You know there's an old goblin saying, "Charging alone takes an uncommon daring or uncommon stupidity. Or both." You know what, I had both.
ANYWAYS! All of a sudden, I was in a dark room and I saw this glowing green orc with black tattoos and glowing white eyes it said, "What are you doing here goblin?"
"Arthas, he killed Rocko. I thought I killed him and that blade he found has got to be worth a fortune, but where am I? I have no idea how I got here" I stated
"Is vengeance what you desire?" The orc asked.
"Kind of, I don't know, maybe." I thought back on Rocko's words, "Vengeance didn't solve anything. I mean sure I wanted him dead but thinking about it now. I think I would like to make off with his little quest reward. Oh to see the look on his face when I'm rolling in a mountain of gold once I sell that thing. Maybe I could use the power of the blade to power shredders, oh racers. That would be fun or maybe…"
"SHUT UP!" the orc commanded. "Alright you clearly don't want vengeance but you just killed Arthas, are planning on doing any more killing with Frostmorne?"
"Frost-what?" I said, "Oh right, the whole 'Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit' thing, yeah I know bad convoluted contract when I see it. I like spirit intact thank you." I said with a laugh, "Don't worry, I know someone with a lot of money that probably going to buy Frost-whatever that won't mind having their soul scared."
"YOU'RE JOKING! I'm not a trinket to be sold to a vendor!" as the orc got mad the room started to shack.
"Oh I get it now, you're the sword. Big enchantment there buddy, a orc soul. Yeah maybe the whole power conduit idea would be better. You know we goblins do have some morals you know, and nothings better protected then something useful and dangerous. If this all in my head, I just gotta figure out a way to get out of here." Nothing is greater than a goblins imagination I just needed to gain some control. I just imaged myself in the biggest Fel-magic controlled machine I could think of and as I thought of it I became it. I towered over the orc and was about to crush him with my huge mechanical legs. The orc seemed out gunned but this time he was out minded and as I was about to take control when he yelled, "Be grateful to be me boy!"
When I came back I could have swore ten minutes had just gone by but it was a few seconds after, Arthas pulled me off like a rag doll and threw me on the sand. He pulled out the blade from his neck cracked his neck to the side and pointed Frostmorne at me. A few of his guards were about to run me threw and I yelled, "Time out, wait, just let me say one thing before you kill me, please." I said.
I heard a voice say, "Who sent you assassin? My prince, are you hurt?"
Arthas put his Frostmorne in the sand, "I'm fine, the little goblin just broke the armor. Let me kill him though."
"Wait, I thought you'd say that. Trying to cover up your tracks," Two guards were holding me by my arms, "You killed Rocko, you sent him to destroy your own boats because you said there was treasure on those boats."
"Is that true Arthas?" the better dressed human in cloth looked at Arthas.
"It's true, what of it?" Arthas said seemly completely emotional.
The guards let me go and looked at Arthas in disbelief, "But you said..."
"I said, what needed to be said, guardsmen" Arthas interrupted. "You will fall in line and kill this assassin."
"I am the kings' emissary you disobeyed your father the king and covered it up, and what's even worst is your showing no signs of guilt of the crimes you committed." The emissary ordered.
Arthas placed one hand on his head, "I know I don't know what wrong with me. I know I should feel bad about betraying that band of mercenaries and Muradin but I don't."
The emissary looked at him with some concern and patted Arthas on the back, "You have seen so much death today but it will pass. Goblin!" his looked over at me.
"Ratchettee." I stood up and corrected.
"Right, Ratchettee, I found this in the remains I thought it was art but I think after looking into it. I think it might be some kind of writing. I think you should have it." The emissary gave it to me a green stone placard and I knew what it was; it was made of ogre hieroglyphics. I could only make out one word "MAP" "Arthas!" the emissary shouted.
Arthas nodded got down one knee put his hand down to my level, "I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, it's my fault, and your right to want to kill me, but if there any way I could repay you you just need to ask."
I crossed my arms defensively no amount of gold could bring Rocko back. I looked beyond Arthas and saw he left Frostmorne in the sand. I remembered whatever that thing was inside that blade. I put out my hand and shook it the way humans do. "If you want to do me a favor when you get out to sea, throw that cursed blade into the ocean, it will be the death of you." Arthas looked back at it, "I mean look what it's done to your hair."
Arthas laughed, "Yours too Ratchettee, I suppose it served its purpose. I really have no reason to keep it."
I pulled out some of my hair and it was completely white and it's been like that even since. I suppose Arthas too, and that was the last I ever saw him, but it wasn't the last I heard from him, but we all know that story.
He sailed off and I looked at the hieroglyphic it couldn't really be read it but I knew it was a map. After about three days deciphering it I figured out where it leads. Rocko's stash, in a cave and in that cave was a small hill of gold and gems and a chest of very well enchanted armor. I mean I still remember the feel of those furs like chilled silk but kept all the Northrend cold out. I found a piece of paper inside the chest in orcish, "Dear Ratchet, if you're reading this I'm dead. At one time I was very good at hiding, stealing, and killing. But then I get bigger and hiding got a lot harder, but me stole lot of gold and jewels from the bloodmaul, my real name Salalash which means 'rolling stone', and stolen many things for the stonemaul clan and me steals from Venture and mercenary clans and you. Not so much money but secrets, but sometime I steal for myself. Me horde goods but me can never spend because people know me to be thief. So mes just collect and collect but me's never can share it because me not trust anyone. Until me met you, so young, and wanting things to help people. Me want that too, so whatever you do with me spoils, me knows yous uses it for good. Your friend always Rocko."
He said he thought he would have enough to build a restaurant but there was enough gold there to build a whole city and just how we planned a nice spot by the beach in Kalimdor and that town is now is called, you guessed it, Ratchet.
I wanted to make a restaurant city, a place where you can go and find any kind of ingredients without having to travel all the way to one part of the world. But most of my goblin friends didn't know much about building houses, it was a complete disaster. That's how I met Baron Revilgaz he had the professionals, the ones that knew how to build and he introduced to Gazlowe, he knew a lot about building but nothing about kitchens or cooking. He kept trying to build walls and defenses. I mean after finding a new and unexplored land, Gazlowe was already trying ways to set it on fire "if the worst were to happen" he would say, but I wasn't doing any better.
I told him about my vision for a restaurant city and he said it was stupid idea to try to build something that would entertain people in a world that was built on war. I was trying to push a meaning of peace, once the war stopped between orcs and humans they could come together and share food. I tore up a lot of his building plans and tore down a lot of his buildings built for war or for polluting the water. We rarely agreed on most things and I stayed in an inn where most of the food was and he stayed on the opposite side of the town. I remember I said to him, "If you're in charge of maintenance why don't we just set the whole place on fire and call it a day!"
Okay I didn't say that, but I WANTED to say that.
The guy like to fish but I use that term lightly, throwing dynamite into the water hardy counts as fishing, but that's how the guy ate. A lot of fights broke out between orcs and humans, night elves and high elves, and goblins and gnomes. I hired a lot of security and even trained them to fight, once Gazlowe saw my skill with a knives and clubs he knew why I didn't depend on military defenses. He did make some pretty awesome shields for our guards, you know around that time I think we were finally starting to hit a middle ground. Not walls but elite protection personal, people that could meet you, greet you and give you directions, but would beat you into a coma if you stepped out of line. That's when Baron Revilgaz showed up one day for dinner, and said during our meal, "That was really good, but you know the war's not going to end Ratchet, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing."
"We have to keep pushing peace isn't that why were neural?" I asked.
"No it's not, we profit on whoever we like, but we don't stand in the middle of race wars, and you don't feed a cat and a dog from the same kennel regardless of how good the kibbles are. I think you've seen it before, haven't you been accused of giving the better food to someone base on their race." He stated.
I half smiled and rolled my eyes. "People aren't cats and dogs, if they both agree that food is good, I'll plan on employing more than just goblins and ogres. If they can work together maybe they can play together. We just have to keep pushing."
Baron shook his head, "That's beautiful in a fairy tale story for children, but this is business and in business only the strong survive. I'm trying to make sure it's us goblins or whoever buys the most from us, I know how much you spent this year it was a lot more than I did, but I know how much you profited it, was a lot less what I made. This means you're a bleeding heart, and you're going to run dry sooner or later. Even I know you have more money than me now. What I'm trying to tell you Ratchettee is that doesn't have to be that way. Let me make a few buildings on your land something our people could use to defend ourselves."
"You wanna build weapons don't you, forget it. This place has a armory and that's all we need." I crossed my arms and was about leave.
"Hold on, I'm not talking about a brash piece of metal used for bashing skulls, I'm talking about the fighting juice, the one you mixed up for Venture Company, and yeah there still looking for you by the way."
I sat back down, "Fighting Juice is hit or miss which is why it's hard to start a business off it. Don't you have hunters that can hunt game?"
We do, but none crazy enough to go to Northrend to get the best of the stuff, but we do have trappers, you could lead them, you know the areas, you know the routes to take ships, you go there when you run low on funds. I'll I'm asking is you share the profit." Baron stated but the way he was rising is voice if felt like I was being ordered.
"I am not a hunter, nor would I hunt there even if I was, the practice of harvesting fighting juice is a cruel one. But you said trappers didn't you, you want people fight animals?" It was kind of easy to see.
"Bingo," Baron slapped his hand together, "think about it Ratchettee people will only want peace once the lust for blood is stated, we just need an arena, maybe here on Ratchet and you to bring back a few animals from Northrend and the fighting juice is something we can both sell on the side."
This put a terrible taste in my mouth I knew getting Fighting Juice was cruel way to hunt but this seemed downright inhumane, I looked over at Gazlowe and he seemed pretty disgusted at well.
"I need to think about this." I said
Baron got up wiped off his hands, "Take all the time you need, Ratchettee. This is your town, for what it's worth. Maybe you could join me for a little game next week."
"I'm not a hunter, no thanks." I stated.
Baron shook his head, "No I mean a game game with friends and gold."
"He means gabbling." Gazlowe cut in
"Gabbling what's that" I really didn't know at the time.
"I'll show you next week." Baron Revilgaz winked, left with his bodyguard, and set sail to Booty Bay.
"I don't think you should do it I've seen what these games can do to people." Gazlowe suggested.
I half smiled, "Can I win?"
Gazlowe shrugged, "It's not impossible, no; maybe I could teach you how to play."
So Gazlowe started showing how to play poke-poke, dark-jack, and Taranis hold em. And that week we went to Booty Bay and took a whole pot of gold from everyone from the goblin cartel. I thought to myself I may not even need to go back to Rocko's stash, I can win a pot and that would be enough gold for the whole week, but I wanted more, Gazlowe came to play as well but I broke even the next week. Which means I needed to go back to Northrend but I remembered sometimes Baron Revilgaz would play all the money he had and lose it, because he had his stash there in Booty Bay and he just went down stairs got more gold and started playing again. So I brought a bigger boat to Northrend and I had a little bit of help move all the gold this time and before I left I asked Gazlowe to make a big safe and boy was he surprised when I came back. All the gold I owned was on one ship and this time I invited him over to Ratchet's place. Long story short and I know you wanna hear that, you've been typing for a long time now and you're starting to sweat.
The first three cards on the flop gave a three of a kind for me so I raised, two of the cards were on the flop I had one of them and so did everyone else.
The turn gave everyone a shot at a flush if they had two cards of the same coat, but gave me a full-house, Gazlowe went all in, and Baron Revilgaz went all in as well.
Then the river card came up, it gave the same coat giving anyone that at least one card of the coat a chance at the flush, and Baron put a piece of paper on the pile of chips.
"What's that?" Gazlowe asked
"It's the deed to Booty Bay," Baron Revilgaz replied.
"I can't match that." Gazlowe said.
"Yes you can, you stop working for Ratchettee and you work for me for free for the next five years, life threatening jobs or not, but I don't want you died, I'll give you free room board but anything you invent is mine." Baron put his cards in his lap. "If you win you make Booty Bay however you like."
"And what if I win." I finally cut in.
Baron looked over at me, "Well if you win I guess you get Booty Bay and Gazlowe but your vision for peace are a little farfetched, especially now. But you'll need something of value"
I took one of the playing cards that were on the board and in pen and I wrote, deed to Ratchet and signed the bottom. "Is that good enough for you?"
Baron smiled, "Yep,"
Gazlowe looked at both of us, "I have the high flush ace, two cities, what am I going to do?"
I laughed, put down my full-house, "Sorry Gazlowe but don't worry, no life threating jobs, I promise. What do you have flush?"
Baron looked a little disappointed, "Yep you got me, I have a flush."
"Well a full-house beats a flush" I stated.
Baron looked me in the eyes and smiled, "You're right a full house does beat a flush, unless it's a straight flush."
He put down his cards and there it was, just like that, "Now, get off my property."
And that's how I lost Ratchet and everything Rocko gave me when he died. That why Gazlowe was working with Thrall on so many life threatening jobs, but me I went a little nuts. Okay, I went bat-shit crazy. I was already wanted by the Venture Company and Baron made sure to tell them any kind sightings they had of me. He didn't want me near any other goblins in the cartel and when my hormones' starting kicking in my vision started to blur. I think I must have climbed to the World Tree and dove into its waters. I kept killing animals and doing who knows what to them, I couldn't find any females. I mean I saw female orcs from time to time that looked good but they weren't us, me, and I never really understood sex at the time. I mean I knew how our kind came to be but I hadn't seen a nana from a baby hole in a long time. Where were they, I thought. I kept myself covered in blood and mud most of the time. I learned to crawl faster than I could run, I killed so many goblins when I saw them. They were hunting me, I remember that, so I killed them. Most goblins are expendable, and a lot of goblins are hard to get rid of, Me, I'm both at the same time. But everyone else didn't have faces; they never saw me unless I wanted them. But I stole to eat and if I saw a goblins out in the forest I killed them, I don't look at those times with much regret, I figured the more victims I killed, the more likely I was to get the right one. I lived like a rat; you might have guessed I completely forgot how to cook, I forgot everything, how to speak, how to think, I remember Nana had a name for this a 'Giblin'. Yeah, that's what I must have become, but I wasn't like them, I was a giblin but another kind. I could remember my name, Ratchet, adventurers said it from time to time, my city, my town. It was mine, and I was going to get it back, but I couldn't figure out how. I wanted to do something but I wasn't sure what it was. Ratchet that was the only thing I could think of. I sometimes had visions or my city. Not the town, but something better, lit up with lights, races of every shape and color. Food going from place to place, machines, boat races, and fireworks. Then it turns into a nightmare, people killing one another, and my people picking through the bodies like rats. I see myself and I am everywhere and I'm nowhere. I don't know how long I lived like that, those years seem to go by in a blur but one day my vision finally focused on something. A woman, a goblin woman, but younger and prettier running through the forest, I asked her, "What are you?"
She was about to blast me when I snuck up behind her, "I'm a goblin, what are you?"
"I'm Ratchet," I told her, "are Venture, come to hunt Ratchet, you wanting burning fuel, well I have some if you like toast"
She was kind of nervous, "No I'm not looking for fuel."
"Good, cause I would toast you, make you delicious." Like I said crazy, but I remember that day.
"You with Steamwell Cartel come to take Fighting Juice. I don't have any" I did though, I was living off it.
"Fighting Juice, no, I'm just on a job. I need to 20 wolves pelts or something. I really wasn't paying attention. You know you look a lot like a goblin" she stated with a smile.
The smile made my heart hurt but my head feel really good. "I am goblin, but goblins hunt me, but I hunt them first, Ratchet always wins."
She looked at me quizzically, "Ratchet like the town."
The name I heard so much from others, "Ratchet is my town, my city, they stole it, full-house beat's a flush unless it's straight. You not look like goblin, you look like Nana but prettier."
"Thank you?" She shrugged.
"Ratchet can see now, vision not so blurred. Ratchet can speak Ratchet can….." It all came back to me like a flood, "Ah shit, where in the hell am I?"
"Wow your voice sounds way different now." It did change, like, way deeper than it ever been before.
My head still kind of hurt, "What's the year?"
"2013" she answered.
I stood there for a few seconds and trying to recall the concept of math, "That would make me eight years now"
"You're eight years old?" Seeming unbelieving.
"No, I've been here for eight years, I was bat shit crazy until now, I think that would make me like 20 now, right?" I asked.
"I don't know, we've never met before, so what's your name" she asked.
"Ratchettee or Ratchet, yeah like that town, yours?"
"Strator, like, uh well nothing."
"That's an odd name, nice to meet you." She put out her hand and I slapped it the way the Venture Company uses to, a series hand slaps and fist bumps but she didn't catch on. "Hey I know this is going to sound weird but…"
Strator crossed her arms, "More weird then the conversation I just had with you, unlikely."
"Where do baby goblins come from?" I asked.
Her eyes's went a little wide, "Nope you were right, are you telling me you really don't know."
I shrugged and half smiled, "Nope."
She took a deep breath, "Okay where do I start, when a momma goblin and daddy goblin like each other a lot, the daddy-"Well you know how it goes. She explained the whole thing to me. I told her that I had only seen one female, the one that raised me and I hadn't see her in years and the past eight years was my hormones had been trying balance out, and the Fighting Juice, and well everything. She helped me get cleaned up and then she helped a little more, it was really nice of her if you ask me.
After that I registered as a member of the Horde now that they were employing goblins from Kezan not cartel anymore, I started a guild called the Penetrators of Booty Bay and we plan on taking back the city by force if we have too. And here I am.
Sheesh I need water.
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