#i think daud's is actually my favourite
jazzmckay · 2 months
tagged by @broodsys for this writer questionnaire uvu ty, i got really into this one. the deep jazz lore incoming <3
tagging @lyriumlullaby-ao3, @inscrutable-shadow, and @skadizzleross
copy and paste-able question list at the bottom of the post!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
says 88, but one is anonymous lol 89 babey
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
dragon age currently, prior to that, detroit: become human. some witcher and RWBY mixed in. teen wolf, dishonored, red vs blue, homestuck back in the day, a couple other things.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Truth in Melody (witcher, geraskier)
The World Upside Down (dbh gen)
left an impression on my heart (teen wolf, scott/stiles. its over a decade old i am not linking this lol)
Variable Outcome (dbh, connor & gavin gen)
Winter Chill and Summer Bloom (dbh, connor/gavin)
5. Do you respond to comments?
absolutely! if i don't, it's only because the person is being a jerk or just uncomfortable. give me a heart emoji, you're getting a heart emoji right back. boop
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i generally write happy endings, no matter how hellish the road to that happy endings is. i do, however, have a Bad End dbh oneshot. Fair Compensation. it's straight up non-con, and from aggressor pov, so viewer discretion is advised
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
gosh idk how i could pick. as i said in the previous answer, i try to leave off on a high note. Truth in Melody or perhaps Promises to Keep. wouldn't say they're happier than others, but they're among my longest fics, which means the characters had to go through some bullshit to get those happy endings lmfao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
a couple times. more often, i get weird / uncomfortable comments that i just ignore
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do! well, i'd say "kinky" tends to be a general theme ahahaha and feelsy! smut in my chaptered fics are more basic, the oneshots can be wild though. and then there's from the depths, an ancient song, where i wrote a foursome involving a LOT of tentacles. like a lot. so take that how you will.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
ive dabbled in ideas, but rarely get around to actually writing them. i do like the concept of smashing my favourite universes together, though. my dbh vampire series is basically just the lore of vampire: the masquerade, but i wouldn't consider it a full crossover
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i have! and a couple additional requests, one that i denied, and another that i agreed to but no result yet! still hoping <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, for events. shout out to any of my buddies from the homestuck shipping olympics who see this :p can you BELIEVE how long it has been
roleplaying is also kinda like co-writing fics sometimes honestly. i've got some threads that have been ongoing for years and took a lot of plotting and planning together uvu
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
how dare u ask me this. this is nearly impossible aughh but i'm going to say corvo/daud from dishonored
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
basically anything from my favourite games and such that are nonetheless overshadowed by current hyperfixation. i'm forever sad that most of my many, many dishonored fic ideas were from a time when i chronically could not finish anything
16. What are your writing strengths?
i don't know, i'm bad at acknowledging good things about myself lol characterization, i suppose, that tends to be what i get the most lovely comments about <3
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
fluff, unless it's the resolution to angst lmfao i need to build up to it. drop me straight into a nothing scenario of fluff and i don't know what to DO. technical-wise, idk, descriptions i think
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
it certainly has its place and can be done well! but it's easy to mess it up, too. you need to make sure it's accurate and fitting for the scene, you need to avoid racist stereotyping, you need the story to still make sense and flow well. if the message isn't clear because most readers don't know the language, or have to keep looking it up / reading author notes, that's immersion-breaking imo. with fictional languages where much of the fanbase is familiar with the common words, though, no big deal i'd say
19. First fandom you wrote for?
honestly i think it was the cartoon, angry beavers lol i didn't know what's what i was doing, at the time. as far as serious, intentional stories, maybe firefly? or xmen?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
i cannot pick just one lol 4 is as low as ill go
previously linked Winter Chill and Summer Bloom: this is very hurt/comfort, my favourite thing, with a bunch of my other favourite things tossed in. touch-starvation, non-verbal character, characters getting away from the location of their suffering to heal in a better place, both physically and mentally, sweet slice of life stuff etc.
take these broken wings and learn to fly: more h/c! this one starts off heavy as hell and involves a lot of Process of Healing (to no ones surprise, at this point). healing has gotta be one of my favourite genders. also it's femslash.
Sight & Shadows: it's both plot- and character-driven, i'm happy with how i balanced both simultaneously. it's my vampire au, and other than the v:tm lore borrowing, it feels almost original to me. it's a rarepair, in an au--as niche as it gets, shaped a lot by the universe and story i put together for the whole series. it was a joy to create, because i truly did write this for ME. i wouldn't say any of my fics were written for others, per se, but i guess this one just felt different from the start. i wasn't anticipating an audience, i was just telling the story these characters needed, the way i like to do it. i had great friends supporting me through it, so i wasn't alone in the process or anything, it just felt the most like writing an original story than any of my other fics have
into the light of the dark black night: first of all, yes, 2/4 fics listed here are titled with lyrics from blackbird by the beatles. blackbird lyrics means intense feelings, that's just how it is. i've done it twice, and ill DO IT AGAIN. anyway, this one takes place in one of dbh's grimmest possible endings--the nuclear blast ending. i did a lot of research for this one, and also put a lot of thought into handling it with as much care as i think a concept like this requires. it's weighty, but hopeful. it has apocalypse elements, which i love. i got to do cyberpunky stuff as well. i added some of the elements i think dbh would have included if d@vid cage weren't a coward. i projected multiplicity onto some of the characters. i got to write north as the steadfast and successful leader of the revolution, as she deserves. blackbird fly <3
if you made it through all of that... thank you :>
and the template:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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overseermartin · 1 year
One of my favourite things to do with a character I like, especially if the character is a little fucked up, is give them a small angry traumatised child to look after (which is why I think I like Daud so much. He lets me do my shit and it's basically cannon compliant).
Can't stop won't stop thinking about Martin taking a young man training to be an Overseer under his wing because the kid is just a little fucked up and reminds him of himself when he was younger. But when he was younger he was on the streets of Morley and this kid is literally within the pristine walls of the Overseer's offices most days, so he really needs to drop the angry teen sarcasm for some more refined so sly you can't tell he just called you an idiot Marin style sarcasm, lest some overstuffed Overseer gets a little too excitable during a punishment and half way kills the kid for back talk.
I just adore thinking about that intersection of a character not being a good person, teaching their kid Not Great things, but it still being gentle in parts and even if he says it's just so the kid will survive, and he's short tempered with him in places, or cuffs him around the back of the head when he won't listen, he's still listening to the boy's problems as he helps him tend an injury from a disciplinary hearing, he's still giving the kid a nod and sly smile when they do something well. It's still love in its own way, even if he's telling the boy how to lie, manipulate, and twist the situation to his gain, even if others get hurt.
Also a huge fan of 'teaching a kid to be tough and get back at the world' combined with 'kid teaching him right back how to have compassion and love and laugh and be lighter and happier and oh fuck he's a dad now. An actual dad- this isn't a void-damned kid that he just tolerates that's his SON. Oops.'
Oh interesting 👀 anon you should totally write that as a fic, I'm pretty the fandom would eat that up
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theyhaveacavetroll · 1 year
tagged by @iamdexter123. Thanks!
Rules:  A challenge to give your Top 10 favourite characters, based on their ESSENCE. They have to be favourite characters that also have a deeper literary value, where you enjoy their specific role in the story, and this means that the list also should exclude characters that would normally count as favourites if for purely nostalgic reasons. They can be from film, tv, or written media, anything
Oh gods. Um. This is going to be Hard isn't it.
James Flint, Black Sails
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I have loved and will continue to love James "Flint" McGraw both for his place in the story and just in general. His was the story that took me by the shoulders, shook me briskly and whispered "it doesn't have to be like this, the world doesn't have to be this cruel but it is and aren't you tired of it? Aren't you tired of pretending that the status quo is ok? Aren't you ready to make it change?" And he was the main voice for that sentiment that shook me down to my bones.
Farah Dowling, Fate Winx Saga
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Farah is a character who has done horrible things. She's been the unthinking protegé of a monster and still came back from the edge. She's someone who took all the pain she experienced and has decided to be kind, even if she struggles with that sometimes, and I love her for it. And she's not motherly, she's more of a wine aunt, but she still cares so deeply about people and that's refreshing too. And of course I love it when I get a female character who is allowed to be complex and also in charge.
Saul Silva, Fate Winx Saga
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I love Saul for being arguably the most responsible adult in the room at all times and also so deeply, deeply defined by tragedy that I don't think he knows who to be without the guilt he's carrying around with him (I'd love to find out, though). He's got a life that's been deeply shitty in so many ways but he keeps trying to do the right thing, and then there's the way that despite everyone else around him caving and doing things that are questionable or just outright wrong, he's the one with the moral center and the conviction to say "no, I'm not doing this and I wish you wouldn't either" even in the face of danger. Oh - and he's a damsel in distress, which I don't get to see in male characters much.
Daud, Dishonored
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*looks at Daud* *looks at Saul* uhhhh, I appear to have a thing about guilt-ridden men who also adopt every kid in sight and who end up getting forgiven by the people they hurt. I just think they're neat, ok?
Charles Vane, Black Sails
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Look. This character has - oh, so many flaws. He's a piece of shit in so many ways, but he's also got some of the rawest lines in this entire damn show, the ones that I'd willingly get tattooed on me so I don't forget them. If you ever need to know what radicalized me, it was probably this guy and everything he said and did from 2x10 on.
Tiago Rodriguez/Raoul Silva, James Bond
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I'm sorry, was I not supposed to like the most stylish villain in a Bond film since...idk, I think the last one with this much personality was probably Elektra King. The brat energy. The little bit of crazy underneath it. The fact that the man had a really valid point and actually succeeded because he set achievable goals. The way he's... not quite sexually aggressive with Bond but also definitely wants to get railed. Fascinating.
Simon Torquill, October Daye
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Simon. My darling, best idiot who needs to have someone wrap him in a blanket for about a century and make him as much honey-sweetened tea as he can stand and above all else not allow him to make major decisions until he's had a chance to process the clusterfuck that is his life up til now. I love him, your honor. I love that I get a male character who's allowed to be his own worst enemy but also the kindest, most caring father anyone could ask for when he's not flinging around transformation spells and shooting people with elfshot while being puppeteered by a megalomaniac. And of course I love an actual redemption arc that for once doesn't end in death. Right, Seanan? RIGHT? (jk, I trust her. Mostly).
Rosalind Hale, Fate Winx Saga
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Ok, so. I both hate Rosalind and love her as a character. It's a complicated thing, but I think what I really love about her as a character is that she's a female villain who is creepy as fuck and I wish that the writers had not immediately turned her into... whatever the fuck they were going for in s2. I was much more fond of s1 Rosalind who was an absolute monster who broke the adults in the series so badly and so completely that they're still a pack of emotional wrecks twenty years on. I wanted her to stay that monster instead of being written as a butch lesbian who's just very done with everyone's shit and occasionally given to a bit of torture. I wanted a better look at what she did to Farah, and to Ben Harvey, and for someone to spell out in great detail that she took Andreas and broke him down to be her attack dog from the time he was sixteen.
Basically I love the potential of the character but if she turned up in front of me I would be compelled to stab her quickly.
Javik, Mass Effect
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There's something about Javik that I keep coming back to and I think it's the sheer weight of what he represents. One individual out of trillions still alive. Shepard's mirror image, but his mission went to hell and his people all died and now he's awake again and it has to feel like a kind of torture. And yet, for all that, Javik's character arc is about hope. It's about picking yourself up, or rather being picked up, and figuring out how to live again. If you do everything right, Javik gets to see the end of the Reapers and the end of the carnage. He gets to live, and grow, and maybe finally put down his gun and write a book or something, and that's important. We all need a character to remind us that as long as you're alive, there's hope.
Nomi, James Bond
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I love her, your honor. If there's one thing the last film got right, it was having three women of color, none of whom had the slightest inclination to fuck Bond, and of the three of them, Nomi is my favorite. I love that she's the new 007. I love that she's there to drag Bond's ass and warn him off her assignment. I love her "Double-0 what?" and I love her "I'll shoot you in the knee. The one that works." I love that she gets to murder racists, and I love that she's got fully as much style as any other 007.
Honorable mentions who didn't make the narrative weight cut or who I just ran out of room for:
Garrus Vakarian, Mass Effect
Mordin Solus, Mass Effect
Anders, Dragon Age
Thomas Barrow, Downton Abbey
Miranda, Black Sails
Madi, Black Sails
Max, Black Sails
Alec Trevelyan, James Bond
Moneypenny (Samantha Bond and Naomi Harris), James Bond
Andreas of Eraklyon, Fate Winx Saga
Tagging anyone who wants to do this, as well as @skloomdumpster, @septemberrie, @djino04, and @penflicks
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imo the outsider 100% has favourites, even though he denies it. it is just a little too obvious. he is awfully sentimental, and it's a very human trait, and that may lead to misjudgement.
as for the dlcs, there could be multiple reasons for his help, but here is my take. we know for a fact that the outsider hates violence and outside presence in the void, especially one that exploits it. delilah absolutely violates the void, even in the dlcs, and the only way of getting her out or at least making her less dangerous at this point is getting daud to help and empowering him to do that.
interesting cuz both delilah and her witches and the cultists from Dishonored DotO are using the void as grounds for their operations, even though for different reasons; but i think that explains the outsider's attitude in that regard
He is oddly sedimental, come to think of it, but I don't think he plays favorites, at least not often. We joke that he favors Corvo over Daud, but that's not necessarily true. There's the "My Dear Corvo" line, but that was technically in the game trailer, and even then he sounded rather condescending, as if he felt nothing but pity. The only time he actually expresses an actual positive reaction is when he spared Daud. He's surprised and relieved, dispite any distain Daud had for him. But, at the same time, the advantages he gave Daud and Emily really tipped the odds in their favor.
It has been stated that The Outsider is more of a neutral power, and outside a few exceptions, he is. He doesn't necessarily hate violence, he actually causes it willingly. The devs have said that he hands out his power to humans, and fully expects them to abuse it, and when they don't (like Corvo, or Daud in his dlcs) he is pleasantly surprised.
But you are right, he doesn't seem to like cults. There are many in game, The Whalers, The Brigmore Witches, The Abbey of the Everyman, and The Eyeless to name a few, all with their own opinions of the Outsider. The Whalers and The Brigmore Witches seem rather neutral, with their leaders (Daud/Delilah respectively) not prasing or denouncing him to their followers. Unlike The Eyeless who worship him or The Abbey who lothe him. For the most part, he doesn't care much for any of them, save for Delilah and Daud. They seem almost boring to him, so whatever the reason, I think it was Delilah specifically that he didnt like.
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grandinventor · 4 years
omg is it jindosh discourse time again in 2020? first of all: hell yes, second of all idk if you've played DotO or not, but the way they use his proto clockwork soldiers... the whole time i was just thinking wow he would hate this so much
I didn’t want to bring back the Jindosh Discourse 2020 edition with my return, but it was inevitable I guess, I do like retro things after all ksajdnkajnwbdjhabd
Anyway I actually haven’t played DotO because by the time it came out I was kinda burned out on Dishonored and also Billie is one of my favourite characters since Knife of Dunwall and I read that she is treated badly in favor of Daud and the Outsider and just after the Jindosh thing I couldn’t sit through my fave being handled badly so I just threw my hands up and never touched DotO. 
So please tell me what do they do with Jindosh’s Clockworks? I think he is dead in the DotO canon or something, or in the canon in general and there is a witch doll with needless in the crotch and head, the way you lethally assassinate him, but what do they do with the Clockwork Soldiers?
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hirvitank · 3 years
Waste + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I knew Death of the Outsider was coming, and as the Outsider was my favourite character I really wanted to explore the theory of him becoming human—the game hadn’t been released yet so we had no idea how it’d actually end, just that Billie and Daud were working together to kill him. Since the Outsider functioned as a sort of moral compass, I was very curious to try and imagine how his canon characteristics and biases would translate into a human version of him; how would he experience the world? How would he come to terms with such a humbling existence? Where did he come from and who was he? How would he cope with his own mortality, human emotion, the consequences following his choices in the Void? And most importantly; how had his being the Outsider affected his humanity? There was so much I wanted to see explored, things I feel the previous games hinted at but never elaborated upon. I wanted to write a psychological sort of story where we’d really be able to feel and experience whatever passed in his mind, and I tried my best to use my knowledge as well as my own experiences—flaws I either observed within myself or others, ideas, thoughts and feelings influenced by bias, depression, trauma, etc. When in art school, most of my inspiration came from the transience of things; my fear of death. I really wanted to take the subject and explore it through the eyes of someone previously immortal.
2: What scene did you first put down?
I think it was the original ending I wrote down first. I was supposed to write towards a particular scene, but somewhere along the way I’d decided to discard the idea entirely and opt for a happier resolution. I originally intended for the Outsider to die in the end, both to explore the feelings of those around him, as well as his own emotions accepting such a fate. I wanted a way to embrace death, as well as an output for all my bitterness regarding the subject; my anger at the ‘unfairness’ of it all, as well as my own trauma. I wanted to express loss, and in a way try and reveal the beauty of it. In the end, I had already found a way to deal with grief, and I also felt these characters deserved more; the fairness of fiction
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
That’s a REALLY difficult pick haha (does this mean literally a single line, or like a paragraph?). I’ll just share one of my favourite parts, because I can, and because it’s even more difficult to pick a single line from such a long story and I’m honestly horrible at making choices:
I heard the whispers of rats all around me, tiny feet scampering through the pipes; Billie’s gift tucked inside my shirt. My bare feet light, making little noise—as if I wasn’t really there. Perhaps I wasn’t. Perhaps I hadn’t been anywhere for centuries.
Up the stairs, cold stones. The walls decorated, grand and lavish. Empty corridors and lingering traces of hushed whispers—the guards had left their posts. She’d be there. How would that have made me feel? How should that make me feel? Almost, getting closer. My heart pounded in my ears, lungs greedily begging for more air, more—more. I felt like running. Strong currents of energy coursed through my veins, vibrated through bones and tendons. If I lost control, would I explode in a million pieces? Would the energy burst out and take my body apart, like the Void tearing into reality?
Who was I?
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Honestly impossible to pick, I’ll just take this monologue:
“Anton Sokolov: sire to 14 children, but a father to none. A brilliant mind at a terrible cost, enlightenment in exchange for the dark depravity of the soul. Fingers that turn the times into a revolution of progress, the same fingers that touch upon women as they do the cold inventions they craft. Objects close to his heart—objects from his mind.
“The stench of alcohol in his bed, his clothes, his skin. Liquors and paints; on the canvas, dripping from his fingers, in the eyes of the beggar he found in the flooded slums of a place forsaken. The stench of rot still fresh on his teeth as he smiles at young Emily Kaldwin and tells her: ‘Don’t worry dear, here in the tower you are safe.’ Don’t worry dear, for I know the truest evil lies not within the high walls of Dunwall but within my hands and mind, within the flooded basement where a woman screamed and bled until she hung her head and closed eyes from which the dark paint still leaked—forever.
“The human body—like clockwork—taken apart in exchange for coin, for valuables. But those things Anton Sokolov values most lay outside of his intellectual grasp; for all the reasoning in the world he is but a cold, lonely man in search of a higher purpose that is but a lie of his own twisted imagination. A delusion of grandeur.
“How does it feel? One’s biggest regrets are but feelings of little consequence. The true disease is the sickness that allows one to enact true consequence on an innocent in the name of a self-prescribed fate. But I suppose that’s the curse of boredom. That, is the curse of your brilliance.”
5: What part was hardest to write?
The first chapter! There’s nothing more difficult than a set-up imo; establishing characters, pacing, setting and feel. I had a vague idea of where I wanted to go, but there was still so much I didn’t know that I had a hard time choosing how and where to start. I think it’s one of the most heavily edited chapters, just because I didn’t have a clear grasp on the characters or plot yet. (Also smut, oh lord help me)
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
There’s the original ending, and I did at one point start on a companion fic to explore Emily’s pov, but decided I better focus on finishing the original instead.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
The fact that it’s finished (hurrahhhh!!), and the themes and subjects.
12: What do you like least about this fic?
My own sense of humour, I always cringe reading my own jokes so I can only hope it hits with others—I genuinely have no idea, and it’s hard at times to figure out where to draw the line.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
WELL IM GLAD U ASKED!! I’ll try and keep this short, but these are some of the songs that carried this fic, not even exaggerating.
1. Lover Don’t Leave, Citizen Shade
2. Happy Life, Roland Faunte
3. Painting Roses, Dresses
4. ID, Charlie Allen
5. High Tops, Del Water Gap
6. Love Song for Lady Earth, Del Water Gap
7. Battle Cry, The Family Crest
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
EVERYTHING. I had literally no idea about writing, apparently. I’ve had no classes in literature, nor have I ever been taught the common rules when it comes to writing. I got to learn most of it thanks to my friends who helped edit (shoutout to @onewhoturns again), and through trial and error. I absolutely loved the experience of it, and I’m so grateful for all I’ve learned, and all I will continue to learn in the future. It’s given me the basis for my own original writing which I’m trying to pursue, and which I hope will someday become reality.
Thank you so much for these! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed answering every single one. ♥
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lumeha · 4 years
5, 11, 13, 29?
5 - Favourite mission
DH1 is probably the Flooded District. It was... frustrating ? But it was also extremely fun to play through. And I cackled like an idiot while doing my best to knock out Daud and make sure I didn’t give him the pleasure of actually confronting him directly. It’s the one mission I had to start over a lot because I was careless while doing clean hands run, with incapacitated Whalers falling from the top of buildings, but. It was challenging, interesting, and in the end, I just had a lot of fun with it.
DH2 is The Good Doctor. Addermire is one of my favourite place to explore, between the Myst vibe in the aesthetic and the use of the rail to arrive there, the use of the elevator to avoid guards in an hilarious way, the absolutely disgusting audiograph from Grim Alex which creeps the hell out of me, and the non-lethal way is quite satisfying.
11 - Do you think Corvo is Emily’s dad?
Well it’s now canon anyway but honestly I really, really, really like the idea that he isn’t her bio dad, he just happens to have always been there for her and always taken care of her so. He’s her dad, y’know. And with what came down all around Emily, that’s a really, really important thing for her.
So, yeah, but I also just really like that variation that he isn’t her bio dad, but dad anyway
13 - Anything you would change if you could?
I wanna pet the dog. Just. Let me pet a dog, Arkane. I deserve to pet one of the weird Dishonored doggos. Corvo and Emily and Billie deserve to pet a dog
In a more serious way, I would have liked more variation in the Outsider’s talks between Emily and Corvo in DH2 tbh ? The differences between the first dialogue and the Grand Palace talk are just delightful to me, and I just. want. more of those. The way they are treated differently in those two dialogues just tickle my fancy honestly, it’s interesting to see, and I feel like it’s a missed opportunity (if a shitton of work added I suppose)
29 - Favourite headcanon?
... Right now, I just really like the idea that Daud and Corvo using their “stop time” abilities never work on each others that I’ve seen discussed on the incorrect dishonored blog. So sometimes, Daud just gets stuck in time because Corvo is using the power, and he’s so annoyed. He’s retired. He wants to be left alone. Stop messing and bending time Corvo. It doesn’t help with wood carving.
It just cracks me up a lot.
Okay and from myself I still laugh at the idea that the Whalers have a special moment in their training that is just “so, Daud. Knife of Dunwall. Terrifying assassin. Sometimes he just calls you through the bond to ask your opinion on whatever is happening, not to kill anyone. Just. Just get used to it.” because the “summon assassin” thing working like the Heart makes it sound like they are all just SO used to it
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septemberskye · 5 years
Fandom: Dishonored || Character: Morgan Yu :3c
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Either Corvo or Daud, depending on the day (who would’ve guessed)
Least Favorite character: DELILAH 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Corvo/Daud, Emily/Wyman, Corvo/Jess when it’s done the way I like it (let Jess be funny, let her have a sense of humor), and I don’t really have any others?? 
Character I find most attractive: GOD this is hard. Emily’s gorgeous but she is daughter, so. Billie is also very pretty, but frightening. So probably Corvo then? He’s attractive and nonthreatening 
Character I would marry: CORVO 
Character I would be best friends with: honestly? Wyman seemed really fun in The Corroded Man
A random thought: I wonder why Corvo cut his hair 
An unpopular opinion: not sure how unpopular it is, but I have some issues with Emily’s character in DH2, and I don’t like high chaos Em at all
My Canon OTP: Corvo/Jess, probably 
My Non-canon OTP: Corvo/Daud!
Most Badass Character: all of them??? (Billie tho. Billie wins)
Most Epic Villain: Delilah (still tho. ugh)
Pairing I am not a fan of: any of them that involve Delilah
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Daud. The way they did DOTO, the writers basically made his whole dlc arc pointless, and they barely gave him any motivation for trying to go after the Outsider. As far as I can tell, he never actually found out Delilah got out of the painting (which would’ve been pretty solid as motivations go) and decided to go god-killing because he thought the Outsider just hated him. It was…not good >:|  
Favourite Friendship: this makes me realize DH isn’t a very friendship-heavy series, wow. Emily and Wyman were cute in The Corroded Man tho! 
Character I most identify with: Daud, and I’m not even really sure why. I’ve just been really attached since I finished the dlcs 
Character I wish I could be: Emily, but only if I didn’t have to be empress
See, I was going to wait until I finished Prey but I have feelings now
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: I like her! She doesn’t talk during the game, but there are plenty of little things you can do to let some personality show. She’s like Corvo in DH1 especially, she can be pretty cool if you play her that way :)
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: no one yet, at least! Almost everyone on Talos I is dead though, there’s not many options. I’ll update if that changes tho! 
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: so I would say Morgan and their brother, Alex, but I’m not sure I trust him. He doesn’t really seem to care that his only sibling is running around all alone, getting attacked by all manner of horrible things
My unpopular opinion about this character: I’m not sure I have one? I like to think that before everything went to hell, though, that she wasn’t serious at all
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: so you pick between the male and female options at the beginning, right? I’m not sure how well it would work for gameplay, but I wish the Morgans were twins. gremlin twins. they’re not stuck on Talos with the aliens, the aliens are stuck there with them
Favorite friendship for this character: I’m not sure if it really counts as a friendship, but that little robot January has been pretty helpful!
My crossover ship: Morgan/a quiet and peaceful life. Crossover friendship would be with Dr. Hypatia though, and if I come up with a romantic ship I’ll say so :) 
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aimlessfool · 5 years
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(First Part) Daud’s Journal, last part:
(Two pages has been skipped, a drawing of an Amygdyla on the page beside the words.)
More Beasts fall by the kid's swords, and I couldn't be more proud. They're taking over for their old man, it seems. They still need a few years to catch up, though, so I'm not worried they'll out do me. They all got counts, like they're competing, and I'm glad they didn't listen to that old loon of a Hunter that passed by, preaching his newfound knowledge. I would say he has seen too much, but what Hunter hasn't? (A slight headshot of a familiar figure with cloth over one of his eyes are right by the text)
I find myself still recovering. At least my mind is clearer lately, but I still see it. It keeps it's eyes on me when I pass that part, and it tears at me in ways I can't explain. I wonder if I'm the only one seeing it.
The kids know something is wrong by now. I don't blame them for picking up on it, I have been careless- Can't say I'm proud of that. I wish I could tell them- but it wouldn't do much good. They might even go and find him. I don't want to see you- I can't. Not after what I did to you. To her.
I've done enough damage.
I'm wondering if they're reading this, though. Thomas seems too aware.
More hunting today. The kids decided to take a dip, swimming in the lake out in the forest by the city, and they had their fun, even dragging my coat off me and throwing it into the water. Currently they're sleeping soundly, I can even hear Rinaldo snore. Guess he picked up a cold.
Means I'll be hunting down apples tomorrow. And while I'm at it, the rest of the kids favourite fruits. They deserve it for their efforts today- and for making me finally wash my coat.
(There's water stains on the page.) Kid's sleeping, stuffed on fruit. I got home late, but they didn't mind. I almost met him on my way home. I was careless- too distracted.
He called for me- so many times. He noticed me using my powers- he always did. He looked for me for so long. I wish you knew. You wouldn't had wasted your time on me- or tears. You would be gone. Away from Yharnam with your daughter. You did say you'd join her.
I should had seen this coming.
I don't want to sleep. You're there, always.
You never leave.
No sleep tonight, no sleep last night. As it should be. The kids shut me inside of my room again. I suppose it's another hunt. I can't stay cooped up inside.
A week went by quickly, didn't it. THe kids didn't find me, Corvo didn't find me. I was lost myself for a while.
The only reason I came back was that I realised something. The old loon was right.
I'm debating if I can tell the kids for ever second that goes by. Wasting time too by writing.
I should let him find me. Have him kill me. He is the only one who can- in a fair fight.
The kids didn't take it well. Thomas nearly pounced me to see my eye, he didn't want to believe it- none of them did. I've never seen them cry like that and... I wish I never had to. they're just kids. they don't deserve this.
watching it move, feeling it, it's odd. and feels familiar to the feeling i have whenever i look at the creature. i found a book about it, it's called Amygdyla. tears your mind apart if you look on it. causes a frenzy. I wonder why it hasn't happened to me. must be all the insight i have. knowledge of these things. maybe the outsider was useful for something else than only suffering. i'll be teaching the kids about this. they've yet to take blood, they're be more exposed.
i just hope this won't backfire.
i feel sick- naeseous at the sight of blood. must be the last remainders of what little sense i have left speaking. but if my wounds won't heal blood it is. there's nothing else.
I met Deidre today. She approached me, asked if I was Daud. I suppose Billie told her about me. Her parents had been lost to the blood, she told me. Asked me if I could kill them, put them out of their misery. I asked her how she knew.
Seeing them was the answer I got. They were easy to kill- almost too easy, and I had to console her afterwards.
I sent her to Billie. To my old hometown. Hopefully she'll make it.
Is that how I'll end up...? A wandering memory of an old man, ripe for slaughter? Or a mad- terrifying abomination, lost to bloodlust? Old Yharnam has more eldritch Beasts- and they're closer to the church. Might just mean something.
Deidre's parents still haunt me. More than the others, for she was close. I still remember how her parents made sure she had food for whenever Deidre spent time with Billie, thinking I couldn't provide. Not true.
I never cared for the city, nor it's people- they never cared for me or the kids. Is what I'm doing revenge for this? For the kids and how a Hunter had to take them in? I can't see any area in this that ins't black or white. All I know is that they deserve better than me. A man lost to grief and the Old Blood is no good father. But. This wasn't supposed to happen. Nothing was.
Three years- and I see him with his daughter, teaching her how to fight. How to Hunt. Means he's been home, met Billie. I just hope none of them are taking blood. And Billie at least listened and stayed there. I would go and see her if I could.
There's just many Beasts. Too much to do. I feel the pull of the Hunt so strongly. It's all I do.
I want so much more than this. But he deservers better. Her too.
I'm exhausted.
I met the old lady with the bakery today- after passing by. She asked me to escort her out of Yharnam- and so I did. Paid me, I refused the money. It'll be useless soon anyway, as things are developing. Back to the Hunt. There is not rest now.
She mentioned my eyes are more blue. i didn't know she had insight. told me to wash my coat too. i wonder what i would be without my powers. without the outsider in my head.
(There's tear stains on the page, words written in a shaky hand) I lost two of them. One a year ago. Another today. I couldn't stop it. I watched them. couldn't do anyhing  they're gone. i killed them
i told the kids to get lost if they knew what was good for them they didn't leave then I'll just have to stop being home.
they think they can kill me if i lose myself to the blood. they've been whispering about it, laying plans. looking down as I listened, i could see that light. swirling around my hands, escaping my body I need more insight to keep this up.
more blood tonight. i can't rid myself of those wounds. I keep tearing them up. either that or i'm poisoned pain is terrible.
Looked for Corvo, and didn't find him. My days are numbered. will keep looking for him. My mind is clear enough to tell him, the potion my mother used to give me helped the pain.
I don't think you'll find this- but this has to be said to you, somehow.
I killed her, Corvo. Jessamine's death was by my hand. If I had known it was her, I wouldn't had raised my sword. But I only got to know once you sat with her in your arms, when I was about to tell you I hadn't seen her, after we sent Emily and Billie home. Home to your mother. Home to my old house. You looked broken. Dead eyes. I couldn't tell you. Even though I wanted to, so badly. It would break you, Corvo. I wouldn't care about my own feelings if I told you. I would take that punishment. But to break your heart further. No. I wish it had been me, laying there, dead- instead. I wish so much were different, I can't even begin to tell you. There's so much I can't tell you. So much you deserve to know. Even if it doesn't matter anymore. It's up to you, Corvo, if you want to read the rest. I don't care either way. I'm already gone to the blood- and if you see me, kill me.
I stayed away because I know you. You would want to Hunt with me. It could've taken your life, be it by a Beast of the blood, or me, taken over by the blood. I don't think either your wife or child would be happy for that. Neither for me. I've had enough losing you once.
I lost not because of her. I lost you because I decided to- and you lost me, because I decided to.. You got the life you wanted, and it is where you belong- where you're needed. I wanted this for you, from the day you told me about her- and I couldn't say it then- but I was happy for you. When you beamed on about her, gripped my hand out of happiness as you spoke, I wanted you to stay that happy. You had already spoken of a life with family, so I should had been prepared, should I? Said something. But the day came, and I fell silent.
You were all I knew- Corvo. My life with you, was all I had.
I love you. In so many ways- I can't even begin to describe it. For every day we had together, every meal... The twelve years we spent together were the happinest time of my life.
I never told you. I didn't want to- dare to. It was enough that you were there with me, enough that you didn't detest me. Once you were getting ready to leave, around the last days we spent together, I wasn't jealous. I never resented her, nor you. I love you too much for that. I stayed away to not ruin your new life. I had no place there- I wouldn't fit. Hunting is all I know, else from you, because I made it so. You were never at fault- this was all my own choices, as selfish as they were, I see that now. I wish I had realised this before it was too late. Wish I had listened to my heart, that were always missing you. Always longing to go and see you. I was planning to, actually-that's why you saw me. I sohuld had considered your feelings in this. I just couldn't see that you would miss me. Want me around. You had her. Who would want more?
I'm sorry I could never tell you this in person.
And I'm so sorry about everything. Things just never go as you hope. As you plan. For years I've seen it. For years I've been too stubborn to do something about it, and now, it's too late, everything is falling to ruin. The blood is taking me. I'll become a mindless Beast- I can feel it, see it. And when I do end up like this, you will find me- if you want to or not. I'm certain of it. Even if you hate me, or still think of me as a friend, I again ask you to kill me. Put me out of harms way to others. You know my powers.
Please live, Corvo. Don't let me kill you.
It's time to try to sleep now, though. I'd say I hope to meet you in another life, but I don't deserve it after what I've done to you. So.
Goodbye, Corvo. As selfish as it is to say,; I love you. I'll always love you.
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i told the kids to run. they're still here. more blood- i'm out of potion. i can't think anymore my eye hurts. my mind hurts. wounds too
the outsiders laughing in my head. it's too loud
- I'd say this is my last entry, I know what will happen after this blood vial. or another one after this. but there’s no harm if I’m already gone. the quicker the better. kids are out hunting, hopefully i'll be gone before they come home.
I’m sorry.
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I see you are bored my good dude. Do you have any dishonored headcanons to share? 👀
helloooo my dude, you ask the best questions! here is a pile of my favourite headcanons for all the three games and the universe in general, what I could think of anyway. If I remember more, I’ll reblog with additions :D
Mostly spoiler-less for DOTO!
If any of you sends me questions about these headcanons, I’d be very happy to answer
General lore:
The ocean is the Void’s mirror (but some of this idea can be confirmed as canon via games’ own lore)
High Chaos, Low Chaos and etc are in fact possible universes that the Outsider can see. You will never know which one is a true one, or at least, he never will (actually, let me expand on this, because I have a firm belief in multiverse and timelines, I imagine all those universes exist and all are real. The Outsider’s outcome in each of them is also valid; thus, there is no ‘true’ universe)
The Void has time, but time has no meaning (which is why the Outsider does actually age)
The Outsider:
He has two interpretations (aka I have two canon ideas about him). One is that he is a neutral observer with indifference towards changing any historical events, but curious about their unraveling. Two is that he is a trickster god, does evil or sly stuff for the fun of it, but deliberate in his choice of marked people. Marks them on purpose, either to mess up their lives and lead them to greater events or to provide help.
The Outsider can and does purposefully give people nightmares as well as ideas
Corvo is mute or selectively mute, and DH2 comments are his inner thoughts
The Outsider’s mark serves as a health boost, slows down aging as well. Thus Corvo lives pretty damn long (and this might make you wonder about Daud’s age too)
Corvo is an amazing dancer
Teague Martin fooled the other loyalists at the Lighthouse and is actually alive and well and plotting his schemes under the Empress’s nose for a long time
Daud and Empress Jessamine knew each other before he assassinated her
Teague Martin was marked by the Outsider a while ago and no one ever knows
Geoff Curnow sports a massive crush on Corvo Attano till his dying days
Emily is in a polyrelationship with Wyman and Alexi
Daud never actually lets go of his vengeful goal in the end of DOTO, but lets go because Billie asks him, thus closing the mercy circle (tbh the mercy circle is like one of my most favourite things in DH ever)
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noveltyreads · 6 years
Mirage (Mirage #1) by Somaiya Daud Book Review
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Well that was refreshing. I don't know what I expected when I picked up my book club's read for the month but it was definitely not this. Call me out for having low-ish standards and expectations for this novel but I expected myself to not enjoy it or for me to rate it badly on my Goodreads but I was definitely surprised and satisfied (in terms of my reading thirst) from reading Somaiya Daud's debut novel. Mirage was definitely different from my other reads not just because it was a Middle Eastern fantasy/sci-fi but because it had elements I haven't seen before such as the whole doppelganger idea or a low-key "sci-fi Parent Trap" going on. But basically it was a novel about a girl named Amani who lives in a star system dominated by the Vathek empire. She dreams of a world before the cruelty they brought and for her own adventure to begin. But her adventure isn't as she expects as she is thrown into the world of the Vathek heir, Maram where she is forced to act and look like her in public. Despite her dangerous role, Amani finds herself falling for the Princess's fiance Idris. To ever see the family she was taken from she needs to pretend to be her royal highness. One incorrect step can spell doom. It was actually enjoyable... but I still wouldn't say it is my favourite book in the world. For starters, it was really slow to get into. The real action occurred after page 150/160 before that was just really slow paced. I do understand very well that this added to the backstory around Amani and the world that revolved around her. But my main reason as to bringing it down a rating was the fact that it just had serious insta-love. A cliche that I despise and HATE in caps. It seemed like Idris just fell in love with Amani just like that and the romance didn't really have much depth to it apart from "I LOVE YOU! I DON'T LOVE MARAM!" also keep in mind this is a 308 paged book and Idris was introduced around 150 pages roughly. I feel like the author was like "Dammit I'm 150 pages in I better introduce the romance between these two." honestly I'd rather have had a build-up of romance in this novel than having it dumped onto me (or the reader in general) and then eased into in the sequel. I think that would've made the novel so much better and I would have shipped these two more than I currently do. "I can't marry Maram," he said. My eyes flew open in shock and I scrambled to sit up. "What?" "I love you," he said. Joy surged through me, overwhelming my shock. "What?" I said again. He smiled and covered my hands with his "I love you," he repeated. I didn't realise how fiercely I grinned until he leaned forward to kiss me again and I felt the shape of my mouth try to change and fail. "I want to be yours," he said against my mouth. "And no one else's." I had to endure this... I actually had to read through insta-love at 2:40 in the morning with my eyes feeling drained and tired. Luckily it was during the night when everyone was sleeping so I couldn't groan in exaggerated and dramatised pain and throw the book across the room. Yes I DESPISE INSTA-LOVE that much. I thought the YA community got rid of that cliche but apparently not. Now I guess that was enough saltiness from me but some of the things the book should've won the book equivalent of an Oscar for was the diversity. So many characters were with copper skin or dark skin which as said in my very first line of this review, was very refreshing for me given I like a little bit of book diversity now and again and find it quite enjoyable to read. All in all a fairly strong debut (minus the Insta-love) but in the end I give this novel a 3.5 STARS. 
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wmsreads · 6 years
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I had lost a battle I’d never been equipped to fight. I’d been stripped of all things that were meant to be mine, that Dihya had blessed me with, and now—. How could I keep myself, preserve myself, if I had none of myself left? If all I had was Maram?
NOTE: I received a complimentary ARC of this book from Hachette Australia through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Once again I’m lost for words as this book was a pleasant surprise! I honestly had no idea it was a Sci-fi novel, I assumed it was just a fantasy book, but it was so much more and I’m so happy it was. I had a couple of issues with it though, which is why I didn’t give it a full five stars, but I’ll get into that in a minute. Overall though I really enjoyed this book!
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I really like when an author takes two themes that don’t normally go together and mixes them seamlessly and in the case of this book the Moroccan style and the Sci-fi aspect work strangely well together. I do wish there had been a little more focus on the Sci-fi elements, but that’s more just a personal preference than anything. The world building is very minimal as well but the story doesn’t suffer for it at all and I think that because the story is mostly character-focused, too much more detail would have been overkill. It was just enough to be interesting, but not enough to be overbearing.  
All of the characters in the this book were written so incredibly well but my favourite by far was in fact the “villain”, Maram. When we first meet her she is someone who would rather kill anyone who dare even look at her the wrong way that appear soft, Vathek through and through, but as the story progresses we realise that there is so much more to her character than meets the eyes. She’s been raised to believe that strength is power, caring is weakness, and absolutely no one can be trusted but the more time she spends with Amani, the more she opens up, and the more we get to see that most of what she puts out is a mask to protect herself.
Amani was a great character as well. Like Maram, Amani’s character changes quite a bit through the story but unlike Maram, Amani doesn’t open up; instead she because more rebellious, tougher, and more confident. She goes from acting like a shy, poor, farm girl to a literal queen and it’s a fantastic thing to see unfold slowly throughout the book.
I love the dynamic of the friendship that develops between Amani and Maram. It’s hard won and takes them a while to get to the point where Maram isn’t threatening to Amani every few sentences, but once they get there it’s actually really heartwarming… until it all falls apart. I really hope that there’s a reconciliation in a future book because their friendship was one of my favourite things about the whole book.
As for Idris… I feel like he wasn’t really needed at all, as though he were just thrown into the story to add some element of romance that wasn’t necessary. He could have easily been left out and the story still would have worked just as well. That being said, I’m very glad that even though there was romance in the story, it wasn’t the main focus. Too many other books with amazing stories have suffered because the author put the romance in the forefront and I’m so glad that wasn’t the case here.
Now, let’s get to the reason I only gave this book four stars. There was only two but it was mostly to do with pacing. In certain areas, the story felt a little choppy and seemed to skip forward past large chunks of time so it was difficult to figure out exactly how long Amani had been in the palace. I assume this was done so that the story didn’t drag between the exciting parts, but I feel like it was done a little too often so that every time it happened my brain went “What? But what happened during those three months?!” and it took me out of the story for a moment.
The other reason was the ending. The story had been building for the final half of the book all the way up to the climax, the major event happened… and then we were left with Amani yet again being a prisoner in the palace and… that was it. I understand that it was probably done that way to leave the reader wanting so that they would be more likely to read the next book, but it was just a very strange place to leave the story.
All in all, I very much enjoyed Mirage and I can’t wait for the next book in the series or anything else Somaiya Daud releases!
No matter what it took, no matter what the cost, I could not waver and I could not give in. Hope might have set fire to all things, but out of those ashes the resistance to the Vath would rise. I would make sure of it.
Mirage by Somaiya Daud will be available August 28, 2018. Check it out on Goodreads!
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aomitois · 6 years
3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 47, 48, 50 for the fanfiction question please?
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? Mystic Messenger, i think. there’s barely any drama here.
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms? naaayi see a lot of people say some dumb shit, especially in some fandoms, but just ignoring them is fine enough, i won’t let it hinder my content enjoyment
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in. oh boy oh boy i’ve been in so much fandoms xD i’ll list only the ones where there’s at least one ship i like(there are also other ships, but for things that i didn’t involve myself with its fandom)
DTB - Heiyin
Ladybug PV - Feligette
Mystic Messenger - Zenhee, Vmc
Naruto - Sasusaku
Bnha - Izuocha
Voltron - Sheith
Vampire Knight - Zeki
Bleach - Ichihime
Fairy Tail - Jerza
One Piece - Zotash
Owari no Seraph - Mikayuu
Pmmm - Madohomu
Assassin’s Creed - Arlise,Altachali (okay i’ve made up that name, idk if anyone else ships it??)
Kuroshitsuji - Cielizzy
Snk - Eremika
Drrr - Shizuona
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. 
DTB - that detective and widow from eps 3-4. big cringeee
Bleach - Ichi//ruki. the ship isn’t a big deal for me per se, but its fandom is unbearable
ML - never understood the popularity of nat/chlo
Avatar - Mai/ko
Mysme - V/rika
Naruto - Jira//tsu, Kaka//saku
Fnaf - literally any ship here, jfc they’re souls of murdered children why would anyone ship that
Dishonored - Daud//Corvo (yes i’ve seen ppl ship it and??)
Bnha - bkdk
Voltron - sh//lav, also at first klonce was a notp for me but gradually i started to tolerate it, and now don’t mind it (hell, i even ship it in some fics)
Teen Titans - bb/rae
Fairy Tail - cat ships
Opm - all ships
Snk - Ere/ri
Drrr - Shi//zaya
Inuyasha - Miro//sango
Kuroshitsuji - Seba//ciel
Soul Eater - Blackstar and tsubaki
Toradora - don’t remember ship name, the main characters
Hq!! - Iwa//oi
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? hmmm i think my latest is DDLC. i just saw a lot of posts about it on my dash and wanted to check it out, since i like otome games and indie horrors. but not actually play them since i’m big coward xD so i just watched Manly’s gameplay. then i just went on tumblr to scout for some fanarts lol
9. What are the best things about your current fandom? there’s sooo many talented artists!
11. Who is your current OTP? currently i’m drowning in sheith hell, other that i remember put me in angst coma for good month were heiyin and zeki
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? mmm hard to recall bc they don’t put me thru that much roallercoaster of emotions, and i liked a lot of friendships in many media. just few that i can think of atm: Corvo and Outsider, Altair and Malik, Sakura and Sai, Sakura and Naruto, Fairy Tail guild as a whole (seriously the jokes about nakama power are funny but they’re willing to go so much for their friends, their family, i spent few days crying about it)
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? already listed in notp question yo, like half of them are pretty populari always reject what’s most popular in fandom before checking thing out and have to judge it myself. i won’t ship something just because it’s popular. i ship only things that pull my hearstrings. which for some reason are usually second most popular ships, that are at war with #1 fandom’s fav lmao
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? as a kid i remember having really, REALLY strong feelings about couples in tv shows and wondered what the fuck is wrong with me, it wasn’t until over 10 years later that i discovered what is shipping and that i’m not alone xD earliest i can recall is Bloom and that blonde dude from Winx. boy i was really hardcore shipper, had headcanons, made tattoos on my dolls with their initials, couldn’t sleep at night thinking about their relationship. they’re no longer my fave, since i’ve long forgotten about them and heiyin is my absolute fave.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? oh yes a lot!! there are tons of really cute ships with good chemistry, that really suit each other, but i just don’t feel anything about them?? so i’m like oh yeah i like this, it’s sweet, but i don’t ship it. mostly bc they just didn’t have any romantic interaction even hinted, and usually i ship pairs that are intended to be canon. anyway the examples are idk, ships in sport animes like hq or knb, nejiten. also Sokka and Suki, Kataang.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? yeah, ships where i don’t like the character or didn’t like at first. like i couldn’t stand Vorona at first, but later she was more likeable and Shizuona had such nice chemistry?? damn (and he’s my boy so i wouldn’t like just any ship) also still in drrr i reeeealy dislike Iza//ya, but with Namie (which i also dislike lol) they have such an interesting relation, like she’s the only one who can keep up with him, who’s equal in cunning schemes. that’s the only ship i can think of where i like paring but hate characters lmao
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why? can’t post if i don’t write anything ^^” well there is one original story that i roughly drafted the universe, but i plan to make it a comic, not write. and no idea where i would post it tbh.as for reading i don’t really visit neither ao3 or ff, i read only what i spot on tumblr, or on the two sites if some tumblr post redirect me there.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not? i liveblog whatever i think about it as i read xD otherwise i’d forget everything at the end. that is when i read Wolfy’s fic. when i read something on tumblr i write review in tags, but it’s not really vast, since i keep all weird analogies to myself this time. and generally i don’t have much to say so i keep it short.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?can’t say i did, i don’t read it too often. i only read if it happens to show up on my dash and summary got me interested enough. i got really invested in Wolfy’s fics after he described one au, its world, the story. the more chapters i’ve read, the more i got fired up for next ones xD it’s just amazing, like i’m watching some good tier show in my head. mostly bc it’s not centered aroud the ship, but it’s the action story with slow burn in the background. hhhhng 10/10 my taste exactly 👌👌👌  i actually can’t seem to enjoy any other fanfics anymore bc it’s not the same style?? 😦
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bookbeani · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
Rules: always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, write 11 questions of your own, tag 11 people
Thanks @the-bookler @bookcub @howlsmovinglibrary @mlledevoltaire for tagging me :D I’m just going to go ahead and answer all your questions in one post.
I’m tagging @logarithmicpanda @readingbooksinisrael @the-forest-library @the-forest-of-books @magic-in-every-book @lilymaidofgallifrey @thelibraryofmars @thevajunglebook @aimeereadsalot @rhetoricandlogic @captainbookamir
1. What film or TV show do you wish there was a book for?
Um… I honestly don’t know? Most of the movies and TV shows I really enjoyed were already adapted from books, so…
2. What was your favorite book as a child? The Inheritance Cycle was my jam back in middle school!
3. What’s the coolest book you own? Um, maybe The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick? It’s told half through pictures and I’ve honestly never seen anything like it before (aside from the author’s other books).
4. If you could bring 1 character from any book to life to be your friend/partner/whatever, who would it be and why? Ah my god just one??? Um, first person that comes to mind is Jesper Fahey. He’s just such a hilarious guy. 
5. What bookish world would you like to live in? The world of Septimus Heap!! (surprise?)
6. Worst book you’ve ever read? The Lovely Bones, man. Was just not lovely. At all. 
7. How do you treat your books- do you highlight, dog-ear, annotate, keep pristine, etc? I like keeping them in pretty pristine condition (though some of them have gotten pretty beat up over the years). I don’t really highlight/dog-ear, though recently I have been tempted to start annotating...
8. If you were to write a book, what genre would it be? Am currently in the process of doing so, and fantasy, naturally. 
9. Least favorite character ever? Umbridge. We do not speak of that monstrosity in this household. 
10. What book do you think everybody should read? I can’t really think of anything off the top of my head, since I don’t really think there’s a universal book that everyone will enjoy. I would totally freak out if everyone read Sep Heap though. 
11. If you could have your memories of one book wiped to read it again fresh, which would it be? I actually don’t know. One of my favourite things is going back to a book and having that feeling of nostalgia associated with it. I usually forget most of the plot points anyway, so it feels like reading it for the first time all over again.
1. Who was the last character you related to and what were they from?   Ummmm from the books I’m currently reading, Rincewind from The Colour of Magic. He’s just such a relatable mess of a person. 
2. What’s your favorite genre of music? Whatever genre you’d classify musicals under.
3. Which tags on tumblr do you follow and why? I actually don’t follow any tags! Is that weird? I just regularly search them instead. 
4. Do you have any book related jewelry? Nope, I wish! 
5. Thoughts on booklr being dead? *looks at self* *is not dead* *looks at friends* *are also not dead* Um. 
6. What are some of your favorite picture books from when you were a kid? GREEN EGGS AND HAM! I think I read that books upwards of a hundred times, no joke. Also, If I Were An Ant. I would die laughing every time I read that book. The absolute height of comedy for five-year-old me. 
7. What’s the first book you remember reading or being read to you? Green Eggs and Ham, funnily enough. 
8. What’s you favorite dystopian novel and why? Probably 1984 or The 5th Wave. Not a huge fan of dystopia in general, to be honest. But both of those books make you think. 
9. Where do you get/buy most of your books? The library! 
10. Favorite animal? Ermines and ferrets and pine martens and weasels are very precious creatures. 
11. What book release are you anxious for (one you know the release date for) (yeah that means not Doors or Stone) La Belle Sauvage by Phillip Pullman and Mirage by Somaiya Daud! 
1. What is your favourite TV show/film? Tangled is my go-to comfort film! Could watch forever. 
2. Do you prefer science fiction or fantasy? (Neither?) Fantasy all the way :D though sci fi has recently been growing on me as well. 
3. What is your ‘comfort food’ book, for whenever you’re ill/sad/tired etc? I actually don’t have one! Though usually when I’m feeling that way I just turn to YA contemporary, which I otherwise never pick up. Sometimes you just need a bit of fluff to lighten up your day. 
4. If you could have any magical power, what would it be? Um, does stopping time count? Then I could procrastinate to my little heart’s content. 
5. If you could rewrite any book, how would you change it and why? I would rewrite Flowers for Algernon and take all the stupid “sexual growth” stuff out and fix all the female characters. Then maybe I could actually rate it four stars. 
6. Tea or coffee? But have you ever considered this: both. 
7. If you had the chance to become the ‘chosen one’/hero of an epic story, would you take it? (PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER vs. weight of the world on your shoulders/potential for extreme trauma). Nah, I’d be the comic side-kick who ends up dead. 
8. Hogwarts house? Why you gotta as me questions I don’t even know the answer to? Slytherin? Ravenclaw? The universe is not ready for the answer. 
9. Least favourite book trope? Too many. Instalove is pretty high up there. 
10. If you could dress up as any character from books or other fiction (not taking actual costume making skills into account), who would you choose to dress up as? Eponine! Or Marcia Overstrand! Or Lucy Gringe! I don’t know!!!!!! 
11. What is your favourite dessert? Anything with chocolate crammed in there in, like, four different ways. 
1. Favorite non-fiction book? Those Matt Ridley books. I know I keep talking about them whenever non-fiction comes up, but I don’t think I’ve read more than five non-fiction books total in my life outside of school. 
2. A trope that you can’t help but love? The rag-tag bunch of characters that eventually become a found family. How can you not love it??
3. Choose your fighter: the classic authors edition. (Who’s your fave and why?) Vicky Hugo! 10/10 fighting power. Will put his enemy to sleep with his deadly ability to describe parisian sewer systems and the battle of waterloo for hours on end.
4. Favorite art movement and/or artist(s)? I’m gonna be honest, I don’t know shit about art. But I really love the whole photorealistic thing going on - is it a movement? who knows - whatever it is, it’s very cool <-- actual artistic terminology right there
5. Do you watch book adaptations? If yes, which are your favorite ones? I loved The Princess Bride! And A Series of Unfortunate Events was done really well too. 
6. Wanna rant real quick about something? (I know you do.) Okay, so, I’m currently reading The Map of the Sky and guys, this book is so good. The writing is perfect, the plot is brilliant, the characters are great (did I mention two of them are H.G. Wells and Edgar Allan Poe???). I haven’t loved a book this much in so long. So please go read The Map of Time, then pick up The Map of the Sky. Then come to me. And scream away. It will be great.
7. Which book/series you want everyone to read and why? SEPTIMUS HEAP! It is everything! I just want to have more people to yell with about it. There is a kid who seals a deal with a dark force with a freaking liquorice ring. Characters who go through awkward goth phases and I-want-to-kidnap-certain-people-to-validate-my-worth phases. Just read it!
8. New releases or backlist books? Backlist books! They’re 99% of the books I read.
9. What would you like to see more of in books? Diversity and trope subversion! I’m here for both. 
10. Your favorite childhood tv show/cartoon? Arthur! That show was the best. 
11. Mug full of tea on your bed - yay or nay? N A Y (god Ewelina are you conducting a survey or something? you can count mine as 100 responses. stop trying to validate your risky habits xD)
Okay! My Questions: 
1. Have you ever fallen out of love with a book? Why? 2. What’s the strangest book-related dream you’ve ever had?  3. Have you read a book that you didn’t really appreciate until later on?  4. What book would you like to see a musical adaptation of? (Bonus: any ideas for song titles?) 5. Have you ever thrown a book across the room? What was it?  6. What book cover do you absolutely hate? How would you redesign it? 7. Have you ever cosplayed a character? Who? 8. What’s the last book that made you want to scream from the rooftop?  9. What’s your favourite subgenre?  10. If you could bring an author back to life to write one more book, who would it be?  11. Mug full of tea on your bed - yay or nay? 
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awalandeerdeer · 7 years
#TrashTalk 4: Could You Really Enjoy Your Photo and Video Which is Directly Recorded from Your Smartphone?
Disclaimer: bad english and even worse grammar due to bad competence (read: http://awalandeerdeer.tumblr.com/post/159131324859/pre-mytrashtalk)
Tell you what, 2 weeks ago I watched 2 concerts for 2 days in a row. At friday night, I was persuaded by my friend to watch Danilla's concert at the opening of Clicksquare, a newly community-based concept mall in Bandung. Then, at Saturday, I went to Balai Kota to watch Raisa for the closing of Asian-Africa Conference Carnival.
I couldn't be happier because those 2 singers I watched are two of my favourite women singer.
Who's do not know Raisa? Raisa alone is really a Diva wanna-be in Indonesia. A naturally beautiful has perfectly good voice and the most important things is she's not a “drama queen”. Yes, she chased her carrer without any scandals and controversies till she become as well-know as nowadays. Shortly, she becomes a really good singer is purely because her talent. That's really fascinating for our entertainment world that full of weird simulation and unimportant news. Btw, congratulation for Raisa for your engagement with Hamish Daud, hopefullly everything will be okay till the D-day.
And now, Danilla. Anyone knows? Thought Danilla is very underrated singer in Indonesia. Maybe just a few people knows her. It comes to she's really not that famous because she is very rarely performing on TV. But if you are addicted to indie music, you would certainly know her. I’m merely not an addicted to indie, but I like her because she's well-talented musician with unique voices. In addition she seems a friendly and pleasant person. Danilla has some good easy-listening songs and I'm sure her calmful song is could soothing your aching soul. and I reccomend you to listen "Berdistraksi" and "Ada Di Sana". Brace yourself, earworm likely will strike you once after you start to repeat her song.
Back to my topic about my experience watching concerts. I was happy because I could watch and listen two really good singers directly from their vocal cord. But, I'm a bit interested with the culture of using smartphone while we're watching a concert.
The use of phone camera is increasingly prevalent in concert or music festival now. Phones with camera bring up the habit of taking photos during concert. The development of social media is also influential in the habit of watching concerts or music festivals. Now, people can easily tell where they are, mostly through social media that have geotagging facilities. Or via short messages, either sms or apps like WhatsApp and Line. In addition, we could share our hysteria and joy through social media. No longer merely through the stories spoken through the mouths. At least, now we could create status on Facebook, Line, Twitter or Path during the show. Furthermore, there's an Insta-story now, so we could "show off' our joyful experience easier and more interesting because we could share photos and videos there.
The result of this phenomenon is hundreds of amateur photographs, some are good quality, but there are also so many ugly low quality photos. Similarly on the Youtube site, which is now flooded with thousands of amateur concert videos. There is something nice to watch, but the others are some videos that could make deaf our ear (bikin kuping budeg) because of the cracking sound (suara pecah-pecah), also there're some videos could make us cross-eyed (mata juling) because the videos are terribly shaking.
"Taking photos and videos of the concert is a way to let me remember this moment, this important moment."
But is it true that taking photos and video footage can help remember the concert? Apparently not. I've read a good article from NBC, click this out: http://www.npr.org/2014/05/22/314592247/overexposed-camera-phones-could-be-washing-out-our-memories
Some Psychologists mention that using the camera simply does not help the refreshment of memory. Psychologists called this Photo-Taking Impairment Effect, or the effect of memory attenuation due to photographs.
Also reminded by that article is, we often equate the photo as a moment recorder and memory freeze. That is wrong. Photos will not change any time you see, but memory and memories will change at any time. But this does not mean taking photos is the wrong activity. It's just that psychologist suggested that we should be more aware when taking photos. Enjoy the moment, then take one or two photos.
"The objects that they had taken photos of — they actually remembered fewer of them, and remembered fewer details about those objects. Like, how was this statue's hands positioned, or what was this statue wearing on its head. They remembered fewer of the details if they took photos of them, rather than if they had just looked at them," - the article says.
In addition to the problem of memory attenuation, excessive use of mobile phone cameras when the concert can trigger resentment. Starting from the another audience who feel disturbed, until the musicians themselves. The usual problem is it's like we do not appreciate other audiences, yes it's true that it's really up to us to record, but sometimes some people bring a tablet that is fiercely too big for a picture or recording, so the audience behind it must be disturbed, right?
Actually, if you think it deeper, almost all the photos and videos taken by us through the device when the concert is performing is not at good quality at all. Could you really enjoy your video footage that's directly recorded from your device?
Finally, I have a perfect closing statement from Beyonce about using of cameratized phone on concert, "enjoy your concert with eyes and brain, not with your ugly photos and videos"
Thanks, c u!
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PS:  I tried to depict some moments too via my gadget, As Beyonce said: Not exactly a good photo.
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Yo I took a break from reading the fic bc I’m like “god these 2 are gonna be the death of me I need some instant happiness in my life rn” and decided to watch a playthrough of DOTO (my comp can’t handle it :’( ) and I thought I was in love with Billie before but now I’m ready to straight up propose but anyway, that was a mistake bc I did NOT know Daud DIED in it. So much for insta-happiness. Gods. Anyway, I’m back reading and I’m all “well that was a short break, I should be prepared to dive back in now! :) ” and I got hit by this line half an hour in. I mean, really?! First of all, that is such a RAW fucking line Jesus Christ that line is loaded with so much emotion and history. Second, holy shit how did you come up with that? I’m actually in awe of that sentence, I’ve reread it in its context some four times now and it still packs a punch. WOW.
oh wow shit um — yeah DotO does not happy viewing make if what you need is Daud whole and healthy D: so… WELCOME BACK! :D @neutronbutt
as for the ‘twice a widower’ line — for one, I’m glad it’s destroying you as badly as it did me and then pretty much everyone who’s read the chapter :’D
as for how I came up with it: in what is perhaps the least satisfying answer because it’s the most mystifying — it happened. I didn’t plan it, I didn’t have an idea for it that then developed (if anything, I had the vague idea of Corvo sort of thinking of himself as a widower because the Whalers gave him all of Daud’s stuff; so maybe that was the entire root of it); but it just fell out of my head and onto the keyboard, and when it did, I myself actually went, ‘oooooh SHIT.’ Like, fucked if I know where my subconscious found the wherewithal for that line, but there it was all of a sudden. I remember showing it to @theinfernalwhistler like an idiot just to get a sense of ‘is it just me or does this hurt??’
it is one my favourite lines of the whole fic, I’m super proud of it, and it’s one of those writing moments that are just a straight-up gift from the Void
I’m so happy it’s packing punches!
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