#i think i already said it in the past but I think Ven and Roxas would balance and complement each other very well
yume127 · 9 months
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Every time I remember that Roxas and Ven wear the same wristband—with the only difference being that Roxas’ has black edges and Ven’s has white edges—it reminds me of the Yin and Yang friendship bracelets.
In Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang are two halves that together complete wholeness. It’s about how different but complementary forces balance each other to achieve a perfect and harmonious balance.
Yin energy is described as receptive, dark, cool, soft, still, and contemplative. It’s usually associated with someone more laid back and calm, and who may be more introverted. This description fits with Roxas’ personality, and—while his light and darkness are balanced—he described himself as “someone from the dark” in the past. Nobodies are also usually associated with darkness.
Yang energy is described as energetic, expansive and warm, and is usually associated with someone more outgoing and high-energy, which fits well with Ventus, who’s also known for having a heart of pure light.
There are various aspects in their stories that directly contrast each other, like the place where they were born (Daybreak Town and Twilight Town), their upbringing (Ventus being protected and kept out from harm’s way, while Roxas had to fight for all his life), their personality (Ventus is more active and impulsive, while Roxas is more passive and contemplative), and so on.
What I find interesting is that the idea of two halves that together become whole is shown in both Ventus’ and Roxas’ stories, but not with each other. Vanitas and Sora are, respectively, their half. Both pairs had to join in order to find some sort of balance or wholeness, but neither of these unions ended up actually being balanced and harmonious. Willingly or unwillingly, there was always one half who was overwhelming the other.
I wonder if, with each other, Roxas and Ventus can actually find that balance and harmony. They can coexist peacefully, after all—Ventus’ existence never threatened Roxas’, or vice versa, because, while they’re connected, they are and always have been separate beings. Most of all, their personalities complement each other very well, and I’m sure they’d get along great if given the chance to interact.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #867: Reached Destination (Kingdom Hearts X SSBU)
9:12 a.m. at the Streets of Smash Town......
Roxas/Xion/Ventus/Namine: (Takes a Look Around the Town in Awe) Wooooah.......
Terra: So this is really Smash Town?
Aqua: I never imagine it being so huge and lively.....
Lea: You think this place have a clock tower?
Isa: Probably. But I doubt we'll have the time to find it in a place like this....
Barret: I don't think I'll ever understand how y'all like going up there all the time. Don't you ever scared get of falling off?
Lea: (Shrugs) Eh. Not really. I like the view so much that the fear of dropping doesn't really bother us that much.
Isa: Are you not a fan of heights yourself, Barret?
Barret: Not completely. I'm willin' to go to high places whenever duty calls. But I'm more of a grounded type of guy if ya catch my drift.
Isa: I see.
Riku: (Turns Back to the Gang) Guys. We're getting off tracking here.
Kairi: (Nodded in Agreement) Riku's right. We need to keep focusing on finding Sora and see if he's actually here. So there's no time waste.
Isa: Right. ('Clears Throat') Getting back to the manner at hand, this is Smash Town. A place where it's well known for hosting the biggest combat fighting tournament of the century: Smash Bros. As well as the place Tifa and Cloud moved into years prior, just in case you were wondering.
Barret: Which brings us to why we came here in the first place. You see, a few nights ago, I remembered the Merc telling me about the new fighters that have been joining the tournament as of late. The last five or six if you will. And once I remembered Isa here told me about him entering that Olympic tournament in the past, the idea of him being here just clicked in my mind instantly!
Vantias: So basically what you're saying here is that Sora was chosen to take part of their tournament from the start?
Namine: And that he was summoned here because of it?
Isa: (Simply Nodded) Precisely. And while there's a possible chance of us being wrong, I'm still willing give this place a thorough investigation.
Kairi: (Nodded in Agreement) So are we. Do you think you know where Ms. Lockhart and Mr. Strife live now that they've already moved here?
Barret: Yeah. They said they're living in a mansion along with the other fighters. Can't say I exactly know what it looks like, but from what I've heard, it's supposed to be huge.
Lea: (Starts Nodding While Understanding the Situation More) Alright.....So all we had to find a giant ass mansion....Not too difficult.
Aqua: Well, if that's the case, then I think it's best that we spit into two groups. Terra, Ven, Namine, Vantias, Roxas, Xion, and I will look around town and find ourselves a place to stay for the night or two. While the rest of you find that mansion.
Lea: Sounds like a good enough plan to me. We ain't leaving here until we found our boy, so let's start moving out, people!
Everyone: (Nodded in Agreement) Right!
With everyone splitting up and walking with their respective groups, Lea starts catching up to Riku and Kairi.
Lea: Hey, kids.
Riku: (Turns to Lea Along With Kairi) Hm?
Kairi: What's wrong, Axel?
Lea: It's nothing. I was just.... wondering how you two are feeling right now is all. Especially after everything that happened earlier...
Riku: Well, we don't feel like crying anymore. So there's that at least.......
Kairi: ('Sigh') Yeah..... (Smiles a Little) Still, we can't thank you guys enough for helping us.
Riku: (Nodded in Agreement)
Lea: (Smiles Brightly) Nah. There's no need to thank us for that. You know we got your backs. Plus, we'd probably would've freak out too if any one of us went missing. Maybe without all the crying though.
Riku: I dunno.... (Starts Smirking at Lea) I'm pretty sure you would've start crying in a heart beat if that were to ever happen.
Lea: (Scoffs Before Turning Away) As if! I don't cry that easily!
Kairi: Really? (Starts Crossing her Arms While Smirking as Well) So does the movie "Coco" doesn't ring any bells to you or.....
Lea: (Groans While Rolling his Eyes in Defeat) Okay, fiiine! So maybe there's one instance of me-
Riku/Kairi: (Already Raising an Eyebrow at Lea) ..........
Lea: TWO instances of me letting my emotions run rapid. But other than that, I can be as calm and cool-headed as anyone of you clowns!
Isa: (Walks Past Lea With a Chuckling Barret Next to Him) Please. You're the biggest crybaby on the face of the Earth. Especially back when we were children.
Lea: (Groans in Anger Before Glaring at his Boyfriend and Giving him the Middle Finger) PISS OFF, ISA!
Isa: Love you too, crybaby.
Kairi/Riku: (Giggles Softly)
Lea: (Glares Back at the Laughing Teens) Oh! So now my pain and misery is funny to you twerps or something!?
Riku: (Calming Himself Down) No. No. It's nothing like that. It's just helping us feel a lot better than before and we have you to thank for that, Axel.
Lea: Yeah? Well....(Starts Looking Away While Crossing his Arms Again) It better help you feel more better.....(Felt Kairi Hugging Him Before Looking Down at Her) What? Is this some kind of a apology hug or something?
Kairi: (Giggles Softly) No, stupid!~ It's thanks for having our backs and being the best big brother ever. (Gives Lea a Peck on the Cheek on her Tippy Toes) We love you, Axel.
Lea: (Sighs While Smiling Softly) Yeah. Yeah. I love you dorks too.
Meanwhile at Smash Mansion......
Tifa: (Walking Around the Dining Hall with Sora, Cloud and Pit) How are you enjoying the tour so far. Sora?
Sora: (Smiles Brightly) I'm loving every second of it already. I don't think I'll ever get over how huge this mansion really is. (Turns to the Others While Licking his Ice Cream) Hey, do you guys ever get lost here sometimes?
Cloud: When I first moved in. Wasn't long till I was able to know where I was going.
Tifa: Same goes for me as well actually.
Pit: (Smiles Sheepishly While Holding his Popsicle) I still get lose sometimes.....B-But I am getting the hang it though!
Sora: Awesome. (Starts Licking More of his Ice-Cream) Mm. (Turns to Pit) Say, Pit, this Ice Cream's pretty great. What flavor is it?
Pit: Floor favored.
Sora: (Eyes Begins to Widened) This....ice cream came off from floors?
Pit: (Smiles Brightly) Only the cleanest ones there is! Pretty cool, huh?
Sora: Cool?......(Smiles Brightly as He Held his Ice Cream Up) This is awesome!! Someone should get an award of how genius this is.
Pit: I know, right!? That's what I've been saying!
Cloud: (Watching Pit and Sora Talking and Laughing Among Each Other) Well, I'll be damned. They really are twins.....
Tifa: (Giggles Softly) Be nice, dear.
Cloud: (Shrugs) Just saying.
?????: Never thought I would see you again after all this time (Takes a Sip of his Tea Before Putting the Cup Down on the Table).....Sora.
Sora: (Gasps Loudly Before Dropping his Ice Cream and Immediately Summon his Keyblade and Gets into a Battle Stance at the Very Sight of...) SEPHIROTH!
Tifa: (Immediately Rushes Over to Sora's Side Along with Cloud) Woah woah woah woah woah! Sora! It's okay, sweetheart. Lower your stance and keyblade. He's not a threat anymore.
Sora: Wait. (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise While his Keyblade Disappears) Really!?
Cloud: As much as I hate to admit it, Tifa's right.... Sephiroth.....('Sighs Heavily') Is a change man....
Pit: Yeah. He's.....not as scary as he once was when we first met him.
Sephiroth: They're right. I've spend my days enjoying the simpler things in life. Being a proud father of one, being part of the League of Villains, embracing popularity, and psychology mess with Cloud every chance I gets.
Tifa: (Gives Sephiroth a Dark Glare) What was that?
Sephiroth: Nothing. (Went Back to Sipping his Tea Casually) Nothing at all.
Sora: I....see.....G-Good for you, Sephiroth. (Turns to the Others and Whispers to Them) You guys really don't trust him completely, do you?
Tifa: No.
Cloud: Not in a million years.....
Pit: (Turns to Sora) What about you, Sora?
Sora: (Starts Shaking his Hands Little an Uncertain Manner) Ehhhhh.....But....Wait. (Turns Back Sephiroth) Cloud killed you a long while back, right? How were you able to come back to life?
????: That would be thanks to yours truly!
Sora: (Turns and Look at an Unfamiliar Face For a Brief Second Before Turning Back to Pit) Uhhh...Pit, who's that?
Pit: Hades.
Sora: (Eyes Begins to Widened Again) Wait. As in....THE Hades!?
Hades: (Suddenly Appears Next to Sora, Which Caused the Boy to get Startled a Little) The one and only, Keyblade boy! (Starts Smirking in Smug Fashion) Bet you've heard a few things about me, haven't you?
Sora: Yeah, but..... You look COMPLETELY different from the last time I saw you.
Hades: Wait. (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) What? Kid, this is the first time we're meeting each other in person. And I've always look like this. (Smirks Evilly) Handsome and evil!
Pit: (Starts Rolling his Eyes) Not too sure about the handsome part......
Hades: Says the angel boy who still can't read.
Pit: (Glares at Hades) HEY! I've gotten better!!
Hades: Doubt it.
Tifa: (Glares at Hades as Well) He has. Just the other day, he managed to read the stop sign all by himself.
Pit: Yeah!
Sora: Ohhhhhhhhh! I think I get it now. (Turns Back to Hades) Sorry, mister. I think I've confused you with another Hades.
Hades: Wait. (Eyes Widened) There's another me!?
Sora: Yeah. He had blue fiery hair, dressed in grey and black, had yellow, sharp teeth, and I think I remember him being more angrier the last time I saw him.
Hades: .....Huh. That's.... actually pretty interesting. (Shrugs) Eh, I'll read into it later. In the meantime, how does it feel being in Smash?
Sora: It feels amazing.....And still surprising in hindsight. I can tell by everyone here that it's not gonna be easy. (Smiles Brightly) But I'll still do my very best no matter what!
Cloud: (Nodded With a Small, Proud Smirk on his Face) Good spirit there, Sora. As long as you keep having faith in yourself, I think you'll do just fine out there.
Tifa: (Smiles Brightly) And we'll be very happy to help whenever you need us.
Pit: I know this is the first time we met and everything, but....(Smiles Brightly) We'll always have your back no matter what. That's the Smash Family way!
Sora: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) Thanks, guys. (Hugs the Trio Together) You really are amazing.
Pit: (Happily Hugs Sora Back) You too, new buddy!~
Hades: (Teleports Back to Sephiroth Before Whispering to Him in his Ear) You were not kidding when you said the boy was overly positive. Almost giving Kirby a run for his money.
Sephiroth: Perhaps. But regardless, it will be interesting to see how strong the boy has really gotten as of late. Speaking of which......(Noticed Bowser and Ridley Trying to Sneak Out of the Dinning Hall) Oh boys!
Bowser/Ridley: (Immediately Stop in their Tracks) !!!!!
Sephiroth: I believe our bet money is in order. (Continues to Slip on his Tea)
Hades: (Smirks Evilly While Sticking his Hand Out Along) Cough it up!
Bowser/Ridley: (Reluctantly Gives the Duo Fifty Bucks Each While Grumbling in Annoyance)
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nadziejastar · 2 years
Mmm, while I do understand your reasoning and pov on things, I do need to point out that that's talk centered around direct Disney property, NOT the OG KH story itself, which had issues coming in from a narrative pov that had nothing to do with Disney interference that we know of. I do think while the possibility of Disney being the ones responsible for KH III turning out the way it did, I do think the idea that the KH III writing team really did drop the ball themselves should be possible, no?
Oh, I agree. There were definitely parts where the ball was completely dropped. I just personally don't see it as a lack of writing talent. I think Nomura just did not CARE anymore. When I first played it, I remember thinking, wow, whoever wrote this story just did not give a single shit, did they?
You can see it with all the fourth wall breaking (which never was a thing in past games). The Roxas/Ventus situation is one example. Axel says how confusing he finds it, then Jiminy pops up and says, "Hey, but that's what you all have Gummiphones for, right!?"
Or in the final battle. Ven and Roxas look at each other awkwardly. "Got a few plot points that needed ironing out." To me it felt like Nomura used Axel as a way to ridicule how stupid he thought the whole thing was.
Same with Kairi. Roxas pops up out of nowhere and hijacks what should have been HER fight. Then immediately after, she gets kidnapped by Xemnas and dragged away the same way that Axel dragged her away in KH2. Just to drive home the message that her character development has been totally reversed. Xemnas then pretty much says, what does one little light matter, you have others now. To me, this felt like Nomura was resentful over having to bring Roxas and Xion back. He wanted that to be Kairi's time to shine, but he had to bring Roxas and Xion back as fanservice. He was like, "What the hell am I supposed to do with Kairi now? Aww, fuck it. I'm just gonna kill her."
When Saix was defeated, Axel goes up to him and says, "You let them reduce you to THIS?" I could not help but feel like that was also meta commentary.
There was also an interview where he said he did not sympathize or empathize with Sora and identified way more strongly with Xehanort. The reason for that, I think, is that Sora was meant to be the OPPOSITE of Eraqus. Eraqus is this proud man of the light, who righteously vanquishes the darkness as the world's defender. Sora was meant to be an ordinary kid. Humble, simple, ordinary. just wanting to be there for his friends. Basically, MX chose Sora because he was like the CHILD Eraqus. In the canon ending, Sora is no different than ADULT Eraqus.
The whole ending was depressing. Basically, Kairi is left by herself crying. Sora has changed. He’s dead. Things are not how they used to be. A representation of Nomura’s emotional state IMO. But the opposite message it should have been.
Basically, my view is that Nomura felt like his story was already ruined beyond salvation, and it just did not matter to him if he ruined it himself even further. He may have even gotten some perverse satisfaction from ruining it more. That's kinda what I think. In any case, setting up the next game was his main priority. However, he recently said that he wasn't sure if that next game was going to be KH4 or Verum Rex. If I had to guess, I'd say he probably would have preferred if it was Verum Rex.
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chibi-mushroom · 3 years
Hey everyone! Finally get to post my piece for the memory of promises zine! check out the link here if you want to grab one of your own copies in the leftover sale! I was so happy to be able to join in on this zine, and I hope you guys enjoy all the work that went into it! (Also keep in mind this was written before MoM.)
Namine rubbed her temples and looked at the clock. Midnight already. DiZ was not going to like this. The next time he came into the white room would bring on some lecture or punishment of some kind. She had been working furiously all afternoon trying to get past this one section of memory, but there was something that was keeping her back. Her pulse began to race. She was feeling sick. The door to the white room opened and with a squeak, Namine ducked under the table, fearing the familiar stride of the man in red.
"It's okay, it's just me. You can come out now." A soft voice sounded in her ears. "You're safe. DiZ said he needed to run an errand and wouldn't be back for a couple of days."
Slowly looking up, Namine could see the outstretched hand of the only comfort she had in this lonely place. "Riku. You're back."
She took his offering and stood up. He hadn't let go of her hand just yet, blindfold still covering those beautiful blue green eyes he had. She was glad it stopped him from seeing things like her girlish blush. He was only offering his hand as a friend. Besides, it was wrong for her to want to be with him- nobodies weren't supposed to feel anything. So why did she?
"You're shaking." Riku stated simply. "Have you eaten anything today?"
So he could even feel the slight tremor in her hands. "No, not exactly."
"Do you want me to get something for you? I think there are some leftovers in the fridge."
"No, I'm alright. I have to get back to work." Namine tried to take her hand from his, but he held onto it all the tighter, leaning down a little to be at eye level with her. 
"You were working when I left, and I can tell you haven't gotten any sleep. How are you expecting to take care of Sora when you can't take care of yourself?"
Right. Namine thought. He's just like DiZ. All he cares about is getting Sora restored. You're just a tool.
Still, she couldn't help but notice the way her breath caught in her throat as his blinded eyes sunk to meet her tired ones. Maybe she should take a small break. All of this stress was making her read too much into small gestures.
Namine simply nodded, and Riku left to warm her up some food. Sensing that going back to Sora's memories would be futile, she grabbed her sketch pad and turned it to the very last page. This was her secret page, covered in things she thought about. Mindless doodles she drew when she was waiting for the computer to check on Sora’s physical well-being.
The sketch pad was not necessary for her magic to work. She could rearrange memories- crush the hearts of her poor unsuspecting victims- without it. She used it though to help her concentrate. By visualizing the memories, she was able to make a more convincing edit or capture the feelings that were hiding beneath the surface. So many times she had drawn Sora, Riku and Kairi together. And sure there were strong feelings of both love and jealousy, but had she not had her sketch pad, she might have missed Sora's emotions of gratitude for two stalwart best friends, confusion about school topics they had recently studied, and hope that Kairi would want to go with him to the first school dance, even though he knew they would just go together and bail early to hang out on the play island like they always did whenever the school had some social.
"Here you go. It's nothing special, but it's better than nothing." Riku interrupted her thoughts with a plate of food.
With a gasp, Namine hurried to cover her sketch pad. Even though she knew he couldn't see it, he moved so gracefully that she sometimes wondered if he really was blind. Although those first couple of days made the mansion quite a bit louder with his cries of annoyance as he bumped into furniture. He even fell into the secret compartment that hid the computer lab, but luckily managed to land safely.
"Drawing something you don't want anyone to see?" Riku smirked. 
"No!" Namine replied a bit sharper than she thought. "Maybe."
Riku laughed as he set their plates down and pulled a chair over. "I'm only kidding. You don't have to be working on Sora nonstop. If you want to take a moment for yourself, then do it."
"No, I need to be working on Sora. It was my fault he's like this in the first place. I want to keep my promise." Namine picked up the white plastic fork. For once would it hurt to have some color around here?
With a sigh, Riku held his hand out for her to hold. "We've been over this, Nam. What happened wasn't your fault. You were being used." Softly Riku muttered "you still are."
Namine looked at him for a moment and then looked down at her food. She picked at it for a few moments before softly sliding her hand in his and taking a couple of bites. She ate in a comfortable silence, simply feeling the pressure that came from the gentle touch. This sort of thing wasn't unusual for them. They could usually be found in silence with their hands connected. But the mountain of pressure from the recent block in memories and lack of self care was threatening to squish Namine with its enormous weight.
"How's the restoration going?" Riku asked.
Namine's stomach began to twist around itself. "I'm….not sure." 
Riku squeezed her hand, urging her to explain. Namine sighed, unsure of how to continue. Would he get mad if she told the truth? He had slowly been becoming more like DiZ, after all. He used to be there with her when she was getting told off. These days, Riku was never usually in the white room for more than five minutes unless it was late at night.
"You remember what Sora's mom used to tell him all the time, right?"  Riku recalled.
"Never talk to strangers on the play island?"
Riku chuckled, remembering a secret promise. "A problem shared is a problem halved. If you tell me, it might relieve some of the pressure on you."
There was no avoiding it, not as long as he held her hand. 
 "It's just that, well-" Namine fumbled for the words. "There's been a bit of a roadblock. I've been doing my best to sort it out, tracing the connections, but it's like the memories slip away as soon as I think I have a grasp on them. I may have gone through half a notebook trying to find a solid piece."
There was a pause, as if Riku were considering what to say. 
"I'll go get you a new notebook tomorrow, then. As for the memories, we'll get it figured out. You need to take a break, anyway."
"No!" Namine swallowed back further emotion. Maybe she really did need some sleep. She was being more irrational than she expected. "No, it's fine. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong."
"Don't say stuff like that. If there's anyone who can make this situation right, it's you. Please, just take a few hours to rest tomorrow, okay?" Riku squeezed her hand again.
"I don't really have a choice here, do I?" Namine sighed.
"You always have a choice. I'm just asking you as someone who cares a lot about you."
Someone who cares? Namine thought. She slowly nodded in reply. Maybe a break was exactly what she needed.
"Thank you, Riku."
One Year Later
Again Riku tried to beat Marluxia, and again he was defeated. He only had this last battle to finish, having started against the organization members he recognized or had personally fought against. Which, admittedly wasn't many, but after several attempts, he was down to the last. It frustrated him that he still wasn't quite used to the keyboard controls, and Sora's moves were much less based in strength and relied much more on magic. Riku had never been very good with magic, focusing on perfecting his cure and dark firaga spells instead of learning the large array of magic that his friends had mastered. 
Some keyblade master I turned out to be. Riku thought, sitting back in his seat and folding his arms. I can't even stop my two best friends from leaving me again. This is just like back then…
His mind began to drift away with thoughts of Castle Oblivion and Twilight Town. He heard the door open and gentle footsteps move toward him.
"Hey Aerith. We can work on that scarf in a minute. I have to get some more ethers for data Sora first."
"I take it the fight didn't go well then?" A soft voice walked closer.
He closed his eyes and shook his head. Not Aerith. 
"Hey Namine. How could you tell?"
Namine placed a hand on his shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. "You're really tense. Besides, I could feel your frustration from a block away."
What anger and annoyance had once plagued Riku's mind had since washed away. All he could register was how reassuring Namine's hand on his shoulder felt. She smelled nice, too. A faint blush warmed his cheeks. Ever since Kairi had insisted on going to sleep and Terra had left for the dark realm with Aqua and Ven, Namine was the only person Riku shared everything with. She had heard him vent several times, and she had been helping Aerith teach him how to knit. It was her delicate fingers that had lead him through the steps of a cable.
"I guess I need a little bit of a break." Riku said with a sigh. "Wanna go get some ice cream or something?"
"Sure." Namine smiled, stepping back so he could get up and stretch. They began to talk as they walked to their usual ice cream shop. 
Since Scrooge, Huey and Dewey had returned home, the ice cream shop had been manned by one of the local citizens. He usually gave Riku a discount, so Riku usually put some munny in the tip jar. It had become routine over the past year to go whenever Namine came to visit from Twilight Town.
"How is everything going with Roxas and Xion?" Riku asked, sitting down and unwrapping his fruit bar.
"Slow." Namine replied, taking a small lick from her chocolate cherry ice cream cone. She wanted to try all of the flavors, and this was the last one. "Not too bad, but I think I preferred the strawberry cheesecake the best."
"That was a flavor Kairi always liked." Riku smiled softly. 
When he saw the way Namine looked for just the hair of a second, he realized that was probably the wrong thing to say. He inwardly cursed himself and his inability to be the suave guy all the girls had thought he was growing up. Kairi and Namine didn't get much of a chance to talk after she got her replica body, as Kairi had almost immediately asked to be put under. Riku wondered what it was like living inside a heart of pure light. Just like Castle Oblivion, she didn't talk about it much.
"We should get some for her when she wakes up." Namine continued to eat her cone. There was an uncomfortable silence for just a moment before Namine spoke up again. "Who were you fighting when I came in?"
"Marluxia. He was the head of the castle, right?"
Namine nodded.
"I never really got to meet him as I was down in the basement back then. I'm sorry you had to deal with a guy like him."
"It's alright. I...had some support. There was Sora and Donald and Goofy. And despite everything I did to him, there was your replica, too." Namine spoke slowly, choosing her words with care. "But don't feel bad. He made his decisions, like everyone else."
This time, it was Riku's turn to nod in agreement, taking a bite from his treat.
"After the data battles are all said and done, what happens next?" Namine asked softly.
"I...don't know. All I know is that I've been having these weird dreams lately."
"I wondered. You look tired." Namine grabbed on to Riku's hand, intertwining their fingers.
Maybe it was a reflex, maybe it was a force of habit, like how they used to sit back in the old mansion. Either way, the touch on its own was enough to pull Riku away from the dark thoughts that usually sat at the horizon of his mind. He squeezed her hand in response.
"Don't hesitate to call me if you ever need someone to talk to. I miss our little midnight chats." Namine admitted.
"I do too." Riku smiled softly. "They really helped clear my mind back then."
"A problem shared is a problem halved, remember?" Namine was glad she could actually see his eyes as she recalled back to his words that helped her through her time at the old mansion. "Care to share anything?"
Riku paused. He sighed before starting to speak. After he told her of the recurring dream he'd been having with the buildings and the feeling of being watched, he also admitted to the weight that had been pinned on his shoulders. 
"I know it might sound silly, but I can't help but wonder if these dreams are connected to Sora somehow. I just wish I could understand it more." Riku finished his bar and set the popsicle stick on the bench beside him.
Namine had just finished her ice cream as well, wiping her face with the napkin. "Maybe it's time you take another journey."
"With the data battle still to fight and Kairi still asleep? I can't leave now."
"Maybe not now, but after the last battle is won." Namine gently pulled his hand close to her and began massaging it. "But that means I can't follow you. Will you be alright on your own? Maybe you can check Kairi's dreams."
"I...don't know. I haven't used my dream eater powers in a long time and the process is still kind of fuzzy for me." He could feel his muscles relax as she worked at his weary hand.
Doubt was rising in his chest. Maybe she was right. Who was he kidding? He wasn't ready for this kind of thing. He wasn't like Sora or Kairi who could follow their hearts at a moment's notice. He couldn't always feel the way it was trying to lead him.
But as he saw Namine patiently working on his hands, the stiff muscles being brought to relax against her fingers, a light shone through the storm of his doubt. How he hadn't realized it before was a mystery. Ever since they had met, she had been the light in the dark, just as he had provided shade for her in the brightest situations. As she finished the massage, she tenderly squeezed his hands, reassuring him that she was there and willing to help. Surely that was love.
He felt love for her, no question. But with Sora and Kairi gone and asleep, there never seemed to be a good moment to tell her what his heart really wanted to say. 
"We...we should be getting back." Namine sighed. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"No, but then, I'm not really all that sure of anything anymore."
"If there's anything I know, it's that things will get better. We'll find Sora. I don't know how or when, but we will." Namine took his hand again, standing before him.
Namine took a quick breath and then leaned over, placing a quick kiss atop his head. Ordinarily, she wouldn't be able to reach, but since he was sitting down, she could offer a small token of her affection and confidence in his abilities.
She and Riku's faces filled with blush, although a smile tugged at her lips. Namine didn't have enough courage to kiss him on the lips like she had wanted to for so long, but this was safe. He couldn't spurn her for a harmless kiss to the head. After all, what was some reassurance between friends?
"Thank you, Namine." Riku had a hard time looking at this angel of a woman without his heartbeat increasing.
To think she was willing to be by his side after all this. He decided there and then that he would listen to his heart and tell her of his feelings...after they set everything right. Once Sora and Kairi were home and together, then they could sort out their own relationship. It would give him yet another reason to bring his best friend home. 
He could still feel the kiss on his forehead, and it brought a genuine smile to his face. He stood up and began walking away from Merlin's house.
"Don't feel like you have to stop working on the data battles on my account. I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright." Namine stopped for a second.
"We can get back to those soon enough. I need a little longer before I get back into it." He took his trash and threw it into a nearby can. "There are some fountains that are really pretty this time of day nearby if you want to check them out with me."
A smile formed on Namine's lips. "I'd love to, Riku."
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drazavonia · 4 years
She will no longer "Embrace Destiny"
Destiny is more often that not a goal or fate one's life is chained to. If destiny is a force of the universe, no one can "control" destiny so to speak. However someone of a higher power, domain or "providence" can change the destiny of one with lesser power, control and/or knowledge (of their own destiny).
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Kairi was only four years old when Apprentice Xehanort took her, experimented on her and shipped her off of her world for two purposes apparently:
1) For her "Heart of Pure Light" to resonate with the "key bearer" and lead Xehanort to them.
2) As of Melody of Memory, apparently Apprentice Xehanort also wanted Kairi to arrive in a world of neither light or darkness which could possibly be The Final World. Ironically, this would mean he was successful on both accounts by the end of this game.
However, it's clear up above Kairi is upset and that line of "You're the one who keeps messing with my fate" implies much like how Aqua finally figured out in Kh3/Remind that Xehanort possessed Terra, Kairi will finally find out how and why she was ripped away from her grandma and home of Radiant Garden. Not only that, but it shows us she never really had a choice in how her fate was twisted and manipulated to whichever way the Xehanorts needed at the time:
- Apprentice Xehanort shipping Kairi off to Sora and Riku
- Ansem SOD/Riku sacrificing Destiny Islands causing Kairi's heart to take refuge in Sora's heart.
-Xemnas and Xehanort taking Kairi to crystalize her heart to use as a final gambit to open Kingdom Hearts.
The next lines "If it weren't for you Sora and everyone would be safe...I won't let you walk away" indicate for Sora, her friends and herself, she will no longer allow anyone control over her destiny. She has the strength and determination now to make her own destiny and fight against anyone who messes with her fate again.
This is the reason I can see Kairi getting a new keyblade.
A lot of the main characters' keyblades are symbolic of their hearts and roles within the series, as well as how they've grown and evolved over the course of their journeys.
The most obvious case being Riku.
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Kingdom Key> Soul Eater
The Kingdom Key was originally meant for Riku, as he was the keyblade's chosen. But when he chose to give in to the darkness the keyblade went to Sora instead, and of course Soul Eater was a weapon of darkness given to him by Maleficent to signify his alignment with her.
Soul Eater> Way to Dawn
It's in the name.
But seriously Way to Dawn is a perfect symbol of Riku's journey of acceptance of his darkness and redemption from kh1 to kh2. The keychain is the dark heart on his "Dark Riku" form which signified his complete fall to darkness. But from the keychain upwards we see the "Gazing Eye" encircled by an angel wing and demon wing, symbolizing Riku's decision against alignment with light or darkness. Afterwards majority of the blade is the demon wing from Soul Eater largely because Riku's role within kh2 is him working from the shadows undercover as Ansem and doing his best to distance himself from his friends who walk the path of light. However at the very end, an angel wing meets the large demon wing which is symbolic of us teaming up with Riku finally, as he showcases his mastery of light and darkness alongside Sora and friends.
Way to Dawn> Braveheart
In DDD, Riku materializes Soul Eater and questions his worthiness as a keyblade wielder. He still has doubts but still continues to hold on to his true motivations being to protect Sora. Riku accepts that he can use the power of darkness while standing firmly on the side of light to protect his friends. He no longer needs to find or follow the way to dawn, because by the end of DDD came the Dawn of Riku, a Keyblade Master and Guardian of Light.
And "Braveheart" is pretty simple. Riku found the strength to protect what matters, and it's perfectly symbolized by Riku's sacrifice for Sora.
"I'm ready now, I'm in control now."
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Terra and Aqua (technically Ven as well) have never left home by the beginning of BBS and throughout the game they experience trials and tribulations that challenge their friendship and we see by their Keyblades at the end the results of these trials.
Earthshaker> Ends of the Earth
Strong and powerful, after hearing Riku's motivation for strength being his friends he bestowed upon him the keyblade which reignited his devotion to his friends. This is also symbolized with Lingering Will, as that's the keyblade he's left with. He'll go to the ends of the earth to save his friends and right his wrongs.
Ends of the Earth> Chaos Ripper
Terra's devotion to protect his friends turns into rage against Xehanort for killing Eraqus, taking his home and manipulating him. Allowing darkness to further consume his heart.
Rainfell> Stormfall
Aqua's journey mostly consist with things happening around her and to her friends. Aqua being the only master of the three and worried for their safety, Aqua does her best to assume responsibility and watch over them. Much like rain, it was a light and simple task. But Xehanort's manipulations and temptations with both Terra and Ven, increased Aqua's worry and need to have control over her friends to keep them out of danger. Unfortunately certain seeds had already been planted amongst them, causing Aqua's worry and concern to come off as patronizing and distrustful of her friends. This weakened the trust in the bonds they share making her job to protect them even more difficult and adding to the weight of responsibility she carries.
Stormfall> Brightcrest
Terra and Ventus have both lost their hearts to darkness. With Venuts sleeping in Castle Oblivion and Terra taken over by Xehanort, Aqua was their only chance of ever coming back. She was the only one who knew how to find Ventus and the only one left to defeat Xehanort once and for all. She stood tall and was willing to risk it all for her friends, she was their "light in the darkness".
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Wayward Wind + Lost Memory
Ventus' keyblade is the only one that doesn't evolve or change throughout the game. Instead Lost Memory is gained when Vanitas forces Ventus to remember how he came to be. Ventus gains a newfound acceptance for his fate with this knowledge and only cares if his friends are safe.
Axel/Lea (Dark Rescue)
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Flame Liberator
Axel betrayed the organization. Axel did everything he could to keep Roxas and Xion unaware of the truth so they could live in blissful ignorance (or be happy). He saved Sora at the last minute in DDD and made it his mission in KH3 to get Roxas back. He even declared to Saix that he would bring him home as well. His keyblade represents his determination to save and free his friends from a cruel fate.
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Destiny's Embrace also tells a story for Kairi, but much like how she got it, the symbolism isn't representative of her personal journey.
- The keychain of Destiny's Embrace is funny enough, a popular fruit. When two people share paopu fruits, their destinies become intertwined.
- The chain, unlike many others is a red thread in knots, most likely representative of the Red String of Destiny. The "Destiny Knot" (pokemon references ftw) is what ties two people together romantically or what ties two destinies together.
- The hilt of the keyblade is the King chess piece. The king in this case referring to Sora (Crown, Throne, Holds his keyblade like King Arthur in artwork). To me this is symbolic of how Kairi has literally held Sora's fate or destiny in her hands at certain points in the series.
• In kh1, Kairi reverts Sora back from a heartless/the darkness after sacrificing himself to restore her heart.
• In khcom, in order for Sora to regain his memories, he has to focus on his "light in the darkness".
• In kh2, it's not until after reading Kairi's letter to him that the Door to Light opens the way for Sora and Riku to return to Destiny Islands in the realm of light.
• In kh3, it's Kairi's light that keeps Sora from fading away within the demon tide and holds him together so he can save the other guardians.
- Surrounding the grip is a heart with half of it having a sea/ocean/wave aesthetic. It could be representative of Kairi's heart and the heart of her nobody counterpart Namine, whose name means wave.
- Half of the heart with the vine extending down the blade is identical to the keychains of Sora's Ultima Weapons in kh1,2,DDD,3.
The crown connects to the heart which belongs to both Kairi and Namine which makes sense because Sora and Kairi together created Namine.
- I'm not sure what the blade symbolizes aside from maybe fire because of her entanglement with Axel (doubt) or more likely the fires of Kairi's determination to improve, so she can stand by Sora and Riku.
- The flowers at the end with "logo" heart of course represents Radiant Garden. I think Nomura always planned to explore Kairi's past at some point especially with how connected it is to Union X, and that Kairi as well her grandma would be the bridge connecting the past and the present.
However, because of kh3 and most likely M.O.M, I think Kairi will quite literally be freed from "Destiny's Embrace", both Xehanort and the keyblade.
Like I said before, a lot of the symbolism for Destiny's Embrace is externally based. Mostly because Kairi never gets the chance to shine nor do we get to see what's going on inside of her head. Some of this is also because of Kairi's reluctance to bring up her past trauma when asked about it.
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• Sora is gone, no need to be a plot device/motivation for him. Instead it's the other way around.
• Namine is her own person now.
• Melody of Memory will finally tackle and resolve Kairi's past.
Everything Destiny's Embrace represents will be resolved by the end of Melody of Memory. So just like how Riku completed his Darkness character arc by the end of DDD and got Way to Dawn replaced by Braveheart as a symbol of his newfound growth, either by the end of M.O.M or in KH4 Kairi will be rid off all of the things holding her character back from truly growing on a narrative and meta level and the keyblade that symbolizes all of those things:
Destiny's Embrace
*This is the other part of the Melody of Memory sticker post.
(Credit to Hartmann-lionhart for their Destiny's Embrace/Ultima Weapon Analysis)
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kessielrg · 3 years
[Kingdom Hearts] I’m the same, but I’m trying to change
Summary: In which Xion and Sabrina (OC) partake in a trust exercise given to them by Aqua. Xion nearly gets squashed by a People Mover while trying to write in her journal. Sabrina is not pleased (and very, very terrified at the near carnage that would have ensued).
Rating: K+
Word Count: 3,644 words
If you liked this story, please reblog!
“How can Ven put up with Sabrina? She blows him off every chance she gets.”
Xion, who had not been paying attention, looked up from her notebook with a small, inquisitive noise.
“What you mean?” she asked. A small smirk crossed her lips as she then said, “Are you just mad that your look-a-like has more tolerance for hard-headed people than you?”
Roxas gave her an agitated grunt as an answer. It was enough to let Xion give a small snort of bemusement in return.
The duo, along with Kairi, Ventus, Lea, and Aqua, were on a Gummi Ship heading straight for Wasteland. Sabrina, the world’s princess and protector of its heart, was the topic of discussion because she was arguably the reason why they were heading to the world. Sabrina was also a Keyblade wielder, but due to her unique connection to Wasteland, she couldn’t always leave for long periods of time. This meant that sometimes Aqua took her training abroad. The others didn’t always come with her. But the master had a plan in mind for this trip, so it was as many trainees as she could get her hands on.
Xion and Roxas had taken a spot near the back of the ship. It was just quiet enough that Xion could write in her notebook almost unbothered. Roxas just didn’t want to sit next to Ventus.
“I think there’s more to Sabrina than we think.” Xion then told her friend, almost in a sing-song voice. “And Ven believes in her enough to be the only one brave enough to find out.”
Another agitated grunt. Roxas looked over at Xion’s writings and tried to figure out what she was writing.
“Are you writing about Ebba again?” he wondered.
“Yep.” Xion grinned. “She’s been summoned to the kingdom of an estranged king. Very important business and all.”
“I don’t want my character to be friends with hers.”
Xion paused writing for a moment just to look at Roxas. She tried to contain a catlike grin before telling him, “I make no promises.”
The Gummi Ship landed in Wasteland not long after this. Judging by Ven’s relieved sigh, Sabrina was already outside and waiting for them. Roxas looked over at Lea to make a face of disgust. His tall friend only laughed, clapping a hand on Roxas’s back as the two left the Gummi Ship. Xion held her notebook tight in her hand as she left the ship as well. Some formal introductions were made again before Aqua led them to their training area for the day.
In a pathway that went past Mean Street’s train station, there was a nice open area with a small circular flowerbed. Aqua’s students lined up in waiting for their teacher’s instructions.
“Before we get too far,” she told them, “I want you all to know that we’re going to do training in pairs today. Roxas with Kairi, Lea with Ven, and Xion with Sabrina. Do you six understand so far?”
Her students nodded in agreement. Aqua gave herself a small grin.
“Good.” she said. “I have assigned each of you a certain section of Wasteland to explore. Today, I want you and your partner to do a trust exercise.”
“You're joking.” Sabrina snorted. When she got a good look at Aqua's expression, her face immediately fell. In a near horrified tone, she then said, “Oh no. You're not.”
“Can we trade partners?” Lea piped up. “I feel bad for Xion now.”
“Agreed.” Ven nodded.
But Aqua shook her head. They all knew that her mind had been made up long before this. Xion was actually pretty excited. She took a look over at Sabrina and felt her heart sink a little in noticing that the princess was visibly tensing up. Xion’s fingertips glided over her notebook, already knowing the words she’d write in it next.
. . .
Maybe in another life, they could have been sisters. Ebba had a faint feeling that Regina did not want a sister. Or any kind of companion, come to think of it. The princess of the disgraced kingdom looked back at the spy with a look of annoyed superiority. It almost reminded Ebba of her own superior.
“I need you to do a task for me.” Regina informed Ebba- her voice still and commanding. “It has come to my attention that someone is trying to harm me. As I am not allowed to defend for myself, I need a champion.”
“My lady, with all due respect,” Ebba said, giving a small bow, “But why not call upon the aid of master knights Meikai or Roch? Perhaps even the squire Benjamin? It is from my understanding that you two are quite close.”
“Our familiarity is exactly why I can not use them.” the princess replied. “I need a spy. I need someone invisible. I need someone who can slip out of other's memories before they even knew they were in the room. I need you, Ebba. You are the only one I trust for this.”
Hearing this sent a shock down Ebba's spine. Regina's trust was hard to earn- let alone her being so vocal about it. If she was going to be this forthcoming about her intentions, something was a lot more dangerous than what Ebba had been originally expecting. The only question was; would she take it?
“It would be an honor to protect you, my lady.” Ebba finally decided- even getting down to her knees to give a bow of reverence.
Regina only stood taller.
. . .
The girls had been assigned to Tomorrow City. Xion did her best to be respectful- sitting across from Sabrina instead of next to her. Unfortunately, it was still a very good position for Sabrina to glare at Xion. She didn’t even pretend to look anywhere else. Xion herself wasn’t quite aware of it- once she got into a good writing groove, time just… slipped away.
“What do you write in that thing anyway?” Sabrina questioned, pointing as Xion's notebook. She hadn't really asked in a tone that actually wanted to know, but there must have been some interest. Right?
“Oh, you know,” Xion hummed, not thinking to look up, “A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Sometimes it's about my day, and sometimes it's not even close.”
Sabrina’s glare darkened. “You're writing about us then.”
Xion flinched. “Sort of…” she admitted. “It’s still a diary, more or less.”
“And that pen?”
That was when Xion gave a blink of confusion. She paused to look at her pen. It was a pretty kitschy thing; a bright pink novelty pen with a feather puff at the end. But there was just something about it Xion adored.
“This?” she wondered, twirling the pen lightly in her fingertips. “I dunno. I just found it at the store and I asked Lea to buy it for me.” She looked at Sabrina with a curious tilt of her head. “Do you want one? I think they came in a pack of three.”
“No thanks.” Sabrina grumbled, immediately turning her head away. “I have plenty of fountain pens that will suffice when the need rises.”
“Right.” Xion agreed with a nod. With the conversation over, she awkwardly returned to writing.
Xion found herself awestruck by Tomorrow City before the train even came to a complete stop. The city was a neon lit marvel, aided with a shielded sky painted to look like a starry night. The stars even twinkled a bit from their own light source. It was so beautiful that Xion nearly wanted to write it down for Ebba to explore later.
“Aqua wants us to use the square for training.” Sabrina said, not even bothering to notice Xion’s awe. “It should be an easy trip over.”
Xion nodded in absent agreement. Sabrina looked her over, grimaced, but said nothing more before leading the two further into Tomorrow City. They were able to reach the square in a few minute’s time. Barrier magic prevented them from heading back out once they were there.
“Greetings ladies!” a gremlin with lemon yellow skin and a purple jumpsuit greeted them. “My name is Gremlin Apollo, and boy howdy did Master Aqua plan quite the obstacle course set for you!”
“Just tell us what it is.” Sabrina impatiently told him.
The gremlin nodded. “You two while be navigating a short obstacle course. There are three checkpoint that you must pass through. At each location there is a dual button system that you must disable at the same time. The buttons are placed just so that you must both be there.”
“Are the People Movers active?” Sabrina questioned.
“Of course!”
“Of course.” Sabrina murmured under her breath. Xion gave Sabrina a curious glance, while the gremlin gave them a warm grin.
“Good luck!” he said, giving a salute before disappearing into thin air.
The girls immediately set to work. The first checkpoint was not far from them; they were able to find its corresponding buttons and activate them in record time. Xion was the first to see that the second checkpoint was close to the People Mover tracks. It took a lot of careful climbing to get to the right buttons. Once the second barrier was down, Sabrina noticed how far away the last barrier was. She studied the People Mover track for a long time. At least one tram whizzed by at breakneck speed. It was more than enough for her to make a decision.
“Stay here.” Sabrina told Xion. “I want to scout ahead a little. I’ll contact you on our Gummiphones when it’s safe to go ahead. Don’t stand on the People Mover tracks if you value your life.”
“Gotcha.” Xion agreed with a nod. Sabrina gave a stiff nod back before heading forward. Xion let out a small sigh before curiously looking around the area. Wasteland was a hidden gem, covered by its own darkness and unease. It reminded her a lot of the World That Never Was- especially the castle. That world was so cold and unforgiving, yet there was just an inexplicable charm to it if you knew where to look.
Xion carefully made her way down from the platform and on to the People Mover track. There was so much from this environment that she couldn’t wait to describe. She pulled out her notebook in habit, flipping through the pages just to make sure she can justify Ebba visiting a world like this.
“Xion!” Sabrina barked. Xion quickly looked up, then noticed something to her right. Her eyes expanded in fear as a People Mover tram was rushing toward her at top speed. Xion was all but prepared for the impending, and devastating, smack. But it didn’t happen. Sabrina had quickly cast Gravity on the People Mover, a dark purple-blue aura surrounding the tram.
“Move, Xion!” Sabrina demanded through gritted teeth.
“R-right!” the other girl agreed, quickly scrambling to her feet. The moment she jumped off the track, Sabrina let go of the spell- the tram once more racing down the track as if it had never been stopped. Xion watched as it disappeared into a back area. She looked back at Sabrina with a relieved grin.
“Thanks Sabrina! That was-”
“Shut it.”
Xion’s heart stopped. It was then that she realized how furious Sabrina was.
“I told you not to stay on the People Mover tracks.” Sabrina seethed. “I told you to stay at the button.”
“Sabrina, I-”
“Shut up!” Sabrina screamed. “Just shut! Up! I can do this without you!” With that, she immediately spun on her heel to the next checkpoint.
“But-!” Xion tried to say, but Sabrina was already a good distance away. Xion deflated, her throat tightening in grief. “You can’t...”
. . .
Rage was not an unfamiliar sight on Regina’s face, but this time it was different. It was a rage born from Ebba herself.
“Regina, you have to trust me.” Ebba tried to say as she tried to keep up with the princess.
“I did trust you!” Regina thundered, spinning around to face Ebba. You could see the faint beginnings of frustrated tears at the corner of her eyes. She was too furious to wipe them away at the moment. Seeing them made Ebba’s heart leap into her throat.
For Regina to show real emotion, it meant Ebba had really messed everything up.
“My kingdom is going to fall, Ebba!” Regina continued to shout. “And it's all because of you! Because of me! Because… because of… of us...”
Ebba moved close to the princess, intending to place a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Regina...”
“Don't touch me.” the disgraced princess hissed, slapping Ebba’s hand away. “I hope your superior turns you into a husk of your former self after this. Because if he doesn't? I will.”
Ebba took a step back. The princess’s words cutting through her heart like a hot knife to butter. Sure, she was well aware that Regina was mad at her, but mad enough to threaten a fate worse than death? Ebba started to shake her head with disbelief.
“You can’t mean that.” she said, trying to be reasonable. But the slight crack in her voice made known her growing fear.
The only answer she got was a dark glare, and then there was silence.
. . .
When Xion finally found her, Sabrina was insistently whacking her Keyblade against a barrier meant to be deactivated by two. It wasn’t too much of a surprise that Sabrina was muttering unkind words under her breath the entire time.
“Sabrina?” Xion carefully tried to say.
“Go away.” the princess spat back, not once letting up on her useless hits. “Don’t you have a tram car to get trampled by?”
Xion flinched. “You don’t mean that.”
“Try me.”
After a few more hits, Sabrina finally dispelled her Keyblade to look at Xion. Her face was red from both exhaustion and frustration. When she spoke to Xion again, her voice was anything but understanding.
“What is so important about that stupid journal of yours that you’d rather risk life and limb to write in it? This is a trust exercise, not a ‘let’s see how fast we can become roadkill’ exercise.”
“I know, I just…”
“Just what? Why would you rather write than get this stupid thing done and over with?!”
“I… I actually don't know if I'm able to empathize or not.” Xion admitted. “Not like you can.”
Sabrina immediately recoiled. This was definitely not the excuse she expected to hear. She might have been annoyed, but she could still hear the vulnerability in the other wielder’s voice. Xion took Sabrina’s silence as a chance to continue.
“I think writing helps me with that. I can 'see' someone else's mind and learn about who they are. I can reflect on how other people react to things, and maybe try to draw connections on how to help them in the future. You know?”
“In other words; treat others how you want to be treated.”
Now it was Xion’s turn to recoil a little. “Maybe...” she quietly agreed.
Sabrina didn’t look toward Xion for a long time.
“Look,” Sabrina begrudgingly started to say, “Wasteland sucks. It can and will eat the weak whole. But things like walking onto an active racetrack are so easy to avoid. Not when a Beetleworx can take you out a lot more painfully. I know my world, Xion. This is supposed to be a trust exercise. You need to listen to me when I warn you about my world. That’s the only way you’re going to earn my trust today. The only way we can finish this thing the way Aqua wants.”
“I know,” came the quick reply. “I shouldn’t have stopped on the tracks to begin with. I didn’t… I should have placed our training in front of my writing. I’m sorry.”
“That’s not what-” Sabrina started to argue, but she stopped herself. She gave a frustrated shake of her head before instead saying, “We have one more obstacle to go through, and then we’re done here. Let’s just… get it done.”
“Right.” Xion slowly nodded.
The girls still took a moment just to look at each other. The air around them stiff and stifling. It was Sabrina who made the first step forward. They didn’t talk much as they deactivated the final barrier, Gremlin Apollo congratulating them before giving access back to the train station. The poor gremlin didn’t even notice the friction between them.
Xion was almost afraid to pull up her notebook on the ride back. Her mind was reeling with ideas. After so long of just writing whatever came to mind, having to hold back nearly hurt. She could feel her fingers twitch with anticipation. Xion gave Sabrina a curious tilt of her head. The princess was reclined against the bench, her expression unreadable as she kept her eyes closed. Her body swayed with the train motion, giving the impression that she might have been resting. Xion traced her fingertips over the notebook’s spine.
Maybe she wouldn’t write just yet. There was something else she wanted to do before then.
. . .
Ebba carefully approached the princess’s throne. Said princess was crumbled on the throne like a child having a tantrum. It was undignified. It was bitter. It was vulnerable. Ebba took a shaking breath in before standing a bit taller.
“I know that you can never fully trust me,” she started off, slowly and carefully, “And I know that, for the most part, it isn’t personal. I knew that your trust is hard to earn, and I’ve ruined any chances of making it better. I could apologize to you for a thousand years but you’ll always remember the betrayal instead. It’s within reason for you to do so. You’ve seen a lot. A lot more than I likely ever will. Because, for the most part, I’m still very sheltered on the evils of this world. I’m working on unlearning what I know, if that makes sense. I want to be a new person. I want to be me.”
“Lucky are you to have such an ability.” the princess grumbled. She still didn’t move from her spot.
“Indeed.” Ebba nodded. “I hope that one day, you will request my assistance again. I wouldn’t expect you to trust me. I wouldn’t expect you to even like me. But know that I will still serve by you in constant amends. Good day, my princess.”
Ebba did not wait for a response before turning to leave. The sound of her footfalls echoed throughout the chamber.
“Wait.” Regina finally said. Ebba stopped in her spot, but did not turn around. It did not stop what Regina had planned next. She ran from her throne, straight to Ebba, and gave the spy a tight hug around the middle. Ebba knew better than to say anything during this time. Instead, she moved one of her hands to gently pat Regina’s arm in understanding. They remained there for a long time- no other words needed to be said between them.
They were still sisters at heart.
. . .
Xion and Sabrina went back to the open space behind the train station on Mean Street. Aqua gave the girls a nod of approval. Apparently they had finished first. Xion immediately knew that she could use this small reprieve as an opportunity.
“Here.” she said to Sabrina, presenting her writing notebook without a hint of remorse.
Sabrina, who had taken to being by herself, overlooking the area, turned to face Xion. Her gaze slowly fell to the notebook before immediately snapping up to glare at the other girl.
“What are you doing?” she questioned, and not in a particularly caring tone.
“I may not know Wasteland, but I want you to know me.” Xion said. “So I give you full permission to read all the stories I’ve written so far.”
“Do you want to read them?”
Sabrina eyeballed the offending journal with mild distrust.
“You write about all of us?” she asked.
Xion nodded.
“Do you change names around?”
“All the time.” Xion replied. “Sometimes I gotta pull out a baby naming dictionary. The library has a pretty good selection. For some reason.”
“For some reason…” Sabrina mumbled back. She slowly looked back up at Xion. When she held out her hands to accept the notebook, she looked away again, almost like it was something to be ashamed of. If anything, Xion was ecstatic. She gladly handed over her notebook with absolute trust in her heart. Sabrina looked down at the notebook, grimaced slightly, then put it away in a safe place.
“How’d it go, kiddos?” Lea’s loud, cheery voice spoke up, snapping both of the girls out of their moment. Sabrina in particular immediately tensed despite holding herself higher.
“Xion nearly got ran over by a tram.” the princess bluntly replied. “I got mad. We had a heart to heart. Everything’s fine now.”
“Really?” Lea questioned with a bemused raise of his eyebrow, looking over at Xion with an even greater curiosity.
“I’ll tell you more later.” Xion mumbled to him, low enough so Sabrina couldn’t hear. Her friend let out a noise of affirmation and a quick thumb’s up.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Ventus spoke up. “You look tense.”
“You worry way too much.” Sabrina spat back, folding her arms and giving him a quirk of her eyebrow. To this, Ven couldn’t deny. Xion let out a small chortle at them. Lea joined in, followed by Ven’s own sheepish laugh. Sabrina didn’t laugh, but there was a small grin teased into the corner of her lips.
When Sabrina gave Xion her notebook back a few hours later, there had been a new entry not previously written by the latter. It soon became one of Xion’s favorite passages.
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mimiplaysgames · 3 years
Terra Week Day 7 (Bonds/Fave Scene)
Summary: Terra lets his friends love him. | Word Count: 3,462
Read on AO3
A/N: For Terra Week 2021! You can find that account on Twitter!
At the end of the day, your chains weigh a burden. Share them. At the end of the night, your Bonds make you free. Mend them.
The stars wink sometimes, if you stare at them long enough.
Terra’s been lying on his back at the roof of the residential tower, where the slats are at a gentle slope so he’s not doomed to fall off. A small, square window behind him gives him easy access; he and Aqua used to waste many nights at this spot for years. Here, they can watch the sun rise behind the mountains, so they get the best of night and day. 
The sound of the window slipping open means she’s here—he just wasn’t expecting the plop of an open book landing in his face.
“Look what I found,” she says, and he pulls darkness out of his eyes to see detailed drawings of a fox with a bow and arrow, talking to a large bear who is spying from behind a bush. Robin Hood and his sidekick, Little John. They used to role play as these characters when they were children for hours. Aqua lies down on the space next to him, careful not to slide too close to the edge.
“Thanks, I was looking for this earlier.”
“It was in the potions section. Do you remember putting it there?” He doesn’t, and she shrugs and rolls over to her side. “I forgot there was a part where he dressed up as a blind beggar to sneak into the prison.”
Terra flips pages. Many of them have multiple bends, bookmarks to areas of the story that the two of them enjoyed to play with. That is one of his favorite scenes, Robin Hood dressing in a long cloak and dark sunglasses to hide the fact that he is a fox (despite that it’s still obvious), shaking a beer jug for coins. Those goons he fooled are so dumb.
“It’s still kind of funny after all these years.”
“You would do something like that.” She hides her smile behind her fingers. “Dress up to trick the enemy so you could sneak in and save the hungry.”
“You’re making fun of me.” 
She slaps his bicep. “I am not.”
It’s the greatest compliment he could receive but it’s also the greatest cringe. He’s always wanted to be compared to his hero... yet it’s still something he can’t quite believe, like there’s a twist to the joke, even though Aqua would never. She’d speak from the heart.
“Dress like this with me”—he shows a drawing of Robin Hood and Little John in their signature thief green tunics and hats—“and I’ll believe you.”
She rolls her eyes. “They don’t have any pants on.”
“That’s the point. We’d be wild.” Terra hides a smirk behind his finger.
“Only if you pay me a thousand munny.”
“... You know, that’s not going to be hard to collect.”
“A bold claim.”
“Okay, but if I end up collecting it all—”
“You’re seeing nothing.”
He laughs and she joins him, warm and painful in the stomach, something that hasn’t happened so sincerely since they have come back. Nights so far have been tight and insecure, as though laughing would expose them to an enemy hiding around the corner. 
Out here, graced with the breath of fresh air, they’re safe under the guidance of the stars. It feels like a young night when their dreams for the future come uninhibited. 
“I talked to Yen Sid,” she says once she’s able to slow down. 
“And?” Terra swallows air down the wrong pipe and coughs.
She wipes a tear from her cheek. “I convinced him to change the standards of your Mark of Mastery.” Picking herself up by the elbows, she sighs. “Though I still think it’s unnecessary, if you want my opinion.”
Terra doesn’t agree, flipping towards the end of the book where Robin Hood and his love are sent off by a carriage, free from persecution. “What are the new terms?”
“Everyone is splitting up to look for Sora and… I proposed searching for him in the Realm of Darkness.”
Terra rolls to his side, dropping the book, all joy that stayed with them minutes before now drained away. He speaks softly. “You want to go through that again?”
She purses her lips. “I don’t want to, but if it helps with finding Sora, then what other choice do I have?”
Terra hums. “I understand. It’s just… you’ve been through so much already, Aqua.”
“It’s crazy it’s been twelve years,” she mutters before perking up and pretending it’s not a heavy subject. “If you survive the Realm of Darkness, then Yen Sid will name you Master.”
Terra sputters. “Are you serious?”
She giggles. “Partially, but that did come out of my mouth in the meeting. Ven would want to come with us of course, but Yen Sid is most concerned about your affinity to Darkness… which isn’t fair.” She brings her knees to her chin. “We all carry Darkness, and you have already shown, twice now, that you are able to face yours and defeat it. So, I suggested you come with me and face the Master of Darkness yourself.”
“What do they look like?”
“Whatever you think it looks like.” She shrugs. “Yourself.”
Terra doesn’t know what to say. He traces the ridges of the slats in front of him. The Realm of Darkness is a different plane of existence entirely, one where the rules of Light don’t apply, where logic makes no sense and there’s only the constant pressure of regret and succumbing, based on what he’s read from the books. From what he’s heard from her, Darkness is the never-ending fight of giving yourself reasons to keep waking up the next day—when there’s no reason to.  
“Twelve years,” he muses. “I couldn’t have survived if that were me.”
Aqua sombers, watching the horizon for the outlines of mountains that you can only see in the night if you squint. “It’s not so different from what you have told me.” She looks at him. “About Nowhere and not knowing when it would end. If it would ever.”
Terra rolls back to look up at the stars. Darkness gives them room to shine. “So all I have to do is survive while we search for Sora?”
“When you say it like that,” she says with a mock-wave. “You know, twelve years isn’t that long. How about we make it twelve days? Survive twelve days and you’re Master. That sounds fair.”
He does a double-take. “That’s not funny. What’s wrong with you?”
“I’m taking a page out of your book and making inappropriate jokes.”
He groans. “This is why you’re not funny.”
“I am, you just won’t admit it.”
He shakes his head, but he can admit it brings a smirk to his face.
The window slips open again with a thud, Ven’s golden head of hair sticking out but not joining them. “You two are the most predictable ever. It was easy to find you.”
“You’re predictable for looking for us,” Terra reminds him.
“Did you find the thing?” Aqua asks, her head leaning back to address him.
“We did.”
That’s right. We. They accepted another member to the family the day of the Master’s memorial, when a talking cat-thing appeared out of nowhere and crashed the end of the eulogy. Terra and Aqua haven’t found a trace of its breed in any of the books in the library (five floors of it). They call it Cheers (because “Chirithy” is a ridiculous name; how in any star can anyone pronounce such a thing?), and every time they ask it questions about its past and how it knows Ven, it responds with more vague questions. Otherwise, it doesn’t offer much opinion. Much like that stupid book, Affairs of the Heart. 
But Ven inexplicably has a bond to it, and they are simply going to have to trust his heart. 
“What thing are we talking about?” Terra asks.
“Can’t tell you,” Ven quips. “Sworn to secrecy.”
“To who?”
“Come with us, Terra.” Aqua stands up, brushing dust off of her drapes and bending to squeeze through the window. 
Just when he was getting comfortable.
Lanterns light the way. Aqua likes to be in charge of how bright they get, and tonight they shine for a feast, bright with a cheery kick, glistening the golden halls of the castle as though it’s sitting in daylight. She marches to the entrance hall where they held their Mark of Mastery years ago. Cheers is already here with two books and a bouquet of flowers on one throne and more knick-knacks on another that Terra doesn’t have a reference for.
“What’s this about?”
“An honorary title ritual.” Ven cranes back into his own arms, proud of himself. “We found a couple of books on how they did it in the Age of Fairytales. A lot of it we can’t translate, but it’s pretty cool.”
“A title ritual?” Terra asks Aqua, who is stroking the middle throne where the Master used to sit, eyes closed in prayer.
“An honorary one.” She brings her hands to her heart. “I believe the Master really wanted to name you Master. And I agree. Riku does, too. I know you want to prove yourself and do it traditionally, but we wanted to do a little something special for you. A title that only we know of so you can keep it to yourself and no one else has to find out.” She steps down. “Until you want them to.”
“This is my thanks for what you’ve given me.” She summons Rainfell, and it springs in her hand among glowing petals and a swirl of waves, a second quicker to respond than the aged and wise Defender. She’s whole.
“It looks like so much fun, too,” Ven says with puppy-dog eyes. 
“You deserve it,” Aqua says.
“Pfft,” goes Cheers. 
“We’re supposed to be equals,” Aqua continues, twirling her Keyblade like it’s as natural as wiggling her fingers. “The Master said so that day.”
“Just say yes.” Ven nudges his elbow. “Roxas already calls you Master.”
Terra coughs on a snort. “Does he?”
“He calls all of us Master for some reason.”
“Maybe it’s because he thinks you’re all old,” Cheers mutters but Ven continues—
“When I tell him there has to be official recognition and an exam, he just shrugs.” He raises his shoulders too high to his ears for a good imitation. “He says, What difference does a dumb test make?” Ven is trying to act voguish, but it makes him look dorky instead. “Master Ventus sounds pret-ty cool if I say so myself.”
“Ahem,” Cheers announces, broadening its arms to command attention. All it needs is a conductor’s baton. “Shall we begin?”
“Do it with us?” Aqua pouts and raises her eyebrows, joining Ven in the ridiculous charade of coaxing Terra into playing along.
Terra huffs. “Okay.”
Both of their faces beam, Aqua throwing a sheepish high-five to Ven’s enthusiastic holler, giggling like they’ve won a game. It’s touching. 
“I’ll need your Keyblade,” Aqua says, handing over Rainfell. “Trade?”
“Standing Masters must accept the Blade of the candidate. To bless it,” Cheers says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
“If you say so,” Terra says, straining a chuckle from pouring out in case Cheers gives him a death glare. He summons Earthshaker and lends it to Aqua by the hilt. Rainfell is as light as a feather, as it has always been—he held it when she first called it at the age of thirteen, surprised by the paper-lightness of its weight, wondering How in the stars do you expect to hit anything with this? when he’ll learn the truth later that she hits just as hard as he does. 
It doesn’t feel arrogant and big like a Master’s Keyblade. It just feels like Aqua’s, the longest friend he’s ever had. 
“Terra. How on earth—?” Aqua grunts and pulls. Earthshaker screeches across the floor, and she takes breaks before inhaling and dragging it more. “So impractical.” She cries a sigh of relief when she reaches the throne. 
“Now the masks, in accordance with tradition,” says Cheers, peeking into one of the books.
“Oh.” Ven hurries over to the other throne, grabbing thin, plastic masks Terra’s seen in amusement parks, with the rubber strings that cut into your circulation. “Masks apparently were really fancy in the old days.”
“Yes,” Cheers says. “Made of porcelain and leather. Very tasteful.” 
“This is what we got.” Ven showcases three tacky half-face masks of a pig, a bee, and a frog like a deck of cards. “Which one do you want to be?”
Cheers wrinkles its snout in disgust.
“The pig is kind of cute,” Terra says. It’s bright pink, with holes cut out in the eye sockets and a tout nose. The string squeezes him around the temples, so he hopes the ceremony will be quick.
“You be the frog, Aqua.” Ven hands over her mask and dons the bee, complete with springy pom-poms for the antennae. 
“Don’t forget the robes,” Aqua says as she slips the frog on, lumpy and shiny, bracing herself so that Earthshaker leans on her hip. 
Ven comes back with three of the Master’s hand-me-downs. They smell like dust from a damp dresser. The one given to Terra is too short, and the one Ven is wearing drags on the floor. Aqua’s hangs off the shoulder (We’re going to need to hire a seamstress, she mutters).
“Now we shall truly start,” Cheers says.
“Why does Cheers get to lead this?” Terra asks.
“Because Aqua is the one to honor you and Ven is the witness,” Cheers says. Duh. “Master Aqua, you understand what you must do.” 
Aqua holds Earthshaker by the hilt like one of those knights in the attic, its point at the floor. It’s bigger than Rainfell, reaching up to her chest. She gestures for one of the books and Cheers is too eager to turn to the right page and hand it over.
“That book?” Terra rolls his eyes, remembering that no one else can see.
“Yep.” She brings Affairs of the Heart closer to her face, frowning before checking her attitude and reciting:
Thus a wield'r and a cousin, so longeth as thy heart stayeth true, and thy duty vows to who, a mast'r to the endeth, so longeth as thee behold not backeth.
She sniffs and double checks the passage, her chin wrinkling. 
“That’s it?” Ven asks. “What the stars does that even mean?”
“You shall also honor your bonds,” Aqua says, whipping her nose out of the book.
“You’re improvising,” Terra says. 
“And never scare me again.” 
She slams the book on his head with enough pressure to make him nod. “Say yes.”
“Yes, Master.”
She chuckles.
“Now we shower the room with flowers,” Cheers says.
Ven gathers up the flowers he plucked—a mix of withering vanity plants, such as tulips, and weeds, such as dandelions late into their development, where they spit white fuzz. 
“That’s all you have?” Aqua says. 
“It’s late into the season,” Ven says, defensive. “And you didn’t want to wait too long for me to get more.”
He throws them and they droop down to the ground, crinkling on the floor in an unceremonious finish and lack of climax. Terra brushes two petals off of his shoulder. 
Cheers stares in contempt. “Well… it is done.” 
“Now I call you,” Aqua says, licking her lips as they tremble, and she stops to cup her cheek and compose herself. “Master Terra.”
Master Terra. 
He doesn’t know how to feel when she leans his Keyblade toward him. Earthshaker feels the same–not more powerful, not more wise, but a friend patting his back. But what for? 
“Has a nice ring to it,” Ven says. “Master Terra.”
“How do you feel?” Aqua says, slipping fingers under her mask to wipe her eyes. 
“I don’t know, I guess I expected to feel… something that justifies it all. But I’m still me.”
“Isn’t ‘me’ the person who spent all these years studying for Mastery?”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t make sense in my head.”
“I felt the same way,” Aqua says quietly. Cheers is closing books and picking up dry flower petals, urging Ven to help. “Without you by my side, it just felt… a little empty and confusing.”
“I never congratulated you.”
“I’ll do it first. Congratulations.” She smirks, her cheek wet under the frog mask. 
Terra pulls off his mask—ignoring Cheers when it squeaks, Excuse me, but that must stay on for the rest of the night out of respect for your appearance—and studies her. “What’s that look for?”
Aqua pulls hers off as well, her eyes red but soft and happy. “I want to see Yen Sid’s face when he names you Master and I get to tell him that I already did.” 
He snorts. “What if he objects?”
“What if he’s too stuck up in past grievances and can’t appreciate you for who you are or what you’ve accomplished?” Cradling Rainfell in the grip of her hand, she nods to herself. “Who gives him a say? I spent twelve years in the Realm of Darkness. Not him. There were some things the Master was wrong about. Do you know why that is?”
Terra wants to say it’s because the Master was afraid, but he won’t speak over her. “Why?”
She looks away at a wall, blinking too much. “I’ll never use it again. It makes me feel like I’m not thinking straight, that I’m too close in making a fatal mistake I can’t take back. But I can’t help but feel there’s a purpose for it. Darkness exists not to put us astray on our path but to help us understand ourselves and our needs better.” When she speaks with this much conviction, Aqua seems the tallest in the group. “Within us, it needs comfort as much as the Light needs faith.”
“That’s what makes the heart strong enough to protect what matters.”
Aqua smiles. “That’s why.” When he’s about to object, she places a hand on his shoulder. “The Master is no longer with us. If you continue like this, who’s to say you’ll be okay with Yen Sid accepting you as well?”
She’s right. “I just think I need to do more to atone.”
“I faced the Darkness, and maybe I’ve won. Sure.” Terra shrugs, and the change in tone catches Ven attention, who ignores his immediate chores to come close and remove his mask. “But I’m still missing the same Light you have, Aqua. The one that made you, Master, as you deserve. Mine is not that strong.”
Ven sighs.
Aqua opens her mouth to say something but stops herself, searching his eyes with a gentle mix of love and skepticism. “There’s something I never told you.” She rubs her palms together. “In the Dark Realm, I… there were many moments where I wanted to give up. 
“I saw you once, a bright light standing in front of me. You talked to me. You protected me from Xehanort, and you told me to never give up.” She breaks, swiping her eyes and sniffling loudly, willing her body to breathe normally.
Terra stares at her. “I thought I made that up.”
“No,” she says, smiling and shaking. “You never stopped lighting me back, either.”
Ven holds her hand, silently crying with her. He looks up at Terra, as he’s done for years, worshipping the ground Terra walks in, thinking he is a prime example of what a Keybearer should be. They did this because they believe in him. 
“Thanks for doing this for us,” Ven says quietly, and Aqua nods in agreement. And Terra takes them in his arms, Aqua under his right and Ven under his left, letting them sink their faces into his chest and wraps their arms around his waist.
“Thank you for always being there.” Terra doesn’t know what else to say that would measure what they mean to him. Forgiveness is not a real friend, and they don’t have reasons to give it to him, but he hugs them close without going too tight, his tears falling on their crowns.
“We still have things to clean up,” Cheers mutters.
“Come here.” Ven opens an arm to which Cheers happily accepts, nuzzling its nose into Ven’s neck. It’s only cheerful with him. Terra is most cheerful with all of them. A broken home renovated, a hearth revived, a clear sunrise over the mountains. 
Those who know him as Master Terra hold onto him dearly, under a night sky that waits behind stained glass in a moment they keep to themselves, where the future is irrelevant and the past goes to sleep.
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bluerosesburnblue · 4 years
I noticed the topic of kh parents brought up and I was wondering, do you have any headcanons concerning the parents of the kh characters? What about characters who don't have biological parents in the traditional sense, like Nobodies, Replicas, etc? Do you think the parents of their Others or Originals would count as their bio parents? Would Sora's parents count as Roxas's? And do you think any of the characters have siblings? Sorry I've just been thinking about this stuff A LOT lately.
Actually, not really. Which is surprising because I’ve said the familial relationships are some of my favorite. The most I have are that Sora gets his spiky hair from his mom, who I imagine to have more dirty blonde hair, and that Sora’s dad has been close friends with Tidus’s dad their whole lives (with Tidus’s parents just being the KH versions of his Final Fantasy parents. Jecht has a lot of energy and nowhere to put it except sports, but I imagine that without the fame he had in FFX that he’s a lot more mellow and closer to his personality in Dissidia. Still a troublemaker, but less of a fame-obsessed jackass. Closer to what he was like with Auron and Braska in the spheres)
For Kairi, I do think that her biological parents are dead and that she was raised by her grandmother. Sometimes I toss around the idea that they were killed along with Ienzo’s parents in an accident together, the only difference between the two being that Kairi still had biological family to take her in while Ienzo didn’t, so Ansem the Wise took him in
As for if they’d count as anyone’s biological parents, it’s hard to say since EVERYONE’S situation is wildly different. Roxas takes more after Ven in appearance but was originally Sora’s body, so do his genetics reflect Sora because that’s literally the body he’s in or Ven, who he appears as? Nobody knows what the deal with Namine is in terms of her body. Frankly, I’m not entirely sure she had a physical one before being placed in a Replica body. Xion’s body is clearly based on Kairi, but distorted. Is it distorted enough to be almost unrecognizable from a genetic standpoint? Not to mention the fact that she didn’t have a stable appearance at first (being able to appear as different people to others at the same time) and so shouldn’t have had anything resembling a genetic signature until getting her finalized Replica body in KH3. The only one who’d clearly be able to trace their genetics to someone is Repliku, who should be a 1:1 copy of Riku and he’s no longer in the picture SO...
I’ve said in the past, though, that the series generally doesn’t seem to care about genetics in terms of appearance, moreso the “impression” each character gives. Looks are simply a form given to the “heart” and can symbolize the connections between characters. So I think it’s ultimately a moot point. I mean, if we were to apply our universe’s understanding of genetics, then the situation is still that Xion and Namine may resemble Kairi and may, genetically, be similar enough to be considered biological sisters, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the changes in their appearance would align with Kairi’s parents, you know? Same with the Roxas/Ven/Sora thing. We just don’t know enough about anyone’s parents to make that call. It’s really all up to interpretation at the moment
I do think Sora and Kairi’s parents would be cool with adopting the Nobody/Replica kids. Sora’s because they’re probably very nice and welcoming people, Kairi’s because she’s already adopted (on Destiny Islands) and she can easily just claim “long lost sister(s)” and HOW could you break them up now that they’ve found each other? Riku’s seem like they’d be stricter to me and may have had some resistance about taking Repliku if he was still around, but I imagine Riku would insist on it
As for if any of them have siblings? Not Sora and Riku, at least. If only because siblings are never mentioned, not even when Riku says that they’d never see their parents again the night Destiny Islands fell. He specifies parents, not family. Kairi and the members of Organization XIII (sans Ienzo/Zexion because if he had a sibling then why didn’t Ansem take them in, too?) are the only original characters I’d say could have siblings that we simply don’t know about (I mean, just look at what they did with Marluxia/Lauriam... who I’m also excluding from this statement on a technicality BECAUSE I don’t think he has any siblings besides Strelitzia). Kairi due to how little we know about her home life on Radiant Garden (IF her parents were still alive, then it’s possible they could’ve had another kid after their daughter was abducted or she had an older sibling that she doesn’t remember) and the Organization due to how little of their backstories we know. I’m sure even then, not all of them have siblings. Maybe add Terra and Aqua in, but that’s entirely dependent on the circumstances that Eraqus took them in under, which we currently know nothing about. I’m more iffy about the two of them, though, because making a probability call is entirely dependent of the ages that Eraqus actually took them in (if I’m remembering right, the earliest possible are 14 for Aqua and 16 for Terra, but at least Terra was probably a good deal younger just based on how close he is to Eraqus)
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currantlee · 3 years
Language: English Rating: General Audiences (G) / P12 Warnings: - Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Series: Another 358 Days (Ao3, Tumblr) Genre: Songfic, Romance Characters: Roxas, Xion, Naminé (mentioned), Riku (mentioned), Isa (mentioned) Relationships: RokuShi (Roxas/Xion), Namiku (Riku/Naminé, if you squint) Words: 5,416 Chapter: 1/1 Beta: @theeeveetamer Notes: This is one of my favorite fanfics I’ve written so far, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. The midsummer part, most importantly the custom Xion mentions, is heavily inspired by actual Swedish midsummer customs. Written for RokuShi Week / RokuShi Day 2021 Other Platforms: -
Midsummer was the biggest holiday in Twilight Town, rivalled only by Christmas. However, the way the citizens celebrated was completely different. Christmas was something celebrated in private with one’s family, but Midsummer was celebrated in public with the entire town, akin to a big festival. There was music and dancing, there were lots of food stalls with some of the best this world had to offer, there were competitions in sack racing and tug-of-war… The blur of laughter, chatter and music was audible even on top of the clocktower.
Roxas smiled as he took another bit off his seasalt ice cream. It was wonderful, but he had needed a break. Celebrating for almost three days in a row was incredibly exhausting.
It was a great end for his first year as a normal person though. Well, not quite, it was still a full week until then. They had agreed to not celebrate, since the anniversary of them finally getting their own bodies was also the anniversary of the Second Keyblade War. So much pain had happened on that day and in the immediate aftermath.
It really was a shame they had missed Twilight Town’s Midsummer celebration last year though. Sora had been too busy preparing for the Keyblade War to stop by, and neither Roxas nor Xion knew about the holiday anyway. He couldn’t believe they had been oblivious to it for so long, considering how much time they had spent there as Nobodies. Even Axel apparently hadn’t been aware it was a thing until recently.
Summer in Twilight Town by itself was wonderful. The sunsets looked even brighter than they usually did because there were less clouds in the sky, and it was warm enough to not wear a jacket and exchange the long pants in favor of shorts. But Midsummer? That was an entire league of its own, and even though it was exhausting, Roxas absolutely loved it, just as much as he loved his home.
He’d always hoped for a normal life, but now that he had one it wasn’t perfect, or even as normal as the one he had dreamed of. There was always something that reminded him on his origins, whether it was his therapy sessions, Terra, Aqua and Ven or Riku asking for their help regarding some Keybearer duties or the simple fact that he had a cable port on his left wrist.
But… That was okay. He was incredibly grateful for this second chance one way or another. Besides, it was not like he could change where he came from anyways. Why waste time and energy on it? He liked his life as it was – actually, he liked it even better than the one he’d dreamed of.
There was only one thing that bothered him recently.
It had started when he had been sick with an upset stomach. Xion had blamed herself because she thought she was absorbing his strength again, going as far as trying to leave Twilight Town in the assumption that he would only become better when she did that. It hurt to see her that way, loathing herself with guilt for something that wasn’t her fault at all.
Luckily, he had been able to stop her from doing that, and she had settled on taking care of him instead. She had even managed to brew tea for him, a thought that made Roxas smile to this day, because if there was anything Xion was truly awful at, it was cooking. Something always went wrong even when she attempted something really simple, not that anyone would fault her for it. She still tried her best.
It had taken her several tries, but the tea she had given him had definitely been one of the best Roxas had ever had in his short life. Maybe because it was from her.
He had probably said and done quite a few stupid things over the course of the afternoon they had spent together, since had been so incredibly tired. Roxas’ cheeks heated up slightly. Xion really meant a lot to him. This feeling was one of the most real things he had ever experienced. He wanted someone to feel about him that way – more specifically, he wanted her to feel that way about him.
He had known her for almost as long as he existed, and he couldn’t really remember a time without her. She had been what caused him to think of himself as an individual for the first time, and they had been through a lot together in general. Axel said things like that deepened the bonds between people, and whether he was right about that or not, one thing was for sure: Xion was Roxas’ best friend in a way that Axel could never be.
Roxas didn’t want to lose what he currently had, and especially not the people he cared for. Naminé, Axel and by some extension Ven were the closest thing to a family he had, even though Ven wasn’t around as much. Roxas couldn’t imagine living without them anymore, just as much as he couldn’t imagine living without the friends he had made over the past year.
Losing Sora had already been tough enough. Roxas had gotten a lot better at handling his emotions, but he was sure that handling another loss would be tough, even if it was Isa. But losing Xion again… The thought of it alone was unbearable and his eyes even got a bit watery when he thought about what he would do without her.
She was special to him, Roxas had known that for a long time. He had never thought much more about it though, not until recently, when he had upset his stomach. What was that feeling he held for her, and her alone?
Could it possibly be… Love?
He had asked Axel about it when that question first crossed his mind, but for once his friend didn’t have an answer. ‘That’s something you’ll have to find out yourself, Roxas,’ was what he had said.
Roxas sighed. Maybe he should talk to Xion about it…
“Hello Roxas!”
Wow. That really was perfect timing… He smiled.
“Hey Xion.” He motioned to the space beside him. “Do you want to take a seat?”
She nodded and sat down next to him.
Maybe this was a good time to address what he had just been thinking about. On one hand, the clocktower felt like a personal place, and they were alone today. On the other hand – even though people rarely came up here, which was one of the reasons why this had been their preferred meeting place back in their Organization days, it was still a public space.
Even though Xion had gotten a lot better at dealing with emotions as well and her color changes provided a good aid at determining her feelings, she was still a lot worse at it than Roxas himself was. She still couldn’t even name what she was feeling most of the time. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable by any means, especially because knowing Xion, she wouldn’t be able to tell him that he was making her feel that way. Sure, she’d get green freckles at some point, but by that point, she would already have to feel really uncomfortable – and even then, she could still try and suppress the freckles because she didn’t want to upset him. Roxas didn’t want to take it that far under any circumstances.
Besides… How did one even start something like this? Surely saying something like ‘Hey Xion, can we talk about my feelings for you? I’m kind of confused’ wasn’t the best way to go…
“Say, have you heard about that custom that if you place seven different kinds of flowers under your pillow tonight you’ll dream of the person you’ll marry?”
Roxas nodded. Olette had been going on about it for days. “It sounds just like another midsummer superstition to me though.”
Xion shrugged. “Well, Naminé seems to be absolutely convinced it works.”
“Let’s hope she doesn’t dream of Riku then,” Roxas said with a light chuckle and finished the last bit of his ice cream.
“You still don’t like him him, do you?”
Well, his relationship with Riku was admittedly a difficult one.
On one hand, Riku was Sora’s best friend. They had grown up together, almost like brothers since Sora’s mother had often looked after Riku when they were younger. Roxas did feel somewhat sorry for Riku due to his rather complicated family issues, or what he knew about them, but on the other hand… He still couldn’t forget what Riku had done to him.
Roxas understood how Riku felt about Sora. After all, he felt similar about Naminé. If she were to fall asleep for a year, Roxas knew he would do just about anything in order to help her wake up again too, even if that meant asking Riku to kiss her.
But taking someone else’s existence away? Ruining a life? It had been so unfair, and Roxas couldn’t help but hate Riku for it, despite how kind he was to Naminé (and really all of them) and everything he had learned about him over the past year. Again, Roxas wasn’t very good at forgiving.
He sighed. “Let’s just say it’s complicated.”
Xion nodded, but didn’t say anything. Roxas was grateful for that, he wasn’t really in the mood for talking about his complicated relationship with Riku, or Isa for that matter. Maybe someday, he could find it in his heart to forgive them both – but not today. Especially since there was something else he wanted to discuss with her…
“I still can’t believe that we’ve been living like this for a year now.” There went his chance at doing so. She had already settled on a new subject. If he could just think of something  “No one threatening to turn us into Dusks, no daily missions… Just Axel, Isa, Naminé, you and me…”
“Is something bothering you, Xixi?” He couldn’t hold it back anymore. This tone was so off for her.
Xion shrugged. “It’s not a big deal, really,” she said. “But recently, I've been confused by my feelings for you.”
He didn’t see why it should… Wait! “You too?”
“What do you mean by…” She stopped, and her eyes widened a bit. “Roxas… Don’t tell me you’re feeling weird about me too.”
He sighed and nodded. “I do, as a matter of fact.”
Xion bit her lip. “How… How do you feel?”
Roxas shrugged. “It’s… Well. It’s something different than I feel for the others, I think…”
“Does this mean we can’t be friends anymore?”
Oh no. He hadn’t meant to upset her. Hastily, Roxas shook his head. “No, of course it doesn’t!”, he assured her. “I’m just saying that you’re special to me, Xion, that’s all.”
“Special…”, she whispered, lifting her head, but still not looking at him. Instead, her gaze wandered to the sun on the horizon. She obviously needed some time, so he decided to say nothing and turned to watch the eternal sunset as well, in order to give her some privacy.
Twilight Town’s sun wandered across the horizon, it just never really rose, at least not during the day. It did change with the seasons however, in winter it was a bit lower than in summer.
During daytime, the sun would wander across all four points of the compass. When it was in the North, it marked a new date for the citizens of Twilight Town. When it was in the east, the colors of the sky changed to softer pastels, and it was usually when Roxas, Xion and Naminé would get up to go to school. When it was in the South, they would usually have lunch, and on Wednesdays it was when lessons were over. And getting closer to the west, the sky would gradually fade into the bright reds, and eventually purples when it neared the North.
Currently, it was somewhere between South and West, and the sky was colored in warm, glowing pinks and oranges. On this day, they were even brighter than usual. Maybe because midsummer was the day when Twilight Town got closest to an actual sunrise, the day with the greatest amount of light. Starting tomorrow, it would only ever get darker until around Christmas, hence why the day was so special to the citizens.
“You’re special to me too, Roxas.”
Huh? He turned to Xion, surprised by her speaking up all of a sudden. She was smiling at him, and his heart jumped. He was special to her too. He was special to her too!
… But at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel that she was… Something still wasn’t quite right. “Xion?”
“It’s okay,” she said. “It’s just… I just wish I could tell you how.”
“Hey.” Xion’s hand was resting on the floor between them, and Roxas placed his on hers. When she didn’t pull away, he squeezed it lightly, in an attempt to reassure her somewhat. “Knowing that is enough for me Xixi.” Sure, he would like to know what this feeling of his was, but simply knowing that he was special to her too made him incredibly happy.
“But it isn’t enough for me.”
That was something else.
Xion sighed. “I want you to know how I feel about you,” she continued while purple freckles appeared on her skin. “But I just… I lack the words to describe it, as usual.”
She sounded so incredibly frustrated that it hurt, especially because he had no idea how to help her with this, or at the very least, cheer her up a little bit. “Maybe there is another way than words,” he tried anyways, even though that probably wasn’t any help either.
Xion drew her hand away and reached into her pocket, but clearly hesitated. Did he say something wrong?
“There might be another way,” she said quietly. It was almost a whisper. “But… You won’t like it.”
This admittedly made him a bit nervous – but he didn’t care. Showing him how she felt about him somehow was clearly important to her. It didn’t matter whether he would like the alternative for words or not, as long as it helped to make her wish come true. Besides, it couldn’t be that bad. “What is it?”
Xion took a breath, then she pulled her hand out of her pocket. She was holding a red cable with two equally shaped plugs on both ends. They were flat and fairly narrow, and the metal part was just a bit shorter than the plug of Roxas’ headphones. He swallowed at the sight of it – he knew this particular cable and what it meant, even without Xion saying it.
“We could try to sync.”
The issue with that was not that he didn’t know whether it was safe or not – Even had actually tried this out together with Xion and Naminé not too long ago. The issue wasn’t even that Roxas had never attempted a sync himself before.
It was just that he was incredibly scared of getting a cable plugged into his wrist. Even thinking about it gave him chills.
Sure, doing it enabled him to do some cool stuff, like not having to pick up his gummiphone every time he wanted to switch songs when listening to music, but being connected to some sort of computer always made him feel like a Nobody again.
Even had once explained that human bodies, which Replica bodies emulated, worked in cycles, or rhythms, out of which the heart was only the most obvious one. They changed frequently in relation to physical activity and environmental factors, but also in response to emotions – and reverse. If the rhythms were influenced by an external factor, like music (probably the reason why music had been a taboo in the Organization), emotions could be influenced as well. Even called it the physio-psychological correlation.
Machines had rhythms too, but contrary to the many harmonious rhythms of a human body, which created a flow, theirs were a completely synchronized pulse.
Whenever some kind of data was transferred between a computer and a Replica body, some kind of synchronization was needed to establish a connection. While his body emulated human rhythms most of the time, it could also sustain itself on a machine rhythm, at least temporarily. But doing so had an effect on his emotions – it made him apathetic, like the machine was actively suppressing his emotions. Like he was back to zombie stage again.
That was why he preferred to avoid using his port as much as possible.
He knew Xion wasn’t a computer, even though she, like him, was technically a human-machine-hybrid. She probably had a flow as well, as opposed to a machine’s pulse, so it wouldn’t feel the same, but still… And what if their bodies jumped into “machine mode” in order to sync?
Roxas sighed. He was about to say “no” – but he couldn’t, because it was Xion who asked this of him. Xion, who wanted him to know how she felt about him so badly. How could he say “no”?
He swallowed. “Okay.”
“Roxas, you know you don’t have to do this for me…”
“I know,” he said. “But I’m going to do it anyways.”
“Roxas…” The look on her face made his heart beat faster. “Thank you.”
Xion was beaming, and for a moment, it was like she was the sun. He even felt a lot warmer than before. Whatever was coming – this alone made it worth it.
“Do you want to go first?”, Xion asked kindly as she handed him one end of the dual cable.
Roxas sighed. He knew she was trying to make it a little easier for him, but nothing would ever change the fact that he hated sticking a cable into his wrist. Nonetheless, he reached for the end of the cable she offered him – but he hesitated taking it. The thought of pushing a cable into his wrist gave Roxas chills, but actually doing it made him feel sick to his stomach. He knew it wasn’t the same but…
His hand trembled. He couldn’t do this.
“I’m sorry, Xion.”
She shook her head. “It’s alright, Roxas. I know you hate this.” She lowered her head. “I think I’m the one who has to apologize to be honest. I shouldn’t have asked this of you…”
She shouldn’t apologize, Roxas thought. It wasn’t her fault after all. He had held out hope that he could do this for her, only to disappoint. If anything, it was his fault. Why couldn’t she just be mad at him for this?
“Don’t apologize, Xion.”
He couldn’t leave it like this. He just couldn’t. This was important to her. But to do it, they had to get that cable into his wrist somehow. And if he couldn’t do it himself…
Roxas stretched out his left arm towards her. His hand was shaking, but he didn’t care. Anything to make this possible – for her. “Can…” He swallowed. The words felt like they got stuck in this throat.
“Can you do it for me, Xixi?”
It came out as a whisper, so quiet that he almost wasn’t able to understand what he was saying himself.
But Xion heard him anyways. She looked at him in surprise. “Roxas… Are you sure?”
He nodded. “Please.”
Roxas was used to other people doing it for him, ever since the first time shortly after the hospital situation. Even had been the one to do it and while he had been rather careful, it had taken Roxas completely by surprise, since no one had bothered to tell him what the weird thing on his wrist was for in the first place.
After that, he had never really been able to shove the cable into his own wrist, unlike the other two. Even Naminé didn’t bat an eye when she did it, although he knew she didn’t like the feeling of being connected to a computer either. So at least he wasn’t alone with that. Sheesh, he would never understand how Xion didn’t mind that aspect of their existence, and even enjoyed it at times!
Roxas flinched when she finally took his hand.
He realized Xion had never done this for him before, which was kind of funny since he usually needed help with it, either because his arm was shaking too much or he outright couldn’t do it by himself like now…
He gasped when he felt her gently rubbing her thumb across his hand.
Roxas had expected a firm grip on his wrist and her just getting over with it, simply and plainly like everyone else did. But Xion…
“You’re tense,” she murmured as she ran her other hand up his arm, brushing his skin with her fingertips.
To his surprise, Roxas found himself relaxing a bit, even as she slipped his wristband up his arm. It hid his port underneath, and Roxas never took it off unless he had to wash it (he had a few spares), and he wore a different, water-resistant one for showering. They all did.
The port itself was pretty unspectacular. If one didn’t look closely, they might even have overlooked it. It was really just a slight bump on his skin, with a hole that faced into the direction of his palm. Still, Roxas didn’t like seeing it – and yet, he couldn’t look away whenever it was not covered…
“Look at me, Roxas.”
… except for when he looked at Xion. He could always look at her, even when she wasn’t looking at him like now.
“What color are my freckles?”
“Uh…” He swallowed. “They’re blue.”
Out of all her colors, blue was the most mysterious one. By now, he had been able to figure out the meaning of each one he had seen on her, except this one. Blue seemed to appear completely by chance.
“Can you tell me which kind of blue?”
That would be more difficult. He was pretty sure Naminé could have instantly named the exact hue, but Roxas wasn’t good or even interested in that stuff too much. So he just tried describing it instead.
“It’s a vibrant one, but not too…” What was the word again?
“Saturated?”, he guessed. “I don’t know, Xion, it’s hard to describe…”
“Can you try it anyways?”, she asked.
Roxas nodded. “It isn’t a bright blue,” he continued. “I think it has a certain… Depth to it?” That sounded incredibly stupid… “It’s actually a really nice color, pleasant to look at…”
“Okay, that’s enough for me.” She looked at him and smiled. “Thank you.”
“No problem, Xi-…” He felt her pulling his wristband down again, gently and carefully, and when he looked at his wrist once more, he could see the cable poking out from underneath. Now he understood what she had been doing – and it had worked. Roxas hadn’t felt a thing.
A grateful smile washed over his face. “Thank you, Xion. For distracting me.”
She shook her head. “Thank you, Roxas. For agreeing to this.”
How could he not? This seemed so important to her…
Xion had taken the other end of the cable, and looked ready to put it into her port. For a short moment, Roxas was about to panic once more, but he tried to keep it down. For her.
He swallowed and nodded. “Ready.”
Roxas took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he braced himself for the unknown.
His eyelids twitched.
Being connected to each other felt a lot different than being connected to a machine. Sure, there was this sudden awareness of the many different rhythms his bodies usually worked in and the flow created by this, but he couldn’t feel a steady, rhythmic pulse on the other end. Instead, Xion had her own unique flow, one that felt much calmer than his own, despite how unpredictable it seemed at the very same time.
Roxas would have liked it, if he wasn’t so terribly aware of how his own flow was heavily affected by his nervousness, and how it could theoretically affect her as well. They were connected after all. Even if it didn’t happen by accident, Roxas was well aware that they needed to establish some harmony between their flows for Xion’s idea to work, which meant…
Xion lightly touched his fingertips. “It’s okay if you don’t want to continue,” she whispered. “We can stop.”
Roxas shook his head. “I just don’t want to affect you, Xion.”
“Let me worry about that part,” she said, and Roxas could have sworn she smiled, despite not seeing it because his eyes were still closed. “Just try to relax, okay?”
He trusted her. “Okay.”
With that worry out of the way, he tried to focus on the connection, on her flow over his own. It felt pleasant – and warm, which surprised him a bit, because he hadn’t thought it could feel that way. Even though he knew that this could change at any given time, especially with him on the other end of the connection, it made him feel a bit calmer. He distantly wondered how his own flow felt like to her for a second.
Until both flows just… Dissolved.
One by one, his individual rhythms seemed to dissect themselves from his flow, dissolving it entirely in the process. There was no longer a messy flow, there was a multitude of rhythms now, more or less harmonious with each other, and every single one rather fast compared to Xion’s calmer ones.
This was overwhelming. It was too much.
Roxas pressed his eyelids together more tightly. He wanted to scream… No, he just wanted it to stop. But who knew what would happen if he just cut off the connection now…
In an attempt to distract himself, Roxas started to hum a little tune.
It was nothing he had ever heard before, completely improvised. That way, he had to focus on matching the individual notes rather than simply repeating something he already knew. He did this often when he tried to calm himself down.
To his surprise, Xion joined in after a few notes. Roxas almost stopped humming himself. Xion almost never hummed, let alone even sang. While she did have a wonderful voice in his opinion, she just didn’t like using it very much, and Roxas respected that. She didn’t have to if she didn’t want to.
But now she did, and Roxas loved every single second of it, especially since he got to hum and create a tune alongside her. They stringed it together, note after note, and while Roxas provided the melody and Xion the accompaniment in the beginning, he soon found that he couldn’t quite tell which was which anymore. What had started as an improvised tune soon evolved into a harmonious overture, by no means perfect, but pleasant to listen to.
Suddenly, there was a new flow between them.
Their rhythms weren’t completely synchronized, but harmonious in a way that allowed them to melt into each other, while still being individuals – a bit like the music they created.
By now, he could not just feel her flow on the other end of the connection. He could feel her entire being, like they were becoming one for as long as this connection lasted. Despite that, Roxas still felt like himself, and he knew Xion did as well. He… He even liked being connected to her like this. Even if it meant shoving a cable into his wrist… Actually, he could get used to that, if it meant they could do this more often.
Xion was amazed how that little bit of humming had helped Roxas to calm down and form this connection. She definitely wasn’t going to become an enthusiastic singer, but she didn’t regret using her voice this time, just like Roxas didn’t regret letting himself in for this experiment. They both enjoyed the connection.
He reached for her hand by moving his own forward a bit, so their palms were touching. The touch was like a question, asking whether she was feeling the same.
Xion gently laced their fingers together. His hand was so warm, and the touch prickled a bit on her skin due to excitement.
Xion’s feelings were different from Roxas’, but they felt just as strong. She didn’t have the urge to protect as much as he did, and the metaphorical butterflies in her stomach were something Roxas had never experienced at all. He knew the warmth that came alongside them however, as well as the feeling of being about to overflow.
It was something Xion felt for no one else, a deep-running connection that went far beyond the current harmony of their bodily rhythms. Far deeper than it was reasonable. She didn’t care about that however, all she wanted… Actually, she didn’t want anything right now. Just having Roxas here with her, alive and well, was more than enough for her. He was more than enough for her.
He had his flaws, by all means, just like she did. Neither of them were perfect, and maybe they weren’t even perfect for each other, but neither of them cared. Who they were and what they saw in each other – they didn’t want to change any of that.
Their only wish was to stay with each other like this.
Xion opened her eyes and smiled. “So…” She sounded quiet, almost reverent. “This is… Love?”
Roxas still didn’t know for sure. But was there really a way to know for sure at the end of the day?
He shrugged. “Does it really matter?”, he asked. “All I know is that…” How was he supposed to say this? There wasn’t really a description… It was something just between the two, and nobody else. It was real – a reminder that they were real too. Nothing could ever change that. Roxas gave up. There was no reason to not say it like that.
“I think I love you, Xion.”
In that moment, the butterflies of light in Xion’s stomach were finally released for good. They had waited too long for the right time to fly, and now it was finally there. It was like an explosion of emotion, strong enough to even invoke physical feelings – the complete opposite to the empty void that had been their existence as Nobodies. They went everywhere, brightening up their surroundings as they filled it with all the colors they were made of. Roxas felt like a few of them brushed his skin.
Xion brought her free hand to his cheek. She only touched him lightly with her fingertips, as if she were asking a question, and Roxas answered it by leaning into it. Not too much, but enough to feel her palm too.
“Roxas…” He knew what she was going to say, but nothing could replace the feeling of hearing it from her with his own ears.
“I love you too.”
And with that, the music evolved into a symphony.
A tear dripped on Xion’s fingertip, and Roxas realized that he was crying. And Xion – a few tears ran down her cheeks as well. They were both overflowing now.
Roxas sighed in bliss and leaned his forehead against hers. He didn’t want this moment to end, but since everything eventually did, he wanted to relish in it as much as he could. “Can I kiss you?”
He knew her answer already, thanks to the ongoing connection between them, but hearing it from her just felt so much better.
Xion smiled, and he could swear her blue freckles had gotten more intense. Now he finally knew what they meant. “I was just about to ask the same.”
Love is free, free is love Love is living, living love Love is needing to be loved – John Lennon, Love
6 notes · View notes
storm-driver · 4 years
Chapter 10 for Atone and Repay is at about the 56% mark and I should be able to get more of it done in the next week, maybe get it up soon. Chapter 11 shouldn’t take nearly as long, since I’ve been working on that one alongside Chapter 10. As a thanks for putting up with my excessively long hiatus, here’s a preview for Chapter 10 below the cut! I’ve been working on this chapter since I published Chapter 9 last year, but a majority of this chapter was written in the past few months. Thank you again for sticking with me, and I hope to have “Once More” up on Ao3 sometime in the next few weeks! <3
(Be warned, has direct spoilers for AAR, please consider reading the full story before reading this ^^)
“So much for leaving home...And here I thought I’d get to go on a real journey for once…” Ventus huffed, dragging his tired, armored legs across the stone floor outside his castle home. Night had fallen on the Land of Departure, and it was getting increasingly cold with each passing second.
Ventus’ pulled the helmet off his head, making his blond spikes spring back up as he did so. He stole a glance at the clouded skies, spotting the first specks of snow that fluttered down. The cold wind pressed against his face, soothing the small pain from the scratch that he still had on his cheek.
It’d only been a few hours since the Nobodies attacked them in the mansion, but it felt like it could’ve been months ago. Roxas’ unsuspecting body being hurled across the room, through a doorway and crashing down into the broken table and chandelier. The desolate look on his face, his eyes unblinking and heart beating all too slow. He must’ve had a concussion, even after Aqua administered some healing spells. He had still been slurring his words and glancing around the room as if he had not escaped the memory from the past.
It only gave rise to worry when he insisted on searching the mansion still. Standing up from his spot on the table and tumbling forward as Terra and Riku tried to get him to sit down. And then Roxas fell over seconds after standing up.
Would that they hadn’t encountered those Nobodies, or that Roxas hadn’t fallen at such a precarious moment. He wouldn’t recover within an hour, and Aqua made the decision to go back home. To take a break and simply breathe rather than throwing themselves into the next piece of this puzzle they couldn’t solve. It had been several nights since anyone in the castle got good rest, being awoken by Ventus’ screams at painful nightmares, or the everyday trauma that seemed to haunt them all.
Being back home was reassuring, at least. Ventus knew this place, better than anywhere else he may have lived in the past. He knew the halls, and where he could sleep without someone bothering him. He knew the mountains where they trained, and he knew the forest far and below them. It was a small world, but it was a haven. Even if Nobodies had proven they could reach here. 
The dark corridor he’d walked through was ever shifting and threatening to close if someone had lost his grip on the darkness. It was sketchy to let Roxas bring them home, after being knocked out in such a manner and with a blur of new memories at the front of his mind. 
But Roxas stepped through it just fine. His hood was draped over his head, giving way to only tired, blue eyes and a small frown. The chains rattled on his chest and he leaned forward to keep himself from falling. He still wasn’t fully healed, and he may not have been for some time.
The tip of his boot snagged a crack in the cement, throwing off his already shaken balance. Roxas’ eyes popped open and he started falling forward, the hood over his head slipping onto his back and exposing his frightened face. Fortunate that Ventus had walked through the portal first, his armored frame caught Roxas’ against his chest and kept his friend from face planting against the stone.
Roxas’ body fell limp against Ventus. The latter, who nearly shrieked at the sight, kept his arms around Roxas and held him up. Roxas’ head was resting over Ven’s shoulder, eyes staring at the ground beneath him and Ventus. A bandage still resting over his skin to help a new scar heal. 
“Yeah, no, I was wrong,” Ventus hauled his friend up as he started to slip back down to the concrete. “You’re hurt more than you told Aqua. I’ll tell her when she gets here.” 
Ventus sighed and shifted his arms around. He pulled Roxas’ left arm over his shoulder and kept one hand around his friend’s back, already starting to drag him towards the castle. Roxas didn’t seem entirely conscious, but as Ventus started walking, he tried to pick up his feet and walk with him.
Ventus kept his eyes on the doors of the castle, stepping up the stairs one at a time. Roxas’ head lolled around aimlessly next to him, as if he were still passed out. But if Ventus glanced over, he could see Roxas blinking and taking deep breaths, brows furrowed with a frown planted on his face.
He looked back towards the doors, already nearing the last step. “You feeling okay, besides that?”
That much probably should’ve been obvious. A concussion alone doesn’t feel good. Whatever else was bothering him didn’t help. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I hurt Vanitas…”
Ventus almost stopped in his tracks, hesitating to take the next step up. But he kept going. He let go of Roxas’ arm over his shoulder, letting the Nobody lean his whole weight into Ventus instead. He reached forward and pushed the doors open with one simple nudge. Such was the benefit of living in a magically-imbued castle.
“He’s fine, I’m sure. Don’t worry about him right now,” Ventus tried to reassure. But looking once again at Roxas, he could tell his words had little effect. 
“I can’t stop worryinaboudim...”
Roxas’ words were slurring again, but he wasn’t impossible to understand. Ventus kept dragging his body along the hallway and towards the staircases at the very back of the corridor. The clanks of Ventus’ armor echoed around them. The hall was dark with no practical light source. It was almost hard to see where the tiles ended and the staircase began.
“That’s kind of you to worry about him, really,” Ventus pulled Roxas a little more over his shoulder. “But he’s fine. You saw Aqua treating him, she said that whatever happened had passed.” 
“That’s not what I mean…” Roxas mumbled out. His shoes bumped each step as Ventus climbed the stairs. “I can’t stop thinking about it.”
The older of the two kept his silence. Perhaps he didn’t quite understand yet.
“I shouldn’t care as much as I do,” his eyes flicked across each step as they climbed. “He’s the one that tried to-”
Roxas’ breath hitched. That still haunted him. What happened on that beach, and what he’d almost done in Radiant Garden. Just trying to say anything about it pressed down on his heart and started rejuvenating a deep-rooted fear in him. Something he thought he’d gotten over when his heart sprung free from Sora’s and he was finally given a body of his own again. When he would no longer be confined to another person’s soul. 
Alas, that was an unfortunate lie. Vanitas had no regrets for his volatile actions against Roxas. He’d hardly issued an apology. 
“You don’t have to tell me, I know what he did,” Ventus kept talking, noting how much Roxas was struggling to speak. “And I’m sorry, I really am. I wish I’d known better then.” 
In a way, it was Ventus’ fault what happened. If he’d stopped Roxas from running off to Radiant Garden in the first place, he never would’ve ended up in the Realm of Darkness. If Ven and Sora had never fought Vanitas in the graveyard, he wouldn’t have been there to grab hold of Roxas’ body. And if he hadn’t been so weak all those years ago, Vanitas would never have…
The doors to the west wing were propped open and closed as Ven tugged his friend up the stairs. Ventus did most of the lifting, Roxas’ boots hardly attempting to step on each stair and scraping over the edges. It wasn’t helped by his armor, which was heavy enough on its own. 
A part of him wanted to tell Roxas to at least try to help make this easier. But another knew too well that he’d be asking too much. His friend had already taken a beating today, both physical and emotionally. Slamming his head into a broken chandelier and having been forced to relive dangerously painful memories was more than enough for one day. He deserved a reprieve, even if brief. 
Roxas’ room was lit from the gentle moon outside his window. Frost edged the glass and gave the room chills that he didn’t think possible, even if covered in his armor. 
Dragging his twin to the bed was easier said than done, with Roxas’ shoes scraping across the floor and his body slowly dozing off. Ventus shook him as he pulled, saying, “Don’t fall asleep yet.”
Roxas gave no verbal reply, but his head nodded, which was indication enough that he heard and understood Ven. 
He gently dumped Roxas onto the bed, letting him find his place before letting go entirely. Roxas leaned against the soft mattress, then practically fell into it. His eyes shut and he groaned.
“I’ll go get Aqua as soon as she gets home. For now, just rest,” Ven folded his arms over each other. Roxas lazily blinked twice, throwing a glance at Ven, before turning his eyes back to whatever else was on his mind.
Just a few days ago, he’d been so resolute in helping Ventus remember everything, even if it meant he’d suffered the consequences. But now he appeared utterly drained. It could’ve just been the awful beating he’d had from the Nobodies and whatever darkness possessed Vanitas. But that hopeful attitude seemed bleak now. 
Aqua had ordered that Vanitas be taken back home through anything but a dark portal. Ready as she was to give that same order to Roxas, she thought it better to keep the two separated. Vanitas’ prey had been Roxas during his previous outburst. If they couldn’t contain it a second time, with the Nobody in such a weak state now, there’d be no protecting him.
After he’d come back from his venture in past memories, Roxas only stayed conscious for a few minutes before he was falling over. Even Naminé’s safe return was not enough to move him back to full recovery. Rather when he saw his dear friend walk through the door of the mansion with Kairi and Xion by her side, he tripped on his own feet trying to run up to her.
Roxas was sent home, even if his method of travel was still risky at best. The only thing that made Aqua agree in the first place was when Ventus swore he wouldn’t let anything happen. 
But something had already happened. Whatever Roxas saw had much more drastic effects than anything before. He’d almost always been willing to share what hazy details he could remember from the dreams and the memories that he glimpsed. But this time, even when Ventus had asked him about it, Roxas didn’t say a thing. 
Ventus kept staring at his friend. He couldn’t keep to himself and finally spoke up:
“So what else happened?”
Roxas hardly moved, much less spoke.
“You’ve never been quiet about this before. Was it really that bad?”
Roxas kept to himself for a moment, but only a moment. As if pondering the words in his head before he dared to speak them.
“It’s nothing to do with the memories.”
Ventus blinked twice. He wasn’t expecting that answer. “Then what is it?”
“Vanitas tried to hurt me,” Roxas mumbled.
“Well...yes, he did.”
“But I’m not worried about myself at all.”
Ven’s eyes narrowed. 
“Why am I only worried about him?” Roxas’ fingers curled into his hand. “After everything that he did?”
“I don’t know…”
Roxas started to move again, trying to sit upright. His palms pressed against the mattress and he leaned backwards. Still shaky and tired, but he managed it all on his own.
“Is it...what I did for him?” He lifted up a palm and clutched at the front of his coat. “Or what he did to me?”
Ventus knew exactly what he meant. Had his and Vanitas’ union, albeit temporary, truly caused this kind of change? It could explain why Roxas seemed to get over it so fast, or even why he put up with Vanitas at all. It may even explain why Vanitas was suddenly so willing to follow him and Ventus around, or help them with anything. 
But the implications of such were harrowing to think of. Roxas was already tempered by his connection to Sora, and now this connection to Ventus. The boy has never truly been just himself. He’s always had bits and pieces of others in there, to influence his choices or pass along certain traits. Maybe even to store memories or keep pieces of a heart safe while it was still recovering. 
He’d hardly ever known what it is to be himself. The one thing he must’ve yearned for more than anything, yet bound from him by the cruel fetters of fate.
If it truly was that connection between him and Vanitas that was turning his decisions or guiding his choices, what would that mean for him and Ventus? The two must’ve shared a similar connection. How would that have-
Ventus shook his head. No, that’s not it. Roxas isn’t bound by other people like he used to be. He may still be Sora’s Nobody, but he has his own heart, his own body. He isn’t anyone besides himself. 
Ventus would’ve preferred to remember what was said of Roxas and Vanitas’ first meeting, on those dark shores. When Vanitas was drifting away and Roxas refused to let him go.
“I doubt it,” Ventus muttered. “You were there at his side before any of that happened.”
Roxas looked to his friend once, then back down at the floor beneath his boots.
“You didn’t care that it was Vanitas who was on that beach. You just wanted to keep him company, maybe even help him in whatever way you could,” Ven offered a smile. “You’re willing to put other people before your own needs. That’s just the kind of person you are.”
As much as he hoped the words would be of comfort to Roxas, Ven wasn’t entirely sure it worked. His twin kept staring at the ground, deep blue eyes staring at nothing but the dead air between them. 
Roxas took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, “Unless there’s-”
Before he could say another word, an armored hand landed on his left shoulder and pulled him away from his thoughts. Roxas looked up to meet Ven’s gaze, who looked a bit more frustrated than before.
“You’re still you, Roxas,” Ventus gave him a shake, pulling his fleeting thoughts out of whatever dark tangent they were going on. “Nothing is going to change that. What you did for Vanitas was your own choice. You could’ve let Terra take care of everything, and then we wouldn’t have Vanitas here at the castle with us.” 
Roxas kept staring, already recalling that day. The darkness had been tugging on his very soul. But as soon as he saw Vanitas’ disheveled body, the darkness pouring out of his shattered heart... Suddenly it didn’t matter that Roxas was about to turn into a Heartless. The only thing he cared about was to give any comfort he could to the dying boy.
“You chose to help Vanitas. And I know, it didn’t have much pay-off...but you saved his life. That was all you, Roxas. Nobody else.”
I did save him… That was a choice that I made. 
Roxas lowered his head, closing his eyes and taking another, much needed breath of air. As he exhaled, the smallest smirk appeared on his face. “Alright,” he mumbled. “True enough.”
Ventus felt relief flutter through his chest. He stepped away from Roxas, letting his friend have a little breathing room. 
Roxas looked again at Ven, but not at his friend’s face. Rather what he was wearing.
“...You have armor?” Roxas mumbled as he looked Ven up and down.
And just as he was regaining hope for Roxas’ wellbeing, Ven felt that hope shatter. Ventus stared at his friend, unsure of how to respond. He glanced down at his attire once, then back at Roxas’ baffled expression. “You KNOW I have armor.”
“I do?”
Ven’s shoulders drooped and his eyes narrowed. “Oh my-” He sighed in such an overly exasperated way. “Alright, I’m healing you myself.” 
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maddrmatt · 3 years
Kairi’s Epic Journey: The Quest for Sora
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Chapter 15: Kairi’s Letter of Departure #2: Never Land
Never Land
Dear Sora,
Of all the worlds for the Wayfinder to bring me to first on my journey to find you, who would’ve thought that it would bring me to Never Land, the home of Peter Pan?
It’s quite a beautiful place, Sora.  It’s unfortunate that the most you, Donald, and Goofy saw of it was the inside of Captain Hook’s pirate ship.
Also, in addition to properly meeting Peter Pan and Tinker Bell, who already knew who I was due to having been among your summon spells, I met a few people you haven’t.  They’re a group of boys in animal suits known as the Lost Boys. Much like Peter, they too never wish to grow up and spend their eternally youthful lives just having fun and adventures.
Unfortunately, Sora, I’m sorry to say that it didn’t go very easily as I would have liked here in Never Land.  
First, I met a group of mermaids who were nothing like your friend Ariel.  Their idea of fun was trying to drown me.  
Then, when I first ran into the Lost Boys, they attacked me thinking I was a pirate trying to steal from them.  Peter stopped them but then I had to put up with their childish behavior in addition to Peter’s insensitivity and Tink’s jealousy.  It was not something I wanted to deal with on top of trying to find you.
The worst part truly began when Peter tried to teach me how to fly.  Ever since I felt you do it during the time I was within your heart, I’ve wanted to try it for myself and it would’ve also been a great ability to have on my journey.
But I couldn’t do it since happy thoughts are needed for it to work.  And ever since losing you and fighting with Riku and the others, I can’t think of any because my happiest thoughts all center around you and our friends and I couldn’t even think of them without bad memories interrupting.
Then, after I couldn’t put up with Peter and his friends anymore, I ran away from them and ended up getting captured by Captain Hook and his pirate crew.  And wouldn’t you know it?  The reason he captured me was so he could lure you to him so he could get revenge on you.
The fact that he tried to use me as bait really got me angry. Speaking as someone who’s been used too many times by villains to get to you, I never want to be in that position ever again.  Especially since the last time it happened had far greater consequences for both of us.
My visit to Never Land seemed to be nothing but one misfortune after another.  But I guess your visit was hardly any better.  
After all, when you first came here, you had to see me in that unresponsive state due to my heart being within yours.  Also, you had to watch Riku sink further down the dark path he was on. It’s amazing that even after all that, you were still able to fly.
Looking back on your first adventure, the fact that you were able to keep it together even after losing our home and being separated from me and Riku just shows how strong you’ve always been.  I only wish I could be as strong as you on my own journey. But I think it will be a lot harder for me given everything that has happened.
I’m sorry to be such a downer, Sora.  I just really needed to let it out and you’ll be glad to know that things got a lot better for me in Never Land.
In spite of what I had said to them earlier, Peter and his friends came to save me.  Then, together, we took on the pirates and defeated them all.
When it came time to face Hook himself, I ended up doing something that wouldn’t have approved of: I requested to fight him alone without the aid of Peter or anyone else.  I know you wouldn’t have liked it, but it was the only way I would get any better at fighting.
The duel was close and for a brief moment, Hook nearly beat me. But thanks to some timely help from Tink and a very useful strategy from Peter, I turned the tables on the pirate. Then, once I was satisfied, we all sent Hook overboard where he was chased away by the crocodile (though as amusing as that was, I do hope Peter is right when he says that the crocodile never catches him).
The battle against Hook opened my eyes to many things.  It showed me that I was able to hold my own against a major villain even if he wasn’t in the same league as our other enemies like Maleficent and Xehanort.  If I show the same strength against any future enemies, then nothing will stand in my way.
It also showed me the better side of Peter and his friends. They may have their flaws.  But their courage and devotion to their friends is very admirable.  Much like your own.
Before I parted ways with Peter and his friends, I promised that I would return with you.  After all, you still need to take me flying and I know that once we’re together, I will soar the skies for sure.
But you will not believe this, Sora.  You actually weren’t the first Keyblade Wielder that Peter has met. As it turns out, Terra, Ven and Aqua have visited Never Land too.  And according to Tink, Roxas and Axel have also been here.  Peter and Tink said that they’ll be glad to share those stories when we return.
So, my first world visit may not have been entirely enjoyable. But I’d say that making a new group of friends and defeating my first real bad guy definitely made it worthwhile.
However, a few new mysteries have presented themselves.  
For example, during the fight with the pirates, one of the Lost Boys, Toodles, was in trouble and no one, including myself, was able to help him. But then, a strange power enabled me to throw off my current opponent and transport myself across the pirate ship to where I could save him.  I have no idea how I was able to do that.
Also, just before I parted with Peter and the others, this mysterious card that has a moving image of them appeared out of thin air.  I’m keeping the card, which I’m calling a Memento Card, with me because I think there’s some kind of magic in it.  I only wish I knew what it was exactly.
But the strangest mystery concerns the Wayfinder.  The woman in my dream said that when it glowed, then I would know it’s time to move onto the next world.  But she never said what I had to do to get it to glow so when it finally did, I don’t know what I did to make it happen.
So many questions and so few answers.  Still, I guess I can take comfort in the fact that whatever I did to make the Wayfinder glow has put me one step closer to finding you.
Now I am about to depart with Pluto to wherever we need to be next. And wherever you are, Sora, I hope the happy thoughts that enabled you to fly in Never Land keep you going until we’re together again.
See you soon,
Much like she did back home, Kairi stood with Pluto by her side on Never Land’s beach and watched the bottle drift off past Skull Rock.  She hoped that it would reach the person it was meant for.
Holding the Wayfinder, she was about to place it to her heart and activate its power.  But before she could, she heard laughter and tinkling from up above.  She gazed upward.
Frolicking around in the sky, were Peter, Tink and the Lost Boys.  Apparently, they had decided to go flying after she took her leave of them. They laughed and giggled as they played what looked liked to be an aerial version of tag.
Despite wishing she could join them; Kairi couldn’t help but smile.  Hearing their joy brought back so many memories of the fun she had with Sora and Riku when they were younger.  Back when it seemed like the good times would never end for the three of them.
‘Peter, you and your friends don’t know how good you’ve got it.  An eternal youth-filled lifetime full of fun and adventure in a world where nothing truly bad can ever happen.  I’m glad that the darkness never took this world and if I or Sora or any of the other Guardians of Light have anything to say about it, it never will.’
Thinking about the other Guardians made Kairi’s heart sink a little and caused her to wonder about something.  She turned to Pluto.
“Pluto, I was so hard on Peter and his friends.  And yet, they came to save us from the pirates.  So, I can’t help but wonder if Riku, Mickey and the others would do the same after what I said to them a month ago.  Do you think they would?”
Pluto just smiled and let out a bark.  Clearly, he thought the answer was a yes.
Kairi sighed but gave a small smile while petting the dog on the head.  “I wish I could be as positive as you.  But I was much harder on them than I was with Peter and his group. But I know that we can fix things once I bring Sora home.  We’d better get going.”
Pluto nodded in agreement and wrapped his tail around her ankle like he did before.  Kairi placed the Wayfinder to her heart and once again, willed it to take her where she needed to be.
As the tunnel of light formed around her and Pluto, she looked up at Peter as he and his friends continue to play.  She watched and listened until she couldn’t see or hear them anymore.
‘Someday, I will return to Never Land and we’ll all fly together.  Once I regain the smile in my heart.’
Nearby, perched on a tree branch, Diablo watched Kairi and Pluto vanish.  Faithfully following his mistress’ orders, he had been watching them unseen throughout most of their time in Never Land.  
Now that they had departed, it was time for him to leave as well.  Flapping his wings, he took off and flew away.
As he flew through the Never Land sky, he reflected on what he had observed.  Like Kairi herself, he did not know what exactly she had accomplished in Never Land in regard to bringing Sora back. All she had done was make new friends and defeat a villain which seemed irrelevant.
When Kairi had been captured by Captain Hook, Diablo was certain he would be able to tell Maleficent that the pirate had dealt with the Princess of Heart and they wouldn’t have to concern themselves with her anymore.  But those hopes had been dashed when that flying boy and his friends rescued her and handed Hook yet another humiliating defeat.
Diablo shouldn’t have been surprised. Of all of the villains that Maleficent and Pete had allied themselves with, the pirate captain was probably the least likely to defeat a Keyblade Wielder.
The raven was so lost in his ponderings that he never saw Cubby flying right toward him.  He let out a caw of surprise and the Lost Boy screamed as they headed for a collision with each other.  But just before they made contact, Cubby stopped in mid-air just as Diablo made a sharp turn to the left.
“Hey, watch where you’re going, you stupid bird!” yelled Cubby causing the raven to let out a loud caw of anger in response as he flew away.
“What’s with that bird?” asked Slightly as he, the other Lost Boys, Tink and Peter gathered around.
“Yeah.  We’ve never seen him around Never Land before,” said the Twins.
“Don’t worry about him, men. Looks like he’s leaving. He won’t bother anyone here anymore,” said Peter as they all resumed their game.
As Diablo flew away, he made a mental note to make a request to his mistress after he reported to her about Kairi. Once she had succeeded in conquering every world in existence, he hoped she would lay waste to Never Land and see that Peter Pan and his friends were appropriately punished.
In the raven’s opinion, they already deserved to be punished for whatever role they played in helping the Princess of Heart on her quest to bring her hero back.
Onto the next chapter!
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revengerevisited · 4 years
@noneofthismakessensetome KHUX is really hard to explain, and I don’t really understand it myself despite watching every update, but the most that I can glean from it is that it’s set in the past in a place called Daybreak Town, right before the Keyblade War. (How far in the past is unknown, not helped by the fact that time travels differently in each World, but it was definitely before Xehanort was born).
There was this guy named the Master of Masters, and he’s supposedly been fighting a war against darkness for a very long time. (No idea if that’s the elemental concept of darkness, or Darkness the character). He’s the person who invented Keyblades (or one of the people. KHUX is extremely vague and likes to throw little doubts in just to make you question everything), and he gathered six apprentices (all named after one of the Seven Deadly Sins). Luxu, aka Xigbar, is one of the six. The only other relevant one is Ava. 
Five of these apprentices (not Luxu) become the Foretellers, leaders of these different Unions of ‘Keykids’ (which I don’t think is an official term, but that’s what the fandom calls them so I will too) who wield Keyblades against the Heartless to collect Lux (which is some sort of light energy). Each of them is also given a Chirithy Spirit created by the Master of Masters. 
The Master of Masters, aka MoM, can see into the future, because he put his ‘eye’ into the Keyblade No Name (Master Xehanort’s Keyblade), as well as other Keyblades like Riku’s Way to the Dawn and Vanitas’s Void Gear (if that is the name of Vanitas’s Keyblade...). Because these ‘eyes’ exist in the future, the MoM is able to ‘see’ into the future, and writes all future events down in the Book of Prophecies. He then gives copies of the Book of Prophecies to the Foretellers (not Luxu), but leaves out a certain page. He then sows distrust through the five by telling them one of them is a traitor.
The Foretellers all mistrust each other, and through a chain of events this leads to the Keyblade War, where all the ‘Keykids’ kill each other and the World is rift apart. The only ones who survive are the Dandelions, a special group of ‘Keykids’ the MoM told Ava to form, who hide in a Data version of Daybreak Town. The Dandelions have their minds wiped of the Keyblade War by the Chirithies and believe they are in the real Daybreak Town, except for the five Union Leaders, who were chosen by the MoM and given Books of Prophecy by Ava (more on that in a second...). 
In the latest KHUX update, the MoM says that it will take multiple lifetimes to defeat darkness (or Darkness), and this is probably why Luxu (Xigbar) has been hopping from body to body for all these years (centuries?). The MoM gave Luxu the Black Box (without telling him what’s inside) and No Name (to be passed down through the generations of Keyblade Wielders and eventually wind up with Xehanort before going back to Luxu). By having No Name be passed down into the future, the MoM can see through its ‘eye’ and write down future events.
So about the Union Leaders of the Dandelions, the ones the MoM told Ava to pick were Ephemer, Skuld, Brain, Lauriam (Marluxia), and Strelitzia. However, (as we saw with the most recent update) a shadowy being named Darkness killed Strelitzia and gave Ventus her copy of the Book of Prophecies instead. Ventus was in some kind of trance or had his memory wiped, and didn’t remember Strelitzia’s death until now. 
Darkness has also been helping Maleficent, because for some reason after her defeat in KH1 she wound up in the past in Data Daybreak Town, and Darkness wants to help her get back to the future (KH2) with a time machine. (The time machine, called the Ark or the Lifeboat in different translations, is the same machine used by Terra-Xehanort to send five-year-old Kairi to Destiny Islands, although in that case she was transported through space, not time). It seems that Darkness wants some of the ‘Keykids’ (Ventus, Lauriam (Marluxia), Elrena (Larxene), and Skuld (who is probably Subject X)) to be transported to the future, and somehow Maleficent will serve as their Waypoint. (I don’t understand how time-travel in KH works, nor why Darkness wants to send the ‘Keykids’ to the future, but that’s the best explanation I can give).
Anyway, the whole murder mystery about ‘who killed Strelitzia?’ has been the biggest fandom mystery in KH for a long time (I’m talking like, three years). And unfortunately, it’s still not solved because it’s still not clear just who/what Darkness is. Some believe that Darkness is Ava, who is actually the ‘traitor’ trying to stop the MoM’s plan, because she believes his plan will end in the destruction of the World (which it kinda did). This is because Darkness takes the form of Ava to speak to Ventus after killing Strelitzia, and tells him that he’s a Union Leader (when really he’s the ‘imposter’). Ava is known to have the power of illusion, which is why some fans think she may have taken the form of Darkness to disguise herself. (Just a note on all this, I can’t remember exactly what all the fan-theories about Ava are, and I may have gotten something wrong here. But the basic gist is that some fans believe Ava is Darkness).
Then there’s the second theory, which unfortunately in my opinion is the more likely of the two. We know from Re:Mind that a being calling itself Darkness is hiding within Ven’s heart, and in KHUX Brain says that Darkness (or darkness) can hide inside people. Combine this with Vanitas’s speech to Ventus in Re:Mind, about how he and Ven ‘aren’t the same like he thinks’ and how he was just ‘hidden inside Ven until Xehanort tore him out’, it seems to imply that Vanitas is actually Darkness (or a piece of Darkness) who was hidden inside of Ven, and not the dark half of Ven’s heart like we’ve believed for the past decade. Basically, if this theory is true, it completely re-writes Vanitas’s entire character, motivations, and origins, while also retroactively making him a child-murderer, and I’m sure you all already know how I feel about that.
Now, literally nothing outside of Re:Mind implies that Vanitas is Darkness, and in fact the scene in the Keyblade Graveyard with Vanitas, Ventus, and Sora right after the scene in Re:Mind seems to contradict this theory, as well as every piece of material on Vanitas released both before and after Re:Mind including his character file, so this all may be just one big misunderstanding, but that doesn’t dissuade the fact that there is literally an entity calling itself Darkness inside Ven’s heart. I can’t even begin to imagine how it got there, unless 1. It’s Vanitas after returning to Ven’s heart after his defeat in BBS or 2. Darkness somehow got into Ven’s heart while he was sleeping in Castle Oblivion. 
This is all pure fan-theory, but since the Vanitas in KH3 is a time traveling version of Vanitas from the past, it could be that the ‘real’ Vanitas is still living inside Ven’s heart (like how Roxas was still inside Sora’s heart), and if the ‘real’ Vanitas is now calling himself Darkness, then it’s possible that Vanitas was either lying about being half of Ventus this entire time or is only now just remembering his memories of being Darkness. Either way, if Vanitas really does turn out to be Darkness, then I can only imagine his entire personality will be overwritten by Darkness’s and Vanitas will basically cease to exist as a character. As in, he won’t just be dead, he’ll have never truly existed in the first place. 
And that, my friends, is why I’ve been in a constant state of anxiety, stress, and depression for the past year, and the reason I haven’t updated A Heart and a Half, because I’m having trouble reconciling the Vanitas from the BBS Novel (an abused, neglected child manipulated from birth to be a weapon) with what is potentially his true identity as Darkness (an ancient, child-murdering demonic entity). Once again, it’s still just a fan-theory... But a very plausible fan-theory.
Anyway, the third theory is that Darkness isn’t secretly some other character, but instead is exactly what it says it is— a sapient amalgamation of the elemental force of darkness. Darkness tells Maleficent that she should think of it as an ‘old friend’, leading some to believe it’s someone Maleficent knows from the future. However, it could be that Darkness ‘knows’ Maleficent because it itself is the embodiment of elemental darkness, and Maleficent is a darkness-user. In that case, it could be said Darkness is a ‘friend’ to all people who use darkness. 
Unfortunately, before anyone says this line of dialogue proves that Vanitas can’t be Darkness because Vanitas never met Maleficent, Vanitas did meet Maleficent... in the BBS Novel. In the BBS Novel, Maleficent asks Vanitas if he’s a ‘friend’ of Xehanort’s. Vanitas hesitantly says yes (because his abuser isn’t exactly a friend to him), simply because he and Xehanort are allies. He then asks Maleficent if she’s ‘friends’ with Xehanort, and she says yes (in the sense that they are allies). In this roundabout way, it could be construed that if Vanitas is Xehanort’s friend, and Maleficent is Xehanort’s friend, then that makes Vanitas Maleficent’s friend, which still fits in with the theory that Vanitas is Darkness if Darkness is Maleficent’s friend.
Even if we ignore the (technically non-canon) BBS Novel scenes of Xehanort kicking twelve-year-old Vanitas in the face and beating him with his Keyblade until he cried and leaving him isolated in a wasteland for weeks on end, and just go off of the games’ canon, the story of Ventus and Vanitas can still be seen as both literal and metaphorical child abuse, with Ven being the part of the victim who represses the trauma and Vanitas being the part of the victim who lashes out. Of course, if Vanitas does turn out to be Darkness, then he will be retconned from a victim into a scheming child-murderer just as evil as his abuser and the demon/abomination/empty creature that Xehanort always said he was! (Maybe that’s why Vanitas had such a mental breakdown in Re:Mind... he realized every horrible thing Xehanort ever told him about himself was true...). Which is why, as you can imagine, this theory causes me a lot of stress! 
Anyway, that’s the story of KHUX and the reason why I turn into a big ball of anxiety every time a new update occurs. I literally wouldn’t care about KHUX at all if Ven wasn’t in it, but he is, and everything that happens to Ven in the past is something that will effect him and Vanitas in the future, whether Vanitas is confirmed to be Darkness or not. We now know that Ven has had even more trauma forced upon him than he’d had with Xehanort, and I now have a suspicion that the reason Ven refused to create the X-Blade by using the darkness in his heart in the BBS flashback scenes was because he remembered what darkness and/or Darkness did to Strelitzia.
I really can’t imagine why Ven is in KHUX other than to connect him to this Darkness character in some way. Some fans still claim that Ven is the one who killed Strelitzia because they think he was ‘possessed’ by Darkness, but it seems pretty clear that Darkness was the culprit while Ven just stood there in a trance. Even so, I suspect that Ven blames himself for what happened anyway, even though it wasn’t his fault. I don’t know how this will play out with the future/current Ven. Is he suddenly going to remember his past and think he killed Strelitzia? Why? For the angst? Is he going to realize that Vanitas is (or is a part of) Darkness and therefore the murderer of some random girl Ven barely knows? Is Darkness just going to pop out of Ven when he’s in the Realm of Darkness with Aqua and Terra and... I don’t even know. Fight him? Gloat? Enact his evil scheme of destroying the World because you see, Vanitas never really wanted his light back, he never really wanted friends (page 378 of the BBS Novel), he was lying the entire time! Yes, he’s totally this evil monster who just wants to kill people because he’s evil~!
...Alright, I’ll stop. But seriously, I don’t know where this story is headed, guys. This update basically had the MoM tell us to stop trying to figure things out or theorize and that we shouldn’t want to know everything that’s going to happen, so who knows. Next update might throw us a curveball and reveal Darkness was secretly... idk Pete the entire time. He’s Maleficent’s friend! Or maybe it’s just Xehanort again, who knows. I just feel... really tired of KH, and I don’t really know where I’m going to go from here. Hopefully this is the last time I rant about this subject, though, because I really feel like I’ve already said all there is to say.
I want to finish A Heart and a Half, but I also feel hampered by everything that might happen with Vanitas. I also feel like managing my Tumblr blogs is causing me too much stress and distracting me from doing other things (including writing my fanfics), so I’ve been thinking of putting them both on a more ‘permanent’ hiatus after their queues run out sometime later this month. I dunno how everyone would feel about that, though, nor how long that hiatus would be. I’d certainly miss talking to everyone, and you guys make me smile whenever I get a comment or a question from you all! But I also feel like I need to focus on my health (both physical and mental) and work on things that don’t involve social media. I guess I just need a little more time to think about it.
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nadziejastar · 3 years
I have seen a lot of your stuff about Isa being the one that was supposed to be subject X. And I totally agree, I've thought this for a while and thought kh3 would confirm it, and was disappointed when it wasn't. But now the story has changed, do you think they just haven't got to Isa's story yet? Do you think that there's a chance someone hid subject X inside Isa and that's why he has the X now? Or do you think they're just going to throw him away now?
— There are several Organisation members whose original names are still unknown. Will we have a chance to learn them someday, or to find out about the scar on Isa’s face?
If there is a sequel, then that chance may come. But in my heart right now my desire is a blank page.
So, this is what Nomura said after KH3 came out. He seemed dismissive, like he just wanted to start fresh with a new saga and to move on from stuff like Isa’s scar.
And that’s exactly why I don’t think Isa is ever going to get a detailed backstory. Everything about his backstory hinted at him being Xehanort’s lab rat. His outward submissiveness to Xemnas, combined with his disloyalty to him. His contempt for “failed experiments” and “broken dolls”. His lunacy during full moons. The fact that he was Norted, but didn’t even seem to realize it. He was most likely a victim of mind control where he lost his sense of self, and was branded with the Recusant’s Sigil (death) when he was made a vessel. Isa’s WHOLE backstory revolved how he became a Seeker of Darkness. All that would be ONLY relevant to the Dark Seeker Saga.
There is no reason to explore Isa’s backstory anymore in Phase 2, which is all about the return of the Union leaders. The reason the mystery girl is now the lab rat is because she is a major character in the new Phase 2 story arc. Xehanort was interested in her memories because of the ancient Keybalde War. Marluxia, Larxene, Demyx, and Luxord will be important in the new arc because of the ancient Keyblade legacy the slumbers within them. 
But Lea and Isa were changed into...apprentices. I don’t think their connection to Subject X was so they would be important in Phase 2. Personally, I think it was so KH3 could quickly introduce some sequel baiting, and simultaneously give closure to their backstory in a few sentences. The mystery girl scene on the clock tower gave Saix a half-assed excuse for why he turned evil but now is good, explained Axel and Saix’s “plan” in Days. Now Nomura can just retire him and Lea to Twilight Town, and their story could be done and he could just move on from them, like with the rest of the apprentices. 
It really sucks but I just don’t think most of the fan base cared about Lea and Isa’s past. As long as Axel reunited with Roxas and Xion, I think most of the fandom was content to consider Lea’s story complete in KH3. And not too many even cared about Isa. I’m not one of them, but I guess I’m in the minority.
You asked if I think they're just gonna throw Isa away? And my answer is: yeah. I think they already kinda did throw him away, if KH3 is anything to go by. When Kairi wrote her letter to Sora, she said Lea has a best friend he wants to save. I think that was originally supposed to refer to Isa. We were supposed to see Lea actually SAVE him in KH3, the way Aqua and Ven saved Terra. But by the time KH3 actually released, Isa was basically an afterthought to Lea. All he got was a last minute off screen "redemption" by helping to bring back Lea’s new best friends.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #413: Aqua, The Blueberry Mom (Kingdom Hearts)
Terra/Ventus/Namine: Happy Mother's Day, Aqua!
Aqua: (Genuinely Surprised at the Slight of Terra Holding a Aquatic Colored Cake in his Hands) You guys....Is this really for me?
Terra: (Smiles Brightly) Yep. I had the baker from Twilight Town to make it for us a few days ago. I hope this looks okay to you.
Aqua: (Smiles Softly at her Cake and Right Back to Terra and the kids) Terra, this looks wonderful. Thank you all so much. You really didn't have to do for me, though.
Ventus: (Smiles Softly) Maybe. But you practically look after the three of us like any other mom would, so we all decided to order you a cake just for the special occasion today, you know?
Namine: (Smiles Brightly) We also got you a Mother's Day Gift as well. (Excitedly Gives Aqua her Mother's Day Gift Bag) We really hope you like it.
Aqua: (Took her Present out of the bag....Only to be Surprised once Again by What it is in her hand) Oh my goodness.....T-This is......
Namine: The Lucky Charm you made for Ven, Terra, and yourself all those years ago. We made a new one just for you.
Ventus: This was all Vantias' idea, oddly enough.
Aqua: Vantias.... (Turns to Vantias, Who is Already Trying to Turn his Head Away While Blushing) Is that really true?
Vantias: (Turns Back Around to Aqua Before Sighing in Defeat) I saw those charms on your master's gravestone on the way back from Twilight Town the other day.... (Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Terra told me how special they were you...So I'd figured I asked Ven and Namine to go to Ienzo's lab to have him help us make you another one from scratch. (Shrugged) May not be exactly like the original, but it's at least something.
Aqua: (Smiles Very Fondly After Examining her Brand New Wayfinder Charm) This has to be the most beautiful gift I've ever gotten in my life.....
Vantias: You... Really like it?
Aqua: (Gives Vantias a Loving Hug) I love it, Vantias. Just as much as I love every single one of you in this room.
Namine: (Immediately Hugs Both Aqua and Vantias at the Same Time) We love you too, Aqua.
Ventus: (Happily Joins in on the Group Hug) No matter what happens, we'll always have your back.
Terra: (Smiles Softly) You've done a lot for me and Ven in the past. It's only right if we be there for you too. With Namine and Vantias' help, of course.
Namine: (Happily Nodded) Mhmm.
Vantias: Yep.
Aqua: (Almost at a Loss of Words) You guys.....Thank you so much.....
Vantias: You're not thinking about crying again, are you?
Aqua: (Giggles Softly) No, Vantias. I'll be fine. I'm just so overwhelmed with happiness right now, you know-
*Phone Vibration*
Aqua: Hm? (Got her phone out of her pocket)
Terra: What is it, Aqua?
Aqua: (Checking out a New Message on her phone) Xion just sent me a- ('GASPS')
Ventus: (Startled by Aqua Sudden Gasps) W-What happened?
Aqua: You guys......He did.....
Vantias: Huh?
Aqua: (Excitedly Shows Everyone the Picture Xion Sent her) Lea has finally wearing the T-shirt I gotten him! On Mother's Day!!
Namine: Aww~ It looks so cute on him.
Ventus: And kinda accurate.
Vantias: (Smirks) He looks more like a dork if anything?
Namine/Ventus: (Both Glares at Vantias) .........
Vantias: What? It's the truth.
Terra: (Took a look at the picture) Wow. I don't know, but I'm starting to be pretty proud of him right now...
Aqua: Me too!~ (Place Two Hands on Terra's Shoulder) Terra, we MUST visit Lea's apartment immediately! Please!!
Terra: (Chuckles Lightly) We will. But don't you think we should start eating breakfast first?
Aqua: (Noticed A Table Full of Untouched Breakfast Foods is on the table) Oh....(Giggles Softly While Blushing) Right....Okay. We'll eat first, THEN visit Lea and the kids.
Terra: Sounds like a plan.
*Doorbell Rang*
Lea: (Opens his Door While Still Wearing his "Best Mom" T-shirt to see The Wayfinder Family Outside) Wellllllll. Someone's very happy today.
Terra: (Chuckles Lightly as the kids Walks Inside the Apartment) You don't know the half of it.
Aqua: (Wears a T-shirt that Clearly Matches up to Lea's) Oh my goodness, Lea.....(Gives Lea a Big Hug) You're still wearing T-shirt I gave you~
Lea: (Smirks Playfully While Hugging Aqua Back) I take it you seen the picture Xion sent you.
Aqua: That's right. And you look wonderful.
Lea: Thanks, Teach. You look great too.
Roxas: (From a Distance) Axel said it looked "Lame" on him earlier!!
Lea: (Yells Back) No I did not!!
Roxas: Yes you did!!!
Aqua: Lea! (Pouts at Lea) Did you really said that about the shirt?
Lea: ('Psh') No way.....
Aqua: (Raised an Eyebrow at Lea)
Terra: Really isn't a good time to lie to her right now.....
Lea: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fiiiiine...You got me...I only said that because I honestly thought the kids would actually think it so as well. But turns out, they think it's cute on me.
Aqua: (Giggles Softly) Well, to tell you the truth, our kids think my shirt looks cute on me as well. So there's no need to be embarrssed, okay?
Lea: (Smiles Brightly) I believe you, 100%, Teach. Thanks again.
Aqua: (Smiles Softly) You're always welcome, Lea. Thank you for the T-shirt with me on Mother's Day.
Lea: No problem. (Yells Back at the Room) You Hear That, Roxas?! Our Teacher Thinks The Shirt Looks Cute on Me After All!! So you can su-uh....chew it. Yeah...CHEW IT!
Roxas: (In a Distance) Whatever you say, mom...
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This drawing was from last year, I’m reposting it onto my artblog here for documentation so some of the stuff here’s a bit outdated but still relevant, so for those who’ve already seen it, don’t mind it or whatever, your call.
Warning: Character criticism ahead:
This is pretty much based on an ask post by @kayura-sanada(I'm the asker in question of course): https://tomboyjessie13.tumblr.com/post/186152164086/hi-me-again-im-not-sure-on-whats-your-opinion and to some minor extent the latest trailer of the Re:Mind DLC for KH3. I actually had to redo the picture a few times because of the pose. Now before I get into the picture, this is NOT meant to be an attack against Aqua fans/stans, just a simple critique on a character and what's wrong with her. So if you like her, that's great, but please don't attack anyone for disliking this character or criticizing her. Let's just try be adults about this and move on with our lives, thank you.
Now to the picture: I made a small script sometime ago on what my OC Neashi does post-KH3, one of them includes meeting the Wayfinder trio to get to know them, thinking back on that now I realized that simply talking to them isn't enough, they're outta be action involved to. And of course knowing what Aqua did in BBS, I'd kinda imagine that Neashi will tear her a new one, since she had a similar experience in OrgXIII. What I mean by that? Let's find out. Neashi does just that like in said script, she finally gets to meet the Wayfinder Trio(plus Chirithy) for the first time and wants to get to know them and get a tour of the Land of Departure. During which she learns that Terra was in fact Terranort who later went onto becoming Ansem SOD and her Ex-boss Xemnas, she asked if he remembered his role as Xemnas, he said no. She then meets Ventus and learns that he was inside Sora's heart all along after his got shattered, she ended up theorizing why Roxas looks just like him much to his confusing. And then she meets Master Aqua and learns of experiences in the Realm of Darkness. You'd think she be cool with Aqua right? Unfortunately when asked about how she ended up there. Aqua pretty much explained the events that transpired in BBS claiming that she was trying to help. Neashi of course isn't stupid and becomes understandably angry and disgusted. And when Aqua was finished, Neashi proceeded to rightfully call her out as an idiot and kneed her in the gut. Telling her that her actions were more abusive than helpful, as she had experienced manipulation, gaslighting, death threats, being talked down on, grooming into becoming a vessel, lies, overworking, and being used for criminal activities(i.e thievery) in Organization XIII, the usual things that makes a toxic work environment, and that pretty much messed her up. She then told her that it was her fault that Terra became Terranort, which lead to the previously mentioned events. Aqua of course was trying to defend her actions, like saying the usual "darkness is bad thing"(by itself it's kinda true, but it can be used for good as well so), which aggravates Neashi even more and proceeds to kick her ass until she exhausted herself, yes Aqua did put up if a fight to but Neashi had the upper hand due to being a trained polearm user and a pictomancer. Afterwards Neashi promised that if she were to continue her actions, there will be consequences....yeah I suck at endings TToTT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now to the critique/criticism: Personally I'm actually looking forward to the upcoming DLC, extra fights, weapons, learning about some characters(i'm wondering where Demyx went off to tho), and all that jazz, that's just me tho. But like everything else it has it's fair share of flaws, and one of those flaws(apart from the usual "Kairi Controversy" of course) is Aqua not admitting that she's wrong, never learning her past mistakes circa BBS, and not apologizing to Terra and Ven about it. I mean if you played BBS you'll noticed that all she did was push Terra away into Xehanort's clutches and that pretty much set the whole events featuring Ansem SOD and Xemnas in motion. And yet the game gives off the impression that she's the perfect waifu who is always right, and that could cause some problems in both canon and fanon. If it sounds like I'm mad, I'm not, just disappointed. I mean if she were to do the exact opposite of those things or maybe have her ego taken down a little by karma(like getting defeated by Terranort instead of the other way around), then that could've made her a more likable character, maybe I've would've considered her one of my favorite non-Villain characters, oh well  
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is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Chapter 9
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 6,398
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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“What’s with the sour face? I know your idea of fun on a Friday night is locking yourself up alone in your room all by yourself, but come on! Going out with a few peeps for a night on the town ain’t gonna kill ya!”
I heaved out a sigh as Anna turned us into the same parking lot we’d just seen Xion’s car go into. “It’s not that, I just… I thought it was only going to be the two of us tonight. We haven’t seen each other since… well, you know… and so much has happened and I just wanted a nice evening, just you and me, talking and catching up.”
“And we can still do that,” she nodded, pressing a couple buttons on her dashboard. As the convertible’s top started to rise and all the windows slid back up, she parked in an open spot right beside Xion’s little blue Prius and powered down the engine. “But now we get to party at the same time! Besides, this way I can meet all of your new friends too!”
Snatching my Ice Palace cap off my head and tossing it into the back seat, I gave a tiny huff. “These people aren’t my friends.”
A couple of loud thuds against the left side of the car made us both jump in our seats before glancing to the source. Roxas and Xion had smooshed their noses up against the door windows, mouths wide open, lips suctioned against the glass and cheeks puffing in and out as they made funny faces at us. Anna snorted then burst out laughing, asking me, “Do they know that?”
“I wasn’t talking about those two. Lea and them are my friends. Well…” I snagged a pale tendril of my hair to twist around my finger as I worried my bottom lip between my teeth. “...sort of…it’s all still very new...” Then I shook my head and tightened my ponytail. “In any case, I meant everyone else that’s going to be at this thing. They’re not my friends because I don’t know any of them.”
“So this is how you get to know them,” she grinned, nudging her shoulder into mine. “Come on, sis, this’ll be fun! I promise!”
“Don’t go making promises you can’t keep,” I grumbled.
Just then, we watched Lea go sliding across the hood of Anna’s Porsche in one smooth motion, bringing him to my side so he could open the car door for me. He bent into a half-bow, sweeping one arm out with a smile, “M’lady.”
Anna giggled. “Ooooo, such a gentleman! I don’t believe I’ve gotten your name yet.”
“Lea,” he leaned into the car, stretching across me to shake hands with her. Once again, I caught the faint whiff of cinnamon and had to resist the urge to squirm at his closeness. He smirked at her and winked, “Also answer to Mr Hottie-With-A-Body.”
...so he had heard that.
Just dandy.
My kingdom for a rock to crawl under right now.
“And you would be the sister, I take it?”
She grinned, “Anna. I’m thinking I like you already, Mr Hottie-W-”
I discreetly pinched her arm, shutting her up.
He didn’t seem to notice as he looked past her to where the other two were still making like a pair of pufferfish against the glass. “And those gremlins out there are Xion and Roxas. They’re harmless, just don’t ever feed ‘em after midnight. Hey!” he raised his voice so they could hear him. “Knock it off already, twerps!” They both pulled away, Xion hiding a snigger behind one hand while Roxas razzed his tongue. Shaking his head, the smile returned as Lea at last backed out of the car to straighten up again, “Well then, shall we?”
To my credit, I only hesitated for a second before exiting the vehicle, tugging at the hem of my skirt slightly as I stepped out onto the asphalt. Ugh, I hadn’t even had a chance to change out of my work clothes before getting sucked into all of this, so I didn’t even have the small consolation of being dressed comfortably. My eyes followed Xion and Roxas as they ran ahead to 7th Heaven, or so the gigantic, yellow neon sign hanging above the door proclaimed.  It was a rustic, wooden building with a small set of stairs leading up to the wraparound patio. There was a warm glow coming through the fogged windows and muffled music could be heard from within.
Anna pushed a button on her key fob and the Porsche beeped as all its doors locked. Then she latched onto my arm, practically skipping as we made our way to the entrance. Lea dashed out in front, taking the steps two at a time and holding the door open for us. As we climbed up onto the deck as well, I could now hear the murmur of voices and laughter coming from inside as well. I gulped, my stomach sinking.
If it weren’t for Anna clinging to me like a two ton anchor, I’d probably have made a break for the hills by now.
And she knew that, which was exactly why she was doing it.
And so it was that I, with little choice or say in the matter, was dragged by my sister into the dreaded bowels of El Diablo.
...I’m not sure what I’d expected to hear upon descending into the terrifying Underworld, but it certainly hadn’t been the perky pop beat of Barbie Girl.
A strange, but oddly fitting soundtrack for eternal damnation.
The music was coming from a small stage all the way in the back of the place where some young woman was badly singing karaoke under spotlights. Between us and her was a massive, dimly lit room packed with tables and people cheering her on as they drank their presumably alcoholic beverages. Off to one side was a long bar, crowded with customers and tended by a brunette who, ahem… could only be described as the very epitome of the term ‘one busty babe.’ The wall opposite the bar was lit up with flashing lights from a row of retro pinball and arcade machines.
“We usually stake out one of the back corners for ourselves and spread out from there,” I barely heard Lea say over all the noise. I glanced back at him to see him squinting as his eyes scanned the darkness before his face brightened and he pointed off to our right. “Over there! Follow me.”
Anna gave my arm a reassuring squeeze and I replied with a thin, shaky smile.
There were just... so… many… people.
We navigated through the throng behind Lea, his blazing hair like a guiding light in the shadows, showing us the way. With every step we took, the knots in my gut pulled tighter and my knees grew numb.  This was it. It was time…
...to mingle.
The three of us came to a stop at a large table. Half the people seated were all still in their work duds too, making me feel a little better about my attire, but not by much. Everyone looked up to warmly greet Lea before all eyes turned to me and I resisted the urge to shrink behind Anna. “Hey guys!” Lea shouted over the roar of the pub. “This is Elsa and her sister, Anna! El here is the newest scoop slinger at Ice Palace, so you’ve probably already seen her around.”
“So you’re the fresh meat,” one woman smirked at me. I recognized her from the greek food place that was Ice Palace’s neighbor. “Pleasure. Name’s Megara. My friends call me Meg.”
“Tiana,” the girl sitting next to her in a cute green dress smiled.
“She’s a server at that lil Cajun grill also in the food court,” Lea supplied before cocking his head at her. “Boyfriend couldn’t make it tonight?”
She immediately frowned and averted her gaze. Meg gently pat her on the back, shooting him a tiny scowl, “Smooth move, ya knucklehead. They broke up.”
“Oops,” he chuckled awkwardly. “Hey, don’t sweat it, Tiana. You know what they say - gotta kiss a few frogs and whatnot.” Crickets from the table. “Heh, get it? Cuz you work at… aw, too soon?” He cleared his throat, “Oookay, moving on! Next, I’m sure you’ve seen these three over at Lucky Cat.” He waved a hand towards a familiar blue-haired chick, her stocky coworker with slicked back, chocolate locks, and what I was guessing was Roxas’s doppelganger, not Roxas himself. Lea pointed to each in turn, “Aqua, Terra, and Ventus.”
“You’re the place with the super sweet tabby I got to cuddle earlier!” Anna said excitedly.
Aqua laughed, “That’s Chirithy, Ven’s pet. He likes to bring him into work sometimes. The cat’s so well behaved, management doesn’t mind.”
Ventus scratched the back of his head with a lopsided grin. “Yeah, I’m lucky. He’s sorta become the unofficial mascot of our café.”
“Then Grumpy-Pants over here is Squall and-”
“That’s Leon,” a guy with a scar slashed across the bridge of his nose corrected with a growl into his beer.
“Riiiiiight, forgot you were rebranding,” Lea snerked. “He works over at Buster’s Swords, the replica weapon shop in the mall. And last but most certainly not least, this little one here is Naminé,” he indicated a petite blonde sitting between Ven and Leon, who gave a shy wave. “When she’s on the clock, you can find Nams at The Crayon Box for all your art supply needs.”
“Lovely to meet you both,” she nodded at us. “We’re currently rooting on our friend Ariel,” she pointed to the stage. It was only now upon second glance that I recognized the girl up there currently murdering Barbie Girl as the redhead from the fish store. 
Lea winced as a particularly bad note was hit before he snorted. “Girl’s usually got a voice that’d put mythical sirens to shame, but she’s just getting over a cold. Couldn’t talk for three days. Now that she’s started getting it back, there’s no keeping her away from the mic. RIP eardrums.” Then he clapped his hands together once, “Alrighty, on to Table Numeros Dos!”
...numeros dos?
As in more than one? As in this wasn’t it? As in more people?
If I survived this night, it’d be a miracle.
At least the first table hadn’t been too bad. Everyone else had done all the talking, which was a-okay by me.
...unless… crud, did they think I was boring now? Or worse, that I was sticking my nose up at them? Well I wasn’t! Trust me, there was absolutely zero nose sticking up going on here! My nose was down! Way, way, way down! So far down, it was past the secret civilization of mole people and halfway to China by now!
Dammit, only five minutes in and pretty sure I was already screwing everything up. And I hadn’t even done anything yet!
Lea shifted a couple steps over to an adjacent booth against the wall and Anna followed, tugging me into a stumble after her. Grabbing the attention of this new group, he announced, “Yo, everyone! I’d like ya to meet-”
I locked eyes with a golden gaze I knew all too well at this point and blinked. “Rayne?”
She scrambled out of the booth to hurl herself at me and I staggered to stay upright under the sheer might of her hug. Then I heard her gasp, “Anna too?! Get in here, girl!” I grunted as Anna dogpiled into the embrace. “Haven’t seen you since you were an ankle biter at summer camp! What are you doing here?! In fact, what are you both doing here?”
“What are we doing here?” I repeated incredulously as we all pulled apart, my eyes flicking down to her belly then back up. “What are you doing here? Did you forget you’re, uh… drinking for two now?”
A squeal from Anna, “Oh my gawd, Ray-Ray, your friggin’ preggers?! Congratulations! Who’s the lucky stud who knocked dat fine ass of yours up?”
My sister, ladies and gentleman. Ever the classiest of dames.
Rayne turned, yanking her husband out of the booth and onto his feet beside her. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she smiled smugly. “This is Riku. Riku, meet Anna, Elsa’s little sister. And don’t worry,” she turned her attention back to me, rolling her eyes, “all my drinks are virgin.”
“Though Ray is what you might call an empathic drunk,” Riku snerked, slinging an arm around her shoulders.
I quirked an eyebrow, “A what?”
“The more people get liquored up around me, the drunker I get without sipping a single drop. It’s an odd phenomenon, I don’t do it on purpose, but not complaining either. All the perks of intoxication, none of the hangover!” Then she furrowed her brow at me, “But no, seriously, what are you doing here? This ain’t exactly your scene.”
“I kinda kidnapped her,” Anna hummed out a tiny, evil laugh. “She’s my hostage tonight. She’s gonna have fun whether she likes it or not!”
I was firmly in the “or not” camp.
Rayne grinned at her, folding her arms together, “Then that brings us back around to what you’re doing here… where did you even come from?”
As the two of them began to catch up while Riku listened in, Lea snagged my elbow, pulling me over closer to the booth once more. 
Oh. Right. Socializing. I’d almost forgotten.
Ahhh forgetting. T’was a better, simpler, blessed time. Now, as I was presented with another small horde of new faces, I felt my heart rate spike and my chest tighten as the butterflies battled for dominance in my stomach again.
So be it. Once more into the breach! Come on, Elsa, you can do this!
“Now then, before I was so rudely interrupted-”
“Shove it, Red!” my roommate snapped.
“Screw off, Raindrop!” He stuck his tongue out at her, then sniggered to me, “Remember, verbal abuse says you care! Anyway, I’m sure you’re already very familiar with this mall rat we all know and love, given he’s almost a big an ice cream junkie as I am.” Sora beamed up at me from his seat. “But have you met this half-pint’s amazing, intelligent, beautiful and might I add way out of his league girlfriend, Kairi?”
He was gesturing to a pretty redhead dolled up in pink who smirked around the straw in her drink as she glanced out of the corner of her eye at Sora beside her. “Any comment to that?”
He shrugged, leaning back as he laced his fingers behind his head and his already impossibly huge smile somehow managed to get even wider. “Can’t argue facts!”
“She, like her boy here, is also a local mall rat, but we take pity on these poor schmucks who have nothing else in their pathetic, empty lives and let them hang out with us cool kids whenever we all get together like this,” Lea teased.
“Hey now, ex-mall rat!” she harrumphed before proudly puffing up her chest. “You’re looking at Mickey’s newest hire as of today!”
Lea arched an eyebrow, “No shit, really? Congratz, princess! Welcome to the crush of the daily grind. It sucks! Enjoy!”
Kairi snorted. “Please, it won’t be all that terrible. I’m gonna work a counter in the jewelry department. I can already tell my favorite part’s gonna be helping customers with the charm bracelets. Look!” she jangled the band she was wearing around her wrist before lifting up one of the little trinkets dangling from it. “This one looks like a thalassa shell star from my home, Destiny Islands!” Then she narrowed her eyes at Sora, one corner of her lips quirking up. “Now if only this lazy bum would get a job too, we’d be set!”
“Gimme a break, Kairi, I’m working on it!” Sora half whined, half laughed.
“Uh oh, do I smell trouble in paradise? We’ll leave the two lovebirds to it then,” Lea then turned my attention to a slender chick with short black hair sitting next to Kairi, who waggled her fingers at me with a crooked grin. “This is Yuffie! She works with Squ- ‘scuse me, Leon over at Buster’s Swords.” He lowered his voice to a whisper behind his hand, “She likes to steal the merch for her own personal amusement.”
She scoffed, “You shut your whore mouth, I don’t steal! I just… borrow for quality testing! I’m doing a community service here, really!”
He shook his head, “Uh huh, sure, whatever you say. So what’s on the menu for today?”
Couldn’t tell from where exactly, but she suddenly pulled out a pair of ninja stars as her lips curved wickedly. “Shurikens!”
“Nope!” Leon pressed one hand to the edge of his table, leaning his chair back onto its hind legs so he could stretch an arm across the booth and snatch the weapons from her grasp.
“Hey!” she lunged after them but only ended up faceplanting into her own table. “Give those back, jerkface!” He ignored her, just taking another swig from the bottle in front of him. “Wow, rude much?!”
This place was an absolute madhouse.
 “Oof, that’s rough! Better luck next time,” Lea consoled her before pointing to the next person wedged into the booth, a girl with a blue bow tying back her brown hair. “And here we have Belle! Total bookworm, so no surprise her nine-to-five’s at Enchanted Castle Books.” She didn’t acknowledge us, just stared dreamily off into space while absently stirring the liquid in her glass with a straw. Lea sighed, “Yeah, she’s a real head-up-in-the-clouds sort.”
“I got this,” Yuffie chimed in before using a hand to shade her gaze as she raised her voice, “Hey, is that Gaston I see?”
Belle snapped out of it, eyes round in horror as she gasped, “Where?!” before ducking down to use the table for cover.
As Yuffie cracked up, Kairi swatted her in the shoulder, “Mean!”
“Gaston’s the local musclebound, meathead neanderthal who’s set his sights on Belle as his next conquest,” Lea explained.
“Don’t worry, sweetie,” Yuffie’s eyes gleamed as she produced a third metal star. “I’ll make sure he never bothers you again.”
“For the love of- another one?!” In a quick blur of movement, Leon had once again confiscated her toy, much to her dismay.
“Finally,” Lea jumped in once again, clapping his hand down on the shoulder of a carrot-top sitting on the end with giant purple headphones covering his ears, “this regular chatterbox is Neku, who gets his paycheck from Towa Records, the lil music store around the corner from the food court.”
Yuffie huffed, “I dunno why Orangeylocks even bothers to show up to these things since,” she leaned across the table to lift up one of his hulking muffs and yell into his ear, “he never bothers to take the stupid ‘phones off!”
He slapped her hand away with a glare and said nothing, simply crossed his arms and slouched further down into his seat.
Still I hadn’t said a word to anyone besides Rayne. Partly because all the anxiety was squeezing my throat shut - trust me, the terror was real. But even if I had been brave enough to actually make small talk with this pack of total strangers, it was impossible to get a word in edgewise. It was all just happening so fast. But hey, maybe I could get away with the whole not talking thing. This Neku guy seemed to be and he was getting along just fine. Maybe the secret was in the headphones.
Note to self: look into the possibility of purchasing ear buds with first paycheck in the hopes of avoiding human interaction at all costs.
“Okay, almost done, just one more table to go,” Lea chirped.
Hearing that was both a relief and a minor heart attack all rolled together. The good news: one more table, woo! The bad news: one more table, ugh!
As Lea led the way once more, I snagged Anna by the elbow. It was her fault I was in this mess, so there was no way I was letting her abandon me. She was my security blanket, dammit! She managed to get out a hasty “we’ll talk more in a minute” to Rayne before staggering along behind me. We were brought to the neighboring booth which took up a corner so it was slightly bigger. Thankfully, that didn’t equal a larger group seated here. Even better, I already knew two of the faces.
“Rox! Xion!” Lea grinned down at them. “So this is where you guys got to. Was beginning to think I might have to send out search parties. I-”
“Kristoff,” the name escaped my lips before I’d even realized it as I locked eyes with my coworker.
Make that three faces I recognized.
His eyelids drooped before he looked away with a harrumph, taking a deep drag from his mug.
Well fudge. Guess he was still mad about the phone.
This night just kept getting better and better!
“Brr, did it just get a few degrees colder in here? Ah well, forget it, just leave Lord Sourpuss here to his brooding,” Lea snerked with a roll of his eyes. “For the rest at the table who haven’t already had the pleasure, this is Elsa, the Ice Palace newbie, and her sister Anna who tagged along for funsies.” 
He tossed a hand towards a guy with amber eyes, messy raven hair, and was the poster boy for goth fashion. “That ray of sunshine over there is Vanitas - living, breathing proof that all our moms were always right: your face really can get stuck like that. Wow, misery really does love company, huh? Just look at those identical scowls.” Both Vanitas and Kristoff looked highly unamused with Lea. He responded with a smirk, leaning down to bring his face closer to Vanitas, “What’s with the pout, widdle man? Did one of the other kids steal your binky?”
“Bite me, jackass,” he deadpanned.
“You’d love that, wouldn’t you?” Lea waggled his eyebrows as he straightened back up. “Anyhoo, as you might’ve already guessed by just taking one look at the edgelord, Vaniboy here works at Halloween Town.”
“Halloween Town?” Anna echoed, tapping a thoughtful finger to her lips. “Isn’t that the line of shops that are kinda like Hot To-”
“Say that knock-off, poser, wannabe of a store’s name and die,” Vanitas sneered.
Lea said, “Don’t mind him, he’s just cranky cuz he missed out on afternoon naptime.” Vanitas flipped him the bird, which went totally ignored as Lea shifted his gaze to the other side of the table. “Woah, talk about a mismatched set. What are you two doing hanging out with Mr Negativity here?”
He was now addressing a sweet-faced brunette with bright green eyes and the boy beside her with sandy blonde spiked hair, a skull and crossbones printed on his shirt. The girl chuckled, “Oh come on, Van’s not that bad.”
“Yeah, once you get past his personality,” the guy sniggered. Vanitas just looked away with a soft tch.
“Meet Olette and Hayner. They- wait...” Lea glanced around the table a second time with a frown, “There’s usually one more of you. Where’s Pence?”
“Couldn’t make it,” Olette sighed, plopping her chin in her palm. “Had to finish his programming project for his Computer Sciences course. Said he’ll be at it all weekend.”
“Bummer,” Lea shrugged. “In any case, these two plus their missing amigo wait tables at Le Grand Bistrot, this hoity-toity restaurant on the opposite end of the mall from the rest of us. Though didn’t you guys get shut down recently for a rodent infestation?”
Hayner banged a fist against the table, “Ugh, will people stop talking about that already? We didn’t get shut down, it was one rat and it was just that klutzy garbage boy’s pet, got it?!”
A snort from Roxas. “Sounds fake, but okay.”
“Can it, pizza boy!” Hayner shot back.
“Touchy, touchy,” Lea tsked before his eyes made one more sweep of the surrounding tables. “Anyway, looks like that’s everyone! How ‘bout it? Got it all memorized? If not, don’t sweat it, it was a lot. And even more might show up later, who knows, these things are always sort of a random grab bag but that’s half the fun! In any case, feel free to take a seat.” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder, “I’m gonna go order a drink from the bar. Did either of you want me to grab you anything while I’m over there?”
“Is this a menu?” Anna picked up the glossy, colorful sheet of plastic from the table, looking over the list printed on it with a low hum. “I think a basket of the Cactuar Fries would be good for starters. As for drink, hm… Ooo, the Golden Chocobo sounds amazing! What about you?” she tilted it to give me a better look.
I shook my head, “Just water for me, thanks.”
Her tongue blew a raspberry, eyes returning to the menu. “That’s no fun. Lessee here… aha!” She smiled up at Lea, “She’ll have a Shiva, heavy on the rum.”
“I will most certainly not have a-”
“Got it!” Lea darted off across the room, cupping a hand to his mouth and calling out, “Oh, Tifa!”
Anna then proceeded to flump down into the booth next to Kristoff, giggling as she peeked up at him. “Hi! You’re cute!”
He blinked at her, all traces of the previous doom-and-gloom wiped clean off his face as it reddened slightly. “Uh…?”
She wiggled in closer to him, which seemed to fluster him more as he scrabbled over into Vanitas, who elbowed him back hard for making him almost spill his drink. Oblivious to the domino effect she’d created, Anna whipped her head back around to me and patted a hand on the space she’d freed up at the edge of the booth. “Whatcha waiting for, Sis? Sit!”
I stared blankly at her. She beamed back at me. I glanced over to everyone else. Everyone else watched me expectantly. I then flicked my gaze down to the open seat. It just lay there, being a cushion.
...psssst, dummy. Her telling you to sit? Was your cue to actually sit!
Still my feet didn’t budge an inch. Instead I looked over my shoulder back towards the door leading outside. So close, yet so far.
Clearing my throat, I took a small step backwards and held up a hand, “A-actually, you know what? I think I, uh... left something... back in the car! Yeah, that’s it! So I’ll just, er… I’ll go get-”
“I said sit!” Anna grabbed my wrist and jerked me down onto the plush bench beside her.
Well then. I guess I was sitting.
I suddenly felt a light brush of something against the back of my head and I twitched away, looking behind me. Rayne was leaning over the divider between our two booths, hands outstretched, apparently with the intention of petting both Anna and me.  “Pretty,” she cooed in delight. “Pretty, pretty hair. So soft!”
From somewhere beyond the separator, I heard Riku mutter, “It’s starts.” His voice was muffled. I suspected due to facepalm. Taking a small bundle of my hair and tucking it between her palm and two little fingers, Rayne then set the other three fingers and hand to work unraveling one of Anna’s pigtail braids.
Anna didn’t seem to mind, instead just turning her gaze to the rest of our booth and flashing a smile big enough to rival one of Sora’s. “It’s so great to meet everyone! This is super exciting! Isn’t is just so exciting?” she asked me. I opened my mouth, but Anna was already gushing once more, “And oh my gawd, so, so, so, sooooo much fun! I’m already having a blast! Are you having a blast?” Again, this question was aimed at me. Again, I didn’t even get so much as a peep out. “Aaaah, lookit her, she’s having a friggin’ blast! This is awesome! So how long have you guys all been getting together like this? Who started it? Was it just a small group at first? Were you guys always friends even before these Friday nights began? Do you ever change it up, get food and drinks somewhere else? Or is it always the 7th Heaven? Why is it called the 7th Heaven anyway? What’s the story there? What’s the food like? No, what are the drinks like? Did I pick good ones? I hope I picked good ones! And I just love that they have karaoke here! Anyone else going to be singing later? Ooo, here’s an idea! We could all go up and sing one together!”
Typhoon Anna had struck again, leaving round eyes and silence in her wake.
I was guessing most everyone else at the table hadn’t even caught half of that, the torrent of words had been coming out in such a rush.
The hush over the table stretched until Vanitas at last broke it with a flat, “Yeah, no, I’m out. I’ve had about all the pep I can stand from that pack of idiots,” he flicked a wrist towards the half the table taken up by Xion, Olette, Roxas and Hayner, “without having to deal with… this,” he cringed, gesturing to Anna. Then he downed the rest of his beverage. “Later, losers.” And with that, he vaulted himself over the table, shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket and slinked off.
“So…” Anna dragged out the syllable, “...he’s pleasant!”
Certainly one word for it.
“Vani bail early?” Lea rejoined us. “No shocker there, he usually does. He's always been more of a lone wolf. Make room, Fun-size!” he looked down at where Xion was seated at the opposite end of the booth from us. She scooched to clear a spot for him and he plopped on down, setting a full, opened bottle on the table in front of him bearing a red label that boasted the title Ifrit Amber Ale. “Ladies, your drinks n’ fries are gonna need another minute. Someone’ll be by to drop them off when they’re ready.”
A small smile braved my lips, “Thanks, how much do we owe you?”
Or rather, how much did Anna owe him? Since A, she was the one that’d ordered it all and B, I’d yet to earn a single cent to my name.
Soon though. Payday was coming.
He batted a hand, “Don’t worry about it, my treat. And, uh,” he snerked, “you might want to keep a closer eye on what Raindrop's up to over there.”
I blinked. I had been feeling a faint tingle in my scalp as Rayne had continued to play beauty salon back there this whole time, but I’d just been ignoring it. Now both Anna and I turned to discover she’d weaved locks of our hair together into one thick, auburn-and-platinum braid.  “I made a pretty!” Rayne giggled, punctuated by a hiccup.
Biting back a grin, Xion called, “Hey Riku! Control your woman!”
A hand shot up and grabbed Rayne by the scruff of the shirt. With a squeak, she disappeared behind the booth separator.
“So,” Olette shook her head, one corner of her lips tugging up, “how are you liking it over at Ice Palace?”
...shoot, she was talking to me, wasn’t she?
I was so not prepared for this.
Glancing up from where my fingers had already begun disentangling the braid Anna and I shared joint custody off, I pursed my lips to one side. “Hmm, well… it’s pretty good actually. This is my first job ever, so I was a bit anxious.” Understatement of the millenia. “But it’s been going well. And I like the people I work with and get along with them and uh…” I eyed Kristoff out of my peripheral, who still seemed rather dazed by Anna and the apparent lack of the phrase ‘personal boundaries’ in her vocabulary, “...and they like me and are very kind and welcoming and… certainly not mad or anything at me for, oh I don’t know, hypothetically lobbing and busting their phones, like I would ever do something so silly as that, why would I even mention such a thing, that’s so random,” the jumble of words finished in a weak chuckle.
It was beginning to become clear to me that the tendency to babble might run in my family.
Only mine was of the nervous variety, whereas I don’t think Anna had a nervous bone in her body.
At last sensing my gaze on him, Kristoff shook himself out of his stupor and looked back at me. Then he frowned, narrowed his eyes and stared down at the table, nursing his drink once more.
“Oh yeah,” Xion snorted, “I can definitely feel the love simply overflowing from that side of the table.”
“Sounds like a sweet gig,” Hayner chimed back into the conversation with a smirk as he crossed his arms. “But then, anything’s gotta be better than working at some lame dump of a pizza place.”
“Ouch, shots fired.” Lea cocked an eyebrow, “What’s with the drive-by, my dude?”
Roxas snickered, “Ignore him. He’s still just sore about the whole rat thing.”
“There wasn’t a rat thing! I told you already, it was just some dumb pet so it doesnt count!”
“Sure,” Roxas sighed, “Just keep telling yourself that, man.”
“That’s it!” Hayner snarled, slamming both hands down on the table as he rocketed up to his feet. “It’s time we settle this like men!”
Olette groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Tell me you did not really just say that, you total caveman.”
Hayner stabbed a finger towards Roxas and growled, “You.” Then jerked a thumb into his chest, “Me.” He pointed at one of the arcade machines, “Struggle 9000. Loser buys rounds for the table for the next five Fridays.”
“Come on, you two,” Olette interjected, “is this really-”
Lea clamped a hand over her mouth, one index finger held up to his lips, “Shush, I want free booze.”
“You’re on!” Roxas shot back, eyes flashing. Then the both of them were ducking down and crawling under the table to exit the booth before dashing over to where the video games awaited them, elbowing each other the whole way.
“Wanna go root the boys on?” Olette asked Xion.
“Pfft, root nothing. I’m taking on winner and curb stomping his ass. Play my cards right and I’ll have them both buying our drinks for weeks to come.”
As Lea slid out of the booth so the two of them could get up and leave, Olette laughed, “Oh, I bet Hayner would be simply thrilled by that prospect.”
“Please, you think that bonehead’s gonna come out the champ?” Xion scoffed as they walked off. “Rox has got him beat, no contest.”
“Wanna bet?”
That was the last thing I heard from Olette before a happy shriek barely an inch to my left drowned out anything else that might have been said.
Gee thanks, Anna. Really, who needs hearing in both ears anyway?
Our order had arrived, which apparently was what had gotten her so excited. A heaping bowl of shoestring fries now steamed in front of us, covered and smothered in some chunky green sauce. Anna’s drink started out orange at the bottom and faded into a yellow at the frothy top where in the absence of one of the standard teeny decorative umbrellas, it was instead garnished with a fluffy, yellow feather. My drink was a chilly, neon blue color and served in a tall, skinny glass with wafting mist and a frosted rim.
“Bottoms up!” Anna singsonged, clinking her beverage to mine before chugging down half of it in one go. I pulled a face at her, scrunching my nose with a grimace. She puffed out a content sigh as she put the glass back down at the table. “Ah, that’s good!” Then her eyes darted between me and my drink a couple times. “Well? What are you waiting for? Get your drink on, gurl!”
“No thanks,” I nudged the Shiva away with a fingertip. “Someone has to drive us home, so I guess that someone’s going to be me.”
“Pssh, details,” she waved a dismissive hand while she tested out one of the fries. Eyes lighting up, she shoveled a couple more in her mouth before pushing my drink back towards me. “C’mon, one sip won’t kill ya! Besides, you’re hurting Lea’s feelings over there, he spent his hard earned munny on it just for you!”
“Nah, it’s cool,” he shrugged and grinned. “You do you, El!”
“Dude, work with me here! You’re supposed to back me up on this, I-” Anna cut herself off in a gasp. Seemed there had been a lull in the karaoke, so someone had kicked on the big vintage jukebox off to one side, which was now pumping regular tunes out of the overhead speakers. “I love this song!” Her hand clamped down around Kristoff’s wrist, “Dance with me!”
I was all but shoved out of the booth as Anna bolted off, dragging a wide eyed and stumbling Kristoff behind her. I watched her go, shaking my head with a tired smile. Anna would never change. But then, who’d want her to? She was kind of perfect the way she was, chaotic energy and all. Sighing, I took a seat again and looked up.
That’s when I froze.
Because that’s when it hit me.
Somehow, my booth had gone from being packed to being empty. Well, almost…
There was still me.
And there was still a certain redhead.
And to be fair, my plan had been to spend the evening with a redhead. Just said redhead was supposed to have been petite, female, and my sister. The redhead before me now? Checked off none of those boxes.
So instead of the night of sisterly bonding like I’d been looking forward to, I’d somehow wound up in a bar. 
At a table. 
With Lea. 
By ourselves. 
Just the two of us.
Help! SOS! Frantic smoke signals! I was not mentally or emotionally equipped to deal with this situation!
Commence cardiac arrest in three… two… 
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Author’s note: Hi, yes, welcome to Cameo Palooza, where we got references coming out the wazoo! This chapter and events in next chapter were originally all supposed to be one chapter, but the references just kept going and going… I honestly didn’t expect them to go on for as long as they did, but here we are xD Not gonna lie, I took an odd amount of pleasure in giving Lea and Elsa drinks to match to their respective elements/summons. Also lil fun fact: There are real alcoholic beverages out there called the Shiva and the Golden Chocobo, just google it if you’re curious and I think the recipes should pop up like the did for me! Also, there are in fact green Cactuar Fries out there in the real live world too - I’ve seen foodies post pictures!
Next chapter… how will Elsa deal with this latest challenge in human interaction she’s come face to face with? Will this be one step closer to strengthening the bond of her new friendship with Lea? Or will it all end in utter catastrophe thanks to her awkward penguin ways? Will we ever find out the secret of the Cactuar Fries’ green ooze? Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to any new followers out there (howdy! :D) and to those of you who’ve liked and reblogged previous chapters, seeing that always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
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