#i think i covered all the details if u have follow up questions let me know!
fox-mulder-gets-pegged · 10 months
could you share more about how you cooked those chicken breasts? that sounds good as hell
Absolutely 👌
1. Chicken breasts
2. Fill bowl with lukewarm water and dissolve a good amount of salt in (like a small handful? Trust your cooking instincts Padawan).
3. Place chicken breasts in bowl and make sure they're covered in water. Stick em in fridge and let them soak. I usually do an hour but I've done 15 minutes and it still makes a difference, wouldn't do longer than a few hours tho. This step makes them juicy and well seasoned all the way through so don't skip.
4. Remove breasts after x amount of time, rinse in cool water to remove excess salinity, and pat somewhat dry. Don't gotta get fancy with her.
5. Somewhat optional but I give them a little rub down with olive oil or melted butter if I'm feeling indulgent. It's ok if u prefer to go straight to seasoning but I want my chicken breasts to fuck so I always rub em down. So only optional if you want fuckless chicken.
6. Season! If I'm lazy just salt and pepper on both sides. If I'm feeling sexy I hit em with black pepper, garlic salt, onion powder, and smoked paprika. Which is my go to seasoning mix for everything so there u go free seasoning mix (I add rosemary and a bit of brown sugar if I'm putting it on potatoes).
7. Cook for 15-18 minutes at 450°F. I know some recipes say lower temp for longer but I like getting a firm crust on the chicken and I also want chicken asap. If the breast is thinner then go for like 15-16, if it's thicker go 17-18. We don't do salmonella around here.
8. IMPORTANT let it rest she's tired once you pull it from the oven let the chicken breast sit under some loose tinfoil or whatever for about 5 minutes. If you cut into freshly cooked meat you lose all those juices we flavored so beautifully when brining the chicken and then it'll be dry. So let it rest uncut for 5 minutes.
9. Consume and enjoy, whole process takes like 20 minutes plus however long you spend brining. Keeps well in the fridge too bc it's so juicy.
I like to eat as is, shred for fajitas/stir fry, turn into garlic mayo chicken wraps, or cut up for a salad!
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Hi! I was wondering if i could request some angst for hazbin, I was thinking like alastor, angel, husk, etc yelled at you, but as soon as they realized they did it they became all lovey dovey? I hope you can understand that.😭 Also take your time if you do it, thank u!!
I love angst. i don't love reading it, but i love writing it. so i can definitely do this! thank you so so much for your request too.
"you can't do that alastor." you say, following his walking by running after him.
"i can do anything i want to do." he replied back easily, walking to his radio room.
"no, alastor, you can't. not while you're here." you tell him and as he stops, you catch your breath and say something you knew would get him to stop. "you know what the details of your contract are."
time stops as the very air around you seems prickly and the static that was normally comforting grows to be suffocating.
"what did you say?" alastor says quietly, not looking at you.
"you know what i said, and you know i'm right." you say, standing your ground. he turns to you, his demonic form becoming more prominent. you look at him and watch him apprehensively.
"how dare you?" he yells, the ground shaking. "i should send you where the rest of the disrespectful, distasteful wretches who have questioned me before are." you close your eyes, trying to stop the shaking in your hands, anxiety and fear coursing through your body as your mind screamed at you to run. you knew that if he did this though, he would be done for.
you reach up to him, your hand caressing his cheek as he snarled at you. "i know you don't like being reminded. i'm sorry. but you weren't listening. you know what you're about to do ends with you not being with me, it ends with you dead." he snarls again and you watch as his form returns to normal. you close your eyes in relief, they shoot open though when you feel his hand grasp yours.
"i know that you are right. i just-" alastor stops, not able to continue or voice what he was feeling.
"i know. i know. you don't have to say anything." you say walking closer and wrapping your arm around his waist. knowing that he was feeling trapped and weak. he didn't have to say anything for you to know that. he sighed and opened the door to his room instead of the radio room.
"shall we retire tonight my darling?" he asks. you nod with a smile as you enter the room and he shuts the door.
walking into the hotel, you knew it had been a tough day for angel. the way his shoulders sat, the way even his hair fell, they were all indicators that angel was not doing good. he walked past you, not acknowledging your presence and started to make his way up to his room. you looked at his back as he ascended the stairs shocked. normally he would say hello, or at least wave.
now, you were concerned. you set the blanket covering you aside as you got up and followed the same path angel took. leading to his room you listened closely to see if you could hear anything, like crying, before getting to his room. hoping that something would help you understand why your friend was acting the way he was.
the silence in the hall was truly deafening as you knocked on his door. silence continued and you knocked again. then suddenly, the door flung open and there stood a distraught angel. his form much taller, as you could actually see all of his eyes, that seemingly glowed in the dim light of his room.
"what?" he growled at you.
"i just wanted to check on you." your voice quiet, in hopes to calm him down.
"well, ya checked. good fer ya." he says, trying to shut his door, when you put your foot between the doorway and the door itself, stopping it.
"what's goin' on angel?" you ask.
"let me shut my own fuckin' door bitch!" he yells, his eyes narrowing at you.
"not until you calm down and talk to me angel." you reply as he goes and tries to shut the door harder, your foot taking the brunt of the assault on the door. you wince as he does it three more times, screaming and leaving the door. you walk in, thankful you had some sort of regenerative properties as your foot started to heal as you walked in his room. you sat on his bed and waited in silence. knowing that patience was the best thing for angel when this happened. you weren't sure how much time passed when you felt his arms wrap around your waist and his head buried into your side. you quickly placed your hand in his hair, gently brushing it back.
"there was just some shit val said, that hit a little too close to home." angel murmured, tightening his grip on you as if remembering the words from the overlord.
"do you want to talk about it?" you ask, still brushing angel's hair back. you feel him shake his head against you. "okay, you don't have to. can you tell me what you need right now?" you ask.
"just... can you hold me?" his voice small.
"of course i can sweetie." you say, laying yourself down and angel curling into you. "you know today, charlie made husk participate in the trust falls again. you know what homeboy confessed as his truth? that he secretly watches my little pony." you smile and wait, feeling angel starting to laugh as he gently shook you. his laughs grow and you start laughing along with him.
"holy shit, did he really?" angel asks, tears in his eyes from how much he was laughing.
"no, but i knew that would getcha." you smiled and rubbed his back. he sighed and laid back down, a smile on his face.
everyone could tell that husk was in a horrible mood. he was literally grumbling under his breath, growling at requests made and even insulting the drinks that were asked to be made. you watched off to the side, still not asking for a refill on your drink because you weren't sure you were ready to deal with the husk you were faced with currently.
angel seemed to be either oblivious or just ready to rile him up even more as he sauntered up to the bar and asked for a double shot vodka twist with lemon and lime topped with a cherry and to only use decaf vodka. you looked at angel incredulously and saw a shit-eating grin on his face as husk looked stunned at the bullshit order he just had heard.
"you want what?" husk asked, almost like giving angel a second chance to correct himself.
"i want a double shot vodka twist with lemon and lime topped with a cherry and i'd like for you to only use decaf vodka... husky." angel said, his voice dropping as he said husk's name. husk growled, quickly made something and slammed it on the bar.
"there's your fuckin' drink, you prick. take it and you'll like it. don't fuckin' come over here askin' for stupid shit like that again either. idiot." husk said turning around. everyone's eyebrows shot up and angel smiled even wider.
"this is my regular though. i wanted a-" angel started.
"don't finish that sentence, angel." husk warned, the glass he was gripping looking like it was close to cracking.
"angel, stop fucking with husk." you intervened.
"oh, you think i need you to swoop in like some savior huh?" he turned to you, the glass being crushed in his hand as blood quickly started coming from the wound. your eyes widened as you got up, trying to get to husk to help him. "stop." he screams, walking from behind the bar. "i don't need yer fuckin' help. i'm not helpless nor hapless." he yelled, walking up the stairs grumbling under his breath, clutching his hand. you look at angel, who at least had the decency to look apologetic as you took off after husk.
his door was open and you gently opened it and heard the curses from his bathroom, along with the clinks of the glass falling into the sink.
"husk, can i come help?" he turns to you livid. "i'm not saying you're not capable. i care about you, and would like to be there for you. the way that i am showing that is by helping you take glass out of your hand. will you allow me to do that." you say and watch as his shoulders relax. he looks at his hand and then you, sitting on the tub and nodding. you sigh and start taking out the glass, then quickly wrap up his hand. once finished you clean out the sink and then kneel in front of him.
"what caused this?" you ask, he was silent though not saying anything. you sigh. "darling, i'm not a mind reader." a beat of silence followed and then husk grumbled.
"alastor." he said looking off to the side. you sighed and nodded.
"i know he says some horrible shit to you husk, but if it's any consolation, i do think he views you as the closest thing to a peer as he might." you tell him. husk scoffs.
"not a consolation by any means." husk looks at you. "a peer? more like his fuckin' pet."
"he has to say that. can't have you thinking any different, but i know you talked to him about mimzy. and he listened, he got her out. you know that." you say and husk rolls his eyes. "i know, you know, i'm right." you smile.
"you're very smart husk. and very capable. i know it. the whole hotel does. you're not just the bartender." you hold his unhurt hand. he looks at you and smiles.
"thank you."
"any time."
you hadn't seen lucifer in days. you were sometimes a bit dramatic, so sometimes saying days meant hours, but this was literally days. maybe even a week. and you were beginning to get worried. you knew that he had a tendency to shut people out when in his deep depressive episodes. he had never shut you out for that long. he always called you or at least texted. you stood outside his workshop door, the dark and silence feeling more and more opressive as you stood there, but something almost froze you as you stood there.
what if he was hurt, or dead? what were you going to find when you opened the door? you knew it could be bad, but he needed you, at least you thought he did. so you took a deep breath and opened the door. the dim lighting in the room feeling almost blinding as you walked in and saw lucifer working away at his desk. he froze hearing the door open.
"get out." was all that was said, he didn't resume his work.
"luce, i just wanted to check on you." you say slowly, walking closer.
"do not come closer." he says, his voice cold and almost disgusted. something you had never heard from him pointed at you. "i told you to leave, so do so, before i take you out where you stand."
"luce it's me." you say, his reaction making you think he thought someone broke in.
"i know who it is. as i said, leave now." he says and you see the horns of his demonic form growing.
"lucifer, what is going on? i'm not leaving. i want to make sure you're okay." you say, brazenly taking another step toward him. he whips around and you are frozen, seeing his bright red eyes, pouring with tears as he yells at you.
"and i told you to get the fuck out! leave. i don't want to see you!" he screams pointing toward the door.
"fine you asshole!" you yell. "see if next time you don't talk to me for almost a week, i come here to make sure you aren't fucking hurt or worse, dead!" you say, storming off. you run past the kitchen grabbing your bag, but leaving the dinner you had brought for the both of you. you were about to reach the door when a portal opened right as you were about to step through the door, causing you to tumble back into the workshop. you look around and whirl on lucifer, who returned back to his normal form.
"what? you didn't get enough before of yelling at me?" you ask, crossing your arms in front of you.
"i-no. i'm sorry." lucifer says, approaching you.
"you're what?" your voice in disbelief.
"i'm sorry. i shouldn't have taken everything out on you. i just, you were the first person to check on me and i was just really upset. i shouldn't have-i'm sorry. the way i acted was inexcusable. if you would like to leave i understand." lucifer said and the door to his workshop opened for you with a gesture of his hand. you look at him and roll your eyes, walking up to him and drawing him into a hug.
"i don't want to leave. i didn't want to leave before either." you say as he wraps his arms around you, his figure relaxing against you.
"i'm so sorry." he whispers again.
"no need to apologize. it's okay. just, talk to me, okay?" you say, drawing his face to look at you. "i brought dinner. lets go eat and you can tell me what's been going on. then you get a bath." you say, smiling slightly and wiping a tear escaping from his eye. he nods as you both walk out, his arm not letting go of you as you walk to the kitchen to eat dinner.
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lissdiary · 25 days
shoto with a gf who's a bit of a menace, she's like the female denki of the class, funny etc, but she always respects him and his private persona, knowing to not draw a lotta attention to them and knowing when to be serious and sweet when he needs it cause god knows how much bb boy has been through :/
yes poor bb boy, he just needs someone who’ll ease his mind off everything !!
shoto noticed the way you laughed with your friends when you all sat in the lounge room and how much more your personality shined with them, but he also noticed how much calmer you were around him.
whenever your classmates got curious about your relationship, you made sure it remained private. you both agreed on the “private but not secret” relationship as respect towards shoto. of course he wanted to show you off, but he’d much rather keep you to himself. “so what’s shoto like, yn?” mina asked as she propped her elbows on the dining table, turning her head to look at you.
only you knew what shoto was like. “he’s sweet and kind, respects me a lot.” you replied, covering your mouth as you chewed your dinner. you made sure not to give them too many details, quickly switching the subject towards mina and kirishima. you began teasing her, asking her questions on her relationship that would make her face flourish.
you continued talking with your friends until you noticed shoto walking towards you, he noticed you had finished eating and wanted to take you away for himself. you looked up at him from your seat as he bent down to your ear. “can i take you away now?” you responded with a nod, he grabbed your plate and discarded it as you said goodnight to your friends.
you followed him to your dorm, you were rambling to him about your friends and what upcoming events they wanted to attend. you closed your door behind you as you continued talking about your friends, shoto turned around to look at you. you paused, he had a soft smile on his face. “what’s wrong sh-“ he cupped your cheek with his left hand, the cold feeling making you slightly flinch. he pulled you in for a kiss, a slow soft kiss.
he had been thinking about kissing you all day and now he finally got to. “nothing’s wrong, i just wanted to have you to myself. is that fine?” he kissed your cheek as you nodded, replying with a low hum. you were shoto’s safe space, he felt at ease with you, which is why he in love with you in the first place. you were there to reassure him when he needed, and to comfort him throughout his trauma.
your nights consisted of just listening to gentle music while he napped on your lap, your hand moving his red and white strands away from his eyes. shoto liked the quiet, even more with you. you were reading a book while you caressed his hair when you heard your phone going off, shoto slowly waking up. “shh .. it’s okay sho” you muted your notifications as you tried not to wake him, unfortunately he yawned a turned over. “is everything alright, yn?” you set your book down beside you, giving him a small peck on his temple. “yes ‘m sorry my love, go back go sleep.” he let out a low hum as he turned over, kissing your thigh as he fell back asleep.
nights like this were enough for him, all he needed was to be with you.
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my first time writing shoto, i hope u liked it! it was sm fun writing his gentle personality, possibly more sho in the future?? )^o^(
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ellieluvr420 · 8 months
We meet again, darling pt.17 (detective Abby Anderson x criminal reader x detective Ellie Williams)
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Synopsis: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
SMUT MDNI this is kinda a little bit freaky deaky but are u shocked?
Abby and Ellie get to your home at half 6ish to find you snuggled on the sofa surrounded by documents while you tap away at your laptop, occasionally using your phone as a second screen, you were so focused on what you were looking at you didn't register their presence until they were shuffling your papers out of the way to sit on either side of you.
"Hey love." Abby whispers into your left ear as she kisses your cheek.
"Missed you." Ellie purrs as you feel her hand wrap around your thigh and squeeze while her thumb massages circles into the skin there. You smile and kiss both their cheeks before standing and gathering all your papers up to return to when you have another moment alone.
"Thank you for speaking to Ricky today. You are both so good for me. How was today hm? Enjoyed your first day back at work El?"
"Yeah it was weird though I felt like I was a spy." You laugh at her and Abby side eyes her and then rolls her eyes before getting up and walking to the stairs.
"I'm going to go jump in the shower." Abby calls over her shoulder.
"What stick is up her ass?" You question Ellie with a playful tone and she laughs as she pulls you down to straddle her on the couch. You wrap your arms around her neck as she squeezes your waist and rests her head on your chest.
"I think she's getting antsy because of the investigation, the captain has been really on her about everything so she's seeing in exact detail how close they're getting to you... and us I guess and she's also trying to steer them away from you as much as possible which is hard to do without raising suspicion... She's stressed basically." You scratch at the back of her head as she sighs and nestles into your chest.
"Hm well can you make sure she doesn't overwork herself trying to cover our tracks? I have everything under control."
"I know you do." Ellie trusted you, trusted that you always had a plan that you were ready to execute, she didn't feel stressed about her future because she knew that she would be okay as long as she could be by your side she felt complete. When you heard Abby walking down the stairs 20 minutes later with wet hair and a black tank with plaid pyjama bottoms you whispered to Ellie to go shower so you could speak to Abby.
"Hey my tooth brush is the blue one right?" Ellie says as she walks past Abby.
"No you know mine is the blue one." She snaps sounding ready to pounce at Ellie.
"Oh shit." She pauses for a second and then starts laughing as she walks away.
"You're a dick." Ellie just laughs more as you pat the spot next to you on the couch. Abby sits immediately pulling your legs over her lap and massaging at them while staring at you with tired eyes.
"What's got you down sunshine?" She huffs and shakes her head. "I'm asking because I already know and I want you to talk to me about it, what's up?" Your voice is still soft but there is a hint of a stern tone to it this time.
"You're acting like nothing is happening but they are so close to finding you, all I keep seeing are visions of you arrested and left to rot for the rest of your life, or killed because god knows you won't go down without a fight and all I keep thinking is that I would rather throw myself off the cliff with you than watch you fall alone but you have an advantage, you have time to make your escape before everything catches up to you and you're wasting it." She sounds desperate, like she's pleading with you to just see her side, she looks exhausted and anxious and the guilt does eat at you slightly as your eyes take in her appearance.
"I have everything under control Abby. I haven't told you everything because we've all been busy and I wanted a chance to sit down and explain to you both what's going to happen next."
"Is that the agenda for dinner tonight?" She's smiling now and you're relieved at the sight.
"Part of it, yes. Just relax, we are going to be just fine, I promise." She nods and squeezes at your leg but her face is still scrunched up in thought.
"Did you want Ellie because you got bored of me?" You scoff and your eyes go wide at her vulnerable display of insecurity as she turns to face you.
"If I was bored of you Abby I wouldn't have kept you around. You've been my reason to get up and do the bad things I love to do and look really good doing it for a long time now. If you need me to say it, I'll say it, you have me hooked. I wanted Ellie because I knew you wanted her too." You raise an eyebrow at her accusingly as she giggles at what you said.
"Okay, fair enough. Thank you. You can actually be kind of cute when you want to be." She smirks at you and you kick her gently. "What were you working on when we came in? You were transfixed."
"Oh nothing just straightening up my affairs, draining everything from my brother’s accounts, offshores and all and transferring all of his assets to my name also, you know, typical things."
"Yeah super typical, will he notice?"
"Yeah for sure but not until tomorrow which will bring him straight here."
"You need us gone before he comes over?"
"No I actually thought you could stick around to watch the show."
"You're sick." You laugh and get up as you hear Ellie walking down the stairs. "Come on it's time to make dinner." You hold your hand out to her and she takes it as she stands, she wraps her arms around you as you walk towards the kitchen and tickles your neck with kisses. Ellie walks in moments after you both in a t-shirt and joggers as she towel-dried her hair, her shirt lifting up to reveal the v-lines on her hips. You and Abby both pause to look at her and exchange a hungry look.
"How are you fucking this up so bad? It's a grilled cheese." You bark at Ellie as she cradles her burnt fingertips.
"I am hurt and you are yelling at me right now." Ellie snaps while going to the sink to run cold water over her fingertips while wincing, she looked like a puppy that had been scolded and you and Abby exchanged a look as you both stifled a laugh.
"What do you typically eat Ellie?" Abby asks while holding back a smirk as she stirs the soup heating on the stove.
"I don't know, takeout and stuff." Abby stops dead in her tracks and turns to actually face Ellie.
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah?" Ellie looks completely dumbfounded as she answers Abby with a question herself.
"You only eat takeout." Abby says it as a statement but the look on her face juxtaposes the monotony of her voice.
"I think that's what she's saying babe." You add in giggling to yourself, you had all already drank a lot so you just found their interactions so funny to watch. Abby side eyes you and it only makes you laugh more.
"How are you a functioning adult?" Abby asks as if its a genuine question and Ellie doesn't bat an eyelid as she still runs her fingers under the water.
"I'm not." Abby laughs but you notice the sincerity in her voice, you saw it when you spoke to her the first time, that's why you knew she'd be easy to break. You walk over to her and take her hand gently as you inspect her fingers.
"I think you're going to live darling."
"Thanks doctor." You walk back over to the stove and look at the grilled cheese that Ellie had done a number on and eye her as you flip it into the bin. "Sorry about that."
"It's okay you can't be blamed , you've had no teacher." You say it casually and don't look at her to see the blush forming on her face. Abby looks puzzled but you all stay quiet.
"Look your ones are done so grab some soup and go sit down, I will do my one and join you in a second." They shrug and do as you say, they're both hungry so there's no hesitation. They both walk to your dining room that you had set up, they had only eaten in there a couple of times so they still always found themselves surveying the room, it had warm lighting coming from the chandeliers and matching lights fixed onto the wall, there were large doors that led out onto one of the balconies lining the long wall, the doors and windows all glass with black borders. There were small, green palm trees that Ellie always got distracted by thinking about how they survived in your apartment when they're palm trees. The floor was cream marble with a thick black border and an additional thinner border inside the thicker one. The walls were sage green with trimmings decorating the walls and framing the large paintings that lines them. The table was a dark, cool-toned brown wood that sat 4 large cream chairs each side and one on either end. There were flowers on the table and the smell was fresh and summery.
"God these chairs are so comfortable." Ellie wiggles around in it a little bit and then slouches while sighing happily.
"Yeah she's got mad at me before because I fell asleep in this chair while she was talking to me after wolfing down my dinner that she had made." Abby chuckles at the memory.
"You fell asleep at the table?"
"Yeah I hadn't got much sleep the night before." Abby smirked and laughed as Ellie's face went completely deadpan.
"You're so hilarious."
"I know right."
"I know right." Ellie mimics Abby in a childish mumble and Abby scoffs at her. They both start laughing until their faces hurt and you walk in with an eyebrow raised at them.
"How's the food?"
"So fucking good." Ellie says as she's picking up the grilled cheese once again and you smile at her enthusiasm.
"Yeah this is the best grilled cheese and tomato soup I've ever had. You're actually a chef." You roll your eyes at Abby’s snarkiness and she grabs your hand and kisses it. "It's really good, thank you." She purrs and you just sit contently eating and drinking until you put your spoon down and wipe your mouth with your black napkin.
"So I think we should talk about what is to come in the next few days because I have kept you in the dark to make sure you do your jobs properly and allow me to deal with everything effectively. Tomorrow, I am going to wait for my traitorous brother to come storming up here so I can decimate him and then I am going to speak with the boss of the Met while you two pack everything you want to bring with you because once I have everything we are leaving the country to give live far away in paradise, I’m going to call you both when you need to get in the car, get in the car as quick as you can, I’ve given Jeremy instructions on what to do so just listen to him okay, we’ll meet at the plane and be on our way."
"We're leaving the country?" You nod at Ellie.
"This is the safest thing to do. I'm going to miss the city but I'm ready for a change. You're going to love where we're going. It's a surprise though." You direct your attention to Abby who looks perplexed.
"What do we do about our jobs and our parents and stuff?"
"Oh yeah, about that. You need to start completely fresh which means you need to completely cut tethers with your lives now. So I'm going to fake your deaths." You don't even look at them as you say it, you just state it as a fact.
"What?" Abby looks entirely frozen while Ellie sipped on her drink watching Abby amused at her reaction, Ellie was fine with the idea, she didn't really have anything keeping her here and nothing could compare to being with you so there was no doubt in her mind but Abby had parents that lived in the suburbs not too far away and friends, there were things she would be leaving behind. She thought of all that she would leave behind and an ache grew in her body but then she realised she had withdrawn from her life significantly since meeting you, since before meeting you even and she looked at you sitting there drinking and laughing with Ellie over something and everything from her life before you faded away. "You're fucking crazy you know that?" She looks at you lovingly and you feel your cheeks burn as you return the look.
"Yeah I've been told that once or twice. Don't worry I have practise at this, neither of you have to lift a finger unless its for packing."
"Our hero!" Ellie remarks sarcastically and you kick her under the table. "Ow!"
"That was a very bad thank you." You say sternly as Abby chuckles at the both of you. You finish off the food and drinks and all take your dishes to the sink. Abby goes to rinse them and put them in the dishwasher but you pull her away assuring her you'll do it tomorrow as you lead them upstairs.
"Kiss." They were sitting on the bed looking at you with flushed cheeks and needy eyes. At your simple command they both hesitantly turned towards each other, they were slow at first as they leant in but as their hands both grabbed the other's face the energy changed and their touches became ravenous and hurried. The wet sounds of them kissing goes straight to your centre as you watch in awe. Abby shifts and starts pushing Ellie down to get on top of her but seems completely taken aback when Ellie pushes back harder and climbs on top of her, Ellie slots her thigh between Abby's and grinds down onto her heat, you hear the faintest choked moan leave Abby's lips although its muffled by Ellie's mouth and you quirk an eyebrow at the scene playing out in front of you.
You snake a hand down to your core and palm yourself through your silk pyjama shorts and groan as your fingers brush over your throbbing clit. Your hand situates itself under your shorts to rub tight, quick circles over your clit as you watch the women on the bed grinding down onto each other through their clothes as they get messier and sloppier. Ellie is attacking Abby's neck with kisses as Abby palms her through her thin t-shirt, you're so entranced by their show and the sensation of your fingers rubbing against yourself that you don't notice they've both stopped to look at you standing in the corner.
"Having fun over there?" Abby raises her eyebrows at you as you smile back.
"Oh come on she just needs some attention." Ellie asserts as she gazes at you over her shoulder. "C'mere babe."
You alluringly saunter over to them as they watch with matching panting breaths that causes their mouths to hang open a little, they're so fixed on your movements that as your press a thumb into each of their mouths they simply take your thumb into it and suck.
"Oh god you are both breathtaking." You purr as you pull your thumb from Ellie's lips, she pouts for a second and you smile before pulling her into an almost painful kiss, your teeth clashed together as your tongues swirled around each others mouth, you bit her bottom lip and pull back dragging her lip out with you. Her eyes shoot open in surprise and you let go with a chuckle as her lip goes back to its place.
"Hey." Abby almost whispers as you feel her hand on your cheek mirroring yours that had migrated from her mouth as you kissed Ellie, you turn to her and you kissed her differently to Ellie, steadily, gently as you straddle her hips. You press your hips into hers and grind down so slow and hard your breath catches in your throat at the friction lighting sparks in your centre, it made you feel like a teenager again dry-humping and making out but its different now as you're being watched by a hypnotised Ellie, her breaths are low and heavy as she watches you and Abby, and she jumps as if she's been caught when you turn around and reach for her.
She crawls over and lays down next to Abby so they're both underneath you, you kiss both their noses and take it in turns to kiss down their necks until Ellie grabs you by your shoulders to shift out from underneath you, you watch confused until she she comes to the side of the bed and yanks you off of Abby, she's completely silent with a face that shows no hints as to what she's planning, you and Abby are both stunned at Ellie's dominance as your mind casts back to the night where she jumped you at Abby's, her strength was unnerving because with Abby you expected it but Ellie's strength shocked you, it still did now as she was holding you in place with one arm as she ripped your matching silk pyjama top over your head only to flip you and immediately push your body down to the mattress so you're bent over in front of her. Your bed is set on a small platform and the mattress and bed together sit quite high so you have to go on your tiptoes to still be able to touch the floor, Ellie observes your struggle and smirks as her eyes lazily fall on Abby who is still stunned.
"Strip and sit in front of her, she's gonna make you feel good. Right babe?" You're a little zoned out so provide no response to Ellie, she lands a harsh slap to your ass and you jolt with a loud gasp. "Gonna make Abby feel good, aren't you?"
You nod but her face grows frustrated as she pinches you on the back of your thigh. "Words."
"Yes." You snip at her unsure of how to react at Ellie's sudden change in demeanour. "Come on babe you know how quick I can make you cum." You smile as Abby rolls her eyes, stands up and strips her clothing torturously slowly, you're practically drooling by the time Abby sits in front of you, her full naked form on display for you to admire. You were distracted by the feel of Ellie shifting her hands to lift your hips and yank down your shorts, she's gentle as she helps you step out of them and the sudden changes keep you paralysed in the position she put you in.
"She's so wet Abby oh my god." Ellie speaks as if you aren't between the two of them as she lazily thrusts two fingers into your hole, you moan as the sudden intrusion takes you by surprise and her fingers pause their ministrations inside you. "Shut up and get to work."
You and Abby exchange a look and she raises her eyebrows at you as she pursed her lips trying not to smile, you grumble at the two women but immediately hum contently when you're faced with Abby's dripping heat. You wrap your arms around her strong thighs and pull her closer as you bite and kiss at her thighs, Ellie's long fingers begin thrusting into you again, this time fast and hard and you bit down on Abby's inner thigh so hard she yelped and shot an unamused look at you.
"Sorry." You mumble through giggles before diving at her and sucking her clit with a might, her thigh muscles tense and you dig your nails further into them as you feel Ellie's unoccupied hand rubbing at your throbbing bud. The more Ellie intensifies her attack, the more you intensify yours desperate to get Abby to cum before you do. You feel the signature shaking of her thighs as they clamp down on your head and you sneak your middle and ring finger into her dripping hole, within what felt like seconds she was crying out and grabbing at your hair to pull you away, you follow straight after Abby and press your face into the bed as your orgasm washes over you so hard you see white. Ellie's fingers gently pull out of you and she bends over and presses open-mouthed kisses up your spine as she rubs at your shoulders. You catch your breath and then turn your head to meet her eyes. "Abby go get your strap babe." You mutter and she climbs off the bed so quick she almost trips. “El get on the bed, head on the pillows love.” She looks at you bewildered by how quickly you go back to your usual self, bossing them both about.
Both of them do their respective tasks and as Abby returns to you with the strap already harnessed to her hips you arch your back and lean down to press a kiss to Ellie’s clothed cunt. “Take all this off.” She whips off her t-shirt and lifts her hips to help you shuffle her bottoms off of her, you wiggle your hips at Abby as your mouth is already occupied at Ellie’s core and her hands find their place at your hips as she pushes into you slowly. You hum into Ellie’s pussy as Abby bottoms out inside of you and starts to thrust in and out pressing breathtaking kisses to your cervix, you moan and pant and Ellie takes this as an opportunity to grab at the back of your neck to hold you in place as she grinds herself down onto your tongue. The room is filled with a symphony of your heavy breaths, whines and moans as the friction from the strap is making all of her nerves feel like they’re on fire, you were barely on the planet as Abby mercilessly pounded into you. Ellie was groaning as her motions quickened and you were on the biggest high of your life, this, this was why you did everything you did. This is why you’re okay to leave.
You’re so encompassed by your thoughts of them you don’t notice Abby reaching for something. You cry into Ellie as Abby turns on your wand vibrator at its highest setting. “Fuck.” You drawl out, it comes at as a muffled whine and Ellie and Abby both exchange a look of need at your sounds. They weren’t even sure what they needed but Abby leant over you pushing impossibly further in as you screamed and Ellie sat up to join their lips together in a heated kiss.
“I wanna fuck her too.” Ellie whispers onto Abby’s lips which Abby smiles at.
“There’s a present in there for you, she’s always prepared.” At Abby’s words Ellie sits back and uses your face until her orgasm hits her like a brick wall, her body tensing so hard it hurt and then going limp as she recovered from the high. You followed almost immediately as Abby fucked you through your second orgasm until you were trembling and quiet. You laid there and noted Ellie scooting off of the bed but didn’t bother to further investigate, Abby’s hand rubbed soothing circles over your back as she leant down to make eye contact with you. “You still in there?”
“Don’t even start, I am thriving.” Your voice is hoarse and quiet but strong and Abby smiles at your arrogance.
“Good, you’re gonna wish you had tapped out though.” Abby smiles menacingly and you frown as you try to make sense of her words until your ears prick at the sound of something being ripped open. You turn to face the noise and see Ellie holding the strap on you had bought her, it was the same size as Abby’s, 8 inches, but hers was purple, she licked her lips and fumbled with the strap’s harnesses, you watch her until Abby scoops you up from your place so she can lay down, placing you on top of her so your chests are pressed together, she gently grabs your chin between her thumb and index finger to pull you into a sweet kiss and that makes your cheeks burn, she pulls away and feathers her fingers over your cheek as she looks at you with the most loving look in her eyes.
“Need you to help me out really quick.”
“Yeah I got you.” She holds out her hand and you exchange a small high-five, a habit that started as you annoying her that became unironic all too quick, then you sit up and raise yourself on shaky legs to align Abby’s strap with your needy cunt, you sink down onto it and gasp as she bottoms out inside you, she gives you a second to adjust and then she pulls you down to her so you’re once again pressed together as she sucks and nips at your neck and jaw. You had bruises and red marks everywhere, scratches and bite marks also, you looked like you had been beat up but to Abby and Ellie you were their masterpiece, they had marks to match yours, often worse than yours, they always held back but you… you didn’t know how to do that. That’s why Abby wasn’t shocked when she felt your nails digging into the back of her shoulder as Ellie prodded her strap at your tight hole while spreading your cheeks with her large hands and squeezing so hard red hand prints remained.
“You don’t have to do this, you can say no at anytime. “ Ellie spoke in a stern voice.
“I know, I’m good. Stop stalling… pussy.” The last word rolls off your tongue like venom and you smile deviously at her, you stomach filled with butterflies as you watched her face grow dark and her eyes dart down to focus on stuffing her strap into a space entirely too small for it. Abby soothes you as you whine and cry as the pain of both your holes being stuffed is almost too much to handle but when Ellie is buried inside of you and stills to let you get used to the impossibly full feeling you feel sparks of ecstasy igniting your body, you shiver and your eyes water as you begin to shuffle a little to help the throbbing in your core.
“Knew you’d like it you depraved slut.” Ellie spits through a shit-faced grin and you can only moan as they both begin thrusting in unison deep and hard.
“You really are a bad girl aren’t you?” Abby chimes in with a smirk that matches Ellie’s as you struggle to catch your breath at their unwavering rhythms.
“D-don’t get too cocky now. Remember who you’re speaking to.” You choke out a small laugh and they join you. “That was hot though.”
Abby mouths an ‘Oh’ as she raises her eyebrows at you before smiling into a sweet kiss that completely juxtaposes the pace of her rough thrusts, they had both been speeding up gradually and you were so close to the kind of orgasm that feels like a spiritual experience. Ellie leans down and turns your face to share a kiss with you also, the gentleness and intimacy of the moment tinting your view pink. You moan into her mouth and pull away to grab onto the pillows beside Abby’s head to give yourself some leverage as you succumb to a mind-shattering finish that leaves you entirely done for the night.
“That was beautiful.” Ellie comments as she pulls out slowly. “Sorry.” She mutters as you wince a little but stay still for her. She begins removing the harness as Abby flips you both over gently so she can also pull out of you, they move in unison as they each grab the harnesses and placing them in the bath to be cleaned later then Abby gets a fluffy towel and soaks it with warm water as Ellie goes to get some drinks for you all. Abby walks back over to you from the en-suite and sits down next to you while tracing her knuckles up and down your thigh.
“Spread ‘em… please.” You chuckle at her but comply with her request as she wipes you down gently. “I’ll be back.”
“That sounded daunting.”
“Do you have an off switch?” She says over her shoulder as she walks to the bathroom to wash herself off quickly also. Ellie rejoins you and climbs onto the bed handing you a bottle of water and kissing your cheek.
“Are you okay? Sorry if I was too rough.” She sounded worried and you smiled at how quickly she had returned to the Ellie you were used to.
“I’m fine, that was everything I needed.” You peck her on the nose and she smiles as her cheeks redden, Abby walks back into the room and comes to lay behind you pressing her front to your back and burying her face in your hair as she sighs into you.
There was a comfortable silence as you all recharged and took comfort in the entanglement of your bodies. Tomorrow was a busy day so you revelled in the peace you felt between them and thought about all the times that will be like this in the future and the thoughts lulled you into a deep sleep.
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morose-melodies · 2 years
how to defeat a giant | yandere! fatui harbingers x reader
part 1 part 2 part 3
previously/part 1: the harbingers fear that one day their archon will have no use for them, so they all agree to remove their archon's power with the help of dottore.
summary/part 2: after being locked away for so long and always being under the watch of the fatui, you try to run away.
content warning: blood, obsession, graphic detail (?)
taglist: @jessicausui @carrotlizzard @mellowwillowy @nymphxlia @rainycyclearcade @vixcafe
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this must be how a bird in a cage feels.
gazing out of their cage knowing they can not get out. it was upsetting and degrading. it was depriving but the thing you wanted most you couldn't get.
you watched as the snow fell slowly, your cheek pressed against the cold window as you imagined yourself outside and away from the harbingers.
your breath fogged up the window as you sighed and pulled away from the window, looking outside only seemed to do more harm than good.
it made you feel nostalgic in the worst way possible, in a way that made you want to bash open the window and jump out, just to feel the cold air and snow against your skin all while knowing you'd get injured from the fall.
but it would be worth it, for the moment that the air touched your skin and then the snow, it would be worth it if you could be outside for just a few seconds.
it would be worth it.
the pain would very worth your freedom, or at least a few minutes of freedom.
it would be worth it.
it would be.
"are you feeling well, your majesty?" you slightly backed away from the window, turning to see PANTALONE standing at the doorway, with a bowl of soup in hand.
"no, I'm not." you stood up slowly and walked over to pantalone, taking the bowl from him and setting it onto your dresser, "so why do you keep asking if I feel well?"
"it's merely instinct," pantalone replied before he adjusted his coat and turned to the door, "where are the others?" you asked just before he left.
"it's only columbina and I at the moment, why?" pantalone pauses at the doorway and glances back at you, a questioning look on his face.
"I was just wondering because it seemed so quiet today," you muster up a fake smile and that caused pantalone to smile before leaving your room and locking the door behind himself.
you glanced down into the bowl of soup before back at the window and decided you'd let the soup cool down for a while before eating it.
is a nearly fatal injury worth freedom? you pondered as you sat down in front of the window once again.
yes. you concluded that you'd do anything for freedom. anything.
and that included throwing your bowl of soup at the window as hard as you could.
adrenaline filled your body as the bowl shattered upon contact with the window and soup covered the window and floor.
you hastily approached the window and checked for any cracks and fortunately, there was a small crack.
you didn't even think before you began throwing anything and everything at the window, which causes a lot of noise and a large mess.
but you didn't care.
and with one last hit to the window, the base of a lamp it shattered, glass covering the floor but you didn't think about it as you dragged yourself through the window, which left multiple cuts on your body and tore your clothes.
as the adrenaline wore off, you were forced to acknowledge how high up you were and how badly the fall would injure you.
you released a shaky breath, your hands tightening around the window frame, which caused the glass to dig further into your hands.
then there was the telltale sound of your door opening, followed by a gasp and then pleading. it was columbina.
but all sounds faded as you took a deep breath and jumped.
everything was so cold.
your eyes fluttered open, as cold air brushed against the tip of your nose. you sat up slowly, your hit and shoulder aching.
but you made it.
you felt calm and collected despite what you had to do to get there. but it wouldn't be soon before the harbingers came out for you.
you forced yourself to stand, and began to move, aimlessly, through the cold snow, toward the forest behind the palace.
"your majesty! please wait," COLUMBINA cried as she pushed through the snow to get towards you. you glanced back for less than a second before you began running.
fear overcoming your body. fear that you'd lose your newfound freedom.
"your majesty, did I do something wrong?!" she struggled to reach you through the thick snow, as she reached out to you.
you ran faster, into the forest, hearing columbina's footsteps before fainter and fainter the farther in you got.
"please come back! I love you!" she cried, her voice cracking before her footsteps came to a halt.
you wanted to stop and comfort her, just as she did you for the past month, but you knew better than to do that.
she couldn't be trusted.
though her cries were pitiful, you thought as you slowed down and dropped to your knees, taking in deep and shaking breaths.
she never did anything wrong, quite the contrary, actually, she comforted you whenever you required comfort.
you leaned onto a tree and took a deep breath, as snow continued to fall around you.
there was a faint knock on the door, which was met with no reply.
of course, dottore thought, of course, you wouldn't answer. DOTTORE twisted the door knob and looked into your room- your cage.
but what he saw in your room wasn't you, but a large mess. he opened the door and walked in, taking in the mess- the broken glass, the soup on the floor, the broken window, and drops of blood on the ground.
you were gone. dottore took in a sharp breath as he looked around, while fear grew inside of his body.
dottore approached the window and kneeled in front of the drops of blood, running a finger across it.
did someone take you by force? if not, why is there blood?
he stood up and looked out of the window and sure enough, there was a faint print of a body in the snow.
he turned to the door and left, making his way outside and from there he followed your faint footsteps into the forest.
dottore was determined to find you and bring you back, no matter what it took, or matter how much he'd have to fight you- he would bring you back.
because love comes in all shapes and forms.
"our majesty has gone missing."
the harbingers reacted in their special ways, though all of their reactions were laced with grief, unbelief, and shock.
PIERRO'S eye briskly roamed across the group of harbingers and noticed that two were missing, even though he made his request to see all the harbingers hours earlier.
tardiness would not be tolerated in such situations.
he turned to the fatui soldier that guarded the door and asked, "where are dottore and columbina? did my message not reach them?"
the soldiers straightened his back and replied, "we were unable to find them, lord harbinger. forgive me for the inconvenience."
pierro narrowed his eyes before turbine back to the harbingers, "our majesty will not last long in such critical conditions. so, forget about everything you were doing beforehand and focus on finding our most noble majesty."
ARLECCHINO and PANTALONE never really got along, but on this day, they needed to get along- for you.
the two went up to your room, in uncomfortable silence as it finally sunk in for the both of them, that you were really gone and there was a chance they'd never see you again.
"you said you were the last to see our majesty? it that true?" arlecchino questioned pantalone as she walked into your room, looking around at the mess.
"yes. I gave our majesty a bowl of soup... but apparently, our majesty never ate it," he motioned to the soup on the floor which was partially dried up.
"hmm, what a shame," arlecchino mumbled, as she looked out the window, to see faint footsteps leading to the forest "our majesty may be in the forest, look."
pantalone glanced out the window and also saw the footsteps. he turned and walked out the door, saying, "we must hurry. I couldn't imagine a life without our majesty."
arlecchino followed after pantalone and the two of them went towards the forest.
arlecchino was silent throughout the walk, though she didn't visit you as much as the others, she really, really loved you and was starting to feel some sort of guilt from not visiting you.
"there are extra footprints, perhaps our majesty was taken away," pantalone comments, and arlecchino nearly busted into a fit of rage at the comment.
but instead took in a deep breath and kept walking.
this wasn't a good moment for you, but a great moment for CHILDE. oh, how he loved the thrill of searching for you.
it was exciting and childe couldn't wait for the moment when he actually found you. "your majesty? where could you possibly be?" childe called out.
"be quiet for just one second!" SANDRONE scowled, as she kneeled to the ground and inspected the small drops of blood on the ground, "this could be our majesty's blood."
childe approached sandrone and asked "meaning?"
"our majesty could be very injured... if that's the case our majesty may not make it through the night, all alone." sandrone's eyes dropped and a frown grew on her face.
"oh, so we must find out majesty immediately!" childe was determined to find you, no matter what it took, because where was the fun in not finding you?
"childe! continue following the footprints," sandrone hissed as she stood up and followed after your footprints.
little did she know, those were columbina's footprints.
it's been hours since the harbingers first began looking for you, and you watched it all go down from a tree.
it seemed to be the safest place to be, you could see almost all of the harbingers roaming around the forest looking for you, except for capitano and pierro.
the snowfall was beautiful from your view and would be even more beautiful if the harbingers weren't around.
one day, you'd be able to watch the snowfall whenever you liked, without the harbingers around.
one day, you're going to run off to sumaru and live there. one day, you'll be free but not today, not yet.
you had no way to get around the harbingers and run because they'd catch you before you could make it to town, no doubt about it.
you kicked your legs back and forth as you watched columbina pause, a lift a hand to cover her face.
how sad.
you watched as childe walked around menacingly. you've heard him talking about hunting you down but you doubted he'd ever consider that you were in a tree.
sandrone seemed distant, to everything and everyone.
dottore started off looking for you, hours ago, but went back in, seemingly forgetting that he was looking for you.
arlecchino seemed on the edge, her hands pocketed and her eyes weary as she looked for you and called out to you in a shaky voice.
pantalone walked with his head lowered but you didn't understand why. he was always quite hard to understand but now he's even harder to understand now that you're human.
how long would it be before they left? you were getting colder and you were getting tired, but you didn't regret running away until you felt a hand wrap around your ankle.
you were in a pretty high tree, and the only harbinger tall enough to even have a chance of reaching you was CAPITANO.
"forgive me for what I'm about to do, your majesty," you stifled a scream as he pulled you down from the tree.
his arms securely wrapped around you once you were out of the tree before he said, "I've missed you, your majesty- please don't scream."
he placed a hand over your mouth, before continuing, "lord pierro requested that he be the first to see you once you've been found, so please don't bring attention to yourself, your majesty."
you struggled in his hold, twisting and turning despite what he said because you didn't want to go back but when his hold on you didn't falter you cried.
you tried to kick him, poke him and punch him but he never released you, "your majesty... please," capitano whispered, his voice low as he squeezed your arm in his hand.
"-go! let me go! stop-"
with an agitated sigh, capitano sat you on the ground, his body towering over you as he kneeled in front of you, "stop it, you're making this difficult for the both of us."
a stray tear ran down your cheek and capitano frowned, though you couldn't see it. "now, your majesty, will you come with me?" he held a hand out to you and waited for your response.
"okay... but can you promise me something?" this is a trick you've used on most of the harbingers, you don't have any real reason to do it, but it makes you feel in power.
capitano nodded, "I really like the apples in this forest... like those," you pointed a little past capitano and he looked before nodding, "whenever you can, will you pick some apples for me?"
"of course, your majesty." capitano nodded once again and you placed your hand into his, he helped you up and lifted you into his arms again and this time you didn't fight.
during the walk back to the palace, dottore was leaving just as capitano and you were entering, "oh, there you are," dottore grinned, reaching out to you and pinching your cheek, "you had everyone so worried."
your eyes narrowed at dottore and he released a soft chuckle, "there's no need to hold grudges, your majesty," dottore glanced at your bare feet and the blood soles of your feet, "send our majesty to me once you finished."
that was the last thing dottore said before turning and walking back into the palace, seeing no point in going back to the forest.
capitano brought you to pierro just as he requested. he knocked on pierro's door and pierro said, "come in."
capitano entered and the moment pierro saw you his eye widened, "what has happened to you, your majesty?" he approached you, placing a hand against your cold cheek.
capitano sat you on the couch and left.
pierro was torn to shreds once seeing you, "you look horrible, your majesty. are you in any pain," his hand ran across your cheek slowly and shakily.
the pity you saw in his eyes almost made you upset, could he not tell that you tried to run away because you didn't want to be here?
you nod.
"then it seems ill have to cut our reunion short and send you to dottore," pierro spoke with a caring undertone as he lifted you from the couch and brought you to dottore's laboratory.
the door opened and dottore smiled as he took you in his arms, and laid you on his table. "thank you, pierro," dottore said before shutting the door.
"your majesty," dottore circled the table, his hand running across the wounds on your body, "have you ever considered that you could die?"
you shook your head, "it's impossible."
"now is it? perhaps when you were an archon, but now you're just a human, you're just like me... do you truly think it's impossible?"
"please, dottore. don't try, please just fix my injuries," you begged and dottore nodded, "of course, I'll help you, your majesty."
dottore is a liar!
a completely untrustworthy man, why do you even trust him at times? your frustration seemed to only get stronger as you acknowledged that you were once again in your room.
the window has been fixed and now there are bars over the window. your room has been cleaned, everything was back to normal.
except for your body.
some 'temporary' changes were made, due to dottore's experiment. firstly, you could not die, which caused dottore much joy, secondly, he temporarily paralyzed you with some odd plant from sumaru.
he said it was just a precaution.
but all it really is is cruel.
columbina and sandrone are by your side, of course, they usually always are and you've never had a problem with it, but on this day, you do have a problem with it.
you don't want to be touched, bothered, or sung to, but what could you do?
sandrone was gentle as she touched you, she was even somewhat hesitant to touch you, "I am truly sorry, your majesty. I'm sorry that we made you want to run away," sandrone whispered and placed a small kiss against your cheek.
columbina sang to you, her hand holding onto yours but after a few minutes when she saw that you were still crying. her singing usually brought your tears to a stop.
but not this time so she stopped singing, as she realized; a song wouldn't soothe the ache in your heart.
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wazzappp · 9 months
Retroviruses got me fucked up
@moosemonstrous are u ready for a dissertation? I hope so.
people who followed me for art I'm so sorry
ALRIGHT so we're gonna cover a couple areas.
General information about retroviruses.
Details about The Corruption and theories about how it works inside the body.
SPECIFICALLY ROBBIES viral weird shit. Cause what he has going on is even more fucked up than normal fucked up. Fucked up squared.
Me ranting about skin necrosis and why I shouldn't have just. Thown it in there because I thought it would look fucky wucky.
As most people know, a virus is a cell that enters the body of a host and alters its DNA to turn that hosts cells into virus making factories. This is what allows viruses to duplicate and spread through the body so quickly. But whats that? 'What makes retroviruses different from other viruses?' I hear you asking? WELL EXCELLENT QUESTION THATS A PERFECT PLACE TO START. A retrovirus is different because its method of self duplication involves an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. This makes retroviral infection PERMANENT. Even if the virus is defeated by the immune system, those changes stick around. The phrasing used was 'ipso facto mutagenic' meaning 'by the fact itself/inevitable'.
...Which is kinda metal honestly I want it on a tee shirt (definetly not thinking of Amadeus saying that to Robbie as he tries his best to explain theres no way to undo whats going on with him. nahhhh angst don't got a hold on me like that [<- vibrating])
'Ohhh but if those genetic changes never go away, doesn't that mean that those viruses will get passed on through peoples children?' ASKING SUCH GOOD QUESTIONS TODAY MY MUTUAL BECAUSE THE ANSWER IS YES. Once a retrovirus codes itself into a hosts gnome, its called a provirus (pro gamer move right there) Fun (not fun) fact around 8% of the human gnome is made of proviruses. These are called endogenous viruses, and for the most part they just kinda sit there and stay dormant. TERRIFYINGLY, other viral infections can trigger these endogenous viruses out of dormancy. As for what actually causes a provirus to go dormant uhhhhhhhh I dunno. Couldn't find an answer in my research someone make me look stupid with an answer please because I wanna know.
Ok now lets talk about the immune system a little bit. There are a few different kind of cells at work (hehehehehe) that help to fight viruses and other infections in the body. The first are Cytotoxic T cells or Killer T Cells. These are the cells that directly destroy cells displaying genetic patterns they recognize as bad. Next we have CD+4 Cells (Helper T Cells) which act as a library that stores information about how to identify an infected cell, and shares that information with other Killer T cells once one figures it out. Then there are the Regulatory T cells which suppress your immune responses to maintain homeostasis. They're what (USUALLY) stops your immune system from killing you while trying to clear a virus. Last there are Macrophage. CELLS AT WORK MAID MILFS- I mean cells that clear the debris that remain after the Killer T Cells are done destroying them.
Retroviruses have two primary ways of either side-stepping the immune system or just. Overwhelming it completely. Acutely transforming retroviruses do just that. They reproduce too quickly for Killer T cells to destroy them all and exhaust the system. The second type are called Non Acute Retroviruses. They camouflage viral particles as immune cells to suppress the immune system. For example, HLTV-1 is a retrovirus that disguises itself as a Regulatory T cell to artificially suppress the immune response thats trying to kill it.
HTLV-1 is really interesting because most of the time patients are asymptomatic, but 5% can graduate to HTLV-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis, which affects the spinal cord and white matter of the central nervous system. This usually results in the weakening of lower extremities and sometimes total bowl/bladder control loss. It suckkssssss (but is also a retrovirus that affects the central nervous system so were circling back to it later 👀).
I've said previously that The Corruption has potential for a retrovirus that affects the central nervous system by degrading the brains ability to regulate muscular contraction, while also pumping out a ton of cortisol and adrenaline to encourage 'hysterical strength'.
Now I did a little more research about Hypoglycemia and combined with the nerve damage people would likely die from cardiac arrhythmia, which is a life threatening kind of ventricular fibrillation. Long and short, it means their hearts don't have the proper energy and stimulation to keep beating properly, so they stop beating in sync. This results in insufficient blood flow to vital areas like the brain, and combined with the inadequate blood sugar, this would result in very fast brain death.
Let's talk about the immune systems response to this Corruption retrovirus. We would most likely see lots of inflammation, and with the main focus being on nerve cell this would probably result in meningitis, which is inflammation of the tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord. If left untreated this could result in a coma and then death. So we're seeing a SHIT ton of pressure on the brain and central nervous system. Which is like. VERY BAD for a person. We're talking brain death very very fast.
As for how the virus would target the nervous system directly we could look to real world examples like rabies (ahhhh rabies. can never get away from you). The virus would attach to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, which are what turns chemical signals into electrical signals in your nerves. It would then spread through the axons of the central nervous system and eventually reach the brain. We could also pull a rabies with 'once you see symptoms it's too late' which I, personally, find fucking terrifying.
In terms of the virus losing its effectiveness once outside the body of a Demon/Kaiju we would likely need to look at the anatomy of a retrovirus itself. The outermost area is composed of envelope spikes, which tell the cell to let it in. After that is an envelope protein which plays an important role in complete virus particle (virion) assembly. Theres then a protein shell that contains reverse transcriptase and the RNA gnome that it will use to recode a host cell. If this virus evolved to survive in an environment that is always warm (hell. lol. lmao.) it might not be prepared to deal with these colder temperatures in our world. This could result in damage to the protective protein barriers and cause damage to the real important parts, the RNA and reverse transcriptase. This would mean that the virus would not be near as effective as a fully intact retrovirus cell.
The Corruption could be an endogenous virus thats embedded into the Demon/Kaiju gnome that wouldn't affect them, but would absolutely affect us because we haven't seen them before.
alright guys this is where we put the FI into SCIFI cause your about to read a whole lot of nonsense sentences.
Robbie. Robbie is fucking WEIRD in EVERY universe and this shit is absolutely not different. Him being exposed to that previously mentioned damaged version of the virus from a young age might not give him true immunity but it would give him SOMETHING to work with. His immune system is at least slightly familiar with it and at this point whatever damaged version he came into contact with has already established itself as a provirus in him.
The Corruption thats established itself in The Charger is different.
Like I mentioned in my first diagram, I think there was a chemical reaction that stabilized the corrosive aspect of The Corruption, but this reaction would also have had an effect on the retroviral properties of the Demon/Kaiju material. ESPECIALLY when we add Eli into the mix.
Now, I think generally the amount of radiation that these viruses would be exposed to would kill them (if you believe viruses are alive. there is some MEGA debate going on about that). But if the corruption was just stabilized/hardened on the outside and left squishy and organic on the inside, that would successfully protect everything. And whats that organic squishyness on the inside? EXCELLENT QUESTION AGAIN. If Eli died while inside The Charger then it's not a stretch to think his DNA would have been incorporated and stored via through the natural processes of the retrovirus as a provirus. And so you end up with the genetic mixture of a horrifying creature capable of heinous acts, and a Demon/Kaiju. WITH retroviral properties. Dear god.
Robbie would get exposed to this the very first time he enters the Charger. Because of his semi-immunity + genetic relation to Eli he would likely be able to overcome the more meatsuit damaging aspects of this mixture and just get right through the genome editing without much fuss from his immune system. We would still have a certain degree of damage to his nervous system which allows for that change in strength that would occur in usual examples of the virus (maybe some added aggression from mild influence in his amygdala), but not to a deadly degree. Honestly this shit would barely classify as a virus its just. A nightmare mutagen at this point. So while some of his gnome would remain fairly the same, a good 30% to 50% is megafucked.
Changing Robbies genotype to this degree will naturally result in a change to his phenotype! For the sake of fun were gonna ignore stem cells and their weirdness (for now. I just need to stew on it a little longer and I can make up some bullshit I'm sure). The damage his muscles would experience from less regulated signals would mean they experience muscle tears and subsequent muscle growth. For usual muscle damage from exercise this takes a few days, so if we wanted to keep with that timeline it could be interesting to introduce some minorly sped up healing. That would also be fun for reactivating the growth plates in his bones to allow him to become bigger and taller overall (boring body horror my beloved @cicada-candy that term is never leaving).
THEN you can get into some of the fucky wuckier traits like tapetum lucidum and TEEF. TEEEEEEFFFF. The teeth in particular could go a few different ways. You could just have growth and development of the canines resume until they become elongated and more prominant. OR. You could replace the teeth with bony protrusions from the skull that would push out the original canines and grow in their place. Because of the time it takes for bones to heal your looking at this happening around 20 weeks out. Literally any fun trait you want to take from Demon/Kaiju could apply here.
The most important part would be the nerve bundles on his spine that would be used to bluetooth to The Charger (<- this is a nonsense sentence. I am aware of this). These would provide faster communication with the charger and (theoretically) more intuitive movement, while also allowing him to eventually controlling the charger from the outside. Please note that this would cause EXTREME STRESS to his nervous system. It would be like a person trying to flex a muscle the size of another person for the first time. LEARNING PROCESS. TAKE IT SLOW OR HAVE AN ANEURYSM.
Which leads me to the youtuber apology part of this.
Skin necrosis is a result of the mass death of skin cells that is furthered by the damage to blood cells. This usually results in a blackened, leathery texture to the necrosed skin. I SHOULD HAVE NEVER EVEN MENTIONED THIS.
What I SHOULD have done is said 'hmm ah yes it would make more sense for some protective covering over these nerve concentrations to either come from materials in Robbies body or to mutate into the skin of the Demon/Kaiju'. This is why we do sufficient research before getting back on our bullshit, wazz (mental note mental note mental note mental note).
I am quite partial to the idea of that stronger/thicker Demon skin/armor growing under Robbies skin and it just itches and burns until he cant ignore it anymore. And then he can pull off. Whatever skin is on the top of it. HEHHEHEHOHOHOHO DELICOUS MENTAL IMAGE of him panicking because he just wanted to scratch his back but now theres blood on his hands and skin sloughing off and dear fucking lord how did he get to this point in his life (<- I daydream about normal things guys don't worry. very average things).
ANYWAY uhhhh if you made it this far I love you. Legit. Have a cookie. Take a nap. Have a happy holidaze <3.
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x gender neutral!reader
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After Maeve
- after Maeve’s tragic murder, Spencer isolated himself in his apartment for a while
- in the two weeks he didnt leave his apartment, he was left multiple gift baskets by Penelope, and every member of the team came to visit at least once, only to be met by an unanswered door
- Spencer had gotten used to the knocks at his door followed by the voices of his friends offering their support, he never had the strength to reply verbally, but he appreciated their visits
- one day, though, a knock was followed by a voice he hadnt heard before
“Umm...hello? Is anybody home?”
- Spencer lifted himself from the couch and travelled the great distance for his front door. looking through the peephole, he saw a woman that he didnt recognise, holding a plate with a towel tenting slightly over it
- she looked worried. that was enough to override Spencer’s grief as his FBI instincts took over and he opened the door
- she grinned at him with an expression of intense relief
“O-Oh! Hello! I wasnt expecting you to answer the door, my name is (Y/N).”
“Who are you?”
- Spencer was beyond confused, but when he saw the blush that lit up your face, he wondered if his question seemed harsh or rude
“I-I live just across the hall, I moved in last week and ever since, I’ve seen people come and go from your door- a blonde woman with glasses brings baskets regularly. A-At first, because nobody ever answered the door, I thought maybe whoever lived here passed away and they were leaving things in your memory. B-But they talked to you through the door sometimes, I noticed on my way to and from work. So I thought, well, you must have gone through something terrible and I wouldnt be a very good neighbour if I didnt try to help- I know it isnt my place and Im sorry if Im oversteppi- I made some cookies but u-uh you dont have to tell me anything, I just thought- oh god Im sorry, I’ll just go.”
- your explanation was hurried, panicked and somewhat guilty as you attempted to speed walk back to your apartment
- Spencer called as loudly as he could manage, you turned to face him, still clutching the towel-covered plate that he now knew to be hiding freshly baked cookies
“You dont know me, we’ve never even...”
- he couldnt bring himself to finish his sentence. never even met, just like her
- tears stung his eyes, his voice left him
- immediately, you noticed the changes in his body language and you scrambled over to him, placing the plate of cookies on the floor among the baskets
“Can I hug you? Is that alright?”
- Spencer nodded and you didnt take another second to think before you pulled him into your arms
- as soon as you embraced him, his tears broke free and rolled down his cheeks
- much to his surprise, the hug didnt feel awkward at all. it was the most comfort he had allowed himself to receive
- he felt more comfortable with someone who didnt know him, didnt know the details of what happened to him. you were someone new, someone who had never known him before he had been in this state; you had no expectations of him, no loyalties or personal care towards him, so he could break in front of you
“Shhh, it’s alright, you’re ok. Take some deep breaths for me.”
- your voice was so soothing to him, the first one he’d really heard ever since that gunshot
- Spencer nodded into your shoulder and pulled away from you slightly, which was your signal to let go of him
- he wiped his tears while you picked up the plate of cookies and gave them to him
“Like I said, you dont have to tell me anything, but these are for you. Im right across the hall if you need me.”
- and you were
- at least once a week, you would knock on Spencer’s door and deliver him a new batch of some homemade baked goods
- cookies, cakes, banana breads, anything!
- sometimes Spencer didnt have the strength to answer the door. on those days, you’d leave the plate of food at his door, run back to your apartment, handwrite a quick note with a pen, then run back to his door to place the note on top of the plate. that way he’d still get a little bit of conversation from you, even if he didnt have the strength to answer
- he couldnt describe the combination of appreciation and guilt
- on the one hand, you were ridiculously sweet to him, unconditionally caring towards someone who was little more than a stranger to you, at a time when he really needed a friend
- on the other hand though, you were working tirelessly all day and then coming home to immediately bake him something more than once a week, he didnt think he deserved that, and the closer you got to him the more in danger you were
- that mentality continued throughout your friendship
- you two naturally drifted closer than friends did, but every time Spencer noticed, he would retract into himself
- he thought he was protecting you, but in reality he was hurting you
- he didnt realise just how much pain he was causing until you confessed your feelings and broke down crying because you thought your obvious feelings for him had been making him uncomfortable
- that’s when he told you about Maeve
- it wasnt easy for him, even after knowing you over sixth months
- he cried, you cried, it was a very emotional moment
- he assured you that he did care about you a lot, more than he would for a friend, but he was just so broken
- you held him until he stopped crying, and then you told him something that changed his whole perspective
“Spencer, it is impossible for history to repeat itself. You can hit me with any statistic you want, but the fact is, no matter how similar an event may be to another, the people involved, the time, the day, the context- it would all be different, and therefore not a repeat at all. What happened to Maeve will not happen to me.”
- he knew you were right, and your words did reassure him, but his heart was still wounded; it was scarred
- somehow, without him having to say anything, you knew exactly what he needed to hear
“I dont want a relationship, not now, and not ever unless you are completely ready. Patience is as easy as breathing when it comes to love, Spence, so I dont mind waiting.”
- and that was that, you two had come to an understanding
- over time, Spencer allowed himself to venture closer to you, emotionally as well as physically
- your presence was comforting enough that once he calmed down, he wasnt afraid of the feelings he had for you
- you explained to him randomly one day that part of you was worried he only thought he had feelings for you because you had helped him heal, in the sense of sexual transference syndrome
- while you were rambling about this and essentially inventing a cop-out for Spencer just in case he didnt actually love you, he placed his hands on your shoulders to stop you walking beside him, and kissed you
- he then took a few steps, acting as though he was casually continuing to walk, while you stood frozen, in a daze
- Spencer gave you a dazzling grin, like the swoon-worthy interest in a cheesy romance movie
- without a word, you reflected his grin back at him, and took the few steps necessary to catch up with him
- the two of you began walking side by side again in silence, avoiding eye contact bashfully
- you gingerly reached out your hand and nudged his ever so gently
- Spencer smiled to himself and interlaced his fingers with yours
- and that was just the beginning
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starseneyes · 2 years
Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 11
"The Naked and the Dead" AKA "Chenford is SOOOO married"
SPOILER WARNING: I will spoil the entire episode, likely the entire show, and I am addicted to details. Please proceed with caution.
Everybody primed and ready to go? Let's dive in!
"Hey, let me do it."
Timelines are tricky on this show, so I really don't think this was after the "second" date, but later. We saw in the cold open that Nolan and Celina were on a case during the day, so I think Tim and Lucy have been sneaking in dates and we're MAYBE a few days or a week past the end of the last episode.
So, that cute little glance Lucy gives Tim before uttering "let me do it" made me squee. Yes, I squee like a little girl kicking in a too-tall chair. Let me flail. I'm good at it!
Tim steps back and lets his wife girlfriend get to work on the coffee machine.
We know he's into black coffee (and clearly she knows his order after all the years on the job together), and I bet if he has a machine at home, it's either a grind-and-brew to give him whole bean goodness in a more instant form, or it's that "one cup" model I gave my husband to keep at work. Insert coffee. Insert water. Brew.
"So, what'd you guys get up to last night." "Nothing!"
Tim. Oh, Tim. Remember last week when I said you should stop lying? Yeah... maybe time to take my advice because your "nothing" is louder than a lot of "somethings".
To be fair, Nolan did say, "You Guys", which might trigger Tim's Fight-or-Flight response. Fleeing the scene might have appeared less suspicious.
Lucy slips in with her well-practiced UC skills on full display. See, she's had time to prepare, this time, and she's not going to get caught in the early stages of her secret romance.
She rattles off her love of the new Chagall exhibit while Tim suddenly gets lost in the aroma of his coffee so he can't open his big mouth, again. He seriously can't even look at either of them.
Tim finds a spec of dust on the floor to admire, sips his coffee, and hopes nobody notices.
Also, can we talk about Lucy handing Tim his coffee!? I know she could have done it at any other time in their relationship. I mean, she was his Boot and then his Gofer. She's handed him MANY a cup of coffee over the years.
But there is something so bloody domestic about Lucy Chen handing her boyfriend a cup of coffee.
"Nothing? You had all morning to come up with a cover story and that's what you went with?"
First off, I love the tone change from Lucy sending Nolan off to confronting Tim.
Second, I love how Tim immediately has to right the wrong of him being perpendicular to her and set himself directly in front of her, feet pointing towards what he desires. (Any New Girl fans out there?)
"Woah, woah. He bought it, didn't he?" "Uhhh."
I love this teasing. Both Eric Winter and Melissa O'Neil excel at something I adore in actors... the Art of the HUM. It can be "uh" or "hm" or "mm".
I don't care which of the "H" "U" "M" s you use and in what combination, a great actor can use them to add layers to a scene and make it feel completely natural rather than written-in.
Chenford fans are blessed with both actors masterfully pulling it off. Think Matthew Goode in A Discovery of Witches. If there's a King of the HUM, it's him.
But these two are pretty high up there in terms of mastery.
"What if he had asked you a follow-up question about the exhibit?"
There's that competitive spirit coming out with these two. Tim wants to prove that his excuse is more fool-proof than hers.
And, Tim, while you may be the Master of Tests, Lucy is the Master of Cover Stories. Remember Dim and Juicy's meet-cute Lucy created that made you think naughty thoughts you tried to cover up with veiled barely-there compliments? Lucy's gonna school you, former TO.
"Let him. I read the catalogue to the exhibit cover to cover."
First off, how the hell does Melissa O'Neil make that line sound hot? The world may never know.
Secondly... BOOM, Tim Bradford! You've been schooled by the master! Lucy is the queen of preparation. For goodness sake, she read psych journals trying to prepare to break up with her ex-"Work In Progress".
Lucy has a pattern, and it's a good one when your SO becomes your SO and you don't want anyone to know... o.
See? Master of the HUM.
"I hear you have Citizens Academy today." "I do. Do you have any tips?"
She trusts him completely, and I love that he immediately rattles off information to help her. At this point, he knows exactly what she needs to hear, and what will be useful to her.
Also, Tim's disdain for screenwriters is strong. Or someone in the writer's room is really tired of unsolicited screenplays in their inbox.
"So... um, what are you doing tonight." "Nothing... I hope."
Ooooh, Velvet Voiced Tim is back! Eric Winter puts this velvety quality into Tim's voice when he's in boyfriend-mode, and it's so bloody delicious.
I did VO for over 20 years, so I get SUPER excited about these little shifts in performance. Immediately, we know what he means. Yowza.
"Nothing sounds perfect."
Okay, I have to be upfront and honest, here. My original prediction was that they would not have sex for the first time off-screen and that they would not have sex this episode.
But when this scene dropped as a promo (and I love that they did widescreen with wings when it was too awkward for the crop), I second-guessed myself. Did they... do it off-screen!?
No. Now, I firmly believe, no. But this scene had me going for a minute!
Narratively, it makes more sense to drag it out. Yes, I know that in real life some people sleep with one another the moment they meet. But I believe for these characters in this moment... it makes sense to take their time.
But when I first heard they were doing "nothing" and they'd also done "nothing" the night before with only the morning to make up a cover story... I questioned my choices hard.
And now my mind's in the gutter.
Okay, readjusting. Let's get back to Tim's beautiful smirk as he watches his woman depart. "I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave", anyone? Our kitten is smitten.
Lucy On A Mission
Lucy works at the computer, lost in thought and using that big brain and compassionate heart of hers.
Aaron slides up, completely unaware of what's on her computer. He's ready to spill the tea, and the tea is standing right beside him.
"You'll never guess who's coaching Little League." "Nolan?" "No. Sergeant Friendly."
I love the glare Tim gives Aaron. Because it's his damn fault. But I also love Aaron poking fun at Tim. Their dynamic's been a lot of fun to watch this season.
"Whu- How did that happen? Can I watch?"
Ma'am. This is a PRECINCT. Please pick your panties up off the floor and resume normal operating function.
I mean, wow, Lucy! There was some heat in that question and Aaron is right there!
Lucy Materializes Out of Thin Air
I had to watch it twice to pinpoint where the hell she came from at the ball park. So, my initial surprise was akin to Tim's.
"Hey." Hi."
How. Is. This. HOT!? They're just saying "hi" and it's so charged with electricity the baseball field lights are about to turn themselves on. There is absolutely zero chill with these two since they started dating, let's be real.
"Um... who are you?" "What?" "I... the... a lot of heart? They're kind of a mess." "They're kids. It's supposed to be fun." "Yeah..."
I hear that edge in his voice on that line.
It's the same edge that gets into his voice anytime he discusses anything remotely connected to his father or childhood. So many of his choices are informed by the scars he still bears—physical and emotional.
Tim walks away, a little frustrated, because he can see Lucy doesn't get it. To be fair, he isn't explaining it. He's not communicating with her at all here.
But, also to be fair, he's never sought counseling or therapy for what he survived. There's a lot bottled up and it can be hard to pour it out in digestible bits if you've never learned how.
Genny fills in the gaps. That's all Lucy needs to process where Tim is and what he's going through.
I grew up with a lot of yelling, name-calling, and verbal and emotional abuse. Manipulation. Control.
One of my greatest joys is breaking those cycles with my own children—giving them a better childhood.
Tim watched the anger and the volatile nature of the last coaching situation here. He remembers his own father. He wants different for these kids, even if they aren't his own.
"He's trying not to be like him." "Yeah."
Lucy deflates a little, here. It was only silly puffery meant to tease, but now she gets it. Now she sees where this comes from, and she feels a little guilty. Of course, she didn't know, but now she does.
*Tim thumbs ups a kid dropping a ball* "Well, I mean, there is such a thing as over-correcting."
Here's where Lucy knowing Tim so well comes in. She doesn't try to talk to him about it. She doesn't try to tell him what to do.
Instead, she gets in there to help course-correct so Tim can keep being supportive, and she'll provide the structure so he doesn't have to have the anxiety of in any way resembling his father.
This is such a demonstration of love, to me. She knows he's not ready to deal with all of this. There will be a day—perhaps when his father dies—that he'll start to process through everything that happened. But, in the meantime, she'll help him through.
This is where Tim and Lucy live, now. It's a "we". It's an "us". It's something neither of them has ever had to this degree, before, even though Tim was married once-upon-a-time.
Lucy and Tim are a team, now, and this episode highlights why—they complement each other. They balance each other. They sharpen each other.
And in this way, Tim's very fortunate to be falling in love with someone with a pysch degree who can understand what's needed. She's the ideal partner to help with this because she knows him enough, now, not to push. But she also knows enough to provide a safe space for when he is ready to discuss.
"What are you doing?"
You never know what your girl is gonna do, do you, Tim?
To note, the last time he asked her this was when he was in the hospital recovering from spinal surgery. She was supporting him, then, too. She has a knack for it. (and I think the time before that was when he caught her putting boots in his locker... she also has a knack for pranks, of course)
"My name is Lucy. I am Coach Bradford's... friend."
Look. At. Tim's. FACE. Look at that bemused smile when she asserts she is his "friend". There was a time when he wouldn't even have accepted that moniker.
It wasn't until they were discussing her love life in the shop during the last 30 days of her training that she said, "we're friends" and instead of refuting it, he simply made a face.
And I love that she remains his friend even as they're transitioning into everything else. I often tell my children that my husband is my best friend—and I mean it. Nobody supports me like Matthew, lifts me up like Matthew, understands my trauma like Matthew, and makes me laugh like Matthew.
I love every layer of that man. And he loves every layer of me. And friendship goes a long way to getting to that point, I think.
Lucy rattles off instructions for how to throw a ball while Tim side-eye-fucks her and thinks of other things she can do with her hands as she's acting out the motions.
Come on, I'm not wrong here, people! Look at his face and tell me there aren't a few things happening in his mind that are not baseball-related but might involve running some bases.
Lucy disperses the kids, and Tim fires off a "You heard her" which is the Chenford Coaching Team equivalent of "Listen to your mother!"
He looks her up and down and smiles deliciously at Lucy, activating her praise kink in a delightful motion of her head.
Yes, Lucy Chen absolutely has a praise kink. And there's nothing wrong with that! But I love how Melissa O'Neil has been consistent with that little head swish Lucy does.
We've seen her do it throughout the years ("Maybe one day she'll be as good as you" comes to mind), and it never stopped. It only morphed.
Look at it at Lopez's wedding when he compliments her (in his way) and then asks her for a dance. Praise Kink Activated.
She does it at the end of 5x08 as we wait to fade to black, and there's a softer version of it when she's basking in Tim's adoration at the end of their first scene of 5x09 in the Watch Commander's office. Girl's got it bad for Tim Bradford.
He offers her the ball... but no he didn't. And I'm giggling like Lucy last episode because he's such a teenager around her, sometimes.
I've heard the expression all my life, "Love makes you young". I often think of Patrick Stewart wearing the Elf Song Hat while his wife recorded him (Google it... you'll die laughing).
With Tim, I feel like it resets him to before all the hurt and heartache in his love-life with Isabelle. He can be... free. Flirty. Fun.
But, seriously, Tim's the one who is going to get them found out for sure. Because, you know who had a front row seat to that eye-fuckery? Genny, that's who.
Y'ain't fooling anyone, Timothy.
"I think you two should co-coach. You were great together." "Oh, no, no. I'm ready to hand over the reins, entirely." "Not a chance."
I've thought about the layers in this little interaction quite a bit. Genny sees something here—whether it's the romance, the layered friendship, or the true partnership they've developed over the years.
But I feel like Tim's dealing with some self-doubt, here, and Lucy catches onto that.
I have a husband who deals with self-doubt. He's an incredible human, but I can tell when he's leaning into that and when I need to pull him back out and remind him how awesome he is.
I get that feeling here with Tim and Lucy. Maybe I'm projecting. But, I feel like he's saying, "She's better than me" and she's saying "No way, no how". Because he's not bad at this. Yes, he over-corrected a bit, but kids do need the support he offered. And Lucy brought the structure. They're better together.
I mean, just look at the way they're cleaning up together. Lucy's handing the bats to Tim and Tim's putting them away. They're doing it instinctively because helping one another and working together is completely natural, by now.
It's not something they have to discuss or consider—it's instinctual.
I've seen this in nature, before. A client of mine (yes, same client from last Meta) flew me out to Los Angeles a few times for work. I stayed with him and his wife, and I got to watch them work in the kitchen together.
After decades and decades of it being the two of them together, with no kids or anyone else in the way... it was like watching a dance.
That's Tim and Lucy. They move together rhythmically and naturally. May it be so in all aspects of their life—but I'm skipping to another episode that hasn't aired, yet, now!
"No, but seriously! I saw today why you work so well together."
And, Tim, poor, sweet Tim, opens his mouth. Tim can't get words out, and one look from his wife, and he knows to shut that mouth.
"We spend so much time together on, out on the job. It's so great that Tyler has been making friends so quickly after moving here."
Anyone else thinking Lucy's UC school was solely so she could cover up for her and her not-so-secretive secret boyfriend? Because, hello, it keeps coming in handy!
This is classic redirection. I use it with my children all the time. Just this morning my 5-year-old daughter was having an unusually hard time saying goodbye to go to school. Usually, she walks in without a glance back. Today, it was CLING city.
So, I went through the room until we finally finally found something to get her mind off of me so I could slip away.
Lucy's doing the same thing. She's pointing at something else in Genny's life to let that thought of "Tim and Lucy" slip away. It gives Genny something more personal to her to focus on, and shifts the conversation gently.
"We'll make sure he gets the best seat in the house."
Just thirty seconds ago, Tim was trying to get out of co-coaching, and they were both deflecting why they're great together, but now we're back to "we". Heck, we never left "we" for Tim and Lucy. They're a unit, now.
"What's wrong?" "There's something going on with my Domestic." "You want me to come? "No, it's okay. I got it."
Oh, how far we've come. In the past, if Tim said, "What's wrong?" to Lucy, it was surprising that he was taking interest. But, this is his girlfriend, and he knows her well. He looks to her phone for a clue as she approaches.
Then, he offers his help. This isn't TO Tim who wants to make sure his Boot doesn't mess things up. This isn't Sergeant Tim who is going to be backup for Officer Chen. This is Boyfriend Tim willing to be there for his woman, but asking what she wants because he knows she's more than capable of handling herself.
That's what hits me the hardest about this—he knows she's got it, but he's there if she wants him.
And I think that's why her "No" and the head-tilt comes off as intimately as it does... Lucy knows what Tim's offering and why. It's love he's demonstrating and she's sending a "message received" with that look.
And Tim's little "okay" downturn of his lip at the end of the clip even shows how he's not worried a bit. But he was going to offer. And I bloody love that.
Tim and Lucy and Wesley
I love this scene. It's so small and seemingly insignificant plot-wise, but it's the heart of the story, here. Okay, I'm tearing up a little.
PAUSE: TW Abuse CW Abuse
I don't want to give details, but I have people in my life who have been where these women are in the story. So, to me, I don't see the characters. I see my cousin. I see my friend. I see the girl when I was in college who was murdered by her boyfriend in the dorm.
In the case of the plot, this scene isn't necessary. But in terms of the context, it adds so bloody much. It's the message. It's the truth of what happens all too often. Gabby Petito is a recent case that made national headlines, but this happens all over, every day.
And what can we do? What options are there? How can we help? There is some heavy stuff in this episode. But, it's important for us to listen and learn.
END TW Abuse CW Abuse
I love that Tim has Lucy's back, here. She could have done this alone, but I bet she asked him along for his experience and for the weight of his strips in the discussion.
And I ADORE Shawn Ashmore (the sharp-eyed twin, as I've always thought of him), and there's something so irreverent about him sitting in that suit atop the desk that made me giggle a little the first time I saw it.
"Him and Bailey are just way too nice to be landlords." "Totally." *aggressive head-nodding Tim*
And like the Fool who took the stage immediately after the gruesome murder in the Royal Shakespeare Production of MacBeth (the Scottish play for my theatre siblings), there's the levity we need to help transition to what's next.
It's the rhythm of the scene and script where somehow this writer's room is tasked with heartache and hilarity in the same space. It takes skill to do well, and this scene does it well.
"Okay, hold on, you are a complete badass out on the streets-" *Tim question's wife's opinion aggressively* "Off hours, you're a little...." "Easy target."
Nolan's indignation combined with Celina's face make that moment. But it's all the rhythm of Tim and Lucy that gets us there. Tim and Lucy are still Tim and Lucy.
Lucy wants to try to find the compassionate angle, and Tim's going to tell it like it is.
Chenford Coach a Game
Tim and Lucy have me smiling ear-to-ear for so many reasons in this scene. Look at how sweet he is with the kids, making sure they have a good experience. Look how competitive she is. Miss "I like trophies" is coming out, and it's amazing.
"God, every time!" "Be encouraging." "Good. Good job. Good try." "We're gonna work on that."
Married. So married. Beyond married. This whole interaction is gold. And the matching hats and shirts!? Normally, I wouldn't think Prison Orange would be a good look on a cop, but these two pull it off!
Tim is coaching Lucy as much as he's coaching the kids. I see a little "teacher Tim" in that "Be encouraging", though far gentler than TO Tim. And his face right before he tells her, "We're gonna work on that" has me rolling. That little down-turned mouth cracks me up.
We're getting a sneak peek into their future with this one. And, as usual, Tim and Lucy are balancing one another out.
That's one of the things I really love about them. They're not the same person, like Lucy says his ex was. They're very different people who are on a parallel path and are willing to put in the work to make this work because they're worth it.
"I'm excited." "I know."
AHHHHHHH. I know it's a TINY, tiny thing, but the way that he so effortlessly leans into her, the way he cocks his head as he says, "I know." It's so married.
And I have to call out the camera work, here, and the directing. If we're paying attention, we see Nyla and Angela showing up as Blake goes to bat. From the other angle you might note Blake's father shooting to his feet as Blake's bat connects with the ball.
The director is allowing us to discover the story-line without dumping us in at that shot of Nyla and Angela surrounding Blake's father. And I bloody love it.
James Patterson (pre-ghost writers) took the same approach with his mystery books. If you were really paying attention, you always had the opportunity to discover the answer along with the detective. That was something the ghost writers just always missed.
It's fun to have the chance to be detectives yourself—and this director allowed us that chance.
And, I just looked it up. Robert Bella, again! That explains the composition of Tim and Lucy with the fence during the night scene at the ball-field—having Eric Winter take the two steps up so he'd be framed behind the fence instead of in the gap as Melissa O'Neil steps away for Lucy's call.
Anyway.... back to Blake's Criminal Dad...
I had hoped this was the way the story-line would go (with Blake's father being arrested at the end of the game), but I didn't call Nyla and Angela being involved.
So, that gives two more people front row seats to "Why the Hell are Tim and Lucy Coaching Together if They're Just Friends And Holy Crap Were They About to Kiss on the Sidelines?"
Also love the Genny is up there, and that she's positioned behind Blake's father. I don't know if she did it on purpose to help make him easier to find for Nyla and Angela, but that's my head-canon.
And LOOK at Tim and Lucy cheer Blake on! Married. So married.
Plus, that hi-five. I know we're all talking about what Tim has in his hand. Is it cash? We've seen him bet on things before (including that his Rookie would smoke everyone at firearm re-certification), but did Tim and Lucy bet on the game?
She definitely grabs on after the high five, and we see his fingers wiggling. Is he trying to get out of giving her the money? We might need Eric Winter and Melissa O'Neil to chime in on this one...
I have to say, I am loving domestic Chenford, and watching them find new layers to their relationship. I know a lot of people want snogging every week, but I am a huge fan of dolling it out in smaller dollops, much as the romantic aspects of this relationship have been leading up to "Do you want to go on a date?".
Yes, in real life, some people sleep together the moment they meet. Then, you have me and Matthew, who waited four years and until we were married. Lucy and Tim are somewhere between that, and I think they're doing what's right for these characters in this moment.
And I have to separate Chenford back into Tim and Lucy, for a moment, to acknowledge what might not be seen as "Chenford" to most, but totally is to me... Tim and Lucy had separate story-lines this episode.
Yes, Lucy came together on the baseball story-line. Yes, they converged at parts on the Domestic story-line. But, we got to also see them handle themselves without the other as backup. And I think that's so important for us to see as an audience—Tim and Lucy are still Tim and Lucy. They don't have to be together every second.
Tim was highly organized and communicative as a Sergeant in the shoot-out. We got to see his military-level calm and control on display.
For Lucy, we got to see her compassion, bad-assery, and conflict de-escalation without anyone having to back her up. She's a confident and competent cop.
Together, we love them. But I'm someone who also lovesTim and Lucy as Tim and Lucy—separate from Chenford.
I think it's important for the show to remind us who they are on their own so that we can appreciate them both, and not let "Chenford" become the only story-line for either. Both characters are rich and complex, and deserve the opportunity to shine separate from one another, not only when they share a scene.
PAUSE: CW Abuse TW Abuse
This story-line really broke my heart because I know those women. I've been the one in Lucy's position trying to help before one was nearly strangled to death by her husband. And she stayed... it was rough.
If you are in an unsafe situation, please reach out and get help. Here is the number for the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
I like to keep these Metas light and frothy, but I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge this plot line that isn't a story for two many people in this country and in this world.
Yes, we watch television often for entertainment, but there can be some truth in the messages we receive.
END CW Abuse TW Abuse
As always, thank you for reading and joining me on this ride. I can't wait to see what's next for Tim, Lucy, and Chenford.st
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#Hello sweet soul, I’m Amara, aka; LustratedSpirit! 🙏🙋‍♀️👋
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##I’ve been reading palms and doing tarot readings since I was little, for as long as I can remember due to been born into a family of mediums and clairvoyants; and have been practicing ever since! 💭🔮🌟
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noira-l · 2 months
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⋆ ★ '𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞' - 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
chapter summary: your first major argument that really shakes the foundations of everything, including your arrangement and its soul.
pairing: gojo satoru x f!sorcerer reader
warnings: is that angst?, hurt/comfort?, swearing, argument, adult life is kinda hard, mature themes, satoru is trying to say something, utahime is the best, spoilers (manga, anime, movie).
author's note: well, I had a rough day. Also, question. Should I open a tag list? Someone ask about this (I remeber you, love ~) So what do you think about the chapter and the idea? Let me know :3
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"Listen to me, I've had enough. Screw it." You threw a kitchen cloth over the countertop.
"I'm here to help YOU. Not to do everything for you! You've dumped everything on me and you don't give a shit about anything," you shout, feeling like throwing it all away. He frowned. "You think I'm going to look after the kids by myself and you're going to have free evenings to go off on your own no matter where? Oh no no no. I'm not your fucking housekeeper for you to treat me like that." You pointed your finger at him, your tone rising even more. You felt like starting to laugh at the anger. "Fuck you. I'm not going to put up with this kind of treatment for a second longer." Your step left the sound of a loud thud. He started to follow you.
"You agreed to this yourself, you knew it would be difficult!" you felt like punching him. You picked up your backpack from the wardrobe. You were silent.
"I need time to myself, these missions are exhausting! Still! Taking over the clan, doesn't make it any easier for me at all, you know!" you didn't listen to him at this point, you were on the verge of exploding and you didn't want to do it.
"Don't act like a brat and listen to me!!!" he grabbed you firmly by the arm, you pushed him forcibly away from you, putting your shirts in your backpack. You packed the first necessary things that came your way. Your face was boiling with anger, you felt like shouting everything in his face, but you knew it wouldn't change anything. You clenched your teeth tightly and bit your tongue repeating to yourself - pack, don't think, leave. You passed him on your way out of the room. You were already at the door, started putting on your jacket, when he added:
"FINE! Go away, I never needed you anyway, you stupid idiot!"
The sound of the door slamming was everywhere.
★ --
"Hi Utahime…" your voice gave away too much at that moment, as always "Could I stay with you for a while? I can't go back to the flat or to the facility" you grabbed your head, trying to contain your emotions. You were met with silence on the other side "Sorry to impose…. I won't… sorry… I'll go now- I…"
"N-no! It's all right! I'm just worried, what's wrong?" you could hear her worrying about you, you were on the verge of crying, all the anger was slowly draining out of you.
"U-Utahime…" your voice was shaking.
"Never mind, wait for me, please, I'll pick you up myself, I'll be there soon. Wait for me where you usually do, can you do it?"
"Mhm." tears began to run down your cheeks.
A long sigh "What did that idiot do to you this time?"
★ --
You spent the evening glued to a box of ice cream and a comfortable couch in Utahime's flat. You sat in her borrowed clothes, covered in a blanket, gesturing heavily as you expressed your emotions.
It started with an angry session in which you spouted off about what a horrible asshole Gojo is. You recounted in detail, how he forgot to pick up the kids from school, leaving them out in the cold often. How he was constantly late, whether to go shopping with you or to a parents' meeting at school. How he avoided household chores, which you later had to do after missions, and at worst his duties were filled by Tsumiki and Megumi. It wasn't that they didn't have household duties or didn't know how to take care of the house - no. You didn't know any more mature or understanding children, it was just that Gojo lived there too and should contribute as much as you did. For the last months, everything was done by you: laundry, shopping, cleaning, doing homework with Tsumiki and helping Megumi with calligraphy.
On top of that, you had missions that were also exhausting you mentally, coming home battered, in wounds because you didn't want to wake Shoko up at 3am and preferred to wait until morning. And every morning it was you, who walked the children to school. It doesn't matter if you were beating a powerful curse last night or if you slept at all. They always had breakfast ready, clothes and your smile every morning. You knew they deserved it - you wanted to give it to them.
As you came home from school on the days like this, did your shopping, went to Shoko's and came back, you thought of nothing else, but to lie down and rest. It was then that you allowed yourself moments of weakness, where you could carelessly cry all over the house, with no embarrassment that the children, or worse Satoru, would hear you. Your life has been awful for the last while. There have been better moments, but there have been far more of the worse ones.
It was then, that the crying session began.
You couldn't stop the tears that were streaming down your cheeks. You didn't say anything anymore. You just cried, hugging your pillow tighter.
Utahime only saw you cry once, that time when Geto left. And that was the only time. This one was the second.
She handed you a pack of tissues, which you took advantage of by resisting new tears. After which you immediately went back to hugging the lovely cushion.
Why did you agree to all this in the first place?
Why did you allow yourself to do something like this?
Looking after children is not an easy thing to do, especially when you are alone.
Suguru would never treat you like this.
If you thought before that you were more or less in control of your crying, so after that thought, you definitely lost all the control you had. It was no longer a cry. It was hysterical. And you are not going to snap out of it any time soon.
★ --
"What are you doing?" the white-haired sat on the steps, drinking a can of sweet drink. They had just finished their training.
"I'm going to talk to her." said the raven-haired getting up from his seat, heading towards the dormitories.
"HUH? What for? She's the one who blew up at you, after all. She should be making an effort now." He crushed the can with cursed energy. His friend sighed.
"You don't understand, do you? It is not that clear, besides I care about her. I understand her view of the situation and even though it's wrong, I'm willing to talk to her about it." Suguru put his hands in his pockets slowly moving away.
"Stupid, why bother." Satoru rolled his eyes looking at the training field.
"Because she is important to me, her opinion, thoughts and feelings are important." he turned towards him, he continued. "A joint solution to the problem is important. In moments like this, it's crucial to push away your tantrums and reach out to someone." Suguru looked ahead "There have been situations where I have made a mistake and she has come to me on her own" he smiled affectionately "I appreciate her for this approach and I love her for it."
Satoru opened his eyes, waking up from the slumber that had caught him. He rubbed his eyes, glancing at the clock; it was late at night. Instinctively, he glanced to the other side of the bed to find it empty and cold.
He clutched his head, remembering what had happened. He growled quietly. You haven't come back yet, it's past day two, he's starting to worry, the siblings keep asking about you too. And he doesn't know what to answer them. Should he say you're gone because of him? He's already punishing himself enough in his head.
He nervously turned on his bed. What should he do?
He knows perfectly well what he should do.
To go to you and apologise is difficult.
On the very first day he called all your friends, to find out where you were. Utahime only failed to answer, so he was sure you were there.
He growled rolling over onto his stomach in frustration. He hugged the pillow tightly, so that if it were alive he would have strangled it.
Why do you make everything so difficult?
It was supposed to be a simple arrangement: you help him with the kids, he provides everything you need. Like some stupid traditional marriage - he thought.
This was not how he had imagined it. In his mind, taking care of a kid was not that difficult. Oh boy, he was wrong. Originally he was only going to take Megumi in, you were the one who insisted that he couldn't separate siblings like that, and since you'd already agreed to the arrangement, you also had a say. He only agreed to it because you insisted.
He did not expect things to go this far. He never imagined that he would have to falsify the children's documents (Tsumiki was, according to the law, already unfit for adoption), look for a suitable flat that you could barely afford at first, or bother with the authorities and social services.
He himself was also too young to understand many things.
He knew that anything was better than letting the Zen'in clan get their hands on these kids.
He also knew that he would not have succeeded in many things without you.
His face clung completely to the pillow. It was your pillow, it smelled of you. He took it from your side as soon as he lay down.
Everything had been getting to him lately. Higher-ups had some doubts about him taking over the clan, which was ridiculous in general. His mother found out about his secret marriage, which meant he had to listen for hours on ‘how he had disgraced the whole clan’. He had to work twice as much, having a child and expenses were really considerable. Even if you shared expenses, Gojo did not yet have access to the clan's money, to throw his own money on left and right with ease. He also stopped feeling like a teenager at this point, by taking on these responsibilities, he has accept to a certain extent, the fate of an adult.
He didn't even notice, how much he started to run away from it, to distance himself, from his problems and worries. He was never in the habit of sharing his true feelings or emotions. Opening up to someone was blocked again when his best friend left. He knew, that he had let you look inside him once, at one memorable conversation. He was so weak in that moment, so shattered, after all that had happened. And you? You embraced him then, with a tenderness and care he could never have dreamed of. He knew that if only he opened up again now, you would do exactly the same. But he couldn't afford to do it again.
He didn't want to feel that he wasn't able to cope with something, again. It's silly, isn't it? He, the strongest, vulnerable?
But you saw him vulnerable. You didn't laugh at him, didn't mock him in that moment. You were tender, you showed him understanding, even if sometimes you didn't quite understand what he wanted to communicate to you, you tried. You hugged him close, stroked his hair, telling him that you would be there for him, whenever he needed you - you would be there for him, as long as he was there for you.
He wasn't there for you, was he?
He was so focused on himself that he forgot about you. You've had a tough time too, particularly with him. You were alone with it all. No. He left you alone with it all. That's not what your agreement was about, that's not how he promised to behave, that's not how he really was.
He acted like an asshole. He dumped all his responsibilities on you and yet had the audacity to complain, that you had not fulfilled one little thing, which was picking up his ceremonial outfit from the laundry, what he should do, but he was sent on mission.
A small tear appeared in the corner of his crystal eyes. It disappeared very quickly absorbed by the pillow. He shouldn't treat you like that. He sighed breathlessly, banging his head against the soft pillow.
Tomorrow he will go to apologize to you. Witnter snow was slowly falling outside the window.
He won't last another day without you.
★ --
"Utahime~~ Nice to see-" she closed the door in front of his nose, sighing with irritation, regretting that her apartment door did not have a peephole.
You just had breakfast, looking like a total crap. You just got up, even though it was late in the morning, according to your routine you should have taken the siblings to school long ago.
Hearing his voice immediately lifted your gaze from your plate. How did he find you? Why did he come here?
Ah, well, yes, he probably came to ask you to fulfill your part of the bargain and stop dabbling. You sighed. You couldn't stay at Utahime's for that long anyway, you didn't want to bother her, besides, you hadn't packed enough clothes and necessities.
You didn't want to see him at this point, but you had no choice. You spent the last two days crying, you were fed up with it yourself.
You moved away from the kitchen table, put your plate in the sink and headed for the door.
"Go away! Don't you understand that she doesn't want to see you!" Utahime shouted at the door, angrly.
"Ee~ Come on, open the door. I want to talk to her, she won't answer my calls and texts, what a man can do?" his tone did not at all betray how concerned he was about the situation. His mask was perfect enough, that he was even able to smile a little in this situation. Although he was quite cold, despite really warm winter jacket, in his kinda shakey hands he held a small bouquet of flowers behind him.
"Go to hell you moron, I also, don't want to see you too, go away or I'm calling authorities!"
"Don't be like that! Five minutes and I'll be gone! Do a friend a favour~"
"I'm not your friend!"
"Like hell you are! I saved you many times, that counts right? Like that time when I excorcise that curse that took you hostage for two days. Or that time when I-"
Utahime was about to hurl another insult in his direction when you placed your hand on her shoulder. “It's okey, give me a moment,” you whispered it so quietly that you wondered if you really said it. Her gaze expressed concern and yours expressed certainty. He had found you anyway, so why drag this out any longer? You knew he won't leave until you talk to him. “Call me as if you need something, or as if he doesn't give you a break." the violet-haired fell silent, moving away from the door and walking deeper into the apartment.
He didn't stop talking when you stood in front of the closed door. His yapping was unbearable, happily listing or coloring situations that happened to him with Utahime.
"Or when I-" he shut up when you open the door. He looked at you.
"You look like shit" he said.
"Thanks for noticing, something else to say?"
You had bags under your eyes, your voice was raspy and you looked paler than usual. When you looked in his direction, he could see how red your eyes were. He really messed up. He took a deep breath.
"If you came here to remind me of my duties, or to tell me that I'm going on a mission soon, or just to make fun of me, then go away and save us the time." you were so exhausted, however, seeing his face, which was smiling just a moment ago, gave you a new drive.
"Ughh.. I am so done with this." you growled "You come here after two days and the first thing you find is that I look like shit? Thanks, I didn't notice!"
"Listen.." his voice is kinda...soft?
"NO! You listen!"
"Why are you acting like a brat? I've been doing practically everything for you for the past year! You disappeared for a few days, you didn't say anything, it's cool, I understand, you need space, yadda, yadda.." your voice has started to rise again "But damn it, that's not what we agreed on, I didn't sign up for doing all the work for this part of your life!" you clenched your hands into fists.
"Besides, I also have my own life, right? I'm not entitled to have a free time? Do you know how many times I came home after a mission completely tired? I wasn't at Shoko's more than once, I just went straight to make breakfast, because I knew YOU wouldn't do it!" he see how your expression is changing, now tears appear in your angry eyes.
"I-" he tried again, only to see that his voice stattered.
"Why do you do this to me?! Why can't you treat me like a normal human being?! What did I do to you?!" An avalanche of questions flowed from your mouth, again and again, just as tears covered your cheeks "Am I just a plaything to you?" you started to shake.
"N-no!" he tightened his grip on the bouquet.
"I fell so fucking used!" you started sobbing "You used me and my kindness to make life easier for yourself-" you sniffle "-you never cared about anyone or anything at all!" you looked at his winter boots, although your vision blurred completely.
"Stop! No-I-"
"I can understand, really, you may not feel anything towards these children, but me? I thought you really cared then! I thought you were sincere and open then, when…. we had… this conversation" you were slowly running out of words, the pace of this conversation was slowing down. You almost feel panic in your vains.
"Stop!" he grabbed you by the shoulder with one hand, and put the other to your lips, letting go of the bouquet of flowers, which fell to the floor. You didn't say anything anymore, you couldn't, he's hands were trembling.
"Please.. j-just..listen.." you wanted to turn away, he stopped you. The sight of you crying internally caused him pain, somehow.
"I-.. I am sorry..you're right." his voice was almost silent, despite the fact that he was close to you. Your eyes met his and despite the layer of glass, you knew he was looking at you.
"I-I am an idiot" his breathing was deep, as if saying these words made it difficult for him, or a great struggle, took his hand from your mouth, placed it on your cheek, his head went down "I've had.. I.. well.. the thing is.." he swallowed the massive lump that had gathered in his throat
"N-no.. ple-" you tried to say something.
"This.. this is hard..!! Just.." now his voice is trembling, you don't know what is happening.
"You.. don't know how hard are thing for me now.. I've.." long pause filled with nervous breath "Listen.. I know.. I've been awful to you.. y-you didn't deserve it of course.. I hurt you.. and I-I am sorry, so so sorry.."
"If this is some kind of trick to get me back-"
"No!" he imidietly put his sight to you, he look terriefied, you could see throught the glasses "I mean it.. " you looked away. He signed nervously.
"I left you with all of this.. I let you down.. I'm sorry.." he swiped away any tear that come close to falling down your red cheeks "I don't expect this to fix.. I m-mean my apology.. to fix anything.. but please" his hand was so cold, yet the sensation from this was so calming.
"Let me get this right.. I-I-I will never, ever let you down again.. one chance.. If you want to!" Do you want to? "If no.. I-I promise to back off! I leave you alone! I-I'll never hurt you again! and I'll do anything you say!" his words were speeding up "I will provide..I will make everything right.. I will try to.." his words were rapid, so fast, he almost couldn't keep up with saying every one of it. You started sobbing again. To much emotions cought you off guard.
"n-no don't cry.. please" he wispered, his second hand also landed on your cheek, you closed your eyes unable to even look at him.
He drew himself to you, embracing you whole. You could then feel how much his chest was rising in stress, and how wet his jacket was from the melted snow. His hair was also slightly wet, the glasses at his nose irritated your skin, they were so cold. But this embrace was warm, he held you like something important, precious even. Large hands stroked your back, his breath started to calm down, just like yours. You didn't know how long he held you like this.
"Please.." he started again "Try to forgive me. I.." at this moment you hugged him too, he pressed himself more to you.
"I don't want to lose you." You almost missed it, it was soft and silenty brethless, but it was full of emotions.
You waited, a long moment. A long moment when you thought about everything. You were thinking about him, your life, Tsumiki and Megumi. You didn't want to lose him too. In some way. He was the only thing that held you together. Also you don't know what you should do with your life, and he gave you a purpouse. A purpouse you were desperatly lacking. The kids gave you hope, and even thought you'll need to listen to his annoying voice every day, this is the price you could accept.
"Fine.." you said, gathering your voice to even be able to speak. You are far too soft for him. Oh, for fuck sake. "I.. forgive you.. for now." he froze.
You slowly left his embrace. Then grabbed him tightly by the collar of his jacket, pulling his face toward you "But if you do that again, I'm leaving. And don't even try to look for me. Understood?" you wanted to sound menacing, but your voice was so hoarse and the height difference between you was large enough, that it didn't work out well.
"Of course" smile appeared on his face again "You look cute y'know.." he mumbled, you let him go, growling, you looked down and see something behind his foot.
"What's that?" you asked, he quickly kicked something behind him, you heard something hit the ground on the bottom of the staircase.
"What?" he turned around to look behind and back, playfully "I don't see antything." his smile was so bright.
"Never mind." you signed.
"Let me take you home." this offer suprised you, Satoru could tell by the look "The kids miss you.. and I took your favourite take out." you looked at him suspiciously "I also cleaned the house and took kids to school."
"Now I don't belive you." you crossed your arms, he laught.
"You'll see when we get home." he corrected his glasses still smiling. "I did pretty amazing job, maybe even better than you."
"You're starting again?"
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You left Utahime's apartment thanking her for all she had done for you, saying that if she needed help, you were always available to her. She hugged you goodbye, measuring Satoru with a menacing gaze, and he waved her off, smiling goofily.
Walking down the staircase, Satoru took your backpack from you and gave you your gloves. The snow was still falling outside and it was quite cold.
When you were at the exit you noticed out of the corner of your eye a colorful bouquet of flowers, it was really pretty and quite small. You are sure you have seen these colors somewhere.
“Look.” you pointed your finger at the bouquet “Someone left it here, I wonder who it was for?” he scoffed.
“Quite ugly for me.” He didn't even look at it, just opened the door in front of him.
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© noira-l 2024 | all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, modify, or redistirbute my work without permission
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tl: @kalopsia-flaneur
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
You’re The Only Thing I Have. Steve Harrington x Reader
You’re The Only Thing I Have.
I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
Summary: “could you write a steve x fem reader where they get into a really big argument and have angry sex”
WARNINGS: Unprotected sex, (always use protection), p in v, fingering, f and m orgasm, cream pie, fem reader, Dom Steve if u squint, angry sex, makeup sex? mentions of blood and cuts but no real heavy detail
Word count: 4250
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It had been almost a full 24 hours of not hearing from Steve, which was not like him at all. He called often, or I would be crushed against his side. He never left me without him for more than a few hours. It had been like this our entire relationship and I never once got tired of how obsessed we were with each other. The last few weeks however something changed. In him, or us, or maybe even Hawkins itself but something didn't seem right. I tried to push for answers but the more I asked the more he seemed to shut me out. He kept coming home later and later, with bruises, and cuts, and I swear I've mended a gash in his forehead more times than I can count and he still wouldn't say anything. I became complacent. I stopped asking questions, and when he came home covered in blood I would just sigh help him out of his clothes, patch him up and send him to bed like I was his personal nurse.
Glancing at the clock I groaned. It was 3:15 in the morning and Steve still wasn't home. We had plans to hang out after work so I made my way over here a little earlier than expected, having a spare key I let myself in and wandered up to Steves room. I read a book for a while, tucked up in his bed and it distracted me long enough to realize it was way too late for Steve not to be home. I tried to relax thinking maybe he's just late, making he got stuck at work, maybe he had to drive one of the kids somewhere. It was easier to let those delusions win. Time kept passing and he still wasn't home. I called everyone I knew, either no one answered or didn't know where he was.
Angry tears spilled over my cheeks and I choked out a sob. I began pacing back and forth, trying to come up with some sort of plan? I wasn't sure what to call it, or even what I wanted to do. All I knew was that I was really pissed off and worried. Checking the time one more time I decided to leave. Shoving my feet into my shoes a little too aggressively, I stomped down the wooden stairs. My footsteps echoing in the empty house. It was sort of creepy being here alone, and Steve knew I wasn't a fan of it, but where was he? Who the fuck knows. Swinging open the front door I almost walked directly into Steves chest. A quick panicked yelp left my lips and I clutched my hand to my chest.
"I didn't mean to scare you" He said, his voice soft.
I rolled my eyes giving him a once over. He was dirty, more dirty than usual, his hair was damp, a red line around his neck and he was shirtless apart from a jean vest? Glancing down I noticed the bandage that wrapped around his stomach that was very much soaked with blood. I furrowed my brows, reaching my hand forward to graze against the fabric. Steve winced and pulled my hand away from him quickly. The tips of my fingers already red with his blood. Frowning I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside of the house. He made his way slowly up the stairs and I followed behind him until he stopped in the middle of the bathroom. Closing the door but not fully I started the shower, my hand under the water to test it until I felt it was warm enough for him.
"(Y/N) I-" He started but I waved my hand in front of him.
"Don't" I said cutting him off and he didn't try to fight me on it. My hands trailing along his shoulders as I slid the weird denim vest off of him, folding it and placing it on the counter. Realizing it was Eddies more questions arose in my head. Crouching down to look in the cupboards under the sink I rummaged until I found enough first aid supplies to hopefully suffice whatever wound was under these make shift bandages. "Sit on the toilet" I said flatly.
Groaning as his knees bent he held onto the wall as he sat down, leaning his back against the tank of the toilet with this hands in his hair. Kneeling in front of him I cut the bandage off of him, peeling it slowly off of whatever blood clung to it. With the bandages gone I leaned back to get a good look at what I was working with. They weren't as deep as they seemed but there were a lot of them; tiny ones, slashes, and bite marks? Dampening a few squares of gauze with disinfectant, I wiped away at the excess blood, getting as close to the cuts as I could without hurting him more. Steve groaned and I glanced up at him. His head was leaned back, his hands holding tight fistfuls of his hair with his brows knit together. "You should be fine to shower" I said, gathering the bloodied gauze around me and shoving it into a garbage bag. "I'll wait till you're done" I continued to clean around me while he slowly made his way out of the rest of his clothes and into the shower.
I scowled to myself, attempting to catch a glance at myself in the already fogged mirror. Why am I doing this... again. I scoffed rolling my eyes. because you love him I thought to myself. Which wasn't false, but was being in love worth seeing him like this all the time with no explanation of what was going on. He constantly preached on honesty, and communication, yet here we were. The water shutting off had me drifting back from my thoughts and watched Steve slowly get out of the shower. His wounds looking much better I sighed in relief, motioning to the toilet again so I could bandage the ones that needed it the most. His hair dripping cold water onto my arms and shoulders as he watched me intently. "That'll do for now" I said slapping my knees while pushing myself up off the floor.
He followed me to the middle of his room waiting patiently while I pulled the covers back on his bed, and fluffed his pillow. Moving to his dresser I got out fresh clothes for him to put on. Dusting off invisible dirt from my hands I gave him a short smile I turned to leave.
"You're not staying?" He said quietly. I could hear the sadness in his voice and I didn't want to turn around. I didn't want to cave, not this time, not again. Taking a deep breath I slowly turned, shoving my hands as deep as I could into the pockets of my jeans.
"I'm tired Steve" I said shrugging. I wrapped my arms around myself, almost as if I was shielding myself. "I just" I sighed trailing off. "I don't know how much longer I can deal with this Steve" I said waving my hand in the air around my head. "I'm supposed to just sit back, while you come home later and later, with no explanation? Covered in dirt and blood, the amount of concussions you've had recently is alarming and I'm genuinely concerned for your well being and your brain!" I shouted, the words falling from my lips faster than I could even process them. "Time and time again I gave you the benefit of the doubt, hoping maybe one day you'd tell me what the fuck was going on, but no, again I get nothing, I patch you up and everything fine, but you know what Steve? Everything is not fucking fine. You told me how much communication and honesty was important to you, and I gave you that, more than you ever gave me, and it's not fair when the person I'm in a relationship with can't even tell me when he'll be home!" Hot and angry tears spilled over onto my cheeks. "It's driving me insane worrying about you, I can't eat, I can't sleep, you've barely looked in my direction, or touched me in days and this is all starting to feel just so one sided, and I just-" I choked. "I can't" Shaking my head. "You're a lair Steve, and if this is all some bullshit so I break up with you first I'm gunna be even more pissed than I am right now because we said we'd be honest, and this" I said pointing between the two of us. "Is not that, it's far from it"
Steve sat there for a moment, staring at his hands in his lap. His chest rising and falling quickly. When he finally looked up at me, streaks of tears were prominent on his face. I wanted to fall to my knees and wrap my hands around his face but I had to stand up for myself.
"Monsters" He said quietly.
"Huh?" I said taking a step towards him.
"Remember when I kept having those nightmares? and you would always ask me what they were about, and I would say monsters?"
I furrowed my brows and nodded, wiping my nose against my sleeve. "I remember"
"It's not entirely the whole story?" he said taking a deep breath. "They were real- Or are real, I'm not sure how many different types are out there, but I've fought off a few" He laughed flatly. "There's a whole different dimension of Hawkins, and it's filled with all this shit, and it keeps trying to hurt the people we care about- Remember when Will went missing? That was the day the gate to this fucking world opened, El- you know Mikes girlfriend? She opened it and didn't even realize. It was all of that shit, we call it 'The Upside Down' because that's exactly what it is" He stood up, walking towards me and gently placed his hands on my tensed shoulders. "I know this sound fucking insane, and like something out of a story book, but I promise you it's real, it's all real, you can even ask Robin if you don't believe me, and God I'm so fucking sorry for not telling you sooner, but look what happens to me every time" He motioned to his stomach. "If anything like this happened to you, I would never be able to forgive myself. So instead of telling you, or even lying to you, I said nothing, I did nothing and I'm sorry, and I don't expect you to forgive me, or even believe me I get that, but I couldn't risk you being one more person to get hurt from this"
I stood there and looked at him. His hands still placed on my shoulders, his breathing ridged, eyes searching mine for any sort of answer. Was this really the truth? An alternate universe of Hawkins? It just seemed so unlikely, but why would he say all of that, with so much emotion if it wasn't real? Something about it all did feel real though. The day Will went missing, something about Hawkins changed, and ever since that day I don't think it ever went back to the way it was. I remember long before Steve and I started dating I would always see him with all the kids, and was always so confused why Steve 'the hair' Harrington was with them but now it kind of made sense. Steve always felt like he was being watched, like he could never fully relax because he was always waiting for another bad thing to happen.
"Say something?" He said, his voice almost pleading.
A small laugh left my chest. "I think you've gone insane"
"Call Robin, right now, or Mike, or Lucas, Max, any of them"
"Oh great now you've got kids lying for you? That's real mature Steve" I scoffed, pushing his hands off of me and taking a few steps away from him I said. "What's the real truth" Placing my hands on my hips I stared at him.
"That is the truth I swear!"
"Monsters? A different universe? Steve I'm not 12 years old why are you pushing this on me? None of that can be real right?" I said rolling my eyes.
"It is real! All of it!" His voice was loud, an octave I hadn't heard come from him before, it was deep, and angry, and it scared me a little.
"Why would I as an adult, tell another adult all of that if it wasn't real? Don't you think I know how fucked up all that sounds? Day after day, I have to think about, and see all that fucked up shit in my head, and everyday I chose not to tell you, because it's fucking traumatizing" He almost stalked towards me with each step like he was hunting his prey. "Ive seen things, and people die (Y/N) I've been tied up and drugged by Russians, I've been beaten up far too many times to count, and you think I would stand here, make all this shit up, for what? Fun? I know I haven't been honest, I'll own that, but everything I just told you is the truth, all of it, and you want more? Maybe more detail? Sure I can give you that" He tapped his finger on his chin in fake thought. "Like when I watched a giant monster named The mind flayer, literally shove a hole through Billy Hargroves chest? Or maybe when we found Barbs dead body in The Upside Down?" Shaking my head frowning. "Stop" I whispered, but he continued
"Or when the man behind it all goes into peoples minds, lifts them into the air while cracking their bones in different directions before literally sucking the life out of them?"
"Steve stop" I said slowly backing away from him and into the his closed door behind me. Conversations with Nancy, and Robin flashed through my head. The way Nancy talked about Barb going missing like she knew more than she let on, the way Robin and Steve were so suddenly close after the mall fire, the way Mike always called El a superhero, and Max's brother... He really was telling the truth.
"Or how about I don't know, maybe an hour ago, when I was ripped down into the middle of lovers lake, and nearly attacked to death by demon fucking bats? Is that what you wanted, is this helping" Fury in his eyes, they rapidly flicked back and fourth between mine, searching for something, anything.
"Stop, please stop" I cried, a small sob bubbling in my throat. His eyes immediately softened and he took a step back from me, sinking to the floor with his head in his hands. "I'm sorry" he whispered. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I know you don't believe me, I shouldn't have reacted like that, fuck, I'm so sorry, I love you, I love you so much baby I'm so sorry"
Letting my breathing get back to normal I watched him, as he talked into his hands, repeating his words over and over. 'I'm sorry I love you'
Kneeling in front of him, I reached forward to take his hands into mine. "Breathe baby" I said quietly. He took a shaky breath and squeezed my hands tightly. "You're telling the truth" I said to him. "It's coming together, little bits of conversations I've had, or overheard" I nodded, as if I was saying these things to myself. "Mike calls her a super hero" I said finally looking him in the eyes. His brightened. All the energy I thought was drained from him shot back into his face in a moment, eyes crinkling at the sides as a huge smile spread across his face. "Fuck" He breathed and pulled me into him, his arms wrapping around my back, his palms pressing into me almost as if he was making sure I was real. I attempted to protest, thinking of his barely bandaged abdomen but he whined still keeping my held tight to him. He pulled back only to hold my face in his hands. "I'm sorry, I love you" He said again. My breath hitched, we hadn't said I love you yet, we knew we loved each other but the words hadn't been spoken yet. "You don't have to say it back yet I know-"
"No shut up" I said interrupting him. Leaning forward I placed a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you too, I love you so fucking much, I love you so goddamn much I didn't believe you, I'm sorry, thank you for trying to keep me safe, but I want you safe as much as you want me safe okay? You're important to me"
"Fuck" He breathed. "I don't deserve you" he pulled me towards him slowly, his lips on mine. He was so soft and tasted faintly of mint, assuming he has brushed his teeth when I left him to shower, and thinking back on it I whimpered into his mouth guiltily. If I had only known what he had gone through, I wouldn't have been so mean. I pulled away from the kiss lightly. "I'm sorry for being mean" I said a little breathlessly.
"I understand, it's okay, I'm sorry for yelling, I will make it up to you I promise, but right now, just let me kiss you, I need to feel you, I need some sense of home, and you're the only thing I have" He gripped at my skin, like he couldn't get enough of me. I nodded quickly and he stood up and sat on the edge of his bed. I straddled him quickly and his hands fell to my thighs, squeezing harshly at the plump skin. Our kisses were desperate, more than they had ever been, fighting each others tongues as if Steve wasn't the one in control. Our emotions heightening every touch, pull, kiss, squeeze, breath, I was intoxicated off of it alone. Rolling my hips slightly I felt Steves bulge against my jean covered clit and I moaned into his mouth. His fingers moved quick to the top of my jeans, popping the button open and pulling the zipper down. "Get these off" He mumbled against my lips. Removing myself from his lap I took my jeans off quickly, pulling my panties down with them.
"Someones eager" he said teasingly.
"Shut it Harrington" I laughed. Pulling my shirt up and over my head I threw it behind me hearing it thud to the floor gently as I walked back towards Steves bed. He was standing, ridding himself of his own clothing before coming back over to the bed hovering on top of me. Both hands placed on the bed on either sides of my head, my own hands running up the lengths of his arms. "I love you" He whispered before dipping down to place small kisses from my jaw, down my throat and too my collar bones before coming back up. His one hand reaching to hold me by the jaw, as he watched me, smirking at my laboured breathing. "I love that I get you going like this" his hand drifting to my neck, his fingers wrapping around it easily. Not applying pressure, just holding it there, as a reminder of who is in control. "I love watching you purr for me" He said sitting back slightly, his free hand traveling down my torso, fingers tracing loops as he made his way down.
"Steve" I whispered and he hummed in response. "Are you-" I swallowed thickly, my own arousal fogging my brain already. "Are you okay to do this, I don't want you in pain" 
"Oh this?" He said gesturing down cockily. "Those bastards will have to kill me first before I say no to fucking my girl" his hand slipped between my thighs with the last word.
My girl.
His fingers swimming in the moisture he caused. He smiled to himself, clearly admiring the sheen it left behind on his fingers. "Mine, mine, mine" He cooed, leaning back up to kiss me, his hand starting slow circles against my clit.
Mewling into his kiss my hands held tightly around his biceps shifted only slightly to the base of his neck, tugging at his hair gently. He groaned in response and my hips jerked instinctively with the noise, wanting to hear more. "Steve"
"Yes pretty girl?"
"More" I begged.
"More?" He mocked.
"Please Steve, I feel like I'm on fire" I said honestly.
He chuckled before slipping one finger into me and curling it upwards. My back arched in response, my mouth shaping into a silent 'O' in the process. Continuing to curl up into me he pulled his other hand down bringing his thumb up to my clit, rubbing circles again. My thighs tried to shut but Steve held them open, only removing his hand from my clit to push them back apart, giving one of them a light slap. I hissed at the sting but Steve laughed softly and said "No hiding from me, I wanna see all of you"
I blushed, wanting to cover my face with my arm but refrained knowing he would scold me for it anyway. "Steve, just fuck me" I whined, turning my face into one of his pillows and bit at it slightly. He stopped his movements entirely. "I'm sorry what was that?" He said cupping his ear and leaning towards me.
"Please!" I said a little too aggressively, and laughed at the desperation of myself. "Please Stevie, please fuck me, remind me who I belong to, remind my pussy that it's your home" I said through my lashes, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. I swear I almost heard him growl as he hovered back on top of me, his hand wet with my slick leaving a trail behind on each surface of my skin he touched. Leaning back only to align himself with my entrance I shifted so I was closer. Swiping his tip against my folds, collecting my arousal, he pushed forward without a warning. Gasping I reached forward for his bicep. "Fuck Steve" The abruption of it causing a small sting at the base of my entranced but subsided quickly as he bottomed out, groaning into my neck. He stayed like that for a minute, the two of us connected, by something only we could give each other, sure it was sex, but it was love, it was connection, it was honesty, communication, it was home.
The word rang in my head over and over as he slammed into me relentlessly, sloppy thrusts with lewd sounds filled the corners of his room. My head tipped back in pleasure as I moaned out, reaching down to rub myself while Steve continued his pace. "Fuck you look so pretty like this, under me, all fucked out and touching yourself, fuck I love you"
"Love. You" Was all I good vocalize, blissed out in pleasure. That fire on my skin trailed around me, through my veins, and into me as it settled in the pit of my stomach, heat rising, threatening to explode at any minute. "S'close Steve" I whined.
"I'm right there with you baby" He grunted. "Come on, cum for me pretty girl, cum on this cock, take it home" his thrusts harder but stalling as the fire began to fully engorge itself around me. Bursting through every part of me, my back arching slightly off the bed, the blanket almost sticking to my damped skin. Orgasm ripping through me, my legs trembling aggressively, barely able to keep them sturdy against Steve as his final thrusts slowed. His cum already beginning to slip out of me. A single tear rolled down the corner of my eye and into the baby hairs at my temple. Steve wiped it away, smoothing the hair out of my face. He tapped my forehead lightly and blinked at him in confusion.
"You still in there?" he asked, resting his head against my stomach. My hands combing through his hair.
"Barely" I smiled. "Getting my brains fucked into mush after an argument was not how I had thought today was going to go" I said laughing, Steves head bobbing along with the motions of my stomach.
"I'm gunna pull out okay?"
He pulled out and we both winced at the feeling, his cum now sliding down me and definitely onto his blanket. He hurried off to grab a towel, tapping my knee instructing me to lift up my hips and he slid the towel under me and helped me sit up. Pulling me into his side. "I really am sorry (Y/N), I promise I'll try to keep you more in the loop of all this stuff, I just don't want you getting hurt, it's a crazy fucking world out there, literally"
"I know baby" I said sighing, leaning my head against his shoulder. We stayed like that for a moment. Steve trailing the tips of his fingers up and down the length of my arm, the only sound filling the room was our slow breaths.
"I think I need another shower" Steve said after a while.
I leaned away from him and laughed. "Can I join you this time?"
"I'd love nothing more"
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piecksz · 4 years
three’s a crowd | (m)
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pairing: reiner x fem!reader x eren
warnings: nsfw, oral sex (female recieving), cuckolding, male masturbation, penetrative sex, voyeurism, slight degredation, slight angst, light mention of drugs, explicit language
summary: reiner’s attempt at hiding his attraction towards you fails, but lucky for him, eren’s feeling generous.
words: 4.6k
a/n: this was so much longer than i planned for.....well.....shit LMAOOO
a/n x2: I FORGOT TO ADD if you guys wanna listen to the song i looped like 47 fucking times while writing this, bc i feel like it fits reiner in this one shot kinda well, u can listen to recognize by partynextdoor (feat. drake) :p enjoy
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Reiner hated Eren.
He hadn’t gone into living with someone he’d never met in person before with innumerable expectations, but he wasn’t banking on his roommate to be his polar opposite. He hated the sound of Eren’s riotous music into the early hours of dawn. He hated the unbearable malodor of his marijuana dependence, and he hated the way he carried himself with an intolerable air of arrogance, but as much as Eren’s living habits irritated him, it was the fact that Eren had you that presided over all of his grievances.
Being a witness to it made Reiner sick, knowing that you were leagues above Eren, and surely you deserved someone respectable, but somehow he’d charmed you into a long-term relationship, and Reiner wondered how he’d managed it. If by some miracle it had been up to him, Reiner speculated that he would be a viable match for you--that was if he had those sentiments for you--and he reassured himself he didn’t hold any promiscuous feelings towards his roommate’s girlfriend.
Yet it was hard for Reiner to rationalize the obscene thoughts that pervaded his mind at 2 AM. His clock displayed the time in bold red numbers, an indication that he should have been fast asleep, but you had decided to spend the night, and he already understood what that entailed.
The walls in their apartment were thin and did an insubstantial job of muting the noise that traveled between rooms. Reiner boasted the privilege of having his room right next to Eren’s, which meant he could hear everything that happened on the other side of the barrier. He heard every whimper, every groan, every time Eren praised you for taking him so well, and every time he admired how irresistible you looked while he fucked you from the back. The sound was so lucid he could count exactly how many rounds you guys had gone, and it was usually two, three if Eren hadn’t seen you in a while which was rare.
You two were hard to ignore, no matter how hard Reiner had tried, meaning he was also up late, listening while you two coupled. Your cries of stimulation, however, he didn’t mind as much. In truth, Reiner was always tempted to slip his hands into his pants and get himself off to the sound of your enticing whimpers, but he would discourage himself, deciding it was against his better judgement. Instead he would opt to cover his ears with his pillow, flipping over onto his side and dedicating his total effort to falling asleep.  
Of course, Reiner had long established that he didn’t like you, but he swore he could make you feel better than Eren could.
It was around midday when Reiner returned to their apartment after committing his morning to helping his long-time friend, Pieck, pack up the furniture at her studio in preparation to move. They were halfway finished with stowing away Pieck’s belongings before she realized they didn’t have enough boxes and apologized, asking Reiner if he’d be willing to return the following day to help her load up her remaining things. He obliged, guiltily happy that he was being dismissed early.
Reiner kicked off his shoes and ambled into the kitchen to set down the food he secured on his way home, but he paused momentarily to scrutinize the condition of the living room, discerning Eren’s obvious trace.
The TV was on, but it sat idly, blinking images of some prime time movie Reiner couldn’t recognize, and Eren’s drug paraphernalia was left scattered on the coffee table, his bong alongside his stray lighter and grinder.
“Eren!” Reiner had prompted him on several occasions, reminding Eren that just because he thought electricity was a necessary utility and should be free, didn’t mean it was, they still had to pay for it. He also requested that he put his bong away after he was done smoking since it wasn’t permitted in their building, but Eren seemed heedless to that demand too. “Eren!”
Reiner anticipated a response, but huffed when he received only silence. Leave it to his roommate to blight his good mood in record time. He mumbled inaudibly, swiping the remote off the table to turn the TV off, and then reluctantly bending down to tidy the space of Eren’s things.
“Hi, Sunshine. You’re up and about early.”
Reiner straightened himself out and turned around, unaware that you’d been over. He missed your approaching footsteps. Had you stayed the night? He didn’t hear anything from Eren’s room the previous evening which was unusual to say the least. Maybe you’d stopped by earlier that morning while he’d been out.
“Hey,” he replied meekly. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were here.”
Reiner’s eyes looked you over swiftly, slightly startled at the lack of clothing covering your bottom half. You were only wearing a loose shirt that stopped dangerously at your hips and a pair of lace undergarments, but naturally, you didn’t seem the least bit phased. You’d practically lived with them. When you weren’t in class or at your part-time job, you were at their apartment, leading Reiner to wonder if you forgot you had a place of your own. 
“It’s fine,” you smiled. “Sorry Eren left all of his shit out. I don’t know how I know the house rules and he doesn’t.”
Reiner snorted. “He knows them, he just doesn’t care.” His voice was casual although he walked hastily into the kitchen to avoid looking at you. He stored Eren’s bong in the vacant cupboard above the microwave before throwing his other tools into a miscellaneous drawer.
As if on cue, Eren wandered out of his room languidly, carelessly shrugging a jacket onto his unclad upper body. Reiner took that as a sign that his lunch would be best enjoyed in his room. He was already irked, and wasn’t in the headspace to deal with the current atmosphere.
“What’d you get?” you questioned, leaning over the counter with mirth. You paid little attention to the way Eren came up behind you, circling his arms around your waist and resting his chin in the curve of your shoulder. You looked more interested in the alluring smells wafting from the paper bag in Reiner’s hand.
Another thing he hated about Eren was his shameless PDA. It appeared he adored showing you off, letting everyone know that you were his, but God--how could anyone forget when it seemed he was incapable of keeping his hands off of you. Reiner himself recognized that you were a prize, from your lively eyes that were a marriage of subtle hues to the way your lips curled upwards when you grinned. He even noticed the curve of your breasts’ shape through your shirt. If Reiner had you, he’d want you all to himself.
He shook the thought out of his head.
“I just got something small on the way home.” He forced a smile. “If I’d known you were over I would have gotten you something too.”
“Why do you treat Y/N better than you treat me?” Eren asked, sounding only a little bit offended.
Reiner pretended to think before he responded. “Ah, maybe it’s because I don’t like you.”
You laughed at Reiner’s reply, and Eren only smiled, but Reiner detected something else behind his expression. Mischief.
“Do you like Y/N?”
Reiner creased his eyebrows together. “Of course.” He hadn’t read too much into the question. He did like you. You weren’t just easy on the eyes, but you were great company too. That was the only reason he didn’t mind lending their apartment to you as a second home, he enjoyed being around you.
You let out an exaggerated aww after he answered. “I like you too, Reiner.”
Reiner chuckled, shaking his head, but inside he was telling his heart to calm down. You didn’t mean it like that.
Eren hummed absentmindedly, swaying side to side slowly while you rocked along to his movement.
“Do you wanna fuck her?”
Reiner gripped the bag in his hand tightly, and his smile faltered in shock, reeling from the bombshell of Eren’s question. “What?” Did he hear him correctly?
You looked just as surprised, exclaiming your boyfriend’s name and craning your neck to look at him.
“I’m kidding,” he dismissed, but Reiner could tell he wasn’t from the way Eren’s eyes didn’t waver from him.
What Reiner didn’t know was that Eren had caught onto him. He’d known for a while, which was why he was particularly touchy with you around Reiner, showing you off, not caring whether you walked around their apartment scarcely dressed, it was because Eren enjoyed having something that someone else wanted. He saw the way his roommate acted around his girlfriend, reserved and quiet, more than he usually was, and he even noticed the way Reiner’s eyes dipped down to your chest in the moment because Eren was exceptional at paying attention to detail.
You must have detected how uncomfortable Reiner felt because you delivered a brief jab to Eren’s ribs with your elbow.
“Eren, that’s not fucking funny,” you chided. “Do I need to put you in time out?”
“It’s fine,” Reiner interrupted quickly. He didn’t want you defending him because you were oblivious. It only made the situation more embarrassing than it already was since, truthfully, the thought had crossed his mind more than once.
Eren reiterated his question, eyes narrowed at Reiner. “So do you?”
You sighed heavily and looked at Reiner apologetically. He could feel his face growing hot, and he prayed it wasn’t obvious he was as flushed as he felt. He just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.
Reiner released a humourless chuckle. “Grow up, Eren.” He slipped past the two of you, but he didn’t get far.
“I’m only asking because I’m feeling charitable. You wouldn’t mind, would you baby?”
Reiner could hear Eren pressing a series of ticklish kisses against your skin, causing you to laugh through your answer.
“I mean, I wouldn’t mind if Reiner doesn’t mind.”
Reiner brought his teeth down hard on the tip of his tongue. He was surprised that Eren was so secure in his relationship that he would willingly allow another man to have his way with his girlfriend. He wasn’t sure if his suggestion was insane or ingenious, because Eren had taken control of the one thing that threatened any relationship: infidelity, something so unvirtuous wouldn’t stop him from loving you. You and Eren were so committed to each other that a simple fuck meant nothing.
Reiner hesitated, but figured an opportunity like this was rare. He had both Eren’s permission and yours, yet he still didn’t believe his sincerity until you were in Eren’s room, starting to strip out of your clothes.
His chestnut eyes drifted over to Eren, slouched lazily in the chair he casually pulled out from his desk. “You’re gonna watch?”
Eren lifted a thick eyebrow, resting his thumb under his chin with an index finger against his cheek, looking unimpressed by Reiner’s obvious reservations. “You think I’d let you fuck my girlfriend without me here?”
Reiner slid a tense hand over the back of his neck, rubbing away the uncomfortable heat that creeped up his back and diffused to the tips of his ears. He figured that was reasonable considering the circumstances, after all, he was only fucking you because Eren had allowed it.
There was nothing more intoxicating to Reiner than your bare form, scanty pink lace clinging to your hips the only thing preventing you from being completely naked in front of him. His gaze dipped from your simpering smile down to your collarbones and then down to your breasts, perfectly sculpted to your figure.
Reiner made no efforts to move despite his insatiable urge to grab you in his arms and make certain that you were left satisfied. He feared he’d look too eager to Eren who was observing from the sidelines, but you paid little attention to your audience of one as you sauntered towards Reiner, closer and closer, until your arms slid around his neck and you pressed your chest to his torso.
Reiner’s body was strung so tightly, he was afraid he might snap. It seemed you took notice of the way his muscles tensed once your delicate fingers ghosted over the nape of his neck because your suggestive expression waned, and instead, your eyebrows creased with sincere concern.
“You okay?”
He couldn’t respond, but to be fair, it was because his heart was hammering against his chest and he wasn’t sure how to make it stop. He looked over at Eren again, who, fortunately, didn’t seem to pay much attention to him. Instead, your boyfriend’s stare was fixed on your backside, likely admiring how luscious you looked from his perspective.
“I’m over here.” You laughed and pressed a gentle finger to Reiner’s chin, redirecting his focus back to you. “Just relax.”
He swallowed, chuckling to soothe his unease. “I’m trying.”
Reiner wasn’t sure why he felt so unassertive in your presence. He didn’t hold a record like Eren did, but he also wasn't abstinent by any means. This, though, felt different. He was dealing with several months of pent-up sexual frustration that could only be satisfied by you and no one else. He knew because he’d tried.
Reiner drew in a ragged breath as you leaned into him, breathing heavily through his mouth until you closed the space in between you two, then he continued breathing heavily through his nose. At first, he made no efforts to close his eyes, afraid that the imagery in front of him was a mirage inspired by his own imagination and would disappear if he so much as blinked. His lips were timid, body taut under your touch, but you seduced his mouth, reining him in until he melted into the kiss.
He pushed back against you with fervor and desperation, outlining the shape of your bottom lip with his tongue before nipping at the soft flesh. You released a quiet whimper, intensifying the lust swelling in the pit of his stomach, and Reiner forced his tongue past your teeth, claiming your mouth while his wandering hands settled audaciously against your ass.
Your hands slid over his shoulders and crafted biceps until they tugged hastily against the hem of his shirt, and Reiner immediately understood your cue, withdrawing his mouth from yours to give himself just enough time to slip out of it. He dipped down again to deliver another kiss, but he was deterred by the feeling of your palm against his chest.
“What? Is something wrong?” he questioned quickly, eyes darting back and forth between your hand and your face, worried that he’d done something to overstep your boundaries.
Instead of the troubled expression he expected, you looked rather intrigued. Perhaps impressed was the better word. Your curiosity was held by Reiner’s physique, a living work of art. Eager fingers traveled down the built ripples of his abdomen, chuckling once you felt his muscles flex under your touch.
“Jesus Christ,” you breathed. “Nice, Braun.”
A snicker emitted from the corner. This, miraculously, Eren allowed.
Reiner's mouth quirked upward in a subtle smile before he surrounded you with his arm, pulling you in for another kiss. He walked you backwards until you collapsed onto the mattress, and he fell on top of you, strong forearms holding up his weight. It was then that Reiner realized he allowed his lust to win in the war against himself.
He pulled away to recover his breath, winded pants fanning over your face. His surveying eyes searched yours before they lowered to your swollen lips. God, you were even more mesmerizing up close, heavy-lidded and studying him through a curtain of eyelashes. Maybe for once Reiner would admit he was jealous of Eren. He was fucking envious, bitter, and spiteful that you were his. He’d been a goddamn idiot to let things go this far, agreeing to Eren’s offer, because he knew one fuck wouldn’t be enough to fufill his need for you. He’d barely gotten a taste, and he could already promise that nothing would ever compare to this.
He found your throat and pressed a fleeting kiss to your pulse, moving further down until his lips met your collarbone. He nipped at the delicate skin, taking notice of the way your grip in his hair tightened. His eyebrows arched while he peered up at you, delighting in the way your head rolled back and forth against the duvet. He really wanted to suck at your skin, leaving dark bruises that decorated the path from your earlobe down to your breastbone, but he knew Eren would kill him.
Reiner dipped lower until his lips brushed lightly against your beaded nipple. You made a small sound of protest, but held his head closer, letting him know what you really wanted. His heart beat erratically against his ribcage as he curved a large hand around your right breast and suppressed a groan, but you released a breathy whimper.
He could feel the sound wreaking havoc in his brain. His balls were so damn tight, it would take barely any effort for him to cum, but he wanted to prolong your coupling as long as possible. He didn’t know if he’d ever get another chance like this.  
His thumb ran over the erect peaks of your breasts, captivated by the magic of watching your back arch and your body become aroused under his touch. He dipped a finger into his mouth, glazing it with his saliva before using it to flick back and forth at your nipple.
“Fuck, Reiner,” you mewled.
Reiner replaced his hand with his lips, sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth. The tip of his tongue swirled around it, coating it generously with his spit, while you made no attempts to conceal your intense cries of pleasure.  
Eren released an entertained sigh, swiveling back and forth in his chair. “She whines like a bitch, doesn’t she?”
Shit. Reiner had almost forgotten he was there, but he still released a hungry grunt in agreement, sending vibrations over your chest. He tugged at your nipple with his teeth, releasing it, and then soothing the sting with the flat side of his tongue.
He trailed down your abdomen, pressing hard wet kisses and stopping to leave a quick lick to your navel. He grinned against your skin when you gripped the sheets and breathed his name again, this time quieter, as if you meant it only for his ears. He liked to think so.
Once he reached the waistband of your panties, he licked along the fabric, immobilizing your rolling hips with strong hands.
“Enough with the theatrics, Reiner. Just do it already,” Eren groaned, sounding irate.
Reiner assumed Eren’s groan was only to stress his impatience, but once he looked over to him, he realized he wasn’t just giving directives from the sidelines. His bottom lip was tucked between his teeth, and his hand was moving steadily against the noticeable tent in his sweatpants.
He was enjoying this just as much as Reiner was, getting off to the sight of his girlfriend under another man, his roommate nonetheless.
Reiner suddenly felt strange. What the hell was he doing providing entertainment for Eren?
“Reiner,” your needy voice pulled him out of his reflection. His attention drifted back to you, watching while you propped yourself up on your elbows and slid your unsteady hands over your chest to tweak your own nipples, as if you were trying to hold yourself over.
He wished you hadn’t looked so tempting, even with your disheveled hair and sweaty skin, your vulnerable eyes fixated on him, and he was powerless.
Reiner hooked his fingers around your underwear, kissing a trail down the inside of your thighs as he pulled your panties down to your ankles before slipping them off and letting them pool on the floor.
“Spread wide baby, let him see that pretty pussy,” Eren stirred, cock now thrust out the top of his grey sweats and his swollen tip glistening with precum. His hand was wrapped firmly around his stiff length, moving slow while his breathing quickened.
For once, Reiner agreed with him, and he pressed his fingers into your thighs to aid you in parting your legs. Your pussy was slick with your own arousal, squelching as you tightened around nothing. You were even prettier than he’d imagined.
“Fuck,” Reiner breathed, extending two fingers to part your folds. Was he still sure he wasn’t dreaming?
He wrapped his built arms around your legs, pulled you closer, and lowered his head. He fixed his lips to your swollen clit, allowing his tongue to lap and circle around the tender bud every few seconds.
“Oh my god,” you cried, writhing against the sheets.
If he hadn’t secured your legs in his grip, he was certain you would have smothered him between your thighs out of reflex. He could detect the way you fought against his hold, but he far overpowered you in strength.
When he plunged his tongue inside you without notice, that was nearly enough to send you over the edge. You pulled on the sheets with a frenzied grip, producing a shrill cry your neighbors had certainly heard. There was no doubt about it.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you murmured, chest expanding and falling with labored breaths.
Reiner wanted to spend a few more generous minutes tasting you, he couldn’t get enough, but he also wasn’t sure how much longer he would last. His cock was hot and hard in his pants, and he needed to feel you around him. Even if Eren wouldn’t let him cum inside of you, he needed to experience at least that much.
He rose to his feet, working quickly against his pants’ zipper while trying not to tease himself by looking at you. He was worried the mere sight of you on the bed, spread and ready for him would be enough to bring him to a climax, but he’d made the mistake of looking at you anyways, hand between your legs, delicate fingers rubbing at your clit while you stared up at him.
Fucking hell. Kill me. Reiner thought. Fuck. He felt the throbbing heat of his cock, and he wished you wouldn’t look at him like that. He really wished you wouldn’t look at him like that.
“Look at her, so desperate to be filled. It’s almost pathetic,” Eren laughed, but it was clear he was feeling your effect too. He lolled his head forward, long brown hair spilling over his shoulders and obscuring his face while his palm worked fast against his cock.
Shut up, Reiner thought. His head was growing hazy, and he couldn’t think. He needed to be inside you, and he couldn’t wait a second longer.
Reiner let himself free while his pants and underwear hung low around his knees. He couldn’t even find time to delight in the way your face melted into bliss once you laid eyes on his thick cock, leaking precum in sinful amounts because all he could think about was his ache. He leaned over you, positioning himself at your entrance.
He’d been waiting for this for so goddamn long.
Reiner exhaled when you said his name again, hips undulating against his cock and wet folds stroking his tip. He watched as he pushed himself into you, filling you to the hilt, and once he was inside he hung his head forward, eyes shut tightly in a painful sort of ecstasy.
“You’re so fucking tight,” Reiner grunted breathlessly.
He groaned, pinning your hips down with his once you attempted to fuck yourself onto his cock.
“Stop moving,” he pleaded. “Jesus christ--please don’t move.” He stayed still for a moment, waiting until his sensitivity subsided before he started rocking his hips against you slowly.
Reiner couldn’t dedicate his focus to anything other than the feeling of your slick walls clenching around his cock every time he pulled out, and the way he stretched you out every time he thrusted back in. He wondered if you could feel the depth of his desire.
“Harder,” you whispered once, and then begged louder. “Reiner please, fuck me harder.”
At first, Reiner was worried. He wanted to be gentle, he wanted to savor you, and he wanted to make sure he didn’t hurt you, but your request had him picking up the pace, ramming into you until the familiar slapping sound of sweaty skin filled the room.  
You unraveled and became completely undone, letting out loud moans every time he drove his cock into you. Reiner thought the sound was incredibly euphonic as it fell upon his ears. You were like this because of him.
“How’s this?” His voice was husky and deep beside your ear.
Reiner was pleased by your lack of response. You could only nod, overwhelmed by the dual sensation brought on by him and the feeling of your quick fingers against your clit. You secured an arm around his neck again and wrapped your legs around his torso, clinging to him like he was all you needed. He wished that was how you really felt.
“Close…,” you murmured, and Reiner deduced you were warning him that you were near your orgasm. He could tell by the way your walls began to spasm.
Reiner felt the small of his back tighten, and he knew he was close too. He was torn between his release and holding himself back, not ready for this to end just yet, but his body betrayed him and he felt his cock twitch inside you.
Luckily, you reached your climax first, and Reiner watched in awe as your body seized underneath him, breasts bobbing with every jolt while you worked your clit into overstimulation. It wasn’t long after your orgasm that he made his last rueful thrusts. He quickly pulled out and clasped himself in the curve of his hand. He pumped his length until he released in quick spurts onto your stomach, covering you in his hot seed, and he kept pumping until he made sure he emptied himself of every drop.
His eyes quickly darted over to Eren, not to be odd or anything, but again, he had forgotten he was there. It seemed Eren had already satisfied himself. The creamy, white liquid decorating the bare skin of his abdomen and dribbling down his loose fist was evidence of that. Now that he had appeased his urges, he seemed disinterested as he reached over his desk and plucked a few tissues to clean himself up.
Reiner collapsed beside you, listening to the loud thudding of his heart as it delivered a few ecstatic beats while he caught his breath and began to calm down. He stared at the pivoting fan blades, and then his eyes dropped down to you lying next to him, sweaty and fucked out.
You were laying there with him, and goddammit he wanted to reach his arms out and wrap them around you, pulling you close so he could hold you and feel your heartbeat against his chest. He’d press kisses to your salty forehead, and then tell you how much he loved you. He wanted to stay like this.
Reiner's ideal vision dissolved once Eren stopped at the edge of the bed and extended his hand for you to grab.
“You wanna join me for a shower, baby?” Eren asked.
Of course, you took it, allowing him to support you until you were sitting up.
You released an exhausted laugh. “Yes, please.” You then turned to Reiner and arched your eyebrow in surprise. “By the way, not bad, Braun.”
Reiner gave you a small smile in return, but said nothing as he watched you cover your breasts with your arm and let Eren hoist you off the bed. You two slid past him and headed out of the room, but not without Eren looking back over his shoulder, shooting Reiner a shit-eating grin, as though reminding him who you’d always belong to.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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soulmate au where when you touch your soulmate you see glimpses of your future with them; the winter soldier touches you and realizes there’s so much more out there
series masterlist // next
part one
word count: 1.7k
a/n: hi bffs !! hope u all enjoy this !! i am a sucker for soulmate au’s <3 let me know what u guys think and if u guys want a part 2 !!!
Bucky awoke to the sound of the guards unlocking the door, the metal creaking as Alexander Pierce walked in, waving the guards off to leave the two alone.
“you have another mission today” the man spoke smoothly, bucky getting up from his small bed and staring at the man infront of him, “you need to finish this before it gets out of hand” pierce spoke, eyeing the soldier as he stared blankly ahead.
“Do you understand?” He questioned, bucky looked at him, nodding his head silently as the guards took him out, taking him to get ready for his mission.
He had stopped resisting, he had nothing left, he couldn’t remember much and he had no idea who he even was. Bucky followed the motions, suiting up and grabbing his weapons alongside the other HYDRA agents.
You frowned at steve and natasha, grumbling to yourself as Sam let you into the house.
“im y/n, sorry about these two” you smiled at the man, extending your hand out and turning to your two friends.
“thank you for coming y/n, we really need you” Steve spoke, natasha nodding in agreement as she dried her hair slowly.
“yeah, yeah everyone always needs me” you joked, sitting next to them and rubbing your eyes, “woke me up from my nap so this better be good” you spoke, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back.
Steve and natasha explained the situation, telling you what they knew about the winter soldier, you soaked in the information, attempting to google him but coming up with almost nothing.
“hm, so you want me to do what, exactly” you questioned, looking at the trio staring back at you.
“fight with us, help us, we have to stop HYDRA” Steve spoke, looking at natasha before continuing, “i don’t know who to trust and” he sighed, “we know we can trust you, are you in?”
You smiled, getting up and pulling the three in for a hug, sams eyes going wide.
“of course I’m in, i care about you guys too much to let you die alone” you chuckled, pulling away, looking at Sam before speaking up, “no ones dying by the way, right?”
The four of you were on the rooftop, getting information out of Sitwell, laughing when natasha kicked him off.
“What about that girl from accounting, Laura?” Natasha spoke, looking at Steve as he thought about the woman’s name.
“Lillian! Lip piercing right?” Natasha nodded and Steve shook his head.
“yeah I’m not ready for that” you laughed at the two lightly.
“you should get with the time have a little fun!” You teased, Natasha smiling as you sided with her, nodding her head excitedly.
As Sam brought Sitwell back you began the interrogation, threatening to throw the man off for good is he didn’t start talking. Your eyes were steely and they let you handle him, getting all the information you needed.
“i didn’t know you could be so-” sam stopped, trying to find the right words.
“evil?” Natasha offered.
“terrifying?” Steve chuckled and Sam nodded.
“Insight launched in 16 hours” you spoke up, checking your phone, Natasha nodded speaking up after you, “we’re cutting it kinda close here.”
Steve looked ahead with furrowed brows nodding his head, “well use him to bypass the DNA scans and bypass the helicarriers directly.”
Sitwell scoffed next to you, blabbering on about you something, you rolled your eyes, going to say something when someone reached through the window and threw him out, your eyes going wide.
“what the fuck!” You screeched, looking up and seeing who you assumed was the winter soldier.
Your eyes were wide as you stared out the windshield, a tug in your chest as you saw him sliding across the concrete, steadying himself with his metal arm.
Natasha pulled her gun out, aiming at the man. A car rear ended you, pushing you forward and knocking your wind out. The soldier jumped atop the car, holding on tight as the truck behind you pushed you all foward.
Sam pressed on the breaks, trying to steer away from the other cars. A metal hand reached through the windshield and tore the steering wheel out from his grasp.
“shit!” Sam yelled, eyes wide as the car drove into another, Natasha reaching her gun and shooting in hopes of hitting the masked man.
Steve grabbed onto the three in the front, looking back at you with wide eyes.
“go!” You yelled, scrambling to open the door before the car crashed into the wall.
“hang on!” Steve called, jumping out, with you bracing yourself for the impact seconds after, you flew out the door, hitting the ground with a thud.
You ran to join natasha and Sam, ducking behind cars to avoid the bullets, finally pulling out your pocket knife and hitting one of the men in the chest, running again as they shot at you three even more.
You and natasha jumped down, holding onto her as she shot something under the bridge to swing from.
The two of you landed safely, you pointed to the shadow of the solider, running alongside her to shoot at the man.
You both aimed and fired, hitting his giggled and causing him to turn back. You let out a sigh, hoping they would give you a minute to recover. You both ran for cover as he leaned back over, machine gun in hand and shooting wildly.
“fucks sake” you let out, breathless as you aimed to shoot back at him, running for cover once again, hiding behind the parked cars. Your eyes focusing on the bus steve had fallen into, relief flooding your body when you saw him jumping out and hiding behind the shield safely, eyes moving to the highway and seeing Sam shooting from above.
“I’m gonna leave this recording here, ill sneak up behind him and then you try and get him, we can double team him” Natasha spoke, you nodded, letting her record the memo before setting it down and running.
Your heart raced as you saw the soldier approach the vehicle, waiting for the right moment to strike. As Natasha ran to tackle him from behind you noticed the amount of people still around you, the explosion next to you sending people flying.
“shit” you mumbled, running to help them as Natasha held her own.
“get out of the way! Run! Get out of here” you yelled, pointing at those in frenzy to run in the opposite direction, you glanced over your shoulder, Natasha being thrown into a car.
As you turned to help her you noticed a little girl crying, alone. You debated for a second before running up to her, taking her in your arms and handing her off to some random adult who was fleeing.
Natasha had messed the man arm up, joining her in her sprint as you all yelled for people to move and to take cover. You heard the whirl of a bullet and natasha groan, doubling over next to a car.
“take of her!” Steve yelled, holding off the soldier. You let eyes were wide, putting pressure on Natasha wound and looking around.
“you’re gonna be fine” you told her, looking into the car and breaking the window with your elbow, opening the compartment in the passengers seat and smiling when you found a first aid kit.
“come on” you mumbled, moving her gently and cleaning the wound, doing your best with what little you had. You tried to bandage her, the sound of the bullets hitting Steve’s shield making your hands shake.
“go help them, I’ll be fine” Natasha groaned out, you hesitated before nodding, running to where Steve was.
You hid behind a car, watching as he shoved a knife into a van, barely missing Steve’s head.
You jumped from behind the car as Steve reached to grab his shield, hitting the metal armed man, you used your body weight to twist him back.
Visions flashed in your eyes, quick flashes of a man with a charming smile and beautiful blue eyes. The sound of laughter echoing in your ears as the mask fell besides you. You saw the two of you cuddled up on a couch, you saw two two of you watching a sunset while on a picnic, giggles falling from your mouth.
Bucky saw it too, his mind flashing with pictures of a life he didn’t recognize, seeing you, his mission in them. He saw you cuddled at his side, he saw you on a stage together singing with lyrics on a screen, he saw the two of you rescuing a white cat from the rain. Bucky saw you holding out a present for him, a bright smile on you face, he saw you throwing flour at him in a kitchen, cookies baking in an over.
He stayed on the ground, memories who he used to be flooding his mind, hope of who he could become clouding his judgement.
Tears brimmed in his eyes as he looked up at you, standing in front of Steve with an equally shocked look on your face.
“it’s you” you breathed out, your heart tugging in your chest as your eyes met his blue ones, they were cloudy and they were broken but god, you already loved them.
“it’s you” he whispered. A year rolling down his face before HYDRA agents surrounded you all.
“Bucky?” Steve spoke, finally getting a good look at the man.
The super soldier stayed quiet, panic in his eyes and he looked at you, setting his weapon down. You made a move to run to him, but Sam flew in, knocking him feet away from you, Natasha soon launching a grenade.
“no!” You screamed, running to where he was. He was gone.
“No! Please i just found him no!” You cried, sinking to you knees, Sam ran over to you, holding you tightly as you sobbed, agents surrounding the four of you and telling you all to get down on your knees.
You sobbed into sams chest, only leaving his embrace when the agents ripped you from him.
Buckys eyes were wide as he sat in the chair, his heart racing as he recalled your face, your hair. He recalled the flashes he saw, his future with you.
He had something to hold onto, he had something to fight for, someone to survive for. He thought about the man who was next to you, he was familiar, he was in his old memories.
Buckys mind raced, knowing they would wipe his memories, he soaked in every last detail, praying he could hold onto to what he had after they wiped him.
He could hold onto you, his hope.
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Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; oral, fucking, stalking, hacking, threats, implied violence.
This is dark!Jake Jensen x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find your pictures on someone else’s Insta but that’s not the only thing he’s stolen.
Note: Yay, another Jensen fic at last. I’m probably gonna try to work in more one shots between my series. I’m looking at Andy Barber, Ransom Drysdale, or Lee Bodecker right now for next week but we’ll see.
Thanks to everyone for sticking around and putting up with me and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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The chirp of the chat pierced your eardrum once more as you ignored it for the spreadsheet of dates on your other monitor. Working from home could be both peaceful and distracting but the third bing had you muting and pushing your headset to your neck with a grumble. You switched windows as the chat box blinked.
‘So why didn’t u tell me u had a bf?’ Zia’s bubble blipped up followed by impatient emojis.
“Wat r u talking bout?’ you typed back and clicked back to the spreadsheet to update the status of each course. That noise came again and you flipped back.
‘I’m not stupid! Come on. He’s far away but he’s cute.’
You frowned and tapped the space bar lightly. You were utterly confused. The only activity in your daily life were the general notifications from Tindr. You repeated the question and she sent an emoji rolling its eyes.
‘I’m serious.’ you replied.
She sent a link and then a laughing GIF attached to another bubbled response, ‘I’m not buyin it.’
You clicked on the hyperlink and a new tab opened. You scrolled down on the Insta as the air was knocked out of you at the sight of your own face. Not only were their pics taken from your public profile but several you’d never even posted. Your skin crawled and the bing sounded again.
‘So… an online thing huh.’ Zia pressed on.
‘I gotta work.’ you closed out of the window entirely but stayed on the Insta.
You scrolled through about a dozen or so selfies of you, each labeled as ‘missing my lady’ or ‘she’s so sweet, sending me pics to keep me company’. Your stomached roiled with mortification and the unsettling sensation of intrusion. It was easy enough to guess you’d been hacked but to think this was what the creep did with it was even more startling.
You changed the password on your Insta and went through the process of doing so with all of your accounts and ran a scan on your PC. You would likely have to file a ticket for a proper inspection with a specialist. You couldn’t help but shake as you went back to the profile after checking your bank account and PayPal to make sure it wasn’t worse than just pics.
You went back to the profile and found photos of the culprit. His spiky blond hair and glasses were unsurprising and his comic book tee shirt was even less. Your disgust was quickly replaced with anger as you hit the chat icon above his info.
‘Hey, jackass, care to tell me how you have my photos on your profile?!’
The read icon appeared almost and you saw him typing. It stopped and then started again.
‘You’re so beautiful, I wanted to share it with everyone.’
You scoffed at the message and cringed at the screen. ‘Are you nuts? Like actually. You stole my photos! You hacked me. Creep.’
You blocked him immediately after hitting send and logged out. You opened Excel again and tried to focus on the coloured cells. You could hardly process what you were doing as your phone began to vibe on the corner of your desk. It didn’t let up and you couldn’t focus past the incessant buzzing.
You snatched it up and several messages covered the screen as you unlocked it. ‘You really think that’s gonna work’; ‘You can’t block me’... several in a similar vein that you deleted before blocking the number. You silenced your phone and turned back to your monitor.
Suddenly the screen went black and you blinked. You hit the keyboard and clicked, assuming it fell asleep. It lit up again but all you saw was yourself staring back. Your mouth fell open and you ripped the clip-on cam from atop your monitor. You disconnected it as the notepad opened and typing flicked up across the white space.
‘I didn’t want it to be like this.’
You could move the mouse or backspace. All control was lost and you sat there helplessly watching the scrawl.
‘I think we’d be really good together if you only gave me a chance. Can’t you see I worship you?’
Your phone began to shake constantly and a private number flashed. You picked it up and hollered into the speaker, “leave me alone”. You hung up but it kept on and your screen turned to black once more. Your PC was still on but there was no reaction from the machine.
Fuck, you sat back and looked at your phone. You couldn’t even call work to tell them because the damn thing wouldn’t stop ringing. You put your head in your hands and grunted in frustration. How the fuck did all this happen?
After your initial panic died down, you disconnected your tower and shut off your phone. You left your cell behind as it was just as useless. You hauled the PC down to IT at your work and filled out the ticket without giving intricate details on everything the weirdo had taken.
You left with a borrowed laptop. You wouldn’t sign into your personal accounts and stick to the company portal. You were embarrassed but happy to have a temporary solution. You got home and set up the new computer and reconfigured your wi-fi. You finished the last of the day’s work and ended the day with a glass of wine.
When you dared to turn your phone on again the next morning, it was filled with notifications from all platforms but each one you clicked on errored and prompted you to sign-in. All your new passwords were wrong and you knew it was him. 
You checked the Insta and found a screenshot on his profile from the day before, your mouth agape in horror that could easily mistaken for surprise.
‘Her face when you pop the question on the call’. The caption made your stomach curdle and you nearly flung the phone away. You couldn’t comment without logging in or message. So you created a shell account with a throwaway email you used on Reddit.
‘Why won’t you stop?’ you sent the message through as you waited for your coffee to brew.
‘Stop what?’ he added a winky face with his reply and you growled.
‘You know who this is! Why are you doing this?’
‘Hmmm…’ he let the message hang there and you sat down with your mug and listened to the birds outside. ‘Imagine what someone else would do with everything I have.’
‘Look at what you’re doing. You’re ruining my life.’
‘Ruining? Sweetie, I’m watching over you. Protecting you.’
Your nostrils flared and you burnt your tongue on the coffee and planted it on the table so it sloshed over the sides.
‘Love you, sweetie. See ya soon.’
The chat box turned grey as you realised he blocked you. That pissed you off more than anything and you lobbed your phone away with a shout of anguish. This guy was fucked!  
You were shaking so much you couldn’t even drink your coffee. You got up and paced until you could think straight. You dialed into work and told them you were taking the day off for a personal emergency and shut down your phone. You were too afraid he would find a way onto your work laptop and you didn’t want to have to explain that to IT too.
Zia showed up on Saturday and she wasn’t happy. She buzzed up and banged on your door impatiently. You let her in and she crossed her arms over the strap of her purse as she crooked her hip.
“I know I shouldn’t have snooped but if you’re mad at me, you should’ve just said so. I would’ve backed off,” she scowled.
“I’m not mad,” you said as you backed into the front room and dragged your feet over the rug.
“Sure, you’re just ignoring all my messages by accident,” she stayed at the other side of the room.
“Not exactly, no,” you shrugged, “it’s a long story.”
“And you couldn’t shoot me a message to say that at least?”
“Look, I’m stressed the fuck out. I’m sorry but the only reason I didn’t answer you is because I can’t.” 
“You can’t?”
“I can’t even turn my phone on anymore.”
“Just--” you touched your temples, “I don’t even know how to explain--”
“Jesus, are you okay?” her anger slaked away as her voice softened.
“No, I’m not,” you sniffed, “I’ve been trapped in this apartment and I can’t think straight and I can’t even talk to anyone because my phone and my life is totally fucked.”
“How about we get a coffee and you can tell me once you’ve calmed down,” she said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so worked up.”
“You don’t know how bad it is. I really fucked up,” you whined, “I don’t even know how it happened.”
“Is this about the boyfriend?”
You huffed and shook your head, “I told you, he’s not my boyfriend-- Let me get dressed.”
After you felt presentable enough to leave the apartment, the thought of getting away ushered you down the winding stairwell and onto the sidewalk. You and Zia walked down to the cafe on the corner where you always overspent on their specialty drink and caught up.
You ordered but when you tried to use your card, the machine beeped in rejection. You tried again but still no luck. Zia offered to pay and you promised you’d pay her back. Anxiety pitted deep in your stomach as you sat. You’d have to call the bank and figure out why eight dollars would bounce.
“So,” Zia said as she shaded her eyes against the sunlight streaming onto the open patio, “he’s not your boyfriend?”
“I don’t even know the dude,” you hissed as you almost overturned your cup, “Zee, those pictures, they were all on my phone. I never sent them to anyone. I don’t even know his real name and when I confronted him, he crashed my whole system and blew up my phone. I haven’t been able to log into anything because of him.”
“You’re shitting me,” she chuckled.
“Zee, I’m not fucking kidding,” you blinked, “don’t you think if I was dating some dude out in who knows where, you’d be the first to know? You think I’m wasting my time with the idiots on Tindr for fun?”
“No way,” she scoffed.
“Zia, look me in the eye,” you said as you gave her a stern look, “I’m freaking the fuck out.”
“Did you call the police?” she asked.
You sat back and closed your eyes. You were so swept up in the panic, you hadn’t even thought. You could report it to the police, just get a record of it even if they didn’t do anything else. You heard horror stories of hackers and how little could be done but you had to at least try.
“I guess I should go down to the station today,” you ran your fingertips along your chin, “I don’t know, I felt so alone, I thought--”
“And call your bank right now,” she slid her phone over, “figure out what’s going on with your accounts.”
You took her cell and dialed the number on the back of the card. You dragged your finger down the side of your cup as you listened to the automated message and hit the buttons to direct you to customer service. The hold song bubbled in your head and finally picked up as you finished the last of your mocha.
You explained the issue after giving your information as Zia sat patiently across from you. She watched the other patrons and looked out across the street as you waited on the representative on the other end.
“Looks like your account has been locked. Your savings and checking have been placed on hold citing possible fraud,” the woman explained.
“Well, can’t you unlock them? Why would they be flagged?”
“Hmm, well I see no suspicious spending so possibly… it could be due to an external lock, not us.”
“What does that mean?”
“I can’t speak to that. Have you received any communications from the Revenue service?”
“Revenue service? I don’t--no,” you gulped.
“I’m sorry, there’s nothing else I can tell you,” she said, “you should consider contacting federal services.”
You hung up and handed Zia her phone back. “Apparently, I’m under investigation for fraud? I don’t know.”
“Shit,” she took her cell, “are you sure?”
“It sounded like it but-- I gotta check my credit card,” you stood and grabbed your empty cup and your purse.
You stormed down the street to the ATM at the corner and inserted your card. LOCKED the machine made a hideous noise and you pulled out your card in irritation. You put your wallet and touched the sides of your neck as the heat swelled through you.
“I don’t understand--”
“Um, you should see this,” Zia said.
Zia turned her screen towards you and your heart dropped to your toes. There was a picture softened by a blush Insta filter and the caption read, ‘just got into town, surprising bae with flowers’. Over the cluster of petals at the bottom of the image were you and Zia sitting at the cafe patio.
You spun and searched around for any sign of the man and the bouquet. You could hardly breath as it felt like you were being squished between invisible walls. You clapped your hand against the wall and steadied yourself as Zia gently rubbed your arm.
“Let’s go to the station,” you croaked as tears welled in your eyes, “please.”
The police told you everything you expected. Even as you showed them the photos and explained how you never met that man in your life, they only offered you words on a piece of paper. They’d file the report and follow-up in case of any further escalation. It was a non-answer, a cold shrug.
Zia went home with you as she offered to stay the night. You gladly accepted and the two of you cozied up on your bed and spent the night watching early 00s rom coms. You found it hard to relax even with her there. You couldn’t stop thinking about how close he’d been without you even knowing.
You at last began to doze off as Reese Witherspoon triumphed and exhausted by the endless maelstrom of dread, you slipped into a deep but perilous sleep. You were locked in limbo between waking and slumber, almost as if you could hear everything around you but remained blind and unknowing all the same.
You woke with a start as you felt like you were falling. You sat up and reached to the other side of the bed. Zia was gone. She must have got up to get water or use the bathroom. You took a breath and turned your legs over the edge. You got up groggily and lumbered across the room, your mouth dry and head aching. Some tylenol and water would do you well.
You hesitated as you noticed the bloom of light just around the corner from your doorway. Zia must be having trouble sleeping, you guessed as you kept on. As you came in sight of the front room, you heard a whimper and you backed up against the wall as tall figure stood before the coffee table. The flowers laid across the wood, slightly crumpled from a struggle.
As Zia whined, he jabbed her with his foot and she grunted around the rag tied around her mouth. Her arms and legs were bound behind her as the man loomed over her. You recognized his blond hair and glasses, the menacing blue eyes as he raised his chin and crossed his arms.
“Been waiting on you,” he stepped over her, “I was disappointed when I realised it was her. Good friend though, hanging around…”
“Don’t hurt her, please. What do you want?”
“You can’t figure that out?” he taunted, “huh, I’m sure you can guess what it will take for me to leave her in one piece.”
Zia wiggled and received another boot. You pushed yourself forward and he stepped closer, predatory as he dropped his arms and clenched then unclenched his fists. He chuckled as you stopped short and gaped up at him.
“She’s cute,” he said, “she can join us if that makes it easier for you.”
“You’re disgusting,” you snarled and winced as he reached out to touch your cheek. You fought not to shove him away, your eyes on Zia’s bound figure.
“Play nice and I will,” he warned, “every time I hurt her, that’s on you. I wish I didn’t have to do this to show you how much I love you.”
You shook your head as your lip trembled. He pressed his palms to your cheek and ran his thumb along your lips. He leaned in and you cowered as you realised how big he was. You didn’t expect that looking at him from the other side of a screen.
“Do we put on a show for her or did you want a little privacy?”
“You won’t get away with this,” you hissed.
“Oh yeah? I locked you out of your social media, your pc, your bank… do you really want to see how far I can take this?”
He smothered your murmured answer with his mouth and kissed you gruffly. He pulled away and looked you in the eye. He bit his lip and hummed.
“So, do we do this here?”
“You’re sick,” you grabbed his hand and wrenched it away from your face. You yanked him and directed him to the bedroom, “you monster.”
“Now come on,” he twisted his wrist around and grabbed your elbow, “I could’ve killed her. Don’t think I won’t.”
You quivered as he forced you back into your bedroom, the street lights casting shadows between your curtains. He flung you ahead of him, as strong as his thick arms would suggest. You stumbled and caught yourself on the side of the bed. You turned as the door slammed and he prowled towards you like a wild cat.
“Well,” he threw his hands up and you caught a glint of light against the lens of his glasses, “you want me to undress you or you think you can handle that, sweetie?”
You puffed in repulsion and looked away from him. Even in the dark, you could feel his eyes on you. You jittered as you reached to the neck of your loose tee and slowly raised it over your head. You dropped it to crumple on the floor and you touched the top of your shorts. You heard him moving around and shied away as he flipped the switch and light shone across the room.
You pushed down your shorts as you heard a thump from the next room. His jaw twitched as his eyes lingered on you and he reluctantly glanced away. He swung the door open and stormed out into the front room. You went to the door and heard his snarl.
“Stop fucking moving,” he rasped, “every time I have to tell you, I’ll pop another out.”
Zia gave a muffled sob as you heard a sickly crack and you hurried to look around the wall into the room. He blocked your sight with his broad chest and pointed you back to the room.
“I didn’t say you could leave the room,” he spun you and slapped your bare ass, “fast, fast, fast… before I lose my patience.”
Your skin stung from the strike and you tripped through the doorway as he followed quickly. Another slam and he poked you further into the room with his knuckle. You stepped away from him and tried to cover yourself as you faced him in horror.
He quickly swooped his shirt over his head and revealed a buff chest thick with blond hair. He kicked off his shoes and fumbled to undo his fly. He tilted his head as he looked you over and groped himself through his jeans.
“You know what to do,” he said, “I’ve seen the way you touch yourself… cyber security 101, cover your webcam.”
You shuddered as he beckoned you closer. He stopped you and put your hands on the waist of his jeans. He leaned in and nuzzled your temple as his hot breath seeped into your goosebumped skin.
��My turn,” he pushed on your hands until you pulled down the denim on your own strength.
He stepped out of his jeans and snapped the elastic of his boxers. You stood and latched onto those shakily. He ran his fingers along your arms as you pulled them past his erection and they fell to the floor with a whisper. You didn’t look down, instead staring past him as his hand swept up to cup your tits.
His fingers crawled up your chest and his hands wrapped around your neck. He squeezed and turned you so that your back was to the bed. He marched you backwards as you felt his dick bobbing between your bodies. You gasped as he pushed you down onto your mattress, your legs dangling over the edge as he came up to straddle you.
“Such a good girl,” he taunted, “look at you… I bet you’re wet already.”
He pulled a hand away and stroked his length as he raised himself on his knees. He clung to your neck as he leaned over you and planted his hand on the bed above you. He hovered his dick over your head and you closed your eyes.
“Put it in your mouth,” he ordered, “now, or I’m putting it in your ass.”
You reached up blindly and angled his tip against your lips. He dipped his hips down and you choked as he prodded at your throat. Your legs twitched as he forced his cock past your gag reflex and your whole body tensed at the intrusion.
He balanced on the hand above your head and the one on your neck. He thrust harder and harder as sloppy sucking reverberated around the room between his dark groans.
“That’s it,” he purred, “look at you taking my cock. I can only imagine how tight that cunt of yours is.”
Your eyes welled and you flicked your lashes as you tried to bat them away. You kept your hand at the base of his dick as you tried to ease his motion. He ignored your reluctance and only delved deeper as he brought himself to his limit, your lips touching the fuzz along his pelvis.
When you couldn’t breath, you slapped his hard stomach and he reared out of you abruptly. You coughed up spit as he sat back on his heels and released you. He huffed as he looked down at his glistening dick and climbed off of you.
“Stand up, turn around,” he snarled as his eyes flashed. 
His glasses were low on his nose and he slipped them off entirely and folded them up on your night table. He squinted as he watched you stand and turn stiffly. He smacked his hand in the middle of your back and pushed you over impatiently. He stepped closer and tapped his tip against your cunt as you were exposed to him.
He bent his legs and poked along your slick folds. You were wet enough for him to glide in and fill you up completely. He was so big it was painful and you arched your back as you tried to take it. He pulled back and slammed into you harshly. You let out a garble and he repeated the motion, taking you off your feet.
He leaned over you and grabbed your knees, lifting them on the bed as he urged you forward. His hand brushed up over your ass and he pressed between your shoulder blades until your face was flush to the mattress, your arms bent around you like a broken doll.
He thrust again and the loud slap made you wince. He jerked his hips roughly until he found his motion, rutting into you with hissy breaths as his other hand groped your ass. He hummed as your body shook before him, ruled by his touch as your walls clenched him.
He pushed his thumb down between your cheeks and circled your asshole. You strained and lifted your head in alarm. His other hand quickly stretched over your crown and pinned your face to the bed. He felt along your cunt and slickened his thumb before trailing back to your puckered ring.
He pushed lightly at first and as he broke through you gasped and whined. You gripped the blankets as he moved his thumb in and out of you, his hips still rocking steadily into you. He slid his thumb out entirely and prodded with two fingers instead. Before you could react, he forced them inside and you cried out in surprise and pain.
“I know you want it, sweetheart,” he groaned, “I can feel…” he kept fucking you, “I can fucking hear it.”
Your holes tightened around you as he carried the pace. A new pressure began to bloom inside of you, unlike anything you’d felt before. The burning in your ass and the stretching of your cunt mingled to an agonized bliss. You sobbed into the blankets as you came uncontrollably around him, shamed by the unwanted release.
“Fuck,” he drew out the word as both his hand and his hips sped up, “look at you cumming for me. Cumming for this creep.”
You moaned and curled your fingers around the duvet tighter. You felt the same knotting deep inside and you came again as he reached a tantamount. This time, you gushed around his cock and felt the deluge down your thighs as the noise grew wetter and louder.
“Look at you, sweetheart, you can’t handle it, can you?” He snorted as he sucked in a breath suddenly and his hips staggered.
He pushed his fingers deeper and kept them there as he fucked you as hard as he could. He slammed into your cunt over and over. Your hips throbbed with each tilt of his pelvis and you smothered your cries as you felt him coat your walls in his release. 
He stopped just as suddenly and dragged his fingers out of your ass. He leaned against you until your legs collapsed and fell onto you with a sigh. He covered your body with his as his shallow breaths hazed around you. 
Your own heart raced as you stretched your arms out stiffly and quivered. You tried to pull yourself from beneath him. He kept you pinned under his weight and jolted you with a cruel thrust.
“Oh, we’re not done, sweetheart,” he muttered along the shell of your ear, “not even close.”
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fanfic-wonderland · 3 years
For the tom x assassin can u do after they kill his dad they have sex and she’s the son and toms the sub virgin
😏 Although I do read smut, I'm not used to writing it, so I hope this isn't too cringy. 😂 You can read the first part here, if you haven't already.
Pairing: Tom Riddle x Assassin!Reader
Warnings: Language, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving), sub!Tom Riddle
Killing off Tom’s father was easy, but disposing of the body and the evidence was much easier. It came with the advantages of being a wizard.
Tom set the body on fire until there was only a mere pile of ashes left, which he quickly got rid of with a single wave of his wand. You did the same thing with the blankets covered in blood, which was now dry, and replaced them with fresh new ones. You turned to Tom once he re-entered the room after finishing with his task, a proud smile on your face. "You're quite the learner, aren’t you?"
His lips curled into a smirk. "I guess so."
"Come," you sat down on the neatly made bed and patted the empty spot next you. "sit with me for a bit."
He wasted no time in making his way towards you, sitting much closer than you had expected. However, just because it surprised you didn't mean that you minded it.
His eyes stared down at your face, and his musky scent hit your nostrils immediately. You both had taken a shower almost half an hour ago, and it was getting hard for you to ignore the small details that you were just starting to notice about him. Like how his hair was still wet (and yet it still looked stylish, somehow), or how the gray t-shirt and black shorts that he was now wearing made him look ten times cuter, if that was even possible. "You must be exhausted."
"Are you?" He questioned.
You leaned closer and you saw how his eyes dropped to your lips, the proximity between you two becoming dangerously close. "Not at all."
That was the last thing you remembered saying before you guys were already kissing, hungrily reaching out for each other as if you wanted to touch each other in every way possible, all at the same time. Your hands took a hold of his wet curls, tangling them around your fingers while his hands went down to your waist, and you didn't have to think twice before climbing onto his lap to gain better access to him. All of him.
Your tongue coaxed his as the kiss deepened, neither of you daring to be the first to break apart. You've kissed your fair share of people before, but this one was the most intense so far. There was just something in the way that Tom responded to your actions that made you go weak in the knees.
Once you felt his hard-on through his shorts, that was when you had to pull away in order to take off the random, oversized shirt that you had found around the house. Throwing it aside, you watched Tom’s blank gaze move down to your bare breasts, his upper body going stiff. You suddenly realized why. "Tom," you grabbed his face, in order to force him to look back up at you. "have you ever done this before?"
He stared at you for a few seconds. "No. Never."
"Is that so?" A smug smile crept onto your face as you softly pushed him backwards, so that now his back was pressed against the mattress. "So I'm the very first person to witness you like this?"
You noticed how his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. "Witness me how?" He whispered.
You bit your lip, your hands beginning to wander around his clothed torso. "So... bare. So vulnerable. It's fascinating."
He chuckled, his hands landing on your hips, the friction between you and his pants becoming almost unbearable -even more so when you began to slowly grind against him-, but he had no intentions in showing you how much it affected him. "You find me fascinating?"
"Very." Was your answer as you leaned down, so that your faces were only inches apart.
Instead of kissing him again, you went lower and pressed your lips against the soft skin of his neck. When he felt your tongue slithering against it, and then your teeth nipping at a certain spot, he couldn't help but let out a sigh. Clearly, he wasn't someone who let people take charge that easily, but he would be lying if he said that he wasn't enjoying the way you were making him feel at that moment. You, of all people, he never would have guessed.
You helped him take off his shirt -fucking finally- and it probably landed somewhere alongside your own, but you did not care as you kissed down from his chest and then tracing down to his stomach, where you disposed of his shorts, quickly followed by his boxers. His length was now in full view and you couldn't help but look up at him, almost like you were asking for permission to touch him. He didn't look nervous, nor did he want you to stop, so when he gave you a small nod of approval you began to stroke him. You didn't miss the way his breath hitched as soon as you touched him, and it made you smile in satisfaction. You looked back up at him to see his reaction; his head was thrown back and his eyes were now closed shut. It was probably the hottest thing you had ever seen, the fact that Tom was usually so collected but now you had him wrapped around your finger.
"Should I keep going?" You asked him. Your hand did not stop its movements.
"Yes." He breathed.
"As you wish." You didn't want to make him wait any longer; you ran your tongue through his length, slowly licking all around it and then lightly sucking on the tip.
"Fuck." He muttered quietly. His hand tugged on your hair; you weren't sure if he was aware of how hard he was pulling, but you did not stop. You took him in fully, your head bobbing up and down as you sucked him off; one hand was still stroking him, while the other one was holding onto his thigh. Small grunts of pleasure escaped his mouth every now and then, and it made you smile against him. "Fuck, I think I’m going to-"
When you were sure that he was close, you unwrapped your lips from him, but increased the speed on your hand movement. You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out, and soon enough warm drops of his cum fell flat on your tongue. Even when he was finished you licked around him a few more times, just to make sure that you got everything.
He finally fluttered his eyes open when you were crawling back up, leaving yet another trail of kisses behind, until you found his lips again. He grabbed your chin, holding you in place as he kissed you roughly, tasting himself on your mouth, and maybe that was the hottest thing ever. "Did you like that?" You asked him against his lips.
"It was amazing." He replied, kissing you shortly. His hands were running up and down your back as you continued to grind against him. "You're amazing."
"I'm not done, yet." You let him know as you took off your underwear, the only thing separating you from being skin against skin completely. Before he could say anything else, you aligned yourself against his tip, and then you took him in, all in one swift movement.
You moved against him, his length hitting every inch of your inner walls perfectly, and you let out a few moans that could not really be kept in even if you tried. He lifted himself up a bit in order to capture your lips once more in yet another sloppy kiss. His hands got much more curious, cupping your breasts and playing with your nipples almost subconsciously, and it only made your moans duplicate. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you both stared at each other for a moment, his lips parted open while your foreheads pressed together. You felt your release building up at the pit of your stomach, which only made you go faster, harder. His facial expression told you that he was close, too, and he wrapped his arms around you to pull you closer to him. He needed as much from you as possible.
Although the pleasure was out of this world as soon as you finally finished, your favorite part was watching him come undone for the second time that night. Both of you were breathing heavily, trying to calm down and process what just happened. Tom buried his head in the crook of your neck while his chest was still heaving up and down, your bodies still tangled with each other because neither of you wanted to let go. It was too nice of a feeling to have his warmth embracing you whole. "How was it?" You asked him once you could speak again.
You felt him kissing your neck. "It might have felt just as good as killing off my father."
You laughed as he looked up at you, again, while a toothless smile decorated his lips. You combed his hair with your fingers. "Good to know."
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Hello Sweet Soul:) I’m Offering A Free Palm Read! DM me 🤚✋
Hello beautiful soul :)
I’m new to social media so I’m not sure the best way to reach people but here goes haha!
New long ad 
#Hello, I’m Amara🙏🙋‍♀️👋
#Anyone like a free palm reading? DM me:) ✋👏🙌
‼️🌺🌻All you have to do is; send a pic of your dominant hand, nice and bright so I can see the palmar flexion creases, aka the lines on your palm & I’ll send you a reading back asap! 💫🌟
🌟Usually within 30 mins, give or take:)🧭
#HELLO! It’s a beautiful day for a beautiful day, is it not? 🌤️🌞🌥️
### I thank the universe for bringing you here!! Our paths were supposed to merge, I don’t believe in coincidence!🌏🌍🌎
🤲*Unlock the Secrets of Your Hands with a free palm read!*🤲
*I also go by u/LustratedSpirit on Reddit & it’s my honour to meet you!
###Follow me to stay up to date with any developments & **join our subreddit r/palmreadz**🧙‍♀️🪄🧙‍♂️
(If you would like to leave or read our reviews, you can hear!)[https://reddit.com/u/LustratedSpirit/s/ZvOkk6COPs]
##Im a spiritual/energy healer, clairvoyant & alternative practitioner who specialises in palmistry & tarot card readings! I put my whole heart into every reading I do. I try make them as detailed as possible so you have the knowledge to make decisions confidently and to help ensure your next step in life is in the right direction. 🪄🧚🧚‍♀️
##I’ve been reading palms and doing tarot readings since I was little, for as long as I can remember due to been born into a family of mediums and clairvoyants; and have been practicing ever since! 💭🔮🌟
###My mother was a specialist palm reader who went on spiritual pilgrimages to learn the art from some of the best practitioners in the world! 
###I’ve been lucky enough to have all this knowledge and experience passed down to me. This is something I’ve always been incredibly passionate about & I really appreciate anyone who uses my services!
**I’ve been doing readings professionally for at least 10 years, but have been working on my readings pretty much my whole life! I can assure you you’re in good hands:)** 🙏🫶🤲
**Intention matters, the vibrations and frequencies we give off are vastly different when negative. People can feel the good vibrations of positivity, even if they arent aware! I’m sure the universe feels it too. So, what are you waiting for? Reach out today and let’s share some good vibrations!** 🫨💕💖
##DM me if you would like a free palm reading or any info about other services:) ❄️☀️☄️💥🔥
##Your palms contain hidden insights into your destiny and purpose. Obtain guidance and revelation through my palm readings. 🔎🔍
**Receive a general reading, covering 3 of your major lines or a tarot card reading for free!**
**Alternatively, for a small contribution you can ask for a focused read where you receive insights into certain areas of particular interest & ask as many questions as you like!**
**I wish I could do this for free all the time but sadly you can’t eat without cash haha! **
###You hold the map to your future in the palm of your hand - let me help decipher it! My accurate, compassionate readings provide the missing piece you need to move forward 🗺️🗾🧭
####We are a donation run service & it wouldn’t be possible without the kind generosity of the people who are able to donate! 🪙💲
We operate in good faith! If you’re unable to contribute, it’s okay, I will still help if I’m able to! 
**I don’t want to lock anything behind a paywall. People sometimes genuinely need some help and I couldn’t turn anyone away bcz they don’t have money. 
All I ask is if you are able, please consider helping out. Donations effectively enable me to offer this service to everyone no matter what & I do think that is beautiful; so thanks so much!!**‼️🚨
###Join our subreddit: r/palmreadz 🤲🫶
#DM me for a free reading!! 📖📚
**♥️ I read intuitively and give you the answer using your guides and the universe. They tell me what you NEED to hear not what you WANT to hear. If you're looking for someone who will genuinely answer your questions with no lies, you can count on me. ♥️**💫🌟⭐️
**I can read: love, career, spiritual, ancestors/angels, future, marriage, financial, general, or etc! Just ask in my DMs, and I will answer if it's something I can read for you. ♥️** 🌻🪷🌺
Thanks for reading!! Feel free to message me anytime! All donations are greatly appreciated:) 🥰🙏🤗
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