#i think i need to see a psychiatrist … or a firing squad
gojuo · 1 year
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happy unsealing day gojowives we made it
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Trapped Part 3
Fandom: Chicago PD
Series: Trapped
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Link/prequel to this series and this series respectively
Pairing/s: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warning/s: bomb/explosion, *I have no idea how bombs work and did no research :)*
Word Count: 1,141
Summary: Imagine getting stuck under the rubble with Jay when a bomb goes off at Med, with a second one ready to detonate
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You weren't ready. You weren't.
You'd done so much, but there was still so much left for you to do, so much you wanted...
You weren't a stranger to close scrapes and brushes with death, you'd been in car accidents, assaulted, shot at, and even stabbed, but this felt different. There was a calm finality to this, and that came with frustration and anger.
Why should this be the end? It wasn't fair.
"Jay, the bomb squad is here," Voight's voice cut through your thoughts as Jay quickly got back on the radio, relaying the kind of bomb it appeared to be. It went over your head, but you trusted him.
10 minutes to go.
"Okay, Detective I think I can walk you through it in time, but you'll need two sets of hands," an unfamiliar voice, presumably the bomb tech, instructed.
"Good think you're a doctor," Jay joked, offering a crooked encouraging smile.
"I'm a psychiatrist," you laughed despite yourself, "not a surgeon."
"You're also all I've got," your laugh died on your lips at Jay's reply and you nodded
"Okay, what do I do?" You straightened up and tried to look confident.
"Talk us through it," Jay relayed back over the radio, eyes never leaving yours with an intensity you'd never seen before.
All your emotions were heightened, you guessed that was what happened when you were stuck in a life or death situation, the adreneline setting your senses on fire.
Jay knelt down next to the device and motioned for you to do the same on the opposite side. You felt stiff and sore from the impact of the initial blast.
You were instructed to remove the casing so that Jay could relay back what the wiring looked like on the inside.
"Like this," Jay lightly took your hands and positioned them and your fingers where they needed to be before getting to work on his own side, your fingers tingling with the surprising electricity of the contact.
You could feel yourself sweating, but you were surprised by how steady your hands were. Psychiatrist or not, you'd been in the ED for years, and had done a number of emergency procedures that maybe weren't advisable but which you were technically qualified for, so you told yourself this was just the same. Exactly the same...
Once you'd simultaneously removed the case, Jay was able to see the device more clearly. Thankfully, according to Jay and confirmed by the bomb tech, it was quite crudely designed, but that also made it a little more sensitive.
"Talk to me," Jay said to you as he got to work on the wires, your part thankfully over, "distract me."
You blurted out the first thing on your mind, "you remember that little girl, Juliet?"
Jay momentarily paused in his movements, then nodded and continued, "the one whose dad kidnapped her?"
"Yeah," you replied, a small smile, "I think that was the last time we worked together, just the two of us."
"Yeah, you know I think it might have been," Jay realised, "when was that, who years ago?"
"Yeah," you laughed, "pretty tricky one."
"It usually is when you want an off the books favour," Jay shot back with a grin.
"Man was a cop, what was a girl to do?" You retorted, both laughing, tension easing slightly as he workked, the clock ticking down.
"Sorry I didn't keep in better touch," Jay said suddenly, briefly looking up from his work to you.
"Me too," you acknowledged whistfully.
"What happened?" He wondered.
You thought for a moment before you responded, "I mean, Erin was one of my closest friends, I guess our friendship just fizzled out after she moved.
It was honestly a shame, you and Jay had always gotten along well, you'd had a lot in common and developed a good personal and working relationships. It's why you went to him as soon as Juliet's mother had come to you to say she'd been taken. You trusted him completely.
"Well, when we get out of here, we should catch up," Jay suggested, shifting in his position a little as you noticed beads of sweat dripping down his face.
"I think I'll hold you to that Halstead," you replied, awkwardly patting the sweat from his forehead to stop it dripping onto the machine.
"Thanks," Jay said after an unreadable pause.
He was getting closer to disarming the bomb, down to the last two all important wires. You thought that was just in movies, but apparently not.
"Okay, this wire will disconnect the trigger and timer to the actual explosives," Jay explained, "with any look, the trigger will switch, and nothing will happen."
"So, what you're saying," you said slowly, "is that this thing will still count down to zero regardless of if it's successfully been disconnected?"
"Yeah," Jay nodded.
"So then how will we know if it's worked?" You asked, the pit in your stomach growing more than you thought possible.
Jay gave you a look that told you all you needed to know. You'd both just have to wait and see.
"I'm scared," you admitted, noticing Jay's hand hovering over the final wire, hand shaking for the first time.
"Me too," he sighed, glancing back at the timer. You still had a few minutes.
"I just keep thinking about things I haven't done, things I was going to do..." you were close to breaking now, and you stopped yourself short, realising it did neither of you good right now.
"And you'll get to do them, we both will," Jay insisted, taking a breath to steady his hand.
"Sorry," you apologised but he shook his head.
"It's okay, I've been thinking the same," he look up at you one final time, sharing a look you couldn't quite figure out, before cutting the last wire.
Neither of you even breathed for a second, waiting.
When you were both convinced it wasn't going to go off then and there you stood up and looked at the countdown.
30 seconds to spare.
"All set," Jay radioed, "now let's find out if it worked."
"It's worked, see you soon," was all Voight said.
"Now what?" You asked, barely blinking or breathing.
You both stood, and waited, the seconds stretching longer than you expected.
Without taking your eyes from the device, your hand sought Jay's like a magnet, pleased his was also searching for yours. You were glad he squeezed your hand as tightly as you squeezed his as you laced your fingers together, heart pounding so loudly you felt like you were going to be sick.
As the countdown hit 5 you couldn't take the pressure and ripped your eyes from the device, buring your head in Jay's chest as he wrapped his arms around you trembling just as much as you were.
3... 2... 1... 0
Jay Halstead tag list:
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Bedtime Stories
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Digger Harkness x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2046 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Getting a call from Belle Reve for a reason you would never expect
You sighed, entering the cold, clinical building again, not even bothering to address anything else other than what you’d come here for. 
Frankly, you weren’t happy about having to be here. 
While you agreed for the benefit of everyone involved, you were sure that if Amanda had only listened to you in the beginning, you wouldn’t be standing here right now. 
She had made the decision to avoid all of your professional advice, including him in her little circus anyway. 
It was wholly unprofessional.
If she had only listened to you at the start of this, none of you would be in this position, having to fret over some unruly inmate or horrific threat. 
You were on sabbatical.
After all the work you’d done at Belle Reve in the time you’d been there, you deserved a break. It was hard work that took a huge toll on someone after years and years of constant exposure, having to process the most psychologically damaged that society had to offer. 
As much as you enjoyed being a psychiatrist, it wasn’t the sort of career that was carefree and easy to do.It took a lot out of you, and some time off was sure to do you some good.
You had been working in Gotham City for years at this point, and you were really good at what you did. 
The least the city owed you was a few weeks off the clock, but of course, that was too much to ask. From the second you opened your eyes this morning, your vacation was already over. 
Your phone was buzzing on the side table by your bed, alerting you to the fact that Colonel Rick Flag was attempting to contact you. It wasn’t altogether strange, as you had spoken in the past, but it wasn’t commonplace either. 
You had only dealt with one another on a few occasions, in the deciding meetings and calls over the so-called Suicide Squad. 
In the early days of discussion and the decision making, they wanted to consult you to make sure it would be safe. 
Which, for the record, you knew that it wasn’t. 
The eclectic group of ‘bad guys’ Amanda Waller had decided on were impossible to control and unpredictable. There would be no way to make sure they wouldn’t go off the rails. 
Though, when it came down to it, there was nothing you could do to stop them even though it was obviously foolish. In the grand scheme of things, you were a shrink, and nothing more.
They didn’t have to listen to you. 
Not that they actually acted as if you were so low on their priorities list, as evidenced by your standing here now. 
“Flag? What is it?” you hummed, not bothering with formalities or meaningless pleasantries. You had always found those sorts of things to be pointless, especially in a place like this. 
Whatever it was he needed from you, it wasn’t small talk or to check in with you. 
Naturally you assumed something terrible had happened, and in Gotham City, that wasn’t too bad a bet to make. 
There was always something on fire. 
...And that wasn’t necessarily wrong today either. 
Flag hadn’t given you a ton of information on the phone before you arrived this morning, but you knew enough to make your guesses. 
What Waller had proposed was more or less releasing a ticking time bomb into the public and while it seemed to have gone off without a hitch at first, you were sure that this had something to do with it. 
It had to. 
The members of the ‘Suicide squad’ were the biggest thing to happen to Belle Reve since it opened, and if they needed to call you back from your break, it was surely about that. 
You weren’t an idiot, even if they sometimes acted as if you were. 
All you could do was hope that whatever it was, you would be able to go back to your nice relaxing leave before too long.
A few hours weren’t going to kill you. 
“Captain Boomerang is acting out, causing problems for the guards, and refuses to eat” he allowed, getting down to the purpose of this meeting just as quickly as you had, confirming what you already knew. 
If it was going to be any one of your patients, you weren’t shocked it was him. 
Digger Harkness had been a patient of yours since you began working here, one you explicitly advised Amanda Waller to avoid recruiting. You knew better than anyone that he didn’t play well with others. 
He was prone to violent outbursts, childish behavior and overall insubordination. All in all, she couldn't have picked a worse adjusted, combative individual. 
Unfortunately for you, you weren’t surprised he would be the one to pull you away from all your rest and relaxation. 
“As I’m sure you’re aware, that’s going to be a problem”  
You were painfully aware. 
While most of the other inmates involved in the foolish adventure Captain Waller manned had been cooperative about their reincarceration, there was nothing they could do to buy his silence. 
More than anything, he wanted his freedom and a coffee machine and some supervised visits wasn’t going to cut it. She’d given him a taste of freedom and you knew that he wasn’t going to adjust well to being back in a cell. 
Really, you didn’t know a single person that would. 
Of course he was acting out. 
What you were less sure of was why they thought you would be able to do anything about it. There was nothing you could say or do that was going to be any different whatever they had already tried. 
“And what do you want me to do? Read him bedtime stories? I seem to recall telling you all to leave him locked up” you huffed, sort of upset that he would ever suggest it. 
You didn’t want to clean up the mess they’d made when you had been telling them from day one that it was a bad idea. However, you knew no matter how much you argued, you’d be doing it anyway. 
There wasn’t anyone else that Digger would listen to, even you understood that. 
“He’s been asking for you since they brought him back” Flag shrugged, not interested in anything more than getting the rest of the higher ups off his back. They had sort of put him in charge of this after everything. 
He treated the inmates as equals, and in general, they acted better under his watchful eye. 
With the ever growing exception of Digger, who Flag still referred to as ‘Captain Boomerang’ something you couldn’t have been more tired of. Something like that would only further feed into his delusions of how important and grand he was. 
Besides, it was incredibly immature. 
“Fine, I’ll talk to him, but no guards. If there are guards, he won’t even talk to me” you suggested, knowing that he wouldn’t dare lay a hand on you. 
No matter how desperate Digger was, you both understood that he’d have no chance of getting out in this lifetime if he killed you. So, it was a safe bet that if they wanted any kind of result, they had to do what you said. 
If they had any other options, they wouldn’t have called you out of your much deserved vacation. Clearly, You were their only hope if they wanted him to stop being such a huge pain in the ass.
“No guards, if you’re sure?” Flag agreed finally, hoping that you would be able to do something about him. 
The man in front of you was already on the verge of putting a bullet through the former’s skull, which wouldn't look good for him. Even if it would be easier than having to listen to him. 
If only it would be as easy for you as just having to decide on whether or not you needed guards. 
Dealing with Digger was never that simple. 
The sound was practically deafening as you approached his cell, that constant yelling and cackling you could have done without hearing today. 
He’d gotten bad. 
In the time since you’d last seen him, he was going downhill, no doubt brought on by the small taste of freedom he’d been granted at the hands of Agent Waller. She had given him just enough for him to spiral. 
Which meant that this visit was going to be even more unpredictable than normal. 
“You know you can’t keep me locked up here forever, eventually, I’m gonna get out!” he rambled on, throwing out as many empty threats as he could, as soon as he could think them up. 
It wasn’t like he had anything to lose. 
Though, constantly threatening to break out of a maximum security prison wasn’t necessarily the healthiest coping mechanism he could have chosen.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that” you called, just far enough away from the small slat in the cell door for him to see who it was who’d come to see him, not that he had to see your face to know. 
Digger would have recognized that voice anywhere. 
He hadn’t had the privilege of seeing too many people since his incarceration, and he certainly wasn’t going to forget a face as pretty as yours.
“I didn’t know you were coming to see me today, sweetface” he countered, immediately changing his approach now that he knew you weren’t just some nameless guard coming to spit insults at him. 
That was normally what they did in response to his tantrums. Though, if that was what brought you here, he definitely didn’t regret being such a royal prick about it. 
He’d missed you. 
He hadn’t been expecting a visitor, as Flag assumed this would be handled better as a surprise, but he knew it was you nonetheless. 
You were his favorite shrink, if nothing else, something Digger told you frequently on your weekly visits. It was a pleasant surprise, even just getting to hear you. 
“You didn’t give the guards much choice. Flag here was gonna have you hosed down until you stopped your yammering” you sighed, finally closing the space between where you were standing and his cell door. 
You could only imagine how tired both Flagg and the guards were of the Aussie’s mindless small talk and babbling. 
“Hello Digger” you greeted, looking between him and the armed guard at your side, still heavily debating this whole thing. 
Looking him in the face was different from speaking to him from across the room, where he couldn’t see you. Now, there was no telling how much further he would push this. 
You knew how much Digger liked to flirt with you, tossing compliments and remarks at you like he wasn’t a noted criminal. Every week, he always had some other romantic and likely vulgar thing to tell you.
It was hardly appropriate, given your standing, but it wasn’t as if it could be avoided, especially now. 
You hadn’t seen him in months, and there was no telling what sort of state he was in. 
Though, you knew that If you wanted results, he responded much better to honey than vinegar. 
“There she is. How’re you doing beautiful?” he cooed, once he got a good look at you through the bars of his cell. You looked just as stunning as you had last time he’d seen you, if not better.
Clearly, even the few days you’d gotten away had done you good. 
You ignored him for a moment, turning your attention back to the guard. Whatever it was they thought you’d be able to do to convince Duggar to stop being insufferable, you knew he wasn’t going to talk to you with a guard around. 
It just wasn’t his style. 
“You can go ahead and take a break. I’ll call if I need anything” you decided, you knew Digger well enough to know you weren’t going to get anywhere with the guards supervision. 
This was just going to go much smoother if you didn’t have to worry about anyone else being involved. 
The man looked unsure for a moment before nodding, deciding that ultimately it wasn't his job to babysit you and whatever happened, it wasn’t his problem either. 
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
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and i am back with the pretty setter squad! it took me a long time to decide which character and then after that i had to fumble over how corrupted or innocent i wanted him to be. i ended up choosing innocent bc fluff. maybe i'll write the not so safe for work(?) stuff another time. (^_^;)
* shy boi. head empty only volleyball so is understandably confused about his reactions to you.
* what are these new feelings? he just has no clue. what even is love? does he even know what romance is??? what is a date?
* wants to spend time with you but doesn't know how to say it... awkward bean he is
* probably asks if u wanna play volleyball with him HAHAHAHA will want to teach you also. u know how mika got pissed at daishou? same feels
* hinata best wingman tbh
* hinata and sugawara best wingmen. first two to notice the feelings and totally helped set you guys up with lots of *wink wink hint hint* (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
* anyway when he finally realises he likes u he is a red, blubbering mess.
* what is a date? 可以吃的吗? (is it something to eat?) LOLOLOL
* anyway hinata at least got the point through to him that he should bring u to eat during a date and so..... he brought you two to a speciality milk shop smh
* ok the yogurts were good give him some credit
* anyway most of your dates r either food dates or wanna-come-watch-game-tape-with-me type of dates omg this boy. just what even is love only volleyball
* u will b bored. mika/daishou vibes
* travels around a lot for pro vb matches so be prepared for late night video calls and super early good morning texts (who tf wakes up at 430am kags pls. just bc hinata wakes up at 5am, u don't need to one up him for everything)
* he doesn't really care if u come to his matches or not. bc you will both end up watching the game tape at his apartment. it's not a choice he will watch it with or without u
* he will obsess over the details and replay all the bits he wants to see. will nudge u or narrate the good points and the bad points. minimally just nod in response
* not especially cuddly but when you're watching game tape tgt he likes it when you sit between his legs
* like will set his chin on your head and just watch the match and b engrossed it in while drinking milk (STILL? baby you're old enough to do power curry advertisements). he'll be really quiet tho (focused!!)
* basically u are a giant pillow when he is watching tv. occasionally will even hook his legs around u to pull u closer to him to hug.
* you don't actually have to watch the tv with him, he doesn't mind if you just do whatever as long as u stay his warm pillow
* if he is sleepy he will move his head to rest on your shoulder and snuggle his face into the crook of your neck. that's a sign to turn off the tv or pause the tape and move so he will actually go to bed
* he is ticklish. if u feel like u need attention u can tickle him and immediately he will react
* he is ticklish AND competitive, so u have to b prepared for revenge and a tickle battle to the death
* n e way other than that i don't really see much skinship in your relationship like he is not fond of PDA and not fond of anything more than handholding and if he can avoid it he will
* he does like to hold you by the waist. or ruffle your hair. but only in private
* fav place to kiss you? top of your head, or temple
* fav place to be kissed? if he's not expecting it he gets shy no matter where so go for it (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
* has no idea what romance is, do u actually think he knows how to resolve arguments between u two? NO
* will ask hinata for help. bless his soul, hinata is best bro hinata gives him actually good advice!! unfortunately kags cannot replicate the ways of the sunshine child and so he has to look for someone else
* will never ask tsukki. tsukishima will also not answer, anyway.
* yamaguchi, lovely sweet baby, will give him good advice and even help to pick out flowers actually it was yachi who picked over his shoulder ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) what r these two up to
* yams will become his relationship advisor
* pls give yams lots of soggy fries as reward for saving your relationship
* when you're sick he will turn to suga for help bc suga is mom bc suga is domestic god and will make some porridge or soup for him to bring to u. all hail suga the kitchen god
* suga has given kags the recipe once but after the other first years had to rescue him from the resulting fire he never touched a stove again
requests are open! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
masterlist here (♡-♡)
ah yes. i've been caught up in life recently and so have not had the time to post or write but i do have a long captains crack fic i've been working on LOL. it's very long. save me. i've also been really swamped at work recently so i just can't deal with life and any free time i get i will take a nap. my therapist does not approve but yet here we are with my poor self control and lack of motivation to get better. in other news i went to see the psychiatrist today for my meds and there was a cute med student who was asking the usual questions and i just blanked half the time cos he was cute
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the-hopeless-haze · 4 years
Someone to Hold You Too Close (Being Alive Chapter 1)
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(not my gif)
Read on Archive of Our Own
Rafael hated this case. He wanted it to go the hell away.
First, the political tinge, as the man had connections what with a better-off sister. Then, it turned out he had a history with young girls in the middle school classes he taught. It shouldn't be too difficult to get a conviction, but it was going to take a toll on him.
He needed to talk to Liv about something, but you were in her office, the door open a crack. She had picked you up, a fresh face from Boston’s homicide department. You were barely 25, still optimistic, but you were stoic, reserved, quiet, beautiful (although he'd try to ignore that and ultimately failed). You’d been here a couple of months, hadn’t talked to him too much, save for the snarky comments you’d exchange when he was being a dick. There was one time, however, when he saw you talking to a victim, trying to help her be able to go on the stand, and you were able to talk her down from hysterics when no one else could. That was as close to a rapport as you’d gotten since he asked you why you didn’t choose to be a psychiatrist instead. You'd laughed, said you double-majored in college - criminal justice and psychology - but you never quite knew what to do with the psychology major.
“You thought I was good with her, Counselor?” you’d asked.
“Good? That was great. You saved my whole case. If she didn’t testify, her rapist would walk.”
You had shrugged, given him a tight-lipped smile. “I don’t know. I just thought this would be a better way for me to help.”
Since then, things had been smoother between you two, and you’d talk to him, exchange niceties when he came in the office, talk about Boston, but you weren't friendly, per se.
He didn’t mean to stay and listen to your conversation with Olivia, now, but you kept talking, not knowing he was there what with your back turned. "You don't need to take me off the case!" He'd never heard you so riled up, so upset.
"Detective (L/N)... If you don't think this is good for your mental health, I want you to step back. You haven't been doing well since we got her confession."
"This is why I wanted to join this squad, Sergeant. To help people. I can't do that if you sideline me every time there's a case that might be similar to my own. What you don't get... they're all similar to what happened to me. Are you going to take me off all of them? It's always about control."
He hears Liv sigh, and she says, "I know. I do get it." She makes eye contact with him then, and he coughs, knocking on the door.
"Do you have a second?"
"Yeah. She's all yours," you say, standing up abruptly, quickly walking past him. "I was just leaving."
Rafael looks at Olivia knowingly. "How much of that did you hear?" she asks once you're out of earshot.
"Enough," he says. "I wouldn't let her question the suspect."
Olivia leans back in the chair. "I can't do that. She's the newest addition to the team. If I keep the training wheels on too long, she's going to resent me."
"She can't be leading him to confess, or..."
"I don't see that in her. You know her style." He did, when he was witness to it. It was interesting. You were better at getting the full stories from victims and witnesses, as you really played on the empathy and fear card. He realized now you empathized with it more than he thought, and that you weren't just playing it up to get facts. When you tried to get perpetrator confessions, though, you empathized with them, too, but you never did lead them on. You got them to give you the truth, inch by inch.
“Well, don’t let her go rogue. I can’t have anything she does possibly come up in court.”
That was all he was ever worried about, wasn’t it?
Rafael is startled to see you pacing outside the precinct, a cigarette in your hand. You smoked? Of all people? He has half the sense to knock it out of your hand. He comes up to you instead, looking at you cautiously. "Detective (L/N)? Are you doing okay?"
You laugh sarcastically, bringing the cigarette up to your lips and taking a drag, blowing the smoke out of the corner of your mouth, directing it away from him. "What do you think? You heard my conversation with Searge."
"I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--"
"You want me off the case, too? Am I going to mess up your confession?”
"No. I just want you to be careful," he says, stepping a little closer. He takes the cigarette out of your hand and throws it in the ashtray you were standing near. "Awful habit. You should stop."
"I only smoke when I'm stressed. I should've thrown these out. They're bad. They're from... God, these are Massachusetts cigarettes," you say, laughing despite feeling miserable.
He chuckles, too. “Well, make me a promise. You don’t buy any cigarettes in New York.”
“I don’t know if I can keep my end of the bargain up on that one, Counselor. Searge was right. It is getting to me,” you say, sighing, then look up quickly. “Don’t tell her I said that.”
“No one is going to judge you if you need to step off the case,” he says.
“You ever have to?”
“Yes,” he says but doesn’t elaborate. He doesn’t need to. This isn’t about him. “And I will again. We all have breaking points.”
“Well. I’ve met mine enough to know this isn’t it. I just want him in jail,” you say, anger setting in your tone.
“What do you need?” Rafael asks you, quietly, after letting you settle with your thoughts for a few minutes. “I can tell Olivia you need—“
“I need you to put him away. I’m counting on you,” you cut him off, staring at him with a fire in your eyes he didn’t know you had in you.
Rafael nods gravely. “You know I’m going to do everything in my power.”
You’re looping your arms around him, and he realizes you’re...hugging him. Holding him too close. He doesn’t hate this, he doesn’t hate you, but he hates what it means. When’s the last time a woman hugged him aside from his mom, or maybe Olivia? Of course you're a hugger, though, it made sense. You're a bleeding heart if there ever was one.
“You always do,” you tell him, and he feels a sense of warmth at the recognition. “You’re an excellent A.D.A.”
“Thank you,” he says. “I knew that already, but it’s nice hearing it.”
You laugh, and he can tell you need it. “Yeah. I was thinking I didn’t have to tell you. But you win this one for me, okay?”
“Of course,” he says, hoping he has a good jury, looking at you cautiously. "You okay to go back in there?"
"Yeah. I will in a few minutes."
"No...Since I took your cigarette, let me buy you a coffee," he offers.
You smile. "I don't think either of us need any more caffeine today, Counselor. I'll let you buy me a tea, though."
Rafael did feel bad for you; he'd seen it before, young detectives getting in over their head. You weren't like the others, headed for a burnout, although you could be, if you weren't careful. You did your due diligence, worked hard, asked the right questions. For whatever reason, you had wanted this job and fought like hell to get it, and that, well that, he could respect. He just hoped you didn't drive yourself to the ground.
Rafael lets out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. Guilty. On all counts. Usually, juries would throw out one of the random ones he'd try and slip in there to extend jail time, but not today. He'd truly won. And thank God, too. He didn't think he could bear walking up to you with his tail between his legs after promising you he'd win.
"Thanks for keeping your promise, Counselor," you say, hugging him lightly as he meets the squad outside the courthouse. Evidently, it was still too close, since Rollins mutters, "Down girl. Give the man some space."
You're blushing as you pull away. "Sorry. This one just meant a lot to me."
"I know," he says, maintaining eye contact with you a beat too long, your blush deepening. "Jury was good."
"Yeah. So were you," you say, grinning. "Closing statement? Jury would have to be a bunch of sociopaths to not convict."
"Don't feed his ego," Olivia laughs. "He doesn't need it."
"Nice to hear praise from my adoring fanclub, sometimes," he says, smirking, turning his gaze from Olivia to you again.
"Pretty sure that's just (y/n)," Rollins snickers. “She talks about you all the time.”
Wait... it couldn’t be. No. Amanda was just a snarker, liked to make people uncomfortable to take the edge off herself.
"Shut up, Amanda," you chide, glaring at her before turning back to him. "Thank you, Barba."
"Just doing my job, Detective," he says, but it didn't quite feel like that was all he was doing anymore. You’d said to win...for you. And what with Amanda’s comments, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was something more to that.
But no.
You were too young for him, too pretty, too kind. You wouldn’t want an old man like himself, and that ship had sailed long ago, anyway, because Rafael had ultimately given up on that part of his life. Dating was just something that never worked out for him, as evidenced by his long list of ex-lovers and the even longer list of reasons why they didn’t stay together.
It didn’t matter, anyway. You didn’t see anything in him. he’d seen you hug Amanda, rub her shoulders, even braid her hair. Evidently you’d gotten comfortable enough with him to do the same, to hold him what could be perceived as too close because he was a man and the A.D.A. and not a woman or your partner. That was all it was, that was all it could be.
But that glint in your eye? The way you were still blushing?
He’s a damn fool for even thinking about it and he's an even stupider man for asking you if you wanted to get a coffee as the rest of the squad trickles forward down the courthouse steps, leaving the two of you behind. But you agree, again, as a surprise to him. God, it's been so long since he's done this, it's so hard to read any signals. And even if there were any, what could he do with them? He couldn't just sleep with you - that's the way messes within a workplace started - and anyway, Rafael didn't do hookups anymore. He was far too old for that, but he was also far too old to be thinking about starting anything serious with a 25-year-old.  No, you would just be friends. Friends went out for coffee, even if he thought you were the most beautiful woman he'd met in quite a long time.
You're exchanging a look with Amanda, who laughs and rolls her eyes, and again, he wonders again if there's something more to the banter both of you engage in or if you're making fun of him the way the girls used to in high school because he thought he had a chance with one who was far out of his league.
You order a coffee this time - iced, with far too much cream and sugar. "Why don't you just order milk next time?" he teases, covering the bill despite your protest that you could pay for your own drink.
"I don't know how you can drink it black. You ever have coffee milk?"
"No," he says. "Is that it?"
"You went to school in Massachusetts for three years and never had coffee milk?" you ask, sipping at your coffee, chewing a little on the straw before your lips purse around it again. Well, that wasn't distracting...at all.
"No. Enlighten me in how it's different from what you just ordered."
You roll your eyes, but you tell him, and the conversation flows easily as you talk about Massachusetts again. Again, you don't tell him much in the way of personal details, you mostly talk about places and ask him if he's been there (most of the time he has no idea what you're talking about, and he'll tell you he went there to study, not sightsee).
"Thanks for the coffee, Barba," you tell him, smiling. "But I should probably head back to the precinct and make sure Amanda took care of the paperwork."
"No problem, Detective," he says, smiling back.
As you head out the door, you reach for his hand, squeezing it gently before letting go. He could probably never get used to you being this close, the scent of your lilac perfume enveloping him. "I just wanna thank you again."
"You don't have to, Detective."
"No, you don't get it. Cases like this, cases that affect children... this is why I chose SVU. I need to see cases like that through and I need to know I did my job so you can do yours. All the cases matter, but these... I'll tell you why someday. But not today," you say, your lips turned down in a slight frown.
"You did an excellent job," he assures you, smiling in a way he hopes is reassuring.
You smile back, and that strawberry lipstick-stained mouth is guaranteed to haunt his dreams tonight. You hug him again, more awkwardly this time, and say, "Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good one, Barba."
And you're gone, heading for your car, leaving the faint notes of your perfume in the air and on his suit jacket. He wants to wash it off, but he also wants it to bleed into the fabric so it never leaves. This was the opposite of a sure thing, the opposite of a thing to bet on.
So he swallows down his resignation to his solitude with a swig of coffee, needing the bitterness to assuage him that that was all his life would ever be. Because that's how it always was, wasn't it?
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wlw-imagines-blog · 5 years
Call Out My Name. (Harley Quinn x Fem!Reader)
thankyoualexkingston-blog asked: Harley Quinn and Female reader Imagine: Reader is injured saving Harley from Joker When asked why she did it, she professes her love for Harley?
Pairing: Harley Quinn x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Violence, (the reader kills a man in defense) a lock down occurs in the story, 
WC: 1.4k
A/N: I know i said requests are closed, but i really love Harley. This is in lieu with the imagine i wrote, where the Reader worked as a psychiatrist in the prison Harley was in. They grew fond of each other during her time there until Harley escapes, this is a rewrite of the last scene in suicide squad where harley escapes.
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Some days at the Belle Reve Federal Penitentiary were calm, and easy to manage. Other days made you feel like a ship’s captain who was being forced to maneuver through a tumultuous storm that threatened to drag you under.
This was one of those days.
You had been in your office, finishing up a stack of paper work for the penitentiary when two interns raced in, sputtering about an attack with men in tactical gear and inmates running free. Up in an instant, you locked the door, pulling the blinds closed and turning the lights off. 
“Under the desk,” You hissed, pulling a handgun from the lowest drawer. “Now.”
The two interns (who’s name tags read Bonnie and Arin,) crouched down and pressed themselves against the wall, under the blinds. You sat with them, heart racing, hands sweaty. Screams and cries echoed outside, but you were deadly silent. Your faces flashed through your mind, and you prayed that your colleagues were alright amid the panic. Another face flickered, and you remembered Harley. 
Your heart stopped, and you were up in an instant. Harley was still sitting in that disgusting cage, and she wouldn’t be able to protect herself from guns with an espresso machine.
“What are you doing?” asked Bonnie, who wrung her hands in panic. 
I need to check on Har-a patient,” you responded, turning the gun’s safety off. “This is just a precaution. You two stay here and don’t answer the door for anyone, including me or the police. When this is over, I’ll come back and unlock the door myself, okay?”
They both nodded furiously, and you handed Bonnie the decorative katana you kept on the back wall. You pointed to the sharp end. “This side goes through people; use it if you have to.”
You left, sneaking out into the dim hallway. It was surprisingly quiet for a prison riot; the halls were completely empty with no patients, doctors, or security guards running around. It was clear that the worst of the escaped patients and mercenaries had run past your office already. There were blood stains on the wall, pictures and tables were overturned, papers strewn everywhere. The visible chaos chilled you.
It was eerie. Every little noise made you jump, from the creaks in the linoleum, to the sudden sparks of the fluorescent lights.
You moved slowly, measuring every step. At the corner of the hallway, you turned left, and straight ahead was Harley’s room.
But in the way was Floyd Lawton. Deadshot.
You froze, stomach dropping to your shoes. Floyd was minding his own business, looking nonchalant among the spatter of dead guards and flickering lights. He was reading through a patient’s file, walking past the mess.
He saw you from the corner of his eye, and watched you approach. Floyd’s gaze moved from you to the gun drawn in your hand. He was never a troublesome patient. Of every patient, he was possibly the most polite, only if the doctors were respectful first, and you occasionally enjoyed your sessions with him. But in this situation, he was not your patient, and he had no reason to be polite or merciful.
“Hey, doc,” he said conversationally, tucking the file under his arm. 
You kept the gun trained on him. “Evening, Mr. Lawton. I don’t suppose you know who caused all of this?”
He shrugged. “Heard something about the Joker breaking out his girl. Can’t be sure though.”
The gun in your hand shook as you skirted around the room. Skirted around him. “Thank you. Will you be staying with us?”
“Dunno yet. Maybe. Maybe not.”
“Alright.” You nodded. “if you do leave, say hello to your daughter for me.”
“Of course. You have a goodnight, ma’am.” He turned back to the file.
You ran to Harley’s room, bursting through the double metal doors. On the other side was a sight to behold. 
You stood on the cat walk, watching the chaos below. The far wall had been blown to smithereens, with a SWAT team in unfamiliar uniforms marching too and fro.
Harley's enclosure was empty. The bars on one side were bent and busted open.
“Jesus,” you whispered, peering over the railing. You easily picked out Harley in her orange jumpsuit. 
Next to her was the Joker.
They were arguing, she was insistent about something, and he was waving away her concern. Harley looked extremely annoyed and indignant. 
“How do you know she isn’t dead?” Harley was asking. Her voice echoed in the massive cell.
“That’s enough from you!” The Joker was clearly not pleased. “After I go through the trouble of saving you, this is the thanks I get?”
She reared her head defiantly. “I want to know that she’s alive.”
“Baby,” he placated. “We’re going to break out of the nation’s hardest prison, and all you care about is some bitch doctor?”
You raised your gun. Just one shot and you could help end a huge percentage of Gotham’s troubles.
Were you suppose to close on eye. Your arm shook as you trained the gun on the Joker. 
You took a deep breath before pulling the trigger.
The bang echoed almost violently in the cell. Joker went down, and all eyes were on you.
The faux SWAT team opened fire on the cat walk. You sprinted back into the hallway, watching a hail of bullets shatter the fluorescent lights. 
“No!” Harley shouted, voice shrilly. “Don’t you fucking hurt her!” 
The sound of boots on metal meant there were guards coming your way. You burst back into the empty hallway, racing back to your office. It was until you arrived at the waiting area, did you notice the sharp pain in your thigh. The adrenaline wore off, and you were left hobbling to safety with a bullet wound. Warm blood gushed out, making you dizzy. 
“Fuck,” you choked out. “Fuck.” 
There were footsteps from the corridor you came from. You dove behind the front desk, noticing the trail of blood that followed you. 
The noise got louder and louder until-
“Gotham police! Hands where I can see them!” From the foyer’s doors, a swat team burst through.
There was a flash of bullets and bangs, then nothing. 
Despite the commotion, black spots were beginning to dance in your vision. No matter how hard you tried to will them away, they grew until you could not see anything.
You were vaguely aware of a hand on your shoulder, pulling you into a sitting position, and a voice calling out your name.
It was panicked. You managed to open your leaden eyes for a moment, just to catch Harley’s frantic face. You sank into a restful slumber.
“The siege on Belle Reve, federal penitentiary ended in violence, with three dead and twelve wounded. Among the dead is nationally-known terrorist and gangster, the Joker, who allegedly planned and executed the coordinated the attack. We will now go to Gotham city where Commissioner Gordon will be releasing a statement...”
You pressed the remote’s power button.
The prison’s hospital was gracious enough to keep you until your release. You were propped up in bed, watching the news play the same stories over and over.
“Doctor Y/L/N, you have a visitor,” the nurse said, leaning slightly to catch your eye. She stepped aside to reveal Harley, hands free, ankles cuffed, with two guards standing wearily behind her.
“Heya,” she smiled weakly. “How ya been?”
You frowned a little bit. “Everything alright, Harley?”
She nodded, ponytails bouncing. “Just been thinking.”
“About what?”
There was that sad look again. “I put you in danger, Y/N. I put everyone at the prison in danger.”
“How could it be your fault?” You asked.
“He was there for me, wasn’t he?”
“You couldn’t have known.
there was a pause. “Were you scared?”
“I was terrified,” you sat up, wincing at the twinge in your ribs. “We didn’t know what was happening, or who was attacking a federal prison. Jesus, I was hiding in my office with two interns; That was the most scared I’ve ever been.”
For once, Harley said nothing.
“But I was safe in my office. I was scared for you.” Reaching out, you held Harley’s hand. 
She frowned, but stayed uncharacteristically silent. 
“I-I love you, Harley,” you said quietly so only she could hear. “I love you so much.”
“Of course I do.”
Harley grinned, gaining back some of her usual energy. She leaned over and pressed the softest of kisses to your cheek. “I love you too, miss.”
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marvelimages · 6 years
Hi I’m Spider-Man
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Words: 2,662
Warning: mild swearing and cute moments
A/N: Night-Wing is your superhero name.
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You and your father Steve Rogers or aka Captain America, didn’t want to sign the accords. Now you are a most wanted criminal. Uncle Bucky was being accused of blowing up the building killing the King of Wakanda. A man in a cat costume made of vibranium tried to kill you, your father, your uncle and Sam. Uncle Tony isn’t taking your side and wants you in jail. Now you are on your way to stop the German psycho guy who framed and brain washed Uncle Bucky in this little, battered, old car. Your dad parked by a grey van and you get out with the the help of your uncle. You see Uncle Clint aka Uncle Arrows.
“Cap.” Uncle Arrows said.
“You know I wouldn't have called If I had any other choice.” Your dad said.
“Hey man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt.”
“Thanks for having my back.” Steve thanked. Wanda walked around the van.
“It was time to get off my ass.” Wanda said looking at all of you.
“How about our other recruit?”
“He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him, but… he should be good.” Arrows said as he opened the van door. Scott jumps up and gets out.
“What timezone is this?” Scott asked.
“Come on. Come on.” Scott shook your dads hand with an amazed look.
“Captain America.” he said with a wow tone. Still shaking his hands.
“Mr. Lang.” Your dad said a little uncomfortable.
“It's an honour. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow! This is awesome! Captain America.” He looks over at Wanda.  “I know you, too. You're great!” He looks over at you 
“Wow your Night-Wing. Your really bad-ass and you can probably kill me with one blow.” He turns back and feels your dad's shoulders. 
“Jeez. Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so… Thanks for thinking of me.” He looks over to Sam. “Hey, man!”
“What's up, Tic Tac?”
“Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I…” Scott was interrupted by Sam.
“It was a great audition, but it'll… it'll never happen again.”
“They tell you what we're up against?” your dad asked.
“Something about some… psycho-assassins?”
“We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man.”
“Yeah, well, what else is new?”
“We should get moving.” you said.
“We got a chopper lined up.” 
“Dies ist eine Notsituation. Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren.” Said a man on the PA. It says.This is an emergency. All passengers must evacuate the airport immediately.
“They're evacuating the airport.” Bucky said.
“Stark.” Sam said.
“Stark?” Scott questioned.
“Suit up.” Your dad said. You get in your uniform and you walk through an underpass with your dad, then you jog with Bucky and Sam.You watch your dad onto a private runway, heading for a grounded chopper. An electro disabler slams onto the chopper and you and your dad looks up to see Uncle Tony and Uncle Rhodey land.
“Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?” Tony said sarcastically.
“Definitely weird.” Rhodey joined.
“Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.” Your dad said. Then T’Challa jumps over a truck
“Captain.” T’Challa said.
“Your highness.”
“Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?” Tony said.
“Tony you're after the wrong guy.” your dad said.
“Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy, killed innocent people yesterday.”
“And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.” your dad pleaded as Natasha walks out.
“Steve… you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?” Natasha said.
“All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!”Tony yelled. All of a sudden a boy with a red and blue suit shoots a web, stealing your dad's shield and binding your dad’s hands. “Nice job, kid.”
“Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit… Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's-It's perfect. Thank you.”
“Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation.”
“Okay. Cap… Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.”
“Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just…” Tony said.
“Hey, everyone.” Spider-man said.
“… good job.” Tony said annoyed.
“You've been busy.” Dad said.
“And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. Making your daughter, who by the way is the smartest person I have ever met and has a bright future ahead of her, be a criminal and running from the law. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep… I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.”
“You did that when you signed.”
“Alright, We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys… with no compunction about being impolite. Come on.”
“We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway.” Sam said over the radio. Your dad lift his hands in the air and Clint cuts the webs off.
“Alright, Lang.” You dad said to Scott.
“Hey, guys, something…” Spider-man said before Scott grew and got a hold of your dad’s shield.
“Whoa. What-What the hell was that?” Rhodey half yelled. Scott gave your dad his shield back. Your uncle gave you the signal and you start running towards the Quinjet.
“I believe this is yours, Captain America.” 
“Oh, great. Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her. Rhodey, you want to take Cap?” Tony said.
“Got three in the terminal, Wilson, Y/N and Barnes.” Rhodey said.
“Barnes is mine!” T’Challa said running.
“Hey, Mr. Stark, what should I do?” Spider-Man said.
“What we discussed. Keep your distance. Web 'em up.” Tony flies off.
“Okay, copy that!”
You run faster with your uncle and Sam. You hear a bang against to glass roof. You look up and you see a red thing pass by.
“What the hell is that?” Bucky said.
“Everyone's got a gimmick now.” Sam said. Spider-Man swings through the glass wall and kicks Sam backwards. Bucky throws a punch, Peter catches his fist. 
“You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude!” Spider-Man said. Sam grabs a hold of him. Bucky was so surpised, one he was able to catch the punch with his metal arm and two he was a kid.
“You have the right to remain silent!” Spider-Man said in mid air as he fends Sam off, then swings after him using his webs out. Spider-Man swings through the rafters in the terminal, chasing Sam who flies backwards firing shots at him. Spider-Man stops at on of the high beams. Bucky grabs a directory and at him. 
“Oh god.” Spider-Man screamed. You and Bucky hid behind a pillar. 
“Hey buddy, I think you lost this!” Spider-Man through it back; almost hitting you. Luckily your uncle sheltered you and covered your head with his metal arm. You push the button on the edge of your palm and fly up in the air.
“Watch it Spider-Boy” You yelled as you shot at him with your gun, then he webs barrel of your gun .
“It’s Spider-Man, Ms. Rogers” Spider-Man said before Sam kicks him off the beam and Spider-Man fires a web which sends Sam crashing to the floor. You chase after him. He webs Sam's wrist to a balcony railing. Peter webs you pulling you next to Sam, then did the same for you.
“Those wings carbon fiber?”
“Is this stuff coming out of you?” Sam asked.
“No, this fiber is chemically made. Its too thin and strong to be natural.” You said.
“That would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that's awesome, man.”  Spider-Man said geeking out.
“I don't know if you've been a fight before but there's usually not this much talking.” 
“Alright, sorry, my bad.” Spider-Man said as he swings down at you and Sam. But, Bucky jumps in the way to block your guys blow. You all fall down onto the next floor and Spider-Man webs you and the men. 
“Guys, look. I'd love to keep this up but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so, l’m really sorry.” Sam gets Red-wing to drags Spider-Man through the ceiling.
“You couldn't have done that earlier?” Bucky said.
“I hate you.” Sam said.
“Can you to stop arguing like an old married couple and get me out of this.” You said annoyed. You finally get out of the webs and you run out next to your dad and Scott.
“Hey, Cap, heads up!” He said as he gives your dad a miniature truck. “Throw it at this.” He showed him a little dish with a blue dot in the middle. He throws it toward Rhodey. “Now!”  The truck enlarges, tumbling towards him. Then the truck lands and explodes.
“Oh, man. I thought it was a water truck. Uh… sorry.” Scott apologized and you two run off with your dad.
“Come on!” Your dad said. Your team runs towards the Quinjet. A stream of energy slices across the runway and you all stop. Vision hovers in the air above you.
“Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now.” Vision said as Uncle Tony's team arrives.
“What do we do, Cap?” Sam asked.
“We fight.” Your dad said as you both start walking toward Tony’s team.
“This is gonna end well.” Natasha said as they start walikng towards you with determination on their faces.
“They're not stopping.” Spider-Man panicked.
“Neither are we.” Tony said. Everyone breaks into a sprint.Your dad blocks a punch as Tony lands. Uncle Arrows fires an arrow at Vision. Rhodey flies after Sam and Bucky trades blows with T'Challa. An explosive arrow then hits Tony. Spider-Man swings towards you and you cut them with your fan blades. 
“Wow. Is that vibranium blades on those carbon fiber fans. Thats so cool!” He said as he pulls you in with a web. “ an... and your brilliant. That new strongest fiber you found and have been testing on in Russia are incredible.” You take out your knife by your side.
“Thanks kid, but do you always talk this much? ” You said as you cut yourself free and you spin kick him across run way. “Cause it seems like your a little distracted Spider-Boy.”He looks up surprised that you just kicked him. He jumps back up. He webs around your waist and shoulders.
“For one, it’s Spider-Man. For two, I only get distracted when I talk to a pretty girl like you. For three, i only talk this much when I want to impress someone that I like.” You chuckle a little and press a button on the edge of your palm and your wings pop out cutting the webs. You flew over and pin him him against a gangway. “Holy crap your strong, but I’m just as equally as strong.” He said as he kicks your knees. He tackles you to the ground and pins you underneath him.
“I don’t think you know who your dealing with Spider-Boy. My dad is frickin’ Captain America.” You said as your dad throws his shield at Spider-Man. Spider-Man swings past, but you cut the web with your blades and gave your dad his shield back.
“That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all.”
“Look kid. There's a lot going on here that you don't understand.”
“Mr. Stark said you'd say that.” Spider-Man fired webs which stick to your dad's shield and ankle. He pulls and your dad slides towards him. Spider-Man kicks him backwards, then rolls clear.You giggle. He turns toward you. You stop.
“You think that’s fun” your dad said sternly.
“Well you just got taken out by a 12 year old.” You bust out into laughter. 
“I’m 15. Mr. Stark also said to go for your legs.” as your dad runs to get his shield, Spider-Man webs his hands and pulls. Your dad grits his teeth, spins and somersaults, propelling him through the air. Your dad catches a web and tugs Spider-Man towards him, knocking him down with the shield. He recovers and pulls himself up on top of a gangway.
“Stark tell you anything else?”
“That you're wrong. You both think you're right. That makes you both dangerous.” He swings down and you jump in front your dad and kick him backwards onto the gangway's leg.
“Guess he had a point.” Your dad said as he throws his shield at the leg and the gangway falls. Spider-Man held it up.
“Dad stop trying to kill every boy that I come in contact with. I think I can handle myself.” You said.
“Doll, I’m your dad that’s my job.” He turns to Spider-Man “You got heart, kid. Where're you from?”
“Brooklyn.” Your dad leaves Spider-Man holding the gangway. You cross your arms.
“So what’s your name ‘Spider-Man’?”
“Peter. Peter Parker.” He said as he was struggling.
“When this is all over I want to get together and see how you made the fibers for your webs. That webbing its extraordinary.”
“Well Mr. Stark made the suit. I’m guessing its your webbing.” Peter said.
“That makes since.” You said then you ran off to meet your dad and Bucky.
“We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now.” Bucky said. 
“We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet.”
“No, you get to the jet! All three of you!” Sam said as he is getting chased by Rhodey. “The rest of us aren't getting out of here.”
“As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it.” Uncle Arrows said.
“This isn't the real fight, Steve.”
“Alright, Sam, what's the play?” Your dad said.
“We need a diversion, something big.”
“I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half… don't come back for me.” Scott said.
“He's gonna tear himself in half?” You and Bucky said in unison.
“You're sure about this, Scott?” You dad asked.
“I do it all the time. I mean once… in a lab. Then I passed out. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the BOSS!” Scott said before he grows into a towering Behemoth and grabs Rhodey's leg.
“Holy shit!” You hear Peter scream.
“I guess that's the signal.” You say.
“Way to go, Tic Tac!” Sam screamed happily. 
Scott sends Rhodey flying and Peter catches him with a web. Scott then kicks a bus towards T'Challa; Vision decends and braces himself, splitting the bus in two and protecting T'Challa from harm. T'Challa spots you, your dad and Bucky sprinting past him. Peter clinging to a web stuck to Uncle Rhodey's back. He fires more webs and wraps them around Scott's outsized arms. Giant Ant-Man punches Rhodey in the air and swings a gangway towards him as he recovers. Rhodey opens fire and the gangway desintegrates. Scott tries to stamp on Rhodey who dives clear evading a lunge of Scott's hand. Wanda uses her powers; flinging vehicles into Rhodey’s path. Distracted by Peter, Scott doesn't spot Vision curling into a ball and ramming into him. Vision spots you, your dad and Bucky approaching the Quinjet. He simply floats through Scott's chest. Vision fires a shining beam of energy to the control tower. 
“Dad watch out!” You screamed as the tower starts to collapse towards the entrance of the hangar. 
Wanda struggles to slow its collapse. Then Rhodey descends behind her fires a sonic disruptor. Wanda holds her head and screams. The tower falls behind all three of you, but you barely make it into the hangar where Natasha is waiting for you.
“You're not gonna stop.” She said.
“You know I can't.” Your dad said.
“I'm gonna regret this.” She stuns T'Challa who's arrived behind them. “Go.” All three of you run for the Quinjet while she keeps T'Challa at bay. Your dad fires the guns blast debris from the entrance the you fly to Siberia. 
After a couple of hours of silence your uncle spoke.
“So who is your new boyfriend?”
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theforestofeden · 5 years
Isabella and The Others- Sworn Partners
Word Count: 1709
Summary: A backstory involving James and Dalilah, detective work !!
Warnings!: Reader discretion is advised, descriptions of violence may be upsetting to some readers. 
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June 17th, 1979 
"Ted Bundy? Seriously again?" Natasha grinned as she spoke and slid into the chair next to Nick. She poked her head over his shoulder to read the page he was on. He was reading "Ted Bundy, The Killer Next Door." The book was released within the week. Natasha had a feeling Nick camped outside of the local bookstore to get his hands on it.
"You introduced the man to me. How are you going to mock me and then sit down to read with me?" He looked up at her with his eyebrows arched, "As if you haven't read it dozens of times either," he added.
"Oh shut up and scoot over," she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.Nick slid over to give his friend space and turned his attention back to the biography. The two friends sat at the back of their drama class, their heads dipped towards Nick's book. They seemed to be so entranced by the book they had blocked out the commotion going on in the class.
December 23, 1996, present day.
The sounds of someone knocking on her office door settled Dalilah back on earth. Times like this she needed to try to see the good people saw in Nick to want to befriend a monster like him. Natasha had rambled about conversations between her and Nick when asked when her friend first took an interest in murder during her own tapes. Dalilah would take those segments of conversations and fill in the gaps. She usually ended up nowhere and being disgusted by the man even more. Admittedly he wasn't the worst person that she's come across in her time, but since everyone else had gotten their justice Nick was the only current monster she was involved with. It was probably something she would need a psychiatrist to check out. Jem came in holding two cups of coffee and passed the sweeter one to his partner. He sat on the edge of the mahogany desk and looked at the piles of files he had inched aside.
"The Kim's asked for all the information about the newest "Golden State Killer"," Dalilah answered the question that she knew was in Jem's head.
"They're just putting themselves through more pain," he shook his head and took a sip of his coffee. He sounded as if he understood why, but couldn't understand how they were able to see more of their daughter's killer. "The mother had to leave the court room when they showed a clip from that tape. No wonder she burst into tears after she watched ninety percent of it."
"Other than the standard 'they want closure' phrase, I can't explain why they would want to watch and read the information we have of him." The detectives shook their heads in sync.
The standard clock on the wall of her office filled the silence with its monotonous ticking. Dalilah watched the hand move around the clock.
Tick... tick... tick...
She stood up when the clock hit twelve. She couldn't stand the silence between them anymore. The sound of her chair being pushed back caught Jem's attention.
"We should head out." Her voice rang out.
The Kim's had asked her to pull every piece of information the town of Brooklyn had on Nick Barnes. She had only picked up the confession tape. Files still needed to be gathered. Jem followed her out of her office and closed the door softly, his drink still in hand.
"Do you think we'll be able to get him to talk about the other possible murders?" Jem asked. He just wanted the silence between them to be little as possible.
"With his narcissistic ass? Probably. But it'll take time. The serial killers we've heard of took their sweet time. Even up till their death." Dalilah answered, a sharpness to her words.
Jem knew she was talking about Ted Bundy. His name was still buzzing around America, despite being dead for seven years. The same silence that fell over the usual chatty partners back in Dalilah's office fell over them again. A few minutes in and Jem was itching to talk to her again.
"We should talk about what happened two weeks ago." His voice was hushed, like he didn't want others to hear.
"Talk about what? Me saving your ass?" She spoke in a normal leveled voice, one that said she didn't care if people heard.
"About you not having any regard for your life." Jem rose his voice when he realized his partner didn't care about the other detectives knowing what happened.
"We swore an oath to protect each other. That is exactly what I did. I jumped infront of you because you weren't paying attention. That bullet would have gone straight through your chest." She stopped walking and stared at him. She watched the expression on his face change from concern to surprise. She raised her eyebrows before stalking off again. Jem followed wordlessly. He wanted to mention that she shouldn't be at work this soon because of the strain on her wound, but he knew she would be stubborn about it.
Dalilah shouldered open the door to the storage room and begin searching for the row marked "B-C". She grabbed the box marked "Nick Barnes" off of the shelf . The box wasn't heavy like everyone expected. There were only five measly folders of information in the one box they had of the suspected "mission" serial killer. After two decades, the killer was just now coming forward about the victims. As of now Nick was only talking about his first— Isabella Kim. Everyone that worked on his case suspected that there were others. A police officer that escorted him to his cell had reported Nick mumbling names. The cop had been able to catch one name; Carina.
"More like shoved me out of the way but whatever." He mumbled. "I just don't know why you have no regard for your safety." Jem said. He needed to talk about the incident. He couldn't stop thinking about that day.
They had been out on a standard questioning when the pair heard shots fire off and then the crackle of their Car radio sounding off, filling their Impala with the voice of the dispatcher. "All available units respond to a 211 in progress at the Wells Fargo bank between Sepúlveda Boulevard and Westchester Parkway. Two suspects, both white males wearing black hoodies and jeans, armed and dangerous. Code three. Multiple shots fired."  
It wasn't every day this pair of detectives were in an active shooting zone, let alone firing off their own guns. Dalilah started the Chevy  Nova as Jem picked up the radio speaker.
"10-4, responding code three to Wells Fargo at Sepúlveda Boulevard and Westchester Parkway."  He placed the speaker on its receiver and switched on the mini siren on top of the dashboard.
Pulling up to the bank was hectic. It wasn't like the two of them knew directly where the suspects were, so Dalilah really only had one option; to pull up to the other two squad cars that were already there. The movements of four cops shooting and dodging filled their senses. The two scrambled out of their car and stuck low to the ground. Or at least until Jem needed to reload his pistol. Going to the trunk of the Nova let him have a moment of security, but he had mixed up the direction he had came from. Instead of going right he went left, slamming the magazine into place. A gut wrenching feeling had told Dalilah to stand up and to shove him and thank the universe she did. She heard the shatter of her car window before she felt the stray bullet. The way they faced each other allowed for Dalilah's right shoulder to catch the bullet instead of Jem's heart.
"That's gonna leave a stain." Dalilah murmured as she doubled over onto the ground.
Jem's hands had already pressed themselves to her shoulder and warm blood already coated his large hands. "You ate a bullet and a stain is what you're worried about." Jem spoke mostly to himself, but he didn't shy his comment away from his partner. Despite the leveled voice he was using Dalilah could see him panicking.
"James, call an ambulance."
Seeing Dalilah bleed like that haunted him. If only he had kept track of which direction he was going in she wouldn't have gotten hit. Little did he know she would do it again and again for him. The only thing that would haunt Dalilah would be if she hadn't moved in front of him.Before walking out of the storage room, Dalilah stopped and looked at him. A little bit longer than necessary. She saw one of her worst fears flash before her mind's eye—her partner in the Intensive Care Unit. It wasn't so much that she had no regard for her life, but rather too much regard for Jem's life.
"And if this was you right now- wait it wouldn't be because you'd be dead or in the hospital. That bullet would be in your chest. I think with it in my shoulder and you alive is a win for both of us." She paused as Jem opened the door for her. "Besides, everyone looks at us like we're gods for escaping death."
The two settled back into Dalilah's office. Jem had pulled up a chair from one of the rookies' desks and was leaning on his partners mahogany desk. His coffee cup sat on top of a file, seemingly unimportant. As soon as Dalilah was back at her desk, she removed the cup and picked up the file. A ring was left in its place and she swatted Jem with it before handing it to him. Opening up the file, Jem realized why she had gotten irritated. The files he had pushed aside earlier and the one in his hand where missing women. More specifically women who looked like Miranda Cahill and were named Carina."Our night shift starts now," Dalilah said. She took a sip of her coffee and began digging into the files of case 243.
Oblivious to both of them was the fact that they both hoped for the silence to disappear. Regardless of being uncomfortable, neither of them tried to break the silence nor leave the other’s side. The monotonous sound of the clock and flipping of papers was better with company. 
Part 3- Carina Romano 
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RITA: No way, boss! You are not comin’ in to the office today, and that’s final!
JUNO (FROM COMMS): (CONGESTED) I am not taking a day off, Rita. Crime doesn’t take a day off, and you better—
RITA: Well, that sounds like crime’s problem, boss.
JUNO: Don’t try to change the subject, Rita. I swear to God, if you don’t unlock—
RITA: Oh boy, Mista Steel, you sure sound sleepy! I think I’m gonna hang up now and let you take a little nappy.
JUNO: Wait, hang on! Don’t hang up, god dammit! I need you to—
RITA: G’night, Mista Steel!
JUNO: Rita, unlock my door! Rita!
RITA: Whew! Good thing I talked Mista Steel into those digital locks last year. If I couldn’t lock him into his apartment, he’d work himself until he was in real trou— (GASPS) Oh, I better lock the windows, too.
It sure is hard work to care so much. I think I earned a little snack or ten. Or maybe just five big snacks. Or maybe seven medium-sized ones. Or—
(GROWLS) Mista Steel! If he ain’t in bed, I swear, I’m gonna—!
Boss? Just whadda you think you’re doin’?
VOICE (FROM COMMS): Boss! Oh, I’m so sorry, this must be the wrong number, I’m just in such a state and I—
RITA: Is that… (GASPS) Patricia Marlowe, stream star, and game show host, and philanthropist?!
VOICE (MARLOWE): Oh, is that you, Rita? You flatter me, darling, but there’s really no need…
RITA: And entrepreneur and pet psychologist and social commentator and food critic and pet psychiatrist and—
MARLOWE: It is a delight to talk to you, darling, you know it is, but this is rather urgent! I need to speak with Juno this instant, Rita, do not delay a single moment, this is a matter of life and death!
Hello? Rita?
RITA: Patricia Maaaaaaaaarlooooooooowe.
MARLOWE: Rita! Where is Juno?
RITA: Mista Steel! Sorry, Ms. Marlowe, but he’s outta the office today. Got a bad case of the… the… whatever ya call it when your throat’s all red and swollen?
MARLOWE: A tumor?
RITA: Yeah, that’s it. He’s got a bad case’a the throat tumors and the doctor gave him some pills but they ain’t gonna work unless he gets lots of rest. You should call back tomorrow, though.
MARLOWE: This cannot wait until tomorrow! I’m sorry, darling, but I’ll have to call him at his apartment. This is entirely too dangerous to—
RITA: No! Stop! Wait!
MARLOWE: Quickly, Rita, I’ve not a second to lose!
RITA: (QUIETLY) This is your big moment, Rita. Mista Steel is countin’ on you. Lives are at stake. And also: if Patricia Marlowe calls the boss, you won’t get to hear her dreamy voice anymore.
MARLOWE: What was that?
RITA: You gotta take control, Rita. You gotta show Mista Steel you got what it takes to protect him. You gotta show the world that you can be a… a private eye.
MARLOWE: Yes, hello, hello? Could you speak up, dear?
RITA: I said, I’m gonna help you, doll-face! This is Rita, private eye, reportin’ for duty!
MARLOWE: Are you certain you could help?
RITA: The boss left me in charge!
MARLOWE: Did he really?
RITA: When you’re a private eye like me, you learn that it’s what people don’t say that’s really important. What seems t’be the problem?
MARLOWE: Well, there’s a package, you see. It arrived at my doorstep this morning, and—
RITA: Have you ordered any packages lately?
MARLOWE: Well, of course, but not th—
RITA: Case closed! That was easy.
MARLOWE: But not this one, and my God, it’s ticking! I’m just so worried, you don’t think it’s a bomb, do you?
RITA: Please, Ms. Marlowe, leave the detecting to the detectives. What have you done so far?
MARLOWE: Only called you, but… perhaps that’s it! Perhaps I should have called the HCPD! They must have a bomb squad of some sort, they could send someone right over and—
RITA: Hold it right there!
MARLOWE: Why? You don’t think… (GASPS) A conspiracy! The HCPD sent the bomb!
RITA: Nah, I don’t think so. I used to work there and we got all kinds of bomb threats all the time and that turned out to be nothin'. It was real annoying.
MARLOWE: But what do I do?
RITA: Well, you’re afraid of this package, ain’t you?
MARLOWE: …I believe I’ve made that clear, yes.
RITA: But you don’t even know what’s in it, right?
MARLOWE: Yes, but—
RITA: I don’t think it makes any sense t’be afraid of somethin’ you don’t even know anything about. And a good private eye needs clues! And all the clues are right inside the package!
MARLOWE: …You can’t be serious.
RITA: So open it, open it! I wanna know what’s inside!
MARLOWE: Really? You’re certain about this?
RITA: ‘Course I’m sure. I’m Rita, private eye! Now open the box please please please please PLEEEEEEEAAAASE!
MARLOWE: Well… alright…
RITA: So? What is it? What is it?
MARLOWE: It’s… well, it appears to be a…
RITA: Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me—!
RITA: Oop, nevermind. Hold on a second. I got a call on the other line.
JUNO (FROM COMMS): Rita, you’ve got to unlock these doors!
RITA: You again! Mista Steel, I told you I got everything under control here!
JUNO: This isn’t about that anymore! Rita, I think there’s something in my apartment!
RITA: Oh, really.
JUNO: Yes, really! I keep hearing them banging around the walls! If you just unlock the door I can make a break for it—
Damn it, they broke through!
RITA: Nice try, Mista Steel, but you can’t kid a kidder. I faked healthy all the time when I was just a little Rita and I never bought it then, either. So, you get back in bed and sleep, boss. Now.
JUNO: Assassin drones! Dozens of them! Unlock the door, Rita, you’re gonna get me killed, you—
RITA: So, toots, how did it go?
MARLOWE (FROM COMMS): A bomb! It’s a bomb, a bomb, a bomb!
RITA: A twist, huh. Well. I guess no good case goes by without a good twist. I usually like it when they come later, though, like in the last five seconds of the movie and then you get a big DUN-DUN BWEEEEOOWWWWWW and then it all goes black and you get in a fight with Mista Steel on the way home about what it all meant and—
MARLOWE: Rita! There is currently a bomb in my home, and it’s ticking much more quickly than I feel comfortable with! Assist me, now!
RITA: Alright, alright, you don’t have to get so rude about it. Any brands or logos or anything on it? BlastForce, maybe? The Kaboom Room? T an’ T an’ You?
MARLOWE: It doesn’t say! I think it might be homemade!
RITA: Aw, that’s sweet. Ain’t nothin’ like a homemade bomb. I kept my Ma’s old recipe but they just ain’t the same when they don’t come outta her oven.
MARLOWE: Is this part of the investigation?
RITA: Just send me a picture’a the bomb and I’ll figure it out. Sheesh.
MARLOWE: Alright…
So, what do I do? What do I do?!
RITA: To do what?
MARLOWE: The bomb is going to explode!
RITA: It is a bomb, Ms. Marlowe.
MARLOWE: (SHRIEKS) No! No no no no no! You must fix this, Rita! You must fix it immediately!
RITA: Again? I think I’m startin’ to see why Mista Steel’s always so tired. This is exhausting! Just bring it here, willya? I can just defuse it when it’s here.
RITA: No buts! I’ve had enough buts for one day, and let me tell you, I don’t like buts even on the best of days– well that ain’t exactly true but you know what I—
Oop, got another call, seeya soon!
RITA: Mista Steel, if this is you again—
JUNO (FROM COMMS): No time, Rita! I got out of the apartment through the window but now I need your help!
RITA: Boss, how dare you! I locked that window!
JUNO: Yeah, well, I broke it. Might’ve broken something else, too, that’s nearly a thirty-foot fall.
RITA: Well if you broke that window so easy you can march right back up and unbreak it, you—!
JUNO: There were more drones than I thought, Rita, I’ve got nearly fifty of the things chasing me down the street and I need help. I’m headed for the office right now, so get a blaster ready!
RITA: To the office?! Oh… no, boss, you can’t come to the office, you gotta turn around right away.
JUNO: Rita…
RITA: No! It’s- it’s- it’s… it’s on fire, Mista Steel; um, it ain’t decent, uh, you can’t come, you gotta wait until next week, maybe or a month, or two, that’s it—
JUNO: Rita, what did you do?
RITA: (QUIETLY) I tried to solve a case while you were out I’m sorry.
JUNO: You—! We’ll figure this out after we deal with the drones.
RITA: No can do, boss! It’s Patricia Marlowe, boss, and she’s got a bomb and I kinda told her to bring it to the office ‘cause I thought I’d have time—
JUNO: A bomb! That’s it!
MARLOWE: (DISTANT) Juno? Is that you?
JUNO: Patty! Throw me the bomb!
MARLOWE: Gladly!
JUNO: Alright, you stupid bugs. Eat shrapnel! (GRUNTS)
RITA: …Boss?
Boss, is everything—
JUNO: Rita.
RITA: Yeah, boss?
JUNO: (SNIFFS) I’m feeling a little under the weather. I think I’m gonna take the day off.
RITA: You do that, boss.
JUNO: Just… just don’t take any more calls. Please.
RITA: Okay, Mista Steel. Have a nice sleep, and be sure t’drink plenty of—
JUNO: Rita?
RITA: …Yeah?
JUNO: Don’t.
RITA: Okay, boss.
Bein’ a P.I. ain’t easy, it turns out. Maybe I oughtta retire. Spend a little more time with the family, like Frannie and Mista Steel. Take up a hobby, or—
Nope, nope. I ain’t gonna answer it.
I… ain’t… gonna…
Hello, this is Detective Rita, private eye, of Detective Rita Private Eye’s Detective Agency! We accept all forms of payment, but especially gift creds for that nice bakery down the street. Now, what crime can I stop for you today?
The second Rita Minute starred Kate Jones as Rita, with Joshua Ilon as Juno Steel, and Sophie Kaner as Patricia Marlowe. It was written by Kevin Vibert, and directed and sound designed by Sophie Kaner. The Penumbra is created and produced by Sophie Kaner and Kevin Vibert.
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carisi-dreams · 6 years
episode thoughts | exile
SVU | 20x06
there are their stories...DUN DUN
aww Sonny & Peter hanging out
good brother Sonny Carisi :’) [although he does talk about his family in really begrudging terms a lot...]
okay what was the bit about the truck? I need to rewatch because I missed that bit of dialogue
whoops Sonny with the foot-in-mouth syndrome again :/
poor Peter. but homeboy should have taken that burger offer. my sweet Sonny trying to get Peter to look after himself a little :’)
ew men
“I know you’re old, but you’d only have to climb two flights.” damn, girl. in what universe is this man old?!?
“I’m just using you...I don’t know...to forget.” Peter :/
is Sonny in the same suit? what did he just say? I feel like I miss so much when I watch on television.
they are committed to this ‘Olivia gets a trainer storyline’, I see. I’m not complaining, though, since continuity is not usually the SVU writers’ strong point, tbh
Sonny’s hair is looking super shiny
“detective Dominick Carisi”...Olivia, please call my man ‘Sonny’, for heaven’s sake!
“you heard me say I’m a cop, right?” lmao, Fin
[edibles will snatch your soul looool]
Fin taking edibles haha, but also #me
okay I still think this scene is...weird...to have a male detective drive a female sexual assault victim home alone??? Nick Amaro could never even look at this girl without someone trying to get him fired. but let me not start on that ‘Nick was treated poorly because he’s conventionally attractive and cares about victims’ soap box :/
“happy to recommend a therapist” um Sonny, if you have the number, I’mma need you to call and see one for yourself!
wow he’s so beautiful jeeez luh-weeeeez I can’t wait to screenshot this scene later
Sonny & Fin partnered up again-yeeeeees
oof hel-lo Sonny bending over the desk *eye emoji*
“if you don’t mind, stand your ass up and turn around” they really give Fin the best one liners, huh
they really need at least one other detective on the squad
the lighting in the interrogation room is so weird
“c’mon, who lies about pancakes.” Sonny lmaoooo baby
“oh hello no” not Fin’s shoes!!!
yo the old man with the cane! he needs to join the squad ahaaaa
[that staircase is giving me titanic!au vibes]
Peter poppin’ off eyyyy. this one is hitting a little too close for him, huh. he needs a break
Peter needs to take more than a breath, Olivia
okay what is going on with Grace/Sophie
“you catch ‘em, I cook ‘em” damn Peter is really in a rough place 
Olivia was in a sorority!? Phi Delta okay giiiirl
[waiting until college to have sex does not make you a late bloomer btw]
Billy is a thing of the past because Olivia is married to Alex thanks for coming to my TED talk
that kinda looked like Columbia’s campus
this man hasn’t cleaned his couch cushions in 3 years??? at least a little spot cleaner? that stain is bright af
of course the guy’s dead, there are only 10 minutes left in this episode
no one is alarmed that this girl just upended a table in Olivia’s office
okay where is the psychiatrist now because we need something better than thrown mug
“if he weren’t already dead, I’d kill that guy” go off Sonny
[these episodes are so heavy handed in the writing. not necessarily bad, but just...lacking finesse & control & subtlety, imo]
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Royal, part eight
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Summary: Freya and the rest catch up with Steve and his team.
Warnings: violence and swearing
Word count: 2122
Tony barked out orders as everyone prepared to leave the jet. We knew Steve and the others were there and everyone was hell bent on taking them in today. I on the other hand kept trying to figure out a plan to make them stop the fight. However, T'Challa was my biggest concern. Everyone wanted to capture them, but he was out for blood and that made him dangerous. I had to protect my own, no matter what.
We made a formation, standing one by one, creating a sort of boundary for Steve and the others. I took in a deep breath when Steve strode under the underpass, jogging onto a runway in his suit. I wasn't sure if he noticed me, but my heart was beating so fast for more reasons than one. I was scared..for the first time in a long time. I was afraid of him getting hurt, Bucky dying. I was no longer the fearless assassin, rather just a girl who still loved a man who was too torn between his past and present to completely give himself to her.
„Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?“ Tony sassed and I rolled my eyes at him.
„Definitely weird.“ Rhodes added, trying to seem cool. Ugh..I wasn't a big fan of the man to be honest. It felt like he was Tony's puppy and I never quite liked people with no backbone.
„Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.“ Steve spoke up and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What did he mean by that?
T'Challa joined us, leaping over a truck with small thud once he hit the ground. „Captain.“ He acknowledged him and I took a step forward much to everyone's dismay.
„Your highness.“ Steve spoke, a little sarcastically. He wasn't a fan of T'Challa and I couldn't blame him, after all, he was trying to kill his best friend.
„Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?“ Tony tried to defuse the situation, seeing how things could get very very ugly. I strategically moved closer to T'Challa, hoping I'd be able to block his attack if it came to it. I was still hurt, but I had to fight. I had to. Steve seemed to notice me, but he knew my plan right away. I could see it in his eyes, I always could read him like an open book. It's one of the things I loved most about him.
„You're after the wrong guy.“ Steve stated and Tony scoffed.
„Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.“ Tony pointed out, acting a little high and mighty and I had to suppress an urge to splash him with water as the gesture seemed to bring him back to Earth in the past.
„And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.“ My eyes widened at this new piece of information and Steve noticed me freeze at this. They were still alive? All of them? My past experience with the rest of the winter soldiers wasn't as nice as it was with Bucky. If you could call that past nice, because I got my ass handed to me on a daily bases.
„Steve… you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?“ Natasha questioned, subtly hinting I was still hurt and unable to properly defend myself. Steve's eyes were on me, watching my every move. He could tell I wasn't a hundred percent, but he knew better than anyone just how much Bucky meant to me. He knew I was the only person in this world who understood him and I was ready for a fight even if it killed me.
„All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!“ Tony called for the new kid and he shot a web, stealing Steve's shield. If it were any other day, I would have laughed but this was no laughing matter. Not the time and not the place.
„Nice job, kid.“ Tony praised him and I shot a look to the teenager. Steve was confused, unaware of this new arrival, but he was prepared for anything. He always was.
„Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit… Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's-It's perfect. Thank you.“ Peter rambled on, his squeaky voice making my head hurt a little. Don't get me wrong, I liked the kid, but I wasn't up for his eager beaver nature today.
„Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation.“ Tony waved him off and Peter turned to Steve a little starstruck.
„Okay. Cap… Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.“ Steve nodded as the kid waved at everyone. He was too adorable for this line of business. Why did I let Tony bring a kid to a superhero all out war? 
„You've been busy.“ Steve noted and I sighed.
„And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep… I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.“ Yeah right, and I'm the queen of England.
„You did that when you signed.“ Steve spoke and I nodded at him, letting him now I was ready. I could see T'Challa looking at the exchange and it gave me a slight disadvantage.
„Alright, We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys… with no compunction about being impolite. Come on.“ Steve looked at me once more, conveying a million apologies with that one look.
Steve held his hands up and Clint shot the web right off. Behind us, Parker started to fidget, calling for attention, but no one really cared at this point. Without a warning the shield was back in Steve's hand and someone appeared from thin air as it seemed.
„I believe this is yours, Captain America.“ The other new guy spoke and I cocked my head to the side, looking at his getup.
„Oh, great. Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them is Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her. Rhodey, you want to take Cap?“ Tony began, while Rhodes spotted Sam and Bucky. The voice beside me made me scowl. T'Challa was prepared for the fight,
„Barnes is mine!“ He took of running and I followed behind, shooting ice in front of him to slow him down because I was having a really hard time catching up.
„Slow down!“ I shouted and I swear I heard him chuckle. That ass.
„Move, Captain. I won't ask a second time.“ I caught up only to find T'Challa and Steve prepared to fight one another. Steve looked back at me while I doubled down, trying to catch my breath. I held one hand up, indicating I would need a minute.
The rest of Steve's team runs towards the Quinjet. A fizzing stream of energy slices across the runway and they stop as Vision hovers overhead.
„Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now.“ Vision speaks as the rest of Tony's team arrives.
„What do we do, Cap?“ Sam asks and I look into Steve's eyes and nod.
„We fight.“ Steve responds and I hear Nat throw in a sarcastic remark. Both sides stride towards each other with a grim determination etched on their faces. I was standing in the middle, looking back and forth, trying to decide where I stood here. Should I keep up the pretense or just drop the mask and join them. Everyone started running towards one another and I chose my side. I joined Steve and Bucky, helping him stop a blow from T'Challa. I could hear explosions and shots fired around us, but my focus was on the man who wanted to claw his way through the only family I had. Bucky landed a punch on T'Challa as I kicked him from the other side, earning a slight slash from his claws. He looked at me for a moment, like he wanted to apologize, but I went at him before he had a chance. We traded blow after blow, his attacks going from Bucky to me in an impressive speed. He had to be enhanced, that was the only explanation. Suddenly, Bucky and him had each other by the throat.
„I didn't kill your father.“ Bucky managed to mumble.
„Then why did you run?“ T'Challa pulls Bucky's hand off his neck, then spins him and fly-kicks him backwards. He sprouts claws and aims for Bucky's neck, but I intervened, freezing his hand completely, hoping his suit was more than just bulletproof. I waved my hands as I focused on the water in his body and willed it to fly back, sending T'Challa crashin into a passenger gangway.
Bucky and I ran to Steve, yelling out to go now.
„That guy's probably in Siberia by now.“ Bucky stated.
„We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet.“ Steve realized and Sam interjected.
„No, you get to the jet! ALL of you! The rest of us aren't getting out of here.“ He said, accepting his faith.
„As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it.“ Clint pipped in, grunting as he took a hit.
„This isn't the real fight, Steve.“ Sam spoke and Steve nodded reluctantly.
„Alright, Sam, what's the play?“ He questioned.
„We need a diversion, something big.“ I spoke up and someone came through the line.
 „I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half… don't come back for me.“ What the what? I furrowed my eyebrows together, my forehead creasing and Bucky had the same expression, except his mouth was opened.
„He's gonna tear himself in half?“ He spoke in shock.
„Did you even hear how that sounds Scott“ I put a hand over my mouth to stifle the laughter bursting out. Steve shook his head lightly and smiled at my immature behavior. He always loved when I did things like this, letting myself be just human instead of wearing a mask to hide the person of flesh and bone beneath.
„You're sure about this, Scott?“ Steve asked, his serious face back on.
„I do it all the time. I mean once… in a lab. Then I passed out. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the BOSS!“ He repeated and soon we saw what he meant. He became big..like really big and grabbed Rhodey by his leg.
„I guess that's the signal.“ Steve grabbed a hold of me, helping me get to the jet. The bleeding wasn't so bad, but it hurt like a bitch and I could barely stand on the leg. Damn it, T'Challa! We managed to get through the Scott commotion and I saw T'Challa was close behind. Steve and Bucky had made it to the jet as I turned back, holding my ground. I raised both my hands up, curling my fingers slowly as the clouds released the pent up water at my command. Freezing some of it was easy, it hit Tony's suit and helped Clint out as well. I saw Natasha walk up to me, her weapons down and her face set in a scowl. She didn't attack and neither did I. With a curt nod, we walked into the partially wrecked hanger and noticed T'Challa preparing to attack the guys. I used rain from the outside, throwing it on him, making the suit wet. He didn't understand why and that's where Natasha came in. She tased him, making him fall down repeatedly as the jet rises. Steve held out a hand for me to take and I nod to Natasha as a thanks before going for it. As I took his hand, T'Challa leaped after me, pulling us both down until my hand slipped from Steve's grasp and I was left free falling to the ground. Steve screamed after me, his eyes wide like he was seeing a repeat of something in his past. He once told me that's how he lost Bucky and I understood the pain in his beautiful blue eyes that were the last thing I saw.
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gojuo · 1 year
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back-and-totheleft · 4 years
After the Fall
In Oliver Stone’s new film, World Trade Center, a rescue worker stands atop a pile of steaming rubble, planning his descent into the inferno below. “I need a medic up here,” he yells. “Anybody a medic?”
“I used to be a medic,” comes a voice from the darkness.
A tiny figure scrambles up the base of the hill like a large bug. As he passes into the light, we see that it’s Frank Whaley, an actor who got his start with appearances in Stone’s Born on the Fourth of July, The Doors and JFK.
“My license lapsed,” the figure says. “I had a few bad years. But I’m good.”
Such is the legacy of Stone — a towering figure in modern film who always seems to be wrangling his own personal demons — that it is almost impossible not to read a scene like that autobiographically. A three-time Oscar winner as both writer (Midnight Express) and director (Platoon and Born on the Fourth of July), Stone has spent much of the past dozen years surrounded by controversy or chaos: His satirical tabloid blitzkrieg Natural Born Killers caused novelist John Grisham to accuse him of engendering real-life murders. Nixon, his oddly sympathetic portrait of the ex-president, eluded liberals and conservatives alike. The jumpy, kinetic editing style he employed in the day-for-noir U Turn and the pro-football pageant Any Given Sunday inspired longtime Stone critic Elvis Mitchell to label the latter “the world’s first ADD epic.”
Then the first of two HBO documentaries (Comandante) on Fidel Castro was shelved for being too sympathetic, while a subsequent portrait of Yasser Arafat (Persona Non Grata) saw Stone’s crew fleeing Ramallah four hours before the Israeli army attacked the Palestinian leader’s compound. (A third film, expected to profile either Kim Jong-Il or Saddam Hussein, was canceled.) He has been arrested twice — in 1999 and 2005 — for DUI and possession of marijuana, respectively. During an appearance at HBO’s “Making Movies That Matter” panel at Lincoln Center in October 2001, he allegedly made inflammatory remarks regarding the September 11 attacks, earning him scorn and ridicule in The New Yorker and elsewhere. Most painfully, when Stone, in 2004, finally realized his 20-year obsession to make Alexander, a sweeping history of Alexander the Great filmed on three continents, the film failed to find a domestic audience.
Now comes World Trade Center, a delicate, contained and extremely powerful evocation of our 2001 national trauma, starring Nicolas Cage and Michael Peña as John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno, New York City Port Authority cops who were miraculously excavated from beneath the glowing rubble of Building No. 7. In an odd way, it brings Stone’s career full circle: His first student film, Last Year in Viet Nam, made at NYU in 1970 (for film professor Martin Scorsese), opens with a panorama of southern Manhattan and what would have been the Twin Towers, except that they weren’t completed until January 1972. But in another respect, World Trade Center may be Stone’s most subversive film yet — a rousing, populist, patriotic adventure story that kicks the legs out from under the right-wing criticism marshaled against him. It could prove the ultimate irony that the bête noire of American conservatives — the man who profiled right-wing death squads in Salvador, My Lai–like atrocities in Platoon, hostile takeovers in Wall Street, the anti-war movement in Born on the Fourth of July and, most notably, the fecund proliferation of Kennedy-assassination conspiracy theories in JFK — may find his most enthusiastic audience among the very partisans who have heretofore decried his lifetime of work. As no less a cultural observer than Mel Gibson said of Stone in the 1997 thriller Conspiracy Theory, “He’s a disinformation junkie for them. The fact that he’s still alive says it all. He probably should be dead, but he’s not.”
In person, Stone has an infectious laugh, seems genuinely engaged and takes the full measure of my questions before answering, at which point his ideas often come so fast they seem to be skipping across the surface of the conversation. He’s also the most fun kind of intellectual, in that he perpetually appears to be trying to figure himself out. Briefly a classmate of George W. Bush’s at Yale, he seems — at least on the evidence of our wide-ranging, three-hour discussion — to have absorbed a good deal more of its freshman syllabus. We spoke at his West L.A. editing suite, where he is currently preparing a three-hour, 45-minute DVD-only “road show” version of Alexander, complete with intermission.
L.A. WEEKLY: Where were you on the morning of September 11, 2001?
OLIVER STONE: L.A. Asleep. My wife put the TV on.
And what did you think was happening?
It was sensational. It was exciting. It was horrifying. It reminded me in its barbarity and ferocity of the French Revolution — the tumbrels, heads falling. And I had feelings of anger in me, and vengeance. I had a fight with my son, actually, because he was much more objective about it: “How do you know? Don’t assume anything. You’re acting like the mob.” But there were other feelings as well. You know, I realize I’m an older person; I’ve seen Vietnam and a lot of death and shit. Oklahoma City was horrible. JFK’s assassination. Watergate. The 2000 election. We’ve been through our times of shit in this country, so this was another version.
World Trade Centeris very powerful — emotionally powerful. I had a very visceral reaction to it.I think it’s obviously the film, but it’s also more than the film — it’s the fact that the subject matter is so loaded. If you make a film about fire jumpers, and a fire jumper comes to see it, he’ll say, “Well, you got this part right, you got this part wrong.’?” With this film, we’re all fire jumpers. It’s also very different from a lot of your other films — it’s gentle and contained and quiet. I’m wondering if you had to devise a different approach because the subject matter was so delicate.
I just want to say first that the way I look at myself — it’s not necessarily in the result — but with every film, I really have made an effort to make each one an island unto itself in this little sea that we go around in our ships. And every island has been a destination, a stop for a period of time. I’ve tried to take a different style for every film, because it’s the story that comes first, and the subject dictates the style. Even with something like Natural Born Killers, which seems very stylistic and eccentric, it’s still the content that I think is valid and important. With this film, certain things presented themselves: Obviously, the sensitivities of everyone involved, but ultimately that’s the sky around the project. With JFK, for instance, there were his children to think of, Jackie was still alive, Teddy Kennedy. Blowing his head off in Dealey Plaza didn’t go down well with them either. But there was a bigger story to tell.
Here we were limited by movement, so we worked out a style by which, methodically, the film would go in and out of light: Light would fight with the dark, or rather, light would try to make it up to the dark. Claustrophobia is an issue with a film like this. I did Talk Radio, so I know that feeling of being on one set the whole time. Also, Born on the Fourth of July: That was a very contained movie, in a way, because we had a young man in a wheelchair in the second half, where there’s very little movement. When I read this script, I said, “How do we make this movie watchable? How do we make the tension manageable for a mainstream audience?”
It may surprise a lot of people that you’re not using a lot of shock cuts, moving around inside the frame — what you’ve termed your “cubist” style.
Well, where can you move in a hole? A hole is limited. Finding the right point of view in the hole is crucial.
You once said about Platoon?, “I felt like if I didn’t do it now, I’m going to forget.” We’re five years out from 9/11 now, and there is much public hand-wringing about whether it’s too soon yet to deal with this subject matter.
I think it’s a bogus question. The consequences of that day are far worse today. More people have died since then because of the war on terror. There’s more war, there’s more fear, and there is constitutional breakdown left and right. Have the good sense to go to the psychiatrist quickly. If you’ve been raped, talk to somebody about what that day itself was like before you build up all this armor.
You pursued this film, correct?
Yes. Petitioned. My agent, Bryan Lourd, a man of taste, said to me, “Look, I read this script two weeks ago — it stays with me, it’s emotional. I don’t know if it will make a dime, I don’t know if I can get it financed, but just read it.” So I read it, and I said, “My God, I never thought of this — to do 2001 this way.” I knew [World Trade Center producers] Michael Shamberg and Stacy Sher. But no one would make it; Universal dropped it at the [proposed] budget. I was doing other things, I wasn’t stopping my life. But then it came back around. Paramount was just coming into being [under new management]. We were very lucky, because that new studio energy was coming in, and they wanted to make it so badly that it happened right away.
And did you talk with the producers about politics — if there would be a political viewpoint that informed the story?
There was no room for it, because John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno were not interested in politics, per se. They don’t talk about politics like you and I do. Their lives are not determined by it; they live according to what is given them. So it never entered into the equation. I loved the script [by Andrea Berloff] as it was. I loved the inspiration of the story. So I vowed to stay inside those parameters.
New York is probably the most liberal city in America, and yet the 9/11 attack has been so politicized, its imagery considered so proprietary, that right-wing skepticism has been mounting steadily against you since this project was announced. A story in The New York Times said the film is being strategically marketed to right-wing opinion leaders using the PR firm that advised the Swift Boat Veterans group. It even quoted the conservative National Review Web site as saying, “God Bless Oliver Stone.”
I knew [the studio] was doing grassroots marketing to everybody — Hispanics, cops, firemen, teachers, church groups. I didn’t know that they had hired a specific firm; I found out that day. I’m pleased they like it, because it goes beyond politics.
Could you foresee a left-wing backlash against the film?
If people on the right are responding with their hearts, I’m all for it. But if they’re making it into a political statement, it’s wrong. Those on the left might say, “Oh, this is a simplified context, and these are simplistic working-class values. You’re not showing a wider political context.” Or secondly, that we’re sentimentalizing the event — which would be unfair, because I think there’s a lot of grit there. But this is a populist film. We’ve said that from the beginning. In our hearts, it was a Frank Capra type of movie. And he didn’t necessarily get great notices.
In an odd way, I was reminded of Preston Sturges Hail the Conquering Hero — a wartime comedy that pokes fun at the notion of patriotism and, by extension, patriotic movies but which, by the end, almost subversively, fills you with this patriotic fervor. I’m wondering if you see this as your “Nixon in China” moment: Only the director of Nixon and JFK could get away with a film where the most heroic character is an ex-Marine who consults with his pastor before putting himself in harm’s way.
That character, Dave Karnes, is an unlikely hero. He goes to church — that’s a documented thing; he checks with his pastor in a born-again church before he goes down to Manhattan. He evaded the authorities. Get it done; that’s a Marine thing. I think you can argue that the Marine is an ambivalent character, because at the end of the movie, this sense of vengeance is what fuels the wrong war in Iraq.
But for him it’s the right war.
For him it’s the right war. That’s correct. I think if you really look at JFK or at Nixon, which are the two political films I did uncensored in my career — which is amazing unto itself — JFK is neither right nor left, and was attacked equally by the left, who did not like the Kennedy figure of 1963. It was done in the centrist tradition of American dissent: It questioned government and the authority of government. So I was taken aback that the right made such a big issue out of it. I suppose, because they were in office [when the film came out]. But they had never done that historically. They would have been on the side of the investigation; [Barry] Goldwater may well have been. JFK was not a bunch of fantasies strung together. It involved an enormous amount of research — as much as World Trade Center, if not more.
You could make the same argument about Nixon. You took the dominant political figure in our lifetime and gave him the Shakespearean treatment his life cried out for.
It was a psychological point of view. The right wing thought it was going to be a hatchet job; instead, it made him a human being. Unfortunately, in my career, I have spoken out between films, and that’s what’s gotten confused with the films themselves. I think the focus has been lost. Somewhere along the line, I guess, I said, “Look: I’m a filmmaker, but I’m also John Q. Citizen, and things piss me off. I have a right to say, if people ask me and they’re interested, what I fucking think.” And that’s the line I’ve always gotten in trouble with. It’s always between the films, if you look at the statements I’ve made. There’s nothing in the films themselves, as far as I know, that’s really offensive politically.
How much of the criticism against you do you think is organized for partisan political gain?
I’ve always wondered that — especially in the ’90s, after the JFK situation. You have to wonder: Will it come out one day in a government file? You hear about those programs from the ’50s and the ’60s. I was so grateful that Michael Moore came along. He helped me.
He seems to enjoy it. Maybe it’s the counterpart to how the left treats Charlton Heston.
Charlton Heston once said in an interview, “People like Oliver Stone would never hire me in the new Hollywood.” And I went out of my way on Any Given Sunday to hire him. I loved him. I said, “Forget politics, I love your character.” Political reputation pigeonholes you, and in a society that’s very busy, it’s an easy way to get rid of having to think too much about people and what they’re saying. I’m a dramatist; I’m a humanist. I protest.
There’s one line in World Trade Center — I think we hear it on a TV monitor in an office at the Port Authority — where the announcer says, “. . . the shock of the explosion that was coincidental with the two towers coming down,” and then you move on to something else. Was the suggestion that an unexplained explosion might have accompanied the towers’ demise the one seed of doubt you intentionally planted in an otherwise apolitical movie?
Well, I think that all reality is questionable, as you know. Frankly, I’m not an expert on that at all. And I haven’t pursued it, because I think the consequences of where we are now are far worse. But even if there was a conspiracy, it wouldn’t change where we are now. We’re into another place, where there’s more war, more terror, more bankruptcy, more debt, above all more constitutional breakdown and more fear than ever before. That’s very serious. And we’re on the edge of possibly something bigger and very dangerous. Richard Clarke’s book [Against All Enemies: Inside America’s War on Terror], at least, is about a true conspiracy that we know existed, of a small group who took over the government and did it their way — manipulated, created the war. It’s 30 or 40 people, right?
Sy Hersh says it’s 11 guys.
It was a conspiracy, and it was basically at the top. It’s Cheney and Rumsfeld influencing Bush. Cheney and Rumsfeld go back to the Ford administration, and when they got their way, they kicked butt. That’s a great story. But that’s not even all of it. When you’ve got a guy like Representative Pete Hoekstra from Michigan, who was a friend of the Bush administration — who had approved of the Patriot Act, the eavesdropping, the taxes, the bank records, all of it — saying in the press that there’s something worse that he’s pissed off about, because they hadn’t consulted him. Something worse? I mean, all the cards are not on the table, right? This is a big story. And we’re living it. How can you write about it? We’re fucking rocking in the boat. It’s like trying to write a great war novel when you might be going into World War II.
Were you at Yale the same time Bush was?
I was in the same class, yeah. I don’t remember him. I was never in a fraternity. I went twice — I dropped out one year and then went back for half of a second year and dropped out.
But at one point Bush requested to meet you, didn’t he?
Yeah, I met him. It was a political breakfast speech here in California at a club, the Republican right wing. They invited me — they’ve always had fun with me, I don’t know why — and it was a big hotel room and a speech about tough love and justice in Texas. He was governor then, around ’98 or so. I swear, I knew in that room on that day that he was going to be president. There was just no question. He had that confidence, and they adored him. There was an organized love for him. He asked for me to come up to the podium and we had a one-on-one. I was in the Bush spotlight — that thing where he stares at you and he gets to know you a little bit.
Assigns you a nickname.
There was one funny line. He knew I’d been in Vietnam. Actually, I didn’t know he’d been at Yale. He told me he’d been in my class; it was a surprise to me. But then he said he’d had a buddy who had been to Vietnam who’d been killed. “Buddy,” he said. It was funny — it was on his mind, he raised it. And it was the way he looked at me: I just felt like, boy, I bet you he’d rather his buddy had come home than me. But he was very friendly, very charming — a very sociable man.
Have you ever thought about going into politics — running for office? Would you consider doing that in a later part of your life?
Not seriously, no.
Orson Welles wrote a weekly political newspaper column during WWII — he was friends with FDR through Sumner Welles, a distant relative of his and a presidential adviser, and at one point he considered running for the Senate from California or his native Wisconsin.
Politics is about raising money and being popular and shaking a lot of hands and spending a lot of time with people. Those are not my strengths. It would be exhausting and would completely destroy my ability to do what I do.
You were pro-Vietnam before you enlisted in the infantry, right? You were fairly conservative?
So we could say that you spent the entire 1960s across the political divide from most of what you’ve now come to stand for?
My story is complicated. I did write a novel about being 19 called A Child’s Night Dream. My parents divorced when I was 14, and being the only child, there was no family to go back to. Basically, going to Vietnam was really throwing myself to the wolves. It was a form of rebellion and suicide.
I’ve read a quote to the effect of “I felt like I had to atone for the act of imagination.” Was it actually the failure of the novel that sent you over the edge?
After I left Yale the second time and finished the novel — I was writing the novel instead of going to class, and that’s why I flunked out — my father was supporting me, and that’s an impossible situation: 19 years old, your father is furious at you for the tuition that he’s lost, and you’re living in his apartment trying to finish a novel. It’s like Jack Kerouac moving back home with his mother. But I really believed in it: I was insane with passion. It was the only thing I had. I had no woman friends in my life. I had nothing to support me beyond that. And when that failed, I went into the Army with the idea of “Let God sort it out, whoever I am.” It’s egregious to think that you can be on the level of Mailer or any of your heroes — Hemingway, or Joyce; I was into Joyce heavily at the time.
Part of the fun of watching someone like you working without a net, from a distance, is charting the rises and falls of your career. And sometimes there are films that don’t hit right, that suffer because of the moment or the context — the sky around it, as you put it. I’m thinking specifically of Nixon, which was a commercial failure, but seems to get more sophisticated every time I see it. Or, more recently, Alexander.
I’ve had three big setbacks, in terms of being completely dismissed: Heaven and Earth, Nixon — by many people, at least — and Alexander. On Alexander, it was just devastating, because in America and England, the numbers were so tough. It wasn’t just that people didn’t like it. It was ridiculed. It was destructive criticism. Meanwhile, in the rest of the world we were connecting, we were among the top 20 films of that year in the foreign market. We did better than four of the five Oscar nominees abroad. It was well respected.
Why didn’t Alexander connect? Do we agree that it didn’t connect with English-speaking audiences?
I like the director’s cut better than the first version, because I had more time to prepare it. And the structure is different. It wasn’t because of the homosexuality — that’s a red herring. The mother’s back story and father’s back story, which are really essential, don’t come in until later. We’re doing a third, expanded version now — we’re going all out. This is not for theatrical; it’s for the people who love the film who want to see more of it. It’s the Cecil B. De Mille treatment — three hours and 45 minutes. What I’m doing is going back and showing the whole thing in its sumptuousness, really going with the concept that it had to be an old-fashioned movie, with an intermission, like a road show. Be a showman, instead of trying to be a responsible filmmaker. Go all out on this one. This is my Apocalypse Now, my De Mille epic. [The first time] I was trying to step up to the plate, so to speak. I should have pulled it back, taken an extra year like Marty did with Gangs of New York. But it would have cost a lot of money.
In Oliver Stone’s America, the documentary included with the DVD box set of your films, you say, “I’ve always admired Alexander because of the momentum and the speed with which he traveled and conquered. In my small metaphoric way, I would say the countries were films, and I moved through them like him . . . he’s striking everywhere. I think it was great. We had a great run. But it’s definitely a new phase.” Is Alexander the figure you most closely identify with?
I am a Method director to a certain degree. I do become part of what I shoot. And I think with Alexander, the perception is of hubris, certainly — “Alexander the Great? Who the fuck is he? He thinks he’s Alexander.” I could see that coming. But I always knew who Oliver Stone was. I never lost track of that. And I made the film humbly, in 94 fucking days on three continents. I ran the crew like I always run the crew. Nothing changed in my habits. I walked in the deserts, we shot in a sandstorm once, and it was the same old Oliver who did Salvador. Hubris is taking 110 days on some stupid comedy. That’s an insult to filmmaking the way I was raised. I’m sticking to NYU principles, and I still do to this day. Movies are a tradition; we didn’t invent it — we take it from somebody else and pass it on.
But with Alexander, you faced a challenge like you’ve never faced before, because no matter how bruising the attacks on JFK and Nixon, your core audience was always still with you. For whatever reason, Alexander failed to connect with an audience.
Yeah. In America.
In America. I don't wish to judge it; this is an empirical observation.
No, it didn't connect. Alexander is the high point of my life, and it always will be. I’m not asking for universal love on that; it’s just impossible. It’s not paced to the American style, nor is he a conventional hero. He’s filled with doubts. But Alexander is a beautiful story, and I think I did him well. I mean, I wouldn’t have released it [otherwise]. But I can’t give up; I would never give up. I would be all wrong in my assessments of myself as I work. You have to hear your own self, follow your own drama, or whatever Thoreau said long ago at Walden Pond. [“Follow your genius closely enough, and it will not fail to show you a fresh prospect every hour.”] Alexander was a huge setback for me, and it certainly hurt me in this business. But you have to understand that people have been saying bad things about me for years. I don’t listen; I have to try to keep going.
I don’t want to make specious connections, but you’ve had several high-profile drug arrests in the last few years. Before that, you were making supernihilist films in an edgy, frenetic style. I'm wondering if these are all moving parts of the same phenomenon.
I’ve smoked dope and drunk alcohol most of my life, okay? Getting pulled over and arrested is a fault, it’s a mistake — a wake-up call. I did get busted a couple of times. One was at a roadblock, so it’s not like I was endangering anybody’s life. The other time, I got pulled over by a civilian cop; I was actually busted for driving too slow. And when the tests came back, I was below the intoxication level. Nobody knows that, because it never got published that way. I should get a chauffeur is what I fucking should do. [Laughs.]
But nobody cares if you smoke pot. They care if it affects the work, if it’s part of a larger problem.
Okay, but I don’t feel bad. I got heavier, physically, at certain points, and I think that gives the appearance of degradation, like Jim Morrison. But I did have a pre-diabetic condition through my mother, and I was on too much sugar. Any Given Sunday, I love that movie, but it was more effort than you think — it was like a three-ring circus, to make five football games in five stadiums work. It took so much energy. There were some problems with the crew on that film. So by the end of that movie, my doctor said I was too stressed, and at my age it was dangerous. There were some issues of medications and stuff, no question about it. But sports people love that movie. With Alexander, there’s a fan site where there are people who have seen it 50 times. They go to the sites in Macedon. They love the romanticism of it. So it’s confusing to me. I’ve tried every fucking time to get it right, even if I haven’t been in my best physical shape. I will get it right. Not everyone is going to agree with me, but I’m going to get it right.
With World Trade Center, it's your first time to deal with studio financing in a decade; you look better, healthier. Has your life changed? Is this a new start?
Your story is a journalistic narrative, and it’s a good one, about Oliver coming back after Alexander, and how there’s a change in his life. And I’ve somewhat agreed with it, but I’ve also pointed out that my methods have stayed the same. But it is about your storyline, in a way — about life. If you go to film school, and you think about your career traditionally, you arc up, in the sense that your budgets get bigger, the stars, whatever. There’s a nice arc to a man’s life. You make your better films later — it’s horrible if you’re Orson Welles, if you make your best film first. And Alexander was a chance to do something on another level entirely. So I reached a peak of ambition. And the ambition was perhaps not matched by my execution, although there are points in the execution that do match the ambition, I think. So then it died a metaphoric death. Point of view died with it, as it died when Heaven and Earth came out. That [movie] was a very sensitive side of myself that I loved — it was tender, and the woman was tender. And it was ridiculed and killed, and part of me, you know . . . those feelings were hurt and eradicated for a while. Same thing with Nixon. You want to get rid of the person after you finish. You want to go back to being who you are, but you’re no longer the same person, because your journey has changed.
And part of me did die [with Alexander] — that part that was enamored of “my very important storyline,” end of quote. Me being the storyline. I played it out. I did all my biographical figures. I have no need to be John or Will. I had a need to be Ron Kovic. I had a need to be Alexander. I had a need to be Nixon and Morrison and Garrison. That’s the change. So now I can be myself, maybe. I can be more authentic to myself. I think there was an attraction to go from the past into the contemporary world in its most hellish moment. It’s like I dropped out and I couldn’t get back in, until by going back to 2001, I could come back into this era. I feel liberated, in the sense that, not that it would be next, but I feel I could do a movie about those next five years. Not that I think it’s complete yet — I think there’s a lot going on that we don’t know about in the government. But I think there’s something in the air. I smell it, and I feel fresh again, having done something — my new, 24-hour, humble microcosm of that day. Wherever I go with World Trade Center, it’s going to spin off to wherever I go next.
-Paul Cullum, “After the Fall,” LA Weekly, Aug 9 2006 [x]
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thorne93 · 7 years
No Matter What (Part 10)
Prompt: Imagine you’re an Avenger and you meet Bucky for the first time during Civil War
Word Count: 3359
Warning: Language, fighting, violence, angst
Notes: This will follow Cap America: Civil War…. I envisioned a younger reader who’s like 19-24 years old, btw. Not beta’d - all mistakes are mine
Forever Tags: @amarvelouswritings @cocosierra94 @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please @superwholocked527 @myparadise1982sand @missinstantgratification @thejulesworld @rda1989 @marvelloushamilton @munlis  @bubblyanarocks3​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @hardcollectionworldtrash @igiveupicantthinkofausername @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @kaeling @ijustwanttobepartofyourworld
Sebastian Stan Tag: @nedthegay @lostinspace33 @alwayshave-faith @elleatrixlestrange @buenostardissherlock  @lenawiinchester​ @the-red-world-of-jess-chibi​ @memory-of-a-goldfish @mellsstark
Bucky Barnes: @nedthegay @lostinspace33 @alwayshave-faith @elleatrixlestrange @ultrarebelheart @lenawiinchester @its-not-a-tulpa
No Matter What: @void-imaginations @devil-may-cry-11-blog @james-heaven-barnes @mrs-lancelot​ @gingergrad​ @eyelinernim​ @fairchild21 @its-not-a-tulpa @shifutheshihtzu
“Wake up,” Steve said to you two as he hovered over you. You woke up to find you Bucky's hand on your hip, making you feel things you probably shouldn’t. “Barton’s almost here. We have to move.” He glanced to Bucky’s hand briefly before turning to grab his boots.
“Alright,” you said with a groggy voice as you sat up, Bucky’s hand gliding off of you. The sensation of his touch leaving yours left you feeling somehow empty...
It felt like you slept five minutes.You were still exhausted.
You all jumped up, went downstairs, checked out of the hotel, and filed back into the car. Before you could even get settled, you were pulling into the airport parking garage, parking beside a van.
As soon as you all jumped out, Barton and Wanda were out of the van.
You ran to hug Clint, you hadn’t seen him in about ten months.
“It’s so good to see you!” you said in a hushed, excited whisper as he hugged you back.
“Hey, kid. Good to see you, too.” He let you go as you stood beside him.
“You know I wouldn't have called If I had any other choice,” Steve said.
“Hey man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt,” Clint reminded as they nodded to each other.
“Thanks for having my back,” Steve said to Wanda.
“It was time to get off my ass,” she noted with a tiny smirk. You grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
“How about our other recruit?” Steve asked as he gestured to the van. You had almost forgotten you were about to meet another friendly face.
“He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him, but... he should be good,” Clint said as he slid open the door to behold a sleeping man. You stifled a giggle. He sat up and shook his head and rubbed his eyes.
“What time zone is this?” he asked.
“Come on, come on,” Clint urged and the man stepped out.
“Captain America,” he breathed in amazement as he went forward to shake Steve’s hand.
“Mr. Lang,” he greeted back.
“It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow! This is awesome! Captain America.” He let his hand drop as he turned to recognize Wanda and Steve introduced you to him. Greetings went around everyone as you seemed to gravitate back towards Bucky. He was standing by himself on the other side of the car, and you didn’t want him to be or feel alone. You walked over and held his metal hand for support and assurance.
“We should get moving,” he interjected, stopping the conversation that was flowing.
“We got a chopper lined up,” Clint informed.
An announcement came on and you heard your native tongue and recognized the greeting immediately.
“They’re evacuating the airport,” you and Bucky said in unison. He eyed you for a moment, probably wondering how you knew that.
“Stark,” Sam said with realization.
“Stark?” Scott questioned, frowning.
“Suit up,” Steve ordered.
You were able to find an access door that was unlocked that lead to an employee restroom that was unoccupied. Everyone had carried their gear to the bathroom and changed quickly. Afterwards, everyone met back in the hall.
“Okay, here’s the play,” Steve started, “Bucky and Sam are going to stay inside the airport. Try to get to the helicopter. If you can, get in it and go. If you can’t, find the quinjet. I’m going to try to talk to Tony, maybe he’ll listen--”
“And if he doesn’t?” you asked, fearing the answer you already knew in your gut.
“Then we go through him. He wants to bring us in, fine, but he can do it after we stop this guy and the winter soldiers,” Steve stated firmly. “Wanda, you stay back until we need you. Barton, I want you and Wanda together. You keep your eyes on me and stop Tony. Lang, I want you on my shield. Someone’s going to try and take it, probably, at some point. You need to be on it and be ready, can you do that?”
“Yes, sir,” he said confidently.
“Okay, good.”
“Steve?” His eyes flashed to yours with a question in them. “Me?” you asked.
“I want you with me. Hopefully, Tony will go easy if you’re out there. Maybe it’ll even make him stop to think.”
You nodded.
“Everyone good? Comms on?” Steve asked. Everyone checked their ear pieces. All was on and functioning. “Barton, you and Wanda set up over there,” Steve instructed, pointing to another parking garage. “Okay, everyone ready?”
You and Steve walked out of the underpass to the parking garage. Your nerves were alive with fire. You didn’t want to face your friends. You didn’t want to hurt or fight any of them.
As soon as you made it to the private runway, the chopper just in sight, an electronic disabler was shot onto the chopper and you immediately stopped, tensing up, your heart racing in response.
Tony and Rhodes descended from the sky in front of you.
“Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?” Tony said as he turned to Rhodes.
“Definitely weird,” he said.
“Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this,” Steve started.
T’Challa lept over a truck nearby and you got into a defensive stance. This king was in your book of bad people. He went after Bucky and Steve, that was something you wouldn’t tolerate.
“Captain,” he greeted.
“Your highness,” Steve said back.
T’Challa turned his head slightly to look at you but you glared at him.
Tony spoke up again. “Anyways. Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?”
“Tony, listen,” you started, “you’re going after the wrong guy. Come with us, we’ll show you. Bucky didn’t do this.”
“What? Did he brainwash you too? I thought you were the smart one on Cap’s team, guess I was wrong.”
His words stung you worst than you thought they would. You choked back a few tears. Tony was never mean to you. Sure, he razzed you, teased you, and joked around with you, but he was never legitimately hateful or cruel. At least...he used to not be.
“As for you, Cap, your judgement is askew. Your old war buddy killed people yesterday,” Tony stated. For a brief moment, your stomach lurched. You didn’t know he had killed anyone. You thought the agents were simply knocked out...But that didn’t change anything. Bucky couldn’t help it. He didn’t have a choice…
“And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't,” Steve said with strong conviction.
Natasha was suddenly on the runway, speaking. “Steve... you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?”
“All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!”
Out of nowhere, a guy in red and blue tights flipped over you two, stole Cap’s shield, bound both of your hands with some sort of webbing, then landed on a luggage truck.
“Nice job, kid,” Tony noted. A weird pang of jealousy rocketed through you as your eyes narrowed on the guy in tights.
“Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit... Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's-It's perfect. Thank you,” the spider-kid said. Who the hell was this guy? You peered at him. He was young like you, clearly nervous, and enhanced. You should’ve liked him.
But he was on the wrong team.
“Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation,” Tony said.
“Okay. Cap... Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man,” he said with a salute. “Hi, Y/N. I’ve seen your work too. You’re a good fighter.”
“Thanks…?” you said as you perched an eyebrow up at the stranger, beyond confused why he insisted on having a conversation before a fight.
“Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just…” Tony said, trying to calm the nervous kid.
“Hey, everyone,” he greeted with a small wave and you couldn’t help that your head tilted. You were nervous, anxious even, but his level of nervousness was beyond comprehension. Unless...he’d never been in a fight like this...That could be an advantage.
“Good job,” Tony commended.
Steve nodded his head. “You’ve been busy,” he noted.
“And you've been a complete idiot. Both of you. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place,” Tony snapped.
“Hey!” you said angrily, Tony’s attention snapping to you. You were sick of his ego getting in the way of what the fuck was happening. “Clint’s a fucking adult, he could’ve said no,” you stated. “And why would anyone want to be chained to some place, Tony? How is keeping her locked up okay?”
“Because I'm trying to keep... I'm trying to keep you two from tearing the Avengers apart,” he responded, his voice breaking. You knew this had to be hard...but he wasn’t seeing the big picture.
“Us? You did that when you signed,” you said evenly, your eyes steeling on him.  
“Alright, we're done,” Tony said angrily. “You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys... with no compunction about being impolite.”
“You think that makes it okay?” you asked. “Tony that makes it worse,” you informed, a hint of sorrow in your voice, it broke on the last word. “You chose to take the government’s side over us. Just knowing that you’re even willing to arrest us...makes it that much worse. You’re siding with the government instead of listening to us first.”
“Because there’s nothing to talk about, Y/N. Don’t you get that? I don’t know what Cap and Barnes twisted up in your mind, but you don’t have to do this. You can still be on the winning side,” he said.
“Right, because winning is what matters to you, not being on the right side. Just whoever comes out ahead, right?”
Sam informed all of you that he found the quinjet. Immediately, you both raised your hands and Clint’s trusty arrows didn’t miss their mark. They broke the webbing and you were free.
“Alright, Lang,” Steve commanded. At that, Scott enlarged from the size of an ant, to his normal size, kicking back Spider-Man and taking the shield.
“I believe this is yours, Captain America,” he stated like a good soldier as he handed the shield back. You leaned forward to glance at him and smile and he nodded to you.
Stark found Clint and Wanda and headed for them as Rhodes found Bucky and Sam inside the airport. Cap threw his shield to deter Rhodes but T’Challa headed straight for Bucky and Sam.
“Barnes is mine!” T’Challa growled as he took off.
“Think again, kitty cat,” you said under your breath as your sights set on him.
This time, you were ready. No anxiety. No nerves. No fear.
You ran after T’Challa, wrapped your arm around his waist from behind, and hurled him to the ground. He threw you off before he rolled to stand up.
“Move, Y/N. I won’t ask a second time,” he ordered, as if it was supposed to intimidate you.
You moved into a fighting position and curled your hand to entice him. “Bring it on, hello kitty,” you challenged.
He jumped into the air and kicked at your face but you dodged it. You formed a lasso, wrapped it around his ankle, and yanked, fucking up his aerial movement so that he slammed into the ground. When he landed, he swiped your leg out from under you but you landed on your hands and back flipped into a standing position.
“You’ve been training,” he noted in almost an impressed voice. “Last time we fought, you weren’t quite this agile.”
“I just needed a reminder of what I was fighting for,” you said as you kicked up at him but he dodged it before punching at you. You formed a baton and began to smack at him, getting in a hit here or there before grabbed it and yanked, making the object disappear.
He continued to swipe, claw, and bat at you, but you dodged him. You wanted to look inside the airport to check on Bucky and Sam, to chance a look, but you knew doing so would give T’Challa an advantage and you couldn’t afford that right now. Finally, you got more of an upper hand as you flipped midair to kick T’Challa, knocking him back a few feet. It felt good to finally seem like an asset to the team.
At that opening, you ran away from him and out onto the runway, meeting back up with your team, breathing a sigh of utter relief when you saw Bucky wasn’t hurt in any way. Your legs were carrying you all rather quickly, until a beam of energy shot at the pavement in front of you, stopping your team from going forward.
“Captain Rogers,” Vision called out as he hovered in the air. “I know you believe what you’re doing is right, but for the collective good, you must surrender now.”
The rest of Tony’s team formed up underneath Vision.
“What do we do, Steve?” you asked, peering ahead at your friends...your family. You didn’t want to fight them. The people you lived with, trained with, fought with, laid your life on the line for. This isn’t how it’s supposed to go. You fight together, to keep the bad guys out of power...You don’t fight each other to keep each other out of the way…
You didn’t want to see anyone hurt anyone. Not just you, but Clint and Nat, Vision and Wanda. Sam and Rhodes. Steve and Tony. These were bridges of friendships that were about to be obliterated.
Before you, stood all of your loved ones. Literally all of them. there was no one else in the world you cared for like the Avengers. You never had a real home, real family, real friends, until them...And now you were going to get into a bloody, knock out, drag out, fight….because they’re egos mattered more than your friendship. Because being on the winning team mattered more than doing the right thing.
Steve started the march and you all followed suit. Soon, it turned into a jog, and then, those that could fly on each team, took off. You formed a glider and glided forward, ducking as T’Challa swiped his entire arm at you. You bent backwards as if you were doing limbo, and his hit landed on Bucky.
Enraged you turned around, and formed a baton and tried your damnedest to hit him off of Bucky but your impacts weren’t affecting him.
Vibranium suit….vibranium suit...it’s impenetrable but, it’s not immovable…
You formed a cord, jumped up on T’Challa’s back, wrapped the cord around his neck, and yanked. Finally, he responded. His body toppled backwards as Bucky stood up and got better footing and leverage. You ducked as Bucky went to land a punch square to T’Challa’s jaw knocking him onto his back but he flipped up and was upright again. They both started to hit and dodge until they got each other in choke locks.
“I didn’t kill your father,” Bucky informed as he stared at him.
“Then why did you run?” he accused. Bucky pulled his arm back and they started to fight again until you formed a long baton and knocked T’Challa’s legs out from under him.
“Are you serious right now?” you asked as you fought him. “Because you fucking landed on him on a rooftop and proceeded to attack him with razor claws. Who wouldn’t run from that?”
He moved around you and got you in a headlock. Now fear was setting in. Your panicked eyes flashed to Bucky’s, his face and eyes mirrored yours.
“Let her go,” Bucky commanded.
“Or you will do what?” T’Challa questioned.
You took the moment of distraction and flipped T’Challa over your shoulder and onto his back.
“She’ll do that,” Bucky said as he stood over T’Challa. But he hopped up, spun and kicked you hard into a packing crate. A sharp pain lashed across your spine. Along side you flew Bucky, landing roughly on his front side. T’Challa was there in an instant, his hand and claws near Bucky’s throat, but Wanda managed to manifest her magic and throw him far away from you two.
“Buck!” you said in a wheeze, still recovering from the impact. “Are you okay?” you asked as you crawled over to him and put your hands on his face.
“I’m fine. You worry too much about a guy who’s practically invincible,” he said with a smirk.
“And you worry to little about yourself who’s still mortal,” you reminded. You and Bucky got up and ran to take cover against some luggage handling vehicle as Steve stood next to a case of stairs.
“We’ve got to go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now,” Bucky stated.
“We gotta take out the flyers,” Steve stated.
“No, you get to the jet. The three of you. The rest of us aren’t getting out of here,” Sam responded back.
“As much as I hate to admit it, to win this one, some of us might have to lose it,” Clint said and you felt your heart ache at his words. The idea of any of them getting hurt was physically torturous to you.
“This isn’t the real fight, Steve,” Sam reminded.
“Alright, Sam, what’s the play?” Steve asked as you and Bucky stared at your friend.
“We need a diversion,” he said. “Something big.”
Just as you were about to offer to be one, even though it would kill you to be away from STeve and Bucky, Scott stated he had something big he could try. He said to run on his signal and to not worry if he tore himself in half.
“What? In half?” you said curiously.
“He’s gonna tear himself in half?”  Bucky asked, looking at you two.
“You sure about this, Scott?”
“I do it all the time. Well once… in a lab...and I passed out.”
You heard something strange, like rumbling or a thud, and felt the ground shake so you turned around to see a giant Scott towering over everyone.
“I guess that’s the signal,” Steve said, amazed and surprised.
“Ya think?” you asked as you all started to run like bats out of hell. You formed your glider for better speed, knowing you couldn’t trip if you were hovering. You were almost to the quinjet, it was in sight, it was so close. You just had to get there and take off...It would be just a matter of moments before...Vision fucked it all up.
Just as you were almost there, he cut the tower next to the hanger and it began falling but Wanda caught it and was doing her best to keep it afloat. You manifested a giant shield that went out like a wide umbrella over you, Steve, and Bucky, in case she couldn’t hold it. Something must’ve stopped her, because the tower came crashing down right on top of all of you, but your speed and shield helped pull you through the debris and falling rubble.
Only to find that Natasha was standing there, guarding the jet.
“You’re not gonna stop,” she stated as if she already knew the answer.
“You know I can’t,” Steve remarked.
“I’m gonna regret this,” she said as she moved her arm to point slightly beside Steve. You thought she was going to hit Bucky, but when her taser sticky grenade landed on T’Challa, your surprised face spun back to her. “Go,” she commanded softly. You three ran to the jet as fast as you could.
All of you hurled yourself inside as you buckled in and Steve took off into the air. He pushed the jet as far as it would go to get away from Tony and Rhodes.
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flowerpot101 · 7 years
Civil War
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Avengers x Reader, Tony Stark x Platonic Reader
Summary: Reader is a nomad, hasn’t worked for S.H.I.E.L.D in over a decade, but she gets pulled into the Civil War.
Word Count: 3808
Warning: Cussing, mentions of death, small description of a wound.
A/N: This story has an OC character to make this whole thing work.
She was in her kitchen cooking dinner when she heard a knock on her door but she ignored it. The knocking continued for another five minutes and Y/N finally gave up, she turned the stove down to low and walked towards the door. Unlocking it, she pulled the door open, it was pouring down quite heavily. There was no one right in front of the door but there was a certain red head that was at the bottom of the stairs.
Letting out a sigh, with both arms on each side of the door, “What do you want Romanoff?”
“We need to talk.” As she started walking towards Y/N, her eyes rolled and nodded.
Stepping away from the door but not closing it, she went back to the kitchen. From there she could hear the small click of the door closing and Natasha’s footsteps coming towards the room. Y/N turned the stove up and continued to cook. Natasha let out a deep sigh as she went to grab a cutting board and knife, setting the peppers on it once she had cleaned them; she started to cut them in slim slices.
“I’m not helping you with this little civil war that is going on.” Y/N said monotonously, not really caring for whatever is bound to happen.
“Not even when the Captain has a certain friend of yours on his side now?” Y/N stopped when she heard the words fall from her mouth.
Coming up to her side, completely forgetting the food that was cooking on the stove, “What do you mean?”
Natasha set the knife down, turning to face Y/N, letting out a breath, “Someone, most likely Clint, was able to convince her to come back to fight with them, they out number us now and with Lilac, we have no chance and you know that.”
Y/N turned to put her hands on the counter, hunching over as she let out, “Damn it.” She slapped the counter and walked away exasperated. She was pacing the kitchen now, “Why? Why would they bring her back into this mess?” Looking up towards Nat as she continued to pace the room; her face full of worry and confusion.
“I don’t know, but we need you, I know what happened to you years ago put a drift between the two of you but this is not going to end well for anyone.” Her hands coming up to the counter to lean over, “Tony needs you now more than ever.”
Y/N let out a deep sigh, “I’m sorry… But I can’t, I’m not going to join in on their little civil war.”
Natasha nodded her head understanding as she left to go out the door. Y/N could once again hear the soft click of the door as Natasha left. Y/N stood there in the middle of the room, contemplating everything; she let out a deep sigh as she shook her head.
                                     Time Skip to Airport.
 Sam, Scott, Clint, Wanda, Lilac, Bucky, and Steve were all standing in the parking structure of the airport when the alarm began to blare. Bucky was the only one who could understand what the person over the speaker was saying, “They’re evacuating the airport.”
Sam let out a slight hush towards Steve, “Stark.”
“Stark?” Scott said questioningly.
Steve looked at everyone as he told them, “Suit up.”
In his Captain America suit, Steve ran towards the helicopter but stopped short when a device hit the top of it causing the whole thing to become disabled. Iron-Man and War Machine were flying down to land in front of the helicopter.
Tony began to say, “Wow it’s so weird how you run into people at the airport.” His mask uncovered his face as he looked at Rhodey, “Don’t you think that’s weird?”
Rhodey replied with, “Definitely weird.”
Steve looked towards the two, “Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he’s behind all of this.”
That’s when Black Panther leaped over and landed close to Steve, in his gruff voice, “Captain.”
Steve gave him a slight nod, “Your highness.”
“Anyway…” Tony starts to say as he began to walk around Rhodey, “Ross gave me thirty-six hours to bring you in. That was twenty-four hours ago. Can you help a brother out?”
“You’re after the wrong guy,” Steve declared.
“Your judgment is askew, your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.”
Steve interrupted,” And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can’t let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can’t.” As Steve gave a slight shook of his head.
Steve turned to look back at Natasha, “Steve… You know what’s about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?”
He looked back to Tony, “All right, I’ve run out of patience.” Tony’s hands came up slightly to cup around his mouth as he yelled out, “Underoos!”
That’s when Spider-Man shot one of his webs at Cap’s shield and pulling it away from him as he shot another web to cover his hands. Peter landed in a crouched form on top one of the many surrounding machines. In the background you could hear Tony say, “Nice job, kid.”
In his raspy teenaged voice, “Thanks. I could have stuck the landing a little better, it’s just… New suit.” But quickly stopped himself before he could offend Tony, “It’s nothing, Mr. Stark. It’s perfect. Thank you.”
Tony’s arm came up in a motion, “Yeah, we don’t really need to start a conversation.”
“Okay. Cap. Captain.” Peter slightly stuttered out as he gave the Captain a small salute. Then pointed slightly to himself, “Big fan, I’m Spider-Man.”
“Yeah, we’ll talk about it later.” Tony let out.
Peter let out a deep exhale of air, “Hey, everyone.”
“Good job.” Tony said slightly done with Peter.
Steve gives a slight nod to Tony as he says, “You’re been busy.”
“And you’ve been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint… “Rescuing” Wanda from a place she doesn’t even want to leave, a safe place. I’m trying to keep…” Tony let out a deep sigh, “I’m trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.”
“You did that when you signed,” Steve declared.
“All right, we’re done.” Tony’s voice grew louder, “You’re gonna turn Barnes over, you’re gonna come with us, now, because it’s us… or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite.” Tony swallows before he whispers out, “Come on.”
Steve’s head was turned away when Falcon’s voice came through the comm., “We found it.” Telling Steve that their quinjet was in hanger five, then his arms came up so Clint could shoot an arrow to cut apart the web. Scott was in his smaller former, running across Peter’s arm as he became big to grab the Captain’s shield and taking it over to him. The fighting was on.
Everyone was scattered about the airport. Inside Spider-Man was fighting against Bucky and Falcon. Steve was fighting with T’Challa, making sure he doesn’t get close to Bucky. Then Scott was telling Cap to throw one of the mini gadgets at the presumed water tank which in reality was a truck filled with gasoline. Everyone on the Captain’s side began to run to hanger five where the quinjet resided but were stop short when Vision shot a yellow laser across them.
Both sides stood across from one another, Peter was the first to realize that they were outnumbered, “Uhm, you guys, they have more people than us.”
Then all of them realized as Tony stood there shocked when he saw Lilac standing on Steve’s side; they were really outnumbered. He let out a deep sigh but then something amazing happened.
From all across the airport, Tony’s team could see someone running in the distance on top of the airport. When they got to the edge, they pushed off, flying towards them as she came barreling towards them. Her long wavy white hair flowed behind her as she came down closer to the ground. The unknown woman was above Clint before he could react, she picked out one of the arrows from the holster on his back. Then she was rolling onto the ground then in a fluid motion she came to a stand, softly turning on her heel to face towards Cap’s side.  She was examining the arrow, everyone stood there in shock. Very few knew who she was but that didn’t matter right now.
Her head looked up to look at Clint who held a smirk of his own, she began to walk towards him as she held the arrow between her two index fingers, “I thought I gave you a special bow so that you wouldn’t have to use these.” She said teasingly as she pointed the arrow at him.
“Well I like my own, think it’s more efficient compared to yours,” he said cockily.
She let out a small laugh,” Yeah, but at least you wouldn’t run out of arrows.”
“Y/N, stop your chatting and get over here,” Tony yelled out fiercely.
Y/N looked back at Tony with a deadly glare, “Listen, I don’t have to be here.” As her arms came out to motion around her, “But I am, so if I want to chat with Clint then I will.” She said menacingly before turning to Clint while smiling, “Besides, the last I saw him, he had just married Laura and now I hear, he’s got three kids.”
“Y/N!” Tony yelled out but she just waved her arm away at him.
She got closer to Clint, whispering gently into his ear in an unknown language. Y/N pulled away as she watched Clint look down and she nodded in understanding. Clint looked at her, he gently hushes out to her so she’s the only one to hear, “You should join your side before Tony thinks you gave up on him.”
She nodded; reaching back she put the arrow back into its holder. As she began to walk backwards from the team, she could feel everyone’s eyes on her but one felt like fire to her. Her head turned to stare at Lilac as she gave a fiery glare her way, Y/N could only give the younger woman a small nod in understanding. Finally reaching Tony’s side, their eyes met and both of them gave each other a small look before setting their eyes on the Captain and his members. Then they were all running.
Y/N was fighting against Lilac, both of them not giving up. Neither of them had seen each other in years, not since they both left S.H.I.E.L.D. Lilac left when she couldn’t trust anyone anymore after the truth came out about her partner and that even the important people of the agency knew. Y/N left when she was backstabbed by agents who didn’t trust her. No one trusted her anymore, not when the truth about her past with Hydra was revealed. She told them what was the truth but no one listened, Y/N knew that Fury knew the truth; but that just wasn’t enough.
The fight between everyone was getting more intense as time went by. Explosions were going off and people were being thrown about. Soon Y/N separated herself from Lilac to go help Natasha while Lilac went to go fight whoever she could. That’s when she heard a loud holy shit fall from Spider-Man and a loud shocked laugh. She turned around to come to face a giant of an Ant-Man. Then everyone was being thrown about. A bus hurdled its way towards Black Panther but Vision was able to stop it, in the distance she could see Bucky and Rogers run towards the hanger but she knew someone else would deal with it.
Over the comms she could hear Tony, “Okay, anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they’d like to disclose… I’m open to suggestions.”
Y/N let out a small, “Hold on.”
Her body became stiff as she faced towards the giant man, her eyes began to glow a deep blue. Legs were slightly bent but locked in position, arms coming up to move elegantly around her, as a shining blue color came from her hands. Y/N brought her hands in front of her, palms facing one another, fingers bent; a dark vibrant blue began to appear, she then began to say a spell into them. Then her arms came out as the spiraling blue shot out, forming into a giant monster of a man, a replica of the Ant-Man.
“Knew I could count on you, L/N,” as Tony’s voice came over the comms once again.
Her eyes were still glowing, but could feel something hurdling her way before it could hit her she bent forward. Looking to her left she could see a burning hole through one of the trucks, she then turned her head to look over her right, Lilac stood glaring. Both woman were glaring but soon dispersed, knowing now was not the time to start their own civil war.
Bucky and Steve had made it towards the quinjet for they now were flying away. Falcon, Iron-Man, War Machine and even Y/N were all flying after it, in her ear she could hear Rhodey ask Vision for help but it quickly back fired. Y/N saw as Falcon dodged the fiery yellow, she saw it getting closer to Rhodey but before it could, she flew in front of it, hitting her right in the middle of her chest. The power of it causing her to fly backwards a few yards as she began to slowly fall down, crashing into the grassy field, everyone stopped as they flew down to her. Tony quickly asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to see if your body was healing like it always did and let out a sigh of relief when she told him that you were. In the distance they could hear the sirens and they watched as the quinjet left.
Bucky, Steve and Lilac were on their way to the Hydra base that held the other five super soldiers. While everyone from Steve’s team that was left behind was being cuffed and taken to a much secured prison for criminals. Tony carried your body and everyone else followed, to go back to the compound. However, this was not the ending; Tony would soon find out the truth and will go after the two super soldiers.
                                     Time Skip to Tony Arriving at the Base.
 Y/N was behind Tony as he began to shove the metal doors apart, behind it stood Bucky with his sniper pointed at them and Steve behind his shield. Lilac stood behind the two with her hands blazing with electricity. Tony began to explain to them that he knew the truth now.
Then all five of them began to look for the room that held the other super soldiers. They finally found it, when walking in the lights flickered on. Over the speaker a muffled voice came out, “If it’s any comfort, they died in their sleep.”
Y/N ignored the man’s word as they walked in further. She was only here for Tony when he found out the truth. After a while of talking, the man had a screen open up to a video; the video of Tony’s parent’s death. Bucky and Lilac stood away, while Y/N stood a couple of feet behind Tony. When the video was over, Tony went to attack Bucky but was stopped by Steve. Instead of looking back at Steve his body turned to you.
“Did you know?” His soft broken voice came out, his face falling as he looked at you.
You swallowed before looking up, “Yes, in a way.” Tony’s nose flared so you continued, “Hydra had planned for Howard’s death for years… at one point they even considered me doing the job but then I had the accident.” You took a deep breath as Tony looked down to your leg, “When Howard took me in, I told him the truth, I told him that they were going to kill him and I even said to not have your mother in the car if he ever left with serum inside the car…” She let out a sad sigh, “But obviously he didn’t listen.”
Tony then turned to Steve to ask the same question, ignoring Lilac’s scoff. Then everyone was fighting again. The three men fought one another as the two girls did their own fighting. They quickly all got out as part of the building began to fall apart. Punches were being thrown, as they heard loud grunts coming from large cylinder room. Lilac occasionally got shots of electricity towards Y/N hitting her wherever. But soon Y/N got a hold of her and into a choke hold, putting pressure as she saw in her side vision of the three men falling to the underground area.  Lilac was out like a baby.
Quickly Y/N got down to where they were, she stood on the higher level as they fought, not wanting to interrupt their fighting. Then she watched as Bucky’s arm came up to grab the arc reactor of Tony’s suit, digging his fingers inside to rip it out. But then a loud blast came from it, causing Bucky’s arm to be scorched off. Y/N watched at Steve and Tony began to fight, finding a good point to join them. She finally came up from her position about to join them but that never came.
A hot blast hit her back as she was blown into the wall. Her back slammed into hard concrete, as her head collided harshly. Her body fell to the ground in a slump. She squirmed as she felt pain go up through her body. There was now a large opened wound in the back of her head. Her eyes blinked and blinked, losing their sight. Her mouth was agape as she gasped for air; all she could do was gasp over and over. Her head looked over to Bucky as he too laid there on the cold hard ground. Their eyes met, e/c meeting blue, Bucky could see her distress, he could see her life slipping away, and he couldn’t do anything about it.
He remembered you from Hydra’s files that were of the agents who had escaped. Your eyes disconnected as you looked back up to the ceiling. Remembering everything you’ve done in the past. Bucky watched and you listened to the fighting. But then you took your last breath and Bucky turned away.
The fight was coming to an end; Bucky’s flesh arm came out grabbing Tony’s ankle as Steve came up and grabbed him. Soon Stark was on the ground with Steve on top of him as he pounded and pounded his shield into the arc reactor to shut off the power of the suit. Steve fell to the side of Tony as he panted heavily. Then Tony looked over for you, to make sure you were fine. That’s when he saw you lying on the floor motionless.
His face fell even deeper, his heat beating like crazy, “Y/N? Y/N are you awake?” He took a deep breath when you didn’t answer, his heart clenched, “Y/N?!” He began to scream over and over. He let out a final silent, “Y/N?”
“I’m here.” She let out gently.
Tony took a deep breath in as his nerves came down from his fear of losing you, “Don’t do that to me woman.”
She let out a small laugh, “Sorry.”
Steve watched the whole interaction between the two of you as he came up to Bucky’s side to pull him up and take him away.
Y/N didn’t hear what Tony yelled out to Steve but she soon heard a clatter of metal hitting concrete. She got off the ground slowly as she could, standing she began to walk over to Tony, but couldn’t for her right foot was twisted at an odd angle. Lifting her right leg up, it came down to the floor and she twisted it putting back into place while making a loud crunching noise.
“Oh, please don’t do that again,” Tony cringed out.
She glared at him, “Don’t tell me what to do.” She let out a deep sigh, shaking her head, “me and you are gonna have a long chat about this whole ordeal.”
Tony just swallowed as you helped him up and get out of the building. Lilac was long gone; either went back into hiding or followed Steve and Bucky; who knows. They had greater matters to fix, like the fact they will have to explain to the whole world with what happened. Y/N let out a sigh as she realized, that she may be a nomad but that might soon change with the events that happened here today.
                                     Months Later.
 Y/N sat in nothing but a sports bra and spandex shorts; she sat on a cold metal table as she swung her left leg back and forth. She would have done it with the right but that wasn’t happening since it wasn’t there right now. She was in Wakanda, getting a new vibranium leg for her old one was no longer in good use. Her head was lulling back as she waited. Y/N heard the door whoosh open and looked up; there stood Steve Rogers, staring at her in deep shock.
He scanned her body and his eyes stopped on the missing leg. Before he could ask her, she answered the question he was thinking, “I was thirteen when I lost it. It was a mission gone wrong during my Hydra years.”
His ears perked up when she said Hydra. She let out a small giggle, “And yes, I was part of Hydra once but I’m nomad now, at least I think I am.” She let out a small sigh.
Steve looked at her confusingly, “If your nomad… Then why help Tony?”
Y/N swallowed while nodding her head, “Because he’s family, his father took me in when I needed a place. You don’t turn your back on family or the people you love. Which I gotta say I admire about you, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone else like you and I’m real happy about that.” As she smiled towards him.
For the next hour, the two talked and talked, slowly realizing they had more in common then anyone else they had ever met. Steve watched as they put her metal leg back on, the scorch line along the where hydra first gave you the leg reminded him of Bucky. Everything about you made Steve remind him about his friend. He knew, right there and then, that you three were going to be closer than anyone could ever imagine.
This may be the ending for them but it was the start of a new beginning to a great future, one that would hold great pain but great fondness.
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minimin1993 · 5 years
B/L 28
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Warning: Violence
“So out of all the cars in the world you choose this car… for 2 huge super soldier, a decent size dude and me. I am literally sitting on James because its so fucken small.” Linda complained squirming on Bucky trying to get comfortable hearing a small moan from him. 
“Looks like he isn’t complaining.” Steve said smirking at the pair behind him earning a kick to the back of his chair from Linda when he pulls up under the bridge stepping out of the car and walking over to Sharon. 
“Can you move your seat up?” Bucky asked glaring at the back of Sam’s head.
“Sam…” Linda/Luna said causing him so sigh before moving his chair up a little. 
‘You know that's Peggy's niece.’ Linda transmitted to Bucky hearing him laugh in her mind. 
‘Dam he knows how to pick em huh’ Bucky said before Steve pulls Sharon into a kiss as Linda erupts in a quiet giggle fit. 
“Quiet, he will hear….” Bucky whispered just as Steve turns to look at them with a smug look on his face before Linda giggle harder winking at Steve. 
By the time Steve got into the car and drove away, Linda pops her head near Steve.
“Took you long enough…” She teased him.
“Shut up. It's not like we had time for dating.” 
“Pft. She lived across from us for how long?” 
“Wait she lived across from you guys and you didn’t make a move until now. Bro really?” Sam said in shock.
“That's what I said, I even offered to leave the apartment but he didn’t me to.” Linda said settling back in between Bucky’s lap. 
  By the time they got into the airport they parked next to a white van out coming Clint and Wanda
“  Cap.” Clint said giving Steve a handshake. 
“  You know I wouldn't have called If I had any other choice.” 
“  Hey man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt.” 
“  Thanks for having my back.” Steve said looking over at Wanda.
“  It was time to get off my ass.”  
“  How about our other recruit?” 
“  He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him, but… he should be good.” Clint said opening the door waking the person inside it.
“  What timezone is this?” Scott Lang said 
“  Come on. Come on.” Clint said pulling Scott out. 
“  Captain America.” Scott said shaking Steve hands with an amazed look    “Mr. Lang.” 
“  It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow! This is awesome! Captain America.” He said turning to look at Wanda then Linda “I know you, too. You're great! And Miss Grey wow just…”  He said turning back and feels Steve shoulders. “Jeez. Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so . . . thinks for thanking of me. Hey, man!” Scott said looking at Sam.
“  What's up, Tic Tac?” 
“  Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I . . .” 
“It was a great audition, but it'll . . . it'll never happen again.” Scott said. 
“They tell you what we're up against?” Steve said 
“Something about some . . . psycho-assassins?” 
“  We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man.” Steve explains. 
“  Yeah, well, what else is new?” 
“  We should get moving.” Bucky said 
“  We got a chopper lined up.” Clint said before the PA comes on.
“  Dies ist eine Notsituation. Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren. (This is an emergency. All passengers must evacuate the airport immediately.)” 
“They're evacuating the airport.” Linda translates 
“  Stark.” 
“  Stark?” 
“  Suit up.” Steve said walking back to the car. 
“Linda, I think you might want this.” Wanda said walking over to Linda with a duffle bag containing her Avenger suit. 
“I feel like I don’t deserve this, I technically left you guys.” Linda said sadly. 
“You will always be an Avenger.” Wanda said giving her a hug.  
  When they finish suiting up Steve and Linda ran out to the Helicopter but Tony shows up and blast a Electro-disabler on it rendering it useless before landing down with Rhodes next to him. 
“  Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?” Tony said as his mask disappears.
“  Definitely weird.” Rhodes said 
“  Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.” Steve said. 
“  Captain. Grey” T’Challa said jumping over.  
“  Your highness.” Steve and Linda said looking over at him 
“  Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?” Tony said 
“  You're after the wrong guy.” Linda said glaring at Tony.
“  Your judgment is askew. Your ‘Fiance’ killed innocent people yesterday.” 
“  And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.” Steve said.
“  Steve, Lin . . . you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?” Natasha said walking in.
“  All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!” Tony said when Spiderman shoots a web, stealing Steve's shield and binding his and Linda hands. “Nice job, kid.” 
“  Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit… Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's--it's perfect. Thank you.” SpiderMan said. 
“  Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation.”
“  Okay. Cap . . . Captain. Grey. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.” 
“  Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just . . .” 
“  Hey, everyone.” 
“  Good job.”
“  You've been busy.” Steve said 
“  And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep . . . I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.” 
“  You did that when you signed.” 
“  Alright, We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys . . . with no compunction about being impolite. Come on.” Tony said 
“  We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway.” Sam said over their ear com as Steve puts up his hand for Clint to fire his arrow separates his webbing as Linda hand glows disinerating hers.  
“  Alright, Lang.” Steve said. 
“  Hey, guys, something . . .” SpiderMan said as Lang grew to normal size knocking him over. 
“  Whoa. What--what the hell was that?” Rhodes said confused. 
“  I believe this is yours, Captain America.” Lang said appearing next to Steve and hand him his shield. 
“  Oh, great. Alright, there's two on the parking deck. I'm gonna grab Wanda. Rhodey, you want to take Cap?” Tony said flying off
“  Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes.” Rhodes said when Steve throws his shield at him.
“  Barnes is mine!” T’Challa said running off with Linda and Steve after him throwing his shield and knocked down T’Challa. 
“Move, Captain. I won't ask a second time.” T’Challa said standing up. Linda conjures her whip and cracks it to hold T’Challa for Steve to run over and kicks him away before Rhodes flies over. 
“Sorry CAP, this won’t kill you but it aint ganna tickle either.” He said removing an Electric Baton about to hit Steve but Linda runs over and grabs it with both her hands absorbing all the power with a smirk. “Shit.” He said before she sends a charge blasting him and T’Challa away.
“  Hey, Cap, heads up!” Scott said running over to Steve and Linda handing him a miniature truck. “Throw it at this. Now!” Scott said holding up a disk throwing it. Steve aims it at the disk and the truck grew back to its normal side heading towards Rhodes. 
“  Oh, come on!” Rhode said as it lands and explodes on him.
“  Oh, man. I thought it was a water truck. Uh . . . sorry.” Scott said as they run away and met up with the rest. 
“  Come on!” Steve yells before Vision shows up and his energy from the mind stone slices across the runway and stops them.  
“Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now.” Vision said as Tony’s team appears. 
“  What do we do, Cap?” Sam asks 
“  We fight.” Steve said walking toward them 
“  This is gonna end well.” Natasha said as the two teams stride towards each other with grim determination etched on their faces.
“  They're not stopping.” SpiderMan said 
“  Neither are we.” Tony said as everyone broke into a sprint as the fight begins. Spiderman swings himself right into Linda knocking her over before she flips off the ground conjuring her whip around Spider Man's wrist flinging him over her head sending him away before turning to see T’Challa about to come at Bucky with his claws. 
“He didn’t kill your father.” Linda said cracking her whip catching claws sending him into the terminal extension away from Bucky.
“Are you okay?” Linda said running over to Bucky helping him up.
“I’m fine doll.” He said as they ran over to meet up with Steve.
“We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now.” Bucky said 
“  We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision. You both get to the jet.” Linda said. 
“  No, you get to the jet! All three of you! The rest of us aren't getting out of here.” Sam said flying away from War Machine. 
“  As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it.” Clint said in the ear com
“  This isn't the real fight, Steve.” Sam said 
“  Alright, Sam, what's the play?” 
“  We need a diversion, something big.” 
“  I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half . . . don't come back for me.” Scott said 
“  He's gonna tear himself in half?” Bucky asked confused.
“  You're sure about this, Scott?” Steve asks 
“  I do it all the time. I mean once . . . in a lab. Then I passed out. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the BOSS!” Scott said before he grew into a freakin giant and grabbed ahold of Rhodes leg.
“Holy shit!” Peter said 
“  Okay, tiny dude is big now. He's big now.” 
“  I guess that's the signal.” Steve said as they walk to look at Scott 
“  Way to go, Tic Tac!” Sam laughs
“Guys we need to go now.” Linda remind Steve and Bucky before they starts to run toward the hanger while their friends fight each other behind them. When they were almost there Vision uses the mind stone and cuts the building onto itself trying to destroy it but Wanda uses her powers to stop it from falling. They got further before Rhodes sends a sonic wave toward Wanda causing her to lose focus as the debris continues to fall. The three ran faster than they ever did dodging the debris before sliding in seeing Natasha stand in between them and the quinjet. 
“  You're both not gonna stop.” She said with a defeated look on her face.    “You know we can't.” Steve said. 
“  I'm gonna regret this.” She said raising her blaster and blast her electrocurrent right pass them and stuns T’Challa “Go.” She said as Steve, Linda, and Bucky runs into the quinjet to get settled in. When they fly off they saw Rhodes and Tony flying with them with Sam behind sending blasts towards Rhodes. Then out of nowhere Vision mind stone hits Rhodes right on his powersource before he falls down out of the sky.
“Oh my god.” Linda said watching Rhodes fall down before hitting the ground in a sickening blow.
“What's gonna happen to your friends?” Bucky asks once Linda calmed down. 
“  Whatever it is… I'll deal with it.” Steve said. 
“  I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve.” Bucky said looking in Linda eyes obviously telling her the same thing. 
“What you did all those years . . . it wasn't you. You didn't have a choice.” Steve said glancing a  look at Bucky who was still staring at Linda.    “I know. But I did it.” 
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