#i think i was meant to be a shawol
ohmuqueen · 4 months
Oh my god it's not only 3 SHINee releases on my birthday, there are four!!!
Romeo in 2009
Odd in 2015
"Kimi No Seide" in 2016
Taemin's ADVICE in 2021
T^T im a mess
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shineelightss · 1 year
it made sense, once you thought about, that he was called away so soon. there was something about him that made you believe in kindness and in love and in gentleness. it was his eyes, soft and full of stars plucked from the inky stretches of the milky way. he knew how to speak with his eyes and his mouth, speaking love to thousands with his words across phone lines and miles. he glowed so brightly you could barely stand to look at him without believing in something bigger. he made the world feel like it fit in the palm of your hand; he made the cosmic personal and the ethereal tangible, balancing on the blade edge of his voice. he sang and you swam in it, like a lonely fish buoyed by the gentle hands of the tide. there was something about him that made you believe in angels on earth and ‘hallelujah’ and the power and love of the moon. it made sense, once you thought about it, that he was called away so soon; heaven knew he belonged elsewhere.
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my5hiningstars · 1 month
taemin’s ngda: act 1 for the album ask and 4 + 12 for the music questions <3 ✨
julia you have given me an impossible task but i will try <3
Black Rose
Famous (Kor. ver)
Just Me and You
Waiting For
4) a song that makes you feel strong
charli xcx - von dutch
12) a song that grew on you
Ashton Irwin - Breakup
send me some numbers or an album to rank ✨
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smtown-tourist · 10 months
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I know Onew has been gone on Hiatus for nearly six months now and it’s sucked for us Shawols, but daaaaaaaamn has Hiatus never looked so good on anyone as it does on Onew. Our Dubu Leader looks HAPPY, HEALTHY, STRONG, AND HE STILL HAS HIS LONG HAIR!
Going on Hiatus was the best decision Onew has ever made, even if it meant that he’s had to sit out of so much. It’s so nice to see an idol go on Hiatus for POSITIVE reasons instead of the normal due to an injury or because of a controversy. Once again, SHINee is setting a good example not just for their fellow idols but for society as well. Onew has shown us all that IT’S OKAY to take a break and focus on your health, whether that’s mental, physical, or both.
And I think it helps that Onew knows how patient and loving SHINee World is and how much we value his health over anything else. If we had been one of those fandoms that was constantly complaining about his absence and demanding that he return, I doubt he would’ve healed as well as he has. Honestly, it probably would’ve made his health worse and he wouldn’t have made the progress that he has. I’m so proud of SHINee World and the support they’ve shown Onew in his journey to better health, and I’m thankful every day to be apart of this amazing fandom.
Let’s continue to support Onew. I want him back just as much as the next Shawol, but none of us should pressure him into returning just because he’s starting to look healthier. I want Onew to come back when HE feels ready to return to us. If that takes weeks, months, even a full year, I don’t care as long as he’s happy and healthy. Take your time, Jinki. We love you and support you no matter what 🩵💖💎🐰
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xotaemintol · 2 months
i read why you aren't writing for shinee/kibum rn, but why do you still write for jonghyun?? it feels wrong to read about him when it feels like he should be put to rest (in a literal sense) so is there a reason you still do works and requests for him?? ive noticed some other people also decide to write for him still, so this may help me understand that as well
Sorry but this will kinda long to explain 😅 just saying before I start that in no way shape or form is this meant to come off as rude btw🩷
So, to start off; blingers are still extremely active, just like the rest of shawols. Taemints, lockets, MVPs, and flamers, can read fanfics of their bias, they can easily find hc’s for Taemin, Minho, Kibum, or Jinki, but blingers can’t. It’s completely unfair to say that just because he is no longer with us, we shouldn’t still enjoy his content, his music, fanfics, and fanart. Also, I’ve been a shawol for almost two years now and as a taemint/blinger, I want to see people still loving Jonghyun and being able to think of him happily. Talking about him isn’t sad, remembering him isn’t bad, he’s a lot more than just that moment, so writing for him is normal.
Also, I did let people vote to see if anyone would be made uncomfortable by seeing smut written of him and the majority said no, not only did the majority say no but I even got messages from older shawols saying that they’d love to see it. I haven’t posted for SHINee in a while because of my writers block, but I still get asks for him. People want to see it and I like doing it.
And finally, he’s still apart of SHINee. The members themselves constantly acknowledge that SHINee is five, they constantly mention him, from tagging him in their concert posts, talking about him, making jokes about him, and he’s always included in every SHINee event. So, for me and others who also write for him and who are still active blingers it’s just including all the members because at the end of the day, SHINee will be five no matter how long it’s been. Saying that he should be put to rest kinda sounds like you mean that people should just move on and forget him, but it would be a shame to let all of his amazing music fade into nothing. Micheal Jackson still has active fans who listen to his music, draw him, write fan fictions about him, edit him, and make the most downbad tweets about him I’ve ever seen. The fans will be there no matter where the artist goes, and Jonghyun is the same way. No matter if he’s here or not, we as fans will always be here enjoying his music and loving him. Remembering him and enjoying his music isn’t disturbing the rest and the peace he’s getting, it’s just appreciating and love him.
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Please vote for which song you think is better! If you haven't already, make sure to listen to both songs under the read more before voting.
Propaganda is encouraged, but please do not be negative towards the other song in doing so. This is meant to be a fun tournament! If you write propaganda in the text of your reblog (rather than in the tags), I will likely reblog it!
Although it sparked sadness in some voters, this song won the first poll against Like A Cat by a huge margin! If you voted for Wonder Girls in Round 2, I Feel You, I really do, but Shinee slayed again! Voters decided that View had Something extra over Girl's Day, leading them to victory in Round 3!
View is a summer icon, delivering that fresh vibe that's perfect as the warm weather arrives! It is also Shinee's 5th most viewed MV, and was submitted twice to the tournament!
In the battle of iconic old kpop songs, Shawols showed their power over Exo! Then in Round 2, the votes came in Nonstop, leading to Shinee's victory over Oh My Girl! In one of the most tense matches yet, RDD won by only 2% over Catallena in Round 3!
Ring Ding Dong is another huge icon, and it was submitted twice! It currently stands as Shinee's most viewed MV. Even after 13 years, it would be hard to find a Kpop fan who doesn't know the Ring Ding Dong chorus move.
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rubyreduji · 1 year
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[fanboy hoshi fluff drabble | gn!reader | 694 words]
soonyoung is practically bouncing off the walls, he can’t contain his excitement as he enters the concert venue, he can’t believe that he’s actually here, about to see SHINee live
his lightstick is clutched tightly in his fist and he practically runs to his seat, like the quicker he gets there the sooner the show will start. he splurged on floor seats, wanting to get the best view he possibly could, and maybe even a chance to interact with the boys
while rushing to his seat soonyoung bumps right into you, knocking you over and making you drop your own shating star on the ground. the sound of cracking hurts even soonyoung's heart
"i'm so sorry!" he quickly exclaims, helping you off the ground. he quickly notes how cute your outfit is, but keeps his focus on your now broken lightstick. "here, let me buy you a new one"
before you can even say anything, soonyoung is tugging you towards one of the merch booths set up in the venue. the line has already started to grow and soonyoung stands anxiously at the end of the line, finally turning towards you
"sorry once again, i didn't meant to knock into you. you see i've been a fan for forever and this is my first concert and -"
"don't worry about it, honestly," you tell him with a smile, "really you don't even have to get me a new one, but thank you"
you stick your hand out and introduce yourself and soonyoung does the same, shaking your hand quickly
you two stand in the line, talking about SHINee and yourselves as you wait and then like no time has passed at all you two are at the front of the line
soonyoung buys you a new shating star and himself a hoodie (he thinks he deserves it after waiting in line for so long anyway). you also take the time to buy yourself a t-shirt, slipping it on over the long sleeve you're already wearing
after buying your goodies you and soonyoung move to take your seats, and then soonyoung realizes you two are going in the same direction
miraculously, you have the seat right next to soonyoung's, and he doesn't know if he should be embrassed or excited. you seem sweet and nice to be around and as much as a shawol as he is, but soonyoung still feels bad about breaking your lightstick, even after buying you a new one
you seem to be happy about your seat partner though, so soonyoung doesn't dwell on it too much. it doesn't matter anyways, because the concert and starting and soonyoung can barely breathe as he gets his first glimsp of the five boys in person
the whole concert is spent screaming, jumping, and fumbling around with his camera. you're right next to him, screaming and jumping as well as you two fan over your favorite band, even clutching on to each other in excitement at some points
when the concert is over soonyoung's throat hurts and his feet are sore but he couldn't be happier. as he goes to leaave he hesitates, considering asking you for your number or something. he doesn't have many friends who are shawols and if he's being completely honest, he definitely thinks you're cute
he stares at you for a moment, contemplating, but before he can say anything you beat him to it
"would you happen to be from around here?"
"uh, yeah! i am"
"cool, because i'm not and im like starving right now and was wondering if there are any good places to eat around here?" you say it like you're asking for suggestions, but also implying something slightly more and soonyoung grins at you, his heart hammering in his chest, and this time it's not caused by SHINee
"i was actually just about to go grab a bite to eat as well, if you'd like to join me?"
you grin back "that sounds perfect"
you and soonyoung leave the venue together, and while soonyoung wasn't expecting to gain a date out of the concert, he can't even be surprised, of course SHINee can work miracles
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Have you seen the latest shitshow of the CBX SM drama bpp? When you said you expect the drama to drag on till May/June I was surprised, but it seems you were right --- again. Baekhyun just revealed SM hurried him to renew his contract despite some time left, because of the Kakao deal. He also said SM kept all the artists in the dark and they had to find out about HYBE's offers from the news. Bang PD was apologizing to the SM idols, while Chris Lee treated them like they were invisible, but Exols, Mys, Shawols, NCTzens, Reveluvs, and the whole kpop, claimed no company was more evil than HYBE. Armys were called every name under the sun for pointing out how many things from SM didn't make sense and now less than 1 month later, CBX are exposing their slave contracts and fighting for transparency. I feel so bad for the idols but SM stans don't even care? I was in a space yesterday and all they were saying is HYBE is worse, HYBE is a slave company, HYBE is this and that. And I'm just like ---- when do they fandom feuds end? IF THE WELLBEING OF THEIR IDOLS ISN'T ENOUGH TO MAKE THEM STOP HATING BTS ARMY AND HYBE, WHEN DOES IT END?
Hi Anon,
Before getting into it, I want to be clear about one thing: HYBE has its own problems.
BigHit was an efficiently run company that balanced artist wellfare and development alongside commercial targets, very well, and Bang PD has managed to bring over many of those best practices to HYBE. Also, HYBE’s acquisition of American music labels early on the company’s lifetime, necessitated it being in-line with international corporate governance best practices under SEC guidelines - something no other k-pop agency has had to do. So at the most basic level, HYBE is easily the best run k-pop agency in Korea and this has been true for a long time.
But even then, the expansion of BigHit to HYBE meant pulling manpower and staff from other k-pop agencies especially Big 3, and there was a huge hiring of ex-SM staff that happened in 2020 - staff who brought over their own bias, work practices and culture. They’d have to adjust to how things were done at HYBE, but culture flows both ways so I suspect it also affected many things in HYBE, and it’s no secret there’s been an uptick in issues for BTS since HYBE’s creation that weren’t there under BigHit. But again, overall, HYBE is still one of the best run companies in Korea.
Here’s an excerpt from a proprietary research done on idol contracts in Korea basically showing as much (though HYBE isn’t explicitly named, also note the share of revenue SM takes from their artists relative to other companies):
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A lot of this information is old news, but as I keep saying, nothing in k-pop can be understood outside of the context of this being an ultra-, hyper-competitive space. That alone should explain the crux of k-pop stans’ behaviours to any issues that arise if something connected to BTS is involved. For as long as I can remember, BTS / BigHit and ARMYs have run counter-cultural to the norms here (until recently), and that has earned them being enemy numero uno. Nothing is more important in this space to k-pop stans, than hating the scapegoat - BTS and anything related to them by proxy and no that’s not an exaggeration.
ARMYs don’t make it any easier for them though (lol) when too many people are using this situation as a gotcha, but it’s also true there wouldn’t be a gotcha to be had now if k-pop stans had put aside their fear-mongering over ‘monopoly’ and whatnot in HYBE in the first place, to just think for a bit when Chris Lee was peddling tales of Pink Bloods in alliance, while Bang PD was drawing attention to the abysmal corporate governance in SM.
Everything SM is doing now, they’ve done before, many times, successfully, because the stans would rather excuse it and redirect blame on every other company, than on SM. The only exception to this pattern was in 1st and 2nd gen where fans supported the idols without compromise so SM had to change a bit. But lol, that was also before BTS - once BTS was introduced into the mix and it was clear they were an anomaly, the priorities of many stan communities in k-pop changed, and this has only gotten worse over the years. Everybody who has been here long enough knows it, including SM, and these behaviours have only been reinforced by most companies in this space because they know it takes the heat off them.
I mean, you all witnessed that this is exactly what SM did during the takeover drama.
If you go on YouTube right now, you’d see 10s of videos made about...
how HYBE is a monopolistic hydra of an evil company intent on ruining k-pop;
about HYBE having a girl group curse (not the companies that blacklisted female idols who have written books about abuse under SM, not the companies that female idols took to court over pimping, drug use and coercion, not the K-pop companies working with R Kelly to groom female minors, later having agency executives marry former female trainees, and so on that happens in Big3);
production and audio mixing problems (that none of these critics can actually explain);
about rumours of enslavement in BigHit for BTS;
...from 10s of accounts by k-pop stans, not just one source, based on barely cohesive fan theories, common vanilla business practices, and vibes. You won’t find anything nearly as close to this on SM, JYPE, or YG - even at the height of the Burning Sun scandal.
Selective amnesia is a coping mechanism for many k-pop stans, and a part of me is sympathetic towards some fans since many of them just want to support their fave idols and may feel like they have no choice when SM is involved. And like I've said before, all corporations have their own issues, but again, there's levels to this madness, and it has been clear to anyone with half a brain that SM is the worst of the bunch. And so it's also true SM stans have enabled a lot of this insanity.
CBX seem to be in good hands, so I hope it really works out for them. Their stans will find ways to cope by latching onto any mildly negative news out of HYBE for the next 12-ish months (again, we saw SM encourage this sort of thinking during the takeover drama), and things will chug on as they do here.
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saintkey · 9 months
why did they send that truck??
no one really knows who the person that sent the truck was bc there was no prior fundraising for it afaik. it was basically demands for sm to put in more effort regarding taem’s solo activities. i’m sure the person who sent it meant well but it just felt like they were undermining taemin’s own efforts and acting like he’s been completely neglected as an artist.
i think it also had to with him not being able to perform guilty at end of the year shows which imo should’ve been left out. taemin already said what he wanted to say, and even if ppl don’t think he was entirely truthful abt his feelings regarding what happened with the guilty covers, sending trucks will not change a thing.
the op was suspended so i can’t find the pictures rn but it came off as undermining taemin’s thoughts and efforts to a lot of people.
on the bright side actual support trucks from international shawols are gonna be sent on friday i believe!
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peppertaemint · 1 year
This TaeKey situation is so messed up. Like, I don't blame people for being upset, or hurt, and wanting to let the guys know that the things they say can affect others negatively...  but at the same time the way this is going down is wild. I never thought I'd see shawols react to them like this.
The number of people(some of them that I've been following for a while, who always seemed mature and level headed) who were positively gleeful talking about Taemin and Key "getting their lashings". Calling them disgusting, saying they deserve what's coming to them, they don't want to see anything from them unless it's an apology "with tears" and all the other generally insulting things that people have been saying about their appearances and them as people.
It's like people were just waiting for their moment to turn. Or they're so desperate to show that they're "good" and they're not one of "those" fans that puts idols on a pedestal that they've gone tol far in the opposite direction and just gotten nasty.
Like, maybe I'm stupid, maybe I am one of those fans that's putting them on a pedestal but I'd like to think that Taekey are generally good kind people who always do their best to be respectful. Of course they're gonna fuck up every so often. There isn't a person alive who doesn't have some kind of internal bias about something, whether they're aware of it or not. But when someone I care about screws up, I would think the best course of action would be to say "hey, I know you probably didn't mean it maliciously, but the connotations of what you said are kind of shitty. Especially to people with darker skin tones and I hope you can consider that going forward" my first thought wouldnt be to call them disgusting and essentially get a megaphone to announce their fuckup all over social media so as many people as possible can see it and join the hate train.
I just hate this so much. And now stupid sm is just editing the video and the members probably have no clue about it and the people who are angry are getting even angrier and even more nasty.
I wish Taekey could address this but unfortunately I really don't see it happening and then it's like,where do we go from here?
Where do we go from here? A good question.
I think that where we don't go, but it's too late because it's already happening, is commenting on Taemin's IG that he should collaborate with Morgan Wallen. How is that helpful? It's disingenuous.
As someone from Canada, TaeKey's words were gross and not cool. But I also understand that they aren't from my culture, and because I watch a lot of Korean content, I know what is seen as acceptable there. That doesn't mean it's acceptable to me personally.
They deserve fans telling them how they feel honestly. And I think in the majority of cases that has happened. But like you say, some people are taking this extremely far and turning it into an excuse to be nasty, when I don't think TaeKey meant anything other than childish/ignorant making fun. That doesn't mean what they said was okay or should be overlooked, but intention and someone's character does count for something, does it not?
People keep leaving all sorts of remarks on IG, WeVerse, Twitter etc so I would say at this point, they should be aware there's a large swathe of the fandom unhappy. I did put my thoughts on WeVerse and Bubble - but I did that once and let it be. I'm not harassing people.
SM editing the video makes it worse because clearly management or at least the YouTube team know about the issue. But from what I heard, they didn't edit it well, and I think that speaks to the lack of knowledge around this issue. The staff members likely don't understand fully what the issue is and how it makes fans from certain areas feel, so they guessed at how to make it better and mostly failed.
Cultural exchange is full of this kind of uncomfortable stuff. It's easier when it's on a personal level, because then we can have a conversation with the person/people directly. We can't exactly do that, but fans have social media to use, which they are.
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gaykey · 1 year
I mean given that until a few weeks ago Kibum couldn’t even see a lot of us except the whites of our eyes and teeth despite having perfect vision so some of his fans don’t feel the luxury of snapping right back into regular programming. But I am sure Key would happily hold the family guy okay/not okay shade card against you and other shawols and welcome y’all right back into the fold so……. might as well go back to fangirling maybe?
morning anon.
ok, i get how you may think that post was meee? idk, slipping back into fandom?
but, i made that joke at my own expense. about being a flimsy, lame ass fangirl in general. it truly was not meant to be that deep, or imply that i want to or will be jumping back into fandom, or that it would be easy for me to do so.
it was more a comment on how embarassing i am, and a jokey way to talk about how differently i feel about kibum now. because i'm still upset about it, and i too have been kind of annoyed at how so many people were able to just, go right back to stanning like before, like nothing happened. it feels disingeuine to say the least but....
passive aggressive messages like this are so unnessecary.
just be real with me, and ask straight up 'asher, does this mean you're back to stanning?' or whatever if you wanna know, and i'll tell you my current feelings about it.
which are:
i'm still not coming back to the shinee fandom fully. in fact, the more i just engage in a casual way, the better i feel.
i'm still hurt, and feel weird about taekey, and trying to like? be me on here, which is a bit of adjustement when being a key stan was, my entire tumblr persona.
and yeah! sorry went on a bit here.
but hope this all made sense, and that i've made where i stand currently, clear to you.
take care of yourself anon x
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1eos · 1 year
My little cousin is a tween and she got into SHINee from Don’t Call Me, which as a Odd Eye, Symtpoms and Dream Girl SHINee fan was uhhhhh weird to say the least and she LOVES this new track. But the entire time all I could think was. “This sounds like a song meant for NCT, but a bad song meant for NCT like sticker”. Are they just trying to get younger kpoppie fans because I guess that’s working since they’ve got a tweenie fan base starting up. I mean I’m not expecting Symptoms level of singing but the Story of Light with All Day All Night and Good Evening was pretty good… can they please let SHINee SING AGAIN??? (Sorry English isn’t exactly my first language so I hope this makes sense?) also thank you for getting me into Leo! I wouldn’t have discovered his last album if not for you! Which is funny because I remember back in your glocknee era when you still were sort of a shawol but understandable level of decreased interest considering how their music had changed so much. Hope you have a fantastic day ahead!
like i said the other day sm is really having a company wide identity crisis and is trying to market to tweens en masse 😭😭😭😭 really saying fuck u to anyone 21+ which is weird bc sm has plenty of 20 somethings in the nct dungeon to attract tweenies. why the fuck are shinee and exo dressed like tater tots? THEY'RE MEN. and shinee was getting young ass fans just being themselves. when i was a teenager i was into the GROWN groups bc they were cool. i saw the voodoo doll album cover and was like oh these are MEN!!! and like you said its totally possible to appeal to a younger crowd while maintaining what made you special....aka FUCKING SINGING. and yes this made perfect sense pls don't worry at all 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 and ofc THANK YOU FOR LISTENING TO THE LEOSPEL!!!!!! *clinging to his pant legs* one of the last grown ass men we got im so frrrrr
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jjongolesesims · 2 years
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Hello and welcome to my blog!
For those who are new here, this is Nathan Brown. At this current moment, he is toddler years old. He has two older brothers named Nico and Matthew.
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This is Kim Jonghyun. At this current moment, he is toddler years old. He has a sister that is a year younger than him named Jongmin.
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This blog documents the relationship between Nathan and Jonghyun. When they get older, they will eventually get married and live the rest of their lives together. This blog will get updated very regularly and will show the everyday lives between the two families and the times they had met.
Disclaimer: This is NOT meant to be disrespectful. This is a coping mechanism due to the event that happened years ago. I personally enjoy creating myself and Jonghyun together and watching them grow old in a way I wish I did with him. These posts will contain my personal feelings for him and I'll advise you NOT to send harassing messages as it could be very detrimental to my mental health. Please think before you send such messages to not only myself, but to any Shawols that may not may not share the same coping mechanisms as me.
With that being said, I hope you can have peace in my blog! You can also send in your pictures so we could explore our lives together!
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taeminscoconuthead · 2 years
Idk if the read more thingy works but yeah- (CW // vent, dec 18th, sui, cyber bullying, self deprecating humour, self esteem issues, just so many stuff…)
Bruh I was so excited for dec 18th because of the milk thing and now it’s getting daunting again. Not because I’m sad now that Jonghyun is… well…. but it’s because I’m constantly being reminded about the time I was getting cyber bullied online. I’m still remembering all the times someone told me to kill myself and my mind instantly was like “well I might of well since I’m pretty sure nobody would miss me the way everyone misses Jonghyun because I’m a nobody” and my stupid ass would start crying whilst trying desperately to end this suffering since there’s nothing for me to do or anyone to run to.
I would constantly talk about how much he hates me and if I died he’d probably beat me up and make my eternal life hell with his pure lust for my soul. In fact, once he finds out I was sent to the netherworld he’d run over like a fanboy not to ask me for an autograph, but to give the devil a holiday so he could torture me instead to unleash his raging anger at me. If I was there at that very moment, he’d probably rip through me like he was celebrating the Christmas he missed out at 2017. As soon as he saw me, his eyes probably lit up like a kid and I could tell you that Jonghyun would scream of joy and I’d be over there, laying on the ground as I tell him to get it over with since nothingness feels so much more than somethingness at this rate. At this point, I’d probably cured his depression all together since he’d wake up happily knowing that “it’s time to beat the shit out of that bitch again” and would wave good morning from the window but really he meant to say “bad morning” because it was about to turn back to torture again. WHY DIDN’T I SAVE HIM BEFORE? I could of easily saved him by simply existing and him hating the idea of me existing! Why was I a stubborn piece of shit when I could of saved millions of heartbreaks around the globe. Oh? I was too young to travel to Korea? Boy shut up. Bang Chan went when he was 10, bad excuse. You should of went and then saved Jonghyun. Oh poor dear Jonghyun, a selfish little 12 year old refused to come and save you from your suffering because they cared about themselves more than other people. You should be ashamed of yourself. Shawols hate that you didn’t save their precious bling bling and now you don’t deserve to ever use that title ever in your life. You’re a disgusting, pathetic human being and I hope you die — never mind, Jonghyun doesn’t need anymore unsolicited guests. Oh well.
Honey don’t say thattttt! Jonghyun loves all of us and he’s never single anyone out for their race, gender, sex, shawol status, etc.
I know this year will be even harder than the last since you had to go through all the bullying and the harassment online, but look at you. You’re still alive and didn’t die! Jonghyun is probably watching you with his jaw to the floor seeing that you survived something like that whilst going through depression.
You may not think so, but some Shawols could even be his idols! Anyone who has went through depression and actually makes it out alive, he idolises them and is fascinated at the fact that someone would actually see the light of day. That doesn’t mean that if a Shawol doesn’t make it, he’ll think badly of them. It would mean that he’d feel their pain and is quite understanding. Trust me, Jonghyun is way different than how you interpret him to be. He won’t beat the shit out of you just for existing, but rather make heaven much more comfortable for you as he shows you around.
Don’t worry hun, you’re very valid and bullying like this should never of happened to you. As a Shawol, I’m so sorry you had to go through something like this. I hope you heal well and hopefully Dec 18th wouldn’t be as bad now that you got me and the gang! You are such an amazing Shawol and even an inspiration that you make the room shine when you step into it. Your vibes are so cool, nobody would dare to hate you at all. Only complete strangers would act like this to you because I’m saying this as a friend. You’re doing well, keep going.
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ssvmptoms · 2 years
Jeez that was 10 years ago? I really don’t remember when i first saw it as a kid. I knew it was a big thing due to [obvious reasons] but i couldn’t pinpoint when exactly it was looool
I think this is 2012? Anywho, 2012-2014 were the best years to be a shawol in my opinion. Grandma was still alive and she would keep saying that if Jonghyun comes home with me then she would cook us dinner, 2012 Christmas was the best Christmas ever. That year it was snowing like crazy and it basically came on my little sister’s birthday. THAT same year during the summer holidays I finally got to meet my husbando 🥲
I also had a big party for my 10th and ALL my cousin’s friends came and had a shinee birthday party that my cousins planned out and we would have karaoke night and even a sleepover afterwards where we would all gossip about our biases 🙃
We literally played truth or dare and most of our answers or dares are always based on shinee. “Who’s your bias?” “Kiss, marry or kill! Pick those 3 shinee members!” “I dare you to act like you’re making out with your bias!” And blah blah blah- yeah you get it. So as we were playing those generic sleepover games, girls would put me in the side and whispered if I meant what I said since I basically said that I wanted to have seggs with Jonghyun in one of the truths and all of them started screaming like MAD.
Then before we slept, we each told a shinee bedtime story and me, the future wattpad fanfic writer, stood up and began telling a story about a girl who was a young teenage girl and she basically has an orgy with shinee. Idk why we were such horny kids back then, but we I can’t say that I wasn’t. The amount of sex references we would say about them was- idk.
My cousins wouldn’t shut up about the internet war and would even go far to remake the historic moment in sims. BLOODY SIMS. Now what makes you think you could do those exact moves in SIMS out of all games? I would understand if it’s fortnite but SIMS???
Anywho imma shut up now hahah-
omg that sounds sooo fun, i wish i could respond with something similar but ive only been a shawol since december 2021 😭
i would honestly give anything to be a shawol from 2012-2014. in my opinion, 2012-2013 is seriously like the. best. years for them. internet war being a really heavy factor to why i think that … but also swc2 as a whole, their covers were sooo iconic, and also keyseop and the whole 91 line thing… was that as huge as i think it was?
also i have so many questions about the sims internet war??? how did you even go about that 😭? did you just have a jonghyun sim and a taemin sim and make them . woohoo??? or like passionately kiss?
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Please vote for which song you think is better! If you haven't already, make sure to listen to both songs under the read more before voting.
Propaganda is encouraged, but please do not be negative towards the other song in doing so. This is meant to be a fun tournament! If you write propaganda in the text of your reblog (rather than in the tags), I will likely reblog it!
In the battle of iconic old kpop songs, Shawols showed their power over Exo! Then in Round 2, the votes came in Nonstop, leading to Shinee's victory over Oh My Girl!
Ring Ding Dong is another huge icon, and it was submitted twice! It currently stands as Shinee's most viewed MV. Even after 13 years, it would be hard to find a Kpop fan who doesn't know the Ring Ding Dong chorus move.
Love Dive may receive lots of love, but Catallena won in the first round! Plus, in the Round 2 showdown against.. their own group.. they showed who the real Divas are!
Catallena brings a unique and quirky sound to Kpop, and its over-the-top fun is contagious, as this song continues to intrigue new fans and inspire groups to be more silly in their music! Also, this was the first song to be submitted twice!
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