#i think if i could improve my ability to depict values
kaija-rayne-author · 11 months
Wow. So much dislike about elves generally preferring to be barefoot in the Dragon Age world.
Why elves not wearing shoes in Dragon Age is completely logical.
Okay, so it’s not a huge secret that I grew up poor. We're talking hardscrabble poor. The kind of poor most people don't think even exists in the western world anymore (I guarantee it does).
To someone with very little ability to buy things, shoes just aren't the priority everyone seems to think they are. City elves are poor in most depictions.
The Dalish would likely feel they'd rather use the materials for something else. They may not be as poor as city elves, but they likely wouldn't be wasteful either. Depending on where they wintered, they might not even use them then. I go out barefoot in light snow and frost, you do actually get used to it.
Fenris is a former slave with lyrium tattoos on his feet. The tattoos cause him pain when touched. Of course he doesn't wear shoes.
I never had shoes in the spring/summer/fall. They just did not exist in my understanding of the world. There was no need to buy and ruin a pair of shoes when feet toughen up just fine.
I grew up in the Adirondack Mountains, by the way. There are a lot of bloody rocks there. You can't dig very far down before you hit bedrock up there.
We had horses and dogs too, (yes, I'm aware of the crappy juxtaposition of parents who pay for horses but not shoes) so it's not like we're talking a pristine woodland.
I'd get a pair of sneakers/runners before school started (usually second hand) and a pair of boots in the winter. I remember having to wear bread bags around my feet inside my boots to keep them dry and whole. Less likely to get frostbite that way.
I distinctly remember my first brand new pair of shoes. I remember my second and third pairs too.
Even now, when I have far too many shoes, more than I could ever need, (I've got a thing for boots, my kids tell me my collection is 'extra'. They're right 🤣) I still prefer to go barefoot. From around April to November, I just don't wear shoes unless I have to. Like, to go into a store or public area; I'll reluctantly wear proper footwear to hike in (and even then they usually wind up over my shoulder instead of where they belong) shoes just aren't the absolute necessity so many folks act like.
I'm aware of what Gaider said about it, that he blamed (unfairly) the art team. It's the director's job to approve things like that, so, uh, bad form.
It is very possible to have a strong preference for no shoes. You don't really miss what you never had. And to me, it feels like y'all wearing shoes all the time is weird and likely unhealthy. In fact, it kinda is.
"Walking barefoot helps to improve circulation which increases the nourishment of nerves, muscles, and bone of the foot and helps minimize swelling of the lower extremities. Walking barefoot may also help improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles and ligaments of the foot which improves the function of the foot, reducing injuries of the foot, and improving posture and balance of the body."
At most, for just every day, I'll wear a pair of flops if I think the terrain is dangerous enough to warrant it. That's very rarely. I do have a habit of watching where I step though.
In spring, I go out on the tarmacadam to intentionally toughen my feet up. And no, my feet aren't calloused monstrosities.
It's just kinda mind-blowing to me how essential so many people seem to feel shoes are. They just aren't.
To me, it makes perfect sense that the elves, a historically repressed and abused people (sort of like a lot of my ancestors) don't feel they're necessary.
In a medivalish world like Dragon Age, where blights or false gods or wars keep tearing civilization to pieces, shoes would be ridiculously expensive. I mean, soldiers didn't take boots because they thought they were cool. They did it for resale value.
And cobblering is incredibly skilled labour. I was lucky enough to find someone who still knew how to keep my favourite boots alive longer. That guy could make those boots look almost brand new.
But in that world, poor elves would absolutely not be likely to wear shoes.
Shoes feel incredibly confining to someone who didn't grow up wearing them. I utterly loathe the way shoes feel.
I've also been a dancer and martial artist for a large portion of my life. Two groups of people you'll frequently find barefoot.
The way you walk in shoes is completely different from how you walk barefoot.
It's also an incredibly privileged viewpoint to utterly insist shoes are necessary and that elves in a video game should absolutely have to have them.
The only thing I'm annoyed about is that the armours often include boots, which my elves just wouldn't wear. I should have a barefoot option.
It may not be strictly cannon, for the whys behind barefoot elves, but it makes complete sense.
The only elf I'll say it doesn't make sense for is Solas. Why he doesn't wear shoes could just be a big commitment to his cover of elven apostate hobo.
Or perhaps his culture didn't think shoes necessary any more than I do. That would also explain why elves could have a preference for no shoes, it could be a holdover tradition because they all descend from the Elvhen.
It's true that you develop a sense for the earth, or trees, or whatever you're walking on if you don't wear shoes. I spent a lot of time with a book in trees, because few people would climb as high as me so I was safe there. It could easily be that elves wouldn't want to lose that sense, too.
You can learn a lot about an area by what the surface feels like under your feet. If you're a hunter, it's sometimes easier to track if you know your quarry prefers a certain type of terrain. You don't need to look down if you can feel the ground.
In fact, despite what people may think, my feet are incredibly sensitive. Tough, yes, but still very 'feely'.
Point made, I'll stop blathering now 😅.
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wollfling · 2 years
Thank you for taking my ask seriously, and I'm sorry if I came across confrontational. This is a bit of an emotional subject for me so it's hard to explain what I mean. I don't think you came across as mean or rude.
Do you really believe that making AI art can never be a creative process? I'm sorry if again this comes across aggressive, like you said tone is hard. But if someone spent hours trying different prompts, tweaking the phrasing until they got an image that communicated an idea they wanted to communicate… isn't that a contemplative, creative process? Isn't that art?
To be blunt, I'm not a creative person. I have tried to change and learn but I'm not an artist and I've never made anything that has had any value, to me or to others. When I say it's accessible, I mean that someone like me could use it to make something meaningful, which would otherwise not be possible. Why is it that when people try to make technical fields more accessible, it's about introducing tools that let you produce good results with less skill, but the most I've seen in creative fields is people pushing for bad results to be accepted? Is it wrong for me to want good results?
I'm sympathetic about artists losing their livelihood, but I don't think that's a good argument against it. When the sewing machine was invented, lots of people who would have made a living sewing would have lost their livelihood, but that doesn't mean the invention of the sewing machine was bad.
This is a bit of a fraught discussion so I'll understand if you need to stop at any time. I really want to come to an understanding but it's hard for me not to feel like this is a new tool that can produce good results without years and years of experience being dismissed out of hand by… people who have years and years of experience. Maybe there's just some fundamental gap that in experience and understanding that I can't cross because I'm not an artists?
Of course, it's a serious topic to me! And an important conversation to have since ai is becoming more prevalent.
Creative processes doesn't exactly equal art, or visual art, for example I like to be creative when coordinating my outfits but my outfits are not art. (I've sewn some of my own garments that I designed- though they were more for function than art so I still wouldn't count them. There's a fuzzy line that devides design and art I feel)
Referencing the article about the winning ai work again, the creator sees himself more of an author than an artist. Creative writing can be art (like poetry for example) but it's just not the same as visual art. So in my opinion it's not art. Typing keywords into a ai generator no matter how specific is not art. As they article also said, the creator likened it to a word game.
Why is it not possible for you to make something meaningful on your own? Why do you believe you've made nothing of value? Why do you need the ai generator to do it for you? Do you mean you can't create your own images, because you don't like your drawings?
The reality is that art is a skill, communication is a skill. There are so many things I, as an artist, want to say with my art. And want to depict in my art. But i "cant" because of my lack of ability. So I work to get better, so I can say more and how more, and be concise or as vague as I want in my pieces effectively. This is the reality. And there are people who have improved way more in just a few years than I have over most of my life. That's the reality. Doesn't mean my work is worth any less.
What are the bad results you are talking about? Ugly art? Like the art community is pushing for bad results... so ugly art? And the good results are the ai generated images? You can want those "good results" but they ultimately aren't yours. Again, please don't take this as mean or an attack but it's not your art. A computer program made it for you. Artists are pushing for these bad results, which I am assuming again is bad art, because bad art that you've made with your own hands and heart is worth infinity more than an image generated by a soulless computer (made for you. Not by you.) Because art is about connection too. It's complicated of course, I'm sure other artists will say different things, but this is my opinion. If you don't understand why art made by people has value and that a pretty image made by a computer (guided or not) does not have that value, I'm not sure I can.
The sewing machine is a tool. You still need design the garments, construct them yourself, physically sew the seams with the machine. It just makes it faster, and easier on the hands. I think that a sewing machine is comparable to a drawing tablet, it's a tool that can help the process but everything else is made by the artist. This is so different than ai generated images from keywords. I'm not entirely sure, again, how to explain this difference either..
Again, I don't mean to offend or anything. I don't think it's about experience as an artist, rather how you view art. Art isn't just pretty pictures. If you view artists work as such then I understand not seeing the difference.
Sorry if my response is messy or if I missed something, I don't mind having the conversation but I didn't know when I'd get the chance to reply later today (and I had to type this a little quickly;;;) I don't mean to be dismissive or anything!!!
Edit because I forgot something important, if making ai art gives you a feeling of creative accomplishment and an outlet, nobody can take that away from you, and I don't mean to either. If this is important to you, you should do it! I just feel it doesn't belong in spaces with paintings, illustrations, etc because it's just not the same. I don't think that's elitist of me, they just aren't the same thing and shouldn't be treated as such. Again, I hope I didn't come off as mean at all.
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shezi · 7 days
In any challenging situation, it’s essential to reflect on how we might handle things differently to achieve a more positive outcome. Recently, I came across a video that presented a complex scenario requiring a thoughtful response. Here’s how I would have approached the situation differently, emphasizing empathy, strategic thinking, and effective communication.
Understanding the Scenario
The video depicted a tense interaction where emotions were running high, and clear communication was lacking. This often leads to misunderstandings and escalates conflicts. The key to handling such situations lies in pausing to understand the emotions and perspectives of everyone involved.
Empathy as the First Step
My first action would have been to approach the situation with empathy. By genuinely trying to understand the feelings and motivations of the other person, I could create a foundation of mutual respect. This involves active listening, making eye contact, and acknowledging their emotions without judgment.
Strategic Thinking and Planning
Next, I would focus on strategic thinking. Instead of reacting impulsively, I would take a moment to assess the situation, consider possible outcomes, and plan my response accordingly. This approach helps in making more informed and rational decisions, reducing the likelihood of further conflict.
Effective Communication
Clear and calm communication is crucial. I would ensure that my words are thoughtful and my tone is measured. By expressing myself clearly and respectfully, I could convey my perspective without escalating tensions. It’s also important to be open to feedback and willing to adjust my approach as needed.
Seeking Common Ground
Finding common ground can transform a confrontational scenario into a collaborative one. I would try to identify shared goals or values that both parties can agree on. This helps in building a cooperative spirit and working towards a mutually beneficial resolution.
Reflecting on Outcomes
Lastly, reflecting on the outcomes of the situation is important for personal growth. I would consider what worked well, what didn’t, and how I could improve my approach in the future. This continuous learning process is essential for developing better conflict resolution skills.
Handling challenging situations effectively requires a blend of empathy, strategic thinking, and clear communication. By reflecting on alternative approaches, we can learn valuable lessons and improve our ability to navigate conflicts. Remember, every situation is an opportunity for growth and understanding.
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chenliningod · 5 months
Assignment: Virtual Sketchbook 1
1. As an introduction, tell us one little known fact about you.
My name is Chen Lin. I am going for my degree in business and accounting. I enjoy staying active with a good workout, getting lost in a good book, appreciating art, and cooking tasty meals. I value both the fun of social gatherings and the tranquility of the quiet moments.
2. Then, in list form, detail 5 new facts you were able to find out about your assigned artist or the artwork.
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Dale Chihuly 1998 Fiori Di Como. 70’ x30’ x 12’ Glass.  Lobby of the Bellagio, Las Vegas, NV.
Innovative Artist: Dale Chihuly is renowned for his innovative contributions to glass art. As a pioneering artist, he has pushed the boundaries of glass craftsmanship, creating many captivating artworks. "Fiori Di Como" showcases his exceptional talent in design and glassmaking.
Origins of Career: Chihuly's career began in the 1960s when he started exploring glass art, quickly becoming a prominent figure. His early works demonstrated innovative concepts in traditional glass craftsmanship, laying the foundation for his future success.
Enormous Scale: "Fiori Di Como" is a massively scaled glass art installation measuring 70 feet in length, 30 feet in width, and 12 feet in height. Its immense size makes it a captivating focal point in the lobby of the Bellagio Hotel.
Glass Flowers: The installation comprises hundreds of glass flowers, each meticulously designed and crafted. These glass flowers vary in shapes, sizes, and colors, creating a vibrant and diverse floral landscape.
Nighttime Illumination: To enhance the impact of the installation, the Bellagio Hotel employs carefully designed lighting at night to accentuate "Fiori Di Como." This lighting effect makes the glass flowers appear even more vivid and colorful after dark.
3. Did the way you think about the art change from the first time you looked at it? Do you see anything different in the art now?  
My initial perception of the artwork was a mix of abstract and realistic hand-painting, with the vibrant center resembling an abstract oil painting and the surrounding frame resembling realistic architecture. However, my understanding shifted significantly after discovering it was made of glass. The surprising ability of glass to achieve abstract effects was genuinely astonishing. It could have been more apparent that it adorned a hall ceiling, adding complexity to my interpretation. This discovery of the unexpected artistic potential of glass has reshaped my overall perspective on art.
I lead a minimalist lifestyle, keeping my home uncluttered. Though my walls are bare, a designated space on a living room table houses my acrylic paintings. Currently, there's an acrylic piece depicting a forest view, a symbol of my artistic journey. While satisfied, I acknowledge my novice status and the room for improvement.
Approaching art with a spirit of exploration and appreciation, I'm a homemaker approaching 40, originally from China. After completing my undergraduate education and working there, I moved to the United States in 2012 with my husband. Besides raising 2 kids and managing household affairs, I enjoy fitness and reading, and I recently took up acrylic and watercolor painting. As a Christian, my closest connections are with fellow church members. While I used to define myself by experiences and abilities, I now appreciate the inherent uniqueness and value in every individual.
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melonmint1 · 1 year
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Assignment Name: Character Design 2
Tools: Sketchbook
Description: 3 full body visuals of Mammon, the devil in my game world. The demon of greed and wealth, Mammon grew jealous of many humans' greed and sought to re-establish himself as the "king of greed". To punish humans for their greediness, Mammon captures the souls of humans attempting to reach heaven using his fishing rod. Mammon takes the souls and infects them, turning them into his personal Lightsouls. In an attempt to stop Mammon's malicious acts, the Candle Mages leave their home and launch an all-out offense on Hell. The plan backfires - upon arriving at Hell, Mammon is nowhere to be found. It is soon discovered that Mammon was a step ahead, and had already launched his own invasion of the Candle Mages' home base and captured it (as depicted in my previous drawing). Side note: it seems like Mammon takes a liking towards the souls of politicians, and bankers on Wall Street. I wonder why.
Image breakdown:
Image 1: Mammon sits on one of his many thrones in Hell, bored out of his mind. Surrounding him are bars of gold. Mammon's greed has resulted in him owning everything (literally everything), and now he plans his next move that will bring him satisfaction.
Image 2: Mammon fishing the souls of Humans on the way to heaven. As a demon, Mammon has the ability to grow limbs and change form. Here, he has grown a third stump leg to act as a counterweight while he fishes.
Image 3: A demonstration of Mammon's greed, and playful/twisted personality. Here he is stealing pots of gold from donors, because he felt like it.
More character details:
no matter what Mammon transforms into, he will always retain his sizable belly. This is a crucial feature that hints towards his insatiable hunger/greed for all things.
red and gold are Mammon's main colors. Red for his devilish apperance, and gold as he just loves trinkets and anything shiny. The purple accent represents his jealousy and power. Mammon also wears jewelrey (which can be of any color), frequently switching between various jeweled items.
as for drawing style, Mammon should be sketched first, highlighting shadows and dark areas with cross-hatching. Color can then be applied afterwards to create the desired look.
Self reflection:
Rather proud of this one. Throughout this semester I have been trying a bunch of different techniques to create value from color, and I think I've finally found the solution that works best for me. Like I mentioned above, I sketched Mammon's figure and form first in black and white, using cross-hatching and quick strokes to highlight dark areas. I then used an airbrush tool in Sketchbook to apply one solid layer of color, then switched to darker tones of the same color to paint areas where I cross-hatched. Rinse and repeat through each color, and voila! This drawing did not take me as long as I thought it would, which is a great change of pace from other recent assignments. I'm also quite happy with the way I showcased Mammon's emotions through his facial expression, especially in image 3. I think the main areas that I could improve on is the mouth in image 1, and the tongue in image 2. Mammon's emotion in image 1 could be understandably confused as being scared/shocked. I think if I raised the dark areas above his eyes and changed the mouth shape to be bigger (more like a yawn), the drawing would be more successful. As for image 2, Mammon's tongue looks a little bit flat compared to the rest of his body due to incorrect perspective. I'll definitely have to pay more attention to perspective as it is a recurring issue of mine, but overall I'm satisfied. On to the next one.
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gamebunny-advance · 4 years
Kind of A Downer
I think I’ve come to accept that the stuff I make gets attention mostly based on subject rather than the content.
And that’s fine since I cover relatively niche subjects (or niche subjects within popular fandoms), so the folks that like that stuff must be really into it like I am which is cool, but still... I can’t help to be a little... I dunno, disappointed about that I guess? Everything about this situation is my own fault, I’m not blaming anyone for it. It’s just how I’m feeling.
Anyway, sorry to bring y’all down, it’s just something I had on my mind. They’re not finished, but I’m gonna go ahead and post what I’ve done for what I’m calling the “Mahou Smash Project” so far. Right now it feels less like, “What if all the Brawl fighters were magical girls?” and more like “What if all the Brawl fighters wore skirts?”, but I’m working on it.
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This is roughly the first sketch I did to flesh out the concept. It’s a little more difficult to think of stuff for the non-human characters without just giving them bows, but I’ll try to think of more ideas. Kirby is actually based on an outfit he had from “Super Kirby Clash” that’s called “Magical Girl”. I like it as a shoutout, but I’d also like to do something more original.
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No matter how many times I tried to let Mario keep his cap, I felt like it never really went with the rest of the outfit, so I chucked it. I really liked the idea of giving him head wings to call back to his “wing cap” from 64, but it conflicted with Pit being in his group that already has a wing motif, so in later sketches I scrapped it. (His stars also conflict with Kirby, but there are so many star/space themed fighters on the roster, so I don’t think that part is as noticeable). Otherwise I really fell in love with the initial design and it doesn’t really change that much over my several iterations of him.
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Originally Link’s inspo was from “Ojamajo Doremi” since the hats were kinda similar. I tried to incorporate a lot of triangles in the design to represent the triforce, but I’m not sure how I feel about the inner dress yet. I like the shape, but I’m not sure if it suits him. I might wind up giving him shorts later.
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I had a really hard time with Pit since his outfit is already kinda magical. The most I could really come up with was to add a few more embellishments and make some accessories less “bulky”.
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I think Tabuu is actually the second sketch I did when I thought of the idea. At first I was planning on combining this AU with the human!AU to make designing the non-humans easier, but I decided to challenge myself and just keep everyone as they were. It’s a shame because I think this hair suits his design a bit better than the original, but if there ever is a final version of this project, he’s gonna stay bald. His ability is: Morpho Anguish
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Of course I had to try these two at some point. R.O.B. has a royal motif to represent how he ruled over the lesser ROBs, but it’s a little difficult to think of accessories he can realistically wear while keeping most of his original silhouette and get across that he’s a magical girl too.
Unlike other designs where the idea for the costume preceeded the ability, I thought of GW’s ability first and then the costume. His ability allows him to “cook” anything into existence from food to people, but he can only do the “complicated stuff” with his cookbook, which is in Tabuu’s possession.
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Another sketch of these two. This is when I realized that Mario’s wings would overlap with Pit’s. Speaking off, it’s not super obvious, but I eventually settled on “ballerina” as a theme for Pit so I could distance him a bit more from his original outfit. Specifically he’s inspired by “Swan Lake”, thus the first iteration of the feather skirt appears.
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TBH, Wario isn’t super inspired yet. At first it was just a take on Mario’s outfit, but I think I’d like it come a little closer to his WarioWare design since that’s his default in Smash. The crown and cravat is supposed to represent a “W” though, so that’s something.
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The most recent iteration of Pit. I let him keep his bodysuit so he could retain some modesty since I draw the skirts on so short, but I honestly think it clashes with the rest of the design. I’ll have to find a way to incorporate more blue into the design if he’s gonna keep it.
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Mario is mostly the same from previous iterations, so Luigi takes a lot from him, just a “little” different. I like the striped socks as a shout-out to the Mario & Luigi games, but I don’t like how he takes some of Mario’s red when Mario doesn’t take Luigi’s green (I tried giving him the green striped-socks, but they didn’t look good). I might take them out if I iterate on him again. Luigi’s ability is: Electric Moons.
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Another tough one since her design was already kind of magical. I feel like all I did was shorten her dress and add some bows, but sometimes that’s all you really need to do. Her ability is: Blooming Rosales
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Originally she was going to be more “knight” themed and keep her helmet since her power suit reminds me of those medieval suits of armor, but I can’t really draw armor, so I chickened out of it. It’s not super apparent, but her skirt is supposed to be transparent. If I come back for her, I think I’m going to work on making her an actual suit of armor so that there’s more difference between this and her zero suit form. Her ability in this form is: Stellar Cannon.
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I feel like this is less “magical girl” and more ”Judy Jetson”. I like it, but I think it should be frilled up a bit more. I wanted to add some more flower detailing to represent the pikmin, but I think it really clashed with the “old-timey astronaut” thing he’s got going on. It’s still on his helmet, but it really sticks out, doesn’t it? His ability is: Plucking Gardens
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Last two. I might find a way to reintroduce their hoods, but I love the idea of a hat that’s comically small. The pompoms on their hats and shoes are supposed to invoke cherries since they’re often drawn as a pair, but I don’t think it really comes across that way. Popo’s ablity is: Icy Flurry. Nana’s ability is: Freezing Snowfall. Together their ability is: Twin Blizzard
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haikyuupaladin · 3 years
We Are Satellites by Sarah Pinsker
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So, I’m going to try to give a spoiler free recommendation of this but I AM going to start off by giving some trigger warnings for the book. There are depictions of seizures, sensory overload, ableism, alcohol, death and violence in a war zone (though not super detailed), alcohol, self medication through illegally acquired drugs, and a character who gets hit by a train are the main warnings I can think of, though there are probably a few I’m missing, and all of these are told from the character who experiences them’s POV in addition to sometimes other characters. Most are fairly insignificant portions of the book, and most of them are in David’s chapters. The sensory overload, seizures, ableism and self medication are more significant however.
We Are Satellites is written from the POVs of a family of 4: Val, Julie, Sophie, and David and follows them over the course of roughly a decade. A company called Balkenhol Neural Labs develops a device called a Pilot, which is a brain implant that improves your ability to multitask and allows you to focus on multiple things seemingly simultaneously. Each of the four family members has vastly different experiences navigating the world now that the Pilot exists. Those without Pilots are considered to be at a disadvantage, and soon almost everyone has one. The difference of experiences tests the families relationships, especially as some members are strongly against the Pilots while others love them or think that they’re great for other people. Some family members end up trying to prove that everything with the Pilots may not be as they seem. (It’s very hard to write a synopsis like this without giving too much away so I apologize).
Now for the reason that I read this book: Sophie, the youngest member of the family, has epilepsy and could not get a Pilot whether or not she wanted one. As an epileptic myself I’m always on the lookout for decent representation. And while I don’t have the same experience with epilepsy as Sophie has, this book does a really good job of portraying her epilepsy. At first, I thought it would be more relatable to family members of people with epilepsy instead of people with epilepsy themselves. Sophie’s first POV chapter isn’t until chapter 15 (which the chapters in this book are short, but it still made me nervous). However, the portrayal was still realistic and respectful and I kept reading. And I’m glad I did. If anybody is the sole main character of this book, it’s Sophie. While she has seizures throughout the book, in chapters told both from her POV and the POV of her family members, it is never treated as something that impacts her family more than her in my opinion, although it does acknowledge how it impacts each of her family members, nor is it treated as something just there for shock value. It’s mentioned just as casually as anything else might be but is never forgotten. Even when she rushes out of the house, it mentions her running back in to take her meds amongst other things. And epilepsy is treated as more than just seizures. It shows how overprotective her parents can be and how that affects her. It shows the mundane things she’s not able to do. It shows the struggle for control over her seizures and it shows knowledge of a variety of different treatment options and triggers. While the author doesn’t have epilepsy herself to my knowledge, she did mention at the end that she had worked with the Epilepsy Foundation Maryland before even starting writing this and that a lot of people had talked to her about their experiences with epilepsy and it shows.
Another thing about Sophie is that she’s more than just her epilepsy, which is equally important to how the epilepsy portion is portrayed. She becomes a community leader and an activist. She has a fully developed personality though her epilepsy does inform certain parts of it, just likely does for any of us. She’s not afraid to push boundaries. She has complex relationships with her moms, her brother, and her best friend Gabe. She’s not afraid to stand up for herself and others. And she’s exactly the kind of protagonist I would ask for as representation.
Sophie is the character I wish I’d been able to read about in 6th grade when my seizures were at their worst. Or even in 9th grade when I realized I could search for books about people with epilepsy and came up mostly lacking, especially in the fiction department. I’m 25 now and Sophie is one of the first epileptic characters I’ve personally seen done well in general. I can count them on one hand without running out of fingers. This book really resonated with me and I highly recommend it.
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frangipansi · 4 years
Hi! If your inbox is open, I'd like to request a scenario with all (or any) of the demon brothers, + undatables reacting to a blind MC? Like, none of them expected to have a blind human and Devildom and they have to revamp everything to make it as safe for MC as possible. Can be she/her or they/them pronouns for MC. Bonus points if MC is extremely talkative and won't shut up lmao. Thank you!
OKAY! So, finally got this one out. I’m sooo sorry for the wait, but I wanted to try and do this right, not just some Daredevil nonsense, but I didn’t want to make the mistake of a ‘helpless blind MC’ either; because they’re not helpless.
I am also lucky enough to have a regular customer at my work that happens to be blind and she has been very happy to give me a helping hand to make this ask more real. She’s such a delight and her guide dog is beautiful and I could ramble on with our interactions, like one time she scolded us for moving the fixtures because she had just memorized the layout of the store then told her guide “you’ll earn that pay check today!”
SO! With her in mind, more so from her younger days that she reminisced with me; I have decided to work this piece around this customer’s condition specifically so I’m not just pulling shit out my arse.
To give you an idea, this MC suffers from Retinitis pigmentosa; their symptoms being tunnel vision and night blindness. So while they are legally blind, they can somewhat see. They use a cane when going out, use their hands and/or cane when inside a place knew to them – that happens to be in poor light (Devildom) – until they have the layout in their mind and move more confidently.
This also took a while because I couldn’t get a fic/scenario to work cohesively and hc was just not working either! But I’ve hopefully gotten it now, and I do hope you like it. I’ve also placed this under the cut because I’ve waffled on here.
Interested. Anyone within the Devildom without eyesight, are generally the souls of the damned who aren’t permitted to move freely. Heck, he’s removed some of their eyes himself.
He wants to know instantly if there is anything he needs to change and improve to make sure MC’s stay is not only comfortable but enjoyable.
Absolutely loves how open MC is. He’s amazed at the resilience of humans; delighted to hear MC say how capable they are, though he does insist on one of the brother’s remaining her escort for the duration of their stay. Capable or not, he is well aware of how demons would use MC’s lack of sight to their advantage.
Really wants to ask how amplified their other senses are; disappointed to know most things depicted in movies are – for the most part – an over exaggeration.
Organises a tablet for them with all RAD textbooks uploaded so they have that ability to zoom in so they are able to read the text at their own comfort. Other systems such as braille, text to talk etc are also implemented if that is something MC prefers to learn by.
Considers Cerberus as a guide dog? Impossible, the human would be eaten alive. Perhaps another smaller hellhound? Goodness no, they’d still be eaten.
Asks MC about their condition –on behalf of Lord Diavolo of course – so he is aware of anything that may help their stay in the Devildom.
Very pleased to see how receptive MC is, very talkative and informative about her condition; he’s surprised to learn the varying levels of visual impairment. Consults Diavolo on brighter lighting to improve her movements around RAD and already planning on improvements within his own home.
During MC’s first few nights in Lamentation, Lucifer appears on edge; always keeping an eye when they’re moving about on their own. Enjoys watching how they learn to memorize layouts, quietly telling themselves how many steps it takes from one room to another, touching hallway objects.
Ready to run to their side that one time MC walked into the wall; turning into the kitchen a little too soon; until he hear them chuckle to themselves and ran their hand along the wall until they found the doorway and walked through it. No damage done. He’s learning to leave them be, understanding that he doesn’t need to dote on them.
MC is blind? Ooh yeah! The things that boy could swipe to make some quick Grimm, and right under their nose. It was gonna be too easy!! Completely stunned when they still catch him out. “How’d ya know it was me?!”
Watches them narrow their eyes as if trying to spot him before coming up beside him and close the drawer he was just rummaging through. The nerve this human has to threaten The Great Mammon by saying they’ll use their cane to whack him.
Surprised at MC’s explanation on how they knew it was him. They recognised his scent; not only did he have his favourite cologne – which he didn’t think he wore that much of – they noted how he had a metallic smell, like the kind you get when touching coin constantly.
Likes to watch MC move around their room; at first using their hand to remember the layout and then moving as if they saw as well as he did. Considered rearranging things to see what would happen.
Okay, so MC isn’t helpless… but, other demons don’t know that. Considers using MC as bait; distract idiots so he can rob them and sell their things for a little Grimm. “I, The Mammon, am a genius!” “No, Mammon.”
Couldn’t even imagine being in their position; all that manga he couldn’t read, anime they couldn’t watch… never knowing what Ruri-Chan looks like!!! Gasp! No way. Poor MC!
Really confused when he sees them one day, curled up on a chair in the common room, wearing a pair of glasses and a book in hand. Wanders over and looks over their shoulder before questioning what was going on; nodding when they told him that with reading glasses and preferably larger font, they could indulge in many a storybook.
As their relationship blossoms, he has a dedicated reading nook in his room for the two of them, including a lamp to brighten the area to help improve what sight they have. Likes that they’re happy to listen to him read to them his TSL series. He thinks about writing to the publishers for the next editions to have larger fonts; that way he could buy MC a set of their own.
He likes to sit and watch them bring things close to their face to inspect them better; his figurines which they – to his relief – handle with great care, or his manga comics to see which characters he’s fawning over.
He secretly loves that MC likes to chill by his fish tank wall. Why? They state that while there’s too much distortion for them to actually make anything out, they enjoy the ambient colouring and light; the two eventually just listen to music together like that as a means to relax.
Of course he is utterly curious about MC’s condition and is glad to see how open they are to talking about it. He’ll look things up himself in his own time but nothing like hearing it from someone’s own experience.
Asks if those romance and crime novels are accurate; “so, do you touch people’s faces so you know what they look like?” finds it interesting that for the most part, this doesn’t happen; but it makes sense, he wouldn’t be too thrilled by someone he barely knows putting their hands onto him.
Writes down notes that he considers most important from the board during lessons and offers them to MC should they need them for their studies.
Another one who likes watching MC learn their way around Lamentation, like how they touch cupboard handles until they find the one they need while grumbling about how crappy the lights are.
Shared appreciation for just lying on the ground whenever a cat is near them, all responsibility out the window as number one priority is giving adorable little hellcats their undivided attention. Loves that MC is willing to con Lucifer into believing a cat makes a wonderful guide animal.
Oh poor MC, unable to see just how beautiful he is… Oh, they can kinda see? If he gets real close? Oh he can definitely do that! Bummed that MC promptly puts in some boundaries but once their relationship develops they do enjoy the closeness with him.
Learns – albeit slowly – that his looks aren’t going to win MC over, and instead begins to better understand the value of personality and getting to know a person. Should MC like Asmo, it’s because of who he is and not for all the fluffing he does with his looks.
Whenever he happens to be the brother escorting MC, just know he’ll always detour to the main hub; treating the two of them to manicures and pedicures, facials, all that fun stuff.
When shopping, he loves how MC feels the fabric of things he grabs for them and has an even bigger appreciation for how things feel on him. Absolutely enjoys offering explanations whenever MC would ask about colour or cuts if they can’t make them out should the lighting be too poor for them.
Will starting looking around for ‘fashionable’ canes. Yes, he knows it’s about practicality and he’s not going to take that away from MC, but what’s wrong with wanting to match their cane with that gorgeous outfit he’s picked out from them?
Having no experience with a visually impaired human, he’ll ask MC if he should carry them places; it’s no big deal, they looked pretty light after all. Apologises if they happen to get a bit defensive so keeps close while they walk together, worried they may walk into or trip over something.
He’ll be curious about whether or not other senses are heightened due to the loss of another and is lowkey disappointed that they wouldn’t be able to hear someone in the kitchen stealing his food when they’re somewhere else in the house.
He loves cooking with them; the tastes of what he creates seem to be more balanced and they’re more than happy to sneak him a few snacks while Lucifer is occupied elsewhere. They’ll fool around, tasting things to see who can pick up more notes.
Things turn into a game between the two of them; if he spots MC in a room he’ll sneak up and try and get to them before they realise he’s there. “Too heavy on your feet,” or “you were giggling,” is something he hears a lot when trying.
Though MC can’t really see while he’s training or playing a game, he really appreciates that there still there to cheer him on; he’s taken to wearing a bright headband in hopes that they’ll be able to spot him out a bit better. They don’t half the heart to tell him they still can’t find him.
In the beginning, he’ll use MC’s lack of sight to their advantage; sly and manipulative to lure them in. Watches how they react to his voice, how their eyes or head move in the direction he’s in, learning how they work their other senses.
Tensions between the two would be tight after that moment and he’ll feel tremendous guilt for what he did to them; keeps himself at a distance, afraid they’ll recoil if they sense he’s too close and understands if they would.
Amazed that they find it in them to forgive him and help mend bonds between him and his brothers, and will spend whatever time he’s able building up trust with MC; whether that’s being their escort around Devildom or just being there for company.
He loves – when trust is established – that MC is just happy to lay with him while he star gazes and talks about what he sees, trying to paint a picture for them while they huddle up together in a fluffy blanket, sharing his cow print pillow.
They’re angels; their job is to look over and protect humans. So they are already well aware of how capable MC would be – Simeon more so than Luke since he’s younger and more interested in Michael – but they will still offer their assistance should MC need it.
They’re also the sort to take notes down during class that MC may not be able to see on the board; but they’ll ask before assuming.
Simeon has taken to writing a little bigger if it’s something he’d like MC’s opinion on his work; the two forming a bond through fiction and history. The two can be found losing track of time and just talking about any given thing.
Luke enjoys cooking with MC; asking them what they think of the taste of something he creates and asks how he can make it better. He’d love to be able to wow Michael upon his return to the Celestial Realm and MC will always critique his work rather than sugarcoat like Simeon would or just outright scare him like demons would. With a little push from MC, he takes lessons from Barbatos.
Quite unphased; he’s dealt with various impairments before seeing as he is still human despite being a very powerful sorcerer. He doesn’t offer assistance but will give it should MC ask him for help.
He has many a spell in his books that could quite possibly cure or ease symptoms of various impairments and is very tempted to bring this information to MC; but decides on holding back until he can figure out how to approach the subject. He’ll ask them how they feel about their situation and go from there.
Would also offer heightening other senses should MC want them; even temporarily if they’re just a little curious. “Let’s see what’s so crash hot about being Daredevil!” “My thoughts exactly MC.”
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bryte-eyed-athena · 3 years
A New Earthseed Community
I used to imagine what life would be like in a dystopian society where everything has collapsed or is on the verge of collapse. This Earthseed community project has given me the opportunity to actually put some serious thought into how a community might survive in a world that has gone off the rails. However, I am going into this making a few assumptions. First, the world I am envisioning my community living in is very similar to the one depicted in Parable of the Sower. I was considering writing journal entries like Lauren did, but then I thought that was too much like fanfiction. Instead I am going to simply respond to the questions. Second, this is an established community that has already done the hard work of gathering trusted people, escaping to a safe area, and building the community. I’m trying to think about how to make this community survive, as well as thrive, long term after it has already been established. Third, the community has decided to give their settlement a name so I will refer to them as “The Dandelion Community”. Hopefully trying to envision this ideal community can help me with thinking of solutions to solve our real world problems.
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Explain two real-life issues that make it necessary to create your Earthseed community. What are you seeking shelter from?
Climate change is wreaking havoc all over the world as it exacerbates natural disasters and displaces millions of people. In California the climate will get hotter and wildfires will cause more damage. Climate change also disproportionately impacts low income people of color who do not have a refuge to escape to once the environment becomes hostile. These are the groups of people that are going to be impacted the most negatively and they are the ones who require shelter and protection.
Police brutality has impacted communities of color and immigrant communities the harshest due to the influence of systemic racism and capitalism. It has created a culture of fear and violence which harms us physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is a system that must be entirely abolished in order for all marginalized people to feel safe. If it cannot be abolished then we must seek refuge in areas where the police don’t exist and have no power.
Quote two Earthseed verses from Parable of the Sower and show how you will apply them to your community. You may be creative in your interpretation.
“All successful life is Adaptable, Opportunistic, Tenacious, Interconnected, and Fecund. Understand this. Use it. Shape God.”
The Dandelion community understands that there will be numerous challenges for them to face if they want to survive. But life is not just about survival it is also about being able to live well. This verse will inspire the community to see their existence as more than just a fight for survival. It will motivate them to seek success defined in these terms. They will internalize this message and learn to be adaptable to new challenges. They will either seek opportunities or turn their dire circumstances into one. They will tenaciously fight for themselves and for their fellow members. They will feel connected with the community and other people they meet on the outside. They will also try to make sure that all their endeavors are fertile in order to produce more good to balance all the bad in the world. With this verse in their hearts they will be able to Shape God.
“Embrace diversity. Unite— Or be divided, robbed, ruled, killed By those who see you as prey. Embrace diversity Or be destroyed.”
Out of all of the Earthseed verses, this is the one that defines the human story. Centuries of conflict and horror could have been avoided if we sought to embrace diversity and unite with our fellow man. Instead, this planet has been divided and conquered over and over. The Dandelion community will refuse to be divided, robbed, ruled, or killed by any one. Their strength will be in unity and the bonds they form with each other will heal them internally. The diversity of body ability, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, faith and so on will give the community a unique advantage to respond to change. The diversity of opinion and experience would be a useful tool and not seen as a hindrance.
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Explain where you will create your Earthseed community to be safe.
Safety comes from being in a defendable area surrounded by people with the skills and tools to survive. The Channel Islands National Park is a chain of four islands off the coast of Santa Barbara. It is too far away to swim to and there is enough land to support a large community if they are spread across all the islands. The Dandelion can reserve certain areas for small villages that contain homes, libraries, and facilities to create goods. The rest of the land can be used for farming sustainably as well as a training/play area for children. Once the community is able to build boats they can start to fish farther out into the ocean to provide more variety in their diets. These islands would be easy to defend since they are isolated and far away from the coast. Swimmers wouldn’t be able to get there and the community could devise ways to sabotage the waters so boats wouldn't be able to get through. The islands are also large enough that a stable and thriving community could be built there so people can live peacefully.
Who can join your community and why? Who can’t join? Why not?
Anyone can join as long as they are willing to learn skills and be ready to contribute. They are expected to be understanding of others and respectful of diversity. They also must dedicate themselves to protecting all members of the community from external threats. It is also important that they understand that joining a community means truly becoming an engaged member of the community. This means that they make the effort to be a part of people’s lives and make positive contributions no matter how small. They must want peace and understand that it takes hard work to create the conditions for peace and love to flourish.
What will your leadership model be for your community?
The Dandelion community is very mutual aid based so it is important that every member has a voice and opportunity to exercise power. There will not be a single leader since teamwork and communication are valued highly here. Instead there will be a group of around ten people who gather and discuss the problems of the community no matter how big or small. The community will also gather in weekly town halls to address any grievances or solutions they have directly to the group of leaders. During that meeting they will try to create solutions that take into account the needs and wants of the community. After a month this group of ten people will be replaced with a different set of ten people. Anyone can volunteer to be a member of the group and it's basically first come first serve. Eventually as the group rotated members monthly every person in the community who wanted to be a leader would have been a leader at least once. This way the burden of leadership is shared equally across the community. This also means that no one person can hold total power and become a tyrant. It also means that there will always be someone in charge and someone the group can defer to in order to make a final decision.
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Create a future technology (one on the horizon, not something like teleportation or time travel) to help improve life at your Earthseed community.
A water filtration device will be necessary to support the community. It would be non polluting and powered by solar energy. Once water is filtered from the ocean the community members can all go and get as much as they need. There will not be a plumbing system so people will have clay jugs to transport their clean water.
A series of solar powered radios set all around the island chain will help make communication easier and faster. If an urgent warning needs to be sent out people will be able to hear it on their radio. It will also make internal communication easier so people could just ask for things without having to travel.
Long range portable telescopes will help the defenders of the island see any oncoming threats. They will also be a good educational tool for the children when they want to see the stars.
Most importantly would be a submarine that can be used to travel to the mainland safely. The island won't be able to provide for every need and there will be times where trash needs to be disposed of. A submarine with a renewable energy source would be a good way to travel and maybe explore other places that could be safe as well.
Explain/show how your Earthseed community will SURVIVE.
The Dandelion community will survive by using knowledge collected in books and by forging strong community bonds that will encourage mental health. Books on indegenous and sustainable farming practices will help the community create a replenishable food source that feeds everyone. If there are surpluses, scouts could travel to the mainland and give it away. Books about fishing and the ocean would help the community fish safely and prevent overfishing. Books on natural medicine and surviving in wilderness environments can help the community treat and prevent illnesses as well as be attentive to their surroundings. Other books on math and literature and technology can help with basic education and entertainment which will help the community feed their minds and souls. All of this knowledge will help the community become self reliant and understand the world better which will help them Shape God.
Explain/show what TWO steps your Earthseed community will make to build a better future, i.e. education, housing, conservation, farming, etc.
The Dandelion community recognizes the importance of education and that learning can happen at any point in life. All members of the community will be educated equally and on the same topics. They will learn the basics like reading, writing, and math. They will also learn survival skills, how to cook and clean, how to swim, and how to use tools and weapons. They will also learn how to be sustainable and not harm the environment. As they grow older and develop their own interest they can divert into different fields. Some may wish to become teachers, potters, weavers, fishers, farmers, writers, etc. New members that come from the mainland will also be educated in the same way and if they have certain skills then they will be asked to contribute their knowledge as well. Innovation and creativity are encouraged, but above all the survival of the whole must be put first.
Hopefully the environment of peace and love will encourage the community to want to share their resources with others. One of the reasons Lauren’s original community fell was because outsiders thought that they were rich. In reality, that wasn’t the case, but Lauren’s family was still better off than most. If the Dandelion community found a way to share their resources and beliefs with those on the mainland they would be able to create more stable communities. The best defense against criminality and violence would be to remove the factors that cause it, in this case poverty. By sharing their technology and knowledge the Dandelion community would be able to lift people out of poverty and create stable communities across the coast line. Once those communities are stable enough they would also be able to create stability even further inland. This will ensure the longevity and survival of the Dandelion community.
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neoninu · 4 years
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Other Designs: Moordryd
Every few years I come back to Dragon Booster and just thrive in the deep complex lore. To me the world building was absolutely amazing and ground breaking! The characters missed the mark for me though, there’s a lot of potential that just didn’t quite hit for me. So I figured I’d make a couple of mock designs for a pretend reboot! This is what I would have done differently to improve the show! 
(disclaimer, everything is obviously my own opinion, and should be taken as such! Feel free to add in your own ideas!)
Honestly I found Artha’s personality to be kinda flat. When reading what the writers initially intended for the character, there was a lot more going on that didn’t come across in the show. 
More emphasis on emotional reactions and state.
More of a difference between regular Artha and Dragon Booster Artha
Normal Artha to be shyer and more hesitant, unsure what he can really achieve if he’s not the Dragon Booster. He’d need to learn that his power and ability to do good always came from him and not his DB abilities. But feel empowered when in his DB form, and come out of his shell!
Artha helped raise his baby brother, Lance, from a young age, (after the death of his mother early on in his life.) The writers said this is why he’s reluctant to more responsibility because he already felt overwhelmed by too much responsibility. As he was also knee high in chores looking after dragons too! I think this should be more emphasised so he doesn’t come across as bratty, highlight why he’s struggling. He’s not spoilt, he’s had a more challenging childhood. 
Allow Artha to talk about his feelings to his friends!!! His dad dies, he’s homeless, his whole life is turned upside down!!! Originally he bounces back so fast, I think it would have been way better to depict the kinda trauma this would have left on him. Have him bit by bit recover, not fully get over within one episode. 
Have Artha’s DB form be a form of escapism from all the shit going on in his life. A way to have fun and let go of the worries of Artha’s life, to just be hero that everyone loves and can do anything. (Although this slowly diminishes as he learns to stand up more as Artha, and in contrast, the weight of the true responsibility of the DB begins set in, being the DB has a LOT more responsibility than he realised and he should begin to feel less freed by becoming the DB and more weighed down that the world’s survival is actually in his hands. Maybe this could lead to panic attacks much later on, as the scale heads more in this direction, feeling unworthy. But to have his friends remind him of everything he’s achieved, as Artha, as the DB, how far he’s come and what he’s survived, remind him of how strong a person he really is. 
Have Artha value his friends way more. In the show currently he’s often dismissive to their input and doesn’t take them seriously, change this so he greatly values his friends and their ideas. Have them be more affectionate! KIDDOS NEED AFFECTION.
This also goes for Artha’s relationship with Lance, he should be way more affectionate to his little brother. Less bickering and belittling, have Artha be the big bro that Artha wished he had growing up. Artha should be supportive and doting of his brother, and super proud of everything he does. It would make Lance less annoying if all their interactions were wholesome and cute. It’s hard to like Lance if he’s treated as the annoying little brother Artha is just stuck with, and it’s just not fun to watch.
A story change but potentially have Mortis and Connor Penn not be the same guy. Have Mortis unintentionally basically adopt these lost street kiddos.THIS TROPE JUST DOESN’T WORK IF *SURPRISE* HE’S ACTUALLY BEEN BENEVOLENT PAPA PENN ALL ALONG. It literally makes no sense for Connor to hide himself from his traumatised homeless kiddos?? If he really loved his kids he wouldn’t do that??? OR ALTERNATIVELY, Connor IS just a shit neglectful father, and have that be a plot point. Rather than just be shook for a second then be a lil moody for a bit but then get over it like it’s nothing within an episode. This man straight up abandoned his kids and left them on the streets to fend for themselves. A good father wouldn’t have done that and then pretended to be someone else! Have Artha cut off toxic family. Just because you’re related by blood doesn’t mean shit. This would also be a staple for how much he’s grown up, forced to mature too early. Artha shouldn’t have to forgive his father. Some things aren’t forgivable just because you’re blood. Give Artha someone else to look up to as a father figure as found family, either another Dragon Priest (if Mortis is someone else, or just straight up a different one altogether.) Or potentially someone else entirely, like Kawake. Found family is far more meaningful because it’s /built/. Connor turning out to have been negligent also works well as a parallel to Moordryd and his shaky relationship with his father, making Artha have more in common with Moordryd.
At the beginning of the show Artha is caught in a house fire, his jacket was permanently damaged from it. I think it would be good to have Artha physically scarred from the fire that killed his dad! So I added burn scars! I also just think scars are cool, sue me. 
I changed his jacket to be a little more biker-esque, (as this is a racing jacket after all!) 
Sleeves were removed to simplify the design. 
His hair style was modernised as it was really very much of it’s era. Undercuts are fun and punky! 
Changed up the eye shape. I wasn’t a fan of the square eyes everyone had. Made them a little more pointed and anime. (The show’s style was supposed to be influenced by anime!)
POINTY EARS! In this world, humans live with dragons right? they have draconium in their bones, I feel like humans with pointy elf-like ears would help fit them into this magical fantasy world. In my reboot, everyone was pointy ears. It just helps give the show more of a unique flare in my opinion. (canonically Kitt’s helmet also implied pointy ears, so it’s really not a huge stretch)
I generally love the whacky colour schemes and bright colours and unique fashion style of the universe, although at times the designs have too much going on and clash. 
So in attempt to make Artha’s design more appealing I simplified the colour palette and removed the splash of red. 
I didn’t like how the helmet didn’t match the gold markings of his racing jacket, so I changed the colour scheme to match.
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tomoonine · 4 years
oneus and their respective hogwarts houses
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im not sure if this goes under scenarios but im curious on what hogwarts houses you would sort oneus into? i've seen a few but they're all so different!!! im curious on where you would put them all in, especially after seeing the to be or not to be story film yesterday 😄
☽. originally, i would have decline this request since it’s under headcanons. but i decided to give this a go since i thought this would be fun to try! do understand that this is just my opinion (❁´◡`❁) be sure to check out more in my masterlist if you liked this! requested: yes; anon word count: 1.2k words
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[RAVN] — slytherin
Second choice: Hufflepuff
I think... this is a bit of a controversial take? Especially since it sounds unlikely for someone to fit into both Slytherin and Hufflepuff (plus, a lot of people would assign Youngjo to Slytherin without any room for doubt)
But the thing is, placing him in Slytherin would coincide with how he presents himself and what his overall vibe exudes
His roles as a producer/lyricist for the group and as the eldest member would give off this vibe that he’s all for ambition and meeting goals (might be the reason why people would think he’s ONEUS’ leader as well)
However, for that same reason that he is the eldest member is why I think he fits well in Hufflepuff as well
The rest of the members see him as a reliable person who takes care of each member, serving some sort of father-figure to the rest of them
He makes sure to check up on each of them, he isn’t afraid to shower each of them with affection, and he pretty much serves an important role to keep them all together (which can be attributed to the friendliness and loyalty traits associated with Hufflepuffs)
But overall, I think putting Youngjo in Slytherin will show everyone that being goal-driven and ambitious will not necessarily make you a bad person, so he’s pretty much a groundbreaker as a Slytherin (just like ONEUS as a group are in the scheme of K-Wave hehe)
[Seoho] — ravenclaw
Second choice: Slytherin
I don’t think... you can question this... Especially when you know that almost everyone in ONEUS have discussed how unique Seoho’s way of interpreting everything around him is
Being unique in ideologies and methods is something notable among Ravenclaws, and the fact that he has genuine interest in learning (science in particular) is another manifestation of his being a Ravenclaw
Seoho also isn’t afraid to share what he knows too, you’ll often see him correcting the other members about scientific knowledge (and Ravenclaws are known to be the type of people who aren’t afraid to show others what they know)
In fact, Seoho likes to show off his skills and talents when he can
I feel like a lot of who he is is very grounded on the fact that he likes to learn and improve, so for me, assigning him as a Ravenclaw is very fitting
ALTHOUGH I do believe he’d fit well in Slytherin as well, not only because of his tendency to be a bit mischievous but also because he likes to think outside of the box (which could be interpreted as diversion from rules and the norm)
There are traits that can overlap with Ravenclaws and Slytherins, but I personally think he’d fit better under Ravenclaw
[Leedo] — gryffindor
Second choice: Hufflepuff
I know that by personality, Geonhak really exudes traits of a Hufflepuff
He’s kind-hearted, he loves the people around him, and he’s quite domestic as a person (a homebody, a good cook, among others)
However as demonstrated by several characters in the Harry Potter series, even if people can depict traits from various houses, assigning them to particular houses will help them flourish as individuals
I believe that Geonhak in Gryffindor would help him develop more holistically, and assigning him there would coincide with his experience as an idol
Considering how much it hurt Geonhak to have his trust betrayed, you can tell how much he valued that in his relationships with other people (which for me, is a trait that would make him a Hufflepuff)
To be able to bounce back from that experience and join RBW (and consequently ONEUS) is a gamble in itself, and would definitely take a lot of courage and bravery to do
Assigning Geonhak to Gryffindor will help him get out of his comfort zone unlike keeping him in Hufflepuff
And seeing how much he has grown as an idol for taking that leap of fate is something that I believe depicts a true Gryffindor
[Keonhee] — hufflepuff
Second choice: Ravenclaw
This sunshine boy... Everything about him screams Hufflepuff :,)
Everyone in the group will always mention how soft-hearted Keonhee is, and how he’s the type to hype everyone up and lift up everyone’s mood
Keonhee himself prides in the fact that he carries such bright energy wherever he goes
His whole aura and vibe is just so friendly and homey so it’s hard to put him somewhere else;;;
BUT... I don’t think a lot of people discuss how smart Keonhee actually is??
He’s very good at remembering important milestones, as exemplified by the way he remembers dates related to ToMoons (and the ability to memorize things is a notable trait among Ravenclaws)
He’s very attentive to details and he’s pretty witty himself
Although comparing these traits, his being a Ravenclaw for me comes secondary to his being a Hufflepuff
It would seem fitting to put him an atmosphere where you know he will not only thrive in, but in a place he’s very much accustomed to
Just like Youngjo, I think assigning him in Hufflepuff will make him a groundbreaker too (so that people don’t see Hufflepuffs as only nice people
[Hwanwoong] — slytherin
Second choice: Gryffindor
I feel like it’s also the obvious choice to put Hwanwoong in Slytherin, but Gryffindor as a second choice might be a bit farfetched
Hwanwoong himself is very determined, ambitious, and he does seem like someone to me who is very goal-oriented
He also carries confidence in what he does, which is a notable trait among Slytherins
And his role as ONEUS’ main dancer also proves how capable he is as a leader
At that point, it’s seems obvious to put him as a Slytherin, but I did hesitate at first because I personally think he would fit as a Gryffindor as well
There’s something about Hwanwoong’s demeanor that strikes me as someone who’s chivalrous, many people who have met him have mentioned that he was very nice, respectful, and polite to people around him
While traits like these are things to be expected from everyone, I just believe that Hwanwoong really carries these traits wherever he go and to whomever he interacts with
He’s also quite determined, driven, and daring but ultimately, Slytherin would fit him best in my opinion
[XION] — hufflepuff
Second choice: Ravenclaw
By nature, I don’t see Dongju as anything else aside from a Hufflepuff
He’s a natural caretaker, he nurtures everyone around him and makes sure everyone is well taken care of
I’m not saying as if Hufflepuffs have to be friendly and very nurturing to be considered as one, but I want to connect it to how Hufflepuffs are known to be people who value loyalty and inclusivity
Everyone in WeUs can attest to the fact that Dongju has been naturally supportive and caring of everyone, and that’s probably the most conclusive evidence of assigning him to Hufflepuff
He’s also modest and humble, he admits that he’d rather take fewer lines in songs because he isn’t confident about his skills yet
But what made me believe that he could be in Ravenclaw as well is the fact that he’s very attentive to details (just like Keonhee to be honest)
He also depicts the willingness to learn about things around him, and if you keep up with his vlives, he offers very wise advice for someone his age
However, his traits as a Hufflepuff overpower all that, and putting him here will probably make him shine better as an individual
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linkspooky · 5 years
The New Strongest Duo
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The recent flashback arc not only shows us Getou’s fall from a jujutsu sorcerer to an extremist who allies himself with curses, it also foreshadows future events and sets up Itadori and Maegumi as foils to Gojou and Getou. Itadori and Megumi are two sorcerers who are set up as successors to the previous “strongest duo” and therefore this generation’s “strongest duo.” 
Itadori is a parallel to Gojou, and Megumi a parallel to Getou, and not only do they share several things in common with the previous generation they are foreshadowed to come into conflict as well. MORE UNDER THE CUT.
1. Gojou and Itadori
Gojou and Itadori are characters who are colored primarily in white. They fight physically themselves, using their acrobatics, and fists which they buffer with their individual curse powers. They are both charactres who crave, and rely on raw power to achieve what they want. Gojou is a shaman of unparalleled strength, while Itadori is a shaman of unparalleled potential due to absorbing Sukuna’s power. It’s even implied that once Sukuna gets further imprinted on his soul, he’ll be able to learn and use Sukuna’s sorcery as well. 
This line also repeats twice in relation to Gojou and Itadori. Sukuna says it within Itadori’s body, and then Gojou repeats it when he figures out the infinity. 
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Throughout the heavens and earth, I alone am the honored one. 
The line is connected to budhism as it was uttered by Shakyumuni Budha soon after he was born. The statement itself is not actually meant to be a boast, but rather reveals the true value of human life and reveals the dignity of true human nature. It’s a line of reflection, humans have the ability to develop themsevles and become the best possible human beings between heaven and earth. They must have the courage to arouse themselves and become the best possible beings between heaven and earth. 
Which is the primary goal for both Gojou and Itadori. They both want to become the absolute strongest human being, and live as the absolute best versions of themselves. Itadori’s admiration for Gojou even stems from this fact. 
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Itadori has been depicted as imitating Gojou’s pose several times. 
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His ambition is also to become the strongest and be on Gojou’s level. 
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Both Gojou and Itadori are highly individualistic characters. Their objective is directed at the world around them, Gojou wants to replace the corrupt Jujutsu hierarchy with students he raised himself, and Itadori wants to save as many people as possible before he dies. They both take on these goals that are larger than themselves, while at the same tie it’s their first instinct to want to accomplish everything with individual power alone.
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The biggest weakness of each character being that it’s not enough for them to be strong on their own. They inevitably always have to rely on other people, and fail to save the ones they want to save when they are fighting on their own. We see Gojou and Itadori fail to save people again and again, and when they fail they get downright murderously angry. 
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They are incredibly individualistic people, when they fail to save someone it’s a personal offense against them. Gojou and Itadori are both, beyond their good natured joking around deeply emotional people and those emotions can quickly turn into anger. Gojou himself is already deeply angry at the world around him, and Itadori is quickly getting there. 
They can both be seen as selfish people who are fighting entirely for their own reasons. Itadori’s save everyone is an attmempt to give meaning to his inevitable death as shown in the fact that he is constantly trying to throw his life away. 
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This is just speculation on my part but it’s likely that Gojou’s quest to reform the sorcery world from the inside was because of Getou’s defection, and his inability to save his closest friend. 
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Their selfishness is however not necessarily a bad thing, because it’s also what drives them to always be doing their best for others.
2.  Getou and Megumi
Getou and Megumi both fight by puppeteering servants rather than directly engaging in combat themselves. Getou uses curses that he brings under his control, and Megumi uses Shikigami that emerge from his shadow. They are also both characters who are team players, rather than being individualistic like Gojou and Itadori. They are colored primarily in black, and tend to be far more considerate of others, and coolheaded. 
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Getou and Megumi actually tend to get deeply invested in people. They love individuals rather than trying to save everyone the same way that Gojou and Itadori too. They are so deeply invested that they put parts of themselves in other people, and losing them or failing to save them is like losing a limb. Gojou and Itadori get angry at the loss of a friend, whereas Getou and Megumi feel entirely empty. 
To explain the difference it’s like Gojou and Itadori will want to save a stranger, but they don’t necessarily know that person, or even see them as a friend they would hang out with. Getou and Megumi get deeply invested in individuals and care about them as individual people, and understand their suffering much more. Which is why they both develop an acute misanthropy and distance themselves from others beucase the loss of those people is something that destroys them. Gojou and Itadori are both emotional characters, but they also primary operate on their own emotions. Getou and Megumi are highly sensitive to the feelings of other people. It’s the fact that they sympathize so much with others that drives them to ruin.
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Getou and Megumi are both characters who have decided they can only save the people they want to save, because they care too much and the task of saving everyone would completely overwhelm them. Megumi does this by being harshly judgemental towards who deserves to be saved and who does not, and Getou does this on a much grander scale by classifying who lives and who dies by their potential for jujutsu sorcery. 
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Getou and Megumi both see the world as something that is deeply unfair, and resent it for the way it makes individual people suffer. Especially because they are so deeply invested in saving individuals. 
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Neither of them are interested in the idea of being heroes, but they also long for a much better world which pushes them further and further into radicalism. Getou and Megumi are characters who claim to be selfish, but are actually much more selfless because their primary driving reason is other people and not their own emotions. Which is why their own emotions end up becoming so trampled on and damaged. 
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Their motivations are projected outwards, they expect the world to be fair and kind and when it isn’t they are broken by it. Getou’s disillusionment came from the fact that he failed to save a girl who was meant to be a sacrifice all of her life by the Jujutsu system, and then witnessed a crowd of people applauding her death. He felt like he was supporting an unfair system, rather than saving the people he wants to save. 
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Getou and Megumi always think about others first. They sacrifice themselves over and over again, because they are thinking about othrs primarily, and the end result is that they may die on their own. 
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Whereas Yuji and Gojou are people who always working for their individual goals and improving themselves first, always thinking of themselves first. 
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3. Repeating the Past Conflict
Ideally, just like Getou and Gojou once balanced each other out Megumi and Itadori work well together. Itadori is focused on saving everyone while from the start of the manga, Megumi has always tried to save Itadori individually, again and again trying to take care of him in ways that he cannot take care of himself.
However, it has been foreshadowed several times than an eventual conflict will take place between these two after they become the strongest duo. The only reason Sukuna cooperates with Itadori is because he sees something in Megumi that Megumi himself does not see and because of that wants to play around with it, and whatever Sukuna senses and finds fun cannot possiby be good. 
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Megumi is referred to as a “landmind” among the students that Sukuna has taken an interest in.” 
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Since then there also have been several signs of both Megumi’s potential, and also the fact that he is on a different wavelength from Itadori. It shows up in the cover art several times as he tends to always get more ominous depictions on the cover. 
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Megumi is even shown directly contradicting his sister’s wishes to never want to curse anyone. When people deny his help, and he is unable to do anything, you see him quickly slipping in the same manner that Getou does. 
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He’s also shown to be physically unstable when using his powers. There’s a part of him holding something back and when he pushes himself to his absolute limit he begins to break down mentally. The pressure he puts on himself is tremendous. 
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As if his normal restrained personality is just repressing all of these terrible instincts, and when he lets them out he becomes capable of absolutely destroying his opponent in front of him. Megumi himself also, wants desperately to reach the level of power that Sukuna sees in him even though nothing good could possibly come from something that Sukuna finds fun. 
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Which is why despite how close they are, Megumi and Itadori are fundamentally on the right page. Despite how they have complementary ideologies they cannot reconcile those two ideologies into one. 
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They are even to the point where both are individually keeping secrets from the other now. Their inability to talk to one another is a sign of eventually breaking apart. 
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Setting up this plot point of Megumi and Itadori both already knowing the information they are trying to keep secret from the other has no purpose other than to show that they are not communicating, and hiding secrets from one another and not trusting the other to know is the first step of a relationship breaking down. 
Megumi and Itadori are both characters depicted with hands around their necks, and a heavy future awaiting them, hopefully after their enventual conflict they will be able to reconcile their opposing beliefs and work together in a way that Getou and Gojou never could. Because right now, without Getou Gojou is incomplete, and without Gojou Getou is incomplete. These “strongest duos” need each other.
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trad-masculine · 3 years
Men Look For Meaningful, Lasting Relationships Too!
But it can be a challenge to find all the pieces that make a relationship work for yourself, as a man.
Three aspects stand out when considering a girl as a long term partner; sexuality, romance & relationship potential. Sexuality is physical hotness, intercourse, compatibility & sexual flirting; turn on. Romance is dynamic & interpersonal play, social compatibility, aesthetic &or affect, emotional congruence & shared flow. Relationship potential, relationship potential is hard, hard to conceptualize & communicate.
Maybe it's usefully considered as gender role, this is intuitively sensical. Is she a good counter balance to you in your personal life & goals? For myself, as example, I would value a socialite who can draw me out of my reclusive tendencies & help me to be out connecting & networking. Also someone with intuition & enjoyment of organizing, as this is certainly my biggest inharent weakness, in terms of motivation & personality. Finally someone who is aesthetical intrigued & engaged in their thought. Aesthetic affect & the ability to engage & follow me in conversation with interest, especially imaginatively. Said another way, I crave a life shared with a fellow romantic soul.
One direct compatibility need, two asymmetrical compatibility needs in opposition to my inhareted nature towards ethics I value but struggle with. Having a sense of big 5/10 personality model & of what you want in life gives a very good lens of analysis for what will work in a life partner.
Also included in gender role is knowledge base, back when division of labor was central, this was an easier to approach problem. With our shared classroom & teaching of subjects in a nearly completely ungendered way this is a harder value to seek. I might search for Cultural knowledge different from my own; religion, politics, homeland, first language, all give a significantly different perspective & base of knowledge. Ego fighting over differences aside, this is the best compromise easily available.
(The ultimate for me is to have some aspects of these, but with a girl who from an early age had a clear sense of her interests & the freedom to purse them. An intellectually compelled but domestically oriented girl, daydreaming of the Housewife life, but with a quick wit, & broad curiosity.)
Compatiblity & divergence of interest, motivation, & skills.
The final component that comes to mind within the concept of relationship potential is lifestyle goals. I live a somewhat intrepid & oscillating life, sudden changes & unexpected turns. I'm not on any normal life track, living anything most people could readily imagine. However, for many the; 'start a career, settle down, start a family' track is the plan, & so this is the lifestyle expected. For others it's 'move to the country, or live in the country, settle down, family track.'
I doubt settle down is a coherent strategy for me, but I still have a strong desire for family. I need someone with the flexibility & intrepidness of spirit to stick through with me in the wild twists & turns, but who is grounded enough to find opportunity for family & children in the midst of the storms, I'm in a sense, chasing.
This does a pretty good job of depicting a view point of what is prospected for by men, specifically & especially when seeking long term partnership. I'm pretty confident I know what I want & why I want it. The structure is there, I terms that I think other guys will & do follow with some intuitive sense. Much of this is detail oriented on my end, it's not a generic model of what men are looking for, when looking for long term partnership, (nor what counts as partnership turn offs, &or red flags.)
Here's a bit more of a generalized approach. Play with his strengths & weaknesses to awaken him & improve him, toward his own goals & dreams. Dance his dance with him, to his lead perhaps, but guide him away from his faults, without harming the dance by causing a stumble from them.
Translating any of this into a profile, or social media or whatever specific instance is a bit of a trick, but try this. Offer sexuality, offer romance, offer partnership.
Better, offer your sexuality how you want it to be taken, offer your romance how you wanted to be played, offer your partnership as you want it to be matched & met.
It takes sexuality to draw him in, romance to win him over, but partnership to keep him holding you tight & close by his side. Figure out what he needs in partnership, build him up there & offer up yourself, be his support.
I hope this is a helpful take & lens & even bit of advice. (don't take that too over serious, I'm not sure I can give perfect advice, but I am trying to give helpful suggestions. I see the struggle with what I think is some clarity from both sides.)
To everyone best luck finding love, relationship & happiness!
🌳♂️ Masculine Way of Life!🧔🥊
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thehumanobservation · 3 years
Seems like Humans are the problem
T.S. Eliot loves to talk about huminites alienation.
Let us be honest with ourselves; we have all felt that moment where we just feel like we are the only ones in this universe.
However, T.S. Eliot loves the concept of alienation and the sense of being alone that, when reading through his selected poem of the anthology, I could not help but think and feel like being alone. J. Alfred Prufrock, A Games of Chess and Burnt Norton all highlight a sense of isolation in a world that is grandeur and alive.
Reading Eliot's poems during 2020 is haunting as the recent global pandemic event has put all of us under lockdown. We suddenly felt alienated because we have all lost our lives basic need, which is human contact, only to replace it with technology.
The theme of alienation is very dominant in The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, where the speaker J. Alfred Prufrock highlights society's alienating people, whether that be due to differences, education and appearance; society will permanently alienate someone for their differences. It then leads the person to question themselves, just like how Prufrock questions his ability to talk to this woman he feels passionate about but yet repeats himself, "Do I dare? and Do I dare?".
The Love Song of Alfred Prufrock eerily reflects in the society we all live in, especially in a digital world where now days having a brand to your name is a verification of who you are. Although the poem's era is in the 1920s, the concept of societal alienation is fundamental as representing who you are determines everything from social status, wealth, and how you are seen in society. However, as we live in a digital age, that has changed everything because of social media and the easy projection of brands and virtual connection. It put us in a position to lead lifestyles that could be fabricated and very isolated.
Yes, I know we all keep hearing how social media is bad for us and how it has damaged our society but let us not forget they are hard facts and evidence out there if why such point even exists. Eliot's point, as I said, is very haunting because, in his view, modernism shows a “disintegration of life and mental stability” and as we are keeping hearing, that is how social media is damaging our society.
With T.S. Eliot other poems, A Game of Chess and Burton Norton, similar themes are discussed about alienation and modernism problems.
A Game of Chess explores humanity's disconnection by having a dark undertone of how we live in a modern world. First of all, this poem's setting is ambiguous, but it is lavish as “the chair she sat in, like a burnished thorn.” So, is the woman in this poem a queen? We will never know because does the woman know herself if she is the queen. The line “withered stumps of time” shows how humans are disconnected. We use a medieval concept of kings and queens and apply it to our everyday lives where everyone wants to be treated like they part of the royal society, which alienates us from reality.  
Similarly, Burnt Norton explores alienation themes by using phrases like “Internal darkness, deprivation and destruction of all properties” Eliot again show how the modern world is doomed. The difference with this poem is the use of past, present and future all coexist and how humans have repeated the sins of the past, bringing it to the present and will continue it to the future (“on its metalled ways of time past and time future”). Relate this to A Game of Chess, and you can see why the use of iambic pentameter starts to lose its rhythm because as time progresses, the structure changes, making it unstable.  
What does the future mean for humans and technology? Krapp’s Last Tape has one perspective
You must have read this title and must have thought, “hmm, what does the future mean for humans and technology?” Humans and technology have had a harmonious relationship throughout the ages where technology has benefitted our species is progressing throughout the world.
However, Krapp's Last tape would say otherwise. It depicts a decrepit old Krapp at his “den” with a “tape recorder, microphone and a number of cardboard boxes containing reels of recorded tapes.”  That does sound very bleak, but it is meant to sound like that because it shows the over-reliance on technology as we progress more into the future. Technology has been used for good like prosthesis, telecommunications, television, the internet, and other things. However, it does raise a question of how much of ourselves are we going to give to technology? Are we willing to let technology replace us? These sort of questions we have to ask ourselves as the future nears.
The tape recorder in Krapp’s Last Tape may seem like an ordinary device at first. Still, it symbolises a much deeper meaning as Beckett points out in the ending stage direction, “Krapp motionless before him. The tape runs on in silence”. The tape is personified; it symbolises a grandeur “being” of immortality, whereas Krapp is just a fragile old man running on his last leg until he is nothing but bones.
Every year there is a new release of technologies that changes everything. Apple, for example, changes the technological landscape with its latest iPhone, iPad and MacBook every year. Thus, it puts this pressure on everyone to buy the newest product because it is so cutting edge even though it is only a slight improvement from the previous model. As humans, we are like guinea pigs to experiment. Look at the other technologies we have, Amazon Alexa, to remind us of appointments, dates, or even just to have a chat.
Now the tape recorder that Krapp has is just a device that stores audio recordings; it may seem harmless and beneficial but look at it this way. Krapp has a collection of his audio recording that he needs to clinch to his memories. It is for him to relive the past, and that is the troubling thing because, as humans, we are wired and programmed to relive memories through a mental image. If we remove that via an audio recording and even pictures, we release our mind's valuable asset.
It is daunting that we live in an age where we are comfortable with having our data like shopping, searches or what we even ordered on Uber Eats sorted and shared across the digital world; it makes me wonder about our privacy and how much is it valued?  It does question that social media has made it easy for us to share our pictures and have them stored there forever for everyone to see and yet to be analysed beyond its initial reason.
Nevertheless, technology will forever shape our future for good or bad reasons, but our ambition will determine our morality and our existence in that future. What will that future look like when we rely on Artificial Intelligence to meet our human needs? If science fiction has told us anything is those good intentions can be lead us astray.
 Do we have a God complex? Or are we just morally driven to a path of ill ambition?
Have you just sat there and thought, “I wonder what it will be like to create a new being?”.  If you have not, then you are not as crazy as Victor Frankenstein. If you have, then you might be as mad as Frankenstein but not as quiet.
Mary Shelly classic Frankenstein is widely known throughout pop culture and the world to the point where every monster and science fiction tale will have an underlying message and recreation of a human creating a grotesque creature. Still, it is not hard to see why it has been recreated so many times.
Human morality is often debated a lot, especially within the scientific community, because how far are we willing to play God? What is God? Moreover, who is ready to stop us? These sorts of questions are constantly asked within our species as we continue to evolve.
“whose future lot it was in their hands to direct to happiness or misery.” What does this mean to you? To Victor, it is an idea that your parents essentially play God from the moment you are born. Like God, the concept of nurture, care, and help you direct to your future, whether happy or sad, is your parents who do it.
It may seem a little far-fetched, but there is a point to this as when we have children, we want the best for them, like how God does the best for us; however, most of us believe
God is sin-free; he can do no wrong as God is above all beings, so whom do we blame for all the trouble we suffer. We condemn the devil.
So, who are we to even think this? After all, we as species are relatively new, only being 250,000 years old,but the advances we have made are astronomical; from creating languages to art and making substantial scientific discoveries, we have evolved quicker than other species lived. Nevertheless, the one thing we have not been able to do is to create a sentient being.
Has that ever stopped us? No, it never has because our race is built on the fundamentals of finding a purpose within this universe. We always ask ourselves the question of are we alone in this universe? If not, then what other beings are out there and are they more advance than us?
What Frankenstein teaches us that we are scared to be alone, so to eradicate that loneliness, we fantasies and makeup beings that will perfect us. However, in some cases, perfection is also our monster, like Victor’s monster, which leads to neglection, alienation, and judgment.  
Let us be honest; humans do not have an outstanding record of celebrating differences. Our history book is full of events that show us how we despise differences, like slavery and the abomination against Black people, the Jewish Holocaust, Islamophobia. Moments we question humanity, and yet in all of these events, the superior majority is always against the minorities and in my view, that is a God complex.
The idea of humans creating a new life that is intelligent and sentient juxtaposes us. They could be a very high possibility that society will reject a new species that we have created because it is not human. If we cannot accept the differences within our race, how will we accept a new race? We will just reject it like the monster or, even worse, kill it, but even then, we are ideally and morally happy to do that and given our track record with animal extinction.
However, on the other hand, we live in a time where acceptance is becoming more and more viable, especially with everyone difference, so unlike rejecting the monster, we come and love it, but that does bring a problem of how accepting are we willing to be? We are human, after all, and we do not operate in a black and white world; our nature and intention will always put us in this grey area, and that is the area were we initially show our true morality and ambitions.
As technology advances and genetic engineering becomes a reality, we have to think about our intentions and our willingness to act like God when it comes to a new life. Are we ready to use gene therapy to eradicate diseases before birth, and if so, what impact will that have on the human race and its longevity? As Robert Sparrow points out, “Just because we have the capabilities to perform enhancements, it does not mean we need to perform it.”
Charles Dicken’s Tale of Two Cities is very much a reality
Charles Dickens is famously renowned for speaking out against a society catered towards the rich and leaves its poor in debt. After all, his famous books Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol show the people's inequality during Victorian England, but those books were optimistic; they had a happy ending.
On the hand, a Tale of Two Cities does not have a happy undertone, and in my opinion, it does show the grim reality of how we have created a world that favours the few and neglects the people.
Look at the mills that have survived; mills symbolise a strong workforce, productivity, capitalism a well-established economy. They also represent class distinction, poor working condition, and fear. It clearly says in the book, “samples of people who had undergone a terrible grinding and regrinding in the mills”. Less fortunate people had to experience, and no matter if this was in England and France, the message was the same, humans are expendable, and the poorer you are, the less value you will have to your name. Sadly, that is true to this day, where wealth inequality just grows further.
Let me just throw some numbers out there for you. In England, at the end of the 2020 financial year, the wealth inequality grew to a point where the income of the top 20% grew six times more than the most deficient 20%, and the top 10% had an income stream that was 50% greater than the poorest 10%.
That is shocking, but what is more surprising is that this all happened during a global pandemic that resulted in many people losing their jobs. This is to be expected because of how our society has been structured, and figures like Dickens challenged this economic structure, so are we and will continue to do so.
Dickens novel also points out the force of the people as they make the majority of the nation is solid and to be frightened about as “urging one another, and themselves to madness, with the wildest cries and action.”
Events throughout 2020, like the Black Lives Matter to the Indian Farmer protest, is a perfect illustration of movements reforming and challenging society. Dickens' novel mirrors this that no matter where in time and what era, society will always be dysfunctional due to the few exploiting the rest.
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rodjelly56 · 3 years
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rootfauna · 5 years
Loss of the chance of life
A while ago I found out my grandmother was one of the many native american women who were forcibly sterilized. I wrote this article.
In 1972 Janet Clifton, an Osage woman, walked into the IHS in Clairemore, Oklahoma. For years she had been having severe pelvic cramps and they had become too much to bear. She was put in a gown and lead to a room in which sat the dreaded stirruped chair many women have despised since it’s invention. The anxiety is understandable even in modern times when women’s healthcare is arguably the most advanced it’s ever been. It’s frightening, then, to imagine approaching that chair in the 60’s and 70’s, when modern women’s healthcare was in it’s infancy, and for a Native American woman, it could be absolutely terrifying.
When Janet signed in to the clinic, she’d been asked the usual questions, one of which was ‘are you married’, which she was, and was asked if she had any children, which she did. Three to be exact. She was only twenty-five and all her children were born just under three years, so it is no surprise that when she was asked if she was religious she replied that she was Catholic. Christianity and native Americans have a strange relationship. The religion was used to justify atrocities done to us too numerous not only for this paper, but for anyone to ever list. Arguably it’s greatest crime was to mold itself into a cardboard beacon, offering native Americans sanctuary from it’s own ugliness. For centuries Native American men made the decision to convert for the rest of the family. The rules of life changed for them, but it’s unclear if they realized the changes it meant for their wives. Their roles in many nations were reduced, as was their agency over their bodies. Contraceptives in their earliest days were known throughout the world, including the Americas, yet now they were forbidden. As ridiculous and ineffective as they could be, they at least offered the illusion of body autonomy, mostly for women.
When Janet went to the IHS the Women’s Health Movement (WHM) had only recently begun, along with second wave feminism. It spoke loftily and justly about abortion rights and about changing the traditional maternity ward practices into more family oriented ones, with the fathers allowed in the delivery room. There was a resurgence of midwifery. However, these improvements did not scratch the blood soaked surface of Native American health care. As Janet lay in the chair, three white doctors entered the room. The Indian Clinic did not have any native doctors, so doctors were driven in from nearby Tulsa Oklahoma, thus continuing the tradition of white doctors working with an exclusively non-white clientele. “I felt like I was being experimented on,” she would later say. She would be in good company. A Google search of “experiments on native women” will instantly bring up several articles about the forced sterilization of Native American women, and many give examples of experimental procedures that were performed in front of many doctors under the guise of research. Janet, who only wanted treatment for what we now know as polycystic ovary syndrome, never knew she would join their ranks. “One of the doctors told me that they were going to burn the cysts off. The procedure was never really explained to me and it was probably a combination of me being a woman and being Native American. They thought I was too dumb to understand anyway.” Had she known more on the subject she might have thought he was referring to a ovarian wedge resection, a common treatment at the time. It involves opening the patient up in an operating theater and exposing the ovaries. The cysts are then carefully removed with a cauterization tool not only keep the cyst from bursting, but to ensure the ovary heals properly. Instead of doing this, Janet and her doctors remained in the exam room where he gave her a local anesthetic, inserted a cauterizing into her vaginally, and performed what was most likely a tubal litigation. This is the most common form of female sterilization and only severs the fallopian tubes. My grandmother’s painful ovaries would remain untouched and untreated.  
“I remember smelling something burning,” recalled Janet, “I looked down and saw smoke.”She was sent home directly after the procedure, unaware of what had actually happened to her and uninformed of the possible side effects. There was pain, of course, and in a candid moment she also confessed that she was never able to feel sexual pleasure with her husband again. Worst of all, because there had been no attempt to treat the cysts, and the pain that started the entire ordeal returned within weeks.
Pain seems to be woven into the fabric of every Native American woman’s life and this has not gone unnoticed artists, native and non-native alike. When native women are not posing nude on a biker’s bicep, we are huddled into blankets, riding our horses, our backs bent and heads hung low. Sometimes we stand on hills, gazing at nothing with blank faces and sometimes we kneel by our tipis and look at the ground. Though the past few decades have brought forward more animated depictions of Native American women, my grandmother’s house was filled with the old fashioned kind. As a child, I thought they were pretty, if boring. I never perceived any greater meaning than a woman simply looking down. Maybe she was watching a bug. As a child I was also blissfully unaware of the majority of the atrocities faced by our people and what I did know, I largely new in name only. It wasn’t until I grew older that I’d look at these paintings and think ‘huh, she actually looks kinda sad’. Now I look at these paintings and think ‘she looks utterly defeated’. Knowing what really happened to us makes me notice details I never had before, like how so many of them have textbook thousand yard stares while portraits of chiefs and warriors in the same stye still seem to have fire in their eyes. The men are also more likely to be depicted upright, whether standing or on horseback, still tall in some way or another. The woman have deflated. We slump over our horse’s necks, we kneel, we sit. It seems as though these women have accepted that pain is just something they must endure silently and with dignity, whatever the source. My grandmother is not like these women, so when the pain that had sent her to the doctor in the first place returned, so did she.
The doctors made little effort with pretense this time - she would have a hysterectomy and that was that. At this point there was no reason to try and treat her as Janet could no longer have children, and in the end her hysterectomy would succeed in ridding her of her pain. Why then does it seem to hold so much more significance? European invaders managed to erase many aspects of various indigenous cultures, but some roots run too deep to be completely torn out and in so many of our cultures it was the female ability bring forth life that created the world. The association with women and new life was so strong that even in some nations it was observed that women sewed the seeds for the new crops and tended to them, but it was the men who reaped them. Their reasoning was that women brought life, and men took it. Some Lakota Sioux would not acknowledge a girl’s transition to womanhood until she has had a child. This doesn’t mean that a woman’s only value was her ability to have children and in many nations women held high political power, were religious leaders, and even warriors. Still, it is virtually impossible to completely separate a woman’s potential reproductive capabilities and how she was viewed in societies that place more value on the concept of new life, birth, or rebirth. So many Native American nations fell into this category, and on some level or another, a woman’s womb was sacred. In 1972, at age 25, my grandmother’s was ripped from her body.
From an outsiders perspective, it seems as though these sterilized women have become those broken women from the paintings. In doing research for this paper, I found very little. The ambiguity is unsettling. Is the near total absence of initial medical documentation a result of apathy towards Native American health, or an intentional coverup? Did the women affected not speak out about this at the time because of the taboo around reproductive systems? Was it shame, or a feeling that no one would listen anyway? I have to wonder, too, how many woman are like my grandmother who only now realizes what was done to her. Whitehorse also did not realize what happened to her until later. “I was trying to have more babies, but was having trouble getting pregnant, so I went to the IHS clinic. That’s when they told me about what they did to me,” She said. She had been sterilized during a previous surgery.“I was in so much pain when I went in for the appendectomy; they gave me a bunch of papers to sign. They never explained anything to me; I had no idea I was giving them permission to sterilize me.” she said. It wasn’t only abdominal pain that allowed doctors to trick women into sterilization. One of the more famous cases of sterilization involved two girls, both under fifteen years old, who were sterilized during surgery to remove their tonsils. It’s been estimated that between 1960 and 1970, for every seven native babies born, one woman was sterilized, culminating in roughly 25% of the potentially fertile female population. Even this was not enough of an attack on the Native American woman. Native American boarding schools, run by the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) where still common in that era. A 1971 census stated that approximately 35,000 Native American children lived in boarding schools rather than at home. In these schools, children were stripped of their language, their culture, their religion, their names, and often, their sanity. Abuse was rampant and the chances of escape were bleak. While non-native children were begging for bell bottoms and watching t.v, two native boys fled, only to freeze to death in their attempt to return home. Suicide rates amongst teenage boarders could reach as high as one hundred times the national average. The rest of the nation, if it noticed, soon turned away and continued to focus on disco. Native mothers could do little to stop the abuse of their children, but a growing number were being offered a choice. If they agreed to be sterilized, their existing children might be allowed to stay with them. It can’t be said if it was in defeat or defiance that a mother made her choice, whichever it was. It would a lie to say that no woman was defeated, and sat slumped over a bottle of whiskey rather than a horse.
However, when my grandmother was wheeled into the recovery bay, she discovered that she was not the only woman who refused stoop down and be silent, though she did not yet know what bond she shared with these women. They were a small group, all in various stages of recovery. They smiled and chatted if and when they could, and because the nurses were about as helpful as a match under water, they tended to each other. The women adjusted each others hospital beds by hand, fetched each other glasses of water and just as importantly, they kept each other in good spirits. Decades later, Janet will still smile and laugh when she remembers a woman that was truly fed up with the barely edible hospital food. “You guys want some pizza?” The woman had asked, and then she got up and climbed out the window. A while later she returned the same way, pizza in hand. They might have been neglected and in pain, but in that moment they were normal women diving into a pizza and giddy with their own mischief. It seems like such a small gesture, valuable in that it’s a light hearted tidbit from an otherwise tragic story, but it is so much more than that. Expand the perspective and you’ll find it’s really the story of how a Native American woman was had her reproductive organs seared into oblivion against her will by white doctors, was neglected by nurses in a recovery room filled with strangers, and this woman still had the strength and spark to climb out a window and return with pizza to share with her sisters. Our solidarity is our fortitude. Native women have an incredible ability to come together and to accomplish incredible things. One of they key elements that allows us to do this is our ability to communicate with each other, and despite what modern white hippies may think, we can’t do that with telepathy and talking animals. I would not have been able to tell my grandmother’s story without calling her and having several lengthy phone calls. This chapter of our history is in danger of being forgotten. It’s imperative we learn as much as we can, but that is not enough. It’s through communication that bond over our people’s losses and triumphs and encourage others to learn along with us. If I am to end this essay with one request, it is that when you read this chapter of our history, please read it out loud.
—- This essay is dedicate to Janet Stork, I cannot give enough thanks to my grandmother for letting me interview her. Rather than mourn her loss, she seemed happy throughout every conversation, as if she was glad that someone wanted to hear what she had to say. This is such a sensitive topic, one that would make many young students here cringe and shy away from, but my grandmother made every conversation a comfortable one. No question was off limits, there was no withholding of details. I feel so lucky to have a grandmother like her, and I’m amazed that it’s through her strength I exist today.
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