#since starting my meds
wigglebox · 1 month
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[go answer him!]
not to fully go all tinhat CONTINUATION on main [even tho i don't think it qualifies as tinhatting since literally the whole cast is basically shouting in our faces that it's happening at some point]
if anyone in this fandom has more experience as a screenwriter pls weigh in because i haven't needed to care about it in about a decade BUT i remember when i took a spec writing class [scripts you write to basically audition to be on a writing staff] i remember being told to watch episodes of said show that you think "set the mood, tone, and depth of the show" like literally my teacher told me that.
idk why he's so adamant on only SIX and ideally, any spec writer should watch as many as they can so idk if he's really asking "for a friend" or if he's asking for a studio exec or if he's asking for writers he's interested in to watch these episodes and then write a spec script but --
i don't think this is just... "oh my friend wants to watch SPN" because why is the number so specific and usually you just show your friend the series from the beginning, not jump around, you know?
What are you cooking, benlund?
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puppyeared · 3 months
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i like him
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whenlifedaydreams · 8 months
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A spy... An assassin... this is so exciting!!
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moeblob · 2 months
Hello, can i have a modern sylvain pls??? PS: i love how you draw scrimblos
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Finally another Wheel Spin and thankfully modern equals I get to draw someone with fish somewhere on their outfit. (Overlay layer my friend how I missed you)
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kirby-the-gorb · 6 months
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noe-clara69 · 19 days
Could possibly be working on an aftg gender swap fic (aftg where everything is the same except Neil and the twinyards are girls)
Anyways, having difficulty figuring out what Neil’s name should be
Lmk if you have more ideas and I’ll make a new poll
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thikshapeshiftr · 2 months
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brain medicine side effects
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
song: Heaven by PVRIS (youtube)
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ringneckedpheasant · 4 months
called in sick for tomorrow which gives me an extra ≈2 hours to do homework tonight & ≈5 more tomorrow… might actually have a breakdown if I can’t get this algebra hw in on time
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undefeatablesin · 8 months
You know what? Fuck you. *Bloodbornes your Pinnochio again*
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wojtekaneko · 8 days
Hhhhhh I miss drawing characters!!!! I just wanna draw little guys from my fav shows!!!! Pain and suffering.
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detentiontrack · 1 month
NGL it’s kind of pathetic that you always post about “being brave” when you’re doing mediocre tasks. your an adult. act like one.
I have an anxiety disorder and PTSD, which makes “mediocre” tasks more difficult for me than the average person. Even leaving the house and driving to places causes me a lot of nervousness and anxiety. I AM being brave by getting out of bed and challenging my anxious thoughts every day. You seem to think that everything is easy, but not everyone has that experience.
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milflewis · 8 months
i get to hold a baby tomorrow. taps the mic. hello is this thing on i get to hold a baby tomorrow are you hearing me i get to
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corporatepridez · 1 month
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Writing essays is like this for me now finals fucking beat my ass with the amount of emails i got being like 'hey whats going on :D you have some excellent ideas but we are unsure what you are trying to say' it makes me want to get unmedicated but ik emotionally i need to be stable more than coherent rn
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pa-pa-plasma · 7 months
i think i'm gonna learn how to draw (<- is an artist)
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heartshattering · 1 month
5 AM
Just me and my overactive mind facing the nighttime again 🙃
#hopefully the meds work but while waiting for them to kick in I get so damn nervous#and sometimes I do get nights where even on my full dose my anxiety is too overpowering and I just. Do Not Sleep#I mean I do eventually but not without spiraling first :')#way before I was prescribed sleep meds my longest was 3 nights without sleep while on a VERY stressful trip#I felt like I was gonna die and I did not sleep until I got off the plane and was back at home#(this was like 15 years ago already but it still haunts me fhfgsgdh)#my best friend and I were having a conversation today#and she was like 'not sleeping can make you hallucinate right?'#and I was like :') I get the hallucinations in other scenarios too#BUT I also get what she meant#not sleeping is really bad for me mentally which is why I can't do 'sleep restriction therapy'#and fun fact#a lot of my OCD obsessions revolve around sleep!!!#which is 'awesome' because laying in bed with insomnia makes my OCD flare up so like#the two get to feed off each other and make my life a living hell!!!#and don't even get me started on my sleep paralysis episodes#(which I like to think of as just my brain misfiring but that my aunt tells me is saints or demons trying to talk to me)#'cause she hallucinates too but hers are like 'spiritual' or whatever#same with my mom's hallucinations as well#and to add fuel to the dumpster fire of my mind and body is the fact I've been overcaffeinating again#which I've known not to do ever since I was in middle school and saw the pediatric cardiologist who specifically said 'hey don't do that'#fast-forward to adulthood and I still haven't learned how to handle anything#like. I have heart meds and sleep meds and migraine meds and IBS meds#and yes meds are good but like. I know you need to incorporate lifestyle changes as well#which I do for like 2 weeks until the next time I fuck up#I've been so irresponsible lately but like. ESPECIALLY today#didn't eat#took some meds on an empty stomach and forgot to take my other ones at all#had too much caffeine#stressed out over some stupid situations thanks to overthinking
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