#i think it could use another egg but i dont know if i'll get away with it lsdkjfklds
dira333 · 3 days
dira my darling!
can i request a fluffy plotbunny with bakugo? something with casual dominance, bc i would love to have someone boss me around. like,, he says sit and im sat? Im very bossy/pushy overall so a bf that's casually dominant and who i dont have to think around or help lead like i do everything else would be a dream come true xD
thank you for being so kind as to share your amazing pieces with us!!!!
*Pretending I have the time to write by eating my lunch in front of the computer* It's called Multi-Tasking
Also, I've had a hard time with this prompt because it feels like it's skirting along the line of suggestiveness, or is that just me being weird?
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Going back in time...
"Stay," a voice whispers as you get up, warm lips pressed against the shell of your ear. "I'll get your drink."
"If only you'd listen to someone else like that," your best friend scoffs the moment you're seated again.
"Hah?" You ask, hackles rising.
"You know exactly what I'm referring to," Mina scoffs yet again, staring you down. Or at least, she's trying.
Your best friend of almost twenty years might just be as bossy as you are, but that doesn't mean you bow to her whims. Like she'd do it for you...
"What are we talking about?" Kirishima leans in, propping his head on his girlfriend's shoulder.
"How my best friend in the world does not listen to me." Mina points one pointy nail at you. "Especially considering I'm the one planning her surprise party."
"Please," you scoff, "like it could have been a surprise. You could never keep a secret from me. I'm just taking care of it."
"Bakugo!" Mina calls for the kitchen where your fiancé went seconds ago to get you another drink. "Help me here! Your fiancée's still trying to weasel her way into planning her own surprise party."
"Like hell, I'm helping you," Bakugo scoffs, looking down his nose at her. "And if my Baby doesn't trust your taste, I fully trust hers." He leans down to kiss you, pressing the glass into your hands.
"But I'm getting the flowers tomorrow."
"But-" You try to intervene but one look from him has you silent.
"See!" Mina asks Kirishima, pointing at the two of you. "One look and she shuts up. It never works when I do it."
"Yeah, but it's Bakugo," Kirishima offers like it's all the explanation needed.
"Do you ever listen to somebody?" Bakugo asks, raspy morning voice cutting through the Silence. You barely keep yourself from flinching, but the smirk on his lips tells you that he noticed. It seems he loves surprising you the most, mainly because you pride yourself in not getting surprised.
"I listen to a lot of people," you claim as you return to checking the Buffet table. You'd asked for Vegan Options and an egg-free dessert for the new secretary. Sweet-tooth, but highly allergic. It happens.
"You hear them," he says, "but you don't listen. Because I definitely heard Yukon tell you that he had the Buffet under control yet you're checking his work."
"And rightly so," you point out. "We're missing the egg-free dessert option."
"So? I asked for it. He said he'd get it done. Do I have to do everything myself here? Apparently so."
"Sit down," he orders calmly, and you'd maybe wonder about his lack of temper had you not experienced him being like that around you for the last three years. Apparently, Bakugo turns into the chillest little prankster you could think of, but only around you. "I'll get it done."
You want to say something, but you decide against it. You've seen Bakugo deal with other stuff before, stuff that was definitely more important than getting an egg-free dessert for the new secretary. You know he can get this done.
"Fine," you huff, "But make it quick. I still need to go over the new recruits with you."
"Have I ever kept you waiting?" He asks as he turns away, leaving you flustered.
"Maybe we should appoint her for Class President," Sato offers quietly, but not quietly enough. "She's managed to talk Mina down in less than five seconds and it doesn't look like she takes shit from anyone."
"The title of Class President is-"
A loud boom interrupts whatever Iida has tried to say. When the smoke clears, there's only a small force field keeping Bakugo from strangling Kaminari, who looks a lot less frightened than anyone in his position should be.
"Calm down, will you?" You ask, looking down at Bakugo from where you're standing. Keeping up the force field is taking its toll, but you'd rather puke than admit to it. Not in front of Bakugo at least. "Aren't you better than that?"
Surprisingly, that seems to work. He calms down quickly, leaning back in his chair with a scoff. "True." He says, but his blood-red eyes don't leave you. It feels like a Challenge. One you're not sure you'll win.
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boyfeminism · 1 year
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guy whose work is letting hir experiment with the challah recipe <3
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nastudragneel · 1 year
Dragon Slayer Wedding
Established relationship of nine years. Right after the seven year skip.
Romantic+fluff+marriage+little angst
Natsu x Reader
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'Dreams of your friends. Your lover Natsu who you and him imprinted on eachother. Your house, a nice bat-' you dreamt but were awoken by sun rays and shaking.
"(N)!!!" You hear Natsus rattled voice and open your eyes being blinded by the light then adjusting, you saw him.
"Natsu .. your alive?" you say awe struck as he grabs your hand pulls you up and hugs you close while crying.
"It looked like you were dead" he whispered in your ear.
"I'm right here dear I've missed you so much even though it feels like time never stopped" you whisper in his ear. You just rub his back until he has no more tears to cry. Breaking apart but holding hands he says
"Come on dear let's go find everyone else!" He smiles wide. You let go of one hand and use gravity fist to fly upward to see were people may be with him.
After finding Everyone And heading back to Magnolia. After the fight with Twilight Orge
At the Fairy Tail guild
You and Natsu were holding hands when Lisanna walked in. She scanned the area and stopped on Natsu and you then kept walking up to the bar when everyone noticed and croweded around Lisanna asking questions loudly. You squeezed Natsus hand and he squeezed back. Remembering that he told you Lisanna and him had a crush on eachother, and hatching and raising Happy when they were very young.
'She WILL be put in her place' you think to yourself.
"Calm down love why are you upset (n)" Natsu whispers to you. You turn to him lean over and whisper
"Shes the one from your past right? How is she here? If you have any regrets about imprinting on me tell me now and I'll go away"
"Yes she is the one. And she was stuck in the Exceed world. Apparently she never died. Come on dear you know I dont regret a thing, it was meant to be. I was meant to be with you." He held your hand and put it over his heart.
"I mean it, you wont feel my imprint feel anything for her any feelings died with her" He says and let's your hand go. Feeling eyes on you, you slightly move your head and used your preifrial only to see Lisanna looking at you.
"Shes looking right at us" you whisper to Natsu. He whips his head around quickly locking eyes with Lisanna. With your peripheral you saw Lisanna switch her gaze to the crowd. Then you felt through Natsu, grief through the both of your link through imprintation.
You moved your hand from over his heart
"I'm going home. Why dont you two cetch up?" You say to Natsu as you huff and stand to walk away. Suddenly you felt a strong grip on your wrist making you look back at Natsu.
"Let me go."
"No I know what your feeling and it's okay to feel that way." Natsu says making you sit back down. You chug your beer and ask Mirajane for four more. After they arrive you chug one after another until there gone.
"Heya Natsu,(n) whatsup?" Happy flies into the guild. Once Natsu was distracted you snuck out used gravity wings and then ran deep into the woods you just keep walking until you fall to your knees crying hard. Suddenly a loud thud happened you open your teary eyes to see
'An egg? Its huge' looking all around the egg.
'Whew it's perfectly in tact maybe I can hatch it, better take it home before it gets cold. You cant use gravity fist because you need both arms to hold the egg. You make your way back to town following Natsus imprint as navigation. Once back in town you went home and lit the fire place, placing the egg in front of it.
"Shit their coming and he can feel everything I'm feeling!"You yell then hide behind the egg with all the lights off. You hear the door open and steps over to the kitchen then living room and click. The lights came on.
"(N)-" Natsu stopped mid sentence staring at you hiding behind the egg eyes popped over the egg.
"I tried to get away as soon as I could when I found out you left I know how much pain that caused you. Also whered you get this exceed egg?" Natsu asked.
"I found it in the forest it almost hit me in the head." You say lip quivering. You stand and look at Natsu Happy and the egg.
"Let's hatch it and raise it to be happy and healthy" Natsu breaks the silence. You just nod and hug the egg.
"I'm gonna be a mom..."
"You were all ready a mom to Happy, so we will become one big family" Natsu says.
"Ai sir! I feel like your my mom (n)" Happy says.
"What about Lisanna? Did you talk with her?" You ask curiously.
"Yes after the crowd died down we talked... I told her about you and how much I love you and want to get married to you. She understood what I was saying how I havent felt for her in a very long time." Natsu stated then crossed the room to you, held your hands, looked you in the eyes and kissed you soft at first then passionately. When we broke for air, he noticed your tears. Tears of happiness as he could feel it. Wrapping both arm around you Natsu embraces you in his warmth. You wrap your arms around him under though. And let the tears flow until they stop. Releasing eachother Natsu asks
"Do you feel better now? No ones gonna steal me away silly. Remember we imprinted and completed the ritual over two years ago."
"Well then there was that seven year gap that we both missed out on. But I trust you more than anyone I've ever trusted before" You say and he nods and sighs.
"Everything will be okay (n) let's raise this Exceed as our own and eventually get married okay?" Natsu says.
"Okay honey. Are you-"
*gurgle gurgle*
"Hungry" you say as Natsu puts one hand to his head and laughs.
"You bet I am!" He yells happily.
"Okay please light the stove. Let's all move into the kitchen." You state as everyone follows. After the feast Natsu cleans and puts the plates away for you as your in the living room filling the egg to make sure its warm enough. You put an ear to it and it wiggles. You run to Natsu and yell
"It just wiggled! Its amazing!" He just laughs and smiles.
"That means it's close to hatching. Were lucky we dont have to wait that long. When we leave the house theres a chance that, the fireplace could cetch something on fire."
Feeling your heart jump he continued.
"I think it's best if we stay home until he or she hatches" Natsu says which makes you feel better.
"I'm seriously deprived of cuddles over here please Natsu cuddles..." you wiggle your butt.
"Okay okay let's go" he states defeated but happily. You take your top and bottoms off to expose your panties which makes him blush deep red everytime. You pat the bed next to you. He undresses but leaves his boxers on and joins you in bed.
"Hey so that's what I came out of?" Happy asks and Natsu says
"Yup little buddy you came outta one of those but your flames at the bottom were dark blue this one is red."
"Awesome I cant wait to have a sister or brother. Wait so that means I'm the big sibling?" Happy asks curiously.
"Yea you'll be a big bro to it" you say as Natsu wraps both his arms around you and you do the same.
"If you wake up early please put more wood on the fire Happy" you say sweetly.
"Ai sir!" As Happy curls up on a big pillow near the fire. Eventually you all fall asleep.
A couple days later
You awake to crackling and realize the egg is hatching. Rolling over Natsu you smack him with pillows until he opens his eyes. You rush to turn on the light.
"Wake up you two, its hatching!" You yelled as they popped up really quick. All three of you gathered in a row to see the magic happen. As the final crack happened pop goes a kitty into the air it was pure white and a boy. It fluttered down to you as you slowly extended your hands to hold the little ball of fluff. Hold him close to your chest.
"I am mama" You state to the curious fluff. Then gently pass him to Natsu.
"Hes so cute, I remember when you were this small Happy." Natsu says to Happy.
"I am papa little cutie"
"What should we name him? I was thinking Snow since hes pure white what do you think dear?" You say happily.
"Snow... yea seems like a great fit for him!" Natsu says and passes Snow to Happy.
"Wow I have a little brother now" Happy says in awh. The sun rays start to shine through your window.
"Well guess it's time to head out" Natau said as he gets up and goes to the kitchen. You stand and follow him as the two cats were playing together. Natsu lighting the stove, you prepared breakfast. After finishing you place the food on the table with some fish.
"Breakfast is ready!" You call out as happy flies in holding Snow onto the booster seat. Happy gives Snow small pieces of fish while you and Natsu devour the rest.
At The Guild
You all walk into the guild with people asking where we were like we just dissapeared. Answering with Snow which caught everyones attention even Lisannas. After Snow got pooped out we decided that Happy take him home and watch over him maybe start teaching him letters and words. While we went on a quest for rent money.
Half A Year Later
"Hurry get in the room he cant see you in your dress before the wedding!" Lucy yells as we managed to get in the powder room.
"I'm not going to have anyone on my side..." you say about to tear up.
"Oh no! No crying you will ruin your makeup!" Lucy yells again.
"Thanks for being my maid of honor Lucy I'm just so happy like I cant believe its actually real." You say as she retorts.
"I know it's a happy day for you both but stressful for me who planned your wedding. You go up and hug her.
"Thank you so very much Lucy" you state.
"Ya no problem but we have to hurry it's bad luck to make them wait." Lucy says. The piano and band start playing.
"That's your cue let's go"Lucy says frantically.
"Okay lets go." You say as you hook arms with Lucy and walk out only to see everyone in the guild whose in Magnolia and some other guessing friends of Natsus.
'So there are people on my side after all what a relief' you think to yourself.
'That's right all for you dear' Natsus voice popped into your head.
'Wait are we telepathically connected now?' You question.
'I just heard you and replied honey now dont be afraid your surrounded by family' Natsus voice vanished and your left staring at him only him in a suit. Gaining strength Lucy walks you down the isle then stands next to you in her maid of honor spot along with Erza and Juvia at your side. On Natsus side his best man is the the old master then Grey and Gajeel. Natsu reached his hand out to you and you accepted stepping up the step in your spot. The music stops and the ceremony begins.
"Do you Natsu Dragneel take (N/L) to be your lawful wedded wife?" The preacher asks. You suddenly feel a swell of happiness which is coming from Natsu.
"Why yes I do!" He yells as people whistle.
"And do you (N/L) take Natsu Dragneel to be your lawful wedded husband?" The preacher asks.
You feel so happy in this moment your happiness meter is above the mark and your sure Natsu feels it too.
"Heck yes I do!" You yell as people whistle again and murmurs that their the perfect couple.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" the preacher says as you turn to Natsu and lean in for the kiss. You feel in your imprint Natsu leaning forward and you both feel soft lips of your partner then depart. You can save the naughty for later. Everyone erupts into cheers. Snow, Happy, and Carla fly around cheering. Onto the cake cutting everyones watching. We hold eachothers hand then cut the cake for two, hook arms then bite into the cake. Applause breaks out as people line up for cake. After that it time for the bouquet you turn away then throw it back and turn around. To your surprise Lisanna caught it. You go up to her.
"Congratulations im sure you'll find a lucky man for your lucky heart have a good time at this party please." You say nicely.
"Why thank you and congratulations on your marriage" she says but you notice a small tear in her eye. You both hug as custom in the land for bouquet throwing then break apart. After that the band played and people mingled. A line formed next to Natsu and you as people one by one they congratulated us. After that was the first dance which Natsu kept stepping on your toes so you used gravity magic on your shoes that would repel him from stepping on you. He learned real quick then.
'I've got it dear!' He says loudly, clearly excited and you just giggle making some people confused but they get over it. After our dance was over other people took the dance floor. You walk up to the old master and say
"Old Master Me and Natsu can telepathically talk to eachother now I wonder why that is?"
"Well child in those seven years we were submerged in time, well dragon slayers work differently. If you've imprinted it ages like a fine wine so that's probably the cause. We all were in there for seven years so you both gained an ability." Old master says.
"Ahh it makes sense-"
"Come dance with me (n)" Natsu says as you say goodbye to gramps. On the dance floor you made gravity shoes again. After all that fun its finally time for the white almonds. A tiny horse was waiting with a small open carriage as you both held hands and walked through the people on either side throwing almonds. Once at the the carriage you both turn around and yell.
"Thank you!" Then get into the carriage on the way home with Happy and Snow sitting on your laps. Through town there was whistling yelling and flowers being tossed onto the carriage as you the one driving since Natsu was motion sick from the ride. You were slightly motion sick but stuck with it. Once home you get off the carriage and hold the reigns.
"Natsu were stopped now ." You say as he recovers and hurry to get out. "Thank you!" He yells as hes now standing with snow in his arms. You let go of the reigns and poof goes the carriage. Once inside
"Hey little buddy mind coming back tomorrow with Snow? Me and (n) have some things to do." Natsu asks as Happy goes
"Ai sir! See you tomorrow" he holds Snow then flies out the window.
'What do you mean we have things to do?' You ask through telepathically.
'What do couples do after a wedding? The honeymoon!' He replies as you nod. You both have always had a good sex life but now its official your married. "I love you Natsu Dragneel"
"And I love you (n) Dragneel hehe"
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temptingempress · 2 years
Man in the Woods ( Hoseok Smut )
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Summary: A couple gets lost in the woods, and to their luck, they find a nice house in the woods owned by a mysterious, handsome man. As they delve deeper into the strange man, they find out all his dirty twisted secrets he tries not to unleash.
Rated: 18+
Words: 1,375
(Notes: there are no warnings for this chapter. Its pretty safe. Its just a chapter to set everything up! Trust me.. you dont wanna miss out on this one.)
This was day 3 of the never-ending woods.
3 days ago, Jungkook and Areum got lost in the vast, never-ending woods. Ever since they've decided to somewhat "run away" from their home lifes and start new ones. "Like Gale and Katniss should've done," Jungkook exclaims, but he didn't expect it to go this far into the endless woods. When they were walking to carelessly, talking about the meaningless things, they forgot all about the trail signs warning them of danger close by.
Jungkook owned his own sneaker company named 'POWER'. He designed trendy yet high-end sneakers that took off on day one, just three days ago he was kissing his follower's goodbye and promising them he'd get back to them but now, here he was, with no signal. "It's like a social retreat!" He said at first, but when a couple hours came around, he was flinging his phone in the air, trying to at least get one bar of data.
Areum on the other hand, owned a whole ass daycare in her house, and today was probably Monday, which means her clients would be driving their kids to her house, thinking she's there yet she is not! Which is going to be very terrible on her business. She could only imagine how many bad reviews she's going to get on her website called 'dependablesunshinedaycare.com' the next day!
"If you didn't take the wrong freaking turn, we wouldn't be here right now!" Areum huffed as she lunged over a big boulder blocking their way "We've been walking forever Rexx! I'm tired"
Jungkook brushed the leaves that suddenly smacked his face. "I don't want to spend another night here Areum and what's done is done! You should've spoken up if you knew we were going the wrong way."
"I did!" her voice slowly raises."I told you we had to go the other way to get to your damn jeep!" she then closed her eyes and calmed down taking a deep breath and clasping her hands together. "I don't even know this part of the woods. We're stranded."
"We're not ashore, so technically we're not stranded" Jungkook looked at Areum.
"Well, you get my point!" she sighed loudly "okay okay, we have to mark our path. I'll collect rocks on the way and lay them down at every point we step. If we dont get anywhere by sundown, we'll go the other way tomorrow."
"that's a stupid plan."
"Well, Jungkook, it's my only plan unles. You have some ideas! It's not like we have a freaking flare to shoot off to let people know we're lost."
"Hey hey hey." Jungkook walked up to Areum, taking her hand and smiling. "Areum, when have I not saved us from our problems." He looked into her frustrated eyes with calm meek ones
"That time you broke under the pressure and tattled to us to my mom that we ate all her deviled eggs."
"Okay, okay, after that! Remember when I saved you from your professor by saying I broke up with you, or that one time where I saved us from that aggressive dog, oh! oh, you have to remember that onee time! You broke your mother's favorite vase, and I covered for you and said I broke it, and we both know oh" he laughs "we both know your mom i from the gates of hell."
"Jungkook..." She rolled her eye and tried to suppress her smile. This was a very serious moment
"What I'm just saying! If I can save us from your mother this would be a piece of cake baby gorilla!"
She couldn't take it and let out a tiny laugh "Fine fine, whatever you say. I'm still going to lay rocks, though." Everything will be fine...
Five hours passed, and they were both tired and decided to settle down for the night. The sun was setting, and the breeze was brutal. Winter had just begun. Usually, Areum would be loving this breeze when she was tidied up in blankets, hugged by her close family, and sharing stories and smores by the fire that reached the night sky but not tonight. Tonight was different. She was in nothing than just a t shirt and pants. She didn't think she'd stay in the woods for long, so he didn't think it was necessary to dress up. She was so cold that she could feel her hands go numb and her ears go solid.
The air that was once filled with laughter and jokes from Kook, but now it was stone cold. Just silent. If you spoke, the condensation of your breath would coat your already cold face. There they were, just sitting on a log waiting for the sun to come out, and that wouldn't be for another what 7 hours.
Areum looked over to Kook, he looked miserable. It was as if the situation they're in really hit him and it hurt Areum's heart to see. Jungkook had finally broke the ice "I'm sorry I let you down."
Areum scoots closer to him and gently hugs him. "You know, even though we're literally freezing to death... I think.. I'm happy still. Happy with you." she wipes her nose and smiled at him. Resting her chin on his shoulder. If they were going to die tomorrow, now was the time to confess their thoughts, and Areum's thoughts about Jungkook had only grown stronger over the past years she knew him. "Im really happy with you, Jungkook..."
Kook gave Areum a slight smile and hugs her back. He spoke calmly. "I'm happy with you too... I wish... I wish before I left I shouldv'e confessed. I've been wanting to confess for a while, but I guess if any time is the best time, it's now."
Areum's heart started beating from inside her chest, getting the slightest warmth on her cheeks. She was silent as she listened to him. His glossy eyes looked her in the soul. Was this the moment the moment he'd pour out his heart to her. Saying that he loved her from day one? That she was always his special girl... if it was, she'd be able to freeze to death peacefully...
"I like your sister.. I should've confessed that to her."
"Yeah... if one of us makes it out alive she has to know. Hold up. I got a good idea. I've been using the power bank to charge my phone. I think it's full." He pulls the powerbank out. The little red light one the power bank indicating the power bank is dead, but his phone is at 100 bars. Sweet,
He holds on the camera towards them and presses the recording button. "Hello guys, if anyone stumbles upon this video, it means I didn't make it.. We didn't make it. I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support... i ate all the granola bars and drubk all the water, so yeah, we're basically done"
As he rambles on, Areum stood there in disbelief. There were so many things that went wrong in that situation. One, he loves her sister, not her, two, he used their power bank just so he could make a video for his followers and 3 he ate up all their resources. The light redness on her face spread like a wild fire.. She was about to let her heart shout, but what Kook said next interrupted her thoughts.
"Wait... what's that." He turned his camera to what seemed to be a fire and smoke in the distance. "We might be dying of heat instead of cold."
"Wait.." Areum smelled the air, it smelt like... pig. Someone was smoking something. Areum quickly stood up and jogged toward the fairy lights that lit up she didn't care if she tripped at this point she could see hope. If she was gonna die, she didn't want to die with him. Well, not anymore.
"Areum wait!" Kook followed her after and they ran for what seemed like a mile, tripping on dirt on the way.
"AH!" Areum could feel her pants being ripped at her hip by a tough tree trunk, but that didn't stop her from running. Finally, they saw what looked like heaven to them.
Chapter 2 out now!
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fruity-boy-bruno · 8 months
do you have any non-hylic ocs?
Ooooohhhh so fucking many! That I've been neglecting to draw or think about because my brain has been eaten by hylics brain worms, so some of these drawings are a litttleee old pardon that.
Starting with humans then delving into my bigger freaks (affectionate)
Okay favorite children first! This is Scrape, they/it. I originally made them as a Jojo oc but now they're really outside of it, but they do have a stand named Everything is a Lot. They have pointy ears because that was part of my art style at the time and i just dont think i could separate it from that. Their whole thing is that it was raised in a highly religious and abusive household that it ran away from at the age of 16, leaving their little brother Ami behind (more on him later). They then fell into a life of drugs and shit. Eventually they're reunited with Ami but at some point I'll make a post about their whole sibling lore..
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And here's Ami their brother (he/they) He was also initially a jojo oc so has a stand but like I said I mostly moved away from that I just like the designs. He grew up to be a music director at church <3 (couldn't find recent colored art so enjoy this minecraft skin of them)
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Speaking of Jojo ocs, this is my jojo oc who actually has to stay in the media, Joshua Jostar, he/him. He wasn't originally going to be a Joestar, just some random stand user so I could use a funny stand I came up with in a crack rp, but my friend made another character imply he was one so I ran with it. His stand is Under Pressure and it doesn't have a humanoid form, it's just a balloon that can inflate inside of any open space that upon inflating is full of cement.
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Then there's my guy EGG he/they. He is nonverbal autistic but does know sign language. It's kinda funny to me that they're the one who kinda stuck around when I originally made them as just another character to have to be one I liked more at the time's ex. I think he mostly grew on me because my friend liked him a lot more than the other guy. The other guy is named Apollyon but I have NO GOOD ART OF HIM and his lore is kinda cringe bc I haven't worked on it in like 4 years so he doesn't get his own segment.
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So not human but closer than some of the other ocs I have are a couple of angels! I don't really have that in depth of a story to them yet, but they came to me in a dream.. there's other characters associated with them too but I've only really drawn this one. He can't remember his actual name but the kid he interacts with calls him Peppermint. The angels will be enimes to lovers and they will make out sloppy style in the end.
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Okay nonhuman time. First I have a couple of Khajit (I think I spelled that right) ocs that are distantly related, who don't really have lore they were just my characters in skyrim and oblivion
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And then there's my object head ocs! Eyelyn doesn't have any lore she's just a cool eye lady she/it/xe. And then there's Persistence based on Persistence of Memory he/it/xe. I ran out of picture room but will give pictures of them in the rbs if asked!
I will go much further in depth about any these guys if asked ofc hehe, just didn't wanna go on for toooo long. I also just have a lot of general guys freaks I float around in my head that haven't all been given a form or name yet, just goofy concepts. Like Ami has a bf! But I have to think more about what the guy is like and what he looks like..
(I also have a plethora of danganronpa ocs that I'm not going to dive into but might talk about if I'm asked very nicely.)
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justice4billy · 6 months
You're the worst-part Six
Warning; Billy being a cheeky little shit
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Billy x fem reader/ enemies to lovers
Camille wiped away her tears as she sat by the window of the booth, her nerves on edge when Billy sat down beside her. His bulky frame squashed against hers, his long legs brushing against hers as he stretched out his limbs with a resounding pop of his joints.
Embarrassment coarsed through her, the room becoming hot as her blubbering face flashed through her mind.
"Excuse me, I need to get out" Camille hissed pushing at his arm.
"You okay?" Mariah asked with a quirked brow, noting her odd behaviour.
"Yes, I need to use the rest room" Camille replied through gritted teeth.
"You just went-" Mariah started just as Billy moved his legs, Camille practically tripping over him.in her race to get away.
Camille ran to the rest room, her skin hot and her breath short, as she bustled through the door turning on the taps and splashing cool water over her face. She noted her reflection groaning in embarrassment at how pathetic she looked, her mascara had collected under her eyes where she had been crying.
"Cam" Mariah called out concerned etched into her voice.
Camille whipped her head to the side, wiping away as her ruined mascara. "Yeah" she replied meekly.
Mariah quirked a brow. "Are you okay hon?" She asked.
Camille sighed, before letting out another pitiful groan. "No, I am so embarassed" she admitted.
"Why? We all have fears" Mariah stated.
"I know, but now I'm going to be remembered as the girl who nearly shit her pants on a bridge" she exclaimed.
"You're being dramatic" Mariah quipped.
"Am I? Because now everyone is going to think I'm some cry baby loser" she stated glumly.
Mariah cracked a smile. "And by everyone, you mean Billy?" She asked.
Camille hesitated briefly. "No" she lied.
"Well I knew aboit your fear and so did Danny, and we don't think it's anything to be embarrassed about" she stated. "So, the only other person who didn't know was Billy" she added.
Canile groaned. "Well he's just going to use it against me anyways" she stated.
"Really? Because he actually reached you and carried you off a bridge" she stated. "If anything it was quite heroic, and romantic" she finished with a smile.
"Romantic? Are you insane?" Camille asked
"I thought you didn't care what Billy thought of you" Mariah shot back.
Camille opened her mouth.."I dont" she faltered.
"Good" Mariah replied. "Now, I'm going back to order food. You coming with me?" Mariah asked gently holding her hand out.
Camille sighed, taking her friends hand before gracing her with a nod. The girls exiting the bathroom together, making their way towards their booth.
"Finally" Billy grunted. "Been waiting ages to order" he added.
Camille narrowed her eyes. He didn't give one shit that she suffered trauma, just that his dtimach was full. "Dont be dramatic" she snapped at him, causing him to raise his brow up in shock at her tone. "I need to get in so could you kindly move your legs?" She asked swatting at his meaty thighs.
Billy obliged, moving his legs with enough room that Camille had to chamber over him. " Didn't know you wanted to touch me that badly" he grumbled a smirk threatening to pull at his lips.
Camille plopped back down on the leather seat. "Thank you" she grumbled. "And if you would move in the first place, I wouldn't have to touch you" she fired at him.
Billy opened his mouth, a retort on the tip of his tongue before a young waitress interrupted them. "Hi, what can I get for you?" The waitress asked her attention focused on Billy.
Mariah cleared her throat. The waitress snapped her head towards her, faint blush coating her cheeks. "I'll have the eggs and toast with a cup of coffee" she stated pointedly.
"And you sir?" The waitress asked looking at Danny.
"I'll have the same but with Bacon and hash brows added please" Danny replied cheerfully witu a smile.
The waitress jotted it down, her eyes moving over to Billy who looked at her with a panty dropping grin. "I'll have the works if you don't mind, sweetheart" he flirted sensing her a wink.
Camille narrowed her eyes, this whole thing was so unprofessional. "Umm excuse me" she called out.
The waitress nodded, her eyes still on Billy who was giving her a flirty look. "Yes" she stated dreamily. Oh my god, was she hypnotised?
"Am I allowed to have a small bowl of ice cream with chocolate sauce?" She asked. "And a diet coke" she atatd.
Billy turned away from the girl, his eyes piercing Camille's with a look of disgust on his face. "Its 10.30am" he dead panned.
Camille narrowd her eyes not appreciating bis judgement. " I had a traumatic day" she replied.
The waitress appeared to snap out of her daze. "Yes, I'm sure that will be fine I'll be back with your drinks" she stated hurriedly taking the menus and bustling towards the kitchen.
"You're a heathen" Billy glowered staring down Camille.
"Better than eating that crap" she stated. "You know half of what you ordered is probably an anus" she quipped.
"Yeah, well you just ordered pure sugar" Billy retorted. "And hey it seems to.be working for me so far" he stated flexing his muscles.
Camille tried not to let herself get distrsfrd by his tan skin, or the way his forearms contracted togehted. Nor, did she want to think about the way those arms held her as he fucked her last night.
"You really are full of yourself" she chocked out.
Billy flashed her a daring smirk, his eyes shining as he leant towards her. She tried not to shiver when his breath caressed the shell of her ear. "You didn't seem to mind it last night, infact I think you liked being full of something else" he stated a suggestive undertone in his voice.
Camille gaped, her breath leaving her body as she opened her mouth then shut it again, when she couldn't come up with a retort. Because from what she could remember she didn't seem to mind anything last night.
Billy pulled back, sitting up and squaring his shoulders, a triumphant smirk crossed his chiselled face.
Camille narrowed her eyes, a huff leaving her lips as she turned toward the window. Smug bastard. "Will you two stop with the PDA?" She snapped glaring at Mariah.
Mariah pulled away from the feverish kiss she was locked in. "Please, you weren't bothered a moment ago" she stated.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Camille accused.
Mariah rolled her eyes. "You were two busy bickering with him" she stated pointing at Billy. "Like some old married couple" Mariah added.
Camille gaped. "Married?!" She exclaimed in disgust.
Billy chucked. "I can just imagine us being married" he stated not sounding yo disgusted at all, making Camille suspicious. "Yeah, us being a married couple then eventually I'd knock you up and you'd have a big belly which would probably turn me on, then you'd start bitching bout how sure your tits are and then we'd argue bout stupid shit eventually ending up in us resenting one another and divorcing" he finished staring at the table with furrowed brows.
Camille gaped. "What the fuck?!" She exclaimed in confusion looking around and noting the shocked faces of Danny and Mariah. "You are way off base buddy!" She added.
Billy turned to her, his lips quirking. "Which one? The marriage, divorce or your sore tits?" He asked raising a brow.
Camille gave him.an incredulous look. "All of it!" She exclaimed.
Mariah giggled. "See, old married couple" she stated.
Camille glowered, giving her the middle finger before turning towards the window again. The food arrived and Camille noted Billy didnt flirt with the waitress this time, she hated the small amount of glee she felt at that, pushing it down as she took a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.savering the goodness.
"What times your flight tomorrow?" Mariau asked.
"Eleven am" Camille replied. She noted Billy paused his.eating, giving her a side glance.
Mariah sighed. "Why don't you stay with us for Christmas?" She asked.
Camille sighed. "Because, I have to go back to work and I don't want to be stuck" sje stated.
Mariah rolled her eyes. "Your not back at work till the third of January, plus its bound to be chaos travelling on Christmas Eve" she stated.
"That's why I picked an early flight" Camille replied.
Mariah sighed dropping the subject before turning to Billy. "What are your plans for Christmas?" She asked.
Billy shuegged. "Got my step sister coming down tomorrow, then she leaves boxing day" he replied.
"Well, if you guys are alone then come to us for dinner" Mariah urged.
Billy scratched his chin. "Its fine, I don't want to be in your way and I got food in" he dismissed.
"You wouldn't, we've got our parents coming.but they like you and you don't want to be alone on Christmas day" Mariah stated pointedly her eyes flittering to Camille clearly throwing her a hint.
Camille chewed her lip, stirring her spoon around the bowl her appetite vanishing, hating the thought of saying goodbye and going home to an empty new York apartment.
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sicjimin · 3 years
A.N : i miss writing ab mpreg hahah .. dont mind me TT
TW : emeto, mpreg
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Hoseok breathes heavily, staring at his dinner last night that already morph into a thick liquid covering the trash below him. He spits before he gurgles more of vomit down, splattering into the trashcan. His hand clenched around the sides of his stomach, as he feels it churning uncontrollably, making the wave of nausea didn't stop and he keeps retching, emptying whatever he ate for dinner from his stomach. He was about to crouch down as his legs feel weak and his hand that had been steadying him on the fridge beside the trashcan start to feel numb when an arm wrapped around his midsection, securing him from fall over.
"Jin-hyung", he croaked out, trying to turn around to face him but another round of vomit already rushing from his throat, making him ducked his head to the trashcan again.
" Good morning sweetheart", Seokjin greets, sleepiness still thick in his voice as his hand massages the vomiting male nape. Hoseok coughs into the trashcan, trying to get rid of the bile that stuck its way up his throat. It takes him a moment, but he finally manages to stand straight after throwing up his stomach content into the trashcan with a disgusted look on his face.
"Morning hyung", Hoseok greets back, as he walks past the older to grab the tissue and wipes his runny nose.
Seokjin trailed behind him, grabbing two glass and fill it with water, sliding one for Hoseok that now laying his head on the counter, feeling extremely exhausted even though he just wake up, " Here, drink this. Your throat must be hurt" Seokjin says as he passes the water to Hoseok who accepted the offer without a word.
Hoseok drank half the water before he handed it to Jin, watching the elder put away the glass. He sat down beside him and Hoseok immediately curled himself in Seokjin, "Have a rough morning, hm?", Seokjin asks, wrapping his hand around the younger's waist who lean closer and rest his head on Seokjin's chest, sighing in relief.
"I can't believe I threw our dinner up last night", Hoseok mumbles, tiredness settling over his body.
"Why are you even throwing up?", Seokjin questions
" Want to make breakfast, but the smell of meat in the fridge set me off" , Hoseok explains, his words muffled by Jin's shirt.
"You could wake me up, baby", Seokjin laughs, rubbing a hand up and down Hoseok's arm
" I'm usually fine with it though, but our baby here is making new problems", Hoseok whines as he moves his hand, grazing over his stomach. They only found out 4 weeks ago, after Hoseok tiring himself going back and forth to the bathroom for 2 days that stressed Seokjin out, making the older drag him to the doctor. After that new information, Hoseok's life has completely changed, and so is Seokjin as the younger seems like having a hard time with morning sickness. Seokjin has lost count of how many times he has found his boyfriend hunched over the trashcan or running urgently to the bathroom, like this morning.
"I'm sorry, our little one keeps tiring you out", Seokjin says softly as he pecks the younger stomach, making the latter giggle.
" Now, is our baby up for a breakfast? scrambled egg, toast and some tea?"
Hoseok bites his lips, "It sounds appealing but my stomach hasn't eased up yet"
"Eat it slowly, okay? At least there's something in your stomach", Seokjin says, walking to the other side of the kitchen and start grabbing the ingredients.
" Okay", Hoseok mumbles, supporting his head on his palms as he watches the elder.
It has only been 20 minutes from their breakfast. Seokjin was finished taking shower, running his damp hand to his skin, plopping it few times, as he prepared his skincare on the sink. He was about to apply his toner when he heard someone knocking on the bathroom door urgently.
oh, it's Hoseok.
"Yes baby? What?", Seokjin yells, dropping the toner on his palm.
" Are you still taking long? I need to use the bathroom"
Seokjin frowns, "5 more minutes, Seok-ah"
Hoseok knocking on the door again, "Hyung.. can't wait that long. Please hurry"
Seokjin sighs, "Fine".
He quickly applied his toner and apply some cream, then opened the bathroom door. Hoseok rushing inside, ignoring his boyfriend's confused look and hurriedly open the toilet lead as he let himself hunched over it, just in time as he gurgles what he just ate.
"What happened, baby?", Seokjin asks, concerned as he walks towards Hoseok.
The younger was sweating profusely with his eyes shut tightly, breathing heavily as he continued sending more stream of his stomach content, filling the bowl with rapid pace.
Hoseok opened his mouth and gagged once again, "Your baby ... didn't want ... the breakfast", he groaned, leaning forward, resting his hand on both of his knees, while panting heavily, grimaces when he could see the egg and toast that barely digested floating on the water below.
"Oh God.." Seokjin murmurs.
"Hyung...," Hoseok said weakly, still holding his stomach as he tries to steady his breaths, trying not to throw up again, but failed when his stomach hitched, this time it's the tea that makes the appearance.
"You're okay, baby, just let it out. You will feel better soon", Seokjin coos, caressing Hoseok's hair, as he continues rubbing circles against the younger's back.
Hoseok nods shakily, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he held his stomach, trying his best to control the vomiting. Seokjin kept caressing the younger's hair softly and continuously, as he waited for his baby to finish.
After what seemed like forever Hoseok finally stopped, breathing loudly as he sits back down, leaning against the wall. Seokjin kneels beside his boyfriend and took his forehead in between his hands, rubbing circles against the younger's cheeks gently.
Hoseok leans into Seokjin's touches, relaxing his muscles as he closes his eyes.
"Done?", Seokjin asks, gaining a tired nod from the younger.
"Let's get you clean up", Seokjin stands up, holding out a hand for Hoseok who gratefully takes it, helping himself to the sink to rinse his bland mouth.
" Do you want to take a bath?" Seokjin offers when Hoseok turns the tap off, reaching for the small towel.
Hoseok nods quietly, too tired to say anything at all as he lets Seokjin guide him to the bathtub.
"I'll prepare it for you, stay seated there, I don't want you falling over"
Hoseok chuckles, "I'm not gonna fall over hyung"
"I know", Seokjin smiles, " How are you feeling now?"
"Better. My tummy is feeling less queasy", Hoseok answers truthfully as he rubs the palm of his right hand across his abdomen.
"It's good then", Seokjin says as he checks the water, and grabs the bath bomb. "Which one do you want to use?"
"Oh, i get the privilege of using your precious bath bomb?", Hoseok gasped comically, making the older rolled his eyes, smiling widely.
" Yes dear, please use whatever you like. You can use my bath bombs if you would prefer", Seokjin teases, as he places took one that Hoseok chooses and preparing the bath.
Hoseok giggled, "Thank you, i start to think that it won't be a bad idea to get sick often in front of you. I might use your bath bomb all the time then"
Seokjin scoffed playfully " I will sleep and pretend to not hear every time you throw up after this"
Hoseok gasps, "Hyung!!"
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I know I cry a lot about Max, Nikki, and Neil but can I just say that I live for their dynamic? And imma just throw a lot of observations about them here and this may get incoherent but whatever?
1.) They're actually pretty touchy-feely with each other and god I never noticed until recently but like??? They a r e??? Like Neil putting his hand on Max's back in Jermy Fartz. Like how Max grabbed Nikki's hand and d r a g g e d her away from the danger in Night Of The Living Ill. Or how Nikki just kinda clung to Neil when she was sick in the episode Into Town. Or how Nikki grabbed the boys into a hug in the Christmas Special. Even as early as the first episode they were grabbing each other and Max put his arms around the other's shoulders to guide them away. I know a lot of us are like "they aren't really the publicly clingy or affectionate types" but the thing is that they really kinda are. We don't always see it because it's not called attention to all that often but next time you watch an episode that's heavily trio centred count how many times they touch each other casually and you'll see what I mean. For example, I counted four casual grabs and touches in Spooky Island. Which doesn't seem like much. Until you remember the fact that this is a ten minute episode, and that's a touch every 2.5 minutes on average. Which IS a lot. Not to mention how damn close they were. There were quite a few moments where I fully expected them to grab each other or something because they were just completely invading one another's personal space.
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Look how close they stand to one another. Compare this to normal conversation distance
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When in a conversation generally your attention is locked onto the other person. Generally you'll stand closer to someone if you're talking to them than if you're not. Yet the two images I showed you before are of Max, Nikki, and Neil NOT talking or even really acknowleging one another. Compare that to the screenshot of Nikki actually engaged in conversation with Jasper.
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If you thought maybe the former three images were just a perspective issue or something...no. Max, Nikki, and Neil genuinely do stand abnormally close. Look at this picture where Max and Nikki have literally no reason to leave a huge gap from Jasper yet they still do.
And when I said they disreguarded personal space I don't even mean standing this strangely close to each other?!? I mean like when Nikki threw herself two inches away from Max to the point where he jumped back a little. I mean like when Max pointed at Neil and Neil had to move his body a little because he was startled by how close it was. I mean like when Nikki leaned across Neil to jab her finger in Max's personal space, effectively getting abnormally touchy with both of them at the same time. Note that all these observations are from ONE EPISODE that's only ten minutes long! Imagine everything that could be observed if I went out of my way to check how touchy they were in every episode? This is especially impressive if we look at who we're talking about. Max is the type to reject touching from people. He's brushed off or shoved away other's who try to touch him multiple times. But not these two.
2.) Max is a l o t softer with Nikki and Neil than with anyone else. Again, let's take Spooky Island for example. When they discover the torture chamber, Max has absolutely no issues whatsoever telling Jasper the fuck off. He taunted Jasper, who was clearly frightened, going "Oh no! We have to find ghosts and monsters! Remember?!?" And keep in mind he was mocking and yelling here. Then Neil interjects and you know what? Max's tone actually softens. Yeah he still tells Neil that he's wrong. But Max isn't nearly as hostile. He sure as hell didn't mock or taunt Neil. And what's more? Max didn't say one word to Nikki. Yeah when he first walked in he started to tease her but as soon as she made it clear that she was frightened he just completely stopped and turned his attention onto Jasper. And you can see this in a l o t of episodes, not just this one. Max is still a jerk with Nikki and Neil but he doesn't cross the line. He doesn't yell for too long. Max...he doesn't want to hurt them. He doesn't want to see them fail. He doesn't want them angry or god forbid sad. Max may hurt them sometimes but he doesn't fuck with them just for the sake of upsetting them. And especially in early seasons, that's more than can be said for anyone else because he does go out of his way to torment the other's and he's never been as openly apologetic for anything in his life than for the few times he has upset Nikki and Neil. It's also worth noting that Neil is more gentle with Nikki than other's. For example he expects her to ruin his experiments and just gets kinda salty about it after but he clearly forgives her? Max and Neil also forgave her when she betrayed them for Ered in Camp Cool Kidz. Like..immediately. With no bargaining. They were back to hanging out together instantly before Nikki even apologized.
3.) They're always together. I think I made a separate post about this? But it's the truth. They eat together. They sleep in the same tent (actually I'm not sure? Max said in episode 1 "I'll show you to our tent" and they have no issues sneaking out together all the time in the middle of the night- note that they don't all have that much access to technology so coming up with a time to meet up may be hard- implying that Nikki sleeps with them? And there are only two 'beds' I think but doubling up doesn't seem that unlikely for these three? So until proven otherwise I'm assuming they sleep in the same tent). They have DAILY adventures together. Like scheduled. Like they gotta spend it together. In Eggs Benefits Max wanted nothing to do with the adventure yet he followed Nikki and Neil anyway and spent the whole day letting Nikki drag him around despite whining the whole time. In Spooky island both Nikki and Neil want to leave at different points of the episode but they continue to follow Max anyway. These three really do just stick together all the time and maybe they've been branching off a bit more lately but they still spend a hell of a lot of time together? Like most of their time if I'm not mistaken?
4.) Nikki and Neil are...really protective over Max? Like I'm sorry but did you guys see the Foreign Exchange Campers episode? The moment Max decided to team up with someone else they flipped their shit. I mean, Max literally told them it was just so he could win. It was clear he wasn't actually choosing the other campers over Nikki and Neil? Like it's obvious they were still friends? Yet we still got lines like "What about us? We're kinda a thing!", "We dont need you anyway Max! And even if we did, we're just going to pretend we don't in the hopes that you'll be jealous and we won't feel as sad!", "I just can't believe he would ditch us! After all our adventures?!?", and "He looks so happy! At least he's found someone who can make him smile" like, god, they treat this like a breakup or something when Max just wanted to win the contest. Like they knew it wasn't personal. They knew he was just being a jerk and he didn't like the Foreign kids more than them. Yet look at this.
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Look at these creeps watching him from the bushes instead of competing!
They were so volatile too? They called Brian "Kim-Chi" despite knowing damn well that Nurf wasn't calling him the right name. Nikki literally yelled "Shut up commie" at Vera. I believe Neil outright told them point blank "Max is OUR friend and you can't have him!".
This isn't the only example of them being defensive about Max (almost to a fault) but it's the biggest one off the top of my head.
5.) They l o v e each other. Nikki saying "You know what else I love about Christmas? You guys (Max and Neil)" or Neil saying "We were so afraid of foreigners taking what we love (Max) that we.." , etc. Like??? They're so very sweet? They really love each other guys and I'm screaming because they're so good? And Max hasn't outright said he loves them but god, we know he does. Like how he "didn't do this camp campbell" but "for you guys (Nikki and Neil)" when he pulled off this difficult convoluted scheme to get the camp back. They love and care about and support one another even with all their issues and it's just so good? And the trio's overall relationship is ignored way too much. Can we just..please..talk about them more? As a trio? Please?
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authorofdanger · 5 years
Reason Of Survival Part 2
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Violence, Abuse, And Slight Gore.
Stray Kids Mafia AU
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The intense pressure and chill of the shower stung against my body as one of the guards sprayed me down with a water hose. I sat there as still as I could to try to make this go as quick as possible but time seemed to drag on for years before my naked body was wrapped in a tattered towel and I was tossed a clean pair of spandex shorts and a sports bra that were off shades of black.
While I struggled to get my clothes on I could hear Jeongin's screams as he fought against the guards that were cleaning him. "Don't fucking touch me! Leave me alone!" He would just be better off staying quiet and put on an act as if nothing bothered him like he does with me. Now that I think about it I wonder which side of him is the facade? Is it the brave young man that he shows me or is it the scared child he appears to be to the guards? Maybe overtime these two sides will merge into one, or possibly only one side will remain. How will this trauma effect him in a few days, weeks, or even years?
"Move runt," a guard growled before pulling me out of the shower rooms and back into my now cleaned cell where one of the cell doctors was waiting for me. This one was still relatively new to the underground after being kidnapped as she was leaving her job from a small hospital. She appeared to be no older than twenty-three and had long brown hair that was slicked back into a tight ponytail. She always treats her patients with a form of delicacy and kindness that has caused me to firmly believe she is the only good worker here.
"How are you today Y/N? You took a pretty bad beating last night?" I simply nodded my head and sighed "broken wrist and nose, possible cracked ribs, nothing crazy. My cell mate wrapped my wrist but-" "I have a brace you can wear for now," she interrupted while reaching into her medical bag and pulling out a small black wrist brace. "Its nothing grande but it should help right? Mind if I take a look?" I held out my arm to her and sucked in a sharp breath as her fingers ran around the swollen area. "I'm sorry! I'll try to be quick okay?" I watched how she slipped the brace over my hand to cover my wrist and how she had adjusted it to fit snug against my injury. "So this cell mate of yours? He's that new boy they took from one of the rivals?"
"You know about that?" She tilted her head to the side while a slight chuckle escaped her lips. "How could I not? I'm around the guards and upper ground workers all day every day. I know everything I guess." It was then that Jeongin was shoved in with his new attire of a thin black shirt and black joggers that appeared stretched and wrinkled from being manhandled. It wasn't the state of his clothes that shocked me but it was the puffiness and shade turning of his left eye and the way he held his head before slightly stumbling to the ground. I was just barely able to grab him in time to soften his landing and I noticed how I was holding my breath after he tried to squirm from my hold.
"Jeongin what happened," I asked while examining his head for blood where he was holding. "Jeongin? I'm Dr.Park can you hear me?" I let out a small sigh of relief when he said "loud and clear Doc. Dont worry I just had my head bashed into the shower floor and a fist to the face, nothing a little ice cant fix, or sleep." After a few moments of us making sure it would be safe for him to sleep I let his head rest on my thigh and his arms wrap around my leg while I gently scratched the back of his neck.
"You two really have gotten close in a short time frame," she chuckled before making one more adjustment to my wrist brace. "He's a kid Chae-" "Rosè," she corrected. "Anyways Rosè the boy is still young. He doesnt belong in this world."
"You really dont know much about his line of work do you," she chuckled, "dont let his age fool you Y/N. Honestly I think there is more to him then what we can see. Dont worry about him more then you worry about yourself alright? Now rest up for selections, starts in an hour you know?"
It's like being pigs lined up for slaughter. The Boss brought in his best fighters while the rivals brought there's to examine all of us. One by one we were all being drafted and scheduled. I stood as tall as I could and let no emotion graze my face as I was touched and analyzed by other greasy men and women. The women were by far the worst, having no shame in getting into detail about the people they were selecting. One of them was pinning me up against one of her strongest women, the prize for if she won would be to take me as her slave. Another woman wanted me as a fighter of her own after seeing my past records. By the end of it I would end up fighting against three girls and two guys in the ring.
"Hey Red what about that District Nine boy you recently captured?" My eyes shot over to the boss as a warning glance. He knows very well that I am willing to take out a leader if threatened since I've done it once before, giving him the entirety of the dead man's team. "He is not up for debate. You pick the fight with who I am giving available or you can leave," he yawned while leaning back in his chair. Taking a long drink of his coffee I could see the look he was giving me through the rim of his mug, he was watching my every reaction and most likely was going to use it against me.
I pulled my gaze off of him and put my attention back on my opponents. Most of them seemed to be on my level in terms of body size and determination but one was going to be an obvious challenge. At nearly two times my height and his arms larger then my head you could tell his owner put all the eggs in one basket, rightfully so. He was a beast that could kill me in one hit if I'm not careful and the boss knew it. But I knew I was going to win, I had to win! "Let's plan these matches for two days from now. Be here no later then nine, after that its forfeit and I will claim my prize by midnight," the boss sneered, "dont test my patience."
And with that I was taken to the gym area where Jeongin sat patiently between two guards on the bench press. "So this is the punk you are fighting for," one of the other fighter's asked. "What's it to you Lau? Last I checked you only worry about yourself." "Just curious as to see who is putting you in extra shit," he chuckled before going to the weights to work on his arms and core. "Just ignore him Y/N. You know he doesnt mean anything by it," Amber encouraged with a pat on the back. Even though i know she is right there is still a part of me that wants to knock his teeth in but i will refrain for now.
"So how bad is it," Jeongin asked once i got over to him. "Nothing i cant handle. Get up so i can use this." The guards moved away from the two of us and Jeongin moved to sit on the floor and watch as I got to work. My usual routine would be to work on my strength for around twenty minutes, stamina for fifteen, and then a few other various things for the rest of the hour before we would be dragged back to the showers and get fed in our cages.
"I wonder how well you would fight against Changbin," he mumbled to himself as I continued to lift some weights and then moved over to the pull up bar. "Changbin," I asked behind shallow breaths as I pulled up all of my body weight. "He is the main fighter of Stray Kids." "Big dude," I asked but was only responded to by a fit of laughter.
"If you consider around one hundred and sixty seven centimeters in height tall then sure he is a 'big dude,' but to the rest of us he isn't. But dont let his height fool you, the man is a beast." Rolling my eyes I took a small glance around the room to see most of the others were watching us. Some with pure curiosity while others had more of jealousy burning in their eyes. One man in particular gave the most menacing look. "You got a problem Hongbin," I growled before landing on my feet. He let out a tight scoff as he approached us. "Maybe I do. What makes you so special that you dont have to do shit," he asked as he shoved Jeongin back by his chest.
I was quick to get between the two and land a quick blow to his neck, knocking him to his knees. "Fucking touch him again I dare you," I spat, "anyone else got a fucking problem or can we mind our own business here?" All the eyes that watched intensely earlier immediately shot away from us. Once Hongbin was stumbling back to his feet I knew there would be blood in a matter of minutes. His face was red with a few veins showing here and there and his fists were balled. His anger was always quick to get to him ever since he was assigned to the ring, honestly I cant blame him.
His hand found it's way to my throat and he shoved me into the mirror where my head would slam hard enough to break part of the glass. Everyone in the room froze as I let out a small laugh. "You think I wont put your ass in place because of your fighting status," he growled after he took a swing at my face. My already broken nose stung while the rest of my face began to numb letting me know that it was either fight or get my ass handed to me. I was quick with my hands and yanked a shard of glass from the mirror and shove it into his left hand, forcing him to drop me before I kicked him back and swung my leg around to knock him off of his feet. I grabbed him by his scalp and dragged him over to where our weighted belts and jump ropes were and then proceeded to whip him with the smallest rope we had. After a few seconds he was back to his feet and racing towards me but I was able to barely dodge him and throw a weighted ball at his leg.
In a flash I noticed a body leap ontop of him and hit his head hard with a dumbbell, successfully knocking him out. Jeongin shoved the dead weight off of him and gave me a huge grin as he got back up. "Is he always that aggressive," he asked as if nothing happened. Maybe Rosè was right, maybe I shouldn't worry so much about him.
"You two really do enjoy causing problems dont you," boss asked while his guards tied us to the wooden chairs. I know the rules at this point, stay silent and dont look him in the eyes. If you make yourself look small he will go easy on you but the tougher you act the tougher the punishment.
Jeongin doesnt quite grasp this concept and decided to thrash and fight the guards while yelling at everyone in the room. "He started it! She was defending herself! Leave her alone!" A firm grasp yanked my gaze from the floor and into a pair of ice cold eyes. "Seems someone has gotten attached to our little mutt," he spat. His grip grew tighter by the second until my jaw was forced open and painfully pried to its limits. "Maybe you should pay for his constant running mouth." My heart was beating a million beats a minute and I let out small whimpers as he begins to push and pull on my jaw lightly. When he began to get rougher with me i couldnt help the painful cries i was letting out, knowing he was trying to dislocate my jaw in the most painful way he could. My eyes screwed shut and i just prayed that it would be quick and it be my only punishment. "Stop it! Let her go! Please!"
"Maybe I should make you two an example. Untie them and throw him in his cell. She goes in the empty one beside him and I want her hands tied to the ceiling." Finally releasing my sore but intact jaw I felt my body get ripped from the seat and bonds and was being pulled by my hair while Jeongin had to be escorted by three guards. "Why are you acting so small? I've seen you fight Y/N so do it!"
Soon he will understand, there are times to be big and times to be small. Over the years I have learned what to do for each situation and right now I had to be small and pliant.
As we entered our hall I heard the nervous cries and mumbles that bounces off the walls and was harshly thrown into the cell next to the one Jeongin was shoved into. The guards all came in and roughly bounded my hands and hung me to where my toes only brushed the ground. My shoulders were screaming in agony along with the wrist that I injured now even days ago.
"Y/N fight back," he pleaded while trying to reach for me only for a guard to step on his hand. "Stop it Jeongin," I cried, "please just stop." He was only making this worse for the both of us. I was baring both punishments for severely injuring Hongbin and his constant pleading wasn't helping anything.
The boss came in with a few of his favorite tools. His whip, a few knives, and a few things I havent quite seen before. The whip was the first thing he reached for with a crooked grin on his face. "The punishment would have only been ten but since you decided to take on anything for this little nuisance that makes it twenty right?"
"Y-yes sir," i stammered. Leaning my head away and shutting my eyes I took in a deep breath to try and calm my tensing nerves but as soon as the first strike hit there was no way of relaxation. It started on my thighs, and then my back, and finally to my chest. The stinging never left and my vision blurred from the tears I couldnt even try to hold back. My throat was becoming raw from my cries but behind it all I could hear Jeongin yelling like a mad man.
The knives were for the whip's markings that didnt dig into my skin, he loved to mark me knowing that i would always remember the night i received that specific mark. My skin was numbing at this point and I couldn't keep my head up. For a while everything stopped and i believed it was over until a shearing pain dug into my shoulder blade and two guards held me in place. The smell of burning flesh was filling my nose and the slight hiss was barely heard. I was being branded.
When the punishment was finally over they didnt even bother getting the rope off of my wrist but they tossed my limp body where Jeongin sat helplessly. I let out a small cry at the slightest touch, body too sensitive to want any human contact at all. Soon the rope was gently pulled off of me and I was pulled into a shaking embrace.
"Chan where are you," he whispered as I fell into darkness.
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prissypickle · 5 years
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The Games Chapter One pt1
It was early morning, I just got done getting dressed for the day. I brushed and braided my hair so it would be out of my way when I did my morning chores. Slowly I walked to the kitchen to clean the dishes from the night before. It was a quiet morning as usual. I started the day by doing the dishes and setting the table. My mother worked outside feeding the chickens and gathering the eggs. We lived in a small two bedroom home. Outside we kept chickens and a garden where we grew our own vegetables. It helped us save money from time to time. When we have a really good year we well our tomatoes and cucumbers. 
I reached the kitchen, the dishes were already done and breakfast was made. "Mother? Father?" I asked seeing them sit at the table holding hands. 
"Hi love," Mother looked up at me. "We need to talk," she said, "Come sit," 
"What is the matter? Are you sick?" I sat down at the dining table. 
"No dear," she whispered and looked down. It was silent for several minutes no one speaking. 
"Well then what is it mother," I looked up messing with my braid. 
"You know how The Games are coming up soon right," she said. 
My gaze drifted down. "Yes. It starts in two weeks. Is someone we know in it?" My voice sped up. 
"I can't tell her Daniel," Mother whispered tears in her eyes. 
"Tell me. Now!" I demanded. 
Mother brought her hands to her face and weep, beginning to cry. "I'm so sorry Izzy," she whispered. 
"Father what is going on," I looked at him my heart racing. 
"We needed money. They were going to take our house. We we're going to be homeless." Father said looking at me. Mother sat in the chair next to him crying. 
"Father... what are you trying to say?" I whispered. 
"I went to Aro asking for money," Father lowered his gaze. 
"What did he say," I asked looking up at them. 
"He asked if I had a daughter. If I did give her up and he would give us a 1,000,000$" he whispered. 
"YOU SOLD ME FOR THE GAMES!" I screamed at them standing up knocking over the chair moving back. My heart shot up like a rocket. "I'm going to die. You put me to my death. Why would you do such a thing," tears fell from my eyes. 
"Izzy we had no choice." Father said. "We would've-" 
"WE... WE AS YOU AND MOTHER NOT ME!" I screamed at him. "As soon as you agreed you kicked me out of the picture. You and mother would be homeless not me. I would be there being tortured. Why would you do that to me? I'm your daughter. Mother?" 
"I'm so sorry Izzy. I'm so so sorry. I love you so much baby girl," Mother said moving to me holding on. 
"Christine, they will be here in ten minutes," Father whispered. 
"TEN MINUTES!" I screamed. 
"Give me time with my daughter. This is the last time I will ever see her," she cried holding onto me tightly. "Baby please fight to win. Please dont give up. Don't fight them just listen, just focus okay. Please, I'm so sorry we did this."
"I think I'm going to be sick," I whispered pushing away from her running to the bathroom locking the door. I violently threw up into the toilet bowl for several minutes not able to stop gasping for air afterwards resting my head against the toilet seat. "I'm going to die," I whispered shakily wiping my mouth. Barely I was able to force myself to stand. There was a knock on the door. "Baby you need to come out," 
"Give me a minute," I whispered and splashed my face with water another wave of nausea swarming my stomach. "Oh god," I whispered and quickly brushed my teeth. I took my hair out of the braid redoing it. I opened the door running to my room quickly so I could change my top. Once I changed to a long sleeve top I shakily walked out, my cheeks very pale. There was a red eyed man waiting in the living room. I tried to fight back the tears looking at him.  "Hello," I whispered looking at him. He was here to take me to my doom. Hopefully I die in the first test and I won't have to deal with the rest of the competition. 
"Hello Izzy," he said. "Come here," he watched me. "It's time," he sighs. 
I watched him as I slowly stepped over to him watching him my eyes filled in horror. Right before I got to him I turned running to my mom hugging onto her. "I love you mom," I whispered.
"I love you too baby girl, please fight for me. I can't watch you die," she whispered. 
"I will mommy I promise," I whispered. "I'll fight for you," I looked up at her. 
She kissed my head and hugged me tightly. 
I looked back at the man and moved away from her. "I love you mom," I said walking to him. Father looked at me tense pain in his eyes seeing me ignore him. I looked down. "Okay," I whispered. 
"Baby I'm sorry," Father said. 
"I love you dad," I whispered not able to look at him. I looked up at the man. "Please lets go," I whispered. 
He placed his hand on my back gently leading me out to a limo. 
"I... I'm Izzy," I whispered. 
He chuckled. "Yes I know, I'm Felix," he said. 
"Thank you for waiting. I had to say goodbye to her," I looked out the window tears falling.
"I know. I was outside listening when they told you. It was courtesy I understand it's hard," He sighs. 
I nodded and looked down. I noticed I didn't have my grandmother's necklace. I looked up at him tears in my eyes. "Please stop I forgot my necklace. It was my grandmas. Please go back for it," I grabbed onto his hand tightly. My voice shaking badly. "Please. I don't have to go in. Please just get it for me," I looked up into his eyes. 
"Okay Izzy," he whispered and looked down. "Turn around we forgot something," Felix shouted. 
I looked down tears falling bringing my knees to my chest crying into it. 
Felix was tense touching my back rubbing it gently.
"I don't usually do this but you didn't have time to prepare," he looked down. 
"Thank you," I looked at him. "Thank you," I hugged him tightly. 
The limo pulled over and Felix headed out he opened the door without knocking heading to my room coming out. "This is it," he said. 
I nodded. "It was my grandmas," I whispered. 
"It's old," 
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the-mf-bread-babies · 4 years
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loneliness </\///\|/3
a fic by rocco wulfram north, m.d.
(found that name on hardcore baby names)
–chmapter jop–
before the tríp
It was a normal day for the Skullsmashers: go to somewhere, kill people, be gay, sleep, get brunch. Right now was the first part of their daily routine, and they were getting ready for it.
“holy fuck nova could you hurry the shit up i have to brush my fucking teeth you bitch” Ace hissed, knocking repeatedly on the bathroom door. “Fuck You. I'm Going To Go To Hell Itself” Nova gargled back, mouth full of mouthwash. More banging was heard; the door had seen better days.
Several feet away was Jake, all dressed up and ready to go, waiting for the others to get ready. He sat on the couch gayly in the living room down the hall, scrolling through Apocalypse Twitter. ‘every day i throw down an unpeeled boiled egg from the rooftop to simulate fear and unreadiness’ he read, a tweet from Orc's account. What the fuck. Classic Orc.
“ah fuck !! am i late !!” Jake turned around to see Damon panicking and counting the daggers in his pockets. “no no not at all. i just get ready really quickly to throw everyone into a state of disarray” Jake replied in an honest, monotone voice. “come sit down”
Damon sat down nervously next to his captain, knowing he'll ask him for Bambi on the PS2 now. “look. look at them those dumbshits” Jake uttered, pointing to Ace and Nova arguing. “those little bastards are completely unaware that ive put a fake cockroach puppet in the mirror. watch now” he added, pulling out a cheap remote control and pressing a button.
*sound of glass breaking* Jake sighed. “okay maybe that wasn't really the best idea” Nova screamed, running out of the bathroom and confusing Ace. “Fucking Roach!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she yelled, already too far away from them to be heard clearly. “huh. well okay then!” Ace grinned, going into the bathroom.
“i'll guard. you do your thing okay? :-)” Damon said to Jake, smiling mischievously. Jake's heart skipped a beat as he was suddenly flustered by the killer's action. «oh god, shit's just gonna get more complicated from here» he thought, staring into nothingness.
Damon braced himself against the bathroom door, eager to hear Ace's chaotic screaming. “ready ??” Damon asked, sending Jake back to the real world. “hhuh??????? oh yea right” he mumbled before beginning to control the cockroach with the remote. “this shit cost me like 200 bucks so it better be worth it”
ace will remember this.
Jake cackled loudly, rolling on the floor and hitting the table with his fist. “LMAOOOOK FUCK YOUUU” he yelled, angering Ace even more. “I WILL GODDAMN SKIN UOUR FUCKIGN ISTINEDSTINES OLD MAN I SWEAR TKC FUCKF” they yelled back, pushing the door repeatedly. “IM GOIND TO FUCKIGN DIR HERE YOU BITCH”
“ah . ace ? could you move a little please ? i'm trying to get in ?” Damon said annoyingly kindly, making Ace jab a fake knife through the space between the door and the doorway. “THIS IS THE BEST FUCKIGN KNIFE I HAVE ON ME RIGT NOW BUT PLEADR JSUT FUCK O F F”
“hm ... i'll have to check in with the blacksmith today to know what this one's worth... possibly rusted here, though.... could also just be dirt tho.....” Damon mumbled, examining the knife. “FUCKING HEL P” Ace yelled in distress, his breath seeping through the door. “ace. brush your fucking teeth that's disgusting.”
“IM FUCKIF D TRYINF THERES JUST A FUCKGIFN ROSCH HEREERF” Ace explained fearfully, trying their best to get some pity from the other. “a what ?? don't think we have those here” “A FUCKIFN COKROSKC” “corrosion ???? how bad” “FUCK YOU A GODDMAND COKCROACH” “girls?? what?? are they milfs??” “HOW THEE DFUCKDB DID YEOU HEAR FTHAY WHATS DUCUNESKRHI”
Jake's hand slapped against Damon's shoulder as a way of saying thanks. “good work out there soldier. us skullsmashers really need someone like you damon” He said confidently, disguising his flirting as a compliment. “cool !! you too man !!” The shorter man replied, completely unaware of the flirting and continuing to yearn for the mutual love between him and Jake. fuckin idiots lmao
“alrighty fuckers, let's move!”
Rachel's voice sent Ace and Nova into a panic, making them scram to look for their weapons and equipment. “Got everything ya need? W'ain't makin' any stops; tryin'a save fuel.” Shaw asked, leaning against the wall at the entrance menacingly. “When the fuck did you even come here.” Dennis asked in surprise, carrying suitcases. “Hmph. Man never tells his secrets, young man.” She replied, tilting her cowboy hat. “What…”
Aaron was sitting peacefully in the trunk of a pickup truck they had, only to be met by a large backpack to the face. “ah!!!!!!!! very sorry!!!!!!! we'll be going in separate vehicles, and trunk space is very much needed!!!!!!!!” Whitney said, apologizing. “Ah. Well. O-okay then.” Aaron stuttered out, holding back tears from the painful impact the backpack had. Pretty sure he'll get a bruise from that.
Henderson and Rachel were waiting in the front seats of yet another pickup truck. To pass the time, they took very cringey pictures of each other pretending to be on Cowboy TikTok™. “Do one where you're pregnant with the truck's baby!” Henderson suggested, making Rachel flip the bird at her but begrudgingly agreeing with her stupid idea. “i literally would skin you alive.” She spat out, putting a pumpkin inside her shirt. “That's… literally so sexy, babe.” Henderson replied back, taking more pictures.
Meanwhile, Andre was busy explaining to Cyprus, who was in a small glass jar, that forcibly entering Damon's bloodstream and mutilating his entire body was not very nice, with Orc and Sarah judging. “YES BUT UNLIMITED POWER COULD BE RIGHT IN OUR HANDS ANDRE” “That'd very mean of you to do, and could actually probably kill you too in the process.” he explained to deaf ears. Well, technically no ears. Yet. “CYPRUS I KNOW IT SOUNDS STUPID BUT YOU COULD LITERALLY DO THE SAME BUT LIKE IN AN ELEPHANTS BODY DUDE” Orc suggested, only to be ignored. “cmon cyprus just pleaaaaase dont kill ppl ok”
Jake looked outside, then back at Damon. “well guess its time to move!” “yea ... but at what cost.” Damon replied confusingly, making a sad face. “did you know today is…” he started, then regretted saying anything. “nvm…” He turned away from the punk, sniffling and walking to Dennis and Aaron.
“damon” “??” Jake asked quietly, craning his neck a little before making the decision to leave the new recruit alone. Instead, he joined Henderson and Rachel in their odd activities.
“hey guys. i fucking miss sans.” Damon confessed, taking a seat next to Dennis. “My nose is bleeding.” Aaron pointed out. “ok. today's sunday. and you Know what That Means… Meant,” The boy continued, facing the ground. “Kanye West he…” Dennis began (begun???? idk). “… liked.” Aaron continued, also affected emotionally by the departure of not only Sans, but Komaeda too.
Jake stared longingly at the family, wishing he was a part of it too. He truly felt Ariel Little Mermaid's desire to become human. Seven Vagánias… that was a risk he was willing to take for him. He would shave his eyebrows off for that man, and he just might do it right now.
“Jake? Don't do that. Please don't fucking do that.” Henderson suddenly interrupted, surprising Jake. “do what” Henderson squinted her eyes, giving Jake a suspicious look. “That's the face you make when you want to do silly things…” She pointed out.
“You had that when you almost electrocuted yourself at that stable, you had that when you threw the dart at Scoran, you had that when you glued Marcus and Reese–” “OKAY OKAY I GET IT IM A DUMMY SILLY LITTLE BITCH BOY OK”
Rachel put the pumpkin back on the ground and went to the two friends, curious to know what the quarrel was about. “what's poppin gayboy!” She loudly asked, slapping Jake's forearm strongly. “i am in peril and shaking and crying” “daddy issues” “yget?” He explained, gesturing towards the Russells.
“ah. please clarify what kind.” Rachel said, knowing Jake has a very questionable taste for fictional middle-aged men, such as Sigma Overwatch and the guy from the cowboy game. “the fuckin. family one rachel” “look at em just vibing and simply being gay”
Rachel and Henderson gave eachother a look that questioned whether Damon and Jake were going to be a thing or not, since Jake's technically still with Andre. “Considering the fact that they adopted Damon, they could probably also adopt you if you wanted to.” Henderson suggested, knowing Jake wouldn't like this and would stupidly unknowingly accidentally confess his love for Damon to them both right then and there.
“what?????” “ew no thatd be fuckin incest or some shit what the fuck” Jake said, being grossed out. “what would be the incestuous part, jacon. we did not say or hint at anything related to incest.” Rachel asked, making Jake's hair stand up in panic. “fuCKIN NOTHING DUH” “BUT LIKE YKNOW I GET CRUSHES REALLY EASILY YEA??????” Jake explained weirdly.
“So there's a new one right now, huh…” Henderson asked… feeling like she was in Ace Attorney. “no!!!! no wait” “well yea– no.. but i–” “fuck You but yes” Jake grumbled. “ah no, we won't tell, obviously. it was just getting way too obvious, so we just wanted to hear it from both sides.” “WH” Rachel said mysteriously, getting into the driver's seat of the pickup truck. “okay guys let's go!!” She yelled out, starting the engine. “THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN??????” “BOTH SIDES???”
chapter dos
two four trucks
The journey to god knows fuckin where idk didn't plan i guess a fuckin cabin or smth idk was long and torturous, especially when Rachel said that cryptic-ass thing before going. What the fuck was that supposed to mean, bro.
sudden interlude for seating arrangements !!
truck 1: Henderson, rachel, whitney, CYPRUS
truck 2: jake, damon, marge, Andre, Aaron
truck 3: ace, Nova, Dennis
truck 4: sarah, ORC, Shaw, viper
truck two.
Jake awkwardly patted Marge's head in the backseat of the truck, avoiding eye contact with Damon and Andre. Of course he had to go on a three-day trip in the same car with his ex, his crush, AND his crush's father. God, he was pretty sure this was the lab rats' doing.
“cows.” Damon pointed outside, earning Andre's attention. “Holy– what are those?” He asked, taking his sunglasses off to admire the beautiful little cows. “Cows… we drink their milk and wear their skin as jackets…” Aaron explained, his eyes drifting from the road momentarily. “They can have best friends and stuff. Really nice guys. Also, they're expensive as hell.”
“Y–You do what. Their skin??” Andre asked, his voice a pitch higher than usual. “yeah and we rate them based on which layer it is. also, like their meat, expensive as hell. but still very cool.” Damon said, confusing Andre even more. “they also give us cheese and ice cream and whipped cream and stuff. underrated little babies. they deserve better.” “they also have nose rings which are punk as hell–”
“Wait, why the nose– cheese?! Cheese?! AND ice cream??!” Andre asked again, his mind attempting to comprehend the greatness that cows are. “Oh man, you are not ready to hear about pigs.” Aaron said jokingly. “What the fuck are pigs???” “Sausages, ham slices, bacon, lard, leather too, rotisserie–” “aaron please i'm gonna throw up.” “Oh, right. Sorry,”
Jake sat quietly in his seat, just now realising how much of his world Andre's missing. Sure, his world was much cooler, but do they have sheep? Palm trees? Penguins? Thought not, bitch. “andre do you know what a kangaroo is” He asked, breaking his silence like that one YouTuber.
“A what?” “kangaroo. some of them are buff as shit and they move by hopping. they cant hop backwards and they also keep their babies in little pouches attached to them and their bones and guts are exposed on the inside of said pouch. baby kangaroos are about the size of a jellybean, and the adults can box you”
“They what” “yea they're weird as fuck.” “its from australia so” “That sounds fake.” “oh man. wombats bro. quokkas. fuckin drop bears and flying foxes. PLATYPUSES!!!” “wombats poop in cubes and quokkas are always smiling” “Koala bears hold onto tree branches and eat their mom's shit, which is the leaves of said tree branches.” “Please stop what the fuck” “ohoho fucking GEESE” “GET IM JAKE MY NEIGHBOR HAD FUCKIN THREE OF THOSE BITCHES”
truck three.
The three sat silently, with the exception of Dennis, who was swearing at random times. “You call that a fuckin’ turn, old man?! HUH?!!” Ace's shoulders jumped, the sudden exclamations preventing them from sleeping through the trip. “This Is Probably The Last Time We'll See Each Other Alive.” Nova stated calmly. “i slept for like two minutes last night… didn't even get to wear conditioner today. unrelated but just sharing my struggles with you.” Ace said, shifting into a more comfortable sleeping position.
Dennis overheard the two talking, and opted to stay quiet for the rest of the trip, before stumbling across a strange sight. “FROG!!!” he yelled, waking up the duo. “he said fuck! he said the f” Ace yelled out while rubbing their eyes. “Are We Aliven't” Nova asked, stretching. “Sadly, no, but the good news is, I found a frog!” Dennis excitedly said, opening the car door.
“WHAT” “THAT SHITS GONNA POISON US WHAT THE FUCK” Nova yelled out, unfortunately not loud enough for Dennis to hear it. The man kept walking towards the creature that was technically an alien to them, and picked it up with watery hands. “DENNIS YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING KILL US ALL!!!!!!! DENNIS!!!!!!”
“So, you kids know how to handle a frog?” Dennis asked in a wholesome tone, alerting the two even more. “KILL IT KILL IT FUCKING KILL IT” “Oh, are you guys allergic to this little guy? Sorry, I'll put it in the dashboard instead.” “GET ITBOUT WHAT THE FUCK DENNID JESUS” “… Huh?” “POSIOJ DART FOGR” Nova shouted, hiding behind the passenger seat and being pushed by Ace, who was also going to hide there. “BITCH”
Dennis and the frog stared at them in confusion, hearing their horrified screams. “This is… a wood frog… not a poison dart… that one would probably die in this climate…” he explained plainly, his hands gently cupping the newfound friend. “oh. ok” Ace muttered quietly, while Nova maintained an awkward silence. “You can… pat them very softly if you want.” Dennis suggested. “Or spray the shit outta them. That could work too.”
Nova nervously held out her hand to pat the frog, then smiled in succeeding to do so. “Death Quivers Before Me” She said, proceeding to pat it even more. “can i do the spray thing.” Ace asked, their voice quiet as a whisper. “Yeah, sure. Go right ahead.”
*the frog was going to die so technically they didnt like fuck up the ecosystem or smth. do not attempt this irl.
truck four.
“What jolly tunes d'ya have on this here truck. Fellas.” Shaw asked, observing the radio. “uh, really, i don't think it'll be necessary!!!!!” Viper nervously said, only to be ignored. “NONSENSE! ONE'S TASTE IN SHANTIES PROVES TO BE A WINDOW INTO THEIR LIVES.” Orc said wisely, patting them on the shoulder. “i guess that's good advice, but really–”
“I SEE. A MATING SONG FOR YOUR SPECIES?” “my truck f### playlist,.,.,.” Viper tried to mute the speaker to no avail as most of the buttons on the control panel were very much broken. “I'm. Very sorry for this, pardner. But this doesn't sound so bad. I could put this in a jukebox…” Shaw consoled, only making them panic more. “im so f#ckig sorry” They said, before smashing the radio with a briefcase.
They all paused for a moment, unsure of what to do. “i have spotify…” Sarah croaked, holding up her phone. “they have lemon demon too, if you want…” She muttered, scrolling through the song choices. “does anyone want to listen to wet a–” “no.” “okay.”
The truck grew even quieter for a while, until Shaw gave a suggestion to pass the time. “Wanna play 20 questions?” “I'll start: how many folks have y'all killed?” Viper gave the assassin a horrified look, confusing her. “I think mine's around 150. No… 145…” She confessed, rubbing her chin. “Wait, or was it 160?”
“like six. do you like girls, and, follow up question, do you also coincidentally like short girls with long hair.” Sarah said without hesitation, stopping Orc from answering the first question. “Yes! I literally have a wife!” Shaw shouted happily, rolling up her sleeves to show Sarah her tattoos. “This one is her setting herself on fire and me getting inspired–” “ah, yes–” “That one was a total cover-up! Previously, it was the names of my exes, all thirteen of them, but now, it's my cat!”
After some time of receiving a bit too much RexShaw lore, Sarah finally got the answer she so desperately needed from Viper. This was the verdict that determines whether she could make a move or not. This answer could change– “i am gay and do not get attracted to women. thank you.” Ah. Back to more hunting. “I am a lesbian! High-five!” Shaw exclaimed.
And finally, the first truck.
truck one.
Loud country music blared in the truck as they drove by the snowy mountains of uhh. Winsnow. Like winter and snow. They had all chosen separate routes in order to cover more land and see if there were any new developments in the area.
“BRANDY!!! FETCH ANOTHER ROUNF!!!!!!” Rachel screeched as she drummed on the dashboard. “AND SHE FJSJS” Henderson kept driving, searching every inch of land for a rest stop to stretch her legs and also listen to something else.
“hendy.” Rachel said, getting her girlfriend's attention. “do you wanna buy that slime that cleans cars and stuff?” Henderson stared into the distance, pondering. “Hm. There's always the possibility of the slime disappearing under mysterious circumstances and turning up in the trash can the next day covered in saliva, so.” Whitney looked away, feeling attacked.
“yeah, that's a problem.” Rachel muttered, her hand instinctually moving to Henderson's. “Please don't crash the car.” She begged, looking sadly at her. “is there a domino's nearby. i heard they have that new peanut butter chocolate lava cake.” Rachel asked, cupping Henderson's face gently.
“Rachel. There's fucking mountains.” Henderson pointed out, gesturing towards their surroundings. “That shit will freeze.” Rachel put her head down in disappointment. “yeah. damn.” “MORE FLESH!!! MORE FLESH!!! MORE FUCKING FLESH!!!”
Oh yeah, Cyprus was here the whole time. “why does the metal say fuck?????” And Whitney too! “MIND YOUR OWN GODDAMN BUSINESS. FLESH NEEDED!” Cyprus yelled out, resembling a hungry toddler on a road trip.
“do you want like a burger or something......” Whitney asked, judging the spirit. “FLESH” “like are you more of a kfc or a mcdonalds guy” “NEED FLESH” She gave the couple a look, one that was kind of undecipherable due to her lack of normal face details like eyebrows, visible pupils, etc.
“So, three peanut butter lava cakes and one meat lover's… what else?” “ah!!!!!! no lava cake for me, i'm on a diet!!!!!! dirt and dirt only!!!!!!!!!!! also fish bones as a treat” Whitney corrected, her eyes searching for a nearby body of water. “Or, we could get Cyprus the fish meat, and Whitney the bones.” “sounds good to me!!!!!!!!” “FLESH”
“welcome to domino's! can i get your order?”
“three peanut butter lava cakes, please. that's all. thank you.” Rachel said, her seat switched with Henderson's, who was too nervous to order. “okay but they each take like three hours to make” “what.” “yea you can stop by like the grocery store up ahead” “fuck you for ordering this” “i–” “fuck off”
the grocewy stowe
The truck stopped by the front of the building, Rachel telling them to go in first while she searches for a good parking spot. Much to Henderson's disappointment.
“My lover…” Henderson said with fear in her voice. “it's okay… go along… i… i have to do this for you…” “for you all… i won't forget the good that you've done to me and everyone i've ever known…” “Rach, please don't go, I lo–” “you all are the kindest people… heaven may wait eagerly for you, but as for me, the ground trembles for its latest meal. fresh from the oven, i will enter the furnace…” “why the fuck would they cook you again” “because i'm TOAST!!” “haha”
“Kill Ronald Reagan while you're at it… I forgot which one he is but I'm pretty sure he's a total bitch…” “i will meet you doomguy” “heeeeeeeh” Rachel whined weakly as she slowly drove over to the spot she wanted.
A silver Honda Civic quickly made its way into there, angering the scientist. “not on my watch, fucker.” Rachel muttered, sliding the pickup truck across the road. She slammed her palm onto the car horn, which terrified even a murder of crows.
“huh wonder who that is” “hm anyway which fish do u like ???? :-)”
A woman who seemed to be in her late 40s exited the Honda Civic, throwing a rather large and flashy boa around her neck. “Jesús, ít's cold in hère,” The lady commented, putting on a pair of expensive-looking sunglasses. “Márie, come along, ma cheghhy!” (i forgot how to spell it)
oh, son of a B I T C H .
it's the french lady who smells weird.
Of course, seeing your enemy in any circumstance that wasn't planned was clearly a little scary and will probably be your last day alive, but bumping into them at a Target was kinda… awkward.
Both the hazelnut and the dolphin were less armed and armoured than usual, and there weren't any bodyguards or security. Usually, if a top leader goes anywhere, the standard protocol was to do thirty separate background checks on the location and have it guarded up somewhere in the three months before their arrival.
So, obviously, someone in Top 50 driving around town in a decades-old car buying groceries isn't very safe, or probably even legal. Hell, she hasn't even seen them wear anything this ridiculous ever. Could this be a distraction? Or is it an opportunity?
Ah, wait, they're both wearing their stupid little marriage bracelets.
It's the middle of October.
This is their anniversary vacation.
in the store
Henderson strolled through the aisles with Whitney at her side, hugging Cyprus's jar. She examined the cereal boxes to make sure they didn't contain any food colouring that could potentially kill her.
Whitney, on the other hand, zoomed over to the meat section, licking her lips at the sight of a raw cod. “cyprus…… do you feel that? the need to devour a being???? the uncontrollable desire for energy that it transcends all laws and regulations placed on mankind?????? the growing hunger for power, one that's so strong it controls your every need????
a natural, primal instinct to become such a brutal being that no one, not even you, recognise yourself anymore. you look at yourself in the mirror and you feel like you want to destroy that, to put yourself onto the pedestal you belong on, to wreak havoc on the cosmos of all beings, living and dead, real and mythical, walking and extinct.
you know that you're the only who understands this instinct, the only one who follows it to this distance. everyone else may underestimate you, but in the end, you'll rise above them all. man's natural instinct is to become the ruler of all.”
“What the fuck, Whitney. Anyway, I talked to the deli guy and he said he could pay you to eat up some scraps if you want. You down?” Henderson asked, her trolley already full of snacks. “yea fuck it man” Whitney replied, walking over to the ‘staff only’ door. “im hungy as fuck”
parking lot.
Despite the growing need to kill the woman, Rachel was managing to control herself. Even though this was the perfect opportunity to eliminate one of them, she knows she'll be replaced by someone much crueler. So for now, she'll just stick to watching this lady consider which can of tomato sauce is better than the other.
Rachel parked the truck near the entrance and the Honda Civic. She kept an eye on the couple as she quietly made her way inside through the back door.
“So thàt's when Í saìd, ‘that's not a cactùs, that's a lámp!” Karén playfully said, her hand entwined with her wife's. Rachel was unsure whether to stalk the two or join her friends in shopping.
B I T C H !! !! !!
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