#i think it would be cool if my oc (who i am currently playing as) got to kiss those men
zo0pl0op · 5 months
i think the biggest flex i currently have is me getting shane up to 10 hearts and harvey up to 8 in two days (i am currently midway thru summer 1 and i started this file yesterday)
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free love mod is on btw
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em-b-sides · 2 months
I think about that tiktok trend where you like paint your partners eye color on your nails or make a bracelet or something with the color a lot actually
#like its so cute honestly but sometimes i wonder how hard it would actually be to like find the right color match#maybe one day... but for now probably expect oc art with this trend in it maybe 💀#the thing about it too is i have like dark eyes and idk if ive ever seen like a dark brown nail polish. beads or thread yeah but ya#oh nvm i googled. it exists i just dont pay attention ig#OH you know what i can do... i can paint pepperonis eye color on my nails.... my baby... my kitty......#dude it feels like 5 am why is it only 2#amyways. 4 monsters was a big mistake i think... i feel quite icky...#it doesnt help i didnt eat for a majority of the day it was just monster. im really unhealthy. need water maybe#wait i was talking about nail polish how did i get here#i just want to actually do cute couple things. i must heal. im gonna be so healthy.#its fine. lmao. i just know im not ready#oh i did eat btw dont worry lmao i had. chicken nuggets#i actually have to eat more bc i need to gain back some weight or they wont let me donate plasma#my extra pokemon money..... nawr...#i dropped like 10 pounds. my current job is very physical. lots of scuttling around.#i thought about working out too? i had a short phase last year in like spring or something where i started doing workout type stuff#so like.. maybe. probably should. healtly mindset shit yk#i also maybe want some more clothes. like update my wardrobe a bit. really figure out my style.#like some cool shirts and maybe pants. cause i wear a lot of the same stuff#also again. dropped weight so. need better fitting pants.....#i want more mens pants. big pockets... gender....#anyways. nice chatting with you besties. love you guys my silly little tumblr besties.#some of you that follow this sideblog have supported me on here for a while. i see you. i appreciate you. thank you 💖#genuinely there are names that pop up and im like !! hello!!! its you!!!!!#you guys probably know who you are. go get yourself a little treat you deserve it. or like. idk what you enjoy.#play a good game. watch your favorite show. idk. be happy. love yourself.#this also goes out to those of you who are more passive on my blog. i appreciate you too!! thank you!#all my little tumblr followers.... my besties..... unles you are a bot i havent cleared out lmao#k i might have to go to bed idk im tired well see
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zahri-melitor · 6 days
I know you've all been waiting for this one: Sum of Our Parts (yes I finally got to Meghan Fitzmartin).
The very first thing I'll say: yeah, I see why DC commissioned more stuff from her after getting this and seeing the response. It's a solid opening showing her ability to write Tim.
There were a lot of moving parts that needed to be re-established and tidied up in this story, and I can see the list being worked through:-
Name: being very clear Tim is currently Robin, because since Tynion's 'Tec run ended, his name and costume have been varying by who is writing him with very little consistency.
Tim not going to university: this probably did need a push back on, because Tynion just waved the door open on that again during Joker War.
The fact that Tim and Steph are broken up (sort of essential for the plot being told)
Playing with the themes of moving on from Robin (but in this case using it as a frame to actually be the bait and switch that it's coming out instead)
Bernard is clearly an OC from the ground up who shares a name and hair colour with his previous existence. Which, look, Bernard was a pretty thin character with basically two personality traits (conspiracy theorist/trying really hard to project cool), and it is of course fairly arguable that Bernard was projecting a front at 16 that he no longer needs now he's accepted his identity. But it would be nice to have that conveyed in the text, rather than something you infer to try and connect two characters who are otherwise unalike. Especially given how much of the story is Tim reflecting on himself.
Even a line or two more about how he doesn't feel the need for a front anymore to line up with Tim having revelations. "Tell Tim Drake...he helped me realise my true self. Who I am" is nice enough but it could still use some more acknowledgement of how that changed his personality. It's just this nice parallel that could have helped develop the themes more securely. There's a bunch of possible implications you can read into the story (particularly in terms of how the Dowd parents really ARE characterised lightly as Fanon Drakes, between the polite fronts and implications that Bernard was previously abused at home in this) and this is one of the things that while I don't mind how much of this story Fitzmartin was telling via implication, a few more concrete things confirmed would have helped.
If I were going to make a solid stab of a guess at what sections of Robin Fitzmartin liked/reread in the lead into writing this, I honestly think it was Fabian Nicieza's Robin run (and probably parts of Red Robin). It's just...a lot of the characterisation has some very similar notes to it. Tim's got the same sort of smug confident edge to his internal commentary, the ways his skills are portrayed, and Detective Williams even reminds me quite a bit of Officer Jamie Harper. (I don't think she actually looked back over Willingham).
It's also very much a coming out story, and I do appreciate in that Fitzmartin does try to be delicate about it and doesn't whack you over the head with the bluntest lines possible (I just suffered through that in Infinite Frontier #0 with Alan Scott and good god did I cringe the entire way through the 'yes while you are my biological children and I have indeed been married. to women. I am gay. Listen to me come out.'), the amount of implied themes she levels through it is still substantial. It could have used slightly more focus on the actual underlying mystery.
I can also see the start of the situation where the story needs to decide whether Bernard Knows or Doesn't Know. Because both states would allow for situations with a lot of drama (and potentially identity shenanigans which are the best shenanigans), but just having it as sort of vacillating in the middle as something that doesn't need to be investigated? It's leaving a lot of potential storytelling on the floor that could instead be used to send Tim through the wringer. (Also Tim wow half of that cult probably could have figured out your identity, you weren't subtle)
Look, I don't think this story contained the greatest Barbara Gordon characterisation ever written, but it was within the bounds of overly-interfering, self-righteous and pushy Babs, which is something that does pop up at times. It felt in conversation with her characterisation in Batgirl 2009, and while I don't LIKE the way Babs is written in it, especially in regards to Steph, it makes sense in terms of the direction DC was pivoting at this point in terms of leading into the whole Batgirls title.
Fitzmartin was also clearly using Steph characterisation from very late Robin/BFTC/start of Red Robin, when they were fighting, in terms of how she's trying to have Steph needle at Tim's sore points, and set up a dichotomy of 'Steph has it together/Tim does not'.
And yes, Belén Ortega's art is very, VERY pretty.
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thyrsus · 1 month
gravity falls fandom kinda came back recently, and so did my interest in the show. i rewatched it, and am currently hyperfixating on it, just like i did when i was a child. SO! I'M IN SEARCH OF A GF ROLEPLAY.
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(i sorted and itemized them out for all you skim-readers, yeah, i'm cool like that)
— i'm 23M, and i'm looking for 18+ roleplayers only
— (( for romantic roleplays, )) i strictly prefer mxm pairings and fxf pairings. i don't do oc x cc most of the time, i like cc x cc and oc x oc much better. (if your oc is really interesting to me, i would consider cc x oc!)
— (( for non-romantic roleplays, )) i'd LOVE to explore the brotherhood between Stanley and Stanford, so hit me up if you're interested in that!
— ((for cc x cc)) i've never really been the die-hard shipper type when it comes to gravity falls ships, so i think i'd be fine with most ships. the ones i can think of from the top of my head, though, are Billford, Ford², Mabel x Candy (whatever they're called, also they'd obviously be aged up)
— ((for oc x oc)) i have like 2 oc's in this universe but they're not really well-written as of now, just ideas for the characters i'm mapping them out to be, and i'd like to practice their behaviors and mental states etc through our roleplays, to sorta grow them into a more realistic/mature oc, if that makes sense. as for your oc's, i'd like to know about them before roleplaying, as the character has to be something i'm interested in in order for me to enjoy the roleplay. i also like to draw ship art (or just fanart) for the oc x oc roleplays i do, so that's cool too i guess lol
— ((for plots)) i'm okay with making something up in the DMs. generally, i love angst and slow burn, hurt/comfort, action and fantasy based stuff. i like fluff too but idk how fuckin BILLFORD over there could have fluff in it so.. yeah. I'm open to AU's, if you're open to explaining them to me like i'm a 4 year old. I'm open to nsfw themes, whether that be blood, gore, or sexual content. i also looovee horror themes.
— ALSO!! I'd love to try out an mxm oc x cc for Stanley x your oc, maybe their teenage years, idk, i know i just said i don't so oc x cc but I want to play Stan in a romantic setting and idk who to ship him with LMAOO. Same goes for Wendy, i'd love to play as her in a romantic setting but I just don't ship her with anyone, so if you have a female oc that'd be interested in an aged up Wendy, hit me up lol
— i mostly roleplay on Discord
— my literacy level is semi-literate to advanced-literate, i'd want my partner to match my freak when it comes to that.
— talking to my rp partner out of character about the characters we're playing as, about the show, or maybe even about our own lives is what makes the roleplays engaging for me! i guess being my friend or talking about yourself isnt a requirement KCAKFKW but it'd be cool to chat ooc about the characters and the show at least :))
— i'm a full time student and a part time barista so i might reply late at times, sorry in advance for that.
— i feel like i mentioned almost everything? but if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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otaku553 · 1 year
How goes the fma x albedo fic? I hope that doesn't sound pushy, I'm genuinely curious. And in that vein, do you have any little drabbles you may have written or want to write? Especially with your recent kny ocs/yourself and your siblings. That'd be super fun to read about! Your art AND your writing is so freaking good, the moment I see you've posted something new on your blog I'm clicking it so fast. Same with your ao3 account ❤️
Thank you for the kind words!!! Currently not working on any fics, since I just came out of 10 weeks of summer research where my days began at 8 am and ended at 9 pm for probably less than minimum wage hahaha (doing research is a Bit Sad but I get a whole month to relax before classes start again so thank goodness for that)
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I do however!!! Have a lot of plans!!! If you’re interested you can read more below!
Plans include but are not limited to:
Finally working on Homuncular Nature again!! I definitely do have a lot of plans and cool scenes playing out in my head for the next chapter, it’ll just come down to when I actually put pen to paper (or stylus to iPad) to actually organize and write them all. The road block I think is that I have seen neither Albedo nor fmab very recently and all my concrete ideas are for around the 30 episode mark for fmab, the turning point with the first actual confrontation against father and the subsequent Briggs arc.
Rewriting Ten Thousand Maple Leaves! A lot of people have been very kind but I think I missed the mark with my first chapter to be honest. My writing has gotten a lot wordier and less succinct, which feels like I’m filling a chapter more with fluff and unnecessary description than actual content. I think I also dislike how I characterized Sanemi and how quickly Kazuha was willing to agree with things. Writing both of them is kind of a difficult challenge tbh! I think in rewriting it I want to give back to Kazuha more of his vagrant role in the games, where he is avoiding the law for reasons somewhat out of his control.
Ebisu siblings content! I think it might be fun to try having them interact with more of the canon characters in kny but I also think there’s some value in a complete sort of outsider point of view when inserting characters into a piece of media. I feel like whenever I see self inserts I see a lot of ocs making themselves indispensable and making meaningful relationships with existing characters that way and that’s totally valid! That’s a lot of what I do for crossovers as well. I think when it comes to my own ocs though, I want them to feel grounded in some form and the reality of it is that none of the characters I make based on myself or real people are that impressive or remarkable. But I also think there’s a lot of value in showing smaller scale things outside of the main interactions and plot to show that even though we aren’t remarkable, we still have our own meaningful connections and ideologies and stories :) in the end the Ebisu siblings are a lot more visual though so I may just continue making doodles and art without writing anything haha
Kirby & Meta Knight ageswap AU: I was mostly doing this on my ask-gikabi sideblog in short form comics, but I lost sight of what I wanted to do after making the discord and starting to interact with some of the people who followed it. I think a lot of people are inspired and have their own very cool ideas that I wanted to take into account but then eventually it was no longer my story or the story I wanted to tell, which is why I’m thinking of restarting it as a fic. This one is still in very rough idea stage though, I have honestly no clue how I’m even going to begin organizing it
Yanfei ace attorney crossover: this one’s just pure crack lmao I would definitely write it as crack taken seriously but I think this is fun to explore just for small ideas that pop up every now and then, i.e. yanfei is semi-immortal because she’s half adeptus so it would be Really Funny to me if she showed up in dgs era, got her attorney’s license, went into hiding after it became obvious that she wasn’t aging, and then re-emerged after rebranding herself as her own daughter or granddaughter. That, and I have a lot of fun imagining someone as pragmatic as yanfei trying to get through the sheer chaos of aa despite being otherworldly
Continuing winter weather advisory: I got to a really good point in that fic and was rereading it today like,,, damn I wrote that? And it would be fun to see where I planned on going with it so I do want to also try working on that a bit if I can
Kazuha & Kunikuzushi role swap au: this is something I posted about a Long While ago but it’s an idea I continue to be fascinated with :) I especially enjoy how these two characters could have had completely different roles and personalities depending on how their pasts happened (with wanderer being so nice and turning so bitter and kazuha growing up so spoiled (for lack of a better word) and turning out so weary and yet kind
Link click and mha crossover: this one is honestly just a very recent idea but I think it would be fun to make a drabble on how lightime photo studio would be able to continue operating even in another world and the trouble they might get into for illegal quirk usage and what using cheng xiaoshi’s powers in a world where being able to tell the future is canonically possible would entail
I have!! So many ideas!! And not enough time or motivation to actually write any of them most of the time :’)
But I’m very glad to hear that you enjoy them and look forward to my posts!! :D I really hope I can work on some of these over the last month of summer vacation that I have :)
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Something I do that seems cringe but isn't:
All my OCs are PopStars in my head
(a project in normalizing my neurodivergent behaviors - I talk about my maladaptive daydreaming habits and hyphantasia. I try and talk about behaviors I've never seen anyone discuss)
All of my OCs are musically inclined. All of them can play music or sing or something. Especially the girls. Why?
Cause they're PopStars. All of them.
Am I the only one who does this?I'm SO curious.
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This how they be in my head I'm so deadass
I like to listen to music a lot while daydreaming. It's a huge daydream trigger, especially for my hyphantasia.
And I can daydream full length music videos with outfits and sets and themes without much effort at all.
And I do it ALL THE TIME. WITHOUT MEANING TO. I don't even think about it at this point.
I can tell which character sings what part, and when a certain singer sings a line in the song, the appropriate character will take center in the music 'video'.
There's chereographed dancing, outfit changes. Like a constant popstar AU.
I've done this for years. And at this point I don't have to think about it.
If anything I do it to relax, it's like turning off my brain vhhvhohococ and I'll just sit there and do it for like thirty minutes straight lol
And honestly THAT'S SO FUCKING COOL I MEAN writing it out right now it sounds almost fake but I promise there is a VH1 Top 20 Music Video Countdown show going on every time I listen to music
I find it's really helpful even when I'm not doing it.
It helps at keeping characters different, because I'm seeing them as if I was looking at the Spice Girls, with each woman needing their own style, attitude, vocal strength
Certain characters have a certain tone of voice - so if I imagine a character as an alto, from then on they can only really appear in songs with altos.
Some songs go to certain characters based on personality and lyrics and beat
I have playlists of 'albums' each girl group would sing.
Each group has a name too, sometimes the albums even have names.
And this is my brains default music mode. As a kid I remember having an ipod nano and sitting on the long subway rides listening to music and doing this for like an hour straight.
The main group is named Dianne (can be pronounced Di-anne or Di-An-Ne)
It's a musical duo of my OCs Disco-Spider Diane and her varient Annie - also named Diane, hence the name. (I haven't posted Annie yet but I'm gonna talk about her anyway because you'll get the jist right it's no biggie)
Their current album: Perfect Package EP
Top song: I Am - Baby Tate (feat. Flo Milli)
other songs: Area Codes - Kaliii, Vroom Vroom - Charli XCX, BRAT - Chrissy Chlapecka, Down Boy - No Angels
Concept: Bratz (Diane) vs Barbie (Annie)
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Annie's outfits:
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Solid and bright solids and checkered patterns - mod style
Diane's outfits:
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Scantily clad Courtney Love DiscoPunk
Umm. This is kinda embarrassing for me to talk about that's the point to make it not embarrassing
But it's like something so personal and writing it out it's RIDICULOUS how detailed it is butuhhh ISN'T IT COOL TOO anyway uhhhhhh :)
Does anyone do this too. Or like.......
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luvtonique · 9 months
Sometimes I wanna administer my services as a person who just asks questions to creative writers to help them write.
I just watched a looping cartoon where a cyborg girl on low battery power is panicking due to that fact. Her battery runs out, and an automatic solar charger on her body recharges her enough for her to wake back up.
In this loop, the overlying conflict is "Low Battery," so you'd think the character on screen would be doing something to conserve battery power.
However, she focuses on fixing her voice module (likely because the animator wanted to do a cool little voice modulation thing where her vocal clarity is awful at first and slowly becomes more clear), and then starts to attempt to repair her missing leg before running out of battery power.
I know it's not some kind of masterful piece of creative writing that's supposed to be deeply engaging, it's just a little looping 40-ish second animation someone made.
But I just sat there with an eyebrow raised like a Dreamworks character and went "Now wait just a second, this plot makes no sense"
Why would she fix her voice module if she's alone?
Why would she try to repair her leg if her missing ARM might be a more functionally useful thing to repair in her current state?
And most importantly, why would she be panicking if she very clearly has a solar charger that activates automatically upon her running out of battery power?
Again, I get it, it's not meant to be anything more than an artsy little looping animation, but these are things I swear to God so few writers even consider. If you're going to introduce a conflict that's the entire plot of something, why would you make the character(s) just completely ignore the conflict and panic about entirely unrelated things?
If there's a safety net that's in place specifically to prevent the conflict, why make the character(s) panicking?
Like why do so few people ask these questions???
I had a friend who had an android OC that had depression, and I asked them "Why did someone program them to have depression?" to which they replied "Oh, because they're a brain in a robotic body."
I then looked at some of their example art and pointed to an instance of them downloading a "personality matrix" that made them into an obedient pet-play kink character, and I went "So you've clearly established they can download new personalities, so why wouldn't they download something to cure their depression? You've shown that your character is constantly sad, constantly complaining about their mental health, constantly being used as vent-art for your real life mental issue, but you've also established in-canon that your character can easily fix that problem. So why don't they?"
They then responded by stating the pet-play part was no longer canon, because "Make an android OC with depression" was more important to them than thinking logically about the canon they've created. It just baffled me, and still does.
People are so much more concerned about creating a character that fits some kind of label or opinion or self-insert than they are about actually utilizing their own established canons to create potential resolutions for character conflict.
People don't want character growth, they want a walking symbol representing something they believe or some archetype they find attractive, and they want that character to never change, never improve and never overcome any issues they have because doing any of those things would change their character.
Am I just incapable of writing brief posts
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bebepac · 1 year
Six Sentence Sunday 05.21.23 / Mood Music Monday
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I have a new obsession peeps.  I am watching this series called FROM currently, and it  has all my senses tingling.  Talking to some friends I have realized, 1. I like shows set in small towns where weird stuff is happening. 2. If the people are trapped in said town and there is spooky, weird or supernatural stuff going on, or something that just can’t be explained, I’m all about that life.   And From tickles my fancy,  watch it be cancelled tomorrow, as this tends to happen with all of my weird favorited shows.  
Work has been crazy, but just recently in the past few days, even though work is still insane,  I’ve been inspired to write, even though my whole day is spent typing for  my job.  Go figure.  
So here’s amazingly what i’ve posted in the last little bit:
The Life of Riley: Book Two:  Garden Party Photo  Op
The Rotten Apple 🍎:  The Last Part: 
Original post: 05/21/23 at 7:52PM EST.
Here’s what I have in the pipeline 
This one is a surprise.  It came to me after I had a conversation with @angelasscribbles about Drake.  
It could be honestly seen as a prequel to my fic with If Only For The Night
The Book:  TRR Mood Music Monday Submission:  That Don’t Impress Me Much by Shania Twain The Moments In Between Pairings:  None:  TRR MC is single Status:  Still in the writing process, nearly complete!
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To be honest, I wasn’t even surprised about how the trip was going being in Lythikos for Olivia’s tribute to Prince Liam.  The room she put me in was basically a refurbished broom closet, dinner was served to my table cold with portions of the entree missing.  But what struck me and what did surprise me is that Liam didn’t notice, and never checked up on us, supposedly his true blue friends were all sitting at the neglected table and he didn’t even glance in our direction the whole evening,  
And not to mention….the kiss. He let her kiss him in front of the whole court. He genuinely appeared surprised when it happened, but everyone at the table, all their eyes were trained on me for a response.  I mean honestly, what could I say?  Prince Liam is not my boyfriend, I’m a suitor in this game we’re all playing.  I am competing for a man that at this point has no true allegiance to me.
Nonchalantly I shrugged my shoulders.  “She went for it.  You know, she doesn’t usually get this much individual time with the Prince, so I can’t fault her for shooting her shot.”  
“You’re a lot calmer than I thought you would be, Brooks.”  
“I mean, these so-called 'noble' royals have been showing me who they are this whole time, I’d be a fool not to believe them.”  
“You deserve a drink Brooks,  meet up with me later, and we’ll find where the good stuff you like is stored in this keep.”  
“I really might have to take you up on that.”  
Liam finally cornered me for a brief moment, as I stood on the balcony letting the cool wind revitalize me.  
“Are you angry with me for what happened?”
“I thought you might be.”  
“How can I Liam? you haven’t so much as stated any intentions you have for me, or of any feelings you might feel for me because you say, you can’t.  You have a duty to your people and I get that.  But don’t forget, all of us are “your people, and we are getting mistreated by some of these people that are supposed to be the “Nobility.”
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Mood Music Monday Submission:  This Woman’s Work by Kate Bush Final Chapter: The Wedding The Book: TRH Series:  The Rotten Apple 🍎 Pairings:  Elle x Nico (Eleanor x M!OC) Status:  Still in the writing process
The family was sitting at the table eating breakfast when there was an urgent knock to the door.
“I wonder who that could be this early?”
“You’re not expecting anyone?”
“No.” Nico wiped his mouth with his napkin and rose from the table, as Tomas  immediately headed towards the door behind Nico.
“Should we be concerned?”  Liberty asked.  
“I don’t think so, it’s probably nothing.”
A few moments later Nico and Tomas returned with one more gentleman in tow.
"Liberty you have a guest, Michail has come to see you. Apparently you told him you were leaving today, he wanted to make sure he saw you before you left."
“Hello Liberty.”  
Elle wanted to laugh at the side eye her father was giving poor Michail.
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“Hi Michail.” She had never heard her sister’s voice sound so giddy before. 
Liberty gasped immediately reaching for her hair.
"You look perfect Libby," Elle whispered to her sister. Now Elle felt the way her sister had felt; she was the matchmaker.  "Go say hello to him."
She watched her sister smiling and talking to her young gentleman caller who had brought her a bouquet of hand picked flowers, that Liberty didn't mind in the least. There was a light flush to her cheeks.
Elle smiled walking up to the two of them.
"Is your guest staying for breakfast?"
She didn't wait for him to answer in true Mama K fashion.
"I'll fix you a plate. And I'll put these in water. Nico please get a chair for Libby's guest."
"Thank you."
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Chapter 5: Moonlight Rendevous The Series:  The Blue Honey Cafe The Book: TRR Pairings: TRR MC is single Status:  Still in the writing process
He sat down on the blanket with Riley placing the popcorn between the two of them.  
“I’m glad you could come over here for a bit Mason, to sit here with me.”  
“Me too.”  
Mason tried not to read too much into it, but as the movie went on Riley seemed to inch closer to him.  She was so close to him that he could smell  the perfume of her body and the scent of her shampoo in her hair.  
After the movie,  Mason helped Riley pick up her things and fold her blanket.  
“I had a great time with you Riley.”
“Me too Mason.   I loved the movie. They definitely left it open for a sequel. What did you think of the movie?”
“She did a lot of terrible stuff.  But I don’t know why, I still want her to be happy.”
“Because she’s not all bad. She felt guilt and remorse.”
“Exactly……. Well this is awkward.”  
“What’s wrong?”
“The food truck, my ride is gone, therefore I have no way to get back to the restaurant and my vehicle.”  
“I’ll take you.”
“Thanks Riley, that's nice of you.”
Mason carried all her stuff to the car for her.        
“Hey I know, you’re depending on me to get back to your car, but I was wondering if  you felt up for doing something else for a little bit.  I mean we’re already out, and we both said we need to be more social.”
“What did you have in mind?”  
“Okay hear me out.. I’ve always wanted to go to this place.”
“Wheelz?!?!?!  This used to be my favorite place as a kid.  I had several birthday parties here. Midnight skating slaps.”
“But you said this was your favorite place as a kid?”
“Kids can be teenagers too.”
“Are you good at skating?”
“I am great at skating, are you Riley?”  
“Yes, I wouldn’t have mentioned this place if I couldn’t.  I’m not trying to embarrass myself.  But I wanted to have someone to go with. I don’t have a date, so would you maybe be my plus one?”
“Yes. I’d be honored to be your plus one Riley Brooks.”
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fereldanwench · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @wanderingaldecaldo to share some stuff I'm working on so AU rambling it is!
(Also I just realized that I am once again so behind on keeping up with my mentions and asks. I need more hours in the day. 😭)
So as some of y'all know, I am a long-time Tomb Raider super fan, and facets of OG Lara Croft almost always influence my OCs because she is just goals. Valerie was no exception here--Her canon street style and effortlessly cool and tough yet elegant vibes were very much inspired by the one and only Lady Croft.
When I realized that across these three mods (one, two, three) I could make a Tomb Raider Underworld-inspired outfit for Valerie, that just became my sole reason for living for like six hours.
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Initially, I wasn't planning on delving into a story or anything with the shots--I just wanted to play with some Tomb Raider-esque settings to get a little break from the high-tech/low-life urban setting to refresh the muse--But then I realized this could actually be the perfect setting to explore another idea I had been sitting on for a while.
I had wanted to play with a Yakuza!Goro AU for some time now (turning to a life of organized crime if Arasaka hadn't picked him up has always seemed like something that could have been in the realm of possibility based on the little bit he shares about his childhood), and Lara does get tangled up with some Yakuza shenanigans in some storylines so 💡💡💡 Treasure Hunter/Yakuza AU: I Only Play for Sport (based on Lara's iconic one-liner in the intro of the 1996 game) was officially born!
Work has been nuts the past few weeks, and I didn't really feel like trying to figure out how to mod tats on Goro myself, so I asked the wonderful @86maylin if she was up for a private commission. Luckily, she was. 🙏🙏🙏 (Thank you again, May!)
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This has also been another journey into building with AMM--I have a few very specific scenes in mind, and I wanted them to be in totally original settings created specifically for this AU instead of defaulting to my usual locations (like Hanako's estate).
To kick that off, I decided I wanted to make a little living space for Goro. I got a lot of good practice building a stage, essentially, when I did the little villainess shoot a little while ago, so I felt pretty confident that I could put together something loosely inspired by the Tokyo penthouse Lara visits in Tomb Raider Legend.
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That game is almost 20 years old now, though, so the assets there were obviously very limited, and I wanted to make something a little more complete and cozy for Goro's home base, as it were. I'm still not finished with it (maybe like 75% of the way there), but I'm pretty happy with the progress:
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And another huge thank you to @bnbc and @arasakas-ronin for y'all's prop packs because they have done a lot to add some of that cool-artifact-treasure-hunting goodness to the scene. (I've used a lot but I think this toy set and this decor set were most prominently used.)
And as for the story itself?
Well, no one's here for the plot, right? 😅
I am slowly working on a couple of photostories inspired by some scenes in the Tomb Raider movies and games, and I have a general gist of the premise: Valerie is a wealthy heiress with a fondness for adventure and recovering lost artifacts with presumed supernatural abilities, and Goro is the right-hand man of a Yakuza boss who has a similar interest in such artifacts. They end up having their sights set on the same artifact (currently unknown to me, lmao, although I am very aware of the issues with the genre when it comes to, yanno, glorifying white Westerners stealing shit from other cultures so I want to be mindful that I don't fall into that same pitfall) and sexy rival treasure hunter shenanigans ensue.
So this is what I've been working on! It's a total pet project, I'm so excited about it, and I figured the time between now and Phantom Liberty coming out would be the best time to just go ham with photomode and mods and create a totally self-indulgent crossover that combines my great video game loves.
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And one last thing before I shut up, because I wanna share how Tomb Raider has always been a part of Valerie's background: her surname, Powell, was inspired by Manfred Powell, the antagonist in the 2001 Tomb Raider movie. Bonus fact: I used the name "Nishimura" in this photo story, which is also the name of two characters in the Tomb Raider universe (Lara's friend Toru Nishimura in Legend and her girlfriend Sam Nishimura in the 2013 reboot.)
Okay, if you read all of this, you're now legally obligated to share something you've been working on, too. 💙
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slowlygonnabegood · 2 years
My current brain rot is Tomura re-falling in love with his childhood best friend he only knew for 2 years. Will I write this? Probably not! But here's what I have so far!
Best friend has a strong water quirk that gets buffed in the rain cuz like duh water. I thought itll be cool that they are able to control water. Will need to hammer this out more.
Anyways, they met when Bestie was 14 and Tomura was 15 at a gamestop. Bestie asked Tomura for advice on which game to get and then asked for his discord.
They whole ass played games together and met up at the mall for an entire year. Bestie always called him cute, handsome, adorable and pretty. Gotta have SOMEONE boost his ego... also flustered Teen Tomura is adorable.
Yes. Yes. When they weren't and 16 respectfully, they fucked like animals. What teenager that age hasn't? Especially two idiots who are clearly in love with one another but never go to confessing. Hormones took control.
Tomura snuck into their room a lot. Literally fucked in weird places. Mostly bathrooms and roof tops. Don't ask why. Just thoughts.
They two would be love birds got separated when Bestie had to move to America. Why? Well....Blame the Dad cuz work. Bestie whole ass dropped the bomb on Tomura while they were cuddling and just ended up sobbing.
Sad moving day filled with a "Ill always love you Tomura. No matter what. One day, I'll find you again and we can be together" promises with a final kiss goodbye.
Honestly am loving this so far.
Currently am thinking about bringing Bestie back via them saving Toga from a street fight and taking care of the injured teen for a while until Toga scurries away back home to the league to tell Tomura and the others about this really cool and powerful girl with a water quirk they should totally recruit.
Thats all I have. Idk guys whattya think? Should I write this? Should I make the bestie an oc or just the reader....
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ereborne · 9 months
Hello, happy holidays! For the End of the year ask meme if you'll like to answer any of the following: 8 (game of the year), 25 (a character you created), 14 (fav book), or 18 (a memorable meal)
Happy holidays! I hope they've treated you well <3
8: I don't play many games myself (only Stardew Valley, Minecraft, and silly seek-and-find puzzle games) and my laptop was too tuckered for games for most of the year, but even if I'd been farming nonstop I think the game of the year would still be Final Fantasy VII Remake. Pretty sure it'll be the game of every year until it's all out, and then maybe a couple years more for good measure. I am having such an incredible time following the game as it comes out and @kaylithographica plays through it, and I can't wait to see how Square Enix keeps going with the meta and story changes.
25: Some of the more complex edits I've been trying to work on this week actually revolve around a particular OC, so we'll talk about her. Her name is Mercy, and she was not supposed to be important (folks who have lived with me may be familiar with this refrain). She was supposed to be a filler character! She's an archetype! Her name is Mercy and she has none! Grr rar tragic backstory vengeance quest knife collection! But nooo now she's got layers. She's got depth. We're emotionally invested in her character arc. Damn it. Anyway she befriends her local main characters to use them as pawns in her revenge plot, spends a lot of time with them waiting for them to vouch for her to her target, gives up her first chance at revenge because she has to go save them instead (in a scene so terribly close to the classic 'stand at crossroad, look longingly at selfish goal down the left, turn back fully on goal to run to friends down the right path' that I may rewrite it to avoid cliche shame), and then eventually gives up her scheming entirely because it would be too much of a betrayal of her very best friends the main characters. She was supposed to die in the first rescue, and then the whole story locked up and I had to go back through trying to find the writer's block instigation point, and I realized I've made too optimistic a world to kill her off without friends or redemption. She's (big sigh) thematically significant now. At least she's also very cool.
14: I'm going with my favorite book that came out this year, to help narrow things down: "The Innocent Sleep", by Seanan McGuire. Seanan McGuire is one of my favorite authors and this is my favorite of her ongoing serieses, and usually we get one a year (usually just in time to be my birthday present to myself! a joyous coincidence) but this year we got two. "Sleep No More" and "The Innocent Sleep", paired stories, one from Toby's point of view and one from Tybalt's. The current state of their world means that these two POVs of the same happenings are wildly different, and it's fascinating (a little heart-wrenching sometimes) to see. Also, Tybalt and his friends dimension-door into Costco in the dead of night and steal all their catfood. It's amazing.
18: The vegeble man had a special on collard greens one time, and I bought a 'bundle' thinking it was your standard grocery-store greens bundle, a generous handful at most. It was more like an armful. Apparently the special was because they'd been sold a literal truckload of greens (perfectly good but disqualified as 'organic' by some neighbor shenanigans) and needed to offload them quickly because the fridge wasn't ready for such a bumper crop. I cooked them in batches with andouille sausage and bacon and just a touch of this amazing miso ghost-pepper hot sauce Duncan has, and we ate them for our next four meals (with grits, with cornbread and grilled tomatoes, with fried eggs and beer bread, and then the last of them mixed into red beans and rice). I really miss not just Southern food but access to Southern ingredients (the 'andouille' sausage I get here is pitiful, and bacon is no substitute for a proper salt-ham, and neither is beer bread always a good alternative to a buttermilk biscuit or quickbread) and it was so nice to have a proper mess of greens again.
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rhaemaya-valwynn · 2 years
Meet my JJBA OC- Synth!
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Meet my gremlin! (art done by @ahoge-fish​)
This is my OC Synth! I made her back when i was 13 years old (27 as of this post, going on 28 soonish) So I’ve had her for more than half my life! She has her own original story with its own lore, so for my JJBA Fanfic I’m working on, I smashed the two worlds together and blended their lore till well mixed.
One thing you need to know about Synth is that she doesn’t come from the JoJo universe! She’s a reality traveler! Synth is in the middle of a terrible war which is spreading across the multiverse and she is trying to stop it. That means finding answers and power to push and hold her foe back. Could that mean that Stands hold the answer she’s looking for? Possibly! Its quite funny, but, she doesn’t have a Stand at all! She has a sister power to Stands which lets her interact and see them. Will I tell you what that is here? Nope! That’s for you to find out! Synth was made be alien’s who wanted to hurt people. She was built to think and learn, but knowing how dangerous that was they built her with a ‘open memory’ program, meaning they could change her thoughts and feelings on the fly to ensure zealotry to their cause. The problem that occurred for her creators is that, she woke up before they realized it and dismantled most of the program and prevented them from manipulating her and turning her off, so when she was launched at Earth for a ‘prototype test run’ she woke up and realized what they wanted her to do was wrong and sided with the humans instead.
Sadly another foe came into the picture as she wasn’t the only prototype sent out. What’s the foe? You’ll find out in the fanfic!
Synth’s ultimate dream is to be completely human, hence why her latest model looks exactly like a human, though her outfit for her part 3 entrance looks like:
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pure gremlin energy
(credit goes to @ubetar0​)
Does this mean she’s the 6th member of the Stardust Crusaders before Iggy joins making it 7? Yeah.... Is that done a million times over? Yeah.... Am I gonna do it still? YEAH...!
Some basic info on Synth: Birthplace: Kep'lun 7 Favorite sport: Herculean Barrage (GIANT alien bugs that wrestle, pretty cool right?) Profession: Founder and leader of the Intergalactic Syndicate Accord (ISA) and war machine against ???? Distinguishing marks: Bright neon blue hair and eyes Favorite food: probably something sweet like sorbet Zodiac sign: Leo Blood type: Negative B-26 (type of liquid that carries her power current through her body) Height:  162cm - 5ft 4in Education: Alien artificial intelligence (Smart-duh) Family: Z'Bane-creator of her body and mind ???- creator of her soul Eye color: Neon blue Hobbies: Singing and exploring different planets/realities Favorite Artist/Musician: most artists, though her favorite type of music is Synthwave (get the pun?) Favorite movie: Spiderman into the Spiderverse Favorite color: Blue Personality: Vibrant and full of life, Synth hides her crippling depression behind a wall of false happiness. In truth, she plays the role of a cruel ???, while in reality, she loves and cares so much that she spends most of her alone time weeping over the things she's been forced to do and the lives she's lost, lamenting her failures. When traveling to other realities, away from her war, she acts as she would want to be like back in her home realm, someone who she always wanted to be away from prying eyes. Favorite type of partner: Being Bi, Synth wants someone who is honest and blunt but intelligent and able to quip back at her without fear. Someone that treats her as anyone else. Loyalty is few and far between, so having someone she can depend on is also a must, as she wants to bear her heart to whoever loves her honestly. ??? owned: ????
Due to Synth’s mysterious sister power to Stands, Stand’s begin acting even stranger than usual, which leads into quite a story, I wonder what it could be?
Also given that Synth is pun filled and humorous to a fault, her and Jotaro go at each others throats quite often.
So who did I end up shipping together?
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(credit goes to @ubetar0​)
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YEAH, I KNOW. FIGHT ME. (credit goes to @ubetar0​)
Anyway, if you made it this far, thank you for your time and for looking at my baby! This is a starter post before I begin to go off the deep end with her and talking everyone’s ears off.
For the full sized image used in the first picture by Ahoge is Synth’s part 6 outfit/her casual wear in her reality:
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Thanks again for reading!
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corvidry · 2 years
Hi! I am working on an assignment for school, and I am trying to find information on how animal crossing is styled. Through my scrounging of the internet I saw a link that lead me to your website that was a "Animal Crossing Style Guide" but it no longer exists. I was wondering if you might have some pointers that I could learn from for my project?
Hi there,
You're about 2 weeks shy of that link working. I just changed web hosts and rebuilt my website and ended up taking down the blog section, which is where that content lived. The Animal Crossing Style Guide was an article / blog post I wrote a few years ago around the time New Horizons came out discussing the topic of animal crossing character designs for artists. While the post no longer exists online, I did archive it to hopefully host again in the future, but I havent gotten around to remaking the blog yet. In the meantime here's literally the entire thing in a tumblr post, and if I remember, I'll try to update whatever links I can. Sorry if it reads or is formatted a little weird on tumblr, but rest assured it's identical except for some shopping / sponsor links that dont need to be on this version. No idea if this is the sort of thing you need for your project, but good luck and enjoy!
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Animal Crossing Style Guide: Artist Tips for Drawing Your Favorite Characters
Apr 24 | Written By Birdy
Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of Fandom Friday. If you’re like every Nintendo Switch owner  right now, you’ve been playing Animal Crossing nonstop for the last month.  And who can blame you? This irresistible chore simulator has no trouble winning the hearts of the masses by helping us fall in love all over again with our favorite animal neighbors. Nintendo found a way to make tedium fun by implementing a fun reward system and fully embracing the rule of cool, or rather, the rule of cute if there is such a thing. Why do I like it? I don’t know, man!! It’s adorable! It turns my brain chemicals into a relaxed, happy soup.
If you’re an artist it’s possible you’ve seen these cute character designs and thought “I want a piece of that for myself.” I know I have. If you love to draw the Animal Crossing cast or have some OCs of your own who you want to mesh with the AC universe, read on for some mini tips for drawing in the Animal Crossing style. I’ve been studying the style for the past few weeks and this guide is a pretty compact version of what I’ve learned, but feel free to let me know if you guys want more.  It was fun to study these characters and I’d love to expand upon this with a more definitive guide or deep dive into more specific aspects of the style!
On to the basics!
Villager Bodies
In the graphic below I describe that most animals are a little over 2 heads tall. That’s because the characters in animal crossing tend to have very large, bulbous heads as part of their appeal. You’ll find that certain species, such as eagles and gorillas, do break this convention slightly, often appearing with their anatomical midpoint lower on the chest than most smaller animals.
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That said, this isn’t a hard and fast rule necessarily. While the height and shape of AC bodies is generally in the neighborhood of what’s stated above, there is some variation between installments of AC. Compare the following images and you’ll see what I mean.
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As you can see, Bob’s shape and proportions vary between Wild World and New Leaf, as do many of the other characters. While many current players likely think of New Horizons as the definitive style for now, I would encourage my fellow artists to experiment here. Play around with height in the 2 to 3 heads tall range and see what you like. Stylize the torsos to your taste. It’s entirely possible to remain within the AC style of drawing while still making some details your own.
Heads of AC characters are a bit of a complex subject because there are literally so many different species of animals who all have their own goofy, lovable little faces. I’ve done my best to break them down to the basics without getting too specific about one species or another.
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As you can see, even the the more complicated animals can be broken down into these simplistic, bulbous shapes that Animal Crossing loves so well. When designing a new character, it’s wise to plan their head and body using basic shapes before you tack on any other extraneous features. By doing this you can ensure that your character has the round, soft features that are key to Animal Crossing before you ever have to decide what their face looks like or what their personality should be. When in doubt, round it out. You’ll be drowning in the cute in no time.
Speaking of faces, feel free to let me know on social media if you’d like me to expand upon this guide in terms of facial features and placement. I avoided the topic in this case because I wanted to focus more on foundational elements, and animal faces felt it a bit broad for that scope. The sheer expanse of animal individuality in this game allows for quite a lot of different faces with quite varied placement. And that’s not even including the human character options!
Arms are perhaps the simplest section of this guide because there are so few styles of arm in Animal Crossing. The vast majority of characters you encounter will have the cylindrical arm style, or something close to it. At that point, all you’ll have to do is vary the length to suit the character.
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Birds and octopi are one exception to this rule, with birds in particular being the more complex of the two. In most instances, bird characters will have those flattened out oar shapes for forearms with a simple texture stretched over the shape, but on occasion some birds will have distinct feathering as part of their model, which can at times distort the underlying shape for the artist trying to make sense of it. Our owl friends, Celeste and Blathers, are good examples of this.
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With birds and octopi in particular, don’t be afraid to experiment a bit with the design of the limb. Some birds, like Blathers and Celeste, have wider forearms, and many octopi have interesting textures for their suckers. In addition, don’t be afraid of extending or shortening the standard cylindrical arm shape, as this shape can be applied to all different sized animals, from cats to hamsters and beyond. Some animals will have very short stumpy arms while others will have longer ones. Some villagers have slender, delicate arms, while others have bulkier ones. You can adjust the proportions of the shape to suit the character you’re drawing.
Legs on the other hand….those are a different can of worms. I’d like to preface this by saying that legs are another topic I’d love to go into greater detail on if there is interest because this graphic could afford to do the topic a bit more justice.
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As with arms, most animals have the same simple cylinder that can be widened and extended as needed to suit the body of the animal. Birds once again have a unique trait in this department, but beyond that, leg styles vary widely. Mostly in the foot department, I should say. When starting off you’ll find that most animals maintain a cylindrical leg even if they have a unique foot, and in most cases the foot can be constructed out of a dome shape attached to the cylinder. Not unlike a plunger, if for some reason the stick was on one side of the plunger rather than in the center. On top of that, human characters can now wear a large variety of shoes, making this a second topic that I felt went beyond the scope of this exercise. If you’re interested in a more thorough explanation of Animal Crossing legs and feet, feel free to let me know. I just might write about it in more detail in a future installment.
But never fear! Feet, like most unique animal traits, do share similar design elements across the entire game even when they don’t look particularly alike.
Designing Unique Features
So you’re an artist who wants to draw a specific character, or maybe you want to design a brand new character. You can construct a simple animal body, but then what? What makes this character Your Character™ rather than Bob or Molly or Flora?
Despite how similar these animals all are in basic constructions, each animal and human has their own unique design elements that set them apart from one another. It is nigh impossible to cover every single interesting design element of every single animal in every single game, so here are some tips that will aid you in drawing any element you decide to apply to a character while still keeping them cute as a button.
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Just like up top, I reiterate. Big, round, soft shapes. Even the most hardcore animals in Animal Crossing look soft and huggable to some degree.
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Take for example, these animals who all should be at least a little bit scary.  Animal Crossing’s art style keeps them appealing even with their rougher traits on display. Alfonso the alligator should logically be among the most feared of reptiles, yet his sleepy eyes, gently sloping snout, chubby cheeks, and tubby belly give him all the charm of a stuffed animal. His pointy teeth feel more like a clumsy after thought than a mechanism for killing prey.
Coco the bunny is designed to look like a haniwa figure, an item commonly buried with the dead  during the Yayoi period of Japanese history. Coco’s Japanese name is, in fact, Yayoi. In addition, many items in her house are reminiscent of Japanese funeral decor.  She’s supposed to be a little unsettling. Her facial expression does not change like those of other villagers, so she can’t smile at you or put you at ease the way other characters can. Indeed, Coco wears a permanent somber appearance, but even so, she looks sweet and pleasant to touch. Her face is completely curved and she is given the body of a bunny villager.  Her huge, round ears and tiny, dainty paws evoke the charm of a little rabbit even from a villager whose whole design is meant to remind one of death.
Rasher the pig and Spike the rhino have similar charm. Both of them don scars all over their bodies and in some cases wear aggressive looking shirts in their rough or rustic homes. Still, with Rasher’s big sleepy eyes and friendly round belly, he could almost give you a Winnie the Pooh vibe if you squint hard enough. Spike, meanwhile, has had his horns rounded ever so slightly at the tips and his curved hooves and short tail make him seem far from threatening. Even the most edgy creatures in the Animal Crossing universe can appear somehow friendly by making use of these softening design elements.
Go Forth and Draw
And that, in essence, has been my broad overview of Animal Crossing’s art style. I consider that last tidbit to be the most valuable tip of all. By closely studying the way Animal Crossing characters use round bodies, gradual slopes, and pleasant curves, you can make even the most threatening of animal characters look cute and perfectly cuddly for your town, village, or island.
Once again, please let me know if there are particular elements of the Animal Crossing style you’d like me to look into more closely. This has been a very broad and very general overview of the character designs, but I would absolutely love to dive deeper into this art style. If you use this guide to improve your Animal Crossing drawings, feel free to tag me on Instagram, Deviantart, or Tumblr, so I can see what cool art you’ve made!
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Have a great weekend, The Internet! Can’t wait to see you again for the next Fandom Friday. If you need me, I’ll be waterscaping a moat around Raymond’s house.
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krp1x1finder · 1 year
helloooo! i'm 25+, she / her, looking for some long-term rp partners to write with! partners also 25+ would be loved, but i'll write with anyone 23+!
to start off, i'm mainly looking to write on discord via 1x1 server due to ease, but i also have a tumblr as well. i write literate, multi-para to novella as i tend to be verbose ( 2-3+ paragraphs ), but i try my hardest to mirror and generally go by quality over quantity. ( i'm also interested in utilizing discord and also having some text / sms threads to supplement the main threads or rapid fire, i think those are so cute! ) i'm also a fandomless rper that does oc x oc. i very much love plotting and headcanons and i hope you are the same as well! things that facilitate that such as memes, pinterest boards, songs, etc. are super fun too! so while i am cool with mainly focusing on rping i do love talking about muses and reacting to what's going on in threads too and building an ooc friendship!
in terms of ships dynamics i'm currently interested in fxf / fxm / fxnb as i'm most comfortable writing female muses and will default to it, but recently dabbled in making males as well. with fcs i'm pretty wide open to using any 21+, third and fourth gen idols as well as kdrama fcs and models, just depends on the plot and muse i'm feeling. you're free to use whoever gives you the most muse! however, i have been dying to use second gen fcs so partners who don't shy away from using them also and playing muses that are 30+ will get all of my love and adoration! ♡😭
in terms of genres i'm a fan of a healthy mix of fluff and angst, highs and lows, changing dynamics. i don't like it when plots are 100% of either extreme. while i do have a list of plots on my blog i can show you, i'm up for new things / experiences and think i'm pretty much up for anything! i'm particularly fond of high society / rich kids, toxic rls, enemies to lovers, corrupt the cutie, modern royalty, pining, or even platonic plots like found family or broken friendships. also fine with smut, but i would like there to be a story/plot along with it instead of being straight pwp. at least in the beginning ... 👀
in terms of activity i usually try to aim to reply at least once a week, and i'm looking for a partner that can do the same! i can reply more than that if i get invested in our plot. of course life happens so i get it, i'm not the type of person to harp on my partner for a reply b/c this is all for fun! i'm also a big fan of multi-threading and having different ships at once especially if we vibe. communication is key though, so if something isn't working or you aren't feeling it please let me know! i'll do the same, and i'm not afraid to end things if i feel like things aren't 50/50.
but that's it! thank you for reading this far if you did, and please like this post and i'll reach out to you with my discord user! ♡
🌸 !
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intoxicatingintimacyy · 10 months
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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lunaede · 1 year
toa munday!!
Name: arden
Pronouns: he/she/they
Birthday (no year): Aug 9th
Where are you from? What is your time zone?: I was originally an east coast, USA girlie but I moved out to Colorado a while ago. MST timezone currently!
Roleplay experience: I started roleplaying on gaiaonline and also neopets and people used to yell at me because i was eight and did not know what i was doing. my avatar looked so cool on gaia though, for the record.
Got any pets?: Gabe, Gabe and Hancock, them again, creature
Favorite time of year: fall
Some interests and things you like: art, sewing (both cosplay and day to day wear as well as plushies), writing, playing ttrpgs, old movies, making ocs
Some funfacts & trivia about you: i am such a huge fan of ttrpgs. i really love dming but i also really love playing. i'm weak for vampires & silly little elves. also i am terrified of tornados and all of you are talking about them so casually.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?: Final Fantasy (XV, VII mainly), Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, Animal Crossing
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: grass type / i don't have just one, but from the new game i was partial to houndstone.
How did you get into Fire Emblem?: I saw nico play 3H and became obsessed with Hubert immediately
What Fire Emblem games have you played?: Three Houses, Awakening, Fates, Engage, Genealogy of the Holy War, Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
First Fire Emblem game: Three Houses!
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Honestly it depends on the day. But most days, its Awakening.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳: Hubert von Vestra. Arvis Ve-- (a sniper takes me out before I can finish)
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: it was Chrom with the gay awakening patch. If I play m!Robin, it's Chrom, and f!Robin is Libra's wife most of the time. - Fates: I played f!Corrin and romanced Kaze first, m!Corrin was Niles. I really mix it up each time, though. - Three Houses: it. it was Hubert. In every life I will Find Him. - Engage: Ivy on f!Alear and Kagetsu on m!Alear
Favorite Fire Emblem class: sniper/bow knight, or warlock.
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class?: mmmm maybe wyvern rider?
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation?: i think you can guess.
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with?: :oldplead: ah... miss camilla... don't mind if i do
How did you find TOA?: nico said hey look at this and i did
Current TOA muses: frederick, arvis, naesala
Who was your first TOA muse?: frederick <3
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards?: wah probably, knights & men who are a little silly
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most?: morally gray dudes
Favorite TOA-related memory: I am still but a young boy in TOA's history but every day is a nice new memory... I hope for many more to come !
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔: Toe-uh!
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉: Actually it was a toss up between Naesala and BK for a moment there, and then of course there always was the looming threat of Hub-- (I am mercifully silenced)
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