#i think it’s gonna wear off soon tho. just gonna be kinda rambly until it does
mars-ipan · 2 years
idk how much sleep i’m getting tonight
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darkestfable · 3 years
Safe Haven
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Raetos groaned as he found his way back to the waking world. He knew he was alive by how much his body ached. His head, most of all, felt like someone was hammering multiple nails in place. Only one luminous eye opened, the other still swollen shut under bandages wrapped around his head. His abdomen was also strapped tightly. He could feel the pressure of the wrappings limiting his movement, as to not aggravate what he assumed was broken ribs. The wound on his arm had been well cleaned and bandaged. Someone had been talking very good care of him.
He smiled, not having to wonder who, feeling the body curled up against his own. Tilting his head down, he caught a glimpse of the top of Fable’s head… there was no mistaking those lovely indigo locks. 
“How long have I been out?” He asked.
For just a moment, Fable grumbled and curled more tightly against Raetos. If this was a dream, he didn’t want to wake up. The hellscape that had been The Maw was no longer ringing in his ears, and his lover was by his side again. This had to be a dream. It was never this good.
Or was it?
The blood hunter finally peeled open his eyes, sitting up after a moment to look over the large lightforged next to him. His heart fluttered at the sight of his lover’s smile, and he reached over to lay a gentle hand onto his bandaged chest. This had been no small feat, what Raetos and the others had pulled off.
“Days, love. Take as long as you need, yeah? I ain’t goin’ nowhere,” Fable’s expression softened as he curled his fingers against the bandages on Raetos. Yep, still there. Still real.
The Draenei’s smile only grew wider as he reached up with his good hand to cup the side of his lover’s face. Raetos didn’t understand much of anything about death and spirits. But Fable looked well. Looked healthy. Better than he had in the Maw, for certain. 
“Careful what you say, Babe. I might ask to stay here forever,” he said, flashing his signature grin, “...wherever here is.” 
It suddenly dawned on him that they couldn’t be on Azeroth. They still had to find the soul dagger to get Fable his body back… and they obviously weren’t in the Maw anymore. Last thing he remembered was a very pissed off Avehi.
“Uh… where are we?”
“Oribos. Think that’s what they call it, anyway. Kinda a hub for uh...all sorts ‘a people,” Fable glanced at the door, as if the answer would be there. Truthfully, he’d been more worried about Raetos than asking about the name of the establishment.
He leaned over Raetos carefully to kiss him. Tender, sweet, and like he’d been afraid he’d never see him again. Everything had culminated to this point, and truthfully Fable wasn’t sure what he was doing. Getting out of The Maw had been his first task, but the blood hunter wasn’t sure if he could retrieve the dagger by himself. Wasn’t sure he’d want to do it alone. Doubt weighed heavily on him, tied down by the guilt of what he’d done to get here in the first place.
“Hey, love… You got my body, yeah? I’m gonna have somethin’ t’ go back home t’ when this shit is figured out? ‘n th’ animals are taken care of?” his voice was quiet, almost unsure. Fable loved their little life that they’d built, and still worried that he’d ruined it all.
“Mhm,” the Draenei managed a nod, thumb stroking his lover’s cheek, “The tree elf dude you got to take care of the animals while we were away agreed to stay as long as needed. I think we owe him a really REALLY big tip. Obligation and Responsibility really seems to like him, though, so don’t have to worry about them. Did you know he lived in that big ass tree that the Horde burned down? That’s where he got all the scars. Poor guy… Anyway, I was able to find your body at the dig site after going through your maps and stuff. Brought it to the healer chick that was deployed to Darkshire with me. You’re in a coma-like state back on Azeroth, and she’s keeping you nourished and stable until we manage to destroy that dagger.”
He paused in his rambling for a moment, knowing the next part was a bit touchy.
“Hey… uh… on that subject. Bad memories, I know. But like… anything you can tell me about the lady that stabbed you… physical description or name… if she gave you one…”
Another pause before adding.
“Was she hot? She must be hot.”
“Well, yeah… I mean it ain’t like I got bad taste,” Fable smirked, then paused a moment. “Wait, tree… They’re called Kal’dorei.”
The news of his body being taken care of was something of a relief, though the blood hunter still didn’t like the situation at all. Cebina had royally screwed him, and now he had to go find that dagger too? This was just getting more and more complicated…
“She uh… I’d know her if I saw her, yeah? While you were restin’ tho, I asked ‘round ‘bout the dagger ‘n souls ‘n shit ‘n this creepy lookin’ dude called a Venthyr told me ‘bout this place called Revandreth. Said a lady was there ‘n might have a dagger kinda like it?” Fable scratched at his chin in thought.
“Sounds like our next destination,” Raetos nodded, a cheerful smile on his face, “I know it’s not the best of situations, but we get to explore this whole new place together, and I’m sure we can get supplies so that you can map it all out.”
Obviously it would have been much more ideal to have Fable whole for the adventure, but there was no harm in seeing the bright side of the situation.
“Soon as moving doesn’t hurt anymore…” he winced as he shifted, “So... what’s a Venty. Not another type of elf, is it?—Not that there’s anything wrong with elves! There’s just so many different kinds and I can barely keep up with the ones I know.”
“Venthyr, luv. They’re like uh...anima vampires? Ain’t too clear on ‘em yet but I was watchin’ ‘em wander through Oribos while you were restin’,” Fable pulled out a notebook he’d obviously obtained here in the Shadowlands. A keen eye would notice that its leather bindings were a bit unlike any leather on Azeroth.
The first few pages were sloppy, slightly disproportionate sketches of the various different types of people he’d seen wandering through, along with notes of things he’d either overheard or asked them flat out. The page with the Venthyr man had no notes, however. Clearly, the hunter hadn’t approached him.
“They got fangs ‘n glowin’ eyes kinda, most of ‘em are real skinny. Nice clothes though, ‘n some of ‘em wear thigh high boots. Thinkin’ maybe I should get a pair?” the elf chuckled, leaning to stretch his leg out as far as he could, toes pointed.
“Babe, you would look hella amazing in those boots,” the Lightforged agreed, “Are there any with heels? If so, you should avoid them, because then, your already sexy ass will just look too good for me to resist. Afraid you won’t get anything done in that case.”
 His hand slipped down to give his partner’s behind a little squeeze, before he attempted to sit up. It was a more daunting task than anticipated with his injuries, but he managed. 
“Fashion sense aside, are these Venthyr people safe? The one you drew has like… an evil look to him. Or are they all that withered looking and ugly? Also, what’s anima? And what are the lampshades with legs that you drew in there?”
A smirk spread on his lips at the squeeze, but his attentions to the affections were pulled away when Raetos was trying to sit up. Fable assisted, but his brow furrowed in worry. Had his lover been hurt worse than initially thought? Damn it all, now he was fretting like a mother hen. The lampshades comment pulled the hunter out of his head though, and he just blinked for a moment before tilting the book towards him.
“The lampshades with legs? Oh, those?” Fable pointed at one of the doodles of a Broker. “They call themselves Brokers. They help facilitate trade of goods and services. Information too, ‘m sure. Ain’t got a chance to really chat jus’ yet.”
The concern crept up onto the elf’s face again, and he leaned over to kiss Raetos’ cheek.
“You doin’ okay? If you gotta rest…”
Raetos shook his head.
“Nah, just sore is all. The headache is the worst part, probably. Dude, Avehi hits -hard-! Did you see how pissed she was? Ha! Good times!” 
He smiled brightly to his lover, bringing his hand up to cup the side of his face again.
“Honestly, I’ve rested plenty. I just want to look at you,” he admitted, “I missed you so much, Bae… so don’t mind if all I want to do is cuddle and make out for a while.”
He paused, before adding with a wink.
“Wouldn’t hate a blow job either.”
The elf just smiled. That sappy, sweet, completely enraptured smile as he nuzzled into Raetos’ hand. It had felt like an eternity, fighting for his life. Being reunited had been on his mind the whole time, but even now Fable’s heart ached for the life they’d had before. Though, in the middle of his thoughts, a smirk broke through. That was the Raetos he knew.
“Oh, I’m sure you wouldn’t…” Fable turned his head to place a kiss in the palm of Raetos’ hand. “If it won’t hurt you, I’m gonna swallow you whole…”
“I mean… not like I can move much in these bandages,” he grinned, running his thumb along Fable’s bottom lip, “Doubt I’d be able to find a way to hurt myself.”
He paused as he  thought about that a moment.
“—Okay, so I would -probably-  find a way to hurt myself. But it would be hella worth it, though.”
Fable caught Raetos’ thumb between his lips, cerulean eyes closing as he pressed the barbell through his tongue against the calloused pad. A promise. As his lover spoke, the elf savored the taste of his flesh, finally opening his eyes to look up at him with a smirk. He released the thumb after a moment only to place a kiss into Raetos’ palm.
“Jus’ sit back ‘n enjoy then. You deserve t’ be worshipped,” he mumbled against the blue skin, continuing to kiss down from his hand to his wrist. Of course, he’d wait for permission.
It felt like lifetimes since he’d been away from Raetos, and only minutes that they’d been back together again. Fable felt that familiar skin hunger, but it had only gotten stronger after they were in safety, and he could touch and smell his lover again. The blood hunter had to remember to pace himself; Raetos was still recovering, and they were still in a strange place. But tomorrow could wait. Tonight belonged to them.
(Raetos is @raetos / @kidcatgemini )
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iwach4n · 4 years
i said I'd do it and now it is simp time because punk yamaguchi is the only thing on my mind rn. general hcs for now but perhaps i will do a boyfie hcs for him as well
also yes this is sorta badly written and obnoxiously long its mainly just me rambling all my ideas
punk third year hcs
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his confidence has grown drastically since the beginning of first year, especially when it comes to volleyball. but the end of second year and the holidays before third year starts are when he really starts to come out of his shell and experiment with his style
his hair comes first. he doesn't have time to get a haircut for a while, and so he ends up tying it back as a temporary thing. except its no longer temporary because he really likes it
he only does it for volleyball and when he's studying at first, just to get his hair out of his face. sometimes when he goes out on errands.
but he leaves it up after morning practice once, and suddenly he's getting Looks. he would have missed all the blushing stares of the girls (and probably a few guys) if tsukishima hadn't pointed it out to him
his face has become a bit more defined and masculine recently coz puberty, and although he still has pretty soft features, tying his hair up shows off a sharp jawline
he's a bit awkward about all the attention he's getting at first! like he really doesn't know what to do with it. but he slowly manages to take it in his stride (tho he'll still get blushy if anyone outright compliments him on it)
buying a leather jacket on impulse is really the turning point for him. he loves the more confident vibe it gives him, which in turn makes him even more confident
he buys more clothes like that to match it, and by the time third year starts he's decked out with a whole new wardrobe
when the new first years start on the first saturday practice, they're already a little nervous because karasuno has a pretty intimidating rep.
but when they see this guy with long hair, a leather jacket, big boots and ripped jeans unlocking the club room? shaking
that is, until he notices them and starts talking
he literally just smiles and they know they're fine. just immediate 'cool older brother' vibes
he's absolutely great as a captain, he helps out all the new kids and keeps tsukishima and kageyama from being too mean or intimidating
one day, yachi asks if she can paint his nails. he agrees and loves it and now he constantly has his nails painted. they're black more often than not but sometimes he switches it up with random colours. because of the volleyball they're always chipped but it just adds to the whole vibe
tanaka invites noya and all the third years (like the year below them you know what i mean) over to his house to catch up. when yamaguchi shows up he does a visible double take, but before you know it he's giving him an undercut and noya's dying his hair black
he's now a lot more scary at games. not only is his style more evident even without the clothes, he's also spent years watching his teammates intimidate their opponents and he's picked up a thing or two
while hinata, tsukishima and a handful of the younger ones are actively insulting the other teams, yamaguchi can't really make himself do that and knows that as captain he should reign them in
"leave them alone guys, we don't have time for this"
but his confident stare and tiny smirk sends shivers down their spines too
the minute they get round the corner, everyone's clapping him on the back and cheering about how he 'totally made them piss their pants', while he just laughs awkwardly
the first time he does something like that, he genuinely feels bad about it and almost apologises. but sooner or later he just finds it kind of funny
at some point, tsukishima finds some rings that akiteru used to wear (akiteru had a low-key eboy phase in my mind but thats another story) and gives them to yamaguchi. its like a gateway drug to jewelry for him honestly
rings? yes. chains? you bet. bracelets? fuck yeah.
soon enough, he's got a couple of piercings too. he starts off with a few in his ears, but then he gets a lip ring and eyebrow piercing too and he looks sO GOOD
he's pretty much got fangirls at this point. and one thing they love is how he looks really punk and hot but whenever they talk to him he's super sweet and awkward
he forgets to take his lip ring out before a game once and they l o s e t h e i r m i n d s
audible groans from the stadium when ukai reminds him at a time out
(honestly me too i can't stop thinking about how hot he'd look with a lip ring)
(i've been trying so hard to keep it together and not just yell about him this whole time but it's so hard. i'm breaking down man. i've got a crush on punk yams send help)
ukai is also his go-to for advice on piercings, and the man lives for it. he's watched this kid grow from a nervous smol babie to a confident punk child and he's more than happy to take him under his wing and share what he knows
if there's one group of people he knows he'll never be nice to if he ever saw them again it's his old bullies. he’s moved past them but looking back he gets kinda mad
well, one day he’s walking out of saturday practice with tsukishima and sees an awfully familiar group of guys walking down the road, talking about the school, and about “doesn’t that really weak freckly kid from elementary go here?”
well, speak of the devil
remember how they were intimidated by tsukki before? oh how the turntables.
i wouldn’t say tsukishima has a ‘soft boy’ style, but he opts for slightly preppy clothes like button up shirts, knitted sweaters, that kind of thing. and he usually wears lighter colours (beige, light blue, a muted yellow, ygm)
meanwhile, yamaguchi is here with all his black clothes and piercings and newfound confidence, and the way he’s looking at them is honestly a bit terrifying
“t-tadashi?” “who the fuck let you call me that?”
tsukishima is genuinely impressed. probably the first time he’s heard him swear not out of frustration
its a bit of a staring contest until one of the new first years runs up and calls him captain and asks him if they’re getting meatbuns (he totally carries on daichi’s tradition of treating the team to them prove me wrong). he’s back into nice senpai mode when he says he’s buying, but the bullies now know he’s also the captain and it just increases the air of authority he’s got right now
they keep staring each other for another minute or so, and tsukki’s getting concerned because god knows what this kid’s gonna do
but he suddenly just starts walking past them, no fucks given
“come on tsukki. these assholes aren’t worth our time.”
those bullies are left having an existential crisis in the street because that was mildly terrifying and also the last years treated him well damn (puberty hit him like a freakin BUS)
while he’s still in high school, he can’t get any tattoos done professionally, but he definitely messes around giving himself stick-and-pokes
they’re all quite small and simple - little stars and smiley faces on his ankles and arms
would probably let the team try their hand at it on him. as a result he has some deformed splodges, something that is just barely recognisable as a volleyball and a couple freckles on his legs joined up like a dot-to-dot (he asked yachi to do a crow on his bicep because she’s the best at drawing but she was too nervous about messing it up)
he’ll also try giving the team some if they want to (though not first years coz to him they’re literal babies). hinata tried to get the third years to have matching ones but tsukishima didn’t want to be associated with them like that and yachi was a bit scared to so they didn’t end up doing it
when he’s old enough, he gets a few proper tattoos, but they’re all quite small and simple. he probably seriously considered getting a big design on his neck (kind of like this) but he ultimately decided against it
in conclusion yamaguchi is punk in third year and my heart is going absolutely crazy over him
(jesus christ this turned out long)
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slasherbastard · 4 years
Can I get a matchup please 👉👈
I’m genderfluid and Bisexual, short dirty blond hair, I like to dye my hair but don’t do it often. My eyes change color between blue, gray, and green idk why. Kinda short (think about 5’1), pale af, and skinny(I’m weak too lmao).
I’m very physically affectionate and and praise people a LOT. I’m extremely careful about boundaries, even if I don’t have a lot. I tend to be as transparent as possible and can be brutally honest without realizing it. On god I couldnt care less about gender roles or any of that.
I love music, I really couldn’t live without it. I love art, drawing, painting, clay, making jewelry, any and all. I like giving friends stuff even tho I get shy about it. I love listening to people talk! There are no must haves for me bc I’m super adaptable.
I have a problem of getting overwhelmed and spending some time to myself, but I try to make it up to people! I don’t really hold grudges, but even if I do I’ll get over it pretty fast.
Thanks for the request! I match you with the devil himself doing the devil’s work-
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Otis Driftwood!
(gif credit: classichorrorblog)
This guy thinks you’re a badass. Hands down, a total badass. He likes that you don’t care about fitting into a specific box and how brutally honest you can be, Otis himself is also a pretty blunt person and he wants someone with fire and you’ve got it. Otis’ views are a bit old but once he meets you they all go out the window. Seriously, Otis can’t think of a single thing that he doesn’t not like about you - except for your height. He will tease you and get very cocky about it but will also fight anyone who gives you shit about being short. Just a warning, he’s gonna be really curious about how you identify - his views are really old and he may think you’re joking at first and he might be close-minded about it but once he realises you’re serious he’ll try to make it up to you but you will have to be the one to explain to him more in depth and he will fight anyone who thinks otherwise of you - but overall he doesn’t care what you look like but secretly he thinks your hair is cool whenever it’s dyed. He won’t urge or force you to dye your hair but whenever you do he will acknowledge it a lot more - yeah he’s not a subtle guy.
Once you and Otis are a thing, you are family and the Firefly’s will protect you and treat you like one of their own - and bonus: Baby will treat you like the sister she never had. Otis is the type to defend you against anyone who either disagrees with you or even looks at you funny (trust me it happens a lot more than you’d expect). There was one incident when Otis took you out to a bar once and he had to “rescue” you from a fight after you pissed a biker off, fun times. While you’re really careful about boundaries Otis doesn’t really understand the concept of them. He’s bound to kiss you or grab your ass at random times since you’re really affectionate and he’s always more than happy to return the favour but will also back down if you tell him you’re uncomfortable. On that note, he also loves your praise - he wants nothing more than to make you happy.
Otis loves to talk about anything and everything and the fact that you’ll listen to him makes him happy. It’s nice for him to have someone to talk to - usually he talks to the victims but he prefers someone who actually listens and remembers his ramblings and not someone who’s going to take his secrets to the grave so soon. He’s also a good listener himself, not really the type to stop whatever he’s doing to listen to you - unless it’s urgent. The two of you also share a love for art - although he’s more into making art out of victims while you’d rather stick to the safer option of using paint and clay (he doesn’t judge you for it, the life of a sadistic killer isn’t for everyone). Don’t be shy to make him things! The first time you make him something - probably a bracelet - he’ll try to act like it’s not much but he’ll wear it until the day he joins the devil and if anyone tries to make fun of it then they might end up as one of his next sculptures. 
Otis isn’t as obsessed with music as you are but he has his fair share of taste. He’s not the thieving type but he loves to cause a bit of chaos so he’ll probably pull a few strings and get you any album or record you desire. He’ll be curious to listen to your favourite songs and learn more about you through them. Otis isn’t a comforting type either so if you ever feel overwhelmed by anything, this guy won’t be the type to hold you and tell you everything’s going to be okay, in fact he’d understand you wanting to be alone - the Firefly house can get a bit loud sometimes especially with the shows they put on for the victims and , well, the victims in general.
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clevercatchphrase · 4 years
2020 Year Review~
2020. Pretty unique year, don’t you think? It’s the first year since 2002 to have only two different digits in it. After 2022, this won’t happen again until 2111. Yep. Absolutely nothing more interesting than that.
Anyway! It’s time I reflect on my 2020, look back on my yearly goals and rant about things that happened to me this year. I made a post like this last year, where I went over my 2019 goals and talked about what I accomplished and what I didn’t, and it’s only fitting I do the same again this year. Read more under the cut for a random stream of consciousness ramble!
So, first things first, let’s look at my 2019 goals;
Finish paying off that last student loan
Put more stuff on my redbubble
Illustrate my own fan fics
Sew at least one stuffed animal
Make an enamel pin
Read one new book a month
Write one page a day/Complete at least one new fan fic
Learn Python or C# for the game I want to make
Finish fully scripting Ghost Switch
Boost my patreon
 Paying Off My Last Student Loan: Going down the list, I am proud to say that I FINALLY paid off all my student loans! (and not a moment too soon. The last payment I made was literally days before the first quarantine rolled out). It took me roughly 4 years on my part-time paycheck to pay off all my loans, and once I finished, I had no money to my name (literally; I had less than 1k as emergency money in case of car troubles or health issues). Heck, I’m STILL living at home as a save up for a place of my own. Finally paying off all my student loans DID activate my secret 2020 new year’s resolution, which was to adopt a cat! I did this too, literally a week later! She is the best thing that’s happened to me this entire year and I love her so much and she is the snuggliest cuddle bug I’ve ever met. I’m so happy she’s in my life now~
Put More Stuff On My Redbubble: ah ha ha ha… I thought I did this, but then I went and checked, and it turns out-! I did not. I made art I intended to go on my redbubble, but haven’t put there yet. They are all drawings of some OCs from a game I want to make, but because I haven’t progressed on making the game this year, I never got around to putting more stuff related to it on my redbubble. At the time of writing, there are 7 days left in December, so I guess I could go and put it up on my redbubble right now, but without context on where the characters are from, there wouldn’t be much point, now would there?
 Illustrate My Own Fan Fics: Another goal that I was so stoked to actually do… and then just didn’t. Gee, I wonder why I couldn’t find the energy or motivation to do it this year? Truly a conundrum. (Hey, you know what? If Ghost Switch counts as a fan fiction in a visual form, then I am doing GREAT on this goal. 2.5 years in, 1 of ~4 arcs done, and still going steady~)
 Sew At Least One Stuffed Animal: Okay, I have a valid excuse for not doing this one. I even knew which stuffed animal I wanted to make, and had the pattern drawn out and everything, but I had no money for materials because I had just paid off my student loans. And then, by the time I did have enough money again, quarantine was in full effect and I couldn’t go out to the fabric store. I’m still trying my best to stay out of public places even if the rules are laxer now, because I don’t want to catch the plague even if everyone in my goddamn city thinks and acts like the problem is over already. Even if they’re all wearing masks, even if they’re staying 6 feet apart, I still don’t want to risk it. I will stay inside until health experts give the all clear, and when that day comes, then I will buy some fleece and make a plush.
 Make An Enamel Pin: I ACTUALLY DID THIS ONE. TWICE! Halfway through quarantine, I was feeling anxious and depressed about my job and how they were planning to have me work with the public despite climbing infection rates and positive covid cases. I didn’t quit then, but in a desperate move to try and become self-sufficient, I went to madebycooper and made two enamel pins based on some butterfly dragons I drew last year. They’re on my etsy store now! I even went out of my way to open a P.O. box just to start a small business! I haven’t sold a single pin yet, and I’m actually really nervous to sell my first because I don’t trust the efficiency of the postal system thanks to the actions of the GOP that really screwed them over this year! (If you would like to see my enamel pins, click here!)
 Read One Book A Month: I did this! With dragon books I bought a couple years back! In fact, I read FOURTEEN dragon books, and still have more books for next year to read! The 14 books I read this year were:
 The Hive Queen
The Poison Jungle
Wings Of Fire Legends: Dragonslayer
Dealing With Dragons
Searching For Dragons
Calling on Dragons
Talking to Dragons
The Bronze Dragon Codex
The Brass Dragon Codex
The Black Dragon Codex
The Red Dragon Codex
The Silver Dragon Codex
Dragon Strike, and
Hatching Magic
 To be honest, I had read The Red Dragon Codex years ago when it first came out, but completely forgotten what it was about. I remembered liking it, and I knew the reading level was on the lower side, but the whole dragon codex series was pretty good! So far, the Silver dragon codex was my favorite, and black dragon codex was probably the worst! Hatching Magic was also really slow and bad and had plot points that went nowhere, but the book was written in the 80s, so I don’t know what I expected. The Dealing with Dragons series was very charming and great for the most part, save for one line in the last book that really rubbed me the wrong way, and all the Wings of Fire Books go above and beyond in this third arc. The second legends book could be a little tighter, though (sky and wren are the best duo and I want a book solely about them, but I honest to god do not care about leaf and ivy’s stories.)
 Write one Page of any story every day/ complete at least one fic: I… did this? Okay, I kinda cheated near the end of the year. I was keeping up the one page a day thing for the first four months, but then the world went to shit and my schedule and habits got disrupted and I fell off my good track record. I completed 7 out of roughly 12 one-shots I had planned for this year (my goal WAS supposed to be one short a month, but… you know how it happens) I kept trying to catch up on this goal all year, but the days kept piling up…. Until November hit. I managed to write over 250 pages for Nanowrimo, and I consider this goal a win. 365 pages of fiction in total, which averages out to about one a day~. SHUT UP IT COUNTS.
 Learn Python or C# for the game I want to make: Another goal I didn’t have the mental energy to commit to this year. Truly a mystery to where all our willpower went in 2020.
 Fully Finish Scripting Ghost Switch: still haven’t done this one yet! The Snowdin arc is completely planned, but I just haven’t gotten around to getting the other areas. I’m not worried, though. I know all the major plot points I gotta hit, it’s just weaving them together in a way that flows nice is the final task. I’m not too worried though. I don’t expect to finish the Snowdin arc for another year and a half, at the bare minimum.
 And my last goal of 2020, Boost My Patreon. I did this at the beginning of the year, but then very intentionally stopped about a third of the way through. It didn’t sit right with me to tell you guys to donate to me when suddenly EVERYONE was financially strained from layoffs or being furloughed. I told my patrons the same, and if you ever need to stop donating to me to take care of yourself first, then by all means, please do. I would feel much better knowing you’re using your money to see yourself fed and housed instead of given to me (where it is pretty much only used to buy gas for my car, honestly)
 Welp! That was all my goals for 2020! I achieved 4 out of 10 goals plus 1 secret goal! Pretty much the same ratio as last year, but now this time I can blame all my failures on the pandemic! I don’t feel so bad about myself anymore~
 ON TO 2021!
 I have 11 goals for the new year, again some rolled over from this list, and some from even older years. They are, in no particular order;
 Read 12 new books (roughly 1 book a month)
Finish the first draft of 2019’s Nanowrimo project and rewrite it
Script TDV
Finish Scripting Ghost Switch
Build A Comic Buffer
Sew 1 Stuffed Animal
Finish 1 Song Comic
Make another Enamel Pin
Finish 2 short original comics (this one counts as 2 goals)
Finish the 5 remaining one-shot fics
 Now to go into depth on each one, more for my own sake, really. I want to know exactly what I have planned for each goal this year, and sometimes just looking at a short list doesn’t capture all the smaller details.
 1)Read 12 new books. Same as last year! I The only difference is I might not be able to make it all dragon-related books. (I try my hardest not to buy from amazon anymore, but half-price-books doesn’t always have the obscure stuff I’m looking for)
 2)Finish 2019’s nanowrimo project. If you read my 2019 year reflection, you’ll notice I said I wanted to do some original writing. And I did! The story I wrote for nanowrimo back then was a story I’ve been toying with since 2017, but it was only last year I finally got pen to paper. Now, you may find it odd that the keyword says “finish”. You may think, “but isn’t that what you’re supposed to do for nanowrimo?” and to that I say, WRONG! I wrote 50k words for nanowrimo, but the draft was only about halfway complete. I was kinda discouraged about what I had written last year, because I didn’t like how it was coming out, but I did manage to get it half done. Now it’s time for me to bite the bullet and just finish the thing so I can finally revise it and make it into something I DO like. (It’s still gonna be hella long, tho. That’s what I get for trying to write an epic fantasy, I guess.)
 3)Script TDV. TDV is the abbreviation of the game I want to make. I… still need to do so much for this project OTL… In addition to getting the story solidified, I still need to draw art and game assets, and learn how to code for it, both of which are no small task. I keep having some sort of new year’s goal related to this on my list, and every year I just don’t hit this one. Will 2021 be different?
 4)Finish Scripting Ghost Switch. (Or at the very least, get the waterfall arc completely written out). I have a plan to break this down into simpler steps, by focusing on just one arc for a month or two. Every major arc has 2 to 3 parts, broken up by flashbacks, and if I can just finish one section a month, then I should have the entire thing scripted by the end of the year. It’s not a difficult pace, but seeing if I stick with it will be the real challenge, as it is will all my goals it seems.
 5)Build a Comic Buffer: I’m actually working on this one right now! Since I paid off my last loan and got a new job this year, my current Patreon goals are kind of out of date. They had all been centered around me paying off that last loan, and working towards full-time employment, but those are both completed now! So instead, I would love to get to a place where my patrons could read pages at least a week ahead, and to do that, I need to build a buffer. And since I’m working 5 full days a week now, I can’t afford to fall behind. But you can’t fall behind if you constantly stay ahead! I would like to have… a 10 to 12 page buffer. That’s roughly 3 months’ worth of pages to always have on hand in case I get swamped with work, or something. Right now I currently have a buffer of 3, which will cover me for half a January, which is better than not having anything at all, but still not the best. (ultimately, I would love to have a buffer so big, I could queue them up for the whole year. Wouldn’t that be something?)
 6) Sew one stuffed animal: same as last year. ASSUMING the plague gets under control in 2021, I don’t expect to get to this goal until the summer at the earliest.
 7)Finish 1 song comic: I have 7 song comics planned. One is a gift, one possibly for wandersong, one is a collab that’s currently in the works, but I’m waiting on a friend to do their part before I can continue mine, 2 are UT related, and 2 (well, technically 3, but one is the collab) are KH related. It’s one of the UT ones that will probably get finished, if I’m being honest. It’s completely story boarded, and now I just need to ink and color it. I would like to get it done for UT’s 6th birthday, since I made a song comic on the fly for the anniversary this year, and it was fun, and I’d like to do it again! So, look forward to that next september~
 8) Make another enamel pin: I have a dolphin design I’d like to make because dolphins are cute, if not little murder machines. (need to save up some expendable income first, tho. THESE THINGS AIN’T CHEAP TO MAKE.)
 9 and 10) start and finish 2 original short comics: I’ve got some comic ideas I want to do, but I need to get them written out first. I don’t think either would be too long. Each maybe a couple “episode’s” length, if envisioned on a website like webtoons or tapas. They’d both be heavy in allegory, but not overly drawn out (hopefully)
 11)And lastly, Finish the 5 remaining one-shots I had planned for this year but never got around to. I’m going to try to write one every other month. Pure self-indulgent shipping fluff. If I finish these 5, then maybe I’ll ask other people for more prompts and ideas, which I’ve never done before. We’ll see how it goes~
 Also, Like last year, I’d like to look at everything that’s happened to me this year, though to be honest, I’m not sure how much I remember/how accurate it’ll be. God, I don’t even remember what January was like. Who was I back then? Who were we all back then? I guess I’ll start my yearly retrospective in march because, heh, god we ALL know what started happening in march.
 Firstly, I paid off my last student loan! Then a week later on March 18th, I drove half an hour out of my city to adopt a cat and I love her and it was the best day of this year for me. Spring break is just beginning this weekend, but the attendance at the zoo is shockingly low this year. Apparently, a lot of people watch the news, and they’re all taking precautions about social distancing. I wasn’t too disappointed. Fewer people at the zoo, the easier my job is for me. I was looking forward to getting some free overtime on spring break, since I’m broke after paying off that loan, and I’m a cat parent now and have a furry child to feed. Monday rolls around. My manager calls me and tells me that the zoo is going into lockdown until further notice. I worry for the birds I take care of, but understand it’s for everyone’s safety.
 For two months I sleep in and watch way too much YouTube. I join a couple writing discords. I have nightmares about my birds escaping their enclosure and I dreamed one of the security guards I really like at the zoo gets covid and has to go to the ER. I woke up really upset.
 I started and finished BBS for the first time. I also replayed and finished KH2 final mix for the first time. It had been about 5 years since I last played KH2 before my PS2 died, and it was like coming home~ I also finished tearaway, and played and beat Ryme for a second time (which I can’t remember if I did that last year, but it was a fun experience regardless)
 Mid-June, and I’m allowed to start going back to work, be it on reduced hours. The zoo is still closed to the public, but I’m loving it! I get to work with full-time keepers and do full-time keeper things. It’s so much fun not having to deal with the public. August starts to creep up and there’s a rumor that the zoo will be opening to the public again, which I’m not stoked about. I don’t want to go back to standing in one exhibit all day, talking to guests who don’t listen to the rules or to me. 2 of my younger coworkers (who had both only been there a couple of months) get chosen for full-time positions, while I get passed up which really pisses me off. My other 2 coworkers quit when they think we might be reopening because they cannot risk catching the virus due to at-risk family. I am now the last keeper in the interactive bird exhibit.
 I keep working, the zoo slowly opens, but with me as the only interpreter in our interactive bird exhibit, we can’t open because I can’t run the entire exhibit by myself. So my exhibit stays closed. September comes and goes, and then October starts. Now there is more serious talk of opening my exhibit before the end of the year because the zoo expects to bring in larger crowds for the Christmas lights event in November/December. I ask if I get hazard pay or health insurance since I’m doing full-time hours until they hire more staff. They say no.
 I immediately start searching for a new job feeling incredibly indignant/hurt/slighted/insulted/used/abused/ALL the negative feelings at my job. I had been there for 4 years, but never got a chance to work full time, while the two newest hires who had only been there 2 months both got moved up. I can’t help but feel they were holding one mistake I made two years ago against me and never wanted to give me a chance. (that, or they knew I was reliable when it came to showing up for work in such a volatile position that sees a lot of new faces, and they didn’t want to bother going through the process of hiring someone new) I don’t want to risk my life working around guests who don’t wash their hands and don’t properly distance. I don’t want to gamble with my health when they won’t offer me health insurance because I’m part time.
 Mid October, I get an interview for a full time job and get hired on the spot. I peace out at the zoo 2 weeks later, literally 3 days before they planned to open my exhibit to the public. It was a close call for me to escape before they opened to the public (and pettiness was only partially the reason I dipped out so close to opening). Sorry new hires who are now in charge of the bird feeding exhibit. I taught you the best I could in the short time I had. If the managers are struggling with what to do with one less person, I can’t say I feel bad. I can only hope they delayed opening/closed you down again for your own safety. You are not lightbulbs. I really hope the higher ups stop considering you as replaceable as one. Will I go back to the zoo to visit? Probably. But not for a year at least.
 I started my new job the very next day after I quit the zoo, and have been there ever since, (which isn’t that long yet, tbh. Christmas day was my 2 month anniversary). It’s full time, but it’s also a small business, and everyone’s hours this year have been on the short side due to the plague. I understand, though. They don’t want us to work if they can’t afford to pay us. Everyone is nice enough, though some people smoke and it’s hard to avoid them with how frequently we have to go in and out, and I really don’t want to get lung cancer, sorry not sorry, please and thank you. Also, with such a small team, gossip is certainly harder to go undetected, so it’s a relief knowing people don’t talk behind one another’s backs.
 I participated and beat my 4th nanowrimo in a row, I made TWO apple crisps on thanksgiving, and made baklava on Christmas and both of these recipes were my first time making them, and they both came out adequately! I voted the first day of early voting, and I did an art trade/collab with two of my friends for my birthday! (normally we would have done monthly “art days” where we get together and do art projects for fun because we’re adults and we can spend our time together however we want, but the plague said otherwise this year) We drew pokemon and it was fun! (hopefully I can show you all the results soon. At the time of writing, I’m still waiting for the last two colored parts to get back to me)
 I reached 100 pages on my undertale comic, and finish the first arc out of…! (im not sure. It’s either going to be 4 or 5, I haven’t decided yet)
 Over all, I managed to stay healthy as far as I know. I wasn’t as productive as I wanted to be this year, but then again, who was? (don’t answer that. I don’t need that kind of comparison in my life right now)
 Will 2021be any better? Honestly? I don’t think so. Not right away, at least. Just because a new year is about to start does not mean the slate is completely wiped clean. The change of the calendar year doesn’t magically make all our current problems disappear. Covid will still be here and cases will still climb when January starts. Small business will still be strained when the month rolls over, police will still go on murdering innocent civilians and getting away scot free, amazon and disney will still be monopolizing all consumer goods and media, and I can’t help but feel like there’s an impending shit show about to go down on inauguration day. I do hope things will get better, though. It’ll be arduous and unpleasant, but I do hope things will improve, because sometimes hoping is all you can do.
 Good night.
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izzyfandoms · 5 years
Chosen - Chapter Five
(This is a Gender-Swapped Sanders Sides high school au)
SUMMARY: Logan Berry, Dee Ceite, Patricia Foster, Virginia Picani and Regina and Rena Prince are all 16-year-old high school students. They live relatively normal lives, with ordinary lessons and ordinary crushes and ordinary families, until one day a monster shows up and attacks them after class, and everything suddenly changes.
SHIPS: Moxiety, Logince, Dukeceit
WARNINGS: Sympathetic Remus, Sympathetic Deceit, swearing, siblings arguing, sexual implications
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @ajdraws0430 @phantomofthesanderssides @creativity-killed-thekitten @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game
CHOSEN TAGLIST: @coasting-on-a-wave-of-apathy @littlestr @whispers-stuff-in-your-ear
“And then Regina was like ‘what? I don’t have a crush on Logan!’ which is super silly ‘cos they’re so obvious and she’s told me that she likes Lo so many times!” Patricia rambled on.  
“Mmm,” Virginia hummed in agreement; she was painting Patricia’s nails with a pretty, dark purple nail polish. “It is pretty silly.”
It was Sunday, and they were currently at Virge’s house, in her room, sat together on her bed.
“Yeah!” Patricia blew a raspberry.  
Virge tapped her girlfriend’s knee. “Stop moving, you’re gonna mess up your nails.”
“Oh, sorry, honey!” Pat stopped moving. “Anyway, Logan totally likes her back, right? I mean, she’s basically told us. And Dee and Rena, too! They’re super-duper in love, I just wanna take their faces and smush them together until they get married and live happily ever after!”
“As entertaining as that would be,” Virge said, finishing Patricia’s left hand and moved to the right one. “We shouldn’t meddle. Let them deal with their own shit.”
Patricia tutted lightly. “Language.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Virge said. She examined her own nails – pastel blue, painted by Pat earlier – double checking that they hadn’t been damaged, though they were already dry. “You know I’m right, though. You’re always telling me not to interfere, no matter how often I want to tell them. They’ll figure it out on their own.”
Pat sighed. “Yeah, I know.” She then giggled. “Doesn’t mean we can’t still complain, though.”
Virginia hummed in agreement again, and the two sat in comfortable silence for almost a minute, as Virge finished painting Pat’s nails. Once she was done, the pigtailed girl looked over her hands appreciatively.
“Yay! Now my nails are your favourite colour and your nails are mine! It’s perfect!” Patricia giggled, beaming.
Her girlfriend gave her a small smile. “You’re adorable.”
Patricia giggled again, softly, a light blush on her cheeks. She leant forward, careful not to smudge either of their nails, pressing a kiss to the tip of her girlfriend’s nose. Virge waited a few moments, watching her girlfriend adoringly, before she pounced, the shorter girl falling back on the bed, the taller almost on top of her.  
Pat spluttered with laughter as Virginia tickled her sides, the purple-haired girl grinning mischievously as she did so.
“Ah, Virge!” Patricia exclaimed between laughter. “You’re gonna- you're gonna make me mess up my nail polish!”
Virginia finally stopped the onslaught of tickling, pushing herself up so she was hovering over her girlfriend, and shaking her head to get her hair out of her eyes.  
Patricia wrapped her arms around her girlfriend’s neck, pulling her down to kiss her properly and closing her eyes.  
Virge kissed her back eagerly, her hands at her girlfriend’s waist. Pat’s lips were soft, as usual, and tasted vaguely sweet, like strawberries – she switched up the flavour regularly, so it was always a bit of a surprise. Virge’s lips, by contrast, were always slightly chapped, as she tended to chew them when she was especially anxious, but, in Patricia’s opinion, that didn’t make kissing her any less enjoyable.
The two teenagers pulled apart immediately, their heads turning sharply to face the door, which was now open. Virginia’s eleven-year-old sister, Anne, was standing in the doorway, making a grossed-out face. She was wearing one of her sister’s old black-and-grey hoodies, and she had eyeshadow smudged under both eyes – she'd never admit it, but she was absolutely copying her older sister’s style.
“Get out my room!” Virge screeched, turning red. She sat up and grabbed one of her pillows, chucking it at her sister.
Anne dodged the purple projectile and ran off, laughing. “Mom, Virge and Pat are kissing again!”
“Leave them alone, Dear,” Emily half-scolded from across the hallway, though she was still smiling pleasantly. This was honestly the harshest she ever got with her daughters. She walked up to Virginia’s bedroom door and gave the two blushing teens a slightly apologetic smile. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” She teased, shutting the door.
“Mom!” Virge whined, before turning back to her girlfriend. “I’m sorry my sister’s such a brat.”
Patricia poked her shoulder teasingly. “Don’t be mean.”
Virge rolled her eyes, but pressed a reassuring kiss to her girlfriend’s forehead. “I’m not being mean; this is just what it’s like having a sister. Ask Regina or Rena, I’m sure they’d agree.”
Pat pouted a little at that. “I wish I had a sister. You’ve got Anne, and you’ll probably have Dee, too, soon.”
“You can bond with Logan about it, I guess,” Virginia shrugged.
The pigtailed girl gasped, her eyes brightening. “Logan can be my sister, then!” She pulled out her phone, careful not to mes sup her nail . “I’m gonna go tell her, right now.”  
I should’ve muted this chat.
Patricia, you now have my attention.
Your my sister now!!!!!!
Also, what?
We do not share any parental figures; how can we be sisters?
God ofc you use perfect grammar in texts ilysm
What do ‘ofc’ and ‘ilysm’ mean?
it means she wants to fusdjjkfhfjshfkldjfdkshfjdhfdjfhsdkhfksdlfhsdfh
oops guess renas been murdered
Ignore her
Regina probably just tackled her
ur right!!!!!!!!!!!
gina did take my phone!!!!!!!
but I took hers and now im locked in the bathroom!!!!!!!!
i can say whateva i like!!!!!!!
Oh dear
using my admin powers for good
“Virge!” Patricia exclaimed, poking her girlfriend’s shoulder disapprovingly.
“What?” Virginia shrugged. “Do you want to hear everything Rena has to say about what Regina and Logan wanna do with each other?”
Pat wrinkled her nose uncomfortably. “Well, no... but it’s mean to remove them!”
“Fine,” Virge sighed. “But if Rena starts talking about sex, I’m going to remove her again.”
rena if you talk about anything inappropriate from either your phone or reginas im blocking both of you
I finally got my phone back!
And I agree
Pls don’t do that  
what counts as inappropriate tho
anything that would upset pat
“I’m going to fight her.”
“Honey, please don’t.”
Patricia, what was it you were trying to tell me at the start? Your statement about us being sisters was factually (and grammatically) incorrect.
Were the only people on the chat without sisters!!!!! That means we should be sisters now so were not alone!!!!!
*We’re and *we’re.
And that does not make sense.
Besides, Dee doesn’t have any siblings, either.
She and Virge are gonna be sisters soon right!!!!!!!
And youre my sister now sorry I dont make the rules!!!!!
*You’re and *don’t.
You were the one who made this chat. You do, literally, make the rules.
(just go with it)
There was almost a minute of no texting, though everyone appeared to still be online, and Patricia shifted closed to her girlfriend in the interim, practically seating herself in the taller girl’s lap. Finally, Logan started typing again.
I’m going to spam you with heart emojis now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, don’t.
Okay I won’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate to interrupt
But my mom just got a message from Remy
Apparently, she and her parents are inviting us (and Mr Thomas) and any of our parents who know about the monster shit (her words not mine) to this fancy party at her place next Saturday . We need to dress kinda fancy, like dresses or fancy shirts and trousers, as it’s like tradition or something to hold these parties for each generation of chosen ones
Mom says she can tell any of your parents who don’t know the truth that you’re all at my house
But she also recommends you tell your parents whats actually going on
ew party
ew telling dad the truth about the monsters
I didn’t think you were one to shy away from the truth, Rena. Wouldn’t it be easier to be honest with your father?
normally i wouldnt care
but if dad finds out about all this he could get all protective and shit and try to stop us from fighting monsters and all that other ‘dangerous’ stuff
Ugh, I can’t believe I acc agree with u
Im still tryna figure out how to tell my moms!!!!!!!  
I might ask Miss Emily to help me but idk
she would she loves u
Wait lol pat arent you at virges house rn why r u texting  
Because I love all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before you speak
Is it appropriate?
then dont
dee can u get ur mom to text my mom the details  
Mine, too, please.
Me and rena will have to ask dad later hes busy rehearsing lines rn
acc hes probs just txting the dude he went out with yesterday lmao
he wont tell us anything bout it and got kinda awkward when we asked bout the guy he went out with
so im assuming they fucked
I hate you so much
Stop saying that
Fight me
One day Im acc going to fight you and it is going to be brutal
i will win
Hey now!!!!!!!
No fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
“This won’t end well,” Virge said dryly, rolling her eyes.
Patricia hummed quietly in agreement, her brow creased. “I wish they wouldn’t argue so much, it makes me sad.”
Her girlfriend opened her mouth to respond, but she was cut off by the bedroom door opening again. They both turned and watched as Emily stepped inside, giving them a smile.
“Patricia, your moms are here.”
“Oh, okay!” Patricia pocketed her phone and wiggled out of her girlfriend’s lap, jumping up and stretching. She took a step in the direction of the door, before pausing. She glanced up at her girlfriend’s mom with a slightly sheepish look. “Um, do you think at some point you’d be able to help explain the chosen one stuff to my moms? I’d like to tell them, but I’m not sure they’d believe me straight away.”
Emily’s expression softened; she put her hand on Pat’s shoulder supportively. ��Of course, dear. In fact, I’m having dinner with Harriet on Wednesday. Would you like me to tell her then?”
“Yes, please! That would be super helpful, thank you!” Patricia beamed. She then turned on her heel, back to her girlfriend, and leant forward to kiss her quickly. “Bye, Honey! I love you so much!”
“Love you, too, Pat,” Virge responded softly, a little embarrassed that her mom was there to witness this, but still smiling slightly.
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Devil Town- in which I ramble about I fic I still have to write
@purp-man you prompted this so you might as well witness it (no pressure if you don’t want to tho)
So, oh man
Y’all are in for a ride
Cause this is long so strap yourselves in, get some popcorn, and let’s get started
Oh and y’all can imagine that this is based on Devil Town by Cavetown (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBcK-0MXG5M) so I’d recommend listening to that as you read this
So our boy Virgil has a rocky home life, so much so that his parents get a divorce
Great start to a story
And he ends up moving to a small town somewhere in the Midwest (it’s a spooky place I think. Idk I’ve never been there I just get spooky vibes)
This town is quite weird, because, well, first of all, it’s called Devil Town
And you’d expect Virgil’s mom to have told him that but nooooo
he finds out as he’s looking out the window being all edgy and shit (it’s also raining because aesthetic okay) and he sees the broken down sign that reads “Welcome to Devil Town! Enjoy your stay!” and he freaks out a little
because who in their right mind moves to a town named Devil-fucking-town?
But whatever they get there and well
For a town named after evil incarnated you would expect people to be mean or rude, right?
But nope! The townspeople are some of the nicest people Virgil’s ever met
But they did have,,,, their quirks
Some of them smiled slighty too wide, or their eyes seemed to black over from time to time, or their voice would waver or seem weird, or they’d just have a weird vibe
But whatever, right? It wasn’t Virgil’s job to vibe check them, so who cares, right?
Anyway, he and his mother move into this small house that seems pretty alright, ya know, the typical American house, just smaller and a darker colour
Because everything in that town seemed darker for some reason
I’m gonna espand on Virgil’s relationship with his mom some other time
Because of course he loves her but he doesn’t know how to say it or show it
So he’s just his angsty self and he decides to go to town to explore a bit
And he ends up in the forest that circles the town
Which btw, the town seems to have everything.
From big dark forests to cornfields and a small school and even a small, albeit rather creepy, church and a creek too
I’m very indecisive on a lot of things okay
Anyway, he ends up in the forest and he’s just walking when he feels someone watching him and he turns around and around and he can’t figure out what it is
And then he feels a hand on his shoulder and he jumps and almost punches someone in the face
That someone turns out to be our second boy Patton!
In this au, Patton is really close to the OC that’s in his place in the actual original story, which means he has dark, really curly, wild hair, exactly three freckles on either side of his face, and he wears a shirt with two upside down crosses on the collar (like as pins) and a stringy old sweater with black and white stripes
But they have a conversation and it goes pretty much like this:
“Dude what the fuck!”
“Did I scare you?” and Virgil nods and has this look on his face where he’s like ‘yeah duh’ “Oh sorry! I didn’t realize you’d be scared by something like that.”
“You came up behind me, while I’m standing in a very creepy forest, mind you, and put your hand on my shoulder.”
“I thought you’d heard me!”
“Well I didn’t!” and they keep going like that for a while until someone interrupts them
“Patton, please, leave the new kid alone.” Patton pouts and rolls his eyes and Virgil turns around to find yet another boy
It’s our third boy Logan!
And he’s really refined, like crisp black dress shirt, not a hair out of place, rigid, practically perfect, posture, nothing weird about him
And Virgil thinks that finally, finally, he’s found someone that doesn’t freak him out
So when Logan reached a hand out for a handshake, a tight smile on his lips, barely reacting to Patton who had bound up to his side and latched onto his other arm with a happy “Lo!”, Virgil had almost, stupidly, shaken his hand
But he stopped dead in his tracks, hand stilled mid air
Blood. Logan’s hand was covered in blood.
And, again, Virgil here is freaking out a bit because “holy shit did you just kill a man.”
But Logan manages to calm him down and explain it’s because he has a lot of heavy nosebleeds
And Virgil isn’t so convinced but he gets over it
And they eventually become friends
But Virgil still has a weird feeling about Patton
He catches Pat’s eyes being completely black, he swears he does, but as soon as he blinks they’re gone
So he just brushes it off
Until one day he’s walking up to Pat and Lo and they don’t see him and he can see that pat’s eyes are completely black. He’s so fuckin sure
And he freaks out but Pat and Lo manage to calm him down yet again, and they explain that Patton isn’t entirely human, but then again no one is in that town, not completely at least
Patton has the eye thingy and that’s all, but Logan’s family is composed of two Victorian/gothic parents who also happen to be satanic witches!
What a life am I right?
Anyway, Virgil eventually gets introduced to our fourth boy, Roman! Idk really how it happens but they just kinda run into each other
Also Roman’s family summons demons so he has a haunted necklace but they don’t know it’s haunted
And all the four boyos start hanging out together!
But basically the rest of the story is mostly about them doing typical teenage stuff
Like going to parties and getting drunk and singing karaoke in that one dingy bar down the street and looking at the stars and running and laughing under the rain
Where roman is running out into the rain and he’s joined by Patton who brings Logan along and they’re all laughing and Roman calls out to Virgil with “Come on emo nightmare! Come join us!” and Virgil feels like he’s finally found his place somewhere
But yeah I have a lot of feelings about this
There’s also a subplot where they fight a demon or something but ye
There’s more to the story but I’m shit at explaining things and I’m tired so here we are
I might expand on this some other time
But yeah
Hope y’all like this
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sparkles-and-trash · 6 years
SKAM! South Park AU
trash note: oh my god I spent waaay too much time on this jesus christ, but I’m not even sorry for this lol, but a while back I got an anon asking about how I thought SP would be like in SKAM format, and I rambled a bit about it but since then I’ve been binging both SKAM and SP and I’ve been thinking about his a lot, like a lot a lot, so I needed to get it out of my system hah
Season 1: Stan
Tumblr media
Stan - Eva Wendy - Jonas Kenny - Noora (sort of)
The season starts with showing bits and pieces of Stan and Wendy during their junior year in high school. they’ve been dating since they were kids and everyone thinks they’re the perfect couple. Stan also has the perfect friend group in Kyle, Kenny, Butters and Cartman, and even tho his father is a bit of a drunk idiot, his parents still care about him, and his life is generally pretty good.
The season progresses and we start seeing pretty soon tho that things aren’t as perfect as they seem, mainly Stan’s relationship with Wendy and his self image. It’s also clear that Stan is a little too much like his father when it comes to drinking. Wendy is driven and confident, while Stan is unsure of just about everything in his life, from his relationship to his sexuality to his hopes and dreams, to who he really is and want to be.
Soon, Stan thinks Wendy is having an affair with his best friend, Kyle, who is much more like Wendy than he is, they’re on the debate team together, as well as a bunch of AP classes and they’re in respective sports team, Wendy is on the girls volleyball team and Kyle is amazing at basket. They’ve been friendly for a while, but as Stan starts to draw back from both of them due to his issues, they start worrying and therefor talking and hanging out more. 
Season climaxes at a party where Stan gets drunk and cheats on Wendy with a random girl, but starts crying right after, and Kenny, who’s been a constant calm and supporting, but a little taken for granted, presence for Stan up until now, finds him, and talks him trough a bunch of the stuff he’s been going trough. Stan, confused as ever, tries to kiss Kenny, who just calmly smiles, tells him that now is not the time, and that Stan needs to have a serious talk with Wendy. 
Season ends nearing Christmas, with drama following the party as someone saw Stan kissing Kenny, and rumors of Stan being gay starts flowing, and Stan with a lot of help from Kenny and Kyle, comes to terms with the fact that he is bisexual. 
Wendy is of course hurt and sad, but she tries to talk to him and be supportive, which takes Stan by total surprise. They end up having a big talk and breaking up, mutually agreeing and both still sad, but Stan needs to take time to be on his own and be with his friend and explore his sexuality, and he and Wendy seriously wants to stay friends. 
Season 2: Kenny
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Kenny - Noora (kinda) The themes, but only slightly so not that much really
Season starts at school, a couple of months into the spring semester of the kids junior year, and it’s just normal banter and talk with the boys, but things kinda focuses on Kenny, and we kinda see how he’s more of a observer and commentator in the group. 
Kenny is, from last season, known as the guy in his group that always seems to have the answer, he’s calm and confident, but not cocky, seemingly knows everyone, but nobody really seems to know him that well, except his closest friends. We see that he works at Tweeks parents coffee shop, and even tho he clearly likes the job, Tweek comments that Kenny’s working almost every day and asks about how he has time for school etc, Kenny jokes it off tho. 
Pretty soon in the season a party happens, and we see how Kenny is the one in the group that gets hit on most, by both girls and boys, but never really shows any interest in doing anything about that, to Kyle and Cartmans big dismay, as they call him out on it, trying to get him to explain why the hell he won’t take advantage of the situation, to which Kenny usually just laughs off or makes a witty comment about the two others being virgins. 
The next day we see Kenny at home, and learn that his homelife is pretty complicated. His parents are both in jail, and his quiet older brother, Kevin, is the one taking care of the family financially and officially, by working two jobs and being Kenny and their younger sister, Karens, legal guardians, and Kenny is basically raising Karen, by himself. We also see his room, covered in polariods from the old camera he always carries around, pictures of friends, stranger and landscape, giving us an idea he’s good at observing and capturing peoples essence quickly. 
During a Friday, in which the other boys are at a party trying to get laid as usual, Kenny is home alone with Karen, watching a movie and just chilling, to which the boys keeps texting him and telling him he sucks for being lame etc. Karen herself confronts Kenny about why he’s staying in with her instead of going out with his friends, and he honestly says he likes hanging with her, and that he doesn’t have time to party and date and stuff like the others because he have more responsibility than them, but hurries to assure her it’s all good with jokes etc, like always. 
Season nears the climax when Karen takes it on herself to talk with Kennys friends about how he’s been working so much and how much stress he’s been under, and the boys are kinda shocked to find out how bad things are for Kenny at home, because he’s always so good at hiding stuff and pretending he’s happy when he’s around them. 
Kyle and Stan, worried and with good intentions, decides to tell their parents, and their parents immediately starts worrying, esp the moms, and when Stan and Kyle tries to talk to Kenny and offer help, he gets very upset and feels likes he’s been betrayed with his friends talking about his issues behind his back, and when they mention that their mothers want to help he totally freaks out.  
After some days with isolation and stress, Butters finally manages to talk to Kenny, with help from Karen letting him into Kennys room, and they end up having a pretty long and serious talk, and Kenny admits that about a year ago the Child Services was involved and almost split the three up, but Kevin managed to convince them to let them stay together, but that they’re still under the radar, and that’s why he’s so stressed about people finding out, he’s super worried about anyone talking to CS and Karen being taken away. Butters manages to get Kenny to talk to the others, and with a lot of awkward apologizing and bro punches to the shoulders, things starts to go back to normal. 
Season ends with Stan and Kyles mothers promising to be there if Kenny needs help with Karen when he and Kevin works and the boys helps out in every way they can, and even tho he still finds it hard, Kenny is starting to learn how to accept help, and opening up more to his friends. 
Season 3: Bebe
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Bebe / Isak Red / Even Wendy / Jonas
So this is obv the season with most parallels to the original Norwegian season, but I’m still gonna change a bunch so buckle up gals and pals 
Season starts at a big party at Stans house, where we see the two boy gangs smoking week and laughing, others from the school in various states of drukeness, before we see Bebe, a tall, beautiful blonde, being chatted up by a tall, dark and handsome guy in a varsity jacket, while we see Clyde Donovan glaring jealously in the background. 
Bebe is Wendy’s best friend and up until now we have mainly seen her as a fierce supporter of Wendy all trough the whole deal with Stan, which was pretty hard on Wendy, of course. Bebe is known for being beautiful and popular, esp with the boys, and she hooks up with different guys a lot, but isn’t slutshamed because that’s stupid and nobody should do that anymore okay great 
When the Wendy and Bebe arrives at school the following Monday, they’re talking about how Bebe is struggling with the fact that her other best friend, the school’s baseball and lacrosse star, and the most popular guy in school, Clyde, who we’ve seen a little of in the earlier seasons, is hopelessly in love with her, while Bebe does not feel the same way. In the middle of her rant to Wendy, she drifts off when she sees a new girl walking through the hallway and Bebe stares at her in famous SKAM slo-mo action. 
The girl is pretty, and remarkable and from the second Bebe lays eyes on her she knows she’s fucked. The girl have long, thick, dark red hair, wears a short, but classy red dress and have classic, red lips, and to Bebe she’s just... perfection. Wendy manages to break Bebe out of her trance, and tells her she needs to go to a debate club meeting.  
Bebe hurries to see if she can spot the girl again, but she seems to be gone, and instead Bebe is approached by a lanky boy with messy, blonde hair and clear green eyes, grinning like a madman and twitching slightly. When Bebe asks Tweek what the hell he’s grinning about, he hints that he saw he drooling at the new girl, who he reveals is his boyfriend, Craig Tucker’s, cousin. They knew her as kids, but she moved away around sixth grade, but she just moved back. Bebe just states that she’s not gay, and walks away. 
As the season progresses, Bebe gets to know the girl, Red, trough Craig, and they start hanging out a bit in private, usually sneaking away at parties to hook up, but they also start hanging out more in private, really getting to know each other, and after a while Bebe realizes she’s having real feelings for this girl, and while Bebe is trying to deal with all of this, Clyde walks in on her and Red hooking up during a party.
Heartbroken, Clyde outs Bebe and Red to the whole party, and Bebe flees the party. Soon the whole school seems to know, and Bebe is left to deal with her parents, her friends and the rest of the school, reacting to the news. She soon learns that the people she was most worried about, like her parents and Wendy, are very accepting and sweet, while the ones who’s being problematic isn’t homophobic in the way she expected, but are all treating her like some mix of porn star and caged animal, and she really, really hates it. 
Bebe, frustrated and angry, cuts of Red and tries to put her life back together, starting with a big talk with Stan, who got outed in a way himself a year back, and then she has a long conversation with Tweek and Craig, at first about peoples expectations to you when you come out and the horrible feeling of being a show to people in town because of it. Then they talk about Clyde, and while both the boys and Bebe are still really upset with him, bebe admis to missing her bff. She decides to talk to him, and he agrees to meet up and talk.
When they meet up it’s pretty tense, sad and awkward, and while Clyde apologizes right away, trough tears, Bebe still struggles pretty hard to forgive him. After a lot of talking they get to an okay point, but Bebe tells him they still have a way to go. Then she sighs and says she really misses Red, who she cut off after everything got out, and Clyde stats putting a plan in motion to getting the girls to talk. 
The season ends with Clyde’s elaborate plan, involving everyone from Kenny, Stan, Kyle, Butters and Cartman, to Wendy and Tweek and Craig, and it does not according to plan, at all, and Red is kinda reluctant to forgive Bebe right away, but when Clyde starts crying hysterically and apologizing wildly, she agrees that the shit that happened was indeed Clyde’s fault, and that Bebe’s reaction was fair considering the situation. 
Cue happy ending kiss and all the gay feels. 
Season 4: ???
coming soon hopefully I just can’t really figure this one out 100% or 50% or 20% because there’s a thousand people I wanna make it about and jfhsdghfgdfshgf
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Boyfriend!Felix Stray Kids
The meme himself
The creator of Changpil
I know right here and now this is going to end me
Let’s get started!
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His crush on you is so bloody obvious
He’s not the subtle type
That’s not to say he isn’t hella shy with you tho
No no
He’s gonna tease you to no end istg
But he’ll always end up reassuring you that he doesn’t mean it at all and how special you truly are
Just RaNDoMly likes to crush you in a hug
Quoting the meme “that’s my best friend that’s my best friend!!””
Ye he’s very energetic with you
He’s never
Going to stop talking around you
Unless he gets flustered with you
And then he’ll sit verrrrry still
Hands on his lap
With his lips pressed together
And owl eyes
You don’t really get why he does it
It’s cute tho
What you don’t realize is that he’s fighting with every fiber of his being to not scream and dance around because
Holy shit
He’s head over heels for you
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He’s gonna try to confess romantically
Pfft like that’s gonna work out
Gonna try to take you to your favorite takeout restaurant and buy your favorite food
And he’s gonna try to stay calm
He doesn’t stay calm
He’ll suddenly blurt everything in one go:
Basically shouted
And you’re sitting in front of him SH00K AF because
1) he confessed so suddenly
2) he did just basically yell in your face
Needless to say you’re a little lost
And poor Felix
He just looks at you horrified, apologizes for shouting and kinda looks in every direction as if waiting for someone to come rescue him
But he doesn’t get up
And finally lowers his head
“Sorry I was an idiot there…. I panicked…? I don’t know how to think staight with you”
And you’re about to get teary-eyed because BOI THAT WAS SO SINCERE
“I really like you too, Felix” you say beaming
He’s gonna look at you with the happiest smile ever omg
The same expression he had when JYP said they were debuting as 9 that expression gives me life tbh
So there we go! You guys go on a first date and it’s a sealed deal from there!
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Dates with Felix
How to put it?
Chaotic? Ye that’s the word
Improvised, chaotic, fun, amazing dates
You’re ready to collapse at the end of it lol
Especially loves to go to archades or a laser tag I LOVE LASER TAG AND I WANT TO PLAY LASER TAG WITH FELIX DAMMIT *ahem* excuse me
Can you imagine running around in a dark room playing against another huge team
Which Felix is in
You don’t really know-how you both ended up on different teams smh
And you round a corner to see him facing you with the slyest of smiles
“Hey y/n! Look, I’ve got a gun!!” And proceeds to shoot you
Earning a yell of anger from you as he runs away laughing his ass off
Isn’t shy about skinship
Holds your hand without hesitation
But if you peck him on the cheek without warning
He’s gonna have a red face
And he’ll slowly melt into a puddle of goo in your hands
Ye he’s soft
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Your first kiss is from a dare I bet
“You need to beat me at this game or I get a kiss”
“But you’re really good at this game and I suck!!”
“Exactly! Now let’s play”
He wins but you refuse to kiss him
“I never agreed to your terms, mister”
He pouts like a puppy but you don’t back down
“Fine then” he sulks “I’ll play it your way” and he snatches your food
Crisps, gummy sweets or a churro, he’s gonna take it and run off with it
“HOW. DARE. YOU STEAL MY FOOD! GET BACK HERE” you run after him, and you both get looks from passing people they judgin you hard
You finally catch up to him, huffing and puffing “give it back, dork”
He jumps around refusing to give your food back
You’ve lost all patience by now
You’re practically steaming when you finally growl “give it back you son of a b—“
He kissed you right on the lips, interrupting you
When you part he’s gonna let out a little scream
“I’m sorry I surprised you! That wasn’t at all planned! Can we rewind and start over??”
And then he’ll run away again, panicking.
With your food.
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Hehe you better wear ear defenders when you meet the rest of SK
They’re gonna scream 10x louder than ever when they see you
Congratulating Felix, warning you not to tell him where you hide your food etc
You know, Stray Kids stuff :)
“Y/n, can you teach us how you keep him under control?” -Hyunjin
“That would be useful but no one can control that hurricane of a kid” -Chan
“Feel free to hit him if he gets too annoying” -Jisung, as felix tries to wrestle him into the ground
“I hope you’re the right one for him, y/n” says Changbin. “He’s a good person, so don’t hurt him; or you’ll have to deal with me” it highkey sounds like a threat, hello Changlix
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You two are the couple that don’t know wtf they’re doing half the time
You’re just having the time of your lives being together
Both of you will be lost if the other gets sick
“Is it a cold? Flu? What can I do to help?? And I might need help in helping you...” -either one of you
After many failed attempts at trying to make food or find the right medicine, you’ll just fall asleep on each other, completely exhausted 
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Felix can get insecure about his elimination in the 9th cries in 4 different languages 
And sometimes will work himself to the bone 
If you try to stop him he’ll get really defensive 
He’ll push you away 
“You don’t understand! You can’t understand! How can you?! I need to get this perfect or... or.....” 
He realizes what he said and that it must have hurt you 
Even if you keep a plain face and a steady voice, he’ll know that it hurts you 
He’ll just break down in tears 
“I’m sorry *sniff* I can’t even talk to you properly.... I want to get this right, I want to prove that I deserve to be in Stray Kids....” 
You’re crying as hard as he is
Because his pain is yours as well 
You hug him tightly, listing all the amazing things he can do 
And all the things you love about him 
And you’ll repeat over and over how much he does deserve to be in Stray Kids
And that will calm him down 
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He loves teaching you dances 
Not just dances that SK have done, but dances he’s done before moving to Korea 
Will actually interrupt you if you try to tell him that you can’t dance 
“You can. Because I’m teaching you. And i say you can dance. So you can dance.” 
Veeeerrry stubborn  
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Tried to teach you to beat box like him 
It doesn’t work 
Sometimes asks for help when he’s learning something new in Korean 
Even if you suck at speaking it he’ll enjoy trying to learn with you 
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Isn’t the texting type 
He’ll call/FaceTime you when he knows you’re free and when he wants to update you in the day 
Is the type to yell your name as soon as you pick up 
And you reciprocate by yelling his name 
If you’re in a place where you won’t draw too much attention to yourself 
You both send your fav memes 
Or quote them lmao 
He loves quoting hella old things the other members have said and melts when you start saying them too 
It drives SK up the wall RIP 
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You two are in charge of cooking 2-3 nights a week for the boys 
Neither of you know why Chan was so ruddy insistant on it 
But meh you just roll with it 
If you have to cut onions, you’re both gonna start singing Seventeen’s ‘Don’t Wanna Cry’ 
The cooking days can be either a complete success 
Or a total disaster 
There is no in between 
At all. 
But most of the time you guys make a decent meal to feed 8 other hungry children artists so everyone’s happy 
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This boy is nervous as fuck to meet your family  
At first he tries to back out of it 
“Ah ye, I think I’ll be sick on that day?” 
He sucks at lying 
But he actually gets his shit together when you meet up 
Good clothes, perfect hair I mean he has perfect hair anyway sooo 
And he’s super smiley 
He’s obviously tense 
To you anyway 
But your fam don’t seem to pick up on his nervousness 
And the day goes by smoothly, and Felix finally relaxes 
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He’s gonna flip his shit when you ask to come with him next time he goes to Australia 
He’s gonna start planning it immediately 
If his family don’t beat him to it and visit in Korea that is....
Then he stops functioning 
Amazing s/o + family = happiest boy on the planet 
And you’re relatively chilled about meeting him parents 
And they are SO SWEET 
You get along so freaking well with his sisters and he lowkey becomes jealous 
It’s just the most amazing thing for both of you ever 
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In the evenings after practice Felix loves to just drift off while you two talk 
From what you did in the day to a random anecdote from a decade ago 
He enjoys the peace of it until he falls asleep 
Will collapse with happiness if you wear his hoodies 
“Felix are you seriously crying right now?”
“I’m just so stupidly lucky” 
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Definitely not gonna say ‘I love you’ on purpose 
100% an accident 
He’s gonna say it when he’s half asleep, probs won’t even realize that he’s said it until you react 
“Man, I must dead-ass be the luckiest person on Earth to have someone as amazing as you” he rambles. “I love you so much and I just want to tell the world that I do....” 
Leaving you SH00K to the core 
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If you say it first he’s gonna cry 
Don’t @ me I know he’s gonna cry 
He's probs stolen your food again
And he’s lowkey being a twat 
“If you had to choose your fav food or me, what would you choose?” 
“Seriously? The food, duh” 
“DUDE WHAT? Alright then! I’ll just leave” you drag him back by his arm 
“Noooooo don’t leave I don’t want you to gooooo” 
“Why not?” 
He’d do that thing again 
“Oh my god, Felix I’m sorry it just slipped out” 
“I LOVE YOU TOO” he screams 
Once again leaving you SH00K 
And he’ll crush you in the biggest hug ever 
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When SK are away 
Ngl, I would pray for them 
Felix is a whiney baby without you 
Can even be in a grumpy mood 
FaceTimes you in the evenings 
His or your evenings, depending on the time zone
And you two will talk quietly until one of you falls asleep
It’s insanely adorable 
Will actually start dancing in the airport before seeing you because he’s so bloody excited 
And the rest of the boys disown him 
“Who’s that, dancing? He looks like a pigeon” -Woojin
“Dunno, never seen him before in my life” -Minho
Earning a protest from Felix
Your ears will fall off when he finally sees you 
Changbin butts in “I DON’T KNOW SO SHUT THE FUCK UP”
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He’ll go public about your relationship anytime after a year 
In the least flattering way for you 
He’s definitely the guy who pretends to take a photo and ends up taking a video smh 
You’re both smiling at the camera and he’s not taking it 
“Hurry up, man, my cheekbones are getting sore” 
No response from him 
You immediately catch on what he was doing 
“Omg I can’t believe you!!!” 
As he laughs like an idiot 
Will still make sure you’re ok with him posting it tho 
And when he does 
You guys will break the internet
There’s not a single person of consequence who doesn’t love you two 
It’s absolutely amazing 
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A/N: PHEW! This adorable nugget coming to wreck all your bias lists lmao
Hope enjoy reading! Later :D
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krugerevengeinej · 6 years
Plot list for Jordie lives AU fanfic | part 1?
A/N: Yeah this is an absolute fucking mess but so has been me trying to write this fic. These are just ramblings please do not judge any grammar mistakes. But I really need some feedback on this from potential readers. Just tell me what you think if there's any other things you'd wanna see in this or important shit I forgot. I really just need motivation to actually do this. Oh and the other part is here cuz I used to many fckn bullet points for one post. Yes I know it's not kanejy yet y'all just gotta be patient.
So Kaz and Jordie both live through firepox
But now they have no money, and nowhere to go
They are just two kids out on their luck and stuck in the barrel
Jordie keeps telling Kaz they'll find a way out of it
That he'll protect his little brother
That they won't need to stoop to becoming criminals like so many people there
But as time goes on and their scrounging to survive, working jobs in shitty taverns and gambling dens
A change happens in Kaz
He starts to resent his older brother for his foolishness as he learns more about the harsh unforgiving ways of barrel life
It's the day Kaz truly discovers his gift with the cards
He starts caring a little less
Becoming a little more distant and aggressive whenever Jordie tries to talk about his plan for how they're gonna make it out of this
How they're still gonna be merchers
Kaz just snaps
Then he shows Jordie the wad of cash he'd earned that day
"Where did you get that Kaz?"
The shock in his voice is obvious even if he knows where he's still surprised
Jordie was never really that great and reading people
"Won it" Kaz says
"Kaz you know this is wrong" there is betrayal in his tone, "we promised this wasn't how we'd get by"
"No you said that," "and look where we are now?" He gestures to the dilapidated building with mold and mildew growing in the corners.
Quietly, with disdain burning every word he says, "You that we could beat this city, in order to do that we have to play its game, but your still too dense to get that aren't you?
"This isn't the only way we can still-"
"No we can't! Don't you see that by now! If you're ok with living like a rat, so you don't have to feel guilty that's fine by me. But if you wanna see that smug son of a bitch pay for what he did to us, you're gonna need to get your hands dirty. Or are you still the same stupid farm boy who thinks you can outsmart the system with 'luck and good friends'."
Jordie isn't quite as ok with all of this as Kaz is
But he goes with it
The lever of greed pushing him down this path because Danny he did want Jakob Hertzoon pay
He swears he's not gonna let Kaz go in too deep, that he won't either
But Barrel life miserable as it is can be intoxicating
Picking pockets and locks, working a deck of cards, getting in fights
Kaz had an affinity for such difficult techniques, but it turns out Jordie was better with his fists
They made quite the powerful combination
It doesn't get bad until Kaz is fourteen and Jordie is eighteen and, they end up joining the dregs
By now they've found out Jakob Herzoon is Pekka Rollins
Which means this is going to be a lot more difficult then they thought
They start off as foot soilders
But it doesn't take long for Kaz's devious mind to send him climbing up the ranks
Soon he's running his own cons
And the dregs are prospering
Jordie would have almost been horrified were it not for the fact he was right there by Kaz's side.
He's changed quite a bit
Although he doesn't quite have that same edge as Kaz
He hates to admit he likes it
The flashy clothes
And gambling
And fighting
Lots of illegal adrenaline inducing things
And ya know pretty girls
And guys
Jordie is bi
Fite Me
Like this man with flirt with anything that's got a pulse
whilst picking their pocket
Ahh and then Kaz
He's definitely still Kaz he still gets the nickname dirtyhands
But he's not quite as Kazish ya know
Still has some trust issues
Some problems and shit that will come up later
But he can touch people
He actually ya know talks to people and is a little more charismatic
A surprisingly good trait to have if you think about it
Instead of being so cold and edgy all the time
Yes tho he's still pretty fucking edgy and still wears gloves a lot because they look cool, also has a silver crow tie pin he always wears
Like people kinda trust him
Which is fucking stupid cuz he will take all your money
Like he seems less intimidating
But he's still very intelligent he can read people well
Plan heists of course
Still a master of sleight of hand
He keeps his past problems locked away surprisingly well
Oh yeah and Imogen
That happened
Not till he's like 16 but it happened
Several times
Like they kinda 'date' if you can call it that
But then she ends up leaving ketterdam
Kaz's progress up the ranks of the dregs is a little slower
Like he's not the lieutenant till he's about 18
And that's when he meets Inej
Their meeting would be much different tho
So that would make Inej 17
And she's fucking done with the menegarie
She ends up killing one of the clients
And trying to escape
Running over rooftops
Doing all this crazy acrobatic shit
Kaz fucking sees this
She's getting chased
Knowing there's gonna be hell to pay if they catch her
Kaz is actually in the middle of a job during this
So he has to tear himself away
A little while later and he's on a barge he hijacked
And Inej jumps down onto this boat from the bridge above
But he doesn't even know she's there until he feels her tap his shoulder
Like how the fuck did she do that??
She asks him for help
He's about to say fuck no and draw his pistol when he turns around to look at her
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jaeminlore · 7 years
friends to lovers!johnny
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okay so 
johnny means a lot to me bc whenever i have a lot of anxiety i think of cuddling him
just bc he’s rlly big and i would disappear in his warmth
so johnny has a very special place in my heart
anyway to the au
in this au johnny isn’t an idol
he’s a business major at a local college
and listen
is a dork
he also has no clue what to do when people approach him and say that they like him
this is not a good thing bc people often come up to him and ask him for his phone numbers
and johnny is like I can’t turn them down!! they’re so nice!!!
so he always hands out his phone number
but listen
he NEVER texts anyone back
bc they’re always asking for dates or smth and johnny is just … no thanks!!! i’m awkward!!!!!
but he thinks even that might be too harsh so he just leaves them on read as if that isn’t the worst thing he could do to someone
so naturally
there is this entire group of people on campus who have liked johnny before and felt wronged by him because of this
and when you transfer to johnny’s college since it’s closer to your job
the “we hate johnny” club immediately snatches you up and sits you down like
listen here new kid johnny looks rlly nice and sweet but he’ll leave you on read like the biggest douchebag of the century
and you thought you had left this kind of drama in highschool
but alas
it follows
but just to get them off your back you sort of agree to “never ever talk to johnny seo under any circumstance avoidable or unavoidable”
which is rlly okay bc he’s a business major and you’re a culinary major and hopefully you’ll never even run into the supposed “biggest douche in history”
you actually forget about the legendary johnny, bc why would you need to think abt someone you’ve never met? you weren’t even sure you’d like him or ask him out, so why did it even matter?
it was all okay until your university had this wierd “college collab” week where two students from completely different majors would be paired together as each each others study partners
it was a way to help students stay connected and also help them learn about other majors besides their own
most students didn’t rlly care abt the program so they just… ignored it lol
like they had their study buddy but they never contacted them and vice versa
you were one of those students
bc why would you need help learning how to cook from someone who had no idea how to cook???? it made no sense
but still you get this phone call from an unknown number and ur just,,,,
and this v awkward chuckle comes across the receiver followed by a deep voice replying
“hi. i’m johnny. i’m your study partner for that thing”
and you’re like dang it bc not only do you now HAVE to do this study partner thing, it’s also w johnny
who you’re assuming is THE johnny you had always been warned abt
“i’m a culinary student” you tell him in a way that says how-could-you-possibly-help-me?
until he replies “ok well I’m a business major, so maybe i could help you work out your inventory and prices?? like say you own a resturaunt in the future,,, i can make you a budget that keeps you from going bankrupt.”
nd that… actually sounds like a rlly good idea and something you could use in the future
so you invite him over to your dorm
when he arrives you kind of just do a double take bc he’s rlly handsome in the sweetest type of way
let’s just imagine this for a moment
i don’t see johnny as someone who would dress up a lot esp around campus or for classes like he doesn’t see the need
but it’s also autumn and he’s really cold so he arrives at your place wearing black sweatpants and this oversized white sweater over it
like it’s so oversized that it shows his collarbones (aka you are blessed™)
nd tbh his black hair looks rlly soft and it’s hanging over his eyes ever so slightly
you kinda have this urge to just push it back behind his ears but you stop yourself bc that would be wierd
he tilts his head to the side and just smiles.
“hi i’m johnny.”
“i’m y/n”
he looks a little nervous, as he shuffles back and forth in the hallway
“are you gonna come in?”
“oh! yeah! sure!”
he walks inside and you realize just how tall he is like,,,, he looks like a giraffe no offence
you guys get to work straight away like you wanna keep this strictly business!¡!
nd because of all the rumors you half expect him to ask you out or smth like that
but he never does????
he’s just helping you figure out a good budget for your future
and you never knew johnny was this complete NERD
he’s got this dorky smile on his face as he’s describing the benefits of loans and leasing
and honestly it’s a snooze fest
but you listen bc johnny is going on and on and he’s not stopping any time soon
until you get up to get a juice pouch or smth idk you’re just parched okay
and johnny watches you for a moment before ducking his head down
“i’m sorry. i’m really boring aren’t i?”
“nonono!! i’m just thirsty!!”
but johnny is blushing and he doesn’t rlly believe you like “c'mon,,, no one likes hearing abt this stuff”
nd he sounds kind of,,, not sad,,, just as if he expected it
you wonder how many people have told him that he’s boring
you decide to cheer him up
“how abt this? let’s take a break from business for awhile and I’ll help you using my major,,,, do you know how to cook???”
“sort of?” johnny says. “I know how to boil stuff.”
and so you decide to teach him how to cook delicious but easy foods (on a budget since johnny seems to love those)
and johnny is actually a lot of fun????
he’s cracking jokes left and right
making puns using the ingredients
and his laugh is loud and dorky and you think you know why all those We Hate Johnny™ clubs fell in love with him
so the food is cooked and the two of you just sit on the floor and eat
“so…can i ask you something?”
“shoot,” johnny sends you a smile and you feel bad for bringing it up
“are the rumors true?”
and johnny is so confused for a moment like “rumors??”
and after you explain he looks kinda shocked and sad
“they think i led them on?”
“but i’m just awkward and can’t talk to them”
he just looks really sad.
“this is why all those people won’t talk to me?”
you feel really bad for bringing it up of course
like now johnny has lost his smile and is just kind of picking at his food
“it’s okay… they’re overreacting obviously. maybe i could help you?”
“you can throw a party! invite all of those numbers! of course they’ll come because they won’t be able to resist you, and i’ll keep them there by making delicious appetizers”
johnny thinks it’s his best shot, so the two of you plan a party, and johnny’s huge group of friends help him spread the word.
when the night of the party comes, you and johnny are the first to arrive at the frat house  don't act like johnjae wouldn't be the biggest frat boys and johnny is freaking out thinking no one is going to come and he’s just going to be hated by all these people for a small misunderstanding
but he’s easily calmed down when taeyong and yuta enter with a bunch of people behind them, all who you recognize as Johnny Haters.
but johnny puts on an easygoing smile and greets everyone by name, asking them questions about their majors and whatnot
tbh you just kind of admire him from the corner bc johnny rlly hasn't tried to lead anyone on, he is just a giant dork really
he still knew everyone and had remembered things abt their classes like an actual friend would
to see him laugh around with a few girls that had told you how much of a player he was only a few weeks ago made you extremely happy
and lowkey sad
bc now johnny isn't your little secret anymore
now everyone knows how wonderful and nice and handsome and dorky he is 
so even tho you’re a bit sad, you stay until the end of the party to help all the boys clean up
and BOY are you glad you did
bc as soon as johnny is done saying goodbye to all of the guests, he walks over to you and cups your face
then he kisses you
and he would've kissed you longer if it hadn't been for taeyong’s scolding
when the two of you separate johnny is just rambling like,
“thank you so much you’ll never know how much this means to me no one has ever done something so thoughtful for me will you please be my girlfriend?”
and ofc you say yes bc it’s johnny and he’s honestly just a big sweetie
so the next day at campus you both walk around holding hands
and everyone is like,,,,, darn,,,, we should've been nicer to johnny,,, then maybe he would've dated us!!1!111!1!!!!
and you’re just like eat your heart out! kisses!
anyways it’s 3am that's why the end of this scenario is everywhere
the end
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sugaabooga · 7 years
lowkey part-timer!Jisung
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Pairing: Yoon Jisung x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Christmas-themed, bullet-point scenario
Summary: A Christmas romance sparks between you and the cute, bubbly part-timer in your local grocery store.
Warnings: None
A/N: First story in the Christmas-themed scenarios I’m doing! I’m hoping I’ll be able to finish all of the rest 17 scenarios by Christmas!
Jisung was the cute part-timer at your local grocery store
He’s been working as the cashier in aisle 8 after he’s graduated from uni after he couldn’t find a job that pays decently
He decided to stay in his hometown, after suffering in a totally new city, and got a part-time job as a cashier that paid pretty well
You on the other hand, bought your own studio after moving out of your hometown
Your job as a photographer caused you move out and go to other places rather than your small town that always made you feel caged
You were putting together all your pictures you had taken the past week since you had to put out a new project soon
You decided to take a break and have a quick lunch then walk around to the parts of the city that you hadn’t been able to see yet
When you come out of your studio with all your necessities, you realize that a bunch of people were putting up Christmas decor and trees around their shops
It was Christmas? Already?
You celebrated Christmas, for you were a religious person, but you never got the whole holiday spirit type of thing
You didn’t really enjoy Christmas songs or the cold really
when you came out of your house you had only slipped on a thin cardigan with your camera and everything in your purse
You hated the cold
You had once been locked out of your house one winter and had to wait outside until your parents got back home from work
You were practically frozen when your dad discovered you covering your body with the welcome mat
So yah you had a trauma of the cold
You quickly take some pictures of the snow and all the people getting on ladders to decorate the light posts and rooftops
You smile at your work and skip down the sidewalk to the farther parts of town
You find yourself in front of a market which you had never seen before even when you were driving around when you first came
Maybe it was new?
You went in since you were hungry anyway and they most likely had samples
Meanwhile, Jisung was helping some of the other workers take out boxes and such, since no one was really in the lines
You were eating some of the sample dumplings when you see a chip bag fall
You’re about to pick it up when you feel more chip bags falling on you
You lift up your arms to shield yourself and let out a small shriek
You lose your balance when a heavy box falls on you
You’re ready to give the guy a piece of your mind
But then all your thoughts are lost bc
This guy was cute
He was almost pouting while putting the bags back in the box
He noticed that you were standing back up so he quickly got up and bowed to you
“I’m so sorry….I-I didn’t see you there!”
You’re about to tell him it’s okay, but then suddenly a man who seemed like the manager came storming over
“It’s fine! It was my fault! I suddenly stepped in front of him while he was passing.”
You defend jisung and he’s actually really surprised!?!?
Bc a normal person would be complaining w/the manager
And it would end up w/jisung mopping the floors or something
Yea this wasn’t the first time jisung caused trouble lol
But here you were LYING so he wouldn’t get in trouble
The manager is left speechless bc he kinda looks down on Jisung
So he storms away annoyed
Jisung glances at his furious manager then thanks you
“This isn’t the first time this happened & i prob would’ve gotten fired. thank you so much”
You grin bc omg he was so cute?
His santa hat was about to fall off so you reach over and straighten it up
Making jisungs cheeks turn soo red you thought he was gonna burst
You leave after that whole incident and you come back a week later
You just couldn’t get jisung out of your mind
You were sorta hoping to see him somewhere around the area where you live but no luck:P
So you just decided to go to his workplace yourself
When you entered, you were really shocked bc it was reallyyyyy busy
There were so many more ppl than last time
It was prob bc Christmas was now a week away
And ppl just buy presents last minute ya know
They were also preparing more food for family&friends so yah
You grab a pack of gum and head to the shortest line which was aisle 8
You were looking at your pics that you took earlier and that’s when you hear a familiar voice greet the elderly woman in front of you
You look up w/hope that it was Jisung and boi oh boi yes it was
This time he was wearing a headband w/reindeer ears that were somehow slightly slanted
After he greets the woman in front of you goodbye he turns to you with a smile then it falters when he notices
Wow it’s that really cute girl that defended me from my devil-ish manager
You just politely smile, not knowing if he remembered you since you were irrelevant ya know
But then he totally remembers you bc
“......uh...no problem?”
He grins and tries to make small talk w/you which is cute aha
Even tho you’re only buying one pack of gum
He somehow takes ten minutes to scan the barcode and charge you ???
I can’t with jisung he’s such a cute, underappreciated bean
You were in the middle of a very intense convo about beavers so you decide to meet him at a nearby coffee shop on Christmas Eve (may or may not be where barista!daniel works but you should go check it out :P shameless self-promo)
Both of you forget to give ea. other your numbers
But hopefully both of you will remember about that date meeting
fate really is on your side
You enter the coffee shop at like 6pm bc you weren’t sure if you guys decided the exact time to meet
You guys didn’t lol
But ya know
Fate will bring the two of you together right?
You wait for thirty minutes, but still no Jisung
You’re starting to think that he forgot, but then remembered he had a shift that ends at 9pm
Idk how you knew that but...it works
so you decide to just sit there and sip on some drinks
you take pictures and all
You’re so immersed into taking pictures of everything around the whole shop, that you don’t notice the timid and nervous looking man entering the now, almost empty cafe
You’re frowning at the picture you just took when you feel a tap on your shoulder
You turn around to see Jisung with a sorry, but excited grin on his face
You greet him with a wide smile as he apologizes how he didn’t know what time he had to come
He starts to ramble and you shush him
Like why does this guy say ‘sorry’ so many times?
“It’s fine. We both forgot to say a time to meet up. Besides, I wasn’t here that long”
He seems a tiny bit less sorry so the two of you start the convo about the beavers again
The talk about beavers went to zoos then went to how your lives went then led to your jobs, your interests, your hobbies, what that girl was wearing, blah blah blah
You felt like you really had a connection w/jisung
The two of you, as cliche as it may sound, clicked immediately
It only felt like five minutes passed, but the coffee shop owner had to kick you guys out since it was thirty minutes past closing time
You swap numbers this time and plan to meet each other at the same place tmrw @ 7pm for the annual Christmas tree lighting at downtown
Both of you lived alone and you suggested “why not have the loners meet up on Christmas Day?”
Jisung didn’t have work and you didn’t want to stress about your projects, so the two of you had agreed
As you walk back home you cant help but feel so giddy
How was a man having this much of an effect on you?
You smile at all the snow piling up and gape at how beautiful everything seemed
You have never felt so excited for Christmas
The next day comes by SO SLOWLYYYY
You weren’t able to sleep from the anxiousness and expectation you had for the next day so you were sorta tired
But you got dressed in simple clothing and went out for a walk and to buy Jisung a Christmas present
You didn’t know what he liked since you literally starte talking to him a wk ago
So you settle for some Christmas-themed socks, beanie, a pair of house slippers, and a gift card to the coffee shop you had been at yesterday
As you walk in and out of stores, you couldnt help but sing along to the Christmas carols that were playing
which you had never done b4
you did a double take and stopped singing, but you found urself humming along to “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas”
And you also couldn’t help but oogle at all the stuffed animals that filled the walls
One of the stuffed ducks reminded you a lot of Jisung so you decided to buy it
You bought a lot of things, but they were all for a decent price so :))
It gets really dark really soon and it’s 6pm
You hurry back home and quickly dress in layers since it was going to be collldddd
The weather forecast said there was a 99.99999999% it was going to snow, so you couldn’t risk it
Even tho the weather forecast is always wrong
You pack your camera again bc you were planning to create a Christmas themed project nxt
As you run out the door you send Jisung a txt saying that you’ll be right there since it was five minutes till seven
When you arrive in the warm shop, your glasses immediately fog up causing you to groan
You try to fan the fog away but to no avail:)
Then you hear a big laugh and you turn to sorta make out a figure that looks like Jisung
He takes the end of his sleeve and cleans your glasses and you’re met with the brightest smile you have ever seen in your whole entire life
Maybe that’s when you fell for him
Tho it was a person you had known for a little over a week
You felt like you knew Jisung since you were a kid
He hands you a cup of peppermint hot chocolate and pulls you along to get a good view of the Christmas tree b4 too much ppl come along
You get there just in time and wait a few moments until the announcer comes out onto the podium
You and Jisung both cheer as the five minute countdown starts
The minutes go by so quickly and you jump up and down to keep yourself warm
Then you see a few snowflakes falling on Jisung
You both look up to see that ITS SNOWINGGGGGGG
The whole crowd of people ooh and ahh
And some kids squeal in glee
You softly smile and get out your camera to take a few shots of the falling snow
When you’re done there’s a minute left on the clock
You suddenly remember your present for Jisung and quickly get it out and hand it to him
“Merry Christmas!”
Jisung gasps and says ‘thank you’ in such a genuine way that it fills your heart w/pure happiness
He then shuffles around his backpack and takes out a large box that’s prob filled w/similar things as you gave him
You start to hear the announcer countdown from 10
And that’s when Jisung starts to speak
“H-Hey, Y/N?”
“I know it’s been only like two weeks since we met”
But I can tell you’re such a nice person, ever since the day I first saw you”
“You’re such a great person…and….uh”
You furrow your brows
What was he trying to say?
“We have so many things in common than I thought we would”
“I really thought i would get fired that day i dropped the chip bags on you”
You smile at the memories as the crowd gets louder and louder as the time to light the tree get closer
“A-And ever since I saw you....Y/N...I uh”
You roll your eyes at his weird stalling
He looks at you w/wide eyes
The crowd erupts in cheers and claps w/kids screaming and laughing at the lights that shown brightly
The announcer shouts “now go home!” with a hearty laugh
Jisung stands in front of you with his hand clamped over his mouth
You stay silent and stare at him in shock
What were you supposed to say?
Sure you liked him, but you weren’t sure if you wanted to date someone you had known for a week
you tilt your head in confusion
“I don’t like you! NO NO I DO LIKE YOU! B-BUT-”
You burst out laughing at his panic
“I like you too, Jisung! But how bout having our first official date after getting to know each other a bit longer than a week?”
And the two of you stand in front of each other w/goofy smiles on your faces, in front of the glimmering, 30ft tall Christmas tree, underneath the moonlight in the gently falling snow
dang this was pretty bad lol
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Race having a crush on you HC’s
requested by: Anon
Hope you enjoy!
- Alrighty let’s get this started
- So you’d be a newsie obvi
- And on your first day on the job, Jack makes Race your selling partner
- All the boys would be like: “Ooooo he’s gonna get it.” And they’d all tease him and tell him to woo you and shit
- And Race would just approach you and all the guys would think he’d make some flirty comment
- Bc Race is kinda known for being a HUGE FLIRT at times
- But he doesn’t flirt with you to your surprise
- he’s just super flustered
- And you’d be equally as flustered bc
- You’d think to yourself: he has such pretty eyes and his hair looks so soft and- AH Y/N NO ITS YOUR FIRST DAY HERE JUST SELL PAPES
- Anywaaays - You and Race would go and sell papes - And you’d kinda be bad at it lol - So Race would be all like: “Oh, here I’ll help you out.” - And he’d just be rlly helpful and shit - And you’re totally oblivious and you’d just think He’s tryna be nice - And after a week of selling, he’s officially your permanent selling partner - You both loved that since you both had developed a teensy crush on each other - Neither of you knew tho - CUZ YOURE BOTH OBLIVIOUS ASF - The guys would all tease him bc they all just kinda knew - Race would try to hide his feelings from you but - THE GUYS KNEW IT WAS SO OBVIOUS - For example: - Romeo would be all like: “Hey Race, what do you think of Y/N?” - Races face would go extremely red - “I-uh- I think she’s great! - “Just Great?” - “Uh- Yup. Very great. The greatest.” - “You- You don’t like her or anything right?” - Races face would go even redder - “No! Course not! We’s just friends! Why would you think that!” - The rest of the guys would be eavesdropping on the conversation - Romeo would just nod - “Alright, well if you’re not gonna ask her/him out, then I will.” - Race would then bounce up from where he was sitting and start yelling at poor Romeo - “NO! DONT! DONT ASK HER OUT!” - “W-what why?!” - “B-because- uh- I- um. She- she ain’t interested in you.” - “And how do you know that?” - “She-uh-told me- Yeah. She told me.”
- Romeo would just roll his eyes - “Alright then.” - MEANWHILE - It was a Saturday and you got a day off from selling papers - You were at a café with your new friend Katherine, who Jack recently introduced you to - And you were talking to each other about a bunch of random things until Race was suddenly the topic - “I’ve seen you with Race before. Don’t you sell papers with him?” - “Oh- yeah. He’s my selling partner.” - “Are you two a thing?????” - “What! No!” - Katherine just smirks - And then somehow she manages to get you to spill all your feelings for Race - She convinces you to wear one of her dresses the next day and you reluctantly say yes - TIME SKIP TO THE NEXT DAY - The morning bell just rung and all the guys were getting their papes from Weasel - And then you show up - And WOWOWOW - EVERYONES JAW DROPS - especially Race’s - All the guys would just look at you and then look at race and they’d all smirk - From that moment race knew he was whipped like damnnn - SELLING PAPES WAS SO HARD FOR HIM SINCE HE’D JUST BE STARING AT YOU THE WHOLE TIME
- For example: - “Race? You’ve sold like 2 of your papers... is everything okay?” - “Oh- um- yeah. Uh huh.” - “Oh- okay.” - You knew he was staring but you didn’t know he was staring at you - So you thought it was some other girl on the street - Later that day, you go over to Katherine’s place and then tell her how the dress didn’t get Race’s attention - So Katherine gives you a different idea: - Make him jealous - SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN FOLKS - The next day you decided to do exactly what Kath told you to do - It’s just an ordinary day and you’re selling papes - And this man, around your age just walks past and Race calls out a headline - The man comes towards you guys and Race tries to sell him the paper - But the man is kinda stubborn Sooo - You start to like play with the man’s tie and shit and be all flirty and seductive - And out of the corner of your eye you can see race’s jaw clench and he tightens his first - The man eventually buys the paper to your success - And you continue to flirt with other guys the whole day - Race is super super jealous but then he’s low key kinda sad bc - You were literally everything to him - And now he feels like he’s not good enough - And that made him angry and sad and confused - So at the end of the day, while you two were walking back he stops in his tracks and you do the same
- “Y/N?” - “Everything alright Race?” - And then he’d just shake his head no and start straight off rambling about how much you meant to him and how he really really really liked you and you’re heart just kinda exploded at this point bc - HE LIKES YOU - and he’s halfway into his rambling rant and you just kiss him - Which stops him immediately - “W-what? Why- I- but-“ - He’s all breathless and his face is pink and he’s giving you this cute small shy kinda smile - And you’d just laugh - “I like you. Just you. No one else.” - “I kinda figured that out already.” - You’d just roll your eyes and smile to yourself and he’d wrap his arms around your waist - Your arms are around his neck and you’re just in this comfortable silence - “Y/N?” - “Mmhm?” - “Kiss me agin, will ya?” - You just give him this giddy grin and kiss him again, this time, no rambling - You felt him smile into the kiss and your life is just damn complete at that moment
- When you both walk back to the Lodging house hand in hand all the boys run up to you and start asking a bunch of questions - “Who kissed who first!” - “Did Y/N or Race confess first?!” - “Are you two a thing now?!” - And you both would just laugh and quickly answer the questions - Let’s just say, some newsies got some extra money tonight - You and Race just laugh and he kisses you on the cheek - “SHES MINE BOYS!” He’d announce and pump his fists in the air - She’s finally mine.
I’m gonna start writing imagines soon :))))
Anyways hope you liked this!!
- 🐸 (I realized they don’t have a green bean emoji so here’s a froggo instead)
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scojinri · 7 years
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so i’m back !! with more on jeju’s resident Mess™ and if only i had everything set up accordingly but i prob won’t until sunday or something, rip. but in the meantime, here’s a better bg thing on jinri and im me if you wanna plot ( side note: lmao this is 1/4 of the size of the opening ramble in hyeran’s intro.. progress !! ) tw: v brief knife mention, drug mention, idk just general hoodlum bullshit, use of the word ‘hoodlum’ by a twenty year old, overuse of exclamation points and not knowing shit, fucking around with old men, apparently no redemptive ( ?? redeeming ? same thing ? maybe not ? ) qualities
i hate this bitch already js
yeri, again honey i’m sorry
a face of innocence, but will cut you up with her swiss army knife if you fuck with her too much
she grew up as the baby in a.. wealthier family we’ll say, good folks, mom’s prob like the more gullible version of hyeran
again, bc early bg is the last and woRST thing for me to figure out, we’re gonna skip ahead a bit
she had a good childhood basically, and eventually just started isolating herself and began rebelling
just wasn’t into following a routine path like everyone else, figured she might as well indulge in some messy shit while she was still young and able to get away with it
i mentioned earlier that she fucked around with an older guy when she was seventeen for some discounted pot.. it only got worse from there !!
hung around with the stoners and petty thieves lurking about in seoul, it’s how jinri began her stint as a pickpocket
she.. kept up her grades all the while, imagine that ! thought it’d be easier to be competent to keep people off her ass over that bc she’s not thAT dense to fuck herself over when it comes to schooling
like, not that she’s gone to uni or anything, or plans to get her shit together anytime soon but she’s a smart dumb bitch !
kinda just took off after graduating and went to a couple of towns with her band of hoodlums ! thought it’d be fun to fuck with people with an easy means of dashing to the next place if she got caught one too many times
idk if i’m making sense anymore, holy fuck man
has been for a minute, came by herself tho bc those other fucks were dragging her down ! her competition even tho she’s a sneakier, unsuspecting bitch compared to them
she’s upped her game to cover pickpocketing, fucking with good samaritans and dealing drugs; she’s getting messier in terms of lifestyle choices and shows no signs of stopping soon, loves it !
prob lives with a fellow sleazeball or someone who pays her no mind in a cramped two bed apartment ( possible plot ?? ) bc she’s always ready to bolt to the next place with a sizeable amount of cash in her pocket
a bitch i’d fight
not even kidding
has prob been to jail overnight a couple of times
y’know that trope where someone fucks a cop to get out of a ticket or some shit ??
she’s done that. i’m sure of it.
still does maybe
possible plot as well ??
speaking of fucking around, she’s a greasy bitch, but let’s leave it at that gjdfsl
actually, let’s nOT for a second bc she’s def had one night stands for the sake of stealing cash, their drugs or their rolex instead of just sex so.. another possible plot ??
she’s rly clever, call it street smarts combined with.. book smarts ig, but she knows her way around quite a few obstacles, dk how to phrase it exactly rn
manipulative ! cunning ! doesn’t give a shit if she gives a dude viagra instead of rits for fucking with her, it’s his own fault if he doesn’t pay on time !!
far from emotional, super selfish and just generally unlikeable if you don’t catch her putting on her trusty façade to fuck you over !
tends to dress in all black or basic neutrals/muted colours, constantly wearing her one leather jacket, bomber/parka-ish ?? coat or a fur coat from alexander wang that she got off a sugar daddy when she wants to look like a classy brat dfjgsl
she’s had a sugar daddy before, yes bjvkgfjk
v indulgent in pills rather than hard drugs, alcohol too
a bit memey on occasion, she’s kinda inspired by tannis from letterkenny ( uh.. a *wait for it* CANADIAN show ) 
follow-up for people who’ve seen the show, y’know how tannis has her two dudes to help her intimidate people and fuck shit up ?? which she.. does over fucking cigarettes, so she’s not that scary lbr ? jinri prob has that kinda thing going too fsjglk
count it as a blessing if she doesn’t treat you like a friend, like actually think of you as one; you can prob tell the difference between the two since one is where she treats you well to gain your trust, tho that much was prob easy to understand without me saying that 
dk what else rn
just know that i hate her already
a Lot
kim yerim deserves better than this treachery
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shadowlink720 · 7 years
FE: Birthright Randomised Chapter 3 and 4
(aka ‘Azura has no chill. At all. Ever.’)
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It’s Time for more of this madness lol
We gon’ do at least chapter 3 this time aroooound
ah yeah we start with a really vanilla cutscene w/ Garon being like ‘hey i don’t care if i adopted ya, i’ll literally kill ya if ya step outta line, so do this thing at the Bottomless Canyon and i may forgive ya this time’ n’ all that Also Iago >:Y Did u guys know that Iago has the same English VA as Subaki? I didn’t until I looked up Jaffar’s FE Heroes va, who’s also the same guy Though nothing can compare to Hayato and Saizo having the same va tbh-
Ah yeah, there’s Hans, one of the only dudes in this game to not wear trousers :V then Xander’s like ‘nah, don’t trust them, m8′ ‘k, bruh’
Onward to the Bottomless Canyon! .... I just realised this may be a little difficult without a healer ahahah;;;; oh well >:V aaaand there’s Gunter complaining about how he doesn’t like the Bottomless Canyon well at least he won’t need to look at it for long :3c >:3ccccc
there goes Hans being a suicidal idiot Just think; literally none of this would have happened if Hans didn’t kill that generic samurai, but nah, we gotta have plot, yo
Hans only has 1 luck as a level 2 Beserker lMAO WEAK he has the same base strength as Kaze tho;;;;
yeah just gonna.... let Hans die from those Samurai on the bridge there, while I sneak around their range
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Free stuuuuuff >:3cc
aaaand there goes Hans he Ded Time to use this Dragon Vein! c:
Another level up for Corrin! Much better this time; HP, strength, magic, speed and res
.... ok I’m glad she dodged that archer, because that would have been rather troublesome seeing as I have no healers- Also I’m gonna trade Gunter’s steel lance to Kaze at least before I end the chapter and see if he still has it when he comes back later? Or maybe I should just give it to Corrin to hold on to, idk ..... wait I can’t trade items yet gdi fates
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It’s only just occurred to me how many samurai are in these chapters lol
“You’re quite skilled” yeah Kaze, they’re also quite dead
aaand the reinforcements come along blech- ...... I don’t like how low Kaze’s hit rate is against Omozu- Or Corrin’s for that matter ahahah;;;
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Oh... nevermind then it wasn’t a problem
yet another level for Corrin, this time HP, strength and speed
.... I think I’m gonna wait for these sky knights to come over to get Kaze some more exp, idk ... wow, he got a basically blank level up except for Defence that’s a surprise Anyway time to seize!
time to see who Azura’s retainers are >:3ccccccc
..... holy shit
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... This basically sums up the entire randomiser, tbh //inhales IZANA IS SAIZO and therefore Rinkah’s brother .... well they both have white hair soooo......? Hair colour genetics-wise, it actually kinda works???
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I’m sorry but look at this madness I’m
Aaaand here comes the vanilla Nohr siblings again
I wonder who Kagero is; we’ll find out very soon, at least :’’’D There they are!
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Azura ‘No Chill’ coming to kick some Nohrian ass right here I love that she’s Ryoma tho, have I mentioned that? It’s perfect idk about you guys but I’m having a blast with this so far
Anyway time to continue the plot
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I can’t believe Gunter is freaking dead bYE THEN Time for dragons I do quite like the design for Dragon Corrin tho, it looks quite different from usual dragons, and it’s pretty darn neat
welp off I go down the Canyon lol;;; aaaand there’s Lilith the fishdragon thing
off to the astral plane ayyy
with it’s explanations that we’ve already heard and whatnot and the fact that it puts the quarters right in the middle of the path -3-
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Jakob ambush Jakobush ... that was terrible, sorry
Anyway that’s the end of Chapter 3! :’D Time for Chapter 4! >:3ccc
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So Jakob, what are ya looking at that’s so interesting? :o
ah yeah then they talk about ‘o ur gonna execute me, aren’t ya?’ ‘nnaaaaaaah’ HOLY HECK I COULDN’T GET IT BUT LIKE His model went weird because his model doesn’t have the right animation and then he just- floated for a little bit It’s... really something you’d need to see for urself asfdauiudhusd .... Jakob what is so interesting about the roof?
ayyy there’s Rinkah again :D Oh my farore- Corrin said “We meet again. Rinkah, right?” and Rinkah’s voiceline was ‘Not even close!’ so I just imagine it’s like ‘wow ok who else could ya be then-’
Off to Castle Shirasagi we gooooo
oooo there’s Azura ‘No Chill’ (ok well she’s pretty chill now but w/e) :D
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She’s a Spear Master :o wait that means she can’t use the Raijinto heck- Maybe she can heart seal into a class that can?? idk, hopefully? I mean I do love Spear Masters, but we can promote Rinkah into one soo :V
Aaaaand there’s me mum, Mikoto ... I just realised Jakob and Rinkah disappeared hahaha
wait nvm Jakob’s back, I can see his hand right in the corner
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Right theeeere
There goes Azura humming again lol
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Heck yeah, man Yeah I think I’m just gonna call her Azura ‘No Chill’ from now on, because she really doesn’t have any o<o;;;;
oh hey another generic samurai, yeah sorry I kinda killed a lot of your identical twins; but it was self defence, man, they attacked first-
.... Azura, Shigure doesn’t exist yet, do you just yell that name sometimes knowing your going to give it to your future son or whuh-
Anyway time to help Mozu and Takumiiiii
oh my farore, Mozu, it’s not nice to say someone smells like a goat like that like, who are you even talking to? Takumi? those Faceless surrounding you? tbh I’d think they’s smell more like rotting flesh or just... mould and dirt, tbh, something repulsive idk
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Ya know what? I like the thought of Takumi being a good older sibling to Mozu, it’s an interesting dynamic
lol, Azura’s sprite still says she’s a Swordmaster (for stability b/c she isn’t joining us yet-)
oooOOOOooo Rinkah has a Beast Killer :o that’ll come in handy I do believe, given how many mounted units are in the Nohrian army >:3ccccc And Jakob has a Brass Katana
Let’s look at Jakob’s stats and stuff, shall we?
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Not bad; he’s got Pragmatic (+3 to damage dealt and -1 to damage taken against injured foes, pretty darn sweet) as a personal, and he also has Shurikenfaire which is.... kinda useless with his current class lol But a C rank is swords is pretty darn neat! :o E rank in Dragonstones not so much, but they only go up to C rank anyway, right? Nothing grinding can’t fix, if I decide to keep him this class :V His bases are pretty even which is pretty good, they aren’t exactly great but this is still early game :V He’s gonna be interesting to use, at least :’D (Growth rates are HP = 25, Str = 45, Mag = 40, Skill = 20, Spd = 45, Lck = 15, Def = 45, Res = 20, so yeah skill and luck are his weaknesses but we can work around that)
(Can’t really look at Rinkah’s stats yet b/c technically she isn’t in the army at this point since I haven’t branched off into Birthright yet hahahah;;;)
Anyway let’s go! >:D
ah yes, NOW we can trade items where were you when I wanted to give Kaze a free steel lance, bruh?
oo that Goddess Icon will be handy, either for Corrin or Jakob; given their lower luck growths
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Takumi about to kick some Faceless ass lol oddly fitting for him to say something like that
obligatory auto-battle tutoriaaaalll
also Azura looks great w/ Raijinto, just saying
Rinkah levelled uuuup, she got HP, Strength and Luck c: And she learned Seal Defence awwwww yeeeeaaaah soonnnnnnnnn
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Azura, please chill, that’s a little overkill, isn’t it??
all right, just one more Faceless remaining >:3 Oh hey! Corrin’s weapon level went up!
dang it, Azura got the last one >:V AND IT WAS A CRIT HOLY HECK
oooh we get to see Mozu’s class now!
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... I can’t tell if it’s a Merchant or Apothecary, but we’ll find out soon! :’D
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Ok but Diviner!Takumi looks pretty cool, ngl
anyway an obligatory explanation of Faceless later
oh yeah and a cutscene talking about Corrin’s old room idk
oooooh! Now we get to see who Azura is! :D Hah, because it’s not Azura there’s no song at all :p
oh my Farore-
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It’s Kagero holy heck- Hopefully she’s showing up as a ninja for stability, and she’s... not actually randomised into a ninja- (Nope; glancing at the output folder she randomised into a ninja. What are the odds of that happening, am I right?? >:V Oh well, she’ll still have different heart seal options we can mess around with :3c)
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it’s funny because she’s a Hoshidan ninja-
yadda yadda yadda, talking about Nohr and Hoshido and Mikoto, stuff like thaaaat
Aaaand that’s Chapter 4! :D I also think I’m gonna stop playing here so it doesn’t get too long Next time I do believe we’ll be doing chapter 5 and maybe chapter 6 as well! therefore officially branching off into Birthright, and hopefully not breaking the game! :’’’D
ahhh but this is so fun ashfudhfsuhdf I love just being able to ramble on about this tbh, hahah
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Don't bother reading this
It's 3 am and I can't sleep bc so much on my mind but like i dont know if I'm sad or just empty or just alone or what idfk I hardly talk about my feelings to anyone ever and nobody really cares or even knows about my Tumblr. So since my journal is currently in the glove box of my truck and I'm currently not going to walk all the way out there at 3 am to get it I'm just gonna let my feelings out here kinda. Not like I would privately in my journal but still. I just. Idk. I can't make everyone happy and I'm done trying to. My best friend hates my girlfriend and my girlfriend hates her back and that makes life so helpful because nobody can actually be honest with me about how they feel until after I start something new and then I'm torn not knowing which way to go and I'm sick of being put in shitty situations by everyone like why can't you all just fucking let me be and live MY life according to how I want to live it? Let me love who I wanna love and quit telling me who I am and am not going to spend the rest of my life with because if I fucking want to spend it with alayna I will and just because I had people in my life prior doesn't mean those people are entitled to me or can claim me no you had your chance to have me and you didn't take it that's on you not me because I tried and I'm sick of me being shoved aside til someone gets jealous they aren't getting all of my attention anymore. I'm not a fucking toy I'm not a puppet I'm a person with actual problems and feelings. I'm somebody's first choice now for once and people still gotta fucking pester me who cares if I can't see my girlfriend very often not me because I know when I lay my head down at night that she's laying hers down with me on her mind and that it's killing her to not talk just as much as it's killing me and that's the kind of love I want. Not someone who yells at me when I'm talking but yells more when I don't listen to their side of things not someone who gets so jealous to see me with someone that they take it out on me. I want someone who can't stand the idea of living on in a world that doesn't include me in theirs. I want someone who fucking lights up the second they see me. Someone who wants me and makes sure I know that and I'm never left second guessing myself. And that's what I got. You have to deal with a little crazy in the mix to get the perfect girl and I'm down for that. I've been through a lot and I've dated a lot of shitty girls who taught me a lot of lessons about what it means to be a good boyfriend and how to treat my lady right and what not to do and how to fix things when they're broken instead of throw them away I swear I'm not giving up on this one if she gives up on me oh well but I'm not gonna be the one to give up. I don't ever want to give my heart away again I'm tired of getting walked all over and hurt and I'm trying so hard for my baby even tho she wants me to tell her when she hurts my feelings I just can't I can't fight with her no I can't stand it when she's mad at me. We don't get to talk much no time to waste by fighting. My heart is full of love for her and I just hope people quit sticking their nose in my god damn business. Who cares how often I see her who cares how old she is who cares what her parents think were happy together get the fuck over it rs. I miss her tho can't wait til shits over with and we can talk again. Now I'm rambling lol back to my rant. It really upsets me that people can't just be happy that I'm happy and let it alone. Somebody always has something to say calling me a pedophile bc I just turned 19 and my girlfriend is almost 16 wow so pedo of me Sorry I happened to fall for her a little too soon before she can legally consent to acts we aren't even participating in oml smh people can't mind their own business I stg which is why I don't say much publicly ab my gf just fuckin pointless life is better when nobody else knows your shit and nobody on here gives a shit and I highly doubt that anyone is even going to read this it's so damn long which is good bc I don't need the world to read my thoughts. I'm almost done with my freshman year of college ish behind on credits but like I'm beyond stoked to just graduate and get the fuck out of Nebraska and get married and start a family and work my dream and come home to the same beautiful woman I'll call my wife someday. I'm over the drama I'm over the bs. I know that if me and my baby can get through what we're dealing with rn we can get through anything. It's just like if one of us was away for work or something it's okay. Just gotta take life day by day. I got a lot of work to do. Not gonna be eating as much anymore I got a lot of weight to get rid of I'm ashamed of my body it's so gross so if I eat a lot less and only enough food to get me by without getting sick then I'll lose 10-15 lbs in like two weeks. Less fat = more attractive and I'm getting fat ugh I've gained so much weight I've never been this heavy before and looking in the mirror has me ashamed I don't even like wearing tshirts because my stomach sticks out so much and I want surgery so bad so I don't have to wear my Stupid binder anymore but I have to be fit asf before surgery so that way I look good physically and so I don't get even more fat in recovery. Fuck I hate my body lol. It hates me back like for fucks sake I have a lump that my mom says is a cyst that hurts like a Bitch like yes let's just add to my physical issues like I don't have enough or suffer enough pain on a day to day basis like I cannot wait til the day I lay down in bed at night pain fucking free like holy shit I'm so ready to not be so hurt all the time. And to not be fat. I know my weight won't change my Looks but if my body is more attractive at least that's a start. I don't need killer abs I just don't want to be fat my mom will notice soon and make comments and I just can't ugh so yeah eating less for a bit so I can shed some weight and get down to like 130 or 140 lbs instead of this 160 shit. Lots of cardio coming my way, yay. Okay I'm rambling again. My head hurts. I'm gonna try to sleep now. Kinda feels good to let some shit off my shoulders.
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