#i think its bc the top ones were from a lower down angle
seorikkun · 11 months
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changbin | music bank 230609
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
so. this is my attempt at revitalizing a small part of old romanian culture via tungel.hell. also goes for the near&far eastern versions of this, of which i was able to find nothing of (at least in english) online as well
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i have not been able to find pictures of either of these hairstyles or even their less complex variations past the early 1930s. perhaps this is still done somewhere in huneduara, but it escapes me
now, firstly, i wanna say i originally learned how to twist by going to an african hair salon; so shoutout to the two congolese women who taught me. they couldn't figure out how the top part was done either but they were v sweet lol
these are twist braids, crochet braids, they have several names. i only know that the ones on the right were called cuarne, "horns", in romanian. this is one of the better and more clear tutorials i have found for how to twist. its pretty easy and fast, once you get the hang of it
to start: I recommend heavily conditioning your hair and scalp the night before if youre planning on keeping them for days/weeks, and oiling/moisturizing it before you start braiding. I dont know what oil they used back in the day (perhaps animal), but I use both argan oil and a pretty oily leave in conditioner. however, this depends on hair type, u want your hair to absorb it; if your hair or hands are too slick it will make it more difficult.
the way the begginings of the braids are done - the way it looks like the hair is flat until them - is like this. i made them bigger so its easier to see, but once you get the sections of hair thin enough (vertically), you cant see any skin between them anymore. you can start to twist from the very top (using the bottom/lower strand to pull the hair to the scalp), or start with a 3 way part and quickly switch to two (might look a bit different/flatter). change the direction of the twist when you change sides
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the ones on the left are straight down; the ones on the right are done at an angle twoards the back (ca şi cuarnele). the ones in the top left photo are angeled twords the front, center forehead initially. old photos show there were several styles floating around, soo uhh have fun w it
how to keep them: chances are if youre going to spend hours upon hours doing this youre not gonna want to take them out the next day. if you have tight curly hair, or coarse, they're likely to stay better. even if not, once you get the twisting down right, they'll stay quite well (the braids can look "right" but not actually be; the way to tell is if when you let go, it barely comes undone/spins. tbh this is one of those skills you develop w time). generally, the smaller and tighter you make them, the more likely they are to keep. you can of course tie them w small elastics, but the smaller they are, it becomes a nightmare and closing one takes longer than making it. something ive found works quite well is: when you near the end, split the hair in 3 parts and do a regular braid, as small, tight, and for as long as you can (no this isnt good for your ends). by the bottom the braid is already small enough that the difference can't be seen, but it will close it much better. (there are also ways to make knots at the bottom of braids out of hair but ive never been good at this). hair spray or gel also kinda work (and uhh i think maybe either sealing them w ice cold or boiling water, or using a hair iron, but i havent tried these)
hair damage& care: this ⬇️ is how the hair looks the morning after i took out the half-assed ones i did for this post. as u can probably guess, when you do this small and tight, and keep them in long, these strands get quite compact. now, if you did this carefully and correctly, your hair wont be tangeled, just twisted, and youll be able to take them out without damaging your hair by gently rolling them between your fingers, starting at the botttom, in the opposite direction. dont attempt to use a comb, or start from the top, or rush, bc chances are you will pull and very quickly create a very nasty knot which will fuck up your hair. last time i did these on my own, i kept them for about 3 weeks; id oil them every other day or so, and i washed them once. I have pretty thin hair, but i had no real issue. you just have to b patient taking them out
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for reference, just this front section of my hair took around 3 hours to do
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Texts from the Lost Tomb, part 5.4
I swear folks once I get this and the last part up I’m gonna condense it all
But yeah couldn’t resist some <3
Zhang and Wu Chat
Wu Xie: Um. I’m all done with the shower if you want a turn.
Zhang Qiling: I’m alright without one.
Wu Xie: sooo are you pissed at me still?
Zhang Qiling: ? I have not been angry with you since the ladder incident.
Wu Xie: you’ve barely said anything since the necklace thingy
Zhang Qiling: I believe it is a long-running joke amongst my friend group that I do not, in fact, say much.
Wu Xie: okay but there are multiple gouges in the tea house walls that would suggest you had somewhat strong feelings today
and I kinda caused the events that sparked said feelings
so just checking in you know
Zhang Qiling: I was not angry so much as I was afraid. More afraid than I’ve been in a long time.
Wu Xie: ??? But it has worked out fine??? Everyone made it out alive and Uncle Erbai gets to feel morally superior to the Zhang family for a while so today was a win overall
Zhang Qiling: I heard you scream. I didn’t know what had happened. I couldn’t get to you right away. Therefore, I was afraid.
Wu Xie: ohhhhh. oh, Xiao Ge. It’s alright now—hey the necklace was actually helping u look out for me:) It’s not like those ppl were actually trying to hurt me, really. Your family isn’t so bad, at least you don’t have any uncles you know of
today was just some big misunderstandings wrapped in some poor life choices. Tbh my memoir title
I feel kind of stupid for screaming but when a glowing necklace wraps itself around your neck it’s a little uhoh moment lol
I did like the design tho def my aesthetic.
Zhang Qiling: I am pleased that it was able to protect you when I was not.
Wu Xie: Uh no you are not allowed to get all emo abt this it’s only like 3pm
damn time flies when it’s flashing before your eyes lol
Are you on the roof? You’re def on the roof. I thought I heard the tiles moving over my head. Come down or I’m coming up.
Zhang Qiling: I will be down in a moment. Do not come outside, it’s cold and raining.
Wu Xie: you know, Zhang Rishan said he thinks the necklace might be linked to you, somehow
something from long ago, even though you wouldn’t remember it.
It’s lucky that it liked me, huh:)
Zhang Qiling: Yes. Quite lucky.
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: No. Also, I am considering what steps I should take with Zhang Rishan. Regardless of his concern for the Zhang family line, his actions were unacceptable.
Zhang Qiling: I am the patriarch of my family. The necklace behaved as I would, apparently, to protect a vulnerable family member. Wu Xie’s bad cold last week activated it, and it responded to a perceived danger to him today. Simple enough.
Wang Pangzi: UH HUH
Zhang Qiling: It protected him on a technicality. But I will not allow him to bear the burdens of my family ever again. It has taken so much from him already.
Friends of Wu Xie Support Group Chat
Hei Yangjing: you’re welcome for everything today<3 I accept PayPal, although of course it is always my honor to assist my friends:)
Zhang Qiling: You did absolutely nothing.
Hei Yangjing: whoa whoa maybe I wasn’t threatening family members or busting up load-bearing walls like some undying divas I could name but I totes helped
or at least I was there for moral support maybe?
Zhang Qiling: The only reason I knew you were there at all was that as I lowered my blade from Zhang Rishan’s neck, I heard the camera click and saw you were taking a selfie making a peace sign, angled to have the two of us in the background.
Xie Yuchen: I saw it on social media just now. The caption is “#greatdaycatchingupwiththelads #blessed”
Hei Hangjing: okay yeah you see Xiao Ge that is a modern kind of help I should’ve known you wouldn’t be aware
It’s called performance, you wouldn’t understand
it’s a ‘Gram thing
Also it means I’m a great person
Bc letting you handle the situation was my gift to you
Zhang Qiling: Wu Xie mentioned there is something called “blocking ppl” that gets them out of my phone.
Hei Yangjing: nah
Can’t trust that Wu Xie, bae can’t tell a coffin from an urn amirite
it’s not a thing, blocking
Xie Yuchen: It is a thing. I’ll show you later, Zhang Qiling.
Bonnie and Clyde Chat
Hei Yangjing: you looked pretty comfortable in those handcuffs earlier ;););)
Xie Yuchen: Go to sleep, idiot.
Hei Yangjing: You’d have to do something to tire me out ;););)
Xie Yuchen: Are you like this around Wu Xie? Not that I care, I’m just asking.
Hei Yangjing: uh that’s a big nope
First off all Idk when I’ll die but Id prefer it to be on my terms and not at the hands of those other two
Secondly there is a part of me that remembers how adorable he was when he was younger and that makes it weird
(No offense but u were not adorable. He was bebe luke skywalker, you were bebe princess leia I am obvs Han Solo 4lyfe)
Also I’m a little scared that if i flirted with him and he flirted back he’d be better at it.
Xie Yuchen: All valid concerns.
Hei Yangjing: as cute as he is I don’t really wanna tap that.
Xie Yuchen: I see.
Hei Yangjing: do you tho
Main Chat
Wu Xie: okay folks who wants cocoa to top the evening off? I picked some up today:D
Wu Xie: the tea house gift shop:)
Wu Xie: I mean we were there the whole day, it felt impolite not to buy anything.
Wu Xie: look, let’s focus on the positives/ we are all okay, and we learned something new, that necklace is still active! It’s really quite nice-looking when it isn’t moving of its own volition.
Zhang Qiling: I would love some cocoa. I’ll come to the kitchen.
Wu Xie: I have special marshmallows for you!!
Wang Pangzi: I SEE
Wu Xie: Still thinking about that design… I’d love another chance to examine that necklace under less Zhangy circumstances.
Kinda sad we couldn’t borrow it to use for illnesses and dangerous missions :/
ah well it’s for the best, a family heirloom should be treasured, preserved and protected<3
Zhang Qiling: I put it on your dresser.
Wu Xie: ???????
Wu Xie: I—
Zhang Qiling: Are those bunny-shaped marshmallows for me?
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tonesplash · 4 years
Bikini Lunchtime Part 2 (18+)
pairing: edward cullen x reader
warnings: smut ;), vaginal fingering, slight choking but not really he just puts his hand on ur throat, uuuuh getting caught kinda, reader has a mom
a/n: maybe a part 3 bc ed boy did get cucked
read part one here
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"You're speeding." Edward lifts his mouth from the space behind your ear to remind you, and then goes right back to drawing your attention away from the speedometer.
"This is aAh-" You lose your concentration when his tongue swaths hotly up your throat before flicking back into his mouth when it reaches your earlobe. You can feel his smile against your skin. "A lot coming from the guy who hates driving below the triple digits."
One of his heater-warmed hands comes down to knead your thigh as he continues in his effort to wrap the both of you around a tree. "There's just one more turn, (Y/n), I'm sure you can manage." 
Yeah, that and like thirty-something trashcans you want to say, but then he's leaning in again, and without thinking, you clasp your non-dominant hand over his forehead to stop him long enough for you to concentrate. You weren't strong enough to hold him still, but Edward relents nonetheless and allows you to keep him in place as you do your best to park with one hand while he helpfully manages the parking brake. 
"You better make this worth my time, Cullen." You smile in anticipation as your seatbelt whips back into its holder. "It's cold as hell today, and I don't feel like fronting for the electricity bill."
”If you feel cheated at the end of the day, I'll pay it for you.” Edward grins as he kisses your temple and sits back in his seat to disembark.
He's lucky your neighbors aren't nosy because he appears at your car door in a flash, already reaching to help you out with your school bag slung over his shoulder and food trash neatly tied off in the bag it came in. You turn off the engine and hop out to meet him on the sidewalk as you trail towards the front door. You take quick notice of the extra weight in the bag.
"Why won't you just let me trash my car the way I want to? I saw the fries from under my seat were also gone this morning." You squint suspiciously at him over your shoulder as you blindly attempt to unlock the door while simultaneously intimidating him. 
”It was starting to smell like a compost bin.” Edward can only stand you fumbling with your keys for a few seconds before he just takes them from you and opens it himself. Once inside, he hangs your bag on the hook by the door while you slip off your shoes and shrug off your jacket in a vain attempt to make it upstairs before him.
”Well, I think your car smells like a Bath and Bodyworks, what do you think is worse?” You take the stairs two at a time while he effortlessly matches your pace, one hand on the small of your back to keep you from slipping.
”I’d say the health hazard. Without me, you'd definitely have roaches by now.” His dry laugh echoes from behind you and makes you giddy with anticipation. You playfully roll your eyes and shuck your shirt over your head as he opens your bedroom door. The way you eagerly shove and tug off your clothes down to your underwear is hardly a striptease, but it doesn't bother either of you as you scamper over to your underwear drawer to grab your new attire.
"Okay now you-" You hold the bundle of cloth under one arm as you grab his shoulders and guide him to sit on the end of your bed. "-stay right here, I'll be right back!" 
His chuckle follows you out into the hall as you scamper over to your bathroom and shut the door behind you. Your foot misses the leg hole of the bottoms three whole times before you have to stop yourself and take a steadying breath to calmly step into them like a normal person.  
Despite your clear excitement that he can no doubt smell in the air and read in your mind, you decide to tease him a bit as you approach the bedroom. You balance on one leg against the door, gripping the knob as you creep it open and stick your leg through the opening up to your knee. 
"Is this doing anything for you?" You giggle and wiggle your toes in the general direction of the bed.
"Be careful, (Y/n), when you fall through that door you're gonna be very embarrassed." You can still hear the smile in his voice as you almost immediately prove his point by taking an awkward hop forward to balance and accidentally exposing your entire leg at once in your effort to stay upright.
"I'm trying to think of what my entrance song would be but I'm coming up blank. You're gonna have to fill it in yourself." When you peek through the door, you can see his eyes have a laser focus on your thigh. 
"Cellophane." Edward replies without blinking. 
Confused and a little offended, you shove the door open all at once.
"That is so rude! What exactly are you tryi-"
Without warning, Edward crowds you against your door, one hand already lifting your leg to curl around his hip while he covers your mouth with his own. His tongue sweeps from your bottom lip to the roof of your mouth, sucking your tongue and making you shiver between the cold wood of the door and the hard plane of his chest.
His opposite hand strokes down your side, trailing lightly around your breast and ribs until it comes down to cup you through your bottoms. You gasp and break the kiss to bow your head into his shoulder and watch but he won't let you, the hand at your hip leaving to cradle the side of your neck, thumb resting over your windpipe, holding you steady against his mouth while teases you through the nylon.
You arch your hips into his hand and lose yourself in his taste, careful of his teeth lest you prick yourself and have him swear off frenching until the end of time.
Edward releases the kiss with a wet smack, the trail of spit still connecting your lips sticking to your skin as he dives lower to worship your throat.
Pausing his ministrations, he adjusts his hold to be firmly under your ass, his tongue gliding up your sternum as he lifts you above him in one smooth motion. You squeal and cling to his shoulders as he smoothly carries you across the room and gently lays you out amongst your pillows.
Edward climbs to kneel over you, ravishing your mouth with his own, one knee between your legs to grind on as his fingers creep up your sides to tease your breasts, kneading at first, then extending each thumb to play with the bud of your nipples when they strain against your top. The kiss becomes sloppier, spittle trailing down your cheek as you both lose yourself in the sensations.
Your growing desperation overcomes you when he lightly pinches the tips of your breasts, pulling away to shove the thin fabric under your chest, exposing yourself to the open air and his wanton gaze.
“So impatient.” Edward huffs a small laugh, spreading his cool breath over your chest, further pebbling your nipples. He maintains eye contact as he trails slow, reverent kisses down and over your breasts until you can feel the presence of his lips just beyond the skin. 
“For someone with super speed, you sure like to take your time.” You quip and arch yourself into him just as his tongue creeps out to flick against your nipple, eliciting a whimper before it grinds into the sensitive skin, pressing it flat before he snakes an arm under you to further prostrate your chest and sucking your teat into his mouth.
Your reaction is immediate and involuntary, a sharp gasp, spine arching to the nth degree, toes curling against his slacks until he releases you with a pop and pushes his leg harder into your slit, going back to sucking, licking, laving your bud against the cold slick of his tongue until it glistened between you.
You could hardly keep quiet now, moaning and squirming, tugging his hair as he switches sides,  hoping, praying that no one would come home early to find you like this. Edward sweeps his tongue over your neglected breast, bathing it in his spittle and sucking until the buildup of sensitivity becomes too much and you have to shove him away before you cum on his thigh and embarrass yourself.
“I would've liked it, at least.” He smirks before leaning in for another kiss, and laying down next to you, your core disconnecting with a wet smack from the stain that had soaked through to his pants. Your face burns red and your pussy almost feels numb with neglect until his lips are on your throat again and his unused hand pushes past your bottoms, gathering your abundant slick.
He scoots closer to your side, his arm a stark white contrast against your skin with his hand shoved into your bottoms, knuckles straining against the fabric while he rubs your clit into a frenzy.
"Oh, fuck," you moan and toss your head against his shoulder, sensations overwhelming. 
You feel dazed, unfocused, and you can't decide if you want to watch the near frantic movement of his arm or lose yourself in the dirty sounds and sensations and let your eyes glaze over. You think you can hear the front door open, but you're far too wrapped up in him to care.
Edward moans against your temple, empathetic to your pleasure as he switches tactics, two fingers slipping in, while his thumb continues stimulating your clit. It's a tight fit at first but the mild sting adds to your pleasure, and you raise a knee to give him a better angle. The fingers inside of you begin to curl, teasing that spot deep inside, and one of your hands immediately shoots down, death gripping the wrist working at you as you begin to throb.
"You're so wet, and warm." His words are breathless against your temple, straining to not groan full volume into your ear. You involuntarily clench around him.
"I can taste you in the air, and you're so sweet and soft, do you think I'll have time to taste you before anyone gets home, sweetness?" At the last word, he openly moans with you as his thumb rubs upwards, bypassing the hood of your clit while curling his fingers against the softest spot inside of you.
The effect is immediate, your cresting shout is hastily muffled by the palm of his unoccupied hand bracing over your open mouth, and you whimper when he doesn't stop grinding his fingers against that spongy spot on your inner wall, wringing as much cream as you can give onto his hand, even as whoever just came home pauses at the top of the stairs at the sound your blankets rustling when your leg jerks out with overstimulation. You reach out and hitch your knee upwards again to hold it still.
"Can you cum on my hand, darling? And not make a sound?" You sob against his palm. "I want to feel you cum on my hand again, but I can't do that if you're too loud, alright?" 
The nod you give is shaky and stifled by the restriction of his hand, but he has mercy as his fingers start to curl again, and you both watch them writhe under your bikini bottoms in the low light of your covered window, as they disappear in your heat and come up again with the slickest of sounds.
When your thighs stop twitching and the overwhelming stings of overstimulation build into a pleasant hum, Edward pulls his hand out and pulls away to undress, before disappearing in a blink when your bedroom door dents the wall, revealing your very pissed off mother.
Later that night you'd argue whether the loud schlick of your cum on his hand or the ensuing slap of your thighs slamming shut with your ruined orgasm is what got you caught playing hooky on a autumn weekday alone in your bedroom in nothing but an askew bikini.
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kyidyl · 3 years
Kyidyl Explains Bones - Part 4.2
(These are all collected in the KyidylBones tag.  Additionally, this is the second half of part four - please read the first half here, especially if you have questions or comments about the ethics of what I’m talking about here.  I’m going to be leaving that out as this is a continuation of that post.)
Since I’m skipping the talking and ethical statements in this one, let’s just get right into the bones.  As a reminder, this is about race determination in skeletal remains.  
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Female, front view. (Source)
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Male, profile view (Source)
So let’s break this down in an orderly way (I will put the comparisons and stuff at the bottom in an orderly table for easy reference.  Hell, this is partially for my own reference too bc I never remember this stuff off the top of my head.): 
Eye shape and sharpness - This is easiest to see in the front view, obviously.  White skulls that have stereotypically white features will have eye orbits that are technically called “square with rounded edges” (or as we call them in the nail world....sqoval.), but they sit at kind of an angle where they’re higher in the middle and lower at the lateral sides so most of us just refer to them as “aviator glasses” which I think is pretty funny of us.  And although you obviously can’t feel it with your fingers, the borders of the eye sockets will be sharper.  
Prognathism - As you can see from the bottom image, on a caucasian skull there is a low amount of prognathism.  The chin is often behind the spine of the nose rather than protruding.  European skulls have flatter faces, basically.  Although this male has a bit of an overbite so the curve around his teeth is more severe than it otherwise might be.  Generally speaking though, you’ll be able to draw a line from the nasal spine to the chin and not much will stick out past the line and the line will be straight.  The “muzzle” area of the face is less pronounced.  
Nasal Shape - This is actually mathematically determined by a measurement called the nasal index.  It is the ratio of the height to the width multiplied by 100.  European skulls have thin, tall noses, and you can see that illustrated pretty well in the woman above.  
Nasal Sill - On caucasians, the nasal spine aka sticky-outy-bit at the bottom of the opening that you can see in profile is more pronounced.  It sticks out further.  This means that a caucasian skull will also have more guttering behind the edge of the sill.  IE, if you stick your finger in its nose and run it along the bottom of the nasal passage, you will feel a distinct dip. Europeans have a distinct nasal sill.  
Nasal Bridge - White have shorter nasal bones, and so the bridge of their nose is shorter in profile.  It also usually has a more extreme curve in the area inferior to the browbone.  This male actually isn’t a good example of that, because his nasal bones are long for a caucasian skull.  Basically, our noses stick out further.  
Unique skull features - None.  Caucasian skulls are kinda boring TBH.  
Next, we have black/African skulls.  In the US especially this can be a lot harder to determine because of centuries of admixture with the white population: 
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This is a front and profile view of the same male, african individual. (Source)
Something you’ll start to notice as we go through this is that Black skulls and white skulls usually have opposite features and asian skulls are between these two extremes (Except for eye orbit shape.  Here it’s Asian on one end and African on the other, with European inbetween.).  If you think about geography here, it kinda makes sense.  Anyway, the skull features: 
Eye orbit shape and sharpness - African skulls tend to have eye orbits that are more square in shape, and often aren’t angled the way they are in whites.  This individual’s are angled though so they’re not super stereotypical of what would be considered characteristic of African eye orbits.  His are fairly square though.  The edges of the orbits tend to be softer and less distinct.  
Prognathism - African skulls are prognathic, meaning that they stick out the furthest.  In this individual, you’ll notice that it isn’t just his teeth that stick out past the line because of an overbite, the entire upper part of the maxilla is curved outwards.  African faces are much less flat than white ones.  The “muzzle” area is more pronounced.  
Nasal Shape - As you might expect, African nasal shapes are much wider and shorter than European ones.  They appear a lot rounder, and this is something that’s fairly unique to them, especially if the individual has very stereotypically African features.  
Nasal Sill - The nasal spine sticks out much less in an African skull - I’ve seen individuals who barely had one at all.  Between that and the prognathism, the bone almost seems as if it stretches, and you see very little silling.  So if you stick your finger up its nose you won’t have a sharp edge with a dip behind it in the nasal passage.  Sometimes there won’t even be a sill at all.  I actually found a really good image of this, but I don’t want to mess up tumblr’s list ordering, so I’ll stick it in below the list.  
Nasal Bridge - Africans have flatter noses, and to accommodate this their nasal bones are longer and the curve that’s inferior to the browbones is much less acute.  Their noses stick out less than that of Europeans’, and it’s something that is fairly consistent in their skeletal remains.  
Unique racial features - Not many, but Africans do have something called a “bushman’s canine”. Now, I’m gonna be honest with you guys and tell you that I STILL have problems identifying this feature.  This is despite the fact that I was taught dental anthropology by one of the dudes who basically came up with these guidelines.  So on the bottom of the upper canines there is a bump of tooth enamel that is more pronounced on Africans than it is on other races.  There’s a grading scale and stuff.  You can read about it here.  Now I found that by just googling Bushman’s canine, but one of the authors (Joel Irish) was my prof, lol.  Here’s a picture of it, but actually the drawing in that paper above is better at illustrating the two opposite ends of the scale.  I added the lines: 
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In addition, here’s the image showing the nose shape: 
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African skulls will also sometimes have stronger muscle attachment sites, but honestly there’s a lot of that part of anatomy that’s social so it’s not something you can use to ID them unless you know what they should be for the society you’re looking into.  
Ok, so that’s African skulls done.  Next up, Asian.  As a reminder, Asian and Native American skulls are *extremely* similar.  This is because they share common ancestors.  This is also confirmed by their genetics (Native American genetics are super interesting, but that’s a whole other thing.).  
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This is an Asian male.  
Eye Shape/Sharpness - Asians and Natives have round eye sockets, and the edge of the socket is of middling sharpness.  In addition, their cheekbones tend to be flatter and wider, so the combination of these things makes their skull shape pretty distinctive.  Personally I find Asian and Native American skulls to be the easiest to ID, and a lot of these features persist through admixture, too.  
Prognathism - Asian/NA skulls have a middling amount of protrusion.  This individual has a distinct prognathism, but it’s honestly hit or miss.  They can have it either way.  Asian cheekbones tend to mitigate the visual effect though so it’s a bit harder to see without specifically looking for it in profile with a straightedge.  
Nasal Shape - As you can see from this individual, the nasal opening is neither as tall as caucasians nor as wide as Africans.  Again, this correlates to what you might expect given their phenotypes in life.  Theirs are the most heart shaped, too.  
Nasal Sill - This is another area where they fall between the “very pronounced” of whites and the “not at all pronounced” of Africans.  This individual barely has a nasal spine at all, but does appear to have something of a sill that would be present if you felt inside the nasal passage for it.  
Nasal Bridge - Same as above, it falls in between the two extremes in shape and length.  
Unique Racial Features - This is why I think Asian and Native Skulls are the easiest to ID.  They have some really interesting racial quirks i their skull anatomy.  First off, they have what’s called a persistent metopic suture.  When we’re all babies our forehead (frontal) bone is in two pieces, and then they fuse.  The suture between the two is then obliterated, IE, completely healed and smoothed over.  In Asians and Native Americans, this suture fuses but you can still see it: 
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It’s a completely harmless genetic variant that runs in those racial groups.  The second easy to identify feature is shoveling.  On the back of the upper (Maxillary) incisors.  It’s basically just a difference in shape; a border around the back of the tooth.  It looks like this: 
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And here is the scale we use to grade it: 
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(Source - heheh there’s Joel again.)
It’s found on the lower incisors as well, but it’s easiest to see on the maxillary ones.  
The last easy indicator is found along the sutures along the top and back of the skull.  The coronal (arc along the front like a crown), sagittal (top center) and lambdoid (where the parietals fuse to the occipital.  It’s like a downward V on the back of your skull.) sutures can be what’s called simple or complex.  In Africans and whites, the sutures are mostly simple.  In Asians and Native Americans, it’s complex.  What that means is that the wiggly line is so wiggly that it loops back on itself and forms extra small bones called wormian bones.  Sometimes these bones can actually be very large and have names.  Here’s what a skull with small wormian bones looks like: 
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The bones with the star are the wormian bones, although there are other, smaller ones.  Very large ones are called Inca Bones, after the population they were first identified in.  They look like this: 
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A and B are examples of Inca bones.  They’re generally a harmless genetic variant.  
Lastly, we’ll address aborigonal features: 
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This is an aboriginal man.  Aboriginal is a generalized term for any indigenous group, but in anthropology - and from what I can see most places - we use it to describe people indigenous to Australia and the surrounding islands.  The reason why it is only sometimes considered a separate category is that it’s pretty localized, and the differences really come down to some special features.  So here are the main differences you can look for to tell if a skull is aboriginal: 
Large teeth.  Aboriginal people have really big teeth.  There’s no other way to put this, they just...they’re large.  
Very pronounced browbone.  As you can see above, the browbone is MUCH heavier on an aboriginal skull than on any other kind of skull.  This is especially true for males.  
Flatter chin.  It’s called the mental protuberance, and on an aboriginal individual it is less prominent than on other individuals.  
Large occipital bun.  The occipital bun is the bit at the bottom back of your skull where your neck muscles attach.  You can see it in the profile picture in the far right sticking out of the bottom of the skull.  It’s especially pronounced in aboriginal people.  
Ok, so there is one more important characteristic for judging race that I totally forgot to include yesterday, and that’s palatine shape.  The dental arcade is the area of the maxilla that houses the teeth.  Basically the top of your mouth.  And as you, a human person, knows - it’s in the shape of an arch.  But that arch varies in shape from race to race.  And, what your probably don’t know from not seeing a bunch of skulls, is that there are sutures in there.  Between 2-4, but even when you have two they bisect each other and look like 4.  The shape of these sutures also varies from race to race.  Again, it’s a harmless genetic variant that runs in various geographic areas.  However, I’m going to elect to skip it because there’s already a LOT of info in this post and going into it with the depth it deserves would be a lot.  Instead, I’m going to just summarize here for you all WRT the characteristics I’ve listed: 
Eye sockets: White - Aviator glasses, rounded square, sharp edge.  Black - square/rectangle, blunt edge.  Asian & Native - Round, middling sharp edges.  
Prognathism: White - little to no prognathism.  Black - most pronounced prognathism.  Asian & Native - varies between these two extremes.  
Nasal Shape: White - tall and thin.  Black - short and round.  Asian & Native - in-between these two.  
Nasal Sill: White - sharp nasal spine, deep well behind a sharp wall.  Black - Little or no spine, smooth sill.  Asian & Native - Varies between these two.  
Nasal Bridge: White - short nasal bones, more extreme curve.  Black - longer, flatter nasals, a much less extreme curve.  Asian & Native - you guessed it...between these two extremes.  
Unique racial features: White - None. Black - Bushman’s canine.  Asian & Native - tooth shoveling, persistent metopic suture, wormian/Inca bones.  
And that is it! The rest of this series shouldn’t be quite this sensitive with respect to the subject matter.  Tomorrow is gonna be the archaeology of graves AKA how to dig up dead people.  =D After that will be (in no specific order) age determination, height determination, and teeth.  Maybe other things if I feel like it.  If you have questions or requests, don’t hesitate to ask! 
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amandawritez · 4 years
there's a first for everything
 Anon requested: “can u do more jj smut please. secret was so good omg. like maybe getting eaten out by him or your first time idk”
A/N: sooo I decided to make this more of a shortish blurb about JJ eating you out rather than a whole thing bc my brain is like broke today and can’t think of any ideas idk why
JJ pulled his lips away from yours to look down at you for a moment, his blonde hair fell over his forehead, and his lips were slightly swollen and red from kissing for so long. He then latched his lips to your jaw and began working his way towards your favorite spot below your ear and started sucking harshly, sure to leave a mark tomorrow but at this moment neither of you cared.
His right hand snaked behind your back attempting to unclip your bra and after a few attempts you both laughed and you lightly pushed his shoulders up so he sat back on his knees in-between your legs and you sat up easily unclipping it with one hand and tossing it in a random direction. Leaving you both now only clothed in your underwear, all other clothing thrown all over room discarded long ago.  
You wrapped a hand behind JJ’s neck and pulled him back down on top of you returning to your previous position. His lips attached to one of your nipples and his hand fondled the other, pinching your nipple lightly causing your back to arch and a breathy moan to leave your mouth.
JJ then began working his lips down your stomach and hooked his fingers into your underwear pulling them down your legs and discarding them behind him. You we’re too caught up in the feeling of his lips on your stomach to realize what he was doing but when you did you sat up abruptly.
“Wait JJ what are you doing?” you asked and he looked up at you with a smirk.
“I’m playing chess..what does it look like princess I want to eat you out” he laughed to himself at his sarcastic comment and normally you would have giggled too but right now you were beginning to panic.
“Wait um-”
“Shhh just lay back baby.” he interrupted you still not looking up instead kissing your thighs.
“No JJ, uh, we don’t have to. I want to give you head let’s do that.” You attempted to pull him up but he was a lot stronger than you and didn't budge. He looked up at you confused before pulling away from you and sitting back on his legs.
“Whats wrong?” he asked genuinely concerned and you stuttered for moment before burying your head in your hands out of pure embarrassment.
“Baby talk to me.” He thought he had done something wrong and pried your hands away from your face forcing you to look at him.
“I’ve never um done that.” You mumbled barely above a whisper and he didn’t hear you.
“(y/n) I can’t hear you, you're worrying me.” He sounded uneasy.
“No guy has ever.. done that to me.” you finally spoke up and averted your eyes from him, you were beyond embarrassed. His face formed an O shape but he quickly smiled and lifted your chin to look at him.
“Thats okay, that's totally fine, well its not really fine because it means every guy you've ever been with sucked.” you both laughed lightly and the mood in the room became less tense.
“But, will you let me? I promise if you want me to stop I will but please let me try, I think you’d love it. You trust me right?” You nodded slowly, he could tell you were nervous but he pulled you in for a kiss before slowly lowering you onto your back and returning to his position between your legs.
He slowly kissed up and down your thighs and brought his thumb up to your clit rubbing light circles. He pulled his finger away and brought his face so close to your pussy you could feel his breath fanning over you, and he reached his fingers up to interlace them with yours. 
He dove in licking a strip bottom to top and then used his tongue to circle your clit. 
“Oh! wow that's, fuck that's actually really good.” you relaxed into his touch immediately and he smiled before returning to diving into your folds. Your fingers let go of his hands and moved to grip and pull lightly on his hair causing him to groan. He used his now open hands to push your thighs back more spreading you open even wider for him. He circled your entrance with his tongue before pushing deeply into it repeatedly. This new angle caused you to moan out loudly and tug on his hair more, you were loving this. 
“JJ m-more please.” he looked up at you and smiled you could have cum just from just the sight of him looking up at you alone, his blue eyes burning into you as he brought two fingers to his mouth pushing them in. Your gaze never broke as he pulled them out now slicked up and pushed them knuckle deep into your tight cunt. 
“Fuck, look at you squeezing my fingers so well, you're always so fucking tight baby girl.” your eyes rolled back as he pushed his fingers as deep as he could manage and separated them in a scissoring motion stretching you out. 
His lips returned to suck on your clit as his fingers began to pick up their pace inside of you curling now. He continued this for a minute while moans spilled from your mouth. He pulled out his fingers for a moment before bringing his mouth back to your entrance and pushing his tongue as deep as he could until his nose was  touching you and he began flicking it back and forth causing your back to arch and legs to shake.
“JJ I’m so close please keep going p-please make me cum.” he loved hearing you beg for it, knowing he was the only one who could make you feel like this.
JJ pushed his fingers back in wasting no time attaching his mouth back on your clit and moving his fingers at an unholy pace. He watched as you unraveled above him your fingers gripping and twisting the bedsheets and his name falling from your lips repeatedly. He continued until he was sure you had finished before he placed a light kiss on your clit causing you to twitch at the sensitivity from having just orgasmed. 
He sat up and you watched him bring his fingers to his mouth sucking them clean and swallowing before leaning down to kiss you so you could taste yourself. You were panting and still trembling from the orgasm and he smiled seeing how fucked up you were. 
“So?” he questioned with his eyebrows raised. 
“Yeah that was.. amazing.” he grinned and pulled you in for a kiss, glad that he could be that first person to show you that. 
A/N: I hope you liked this anon who requested it sorry it was so short my brain like not functioning today :) keep sending requests in! 
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refriedweeb · 4 years
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A/N: refriedweeb here my little chickadees. Here’s another plus size reader one for all my beautiful thick babes out there. I’ve started hardcore sipping over everyone’s fave emo boy (who I always thought would prefer a thicker girl bc it just screams at you he would be) not responsible for any emotional trauma caused. ALSO, I used the same quirk from the Hawks’ series I have going on don’t judge me it’s honestly my favorite quirk I’ve thought up (and totally not bc I'm self-inserting) also if anyone draws y/n/me/yourself in this hero costume y/n chooses I'd die bc I think it’s so incredible
Prompt: Your hero agency has been pressuring you into a more scant, sexually appealing hero costume. Though you’re a hero, you’re still coming to accept your body and feel that the new costume they’ve put you in is anything but. Your boyfriend has other thoughts.
Tags/Warnings: body worship, oral, sex, spanking, shinsou being an absolute god
Word Count: 6,009
You stared at yourself in the reflection of the mirror in your bedroom. It’d been a long, exhausting past couple of weeks between you and the hero agency you worked for. They were insistent on changing up your hero costume, eager to add some sex appeal and tighter material around the assets that made you such a ‘feast’ as they called it. You were fuller figured, plump in spots that other female heroes weren’t. Your curves had caught the eye of the media surrounding the hero discourse, and you’d become something of a source of body positivity for the public. It wasn’t about your health, rather, but that strength and power came at any size, and a hero didn’t need to look like the heroes of the past in order to do good and be worthy of everything you had in your life. At first you’d been a little skeptical, sure that the other shoe was going to drop and you were going to be shunned for the tummy you had, the thickness of thighs that made you look ‘more beautiful than Venus being born’ according to one of the magazines that had commented on your body. 
However, you hadn’t seen anything wrong with the hero costume you’d been rocking prior to the media’s public obsession with you. It hid the insecurities that you wished to conceal, like that very tummy so many people had started to praise. The dimples in your thighs that showed through in the latex and skin tight material that made up so much of hero costumes. Many designers of said hero costumes had been scrambling to get their designs to your hero agency, practically groveling for you to pick theirs. You’d left that day after your seemingly endless patrol (thankful that nothing out of the ordinary outside of small, petty crimes) had come to an end. But...that didn’t mean the work was over just yet. The agency you worked in had been persistent that you needed to pick a new costume by the end of the week, and it was already Thursday. 
Your eyes moved from the mirror to the laid out costumes on the bed. The hero alias you went by was that of Nightmare. Your quirk was an Emitter quirk, and worked in a way that many people had been careful to get within your reach of. Once you activated your quirk, you could raise your target’s worst nightmare into a warped physical reality around them, or at least they perceived it to be a physical reality. What it really was, was a field of false reality with layers so thick it was hard to look through in order to see that it wasn’t real at all. A hallucination of the worst kind. You, much like your boyfriend Shinsou, had been people that your fellow classmates had thought would be best as villains, rather than heroes. People didn’t trust you, didn’t want to get to close to you lest you reach out a hand to their forehead and bring forth their own personal hell. 
They wanted to make someone they had once demanded be too dangerous to be a trustworthy hero into a sex symbol. The fleeting thought caused you to snort, your eyes moving back over the costume layout once more. Shinsou hadn't popped around to yours yet, likely still finishing out his own patrol. His opinions might have helped, but you weren’t sure when he’d get to yours and you’d rather get the uncomfortable trial and error of why your body didn’t look right in any of the costumes that had been sent to you over with. That way you could curl up in bed under the sheets and wait for Shinsou’s warm embrace. It’d always managed to make you feel better when you were sure the world hated everything about you. That very reason had been one of the reasons you and Shinsou had bonded so quickly. The world was determined to make you a villain before you’d even had a chance to prove them otherwise. You were each other’s biggest support system, the team cheerleader while you raced to make the world a better place. 
What would Nightmare wear? What would the unstoppable, dangerous Nightmare wear? The first costume was definitely not your speed, a deep plum color that was beautiful on its own. Yet, it was cut deep in the back with a half-peplum tiered skirt at the back of your waist. To you, it made you feel like a joke of a circus ring leader, feeling more like an overripe raspberry than a hero worth going toe to toe with. You didn’t have a body like Midnight or Mt. Lady. You were fuller all around, a pooch of a stomach that stuck out more than theirs, thighs that were thicker in muscle and fat then theirs. An ass, that as Shinsou had once said when he was drunk on sake, wouldn’t quit. Once again, you didn’t see anything wrong with the hero costume you had now. It was baggier, yes, allowing you to obscure a body you hadn’t fully come to terms with despite the years of progress you’d made with self-acceptance. Sure, the trench jacket did nothing to show off much of the body you’d worked hard to maintain and love, but it hadn’t been about how good you looked. It’d been about being able to do good and save people from villains. If you’d wanted to be judged for your looks, you would have signed up to be a model. But hero politics were the same politics that existed in every aspect of reality, and you had gotten used to it. It was really only a matter of time that you’d be up next in the line of speculation. The first costume was a hard no, and you peeled yourself out of it already feeling the sinking feeling of defeat as it crawled up into your spine. 
The second costume was better in some aspects, worse in others. It was black in color which was much more your speed, with a black mask to match that shielded the top half of your face. Yet, over your bust and over the widest part of your hips ran horizontal white lines, giving the effect of making them appear wider than they were. It wasn’t as if they just ran the front of the costume, either. Traced around your back and your butt, you only felt that sinking feeling grow. You looked wrong, and felt worse. There was no way people actually thought this was going to look good on you, did they? An annoyed sigh passed through your nose, doing one last turn around in the mirror confirmed your thoughts. These people had no idea what would look good on you. The cynical part of you was sure that this was the other shoe dropping. This was some grand joke that you were the punch line of. If you picked any of these costumes you’d be ridiculed for your body just like you’d been when you were a kid. That mere thought sparked tears in your eyes, but you pushed them down. There was one costume left. Though you didn’t have much hope for it. 
You were so in your negative thoughts at the moment as you stripped down from the second costume, you hadn’t heard the front door of your place open and close. Nor the sound of shoes being kicked off. 
The third costume was by far the most aesthetically pleasing to your tastes. Like Goldilocks and the three bears, it’d been the one you thought would be best. It was a one piece jumpsuit as the rest had been, cut deep in the front and back, low plunges that exposed everything to your naval in the front, and the small curve of your lower back. Though where freshly exposed skin would have been free, black mesh was laid overtop to give the graft appearance. There were winding slits down the long sleeves of the costume, making the mesh look like ropes winding down the length of strong arms and deliciously thick thighs. The mesh at the lower back connected to the beginnings of the mesh at the back of your thighs, lining up with the mesh that curved down from your naval and over your hips to meet up with the front mesh of your thighs. The mesh of the costume was one continuous running line, and you had to admit you liked how it shaped your body. It was tight as the other costumes, and certainly left nothing to the imagination of anyone who’d see you. If you picked this costume, everyone would know what it was you were working with. And that was what they wanted, right? The final costume was by far your favorite, opening and closing the fingerless gloves that had come with it. But were you okay with the world seeing the rest of your body? You didn’t think you were ugly by any means, and hadn’t felt ugly since you were a teenager. But...that didn’t mean the world wouldn’t take that chance to pick you apart if they thought you’d gotten too confident. 
You leaned up on your toes, angling to this way and that so you could get a full view of how you’d be seen from all angles. Your hand rolled over the little pooch of your belly, over the curve of your backside into that meshed lower back of the costume. The way your thighs blossomed against the costume, looking strong as hell. In the platformed boots you wore to do hero work, it’d look good. You thought. But was it too risky? Would you look like a joke? Your shoulders sagged in defeat, not sure you had the confidence to pull this off like the world seemed to think you did.
“Well, well...” came that deep drawl of the man you cared so deeply for. You jumped, completely unaware that for the last five minutes you’d been examining yourself in the mirror, that Shinsou had been eyeing you up from his position. Leaned against the frame of the door, hands tucked into his pockets with a shameless look on his face. “These those new hero costumes you were talking about?”
Once you were sure you wouldn’t about faint from the racing of your heart, you nodded. “Yeah, they weren’t that great,” you said and jutted your chin to the ones you’d hung back up on their hangers to be sent back. “Those were the first two options, and they looked...gross on me.” you said, voice dropping as the negative term against yourself left your throat. Shinsou angled a brow upwards question, violet eyes moving over to look at them. He doubted that they looked bad on you, almost disappointed he hadn’t gotten to see your skin slip under that tight material, the way it ran so flush over that body of yours he’d worshipped for so long. For all Shinsou cared, you could be running around in a trash bag and he’d find a way to think you were the most beautiful person in the world. But, one thought he shared in common with you on the first two hero costumes, was that they didn’t speak Nightmare. Your quirk was exceptional, like his in a way. It needed something as equally daring, as enticing as you were.
“I doubt that...” Shinsou strolled over to look at them, running the fabric of the raspberry suit between thumb and forefinger. “But they’re not you. They’re too tame for you.” the comment was innocent enough, but your mouth dried up at it. Sunken eyes moved over to look at you once more in that black suit number, one that he found himself to be a growing fan of. “What about that one?” His expression was hungry as he dragged his gaze up and down your body, over the curves showed off so freely.
Shinsou had never had an issue with your body. Rather, he preferred a partner that was on the thicker side to begin with. He liked being able to feel you in his hands without worry about hurting you too much. Your skin was a comfort to him, the way you were soft and plush drove him up a fucking wall. He might not have been the biggest fan of public affection, but when it was just the two of you he couldn’t keep his greedy hands off you. And how could he? Even in that moment, his fingers twitched with the carnal need to have your flesh under the pads of his fingers. 
“It’s definitely the best of the bunch.” You shrugged, hand running down the shape of your belly once more, your mind still stuck on whether or not it was going to get you ridiculed. “I just don’t...I think it’s too much. I don’t think...” you trailed off. “I don’t know if I look good in it.”
The sound of a snort from behind you had you meeting Shinsou’s gaze through the mirror. He wore an incredulous expression as if you’d just claimed that there was no such thing as gravity. He shook his head and approached you slowly. “You’re kidding, right?” Shinsou stood behind you, his chin resting on the top of your head. His body was pressed flush against yours, and you could feel the half-hard length of him pressed against your backside. “You don’t think you look amazing in this, (Y/N)?”
A blush hit your cheeks as his hands rested on your shoulders. “It’s not that, Shi. I just don’t...I guess...I don’t think people will want to see me like this. So...exposed.” Being sexy wasn’t the problem here. It was how others would see you and if they’d take the same thought away that the agency had, that Shinsou had, that some of the media had about you. You could take being ridiculed for your ability to act as an hero, if you messed up on the job or anything like that. Those criticisms pertained to your ability to help and change the world, and nothing to do with your physical appearance. Changing your hero costume would open up that path to criticisms about your appearance that had never been there before. 
“Ah...so that’s it.” Without having to say much, Shinsou understood where your mindset was. He sighed, feeling somewhat guilty. Had he not shown you how beautiful you were each time he settled his mouth or his cock between your thighs? Had he not told you how you were the only person who was ever going to have his eye whether you were dolled up in a face full of makeup or drooling while you slept? The last thing he wanted for you to feel about yourself was inadequate because of how much you weighed or what your body looked like. He knew it wasn’t for him to decide, that only you could determine your self-worth, but you were perfect for him. And if he was selfless enough to let the world see you how he saw you, he would in a heartbeat. But just because he wanted the world to see it, didn’t mean he was a fan of sharing. Timidly, you met his indigo gaze through the mirror’s reflection. “Here’s what I think, kitten.”
A chill ran down your spine as his fingers started to ghost over your shoulders. “I think...” He slowed his movements,  tracing the seam where mesh met spandex, Shinsou’s eyes narrowed as they followed where his fingers met. They ended at the inner point of the V that formed the front of a potentially new costume. Goosebumps erupted over your skin wherever his fingers trailed, and all you could do was watch in the mirror as his head came to rest on your shoulder, doing the same. “This looks downright sinful...” his fingers moved back up the V of the spandex material, only to pause as his fingers cupped the fullness of your breasts, thumbs whispering over piqued nipples. He hovered there for a moment, tracing circles around them as you shivered against the well defined muscle of his chest. “Not a thing left to the imagination...” Shinsou murmured, taking as his hands swept over the top of your chest to your shoulders, slowly down your arms. The winding tightness between your thighs had started, and he’d only been gentle with you so far. His thumbs moved along your inner forearm, traced circles along the sensitive part of your inner wrist before they flowed back up the length of your arms, returning to your breasts where he pulled and teased once more. “You’re telling me I might have to share this with the public...”
Shinsou’s eyes, a beautiful shade of setting sun, were narrowed as his hands traveled down the mesh material of your stomach once more. His fingers spread as he traced your belly, fingers bent just slightly so you felt the drag of his fingertips through the material of the suit. It was just a prototype, after all. The real work effectiveness of the suit would be put in place if you agreed to have it. At the sensation of his nails scratching along your stomach, your thighs turned inwards, backside pressing in against a growing erection. It only caused Shinsou to smile that smarmy smirk that had caught your attention all those years ago at UA. “You’re telling me everyone’s going to get to see this goddess body I get to claim night after night...” Shinsou continued, pulling the soft pudge of your skin in his hands as he raked them to the side to grip your hips. Those fucking hips. His fingers dug in sharper there, knowing your skin could handle it. So full, so fucking lush. “Hell, kitty, you might just raise the crime rate because everyone wants to see you in this costume...” He released his iron grip on your hips, hands sweeping towards your backside to grab at the bountiful ass you had. How it drove him up a fucking wall to see how it bounced against his hips when he took you from behind. “You have no idea...” Shinsou paused to pull up the legs of his pants before he squatted down to his knees, his hands still on your ass.
“How fucking good you look in this...” You were speechless as he continued to knead at your ass, giving that plump backside of yours a soft slap that sounded through the room. He worshipped your body day in and day out, and had simply no problem letting you know how much he loved every square inch of it. Shinsou let out a low hum. His hands continued their march, coming to cup the lower part of your ass in his hands. He was greedy when it came to this, the best fucking handful and then some any god could have given him. “Your ass looks so fucking good...” he whispered, side of his face nuzzled up against the curve of your thigh. One hand slipped from the grip it has on your backside, slipping between your thighs. An idle thumb swept through your lips, so thick and full that when he ate you out he simply rested his head there. A sharp gasp escaped you, rolling into the touch that ended before it’d even begin. This didn’t go unnoticed by Shinsou, that devilish smile there once more. “And these fucking thighs...” he whispered, his second hand repeated that sinful sweeping motion between your legs, his hands gripping your inner thighs, slowing pulling them apart. All the while, you watched through the mirror, his eyes zeroed in on the puffy mound of your pussy that seemed particularly swollen in that jumpsuit. “These fucking thighs that I love to have wrapped around my head...” Shinsou turned in so his nose was pressed against your left thigh, his teeth soon enough caught the material of the jumpsuit between them and pulled it back from your supple skin. A moment later, a sharp snap hit the air as it slapped back against your skin, causing you to squirm. “You’re telling me the world is gonna know how fucking delicious these thighs are...”
He wasn’t the jealous sort, Shinsou. He knew that you wouldn’t be with him if you didn’t want to be. That you came home to every night because you wanted to. In that sense he was secure in his relationship with you. But he wanted to make it astoundingly clear to you just how beautiful your body was, and how everyone else in the world who had their head screwed on tight enough was going to see it too. He was hungry to devour you in that suit right there, to fuck you and mark you so greedily so that the world would know his mark on you, but this wasn’t about him or his selfish wants. This was about making you feel like the strongest, sexiest, most powerful woman on the entire earth. And based off the heat he was feeling so close to his hands that gripped your thighs, his mission was working. He hummed, digging his fingers into your skin. “I could spend hours on your skin, kitten.” he murmured, his nose inching up the length of your thigh to where it curved, the crease of hip into thigh his goal. “Kissing it all over, tasting all of you...” you squirmed as Shinsou shifted on the ground slightly, so that he knelt in front of you. The sight of him looking up at you, sunken eyes dark with lust, made your waver on your knees. It was next to holy imagery, his legs spread wide, hands gripping your thighs for purchase as if he didn’t, he’d disappear entirely. “You gonna let me taste you, kitten?”
Shinsou didn’t wait for your answer, moving on his own agenda. He leaned forward into that sweet, tantalizing mound of yours. His nose burrowed in, hands moving up to grip your hips as he pulled you in against him. The flat of his tongue slipped over the clothed length of your cunt, warmth radiating against the sweetness of your pussy as he pulled your thighs apart for him. You moaned out his name, the action he took so simple but enough to threaten you over the cliff. Shinsou had only touched you, slow and measured at that, and this was the first he’d put a hand or tongue where you needed him most. The fabric that had been between your legs was in his mouth, Shinsou sucking on the fabric there to get as much of you in his mouth that had already escaped you while he’d been busy touching you. The fabric fell from his mouth when he was done, slapping against your heat and causing you to jolt forward. Your fingers found themselves wound through the thick tendrils of indigo hair, balancing as he smiled up at you with his head tipped to the side. The look was downright bastardly, and you tugged on his hair. “Don’t tease me,” you said, breathless.
“No teasing here, baby...” Shinsou breathed, pausing to blow hot air against your sex. “I want to make my girl feel good,” while he spoke, he stroked his middle and index finger up and down the slit of your cunt, pushing in slightly so the fabric dipped in your glaze. “I want to make you feel good about this fucking body I intend to destroy...” He sounded so bored as he played with your pussy that it only drove you crazier. You knew from the bulge in his pants that he was far from bored, but how nonchalant he could be while he was winding that coil of an orgasm tighter and tighter inside of you could have pushed you over the edge. “I want to take my time getting you there...”
You mewled, rocking against his fingers as they slipped back and forth, agonizingly slow in their rhythm. Shinsou had never been a fan of when you doubted yourself or your abilities, your worth and your beauty. This wasn’t exactly what he would have called a punishment, rather a reminder that there wasn’t a single part of you that he would want to change about you, and that you should have felt the same. He worshipped you, every second of every day. Frankly, in his eyes, there wasn’t enough hours in the day to give thanks to whatever deities were out there that created the fucking perfect version of yourself that was stood over him currently. “Sit on my face, kitten.” he drawled, eyes raking upwards over those delicious curves of your body, the thickness of your skin so plump, until he was looking into your eyes. “Let me taste you.”
With the way he’s looking at you, you know you don’t stand a chance of saying no. “Yes,” you rasped out, Shinsou’s hands soothing you as they smoothed up and down your thighs. You took a step back from him, Shinsou staying where he was, frozen as he watched you pull down the suit.
 It was like a work of art, his cock hardening as you pulled the front of it down, exposing your mounds of flesh, nipples piqued and flushed from when he’d been teasing them earlier. As the black material folded over your arms, exposing soft skin he ached to get his hands on. Down over your midsection, exposing the little roll over your belly that had his mouth watering. “You look so fucking beautiful,” his voice had hollowed out, thick with need to have your thighs practically suffocating him. He watched the blush deepen on your cheeks, only serving to make him grow harder. His eyes snapped back as the skintight material rolled over your hips and his cock twitched. The way your skin pushed out, full and so fucking desirable from the spandex material sent him over the edge. And then there it was. That glistening pussy with the softest patch of hair extending up towards your naval, a landing strip you’d called it once. Shinsou couldn’t help himself as he reached up to his mouth and ran his index finger over the swell of his bottom lip. He could see how wet you were already from the teasing he’d put you through, how your glaze seeped onto the thighs you’d pushed together. He was motionless as you slowly rolled the jumpsuit the rest of the way, over the curve of thighs into calves, finally at those fucking ankles he rather enjoyed having up by his face when he drove into you like a man starved for your fluids. 
“You look so fucking tasty, kitten.” he whispered, settled onto his back. Not once had his eyes left yours. “Let me have you, please.” The please and desperation in his voice caused you to squeeze your thighs together again, and he moaned. But you indulged him once he’d taken his shirt off, your eyes directly tracing the spattering of indigo chest hair that lead a thin trail to his naval, the patch at his waist thickening as it disappeared below his pants. Slowly, you lowered yourself until you were sat on his chest. The slickness that spread on his chest from your cunt caused Shinsou to moan as his hands wrapped around your thighs once more, spreading you so he was face to face with that precious cunt he called his. “Gonna make you feel real good, baby.” he said and pulled you forward so that your thighs were pressed in against either side of his head. When he spoke next, the breath he exhaled was right against your heat. “The world’s prettiest cunt, all mine...” Shinsou’s chuckle had you fisting your hands. “One thing I won’t share...”
And then he dived in, having dessert before he’d even had dinner. He’d been aching to get his mouth on your cunt since he’d seen that swollen mound of the hero suit you’d tried on. Now that he had it, he was going to ravage you until you were begging him to stop. His nose pressed in against your mouth, hands spreading your legs further as he lapped noisily against your wet pussy. You were so wet for him already, his tongue lapping up those juices only spurred you to drip more. He was always sloppy when he ate you out, simply because Shinsou wanted to have as much of you on him as possible. You tasted like honey, like a lazy Sunday morning, like the feeling of victory. He slurped and suckled, his teeth grazing over your clit as you found the rhythm of his tongue and started rocking against him. Soon enough the sounds that filled your bedroom were the wet, sloppy noises of Shinsou eating you out, and you whispering his name like a prayer as he suckled on your clit with feral need. His face was slick with your silk glaze, running down his chin and onto his neck, the floor underneath him. But frankly, he didn’t give a fuck. Your thighs had done what he’d hoped they would, squeezing and flexing against his head as he played with and teased your clit. Shinsou could hardly breathe, but if this was how he was supposed to go, he certainly didn’t mind. 
He’d started to flick and circle, traced his tongue around your bundle of nerves faster, and you started to ride his face harder. It was a chase to your orgasm, and just before you reached that finish line, he stopped. A desperate whine escaped you, writhing in an attempt to get back on his tongue and finish out your eye. Except, Shinsou was hiking one leg over his shoulder so that you were off his chest entirely. You whined once more, your core throbbing at how wet his face was. “You taste like fucking heaven...” he groaned as he wiped his fingers over his face, coating his hand in all your silk. Then, he undid the button of his pants, the zipper. And as you adjusted yourself with legs spread, you saw the brilliant pink tip of his cock, dripping pre-cum as he sprung free. You whimpered, desperate to be full once more and to reach your orgasm. Shinsou eyed you up, taking the wetness of your slick from his face in his hand and pumping himself as he came to rest between your thighs once more. 
“I want to cum,” you groaned as you reached out, fingers ghosting through the curls of the violet hair around the base of his cock. Shinsou pried your fingers away, returning it to where it’d been beside your head.
“I’m gonna let you, kitten.” he said, as he continued to coat himself in your silken drip. First, he wanted to take a mental picture of how fucking good you looked on the floor. Hair fanned out around your head, your cheeks flushed, eyes blown wide with lust. The rapid rise and fall of your chest, your divine breasts moving with each movement. On your back, you were subject to his mercy. The only plan Shinsou had was to make you cum, to make you realize how fucking incredible you were. “You feel good for me?” he asked as he pulled you close to him by the legs, leaning over so that he could hike them up over his shoulders. 
You nodded, any of the previous doubts about your body and how you looked quieted as you watched Shinsou turn his head to the side and nip at your ankle. “You’re so fucking perfect. These fucking legs drive me wild every time, kitten.” You felt Shinsou pressed up against the entrance of your cunt, feeling him leak onto your slip. “I don’t ever want you to feel bad about yourself when you look so good.” He was slow as he pushed into you, feeling the stretch around his cock as you moaned out his name. “Your body is fucking perfect,” he said through gritted teeth as he propped himself up on his forearms, leaned in over you so that violet hair hung over your face. Once he started thrusting, he was slow, hitting deep against your walls. 
“This tummy is so fucking beautiful,” he groaned as your walls clamped around him once he picked up pace. “Feels so fuckin-nngh,” he sputtered, your feet locked behind his neck. “So good to rest on.” His pace quickened again, purple shaded eyes dropping to your breasts as they bounced in time with his thrusts. “These fucking breasts,” he grunted. You whimpered as you felt that mounting wave of your high start to climb again. “So fucking hypnotizing to watch while I fuck you,” he hissed, your hands braced against his muscled biceps as his pace started to turn sloppy. Your nails dug in, and Shinsou tossed his head back as he hit the final turn.
When he looked back down at you, there was carnal need in his eyes. “These fucking lips,” he moaned, leaning down to capture your mouth in a sloppy, wet kiss that left behind traces of your cunt. “I can’t get enough, kitten...” His tongue ravaged the rows of your teeth, lapped against your tongue as he fought to taste every part of you could. You were at the climax of that wave mounted in your heat, and you moaned his name, the only indicator he needed of to hurry the fuck up. He started to fuck harder into you to the point where bruises were likely to blossom against where his skin slapped against yours. “That’s it, kitten, that’s it.” he cooed, listening to the mewls falling past your lips as you started to spill over, the wet sound of sex filling the room louder than it had been. 
Shinsou leaned back just slightly and returned his hand to your clit, the final push you needed as he paid it loving attention. You came undone around his cock and thumb, the shuddering orgasm ripping through you as you cried out his name. Your legs spasmed, squeezing against once more as he followed after you moments later, spilling hot ribbons of cum inside you. He continued to thrust after he’d come, emptying whatever remains he had until he was empty and spent. Breathless, Shinsou flopped against your chest. His head rested against your breast, moving in time with your rapid breaths that mirrored his own. His thumbs traced loving circles over your hips, his cock soft inside you but Shinsou not wanting to leave you aching and empty of him just yet. “That’s my good girl,” he rasped, swallowing heavily. 
Your hands raked through the thick wave of indigo hair, gentle as you combed through it. Words and thoughts were out of your functionality for a passage of time, but when you finally remembered how to do both, you asked a simple question. One that you really already knew the answer to, no longer abashed about how it hugged the curves of your body, just another indicator that you were human. After how much attention Shinsou had dedicated to your body, you almost felt silly for having felt insecure to begin with. “The black suit?”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to the breast opposite the one he was slumped on.  Shinsou turned his head slightly so that he could look at you, admire all that you were. And what you were to him was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life making feel that good about herself, about her place in the world. However he had to do that, he would. It was only right because you had supported him through so much and had never asked for anything in return. You were the only person who had ever looked at him like he was normal, like he wasn’t some type of freak. And he’d done the same for you when you’d both attended UA. As far as he was concerned, the only forever he needed was right there, pressed up against his naked body. Shinsou’s grin was lopsided and he nodded. “The black one.” 
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ghostlydahlia · 4 years
not that anyone asked but here's why finally free is my favorite performance/song
this is going to be a long one so buckle up
(sorry if this is disorganized or if some parts don’t make sense i have a lot of thoughts about this) 
((these are my ideas/interpretations and opinions, so like it’s fine if you disagree))
maybe this is obvious but for me, finally free talks about coming back to life and being released from whatever trapped you for so long and in this moment in the story, the boys and julie can relate directly to this. for the boys, they’ve been gone for 25 years dying literally right before all of their dreams were about to come true (which makes my heart break every time i think about but i don’t have time to go into that right now). and here they are doing what they love with the people that they love being “freed” from their death and whatever kept them in the dark room for so long.
for julie though, she hasn’t sang in over a year after losing her mom. not only was her mom someone that julie has so many other loving memories with, but her mother was probably the person that introduced her to music, the person that taught her how to play, the person who she would write songs and share ideas with with, the person who julie would sing at the top of her lungs with, the person that gave her the passion to play. julie’s mother has everything to do with music and with wake up, julie kind of accepts what happened and it lets her know that it’s going to be okay for her at some point; which is why finally free makes my heart burst. (i also love the lyrical connection between wake up and finally free that this gif set points out but anyways) julie found the courage to play again and here she is “freed” from her grief and pain from her mother’s death (i know all of those feelings didn’t disappear for good bc those are extremely heavy emotions but still) and looks so happy to be doing what she loves after being held down for so long. ahhhh her growth is so amazing to watch
onto my next point, i feel that finally free is when they clicked as a band. not that they weren’t great together during bright or flying solo, (because they were amazing as a band those times too) but here when you look at them, it feels like they’ve been playing together for a while even though its been like two weeks at most. i think this is because they look like they’re in their own worlds but in a way that’s still one (i don’t know if that even makes sense but stick with me). first off, we have julie absolutely killing it and owning the stage like a total boss. you can just feel the music in her and the love she has for performing. she probably missed the rush of excitement and the energy from the crowd when performing after a year of not singing, and here you can just see she’s loving every second of it. luke obviously lives for music and is having the time of his life just like every other time he performs. he interacts with alex, reggie, and a lot with julie on stage but he feeds off of the electricity from the crowd and lets their energy drive his performance. reggie like always is connected to the music. from the way he jumps around stage and bounces when he sings, he treats his bass as an extension of himself and soaks up the energy from his bandmates. alex is in his element and does not give a crap about what is happening anywhere else. he feels so relaxed and is in the moment enjoying himself, watching his bandmates letting themselves get lost in the music. even though they kind of have their own things going on, the passion that all four of them have brings them together and you can feel how comfortable they are performing with each other. and maybe this is bc i’m taking a film studies course right now and i’m reading too much into things even though i don’t know shit, but i think that the angles used play a big part of that feeling. here we get a lot of shots closer to their faces from a bit of a lower angle and i think that some of the cameras are handheld (i really don’t know if that’s what it is but the shots are just shakier i guess). i’m sure that most of the other songs have these types of shots but i feel that now or never and finally free are performances with a lot of these shots. it just feels so much more immersive for the viewer and personal for the character on screen when you can feel the love they have for the music up close.
anyways, now here are random things from the song that add years to my life:
oH mY gOsH madison’s voice man. like i don’t even know what to say bc she’s just so amazing and talented and AHHHHHH HER VOICE HAS SO MUCH POWER
luke’s little leg kick when he jumps down from alex’s platform to sing with julie
alex’s whole vibe. he just feels so carefree here
reggie running over to luke to share the mic (gives me life every time man)
julie putting her arms out when she sings “i wanna fly, come alive, watch me shine”. you can see the love she has for music pouring out of her
the little looks reggie and alex give each other when julie and luke are having their *moment*
luke sliding on the floor in front of the crowd playing his guitar towards the end of the song
reggie jumping down alex’s platform for the backround vocals
the way alex looks at his friends on stage
and i could have put this in my analyzation but i didn’t know where to put it- but the whole thing of “it’s been so long, now we’re finally free” gets me; it takes me back to bright where they say “we will fight to shine together, bright forever” like the four of them found each other and they’re family and they have each other after being ‘trapped’ in their own ways for so long and ahhhhh
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hazymultiverse · 4 years
Not sure if this is allowed but, ★★Reader being railed by Purple Haze because Fugo is sexually repressed, but reader doesn't know Fugos feelings OwO
Oh its allowed.
And encouraged. Send me all your stand fucking asks, I’m literally asking you nicely please send stand thirst thank you.
Warnings for: NSFW, rough sex, slight dub con??? Bc reader doesn’t know if Fugo wants it (but he does.)
“I think Fugo hates me.”
Mista shifted the phone from ear to ear, and you could hear the rub of the speaker against his hat, “Why would you say that?”
“Come on man, you heard what happened with Purple Haze.” You wince slightly, recalling the earlier events.
The stand had charged towards you as soon as he was summoned, paying no heed to Fugos panicked demands to stop. He had been wrestled before any true damage was done, but you’d been knocked to the ground, driving the wind out of you, and the mission had nearly been compromised. Fugo had been mortified, refusing to talk to you afterwards, the entire drive to the safe house was kept in suffocating silence.
Even after arriving, he insisted on you staying back while he went to pick up food, which gave you ample time to call Mista.
“Stands are just manifestations of the soul, right? So if Haze keeps attacking me, that means Fugo has some subconscious hatred going on.”
Mista bit his lip, he knew Fugo didn’t hate you. Quite the opposite in fact, the guy was in love with you, but apparently all the book smarts in the world couldn’t teach you how to man up and talk to your crush.
“Well, it doesn’t always work like that.” The gunslinger offered instead, “I mean, look at the pistols! They don’t always act like me. A lot of stands have their own sentience and independence, maybe it’s just that they’re a bit disconnected.” Mista was grasping at straws at this point, partially trying to dance around spilling his friends deepest secrets, and partially from trying to put rhyme or reason to stand logic. (An oxymoron if he ever heard one)
“So, maybe it’s just Purple Haze that hates me?” You theorized.
“I wouldn’t say he hates you, I don’t think you’d be alive if he really hated you. I just don’t think he knows what’s what. Fugo doesn’t exactly let him out much.”
“So, he’s just not used to me, maybe?” You frowned, then shot your attention to the door as you heard the rattle of keys, “oh, Fugo’s back, gotta go.”
“Alright, take care- and uh, don’t worry about Panna’ hating you. Trust me, if he did? You’d know.”
Fugo had excused himself to one of the bedrooms as soon as he was done eating, and with not much else to do, you did the same, taking the room next door.
It was quiet, you had heard some pages turning through the thin wall, but they’d stopped, so you assumed he’d finally gone to sleep.
What was the problem? You’d never seen Fugo -or his stand- act like this around anyone else, but whenever you were around it was like he couldn’t get any control over Purple Haze. Had you done something wrong?
Shutting your eyes, you sighed, worrying about it all night would solve nothing, better to just go to sleep, and see about talking to him about it in the morning-
The air felt different.
Loud, rasping breaths hit your ear, warm air hitting your face.
Slowly, you opened your eyes, freezing in place as you saw Purple Haze standing over your bed.
You stayed, eyes locked, for what felt like ages. No sound in the house but his breathing, and the pounding of your heart.
“H-hey bud.” You finally croaked, “What’s wrong?”
A firm hand grabbed your shoulder, pushing you farther down into the bed, on instinct you went to push it away, but the thought of the capsules made you pause, gently placing your hand on his wrist instead. At the contact, the stand let out a low whine.
“Are you okay? Is something the matter?” You asked quietly, perplexed by the whole situation at this point.
With a growl, Haze leaned in closer to you, carefully nuzzling against your face and neck, steadily crawling onto your bed.
“Oh- alright- uh, not quite sure what this is, but uh, did you come here to spend time with me?”
The stand was fully on top of you now, hands wandering and rubbing at any part of you it could reach, pressing a hand firmly on your chest to hold you down when you began to squirm.
“I’m gonna be honest here, I have no idea what’s going on and- oh.”
Haze slid a hand under your hips, angling them up just enough to align with his pelvis, where in the dark of the room, there was definitely something rubbing against you.
Your mind raced, did stands have dicks? Or genitals at all? What the hell was happening? Is this why Haze kept jumping at you? Thank fuck that this hadn’t happened during the mission, if Fugo had seen, you’re sure he would have died of embarrassment.
“Hey, Fugo, are you awake?” You said, not quite a normal volume, knowing the walls were thin, but got no response, “So you just came out on your own?” You whispered to Haze, who simply gurgled and continued to rub against you.
Taking a deep breath, you attempted to assess the situation.
There was a highly dangerous stand with violent tendencies dry humping you like a horny teenager in your bed. The user of said stand, who would usually keep it from even reaching you, was asleep.
Your body had gotten undeniably warm from the rubbing and grabbing the stand had been doing, making your mind wander. You couldn’t quite see in the dark, but whatever was grinding against you was big, and tempting.
Your deliberation was taking too long however, and with a loud growl, you felt strong hands begin to tear your clothes off of you, unheeded by your pushing against his chest, and your lower half was quickly laid bare, cool fingers grabbing and poking at you.
When you felt a blunt tip of something that definitely wasn’t a finger poking at your slit, you quickly lunged forward, “No no! Wait!”
That caught his attention, and in what little light there was, you saw Hazes pleading, confused expression, accompanied by a garbled whimper.
“You have to be careful about this, just, if this is gonna happen, you can’t go in dry.” You felt crazy, when had you agreed to this? But something about the situation just drew you in, “Help me get my fingers wet?”
Drool and spit dripped down onto your fingers, oddly warm from the stands mouth.
“Thanks.” reaching down, you rubbed your spit covered fingers against your entrance, slowly sliding in a finger, then two.
Haze grumbled, clearly impatient, garbling and poking your hand.
Drawing your fingers back out, you sat back a bit farther, propped up on your elbows, a low anxiety building in your gut, you were excited to do this, and couldn’t deny the fact the stand had always intrigued you, but there was no way you could overpower it if things got out of hand, you’d never been able to, it was always Fugo.
“H-hold on, is your user really okay with this? I know you’re basically him, I don’t wanna do anything without his- oh god!”
Your time had run out, and Purple Haze thrusted inside of you, giving you no time to adjust before beginning a brutal pace.
You bit your hand, struggling to not cry out, Fugo was sleeping on the other side of the wall, and if he woke up and walked in on this? He’d never speak to you again.
On the other side of things however, you hadn’t been quite thorough enough in stretching yourself, unprepared for the stands sheer size. Thankfully, he seemed to have learned quickly, having slicked up his cock similar to your fingers beforehand.
The bed creaked loudly, and the loud wet noises of your pussy accompanied by the slap of his hips was near deafening in the still house. Blunt fingertips digging into your thighs as he rammed into you, drawing choked gasps from your lips.
The stretch quickly dulled into pleasure, your voice straining against your hand as pressure began to build deep in your core.
“Fuck!” You yelped out, clutching onto his shoulders, scrabbling for anything solid as you were sent hurtling towards your climax, “fuck, fuck fuck fuck- yessss~”
Haze seemed unaffected, continuing to snarl and pound into you at the same frantic pace as before, still holding you down and gripping your hip tight enough to bruise. Any thought of staying quiet had vanished quickly, though subconsciously, you prayed Fugo wouldn’t wake up to stop this.
Your orgasm wracked through your body with unmatched intensity,a low moan tearing from deep in your chest. No matter how tightly your walls clenched around him, he didn’t let up, nothing seemed to get through to him as you wailed and spasmed in his grip. Your hands pushing wildly at his chest, struggling to get enough breath to beg him to slow down just a bit as your oversensitive walls burned hot from the merciless treatment.
“Please- wait- fuck I can’t!” You yelped, and he let you go, pulling out and sitting back on his haunches. You whimpered at the relief, rolling over to bury your face in the cooler part of the sheets, “Thank you, good boy, so good, thank you.”
Familiar cool hands pulled your hips up once more, and with a groan you gripped weakly at the sheets, “again?”
The spit ladened howl said enough as he entered you again with a slick thrust.
“Alright, fine, but just take it easy. Ah!”
He did not.
Rutting into you like his life depended on it, Purple Haze hunched over you, voice far more pronounced, snarling and growling like a rabid animal.
Mind still numb from the previous orgasm, you gripped your pillow desperately, letting your mouth run.
“There we go big boy, you like that? Yeah? Oh come on, I know you want it so bad- you’ve just been trying to do this for weeks? Is that all?” You let out a disbelieving laugh, “Nearly got us killed earlier just to try and get your rocks offfffffffuck! Oh there we go baby there we go, right there.”
The praise seemed to strike a chord, one of the stands strong arms wrapping around your torso and pulling you close, wet slaps of his thighs against yours drowned out by the breath in your ear, panic inducing earlier, but comforting now, grounding you in a rhythm.
“You’ve got a lot to work out huh?” A growl in response, “Yeah, thought so. We’re just gonna be here a while then.”
Fugo sat, heart racing, ear pressed against the wall, listening to your sweet moans, cock in hand. Someday, he vowed, he would finally talk to you, and be on the right side of things.
But if this were the first step? Feeling the phantom warmth of your pussy around his dick, begging and praising his stand so sweetly, welcoming it with open arms and pulling it closer?
He could live with that.
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alittlebitgoofy · 3 years
I don’t mean to taunt, but I can’t help but flaunt
i tend not to bold these but this is smut, i normally write fluff and this is not that so if that makes you uncomfortable pls don’t read
so this is something, i never thought i'd be out here posting smut but here we are, after like 2 months this is finally done. can't say i'm gonna write this again any time soon it was mostly an experiment but if people like idk
title from can you do by the aces which i implore people to check out bc it slaps
thanks to zyan and mermelada for both betaing i was a fun experiance and i needed the help lol
ao3 link
“Come on, you’ll love it, and I told her I’d bring a friend. Are you telling me you don’t want to see girls with a lack of clothes? I know you do, Lem.” Priyanka poked a clearly annoyed Lemon in the shoulder, not stopping the constant questions for her to come see her friend at a strip club.
Lemon claimed she didn’t want to, but it made no sense: Lemon liked girls, and had even expressed interest in going a few days prior. Either she got a kick out of turning Priyanka down, or there was something more to it.
“Alright, alright. Is your hot friend going to be there?” Although they had never met, the pictures that Lemon had seen of Priyanka’s friend were enough to get her very interested in the girl. She didn’t know much about her, only that they were long time friends, she went by the name Juice, and she was one of the prettiest girls Lemon had ever seen.
“Oh? Juice works there. You’ll be able to see her perform if you come.”
That was all Lemon needed to hear; she quickly agreed. The chance to see Juice in action was too good to pass up.
By the time they made it there, Juice had already begun performing; she walked around like she owned the place, and it immediately caught Lemon’s attention. Priyanka got them a table, leaving a distracted Lemon as she went to get drinks.
Something about the way Juice moved her body was magnetic — Lemon couldn’t help watching as she made her way to customers, taking tips and seeming to flirt a little with them, in a way that made Lemon burn with jealousy. She had no right to feel that way, though watching Juice interact with anyone who wasn’t her was infuriating.
Juice expected it to be a normal night, do her thing, flirt with a few people for extra tips and such. Then, she locked eyes with a pretty girl from across the room. To say she was clearly checking her out was an understatement — the girl looked at her in a way that no one else had: as if Juice was the hottest person around, and it was an honor to look at her. She was cute, staring with her mouth slightly agape. Her eyes were always on Juice, no matter where she moved.
Lemon felt herself lose all ability to function the second her hands grabbed a tip the blonde had somehow been able to hand her. Juice stayed there for longer than Lemon could cope with; as if she wasn’t hot enough already, seeing her toned arms move to grab the tips drove Lemon insane. She wondered how strong Juice was, would she be able to lift Lemon? Probably. If she could lift a person, how strong were her similarly toned thighs? Could they crush Lemon’s head if—
“Lem, stop drooling over Juice. She knows you find her hot,” Priyanka said, interrupting whatever had been going on between the girls. She placed down two drinks and greeted Juice, as she kept her eyes locked on Lemon.
“Oh, so you’re the Lemon that Pri has been telling me about? She didn’t mention how cute you were.” Juice practically cooed at Lemon, one of her hands angling her face up to meet her eyes. She didn’t miss how Lemon seemed to hold her breath at the touch, or how her eyes darted after a few seconds of eye contact.
Lemon felt her face heat up the more Juice stared at her, it wasn’t fair how hot she was — the way her dark hair fell over her shoulders, shimmering in the overhead lights, her obsidian eyes that sparkled with something that Lemon couldn’t quite grasp; something that, if she spent too long thinking about it, would overflow and make her feelings all too clear to those around her. As if it wasn’t obvious enough.
She was already in too deep, anything the brunette did left her breathless. Juice smirked at her, turning around to leave, giving Lemon a wink that left her speechless and pining for more.
“I can’t stick around too long, but I’ll be back soon, my darling.” Juice smirked behind her, feeling Lemon shakily inhale at the prolonged contact. The pet name seemed to push her over the edge, melting into a pile of goo that could only just hum out a response. Lemon was left staring in awe of the brunette, who already knew that she had the cute blonde girl wrapped around her finger.
“So, you two get along well.” Priyanka prodded Lemon, who had been too occupied watching Juice move on to the other customers to notice her friend. She turned to her, seeing a smug grin that made her want to hide from the upcoming mocking. “I’ve never seen you so whipped; I know she’s not wearing much, and you’re as useless as they come, but seriously? You lost it at her touching your face? That’s impressive.”
Lemon groaned, shoving Priyanka before burying her face into her hands, growing hotter the more Priyanka stared at her. “I hate you.” Although it was meant to come out annoyed or lightly harsh, Lemon’s words cracked with her embarrassment. She knew the moment she looked up, Priyanka would still be staring, wearing that smug grin that made Lemon want to fade away then and there out of embarrassment.
The night continued, other girls came and left, Lemon and Priyanka enjoyed themselves while a certain someone was preoccupied with other customers. She felt her eyes wander over to the girl, and every so often they would make eye contact, leaving Lemon flustered.
Something about the way Lemon ducked her head down the second Juice winked towards her was adorable, and left Juice wanting to know more of her quirks.
Priyanka was less amused by everything. It was her own planning and fault; she had somewhat underestimated how enamoured Lemon would be. There was something about her blank stare, the way she couldn’t quite respond to their conversation, too distracted by the small brunette. It was funny at first, getting progressively less amusing as time went on. She wanted nothing more than to force them into a room to get rid of all this sexual tension.
Oh... They had private rooms in the back of the club, open for any customer to hire out. Priyanka saw her escape from Lemon in this state when Juice made her way back around to their table.
Juice offered a silent nod in greeting to Priyanka, before finding a place in Lemon’s lap. It was amusing to watch the blonde freeze, trying to process what was happening and blankly not knowing how to react.
“You two need to get a room.” The curt observation came out snider than intended. Juice laughed in response, her hands once again finding their way to Lemon’s face.
“We could always go somewhere a little more... private?” Her hand slipped lower, slowly making its way down Lemon’s hip, leaving her staring wide eyed, breath hitching in her throat as Juice lightly gripped her waist. “If you wanted that, princess?”
The use of the pet name made Lemon’s eyes glint with something Juice needed to unravel, the only response she got was a nod, followed by more money quietly pushed into her hand.
“Oh, no, you’ve given me enough. This is on the house; let’s go somewhere more private. I’m sure you’re dying to,” Juice murmured, guiding Lemon up and keeping her hand on her waist. Their hands intertwined as the brunette led Lemon to the back of the club, past the other tables of horny old men staring at the clear sexual tension as if it was the most foreign thing.
Juice practically pushed Lemon into the room, locking the door behind them before her hands latched back onto her body. One moved back to her face, pulling her into a heated kiss that only broke as they positioned themselves on one of the couches in the dimly lit room. Lemon pulled Juice on top of her, finally finding it in her to respond with more than a whimper. Her fingers found themselves curling around the fabric of Juice’s bra, tracing her thumb over the top of it, itching to pull it off but not yet having the confidence.
“Look at you, still so nervous, aren’t you, princess? There’s nothing to be worried about. I’ve got you, and I'm not letting go until I've made you feel good.”
Lemon blanked again, but for a different reason: Juice had stopped playing, pulling her shirt off quick and easily, and had begun toying with her breasts, delighting in the little gasps Lemon let out as she did so.
That wasn’t enough; after a moment, the once quiet girl was now whining for more. Juice made her way down, undoing Lemon’s jeans and sliding her fingers inside them. The constant teasing had done a number on the blonde over the course of the night, leaving her letting out soft moans at every touch. They got louder as Juice put in more energy, Lemon hiding her head into her shoulder to muffle her loud moans. It wasn’t long before she climaxed. Glancing up at Juice with a blissful expression, she pulled her into a softer kiss, one not tainted by lust, but tinged with something that Juice knew would lead to more.
Her shift ended soon after that; and she left with Lemon, ready to go again when they got to Juice’s apartment. The wait was tortuous, especially with the flirtatious comments Juice couldn’t resist as they drove there. At every stoplight, Juice was briefly turning to Lemon with an unreadable expression, or a rare kiss on the cheek if she felt the desire. Watching Lemon gradually lose her ability to mask her impatience was the most temptatious thing she had ever seen.
Luckily for the blonde, they arrived back soon enough. Lemon felt her control slip away as Juice looped her arm around her waist, using the other hand to pull her into a kiss. They went slower this time, Juice more careful than before. She took the time to take in her beauty, admiring every part of the blonde as she pleasured her. The way Juice softly ran her free hand around Lemon’s body, exploring it all as she thrusted her fingers into the girl. Lemon didn’t take long to climax. Every time Juice touched her, it made her feel something special. It was stronger with her than it had been with anyone else for a very long time. Although the second time took most of her energy, she was still craving to show her affection to the brunette in a way she would appreciate.
“I wanna make you feel good,” Lemon whispered into Juice’s ear, sending shivers up the other girl's spine as her arms wrapped around her. Juice held back a squeak as Lemon slid her hands under her shirt, pulling it off quickly and getting to work on her jeans.
Something in the blonde had shifted and it was a sight to behold. Gone was the whiny, needy girl that Juice had been enjoying tending to, and in her place was a soft, confident woman that knew what she wanted and didn’t stop to think about it. She made her way on top of Juice, pressing their lips together in a slow, tender kiss before making her way down.
Lemon clearly knew what she was doing, occasionally slowing down to check on Juice, but never hesitating with what she did when she got the confirmation it was okay. She got noises out of Juice very easily, reveling in all the different pleasure-filled sounds she would make as they got further. It started as soft moans until she lost the ability to hold back, squealing as she came closer to her orgasm. In the end she felt a rush of euphoria, lying back as she attempted to recover from what had just happened.
She felt something warm envelop her, realising Lemon was pulling her into a cosy hug that made her eyes begin to flutter shut as a soft feeling washed over her.
“Who would have thought you would tire so easily!” Lemon teased, poking Juice’s cheek to little reaction other than an adorable scrunch of her face that made Lemon’s heart melt.
“I’ve been working all night, ‘course I'm gonna be tired,” Juice yawned, her words almost slurred in her sleepy state. “I’ll have a lot more energy next time, don’t worry, princess,” she continued, a grin quickly taking over her features as she rolled over to face Lemon, nesting her head on her shoulder.
“Oh, there’s going to be a next time? I’m looking forward to it.” Lemon smiled as Juice let out a humm of agreement before yawning again. She couldn’t stay awake much longer, but made her desire for affection known as she nuzzled into the other girl and slung an arm over her waist. Lemon knew she wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and that wasn’t a bad thing.
Juice would wake up tomorrow, remembering everything they had gotten up to with a devious grin, but calmed her desires with soft kisses that made her want to spend all day curled in bed together. While it couldn’t last forever, she made her affectionate feelings known, getting Lemon’s number in the process and agreeing to set up a date in the near future.
Maybe listening to Priyanka once in a while wasn’t so bad, though Lemon would never tell her that and risk boosting her ego even more.
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kpopblurbs · 4 years
Pairing: Chan/Reader Word Count: 2.2k Tags: Lingerie, tail plug, oral sex, face-sitting, begging, riding, sub!Chan, dom!Reader, female reader A/N: I have a few more of my own prompts that I’m gonna slip into smutmas so that I can get myself back on track easier lmao, the next two ill post will be my own so stay tuned for that if ur a fan of Jae’s hands or being mean to Jisung bc those are my main 2 interests lmaoo Smutmas Masterlist AO3 Link
Chan had woken up a few hours after you had left for work this morning, he always missed you while you were at work but today was different. He was needier, not wanting to bother you while you were working he did his best to distract himself until there was about an hour left until you would be home and he just couldn’t take it anymore. He had begun to prepare for when you got home, starting by hopping in the shower and using his favorite coconut and vanilla scented body wash. After his shower he grabbed his collar, gray tail plug, and matching gray cat ears. He made quick work of prepping himself for the plug, not wanting to linger on it and make himself cum on accident. Once the plug was in place he put the ears on his head and the collar around his neck. He looked at himself in the mirror admiring the way the ears looked in his hair before deciding that he was missing something. He rummaged through his lingerie drawer before pulling out the Christmas outfit you had bought him last year. He slipped on the red thong, adjusting himself so that the head of his cock just poked out of the waistband before slipping into the red fur-trimmed skirt complete with a black belt. He tied the matching bralette onto himself before turning back to the mirror and trying to get the santa hat to sit on his head without disturbing his ears.
He smiled once he got it situated before checking the time and realizing you were due home any minute. He hopped onto the bed and got onto his knees, sitting back on his heels. He moved the end of the tail around his leg so that you would see it when you walked in before placing his hands obediently on his thighs. He straightened up as soon as he heard the door open, the telltale signs of you dropping your bag to the floor and slipping out of your shoes echoing through the otherwise silent apartment.
You called out to him, you paused waiting for a response and when none came you figured he must have been sleeping. Deciding that a nap sounded really nice after the stressful day you had at work you headed straight into the bedroom. Opening the door your knees went weak at the sight of Chan dressed so prettily and sitting so obediently on the bed. "Oh, kitten," you said as you walked up to the edge of the bed, "Did you do all this for me?" you asked.
He nodded quickly, “Yes Miss, I was hoping you would take care of me.” he said looking up at you hopefully.
“Cute.” you cooed as you brought one hand up to his cheek holding his face gently while your other hand made its way down to the tail. You tugged on it gently making Chan bite his lip and dig his nails into his thighs to keep himself from squirming around. “You’re such a good kitten.” you said with a smile, “Did you get all worked up putting your tail in?” you asked softly.
“I tried not to pleasure myself too much, Miss, I know I didn’t have permission.” he sad looking down like he was worried you would be upset with him.
“Have you touched yourself at all today?”
“No, Miss, I was waiting for you.”
“Good boy.” you said, letting go of his tail before slipping your hand underneath the front of his skirt. You traced the outline of his cock through his underwear making him twitch and let out a small whine, “I think you deserve a reward.” you said.
“Thank you Miss.” he responded with a happy sigh as you switched to fully palming him through the fabric.
“What would you like your reward to be?” you asked, moving the hand that was on his cheek up to pluck the santa hat off of his head and toss it to the side so you could run your fingers through his hair.
“I get to choose, Miss?” he asked, eyes wide with excitement.
“You’ve been so good, kitten, I think it’s only fair that you get whatever you want today.”
He smiled, “Miss, can you, uhm, can you ride me?” he asked, looking up at you hopefully.
You smiled back at him, "Of course, kitten." you pulled your hands off of him and stepped away before walking to the closet to rummage through your box of toys and pull out the cuffs. "Lay down, kitten." you instructed, moving back to him. You waited until he got comfortable before fastening the cuffs around his wrists and bringing his arms up to connect them around one of the poles on your headboard. He tugged at them gently to test how it felt while you ran your hands over his body, occasionally you used your nails leaving soft red lines all over his skin. 
He let out a soft whine, "More, please." he begged. You smirked and slipped your hands underneath his bralette, you tweaked his nipples making his back arch off of the bed. You moved your hands down beneath his skirt and shifted his thong to the side, admiring the way his erection pushed up the fabric of the skirt. You pulled your hands out from underneath the skirt, setting one on his thigh and the other one on his cock through the skirt. You squeezed your hand around him moving across his erection the drag of the fabric making him hiss. He squirmed beneath you his toes curling from the stimulation, "Miss.." he whined his hips twitching slightly.
"What is it, kitten?" you asked.
"Please, Miss, I've been ready all day."
"Such a needy kitten." you cooed. You pulled back, slipping your clothes off and tossing them into a pile on the floor before climbing onto the bed and straddling his waist. You put your hand on the bed behind you and leaned back giving him a good view of your pussy as you pressed your fingers to your clit.
He watched entranced as you pleasured yourself, "Please, Miss, please I need you please." he whined tugging at his restraints.
"Aw, kitten, you want to be the one to get me off?" you asked, he nodded quickly. You smiled before removing your hand from yourself, you made your way up his body before turning around and placing your knees on either side of his head. "Beg for it." you instructed before reaching down and dragging your fingers along your pussy, collecting some of your wetness before shoving them into his mouth. He whined and sucked them clean before attempting to beg around your fingers, the words tumbling out as a garbled mess. You chuckled before pulling your fingers out of his mouth and wiping his spit off on his cheek.
"Please, Miss, please let me eat you out let me make you feel good please Miss." he begged.
"Good boy." you said softly before lowering yourself close enough for him to reach you. You sighed contentedly as he licked a stripe down your folds, "I'll ride you after you make me cum." you said and he let out a whine. You felt him pick up the pace now desperate to make you cum so he could get his reward. You reached up to flip up his skirt revealing his erection, you ghosted your hand over his length watching the way his thighs tensed at even the slightest touch. He moaned as you wrapped your hand around his dick the vibrations making you let out a soft moan in response. You stroked him slowly, keeping your grip loose and teasing while your other hand gripped the base of the tail moving the plug gently and making him squirm beneath you.
Every noise he made as you teased him pushed you closer to the edge, he was working hard with his tongue switching between pushing it into your entrance and swirling it around your clit. Soon enough he pushed you over the edge, his movements slowed as he worked you through your orgasm, your thighs clenching around his head. You lifted yourself off of him, turning around and going back to straddling his waist you groaned as you saw his face slick with your juices."Such a messy kitty." you said as he licked his lips.
"Do I get my reward now, Miss?" he asked.
"Yes of course you do." you said with a smile before leaning over to the bedside table and pulling a condom out of the drawer. You tore open the packaging and moved back so you were over his dick before slipping the condom onto him and lining him up with your entrance. "You ready kitten?" you asked as you dragged the head of his dick along your pussy occasionally letting him catch at the entrance but not letting him push inside.
"Yes Miss, please, I'm ready, please ride-" he cut himself off with a moan as you sank down on his length. The stimulation was a little uncomfortable so soon after your orgasm but it was worth it to see the way he lost himself in the feeling of you clenching around him.
"What do you say, kitten?"
"Thank you, Miss." he breathed out, letting out another moan as you began to move.
You put your hands on his chest to support yourself as you lifted up and sank back down. You kept your pace steady, not wanting to tire yourself out too quickly. He began to buck his hips up, entirely too lost in the pleasure to remember his manners, normally you would punish him for being impatient but you decided to let him enjoy his reward. "Go ahead kitten, I'll let you set the pace." you said as you lifted yourself barely up off of him and held yourself still.
He looked up at you his pupils blown wide, it was almost like he was confused as to why you stopped until he registered what you said. He smiled goofily before planting his feet behind you getting better leverage so he could thrust up into you. His pace was quick and aggressive, the first thrust almost knocking you over if not for your hands stabilizing yourself on his chest. Almost immediately you could tell that he was getting close all the teasing had been enough to get him more than worked up.
You moved one of your hands to your clit, rubbing quickly as you moved slightly on top of him angling yourself just right so he would hit your g-spot with every thrust. "Miss, can I-" he gasped between moans.
"Not yet, kitten, just hold on a bit longer." you instructed, the added stimulation from your hand serving to bring you to the edge faster than before. He whined, his thrusts slowing down in an attempt to hold back his orgasm, “Nuh uh, kitten, you chose that pace you better keep it up.” you said, emphasizing your words by tweaking one of his nipples. He let out another whine but picked the pace back up, he bit his lip and squeezed his eyes closed, trying desperately to keep himself from cumming. “Good boy.” you praised him before going back to focusing on the feeling of Chan filling you up.
“Please, Miss, please I can’t hold it much longer.” Chan begged, tugging on the cuffs and doing his best to maintain the pace he had set.
“You can and you will, kitten, you’ve been so good today don’t start acting out now.” you said quickly, he whimpered in response. Watching him try so hard to please you combined with the feeling of your hand on your clit and him thrusting into you was enough to push you over the edge. You clenched around him as you rode out your high, he let out a loud whine, his entire body tense as he tried desperately to ignore his impending orgasm. “Go ahead, kitten, you can cum now.” you instructed, he came practically before you were done talking, he cried out loudly as his orgasm washed over him. His hips stuttering as he released into the condom, thrusting up a couple more times before relaxing with a sigh. You lifted yourself off of him and reached down to slip the condom off of him and tie it off. You heard the noise of him tugging at the cuffs as you got up to throw the condom in the trash.
“Miss, kitten needs cuddles.” Chan whined softly, his voice thick with exhaustion.
You made your way back to him and undid the cuffs quickly, letting him stretch his arms before pulling him into a sitting position, “Let’s get you changed kitten, as cute as you look that can’t be very comfortable.” you said. Chan pouted but let you slip the lingerie off of him, you gently removed his plug and pulled the ears off of his head but he stopped you when you reached for the collar. “Still wanna be my kitten?” you asked and he nodded, “Okay, baby.” you said and you ran your fingers through his hair. You grabbed him a pair of underwear and some pajama pants and helped him into them before getting changed yourself. As soon as you were in comfortable clothes Chan let out another whine, he reached out towards you and you cooed at him stepping close enough for him to pull you into his arms. He held you tightly and buried his face in your neck a soft smile resting on his face as he fell asleep quickly.
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ssigmas · 5 years
quantum entanglement
some sigma/reader smut bc im Thirsty
i headcanon him to be a total service top;;; listen he just wants 2 take care of you
tags: sigma/afab reader, mirror sex, sigma generally being Very Loving and Affectionate
Out of all the requests Siebren could have made of you, this wasn't exactly what you were expecting.His initial embarrassment upon asking, as well as his insistence on discussing it in his quarters, should have been enough clue for you to realize it would be out of the ordinary.
Still, even though it had been a relatively tame request by normal standards, it was definitely encroaching in an area neither of you had breached together before.
You sit astride Siebren's lap, stripped down to nothing, legs hooked over his own spread thighs. The mirror in front of you exposes everything, especially your flushed face, and it makes you feel vulnerable.
Siebren, damn him, remains fully clothed in his casual wear.
You hide your rapidly reddening face behind your hands, squirming in his hold. He had requested specifically that you watch yourself in the mirror, but that...it seems impossible now, a daunting task that you can’t hope to follow through with. “Siebren,” you half-whisper, half-whine, voice quivering on the syllables. You feel his much larger hands engulf yours, lips brushing over the shell of your ear.
“Shh, now now. Don’t hide away, not from me.” He coaxes your hands away from your face, lacing your fingers together. You keep your eyes shut against your inevitable reflection and instead turn to hide your face in his shoulder. 
“I can’t,” you breathe out, and you hate how whiny you sound, but you can’t help it. Embarrassment sits heavy on your bones and causes heat to spread from your chest up to the tips of your ears. “Can’t, Siebren, please…”
He shushes you again. “Of course you can,” he assures you. A hand comes and cups your face, turns it upward so you can meet his lips. The other remains entwined with yours, and slowly he calms your racing thoughts, steadies your heart with languid and loving kisses.
The hand on your cheek drops and instead rests lightly on your neck, thumb against your pulsepoint. Surely, you think, he can feel the way it hammers against your skin, how...affected he makes you.
The hand slides lower, across your clavicles, down your breastbone, and stops at your chest. He pinches a nipple between his fingers and you arch into his touch, breath hitching in your throat. His hand slides from your grasp, joins his other on your chest, and you grab desperately at his muscled bicep.
“Sieb...Sss…ahh…” He teases both of your nipples, rolls them beneath his thumbs. You writhe in his grasp, unable to hold back the soft, choked sounds of pleasure he pulls out of you. 
He sucks your lower lip between his teeth before finally pulling away, though his face remains just inches from your own. “Look at yourself,” he pleads quietly, brushing a kiss to your temple.
Reluctantly, you turn your head forward and open your eyes. For a split second, you can hardly recognize yourself. The you in the mirror looks ruined with your kiss-swollen lips and rosy red cheeks, eyes half-lidded in pleasure. If this was how you looked just kissing him... You turn your head away again, breathing out a whine. “I’m...I’m so -”
“Stunning,” Siebren supplies, placing hot, open-mouthed kisses to your neck. You squirm and huff out a laugh.
“Not the word I would have used.”
“No?” He latches onto a patch of skin just below your ear, teeth grazing the skin with promises to come. “Oh, but liefje, you make the most adorable expressions.”
You don’t know how to tell him that that’s the problem, that you can’t take yourself looking so wanton and full of lust, not when Siebren seems to genuinely want you to see yourself as he does.
You feel him gently grip your chin, turning your face back toward the front. “Please,” he murmurs. “I want you to watch as I unravel you in my hands. You look so beautiful when I wreck you.”
God, oh fuck. His voice drips with self-assuredness and desire, dropped down an octave lower than usual, and you feel heat pool in your gut even as a new flush rises to your cheeks. Where had his earlier embarrassment gone? Why can’t you be so collected about this whole thing?
You open your eyes and catch Siebren staring at your reflection. His hands come to rest on either side of your ribcage, and slowly, they ghost lower, down to your hips, thumbs caressing your soft skin. 
“Siebren,” you mumble, struggling to keep your gaze on the mirror. “Siebren, please, I…”
He kisses the side of your head, your cheek, down to your jaw. “Yes?” he questions. He seems almost eager to please you, his hands running up and down your hipbones. “Ask, my dear, and it’s yours.”
Verbalizing what you want is somehow more embarrassing than watching yourself come undone. You roll  your hips into his touch, hoping he’ll catch on, but Siebren does nothing more than continue to stare at you, waiting. Watching.
“Please, I want - I…” You stop, purse your lips. All the phrases that come to mind (finger me, I want you inside me, please make me come) are too dirty for you to say without stuttering through it. “Touch me?” you settle on lamely, it coming out more of a question than a request.
Siebren merely chuckles, though not unkindly. “Oh, mijn sterretje, are we not already touching?” You fight down another bout of embarrassment. You’re touching quite a good deal, in fact. There’s not a part of your body that isn’t entangled with Sigma’s, save for the one spot that’s begging for attention. He seems to take pity on you, however, and a hand descends to your soft mound. He drags his middle finger lightly across your folds, and in the mirror you can see how your slick gathers on his digit and strings between you.
“So wet.” He continues to slowly glide his finger against you, back and forth, teasing. “I’ve barely touched you, and you’re dripping for me.” 
This time, you do close your eyes, giving into the urge to shy away again. “Of course,” you mumble, trying to hide your face against him. “It’s you. Of course I’m so…” You can’t find the words, but evidently you don’t have to, as you feel his hand still against you for a moment. Siebren’s other hand finds your chin again, pulls you a little higher so he can press a soft kiss to your lips. You feel, rather than see, the warmth of his smile.
“How flattering,” he murmurs, “to have such a young thing so affected by me.” His hand resumes its earlier actions, though now it focuses on your clit, drawing tight circles around it. Your hips buck into his touch, a silent gasp leaving your lips. One hand stretches behind you to hook onto Siebren’s neck, and the other desperately searches for something else to hang on to. He beats you to it, interlocking your fingers together as he pulls your arm across your chest. Here, in this position, your back arches high into the stretch, upper half pulled against his shoulders, legs held in place by his own. 
You tuck your head into his neck, inhale the smell of his cologne. There are so many points of contact between you now that you feel utterly surrounded and protected. You feel him breathe a laugh against your cheek. 
“Look at yourself,” he urges softly, and you do. Your eyes are drawn to your pussy, where his fingers are slick with your juices. When he sees you watching, he spreads you open with his fingers, an action so obscene that it causes you to whimper and fruitlessly try to close your legs.
He either doesn’t hear or doesn’t care about the admonishment, his eyes trained on your pussy, on the way your clit is framed by his first two fingers.
“Lovely,” he breathes, and his voice carries the same tone of awe as if he was staring out into the vast reaches of space. “You’re so lovely, look at yourself, look at how wet you are.” He effortlessly slides a finger into you, and then a second. His fingers are big, bigger than yours, and yet this feels like no intrusion at all. You rut uselessly into his hand, begging with your body for a question you don’t know how to ask.
Siebren knows the answer though. It seems like he always does when it comes to you. Slowly, he begins to thrust his fingers, angling his wrist so that he grazes your clit with every stroke. You writhe in his grasp, shuddering through a moan as pleasure courses through your body. His fingers disappear so easily into you, and for once you find it hard to tear your gaze away. You’re amazed that they even fit inside you, though with the wet shlick shlick of your fluids you can hardly be surprised. 
“You take me so well,” Siebren murmurs. A third finger joins his others, stretching you slowly, until he can move his fingers in unison. “All right?” he asks. His other hand squeezes yours comfortingly, and you squeeze back.
You feel so full, so impossibly warm. “Yes,” you hiss, rolling your hips to encourage him to move. He starts up a gentle rhythm, and through the mirror you can tell his gaze is trained on the place where his fingers vanish into you. “Full,” you mumble, lips closing off a whimper. “I’m  - ahh...Siebren, I need - “
He kisses the side of your face sloppily. “You’re doing so good,” he praises. “So full of me, so perfect…” He works his fingers faster, curls their tips just slightly, and your breath hitches on a gasp that falls to a needy moan. “That’s it,” he says, sounding out of breath. “Yes, lose yourself, focus on me, on me.”
Your orgasm builds with each fervent breath, with each stroke of his hand, and you’re reduced to a panting mess, hips rolling desperately. Unbidden, your eyes close as you focus on your growing pleasure. Your world shrinks down to a pinpoint of pleasure, to nothing but Siebren, and you can no longer contain your constant half-cries and whimpers. You feel him draw you closer, closer, wrapped so tightly against him you think you might drown in his affections.
“Please, mijn schatje,” he whispers, breath gliding hot across your neck. “Sing for me.”
And you do.
Warmth spreads from your centre down through your toes. You clench around his fingers as your body goes taut, and you can’t hold back the needy, uncontrolled whine that rips itself from your throat as Siebren works you through your orgasm, murmuring unintelligible phrases against your sweaty skin.
Slowly, slowly, you come down from your climax, and yet he continues to thrust his fingers inside you lazily.  “You’re gorgeous,” he cooes, and when you open your eyes you can see the love written plainly on his face as he stares at your reflection. “Gorgeous, my darling, mijn liefje, mine, all mine.” He dissolves into hushed tones, Dutch rolling off his tongue sickly-sweet. He could be mistaken for saying lewd things if not for his tone, so reverent and loving, and even with the language barrier you know he’s singing your praises. 
You lay boneless in his lap, no energy to even bring heat to your face at how debauched you look. Hair wild, love bites discoloring your skin, lips and thighs glistening with liquid. Part of you wants to respond to Siebren’s continued touches, but he’s fast approaching overstimulation. You make a noise low in your throat, hand falling from behind his neck to paw at his forearm.
“Sorry, sorry,” he apologizes. He draws his fingers from you, slick pooling between them. He waits until you catch his eye in the mirror before he brings his soaked hand to his mouth, where his tongue begins to lave over his digits. You squirm under the intensity of his gaze as he licks his fingers clean, feeling heat rush to your face all over again.
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gayforhargreeves · 5 years
1,014 words of absolute debauched luther/diego thigh fucking
diego and luther are sparring bc ANGST and bc luther is. so large and diego is Not he ends up underneath luther with his face down in the mat
and like c'mon what a fuckin angle dude so
luther voice stop staring at your brother's ass weirdo it's not his ass i'm staring at it's his thighs why am i internally talking to myself like this
diego voice get off me you big lump or are you already tired
and at that luther fucking yeets him up by the back of his stupid turtleneck and is like fight me and diego is like ok except luther is horribly distracted for the rest of the sparring session and diego is just like ok you're clearly worked up about something what is it
luther voice it's nothing
n diego just scoffs and walks away to go clean up before dinner n luther is like damn he fine actually and so he goes and does the only logical thing and that is to hide and run away any time he sees diego entering a room until eventually diego corners him and he's like ok what the fuck
why are you running.jpg
and luther in a fit of panic just blurts out "you're really hot and it's distracting" to which diego fuckin laughs and then he's like oh shit wait what you're serious and then they're both just like at a standstill and I imagine this is probably where five pops up takes one look says I hate this fucking family and leaves again but that's unimportant
and so diegos like ok but why did you run like you coulda just said and luther.exe has failed please reboot and then neither of them know who started it but they're kissing and it's not pretty its like rough and bitey and drooly but it's the best thing either of them have ever felt and diego just casually pulls him into his room bc sure this happened in the hallway why not and so luther kicks the door shut behind him and backs diego up against the other wall, covering his body with his own and somehow they're still kissing bc this is fanfiction shut up
so diego, like the fuckin bottom he is, just starts like. pawing at luthers ridiculous coat like off off plz and luther is like ok yes off but only if you do too and so yay no shirts and diego is just so much smaller than luther i can't it's just too good and luther gasps when he sees The Nipple Piercing bc I legally have to mention that every time or else I will perish and diegos like it's ok u can touch n he does and it's all gaspy an wonderful and soon luthers hands are going lower to just rest on diegos ass and idk maybe Diego like bites his lip and in return luther just squeezes gently and Diego squeaks just a lil bit and luthers like oh no did I hurt u and hes like if u stop I'll kill u and Luther is like o okay n so he keeps doing that bc wow squeaky Diego is fucking adorable
nd idk maybe Diego guides Luther over to his bed n climbs up on top of him n is like Diego voice pants off now and Luther is like o shit okay I'm in and so yay naked and Diego is like damn see I thought I was ready to fuck u but there's no way you're going in my ass with this little prep n luther is like all mumbly and quiet canifuckyourthighs and Diego is like wha n luther is like can. I. fuck. your. thighs. and Diego is like oh fuck yeah n grabs lube from SOMEWHERE and is like here we should switch places that'll be easier and so Diego is laying face down on this fuckin twin bed bc he's not there enough for it to be worth getting a full and Luther is like thriving bc wow that ASS and Diego is like fuck plz I'm dying and so luther slicks himself up n gently lowers himself on top of Diego bc he doesn't wanna crush him but that quickly goes out the window as he lines himself up with his thighs and just. thrusts forward so slightly drawing groans out from both of them
and pretty soon Luther is just rutting into the smooth heat of Diego's thighs and Diego is pressed into the mattress with his weight, each thrust giving harsh friction to his own erection and they both just sound completely wrecked and on impulse Luther sits up on his knees and just smacks Diego's ass pretty damn hard and that's it's Diego is coming, grinding into his mattress, his thighs flexing maddeningly. and Luther can't take it. he drags his dick out from between them and cums on Diego's ass with a drawn out grunt, and they're both panting and sweaty and gross and somehow diego has bruises where there were not bruises before but it's okay because fuck if his brothers drying cum on his ass isn't the hottest thing, and Luther thinks so too until Diego reaches back. drags two fingers through the mess. turns his head slightly to the side. and sucks his fingers clean.
and Luther? Luther just groans again, bending down and grasping Diego's jaw to turn his head and kiss him roughly and he can taste himself on his brothers tongue and it's fucking debauched it's disgusting and yet Luther can feel his dick valiently trying to get hard again
but instead he just picks Diego up gently and carries him to the bathroom (running into five again who screeches and pops away with a loud "I need a fucking drink") where he runs a nice bath for both of them and it's fluffy and soft and good and well let's just say none of the others want to go down to the gym when Diego comes back to the mansion to spar
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theclaravoyant · 6 years
Top 10 Daisy Johnson fight scenes
This was so hard!! I had to strain my brain to make sure I wasn’t missing anything, and then pick and choose what I could categorise as a “fight scene” (one of my fave moments is when she throws Jiaying’s plane into the ocean but there’s no fight before that!!). Anyway, here’s the shortlist, and I did actually manage to stick to 10 this time! Some of them are stolen from this reply (10 favourite AOS fight scenes) but I bumped those lower in the list in case you’ve already seen them.
Here goes (again, no particular order):
Spacetime - that awesome rehearsed sequence was very visually (and comedically) satisfying, and I LIVE for the kind of legacy parallel they had going on between Daisy and May. Daisy’s determination to fight to the end, right until she collapsed, to try and save Charles was also very noble and in character and was very fulfilling in terms of the passion of the fight and her passion-slash-desperation. I wonder if this will come up again as the discussion of timelines and her failure in that moment to change it might be affecting her (and everyone else’s) perceptions of their current situation and the inevitability of it all.
The “Bomb” Threat - I know this isn’t a fight scene in the typical sense of the word, but she wasn’t as physically adept at the time and it was still a fight-scene-esque confrontation so I’m gonna let her off because this scene was AWESOME. Her confidence and ease under pressure were admirable, and her preparedness and the way she helped coordinate the others and match verbal blows with Garrett and Ward was also fantastic. And the fact that it wasn’t even a real bomb?? Genius.
Fighting Sinara – especially the most recent one, where after having her powers cut off Daisy had to rely on strength and smarts to beat one of the greatest warriors in the galaxy. Sinara also put up a really good fight, getting some great shots in, but what particularly impressed me about this fight scene was how resourceful Daisy was. I think she hits Sinara with an oxygen tank at one point, and finally wins by using their angles and leaps to predict where to intercept & spear Sinara with a rod or sceptre of some kind. I love the visual satisfaction of her powers but Daisy is a smart and scrappy fighter and I loved seeing this side be celebrated. (also she did a May Flip™ and that made my heart happy)
Secret Warriors 3x17 – even though she doesn’t do a lot of actual fighting in this sequence I still count it as a “fight scene” as the others fight. What I’m more impressed with in this sequence however is how well Daisy takes to her role as team leader. She is keen to rescue her team, she gives the Speech, she does the nonchalant-jump-out-a-plane like a pro and shows strong leadership and strategising skills. I also love the insight this gave us into the Warriors themselves.
“Just like old times.” “Not exactly.” – Aside from the wicked but unusual camera work (single take fight sequence), this is one of Daisy’s earliest field missions without her SO close… and with Ward instead, no less. She gets to show off both her powers and combat skills (in front of / in spite of a pleasantly shocked and offput Ward which is a bonus), including her intelligence and sharpness, which shows how far she’s come which is awesome. Plus, the bit where she flips across the table is just frickin rad.
Escape from the Safehouse 2x15 – I’ve always loved this ep’s end sequence, not because it’s a fight scene but because of the loyalty and emotions at play, particularly with Daisy and Bobbi. They’re not close friends, but Bobbi is trying to protect her. Meanwhile Daisy is living in a horror movie, where as far as she’s aware, just about everyone she knows is trying to kill her. Emotions and suspense are high but Daisy doesn’t give up; even though she’s freaking out she runs, she thinks, she improvises and when attacked she fights back. You can see the fear and the desperation in her movements and she’s scrappy but skilled enough to hold her own even with so much fear. The fact that it blows up in her face so spectacularly is heartbreaking, and it also looks WICKED. Sorry Daisy but it’s true. And her isolation standing there after the explosion realising what has just happened?? It kills me.
Fighting Hive - powerful emotionally as well as physically, with Daisy having just knelt in front of Hive and begged for his attention only to then fight him. the power in her fists. the raw scream of rage. the emotional emancipation. the extremely satisfying slo mo when she flips over that crate thing and kicks his ass *wipes tear* a masterpiece.
Breaking out of FW!Hydra with May - the trust, the May & Daisy awesomeness, and the trademarked May Flip™. I always love watching May fight bc she’s a bamf but this mother-daughter asskicking team was awesome, especially in the midst of so much division and teamwide pain with this arc. Let’s not forget the shining gold that was all of Daisy throughout this including her “i’m gonna kick so much ass” grin beforehand, throwing Aida out a window (so satisfying), and the first of many epic elevator fights!
the one with the Watchdogs - aka the one where Daisy beat up a dude with a lunch tray. this is one of my faves because she couldn’t use her powers at that time, but they proved that she could still more than hold her own - and they did it with cocky theatrics, concerned!Philinda, Mamma May and Daisy’s heartbreaking but endearing guilt complex, which are all layers I loved. It’s one of my fave fight scenes and also one of my fave Philindaisy scenarios.
Daisy storms the hallway - every second of 4x15 was a forking masterpiece and its major fight scene was no different! I loved the steely determination in Daisy’s eyes, and the efficiency and invincibility that she went in with, fighting and fighting and fighting at full volume down that hallway, kicking ass with single-minded lioness fury and then blasting a room full of murderbots to smithereens now that bit was SFX porn and I’m here for it, but also, I love Daisy and the houses she is willing to bring down for her best friends.
Honourable mentions include:   - going after Quinn even though she’d only recently learned how to fire a gun without shouting “bang”, because helping Mike was the right thing to do   - “Nope!”   - Slingshot and her teamwork with Elena within that   - that time she blew up James’ yard, because a) I like it when she makes things go boom, b) SUPERHERO LANDING and c) I hate James with an unreasonable amount of passion so it Pleases Me when things go bad for him
okay I’ll shut up now :P Enjoy!
ask me my top 5 or top 10 anything
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What’s My Name? (Tom Holland Smut)
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request: “Hey I loved your Tom smut I was wondering if you would write something where the reader accidentally calls him Peter during sex and is super embarrassed but he's kind of into it” (requested by anon)
short summary: ^^
length: 1.3k words (sorry it’s kinda shorter than i envisioned tbh :/)
warnings: none it’s p straightforward
A/N: i’m ngl i laughed as I was writing this like this whole concept just busts my chops lol enjoy (also i kept listening to what’s my name as i wrote this hah shoutout to rihanna my queen)
The time that you’d been spending with Tom in New York was everything you dreamed of and more. Having never been to the city before, it was quite the adventure and you were always happy to be with your boyfriend before one of you had to jet off for work or school.
Unfortunately for you, it was that time again to return to school from your week of bliss and you were not happy about it. It would be at least a month before the two of you could be back together again, and the distance was always hard.
As you were beginning to pack your things up, Tom sauntered into the room, fresh off of a workout at the gym.
“Can’t you just stay a few more days,” he pleaded as he hugged you from behind. He was a bit sweaty, but you didn’t mind seeing as it would be a while before you could have calm moments like this again. “We didn’t even get to go to the Met,” he bribed lightly.
You turned around to give him a sad smile and a brief peck on the lips. “I’ve got to get this degree, Tom, but once I graduate I’m all yours.”
“You’re already all mine,” he said, swaying your two bodies back and forth. His arms were feeling more firm and buff than when the two of you got here.
“Is it just me, or have you been getting way more into your morning gym routine,” you asked, voicing your thoughts aloud.
“Well you know, I’m Spider-Man. Gotta stay fit 24/7,” he said with a teasing smile. You turned around so you were facing him.
“Whatever you say, boyfriend of mine,” you replied, restraining yourself from rolling your eyes. Tom closed the gap between your faces, indulging you in a deep kiss.
Your hands instinctively went to hold his brown locks and his remained around your waist, pulling you closer. Relishing in the feeling of his lips against yours, things started to escalate as he moved you towards the bed a few feet away from you.
“When does your flight leave?” he asked, momentarily breaking your embrace.
“A few hours,” you said absentmindedly. “About 4 I think.”
Tom looked at the bedside clock which read 12:17PM. He shrugged, removed his shirt, and dove back in, his body on top of yours whilst you wrapped your legs around his torso.
Never being able to keep himself in one place for too long, he began to kiss down the column of your throat, taking extra care to leave a deep hickey on your collarbone so you wouldn’t forget the day’s events. You could feel your heart rate increasing exponentially, and it felt as if the temperature intensified greatly.
The only things that could be heard were your breathy moans and Tom sucking at your skin as if he’d never have you again. You subtly ground your hips up into his, wanting him to move it along a bit faster.
He complied to a degree, removing your shirt so he could fondle your breasts a bit. As he nipped at the flesh of your nipple, you began to get impatient again, wanting him to move lower as your pussy gradually got wetter at the thought of what was to to come.
“Peter, I need more,” you whined momentarily. Tom’s movements ceased as he lifted his head in confusion.
“What’d you just call me?” Tom questioned, a bit breathless from the heat of the moment. “Did you just call me Peter?”
Your eyes snapped open in realization as your entire face turned red. “No,” you said quickly, hoping your lie was convincing.
“I definitely heard Peter,” Tom said starting to laugh. You wanted to die right then and there, you wanted the bed sheets and pillows to swallow you whole and dump you in a new dimension.
“Definitely did not say Peter,” you insisted, though your embarrassment was contradicting your lie. Tom just chuckled again.
“No need to be embarrassed, love, I am Spider-Man,” he said dramatically, flexing his arms with fake arrogance.
“You cocky asshole,” you muttered, a slight blush still coating your face as Tom laughed.
“But I actually am Spider-Man though, you called me Peter, and Peter is in fact Spider-Man,” he said with a smirk before removing his pants and boxers, slipping a condom from the bedside table on. You rolled your eyes and smacked his shoulder.
“Shut up and fuck me Thomas,” you said, stressing his name to get your point across. He found your embarrassment cute but decided to let it go. For now.
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” he said before peeling off your panties and lining himself up with your entrance. Instead of the immense relief you were expecting to feel, Tom was merely teasing you, yet again, sliding the tip of his dick through the outer folds of your pussy, a shit eating grin coating his face.
“Tom,” you whined, throwing your head back deeper into the pillows with frustration. “Can you just stop being a tease for, like, two seconds of your--”
Your train of thought and subsequent sentence were cut off as Tom began filled you to the hilt with his cock. Your jaw fell slack as your breathing pattern was thrown off its hinges. Being the courteous man he is, he gave you a moment to adjust to his size.
“Is this what you needed, darling?” he purred softly, his face directly in front of yours as he held himself up by his forearms. Your eyes closed momentarily as you nodded, wrapping your arms around his back, fingernails digging into his shoulder blades.
“Move,” you said through gritted teeth, needing some sort of friction to keep the fire in the pit of your stomach from extinguishing. He happily obliged and began to fuck into you nice and slow, just the way you liked it.
A symphony of your moans and his bounced across the walls of the room, your impending flight back home being the least of your worries. All that seemed to matter in the moment was Tom and his glorious dick sliding in and out of you at a heavenly pace.
You opened your eyes momentarily to find his face still above yours, contorted in expressions of pleasure. You removed one of the hands you had around his back to tuck a fallen strand of hair out of his face.
“I love you,” you wheezed out as a particularly hard thrust caught you off guard as he began to hit your g-spot perfectly. Instead of reciprocating the sentiment like he typically would, Tom had a better idea.
“What’s my name?” he asked suddenly, beginning to increase the pace of his thrusts, angling himself to continue hitting your g-spot each time. Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, but the intense pleasure you were feeling overpowered that emotion by a long shot.
You responded with a particularly sharp moan, unable to formulate a thought or coherent sentence. But that wasn’t what Tom was wanting to hear at the moment.
“I said,” he grunted as he tried to keep the pace he had set, “What’s my fucking name?”
Your mind began chanting Tom, and it took a moment before the thought turned into words on your lips. “Tom,” you muttered quietly, your pussy clenching around his throbbing cock.
“I can’t hear you babe, you’ve gotta speak up,” he ground out, not quite hearing you.
“Tom!” you nearly screamed as you came finally came undone, your orgasm ripping through your body as you could only hear the blood pounding in your ears. You knew you were leaving harsh scratch marks on your boyfriend’s back, but you didn’t care. He was always proud of them after the fact anyway.
As you were starting to calm and come down from your high, Tom let out a guttural groan as you could feel him fill the condom. One of your favorite sights was watching Tom as he came, a mixture of vulnerability and being totally wrecked adorning his features as he looked at you with complete adoration. It took a few minutes for the both of you to muster the energy to move or say anything until he slowly removed his cock from the confines of your pussy.
“Peter or Spider-Man would’ve also been a suitable response,” he said with a somewhat teasing grin as he came down from his own high, proud of his joke at your expense. You whined and covered your face with your hands.
“Shut up,” you muttered as you turned away from him to stare at the wall. “I’m already embarrassed enough as is.” Tom discarded of the condom, then pulled you back to him so he could cuddle you properly.
“Don’t be, darling, it was quite cute,” he said, giving you a peck on the cheek. “I’m glad to see you’re finally acknowledging that I am Spider-Man after all.”
“And I’m glad to see you’re not letting it go to your head,” you replied sarcastically. Tom merely stuck his tongue out at you.
“Fuck you, I’m Spider-Man, I can be as full of myself as I want.”
permanent tag list: @searvhing @curly-haired-crisp @werido-fangirl @dreaming-of-the-lost @nightviolet @sunshine-raee @bitsyb21 @naybeirao @thespidersman
please give me feedback, what did you think bc I’d love to know :) I hope you guys liked it.
requests are technically always open, just might take me a bit to get to it. also if you’d like to be on my permanent tag list, lmk!
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mitchbeck · 5 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - A far better effort than a week ago and the chances to gain a victory where there, but UCONN hockey had to settle for a 3-3 overtime tie against the UMASS-Lowell Riverhawks Friday night at the XL Center. The Huskies record advances to 2-5-2 overall (1-3-1 HEA) and the Riverhawks record becomes 7-2-4 overall (4-0-3 HEA). The Riverhawks are the top team in Hockey East. The two teams play Saturday night in Lowell at the Tsongas Center. The overtime session saw the Huskies have three of the best chances between the two schools. A clean breakaway by Brian Rigali went forehand on the Riverhawks Tyler Wall, but the big netminder’s left pad stopped the bid at 1:53 of the extra session. After a wraparound attempt by Sasha Payusov sailed in front, Jachym Kondelik came charging down the middle and fired a chance just wide. Carter Turnbull, on the entry in the UMASS-Lowell zone, waited for the screen to develop and whistled a wrist shot that Wall closed the door on at 3:49. “I think certainly that was the first time at home we have played to our potential, and it's been a rallying cry all week - Let's play to our potential and wherever the chips may fall, they fall.” Of his assistants, UCONN head coach, Mike Cavanaugh noted one that he had found a quote from baseball coach Jim Penders, about UCONN’s history, that was founded by two farmers. Farmers get up earlier than everybody else and work the hardest, that was the message for the team prior to the contest. No Husky sat on a bale of hay. They were in the game for the full 65-minutes. The net-front presence on defense was notably much better as it was on offense. “We were playing with the puck. We weren’t playing in our defensive zone for most of the game. It's hard to have energy to play offense, so tonight, we were able to play down in their end for long stretches, which makes it a lot easier to play defense,” remarked Cavanaugh. In the third period, each team sought to get the game-winner. Six minutes in, the Riverhawks' Zach Kaiser thought he had it, and then Brian Chambers, but UCONN goalie Tomas Vomacka, who faced his lowest shot total of the season at 15, because of a more solid team approach to defense, earned high praise from his a teammate Kale Howarth. “Tomas has been great this year. He’s been the best player on this team by far. He’s the goalie I want 10-times-out-of-10. He has always had our back, and now (its our turn) to have his back (tonight). Just a great guy to have between the pipes." A wild sequence of plays saw UMASS-Lowell take a 2-1 lead. A puck sent ahead of Howarth slowed down and he and Wall were in a race to get to it first from 35-feet out from the net dead center. They came together at the same time, but the puck popped up in the air and Howarth was able to retrieve at the right-wing goal line. He skated ten-feet curled in the lower right-wing circle, shooting for the open net, but Wall, racing back with Rigali in front, managed to get a piece of it preventing the red light from going on for UCONN. The Riverhawks peeled back up ice and scored taking a 2-1 lead. Colin O’Neil was on the right-wing circle and as a left-handed shot took Connor Sodergren’s pass off the right-wing boards, skated ten-feet into the circle and zipped his fourth of the season through the five-hole at exactly the 10:00 mark. UCONN came right back to even the game at two 54 seconds later. The new defensive pair for UCONN moved the puck quickly. Wyatt Newpower fed Ryan Wheeler at the left point, and Wall made the save, but Marc Gatcomb wrestled himself away from Riverhawks defenseman, Seth Barton, and backhanded the rebound past Wall for his third of the season. The Huskies briefly regained the lead at 3-2 as Ben Freeman deep in the right corner and took a sharp angle shot. Howarth was in front and tipped it over Wall's glove at 18:08 on the power play. “That was a point of emphasis all week, to get pucks deep and get in front of the net. Win those net front battles and it's any good hockey team’s game plan to get to the front of the net.” Just 1:08 later, the Riverhawks' Chase Blackmun, sent a stretch pass off one of the few UCONN miscues of the game to Matt Brown, who slipped behind the UCONN defensive duo of Harrison Rees, and Newpower. Brown went forehand-to-backhand and slipped his fifth goal underneath Vomacka with 44.1 seconds left in the period to tie the game at three. For the Huskies, the first shot on goal by UMASS-Lowell at 12:08 of the first period found its way into the net. The Riverhawks executed a perfect power play goal with Detroit Red Wings draftee Seth Barton at the left point fed Charlie Levesque, a right-handed shot at the goal line. He swiftly sent a cross goal pass to a wide-open Sodergren, who made no mistake burying his first of the season. UCONN used its first power play late to tie the game at one. The Huskies Yan Kuznetsov found Alexander Payusov at the top of the left-wing circle and he one-timed a rocket to the top-shelf under the crossbar with a screen setup in from by Jachym Kondelik. Wall didn’t see anything with the 6’6 sophomore Czech center blocking out the shot and likely the ceiling lights with 59.1 seconds left in the first period. It was Payusov’s first goal of the season and first since he scored against Vermont on March 1st at the end of last season. “We have been telling him to shoot the puck. He has a great shot and tonight he had five shots on goal tonight. That’s the most he has had on net all season. That’s what we need out of Sasha, he shoots the puck. We gotta keep him shooting (every game).” The Huskies held a distinct shot advantage at 11-3 a big change from a week ago against BC. The first 6:53 UCONN played it tight and solid defensively not allowing a shot on goal and getting a quality left point shot by Kuznetsov. At the 10:22 mark UML was still without a shot and UCONN’s Kondelik turnaround show saw a left pad save by Wall. NOTES: Cavanaugh changed all his line combinations in part of the injury to Jonny Evans (broken finger) and of course to get the team to play better. Payusov and freshmen Alexander Firtsov went to the first line with Kondelik. Created a whole new second line with Ruslan Iskharov-Cale Howarth and Carter Turnbull and a third line of Justin Howell at center flanked by Zac Robbins and Rigali. Then dropped Freeman and Marc Gatcomb to fourth line with Eric Linell (Choate Rosemary Hall). On defense, Kuznetsoc and Rees went from the third unit to the first pair and put Wheeler in for Ryan Flynn with Newpower as his second pair and dropped Cater Berger and Adam Karaschik to the third pair. The 12th ranked nationally red-hot Riverhawks lead the series at 6-4-2 and had won four straight against UCONN. Standing in the Huskies way was Wall, another Rangers draft choice who has been lights out early in college hockey season. He has played 11 of their 12 games has a .949 save percentage and a GAA equally as impressive at 1.59 coming into the game. He has just two regulation losses 3-2 to Colgate in OT and 2-1 to the defending national champion. University Minnesota-Duluth plus two overtime ties to go with his seven wins. UCONN has its next seven games at home as part of a 10 game stretch. Huskies are still winless at home so far this season (0-4-1). UCONN announced earlier in the day the formal national letter of intent was signed by East Haven native Nick Capone who originally two years ago committed to Maine. He went Salisbury prep school for two years and presently is play with the Tri-City Storm (USHL) where he has six points in 14 games so far in his first full season of junior hockey. Capone will matriculate at UCONN next season 2020-21. Read the full article
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