#i think sarah is gonna win
thegetdownrebooter · 6 months
not to offend anybody but that emmy is between pedro or kieran.
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hecksupremechips · 1 year
Don’t you just kinda wanna go insane thinking about how it took years for Shane Dawsons youtube career built on blackface and pedophilia and other “edgy jokes” to get “canceled” but then some hardly semi popular marginalized creator who makes all their money online makes a tweet that’s offensive if you dig deep enough and they get instantly shit on and deemed as irredeemably harmful and no amount of apologies will ever make up for the irreparable damage they have caused to marginalized communities everywhere? Is this really truly how you want to live life and support your community or are you just a dickwad who thinks anger automatically=activism?
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semercury · 1 year
Existing is literally so scary and I hate it.
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nexusnyx · 1 year
Me & Mr. Miller
au!Joel Miller x f!Reader [5.2k] summary: You and Joel had a deal to stay away from each other. The only obstacle is—neither one of you wants to do that. He might be the father of one of your closest friends and someone a few (many) years older than you, but... who cared. Not you. Not him. The deal wasn't going as planned. 📝 in this scenario the outbreak never happened! joel miller is doing just fine! If you enjoy it, reblogs and comments make all the difference. warnings⚠️ mature content—explicit depictions of sex, so minors dni. | 🏷️ age gap, misunderstanding, secret relationship, pining, strangers to lovers. Oral (f receiving), penetration (p in v), unprotected sex, dirty talking, love-making.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤTexas, Winter of 2023.
"Aw, shit, Joel. Fuck," Tess turned to him with her face twisted into a weird, panicked smile, and that's exactly when Joel realized he'd gone and fucked up again somehow. "You set me up. You set me up!"
"We could've at least told me you were inviting me to Sarah's birthday to be eaten fuckin' alive—is she still looking at me? Goddamn," the panic left for a second, replaced with a knowing smirk that he was unfortunately too familiar with. "She's got really nice eyes, I'll tell you that much. Were you gonna tell me I came here to make your girlfriend jealous? And really—is she still looking? 'Cause those are very intimidating eyes, and I'm gonna need to prepare myself."
There was no preparing to look into your eyes.
Joel would know.
He was done for the minute he laid eyes on you. The way you looked at him.
His hands started to sweat, and his mouth ran dry. He had to look. Gravity couldn't keep him from it.
"You know... a lot makes sense now," Tess starts.
Tess chuckles, hiding it in her drink. "Jeez—did you win her by blabbering her ears out? 'Cause I only got a single look into Miss Daggers for Eyes, but she looks—"
"Jesus Christ, I'm gonna regret having brought you, won't I?" Joel interrupts because he can't turn around as sharply as he'd like, and he can feel it already. Your eyes on him.
Tess stops hiding her laughter, "Oh, for sure. And only because I'm gonna make it very hard for you because you didn't tell me. Because you think that not talking about it makes things just... go away," she wiggles her fingers like dandelions in the sky, and Joel loves his best friend, but she can be a bit of a dick.
"I was gonna tell you," he sighs, fidgeting inside the stupid blazer; sipping his bourbon to ease the jitteriness inside his skin already proved to be a terrible fucking idea when in your presence. "I was—" and where are you? There are a lot of people behind Tess' shoulders and Joel could spot you in a football crowd.
"Jesus." Tess enunciates every letter. "Joel, find her so you can have your focus back."
"Just for the record, she isn't my girlfriend," he states.
Tess scoffs, and it says more than words could.
"She isn't," he presses.
"I believe you," says Tess. "But now I also know I wasn't crazy when I said you were happier last year after going to New York. You were. And Miss Daggers for Eyes—"
"She has a name."
"—is the reason. Does she? Does she have a name, Joel? Her parents are so kind for giving her one," Tess sasses. "I would know her name if you hadn't hidden her from me."
"I didn't hide anybody, there was nobody to hide. Also, can you shut up? You're louder than my thoughts."
The next laugh comes accompanied by a slap on the shoulder, and Tess walking away, but not before whispering in his ear. "Joel, buddy, I wholeheartedly believe you had the best intentions with bringing me here, but here's a tip you didn't ask for: Not one of you is as over whatever the hell happened as you may think. Talk to her."
Talk to her.
As if it was that simple.
As if there wasn't a deal.
Joel needs to find you, but first, he needs another drink.
He gulps down his glass and tries to smile as the guests pass him by. None of them seem to notice his imminent heart attack. None of them see through his carefully curated nonchalance, and he's happy about that.
There's already a person present who can see through him like glass, and he can barely deal with that one.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤNYC, Spring of 2022.
You stood no chance against him.
The first time you saw him, Joel looked like a Wes Anderson visual.
Pink suit, grey strands unabashedly mixed in his soft, shiny black hair, and a shy smile to put any of the other men present to shame.
You were drawn like a moth to a flame.
He looked quite serious without that beautiful smile on—he looked like someone who would, in fact, never wear a pink suit, so you walked over to him and slid right next to his spot at the bar. "That's a bold outfit choice," were your first words. You smiled when his eyes landed on you, so wide and filled with surprise; warm, and stunning like a hot summer day. "But it suits you."
Joel looked stunned for a moment.
He blinked, sipped his bourbon glass and his eyes did a not-subtle-at-all up and down. Then, he put down his glass and the corner of his mouth twitched with the idea of a smile. "I lost a bet," he answered. You recognized the southern accent immediately. "Believe it or not."
"Oh, I believe you," you chuckled.
"It suits me, though?" he asked, opening his arms to the sides.
You nodded. "It does," your peripheral vision caught Bruna approaching behind the bar, and you smiled at her. "Hi, babe. Can I get a caipirinha, please?"
"Hey, girl," she smiled at you and used all of her subtlety to glance at Joel observing the exchange. "Sure thing. Vodka, sake, or cachaça?"
"Bruna, you know there's only one way to do a proper caipirinha," you rolled your eyes.
Bruna smiled. "Cachaça it is, then. Lemon, or something else?"
"Hm, how about an unexpected fruit? Surprise me."
"You got it. Anything else?" she asked.
"Nope, just remember to drink some water. You always work too hard," you winked at her.
Bruna left to make your drink with a blinding smile on her face, and you turned around to find Joel staring. He leaned on the counter with his arm supported on it, and as soon as you looked at him he asked, "Where d'you two know each other from?"
You pointed at the huge banners of NYU standing behind you. "She goes there — I go there."
"You go to NYU?"
"I do," you answered. "Getting my phD, actually," your smile always came out at that.
Joel's face never hides his surprise, but the smile was unexpected and very welcome. "Wow. Congratulations."
"Thank you. I imagine you're here because of the Spring exhibition?" you looked around at the gallery where everyone around looked as posh as you and he did, save for the curious New Yorker just enjoying their walk.
"I am. My daughter has a paper on display on the third floor," he replied.
"Politics and Law area?"
"That's her," he confirmed.
"I have a few close friends in the department," you smiled. "It was my first stop."
"Are you here showin' something too?"
"I'm actually here as one of 'somethings' to show?" No matter how long in the business, talking about being the art itself was always surreal. Especially in front of otherwordly handsome and charming men. Where was Bruna with your drink when you needed her? "My roommate's exhibition won the main exhibit, and we — dancers — are her tool. Her paint."
"You're part of the main exhibit?" He looked every bit impressed, and you nodded, feeling giddy at the prospect. "Double wow. Wait—shouldn't you be backstage, then?"
"Oh, no, gods, no. This whole thing stays here all afternoon, the final piece is only at sunrise—6pm, kinda?"
"Okay. And do I get to know your name before you run off to become art or d'you plan on dropping a crystal shoe so I can roam around later tryin' to find out?"
That had been the first time he made you laugh.
Truly laugh; not a few breaths out of your nose or an easy chuckle—Joel was silly, and he looked like modern-day Adonis in the stupid pink suit that he only wore because of a goddamn bet, and you had no chance.
"I'm Joel," he extended his hand.
That had been the doom of it all—no last names. Only smiles.
You shook his hand and offered your name back, only for him to repeat it out loud.
Test it on his tongue.
You were always doomed.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤTexas, Winter of 2023.
Jealousy looked godly on you.
Joel hated himself for even thinking it, but he hated himself a lot this evening.
He had hurt you, for starters.
The only thing he set himself not to do, and he'd done it.
More than a year has passed since the fateful day you stepped, yet better—waltzed into his field of vision, and had he known a day of peace ever since?
The day he met you still played on his head like a broken record stuck inside a player:
Saying goodbye to Sarah in front of the gallery, turning around the corner, and seeing you with smoke blowing in front of your face, smiling at the sight of him. You in your green dress. The happiness written all over you, the obvious and earnest glee of seeing that Joel was still around.
Walking with you all around New York, feeling three times less intimidated by the imposing streets with you by his side. The smell of your apartment, the street food you two got on the way, the conversation that flowed as easy as a river stream.
Joel had the imprint of your shining personality burning behind his eyelids. The taste of strawberry from your caipirinha permanently inked on his tongue.
He stood no chance against your eyes—as much as she teased, Tess was right.
Miss Daggers for Eyes.
The way you looked at him at said, "You gotta stop looking at me like that, Joel. I'm starting to think you're not paying attention to what I'm saying," even though you already knew that to be true. Since the moment the strap of your blouse fell from your shoulders and you kept on talking, Joel was fish in a net.
He had the taste of your cunt and the smell of being buried between your thighs waking him up late at night for the next months to come.
The way you rode his face just as he asked you to—no mercy, no shame, only that, only your desires and the alcohol and the weed and the conversation and everything—everything, everything, everything.
Joel took it all out like a starved, greedy man, and you took it back, and neither of you slept until the sun was shining again in the sky.
The next couple of months were filled with texts since Texas demanded him back home and you were already home.
It could've been just friendship.
It was supposed to be simple.
So what if you two called each other and got off while on the phone like a couple of young adults who can't bear to be away from each other? So what if Joel texted you and had to endure Tess and other co-workers smiling at him and wondering, "what the hell's got Joel Damn Miller in a good mood, huh?"
So what if Joel learned more about you than he could admit to himself that he even wanted to know? Even if he was the one asking?
It didn't matter, because it wasn't simple.
Because when you called and said, "Your name is Joel Miller?" he realized why Sarah said he was such a 'distant concept'. No social media meant nobody to pry, but it also meant misunderstandings.
It also meant having to answer you with apprehension, because your tone had never been that off. "It is. Why are you sayin' it like I'm on a list or somethin'?"
"Joel." His stomach fell at his name alone. "You're Sarah's dad. Fuck. Of course you are—"
"Wait, you know Sarah?"
"Yes, I know Sarah. I'm friends with Sarah, or I was before—oh god, she's gonna kill me. She is, isn't she?"
He had assisted you through your panic even though he felt the same.
He walked outside his office, talked you through your next breaths, and guaranteed you there was no reason to panic. "That's it, it's ok, hun'—," he stopped, cursed mentally, and rectified his mistake with his name. You were not his hun, and Joel had been lost on cloud nine without realizing you could've never been. "Just breathe. She doesn't know. She won't know. You two are fine."
That had been it, or so he thought.
Joel stared a lot at the last message he received from you. Thought about sending something else. Continuing the conversation.
Instead, he let the silence make the dust settle.
It had been a haze.
A dream, or a glitch in the matrix—it wouldn't be happening again, and no matter how much he looked at the text you sent weeks prior — i really like talking to you, Joel — nothing would change.
Except it did.
Except — the silence amounted to nothing.
One look at you across the street and Joel was dragged back in.
That Summer when Sarah invited him back, Joel had almost said no, but he remained as able to deny her anything as when she was a kid. The weekend went perfectly, and Joel did his best to not think of you as he was there, but all it took was a few words on a screen:
ㅤㅤㅤㅤSaw Sarah's IG stories. You loaok so good when you smile , JoelㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤLove how the sweater looks on yoyu
Drunk baby. Honey.
The second time there was no deal on the table yet, but there was you.
Joel appeared at your apartment door at twenty past two in the morning and only left a couple of hours before his plane left.
You two pretended your apartment was a bubble.
It worked.
Joel had missed you. It sounded silly when he thought it early in the morning before leaving for work—when everyday routine served as bitter medicine it was enough to convince himself it was all just wishful thinking.
With you in the same room as him, lying was harder.
There was no 'wishful' part on how well you two worked.
There was a divine inspiration in the way you made him feel like something new.
Joel felt warm, wanted, devilishly handsome under your gaze. Your careful touch.
"You're so fucking handsome," you repeated to him.
He never thought about his looks, but he couldn't stop himself from enjoying the truth in your words. How much you believed them. "Glad you think so."
"Don't snicker at me like that, Mr. Joel—"
"Snicker? I ain't snickerin', I'm laughin'. You keep tracing my wrinkles like that and I'm gonna get a complex, hun."
"The drama. You're so lame! Oh my god."
"And yet, you're laughing. You know, that's the same shit my daughter says. I'm startin' to think it's true."
"It is. You're silly. But it's okay —" the tip of your fingers tracing his features felt like the first drops of rain hitting the skin. Joel shivered under your touch more times than he cared to count, and he'd only been present for it a couple of times. He'd hate to think of how much you could ruin him with enough time given. How much no other touch would suffice anymore. " — 'cause it's all part of your charm..."
Who would've thought Joel still had it?
No amount of charm made up for the situation, though, and before you left, you asked the inevitable question. "No one can know, right?"
"No." He knew what was at stake—your friendship with his most important person. Maybe more. "It was just our last time."
"Right. We're not doing this again."
"We can stay away from each other. I like it like this," he said, pressing his face in your beard-burnt neck, inhaling your sigh and perfume. "But I know..." she can't know.
No—no one can know.
He nuzzled into you, and you nuzzled back. Dug your fingers in the fabric of his shirt. "We can still... talk, can't we?" you asked.
Joel's chest clutched and he held you a little tighter. None of you were at fault for the circumstances, so you both deserved some more stolen time. "We'll talk." He kissed under your ear. "We'll stay away from each other. Talk. Friends can talk. We just—we don't do this anymore. And, no one can know it happened."
"Okay." You sounded muffled against his chest, and Joel thought about how he'd miss touching your hair like this. "I'll just — take a while. To be able to look at you and not —" you stopped abruptly, and pulled away to look up at him and show him not what.
Not look at him with eyes that demanded a kiss.
Without pulling him in by the fire in your eyes.
That had been then — July gave him you again. You for the last time.
The next time Joel saw you after that had been a few weeks ago. Sarah invited you to a party during the holidays, and third time was the charm.
You two talked like good, old friends.
The longing in his chest was ridiculous, the whole entire time.
jealousy looks good on you.
Sarah's birthday was big enough for Joel to have his eyes on you without you even realizing it. From his bedroom porch, Joel saw you walking by the pool between the guests with that set to your jaw. Another friend of Sarah's stopped you and started a conversation, but the look refused to leave your face.
The problem was—there was nothing Joel could do.
If he pulled you aside to clarify that Tess was only a friend, a work friend who Sarah has called 'Aunty Tess' since she was fourteen, he would be wrong.
Rubbing salt on the wound.
What did it matter what Tess was?
You two had a deal.
Gods, Joel was getting too old for this—too old to watch things from a distance, to see the sadness on the pout of your lips and crave to run and kiss it away, to realize when the lights of the party hit your face in the right angles that your eyes are shining and fuck—
He gets back downstairs and leaves the glass somewhere along the way.
No more bourbon for him.
Joel hears his name called a few times. Allows himself to be distracted by conversation here and there. He's good at lying to himself—he's done it often enough by now. Joel keeps himself trimmed from the deep wants and needs that grow like weeds through his bones, even if he isn't sure why.
Something so rich like you — of course it wasn't for him.
What would he do?
You're Sarah's dad. Fuck.
Sarah's father — he clapped the louder, smiled the brighter, and when the candles were blown and she handed him the first piece of cake, Joel wondered if he should feel guilty for going after someone who's close with daughter of all people.
All he could feel was sadness as he saw you disappearing in the crowd after talking to Sarah in hushed tones inside a hug.
Joel needed to find Tess.
He should leave — his house would be the roof for a lot of people tonight and he needed to talk, maybe—Joel started laughing as soon as the thought came to him.
That's how much you affected him.
He leaves in direction of the kitchen, guarded by the commotion around the cake.
Joel had trouble finding people he liked talking to. You spoke with him for three hours as if time meant nothing, and now it got him wanting to talk about you to his friends, spilling all the bits of stolen moments here and there.
The texts he's read so many times he has memorized.
He needs to get those things off his chest if he wants to stop clinging to them— they've been inside his close fists since Joel got his hands on them — on you — and he hasn't let go ever since.
He places the bottle down on the fridge shelf, happy he was caught before and not during the act. He pops his head out, and Sarah's standing on the door of the kitchen with a look.
"I promised myself I was gonna stay out of this tonight, but — is there a reason? Any solid reason why you two decided to stay away from each other since you're both so... clearly happy about that?" she finishes, eyeing the fridge as if her view is made of x-ray, and the bottle weighs twice more in his hands.
Then—"Wait." Joel's brain freezes. "You knew?"
Sarah's eyes widen, and her mouth falls open. "Oh. My god." She blinks once, then covers a burst of laughter with both hands. "Dad. You and she are so not subtle—I thought you knew that I knew — oh my god. It's not because of me, is it? I mean—don't get me wrong, if you two as much as flirt in front of me at first I'm gonna hose both of you like, on the spot, but—I'm ok with it. Obviously. You two are two grown adults, and dad, don't take this the wrong way, but last year was the most I've seen you smile in a long, long time."
Joel needed a few minutes to take all of it in.
Was it just because of Sarah?
No one can know, you'd said. What if you were ashamed of him, too? Of the age difference, and —
"The same goes for her, obviously." Sarah's words pulled him out from underwater. "I've known her for a couple of years, but... last year was definitely happier than the other one."
He smiled. "You're the best, did you know that?"
Sarah rolled her eyes. "Duh."
"Tell Tess I left?"
"Sure." Sarah's smile spread. "She just left. D'you want me to text you where she's staying?"
Joel had already gifted her, but that didn't stop him from walking over to kiss her cheek and smile proudly. "I'll buy another gift."
"You better."
Joel drove all the way hoping to be right.
Hoping it hadn't all been just a fluke — the moment, a chase, a thrill.
He breathed a deep inhale before knocking on your hotel door.
It took a second before he heard your footsteps, and he wiped his palms on his jeans. "Uhm — I didn't ask for room service?" you sounded confused.
And like you'd been crying.
Fuck him. "I know you didn't."
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It was him.
You wished you hadn't opened. He looks good — like always, but better. Hair slicked back, thick jacket to shield from the cold and the soft eyes; it's what bought you, and what traps you again.
You're speechless, but Joel helps.
"I just have somethin' to say and somethin' to ask, then I can be on my way. If you want," he adds.
"I thought we had a deal." It's almost like a plaster. A veil to cover the pink hue on your cheeks, maybe. "And how did you get up here without them calling me?"
He lifted his hands — your scarf was in them, and he tried very little to hide his amusement when he explained. "I've lived in this town my whole life. I just told Nina downstairs you forgot your scarf at the birthday party and you left pretty early tomorrow mornin'." Joel looks past your shoulders. "You're not the only one with friends. Can I come in?"
You wonder if it's possible to say no to him.
You simply take a step back, and Joel walks past you.
He feels like an omen standing there in your hotel room. The one you'd gotten because staying at his house seemed impossible.
The one you dreamt about him appearing out of nowhere, just like now.
If you had drunk more tonight, you would think maybe you're out of it.
"I'll keep it short, mostly 'cause I feel like a nerve wreck." Joel clears his throat and turns around to look at you as you close the door behind you. "She knows. Sarah — she uhm, she asked me basically why we're makin' each other miserable."
She knows.
You feel splinted from your body for a moment as the weight of the secret leaves your shoulders.
"She knows?" your whisper is more to yourself than anything else, but Joel still answers.
"Yeah. And also — that was Tess, tonight. With me at the birthday party."
He closed it at that because the rest was implied — you heard of Tess, many, many times.
When you and Joel spoke before Summer and the few times you two spent hours on the phone after long periods of silence in between, Joel told you about his friends. He told you about his work colleagues, about old college memories, about anything you asked.
He waited for you.
Patiently, as you took in the fact that your only worry didn't exist, Joel stood there a few feet across from you with his hands in his pockets, waiting.
And then, "I get if that wasn't the only reason why you said we should keep it between us. But—"
"It was." You were just... flying. Free. You breathed out, weighing a thousand pounds less. So you could have him? "Joel?"
He takes a step forward. "Yeah?"
There's little to be said when both of you move like orbits.
Your arms already know the way around his shoulders. Joel's familiar with the inches of your waist, and more than anything, you missed this, missed him.
His clever hands wrap carefully around your waist, and you abandoned every ounce of worry that this might be a dream.
"What are you smilin' at?" he asks.
Joel asks you that as he molds your bodies into one—the man is nothing but broad shoulders and back, thick arms that act like tentacles on your body that melts into his touch from the get-go.
"I had a lot of dreams like this," you confess. It feels incredible to just say what pops into your mind.
"Well, then let me remind you that real life's better," he mutters, hands already cupping your neck and cheeks.
Joel is the type fo kiss with his whole body.
You have no idea how both of you deluded yourselves into thinking any sort of deal could prevail when you two are made of this:
His hands roaming your throat, squeezing as you cling your legs around his waist and Joel takes the full weight of you on him. The back of his knees hitting the bed, his body and yours falling into a mess and tangle of limbs.
No deal was bigger than the desire you had of jumping his bones whenever he was at close proximity.
You wanted to devour him — you sucked on the fingers he offered with the same gusto your hips rolled against his lap; Joel moaned for you, and he trembled for you, and he smiled for you.
"'m gonna take my time with you — you know I like to take my time, stop grindin' that pretty pussy all up on me," he growls, and you mewl.
Joel is relentless with his touches.
Every time he took you, it felt like a possession.
Like he was carving your body out of marble to keep the curves set in stone — his palms ran through every inch of you until all your clothes were gone somewhere in the room, and he laughed at himself every time you cried out his name in a loud plea for more.
"Please — please just gimme something," you begged.
Joel smiles at you, dropping his pants to the floor. The entire lower half of his face is shining with the slick and sweat from you — keeping his head buried between your legs, your thighs stradling his shoulders and squeezing around his ears — he always started the nights like that.
"I was givin' you somethin'," he replies. Voice low and thick as honey. Just as sweet, too.
He crawls over the bed, naked, and you have to stop yourself from jumping on him until he's on his back. It'd be worse for you afterwards — you learned it the hard way. Joel would milk every orgasm out of you until you blacked out if you kept him from touching your body to his liking before you could do anything, and who were you to complain?
"Need more, Joel," you cried.
"More what?" He palms your calves, and starts smoothing his hands upwards. "Ask for it, baby."
"Whatever you want to give me, just — please."
"Ah. She learned," he chuckles, and kisses the inside of your thighs. They tremble at the feeling of his beard, and he nuzzles his face there for good measure. "I usually wanna see you ridin' my face 'till you're screaming for the heavens, but —" Joel climbs all the way up, cages your face between his forearms and lets his body lay on top of yours slowly. He doesn't give you his whole weight, but part of you wished he did. "I really just wanna be inside you right now."
"We'll have all night, I just—"
He stopped there, but you got where he came from.
It was different.
Knowing you would wake up and he'd still be there — it was different.
Taking him in when you knew he had more to offer and that's what he wanted to give — it made every inch Joel pushed inside feel more real.
He held both of your hands over your head, intertwining his fingers in yours. He went slow, and kept his eyes on you, and you felt less silly about the hours you cried before because you thought he wasn't yours. Because you wanted him to be.
He must sense you getting lost in the what ifs because Joel's talk changes somewhere in the middle.
His praises, always the tether grounding you to Earth while he fucks your mind straight out of it, changes in words and tone. He whispers, "I'm here, baby," in your ear, and it makes your legs hug his waist tighter. Push him inside even deeper. "Fuck — like that. Does it feel good? Is this what you wanted?"
You wanted him. "Yes — want you so bad," you wanted all of him. "All of you, Joel."
That granted you a hand of his letting go of yours only to make a fist on your hair.
It was rare for Joel to lose control, but you loved it when it happened. When he let go of everything and you could see him without anything on — no pretenses, no clothes, no reservations.
Joel started to mumble in your ear about anything, his hips losing rhythm inside of you as he made you ride out your orgasm. He talked about how good you are, how much he'd spoil you, make you his, his his —
You were. You were.
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💖 @sakuralikestars — @mostardentily — @thegreat-annamaria — @leiticia — @polyglot-noodle — @casssiopeia — @earthtocharlene — @levylovegood — @dilfsaremyfavorite — @rosymythologies — @lavenderhhze — @gracie7209 — @waywardwolfbonklight — @shadytalething — @sanzusmile —@yesimwriting — @celestialstar111
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hear me out rafe x jj’s gf!reader 👀
u know how both rafe and jj go crazy on their bikes… its the usual kooks vs pogues hatred maybe during the bonfire, but instead of throwing punches rafe wanted to have a race with jj instead to ‘settle things’. and he wanted to bet on jj’s girlfriend whereas if he won, he got to keep her and do.. things.. yk..
cw: darkish!rafe x jj'sgf!reader, non-con recording, bets regarding sex, minor jj x reader, smut
notes: im going feral over this tbh
"ready to settle things?" rafe asks, coming face to face with jj. they both stare at eachother with hatred. the pogues and kooks gather at an old dirt backroad.
"im gonna kick your ass," jj growls, "i win, you leave us the hell alone."
"deal," rafe agrees, "whats in it for me?"
"i don't kick your fucking teeth in that's-"
"you let me fuck your girl."
your heart drops and you pause. you stand off to the side, wrapping jj's sweatshirt around yourself in the cold night air. jj pauses too, furrowing his brow, "hell no! i don't even-"
"jj, it's fine," you speak up, "you'll win, i know it." you say with a smile, only partially believing your words. jj takes a deep breath and nods, composing himself. you make eye contact with rafe and he smirks, licking his lip.
"deal," jj reluctantly agrees. you anxiously fidget with jj's hoodie strings as they get on their bikes.
"it's okay, jj'll win," sarah reassures you, "rafe's a city boy at heart."
3, 2, 1. and they're off. you watch as the bikes speed off, it's a loop that takes about three minutes when jj goes full speed with you on his bike. you can't deny that your mind wanders, thinking about what would happen if rafe won. you had heard rumors about him, what he's like in bed, how big his di- no you shouldn't be thinking about this, you mentally scold yourself. jj's going to win, for sure.
the longest two minutes and thirty seconds ever, you see jj and rafe come back into view. you can't see who's winning, they're too far away. and once again, your heart drops when a bike crosses the finish line, and it's not jj.
"fuck!" jj screams, throwing his helmet down, as rafe gets off his bike. rafe simply smirks, knowing why jj is pissed.
"it's okay, you'll get her back tomorrow, pogue." rafe pats him on his shoulder and heads towards you but john b. and pope stand in front of you, jj joining them shortly after.
an argument ensues, rafe insisting that a deal is a deal and his friends backing it up and the pogues insisting that it isn't fair to you. after a good few minutes, you speak up.
"guys! it's okay!" all the boys pause and stare at you in disbelief.
"it's one night, i'll be fine," you reassure them, "a deal's a deal." jj tries convincing you otherwise but there's absolutely no use, rafe won.
rafe pushes you down onto his bed, kissing you hungrily, "i'll make you feel better than that pogue ever did, princess. you're gorgeous, too gorgeous to be with a dirty pogue."
"r-rafe.." you whimper out, loving the feeling of his lips as they trail down your jaw and neck. you soak through your panties as he toys with you, taking his time.
he slips your shirt off and unties your bikini top you had on underneath, sighing when he sees your tits, "knew you had pretty fucking tits, you let jj see these?"
"y-yes.." you admit as rafe leans down and uses his mouth to give some attention to your tits.
"he's undeserving." rafe says, and after a bit more foreplay, he's shoving his cock into you.
"oh god! you're so big, jesus!"
"that's right, baby, keep talking," rafe says, fucking you slow and deep, "say my name like a prayer, sweet girl." he rubs your clit as he fucks into you, holding your hip with the other hand, "bet jj never makes you feel this good, huh? your poor pussy is squeezing me so tight, he must not be taking proper care of her."
you don't respond, your eyes rolling back as his pace picks up. your tits bounce as he fucks into you and you don't even notice the phone in the background of his room, recording every single moment. your pussy squeezes rafe tight, wanting him more and more.
rafe groans, "shit- fuck- such a pretty pussy. might have to come back for more of this. we'll keep it a secret from your boyfriend, mkay?"
"m-mkay.." you slur out, cock drunk. without warning, your cunt pulses wildly around his cock, making him pause and speed up.
"that's it, cum on my cock. im gonna fill you up, got it? maybe i'll get you pregnant, then you can be mine forever."
you don't make any effort to stop him as he cums inside, even though you don't even let jj do that. rafe pulls out and cleans you up, getting up after. as you rest in bed, oblivious to what he's doing. he grabs the phone and sends the video to jj with the caption, 'sorry man, she's mine now. made her pussy all mine, have fun jerkin' your dick to this. fucking cuck.'
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joelslastofus · 1 month
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[SUMMARY: Secretly in love with Joel, you have been helping Joel raise Sarah until her mother comes back around and becomes jealous of the relationship you have with Joel.]
Angst fluff
Note: sorry if your name is Cindy, couldn’t think of a name for Sarah’s mother lol
It had been a few years now since you had been babysitting Sarah, a few years now since a simple crush on her father turned into feelings deeper than you could comprehend. Joel Miller was always a respectful man, appreciative of your time and help in being there for his daughter. Sarah and you did have a close bond, one that he watched grow before his eyes until the unexpected happened..
A little over a month ago, Sarah’s mother Cindy started coming around. It was a surprise to all, especially you. She was nice to you at first but you felt something was off whenever she was around yet you could never put your finger on it.
That evening Joel ordered pizza for everyone, you had just finished Sarah with a project as her mother spoke to Joel in the kitchen.
“I love a good Hawaiian pizza,” Cindy reached for one of the two slices in the box that were Hawaiian before Joel unexpectedly stopped her.
“Uh, actually those are for y/n-“ you happened to walk into the kitchen at this very awkward moment. Cindy raising a brow at Joel in obvious disapproval.
“It’s her favorite pizza, whenever I order I always get those two for her”
“Oh, isn’t that cute” Cindy spoke sarcastically.
“You can have one, I don’t mind” you quickly interjected.
“No, I’d rather not” she grabbed another plain slice from the box and sat down at the table as Sarah looked at you uncomfortably. Trying to ignore the obvious tension you grabbed your slice and sat down as Sarah sat beside you.
Joel quickly changed the subject talking about how nice the weather would be that weekend and going to the park.
“Ready to lose another game of volleyball, dad?” Sarah teased her father.
“Oh you’re beating him now at sports?” Cindy asked with curiosity.
“No, y/n actually beats him at everything-“
“Hey, hey, don’t let it get to her head, I let her win” Joel winked at you as you and Sarah laughed. None of you noticing Cindy’s expression looking back and forth between you and Joel. Jealousy oozing from her as she watched just how well you clicked with Sarah and especially Joel. Cindy may have been gone for some time but now she was back and she didn’t want anyone taking her place.
“You two sure have become close huh?” Cindy asked referring to you and Joel.
“Yeah, it’s been a few years now-“
“People must think you two are a couple” she interrupted making Joel practically choke on his drink.
“Oh no” you quickly responded with a shake of your head, you could feel the warmth on your cheeks from slight embarrassment. Of course secretly you fantasized about being Joels girl but you knew that would never happen.
Your feelings for Joel always remained hidden.
“Could’ve fooled me” Cindy uttered under her breath. Her attitude started to make you slightly uncomfortable you felt it was best to leave.
“I should go”
“Already? I thought you were gonna watch a movie with us like we usually do?” Sarah showed disappointment in you having to leave, only irritating Cindy more.
“Maybe another time, I’m a little tired and I have a slight headache-“
“You alright, I’ll give ya a ride home” Joel stood up as Cindy rolled her eyes, something you only seemed to catch.
“No-uh..it’s okay. Maybe air is what I need” you stood up and pushed your chair in. Sarah sighed before giving you a hug. Joel knew you for some time now, so he knew when something wasn’t exactly right with you yet he didn’t mention it in front of anyone.
“Let me walk you to the door at least” he insisted. You smiled and agreed before walking to the front door, Cindy watching with the corner of her eye as Joel held the door open with his foot while standing outside with you.
“Hey” Joel’s voice making you stop and turn.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, I just figure I’d leave you three alone. I’m sure she wants her time with you and Sarah-“
“Her time don’t take away from yours, you know how much Sarah cares about you-“ a slight hesitation in his eyes. He knew Sarah wasn’t the only one who cared.
“Yeah” you responded softly.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” you smiled before walking off.
When Joel returned inside Sarah sat on the couch watching tv while Cindy began picking up the dinner table.
“You’ve let Sarah get too close to that damn girl,” she spoke without looking up at him, she knew he wouldn’t like what she had to say.
“She’s been great with Sarah for a few years now, she’s a lot of the reason why our daughter is the way she is now.” Cindy laughed sarcastically.
“Oh please Joel, what are you fucking her? Is that why you’re so defensive with her?”
“When Sarah needed a mother y/n was there, she helped us both-“
“I’m her mother” Cindy grew serious rather quickly as she slammed the plate down. Sarah looking up from the living room wondering what her mother was getting upset about.
“She is all Sarah knows and she’s grown to…she’s grown to love her” Joel explained. Cindy knew she needed to compose herself to get Joel’s attention and so she took a deep breath and tried expressing herself another way.
“It’s not healthy confusing her like that, I was gone for a while but I’m here and I’m here to stay. She doesn’t need another mother” Joel stood silent.
“Sarah has grown attached to someone who will eventually have her own children, her own life, what are you doing by allowing this attachment with some random woman?” Joel brushed his hand over his facial hair, he didn’t like what was being said but a part of him knew she was right.
“I’ll have a talk with her tomorrow” Cindy could tell Joel wasn’t happy with this decision but she was happy to get her way.
The next morning you worked your early shift at the store before getting ready to meet with Joel and Sarah until you got a strange text.
“Change of plans, call you later” you read out loud. Joel never changed plans with you, much less like this.
The day went on and you never got a call from Joel and so you decided to head to the park anyway, you enjoyed a nice walk in the evening. Once you got there you could hear familiar laughter until a volleyball rolled by your foot.
“Oh hey! I thought my dad said you worked late today?” Sarah ran towards you out of breath.
“Sarah don’t delay the game!” Joel yelled out to her as he made his way to where you both stood. Cindy stood on the other end silently watching.
“Go on, honey. Keep playing with your mother” Sarah looked at you both strangely before grabbing the ball and walking off.
“You didn’t have to lie to me, Joel or lie to her” you whispered as he looked behind him making sure Sarah wasn’t near by.
“You don’t tell me what I do with my daughter” he spoke coldly turning back to you, Joel had never spoken to you this way before.
“It was nice while it lasted but ya shouldn’t come around anymore” his tone was blunt, a knife to your heart. It hurt him almost as much as it hurt you, but he felt this way was the only way to truly keep you away.
“For Sarah’s own good” he continued.
You had no words. From one day to the next Joel changed in a way you never expected.
Attempting to speak you felt a knot in your throat and looked away.
“I was right” you whispered before looking up at Cindy.
“Well, I hope she stays around this time. Take care” tears building up in your eyes you quickly turned and walked away. A slight glimpse of guilt in Joel’s eyes as you left until Cindy called out for him. She noticed how he looked back at you as you left, she knew this hurt him, she knew this would hurt Sarah.
“Why’d she leave? She could’ve played this last game with us” Sarah asked with confusion.
“She had to go, honey”
“But she just walked in”
“Sarah, forget about that damn woman. She’s no one to you” Cindy suddenly spoke harshly making Joel look back at her.
“What Joel? It’s better you just tell her the truth-“
“You told her to leave, dad?” Sarah frustratedly threw the ball the floor and walked out to the truck no longer wanting to play.
“Thanks, thanks a lot” Joel turned to Cindy who rolled her eyes.
“You gotta do something about that bratty behavior of hers” her mother responded to Joel who now looked defensive.
“Sarah’s never had a behavior problem…until now”
“Oh so it’s my fault? Not that bitch-“
“Hey” Joel yelled rather loudly making a few people close by look at him, his defensive demeanor over you only pissing her off more. Cindy sucked her teeth and walked away.
The next few days Joel noticed a very different change in Sarah’s attitude towards her mother yet she wouldn’t tell him a word.
One day while Joel was at work Cindy forgot Sarah was getting home from school early. Going into Joel’s room she looked through his drawers for whatever she could find before ultimately coming across his emergency cash. Grabbing the cash she stashed it in her bra before Sarah entered the room startling her.
“Mom-what are you doing?” Sarah asked as Cindy quickly stood up awkwardly.
“Oh nothing, I’ll put it back by the end of the week. He’ll never know-“
“But dads been saving that for a while now and-“
“I said I’d put it back” she responded with more aggression in her tone.
“I..I just don’t think you should take it without asking at least” Sarah insisted.
“Listen I am your mother, it’s not the other way around now mind your business and go to your room” Cindy walked past her leaving the house angrily. Sarah knew she had to tell her father but afraid he wouldn’t believe her she didn’t say a word.
That evening you were surprised to see a call from Joel’s daughter. You sighed watching the phone ring, feeling guilty not answering until it finally stopped. Passing by a park that was close to your job you looked up and saw Cindy sitting on a bench with a few others, something seemed strange, she hadn’t noticed you watching. You quietly watched as she handed cash to a man while being given a brown bag in return. The man she seemed to be speaking to was known in the neighborhood for drugs but it couldn’t be…there must’ve been a misunderstanding.
During your shift you couldn’t stop thinking about what you saw or the fact that Sarah had been calling you. Lost in your thoughts you weren’t paying attention to much around you until Sarah surprised you by the register.
“Sarah? What are you doing here?! Your father is going to-“
“I was calling you, it’s about my mom. Please I need you to talk to my dad” she looked at you with concerned eyes.
“What about your mom?”
“She’s- she’s stealing from my dad-“
“Sarah you can’t say these things without-“
“I know she is! I saw her take his money but I haven’t told him. I don’t think he’ll believe me” it all made sense now, the money she took from Joel, the drugs you saw her buy…you couldn’t believe it yet you felt it wasn’t your place.
“You know your dad would believe you Sarah…besides, your father doesn’t want me around anymore anyways-“
“It’s her fault! She’s trying to control everything, you think my dad actually wants you gone?!” She practically yelled.
“Alright, ok, ok…um my shift ends in fifteen minutes, wait for me and I’ll go with you.” Sarah sighed in relief waiting for you to accompany her home. Your stomach turning at the thought of how this would go down.
Anxiously beside Sarah you entered her house to find Joel and Cindy both standing by the dinner table.
“Oh of course” Cindy scoffed.
“Where the hell were you?” Joel spoke angrily as you and Sarah hesitantly made your way closer.
“Dad I-“
“She was with that little friend of yours, Joel. I knew this would happen” Cindy sighed, her tone reeking of sarcasm.
“You don’t ever take off without letting me know where you are, you understand?”
Joel stared down at Sarah.
“Or me, you know, your mother” Cindy raised her brows standing beside Joel with her hand on her hip.
“Dad can we talk in private?”
“I thought you’d never ask, I don’t know why you bought her here to begin with” Cindy narrowed her eyes on you.
“Actually, it’s just between my dad and I and…y/n” Cindy’s eyes widened with insult.
“No dad, you don’t understand”
“Anything you could say to your father you are to say in front of me, what I say goes” Sarah not noticing Joel look back at Cindy with a look of disapproval. He didn’t like Cindy forcing Sarah to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with.
“Dad she stole your money” Sarah suddenly blurt out taking you by surprise. Joel turned back to Cindy who laughed nervously as you stood silent and watched.
“You’re gonna believe this little twit?”
“Hey” Joel now fully facing Cindy not liking her attitude.
“You watch how you speak of my daughter” he spoke low yet his tone was intense.
“She’s a liar Joel! You’ve let her become brainwashed by this woman!”
“Sarah’s not lying Joel” you suddenly spoke making Joel turn to you.
“What the hell would you know-“ Cindy snapped at you before you cut her off with the truth.
“I saw you at the park today” you hesitated to say more of what you saw especially in front of Sarah but something must’ve clicked in Joel’s head. Turning to Cindy he shook his head, scoffing sarcastically.
“You’re doing it again, aren’t you?” No one knew what Joel was speaking of, no one but Cindy and him.
“I’m not doing anything!” She yelled defensively.
“I let you into my daughter’s life and this is what you do? What is it, ran through your savings so decided to come see what you could get from us-“
“She’s my daughter too” Cindy spoke angrily.
“No. The only mother Sarah’s ever had has been y/n and she’s done a damn good job of it” his words taking you by surprise. You looked over at him in shock, he could feel you looking at him.
“Oh to hell with all of you” Cindy grabbed her bag and angrily walked out loudly slamming the door shut. The three of you stood in silence until Sarah happily turned to you and hugged you with excitement.
“Please don’t ever leave us again” you laughed as she squeezed you. Somehow the true actions of her mother didn’t phase her knowing she had you there. Joel watched with a smile as his daughter hugged you before she turned to him.
“Well aren’t you gonna hug her dad?”
Joel looked at you awkwardly, clearing his throat as Sarah held back a playful smile.
“Course I am” he whispered as he slowly walked towards you. The feel of his arm wrapping around your waist as he gently pulled you in, your heart skipping a beat feeling him so close. Your arms closing around him as you felt him take a deep breath against you before you looked up at him and slowly pulled away.
“Joel I’m so sorry-“
“You don’t have a damn thing to apologize for, darlin’. If anyone should apologize it’s me” he whispered. The door bell ringing Sarah could see it was her uncle and ran to the door.
“I should go-“
“Don’t” Joel unexpectedly grabbed your hand.
There was so much he had to say, so much he needed to say but it couldn’t be done in that moment. Sarah asked if you could tuck her in that night with Joel, it had been a while since you had done so.
“Alright honey, you sleep good tonight alright?” Joel leaned in kissing Sarah on the forehead.
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite” you teased making her laugh before leaning in and kissing her goodnight. Joel watched how much of a natural you were to all of this, you always were. Looking back at Sarah as you left the room you felt Joel’s eyes on you as you closed the door.
“Well, today turned out very different from what I expected” you spoke awkwardly trying to distract from the silence.
“I should’ve known” he cleared his throat leaning back against the wall.
“Wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and in the process coulda hurt Sarah…and I know I hurt you”
“Joel, don’t worry. It’s ok-“
“No, no it ain’t” he quickly interjected.
“I let someone who’s shown me multiple times that they can’t be trusted come in and hurt the woman that’s all along-“ he moved towards you slowly closing the distance between you. You stood still unsure of what to do or if you should do anything at all.
“All along you’ve been everything we’ve needed and more. I’ve seen you make Sarah happy in ways I just can’t”
“Joel, I just love her as if she’s been my own-“
“I love you” he blurt out making your eyes widen.
“W-what? Joel-“
“I’m serious” he pulled you in against him. It took everything in him to admit this, everything in him to tell you what you never thought you would hear.
“All along..it’s been you” his eyes taking in your lips as he spoke. You couldn’t believe the man you had been secretly in love with was saying words you only fantasized him to ever say.
“What a stupid old man I’ve been not realizing what I’ve had right in front of me”
“Joel” you laughed, a smirk on his lips. The man was aching to take your lips with his when Sarah suddenly stepped out of her room.
“Dad” you gasped softly a bit embarrassed yet Joel didn’t let go of you. A smile on Sarah’s face widening with what she saw.
“Yes, honey”
“N-nothing…never mind” Sarah quickly closed the door as Joel laughed looking down at you.
“I think she likes you” he whispered playfully.
“That was embarrassing, Joel” you couldn’t help but laugh, the sound of your laughter only exciting him more.
“Why’d that embarrass you? Not like I was-“
“Like you were what?” You raised a brow before his hand brushed up your body, caressing the side of your neck, he leaned in and kissed you slowly. His lips felt better than what you imagined, his hands taking hold of you in different areas, one arm squeezing you harder against his pelvis before you pushed away with a smile.
“What?” He chuckled.
“Now that would be more embarrassing if Sarah came out during that” you playfully shoved his chest before he pulled you back in for more.
“What if-“ you began to whisper in between kisses.
“What if Cindy-“
“Don’t you worry about Cindy” he unexpectedly grabbed your face leaning his forehead on yours.
“She ain’t gonna be comin’ around trust me, I know the game she plays. Alright?” You nodded placing your hands on his arms. Joel led you the room kissing you more locking the door behind him.
“C’mere, I want some privacy with those lips” he whispered with a smirk before locking the door shut..
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greynatomy · 8 months
football or football?
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lucy bronze x reader
lucy won the very close poll.
been seeing the whole taylor swift and travis kelce thing on tiktok and got this idea.
this became longer than Iithought it’d be. was supposed to be a ficlet. oh, well.
let me know what you think!
For the past two weeks, you’ve been trending on twitter. At first you don’t know what it’s about, but your publicist caught you up saying how there’s a footballer — American footballer — who keeps mentioning you in interviews and on his podcast. It was honestly getting pretty annoying, not just to you, but also to your very jealous girlfriend.
You’d both decided to keep your relationship private, with you being a popular musician and your girlfriend being a top footballer in the league. Except, the media has been labeling your relationship as friends, best friends who support each other. Never once has there been an article where you both are speculated to be dating.
You’ve both been fun with it, being able to not have to hide anything, but with the whole Travis Kelce using your name to stay relevant to the media, your girlfriend is getting fed up.
“I don’t know why he keeps bringing you up? Not once have you mentioned him on anything. ‘The ball is in your court?’ Like what does that mean?” Lucy rambles.
“Honestly, I’m getting tired of it too. I’ve been so busy with touring that I didn’t even know about it until Sarah told me.” You reply, cuddling up to her on the bed, your head on her chest.
“Did Sarah tell you what you should do?”
“Sarah’s pretty much fed up like the both of us so she said it’s up to me. She doesn’t care if I tell him to fuck off, I’d do it anyway without telling her.”
“Didn’t you say he invited you to a game?”
“Yeah, he did. Why?” You we’re getting skeptical with the way Lucy has a smirk and mischievous look on her face.
“Don’t you think it’s time for us to come out, no?”
“Been together four years. Probably long overdue.”
“Well you better tell him that you’d love to accept that invitation, with a plus one of course.”
“I’m liking the way you think.”
Now a week later, you and Lucy were dressed up in red, arriving at Arrowhead Stadium. Lucy had a red England bucket hat on that she took off your head. You were being escorted to the friends and family box by security, running into people who recognized you. One hand holding Lucy’s the other waving to people as you passed.
Walking into the box, you were met with lots of people, Travis’ mom was the one to come and greet you.
“It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Kelce.”
“Oh, please call me Donna. It’s so nice to meet you. I’m a big fan of your music, been wanting to meet you ever since Travis said that you’d both started talking.”
“That’s so nice of you, thank you, but unfortunately all the conversations your son had with me are one sided. I’ve never once entertained anything he said. The only time I’ve texted back was to tell him I’d love to attend a game. Never been to an American Football game before.”
“Really? My son said you guys were getting along.”
“Unfortunately for him, we haven’t. But I’d like to introduce you to my partner Lucy.”
“Oh, it’s very nice to meet you as well Lucy. I’m sorry if my son cause any trouble between the two of you.”
“It’s no worries at all. Excited to watch the game.”
“You’ve got an accent. Where are you from?”
“From England.”
“Yeah, I’m a sucker for accents. But let’s not let the situation get in the way and enjoy this game.”
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liked by fan1, fan2 and 23,749 others
ynupdates yn seen at the kansas chief’s game
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fan3 is ynvis real?!?!
fan4 is everyone gonna ignore lucy bronze right next to her
The game just finished. Everyone is cheering as the Chief’s won a game at home. You and Donna hug each other close, jumping up and down. Lucy was actually awestruck by all the people celebrating their team winning, thinking back to all the times fans of hers and her team celebrated like this.
Moments after, you follow Debby to the hallways, no doubt leading to her son. Travis comes out freshly showered and changed a bit after, going straight to his Mom for a hug. Then he turns to you opening his arms out for a hug, so you give him a side hug, not wanting to be mean. Cameras click nonstop towards the two of you.
“It’s nice to finally meet you.” He says to you.
“You as well. Great game you played out there.”
“Thank you. Wanna go somewhere more private so we can hear each other better without the prying eyes?”
“Yeah, sure.”
He leads towards the exit, you following behind him, your hand holding Lucy’s tightly, who Travis hadn’t acknowledged at all. Exiting towards the garage where his and your cars are parked, you relax a bit, relieved to be away from the cameras. Lucy walks a bit off to the side to let you two talk, but still close enough to hear, in case he says something he shouldn’t.
“Im glad you accepted my invite.”
“Yeah, me too. I’ve never been to or seen an American Football game.”
“American Football?”
“Well, yeah. The U.S is the only one that plays this sport. Football is played throughout the world.”
“Wow, you’re gonna be like that?” He says, thinking you’re flirting with him by saying his sport isn’t widely played.
“Be like what?”
“Never mind. But I just wanted to ask if you wanna hang out right now? Get to know each other a bit more.” He steps closer towards you, but you step back.
“I’d have to decline. My girlfriend and I have to get back to England. She’s got a couple Football matches coming up.”
“Girlfriend?” Travis is shocked by the information. “I didn’t know you were even with someone.”
“I’m surprised no one knows. They see two girls and automatically think they’re best friends or something. But, no, been with that girl right there four years. It was very obvious.” You wave Lucy over. “Travis this is Lucy Bronze, my girlfriend—”
“—Actually fiancé. Proposed a couple weeks ago, so there’s still some getting used to. It’s nice to meet you mate. Heard you’ve been talking ‘bout my girl pretty often past few weeks.”
The look on Travis’ face is laughable.
“Uh, yeah. Sorry about that. I didn’t know.”
“Yeah, we’re very private people. But now that you’ve met my girl after being all up in her DM’s, you’d stop using her name to stay relevant yeah? ‘Cause it’s making you look desperate.”
You didn’t interfere. You’re stood off to the side, a proud look on your face.
“Yeah, of course. Never again.”
“The last thing you should talk about in that little podcast of yours is a public apology using her name for fame like many men have in the past.”
After a moment of Lucy staring at Travis she speaks up again. It was a bit funny how intimidated he looked at Lucy, seeing as she’s almost a foot shorter than him
“Well, mate, we best be off. I’ve got some Football to be preparing for, my girl by my side always. Best of luck to you. Hope you find someone that isn’t taken.”
With that, she takes a hold of your hand, leading you to the car. You give him a little wave, leaving him speechless in the middle of the parking garage.
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liked by leahwilliamsonn, lucybronze and 10,375,829 others
yourinstagram Thank you travis for the invite! Had a lot of fun at my first ever American Football game with my Fiancé. Congrats to you and your team on the win! #KansasCityChiefs
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lucybronze very different from football for sure
↳ yourinstagram very different
leahwilliamsonn where was my invite?
↳ yourinstagram you didn’t get one
↳ leahwilliamsonn rude
fan2 ynvis isn’t real thank god!
fan4 this is a very polite way of saying ‘keep my name out your fucking mouth’
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maybankluvrrr · 4 months
rafe cameron x fem!reader (18+)
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warnings: dom!rafe (has soft moments), mentions of vaping, mentions of consent, oral sex (m receiving)
summary: rafe plays little games with you to win back your vape. you are sarah’s long time friend, but with her gone with the pogues, you’ve grown fond of spending time with rafe.
you and rafe have been hanging out as friends since sarah betrayed you guys and left obx with the john b and the rest of the pogues. you’ve always had a thing for rafe, but he’s rafe. first of all, he was your best friends brother and also he was known for his anger issues, freak outs, and overall fuck boy energy. you steered clear of ever catching real feelings for rafe so you wouldn’t ruin your friendship with sarah and to protect your own sanity from his issues. but now with ward and sarah gone, both of your “issues” have fleeted and it’s just the two of you.
rafe just got out of the shower and he gets dressed. when he leaves his room, he finds your vape sitting on the banister of the stairs. thinking you must be preoccupied with some other activity since your vape isn’t glued to your hand. he decides to put it into the pocket of his board shorts and play a little game with you.
he steps down the stairs and sees you’re lounging on the cameron’s big white couch in the living room in the house that now all belongs to rafe, meaning it’s just the two of you in the mansion. you’re watching the olympics gymnastics tournament. rafe couldn’t give a single fuck about whatever your watching and is just excited to mess with u.
“fuck!” you scream when the gymnast messes up on her routine on the bars.
“sheesh, someone’s pressed.” rafe walks in taunting you. “it’s just a fucking girl swinging on bars in a leotard.”
“rafe shut the fuck up, i’m watching.”
rafe’s tongues caves through his cheek, “shit, i thought you knew better than to speak to me this way.”
“i’m sorry just let me watch this.” all worked up, you start patting on your pockets, “for god’s sake, where’s my fucking vape.” you say to yourself.
rafe sits across from you with a smirk on his face, knowing he has your precious little nicotine in his back pocket. he lets you flail around and tear up the couch looking for it for a good 5 minutes until you scream, “jesus fucking christ!! where is this fucking thing.” at this point you’ve gone into the kitchen, sarah’s bedroom that you’ve been staying in some nights, and every bathroom and corner of this house looking for your vape.
you walk back into the living to find rafe man spreading on the couch with your vape hanging out of his mouth with a smirk painted on his face. he chuckles at you as the smoke flies out of his mouth. “this strawberry ice tastes mad good.” he mutters with that same stupid smirk on his face, taking the vape in his hand and looking at it, then back up at you.
“funny” you say sarcastically, walking over to rafe and reaching your hand out to grab the vape out of his hand when he tries to place it back into his mouth, but your stopped when his other hand grabs your wrist.
“sweetheart, it’s not gonna be that easy.” dropping your wrist from his grip.
“rafe, im not fucking around i need it right now” you say desperately, “im not playing fucking games right now. we can share if you want i just ne-”
“y/n” he cuts you off “i think we both know just what you need” he puts the vape into his mouth taking a long hit.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you say, scared he can read your mind. you’ve need rafe for a long time.
“don’t play dumb. why the fuck else would you be staying in my house like every other day for the past 2 weeks. you just have a need to sleep in your estranged best friends room all the fucking time? which happens to be 2 doors down from mine?”
“i-” you say speechless.
“you what.”
“rafe i always fucking liked you okay!!” you finally say.
“there she is.” rafe says dragging out the e at the end of there. taunting you. again.
“there. ok, i said it. can i have my vape back now??”
he continues to take puffs of it all while you’ve been talking, knowing you’ll do anything to get it back.
“i’m not fucking playing games rafe.” you say again.
“who’s the one with the vape? it’s me. sit.” he demands.
you’re weak for rafe and he knows this. you sit next to him on the couch. he waves the vape in front of his face, thinking of what you could do for him to earn your prized possession back. rafes been showing you his soft side the past couple weeks, thinking you were only there to you know, keep the memories of your old friend now that she ran away, but you knew he had to crack eventually. this sweet get up was not gonna last long.
“y/n, there’s one thing you could do to get this little thing back.”
“yeah..?” you say curiously.
“suck my dick.” he says an inch away from your ear.
“rafe..” you say while he kisses your jawline.
“baby, if you don’t want it just say that. i’m really fucking with you, i-if you don’t want to, that’s okay.” he stammers in between kisses. “can’t be playing too many games with you, gotta get consent.”
you turn to face him completely and smash your lips against his, confirming your consent.
you’re now straddling his lap, forgetting completely about your vape and why you ended up in this position. you’re making out sloppily and his hands are roaming around every inch of you body that is shown through your tee shirt and short-shorts. you begin to grind your needy cunt into his dick getting him hard. he knows he has you wrapped around his finger now. you’re blinded in a haze of lust, wanting this for so long.
“so do i have your consent?” he abruptly says breaking this kiss. you scoff and keep kissing him. wiping that stupid smirk off of his face.
“on the floor.” he says. you kneel down onto the floor and unbutton his shorts. stroking him through his thin boxers feeling his impressive length, you got him pretty hard during your make out session by all the grinding over his shorts. you rub his hard dick while looking up at him. “hurry up, baby” he says.
“who’s the needy one now?” you say with a smirk.
“yeah, yeah.” his hands stroking through your hair and bunching it up to keep his grip on your head.
you hastily pull down his boxers and his hard on springs up to hit his stomach. you stroke up and down his length watching the pre-cum spill out of his tip. you slowly lick up the sides of his cock, eliciting small grunts out of rafe. his hand grips your hair harder, hinting at you to hurry the fuck up.
your eyes meet his, and your mouth reaches the tip of his massive length and your hand works the base of his dick since your mouth can’t fit it all.
he pushes your head down further, fucking into your mouth while your hands fondle with his balls. “fuck why did we wait so long for this shit, your mouth his fucking amazing.”
you hum on his dick in response, sending vibrations through his body, letting out yet another grunt from his lips.
he continues fucking into your mouth, “i’m close i’m so fucking close. fuck!!” you feel his dick twitch in your mouth, your mouth finally bottoming him out due to the pressure of his hand on your head and the pleasure this is giving you. the tip of your nose is hitting his stomach while he fucks up into your mouth one last time before his load shoots up into your mouth. “swallow” he says. and of course, you do. “good fucking girl.”
you pick your head up from his long shaft, catching your breath. his hands stroking through your hair trying to calm you down. “shit was i too hard on you?”
you’re too foggy to respond to that question. “where’s my vape?” you say instead.
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purple-babygirl · 1 month
in the far corner of the forest VI
Pairing: Orc!Bucky Barnes x human!f!reader
Word Count: 7,498 (my excuse is this is the last one)
Summary: For the longest time, the kingdom has used Bucky as their number one fighter, forcing him to win their wars for them. The only thing he asked for in return after he was done was that they give him a wife, and they did. They handed him the orphan he picked on a silver platter; it wasn't like anyone would miss her. It would've been perfect if she actually wanted to be there though.
Warnings: 18+ content, smut, dirty talk, oral (m receiving), female masturbation, so much cum, cum swallowing, Bucky is a lil filthy, multiple orgasms, pregnancy.
A/N: aaaand our story with our favorite orc comes to an end. I've certainly had a lot of fun writing this one and I loved you reading it even more. Thank you to every one who has been here since the beginning I love you with my whole heart. also if you see this, please wish me good luck on finding a job, your girl is broke and too weak for the streets. please enjoy xx💜💜
“I wanna talk to you about something,” she said, her gaze nervous as she set down a mug of green tea for Bucky on the dining table.
He was reading a bit while she finished up the kitchen work and he didn’t ask for tea, which meant she wanted something and was probably bribing him. It definitely made him curious to know what she was going to ask for.
Life with Bucky was an absolute dream. Their relationship was stable and solid and she thought it would be a good time to finally tell him about everything that has been occupying her mind lately.
“Is it that I need to lose weight?” Bucky teased, gesturing to the green tea before him.
“Bucky,” she whined, “I’m serious!”
Bucky laughed, “okay, okay,” he put the book down instantly, “I’m all yours, sweet thing.”
She smiled timidly, “promise me not to get mad.”
“I promise?” Bucky said, unsure what to think of this conversation.
What did she do?
“No, like, say the whole thing…”
“I promise not to get mad?”
“Thank you.” She sighed.
“What is it, my love?” Bucky held her hand in his, rubbing the back of it gently.
“I— umm I know that women working is frowned upon in our kingdom, but— um—”
“First of all, that’s just a human thing. Our females can do whatever they want. Second,” Bucky brought his other hand to her cheek, “you can talk to me, little human. Don’t be afraid. What is it that you want? Be sure that I’ll make it happen.”
She sighed again as she briefly leaned into Bucky’s touch before pulling away, “please don’t say no.” She pleaded.
“I have to know what you want first.” He chuckled lightly.
“Remember when you said that Sam and Sarah liked the strawberry jam I made?” She asked, chewing on her lower lip.
“Yes, and we’ve been their jam suppliers ever since.” Bucky laughed, holding his tea mug to take a sip.
“You also liked it, right?” She tilted her head anxiously.
“I loved it.” Bucky licked his tusks seductively.
She blushed, biting back a smile, “and— and the girls back at the orphanage would always tell me they liked my jams too.”
“As they should.” Bucky nodded, boosting her confidence, making her smile.
Gods, she loved him so much.
“So I was thinking maybe… maybe I could try and sell them?” She finally said the words, her voice hushing by the end of her question as she gauged her orc’s reaction.
“Sell them?” Bucky asked, setting his mug down.
She nodded, nervous again now that he didn’t seem to like the idea very much.
“Like in the market?”
He stayed silent for a beat, a frown forming on his face as he thought about her request.
She put her hand back in Bucky’s, “if you say no, I won’t bring it up again, but—”
“I’m not gonna say no, sweet thing. I’m just worried,” Bucky said lowly, appearing to be deep in thought as he squeezed her smaller hand in his.
“Worried about what? I have saved money for everything! You would always give me a lot of money before we go out to the market and I’ve saved most of it. You’ve already gotten me everything I needed, so I didn’t really spend much. You don’t have to worry about buying materials! I know they would give us the fruits for a cheaper price if we buy in bulk—”
“Little human, that’s not what I’m worried about, and I’m not about to let my wife start her business with her savings. Your money is yours.” Bucky interrupted firmly, shaking his head at her.
She smiled warmheartedly as she hugged her orc’s hand to her chest, “then what are you worried about?”
“I’m worried about the people in the market. We don’t know how they would react to you putting up your own stand in there. There are no women there, sweet thing. As you said, it’s frowned upon.”
“There is Martha, the jewelry lady!”
“Yeah, but have you seen any other female besides Martha?” Bucky gave her a sad smile.
“No,” she mumbled, disheartened at the thought that she might not be able to bring her small business idea to life.
She knew that Martha was only working because she was a childless widow and the stand was originally her husband’s. She was the only one left to inherit and run it or else she wouldn’t be able to afford food.
“I’m not saying we’re not gonna do it,” Bucky brought her gaze to his by her chin, “but I can’t not worry about you.”
“I know.” She dipped her face to kiss Bucky’s palm, “what are we gonna do?”
“If a jam stand in the market is really what you want, then I will support you all the way until your booth is standing high in the middle of that market.”
She smiled fondly before feeling anxious once more, “what if the men in the market don’t like it?”
“Then they can take it up with me,” Bucky reassured her, his chest puffing involuntarily as he imagined having to fight for his wife.
“I don’t want any trouble, Bucky. I don’t want our peace to be disturbed. I don’t want you to have to fight again, at all.”
“At least then I’d be fighting for something I actually care about, and someone I’m knees-deep in love with.” Bucky sat her on his lap, his blue eyes gazing into hers.
Heat rose to her cheeks and tears to her eyes before she pressed her lips to Bucky’s, “thank you, my love.”
“Copycat,” Bucky teased, “you got nothing to thank me for, little human. I got your back. Always.”
“I’m still grateful,” she pecked his lips, “and even if I don’t end up having a stand in the market, your support will forever be enough for me, Bucky.” She gave him a passionate kiss, trying to convey her feelings through it.
She couldn’t believe how lucky she had turned out to be.
How many human husbands would support their wives’ dreams like that? How often were women even allowed to think about doing something for themselves or being financially independent in this kingdom?
She slowly slid off her orc’s lap and down to the floor, making Bucky tilt his head.
“What are you doing, sweet thing?”
“You promised you would teach me,” she said, her voice small as she let her hands massage up Bucky’s thighs.
“Oh, you feeling brave tonight, little human?” Bucky asked lowly, eyes growing dark as she brought her hand to his cock over his pants.
She nodded even though she internally had no idea what to do, but she was trusting her desire and Bucky’s guidance.
“Get your orc’s cock out then,” Bucky instructed, making her pussy clench before her eager fingers started pushing his pants down, revealing his big cock to her eyes.
Her hands hesitated, reaching for his length before withdrawing and looking at Bucky for help, shifting on her knees.
Bucky got up from the chair and she looked at him worriedly, afraid she had turned him off with her reluctance.
He returned to his seat after a second, pushing the pillow he brought with him under his wife’s knees as he helped her get comfortable.
She smiled gratefully at how loving and attentive Bucky was. He had his cock out but all he cared about was that her knees weren’t hurting on the wooden floor.
Gods, she got lucky.
“You can touch me, sweet thing.” Bucky encouraged softly.
She mustered up her courage and finally let her fingers wrap around Bucky’s cock. Well, try to wrap around his cock.
He was too big for her to be able to wrap her hand around him and it made Bucky’s cock twitch, seeing how small her hand was compared to his size.
She couldn’t believe she had managed to take all of him in her pussy every single night for the past week.
She had to use both of her hands before simultaneously squeezing them around her orc’s cock like he had previously shown her; it was the only thing she knew how to do.
Bucky’s jaw went slack as he threw his head back at the simple touch, “move your hands up and down, little human.”
“Like that?” She asked as she slowly followed the instructions.
“Yes, yes, oh fuck yes,” Bucky moaned, wrapping his hands around hers, pumping himself harder with her hands.
She watched as Bucky closed his eyes in pleasure, deep groans leaving his chest and pre-cum the tip of his cock because of her touch.
She wanted to ask permission but her instincts moved faster than her mind as she cautiously let her the tip of her tongue swipe against the head of Bucky’s cock, aching to know what he tasted like.
And oh did he taste good; a bit musky, a bit salty and a bit of something she could only identify as Bucky. It was addictive and she wanted more.
Bucky jumped above her, his cock jerking in her hands as he opened his eyes at the tiny lick he felt her give his cock.
“Was that the wrong thing to do?” She asked, unsure of her moves, “I thought it was okay for me to put my mouth there?” she hesitated shyly, suddenly embarrassed of her neediness.
“It is. It is more than okay, my love. Please do it again,” Bucky begged, his hand coming down to cup her cheek, thumb stroking her skin adoringly as he brought her face closer to his cock.
He was sure she and her innocence were going to be the death of him, yet at the same time, he couldn’t wait to ruin her; make her his dirty little cock slut of a wife.
She tentatively let the tip of her tongue lick against the head of Bucky’s cock again, keeping her eyes on him.
Bucky groaned, his abdomen tensing as he felt himself already close.
He couldn’t believe how embarrassingly ready to burst she had managed to have him every time she touched him or as much as moaned for him. He could go for hours before, but with her it was like she knew exactly which buttons to press to get him drooling and leaking for her, and yet, she didn’t. Not at all, really.
She gave a bigger lick, letting herself savor her orc’s taste this time, moaning as she put her mouth on his tip, suckling ever so softly.
Bucky was huge and getting him inside her mouth like she felt she wanted to was going to be a challenge, but she wasn’t one to back down from challenges. Not anymore.
She was going to make Bucky feel good and she was going to do it with her mouth.
She could barely get the tip past her lips and it was already too much for her untrained mouth. Tears gathered in her eyes when Bucky involuntarily jerked his hips forward, making her gag on his cock.
“I’m so sorry, my love—” Bucky quickly pulled out of her mouth, worry written all over his face.
“Don’t be, Bucky. I— I kinda liked it.” She confessed, heat spreading on her cheeks.
“Oh, you liked choking on my cock, little human?” Bucky teased darkly as he pumped himself and she nodded shyly.
“Can I try again?” She asked, voice small and timid.
“All yours, sweet thing.”
She put her mouth back on the tip, feeling proud of herself as she managed to properly suck on it without her teeth getting in the way.
Bucky’s cock was so big and it was certainly testing for her to take another inch into her mouth but she did it, softly moaning on her orc’s length as she tasted more of his precum on her tongue.
“Keep using your hands, little human,” Bucky instructed, her mouth feeling heavenly on his cock.
She listened right away, her hands pumping up and down the inches she couldn’t yet fit into her mouth.
“Good girl,” Bucky groaned wantonly, “you’re so good for me, sweet thing.”
Bucky’s encouragement made her want to do better, to do more for him.
She pulled off of him for one second, taking a long breath as Bucky watched her with hooded eyelids.
And when she was ready, she opened her mouth as wide as she could, taking half of Bucky’s cock down her throat all at once.
“Gods, fuck!” He exclaimed, barely holding himself back from lurching over and shoving the whole thing down her warm wet throat as his hand flow to cup the back of her head.
She kept one hand on Bucky’s length as the other moved down to touch her own heat.
The sounds coming out of Bucky, his taste and the way his cock was making her drool as she choked on it were driving her up the wall with need.
She has never touched herself before and she didn’t know what has gotten into her as she slipped her hand down her panties, trying to imitate Bucky’s touches on her clit. Her fingers couldn’t compare, but she was throbbing, every sound that left Bucky’s chest vibrated in her clit; made her ache needily.
Bucky was turning to putty in her hands and it was the hottest thing she has ever witnessed.
She whined on Bucky’s cock and it made him open his eyes, realizing that she had now one hand only pumping him as the other disappeared under her dress.
“Are you touching yourself, little human?” Bucky chuckled breathily, making her whine in embarrassment.
Yet, her hand rubbed her clit even faster.
“Is sucking my cock making you all needy, sweet thing? Hmm? Can’t be around this fat cock without aching for it?”
She moaned in agreement, basically gurgling on Bucky’s fat cock as she forced herself to take another inch of him down her throat, making him grunt.
“Atta girl!” Bucky shouted in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her mouth, her allowing him to give her a little more of his thick cock every time he would slide back down her throat.
She continued breathing through her nose and circled her clit faster, feeling herself get closer to her release as her lower stomach tensed and tightened.
“Relax that throat for me, little human. There you go, good girl.”
Bucky was holding her head with both hands now, trying not to crane her neck back too much as he angled his hips just right for the tip of his cock to hit the back of her throat.
She gagged harshly and Bucky pulled out to give her a chance to breathe, “take your time, sweet thing. Doing so good for me,” he reassured, rubbing her back lovingly as she coughed and heaved.
“Again,” was all she said before she took his cock back in her mouth all the way down her throat that her nose was almost touching Bucky’s abs.
She let Bucky fuck her throat again, grateful for his gentleness as his balls hit her chin with each thrust.
“Fuck, you’re too good to me, sweet thing. So pretty taking my cock all the way down your throat like that.”
Bucky knew the exact second she came as her whines hummed on his cock while she let her orgasm take over. Her jaw went slack in his hand and he took the chance to quicken his pace, chasing his own orgasm.
“Fuck, little human, you’re a natural. Taking me so well— ahhh fuck. Just like that.”
Bucky almost roared as he came down her throat, smirking appreciatively as he felt her swallow around him, spluttering a little as he slowly pulled out.
He couldn’t be prouder of how hungry for his cock he had managed to make his little human as he watched her swallow every drop she could before the rest of Bucky’s cum ran down her lips, chin, neck and dress, his cock still throbbing at the sight of her covered in his cum; willingly claimed.
She let her butt touch the pillow underneath her knees as her body sagged, gasping and trying to catch her breath.
Her jaw was hurting like a bitch but she didn’t care. She has made Bucky lose it with her mouth and her mouth alone.
She suddenly felt her face go hot as the hand in her panties reminded her of what she had done while sucking her orc’s cock. She took her hand out of her underwear, quickly hiding it behind her back as if that would make everything she just did disappear.
Bucky laughed, putting his pants back on before cupping her cheeks as he got down on his knees before her, “what did I say, little human? Never hide from me.” He took her hand out from behind her back and brought her fingers to his face.
Bucky obscenely smelled her fingers, closing his eyes at the scent of her before wrapping his lips around them, lewdly moaning as he tasted the remnants of her juices on them.
Her face burned up as her lust was sated, leaving shyness to gnaw at her cheeks.
“Did— did you like that?” She croaked out, her voice hoarse, as he finished sucking on her fingers, desperately wanting to change the subject.
“Oh, sweet thing, I loved it.” Bucky smiled, satisfied and amazed by her, “you almost sucked my soul out of my cock there, little human.”
She giggled, blushing.
“And you touching yourself while giving me head? Damn, sweet thing! Who would’ve known?!” Bucky teased, making her sigh and hide her face in her hands.
“No, no, little human, it’s a good thing,” he laughed, taking her hands in his, “it was so fucking hot.”
Gods, how were her eyes still so innocent after what she had just done to him?
“Really.” Bucky smiled, kissing her knuckles.
“Thank you for letting me do it, Bucky, and for guiding me,” she said sincerely before throwing her arms around his neck, hugging him as she released a happy sigh.
Bucky just couldn’t wrap his mind around how perfect she was or how blessed he was.
She was thanking him for agreeing to ravish her with his cock. Truth was, he was the one who should thank her every day just for being his.
Bucky, the half-orc, seemed to have found and claimed jackpot.
“Thank you, little human.” Bucky turned his head to kiss her hair, “thank you for everything.”
True to his word, Bucky had done everything in his power to make her dream come true. He worked hard to get her a permit from the kingdom for a new stall in the market, using his previous status in the army to get them to sign and stamp those papers as soon as possible.
He had also designed and built her stand all by himself, making sure to make her a smooth counter for her elbows and real sturdy shelves to hold her jam jars.
And he knew exactly what he was going to engrave on the sign for her tiny shop.
Meanwhile, she and Sarah were browsing the nearby markets to pick a fruit supplier with which she could be comfortable. They had managed to find a kind old man who always had a display of the seasonal fruits in his shop. His fruits were ripe and fresh at all times and they had come to a fair agreement regarding the prices and the monthly supply they would need him to provide.
Then it was time to shop for utensils and Sarah had insisted on dragging Sam along for that one because there was no way the two women could carry that much stuff on their own. He left Bucky to continue working on the final touches on the stand and reluctantly joined the ladies.
She was the happiest as she picked new pots and sauce pans with Sarah as well as the cute little glass jars she would need to put the jam into.
Her life was coming together and she couldn’t be more thankful for everything and everyone she had.
She had an amazing husband and supportive, kind friends; a little family to call her own other than the one that had abandoned her long ago.
The group tried their best to haggle the prices on everything because she didn’t want Bucky to have to spend too much, seeing that he had insisted on paying for everything.
“I’m not negotiating, it’s either the price I asked for or we won’t take anything from you!”
Her head snapped up, dropping the ladles she was browsing when she heard Sam ‘haggling’ with the seller.
She had found things here that she couldn’t find anywhere else and she really liked them. Why was Sam sabotaging her shopping plan?
She grabbed onto her favorite pot as she walked over to the siblings.
“Sam, what are you doing? I’ve already picked like a billion things,” she whispered to the man, afraid that he was ruining a good bargain.
“Watch and learn,” Sarah whispered back to her with a reassuring smile, “you’re right, Sam. Let’s go. Thank you, we won’t be taking those. You can put them back, thanks.”
Her mouth was wide open as Sarah forcefully took the pot out of her hand, setting it down and grabbing her, dragging her to walk away.
“Guys, what are you doing?” She scream-whispered as they kept walking, leaving everything that she had carefully hand-picked behind.
“Okay, fine, wait!” The seller called for them before they could get too far, “you can have them— I’ll give them to you at the price you wanted!”
She looked at the Wilsons with an impressed smile and they smiled back, raising their eyebrows simultaneously as if to say “told you so”, making her laugh.
When they were finally done with everything they needed, they had made Sam carry most of the bags as she and Sarah waltzed back to a more feminine shop.
When they were finally done, Sam wanted to run back to his and Bucky’s shop before they could buy anything else, but he was carrying way too many things so he only made both ladies laugh as he looked like a pregnant penguin hoping over to the truck.
“You look happy. Did you get everything you needed, my love?” Bucky asked with a chuckle as she excitedly wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek as soon as she entered the shop.
“Yes.” She nodded with a smile, pecking her orc’s lips.
“Were these guys any help?” He nodded to the siblings, teasing them.
“We can hear you, you know!” Sam yelled from the supply closet as he set the last bag inside.
“Sarah and Sam were great help.” She softly slapped Bucky’s chest, “I don’t know what I would’ve done without them.” She smiled at Sam gratefully before running to hug Sarah.
“Anything for you, bestie. I’ve been around boys for too long and I’m so glad I get to have a fellow woman around here now.”
She giggled as Sarah hugged her back, imagining how lonely it must have been for her to only be surrounded by males.
“Hey! We’re great company!” Sam said, waving a finger at his sister.
“Sure you are, Samuel.” Sarah nodded until Sam had turned his head away, “I swear if I didn’t work here I wouldn’t have forced myself to put up with all the burping and farting.”
She chocked on a laugh as both Sam and Bucky glared at Sarah before she decided to dissolve the ‘tension’, “okay, okay, let’s eat!”
She got out the food she had prepared for everyone, chuckling as she handed Sam his meal after he made grabby hands at the wrapped box.
“Bucky, leave it for now and come eat,” she called for her husband when he saw he was too busy working down a plaque of wood.
“Almost done, sweet thing,” he mumbled, still focused on what he was doing.
Bucky looked like a masterpiece with his hair back in a low bun and the tip of his tongue out, hanging on a tusk as he fixated on the work at hand.
She couldn’t help but walk over and wrap her arms around him from behind, lovingly kissing his back.
The orc stopped his movements, smiling when he felt her tiny mouth press kiss after kiss to his back.
He turned around to face her, encasing her in his strong embrace as he leaned down to kiss her sweet lips.
“Your food is gonna get cold,” she whispered against Bucky’s lips.
“Let it get cold,” he said before deepening their kiss, holding her by the back of her head to bring her closer.
“Some people are trying to eat over here!” Sam shouted with his mouth full as Sarah playfully made gag noises.
Bucky groaned as she shyly pulled away from his lips, making her laugh when he whispered “I hate you” to Sam.
Things at the market have gone exactly like Bucky has feared.
It was her very first day, her stand was in place like Bucky had put it and she and Sarah were organizing the jars on the shelves as the men watched them with scowls.
She tried her best not to care. The wooden sign saying “Sweet Things” on top was shining in the sunlight and with it her smile.
Everything was going smoothly until both she and Sarah left the stand for a minute to go get the rest of the boxes off of Sam’s truck.
It was just one minute but it was enough for those who didn’t want her there to make it known.
When she came back, her glass jars were all on the ground, smashed to pieces, the jam she had spent last night making staining the gravel.
She was speechless, hurt and confused at some people’s ability to be so venomous and mean.
She saw Cole holding as many jars as he could in his arms, sighing when he saw her, “I tried to stop them. I’m so sorry.”
She felt her chest tighten as her eyes welled up.
“Don’t let them see you cry,” Sarah whispered in her ear as she could see tears gathering in her lash line.
“I would never,” she replied strongly, setting the box in her arms down on the counter of her booth with a clenched jaw.
“Who did this?” She asked, her voice loud and powerful.
She got no answer so she decided to provoke whoever had done this into coming forward, “so what you’re manly enough to smash down jam jars, but not so much when it comes to owning up to it?”
“We all did it!” The man from the clothing stall shouted.
“Yeah, we don’t want you here! Women weren’t made to work!” The man from the key cutting stand continued.
“And who decided that exactly?” She yelled back to them, hands on her waist rebelliously.
“It’s just how the world works, sweetheart. Work just isn’t for women,” the man from the clothing stall replied with a challenging smile as he gestured to the broken glass by her feet.
“Oh, it isn’t? That’s weird! Because last time I checked, women worked their butts off all day long cleaning, cooking, and taking care of children at houses that aren’t even their own just to go back home at the end of the day and do it all over again for free while you sat on your lazy asses!”
Everyone stood there stunned, her response crushing them into silence. None of them could remember the last time a woman had dared use such a tone with them, let alone use curse words in her speech.
“But it’s fine when women don’t get to take the money for their work, right? Women can work as long as you receive their pay money each month, no? They’re allowed to work as long as their money isn’t their own and their dignity is kept under your shoes, aren’t they?!” She lashed out, surprising herself, Sarah, everyone around and a very impressed Bucky, who was standing at the end of the market as she let her voice get loud, talking back to men.
He just thought he would stop by, unable to keep his worry at bay. And when he heard the men’s voices get loud in her face, he thought he would intervene; defend her, but his little human didn’t seem like she needed any defending. Not one bit.
She was putting those assholes in their places all by herself.
“Lower your voice, woman! Or have you been around that savage brute of yours too much that you’ve forgotten how to properly speak?”
“Hey!” Bucky barked, stomping over to the man who had dared disrespect him and his wife, his fists already balling.
“Oh you’re gonna come for my orc now?!” Her shout stopped Bucky before he could punch the man’s nose off, “where were you again when my orc was fighting for this kingdom? Where were you when he took it upon himself to keep everyone here safe? Oh, wait, right! Sitting on your lazy ass!”
“How dare you talk to us like that? You think you get to be this audacious because you let a half-orc bed you?!”
“Watch your tongue when you’re talking to my wife,” Bucky snarled in the man’s face before she gently held him back.
“At least he knows how to take care of a woman!” She said proudly, “my orc is more of a husband to me than any of you pathetic wimps could ever be to your women!”
Bucky couldn’t help the warm smile replacing his scowl at her words. He couldn’t believe she was defending him like that, saying such words about him, in the middle of the market.
“He treats me like a queen. He has never laid a hand on me and when he makes me scream, he makes me scream for all the right reasons.” She growled, looking the rude man right in the eye as she stressed every word in the end of her sentence.
The man swallowed hard, her words clearly hitting him where it hurt.
She smiled victoriously, “now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a jam stand to run and if any of you as much as thinks of pulling anything like this again, my husband here will have the rest of the kingdom hear your screams for a change.” She warned fearlessly, her gaze running over each and every seller in the market.
“For all the right reasons.” Bucky promised, harshly squeezing the man’s shoulder in his flesh fist.
She giggled, nodding with a wide grin before walking to the truck to get the sweep she had packed beforehand.
“Now I know why you insisted on bringing that with you!” Sarah laughed in amazement.
She laughed with her best friend as they both walked back to her stand where a very proud Bucky was still standing guard.
It was sad that she had expected such actions; that she expected that someone was going to try and destroy her work, but she was still glad they did it early enough for her to set them straight. She now had a place in that market, and she wasn’t leaving any time soon.
Once she reached the booth, Bucky took the broom out of her hand and threw it to Sarah, settling his hands on her waist.
“Hi,” she smiled, finally able to properly greet her husband, slipping a loose strand of hair behind his pointed ear.
“Hi,” Bucky replied fondly, leaning her back in a tender dip, making her laugh before he claimed her lips in a passionate, lingering kiss in front of everyone watching.
They had lost themselves in the kiss so much that when they finally pulled away, Sarah had finished sweeping away the glass, Cole helping her get rid of the shards so that they wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Bucky grunted when he noticed Cole standing there, the man shivering under the orc’s intense gaze.
She squeezed Bucky’s hand in hers before giving Cole a grateful smile, “thank you for everything you’ve done, Cole. We appreciate it.”
“No need to thank me,” Cole blushed, “it wasn’t right what they did.”
Bucky snarled, teeth and fists clenched as he silently told the man to back off.
“I’ll— I’ll be by the flowers if you guys need me,” Cole said hastily, practically running out of Bucky’s face, the orc’s gaze following him until he was gone.
“Bucky,” she said, shaking his hand in hers, “he was just helping!”
“We don’t need his help,” he growled, still angry that another man was able to offer his wife help before him.
“I don’t and will never need anyone but you,” she told him, getting on her tiptoes to peck the orc’s frowny lips.
“Promise me not to talk to him again,” Bucky grumbled like a kid on her lips, refusing to let her kiss him.
She shook her head with a smile, “I promise.”
“No, say the whole thing.”
She laughed aloud, hiding her face in his chest, “I promise not to talk to Cole again. Happy?”
“Very.” Bucky finally smiled again, kissing her properly.
The next few days were very busy for both of them. She was trying to build herself a good name in the market and Bucky had this huge bulk order of chairs and desks for the new school. It didn’t help that Sarah was helping her with her jam stand because that meant that Sam and Bucky had to get everything done on their own.
She and Bucky barely saw each other all week, meeting only on the bed to exhaustedly fall asleep in each other’s arms at nights. They couldn’t even have breakfasts together because Bucky would be up and out way earlier than her.
Which meant he never saw her during her morning sickness.
And as much as she craved Bucky’s care, she was still happy in a way that he wasn’t here for the daily puke because that meant she could surprise him with the news she so bad hoped to be true.
She had told Sarah when it happened for the third day in a row, unable to keep her happiness or nervousness to herself.
She was probably pregnant, with Bucky’s baby. All the signs were there and she couldn’t be more contented.
They didn’t tell anyone, but today during lunch time, Sarah was accompanying her on her visit to the midwife just to make sure before she went ahead and broke the news to Bucky.
And when the midwife had confirmed hers and Sarah’s suspicions, the whole world couldn’t contain her happiness if it tried.
She was carrying Bucky’s baby inside of her. She was making a family with the orc of her dreams!
She was too excited that she wanted to just run to the shop and tell Bucky right away, but no, this had to be special. As special as the news itself.
And that was how she found Sarah and herself walking towards Cole’s flower stand.
“You’ll ask for them.”
“Why me? I’m not the pregnant one!” Sarah argued, stopping.
“Please, Sarah, you know I promised Bucky,” she whined, giving her friend the best puppy eyes she could pull.
“I’m sure Bucky didn’t mean that literally! He just didn’t want you flirting with the man.”
“Oh believe me, he meant it literally.”
“Still no.”
“Please, Aunt Sarah,” she begged, rubbing her flat belly.
“Ugh fine, but only for the sweet orcling inside of you!”
She giggled, giving Sarah a hug before they continued walking to the flower stand, “thank you, Aunt Sarah.”
“Good afternoon, Cole,” Sarah started, “we’re gonna need one of you freshest—”
“Mom!” A smaller voice called out, making Sarah turn around at once.
“AJ! What are you doing here, boy? Where’s your brother?” Sarah asked worriedly.
“He fell down— we were just playing soccer—” AJ stuttered, scared of his mom’s reaction.
“Where is your brother?”
“He’s at the infirmary. The doctor asked for you…” AJ replied faintly, his head down in shame.
“Oh my— I’m so sorry. I need to go.” Sarah told her as she ran with AJ out of the market.
“It’s okay, go. I’ll come with Bucky later to see how he’s doing,” she replied with a worried nod.
“So,” Cole broke the silence and only then did she realize that she has been standing there by his booth watching Sarah and AJ leave for at least 30 seconds.
“Oh— well…” She fumbled with her hands, not sure if she should talk to him.
She knew she promised Bucky, but this was kind of for Bucky too, and neither she nor Cole were flirting, so what was the harm?
“I need your freshest forget-me-not, please.” She gave the man her order with a polite smile.
“You got it.” Cole nodded before kneeling down to fetch her the prettiest, most alive forget-me-not plant she has ever seen, “how about this gal here?”
“She’s perfect!” She smiled, almost jumping in place because she could see Bucky’s face when she gave him the flower with the news she had.
She was too busy paying for her plant to notice Bucky watching her from a distance or notice him leaving at the sight of her smiling while talking to the one man he made her promise not to talk to.
“You came back early!” Sam commented upon seeing his friend reenter the shop less than 15 minutes after he had left.
“Yeah, couldn’t find her. Probably went to lunch out with Sarah,” Bucky lied, setting his packed food down before picking up his axe.
“We don’t need any more wood—”
“I don’t care.” Bucky stormed off to the lumberyard, ready to take his feelings out on the dead trees.
“Those chairs aren’t gonna make themselves ya know! I’m not a machine!” Sam yelled after him but it all fell on deaf ears.
Bucky was angry.
He just wanted to have a sweet lunch with his wife, but instead he was welcomed by a scene from his worst nightmare.
Did she do that all the time? How many times has she broken her promise to him? Was it because he was busy those past few days? He thought she was busy too; he didn’t know it could be affecting her that much…
But no. She wouldn’t do that. She promised him and Bucky trusted and trusts her.
Bucky shook his head as he stopped in his tracks, turning around as he flipped his axe in the air. He trusted his wife.
He wasn’t going to be that husband because they were not that couple.
When Bucky had walked back to the shop, she was there, waiting for him with her heart pounding in her throat.
He wanted to take the frown off his face, but he couldn’t do it fast enough.
“Where’s Sam?” He wondered, trying to hide his feelings.
“He had to go to Sarah and the boys. Cass got hurt while playing.” She explained in a hurry, the news she actually came for pressing on her.
“Bucky, I need to talk to you,” she said before she could change her mind, nervousness etched all over her soft features.
Bucky’s heart sank. Was she leaving him?
“I wanted to wait until we got home, but I couldn’t wait!” She smiled, eyes lighting up as she spoke.
Okay, maybe she wasn’t leaving him. She wouldn’t be this joyful about leaving him, would she?
“Is everything okay, sweet thing?” Bucky asked, becoming nervous himself.
She took his hand and led him to his chair before making herself comfortable on his lap with a bag in her own.
Yeah, she wasn’t leaving him.
“I wanna confess something first.”
“I’m listening,” Bucky said, his voice strained because he could guess where this was going.
“I broke my promise to you today, but only today, I swear. And I’m sorry,” she held his hand in one of hers, eyes begging him not to be upset with her, “I had to speak to Cole.”
“Really? You had to? Why did you possibly have to speak to Cole?” Bucky snapped, unable to control his anger.
“I understand why you’re upset and I’m so sorry.” She squeezed his hand to her heart, “I asked Sarah to do it for me, but AJ came and got her because Cass got hurt and so I had to ask Cole for this.” She brought out the potted forget-me-not, “all on my own”.
“If you wanted blue flowers you could have asked me and I would have planted millions for you,” Bucky mumbled, shaking his head.
He was happy that they had a healthy relationship where she felt safe enough to come and tell him about this, but he wasn’t happy with what she was telling him.
He could be a farmer!
“That would’ve been too late and too early at the same time.” She shrugged with a small grin.
“Little human, you’re not making much sense right now.”
“Forget-me-nots take from a month and a half to two months to grow. It would’ve been too late for me to tell you the news I got them to tell you and too early for—”
She got up and set the plant on Bucky’s desk before resituating herself on his lap with her dress up so that she was straddling him.
“It would’ve been too early for the baby to come.”
“What? What baby?” Bucky asked dumbly, his brain short circuiting at the news.
“I’m pregnant, my love,” she whispered, her eyes tearing up.
“You’re— you’re pregnant?”
She nodded, tears rolling down her soft cheeks, “I’m pregnant.”
“With my baby.” Bucky pointed to himself, making her chuckle.
“With your baby.”
Without introductions, Bucky pressed his lips to her in a kiss so passionate that it left her dizzy.
“Our baby,” Bucky whispered on her lips, cupping her cheek as he put his forehead to hers, letting his tears run.
Bucky’s flesh hand moved to caress her belly, “you have given me everything, sweet thing. Everything.”
“I love you, Bucky.” She wiped her orc’s tears before wrapping her arms around him, burrowing her face in his neck, breathing in his calming scent.
“I love you even more, little human.”
“We’re gonna have an actual little human soon and the name won’t be exclusively mine anymore,” she joked, chuckling on his warm skin.
“You will always be my little human,” Bucky told her seriously, bringing her gaze back to his, “we’re just gonna have a littler human.”
She laughed aloud as Bucky wiped away her tears.
“We’re gonna be so happy, aren’t we?” She asked with a big smile, her heart full.
“Yes, we are.” Bucky promised, sealing it with another kiss.
“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me,” she told Bucky the second they broke the kiss, making him smile like an idiot.
“Oh my gods, you’re so human!”
Bucky laughed with her before asking “forget-me-nots?”
“Yeah, I didn’t want you to forget about me between the hills of chairs and desks and they could also symbolize a sense of permanence, commitment, and familial bond. It was in one of the books you got me when we first got married.” She pretended to flip her hair away as she spoke confidently.
Bucky smiled, her words reassuring his heart more than she could ever know. She didn’t say when you first took me or when they first sent me, she said when ‘we first got married’.
She had fully, lovingly accepted Bucky and this marriage and it was time for Bucky to accept it all himself, too. It was time for him to accept that he was loved and chosen and cared about by this woman in his lap.
“I could never forget about you, sweet thing.” Bucky kissed her forehead, silently thanking her for way more than just a potted plant.
“I got you something else.” She rummaged through the bag, bringing out an amethyst male ring.
“What’s that one for?” Bucky asked, looking at her fondly.
“That’s for protection, so you wouldn’t hurt yourself while working again,” she told him with a smile as she slipped the ring on his flesh finger.
Bucky looked at her, all the love in the world held in his stare, “thank you, little human.”
He kissed the ring on his finger and after it her lips.
She loved Bucky and that was the only truth he needed to believe in.
Bucky loved her and that was the only fact that mattered to him.
She and Bucky were expecting their first baby and that was the only reality any of them wanted to live.
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joelalorian · 25 days
Fall Into Me - Chapter Nine: I'd Fall for You Twice if That's What You Wanted
dbf!Joel x f!reader
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Summary: Joel is hanging on by a thread as a single father to a tenacious 10-year-old Sarah. Feeling like he's drowning, like the world is about to spit him out, he needs some help before he breaks in half. At your dad's insistence, you show up in his life and change everything.
Story is inspired by the song Fall Into Me by Forest Blakk. Chapter titles will be lyrics from the song.
Word Count: 3.2k
Chapter Warnings: Explicit, under 18 take a hike. No outbreak AU. Lots of feelings. Sarah, Tommy, Emily, and JB unknowingly banding together for the win. Joel is his own warning. Inappropriate (or entirely appropriate?) use of a massager. Age gap of about 9 years (Reader 24/25, Joel 33/34). No use of y/n. Reader has a nickname used only by her dad and Joel uses various terms of endearment (darlin', sweetheart, etc.).
Thank you so much to everyone who reads this self-indulgent story and extra thanks to those who comment and/or reblog - you all make me feel like a rock star!
Dividers by the wonderful @saradika-graphics
Chapter Eight | Main Masterlist
“Girl, you’ve got it baaad,” Emily teased, watching you eye your phone every five seconds. The pair of you were getting drinks at your favorite watering hole the Saturday before your first full week of officially teaching.
“I can’t help it, Em. He’s got this, like, hold over me or something,” you replied sheepishly, one hand tucking your phone away in your back pocket. You were starting to annoy yourself with how often you checked for texts from Joel.
“You’re in love, that’s what happens.” Emily shrugged and sipped at her fruity mixed drink. “How’d the holidays go?”
Your expression lit up as you told Emily about your first major holidays with the Millers. Having spent some holidays with them while you were still away at school, your dad already fit into their family dynamic seamlessly. You were a happy and much-loved addition to the festivities and there was plenty of laughter among the adults at how badly Tommy botched dinner for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Why Joel and your dad ever let him try again after the wreck that was Thanksgiving dinner was beyond you. Thankfully, your dad saved the day both times with his unparalleled grilling skills.
“So, it’s safe to say that JB’s still happy about you and Joel being together?” Emily asked after your own laughter at recounting the mess died down.
“Is he ever,” you replied with a shake of your head. “He loves to rib Joel on making an honest woman out of me. Joel takes it in stride, but I’m kinda afraid that it’ll scare him off if my dad keeps it up.”
“Oh, please! That man is clearly head over fuckin’ heels for you. Hell, he’s already told you and JB that he loves you, he’s not goin’ anywhere!” After taking another sip of her drink, Emily shot you a pointed look. “When the hell am I gonna meet Joel, anyway? I feel like you’re actively hiding him from me.”
You stilled.
Were you doing that? You didn’t think so, not at first, but… If you were honest with yourself, there was an element of truth to Emily’s accusation.
“Shit, Em. I’m not doing it purposefully, I swear,” you replied beseechingly, pausing to figure out how to properly explain things. Finding a scratch in the tabletop suddenly fascinating, you stared at it while continuing. “I just have to share him so much already, between Sarah and my dad, even his brother – not that I begrudge him spending time with any of them, especially Sarah! It’s just… when I have time with him, I want to keep him to myself. You know what I mean?”
God, that made you sound so selfish. You looked up to find Emily grinning at you.
“What?” you asked, confused.
“I’ve never seen you so in love. It looks good on you.” Emily clinked her now empty glass against your half-full one. “Just promise me that I’ll get to meet him soon. We could do a double date or something, so it doesn’t take away too much of your precious alone time.”
Over another round of drinks, you made plans for a few Fridays from now, quietly hoping Joel wouldn’t mind.
Heading home, you longed to see Joel, but it was late, and he was spending time with Sarah. He went to great lengths to make sure his daughter did not feel left out or neglected while the two of you explored your relationship, setting aside time for just the two of them to hang out. You loved that about him and knew how important that quality time was for Sarah. Besides, you planned to head over there tomorrow to get a little quality time of your own ahead of the busy week ahead.
In the morning, you slept in and lazed around the house for a while, taking the opportunity to relax and ease into your day while your dad puttered around until mid-day. You hadn’t heard from Joel, but that didn’t bother you – he knew you planned to come over. Around one o’clock, you headed over to the Millers, picking up some pizza and beer on the way.  
Pulling up in front of the house, you found your usual spot in the driveway taken by your dad’s truck while Tommy’s truck blocked the remaining space. With a huff you parked along the curb. You would have ordered more pizza if you knew everyone would be here.
“Howdy boys,” you greeted as you walked in. “I come bearing pizza and beer, though I fear we’ll need lots more with this crew.”
Only one set of eyes turned away from the football game playing on TV as they all greet you in return. Getting up from his beloved corner spot on the couch, Joel took the pizza and beer from your hands and placed them on the coffee table before pulling you into the kitchen for a proper greeting.
“Hi darlin’, I’ve missed you,” Joel murmured, his voice already raspy from yelling at the TV. He pulled you close until your bodies were flush together and kissed you deeply. Like a magnet, your fingers threaded through his messy curls, tugging gently as he nibbled your bottom lip.
“Mmm, I missed you, too, handsome. Didn’t know you were having company.”
Joel flashed his big cow eyes at you, eyebrows pinched together regretfully. “’M sorry, baby. I didn’t know they were coming by to watch the game ‘til they got here. Apparently, my TV is the best, so here they are. Hope that’s ok. I’ll kick ‘em right the hell out if you want me to.”
The thought did cross your mind.
“Nah, enjoy the game with the boys. I’ll sit with you guys for a bit then hang with Sarah until they leave.” Still wrapped in each other’s arms, you nuzzled the tanned skin of Joel’s neck and he hummed.
“You gonna stay over?”
You shouldn’t, not on a school night – your first as a bona fide teacher – but you had so little time together. “Sure. Just don’t keep me up too late, Mister. Those kids are exhausting, and I need my energy for the first day.”
“Miller! Stop neckin’ with my daughter and get your ass out here!” your dad’s voice bellowed through the house, causing the two of you to spring apart.
“Jesus, Dad,” you sighed, pecking Joel on the lips one last time before following him out to the living room. When would the game be over?
Surprisingly, you enjoyed the time watching the game with everyone. Even Sarah came down to join you all at half-time, book in hand, and sat between you and Joel reading. It was a lovely afternoon and a lovelier night as Joel held you in his arms, whispering words of praise into your hair until you fell into a deep slumber.
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Your first week of teaching passed in a blur. After a month of assisting the prior teacher before his official retirement, the students knew you and respected your authority, setting the stage for an overall lovely experience. You started off with earth science lessons and most of the kids were engaged and eager to learn. Of course, you had a few little challenges with difficult students testing their boundaries, but you felt good about the way you handled each situation.
You stayed later after the students were dismissed, using the time to organize the room to your liking and get the lesson plans in order. Sarah perched at one of the long wooden tables working on her homework while you completed your tasks. The pattern offered you and Sarah some quality time together and the young girl found great enjoyment in putting you on the spot, especially when her dad was the topic at hand.
“JB keeps telling dad he needs to marry you,” Sarah blurted randomly Friday afternoon. “Do you want to?”
Staring at her wide-eyed, unsure what to say, you merely shrugged. Why was everyone so focused on the two of you getting married? You only started dating a few months ago!
Tilting her head to the side with a little smirk, Sarah replied, “That’s not a ‘no’.”
She was getting to be as bad as your dad and Tommy.
“You could be my stepmom! I always wanted one since I didn’t get to have a regular mom.”
Despite Sarah’s cheerfulness at the idea, your heart ached for all the real mom-related experiences she didn’t get to have. You knew exactly how that felt. If marrying Joel wasn’t already something you hoped for in the future, it would be after hearing Sarah expressing her desire for a stepmom, for you as a stepmom.
Sarah kept talking, while you lost yourself in thought.
Would you be a good stepmom?
God, you hoped so.
You never had one, JB chose to never get too serious with anyone after your mom, but you heard enough horror stories from your friends about their own stepmoms through the years. It sounded like a thankless job. But all the people you knew with stepparents had both birth parents still in their lives, so maybe your experience would be different.
The late bell chimed, drawing you out of your ever-spiraling thoughts.
“Come on, nugget. Let’s get you home,” you said, pushing thoughts of marriage and step parenthood to the farthest recesses of your mind.
“If you’re not gonna marry my dad, could you at least move in with us? It would be so great if you lived with us!”
Jesus fucking Christ in a handbasket. This kid sure knew how to keep you on your toes.
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Leaning over the bar top with hunched shoulders and an aching back, Joel picked at the label on the beer bottle. He didn’t often visit the bar after work, not since Sarah came into his life, but he finally had some extra money and felt like treating himself. You stopped letting him pay you months ago, when the two of you became more to each other than just babysitter and boss, and he stashed that money away each week, saving it for what he didn’t know.
At his side, Tommy carried on about some chick he met a few weeks ago. A pretty attorney who was way out of his league and already turned him down twice. Like a dog with a bone, Tommy showed no signs of giving up yet.
“You better be careful, brother. She may get a restraining order against you if you don’t take it easy,” Joel said, voice a rich rumble.
Tommy waved him off with a chortle. “Oh please. She’s loving it. Chicks like that like being pursued.”
“If you say so.” Joel didn’t know this woman or what she liked, but he knew for a fact that you would hate it if a guy relentlessly pursued you after turning him down, not once, but twice. He smiled at the thought of you kicking a guy like that in the fucking balls to prove that you were very much not interested.
He full on laughed at the thought of you kicking his little brother in the balls, causing Tommy to glance sideways at him.
“What’s so funny, huh?”
“Nothin’,” Joel grumbled, clearing his throat. Thoughts of you continued to invade his mind, just like they always did. You were always on his mind, and he loved it. If only you were always in his bed… Joel cleared his throat. “Hey, uh. How do you know if it’s too early to ask a girl to move in?”
Tommy groaned. “Why you always askin’ me this shit? How am I supposed to know? I have less actual relationship experience than you do.”
“Who else am I supposed to ask, huh? JB? Don’t imagine that’d go over too well,” Joel replied with a defeated shrug, but Tommy conceded the point.
“You need more friends, man.” Clearing his throat, Tommy gave it a moment’s thought. “Well, the way I see it, you love her, and she loves you, everyone knows it, and JB and Sarah are both happy for the two of you. Moving in together seems like the logical next step, right?”
Joel nodded, still uncertain.
“Only the two of you can know if the pace is right. Seems to me like you both waited long enough for the right one to come along. You’ve both been through some shit, why waste any more time?”
Damn, when did his little brother become so insightful?
“Alright, I get your point. Do you think she’ll say yes if I ask?” As secure as he was in your love for each other, Joel still floundered a bit at each new step in the relationship department.
“I dunno, brother. You’re just gonna have to grow a pair and find out.”
“Fuckin’ grow a pair,” Joel grumbled, punching Tommy in the arm, hard.
The pair bickered through another round, like brothers do, before calling it an evening. Eager to see you and Sarah, Joel didn’t want to waste away the evening in the bar with Tommy. As they walked out to their trucks, Tommy stopped Joel with a hand on his shoulder.
“Listen, brother. In all seriousness, I think she’ll say yes, so just ask, ok?”
Joel nodded his thanks and confirmed plans for watching the game at his place on Sunday, before climbing into his truck. The trip home didn’t take long, and for that Joel was grateful. His back ached after a busy week of hard labor followed by an hour sitting hunched over the bar. He’d kill for a massage.
The house was quiet when he walked in, no sign of you or Sarah on the ground floor. Kicking off his work boots and dropping the truck keys onto the hook near the door, Joel slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor.
Light flooded into the hall from Sarah’s bedroom, the sound of giggles and low voices echoing in the air. He moved slowly, quietly, until he could just peek around the door jamb. You sat on Sarah’s bed, the little girl perched in front of you, as you braided her wiry curls.
The sight melted Joel’s insides into a gooey puddle.
This. This was exactly what he wanted to come home to everyday.
He had to ask you to move in.
Just as he straightened up with a silent groan, ready to enter the room, Sarah’s sweet little voice left him frozen in place.
“I think you’d make the best stepmom.”
“This again,” you griped playfully. “You do, huh? Why?”
Was this something Sarah brought up before? Joel held his breath, waiting for Sarah’s response.
“Because you love my dad and you love me, you’re always kind even when things go wrong, you’re smart, and you like spending time with me. But most of all, because you do the things a mom does even though you’re not my mom and you don’t have to.”
He caught your gasp even though you tried to hide it from Sarah. You were as affected by Sarah’s heartfelt, innocent confession as he was. His adorable, sweet little girl knew you’d make a great stepmom and he agreed with all her reasons. If possible, he fell further in love with you in that moment after seeing you through his daughter’s eyes.
“Well, you’re right, nugget. I do love you and your dad, and I hope that one day, when the time is right, I can be your stepmom. Until then, we’ll just keep doing what we’re doing, ok? I’ll still love you to pieces even without the official title.”
You choked out the words, on the verge of tears, and Joel felt his own eyes begin to water. Unable to bear it any longer, he swept through the doorway and pulled you both against his chest in a big bear hug. His precious girls. He loved you both more than words could express.
“Daddy! You’re squeezing too tight! Imma burst!” Sarah shrieked with laughter as he tossed her onto the bed and began tickling her with one hand, his other still holding your close.
“Did you…” Your eyes searched his, a hint of worry hiding in their depths, and Joel grinned, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
“I heard it all,” Joel confirmed, confidence bolstered knowing you wanted to marry him at some point. Conveying every feeling held in his heart through his eyes, he added, “Move in with us. Please.”
Your eyes flicked back and forth between his, searching for confirmation. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life, darlin’.”
The three of you celebrated with ice cream after you agreed to move in with them before putting Sarah to bed. By then, Joel’s back ached something fierce and you offered to use the message gun he forgot he had.
“Lay face down on the bed, my love,” you directed, watching with adoration as he tugged the shirt over his head, jeans hanging low on his hips. The muscles rippled in his arms and back as he settled on the soft mattress. “Ready?”
“Yes,” Joel murmured, huffing when you climbed over him to straddle his ass.
Turning on the massage gun, you put it on the middle setting and pressed the ball against the flesh of his traps. Even through the device, you could feel how tight those muscles were. It must be where he held his tension. Over the next half hour, you worked the massager over his back, soaking in the grunts that bordered on pain and relief. Somewhere along the way, the groans turned pleasurable, and Joel rolled onto his back, leaving you to straddle his thighs as the bulge in his jeans grew.
Joel’s hands moved to undo the button on his jeans, but you batted his hand away with a mischievous grin. With wide, wondrous eyes, he watched you adjust the setting on the massager and run it along the seam of his pants.
“Oh fuck,” he hissed, cock twitching with interest at the vibration. “Don’t stop.”
Hands gripping your hips, he bucked up into the delightful buzz of the massager, a steady stream of moans falling from his lips as the vibrations spread from his balls upwards to the head of his cock. Fuck, if it felt that good through his jeans, how good would it feel directly on his cock?
“Do you want me to increase the speed setting?” you purred, pressing the massager harder against him.
“Oh God, fuck. Yes… ungh. Please.” The words fell from his lips in a series of whimpers as you adjusted the settings. Within moments, he moaned a bit too loudly and came in his pants. You didn’t let up on the pressure though, the vibration drawing out his orgasm until every last drop of his load was blown and his body nearly convulsed with the overstimulation.
Chest heaving, he watched you switch off the massager and run your fingers along the large wet spot on his jeans, his cock twitching tiredly in response.
“That was fucking sexy,” you murmured, enthralled with the mess you just made of him.
“Yeah? Lemme see that thing. Think it’s my turn now, pretty girl.”
Taglist: @mellymbee @untamedheart81 @anoverwhelmingdin @runningmom94 @leilanixx
@pedropascalfan221 @lovelyjess69 @sarahhxx03 @sofiparallel @tammythr
@lulawantmula @islacharlotte @allyourfavesinoneblog @lover-of-books-and-tea @pedropascalsbbg
@ashleyfilm @brittmb115 @lilmizmoz @loveisacowboyyy @shotgun-shelby
@deninoe @casssiopeia @caitlynsixxx @skysmiller @missladym1981
@marirxse @lizzie-cakes @tynakub
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albertasunrise · 5 months
Hope - Hope I See You Again
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Summary: After Joel loses his wife and your best friend during childbirth. You support him as he takes on parenthood on his own at 22. But when feelings start to develop, you battle with the guilt you feel for falling for your best friend’s husband.
Relationships: Joel Miller x Reader
Warnings: Like AO3 I choose to give none. Read at own risk. 18+… this is to avoid spoilers! (So a longer chapter...Another angst fest but I hope you enjoy. Had most of this written out already hence posting it so quickly after chapter 4, can't wait to heart what y'all think ♥️)
Series Masterlist - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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10 years later...
"Sarah!" Joel calls up the stairs as he munches on his toast "Hunny you're going to be late." 
"COMING!" She replied as thumping steps erupted on the landing. 
Joel chuckled as he listened to his daughter clamber down the stairs, smiling when she planted a kiss on his cheek and skipped to the plate of toast he left on the side for her. 
"You're a good father." She said as she ravaged the breakfast he made her. 
"I try to be." 
"You make some for Uncle Tommy?" She asked as her ears perked up at the sound of his truck parking on the drive. 
"Yeah, yeah..." Joel waved her off "Although he's gonna eat me outa house n' home at this rate." 
"Who is?" Tommy asked as he walked into the kitchen, giving his brother a friendly slap on the arm as he passed. 
"You asshole." Joel grumbled, eliciting a snigger from Sarah. 
"Sarah baby... you're gonna miss the bus if you don't leave." Joel said as he eyed the clock. 
"Ah... crap... Okay, gotta go. See ya later Uncle Tommy." She said sweetly as she kissed his cheek before skipping to her father to do the same thing "Still on for tacos tonight?" 
"Wouldn't be Tuesday without them." Joel winked before waving at his daughter as she sprinted out the door. 
"Ready?" Tommy asked as he unceremoniously shoved the last of his toast into his mouth. 
"One of these days, you're gonna choke." He snorted as he pushed himself to his feet "I'm driving today." He said as he snatched up the keys and headed to the garage. 
Joel was just finishing up laying the table when Sarah came screaming in. He couldn't understand how she had so much energy despite being at school all day and then soccer practice afterwards. 
"HEY!" She shouted, practically skipping into the kitchen. 
"Hey baby girl, how was your day?" He asked as he grabbed and placed the serving spoon into the bowl of chorizo and potatoes that he'd just finished frying off. 
"Great, do you mind if a friend joins us?" She asked sheepishly, smiling sweetly at him as he turned to see a tall boy beside her. 
He seemed familiar. His dark hair and piercing blue eyes reminded him of someone he used to know. 
"Dad this is Noah." She said sweetly "He's new and his mum wasn't able to get him from school so I said he could come here for dinner and then you could drop him home later?" 
The boy's name made Joel's stomach twist. There was no way this was the boy that had been practically glued to Sarah's side as a toddler. There are plenty of kids with that name. 
"Baby I-" 
"I know I should have asked first but Dad... you always make extra so there will be plenty for all of us." She pleaded with her big brown eyes, knowing that it would win him over. 
"I don't wanna impose Mr Miller, sir." Noah said, his head dropping "I can probably walk home from here." 
"Sit down." Joel grumbled as he motioned to the table with his head, smiling when Sarah kissed his cheek and whispered thanks in his ear. 
He watched as Sarah eagerly dug into the food on the table before noting Noah's hesitance. 
"Dig in son." Joel encouraged and Noah gave him a nervous nod before doing as he was bid. 
Dinner then passed fairly easily. Sarah talked about school and practice as Noah smiled at her enthusiasm. 
"So where are you from Noah?" Joel asked as he wiped his hands on his napkin and grabbed his beer to take a swig. 
"I was actually born here." Noah confessed and Joel's heart sped up a little "My parents moved when I was little. Dad wasn't well and so we moved closer to my grandma." 
"You don't say." Joel replied, his heart in his throat as Noah continued. 
"We moved back here 'cus mum got a job in Austin. Thought it would be good to get a new start after dad..." He trailed off, his eyes growing sad. 
"Perhaps next taco Tuesday you can bring Ali?" Sarah suggested as she gave Noah's arm a friendly squeeze. 
"Ali?" Joel asked and Noah smiled sweetly "Ali's my little sister. Short for Alison." He replied sweetly "Well little ish... She's a few years younger than me." 
"Joel thought he was going to be sick. There was no way this wasn't the Noah he knew as a boy." 
"Dad..." Sarah called but Joel felt like he was drowning, her calls for him muffled like his head was underwater. 
"DAD!" She shouted and he leapt from his skin as he returned his attention to both of them "You okay?" 
"What?" Joel asked as his eyes flitted between the two kids "Oh... Yeah, sorry just uh... Just a long day." 
Noah's cell phone ringing filled the awkward silence that had blanketed the room and when he pulled it out to see who it was, he excused himself to take it. 
"You sure you're okay dad?" Sarah asked as she grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze "You look like you've seen a ghost." 
"Yeah, baby." He replied sweetly, trying his hardest to be convincing "I'm fine." 
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10 years earlier...
"Joel, you need to take it easy man." Tommy pleaded as he pushed his brother back onto the bed "They cut into your fucking skull man." 
"What I need... is to get out of here." Joel grumbled as he let out a frustrated huff. 
"Sarah and I nearly lost you." Tommy choked, his eyes growing glossy as he remembered the last few weeks "We've watched you crash twice... Been told to prepare for the worst more times than I wanna remember... So please, just rest." 
"How are they?" He asked and Tommy sighed "They're doing as well as can be expected." Tommy sighed and Joel nodded "I think the kids have been a great distraction though." 
Joel smiled at that.
"When do you ship out?" Joel asked, changing the subject and Tommy signed "Sunday. Now you're not knocking on death's door, they've decided it's time for me to leave." 
"I'll be okay." Joel promised but Tommy didn't look convinced "I promise."
2 weeks later...
Joel watched as you puttered around the house, looking anything but relaxed as you finished clearing up after lunch. He gingerly pushed himself to his feet, wincing when his stitches pulled. 
"Need some help?" He asked as he limped into the kitchen. 
"No." You replied plainly and Joel sighed.
"Please, let me help." Joel pleaded and you growled in frustration. 
"You can help me by sitting the fuck down so you don't pull a stitch." You growled and Joel shrunk back. 
You'd been cold towards him since he got out and Joel couldn't say he blamed you. You were now stuck babysitting him as he recovered from three major surgeries on top of his daughter whom you'd been caring for for almost a month. 
"Please... I just... I want to help." 
"You've done enough Joel." That statement had him shrinking away from you as he nodded. 
"I'm going to check on Sarah." He said quietly as he limped from the kitchen.
"She's sleeping."
Joel didn't reply. Just left you to finish your frantic cleaning as he limped away with his tail between his legs.
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Present day...
"Sorry." Noah said as he stepped back into the room "Was my mum." 
"Everything okay? Sarah asked and Noah nodded. 
"Yeah, just a broken arm." 
"What happened?" Joel asked, his confusion obvious from his expression. 
"Oh, my sister hurt herself during gym." Noah replied "Why mum couldn't grab me... Was up the hospital with her." 
"What about you dad?" Joel asked and Noah grew quiet again. 
"Noah's dad died a few months ago." Sarah pipped up and Joel's eyes almost bugged out of his skull.
"Shit... I'm... Shit I'm so sorry son I-"
"It's fine." Noah assured him as he gave Joel a weak smile "Not like you knew." 
"Do you need me to drop you home?" Joel asked and Noah nodded. 
"If you don't mind." 
Joel gave him a friendly smile before grabbing his truck keys off the side. 
"Come on." 
Sarah sat in the back as Noah directed Joel home. He couldn't help but think about the little boy he'd known a decade ago and how he'd grown into this polite young man. Part of him wanted to confess that he and Sarah had been inseparable as kids but until he was sure that he was who he thought he was, Joel needed to keep that information to himself. 
"This is me." Piped up Noah as he pointed at a house with a Large Volvo parked in the drive. 
It was nice. Exactly the sort of house he'd pictured you living in. Pulling up, the porch light flicked on and the door opened, revealing a face that Joel had thought he'd never see again. Time had been kind to you. Your hard was cut to just below the shoulders and wavy and your features had matured but it was unmistakeably you. 
"Thanks, Mr Miller, sir." Noah said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and grabbed his pack "Thanks for letting me crash Taco Tuesday." 
"Call me Joel, please." 
Noah gave the older man a shy smile before turning to say goodbye to Sarah. Hopping out the truck, Joel watched as Noah jogged up to you and he smiled as he watched to greet the boy with a hug. He'd known you'd be a natural mum. 
You glanced up at him and his heart stopped. Your eyes locked and he wondered if you'd recognise him too but when you squinted before raising your hand in thanks, Joel realised it was too dark in the cab for you to see him. 
Sarah clambering from the back to the front pulled Joel's attention away from the spot you'd been standing and he chuckled at the inelegant way the 12-year-old dumped herself in the passenger seat. 
"So what do you think of Noah?" She asked as she tried to act casual and Joel snorted. 
"He's a good kid." Joel replied as he pulled away from the curb "How did you guys meet anyway?" 
"He had to redo a year." Sarah replied "Not his fault. His dad was in and out of hospital so he missed a lot of school. When they moved here the school suggested that it would be good for him to redo 5th grade." 
"Do you know what happened to his dad?" Joel asked, trying to sound as inconspicuous as possible. 
"Apparently his dad was in an accident when he was little. Complications from that had him in and out of hospital but a year ago he got real sick and his immune system just couldn't cope." 
Joel once again felt like he was going to be sick. 
He'd had suffered a few long things from the crash. Back pain and headaches being the key ones but nothing following the surgery he'd had. So to learn that Alec had continued to suffer in the 10 years that followed the accident had him wanting to pull over and vomit up the tacos they'd eaten for dinner. 
You must hate him. 
"How was your evening hunny?" You asked as you finished unstacking the dishwasher. 
"Was great." He replied with a smile "Made a friend. Sarah Miller." He continued as he placed the plate you handed him in the cupboard "She invited me to join her and her dad Joel for taco Tuesday." 
"Joel Miller?" You asked, your heart hammering against your ribs as your eyes widened. 
"Yeah... You know him?" Noah asked as he turned to face you "Mum?..." 
"Um... Uh, yeah I..." 
Noah's eye caught a glimpse of a photo on the wall that until now he'd never looked at twice. It was of you and his dad with two guys you'd told him were friends from when you'd lived here. He looked more closely and noted how he was gripping the jeans of a man who looked a lot like Joel and then his eyes flitted to the little girl in the man's arms. His eyes widened as he studied her face. 
"This is them... isn't it?" Noah asked as he turned to look at you, pointing at the photo he'd been studying just a moment ago. 
"I was best friends with Joel's late wife." You answered as you sat down at the kitchen table "You and Sarah were inseparable as kids." You chuckled as you remembered how fond of Sarah Noah had been. 
"Why have you never mentioned them before?" 
"Because we fell out of touch." You confessed, "After your dad's accident, things got tense between us." 
"Tense?" Noah pushed "How?" 
"Joel was driving the car that night." You told him "He almost died but when he left the hospital, I blamed him for your dad's condition and so our friendship kinda fell apart." 
"But Dad's car was t-bone by a drunk truck driver." Noah pushed and you sighed.
"I know."
"So it wasn't Joel's fault." 
"No." You choked as you remembered how bad things had gotten "But I blamed him anyway.
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10 years earlier... 
Joel's head was pounding. 
Headaches had been a constant complication from the surgery on his head. Limping into the kitchen, he found you leaning against the counter sipping a cup of coffee as you started out the window across from you. 
If you heard him enter you didn't show it. It had been a week since you'd snapped at him and Joel had done his best to give you space. Even if that meant suffering his increasingly painful headaches but this one was unbearable. 
"Have you seen my pain pills?" He asked as he limped towards you and you shook your head.
"Any idea where they could be?" He asked as he tried to rummage through the cupboard for them. 
"Please... my head is pounding." He pleaded and that seemed to snap you out of your trance. 
"Oh... You have a headache do you?" You growled condescendingly "Poor Joel's head hurts." 
"Please." Joel pleaded but you were having none of it. 
"Alec is paralysed from the waist down and you want me to keep track of where you put year headache tablets?" You growled and Joel immediately stopped searching. 
"The man I love... the father of my unborn child is never going to walk again." You snarled as you slammed down your mug, making Joel flinch from the sound "He's never going to walk again... meanwhile, you get to walk away with no long-term consequences. How is that fair?" 
"I'm so sorry." 
"I don't want your apologies, Joel." You growled, "I just want you out of my life." 
Joel didn't care that you could see his tears. He stood there openly sobbing as you scoffed and turned your back from him.
"I think it's time you left." You said as your hand closed around something in front of you, turning to toss his pain pills at him. 
Joel didn't reply he just nodded. Limping from the kitchen to pack his things. 
He left an hour later. 
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Present day...
Noah had been off with you since the evening he'd learned his history with Sarah and Joel. You felt guilty about how you'd treated Joel all those years ago but you'd been pregnant and lost. You'd hated the fact that your husband had been crippled for life and needed someone to blame. 
You'd blamed Joel. 
You were standing in line waiting for your morning coffee when a familiar voice caught your attention. Looking over your shoulder you saw an older Tommy Miller walking towards the bar. 
He ordered his coffee, paid then walked towards you. Only to stop in his tracks when he spotted you and his smile disappeared. 
"Long time no see." You said when he took a few more tentative steps towards you. 
"Yeah. Been a while." He replied plainly and you flinched at his tone. 
"How have you been?" You asked and he shrugged.
"Left the army. Working for Joel now." He replied and you nodded. 
"How is Joel?" You asked as you accepted your coffee from the barista and thanked them. 
"Do you care?" He growled and your brows pulled together. 
"Oh course... I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." 
"He's fine." Tommy grumbled as he poured a few sugars into his coffee before turning to you "He wasn't the night you kicked him out." 
"Tommy I-" 
"He collapsed after getting out of the taxi that had taken him and Sarah home." He interrupted, his tone ice cold as he turned to face you and leaned in closer "He'd developed another brain bleed and almost died. Ali's parents had to fly out from Canada to take care of Sarah whilst Joel fought for his life for a second time." 
"I didn't know." You choked as your hand flew up to your mouth.
"No..." Tommy trailed off as he scoffed at you "You were just too caught up in your own problems to notice how he'd started to go downhill." 
You didn't get a chance to reply. 
Tommy was out of the door before you could utter a syllable. He just left you standing there feeling terrible about the fact that you had neglected him. You had blamed him for your misfortune and you had pushed him away when he needed you. 
You had to fix this. 
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For updates follow @albertasunrise-ficsblog
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lustnluv · 2 months
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your bestfriend keeps trying to get you jealous
“have you seen jj?” was the first question you asked when you walked in the the wreck. you haven’t seen him in a week. he’s been avoiding your calls and when you texted pope this morning he told you that they were all meeting at the wreck.
“hi to you too.” kie joked as you give her a hug. “sorry. he promised to help with my car and then ghosted me. have y’all heard from him?”
there a chorus nod nos around the table except for john b. he was looking down the entire time you was talking and pretended that his phone was the most interesting thing he seen.
“jb?” you asked and he just shrugged, still looking down at his phone.
“you know you should get better at hiding stuff.” you started when the blonde you’ve been chasing down finally showed up. on his arm was a petite brunette you saw around school. she was in your class and was always asking about him.
guess she finally got her answers about him.
“hey guys.” he greeted before he looked at you. “sorry about ignoring you these past days. was too busy to text back. you know how it is.” the girl giggled and sat on his lap, playing with his hair.
he kissed her cheek and smiled up at you. one part of you wanted to drag her off his lap but that’s what he wanted. he’s been doing this for months. having a new toy and flaunting her around just to get under your skin.
you tried your best to ignore it but you’ll eventually break and drag the girl then drag him into the nearest private area.
you smiled at him instead and shrugged. “all good. i had jason come over and help.” he raised his eyebrow but didn’t say anything. you glanced at your phone and faked a bigger smile before looking back at him. “that’s actually him now. i’ll see you guys later.” you kissed Kie’s cheek before walking out the restaurant and going straight to your car. you waited till you was down the road before you punched the seat next to you.
fucking jj.
he knew how to get you where he wanted you and you want sick and tired of it.
taking a deep breath, you grabbed your phone and scrolled through your contacts until you found the one you want.
“i need your help with something. you owe me one so don’t even say no.”
there was a party at the boneyard and you was sitting on your date’s lap. you had on your shortest skirt and your top could barely keep your boobs in. your date had his hands coming closer and closer to your hemline since you had on him. it was perfect.
eyes stayed on you the entire night. you glanced over and he had that girl on his lap. in one hand the can he was holding was slightly crushed and the other was gripping the chair so hard that his knuckles were white. she was kissing his neck but he kept eye contact with you.
waiting you out.
if that’s how he wanted to play that was fine.
your favorite megan song was playing. your skirt barley covered your ass. you knew exactly how to win.
you grabbed your date’s hand and dragged him to the dance floor. grabbed a drunk sarah’s hand too as extra insurance. you made sure jj could still see you.
“you’re gonna have him be mad at me.” john b said, grabbing your waist. “shouldn’t have hid that he was seeing another girl from me.” you shrugged and turned to face him.
“and you’re having fun. forget about him and just dance with us.” you pouted and you felt sarah hug you from behind. “please jb.” she slurred and he looked over at jj before he nodded.
“if he kills me you two better end up together.” nodding, you kissed his face and sarah giggled behind you.
before you can actually dance though, a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you over to your car. he didn’t stop until you two ended up in your backseat.
“what the fuck you think you’re doing?” jj asked as soon as the door shut.
“exactly what you were doing with her. now excuse me i gotta go back to my date. Well dates now.” you opened the door behind you and was pulled on his lap.
“why not?”
“you know why. now stop acting so fucking stubborn.” he tried opening your legs but you kept them shut and shook your head.
“not until you tell her.”
“you’re serious?” you nodded and he mumbled something under his breath before he got out the car and went over to the car.
you watch from the car as he went up to the girl - who funnily enough had sand on her shorts - and her storm off pouting. he came back and pulled you on top of him.
“good enough?”
“you can make it up to me a little more.”
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would you ever consider doing an elementary extension that includes them finding out they’re pregnant with iris? no pressure just wondering!!
The Birthday
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pairing: elementary!joel x f!reader (Elementary-verse)
rating: M (talks of pregnancy, steamy moments, talks of vomiting)
wc: 1.9k
series masterlist
— September 26, 2003 —
You stirred awake later than usual, your body working overtime now that after months of trying, you were finally pregnant. You had yet to tell Joel the news, wanting to wait until the appointment you made for this afternoon to confirm the results of the four at-home tests you took before you got his hopes up.
Crawling out of bed, you stretched your arms out wide, letting out a hearty yawn before turning to look at Joel’s shirtless body still fast asleep in bed, sprawled out like usual, his feet nearly hanging off your side of the bed. You smiled at him and all of his quirks that would get under your skin if he were anybody else, your hand smoothing over your nonexistent bump. Though you’d been unable to fight off your morning sickness all week, somehow the thought of carrying his child and your wedding next month seemed to cure the nausea threatening to creep up on you.
Catching the alarm on his nightstand before it could ring out its harsh and piercing cry, you leaned over his form and pressed a kiss to his temple, your palm rubbing over the muscles on his smooth and warm back.
“Mm,” he hummed, rolling over onto his back. He rubbed at his eyes as he stirred awake, and after a big yawn, he focused his vision on you sitting on the edge. “Mornin’, baby.”
“Morning, birthday boy,” you greeted him with a smile, rubbing at his chest. “What do you want for breakfast?”
“Shit—“ He sighed, raking one of his hands over his face. “Promised Sarah we’d have pancakes this mornin’ but I forgot to get it at the store.”
“Eggs and bacon then?” Joel gave you a soft smile and nodded. 
As you moved to stand, he caught your hand and tugged you back to him, beckoning you to lean down for a kiss which you happily obliged. Joel hummed against your lips, his arms wrapping around your waist as he tugged you to lay on top of him, your thighs straddling his hips as his kisses trailed down your chin to your jaw. 
“We can call off work,” Joel mumbled against your ear as he placed a kiss there, his hands wandering over your thighs to rest on your hips. “Spend all day in bed.”
“I have an important…meeting,” you lied. “Superintendent is coming. Can’t miss it.”
Joel pouted as you sat upright, your hands resting on his chest as you smiled down at him. 
“God, you make it hard to think rationally,” you laughed, lifting a hand to squish his cheeks together, his pout turning into a pair of fish lips. “That’s better.”
Joel laughed and patted your hip, letting you climb off of him so that he could stand up. 
“Gonna shower,” he said. “You’re welcome to join.”
“So persistent this morning,” you teased, swatting his ass as he passed you. “I’ll take a raincheck.”
“Happy fuckin’ birthday to me, I guess.”
With a smirk, you threw on your robe and padded your feet downstairs, finding Sarah sitting at the kitchen table finishing up her homework.
“Morning,” she greeted you with a smile. “How are you feeling? Did you throw up again?”
“No, I’m managing to keep it down today, or…at least for now. Knock on wood.”
After getting the coffee pot going, you pulled two pans from the cupboard and placed them on the gas stove, turning the heat on before walking over to the fridge to grab what remained of the eggs and bacon.
“You gonna tell dad today?” Sarah asked, whispering so that Joel didn’t accidentally overhear the news you’d shared with Sarah almost immediately after finding out yourself, her round, insistent eyes winning over your inner-strength.
“If everything goes well at the doctors,” you replied, looking over your shoulder at her while you cracked some of the eggs into the buttered pan. “You still wanna get his watch fixed?”
“I was hoping, but my allowance money is running a little low.” You looked back to see her shrugging with a frown, but quickly shook your head at her and walked over to your purse that rested on the counter, pulling out three twenties and handing them over. “No, I can’t—“
“You can and you will,” you replied, giving her a playfully stern look. “We’ll just say it’s from both of us.”
“Dad’s gonna love it,” she beamed, sticking the cash in her backpack. “We might see some tears tonight.”
“I’m counting on it.”
Joel’s quick and heavy footsteps sounded as he jogged down the stairs, finding you at the stove and Sarah hard at work on her algebra worksheet. He walked over and kissed her on the top of the head before walking into the kitchen, giving your ass a loving tap as he pulled three mugs out of the cabinet.
“Tommy coming by?” you asked as you watched him divvy up the coffee pot equally into all three cups. As if a lightbulb rang in your head, you realized caffeine might not be the best thing for you given the pregnancy. “Oh, actually…you don’t need to pour me one.”
Both Joel and Sarah gave you an odd look, having never seen you turn down your morning coffee.
“Just…I don’t want to be jittery and anxious for my meeting,“ you lied. 
“You have coffee every mornin’,” he countered, his brows furrowed as he watched you try to form a better excuse.
“Not when I’m already anxious,” you returned, doubling down on your lie. “Coffee will just make it worse.”
“Mm,” Joel narrowed his eyes at you as he lifted his mug to his mouth to take a sip. “You’re lyin’ ‘bout somethin’.”
“No, I’m not,” you quickly denied his claim with a giggle.
“Yeah, you are,” he chuckled. “But it’s alright, I’ll let you have your lie for now.”
“Mornin’, mornin’!” Tommy walked in with a wide smile, rubbing his hands together as he peered over your shoulder at the eggs. “Make sure to put some cheese on mine, sis.”
“She ain’t your personal chef,” Joel barked. 
“Shh,” you hushed your guard dog of a fiancé with a smile before looking over at Sarah. “You want cheese with yours, Sarah?”
“No, I’m okay,” she replied as she stuck her binder in her backpack. “I would like some OJ, though.”
“Bought a new jug of it yesterday,” Joel announced, moving to grab a glass from the cabinet behind him. “Baby, you want a glass, too? Since you’re not havin’ coffee for whatever reason.”
“Yes, please,” you replied, flashing him a thankful smile.
“Why ain’t you havin’ coffee? That’s new,” Tommy noted as he took a seat beside Sarah at the table.
“Why are you both so interested in what she does and doesn’t drink?” Sarah asked, coming to your defense.
“Alright, alright—“ Joel held his hands up in defense. “Didn’t know it was a touchy subject.”
“It’s not, now come help me carry these plates to the table,” you ordered, taking two of the plates in your hands while Joel set his coffee down to grab the other two. You set the plates down in front of Tommy and Sarah before taking your usual seat beside her, Joel joining shortly after.
“You think you’ll be home on time today?” you asked, looking to your fiancé as he stuffed his mouth full of bacon.
“Doubt it,” Tommy interjected. “We gotta wait for the cement guys to come and they take fuckin’ ages—“
“I’ll try my best,” Joel interjected with a glare aimed at his brother. “‘Specially if this one doesn’t drag ass again.”
As if your body suddenly remembered its current condition, the nausea that was nowhere to be found just minutes ago began to take root deep in your stomach. The smile on your face as you watched Joel and Tommy go back and forth faded into a look of worry as things spiraled faster than you could act. Your hand lifted to your mouth as you abruptly slid your chair back on the tile, drawing all eyes to you as you sprinted towards the bathroom, slamming the door behind you and just barely making it to the toilet. 
“Baby, you alright?” Joel’s voice sounded from the other side of the door as every bit of this morning’s breakfast came back up until you were left dry heaving. “Can I come in?”
“It’s gross,” you croaked, hoping it was loud enough for him to hear. It seemed he didn’t care much about your warning as he turned the doorknob and let himself in, finding his seat on the edge of the bathtub. 
“You alright?” he asked, his voice low and soothing as he rubbed your upper back. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, reaching to flush the toilet before moving to sit against the tub beside him, your head resting on his leg. “Must be the nerves.”
“You still goin’ with that lie?” he smiled down at you. “C’mon, baby.”
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” you said, smiling nervously as you looked up at him. “A confirmed surprise.”
“Confirmed?” he repeated, his brows lacing together. You took a deep, calming breath and let it out in a slow sigh before meeting his eyes again, a grin spreading across your face. 
“I, uh, I was feeling off a couple weeks ago and so I went and got some tests—“ Joel’s brow softened, his eyes going round. “And they were positive.”
“You’re telling me…what?” he chuckled. “You’re…you’re pregnant?” 
“Yeah,” you giggled and nodded, wiping a tear that flooded your waterline. 
“Really?” he swooned, reaching out to help you onto your feet so that he could wrap his arms around you. “You ain’t punk-in’ me, or whatever that Ashton Kutcher show says, right?”
You laughed and shook your head as you squeezed his shoulders, his face buried in your neck. 
“No, you’re not getting punk’d,” you said. 
“Does this mean y’aint got an important meeting with the Superintendent today?” he asked as he pulled back to stare at you, his thumb stroking over your cheek. 
“No,” you smirked, looking down at his belt. “I am technically sick.” 
“Exactly,” he smirked. “And it’s my birthday.”
“Sounds like we’ve got some calls to make,” you said, biting your lip. “But first I think I need to scrub my entire mouth clean because that was—“
“I can’t believe we’re having a baby,” he interrupted your less than sweet talk with some tear-inducing sincerity. “Does Sarah know?”
“Yeah, she got it out of me pretty much right after I took the tests,” you laughed. “She’s excited, I think.”
“I’d kiss you if your breath didn’t smell so bad,” he teased, making you gasp and pinch his side. “Fine, I’ll kiss you anyways.”
“If it wasn’t your birthday—“
“But it is,” he smiled at you devilishly as his hands rested on your hips and tugged you closer to him, his lips leaning in to hover over your pulse before pressing a petal soft kiss there. “Go call off work and do what you gotta do. All I want for my birthday is you in my bed all damn day, alright?”
“Whatever you want…daddy,” you purred, a grin spreading across your face at the groan he let out. 
“Lord,” he sighed, shaking his head as he pulled back to look at you. “Go call out.”
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mrsstarkey1 · 1 year
don't go breakin' my heart - rafe cameron
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SUMMARY: everyone says that your relationship with rafe is bound to end in heartbreak, but what do they know?
a/n: check out my most recent rafe fic !
You knew what dating Rafe Cameron would entail from the very beginning.
You knew you'd have to deal with every girl in the OBX shooting you dirty looks fueled by jealousy. You knew you'd have to deal with all of Rafe's friends rude and immature comments. You knew you'd have to deal with all of your own friends saying it would never work out. But you never could have imagined that it would annoy you this much.
"Where are you going, y/n?" JJ asked you, accusatory tone suggesting he knew exactly where you were going.
You gathered your things off of the boat hastily, not wanting to have this conversation again. "Gotta meet Rafe," you said simply, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
None of your friends even tried to hide their dissatisfaction with your answer, all immediately mumbling something along the lines of, "seriously, y/n?"
You rolled your eyes, "guys, I've been seeing Rafe for months now, when are you gonna give it a rest?"
"Hmm, never probably?" JJ spoke first, looking around at everyone else for an agreement, all of them nodding in sync.
Sarah stood up, putting her hands on your shoulders, "y/n, we know we can't tell you what to do. I, for one, am just worried, okay? I know my brother, and he's not a relationship type of guy. I just don't want him to break your heart, that’s all,” she said thoughtfully, and you knew she was just looking out for you.
You gave her a small half smile, "I understand, somewhat, why you're worried-" you paused to gesture to everyone else, "-why you're all worried. But who I date is my decision. And believe it or not, you guys don't know Rafe nearly as well as you think you do.”
Glances were exchanged between your friends, but no more protests came from them. You smiled in satisfaction, taking the win where you could, “see you guys later.”
You absolutely hated how your friends constantly doubted your relationship with Rafe, but what you hated even more was that you actually let it get to you. It wasn’t that you believed them, not even one bit. But it was frustrating how the best relationship you’ve ever been in wasn’t accepted by your closest friends.
You walked into Tannyhill after a moment on the porch, trying to push all the negative thoughts about your relationship out of your head.
“Rafe?” you called out, looking around the house.
“Right here, baby,” a familiar voice whispered into your ear, making you jump.
You turned quickly, “Jesus Christ, don’t do that,” you breathed out, hand over your now pounding heart.
Rafe let out a laugh at your reaction, arms wrapping around your waist. “Sorry, saw an opportunity,” he mumbled with a smirk.
You shook your head with an involuntary chuckle, before letting your expression fall back to your previously annoyed one. You walked a couple steps to the couch, falling back on it dramatically.
“What’s going on? You have that look on your face,” Rafe said, sitting down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“What look?” you asked with fake confusion, tilting your head to the side to look at him.
“The look that makes me a little scared of you,” Rafe only half joked. “Seriously what’s up, baby?”
“I’m annoyed,” you said simply with a long sigh.
Rafe raised his eyebrow, “well, I gathered that much. Care to share more?”
You let your lips twitch into a small smile at his concern. “Everyone keeps telling me that we’re never gonna work out; that you’re just end up hurting me and leave,” you said with an exasperated sigh. Rafe’s expression fell into a frown at your words. “I don’t believe them, obviously,” you added quickly, shifting your body so you were looking straight at him. “It’s just so annoying.”
“They have no idea what they’re talking about,” Rafe said with an aggravated shake of his head. His hands found the sides of your face, holding your gaze. “I would never leave you, y/n. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you,” he said with a small smile, “so much.”
You smiled, heart fluttering at his words. You never had any real doubts about Rafe’s love for you, but it was nice to have the reassurance.
“You better,” you muttered, swinging your leg over him, sitting yourself on his lap. “Don’t you go breakin’ my heart, Rafe Cameron,” you joked with a small smirk.
Rafe grabbed you by your hips, tilting his head to bring his lips within an inch of yours, “I wouldn’t dream of it, y/n y/l/n.”
taglist(lmk if u want added): @rafes-bae @willowpains @maybankslover @housekeeperjjswife @sofiatheseconf @addisbooks @rafecameronsofine
REQUESTS OPEN!! prompt list
check out my obx masterlist
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tpwkwriter · 10 months
could u pls pls do one where anxious reader calls harry having a panic attack but its from his pov and kinda tells how it worries him that shes like that and would do anything for her????
First off thank you for the request! How cute would Harry be omg<3
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, panic attacks, worries, slight cursing and mentions of lot ending 😭
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————————‘Half the world away’———————
As ‘love on tour’ was halting to an end a lot more of Harry’s time was being taken up, perfecting each rehearsal, each song, making sure each outfit was correct, putting the band to practice, these next few days were gonna be hectic no doubt, and with LOT coming to an end Harry wanted to ensure it had a bloody good send off.
However balancing work, fame and a relationship could be tricky. Y/n has such an amazing sense of understanding and patience Harry wasn’t sure she was real, whenever Harry would be out late or have to leave for periods of time y/n would always put a brave face on and late him go no matter how reluctant she was.
It was a hot July in Italy, Harry had rented out a gorgeous luxury b&b for there stay, the plan was to stay out in Italy after the tour to finally bask in some quality time under the Italian sunshine.
Y/n knew Harry loved his job, despite the judgemental public, the paparazzi, and certain interviewers he loved his job, and seeing her love celebrate his winnings and travel the world preforming to thousands and millions each night was truly a sight to y/n’s eyes.
However sometimes y/n just wanted her Harry to herself, she hated how selfish that sounded but it was true, she often wanted mornings just to themselves or evenings where they could cuddle up in there bed, but with Harry’s tight schedule this rarely happened at the moment.
“Baby v’gotta go” Harry quietly told y/n who still lay on the bed.
“M’kay” she hummed.
“Y’alrigh?” Harry asked.
“I’ll be back for lunch alrigh?” He says softly smiling, seeing there clearly was something up.
‘She might just be sleepy’ he thought to himself.
“Okay baby, I love you” he said leaning down to kiss her forehead.
“Mm, love you” she said closing her eyes after his lips left her body.
It was safe to say he left feeling like an absolute arsehole, she was clearly not happy or her usual self and he couldn’t out his finger on why.
————Harry’s pov————
The instrumental to ‘music for a sushi restaurant’ blared through the speakers of the empty arena, nothing went right this morning, this was the 3rd try of trying to get through ‘MFASR’ without a technical difficulty.
“Fuck sake” I muttered under my breath after the 4th time of the sound not working.
“Harry let’s take a break, sounds gone bust” Mitch said from my side, while taking his guitar off.
“Yeah yeah” I mumbled.
The last show of the entire tour was slowly approaching and I want this show to be my best, as a thank you from me to everyone who’s ever attended my shows and a goodbye for a while, it was a bittersweet moment.
Backstage of the arena I saw the loveband sit on sofas and vanity desks al sat around having conversations about his knows what.
“Harry don’t be so stressed man” Pauli called as soon as I walked in.
“M’trying mate” I smiled, plopping down on the empty seat next to nyoh.
“I want this show to be good” I stressed.
“And it will be, and even if something goes wrong we can laugh about it” Mitch pipes up from the corner.
“Your fans wouldn’t care H, there definitely bright people” nyoh adds
“Mmm” I hum, suppose they are right.
“I’m just, I don’t know, worried about y/n”
“Y/n?” Pauli asks concern on all the members face now, y/n was practically a little sister to them.
“I thinks she’s mad at me pauli, no idea what I’ve done” I calmly state putting my head in my hands.
“You Need to check on her Harry” nyoh warns
“It’s Not an Easy Lifestyle sometimes” she adds.
“I know I know, she shrugs my questions off, I know somethings not right”
“Harry! Where’s Harry!” We suddenly heard.
“Sarah?” Mitch called opening the door.
“Harry” she continues, while making a direct beeline for me
“Harry it’s y/n” she claims hastily passing me her phone which happens to be a call.
“Y/n?” I whisper before taking the phone from her hand.
“Harry?” I hear a familiar sniffle, fuck.
“Baby, Baby it’s me shit what’s happening” I immediately ask as I go an excuse my self from the rest of the band and shut myself into the dressing room.
“Baby I need you to breathe what’s going on hmm?” I ask trying to keep my voice quiet and calm.
All I can hear from the line is sniffles and quick breathing from my girl, my minds made up.
“Give me 5 minutes tops and I’ll be with you my love fuck I’m coming, I love you and stay exactly where you are”
With a quick confirmation of “ok” I swiftly hang up and pass Sarah’s phone back and explain what’s going on and run out of the door.
Harry wastes no time getting into the rented house, searching top to bottom of where she could be, luckily there shared en-suite was open.
Harry entered the room the see his y/n sitting in the shower with just a top and his boxers on.
‘Fuck this was a panic attack’ he knew this because the feel of cold water normally helped regulate the girls feelings.
“Oh baby” he’s fast to throw his jacket on the floor and toe his shoes off and join her, he switches the shower off and sits next to her leaning his head against the glass shower wall.
“Darling” he said wrapping his arm over her shoulder.
Immediately she fell into him, she moved herself to sit on his lap and bury her face into his chest and made herself as small as she could on his lap, he put one arm around her head as he leaned his chin on top of her head and the other arm around her legs almost holding her as if she was a baby.
“I feel silly” she breathily mumbled.
“No, absolutely no need too” he said into her hair, pressing a kiss there too.
“I miss you Harry” she honestly admitted.
“I really can’t go without you” she cries, causing him to hold her even tighter.
It had just clicked in his head what’s going on, he hasn’t been very attentive these few days, he admittedly had been prioritising work, a flood of guilt and shame filled his veins.
“Fuck, fuck. fuck” he mutters
“Baby im so fucking sorry fuck” he says, truly meaning every word he said.
“You don’t know how much you mean to me, you mean the fucking world to me, I love you so fucking much it hurts me baby fuck” he says voice cracking towards the end.
That’s all y/n wanted to hear, she wasn’t often insecure or upset but she now knows she really can’t go without Harry.
“I love you Harry, M’sorry” she says more tears falling at the idea of her making him feel shitty.
“Got nothing to be sorry for, fuck”
“After this tour, m’all yours I’ll always be yours, your stuck with me love, we can go away, we can go home, absolutely anything fuck, as-long as I’m with you” he pleaded, now pressing kisses all over the girls head.
“I like that, I like a lot” she nods.
“M’sorry H I’m never normally this, clingy or crazy but, I miss you I miss your arms, and scent, having meals together, feeling you close to me” she admits absolutely emotional now.
“Hey, hey, darling y’gonna breathe for me hey?” He said pushing his fingers on her chin so she can look up him.
They then started breathing slowly together, and endured a moment of silence, nearly forgetting they where they were.
“Think we needed this” she mumbled.
“Mmm me too lovie”
“Y’ready to get out hmm? We can get comfy and into bed for a while” he adds
“What about rehearsals?”
“Fuck em we got all week”
A smirk formed on the girls lips after he said that.
“All mine, mine mine mine” the girl whined pressing further into his chest.
“That y’are, I’d do anything for you love, shit, I love you so bloody much”
Hope this is okay!
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simpingcowboy · 5 months
Pedro boys and why I'm swiping left on their tinders
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This is all to be silly!! I love them all very much <3
Frankie Morales
His name there says Frankie (Catfish)....with his main profile picture being him holding you guessed it...a catfish. He doesn't have many other photos on there, with the exception of a few older military photos that are so blurry you can hardly tell which one he's meant to be.
The rest of his page is pretty empty aside from the music section, where you actually get the first real glimpse at what this man is about. While his music selection is very respectable, it does not overshadow the glaring issues with his profile.
In short, Frankie's profile makes you think "Am I dating the man? The fish? Or a catfish?" Swiping left fs.
Marcus Moreno
This one isn't his fault! His profile is perfect. No really. All the women at The Heroics made sure to help him with it! His photos are cute and show off all his best assets. The bio is a little cheesy in an endearing "yeah he's definitely a dad" way. The problem then? It's Marcus fucking Moreno!!! Leader of the Heroics!!!!!! On Tinder???? There's no way anyone is going to believe it's really him. I believe there's a verification option on Tinder now, but really...even then Idk. Unless he fully comes out on an interview or something to super casually mention he's on Tinder, it just ain't working. No one likes a catfish! (Sorry Frankie!)
Jack Daniels
Mr. "Tinder What?" himself!!!! Let's say he manages to figure out how to set up a profile and all that. It's gonna be inTERESTING to say the least. His photos are actually pretty solid. An intriguing mix of photos of him on the ranch and photos of him in the Statesmen HQ looking very well put together. Opening line is definitely "Save a Horse! Ride a Cowboy! 🤠♥️" Very on brand for him. Followed by something very pro-american about the flag or serving his country and honestly... that's where I'm gone 😅. We get to see a bit of Jack's political mind in Kingsman and let's just say i don't wanna know the rest of it.
I'm grateful this is Tinder and not Bumble. Because if Jack used the audio prompt and I heard that smooth Kentucky accent...forget EVERYTHING I just said. I would be taking a chance on him. Sorry 😔 I can't fix him, but I will have fun trying!!
Joel Miller
For namesake, we're gonna set this pre-outbreak. There's no time for swiping in the apocalypse. Profile isn't bad just very empty. He's not really trying and it's kinda obvious. His bio reads something along the lines of "Single dad of a spoiled teen" with mostly photos of himself and Sarah on his profile. A few photos of him and Tommy out camping or on a work site.
And as handsome as he is, the profile feels like something his kid forced him to make as a way of getting him off her back. I wanna sympathize and help her out, but I don't know I have the heart to attempt to win over this very clearly emotionally unavailable DILF. So for that reason, I'm swiping left.
Pero Tovar
If for some ungodly reason Pero was given Internet access and had a dating profile... it'd be a disaster. His bio reads something along the lines of "I don't open this app. If you wish to see me meet me at this pub" with approximate days and times he's there.
The first picture on his profile is a way too far away blurry shot of him training. If I was feeling brave enough to continue scrolling through his photos...the rest would certainly be borderline explicit highly suggestive photos of his torso and groin. And whilst I might think about it for approximately .25 seconds any remaining sense of dignity would kick in before I actually did anything about it. It'll sting momentarily, but I will be swiping left.
Another man on this list who should absolutely NOT be given internet access. His photos are beautiful but uninformative...the only shots of him are blurred and artistically obscure. He pads the rest of his profile with photos of books he's reading and grainy shoots of the forest.
The bio...if there's a word limit best believe that Ezra has hit it. He used every given character at his disposal and managed to say very little with all of it. Something about a wandering spirit longing for companionship and a couple sexual innuendos for good measure.
While visually and verbally not the worst profile on this list, his pretension is so utterly palpable through the screen I actually don't think I'd be able to make it through the end of his bio without cringing...also his music selection is all just banjo instrumental???
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