#i think something that really got me is that they preformed to a love song
miceeonvenus · 1 year
The first time a dance brought me to tears, I was sat on the floor of my dance studio, watching people show their dances so they could practice being in front of an audience. I discovered then that the identical twins on the team had a duo together. I don't know what I was expecting, but they got up and preformed the most intimate, genuine, loving dance despite the informality and messiness.
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Hiiii could I maybe request an uliana x hooks sister where they are dating but hook is like super annoyed by them and just like super fluffy?
The Uliana girls are slowly making me love her as much as I love Uma, and I love to see it.
Double the Trouble
Uliana x Hook!Reader
Pronouns used: she/her/hers
Summary: It was like the couple couldn't go anywhere without her twin staring them down
Warnings: fluff. Minor mention of Ursula being awful, tongue kissing, pet names
Word Count: 1.6K
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    He had been extremely clear, no siblings. James Hook was knowingly a flirt, a Casanova even. He loved the chase, cat and mouse was his favorite game, but even he had limits. No siblings. It would only make problems in their little group;  stir a pot that already lived on the brink of bubbling over. Of course, James and Uliana were the only ones who had ever had a sibling in the school, it feels a touch biased. But when Uliana saw his sister, when she really got to know her, all bets were off. If you were to ask the sea witch, the female pirate was double everything her brother was. Twice the flirting, twice the intelligence, double the brawn, and double the trouble. Were she a siren, Uliana would have had her under the spell of her song before she could understand what was happening to her. The best part of it was, she didn’t have to, there was absolutely no need to spell her. (Y/n) had approached her, cocky and arrogant, well aware of what she wanted. What she wanted originally was to piss off her brother, the boy had swooped in on a girl she’d been flirting with and stole her affections. Something that simply wouldn’t do in (Y/n)’s book, what else was she to do except for going after one of his friends? Scores had to be evened, didn’t they? 
     Except that, one fake date turned into two, then three. It doubled into six. And somehow, some way, the two went from only acting like a couple where Hook could see them to snuggling in one of their dorms until the wee hours of the morning. The kisses quit being preformative and started feeling incredibly natural. Both girls swearing -and instantly regretting- that Castlecoming would be their one last outing. They would be done harassing Hook for the fun of it, but surely going to the dance together would be a better look  for their group. It would look less suspicious if at least two couples showed up in the group right? Who would think they were there to pull a prank if they were dancing so close to someone? But when the two girls were slow dancing to “This is Love” as what they swore was a goodbye, (Y/n) couldn’t help but lean into Uliana’s lips. It was more real, more raw, not preformative like it should have been. And the sea witch, ever smitten with the first mate, couldn’t help but kiss her back. Not much changed between them after that. The girls simply went from “girlfriends” to girlfriends. A silent and seamless transition that no one outside of the two would have noticed. Never sharing the fact that they were ever a fake relationship to begin with. They decided that somethings got to just be theirs, their own secrets they’d take to their graves.
   It drove her twin brother mad. Especially in situations like this one. If Hook wanted to see his sister, he would go find her. She was not meant to be in Uliana’s dorm; her face nuzzled into the sea witch’s neck, Uli’s nails ghosting up and down the girl’s spine. The scene was too domestic, too cuddly, and he hated to admit it to himself, a touch romantic. That is not what he wanted to see while coming to ask- or more so beg-Uliana for something. “Hey, so Morgie and I need-“ she cuts him off with a snappy wave, her fingers pinching together in a sharp movement. “Do you have eyes, genius?” He does evidently, as they roll into the back of his head, his eyebrows raising with the motion. “Obviously.” “Then you can see that she’s asleep. Lower your voice or get out,” she’s whisper-yelling,  holding her girl ever so slightly closer. As if his only goal in coming to her dorm was to harass his sister, like he knew she’d be there asleep. The two of them could be so exhausting.  “So Morgie and I need to get a memory erasing spell, can you do that or do I need Maleficent’s help?” The snappy tone in his lowered voice earns him a pointed glare, a near-snarl painted on the girl’s lips. “What did you two geniuses do to need a memory erasing spell?” He waves her off, “Doesn’t matter. You or Mali?” She sighs, looking from one Hook to the other, “When would you need it by?” The boy smiles, convinced he’s succeeded in the task at hand. Surely Morgie was doing much worse trying to get the spell from Maleficent. He was winning now. “Preferably in the next 30 minutes?” She lets out sound vaguely similar to a hum, a very condescending hum. “What, Uli?” “Go get Mali to do it,” she grumbles the words, pulling the girl on her side ever closer, “I’m a very busy woman.” 
    He turns on his heel, head moving nearly animated as he speaks, mocking her, “I’m a very busy woman. God what do you want Uli? My voice? My soul? My blessing? You’re never getting that last one by the way. Siblings are still off limits!” Despite the snappy tone and rolled eyes he closes her door so softly you can barely hear the latch catch. He might not like the scene ahead of him, but his sister deserved her rest. He’d been on a pirate ship with the girl -and lived with her in general - long enough to know how badly she struggled to fall asleep. He’d never dare to genuinely mess with her needs. And Hook might never admit it, but if you looked at his face, you would be able to see the softest smile on the boy’s lips. A quiet sense of pride towards the fact that she found someone to put her above everything, it was something comforting. As if they all deserved a happy ending of their own rights.
  𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
    Uliana honestly couldn’t care less that her girlfriend’s brother could come in at any point. The hideout was hers; she could be all over (Y/n) there if she wanted to. Laying on that old sea shell chair, her lover lying beneath her while she rests her head on her chest. The pirate’s hand rubs over her lover’s back, creating a heart littered pattern on the fabric of the girl’s top. She peppers Uli’s forehead with kisses, humming a soft tune between them that the sea witch pretends she doesn’t know. It’s intimate, a quiet, cuddly display that tells her everything she needs to know.
    It was rare to see, (Y/n) knew it was rare to receive as well. Uliana was not one to give herself away to comfort. She had a need to be seen as a dominant, be seen as evil and strong. But she needed her girlfriend. Her arms were so warm, her hands so gentle and calculated in their movements. It made Hook being her twin all the more confusing. The boy was so fiery, making rash decisions and clumsy mistakes. Perhaps that’s why she was the first mate, he was the yin to her yang. She was the needed calm to his storm. And if she was honest, Uliana often wished he would be okay that she was standing in the eye of that storm. Not that she would ever admit to that. 
    “So, Dollbaby, do you have any interest in telling me what has your feathers all ruffled?” She shakes her head silently, leaning further into her lover’s touch. “Come on, there’s nothing to hide from, love. It’s just me, just us. I want you to talk to me.” Her eyes flicker up to the adoring and soft face of (Y/n) Hook, her smile calming the witch slightly. “Got a letter from Ursula.” She knew better than to push on something like that, instead pulling the sea witch up ever so slightly. Their lips meet the moment she’s close enough. A soft and needy thing, nearly lazy in its motions. Uliana’s hand find’s (Y/n) jaw, a slight smile being pressed against her lips before she goes back to kissing her. The hand on her back pulls her closer, lips coming ever so slightly parted which Uliana’s partner quickly takes advantage of. It was the easiest way to comfort the girl, making her your full focus. Who cares what others want from you when you have one person who brings you in like air? Like you were what kept oxygen in their lungs. At least that’s how Uliana felt, and (Y/n) had no interest in convincing her of otherwise.
    A gag comes from the entryway to the hideout, interrupting what could have been an extremely sweet moment. The soft laughter that follows the sound is immediately recognized as Maleficent and Hades, telling the kissing girls exactly who the gag came from. “Oh, leave them alone, Hook. They’re cute,” Morgie is giggling, watching Uliana move to sit up from where she previously rested on her partner’s chest. “Yeah Hook, we’re cute.” Dark eyes, looking at the cocky sea witch like he would bite her. “If you want to be all over my sister, you could at least go somewhere with an actual door. Don’t make me watch you treat her like a piece of meat.” Her eyes roll, smiling as she feels an arm wrap around her from behind. (Y/n)’s body heat finding its way back to warming Uliana up. “For your information, James, I was kissing her. That’s normally how it goes,” if Uliana were to turn around she’d see a cocky smirk on her lover’s face. The girl’s brow raised as if daring Hook to argue with her. “I don’t need to know all that. Don’t tell me all of that.” She giggles, turning her attention back to her girlfriend, pressing little kisses to Uliana’s shoulder. And he fake gags again, though when (Y/n) looks up she can see the soft smile on his face. He could hate them, not really. Not with how happy they both visibly were. It made it almost not worth teasing them, just almost. He could accept that having them next to each other would just have to double his troubles.
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ron456 · 1 month
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He doesn't "act naturally" or "normal" because HE'S AUTISTIC-
Will Roland portrays him as AUTISTIC so he's gonna act AUTISTIC-
AND ANOTHER THING- Jeremy is supposed to be a "loser"-
he gets bullied and is misunderstood by his peers because he is, well, NOT CHILL-
He gets bullied because he cares about things too much, he's anxious, he's loud-
And in regards to the "can't hold a note for too long"- have you heard Loser, Geek, Whatever? Or More Than Survive? Or Two Player Game??? Song where he holds notes for quite a long time- ALSO- to say that Will Roland can't reach the same notes as Will Connolly is just... not true.
And one of the reasons I think some people think Will Roland is "a worse singer" is because, sometimes, stylistically, Will Roland will use a sort of falsetto/head voice (which I LOVE BTW AND IM SICK OF PEOPLE CALLING OTHER PEOPLE BAD SINGERS BECAUSE THEY USE HEAD VOICE- IT'S BEAUTIFUL, IMPRESSIVE, AND REQUIRES GOOD BREATH CONTROL TO MAKE IT NOT SOUND CRAPPY AND WILL ROLAND DOES IT AMAZINGLY) like when he says "hero" and "Rob Dinero" (idk if that's how you spell it 😭) in More Than Survive.
It's not that he's a bad singer, he is taking the brunt of his voice during those parts and also, given that it's this little solo/soliloquy moment for Jeremy, I think that Will Roland's choice to use a light head voice there is perfectly well-placed. It feels kinda personal, I guess. And I love it <3
Not to say that Will Connolly's way of singing it isn't also great. It's awesome! But like, guys, we can't keep getting pissed when a new actor in a show doesn't have the exact same singing voice as the original 😭 That's just silly, guys. 😭
Anywaysss- back to Will Roland's voice- he is very much capable of hitting the notes that Will Conolly hits- if not higher (IT'S NOT A COMPETION THO, GUYS- PLS DONT COME FOR ME). For example, the acoustic version of Loser, Geek, Whatever on Spotify which, I believe, is a key higher than usual!! This man can belt some high notes when the situation calls for it! And also, (these are not really bmc related but whatever) during the harmony or whatever at the end of "Sincerely, Me", that is none other than WiLL RoLaND (!!!) hitting that high E (I'm pretty sure it's an E. I hope it's an E. But regardless, it's still a SUPER HIGH NOTE) at the end! And in "Amphibian" on Joe Iconis' album titled, well, "Album", Will Roland hits some insanely high notes!!! ( EVEN IF THEY ARE HEAD VOICE. I REPEAT, HEAD VOICE DOES NOT MEAN BAD SINGER!!)
Also, as a little additional statement to my "Jeremy is autistic/ autistic-coded so Will Roland played him as autistic"; this is not to say that Will Conolly didn't add some "autistic flare", if you will, to Jeremy. I mean, just yesterday I was freaking out with my friend about a gif of Will Conolly's Jeremy doing the autistic flappy hands :))). And I think that he was a good baseline for other Jeremy's to build off of!
Also, I feel like the people that are saying that Will Roland's portrayal of autism/neurodiversity is "ableist" or "incorrect" or "too dramatic" are sorta failing to understand/acknowledge that autism/neurodiversity is a spectrum. Not every person with autism or another kind of Neurodiversity is gonna act the same. And I think that's something really beautiful that we should all cherish. It is GREAT that we are all different but also, in many ways, the same!
And to see myself and my uncontrolled speaking voice and weird noises and such represented by Will Roland on stage is such a beautiful thing that I think 'ought to be cherished.
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live-laugh-legolas · 15 days
hii!! what about some hcs with the fellowship and musician!reader?
The fellowship x musician!reader
-He is a musical man
-He’s not the best but his voice doesn’t destroy people eardrums; he enjoys singing, but he focuses on the meaning less so his voice
-So he hums along to whatever you are playing
-And teaches you some songs he knows
-I just love that he helped Bilbo write songs; what a cutie
-He wants to learn
-But he is a little timid about it; he wouldn’t know where to start
-Elvish music is pretty different from other cultures so he would be interested in this new sound
-I think he prefers your excitement about it more than the sound
-Not because you are bad, he is just used to the ethereal voices of elves
-He will request for you to play for him sometimes
-“That was great! Now let me sing you some dwarvish songs- ahem”
-Very loud when he sings
-I recommend earmuffs if you want to keep your eardrums intact
-He sounds fine, but he reaches inhuman levels of volume
-Tries to get you to play at any moment
-He likes to show off how cool and talented you are
-You are his preforming monkey
-Not really but it sometimes feels like he is giving you a quarter to watch you play a little
-He will sing along but this man cannot sing; seriously he is incredibly tone deaf
-I imagine him singing like my sister; every note is in a different key than the last and it’s literally so bad that it’s impressive
-Doesn’t matter where you are playing; he is there listening
-Has run across the Shire to come listen
-Your biggest supporter
-He likes listening to you when you are working out a song; when it isn’t perfect and you keep stopping to change something or you make a mistake
-He tries to join in
-He plays the “drums”
-He’s rarely on beat but it’s the thought and effort that counts
-He’s the type to volunteer you to play for people
-Like someone says there needs to be music and he’s like “Oh! I know someone! They’re fantastic!”
-He’s got a musical ear so he is a good person to “test” your music on
-He also is a musician
-He can sing and can play some instruments
-Tries to convince you to start a band with him
-(I would love to know if anyone has any band name ideas)
-He will hum along with you
-If you write your own music he will add that to his mental playlist to sing on his travels
-He will request you to play or sing something when he feels the mood is down
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lomllover · 2 years
grammys day
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summary: y/n and harry are there to support each other at the grammys
warnings: so much fluff omg
pairings: husband!harry x fem!reader
word count:
"Y/N and Harry over here, to your right!!"
"Jesus, they're so loud and demanding." Harry said loud enough so only you could hear which made you let out a giggle.
"That's their job, H." You turned to look at him and picked up your dress with one hand and held his hand in the other. "Lets keep going, yeah?"
As the pictures went on, the more Jeff nagged the both of you to hurry up otherwise you’d be late for your performance and Harry would be late for his. “Jeffery, calm down its gonna be okay.” You jokingly reassured him and climbed into the limo. “H, let’s take a picture.” You handed Jeff your phone to take a picture and smiled at Harry as he pressed a kiss to your cheek then made you face him so he could kiss you on the lips.
Jeff made a fake gagging noise and you flipped him off while still kissing your husband. “Okay okay, I think I got the picture. You can stop kissing now.”
“Now before we move onto our next performance by Y/N Styles, I’m here with her incredible husband, Harry Styles!” Trevor said and the audience clapped. “I mean what can you say about this man that hasn’t been said, huh? Incredible album.. Mind blowing tour. What is it? 15 nights at MSG AND the Forum? Women throw their panties at this man,” He pretended to throw something, “And he puts them on and he looks better in them than they do.”
You were watching backstage and could tell Harry was very uncomfortable but what Trevor said next really made your blood boil.
“Easily the worlds sexiest man! Are you- There’s no competition! Sex. Symbol. Of the globe. Especially now that they’ve killed off the green M&M, no competition. R.I.P. This is the room, people. We’ve got LA’s very own Y/N Styles joining us now performing her hit song, Lavender Haze!” He finished and you smiled as everyone turned their attention to you. You had on a new dress since your other one was definitely too big to preform in.
The music started to play and you looked over to where Harry was sitting and gave him a small wave. The intro of the song started and you took a deep breath then began talking. “Grammys! How are we tonight??” You asked and the crowd cheered.
“Staring at the ceiling with you. Oh, you don’t ever say too much.”
“And you don’t really read into my melancholia.” You moved off the main stage just like you had rehearsed and moved over to the center stage because that’s where Harrys table was by and obviously you wrote this song about him. “I’ve been under scrutiny.. You handle it beautifully. All this shit is new to me.”
Those were important lines to you because after being not being in the public eye for as long as Harry, they obviously tried to cancel you for everything little thing but Harry didn’t care, that wasn’t the Y/N he knew and loved.
"All they keep asking me is if I'm gonna be your bride." You held up your ringed finger. "The only kinda girl they see is a one-night or a wife."
"I find it dizzying, they're bringing up my history. But you weren't even listening," The lights went purple and there was fog surrounding the stage. "I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me."
"Surreal, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say." You looked around the room and saw everyone standing up dancing. "No deal, the 1950s shit they want from me." You loved that line. Everyone always expected you to stay home, give Harry babies, and make him a nice warm dinner to come home to every night. But that wasn't what you wanted, you wanted your own career. Obviously you wanted kids as well but that was for the further in the future and Harry absolutely understood where you were coming from.
"Talk your talk and go viral, I just need this love spiral." Harry smiled brightly and mouthed 'I love you' to you which made you blush like a teenage girl. "Get it off your chest.. Get it off my desk,"
"Talk your talk and go viral, I just need this love spiral. Get it off your chest," You spoke that line instead of singing it. "Get it off my desk!" You moved back to the main stage and everyone cheered loud. "Surreal, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say. No deal, the 1950s shit they want from me."
"I just wanna stay in that lavender haze."
"Get if off your chest... Get it off my desk."
"That lavender haze, I just wanna stay." You moved back to where you originally started off at on the stage.
"I just wanna stay in that lavender haze." You bowed as you caught your breath then left the stage.
"That was so amazing, Y/N!!" You heard someone shout as you walked back to your dressing room.
"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!" You called back and checked your phone to see all of your family members had texted you.
"Good job, honey!! You did amazing!"
"Can't believe my baby is all grown up, we love you Y/N"
Attachment 1 video
"Good job, sissy. We were all cheering you on!"
Haz <3
"You did absolutely amazing, my love. I'll be in your dressing room in just a few xx"
He wasn't lying when he said that because a couple of minutes later, you heard a knock at the door. "Hey, do you mind getting that? I'm trying to get changed." You called out to your manager from the bathroom.
"And the Grammy for best pop vocal album goes to... Harry Styles, Harry's House!" JLO announced and Harry his his face behind his hands.
“Harry you did it!!” You stood up with him and hugged him tightly.
“Holy shit, Y/N.” He hugged you back and pulled away after a moment to hug everyone else.
Harry took the Grammy in his hands and took a deep breath. “Wow.. Thank you so much, this album from start to finish has been the greatest experience of my life, from writing it with my best friends and my wife, to playing it for you, it’s the greatest joy. I’d like to thank Rob, Jeffery, Tom, Tyler, Tommy, Tom, and Y/N. Thank you to everyone who inspired this album, thank you to all my family and friends. I wouldn’t be here without you, thank you.”
You cheered with Lizzo as loud as you both could and smiled when Harry made his way back down to you. “There’s my Grammy winning husband!!” You pressed a big sloppy kiss right over his dimple and wrapped his arms around his neck. “How’s it feel to know you have two whole Grammys now?”
“ ‘S amazing, sweetheart. I believe your category is coming up next.” He winked at you and your face turned red.
“Oh gosh please don’t remind me. I’m so nervous.” Your eyes grew wider as you both sat down.
“Here are the list of nominees for song of the year,
As It Was, Harry Styles.
Break My Soul, Beyoncé.
Just Like That, Bonnie Raitt.
About Damn Time, Lizzo.
Lavender Haze, Y/N Styles.”
“And the Grammy for song of the year goes to,” Jill opened the envelope and smiled. “Y/N Styles, Lavender Haze!!”
You stared at your champagne glass and you felt Harry gently shake you to get you to stand up. You looked up at him and let out a shaky laugh. “Oh my god.. Is this actually happening?” You asked him and he pulled you in for a hug.
“It’s actually happening, darling.” He pulled away. “Now go up there and get your award!”
You did as you were told and looked back at the screen to make sure it was actually your face up there. “Wow.. I didn’t have anything prepared because honestly I didn’t think I’d win. I mean I was up against Beyoncé and Lizzo, why on Earth would I win this?” You looked at the award in your very shaky hands. “Holy shit. Thank you so much to everyone who helped me with this song. Thank you to Harry for being my inspiration for this entire album, really. I wouldn’t be here without you, H. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” You walked off the stage and went back to your table.
Trevor started talking again through the microphone and you stared at your hands in shock. “Oh my god, Harry. I just won a fucking Grammy.” You said, looking up at him with tears in your eyes.
Harry pulled your chair closer to him and placed a kiss to your temple as you leaned into him. "Mum wants a picture of both of us with our awards, are you up for one right now?" He asked, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
You nodded and watched as he handed his phone to Lizzo then helped you stand up.
"Okay smile!" Lizzo said and you both held your Grammys up to the camera with a huge smile. "Perfect, I took like a thousand."
It was the last category of the night, Album Of The Year, and man were you nervous. It was such a tough category against many talented artists but you kept reassuring Harry that he was going to win. "When you win, we're gonna go celebrate like there's no tomorrow." You ran your fingers through his hair at the back of his neck.
"Okay everyone, we're on in 5 seconds!" You heard someone say through the speakers and you put your phone in your handbag.
Trevor stood on the stage and smiled brightly. "To wrap the evening up, we have DJ Khaled and John Legend performing for us tonight but before that, we have one final category, Album Of The Year! Lets take a look at the nominees."
"Harry's House, Harry Styles.
Voyage, ABBA.
30, Adele.
Un Verano Sin Ti, Bad Bunny.
Good Morning Gorgeous (Deluxe), Mary J. Blige.
In These Silent Days, Brandi Carlile.
Music of the Spheres, Coldplay.
Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers, Kendrick Lamar.
Special, Lizzo."
"And the Grammy goes to..." He smiled and opened the envelope. "Harry Styles!"
Everyone started cheering and you practically jumped out of your seat and hugged Jeff as tight as you could before pulling away after a moment and looking at Harry who had his face in his hands. "H! You did it, H!" You helped him stand up and then pressed a kiss to his lips.
He returned the kiss and then after hugging everyone, he made his way top onto the stage with you, Kid Harpoon, and Tyler. He took the award in his hands and smiled. "Shit! I mean-shit! Man.. Um, I’ve been so, so inspired by every artist in this category with me. At a lot of different times in my life I listen to everyone in this category when I’m alone, and I think on nights like tonight, its obviously so important for us to remember that there is no such this as best in music. Um-I don’t think any of us sit in the studio thinking, making decisions based on what is gonna get us one of these. This is really, really kind. I’m so, so grateful. I’m gonna pass it over to my collaborators who are- I’m just so uh, this doesn’t happen to people like me very often and this is so, so nice. Thank you very, very much." He handed the Grammy to Tyler and pulled you into a tight hug.
“I love you so much.” He wiped his tears on your dress and pulled back to admire your face.
"I love you so much more."
After you went home, showered, and got changed into comfier clothes, you and Harry headed over to Jeff’s house to hang out. Now you both were sitting on the couch with you in between Harrys legs with a wine glass in your hand.
“Okay but can we just talk about Y/N’s killer performance?” Jeff asked which made everyone look over to you.
“Oh gosh, my earpiece wasn't working at first and then they turned the lights purple and turned on the fog machine too soon and it was so embarrassing. They were supposed to wait until after I sang ‘I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me.’” You sighed and took a sip of your wine.
“Well you did amazing either way, my love. And you won your first ever Grammy!” He rested his hands on your stomach underneath your Forest Green Pleasing sweatshirt and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
You put your wine glass on the coffee table and flipped over so your chest was pressed against Harrys and you closed your eyes.
Harry noticed this and ran his fingers through your hair. “You tired, peach?” He asked and you hummed in return. “Wanna go home?”
You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck and pressed a soft kiss there. “No no no, you’re having fun with your friends. Don’t let me ruin that.”
He nodded his head slowly. “Okay, well just let me know when you’re ready and we can go.”
You woke back up a couple hours later to all the lights off and the TV playing a movie. “Harry?” You looked up at him and placed a kiss to his cheek.
"Morning, sleepy head." He whispered and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
You hummed against his lips and smiled. "Where are Glenne and Jeff?"
"They went to bed, I was waiting for you to wake up but they said we can stay in their guest room tonight if we don't feel like going home, it's up to you, lovie."
"I'm fine with anything as long as I'm with you." You let out a yawn then nuzzled your face back into the crook of his neck.
Harry turned off the TV and slowly sat up which made you groan. "Before you go back to sleep, let's go get in bed and we can cuddle all you want."
Once you got up to the guest bedroom, you took off your sweatshirt and sweatpants so you were left in only your shirt then climbed into bed and snuggled up to Harry's now bare chest.
"Darling?" You heard Harry say after a few moments.
You looked up at him. "Yeah?"
"Thank you for everything you do for me, I wouldn't be here without here." He ran his fingers up and down your back.
"You don't need to thank me, H. I love you," You grabbed his left hand and kissed his knuckles. "We're in this together, remember? ‘Till death do us part’ then even after that you’re still stuck with me. It’s just us, baby, it’s you and I against the world. We don’t need anyone else.”
“Let’s have a baby.” He blurted out and your eyes widened. “Shit- Uh, I mean, do you wanna have a baby? I’ll be on tour only until July and then we can stay in England and out of the public eye contact and-”
“Harry,” You interrupted him and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Of course I wanna have a baby, do you think we’re ready?”
He nodded his head. “I do, we’ve never been happier and I think it’s the perfect time.”
“Then let’s have a baby, H. I’ll stop taking birth control tomorrow and then we can start trying.” You yawned. “But let’s go to sleep now, yeah? We can talk about it more in the morning?”
“I love you so much.” He pulled you closer to him and kissed all over your face and down your neck.
You giggled and laid your head against his chest to listen to his heartbeat to fall asleep. “I love you too.”
hi hi! here she is in all her glory! lmk if you want a pt 2. for when they start trying to have a baby, i think i have a couple ideas on how i wanna execute it! as always make sure you reblog to help my page grow, if you just like then that won’t do anything for me! have a good day/night i love you all,
xoxo bella 🤍
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catherinnn · 1 year
Bad Omens
Rockstar! Eddie Munson x Rockstar! reader are band mates, their shows are famous for how they flirt on stage and how fans ship them. But it's different off stage, she's dating a famous actor, Hollywood's sweetheart, as Eddie calls him. She thinks this sexual tension with Eddie is an act, but if it was she shouldn't be jealous when she sees Eddie with his groupies, or they shouldn't write love songs about each other and having to preform them.
warnings: cheating, jealousy, groupies, mentions of sex, alcohol consumption, fighting, angst (happy ending), there's a part where reader has a little anxiety attack before going on stage but it's really brief and not very ditailed.
words: 4.1k
a/n: I use 5sos songs as if they are from Corroded Coffin, so imagine them more metal.
part II: "Slut!"
It’s the four year anniversary of ‘Corroded Coffin’, the band you joined in your senior year of high school when you best friend Gareth invited you since he knew how much you liked singing —and how great he thought you actually were, he was right apparently — you proudly took the place of lead singer, next to Eddie. At first, the idea was that you’d be the lead singer and Eddie the lead guitarist. But one night in the hideout, you made a cover of a duet, and the way your voices sounded so romantic together, all the chemistry you had on stage, made the changes into Eddie and you being the lead singers. Luckily for you, that night was also the night Richard, your current manager, was in the crowd. And the rest was history.
That night was four years ago tonight. The band is celebrating by presenting a special show in LA. Sold-out within 24 hours.
“How are we feeling tonight, Los Angeles?!” you asked to the crowd in front of you and they all started screaming as you finished the question. “You know, this is a very special night for us, it’s our four-year anniversary!” people shout again. “And we thought: what better way to celebrate it than with you? The ones that made all of this possible?”
“You know, thanks to you, we’re not remembering that night four years ago as just the band that we were in when we were teenagers. Thanks to you, we remember that night as the night everything started, this absolute craziness!” Eddie thanked the crowd as he began playing softly on his guitar the next track on the set-list. “So, to show you our appreciation for you, we’re gonna play one of your favourites: this is ‘No Shame.’ I wanna see you all jumping!”
 “Angel, with the gun in your hand. Pointing my direction, giving me affection” You started singing. The crowd went wild as they jumped and sang along with you. Until you reached to one of your favourite parts of this song. “I love the way you're screaming my name. Alright, I wanna hear you all scream for Jeff!” You said as the boys played the instrumental before the bridge. The crowd started screaming, just like you asked them. “Now scream for Luke!” you pointed the mic to their direction and they began screaming again. “For Gareth?!” The same reaction. “I wanna hear you scream for Eddie!” you said with a smirk and somehow people were screaming even more. Eddie smirked too. “Now scream for me” you finally said in a sweet voice and people shouted just as hard.
“Go on and light me like a cigarette. Even if it might be something you regret.” Eddie continued singing his part as he walked towards you. “You got me now, now, now. Swallow me down, down, down, down.” He sang facing you and actually going down himself until he ended kneeling in front of you. You laughed at this and he gave you a smirk. You continued singing your part shaking you head.
You could see one of the signs the fans had brought that said: “Eddie, just kiss her already.” The girl putting the sign up every time you sang together onto the same mic, or when he came behind you dancing to you while you sang.
Your shows were known for all the flirting you and Eddie did on stage. The chemistry, the sexual tension palpable even for the crowd. Things like those — or when you sing a love-song looking directly at each other; or like the times that when the show ends, Eddie grabs you over his shoulder or bride-style and runs off stage with the rest of the band — are what made your shows so famous.
As you walk backstage tonight, sweaty and agitated thanks to the great show, you find your boyfriend, Rudy, waiting for you to finish. You run to him with a smile and hug him as you arrive.
“That was a great show, sweetheart! You look so hot tonight” he complements you.
“Even now that I’m all sweaty?” you joke.
“Especially now that you’re all sweaty” he responds. “Got me thinking I could join you for you bath tonight, right babe?” he whispers into your ear only for you to hear. But your giggles make it kind of obvious.
Eddie rolls his eyes as he walks pass you, but you don’t notice.
Rudy is a famous actor, he’s in a well-known sitcom that is now on its third season. He was also in a few rom-coms that were secretly your favourite. You met six months ago on an award show where he came up to you and told you he was a big fan of the band and proceeded to flirt with you the entire night. And you were internally fangirling a bit.
Your relationship with Eddie was more difficult to define. You had kissed him a few — lots — of times. But mostly on the starts of the band, and mostly drunk or high at some party you were in, never public. The flirting on stage happened mostly because at first, you were always flirting. On and off stage. There's still flirty comments now and then to make you feel better, or just to make each other a little nervous. Obviously the making out stopped now that you have Rudy, but the flirting hasn't, especially on stage. And it wasn't something very pleasing for Rudy.
He didn't consider himself as a jealous guy. But if you have to watch the news about what your girlfriend and his band-mate did on the last show of Corroded Coffin, or actually going to one of the concerts only to stare at how your girlfriend is practically grinding on Eddie while they dance and sing together to one of their songs. It definitely makes you feel it's too much.
You've had countless of talks explaining it's just for show, it's what made your concerts so famous and why people go to them. That makes him feel better for a little bit, but then he feels the insecurities rising back the next concert he attends.
The thing is, you really did believe it was all for show, no actual feelings. That was until Eddie started to pay more attention to the groupies. A thing that he didn’t use to do just a few month before, usually Gareth or Luke were the ones who always had a groupie waiting for them backstage, or at every party you went to. But as Eddie began to constantly have a different girl on his lap, making out with them instead of dancing with you, flirting with them instead of you. You began to feel an uncomfortable sensation in your chest.
“Hey, sorry I’m late” Jeff enters the studio. “Where’s Eddie?” he asks once he sits down and notices there’s still one missing.
“Not here yet” Gareth answers him. You could insinuate why he was so late but didn’t want to think much about it, it would only make you angry.
But your insinuations end up being true, giving that thirty-five minutes later you see the missing member of the band entering the studio. “Sorry, my bad, I forgot we were meeting today”
“Yeah, either way, we called your house several times with no response” you complained.
“Wasn’t at mine’s, I heard the messages you left me when I got home and came running”
“What kept you busy all afternoon if it wasn’t work?” you asked showing how angry you were at his irresponsibility. You weren’t expecting him to answer, you weren’t expecting what the answer was, or the smug smirk on his face while he said it.
“I think the actual question should be: who kept me busy”
“You’re gross” you said cringing and ignoring the uncomfortable feeling in your chest again.
“Hey, you don’t hear me complain every time I see you making out with your little boyfriend: Hollywood’s sweetheart”
“Yeah, because I don’t do that when I have to be at the studio making a new album, I do that on my own free time!”
Eddie was about to say something back but Jeff interrupted.
“Okay! We could be here the rest of the afternoon fighting or we could take the time we have left and actually work on something!”
And the rest of the afternoon was in fact spent on writing and recording with some angry stares between Eddie and you from time to time.
“Who wrote this?” Eddie asked you reading one of the papers with some random lyrics on them. Luke and Jeff went to get some coffee for everyone and while Gareth worked on revising what you had just recorded, you and Eddie stayed working on more lyrics.
I don't wanna get older without your head on my shoulder.
Lost in the day to day you kiss away the pain.
It's not worth it if I lose my one-way ticket for two. Just me, just you.
“I did” you answer. It wasn’t more than three sentences that came to you while waiting for Eddie.
“Inspired by the actor?” he asked sarcastically.
“Your boyfriend, I mean. It’s really romantic” he explained.
“No, ‘s just something I thought of, no one in mind”
“Mmh, that’s weird. Are you not inspired by him?” he insisted.
“What? Eddie, I can write something that it’s just on my mind. I don’t need to be in love to write love songs. Or do you write romantic songs about your groupies?” he was really getting on your nerves today.
“No,” he laughs at that comment. “but why do you act so defensively? Don’t want me to know that the song is actually for me?”
“You’d love that, wouldn’t you?”
“Do you have a crush on my boyfriend or something? Cause you can’t seem to stop bringing him up randomly” you ask ignoring his previous response.
“On him? No. On you maybe” he jokes…I think.
“So you’re jealous” you point out.
“That depends if this song is for him or for me” he says expecting you to tell him the truth. You blush a little.
“None” you lie, he notices. “Nothing Shakespearean about it”
“I like that”
“Not the way you just lied to me, definitely” he says, “’nothing Shakespearean’” he thinks for a few seconds and you just stare at him waiting, admiring a little. “No tragedy at the end, no nothing Shakespearean. It all comes flooding back again” he sings slowly.
“My dear devoted delicate” you sing too, finishing that line. He smiles and writes it down. You keep working on that song forgetting about the previous conversation.
That same weekend, a party thrown by a singer that was friends with the band. So you decided to go for a little while. You went only with the boys, your boyfriend was working late this weekend. Despite both being on the same city, fortunately. That didn’t mean that you would always have lots of time together, unfortunately.
You did some shots with the boys, danced with them for a while, really having a good time. Eddie surprisingly rejected the girls who came looking to steal him away. So you could actually enjoy a night out with him. And you really did.
“Hey, here you are!” Gareth says when he finds you.
“Here I am” you say with a smile.
“And here she stays, don’t come stealing her away” Eddie warns him.
“I just come to give her a message from her dear boyfriend, he called on Jeff’s phone, and he said he’s off work early and if you want, he’ll come to pick you up” he said rising his eyebrows suggestively.
“Oh, seriously? Yeah, okay. Tell him to come”
“Sure thing” he leaves and you turn to grab your coat.
“Seriously? You’re just gonna leave?” Eddie asks you.
“Well, we haven’t have much time together lately, that’s all” you explain.
“I can’t believe it” he mumbles to himself, but you manage to hear him.
“What’s your problem?”
“It’s just that we were having a really good time together, and now you’re leaving me for him at the first chance you get” he complains.
“Don’t get mad, it’s just that he’s my boyfr-“ you try to explain again, but he doesn’t let you finish.
“Yeah, your boyfriend, I don’t need a reminder”
“Why are you acting like this?”
“I don’t know if you noticed but I’ve been rejecting every girl who came here asking for me because I wanted to spend time with you, I was actually having a good time. But its fine, I guess you always prefer him over me” he says angrily.
“What the fuck are you talking about ‘him over you’? And I didn’t ask you to reject any of them, go and fuck them in the bathroom for all I care, don’t let me stop you!” you meet his tone.
“You don’t have to stop me because I’m not the one leaving you to go fuck”
“He’s my boyfriend and these are just one night stands that you don’t even care enough to learn their names!” you can’t believe the comparison.
“I know he’s your fucking boyfriend! I don’t need you to remind me that every minute”
“So what do you want from me?!” you shout. Patience already lost when he started arguing again.
“To stay with me for once! To pick me over him for once! Even if it’s just to talk and drink together!”
“To pick…? Eddie I can’t do this right now, he’s probably at the door already” you say and leave. He watches as you were closing the door, if he ran he could probably stop you and apologize for his ways, maybe even convince you to stay. But he didn’t, just as you didn’t stay with him. You left. Picking Rudy over him once again.
You try to ignore Eddie as much as you can ignore someone who’s in a band with you. Which was obviously not much. You had to see him in some talks you had with your manager this week about the new album. You avoided his eyes that so badly wanted to meet yours. Made sure that you arrived somewhat late so you didn’t risk being just the two of you waiting for everyone else to arrive. Talk about the things you needed to discuss, and then leave with Jeff so he could drive you home. So yeah, not more than hi’s and bye’s between you two.
Except on Friday.
“Okay, if that’s all for today, I should get going” Jeff announced. “You coming with me?” he asked you and you nod, getting up with him.
“Bye guys, see you next week” you finally say and walk out of the studio. But when you get outside, you hear someone calling your name just to turn around and meet Eddie.
“Hey, wait. Can we umm, talk for just a second?”
You turn around hesitantly to meet Jeff’s gaze and he nods to then walk to his car to give you two some privacy.
“Listen, what I said the other night, umm. I’m not gonna lie now and tell you that it wasn’t true or that I was just drunk. I want to apologize for how I said everything” he confesses.
“Eddie… I said it the other night already. I can’t do this, whether you like him or not, I’m with Rudy and I love him” you say looking down or anywhere else but him. You couldn’t do it, you can’t believe he was making you do this, this will change everything between you two. Your whole dynamic.
If he notices how uncomfortable you are, he doesn’t say anything and lets you walk away to Jeff’s car.
That weekend you don’t see the boys at all. Just stayed home working on some more songs. On Monday you are decided to go to the studio confidently, not really wanting the dynamic between you and Eddie change since that would affect the whole band.
You show the guys two new songs that needed some changes but had some potential. Eddie shows one of his songs too, but as he says it’s finished, you work on yours.
After a few hours of working on finishing the lyrics to your songs, you move to Eddie’s which was apparently ready and approved by the guys. You didn’t have much time to read it all when they were telling you to get inside the booth and listen to the demo.
You get in the booth, the instrumental starts from your headphones and you listen to Eddie’s demo on the song while reading the lyrics.
So this is where we are. I should've seen it coming. Every time we say goodbye, I say hello again […]
I cried in your dark brown eyes for the thousandth time 'Cause you love somebody. I died when you left that night for the thousandth time 'Cause you love somebody else
I tried to stop the door as it was closing, it was closing
Can't help the way I keep ignoring every omen, every omen
Heaven knows I should let go. It's nothing that I don't already know […]
We go 'round again, we jump back in bed. That's what you do when you love somebody. These bad omens, I look right through them. That's what you do when you love somebody
Your mouth was opened in surprise. Your mind going ten miles per hour. Your heart stopped. This couldn’t be about you. He wouldn’t. But how can you be sure?
“Jeff, give me five minutes, I need to ask Eddie something first” You get out of the booth and you see his scared eyes as if he was caught. You walk to another room and he follows you.
“Eddie? What is this new song?” you ask without thinking much. That was definitely not the best way. You notice your thoughts were true the moment you see his face and he stands there quiet. “Is this about me?”
“I can explain-“
“No, I think this explains it very well already” you refer to the paper in your hand.
“I just wrote what I was feeling and thinking this weekend. I just let it all out” he tries to excuse himself.
“And were you really expecting us to put it in the album?!”
“It’s a good song! It’s emotional and-“
“And it screams our name!” You don’t let him finish. “What do you think it’s going to be the reaction when Rudy hears this?! Do you think he’s not gonna notice?!”
“Do want my honest opinion? I don’t care!” he freaks out too. “I hated him ever since he started flirting with you that night, and I kept hating him every time he would kiss you, or complement you telling you how hot you look or how amazing your voice is, because I want to do those things! You can hate me all you want, but that song is how I feel and it’s the truth”
“And do you really expect me to sing this song about me?! Are you really gonna make me record it and then sing it in front of thousands of people as if the lyrics are not about me?!” you really cannot believe him right now.
“How about ‘Older’?” he asks out of nowhere.
“What?” you ask angrily.
“Tell me that song is not about me and we forget about my song” he challenges you.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Tell me that song is about him and I’ll forget about this one”
You stay quiet. You could just lie to him but you fear he’s gonna see right through you. Apparently you take too much time debating whether to lie to him or not, that he’s already been confirmed.
He walks over to you and tries something that his mind was screaming him to do, praying that you don’t slap him in the face. He walks to you, grabs your face in his hands and kisses you like he’s been waiting to. Like he wanted to do every time you sing together on stage, when you sing into the same mic, when you sing the lyrics to each other, when you get out of stage feeling all that adrenaline but he can’t because you go running to your boyfriend.
He thanks all of the Gods he’s never believed in when you slowly put your hands on his hair and melt into the kiss. He’s never liked when people touch his hair, but with you he’ll even let you shave it off if you want.
The kiss slowly brakes but you stay as close to each other, still holding each other for the next few minutes until he can’t take it anymore and asks what’s on his mind.
 “Why did you write it?” he whispers. “You lied to me when you said you loved him?”
“No, I do love him… but, it’s different than the love I feel for you” his heart brakes a little.
“Who do you love more?”
“I don’t know” you finally respond.
You decide to record the song. It was still painful, but when your manager heard it he told you that it should also be a single, it was going to be a hit. You thought that maybe it was for a reason.
When you could get a hold of your boyfriend, you asked him to meet you at your house. You came clear, told him about the kiss and your mixed feelings. You can’t even start to explain the pain it caused you to be the one breaking his heart like this. But you couldn’t love him the way it was needed, not while you still had Eddie. He obviously broke up with you, very sad and angry. You cried for weeks.
Things with Eddie weren’t better. You did love him more, you knew that. But you needed time to forget about Rudy before even deciding what to do with Eddie. There were still a lot of cons that made you doubt about your relationship, like being in the same band as him, for starters.
He helped you through your break up and held you when you cried for Rudy. He even helped you write a song for him. It wasn’t a song asking for a second chance or anything like that. Just saying sorry and hoping that he would ever be able to forgive you for this. You did love him in the end, just not enough.
When the album was finished months later, it was a success. Luckily though, could you imagine going through all of this just for the album to suck?
After that you announced a world tour.
“Just breath, here, have some water” your manager tried to help your nerves before going on stage for the opening show of the tour.
“I need Eddie, call him!” you managed to say.
“Okay! Okay!” he ran looking for him and then you saw someone running back to you.
“I’m here, sweetheart” now it was your turn to run to him, hugging him thigh around his waist, he wrapped his arms around your neck and back protecting you. You could breathe again.
After a few minutes he made sure you were calmed and then asked you what happened.
“Just… It’s an important album for me, I don’t know if I can sing all those songs as if they didn’t have meaning, I don’t know if I’m ready yet” you explained with your breaking voice, tears in your eyes waiting to fall down.
“Listen, you’re gonna be amazing just like you always are, a fucking rockstar if I ever saw one. I know how meaningful these songs are, but remember I’m right there next to you singing too, just come grab my hand if it gets too much. But we’ve rehearsed, and you did fucking great as ever!”
“But he’s probably gonna see this, or, or people are gonna see if it gets too much and I start crying or have a fucking breakdown”
“You’re not gonna have a breakdown, sweetheart. I’ll be right there next to you, if it gets too much just make a sign and I’ll finish the song, it’s not gonna be as great cause I don’t have the amazing voice that you do, but I’ll manage” he jokes.
“Yes, you do! I’m so in love with your voice!” you correct him.
“You are?” you nod. “Then just listen to me, if it starts getting too much, just focus on my voice, on my face, on me, only on me”
You nod again, feeling better. “I love you so much” you say.
“I love you more” and before you tell him that’s not true, he kisses you, a kiss that makes you forget about everything, even that you have to out on stage in two minutes.
“Hey, lovebirds! You have to go out and play now, continue the flirting up there!” your manager yells.
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sacr3d-joeyxx · 7 months
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Overcoming Demons
Joey x Fem!Reader
Request from: iminlovewithmycarrrr
*Could you do a Joey jordison x reader where the reader is a vocalist and guitarist for a black metal band (she can scream and sing very well) and her band keeps playing the same gigs as slipknot and he just gets obsessed with the way she performs. The guys all tell Joey to ask her out*
Quinn’s POV
The crowd went wild as we performed our last song.. I said thank you and that it was a joy playing for Des Moines, Iowa. We as Ritualistic Suicide was done for the night. I was in love with the sound of encores and some occasional ‘I love you’.
It wasn’t hard to perform but it did come with its massive drawbacks, well just for me of course..Having to scream but also having to balance it with singing was hard. I got into black metal at the ripe age of 19 and I was sold when I heard the screams it was a form of art to me. Screaming is what I wanted to do nothing else but when we had to kick out the guitarist for getting arrested because of drugs but let’s get this straight there’s nothing wrong with doing drugs in this band but when we started to actually get gigs and record deals we all went cold turkey; well except him and he started to get involved with the law and then we all knew that the dude just simply had to go. I then took his spot after that. It sucked mostly because he named the band but it was whatever. So my job was now vocals and guitar…not impossible but it was in the beginning. I just had to learn differently, it took a lot of practice but it worked!
This time the black blood came out at the right time, it actually came out! It goes with our new single called ‘Homicide’ which ends with us covered in fake blood by it coming out near our eyes, mouths, ears and hands while playing. It’s kinda hard to explain how it works but anywhere you have tubing on your face you cover it with black face paint to balance it out; the tubes are a solid black color and it’s mechanically released with a push button that someone pushes backstage for us. It makes us look like we’re performing a sacrifice..I guess.. but a couple of drawbacks is it stains your skin like no other.. the other is getting it off your equipment..you see I have a pure white guitar, our bassist has a blood red one…you leave it on too long..well it’s fucking over..
Honestly I’d say the best part of this whole thing is a couple of things actually, first one is seeing the crowd; the way they listen to the music and move with the rhythm is a fish out of water experience. The second one is hearing our music on the radio or it getting mentioned in any form of media. Lastly getting all our cosmetics on, no black metal band is allowed to preform without it; well you can it’s just frowned upon in this profession. It’s funny seeing your closet friend’s faces in basically all white. You think you’re in a dream or something when you first start to put it on.
The best part about doing the makeup is the designs, most of the white face paint ends up in my hair by the end of the show, I look 50+ years older when I step off the stage. It comes out..kinda but it’s still going to be there for a couple of weeks..You’ll find white spots on your skin where you thought it was gone. It hides our face I guess but not really.. the band that almost always plays after us, especially when it’s a gig that could be a mix of all sorts of bands. They wear masks and red jumpsuits..crazy how much they look like a band in them. They are called Slipknot but I don’t know much about them really except for the band having nine people. I mean we have five people but nine is way too much yet they make it work.
Honestly they really intimidating, like they could all definitely be serial killers.. but they are the way they are for reasons. I’m taller than their drummer..he’s gotta be 5’3 or something. I’m 5’10..but there’s nothing wrong with short kings. I do think he’s kinda funny though, he’s just a mass of passion and speed. You could obviously tell when he plays that he enjoys what he does.
Any second now our drummer is gonna need my help to get the kick drum get in the case. The stage was already set and what not when we got there but literally 2 hours before opening Cam did something to it and just didn’t sound right anymore. Lucky for us I told him to pack an extra..of course he did but it’s fucking funny how the kick drum couldn’t survive a practice session.. nonetheless we fixed it just in time.
“Quinn! I need help..the kick drum..I can’t get it in the case!”
Bingo, like fucking clock work. I chuckled to myself as I walked over there and looked how it was placed in the case.
“Well, no shit..if you haven’t noticed.. you forgot to fold in the foam in the corner on the right..just tuck it back in”
He looked at me then itched his head, and went to go fix it before closing it and giving me a thumbs up..I rolled my eyes and turned to walk offstage..Now I had to find three others, it won’t be hard because they are in one of three places. The green-room, signings, or loading things on the bus. Normally we’d do signings but last time we did that someone brought a human skull..nothing wrong with that but none of us wanted to deface someone’s mom. So they’re not doing that…honestly I’m going go to go with the green-room; Declan, Mex, and Juz are all fat..not really but they have a tendency to stuff their faces with food after a performance like that.
I hope I’m not scarring any ‘normal person’ in my adventure to find the three stooges, but I probably will..It appears to always happen.
*Whatever the fucking sound is called when two people bump into each other when neither is paying attention.*
Joey’s POV
She looked like a god..an immortal god…I don’t think I’ll ever be able to explain what she does to me. The makeup, her clothes, her hair.. she looked perfect..to me at least..I don’t think she’ll look my way..she’d have to look down as well..
I can’t remember how many times I’ve been doing the same gigs as them but it’s obvious that it’s on purpose. All of my band mates keep telling me to talk to her..I wish it was easy as that but I’m intimidated by her..she’s gotta be 6’1 and on top of that she’s in platforms..I have balls with certain things but women scare me..fucking weird how that works..your attracted to them but scared shitless of them.
Maybe I should go talk to her..fuck it…she had a great show and I should tell her..fuck it!
*Whatever the fucking sound is called when two people bump into each other when neither is paying attention.*
Quinn’s POV
I brushed my hair out of my face and now knew why I didn’t see him..it’s cause he’s were fucking short.. but what’s funnier about this is that he’s wearing a bright red jumpsuit.
“Woah! Sorry man!”
“You’re good..I kinda was looking for you”
“Really? What do you need from me?”
“Just wanted to talk about how you preformed out there..”
“Oh..thank you! It was definitely up there with one of our first shows..mainly because it all went according to schedule…”
“You’re welcome..-“
“So sorry for cutting you off but I’ve gotta get going to find my mates, you can come along if you want..your set isn’t until 8:00pm and it’s 6:21pm now..”
“Uhhh-sure I’ve got time..”
“Cool..uhh just try and keep up, I’ve got long legs.. y’know..”
I walk fast, mean I don’t have a choice really I’ve given such long legs.. but they get longer in platforms..I turned the corner and looked at the wall with the little sign pointing left saying the green-room was that way…I looked back and the guy was still keeping up with me. Honestly he was probably sweating bullets under everything he was wearing, I would be too. I stopped before looking at the doors..bingo, found it. I looked back at him and he gave me a thumbs up..
Joey’s POV
God..I honestly think she knows that I’m crazy about her..fuck..the things I would do to her..the bright white stage makeup with the black blood was still wet..her hands were covered in it. It looked like tree roots as it patterned up her wrists and eventually her arms. The messy jet black hair..covered in white makeup..I’m fucking obsessed with this woman..and she has to know..
“So.. you single…?”
Quinn’s POV
I whipped my head around to him, I go wide-eyed while looking at him..I don’t know if he’s being serious or he’s just trying to be funny.
“Huh? Why are you asking..you interested?”
“Hello..I asked you a question?”
“..yeah..I am….”
“Huh..sorry I couldn’t hear you..”
“Yeah, I am”
“You’re not like fucking with me are you?”
Oh so he’s actually being real..uh I don’t know what to do here I barely know him..should I give him my number.. shit I don’t know. This could be a set up from his band or mine..but I know mine wouldn’t fuck with me like this…they don’t have big enough balls to do so. He honestly doesn’t seem bad from what I can tell but he looks like he’s about to pass out from the stress of this situation..fidgety little guy..picking at his fingernails while waiting for my response.
“You’re one hundred percent positive?”
“Yes, I’m one hundred fucking percent positive..it’s a serious question..that I would like to know the answer to”
I could give him my number, I don’t have a piece of paper though.. but I happen to have a sharpie..
“Come here real quick..”
I reached into my back pocket and pulled at a sharpie as he made his way over here, I looked at him and smiled softly.
“Takes some balls to say that, y’know?”
Joey’s POV
Okay..she took it well..maybe she’ll give me her number..oh wait she telling me to go to her..the hell is she doing digging in her back pocket..oh wait it’s a sharpie..fuck I don’t have any paper she can use..
“So..has this ever worked before?”
“Not really..I don’t don’t talk to them if I’m interested in them..they are scary..”
“Give me your hand real quick..hopefully it doesn’t rub off during your gig..”
I gave her my hand and she held it was she wrote her name and number on my hand..her hand was cold like a corpse..but who cares? I could see her looking at my chipped black fingernail polish..I looked up at her and we locked eyes for a moment.. the world went quiet and it felt like it stopped spinning..
Quinn’s POV
I wrote my name and number on his hand and then looked at his nail polish that was black and in the process of chipping. I looked up at him and we locked eyes for a moment.. I felt the world stop I knew he did too.
“You’re quite welcome”
“I’m going to head back now..”
“Okay..after your set come find me if we’re still here..if not then use my number.. answer it eventually”
I sighed softly as he began to walked away, I knew his gig was going to be a lot longer than ours was..they had a bigger fan base than we did but it’s whatever. I either had the choice to stay here another night or wait for him to text me.
Joey’s POV
Fucking hell..wow I actually have her number and seems like she didn’t just give a fake one either. Okay..okay!! I guess that’s a win for me..
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povofjustme · 1 year
Fake Lovers
Your are the singer of a band and a ‘rival’ of Tokio Hotel. The fans loved when you guy interact with each other. So the company make you fake date someone! 
Part one 
Georg listing x Black reader
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Have fun love<3 - bc its not pr. I wrote in at 3 am. Didn't have time(:
I am a part of a girl band from the US.  I have been singing since I was a little kid. At a church and  school, I would be in a choir. I met my best friends in high school. Nia the drummer, Jade the basses and Alex played the guitar. We all had a love for music and from then, it was history. 
Alex wanted to post a song that we had been working on for the longest. The next day the girls all woke me up, telling me that the song bowled up on YouTube. I never thought it would happen but now look at us. We made something of ourselves. Going on interviews and meeting up with big names. 
We had a tour in Europe, surprisingly we had a big fan base over there. Nia, Jade, and I we’re in our practice room, thinking of more outfits for the upcoming show in a few days. “Hey, guys!”  Alex came into the room with our drink she went out to get. “Hey babe,” I said with a smile. “So I was thinking, we can do a song for the stage broke.”  are heads all turned to the left.
“Okay listen, there's a band here called... Tokio Hotel” “Oh yeah, I heard of them,” Nia said. She has always been the quiet type. The things that came out of her mouth surprised us at times but she kept us on task. “They are a really big group here. Girls are in love with them” Nia added. “They are not bad looking” We looked to see Jade on her phone looking them up.
“Well, I was thinking we can do one of their songs when we hit Germany” “That sounds good but girl... I will have to learn it in like 2 weeks. I know German but it's Arsch”.  It was a really good idea, but I didn't want to fuck up anything. “I can help you G, you forget am half germen. I speak it at home,” Nia said. “I know, but people already hate me because am black. I don't want to give them another reason.” 
“G, we will all help you, we have 2 weeks. You got this, We got this” Alex told me, All I did was shake my head. For the days leading up to the preforms, we would do a concert and after I would spend m. In my time with Nia, I learned the lyrics to the song Durch Den Monsun.
Now the two weeks are up and it was time to sing. Walking out on stage, we have seen so many people. Signs with our names and faces on them. They were so sweet and amazing. 
 Now is the time “Wie fühlen wir uns heute Abend? Ich weiß, wir sollten Pause machen. Ich wollte euch etwas zeigen. Bereit Mädels?” (How are we feeling tonight? I know we should be on break but I wanted to show you guys something. Ready girls?)
The guys gave me a head nod and we started on the song. It was 3 seconds into the song and the crowd is going wild. I could remember a thing after that. Now am back in the hotel room lying down. “You know you did amazing, you got all the words right” We stayed in two hotel rooms. I got the share with Nia. “Thanks, babe”
“G, wake up. Addy needs to talk to us” Nia told me “Girl what time is it?” “7 a.m., come on and get dressed, I have to go wake the other girls.” “Is everything okay?” “I don’t know. She told us to meet her downstairs in an hour or so. She told us to dress like ourselves. So go in the shower first, it takes you forever to do your hair” I laughed while she was walking to the next door. 
We all met up in Nia and I's room to just do some finishing touches on our look. We all have a different look. Jade, Alex, Nia, and I all wore the same shirt differently but had the same dark blue jeans. I had washed my hair and it ended up in a curled-up afro which I loved. I had made my shirt into a high crop top so you could still see our band name and the dark blue jeans high-waisted.
We got downstairs to see Addy waiting for us. “Good morning my loves. I want to meet you guys to some people!” “Addy I know you are the manager and all but I might have to kill you if you try to wake us up again this early?” Alex said. “I got you guys food” “Okay I love you again” Alex added. “So what's up,” I asked 
“Tokio Hotel saw your guys perform last night and they wanted to meet you, in person,” She said with a smile on her face. “Wait are you for really!” “Yes I am, and we have to meet this in 3 hours. The place is an hour away and I want you all awake so we will drive there. Get more food and meet up with them. Okay” “Yes” we added at the same time
“Let us get this shit on the road. Am want to sleep in the car” Alex had always been the outgoing one. Always speaking her mind and not caring. Jade was that way too but she had a filter. The car ride was okay. We called for a bit until Alex went to sleep. We stopped and ate and 15 minutes later we were at a company building. The man who was driving told us we had to go through the back, due to the fans. 
Even going through the back there was still fans everywhere. All I could think was that this group made it far. Each of us had a security guard by our side until we got into the building and into the room we were supposed to be in. Addy opened the door, she was greeted by a man who I assumed was their manager. They chatted for a few seconds then he looked at us.
“It is so nice to finally meet your girls. My name is Max and am the boy's mangers.” “Hello, Max” “Hi” we each said. “Max can you give the girls a run down for today” “Oh yes, I know it's one of your breaks from your show and I premises you girls can all sleep in Tom-” All I was thinking at this time was just sleep. “You and the boys will have an hour to yourself. No cameras, no pictures, nothing. Just getting to know each other.” He looked down had his right wrist “Then in about, an hour and a half now. We will have you guys take group pictures together. Everyone in Germany loves you guys here and why not have two big groups show some love to the people but give them what they want? Yeah!” 
The girls and I looked at each other “Excuse me, sir, what do you mean?” Nia was saying what we all were thinking. “The people want to see the group interact with one another. Is that fine with you guys?” Just nodding our heads yes. “All right, follow me!” He took us to a room, from the outside we could hear voices. 
He knocked on the door. “Boys there here”  He opened the door. The girls and I looked at each other. “So who’s going in first?” I asked “I say you G, You are a singer” “Yeah, G” “ What the fuck, why.?” You are the face of the group. Now go show your face first” I walked in with a fake smile on my face. The first person I see he a tall, guy with long brown hair. His smile was to die for and I only looked for 3 seconds before taking my eyes off him. 
The rest of the girls followed right next to me in a line. “Now I want you all to mix in with each other. Bill, Tom, Georg, and Gustav. Meet G, Jade, Alex and Nia. We will see you all in an hour” I looked around the room, It was like an office space. A big round table that fit all 8 of us. Everyone got into a spot with a person we didn’t know. The brown-haired boy sat on the right of me.
“Am Bill!” He had the biggest smile on his face and his hair was as big as mine. He sat on my left “I always wanted to meet you all. You guys are amazing!” He finished “So are you! Your voice is beautiful by the way”  I feel like I could talk to him for days without getting bored. “Do you only go by G?” “Yeah it is a stage name. And It is easier to say for people” 
It took a while but everyone started talking to one another. It felt so good being about the talk to people who have the same passion that you do. We related to each other, not even an hour later and it felt like we had been friends for over years. Less than an hour. 
I found out his name, Georg. He was talking to Jade about the animal when she brought up my name. “Oh G loves animals, She has like 5 dogs. Right G?” “Oh what's their name?” Georg had asked me. “Princess, Prince, Zoey and Zion. I only have 4.” I laughed, he was looking at me the whole time I was talking or anytime we talked. He would always be the one asking me questions. I just felt so open with him, I didn't know how to act. He made me feel somewhat. A safe way but I didn’t know if I wanted to get too close, just to keep out of making a fool of myself. 
Right when I finished laughing with Georg the door opened. We didn't stop talking, we were all having a good time. “Okay guys, It's time to go,” Addy told us “It's off the the shot. Now would you all like to take different cars or take the bus?” Max asked. “We will take the same bus, I have so much to ask Alex” Bill and Alex were talking the whole time. They seem like they would become best friends by the end of the day. 
I made sure everyone got a chance to walk out the door before I did. Georg stayed behind me. “You can go first,” I told him “No it's fine, please go first” “I really hope we aren't gonna fight about this” “We are not, because you will be going first” I walked out signing. I walked out to see Max and Addy waiting for us. We walked ahead of them. I looked behind me to see them talking, I tried to listen but I could hear nothing with Alex and Bill talking loudly. 
We went through the first to get to the bus. There were fans everywhere. Since Georg and I stayed behind a little, we ended a stuck. With people trying to get on the bus. “Hold my hand, I will push us through this,” He told me and I told his hand and made it on the bus, safely.
I hoped you like it!
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aettuddae · 4 months
im here again cause i have more thoughts that i cant keep to myself SORRY FOR THE MINI SPAM (is this considered a spam? idk)
every single crackship ur anons have made ive opposed, BUT i love ning & serim um 😲😲 idk they are just both cutie patooties
also since serim is such a plant freak i like to think her dream role would be someone in little shop of horrors and probably has preformed tbe whole thing on weverse live (and maybe to jimin now too😭😭)
i love that serim is a sone because karina is also a sone ahhh 😭😭 i hope when they finally can be around eo without having the urge to commit a homicide they can fangirl out (they would probably debate about stuff regarding the group)
im actually so not ready for this angst thats gonna come 😖😖 ur ability to go from silly to serious is diabolical (in a good way ofc) so im scared and still slightly scarred from hole in one…
its been awhile since ive complimented ur writing so i just want to say i hope u never lose a passion for it cause ur genuinely so good. whether its making smau on tumblr or writing about ur day in a journal i hope u continue to thrive and let ur creative juices flow😭😭 i seriously love when u update, it makes my day!! (i be reading it on my bed with my feet kicking back n forth like goo hara in the pretty girl mv)
AND ITS GETTING TOO LONG so ill finish it by saying something i say all the time but yeah to see how much youve grown as a writer is such a privilege!! okay thats it byeeeeee
- 🕷️
you know i don't mind the asks 🫶���
my anons most times want the oc to be far away from karina, i don't know how this blog has kept sailing 🫴🏼 ning and serim are a fan favorite 😭 they are adorable
as much as i like musicals, i didn't know about little shop of horrors and now i'm searching it, it feels it was made for serim. she totally knows it from start to end, and i don't know if she would perform it in front of jimin, but jimin has heard it so many times already she knows the songs
YES, my little sones 😭 they would watch the concerts on youtube and yell about what's their favorite japanese release. jimin will so tease serim about how she knows them, was on got the beat, and so on. when they come clean about snsd to eo, the smau is merely gonna be about it, sorry
it's crazy bc if you are a new reader who's only familiar with business matter you wouldn't know angst is my specialty 🤷🏻‍♀️ but chill, we have time before that 😉
writing makes me really happy, even if it's for an au or the format i feel like putting it out that day, i can't run away from it. i like finding ways to share it with people, and i'm glad there are ones that enjoy it. you've been around for a while, so thanks for liking what i do and being supportive, it makes me really happy when i see your asks too 🫂 since there are people who care, i still make stories 🤍
thank you for being so sweet 🫶🏻
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r4mmsarah · 8 months
Dear Richard..
I have no fucking idea if you’ll ever read this but yk, you never know.
First of all:
THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING. I wish I could tell you, in how many ways you literally saved my life. You are my BIG inspiration in life, in playing guitar and many other things. Everyone needs a person to be their “idol” or a person who we are inspired by, and I’m glad and proud I can tell in my life that the person is YOU. Because damn. Unfortunately I can’t feel what have you been through but, been trough something familiar (long story) and EVERTIME. I felt like I want to give up, I look after you and realized how far you’ve come and that motives me. When I feel like in no point of my life, I look at you, listen Emigrate, Rammstein and just think, it can be always worse but what’s matter, the important one: it will be always better. I just remember the lyrics from the song “Babe” (my favorite song btw) - “Whatever you do, we will laugh again I'm like you, a fool again. Whenever I fell, I got up again. Find your way and lose again.Wherever you are you can choose again.Your heart will break, and heal again.And one day will come when you believe again” And that motives me even more. I’m so glad for your amazing work, because I can relate and it just feels different, differently amazing. I don’t think you’ll ever understand how much I look after you and how much i appreciate you and your work. Because it really motivates me when I see you standing on the stage, preforming infront of THOUSANDS people after you worked up your ass here. And I wish it to you so much because you deserve it<3
Your smile is like a light in a dark tunnel for me, it’s full of energy and love. Your preforming on stage is amazing. It’s the energy I get from you and we give it back and I absolutely love that. You are really the reason why I started playing on electric guitar. And I feel like I should thank you for that,because I found another safe place, where I can be safe, in my own world, just me and my guitar.
Also I found really AMAZING friends from your fandom (and Rammstein of course) which I believe that Rammstein fandom is full of amazing and talented people.
Anyways, after all.. It’s you and your amazing work and your songs when I come home after a bad day and just listen the music that motives me so much. It’s your music that is standing by my side when nobody else does. I’m really proud of you.
I’m really glad that I’ve heard from you since my childhood. Glad to be in this fandom (actually really proud) , thank you for everything because you are the first thing in this world that motives me.
With all love
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📌credit for the pictures to the right owner!
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squigglyoctosquigglez · 8 months
assinging each cpds member a milgram song (except Undercover. no one is Es here. except maybe Lucy. yeah Lucy is Es now she gives the verdicts for each of their murders-)
for those who don't know, milgram is a fictional music project that involves a prison that hold 10 prisoners, each had been the sole cause of someones death (not just murder) and the only real clues to their "sin" is through songs !! there's also es they're the prison warden
i got this idea at like 10 pm today in my timezone, i say random ass shit here too please dont judge im tired
chris - Throw Down (uhh reading the lyrics chris is the kind to like really care but hes just done with everyone), Triage (he does not want to be deemed INNOCENT [he's still getting voted innocent])
dennis - After Pain ("“I’m sorry” won’t reach anyone (I hope it will someday) " dennis seems like the kind of kid to be bullied in school), Magic (dennis is at heart, childish. and also probably had shit parents. nothing wrong with the first one, everything wrong with the second one), The Purge March (eh hes probably not in a cult but like still he follows orders a bit too much to order idk how to explain it he remembers everything exactly except his own lines so like)
robert - half (kazui literally starts preforming an opera in the mv for this, anyways uhhh denise), It's Not My Fault (its literally in the name), Cat ("Love (plus) Destiny = Crap, smash it, shatter it, bye-bye / That sticky-sweet sequence: Dinner + Camouflage + You-Know-What / Loving Affection (minus) Love, it’s tacky, this two-way deceit / Victim and Perpetrator, let’s keep it simple" continuing half "Phew, oh wow I’m drunk, Hey, so what if I said I liked-liked you, what would you do?" this song is so painfully robert its insane idk why also kazui (prisoner singing the song) eats a fucking dove in the mv btw do with that info what you want idk)
sandra - MeMe (i have no actual reason for this just take my word for this one), It's Not My Fault (datte datte warekurai mon-), I Love You / Daisuki (see max's description) (im sorry there's still like 1 trial left, idk there's only like 20 songs)
max - This is how to be in love with you (title speaks for itself, max is a very loving person! sometimes too loving… like mahiru (prisoner singing the song) i think they would get along actually), I Love You / Daisuki (this song goes too hard to have that title, anyways Mon-mon-monstrously in love in love / Mon-mon-monstrous, cuz I love you so much / Mon-mon-monstrously in love in love / A monstrous dilemma!!!) (someone protect him)
johnathan - Weakness (idfk "ahHaHA, Please notice me. ahHaHA, Someone please notice me."), All-Knowing And All-Agony (probaby was neglected as a child or something idk now he indirectly relys on robert please dont listen to me im jsut spouting random shit atp im tired its 11 pmg now)
vanessa - Umbilical (i actually have no good reason for this), Tear Drop (i dont think she wants to be voted innocent for her murder [news flash, shes still getting voted innocent]), Double (or not innocent! idk man shes not mikoto (prisoner singing the song) but i gotta give his songs to someone and she kinda fits)
annie - HARROW (annie and trevor are similar in goals, to take down sin and make them pay for what they've done. however they do it in two different ways. idk those two different ways probably direct death threats (trevor) and an indirect slow death (annie). i have no fucking clue what im talking about actually), Deep Cover ("Don’t you dare stop now I want a reason for judgment execution, I want it" idk what kotoko (prisoner singing the song) ment by this but uhh do what you want with that)
trevor - Bring It On (see HARROW), Backdraft (LISTEN TO THE SONG ITS A FUCKING BANGER- anyways i have no reason for this than this connects with bring it on Burn, burn! An ever-victorious FIRE, burn so high till it becomes ash / Burn, burn! Deliciously scorched, till your mouth waters / Flames closing in, can’t douse this FIRE)
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alexissara · 10 months
My Favorite Musical Artists of 2023
It is Spotify wrapped season and so instead of letting a company decide what I liked most or listened to most when it isn't totally accurate I shall instead tell you my favorite musical artists of the year and what musical art resonated most with my heart and why.
Normally I don't like to do this sort of list until it's actually the next year because in December maybe I'll get into Electronic Disco Funk and have 3 artists that should really be here but I figure now is a good time
Ado really was a machine of putting out great music both on contract for anime and songs that are just related to her own work. I found her listening to the One Piece Film Red soundtrack and loving those songs this year but her vocals on Show, All Night Radio, FREEDOM and more all are breath takingly great. She clearly knows great people to collaborate with to make amazing music and her vocals are utterly delightful with a brilliant vocal range.
Ado music is perfect for making playlists for my OCs, listening to while writing, working on chores, really just a perfect artist for every function I often look to music for.
Janelle Monae
Janelle Monae is a consistent favorite even in years where they have released no new songs they still stand among my favorite artists of the year with songs like Make Me Feel, Many Moons, Tightrope and Screwed always being on my rotation of songs. Now Lipstick Lover joins as another Monae staple that will constantly be on repeat for me. The Age Of Pleasure was a really great album and I think this era of Janelle's music was really good and I think Janelle was really bold going into being a free ass person and refusing to let themselves be defined by others on their own terms.
While I am not the biggest fan of the same kind of operatic dramatic songs that often drive many of Reinaeiry's songs, in any given year she still puts out more songs I love then songs that are not my thing. There is a touch of bitter sweetness because my ex loved her music too and so it often reminds me of her and our break up was a bit less than a year ago but having moved back around to being friends with her the music can sit comfortably in my ears as music that means a lot to me even if some songs now have bitter sweet memories tied to them it makes some songs work better too.
Yoasobi has had a year getting to preform songs for some of the years biggest anime projects but this was the year I discovered her music and in it I found so many amazing songs. 海のまにまに is probably my favorite from the year but I also really enjoy Horizon, セブンティーン, Biri-Biri, and Hero a lot too. She has a lot of really banger music videos and they are just delights to watch. I find a lot of her songs are perfect chill songs to really set a nice calm wokring on something serious tone in the background, like just enough added energy to not be sleepy music.
Jamie Page
While I got into Jamie Page last year, Jamie Page's music this year has also been bangers and am still loving the songs i fell for last year. Love Renewed is a new Jamie Page classic and I am always listening to songs like Encore, Gummyworm, Bitter Sweet and People play Pretend. Jamie makes perfect poppy and fun music that can get into the sadder emotions while still being upbeat and really fun to listen to.
Joel Baylis and Shelby Harvey
The Cassette Beasts OST is probably my actual most listened to music of the year. The soundtrack is just so fucking good, like above and beyond, I really need to actually buy the album on bandcamp because I love it so much. Your Inception and Arrow of Time are probably my favorite songs from the album but Same Old Story, Wherever We Are, face down and the rest of the vocal tracks are all bangers. All these songs are gonna be forever staples for me making OC playlists and just jaming out when I am working on being creative. Their perfect songs for writing action scenes not so dominant that they take all my attention but enough to pump me up for some badass action.
Chrissy Chlapecka
Chrissy's transition from Tiktok bimbo positivity poster to pop icon this year was glamorous. She really brings something new to the early 2000s pop kinda vibe she is going for with a much more powerful and queer vibe with an aim at being a bit more intentionally political without it being so dominant in the music to pull away from them being like "dumb" pop. A lot of "influencers" attempt the transition into music but it is very clear that Chrissy is actually a musical talent who stumbled into being popular online for not doing music then used that to boost her passion.
Dorian Electra 
Weird core legend Dorian Electra is truly a musical artist who is always worth checking out even when a song is a total wiff it's usually at least fun to watch the music video. I am always relistening to my favs from Dorian but this year had a lot of great blasphemy core music like Sodom & Gomorrah but also brilliant songs like Puppet that really all captured my heart and are just great pop songs in addition to being a little funny or whatever else Dorian is going for.
J-rock legends Band-maid are always a favorite for me. BAND-MAID are so good at their respective gimmicks it almost makes me sad that they are tied to the gimmick of having to dress up as maids. I enjoy a good Maid outfit but I do think their music is just so seriously damn good and I do worry the gimmick is also a detraction from how truly badass their music is. They are just such amazing artists and they are just a delight to listen to especially if I am gaming and want to replace a sound track or something.
Tape Girl
Ska is my favorite kind of music, while I didn't include a ton on this list I had to include at least one Ska artist and Tape Girl was an artist I found this year who really blew me away. There were a ton of great artists I discovered this year but as of now I mostly just have one song from them I really love while Tape Girl basically has no misses. Tape Girl is really fun and the instrumentations are all so good, they are just ahhh such fantastic tracks and really songs well worth listening to.
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wonderlandflamingo · 1 month
For the character ask game:
Seto Kaiba
1, 5, 6, 12, 16
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1: Why do you like or dislike this character?
I think his unwavering faith in himself is pretty great. Like sure sometimes he's so overconfident in himself that he blows it big time, but I love him anyway. He contains so much hubris. But, he carries it so well. Like of course he can do that single-handedly, he's Seto Fucking Kaiba. (I wish I had half his confidence)
5: What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Gonna be honest it's this number from the dub. The first season dub had some bops. It's pretty much the only thing dubs at the time were good at. And I know Kaiba isn't in this scene at all, but the vibes are right. If I made a mixtape for him this song would be on it.
6: What's something you have in common with this character?
Unfortunately, we both had to grow up too fast. He got adopted by an evil billionaire. I grew up being surrounded by adults with an overprotective mom who wouldn't let me play with other kids. It's different, but the end results are similar. Kaiba and I both got real good at interacting with adults and we suck at making friends our own age. "Yay"
12: What's s headcanon you have for this character?
That he gets along really great with children, but refuses to admit it. He has a little brother. So, while his childhood made him bad at interacting with people his own age, he's pretty good at interacting with people younger than him. Also, it's canon that he's building amusement parks that orphans can go to for free. (The boy likes kids. Which makes him a better person than me cuz I hate them)
16: What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Probably Joey and Kaiba. I think Kaiba needs a friend that will actually tell him no. He needs someone to call him on his bullshit and Joey is great at that, but I feel like adding romance complicates that in a way I personally don't like. (But, I'm actually not super into enemies to lovers dynamics in general)
21: If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Much like the show I love putting him in situations where he has to preform mental gymnastics to prove the very real magic isn't real. This is unfortunately something I don't like too. If the story is better served by him growing as a character and coming to terms with the magical element than he doesn't sound like himself. Or at least it's very hard to make him sound like himself. Kaiba is sort of notoriously bad at character growth and it can be tricky to introduce that without turning him into a completely different character. (I just need to git gud)
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I’m so Fucking proud of myself for getting to this point with guitar. It’s hard to explain but before I started pursuing music I had no creative hobbies what-so-ever and my father had no trouble reminding me of that every fucking day. Me and my dad pretty much hated each other my entire childhood. It was actually music that turned our relationship around. the second I took an interest in music his approach to me as a person completely changed. So that’s benefit to music #1 for me as it provided an olive branch to my father and made us mend some bridges that I genuinely thought would be charred for life. But lately I’ve been making a lot of strides that I think I’ve been waiting for since I started. I’ve pretty much stopped using tablature all together and started learning everything by ear, which I never thought I’d do, I hear music totally differently now. I hear a new song and if I like it I play it on repeat over and over again so I can preform this kind of mental autopsy of the song one instrument at a time and try to deduce who’s doing what and what chords and scales and progressions and time signatures are being used, paying attention to the “theory” aspect of every song that plays within earshot, which is something I never intended to learn or care about.
Like that Fucking lighthouse song I was talking about yesterday, I looked up some tabs and they were ass, watched a little YouTube tutorial and it sounded right but the guy was playing it in a weirdly complicated and annoying way (dudes in drop D to play a song in the key of E minor with a D Em G progression. Like why) so I said fuck it and played it on my phone and just picked out the chords how I thought they’d sound, I don’t wana brag or speak to soon, but Im very happy with how my versions coming along compared to the others I’ve seen floating around. Im excited to show y’all when it’s done >:)
Anyway. Just a self serving vanity post, glad I got into music, glad I worked hard at it for over a decade, proud of myself for not only sticking with it but trying as hard as I do every day to get better. I have no intention of ever “making music” in any capacity other than what I’m doing now. Just fun little videos that I can look back on years from now and say “damn I killed it, look at how young I was, I was handsome” it’s my version of a family photo album I guess. Looking forward to what comes next for me. I’m currently obsessed with blue grass music which is really Fucking weird considering my musical roots are comprised of bands like nirvana, rage against the machine, tool, queens of the Stone Age ect. Ect. But I’m excited to see where I’ll be in a couple years.
If you find yourself thinking that you have too much free time and want a hobby I seriously can’t recommend guitar enough. I feel like it’s an obvious hobby so most people don’t bother, or convince themselves that they “can’t do it”, but I assure you, you can. You don’t have to practice every day. You don’t even have to practice! I don’t think I’ve ever once in my life sat down with a guitar with the intent of practicing. I just pick it up when I want too and play whatever comes out. It’s never gotten old, it’s never steered me wrong, I come out of a one hour guitar session feeling like a brand new man. Like I got all the poison out. I genuinely feel it’s the thing I was born to do. But I have no intention of ever making a dollar from it, nor do I think I would if I tried, as one of my most influential guitarists once said: “when you expect anything from music, you expect too much, do it for you. Do it because you love it. If it’s meant to be the rest will come”
So that’s what I’m doing. Playing fun stuff every day, paying attention to my improvements, encouraging myself to do a little better every time I pick it up. And forever remaining hopelessly dependent on the 6 strings.
Thank you for reading♥️
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palettepainter · 1 year
Not sure if you're still answering these type of ask. But do you have any Clifford headcanons? 👉👈
Maybe some about what Clifford and Zee's relationship was like???
my askbox is pretty much always open so people can ask for headcannons anytime! A heads up to longtime Clifford fans I've gotten a general idea of his character through watching episodes/clips from Muppets Tonight, so idk if theres other videos of him
-I did a post a while back with some Clifford headcannons so you can read them here: Palettepainter101 — Got any headcanons for Clifford? (tumblr.com)
-As for him and Zee overall they where a pretty normal, but fashionable, couple. From watching Muppets Tonight Clifford strikes me as the type of guy who is just trying to do his job, get paid, and put food on the table. If he's not dealing with some dumb shit backstage then he will be later. I kind of love him for that, he's just trying to run a show, let the man do his job.
-When they met Zee was just a singer and hadn't started her teaching career just yet. Zee sang at different joints more or less as a very passionate hobby, she was paid well but the gigs where far and few, so she wanted to get a fulltime job to make ends meet. She applies for a job at the Muppets Tonight studios for an actor, with her career as a dancer she was used to a stage and working alongside other muppets was a new change of pace that sounded fun to her. Since Zee was already a singer and proved to already have experience on a stage she got hired relatively quickly
-Zee had always preformed alone, so while it took a bit for her to adjust having acting partners she soon made quick friends with some of the other actors on the show. Being one of the oldest cousins to Zoot she's also naturally the mum friend of their group, so isn't afraid of rolling up her sleeves to get stuff down. Her and Clifford where pretty close by this point, since Zee was good at keeping a level head and people seemed to listen to her Clifford trusted her with a lot of other things he didn't have the time for.
In some bloopers for Muppets Tonight there's this one where Clifford gets into a fight with Johnny and his chimp Sal. I think it'd be funny if Zee see's this going down and naturally goes over to see what's wrong, manages to calm Sal down with nothing more then a few calm words and a smile, and the pair go on their way, before she turns to Clifford and probably asks "You good boss?"
-During the time when the two where starting to crush on each other there was a lot of flirting/playful teasing. Zee and Clifford could match each others energy, and their impeccable fashion tastes, but it took them ages to actually start dating. A lot of people on the show assumed they where dating long before they actually where because the back and fourth flirting game went on forever. The day Clifford actually went to ask Zee out stuff kept getting in his way, in typical, comical muppet fashion. Whenever he got round to talking with Zee something else would pop up, or Pepe and Seymour would interrupt him, then Zee would be called over by somebody else and he'd loose his chance. It wasn't until the end of the day when Clifford flops down in his office chair does Zee pop by with a coffee, probably with a "Sheesh, you look rough creampuff" comment (not unkindly). Clifford sighs, saying something about how the day was so hectic and how he looks like a mess. Zee chuckles, saying that he's still got his looks, and then Clifford asks her out
-The two where already flirty before they began dating, so adding dating to the mix felt totally natural for them. With Zee as his girlfriend Zee helped out a lot more with the operations of running the show, the stuff Clifford often handled alone with occasional help from Pepe and Rizzo. Zee's singing career had been pretty popular, but Muppets Tonight was really when it started to take off. Clifford made space for her to sing songs in-between acts to warm up the audience, and Clifford loves to hear her sing. The two where still very flirty even after dating, and might have snuck in a few make out sessions in Clifford's office during commercial breaks.
I want to say they dated for a handful of years, perhaps the two had started to share their own space (perhaps rumours of the two buying a new place together and settling down, only Zee and Clifford know for sure). But Zee was eventually approached by a business man to give her a brand deal with her singing, only issue is Zee would have to move. Clifford and her had a long talk about it, and at first they tried to make long distance work, but in the end neither wanted to hold the other back and decided to remain friends
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absolutementality · 4 months
Media Log - The Beatles Rock Band
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This is easily one of the best games Harmonix ever made. Getting The Beatles license was the best thing they ever got. All the songs are a lot of fun to play, and this game just looks outright amazing. Neversoft also was fighting for The Beatles license, however from the footage we have of their pitch, It didn't look great. Neversoft isn't bad and I don't think Neversoft Beatles Guitar Hero would have been bad, but god it would have been such a disappointment compared to this.
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This game is built off a fork of Rock Band 2, even though the highway is more similar to Rock Band 3. Gameplay wise, it works pretty well. I don't think there's anything wrong with the gameplay here, and feels pretty much the same as RB2 and runs very well even with all it's effects. The menus are whatever, they work for what they need to do, but definitely feels really cheap compared to the main Rock Band games. Something fun is the game refers to Overdrive (also called Star Power in the GH games) as Beatlemania, which is a neat little renaming.
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However, the in-game venue animation for this game? Holy fucking shit. This is one of the most beautiful games I've played. There are so many visual effects I'm impressed by in this game. There's effects that recreate analog effects which are super impressive, but even the smaller parts impress me. This game somehow got dynamic lighting from a projector working, and it looks great. The models for the individual members look amazing, and are all very recognizable for who is who. There's no wonder Paul McCartney still uses footage of this game for live shows, Harmonix just absolutely killed it here. The game has a venue mechanic called "Dreamscapes" which are most closely to how Project Diva does it's background videos, they can do basically anything, customs venues, swapping outfits mid-song, moving text, special venue animation, special effects, it's absolutely amazing how well it works. The game also has more traditional "character on a stage preforming" venues also, though these are more limiting in what you can do.
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The game has a pretty good setlist overall, containing 44 songs on the disk and 29 as DLC. With the Abbey Road DLC they releases, on PS3/360 there was the addition of Abbey Road Medley, which is nearly 20 minutes straight of the B-Side of Abbey Road. Second longest official song in these games, only losing to Rush's 2112. This wasn't included on the Wii version because the song needs more memory then the Wii can consistently provide (However there is a port to Wii, and it runs just fine. Though it can crash if you play multiple songs before). However they missed some REALLY big songs, like Strawberry Fields Forever, and also almost the entirety of Magical Mystery Tour is missing (only 3 songs!! From their best album!!!). However, this game has an entire group of people making customs for this song. I mean custom charts, custom venue animation, everything. These feel just as high quality if not higher quality then the official stuff Harmonix did. Some of these even contain custom outfits, venues, and effects just for specific songs. Including customs, this game has MORE THEN HALF of the entire Beatles discography.
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This gif is a custom, for the song Magical Mystery Tour. This is the only custom I'm going to show, however there's (as of writing) 70 custom songs for this game. I'm impressed by their work and use of effects.
The game and its customs are just a general love letter to The Beatles. It celebrates basically the entire life of the band, containing venues based off iconic performances, like performances in The Cavern Club from their very early years to the iconic Rooftop performances. The Career mode (which I haven't played too much of, I've just played every song in Quickplay) is a timeline of the band essentially, with some pretty good pre-rendered cutscenes that have their own unique style. It even just celebrates their visual style with how bright and colourful or even calm and psychedelic. the dreamscape venues can be, and the songs that use animation and venue based off their actual real life performances.
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This game is just, nearly perfect. Where this game falls flat it makes up for everywhere else. If you want to play the console games and you have a guitar (or drums. or vocals) you should definitely play this one. All the charts are real fun and the venues are just absolutely beautiful. This game with just what Harmonix released, it's a 9/10. The fact it's missing some iconic songs are just sad and does hurt the experience a litte. With customs though? This game is an easy 10/10. The inclusion of basically every song most people would want, and overtime addition of more and more songs just push this game to being even more perfect.
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