#i think that's very lucky that they're easy to handle because
feluka · 1 year
every time i see a clip of someone trimming their cat’s nails i’m like oh god i lucked out with my cats huh
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just-jordie-things · 8 months
headcanon request: how would the jjk guys react if someone's trying to flirt with them but they're already in a relationship with their s/o?
YES i love some light jealousy teehee ___
has no chill if someone's flirting with him. or worse, he thinks someone's flirting with him, but they're just taking his order, or letting him know his shoe is untied.
he's literally "I'M MARRIED"
(for the untied shoe one, he definitely trips when he runs off)
he's so annoying abt it fr. always throwing "i have a wife" (even long before you're married) around even when unnecessary
and ppl do flirt with him, he's gojo, but sometimes... he's just a lot.
even if someone looks at him too long, he's wrapping his arm around you and loudly announcing "in front of my wife? you're lucky i'm holding her back!"
and you're just standing there bewildered with the box of cereal you were about to toss into the cart and wondering who the hell he's talking to- and when the hell did he propose??
for the most part he doesn't really notice when someone's flirting with him. i think it would take some very obvious hints.
so say someone is really trying to get him to catch on, pulling all the stops- fluttering eyelashes, unnecessary touching, one too many comments about his eyes, and finally, slipping a piece of paper into his hand with their phone number.
megumi can accidentally be a little cold.
he scowls at the phone number before crumpling the paper and dropping it.
"i don't want that," he's completely expressionless when he speaks, and honestly, the flirt-er is lucky he said anything at all rather than straight up walking away. "i have a girlfriend"
and then he walks away.
and when he meets up with you again he's a little more affectionate than usual, holding you a little longer, pulling you closer when you settle on the couch or bed or wherever, kissing you a few extra times for good measure.
don't get him wrong, it's not out of guilt or anything. he just wants you to know that he thinks of you when you're apart, and that he appreciates and loves you to death. nothing could ever change that.
i don't often add him to my brainrot posts but i SHOULD and i had the most brilliant thought for him specifically
if he's getting hit on, he'll shut it down casually enough, and just blatantly tell them they're not his type.
and then he'll just start listing everything about you. and lover boy is BABBLING ok, no one could shut him up
he's describing your hair your eyes your nose your hands your style- and once he gets thru the physical stuff, it gets random
he's talking about your hobbies, your weird interests or collections, how sometimes you're a bad driver but you try your best lmfao he gets on such a tangent i don't think he'd even realize his tactic for defusing the flirting is just confusing the other person to the point of no longer wanting to give him their number
and once he's done with his dreamy little speech, he just goes "like my partner!!" all excited and bubbly
he's always rushing off to meet up with you then, having got himself so eager to be around you some more
he's polite, but firm. he can also be a little quick to say he's taken, but it's only because he wants to let people down easy!
he's very kind when urning down phone numbers or flirty advances, always giving a gentle smile and saying no thank you, or actually i have a girlfriend. and he never apologizes when he says the second one, but that doesn't mean he's cruel! he's just thoughtful and respectful of you!
yuuta's a total gentleman.
but. god forbid. if he gets one of those nasty ppl that pull the "your girlfriend doesn't have to know" bullshit. oh boy. he does not handle that well.
toxic!yuuta jumps out a little!!
for as polite as he can be, he can get nasty when provoked just right, and someone disrespecting you? his beloved?
first it's a lecture- how dare you suggest such a thing? do you often try to break up people's perfect love lives?
then it's standing up for your honor- do you know how wonderful and lovely my partner is? you couldn't even understand the lengths that their radiance extends to. this part usually gets a little messy. he can get carried away when talking about you.
and lastly, he gets personal. deeply. personal. if they're having a not-so-great hair day, or if their attempts at slipping him their number were particularly weak, he's pouncing on that. he sniffs out weakness like a goddamn Chivalrous Boyfriend Bloodhound and sinking his claws in. i think yuuta could be really mean if he wanted to.
but that's kinda hot tho
definitely the funniest of all of them. bcuz if he's getting hit on, he kinda just... stands there.
sure, he could play it off like he doesn't understand what they're saying, or even type a little note in his phone saying he has a partner... but...
toge definitely prefers to stand there, completely blank faced, and stretch out the discomfort as long as possible.
sometimes people just scowl and walk away, finding it rude
one time tho someone actually started tearing up and completely ran away
(you came back just as it happened, an ice cream cone in each hand and a confused look on your face. but there's no way your sweet, mute boyfriend made a person cry, right?)
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sidekick-hero · 2 months
the unparalleled and precious @flowercrowngods tagged me to post some lines of an unpublished wip with no context
The sound of someone inserting their key card into the slot is followed by the handle being pushed down. Then the door to the room opens, revealing the lucky guy who will have him for the next two hours.
He’s pretty, is the first thing that comes to Steve’s mind. Tall and slender, with a small waist and very nice arms decorated in black ink. Most stunning, however, is his face. The pale skin a tantalizing contrast to his pink lips, dark hair framing high cheekbones and deep brown eyes that look at him like a deer in the headlights.
Then, the door closes with a bang.
“Guys? There’s some dude sitting on my bed, you might wanna call security. I’ll hold down the door but you gotta hurry.” Eddie’s voice trembles slightly and Steve’s torn between worry and amusement.
Faintly he can hear the other men laughing and Eddie's indignant squeak. "What the hell are you laughing at? There`s a crazy stalker in my room! Probably armed and dangerous!"
"Oh yeah, I bet he has a big gun," Garrett/Gareth snorts, and Steve rolls his eyes at the very obvious, very bad joke. The guy probably thinks he's really funny.
Eddie seems to agree with Steve, even if unknowingly. "Har-bloody-har. Jeff, c'mon, tell me you at least take this seriously!"
This is one of those nights when Steve wishes he was smart enough, or at least ambitious enough to go to college, so he wouldn't have to make money on the side dealing with shit like this. At least most of his clients were easier to deal with, if not as easy on the eyes as this Eddie.
"Eddie, trust me, you can open the door. He's harmless."
"How do you know?"
"Because he's your birthday present!" Freak interrupts, clearly losing patience. "Gareth's right, we should have just made him put a bow on his dick and be done with it. At least then we wouldn't be standing here arguing."
Steve wonders if they know he can hear every word they say. Like everyone else in the surrounding rooms, because they're not exactly quiet. He just hopes nobody calls the cops.
"He's... What the fuck? You can't just give someone a person, that's human trafficking!"
Obviously tired of making a scene outside a hotel room, Jeff just opens the door and pulls Eddie inside, trusting the others to follow. They do, closing the door behind them, and then they all look at Steve, who is still sitting on the bed, regretting all his life choices that led him here.
He gives a little wave with his fingers. "Surprise."
Eddie blinks at him, speechless, his mouth slightly ajar. Despite the situation, he remains unfairly attractive, his wide eyes stirring something in Steve that he hesitates to explore further. Steve's knowledge of Eddie is limited to his questionable choice of friends, yet he feels an inexplicable urge to shield him from the world, to keep him safe. The urge is unexpected in itself, but even more so in the intensity with which it hits him.
"This is Steve," Gareth introduces, stumbling over his words. "And, uh, well, he... yeah. Guys?" Gareth glances around, hoping for support from the others, but they remain silent. Steve rises from his spot on the bed and approaches Eddie.
As he stands before him, Steve is enveloped in a mixture of clean body spray, shampoo, and a faint whiff of cigarette smoke. Eddie's eyes, even larger up close, hold a warm hue that is captivating. Steve flashes a smile, aiming for a blend of reassurance and flirtation.
"I'm Steve, and for the next two hours, I can be whatever you need," he declares, though technically, twenty minutes have already elapsed. Nevertheless, for Eddie, Steve is willing to make an exception.
tagging with no pressure, only appreciation: @starryeyedjanai, @thefreakandthehair, @hbyrde36, @runninriot, @just-my-latest-hyperfixation, @steddieas-shegoes
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professional-yapper · 4 months
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Lo'ak x Tayrangi! Reader
Warnings: mistaken identity kind of, teens having fun, arranged marriage, fighting/arguments, how they meet is very 101 Dalmatians and i love it, they're both oblivious asf
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Neytiri sent Lo'ak to go collect fruits from the grove near the other end of the Omaticaya territory. Normally he'd complain about extra chores, but not today. It was one of the better tasks to be landed with, anyway, even if it would consume his whole day.
But then Jake said Lo'ak could take his ikran, and that would cut the journey in half at least. Maybe more, since Lo'ak, like every other teenager, was all too fond of letting his ikran set the pace. Which, more often than not, simply meant break-neck speed, especially since Lo'ak's ikran was as young as himself in ikran years, according to Neytiri, and just as headstrong.
Lo'ak's ikran, named Spitfire by Jake in one of his rare moments of fatherly affection, was raring to go, practically launching himself into the air the second Lo'ak settled on his back and made the bond.
Kiri had, at one point, taken to calling the ikran Spitty, resulting in Lo'ak pitching a fit and pulling her hair, which then meant days of not speaking to each other. Lo'ak still got sulky every time he remembered the undignified name.
Lo'ak whooped, punching his fist in the air, gripping tightly with his thighs and trusting Spitfire not to let him fall, or at least to catch him if he did. The wind whistled past him, snatching at his braids, whipping a brisk flush into his face.
It was a good day. The sun was already high in the sky, warm on his back despite the wind. The air was heady with the scent of flowers coaxed into bloom by the warm weather, even at this height.
Spitfire, after a little urging from Lo'ak, evened out, gliding smoothly through the sky, occasionally letting out a screech of contentment. Lo'ak settled back, keeping one hand on the handle and feeling for the pouch strapped across his hips Neytiri had given to him to store the fruits in, making sure it was strapped on securely.
It wouldn't take him long to gather enough fruits to satisfy Neytiri. Maybe a few hours.
Maybe more if he decided to take a nap. Lo'ak loved naps, especially deep in the forest amidst the undergrowth, where he could burrow himself into the sun-warm grass and no one would bother him for hours. He probably liked them so much because they restored all the energy he burned living up to Jake's expectations. Very high expectations.
Yeah, he could use a nap. It was just that kind of day.
And it would give him time to think, too. About what his parents had told him a few days ago. About how, since Neteyam had mated with the youngest child of the Olangi olo'eyktan, Lo'ak would do the same, but with the only child of the Tayrangi olo'eykte.
It would benefit the Omaticaya, Neytiri had soothed him, smoothing a hand over his braids. These kinds of unions would prevent any conflict and better the relationships with other tribes. Jake, on the other hand, had told him there was no wriggling out of it, and he'd be mating with this stranger before the end of the year whether he liked it or not.
Comforting, right?
Neteyam had tried to comfort him over it. It was easy for Neteyam. He and his mate were arranged too, but they were crazy about each other, and Neteyam had always wanted to settle down and have a mate of his own and a family anyway. It was why he'd bent so easily to their parents' decision.
And it was easy for Kiri too. She was their dad's favourite, his babygirl. She wouldn't get married off to Aonung or some other guy if she didn't want to. Lucky shit.
Tuk was... well, she didn't have to worry about marriage for a good while yet.
But Lo'ak did. He didn't care about maintaining good relationships with other tribes, or having a mate of his own and settling down. He didn't care about any of that shit. He just wanted his freedom, and the freedom to choose who he mated with. Was that too much to ask?
Apparently so.
Spitfire shrieked, and a ripple of confusion and panic hit Lo'ak through the bond, right as something large and colourful shot past them like a flash of lightning.
Lo'ak caught a glimpse of a face with an equally panicked expression, then swore as Spitfire reared and shrieked again. Though this time, instead of confusion in the bond, all Lo'ak felt was a sudden burst of childish joy, right before Spitfire dived after the other ikran.
Lo'ak yelled in exhilaration as both ikrans went into a nosedive, and crouched low over Spitfire's back, knuckles going white as he tightened his grip. It was dangerous, and if his parents found out, he'd never hear the end of it, but they weren't here now and Lo'ak found this was too much fun for him to care.
He whooped, and heard an answering cry from the rider of the other ikran below, you, which made something in his heart twist with further excitement.
Spitfire was uncontrollable with the excitement of having what was probably another young ikran to play with, and Lo'ak let him have his head, content to just go along for the ride.
The other ikran straightened out before it hit the canopy, and Spitfire followed, flying alongside, steadying himself with a few flaps.
"Sorry," you called, face flushed and apologetic, but then began laughing breathlessly. "Great Mother, I am so sorry! Kikorangi- my ikran- saw you down below and he just took off-"
"It's okay," Lo'ak shouted back, smiling uncontrollably at you. You were probably the most attractive person he'd ever seen, so one couldn't exactly blame him for being so quick to forgive you for the scare. "But I've never seen you before. You're not Omaticaya, are you?"
He didn't have to ask. He knew you weren't. You looked like a young warrior from another tribe, like him. Your skin was covered in a pearly white paint, in swirling patterns. It was mesmerising.
"What?" you called, then raised your eyes skyward, laughing again. "I can't hear you. Wait there."
Lo'ak blinked, confused, as you steered your ikran up and over his head, flying along above him. He tilted his head back, looking up, trying to see what you were doing, only to nearly smack heads with you. You were performing some risky manoeuvre, sliding around to the underbelly of your ikran, gripping on with only your thighs, swinging upside down and smiling at Lo'ak, eyes bright and beautiful, nose nearly brushing against his.
You chuckled at his stunned expression, then righted yourself and leapt down onto Spitfire, breaking the bond with your own ikran. Spitfire jerked at the foreign addition to his cargo, and tilted his head, shooting you a baleful look.
Lo'ak stiffened as you seated yourself behind him, one arm loosely around his stomach, making his abs tense beneath your warm skin, your thighs pressing against his own. "Sorry, what were you saying?" you asked airily, mouth next to his twitching ear, like this wasn't the most intimate position he'd ever been in.
Words failed him. He could only hold very still, in the hopes you wouldn't become uncomfortable and move away. He liked having you there, the weight of your body against his back comforting.
But you shifted back, away from him, laughing again, and the sound rang through his mind, etching itself into the walls of his skull. "Sorry," you apologised for a third time. "I didn't mean to freak you out."
"It's okay," Lo'ak replied almost robotically, words feeling clumsy and foreign on his tongue. Great Mother, get it together! he told himself firmly. There's a beautiful warrior cuddling up to you, wanting to talk and all you can say is it's okay?!
He forced himself to relax, turning his head and smiling crookedly at you over his shoulder.
Your face was like the sun. You seemed to be lit with a golden, gleaming warmth from the inside out, and it honestly made him a little dizzy.
"I was just asking what tribe you're from," he repeated.
"Tayrangi," you answered blithely. "You must be Omaticaya, I guess."
Lo'ak nodded, noting that you were from the same tribe as his future mate. He didn't want to bring that up, though, figuring if he was to have any chance with you he shouldn't bring up his imminent union.
Even though he wouldn't be able to pursue you because of said union... What the tribes didn't know couldn't hurt them, right?
"That's sick," Lo'ak said, smiling that same lopsided smile at you. "Never met any from the Tayrangi before."
"Never met an Omaticaya before either," you grinned back, leaning back on your hands.
"Am I living up to your expectations?" he teased, gathering all his courage to do so, ears drooping slightly in apprehension of your response.
"Who said I had any expectations?" you teased back, nudging the back of his thigh with your knee, sending hot flames of want up his spine.
Lo'ak rolled his eyes, but couldn't hide his delight at finding someone who could match him blow for verbal blow. "Oh, come on!" he scoffed. "You came all the way here, you must've thought about what we'd be like at some point!"
"Maybe I did," you agreed, and the glint in your eyes told him you were being purposefully elusive.
"Go on, then," he encouraged. "Am I everything you hoped?"
You pretended to think, finger pressing into your chin, eyes fixed on the clouds above. Then you smiled again. "Nope."
Lo'ak scoffed again, preparing to fire back some surely witty retort, before you inched forward again, leaning on his back, arm tightening around his middle again, pressing your lips to his ear decisively.
"You're better."
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Woohoo done! Proud of this one tbh everyone enjoy x
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could I request a very fluffy keith x reader headcanons where they're having a bonding moment (hehe, I cradled you into my arms) because they ended up on a planet during a mission and are waiting for rescue? you don't have to do this if you don't like it of course!
HELLO YOU ARE MY FIRST REQUEST ANON AND ILYSM 🥰 yes I love love love this idea. Also, i had a hard time writing this as headcanons so I decided to write it as like a headcanon/imagine hybrid kinda thing. I hope that’s cool… sorry I’m new to writing this stuff. ALSO this turned out so long I got carried away soRRYYY. Enjoy~
Ps: plz plz plz request more. Somebody, anybody? Thnx 💋
So…y’all are stuck on a planet where the atmosphere is mostly made up of sulfur so it’s not breathable for humans like you
Keith would be pacing non stop, trying to get in contact with the team. He’s so mad his face is nearly as red as his armor.
You are much less worried, knowing that brainiac Pidge would find y’all eventually
It was supposed to be an easy mission, just responding to a distress signal. You and Keith were sent together bc you two work really well together, but when the galra swooped in, you knew it was a setup to steal the red lion.
Of course, Keith took them all out but not without red taking a couple heavy blows
Red needed to rest now that the imminent threat had been neutralized. The lion fought hard without help from the others and would not respond to either of you…and Keith was not handling it well
“C’mon red! You’re gonna give up on me now?! Ugh, you really are the most temperamental lion! You’re such a brat…”
The tense but strong chemistry between Keith and his lion was always something that intrigued you. They really were meant to be.
He eventually gives up trying to talk to red, sitting beside you on the ground.
You and Keith weren’t really close but you trained together nearly every day and you physically complimented each other very well. You always had each others back.
Besides training, you didn’t see him all that much. He likes to skip meals and take late night showers. It’s almost like he’s been avoiding you for a while now
With you around, Keith is all bite and no bark. Sure, he’ll grab and push you around while training but actually having a conversation with you??? Hell nah. Keith no likey talking.
He usually corrects the others’ form and posture and gives advice when training with the them, but not with you. Instead he gives you a lot of thumbs up and small, proud smirks.
Whenever you try to talk to him, you’re lucky if you get any words out of him. Usually, it’s just hums of agreement or head nods.
You think Keith doesn’t like you or finds you annoying with how quiet he is around you
Not having the same armor as the paladins, you were finding your suit to be too thin for the climate on this planet. You were shivering.
Keith notices this immediately but stays still, unsure of how to help you. If he had his jacket rn, he’d totally toss it at you nonchalantly
And suddenly he’s grabbing your hand and pulling you off the ground and along with him.
“Where are we going?” He doesn’t respond, just let’s your hand go but keeps walking, expecting you to follow and you do.
He glances back to check that you’re still there and notices you limping ever so slightly. You’re trying not to let him see this bc you don’t want to piss him off more than he already is.
With Keith piloting, there was no where for you to be in his lion besides standing behind his chair. As he dodged attacks from the galra, you had been thrown around a bit.
He stops walking, making you nearly crash into the back of him.
He turns to you, refusing to even look at you before he sighs loudly. You feel guilty, not wanting to burden him with taking care of you.
“You’re hurt.” “No I’m fine.” “No, you’re limping.” “It’s fine, I can keep walking.”
He turns his back to you and just stands there, hands at his sides. You’re unsure of what to do or say until he looks back at you with a straight face.
“Hop on my back.” “No, Keith. I can walk.” “Just let me carry you.” “No. I said I’m fine. Really, I-“ He cuts you off.
“God dammit, (Y/N), you’re just as stubborn as red! You’re limping and you’re shivering and you’re lying to my face about it. I can tell you need some help, IM OFFERING YOU HELP. Now let me give you a lift to some shelter or SO HELP ME-“
You’re stunned, not because he was lowkey being an ass but because he’s never said so many words to you at one time.
Keith is the epitome of “if a boy is being mean or bullying you, it’s bc he likes you”
He’s talking to you like he was when he first found the red lion and was like “it’s me…Keith. I AM YOUR P A L A D I N.”
Mf is lowkey so mean to you sometimes but he’s not trying to be mean, you just make him feel weird and tingly inside and it embarrasses him and that makes him mad. He’s mad that he doesn’t know how to properly communicate with you without sounding stupid. He’s mad at himself, not at you tho
Dude just doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings
You hop up on his back, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. His hands grip the back of your knees and he trudges forward.
He carries you until he finds a small dim cave, hoping the shelter would keep you warm. He lets go of your legs without warning, making you slip off him. As you land on your feet, you hiss at the pain in your knee.
As he turns to you, you can barely see him but his face looks different now.
You can see his eyes are wide and his mouth is slightly hanging open
He never looks you in the eye and always has an annoyed and smug look on his face when you’re around. So seeing his face soften with concern and guilt for YOU made you freeze up.
“S-sorry.” He mumbles before holding out his hand to you. You’re confused like ??? What is this? What do you want me to do with this?
If there were more light in here, you’d see his face turning red as he’s stepping closer to you until you’re side by side. He slips his arm around your waist and gently lowers you to the ground.
As your butt meets the ground, you stretch out your leg and rub your knee, huffing in pain. Now that he knew you were hurt, no reason to act like you weren’t.
He sat along side you, your bodies still up against each other. He moves his arm from your waist to your shoulders, pulling you close.
Keith never touched you unless you were training together or you were in danger and needed his help so this physical contact with him made your heart go AFTHNJDFH ❤️‍🔥
The piggy back ride and the helping you to the ground were normal for him but him holding you close like this…omfg
Keith is slowly shutting down from embarrassment and nervousness. You can hear his breathing speed up as he’s praying that the others will find y’all soon or he might pass out
You lean into him, shivering still. His hand rubs up and down your arm in an attempt to warm you up.
Noticing that this isn’t working, he lets you go and scoots to sit behind you. He pulls you against his chest as he wraps his arms around you, your arms now pinned under his.
“Thanks.” You say to him before leaning back against him more, letting your head fall back on his shoulder.
Just as you’re getting comfy…
“Keith? Come in, Keith? Hello?”
You can faintly hear Shiro’s voice over the comms in Keith’s helmet. You tilt your head back more to look up at Keith’s face, he looks relieved but slightly disappointed…as if he didn’t want this moment to end so soon.
As he responds, he keeps his arms around you tightly, his hands gently rubbing your upper arms and you just cant look away from him now.
He held you against him for what felt like hours but it was really only like 10 minutes until Lance pokes his head in the cave, a loud “AAWWWW” coming from him.
Keith tilted his head back and let out a loud groan. Of all people to come save y’all…LANCE???
“They’re cold.” “Oh suuurrre.” “THEY ARE! Tell him, (Y/N).” “Yeah, I’m freezing.”
Lance flashes you both a snarky grin before Keith stands, pulling you up slowly.
“Then if it’s no big deal, I can carry (Y/N) back.” “No!” Keith responds quickly before he picks you up bridal style.
You’re surprised he can handle your weight in this position. Sure he was strong but piggy back would’ve been an easier option.
But you weren’t complaining…and neither was he ❤️‍🔥 (and Lance is lowkey like 🥹 as he follows behind you guys)
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lostinforestbound · 2 months
I literally cannot control myself so here's a part two! Some of these were inspired by @graysparrowao3's response to my questions! Please go check them out if you haven't already, they're an amazing writer!
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General Lia and Cal Headcannons Part 2
While she may be on the thinner side, she definitely has a toned body. You need a lot of strength to even pull back the string of a good bow, so I imagine she would have definitely shoulder, back, and arm muscles popping out.
When Lia is scared, it comes out as anger. It could be mistaken as fearlessness, especially with the way she snapped at the Warden. She was terrified when stuck in Moonrise; where was Rolan? Did he make it out okay? Is he even alive? What if these cultists take Cal away from her? She has never been more terrified in her life than those moments, not even in the Descent.
I think she would have physically fought Rolan at least once. Not to extreme harm! More like a sibling dispute (grabbing, shoving, yanking on hair, etc). She would never go as far as pinching his ears or stepping on his tail though.
For a while after their mother died, Lia had a period where she was extremely bitter. At first she cried quite a bit in Rolan's arms, but then she started snapping at him. Part of the change of attitude was thinking Rolan moved on too quickly (he didn't). This is where their arguments first began.
For once in her life, Lia wants to feel safe. She's had nightmares about her throat getting slit, of waking up with her brothers being dead. She has a good handle on them most nights, and its easy to go back to sleep. However, some nights are so bad she ends up going into either Cal's or Rolan's room to cuddle and sleep.
Once in a while, Lia will buy herself flowers. She doesn't know why she does this, but it makes her feel nice, so why not? She loves plants either way, and will probably keep them in her room to take care of. (I feel like she's the type to own cacti! And maybe threaten Rolan with said cacti)
Lia is definitely on the "tough love" side when it comes to comforting others. Sometimes it can be received well but other times it doesn't. It definitely doesn't work with Cal most days, but it can certainly work with Rolan.
Sometimes Lia genuinely fears she hates Rolan. She knows in her heart she doesn't at all, she loves her brother to death, but some fights with him can get bad and she gets very close to saying that she hates him. She has never told anyone this, and she never will.
She's big on words of affirmation to whoever her lucky partner is! And she's definitely the type to bring flowers on a first date, and she knows about flower language! Not a lot of it, but definitely the basics. She wouldn't bring a whole bouquet, more like a small bundle. (I think she would give White Camellia's! Which, if I remember correctly, practically means "You're Adorable")
She knows Cal admires Rolan more. She doesn't blame him, Rolan is amazing in many different ways. But there's some unsolved resentment that she feels towards that fact. Why doesn't Cal admire her in the way he admires Rolan? Did she do something wrong? This is something she will take to her grave.
Cal's character sheet shows he has a 16 strength, so he's pretty damn strong. I would also say he's pretty toned, but would have a soft middle area, which is perfect for cuddling to his lucky partner.
I think Cal is deeply traumatized by the Descent, but he feels as though he can't talk about it because Rolan and Lia refuse to themselves (they both are traumatized too). It was horrifying, watching people turn on them and seeing devils and monsters stalk the streets. It was hurtful, being completely exiled after they were finally safe. Can they all please sit down and talk about it, no matter how painful? This goes the same for Moonrise.
He got so used to being Lia and Rolan's emotional anchor that he often forgets he needs that same support; it isn't about him. When someone finally listens to him completely he's never felt so euphoric. Finally!
To add to the previous point, he feels as though he isn't trusted enough by those two. He's not sure if it's because he's the youngest, but he doesn't appreciate it at all.
Cal is absolutely a stress-baker. Anytime he's not handling stress well, he will bake. And I mean bake. He will spend hours baking multiple treats to give himself something to do, and it does genuinely help him feel better. (This could apply to cooking depending on the ingredients they have available in the tower)
I feel as though Cal is very close to snapping at the other two. Like, genuinely yelling and being pissed with them! He's been dealing with their bickering for a very long time now, and it only got worse after what they've been through. For once, can they consider his damn feelings about everything?
When comforting anyone, depending on the relationship, he can be very touchy. A hand on the shoulder, giving a hug, or keeping close is his go-to. Of course this will depend on the person, he'll respect boundaries if they don't like touch or just don't want it.
I think Cal's love language is gift giving for his lucky partner! He would either bake a sweet, get some flowers with the help of Lia, bring something he cooked, or buy something that they were eyeing on a date. He's very shy about it in the beginning, but over time he would build more confidence.
He loves Lia to death, but sometimes he thinks she can be too harsh. He understands where her anger can stem from in the moment, but her resorting to insults and purposefully provoking Rolan? How is that productive? It doesn't help the problem, it makes it worse. But as always, he isn't really listened to.
The first thing Cal would do in Baldur's gate is just sleep. A deep sleep that he desperately needed for a while. Rolan will go to his new apprenticeship, Lia would go find some work, all the while Cal will sleep for 16 hours. He's certainly groggy the next day, but he knows he needed that to start fresh.
Extras (Feat. Rolan)
These three haven't talked about Moonrise much. They haven't had the time to, or time to process the events. They literally saw someone get their eyes removed and tongue cut out. They saw people who they were traveling with get slaughtered left and right. They all need to go to therapy.
When they finally all move into the tower, the first night, they insist on sleeping in the same bed as Rolan. Just like when they were little. After everything, they wanted to make sure Rolan was okay (they know full well he isn't). This is the first night in a while that Rolan isn't plagued by nightmares.
The three of them have trouble adjusting to their new normal. Suddenly having a permanent home so big throws them off their game. They weren't traveling for very long, but they went through so much that having somewhere safe to stay has them reeling. They had no idea what to do first, but they figure it out together.
They absolutely would both help Rolan through panic/anxiety attacks, no matter the situation. At night after a night terror? They're already in the room with water and extra blankets. In a middle of a fight? Fuck the argument, they'll put it on pause and deal with it later. Rolan does not have attacks often, but when they do happen, they help him every time. Does it scare them? Of course it does, they never want to see their brother hurting like that.
Cal and Rolan take turns making meals for the three of them. Lia doesn't cook much so she helps out by washing dishes and setting the table up. She'll go as far as prepping ingredients as well if they're making a bigger meal.
They all don't like the cold. Tieflings run hot, but the cold doesn't bring too many good memories, especially for Rolan. When it became just the three of them after their mothers death, the colder months were much harder to deal with. There wasn't as much food available, prices of wooden logs grew higher, and they didn't have a lot of money to celebrate the winter holidays to their fullest extent. Though the winter months become more bearable when they settle in Baldur's gate, finally comfortable.
They have "sleepovers" once in a while, where they all sleep in the same room! Life gets busy, so occasionally, they gather in the biggest room and spend the night together. Cal makes his best sweets, Lia sets up a blanket and pillow fort, and Rolan gives the best light show he can muster. They all look forward to these nights because it's so special to them. A tradition they hope to keep forever.
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gctchell · 2 months
#red is the og. the VIP#one of the safest people I've ever met#spectacular writing and I've the privilege of being able to see the incredible progression#from the day we met to present day.#it's a while! and writing like hers is unforgettable. her Lilith and Niffty are delights#and she's taken what I liked about those two and intensified my love for them#only red can pile on reasons for me to love characters especially ones she takes on#an excitable writer and one of the best people u can meet. even if we're in hell.#and her improv???? I know I can count on her to roll with the punches. -- @jizzlords
#ive known red for some time even WAAAY before HH and they’re a wonderful person#great to communicate with and very loving and kind and open minded#wonderful writer to boot on top of all of that -- @therealricksanchezpleasestandup
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i just signed on to the sweetest tags from some of the oldest mutuals i've had across my accounts. what the hell, yall. my darlings..
@jizzlords is wearing ozzie's skin. I mean that in the most complimentary way ever, because hel just pulls that man off with such ease it's like they're sharing the same body and he's just conducting the keyboard, taking down his autobiography online. the voice is crystal clear, you can hear iglehart in everything hel writes - down to the laughter.
hel loves this man and it is clear to see. the love for that muse is in there and the justice is being delivered right to the key. absolutely astounding portrayal, and hel even dives into ozzie being a fallen angel, and still having trauma from all that mess. hel gives him flaws, gives him green flags, brings him to life and makes him the icon of desire that he needs to be. I'm not surprised, though - hel's always knocked it clean out of the park when it comes to glamorous and iconic characters, bc hel is iconic. and just all-together so much fun to hang out with.
also, pssst: hel's writing is absolutely flipping beautiful. I've been lucky to be traveling alongside him for a long time now and watch it bounce from the characters he loves so dearly to the next. he's just gotten better, and he was already great.
@therealricksanchezpleasestandup is rick sanchez. I am not kidding lmao. you go onto that blog and it reads like rick. I've been a mutual of steffu's for.. god, a good few years, now? not even including the time on this account? and I have just watched her kick absolute ASS with this man. it's just like asmodeus and hel, it's another case of 'I think that man just lives in your skin and you're writing everything he tells you to', because damn. excellent portrayal, excellent handling, excellent managing of this man and his emotions, and just how messed up he is.
yeah, rick is a mess and steffu knows exactly how to write that while also making it so abundantly clear why and how it is that he has so many amicable relationships all over the multiverse. man knows how to juggle his personality traits and get those connections, find companionship in others that his family doesn't quite get to see that often - outside of morty. I always thought that was a pretty damn cool thing for her to cover.
because he's a universe jumper, it makes all the sense in the world that he has connects to others down here in hell. easy character to plug in with if you like rick and morty and want a rick to interact with. steffu has the man on lock, I am telling you.
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lilaccoffin · 6 months
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Had some thoughts today...about their relationship...
Mostly how Chai's envy towards Vanilla gradually culminates into their falling out.
Like, they both have a lot of similarities and differences that contribute to Chai deciding to ghost Vani, both being dudes struggling with inferiority complexes in different ways. Chai handles his by gassing himself up to be the coolest dude ever because no one can call you a loser if you don't act like one, right? And his slacker attitude going hand in hand with his fear of rejection. If you don't try and put your best into stuff or do anything, it won't sting as much if someone tells you you sucked or rejects you, right?
For Vanilla, he copes with these feelings of inferiority by working his ass off to prove himself, masking his autistic behaviors and being as by-the-book as much as possible. Sure, he isn't always 100% compliant, I mean, he's lying to his parents about his major so that he can do what he actually wants to do, but for the most part, he's the type of guy who thinks doing things like they're instructed to be done will reward him. This results in all of his anxiety and stress in school. He basically overexerts himself where Chai does not.
I've boiled down three things that Chai's envious of and it's Vanilla's friend group in college, school stuff, and finally, the band that came to talk to their class.
1: The Friends...
At the start of the game, Chai tells Peppermint he's better off by himself and in general you get this air that Chai is a loner. (Using Lonely Boy as the opening song of the game is also uh...y'know, a huge indicator.) A lot of the fan base (me included) headcanon that Chai had a really hard time making friends growing up. He was the weird kid, and some (if not most) of the teasing also came from a place of ableism. I know a lot of us also headcanon Chai to have ADHD and that paired with him not being able to fully use his right arm gave bullies a lot of material. I remember someone (edit: FOUND THEIR POST, psychangels said this and it's a really good post btw) mentioning Chai dealing with pity/fake friends too and I can definitely see that and how it contributes to him being cautious of new "friends." Vanilla was pretty lucky to even get as close to Chai as he did. The shared love of music and having classes together were probably the main reasons their friendship worked for as long as it did (not very long, but not very short). Well, Chai wasn't Vanilla's only friend, even if it seemed like it at times with how often Vanilla wanted to be around him. He has a group of gothic pals who care about him a lot, most of them being people he met in middle school that he was happy to be able to go to high school and now uni with. Chai tends to just observe them from a distance because Vanilla's friends don't really like him very much over some of his crappy behavior towards Vani, and he sees how close and happy they are. Makes him wish he had that, but he tries his best to ignore it since years of bullying have made it really uncomfortable for him to accept genuine connection or kindness. It's already tough when Vanilla is so nice to him, a friend group full of that? Makes him nervous to even think about it. Though Vani and his friends aren't the type to fake anything, he's still weary.
2: School...
So, yeah, Chai isn't getting the best grades whereas Vanilla is getting straight A's. Again, Vanilla works his little ass off to get the grades his parents want him to have and Chai doesn't put that much effort into his work. To him, half-assing it also diminishes the sting of rejection if his professors don't like any of his genuine work, so getting Cs and Ds are good enough. Even with music focused classes Chai tends to take it easy. I can see him being the kind of guy to ask why they need to study the other stuff that has nothing to do with how to make music? Still, his slacker persona tends to aggravate a lot of his professors and they tend to exhibit some pretty nasty behavior towards Chai for it. Since Vanilla is hardworking and contributes to class discussions a lot, they're a lot more generous to him and have definitely cracked jokes about Vanilla's work vs Chai's. Vanilla would just nervously laugh while Chai rolled his eyes. God, actually, I don't doubt professors would make mean jokes often about those two. Probably begging Vanilla not to let Chai influence him. Vanilla didn't exactly do much about those jokes except wave/nervously laugh them off. He should have stood up to them and told them to stop making fun of Chai but, well, that kind of thing doesn't come easy to him (looks at him lying to his parents instead of putting his foot down with them about himself and his life and also how they would aaalways compare him and his older brother, which, yeah it bothered Vanilla to have their professors do the EXACT same thing with him and Chai, but...again, not REALLY great about confrontation during this time). Yeah, the way professors treat Vanilla compared to how they treat Chai also made Chai envious of Vani. Especially when it was something Vanilla could have helped to some degree if he told these people to shut up, but it's not like Chai expected him to stand up for him, either. Why would he? Why would anyone?
3: Last, the visit from the band...
Okay so, I've gone to community and uni, and it's not unheard of for a professor to have people agree to come in and talk to their students about stuff regarding the subjects they're studying. I've had professors who know some pretty neat people invite them to talk to us, so I imagine one of Chai and Vanilla's professors have done the same. I've written this scenario out before, but to TL:DR it, a band that actually went to their university and met in their classes agreed to come on down and talk to them all about the industry and how they do their thing. They went the full mile and brought their instruments and shared a short excerpt of a song with them, too. The band ended up being a band both Chai and Vanilla liked as well, so it was a pretty sick class that day! Vanilla gushes to Chai about how rad and inspiring it was and Chai offhandedly tells him he should share that new song he wrote with them and see what they think, not thinking Vanilla would actually go and do that, despite how he always considers Chai's suggestions. The band ends up really liking it and asking Vanilla if they could play a bit of it to hear it out loud, which makes him nearly faint (it's a good thing most of the class had left by then and it was just him, Chai, their professor, and the band, who was just about to put their stuff away to go). Chai's happy for Vanilla, but then he thinks back to the time he met his favorite band and how they received him...blowing him off completely (took some inspo from kennyswurvegurl's post here for the visual 'cause, damn, it hit hard). It led Chai into a bit of a spiral afterwards, wondering if maybe he really didn't have a future in all of this because of the cruelty he's faced from so many people. Seeing Vanilla flourish was every bit as painful as it was great. Sure, he tried to fall back into his cocky behavior to not think about it so much, but it was getting tougher with each snarky remark from a professor, each glare from Vani's friend group, and Vani himself being so hyped around him, the fake him.
It all just gets worse when Vanilla runs by the idea of starting a band together after Uni. In Vanilla's mind, it was a great way for them to fulfill their respective dreams of being rock stars and filling in for each other on the roles they couldn't do (Vanilla wants to sing but can't because of his monotone voice and Chai can't play guitar because of his arm.Sso in Vani's head, them doing each thing would be fine, right?). Chai just gets upset at the idea, feeling like he's being pitied all over again and that he's only going to achieve his dream by bumming off of Mr. straight A's? Nah. He rejects the offer, and after a week he drops out of college. It...super sucks for Vanilla because he thought the world of Chai. Sure, his friends get him to take off the damn rose tinted glasses after they tell him Chai wasn't really that great of a friend, but he still feels awful about Chai ghosting him and his own faults in their friendship.
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stiffyck · 1 year
i just remembered... how in the walking dead, characters would often use zombie organs and guts and whatnot to conceal themselves so that hoards would think they're a zombie as well. they'd blend in and would be able to traverse in an emergency, even if there were tons of zombies around.
now scar! how on earth would he feel about that? being the only of his kind that he knows of in tcd, if he ever did this, he'd probably have to have figured it out on his own. it was either during a moment of great contemplation and revelation, where he noticed how sometimes zombies wouldn't go after him if he was just plastered with the remains of slaughter. orrr it could have happened on a whim, in a moment of panic and absolute shock.
concept: scar got himself into a bit of a tricky situation with a gang of zombies too big for him to handle, so he starts to run. they, of course, follow. he might've rounded a corner, and from around the corner lunges yet another zombie. he's developed a good enough reflex to immediately cut it down, and with how quickly it happened, and the momentum of the zombie's lunge, its body drops on him and all of it drains onto him from the open wound he just made.
he falls back onto the floor, scrambling to get the thing off of him (he already has a bad enough relation with corpses, this will probably only make it worse). he looks up, expecting for the rest of the hoard to come get him. this is it. this is how he dies. overwhelmed and eaten alive by a mass of biting and clawing undead. except they run right by. they don't even pay him attention. he is left staring, too in shock to pull the dead thing off of him, and he watches as they slow and calm down, returning to an idle state. they just... they didn't know he was there. how was that possible?
he looks down and. that was it, wasn't it? they couldn't sense him at all. was it the zombie blood? what if he... what if he lathered himself in it, hooked guts and muscles over his shoulders, would he be able to get out of there alive?
so he tries that. he unsheathes a knife, cuts the thing open and begins to coat himself. it's gruesome, it's gross, and he is doing everything within his power not to throw up. but once he thinks he's done, he shakily shoves it off, stands.... and he remains standing. the rest of the zombies don't even acknowledge him. he blends right in.
he doesn't run away. that would be stupid. with his heart racing in his chest, he slowly makes his way through the crowd, trying to keep his breathing at bay, trying not to inhale the stench clinging onto him, trying not to make eye contact with the hoard in case by some bad luck they recognise his humanity.
this was the first time. this was a learning experience. a tough lesson to swallow, and under very cruel conditions, but you never learn things the easy way during the end of the world. he was lucky to be alive, he was lucky to have found another key to his survival.
he gradually grows more numb to corpses during tcd itself, they've helped him enough times during tricky situations, but it's a whole other story on hermitcraft. that's when the fear of the dead really flares up, because it brings about the fear of: is the infection back? is everyone else dead? in the tcd at least he knew he was alone, there was nothing else he could lose. but on hermitcraft he has people, and losing everything again, his people, his comfort, his safety, his new life, would be the most terrible horror imagineable, that's why he develops a phobia. that's why he strikes back so harshly against zombies (in a controlled environment) but can't bear to look at dead things, mistakes others for zombies, has flashbacks, and panics if he feels overwhelmed by the number of them. makes sense?
and how would the hermits perceive this? they were out and about one day, got caught in the night, and scar tried to quell his initial panic, then said, "i know what to do." then the most unexpected thing happened: seeing scar cover himself with zombie flesh, ruffling their blood into his hair, draping intestines over his shoulders and neck, and so much more, it's... concerning. i mean, it works. he definitely gets by without having to lift a hand once while the others have to strike the mobs down, but how does one even come up with that? what has he gotten himself into in the past?
later, he doesn't want to talk about it.
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mellohirust · 2 months
In the dark timeline, what do you think would happen if Neil Gaiman wrote it so Aziraphale and Crowley didn’t reunite and reconcile in S3? 👀
In the infinite sunshine timeline, how would everyone react if S3 was just South Downs fluff?
Finally, what’s a plot twist nobody would see coming?
OK OK putting my good omens thoughts under the cut because we're gonna be here a while. strap in.
-Dark timeline where they don't reunite and reconcile is admittedly VERY hard to envision. They've always relied on each other in some capacity whether they like it or not (literally their FIRST INTERACTION before the beginning is Crowley needing Aziraphale's help). I'd imagine Aziraphale would have a LOT to sort out on his own, and it would not be easy at all for him, if even possible given the circumstances. He'd have the whole Second Coming to handle (and also hope he can somehow thwart), all while Heaven is likely watching like a HAWK, all while he wouldn't want to be doing any of it at all. For the first time in thousands of years he'd be truly alone, and I doubt he'd have a plan that would feel reliable. It would be awful. There's only so much a single angel can do. The Book of Life is also a very real threat. Falling is also something he's still worried about. He'd have to get VERY lucky. I doubt he could just sway the Metatron into a different opinion (although I'm sure he'll try). I think he's pretty fucked unless God were to intervene and look out for him.
Not that he'd be satisfied in the end, even if the world was saved and everything was fine. He'd never forgive himself if he didn't reconcile with Crowley by the end of things, I'd imagine.
I also think Crowley would never shake the feeling of something being wrong, even if Aziraphale doesn't reach out to him for help (which... come on. He will. Where else could he go?). He always expected a "big one", he just doesn't know when or where it'll happen, but obviously Heaven would need Aziraphale for SOMETHING. They wanted to erase Gabriel's memories because he refused to do Armageddon 2.0! Do you really think that's gonna stop them? That they won't just try again? Their whole deal is that they're insistent on this. They won't let up. That's not gonna change no matter who's in charge, and he knows it. I can't see Crowley giving up on Earth until it's too late, maybe abandoning ship last second as to avoid his own demise, but it's a question as to what he could piece together on his own, whether or not Hell would still tell him things, etc when it comes to what he'd actually try to achieve. After all, you can't thwart what you don't know the details of. It would be a lost cause. (Personally, I don't see him becoming a Duke of Hell either; it's something I can enjoy in fanworks but I don't see him as the type to take that deal even to 'spite Aziraphale' in canon. Not unless he hoped to get intel? But I think he'd much rather not have them watching him.)
Could either of them thwart the Second Coming on their own or with others besides each other? Very, very unlikely, and it would be a very close call, and probably still entail other sorts of disaster. Could they do it without crossing paths at least once? Also very unlikely. (After all, the entire driving force of S1/the book is how many people come together for Armageddon in attempts to either start or stop it). If they work at this and want to stand a chance they're doomed to reunite, and therefore, doomed to reconcile. They would quite literally have to be exterminated or wiped out of the Book of Life in order to never reunite (and I just don't think this is that kind of story). Make of this what you will.
(I also can't see them just being able to go back to before their feelings were revealed to each other, either. There's no pretending it isn't there, anymore. Crowley said as much. No more hiding. I don't think this doomed their relationship going forward, even if it may take a while to fully smooth things over.)
TL;DR They'd fight like hell for Earth, probably wouldn't be able to succeed without the other, probably die trying anyways and with many regrets regarding each other. Best case scenario God personally intervenes out of the blue and mercifully decides to thwart Heaven's own plan but they both still spend the rest of eternity thinking of what could've been. They'd hate it. They'd miss each other SO BAD and would (fail to) pretend they didn't.
-Pure South Downs fluff would be such tonal whiplash lmao and would also feel kinda unearned? I think fluffier moments shine brightest when the characters have had to work for it a little and Aziraphale/Crowley still have a LOT of problems that need to be sorted in order to be able to be happy together. (Also it's just... not gonna happen. You can't tease the Second Coming and then skip past it to an "everything's fine" future.) The entire point of S3 for me is we KNOW where they'll end up- we want to see HOW. It's not a story without stakes and consequences and a bit of risk, at least when it comes to Good Omens. That isn't to say that they need to be tortured or whatever in S3 to feel earned, but we need to see a lot of things get wrapped up (Second Coming, Aziraphale needs Heaven to leave him alone + needs to be able to work through his complicated feelings regarding it, Crowley needs for Hell to stop calling on him, they need to be able to safely communicate what they want, they need to talk about the kiss, etc). We want to see these!! We can't get these without a bit of hurt. I wanna see them break free more than I want pure fluff. That's just me though.
(With that being said, I hope that at least they get a BIT of time next season to just... be together. Happily. And do some of the things they couldn't before. And by a 'bit of time' I mean 'I sure do hope it's more than like 2 minutes before the credits roll but I will take literally anything I can get at this point'. There's potential here!!! So much of it!!! And they deserve it!!! It's just not the show's tone for it to take up that much time. I'd miss the chaos too much I think, and I'd miss the catharsis of seeing a character finally getting what they want in real time. Just a BIT of fluff at the end though, all I ask. This could insta-kill me.)
TL;DR Bit too much!!! I want them to bicker!!! In a way that's framed comically!!! This is a comedy show!!! And I want to watch them get through hard times!!! I just also want them to make out afterwards and also save the world and stuff. Then I'll be satisfied.
-Honestly I haven't thought much about possible plot twists in S3? I take the Final Fifteen pretty "straightforward" (I don't think the coffee is spiked, I don't think they stopped time, I don't think they body swapped, I don't think the Metatron will be "secretly good", etc) so I don't think there's really enough to go off of at the moment for me when it comes to the plot itself, let alone plot twists for it. I will say though if God is in S3 I will lose my shit; I have a feeling She wouldn't be "caring" but not 100% pure dark evil either if we DO see Her. I don't think She won't be what most fans expect. (Of course, that's just in the hypothetical that She appears. Who knows?)
TL;DR Where is God I'm scared
It took me over an hour to draft this response my bad
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daftpatience · 11 months
how would one get into fountain pens and inks ?? i’ve never liked using those 50 pens for a dollar types and only used fountain pens at school . honestly i’d love if you infodump at me about your favs pens, inks and how the tiktoks only show those glass pens with the swirls that slowly drip off ink and not any love for pens that hold ink themself
yaa sure!! and firstly i wanna say the reason you see a lotta glass dip pens on tiktok is simply because they are pretty and people think they are cool. dip pens have a lot of neat benefits of their own! dont let the bad app make u bitter abt em! (for example dip pens let you use a muuch wider range of inks made out of pigments that a fountain pen couldn't handle!)
but i digress. getting into fountain pens usually starts with an affordable one! (or a fancy hand me down if you're lucky!) jetpens & gouletpens are good shops to find fountain pens, and you may be lucky enough to live near a stationery shop that carries them, who knows!
generally good pens to start with are cheap enough that you won't feel too bad if it doesn't turn out to be your favourite but still a smooth writer. they should feel good in the hand and be refillable (since we are talking about avoiding disposable pens! but disposable fountain pens do exist.) generally these pens are in the $10-$30 range, but some cheaper pens like the platinum preppy and jinhao shark will surprise you!
especially worth taking into account with starting to get into pens is the nib size and filling mechanism!
nib size:
fountain pens generally come in Extra Fine, Fine, Medium, Broad, and Double Broad nib sizes, although there are other fancy ones like stub, flex, cursive, and left handed ones. (i am left handed and don't use them, so don't worry too much about that if you are.)
generally western nibs run a little broader than Japanese nib sizes, so keep that in mind when choosing a pen!
personally i find that finer nibs are more useful for me drawing-wise, and i enjoy broader nibs for writing (especially since i tend to draw in black and write in pretty colours i want to see more of!) this just applies to me of course ^u^
filling mechanisms:
fountain pens can come with ink cartridges (sometimes universal and sometimes proprietary) which tend to be a good choice for folks that like mess-free easy ways to reink a pen even when you're out and about. they do limit your selection of inks, though!
cartridge pens can usually be converted to piston fill/squeeze fill pens with a compatible converter, and some even come with one by default (like the jinhao shark!) some fountain pens (like TWSBIs) have a piston fill mechanism integrated into the entire barrel. (they have a very big ink capacity!) these converters/pens allow you to use any fountain pen ink you like, and also help make pen cleaning easier as you can take up and flush out water with it.
another type of fountain pen is eyedropper fill - where the entire barrel is watertight and you simply fill it with ink via eyedropper (or god forbid just pouring the ink from the bottle into it lol) these kinds of filling mechanisms are a lot messier and are generally done at home since you might not wanna bring ink bottles and paper towels along wherever you go, especially if they're big. some pens can be converted to eyedropper fill by making the barrels watertight with silicone grease on the threads & plugging any breather holes.
fun fact! ink cartridges are much more popular in europe, and bottled inks are more popular in america. idk why!
in terms of my favourite fountain pens, i very much like the TWSBI ECO/ECO T, LAMY safari, platinum preppy/plaisir, kaweco sport, and jinhao shark! they're all great and come in lots of fun colours and i want more twsbis so bad aaa
ok this is getting long but lets talk about inks!! im dying to talk about inks can we talk about inks
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i already went over the difference between pigment and dye based inks here, so let's talk about what to think of when choosing an ink and also some of my favs!!
picking out an ink for your pen should consist of at least 3 factors!
make sure you are looking for fountain pen ink! (drawing inks & dip pen inks will clog a fountain pen!)
what colour do you want!!! (as a tip, light colours look even lighter when reduced to the fine line of a pen, and can sometimes be rather disappointing or hard to see. stick to broader nibs for those!)
do you need it to be water and/or highlighter proof?
most online shops let you filter to find what you're looking for, and most irl shops have sample cards for you to look through (while they may not show you about the waterproof part, generally the people working there should be able to tell you about it! most of the shops ive been to are staffed by fellow enthusiasts!)
aside from that you really can go nuts! there are inks with shimmer, inks that are suuuper bold and solid, some that vary in shade (and hue!) and some that develop a metallic sheen around the edge!
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as for my favourite inks, i really like these and heres why!
pilot iroshizuku: they have some REALLY pretty colours. plus the bottles are big and very pretty!
Diamine: these inks come in some absolutely luscious colours (and TONS of sparkly shimmery options) and are known for being very consistently good performers across all their colours.
sailor: these inks are fancy and preddy and smell good to me wehehe
j. herbin: they make a green i really like >:) and also are popular for being good inks im pretty sure!
special extra shoutout to ferris wheel press: i havent actually gotten an ink from them i truly love yet (ive only ever tried a sample set of pastels and i like my inks darker) but their bottles are truly to die for.
ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR COMING!! TO MY TED TALK!!! im fully info dumped out!!!! whee!
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lycankeyy · 11 months
question 🙋🙋 why are rats so. cuddleable. why do i want to pet them when i see them.
Great question ! This is because they're the best animals to ever exist
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Half-jokes aside, while I can't explain the psychology behind it, I do think rats have certain qualities that make them extra cuddly. First of all, rats are very, very social animals. One of the ways they express is this is by cuddling! Rats tend to sleep in piles as a bonding activity (pictured: two of my old boys)
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As such, I think rats just kind of radiate a vibe of Cuddly to all who are receptive to it. They are also Compact and Easy For Petting. Their foreheads are a Perfect smoochable size etc.
Rats are probably also one of the most receptive small pets towards handling, especially cuddling. While all rats are different, most rats will love a good cuddle now and again, especially if snacks are involved. If you're lucky they might even groom you, also colloquially known as giving So Many Kisses (and occasionally nipping you dw they don't mean it
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This has been my expert analysis like comment subsicibre
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into-september · 8 months
MLB Paris special
I've been saying it before and I'm saying it even louder now: these writers are good at self-contained episodes, it's serialisation they can't handle. This is yet another testament to the fact that when they get the time to flesh out their ideas and dwell on their details, this universe is brilliant.
That said, this is by far the weakest of the specials yet, thanks mostly to the way it falls back on some of the mawkiest lines this show has produced. Where Shanghai and NYC had moments of Our Heroes in genuinely dire situations, this one was essentially your normal akuma battle with a few extra bells and whistles, which they resolve by giving their emo counterparts a pep talk about how they can totally be good people like them, just look on the bright side of life! The lucky charm blatantly frames this as some sort of facing-your-inner-demons tale, which would have worked if
a) these had been doubts Marinette and Adrien had faced this very episode, but last time Adrien had a thought about the fact that he recently lost his mum in canon timeline was "Felix", and Marinette's experience in being bitter and alone was, oh yeah, never.
b) we had a bit more background on emoverse ladynoir than their telling us the reason they're angry
In essence: this brings about zero epiphanies to our ladynoir like the NYC special did, and emoverse ladynoir don't have the on-screen backstories like Fei for their turn-around to be narratively satisfying. Marinette's speech at Emobug reads like an inspirational quote our aunts post on Facebook; harmless, and true in essence, but ooooh boy the that's easy for you to say.
It works simultaneously better and worse with Adrien-Emonoir, where Adrien's side is A+ character moment and Emonoir's is jazz_music_stops.jpg because this boy lived better circumstances than our Adrien, but became a trigger-happy supervillain? and here I thought losing a parent and being neglected by the other one wasn't a sympathetic explanation for why you'd turn to violence against the world around you
Where NYC and Shanghai had my heart, this one was just sparkly, but sparkly at least in a way it's been a while since this show has felt.
(I mean, there's the "Gabriel Agreste is a hero at his core and deserved the statue" propaganda and "why yes, their team-up in the end can be taken as foreshadowing of Marinette's decision to side with Gabriel in the S5 finale being framed as a good and kind thing for Adrien", but I'll refrain from going into that wank. We're all strong independent adults capable of grappling with the unfortunate implications of a work of fiction)
Have some bullet points:
I called them "bells and whistles" but emoverse ladynoir carries this special alone, and boy howdy do they CARRY it
Some really nifty scenes here, with particular kudos to the slo-mo akumatisation of Cat Noir
ouch but the parallel akumatisation of father and son from different universes was an unfortunate one (see: "Gabriel is a hero at core" propaganda)
speaking of: ~Cat Blanc trauma~ died with "Jubilation" and this is the funeral
So much lore being made up just to justify the plot beats of this special, gotta love it
Excuse me, I got brainworms from emoverse ladynoir being physically marked by the damaged caused by their misuse of their miraculous and the way this never is compared to Gabriel's shiny new handprint
Or at least named as the reason why they're so desperate and bitter, rather than the diet coke explanation we got
I can't believe what a bitter old crone I've become to roll my eyes when Ladybug has a moment of shoddily set up "oh no I can't do it" so that Cat Noir can put a hand on his shoulder and look her in the eye and say "I always believe in you, milady". To be fair I think this would've touched me if it hadn't been like a year and half since "Strike Back" aired
On the bright side, this one episode does Alya more justice than all the rest of S5 did
did emoverse!Chloé have Sabine deported?
I can't believe Claw Noir didn't at least get rid of the mullet
I can't believe that trailer showed us all we were getting of emoverse Alya and Nino. ROBBED.
The emotional aftermath of "Destruction" really was ADRIEN: Plagg, I think I killed a man and that makes me uncomfortable PLAGG: Okay, but please consider: cheese
Why, IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, was this scene of Gabriel almost going into Adrien's room after the cataclysm not in the show proper
Adrien was so excited to talk about Nino's favourite film. It is now canon that Adrien is that person who genuinely enjoys avant-garde cinema
Best part: emoverse ladynoir teaming up with Hawkmoth to form a visual kei Team Rocket, complete with sarcastic nicknames
Monarch, sorry (something something you're giving into his power by acknowledging his self-proclaimed change in name), but I dig that they kept up the continuity of the fashion disaster he was for these early S5 episodes
Worst part: Superfluous multiverse jumping fanservice. If you needed to pad for time, it should've been spent on emoverse ladynoir flashbacks
I can't wait for the S6 reveal that Chloé personally caused the climate crisis, founded daesh and killed Mother Teresa
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
your thoughts on post-war, in relationship hinny fights? how they dealt with it, etc?
What we are going to see in this post: -> How they deal with conflict in canon -> My conclusions for their post-war life
How do Harry and Ginny handle conflict?
I think we should start with the fact that Harry and Ginny do not fight a lot. In all the moments in which we see them fighting, it is always about/during important life and death kind of situations. This is coherent with one of the main themes of their relationship which is this deep natural understanding that they have of one another. But let's see in detail how this prevents them from fighting and which other elements contribute to that.
While they are characters with some respectable tempers, they seem to be calmed down by each other thanks to something that goes beyond words:
“I didn’t ask — I didn’t want — Voldemort killed my parents!” Harry spluttered. “I got famous because he murdered my family but couldn’t kill me! Who wants to be famous for that? Don’t they think I’d rather it’d never —” “We know, Harry,” said Ginny earnestly. -Chapter 9, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, JK Rowling
Ginny here needs a simple sentence to calm Harry. Not only does she know what to say, but her success is probably also due to that "earnestly". Because Harry understands Ginny really well, even when angry he catches her sincerity and he deeply values it. Harry and Ginny in general are always very honest with each other, it's something that it's easy to imagine that they crave with the both of them having the experience of being manipulated. Just look at the break-up scene: Harry does not invent excuses to separate from her. He tells her clearly how things are. They are never afraid of exposing themselves to the other, again, see the break-up scene but also the kiss in DH. They are not afraid to be vulnerable with each other, and this shields them from arguments due to miscommunication.
But let's go back to them calming each other:
"Mom's right, Ginny," said Bill gently. "You can't do this. Everyone underage will have to leave, it's only right." "I can't go home!" Ginny shouted, angry tears sparkling in her eyes. "My whole family's here, I can't stand waiting there alone and not knowing and—" Her eyes met Harry's for the first time. She looked at him beseechingly, but he shook his head and she turned away bitterly. "Fine," she said, staring at the entrance to the tunnel back to the Hog's Head. "I'll say goodbye now, then, and—" -Chapter 30, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, JK Rowling
Here we can see Harry doing for Ginny what Ginny did in OotP for him. At this point, they do not even need sentences anymore, just a single look (and here they have not seen each other for nearly a year).
But there's not just their ability to calm one another when they are already angry, there's also the fact that they know how to handle each other's tempers when they're only barely showing. This is thanks to their shared sense of humor. The same sense of humor that is quite an essential part of their personalities.
"Panicked," Ginny said angrily, landing next to Demelza and examining her fat lip. "You prat, Ron, look at the state of her!" "I can fix that," said Harry, landing beside the two girls, pointing his wand at Demelzas mouth, and saying "Episkey." "And Ginny, don't call Ron a prat, you're not the Captain of this team—" "Well, you seemed too busy to call him a prat and I thought someone should—" Harry forced himself not to laugh. -Chapter 14, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, JK Rowling
Any kind of annoyance that Harry might have had disappears at Ginny's joke. In all honesty, they are very bad at being annoyed with each other. Harry does the same thing for Ginny at the end of the same book:
". . . so eet ees lucky 'e is marrying me," said Fleur happily, plumping up Bill's pillows, "because ze British overcook their meat, I 'ave always said this. " "I suppose I'm just going to have to accept that he really is going to marry her," sighed Ginny later that evening, as she, Harry, Ron and Hermione sat beside the open window of the Gryffindor common room, looking out over the twilit grounds. "She's not that bad," said Harry. "Ugly, though," he added hastily, as Ginny raised her eyebrows, and she let out a reluctant giggle. "Well, I suppose if Mum can stand it, I can. " -Chapter 30, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, JK Rowling
I don't think it's very easy to be annoyed at someone when you understand them as well as Harry and Ginny understand each other, especially when you are not the kind of people who make drama just for the hell of it.
Even when they are fully annoyed at the other, they let go very quickly:
'Oh, look!' said Ginny, as they drew nearer, pointing at the very heart of the bell jar. Drifting along in the sparkling current inside was a tiny, jewel-bright egg. As it rose in the jar, it cracked open and a hummingbird emerged, which was carried to the very top of the jar, but as it fell on the draught its feathers became bedraggled and damp again, and by the time it had been borne back to the bottom of the jar it had been enclosed once more in its egg. 'Keep going!' said Harry sharply, because Ginny showed signs of wanting to stop and watch the egg's progress back into a bird. 'You dawdled enough by that old arch!' she said crossly, but followed him past the bell jar to the only door behind it. -Chapter 34, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, JK Rowling
Harry and Ginny are not vengeful people. They are not the kind to keep petty fights going on. Even Harry's hatred for Malfoy never leads him to plot revenge against him and all his actions against him are a consequence of Malfoy's actions. This is very similar to the way Ginny uses her Bat-Bogey Hex, it's always out of necessity or a moment of blind temper, and there's never a malicious plot behind it.
We see this also in the famous "Lucky you" scene:
'All been talking about me, have you? Well, I'm getting used to it.' 'We wanted to talk to you, Harry,' said Ginny, 'but as you've been hiding ever since we got back — ' 'I didn't want anyone to talk to me,' said Harry, who was feeling more and more nettled. 'Well, that was a bit stupid of you,' said Ginny angrily, 'seeing as you don't know anyone but me who's been possessed by You-Know-Who, and I can tell you how it feels.' Harry remained quite still as the impact of these words hit him. Then he wheeled round. 'I forgot,' he said. 'Lucky you,' said Ginny coolly. 'I'm sorry,' Harry said, and he meant it. 'So... so, do you think I'm being possessed, then?' 'Well, can you remember everything you've been doing?' Ginny asked. 'Are there big blank periods where you don't know what you've been up to?' -Chapter 23, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, JK Rowling
Ginny here is very quick to forgive Harry and it has to do with the fact that, as I said, she is not someone who harbors resentment, but in a way, we also circle back to maybe the fundamental column of their relationship: they understand each other perfectly. Ginny doesn't need a five hours long speech about how sorry Harry is. It's specified if you look at the text, how Harry means that "I'm sorry" and, not only does Ginny know that, but Harry knows that she knows and has accepted his apology because he's comfortable enough to then ask his question.
This scene also brings us to another major point of how they argue with each other: respect. The way Harry and Ginny argue with each other is different from the way they argue with other people.
'WELL, I EXPECT HE'D SAY SOMETHING DIFFERENT IF HE KNEW WHAT I'D JUST—' The classroom door opened. Harry, Ron and Hermione whipped around. Ginny walked in, looking curious, closely followed by Luna, who as usual looked as though she had drifted in accidentally. 'Hi,' said Ginny uncertainly. 'We recognised Harry's voice. What are you yelling about?' 'Never you mind,' said Harry roughly. Ginny raised her eyebrows. 'There's no need to take that tone with me,' she said coolly, 'I was only wondering whether I could help.' 'Well, you can't,' said Harry shortly. 'You're being rather rude, you know,' said Luna serenely. Harry swore and turned away. The very last thing he wanted now was a conversation with Luna Lovegood. -Chapter 32, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, JK Rowling
Harry is yelling in full caps lock at Ron and Hermione, there wouldn't have been anything weird if he continued on the same line with who interrupted him in such an emotionally charged moment but the person who interrupts is not just someone, it's Ginny. So while he doesn't want her there, she is still worthy not only of his time but of his respect. He goes back to a reasonable tone. This scene creates a hierarchy between the characters. Ginny's worthy of Harry's time and respect, Ron and Hermione of his time, Luna of neither.
The scene also shows how Harry and Ginny go straight to the point: she says she wants to help him, he says that she can't, they do not dance around it and they are able to take each other's honesty. When Ginny says "There's no need to take that tone with me", Harry takes it. When Luna says "You're being rather rude, you know", he turns away. Luna may be right or wrong, but Harry doesn't care.
This clipped tone and snarkiness they use in that scene returns again:
'OK, fine, it's your choice,' he said curtly, 'but unless we can find more Thestrals you're not going to be able—' 'Oh, more of them will come,' said Ginny confidently, who like Ron was squinting in quite the wrong direction, apparently under the impression that she was looking at the horses. 'What makes you think that?' 'Because, in case you hadn't noticed, you and Hermione are both covered in blood,' she said coolly, 'and we know Hagrid lures Thestrals with raw meat. That's probably why these two turned up in the first place.' -Chapter 33, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, JK Rowling
Ginny here would very much love to strangle Harry but she channels that with smartass comments and then she lets it go. This is very different from how we see Ginny fight with her family. Harry doesn't want her involved. When other people do that she kicks, and explodes in rage, but not with Harry. As much as she disagrees with him, there's a level of respect for Harry that stops her from behaving as she does with others.
As we all know, they are both unafraid of each other's tempers, in contrast with how other characters react to them:
'They do, do they?' said Harry, glaring at Ron and Ginny. Ron looked down at his feet but Ginny seemed quite unabashed. 'Well, you have!' she said. 'And you won't look at any of us!' 'It's you lot who won't look at me!' said Harry angrily. -Chapter 23, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, JK Rowling
But at the same time, they do not provoke in the other that kind of anger that is meant to dominate the other. Because that is not what they want to do. They just want to tell their side of the story but they also do it in a way that shows that they are listening to what the other is saying.
The fact that Harry listens to what Ginny has to say is something that we see again when she's concerned about the potions book:
"Hang on," said a voice close by Harry's left ear and he caught a sudden waft of that flowery smell he had picked up in Slughorn's dungeon. He looked around and saw that Ginny had joined them. "Did I hear right? You've been taking orders from something someone wrote in a book, Harry?" She looked alarmed and angry. Harry knew what was on her mind at once. "It's nothing," he said reassuringly, lowering his voice. "It's not like, you know, Riddle's diary. It's just an old textbook someone's scribbled on." "But you're doing what it says?" "I just tried a few of the tips written in the margins, honestly, Ginny, there's nothing funny—" -Chapter 9, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, JK Rowling
Just half a minute before this, Harry was deeply annoyed by Hermione asking about the book but Ginny's concerns are immediately valid to Harry. There's also the addiction that Ginny's concerns are concerns that Harry values as reasonable to have, they have the same value system. Once Harry reassures her, she never brings it up again. She exposes her concerns but accepts his explanations and respects his choices. She trusts him, she doesn't try to parent him. They are on the same level, neither believes/wants to have the high ground.
Conclusions for their post-war life
Harry and Ginny as teenagers show a level of maturity in their fights with each other that I would argue a lot of couples married for a decade don't have. And they can only improve.
So let's try to paint a picture of how this aspect of their adult lives is.
Harry and Ginny fight rarely and about matters they consider very important.
The goal of their fights is to present their side of the story while listening to the other and once they calm down they decide if it's something they can let go or if they need to work out a solution.
They shout rarely, they tend to use more of a clipped and snarky tone. Because they know each other so well they can stab each other like no one else can, but they also apologize quickly and mean it, and that is enough for the other. Harry and Ginny are exactly the kind of couple who naturally respects the "do not go to bed angry".
As for what their fights may be about... they have a secure attachment style so dramatic displays of jealousy are not their problem. Married couples usually fight about three things: in-laws, money, and children. In-laws and money are not a problem with them. I may see some discussions on how to raise the children when it comes to safety, Ginny growing up with six brothers is probably a "they can handle themselves" kind of mother, while I see Harry being a bit overprotective. That overprotectiveness could also be shown directly towards Ginny. Harry respects Ginny's strength but when it's a life-threatening situation, his priority is her being safe and considering that they lead public lives this theme could come back. Harry also probably adds a couple of enemies to his list being an Auror, and such an important one. Ginny obviously wouldn't like being sheltered. While she would understand where it comes from, she wouldn't take it. I think in general if one of them decided to keep something from the other out of protectiveness, the other wouldn't like it at all because their usual default dynamic is honesty.
In short: very few fights, handled with respect and not dragged out, can hurt each other like no one else can but are also quick to apologize and forgive.
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silverynight · 1 year
Comfort omega
Chapter 9
Eijiro knows his friend is going to snap soon; he can smell it in his scent, he's desperate to be with Midoriya, he can't help it.
"He has it really bad, doesn't he?" Ashido whispers next to his ear, as they walk slowly behind Bakugo; the streets are quiet that day, but they're on a mission and know chaos is gonna unfold soon.
"Yeah, but our dear omega is in heat at the moment and I don't think it's wise for him to go check on him," Eijiro tells her. "I know he's worried, but anything can happen..."
Ashido looks at the way the explosive alpha walks, determined, but slow, almost like he's in pain; he looks quite lost. Then she turns to look at Eijiro again.
"You know what? I think Blasty will be fine; he's clearly worried and loves the green bean so much..." Ashido looks at the grumpy alpha with a smile, even though he's so immersed in his own thoughts to realize his friends are talking about him. "He would never touch him like that, at least not now when he's not sure if Midoriya actually wants this or not. Blasty is a good alpha."
She's right, of course she is; Eijiro visibly relaxes next to her, feeling a lot better now. Because he knows Bakugo is going to snap at any moment and probably run to check on the omega.
Just as he thought, Bakugo stops around to look at them both with the most concerned expression they've ever seen.
"He's not answering my texts..."
"It's okay, Blasty. Maybe he's asleep... You know omegas need to rest more during their heats..."
Bakugo's shoulders fall as he nods; Eijiro knows he's not entirely convinced or feeling better at all, but he's trying to calm his inner alpha down.
"I need to make sure he's alright."
"Why don't you call his friend again?" Eijiro suggests. Sure, even if Bakugo finds himself outside Midoriya's door he's sure he won't lose focus, but there's the possibility of the sweet omega getting angry with him for not staying away like he asked him to. Eijiro knows Bakugo would feel bad later if Midoriya got mad at him.
"Alright," Bakugo mumbles, clearly not satisfied with the answer.
Ashido looks at Eijiro for a moment, before nodding at him and putting one of her hands on the blond alpha's shoulder.
"Why don't you go back to the office so you can call him? We can handle this."
Bakugo is usually very stubborn, he loves to be a pro hero and has always been really professional... He doesn't leave in the middle of a mission, not even if he's seriously hurt, so the fact that Eijiro can see the hesitation in his eyes is proof enough that he's absolutely head over heels in love with Midoriya.
Eijiro tries to hold back a grin.
"Alright," Bakugo finally mumbles. "Call me if you need me. Thank you."
"Don't worry, Blasty," she says, trying not to look too surprised after hearing their friend thanking them.
"I think Bakubro is going to get married soon..."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Kiri," she chuckles.
"I'm going to be best man!"
"Kiri, oh my god..." Ashido laughs again, but looks at him fondly. "Well, maybe... If we're lucky and Blasty doesn't ruin it. Wait, didn't you say comfort omegas can't have mates?"
Yeah, he did. And it's unfortunately true... But maybe the green haired omega can reconsider... Eijiro is sure they'd be really good for each other.
But things are never that easy.
For the third time in a couple of minutes, Izuku turns on the couch, feeling cold and restless. The suppressants are strong enough to keep him mostly coherent and not horny all the time, but the omega still feels like something's wrong.
The scent Bakugo left on his couch is almost gone and Izuku is suffering because of it, at least his body is... It's like he can't feel warm anymore no matter how many blankets he uses to cover himself.
He really wants the alpha to come and cuddle him, but he knows it's not possible and it's probably wrong considering they're just friends.
A couple of tears slide from his eyes and Izuku can't stop the sob that escapes from his lips as he wishes everything to be over soon.
Hours pass like a torture, they're slower than usual, but at the same time Izuku is not aware of them; it's like living in a bad dream... But he cannot get himself to sleep.
So far this is his worst heat yet...
Izuku blinks a couple of times and watches as Aoyama opens the door, snaps at someone to stay outside and rushes towards him after closing the door behind himself.
There's a hint of a scent that reaches Izuku's nose and prompts him to sit down in a couple of seconds. Suddenly, Aoyama is leaning in front of him, gently pushing him back down.
"Is Kacchan outside?" He doesn't recognize his own voice for a moment, he sounds like he's in pain.
"Yes, the grumpy alpha is outside," Aoyama sighs. "I only agreed to bring him here because he wouldn't leave me alone; he wanted to make sure you were alright..."
Izuku sobs, feeling a wave of warm emotions through his body.
There's a noise coming from outside, like something heavy is leaning against the door.
The omega can't hold back a needy whine, Aoyama covers his mouth quickly though, rolling his eyes as he does.
"I knew this was a bad idea..." He whispers before turning his head towards the entrance and yelling: "You promised me you'd behave, grumpy boy!"
The silence is his only response; Aoyama sighs, before looking back at his friend.
"You haven't slept at all, have you, mon ami?"
Izuku shakes his head, feeling really tired. Aoyama finally moves his hand away, but strokes the shadows under the omega's eyes a couple of times.
"Listen... You can talk to him... But don't open the door, okay? Maybe listening to him will help you feel better..."
He doesn't hesitate, he rushes towards the entrance and sits on the floor, ear pressing against the wooden door.
"Are you alright, Izuku? Do you need anything? Have you eaten enough?"
A relieved smile curls up the corners of Izuku's mouth. His alpha is here, he worries about him... His alpha wants to make sure he's–
Blushing to the tip of his ears, Izuku stops his train of thought suddenly, scolding himself for letting his inner omega take control of his mind for a moment. Bakugo is his friend, just like Aoyama, of course he's worried about him...
"I'm fine, I have everything I need," he forces himself to say, even though he still wants Bakugo to come inside and cuddle him. But Aoyama is right, that'd only make things more complicated.
"Are you sure?" The alpha insists. "You don't sound good..."
The genuine concern is what makes Izuku lose control for a moment, just for a couple of seconds, but that's enough for him to blurt something stupid out.
"Would you let me borrow a piece of your clothing? Are you wearing a hoodie? Or maybe your t-shirt..."
"Midoriya!" He doesn't blame Aoyama for scolding him, he knows it's wrong because Bakugo is not his alpha.
"I'm sorry–"
"It's okay. You can have my h-hoodie." His voice sounds different for a moment, deeper and a little bit shaky... His scent has grown stronger somehow...
"I'm basically babysitting two idiots..." Aoyama huffs, but he still runs his fingers through Izuku's curls softly before gently pushing him out of the way. "Stay here, I'll go get the hoodie."
Izuku can hear Aoyama arguing with Bakugo at the other side, before the blond omega is back inside.
He hands Izuku a black hoodie that smells absolutely delicious. The omega doesn't hesitate to put it on and purrs in delight when he realizes that Bakugo's scent is all over him... It's like the alpha is giving him a hug.
Izuku feels so much better now.
"Thank you, Kacchan."
"You're welcome, Izuku. Just... don't wash it once you're done with it..."
"What? But..." The omega stops before he actually says it; it'll still smell like him, especially because he plans to wear it until his heat is over.
"Please, Izuku."
He talks to Bakugo for a while through the door, it's not the same than having the alpha in front of him, but it's okay for now. Besides, Izuku no longer feels cold anymore... He's warm and completely relaxed. He feels so good he doesn't realize his eyes are closing on their own until Aoyama carries him back to his nest.
"Tell Kacchan I really appreciate this..."
"Sure, mon ami... Now go back to sleep."
The grumpy alpha certainly doesn't know how to hide his feelings at all; Yuga can't believe Midoriya hasn't realized what's going on yet.
Bakugo looks at Midoriya's apartment door with something that looks a lot like longing and Yuga has to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Sure, it's cute, but that doesn't mean he'll let the alpha stay.
"He's asleep now. He has everything he needs," he assures the pro hero.
Bakugo nods, even though the worry doesn't vanish from his eyes.
"Come on, we have to go and you know it." After noticing the concern in his scent, he adds: "No one can get inside. Besides, his neighbors are all omegas and betas and they're very fond of him; they won't let anyone with bad intentions roam around the building."
The alpha nods before following Yuga, even though he is not happy at all.
"He's wearing my hoodie," Bakugo mumbles after a while, it's just a whisper... And, for a moment, Yuga thinks he's only talking to himself, until he looks at him. "Do you think this means he..."
He doesn't finish, but the hopeful glimmer in his red eyes says a lot.
"You have to talk to Midoriya about this... Once his heat is over," Yuga finds himself saying. He could've given him an answer, but he knows those two need to have a serious conversation as soon as possible.
Bakugo nods again, although this time he looks and smells absolutely pleased with himself.
He's a good alpha and is more than obvious that he adores Midoriya... But that green haired omega can be really stubborn sometimes and stupid because he usually lets himself believe he doesn't deserve to have good things.
And that's when things get a lot complicated.
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theintrovertbean · 2 years
Hope school is going well for you! I love your writing and wanted to make a request <3
Could you explore how Nadia and MC handle arguments? Especially their first argument. I’m sure they don’t happen too often, but with the stress of being in the palace and sometimes Nadia’s sarcasm and stubbornness based off her route, I can definitely see them arguing here and there.
Hello, Anon! Thank you! Yeah, uni is going well; it's just a little tiring and lonely. Thank gayness, I'm enjoying this semester much more than the previous ones (this is my second year), but the amount of literature I must read for my classes is just ugh. But well, they might help me become a better writer, so I'm not complaining about that.
I believe that arguments happen in every relationship, and Nadia might be perfect, but her relationship with MC is no exception. She doesn't strike me as someone who would start arguments because they want some drama, but she doesn't shy away from defending herself either. We stan a strong pretty lady who stands up for herself.
They don't happen often; we can definitely agree on that. But when they do occur, they're usually quite civilized. I imagine their arguments become less heated as they get to know each other on a deeper level and as the relationship progresses.
Anyway, I hope that you will enjoy it!
Nadia and MC's arguments
Nadia is more rational than emotional, so she prefers to solve arguments quickly and logically. She thinks of ways she and her partner could solve the issue, but sadly, that's usually not how arguments work.
The first argument happened when MC realized what it really meant to be Vesuvia's Countess. Nadia was simply busy as hell. She tried to make time for MC, but there was so much work to do, and the city still needed a lot of repairs. Nadia always did her best to finish work by the evening so that she would have some time to spend with MC, but as soon as the Countess' head touched her pillow, she was out.
And as much as MC loves gazing at this Prakran Sleeping Beauty (who wouldn't), it made them realize that being a Countess is much more than getting pretty outfits tailored all the time. It didn't have to go on for too long, maybe for a week or two, and then MC began to question their relationship. Is it always going to be like this? They spent so much time together during the investigation, and now they were lucky if they could sneak a kiss when randomly meeting in the hallways. That shit hurts, especially if MC is on the clingy side.
And well, that's just not enough. So when MC eventually decides to talk to Nadia about the problem, things become even worse. But being busy as ever, the Countess simply promises MC that they will talk about it later, which does not happen because Nadia is still very busy, and MC loses it.
MC bursts into Nadia's office without permission, raises their voice at her and asks her why she has been avoiding them, if she loves them at all, and if their relationship means anything to her. Now, Nadia does not yell unless she is also being yelled at, so when MC does, she does too.
And so they argue and yell at each other until MC eventually leaves the room. Some tears are being shed in both Nadia and MC's cases, so being alone for a moment seemed like a good idea.
Then while she is alone, the realization hits Nadia, and she thinks this to herself: "Wait, I love this person. I'm not supposed to treat them like this, and I need to fix this mess." Nadia soon finds MC and apologizes (hopefully, MC does too). They calmly discuss the issue and try to come up with a solution that works best for both of them.
They probably had an argument about gifts at some point. Based on the OCs I've seen, most MCs are not exactly wealthy. So, when Nadia showers MC with all sorts of lavish things, it can become overwhelming for them. When you spend your entire life in a less fortunate household, accepting expensive things or a larger amount of money isn't exactly easy.
This argument was more civilized, and they just sat down and talked it through. Nadia was hurt, but she understood why MC felt the way that they did. Most of their arguments are like this. No yelling, just two people who love each other very much talking through things like adults should.
For Nadia, emotions can be difficult. It might be a little harder for her to understand her partner's emotions during and after arguments. When things are calm, she asks MC about what she did wrong, how they feel, how she could improve her behavior, etc. Basically, she takes a more logical approach. To make things less unpleasant, she needs MC to explain their emotions to her.
Nadia is sometimes a bit stubborn during arguments, so when the worst part is done, and she and MC stay in separate rooms for a while (I mean like 30 minutes to an hour), it really helps her. She can think more clearly that way, and it also helps her realize if she's in the wrong. In that case, she always apologizes first. If MC is wrong, but they don't apologize to her soon, it hurts Nadia more than the argument itself.
Their fights are never physical. Sure, someone might slam the door on their way out, but Nadia would never hit MC. If MC, however, dares to hit Nadia, the relationship is immediately over. Nadia has endured one toxic marriage. She doesn't need another one. Her siblings may or may not destroy MC if they eventually find out.
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