#i think there was something in the water tbh
xazse · 3 days
where is the satosugu merman au? 😞
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ GLOWING ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Merman Gojo! x Merman Geto x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Size difference + hermaphrodite!Satoru/Suguru: meaning they have a “vagina and a cock” + Virgin!SatoSugu + Lots of plot holes tbh + Fem!Reader + smut + dom!reader + blood + typos and not proofread
Notes: tell me I cooked cmon now, I realize that this might not be some of you guys cup of tea and that’s perfectly okay!, yk I feel like my works could be way better if I had a proofreader I’ll look for one soon, enjoy! I LOST THE LAST PART SO I CHANGED IT
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Merman Gojo and Geto who were swimming dangerously close to the shore, they know they aren’t allowed that close but their curiosity was killing them, they’ve found this little area that humans aren’t aware of yet so they decide this is the place they decide is theirs, it’s a nice rock with some land behind it, the small piece of land is hidden behind the thick trees, they come to lay against the rock and enjoy its warm surface, and it’s a nice place to get away from everyone to enjoy the company of each other.
Merman Gojo and Geto who come to their place again and are met with a little human on their rock (you are small compared to them). You’re huddled up in a ball facing away from them, to be honest this is their first time seeing one up so close, gojo looks at geto mentally talking about what their next move should be, it should be to go back as to not be seen but their curiosity is killing them once again, so they take a risk and slowly approach the rock.
You whip your head around to the sloshing of the water and find nothing, but something out of the corner of your eye has you looking down and finding two men looking up at you with two big eyes. You’re very startled of course you are, you center yourself on the rock away from them. They haven’t said anything which freaks you out even more and looking at them more closely you realize they’re extremely pretty but also a little weird? It’s their ears, they’re flared like? Like something out of a book. You should be screaming and running away but something in you makes you grab a little broken piece of rock, and throw it at the white haired one.
“Ow?!?” The snow haired one is quick the grab the place where the rock landed and soothe it, his forehead. The black haired one hisses at you and turns his attention towards his partner, also attempting to soothe him.
Ah’sorry, but you had it coming you startled me”
They both look up at you, glares decorating their faces, but they also look offended at the mere audacity of your words and tone. You pick up another little rock and hold it in a way like you're gonna throw it, you aren't but right now you prefer to be left alone, seeing no need to converse with whatever they are. They both swim back a little and through the water you get a glimpse of their bodies. A mermaid?
Before you get the chance to see if your eyes are deceiving you they turn tail and swim deep underwater, the shininess of their tails slowly disappearing in the dark depths of the water.
The next day you're in their spot again, aren't humans supposed to be afraid of what they can't understand? So why are you here even after seeing them, Suguru had even hissed at you: that usually works against the smaller merman's and mermaids to get them to behave or go away. Such a small thing like yourself had managed to make them run away and they weren't okay with that. You even had the audacity to throw something at him? Who the hell did you think you were? Yaga has told them countless times that humans were selfish beings who constantly take and never give back. That they should stay as far away as possible but they find themselves a little curious about you in particular, they could literally kill you and leave no evidence behind should you provoke them further.
It was just going to be Satoru today, Suguru has decided he wanted nothing to do with you and insisted Sator to stay away as well, lest something bad happens to him, He had assured him that he was strong and could definitely fight if need be. Suguru thought about your build for a moment, you didn't look very fast so he trusted Satoru's word.
They both approach the rock slowly, sharp fingers gripping the boulder gently.
"It's you two again." You look visibly displeased, you make a shooing motion with your hand hoping they'll leave.
"This was our place first by the way, until you you came here, pesky little human" the black haired one says with so much spite in his voice it could kill, as well as his dark glare. "Well you weren't here to claim it when I was so...." "Not how it works" the white haired one exclaims in a matter of fact type tone.
"mmm... how about we share?" You offer and continue: "we could do like days, a type of schedule." "We don't want to share with the likes of you" it's the black haired one again.
You roll your eyes and continue to pick at the rock below your feet. Satoru stares at your face and body, his hand unconsciously makes its way towards your leg, you're quick to jump back further upon the rock. Weird, his hand felt weird around your leg.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"I'm Satoru and this is Suguru"
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These encounters happen even more, Satoru and Suguru find themselves in your company everyday, they find your quick and bold personality to be interesting.
You’ve allowed them to get closer to you on the boulder, you’d even let Satoru touch your thigh, he did go the whole nine yards and grab the fat in his hands. The entire time there was an unexplained look in his eyes, something dark. Suguru still hasn’t touched you yet simply because he’s still a little bit wary, you didn’t hold it against him and offered that whenever he wants he could, he seemed content with that.
It was just another day of relaxing in the sun and enjoying the sounds of the waves whooshing, creating a nice atmosphere.
“Would you try getting in the water with us?” You expected to be answering Satoru but to your surprise it was Suguru who was asking, his purple golden eyes staring up at you with that same weird expression Satoru possesses when he stares at you.
“I’m not properly dressed to swim” you answer, you turn your attention back to Satoru who’s absolutely reveling in how your soft hands are scratching his head, you think you can hear purring coming from him.
“Just swim without these” Suguru says while pulling at your shorts.
“I can’t exactly be nude around… well men”
“Why not? Ugh you humans and your weird customs”
“S’not weird Suguru” you continue and tilt your head thinking for a minute: “I could swim in my bra and underwear”
“What’s that?” Suguru deadpans
You giggle, of course they wouldn’t know they’re practically nude themselves.
“It wouldn’t hurt to paddle around for a little.” You get up off the boulder, with protests from Satoru for you to keep rubbing his head and walk off somewhere they can’t see you undress yourself. You come back shortly to the two adult men looking like puppies as they take in what you look like without that huge shirt you frequent. You sit on the boulder near the edge and dip your feet in: it’s warm.
Satoru is quick to grab at your waist and guide you into the water, he still holds even when you’re in the water. This feels weird and through the water you can see their pretty blue tail and purple tail, they’re really shiny. You get to look at them even closer, what the hell are they using on their face to make it so clear, they look like models, they’d make a fortune should they ever decide to walk on land.
Satoru pulls you to his torso and deeply inhales how you smell.
“All humans smell like this?” He asks and you shake your head, “we all have our own unique smell, some worse than others” Suguru leans in to also sniff at you, them being this close makes your stomach twist but not in fear, it’s something primal. You shift yourself out of Satoru’s grip and float freely on ur own.
“What are the females like, the mermaids?”
“Mmm… they’re pretty nice, though they tend to avoid us, as in us I mean Satoru” Suguru answers while side eyeing Satoru who rolls his eyes.
“Let me guess it’s because of his obnoxious personality?” You also spare a glance at Satoru who in turn huffs.
“They’re boring, too plain for someone like me” He puffs out his chest in an annoying manner. “Rightttt”
“And plus I have Suguru, I’ve no need for other companions!” Satoru’s huffs out with the brightest smile on his face and hugs him tightly, it’s hard for you to hold back the little giggle in your throat at just how much he adores him.
Satoru and Suguru have been once again getting curious about you, more curious than usual. They’ve been asking questions about everyday human life, how you guys swim but don’t have webbed feet like most sea animals, they ask about the food and you’ve brought them plenty of treats, Satoru enjoys the sweet things a little too much and Suguru enjoys salty savory things.
They’ve been touchy too, when you’ve had enough of the water and want a quick break, they’re quick to start feeling up your legs, Satoru had gone up sliding his fingers to up your thighs and without thinking he slips his finger in-between, he just barely grazed your pussy but just before he could go further you snap up and grab his wrist.
They both stop their ministrations to stare up at your face.
“Not so uhm- close Toru.’”
“Why? What is it? Did I hurt you?” He tenses up a little in your hold, his facial expression visibly distressed and you’re quick to shake your head aggressively.
You don’t know how to explain it, they both are grown men but you’re not sure if their species has sex, well clearly since they’re both here, they have to be reproducing somehow. But also they could be doing it in a different way, you’ve read all sorts of books on the different ways animals conceive to continue their lineage.
You’ll be blunt, and if they’re confused you can throughly explain it.
“It’s like, a sexual organ?” Gross, saying that out loud makes your body feel like it’s on fire.
Suguru is the first the burst out laughing, basically doubled over.
Satoru follows right after, tears in his eyes from just that statement alone, so they do know what it is just not on humans.
“We know what it is, we just didn’t know you humans had them as well or rather we don’t go into depth about what we have” Suguru explains after his laughing fit while Satoru nods along.
“So what do you guys have?” You question with a quirk of your eyebrow
Satoru’s long fingers grab and guide you back into the water.
“You really wanna see?” The devilish smirk on his face means he’s up to no good.
“Why do I have to see when you can just explain it?”
“It’s hard, we might use different words than you do, as well as a different language” Suguru quirks up, you’re a bit taken aback he’s not hitting satoru and telling him to quit teasing you.
You nod so easily, you feel a bit clouded and your cheeks feel warm. Satoru’s sharp fingers grab your wrist and guides it to the front of his tail, he lets you feel around until you discover a slit, you flit one finger inside and Satoru jumps a little, his grip on your wrist tightening down hard. It feels like you? Exactly how you’d feel when your knuckles deep in your cunt. You decide to test if it’s true, you start really slow when you’re pumping your fingers in and slightly out, he brings you into naked chest, completely smooshing your head and smothering you.
He’s shaking and whining but it’s barely audible, you’re truly so lost as the only thing you focus on is the movement of your digits, you’d think the way him and Suguru are so close they’d have done this before, they really do seem romantically involved but maybe you were wrong. He was just so cocky a moment ago perhaps it was a rouse to get you to touch him?
You’re a little ticked, they think you’re dumb, think you don’t know they’ve just been wanting to get touched. You wrap one of your arms around Satoru’s waist bringing his bottom even closer to you. You angle your arm downwards to find a spot, if you have a spot inside of you that pushes you over surely he’ll have one too. You can’t see from your position but Satorus lip is bitten red from trying to stifle the moans that are now slipping out.
His nails dig deep into your arm as a wanton moan comes from the deepest part of his throat, you press inside again and get the same reaction but a little more lewd. From then on you keep doing that over and over, and he’s a fucking mess, he’s whimpering about how weird this feels and he feels something coming.
Satoru has pleasured himself plenty of times but when he decides in this moment when it’s done by someone else it feels so much better, so much more pleasurable. He’s so worked up and you’re so focused you don’t notice how his cock has slipped out of the other slit, any attempt for you to touch that too dies on his tongue instantly.
Suguru is staring with need and a red flushed face, his body aches as he stares at Satoru’s expressions, you’re making him feel so good that he wants the same treatment.
Of course you haven’t forgot about poor Suguru, his long black hair cascading around his body as he avoids eye contact like the plague. You beckon him over when you manage to pull away from Satoru just a little. He listens well just like a puppy, you guide him behind you and take his much larger hand and press it to your underwear, motioning for him to pull them off. He does with a little bit of struggle successfully get them off.
You decide you don’t want prep, just want to hurry up so the poor man doesn’t feel left out. Suguru understands a little bit and takes his cock out, you once again guide him to your hole. He groans as he pushes inside, easily able to. It’s hot and he can feel you already squeezing down on him. He stills for a moment and buries his head in the crook of your neck. He can’t will himself to go as fast as he wants, just like Satoru he masterbaits his fair share but it takes him a while to actually cum, but right now he can already feel that familiar feeling in his gut.
You’ve stopped your ministrations on Satoru and he doesn’t like that one bit, he leans down a little and playfully takes the fat of your cheek in his mouth and lightly bites down, it’s a cute gesture of his jealousy.
You start up fingering him again, he sees that you aren’t going to pay attention to his cock so he begins stroking himself in tune with your fingers, and fuck he’s so close.
“Mmnh.. feels’ so good..” he sobs out the electrical thums through his body bit by bit, until his stomach contracts abruptly and he’s cumming in his hand and tightening around yours You slide your fingers out of his slit while he rests against you open mouthed panting.
You let Suguru continue to fuck into you, whilst he’s clawing and gripping deep marks into your skin. He shakes and shakes, his cock has never felt this good, is this what all humans feel like? Or just you specifically.
“M’ gonna cum, so badly…” “need to need to..” he repeats the mantra. He bites down on your skin, breaking the barrier just a little, revealing a little bit of blood that he laps up quickly, Satoru leans down to also taste the blood, pink tongues taking turns cleaning the wound.
It handn’t occurred to you that maybe little Suguru cum inside of you wasn’t a good idea. So you slowly push his cock backwards a bit and he whimpers so adorably, about to protest you start stroking him, quickly too. He’s cumming with a choke of air.
Your head starts to clear and you realize what you had just done, basically took one’s virginity and fingered the other one to completion, they both came but the point still stands! You’re quick to pull yourself up onto the rock, disturbing the two males who were basking in their afterglow and cuddling deep into your skin. They look confused as to why you got out, and panty-less: you leave for a moment to retrieve your shorts and shirt from on the beach and come back to them.
“You’re leaving?” Satoru questions quietly, you feel an arrow going right through your heart when you look at his sullen face, both of their sullen faces, clearly pouting and not wanting to let you go.
“No Satoru, it’s just getting a little late so I’m gonna head back home.” You wave giving them a soft smile and walk back the way you came, you don’t dare look back because you can feel their stares.
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You do eventually come back a week later, you’ve been attempting to get your thoughts and mind to work functionally.
Satoru and Suguru aren’t there like they usually would be, you still hop up on the rock hoping they’d come, you can wait for a little.
They do eventually show up, tufts of White and black hair peek out, you can see the gleam in their eyes when they land on you.
“Finally, finally” Satoru exclaims while swimming towards you and immediately attempts reaching to grab that sweet snack he loves.
Suguru pulls him back and whispers something in his ear, Satoru pulls back away from you and glares daggers at you.
“You left us.” Suguru speaks up.
“I know, I’m extremely sorry, I brought snacks?” A nervous smile appears on your face as you hold up both their favorite treats.
“Treats? Do we look like pets that’ll bend over and accept that terrible apology?”
Satoru is halfway on the rock as you feed him to sweet treats, his cheeks becoming chubby as he hums in content. Damn bastard suguru thinks to himself.
You rub and ruffle Satoru’s hair as he preens and purrs at the affection: he’s so damn cute.
“Cmonnn Suguru.. you know you want it.” You emphasize by shaking the food. “I don’t want it.” He deadpans.
“Perhaps you want another treat?” You tug your pants and panties down as they watch entranced and already wanting.
Satoru quickly grabs a hold of your thighs, you place your hand ontop of his “Not yet Toru” he huffs in displeasure which makes you giggle lightly.
“I’ll let Suguru go first k?” Satoru nods but he clearly isn’t pleased he’d even share eating you out with suguru if it means he’ll get to taste you. Suguru begrudgingly swims towards you and pulls you closer towards his mouth, he isn’t showing it but he’s already growing hard.
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jadeleech-official · 3 days
//Mod here
You guys are killing me. I felt so bad seeing all of you mourning (even when you might've been just joking) that I came back.
I make reckless and impulsive decisions without thinking about the consequences whatsoever (which is how I ended up making the rp account to begin with: I simply wanted accurate Jade representation and tbh, seeing the Floyd Rp account all alone, I just had to take the opportunity lmfao).
The reason I impulsively deleted the account could be called "Suffering from success". I'm an idia-level introvert and got very overwhelmed with the attention this account got; including inbox etc etc. It was a lot and I didn't even answer all the asks bc they were just so many.
I didn't even think I'd be here for long, just wanted to test the waters but the people were nice and fun to be around, so I just kinda accepted it.
(Speak about a miracle, y'all mourned so hard that Jade came back to life lmao)
A few notes on the side:
• Don't be weird and become overly sexual. (Sex jokes are fine)
• Any kind of Phobia will not be tolerated.
• I may take some time to reply but it's not because I purposely ignore you.
• If something I say or do offends, insults or distresses someone, please let me know (in a respectful manner)
• I am trying to make Jades text blue and mine white but I might forget sometimes but you can still see the difference on who's talking in the tags: Jades will be normally tagged and if it's purely me talking, you'll see only "🍄 speaks" in the tags.
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 2 days
Weekly Tag Wednesday
thanks for tagging me @lingy910y @jrooc @spookygingerr and @mickeym4ndy and thanks for the super fun questions @energievie
name: gigi
age: 24
location: my bed, hungover from midweek karaoke and finally binge watching bridgerton
what is your dj name? my full legal name, just to mix things up and because other people cant pronounce it for some reason
if you were a genre of music, what would it be? folk/indie. relaxing, eclectic and arcane
what would you title your biography? descend into the particular
what are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? honestly I have no idea, maybe some light thievery
what subject do you wish was taught in every school? its been said over and over again, but personal finances and economics
when was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? i tried salsa dancing recently!
what is the most underrated city you have ever visited? honestly i think most cities are appropriately rated. i was surprised by how much i loved chicago though
what day in your life would you like to relive? I would def relive one of my first days moving to new york, so much excitement ! or maybe a day as a teenager, just hanging out with my friends in the sun with no real responsibilities.
if you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? just any household chores, cleaning/tidying or some days feeding myself, god the dishes. its so Sisyphean
how long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? i dont think i would want to survive tbh
what would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? cigarettes that are good for you aliens
if you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? a river or the ocean, i am uplifted by moving water
@mmmichyyy @heymrspatel @creepkinginc @iansw0rld
@suzy-queued @ian-galagher @romidoes @mickittotheman
@em-harlsnow @mickeysgaymom @softmick @jademickian
@blue-disco-lights @atthedugouts @deathclassic
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misty--nights · 2 days
I had to pause the rewatch to work on my fics for the appreciation week, but now that that's done with, I'm back. And so, onto episode 4, my beloved. This is my absolute favorite episode of the season so I'm ridiculously excited to watch it again.
Niko's rent envelope has cat and flower stickers, and little dollar signs and hearts drawn on it. I love this girl so much
Jenny's nails are painted like metallic purple. I don't know why, but this brings me a lot of joy. I like the idea of her and Niko eventually doing their nails together, since they both keep pretty nails. It would be a bonding activity
I always thought Dagfinn was wearing suspenders, but it looks like he's wearing coveralls over his sweater
Even if there are no bodies to be found, does no one realize the people who jumped into the sea are missing?
Dagfinn says the magic eight ball tells you exactly when you're going to die, but that is not true. Like, yest, it says outlook not so good before Niko dies, but by her reaction after the explosion we know that the ball isn't exact. It predicts that she might not make it out alive from that whole thing, but it isn't exact. Basically what I'm saying is that I don't think that magic eight ball is as special as he makes it sound
Also, Dagfinn specifically says that the ghosts are jumping towards the sound, so does that mean he can hear Angie too? Of the kids, only Crystal hears it, and the others only notice something in the water because they see Angie's light
Honestly, with the way the police acted towards the girls reporting the leaper and the doctor that "treated" Niko after her collapse in episode 2, I'm starting to think there is something more going on with the people of Port Townsend. Dagfinn says the police won't do anything because there are no bodies, but are you seriously telling me that no one noticed the leapers going missing? Is it part of Angie's powers or something? I feel like a conspiracy theorist here, but you can't tell me there's nothing weird with the way the people in this town act about odd occurrences (and I know I'm skipping ahead, but with Brad and Hunter, are you seriously telling me there was no autopsy or anything after they died? The police just found these kids dead after a party, looked at them and said "yep, must have drank too much, no need to investigate further"? I don't know, there's just something weird about the way the town acts sometimes)
After the Cat King put the spell on him, Edwin physically tries to keep the words from coming out You can see him swallow them before he is forced to say them. I'm a sucker for this kind of trope tbh, so I'm living for it
I wish we got to find out more about Asha. Like, she can't just be a regular human right? Her portrait of Lilith is perfect, and she had the way to contact the Washer Woman written in one of her drawings. I know she said she was on drugs when she did those, but there has to be more to her, right?
Crystal's boots have flowers painted on them???? That's so cute! I love her. Do they come like that or do you think she painted them herself? Cause that would be amazing
Love the fact that the characters can ask the Washer Woman all they want, but the moment they ask for a non-riddle answer they are sent back. Like, Crystal gets to say "I don't know what that means" and "I don't understand" after hearing her riddle, but the second she starts asking for a direct answer she is thrown out of that realm thingy. Hilarious. I love the Washer Woman so much and the idea of her pettily sending people away because they won't accept the riddle is so funny to me
Edwin is still holding the red sea glass after they return from the Washer Woman, so theoretically they could have given Tragic Mick that very same sea glass. It might no have worked, but still, point is that they still had it
Jenny has a tattoo of a meat cleaver on her hand. That is the most Jenny thing that I have ever seen. I can't really see what the rest of that tattoo is, though, but regardless. Love her dedication to her brand
Have to love Edwin leaving Crystal to rummage through the garbage with Charles when ghosts wouldn't get dirty like she does. Monty is one hell of a distraction. On that same note, why is Niko the one putting the meat on the music box when either boy could have done it without getting their hands dirty?
Niko just puts on gloves after handling the meat huh? She dusts her hands a little and then puts on gloves, like her hands weren't fully red from the blood a second before
Niko's pants have a white flower embroidered (?) on the side. A little detail, but I always thought her whole outfit was plain color with no added things besides the mushrooms on her hat
The Night Nurse has like a reading light clipped to her book that she uses to dramatically light her face when she's telling Charles that the world sucks and he should move onto his afterlife
Love that after Charles' flashback is done the Night Nurse asks Edwin what trauma he'd like to relieve. What do you think his worse trauma is? His time in hell maybe? Why the fuck would he want to leave the world? I get why she would ask Charles and why she would show him his trauma from his time alive, but Edwin? It would have made no sense for her to try to convince him to go with her by showing him his trauma
I mentioned on the episode 3 details that Edwin doesn't flinch much in the Devlin house, but he's the first to flinch when Charles hits the Night Nurse, and actually gasps and calls Charles' name after the second hit. It must be a terrible shock for him, seeing good, smiley Charles like this, so angry and vicious against someone. Even if Charles calls himself the brawn, this is different, worse. He's probably never seen his friend like that, which only lends more credibility to what Crystal has been telling him. Maybe he doesn't know Charles as well as he's always thought
After Charles falls down crying, the other three share a look in the background, like they're trying to decide who should go comfort him
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
i’m still laughing abt french cinema potentially killing ‘the sex scenes will scar people’ pearl clutchers bc one of my french teachers when i was 16ish showed my class some french movies that were in no way like, centered around anything sexual But they definitely had far more racy shit in them than your average classroom movie would and just casually did not warn anybody about it, and suddenly there was a cut scene with no warning of two characters just fucking vigorously and everybody was silent for a second before we cracked up. Teacher did not give a shit. Apparently nobody sold her out, either. 
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iarrelm · 4 months
An early morning conversation about tea got a little out of hand
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Popped a water egg for yesterday and the colours are what the kids these days call "bad" but I've been lowkey meaning to get a dragon to slap this absolutely gorgeous skin onto for Ages and overall this look fucks, actually
Its name is Omen and idk how much it's an existing dragon as much as just a representation of the grim things water flight's future could hold. It is the dragon-shaped representation of what water oracles see in their nightmares
Skin is "Surface Camouflage" by Drytil
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raiiny-bay · 1 month
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milkweedman · 10 months
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bugs are so cool because most wild animals arent really chill with a human staring at them close up and moving around/doing things, but a lot of bugs will just watch you back. or wiggle around. we love to see it
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lace4forest · 20 days
Happy Birthday to the Blood God!
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sea-jello · 8 months
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Day 27/October 27: Swim || Hide || "I'll just stay inside."
oh my GOD i started and finished this in a day almost NONSTOP i told myself oh it’ll just be a sketch or doodle or something you probably won’t have the time or motivation to do it really detailed and I GOT CARRIED AWAY AND WHAM 5 HOURS GONE
flat plus closeups
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i pray cropping the pictures doesn’t crunch them
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inkykeiji · 7 months
pours a lil mountain of cocaine onto my tongue then uses my tongue to rub it into dabi’s gums slow and hard and thorough <33 grinding the substance into his tissues and teeth until it’s entirely absorbed, consumed, seeping into the tangle of tiny capillaries and shooting through his blood, leaving his face tingling with little pinpricks of sweat and his pupils gaping with rapid exhilaration, veins cracking with white electricity <3
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casketvamps · 10 months
i'm like 99% sure this is a bit from 6teen, but what i wouldn't give for an episode of metalocalypse where skwisgaar is devastated to learn that he sucks complete shit at guitar hero. just absolutely heartbroken and pissed off. it's the end of the world because mr. fast fingers wizard can't hit orange button
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okay so I’m thinking yknow like vampires. Vampires are undead so if they die then I don’t think they could leave a ghost. But werewolves? Werewolves are just people who got cursed furry style. They still have souls. If a werewolf died I think they could totally play by the usual ghost rules of violent deaths and unfinished business etc. so then I’m wondering, if a werewolf dies and leaves a ghost, is that ghost still a werewolf, or did dying break the curse? Cause like. Imagine. Youre a ghost but you still turn into a wolf every full moon. And your wolf sona is just out there acting an undead fool once a month. So anyway let me set the scene. Old house, next to some woods. The locals say some old loner died out there in mysterious circumstances. A couple moves in, they’re so optimistic. It’s so scenic. What a lovely private piece of land. Only… ah. It’s got a bit of a wolf problem. Oh well it’s the woods they expected some wildlife to come with that. But then,, hmm. The house might be haunted too? Yikes. Now this couple will soon discover that on the bright side, these two big issues are actually only one big issue. Unfortunately that one issue is a werewolf ghost.
#werewolves#ghost#and like I must emphasise that this is a comedy story#the couple are the working class pragmatic sort. not spiritual or superstitious in the least#they try out all the normal methods of dealing with pests and wolves and old creepy houses first#a local animal expert ranger guy gets called in because the couple is like we have a wolf problem please help and the ranger dude is like#welp you live where the wolves live so that’s on you tbh. but this is weird wolf behaviour so I’ll check it out#and then he comes up and he’s like I think the wolves around here on drugs actually#when the couples exausted their reasonable ideas they’re like :/ welp. time to call an exorcist#guess it’s time to call an exorcist#the ranger sticks around even after it turns out to not be real wolves cause he’s professionally interested in the fact it’s a werewolf#the nearest exorcist is like a day away so there’s various cuts to this priest or whatever driving to the middle of rural now where#and he’s keeps getting into mishaps along the road#like his car breaks down#he hits a deer and then holds a mini funeral and service for the deer#mayeb the deer turns into a ghost and follows him on his way to the werewolf ghost#thatd be something right#when he gets there he’s sprinkling the holy water and doing the chants#and it’s not working but they can tell something is up#they try to use a ouija board but it just keeps saying Awoooo#so then the couple and the exorcise call in one of those people who hold seances#and the werewolf is just like my fucking guy you don’t think I’ve been through this before?#i had people trying to exorcise me while I was alive man!#please picture the werewolf man saying that with a heavy New Yorker accent#oh but it’s important to note that this is not taking place in the US#I am picturing this being set in Italy. in like the Alps or something#I think it being set in Italy gives a certain catholic pizzazz to the ghost aspect#the alps have wolves I looked it up to double check#it wouldn’t have mattered to me if there weren’t wolves that would have just added to the comedy#but there are apparently 900 wolves in the Alps
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foxilayde · 1 year
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Well well well, what do we have here?
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He’s an Aēsop girlie!?
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The reverence hand balm. You bougie boy.
Notes: Bergamot, Vetiver, Petitgrain.
And oh what’s this?
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Only a psychopath would know what this shadowed Half-turned tube is on first glance…
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Virtue hair styling cream.
Notes: Sweet orange, cypress.
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argo-bolo · 8 months
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I was drawing myself as avatars of my top 3 fear enties and I asked @mayonezroulette what his were so I could his as well since we're kinda brainrotted together.
Me: Mainly Lonely (pretty much Martin flavored) and Eye (burdened with knowledge) with a dash of Vast (especially night sky / space flavored) I will go in depth in explaining my alignments of each if you will indulge me
Him: Flesh, Spiral, and Stranger. I feel like it's pretty equal for him, but I'm not the one to explain his choices. I did make his designs because I mused already about us being lonely and flesh avatars
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