#i think this is my favorite version of this tiara
magua-vida · 5 months
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I was inspired by Abby's sketch of a hypothetical Queen version of the Princess, so I tried my hand at it with a few vessels, including this one. I... ended up drawing something akin to a fashion design concept art rather than a practical design that won't be tiring to draw over and over after a handful of sprites later. I also had to use a bit more artistic license growing unnatural poppies on the dress and the thick twirly prickly noodles.
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some explanations behind the process
For the "mended" Thorn, I pretty much just removed the foreground thorns and added the dirt.
rambling/fangirling/screenshots below:
The Thorn is one of my favorites. If I had to choose only five vessels to offer to Shifty and there's no replayable feature, she'll definitely be one of them. I'm one of those suckers who's into Hurt/Comfort stories. Almost like a masochist for those fics, you could say. If the climax to an Action-heavy story is the defeat of one party, then the catharsis of Hurt/Comfort is when the two characters... well, comfort each other- either due to hurt from each other or someone else. In The Thorn's case, she started off rather innocently, Damsel-like, but not quite. She still had caution. It was until she was literally stabbed in the back that she learned that it was a mistake. And when Long Quiet offered sincere regret and admission of fault, she stabbed him... but she didn't feel the relief she thought she'd get from it. I think many relate to having been betrayed and/or betraying someone they trusted, and the scratches are felt by many players.
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The thorns curve inward, as if it's more painful to leave her than it is to approach her.
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Poppies grow around along the bramble. Many mistook them for roses because they're red and there are brambles (tbh, I actually dunno if they're brambles or briars, I looked them up and I got confused, forgive me, plant enthusiasts ;.;) that grow around the patches of those poppies. Death and romance~
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This brings back to Chapter 1 where Hero was kinda-sorta-maybe-definitely crushing on the Princess and wants to give her the benefit of the doubt, not only because of feelings, but for a reasonable cause of wanting to rescue someone who possibly may actually be a victim of circumstance.
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Look, I have reasons why Thorn route is one of my favorites and it definitely doesn't have anything to do with both characters having massive trust issues and the capability to change themselves for better or worse and the emotional moments hitting me like a lovely diamond-dusted dagger. Both of them are rather cat-like with pointy ears too.
I appreciate that you're still given the options to leave or stab Thorn, as if the situation isn't pitiable enough. Even her tiara looks like a crown of thorns. It's as if she views the thorns as both a form of penance and a defence mechanism to protect herself from being hurt again, even though she's hurt by her own making this time.
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I chose for the Long Quiet to save her and leave the cabin together.
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This part stabbed me the most. Even when shown genuine help, she shrinks back.
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This part burns a bit of the jadedness away. Trust is a scary thing, so is love. How can you be so sure that you won't be hurt by the one you love again? But just like what The Prisoner says, it's about trust- blind trust. Thorn looks more human than her previous self- less animalistic, softer. A part of The Damsel returns, even in the music.
I recall weighing on whether I prefer the version with the Voice of the Cheated or Voice of the Smitten. I vaguely remember wondering if there was an option to ask her if it's okay to kiss her. I guess the ideal would be is to have that choice, but I suppose the climactic moment calls for it and she doesn't mind it, at least. It's like the option to hug Astarion from BG3, but you're not sure whether he'd be comfy with it after being hurt so much. He gave approval for it too~
As much as Thorn is one of my favorites, I'm not attracted to her and any of the vessels. Instead, I ship her with the Long Quiet- the character himself. I don't really see myself AS the Long Quiet, more like choosing what actions on what he does and I separate myself from him a lot for many reasons. It's a bit like the Harry situation from Disco Elysium in terms of seemingly blank-slate protagonists.
Instead, I kinda put myself into her situation to feel how she felt in this route. The poppies not only felt symbolic of her nature as part of the Shifting Mound, but also specifically the end of the mutual treachery you've inflicted on each other, potentially beginning anew on a path of healing.
==============ramble-bramble over===================
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
My friend gave me this paper crowns and I was like “man don’t I look good in a crown.”Knows wondering how the brothers react and dateables
Hey there!
Okay so I went with the idea that MC made the crowns for the characters and then gifted it to them. So this is their reactions!
Thank you for the request!
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GN!MC gives paper crowns to the characters
Warnings: None!
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What is this, MC? You made him a crown? If you give it to him randomly, he's not likely to wear it. Instead, he's going to put it somewhere on his desk where he can see it all the time. Makes some comments about the craftsmanship of it.
If you make one specially for a specific event, he will wear it for a little bit just to make you happy. Doesn't wear it for long, though. He isn't really prone to such frivolity and, honestly, he would rather see one on you.
Probably not too interested in the concept of a crown in general, either. He doesn't consider himself royalty - Lucifer doesn't need something like that to indicate his power and status. Everyone already knows.
He'll keep the crown you make for him. Fascinated by the method with which you created it. Might ask you questions about your technique.
Thrilled. You're giving him something you made? Something for him to wear? Does that whole tsundere thing where he acts like he's only doing it to make you happy, but really he's just as happy about it. Wears it immediately and probably for the rest of the day, too.
Make one that matches for yourself and watch him struggle to keep up the act. He really thinks it's pretty cute. Of course ya wanna match with the Great Mammon, MC! No surprise there!
Be careful, though, because you probably put an idea into his head about crowns in general. Mammon wouldn't be likely to actually wear a real one or anything, but aren't crowns usually made of gold and diamonds? Visions of himself swimming in Grimm are flashing through his mind. Starts wondering if Diavolo has a crown somewhere.
Distract him quickly so he doesn't start actually looking for a crown to steal.
What? You made a crown for him? He's so happy about it, he can't think straight. Showers you with praise about how talented you are.
He'll wear it for a little while, mostly because he sees how happy it makes you, but eventually he preserves it in his room. Displays it prominently among his favorite anime figures.
Levi gets all kinds of cosplay ideas. He has so many ideas for you, MC! Won't you help him make some epic cosplay outfits? Together you end up making some crowns out of regular materials that actually look real.
He also prefers to see you in a crown than himself. Asks you to model all the different versions of cosplay crowns and takes a million pictures.
Surprisingly happy to wear the paper crown you made. Doesn't complain at all or say anything about it. Just accepts it and places it on his head, asking you how he looks.
Asks you questions about how you made it, where you got your materials, etc. He's really impressed, MC. You always surprise him with the things you come up with.
Prepare yourself. Because now he's going to tell you about all the crowns of history. Talks at length about the symbolism of crowns and royalty. It's actually pretty fascinating.
Satan wants you to make smaller ones for the stray cats that live in the garden. He knows they won't wear them for long, but at least he can get some really adorable pictures.
MC, you're so sweet! He's so happy to wear the crown you made! It looks fabulous on him, too. Settles it into his hair, arranging it just right. Will actually change his outfit to match it if he needs to.
Asmo already has several actual crowns/tiaras that he uses as accessories. Now he wants to do your hair so he can put one of them on you. You'll look stunning and then both of you will have crowns!
Keeps the crown you made in his collection and actually wears it again sometimes.
Makes you a crown in return. Might make one out of paper like you did, but really he could make you one out of anything. Makes sure they match.
Takes it very carefully and wears it all day. You made it and that alone is enough for him to cherish it.
He doesn't have very strong opinions on crowns in general, but he does like this one. He's another one who thinks it would look better on you than him. Might make you wear it just so he can take a picture of you.
It actually looks kind of tasty… but don't worry, MC, he won't eat it. Though now he's thinking about a crown made of food. What would that even look like? It'd probably be made of donuts. For some reason, that sounds right.
Only make Beel a crown made of food if you don't have any expectations for him to actually wear it.
Whatever you want, MC. He'll wear the crown you made if it makes you happy. He's actually pretty touched that you made it for him at all.
Acts like he doesn't care, but he's secretly into it. Sits up a little straighter rather than his usual sleepy slouch.
Did you know there are a couple of constellations in the human world that are crowns? Belphie learned about them a long time ago, when he used to go to the human world a lot. Will show you any such similar constellations in the Devildom sky.
Stars are a common decoration for crowns, too. If the crown you made has any on it, he'll know you did that on purpose just for him. Won't say anything, but it means a lot to him.
You're giving him a crown you made? He's delighted. Humans are so cute! How fascinating! Do a lot of humans wear crowns? Uses this as an excuse to ask you about human customs. He loves it. Thank you so much, MC!
He will wear it as long as he can. Can't really wear it to important meetings and such, but when he's working alone, he will. Keeps it on his desk forever after that.
He's the only one who might actually wear a crown in real life for a real reason. He's a prince, after all. But he doesn't really need to wear one and he knows it. He's Diavolo. Everyone in the Devildom recognizes him on sight.
Considering how much gold decorates his horns and wings in his demon form, he's basically got a built in crown anyway.
Accepts your gift graciously as always and surprises you by actually wearing it. He's going to comment on how you made it, too. He recognizes whatever technique you used.
Surprises you further by making you one himself. It turns out that Barbatos is really good at making flower crowns. Spends an afternoon in the castle gardens with you, crafting a stunning crown out of various Devildom flora. Teaches you how to do it, too.
Although he wears your paper crown the whole time, he's clearly smitten with the way you look wearing the flower crown he made. He can't keep his eyes off of you.
Saves the crown you made him, keeping it safe in his room. Turns out the flower crowns make pretty good wreaths, too, so you can use yours to decorate your own room. When the flowers inevitably fade, he'll make you a new one without you even needing to ask.
Flustered by your gift. Hesitant to wear it at first, but he's easily convinced. Can't believe you went to such trouble for him. You really shouldn't have, MC.
Makes you crown shaped pancakes in return. They're delicious because of course they are.
Although he's a little embarrassed, he's also quite pleased with your gift. He keeps it in his room and puts it on from time to time to look at himself in the mirror. It reminds him of your kindness.
Will wear it when he's having writer's block issues with his novels. Something about it gives him that needed boost of confidence to get him back on track.
Accepts the gift with a smile and wears it all day. If you made it with magic, he'll ask you how you did it. If you didn't, he'll show you how you could have done it.
There's a possibility that Solomon wore a crown all the time back in his past. He won't mention it and if you ask, he'll dodge the question. Was he once a king of an ancient land? Maybe. Maybe not. We'll probably never know.
In the present, though, he's more than happy to wear one that you made, MC.
Won't wear it out and about, but will save it. Preserves it in some kind of magical container and keeps it on display where he can see it while he's doing magical experiments.
Fascinated. Wants you to teach him how to make them, too. So happy to wear the one you made, even takes off his hat so he can wear your crown instead.
You know, MC. He thinks that a crown like this could look really neat as a cake accessory! Asks you to make another one, then bakes a cake just so he can use it as a topper.
Gets more crown related baking ideas. Makes crown shaped cookies. Learns about edible gold so he can make edible crowns with actual gold on them. You've got crown themed pastries for months now.
Keeps the first crown you made him and wears it sometimes because it makes him feel happy. Gives him a little boost in confidence if he's feeling nervous about something.
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mothpawbs · 1 year
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more royal dragons, this time the ones from arc 2/3! these were really fun, and the previous designs helped me get comfortable with more detailed jewelry designs, so these are a bit more extravagant.
design notes under the cut!
RUBY: i didn't realize how young she really is when i read escaping peril the first time, i thought she was in her mid-twenties at least but apparently she's only 12/17? wild. anyways i made her ruby red with some orange accents to point to tourmaline. her tiara is meant to look like laurels, studded with rubies, and the gems on her brows and wings are citrine.
GLORY: i already had a design for her, i just touched it up a bit here. she's very pretty, but her scales are notably duller than my other rainwing designs. she has pouches she wears around her neck because she likes to be prepared and is trying to connect more to her culture. at least one of those pockets has snacks for silver. the flower on her ear is a plumeria india, one of my favorite flowers.
THORN: easily my favorite design in the set, oh my god i love how she came out. she has the same colors as my sunny design but desaturated, and almost the same markings. her jewelry is mostly gold with onyx and lapis lazuli insets. the design for the eye of onyx is inspired by @dragonsndoodles's design, which looks absolutely gorgeous and way more elegant than the graphic novel version.
SNOWFALL: i think i made her too round and soft-looking? idk i think she's cute though. i definitely had to get those pale sunset colors in there, and she has similar colors/markings to glacier. the tiara is one she found in the treasury after the racism crown™ was destroyed, and the shawl was a gift from luna as a thanks for helping her tribe. silk doesn't help much against the cold, but it sure is pretty.
WASP: SCARY BITCH. i had to mess with her colors a lot, i wanted to make her kinda greenish with red accents but it just was NOT working. i do like where i ended up though. i don't know that she would wear much jewelry, probably more armor than anything else, but i wanted to do hivewing jewelry so here we are. the neck piece was really fun to design. these are steel and gold with amber and peridot accents, and the cape is silk with gold embroidery. i have this headcanon of her having breath of evil growing out of her like a cordyceps fungus, and she uses the cape to cover the tendrils on her back.
SEQUOIA: ooo she was a challenge, i'm not great at designs with a lot of green or a lot of dark colors so she was fun. her colors are inspired by @daily-wof-designs, and the brown tones were pulled from pictures of giant sequoias. she wears braided leather straps hung with aquamarine, and the scarf might be silk? or some kind of natural fiber? i'm not sure. but it has leaf designs and is probably batik dyed (which is super cool btw look it up)
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annymation · 7 months
Fun facts about “Kingdom of Wishes” characters
I’m bored, so have some random facts about the characters from my wish rewrite!
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Random picture just cause I like to have eye catching pics as “thumbnails” for my blogs and also I can totally see my version of Asha making this pose.
Anyway, if you haven’t read my Kingdom of Wishes- A Wish Rewrite then this post might not make much sense, feel free to read it anyway though, there’s no spoilers.
On to the fun facts!
Asha sometimes sits hunched over when she's drawing. Her friends constantly have to remind her to keep her back straight otherwise she'll get a bad posture.
After Simon gave away his wish and became… Well, sleepy, she had to become the voice of reason in their group, the big sister in a way, since she was now the eldest. She wasn’t that good at leading before though so she left most of it to Dahlia.
Asha's favorite color is purple, obviously, and she dresses in purple for her birthday, however, her second favorite color that she also wears often is orange.
She's not very good interacting with kids, believe it or not, of course she likes kids, but she has a hard time knowing how to play with them.
Asha did meet the king in person ONCE before her 18th birthday… I’ll leave it at that.
Aster 💫
Aster is canonically the star Lacaille 8760
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Picked this one because it looks like he’s boxed up in the middle of other brighter stars that make up the Microscope constellation, and yeah there is a microscope constellation and it’s straight up just a square. He’s one of the nearest stars to the Sun, at about 12.9 light-years' distance, however his light is so faint it’s almost impossible to see with the naked eye.
2. Aster’s eyes can see what people desire, more clearly if he holds the person’s hand, like an empath, but even without touching the person he can see what they want, but only if he focus, and the way he sees it is like words surrounding the person.
3. I said this once in a ask but I’ll say it again, I see Aster and Rapunzel’s powers as connected, not that all Disney movies are connected with KOW, but Tangled at least is pretty close. So, Rapunzel got her powers from a sun drop, right? Well, the sun is a star, we can assume she has star powers. My point is that if Aster was to sing the Rapunzel’s healing song they’d glow and heal any injured person around, and make the elderly younger, Magnifico sure didn’t know that though because if he did he’d just do what Gothel did and lock Aster up.
4. Aster could hear Asha reading stories with Sabino every night, and that’s one of the many ways they became interested in human culture.
5. Aster often annoyed some stars by complaining that their constellations didn’t look like what humans called them as, like the Cetus constellation doesn’t look like a sea monster, or the Leo constellation didn’t look like a lion, even though the stars had no control over how humans saw them as and they couldn’t change their positions in the sky.
Magnifico 🫧
Magnifico could look younger if he drank his wife's rejuvenating potions, but they taste horrible and every time she drinks them (Twice a year) she screams in agony like her insides are burning, only to then turn to him with a smile and ask "Want some, my love?" and he just replies with "... Thanks dear, but I think I'll stick with my skincare routine."
Most of his "passionate king" persona he got from copying his brother's mannerisms, after all, his father always said he should be more like his little brother.
He kinda hates that little hair strand coming out on his forehead, but no matter how much hair gel he applies on it, the hair strand always comes back... Also his brother had an identical one.
Kings and queens in Rosas usually don't wear crowns, as the culture is for them to feel close to the people, not above them. However, Magnifico gifted Amaya with a tiara, that has a red garnet on her forehead, red garnets are associated with love, passion, and desire, but it has also been known to represent other things such as courage, strength, and protection. Basically he gave her a lucky charm. He also gave her the sash with the drawing of a moon she wears on her waist, it used to be his when he was a prince.
I can’t for the life of me decide which one of these Magnifico would wear to sleep:
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I can see him wearing either of them. Same for Amaya.
Amaya 👑
1.Amaya pretty much had to teach Magnifico how to be a likable figure. I implied it a little bit in the story with Magnifico saying stuff like “Well, I did have the best teacher” to Amaya after he made a little acting scene on chapter “When Blue Turns Green”. Point is, before meeting her Magnus was pretty much an antisocial, reclusive prince that avoided even being seen in public. For him to become the larger than life, enthusiastic king we know in the story he and Amaya had to practice his social skills a lot, think of it like Belle teaching the Beast proper manners, Amaya changed him… But for the worst.
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2.Like I explained on her backstory, Amaya is from Greece, and she committed some very serious crimes over there. So every time Rosas receives visitors from Greece Amaya puts on the hood of her cloak over her head during the wish ceremonies. It’s kinda funny, any other wish ceremony she looks normal, but whenever Greek people are around she goes:
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3.I imagine some fun shenanigans must have happened over the years with Amaya’s potions going wrong, like she tests it on a rat and it turns into a giant rat running around the castle, or she mislabels the potions and drinks one that turns her into a worm 🐛 so Magnifico gotta prove he’d love her even if she was a worn and turn her back to normal.
4.Amaya is kinda like the moon in this story, because the moon doesn’t shine every night, in some phases the moon is barely visible, just like how Amaya is most of the time more in the background while Magnifico shines like the sun, but, when it IS her time to shine, just like a full moon, she outshines Magnifico himself.
5.She likes to feel comfy, she often walks around the castle with no shoes on most of the time but no one can tell because of her long dress.
Aaaand that’s all I got, hope you guys like this additional content, might inspire some fun asks hehe 😜
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musicalmoritz · 4 days
Hey uh ,,, do you have any songs that reminds you of tbhk? Like specific characters or relationships ?? (Also I plan on updating my mitsukou playlist I have for coping reasons so some recommendations on that would be nice) ( little cat ^. . ^ / )
OKAY so a little bit embarrassing but the way I listen to music 99% of the time is by imagining my hyperfixations with whatever I’m listening to so I am the perfect person to ask this question. Fair warning tho my music taste does dabble in basic territory. This is gonna be looooooong so fasten your seatbelts
• Using You by Mars Ago is such an AoiAoi song to me. There’s always one specific ship in a fandom that fits this song perfectly and for TBHK that is 100% AoiAoi
• Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana gives me HakuSumi and Sakuhiko vibes. I lean more towards HakuSumi tho bcuz…well…those of you who know the meaning of this song will get it LOL
• Soooooo many Beetlejuice musical songs remind me of TBHK. I started to make like a whole playlist that told the plot of TBHK through musical theatre songs but I gave up after the Mitsuba arc and it never made it to Spotify. Maybe someday…
• Say My Name from Beetlejuice is obviously very HanaNene coded. And The Whole “Being Dead” Thing is giving Hanako coded. Dead Mom is very Kouded
• I Know It’s Today from the Shrek musical always makes me think of Nene
• Drift Away from Steven Universe…very Yako. Her waiting for Misaki every day before learning he died…oof
• Dear Theodosia from Hamilton Remind’s me of the Minamoto Siblings. With Teru as Burr singing abt Kou and then Kou as Hamilton singing abt Tiara
• Beautiful Boy by John Lennon reminds me of Teru and Kou
• On a similar note, I Wanna Hold Your Hand by The Beatles is soooooooo NeneMei coded. Yes I’m talking abt that scene where Nene asked Mei to hold her hand to trick her in an escape attempt. I think about it often
• Townie by Mitski makes me think of Teru. “I am not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be” yeah…
• Ever since I heard HISS by Megan Thee Stallion it has made me think of Teru. I feel like he would be her biggest fan
• Mine by Taylor Swift works so well for any Aoi ship but specifically Aoinene or AoiAoi. “You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter” I mean c’mon her fears surrounding love all stem from her father abandoning her so yeah
• Okay you specifically asked for Mitsukou so I should probably talk abt them
• To me they are so Lana Del Rey core…Video Games…Ultraviolence…the Diet Mountain Dew demo…Summertime Sadness…Yes I know I’m making her most popular songs, hush
• Line Without A Hook by Ricky Montgomery. It’s extra gut-wrenching when it’s from Mitsuba’s pov imo but it works both ways
• Waving Through A Window from Dear Evan Hansen is so Sousuke core
• All of Taylor Swift’s Red album reminds me of them but specifically All Too Well (both versions), Red, Sad Beautiful Tragic, Stay Stay Stay, Begin Again, Better Man, Come Back…Be Here, The Very First Night, and…yeah basically all of Red (Taylor’s Version)
• Northern Downpour by Panic! At the Disco also makes me think of them, this is embarrassingly my favorite song of all time I can’t lie
• Lacy by Olivia Rodrigo is so Aoinene core, yes I have written a fic abt them with that title (a lot of these come from my fic titles ngl)
• Tainted Love by Soft Cell gives me strong Terukane vibes from Akane’s pov
• I Wanna Dance With Somebody and So Emotional by Whitney Houston both remind me of Aoinene as well, basically all of her album Whitney does ngl
• Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks makes me think of Natsuhiko
• Bernadette by IAMX reminds me of Sakuhiko
• She Liked A Boy by Nxdia is very Aoinene coded
• Stupid With Love from the Mean Girls musical makes me think of MeiAoi, specifically the version with No.4 Mei
• Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera is canonically Hanako coded like c’mon we have a whole au for this
• In addition, Think Of Mei is very Nene coded, All I Ask Of You is Mitsukouded, Notes is v Terukane coded, and the title song is so HanaNene
• Valley Of The Dolls by Marina is lowkey Aoi core with the whole “pick a personality” line and the concept of losing your identity as a woman due to the boxes society puts us in
• Gemini Moon by Reneé Rapp reminds me of Kou or Akane (mainly bcuz of the “I could never pick a side” line…bi kings)
• Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra makes me think of HanaNene (any old music does tbh, I have a whole playlist for it)
• Me and My Husband by Mitski is, like, THE Hakusumi song
• There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out by The Smiths is so Mitsukou like “to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die” ?? C’mon
• Violently shaking trying not to name every Fall Out Boy song in existence
• The Pros and Cons of Breathing is SO Aoinene guys (“wish that I was as invisible as you make me feel”)
• Hum Hallelujah could theoretically be Kou
• HOT TO GO! by Chappell Roan is the vibe I have assigned to Minami and Himari
• Stacy’s Mom for Mitsuba’s mother. No elaboration needed.
• You’re On Your Own, Kid by Taylor Swift makes me think of Teru :(
• Lithium by Nirvana reminds me of Akane but also every Nirvana song ever reminds me of Akane, I have assigned Akane to Nirvana
• Whitney Houston’s iconic cover of I Will Always Love You for HanaNene…yes indeed
• Taste by Sabrina Carpenter with Terukaneaoi (Teru sings it to Akane so instead it’s “you’ll just have to taste me while SHE’S kissing you”)
• I have assigned Olivia Rodrigo’s Guts album to HanaNene and Sour to Mitsukou
• Bcuz c’mon, Deja Vu is such a Mitsukou/Soukou song
• Maneater by Daryl Hall & John Oates is Ghost Hotel au Kou and then Maneater by Nelly Furtado is main universe Mitsuba (get it? bcuz cannibalism but also they’re gay-)
• I like the concept of a “maneater” being a gay man and a “womanizer” being a lesbian. Therefore Womanizer by Britney Spears is Mei’s song
• Oops! I Did It Again by Britney Spears is Aoi with AoiAoi
• Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter is Aoimei with OG Mei, Bad Chem is HakuSumi, and Please Please Please is Sakuhiko
• Holding Out For A Hero by Bonnie Tyler is a Natsuteru song I have dubbed it that way
• Landslide by Stevie Nicks is so Aoinene it hurts… “well I’ve been afraid of changing ‘cuz I built my life around you”
• Every Breath You Take by The Police reminds me of Mitsukou from Kou’s pov…my boy can get a little obsessive
• Obsessed by Olivia Rodrigo is THE Sakunene song, especially since Nene thought Sakura was Hanako’s girlfriend when they first met
• Honorable Mention by Fall Out Boy is lowkey Mitsuba like hear me out…or maybe more-so Sousuke
• Their song Pretty In Punk reminds me of both Mitsukou and Hanamitsu
• Two Player Game from Be More Chill is HanaKou and then A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into is Mitsukou
• Part Of Your World from The Little Mermaid makes me think of Nene and then Poor Unfortunate Souls is Sakura (or Tsukasa). Kiss The Girl is HanaNene or Aoinene
• Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer is Terunene, I’m sorry Ik a lot of ppl hate it but I adore them
• On that note of overhated ships I love, Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield reminds me of TeruAoi
• Ooooh and Uptown Girl by Billy Joel is a MeiAoi song
• My Girlfriend Is A Witch by October Country is so Aoimei and Sakuhiko core
• I Fall In Love Too Easily by Chet Baker makes me think of Nene
• I could make a whole separate post abt TBHK and Taylor Swift songs so I’m trying not to yap abt her too much but When Emma Falls In Love also reminds me of Nene. And The Archer is Hanako. And Mirrorball is Akane. And The Lucky One is Aoi. And-
• The Masochism Tango by Tom Lehrer is so Mitsukou but specifically the way I write them, you guys have to see the vision (Natsuteru as well)
• Miss You Much by Janet Jackson is lowkey AoiAoi core, ngl I just wanted an excuse to bring up Janet Jackson
• And Escapade by Janet Jackson is Aoinene so real so true
• I have seen ppl attribute Picture You by Chappell Roan to Meinene and I agree. I will add that Casual is Sakuhiko core from Natsuhiko’s pov
• Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide by David Bowie reminds me of Terukane, both as individual characters and as a ship
• I Know You by Faye Webster is like THE AoiAoi/Terukaneaoi song to me
• Paper Bag by Fiona Apple is Mitsuba to me, trust I will be writing a fic that uses a line from this song as the title (unless it’s already been done before…it’s a very popular song so like that’s possible…)
• Lonely Hearts Club by Marina makes me think of TeruAoi
• Animal Cannibal from Possibly in Michigan fits both Sumire and Mitsuba imo
• No Surprises by Radiohead makes me think of both Teru and Kou
• Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want by The Smiths also makes me think of Kou
• Our Last Summer by ABBA reminds me of the Severance arc in a very bittersweet way, specifically the ending
• Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac fits like so many ships. Hakusumi, Mitsukou, HanaNene…
• Killing Me Softly With His Song by Fugees and Ms. Lauryn Hill makes me think of Sumire/Hakusumi
• I Put A Spell On You by Nina Simone is very Sakura core to me
• Heart Of Glass by Blondie with Mitsuba hear me out hear me out
• Smooth Criminal by Micheal Jackson with Aoi and the amount of times she’s almost died lol
• The Boys Of Summer by Don Henley with Hanako and Kou, or Kou/Yokoo/Satou
• Moon River with HanaNene. Now cry.
• Romeo And Juliet by the Indigo Girls with Aoimei
• Psycho Killer by the Talking Heads with Tsukasa
• And circling back to the musical songs. A Lovely Night from La La Land with MeiAoi
• Fight For Me from Heathers with Mitsukou. Candy Store with Terukaneaoi. Seventeen with HanaNene. Meant To Be Yours with any ship tbh these guys are all insane. Lifeboat with Aoi. Much to think about
• Stars from Les Misérables with Teru. Let me repeat. STARS FROM LES MISÉRABLES WITH TERU. He is so Javert coded Javert my babygirl from my favorite piece of media of all time that literally shaped who I am as a person
• Right Where You Left Me by Taylor Swift with Sumire
• Also all of the Sweeney Todd musical gives me TBHK vibes with all the cannibalism, I could make a whole au
• Camisado by Panic! At the Disco with Teru
• No Good Deed from Wicked with Hakubo snapping after Sumire’s death…Hakubo my beloved
• Popular from Wicked with Aoinene, What Is This Feeling? with Terukane
• The Confrontation from Jekyll & Hyde with the Yugi twins
• Don’t Rain On My Parade from Funny Girl with Nene
• Suddenly Seymour from Little Shop Of Horrors with Aoinene, AoiAoi, Mitsukou, or HanaNene
• I like to imagine Unlikely Lovers from Falsettos with Aoinene and Terukane
• Two Wuv by Tally Hall with Teruaoinene
• American Beauty/American Psycho by Fall Out Boy with AoiAoi
Okay I’m cutting myself off because the music + hyperfixation brainrot will never end. I hope this was somewhat enjoyable to ya’ll lol ty for giving me the chance to yap abt this
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the-empress-7 · 2 months
About Meghan being a lesser, clumsier version of Camilla: I think Charles would have been flattered (I'm not talking seduction, just "help me King Charles, you're my only hope" brainwashing) by Meghan into giving her everything her greedy mercenary heart wanted if Camilla hadn't been there. Meghan absolutely was the favorite daughter in law, who gave Charles every opportunity to appear heroic, tasteful, and progressive. Catherine makes Charles look like an incompetent snob, while making William look even more brilliant.
Thank goodness Camilla was there to promote her own grift, and that she's a better player. She deserves to wear the Burmese tiara for that.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
What are your favorite royal wedding looks and flowers
I answered a lot of these in the other ask so I'm going to use yours to do a deeper dive into most of the Millennial royal weddings. You want opinions, you're getting opinions today!
Quick aside: I mainly follow only the British royals. I pay some attention to the other European royal families and a little bit of attention to the Jordanian Royal Family. So that’s what this commentary will focus on. Because I don’t follow the Middle Eastern, Asian, or African royals (and subsequently don’t know much about them), I don't feel it's appropriate for me to give commentary on their wedding looks/styles when I don't know who they are. Obviously, as you'll see, my favorites are the BRF so the commentary does skew heavily towards them.
Adding this halfway through: This is a really text-heavy post so I'm going to break up the rambling with my favorite photo from each wedding.
Crown Princess Victoria, June 2010
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The Cameo Tiara is my favorite. It paired very nicely with the heirloom veil. Loved that she went for off-the-shoulder short sleeves. Not really a fan of how the train attached at her waist (vs being all one dress), but it really worked for her.
Kate, April 2011
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I loved how timeless her whole look was. If you take everything out of the picture and just look at her and the dress, it's magnificent. It works in black and white 1950s vintage. It works in the modern fashion era. It works for her as the individual girl she was at that time. It works for the future she's growing into.
Not a fan of the hairstyle and the tiara. It was a complete miss for me. She should've gone full updo or full Chelsea blowout instead of the halfway compromise. The tiara, meh. Didn't really add anything to me. After seeing the floral headpiece she commissioned for the coronation, I would have loved to see what she'd have done for the wedding since a floral headpiece is what she originally wanted to wear. I also thought her hair was a smidge too dark, but maybe that's the contrast with all of the ivory around her. I much prefer the golden/bronzey highlights she has now and I think it would've helped the contrast better.
Thought the flower girl dresses were a tad too long and that her bouquet was out of place. It needed to be more substantial for such a formal occasion. Either more flowers/bigger shape or bigger blooms.
Something about Hugo Burnand's work always throws me off. I think it's the scale and the perspective he uses; the subjects are too far away from the camera that their backgrounds seem to swallow them up. Didn't like most of their wedding portraits because of that. They kinda ended up looking like cardboard cutout versions of themselves.
Overall, a perfect day. It was nostalgic without being maudlin. Modern without being trendy. Celebratory without being excessive. Traditional without being stodgy.
Charlene, July 2011
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I like her dress. Reminds me a lot of Crown Princess Victoria's, but with a lovely embroidery detailing.
I don't really have a lot to say about the Monaco wedding. It looked like a lovely occasion. The dress is fine. The veil is fine. The photos are fine, but Charlene looks like she'd rather be anywhere but there marrying Albert (and the rumors that have come out since about the wedding makes me side-eye a whole lot).
Stephanie, October 2012
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Very pretty dress, very pretty veil, very pretty look. Not really very memorable for me. A lot of the gorgeous detailing in her dress gets lost in most of the photos; the close-up photos of her dress are gorgeous and I wish there were more.
I do really like her bridal bouquet; that's what I expected from Kate.
Her tiara got lost in the look and her veil not being closer to the tiara makes sense (since the tiara really would have gotten lost) but I think we've come to expect royal brides wearing their veils and tiaras together so this is something different. I do, however, really like how the veil flows in this picture.
Princess Madeleine, June 2013
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I don't mind that it's a lace dress. I cannot with the dust ruffle hem. This photo just killed the whole look for me, but this one (above) and this one redeem it to where I can pretend the dust ruffle doesn't exist.
The neckline also had its issues. It went rogue at one point during the wedding and ended up giving her a 1980s-one shoulder style look.
Her hair was very Swedish (they do like their big buns). Her veil was gorgeous too, tying with Beatrice for second. I prefer the way Madeleine styled her veil over how Victoria styled hers.
Madeleine has my favorite makeup look; dramatic eye with a nice pink lip.
Sofia, June 2015
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My feeling is that this isn't the dress Sofia would have chosen for herself. I think she went more demure and modest because of her controversial background but she's had a lot of fantastic style choices otherwise. Something about the cut of her dress reads maternity to me - the skirt seems like it starts too high in the bodice.
She has the traditional big Swedish bun, but it's quite a slicked back/severe look for her. I think with the wide open neck in her dress, a softer, looser hairstyle would have made it work better. I do feel like her earrings needed to be bigger with the open neckline, or at least should have had emeralds to match the tiara. (This may be my least favorite tiara styling -- a little too "on top" of her head, not very integrated into the hairstyle so it looks kinda like an afterthought.)
Loved the colorful flowers she chose. Her wedding colors were my favorite before Eugenie came along.
Pippa, May 2017
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I know, I know. Pippa's not royal and it wasn't a royal wedding, but it had a big royal turnout so it counts!
THIS is how you do a lace wedding gown without it looking like Granny's tablecloth or Miss Haversham (yeah, I'm looking at you, Kitty Spencer). THIS is how you do a classic English country garden wedding. The way she decorated the exterior of the church was a dream.
Her headpiece was invisible and added nothing. I get why she chose the piece she did, but come on. Hugely missed opportunity to get a major piece from her new husband or to pay homage to Carole in something like this (which I realize is Kate's coronation headpiece) or like this.
The matron of honor/children's minder was perfection. The flower girls were perfection.
Meghan, May 2018
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I'm glad Prince Philip was able to attend. I feel like he attended more to support The Queen than out of joy for the couple. I kinda wished Zara would have gone into labor during the service.
Everything was just so darkly lit, even the bridal portraits too.
(Edit: Let me know if you're curious about why I like this picture for their wedding.)
Princess Eugenie, October 2018
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Her floral design and colors were my absolute favorite. She wins, hands down, bar none. I loved the moody dark florals and loved how she embraced the autumnal vibes by making the chapel feel warm and inviting.
I thought the sleeves of her bridal gown were too long and too big, and felt oversized. They needed to have been more tailored, like Kate's were.
Eugenie's wedding portraits are my favorite. The scale and perspective was pleasing and the simpler white background of the Windsor room made the people pop.
Overall, it was a very princessy wedding. Very well done.
Lady Gabriella, May 2019
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Her veil is my favorite. I like the fuller veil style, but it almost seemed too full because the details of her tiara was lost in all the tulle.
I love the story that she had originally planned for a pink/blush gown but changed it to white when she learned The Queen wanted to attend; that says a lot about her character and respect for tradition.
Bridesmaid dresses were a tad long. For some reason, her Hugo Burnand portraits don't bother me as much as Kate's do. LOVE that she got to do some portraits outdoors, and her outdoors portraits are so quintessentially England. I kinda wish Kate had had that opportunity given how meaningful the outdoors are for her.
So sad about her husband. Sending her all the strength, especially with their anniversary coming up.
Princess Beatrice, July 2020
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I loved that she went for sentimentality above all else. She really made the best out of a terrible situation. Their wedding photos make it seem like she (and Edo) are the sort of people who prioritize the marriage over the wedding so I sense they don't mind all the changes too much.
Loved her simple make-up and her grandmother's dress. Loved the veil too. The hair felt undone; this hairstyle would have polished the look nicely.
Princess Iman, March 2023
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Iman squeaks into this review by 3 months. She is the youngest millennial royal bride.
I love how soft and golden her portraits are. She ties with Gabriella's outside portraits for the #2 spot for me.
Her look was simple, and I feel this is romantic minimalism done correctly. The drape of her skirt reminds me a lot of Sarah Chatto's, a soft delicate look that's unusual for most royal brides (who tend to go with stiffer, heavier fabric for the formality). It works really well.
The tendrils are a little much and too loose for me; I'd rank her use of tendrils #2 between Eugenie (#1) and Meghan (#3).
Rajwa, June 2023
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I appreciate that she went for a look befitting her own individual personality but it was a choice. Her bridal look is a case of "too much pageant fashion, not enough wedding" for me. The draping was strange, the fit of the skirt versus the train seemed like she was wearing pants with a huge overskirt behind her. But the dress "sits" very nicely and I suspect since the Jordanians do most of their weddings sitting (like above), the overskirt style may have been an intentional choice for the photos.
Veil was nice. Bouquet was too small. Not a fa of the earrings. I do think her tiara is a little too far back on her head.
Many congratulations to them for the new baby.
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cosplayinamerica · 1 year
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Merengue from #AnimalCrossings Cosplayer: @BlueClarice Photo: @angeladalton_author Con: #AwesomeCon
I’ve always enjoyed dressing up. When I was a kid I would refuse to go anywhere without wearing a tiara which eventually evolved in me not going anywhere without my detective hat. But then one day when I was 14 I decided to dress up as a character from my favorite anime at the time and I’d like to say I jumped head first into #cosplaying then but I didn’t. I was scared to be open about liking to dress up.
Even though I went to many conventions in my younger years it wasn’t until my 20s that I started to cosplay more consistently with more elaborate costumes. There were many moments where I thought I might actually be good at this and one key moment was my first #cosplaycompetition. It took me a year to work up the courage to even enter.
I created my first ever suit which was covered in hand sewn zippers and I went in not expecting to win anything. So I was completely surprised when I had entered as beginner and won as intermediate. I’ve been cosplaying competitively ever since because it helps push myself further to create bigger and more complex costumes and meet some amazing people.
As soon as I saw @Sunset Dragon’s version of Merengue from Animal Crossings, I immediately knew I had to make it and make it look like real strawberry cake!
This was my first time ever making a dress and was the hardest cosplay to figure out how to make. I had to do a lot of research to figure out how people traditionally make fake cakes. They use sponges for the cake and spackling or modeling clay for frosting but I had two problems I couldn’t find a sponge large enough for a skirt and clay could potentially chip and be too heavy.
I solved this by using a roll of memory foam for the skirt and hand sculpted wool for the frosting. I did a lot of hand sewing, dying, beading, and needle felting for this cosplay. I even crochet a matching strawberry bag with a strawberry chain and created strawberry cake hair clips.
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My most proud cosplay is my Jolyne Kujo cosplay! I think it’s my best sewn cosplay to date because it is patchwork that I literally hand stitched together to look like it was strung together by her stand. I’m also really proud of the wig because I turned a white straight wig into a blue and green afro with box braids! I especially love the braided butterfly detail. I also will forever love this cosplay because it got me my biggest win yet. I won Blerdcon’s Craftmanship contest 2022 and became their first black cosplayer of the year for my hard work. 
The only thing I’d like to add is that I’m just getting started. I can’t wait to create and show the world all the crazy designs I have in my head.
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tiaramania · 2 years
hi!! let me preface by saying i am most definitely *not* asking about The Drama, this is purely a tiara question. i’m fairly ignorant about the tiaras in the BRF vault, but since we found out meghan had 5 choices for wedding tiaras, ive been wondering what they could be? i assume Teck Crescent, Strathmore Rose, and obvs the Bandeau she wore, but what do you think the other 2 could’ve been? i think one had emeralds so maybe Greville Kokoshnik, but is there an aquamarine tiara not currently in use?
I've gotten a few asks about this but you were the only one from someone I know who you are so I believe that you're not trying to stir the pot. To other people, say whatever you want on your own blog but don't put hateful stuff towards anyone involved in this whole thing on my posts because I will block you. I will always be happy, if a little (ok a lot) slow, to answer genuine questions about tiaras.
Alright so, five tiaras...
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Queen Mary's Diamond Bandeau Tiara (formerly called the Filigree Tiara which I still prefer because it differentiates it from her other diamond bandeau tiaras) would be the only sure thing because it's the one the Duchess of Sussex choose for her wedding day. I think it was the perfect choice for her and I loved seeing it pulled from the vault after decades of not knowing if it even still existed.
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The emerald tiara would have to be Margaret Greville's Emerald Kokoshnik Tiara because it's the only emerald one QEII owned except the version of the Vladimir with the Cambridge Emeralds and she wasn't going to loan out that because she still regularly wore it. It makes sense because Princess Eugenie wore it later that year so it was probably in the pool of tiaras available to be loaned out to brides.
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One of them being aquamarine is throwing me. There are a few aquamarine tiaras in the family but they either didn't belong to QEII or were already on long term loan to someone else. The only one I can think of being offered is the Five Aquamarine Tiara (also called the Aquamarine Ribbon Tiara, the Canadian Aquamarine Tiara, or the Small Aquamarine Tiara) which is presumably still on loan to the Countess of Wessex. She's only worn it a handful of times and she already has a different aquamarine tiara that she seems to prefer so I can see her returning this one to the vault. The last time I can find her wearing it was in 2014 so that's plenty of time for things to change behind the scenes. Of course with the BRF it's very possible that there's another aquamarine tiara in the vaults that we know nothing about.
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The Strathmore Rose Tiara was probably in the mix. It's rumored that the metal has deteriorated and that's why it hasn't been worn in so long but it was featured in The Queen's Diamonds in 2012 and even if it was in bad shape that could be fixed. I know everyone loves this tiara and it's always brought up as a possibility for British royal brides but it's not a favorite of mine. I don't know, it's a little too button-y or the flowers are little too simplistic. I think I would need to see it worn with modern day hairstyles to decide if I like it because most of the pictures of it being worn are across the forehead 1920s style.
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For the fifth tiara I would actually go with Queen Mary's Lozenge Tiara without the pearls like Princess Margaret wore it over the Teck Crescent Tiara. In The Queen's Diamonds, Hugh Roberts writes that the Teck Crescent was loaned to the then Duchess of Cornwall but she never wore it. I suppose that it could have been put back in the vault between 2012 when the book was published and the wedding in 2018 because Camilla realized she was never going to wear it. The Lozenge Tiara wasn't loaned out to anyone and is much more wearable due to the large circumference of the Teck Crescent. The Lozenge hasn't been seen in forever and a day but neither had the one she ended up choosing. I had it on my list of tiara predictions before the wedding because it has a geometric design which I think suits her style and I really want to see someone wear it.
As I'm looking at these I'm hit by how deep the BRF vaults are. Before 2018 when they were debuted at weddings, Queen Mary's Diamond Bandeau Tiara hadn't been worn for nearly seven decades and the Greville Emerald Kokoshnik hadn't been worn since Margaret Greville passed away seven and a half decades before. The Strathmore Rose still hasn't been worn in nearly nine decades and the Lozenge hasn't been worn in six decades. Also I'm not convinced that the aquamarine tiara offered was the Five Aquamarine Tiara so there could be another in the vault that's never been worn publicly. They've got a great collection of tiaras, I just wish they would actually use them.
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 years
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Welcome to Dolls We Were Robbed Of: Royal Edition!
(There might be a rebel here and there for a more cohesive look. And I'm going to mention the same doll lines a lot here so bear with me.)
First Up: Apple White, Briar Beauty, and Cedar Wood in The Beautiful Truth. I love this episode and the impact Cedar's speech had on Apple, and the message about the beauty industry as a whole! This would have been a great doll line.
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(credit to Princess Swan on Instagram)
Next: Blondie's Legacy Day and Getting Fairest looks. These were so adorable and quintessential Blondie! The little tiara on her head and the fur lined robe?
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Now, the man, the myth, the legend himself, Daring Charming! And Dexter. All the guys have some great looks, it's just a pity we didn't have more dolls of them.
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Both Daring and Dexter had great Legacy Day, Hat-tastic, and Thronecoming looks! I wish we had more of them.
Side note: Lizzie and Kitty should have also been included in the Hat-tastic Tea Party Line! They are the daughters of the Queen of Hearts and Cheshire Cat! They are from Wonderland! How can you not include them in a line that is based around one of the characters from Alice in Wonderland?!
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Raven should have also been included because she slays in this look! The angle cut bangs and just her entire outfit in general were perfect!
Now my personal favorite: Duchess Swan! Graceful and elegant, I wish people would have been more mindful not to unconsciously rub their happy endings in her face. It was already painful for her to see everyone who would be happy, but come on! She probably had one of the worst fates in Ever After!
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We don't see much of her Legacy Day dress (or anything at all), but we can see that it has a big white feathery shawl and a tiara. Her thronecoming outfit is one of the best in my opinion. It's so quintessentially Duchess! And not to over the top too. And a bonus, the short version of her thronecoming dress. The tutu style looks amazing on her! I think that the bottom skirt layer can just be ripped off and turn into a more ballet appropriate dress.
Next we have Farrah's formal dress from Wish List and A Tale of Two Parties. It's so sparkly and cute, and I love the message that the episode sends: that people will pay you back for your good deeds and that it's okay to take a break and treat yourself every once and a while.
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Next, my favorite fairy: Faybelle! She had a lot of good looks. Her Fairest on Ice, her formal dress, and the one we lost: her Epic Winter look. These were all so good and we didn't get them!
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Another one of my favorites: Holly's Getting Fairest and Thronecoming looks! These were so cute and I wish we could have gotten them. I really liked Poppy's Thronecoming look too. It really suits her.
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And finally, the future queen herself, Lizzie Hearts! Just like her Hat-tastic look, her other two looks that didn't get dolls; Thronecoming and Dragon Games. I love her Thronecoming look, but I think her Dragon Games armour could use some work.
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(Check out MoseJays Lizzie Dragon Games drawing. It's really good.)
Stay tuned for the rebel side of things!
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mzsvelenaya · 2 years
A Sparxshipping Inspired song ? Really ?
Hey Winxers ! Today I was scrolling on the WinxClubRus VK to see fanart and cosplay. I don't understand the text but I don't care I just want to see pretty Winxy stuff One post was... different, their was a picture and a song
The picture :
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Those two look like Bloom and Valtor during their 2nd meeting : on Andros (maybe the easier picture I had to search during my whole existence on internet)
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Except the Wings and the pose, the two picture looks alike (I'm pretty surprise to see the accuracy of the hair) Bloom also seems to not have her tiara
The song :
EDIT 2 : This is the Remastered Song, from the single Чувства
I Copy-Past the text on Translate Google (my best friend during this research) and see it was about a song, about those two
My reaction was : "I'm pretty sure they overreact, it can't be the official Music group who post that song, it's surely a fanmade"
So.. Which music group am I talking about ? Its ЭКСТРЕННЫЙ ВЫЗОВ (meaning : Emergency Call)
EDIT : Now, the group name is EXTRENNA (I think the group change their name because it was difficult to find their song while searching Emergency Call Russia or Emergency Call July) The Group VK Page
Yeah, that's what is written on the picture The song is called Чувства (meaning : Feelings)
So, that's real but... We only have the picture which looks like Bloom and Valtor, but, Maybe the characters from the picture just... randomly look like them Miza continue her scolling on a VK page about a group I absolutely know anything Everytime I see the title, I Copy-Past in a automatic translator Some post below, I find a Text, without the song but I saw the title I'll share with you what the translator gave me
Translation of a text from the writer of the song
"I dedicated 'Feelings' to a man who doesn't exist." History of the song In the summer of 2022, Renata wrote the track "Feelings", which was included in the "Tautophone". 
(NB : the first version of the song was in this EP. The remastered version is in the Single Чувства)
This is a love song that everyone perceives differently. For some, this is a story about a difficult breakup, for someone about an abuser or unrequited love.
 “I think many children fell in love with Disney princes, specialists from the Winx or Caleb from W.I.T.C.H.. And I am no exception, so I dedicated the song to a fictional character. He cannot be called positive, in the animated series itself he was an antagonist, but I was hooked by the charisma, the stamina of the character of this hero, and of course the visual. I really liked him when I was in the 4th grade, and now, this summer I again wanted to revise my favorite animated series. You can love a person who does not reciprocate indefinitely, let alone a fictional character with whom there is no way to even meet. I reviewed a lot of art, comics, fanfiction with him, from which I began to like the hero even more. The result is a song. It may seem strange from the outside, but my desire to share my thoughts is stronger than the fear of rejection of my work. Everything in the song is quite abstract, so listeners will be able to interpret it in completely different ways. However, Winx connoisseurs will understand who this song is about. ”, Renata comments.
Well, an antagonist, Charismatic, from Winx How to be more obvious ? Especially when we have the Black and Red picture
The lyrics (translated in english)
Now i'll share the lyrics I find : Someone called Milena Daїanova post the lyrics in a comment on the VK Page of WinxClubRus
I'll never find thee Well, okay, the hell with thee Tears are running, but I'll wait Maybe a month or two The fire of hair and turquoise eyes Drive me crazy at night Purple smoke will envelop us And will cover the houses by fog
Our music of summer will not be repeated again But I'll still be waiting, waiting for thee until dawn
Feelings are drenched with sadness Empty in cold eyes His art is to make a person fall in love with himself so much and destroy Feelings are drenched with sadness Empty in cold eyes His art is to make a person fall in love with himself so much and destroy
This is the last story about love It will be forgotten as a sadness In the cold morning the fire will go out Turning our hearts into steel But I... but I... but I'm dying without thee But I... but I... but I'm dying without thee
Feelings are drenched with sadness Empty in cold eyes His art is to make a person fall in love with himself so much and destroy Feelings are drenched with sadness Empty in cold eyes His art is to make a person fall in love with himself so much and destroy Feelings are drenched with sadness Empty in cold eyes His art is to make a person fall in love with himself so much and destroy
I'm not really good to understand lyrics... I'm bad at it
But I think with this whole post it’s more undertandable
Translation of a comment from the song Writer : Renata Vafina
On WinxClubRus, there are 2 posts : The most recent, with the black and red picture (posted on february the 1st) The older (posted on january the 27th) On the oldest post, the writer of the song, Renata Vafina add an explanation :
This is the story of Bloom and Valtor in my interpretation (I think that Valtor definitely liked Bloom and this couple would be wonderful. In general, BLOOTOR VAN LOVE) The story is told from the perspective of a magician. The song describes his feelings during the final battle of season 3. There, the fairy defeated Valtor, destroyed his feelings (refused to join him) and himself (in the animated series they showed how he dies)
I reaaaaally like that Winx inspired song exist And I liked writing this
Last Edit : 06 August 2023
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aladaylessecondblog · 8 months
like a love song (gortash x good tav pt 14)
Author's note: Sex. Bane is tuning in to his new favorite pr0n basically.
Also when describing the tiara in this chapter, I had a picture of the Baden Fringe Tiara up the whole time. So just kind of imagine a dark version of that
Give him the netherstone for a day, Gortash had told Tav. She'd been wearing it wrapped up in clumsy copper wire and on a strip of velvet for over a year, and it was time that a more suitable fitting for it was arranged.
And she gave it to him. It was strange to think that she trusted him to bring it back...
A day later, Tav was sitting in front of her vanity, unbraiding her hair in preparation to brush it out for the night. Despite Cald's tendency to grab it and yank, she'd rather begun to enjoy having long hair again.
The door to her room opened, and she saw in the reflection of her mirror that it was Gortash. He was carrying a small box, and when he caught her eye in the mirror gave a grin.
"I know that look," Tav said with a smile of her own, "You'd better show me what's in the box quickly."
"You know me so well." Gortash laughed, and stepped beside her, setting the box down on her vanity table. "I had a gnome jeweler make this...and all I needed was your netherstone to complete it."
"Oh no, what did you do?"
He huffed in mock anger. "Do you not trust me?"
"Of course I do," Tav replied, "Now show me. What's in the box?"
"Well, considering the plans I have in the works," Gortash lifted the lid of it, but hid the contents with his gauntleted hand, "And considering your astonishing lack of appropriate jewelry, I thought it best to..."
He moved his hand and reached into the box. What he pulled out--
"Oh, Enver, It's beautiful!"
It was an obsidian tiara lined with onyx spikes, and at the center was her netherstone, flanked on either side by tilted onyx stones. Only looking at it head on could she see that those stones were surreptitiously shaped like hands...hands that appeared to be holding the stone.
Oh, very clever...
Tav reached for it but he held it a bit higher. When she lowered her hands, Gortash carefully set it on her head.
"I wish I hadn't taken my hair down already, it'd look much better that way."
"I think it's beautiful as is," he replied with another of his little grins.
"And what about you?" she asked.
Gortash didn't seem to have heard her...he was simply looking down at her with a strangely soft smile on his face.
"Enver," she said, and he jolted slightly before looking at her. "What's the occasion, really?"
"No occasion," he replied, waving his gauntleted hand dismissively, "But I thought you deserved better than a strip of fabric I got in a hurry. Something well-made, something..."
"Something that will tell other Banites that I am one of them."
"That too." He gave a strange little laugh, pulled her to her feet--and directly into a kiss.
It stunned Tav--she half expected him to start knocking things off her vanity table, to push her up onto it, to tell her he'd fuck her on it.
But he didn't.
She returned the kiss, eagerly...but he didn't go ahead with anything more, simply seemed to enjoy it.
When they parted, he spoke in a husky whisper against her lips.
"A future Queen should have a crown, not a collar."
"Ambitious," Tav returned, in a similar tone, "But shouldn't a King have one too?"
"A King," he said, "Would probably prefer to adorn himself in other ways."
Gortash sat down in her chair, and Tav automatically came with him, straddling him. This time it was her who kissed him. She swept her tongue over his lips, tasting--
"Kings don't drink cheap whiskey." She teased.
"Kings like what they like, and fuck anyone who says otherwise."
"Kings don't drink cheap whiskey," Tav repeated, seized with a sudden urge. She reached down to his trousers, struggled for a moment or two with the buttons, and then freed his cock, which she quickly stroked to hardness. "Or do you plan to go back on your word?"
"By the black hand, woman, I thought you preferred to be submissive..."
He groaned--but he didn't try to stop her, not even once, not even for a moment.
"I do," she replied as she pulled up her skirts, "But...only one of us is wearing a crown right now, my love."
It just slipped out. Tav would maintain that forever.
She began to grind up against his cock through her underwear. When Gortash reached down, presumably to rip her underwear off, to get himself into her--she pulled his hand back up. The other hand was around her, keeping her close.
"Are you trying to test me?" he groaned against her neck, "Trying to see what happens when you frustrate me?"
"No," Tav replied, reaching down and placing both hands on his chest as she kept rolling her hips. "I...I think..."
Serve your master.
The thought was cold and clear in her head, clearer than any thought of her own.
"I think Bane just wants to watch us fuck."
"Then we should give the Black Hand what he wants."
She reached down, tugging her underwear to the side as best she could--and speared herself on Gortash's cock.
"Gods..." she groaned, "I wonder why he'd...even...want to..."
She started rolling her hips, riding him eagerly, and moaning obscenities in his ear. He always spread and filled her so wonderfully, but in this position she felt his size more keenly than usual. When he bucked beneath her she yelped--it was a good sort of pain he gave her, a pain that brought pleasure right along with it.
"A little more than you can handle?" Gortash teased, "But you can't help yourself."
"No," Tav admitted, "I never can when it comes to you."
She opened his coat as best she could, needing--to feel more of his skin against her own. This desperation only grew, and a second later her lips were back on his own. His tongue darted forward, past her lips, tangling with her own.
Gortash's hands settled on her hips, bringing her down when she moved up, encouraging her to keep going.
They parted for air several times as the fire they were burning grew higher and higher where the were joined.
"Gods, you're beautiful."
Familiar words...
The thought passed quickly.
"And you," Tav moaned softly, when climax reared its head and fell away, "You...are the most devilishly handsome man...I've...ever..."
"Make some noise," Gortash growled against her neck, "Let the guards out in the hall hear us. Let them think how lucky I am to have you."
"Yes, my lord..."
Higher, and higher still, until finally--
"Oh, GODS!"
Tav called out for him and shuddered as she was wracked with ecstasy. Five, six, seven, eight bewilderingly blissful seconds. She kept moving slowly, riding out the last of her pleasure, wanting to feel every bit of it she could.
"Your turn," she said, "Come...come now, if you plan to be a King...you should--"
Now--only now did he do what she'd thought he would earlier. Up he went, swiping the bottles and brushes and other little things off her vanity table and onto the floor. One or two things broke, but he didn't look and neither did she.
(Somehow, though she knocked her head against the mirror, the tiara managed to stay on)
Gortash kept her legs spread and thrust right back inside her.
"Chosen," she moaned softly, enjoying more than ever the post-orgasmic sensitivity, her words both hers and not quite hers at the same time, "Use me. Fuck me. Take what you want."
That's the plan, every movement of Gortash was screaming. His hips pistoned rapidly against hers--his uncovered hand captured one of hers and held it tight against the surface of the vanity table. He fucked her hard, rattling the table with each thrust, sending more bottles to the floor.
She heard him give a strangled groan--she knew that sound--and crossed her legs behind his back.
"Put it where it belongs, Chosen..."
The pleasure surged. On an inward thrust Tav groaned, and fell apart again. She clung to his shoulders, her nails digging in hard enough to draw blood as she screamed out for him--
A growl, a final thrust--and she felt him shudder and go empty inside her.
It was finally over, and they stayed like that a moment or two, breathing hard.
But Gortash was the first to speak. "What...was that?"
"I don't know," Tav groaned, "I sure as hells didn't say that...I told you he gave this marriage his blessing."
"And a little more besides."
"Perhaps next time he'll want to fuck me himeslf. Would you like that?" Tav purred against Gortash's jaw.
"If he uses my body he can do whatever he likes with you."
Tav found herself compelled to laugh, and pulled him in close. They were sweaty, but...gods, how she loved the feel of his skin now, the scent of him, the sound of his rough breathing after satisfying them both.
She never wanted to let go.
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 years
What’s your favorite headpiece shape for Wanda?
I honestly just like the plain, classic M-shape! It goes with everything! Kevin Wada's original design was sophisticated and beautiful, but it didn't look good in everyone's style. If Wanda has other jewelry and accessories, the headpiece doesn't need to be super embellished-- especially not if it's sitting her natural curly hair. It looks really good in Pérez's style for that reason.
Obviously, it's been drawn by a lot of different artists, so the proportions and exact fit vary a lot. I made a little graphic using Dauterman's design sheet for Scarlet Witch (2023) to show my preferred styles. I think that the headpiece should basically hug Wanda's hairline and sweep up at her temples. Dauterman draws the bottom points of the "M" curving in along the curve of Wanda's cheek, but I like to draw them angling down towards her jaw.
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I like it when the lines are smooth, curved, and taper into thin points. It should never be squared off at the ends. I don't like when it sits on the top of her head or above her hairline. These are like my pet peeves, I hate when she looks like this:
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Just a sidenote-- Wanda's headpiece is neither a wimple, nor a tiara. A wimple is made of fabric and is meant to cover the head and neck, and a tiara is meant to be worn on top of the head, usually pinned into the hair. Some of Wanda's styles fit these definitions-- the original 60s design, for example, could be called a wimple-- but the classic Scarlet Witch headpiece is actually more like a diadem, because it's worn lower down on the brow or forehead. The ornate versions that Wada and Dauterman draw are clearly diadems, but I honestly think that the classic headpiece could just be called a mask. It obviously doesn't cover up her features, but it does frame her entire face.
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urwendii · 1 year
2, 6, 16 and 18 for the fanfic writer ask game. :-)
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
Listen I have a hate/love relationship with my own writing so most of the time it's actually painful for me to reread it outside proofreading , but i force myself to (mostly bc i tend to forget what I wrote) and i'm like wow this caters exactly to my own tastes, amazing, and then im shocked when the author (me) has not updated yet.
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
For our common otp: omg yes, without any surprise I think im already on my 3rd reread of E's entire serie, mostly because im connecting DOTS hehe. I love Frotu's A Portion of Thyself it's one of my fav comfort fics. I just wanna squish their Mairon.
Another one i recently added back on the Must reread List is Son of the Suns, an anakin centric sw AU i loved to pieces a few years back.
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
At the very beginning, even before writing the chapters. I usually come up with them during the outlining because there's a logical continuation behind them.
18. What's one of your favorite lines you've written in a fic?
Ú calo is my less popular fic when ironically i believe it's my best poetic work, there's this paragraph i just really love. Im putting the french version too because it's actually even better than the english.
eng: She makes him King of Men, a mortal baptised on the shrine of her smile. Her aura is a tiara of gold and silver, her hand the divine guide of which he dreamt. From her words he is born anew, like a parched man drinking from her light, feasting on her storm. She crucifies her enemies, their shadows blinded by the torrent of her Justice, and from the ashes of his heart, with his name he delivers the anointing of his Love. 
fr: Elle le fait Roi des Hommes, mortel baptisé sur l’autel de son sourire. Son aura est un diadème sertie d’or et d’argent, sa main, le guide divin dont il rêvait. Par ses mots il renaît, tel un homme assoiffé qui s’abreuve de sa lumière, se nourrit de sa tempête. Elle crucifie ses ennemis, leurs ombres aveuglées par le torrent de sa Justice; et des cendres de son cœur il dépose de son nom l’onction de son Amour.
And finally i usually love every line i wrote for Ossë when he's annoying Mairon x)
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
I haven’t had any artistic motivation for a long while, so no art yet, but I do have some physical descriptions.
Infero is about 5’11. His face is designed a lot like the new VRChat model’s, but with the shade of orange from the thumbnail version, and his rays fade from that orange at the base to red at the tips. His left eye (black side of his face) is red (a little reference to his heritage), his right is gold, and both eyes have black star pupils. He has a mouth full of sharp teeth. The red and his eyes glow.
His crest is a hollow sun (all rays the same length), which comes in either black or orange. He has a fluffy orange cloak with that crest in black on the back, and in orange as a clasp. He’s got a fancy ruffled sleeveless orange top with his crest in black across the chest. He’s wears a short red belted skirt with his crest as a buckle, and under it he wears long solid black pants.
His body is black with an intricate swirling orange pattern. His hands are orange on the back and black on the front, and end in sharp claws. He gave himself digitigrade legs (because I think those are cool) that end in black feet with orange claws. He has black toe beans. When Lunar decided on a tail, he started using one too, a thin black wire one ending in the orange version of his crest.
When Lunar’s wearing his tiara to play pricet, Eclipse wears a gold tiara with an orange gem shaped like his crest in a center, and a smaller round black gem fitted in the center of the orange one. The orange gem glows.
Vim was initially the same size as Infero, but is currently around 3’8. His face is light blue on the left and pale yellow on the crescent. His left eye is yellow (current model), his right is pink (old model), and both have silver crescent pupils. He gave himself a pair of little fangs. All of it glows.
He wears a fluffy light blue cloak covered in little silver glitter stars, with Lord Eclipse’s orange crest as a clasp. He’s got a blue turtleneck neck with big poofy yellow sleeves, with a big silver crescent in the center. He’s got a little yellow skirt with glittery silver stars. His pants are dark blue and lined with silver crescents down the sides.
His actual body is light blue with glowing silver stars. His chest has a glowing yellow crescent on either side, curved inwards around a big glowing star in the center. His arms and legs are lined with glowing lunar cycles. His paw pads are a darker blue and glittery. He’s got retractable silver claws with blue glitter on his hands and feet. He’s got a silver wire tail that ends in a glowing yellow crescent. His legs are digitigrade, like his brother’s.
His favorite crown for playing princet is a silver tiara covered in gold glitter, lined with bright yellow star-shaped gems, and a pink glowing crescent-shaped gem in the center.
Revenant are 5’11, like Infero. They pretty much like canon Bloodmoon, but with sharper teeth, sharper claws, a red devil tail, and black toe beans.
Puppy is 6’8 and looks like his canon MCFNAF skin, but in a style more like the FNAF games or SaMS. He did get a tail installed to match Infero’s, but that’s the only difference.
Thank you. I'm probably going to make my own ref illustrations of these guys. Hope you don't mind. Definitely going to have blue moon interact with your guys. Just got to wait until the computers not broken.
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I've hit episode 150 and i think we've finally hit a cannon episode. Like the third one of the 22 episodes, it's been a slog. I like these Amazon Quartet group of girls WAY more than the previous secondary villains the Amazon Trio, and i like the concept of the plot being about youth. The whole mantra that the wish of a child must never be granted (in other words, to grow up) is really interesting. it's giving major peter pan vibes, and I'm excited to get a Japanese perspective on this. Perhaps I will actually like this arc in the end once I get around to watching the movie version from Crystal.
I've left most of my complaints in the drafts, but to sum it up, I've really really disliked the arc so far. They brought back the gag of Usagi and Chibiusa fighting over Mamoru (which I severely dislike), and the monsters of the week weren't nearly as creative as season 3. On top of that, how the secondary villains get their hands on this season's McGuffin could too easily be seen as a metaphor for assault, and I really did not like it. The secondary villains were also stereotypically queer coded, with the one actually being trans, and that coupled with the McGuffin stealing approach just did not sit well with me. I know this came out in the 90s, and I'm sure I'm reading too much into it, but that doesn't change the fact I didn't like it.
On the bright side, the new attack for the season 'moon gorgeous meditation' has my new favorite attack sequence, right after 'moon tiara action' and 'moon princess halation'. And the weapons this time round, a sword and a bell, look SO much like toys I can't get over it. I'm laughing every time the sequence starts, like I can CLEARLY picture copies being sold in stores and I can just feel the plastic sword. It's hilarious.
Overall, I feel like this arc can only go up from here, so I'm crossing my fingers for improvement!
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