#i think tumblr ate my read more on mobile
3 things:
What's a song, band, album, or playlist you want to shout out?
What are your opinions on pets (dog, cat, neither, other)?
Finally, what's a boring fact about you?
Cheers, have a good one.
Oh yes!
Shoutout a band? SEEMING, SEEMING, SEEMING BABY! They're even on tumblr: @seemingmusic
Their music is great and the lyrics are freaking phenomenal poems and I have no idea why they're not among tumblr's favorites like? "The future will be borderless, and red and queer and bold, for I was born to make my kind extinct" (End Studies) "Dreamt of gutting billionaires... But when I woke, blood was gone" (Go Small) you've got the eat the rich be queer do crime philosophy all over it! "Like a tall tree, I am pining to be taken up by the lightning! Strike me! I dare you! I dare you! Heaven, hear me! Like a mantis, I am praying, out of habit, without saying anything, for the bloody sting of a kestrel come to snatch me" (Remember to Breathe) it's got puns it's got self destructive thoughts it's got vague religious implications which I'm not a fan of personally but you guys seem to love it when it's Hozier. And who can ignore "To the gunmen who guard against all of the starving: God will bury you, nature will bury you [...] To the terrified rich man: God will bury you. To the killers of animals: nature will bury you." (The Burial) like don't tell me that doesn't go hard. (Personally I like to think of The Burial as not a threat but a loving promise. It continues "To the worshipper of justice, the reliance on reason, and the fire in your eyes: God will bury you, nature will bury you, time will bury your bones unseen. Total and absolute. Infinite amplitude. Till all the black is ripe and green." and because honoring the dead and burying them is an important act of kindness, I like to think of this as a promise that no matter who you are, no matter who you leave behind to mourn you, you will be buried. You will die and you will return to the Earth and you will be lovingly welcomed, it is inevitable and inescapable, I promise. I know I already rambled about this when I reblogged that worm poem post but I will keep talking about it because I love it and I don't know how many people actually read it.) There's so much more I want to say but I'm on mobile in bed hours past bedtime and this paragraph is probably already way too long and disorganized so like maybe tomorrow but! Regardless of whether you can listen to the music I highly recommend reading some of the lyrics here: https://seemingmusic.tumblr.com/text
Anyway moving on from minor infodump, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by your second question like are you asking my opinion on pets as a concept or my preferences for having pets or? I think humans love to pack bond with things that are not humans and as long as the human is able to meet the needs of an animal to create a mutually beneficial relationship that's a good thing, but ideally you should opt for domesticated animals (animals that have been our companions for so long they are genetically distinct from their wild counterparts) since they are best adapted to living with humans. I was practically raised by cats living with my workaholic single mom and our cats so personally I love cats and probably have a better time connecting with them than I would other common pets like dogs. Currently mom and I are sharing two cats, brothers, but one rarely visits me while the other is obsessed with me but I suspect this is because a) I always have his favorite snack available (potato chips. yeah I don't think he knows he's a cat) and b) I pet him the way he likes best (which is a lot of rubbing and scratching his spine by the tail intermittent with chin scritches, but he wants you to be firm with it as though he were a dog... again this man is not aware he's a cat).
A boring fact about me... Well easy mode is just "I have two feet" or "I ate a sandwich for breakfast today" but let me try to think of something a bit more personal yet still uninteresting... I have watched less than one episode of Supernatural. Yeah that's boring yet specific.
Thank you so much for the ask sorry my reply is a little messy I was already in bed when I got this!
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kiwiana-writes · 9 months
Top 3 comfort reads? (Can be fanfics or books!) 🥰
You were gonna get a top three of each, but I wrote out the vast majority of a response and tumblr fucking ATE IT 😭 and I just can’t be fucked writing the whole thing out on mobile again, I’m sorry! So just fics for now, in no particular order:
Top 3 comfort reads: fic
Oxford Days by @myheartalivewrites - I just feel so fucking taken care of by this fic. There can be a tendency to write slut eras in fics with an endgame pairing with this undertone of It Was All Empty Until You Came Along and as an unapologetic slut that just… isn’t something I can connect with, so I love that this fic doesn’t do that. It doesn’t portray monogamy/exclusivity as inherently better/more fulfilling but instead just another option available.
Going Platinum by @cricketnationrise - Sort of similar to the above, actually, I love this fic both for the story it tells and for the tropes it DOESN’T fall into, and in fact I got over my chronic aversion to approaching and potentially annoying people long enough to slide into cricket’s DMs and thank her for the way the story unfolded once it had finished. Can’t wait to be completely normal and not at all unhinged about the sequel.
The Cost of Anything by @clottedcreamfudge - This might be news to ccf now I think about it because while we’ve def talked about my strong positive opinions on many of her fics idk if we’ve actually discussed this one. But oh well! As someone who lost a parental figure — not a bio parent, but the relative who stepped up and filled that role after my bio dad bounced out of the country when I was really young — at seventeen, of course I’ve had the “what I wouldn’t give to have him back” thoughts. This isn’t a “cheers me up on a bad day” comfort read, it’s a “reminds me that everything works out as it’s meant to and we survive and thrive with the cards we’re dealt” comfort read.
[Sleepover Saturday]
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Yandere Witch x Reader
CW: Reader Death, Reader Nudity (Bath)
Gender neutral reader, yandere is referred to with they/them pronouns but does not have a set gender/name yet
Not nsfw but it is kinda violent so I’d prefer it if minors didn’t read/like/reblog.
This is my first time writing this sort of thing. Sorry if the formatting is off, Tumblr Mobile is kinda weird lol
(Please Blacklist the tag “#ghost reader” if you don’t wanna see this)
🥀 It was an early morning in early spring, when frost still covered the ground some mornings, that you woke to find your bed cold with the absence of your partner.
🥀 You yawned and got up to look for them, drawing a blanket around yourself. They were outside, digging in the garden soil outside of the house.
🥀 “So sorry I woke you, my love,” they said, wiping sweat from their forehead and leaving a trail of dirt in its wake. The smile they gave you was entirely too bright for so early in the morning, warming you more than the barely-risen sun could. “I’m just renewing some of the wards before the earth wakes again.”
🥀 You assured them it was alright, and offered to make something warm to drink for the both of you. They smiled again, eyes twinkling up at you from where they kneeled in the garden. “I’ll be inside in just a bit. Maybe we can make breakfast together~”
🥀 You hummed in assent, going back into the cottage to get everything started for the morning.
🥀 You and the Witch had been dating for a while. You almost couldn’t believe it, to be honest. They were so gentle, kind, and patient— everything you might look for in an ideal partner. Not to mention their looks; dark hair and eyes, and a dorky lopsided little grin that they reserved just for you… You felt so lucky, thinking of the time spent together.
🥀 The days went by quickly, as the last creeping chills of winter finally gave way to birdsong and the greenery of spring. The vernal equinox came and went, as the forests and meadows filled with flowers and insects and animals.
🥀 The Witch continued to work hard day by day, tending to the garden, gathering ingredients from the woods, and making tinctures for nearby villages.
🥀 Before too long, spring warmed into a blessedly mild summer. On one such afternoon, your Witch asked you to come with them for a date; a picnic in a nearby meadow.
🥀 “You don’t have to worry about, um, bugs and mosquitos and such, I’ve got a spell…” They rambled on a bit. Despite having been together for some time, their face flushed just as much as it had the first time they’d asked you out. You giggled, linking your arm with theirs and telling them to lead the way.
🥀 And lead they did— to a breathtakingly beautiful clearing in the forest. The last golden rays of the sun filtered through the trees as you set up the blanket and ate together. You talked and laughed up a storm, admiring the flowers and trees around.
🥀 Eventually, the food was all eaten and the mood mellowed. Nighttime swept gently over, bringing fireflies out along with the calming hum of crickets.
🥀 You moved the picnic basket to the side, and laid on the blanket to look up at the sky. “Tell me some about the stars?” You asked your Witch.
🥀 They protested that astrology was not their strong suit, but still laid next to you, and began to point to different constellations and tell their stories. Some beautiful, some tragic, many a mixture of both.
🥀 Eventually they trailed off and the two of you rested in that comfortable silence. No words, just the crickets’ hum.
🥀 “…what do you think about marriage?” They asked. Your heart leaped into your throat and you turned to look at them. But they didn’t look back, gaze fixed resolutely on the moon crawling ever-so-slowly overhead, as if they were scared of what your gaze might reflect back to them.
🥀 “I-I’m not sure…” You couldn’t say you hadn’t thought about it— of course you had! But you’d never really talked about it before, and the muggy, balmy midnight air seemed to cloud your head, and you couldn’t quite find the right words to express your feelings...
🥀 They hummed in acknowledgment.
🥀 Silence stretched between the two of you again, although this time was much less comfortable. You could feel the tension on the back of your throat, heavy and sickly. Until they broke the silence.
🥀 “You know… I’ve been thinking about regrets a lot lately. What I might… regret doing, or not doing, when my life comes to a close. As somebody who works with the cycles of the earth, I know I shouldn’t fear death, but… I can’t help but worry sometimes. There’s just the most peculiar feeling that…” They trailed off, finally turning their head to look at you.
🥀 You stared at one another, their gaze unusually sharp and pensive. “There’s this feeling… Hmm. I don’t know. I guess that I’m scared to die— the uncertainty of it all. It could be quite painful.”
🥀 “If you had to guess, what do you think would be the best way to die?”
🥀 Despite the lingering summer warmth, you couldn’t help but shiver as a clammy breeze brushed past. The tension in your throat settled low, curdling in your gut.
🥀 “Oh, I’m sorry my dear. I didn’t mean to frighten you… I suppose that was a rather serious topic to bring up out of the blue. Here.” They lifted you to lay on their chest easily, hand coming up to stroke the back of your neck.
🥀 “No, it’s fine,” you breathed, shivering again from the light touch of their fingers down your neck and and back. You whispered your answer to their question, face buried in the crook of their neck. You considered your next words carefully.
🥀 “You’re not… sick, or anything, are you?” You asked. You were no stranger to late-night morbid conversations with your Witch, but their demeanor this time around was different.
🥀 “Huh? Oh, no, my dear! I didn’t mean to make it sound like… like I’m on death’s door or anything like that. I’m so sorry for worrying you my love, my brain just got the better of me tonight.”
🥀 They pressed kisses to the top of your head in apology, running their hands comfortingly up and down your back and arms.
🥀 “Hmm…” they looked at the moon again, hanging higher in the sky than before. “I think it’s about time we head back, darling. Here, let me carry you.”
🥀 You dozed in their arms as they walked back, bundled up in the picnic blanket. They tucked you into bed when you got back and held you until you fell into deep sleep. When you woke, they were outside, working in the garden.
🥀 They seemed… more distant after that, perhaps worried that they had moved too fast with the marriage talk. Or maybe… they really were sick, and trying to hide it as long as they could. You pushed the thought away whenever it popped up. Surely they would come to you with something so important?
🥀You would often spot them pacing the edge of the property, even after all the other work for the day was done. The cottage felt much less alive in their increasingly frequent absences.
🥀 Even when they were home, they were much more closed off. Their sweet, dorky smiles that you loved so much became rarer as time wore on, no matter how you tried to cheer them up.
🥀 Summer ripened into autumn, golden and crisp.
🥀 Your beloved Witch seemed to spend all of their time working now. You wanted to support them, but the way they had been holding you at arm’s length for months finally got to you. You broke down and cried when they got back from delivering potions one day.
🥀 Their tired eyes filled with panic as you begged for an explanation, asking if you had done something wrong, if they still loved you… if maybe they had found someone else along their delivery route they liked more…?
🥀 “No, no, please, baby! I love you so so much. Everything I’m doing is for us! You’ll see. I’m so sorry baby, I didn’t realize you felt like this…”
🥀 They drew you a bath, with flowers and fine soaps in it, carefully washing you, reassuring you of their love. You wanted to enjoy it, but their once-comforting words and soft touches felt hollow.
🥀 The fall did not stay crisp and beautiful forever. Torrential rains washed away the colorful foliage, leaving a grey and foggy landscape in their wake.
🥀 You and your Witch’s relationship was not at its best, but as Samhain approached, their spirits seemed to lift and it was easier to talk with them.
🥀 Their eyes began to sparkle again, though the bags under their eyes made their smiles feel more manic than genuine.
🥀 All the same, you were relieved to see glimpses of the kind, excitable soul you’d fallen for originally. Hope and affection bloomed in your heart anew.
🥀 They began to have more time to spend with you and take you on dates. If ever you asked them about work, they would brush it off, saying that they’ve already done everything they needed to, that now is the time to sit back and enjoy the harvest.
🥀 By the time the veil between worlds had thinned, things felt almost normal with your Witch again. You talked and laughed together just like you used to.
🥀 On a particularly cold night, they made a romantic dinner for the both of you. You talked and laughed, and even danced a little that night. You fell asleep, warmer and happier than you had in ages, curled up next to your beloved.
🥀 You awoke to terror.
🥀 Your beloved, over you, ensuring that you would die however you said you wanted…
🥀 “This is what you said you wanted, isn’t it?”
🥀 You try to scream but can’t, grabbing at their forearms. Your nails gouged deeply into them.
🥀 They tried to keep a pleasant expression for your sake, but couldn’t help twitching at the pain.
🥀 Their eyes, so determined, bored into your panicked ones as they tried to comfort you.
🥀 “Shh, shhh. I know it’s scary, but everything will be alright… Just trust me…”
🥀 When you woke again, it was with great confusion. You felt like you’d had a horrible dream, but you couldn’t quite remember what had happened in it. Your beloved Witch wasn’t in bed.
🥀 All the same, the date night last night had been so wonderful. You felt lighter than air as you glided out to see your partner, working diligently in the garden as they always seemed to.
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bieups · 2 years
Langblr Reactivation Challenge: Week 3 Day 6 - Grammar Explanation
Warning: long post ahead! Tumblr mobile refuses to let me add a read more cut ㅠㅠ
Today let’s learn about:
Noun Modifiers: ~ㄴ/은 & ~는 & ~ㄹ/을
Now, you might be thinking I already know the particles 은/는 & 을. But this post is not about topic or object markers. Those particles are attached to a noun (the topic or object of the sentence…who could’ve guessed) while these modifiers are attached to a verb or adjective stem to create an adnominal phrase. They just happen to look the same. Also these modifiers appear in lots of grammar patterns, such as ~을 거예요, ~는 것 같다, etc. so you might’ve already been using them!
An adnominal phrase (aka noun modifier) adds more information or details about a noun. For example, “The cute cat scratched me.” or “I saw a man wearing a yellow shirt steal a bicycle.” It can be a single adjective or a longer phrase with a verb.
Adnominal Phrases in Korean
In Korean, we place the modifier before the noun, even when it’s a whole phrase. So instead of the English style “a man wearing a yellow shirt,” the word order is more like “a yellow-shirt-wearing man”.
Also keep in mind that noun modifiers do not create complete sentences! To finish the sentence, you need to follow your modifier with a noun + an appropriate ending. However, leaving off the ending verb is pretty common in informal settings (like saying “a yellow-shirt-wearing man” could make sense in some contexts, even though it’s not a full sentence).
And to really mix it up from English, there are multiple forms:
~ㄴ/은 is for adjectives
~ㄴ/은 is also for past tense verbs
~는 is for present tense verbs
~ㄹ/을 is for future tense verbs
(bonus) ~이다 + ~ㄴ is for nouns
Adjectives + ~ㄴ/은
Take the adjective stem and add ~ㄴ if it ends with a vowel or ~은 if it ends with a consonant:
예쁘다 >> 예쁜
작다 >> 작은
Heads up, I’m not including irregular conjugations here because this post is already too long. Irregulars follow their usual patterns for meeting ㅇ, similar to basic present tense conjugation.
Use this pattern to put adjectives in front of a noun and make longer, more detailed sentences!
따뜻한 라떼 한 잔 주세요. // Please give me a hot latte.
Note: 있다 & 없다 (and other adj. ending with 있다/없다) take ~는 instead of ~은.
맛있는 빵을 먹었어요~ // I ate delicious bread.
Past Tense Verbs + ~ㄴ/은
Look at the verb stem and add ~ㄴ if it ends with a vowel or ~은 if it ends with a consonant:
하다 >> 한
남다 >> 남은
This is for past tense verbs, so the action describing the noun happened in the past, but the main verb of the sentence could be a different tense. And remember that Korean is different from English, so verbs may be used differently (입다 “to wear” comes to mind…).
어제 산 양말 어디 있어요?// Where are the socks I bought yesterday?
저 긴팔 셔츠를 입은 남자 너무 잘 새겼어요~ // That man wearing a long-sleeved shirt is really good looking~
Present Tense Verbs + ~는
With this one, there’s just the one form. (Irregulars follow their patterns for meeting ㄴ)
하다 >> 하는
찍다 >> 찍는
Use this pattern when the action is either happening now or is a general reoccurring action.
주말에 같이 한국어를 공부하는 친구들이랑 영화를 봤어요. // On the weekend, I saw a movie with my friends who I’m studying Korean with.
여자친구의 웃는 모습이 아주 예뻐요. // My girlfriend’s smile (smiling appearance) is very pretty.
Future Tense + ~ㄹ/을
Look at the verb stem, add ~ㄹ if it ends with a vowel or ~을 if it ends with a consonant: (irregulars follow their patterns for meeting ㅇ/ㄹ)
하다 >> 할
먹다 >> 먹을
이사갈 집은 복층 오피스텔이에요. // The house I’m moving to is a loft officetel. [복층 means it has an upstairs area, not a one-level apartment, and an officetel is a common type of housing in Seoul…do an image search to see what they usually look like!]
언니가 갈아입을 옷이 없다고 했어요 // She said she doesn’t have clothes to change into.
Nouns + ~이다 + ~ㄴ
Sometimes you might want to use a noun to modify another noun. This is common with ~적 nouns (the ending for characteristic). First we add the “to be” ending ~이다, then drop the 다 and add the modifier ~ㄴ to get ~인:
감동적 >> 감동적인
열심히 일하는 외향적인 사람을 좋아요. // I like extroverted people who work hard.
모범생인 동생과 달리 저는 고등학교를 그만뒀어요 // Unlike my model student brother, I dropped out of high school.
+ 것
This is probably the most common way you’ll encounter this grammar. 것 means thing, so instead of a more specific noun, people use [verb/adj] + ~는/은/을 + 것 sort of how we use “[verb] ~ing” in English. Also, 것 usually gets contracted to 거/걸/게 when speaking or texting.
너 자는 거야? // Are you sleeping?
아침에 식사하는 게 귀찮아요. // Eating a meal in the morning is bothersome. [것 + 이 = 게]
2차 갈 사람 손~! // People going to 2nd round, (raise your) hands~! [when out, especially for drinking, each place is a different “round,” so maybe 1차 is 삼겹살, 2차 is a pub, 3차 is 노래방…but some members of the group might not stay for every round]
언어 배우는 걸 좋아하세요? // Do you like learning languages? [것 + 을 = 걸]
연습실에서 핸드폰 놓고 가신 분 찾습니다 // I’m looking for the person who left their cell phone in the practice room.
Wrap Up
So remember 1. use the proper form for your context and 2. your modifier needs to be followed by a noun.
한국어를 공부하는 사람들 화이팅~!
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imagine-darksiders · 2 years
I sent an ask before, but I think Tumblr ate it lol (never trust mobile). Anyways, I just wanted to say I adore your writing and all the stories you have for Darksiders! I was briefly interested in the series, then I started reading your stories, and I fell down the rabbit hole, and this series is one of my hyper fixations now. (Horsemen my beloved 😊) lol I am looking forward to seeing more of Cold Heart Warm Heart and Exposure Therapy, as well as all your other stories! ❤️ Best holiday wishes, hope you have an wonderful New Years and a toast to your wonderful writing and health! 🍾
Thank you! Happy Hols and a festive New Year to you as well
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albatris · 2 years
oh I've got one!! im writing a story right now and I cannot decide whether I want to extend it and add all the little extra bits I've come up with or if I want to end it where I'd planned to and avoid dragging it on for too long and maybe losing my motivation. i would love for some cardly advice, oh great albatris!
hi hello I had a whole ginormous answer typed out for you on mobile and then tumblr ate it..... my explanation of the cards this time round I'm not 100% happy with but I recreated my ramble as best I could :')
anyway welcome welcome hello
Tumblr media
this reading sort of. leaned away from the kind of advice I'd usually give surrounding this kind of question, which is "go, hell yeah, do whatever, add all your extra stuff, go wild, wahoo" but I can see where it's coming from ahaha
as always, you decide what's best for yourself and take my readings with as big or as little grain of salt as you'd like :3c
I drew for
What is the likely outcome if you choose to extend your project?
What is the likely outcome if you choose to end your project?
What is some advice for helping you decide?
One clarification card, which I'll get to in a moment
First up, what is the likely outcome if you choose to extend your project?
I drew the Six of Inking Balls Reversed! This card says that this will be a grand and tiring expedition, and at the end of it, or even during, you may find yourself feeling incredibly worn-out and battle-scarred. There is a high chance you will be exhausted by the end of your journey... it will not be easy!! You will need lots of rest.
You may also find that you feel a little lost upon completion of the project, since you have poured so much time and focus into it, maybe more than you meant to... you may have no idea where your next goal is or how to plan for what comes next. That's okay! Don't fret! What you need is time to rest and recover. But ye, this card does speak to a journey that will be exhausting and lengthy, despite the joy and inspiration it will bring.
What is the likely outcome if you choose to end your project?
I drew Death (Stubborn) Reversed! This is. a Card. I chose not to particularly read for the reversed side of this card, as I felt it didn't flow with the rest of the reading. Intuition, babey! Though there is a warning here that speaks to the yearning for the continuation of something that may end up being unhealthy. Either way, this card encompasses the desire to keep things as they are and speaks to not letting go of something... and the advice it comes with is to take stock of what you're keeping close and keeping from dying, and to ask yourself whether you're just drawing things out for the sake of it. This card says that no matter how we prolong things, an ending is eventually inevitable. It's a good time to stop and reflect on your reasons and goals! It might be fine, and you might decide this IS worth continuing, but it could also speak to some anxieties about things coming to an end, or the stagnation of something you are not willing to let go of.
HOWEVER, I did pull this card for 'likely outcome if you choose to end your project' so another possible interpretation is that once you have ended your project, you will feel a yearning to continue it (whether or not this is the healthy choice)... and since this card speaks so much about the desire to keep things as they are, and of stagnation, it could be that once you end this project, you become attached to it in its current "pristine" state despite your restlessness and desire to continue. There is room to expand and grow and explore, and you should embrace the change!
Either way, I think this card represents a genuine desire to continue the project, but comes with a warning to truly examine your reasons, whatever you choose: whether you finish or whether you carry on. And to think carefully about any underlying worries you may have that could be clouding your judgment.
Here is where I pulled a clarification card: the Eight of Tentacles Reversed (which I will not be picturing here because it is Spicy). This is a card of pleasure and indulgence! And tentacles. Reversed, it warns you may become a victim of your own vices and indulging them too often. Upright, of course, this card speaks of indulging yourself fully and doing what feels good, so it's important to strike a balance here. I think it'll be easy to get carried away if you do choose to continue the project and expand on your ideas - this is not always a bad thing! Know when to let loose and know when to reign yourself in. Don't get So caught up in the pleasure and chaos that you lose sight of the bigger picture.
And lastly, what advice is there for helping you decide?
I pulled the High Priestess! With some very vague advice hehe. Listen to your intuition! Your inner voice knows what's up. Allow yourself time and space in solitude and silence to really dig deep into your thoughts on the matter, and follow your gut rather than listen to how others might try to sway you. Get right to the bones of the issue, search the heart of it, and look at the facts that speak to you.
Pay attention to signs in the world around you and synchronicity! Whether or not you believe the universe has a voice and is speaking to you, these signs and signals will help you tune in to what your own thoughts on the matter are.
ok bye o/
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
Tag game tuesday: The MySpace Survey
tagged by @mzkora!!! <3
What’s your name: Jess(ica)
Sun sign: leo but like, just barely 😂 idk what being a cusp means but i'm one of those, like first day of leo
The last song you listened to: i haven't listened to any music today except for one of those musical comedians, this one was about a guy whose friend was flirting with his dad and it was a banger lmao, twas hilarious
What are you wearing right now: the practical all black outfit i've been wearing (unfortunately) for most of the last 3 weeks as i work backstage crew for a musical. usually i change between work and the theater, but my sister starts a new job today which means there will be commute time added as she comes to get me, instead of her being here right at 5, so we won't have TIME to go home and change and get food before we have to head to the theater, so i'm just cutting out the middle man and wearing it all day. this is the third weekend of performances though, show closes sunday, so it's the only time i'll have to.
How tall are you? 5’8
Piercings? only ears, and i don't wear earrings very often, really only for special occasions
Tattoos? i've got one tattoo, as a memorial for my dad who died in 2017. it's a snippet of lyrics from one of the songs he wrote, behind my left ear. i'm planning on getting a memorial tattoo for my grandmother who died in november(?? i think) but we can't currently FIND the drawing she did that i was gonna get. so. if we ever find that again, i'm gonna get it on my hip.
Glasses or contacts? contacts, all day almost every day for about 20 years now, i put them in before i even get out of bed in the mornings. i hate not having peripheral vision in glasses.
Last drink: water yum yum
Last thing you ate: a chicken and cheese quesadilla and a banana/strawberry smoooooothie
Favorite color: big fan of purple
Any pets? not any of my own. had cats and a dog growing up, and had a rat for a few years a while back, but they have all since died 😅 i'm not inclined toward all the upkeep required for larger pets, so no cats or dogs if i have to actually take care of them entirely myself, and i would be down to get another rat or two, but my sister was DEVASTATED when Freya died and refuses to be traumatized by any more pets with short life spans aldkfjg. so no more rats lol.
Do you have a crush on anyone? nope uwu
Favorite fictional character: currently i am deeply fixated on Declan Lynch, somebody send help
A movie you think everyone should watch: uuuuhhhhh A Christmas Carol, the musical version with Kelsey Grammer?? first thing that came to mind, very random 😂 but that version is a banger, i love the music, clearly the superior adaptation of the story
A book you think everyone should read: mmm gonna throw darts at the wall and say Two Dark Moons by Avi Silver, cuz i read it fairly recently and enjoyed it a lot?? idk, i want there to be a fandom for that, i went looking on tumblr for stuff about it and found a grand total of like two posts and was very disappointed lol. somebody else go read it so i'm not alone XD
The last place you traveled: i don't go anywhere aldkfgh. i think the last place i went waaasssss alabama? Mobile maybe?? fuck i don't remember, we went to the Winona Judd concert, wherever it was.
Something you’re looking forward to: strike for this show i'm working 😂 probably the first time i've ever looked forward to strike (the process of disassembling a show's set and clearing out the theater and dressing rooms, huge ordeal) but after dealing with these obnoxious fucking difficult to maneuver set pieces for the last month, i think i will greatly enjoy reducing them to piles of wood and screws.
And I am tagging: @adamprrishcycle @cheeeryos @alloverthegaf @alisonhales @mayonnaisetoffees
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Like. I’ve never watched or read The Hunch Back of Notredame or however it’s spelled, but I just. From what I’ve just heard??? I don’t like him. Sure he can have “positive” traits, but it’s what he uses them for. Again, this is just from what I’ve heard about him since I’ve never seen or read the original or Disney adaptation myself.
I suppose you could say he’s determined or self assured? But he uses those to further his negative traits. While those traits by themselves can be seen as good, it’s what he uses them for that makes them bad. Does that make sense?
Also, sorry if this is bothering you, but did you get my looooong ask with, uh, spoilers I guess, flower language and Mrs Rosehearts? I dunno if tumblr was being weird and ate it, but it didn’t show that little “submitted!” Bar thingy after so I wasn’t sure >.< I’m on mobile
- SpadeHearts Anon
If you ever get a chance to watch it, I recommend. But Hunchback is notorious for being known as Disneys darkest animated film. Because it has themes of bigotry, doing evil in Gods name, Lust, etc. But the crash course about Frollo is he's a powerful judge in Paris, he's trying to drive out all the Romani people out of the city at any cost. (They say gypsy in the movie, but as far as I'm aware that's actually a slur. So if anyone more knowledgeable than I is reading, feel free to correct me.) That's how he came to have our protag Quasimodo as a ward, his parents were trying to sneak into the city when he was a baby. Years later we meet another young Romani woman named Esmeralda, who Frollo sees performing at a festival, and Frollo becomes obsessive about her. The gist of his song Hellfire is him singing about his lust for her. "She will be mine or she will burn." So the whole movie is Frollo trying to hunt down this minority group so he can prey on this young woman.
So you could say Frollo is someone who is very driven, if you wanted to put it nicely. And you’re right, ambition, drive, passion, etc, are not inherently bad traits its what one does with them. It’s just that Frollo uses those traits to commit heinous acts. So Rollo (I think that’s the new characters name) could have those traits and not be a complete prick, or he start out as an antagonist and by the end of the event sees some development. We won’t know until it’s out.
(Also don’t worry about your ask. It didn’t get lost, I’m just slow to answer a lot of the time. I have no excuse other then I am easily distracted. I literally got distracted typing this. “I should put on the movie!” Now here we are hours later. I’m sorry.^^”)
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Tumblr's mobile interface continues to have zero fucking parity with its desktop interface so I'm slapping the contents of my blog interaction terms page here:
I love discussing the characters I write for with people, anonymous or otherwise. I love theorycrafting different AUs and having an opportunity to develop ideas with a wonderful community of people.
My inbox is always open in light of this, but before you pop in, please respect the following:
If you’re under 18 or identify as a man, leave my blog immediately. I do not write anything that is thematically appropriate for you to read.
I do not accept writing requests. This is mentioned in my pinned masterlist and my bio.
I only write for the characters on my masterlist*.
I’m content to elaborate upon NSFW ideas/prompts if I think it would be interesting, but I’m a high femme (stone bottom) so if these ideas contain anything pertaining to the “reader”/“you” topping, I will delete them immediately. I will only ever write about scenarios that another stone bottom would be comfortable reading.
Similarly, if there’s a theme that makes me uncomfortable, I will delete the ask without explanation.
Please refrain from mentioning alcohol, drinking or settings in which drinking is the primary point of interest, such as bars or taverns. I’m a recovering alcoholic and my blog is a space where I should feel comfortable without triggers.
In reference to this, please note that *I no longer write for Sevika from Arcane (2021) because having to romanticise an alcoholic is not healthy for me.
Finally, if you have messaged me recently and I haven’t gotten around to it (and you’re 90% sure it complied with the above) there are possible reasons for this:
I’m asleep (I live in the UK)
I’m busy with university commitments (50-60 hours a week)
Depression has smacked me upside the head (F)
It regards a character I don’t write for, lacks legibility, or is difficult to build anything off of
I don't know how to respond to it in a way that honours the effort that went into the original message, or I don't have time to formulate a response matching its energy
Inbox got hungry and ate your ask (it’s a rare occurrence though, so please don’t spam it)
With this established, come and say hi! (Please.) (I love talking about these women you have no idea.) (Join the circus. We need more clowns)
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I posted 23,755 times in 2022
That's 3,258 more posts than 2021!
1,033 posts created (4%)
22,722 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,558 of my posts in 2022
#art - 167 posts
#aew - 116 posts
#youtube - 104 posts
#coffee - 94 posts
#texas - 69 posts
#teaching - 57 posts
#cm punk - 54 posts
#dreams - 49 posts
#good morning - 45 posts
#books - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#im not sure if chrono tags work on mobile... if it shows an empty search you can just go to (in your browser) tinyurl.com/readmourner
My Top Posts in 2022:
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The mood for fur today
96 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Sir Gray, first of his name unknown age about 15 years was taken home by the Lady Bast today.
He is survived by his little sister Stripe and his two humans who gave him the best home they knew how for the last 12 years.
Gray began his life as an abandoned cat in The Candlewood apartment complex in Corpus Christi Texas. He found his new humans there and they never let him go.
He was moved to Big Spring and then to Fort Stockton.
His favorite pastimes were begging for treats and roaming around outside. His only real shortcoming was his tendency to pee on his mama when she was sleeping. Other than that he was the best Kitty anyone could ever ask for.
His human parents loved him very much and are grateful every day for this time they were gifted with him.
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See the full post
132 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
We are programmed and manipulated to believe that Thanksgiving is a holiday of utter abundance and gluttony. If you are barely getting by, and barely have enough, your holiday is still just as valid as anyone else's.
If you are displaced, homeless, disabled, disowned, alone, if you have no money for gifts, if you have no money for food, if you are barely getting by, you deserve the holiday season as much as anyone else does.
Don't let any post or picture on here shame you into thinking that your existence is not enough to be thankful for.
Just because your life does not match up to the images you see on this site, it doesn't mean you don't count.
You are a blessing to all those you encounter.
I am somewhere out here wishing you the best.
143 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
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I saw this on Facebook last night.
The basic question asked when you were a little kid what did it mean to you to be rich? Like if you were to look at another person's family what would constitute being rich to you.
For me it was pretty easy to answer: in the late 70s and early '80s when I was a kid, rich people had cars with power locks and windows. They also had large garages with automatic garage door openers and the richest of the rich lived in two-story houses.
So I started to read through other people's replies and these were some of the things that I saw.
If you were a rich kid, your family had:
✅hot water
✅Could afford to eat meat
✅ a washer/dryer
✅Got to go out to eat. ..ever
✅ a bathtub
✅ a bike
✅ clothes that weren't homemade
✅ a microwave
✅ central air
✅ a car with AC
I came away feeling so humbled. I've always thought that I grew up poor. I always considered my upbringing to be very much lower class, at least compared to everyone else I do.
But growing up we had central air which we got when I was probably 8 or 9 years old, we had hot water and a bathtub, we ate meat every night, we always had a washer and dryer, and when I was about eight we got a microwave. I had a bike when I was 10, and I never once wore had me down or homemade clothes unless I was playing dress up.
I'm curious to know what your representation of being rich was when you were a little kid.
196 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Look what just appeared on my Facebook feed
1,457 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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msfbgraves · 2 years
Tag Game
Got tagged by @amorphousgenderlesscryptid and @puella-peanut in two tag games with some overlapping questions, so I am sharing the two. Thank you and excuse the delay; the reasons I take very long to answer tag games is that I almost exclusively use Tumblr on mobile and that isn't ideal for things like this. But I enjoy them so I've started up the laptop!
First ever ship: I was so conventional when I first started shipping at thirteen or so. I took the ships that were given me and what fodder the magazines would give me to indulge them with. I never even considered alternatives, honestly, we had dial-up internet that was hella expensive to use, what was I going to do, read fanfic and explain the bill? Yeah, no. So my first ship was: Romeo & Juliet, from the Baz Luhrmann movie. "My only love sprung from my only hate", gah, in English I did not understand even with the subtitles, which I also didn't understand, it was deliciously complicated, which I had no idea would become something I am attracted to.
Last song: It's All Coming Back to Me Now, Celine Dion
Last film: Knives Out, to better appreciate the Glass Onion on my dash. Good film that took an hour to get interesting to me, so if not for Tumblr, I would have stopped. That one's on you.
Currently watching: I'd watch Slow Horses series 2, if getting a better vpn to pirate with wasn't still on my to do list.
Currently consuming: Tea, I think it is ceylon?
Currently craving: I just ate, so not food, though, very deep, direction in my life.
Currently reading: A backlog of so many Saturday editions of De Volkskrant newspaper. You do learn new things, although why people need a 5 page article to come to the conclusion that young people without prospects, going to underfunded schools, living in bad houses and getting discriminated every time they are trying to get out of these conditions are gasp more prone to radicalisation and the violence that comes with it is, I mean - sometimes I really feel that people are emotional morons. How is this possibly news. Everyone who cares even a little must sense this, if they haven't yet had it confirmed? The Science page is cool though, if hard for me to get through, I understand so little of it. Also the book tips.
3 ships
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Underrated little thing I love about sweet Cherik: they're so European! I can lampoon all my German and British relatives through them, indulge writing a little German that is critically not about Germany (because I do not live there, actually). Why are there no Dutch mutants, though. Really why. I need to write somebody from either the Holland region who feels right at home with the supposedly rude New Yorkers or someone from Twente who is critically out of their depth in America and curls up with Kurt to watch football although Kurt is German and that has some trauma attached but at least they know at what time you are supposed to serve coffee, and not that Starbucks stuff. (Which is not to say many people from Twente would not love city life. Yet, people who stay to make a life in Twente often do so because metropolitan life is the antithesis of what they value and enjoy).
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I started 2022 with the words "Hold up, new fucked up ship just dropped!" It has been a ride, and it introduced me to the potentially even more fucked up - though I do hope for everyone involved never actually realised! - 'ship' that is Cuba and his Teddy Bear. But oh, Terry. I am just so incredibly in awe of how he came to Cobra Kai and made everything about it fit him. If you know how much of the OG cast struggles with the writers' takes on the material, and not only did Thomas make the evolution of Terry from TKK3 to Cobra Kai seamless, Silverusso gives Cobra Kai, and especially Daniel in Cobra Kai, the hook to even make sense: Daniel/Amanda, Daniel's visceral reaction to Cobra Kai, Daniel's darker side (always on display), and of course Ralph has played that since the beginning but you need a knowledge of Terry to completely see what they have been building up to. And then of course the rapport between the Cobra Husbands, giving Marty a new angle as Kreese. Thank you, thank you Sir!
Can be this:
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Or this:
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Even murkier than Silverusso when I want darkness and messed up dynamics, but gives you licence to go adorable with them without the danger of oocness because you have complete freedom to decide who the character of Percival Graves actually is. The only one we spend time with in the movie, after all, is his impersonator. Also, no new canon to mess things up anymore, which is great for me as I lack the ability to ignore canon. It always has to come back into my fic some way, which is very bothersome when, again, the canon writers do not actually care about anything but status and money.
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sociallyawkward--fics · 2 months
HEY BACK AGAIN. idk how long its been cuz mobile is trash but me n my friend were talking abt how we were in a lot of the same fandom spaces as kids. Sanders sides being one of them. n i was like..... Long shot but do u know sociallyawkward--fics.. n at first they were like no i dont think so.. but then they looked u up n went OH MY GOD YEA??? ill send u a screenshot off anon but i told them we were friends n they said it was like finding out i knew a celebrity LMAO -H (ironic considering theyre prob more popular on ao3 than u😭 they briefly turned back into a 12yo fanboy)
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its still so crazy to me ive known u for so long n met him like 3-4 years ago worlds collide ..... Also u can post this though im off anon if u want idc -H
ALSO. since im here. idk if i ever told u my age but when i sent my first ask to u i was probably 11. maybe 10 even. im turning 18 in a couple months now. its hard to bring myself to read some of the asks (ok most of the asks) i sent u over the years bc i was an incredibly anxious and awkward autistic kid. But u always treated me with so much love hahakjs at the time i was rly struggling n had very few friends n AS MUCH AS IT MAKES ME CRINGE TO LOOK BACK ON u were honestly the only older person i could talk to n it rly meant a lot lol. im so much more confident n comfortable in myself than i was all those years ago n ik i dont send u asks nearly as frequently anymore but tbh even if eventually its only once every few years ill always think back on u so fondly n gratefully. Neway i literally hate being sappy so ill shut up here but yeah. Thanks n such -H
ALSO IDK IF UR ACTIVE ON AMY SOCIAL MEDIA RLY?? BUT IF U R I CAN GIVE U SOME OF MY SOCIALS mostly i just tweet abt my day occasionally on twitter but i also have a sideblog where i post art. just thinking that maybe then i wouldnt have to be like 'and heres a quick summary of the past 8 months' n u could check up on me whenever instead of only seeing me when i send asks😭 -H (its also so less formal cuz when i send in asks u Gotta respond whereas if i post 'just ate a kickass burger' u can just. Like it. idk idc either way but lmk ^__^)
dkjfhkdhf omg that is so wild that you have a friend who also knows about me dkjfhdsf Sanders Sides (back when it was waaaaay smaller of a fandom lol) was the first (and tbh only, really) fandom where i had any real level of "popularity" as a fic writer, and i fed off that high for SO LONG lol -- hearing that people were obsessed with my work, both then and now after the fact, is genuinely so surreal dfkjhdjkfh like. i am just Here, i am just Some Dude who wrote some words that got them weirdly popular at 17-18 dkjsfhdkjfh (also cuz i try to gather all your asks into one post, you continue to remain anonymous just cuz i copy-pasted them into the post in the same order they were received lol)
Dude it is CRAZY that you are almost 18 (or, by the time i am finally managing to answer this with my Bad Brain Powers procrastinating it so long, already 18) -- I looked back and I was 18 when you sent your first ever ask to me dkjfhdf that's so wild. I am so honored that you saw me as an older person you could come and talk to, even if it was just through anonymous tumblr asks for the past 6+ years lol. I always think of you fondly too, and I am so proud of you for the way you've grown up and grown into your confidence
ALSO YOU CAN TOTALLY SEND ME YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA djfdjdsjkf you can absolutely send me any of your socials!!! I know your main blog because you've sent some asks without it (have I ever remembered to follow it??? I meant to but I can't remember, this is also a Brain Forget-y Accidental Procrastination thing), but I would LOVE to see your art sideblog and def feel free to send me your twitter!! I have not opened my twitter in like. 3 months, because i was having Unhealthy Habits so i tucked the app into a pocket out of site and stopped using it for a while, but I am doing better now and would definitely open it back up more often again to see what you were up to
Also!!! You can always feel free to DM me on any of my blogs/sideblogs here on tumblr, too! You don't have to wait to send an ask (though I love receiving asks from you, don't ever feel like you have to stop even if we connect elsewhere!), you can always DM me on any of my blogs (or on any other socials we may exchange, too!)
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survey--s · 2 years
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What is your favourite dog breed? Beagles. I love spaniels too but they’re a bit too hyper and energetic for me, lol.
What colour nail polish do you wear the most? Purple or red, but only on my toes.
Do you use lip balm regularly? Several times a day in winter, but I don’t bother the rest of the year.
Do you drink soda? Yeah, Pepsi Max - or sometimes Tango.
Do you drive? I do indeed, I’ve had my license for about four years now.
If so what kind of car do you drive? A metallic grey Hyundai i10.
Look to your left, what do you see? A cat on the floor staring at me as he wants his lunch but he’s not getting it this early lol.
How many people have you dated? I don’t really keep track of things like that.
Do you use hand sanitizer frequently? I never use it. I actually think it causes more problems than it solves - dry and cracked skin, for starters, but also, germs are healthy and it’s not a great idea to try and totally sanitise everything in your life.
How many hair products do you use? Just shampoo and conditioner.
Are you happy with your appearance? Yeah, I mean, if I could change things overnight, I would, but in reality I’m far too lazy for any of that nonsense.
What is the last book you read? I honestly don’t remember. I’m not much of a reader these days..
What website do you visit most often? Tumblr, Facebook, Mumsnet, Google, Reddit.
Have you ever broken a bone? Nope.
Are you artistic? No.
Have you ever been to a concert? Yeah, I went to quite a few when I was a teenager.
Have you ever performed in a play? Yeah, school plays every year when I was younger.
Do you like to dance? No.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I would give myself perfect vision as wearing glasses is expensive and a real pain in the arse when it rains.
What search engine do you use? Google.
Do you have a facebook account? Yeah.
What is your favourite food? Steak, pizza and fries.
Can you use chopsticks? Yeah, but I don’t bother.
Do you use a flat iron? I still own one but I never really use it anymore.
Do you have a cell phone? Yeah, an iPhone 13 mini.
What colour underwear are you wearing? Black. All my underwear is black.
What colour are most of your clothes? Black, grey, purple, green and pink.
Do you collect anything? Wax melts, cosy jumpers, books. What colour are your eyes? Dark brown.
Do you have any tattoos? Just one.
Do you play video games? Not really - I play a few mobile games but that’s about it.
Do you speak any other languages? Yeah, French and a little bit of German and Italian.
Do you wear makeup? Very occasionally.
How many times have you moved? 6-7 times, including moving around as a student as I had to change accommodation every year.
What was the last food you ate? Crumpets. What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee.
Do you liked grilled cheese? I love the idea of it but normally I find it really greasy and I never finish it. Do you eat breakfast? Yeah, I work a really physical job so I need to eat before work or I end up feeling sick and dizzy by mid-morning.
Do you have a cat? I have three cats.
What is your favourite childhood memory? Visiting my cousins in Australia and hand-feeding kangaroos. Going to France and playing on the trampolines by the beach and then eating crêpes.
What was your favourite movie as a kid? The Lion King.
Have you ever dated someone online? I’ve met a few people online that I ended up dating, yeah.
Do you like to take walks? Only with dogs. I don’t really like walking otherwise, though, I find it a bit boring.
Are you going to college right now?  No, I graduated 11 and a half years ago which makes me feel really old, hahah.
If so, what is your major? I studied Modern European Studies.
Do you like school? I liked primary school up until about Year 5? It just got worse from then on, hahah.
Do you keep a journal? If so how often do you write in it? This is it, lol. Sometimes I do 5-6 surveys a day, sometimes I go for days without even logging on, it just depends how busy I am.
Have you ever traveled outside of your country? Yeah, I travelled a lot when I was younger and my parents were paying for it.
Do you chew gum? No.
Do you live in a big city? No, I live in a tiny little coastal town.
How often do you go out to eat? Once a month on average, maybe. Less nowadays as prices have shot up recently and it’s just not worth it.
What is the last movie you saw in theatres? Cats, which was way before COVID was even a thing, lol.
Have you ever dyed your hair? Yeah, I used to do it all the time. Do you drink tea? Yeah, most days I have a cup of two.
Do you subscribe to channels on youtube? Yeah, just so I can watch TV shows on there though.
Do you have a tumblr? No, this is all a figment of your imagination.
Do you watch anime? No.
Can you cook? Yeah, but I don’t enjoy it so I pretty much never bother.
How old were you when you first started dating? Fourteen.
Are/Were your parents strict? My dad was, but my mum was never very strict and often overruled him, lol.
Is your room messy? My side is spotless, Mike’s side...well, the less said about that the better, lol.
Do you have Netflix? Yeah - well, Mike does and I just use that.
Do you have any regrets? Nope. How are your grades? I always got decent enough grades, I just didn’t enjoy school so I never really put in a huge amount of effort.
Do you get nervous easily? Not really.
What do you look for in a BF/GF? A good sense of humour, a love of animals, decent work ethic, good morals.
Have you ever written a song or poem? Just when we had to do it for school.
Have you ever written a short story or novel? We used to have to write short stories for school.
Are/Were you in a school club? Yeah, I did loads in primary school - dance, gymnastics, trampolining, chess and various baking/sewing ones too. Do you play an instrument? Not anymore, but I used to play guitar, piano and cornet.
Where do you want to be in 5 years? Honestly, I don’t think about the future all that much.
What do you never leave the house without? Phone, keys.
What food(s) do you refuse to eat? Tripe.
Favourite candy? Reeses Pieces.
Do you have a good relationship with your mom? Yeah, we’re really close and speak most days.
Do you have a good relationship with your dad? No. It’s not a bad relationship as such, we just don’t have anything in common and pretty much never speak to each other.
What did you have for dinner last night? I just had random snacks.
Do you wear glasses? I do.
Do you have any siblings? No.
Do you watch reality tv shows? If so which ones? Yeah, I like Below Deck and cooking competitions like Bake Off.
What do you miss most about your childhood? Not having to worry about money or bills.
How many pets do you have? Four - one dog and three cats.
What colour are the walls in your room? A very pale purple.
Do you write "To-Do" lists?  Nope.
Do you procrastinate often? No.
What is your favourite book? Alice in Wonderland, Neverwhere.
Did you hate any of your teachers? No, I just found most of them incredibly patronising and annoying, lol. Have you ever been depressed? Yeah, I’ve been on and off anti-depressants since my teens.
How do you handle stress? I don’t really handle it very well. I seem to muddle through at the time and then completely break own afterwards. What are you looking forward to? Christmas holidays (five days to go!) plus my beach ride, and a day out for lunch and shopping with my mum in ten days or so.
0 notes
oh my gosh, I want to hear ALL your NY adventures!:D They sound intense and dramatic ! (also it's true NYC isn't really representative of the US, it's...NYC XD , I PROMISE other Big Cities even art different, but!! I really want to hear your Culture Clash experiences!) I'm glad you've come back in an arting mood and the play was fun!!
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Our adventures were intense, but mostly because we’re kinda dumb spaniards. We decided the subtitle of our trip was “Panic and Stress™” because holy macaroni we were confused half of the time. 
Also I want to apologize to every person I talked to while I was there because I Forgot How To Talk every two seconds. Like, I understood everything they told me but my mind was like [……..] when I had to reply.
I’ll leave some stuff that happened in the read more but this post was getting really long, so I might make a part 2 in the future!
Well, first things first: I lost my dignity right at the JFK airport. We had been flying for eight hours straight (I read The Princess Bride, which was very fun!), from 7pm (in spain) to 9pm (in nyc) and… have I told you I’m deathly afraid of heights and the ocean? Well, I was on a window seat while we were flying over the whole freaking ATLANTIC OCEAN and it was nighttime the whole flight so everything was PITCH BLACK except for the plane wing and I WAS SO NERVOUS but my friends were very kind and patient so I didn’t panic a lot. Just a little bit. You know, the normal amount.
And, to avoid getting killed by jet lag, we tried to stay awake the entire flight (I think I was the only one that managed to do it, tho. Just this once: thank you, insomnia!) but when I got to the security thing my tired, tired mind forgot languages existed and I made a fool out of myself. But everything was fine because the man asking me (way too many) questions decided I was a danger but only to myself (or that i was simply Stupid™) and let me go.
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Beetlejuice was really really fun! The people working at the theatre were the nicest, the actors/actresses were amazing and I had a great time! (except for the part where I thought I lost my phone and panicked a lot) I loved loved loved every part of it but tHE LIGHTS AND THE STAGE WERE SO WELL DESIGNED LIKE- I can’t even.
We also visited the Museum of Natural History (one of my friends is a big dinosaur/fossil nerd, so she became our makeshift guide) and the Museum of Modern Art (here I was the makeshift guide because after all I’m a Fine Arts graduate and also a huge Art Nerd). I found my nemesis (Picasso) there but also lots of artwork and artists that I had kinda forgotten existed since I finished college.
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[Also I rediscovered I have a serious case of Baby Face™, because 90% of the people my two friends and I talked to tought I was Their Child (they’re older than me but not that much) so there’s that too. I’m baby, I guess.]
Some cultural things people warned me about but I really didn’t think they were serious (also don’t take this very seriously I’m a Small Town Girl (living in a lonely wooorld) just pointing random things I noticed):
People driving madly, like they were on a Fast & Furious movie (I was very very scared oh my god)
People not giving a shit about anything (but I’ve seen that in Madrid and London too so I guess it’s a Big City Thing?)
People shouting at the top of their lungs in the middle of the street????
We ate a lot. Like, A LOT.
Also, coffee. It’s kind of a meme where I’m from that people that aren’t from spain/portugal don’t know how to make good coffee (i’ve been to other places in europe and can confirm) but in NYC we truly tasted what it’s known in spain as aguachirri. I was so, so, so watered down. It tasted like dirty water
That, and the fact that we couldn’t find a Bar like the ones we’re used to in Spain (where you can order beer/liquor or a coffee/tea or soft drinks (and also tapas but that’s a thing for another day) at the same time and it isn’t weird). Everything was either a café (Starbucks everywhere) or a pub, with no middle ground.
Every other big city I’ve visited had a… “historic district”, I think it’s called in english???, but NYC had this kind of modern vibe everywhere we went
This is gonna sound very very strange, but the sidewalks were very… errrh… plain, I guess? I’m used to sidewalks having tiles or a pattern (like this or this)
There were screens and ads everywhere ??
People not recycling at least plastics???
But most of all, what really confused me was Taxes and Tips
Taxes as in having to think that something will be more expensive when you go to pay for it
and Tips as in I’m dumb and having to make a percentage of something and then add it to another number shuts my mind off and my head cannot process it like ???
Both of these basically mean: I’m Very Stupid and Math Will Be My Ruin Someday
Aand that’s everything that came to mind now, but as this is getting kinda long I’ll save some anecdotes and more “Me Being A Dumb Foreigner” for part 2 :D
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tastycitrus · 5 years
The Powerpuff Girls (SRW) get their souls trapped in dolls and then stranded on Dr. Quandary’s Secret Island
Or, Meme Dwellers play The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary (except not really, I never wrote anything more for this). A joke story I wrote for some reason like two years ago that I’m now putting on here for some reason? It’s just a shitpost, lol.
Who thought it was a good idea to force the Steel Dragons to attend a carnival? The only culprit that came to mind was Excellen, but as crafty as she was there was no way she could’ve convinced the higher-ups to turn a carnival trip into a “mandatory team-building exercise” for the Steel Dragons and their associates.
Now, normally being forced to attend a carnival wasn’t the worst thing ever. But this carnival was really something else. I mean…really something else.
It was clear at first glance that the people behind this horrible place pretending to be a fun carnival didn’t care a single bit for their patrons’ safety. They also probably cared even less about making it actually fun.
The Ferris wheel was stopped for what had to be the fifteenth time that day, leaving the unfortunate victims who were dumb enough to get on trapped inside until the maintenance workers could get it moving again. The bathrooms smelled like rotten ass and probably had seventeen different STDs infesting the seats. The food was tasteless at best and looked like they had failed every bit of health inspection out there. All the games looked uninteresting and were probably rigged anyway.
To top it all off, even the atmosphere itself seemed to be as bleak and gloomy as this parody of a carnival. How the hell did this place manage to stay in business?
Katia, Melua, and Tenia thought long and hard about that question as they wandered around this travesty that called itself a carnival.
“Where’s Touya, Calvina, and the bland twins?” Tenia asked. “How’d we lose them in this place? I mean—I can understand losing Akimi and Akemi, but Touya and Calvina are pretty distinct, you know?”
Melua glanced around. “Yeah, usually Calvina’s the one who loses us, not the other way around.”
“You’d think we’d be able to keep track of the four people we were supposed to be exploring this ‘carnival’ with.” Katia scanned the premises for a familiar face. “Also, where the heck is anybody else? This place can’t be that big.”
She sighed, pulling out her phone. “You know what, why don’t we just try calling Calvina instead of wandering around like lost kids—”
Suddenly, a carny shouted very loudly in their direction, “Step right up! Have a try at this game! It’s free!”
Katia coughed after a moment. “Well, I’ll call—”
“Come on, don’t be shy! Try your hand at Troggle Shoot! You win a prize every time!”
“…I’ll call—”
“And yes, I am talking to you, trio of girls who look like lost children and whose color schemes are blatantly ripping off the Powerpuff Girls. Come here and play Troggle Shoot!”
The three girls sighed and turned to look at the carny shouting at them. He was a man dressed in purple robes and a funny hat manning a stand that no one seemed to be paying much attention to. His stand was evidently his game of Troggle Shoot, judging by his earlier shouting and also the flashing neon pink sign that said “Troggle Shoot” on top of the stand.
The three exchanged glances.
“What if it’s a kidnapping attempt?” Katia asked.
“Surprisingly, we haven’t run into that in this carnival yet,” Melua replied. “I don’t see any of the others, but if we shout loud enough someone should come running…”
“He doesn’t look so tough.” Tenia glanced at the carny. “He looks old and scrawny. I bet even we could beat him up. And he did go through all the trouble of calling us out.”
Katia sighed. “I swear, you two are going to land us in a shallow grave out on the side of a road one day.”
They reluctantly headed over to the carny’s stand, because he was a creepy old man being incredibly insistent on having three girls play his probably terrible game. He gave them what was likely supposed to be a disarming smile as they approached. Unfortunately, it just made him look creepier.
“Welcome, girls! I am the ingenious Dr. Quandary, the quintessential quizmaster! But you may call me Doctor Q.”
Oh great, alliteration. How wonderful—I absolutely adore the amazing appeal of alliteration. It’s immensely impressive to implement.
“You must be so happy,” Katia whispered to Melua. “You’ve finally found kin.”
“Shut up, Katia.”
Doctor Q continued on. “It’s your lucky day! I am offering you three a free game of Troggle Shoot! If you win, you can have these three dolls.”
He gestured to three dolls sitting atop a shelf in the stand. One was of a babyish blond child dressed in blue overalls. Another was a pink-skinned…person dressed in blinding yellow clothes. The last was aptly described as a horrific pumpkin-headed mutant wearing a popped-collar shirt and Hawaiian shorts.
“Excuse me, did I say dolls? I meant to say…Lifelike Action Figures!”
“…Just call them dolls, dude.” Tenia gave him her best impression of Calvina’s “what the fuck is this shit” face. “We’re not even boys—trying to play to that stereotype doesn’t make any sense!”
“Also these dolls are the ugliest things I’ve ever seen,” Katia added.
Melua grimaced. “Trying to offer them as prizes just makes me want to play this game even less!”
Doctor Q waved his hands. “Hey, hey, don’t be like that. Who knows? Maybe you’ll grow to like these precious faces!”
“I doubt that,” the three girls said in unison.
“…Look, it’s a free game and you get free stuff. Didn’t your parents teach you not to look a gift horse in the mouth?”
“Our parents are dead.”
“…Well, why not distract yourself from the grief and sadness with a little game of Troggle Shoot! It’s free! See that Troggle in the box marked TARGET?”
“We don’t want to—”
He pointed insistently at an LCD screen built into the side of the stand that showed an image that was probably supposed to be that Troggle thing he was talking about.
“Shoot as many of them as you can.” He set three BB guns on the table. “You each have 20 bullets. You can start firing whenever you’re ready.”
The three girls sighed. What a pushy guy. Seeing as he probably wasn’t going to leave them alone until they played his crappy game, they took the guns he offered them. Doctor Q’s smile widened as he stepped aside to activate the game. In the back of the stand, Troggles of all shapes and sizes began to roll across the shooting gallery’s three rows, but the girls were aiming for only one type.
One such Troggle came out first from the right on the middle row. Katia aimed and fired first. However, she aimed where it was instead of where it was going to be, so the Troggle rolled onward unharmed while her bullet looked stupid as it hit nothing.
“Oops. Well, at least Calvina isn’t here to complain about how much I suck at shooting.”
At least her mistake taught Tenia and Melua that they should aim slightly ahead of the Troggles to hit them. With that lesson learned, the girls began to shoot down Troggle after Troggle with relative ease. The game was surprisingly simple with no bullshit rigging involved, and they each had some experience in shooting because during their little venture in space Calvina decided to give them lessons since they had nothing else to do most of the time.
Once they used up their 20 bullets, their total Troggles shot came up to 53. Doctor Q shut off the machine and applauded them.
“Bravo, girls! Nice shooting! You’ve won your prizes.” He paused. “Though I must warn you; the prize you choose may have a dramatic effect on your future. These are not your ordinary Lifelike Action Figures. In fact, you might even swear they were alive sometimes!” He let out a deep laugh.
“Are you seriously still calling them Lifelike Action Figures?” asked Tenia. “And why does this sound incredibly foreboding?”
Doctor Q ignored her. “Let me tell you about them.”
He first gestured to the babyish one on the far left. “This is B. Ginner. It’s harmless, mostly.”
He moved on to the pink one on the far right. “This is O. D. Nary. A nice, middle of the road fellow.”
Finally, he motioned to the tan one with the pumpkin head. “And this is D. Fee Cult. It can be a real pain in the posterior. Which one will you take?”
“What’s with the punny names?” Katia asked. “And also the foreboding descriptions? Everything about this whole setup is incredibly suspicious and I don’t think we should accept these dolls.”
“Even if this whole thing didn’t scream danger, I still wouldn’t want these things,” Melua muttered. “They’re all so freaky.”
Doctor Q slammed his fist on the stand, making the girls jump. “You’ll accept these Lifelike Action Figures and you’ll like it!”
“Okay, fine! We’ll take the stupid dolls!” Melua turned to the others. “I’m…going with B. Ginner. It’s the least freaky of the bunch.”
Katia shrugged. “Alright, I’ll go with O. D. Nary then.”
“Wait, but that leaves me with D. Fee Cult!” Tenia whined. “It’s so freaky with that swollen pumpkin head!”
“Too late, Tenia. At least it looks like the ultimate dudebro with that outfit.”
She groaned. “Fine. Maybe I can freak Touya out by sticking it in his room…”
The three girls reluctantly accepted their prizes. God, they were so freaky and ugly.
As they studied their freaky prizes, the dolls decided to make themselves more horrifying by suddenly opening their eyes.
The dolls began to glow, blotting out their view with bright technicolor light. The girls heard Doctor Q laugh maniacally before they blacked out.
Katia awoke with a splitting headache. She rolled onto her side and pushed herself off the sand, rubbing her head with a groan. Thankfully, her ears didn’t get any sand in them—they were however filled with the sound of the ocean’s grey waves, destined to seek life beyond the shore just out of reach. Er, wait—I mean she heard the ocean lapping against the shore.
…Wait, when the hell did she get to the beach?
Katia looked up and nearly fell over when the first thing she saw were two of those freaky dolls she, Tenia, and Melua had been given moving around like they were alive. Also, they had somehow become as big as she was.
Her outburst drew the attention of the dolls, who also startled back and screamed. Their voices sounded an awful lot like—
“Tenia? Melua?” Katia asked tentatively as she looked down at herself. The clothes she was wearing certainly weren’t those she had on at the carnival. And her skin was definitely not pink before.
The only thing she knew that had this ungodly pallor and disgustingly bright set of clothes was…that doll…
Looking back up, she saw that the other two seemed to have drawn the same conclusion as her. Their expressions slowly shifted into that of surprise and growing horror. Faced with this terrible realization, the girls reacted the only way they knew how:
By screaming about it.
“Dammit, I knew we were going to wind up in some crazy situation one day!”
“This is the last time I play crappy carnival games or accept ugly dolls from strangers!”
Their freak-out session was interrupted by a bottle washing up on the shore. Inside was a rolled-up paper. The three girls looked at it and then at each other.
Tenia walked over to the bottle, uncorking it and pulling out the paper inside. She unfurled it as the other two came over to read the message written on it.
Dear suckers:
Ha! You have fallen into my trap! I have implanted your minds into these DOLLS and transported you to my Secret Island! Unless you can solve all my puzzles and meet all my challenges, you’ll never see your bodies again! You’ll be real nobodies! Get it? NO BODIES! Ha ha ha ha ha
Yours Q-ly,
Doctor Quandary
“…Well, that explains how we got in this situation,” Tenia muttered.
“What the heck is wrong with this guy? Who the hell thinks ‘I’m going to go trap random kids into ugly dolls for shits and giggles’? Literally what does he stand to gain from doing any of this?”
“…Katia, I think we should be more concerned about possibly losing our bodies forever at the moment,” Melua said.
“Yeah, but how are we supposed to get our bodies back? What, is he going to make us make some fixer elixir by completing his stupid challenges?”
As Katia spoke, Tenia walked over to the recycling bin that was conveniently placed nearby and dropped the message inside. Recycling was a habit she gained after Calvina got really angry at her for littering. Surprisingly, Calvina cared a lot about the environment.
Much to her surprise, a receipt popped out after she recycled the message.
“Wait, what? I got a receipt for recycling?” She picked it up and read the big words printed on the top. “…Doctor Q’s Fixer Elixir?”
Katia stared at her. “Are you kidding me.”
She and Melua went over to read the list with Tenia. They went through the entire list in silence.
“…What kind of an ingredient list is this?” Tenia asked. “What do you mean, ‘under-the-table decoration’? Who writes a recipe in riddles?”
Melua pointed at the directions. “The directions aren’t better. ‘Heat it up until it’s too hot to drink’? ‘Drink it’? Screw you too, Doctor Q.”
Tenia groaned. “This is gonna suck. We’re gonna need some major help with this one.”
She pulled out her phone from…somewhere and dialed a number. Katia stared at her pocketless shorts.
“…Where did you get your phone from?”
The Ferris wheel had been stopped for a whole ten minutes with no signs of moving yet. Heck, the maintenance workers hadn’t even shown up. Trapped in one of the compartments at the top were Calvina, Touya, and the Akatsuki twins. Calvina glared at everyone else as they all sat in awkward silence.
“I told you this thing would break down.”
Touya looked at the floor while Akimi and Akemi stared out of opposite windows.
“…Worth it.”
“Was it? Was it really?”
“…A little.”
Calvina sighed. “This is almost as bad as that time we were stuck in that escape shuttle meant for only two people at best.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s that bad,” Touya replied. “At least this time we have breathing room and you don’t have to steer with Akimi’s ass in your face.”
Akimi coughed. “Yeah, this…is a lot better than that.”
“And we also don’t have any space malaria to worry about.” Akemi frowned. “How did we even get into that situation to begin with?”
Akimi shrugged. “Beats me. We just kinda…woke up like that. Anyway, I hope the ride starts again soon. Don’t freak out yet, but I kinda have to pee.”
The others stared at him.
“…I hope they get the ride fixed soon,” Touya muttered.
“I’ll beat the shit out of you if you piss yourself,” Calvina said flatly.
Akimi lowered his head. “Uh…got it…”
Akemi patted him on the shoulder. “If it comes down to it, you can probably pop open the compartment door and pee out there.”
“Ew, I’m not going to do that.”
Suddenly, Calvina’s phone rang.
“…Really, Calvina? Your ringtone is Megalovania?”
“Shut up, Touya.” She took out her phone and checked the caller ID before taking it. “What is it, Tenia?”
“Calvina, we need your help. Some old fart named Dr. Quandary forced us to play his crappy game and then stuffed our souls into these ugly ass dolls. Now we’re stranded on his secret island and he’s making us solve a bunch of puzzles to gather ingredients to make what sounds like a very unappetizing drink to cure our dollness. We gotta do it, because otherwise we’ll be stuck like this forever and I don’t want to be an ugly ass pumpkin-head dudebro forever, this doll is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. So can you please help us solve these puzzles when we get to them?”
“What did Tenia get into?” Touya asked.
“Apparently she, Katia, and Melua played a suspicious carnival game in the ten minutes we were separated and then the guy running the stand stuffed their souls into some dolls. Or something.”
“…What?” the other three said at the same time.
“Yeah…” Calvina frowned. “Wait, if you three are stuck in dolls without your bodies how do you still have your phone?”
In the background, she heard Katia shout, “That’s what I asked!” Tenia on the other hand was silent.
“…I don’t know, but it’s convenient, shut up. Are you going to help us or not?”
Calvina rubbed her forehead. “I mean, I guess…it’s not like the four of us are going anywhere, since these idiots wanted to ride the Ferris wheel so damn badly.” She glared at the others once again.
“What? But that thing was obviously going to break down!”
“Yeah, that’s what I said! But nooo, we just had to ride it. Look, I’m putting you on speaker now so everyone can hear what you’re saying.”
She did exactly that before setting her phone on her leg. “Okay, what are we dealing with? Where are you right now?”
“Uh, we’re on a beach. I got a message in a bottle and recycled it to get a recipe for this ‘Fixer Elixir’ which is probably the thing that’s supposed to turn us back to normal. The recipe is weird as shit though. Here, I’ll send Touya a pic.”
Touya’s phone buzzed and he pulled it out. A moment later he held out his phone to show Tenia’s pic. Everyone leaned in to read.
“…What the hell is ‘under-the-table decoration’ supposed to mean?” Akimi asked.
“That’s what I want to know!”
“Well…this seems like the start of a whole bunch of ‘what the hell is this shit’ shenanigans,” Akemi muttered as she went over the list. “Maybe we’ll get a better idea what the heck any of this is supposed to be once you start getting things.”
“I guess…I see a forest nearby so we’re going to head there first. Come on guys, let’s go.”
Calvina sighed. “This is going to be a long day…”
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Starting out with image descriptions: formatting
Plain text: "Starting out with image descriptions: formatting" in title text. end PT
Continuing my series about accessibility, I have decided to explain how an ID should be put in a post. I see a lot of people in here who already do image descriptions but aren't sure how to properly format them, or who format them in a way that isn't accessible. I decided to make a post to explain the basics on how to make IDs.
This won't explain what to write when you're making IDs; just how to properly put your ID in the post in a way that is accessible. For more resources on IDs, you can go to my "accessibility" and "reference" tags.
1. Text ID vs Alt Text
Plain text: Small title text saying, "1. Text ID vs Alt Text". end PT
A text ID is an ID you write on the body of the post, visible to everyone. Alt text, on the other hand, is an ID you code in along with the image, so it isn't visible for people with screenreaders, but people with it can click on the image and get that ID read out loud.
Tumblr offers the possibility to add alt text to your images, if you click on the three dots that appear on the corner of the image on mobile. Except... Oops, it doesn't always work
As with many Tumblr features, Tumblr alt text is known to glitch, and the entire alt text might disappear or not be available to users without the O.P necessarily knowing. The reasons for this range from "the post was edited later" to "reblogs ate the alt text" to "damned if I know". So, it is unreliable, and that alone is a reason why it should not be used
There are, however, other important reasons! Namely, that alt text isn't actually accessible to a lot of visually impaired people. This is because alt text can only be accessible via a screenreader, since the ID will only be available in the post's code. And not every visually impaired person uses a screenreader, including blind people
There are other accessibility features that legally blind and visually impaired people use, such as: bigger text, bigger display, high contrast text, the enhance button, color correction, and more. These people still need IDs (including of screenshots of text! They need these accessibility features to see text, so if you post a screenshot of regular text, they can't read it), but cannot see them if you only put it on alt text
Not to mention that some blind people cannot use a screenreader even if they preferred that to other accessibility features, because they are Deafblind, have auditory processing disorder, or simply cannot listen to something at the moment for whatever reason
Tumblr is working on a feature that allows alt text to show up in the body of the post so people can read it normally, but while it isn't available to everyone, alt text is not accessible. It is not accessible to Deafblind people, people with APD, and people who prefer not to use screenreaders, which is a choice they have the right to make. Therefore, using it is not a good accessibility practice and using plain text IDs is preferable
There is also an important argument, which is that alt text is designed to be invisible to sighted folks, and that in itself is problematic because it discourages people to think about accessibility, recognize when something is or isn't accessible, and start incorporating accessibility practices into their lives. I am a strong supporter of this argument, which is another reason why I don't think I'll ever advocate for alt text. This part, however, isn't a consensus. The other parts are
2. Placement of the ID
Plain text: Small title font that reads, "2. Placement of the ID". End PT
Imagine that Tumblr's newest glitch is that any images added to a post end up at the bottom. So you see a text post that makes use of several images, but every time there is an image in the middle, you just get text that says "image" and you have to scroll down, find the image in question, then scroll back up
This is the experience you are giving blind and visually impaired people when you leave your IDs at the bottom of the post
Folks, when you add an image (or more) to a text post, you don't put it in a random place, do you? You put it in the ideal place for someone to comprehend your text. There is a logical, comprehensible sequence between text and image, and the image is right where it's supposed to be
Therefore, it is also where the ID should be
Please understand me clearly: an ID is their user's image. It substitutes the image for them. When you are writing one, it is helpful to ask yourself, "what would this look like if there was no image, only the ID?". Because that's what it's effectively like for people who need IDs
If the ID is anywhere that is not directly over or under the image, it's in the wrong place. If a place is where the image should be, then it's also where the ID should be
And yes, this includes when you post an image post with just a one-line caption underneath. Most of the time, the caption doesn't make sense without knowledge of the image. If you didn't post the caption before the image, there's no reason to put the caption before the ID
3. About "ID" and "End ID"
Plain text: Small title font reading "3. About 'ID' and 'End ID'." End PT
I occasionally see people posting IDs without the "ID" and "End ID" at the beginning and end, so I thought it'd be helpful to explain why they are needed.
Without the "ID" at the beginning, someone who can't see your image will not be able to tell that the image is described, and will assume that what you are posting is a caption. Then they will probably skip it, or at least believe they are missing the image's information
There is really no other way to make it obvious that what you are about to post is an image description. And a lot of the time, even reading the ID won't make it obvious that it's an ID if you can't already see the image. This is particularly true when the image in question is a screenshot of text and the ID is just a transcription without information that it's a transcription. Someone who sees that and can't see the image will assume that it's your own caption to the image, which could be literally anything
Similarly, the "End ID" is important for the person to know where the ID ends and the poster's caption or commentary begins. Again, there is no way for them to know otherwise. Not even the paragraph break, because some IDs are longer than a paragraph, especially if it's an image with lots of information, such as an infographic or spreadsheet
Using brackets [] instead of the "ID" and "End ID" is NOT ["not" in caps and bold] an appropriate substitution, because brackets are a form of punctuation, and therefore, screenreaders will just read them as a pause. A pause which they would already have because of the paragraph breaks. So, for screenreader users, they offer absolutely no differentiation
Note: "ID" stands for "Image Description", not "Identification". So you don't need to say "Image ID", as that would be "Image Image Description". That's not a cardinal sin that deeply affects your accessibility or anything, but it's good to know. I was saying "Image ID" for like a year before I realized that and I felt really stupid afterwards, so I thought you'd like to know
4. Formatted text
Plain text: Small title font that says, "Formatted text". End PT
I see a lot of people posting their IDs in formatted text (usually tiny text or italics, but occasionally bold, colored text, and others). You should not have your ID in any kind of formatted text
Why? Because most forms of formatted text are unreadable to at least some people with visual impairments, if not all of them. This will generally not be a problem for screenreader users unless you use all caps, stylized fonts, or embedded links. But they will be a problem to users who don't have screenreaders, which, as we've seen before, make up a significant amount of ID users
Legally blind or visually impaired users who don't use screenreaders generally rely on bigger text/display as an accessibility feature. This means that they set their phone to make text bigger for them. If you put your ID in tiny text, you are making the text small all over again. So they won't be able to read it, and your ID will be useless
I have my phone's text and display set to biggest, and Tumblr tiny text looks roughly the same size in that mode as Tumblr regular size in regular mode. That is not big enough for lots of visually impaired people to read; if it was, they wouldn't have their phones set to make text bigger
Similarly, italics make the text look thinner, which is harder for a lot of visually impaired people to read. Bold makes the letters get easily smushed together, which is also hard for some to read. Colored text has a lower contrast, which will also be harder for them to read. Not to mention visually impaired people might have other conditions that affect reading such as color blindness or dyslexia
This is specially harmful if it's long chunks of text. I've seen some people who will put everything that was directly transcribed from the image in bold or italics, and I've even done it myself for a brief period. Please don't do this! It is very hard for a lot of people to read
Every time you mess with formatting on your text, you are basically annulling someone else's accessibility features display. And since Tumblr does not allow users to turn those settings on or off, this is an accessibility issue
Note: not everyone will be negatively impacted by the use of these. Some people even find them helpful, especially if it's to signify key words. But again, since it's impossible to turn it on or off, the best way to do an ID is without formatting, a.k.a in plain text. The exception to this is BlockQuote (a.k.a idented text) and bullet points
To find out more about plain text, you can check out the other post I made about it on the link below
"Do I need to put the ID between brackets?"
Plain text: Small title font reading, "Do I need to put the ID between brackets?". End PT
You might have noticed that most people post IDs between brackets, like this: [ID: A pig wearing a baseball hat. End ID]. This might be the most common way of formatting it
It is not, however, necessary. As far as I know, people do this so people who don't need the IDs can easily know where it begins and ends, and skip them. They do not serve any accessibility purpose
Personally I don't use them, and if I want to have a visual cue to show where the ID begins and ends, I put it in BlockQuote. This is not necessary either, although it might help some people with dyslexia and ADHD better organize the contents of the post. It is fine to do, though, as long as it doesn't substitute the "ID" and "End ID"
And that's all, folks! Thanks once again for reading this long post, and I hope it was helpful
Plain text: small title font reading "TLDR". End PT
You should make your IDs in text, directly under or over the image, with the "ID" and "End ID" at the beginning and end, and without italics, bold, or tiny text. Using brackets isn't necessary but it's okay
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