#i thought the post was origonally like
randomositycat · 5 months
I can never get the "hypocrisy of jinmao" post out of my head but I couldn't find it BU T I JUST FOUND IT AND WHEEWWWWWWW girls I'm so strapped in for this wild ride... I might have to read the LN... I think i might... idk how long I can wait for all THAT nonsense to come into play WHEEWWWW
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mtdthoughts · 6 months
Reiko's Son (Migi & Dali Analysis)
This post contains heavy *spoilers* from Episode 11 of the Migi & Dali anime (equivalently, Ch. 39 - 40 of the manga), so please keep this in mind.
Here's a preposterous idea, but hear me out: Dali is Reiko's son.
I don't mean this in any literal or familial sense, since Metry is Dali's mother and since Reiko chose Eiji to be her son. But, it is noticeable that although Dali is the spitting image of Metry, his personality is nothing like hers, and is in fact closer to Reiko's.
Indeed, it is hard to discount Reiko's role as a "parent" (as twisted as it may be) since she saw Metry as an extension of herself and coerced her into an affair with Akira that resulted in the triplets. Thus, Dali can be seen as Reiko's son in a figurative sense, where he inherited some of her traits from this twisted parenthood.
The fact there are three triplets (Migi, Dali, Eiji) to three parents (Metry, Reiko, Akira) suggests a correspondence between parent and child. We can easily form associations between Metry and Migi and between Akira and Eiji. After all, Migi is the spitting image of Metry even down to the direction of their hair, and has her goofy and loving personality. Meanwhile, Eiji not only looks like his father Akira, but is also a model student seeking to become a doctor like him, and both can be surprisingly oblivious. This leaves us with one pair, Dali and Reiko, who are both arguably the most complex and interesting characters of their respective trios.
It pains me slightly to compare my favorite character in the story to the psychopathic and downright demonic Reiko, but there’s too much evidence for me to say otherwise, and the parallels that can be drawn bring a deeper meaning to the story.
Here are all the links I’ve thought of:
A superficial observation, but their hair is in the same direction. Furthermore, Dali chooses long black hair when disguised as Sali, perhaps looking like a younger Reiko. Also, both are noted by others as very attractive.
Eiji's central figure in his life is his mother Reiko, and it is curious that he falls in love with Sali.
Both are (dangerously) intelligent, controlling, and manipulative characters that operate in the shadows and often conceal their true feelings and motives. It's almost as if their intelligence was a curse.
Just as Reiko keeps up her appearance as the perfect woman, mother, and neighbor, Dali keeps up his appearance as the perfect boy, son, friend, student, and even brother. It is likely that both characters have hidden insecurities, as their natural talents have caused others to regard them highly, causing them to have high expectations on themselves.
Both are very meticulous, as Dali has a habit of drawing schematics for his plans, while Reiko surveils Origon Village and keeps a diorama of the village along with the residents’ data.
Both are strangely proficient in hypnosis.
Reiko is surprisingly quick, stealthy, and proficient with weapons. If there’s anyone capable of rivalling the twins’ dexterity, it’s her.
Both have obsessions that they are willing to go to great lengths for and may resort to cutthroat measures (sometimes literally). Ironically, these obsessions are the sources of their unhappiness and drive them closer to insanity.
Dali began to descend into insanity when he cast away Migi for revenge while Reiko saw the kind and loving Metry as a devil when she thought that Metry was trying to steal her perfect life. They both have deluded themselves into self-justification, though Dali broke out of this after realizing how important Migi was to him when he almost killed him.
Dali almost became a killer (good thing he only used a pumpkin), while Reiko is an actual cold-blooded killer.
The imagery of Reiko saying that Metry was a part of her shows that she inserted herself as a second mother of this pregnancy. Perhaps this is a metaphor for conceiving Dali, an identical older brother to Migi in a similar way that Reiko was an older sister to Metry.
The Migi-Dali and Metry-Reiko relationships parallel each other: a) Migi looks up to Dali as his cool and reliable older brother, and Metry looks up to Reiko as a perfect older sister, as Dali and Reiko are (generally) the more competent ones in their respective pairs. b) At the start of the story, Migi tried to be like Dali by imitating him, and Metry wanted to be a perfect woman like Reiko. c) Dali enjoyed Migi's company, as did Reiko with Metry before she learned of her own infertility. d) Dali betrays Migi with the Sali ruse for the sake of revenge, and Reiko betrays Metry for the sake of perfection by forcing her to have an affair with Akira and then stealing Eiji from her. e) Migi runs away from Dali just as Metry runs away from Reiko. f) Migi almost dies after getting caught up in Dali’s revenge while Metry actually dies trying to take back Eiji from Reiko.
Hopefully, this is enough evidence for the theory, but what’s the purpose of it? I have a few ideas:
Parallels can be presented between Migi and Dali's story and Metry and Reiko's story, including how they ended. Metry died and Reiko succumbed to evil (and later died) to maintain her image of perfection, while Migi and Dali were able to escape a similar fate because of their strong brotherly love.
Reiko’s mental illness and the fact that she is the main antagonist show us the type of person Dali could have become and highlight the importance of Dali’s internal conflict in battling his inner demons. Chapters 31 and 32 of the manga (or Episode 8 of the anime) shows Dali’s descent into madness and his ruthlessness. If anything had happened differently in the story, Dali could have become just like Reiko.
Conversely, Metry and Reiko's story could have ended differently if Reiko was able to find help and accept Metry and the twins as part of her family. I believe that she could have found real happiness and overcome her obsession for perfection. Instead, she rejected them and even attempted to murder them, and ultimately paid with her own life for her decisions. Migi and Dali's story highlights the tragedy of Metry and Reiko, as it shows us that if their love was powerful enough, Metry and Reiko could have found a way to make their complicated situation work.
It would be interesting if Dali ever thought about this connection. He’s a contemplative boy, so perhaps this did cross his mind at some point, which could somewhat explain his actions towards the end of the story.
It's quite ironic that Reiko almost killed Dali, the triplet who most resembled her, and that Dali was the catalyst for the series of events that led to her downfall and death. It’s a good thing that Reiko decided not to steal Dali from Metry, otherwise who knows how he might have turned out.
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vulpixisananimal · 28 days
I'd like to add!!! I adore that this isn't just an au for the sifstem but just a generally good post game story too??? That is just really well using the sifstem??? Like. Really good twists and takes on the story plus the wonderful characterization. It's well done all around and I love whenever you update. It's a treat every time
Thank you!!! I started making a story for it because I have "If this thing I'm doing doesn't have plot I lose interest" disorder. But then I kept adding to it and people liked it and now here we are!
I looooove writing for it, and I'm glad I can capture the characters, even if they might not always be perfect. And!!! I like Nille!!! I can write about Nille now!!!
Plus! Origonal ISAT explored a lot of themes of mental health, but it didn't really touch on DiD/OSDD, so, I thought why not have a better place for such a thing than the postgame!
I do get worried I'm not doing the story fully right sometimes, like, "what if I didn't hint at [x] enough and people will think im pulling it from nowhere." kinda thing. But then I realize it's my house. Soooooo.
In general! I love this au and love writing it and that people love it! So I'm gonna make more!!!
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radicalwobbly-blog · 3 months
The Sacred Changed
ok so I've wanted to set this idea out and I've noticed some people floating around in a sort of meme fashion. But as with my last post I wanted to try and establish a more formal theological reason for this.
The idea I'm posing is what I'm going to call the pagan acceptance of trans people, now while not absolute the vast vast majority of pagans (aside from fascists but fuck them) are trans accepting. I want to expand on this idea that not only should trans people be accepted. But they're experience of transition should be seen as sacred. And further that this idea should be spread in order to oppose the idea that trans people are broken or confused particualrly as the US seems to be falling more and more into theocracy by the day.
The fundamental basis of my argument comes from a couple of sources. The first and most important is the Hymn to Inanna which was written by a woman called Enheduanna who served as a priest of the goddess Inanna (better known as ishtar) and who lived about 4300 years before the present. One of if not her most famous surviving works is this Hymn whose most famous line goes. "To turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man are yours, Inana." (line 120). In this line Enheduanna specificly uses this transformative power as evidence of how supreme the goddess is.
The action is treated as amazing and powerful. In preceding lines Inanna is described as a goddess who has the power to "shatter the earth" and before whom all other gods prostraight themselves before at her power. and amoungst these pasages where the goddess is given power of victory in battle the wellfare of cities and the wealth of lords and kings she is also given transformative power. In effect the text calls the men and women changed into the opposite gender (what we would call trans men and women) not onlt sacred but evidence of the supreme power of the goddess the text was written to exult.
Further Inanna/Ishtar as well as later goddesses derived from her maintained a long lasting class of priests known as gala as well as preist roles specific to her origonal cult (group of worshipers or priestly organisation) who enaged in actions which violated the gender binary, these included wearing womens clothing and adopting feminine roles in terms of singing religous songs and hymns. While not exactly trans individual as we might identify them today this role clearly shows an affinity for gender non conforming individuals within the cult of the goddess ishtar.
And this idea is not limited to ancient mesopotamia. Both ancient greek and ancient roman sources though they often have a different idea of transition than we would (often filtered through misgony). This is seen not only in the cult of excplicitly gender non conforming gods like hermaphroditus (who depending on myth was either born half male half female or became half male and half female). or numerous myths in which the gods change someones biological sex. with the change in all cases being seen as divine power if not an exact positive (specificly male to female transitions are often thought of as negitive with a couple of possible exceptions).
In addition to this the Galli (Potentialy a contiuation of the Gala of mesopotamia) though refered to as eunchs in contemperary writings. seem to have occupied a similar space to modern trans gender people and again were seen as sacred to their goddess Cybele.
Across the ancient mediteranian trans people (or a probable ancient equivilent) not only existed but often held localy important religous positions. And beyond that the transformation was treated as an almost supreme act. In fact it could be argued that transitioning is in fact the most religous act a human can perform because the gods may change their shape at will and choose the form in which they appear therefore it follows humans who change their own form to one which they feel is true to so in imitation of the gods and so are the most like them.
And it is this idea pagans must encourage as attacks on the LGBT community and trans people especily grow and mount. we must hold the line we must stand with this community and defend them not only because it is the moral action but because it is the pious action. Because to stand with this community is to say "Here are those the gods have chosen and risen up as sacred here are those who are like the gods and so we shall defend them" and that is the lession of Inanna great goddess of Uruk and greatest of all the anunaki and igigi. She who Enheduanna glorifys as the one who "opens the roads and paths who is a place of peace on a journey and who is companion to the weak" and she the goddess whose power is exulted as supreme by Enheduanna "she who changes men into women and women into men"
Dedicated to Ishtar-she who changes
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cy-cyborg · 9 months
Whats your fanfic going to be about? I would love to read it!
I'm probably not going to post it on this account, mainly because it's something I just want to do to practice since my writing is a bit rusty atm and I keep getting stuck on worldbuilding in my origonal fiction works lol. (I have done a lot of writing over the last few years, but its all been done in script format, so I'm out of practice for normal story/book format writing and I want to get back into that).
In saying that though, The one I want to write first is about my Skyrim OC, an Argonian named Kaj. According to Elder-scrolls lore, all the argonians are connected to a species of super-intelligent trees called the Hist. The hist use the argonians as protection and the argonians rely on the hist to help them grow and mature. There's a fan-theory I'm quite fond of though that says there's an off-shoot Hist tree in you can find in Skyrim that's (probably) disconnected from the rest of the Hist and Argonians, and I thought it would be neat to explore what an argonian connected to this hist might be like. I've played Kaj a few times now, and she almost always starts off as a serious spell-sword type character looking for her lost brother who always devolves into "a klutz who's just really good at failing upwards and somehow ends up leader of every guild despite being terrible" because Skyrim is a glitchy mess (made worse by my mods lol) that doesn't let you fail. I head-cannon this as the Hist (and probably a few gods too, since she's dragonborn) desperately trying to keep her alive until she can fight Alduin, but she's just completely obvious to danger and thinks she's just that good at everything. I felt like it would be something fun and (mostly) light-heated to start out on.
I've actually done some art of her before (I call her Niijk in that post, it's the same character though, that's her old name). I probably won't link to the fic about her directly, but if I do more art, I'll post that here along with the fic name (I'd do that now but I don't know what I'm going to call it yet lol)
I also want to do some other fics a bit later on which I've been told fit into the "fix it" genre of fanfic, showing examples of how to improve the disability rep in some media properties I really like. I've been planning on doing those before I knew they counted as fan fiction lol, and I probably will link to those since they are pretty similar to what I make here, but I want to practice a bit first.
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raffaelamusiker · 5 months
Formal request to also ask all of them for the fic ask
(You can't prove it's been a whole month)
Origonal post
What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
‘Not yet’ whispers through the trees and B’Elanna shudders. And I couldn't even tell you why but it's my most favourite <3 From Existing In Your Orbit
What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Oooh boy. Honestly Rios staying in 2024.
Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
I recently recieved amazing long comments on my Jemily series and I think they might be my most favourite. Also Jaz's comment on Mercy and the ones where people ask me for more smut because they're so funny.
What is your wildest headcanon?
I wrote a crack fic the other day where Seven drank a Big Gulp without taking a breath so I guess that one.
What’s your ideal writing setup?
Somewhere cosy and no noise.
Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
Depends. For multi-chapter I usually try and have an outline or basis. usually just go with the flow and what kind of fic it is.
Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
“What, and I’m not important enough for you to want to stay?” Raffi shoots back, picking at her nails. 
The hand that’s gripping the page of the book in her lap moves quick enough that it rips it before she snaps the book shut loudly. A pang of regret fills her chest at the fact that this is one of Raffi’s books but her frustration takes over everything else. 
“Stop putting words in my mouth, Raffi.” Seven stands to walk away. “When have I ever said you aren’t important? If I didn’t want to be here I wouldn’t come.” 
“You’ve never said I am important!” 
Gasp angst who'd have thought.
Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
Only if I'm trying to read a specific fic i've read before. I usually just scroll through all the fics til I find one I want to read again.
Do you like to post fics on a schedule or at random?
Random. Gotta keep you all on your toes you know.
What helps you focus when you write?
Really wish I knew haha.
What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
This is a hard toss up but it's got to be either Before the Sunrise, Raffaela or Nostalgia
Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
Both. Writing is cathartic and helps me get out my messy thoughts but also I love sharing things with others.
Why did you start writing fanfic?
To get all these ideas out of my head and to help me mentally.
Which character is your favorite to write?
Hmm...I wonder...
Raffi, of course though Emily will always be my baby too.
Which character is the toughest to write?
Sometimes I find Seven tough from a 3rd person pov, but honestly men are just hard to write lmao
Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
Well I've listed my CM and Picard faves already but my Voyager fave is probably A Collective of Four
How often do you read your own fics?
So often lmao.
Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
Well me and bestie want to write our AU's into books. Princess and Knight AU and Pirate AU. All wlw of course.
If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
All the Saffi fics should be real. Just saying. (Well not all of them...)
What inspires you and your writing?
Stupid dumb characters in my head /affectionate, and talking to others.
Do you research for your fics?
Usually if its needed. And it's usually for small little things.
What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
Probably in the middle. But I'll read near enough anything tbh.
Do you often write about a relationship or focus on an individual?
I usually focus on one character within a relationship with the relationship surrounding it.
Have you included any sexy scenes in your fics? If yes, do you find them easy or difficult to write?
It depends on the vibe tbh. Sometimes it flows a lot easier than others. I do have to write from a giving position usually though otherwise its hard af lmao.
Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
Angst. I never feel like I get fluff right honestly.
What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
Happy endings even if everythings gone to shit before. Except Before the Sunrise but that's an outlier. Sometimes I'll do ambiguous or bad but I tend to need the happy endings to make me feel better haha.
How many WIPs do you currently have?
Oh no...I don't even want to count. Ones that are written that don't include multichapters? Maybe 5? MC's and just ideas included thats probably in the teens honestly.
Does anyone beta read or edit your fics?
Bestie Blaine is always the best beta and makes my stuff make sense <3
Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
If I had to choose one fic, it would have to be Foundations. Authors, alreadyaccepted, smol_yellowbumblebee, ericine, daxs10thhost, bimichaelburnham, sleeplessrivers, dolcewrites, fenrisranger, thequeerengineer, sgtmac, falltonadir...okay just everyone in the Saffi/Picard tag okay <3
What led to your interest in the fandom?
My partner got me watching the first season of Picard and there were gays so, the rest is history I guess.
Are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic?
I am quite open about it haha.
What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Reading other people's fics and interacting with them is the best way to enchance your own writing.
Do you like writing short fics or long fics?
I love writing long fics but lately that's been an impossible struggle and I've felt kinda like a failure. Last year I wrote something like 70 fics because I did a lot of drabbles. This year I want to focus on longer fics and I have quite a few ideas stored up.
Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
It depends. Sometimes i can look at a chapter and I'll guess how long it is (and then it'll be longer) but I usually go with the flow.
Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
As someone who just got out of burnout, its to try something new. I started With Love, A which is a totally different format from what I've done before and it's really brought me out of the slump. Also talking through things with other people is always great.
Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
I would like to make my own canon someday haha.
Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Hurt/comfort is my beloved.
If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Polycule cuddle pile. Which one? I have too many to choose from.
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my best boy bran and/or rickon?
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poor sweet boy
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
hi!! I just wanted to say I absolutely love your writing so much. kinda taking a bit from a lil happy rant I had to a friend about your fics- how leshy can't remember who the talking cards are but still has the same feelings from them, his panic and desperation to keep you alive and well enough to keep playing slowly turning into a comfortable, loving obsession, his neglected life outside of anything and how he behaves as if a deer in headlights when he now holds no power beyond that of the stats of his cards. the readers chill attitude to it all, perhaps using it as a form of escapism to ignore the fact they're stuck here and that every time they look outside a window it makes them feel sick, like something's wrong. they're all shrouded in mystery, guilt, confusion, but they're just making do. the small things get better. the game gets bigger and more exciting. it all continues, different this time, a lil happier. AAA the reader x leshy series is so COOL
also like!! your writing style and the literary devices used and the words and everything makes my brain so happy. I love analysing text and seeing all the methods used to make the story the story it is is so fun!! excited to read more in the future ❤️❤️
I am going to fold you up and put you in my pocket (affectionate)
This is legit the best message it's so sweet but also covers my fics in a way I was worried I wasn't getting across well??? I'm so glad to hear these themes came across I just
The isolation, the quiet maybes and unsures, the feeling of "this isn't right, but I don't want it to change". Leshy grips his player like a life line, as long as they are having fun an happy he could care less about anything else. Love is complex to speak of but easy to feel and Leshy really, truly, falls in love with his players.
I'm actually so obsessed with this ask it really is the best comment I've ever gotten on a fic thankyou very much and I hope you'll continue to stick around for what may come.
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armouredgoblin · 4 years
Im fucking angry
Its been a long time since i have actually posted anything on here. But now I need to vent Ive seen so much shit going on that it makes me want to scream for some common sense
I dont care about your Identity. I only care if you are a good person Once you force your identity into the conversation and make it litterally only about that, its not “Oh it doesnt mean that X and Y dont matter” its “My Identity comes first before anything that might counter that argument” Right now I am seeing people attacking each other PURELY over racial skin tone ON ALL SIDES.
Im seeing history being wiped out for something that we thought was normal 100′s to 1000′s of  years ago but then the west took it upon themselves to remove as much as possible. If you havent guessed its slavery btw Im seeing people litterally creating a lawless part of a city and cry when they cannot get their extremly priverliged food “Vegan and soy products”. Congratulations people you are so privilage you have the CHOICE of foods you can buy, but now you put yourselves into a situation where you cannot get more of it thanks to the systems you have derailed completely that worked fine until you fucking idiots.
The Media is so baised its now just stupid. Claiming that the stabbings in scotland would have been provented if we had given the “asylum Seekers” more free shit? They openly Dox people who dont just take the narritive that they try to spoon feed to us. Good morning britain had a person saying that they should have translated the warnings in Lester into other languages because of their highly Diverse population. Im pretty sure that the main language in Britian is English. Ive also noticed that the places with the most Diverse Populations have the worst issues (cough cough London)
Speaking of Diversity. Shut the fuck up Khan (The london mayor). During your time london has become a cesspit of bullshit and is no longer an English city. Its so bad that the Native population of the country is out numbered in our own capital city. It is not a strength when more and more issues are coming up because you dont have the balls to deal with the issues because WACISM. I have seen better Mayoral canadates in my toilet than you and your Divesity is our strength PR bullshitter. You can also take that fucking internet police you keep pouring money into because people are getting offended on the internet with “non crime hate crimes” Also fuck Hate crime laws they are over reaching and too vague to be any use.
People are being Cancelled left right and center because of things that they have said over 10 years ago in some cases. like Fucking hell give them some time to learn from their mistakes or is it a case of that they can never change, Because if you watch/ read some of their latest stuff it shows that they are different people now.
Anyone who disagrees with the current bias as well is labeled as “Far Right”, how about go fuck yourselves. That means the majority of the normal thinking world is far right by your own standards including some of those who think even a iota out of place.
Im going to say something now I do not agree with the current movement. Its no longer about what it was origonally, its now a completely Marxist and Maoist movement bent on changing the free fucking western world into a bullshit 3rd world. Sure things are not perfect but you lot creating more divides based on your ever increasing Identities and numerous labels you give yourselves and others are causing more problems than they solve.
Did you know that silencing anyone that disagrees with you can force and opinon that could be massively seen as negative can cause more underground movments to spread. Sunlight is the best disinfectent, keeping things in the light allows debate and the chance for people to understand what the others are saying instead of out right deleting them.
Did you know that slavery is happening in africa? or dont they count? ON another note did you know that the Irish were also persecuted and treated like shit? Did you know that Islam the religion which is protected by fucking everyone on the left will activly erode your freedoms and throw you off of a building for being anything but straight? also it is in their text that slaves are a thing? Its also a point that their Prophet is a bloody pedophile.
Did you know that the most rascism we see in history is happens to be visable now because we think FAR FAR differently to back then? Did you know that Communism no matter what form it has taken has claimed 10′s of millions of lives? there is no such thing is not “real communism”.
Did you know that not everything is Trumps or the Conservatives (uk) fault? in fact a good number of the counsils or the cities run by labour(UK) and the Democrats(US) are the worst run of them all with the highest crime and allowing something like CHAZ or CHOP to happen. Now people are just roaming around stealing and harming others within that zone because the police are being ordered not to enter by the fucking Mayor of the city that this “Socialist Haven” resides in. YOU EVEN SEGREGATE WHOLE ZONES JUST FOR ONE RACE IN THERE SO WHATS THAT ABOUT BEING RACIST ?
Did you know that Defunding the police will be a bad thing ? For example, who is going to stop a mean son of a bitch from stealing your shit or causing harm to your family? because outside of america we do not have that many rights to defend our own property (Specificly the UK) and we can be arrested for defending ourselves. Did you know a peacful protest does not include going onto privet land and then crying when someone pulls a gun on you? We have seen what a “ most peaceful protest” is by the standards that things are getting set on fire, homes and businesses and lives are being taken.
I honestly hate all this shit that is happening. So here are my suggestions Fucking sit down and learn some history
Know that the Majority do not think like you and your repulsive hive mind.
Stop dividing yourselves into groups with more and more oppression points
and try to be good people.
Don’t harras, dox, cancel people.
Hate crime laws have been stupid for a long time.
I know there are bad things in this world but all you are doing is adding to the problems and in a lot of cases ignoring others that do not follow your narritive.
Love from The Llama
Ps I have saved this as a document because there is going to be at least one person out there who will want this silenced. I will not be silenced
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athanasia-istolla · 5 years
PC nonsense 3
Well that took bit longer than I thought it would lol. Continued from >here<
Mobo, RAM and Cooler.
Safety first kids.
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Anti static band slipped round my shin and connected to the PSU which is plugged in and "on" but has no actual power going thou it as the 24pin isn't plugged into anything. Which is required on this unit (and most) to power up. The PSU shroud is connected to ground, the 3rd pin on a plug. This gives any electricity on me a very direct path to ground which is where they rather be as such preventing any of it zapping my hardware as I work on the sensitive stuff.
Before that I got a little distracted with another test fit.. if the HDD cages and the 240 Raid will fit in the bottom.
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A bit crude a test.. nothing screwed down and this doesn't account for extra length of the raid itself but it does help prove concept. So in theory it should work.. if not then I guess it goes down low upfront lol.
So Mobo & RAM
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Its.. admittedly been a while since have done a build for anyone let alone myself was rather baffled by the manual saying put the two sticks in the grey slots.. either way think they look pretty nice in there. Am also very glad ASUS let's the user choose if they want the TUF branded stickers on things (chip set fan, cmos bat) even more delighted that the lower right of the chipset heat sink is apparently part of the rgb cuz origonal thought it was painted with a design and I was prepared to paint over it with my own colour gradient cuz I'm that much a nerd.
My fears though about slot spaces in the previous post are confirmed though.. if I want to add cards for more usb 3 and the usb c port I won't be able to do dual GPU's with this board.
Which means likely instead of budget cards like the 1660Ti or what not.. I'd have to aim for something stupid like the 2070 Super or more likely a 2080 Ti.. *Flails with frustrated Canadian sounds.* a low end 2070 Super from EVGA is $7XX.nn up here minimum before tax and shipping. The Ti.. lmfao.. I'd have to save about two years worth of my non essential funds from my Disability spendage.
Bleh. Well puzzles for later let's move on.
The cooler.
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So this is the 360mm I'll be using for my CPU when that gets here. Ryzen 7, Zen 2, 3800X 8c/16t *wiggles in nerd.*
I snuck a test fit of the G12 Bracket around the base just to double check as the base for both coolers is the same size.
Do find it quite odd that the screws they provide for case mounting.. assuming that's what they are for.. are rather short.
We'll find out if they are adequate or not soon as that's part of this whole test nonsense.. how much clearance between the Raid and the Motherboard and is it enough for fans on both sides of the Raid or not..
First I need some noms though.. .////. Hungry mum.
Interlude with the music been listening to while working >here<
Part 4 >here<
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critical role episode 48 campaign 2 notes and funny lines post break edit:this has detailed notes on all the stuff that happened later in the episode including physical descriptions near the end. enjoy ya nerds
don’t steal the books from a high powered mage; don’t kill the dude; beau turning into cad; look at beau planning for the future
is marisha flirting with matt via matt playing yasha and beau flirting with yasha?
‘tea the international language’ but no earl grey
wensworth the goblin
coming from Cad ‘im a fine tea maker’ is kinda a threat tbh
elf that isn’t white/European??? yay! also really old elves are cool
beau and cad tag teaming a political chat with a mage this can’t end poorly
Nott: :beau ruins every situation shes in and is very abrasive
send the freaking cat!!! why not?? caleb my dude
god i miss allura and gilmore currently
fucking fuck don’t lie to the mage beau plz stop this is painful ‘you’re not wrong’ sure blame the ancient sea god
‘on the verge of returning’ yea no duh you let him out 2/3 of the way so fjord could get a spell
‘we found a thing’ so smooth and eloquent beau ‘it was presented to us as the happy fun time ball’
‘butter fingers with magical items’
beau getting a geography lesson from a very old powerful elven mage
‘magical geometric orb that has the ability to bend time and space and fate’ which is kept in a hot pink magic bag that happened to ‘fall into [their] lap’
‘if youre down im down is what im saying... i have a few slots open in my loyalty bank if you’re willing to pay rent’ says the 20 some human who punches things to the centuries old wizard ‘
liam stress eating
cad’s hope in the group is heartwarming
tower metaphors and a conversation!!!
caleb reading shitty romance novel and nott eating a fish outside a mage’s tower in the morning sunlight in a major city
caleb takes the rear
first name drop and a while
holy shit 200 years of magic using
cad explaining materialistic nature of the rest of the party to elf dude is hilarious
teleportation circles?????? in return for access to the sphere!! oh shit thats good
or candy
crap. no one has insight checked this dude and they gave him the happy fun ball and made a deal kinda.
‘how do we prove our loyalty?’ ‘by not fucking me over’ sounds like a good plan
is this guy just caleb’s patron now on the low idk this is how my head works and he said learn
“you have a geometric shape that makes babies?” “yea they talked about that”
fjord just kills the dude
‘i got banishment on hold just in case’ *cackling laughter*
i agree with elf dude, him not knowing anything about the dodecha is more concerning than him knowing about it
good to know the pink bag protects from divination on this plane but just this one
jester and the traveler figurine
cad included the Traveler in the ‘chaotic forces’ i still think the traveler is some kinda arch fey evil things idk its real late here and this is incoherent
‘well, thats been my morning tea‘ 
caleb getting additional tour
good aesthetic for the room tbh
letting weird people in for morning tea is entertainment is a mood and something i strive to be able to do without getting murdered one day
so yasha and caleb both have gotten the ‘stay with friends’ chat from a powerful being which is nice. but also the ‘use who you need to’ going to caleb is vaguely concerning
personalized biscuits [bourbon, cinnamon, lobster, fish and three unknowns]
‘caleb, what happened in there?’
cad not believing caleb’s bullshit and opening doors for caleb warms my heart
‘if this isn’t the death of us, and if not hes a good ally. somethings gonna be the death of us so [yolo]’
‘you can’t bullshit everyone in this world’
cad talking about beau telling the truth: ‘you’re not very good at it but you tried
jester looking out for nott and her home town
caleb and beau being cute while also giving each other shit is the most sibling like thing
omg going back to allfield that was so long ago for fucks sake BRYCE my person thank god
jester had a boy band phase its cannon and i think the girls had a sleepover in jester’s old room. also marion never leaves the hotel. THE RUBY NECKLACE MY HEART AND THE HONEY AWWWWW
‘the army of men and women and inbetween that will do as i want them to’ god i adore her being protective of jester
also the fact matt makes such a good mom why is he like this
travel time!!!! ‘roll for initiative’-tal
how does matt keep these notes so organized and remember all the npc names
the ranger/beast master in Laura is coming out with nugget
caleb is a devout cat person and jester is the definition of a dog person
nott refining oil on a magical moving cart, while jester reads a romance novel and trains a dog,
Dyren- Beau’s roommate at colbot souls; ‘taught beau lots of really cool things’ got sent to a warfront. shaved head, dark clothes, buff b/c ‘been workin out’, ‘do you love her?’ they had ‘good times’, then literal booty call, and dropping locations, Dyren was in Bladegarden. ‘fierce eyebrows, pointed nose’
                    OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES
Vandren info drop to Fjord ‘he was making amends’
Dyren responded and was hurt in Bladegarden but is safe. Beau looked immediately worried and happy about jester’s imput [’sounded way into you’]
empire kids chat and caleb admitting insecurities about powerful people and being scared about the consequences of his actions and the group’s actions. caleb is scared about being forced to leave for safety and being ‘flayed alive’. my thoughts are he would leave if he became a threat to the others by being there or vise versa. trent would extort that b/c hes a dick
“caleb, unfortunately, you don’t get to choose who cares for you” you’re fucking correct Beau
“the problem with friends is that you have to care for them”
walks away “wow cool caleb! see- jester thinks you’re cool because shes your fucking friend!”
me too Tal “everything i like about those two characters in one conversation”
5 years since Caleb left Trent and crew ie had a nervous breakdown
gustav left town after being freed and trostenwald now has a WV accent that is too familiar
100 extra soldiers in allfield. bryce is still up and kicking and wonderful. stuff ‘got this far east [quickly]’. the attacks came from underground apparently so fuck. the fields were burned, building destroyed a bit then they [Xhorhasians] left
“good thing is they’ve already been attacked so lightning doesn’t strike twice” oof thanks bryce
beau just dead ass asking for illegal writing statements
fjord having a thank u jesus bryce moment
jester giving cad a pretty present is ‘so exciting’ and precious
Cad not knowing cookbooks were a thing!!! and not being utterly literate enough to understand it
wtf happened to liam’s voice in the ‘main export is oysters’ thing
a dozen squads of 50 ppl each patrolling felderwen area so rippppp
Nott knows where the halfing’s house is.... interesting... and is heavily drinking
elven woman in fine clothes of green and black ----lady vest durogna the arch mage of antiquity serboros assembly
a male figure in deep blue robes, older pale elf, fine clothes, the flash came from him----- martinette luden’th de____ arch mage of domestic protection
he just lays flat and hides in the cart internally: ‘nopenopenopenope’
several burned buildings, a warehouse, an inn, apothecary and several houses
ohhhh shit the halfling was the owner of the apothecary and nott was looking for the shit she had been sending back this whole adventure....... im sad now that was confirmed
havent found a body of yeza
luke is yeza’s son at old edith’s house
            halflings only produce halflings according to something i read at some point but forget where sooooooooo
shattered vials and materials and house stuff
locked basement which nott knows of?? Nott is anxious and impatient when the door doesn’t open. jester fails, yasha rages and at a 19 and doesn’t break the door. ‘it wasn’t [trapped]’ but dispel magic worked to open it.
a 15′x15′ room, tossed ‘not like you remember’ to nott, a 2x3 iron chest. a single chair in the center of the room. definitely a struggle with heavy impacts and blade scratched on wall
             nott was the torturer from the goblin tribe
chair was placed in the spot after the struggle
this was where he [yeza] kept chemicals according to nott
poisoned iron locked box (dull black glass)  inside a retractable silver tripod to hold something atop it, 3 empty vials 1 full one with a liquid/gas fog like dull colored thing, a pile of destroyed notes [two pieces of still legible paper which have props]
            dunamous field, causes ppl slow to be slower or faster, ‘captured crin operatives’ dunaments and dunamacy, origon gliffs, exist outside established schools of magic, theory in deeply rooted in arcana taken for granted, rooted in _____ town, 12-16 months to refine, word has found me that trent’s kiddos have knacks for this things, dreams are thrilling
well shittttt
            crin on battle fields, ‘breaking fields of fate, fuck the raven queen
a piece of dunemous
dodecha goes in tripod according to beau
chair facing chest
cricks did this apparently
a little under 100 crowns guard killed, 4 civilians burned
soldiers just ‘slowed down’ 
left via tunnels and collapsed them behind them
nott dont be a bitch and don’t get mad at caleb and call them ‘his people’
cad picks up caleb and ‘youre not at fault here, youre the solution here. don’t let her anger... its not about you’
the chest is too big for the haver sack but fits in lorenzo’s bag of holding
people have entered and exited since the attack and left the chair and stuff
lots ‘o chairs
nott needs to see ledith and uke (?) and not flip the fuck out
‘humble hobble’
nott looked like halfling plump face, braids, tan skin
edith- human older, grey hair, beady eyes, ever present smile like face
          LUKE IS HER SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANNON
         *edit- rewatching this and seeing ever one’s faces “wheres my son?!” particularly laura/liam/travis just hurt. liam just looked up after a second and travis did his face he does and laura just stiffened and eyes and hand to face. caleb/liam who knows just hugs himself the rest of the convo. marisha is note taking and fuck the video off now
about 5 yrs old, blue eyes, tan/light brown skin, halfling
gave him the doll of the king
yenza locks him away when ‘the mean lady comes by’
mean lady has pointy ears and comes often, luke was kept in room, luke was pushed out of the house and told to go somewhere safe so he ran to edith’s house and ‘everything was on fire’
‘im not strong enough to come back yet but know that [im stll thinking of you and i send things] and i hope dad sends them to you.“ fuck my heart
“in my heart i think he is” “well don’t die”
the elves are gong to the ruins of yenza’s house
marisha looked so betrayed
tal ‘i was waiting for the riegel shoe to drop’
we’ll pick up hiiiere
fuck you sam and matt and everything abou this my heart is just FUCKKK
ummm so enjoy the frantic poorly taken notes <3
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givethispromptatry · 6 years
I was tagged by @sillyliterature! Thank you so much for the tag! :D
1. Is there any scene from any piece you’ve written that actually scared you? If so, describe the scene.
I don’t really think anything I’ve written really scares me from a horror perspective. There’s been some creepy stuff that I’ve written but I’ve always been smiling when I was writing it... I guess there is one thing though. 
It was more of a thought really. An older sister just gets back home from dropping her brother off somewhere (work or a mall or something) and walks downstairs thinking the house is empty. She pauses on the stairs when she hears sounds coming from her brother’s room. She sneaks over to the door and looks in to find her brother playing videogames. He notices her and waves. She confronts him and he insists that he has been there the whole time. She calls her brother on the phone and he answers from where she dropped him off. As he talks over the phone the “brother” in front of her starts getting up with a giant, teeth baring grin.
I don’t know why, but that sends shivers up my spine.
2. What genre do you feel most awkward writing?
I just do not feel comfortable writing stuff that is supposed to take place in our ‘universe’. Like, daily life fiction. Coffee shop aus or stuff like that. I love reading that stuff but I just don’t like writing it.
3. How many different types of writing do you write? Types of writing include novels, short stories, poetry, song lyrics, etc.
I think my main type of writing is short story stuff. I like planning out novel-length works but I never get around to actually writing them. My poetry writing is few and far between. I do have some stuff, but I wouldn’t call it good.
4. How old were you when you first started writing?
I have a Warrior Cats fanfiction saved somewhere that I wrote in middle school. It is probably the longest thing I have written to date, although that may be because it was written in wide ruled notebook paper with each letter being at least a half a centimeter thick.
5. How confident are you in your writing?
When I’m by myself I am very confident in my work. I get into writing fire streaks and love every bit of it! When I’m with other people, though, I am very doubtful. I have only confidently shown my work to one person, my best friend in the entire world who is always excited to read anything I write. I’d rate my confidence a 6/10.
6. Have you ever written and posted anything that was very personal to you?
No. I keep my personal stuff very close to me. My personal stuff is for me. But, I’m always happy to post my other stuff! :D
7. What inspired you to start writing?
I would read everyday at every free moments and in the moments where I had no free time I would daydream about what could happen next. Sometimes I would be very disappointed by what actually happened in the story. Eventually I realized that if I wrote the story I would never be disappointed in what happened!
8. Which of your OCs do you relate to the most?
Deryn and Morgan. Morgan is a main character of a story that is incredibly anxious and would never talk if she didn’t have to. I poured a lot of my own mental health issues into her. Deryn is not a main character, she’s the love interest of a character (her and her wife too ;D), and she is very similar, gender-wise, to me. She doesn’t always feel entirely like a girl and honestly does not care about her own gender. She doesn’t really like labels so she hasn’t searched for one (very similar to me).
9. Have you ever written self-insert fanfiction?
Kind of? I would base characters off of me and plug them into stories to be in a relationship with the character I had a crush on but it was never just me with a different name or something.
10. What is your favorite piece you’ve ever written about?
A piece I have saved on my google drive that I keep going back to and editing. I just love it every time I reread it! :D
11. How frequently do you actually sit down and write?
Not as much recently. I want to try and write more this summer, but we’ll see if I actually end up doing it...
12. How many hours at a time do you do research on your writing?
When I research I either do a cursory glance or spend hours going deeper down the rabbit hole! :D
13. Do you like to branch out in your writing or do you tend to stick to what you know?
I try to but I always end up not enjoying myself as much as when I write my normal stuff. I’m not writing for money so I’m not going to push myself to write something I don’t enjoy.
14. What would your antagonist of your current WIP say to you if they saw you in person?
I’m not really that sure. He isn’t as fleshed out as the protagonists... He’d probably try to interrogate me about where his goal is. 
15. Do you consider yourself your OCs’ god or just kind of a guiding hand (or other? If other, please list)?
I don’t really think about myself as their god. I’ve certainly made an all powerful god but she isn’t really me. I think about myself as a guiding hand, a recorder, and a traveler of universes. ;D
16. What do you think you’d be doing with your time if you’d never gotten into writing?
Um... Videogames? I play some, but I’m very picky because of the restrictions of stories. I have a lot of hours stored in Stardew Valley though! :D
17. Have you ever written a smut piece?
No. I rarely even write kisses! (I’m a slow burn writer. :D)
18. What was the first thing you ever wrote about?
Warrior Cats. My OC was name Moonpelt! She was a total marysue, but I still love her to this day!
19. What is the most creative creature you’ve ever created for world-building?
They’re called Beings. They can be anything and have any kind of powers. They’re basically creatures that are very difficult to categorize so no one even bothers. If you don’t know what it is there’s an extreme chance that it’s a Being.
20. Tell me one random fact about your WIP that you have yet to tell your followers.
There hasn’t been a magical person born in millennia. Magic has become the stuff of legends and myths; some believe it once existed, some do not. The only “magical” things left are the towers and giants in the Wasteland. ;D
I’m going to tag: @sunflowershine03, @sins-virtues, @galaxy-mermaid-musi9, @zustarth-the-origonal-world, @haphazardlyparked, and anyone else who feels like doing this! 
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mtdthoughts · 5 months
Timeskip Appearance (Migi & Dali Thought)
This post contains spoilers from the final episode.
In the last episode, not only have our boys grown up, but they've also taken on different appearances, showing us that they've not only moved on from their past selves, but have also embraced their own unique identities.
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In this post, I want to interpret their transformations.
Let's start with Migi. Besides wearing overalls (because he was painting rocks), we can see that Migi is now wearing a pink shirt, a sharp change from his previous black turtleneck, and now sports a new haircut (not sure what to call it).
Keep in mind that pink can be associated with Youko, as she often wears pink, and his hair was most likely cut by Youko, since his haircut does resemble his haircut from Chapter 13 (skipped).
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Just like with the striped underwear and pajamas, Migi initially hated the haircut, yet he proudly has it in the timeskip. This, along with the pink shirt, showed Migi's embrace of Youko as his new mother, and likely hints that Migi is still very much a mama's boy. (*Note: In my opinion, this could be a reason why Migi chose to stay behind)
Another thing I've noticed is that his hair has "changed directions", which can be seen by comparing the two images above. In particular, the direction now seems to match Dali's. I'm not 100% sure of what to make of this, but I think this symbolizes how the twins have truly become united at heart, as they are no longer mirror images of each other.
Now, let's move on to Dali. Besides the scar (explained in another post), we can see that Dali basically maintains the same fashion with a white/cream turtleneck instead of a black one, and has grown out his hair and maintained it in a similar style as before.
Unlike Migi, Dali's look hasn't exactly changed that much from his previous self, which makes me think back to this scene from the first episode:
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Though Dali can often be dishonest, I don't think he was lying here, otherwise why else would he keep the Steve Jobs look? I think that these clothes, which are similar to those that he wore when he was five, helped him remember his mother and remind himself of his mission to avenge her, and gave him a sense of identity.
Dali keeping this look in the timeskip could represent the fact that Hitori, the "perfect boy" boy persona, mostly matched Dali's identity already (as it was Migi who struggled in maintaining the persona), but it could also represent Dali's remembrance of his past, his journey in Origon Village, and his sins, as these things would always remain a part of his identity like his scar. Thanks to Migi, Dali was able to overcome his past and live on happily despite his sins, and his positive transformation and growth is symbolized with the color change. Indeed, the change from black to white shows that he is no longer affected by hardship and negativity (black), and is now purified and ready to begin a new phase in his life (white), as evidenced by him leaving for school to face the world by himself.
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@entermate-phantom-liberator replied to your post
I would totally join.
looks like three people so far.. O: okay, so All i would need to do is figure out a date And get this spread a bit
If anyone, Has any ideas and suggesttions on dates  Or ideas in general You guys can contact me, and i can set up a date, for the future
You guys can also have my discord if you want to discuss random things, 
I think the counterpartshipping tag is basicly just 5 or less people right now, And that isnt a very big number, lol. but im sure there are more counterpartshippers on tumblr or wherever that just  havent spoken up. so i thought it would be nice to have a thing 
Also in response to the person Im replying to : Yooooo That would be great, <3 its always nice to see more counterpartshippers <3  
also Im going to just tag @nierza because this would interest them as well. 
And for context to what this post is about: how would everyone feel about a counterpartshipping week? (just because nierza i dont think has seen my origonal post yet.) 
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 7 years
penumbra digimon au for no other reason then i like digimon and thought of something cool.
anyways, it’s essentially a mix of that book where there’s a world in your attic and the season of digimon where the kids traveled everywhere by trains, only im not making juno digivolve. (let someone else fight his battles for once.) What happens is you find a door that leads you into a hotel hallway and the Concierge's voice explains a bit about what’s going to happen next: are you going to walk to the end of the hallway and have an adventure? or are you much happier with your boring, dull life? If you go to the end of the hallway, you get your digivice, and your adventure begins
Juno’s first visit to the digital world was when he was 12, and he came with Mick, Sasha and Annie. Annie still went missing, and Juno blames himself, even though the door annie entered through was Sasha’s, so she feels more to blame. She ends up looking for annie eventually, and does it thru Dark Matters, b/c theyre an organization dedicated to the study of digimon and their world. Juno goes back to the digital world a couple times after his brother dies b/c like honestly Why Not but they’re all kind of oneshot adventures. 
Normally, when ur in the digital world, you appear in a place that needs some kind of help, and once you save the day, another door opens and leads you to your next adventure, but he kept on getting kicked out back to his home till he was like 17 and meets Rita and Peter and he like, instinctively knows he’s here to stay for a while. Peter is pretty recently Post-Mag and refuses to tell anyone his name for a really long time, but eventually warms up and starts asking juno if he’ll come through Peter’s door home, when the time comes. He also keeps trying to Steal Shit. Rita's just here to have fun, honestly, and joking calls juno “boss” a lot because he’s really the only one who has a clear idea of what’s going on and ends up taking charge.
Juno has a terriermon or a gatomon probably. I want him to have a holy digimon b/c he’s Juno and i feel like that’s necessary but also. rabbits. actually, no, he def has a lopmon. they have a history of getting corrupt in digimon animes, but can also evolve into cherubmon, which is like, Prime Holy Being. Juno and Lopmon have gone on so many adventures that theyre both semi famous in the digital world and lopmon works as a PI when she’s not traveling with Juno b/c she wanted to put everything she learned to good use. Juno is v proud of his girl. She’s just as grouchy as he is.
i legit cant think of a digimon for rita or peter. i feel like beastmon would fit peter and i hate myself for saying that. ill give him a renomon. kinda wanna give him this digimon b/c it essentially gets cuter as it evolves. rita can get a guardmon? idk. whatever her digimon is, her name is Frannie and Rita loves her more than anything.
time exists weirdly in the digital world, so the citadel knights are having adventures while Juno and Co are, even tho theyre from centuries b4. they all have a kotemon only bc it evolves into knightmon. caroline also probably can evolve hers into a Musyamon just cause she’s Special. Marc and Tal basically just want to be seen as heroes in the digital world, and she feels she’s kind of forced to go along w/ them b/c Destiny and also she keeps seeing these fuckers no matter where she goes. She knows a bit more about the world then they do, but the three of them are all on their first visit. they eventually bond b/c the reason they all chose to leave home was b/c they wanted to matter somewhere, even if that somewhere was in another world
chance and mary anne are the only ones who dont travel. Chance got to the digital world and now its her Home, and that’s final. Mary Anne origonally wants to leave b/c she has Responsibilities, but eventually she realizes that the only place she wants to be is with chance, and no door’s worth going thru if chance can’t come too. im gonna give chance terriermon, actually, b/c it evolves into this. chance luvs her gun rabbit. im gonna say mary anne doesnt have her own digimon, but can actually evolve any digimon she pleases as long as they’ve bonded enough. because teachers are there to make sure their students grow
i could definitely add more, like how ingrid and vicky used to travel together as kids & ingrid essentially forced her to come back, but im look at this and BOY did this get LONG so im just gonna say Miasma’s probably just like, an adult who wants to destroy earth and live in the digital world (which will, naturally destroy both) and eventually all of the kids are aware of each other but keep having to go their seperate ways b/c they were sent there for different reasons so their missions dont always overlap. also peter’s not convince him and juno r from the same time b/c juno is just. so bad at technology. how did u get like this, he asks. i love u but wtf
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char27martin · 6 years
A 2001 Conversation with Sci-Fi and Fantasy Titan Ursula K. Le Guin (1929-2018)
Ursula K. Le Guin passed away on January 22, 2018 at the age of 88. In May 2001, Writer’s Digest had the honor of speaking with Le Guin about her process, her inspiration and her impressive body of work. Read the story here.
Ursula Le Guin at home in Portland, Origon, California December 15 2005. (Photo by Dan Tuffs/Getty Images)
By Faith L. Justice
Ursula Kroeber Le Guin, author of more than 100 short stories, five volumes of poetry and 17 novels, claims there is no secret to her success—just a talent for writing, developed through hard work and practice.
Her early novels The Left Hand of Darkness (1969) and The Dispossessed (1974) established her as a science fiction author of the first rank. Her four Books of Earths introduced countless kids to the angst of teenage wizards long before the advent of Harry Potter. Le Guin’s current title, Tales from Earthsea (Harcourt), is a collection of five stories that will lead to a new Earths novel, The Other Wind (Harcourt, Fall 2001).
Le Guin’s work has been honored with five Hugos, five Nebulas, the National Book Award, the Kafka Award, the Pushcart Prize and Writer’s Digest’s 100 Best Writers of the 20th Century, among others.
Born in Berkeley, Calif., in 1929 to an anthropologist father and psychologist mother, Le Guin grew up in a home filled with stories. As a child, she wrote stories and poetry. At age 11, she submitted her first story to Astounding—it was rejected, as were all of her short stories and novels for the next 22 years.
She describes her earliest work as being “just a bit off,” containing some oddity or fantasy element that prevented editors from labeling her work—putting it in a literary or genre box.
WD: You’ve said science fiction as literature allows one to think through alternatives. How have you done that?
There are different ways of thinking, being and doing things. Both science fiction and fantasy offer more options. They let you think through an alternative without actually having to do it. Which, I think, is really one of the functions of all fiction—to let you live other lives and see what they’re like. It widens the soul. … You’ll find that most of my central characters are people of color. … This is the great thing about fiction. You can get inside somebody else’s skin and, if it’s a different-colored skin, that’s just more exciting.
Le Guin still maintains a dispute with critics and academics who insist that only realistic fiction can be literary fiction. “That attitude knocks out about nine-tenths of all American literature. Once we had the South American magical realists, you couldn’t say only realism is literary.”
Le Guin hit her stride when she turned to science fiction and fantasy, where she made her mark and earned the notice of the mainstream critical community.
Writer’s Digest Digital Archive Collection: Science Fiction Legends
Le Guin approaches her writing as an art form. “There are dance artists, painting artists and writing artists. Authors are writing artists. You can practice art in whatever medium you choose, and words are mine.”
As with most artists, there’s a pragmatic side to how she approaches her work. Her lyrical prose and distinctive style are rooted in a love of language and meticulous attention to the writing craft. She has particularly strong views on the use of conflict. “Conflict is one kind of behavior. There are others, equally important in any human life, such as relating, finding, losing, bearing, discovering, parting and changing.”
Le Guin finds the actual act of creation mysterious. “I have no control over my writing. I have lots of good intentions, but no control. There’s a story that wants to be told. When I started the telling (Harcourt), I thought it would be a novella, but it wanted to be a novel. It wouldn’t go right until I got the central character right—Sutty. … When Sutty found her voice, then I could tell the story. That’s the kind of thing I just don’t understand. What does it mean when you find the character’s voice?”
Outside of the creative act, Le Guin offers more practical advice. “Write. Some writers have to be told that. They don’t know that you can’t be a writer without writing. They think you can just be rich and famous. They think their job is to meet agents and have experiences. Their job is to write.”
This pragmatic “just do it” attitude is reflected in Le Guin’s own practices. As a young mother, struggling with constant literary rejection, she wrote when her children went to sleep. When they were older, she wrote while they were in school. Now that her children have children, Le Guin prefers to write in the mornings.
Her “perfect day” starts at 5:30 a.m. with thinking in bed, followed by a big breakfast at 6:15 and five hours of “writing, writing, writing.” After lunch she takes care of daily chores.
“Books aren’t just commodities; the profit motive is often in conflict with the aims of art. We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable – but then, so did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art. Very often in our art, the art of words. I’ve had a long career as a writer, and a good one, in good company. Here at the end of it, I don’t want to watch American literature get sold down the river. We who live by writing and publishing want and should demand our fair share of the proceeds; but the name of our beautiful reward isn’t profit. Its name is freedom.”
– Le Guin’s speech at the 2014 National Book Awards
Le Guin also believes, “You can’t write unless you read.” As a child, Le Guin read everything she could get her hands on—books from her parent’s extensive library, Lao-Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, and the pulp science fiction magazines of the ’30s and ’40s. As an adult she just wants “a good book.”
When pressed, she’ll admit one of the major influences on her own work is Virginia Woolf. “She just has a lot of stuff that’s incredibly fruitful for me.”
For a woman with such an extraordinary career, Le Guin proudly wears the trappings of ordinariness. She strolls to the local Minutemen Press in Portland, Ore., to send and receive faxes, and writes on her computer, but she refuses to get connected to the internet.
“I love my computer, but I don’t know how deep I want to get into the web. … As you get older you realize you have less energy and the days don’t seem to have quite as many hours, and I want to go no writing.”
The post A 2001 Conversation with Sci-Fi and Fantasy Titan Ursula K. Le Guin (1929-2018) appeared first on WritersDigest.com.
from Writing Editor Blogs – WritersDigest.com http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/there-are-no-rules/interviews/2001-interview-ursula-k-le-guin
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