#i took 2 days off this week tho and today’s a holiday anyway
judesstfrancis · 4 years
so I was late to asking u things and I don't want u to have to repeat yourself so answer all the questions in the thing that you haven't already answered thank u 😌
the way I had to pull out my laptop to answer these bc I couldn’t keep them straight on my phone clipboard................ fdskjfsdkj I think I’m gonna put most of these under a read more so they don’t take up too much dash space. thank u!! <3
zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please!
honestly I’m great! it is currently almost 2 in the morning but my day was nice, I got some new clothes, did my laundry, made a good dinner...good vibes all around, loving it for me rn
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of!
I haven’t really listened to a lot of new music lately dkfjskj I think the most recent new artist I started listening to was orville peck?? but that was back in like february
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
uhh when I’m at home. yes I’m a homebody <3
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home? 
truly it’s with the thots I just feel so at ease
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend.
it’s just easy, u know? like no matter what we’re doing, even if we’re just vibing on our own together, it’s nice. I can tell them absolutely anything and it’s not weird and I don’t have to force it out at all
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off?
ok first I always see if any of my friends are busy fkdjsfkj and if they aren’t I see if they wanna just chill or w/e but otherwise just like. turning some music up and sitting in my room with a book/a couple movies I love is ideal for me on a day off. I am very simple I just like to chill
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad?
yes! there are two whole people in this world that I spill absolutely everything to bc I trust them with my life and esp when I’m sad bc they always make me feel better. talking to them when I’m having A Day is like I vent and instantly I am normal again. they know who they are I’m sure but for transparency’s sake, it’s u (robin) and maya, no one else gets to unlock my tragic backstories <3
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings? 
relaxing evenings!
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything? 
actually I am currently rewatching cycles 1 through 22 of america’s next top model, I’m on like cycle 5 rn I think. having the time of my life, thanks for asking
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)?
I am very much more into creative endeavors, like work-wise, but I feel like the way I think about things is much more analytical. like I prefer Making things, writing or various crafts or what have u, but even when I create I think about the things I’m doing like analytically?? so ig left-brained
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it? 
boy with squirrel by john singleton copley. I love him
english red; what animal do you relate to most?
interesting question! I have no idea. maybe birds? like a finch, maybe. they seem like they have fun
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other? 
this one is hard for me to answer bc like. I truly have no idea what a “type” is idk if that’s an ace thing or what. no? maybe? all the people I’ve had crushes on have been vastly different, in terms of like physical looks so probably not actually. I’m not attracted to muscular people tho bc I don’t think they have feelings <3
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like?
once again I have never pictured a date. I just want to hold hands! I think for the ideal first date question I said it just had to be going somewhere where we could Do things together, like walking around a museum or going through shops downtown or something, and that does still apply here, but for the sake of shaking it up, uhh...idk maybe staying in and watching a movie. like not at a theater no one needs to know my business like that but like. at a House. whoever’s, I’m not picky, again ideally I just want to hold hands.
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date?
yes. literally if the first thing u do is kiss me I am okay with it. I’m 23 someone just take the shot and kiss me already I’m going crazy over here
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to? 
really looking forward to the holidays personally I got everyone some really good gifts this year and I can’t wait to hand them out. also my copy of 13 storeys is supposed to finally ship out this week, for real this time! so that’s exciting too
violet rose; what does your dream house look like? 
u know that idealized house with the yellow paint and the white trim? yes. just small and cute and homey
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down? 
I guess not?? I’d like to be somewhere near my mom bc she’s important to me but like. as long as I’m living with someone I love it doesn’t really matter where I don’t think
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down?
uh. settling down to me equates to like falling in love and living together so honestly that could happen any time. I need to get a job before we live together so I can like Help Out but like. really any time
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
I have not been to a lot of places! I’ve been to new york, and san diego, and like. phoenix outside of where I live so. actually if I can include like buildings in places I would like to say that one opera house I went to in new york. I learned I wasn’t a fan of operas BUT I also learned those chandeliers were cool as hell
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it?
I’m usually in a good mood, I think? my baseline mood is genuinely just like. happy/chill, pero I think the last time I felt Euphoria (tm) was a couple days ago when my mom and I made a really nice dinner together and my brother was there and we just played board games all night
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember?
I have this recurring habit of waking up from dreams but only barely so when I fall back asleep it feels like I just woke up within the dream? anyway the last one was like that but in one of the times I ‘woke up’ I looked out the window and instead of outside there was like this. static photo of buffalo grazing in open fields?? and it was like green screened kinda, so when I move the image moved with my line of sight it was weird. that’s how I knew it was a dream and woke myself up again, only to immediately fall back asleep and feel like I was waking up from a dream within a dream again
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each?
I think living with friends would be cool. like I want to have a significant other I live with but also if we lived with other friends that would be fun. kids, maybe! would be something I’d have to discuss with whatever partner I have in the future. if yes to kids, max two. also I don't want babies, preferably I would adopt older children. pets absolutely, however many doesn’t matter. I’m open to just living in a house with the love of my life and like twelve dogs, that’s ok with me
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could?
I do like my name! I think it’s nice and it feels like it fits me. I don’t think I’d change it ever, but if I did I think maybe I’d go with jude bc yes I do love to project <3
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent?
it’s a tie between suntan lotion and the lumber aisle of any hardware store
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
vanilla rooibos tea supremacy!
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant?
lots of flowers, first of all. also some kitchen herbs. maybe some fruits!
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog?
yes <3 I want to force people to listen to my pretentious horror opinions and get paid for it
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
look I just have to say it: I’m hot. last night I took a photo and saw my nose from the side and went “omg who IS she” like it’s cute. I’M cute. I’ve seen my ass in the mirror and nothing can top it, sorry
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario?
all I’m getting is those scenes from horror movies where eerie whistling starts and like birds start going crazy
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
I think so?? I’d like to be more financially secure, pero. I think for the most part yeah I’m alright
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
ireland and greece for sure, ireland is the one I have most planned out in my head. ig maybe england for the third one, just bc I know my mom wants to go and also I’m very bad at geography so I don’t know what counts as a country. I had to look all these up, I do want to visit them tho, genuinely! esp ireland
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn?
the one I’m most fluent in is spanish! and I’m still cracking along at russian, currently I can hold a conversation with like a 4 year old and we can understand each other, it’s pretty cool. I really wanna get into learning irish!! I have a few resources downloaded onto my phone I just haven’t gotten around to it yet
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
a little life <3 yes I hate it when things are sad just to be sad yes this is my favorite book I contain multitudes
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh?
the burbs! I’ve seen it so many times but it always hits
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself?
the day IS over it’s like two thirty am now but uh. drink some water before I sleep probably
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent?
I post the “kirby’s fucking pissed” meme on twitter and then I ask u (robin) if I can yell for like five minutes and then I feel valid and then I am normal again
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic?
it’s a little bit jock and it’s a little bit 1980s skater boy but the best way I can really Describe it is just “gay”
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fuck-customers · 5 years
Happy New Year hope you like Heatstroke
Yeah so. Event Services binch back with a long and harrowing tale. Those two shift days in a row on 30th and 31st were nooooot good for me. This is pretty much a 'Fuck how shitty my boss gets when she's stressed and also just fuck 14 hour shifts in general'.
The 9hrs on Monday turned into 9.5 hours. In 30c+ heat (and just a reminder, Sydney is currently constantly covered in smoke haze, we are always breathing smoke), but a breeze came through early afternoon to save us some. There was 4 of us putting up park signange in prep for the NYE event. I ended up schleping the ladder around a lot, I was the only one on that team that actually does weights so i carried a lot. Not a problem really except the signs and ladder are awkward to carry. Only real issue that day was my dinner was in the fridge all day which... turned out hadn't been working for 2 days (why they hadn't fucking put a sign on it about that I DON'T KNOW). Lots of people's shit got thrown out. My food was only just edible after nuking in the microwave cause i keep it in a thermo lunch bag.
The worst was NYE. 13 hour shift (it actually became a 14 hour shift). Started at 12pm, set to finish at 1am (I finished at 2). The sun was not forgiving, we had way more signage to put up because we had to wait for barriers to be set up before we could add signage to them (like line barriers for rides, entry barriers for VIP areas, that kinda thing). Our instruction sheets were BAD. They had OLD pictures that were tiny so seeing what signs were supposed to go where was hard. There was only three of us, the weather was in the high 30's and I'm sure it hit 40 at one point.
I ate a small brunch at 10 that morning. I did not get a break by 5pm like we were supposed to (park was to open at 6:30). I was yelled at by my boss for all the signage being in the wrong places and wasting cable ties (none of that signage I put up, or signage i put up with someone else's instruction they had gotten from my boss btw, so why i got yelled at idk). I was told to go straight up to my box office shift, I did not realise the box office was located outside with no shade during NYE (there was a marquee but the sun was low and behind us so *shrug* no sun cover).
I had to share a locker because NYE be like that, but the person I was sharing with was a ditz, and she thought I had the key, and she either lost it or didn't look for it properly in her pockets. Either way, I had to frantically run around in 38c trying to find her to get in the locker to change into the long black uniform pants I have to wear for box shift. 
By the time i found her, got my pants on, walked all the way out the front and up the stairs and up the hill and down the path to box i was nearly dead. The other girls there told me i could sit cause it wouldn't get busy for a while. So i sat on a bench and then became very aware of how hot i was and how much i was not cooling down and i felt nauseous. And I had had like 2 and a half litres of water at this point, I have a 1ltr bottle so it makes tracking that easy. It just wasn't doing enough.
One of the Guest relations people hanging out up there went 'yeah okay you need first aid' so she got me some hydrolyte and escorted me down once I'd shaken off enough dizziness to walk again. Was in First Aid for half an hour, they got me to drink more hydrolyte and put an ice pack on my neck and gave me a barley sugar lozenge to get my blood sugar up. Then i was finally given my half hour break on their insistence. Got to eat at last. Had to check in with FA before going back to my box shift, and thankfully by then, about 6:30, a wind change came through making the temp drop about 10 degrees. 
But I basically spent the time between then and 11:30 recovering ( I was on guest list duty and also did ticket collect, it was pretty quiet tho). At 9:40 my boss called one of the shift leads up at Box to see if they could send me home, and I had to say no. I was scared they'd FORCE me to leave after the heatstroke thing, but i NEED the money, this is my ONLY job, and I'm not even getting the pay for it til two weeks into the new year (it fell into the next pay period and i had no shifts inside the previous pay period).
They apparently were sending several peripheral staff home, I felt like I needed to find extra jobs to do just so they'd let me stay, but also, if i didn't stay past midnight i wouldn't get the public holiday bonus. I NEED THAT TOO. ESPECIALLY after all the work I'd done the day before, it felt like a fucking slap in the face even though i knew it was them trying to make sure I didn't end up getting sick and suing or some shit (As if i have the money to sue). Also I'd miss the Fireworks, which while not my main concern, still a bummer, because my dudes. Sydney Fireworks on NYE with a view from where I work. People pay more money than I currently have just to experience it. Honestly it's part of the payoff for the hell shift.
THANKFULLY my boss went 'ah right okay yeah just stay up there on guest list til the original end of shift'. I also made sure to stick my nose in on the sales end so i could use it as basic box office pre-training, since my boss has already said she wants to train me on box office. Somewhere around 10 I had my second break and wolfed down my food (they had a replacement staff fridge working that day thankfully) which i was glad i brought cause I never got given a staff wristband, brief sheet or token for a provided meal. Because I started before that sign in procedure was even set up for the rest of the staff. And then i went about taking down signage about 11:30, and then I did the running around taking signage down after 12, and like... the area we're in involves some steep hill walks to get to these outside sign placements (I'd put half of them up so it also made sense for me to go take them down). 
And that's where MORE fuckery came in, because the shitty instructions didn't tell me where ALL the signs were, so i had to go HUNTING for the ones i HADN'T put up, and i swear either another department took them down and didn't relay that, or they'd been removed by council or something thinking they belonged to council. Either way i was up and down those fucking hills with horribly chaffed thighs, sore legs, sore arms, cut up hands from removing signs with cable ties too tight, and I couldn't find half the fucking signs. but at least I took one of the newbies with me to help look so I had a witness to not being able to find things. 
So yeah. I had to go find my supervisor (no idea where boss was, prefer supervisor anyway, she's nicer under stress and poor thing was pulling a 19 hour shift) and let her know I was an hour over my finish time and which signs we hadn't been able to retrieve. She was fine with that, the rest of the people were scheduled for packdown to like 3:30 so she sent me to sign out. 
And then i had to just sit for about 45 minutes back of house with some of the others who'd clocked off at 1 and who were waiting for the free leftovers from the VIP areas that came out at 3. I had a tiny tasty cake thing but that was it, then I left at 3 and got home about 4:45. Didn't get to sleep til about 5:30.
And I've spent yesterday and today trying to recover but now Iv'e got weird low-buzz tinnitus in my left ear that started yesterday and hasn't fucked off, several bruises, many muscle aches, and I'm kinda dreading facing my boss again even though she probably doesn't really care much about the signage thing, she just gets really shitty and yelly under stress. But of course I've been gaslit and mistreated in so many of my other jobs that the voice in the back of my head is constantly going 'watch out bitch you might get randomly terminated at any moment!!!' even though i know i probably won't. 
I can just never be sure anymore. Can't trust anyone when it comes to work. Can never relax my guard, going to be stressing about it for a long time. I am never agreeing to a shift that long again though. And definitely not doing anymore outdoor setup shifts in Summer. 
Honestly hoping this ear buzz shit goes away at some point. In the end for my 23.5 hours of work in 2 days I'll probably maybe get $500 after tax. Maybe. Which will only just be floating my account by the time i get it. Everyone else was talking about having that sweet NYE bonus cash and I'm like ;u; yeah. Sure. haha. Bonus cash. TnT I need a proper fucking career job already i am so tired. 
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spunky-89 · 5 years
A Very Merry Christmas
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A/N: Hellloooo, so I know it’s not the weekend, but in my defense, I lost a day. I thought today was Sunday but I have been informed I was wrong. Anywho, this will be a two-parter as I wrote soooo much it felt like I needed to snip it a bit. So without further ado, here is the next part (not in story timeline) of “Domestic(ish) Life”!!!!!
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3100
The second Thanksgiving ended, you were all in on Christmas. This was not new information to Steve and Bucky. Though Bucky only had a year under his belt where Steve had five. But they knew how much you loved the holiday so even when they weren’t really in the mood, they put on the Santa hats and smiled because it made you happy. And there was nothing they loved more than seeing you happy. ---------
“Come on, come on, come ooonnn,” You whined as you tried to drag the two super soldiers into the tent.
“We’re coming,” Steve laughed.
“Not fast enough.” you groaned and ditched them to head into the tent in front of them.
“I don’t understand why we don’t do this-”
“If you say the old fashion way I swear Bucky, I will murder you.” You glared as he came up behind you.
He put his hands up and laughed, “All right, message received.”
“Good, now put these muscles to use and pull that tree out for me.” You asked as you patted his chest and pointed to a tree towards the back.
You knew that you could actually go to a tree farm in New York, but your family had always gotten them from the tents at Home Depot, Lowes, or just a stand off the main road. It was one of the traditions you couldn’t let go of. That and needing to get a real tree, even when you were alone and had to drag it up to your apartment by yourself. 
Steve came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. The two of you shared a quiet laugh as you watched Bucky fight to get the tree you wanted from the pile. 
“Thank you for doing this with me. I know it’s kind of silly, but-”
“Hey, it’s not silly. It’s something you love and something that means a lot to you. You know we’re there if it means making you happy.” He said. Bucky then let out a string of curses under his breath as he finally got the tree out. “And I can’t say I don’t enjoy myself.”
You giggled and moved forward to evaluate the tree.
Two hours and three Tree Tents later, you had found your perfect tree. The boys helped bring it up and set it in its base. You smiled, clapped, and did a little dance once it was in place. 
“I’m glad you’re happy, but I am never doing that again,” Bucky grumbled.
“Aw come on, don’t be like that.” Steve teased.
“There is sap all in the groves of my hand. That shit is never coming out.” 
“Le gasp! We do not use that kind of language sir!” You exclaimed in fake shock.
“God I hate you guys.” 
“But seriously,” You giggled as you pecked Steve on the cheek in apology, “I told you to wear gloves. It is not my fault you didn’t listen.” 
“I didn’t think they were necessary!”
“Well, you should know that I’m always right and you should really listen to me more.” You smiled.
“Whatever, let’s just decorate it.”
“Sorry hunny, but we can’t decorate quite yet. We need to give it a day or two to make sure it’s all puffed out.”
“I have no idea what you just said or why that’s a thing,” Bucky stated as he plopped next to you on the couch. 
“It meeaanns, the trees from tents are usually all wrapped up, so it takes them some time to flatten out. So if we put lights and ornaments on it now, they are liable to just fall off once the branches have adjusted.” You explained.
“I see. I still think it’s stupid and next year we’re taking you to a tree farm.”
“Oh, so you’re already planning for next year huh?” You teased.
“You can’t get rid of me princess.” He said as he grabbed you and pulled you into his lap as he hugged you tight and layed kisses all over you while you giggled.
The boys were extremely unhappy when a mission popped up two weeks before Christmas. They were so excited to do all the fun Christmas things with you for your first official Christmas as a couple. You assured them it was fine, as it was just a day after all. You firmly held the belief that the day you celebrated didn’t matter, as long as you were celebrating with the ones you love. So off they went.
You were almost kind of glad they were gone. It gave you plenty of time to get their gifts done. You firstly picked up some of the gifts you and Bucky had discussed for Steve and the same with Bucky’s. You had all made the decision to include each other in the gift-giving process to make sure no one got the same things. It was working out pretty good. You did decide to do something extra for both the boys. You wanted to spoil them and it was something you’d been planning for a while anyway. So you got to work. Though you loved buying gifts, you also loved making them. It made you feel like it was just a touch more personal. Luckily you had some time off and were able to put it to use. You actually made it a girls’ night. Nat and Wanda weren’t needed for the mission, so you invited them and Pepper over. You all had a ball, mixing wine and crafts. Though they were all crafty in their own right, they always said your assistance and expertise made it way easier and the product much prettier. Some of the creations were just for fun, or in Pepper’s case, a fun gift to give the man who had pretty much everything.
“So what’s the deal with that?” Nat asked as she was laser-focused on her wine glass, not the one that was full, the one she was painting.
“Well, I’ve been working on this for months, bullying Tony and even enlisting Maria’s help to gather some relics from their past and- I don’t know. I thought it would be cute.” You said with a shrug.
“Oh it’s adorable, I just wasn’t sure what it was from or where you got the idea.” She assured you.
“Oh, it’s from one of my favorite movies.” You explained.
“I see,”
“Hey (Y/N/N), how do you use this thing again?” Wanda asked, staring at the Cricut with hatred in her eyes. You laughed as you put down what you were working on and went over to show her.
When the boys returned only five days later, they were thrilled. There was a minor concern that their mission would mess up the holidays, but luck was on your side for this one. But they were faced with a new problem. Christmas was coming fast, and they were stumped at what to get their girl. They knew very well she wasn’t super materialistic and cared more for small gestures then grand ones. But they were just so unsure of what to do. This was the first official Christmas as a triad, and they were panicking. 
“I feel like you gotta go jewelry, my man, it’s a classic,” Sam suggested when the boys brought their fears and worries to him.
“But that’s just it, it’s classic. She deserves more than that.” Bucky said with a groan.
“I don’t know, jewelry is pretty romantic. And it can be kind of personalized for her.”
“Still not what we’re looking for though,” Bucky argued.
“Hey, you asked for my help!”
“No Steve asked you. For some reason,”
“Stop it, both you.” Steve sighed, pinching his nose between his fingers and shaking his head.
“I’m just saying, I mean, how many successful relationships has he had?” Bucky asked,
“I’ve had relationships!”
“Name two that have lasted longer than 2 months.”
“Listen here-”
The three men sat in silence for a while after that.
“What about a companion?” Asked a female voice. Steve and Sam jumped a bit at the sudden appearance of Natasha. 
“Like a pet or something. I mean she’s always sad when she’s left alone when you guys go on missions.”
“No no, that part I got.” Bucky said, “But how the hell did you know what we were talking about?”
“You guys have been struggling for a week. It’s getting really close to Christmas, I gave an educated guess.”
“You scare me,” Sam said, completely straight-faced.
“Oh, I know that.” She said, smiling innocently at him.
“I don’t know Nat, an animal is so much work.” Steve said, “And they usually end up destroying a lot.” 
“Yeah, but (Y/N) is great with animals.” She argued.
“I don’t know,”
“I kinda like the idea.” Bucky chimed in.
“Of course you would. You want a pet just as much as she does.”
“All the more reason. It’s a two-for-one gift.” Bucky said a bright smile on his face.
“I hate you.”
An hour later the two men were at a local animal shelter asking the kind workers for help. The receptionist freaked out for a minute but was able to get over her shock and help them. They took a picture with her but made her promise not to post it anywhere until after Christmas as to not ruin the surprise. She willingly agreed.
“So, are you looking for a dog or a cat? Or something else?” She asked as she led them to a back office to talk so they wouldn’t be seen by others out in the main area. 
“Uh, we’re not really sure actually,” Steve admitted.
The woman laughed and had them sit down to chat.
“Okay, so this is for your mystery girlfriend I assume?”
“Yeah, we want to get her a companion for when we’re gone, but we’re not sure what would be best,” Bucky explained.
“Alright, does she have a preference for one type of animal?”
The two boys snorted. 
“Anything that has fur and four legs.” Bucky laughed, 
“Well, that’s not true, she also loves birds and bats.”
“Oh true, can’t forget the bats.” 
The woman looked at the two icons in front of her, fond smiles on their faces as they spoke of their lover. She hoped she could one day find someone who would look like that when they talked about her. “I feel that I'm the same way.” She laughed, “Unfortunately, we don’t rescue bats here but we have lots of furry friends.”
“Do have any animals that have been here for a while? Or any animals that you guys don’t think anyone is going to take?”
“Well, we have quite a few that have been here for a year or more, a few senior animals which are less popular, and then animals who have some form of illness or disability.”
“Not one with an illness or disability. Though I’m sure she would love it unconditionally, I think a healthy animal would be better.” Steve said.
“So judgmental Steve,” 
“Shut it punk,” Steve said as he glared. He turned back to the woman who was smiling as she watched the two men.
“Come on, I’ll show you a few different critters and you can see what you think will complete your family.”
She led them out the door and down a hallway. Immediately they could hear the barking. 
“So, these are some of the dogs who need special attention or are small enough we can fit them in the kennel. We have bigger dogs and healthy ones outside in big pens so they have room to roam.” The woman explained. 
She led them to a cage with a small shaggy terrier. It started yapping as soon as the boys walked up.
“So this is Nancy, she’s 3 years old and she’s been here for 8 months. She had some heartworms but she is finally done with treatment and is ready to find her forever home.”
The two boys shared a look.
“She’s cute but I don’t think we want a tiny dog,” Steve said.
“Specifically no yappers,” Bucky added.
The woman laughed and nodded, “I don’t blame you. But that will help our search a little bit.”
She then led them outside where they could see a number of fenced-in areas with dogs of all kinds running, sleeping, or playing with their toys.
“So, first we have Pluto, he’s a 6-year-old Lab/Pit mix. He’s a sweetheart but people get scared with him being part pitbull. He’s active but not so much that he’s too much to handle. He does enjoy going for walks and playing with his ball. He also loves tug-of-war, but I usually warn people about hurting their shoulders due to his strength, but I get the feeling you two won’t need to worry about that.” She smiled as she crouched down to call over the dog.
“Yeah, I think we’ve got that covered.” Steve laughed.
Bucky got down right next to the worker and started petting him through the fence.
“Oh, aren’t you a cutie. Oooh, you’re so sweet.” Bucky cooed.
“I’m gonna live to regret having you here aren’t I?”
“Listen, these cuties need someone to love them. Let me live my life.” Bucky snapped playfully defensive.
Steve laughed and they all moved on to the next dog, then onto cats, and finally the birds and small critters like hamsters and ferrets.
Their next stop was the pet store. They talked to the woman at the shelter about what supplies they would need and she gave them a detailed list with some things that weren’t necessary, but might be good to have.
They never realized how many toys you could get for animals. Needless to say, they were extra glad for the instructions as they would have been lost without them. They had put their new family member on hold to be picked up on Christmas Eve and somehow figure out how they were going to smuggle it into the apartment. But they would worry about that later. Right now they were arguing over colors.
“We should get the pink or purple, they’re girl colors,” Steve argued.
“Did you really just say that? Do you know what (Y/N) would say if she heard that?” Bucky asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Steve nodded, realizing his mistake.
“Don’t get smart with me punk.”
“Whatever, we still need to pick a color.”
“What about (F/C)?”
“No, that’s a weird shade. She would hate that.” 
“What about this one?” Steve asked, holding up a sparkly red/orange one with little brown flecks in it.
Bucky tilted his head. “It’s very fall, but I think she’ll love it.” 
“My thoughts exactly.”
“One thing down, a hundred to go.” Bucky sighed looking at the list.
“I don’t want to hear it, this is all on you pal. You wanted to do this.” Steve said.
“Oh I know, I have no regrets.”
Once they had all of the stuff, they made a quick stop to get bags, boxes, and wrapping paper. They knew they would have to wait until tomorrow to wrap their gifts as by now you were bound to be home from work and they had too much stuff to hide effectively. 
They were so glad they had figured this out because they were down to the wire. It was only five days till Christmas.
With it being so close to Christmas you were practically glowing and floating on air. There was constantly a Christmas candle burning and music playing. After all the stress of the year between missions and dealing with telling people about your relationship, the boys were glad to see you let loose and be happy. You were only minorly stressed out because you had offered to host a small Christmas Eve get together with a few of the team who didn’t already have plans. Though you would all be gathering at the Tower for Christmas dinner. But on Christmas Eve it was just going to be Sam, Wanda, Vision, Natasha, and Bruce.
You had grand plans of making all sorts of delicious baked goods for both meals, but on top of it, you had to make an actual dinner for Christmas Eve. But you were thrilled. You loved hosting events and you were ready to hold a holiday in your own space. The boys helped you clean everything and make sure all the presents for the team were wrapped, as well as the presents for each other. You managed to wrangle Steve into assisting you with some of the cooking and decorating of the desserts. Bucky had long been banned from the kitchen because he infamously ate everything and you would end up having to make more. So he was stuck on cleaning duty and doing other minor jobs for you. 
After a whirlwind of activity leading up to the big night, it was here. You all had discussed it and decided to get a bit dressed up, especially since Tony had decided that it was going to be a pajama dinner. So while the food was finished cooking, you got all dressed up in a dark red, sparkly, knee-length dress. You did your make-up and put on some jewelry before topping the look off with heels you knew you would take off within half an hour. Each of the boys stuck with a nice pair of jeans and a button-up. Both looked absolutely delicious. Not long after you all finished getting ready, you heard the first knock at the door.
As everyone arrived, wine and mixed drinks were served and you all gathered at the table for the meal. As they all sat, you stayed standing.
"Before we all enjoy this meal, I just wanted to say, thank you. This has been a rough year between missions gone wrong and huge fallouts. I want to say thank you for being my family when my family was being dicks. I firmly believe that family isn’t defined by blood but by love. I feel so incredibly lucky to have wonderful people like you surrounding me and trying to keep my dumbasses safe." Everyone laughed a bit, but your eyes had started tearing. "I love you guys. Thank you for accepting me into your family and for understanding that love comes in many forms. Merry Christmas." You finished, raising your glass, tears trickling down your cheeks. 
Everyone chorused a 'Merry Christmas' and you sat between your boys, who both squeezed your hands and kissed your cheeks. 
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amnachil · 5 years
The College Society Chapter 2 Part 8
This is the last part !
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey Thursday January 10 – Friday January 11
It was his last exam. The Dean's grandson finished it easily. He was sure to pass anyway. When he went out, he glimpsed Theo. The bastard was waiting for him. What the hell does he want ?
"Hey buddy." he said with a grin. "You have a minute ?"
"Make it thirty seconds, I don't have the fuckin' time to talk with you."
"Okay. I'll chase Liam after all. I want him."
"You want him."
You greedy pig. Fuckin' asshole. Dickhead. I don't know enough curses to qualify you. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey just smiled dangerously. This bally fucker.
"And why are you suddenly interested ? You failed month ago to get him."
"That's right, but I think I can be in luck now. I have some... advantage. And damn, he became so hot during christmas. Hunky but chunky. I love it. Sorry, you were too slow. He's mine now."
The blond lad just laughed. He laughed so loud that all the students around heard him.
"You're a little swaggerer Theophile. Are you seriously defying me ?"
"Hell yes."
Not that far ago, you were begging me just to have the right to suck my cock. You'll regret this overconfidence. Liam had faced a hunter way more dangerous than Theo. He survived to this Raphaël dude, he can beat a fucking swimteam captain like you too.
"You don't ask what's my plan ?" wondered the law student.
"Sorry but... since you're not a real opponent, I don't care." replied the Dean's grandson.
"Really ? Well, considering you're hunting him for more than one month now, I can only suppose you are rusty. Maybe the best hunter just failed. Maybe he isn't the best anymore."
"And maybe you are missing my dick so much you want it again ? Who knows ? I'm done with your bullshit for today. Bye."
The next morning came quickly. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey didn't sleep well, because he and his spy Nancy made some research about Theo. And they discovered something really interesting and important. Maybe he have a fucking advantage after all. After that, Nancy and him had had sex, and so he had slept only four or five hours. Anyway, he got some business to make. The faster, the better. The Dean's grandson met Steve Callagan, the head of the music club, in his room. He had just finished a breakfast apparently. There were one thing or two to know about the guy. He was a watcher hunter. He loved to see two chicks or one guy one girl have sex. No gay tho. Never understood why. Two guys, two dicks, it can be funny. And Steve had, like Theo, an official girlfriend, the lovely Bettany. Her name is a porn in itself. Anyway, they were cute together, except Bettany was a chubby chaser and fattened the musician quite a bit. There're more people liking meaty partner than you would say at the first sigh. Myself included some time.
"You want something Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey ?" asked Steve when they were alone.
"I heard you had two tickets for this famous movie saturday. I want them." he commanded. "A porn tape in exchange ? I have recorded a lot of stuff during the holidays, including a sexy delivery girl. Exactly your taste."
"I'm sorry dude but... Matthew Davos from the swimteam already gave me a video of himself and this black runner chick. I took it against a concert ticket. And now Betty really wants to see the movie."
For god sake. Who care about a stupid black girl who looks like an elephant and a little thief ?
"Give me those ticket or I swear to god I'm going to find Bettany straight away and I'll fuck her so hard that she'll be unable to walk for a week. Then I'll be back there and you'll suck my fuckin' dick until you couldn't blow in this stupid tuba of yours. Okay ?"
And Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey got the tickets.
Liam Saturday Januray 12
When he finished his lenghts at the pool, the chestnut lad took a deep breath and went to see Colton. Exams were over and this afternoon, Dami invited him to see a movie. He hadn't much time to discuss with his friend, but he intented to help him as much as possible. But I hope he'll not talk about my past... Colton was currently stretching. Normally, Christmas was the perfect time to be slacking a bit. (Liam did. He had lost a bit of definition but he was working out again now). (It might be the reason why all those girls were accosting him at the gym or the pool). (But he always tried to avoid them, because he suspected the witch to be among the crowd). Anyway, Colton as for him was as handsome as ever. Well-built, not too strong, not too thin. He hadn't the single bit of fat on him. (To Liam, it was a lost, but whatever).
"Hey buddy." started the chestnut lad. "How went your exams ?"
"Good I think." replied his friend. "But I wasn't as focused as I wanted to."
"Why that ?"
Liam decided to play it dumb. It was better than talking about Leila who had threatened him. (She was the evil twin, obviously).
"Barbara cheated on me, and then she left me." Colton confessed with sadness. "She said it was better this way."
Of course, the dark-haired lad was too diplomat to say something mean. He had a sweet tone, even when he announced bad news. Liam suspected him to be half teddy bear. (Teddies Bears were alive, yes, and sometimes they sent a child in the human's world). Anyway, the lad was disgressing. He was here to help his friend.
"Maybe I can do something about it ?" he asked. "Wait, did you said she cheated on you ?"
(Yeah, it took a long time before Liam realised what it meant).
"She didn't say with who, but I'm guessing someone important at the university, cuz right after, she became the future head of the student union. When this girl, Summer, will finish her mandate, they will present Barbara as their favourite candidate. Anyway, I think we can't do much about this. I'm going to swim now, see you later."
Well, she liked to be the class delegate in highschool after all... Liam had suddenly an idea. He could probably know who was the guy in question. He just had to ask Dami. (He was pretty sure this one was important for the university). (He once had said something about the Dean, but Liam didn't remenber well). And then, maybe he could work on something.
Speaking of the devil, he met Dami on the early afternoon for a movie. His blond friend carried with him a bag filled with something, but he didn't say what. They entered in the theater and took their sit.
"You'll see, it's a good movie." assured Dami. "And there, I cooked this. Tell me if you like it."
He offered a cake. Two month ago, Liam would have declined. (At least try, because his friend had some authority). But now, he glady ate it. The film went like this. It really was good. And the chestnut lad consumed everything Dami gave him. He just didn't realised how much it was. There were all kind of pastries, crusty and spongy, with cream, jam or chocolate. In Liam mind, they were both eating peacefully. Yet, at some point he discreetly slipped a hand beneath his shirt and rubbed his belly. He was rather bloated. (It didn't stop him to eat whatever Dami offered tho). Eventually, he realised his tum was very swollen. Looks like I'm stuffed. I ate more than I thought. For a moment, Dami stopped. The movie was almost over when something happen. But Liam didn't realised it happen until the end. When he was about to stand up, he noticed his friend was holding his free hand. Oh.
"I asked you if it was fine." whispered the blond lad. "And you said nothing."
His eyes were showing a mix of excitment and cautiousness. Liam hesitated a second. What does this mean exactly ? Maybe Nate is right. Maybe Dami saw this as a date. But was it a problem ? Liam didn't know the answer at this question. He soflty took his hand off.
"Don't worry, I'm okay with it." he said. "Can you tell me something ?"
His friend frowned, but nodded.
"You probably know Barbara Henrion ? Is there a chance you know who slept with her and offered her a favor afterwards ?"
"She had sex with Javier Esposito, the vice-president of the student union." answered quickly Dami. "This one told me about this. But you know, they're all sleeping with each other in this union."
"Well thank you. And thank you for the movie and the snacks. You really are an awesome chef dude. I have to go to work now so... see you soon."
Liam then joined the night shift of Pasta's Place, as usual. The work happened to be a bit difficult with a full belly, but he managed to do well. Judy checked on him at least ten times. She said he must be careful at everytime of the night and the day. According to her, there was some guy who might corrupt him. (Liam supposed she was referring to some minions sent by the forces of chaos). Anyway, before going to bed, the lad called Nate. Luckily, this one wasn't partying this time, just chillin' at his place. They rapidly talked about Dami, obviously.
"To my opinion, you should give it a try." suggested his bestfriend. "I mean, you deserve a bit of happiness after all what happened. And I think you're ready now, you got enough time since your ex. Plus Damian sounds cool."
"I don't know man. Maybe I'll ruin everything like last time. I don't feel confident yet..."
"Dude, you were in highschool, it was your very first relationship with another boy and he had a lot of issue on his own." reminded Nate. "Damian is two years older than you. He's certainly more mature. It'll be different. It has to be."
Liam nodded slowly. As always, his soulmate was right. But he needed to go slowly. I mean, I don't know Dami that much after all... I must take my time.
"I bet you nodded." whispered Nate. "You know I can't see you through the phone right ?"
Rebecca Monday January 14 LAST PART
She never thought things would change like this, in such a short amount of time. Emilio didn't show up ever again. Of course, she still met him during the University's training. But he avoided her. Bob noticed, but said nothing. In fact, there was one thing her coach didn't know. Rebecca was now dating Matthew. Like Chelsea. They were both with him. It's a nonsense but I don't know. I feel good with him. He was kind, way more than she thought. He also was protective. She felt at ease with him. And god know how supportive he was. When she had been dating Emilio, they were used to talk about running. But he had never encouraged her like Matt did. Chelsea and her were the best among the team, and he was proud of it. He didn't hide his love for both of them. And the weirdest thing ? Sex with the blond lad and Chelsea was awesome. Way different than everything she had try before. The man led the ride, and she was glad with it. I know it only has been six days since we started but... I wonder why I hated him in the first place. He had admitted he was jealous of her at first but it had evolved in feelings for her. So basically, Matthew had a crush and regretted what he had done so he decided to help her. And now they were dating, the three of them together. It was weird, but Rebecca wasn't disliking it.
This evening, during the swim training, she couldn't stop herself staring at her new boyfriend. His tight swimsuit highlighted his handsome body. She had learnt he was 182 cm (6'0") for quite a chunky 77 kg (170 lbs). He was muscular but thick, and she loved it. Liam and Theo might be the only in the pool who could rivalise, despite being both thinner.
"You're looking at Matt with a lot of admiration." pointed out Laura. "Maybe you wanna told me somethin' ?"
"Not really. I was just watching."
"Yeah, watching eh." laughed the petite blonde. "You know, since you broke up with Emilio, you can find another man but... Matthew is with Chelsea. And not your type to be honest. A bit too cocky I think."
"You must be right."
It was what she had thought at the beginning of the year. But he saved her from Emilio. And she liked his confidence eventually. He wasn't a bad guy. Laura continued :
"Anyway, I have another topic to talk about... Promise me you won't be mad."
"Who can against you ? You're so lovely."
"Thanks for that. So... I know things aren't fine between Nick and you. And at first, I thought it was none of my business but... I can stand it anymore. I think you're wrong, since the very outset. I mean, he helped you on several occasion, and yeah, he's a smart aleck, but he was always there for you. And you, what did you do exactly ?"
Rebecca opened her mouth but... nothing came out. She had no good excuse. I was just too proud to admit I was wrong. Their argument started when she had tried to change him. I did that in order to make him conform to my standards. It's not fair.
"You're right." she admitted. "The blame is on me. But what should I do now ? Our friendship is completely over. And you know what ?"
"Hum ?"
"I don't care anymore. Before, when I dated Emilio, I felt guilty but not anymore. I think I understood how works the college society."
"Really ?"
"Hunt, or be hunted, as simple as that." Rebecca affirmed. "I found a pack, and now, I'm ready to be on the hunter side. Nick isn't my concern anymore."
To be continued
And so here we are...
Congratulations Rebecca, you’re now a hunter ! She’s free from Emilio and she found something meaningful for her. Let’s say she’s perfectly fitting in the College Society now ;)
As for Liam well, seems like feeding him was the good choice ! What can make him happier than a full tummy I wonder ? But Damian can still screw this up for sure... And the war with Theo only begins !
Like last time, The College Society will be on hiatus for two or three weeks. Chapter 3 will be longer, and we’ll have a new character POV !
In the meantime, you can read To the Perfection, my other weight gain story !
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teddybear-yn · 6 years
[cupcakes and lamb skewers]
nct. na jaemin
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when the cupcake shop you’ve been working part-time for for almost 2 eventful sarcasm years suddenly decided to become a cafe
a whole rush of stress came over you
before, Sweet Darling Cupcakes was simple and minimalistic
but now...
frappucinos, americanos, cappucinos, cafe mochas, espressos, 20 kinds of tea, and 15 different kinds of syrups
i’m not even exaggerating yet
but the. worst. part.
was the latte art
like how in the world did you expect someone to just execute that perfectly in oNE DAY
you did complain to your boss
but all he did was give you a copy of the shop’s keys to practice
and so starting that spring
practicing latte art became your new religion
you would spend hours after closing eating leftover sweets practicing
all that happened on spring
now you were on winter break
for 5 days a week you would open and close the shop all by yourself
everyday new customers came in and regulars came back
but one night
there was just a couple of hours left till you closed and,
the fire nation attacked
i’m kidding
a really cute boy came in
took you three whole minutes to process his cuteness
but after that you were over it
gurll you move on fast
shop was closing earlier today because of Hangul Proclamation Day
so instead of 10, you closed at 6
meaning.. more time to practice
you were steaming milk and washing jugs you needed to practice
the bell by the cashier rang
you scurried to the front 
none other than cute boy was there, ready to order
“Hi, welcome to Sweet Darling. Can I get your order?”
he ordered an americano
so there’s this new design you made and you were super excited to show it off
“are you new here?” cute boy asks 
you were startled but gave nothing more than a snicker at his comment
“no, i’ve been working here for almost 2 years now”
“ohhh, i just never saw you before” he mumbled quietly
inside you were thinking, +100 points for cuteness
but outside, all you did was smile and nod
“my name’s jaemin by the way”
again, cute
“okay thanks, your drink will be out shortly”
then you start walking towards your coffee cave
gee you rude, go flirt!!
“wait, what’s your name?”
damn, here was this cute cute boy trying to get your name and all you did was rudely point towards your name tag
“oh, right...”
sigh.. why didn’t you flirt??
20 minutes later (spongebob dood’s voice hehe)
“americano for Jaemin” you shout out
but what was the point, there was just the two of you there
as he comes to claim his drink, you noticed how tall this kid actually was
like he’s just tol
“thanks and can I actually ask a question?”
you were snapped out as he asked that
“yeah what is it?”
“what time do you close?”
you almost said 10 before the holiday came into mind
“we close at 6 today” saved yourself there
“okay thanks, Y/N”
oof your name sounded so nice when he said it
dat got you stunned™
as he went back to his seat you noticed something
you couldn’t stop stealing glances at him
he even started looking really extra cute by now
darn it
i mean this carried on for around half an hour
you even tried slapping your cheeks to stop it from reddening
after a while though,
you noticed how he just kept staring outside the window or he would just smile at his phone
then you remembered
all cute guys had girlfriends to either meet or wait for when they came in the shop
he was probably doing the latter
so then you stopped blushing, daydreaming, and stealing glances
back you were to practicing and perfecting your latte art in your coffee cave
you didn’t even notice when he left around 10 minutes before you closed
every now and then you would feel stupid or dumbfounded for ever bothering with him
oh well on goes with life
aw i’m sorry *pat pat*
it was around 8:30 when you finally decided to stop practicing
the last bus home left earlier today because of the holiday
and you didn’t wanna walk home
oh~ yeah yeah yeah yeah (walk you home nct dream?)
did you hear that with Haechan’s voice?
just me? okay..
anyways as you grabbed the flat white you made for yourself, your backpack, and coat, you headed out
*sudden horror music*
just as you turned off the shop’s sign and locked the doors, you heard rustling in the dark corner
from the alleyway, a shadow of a man seemed to be approaching you
taught by your dad, you put the shop’s keys in between your index and middle finger so that if you had to punch the person it would hurt them more 
and you would have more time to run (or semi-run, you weren’t very fit)
your palms get sweatier as the man comes closer
as soon the street light shines on him
you just almost punch-stabbed cute boy Jaemin... what
just what.
“why are you- how are you- when?”
lol you’re so lost
the keys fell out of your hand 
and Jaemin picked them up for you as he explained himself
“I guess I thought you were kind of cute... and you were closing early today so I thought of asking you out... but I chickened out and decided to buy you this for when you got out instead-”
and he held out a stick of lamb skewers
a. goddam. stick. of. lamb. skewers.
jungkook is shaking
what in the hell did you do to deserve lamb skewers from a cute boy?
“you must be sick of all the sweet things from the cafe”
cue you dropping your cup filled with hot coffee
“i’m so sorry!!” 
boii you were a mESS
“it’s fine it missed me”
thank the gods
his chuckle tho
“actually you should say sorry for something else though”
you were still a mess from picking up the tattered cup
“you said shop closed at 6 and it’s almost 9″ he pouts
where the hell did this cheekiness come from?
what happened to that shy cute boy Jaemin?
“i did say that, didn’t i?”
now cue your cheeks shapeshifting into tomatoes
“it’s fine just take the lamb skewer and i’ll forgive you”
so you did
the boy smiles like a pure doof 
and this got you stunned yet again
side effect was that there was now an awkward silence
“i wanted to take you out...” he starts off
“but it’s too late, so i’ll walk you home instead”
“where did this confidence come from?” 
oh shlt you said that out loud
and he just laughs at that
“i just have a feeling i can be comfortable with you”
now your brain was going haywire
but underneath it all, you were thinking
maybe Sweet Darling turning into a cafe was not so bad
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yyxgin · 3 years
hi bar!! so sorry it’s been so long. i isolated and re-read the cruel prince séries which took me 3/4 days and then i worked almost 60 hours my first full week back and have been fitting in making plans and seeing everyone again!
i must say i have missed you and have felt bad for being elsewhere but man it has been good. honestly i just haven’t had the time for tumblr or much else on my phone which is good i suppose. i was scrolling through your account to see if i could catch up on a few things and i must say i almost pre-ordered the txt album too!! i did try to pre-order the stray kids one but i chickened out bc i couldn’t get the limited edition one and when i went to buy the normal versions i couldn’t get both versions which peeved me off.
also!! i must share my frustration (i’m sure you’ll enjoy the cheek of this one) i asked a girl to cover me on monday so i could go to kbbq w my managers (lmao they’re sooooo chill but they invited me bc they know i enjoy that kind of stuff and told me to find cover) and she said no (fair enough but i’d asked three people before her who also all said no) so i go into work on monday a little bummed bc i can’t have kbbq but less bummed bc my work bestie came back from holiday and all was fine and dandy. we even went to the pub on our break and had lunch!! anyway, when we came back, the girl who i asked to cover me was sat, in the restaurant, eating a meal, by herself (in her normal clothes) w one of my colleagues (colleague in her work outfit). which pissed me off bc she couldn’t cover me but she could come in and eat… but get this. she was eating. off of the. STAFF. MENU. which MEANS. SHE WAS EATING FOR FREE!!!! needless to say i ignored her when she said goodbye to go out seshing w her friends. i’m so salty. i asked her today if she could cover me on tuesday so i can go out w my friend for her bday (i didn’t tell her im going out w my friend) and she said she could do the morning but not the evening which is useless to me bc i need the evening off but it deffo means she’s going out. may i also point out she asked for cover for two weeks ago (and i covered) and i find out she went out with her sisters. SHE HAD FOUR OTHER DAYS OFF THAT WEEK!!!! WHY COULDNT SHE GO ON ONE OF THOSE!! a n d she’s just come back from holiday. if it were me i’d want to work more for more money. and she has prom coming up or sumn. tell me why i worked 7 days and she worked 2. and 5 of mine were full days (with two where i went in early) whilst both of hers were evening shifts (half days). the barman said i should always say no to covering her from now on (this was when i told him she was sat in the restaurant eating and i had covered her the week before). also she’s shit at her job lmao. the food runner and i have been paired up a lot over the past 2/3 weeks as the other food runner is off sick bc he had surgery (bless his heart) and yesterday she asked me why the girl didn’t know any of the dishes when she’d been working there the same time as me. 🤣🤣🤣 love thé food runner with the whole of my heart. honestly. she asks for me if it’s busy but will take someone else if she has to train them when it’s not. i love her.
okay rant over (although the rage won’t fizzle until i find cover for tuesday so i can go out,, which i clearly HAVENT been doing and would like to if possible). how have you been my love? any love interests recently entered your life? currently i’m testing the waters w someone but he went to albania this morning 😐 so i’ll have to wait for something a little more,,, flirty in person.
as always, i love and adore you!! ~ 🌻
ps 🌹 where would you take me the first time you met me? i hope i did that correct.
hey sunflower i missed u sm !! 🥺 i am glad you were doing fine, and its all okay that you werent here and enjoying life outside of tumblr !! thats good for u. <3
yesyes i preordered the txt album 😩😩 i am so excited for it to get here !! i love it sm already <3
omg that girl sounds like an absolute snake. WHY CANT SHE COVER FOR U ONCE IN A WHILE ?? dude its not that hard, especially since you did a favor for her before. I did too have a fair amount of mental breakdowns over work this week and i am glad u missed all of them bc i was so annoying about it. but when a woman screams at me for being messy on MY PART OF THE WORKPLACE like baby its not even fucking like,,, bothering you ?? i even offered for her to go on lunch break earlier and she still treats me like that smh 🙄 honestly i get your coworker tho bc i still do not know what i am doing at my work either. im just winging it lmaoo
i hope you find someone to cover for you !! or found ?? i have no perception of time anymore i have no idea when u sent this
I've been okayish ig ?? Busy. i went on a vacation w my fam and got into a car crash, got multiple mental breakdowns, but i went camping and shopping too so im happy and vibing lmao. enjoying the last 2 weeks of summer break <3 no love news tho bc i am boring 🙄
i hope it goes well w your new guy babes,, make sure to tell me all about it once he comes back 🤩
for the ask game i'd definitely take you to a bar bc you seem like a good time and i also never got batshit drunk before and i think you'd be a wonderful person to experience it with. you'd also take care of me when im hangover bc you dont know what that feels like ♡
i love you !! make sure to look after yourself
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facelessdreamer · 5 years
My two week holiday
1st day, Monday: slept in and did things under the definition of “doing nothing” for the remaining hours of the day [overall calm day, it was just the beginning, I deserved to have spent it doing nothing]
2nd day: absolute fucking shit. Mum and dad were fucking rude and I really disliked everything about them that day. So fucking annoying. Really more just my mother. Dad was just a part of it. She annoyed the fuck out of me. I even talked back. Outfit was shit, going out with them was a mistake, for what? Two seconds in a shop then straight home hearing a bitch complain the whole time and be in a bad mood like she always is and then with you too then it having you in a fucked up angry pissy mood toward her and the whole goddamn world? [overall was a shitty shit fucking day]
3rd day: I went and watched toy story 4. I was late for that even and missed the first 12-13 minutes. Got a free ticket bc a friend works there so there’s that. Some guys took my seat but wasn’t a bother. I was hungry and wanted to eat my meal deal pasta from my bag but there was too much light and not enough darkness in the room I didn’t wanna have eyes on me. I looked cute af but carrying my jacket and bag bothered the outfit. Came in handy later when I left ofc bc it was cold. Gonna wear it again bc I looked cute and need some pictures to post in it. On the way out of the shopping centre I wanted someone with me for the whole day and any days I spend like this. And for a bigger matter to have them just to have made all my days better. If I had someone who came onto my do nothing adventures and days out I’d be so happy to have them. I wanted a lover but even a sloppy not a care in the world type of person would do. Just need someone I can inside out get on with and be my absolute self with every second I am with them. Like the way I am alone by myslef is how I’d absolutely be but with someone just beside me doing them also and me being beside them. That’s all I want. Someone to get me and for me to get them and just be one altogether bc we both the same type of people. Doing nothing together and being happy bc we’re just hanging out in the company of one another. I’m cute and an interesting bubbly go to stylish small huggable laidback old soul and nice occasionally or sometimes funny person who cares and loves deep, where’s my person? I’m ready for you. [overall was a fine day, slept in, woke up got ready and left by 5:42, got home no later than half ten]
Completelyyyy going of task there but if that’s where it lead to than that’s where it went. I’m just not gonna fight that habit of mine lol.
Day 4: Thursday. The day that just went. I woke up midday again. I really haven’t been wanting to these past few days bc I have shit to do like clean up my room and go out to spend days by myself and catch films in the dark. And even do some journal work. Set an alarm to wake up around 1:30 even but I slept in after it and had no clue about it much when I turned it off. Had a fucked up movie based dream I wrote about someplace else. Got up and watched some dead tv. The whole fucking day man nothing was on. It’s a fucking Thursday where are all the mad movies and things to watch please. I barely watch tv and today just wasted my time wanting there to be something good to watch but there was nothing at all for every time I checked throughout the day. Absolute piss take mate. Nothing to eat. I seriously have no hunger for whatever my mum cooks anymore. Need food how they serve it in restaurants or other family homes with sides and new dishes everyday. Like I ain’t even being horrible. My appetite goes the moment I think to go eat food in my own kitchen. I starve bc my body has no motive to get up and go eat what’s in my own house. I don’t want it to be like this but it is. I eat it ofc but I yearn for different dishes and not this for awhile at least. Anyways spent the day again doing nish. I was pissed of many times. My sandals went missing three times and before the third I told the perpetrator not to ever again move or touch them and the third time they had done it and I just lose my shit with little things like that. Like I told you not to, again and again with a mean voice and you got it yet you did it again. I have in the past tried to let things like this go but people take the piss and I don’t care I am happy to lose to my shit bc I’m so mad I can’t not. It’ll hurt more to not express it bc something has to be done about this, I can’t let it slide no more. I absolutely hate people touching my shit. Even later on found out my scarf drawer in my old room wasn’t my scarf drawer anymore. I go there to put something in and it’s overtaken by my sisters clothes. She shoved all my scarves in a box under the bed. I wasn’t mad about the move just immensely annoyed after the day of being pissed number of times I wasn’t consulted about this trade. If I had known about it I wouldn’t have gotten mad but it’s like a smack in the face when your belongings in a drawer it’s always been in isn’t there when you go to it. Like tf mf? There could have been something else in there to which I faintly remember was a folded up piece of paper maybe. She said nothing of it when I asked her but I’m sure there was as I remember something like that for sure. As it was a drawer I barely ever needed to open. Mum pissed me off just bc she was around at one point bc as we know on here we don’t hang at all. We hugged the other day and it was alright I guess. She wanted it and was in a good ass mood and I didn’t mind it she’s my loving mother. She usually bugs me sometimes just being around idky there’s more to it but I don’t wanna get into that rn. All that needs to be said is I’ll cry my eyes out if anything ever happens to her bc I love that woman as much as it is never brought to my attention inside of me I’ll realise just how much if anything ever happens to her. For now I just wanna be pissy at her bc of the way she is with me being her daughter. Like fuck just let me be who I fucking wanna be fuck sake. Comfortablly day in the living room watching an ep of a new show whilst munching some chewits but then interrupted by mother needing to pray. Up I went vaguely listening to her telling me to go pray alongside other views of religion she’s advising me to follow like always. Nothing more ruins us than her telling me things of Islam and me not taking it in anymore or wanting to hear it to getting up and just leaving the scene so she also gets the message. Watched another episode anyway upstairs and finally folded the 3 day old laundry she’d been wanting/nagging me to do. The whole time I was mad pissed off at her that I just cursed out loud doing it
If anything dropped on the floor I’d get more pissed and curse more. Just many many times I’d been pissed today. I even had my own feelings bother me about how shitty my life is and how fast the day is going bc I keep sleeping in. That’s why it’s a bother. I feel the day last shorter than how short it originally already is. So that’s been a subliminal bother sometimes a forefront one too. I attempted to begin cleaning my room after but with the light on in my room and it being late like 10-11 I didn’t like the vibe of anything at all. My phone was red zone 20%. The fact that I’ve been thinking A LoT this week off about how much I’ve been glued to my phone everyday almost every second. Fuck sake it’s easy to not be on it but hard same too bc I don’t wanna do nothing else but mindlessly be on my phone. Mindlessly you hear. Anyways I ended up taking pictures of my mess inside my wardrobe of my mini belongings. Kid sister went and fell asleep elsewhere. Seriously bugs me I can’t tend to her needs or give her attention like i can without a problem but I just don’t. It’s either the thing I wanna do or give her the time. I choose my whatever more than her and I know this, feel it and think of this. I suck and everything sucks. Just more shit that adds onto my conscience and moods of severe sadness in me. I been knowing this for time and had intentions to chnage uo for her and I barely met them. I can still make it right so I hope I do after today. I hope I hope. I really hope. Gosh emotions aren’t far away. Anyway it was mostly that off vibe I got and didn’t wanna clean my room anymore so left it went downstairs or whatever.
I’ve been meaning to clean my room for 2 months straight now. Every day off I was tired or going out when deep down I just wanted a lay in. Never would have had the energy and mindset to clean my room if I did stay in tho. It was top of my list to do so in this holiday and I attempted but didn’t succeed. Will do next day or so for sure! Friday also come, be good. Wake up early bitch.
Popcorn chicken
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hookysblog · 7 years
A beautiful day and a nice trouble free drive (despite the BLOODY road worksL) gets us to Hull. I am accompanied by Twinny my old mate of 44 years and two of his friends for this jaunt. Which is very nice. I hope he makes it to 45? He is on a bender you see;)
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Boarding the boat today is easy because we are headlining and get very special treatment. Thank heaven for small mercies eh? Normally the queue-ing takes ages, the last one of these I did in Barcelona the boarding and room registration process took 6 bloody hours!
 Anyway, I get a corner cabin with two windows and a double shower, WOW! Which feels like being on holiday. The boat is moving around a lot. It’s choppy from start to finish, and I see people clutching their drinks with very determined looks on their faces everywhere. After a lovely meal (I will say one thing for these P & O Ferries, the foods great! On the ones we get from England to France and Barcelona to Majorca the food is shite, and I can never figure out why….must be the captive audience:).
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Before we know it we are onstage, which is a tiny one compared to most we get these days, but everything goes well. The Joy Division Substance is first and the audience go bonkers from start to finish, severely testing the row of Security guys and gals at the front, no barrier you see, so it’s a flesh and blood one! These guys are tough! Phil saw them take two kids down in the bar and said they had them in handcuffs in seconds. “Take them to the meditation room.” One of them shouted.
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We finish well and I troop out for a smoke on the crew deck where we pass said meditation rooms, numbers 1 2 3 and 4. They are the cells, very sobering. So after I head for bed, it’s been a heavy week, narrowly avoiding the swaggering Beer Zombies all the way, like some mad sort of 3D game.
I get to sleep about 2.a.m. and then am rudely awakened by the HI-DI-HI like announcer at 5.45a.m.????
 Here incredibly I am joined by a very fresh looking - even tho’ he hasn’t been to bed - Clint Boon, which is lovely. He is getting off after DJing last night to fly home for his regular, for 26 years he tells me, night at South in Manchester. He IS the hardest workingman in showbiz (he even makes me look lazy;) it’s great to catch up.
As he leaves I go back to bed. I am being awarded the title of ‘Honorary Crewmember’ today so I can stay on the boat instead of heading to Rotterdam or Amsterdam as are the rest of the band and audience. They all laughed at me for staying on board. I then toss and turn, for what seems like hours, listening to all the bloody announcements over and over again, which seem to last forever!!!
I count four speakers in my room alone. It is torture.
P an O FERRIES LOVE YOU! Etc etc etc.,
 It is with blessed relief that about 10.a.m. they finish….phew! The next thing I knew it was time for lunch, where I was a guest in the Crew’s mess. The food was great here too and much refreshed I watch A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, have another nap and before I know it, it was time for dinner. Tough Life! I must have put on half a stone! The lads have arrived back and like every one else are absolutely knackered. The audience have been transformed with lack of sleep into wasted shadows of their former selves;(
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The New Order Substance set opens to a very quiet bunch, it’s like they have all been kidnapped and replaced by bored librarians, even Twinny’s posse are exhausted). But we persevere and by half way through we get them back and it ends in a huge furore…..phew again! One great moment when I berate a front row guest for sleeping and his girlfriend comes later and tells me he has Narcolepsy.
“Makes driving with him very interesting.” She says, “He drove us here and fell asleep three times!”
Bleeding hell???
I was okay after but the lads were a sight to behold they all just lay around spent, completely spent. I go to bed only to be wakened by more bloody announcements at 4.45??? Because the bloody clocks have gone back and we have lost an hour……aaaargh!
This was probably one of the weirder gigs I have ever done, but the crew and the crowd I have to say were fantastic. We had one crewmember Pedro, from Portugal, who seemed to do everything on board. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he was driving the boat. He was head-waiter, greeter, photographer, head cook and bottle washer! It’s like the Circus. On the way off he says to me,
“You hear that announcement? That’s the code for toxic human waste in the cabin. We have to send in the experts in gas masks and hazard suits and steamers.”
Shit, for some reason I immediately think of Twinny. But surprisingly he is quite chipper. We get off the boat, first! Top one. Then a lovely sunny drive home and I drop him at Wetherspoons on Deansgate where him and the boys start again.
Oh to be young;)
love Hooky ‘17
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szopenhauer · 4 years
why aren’t you with your first love? my first female crush was hetero
were you sad when you heard about michael jackson’s death? no have you ever kissed an ex after you broke up? because we’re together again lol how long could you go without cursing? not long if I’m around people :x did anything annoy you today? mostly my computer and thunderstorm  have you consumed alcohol in the past 24 hours? I don’t drink so obviously not have you ever kissed someone who’s last name started with an b? no what were you doing at 8am this morning? sleeping if you were kicked out of your house, where would you go first? I would try grandma and my gf probably maybe my sister? if none of those options would work then I’d be homeless what will you be doing in 3 hours? hopefully sleeping is tomorrow gonna be a good day? what are you going to do? doubt it, nothing much are you satisfied with your life as of now? am not are any of your friends taller than you? of course, I’m very short have you ever gone out of your way to make someone happy? shitload of times who was the last person you took a picture with? my dad or my gf do you wear a belt with every pair of jeans? I don’t wear jeans or belts  where did you get the shirt you are wearing? got it from my sister as a gift the last two people you kissed, are they virgins? I only kissed one person in my entire life and that’s personal describe how you feel right now in one word? bad anybody tell you they miss you lately? my gf made a post about it if that counts  are you closer to your father or mother? my dad what’s your relationship with the person you talked to last? she’s my mom do you say sorry first? often did you speak to your father today? yeah, like every day what locker number is yours? I never had a locker do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? my bed is too small to have sides do you prefer an ocean or a pool? pool, ocean is more scary do you shut off the water when you brush your teeth? yup do you sleep with your closet door opened or closed? my wardrobe is always closed are you capable of holding down a long-term relationship? we’ll see is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to? at least my father if your best friend made out with your boyfriend/ girlfriend, what would you do? my father? with my gf?... what is bothering you right now? ugh... do you think someone is thinking about you right now? sure do you like when people play with your hair? I don’t care much  do you miss how things use to be with someone? absolutely
how are you doing today? sigh... sex ruins relationships, right? could say so
do you think it’s a bunch of bull shit when people say “i have no regrets”? I hate this kind of ppl, stay away! who got you the jewelry you’re wearing? I’m not wearing any jewelry atm do you get scared during scary movies? I usually get grossed out  how do you feel right now? *shrug* is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now? I’m fine being alone  do you like hugs? depends two days from today, where will you be? either home or or hospital... or dead are relationships ever really worth it? time will show do you miss your past? badly is the last person you kissed older than you? nope, almost 2 months younger what color shirt are you wearing? black and white stripes with a cat shaped UFO and a pug what do you currently hear right now? nothing, I can’t listen to music anymore because my mom is asleep and I don’t want to use my headphones  what are you planning on doing after this? maybe another survey
are you gonna be home tonight? yup, unless smth bad will happen then I will go to ER - you never know  name the first person you can think of that you know that has a tattoo? I’ve been talking about it today lmfao W. and S. had tattoos do you slam doors when you’re mad? might  is your room messy or clean? organized mess do you tell your best friend everything? it’s not possible but I try my best do you think anyone has feelings for you? it seems did your last kiss take place on a bed? I don’t think so are you someone’s best friend? one of best friends, not the only one have you kissed anyone whose name starts with a z? my name starts with z
when you take surveys, are your answers inspired by the person’s before you? I basically never read their answers, can happen accidentally but it doesn’t change anything
are you a “fan” of a lot of things on facebook? been on my old account, that was one of the reasons I created new profile, the only thing I regret about that fact is losing my Criminal case progress :(
have you ever “spoken” to any celebrities via. twitter? Grimes 
do you like croissants? noooo
do you get a lot of traffic outside your house or not? nah what does the last jacket you wore look like? blue plaid with grey hood, buttons and pockets
do you eat cereal bars? tried some in the past
are you on any prescribed medication? can’t take any meds currently 
how often do you change your bedsheets? rarely because I’m allergic to most of detergents and then I have ever bigger problems with sleeping 
if you haven’t already, are you scared of leaving home? if you have, do you like it? just a little
do you know how to look after yourself away from home? (budget, pay pills, feed yourself, cook, clean, do laundry etc.) not everything, I need to learn some stuff yet
do you drink a lot of juice? nope
what would you do if you found an abandoned baby on your doorstep, with a note asking you to keep it and take care of it? it’s illegal...
how many times have you moved in your life so far? 0
do you have a certain routine in the bath or shower? what is it? I bath my shoulders first (unless I wash my hair then my head goes first)
is there anything that you loved a year ago but just can’t stand now? food mostly
what do you do when people give you mixed messages? I try to find out the truth 
would you ever eat kangaroo steak? ewww, hell no
is there a chalkboard or whiteboard anywhere in your house? I hate chalkboards, I have magnetic board tho
do you like dried fruit at all? what’s your favorite type? meh
how many times have you been to the ER? at least 3 times how has this past week been for you? complicated
when a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go? walks out HOW and WHY?  what do people think about you that isn’t true? long story, dunno where should I even start, plenty of gossips to mention what do you think about internet best friends? why not? how many months until your birthday? half a year does it bother you when your friends bring up your past mistakes? I do that myself but at times it doesn’t make me laugh but hurts me if the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose? summer? if somebody liked you right now, what do you think is a cool way to tell you? I’m taken so if we’re not talking about my partner then I don’t think someone should tell me that  when was the last time you cried really hard? yesterday, today only slightly and just once could you go out in public looking like you do now? yes last person you gave something to? parents do you believe that if you want something bad enough you’ll get it? pfft honestly, has anyone ever seen you in your underwear? well I was in hospitals, been visiting many doctors, went to school where we had PE, have a family and am in a relationship etc etc etc would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? that doesn’t really help  when’s the next time you will kiss somebody? not soon, second half of the next month? how’s your heart lately? physically or emotionally? are you a jealous person? a bit do you wear the hood on your hoodie? sometimes can you successfully blow up and tie a balloon? doubt it where’s the weirdest place you’ve changed clothes? not sure which place was the weirdest what are you doing next week? no plans what was the first thing you thought this morning? I was thinking about my dream (me and some strangers were in an abandoned factory of some sort and there were dragons chasing us but I was escaping and even saved a little girl) would you rather have your nose or tongue pierced? nose ever stayed up all night on the phone? not whole night has the last person you kissed ever been mad at you? she was indeed does someone call and talk to you every night before you go to sleep? luckily not has the last person you kissed seen you cry? few times did anyone see your last kiss? we were one on one have you ever kissed someone who was high? I haven’t do you want to please everyone? no way, it’s not possible anyway anything interesting happen this week? mostly interesting bad
do you still talk to the person you last kissed? in general because at this very moment they’re busy would you kiss the last person you kissed again? we're going to  what does that person look like? tall, curly hair, glasses, black clothes  have you dated someone who wasn’t good to you? not that I deserve anything good but... would you ever cut your hair 6 inches shorter than it is now? I would be bald :o when was the last time it rained? today last person you cuddled with dies, are you sad? omg
have you ever helped a blind/visually impaired person to cross the road? there was no occassion
have you ever had a letter get lost in the mail, only to receive it months/years later? I sent a letter to my (now ex) friend and she never received it because someone stolen it 
do you ever feel disconnected from everyone around you? kinda
have you ever had a stalker? more than once
have you ever had to look after someone’s pet when they were away on holiday? sorta
do you know anyone who works as an air hostess? someone I know wants to work as an air hostess but she’s studying 
have you ever found something in your home which belonged to a previous owner? there was no previous owner
^ even if you haven’t, what would you do if you did? would you try and find the original owner? no idea
do you (or does anyone you know) tend to exaggerate any sign of sickness? looks like it
have you ever owned a pet goldfish? no fish, ever
were you ever bullied in primary school? not only primary
have you ever been into any kind of sex shop? online ones count?
when you go to church, do you light a candle for anyone? there were those coin turned on lamp candles in Ełk that I loved but they’re gone
are you/or is anyone you know a really good painter? no one is that good
would you be more inclined to give money to homeless people who play music as opposed to just sitting and begging? that’s true
have you ever traveled by train? if so, do you do it often? at least once a year 
have you ever been diagnosed with any kind of heart condition? when I was born
are you homeschooled? if you went to regular highschool, do you think you’d have liked being taught at home? wish I was homeschooled
is one of your parents very much into diy? my mom likes diy but not obsessively
do you know of anyone who is/has been in a coma? -
do you like skimming stones? I suck at it
would you ever want to work in cafe, even if only temporarily? not even temporarily
how much would you to do to get back something which contained your most treasured memories? damn
do you know anyone who is afraid of butterflies? I heard K. is
have you ever been inside a lighthouse? I don’t recall  do you have any money from different countries other than your own? several coins if you already have your license, how did you feel on the day of your test? I don’t have my license  do you care if you buy things that are ‘made in china’ or not?  I avoid buying some specific items that were made in china  would you rather swim in the pool or play in a sprinkler? none, am against sprinklers actually  if you get your pictures developed, or if you have in the past, do you keep the negatives or just throw them away? my mom kept them 
where were you 2 hours ago? home
are you wearing socks right now? almost always
have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? not since high school  who was the last person to hear you cry? more like saw that I cried/want to cry, not hear have you bought any clothing items in the last week? mother bought a crop top for me this day one thing you hate about yourself? can’t choose one, there’s more what are your plans for the day? day is over did you have fun today? moment  what do you know about the future? that I’ll die someday as every other human being do you have a tan? honey skin is my tan during summer how old do you want to be when you have kids? I don’t want to have any kids! how do you like your soda? I don’t drink soda  who was the last person to make you cry? myself? what day is tomorrow? Friday have you ever worn red lipstick? it was the only one I ever used
do you know who bonnie and clyde are? remind me of Sara
are you christian? I am 
if so, have you ever read the entire bible? I guess
are you generally attracted to more outgoing and loud people or quiet and mysterious people? smth in between
have you ever cried because you couldn’t be with someone? that was dumb of me
could you ever see yourself going to those college parties, getting drunk, fucking some random person and getting an std? u can apparently get std without parties, drinking and sex
don’t you hate it when things are amazing in other people’s lives and you’re stuck in a hole? very
do you have problems with one - or both - of your parents? with one of them way more
do you sleep a lot? barely
do you like drinking water? whatever
have you ever been to a funeral? 1 
do you like writing? when I have smth to write about
are you doing/did you do good in school? got worse with time
do you think moths are bad luck? whaaat? but they’re so pretty! :o
or do you not believe in supersitious stuff? I believe in some superstitions but like five of them or smth
will you date someone that’s not your race? I believe
i hope you aren’t racist… are you? am I? :(
have you ever made yourself throw up? disgusting, not able to do that
do you think you exercise enough? I don’t exercise 
have you ever pierced something on your body, yourself? I’m not stupid
Have you ever listened to the same song on repeat for hours on end? that happened  Do you like staying in hotels? hmm... Are musicals interesting or boring? annoying, besides Cats What is your favorite scent of incense? I don’t burn it
Can you tune a guitar by ear or do you need a tuner? need a tuner Do you like love songs? oh well...
Don’t you hate it when your eyes burn? it’s awful, got that problem last weeks Have you ever sex texted? I’ve sexted 
Would you know who to talk to if you wanted weed? but I don’t want it Have you ever worn leather? fake What is your greatest fear? personal If you could kiss anyone right now, who would it be? my gf What perfume do you wear? none, I hate perfumes Do you smell good right now? I don’t think so What is your favorite energy drink? never tried any and don’t want to
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dernise520 · 5 years
Well we'll, its been awhile again. Been quite busy with plans lately. Last Thurs was a trip to USS, the next was zoo day. Just these 2 days drained me of my energy, but nonetheless sat was a paktor day for me and him. Its been a long time since we last watched movie together, we would use to hold hands and all, but now we just sat at our own seats and he even took 2 straws for our drink which made me abit sad tho cos when we were together, we also didn't really have 2 separate straws. But oh well, I didn't really brood over it much. 😵
Anyways,I don't know why but I'm easily irritated. Its either my period is coming or I'm just.... 😖 I try to get over the irritated feeling fast tho. I'm having some mixed feelings lately which idk if I should ignore or do something about it. Maybe cos an app prompt me about certain things in my married lifestyle that got me thinking again. That aside, my holidays are dashed due to the Civil virus, and it isn't getting any better. Looks like my upcoming batam trip is gg. And he isn't very on for a staycation in sg tho. I can't think of how I'm gonna celebrate jiaen first year. Its important to me, idk if it is to him. Maybe it's just another ordinary day. 🤷🏻‍♀️ my birthday too is coming up. I don't work on my birthday tho. Its like a yearly affair I give myself time off. And I've never celebrated my bday with him before. Like really really celebrate. I still remember the first time was me asking him to meet,if not, he wasn't even interested in seeing me. Then the 2nd year?I was heavily pregnant and attended his friend's wedding if I'm not wrong ,so didn't even celebrate. Oh well. Maybe I shouldn't celebrate this year, it's just another year of getting older. 🙎🏻‍♀️
My back is really aching alot these days. And my long awaited massage in Malaysia is gone too. Haiis. Today was a super busy day at work. Tmrw ill be on PM leave to do my hair so ill feel less ugly. Hopefully this week will be all good with no unhappiness. Everyday I'm just crossing my fingers. 🤞🏻
So fast, its gonna be the end of another month again. Looking forward to next month? Nahhh. Guess I'm just gonna turn in early today. Gotta make my way to work tmrw alone tho, hope grab isn't that ex. I feel like nightmares are coming back is it a sign? 🥺
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nanalikessurveys · 5 years
Ever looked into your family heritage? Just briefly
Does the band Seventh Day Slumber appear on your iPod? I don’t own an ipod but i don’t know that band anyway
What kind of computer do you have? Lenovo laptop
Do you know anyone whose name is Noah? No
When was the last time you ate a bagel? About a week ago
Ever thought of signing up for an online dating site? Lol i used to sign up for those long time ago when i was about 10? as a joke. and once my “friends” in high school made a profile about me on a dating site without telling me anything, they even put my phone number there and i got a call from someone in the middle of the night, ha.
Do you think you have ever been in love? If so, with whom? With my ex yeah
What size shoe do you wear? 38
Why did you last cry? Because i was feeling lonely and a little bit scared
When was the last time you took a nap? I don’t even remember
Do you think about anyone before you go to bed? Nah
Do you like road trips? Sure
Do you tend to waste a lot of money? Yeah, i used to at least, now i’ve kinda calmed down
Is it usually easy for someone to make you smile? Yeah, i smile alot
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? Hope so, nothing special is happening tho
Ever cried on the phone to somebody? Yes
Whose hoodie did you wear last? My own
Do you use chapstick? Yes
Are you dating the last person you said, “I love you” to? No
Do you know anyone who is pregnant? My old coach is pregnant now
The last person you texted, is the person a he or a she? She
Do you think you’ll be married in 10 years? I wouldn't know
Ever cried till you threw up? No
Do you get freaked out when you’re in the dark? Sometimes
Will you have sexual intercourse within the next week or two? Hope not lol
Is there anything you should be worried about? Yes but i don’t want to think about it haha
You’re up after 3 AM, what’s the reason? I don’t know really
Are you in a relationship with anyone? No
What were you doing 2 hours ago? I was chilling on the balcony with my kitties even tho it's freezing cold
What will/did you do today? Maybe go for a walk. and eat something after that
Is smoking a turn off? I guess for me
Has a boyfriend/girlfriend ever put alcohol/drugs before you? No
Do you like Olive Garden? I’ve never been there
Are you thinking about someone right now? No
What was the last thing you ate? Chocolate, yay
Were you single on your last birthday? Yes
Are your nails painted? No
Is your birthday on a holiday? It’s always on the fall break
What’s the last thing you touched, other than your computer?
My sofa
Do you regret a past relationship? I just regret how it ended
Who do you miss right now? Now that you mentioned it, yes
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it’s been a while since y’all got a work story so here’s one that happened in 2 parts, last week and then today.
So last week, I found out everyone was gonna be out of town except me and I had to work on Wednesday, which like that’s fine nbd, I work that day anyway and with the holiday on Thursday like only a couple people came by or called. It was fine. BUT, we had someone renting out one of our buildings for their dinner on Thursday. So last week I sorted out the keys she would need and whatever. It was a whole thing. And then this week I was supposed to make sure to leave the alarm off and then come back today (Friday) to check everything and turn it back on.
So I did all that and actually slept in this morning and then suddenly was like o shit I forgot about work, so I got dressed and walked the dog up there and checked the door and set the alarm. nbd, right?
Like idk 5 or 6 this evening I get a call from (uh well she says she’s not my boss but she’s basically my boss?) and she says that the alarm was going off and the police called and said someone was trying to get in the side door. Now, of course, I didn’t think to fucken check the side door because we rarely use it. But anyway, I had to get dressed again (because lol who wears all their clothes at home??) and run up there to see what was going on. Meanwhile right before I left, the like director lady called and said “oh it’s (lady renting the space) and she asked if she could use it again today but I forgot to tell anyone she asked me that” so like thankfully it wasn’t just someone trying to break in and steal shit (tho honestly, that’s not the building with the most valuable stuff anyway so like why would you??) but I still had to go up there because the alarm wouldn’t shut off without a code. I hurry up there in the cold and it’s like almost dark out and when I get there, I shut the alarm off and then go see what’s happening and tell them I’m sorry about the mixup. The police had already left at that point but they took the lady’s info and like she’s a volunteer at the museum so I mean we know her, it’s cool. But yeah so that was a whole thing. And my mom thankfully had called my cousin to come pick me up even tho it’s a 5 min walk, but like the wind was so cold I couldn’t stop coughing so it was a relief to not have to walk back in it. OH BUT OFC I have to go back in the morning to lock up for real again. so yeah. It’s not that I can’t go it’s just a hassle, you know? Like if they had got the story straight in the first place it would have saved everyone the trouble.
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xuchil-bara · 6 years
1.    What is the closest grocery store to your house?  I’m pretty-goddamn-sure it’s Food4Less but I might be wrong.
2.    When was the last time you colored with crayons?  Not that long ago, actually. I threw out all my old crayons (I loved them, but they were a gift from my birth-father so they had to go) and I can’t wait to get more.
3.    Have you ever owned a plant? What was it? I love plants. I would own all the plants. We have a garden right now and I love it. It’s awe-inspiring how much nature can happen in your own backyard.
4.    Have you met anyone famous? A few times, and I gotta say, meh.
5.    What was the worst injury you have ever had?  My god, you know, I haven’t been injured that many times. I guess when I put up a shelf improperly and it fell out of the wall and a box of power tools fell on my toe. Didn’t break, but almost did, and damn did that hurt.
6.    At thanksgiving dinner, what is the first thing you go for? M. EFFING. TURKEY. MY DUDE.
7.    When you were a kid, who was your best pal?  Mikayla was my best friend for almost 20 years.
8.    Do you have any special talents? I used to be able to sing, cook and sew really well. I loved languages. I’m out of practice with all of it.  
9.    Have you ever been to a nursing home? I worked at one for my first job. Not recommended.
10. What kind of job did your mom have when you were growing up? When I was really young she took a job at her father’s company doing accounts receivable (payable? Whichever) and she worked two other jobs. I think once my grandfather gave her an honest wage she was able to quit the other two.
11. Have you ever known anyone that’s been on TV, including you? Sure, I mentioned I’ve met famous people. I don’t particularly know why that’s an interesting fact about me, per se, since there’s nothing particularly interesting about famous people.
12. What was the most interesting animal you have seen in the wild? Hellgrammites.  
13. What holiday do you enjoy the most? Thanksgiving, but for the reasons most people like Christmas. Togetherness, being happily surrounded by the people you love, etc.  
14. What was the first video game you ever played?  I want to say an Atari game, but I can’t be entirely sure. I was super little.
15. What is the one thing you own, that if it got lost, you would be bummed?  My engagement ring. I wouldn’t just be bummed, I would be heartbroken.
16. Do you have a favorite breakfast item?  Pigs in a blanket. By that I mean sausage wrapped in pancakes.
17. What do you find yourself buying all the time?  I don’t really know. I guess food?
18. When was the last time you got a real letter in the mail? One that wasn’t asking for money?
19. Do you have a most prized piece of jewelry? Yes. My engagement ring and my heart necklace my husband gave me. I also cherish the open heart jewelry my grandparents got for all of us as teens.
20. Do you own any board games?  I do! I wish we played more of them, tbh.
21. What chore seems the most daunting right now?  Laundry and dishes. I fucking hate those.
22. Were you born in the state you live in?  Yeah, but I can’t wait to move.
23. Have you ever lived in a house that has been broken into?  Yes.
24. What is your favorite cheese? Brie, gruyere, and I really love chipotle smoked gouda.
25. Who do you know that watches the most sports?  My father in law, probably.
26. Do you like reality TV shows? There are no redeeming qualities about reality TV shows to me.
27. Would you rather have a chocolate or strawberry cake for your birthday? Strawberry, but I don’t really care for cake.
28. What color are your jeans? Blue. I only own two pairs.
29. Are you scared of fireworks? No.
30. Do you hate loud people? Hate is a huge overstatement but I really wish they’d be considerate of other people.
31. Do you get embarrassed when the buzzer at the airport goes off on you? No? I don’t know what this is talking about. Everyone has to go through those dumb right-infringing scanners these days anyway.
32. What does your last received text message say? “bye bitch”
33. Do you like drawing all over people/their belongings? No? What the hell?
34. What’s a smell that makes you feel ill? Any bodily fluids. Can’t handle those yet. I also really don’t care for the smell of reheated Italian food or fish.
35. When was the last time someone told you they loved you? This morning.
36. Do you get lonely easily? I go through periods of feeling lonely all the time, even though I’m not.
37. Do you read “texts from last night?” I used to, but I just don’t care for that culture I guess?
38. What was the last thing you ate? I’m currently eating a bagel.
39. Is there any talent you would love to have? Goddamn would I love to have a handle on my emotions.
40. Have you ever deliberately tripped someone? No.
41. Do you have any boxsets for TV shows? Yeah, I own like every season of House. Haven’t watched them in years tho.
42. Who was the first person to text you on your birthday? I don’t remember.
43. Are you tired? Persistently.
44. What was the last TV show you watched? I want to say Bob’s Burgers?
45. Is your door open right now? I work in a cubicle where it doesn’t matter whether or not I want privacy. People just walk over and demand my time. It’s exhausting.
46. What was the last conversation you had with someone about?  Anthony and I talked about the Resident Evil 2 remake?
47. What was the last parcel you received? It was a box of garbage from my mom. I mean that it was actual garbage. Ripped stuffed animals, tshirts that aren’t mine, old broken toys.
48. How are you feeling right now? Anxious.
49. Are you one of those people who talks to everyone when you’re out? I don’t even go out. Lmao
50. What are you listening to? I listen to rain sounds at work or other white noise.
51. Is the person you last texted single? No.
52. What color is your favorite bra? It’s grey.
53. What is your natural hair color? Blondish brown.
54. Do you like to sleep? Fuck yeah, dude, sleep is the shit.
55. How old will you be on your next birthday? 28.
56. Have you ever liked someone older than you? Jeez.
57. Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone? Yeah.
58. Have you ever stayed up all night on the phone? Yeah.
59. What is bothering you? Right now? This dude in my department is a blathering idiot and because he occasionally functions above and beyond that somehow means he gets to keep his job. He’s a fucking idiot and I want him to go.
60. What is the newest addition to your wardrobe? I bought jeans. But this weekend I’m getting some crop tops, shorts and a swim suit.
61. Don’t tell me lies, so is the last person you texted attractive?
Good lord.lmao
62. Do you have any currency that’s not your native country’s? Yeah, I have some Florint I’ve been keeping for some reason, along with some Jamaican money and some pesos.
63. Ever had a boy best friend? Yes.
64. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? I try not to have conversations with people I don’t like.
65. Have you ever tried wine? Holy shit, what age group is this survey meant for?
66. Do you stay up later than ten o’clock on a week night? I’d prefer not to.
67. Do you fall asleep texting every night? No, what the fuck?
68. Were you texting someone right before you fell asleep last night?  No.
69. Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up today? No? Jesus. lmao
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thefredizone · 7 years
all of them? ;)
Look,,,, why do any of you take me seriously i hate you thanks xxxx this is gonna be the last well formatted section i hope u know that.  @lgbtposts here u mcfuckin go
200: My crush’s name is: probs amy but im trying for that to not be the case rn199: I was born in: Blackburn, 1999.198: I am really: fuckin cool197: My cellphone company is: EE196: My eye color is: blue195: My shoe size is: I mostly wear sixes but im actually between a 4 and a 5.5194: My ring size is: i dont fuckin know i dont even know my bra size193: My height is: see above192: I am allergic to: pollen191: My 1st car was: nonexistent190: My 1st job was: in a shop189: Last book you read: fuckin hell thats a throwback and a half. Probs The Rest Of Us Just Live Here188: My bed is: warm187: My pet: dogs186: My best friend: either Katie or Beef xx185: My favorite shampoo is: not a shampoo but Snow Fairy184: Xbox or ps3: PS4183: Piggy banks are: lame182: In my pockets: washed paper and probably a lighter181: On my calendar: who the fuck has a calendar180: Marriage is: for lame-os and i want to be a lame-o one day179: Spongebob can: go away178: My mom: is boring177: The last three songs I bought were?: probs this good robots album who pays for music. 176: Last YouTube video watched: Phils new one175: How many cousins do you have? None that i know of, my mam has loads with kids so i call them cousins but theyre some other convoluted thing174: Do you have any siblings? aye173: Are your parents divorced? aye172: Are you taller than your mom? aye171: Do you play an instrument? aye170: What did you do yesterday? fuck all, pretedned to write an essay mostly. played some overwatch[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: aye168: Luck:aye167: Fate:aye166: Yourself:nah165: Aliens: i want to believe164: Heaven: aye163: Hell: of course,, thts my life ha ha ha162: God: nah161: Horoscopes: sure 160: Soul mates: totally159: Ghosts: why not158: Gay Marriage: Comme une lesbienne, je suis partial. 157: War: what is it good for156: Orbs: why not, idk what this means tho155: Magic: nah[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: kisses153: Drunk or High: either or, never together. rn probs high152: Phone or Online: online151: Red heads or Black haired: Cherry Red like party mcfuckin poison i love them150: Blondes or Brunettes: probs brunette149: Hot or cold: hot148: Summer or winter: summer147: Autumn or Spring: autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: apples143: Curly or Straight hair: straight142: McDonalds or Burger King: Mcdonalds141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heels: Heels138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Ugly and rich fo sure137: Coke or Pepsi: pespi136: Hillary or Obama: obama135: Burried or cremated: set me the fuck on fire134: Singing or Dancing: singing133: Coach or Chanel: what the fuck are those132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: idk131: Small town or Big city: city130: Wal-Mart or Target: targe129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither128: Manicure or Pedicure: get away from me,, leave my nails alone127: East Coast or West Coast: east126: Your Birthday or Christmas:christmas125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers,, but living ones. plants. 124: Disney or Six Flags: disney123: Yankees or Red Sox: neither[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: use your words121: George Bush: go away120: Gay Marriage: gay119: The presidential election: fuck off118: Abortion: dont want one dont mcfuckin get one117: MySpace: dead116: Reality TV: boring115: Parents: eh114: Back stabbers: bye113: Ebay: amazons shitty cousin112: Facebook: boring but i use111: Work: kill me110: My Neighbors: named their kid the same as me fuck off shouting her name109: Gas Prices: idk i dont pay attention stop using crude oil108: Designer Clothes: i cant afford that shit107: College: cool106: Sports: not cool 105: My family: eh104: The future: *screaming at the void*
[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Rosies mam on tuesday lmao102: Last time you ate: popcorn rn101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: uh idk maybe morgan when i last saw them at lloyds?100: Cried in front of someone: probs katie during my Major Breakdown of february99: Went to a movie theater: fuckin civil war i dont go to the cinema98: Took a vacation: florida, 201497: Swam in a pool: summer 201696: Changed a diaper:never95: Got my nails done: pre-mothers wedding94: Went to a wedding:mothers wedding93: Broke a bone: never92: Got a peircing: septum in november91: Broke the law: i smoked weed a couple of weeks back90: Texted: rn[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: beef88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my bed and or dogs87: The last movie I saw: ¾ of the green mile86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: leavers85: The thing im not looking forward to: c2 on wednesday84: People call me: kyra83: The most difficult thing to do is: live82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nah81: My zodiac sign is: aquarius80: The first person i talked to today was: Amy79: First time you had a crush: i was like, 878: The one person who i can’t hide things from: beef77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: beef rn76: Right now I am talking to: ally, morgan, amy.75: What are you going to do when you grow up: be a skience74: I have/will get a job: in science73: Tomorrow: never comes72: Today: sleep71: Next Summer: screaming70: Next Weekend: get10 smashed for leavers ayyyyy69: I have these pets: 2 dog ,, revel n jack jack 68: The worst sound in the world: poorly tuned violin being played very poorly67: The person that makes me cry the most is: amy r i p 66: People that make you happy: hannah hart, beef, keg65: Last time I cried: last night64: My friends are: fuckin lovely63: My computer is: shitty62: My School: sux61: My Car: doesnt exist60: I lose all respect for people who: are bigots59: The movie I cried at was: pride58: Your hair color is:blonde ( 4 now)57: TV shows you watch: watching through friends and yoi rn. just started futurama, putting off watching greys56: Favorite web site: dont got one55: Your dream vacation: flo rida to new york gay road trip54: The worst pain I was ever in was: brace pain 53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare52: My room is: grey, green and a mess51: My favorite celebrity is: hannah hart  (ilhsm)50: Where would you like to be: somewhere sunny49: Do you want children: aye48: Ever been in love: probs idk anymore i think so47: Who’s your best friend: Beef or Keg46: More guy friends or girl friends: girls45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Validation44: One person that you wish you could see right now: beef probs she could do with a hug43: Do you have a 5 year plan: bitch i dont even have a 5 minute plan42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nah41: Have you pre-named your children: nah. but i like Atlas40: Last person I got mad at: myself lol39: I would like to move to: canadia38: I wish I was a professional: science[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: skittles36: Vehicle: cool motorbikes35: President: obmam34: State visited: florida33: Cellphone provider: EE32: Athlete: a what now31: Actor: chris pratt30: Actress: uh probs scarjo dont come for me i love her voice in her ok29: Singer: Miley cyrus atm28: Band: mcr27: Clothing store: fuckin love asda me26: Grocery store: fuckin love aldi25: TV show: atm yoi24: Movie: Her23: Website: idk22: Animal: Tapir21: Theme park: Busch gardens or however the fcku you spell it20: Holiday: xmas19: Sport to watch: rugby18: Sport to play: a who now17: Magazine: i secretly love vogue16: Book: either wicdiv or killjoys15: Day of the week: saturday14: Beach: south shields13: Concert attended: fiatc,, i touched his butt12: Thing to cook: pasta11: Food: pasta10: Restaurant: deanos9: Radio station: kerrang8: Yankee candle scent: vanilla7: Perfume: theres an Alexander Mcqueen one that was designed to smell like sex but i love it anyway6: Flower: orchid5: Color: pink4: Talk show host: gotta say ellen for the lesbians3: Comedian: fight me i like jimmy car2: Dog breed: i love all doggos1: Did you answer all these truthfully? idk i think so
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