#i tried colour picking them but they were too bright so i went with vibes
thesquiddlesquad · 4 months
Just realised it's been a while since I posted art, so here have some new characters I definitely didn't need to make
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The poses are referenced from some Disney princess official art that I'll put under the read more.
Their names are Melissa and Renee (left to right). Here they are as little girls:
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It's possible that Melissa might like bows. And the colour pink. And puffy sleeves.
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Just noticed how long Aurora's legs are...
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My thoughts on HEARTSTEEL (even though no one asked):
I should start off by saying that my expectations going into this were very low. I know that Riot's music team never disappoints, but the leaked splash art was a bit of a let down in my opinion so I tried not to get my hopes up and I was hoping some things would be changed before the skins' release.
Regardless, I watched the music video as soon as it premiered... and I haven't been able to stop listening to it since. The song is SO GOOD!! It took me a couple of listens before I really got into it, but to say it's grown on me is an understatement. Sure, it's not better than POP/STARS (that's a given), but I can honestly say I like it better than GIANTS.
The song might be a banger, but my grievances come from pretty much everything else.
First of all, I think the casting could have been better. Baekhyun as Ezreal was great, but everyone else just felt... Off?? I got whiplash when Kayn started rapping because his voice just caught me so off-guard (though I suppose it was Rhaast rapping, so that makes more sense). Sett and K'Sante were a bit better, but I still think it was iffy casting overall. There's just such a stark contrast between their singing/rapping voices and their normal talking voices that doesn't sound quite right to me.
Second, the music video was pretty decent. As I stated before, my expectations weren't very high, so considering how low the bar was I wasn't disappointed. There were a lot of good moments in it that I really enjoyed, but overall I felt that it didn't flow as well as it could have. I thought it was very flashy, fast-paced, and chaotic. This is all subjective, but I think the video could have been better. For what it was, though, it was decent.
Lastly, I wanted to talk about the skin designs. I said before that I was disappointed when the splash art was leaked, and the same holds true now. What I liked about K/DA and True Damage is that the skins provided a new, modern spin on the characters while still holding true to who they are. The HEARTSTEEL designs were disappointing for me because it kind of feels like they tried to change too much. Some of them work, but some of them don't. Ezreal and Yone both look amazing and I'm considering picking up Yone just so I can play the skin when it comes out. I'm still on the fence about K'Sante, Sett, and Aphelios. Kayn just looks mid, which is upsetting for me because I literally started maining him just for the skin. Sett looks like a car mechanic. These skins could have been so good, and I think what they should have done instead is gone for a more edgy/punky vibe all around. There are a lot of bright colours in some of these designs, and I think that's what's throwing me off. Kayn is the literal edgelord of Runeterra, and you CANNOT convince me that he would actually dress like that. The pink hair is fine, but the brightness of the pink should be balanced out with darker clothing (PLEASE just get rid of the yellow pants, Riot, I'm begging you. The design would immediately go from a 6/10 to 9/10 if you just made the pants black instead of piss yellow). The same goes for Aphelios, who is often characterized by dark, emo aesthetics. His design doesn't look bad, but again, it could have been significantly improved by incorporating some darker elements. This is kind of a gripe that I've had with HEARTSTEEL in general. Riot went with the same pop vibes instead of innovating and coming up with something new. The band in general should have been more punk-rock oriented than what we got. I saw someone online saying that Kayn should have been a screamo rapper, and I can't agree more. Overall I don't dislike the designs, but they could have been done better.
So that's the end of my spiel. I love the song, but there are a lot of things about the band that left me wishing. I just hope that Kayn gets a black chroma or something, and I hope that when they get a comeback after 5 years or so (if Riot doesn't forget about them before then), Riot listens to fan feedback and we get something even better. I think the group has a lot of potential and I've really been enjoying the Discord chats on Twitter. If you have opinions about the group, feel free to add on to this, as these are all just my opinions.
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fukurodaze · 4 years
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pairing: suna rintarou x fem!reader genre: flangst wc: 3.2k warnings: cursing!!, uncomfy vibes, it’s the ‘good friend but shitty boyfriend’ type beat synopsis: inarizaki high’s second year trip to kyoto is infamous for its many rendezvous. you just happen to want to follow the trend.
special thanks to kei @keistays​ for beta reading! ily <3
LISTEN TO: gimme love - joji; cool girl - dodie; bags - clairo
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“hey.” your hands are shoved in your coat pockets, your boots hitting against the asphalt as a small puff of smoke escapes your mouth. you meet him at the back entrance of the inn. 
he looks up from his phone. “oh, hey. let’s go.”
his shoulders are lax, but his feet tell you otherwise. he scurries along the street, then stops to wait for your slower footsteps. the stoplight is green, but he doesn’t mind waiting for you.
you don’t say anything as he looks at you with tired eyes, a light red across his cheeks. you wish it wasn’t so cold - maybe then you’d know if it was you who had that effect on him.
the light is red now, and you feel your heart pound in your chest as you stand beside him, eyes flickering every now and then to check his blank face. 
“where are we going again?” you inhale a bit of the cold air, nuzzling your face into the thick scarf around your neck. 
“kamo river.” 
“can we walk along gion too?”
suna shrugs. he tells you, “sure. whatever you want.”
the cars are less at night. only the bright green-yellow-red of traffic lights and the faraway warm glow of street lamps stay behind. kyoto’s beautiful, you think. you wish you could hang around for hours here with suna without a care for anyone else.
as soon as you two cross the first road, he lets out a sigh of relief. you then see him chuckle, almost silently. the sight of it makes you smile.
“are you hungry?” he asks.
“we can get snacks, maybe.” you’re caught off-guard at his sudden change of demeanour. or maybe you just don’t know him enough yet.
you’ve had so many questions about this boy for so long, and now that you’re here in kyoto with him - when you’re not allowed to be out, nonetheless - you’re not sure where you stand with him. 
you were introduced to suna rintarou as osamu’s friend and the notorious middle blocker of the school volleyball team. you’re friends with the girls on the cheer squad - the same ones who would always teeter between the lines of friendship and romance with some of the boys on the school's sports teams. you only know the middle blocker by association. your interactions were limited to random glances as you brought your math paper down the room and the rare hello’s when you’d pass by his desk in the morning. 
there was also the one time when the volleyball club planned a birthday surprise for suna and just had to assign you the role of the “distraction” because you weren’t in any “important clubs.” firstly, ouch, and second, why you?
yet it seemed like suna didn’t have a problem as you awkwardly approached him on the morning of his seventeenth birthday, seeing as osamu had weirdly been absent on his best friend’s birthday. 
suna talked to you like a friend, and though he seemed uninterested in you at first, you made sure to spare him the purple chuupets from the canteen, telling him that you’d rather have the white ones instead.
you didn’t really think it was a coincidence when he left you three white chuupets on your desk on valentines day. so when you texted him about it, he gladly told you they were from him. since then, there always seemed to be an elephant that entered the room whenever you were with him.
it didn’t bother you at first, but as text conversations run late and a fluttering feeling in your chest arose, there’s a question that repeats itself in your head.
you heard it the most when he texted you tonight, telling you he couldn’t sleep, and judging from the way you had stayed up until the crack of dawn texting him on multiple occasions, it only felt right for him to ask you. you told him to meet you outside, discreetly, at half past midnight, when the teachers had stopped patrolling.
suna rintarou only texts you when nobody else is awake. suna rintarou only smiles at you after the first crosswalk, when you’re further away from the inn. 
but suna rintarou also follows your every word with a question. suna rintarou also gave you, only you, something for valentine’s.
the question still stands: what are we?
the convenience store is no different to any of the ones back in hyogo. bright saturated colours and white fluorescent lights make you squirm in your almost sleepy daze. but your heart beats so fast and your skin is so cold that you’ve convinced yourself that sleep is not an option. 
suna’s arm brushes yours as you two walk through the aisles, and he reaches for the warm drinks.
“we’re going to be walking some distance to the gion. better not have you fall asleep.”
you pick out a pack of chips from the shelf, and you raise your eyebrows at him, silently asking him if he wanted any. he nods, and you take four.
suna offers to carry the shopping bags as you two begin your little adventure through the city, wary of the closed shops and dark alleyways but enamoured by the old town nonetheless. you’re not surprised to be the one leading the conversation, seeing as he had always been the one to listen. but you notice how he hums with every interjection, how he laughs with every sarcastic remark, and how he makes sure to look at you whenever you tell him something about yourself that he didn’t know before. 
when he speaks, there’s always a quiet attentiveness to him, suddenly so interested in the most useless topics and rambles you would otherwise think he’d dismiss. you notice how he tries to prolong any and all dialogue, like silence was to be untouched. you like it.
“hey, y/n,” the two of you stop and what seems to be the umpteenth red light, the area lined with closed shops and a late market just around the corner. 
he turns to you, and you look at him “yeah?”
he hands you a can of coffee. you take it, confused, and he tells you, “it’s warm. could you just hold it for now?”
a shy smile creeps onto your face, and you nod slowly. he’s sweet, isn’t he?
you watch as puffs of cold air run out of his mouth, his voice low and mellow. when you think about it, you don’t really know him. you don’t know what he likes, you don’t know how he feels, you don’t know what makes him laugh or cry.
but you want to know. you want to know everything about him.
yet, there’s doubt tugging at your heartstrings that tells you he won’t let you. (you ignore it.)
"how was your trip?” suna asks.
‘you are my trip,’ you want to tell him, having secretly anticipated his asking you out. inarizaki’s second-year class trip to kyoto was infamous for its midnight rendezvous, where people would confess and go on dates in the freedom of an ancient city before the pressure of exams in the third year would temporarily keep everyone’s love lives on hold - at least that’s what you’ve heard. though you had told yourself they were only rumours, you can’t help but grin to yourself at the idea of a late night adventure with suna. 
now, as you look down at the little can of coffee in your hands, you find that they were never just rumours.
“my group went to so many shrines...” you say, “at some point it just became the same thing over and over again, and the souvenirs just had to get more and more expensive. it was pretty, though.”
suna exhales through his nose, “all my group did was eat.”
you chuckle, “that’s to be expected when you’re with miya osamu.”
“i got good pictures, though.”
“oh? can i see?” 
suna stops to shuffle his phone out of his coat pocket and hands it to you. he unlocks it in your hand, and you tell yourself to keep quiet at the brush of his large hands around yours. 
it’s between your shock and his photos that you’re given a glimpse of the rest of his phone before you’re scrolling through a gallery of photos. for a second, you’re close to complimenting him on their beauty - you take it back when you click on the first one you see.
“suna, these are all blurry.” you deadpan jokingly.
“wasn’t my fault we were running all the time.”
you giggle, “why were you running?”
“for some reason class two and class one have overlapping routes, so the twins met.”
you nod in acknowledgement, “they don’t ever stop, do they.”
you click away from the pictures app and instead go onto the camera. he’s off talking about something funny that happened today, and as you laugh along with him, you snap a few (many) low quality pictures of you both from below, and then a video, just barely tilting the phone so that the underside of his head is visible in frame. you hope he’ll see them later - maybe even keep them in his gallery, you know, for keepsake. 
you hand his phone back to him, “here.”
he sees your little grin and questions it, but he pockets his phone and continues speaking.
you start to wonder if you’re dreaming when he holds your hand.
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the air is colder when you two are seated along the kamo river.
“do you think we’ll get caught sneaking out?” suna says. you reckon it’s the first time you’ve seen him talk so much and so enthusiastically all at once. 
you shrug, snickering, “i think we already have. they just don’t care because everyone goes out anyways.”
“nights of romantic rendezvous, they say.” he turns his head to you, a ghost of a smirk evident on his lips.
though you give a playful push to his shoulder, you scoot even closer.
“doesn’t that make us one of them?” you cringe at the question. you find your body turning to him, and it seems like he’s doing the same.
are we going too fast?
you don’t miss his mouth parting and his eyes staring at your lips. you can hear him breathe - he’s so close. 
you hesitate a little; a lot. you succumb to small looks over his shoulder and quick glances back at the water until your mind starts to wander off into uncertainties and questions you don’t even know how to answer - because you can’t. you ponder why you’ve never really heard him laugh before tonight; if he’s keeping close to you because he wants your warmth or just simply hates the cold; why you find yourself second-guessing the moment you’ve wanted to happen since valentine’s day.
although your head is loud, your surroundings are quiet. then it becomes a matter of head and heart.
so you listen to your heart. 
you want to kiss him, and that is what you know. the hunches and hesitations in your head aren’t concrete - at least not yet.
slowly, little by little, you let his lips collide with yours, closing the space in between. it’s cold and dry, yet the feeling is enough to enshroud you in a blanket of warmth. it’s short, as you expected, like a prolonged peck. you still feel a tingling sensation on your lips afterwards.
it’s then, for a fleeting moment, that you start to think that maybe you could find comfort in this fluttering feeling.
“have you seen anyone else going out?” suna asks like nothing happened.
you shake your head, “mina-chan snuck out with ayane-chan, and i think sakuragi-san with hirai-san... but that’s all i know.”
suna’s eyes widen at the mention of your friend, ayane. not that he cares about her, of course. he clears his throat.
“ayane? dating mina?”
“all the girls think they’re dating, but i guess it seems like a friendship for others.”
you inhale the cold air, and you feel yourself starting to regret the mention of her name. “i know ayane’s been out for a while. i’m glad that everyone’s been so accepting, too. she seems so lively all the time.”
suna’s eyes bottom into a sullen gaze, “yeah, ayane. i’m happy for her too.”
you snicker, “could’ve said that with more enthusiasm, no?”
suna shrugs, “we’re- yeah.”
perhaps he does care about her.
but suna stops himself as his eyes meet yours, “anyways, i bet sakuragi and hirai just wanna find a love hotel.”
you reply with a laugh.
“and i think akagi’s getting close to someone lately.”
you take a sip of your coffee, “really?”
“yeah,” suna zips up his coat tightly, “shit, it’s cold...”
you agree with him. 
despite suna’s conscious efforts, conversation dies out when it’s meant to die. whether it be the tens of questions swimming in your head, the hundreds of i-told-you-sos that play in your mind, or the biting wind, you know neither of you can’t stall anymore. 
it’s so pathetic, you think. you just kissed this boy and now you don’t know if it’s the coffee or his lips because the truth leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
“suna, what are we?”
he doesn’t answer. he doesn’t even do so much as to react to your words, like if he prayed your words away, you never said them. his eyes bear holes into the ground, skimming through a mental encyclopaedia of answers he could form without hurting your feelings.
it’s then that the distance between you and him feels as wide as the river. it’s two in the morning, and you find yourself hugging your own legs instead of hugging him.
it feels like betrayal, almost.
not that he betrayed you; more like you betrayed yourself. in truth, you were tired of chuupets, always fighting your sleepiness when he texted you late at night, willing to put up with his shit talk behind everyone else’s backs. 
yet you still worried that your legs wouldn’t look just right to him in the jeans you wore tonight.
you take a bag of chips from the shopping bag with snacks you two had splurged on earlier. it makes a quick pop as you open it, and suna hears a crunching sound beside him, away from his peripheral vision.
he’s frozen when you reach the bag out to him, offering him a chip. you’re relaxed, he thinks, even after asking that. it’s okay, he tells himself.
suna still shakes his head in decline and takes another sip from his convenience store coffee. he braces himself, because it’s only now that he’s realised the mess he’s put himself into.
“we’re-” he pauses.
you take another chip in your mouth, savouring its saltiness as you inwardly flinch at his hesitation. 
suna takes a deep breath, “i mean, not everyone who goes out is-”
you see it now; you should’ve listened to your head.
“it’s ayane, isn’t it?” you brush it off. all of it.
he’s unmoving, not daring to even blink. but he opens his mouth to speak.
“i wanted it to be you.”
you want to laugh at him. at least he didn’t deny any of it.
“but it’s not, right?” you shake your head, bitter chuckles falling from your mouth, “and you have no choice because she likes girls, huh.”
“i’m sorry. i fucked up.”
you know you can’t cry, but you sure as hell would like to. maybe then he’d really feel bad about it, after knowing so well even back when he’d given you sweets on valentine’s that you were just a compromise. 
“yeah, you did,” you pick at the grass around your soles, “what was even more fucked up is that i still thought i had a chance.”
“i still care about you.”
you exhale, hating the words that fall from his mouth. “of course you do! i’m your friend, osamu’s friend, ayane’s friend.”
you hate that you can’t hate him. you hate that you can’t hate how you genuinely get along with him, how his laughter and words hold no lies, how he’s honest with you. but that doesn’t change the way you hate how he’s led you on - and how you let him.
“is that why you were so smiley and eager tonight? because you were trying so hard to ‘win me over’ so you could forget about her?”
suna sighs. he needs to say something, he tells himself, because it’s only starting to sink in that he might even lose you as a friend. he kissed you, damn it, and held your hand, and asked you out on what everyone calls a date.
what a ‘friend’, huh?
“i’m so sorry.”
you wish he could at least say more. you feel a slash of anger, and though it stops quickly, you make a jab at him.
“you’re too lazy with your words. too lazy with your feelings.”
“i wanted to be wrong, but,” you shrug, “turns out you have a few things to work out yourself.”
his shoulders fall even lower, “i’ll stay out of your sight. i’m sorry.”
you laugh again, bitterly. your feet bring themselves to stand, and you decide to take the shopping bag and hug it. you think it’d look funny from afar, but you know it’s only to fill the hollow feeling in your chest and the burning embarrassment on your cheeks.
you look back at him, and his eyes are full of worry. they’re so wide that you almost feel flattered at his display of regret. you know he regrets it. you know osamu’s going to beat him up for it. you know the cheerleaders will talk about it. but you’ve forced all your focus on the bags of chips you’re holding and the feeling of a soft mattress back at the inn. the plan to gion is long forgotten.
suna stands up immediately, shoving his hands into his coat pockets, just trailing behind as you make no effort to slow down. you only speed up, briskly walking through the streets you remember from tonight.
you even cross the road on different green lights. 
you don’t wait for him. not anymore. 
the inn is a fresh breath of heated air, the reception dark and the stairs creaky. you tiptoe every inch of the way, not once looking back. 
eventually, when you reach your room, you slide the door open, seeing nothing but your friend’s nightlight. you take care to place the bag of snacks in a corner of the room, hidden yet still available for any of your roommates to see. you’re quick to shed your coat and change into the gym clothes everyone’s been wearing since dinner, sliding into your futon and forcing your eyes closed like you hadn’t just drank an entire can of coffee. 
you don’t cry, you don’t sob, you simply lay there. now you want to laugh at yourself, for knowing that something definitely was wrong, but having too big of a hopeful pride to even consider it.
your hands crinkle the thick futon and bring it up to your neck as you curl yourself up. warm. not electric nor addictive, just comfortable. 
you wanted electric.
you wanted to take back all your words and ignore everything because he kissed you and held your hand and waited for you at the crosswalk, only for you to be some replacement for someone he can’t be with. it makes you wonder if he thought of her when he kissed you. 
you hear the creaking of the wood boards and two voices. you know that it’s other people returning from their own little kyoto dates. their voices are high and squeaky and one of them had whispered something that you could hear three rooms away. 
it stings even more. too bad.
“fucking embarrassing,” you mutter under your breath, turning in your futon, “so fucking embarrassing.”
you’ll tell osamu that you’ll be hanging out with the kids in class 3 for a while. you’ll ask your friends to save a seat for you on the train tomorrow. you’ll make sure to give away the snacks to everyone later. it’ll be a hassle, but you’ll do what you have to do.
at least you can let yourself sleep now.
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thrillridesz · 4 years
black magic ▫ sangyeon
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➳ pairing: best friend!sangyeon x fem!reader ➳ genre: fluff, magic!au ➳ warnings/rating: PG ➳ word count: 2.7k ➳ requested?: no
a/n: this is written as a birthday special for tbz’s best leader sangyeon! happy sangyeon day everyone ^^ this story is also inspired by little mix’s ‘black magic’. This is unedited as of now and I finished this real quick so I’m sorry if it isn’t up to standard!
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“Thanks for the surprise, I really appreciated it.”
The night was young as the luminous moon hung high in the dark sky, casting a soft, white glow on the earth below. A cool, night breeze whipped gently against your cheeks while you strolled the quiet streets with Sangyeon, a tranquil silence in the air safe for the soft scraping sounds of the fallen autumn leaves against the gravel ground as it got caught in the wind. Wrapped up tightly in your coat, you felt a sense of warmth spread across your chest, a warmth more cosy than anything else.
“It’s no problem! It’s your birthday, it had to be perfect.” You replied, shooting him a bright smile as you stuffed your hands into your coat pockets.
Sangyeon grinned, his eyes crinkling into crescents.
“It was, don’t worry. Not gonna lie though, I didn’t think it was Eric in that bear costume even for a second. You guys really scared me right there.”
Your laugh rang through the night as his smile grew wider.
“Well, it was a pretty impromptu idea! It was literally on sale for like 10 bucks, we just had to get it,” you threw your hands up in defense as Sangyeon chuckled softly, his breath coming out in white puffs from the cold.
“Always on the hunt for good deals, y/n. Always.”
“Of course! Though since you’re my best friend, I’m usually willing to pay just a little bit more.” You replied thoughtfully, tapping your chin as if deep in thought.
The two of you have been friends ever since you could walk. For the longest time, it was just the two of you against the rest of the world. When you got bullied by the other kids in the courtyard in second grade, it had been Sangyeon who stuck by you and defended you from them even if it meant he was to take some of the punches in your place. Likewise when Sangyeon had been dangerously close to repeating a year in eleventh grade, you had persisted in staying by his side to make sure he studied and understood everything the teachers’ had to teach. All through middle school and high school, the both of you have been thick as thieves. Whatever you did, he did as well and whatever he did, you did too. Things like spending Halloween and coordinating outfits, going to school and studying for exams… The two of you were each others’ constants and if anyone was to ever look up the term ‘best friends’ in the dictionary, they would no doubt find both your names in there.
What sort of ‘best friend’ would you be not to at least fork out a few extra dollars for the sake of an amazing birthday for the one and only Lee Sangyeon?
You didn’t notice the slight frown that crossed Sangyeon’s face which he quickly replaced with a soft smile but the look in his eyes were hardened and detached.
“Wait, what’s that?”
You stopped dead in your track, squinting as you pointed into a distance. Before Sangyeon could reply, you grabbed onto his hand, pulling him behind you while you made your way over. The colour in his cheeks darkened as he scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly, peering at you shyly. You were too engrossed in staring at the display in front of you to notice him, your nose practically touching the glass panel.
“Black Occult?” You mumbled under your breath, your eyebrows furrowing together.
“What’s going on?”
You turned to Sangyeon, a look of confusion etched in your face.
“You don’t find this weird?”
“What about it?”
“This was never here.”
At that, Sangyeon narrowed his eyes as he surveyed the store’s exterior. Wrinkling his nose, you saw the belated realisation dawn upon him.
“Oh, right. Didn’t this used to be an arcade?”
You rolled your eyes.
“You’re so dense sometimes, it’s unbelievable.”
“Can I help you guys?”
The two of you whipped around to see a certain pink haired boy standing with his arms akimbo at the entrance, staring at the both of you. His eyes were blue, almost unnaturally so, and he was clad in just about the most colourful suit you’ve ever seen anyone don on.  It felt like an assault to your sights, with all the neon colours yet somehow there was such a mysterious aura to him. In a way, it felt like there was an almost mystical vibe that you got from him that made you inclined to think that he wasn’t in any way human.
“W-We… Oh, we’re sorry. We didn’t know you were open.” Sangyeon replied and you could hear a slight tremble in his voice. He definitely felt the same.
“Are you guys looking to purchase anything?” The scowl on the boy’s face disappeared as his eyes widened.
“Excellent! Please, come on in. I was wondering why you guys were standing outside acting all weird but I didn’t realise you guys wanted to come in. It’s this goddamn black glass, isn’t it? I’ve told Haknyeon so many times we should change it. Makes it so hard to look in, I swear.” He rambled on, holding the door open with a wide grin on his face.
“Come on in! Feel free to look around. If you need anything, I’ll be here. Just call my name, Chanhee.”
You and Sangyeon exchanged a look as if hesitating to enter but one look at Chanhee’s enthusiastic expression prompted you to see foot into the store. Seeing that you were going in, Sangyeon shrugged as he followed suit.
The moment you entered the store, the overwhelming scent of lilies and peaches hit you with a pang while the dim lighting made it difficult to navigate even within the store. Yet once your eyes adjusted to the dimness in the room, you couldn’t help but marvel at the oddities that surrounded you.
On the wooden shelves attached to the wall, were rows and rows of oddly coloured liquid, too bright or too unnaturally coloured to have come from a source of nature. Several sprigs of unknown herbs hung on the walls, tied into bundles by string while on another side, candles of all shapes, sizes and scents lined the table. Well-polished crystals were arranged meticulously on an old mahogany coffee table near the counter and a particularly interesting looking bird flitted around in a wrought Victorian-style iron birdcage. It was small with a white beak and purple and yellow feathers with its wings flapping so fast, you could barely see it moving. You have never seen a bird like that before and although you started towards it, something else caught your eye entirely.
Picking up a small bottle, you inspected the glowing golden liquid in it, Tilting it in your hand, the viscosity of the mixture and the velvety look it had was almost mesmerising to stare at. As you turned it over, you leaned in to read the faded label on it.
“Love potion.” You said aloud, causing Sangyeon who had been looking at a bunch of tarot cards to look up at you.
“Ah, yes! One of our bestsellers that is!” Chanhee exclaimed, his eyes shining with joy and excitement. “Guaranteed to work! It’s only 15 dollars.”
“Why would you need anything like that?” Sangyeon scoffed, folding his arms across his chest as his biceps bulged ever so slightly.
“You never know… I just thought it looked pretty.”
Somehow, you couldn’t stop staring at it. It was as if it was whispering your name to ‘just buy it’. Then again, it could really just be the impulsive shopper in you but there was something so alluring and magnetic about it that you just felt like you had to have it in your possession. It was like letting a child go lose in a candy shop and finally seeing that one lollipop with the most beautiful swirls and crazy colours that just screamed flavour. You didn’t exactly care even if it wasn’t an actual potion, it just looked so aesthetic that you had to buy it.
“I’ll have it!”
Sangyeon looked at you as if you had just sprouted horns on your head as you handed over a dollar bill over to Chanhee who accepted it readily.
“Surely, you don’t actually believe that it’s a love potion.” He blurted out much to the disgruntlement of Chanhee who shot a deathly glare at him.
“It is! It’s been tried and tested. It works, okay?” He said with an air of haughtiness which Sangyeon grumbled at and instantly, Chanhee knew. He should have known earlier in all honesty, from the way he had seen the man stare at you. A slow smile began to spread across his face.
As Chanhee watched the two of you leave the store with Sangyeon still rambling on about how you ‘just wasted 15 bucks for nothing’, he leaned into his chair contentedly. With a snap of his fingers, a cosy glass of grape wine materialised in his hands and with a sip, he sighed.
“Darling didn’t even need a love potion.”
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“I can’t believe you actually bought it.” Sangyeon said, his voice still carrying a tone of disbelief.
“Look at it though, isn’t it pretty? I mean even if it isn’t actually a love potion, it’s nice to look at.” You said, still looking at the glowing liquid in the tiny bottle. Slotting in the key and entering the shared apartment the two of you shared with Younghoon, a childhood friend to the both of you and Hyunjae, a mutual friend from university. Since Younghoon was away in Spain with his girlfriend, Bea, it was really only Hyunjae in the house who you found clad in a dinosaur onesie as he lounged in front of the television with a big bowl of buttered popcorn in his lap.
“Oh, you guys are back. I was wondering where you guys went after the party.”
“We were… A little caught up.” Sangyeon said slowly, casting you a knowing glance which you avoided.
“Figures. You guys left earlier than I did.”
“Because you were busy fraternising with anyone you can possibly bring home, which I can see you’ve failed.” You joked and Hyunjae tossed a pillow at you, with a scowl on his face.
“Ugh, get out of my way.”
You laughed out loud as you set the bottle on the kitchen tabletop, causing him to turn to look. When he did, his eyes widened almost comically large as he leapt to his feet.
“What’s that?” He shuffled over quickly with a look of awe.
“Some stupid love potion thing,” Sangyeon replied curtly before you could even open your mouth to say anything. You turned to him with a frown at which he merely shrugged off carelessly as he preoccupied himself in rummaging through the refrigerator for a late night snack.
Taking the bottle from you, Hyunjae held it up against the light, his dark eyes shining with overflowing curiosity and doubt. The light reflected off the smooth,clear glass, making the gold liquid inside it look even more luminous and even wispy with the liquid swirling almost in slow motion no matter how you look at it. You have never seen anything like it and judging from Hyunjae’s expression, neither has he.
“Looks interesting.” He declared after a moment of inspection as Sangyeon turned to him in disbelief.
“Not you too. That guy definitely ripped y/n off. Seriously, y/n.” He tsked, sauntering over and snatching the bottle from Hyunjae.
“Doesn’t seem like anything special. A love potion? In this day and age? I don’t buy it for a second.” There was disdain in his eyes as he pursed his lips in disgust. Popping open the bottle, a sweet scent of tangerines and pineapples rapidly permeated the small apartment and maybe it was just you but you thought you felt your heart flutter just a little. A smile made its way onto your lips quite unconsciously and a tiny jolt of electricity shook you in the most delightful way possible.
Could it be…?
You lifted your gaze to see Sangyeon stare at the bottle in his hand with a startled look on his face, his mouth slightly ajar and you knew that he had felt the exact same thing. Though that look of surprise disappeared just as quickly as it came and his expression hardened.
“That’s a lot of artificial flavouring for one bottle.” He clenched his jaw as his grip on the glass bottle tightened and you could see the veins protruding ever so slightly from his forearm.
You narrowed your eyes.
“If you’re just going to whine, then give it back to me. Just don’t look at it.”
As you leaned forward, Sangyeon took a step back.
“Why? Are you going to try giving that to someone?”
Raising an eyebrow, you regarded him with suspicion.
“Sure, why not? There’s a really cute guy in my statistics class, even if it doesn’t work - which I’m pretty sure it doesn’t so don’t worry - it’s still worth a shot.”
You barely noticed the flash of disappointment in Sangyeon’s eyes and how his shoulders sagged ever so slightly as you ripped it from his hands. Yet before you could cap it back, he grabbed it back so hastily that you didn’t even have time to react. Throwing his head back, you and Hyunjae could only watch in shocked silence as you gulped down almost half the bottle.
Wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt, he shot Hyunjae a piercing glare as the latter let out a wolf whistle, his eyes filled with mirth and genuine adoration.
“Damn. That was... Ironic.”
You didn't say anything except stare at Sangyeon and a moment passed without anything out of the ordinary happening. There was no burst of sparkles or anything growing out from anyone’s body, nothing crazy at all. 
Huh. So maybe it was actually a hoax.
“That should be enough proof,” he said in an ‘I told you so’ tone which you rolled your eyes at. “That's some nice potion though or whatever you wanna call it.”
“Really? Let me have a taste.” 
Reaching over, Hyunjae took a sip and hummed merrily. 
“Oh dang, this is amazing. It’s like an orange smoothie except a million times better.”
Lifting his head, he turned to look at you and what you saw made you almost stumble back in shock. The colour of his eyes held a faint flash of pink before they returned to normal but when they did, they no longer held the playfulness and casual air that Hyunjae always wore but rather, they were filled with such intense passion and affection. It was like looking into the eyes of someone who was extremely, completely, slap me silly and deeply...
In love.
“Have I ever told you how pretty you look? I know I’ve never said this but... I think I love you,” Hyunjae said in a low, soft voice as he reached out to hold your hands in his.
“I...I...” You spluttered at a complete loss of words, wringing your hands frantically. 
At that, Sangyeon swivelled around to stare at the two of you. 
He could only watch as Hyunjae lifted his hand to gently brush your hair away from your face as his other hand reached up to cup your face. 
“How could I not have notice- Hey!”
Grabbing him by the collar from behind, Hyunjae practically flew back as Sangyeon pulled him away with a disapproving frown on his face. There was a deep frown etched onto his face, his eyes crinkling as he looked at the latter with an almost irritated expression. Though somehow, you could detect a faint hint of fear in his demeanour. In a way, the uneven and volatile energy radiated so strongly off him that it was hard not to see it in any other way.
Was Sangyeon perhaps jealous?
No. It couldn’t be, he was your best friend. Furthermore, how did the potion work on Hyunjae but not Sangyeon? Unless...
You let out a soft gasp as the realisation dawns upon you. It seemed as if Sangyeon may have come to the same realisation almost as soon as you did because he turned to you with such an expression of sheer panic, the sound of his heart pounding so loudly you could hear it. 
The potion didn’t work because he was already in love with you.
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spicyicymeloncat · 3 years
My thoughts on the Netflix winx (am I late to the complain train?) part 3
In my humble opinion. Ick.
Now I’m gonna talk about the general appearance of the show, from cinematic shots, aesthetic choices and yes… the fashion.
Now it’s important to keep in mind that this is Netflix, this is probably low budget and I’m assuming they just wanted to churn out another riverdale clone, so perhaps my criticism might be too harsh, and they’re limited by money and time. But I’m gonna share some thoughts and suggestions anyways because yes. Also side note: again like the last post, bad design choices isn’t problematic, it’s a matter of taste, and this is post is definitely more of my opinion than anything. As well as this, I’m not claiming to be a professional designer of any sorts, again these are just my thoughts.
With out further ado, here’s my thoughts
Okay tbh I would’ve been fine with an edgy winx remake. I’d prefer if we went in a direction that was very light and fun and campy, so that when we do have zombies biting the faces off of people, we feel something. But we didn’t go down that route, we tried to do dark academia. Which yknow it could work. It didn’t though, in my opinion. There was just not a lot of particularly memorable scenes that screamed gothic to me. They kinda just put them in a kinda old building, and then desaturated every colour ever. I mean there are some scenes where the lighting is okay, but it really doesn’t feel like we’re in a magic school. I’m gonna make another post talking about what I’d propose for potential reworking of the show, and I’m thinking just a lot more focus on aesthetics.
Very much linked to the last point but magic where?? Please like you could make such a pretty and unique image of the show. Like I’m thinking a gothic school green house where all the structures are some muted beige and black colour scheme and the greenery is kinda dark BUT the roses are unnaturally bright and vivid, because they are magic, and it makes them pop. What about when Stella’s mum, the QUEEN OF LIGHT enters the school talk and she’s decked in fancy golden jewellery and light magic bounces around her and she floats down from the air like the setting sun and the windows. Like I could probably list all the times we see magic and they’re just really generic. Idk bloom sets her hands on fire and a bunch of people change their eye colour. I wish we saw the queen use Stella’s rainbow magic on a larger scale just to flex. Ig the magic finger print dust was ok. If you talk to me about bloom’s fairy transformation though, I will simply die because it looked so weird. Like they don’t do magic they just do fire fx, and the purple lighting was also weird. Idk am I too critical?
Also gonna talk about the music, idk I think it was probably alright (not my taste, but all power to the song writers and artists) and they’re their own songs but what was weird to me was the lyrics to some songs and why they were picked. Kids in the corner is pretty boppy but in the context of the show with lines like “lady of the flies” it just sounds like pandering to an edgy gen z audience with what the writers thought was woke. “We’re a product of a system” feels way too on the nose especially as this is how we’re introduced to Bloom. Also I didn’t really understand why Adeline played at the end. Maybe it’s supposed to add a nonsensical vibe to the end of ep 1 but this is like the music that Musa’s listening to. And so I expected it to tell us and Terra something about her character. Maybe there was meaning to it and I’m dumb but I don’t get it.
Just saying, winx was a show that combined fairies and sci fi technology and it was really unique and creative and a break away from the traditionally medieval setting we see a lot of magic fantasy or even girls shows take place. And sci fi was also just a key element in the show. It’s as if they removed one of the main characters from the cast. Oh wait… But yeah, fate the winx would’ve been cooler and more iconic if we got our sci fi fairies back, thanks
Is it time to talk outfits? Yes? Okay first of all, can we stop putting bloom in red. We’ve got too many red fire characters. FIRE ISNT EVEN RED! It’s more orange! Or yellow? Also winx fate could’ve been the show to tell it’s story through its clothes, like if Bloom wore a lot of blues in order to blend in and not stand out, if Stella dressed really modern and not like she was dressed by her nan, because she’s expected to keep up with the times etc. Also Terra deserved colour. Just saying, she’s dress loud and floral print because she’s quirky and has her own sense in style. Not liking her grey dress thing in the promo images. I don’t think someone with her personality would own dark clothes. Also this kinda feels like the costume designers just didn’t want to put plus sized people in pretty clothes. Idk. Someone’s gonna say that her wearing the most bland clothes represents how she feels as an underdog but Terra has never muted her personality, like we’re introduced to her by her being too much, and her being ferocious enough to strangle someone on the first ep. Like she’s outcasted and lonely but for gods sake she is not muted and bland now give her floral print. Musa, idk I find her promo outfit really clashy, and she doesn’t really have like a memorable style, but there isn’t like any glaring issues. I don’t really like her hair, idk why, because she’s a great actress (other than the fact that she’s not Chinese, when Musa is supposed to be), I think I’m just missing the bangs. I don’t think the twin buns work without bangs. Anyways idk why they gave Aisha a rain coat. If she can control water can’t she just bend rain away from her? It’s just very on the nose and it doesn’t match her skirt. She has a cute turtle neck at some point, but it clashes with this kinda ugly red jacket she also wears. Also the blue braids are a nice effort but like again it’s really on the nose and they really said #0000FF. I like her hair tho. Either way the outfits are either bad or underwhelming at best and like the outfits is what made winx. Also the original winx outfits were inspired by y2k fashion which became trendy at the same time fate was released and if you remake winx and do not dress them well especially when they’re original outfits are back in season, then you did it wrong. But I understand that crop tops and miniskirts probably don’t match the vibes of this show but neither did bright blue raincoats combined with long skirts and yet here we are.
Okay that’s kinda it, but I’m making a post with suggestions and redesigns on what I think would’ve been cool, but that’s later, and I’m gonna draw for that so yes. Again these were my hot takes. Every post I make I remember something I should’ve said in the last one, like how removing Tecna kind looks like removing women from stem (a thought I stole from my classmates lol). Anyways good bye
Part 1 - social issues
Part 2 - Writing
Part 4a - rewrite idea
Part 4b - rewrites continued
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Qui Totum Vult Toum Perdit (d.s.) - 7
A/N Guilty or generous 
Warnings: This story is centered around a murder so there will be graphic descriptions of blood, death/manslaughter, dealing with corpses, possible domestic abuse (physical/verbal), crime/covering up a crime, shock/grief, and other possibly heavy or triggering topics. Please read at your own discretion.
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One thing my parents always taught us while we were growing up was, when traveling, to never stay at the cheapest hotel. By no means should we break the bank to stay at a five-star resort but there was usually nothing good that came out of the cheapest option. I could see what they meant as Jonah and I climbed the metal stairs of the Lincoln Motel, the white paint peeling from the handrails and the steps creaking with each footfall. Once having been on the cover of Forbes, I no longer really needed to follow that guidance that my parents engrained in us since I could afford all the five-star hotels and resorts I so desired to stay at.
I mean, to be brutally fair, dear reader, my parents also taught us not to murder our spouses; so who knew how many lessons of theirs I had ignored in my lifetime.
I triple checked that my car was locked as we reached the top of the flight of stairs and headed down the carpeted outdoor hallway. Anyone who uses carpet outside should honestly not be trusted. This place already left a bad feeling in my stomach. Would saying it gave me murder house Psycho vibes be in poor taste? Possibly? Then please disregard that statement.
Number nineteen was right in the middle of the hallway. The brass number nine was set slightly crooked on the door. I caught myself tilting my head with its direction as if I were trying to stall. I swear if the person on the other side of the door slept with my wife I…I didn’t know what I would do but the thought of it made me sick.
“Are you going to knock?” Jonah tore me from my thoughts.
I swallowed thickly, “Yeah.”
I raised my fist to the orange painted door and rapped a quick knock before taking a little step back. I habitually glanced over the railing to make sure no one was getting too close to my car.
The sound of the door creaking open had me turning back quickly to see who was on the other side. I expected a man and that’s who I was met with, simply the first glance of him making my jaw clench protectively.
He was short. Brown hair. Brown eyes. His patterned button up was undone halfway. Arms and neck littered in random tattoos. I eyed him up for a moment.
“Can I help you?” he asked, an obvious confused edge to his voice.
“Yeah, do you know an Avalon Seavey?” I pushed back at him strongly. I couldn’t help but straighten up around him just to have those few inches above him.
“Avalon? Yeah, I know her enough. Why?” he looked between Jonah and me.
I took off my sunglasses and tucked them in the collar of my shirt to see him better in the shadow of the motel balcony.
“I’m her husband.”
“Daniel.” he breathed with realization, his eyebrows raising as he stared at me.
“Yeah. Daniel. Who are you?” I asked sharply.
Jonah didn’t intervene through my anger, in fact, he looked just as concerned as I felt. I appreciated his willingness to let me have my moment to interrogate this guy.
“I’m Jack. How did you find me here?”
“I found your address in her phone.” I added.
“Oh, what a nice non-toxic relationship you have.” Jack mumbled.
“Excuse me?” I took a quick step towards him but Jonah grabbed my arm and yanked me back.
“I was not sleeping with your wife if that’s what you’re here getting all macho protective douche-bag about.” Jack assured me coolly. “We had nothing more than a professional relationship.”
I crossed my arms over my chest, staring at Jack’s unimpressed flat expression. He didn’t seem to be one to be phased by anything.
“Professional over what?” I pressed.
“Does Avalon know you’re here?” he ignored my question while he peeked around me as if to see her down the hallway or in the parking lot below.
I didn’t flinch as he looked around me. Little did he know that she was in fact right there with us.
“She’s dead.” Jonah answered.
I hadn’t realized I hadn’t replied to him for a few too many seconds but Jonah’s blunt response certainly brought be back to reality. I snapped my head towards him. Since when did we agree we were going to be telling people that?
“Oh.” Jack said flatly. “That sucks. I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Yeah…well…I wanted to see who you were…so…” I stumbled out ungracefully, rubbing the back of my neck anxiously with one hand. I dropped it with a sigh to my side again, “We’ll be going.”
“Hang on. Come in for a second.” Jack offered, stepping to the side and pushed the door open wider to let us on. “I gotta show you something.”
Jonah and I glanced at each other briefly before silently deciding to follow him into the motel room. I peeked over my shoulder to my car down in the lot once more before stepping over the threshold.
Jack seemed to sense my hesitation as he closed the door behind us, “I won’t keep you long. A nice car like that won’t last long around here unsupervised.”
I swallowed thickly, watching him walk across the messy motel room to the closet. Jonah and I stood just inside the door and the first thing I noticed was the bright teal wallpaper that even covered the ceiling, so bright and neon it was nearly blinding and it did not match the dark red floral print carpet at all. The bed had red bedsheets and a dark mahogany headboard that was more 1960s mirror panel than wood and beside it sat a single small round table with a fold out chair and a rotary phone on top. The bathroom sink and light oak vanity was outside of the bathroom in the main room which right away was another turn off to this already run-down place. I was no decorator, dear reader, but the sight of this motel room was nearly nauseating. And that’s said by someone who had a dead body stashed in their car trunk.
As Jack shuffled through the bi-fold closet for whatever he was looking for, I took a moment to take in my surroundings for more than just the initial shock of colour and pattern vomit that filled the place. The neon 80s themed picture above the bed was of the New York skyline which was strange since we were in Los Angeles, and the fact that there were two more mahogany framed mirrors along the other walls was unsettling. I tried not to meet my own reflection.
Jack had a suitcase laid out beside the mahogany dresser and it was tossed open and clothes were haphazardly thrown about it but the suitcase wasn’t the only spot for fabrics as every other available surface – including the small table in the corner – housed various piles of fabric scraps and scissors and pins and needles. The worst of it was the few bare mannequins laying under the window adjacent to the door.
“So…” I started slowly, turning back to Jack whose back was still turned to us, “How did you know my wife?”
“My business.” Jack answered. He pulled a jacket on a hanger from the back of the closet and dropped it on the table right on top of all the scraps and pins and mess. He grabbed one of the many pairs of scissors that were scattered around and snipped a few things that I couldn’t see from where we stood.
His dry answers to our questions had Jonah and I more suspicious as the time went past but we waited to give the guy the benefit of the doubt.
Jack finally turned around with a small smile and picked up the hanger to turn and face the black denim jacket towards us, “I’m a bit of a fashion designer I guess you can say and Avalon found my page on Instagram a few months back and she got in touch with me about making you a custom jacket.”
I didn’t know what to say. In all the words I could use, perfect was the only one that came to my mind as I stared at the jacket in his hand. Someone might see it as a mess of things but it was just my taste; chaos enough to pass as designer even. It housed red x’s painted over the right shoulder and a single white stripe down the left side that matched my surname on the bottom right front panel. He made sure to show each of the denim sleeves, cuffed at the bottom in black and red plaid and the left wrist had ‘honey’ printed in small white font – the nickname I always called her. The other sleeve had matching vertical white font spelling out ‘Only the Beginning’ which was the name of Jonah and my very own record company; the company that always caused the most hostility between Avalon and me. Jack finally turned the jacket around to show the back, the shoulder section sewn over with a lace that looked a hell of a lot like Avalon’s wedding dress and I found myself stunned into shocked silence. It was incredible.
I walked into that motel with no hopes of any sort but what I seemed to find amidst those disgusting teal walls was better than I ever could have expected.
I took a step forward to take the jacket from him, grazing the sleeve ever so gently with my fingers as if it were going to break under my touch. Jack passed it over and helped me slide it on to make sure it fit. He brushed his hands over my shoulders and down my back to smooth it out and directed me to one of the many mirrors that were glued to the motel wall.
“That jacket is fresh.” Jonah said.
“It’s…gorgeous.” I agreed softly, turning slightly to see the back in the mirror.
Jack spoke next as he watched me admire his work, “She worked me into the ground for this one. I kept having to restart because she kept saying it wasn’t perfect enough…I lost a fuck ton of materials and money through that…ended up getting evicted from my place because I wasn’t earning money to pay rent which is why I’m living in this shithole now but…she was adamant. Said it had to be perfect for you. We were going to meet up one last time once you two got back from your trip but…” he faded out with a sigh.
I turned to him, “You were evicted?”
“Oh,” Jack shrugged as if it was no big deal and sat down on the end of the bed, “Yeah. She said she couldn’t pay me right away and I assured her it was no big deal but then when money got tight I felt badly to ask for an advance. She was my only client, ya know? She worked me hard enough anyway to pass as my only customer but…with no pay…landlord ended up kicking me out and this was the cheapest place in the whole county. It’s such an absolute fucking dump here that my daughter isn’t allowed to come visit me until I get back on my feet…court said something about unfit living situations or some bullshit. Not like my ex needs anymore reasons to talk shit.”
“Shit…bro…I’m sorry.” I breathed.
“What can ya do?” Jack shrugged, sucking his teeth with a shake of his head. He stood up from the end of the bed, offering a dry, “She’s dead now anyway so…”
I turned to Jonah who gave me a look as if to just get out of there but I looked back in the mirror at the jacket I wore.
I spoke to Jack through the mirror, “Do you take PayPal?”
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Detective Team: @jonahlovescoffee​ @randomlimelightxxx​ @stuffofseaveyy​ @hopinglimelight​ @tempus-ut-luceant​ @br4nd1s​ @xkelsev​ @hiya-its-amber​ @sexyseavey15
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Hi love, just wanted to say that you’re so gorgeous and have a lovely smile. I’m a dark skin black girl and have often been told/read hurtful posts about us, but now I’m more confident than ever about being a dark skin girl 🥰.If it’s not too much to ask could you do any character you want with that has a date with his s/o and when he arrives she just glowing in her yellow dress. Like idk if you get the vibe I’m tryna put down but the melanin is hitting different 🤤
Thank you so much for the compliments omg ❤️❤️❤️
BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL. YOU ARE beautiful! I know black women don’t hear that a lot and that’s why I will tell y’all everyday if I need to. Also, today is national economic blackout day for the culture, therefore I waited to post this today.
& as per your message I absolutely get the vibe!!!!! And you know I had to choose the GOAT Akaashi for this since you left it up to me👀
Here goes:
Akaashi Keiji x Black Crush In a Beautiful Yellow Dress (Fluff)
Akaashi was NOT ready.
You and Akaashi had been besties for 10 or so years, because your moms have been in the same book club since elementary school
Even though you recently graduated from to different high schools, you both had a good and healthy friendship
You knew that he wasn’t big on talking a lot but you spoke even less than him so it honestly worked well
He was into volleyball and you were really serious about dance
Your moms would always say you just “get” eachother
To Keiji, he was content with having the best of both worlds as best friends: Bokuto: the loud boisterous one, and You: the quiet, beautiful one
Wait did he say beautiful? He meant um... the quiet, wallflower one. sure
Nah he definitely meant beautiful too.
Tbh, Akaashi was very attracted to you via your personality because you were thoughtful, intelligent and relaxing to be around
He thinks of you as the human embodiment of a warm bath at the end of a moving day
And as for your looks.....
Bokuto put his best friends physical attraction to you into words best when he said:
“You want to have Y/N’s babies, don’t you Akaashi? Hmmmmm?”
Akaashi, deadpanning asf, would always answer
“No I do not.”
But when Bokuto would continuously catch him on your instagram page he would keep asking like the pushy friend he is.
At Bokuaka sleepovers, or when they were completely alone is the only time Akaashi would reluctantly but honestly respond to Bokuto’s question with a:
“I wouldn’t mind.”
which is basically undying admission of love by Akaashi standards
Basically, he was crushing on you hard
He admired your dark hair that you always changed into different styles because he never understood how you made them all look attractive
He admired your full lips that he always seemed to have to internally yell at himself to stop staring at when you spoke
He admired your kind and gentle spirit that always seemed to gravitate toward earth tones in attire-expression and he never seemed to understand why
He guessed that being the wallflower that you are; dark colours like black, brown, beige, grey, moss, etc. Acted as a shield as to not bring too much attention to you
He didn’t really care that you stuck to wearing earth tones because you looked beautiful no matter what you wore
But in his dreams he’d always pictured you in bright pink, blue, orange lingerie shirts
He was curious so he asked one day
totally not because he wanted to know how realistic his dreams could be
“Y/N, why do you only wear dark colours?” Asked the most beautiful guy in the world Akaashi as he turned the steering wheel making a left onto the parkway.
The two of you were going to his brother’s wedding rehearsal dinner. You had decided to wear a simple dark button down blouse tucked into a grey pencil skirt. Your curly hair was up in a messy bun and you had your glasses on. You thought you looked whatever.
Akaashi, on the other hand, thought you looked stunning. And like a hot librarian. He tried his best to keep his eyes on the road and not your exposed legs as you sat beside him in the passenger seat.
“Do I?” You looked down at yourself and sighed. You’d never really noticed before, but he was right. You just felt more comfortable in tones that didn’t make you stand out.
“Yeah. Why don’t you try wearing a bright colour sometime? I think......I think you’d look really nice.” Keiji’s eyes looked unaffected as ever but inside he was kicking himself for flirting with you, knowing how shy you are.
“Oh, okay.” Your heart fluttered at your friend’s compliment and you distracted yourself by taking your eyeglasses off and using your blouse collar to clean it where it opened on your chest.
Akaashi almost crashed because when you did that your blouse opened more exposing your glowing chocolate skin. In his mind, his imagination took over and he pulled over to ravish your beautiful skin by ripping open the blouse and kissing your gorgeous dark skin. His eyes glazed over as he imagined you telling him that you want him closer than this car allowed and so he dropped your seat down and got on top of you, kissing your delicious lips and then going back to taste your delicious skin. You were moaning in his ear which was the best sound he’s ever heard and then it was his turn to moan when you reached down to stroke his hard........
Keiji was thrust back into reality when he rapidly swerved back into his own car lane. The first thing he did was check to see if you were okay and he was able to breathe again when he saw you looking back at him laughing that angelic laugh. You placed your glasses back on your beautiful face and Akaashi apologized. He asked if you were scared and wanted him to stop driving because he was obviously a new driver. You only placed a hand on his arm and shook your head, assuring him in your quiet voice.
“It’s okay Kashi’, I know you’re a great driver. I trust you.”
“Y-you do?”
“Of course. I trust you more than anyone.” You gave him that smile that he thinks about before he goes to sleep every night and just like that he relaxed and all was well in the world again. He thought back to Bokuto’s daily question, admitting to himself that he not only wanted to have your babies, he wanted to have the pleasure of calling you his girlfriend or anything higher. He’d definitely accept wife.
“Maybe I’ll go shopping with my mom and find a colour to wear to the wedding, you know, take your advice.”
“That would be great.” He pulled into the beach wedding venue parking lot. “I’m ready to see the new Y/N.”
But Akaashi was NOT ready
He was absolutely the furthest thing from ready, 3 weeks later, when he picked you up on his brothers wedding day.
He knew you were still getting ready inside and so he decided to enjoy the weather and lean on his car hood to wait
You never took long because you were a natural beauty, but you put on a little bit of makeup today
You grabbed your clutch and touched up your edge control before spritzing yourself with some of Akaashi’s favourite perfume
You went outside and locked your door.
Turning around, you literally wanted to freeze this moment in time, because THE Keiji Akaashi—literally the most stunning boy 90% of girls have ever seen—was standing outside of his car, much to your surprise
He had his navy blue tuxedo jacket folded over his left arm and he wore a light grey dress shirt underneath held together by a black bow tie. His disheveled hair looked like he had sat in the barber chair of Jesus himself and he hadn’t noticed your arrival yet since you were still on the steps of your deck.
You took a second to compose yourself before stepping toward him as if everything was normal—as if you weren’t lawlessly crushing on this man.
Hearing your heels clack on the smoothed pavement, Akaashi lifted his head up to see you
Remember when I said he was not ready?
Allow me to show you exactly what he wasn’t ready for:
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Akaashi felt as though all the air left his lungs when he saw you.
He told you to wear a bright colour but he didn’t know the yellow dress and your dark skin-combo would make him feel like crying
After seeing you in greys and blacks and dull nudes his whole life and still looking pretty, he couldn’t handle himself when you wore a colour that accurately communicated how he sees you: like his literal light
“Good God,” Akaashi gulped.
Keiji is a well-known quiet guy, but even his loudest friend Bokuto wouldn’t be able to beat how loud his emotions screamed at him from inside when he looked at you. You literally had him by the heartstrings, looking like that.
He realized that he is embarassed to admit all that he would give to see you in a yellow bra and panty set.
You smiled up and him and did a spin, so he could see the full picture of the dress. His eyes missed the dress because he couldn’t stop looking at your face.
“I saw it on a mannequin at the mall the other day and never thought my skin would go with it... but after what you said I went back to get it and—“
“Y/N. You— you look—-that colour—-your skin—-You—I—Good....God,” he repeated himself. Akaashi was only slightly disappointed that he couldn’t express to you how much your skin tone WAS MADE for this colour. You were magical.... a queen.
He didn’t want to go to his brothers wedding anymore. He wanted to stand there and stare at the way the sunlight hit your complexion and glistened. He wanted to stand there and have you spin around for him again. He wanted to have your mf-ing babies.
“You’re doing that thing again, Kashi. The thing you did in the car? Don’t we have to go pick up Bokuto, now? Let’s go!”
You gave him a ‘chop chop’ snap and climbed in the car.
When you got in you were so thankful for your dark skin because your blush wasn’t showing. The way your best friend has been looking at you was too passionate, too deep, too full of emotional and physical desire. It made you want to tell him your feelings.
outside, Keiji had still been in a trance, letting out one more “Good.....God,” before he had to literally slapped himself and hopped in the car.
Think of Bokuto Think of Bokuto Think of Bokuto, he chanted internally before pulling out of your driveway.
Speaking of the devil......
“AKAAAASHI!” Yelled his grey-headed best friend as he pulled open the back door of his car. “And, who’s that—wait—Y/N?!”
You gave your best friend’s best friend a weak smile. You were so embarassed by the way he was looking at you.
Bokuto slammed the door behind him and applauded loudly. “Now, I’ve always been jealous whenever you take my Akaashi away from me because he wants to spend time with you, but now I understand why. You’re a 10 when you aren’t hiding behind those freaking vampire colours!!!”
“Bokuto.” Akaashi reprimanded his annoying friend and Bokuto pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key.
Meanwhile, you were regretting wearing this colour. It drew the attention that you always tried hard to avoid.
Akaashi noticed your internal regret, even while driving....so he reached over to place a hand on your thigh.
“Y/N, you said you trust me right?”
You looked at him for a second before nodding.
Keiji elevated at the admission. “Then, trust me when I say you look beautiful. I’m so happy you wore that dress today.”
You smiled, that smile only reserved for him again, and he just about proposed on the spot.
“AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Hey, hey, hey! Maybe you two love birds should be the ones getting marr—“
Akaashi deadpanned in the rear view mirror, catching Bokuto’s eye immediately. “Bokuto.”
Frightened, Bokuto muttered a quick “Shutting up.” Before actually doing so.
Don’t get him wrong. Akaashi was happy to have his best guy friend at the wedding.
Very happy.
Because Boku was like an alarm...warning him whenever he was acting like a freak around the the girl he has a crush on
Bokuto would just nudge him and smirk whenever Akaashi was drawing attention to himself because he was looking at you in the crowd when his attention should be on his brother and his fiancé saying their vows.
When Akaashi saw you and your mom run over to dip your feet in the water on the beach, then run away because a cold wave hit up to your shins, your smile radiant and your yellow dress flying in the wind, Bokuto nudged him again because he was staring when he had to take pictures with the groom
At night, when Keiji was throwing back shots way more than Bokuto knew his best friend to even like, simply because one of his brothers groomsmen had been talking to you for the better part of the hour and he didn’t fucking like it, Bokuto not only nudged Keiji but he told the bartender to cut him off.
“Go talk to Y/N.” Bokuto grabbed the drink out of Keiji’s hand and drank it.
Akaashi shook his head. “No. S-she’s out of my league.”
Bokuto scoffed. “You do know that you’re literally the best looking person I’ve ever seen in my life right? Like seriously. You look like your face was made in a fucking lab. By chicks. By hot chicks, like Y/N, working together to come up with concoctions to Science their way to make the best looking dude—“
Keiji rolled his eyes. “Is there a point coming at the end of this?”
“Yeah. There is, impatient pants. I was going to say that I wonder if the hot chicks who made you wore bikinis the whole time while they leaned over eachother fighting over the pencil for the blueprint sketches—“
“A point about Y/N, Bokuto! Y/N. The only girl I care about. The only girl I want to talk about. Come back down to this earth. Where. Is. The. Point?”
“Oh. Yeah. Geez, take a chill pill will ya?”
“Bokuto......” He warned. Already on edge because you were now slow dancing with that guy at the wedding instead of being the wallflower you usually were. He liked it better when he was the only one who noticed you. In a way.... But then he remembered how colourful you looked when you got complimented all day and he immediately retracted the thought. Akaashi wanted nothing more than for you to reach your fullest potential, and wearing colours that expressed your beauty would be step one. He yearned to be the one who could bring you up the rest of the steps, because he’d tell you everyday how damn amazing you are. He just wished you weren’t so damn alluring to the majority of men.
Bokuto held his hands up in surrender. “Damn! Okay. Look, my point is...that it doesn’t matter how good looking you are or Y/N is, because everyone knows that even if you two were fugly you’d still have the love story of the generation because your connection is on a whole other level.”’
“What?” Keiji jeered. He didn’t like the idea of your name and ‘anything but beautiful’ being in the same sentence.
“Man, chill. Look, I won’t say anything else. I’m just going to grab Y/N from Mr. I-Didn’t-Make-It-To-The-NFL-But-I-Can-Still-Pull-A-Trophy-Wife over there. When she gets here, try not to ‘Good God’ her to death, hm? She’s gorgeous, yes, but like I said—so are you. Inside and out.”
Without listening to his denial like always, Bokuto somehow slipped in to the dance you were currently having and began dancing with Y/N
As a dancer, you loved moments when you could do it, and Akaashi was falling harder for you every time you spun around elegantly
Bokuto made some bs excuse about not being able to dance for long and waved his best friend over
Akaashi’s legs moved automatically because he has been wanting to be near you the entire night.
Like a fairytale ball sequence, Bokuto handed you off and you were now met with the waiting and hesitant arms of your best friend
Keiji asked if it was alright to touch your waist and you smiled and said yes
As you two danced, you going at the pace you knew Akaashi would be best at.....you took a second to really feel the energy
Your bodies were like magnets and you two were feeling the pull like never before
you leaned forward to rest your head against your best friends chest as you settled into a simple back and forth sway
As he held your waist closer and rubbed his thumbs soothingly in the crevice of your back dimples......
You understood that what you were now feeling was love
What you’ve been feeling for months, what you felt when you spoke to him of trust, when you watched him drive, when he put an extra blanket on you when you two watched movies, when he looked at you in your yellow dress, when you rested your head on his chest.....your mind, body and soul were all telling you one thing. They were louder than ever now. Shouting at you to tell Akaashi those 3 magic words so you two could see where the next level of your relationship would take you. It wouldn’t take much to say—
“I love you.”
Flabbergasted with yourself, you jumped back from his chest so you were looking at him. You couldn’t believe you had the audacity to say it!!!!!
Your mind now jumbled, you thought of an excuse to blame it on the 0% alcohol you had had before you realized..........that you don’t have a deep voice............nor have you opened your mouth since you rested your head on your best friend’s chest.......
“Wh-what?” You asked breathlessly.
Akaashi was looking down at you, confident that he had made you wear a dress that brought out your beauty so fiercely that it ultimately forced him to confess.
“I love you, Y/N. And if we’re always talking about trust......Then trust me when I tell you that I think I always have.”
I find I enjoy writing both nsfw and fluff equally and you guys request it basically half and half, so the next post will be much more smutty cause you know--balance. 
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amoosewritesfanfic · 4 years
[Dabi x Fem!Reader]
[Villain x Pro Hero]
[Warnings: drunk sex, aphrodisiac, drugging, mentions of alcohol, rough sex, lipstick marks, runny make up, kinda dub con, swearing, stalker kinda vibes]
[I have no clue what this is, but here ya go, while I'm still busy writing that other thing.]
[I own none of the characters or art! All credit goes to original creators. Edit and story is mine tho]
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Another bust, Y/N had been working on this case for the past two months, a string of burnt corpses popping up all over the city, it was hard to I.D the bodies but they were apparently some low rate criminals that seemed to piss off the wrong person, this man was named Dabi, his distinctive feature was the burnt skin covering his body, but there was not much else about him that she could find.
But Dabi definitely found out about her, chatter could be heard from a few low rate villains who was starting to chase after him. When he saw Y/N for the first it it was like hos heart was set a flame not because he was in love, no... far from it. He thought;
'This is the one that I'm going to absolutely ruin~'
Usually Y/N would have said no, as usual, to any drinks or a night out but her boss happened to tell her to take a break and with a direct order like that she couldn't say no. Her friends were immediately excited to see her rock up in that tight black dress she loved to wear when she went out, the way it hugged her curves and showed off just the right amount of cleavage was pleasing to anyone that looked, of course she wasn't wearing a bra and anyone who would feel her up that night would know.
The black heels making her slightly taller than usual, her hair loose, framing her face. Her lips painted with a pretty black lipstick and somewhat of a smokey eye done giving her that real seductive look.
Y/N had no clue that the man she had been hunting was in this bar and he knew that she was hunting him, of course everyone was, but he had grown infatuated with her specifically. The way her body moved with her friends or the way she laughed with those flushed cheeks had the man eager to see... to feel more of her. He knew when she were about five shots in and a glass of gin and tonic she would be wonky and her perception of who or what was around wouldn't matter.
So that's when he made his move, after all she stood alone ordering what looked to be like another gin, when she wasn't looking a distraction which came from one of her friends he managed to slip something into her drink. A harmless little drug.
Five minutes in she was back on the dance floor having chugged down her gin and almost bouncing off the walls from how good her body felt. Dabi wasted no time in moving in, his eyes watching her now, Y/N noticed him now, not taking in his appearance under the low colourful lights. He moved in closer when he saw that cute little finger beckoning him to come closer to her and he did, he got in close, pulling her back up against him.
She didn't mind, no in fact she grinded her ass against him, her fingers tangled up in his hair as his hands trailed along her curves, giving a few gropes to her ass and breasts. He could hear those cute little moans fall from those pretty little lips grinding her ass more against his slowly hardening cock. He tilted her head slightly, capturing her lips against his, a pierced tongue slyly running along her bottom lip making her part her lips allowing him access to her mouth.
She couldn't help but moan in delight from the way the metal felt against her tongue. Soon he broke away from the kiss, his fingers dancing along the hem of her dress, a deep voice rumbling against her ear making her giddy. "You wanna fuck doll?~" the way his tongue tan over the edge of her ear made her almost moan again but she gave him an eager nod, her body felt far too hot to say no and honestly she felt like this man would give her the pleasure she desired.
With a small smirk against her skin he took her hand and led her to a back room, away from prying eyes. Seems as though her colleagues hadn't even noticed. When the door shut his hand immediately moved around her throat slamming her against the, a small smirk on his lips. He couldn't believe it, the hero that had been chasing him for the past two months was practically moaning for him to fuck her. "Look at you... you look so slutty, like a bitch in heat~" he teased as his free hand pulled down her dress, exposing those pretty breasts, a thumb trailing over the hardening nub.
His hand then dipped between her juicy thighs, running over her, panties, no... a g-string. "What a slutty bitch... and you're so fucking wet too~" he breathed against her ear, earning a quiet moan from her. "D-don't tease me...~" she whimpered as her hand kept his hand between her thighs, he didn't hesitate for a second as he dipped his finger between those slick folds earning an almost desperate moan from her. "Do you want me to fuck you doll face?~" his lips were still pressed against her ear, his hand tightening slightly around her throat, the other wiggling inside her sloppy wet hole.
"Gods yes... please... please fuck me~" she moaned as her fingers dug into his coat. His lips captured hers again before he shifted them again, he pulled his hands away from her body for a moment before he bent her over a nearby table, the room that they happened to be inside seemed to be an office of sorts? Who honestly knew, all that Y/N was thinking about was being plowed until she couldn't think straight.
'If this is how she acts on a simple aphrodisiac what will she act like on a stronger drug...?' He thought as his hand landed a firm smack on her exposed rear making the female yelp her hands gripping the table. "I hope you're on birth control dollface~" he hummed burning off the g-string. "There's no need for this~" he added on, the sound of his zipper being pulled down and that light smack against her ass had the hero whimper almost.
She didn't even need to look back to tell he was rather well endowed, but what really surprised her was the slight bumps she could feel, his hand wrapped around his shaft slowly gliding his tip to rub against, the groan that fell from his lips was drowned out by the moan that fell from her lips as he slid himself inside her, stretching out her walls making her moan in delight, the feeling of his piercings rubbing against her walls made her legs tense up and her back arch slightly.
"F-fuck~♡ you're so big~"
"And this pretty little pussy of yours is taking my cock so well~" he grunted, his hands gripping her hips before thrusting deep inside her, his tip pressing against her cervix making her moan. "Shit...~♡ you're gonna make me cum already~" she whined out. "You better hold it~" he grunted, his hand moving from her hip to her hair, gripping it as his hips started moving, the pace wasn't slow at all, it was rough, the sound of skin smacking against skin filled the room along with grunts and moans from the two of them.
"Oh gods... you're gonna make me cum... your cock is touching all the right spots~ I can't hold it" she whined, he leaned in keeping her head tilted so he could attack her neck as his hips didn't stop, even as her walls slowly tighten around his cock.
"Oi oi oi, you better not cum doll, I'll stop if you cum~" he breathed against her ear as his hand now wrapped around her throat making her gasp out, legs were shaking. "P-please let me cum... I want to cum..~" she managed to breath out, she was so close, she could feel herself slowly reaching that high as much as she tried to stop herself, but oh... she definitely couldn't hold back anymore, her love juices dripped all over his pierced cock, making him grunt slightly from how tight she had gotten, but his thrusting hadn't stopped no, in fact he picked up the pace.
His hips snapping back and forth into her sensitive cunt with his hand tightening around her throat. "W-wait... you're being to rough, if you... ah!"
A bright red hand print was left on her ass, the skin swelling up slightly from the harsh impact of his hand, tears building up from the harsh spank.
"Little sluts who don't listen shouldn't be treated nice, you can't even listen to simple orders I'll have to teach ya a lesson doll face~" he cooed into her ear, his hand easing over the swelling skin, making her wince slightly, his tongue running over the shell of her ear. His hips were pressed up against hers now, not moving at all.
"Now that you've cum don't you think you should make me cum? Hmm~? I think you should let me fuck that pretty little throat until its bruised..." he whispered into her ear, her hips grinded slightly back getting some form of friction from his cock still buried deep inside her. "Huh? Or should I fuck you here...?" His hand trailed over her ass spreading her asscheek slightly before slowly dipping his thumb into her puckered hole squeezing her throat a little tighter making her gasp out.
For him however it almost felt like her pussy walls tightened around his cock. "Oh? Well would ya' look at that doll face~ I just squeezed your throat slightly and your pussy tightened up so much~ or was it my thumb rubbing against your pretty little ass hole?~" he hummed it felt like his thumb heated up against your puckered hole making you gasp out, your back arching. "Are you a horny little masochist? Do you like being choked out and fucked? Nod if that's what ya' like~" he teased and she nodded almost eagerly, her make up seemed to be running down her face from the tears that spilt, but she didn't care...
"What a stupid little masochist..." he murmured.
His hand loosened around her throat before he pulled his cock out of her pussy, it looked like it was twitching but his focus was now on that puckered hole. Dabi let his cock sit between those sweet asscheeks, lubing it up with her pussy juices before he shifted his shaft, pressing the tip against the puckered hole. "W-wait... not so-..." he didn't slid himself into her tight little ass, inside he pulled her up and shoved her onto her knees.
"I'm gonna save it for when you really piss me off~" he hummed as his hand stroked her cheek softly making her look up at him.
"But that doesn't mean that you're let off the hook dollface~ I'm gonna mess up that pretty black lipstick all over that pretty little face of yours~" he hummed trailing a thumb over her bottom lip, forcing her to part her lips, his eyes watching her expression as she ran her tongue over his tip which earned a quiet grunt from him. "Open that pretty mouth doll..." he mumbled as his hand trailed through her hair before giving it a firm grip, her lips immediately parted for him, he wasted no time in sliding himself into her mouth, groaning at how her tongue immediately rubbed against his shaft as it slid into her mouth, he stopped for a moment to let her get use to his size, but slowly pulled back, grinning slightly at the sight of her lipstick already staining his cock, but
"Don't forget to breath."
Was all he said as his hips snapped forward, burying his cock down her throat, making her gag slightly, his grip being firm on her hair made it easier for him to start thrusting, heavy balls smacking against her chin, faint lipstick marks covering his balls and cocks when he pulled back. Cerulean hues watching her eyes tear up and the drool starting to drip from the corners of her lips down onto her breasts or on her thighs. He felt the way her throat tightened and the way her nails dug into the back of his thighs, it made him pick up the pace.
His thrusts were slowly becoming a bit more erratic, with a few more harsh thrusts she could feel him throbbing in her throat, with one last harsh thrust, he buried his cock deep down her throat, his that warm salty essence spurting down her pretty little throat.
Her hands were tapping at his thighs as an indication that she couldn't breath, she almost passed out but he pulled back, his cock falling from her lips as he examined her face.
Mascara running down her skin and her lipstick smudged with strings of salvia connecting from her lips to his cock.
He loosened his hold on her hair, threading his fingers through the slightly matted locks. "I can't wait to use you more... do you want that doll face?" His words were soft as his fingers played with her hair as some means of 'aftercare'
She gave a slow nod, she looked like a dog waiting for it's master to give an order...
And gods it would be so wrong for the villain not to use that to his hearts content.
"Good, cause this is far from over my cute little hero~" he taunted and Y/N let the words fly over her head, it wouldn't be until the next morning that she would find her hands cuffed to the bed, her pussy feeling oddly full and her legs feeling sore along with her throat, yet she felt she was on a soft bed...
How smashed did she get...?
"Oh, you're awake~" that slightly familiar voice teased out, she looked up towards the source, there was standing with his hands shoved into his pockets a smug smile on his face, the scars on his face confused her for a moment before everything clicked in place.
"Dabi..." she whispered.
"Oh you figured it out hero~ how adorable~" he cooed clapping his hands together. "I can't let you go." He said as he moved closer, "shame you can't use your quirk would of been more fun if you fought, but it was more entertaining to watch a hero fall in a pool of ecstasy last night. It was fuckin' cute the way you be-..." "Shut up." She blushed, looking away from him, but feeling of him gripping her face made her whimper and look up at him.
"I think it would be more fun to fuck you while you're sober, you'll break so easy because of how weak you are~" He hummed a thumb trailing over her bottom lip.
"Oh I can't wait to fuck you into submission~" the way he had said it had her body throb in... delight? No... it had to be disgust delight
[I still have no clue what this was but I hope you enjoyed it :3]
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lordseochangbin · 4 years
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The1: Seo Changbin
a/n: since its my one year on tumblr i really wanted to write a changbin fic hehe so @0325stay and i worked together on this beauty <3 thank you for helping me write this 
You were finally leaving. Your hard work paid off and now you were on your way to working with one of the biggest companies in the music industry, JYP. It was time to make a name for yourself as a producer.
The company was kind enough to pay for all of your expenses for this work trip and now you were seated in first class, wine glass in hand in your own private room on this flight. Making you even more excited to work for them and see what they have to offer.
9 hours later, you were woken up by the flight attendant to tell you that you were about to land and outside, you were welcomed by the thin clouds that separated the sky and the beautiful city down below.
Though it was night time, you were in awe at the sight of the colourful city lights, and the lit up buildings. You weren’t used to this. This was your first time flying alone internationally.
The plane landed smoothly and you grabbed your stuff and exited the aircraft. Making sure you thanked everyone on that flight and when you felt that Seoul air hit your face, you knew you made it. This was the start of your career.
It was a while before you could grab all your luggage and go through the gates, but when you did, it was packed and you had a hard time finding your ride.
You searched and searched, until you finally found the sign. A big poster that had your name on it with JYP Entertainment’s logo that was being held by a man that was just waving it around, hoping that someone would approach him.
“Hi! I’m Y/N… I’m guessing you’re my ride?”
The man looked at you up and down and then put the poster down. He gave you a warm smile and extended his hand out to you as he introduced himself.
“I’m Changbin and yeah I am. JYP sent me over to take you to the hotel and I brought you some dinner as well.”
Changbin took the heavy bags from your arms and guided you all the way to the car. You got in the front seat and whipped out your camera. Excited to see the views during this ride and capture every moment since you knew this was only temporary.
He started driving through the quiet roads then into the busy cities where you were surprised to see the city still so alive at 2am. People were singing, laughing, dancing, just hanging out with friends under the bright lights.
Click, click, click. That’s all Changbin heard throughout the ride. He was confused since he thought you were going to live here, but he didn’t want to bother you with all these questions. There was something about you that just immediately caught his attention, but he didn’t know what it was.
Maybe it was the way you found everything so fascinating, or maybe it was just because this was one of the very few times he was going to be around someone who was from a different country. He didn’t know just yet.
When you two finally reached the hotel, he hopped out and grabbed your bags. Checking you in under the company’s card and then bringing up your bags to your room. Also handing you your dinner and then saying his goodbyes.
“Good night. I’ll be back by lunch to pick you up for work… Sweet dreams”
But before he shut the door, he asked one more question.
“What’s your number? You know, so I can call or text you before I pick you up.”
You exchanged numbers and then he shot you a smile on his way out. You already knew you two were going to get along, there was just something about him.
The morning came and you slept like a baby because of how tired you felt from travelling. You were only awakened by the sound of your phone ringing. It was Changbin. You overslept and now you had a little less than an hour to freshen up.
You rushed yourself. All your clothes were already scattered, your bathroom was a mess, and you were starving at this point. You ended up hitting corners of furniture from trying to hurry your process up.
Knock knock, the door went. Your hair was a mess and you were only finished with half of your outfit. It was your banana pajama pants paired with some cute shirt you found. Along with one shoe on. You opened the door and you found Changbin just waiting there with coffee in his hand and a small breakfast bun he picked up along the way. 
“Well…good morning.”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes when he saw you rushing with your frizzy hair and half done outfit but, he sat down comfortably on the chair and just talked to you about your schedule today. From the meeting, to the company tour, then the meeting of the groups, and then to the actual work that was to be started.
You didn’t hear most of it though since you were too busy panicking about how you were going to present yourself today. You just started babbling about your thoughts and Changbin just listened. He found it cute how you babbled when you were nervous and the bed head hair just made his day.
He handed you the coffee and the breakfast bun, telling you to hurry up and then threw the company employee pass at you as you both drove off for work.
Once you both reached the company, Changbin introduced you to everyone, but they all seemed way too busy to notice you fully. You didn’t mind though, you knew they were all busy with promotions and they needed to perfect everything they did.
Changbin gave you a tour of the company, and little by little, you found himself opening up to you. At first, he seemed like a snob, but when you got to know him, he was like a bubbly little kid that was always trying to play. He went from trying to act tough and in charge to skipping down the halls of JYP saying hi to everyone he knew.
Then after a long day of meeting most people and looking through all the rooms, it was time to start work officially. Changbin opened the door to a dainty size studio, just enough room to fit one. You thought he was going to leave you once he dropped you off, but he pulled up a chair and sat down real close to you.
“Aren’t you going to leave?”
He rested his chin on his hand and shook his head. He just told you he was curious with how you do your work. So, you started setting up your program, linking all the pads, and finding the right channels to use. You worked fast for someone who didn’t have much experience working professionally and Changbin was impressed with you.
You just did your thing while he sat and vibed on the side. You barely noticed him while working, but Changbin noticed every small detail about you. From the way you found the rhythm and beat you wanted just by tapping your foot and fingers furiously, to the way you smiled to yourself after finding the right tones.
He sat back and enjoyed how you worked and was thinking about if he should ask the boss if he could work with you on this track. And to his luck, he got the boss’ approval to work with you and was assigned to be your guide for your whole stay.
From there, Changbin would come pick you up every morning, drop you off every night, bring you food whenever you asked, or just randomly throughout the day. Every single day, he’d bring a surprise. Whether it was a small treat from the street food vendors, or a little toy he thought you’d like. Changbin was always handing it over with a smile, and after a week, he was already giving you hugs like you two had been friends forever.
On your days off, he would still be there for you even when he didn’t need to be. He’d send you a good morning text then ask you what your plans were for the day because he wanted to personally take you around the cities. Sometimes even bringing his group along, but then telling them to leave because they got too annoying.
Changbin took you to see the regular tourist spots and paid for everything, even though you told him no. The man wouldn’t let you pay at all. Even when he took you to his favorite shopping mall, everything you touched, Changbin would pay for it. Not even looking at the price. You got kind of mad at that, but he would always say “It’s okay, we’re friends. Let me treat you.”
That’s how your first 3 weeks in South Korea went. You were with Changbin for almost 24 hours a day, just working side by side, and him not leaving your side at all. The only time he’d leave was for rehearsal, but then he’d come straight back to you. All sweaty and tired, but he kept his bubbly self around you and talked to you like you’ve been close all your life.
He’d tease you non-stop, he’d hug you whenever he got the chance or even just place his head on your shoulder while he watched you work. Changbin was slowly attaching himself to you, slowly taking a liking to you, but he wouldn’t admit it just yet. He just kept it quiet and tried to see if his feelings were real and if you felt the same way.
At the studio, Changbin stared at his phone while you worked on the last track of the album. The occasional deep breaths and sighs showed your tiredness, and he knew it was about time for a break. He knew how badly deadlines could get to a producer’s head, so he wanted to take you to the one place he always found himself on times like this.
“Y/N?” He said behind your ear, slowly taking off your headphones making you turn your head to face him. 
“What’s up?” You replied, but before you got an answer, Changbin heard nothing of your protests, grabbed your hand, turned off your computer, and dragged you out of the studio. 
“Changbin!! What are you doing? I just started-” 
“And we’ll finish it tonight...Right now, you need a break, and I know just where to take you” 
You simply rolled your eyes as a smirk grew on Changbin’s face. Of course he knew where to take you. At this point, it seemed like he knew everything about you. 
As Changbin drove you to the spot, you watched the city lights light up and took photos again. You wanted to keep everything in memory knowing that this was only temporary. The city, the studio, Changbin. All of it would be over soon. 
“Hey,” he said, grabbing your attention as his hand met yours. “Do you mind grabbing the bag from the back, we’re almost there” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in curiosity of Changbin’s plans. Where was he taking you? The guy was full of surprises. 
Outside, you heard the sounds of a peaceful river along with the sounds of jet skis rushing against the water. You turned your head to be welcomed by the calming sight of the Han River.
You weren’t able to take your eyes off the beautiful view and you just stood there in amazement while Changbin held your hand to lead you to the spot he was taking you to. You couldn’t help but admire the bright bridge that stretched out ahead of you leading to the beautiful city of Seoul. 
The night sky was filled with the large moon and clouds that had planes flying through. It casted over the two of you and as the perfect weather chilled in, you and Changbin set a blanket to sit on. 
“This is beautiful” You mentioned,  making Changbin smile as he watched you cherish the moment. Again, he heard the clicks of your camera and just giggled at every picture you took. 
“Changbin! 1 ,2, 3 Smile!”
He smiled as bright as he could and gave you multiple poses so you could remember him in every way. You probably took over 10 pictures of him and when you went to show him his pictures, Changbin scooted closer to you and threw an arm over your shoulder. He wasn’t looking at the pictures, he was only looking at you.
His heart raced just by sitting beside you and listening to you talk about something you were so passionate about. Everything you did now was just adorable in his eyes and he was hoping that this feeling would never stop.
“Changbin, aren’t these nice?”
Changbin heard nothing and kept looking over at you. He was finally admitting to himself that he was catching feelings for  you. There was no view- even in a place like this- that could top the beauty that he saw in you.
When you noticed he hadn’t responded, you turned and waved your hands in front of him.
“Changbin? Helloooo” You giggled as his eyes grew wider. “Yeah, yeah let me grab the drinks” He coughed out, grabbing the bag from the car. 
“Were you admiring the view?” You asked, propping yourself with your elbows as you laid back. 
“Yeah, yeah totally” Changbin replied, though the only view he found himself admiring was you. 
Handing you a drink, Changbin sat by you before asking “Are you still stressed about tomorrow? The evaluations?”
You sat up next to him before grabbing your drink and taking a sip. “A little, I mean everything’s still not finished and I only have tonight but I definitely needed some fresh air… thank you Changbin” 
“It’s no big deal I mean really-” 
“No Changbin, thank you for everything.” You interrupted, laying your head on his shoulder. 
Changbin must be crazy. Could you hear the constant thumping of his heart or was that just him? 
As you two finished the drinks, break time was over and the two of you made your way back to the studio. You were now filled with a sudden confidence and faith in the success of your album and Changbin was now a man that had a heart for you and only you now. 
Once the two of you were back at the studio, it was time to work again. Changbin stayed on his phone ready to help while you buried yourself in the unfinished tracks. 
Time passed by quickly as you got your tasks finished one by one, and the small snores heard from behind you made it evident that Changbin had fallen asleep, honestly you would’ve as well. Everyday, for the past few weeks, Changbin had stayed with you until he dropped you off at night, despite his busy schedule and you could never wrap your head around why. 
With a click of your mouse, everything was finally saved on a flash drive. Your first album was completed… You did it.
You squealed in excitement. Jumping up from your seat and shaking Changbin’s shoulders to wake him up. 
“Changbin! Changbin I finished it!” You exclaimed in excitement as Changbin got up. 
“You finished it!” Changbin repeated after you, also jumping up and down with you. You pulled Changbin into your arms and held him close to show him how grateful you were for all his support. 
“I seriously couldn’t have done this without you”
Changbin looked into your eyes full of joy. You seemed so happy in the moment and he was happy for you too, but then it was like his emotions took over his body. He couldn’t help but to smile, close his eyes, and lean in closer to you. 
You just watched him as he closed his eyes and watched  his lips only a few inches away from yours. In a panic, you whispered his name hoping to catch his attention but, he only leaned in closer and his lips slightly brushed against yours, but you stepped back in time. 
“Um..” You let out, the tension in the room increasing as Changbin opened his eyes. 
“Y/n I-”
“I have to go… prepare for tomorrow’s evaluation. I’ll see you tomorrow, get a good night’s sleep and all” You quickly said as you gathered your things and left the room. 
Changbin didn’t plan on getting a good night’s sleep. In fact, he couldn’t sleep at all. He couldn’t believe that he just tried to kiss you and now he was tossing and turning in bed.
The sound of your alarm made you leap out of bed and head to your closet. Today was the day. It was time to show off your hard work. Your muscles tensed at the fact that you were finally presenting your work to a line of producers and managers. 
After getting ready, you waited outside for Changbin. It seemed like the perfect day, as if nothing could go wrong. That was until Changbin showed up and you suddenly remembered last night. 
He pulled up in front and when you sat down inside, you both could feel the awkward tension between you two and to try to relieve that tension, you said hey, but he said hey at the same time too. Only making the awkwardness visible between you two.
You looked at him hoping he would say something more but he never did and that’s how it went the entire drive. Just pure awkward silence.
Once the two of you arrived, you got out of the car, hoping he would come along, but he didn’t. “You’re not coming?” You asked. 
“Nah, I’ll wait for you. Good luck” He said as he stopped the engine and started playing with his phone. 
You said thanks and took a deep breath as you saw Changbin go back on his phone. This was the only time Changbin wasn’t going to be beside you when you were playing music and you didn’t know how to feel except nervous and uneasy.
As you walked into the room, you felt multiple pairs of eyes follow you to the stage.With a press of a button, your new album started playing and to your surprise, everyone seemed to enjoy it and you finally got a pass to release it. Your hard work paid off and you felt like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulder.
But with that pass, you knew that it was the end of your stay. In the contract, it stated that when you got your pass to release your music, it was time to go home. The only problem was that you didn’t know how to tell Changbin since the flight was already booked and your stuff had to be packed by tonight. 
In a hurry, you ran to Changbin’s car, only to see that he had already fallen asleep, so you opened the door and woke him up. 
“Hey! They said my music was good and-” 
“Congrats!” Changbin said, already starting the car and getting ready to leave. 
“Wait why are we in such a hurry?” You asked. 
“I’m a little busy with promotions tomorrow so I have to practice tonight, is that okay?” He asked. 
You were hoping the two of you could celebrate tonight, but if he was busy with promotions he probably didn’t care about you leaving tomorrow anyways.
“Yeah.. that’s fine” You said before getting an email about your ticket home. 
“Alright, I promise to see you tomorrow, then we could celebrate. I knew you could do it, so tomorrow, just wait for me, okay?”
Changbin leaned over to give you a hug, not knowing that it was going to be the last one he would be able to give you for a while. He smiled and you two did your special handshake and then he drove off after dropping you off at the hotel.
You quickly went up and packed your things. Sort of wishing that your last night would’ve been spent with Changbin, but that was okay. You two spent so much time together during your stay, he almost forgot to go to rehearsals some days. 
Even though he wasn’t here, you were still pretty happy about your music being released soon. You couldn't wait to go home and see your friends and family because you knew they’d be proud of you. 
“Hey Mom,” You said on the phone. “Yeah! They said I can come back tomorrow… I can’t wait to see you too.. okay I’ll be safe.. bye” 
The next day, Changbin had coffee and a roll in hand. He felt bad that he couldn’t be with you yesterday so he wanted to make up for it even though he was busy with practice today, but once he got in your usual studio, he noticed that all of your things were gone. 
An employee passed by so Changbin decided to ask what happened and that’s when he found out. Your contract was done and you were already heading home and he could do nothing to stop you from leaving.
They mentioned that you were already at the airport, just waiting for your flight and when he heard that, his hands balled up in a fist and he felt his heart drop. He didn’t even get to celebrate with you let alone tell you about how he finally felt about you after these few weeks together.
Changbin quickly rushed through the hall to leave only to be stopped by his members. They were all getting ready to practice one more time so they could perfect everything, but he pushed them to the side because the only thing on his mind right now, was you.
“Yo Changbin where are you going?” The rest of the guys asked him.
“I have to go,” was all he said, nudging them aside.
“Hyung!” Felix called after him. It was no bother, Changbin was already out the door and nowhere to be seen. 
He frantically grabbed his phone from his pocket, wanting to call you and tell you everything that he wanted to say before, but he noticed an airplane fly above him. Changbin still tried calling you and texting you, hoping you were still seated in the airport, but then he noticed he had one unread message left in his notifications.
Y/N: Bye Changbin. Thank you for everything, I’ll see you soon :)
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Pearls // Adore You
summary: Y/N has a gift for Harry on Adore You day
A/N: this is pure fluff and feel good vibes. I should’ve written and posted it last week because the timing would be better but instead I wrote it today as I listened to Fine Line on a loop. If anyone wants to chat about the album send me asks and messages! 
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“Happy Adore You Day!” Harry is awoken by Y/N cheering at the end of his bed.
“What?” He grunted, completely disoriented. He rubbed his eyes blearily, looking confusedly at Y/N holding a tray with a freshly made breakfast and a small bunch of flowers, grin lighting up her whole face. “Adore You isn’t out until tomorrow,” he stated, but a smile had graced his face too as he sat up in bed.
She took a step forward and placed the tray on his lap before sitting at the end of the bed. “Well I know that but your first ever performance of it is being recorded today and it’ll drop at midnight which is basically still today anyway. So, I wanted to do something special to celebrate.”
Harry’s heart swooped. This girl was as sweet as honey. The excited energy was positively radiating from her, it was in the way she spoke, the way she could hardly sit still and the bright smile which hadn’t left her face for a single second.
“You’re too good, ya’ know that?” He asked her, prompting bashfulness to colour her expression. “Now come here and give me a kiss,” he leaned forward so that her lips could meet his own. Her hands found their way into his hair and soon the two of them were lost in the moment. Her left hand slowly traced towards his face, cupping his jaw, until it slowly drifted downwards towards his neck. As soon as her hand met his throat, all her movements halted, suddenly remembering something. She pulled her lips away, and Harry subconsciously leaned forward, needy for her kiss.
“Hold on!” Was all she said before she was darting out of the room in a whirlwind. A minute later, she was back in the room, a bunch of flowers in one hand and a small box in the other, wrapped in light blue paper and complete with a pink bow. “The other reason we’re celebrating today is because I finally picked this up yesterday and I actually can’t wait to give it to you. At first I was going to give it to you on album release day,” she ranted quickly, excitement and nervousness possessing her, “but then I couldn’t wait until then and now I can’t wait until tomorrow so,” she shoved both the flowers and the box towards him without eloquence, “here.”
She grabbed the tray of food now going cold from his lap and popped it onto her side of the bed which was currently empty. She fidgeted as she returned to her seat on the edge of his bed, Harry unable to contain the soft laughter at his girl and her antics.
He went to start unwrapping it, but Y/N quickly interrupted as she spoke anxiously once more. “Please don’t pretend to like it if you don’t. I promise I won’t be offended, and I can take it back it’s literally no problem at all and-”
“Darlin’,” it was Harry’s turn to interrupt now. “Can I please just unwrap it before I die of anticipation here?”
Y/N just nodded, not trusting herself to speak without beginning to ramble. She crossed her legs at the end of the bed, trying to contain her nervousness.
As quickly as his hands would allow, Harry unwrapped the paper to reveal a necklace box. He paused for a moment, before opening the lid to reveal a string of pearls. “Oh my god,” he breathed, mouth slightly ajar as he stared down at them, as though in a trance.
“What kind of oh my god is that?” Y/N asked, doubts clouding her mind. “I need more words please and I need them now.” He opened his mouth to respond, but she spoke first, pointing a finger in his direction. “And don’t lie to me, I know you’re good at this acting and politeness shit but it won’t work on me.”
“I love it,” he rushed out as soon as she shut her mouth, sure he only had a moment before she opened it again. “No acting or politeness shit needed because I really really really love it,” his eyes were glossy, overcome with emotion.
“You’re sure?” Y/N asked, hesitantly. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Harry to be honest with her in situations like these, it’s just that she wanted to give the perfect gift. Harry had worked so very hard on this album, she thought he deserved to receive something from her that was as special as the body of work he had created.
“I’m sure,” he crawled forwards, box still in hand, and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. “Thank you,” he whispered, as he rested his forehead against her own.
With those four words, the anxiety she felt ebbed away. The feeling was replaced by pure joy, and below the surface, a deep calm. She relished in the moment, in the thrill of the intimacy and connection they shared. Y/N was sure she had to be the luckiest girl alive.
“Can you please put it on me?” He
“Of course,” she took the box from his outstretched hand as he turned so Y/N could see the clasp at the back of his neck. Once she had secured it around his neck, he was up in a flash, off towards the en suite.
Y/N was quick to follow, shadowing him shyly as he gazed upon his own reflection. She wrapped her arms around his bare chest, linking her hands together at his front. She stood up on her tip toes to kiss the skin just below the necklace.
“I love it so much, Y/N,” he spoke softly. “And I-” he stopped short, unsure of himself. “I- I adore you.”
“I adore you too, H,” she said without pause. His hesitancy did not go unnoticed, but she didn’t want him to dwell on that too heavily. He would say it, in his own time, when he felt it. If he felt it, she tried not to think.
He hummed in response, hand subconsciously tracing the pearls as he got lost in his thoughts for a moment. Y/N just held him tighter, breathing in his scent.
“Oh, fuck it,” he muttered suddenly, he turned within her hold, unlinking her hands. He grabbed them in his own before they could fall at her side, needing the physical connection. “I love you, darlin’.”
Before Y/N could get a word out, he was rambling nervously just as she had before. “And not to be on the nose or anything, but you don’t have to say you love me. Because I get it, it’s scary and it’s- it’s early, I know that, I do. I just- it’s how I feel so I’m saying it. And I hope you feel that way too but if you’re not there yet then that’s completely fine-”
“Harry,” she stopped him in his tracks, face portraying nothing, leaving him completely on edge.
“Yeah?” He gripped her hands tighter.
“I love you too, you idiot,” she smiled, and he swears to God, his heart stopped for a second.
His hands were gone from hers in an instant, instead wrapping around her figure and lifting her up, in a state of pure nirvana. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” he sang out as he spun her around. He wished he was recording the sound of her giggling and reciprocating his love. He was sure it would forever be music to his ears.
That night, and every night after that, he sang Adore You for her.
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k-llama-llama · 4 years
Finding Our Place
Monsta X AU: 8th member
Zoey x Monsta X
Zoey and Seungcheol go apartment hunting.
A/N: ALSO FYI check out my patreon (patreon.com/kllamallama for exclusive posts!)
Requests are CLOSED…but your feedback is still super important to me.
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“This is a four bedroom, two bath, with a balcony and city view.” The real estate agent was saying. “Two of those bedrooms are master size, the others slightly smaller but still perfect for kids or-”
“We’d be using them as offices,” Zoey corrected. “Not as bedrooms.”
“Full kitchen?” Seungcheol asked.
“Yes, just this way.” The man moved through the main living room of the apartment.
This was the fifth apartment they’d looked at, but it had been top of their list. It wasn’t quite a penthouse, but it was huge, taking up a third of one of the top floors of the building. Zoey was kind of going by feeling, while Seungcheol was taking notes to compare all of the different apartments.
The kitchen was an open extension of the living room, complete with all of the appliances and beautiful marble countertops. Zoey barely glanced around, moving down the hallway towards the bedrooms and bathroom.
“Zo, this kitchen is really nice.” Seungcheol said, opening cabinets.
“I don’t cook, so I’ll leave that to you.” She laughed, opening the closest door to her. It appeared to be one of the smaller bedrooms, and she went in to take a look. There was a small window, that could easily be blocked out by a curtain, and Zoey could already envision how she’d set it up. A small couch in one corner, her desk and chair against the wall with her music set up, lots of floor space for when she-”
“Your studio?” Seungcheol peeked in, a knowing smile on his face. Zoey was shaken out of her vision.
She checked to make sure the real estate agent wasn’t close enough to hear, and then said quietly. “I really like it, Cheol.”
“I know, I do too.” He nodded. “Let’s check the first bathroom.”
The real estate agent was waiting near the bathroom, and cleared his throat when they approached. “This is that master bathroom, which is attached right to the master bedroom, it has a-”
Zoey ignored him, walking in.
There was a window in here too, right above the huge, clawfoot bathtub. There was a standing shower in the corner, not huge but a good size. Zoey traced her fingers over the bathtub, comparing it to the tiny one at her dorm.
She looked over her shoulder, exchanging a knowing smile with Seungcheol.
“And the bedroom is just through here.” A pair of panel doors was opened, leading into the large bedroom. There was white show furniture in the room, but none of it came with the place. There was a large window along the wall, and room for an armchair or something along with the bed.
“That window would be kind of bright, don’t you think?” Seungcheol asked her.
She nodded slightly. “Yeah, getting blasted by the sun every morning isn’t really on my to-do list.”
“Oh, that’s another feature of the apartment.” The real estate agent hurried forward, moving a small panel next to the window and revealing a series of buttons. “It has a day, dusk, and night setting, so you can choose how much light you would want blocked out.” He hit the middle button, and the window darkened slightly, blocking out the daylight.
“That’s convenient.” Zoey smirked.
Seungcheol looked down at his notes. “Do you mind if we chat alone for a minute?”
“Of course, I’ll just be out in the hall if you have any questions.” The man disappeared, closing the door behind him.
Zoey flopped onto the bed. The mattress was too hard as it was obviously just for show, but she sighed deeply anyways.
“You’re already sold, aren’t you?” Seungcheol laughed.
Zoey looked up at him. “I don’t know, Cheol. Every other place, there was something wrong. There weren’t enough windows or the decor was dated or the elevator was sketchy but this....it just kind of feels right, don’t you think?”
Seungcheol was silent for a moment. “Come here.” He walked over to the window, hitting the daylight button and letting the light flood in.
Zoey stood, smoothing out her hair and tucking herself under his arm. ‘What is it?”
“Look at the view.” He said.
Zoey did. It was on one of the upper floors and right downtown, so she could see all of the tiny people and cars buzzing around beneath them. The buildings around them were nicely spaced out, so she felt like it wasn’t too crowded of a view.
“I bet it’ll look gorgeous at night.” She said. “With all of the city lights.”
“I’m just trying to picture it.” Seungcheol said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “That this could actually be our life. That I could see this, and you, every single morning when I wake up.”
“Assuming I’m not locked in what is going to be a totally badass studio.” Zoey smiled, peering up at him. “So I’m getting the vibe that you like it too.”
“I love it.” He leaned down, and she pressed up on her toes to meet him in a kiss. When he pulled back, he was beaming. “Should we go tell that guy that he’s sold the place?”
“Probably, before he tries to tell us about another feature of the carpet, or something stupid.” 
Seungcheol tucked his notes in his pocket, grabbing her hand as she led him out of the bedroom.
“Are there any questions I can answer for you?” The real estate agent said as soon as they were in the hall. “Could I tell you about the-”
“We’ll take it.” Seungcheol cut him off. “As soon as possible.”
“You’ll take....” He blinked. “Oh, okay! We can discuss payment plans, everything is on a two year lease minimum, but we can do weekly, bi-weekly, monthly instalments. Whichever works best for-”
“Don’t worry about that.” Zoey smiled. “We’ll pay cash.”
“Yeah. The total amount. We can sign the contract tomorrow, right?”
“Um, yes?” He nodded quickly. “Absolutely. I’ll...I just need to make a phone call...”
He hurried back towards the living room, leaving them in the hallway.
“That went well.” Zoey smiled.
“I think he’s just shocked.” Seungcheol smiled. “So....I have a very important question to ask you.” He swung their joined hands between them.
Zoey pouted slightly. “If you ask me to marry you I’ll break up with you again.”
“Don’t even joke about that.”
“Why, you’d miss me too much?”
“Hardly, I just need your bank account to pay for this place.” He winked.
Zoey grinned. “So, what’s so important?”
“It’s probably the most important decision of our lives.” He leaned forward so his mouth was right next to her ear. “What colour are we picking for our furniture?”
Zoey threw back her head and laughed. “That’s the most important question of our lives?”
“Yes!” He insisted. “We need to impress everyone by looking like adults. And that means cute furniture.”
“Hmmm...” Zoey pretended to think about it. “I like blue.”
“Blue...and white?” He suggested, turning to pull her down the hallway.
“Sounds perfect.” Zoey smiled. “Are we telling the guys after we sign or before?”
“After.” Seungcheol said definitively. “I want to hold up the contract to prove I actually got you to move in with me.”
Zoey laughed, linking arms with him and leaning in. “I’m really happy, Seungcheol.”
He rubbed her waist with his arm. “Me too.”
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ruzek-halstead · 4 years
🌺 challenge accepted 🌺 chapter two 🌺
pairing: luke patterson x julie molina
luke and julie go to rival high schools, but come together at a party after their latest ‘friendly’ match. luke starts off on the wrong foot but redeems himself by the end of the night, by inadvertently becoming julie’s knight in shining armour.
“save it for your groupies, patterson.”
high school au
series masterlist || masterlist || ao3
prev. chapter one
warnings: swearing, fluffery
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Having a best friend has many benefits.
They’re always present to listen and support you and help you with things you don’t think you can do yourself. They’re always there even when you think you don’t need them. They’re necessary to carry on in life, and Julie agrees with that; she loves her best friend. But there are instances where she would prefer to smother her with a pillow.
This was one of those times.
Alex’s face lit up when he spotted Julie and all her curly-haired glory. She could feel herself blushing and she honestly wanted nothing more than to slide underneath the table and hide.
“Julie, hey!” He greeted her excitedly. Willie followed behind him with a polite smile. “It’s nice to see you again,” he turned to face Carrie, “I’m Alex, this is my boyfriend Willie.” The brunet beside him waved.
Carrie was much too excited to meet them. “I’m Carrie, Julie’s bestie!”
“It’s nice to see you guys again,” Julie replied politely. She wasn’t sure what they knew, if Luke had even mentioned anything, so she wasn’t sure how to act around them. “Did you guys have fun at the party?”
Willie nodded his head excitedly. “Yeah! We hit up the karaoke machine; we were awful but it was hilarious.”
“Yeah, I heard it was quite an interesting night,” Alex remarked, shooting Julie a smirk. She paled; now she really wanted to hide underneath the table. “How about you, Julie? Fun night?”
Julie narrowed her eyes at the blond; she could see right through him. “I’m onto you, Alex,” she replied sassily, “I’m betting you know exactly how my night went.”
“I do,” he admitted, shrugging, “but I wanted to hear it from you.”
“Yeah, tough luck,” she snorted in response. He shot her a smile and Julie’s insides fluttered. There was something about making a new friend (and knowing that he was Luke’s best friend) that made her inherently happy inside. Plus, the best friendships always include sarcasm and sassiness, where both sides can dish it out and take it in stride. She feels like friendship with Alex will be exactly just that.
Willie chuckled, his eyes flickering between the two. “Hey, you should invite them to the show tonight.”
Alex’s face lit up once again. “Oh my god, yes!”
Carrie shot Julie an excited eyebrow waggle.
“Luke told you we’re in a band, right?”
Julie couldn’t help herself; she smirked before saying, “Sunset Swerve, right?”
Willie choked on his own spit, while Carrie simply looked confused. Alex’s eyes narrowed and a frown marred his face.
“I know you said that on purpose, so I’m going to ignore it and extend a gracious invitation for you both to come to our gig tonight at King’s.”
Julie blinked. “Oh, you’re playing a show tonight?”
“Yeah,” Alex replied, “are you interested?”
Carrie instantly jumped in with a squeal and large smile. “Yes, we’re interested!”
“Uh, well —” Julie stuttered, avoiding eye contact with all of them. It was one thing to be waiting for a message from Luke; it was a whole other thing to simply show up at his show, not invited by him directly. “I’m not entirely sure that’s the best idea. Luke—”
“Luke will love to see you!” Alex interrupted. “Trust me, I’ve known that dumbass for way too long. He’s probably sitting by his phone thinking of different pick-up lines to text you, because, like I said, he’s a dumbass.”
If Julie wasn’t embarrassed before, she definitely was now.
“Seriously Julie, he’s probably just too nervous to invite you,” Willie added, and she was surprised he was jumping into that part of the conversation. Alex sent him a fond smile. “I think it’ll be a nice surprise for him.”
“I agree!” Carrie exclaimed. “Plus, I need to meet this Luke. So, we’re going.”
Alex smirked in Carrie’s direction. “I like her. I’m counting on you guys tonight. I’ll leave your name with Flynn; she’s our good friend and social media coordinator. She’ll meet you guys at the door.”
Julie could feel her milkshake bubbling inside her stomach; she felt like she was going to throw up. Surprises? Definitely not her thing.
“And no backing out!” He added with a trained gaze on Julie. She sputtered in denial. “I can see it all over your face. Carrie, you’ll make sure she’s there, right?”
“Even if I have to chloroform her,” she replied with an even expression.
The boys laughed and Alex continued speaking, completely oblivious to the utter horror on Julie’s face. “Oh, and bring Nick! Luke will be on his best behaviour, I promise.”
“So will Nick,” Carrie winked.
“Great!” Alex clapped his hands. “Well, we’re going to go get some milkshakes but I’ll see you all tonight!”
Alex made sure to squeeze Julie’s shoulders as he walked by and Willie shook his head, laughing at his boyfriends antics. “I’ll see you girls later; I’ll save some seats,” he added before he left.
“Oh my god.”
The words flew out of Julie’s mouth before she could even stop them.
“Oh god, I am so excited,” Carrie laughed at Julie’s misery. “Jules, we have to go right now. We have to make sure you look amazing for tonight!”
Julie groaned, but there was no stopping a determined Carrie when she set her mind on something.
When Julie found herself outside of King’s that same night, her nerves had calmed down slightly, and she was actually looking forward to their show.
She was absolutely freaking out as Carrie dragged her home, but the blonde easily talked her down and convinced her on how fun the night will be. She was also looking forward to seeing Luke again, even though she still hadn’t heard from him. She believed Alex when he said Luke was probably nervous to reach out to her, because here she was, almost throwing up at the prospect of seeing him again. So, she tried to not let that bother her.
Carrie had spent hours looking through outfits for Julie. The brunette thought it was pointless, but Carrie was so excited, she just let her be. The two of them decided on a simple, yet stylish outfit; a pair of black ripped jeans, a white short-sleeve crop top and a jean jacket. She added a pair of white converse to tie the outfit together and left her curls down and natural.
Julie was surprised to see there was a bit of a lineup outside King’s. She could tell Carrie looked impressed as well, but Nick on the other hand, just looked straight up miserable.
“Babe, can you at least try to look like you want to be here?” Carrie whispered to him, trying to hide it from Julie.
Nick rolled his eyes grumpily. “Yes, okay, sorry.”
When they got to the front of the line, Carrie smiled politely to the bulky bouncer. She fluttered her eyelashes and said, “I believe we’re on the list? Julie and friends?”
“Hold up, Jason! I’m comin’!”
They heard a powerful voice, but couldn’t see anything behind the bouncer. A second later a girl dressed in a colourful outfit popped up from behind the bouncer. She was sporting a bright smile and didn’t hesitate to nudge the bouncer (with her whole body weight, to which he didn’t even budge).
“They’re with me, Jason! Let them through!”
With an excited grin in their direction, the girl Julie could only assume was Flynn, led them deeper into King’s. King’s was known for their live performances and chill vibes. The lights were dimmed and music filled the room; Julie was immediately in love with the atmosphere.
“I’m Flynn,” she introduced herself excitedly, while making her way to one of the front tables. “I’ve known the guys forever, but I mostly thought they were idiots. It wasn’t until they started their band that I realized ‘wow, this could be something!’”
Flynn took a seat and waited until they followed suit to continue. “Now, I’m their social media coordinator and baby-sitter by default.”
“Sounds like a lot of work,” Julie giggled.
“Girl, you have no idea!” Flynn laughed. She paused and took a long look at Julie. “I like you. I think we’re going to be great friends.” Julie smiled, ignoring the blood rushing into her cheeks. “Also, my boy Luke, cannot stop talking about you!”
Julie’s face immediately dropped in mortification. “Oh my god, tell me more!” Carrie gushed, moving in closer.
“Oh my god, tell me never!” Nick mocked, rolling his eyes.
Flynn immediately smirked, noting Julie rolling her eyes and Carrie smacking his bicep. “Oh, hold on. Are you Nick? Captain of Illyria Nick?”
“The one,” Nick replied with a small smile.
“I’ve definitely heard a lot about you,” she laughed, but it faded quickly, “I probably shouldn’t repeat it though…” To that, Nick actually cracked a laugh.
They were interrupted when a pair of hands landed on Julie’s shoulders, to which she jumped. For a moment, her heart leapt into her throat, thinking it was Luke, but she quickly discovered it was Willie, with an infectious smile. “Hey guys! Nice to see you all again,” he nodded to Nick, who he hadn’t officially met except on the field; Nick nodded back (men… honestly.) “Get ready! The guys are about to go on!”
For the first time since she’d gotten there, she noticed the drum set on the stage and realized she didn’t actually know what instruments the guys all played. It’d be a nice surprise, she guessed. With a quick introduction from an unknown speaker, the lights dimmed completely except for the show lights. She watched as Alex made his way behind the drums (she should’ve guessed that), beginning a drum solo and shooting a large smile in their direction. She didn’t miss the wink in her direction once he noticed she didn’t skip out on the event.
She noticed Reggie and Luke at the same time, as they both came onto the stage at the same time from different sides. It was a different feeling watching Luke from the crowd; he was so in his element, a bright smile on his face as he looked over the clapping figures. It didn’t take long for his eyes to scan over her table, as he was expecting to see Willie and Flynn. He definitely wasn’t expecting to see Julie, and his expression showed as much. His smile dropped momentarily and he looked a little stunned; she noticed he dropped the guitar pick in his hand, but he was too busy looking at her. Alex made a comment into the mic about their first song, and she noticed him staring into Luke’s back, almost as if that was supposed to be Luke’s line.
Quickly, Luke snapped out of his fugue state, grabbed a new guitar pick taped to his microphone stand and began strumming his guitar to the beat of their first song. Before he forgot, he dropped his right eyelid in a wink, shooting a cheeky smirk in Julie’s direction. Of course, he was stunned when he saw her; he wasn’t expecting to see her at all (he wanted to invite her tonight, but he couldn’t figure out what should be his first text to her). And he definitely wasn’t prepared to see her looking so damn good. He was smitten.
1, 2, 3!
Alex counted them off before Luke took it away. Julie was nervous to hear them. What if they were absolutely terrible and then they asked for her opinion? She couldn’t lie; oh god, what if they really were bad?
Take off, last stop
Countdown till we blast open the top
Face first, full charge
Electric hammer to the heart
Julie’s jaw literally dropped open.
Holy shit, they were good. Luke was amazing!
The butterflies she felt in her stomach earlier came back full force. She was falling for an adorable rockstar and she had no intentions of stopping herself.
Clocks move forward
But we don’t get older, no
Kept on climbing
Till our stars collided
And all the times we fell behind
Were just the keys to paradise
Julie could do nothing more than stare in amazement. Her whole table (and the whole club) was up on their feet cheering on the band. She, however, could not bring her limbs to move because she was just so enthralled by their energetic performance. She longed to feel what they felt; to be able to get up on stage and perform so seamlessly. But that was a story for another day.
Don’t look down
‘Cause we’re still rising Up right now
And even if we hit the ground
We’ll still fly
Keep dreaming like we’ll live forever
But live it like it’s now or never
By the time the chorus came around, her whole table was fist pumping and head banging. To her surprise, even Nick seemed to be enjoying himself (although, she’s sure he’ll deny it to the death). As the song continued, Julie couldn’t help but dance in tune to the song. In fact, Julie was on her feet for the entire set, and by the end, she was even more hooked than she was before. There was something about watching Luke sing and play his guitar (without sleeves of course). This just meant his biceps were on full display and of course, he was all sweaty and by the end, Julie couldn’t look him in the eye without her breath catching in her throat.
“We’re Sunset Curve! Thank you very much, and have a good night!”
The boys all dipped in a bow before running off the stage, smiles and all.
“Oh my god,” Carrie murmured, turning to Julie; she definitely didn’t want Nick listening to her next words. “Julie, he is perfect for you. I haven’t even properly met him, but he is so perfect for you! That was so amazing!”
Julie appreciated her enthusiasm, but it only made her more nervous. “This honestly just made it even more painfully obvious that he is way out of my league.”
“Excuse me?” Carrie hissed. “Where is the badass girl who told him off on that soccer field? I need her back because there is no one out of your league. You’re Julie; you’re amazing and I need you to know that.”
Julie was blushing again. “Carrie…” she groaned.
“Nope, I don’t want to hear it!” Carrie cut her off with a sharp tone. “And if it helps, there was dozens of people in this room, and he only seemed to have eyes for you.”
If she wasn’t blushing then, she definitely was now. And it certainly didn’t help when she saw Luke and the guys exiting backstage and making their way over in all their sweaty glory.
“That was awesome!” Willie was the first one to break the silence, jumping up and giving Alex a hug and a sweet kiss. God, they were so adorable.
Flynn immediately jumped into work mode. “That was killer, you guys! I’ll edit this video tomorrow and we can post it to your YouTube channel,” her eyes flickered over to Carrie with a shocked expression. “Speaking of, how could I forget? Tell me more about Dirty Candy!”
Carrie’s face lit up. “Oh my god, you know about that?”
“Know about it? Girl, Alex and I dance to your routines all the time!” Flynn exclaimed excitedly. “How the hell did he not make the connection when he met you earlier? Tell me more!”
Julie quickly tuned them out; it’s not that she didn’t like Dirty Candy, she was just so distracted with Luke and everything about him. He was currently chugging a water bottle and Julie’s focus was lost once again. She didn’t realize he was speaking to her until he was right beside her.
“Julie? You okay?” He asked with a concerned expression.
“What?” She blurted, blinking rapidly. A slow smile spread across his lips and she nearly fainted. “Sorry, I was just in my head — Luke, that was amazing. You definitely underplayed the whole band thing. You guys could really be something.”
Luke’s eyes softened and for a moment, she was the only person in the room. It was the sweetest thing she could say and she didn’t even know it. “Hey, you want to take a walk real quick? I just need some air.”
“Yeah,” Julie nodded, biting her lip. She whispered where she was going into Carrie’s ear and pointedly ignored her smirk. She also avoided looking at Nick, but noticed Luke sending him a nod (seriously, what was it with these guys and nodding?).
Luke led her out back, into an old but spacious alley; they walked side by side, silently. “I didn’t know you were coming today,” he told her, but then cringed at how bad it sounded. “Not that I didn’t want you here! I — I did, I just didn’t know how to —”
“It’s okay, Luke,” she giggled, “I happened to see Alex today at Mel’s and he invited Carrie and me. I was a little nervous though, because I hadn’t heard from you since.”
Luke cringed again. “And I’m sorry about that. I’ve been wanting to message you, but I didn’t want to mess it up or say something stupid. I’m really good at that.”
“I’ve noticed,” Julie teased and he sent her an affronted look. “It’s okay, Alex explained that too.”
Luke rolled his eyes. “Stupid Alex,” he muttered under his breath. “I’m really glad you came though.”
Julie made the mistake of sparing a glance in his direction and she caught his intense gaze; it was captivating. “Me too,” she replied honestly, “you guys were so amazing. I was so nervous it was going to suck and I’d have to lie to your face.”
She literally couldn’t believe she said that out loud.
But Luke was laughing and she couldn’t help but laugh along with him. “Well, I’m glad we don’t suck that bad.”
“Are you kidding me? You don’t suck at all; that was — wow, I can’t even form words.”
They found themselves heading back in the direction of King’s, and Luke knew he was running out of time with Julie.
“Uh, Julie — I know we haven’t known each other for long, and I’ve been kind of terrible at keeping in touch, but uh —” He was growing more nervous by the second, but Julie looked at him with soft features. “Would you like to go out on a date with me?”
Julie knew they had chemistry; she knew there was something there. And as much as she was hoping for it, she was still floored when he actually asked. It was a pleasant surprise though; she found herself smiling before she could even form words.
“Yeah, Luke, I would love it.”
The grin he sent her in response made her heart flutter. When he gently grabbed her hand to walk the rest of the way back, she welcomed it with an open palm. It was peaceful and quiet and she loved every minute of it.
When Luke opened the back door and waited for her to file in before him, he couldn’t help but lean in close and whisper into her ear, “by the way, you look absolutely stunning tonight.”
She squeaked in response, to which he only laughed and led them back to their friends. They quickly bid each other goodnight (but not before exchanging numbers — Flynn was adamant), and Julie sported a smile the entire way home.
oh my god, i loved how adorable this was.. i was literally melting when i was writing the end
i hope you all liked it!!! next chapter is their date!!!
drop a comment if you want to be added to the tag list :)
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aprils-arcadia · 4 years
By the River
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Member: Shownu Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1,9k Summary: You watch the sunrise from your favorite place in your hometown, when you are suddenly interrupted by a handsome stranger. 
She was sitting on the little concrete slope near the river. Once it was probably used to let boats into the water, but that had stopped even before she was born. Now it was just one of the nicest places to sit and think. With the river to her right and the embankment to her left she was surrounded by trees in this little nook.  
She used to come here quite often when she still lived nearby with her parents but by now she had moved into the city and the visits to her parents were less frequent than she was comfortable with. Work had taken up way too much of her life and driving home with public transport had always been a hassle. So over time the visits got rarer and rarer, making her miss this place and her parents even more. No matter where she went she always treasured this little fleck of earth in the town she grew up in and spent so many happy years of her childhood. Whenever she came back a smile always adorned her face no matter if it was snowing, bright sunshine, or raining like it just had a second ago.   
It had been a nice summer shower, washing away the dust and the dry heat. Unfortunately it was over before it even really began. Her clothes had already dried within the last few minutes but the remaining raindrops on the embankment still glistened in the now returned sun. 
This wasn’t a famous tourist spot or a hotspot of the local youth, no this was her secret spot. The spot she spent so many hours as a kid, talking to her friends or just being alone with her thoughts. In this little niche beside the river she had her privacy. If she wanted to cry nobody would notice and if she laughed nobody would care. 
It had been the right choice to take the week off, to get away from work and to spend her little vacation here, right where she would always belong. The week housesitting for her parents brought back so many memories, memories that were still ever present in the house itself, be it the old photobooks in her dad’s office or the big framed picture depicting all her family members, her uncles, her cousins and she herself: A young girl forced to wear a dress to look pretty but her hair the usual unkempt mess. She was sitting next to her mom and desperately tried to hide a patched-up finger behind her back but the white bandages still shone brightly next to her dark blue dress.
She stretched her arms into the air and a yawn escaped her mouth. It had been worth getting up at 5 a.m., seeing the sun rise over the horizon, colouring the sky in a bright orange was a sight that was worth every minute of lost sleep. She probably should go back to get ready for the day but not yet, instead she rolled her jacket into a little pillow and layed down on the hard concrete, the tiny stones hurting her back a little but not enough to make her want to leave. She closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath. The earthy smell of petrichor and the fresh scent of the river filled her lungs and she smiled to herself. 
She truly loved this place. 
The sound of the steady waves lapping on to the shore whenever a boat went past, the screeching of the lone seagull that had made its way down south and the rustling of the wind in the leaves around her lulled her into a comfortable nothingness.
Her reverie was interrupted by an unfamiliar smell and the sound of the dry grass being crunched under someone’s feet. Lazily she opened her eyes only to look up at a young man around her age. 
"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you.” He took a step back. “I'd better leave". 
"No worries." She sat up and turned around to look at him properly. He was wearing a pair of black running shorts and a black sleeveless top. His hair was disheveled and still wet either from the rain or from the sweat that was also running down his arms making them shimmer in the morning sun. “I wasn't really sleeping and I should probably leave soon anyway."
"I didn't mean to drive you away. It's not like I own the place." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled shyly. 
"True" she giggled. He looked kind and trusting. His eyes radiated a calm and warm aura that made her feel instantly comfortable around him. "Do you wanna sit down?"
"Yeah, if you wouldn't mind." He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair, so that it no longer stuck to his forehead but now lay in strands. 
She scooted over and gestured at him to sit down. "Not at all. There’s plenty of room for the both of us." 
He sat down next to her, adjusting a bit so that their shoulders would be far enough apart.
"I'm sorry that this is gonna sound like one of those cheesy pick up lines but do you come here often?" A sweet laugh left her mouth, as warm as the summer sun. "Cheesy doesn't necessarily mean bad, I mean that one's a classic.” 
"No,” He corrected quickly “I just meant that I've never seen you around here." 
"I used to live here when I was younger,” She brushed off the sand from her calves and unfolded her little jacket pillow. “Now I'm just housesitting. What about you?" She looked into his eyes as if it was the most natural thing, somehow awkwardness never crossed her mind.
"I've discovered this place on one of my morning runs.” He leaned forward to tighten the knot on his bright blue sneakers. "And now I always stop by here each morning when I'm done."
"If you say so.” He smiled at her, his face losing all its rough features instantly. “I just really like this place.” His gaze wandered over to the water that was slowly receding only to be pushed back onto the shore. "It's nice to just sit, watch the waves and just be for a second."
"I agree.” she said. “Nobody really bothers you, well normally at least." She scrunched up her nose and they both laughed.   
“Yeah, sorry about that.” he apologized, still smiling brightly.
“Soo…” she leaned back examining his broad back and shoulders trying to read the letters that were printed on his shirt. “Sho-”
“-Shownu.” he finished. 
“So, what brings you to this neck of the woods, Shownu? I mean there isn't really anything here.” Her hometown had always been a place for old people, sure they had an elementary school but that was about it. The local businesses were slowly moving to the city and apart from one big company, a few bakers and supermarkets it was pretty much just a residential area. No nightlife, on the contrary even, this neck of the woods still clung to their night and sunday rest rules so tightly that loud music after 10 p.m. could easily be answered by the old lady two houses over calling the police on you. The cinema in the nearest town had gone bankrupt and you had to drive half an hour by bus to even get to a decent clothing store. It was no wonder that everyone moved to the city when they finally got the chance.  
"Well, I got seconded here a few months back. I work over there.” He pointed to the big building visible on the horizon on the other side of the river. “I found a nice flat on this side so I just took it. The ferry isn’t that bad of a commute”
“I loved to ride the ferry as a kid.” She said enthusiastically, remembering all the times she went over to the other side to go to the beach or to walk around with her friends and their dogs.  
“Well it gets old rather quickly I can tell you. But the water and the fresh air is a nice wake up on an early morning.” He leaned back steading himself on his hands. 
“And how do you like it here so far?” she asked, playing around with the little blade of grass she had plucked to her right. 
“To be honest, in the beginning it was quite the change. I grew up in a big city and was always so used to the bustle on the streets and the huge amount of people. This is the complete opposite. I mean I once went a day without seeing another human soul on the streets. It had quite the apocalyptic vibe.” He laughed. 
“It probably just meant that the local football team was playing.” She shrugged. Those had been the best days, when almost everyone was out and no one roamed the streets anymore. As a child she used those days to play badminton in the streets with her brother or go for a walk without ever meeting anyone. It was a nice change of pace each time. 
“That makes sense. Anyway it’s actually really nice to live here.”
“Why is that? I mean I know my reason but I’d like to hear yours.” The blade of grass in her hand was now a tiny ball of knots. She put it down beside her and gave it a little flick, watching it roll down the concrete and into the water. 
“I think it’s quite idyllic. When I lived in the city everything seemed so cold, distant and impersonal. In comparison this place feels unbelievably warm. This is probably gonna sound stupid but it feels loved”
She didn’t answer. Instead she just looked at his profile, at the kindness in his eyes and let his words slowly sink in. This place feels loved. To hear someone else say this made her incredibly happy. 
“Sorry that was a bit weird.” he said sitting back up, looking at her. 
“No, not at all.” She let her head sink between her knees looking out onto the shoreline and the line of grasses which gently swayed in the wind.
“I’m really telling you everything here, huh” he chuckled a little shyly and rubbed the back of his head. 
“Sure seemed that way.” she smiled. 
“Must be this place, makes it way too easy to open up to a complete stranger. Well now you owe me one. What brought you back here?”
“Since we are already on the sappy side of things I can just hop onto the train.” She took a deep breath and sighed “I miss this place. It makes life seem so simple and easy. I can forget about work and the stress of the city when I come here.” She smiled, more to herself that to anybody and her eyes were clouded with nostalgia. “In the end it’s home, simple as that.” 
Without warning a loud ringing tone interrupted their conversation. “Oh sh*t.” Shownu got up, quickly turning off the alarm on his phone. “I’m sorry to just leave like this.”
“Nah it’s fine. Wouldn’t want you to be late for work. I better get going as well.” She got up and wrapped her jacket around her hips.
“Hope to see you again soon” he said and sprinted off. 
Me too, she thought. Maybe just now she found another reason to come back here more often. 
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Twisted Wonderland OCs; Ignatius Aquarii and Kelly Linette
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{Art Credit: Pic crew}
Twisted from Maui from Moana
Name: Ignatius Aquarii
Name meaning: Ignatius; Means fiery one, I chose this name for him as Maui’s name meant “the god of fire” so I tried to choose a name somewhat similar ( hopefully)  Aquarii; I took Ignatius’s surname from one of the brightest stars in his zodiac sign; Aquarius, the star’s full name is ‘beta Aquarii’ 
 Age: 16 
Birthday: February 9  
Star sign: Aquarius 
Myers Briggs Personality Type: ESTP- A
Alinement: Chaotic good 
Gender: Male  
Height: 184cm (6ft)
Hair Color: White  #ffffff  with strands of very pale blue hair  #ebebff
Eye Colour: Very light blue  #94caff
Dominate Hand: Ambidextrous
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene   
Species: Human
School: Noble Swan University
Dorm: Riffmond
Year: 1st
Occupation: Student 
Club: Basketball club 
Best Subject:  Practical magic
Favorite Food: Sashimi, Unagi (freshwater eel), roast or fried chicken
Least Favorite Food: Fried Eggs 
Likes: tattoos, The beach, Telling/ Boasting about his achievements.
Dislikes: People who don’t walk the talk ( In other words, People who does not do what one said one could do, or would do, not just making empty promises. ), nagging
Hobby: Surfing, Playing the guitar, DJ’ing
Talents: Shadow puppets,  Arcade games, Lock picking
Unique Magic: ink world
Ignatius has the ability to send people into an ‘ink world’  in their minds, which leaves them in a vulnerable and dazed state. To explain in detail, the person Ignatius uses his unique magic on, turns unresponsive as if they are in a trance. ( For example In the song “ You’re welcome” Moana was in a different (?) world in her head while her body was spun into a cave so that Maui could steal her boat. )
Ignatius is Tall and pretty muscular, with naturally tanned skin. He has light cyan-ish eyes that are slightly pointed and upturned, his hair is white with strands of very pale blue hair, that is brushed back, he has a short blue braid hanging down the right side of his face. Ignatius has many ear piercings and Tattoos, ( on his upper body, neck, chest, arms ) he proudly displays them by wearing a black singlet, and an unbuttoned white collared shirt that is slightly pulled down to show off the tattoos he got on his shoulder. He wears black cargo pants that are secured with a black belt  and are tucked into military boots. His purple dorm ribbon is tied on one of the belt loops (?). He also dons many silver rings and an enchanted charm bracelet made by Kelly. 
Ignatius gives off a rather..hmm what’s that word...oh oh! F-boy impression, as he’s always teasing and seems to not be serious about anything, but he’s actually quite a sweetheart, going out of his way to help people he considers friends, though he may be quite mischievous and tactless. Ignatius is rather boastful and egotistical, which would usually lead people like him into trouble since he’s a quite rash person,  but he doesn’t get into physical fights, he usually uses his unique magic to just embarrass the person in some way. Though Ignatius make act like a dumb dumb sometimes, he’s actually really smart, both street smart and academically, in terms of grades he comes in fourth place in his level. He can be rather perceptive too and will show care and concern for those he cares about, but mostly prefers to keep things fast-paced and silly rather than emotional or serious. 
Ignatius’s mother remarried a wealthy business man a few years after Ignatius was born. ( Ignatius’s father passed away before he was born) As Ignatius’s step-father didn’t have any kids of his own, he doted a lot on Ignatius, thus spoiling him a lot. Ever since Ignatius was young he showed a lot of potential and talent of being a good wizard, thus receiving a lot of praise from his parents, teachers, and friends. This soon got to his head, and he became very arrogant and disrespectful towards people he considered ‘lower’ than himself, he lost a lot of friends in the process, and was out casted by most of them. At first Ignatius  acted like he was fine with people ignoring him, though he actually felt a bit lonely inside. Soon he grew tired of people out casting him but was too prideful to apologize, so he decided to play truant, his mindset was changed after meeting an ‘angel’ during one of his escapes.
-Ignatius is ambidextrous but prefers to use his left hand.
-He has 10 ear piercings in total, and over 16 tattoos
-He got his first tattoo at 13 years old ( His mother screamed at him when she found out )
-He has 1 ‘magic tattoo’ on his arm of a mini him, Ignatius will ‘activate’ mini Ignatius to dance and perform on the other tattoos he has to entertain people.
-Kelly used to be the one who’ll braid his hair but since they’re in different dorms, he recently learned to do it himself.
-Ignatius is horrible at cooking thus he hates fried eggs as he doesn’t know how to control the heat, so his eggs always end up burnt.
-Ignatius would be in Scarabia if he went to NRC
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{ART CREDIT: top-left to right; Drawing done by me ( I know it sucks..sorry for scaring your eyes), Picture from V roid Mobile, Picture from Pic crew. Middle-Left to right; Yerenica from seduce the villain’s father ( I thought they looked pretty similar! Hence why I used her photo here.), Kelly’s uniform link here!, Yerenica, Bottom-Left to right; V roid mobile, Yerenica, V roid mobile}
Name: Kelly Linette 
Name meaning: Kelly; Means warrior or Bright minded ( In Kelly’s case I wanted to utilize both meanings in her name, As I wanted her to be both smart and strong, someone who does not give up easily, and uses her wit and intelligence to solve problems.)   Linette; Means pretty one. The name is also derived from a songbird, the Linnet. ( I wanted to use this as her surname as I wanted her to be pretty  I wanted this to symbolize how she’s good at singing, like how linnet birds are known for their melodious voices.)
Age: 15 (She’s a year younger as she skipped a level/grade)
Myers Briggs Personality Type: ENFJ- T
Alinement: Neutral Good
Gender: Female
Height: 147 cm ( 4′10ft  ) 
Hair Color:  Very pale pink  #ffe9f0
Eye colour: Very light Cyan  #87d6eb
Dominate Hand: Right
Homeland: Empire of Fortune 
Species: Human
School: Noble Swan University
Dorm: Briable
Year: 1st
Occupation: Student, famous singer
Club: Board Game Club
Best Subject: Magical Enchantments 
Favorite Food:  Strawberry and Milk Kakigori  , Spicy food
Least Favorite Food: Cilantro
Likes: Winning, free time
Dislikes: Disappointing others/letting people down, People who shrink away from their responsibilities.
Hobby: Making enchanted Charm bracelets, exercising  
Talents: Singing, weight lifting, reading and manipulating people
Unique Magic: Lucky Stars 
Kelly’s Unique Magic is called “Lucky Stars”. This ability gives her an automatic and continuous supply of good luck, she’s able to use this ability by saying  “ Star light, star bright, The first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight” , whenever she recites this things will always turn in her favor, be it a test or a battle, her wishes will always come true, she is able to project this into her charm bracelets, though it’s not as effective and acts more like warding charm, she’s only able to use her unique magic for a total of 40 minutes in a day, as it takes a lot of magic and effort to keep it up.
Kelly is short and petite, with a very fair complexion. She has long pastel pink hair that is styled in a half-up do tied with her dorm ribbon, her hair ends below her butt. She has big doe like eyes that are a pale cyan, which are framed by long and thick eyelashes.(very pretty! I wanna be pretty too~~) She has a very innocent doll-like appearance. She wears grey checkered uniform ( uniform in the picture! but the skirt ends around her mid-thigh) with a ribbon of her dorm colour, tied around her collar and is secured with a white and gold brooch, she wears black mary jane shoes with lacey white ankle socks.  She has a very ethereal-angel-ish vibe overall. 
Kelly is very kind and understanding person, accepting everyone as they are and doesn’t judge anyone, she’s a passionate altruist, warm and selfless, sometimes even to a fault. However, Kelly is quite manipulative, she’s gifted in people reading and is natural-born leader, full of passion, charismatic charm and a natural confidence that begets influence, she isn’t always manipulating people to hurt them or for personal gain, she simply wants people to do more or better because it will benefit them or help them realize some potential. She’s likeable and trustworthy and, as a result, others are generally compelled to listen and follow her. Though Kelly can and will purposely manipulate those who treat her friends badly. Kelly has good control of her behavior and words, but she will purposely snap to those who try to use her or her friends, before simply covering up her actions with her silver tongue. “ Can’t you put on a better show for me? pretty please!” * Smiles cutely*  Despite having a natural confidence, she defines her self-esteem by whether she’s are able to live up to others’ ideals, so she’s quite insecure, always wondering about what she could’ve done better. If she fails to meet a goal or people’s expectations of her, her self-confidence will undoubtedly plummet.
Kelly came from quite a normal family, if having renowned parents were considered normal at least, her father was a famous fashion designer and her mother, a world-wide known actress, both ‘fell in love’ after Kelly’s mother was scouted as the main model for her father’s brand.  Since Kelly’s parents were very prominent people in the entertainment world, she been in the spotlight since she was born. As both of Kelly’s parents were workaholics, she was often brought along business trips and photoshoots, she was famous among scouters for her beauty and sweet voice, thus it wasn’t long before Kelly herself was offered contracts. One of her contracts required her to go to the Land of Pyroxene for an advertisement, where she met a peculiar boy.
- Kelly has a insanely high spice tolerance, she can probably eat a Carolina reaper like it’s a snack.
- Kelly doesn’t know how to use social media so she doesn’t have a magicam account...(yet)
- 1st in her grade for studies. 
- Kelly has wavy hair that tangles easily, it may look super soft to run your fingers through-and it is-only if you can get through the knots first.
- Kelly is very innocent she doesn’t understand about  *cough reproduction cough* 
- Isn’t educated in the way of memes, trends, vines, slang.
- Kelly is gifted in singing, but she’s horrible with music instruments.
- Known as the ‘Angel’ in NSU.
- F e n c i n g 
- Kelly may be small in size, but she’s surprisingly strong! She could probably carry Jack around all day if she wanted to.
-Puppy dog eyes 24/7
- Kelly sucks at computer games or any online game.
@twistinghearts   @nobleswansong​ ( Hehe! I was anon who asked if I could tag you! I hope these OCs aren’t made super badly...)
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 years
imagine taking rapper jake home to meet your parents.
i’m so sorry for the delay, anon! <3 buckle up, it got long and i’m emo!!!!! lil jakey jakes meeting your parents was not something i thought i’d cry about right now but here i am. i listened to nothing’s gonna hurt you baby by cigarettes after sex if you want to vibe with me!
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jake swore he was about to shit his pants when you reminded him of the dinner with your parents.
he ran all over his house, searching for nothing and everything at oncel. one second it was his tie, the next his phone and after that his keys. he was just so terrified. he wanted to leave a good impression.
he dressed up like he was going to the oscars. he put on a suit, a new one he got tailored to his body just for the occasion. he covered all of his tattoos, with those long sleeves. he hid his chain under the color of the shirt you buttoned lovingly. he went to the barbershop too, he got a fresh cut and his beard neat. he looked like a movie star and even if this was not the man with whom you fell in love, you still loved this new persona.
“you’re so stressed that i’m stressed” you’d scream at him while he paced around the bedroom as you put on a simple outfit, some jeans and a button up shirt too. dresses felt too formal. it was your parents, not the pope. “we’re not going. i’m calling them and i’ll say i’m sick”.
jake stopped moving and protested. “if i wanna ask your father for your hand, i better know how he looks like first. if he likes golf, i’m out”.
the joke was unexpected, but it made both of you laugh. he kept bringing up marriage. it was like a running gag, but it felt more and more real. one day you would be called mrs gyllenhaal. and this day would not happen if you died from a heart attack because you couldn’t face the judgement of your parents.
so jake waited for you in the car. he picked a black jaguar, he didn’t want to be too obnoxious. he had the head lights shining bright and blinked them so you pretended to walk like a model and twirl in front of the car before you sat on the passenger seat. “so fuckin’ gorgeous.” jake said and noticed you, too, wore the chain he got you for your birthday. he stretched his arm out to play with it lightly and then proceeded to drive to your parents’ house.
he stopped in the drive way. it was a tiny home, very old with a bunch of flower pots that were wrapped up for the winter. it was lovely already. jake stopped the car and took deep breaths.
“you sound like you’re about to get into labor”
“it’s a neat trick you’ll have to try it”
and you both breathed fast like two freaks in the car while the music was playing in the background. some U2 song. it calmed the two of you down. when you got out of the car, jake immediately grabbed your hand. he needed the comfort.
you were about to ring the door bell when your mother slammed the door open and wrapped you in a tight hug.
jake smiled and looked behind her. he waved at your father.
“mom, dad, this is my boyfriend, jake. jake, this is my mom and dad.”
“hi mom, hi dad” jake replied and it made the two of them laugh.
jake wanted to bring champagne and flowers, but you convinced him to not do too much. your parents were simple people. they would be happy as long as jake didn’t tease you from under the table (the jeans were definitely a good option) or mentioned politics. 
“our daughter has told us a lot about you” your mother said “yeah, we heard you are a singer? isn’t that the dream” your father added
“yeah.” jake smiled awkwardly and took a sip from the glass of water you both shared. you were sitting on his lap, on the love seat of the small living room. your parents asked him tons of questions. he answered them genuinely. he asked them questions too. he was relieved to find out your father preferred hockey to golf.
you sat around the table. it was weird that the fourth chair of the dining table was finally used.
none of your previous relationships lasted long enough to reach this level of intimacy. sex was one thing, but meeting your parents? that was a HUGE deal.
jake behaved like the best man in the world. he complimented the food. it was just simple spaghetti and storebought garlic bread. but it tasted like love and home. he asked for two other plates. your mom even reached to wipe his chin from the tomato sauce.
it filled him with joy. he had a tough relationship with his own family and he felt like he fit right in with yours.
you watched jake with heart eyes. he was so happy to explain his art and craft to your father who kept asking him if he had met blake shelton or the backstreet boys. you know, hip people. jake laughed and shook his head. he didn’t bother explaining that he sang about filthy things the two of you did. he was happy they considered his job as valid. he was not a carpenter or a doctor. but he was happy to spoil you nonetheless.
“you’re doing great” you’d whisper to jake.
everything was fine. until your mom pulled out the baby photos albums. THE SHAME.
“look at that tiny baby booty!” jake pointed and melted. “toohtless! that gums only look, can’t wait to see it again when we’re old and grumpy.” he pulled out a photo. you were wearing matching ugly yellow zipped hoodie and plaid pants. you were holding a teddy bear of the same colour as the one he got you for your birthday. behind the photography it was written happy y/n at the park with her best friend. he asked if he could keep it. your parents agreed. (it was his phone home screen from now on, your lock screen being a post sex glow photo when he could see a tiny drop of cum at the corner of your eye, it was still cute to him). “so she’s always been bad at cooking?” he said and laughed when you found a picture of you and your grandparents where you held a plate of burnt cookies. “hey, not cool! i was only seven!” you pushed him gently. “look at you now, you burn bread in the toaster”. your parents were the ones who melted now.
“so, jacob...”
jake insisted that it was fine your father called him by his full name.
the two of you were so stressed out. the tone of your father’s voice was suddenly heavy and scary.
“does it hurt to get tattoos?”
jake squinted and you coughed loud enough to cover the whispered what the fuck that came out of his open mouth. his sleeves were rolled up and exposing the ink. “i mean, yeah, it hurts a lot. it’s worth it though. i feel like an art collector.”
“in my young days, i’ve always wanted a tattoo. i got the concept. this lovely lady as a pin up girl, quite impressive, huh?.” he winked at your mom who blushed while you tried everything you could not to throw up.
jake rolled his sleeve a little higher and pointed at a spot near the veins of the inside of his arm, close to the elbow. he got the outline of a heart tattooed. you noticed how wobbly the lines were, that’s because it was the heart you always drew at the end of your notes that you left him when you were gone or when he was out working. “that’s my favourite.”
THE WAY YOU JUST BURST INTO TEARS and your mom shouted “time for dessert!”
great timing.
“our daughter told us you loved m&m’s”.
jake turned to look at you. you shrugged.
your mother came back with chocolate cake on which she had sprinked crushed m&m pieces on the frosting.
jake asked to get the biggest slice. “that’s the best fuckin’ cake i’ve had in my whole life.” (which was a lie because the best cake was your ass but details) he said, his mouth full. your mother laughed and your father agreed. they began talking about hockey when your mother asked for your help in the kitchen.
“if we learned anything from you,” she started and handed you a plate to dry. you hated to do the dishes, especially if you were to be lectured like a child. “it’s to never judge people by their covers. we love jake. he’s good to you. you’re good to him.”
you hugged your mom and the two of you cried so loudly that jake dropped his spoon. he thought something bad happened. that you cut yourself with the butter knife or something.
“welcome to the family, jake.” your father squeezed jake’s shoulder as you walked back to him to press a kiss on his cheek.
it was now time to leave, after hours and hours of anecdotes from your childhood or from the time you were convinced you’d marry brad pitt or when you put eyeshadow in your hair to act like you dyed them to be punk but it was raining that day and you came back looking like a sad frosty rainbow.
“you’re my favourite person.” jake told you when he gave you his vest as a coat. it was chilly outside.
you all hugged and shook hands, promising to come back soon for brunch. jake told them he’d make his famous pancakes.
“hold on!” jake exclaimed and pulled you by the arm. you followed him back in the kitchen and he fed you a spoon of the cake. you fed him one in return again. “tastes almost as good as your pussy” he whispered in your ear and kissed your chocolate covered lips.
you finally left the house, waving from the car at your parents who stood on the porch. they seemed satisfied. and you? you had never been more in love.
“can’t wait to rip those tight jeans off your body and fuck you like a bitch.” jake winked and started to drive away. “i’m looking forward to the toothless viagra boosted blowjobs too, that’s gonna feel divine.” 
you slapped his thigh and he moaned in pain. you rested your hand there and he brought it to his lips, planting a soft kiss.
“welcome to the family.” you repeated.
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freshstartbaby · 4 years
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🎧 Onyeka - Burna Boy
I woke up in my bed. Faded as ever. Sunlight was already invinting itself in my room. I wonder what time is it if it is already that sunny. I tapped the mattress to find my phone. After fews seconds I grabbed it and made the screen turn on. 8:20. Woaw it's early. We came back at the villa at like 5am so I didn't thought that I will wake up this soon. I rubbed my eyes and stood up, grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom. I put an oversized t shirt and went downstairs. It seemed like no one was up yet. I went to the kitchen and decided to cook breakfast. I hope they will enjoy it. I like to see my friends happy. I started grab fruits, juice, milk, cup and all I need. I was beginning to make waffle dough when a voice raise
« Hi Rob » Florian said smiling and taking of his airpods
I looked up at him and smiled back
« Well good morning to you Florian »
He came by my side and kiss my cheek while putting a hand on my waist. Boooooooy 🥵
« Don't you wear t-shirt sometimes ? »
He laughed and stepped back
« I do wear clothes » he said as he took a seat « Mhh not right now obviously » I rolled my eyes. He was shirtless again. Like boy you trying to get raped or something ? « I was working out « he said taking his phone « mhh, you're an early bird » I said nobbing my head and got back to the dough
I started chop fruits when he spoke up
« @MlleRob »
I looked up at him again, knowing that it was my ig nickname
« 567 followers, following 407, ok let me see that » « Are you checking on my Instagram just in front of me ? » I said putting the knife in the table « Yup » « You got some nerve » I said shaking my head « You should accepted me faster »he said winking at me « I was waiting to know you better ! » « Suuuuuure » it said sniffing sarcastically « Oh ok I see you got a worked feed, black and white stuff » « Can you not do that ? It's super annoying » « Ok ok I stop, I'm heading to the shower anyway » « Yea that's right, do that, because I can feel you from here » I said laughing, I wasn't smelling him a little
I looked at him to make sure that he understood that I was joking. He looked back at me, nobbed is head like « oh ok so you playin ? » and came behind me. I twisted a little, kept my eyes on him knowing by his glance that I was in trouble. He turned me back straight to my first position, sticked his body to my back, putted his large hands on my waist and hips and bring his mouth to my right ear
« Like last night ? » he whispered
At this point I was helpess. My body tensed up because I was surprised, tetanized and fucking turned on.
« Huh ? » he mumbled waiting for an answer and now sticking his hips to my butt. One of his hand touch my bare thigh and start raising up my shirt. « Ok playboy I was joking go take your shower » I said find a way to come back to reality, faced him and pushed him back softly « Oh you want to be less smart now ? » he said laughing « Just go » I said waiting for him to leave the kitchen before I went back to cooking
Ok i stop you here : nothing happened last night. We just danced. We danced a lot. We had fun really. When he talked about last night he was surely talking about a little accident. It wasn't an real accident I mean. There was dancehall session, I grinded on him for few songs and I felt an erection. It's all. I enjoyed a moment and and told him I was sorry. He excused himself. I felt like the situation made him uncomfortable so I try to reassure him that it wasn't a big deal I mean 🤷🏾‍♀️. We then decided to go back to our seat and talked.
As I ended the breakfast I took a story un put it on ig. I washed my hands and went upstairs to wake up those sleeping heads. I knocked at doors and shakes/carressed them a little with a bright smile telling them that breakfast was ready. Who doesn't want to be wake this way. People always tell that I'm an Ice Queen but the one I love ? Man, pure softness. I went downstairs and start to eat. Yea yea I want to be nice but I'm staving. They arrived slowly and amazed by what was waiting for them. Everyone was here, only Florian was misssing. I took a bite of bacon and saw him arrived.
« Wassup guys » he said « Well I was woke up by a sweet angel telling me that breakfast was made so I'm great » Eve said, she then looked back at Raymond and told him « I want to be wake up like that now » « For suuuuuure » Raymond said raising his eyes « What were you doing «  I questioned Florian « I called my mama » « Owwwwwww » we all shooted in choir « What ? She was checking me out, and I miss her «  he said laughing
We kept eating and talking about what we wanted to do for the day. It will definitely be a beach day. We didn't decided yet if we wanted to do jet ski or quad but we needed adrenaline. We got ready and headed to the beach.
When we got there, we played like kids. The vacay vibe was on top. We built sand castle, jumped in water, taned, bought snowballs. Perfect beach moment. During the all time my eyes kept betraying me watching Florian. Thanks god I kept my sunglasses. I meaaaaan
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What make me laugh the most was that some woman came to him while he was laying down or talking with the boys. He talked to them, he seemed relaxed I even saw him laugh. Like 3 or 5 times. I saw him get the phone of one of them and start typing things. So what makes me laugh was how I felt. Like I could feel my neck srinked and my hands get on fire. You see that exactly why I don't like to appreciate someone too fast. I wasn't pissed, I was more a decepointed. Robyn can you ear yourself, not a week has passed since you know him and you are already decepointed. What a shame. I whipped my hand to clean them from sand and went lay down. A little nap never kill nobody. Let's not mess the mood.
I was laying down when I saw someone if front of the sunlight. I didn't move, thinking that the person will move. But I felt water drip on my skin as a cold and wet hand touch my waist. I quickly opened my eyes, surprise by the feeling when I saw Florian above me. I softly pushed him to the side, so he stopped wetting me (and I took the opportunity to touch his arms).
« You're wetting me » I said « Sorry » he said softly
I took the hand who was resting on my waist and put it on the towel. He needed to stop touching me like this. Even more if it was to flirt with the first woman who came holla at him.
« What do you want » « We're doing a volley match, you want to join us ? » he said, his tone reflect the surprise that I pushed him back « No I'm good thank you «  I  mumbled « Sure ? »
I nodded my head and licked my lips waiting him to go away. He stayed a little watching me. It was becoming akward so pushed down my sunglasses eying him like « what do you want, again ? ». I pouted his face, kissed my cheek and left. I watched him join the party as I put back my sunglasses. Fuckboy.
The rest of the day was cool. We went to a restaurant for lunch it was delicious. We finally decided to do some quad. It was scary and fucking exciting. We took a bunch of photos and went back home. During the afternoon I tried to not giving to much attention to Florian. It was this kind of behavior who made me feel sad after all so if I take my distances it could be easier. I felt him watching my movement sometimes but I didn't watch him back. Let's slow down a little.
Tonight we wanted to go party again. We got ready, picked a club / restaurant more local this time. I was in my bedroom, putting on my shoes and checked on me a last time.
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I went downstairs finding only Florian on the couches. Of course. He raise his eyes as my heels were meeting the ground. He watched me go downstairs and stood up. I approached the couches and watched him eyebrow frowned
« Why are you sitting up ? » i asked sitting down « Mh I don't know, mmh you look stunning « he said putting his hand on the back of his neck and sitting down to « Thank you, you look great to »
He had a set with a short burgundy sleeve shirt, a chino and a white t-shirt. I was wondering witch colour do not fit him. More over his skin was starting to became golder with the tan. I was scrolling my screen when he told me
« I didn't take a picture with you today » « It's true » I mumbled
I finally looked at him seeing him with an arm reached to me. I watched it and stepped closer to him, trying not to look upset. Why the fuck should I be upset, get yourself together Robyn. I stayed on his side eying his phone trying to look cute on selfies
« Did I do something wrong ? « he questioned watching me « No why «  I bitted my lips « I don't know, I felt like you were avoiding me today » « No » I lied « Look if it is because of what I did in the kitchen this morning, I'm so sorry I didn't want to embarrassed you, really I would never »
I looked at him not understanding what the hell he was talking about
« This morning ? In the kitchen ? You feeling my dick ?»
My eye grew wide open and turned back to regular. I laughed softly and said
« Oh my god. That ? No. No. No. don't worry I almost already forgot. We were playing I know that. And I will tell you and you will feel it if I'm not confortable with something you say or you do. »
He nodded his head, I felt like he was going to tell me something when Michael screamed
« Ok we're out of this bitch ! Let's go »
We looked at each other, laughed and stood up, ready for our second night. It was wild like we wanted it. Thanks god this night I wasn't on ride duty so I drank. Maybe more than I should. During all the night I didn't talk that much with Florian, still trying to not overthink about how I felt. But every time we were close, our hand couldn't help but touch each other. An hand on a arm, a hand on one thigh, an arm behind a back, a thumb on a hand...
It was near 3am when I set back to our table finding Florian on his phone. I approached him and tell him
« Can you drop this phone a minute and enjoy your night »
He looked at me and touched is beard laying back on his chair. He is so damn hot. ROBYN STAY FOCUSED.
« Liking asses on Ig like a teen » I said rolling my eyes « I was talking with my brothers » « Yea for sure » « I swear «  he said raising his right hand
I looked at him and nodding my head. We stared at each other few moment when he told me to come closer. The music was loud so he stepped close to my ear and asked me if I wanted to play. I stepped back and frowned my eyebrows. He told me to come closer and asked me if I wanted a drink. I accepted and saw him went to the bar. I waited few minutes and watched him set back without no drink in his hands. I made a hand move to ask him were was my drink and he winked at me, grabbing back his phone. I crossed my arms and my legs. What game was he playing. He putted his phone back on the table and looked with a wide smile. I was lost at this point. I was ready to get my own drink since it was too much to ask when a waiter put a roulette drink game on our table.
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I don't know what kind of face I did but Florian started to laughed hard. When he caught his breath he came back to my ear and asked me
« What colour do you pick ? »
I stepped back and look at him with a smirk
« Black of course » I replied
🎧 Backseat - Little Simz
I woke up feeling muddy. The sunlight attacked my poor eyes, again. I whined softly trying to put my face on my pillow so I can have a little bit of darkness. All my body was feeling heavy. Ok i did drink last night but it wasn't that bad. I didn't find the strength to look for my phone. I just wanted to lay down all day. Oh it's gon be my day off I can feel it. I eared noise downstairs so I think that everyone is probably up. I didn't feel socializing today. I know I shouldn't be thinking like that I enjoy behind alone sometimes. It made me overthink but it doesn't matter. I tried to fall back asleep (sleeping is the best fix I think) but someone knocked at the door. I didn't answer because I just didn't want to when the door started to open slowly. I didn't turn back to see who it was. I just felt a large hand on my thigh who was out of the sheet. I think it was Florian. I start to recognized how his touch feels.
« Robyn » he whispered
I kept my eyes closed, put my hand on his and start to rubbed it with my thumb.
« Wake up sleeping beauty » he said keeping his hand on me an sitting on the bed
I finally turned around, rubbed my eyes and looked k at him. This man is so handsome. It's like I keep being surprise about how gorgeous he is every time I see him. I chuckled a little being decepointed that he wasn't shirtless
« What makes you laugh ? » he said smiling « You finally have some clothes on »
He laughed and squeezed my thighs a little harder (Mhhh don't do that you're goin to make me wet)
« Whatever you need to wake up, we leaving in two hours, I save you a plate for breakfast then you need to get ready, we goin to visit cenotes ! »
It was funny to see him excited like a kid. But I still wasn't goin.
« Thank you but I'm staying home today » I said raising up a little « What do you mean you staying home today ? » he said a little preoccupied « What part did you not understand ? » « The part when you said « I'm staying home today » » he said twisting his face « I'm just not in the mood I need a day off but don't worry I be fine » I said shaking his hand « oh you feeling sick ? Because I got pills-« he said in a hurry « Floooooooo, Im fine, I just want to rest for the day »
He looked at me and stood up
« You do not deserve the plate I saved you » he said in a deep tone, faking to be hurted « I'm sorry » I said smiling a little « but I'm sure you will enjoy your day » « Don't think it will be that easy, I'm goin to tell Alexandra » he said leaving determined.
I layed back in my bed, knowing that Alexandra will arrive soon. But she knows me. She knows that sometimes I just need space. She entered in the room few moments later and came sit next to me
« Good morning sunshine » she hugged me « Hi Love » « You dont want to come today ? » I shook my head « Day off ? » she questioned « Yup » I said softly She nodded her head « We're goin to visit cenotes, I think we will be back for the tea time » I nobbed my head « and we're staying home tonight» « Yea sure »
They finally left the house. I went downstairs to the kitchen area finding the plate Florian saved me. I ate slowly enjoying the calm of the villa. After a quick shower I put on my bikini and went for a swim. I exited the pool 30 minutes later and layed down on a chair to enjoy the sun.
Suddenly I was wondering what Leo was doing. It kills me to know that I still wonder those types of things about him. Visiting Tulum was on our bucket list. It's just weird that I'm there without him.
Leo is my ex fiancé. We been together for 3 years. He was my everything. One of my closest and dearest. I could had done anything for him. First true love no doubt. We grew together and I couldn't wait to become his wife, finally founding my own dream family. More than my boyfriend he also was the only person I was able to talk free, show the vulnerable me. It was so pleasing to have someone I care about and who cares about me back.
It was kind of new for me. I have a complicated family. My father ? I didn't really know him, he left us when I was like 14. The little part that I remember of him is that he used to cheat and hit my mum. It was a relief when he left. But few months later my older brother also left without saying nothing. Leaving me with a depressed mum. His departure hurted me. Because we used to be a team. His friends usually said that I was his woman version. We were like twins actually. I thought it will be him and me forever against the world. But he left. Leaving a huge gap in me. When I think about it, it's been more than 10 years that I haven't seen him.
This observation made me feel dumb and uncomfortable.
My mum ? I tried to be there for her. I mean at the end of the day it was me and her. But she kind of turned her back on me too. We had an argument one day and she turned crazy. I never saw her that way. She put my stuff out side and asked me to leave her house. I was 16. I was just so lost. I couldn't tell my friend I was so ashamed. It was already akward, not to have daddy, do not know where my brother was and now being in the streets ? Naaa. I slept outside two weeks before finding a shelter. Most striking weeks in my life. When you have no where to go and have to sleep outside, you just don't see life the same way. I never eared about my mum after that. It's kind of sad. I met Theo in the shelter. He was making donations with his dad. He was really the light who helps me through the darkness I was leaving.
Then I met Leo and as I told you it was like a blessing for me. Pure fairytale. Helped me with self esteem and trust issues. But all of that work was destroyed on our wedding day.
We left each other the day before so we can meet the following day to say « I do ». But he was late and everyone started to worry. I knew there was a problem when his best man came find me in the room I was waiting, far from wondering guests. When Alexandra saw him she attacked him with a thousands question. Everyone was just tense. But all I could see was this letter with my name on it. I could recognize Leo writing. I always told him that he had a good one for a man.
I read it. Seven times to be correct. I looked at Alexandra and ask her to free the guests.
It was the most humiliating moment of my entire life. Everyone would come and check on me to see if I was ok. But the fact was that the pain was so tough that I couldn't cry. It was just tiresome. I thought that it was the the highest level of pain. And it was already very hard to handle. At least that what I thought.
Until I saw him few months later. Proposing to an another woman. I passed out. Like my body couldn't fake it anymore.
I opened my eyes and look at the view. Life is surprising don't you think ? I'm glad to have friends who try to support me the best that they can. I'm greatful to have a job and have a roof above my head. I am overjoyed to be able to provide for my needs and be able to afford such vacations. Sometimes I look over the sky and wonder what's god plan for me.
I raise up. Blowing all theses painful thoughts. I need to relax a little. I took my towel and took the stairs knowing exactly what I was going to do.
I put only one AirPod so I can be able to ear if someone come. We never know if guys came back earlier. I grabbed my phone and layed down on my bed. I switched in private session and went to my favorite links. I clicked on the one I was looking for
Hot man moaning and dirty talk
As I tapped play on the video, put my phone to my side, I turned on my toys and let it play on my bare pussy. I soft gasp came out of my mouth as I closed my eyes focusing on the feeling. Listening to the man whispering dirty words straight to my ear I couldn't help but think about Florian
Feel his large hands grabbing my ass cheek, his warm mouth and tongue ruining my weak neck and telling that he wants to feel me, as bad as I want it.
I could feel my skin warming up and my breath getting a little heavier. I pushed the fabric from my left nipple and rubbed my skin playin with the jewelry of my piercing. Feeling the wetness between my thighs I finally pushed the vibring toy between my lips
« Mhhhh fuck » I whispered
He could be just in front of me. Stroking his cock while watching me play with my pussy. Asking me if I want to feel him with the same tone that what he told me in the kitchen. Telling me to beg for him and to face down ass up
« God » I shooted
I could feel his tongue slowly licked every part of my womanhood while jiggling my ass and then spank it hard. He grabbed my hips any put the tip-
« Fuuuuuck, oh shittttttttt » I mumbled feeling my body shake out an orgasm by the only thought of him penetrating me.
After taking back my breath I slowly removed my toy from my pussy, turned it off and put it to my side. I took a little time touching my body while the sunlight was messing with him again. Leo was the only man I knew. It was kind of hard with man since I was oversized when I was younger and not really confortable with my body. I always was Robyn the good friend. Leo pushed me to work out if I wanted to fell better in my skin and in my head. So it helped a lot. And I lost a lot of pound after he left me 🙃Moreover masturbation was a great way to accept and know my body better, so thank Leo for pushing me that way.
I finally stood up, went take a shower, put something confortable and took a sit in the living room. Couches were so soft, I found myself falling asleep again. I told you, sleep is my best fix.
Noises filled the room as I started discern voices
« She basically slept all day » Alexandra said « She such a sleeper » Michael added
I felt a presence near me and finally tried to open my eyes and saw Florian squatting in front me. I never saw the different shades of his eyes color. It was like dark green, light green and light brown. Damn boy, God took his time creating you.
« Are you a panda ? » he asked flipping his head to his right side
I stretched, arm opened and let a sound out my mouth. I saw his face pouted as he said « Ow baby ». He stood up and hugged me kissing my forehead. How can he be so sweet. I tightened my arm around his torso and told him
« Im not letting you go now » « This is what happen when you abandon your mate for a entire day » he said kissing my temple
He finally set by my side as the others came sit with us and told me about their days. They showed me awesome pictures and told me all the goofy stories. The conversation splited in few groups as we kept talking. Florian was on his phone, his arm behind my back while my head was on his chest.
I found myself weird being so close of someone I didn't know few days ago. Like it is the total opposite of my regular version. But you know what ? Fuck that let me enjoy that man. So far he was nothing but kind and respectful. I felt his hand going under the fabric of my shirt and let his fingered run through my skin. That feeling made me just hungry. Hungry of a him gripping me harder. I looked up at him and enjoyed his face while thinking of what I have done earlier this day thinking about him. Don't blame me, how can you not think about him in those type of situation. I think my stare lasted more longer that I thought because he finally raise his eyes at me and asked me with a raised eyebrow if he could help me. I stayed silent for a minute and finally asked him if he wanted a milkshake. A large smile appeared on his face.
« Robyn, you know how to talk to me »
I stood up laughing and took his hand before asking louder
« Someone is down for milkshake ? » « You know what, you are lucky because I eared you asking that to big boy only, and I was like, oh ok so now it's like that ? But I see that there is still some good in you » Raymond said clapping his hands and acting like a girl. I laughed I headed to the kitchen with people who wanted milkshakes.
We spend a adorable evening. We didn't felt like goin out tonight. We played different games and bet that the team who loose have to cook dinner. We decided to split guys and girls. Guys are such bad looser, they lost anyway. They cooked us dinner and it wasn't that bad actually.
We improvised a pool party. I was making stories with Alexandra. I spent the evening close to her since I hadn't really enjoyed her today. We were taking thousands pictures when I caught Florian watching us, his drink in his hand. I looked at him like don't judge us. He stepped closer and asked me if we wanted him to take pictures of us, putting his free hands on my waist. Boooooooy stop touching me like that 🥵. I gave him my phone and went close to Alexandra.
Few seconds later, Alexander joined us, then David, Eve and in a minute the entire crew was in front of the camera doing goofy faces and enjoying the moment. It was almost midnight when everyone wanted to go to bed. My babies were tired. For my part I slept all day so 🤷🏾‍♀️ it will be a little complicated. But I could manage it. Everyone went to their room.
I was laying down, fighting for sleep. When my phone buzzed. I grabbed it and saw « @bignasty send you a message ». I smiled softly tapping on the notification.
It was a post of Kanye West sprinting while rapping during a concert. It was just hilarious. I softly laughed reading his text « Talk to your boy 🙄💀 »
We kept sending funny meme and videos since we couldn't sleep.
« Im bored » he texted me « Put your phone down and try to sleep, you're the one saying that you were tired earlier 🙄 » « I'm not anymore » « 😒 » « Jacuzzi ? «
I frowned my eyebrows not totally suuuuuure of what he ment
« 🤨? » « Do you want to go in the Jacuzzi with me ? I haven't test it since we're here »
It's was near 1am. Did you know that it's dangerous to talk with men at night. Because you're more vulnerable. That's shit was true. This kind of proposal, in the middle of the night, surely came from hell. And I'm going to take it. God why play with fire is so pleasing. And moreover I hadn't test the jacuzzi to so 🤷🏾‍♀️
« Let me put my swimsuit 😛 » I replied
I stood up and looked for one bikini and found the red one. Mhhh the color of evil 🤣 Jesus I'm not totally sure of what I'm going to do so please keep an eye on me.
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I switched my clothes, took a towel and wrapped it around my body. I opened my door and saw Florian on his phone leaned on the wall, wearing a red swim trunk. I looked at him twisting my face.
« What ? » he asked « First of all you have no personality wearing same colours as me » he chuckled looking like if I was crazy « and secondly stop being on this damn phone you look like me, we goin in a jacuzzi »
He grabbed my shoulder and pushed it so i can start walking downstairs
« Since when do you got an attitude ? » he said
I turned back and pull out my tongue
« Put this away before I take it »
I turned straight and twisted my tongue in my mouth. Oh it was definitely game time.
We settled in the warm water as the bubbles met our skin. He sat at my opposite side. It was certainly more careful that way. He grabbed his phone and aimed it to me. I raise an eyebrow and asked him
« Are you taking pictures of me ? » « Exactly. » « Well that a kind of thing you warned me before so I can look good » I say starting posing « Oh you look good dont worry about that » he said in a husky voice
His last sentence made me blush so my face started twisting
« Oh I embarrassed you baby » he said stepping closer to me, rubbing my arm with his free hand
I put my hands on my face, trying to hide my large smile. He made me feel like an high school baby girl that so ridiculous. He put his phone behind me and grabbed my wrists putting kisses on my nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. I swear I felt something in my stomach. As I moved my head because his kisses tickled my face, he put my hands on his shoulders and put his head on the crook of my neck. I felt his beard tickling my skin and his mouth didn't even touch my neck that a moan get out my mouth
« Oh god. » i said
I eared him chuckled as I pushed him away put my hands on his abs. If he didn't knew the effect he had on me now he knows. I let my hand slide down his abs when I started focus on them. He questioned me what was the matter since I looked confused. I asked him how many does he have because I really didn't know we had so much muscles hided inside. We told me that it depends on how much he worked out. He step closer and raise my right thigh putting his hand on my inked snake.
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« How many tattoos do you have ? » he said softly
I showed him my tattoos, i have seven on my skin. His eyes were traveling every part of my body when I found him staring at my chest. I pushed his shoulder slightly and put my hands on my tits so he don't watch them. I'm sure they were pointing out since he was standing so close. He pushed my left hand and nodded at me.
« I didn't know you were pierced » he said touching his beard « Well now you know » « Drop that attitude and stop pushing me away » he said grabing the back of my neck in a serious tone and looking at me in the eyes
This action made me have chicken skin. He turned back and settled between my thighs. Instinctively I put my hand on his shoulder and start to rubbed it. His back was so broad. I could feel him put his head back and caressing the outside of my thighs. Hopefully we were in the water so I could not feel how wet I was right now. My body felt just so right near his.
« I know it can sound weird but I really missed you today Rob »
I did not answered. I just wrapped my hand on his chest and placed few kisses behind his ear.
I wasn't the only one fucked up. ——
Wassup guys
How do you feel about chapter three ?
Do not hesitate to give me feedbacks, react and all that stuff
Take care
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