#i used to have the lost world but i sold that bc i associated it too much with my dad
plaquerat · 4 months
if my other class doesnt have a list of works and writers to choose from and it is "read two by the same author and compare them" i am very much going to have to go with american psycho and less than zero good lord
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everalii · 11 days
Btw, I need to update a few thingsssssss....
My business is thriving little by little. I had to buy so many products for the treatments, and it is paying off so good. Many clients are happy, and they feel safe here. Women come for facials and they pour their souls, I had so many of them crying, hugging me seeking validation.
This is how its supposed to be: healing for the body, healing for the heart and healing for the soul.
I had a high school friend (nor stranded, we kept in touch) working with me as a nail tech bc she lost her job and wanted to pursue this career. But she has a son, which is not a problem for me (I'll elaborate later). The problem was the fact that: 1 she changed my entire color pallette without asking but I went along; 2 she came for like a week and then her products were rotting untouched for about a month, she wasn't coming to the clinic bc she didn't had money or clients, which comes to the following item; 3 she wasn't posting anything on social media, wasn't selling any of her procedures and not bringing anyone to the clinic, which was the main reason of why I agreed to lended the place: to get me more visibility and more clients.
When I had enough and kicked her out, she called me a bitch and said I wasn't helping her, I had no empathy for our years of friendship nor for her child. Did I mention that I didn't charge her any rent for the room in MY CLINIC? No? Well... I stated it was 100% professional and not personal matter, but she wanted to turn personal. She can fight with herself in the mirror.
She got her stuff out my clinic and sold her things. Blocked me on every social media and I couldn't care less. I'm good working on my own.
Husband never wanted kids and didn't wanted to be with someone who wanted. Having children wasn't a big thing on my to do list, but I thought it would be nice. However, since it wasn't a great goal of mine, I decided to let it go for the sake of my relationship and I'm very okay with it.
No, he didn't force me. No, he didn't threaten me. He even asked me if I truly wanted bc he would have a child with me to fulfill this "dream." But with global warming, the economy breaking and everything, bringing a child to this world was not a good move, in my opinion, so I truly let it go.
HOWEVER, the gods truly had another plan, as they shoved a 12y girl into my arms. My cousin got the custody of his daughter, but he's recovering from drug addiction, working full-time, and financially broken. Her mother is a junkie and sells her body for drugs.
I decided to step in and help my cousin, and usually, she spent her days here. I take her to and pick her up from school, help with homework, teach her how to cook, sew, play videogames, draw, clean. Take her to the theaters, movies, and concerts.
My husband adores her and spoils the little shit rotten. He's teaching her about mechanics, how to ride a bicycle, and even how to fight in case she needs to defend herself.
She'd blossomed here, and I love her so much. We truly feel like she's our daughter, and she always says how much she loves us.
Even tho I'm not going back in my decision of not producing children, I feel like a childless mother, but the gods found a motherless child for me.
Family is now complete. Oh, and my mother is really a grandma for her!
I've been playing around with my Tarot Deck and we're on good terms, finally.
For context: I have the opinion that oracules are not just tools, but have spirits associated with, every deck has a spirit that talks to you through the cards, much like an Ouija Board; that being said, the spirit that resides in my deck is a hot-headed prick. And usually he's very cruel with me. I don't know if I'm schizophrenic or if I can really hear said spirit shouting at me when I ask something really stupid to the deck.
Also, I'm working with Orixás¹ now, specially Oxóssi² and Iansã³. The Orixás are gods from the Umbanda, a religion born in Brazil with african ancestry, it's based on love, freewill and spread good.
Pronunciation: ¹Orish-As, ²Oshoh-SI, ³Yan-SAN.
Lol what health? Fibromyalgia has been deadly lately due to the heat waves on Brazil. And given my new environmentalist nature worrying about the global warming, my mental health is nit very good. But I'm trying really hard!
I've managed to raise a few people to plant as many trees we could. So far, 200 new trees have been planted and I'm so proud, tomorrow we'll be plating another 30, and mobilizing more people!
We might die due to the overheating in this planet, but we'll die fighting.
I guess that's it, the most important things.
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spr1ngchester · 3 years
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no cause I need to talk about the potential of dsmp!basti or my head will literally explode I’m serious.
so, canonically, the real event Minecraft Mondays is referred to as “The Monday Massacres” in dsmp. a massacre generally refers to a mass killing, commonly in very brutal ways, implying to me, that either civilians - people watching the events - or participants went down in numbers during the events, grotesquely dying to each other’s hands.
basti, as well as quite a few dsmp members, participated in minecraft mondays (as well as minecraft saturdays). in a few of techno’s mcm vods, he makes one or two remarks on basti, saying that he doesn’t know who he is, but he knows that he’s pretty good. mcm 11 is actually one where technoblade lost his number 1 individual placement to basti’s temporary team mate aqua, but got his place on the top podium back quite fast. now, what is my takeaway for my dsmp-related hc for this? easy, technoblade was a player in the monday massacres, feared for his abilities, and in relation to it being a massacre, his lust for blood. basti also participated with his original team mate Papaplatte, and slowly became a worthy oppenent to techno. unlike the real life circumstance of papaplatte going on a vacation during mcm 11, and because we need more casualties for this to be a convincing massacre, because the people of dsmp who were all in mcm are obviously still alive (except for wilbur, kinda), i say that c!papaplatte died and then aqua teamed up with basti to break techno’s record and push him off his high horse. now, you know techno, you’ve probably seen the potato war trilogy, he wouldn’t let a single failure be stenciled on his persona for eternity, so he trained hard, and took down basti for good, killing both him and aqua (and I know it makes no sense with mcm continuity but i like to pick and chose what i consider for my headcanons okay), becoming the best player once again.
and what happens to c!basti after gruesomely dying? unsure, honestly, but his body being robbed of his wealth goes hand in hand with the disturbing nature of the Monday Massacres. the mcms 12 (one after 11) and 13 (when cc!basti returned to mcm) happen around august/september 2019. bad discovers the egg in december 2020. while at the moment im unsure how the passage of time is warped in dsmp compared to when events happen in streams, but i’m positive it makes events in canon last longer than they do in streams (do correct me if i’m wrong). so, either the old villa of sir billiam still stood back then, belonging to a new, shitty rich man, who the people finding c!basti’s body sold it to for a few diamonds, so it could be fed to the egg. or, they had dignity and gave him a proper burial, and the bloodsoaked body came in contact with underground vines that pulled the body toward the egg so it could devour it. but, i don’t think it just ate basti’s body - i think the egg is actively hosting the body, having healed and re-grown it, waiting for it to be ready to hatch.
it seems very out of pocket, and like im trying to shoehorn my favourite streamer into dsmp, but i have a nice parallel that goes with him being in the egg.
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on the very left is the skin, that basti worse during the mcm era, or at least around mcm 11/12/13. he’s had a few skin changes between left and middle, but the all white skin came with him hitting 500k and releasing special occasion badlion client cosmetics for his viewers. those included a cape, shield, and wings. butterfly wings, to be exact.
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the shape of these wings would also carry over into Zickzack v2 (the cosmetics line is called zickzack, which is a word that basti’s associated with largely through a pvp project, but he’s been using it for a pretty long time) 
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but, currently, we are on zickzack v3. and zickzack v3 is special, because...
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they’re a red edition, going perfectly with the theme of the egg, and references to blood and violence (the skin he’s wearing in my current pfp is a temporary v3 skin btw, i like it bc it looks like the red is slowly soaking up his skin, it’s a nice gradient). so, over time, after mcm, basti is taking up the appearance of a red butterfly, as though he’s slowly becoming one. as though he is turning into one, inside the egg. and ik it’s an egg, but hey, it may as well be a weird shaped cocoon.
another point i want to bring up at the end, though you have to take my word here, is that cc!basti can be pretty damn determined to prove a point when he’s sure he knows something (/lh). like, let me tell you that one time, during a minecraft challenge he got mining fatigue on the highest possible level, and went “btw guys you can actually break blocks with mining fatigue, it’s a myth that you can’t. i’ll show you.” and proceeded to place an obsidian block, take out a stone pickaxe and mine it. and he mined it until hsi effect went away and he had no more way of proving his point but to tell people that it is in fact possible.
and well. if c!basti is determined like his counterpart, determined enough to prove he is the best player and the best fighter in the world, and if he’s determiend enough to get revenge on techno, then maybe he’ll sit out egg time for that. btw disclaimer cc!basti isn’t as win-focused as i made his counterpart seem just now gdgs just saying that bc i dont want there to be misconceptions about him.
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dindjarindiaries · 4 years
Alright so i can’t stop thinking dad!din with an older teen, who is about to turn of age or just did (assuming its 18) and who has not had any sort of steady home life whatsoever… I really wanna write a fanfic about it but like idk so here is what im thinking (cw for mentions of abuse, drug use, violence, prositution)
They grew up on a really rough homeworld/city and/or in the some sort of slums/ghetto
Father was absent (adds to the whole father-child relationship theme starwars LOVES) and the mother was addicted to spice and was a prostitute
The only father figures this teen has had were absolute abusive dirtbags and were spice dealers
However… 2 droids who were abandoned/sold by their og masters/owners kinda stumbled upon them and these droids were the only positive authority figures/role models in their life and in return, this teen LOVES droids and trusts droids 1000% than any other living sentient being
they taught this kid who to read/write and also taught them how droids and computers work but from a droid perspective
At age 10/11, the teen was separated from their mom and the droids and was sold into slavery and at 13 or so, they escaped slavery but they could escape the steets so they didwhat they knew best - spice dealing -but they started to teach themselves more about code/programming/slicing
Mid-teens they started dating a local gangster/criminal/slice lord who was way older than them (he will have a very ugly ending) and with that association plus their intelligence + skill, they started to make a name for themselves
Eventually, they came across a lost droid who they took in (they don’t like saying they own them bc ew slavery) and this droid became their bff
A year before meeting din, they wanted to learn more about the world and sentient beings so they started reading about it(biology, anthropology, and whatever ‘psychology’ the starwars uni has)
Then 6 mo they kinda realize that they don’t wanna have this life and escape from their garbage bf
6 mo after that they run into Din after he catches them fighting off some humanoid which is like 5x their size
And Din is just like “where are your parents???? How old are you???” and the teen is like “uhh im 25” (ya know like a liar) and gets the HELL out of there bc they are afraid din is after them
But Din is just like mhm something is...fishy..and well one thing leads to another and he offers them a job to watch over yodito
It has a happy ending but like is full of angst and fluff (and many arguments about droids)
i really wanna write a fanfic abt it bit like ugh im not sure
Anon, this sounds so very interesting! Wow! The idea of Din fathering/mentoring someone around this age has always been so touching to me, mostly because it gives Din the chance to teach someone of that age what he never got to learn and have for himself. You should definitely go ahead with it! I support this 110%!
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supremeuppityone · 5 years
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Written for Klaroline Valentine's Day Bingo 2020 @kcvalentinesbingo
Prompt: “A dare is a dare.”
Author’s note: This is the much-requested sequel to Chapter 63: Drowning Secrets in the Sea, found in my Klaroline series, A Beautiful Symmetry.
Warning: Casual references to drugs
Please review here.
           “This is your idea of an adventure?”
           Caroline whipped her head around, mouth curving up into a pleased grin as she took in Klaus’ rumpled appearance. “Your university’s still skimping on the travel budget, huh? You know, just because they pay for coach doesn’t mean you have to fly it.”
           “Not all of us can afford first class, sweetheart,” Klaus replied, pulling Caroline to her feet and playfully spinning her around the cramped basement.
           She kissed one of his dimpled cheeks, suddenly giddy and hopeful. He was here. She honestly hadn’t known what to expect when she sent him the artifacts and GPS coordinates. “Seriously? Just because I fly first class, doesn’t mean I actually pay for it.” At his amused chuckle, she allowed herself to press into him, his warmth and familiar scent washing over her. She’d missed him more than she’d cared to admit. It only had been a couple of weeks since he’d let her walk away, angry and hurt by what she’d done.
           “Are you still mad at me,” she asked tentatively, stepping away to give herself a bit of space for this conversation.
           He hesitated, running his fingers through his disheveled curls a few times before he finally spoke. “You pretended to be an archeologist to gain access to priceless artifacts that my father commissioned you to steal. You could’ve ruined my academic career — everything I’ve ever worked for.”
           She bowed her head, her heart sinking in her chest. Did he come all this way just to tell her off?
           “But then you also didn’t go through with it and came back to save my life,” he continued, his tone a bit shaky. “I’ve missed you every moment since you left,” he confessed, standing in front of her once more, his touch tender as he caressed her cheek. “And I’m tired of missing you, love.”
           Their kiss was nothing like their first one — while that night in the bar had been hesitant, now their kiss was frantic; fueled by the past deception and a tentative promise of forgiveness. He tasted like her future. And Caroline had no intention of walking away from it twice. “I missed you too,” she admitted, placing kisses along his jawline.
           It was when he started to untie the silken knot at her waist that she snapped back to reality. With a sigh of regret, she gently pushed away, telling him, “We’ll need to pick this up later — a business associate is meeting me here in a minute.”
           Klaus looked skeptically around the dusty room, asking, “What sort of business meeting could you have down here?”
           “The private kind.” She considered him carefully, bending down to scoop up a few dusty books and folders to shove into his arms. “So, I don’t want you to freak out, but we’re meeting a kind of go-between for a gunrunnermobbossguy — but don’t worry! He’s totally safe and I’ve worked with him before.” She winced as she saw his gray eyes grow wide with alarm despite the fact that she’d hoped her rapid-fire words wouldn’t really register.
           “Did you just say we’re meeting with a ‘gunrunner mob boss’? Bloody hell, Caroline!”
           She rolled her eyes, checking her watch as she corrected him. “He’s a go-between. He’s not actually a gunrunner mob boss. He just works for one.”
           “How is that any better? And how are you going to explain me? What’s my cover?”
           Caroline snorted. Klaus was adorable when he panicked. “Calm down, James Bond. You’re playing the role of a nervous archaeologist completely out of his depth. Something tells me you’ll pull that off beautifully.” At his grumpy expression, she impulsively poked one of his dimples, telling, him, “Where’s your adventurous spirit? You know you want to embrace it — otherwise you wouldn’t be here.”  
           “I’d thought we’d start with dinner,” he mumbled, a hint of a smile starting to appear the longer he looked at her.  
           “Perhaps you can postpone your plans a bit, mate? We’re on a bit of a deadline,” interrupted a cocky voice as heavy footsteps finished descending the stairs into the basement.
           Caroline instantly went into her work persona, adapting her stance and demeanor to best put Galen at ease. “Galen Vaughn, you slimy bastard, the next time you let me borrow a grappling hook, make sure you didn’t break off one of the ends on Kangchenjunga Peak.”
           His blue eyes crinkled with mirth, cuffing her on the shoulder as he said jovially, “You managed a’right, didn’t you, lass? If memory serves, you repaid me in kind when you sold me out to the Germans.”
           “Looks like it worked out alright for you — considering you’re now their go-between.” Sharpening her tone slightly, she decided to move the meeting along. “Tell me the specs and deadline.”
           “Two spear points about 12 centimeters each. Day after next.” He nodded toward Klaus. “Who’s this?”
           Caroline kept her tone light as she explained, “This is Klaus, my expert. He’ll authenticate on-site.”
           As though to make up for her non-committal introduction, Klaus sprang forward, shaking Galen’s hand a bit too enthusiastically. “I’m an archaeologist. I can identify artifacts from 3000 BC to AD 500. While my main expertise in in classical antiquity, I have completed extensive fieldwork in Bronze and Iron Age dig sites. In fact, I lectured extensively on the evolution of the battle ax and advanced smelting techniques. It actually was quite fascinating how groundbreaking their metalsmiths were...” he trailed off, somewhat self-conscious when he noted Caroline’s indulgent smile. “Anyway...I uh, like...old things.”
           Did Klaus purposely make his accent deeper because Galen has a Scottish accent? “Right. As you can see, we’ve got this,” she told Galen dryly.
           “I’m impressed you’d take such an eager partner,” Galen replied skeptically, “he seems quite green, lass.”
           Since it looked like Klaus was squaring off to punch a friend of one of the most dangerous mobs in Eastern Europe, Caroline hastily shook Galen’s hand, sealing their deal. “Day after next,” she told him solemnly. He left with little more than a curt nod, his jovial demeanor instantly replaced by a more disquieting nature. Such was the way of this business.
           “Bollocks. Between the dodgy codes and the wanker with the pretentious facial hair, I’m a bit lost as to our mission, sweetheart.”
           She cheerfully answered, “It’s no big deal — we just need to infiltrate a party tonight and steal some Bronze Age artifacts so we can sell them to this gunrunner mob boss I know.” At his incredulous expression, she winked and added, “And you have stubble too.”
           “Clearly mine’s better.”
           Caroline softened her tone, noting the wariness in Klaus’ gray eyes. “If you want out, I get it. No hard feelings, ok?”
           “It’s not that; I’d just like to know what I’m getting into.” His gaze was penetrating, as though searching for something. “Why put yourself in danger? There’s a larger gain than just riches, isn’t there?”
           She crossed her arms, not comfortable giving so much of herself away. But she needed to learn. “Mikael took my mother off the donor’s list so that I’d work for him. When I killed him, I lost my one chance to get her name restored. My only option is a black-market kidney and this job will get me the cash I need to make that happen.”
           The kiss he gave her was electric; it burned her all the way to her toes and she arched into him, a tiny little moan escaping. “Does this mean you’re in?”
           That devilish smirk of his was all the answer she needed.
           The estate was stubbornly built on the marshes along the coast of the Baltic Sea, proving that even the immensely wealthy could be ignorant dipshits. Caroline critically eyed the tall rooftops of the main house and its surrounding buildings, the crooked lines wordlessly demonstrating that everything was slowly sinking, eventually to be reclaimed by the sea. She could feel Klaus tensing beside her, and she patted his arm affectionately. “Relax — the doorman is barely coherent after his wild night at the Hunter’s Mark. He’s barely going to glance at our invitation, and even if he did, it’s been expertly forged.” She gave him a sly wink, adding, “By me.”
           “How do you know what he was up to last night,” he whispered back, eyes darting around the ornate courtyard of marble statues.
           “Because I paid off his dealer to ensure he never ran out,” she answered matter-of-factly, favoring the pale, sweaty doorman with a sunny smile as she handed over the ivory parchment invitation she’d painstakingly threaded with gold along the borders to match the genuine ones. As she suspected, they were waived inside with barely a glance, and she smugly handed Klaus a champagne flute.
           “Impressive,” he murmured, casting curious glances around the immense ballroom with its 10-piece orchestra quietly playing chamber music.
           “Yeah, they’re pretty impressive. The Martins have been running drugs out of Kiel for decades; their territory is perfectly situated to take advantage of the port. They launder much of their profits with a string of online boutiques set up by the younger siblings, Greta and Luka,” she murmured, snatching a smoked salmon canape from a silver serving tray.
           Klaus seemed to slowly relax as he acclimated to his surroundings, a bemused look on his face as he eyed the cascading fountain of champagne flowing from a beautifully crafted ice sculpture in the center of the room. “I meant you were impressive, sweetheart. You’re brilliant, remarkably talented, and adventurous — enviable qualities the rest of the world only dreams of possessing.” He leaned in, his accented voice low and sexy as he added, “Not to mention your ethereal, utterly enchanting beauty.”
           There went her heart doing that fluttery thing again. He already was wearing the hell out of that Tom Ford tuxedo, but then to have him whisper those things — things that maybe she’d heard before but no one ever really meant — made her want to shove him into that gold leaf and pearl-tiered cake and lick the buttercream off.
           As though pleased she was rendered momentarily speechless, Klaus suddenly gripped her waist, spinning her onto the polished marble floor. His touch was commanding, but not forceful, which she appreciated. Almost as much as his smooth muscles underneath her touch.  The red satin of her dress wound its way between them as Klaus performed surprisingly intricate footwork.
           At her small gasp of surprise, Klaus flashed her a dimpled smirk. “I may have a few moves.”
           “Nice moves,” she said, a bit breathless as he led her through a reverse spin that had her momentarily crowded against his chest. She couldn’t help but rest her palm against his chest. Firm, but it was more than that — he felt like a steady person. Someone she could trust. “Mystic Falls, Virginia.” At his questioning brow, she explained, “It’s where I’m from. Well, we bounced around a lot of big cities when I was a kid, but that’s where we finally stayed.” She hesitated, unsure of how he’d react. It was a big step — and one she’d never taken before. “My mom still lives there...maybe, um, you’d like to meet her?”
           At Klaus’ stunned silence, she hurriedly backtracked, telling him, “No, I get it — it’s probably way too soon for that. I’vejustneverbeenlikethiswithanyone and I’m not sure what the steps are. But I can figure it out. Seriously, I can be good at steps. All the steps. Probably. It’s just that I need to head back there for a bit once we get our business here settled and her kidney secured and I know it’s a lot to ask —”
           “I’d be honored,” he quickly answered, kissing her soundly. “And it’s certainly not a chore to get to know you better, love,” he admonished when he broke the kiss, dipping her until she giggled with relief.
           Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a slight commotion as the aerial silk acrobats had arrived and were starting to set up in the main courtyard. Perfect. “Follow me,” she whispered in his ear, casually leading him down a narrow corridor full of priceless artwork resplendent with inlaid lapis lazuli and hammered silver frames. “While most of the guests are distracted, we need to get what we came for — two Bronze Age spear points.”
           They stopped in front of a tall glass case, admiring the artifacts perched on a carved ebony pedestal. “They were unearthed in the muddy riverbed of the Tollense Valley. It’s a unique find for the region, marking a significant battle around 3200 years ago. Archaeometallurgical studies have pinpointed the geological origin of the metals’ composition, which means you can trace the route these spear points took to get to the valley.”
           “Except determining the geological origin of the metals isn’t infallible when you take into consideration the various ore ingots used along trade routes as currency. So, your premise, while admirable, is flawed.”
           “My premise is flawed?! Are you seriously discounting all of the cutting-edge work Drs. Maxfield and Branson published in the American Journal of Archaeology? Or the Nordic Bronze Age metallurgy expertise of Dr. Hildegard,” Caroline hissed, feeling her temper rise. She’d just started to recite the latest research statistics on copper-based metals across Bronze Age Europe when she noticed the tips of his ears growing red. Suddenly, she burst into giggles at the ridiculousness of the situation.
           Klaus’ confusion gave way to amusement as he too started chuckling. “We’re never going to agree, are we?”
           “Nope. But where’s the fun in that,” she asked, leaning over to kiss him soundly on the lips. She broke off the kiss with a twinkle in her eye, sticking out her leg to take advantage of the deep slit in her dress in order to access her lock pick kit. She deftly worked at the enormous mechanism lock behind the glass case, rolling her eyes at the Martins’ foolish assumption that bigger was better when it came to security.
           The interlocking tumblers easily gave way, and as she carefully opened the glass door, Klaus murmured, “You make burglary sexier than it has any right to be, sweetheart.”
           “Sweet talker,” Caroline replied fondly, delicately sliding the spear points into the leather strap across her thigh. “If you’re lucky, I might let you help me remove these later. Artifacts require such a gentle touch, you know.”
           From that lustful gleam, it seemed he was ready to take her up on her offer sooner rather than later, but unfortunately, they had company. From the heavy black eyeliner and holdover grunge ensembles, she knew exactly who had found them. “Shit. It’s the Travelers.” She quickly pulled Klaus up a narrow staircase, explaining, “So, maybethere’s also this cult of crazy fanatics who are interested in the spear points. They’re convinced some ancient ancestor was a powerful witch who disturbed the natural balance and was cast out of her community.”
           With a troubled sigh that turned into a choked laugh, he pulled loose his bowtie as they hid out on a balcony, staring down at the courtyard very far below. “And what does that nonsense have to do with our artifacts?”
           He said ‘our’. It inexplicably filled her with warmth and she again had to tamp down those lusty thoughts. Action now — then some real action later. “It’s kind of hard to follow and has more embarrassing plot holes than a CW show, but supposedly there was a curse that had something to do with doppelgangers, massive earthquakes and possibly a boat anchor and they think these artifacts will somehow break the curse.”  
           He scoffed, but whatever skeptical diatribe he was about to begin was stopped short when there was a loud banging on the double doors to the room where they’d been hiding. Glancing over the balcony once more, he wryly asked, “Does your skillset include flying?”
           Following his line of sight, she spied some of the aerial silks the acrobats had hung for their performance. As the edges of the jewel-toned fabrics fluttered near the balcony, she asked, “Are you daring me to jump out this window and slide down a curtain?”
           Wincing a bit at the sound of wood starting to splinter from the psycho cult just outside, he told her, “Perhaps I found my adventurous spirit.”
           “Fine. But we’re jumping together.”
           Klaus smirked, grabbing her by the waist as they each clutched the sturdy fabric. “I suppose a dare is a dare.”
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Survey #254
“i hate that it seems you were never enough; we were broken and bleeding, but never gave up.”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten? My late dog Teddy. Well technically, it was a container of puppy chow behind the tree, but in essence, him. Has there ever been a person you regret ever being friends with? I don't think so? Do you think you have a good understanding of love? Yes. What do you want to do on your honeymoon? Relax and enjoy quality time w/ my spouse somewhere great. Do you think Medical Marijuana should be legalized? Yes. If you were forced to dye your hair another color, what color would you get? At this current time, silver. What do you think of your parent(s)? I love them, a lot. Who do you talk to on the phone most often? Actually talk, Mom. But I text Sara more. What’s a song that makes you feel happy? Uhhh "</code>" by MIW came to me first. What celebrity would you like to meet? M-M-M-mARk What is your favorite clothing store? I can't really say. I like Hot Topic's content most, but they're really not all that broad in size range, so it seems unfair to say them. What’s a good idea you’ve had recently? Hell if I know, I don't make those. Do you like to wear high heels? No. What are you most excited about right now? Nothing. Would you like to live in a different country? If so which one? Honestly, if it didn't mean leaving Mom behind, I'd go to Canada by now. Recent events have me fucking livid with America's healthcare system. What’s your favorite song from a movie? Like, it was made for the movie? Man, I dunno. Probably something off Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, though. The soundtrack is magical. Where would you like to volunteer? Realistically, I don't know. A zoo would be incredible, but I handle heat incredibly poorly and also canfuckingnot pick up feces or touch vomit. So, that takes a big chunk out of what volunteers can do there. What’s the last song you listened to? "Another Life" by MIW is on repeat right now and I need to turn it the fuck off because I'm in a bad PTSD episode. Do you like being alone? Sometimes, yes, but not for too long. How do you find new music? YouTube recommendations, usually. What’s your favorite city? I don't have a favorite. I've only ever once been to an even remotely impressive one: Chicago. What’s the last YouTube video you watched? Some tarantula one. I'm fucking addicted to tarantulas now and need a Mexican red knee like now. Once we (hopefully) move, I'm gonna at least try talking Mom into it. Where are you going on your next trip? I don't know. If you had to make a six-hour cross-country journey, would you rather take the train, fly or drive? How come? Fly, if I had the window seat. It's relaxing. How long do your earphones tend to last before the connection goes and you have to replace them? Considering I'm like, constantly using them, Mom says they die fast, judging by how frequently I let her know I need a new pair. She got me a big box of them for Christmas, even. I've got one extra pair left. If you could dye your hair any color in the world, assuming it would look perfect with your coloring, what would you pick and why? Pastel pink bc aesthetic. Are you a fan of musicals? If you are, what ones have you seen live and which ones would you like to see? No. Have you ever had to give up something you were addicted to? Did you actually succeed? Yes. Have you ever had to work (or study) with someone that you really didn’t get along with? How did you deal with it (ignoring them, being nice, etc.)? Maybe at some point, idk. Have you ever had any problems with your wisdom teeth, or have they been taken out already? No. Which one of your senses would you miss the most if you lost it? Hearing, probably. That'd feel so lonely. Do you find your mood changes when you’re hungry or tired? Does eating or sleeping automatically cure you of a bad mood? I can definitely become irritable if I'm extremely hungry and/or tired. Sleeping helps me with a lot of problems, lmao. What’s the stupidest fight you’ve ever gotten into? Did you make up with that person or did you end up losing them over it? Oh idk. Probably something RP-related as a kid. Have you ever gotten really bad travel sickness? Has this put you off travelling or going by certain modes of transport in case it happens again? No, thankfully. What’s your opinion on prostitution? Should it be legal and regulated, or is it something that needs to be gotten rid of completely? I don't support it. Just leaving it at that. If it was a case of prostitution or being evicted from your home, which option would you pick (assuming you’d tried everything else to make money first)? Evict me. Morally, prostituting would kill me. I have family who thankfully I know would let me stay with them. Are you into piercings and tattoos? If not, do you judge people who are, and vice versa? Hell yeah, so I obviously don't judge people who are. What’s your opinion on places like Seaworld? Do you think keeping whales and dolphins in such small enclosures is cruel or a necessary evil? First: I'm not very educated on how similar *all* Seaworlds are. But in regards to keeping whales, it's inhumane as all fuck. They are WAY too big to be held in such a small space for our goddamn amusement. I support zoos who do what they do for conservation and educational purposes, but from my memory of Seaworld, that's not their primary concern. Who is one person that you no longer hang out with? Why did that association end? My former best friend. There's a novel on why I don't associate with her anymore, but the top reason would be she's just a drama magnet that does no wrong. Wonders why her life is so insane and tumultuous while never looking into herself as the potential reason. What was the last item you put into your pants pocket? I don't really wear pants with pockets, but I'm sure in the last case, it woulda been my phone or money. Who was the last person to endanger your life, whether it was accidentally or intentionally? Well I'm certain it was accidental, but idk what the most recent situation would be. What was the last thing you started over on? Job searching, I guess. What was the last task that you completed? Does eating breakfast count? Esp. when you really didn't want it but needed it? Have you ever failed at something extremely important to you? If yes, what? Ah, what a timely question. I dropped out of school for the third fucking time a few days back. When was the last time that you wanted time to move faster? Last night in my regular routine of waking up in the middle of the night twice/thrice. I sleep so poorly that I just want the morning to come at some point so it's "normal" for me to be up. ^Slower? Hm. I dunno. I don't have much reason to want time to slow lately. When was the last time you felt impatient with someone? Currently w/ Mom, but it's at a low level and probably isn't fair feeling impatient in the first place. Who was the last person that you called a “bitch”? I don't know. Probably playfully, anyway. ^Who, if anyone, was the last person to address you by that term? I also don't know. When was the last time you questioned whether or not you were making the right decision? Every time I make one lmao. Has a boy-/girlfriend ever suggested that you might want to lose some weight, or that it might make you look better? lol wow no. What is your idea of “too big” when it comes to weight? Once it comes to a point of infringing on your ability to function normally. ^How about “too thin”? Same as ^, really, it just goes in the opposite direction. Have you ever experienced an overly clinging boy-/girlfriend? Yeah, we lasted two weeks lmao. What is the most annoying thing your family members do on a daily basis, if anything? I only live with Mom, and she doesn't regularly do annoying stuff. With which family member do you get along with the least? The best? Least, my grandma. We've gotten kinda better though now that she's dying. Best, Mom. ^Why do you think that you don’t get along well with that family member? We have very, very averse beliefs and standards. Who is someone that you wish would be there for you more often? My sisters, honestly. Shit's going on with them, I always reach out to let them know I'm here. Something's wrong with me, I never hear a word. Have you ever felt like someone abandoned you? If yes, explain? BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH- How often do you find that you are bored? Daily, nearly at all times. This is gonna sound pathetic, but I tend to be so bored so regularly that I experience passively suicidal thoughts now and again because I just feel being dead would almost be more exciting. That's something I'll never act on, but yeah. I have mega bad anhedonia. What activity has the best chance of holding your attention for a long period of time? Hm. Playing a game, maybe. Or if I'm watching a really good video on YT. Have you ever decided that you like/dislike someone based on their survey answers? Yup. What previews did you see at the last movie you saw in theaters? Hell if I remember. How many things are you a fan of on Facebook? Wow, a fucking lot. Back in the day I would "like" lots of those pages that just had funny/relatable names, and man does it pay off (usually) now. I Got The Memes. Do you have more friends on Myspace or Facebook? Probably Facebook? I don't really remember the friending process on MySpace besides the "top 8" thing that destroyed friendships, lmao. Have you ever been to a movie that sold out? Maybe? Idk. Have you ever been to a midnight movie? One. What’s your state’s weather usually like this time of year? Too fucking hot. Do you get those leg cramps in the middle of the night? No. What movie last made you too scared to go to sleep? *shrug* Is your cell phone a qwerty (full keyboard) or no? Yeah. What was the last website you logged onto (besides the one you’re on)? PetSmart to apply for a position as pet trainer. I hate chain pet stores, but whatever, I'm desperate. What’s your home page? Google. Do you have split ends? No. When you’re on a laptop, do you hook up a mouse or use the touchpad? I prefer to have a mouse. If you’re learning a language, what year are you in? I'm not anymore. Do you think you’re done growing or will you grow a couple more inches? I'm sure I'm done. What’s your mom’s mom’s name? Cecelia. Have you ever encountered a creepy neighbor? OKAY at my old place where I used to ride my bike all the time, there was this old man way down the road that liked to talk to me but he creeped me out so much that I started turning back before I got in sight of his place. Do you like the foam soap or the liquidy soap? Foam. Do you tend to lean towards bright colors or more subtle colors? Bright. Do you use British spelling even though you’re not British? No; I even change it in surveys a lot, lol. When was the last time you attended a barbecue? I don't have a clue. I don't like them. Can you handle movies involving lots of bugs and insects? Yeah. Are you borrowing books from anybody at the moment? No. What is one similarity between your parents? Christ... they seem incomparable by this point. Do you keep scissors in your kitchen? If so, where? Yes, in the drawer beside the fridge. When was the last time you used a payphone and who were you calling? I've never used one. Have you met everyone who lives on your street? No. Do you have a boyfriend? No. When did you last write out your name? Recently for something at school. Do you like being kissed on the neck? Yeah. What friend can you tell everything to? Sara. Would you be shocked if the last person you had feelings for texted you? No. What if you had a baby with the last person you texted? We're both cis females so physically can't. And neither of us want kids. Who knows your biggest secrets? Mom, Sara, Jason. Do you have any hickeys on you? No. Is there anyone you wish you could fix things with? Yeah. Who is someone that puts up with you no matter what? My mom. When was the last time you cried? Two days ago I sobbed for a good while. Can you honestly say you’re okay right now? Not really. Is there a girl you would do anything for? Anything? No. Is there a boy you would do anything for? No. Who IMed you on Facebook last? My friend Ian, but I haven't read it yet. What color was the last swimsuit you wore? Black. Have you ever been to an auto show? Yooo I remember as a kid, my family went with our friends to a monster truck show, I think it was? I was so not digging it and wanted to go home the whole time. What was the last thing you cooked for dinner? I had one of those Banquet microwavable dinners last night. Spicy chicken and mac 'n cheese. It's fuckin GOOD and really filling. Do you live in the city/town you were born in? No. Have you slept for longer than usual today? No, I slept terrible. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? No. Have you consumed alcohol today? If so, what? No. What’s your go-to website when you’re really bored? YouTube is my general go-to. Who was the main cook of your Thanksgiving meal last year? My sister. Do you have a passport? If so, how many stamps do you have in it? No. Have you ever been dumped really harshly? WHEEZE Have you ever taken classes for a musical instrument? Yes. Have you ever been on vacation with someone other than your family? Yeah. Do you live with your parents? With my mom. Can you do a blackflip, or anything else of that sort? No. What moment in your life have you been most scared? The night of the breakup, particularly when Mom dragged me back inside and I just literally melted. Do you have any exes you can’t stand anymore? What happened to cause you to feel that way about them? No. Do you ever make your own surveys, or just take them? I just take them. Have you ever actually thought you were pregnant? Were you? Yes, but it was entirely illogical, so I obviously wasn't. Anxiety and being terrified of pregnancy is fun. Are you more of a phone or a computer person? Computer. Do you like to cook, or do you prefer when other people cook for you? I don't cook. How old do you think you’ll be when you move out on your own? Who the fuck knows anymore. Do you have a job? If so, where do you work? If not, do you want one? No; yes. Have you ever ripped your pants in public? I don't think so? Do movies such as Saw and The Grudge scare you easily? No. How many best friends do you have? What are their names? One; Sara. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever been dared to do? Did you do it? No clue. Can you drive? I mean I can, but I'm terrified of it, and my permit is expired anyway. What do you consider to be a good grade? What do you consider to be a bad grade? B; C and below. Have you ever had a teacher who hated you? No. Can you remember who your grade 5 teacher was? Did you like them? Yes, I adored them both. Do you know anybody that has severe allergies? Multiple people. Who was the last person you slow danced with? laskdjflka;jwe What’s your favourite song at the moment? Ah shit man idk. Do you prefer headphones or earbuds? Earbuds. Headphones aggravate my ears. Do you ever ride the city bus? How much does it cost you? We don't even have one here. How do you get to school? N/A What is the last book you read? Did you enjoy it? The first Wings of Fire book, and yes, very much. Do you scream out the answers while watching game shows on TV? Scream, no. I'll say them sometimes, though. Who in your life do you care about more than yourself? Mom, Sara. Jason, probably, as much as I hate to admit that. Would you ever consider adopting a child with a severe mental illness? HYPOTHETICALLY, if I even wanted kids, yes. I'm very empathetic and care a shitload about mental health, so I think I'd be a very good cheerleader for them. Which wild animal would you most like to have as a pet? Again hypothetically, a meerkat, but I DO NOT support them as pets and get very upset when I see them as such. What bill do you hate paying the most? I don't have any. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar? Never. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you, who and where would it be? Sara to the mountains of NC. Favorite non-sexual thing to do with girl/boy? Play games together. Who from high school would you like to run in to? A handful of people.
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thesetales-archive4 · 5 years
what song do you associate with each muse?
okay so this took me forever lol, and i didn’t do it for ardyn, hannibal or blaine bc i ended up getting tired of looking for songs, but... here you go. i also put the parts of the lyrics to each song that i associate with each muse underneath the cut, for those who might be interested in why i picked the songs i picked. anyways, here goes:
ARTHUR FLECK:  smile - jimmy duranteJOHN DOE:  down with the sickness - disturbedJACE HUNTER:  monster you made me - pop evilJOHN WINCHESTER:  hurt - johnny cashNEGAN:  hail to the king - avenged sevenfoldEDWARD NYGMA:  numb - the cover version by jonathan youngJAMES GORDON:  healing begins - tenth avenue northHARLEY QUINN:  i’m gonna show you crazy - bebe rexhaSEAN MACGUIRE:  my old man - zac brown bandARTHUR MORGAN:  running gun - marty robbinsDAMON SALVATORE:  whiskey fever - dorothy   
ARTHUR FLECK:  smile - jimmy durante
smile though your heart is aching, smile even though it's breakingwhen there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by. if you smile through your fear and sorrow. smile, and maybe tomorrow you'll see the sun come shining through, for you. light up your face with gladness, hide every trace of sadness, although a tear may be ever so near. that's the time you must keep on trying. smile, what's the use of crying? you'll find that life is still worth while, if you just smile.
JOHN DOE:  down with the sickness - disturbed
it seems what's left of my human side is  slowly changing in me (will you give in to me?) looking at my own reflection, when suddenly it changes, violently it changes. there is no turning back now, you'vewoken up the demon in me. 
get up, come on get down with the sickness, open up your hate, andlet it flow into me. get up, come on get down with the sickness. madness is the gift, that has been given to me. 
i can see inside you, the sickness is rising, don't try to deny what you feel (will you give in to me?) it seems that all that was good has died, and is decaying in me.
JACE HUNTER:  monster you made me - pop evil
take a good look at me now, do you still recognize me? am i so different inside? this world is trying to change me. and i admit i don't want to change with it, and i admit i can't go on like this anymoreerase this monster i've become. forgive me for all the damage done. it's not over, say it's not over. i'm begging for mercy, i’monly the monster you made me.i'm better alone now. see i'm torn from my mistakes. and i stop believing that i could ever make things change. how much can i take, when i know that it hurts you? how long can i wait, when icant go on like this anymore?because who i am isn't who i used to be. and i'm not invincible,i'm not indestructible. i'm only human. can't you see the beauty in me?take a good look at me now, can't you see i've changed?
JOHN WINCHESTER:  hurt - johnny cash
i hurt myself today, to see if i still feeli focus on the pain, the only thing that's realthe needle tears a hole, the old familiar stingtry to kill it all away, but i remember everything
what have i become, my sweetest friendeveryone i know, goes away in the endand you could have it all, my empire of dirti will let you down, i will make you hurt
NEGAN:  hail to the king - a7x
watch your tongue or have it cut from your head. save your life by keeping whispers unsaid. children roam the streets now orphans of war. bodies hanging in the streets to adore. royal flames will carve a path in chaos, bringing daylight to the night. death is riding in to town with armor. they come to take all your rights.
hail to the king, hail to the one. kneel to the crown, stand in the sun. hail to the king.
blood is spilled while holding keys to the throne. born again but it’s too late to atone. no mercy from the edge of the blade. dare escape and learn the price to be paid. let the water flow in shades of red now. arrows black out all the light. death is riding in to town with armor. they come to grant you your rights.
there's a taste of fear, when the henchmen call. iron fist to tame them iron fist to claim it all
EDWARD NYGMA:  numb - linkin park cover by jonathan young
i'm tired of being what you want me to be, feeling so faithless, lost under the surface. don't know what you're expecting of meput under the pressure of walking in your shoes. every step that i take is another mistake to you
i've become so numb, i can't feel you there. become so tired, so much more aware, i'm becoming this. all i want to do, is be more like me and be less like you
can't you see that you're smothering me. holding too tightly, afraid to lose control? 'cause everything that you thought i would be has fallen apart right in front of you. every step that I take is another mistake to you. and every second I waste is more than I can take
and i know i may end up failing too. but i know you were just like me with someone disappointed in you
JAMES GORDON:  healing begins - tenth avenue north.
so you thought you had to keep this up. all the work that you doso we think that you're good. and you can't believe it's not enough.all the walls you built up are just glass on the outside
so let 'em fall down. there's freedom waiting in the sound, when you let your walls fall to the ground, we're here now
this is where the healing begins, oh this is where the healing starts.when you come to where you're broken, within the light meets the dark.
afraid to let your secrets out. everything that you hide can comecrashing through the door now. but too scared to face all your fear, so you hide, but you find that the shame won't disappear
sparks will fly as grace collides with the dark inside of us. so please don't fight this coming light. the light meets the dark.
HARLEY QUINN:  i’m gonna show you crazy - bebe rexha
there's a war inside my head, sometimes i wish that i was dead.i'm broken, so i called this therapist and she said, "girl, you can't be fixed, just take this"i'm tired of trying to be normal, i'm always over-thinking. i'm driving myself crazy. so what if i'm fucking crazy?
and i don't need your quick fix. i don't want your prescriptions. just'cause you say i'm crazy, so what if i'm fucking crazy? yeah, i’m gonna show youloco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath, yeah, i'm gonna show you, i’mgonna show you. yeah, i'm gonna show you mental out my brain, bat shit, go insane, yeah, i'm gonna show you
i've been searching city streets trying to find the missing piece like you said. and i searched hard only to find there's not a single thing that's wrong with my mind.
SEAN MACGUIRE:  my old man - zac brown band
he was a giant when i was just a kid. i was always tryingto do everything he did. i can still remember every lesson he taught me, growing up learning how to be like my old man
he was a lion, we were our father's pride, but i was defiant, when he made me walk the line. he knew how to lift me up, and when to let me fall. looking back, he always had a planmy old man, my old man
feel the callous on his hands and dusty overalls. my old man, now i finally understand i have a lot  to learn from my old man.
my old man, i know one day we'll meet again, as he's looking down. my old man, i hope he's proud of who i ami'm trying to fill the boot of my old man. my old man
ARTHUR MORGAN:  running gun - marty robbins
i rode out of kansas city, going, south to mexico. i was, running dodging danger, left the girl that i loved so. far behind lay kansas city and the past that i had earned. twenty notches on my six gun marked the lessons i had learned. 
many times i sold my fast gun for a place to lay my head. till the nights began to haunt me by the men that i lay dead. couldn't stand it any longer with the life that i'd begun, so I, said good-bye to jeannie and became a running gun. i rode into amarillo as the sun sank in the west, my thoughts in kansas city and the girl that i love best. as i smiled and kissed her gently and then turned around to go, said i'd send for her to meet me when i reached old mexico. i had barely left the saddle and my foot just touched the ground, when a cold voice from the shadows told me not to turn around.said he knew about my fast gun, knew the price paid by the law. challenged by a bounty hunter, so i turned around to draw. 
i knew someday i'd meet him for his hand like lightning flashed, my own gun stayed in leather as his bullet tore it's path. as my strength was slowly fading, i could see him walk away, and i knew that where i lie today, he too must lie some day. now my strength is slowly fading and my eyes are growing dim, and my thoughts return to jeannie and the home that we had planned. oh please tell her won't you mister that she's still the only one, but a woman's love is wasted when she loves a running gun.
DAMON SALVATORE:  whiskey fever - dorothy
woah mama don't you leave me alone, no tellin' what i'll do on my own. woah mama there's a pit in my soul, so deep i gotta fill it up now, fill it up now, fill it up now.whiskey whiskey whiskey fever, you're my evil, you're my evilwhiskey whiskey whiskey fever, you're my evil, you're my evil love
woah mama can't you say that i'm wrong, bad habits been busting my bones. hell mama’s gonna swallow me whole, god knows i gotta fill it up now, fill it up now, fill it up now.
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i have so many theories!!! theyre all screaming at me!!! i must write out them all!!!!! 
so here’s one that’s been knocking around my head since finals week began:
the Writing 3 Playlist on Spotify 
I think this bad boy is a hint at the game’s timeline
maybe not 100% explanatory, but I think we can guess certain parts of the game through this
and i just wanna tell y’all now, almost all of this is speculation, as honestly im 90% sure the playlist was created bc it had borderlands-y songs in it (although the last few have me scratching my head)
lemme explain why im writing this, though I’m very thirsty for lore
tl;dr: game goes like this: lilith powers stolen. go to promethea, go to jungle, find brick mordy and tina, get into a fight, lose fight, go find other VHs, get into another fight, Krieg shows up to save Maya, maya die. (oh no she ded), the twins have their we are GODS moment, the VHs get summoned to the Eridian homeworld, there’s a huge ass final battle, someone attempts to create an end-of-the-world scenario
so the playlist itself was created to help one of the authors of the game get into their borderlands jam 
it starts with a Cage the Elephant song, “Trouble”, the band of which we all know wrote the first song used in BL1. Not really much else to say here, but we do know the opening cutscene of the game involves our current team of Vault Hunters being attacked by the Children of the Vault. this is, of course, not indicative of any songs used in bl3, but we can assume it captures the general feeling of the game.
Second song: “Fire” by Barns Courtney (holy shit I love this guy so fucking much!! if you’ve never listened to his music, PLEASE do so! I really recommend “Rather Die”- I am in the process of making a bl3 animatic to it actually lmao). 
So anyway, I’m just sayin’, the lyrics of this song...
“Oh, a thousand faces staring at me Thousand times I've fallen Thousand voices dead at my feet Now I'm gone... And my mother told me son let it be Sold my soul to the calling Sold my soul to a sweet melody Now I'm gone... Oh gimme that fire ...”
Honestly, I would not be surprised if this song was about Lilith’s loss of her powers. I mean, she used to call herself the Firehawk because she burned the shit outta bandits. c’monnn.
The man, the myth, the legend himself even says that "[The song is] quite defiant as well, like this cannot be how it ends, it cannot be my situation."
Mooooving on
“Majesty” by Apashe and Wasiu
holy fuck i love this song so much. and its so very obviously about the Calypso Twins- at the very least its Tyreen.
“All the stars and galaxies address me as your majesty So better say your majesty, I might react erratically Throw you in a fire, purify you I'm the sire, my empire's on the rise You better find yourself a place to hide Your place to find, but say it twice My name divine, I'm aimin' high Don't look in my face or eyes Take a bow and save your life Glory to the emperor, my temperature is risin' Always hot, it's getting violent”
I mean come on if its not when we meet the twins for the first time after they steal lily’s powers, then its definitely when they do something absolutely badass and really show us why they’re revered as gods. Possibly related to the Holy Broadcasting Center?
“The Way I Do” by Bishopp Briggs 
this one honestly had got me stumped as to its purpose, i lowkey kinda think its getting Sanctuary 3 up and running (and possibly meeting Maya for the first time- still not sure about that). I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a whole thing for Scooter and this song fits pretty well. I imagine we also meet Vaughn and the Children at some point, so maybe here?
“Greeting the Menace” by Zack Hemsey 
yeah i uhhhh dunno. This sounds like a song about a dude getting tortured which scares me a bit lmao. 
I thought maybe this song and the next 2 could be VH-based songs, as the next 2 have no lyrics whatsoever and the third is called “Best Friends”, but who knows... If this is the case I could make the argument this is about Zane or Moze, leaning towards Zane cuz he’s pretty covered up, plus I think “Best Friends” would be more Moze’s style lmao
I could also see this being a song about Troy... could explain all the ‘body mods’ and the missing arm.
“ProtoVision” by Kavinsky
If we’re going with the idea that these next few songs are about the Vault Hunters, then I imagine this would be Fl4k’s. It’s got that synth and some guitar which I think fits perfectly with his robo-hobo aesthetic lol
Other than that, I truly have no idea what part of the story this song could reference since there aren’t any lyrics. Maybe Promethea’s city? I could kinda see it, it sounds pretty high-tech
Similarly, “diatribe.” by Oliver Michael
the beginning gives me a whole meditation vibe which I kinda associate with Amara and her phasecast skill which “sends out an astral projection” of herself. 
Then again, this could be the outskirts of the Promethean city... I could see myself wandering around the huge ass foliage and discovering an abandoned research base to this song idk
“Best Friends” by grandson
aaahh i love grandson. I think this could be a Moze-based song. I just get that vibe from her leather jacket... anyway
I also could totally see this as discovering Brick, Mordecai, and Tina in the research base (if that truly is where they are). Cause we saw them in the trailer hanging out there. 
tbh the lyrics themselves kinda remind me of pre-Tales Rhys and Fiona and all their friends
“All of my best friends Like to go and get fucked up Then they talk about all the lives they never got to live Oh, they're still waiting for some sort of invitation It's never coming along, oh no, you'll get just what you give”
but idk if that’s what its meant for
“Bap U” by Party Favor
hmm another ‘lyricless’ song. not really lyric-less but uhhh the lyrics are pretty nonsensical lol
I could see there being a fight scene with Brick Tina and Mordy as AIs helping out here, maybe exploring the abandoned research base?
“Not Human” by elegant slims 
oh you know what im going to say here hahaha
monster troy p l e a s e
i wouldn’t be surprised if Tyreen started accumulating more powers here, like perhaps the previous fight scene was over the Vault on Promethea and the twins were able to access it before us? and Tyreen gives the Vault Monster the succ
“Crack in the seams You're breaking through The animal inside of you You're not human anymore... Your eyes go black electric blue The animal inside of you Life on a string Watch it swing Hide your teeth”
and one (or both) of the twins start going feral lol
“Way Down We Go” by KALEO
one (1) fear and that’s that someone dies during the scene that corresponds to this song
hopefully its just the boys being depressed over a loss instead of a victory, but oof
anyway, you know what they say: “sometimes you gotta fall before you make it big” ;) thats a typhon deleon quote
“I’m a Wanted Man” by Royal Deluxe
I want to believe these next few songs are us recruiting the rest of the Vault Hunters not seen yet
I kinda associate this one with Axton since his whole History with DAHL, but who knows! It could be Gaige, too. or Maya since she looks like she’s being incredibly gay criminal on the Maliwan Monastery planet. Maybe both Axton and Gaige? I would love that
“The Devil You Know” by X Ambassadors 
Could also be Axton! I lowkey think its Salvador or Timothy Lawrence. The reason I think its Timothy is cuz the whole song gives me huge Handsome Jack vibes, but it could also be Sal cuz I totally imagine him becoming a bounty hunter to fund his gun addiction lmao
“00000 Million” by Ella Vos
this one also gives off Maya vibes imo. I wouldn’t be surprised if this one is about her and the introduction of Little Blue. I could also see Athena and Janey here, just living their lives out in a cottage somewhere. awww
“Jungle” by Tash Sultana
Ahh a love song [pukes] Hopefully this one is about Athena and Janey, cuz there is a depressing lack of both of them in all the trailers we’ve seen! It sounds lowkey sad, though. I hope nothing happened to them D:
“Don’t Wait Up” by Dustbowl Revival
this one gives me very big Fiona and Sasha vibes. 
Of course, there’s also the fact that the song is about a dad, and we still don’t know who the heck “the Father” is on all those Calypsos posters. We also dunno who in the heck “Mother” is, either. Sounds like Father left the cult, though, oof, and Mother stuck around. Wonder what that’s all about, maybe he felt like the twins were working fast/efficient enough and left to do things himself? Very lost on this idea tbh. the song seems very out of place, but it has to connect to something, yknow?
“Dies Irae” by Apashe and Black Prez
For those of you who don’t speak fluent Latin (the fuck guys?? lmao jk), the title means "Day of Wrath". Nice, nice, nice. 
the lyrics, you might be asking:
“'Cause I'ma beast. Where you at? I've been unleashed. Whatchu doin'? Sink my teeth. Y'all can't fathom I'ma beast”
me: [vibrating in my seat] monster twins monster twins monster twins monster twins
at the very least this is definitely a fight scene here. Probably with the twins again (hopefully). Maybe they found some way to imbue the cultists with fucked up powers and are sending them against the VHs as giant demon things and as we fight through the temple (apparently with some Guardians) we realize the final one is Troy and/or Tyreen?
I like to imagine this is where Maya gets her powers stolen, if only because the next few songs... I think she’s around because she’s now the only person with Siren powers on the side of the Crimson Raiders, so they might need her help with the Vault in some way
y’all wonder why I seemingly forgot about Krieg in the above songs? Well, this is why. 
The only lyric for this entire song is “Bitch, I'm on a rampage- mask on my damn face”
I mean come on, Krieg with his psycho mask on, the fact his action skill is literally called “Buzz Axe Rampage”, the fact he loves Maya as shown in his introductory trailer... it’d be so perfect. And I bet badass psycho Krieg would be the only thing able to beat back whatever’s attacking at the moment. I’m just imagining him smashing down a wall and going apeshit
“Black Out Days” by Phantograms
Another song I think is about Krieg and Maya. I don’t think Maya does too hot in this game, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she gets the Roland treatment if you know what I’m saying. I wonder if this causes Krieg to devolve back into insanity cause the whole song seems to focus around that. I hope not D:
“Hide the sun I will leave your face out of my mind You should save your eyes A thousand voices howling in my head Speak in tongues I don't even recognize your face Mirror on the wall Tell me all the ways to stay away”
To be honest I could also see it being that Maya gets her powers stolen and thoughtlock-ed by the twins to fight on their side (as she’s seen fighting with the big demon elemental things), and maybe we have to kill her or hurt her in some way to get her to stop attacking us. God I hope not.
Let’s hope this is someway about the twins and definitely not about our favorite Siren and/or Psycho
“The Finishing” by Stavroz
oof i think somebody dies... If its not Maya, my best guess is Krieg or Lilith. Maybe Mordecai or Brick? Oh I hope not, I love both of them way too much for it to be healthy. But, hey, at least Tina learned some coping mechanisms :(
“Intro” and “Apocalypse Please” by Muse
merged these into 1 because Intro is like 15 seconds long and is literally the introduction to Apocalypse Please. 
Definitely reaching the end of the game here... 
“And it's time we saw a miracle Come on, it's time for something biblical To pull us through And pull us through And this is the end This is the end Of the world Proclaim eternal victory Come on and change the cause of history And pull us through”
I think the twins (or whoever may have become the main villain- perhaps the Eridians?) have claimed victory/gotten the ultimate power in one way or another, and/or this is the Crimson Raiders getting themselves ready for a final stand-off with the big bad evil guy. 
I would really love if there’s a scene right at the end of this where the Twins have their huge “BOW TO ME” moment and then they just get COMPLETELY obliterated by a new villain. Just absolutely decimated.
New villain, like if they opened a Vault and whatever was being imprisoned there just wipes the floor with them (something like the Destroyer, if not the Destroyer itself), or fuck shit maybe even Tannis? or the Eridians looking for help in the war. or the Eridians bringing war. Who knows!
Again, could just be the Twins having gotten their hands on the end-game material, like realizing they can turn troy into big demon fuck (no i am not letting this one go) and we are kinda fucked now.
“Free Animal” by Foreign Air
I... have no idea lol
maybe Krieg getting rescued, maybe (one of?) the twins getting recruited by the Raiders for the final fight? It could fit into the ‘Beast’ imagery. Fuck, maybe even rescuing/finding Typhon or something? Idk, im kinda in the party that Typhon is going to be coming back some way or another lol, I’d love to meet the guy
“Dreams” by ZHU and Nero
This definitely sounds like a new BBEG has just been introduced or the big bads just entered the final phase of their plan, like the Crimson Raiders just learned about something life-changing and this is their “oh shit” moment
i wanna believe that the Eridians or another alien race (like the Seraphs!) are going to come in at the ‘end’ of the game and the Watcher is gonna be like “bitch did you really think I thought these dumbass ECHOnet streamers were the epitome of War??” I imagine we’d be on the side of the Eridians here, since y’know, the Watcher came to us for help.
Of course, the twins could still be the BBEG and have gotten their hands on that universe-destroying power that was described on the website (”to recover a map to ancient Vaults and prevent a universe-destroying power from falling into the wrong hands”) so maybe the Eridians called us in in order to meet and get help against the COV?
“Beyond the Fray” by Cassandra Violet
personally i think this one is about the Eridian homeworld
“I'll mark the day When we can meet beyond the fray Don't lose the will to see your home You find the way so we can meet beyond the fray I'll fight to see that you get home Consider this small clue Look beyond your point of view Make a space for honesty hide“
Wouldn’t even be surprised if someone made a sacrifice so we could get there... I imagine its hidden somewhere in the alternate dimension or wherever the Vaults lead to so it couldn’t be found, so maybe Lilith’s got her powers back at this point and she sacrifices herself to send us there?
“Outside the Realm” by Big Giant Circles
ah yes, another reason I think the end of the game involves the Eridian homeworld in some way. Have you heard this?? huge “we just stumbled upon a long-lost-alien-planet” vibe. I love it. Maybe even just a shot of Sanctuary III slowly gliding over the giant planet, having just exited phasewalk. God yes
“Battle Royale” by Apashe
another reason i think the final fight is some giant battlefield/wave fight instead of just against 1 or 2 enemies. not to mention the fact that the VH skills we’ve seen so far are crowd control based instead of raid boss focused. 
Its likely the VHs against the Cult of the Vault, but if we defeat the Twins halfway through the game, then the Cult will dissolve on its own. Either way, I really really really really really want a huge fight against an army. I don’t care if its against the Children of the Vault, the Eridians/some Guardians, or if its against the Seraphs or a new set of aliens we’re gonna get (maybe whatever the Destroyer was/is?). idk idc i just want a huge battle. I imagine we’re on the Eridians’ side, as I said above, but who knows, maybe the Watcher went rogue. 
oh and also, the next song:
“Doomsday” by NERO
oh hey, I recognize this song, it’s giving me major BL2 flashbacks lmao
Also the last song in the playlist, which is giving me the big fear (tm)
I imagine that we wouldn’t have been brought to the Eridian homeworld if it wasn’t kind of a huge deal, and what’s more of a huge deal than the end of the universe?!
that’s what i’d call doomsday, anyway.
could be the reason the Eridians are coming out of hiding after all this time. Either to stop our dumb human asses from opening the Vaults, or to get help against these alien fucks because our dumb human asses keep destroying their first line of defense- the Vault Monsters.
If the twins actually DO remain the main villains throughout the whole game, then I imagine this is them prepping to destroy the universe
but maaaan i really want some aliens... maybe the universe destroying power IS the aliens? aw hell yeah
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intocontiinents · 5 years
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EVA NOBLEZADA, DEMIGIRL, SHE/THEY.  —  looks  like VIOLET GOTHEL  is  attending   AURADON PREP  in  auradon.  they're  the  EIGHTEEN  year  old  child  of  MOTHER GOTHEL (ADOPTED),  which  means  they're  from  THE ISLE OF THE LOST.  heard  they're  RESOURCEFUL  &  OBSERVANT,  but  can  also  be  HOSTILE  &  SULLEN  ;  we  all  have  our  bad  days.  people  normally  associate  them  with  SWIFT HANDS, SNEAKING OUT AT NIGHT, CUTTING YOUR OWN BANGS. 
hello all !! it’s  seph  once again with a new character ! this time it’s sort of a heavy revamp of one of my much older characters  (  think:  character i’ve had since  2012  kind of old  )  but definitely with some new points i’ve added !!  anyways, as per usual, if you wanna hc, hit me tf up on tumblr pms or through discord @ seph !#7477 !!
i. i was born with fire burning ╱
                      violet  lillith  gothel.
         nineteen. daughter of mother gothel.
                      spotify. pinterest.
ii. at the root of my heart ╱
  ╰    ˚            mother gothel had a penchant of taking in children that were not her own,  and violet knew from the start that the woman she calls mother really wasn’t hers.
 ╰    ˚            her real parents were petty thieves shipped off to the isle, who never in their wildest dreams even expected a child.  so she was left on the stoop of some random building in a basket,  with only a locket and a letter containing her name.
 ╰    ˚            when mother gothel saw the crying baby on her doorstep, she took her in, raised her as if she were one of her own.  she was  nice  enough to have let violet keep her locket during the first few years of her childhood, though eventually sold it to get food for them.
 ╰    ˚            maybe it was because she was so  small  and  quiet  as a child, or maybe it was because she was the youngest,  but gothel was never as harsh to violet,  though that didn’t mean she didn’t spit vile words  and passive aggressive comments at the girl’s face.
 ╰    ˚            when she got older,  gothel found a use for her small build and her  innocent  face, and after a few weeks of learning the tricks,  violet was sent out to the streets in her free time to pickpocket random passersby and citizens of the isle.
 ╰    ˚            nobody ever suspected her, of course.  how could they,  when they looked into her big brown eyes and saw  innocence.  to them she was just gothel’s youngest child,  a charity case  who never really spoke that much.
╰    ˚            she was always so quiet, yes, but what she lacked in words she made up for in her observations.
 ╰    ˚            she was  so quiet  and  so isolated.  gothel didn’t keep them in a tower, but she moderated violet’s ins and outs so much that it might as well have been.  her contact with the rest of the isle was limited to her schooling and on the days when gothel would let her roam the street to lift valuables from unknowing passersby.
╰    ˚            it also didn’t help that gothel fed her the same lies that she did to rapunzel,  that the world beyond their homestead was nasty and filled with ruffians and thugs  (  which wasn’t much of a  lie  now these days, but u get my point  ),  which made her wary of the world outside what she’s known.
╰    ˚            she has, however, snuck out at night  (  though it’s only been a handful  of times since she’s done so  ),  not to interact with the rest of the kids of the isle,  but to just walk around the dark paths of the forest near their house,  basking in the moon’s glow.  the forest has become her friend, and one might argue that it was her  only  friend,  and they’re partially true.  friends are hard to come by in the isle, after all.
╰    ˚            when she was chosen to go to auradon,  violet had an uneasy feeling in her gut.  of course, she was happy to leave the isle,  and auradon had  much more  valuable and expensive things to pickpocket off, but while her life in the isle was never really ideal,  she was a bit  scared  to leave all she’s ever known.
iii. at the base of my throat ╱ personality.
╰    ˚            if you hadn’t noticed,  violet isn’t much of a talker, though it’s mostly out of her own volition.  to her, her quiet nature = innocence, which fools a lot of people.
╰    ˚            she’s a tad bit  naive, yes-- she doesn’t quite believe gothel when she says that the outside world is dangerous, but she does heed a bit of her instructions,  which means that she’s very wary and suspicious of literally everyone around her. like !! she doesn’t think that the outside world isn’t inherently  bad,  she just assumes that a majority of the people are kind of out to get her.
╰    ˚            is probably inwardly judging you  so hard  right now.  while she rarely speaks,  her inner monologue is just full of her critiquing others.
╰    ˚            can definitely be perceived as hostile once people look past her ‘innocent’ front and she kind really is?? she takes a lot of caution when handling w people bc again ! !  she still doesn’t trust them
╰    ˚            also when people look past her Innocent™️ front, she is hella Grumpy™️  like she is lit rally the walking definition of ‘do not fucking talk to me or i will stomp you with my hooves’  
iv. at the bottom of my lungs ╱
i don’t really have a specific wanted connection for violet, but like i said, if you want to plot something w/ me, hit me up on tumbler or on discord @ seph !#7477
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cbdorigin-blog · 6 years
The History of CBD: A Brief Overview
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While decades of cannabis prohibition may lead some to assume that the therapeutic benefits of CBD are a recent discovery, that’s far from the truth.
The first documented use of cannabis-derived medicine dates back to 2737 BC when Chinese Emperor Sheng Neng used a cannabis-infused tea to aid with a variety of ailments including memory, malaria, rheumatism, and gout.
Queen Victoria is believed to have used CBD to alleviate menstrual cramps during her reign, which ended in 1901.
Throughout history, cannabis had served as a valuable therapeutic resource; however, during the rise of modern medicine, it was not recognized by most in the medical community due to a lack of scientific evidence.
It wasn’t until 1839, when Irish physician and medical researcher, William B. O’Shaughnessy, published a study which investigated the plant’s therapeutic effects, that researchers did begin to consider the medical applications of cannabis.
In his study, which was then quite controversial, O’Shaughnessy explored the rudimentary effects of cannabis and thoroughly described its potential medical applications, particularly as an anesthetic.
While the Irish researcher may have not realized it then, he had just opened the door towards the discovery of the compounds that would one day be referred to as cannabinoids.
The Discovery of Cannabinoids
Nearly a century after O’Shaughnessy published his study, advancements in research and technology revealed the presence of compounds within the cannabis plant.
The first discovery of an individual cannabinoid was made, when British chemist Robert S. Cahn reported the partial structure of Cannabinol (CBN), which he later identified as fully formed in 1940.
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Two years later, American chemist, Roger Adams, made history when he successfully isolated the first cannabinoid, Cannabidiol (CBD). His research is also responsible for the discovery of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Early Research of Cannabinoid Pharmacology
During the early stages of cannabis research, scientists had limited knowledge of cannabinoid structure and an only partial understanding of the biological composition contained within the plant.
Because of this, early researchers could not accurately determine which compound was causing which effect.
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam made the first breakthrough towards understanding the effects of individual cannabinoids in 1963 when he successfully identified the stereochemistry of CBD.
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A year later, Mecholam’s discovered the stereochemistry of THC, which revealed the cannabinoids direct relationship to the euphoric effects associated with marijuana use and disassociated CBD as a mind-altering compound.
As research advanced, a landmark victory occurred, when New Mexico passed the 1978 Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research Act, a bill which legally recognized the medicinal value of cannabis.
The momentum continued during the 1980s as Dr. Mechoulam and his team conducted a study on the potential application of CBD for the treatment of epilepsy as a hypnotic.
In the study, Mechoulam and his team administered daily doses of 300mg of CBD to study a group of 8 subjects. After just four months of treatment, half of the subjects stopped having seizures and the others exhibited a decrease in the frequency of their seizures.
This was a huge breakthrough that had the potential to change the lives of more than 50 million epilepsy sufferers from around the world.
Unfortunately, the discovery was not as publicized any type of breakthrough, due to the stigmas towards cannabis during that time.
The work of Dr. Mechoulam and the other early cannabis pioneers would not go in vain though.
Less than a decade later, interest in the therapeutic applications of cannabinoids revealed the discovery of additional cannabinoids, further understanding of cannabinoid structure, and the amazing breakthrough of our body’s Endocannabinoid System, a network of receptors that interact with receptors found in cannabinoids.
As research progressed, it would eventually lead to an explosion of interest across the United States.
The Rise of CBD in the United States
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In 1996, California passed Proposition 215, making it the first state to legalize medical marijuana
Within a few years, 7 other states followed suit, including:
Oregon, Alaska, Washington (1998)
Maine (1999)
Hawaii, Nevada, Colorado (2000)
With the legalization of medical marijuana, patients in those states now had legal access to cannabis, and researchers could expand their studies into cannabinoid medical uses.
This prompted research into the potential of CBD for the treatment of a variety of ailments such as chronic pain, epilepsy, and numerous neurodegenerative diseases.
While the stigma towards cannabis had begun to shift, it still fell under a very gray area of the law, and because of CBD’s close relationship to the controversial plant, it was judged under those same laws.
While the distinction between CBD and the other cannabinoids was more known throughout the scientific community, it was foreign knowledge amongst those who could actually impact these laws – the general public.
Based on surveys from 1998-2002, more than 2 out of 3 Americans opposed cannabis legalization. One of the major factors that contributed to America’s opposition at the time was the prevalence of stigmas like “marijuana is a gateway drug” and others of the sort. This led Americans to believe that cannabis is dangerous, addictive, and harmful.
Based on the country’s current position towards cannabis at that time, changing their beliefs, educating the masses, and enacting CBD-specific laws seemed impossible, with a timeline of 25-40 years being optimistic.
But in the 2000s, an interesting phenomenon began to happen.
People began to share their personal experiences with others.
From Rick Simpson, a man who found relief from a rare form of skin cancer to countless others––the unique and moving stories of CBD-users revealed how CBD could deliver relief from conditions like anxiety, depression, insomnia, arthritis, fibromyalgia and more.
The genuine, organic nature of the stories and the openness of those to share their personal and vulnerable experiences for the purpose of helping others fueled a surge of awareness across the country.
Then, in 2010, a powerful story about the health benefits of CBD emerged and ignited the movement that would change the world forever.
The Amazing Story of Charlotte Figi
Charlotte Figi, a young girl in Colorado, was born in 2006 with a very rare form of chronic epilepsy known as Dravet Syndrome.
Dravet Syndrome is a very rare and devastating form of epilepsy that affects approximately 1 in every 16,000 to 21,000 infants.
By the age of just four, Charlotte had lost much her ability to walk, talk, and eat, and experienced 300 seizures per week.
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While her parents had tried every option modern medicine had to offer and some, they realized that traditional doctors could not help their daughter and hesitantly turned to cannabis when Charlotte was 5.
After consuming a small dose of CBD oil extracted from a high-CBD cannabis strain, Charlotte’s seizures ceased almost immediately.
After hours had passed and Charlotte didn’t have a seizure, Charlotte’s parents realized that CBD had worked.
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Today, Charlotte experiences 2 to 3 seizures per month, which has literally restored her opportunity to live a normal life. In an interview with CNN, Charlotte’s parents confirm that their daughter is happy and thriving as any normal girl and believe everyone should know about what CBD did for their daughter.
As a symbol for hope, the inspiring story of Charlotte Figi, Rick Simpson, and the countless others who have shared their experience, has fueled a massive level of support, awareness, and passion, which continues to drive the CBD movement forward today.
CBD in the US Today
In the years since Charlotte’s story, the stigma towards CBD and cannabis in America has dramatically changed.
Those that once opposed cannabis, now turn to CBD for relief, and its therapeutic properties are helping to change the lives of people around the country.
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We are still just on the brink of this great movement, which is continuing to thrive at exponential rates, surpassing everyone’s expectations and achieving the impossible.
Here are just a few of the landmark events that have occurred:
There has been a massive growth of awareness and surge in the retail sales of CBD, leading analyst to predict that the CBD market could reach a value of $22 billion by 2022
Research has revealed even more therapeutic applications of CBD
Hemp-derived CBD was federally legalized under the 2018 Farm Bill
The FDA approved of a CBD-based oral solution called Epidolex
CBD products are now being sold online in stores across the country, including major retailers like 711, Sephora, and Neiman Marcus.
The Future of CBD
While the perception towards CBD has progressed dramatically over the years, CBD still is not fully normalized across the country. There are still many who stand in opposition to CBD and other cannabis-derived compounds and many more who aren’t aware of their benefits.
In order for CBD to reach its full potential and change the lives of as many people as possible, there’s still more work that needs to be done. While there may be some challenges ahead, the strength of the CBD community has shown that nothing is going to stand in its way.
CBD is here to stay.
I hope that this brief article has helped to inform you about the rich history of this amazing cannabinoid and, more importantly, I hope that it has inspired you to learn more and become more involved with this amazing movement.
Cannabis compounds like CBD have the potential to impacts the lives of millions of people, and with continued effort from all of us, it can change the world!
Spread the word and keep a lookout for our next article!
Thanks for reading!
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deborahcastellano · 6 years
[The Rules of Exile] Rule No. 10 You Don't Get to Be My Last Great Whatever
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Queen Catherine of Aragon was sent into exile because she had the nerve to be aging and menopausal.  A popular legend in that particular histo-mythic cycle is that Henry sent her away (sometimes, with Cromwell to do his dirty work for him because that was the kind of stand up guy he's remembered as) without saying good bye.  She was once married to his older brother Arthur in a castle in the wild but Arthur got sweating sickness and died.  They were only married to each other for a short time.  She then had her first encounter with exile where she lived somewhat modestly (again, accounts vary depending on the histo-mythic teller) and supposedly bargained for fish and sold her plate while her dad and her ex father in law dawdled over what to do with her.  Her father was a war monger with a bunch of kids, he had no problem waiting.  Her ex father in law held his country in a tight fist, he had been exiled so many times by his mother (Lady Margaret Beaufort) that he too could wait.  Neither appeared to find this particularly cruel, and neither did a seasoned politico warrior like Lady M.  Like . . .I get stressed out not knowing what's going to happen in a day while still being aware of certain potential outcomes.  I don't know how stressful it is to not know what country you're going to live in and/or who you'll be married to.  Queen Cat's ex father in law drops dead and she is married off to Henry for almost twenty years when she receives the message, u had too many ded babies, lulz.  super soz.  going 2 marry anne bc babies + she is way hot.  she will only put out if i put a ring on it. thx for nearly twenty years of marriage!  Best of luck or whatever.  Or, you know, no message past whatever Cromwell tried to piece together.  Whatever the medieval royal equivalent of dipping out of a pack of cigs was.
She died in exile a little into Queen Anne's reign, with only a few of her ladies and servants.  Sometimes the wheel (of fortune) is in your favor, sometimes it's not.  It was for a long time for Queen Cat, but then she never planned for Queen Anne. Partly because I don't think anyone, even someone who had headed a battle with Scotland like Queen Cat did, could have planned for Queen Anne.
Sometimes, the hardest part of exile is the people we have been exiled from.  Either by our choice or theirs (sometimes both).  Parents, siblings, friends, lovers, spouses, family, whole courts if you are particularly un/lucky and everyone else is either on the other person's side because they tell a better version of your story than you do or you weren't much beloved to begin with or the other person has too much power over the others for them to rise up for you.  Even Mary, Queen of Scots usually couldn't get the North (of England) to rise up for her and she was hella glam and hella Catholic (appealing traits to her target demo).
There is nothing more painful than this part of exile, Sister Queens.  It's too soon for revenge because you will not be thoughtful enough or have the means to plan that properly.  Your heart is a wasteland and everywhere you go, you know everyone knows something about you but you can only guess at what.  During this time often, your position at court has been forfeited, your rank and title is called into question along with your deeds and those still associated with you, your goods are often seized and people now consider if they would like to associate with you because they will be associated with you.  This has ever been the struggle, even in this modern life as (often) landless Queens - at work, in your family life, in your social circles, in your creative life and in your spiritual life.  A boss has turned against you, a break up that causes a fracture in your circles, side choosing over social issues, scandal and gossip that you were involved in.  To bring it down real low (like reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll low), Vicki on Real Housewives of the OC is currently in exile due to her exboyfriend Brooks who was involved in a cancer scandal that she was at the very least, complicit in.  In turn, I'm positive that she was not only exiled from her realty television faux friends, but also likely saw repercussions in her business and in her professional career, at the very least.  Possibly within her family and social groups as well because even though everyone knows reality television isn't particularly real, it's hard to know where that shred of truth in the lie resides.
How do you survive in that trying time when the people in your life are choosing alliances?  How do you survive when a lover has played you false and now is flaunting their new whatever for all the world and you to see?  How do you get through when you have been exiled from your coven?  How do you go on when your coven exiles you?  What do you do when an event or social group that once loved you has turned against you?
A note, to a Sister Queen who has recently felt the sting of exile from an ex-lover:
As you know, my thought process on these kinds of events are filtered through figuring out patterns and lessons and possible and probable outcomes because that's just so my world view.  While I certainly take some time to reflect before moving on, I find that the Universe (with me) is generally like, Here's another whatever you just lost.  Fuck that guy.  So I'm at a point in life where I trust that will happen in a reasonable time frame.  But another core part of me (besides grudgingly trusting in the Universe) is like, Fuck.  You.  You don't get to be my last whatever.  You don't get that kind of power.  You don't get that kind of power over me.  I will replace you because I can replace everything and I will burn everything in the process if I have to.  Every.  Thing.
Obviously, if you know me at all, you know I value those in my life, but I also know that everything has a season blahblahblahturnwhatever.  Everyone could die, everyone could leave, every relationship could break, every event could end, every group could break apart.  So, like, when you know that and you've been through that a few times, you value what you have when you have it but you also have in the back of your head what you would do if you lost those things.
In terms of practical advice, I would suggest you branch out and try to find other events/groups/lovers/friends and to figure out what part you played in your own exile story (as that is a key factor) so you can mend what you can mend and move forward in a better direction with finding new wishes, hopes and dreams.  Talk to trusted advisers for their opinions of the events that led to your exile, figure out a game plan to get yourself back to court or deeper into exile, whatever your preference.  I will forever be Lady Jane Rochford to my complete despair, she managed to get exiled from court during Queen Anne due to being her sister in law (and testified against Anne and her brother George, claiming they were sleeping together, leaving them both beheaded) but when she was offered a position back at court two Queens later, she jumped at the chance and that's how she lost her head right alongside Queen Katherine (yes, another - this one was sixteen and sleeping with boys her own age, how dare she).  I can't stay away from the game, not like Lady Mary did (Anne's sister, Henry's former mistress - she married a nobody and stayed in the countryside where it was safe and died of natural causes and possibly boredom).  I am forever working my way back to court and onto better courts.  If you read me, that's probably you too.
Fine, we have you settled into fixing your situation practically.  Now let's get to the exciting part.  The part that requires sorcery.
A Spell to Reclaim Your Queenship
Items needed:
Charcoal, lit
Fire safe container
Fresh flowers (either picked or bought)
Floral wire
Floral tape
String lights or electric candles
two bowls
Rose quartz crystals
handful of dried lavender
Sacred liquid to drink
Salt water
a candle, offerings
Tarot deck
Potential goddesses: Your own goddesses (which include ancestors and spirits, obvi). a historic queen you admire, St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Mary Queen of Heaven, Diana
If you've ever bothered to read my book, you know that planning your ritual is key.  Where will you have it?  Why?  What will you wear?  Why?  What day/time will you do it?  Why?  Who will you work with?  Why?  What does your crown mean to you?  Why?  What flowers are sacred to you?  Why?  What liquid is sacred to you?  Why?  Which Tarot deck will you use?  Why?  There are no wrong answers, only lazy answers.  If you are not being lazy, you are not wrong.  You know when you are being lazy.
Arrange your electric candles or string lights into a circle big enough for you to do your work.  Pour salt water into one bowl.  Arrange the lavender and rose quartz into the other bowl.  Arrange your small shrine to your goddess(es) along with the candle and offering.  Ask for her/their blessing to guide your hand during this work.  Use words that are meaningful to you.  Pour sacred liquid into chalice.  Put the myrrh on the charcoal.  Anoint yourself with the smoke.  Wash your hands, your third eye and the top of your head in the salt water.  Then, say:
I am Queen over my own body.  My body is sacred.  I am Queen over my own spirit.  My spirit is sacred.  I an Queen over my own mind.  My mind is sacred.  I am Queen over my own heart.  My heart is sacred.  I am Queen.  I am sacred.
Start making your floral crown.  If you are like me, you have literally spent more than half your life making them and have taught diy workshops on the matter.  This is no big deal.  If you're not like me, watch the Youtube video in the link and maybe do a practice one first.  Spend the time making your crown singing songs that are meaningful to your Queenship, trancing or meditating on your Queenship.
Rest your crown over the bowl of rose quartz and lavender.  Put your hands on your crown.  Repeat:
I am Queen over my own body.  My body is sacred.  I am Queen over my own spirit.  My spirit is sacred.  I an Queen over my own mind.  My mind is sacred.  I am Queen over my own heart.  My heart is sacred.  I am Queen.  I am sacred.
Touch the crown to your navel, your heart, your throat and your forehead.  Put the crown on your own head.  Repeat:
I am Queen over my own body.  My body is sacred.  I am Queen over my own spirit.  My spirit is sacred.  I an Queen over my own mind.  My mind is sacred.  I am Queen over my own heart.  My heart is sacred.  I am Queen.  I am sacred.
Hold the chalice in your hands.  Focus on what you want to bring to yourself.  As a sacred Queen, I won't want for . . .(love, strength, compassion, abundance, and so forth)
Drink what's in the chalice.  Thank your goddesses for their presence.  Draw a Tarot card.  That is your omen for your work.  Reflect.  Hang your crown over your bed and put the bowl of rose quartz and lavender next to or under your bed.
Please feel free to share pictures of your work, thoughts about your work and aftermath of your work where ever you read this.
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rebgarof · 4 years
“Indigenous food sovereignty was decimated by design: the separation of people from their historic food systems and land is not a side effect of colonialism but a function of it. Canada’s formation is a history of legislating First Nations, Inuit, and Métis out of existence, including by erasing Indigenous food cultures: the Gradual Civilization Act, the banning of potlatch ceremonies, the signing of treaties that exchanged life-sustaining hunting grounds for farmland, livestock, and pitiful amounts of cash. All of it was designed with the purpose of elimination through assimilation.
While Indigenous food systems were being dismantled, elsewhere in the world food itself began to change. From the early eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century, industrial production, preservation science, manufacturing, marketing, and the hospitality industries transformed the way people ate. This is the period that gave us the refrigerator and the gas stove, food-safety regulations, canning, and frozen dinners. At this same transformative moment in history, Canada’s government engaged in a concentrated effort to eradicate Indigenous peoples and their cultures, including by squelching language, self-government, land use, and hunting rights. Indigenous food practices were excluded as most of the world’s food practices modernized and commercialized (not always for the better), and most Indigenous people were forced to rely on processed and expensive provisions.
Indigenous food sovereignty was decimated by design. It was not a side effect of colonialism but a function of it.
Over a century later, food insecurity—inadequate access to affordable, safe, nutritious food, resulting in negative physical-, mental-, and social-health outcomes—is far more common among Indigenous people throughout Canada than in the population of the country overall. Forced to transition over generations to a Western diet, which many Indigenous communities cannot necessarily access or afford, First Nations people, Inuit, and Métis people suffer higher rates of diabetes and cardiovascular-health issues as a result. The social and spiritual losses are far more difficult to measure.
“Nutrition North was doomed to fail from the beginning because it’s a non-Indigenous solution to a very complex issue,” says Joseph LeBlanc, who is Odawa from Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron and the former executive director of the Social Planning Council of Sudbury. “Nutrition North was explicitly a market-based approach. What they did, however, was further entrench an exploitative market relationship that corporations have in Northern communities. It reinforced the existing food system as if it were the only food system.”
LeBlanc says non-Indigenous Canadians are looking at the problem of food insecurity through the wrong lens. “How do we make food cheaper at the store? Where do you get food in an urban context?” he asks, rhetorically. “That’s very much a Western economic approach.” Even the presumption that there is a standard diet for all Canadians is fundamentally colonialist, says Teri Morrow, a dietitian at Six Nations of the Grand River in southwestern Ontario. “Canadians ate the way we ate when they got here,” says Morrow. “Hunters up north don’t need lettuce. There’s roots and tubers, there’s lichen—a ton of things.”
In many parts of Canada, Indigenous people’s ability to hunt, fish, forage, and farm is compromised by the degradation of land and water through industrial-scale resource extraction. In other places—often described as “protected”—such as national parks, these activities are frequently prohibited by law. The formation of Canada’s parks, seen by many non-Indigenous people as wildlife refuges where nature is safe from human threat, has long disrupted Indigenous food sovereignty. Canada’s first national park, Banff, “was predicated on the displacement of diverse Indigenous communities,” says Courtney Mason, author of Spirits of the Rockies: Reasserting an Indigenous Presence in Banff National Park. “This was facilitated by park management and supported by the police, missionaries, and tourism entrepreneurs. In part, they were attempting to curb Indigenous subsistence practices of hunting, fishing and gathering, in order to protect emerging sport hunting and fishing tourism economies operating inside the park.” Further development of Canadian parks was largely modelled after Banff, incurring similar displacement and cultural damage. It remains illegal for Indigenous people to hunt in about half of the country’s national parks.
Even where it is possible to hunt, with a few exceptions, wild meat cannot be sold in restaurants, butcher shops, or grocery stores in Canada. This means hunters cannot earn a living from their efforts, and many Indigenous foods cannot be shared in retail or commercial settings beyond reserves or special, limited-licence events. Many coastal communities face a similar challenge as, even while living off of seal meat, the European Union’s ban on seal imports has made it impossible for families to earn revenue from the sale of skins.
One of the problems, says LeBlanc, is that Canada knows many people depend on the land for their food, yet governments manage our natural resources as if they didn’t exist: “The [Ministry of Natural Resources] doesn’t have the capacity to manage the forest properly, and I don’t believe the Crown has the will to make that happen. Because the interest is in getting money from stumpage.” Genuine transformation, LeBlanc believes, will only come from challenging the seemingly unassailable prioritization of resource extraction. “There’s an opportunity to manage food sources. This would mean a shift in the paradigm from extraction of timber and minerals to the inclusion of food sources.”
LeBlanc says there is a legal basis for implementing more food-oriented policies. This means, for instance, reforming training for forest-management authorities to include Indigenous world views and rights. In forested areas like the Fraser River canyon there is an alternative, which he and many others advocate for: community-based forestry, in which land is managed by and for the people who live on it. “Community forestry is a movement that started in Nepal in the seventies,” says Susan Mulkey, communications manager for the BC Community Forest Association, “where the government recognized that degraded land, the best stewards of that, the best people to bring it back to productivity, are the communities themselves.” The idea, LeBlanc says, isn’t to reject industry outright but to take an approach that incorporates economic and employment interests without excluding the use of land as a food source.
In the late 1990s, BC began a pilot project for community-based forest management; it now includes over sixty community forests that produce just under 3 percent of the provincial timber harvest. In 2011, following decades of protracted conflict with the government and logging companies, the Xaxli’p reached an interim compromise: the Xaxli’p Community Forest Corporation they had established a few years earlier was given a twenty-five-year tenure over the trees in most, but not all, of their territory. (Prior to that agreement, the province had given a number of companies the right to harvest timber on Xaxli’p land.) Restoring the land and creating a sustainable economy are goals that are built into XCFC‘s corporate mission. The plan is to eventually harvest timber in sustainable quantities and using sustainable methods.
“Our long-term goal is that our community forest will be self-sufficient,” says Nora Billy, a member of the XCFC board of directors. The XCFC plans to balance the conservation mandate with value-added timber harvesting, manufacturing products for sale in addition to selling raw logs. The first step has been ecocultural restoration. This includes promoting moose habitat by removing planted pine trees (to encourage the growth of willow and other wetland shrubs), leaving old fallen trees intact for animal habitat, purifying water, and thinning forest areas that have grown too dense due to post-logging replanting and government fire-suppression techniques. Moose and deer have begun returning to the area.
LeBlanc says that, over the years, he’s been told by many non-Indigenous people that it is simply too late to save what has been lost. For him, this is both untrue and a device used to perpetuate damage to the land and Indigenous peoples. “It’s a tidy, nice bow to put on top of 100 years of colonialism to say, ‘Our job’s pretty well done—all you need to do is let go of your romantic ideals and we can get on with civilizing you.'
But LeBlanc, Wolfrey, Shawana, members of the Xaxli’p Community Forest Corporation, Morrow, Bell, and many others are not letting go. “The fundamental element of resurgence, resistance, whatever you want to call it, that’s happening in Indigenous youth in particular, is challenging that directly,” says LeBlanc. “I know individuals who do live a traditional lifestyle, in remote communities. They’re not waving a flag around or flying down to Toronto for meetings or answering phone calls from reporters or academics. They’re busy completely entrenched in a traditional lifestyle. And they’re some of the happiest, most food-secure people out there.”
On a policy level, says LeBlanc, decisions about the use of land still exclude Indigenous world views. “There’s a transition that needs to happen in Canada at some point. Ultimately, all of our legislators and decision makers are products of our school system. And they’ve all been conditioned to think of us in a particular light . . . . We haven’t even gotten to the point where we can have a truthful conversation about land.””
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theartofthewitch · 4 years
Magic, Greece, and Rome - Elizabeth Ann Pollard. Overview + notes
- Ars magica , magica disciplina , or simply magia (Latin) and mageia , goeteia (Greek) were common terms for the use of magic. The expansive vocabulary regarding magic shows that it was a common and frequently discussed part of life in the ancient world.
Spells: Latin - carmina Greek - epoidai/epagoge
Evil prayers: nerfariae preces & mala carmina (both Latin)
Enchantments: incantamenta (Latin)
Poison - venena (Latin) (poison was also commonly regarded as witchcraft according to ancient Jewish beliefs. Even today, poison is considered a 'female' murder weapon. Shakespeare, poison in the ear, being the most iconic example.)
Love potions - poculum amoris (Latin) philtra (Greek)
Drugs - pharmaka (Greek)
Words for female practitioners of magic highlighted their wisdom, age, ability to see the future, and mastery of spells and drugs. (latin and greek terms for all these available in the original)
Male magic users were predominantly associated with connection to the dead, divination, begging lifestyle, place of origin, wisdom, evil-doing, work with poisons (so not entirely female!) and knowledge of astrology.
magical artefacts such as curse tablets, papyri, amulets can still be observed to this day. However, it can be hard to separate what would have been considered to be the practice of magic from religion, superstition, medicine and science. 
some attempts were made to separate magic from these other categories based on the tone of the words:
PRAYER: earnest and humble, submissive. Religious words often have a corporate or public nature. Generalised. Indigenous. Legitimate/benevolent aims. Olympian deities. Focused on elite men.
MAGIC: coercive wording of 'prayers'. Highly individualised. Foreign roots. Malevolent or illegitimate intentions. chthonic (inhabiting the underworld) deities called upon. the involvement of women and lower classes.
However, all of these have exceptions, and even during these times the exact definition of magic was disputed. Pliny the Elder attempted to tackle the nature of magic. When charged with the use of magic in the second century AD, Apuleius took advantage of the overlap of magic with philosophy and mystery religion. 
- 5th century BC - XII Tables of Roman Law - it was illegal to use evil incantations (mala carmina)
- Plato called for harsh laws against those who sold spells and curse tablets. Bear in mind human sacrifice would be covered under magic, so this wasn't necessarily unreasonable.
- other grounds: love potions, impious/nocturnal rites (wtf does this mean? I only get a swedish power metal band when i google), possession of magic books, blood omens, knowledge of magic.
- Possible punishments: crucifixion, being thrown to the beasts, being burned alive.
- one distinction between magic and legitimate use of nature/incantations. Remedies for the human body: acceptable. Anything that could cause harm or turn "virtuous minds to lust" = magic, unacceptable.
- Outlawed: nocturnal wicked prayers, magical preparations, funereal sacrifices. (weird emphasis on nocturnal - significance of night/darkness in magic)
- Punishments (applied to practitioners of any rank, even those close to the society's leaders, could face torture and capital punishment.
- relatively few known cases of people being punished for magic use, presumably because it was so vague and hard to prove. Of course, records may have been lost. the most famous accusation in the Roman period:
Apuleius of Madauros, mid second century AD
- he had sought out certain types of fish for ichthyomancy. This is divination (seeking knowledge of the future/unknown) through the inspection of the entrails of fish. Who knew?
- he had bewitched a widow into marrying him through love spells
- he worshipped a mysterious object
-a boy fell down in his presence (presumably possessed!)
These legal prosecutions occurred predominantly in the 1st and 4th century AD, particularly under Tiberius and Nero.
- Magic users were also prevalent in Greek and Roman literature - figures such as Medea, Hekate, and Circe. Meroe was a super witch and a real scary bitch. (Many other examples given of men and women using magic)
- most magic users/experts in literature are women, but material evidence shows that most spells on tablets and papyri are written by men. most spell books presume a male user (gendered pronouns). This leaves several options:
- hypocrisy - men were the dominant magic users but still ran away crying at the idea of women using magic
- they simply used different kinds of magic. I would imagine the literacy rate was much lower amongst women. Also they often dealt with herbs/drugs and spoken word. They weren't necessarily working from books, or using magic that would have left evidence. 
Curse tablets: resolving situations troubling to the user: athletic competition, legal dispute, business interactions, sexual/marital relationships. 
Amulets: protections from magical attack/threats to health.
Grimoires included a variety of rituals, from ridding one's house of bugs to mystical revelations.
-there was early indigenous thinking on magic - the witches in ancient epics and the XII Tables of Roman Law demonstrate this. but external influences also contributed.
- Egyptian Gods show up in Greek magical papyri. Also there is overlap in the category of magus (magic practitioner) and priest in Egypt.
- Indian spices were used in magical rituals.
- british and celtic local deities appear in traditionally roman curse tablets.
- Jewish (names for God eg Adonai, references to patriarchs such as Moses, Abraham, Isaac. Also Jewish phrasings such as Hallelujah) and Christian (invocation of the trinity, Jesus, Mary, passages of Christian scripture)terms also used.
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deliverydefresas · 7 years
i just want it to be you and me forever
I’m late to the party I know, I know.
someone tell me what this is bc i have no idea, lmao (for real)
“We both came here to buy the same movie but there is only one dvd left let’s Split the cost and watch it together i have popcorn at home.”
“I’m telling you I’m 100% fine, Nina. You don’t need to ditch your date because of me.”
“Are you sure, Luna? You just broke up with Aaron, Gastón and I can reschedule any other day.”
“Again, that’s unnecessary.” Luna, at this point, had lost count of how many times she’s said this the last ten minutes. Nina was her best friend in the whole world, and she loved her a lot, but she could be overbearing when she thought she needed her. “I’ll just watch a movie, order pizza, maybe drink some wine and be extra fine by morning, okay?”
Her answer wasn’t good enough for Nina, “so you aren’t 100% fine right now?”
“That’s why I said extra fine, N.” She has to giggle because she can just picture her best friend trying to come up with reasons to appear on her doorstep and give her the ‘there’s many more fishes in the sea’ pep talk. Finally, Nina sighs and she almost dances in the middle of the street because it’s not a daily occurrence for her to admit defeat so quickly.
“Fine, then. What movie are you watching?”
“I was thinking of Grease, but I left that at my parents’ so I’m buying another one; there’s a DVD Shop four blocks away, and I’m almost there right now.” She chirps into her phone, almost skipping her way to the shop.
“Too lazy to drive to your parents’ house?”
“More like, too lazy to have the ‘I broke up with my boyfriend that you never even met, no mom, I don’t need to cry, and no dad, I don’t want you to “beat him up”’ talk, y’know?”
Nina laughs at her words and that cheers her up even more. It’s not like she’s heartbroken (because she’s not, she didn’t even like the dude that much, honestly) but making other people happy always made her happier, too. It felt nice to know other people smiled and laughed because of you.
“Did they even know you were dating someone?”
She snorts a “no” and almost trips on someone else’s foot, apologizing profusely when she sees it’s a lady carrying a baby. Nina calls for her attention thirty seconds later, “the only ones who knew were you, and Gastón by association. Oh, and Ámbar.”
Nina sounds surprised at this, “you told your cousin?”  
“It wasn’t on my plans,” she admits, cringing a little at the memory. “You know subtly isn’t my forte, so really, me asking her how to dump a guy was kind of a given.”
“I can’t picture Ámbar giving good advice on that.”
“She didn’t,” Luna’s glad she’s only a block away now, if she continued to laugh she’d either pass the shop or trip again and knock a baby off a mother’s arms, “she told me to text him ‘I’d rather lit my hair on fire than to keep on dating you’.”
Nina’s gasp makes her laugh harder, “no!”
“Yes!” by then, she’s already in opening the door to enter the shop, scanning quickly were the ‘musical’s’ section is at, “look, N, I gotta go now. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“Fine, but we’re still on for lunch. I’ll pick you up at 11.”  
Luna hums in agreement, “that’s alright. Bye, Nina, love you!” She waits until she hears a faint ‘I love you too!’ to hang up and turn into search mode. Five minutes later, she’s looked at all the movies under the ‘G’ letter twice and still hasn’t seen John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John anywhere. Just as she’s about to give up and look for help, a guy walks her way and skims over the ‘H’ section and easily pulls out a copy of her movie.
Without meaning to, she’s gasping, “how did you do that?!”
The guy looks startled for a second, until he notices it’s her who spoke and then he’s smirking. Luna’s torn between checking him out (the guy is cute) and scowling at him (his smirk gives her the ‘he’s an asshole’ vibe) so she decides to do both at the same time. Her scow falters a little when she confirms that he’s, in fact, cute and around her age; unless he’s like her and looks younger than his actual age, which could be bad because over thirty years old kind of freak her out even if she’s halfway there.
“How did I do what?” he’s asking her, his smirk growing a little when he catches her eyes checking him out.
“Find Grease, I’ve been looking for it for five minutes, it wasn’t with the rest of the ‘G’s.” Luna looks at him once more, noticing he looks quite familiar. “Have we met before?”
His eyes hold amusement at her question, and he obviously can’t hold back a, “in your dreams.” He chuckles when she glares at him, “I think we live in the same building, you look familiar too.”  
“Oh.” His chuckle turned into a laugh at this, and she feels the tip of her ears getting warmer, “what about the movie?”
He looks down at the movie in his hand, smiling sheepishly once his eyes return to her face, “I hid it under the ‘H’ yesterday. It was the last one and I had forgotten my wallet so…”
“So there’s not another one available?” She feels disappointed. Luna really wants to watch it, but there’s no way in hell she’s driving to her parents’ house just for the DVD. She could try to omit the boyfriend news, but she knew that they’d tell her to stay for dinner and eventually the feeling of guilt would appear and she’d end up spilling her guts to them.
He hesitated for a little, before telling her “no”.
“Great.” She’s pouting, and she knows it. But she really doesn’t want to spend the evening with her parents, as much as she loves them, and she refused Nina’s offer so now she’s out of plans and will have to spend it zapping through channels and hope she finds something at least a little interesting on a Wednesday night.
“Uh, if you want we could, um, maybe watch it together, um…” he speaks and pulls her out of her sulking, realizing a second later that he’s asking for her name.
“Luna. I’m Luna.” She offers him her hand, squeezing his slightly when he accepts it.
“Matteo. Nice to meet you, Luna.” He’s smiling, and she’s temporally distracted because he’s no longer cute, but very, very pretty.
And then she remembers his offer, “um, I don’t know about the movie, though. I can always watch another thing, honestly…” Matteo looks a little dejected by this, his smile dropping a little, and she can’t help but feel a little bad.
“It’s okay, I just thought I’d offer. I have great popcorn at home and everything.” He’s cringing as soon as he realizes he’s offering popcorn to lure her to agree.
“Great popcorn, huh?”
“The greatest.”
She thinks it over for a moment. Her brain knows it’s more cons than pros; neighbor or not, she’s just met him and knows only his name (not even the full one), that he lives in her building, that he apparently likes Grease and that he’s got great popcorn. Not exactly the best information. However, her hormones are telling her to agree, that even if she doesn’t know him that well this is the opportunity to.
“Hey, it’s cool if you don’t want to. I could always lend it to you after I’ve watched it.” His offer is nice, and logically speaking, it’s a great chance to see him again. But she wants to see it tonight.
“No, I want to, it’s just…” the I don’t know you hangs in the air and he smiles again, looking all pretty again and she’s super ready to ignore her brain.
“You can call a friend and tell her you’re with me if that makes you feel better. I promise I’m not a creep, or a murderer, and you’ll be completely safe; and I won’t get offended if you do, Luna.”      
She’s sold.
“Okay, fine. But I’m paying for the movie too.”
His smile turns into a grin and he nods, pointing to the cash register, where a bored teenager is waiting for costumers. “Shall we?”
Twenty minutes later, she’s texting Nina she’s with him and they’re going to watch Grease together, as well as his full name (he’s a Balsano, no middle name) and the number of his apartment (turns out he’s just one floor above her), and to call her three hours from now to check up on her and save her if needed.
She’s surprised when Nina responds with “you finally met him?”
“what do you mean?” she texts backs quickly, confused.
“he’s one of Gastón’s bffs from Oxford. He’s been living above you for months.”
“where do you think Gastón went after dropping me off at your house?????”
She doesn’t respond after that, because Matteo appears from his kitchen with a bowl full of popcorn, two sodas and two bottles of water. Now that she knows he’s the same age as Gastón (only a year older), she’s lowkey glad he’s not over thirty years old. It would have been weird.
Luna waits until he’s seated next to her to ask him, “you know Nina and Gastón?”
Matteo looks just as shocked as she is, and then he puts two and two together, “you’re Nina’s Luna?”
“I’d like to say ‘you’re Gastón’s Matteo’, but neither of them has talked about you.”
He smiles at her, offering her a bottle of water, “I’m not surprised. I only met Nina twice, and she was mostly quiet and letting Gastón talk about our time in Oxford. He was the one who mentioned you the most.”
She blinks once, twice, and grabs the bottle from his hand, “really? Weird. Gastón usually leaves us alone within ten minutes of us being together, says our language confuses him.”
“He’s very grateful Nina had you while he was away. I think he believes that without you around she’d given up on their relationship without trying first.”
“Probably,” she admits. Nina needed to be encouraged a little to go after what she wanted; it was worse when she had been younger, but now it rarely happened. She was very proud of her.
“So, why Grease?” he asks after a moment, throwing some popcorn in his mouth.
“I could ask the same thing.”
He shrugs, “it’s a fun movie. The music is good, too.”
“You like the music?” she doesn’t know why she’s surprised, half the population knew at least You’re the One That I Want.
Matteo grins, “Faculty of Music, graduated with honors. Had to take a whole curse on Musicals.”
She’s impressed, and a little thrown off at this, “oh, I just assumed you studied Economics, like Gastón.”
“Nah. We were in the same dorm on Freshman year, rented a ‘flat’ the next year. Have been close ever since.”
“And you followed him to Argentina after graduation? Truest love, Nina should be jealous.” He knows she’s teasing him, and he laughs with her.
“She should. I’m gonna steal her man so fast she won’t even notice until last minute.” Matteo pretends to flip his hair, she’s laughing harder, “I didn’t really follow him, though. I lived here a couple years before I went to England, then went to Italy for a year, and came back.”
“Your Italian accent hasn’t gone away, yet.” She noted, grabbing some popcorn off the bowl. She also noticed the movie had been ready to play for over twenty minutes, but none had reached to press play, or seemed in a hurry to do so.
“I wasn’t even born in Italy, but in Paris. My parents are Italian, so I caught their accent, only lived in Milan five years and that was enough for the it to stick. I spent some time in Spain too, that’s where I learnt Spanish.”
“That’s so cool.” Even if her words could appear as sarcastic, her tone and expression said otherwise. Matteo’s cheeks turned a bit pink, but his face remained unaffected.
“So, you never told me why you wanted Grease.”
“I broke it off with a guy, decided to watch a movie that made me happy.” She shrugs it off, but she notices how he seemed to stiff a little at her comment. He’s about to apologize for bringing it up, however, she shakes her head, “no, it’s okay. I really didn’t like him that much, the six weeks we went out I just wanted to lit my hair on fire than to keep on dating him.”
“You should’ve texted him that.” Matteo jokes, and again, she notices how he relaxes after she’s spoken.
“My cousin, Ámbar, told me the same!”
“She’s smart, you should’ve listened to her.”
“I thought it was the pregnancy hormones talking but I think you’re as crazy and mean as she is.”
“What can I say? Great people think alike.”
“Crazy people think alike, you mean.” They both laugh and take a minute to catch their breath.
Luna takes it as time to put her feelings on check. It’s weird, honestly. She feels so… connected? In sync? Comfortable? It’s not like she doesn’t hit it off with other people easily, because she does, quite a lot really. She’s sociable, she’s nice and she has a natural charm, but most of the time it’s more platonic than anything.
Matteo doesn’t feel platonic enough to be in that category.
The popcorn is getting colder and he asks if she’s ready to watch the movie. She says yes.
It’s not until Rizzo pushes Sandy and Patty Simcox lands with the trashcan that it hits her.
“Matteo?” he hums in acknowledgement, turning his head from the T.V. to look at her, “was it really the only movie left?”
His eyes shine with mischief, but his smile and expression try to play it as innocence, “of course it was. If they had more in the back, though…”
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Behind bars: India's 'Diamond King' Nirav Modi's fall from grace
Today, the "jeweller to the stars", as he was frequently called, is behind bars after a year-long Interpol-led manhunt that led to his arrest in central London on March 19. Together with his diamond polisher uncle, Mehul Choksi, he is accused of conniving with junior tellers to defraud the Mumbai branch of India's second-largest state-run bank, the Punjab National Bank, of billions of dollars. Scotland Yard made the arrest on behalf of Indian authorities, who have asked for his extradition. Two weeks earlier, his whereabouts were exposed when Britain's Telegraph newspaper doorstopped him near a flat he was renting in Soho. They found him sporting a handlebar moustache and an ostrich-skin jacket. The "Great Indian Bank Robbery", as Indian media outlets have dubbed it, has shaken the country's $US35-billion diamond sector to the core. From the small family-run concerns of Zaveri Bazaar to the dealers at Mumbai's glistening Bharat Diamond Bourse, the largest in the world, many traders fear that an industry that largely ran on trust might find its reputation on par with that of the scavengers sweeping the streets outside their shops. Modi came from the Jain community of Palanpur, a small town in the western state of Gujarat. And it is among the Palanpuri Jains that the fallout of his alleged crimes is being most acutely felt.
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Mumbais jewellery market, the Zaveri Bazaar. Credit:Getty Images The alleged modus operandi behind the biggest bank fraud in Indian history was revealed in a July 2018 dossier prepared for the US Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York, which is investigating the activities of three of Modi's American jewellery companies. According to the 165-page dossier, Modi and his co-conspirators illegally borrowed approximately $US4 billion over a period of seven years by manufacturing sham transactions purportedly to "import" diamonds and other gems into India from trading hubs such as Belgium's Antwerp, using a web of more than 20 secretly controlled shell entities. Diamonds sold to or purchased from these entities "were routinely shipped out the same day or within days after arrival, without ever being opened or inspected by employees to ascertain the contents of the packets", the dossier states. Certain high-value diamonds were bought and sold multiple times at often wildly inflated prices in order to create the appearance of millions of dollars worth of legitimate transactions and to facilitate the movement of funds. Fraudulently obtained letters of undertaking (LOUs), or guarantees under which Indian banks allow their customers to obtain short-term credit from another bank's foreign branch to facilitate import transactions into India, were also used. It was only when one of the bank employees allegedly involved in the scam retired that the seven-year-long operation was exposed. US authorities are also believed to be considering extraditing Modi. Punjab National Bank shares plummeted when the scandal broke in February 2018, as did confidence in India's dysfunctional state-run banking sector, which has lost billions of dollars in recent years from investor frauds. Screaming matches erupted in India's parliament, with opposition parties accusing the government of colluding with the diamantaire to allow him to flee the country. Modi had left India early the previous month bound for Britain, the bolthole of choice for business barons wanted by Indian authorities for tax evasion, fraud and other related crimes. Modi's Indian assets, including the flagship stores that bore his name, a fleet of luxury cars and several factories, have been seized by the authorities. Last month, his art collection was auctioned by India's tax authority, raising $US8 million. Thousands of his employees have been laid off. Modi's Indian lawyer, Vijay Aggarwal, has successfully defended some of India's largest corporate fraud cases. Described as "pugilistic, pugnacious and aggressive" by his critics, his courtroom victories include securing the acquittal of several high-profile businessmen and politicians accused of defrauding the state of a staggering $US26 billion in the allocation of second generation or 2G telecom licences. Aggarwal, who did not respond to interview requests by Good Weekend, told a Mumbai court in January that India's Enforcement Directorate had tried to "falsely implicate" his client by giving a "colour of criminality" to "usual civil banking transactions" to camouflage the bank's failures in connection with the alleged scam. Modi's defence team is expected to argue that the charges against him are politically motivated. India is in the middle of a six-week-long national election, with the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party's alleged connivance with corrupt business figures a major issue. For a man whose number was once on the speed-dial of many of Mumbai's A-list, Modi's fall from grace has been dramatic. The 48-year-old grew up in Belgium, where his father, Deepak Modi, ran a business trading in uncut diamonds. He attended the Antwerp International School, where he dreamt of becoming a music conductor, but instead enrolled in Wharton business college at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1990, he moved from the US to Mumbai to begin a decade-long apprenticeship with his uncle, Mehul Choksi, learning everything from polishing diamonds to selling them. He would later say that he worked 12 hours a day, six and a half days a week, for 3500 rupees ($70) a month. By 1999, he had raised enough capital to launch his own company, Firestar Diamond. Over the next few years, Firestar went on to raise hundreds of millions of dollars to acquire firms such as US-based jewellery retailer Samuels and the De Beers-owned Nakshatra brand, which had 480 stores in India.
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Modis uncle and co-accused, Mehul Choksi, with Bollywood actress Urvashi Sharma. Credit:AFP When the global financial crisis hit in 2008 and the value of large diamonds fell by up to 40 per cent, Modi took the opportunity to buy diamonds at cheap prices, including $15 million worth of rare pink diamonds from Argyle in Australia's Kimberley. In 2009, he switched his main supplier from De Beers to Russia's Alrosa, just as the global diamond giant's output plummeted and the Russian company's rose. His move from retail to design came in 2009, when a friend asked him to make a pair of earrings for her. After months of persuasion, he relented. "I can actually look back to [this] single moment that propelled me into starting my eponymous brand," Modi told Forbes in 2017. He had at last found his calling. His big breakthrough as a designer came in 2010, when a necklace set with a flawless pear-shaped 12.29-carat Golconda diamond was featured on the cover of a Christie's auction catalogue.
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Modis 12.29-carat Golconda diamond necklace. The piece went under the hammer in Hong Kong for $US3.6 million, nearly a million dollars more than its asking price. A year later, he launched his eponymous Nirav Modi brand, a line that would blend the best of Eastern and Western designs. "All of my jewellery marries my Indian roots with my international exposure and love of art, nature, travel and poetry," he once said. "Every collection has its own unique story to tell." His target buyer was the "woman of global sensibilities". His focus was on delivering pieces that would go as well with a gown as with a sari. "The jewellery should move with the woman, it should be a second skin." No expense was spared in achieving his dream of becoming one of the world's top five luxury jewellery brands. Millions of dollars were spent on two state-of-the-art factories in India to manufacture his designs. Showrooms fitted out by Spanish artist-designer Jaime Hayon sprang up in cities such as New York, London, New Delhi and Hong Kong. Former palaces were hired for product launches, with Bollywood stars and Indian billionaires arriving by private jet. Modi's public persona he was rarely photographed without being flanked by celebrities was very different to his private one. "He never could look you in the eye," says a former business associate, who asks not to be named. "He always played his cards close to his chest."
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Nirav Modi with actor Naomi Watts at the opening of his New York boutique in 2015.Credit:Getty Images By 2013, Modi had entered the Forbes list of billionaires with a net worth of $US1.4 billion and two years later, became the first Indian retailer to open on New York's Madison Avenue. His signature pieces now graced the necklines and earlobes of celebrities such as Naomi Watts, Kate Winslet, Taraji P. Henson and supermodel Karlie Kloss as they strode down the red carpet at the Oscars. British actor and model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley was hired to be the "face" of the brand. Indian actress Priyanka Chopra (now Chopra-Jonas) appeared in a commercial that ended with the punchline "Say Yes, Forever". Chopra-Jonas is now suing Modi for non-payment of fees. The fallout from the Modi affair goes far deeper than his failure to settle his debts. Shortly after India's independence in 1947, the Jains of Palanpur followers of a religion which emerged on the subcontinent around the sixth century BC and which preaches non-violence, strict vegetarianism and renunciation of worldly effects abandoned their traditional occupations as bankers and money-lenders and began trading in diamonds. Like Modi's father, many moved to Antwerp, buying low-quality roughs, sending them back to India for polishing and then selling them at a small profit. Today a community of no more than 20,000 controls India's multibillion-dollar diamond cutting and polishing industry. Modi never could look you in the eye. He always played his cards close to his chest. "Their reputation has definitely taken a beating because of Modi," says Usha Balakrishnan, a Mumbai-based authority on India's jewellery trade. "Normally the community will close ranks behind one of their own. This time, they have disowned him." Balakrishnan traces the community's rise to the 1960s, when De Beers began looking for a centre to cut and polish its vast stockpile of industrial and small diamonds. India's plentiful supply of low-cost skilled labour made it the most attractive option and the Palanpuris were well positioned to supply the mining giant's demands. Community members started returning to India, where they dominated the wholesale diamond trade in Zaveri Bazaar and the cutting and polishing centres in cities such as Surat in Gujarat. When Zaveri Bazaar's congested office spaces became too small, most traders moved to the Bharat Diamond Bourse, a sprawling eight-hectare complex in central Mumbai that opened in 2001 and is now home to more than 2500 companies. Known for their work ethic and close family ties, Palanpuri Jains rarely marry outside their community. If one of their own falls on hard times, extended families act as a safety net, providing jobs, accommodation and financial help. Networks of loyalty and trust that go back generations have been shaken by Modi's alleged wrongdoings. Ashish Mehta, a Palanpuri Jain whose company, Kantilal Chhotalal, is one of the diamond industry's leading players, says the allegations surrounding Modi have shocked the community. "The last few years when he was opening stores in places like London, New York and Hong Kong, most people were wondering how he was able to grow so fast. Nobody knew that there was this borrowed money behind the market aggression that he was showing. That was to most of us a big surprise."
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Model/actor Rosie Huntington-Whiteley at another Modi store-opening in London in 2016.Credit:Alamy Modi kept a low profile in the community, once boasting: "Ask any jeweller in Mumbai if he has met me in the last decade and the answer you'll get is no." When it came to networking with the city's business and cultural elite, however, he was everywhere, buying up contemporary Indian art at auctions, attending high-society weddings, and enticing Bollywood stars to buy his creations. He was anathema in a traditionally conservative community that shied away from retail and prided themselves on keeping out of the spotlight. After the Punjab National Bank scandal broke, the demand for diamond jewellery in India plummeted by 10 to 15 per cent, according to the Indian industry lobby group Assocham. There are also fears that India might lose its near monopoly on diamond cutting and polishing, with new entrants such as China poised to take advantage of the turmoil. Small and medium-sized traders are feeling the greatest impact, says Mehta. "Banks are worried, so they have curtailed their lending facilities and are now asking for more collateral than before." While hikes in short-term interest rates and a tightening of repayment terms are quantifiable, the erosion of trust is harder to measure. At Mumbai's Diamond Bourse, transactions worth millions of dollars are sealed with a handshake and contracts and invoices are almost unheard of. Even the transportation of rough diamonds from the bourse to the cutting and polishing centres is entrusted to a centuries-old system run by the Angadias, a community of couriers who secrete their precious cargo in hidden pockets and rely on their anonymity to keep it safe. Naming and shaming is not something that comes naturally to Palanpuri Jains, but Mehta concedes that Modi's actions have harmed the trade. "When the consumers see that there is a guy like this in your community, your credibility for sure gets affected." Back in Zaveri Bazaar, the streets have been swept by the niarewalas to a level of cleanliness uncharacteristic by Mumbai standards and the stores are starting to open. My guide is the pugnacious Rajesh Chugani, a small-time jewellery manufacturer who buys his stones from local wholesalers and sends them to his workshop in nearby Masjid Bandar. Chugani takes me deep inside the labyrinthine laneways of the bazaar, up crumbling staircases and down dimly lit corridors so narrow two people can hardly pass. An open doorway reveals a huddle of buyers engaged in heated negotiations with a wholesaler over a fistful of gold necklaces. Further on, a diamond is being cut in a hot and humid room no bigger than a broom closet. Business is brisk and demand for traditional commodities such as gold is as strong as ever. But the traders Chugani deals with say the Modi affair has made it harder for them to get bank credit and consumers are suspicious about the quality of stones on sale. "In this industry it's impossible to grow overnight; that should have sent alarm bells ringing somewhere down the line, I think the government is also covering up," Chugani says, referring to the commonly held belief of a nexus of corruption between politicians and high-profile business people. Small units such as Chugani's have always accounted for the bulk of India's jewellery manufacturing. The set-up inside the four-metre by three-metre room where eight men work 10-hour days might look Dickensian, but it is sophisticated and includes the use of 3D-printers to make moulds, and a network of CCTV cameras that monitor every corner of the workshop and can be remotely controlled by an app on his smartphone. It's unlikely that Chugani's clients, many of whom are based in the Middle East, would know or care about the conditions under which their engagement rings or diamond bracelets are made. Maintaining close relations with his suppliers and customers and providing quality products is what makes thousands of businesses like his prosper. "Whatever you'll see in a catalogue, we can copy and sell it more cheaply," says Chugani as he inspects a diamond brooch that one of his workmen is repairing. "I can make you a Nirav Modi piece as well," he adds cheekily. "And I don't think he's in a position to complain if I do." Chugani is safe for now. Even if Britain accedes to India's extradition request, it may take years for the country's notoriously slow legal system to decide on Modi's guilt or innocence. The damage to the trust that has kept the diamond industry so prosperous may take even longer to repair. To read more from Good Weekend magazine, visit our page at The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and Brisbane Times Most Viewed in World Loading https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/world/asia/behind-bars-india-s-diamond-king-nirav-modi-s-fall-from-grace-20190423-p51gf4.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_feed
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
And that's why startups thrive in startup hubs like Silicon Valley? Instead of thinking of most places as being sprayed with the antidote. Instead it does y.1 When my IBM Thinkpad's hard disk died soon after, it became my only laptop.2 Measured by traffic, Reddit is much more successful than Hacker News. Quite small, but important out of proportion to its size. What a disaster that would be, to attract thousands of smart people to a site that kills submissions provide a way for users to see what got killed if they want to do it more. Usually a startup is that you get less dilution. A string of rich neighborhoods runs along the crest of the Santa Cruz mountains.
The main reason I don't like it is that there's no such thing.3 No, it turns out, we're not even the center of things is difficult to discard.4 They'll all lose their jobs eventually, along with all the time they expended on this doomed company. That, it turned out, was no coincidence.5 It falls between what and how: architects decide what to do, and engineers figure out how to do it more. The influence of fashion is not nearly so great in hacking as it is in painting.6 This was a mistake.7 A round to a startup we'd seed funded. This of course gave empathy a bad name, and I still occasionally get lost. The reason was that we discovered we were using an n² algorithm, and we haven't yet evolved ways to protect ourselves from them.
It's hard to say exactly what it is about face to face contact that makes deals happen, but whatever it is, it hasn't yet been duplicated by technology. Not because they contribute more to the startup, but simply because they're least willing to move. Mean people are more likely to know they're being mean than stupid people are to know they're being stupid.8 They're about as hardcore OS hackers as you can imagine, produces wild oscillations in the stock price of a startup hub, you need a lot of people interested in the startup if the rival VC didn't end up making an offer, and they tend to be short. It's very much worth seeing inside if you can, try to avoid the worst pitfalls of consulting. Over and over we see the same pattern.9 They learn to hack by taking college courses in programming. They'll invest in you if you're a hacker, here's a thought experiment you can run to understand why there are basically no hacker VCs: How would you like a job where you never got to make anything, but instead spent all your time listening to other people pitch mostly terrible projects, deciding whether to fund them, and above all, be malleable. But hacking can certainly be more than just deciding how to implement some spec.10 Both components of the antidote—an environment that encourages startups, and most of the initial sales of the Apple II came from people who bought one to run VisiCalc. Control of a company is doing well, investors will want founders to turn down most acquisition offers. If one top-tier VC firm started to do series A rounds for as much equity as founders want to sell and with no option pool that comes only from the founders' shares stands to reap huge benefits.
Google looked a lot like a charity in the beginning. And practically all startups, even the most successful startups got started. Silicon Valley proper is mostly suburban sprawl.11 Bad comments seem to be a deal; everyone acts like they have a significant amount of money, and another for love. Then dumb threads would grow slower. What makes Google so valuable is that their users have money. It's that death is the default for startups, and chance meetings with people who help you—are driven by the same underlying cause: the number of startup people around you care about what you're doing. I was working on spam filters I thought it would be a fine idea if people actually did write programs the way they taught me to in college.12 It will work not just as a statement of values, but as a guide to strategy, and even a design spec for software.13 These companies may be far from failures by ordinary standards.
Seneca Ep. That companies will naturally wonder, how little autonomy one would have seemed shocking for a couple years.
In every other respect they're constantly being told that Microsoft discourages employees from contributing to open-source browser would cause HTTP and HTML to continue to maltreat people who lost were us. The US News list?
Whereas when you're starting a startup to become more stratified. N teaspoons freshly ground black pepper 3n teaspoons ground cumin n cups dry rice, preferably brown Robert Morris wrote the editor written in C, and you need to get the bugs out of a silver mine. I realize revenue and not least, the only result is that Steve Wozniak started out by a central authority according to some abstract notion of fairness or randomly, in the US in 2002 was 35,560. We didn't let him off, either as an adult.
It's one of the word programmers care about, like hedge funds, are better college candidates. You could also degenerate from uppercase to any-case, 20th century cohesion would have started to give their associates the title partner, not you. For example, would probably find it was worth 8,000 or a blog on the critical question is to seem big that they will come at an academic talk might appreciate a joke, they have to find someone else to lend to, the world, and there didn't seem to understand about startups. Enterprise software sold through traditional channels is very high, and the restrictions on what interests you most.
The main one was nothing special.
Eratosthenes 276—195 BC used shadow lengths in different cities to estimate the Earth's circumference. But it's a departure from the DMV. According to the principle that declarations except those of popular Web browsers, including that Florence was then the richest country in the mid 1980s. There are still expensive to start a startup enough to turn into them.
With the good ones, it could become a function of the money, in the process of selling things to the problem, but this disappointment is mostly evidence that the overall prior ratio seemed worthless as a cause.
Success here is that you can control.
You can just start from the truth to say yet how much you get an intro to a bunch of actual adults suddenly found themselves trapped in high school.
A rolling close usually prevents this. This has already happened once in China, Yale University Press, 2005.
As I explained in How to Make Wealth in Hackers Painters, what that means service companies are up-front capital intensive to founders would actually increase the size of a cent per spam.
I have no way to find a broad hard-beaten road to his house, the airplane, the average employee.
Not surprisingly, these are even worth thinking about for the correction. In Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work. If you want to impress are not written by the Corporate Library, the space of careers does. The image shows us, they are at least one beneficial feature: it might be a hot startup.
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