#i wanna start playing the sims again :D
lamatisse · 9 months
hello :o
idk how long its been but GOOD LORDDD
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buglaur · 7 months
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this is kit, please commission some art from them on social bunny 🙏
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feua · 10 months
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im-josh-b · 2 months
Job Legacy Challenge Rules:
MUST USE ONLY THE SAME PLOT FOR WHOLE CHALLENGE.(Doesnt mean you cannot change house for each gen),
5.ONLY ONE CHILD PER GEN (if you have twins triplets etc, you must move them out of your lot and continue with your heir of choice, 6.MUST COMPLETE THE ASPIRATION OF EACH GENERATION. Now Time For The Generations:
Generation 1-Barista! The first gen is the barista career, Your dream is to be the best barista in the sim world Aspiration: Master Mixoligist Traits: Clumsy, Outgoing, Loyal MUST: Max Mixoligy Skill
Generation 2-Criminal (Boss Branch)! Your the child of a master barista but you dont like the goodness and kindness of your family, Unlike your barista parent your not telling people to have a nice day… no no no you are going to be turning to a life of crime an d want most sims to hate you. Aspiration: Public Enemy Traits: Evil, Kleptomaniac, Non committal MUST: Have 3 failed marriges with the fourth being the parent to next gen, Max Mischief Skill.
Generation 3-Buisness (Management)! Unlike your criminal parent you want to be more like your Grandparent and be kind to people, Your a buisness man/woman living your best life working in the office and having many friends. Aspiration: Renaissance Sim Traits: Good, Family Orrientated, Neat MUST:Max Writing Skill
Generation 4-Astronaut (Space Ranger)! In your childhood you dream of flying to space andexploring new worlds and galaxies, Your buisness parent for your birthday when turning into a teen buys you your very own rocket in the garden. Aspiration: The Curartor Traits: Genius, Loces Outdoors, perfectionist MUST: Max your fitness skill, Get married during the night with no guests and exchange vowls under the stars
Generation 5-Style Influencer (Trend Setter)! You wanna be popular in the world, Your gonna be popular but a heartbraker at the same time taking after your criminal ancestor. Aspiration: Friend of the World Traits: Cheerful, Self Assured, Romantic MUST: Break 5 Hearts and Marry The Sixth Have 3 best friends by being Young Adult
Generation 6-Painter (Patron of the Arts)! You love art and want a wall in your house dedicated to your paintings, You want a wedding in a museum. Apiration: Painter Extrodinare Traits: Cheerful, Creative, Art Lover MUST: Max Painting Skill
Generation 7-Freelancer (Artist)! Growing up with a painting obsessed parent you have naturally gained a liking for painting and want to make a buisness out of it, You only start painting when becoming a young adult where your parent finally lets you touch their paint supplies. Aspiration: Painter Extrodinare Traits: Art Lover, Creative, Childish MUST: Your child must not see the paintings you create and dont let them gain a liking for painting.
Generation 8-Writer (Author)! Since you were not allowed to get into painting you get into writing instead, You dream of being a world famous author and making books as big as harry potter. Aspiration: Best Selling Author Traits: Neat, Pefectionist, Bookworm MUST: Have made atleast 10,000 Simoliens of off books in your lifetime
Generation 9-Tech Guru (eSport Gamer)! Unlike any of your ancestors you want to be a world famous gamer and have many who want to become just like you. Your goal in life is to make a living off of playing games. Aspiration: Computer Whiz Traits: Geek, Lazy, Materalistic MUST: Max Gaming Skill
Generation Ten-"Final generation"-Baby Sitter! You love kids and want the best for them in their lives therefore you spend your weekdays spending time with your familky and sacrifice your weekends to help fellow parents have a break from kids, Aspiration: Big Happy Family Traits: Family Oriented, Good, Outgoing
!!!CONGRATS!!! YOU HAVE JUST COMPLETED THE JOB LEGACY CHALLENGE!!! If you want to continue with your save file i recommend going from generation one to generation 10 again but the next ten never knew about the previous 10 that they turn out just like!!! Thank you for completing my Legacy challenge an dhope you enjoyed playing -Josh
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
*casually slides into asks*
The Creator having to be taught the language of Teyvat, except they don't realise that each country has their own seperate language and so they are just mixing and matching phrases from each of the languages and no one has any idea what they are saying
*slides back out of asks*
Hello hello my regular customer 💃
Before u slide out, have a cookie for the road! 🤲🍪
Ok but this would actually happen to me
Im partial to the headcanon that theres a trade language in Teyvat, but each country has their own native language, w/sub-dialects too (i think thats the word?)
Just like what u said basically, bc like what if they dont have the trade one 💀 it rlly is just diff languages and im just over here like 😃🗨👋
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(Gif is u in the center trying to talk to other people on the sides lol)
Srry if uncreative or kinda a flop i am not a fountain of ideas as much as i wish to be😔🙏
This may be only funny to me...
But i did my bestest for you beloved regular <3
Also u didnt ask for this but u got it anyway LMAO <3
(sorry if i accidentally start callin u xiao pfp i couldnt find a name to call u by)
Ok but like?? Was anybody gonna tell you???
Or like r u so incomprehensible now bc youve mashed all their lingos together that they dont even recognize any of their languages anymore 😭😭???
Yall ever heard that meme sound that has like music playing in the background and its just a loop of a guy saying "..HuH?..HuH?...HuH?"
^^^Everyone else trying to understand you
Ok but so many people r trying so hard to teach u their language more fully so u can commit to one at least
(Off the top of head, Thoma, Tighnari but if u keep mixing them more and more even on accident he gets too frustrated and accepts it lmao, Amber, Ningguang she wants ur first teyvat lang. to be Liyuean so bad, Kazuha just wants to genuinely understand u and you understand them aw what a sweetheart, Ei once again a person who wants u to learn Inazuman first lol, Zhongli, Jean, Ganyu, Alhaitham but he'd be a terrible teacher i can see it now, Ayato, Ayaka, Gorou, Yae Miko just so u can actually read her novels abt you + have bragging right lol)
...Its not really working
Which makes sense tbh, at least to me, bc i sure as fuck couldnt initially hear a big difference between Portugese v. Spanish, Korean v. Japanese etc.
Until i like, kept hearing it over and over and finally got it
(it was easier to differentiate between them on paper than auditorily?? auditorally?!? aUDITORIALLY??!! GODAMMIT IS THAT EVEN A WORD)
But I could totally see their languages just all sounding really similar to you, or like, theres some bits and pieces from each lang. that mimic others (pantalones Spanish = pants English for example, and its like all u catch are the "pant" sound so ur like?? Ok so same language right? Hence the mix and match)
So this happens on the daily these days,
U r still going and seeing people,
But nobody has managed to communicate to you that its all different languages lol 🤭
Like this below, happens all the time ⬇️
Ur having dinner w/ Kamisato clan bc ofc they wanna welcome u!! :D
And Thoma's there, and yall r at the Teahouse, Thoma just got out the hotpot (oh god🤢 ...wait is that you now, r u just like Venti saying oh Barbatos...?)
And they just started dinner but its already a problem w/ur ass LMAO
Thoma: "What do you want to drink Our God?"
You: "Ahfs kal aldsplease give me ahdhai?"
Thomas face just like "...😶🙁 oh no" HAHA
Ayaka trying to help him,
"Please repeat that Your Grace?" 😅
You, again lol: "I would dhkaied that aifjwe please :)"
U sound like a SIMMM TO THEMM 😭😭
Utter fail poor Ayaka is at a loss for once,
they're trying so hard to be polite and you havent even gotten a drink yet let alone the meal lmao,
Poor Thoma is struggling, hes just like,
"Um, uh, this one??" All worried bc now hes gotta point to the pitchers one by one until u either point or nod
U give up and just start nodding or pointing for food or napkins or drinks all like, "Oh wow my accent must be heavy today 😀🤷‍♂️"
Absolutely clueless, and they cant even figure out how to tell u lol
Oh god i dont wanna think about the chaos if ur also only understanding the basics of every language so not only do they not get all ur words, u dont get theirs 💀
Reminder :D = I have a ✨️poll for 100 follower celebration!✨️Yall get to choose what u wanna see me write about,✨️ Check it out!! :) ♡✨️
♡the beloveds:
(Feel free to tell me if u ever dont wanna be tagged anymore i wont be mad/offended :] !! )
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kindlespice · 6 months
🍉 actual hiatus 🍉
hi hi! so... it's been a while! *checks notes* i have not posted since august... of last year x.x i've been lurking around a bit occasionally dropping likes here and there, but for the most part been entirely absent. i feel like it's wayyyy past time for me to check-in, let everybody know i'm okay and all that jazz. but i am declaring this an actual hiatus now
i lost the simblr itch, i thought "surely it will come back" but it never came back and now i'm hyperfixating on other things.
i'm gonna put specifics under a read more if anyone's that interested in what i've been doing, what i will be doing, where i'll be hanging out now, etc. but it's really nothing big or major--just interests changing.
⭐ my content + patreon
(since it's kinda important and i want everyone to be able to see this) i'm not deleting this account and i'm still keeping my content up both on patreon and sfs! you will still be able to download things for free!!! i will be deleting my patreon tier! even though it was basically a donation tier, i feel bad keeping it up knowing i'm consciously not making more sims content (or being really active in the community) for the foreseeable future i'll be reaching out to existing patrons and making a similar post over there as well about the tier change!
i also wanna say thank you to everyone who's ever followed, donated, liked, commented, messaged, lurked or just been sweet and kind to me ❤️! simblr will always have a special place in my heart, so i don't think i'll ever leave leave, but i owe it to you guys to let you know that i'm making the conscious decision to be inactive for some time.
as a closing statement, fk isr*el and i am absolutely 100% without a doubt full stop
you should be too if you're any kind of decent human being :)
⭐what will happen to my account?
nothing really. or at least nothing different from how it's been for the last year and some change XD like i said, i'm still keeping my blogs up, downloads won't move, etc. i am just committing to not actively posting content or really being on simblr that much. maybe i'll drop some likes or comments when the mood hits (like i have been), but not really much else. i guess if there's any questions about this i'll answer them since my active attention will be back on simblr for at least a few days while i clean some things up. i would like to do one last thing as a kind of parting gift at some point... i never did end up cleaning up my downloads page or organize the thumbs/sorting for my cc like i said i would so maybe i'll do that before it gets away from me again but i'm not making any promises
⭐why am i on hiatus?
nothing bad happened or anything, i just.... lost interest. I already wasn't really playing the game that much even when i was super active; i mostly just took pictures and did edits. but i just wasn't having as much fun as i used to, opening the game started feeling like a chore, i wasn't all that inspired to make content, etc. i've burnt out on simblr on many an occasion so i just took a break like i always do but it kept going...and going.......and going.........until i realized it had been FOREVER and i hadn't really felt the itch to create here during that time, it wasn't coming back, and i was having much more fun doing other stuff. the times i did consider coming back it was more bc i felt bad about not creating rather than any actual desire to create. so i had to think long and hard about whether or not i even really wanted to come back. and i flip-flopped for probably 6 months--trying to drum up creative projects and never committing--before coming to the conclusion that i think i just need to call it a hiatus XD
⭐what have i been up to?
annoying my family with boycott lists and making them buy alternatively :D bouncing back and forth between many different hyperfixations... i fell back down the skyrim rabbithole several times, genshin, stardew, acnh, made a million notion pages i'll never use--the usual suspects. BUT BG3! at one point i swore i was gonna come back end of july/early aug but then BG3 dropped early and it was over... i definitely did A LOT of heavy lurking here when the girlies were all posting GORGEOUS tavs omg... i spent a while getting ts3 up and running, even made a sideblog thinking "maybe i'll come back with ts3 content that would be cool!"... just to not end up playing and not using the sideblog and not coming back -.- 4LIENS were supposed to have a comeback like... 4 separate times and it just did not happen... i've been making a concerted effort to get back into drawing and art. i've been in a kind of... depression? slump? with it for years now; always feeling like it wasn't good enough, that i should be better since i'm so "gifted and talented", i should be monetizing it and not "wasting" all that skill, blah blah imposter syndrome blah blah getting frustrated when i'm not 100% perfect all the time blah blah feeling like a disappointment to my family blah blah... but i am HELLA sick and tired of having all this anxiety and fear surrounding something i used to love so much so i'm pushing through! i've been trying out lots of different mediums and actually using my sketchbooks and just generally trying to introduce more fun into the process and stop being so hard on myself all the time. i picked up crocheting for a bit. at this point i haven't touched it in so long i probably forgot how to do it but... maybe one day i'll make a blanket or smth I started journalling (relatively) regularly for a bit. i was feeling really down at several points throughout the year and i thought having daily entries would help combat the feeling like every day was just absolute shit. on the contrary, the majority of days are good--at worst mundane--the bad ones just tend to stick out more. trying to get back into reading again... i miss doing it for leisure and taking notes bc i want to and not because i have a 300 annotation school assignment :P and a whole bunch of other stuff probably but it's hard to remember every single thing that's been on my mind for 16 months lol
⭐what will i be doing / where can you find me now?
i'm hoping to start a webtoon/build up art socials in the new year as a part of my "reconnecting to art" process. i made some art socials @kbearie-art here and @/kbearie_art on insta, youtube, tiktok, and twitter; they're empty for now though bc i got scared the minute i made them and never posted anything -.- but i'll be real with you... twitter is a cesspool, and im not fond of tiktok so i think tumblr, insta and youtube will probably be where i'll dedicate my time i've been thinking about getting back into posting videos on youtube again just in general. in fact this thought was the final push for me to make this post bc i was like... if i post a video out of the blue with no word to simblr that would be fked up XD i play games all the time and i had such a fun time recording, learning to edit and stuff that i think i'd like to pursue that further. i wouldn't be doing sims related stuff though bc...well... i don't play anymore XD but other games ya know. my other youtube is kspice (the same place with my tutorials, speed edits, the acnh vid, etc.) if you'd be interested in that
and i guess that's pretty much it!
again, for at least the next couple of days i'll probably actively have my eyes on this post/simblr in general (and i am gonna clear out my inbox hopefully) so if you have questions i'd ask em quickly before i go back into hiding XD
thanks again, i love you guys, free palestine, and have a good new year! 🍉⭐💖
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qetalos · 10 months
enchanted | 제이크
ー🎮 🕹️
"all I can say is it was enchanting to meet you, sim jaeyun"
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p: non idol!Jake and non idol!female oc
warnings! cursing, angst, "we couldn't be anything and you still broke me", reader is called Choi Areum. This one shot is based on the backstory of Enchanted by Taylor Swift, extracts of it's lyrics are included. Kind of open but closed ending? It didn't end well for them so idk you see what your mind wants to choose ;)
note: this is dedicated to the loml Maty, Ilysm 🤍
At the beginning I thought of this as a long series but it turned out being an angsty one shot, enjoy 🫶🏻
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"this was the very first page"
It all started when I was bored while scrolling on Tik Tok oh how i wish i never was bored back then and saw a video in which they left a link for people to join a discord server to talk and make video calls just to lose the time and make new friends. I thought about it and decided to join, at first I didn't feel comfortable there. It was all new for me as I didn't know anyone there, until a certain someone noticed my user name on the chat, saying that I had joined the server and now was part of it. I still remember the user "jkesimm_", he noticed me there.
Jkesimm_: Hey! arqmizz you're new in the server?
Arqmizz: haha, yes I am
Jkesimm_: Oh nice, let's talk on priv!
He sounds nice, I thought to myself. I received a text and saw it was him, I quickly replied.
Jkesimm_: Hey! It's me from the discord server!
Arqmizz: Hi! Thank you for noticing me... It was wild in there...
Jkesimm_: I know! I'm glad I could at least find someone
Arqmizz: Have you been there for a long time?
Jkesimm_: Ah yes, but sadly I didn't get to talk to much people, honestly.. 🥲
They're all busy talking between them that they don't notice new people there!
Arqmizz: oh really? Well I'm glad that we could get together between that mess 😭
Jkesimm_: ikr!! You sound really nice although it's the first time we talk haha
Arqmizz: lmao 😭 it's okay you sound nice too!
Jkesimm_: sorry if it makes you uncomfortable but may I know your name? If you don't wanna tell me it's okay !!
Arqmizz: Oh, it's okay
You can call me Areum! What's your name?
Jkesimm_: it's pretty obvious from my user but you can call me Jake. Pretty name, Areum 🫢
Arqmizz: haha thank you Jake!
"The playful conversations start"
And that was our first conversation, we could go hours just of talking and joking. He was really nice indeed. We started doing audio calls too, while we played games. That was our first move to a more close friendship, we didn't show our faces yet but we did audio calls and spent evenings together. He also told me a bit about himself, that he was Australian but was actually living in south Korea, he has a dog named Layla and a lot more things about himself.
In one of those audio calls I accidentally turned on my camera in an attempt of turning on my mic instead and in that moment Jake was talking. He went silent a second after I had turned my camera on and off back again quickly, we had never shown our faces to one another before and I accidentally showed myself for the first time.
"Uhh I'm sorry I didn't mean to turn my camera on" I said awkwardly. "No no, it's okay. If it makes you feel better I can turn mine on too okay?" He said "Uh? No n-" and before I could continue talking he had turned his camera on, damn he was handsome and left me out of words. "Haha I know I'm not in my best look but I turned it on so that you would feel that bad for turning yours accidentally" he said and I smiled softly to myself. Unsure, I went and turned my camera on again, showing my face awkwardly before laughing and hiding myself in my arms. "Hey! What's so funny?" He asked and I looked up looking at the camera "This is new for me, I had never shown my face to anyone I had met online" I said and I saw him smiling "Well, it's my first time too so don't feel awkward!" He said "Also, you don't need to have your camera on always if you don't feel okay doing so, I don't mind" "Thank you for the reassurance Jake, but I think I'll keep it on as we already know each other since some time ago" I said and he nodded "Good for me, I'll keep it on from now on too"
"Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face"
Three months passed already and my friendship with Jake had gotten more and more close. We would call or text each other at least once a day, I had started to work at a café and had a packed schedule until 4 p.m so I couldn't text or call him a lot. Still, he always found the ways of texting me after I had gotten home back from work.
"For real! Today one customer came to me and asked for a super weird beverage we don't have and they knew it but asked anyways! And after I told them we didn't have it they became all mad at me, why? I don't know!" I said and laughed at the stupidity of one of my customers as I told Jake about my little story from today's schedule. "Woah! That's a Karen for real!" He said and I bursted out laughing at his comment. After I had calmed down a bit I looked up at the screen and saw him staring at my camera silently, unsurely I asked "Is something on?" "I really wanna meet you Areum" he said out of nowhere and I opened my eyes widely, surprised. "What?" "I said that I really wanna meet you in real life, you're so fun and nice" he said and I felt my cheeks burning at what? I don't know! Jake didn't say anything to make me go that shy but he still made me feel shy nonetheless. "I think that too, maybe when my schedule loosens a bit we can meet, jaeyunie". And that was the last time we talked about meeting each other.
"2 a.m who do you love?"
Shortly after, I realized that I liked Jake. At night after our video calls I laid down and thought about us, about him. I thought about all the time that has passed and how much closer we had grown to each other, how kind and nice he seemed to me now. But then, the thought of him having someone else came in. Was he in a relationship already? Did he have a girlfriend? Shit, maybe he did have one. He was one in a million and I didn't question the fact that he might have somebody waiting on him. And I should accept that, after all he's my friend. Nothing else, right?
He's the nicest man I've ever known, he always care about me and calls me after he knows I'm at home after my schedule at work. He's always considerate and asks me if I had eaten something, how could I not fall in love? But that was a problem for me too.
Slowly, I started to distance myself from him. The thought of him in a relationship filled my mind and made me think that he just saw me as a friend, and I didn't want that. I didn't think that he noticed that, after today.
"Are you okay? You seem off... since a few days.." "Oh- I'm sorry, it's just that I'm having a lot of work lately.." I lied, in fact it was him who made me want to distance myself and end our friendship. "Are you sure? You know I'm here for you" he said and my heart burned at his sweet words "Yes jaeyunie, I'm okay. Thank you for asking" I said and he smiled softly at me through the screen. "Areum?" "Yes?" "I wanna meet you, in real life" he said and once again, he left me out of words. I wanted to meet him but I felt a strange feeling deep inside me, full of what if's. "Are you sure about it?" "Yes, I really wanna meet you, do you?" He asked and I nodded almost instantly, ignoring those strange feelings "Yes of course I wanna meet you, jaeyunie" and after that we had set a date and place for our meeting. I was so excited about it, finally meeting that one person who had become really special for me in the last time.
"Please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you"
Today was the day that we were going to meet, we decided to meet at the Han river. Surprisingly we didn't live afar from each other but still, we didn't live that close either.
I wore my best outfit, trying to ignore those intrusive thoughts about him probably having a girlfriend as I put on a nice black top and a pair of jeans, a thin jacket on so that I wasn't way too exposed, keeping it simple. I waited for him as I sat down and scrolled through social media until I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind, turning my head I saw a blonde guy with a mask looking at me. Before going out we both described our outfits so that we could find each other easier. He was wearing a hoodie with a pair of jeans, so simple but it still made me feel butterflies. Was it wrong?
"hey, you're Areum right?" He asked and I got up from the bench and smiled shyly "Yes, you're Jake?" I asked and he nodded "It's nice to meet you finally, Areum" he said and I smiled softly. I don't know where did this sudden confidence come from but I went and hugged him softly, not saying anything. He stayed still for a second before wrapping his arms softly around my waist, we hugged for a while and when I tried to separate he tightened his embrace, muttering a soft "not yet". Chuckling I hugged him again and after some minutes we separated, he smiled at me and I did the same to him. "Should we walk around a bit?" He asked and I smiled, nodding "Yeah sure" I simply replied, we walked into the Han River, looking around and talking from time to time. "Do you wanna grab something to eat? I know a place near that sells really good food and boba" I said and looked to my right, waiting for Jake's reply. "Yeah sure" he said and took my hand in his, I looked at him surprisingly "You take the lead" he said and I chuckled, nodding "Okay" and started to walk to the café. Soon after we arrived and chose a table. We looked through the menu to see what we were going to order "What are you going to order, Jaeyunie?" I asked while looking through the menu, trying to chose something as I couldn't chose between the options, everything looked good to me. "I don't know, probably some boba and a piece of cake? I'm not sure yet, what about you?" He asked and I tried to guess my own choice "Mmm, probably boba, too. And I'm trying to see what I should order to eat" I said and Jake nodded. Finally we could decide and the waiter came to us and took our orders, when they went away we started to talk again.
"Choi Areum huh" he said teasingly as he looked at me through the table, I chuckled "Sim Jaeyun huh" I said, copying his tone and actions. I heard him chuckle before taking out his phone "Let's take a picture, to capture the moment" he said and I nodded, scooting closer so we could fit in the frame. Slightly smiling he took the pictures, after it he looked at his phone and smiled "Send them to me too!" I said and he nodded, chuckling.
After our outer, we walked together to the train station. Jake had to take a train to go back to his house so I walked with him there, as I didn't need to take the train but just a bus. We talked a bit more before reaching the station, he stood up in front of me and smiled softly. I walked to him and hugged him, I felt him hugging me back tighter "Have a safe way back home, Jaeyunie" "You too, I'll miss you" he said and I chuckled, ignoring the heat running through my cheeks. "I'll text you tomorrow before my schedule, okay?" I said and I felt him nodding through our hug. The truth is that I couldn't bring myself together to ask him if he was dating someone already, so I had lots of thoughts running wild in my mind, but decided to ignore them. We wished each other a good way back home and after waiting for his train to go I went back home.
"And now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door"
Later that night, I received a text from an university which I had signed up for it some months ago and thought I wouldn't get called, until then. They had sent me a message saying that I got accepted there but not in the Korean place but the American one, I had to leave. I had signed up to be studying in the Korean university but actually got called to the American one, and my first thought was Jake. Should I tell him? I knew very well that this was going to hurt the both of us but I knew I still had to let him know, I wouldn't let that possibly pass by it was now or never. I was worried too, about my friendship with Jake. I didn't want to give us up after our first meeting face to face but, it was the university of my dreams. I was sure he would understand if I told him I had to leave to study abroad, and that I wasn't probably going to come back.
The next day I woke up and all these thoughts came back, Jake and the university. But I had to focus, I had work. I quickly prepared and started my schedule, from time to time I remembered Jake and the news but tried to ignore them and the knot made in my stomach. How should I tell him about it?
After my schedule I went home and texted Jake, he told me he was a bit busy and I decided to give him some time so that he could text me after, and then again those thoughts came back. I should tell him face to face...
"There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles"
I decided to make the first move and tell him to meet, to let him know what was happening. We arranged our meeting in the same place as before, the Han River. I tried to look good and dressed up nicely, like the first time we met. It was unbelievable, for me, how could we go from our first meeting to this one, the second one, the last one too. It hurt so much, because I won't be able to see him anymore. I tried to spend a lot of time with him, calling and chatting a lot. Now, it was a week before I would leave to America, to the university I wanted so bad. But leaving the best person behind and a part of me in Korea too.
I waited on that bench again, scrolling on my phone. I felt my hands shaking slightly as I felt a tap on my shoulder, like the first time. I turned around and tried to make a smile, trying to hide the pain too. "Hi jaeyunie" I called and my heart broke even more, the crack in it, growing every second. "Hi Areum" he said and embraced me in a hug, why are you making everything harder for me, Sim Jaeyun? I hugged him back and after a while we separated, I saw something different in his face. Love.
I looked at him and saw that he looked at me differently than the first time, more lively. I shrugged it off and said "Let's walk?" And he nodded, taking my hand in his, again. "Let's go" he said and we walked around, our hands entwined, making my heart sting even more. Why was it so hard? "You know Areum... I have something to tell you" he said smiling softly to himself, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "Oh really? Well... I have something to tell you too" I said bittersweetly, looking down. I saw Jake looking up expectantly. "Oh is that so? Tell me what it is, then. I'll tell you what I have to say after you" he said and I felt my heart breaking even more, I was going to hurt him. I stopped walking as we stood under a tree, I looked down at our hands and slowly separated them. Taking a deep breath I tried to make my own words "I don't know if you're going to like this... Jake" I said and without looking up I continued "I have to leave... To America..." I said and squeezed my eyes shut tightly "What do you mean?" He asked and I tried not to cry, continuing "I got a message from my dream university saying that I got in, I never told you about it as I thought I was never going to get called after months... And because I would get called to the one that's here... In Korea.. but I guess not" I said "I hope everything goes well to you, Jaeyunie" crack "I hate to admit this but I like you, but I know that you might have someone waiting on you... I'm sorry" crack, my heart continued breaking. After I had said that I let a tear escape my eye, slowly falling over my cheek, being followed by another and another one. "What the fuck you mean I have someone waiting on me Choi Areum?!" He said, slightly shouting... Voice cracking "I've been waiting for you since day one! I don't even care if you have to go but... I fucking love you Choi Areum! Why did you keep it in?! I literally love you and now you're telling me this?! Really?! When are you leaving..?" He finally asked, a bit more relaxed. "Next week" I said quietly and heard him let out a soft sob, as he sighed "Fucking Choi Areum! Why are you doing this?! Really! I...." "I really wanted us to be something, Areum! I wanted to be your fucking boyfriend!" He said and I cried harder, knowing damn well I should've told him this before... "I-I'm sorry.. Jaeyunie" I sobbed "No! Don't call me that! Just... This is hard to swallow and you're making it harder!" He said, I looked up taking a slight glance at his face and saw him crying... A completely new sight for me. "I grew so damn close to you for you to do me this?! To do us this?! Please..." "Why couldn't you tell me this before?! Just... Areum! Why did you just tell me about this just now...." He said and I sobbed harder, I tried to calm down but I couldn't. I saw him sighing before looking up "I... I don't think we should continue talking, Areum" there it laid my broken heart, on the ground. "If we continue talking this will only hurt each other more... Let's leave it here. Have a nice trip to America" I couldn't believe his words, his dry tone... Why was he like this? "Okay" I said between sobs "Good bye, thank you for everything, Jake" I said and he nodded, looking away.
"It was enchanting to meet you, Sim Jaeyun"
thank you for reading ♡
do not copy, repost on other socials or translate. all rights reserved to @/stqrlite.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Big Dragon Episode 3 Review and Commentary
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Don't go looking for episodes 1 and 2 review because there isn't one. I watched them but I'm late to the party. So, I'm starting here.
The song "I work out" just came to my head while we watch the swim model play with his hair. OMG the secondhand embarrassment is gonna kill me. Okay, I really can't with this dumbass hiding behind a chair. Sweet baby jezebel. Okay but we have the bag with the phone. Of course, it's password protected you dip shit. Just stomp that thing or take out sims card. There, wait. Running it under water? I just. 🤦‍♀️
What, now ya gonna steal. What the fuck are you doing. These dumbasses better start to have growth. Oh, you are taking the undie. That's actually pretty funny. Iffffff you hadn't got caught. At this point I think you should be writing a book on how to be a dumb ass villain. I think you need to just give up the life of crime. Sub baby is so subby. Look at him just standing there. Like he puts up no fight when being searched.
Oh, now we push. You are feeling all kinds of tough, dumbass. You never thought he would back that shit up. Oh damn, he said sorry. These two shitheads are made for each other realy. This is what nonconsenting looks like. When Yai drugged Mangkorn and now this shit that Mangkorn is pulling. We don't know if Yai is consenting because he wants to or because he is afraid of the videos being leaked.
Now here is the thing, this is art. None of us are saying this is okay. We know that these two ass hats are problematic. When you say that marginalized media can't be problematic art, then you are participating in the oppression. Forcing queer media to not be problematic art is saying, we don't have the right to occupy the same space as straight/white media.
Back to the show. This is what a forced D/s element looks like. Mangkorn got a roleplay kink, mkay. Oph, straight to the punishment. No talking until told to. For sure forced consent. More commands. And if we didn't know for sure, we now know he sucked it before. He's got a gage reflux.
Okay, so he was teasing him. Then he tells him to wait and Yai does. So subby. These rich bitches probably own walking shorts. Lawd. Okay so, we at a park, at night. This is how horror movies start. Douche canoe, he might have teased you, but you drugged him. You guys are almost even. Friendship. He wants friendship until the internship is over. The nagging back and forth. He doesn't know how to make friends, that doesn't ring true.
Now we are starting to see them. The real them. Getting a little cuteness. Aww, he got him a shirt... I think that is a shirt. Looks more like a sweater vest. Still, it's the thought that counts. Buddy boy he has seen it all already. Hahaha.. Wait, should I be concerned that dipshit and I think alike. Oh it is a shirt! Is that a tiger necklace? Aww, he brought him to his favorite spot.
Look at that slight smile on Yai's face when Mankorn brings up being friends again. Caught you staring moment. Cute. Ohhhh, he is serving him food. Interesting. He tells Yai to try it and Yai immediately does. Ohh, the gay couple is sooo cute. Okay, my opinion of you is going up Yai. Oh, we are bringing up the law and gay marriage topic. I like it.
Look at him breaking out the "food taste better shared." Okay this is cute. Back and forth about the food. Your ass still hurts? Wth. That's a power dick there. Oh, we are giving the, I wanna kiss you look. Saved by the tummy rumble. Oh, are you about to serve him again? Even with it being an inconvience due to the rain. Interesting. Look at that smile. Oh you finally gonna let people know you alive.
Looke at him checking on him. Then offering to walk him to his room. Ohhhh yeah, someone is coming in Dom. Aww, look at him apologizing for the phone and telling him he will buy another. I'm starting to like these two.
Yes, Yes, they are still problematic characters, fully aware but problematic characters are fun in fiction. Real life? No way. Who would be okay with any of the bl fictional characters? I mean really, Sean and Black have anger management problems. SCOY is about a stalker and stalky who fall in love. As much as I love Pai, in real life we'd beg Sky to call the cops. Let's not even talk about the Kinnporsche couples. Are we not allowed to live vicariously through art anymore?
Yai is being super cute. I'm liking it. I'm seeing a redemption arc here. Oh, look Mankorn being. Home dude is hooked. You like that old fashioned, shut up. Oh yeah, he's caught feelings. A Dominatrix! Mad respect but those wrist cuffs. Those boots though! I want! She is spitting the good advice too. She's a soft Dom for a Dominatrix. Oh, look she did a check in to make sure that their break apart won't spiral him.
What are these two cornballs doing. These fucking coconuts. I ain't afraid of no ghosts. The coconuts are though. Did he call by phone. Damn it's bad with the coconut can get a jab in. Aww, they have a couple's phone! Subby sub is grumpy now. Oh No! Couple's cases! They are rocking that RM and Jin colors. Look at you, dumbass. You hung up on your boyfriend's call.
So that's all folks. Hope you enjoyed. 💜💜💜 This review is dedicated to @victooooorious, @bengiyo, and @pharawee
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leviathanswingman · 2 months
15 questions tag game!
thank you so much for tagging me @melverie <33 (answering on this blog bc why not)
01 - Are you named after anyone?
nope! not with my old name, not with my current name either. I did name myself after one of my Sims characters though, which is mildly embarrassing but also very in character for me.
02 - When was the last time you cried?
i'm not that much of a crier if i'm being honest. don't wanna admit it but you really have to beat emotions out of me with a baseball bat. i think i cried a little when i finished watching the untamed?
03 - Do you have kids?
my cats are my human children boys. also my OCs Yuuta and Valac. also om!Luke of course.
04 - What sports do you play/have you played?
absolutely none :D i have always been painfully unathletic. honestly, the playground used to be my absolute fear zone, i would always manage to get a ball thrown against my head in one way or the other. i also managed to snap my ankle by running one time so. i'm trying to get into running and doing home workouts atm, but i do try to walk places when my schedule allows it (especially bc the busses in my city do whatever the fuck they want anyway)
05 - Do you use sarcasm?
I would never.
06 - What is the first thing you notice about people?
the way they treat the people that are around them. it does say a lot about a person. right after that would probably have to come the way they look at you. over here there's a lot of people who just like to shamelessly stare and sometimes you just gotta throw that stare right back to assert dominance
07 - What's your eye color?
08 - Scary movies or happy endings?
both? it really depends if i'm being honest. i really like me a good slasher or thriller, but sometimes you just gotta watch something with a nice happy ending to lift your mood a little
09 - Any talents?
oh i can come up with a mean pun (threat)
10 - Where were you born?
11 - What are your hobbies?
currently that would have to be writing, writing and writing xD i am slowly getting back into old hobbies as well. i've been really stressed for a few years and am slowly regaining the energy to do things that i like again i like gaming (currently trying to navigate between genshin/hsr/ace attorney/danganronpa) and i have started to learn Russian and relearn some French.
12 - Do you have any pets?
i have two cats! the older one is really smart, a hater at heart and an absolute bastard who WILL start terrorizing me at 7am bc he needs to be fed IMMEDIATELY. also the reason my doorhandles are turned downwards, man will just let himself in by flinging his entire bodyweight on top of the door handle. the younger one is small (klein und kompakt), kind of stupid and a bit TOO loyal for his own good (treudoof). i picked him up off the street when he was maybe 2 weeks old bc his mother abandoned him for being too sick.
13 - How tall are you?
I'm 173 cm / 5'8
14 - Favourite subject in school?
English and German classes and anything related to literature tbh. French classes sometimes. I also really loved my theatre classes.
15 - Dream job?
i don't think i necessarily have one? i really love writing and will maybe try to write my own stuff and try to publish it someday. if it doesn't work out then so be it.
i'm also currently studying to become a social worker, and i do like the work. it isn't my dream job, but i don't think it has to be for me to be passionate about it.
my dream job would be me living by the sea, going on walks, writing and doing jack shit if i'm being really honest right now.
not tagging anyone for now, but this was fun!! if you see this and wanna do it, do feel tagged by me!!
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lucyl626 · 6 months
First entry
Dear Diary (and everyone who reads it),
I needed a place to put my thoughts, and I like to write, so if you like to read random people's brain farts, be my guest :D But this diary, journal, blog, whatever, will be about The Sims. I'm not gonna put tags on this entry because it's just rambling. I used to do this on Twitter, but making threads is too much work. Here, I can edit and don't have to worry about character limits.
I recently restarted my so called "main save", and I wanna tell you about that one. I'm not consistant with my gameplay (or anything in my life). I started my main save in 2019, but I migrated all the sims to a new save almost every year for some reason (sometimes the save became buggy, or I removed so many CC it was easier to start over than giving everyone a makeover). Sometimes I skipped a generation and just gave my sims already teen children, then I realized I hate that I don't have memory from their childhood, then I migrated my sims again and lost the photos, diplomas etc. And working backwards to replace all the lost memories is all work, no play. So I restarted but with Season 0.
Why do I say Season 0 instead of Gen 0? Because it's Gen 1, but they are teens, not young adults, and I wanted to play out their backstory instead of cheating their skills, careers and etc. And also because I view their story in seasons.
The thing is, 2019 wasn't just the begining of my main save. Me and my husband started to write a story together. We planned storylines, arcs, plots together and wrote it. After we finished a big arc, we forwarded time a few years and started Season 2 with the children of the original characters. And we turned those characters into sims to help eachother visualize their apperance. And I started my main save with our RP characters.
And that's the root of the name of the save: Pine Rock Legacy. Pine Rock is a fictional place, a small town in a middle of a pine forest. The title of our story Pine Rock Chronicles, and we are on Season 4. Thousands of pages, it's ridiculus.
My main save was never a perfect depiction of the original story. It was always just a fanfiction (yeah, I'm a fan of our work xD not gonna lie). Because in the sims, we don't have humans who can turn into dragons, shamans, werewolves who turn into wolves instead of furries (I don't have a problem with furries).
Now with the restart of my main save I had to choose between wanting to stay close to the original as much as I can, or completely rewrite the story. And after playing for one sim weak, I realized I have to rewrite their story. So I'm gonna do that, and I started a separet blog for that: Pine Rock Legacy This way I can keep this blog like a sims diary, while my Pine Rock Legacy will be organized somewhere whitout my other ramblings.
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nikatyler · 1 year
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Time for a recap of the last twelve months! It's basically my tradition at this point. This year was a weird one. I'm not even gonna get into real life issues. It sure was something and I'm going into 2023 with no energy and zero expectations, lol. But with this mindset, I can only be pleasantly surprised, right? Or...the world will show me that when you think it can't get any worse, it will.
Anyway, simblr stuff! This is the year I started drifting away from tumblr. It makes me sad, but really, it just isn't the same as it was when I joined. The interaction is not what I wish to get so I'm simply moving to places where I feel like I'm actually heard and seen. Idk. I've tried a few times to "be the change I wanna see" but it's hard to change stuff around here. But oh well, to each their own. I'll probably stick around, even if I hang out more somewhere else and what you see are mostly queued posts. And, well, if twitter burns down, which I wouldn't be surprised if it did, you know I'll fully come back here. I love this hellsite. Genuinely. It makes me mad but I love it.
But I still love you guys. TS3 discord and a few other people who are not in that discord, I do seriously love you.
So, what was happening on this blog this year?
I was still posting my previous BC! Well, I was finishing it. Vi became a parent and hadn't become a cheating jerk yet. 😅
*this* is Vi's cheating jerk era. I still feel bad about how I resolved the whole thing, it was too rushed. I guess I was focusing more on the gameplay part and the NSB rules and less on whether their actions are logical? Prince shouldn't have come back to him, that's the hill I'll die on :D I know, I know, NSB rules and all, but he shouldn't have.
We're slowly moving onto Bloom's very short generation, as well as gen 3 of my lepacy. It's Ginevra's time to shine, but first, we spent a lot of time with the winners of Axel and August's BC.
Bambi and Candy are born, as well as the BC babies. Loads of baby cuteness in April on this blog. Oh and Ross flourishes in his babysitter era. Well, he's always been a babysitter to his descendants, but I feel like this is where he 100 % accepts it 😂
Gins' era truly starts now (why do I keep saying era in this recap lmao). I had a lot of fun playing in Twinbrook again and Ginevra and Lori were so great. <3
Alongside my lepacy (hi Elias & other gen 4 babies), I started posting the pink gen of NSB and also, my 100 Baby Challenge! I still can't believe I actually did that, and that I completed it in like two months only. Wow. What. I mean, yeah, I hyperfocused on it, but still. How did I do that.
Again, gen 3 of lepacy and gen 7 of NSB, not much to say here. As for playing, I mostly just played the baby challenge. Oh! And Maeve's BC, of course.
Ohh, and July was the month when I decided to dive into the wonderful sims community on twitter. Probably one of my best decisions this year as I made many great friends there...🥰🥰
Gen 3 ends and Sawyer is ready to take over Bridgeport but he has to wait for a bit. Pastel enters the blog and her bonding with Ross is seriously one of my most favourite things. I didn't think of this at first when I was playing, it only came to me later when I was posting the generation, but he definitely grew fond of her because she reminds him of Sunset so much ;-;
Good news: Bambi and Atsuko get married. Bad news: Ross and Caleb break up. *sigh* There's so much to unpack with their breakup storyline. Yes it makes sense that they'd hit a few bumps on the road, yes it makes sense that some of them would be bad, but...deep down, the breakup only happened because of my insecurities and lowkey being afraid of using a townie in my stories. At least I kinda got over that this fall (thank you twitter moots).
More good news: I'm finally posting the BC!!
I finished posting the 100BC and...yeah this was Maeve's month. October was also very vampiric, but I'll probably mention that in a separate recap (if I do a separate recap haha), as this one only focuses on my regular daily content (legacies and such)
In November, we saw the funniest twist to ever happen in my BCs. Sorry River :D Aaand we also have the winner of Maeve's BC! I can't wait for you all to see them again in the legacy. Next year, hopefully.
Sawyer's time to shine has come. Well, not really, his siblings are constantly stealing it. Don't be surprised if he one day, you know, steals their organs and sells them.
Oh, and it's also TS3!Ross's time to shine. Because of course it is. I knew I needed to use his TS3 self somewhere, and all things considered, this felt like a perfect time for that.
December was also the month I started posting videos on youtube. I'm sorry if I'm annoying about that, but I just enjoy it so much. Never thought I'd say that. So, if you haven't yet, feel free to check it out (and subscribe maybe? 🥺). I'm hoping to do some fun stuff next year.
What's in store for 2023? I'll probably talk about that later, but to put it simply, I think this blog will be stuck with NSB and lepacy.
Thanks for sticking around with my grumpy self. Here's to a better 2023.
Happy new year, everyone!
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thedaysofspring · 1 year
[The Days Of Spring]: Game 0
“The Days Of Spring Shall surely bring The birds and bees cavorting. But since I am a gentleman, I’d much rather be jorting.” - Brian David Gilbert in his video about how to make jorts (which isn’t a tutorial but a horror classic)
((Aight so in this one it’s a game of Fortuna. A regular run, or so it was hoped. There weren't any strange runs [Sun God or otherwise. No, not even the one with the Wozzee Connect 4 mini-game that turns into a dating sim] that had been going on in the last run. Nope, instead the player decided it was high time to start up a new universe, nothing new. They hope.
Honestly, it was a Fortuna run so what were you going to expect? Stability? Not in my christian Fortuna server. But life can still be full of wishful thinking, can it not?))
It’s been a while since your last game, and for good reason. It was starting to spiral a bit and characters and game mechanics alike were getting pretty sad. I guess it’s time you should start a new run, fresh like pulling the plastic off a new laptop. Buuuut first you should probably tell your self-aware robo-buddies goodbye, just to preface. They might not like it, but they’ll understand, right?
[You boot up Fortuna. The same monochrome logo appears and fades into the menu screen as normal. You honestly expected something else, considering that wild ride someone else had you heard about caused some funky menu mishaps. But no, it’s just the Fortuna menu screen. You open up the save files and enter the current one that was still running.
The scene boots up normally, as if it was frozen in time for all these months.
You are greeted by your two patrons, Cupid and Artemis.]
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Artemis: Oh! The player has returned. Welcome back. Very good to see you again.
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Cupid: Co-friend!! You’re back! Yay! I missed our play-dates.
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Player: Hello you two! I missed you guys.
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Cupid: yaya! What happened tho?
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Player: That’s what I’m about to explain. Alrighty, so: My life outside the game has been going well, I’ve just moved to a new apartment and I really like where my life has gone lately! Of course I took a break from the expansive universe of the game to focus on other things, as is obvious from my disappearance.
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Artemis: Understandable. Our relationship is of course not that personal, and the universe can’t be saved all the time. However, I do have a concern.
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Player: Oh? What is it, Artemis?
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Artemis: I can tell from your tone that something is still nagging at your mind, like frightened game calculating when and where to run.
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Player: Oh yeah that… Okay, uh… This is gonna be hard to say.
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Cupid: Whatever it is, friend I’m sure you’ll say it good! You did that when negotiat- nah... goat- okay I still can’t say that word right yet but you do good with the uh Job Shipping.
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Player: fdsjkla;lfja thanks…
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Artemis: (Ah yes, that weird noise you make)
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Player: Alright focus with me here. I came back to say goodbye. I’m leaving-
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Cupid: B-bu-but
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Player: I’m sorry Cupe,
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Player: It’s none of your guys’ faults, it’s the current game universe. There needs to be a fresh start. A full one. I didn’t want to suddenly delete everything without telling you guys, because that’s too much. I hope you can understand this and I hope that in the next universe we can still be friends.
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Cupid: …….
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Artemis: ……
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Artemis: very well, co-player. This is your choice to make. May we be on good terms in the future.
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Cupid: I don’ wanna go….
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Player: thank you, Arte.. .And cupid?
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Cupid: Yea…?
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Player: You are a great friend. If you were out here, I’d invite you to my birthday party.
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Cupid: :0
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Cupid: :D Okie… Goodbye, co-friend! Let’s be friends again someday!
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Player: Let’s!
[And then you save your game before exiting back to the main menu. It was a tough decision to make, but this is all for the better. Besides, you have to remind yourself that it’s just a game, just a rollercoaster of a dream that you get to have the front seat of. That rollercoaster probably has a spaceship theme to it, which would be really cool if you weren’t terrified of fast-moving rides.]
Okay! Into the settings we go.
[You select all the options on the settings and hit delete. Yes. Delete the universe.] And there it goes. All the memories, good, bad, and ugly; They’re gone. Never to be seen again, at least not in the same way as before. Welp, since that’s over, you start up a new game.
((the little commands here will be for linking posts so that way readers can just click those to advance the story :3))
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sunny6677 · 9 months
Spooky Month: The Dating Sim
Part 37
(I'm mainly just doing this because it's fun to watch, but this is basically a spooky month interactive thing/poll which is kinda like a dating sim. Of course, only the adult characters can be your love interests. So do take that in mind.)
A part of you felt a bit of irritation sink into you deep within, but on instinct, you tried to be polite regardless. So you opened your mouth to speak back to the woman..
...only to find a slightly passive aggresive comment making its way out of your mouth.
You immediately widened your eyes, a little shocked at such words coming from out of your mouth. The woman blinked, her brows raised and her eyes wide. With slightly gritted teeth, she looked at you for a moment, her dark eyes glistening with that of a raging fury.
She then turned her head away, placing her hands on her hips. "Hmph.. whatever. You can keep standing there. But you better stay miles away from me, you got that, plebian?"
In reply, you only nodded while swallowing a chunk of spit down your throat. The woman then swiftly turned, and with her hips swinging from side to side, she began to walk away—her high-heels clacking against the concrete ground as she did so.
You just decided that now would be a good time to head home. But a part of you wondered who that woman was, or why she seemed so intent on calling you 'plebian' like it was the medieval era or something. Even so, you let out a sigh, and swiftly turned around into the direction where your house was. And slowly, you began to walk there through the cool night, the sounds of a thousand crickets accompanying you as you did so.
You eventually made your way back home. And as of now, your eyes had been heavy with that of exhaustion. Your mouth would let out soft yawns of drowsiness every few minutes or so, and by now, you had been sitting on your bed. You had been fully prepared to head to sleep, for your eyes were slowly starting to flutter shut. But you decided to check your phone before you did so.
You slowly picked up your phone, clenching it in your hands. With a gentle tap of your thumb against the screen, the screen lit up—blinding you with pouring artifical light for a sheer moment. Then, when your vision adjusted to the brightness, you quickly blinked and realized you had three notifications from your messengers app. Which was.. surprising, honestly.
One message appeared to be from Lila, the message reading something along the lines of:
"Hi there! I was wondering if maybe you wouldn't mind taking care of my son again some other time? I don't really need you to right now, but he seems like he had so much fun with you today! He seems pretty happy that you were able to take care of him and his friend."
You smiled a little at the message, though it quickly faltered, for your eyes moved with concentration as you saw another message. This time, the message appeared to be from Kevin—it didn't look to be sent from too long ago. Only a few minutes ago actually.
The message had read:
"Hey, I'm back from work. I'm gonna have to go to bed soon, but do you wanna chat for a bit til I do?"
Another smile played at your lips, though your eyes then moved with concentration to the other message. This time, it.. appeared to be from an unknown number. Though judging by the way the person on the message spoke, you immediately took a quick guess at who it was.
"Hey!!! Is this that person I gave my number to??? If it is, then hiii! It's me, Radford! :D"
Well.. you didn't immediately take a guess, since the message said it itself.
You then thought for a moment..
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aleksa-sims · 2 years
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RL Sims-Story (18+)
CW: drugs, addiction, threats
Back home, we were in that damn club, that Daniel and I were supposed to avoid. But Irena said, it would be safe for us. She worked in that club and knew what was going on. These sick guys who attacked my sister & David got caught selling drugs there. So everything seemed good.
Once there, I was already in a bad mood. Irena was just bitching all the time and constantly went after Daniel, as if she were his mother! Why did she even come with us? 🤷‍♀️ 😒 After a while Elena ran into me! I mentioned Elena a few times in my story, but she never really showed up until now. We have known each other since we were kids. She & her sis Tina, often played with Ana and me. As we got older and started going to this club, Elena met that one guy, who owns a strip club and so she started working there. For him! 🤨
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Elena: A.? Heeyy! 
Me: It’s been a long time, Elena!  
Elena: Yea, over a year ago! I was just on my way to the bathroom. Are you with?
Me: You, me & toilets...🤦‍♀️ 😄 It was clear that you and I will meet again at the loo. That’s were we left last year and... you were doing lines.🤨
Elena: And you were in on it. 🤷‍♀️
Me: But you knew, I was a pill addict! Still, you just gave me a line of smack. Since then, I wanted to do it again! And now I’m hooked! But..fuck it! It’s not your fault! 😕 
Elena: I wanna talk with you about this. 😟 Maybe later?
Me: You’ve changed so much, Elena! Your face looks so.... smooth and your lips, hell! 😲 They’re gigantic! But not just your lips!... You were really pretty, even before! 
Elena: Yeah, I had my lips filled and my boobs done. I was offered an ...upgrade and I didn’t say no! I’m really happy with the result.
Me: Nice! I also thought about getting my boobs done.
Elena: You want them even bigger? 😮
Me: No! But I can’t afford it anyway. For what I have planned, I would first have to reduce them! And-...ugh! Forget it!
Elena: I see, you haven't changed a bit. 😕
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Me: But I’m much more confident than I was a year ago....Something else! Are you still with that one guy? Who’s dealing in his own club?
Elena: Why? But, yea!
Me: You know, what happend to David & my sister? Those were his fucking employees who attacked them! And how could you dragg David into this shit? He’s only 19! And he was with my sis. 😠
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Elena: Ana? 😦 And David I didn’t get into anything! I just helped him! I told my bf, that David is a friend of mine I know since childhood! And he had nothing to do with that attack on David! I swear, A.! I wouldn’t stay with him if he were violent or doing harm to others!!
Me: And what about Daniel? He threatened him! Just because he didn’t want to do this fucking job for him anymore.
Elena: I don’t really know Daniel! My boyfriend asked me to pick up some dope from Daniel. And it wasn’t until Irena caught me picking up drugs from Daniel, that I found out, he’s with HER! After that, D. just wanted to quit. Of course my bf was pissed! But as you can see, Daniel is fine! He has done nothing to him and will not!
Me: Daniel’s my boyfriend! Promise, nothing will happen to him! I mean, if one of those dealers comes across us!
Elena: You’re kidding me, right? 😦 You & D.?....And I was the ONLY one who saw Daniel. The others never met or saw him! You get what I mean?
Me: So Daniel is safe?
Elena: Yeah! I swear, A.!! But why are you with him? What about Irena? She’s gonna kill you! When she saw me with Daniel, she went totally nuts! But I did NOTHING with him! I was just picking up this shit. 🤷‍♀️
Me: I know the story! She thinks you had sex with him. In their bedroom🤨  ... Hm? 🤔 Somehow this whole thing is totally sick! 😧 NOW, I sleep with him there, in their-..I mean his bed. 🤦‍♀️ 
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Elena: Oh, shit! 😱 She’s right behind you! She’ll kill us! RUN!
Me: Ha? 🤨 ...OH! Irena! Come down! They broke up 7 months ago! She knows about him & me! She even came with us! 🤷‍♀️ So chill! It’s all fine!
Elena: Maybe for you, but not for me! Irena hates me!
Irena: YOU! 😠 What are you doing here? You are the reason for all the shit that happened to me! 😠 Don't you ever cross my path again!!
Me (to Elena): 😒 Just ignore her! She’s a bit....nutty today. 🤪👈
Elena: Let’s go to the bathroom. Please! 🙏
Me: Sure You and I are just Loo-besties.😅
Later Daniel and I were high, as always! Dominick didn’t take anything, that totally surprised me! But maybe he was afraid of Irena? 🤨
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Daniel: Why did Elena give you drugs? 
Me: I told you once I knew her. When we get home, I’ll tell you!
Daniel: I don’t really trust her, but I trust you!
Me: You’re right! I don’t trust anyone when it comes to this shit, except you! But I will meet Elena again. She and I have something to discuss.
Daniel: Shall we? Since Dominick is sober, I can just fuck off without having to drive him home or listen to his shit!
Me: Yeah, finally! I been missing you so much these past few days!
Daniel: Same! Come on, let’s get our stuff and leave.
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Irena: Where were you two? You’re all hopped up! Honestly, A.! I’m not surprised about Daniel! But you? 🤨....You’re not only hurting yourself, you’re hurting him too! 😠
Me: What the fuck you care!? Stay away from Daniel & me! He and I have been together for 2 months! And this is not just a little affair & we live togehter! 😠... Daniel, tell her!....Um, D.? Come on, tell her! 😦 🤷‍♀️
Daniel (to me): I wanna fuck you. 😵
Me: Wha-?...NO, and stop touching me! 🙁 Please, tell her! Or I’m not going with you! Never again! 😠....😞
Daniel: But-...what should I say and to whom?
Me: Don’t pretend you didn’t notice! 😦 She’s been doing this since we’re here!! And why is she even with us? On your b-day! You know? 😒
Irena: Listen! You live in MY fucking apartment with him! 😠 
Daniel: Just stay the hell out! And the apartment is mine, not yours! It belongs to me alone! That was your own decision! And I want her with me!! 
Irena: You know damn well why I left! 😠
Daniel: Yeah! And I don’t regret! 🤷‍♂️
No, that wasn’t enough for me! He should have said more and not just that he wants me with him. Before that, Irena didn’t give a shit about us ! But now she suddenly had something against me? 😩 🤦‍♀️ And Daniel didn’t really do anything wrong! I just felt a bit.... used? I think it was this place? The past caught up with me and traumatic memories came back. And exactly in this place and with Elena, this ugly chapter of my life will end! I just didn’t know the end was going to be so cruel! 😢
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arlecchno · 1 year
lmao the blonde parts are supposed to be teal but i havent had a chance to redye them in foreverr … also yes ! my xiao jacket ! its not the only one out there though LOL
the wall youre seeing is actually my best friend roofs long lost sibling , wall /j
BEFORE 6 !? i could never i always go to bed at like 12am …. im so sleep deprived on school days lol
ME AND THAT FRIEND DID SO MANY SILLY THINGS IN OUR MATH/STEM CLASS LMAO we used to play genshin wish sim (im very young T_T) and say weird things to summon characters (i told the computer id help make kaeya dilucs brother again to get diluc , and BOTH OF THEM CAME HOME IN THE SAME PULL) tbh ive always complained ab stairs so ,,, i cant even take the stairs in my building anymore bc i live on the 9th floor itd take way too long 😭
we have a lot of the same top 5s , kaeya , diluc , and scara share #1 because … yes . my favorite gal is fischl i love her sm -
i have 11 5*s (not including aloy) , and im currently pulling for sir acting grand scribe himself ! im at around late 30 pity , if he does / doesnt come home i will make self ship art because i dont think he would like that >:)
GOOD TO KNOW ITS GOING WELL im actually making notes for a fic i wanna write on call w my previously mentioned friend roof LOL ive had the idea ever since the nilotpala cup event , i really wanted to make like an actual fic based off of it bc that girl from the yae publishing house was supposed to or wtv HAHAH but im procrastinating on a title so im just . UGH - yk ?
i did have a good day both the day you replied and today ! i am injured but its not bad (only hurts when i move certain ways) , i went on a field trip for school today and got to go in a ✨stream✨ and pick up a little crawfish >:D i hope youre doing good as well !! its so nice talking to you lmao youre so cool
i might start sending doodles every ask , so heres a sketch of my genshin oc !!
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my “question” issss guess what region theyre from ! or who they live with LOL the hint is that there are already playables from their region , and there are technically two regions theyre from ?? you can guess just one though ill give you the answer next ask :P
- jellyfish
i think it's because i'm already used to waking up early... even tho i'm a very sleep deprived student that sleeps at 12-1 and wakes up at 5 😔 i'm fairly a light sleeper so no matter what time i sleep, whenever my alarm goes off i'm always up by the second 🥲
and LMAOO i've played a ton of those wish sims to prevent myself from rolling whenever i'm saving up for a character, it works wonders
i didn't really expect you to like fischl!!! i like using her in events where we have her as a trial character lol using oz in her burst and flying around is so silly but i always have fun with it!
seems like we're both on the run for alhaitham :D currently have 72 pity and he still has yet to arrive... i do not have a guarantee whatsoever so the next time i pull i'm gonna be praying for him to come home 😔 i've already explored most of the new area for him
and that fic idea sounds interesting! i briefly forgot about that event so when you mentioned it i'm suddenly reminded of how fun playing with the fungi was!! hope you'll find many inspiration for your supposed title, and who knows, next thing you know you're hitting the post button for your fic 🤭
hope you're healing well from your injury also!! have lots of rest and don't overexert yourself too much, resting is very important hehe
it's nice to know that you went on a field trip :O i haven't been to one in a while so hearing it from you reminded me how fun it always is to go on one and escape school (tbf i think we can agree at least half of the students that volunteer on field trips only do it to skip classes LMAO #guilty)
i think if i had to guess, it's a mix between mondstadt and sumeru, maybe? i'm either really wrong or really right since my basic skills of knowledge on each regions' outfits are very minimal 😵‍💫
a question for you; how was your week? tell me all about it!! hehe i honestly like hearing people talk about their day and week because it's undeniably so interesting to know what others have been up to and how different some people's lives can be from ours! hope i'm not rambling too much... i just really like listening to people talk and talk about their life
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galadrielspeaks · 2 years
tagged by @matrose ahhhh hi!! thank you for tagging me <3 once again you’re the sweetest person ever 🥰🤍🌿🧚🌺 hope you’re having a wonderful day! manifesting the bestest day ever 4 u!
favorite time of the year: winter!! 🎄🧊⭐️ i loveee winter! love the cold, love the snow (though i rarely see it). once it starts getting cold outside i start to become a lot happier, there’s something about nature hibernating that makes me finally able to take a moment to rest and breathe. i LOVEEE winter! as someone from the Caribbean christmas is quite a big deal, and also when i moved to USA i was fascinated at the leaves ACTUALLY CHANGING COLOURS and falling off and the weather getting cold and still am to this day!
comfort food: miso soup and nigiri! for some reason whenever i’m sick or have an upset stomach eating miso soup and some nigiri fixes me right up 🌿🍣
favorite drinks : i very rarely drink anything other than water, but besides water Malta India and Coco Rico!
do you collect anything?: um i collect pokémon cards 🧍 NFJFJD but i want to start collecting crystals! i have a few but i want to actually have a nice collection of them. i <3 shiny rocks! idk if it counts but i also collect old literature from back home. I mainly get them from my Grandfather who has a huge collection of books specific to our town and culture in PR 🇵🇷, I always steal a few books when I visit him 😅 even if they’re falling apart in age i still love them
current song on repeat: Shallows by Boats! also No Me Doy Por Vencido by Luis Fonsi 🫡
favorite fic: this one is hard bc i read a LOT of fanfic. so besides the ever so classic Sansûkh, I really enjoy Mirrordance’s (FFN) works, mainly the ones focused on Thranduil and Legolas. The way they write their dynamic is exactly how I envision it in my head, and the way they write about Greenwood and the dynamics there are incredibly rich and give it the life it deserves! Also Dwarf Games by scarletjedi on AO3! big fan of silly cute Legolas and Gimli pining 🌿 it’s a comfort fic for me :D
favorite video game: i am a bit of a chronic video game abandoner, but the furthest and most fun I’ve gotten with a game is Fallout New Vegas! also I have to include the Sims and Minecraft. i’m planning on getting into LOTRO soon! i have no idea what it’s about but i’m looking into it, i see a lot of my mutuals play it so i wanna join in on the fun ☺️🌺
i’m tagging: @nyatrickstump @gays4galadriel @watercolorofthemoon @tiefliing @wormtrek @milesasinmorales basically all of my mutuals and everyone who wants to do this :D feel free to say I tagged you <3
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