#i want to call this dark academia but it's more like dark cottagecore
cuntess-carmilla · 2 years
The way "alt" is done nowdays is so exasperating. People (rightfully) talk about how dark academia and cottagecore and those trends that imo aren't "alt" but are distinctive aesthetics are more in the business of looking like they're someone who reads a lot or someone who bakes and lives in the countryside respectively instead of putting any emphasis on actually reading a lot of learning substainability or homekeeping.
And the same happens with the way alt anything is being done lately and that's why so many people get so disproportionately angry and defensive when someone who's actually into a subCULTURE corrects them, especially if that person doesn't even "look" the part as much as their fake asses do.
No interest in actual countercultural politics, ideology, sentiment, praxis or even artistic expression or practice.
They want to look like they're someone who's into unfathomably obscure non-palatable music and ideas, without having to actually put any effort into cultivating their musical knowledge or identity. They want the whole VISUAL package immediately, but nothing else (hint: that's why you get called posers).
Reminds me a lot of this:
[Image description: TikTok stitch in which the first video shows user @/dormence with text printed in front of them that reads "Did you know that there's no "correct" way to dress for a goth club. The truth is that fashion is about dressing according to what's fashionable. Style is more about being yourself. Tip: Allow yourself to be ok with experimenting and blending your favorite styles until you refine into your own symbol 🖤"
The rest of the video is of user @/awfullysinister speaking to the camera.]
Here's a fun story for everybody. I've been involved in my local goth scene for about 10 years now, I've been going to clubs and shows and events for about 10 years, I've been a DJ in the scene for about 6 years.
A few years ago I got booked for a DJ gig for one of my friends' club nights. I was late, unfortunately. It happens. I got to the venue about 30 minutes after the night started and I looked pretty bad… Worse than usual. I didn't have my hair up, I wasn't dressed nice, I had gym shorts on and a hoodie… I just had all my stuff with me in a bag and was planning on changing in the bathroom.
And there's this guy there that was all dressed up. He's got leather pants with straps, Demonias, he's wearing a black buttoned down tshirt with a fishnet shirt underneath it, his face is full of makeup… He looked like a Chris Motionless wannabe, basically.
And as I'm walking in to walk toward the stage to put my stuff up there, then go to the bathroom to change, the Chris Motionless wannabe stops me. Like, he puts his hand out, like this, like, on my chest, and he looks at me and he goes "Oh, I'm sorry, are you lost?"
And I look at him like a deer in headlights, like… What…? He repeats the question, and I just stare at him and say "I'm DJing tonight…" and he returns the look.
Anyway, I just brush past him and I go do my thing. It was a great night, I had a great crowd to my set, everybody was dressed in all sorts of ways; some people were really dressed up, some people were just wearing a tshirt and jeans, nothing special, but they were all dancing, they were all having fun.
The Chris Motionless wannabe didn't dance ONCE, and for what I saw, it didn't look like he was having fun, it looked like he was just standing around trying to look cool. In fact, at the end of the night, one of my friends told me that a guy that kinda looked like Chris Motionless remarked about how he hated the music and wished it was heavier. I don't know exactly what that means, I'm going to assume that he wanted to hear Metal.
That was about 3 years ago, and I have not seen that guy since. Not at any clubs, not at any shows… It's like he just disappeared, and I expect that I'll probably never see him again.
Anyway, the point is; sometimes the people that keep your local goth scene going, who are dancing the most at your local clubs, and who keep goth DJs like me feeling inspired to continue doing this, and to continue to seek out new music… Sometimes those people are just wearing a tshirt and jeans and aren't all that dressed up.
And, sometimes, the people who're dressed to the nines, who look the part and have a closet full of expensive brand clothing, just stay home all day, on TikTok, pretending to be better than everybody else, with cringey usernames like "goth daddy" and "goth king" and "goth goddess". Sometimes - not always, but sometimes - those are the people I wish I never had to run into in my local scene.
Link to the TikTok
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koiketto · 2 years
honestly i think the main problem with aesthetic subculture today as opposed to other subcultures is how much it focuses on appearance as opposed to beliefs or values. like, the way that people refer to their lifestyle as an "aesthetic" (ie concerned with beauty/appearance) should be pretty emblematic as to exactly what part of the culture is valued. and honestly i see this as a real pervasive problem that makes me kind of fucking mad.
i've already heard opinions like this tossed around and seen people been called "elitist" for this viewpoint but truthfully? i feel the way aesthetic culture stands right now is more elitist than anything else and frankly incredibly consumerist. the entire movement is based on appearance and cultivating a "look," and when you apply that that to a literal lifestyle, then it becomes inherently shallow. aesthetic culture is a fashion movement cosplaying as a culture, and one that requires money to properly emulate.
as someone who has put in effort to appear "dark academic," it takes money to buy enough aesthetic clothes to make aesthetic outfits. it's takes money to buy enough items to turn your room into an aesthetic space. aesthetic culture is inherently materialistic because it focuses so much on building a look. and there wouldn't be a problem with just having fun and trying to create a cool look for yourself if it didn't so persistently try to define itself as a culture. people will try to do things they associate with being "cottagecore" or "dark academia" without putting any thoughts behind the origins or values of these movements. when you try to emulate a look without putting any thought into values, it proves to be very limiting because you want to act in a way that helps your look, and no one's personality is entirely one aesthetic.
cottagecore is derived from freedom from societal constructs and an eco-conscious mentality, but most people into cottagecore think it's more "being soft and wearing pretty dresses and baking bread," essentially taking away most of the movement's value. the purpose of dark academia is to pursue knowledge and enlightenment through the humanities and arts, but people will take it as "looking cool and dark and mysterious" without actually reading works of art that inspire deep thought.
aesthetic culture is shallow, materialistic, and unsustainable, as the default approach to it is to simply emulate a "look" rather to put any deep thought behind a culture. everyone always acts like gen z are the new revolutionaries when frankly, our subcultures and countercultures don't even hold a candle to previous movements; especially those of the 50s and 60s (which, i remind you, was the generation of the hippie-to-reagan pipeline), and aesthetic culture is quite frankly the worst of it.
i'm not going to sit here and say aesthetic culture is inherently bad; obviously, practicing the values emphasized by these subcultures and counter movements brings value to the movement as a whole, but just going through the motions of something that looks pretty is shallow and limiting and frankly, pretty embarrassing.
tl;dr: aesthetic culture is cool if you try to actually find the value in what the aesthetic stands for and we should bring back the word "poser"
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bookish-feelings · 2 years
Winnie the Pooh characters as Academia Aesthetics✨
Tigger: chaotic academia / pirate academia
Piglet: romantic academia
Pooh: cottagecore academia
Rabbit: science academia
Eeyore: art/literature academia
Gopher: darkest academia
Roo: kawaii academia / kid academia
Lumpy: pastel academia
Christopher Robin: classic academia
Kanga: cozy academia
Owl: light academia
additional notes:
Piglet & romantic academia might seem odd, but in New Adventures of Winnie Pooh we see him writing poems & reciting them to his friends, and (if we leave out the changes that Tigger makes) they're preeetty romantic (not in the flirty way, you know what I mean). Also, he can enjoy little things in life, he likes decorating his house & is fond of beauty.
Gopher. Do I need to explain more? He spends most of his time in the dark tunnels (even though he's afraid of the dark), he's very logical, down-to-earth & doesn't seem to enjoy the fun/lighthearted activities that much. His human, modern wardrobe would definitely be VERY dark, sophisticated & edgy.
Okay, I think we can agree that Eeyore is such a relatable, underrated donkey. He seems passive & pessimistic but on the inside, he has a soft side & he's seen enjoying some quiet, creative activities. In The Book of Pooh, there's this episode called "You Can Lead Eeyore To Books" where he doesn't enjoy reading until he finds a book with sad poems that he loves. He's known to be quiet & sometimes philosophical, he can get very deep too.
I think, Tigger's association it's pretty self-explanatory. I can see him enjoying unconventional ways of learning, be curious about banned literature and have a messed up daily schedule with little to no routine. Tbh, if you look more into chaotic academia, it seems perfect for him BUT on the same time, pirate academia would also fit. There are multiple episodes where the friends play pirates, and you can see how much Tigger enjoys it. I guess, he would totally be fascinated by pirates, love piratecore, watch movies, read pirate adventure novels etc. He's also quite imaginative.
Christopher Robin's personality is rather "unspectacular". I don't want to say anything negative against him, but he seems quite normal & classy. His bedroom is literally described as one that could belong to any little boy. He doesn't stand out a lot. (He has a lot of good qualities but what I want to say is that he would represent the classic one among the academia aesthetics).
Kanga is the mom friend™️ (while being a mom). She's known to be friendly, patient & she's more in the background, usually not joining the adventures. She's a homebody & ensures that everyone is fine.
Ok, I admit that I partly link Lumpy to pastel academia because of his color BUT it's not the only reason. He's very soft, sensitive & I believe that his light purple suits his personality very well. He can be anxious & shy, but also adventurous, playful & creative. In the Heffalump Movie, he plays the more cautious role next to Roo while playing together & exploring the 100 Acre Wood. In the Halloween movie, he's the one who's scared of the spooky stuff. In some lesser known show, he spends the nights at Roo's place & gets homesick. But he's still curious, sweet & always wants to play.
Roo reminds me of the lesser known kid academia aesthetic. Of course his age plays a role, but crayons, elementary school learning styles, childlike stationary & clothes,... I think the aesthetic fits him very well. He's playful, imaginative & loves to learn new things. Kawaii academia also reminds me of Roo, I can't really explain it.
Rabbit, the pragmatic, practical & sometimes strict one who wants everyone to follow the rules, has to be linked to science academia. I initially thought of cottagecore but this was just because of him gardening. He's more on the logical, head-over-feelings side which is frequently shown. He can become a bit too focused on facts when it'd be more important to listen to emotions. He prefers to make an exact plan & actually enjoys following the instructions (like, when planning a party, celebrating Easter or when he was overly fixated on the map Owl drew while searching for Christopher Robin).
And Pooh is so connected & attentive to nature & simple things in life, I can't think of another academia aesthetic that would fit better. Cottagecore academia is about connecting traditional academia & a passion for learning to the cottagecore lifestyle. Pooh might seem like he's not paying a lot of attention to his surroundings, but he's actually heavily influenced by them. He goes to his special spot for Thinking™️, he enjoys nature & his actions are often influenced by the wellbeing of his friends. He spends a lot of time with deciding on a nice gift, making someone happy etc. And, of course, his daily life focuses a lot on honey.
Owl seems to be the only one who really fits the academia aesthetic in the traditional way. He loves reading, long discussions, a good cup of tea and he gets very passionate about knowledge. He'd also definitely have a soft spot for vintage things. I think he would prefer the lighter side of the academia aesthetic, as I can't see any of the dark academia characteristics in him
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themollyzone · 2 years
what is a clean girl?
Being a woman on the internet these days involves parsing a glut of aesthetic micro-trends that crop up on social media. These fashion, beauty and lifestyle inclinations are powered by TikTok, written up by the three or four 'culture' websites we have left, then mocked or glorified accordingly on Twitter and beyond. Examples: cottagecore (wearing a peasant dress in a garden), dark academia (wearing a tweed blazer in a library), and night luxe (wearing a little black dress at a fancy restaurant).
The current one I am seeing bubbling up is something called "clean girl" aesthetic, which to my increasingly geriatric eye appears as young women aiming for a certain kind of effortless-looking but secretly fussy minimalism in their clothing, makeup, and home decor. One of the names of the Alcoholics Anonymous groups that David Foster Wallace details in Infinite Jest is called "Advanced Basics," and this is also how I would describe my impression of the whole "clean girl" thing.
A girl sits at home with an artful latte or glass of wine, her room immaculate, her hair straight and shiny, her clothing patternless and neutral-colored. She is aware that the concept of turning your life into a Pinterest board seems silly to outsiders, but is nevertheless committed to the lifestyle. Because the clean girl lifestyle is a panacea for this modern girl: the required organization eases her mind, and the visual appeal garners her account many likes and follows, which are extremely valuable currency.
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I'm inclined to roll my eyes at any trend that requires a great deal of time, money and effort to look effortless and appealing. Ah shit, I think, yet another way to capitalize on the insecurities of The Youth so that companies selling garbage can print money. But the more I think about it, it seems less like a cynical top-down corporate cash grab, and more like a self-soothing lifestyle for a particularly crappy-feeling time in history.
I worked at a wellness website for several years as the girlboss era was reaching its zenith, and a lot of the subtext of what the wellness world was selling back then was "do a 10-step skincare routine, buy an expensive yoga mat, line your windowsill with crystals and regularly cleanse your air with sage and drink a reishi latte every day and then you will feel fulfilled and sleep better and be less anxious." And I'd create content with this subtext in mind, knowing full well that a much better way to combat the stress, anxiety, and fatigue plaguing the wellness-seeking women of the day would be something like giving everyone universal healthcare.
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So: "clean girl" is obviously catnip for the TikTok algorithms that favor young thin zitless white women dancing to music, and soon it will also get shoveled like coal into the outrage furnace of Twitter. But I want to look at it with at least some kind of sense of empathy, because I think a lot of these aesthetic micro-trends are the current young generation's attempt to feel some kind of control in an out-of-control world, at an out-of-control time in personal and social development. (The flip-side of "clean girl" is probably the "feral club rat," skulking around at night in broken PVC heels, grasping a dollar slice and a nip of Cuervo, making up for lost Covid time, foregoing any sense of control in favor of Dionysian abandon.)
I don't think there's anything wrong with having a penchant for bullet journaling and plain gold jewelry and making sense of oneself through that kind of consumption and presentation. It's just too bad that these mimetic aesthetics require public posting, and therefore public feedback and public backlash, and then it all just turns into grist for someone else's content mill. Once upon a time I adhered to regimes dictated to me by teen magazines: 10-day ab challenges, back-to-school countdowns that had specific instructions on when to shave your armpits. But I did it all in my room alone and no one saw me do it. God, what would I do if I were young now? How many third parties would profit off my quest for beauty and coherence?
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Hiiiiii! I hope you don't mind doing a match up for me! I go by Matilda, Liana, or Lia.
Fandoms: Howl's moving Castle and My Hero Academia
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: honestly probably asexual? I'm not aro, just ace. I don't really have a preference to either gender either. I would like to be matched with one male and one female from mha in particular if that's okay!
Zodiac/mbti: Scorpio, intj
Appearance: 5 foot 1. Shoulder length brown hair which has layers from a now outgrown wolfcut, and hime-style bangs. Brown eyes. Fair skinned. I think I'm pear-shaped. I'm an adult but i look like a 15 year old, which can get annoying. I have dark circles under my eyes due in part to allergies and also genetics
Personality: Like I said I'm an intj. I'm also mildly nd. My sense of humour is sarcastic. I'm pretty introverted and my social battery runs out fast if there are too many people around. I can also be pretty sensitive but i tend to brush that off rather than actually correct anyone or set boundaries, which i find difficult. I'm the eldest daughter so I have the typical eldest daughter syndrome. I enjoy having affection from others and will return it too, however i rarely initiate it despite longing for it. I'm also smart but lack confidence especially when speaking in class. I get very quickly enraged by misogynistic talk and often have the urge to fight someone, but i talk in a way which is misunderstood.
I am compassionate, and if someone comes to me with a problem my first thought is to work out how to solve it, and I tend to give logical advice. I can feel like my own feelings are overlooked and I am probably affection-hungry.
Likes and Dislikes: I like ramen, countryside, cottagecore stuff, notebooks, crystals, toys, playing with my hair, sweet nicknames, and i dislike math, loud noises, and snoring.
Hobbies: reading, writing, art, crochet, games
Hi Lia! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Howl's Moving Castle, I match you with...
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This was a close call here between Howl and Sophie but I think you and Howl would get along better due to your differences.
He’s surprisingly good at noticing when your social battery is getting low and will be more than happy to help you get out of the situation or give you some personal space.
Howl is so glad you like cottagecore, that’s one of his main aesthetics. The fact that you like that only makes his cluttering tendencies even worse.
There are a lot of loud noises in the castle but Howl’s magic means he can mute the sound somewhat so it doesn’t bother you.
This man is very attention hungry as well so it’s a win-win when you’re showing each other in affection. Howl’s really good at giving you attention so if you’re the same, it will be a great time for both of you.
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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Tamaki is almost as different from Howl as possible but that doesn’t mean the two of you won’t get along amazingly.
You both lack confidence in yourselves but are supportive of each other so it balances out well. You can help each other when confidence is low.
Greatly values your compassionate nature. Tamaki needs a kind soul in his life to support him and he’s grateful for your presence. He’s also very compassionate and will reciprocate that nature for you.
Loves spending quality time with you, especially if you’re reading together or doing art. He finds it peaceful.
No loud noises to worry about when you’re around Tamaki. He’s avoiding them as well. If loud noises are unavoidable when you’re together, he’ll probably want to hold your hand for the mutual support.
In My Hero Academia, I also match you with...
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Tsuyu is a good balance between Howl’s extroverted nature and Tamaki’s introverted personality. She’s an ambivert through and through, happy to be in the background or talk to new people.
Please crochet something for her! She needs to stay warm through winter so she’d love anything that fits that category. Scarves, gloves, jumpers, anything. She’ll treasure everything you make her.
I see Tsuyu as someone who likes crystals as well so she’ll bring some home if she’s out and about and finds some new ones you don’t have.
Really good at hyping you up when your confidence is low. She just knows what to say and when to say it to help your confidence build back up. She doesn't have many moments of low confidence but when she does, she would appreciate it if you do the same for her.
Respects your low social battery and will be more than happy to just spend time relaxing just the two of you. Especially during winter when her frog genes are acting up, she’s more likely to have her social battery run out as well so she likes being able to just be with someone she cares about.
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ofiseul · 6 months
❀ *◦ choi san. nonbinary. they/them. biromantic asexual. ⇝ hey, isn’t that kang iseul? i think that the twenty-three year old from chicago, il works as a beverage server at the boom boom room live grooves, but outside of that people describe them as comfy sweaters, leather journals, late-night sweat, and practice rooms. i hear they are blunt & reserved, but they are also known to be caring & armored. consider giving them a visit at their home in seal harbor apartments and get to know why they’re called the fool. ( inky, they/them, 19, cst )
pinterest // playlist
name // kang iseul age // 23 gender // nonbinary (they/them) sexuality // biromantic asexual dob & pob // 7.10.1999; chicago, il, usa nationality & ethnicity // korean-american languages // eng, kor, chn occupation // beverage server at the boom boom room live grooves
height & weight // 5’8” & 136lb eye color // dark brown hair color // white bleached blond—though it changes frequently
Iseul has a variety of styles that they like to try, but generally they dress in more formal shirts and pants. Light academia and cottagecore are two words that have been thrown around on fashion blogs, with their long trench coats and thick woollen sweaters being some of their staples. They have white-blond hair that’s been this way for about half a year now, a blank canvas waiting until the next dye job. Their skin is pale with few blemishes, and no freckles, although they’ve always wanted them. They have dark brown eyes that change depending on the day—sharp as coals or kind as daisies.
likes // nature, space, philosophy dislikes // loud crowds pos traits // protective, caring, thick skin neu traits // reserved, perfectionist neg traits // blunt, intense, cocky hobbies & habits // journaling, playing w/ jewelry fears // death
tw: homophobia / bullying / harrassment
Iseul is a fairly blunt person, never afraid to speak up on how they feel about any given situation. If something is bothering you, and they notice, expect to be questioned on it in the near future. If something is unfair, they’ll mention it. They’ve built up a fairly thick skin from all the insults hurled at them during their time in school, but every once in a while a comment resurfaces that will have them curled up in an all too familiar position: tucked into the corner of their bed as small as possible as the covers shudder with sobs. It’s not often—they make sure of that—but they’re always embarrassed the next morning. That aforementioned thick skin is built up for a good reason: they’ve gotten a lot of flack for being open about their gender identity. They learned a long time ago that it was better to be honest; hiding it only gave them a reason to be hurt later on. The comments sting, but they generally try to brush them off, doing their best to ignore them—even though they’re more sensitive than they appear. They can be a tad reserved, one of those people who can say a lot without saying much at all. They’ll tell silly stories or little tidbits, but when you put it all together you’ll realize you still don’t know that much about them. They can be intense. They’re rather hard on themselves, but they rarely voice those feelings to their friends. (Slowly, you can learn, though: the twitch of their lips, the crease of their brow, the squint of their eyes. When you know they’re not satisfied, it’s obvious.) They have sensory issues, somewhat. Large groups of people tend to be a bit too much for them, and they get overstimulated easily. They are also well-known to have trouble controlling their facial expressions. They are as easy to read as an open book—everything shows on their face.
mbti // infj-t enneagram // 8w9 zodiac // cancer sun, gemini moon, leo ascendant alignment // neutral good jungian archetype // hero (persona) & joker (self) soul type: warrior
tw: homophobia / bullying / harrassment, broken bones
Born Kang Iseul on July 10th, 1999 in Chicago, to two loving parents with one older sibling. Their parents were incredibly supportive of them throughout their transition, and they are eternally grateful for the opportunities that they got that they are acutely aware others did not. When they were sixteen, they realized they were nonbinary after watching their sibling go through the same type of thing when transitioning. They began experimenting with a more feminine style and even makeup, before settling on an androgynous presentation. It was rough, and they were bullied a lot for it. Their transition was rough, full of self-doubts and worries, but their parents were surprisingly supportive. Their classmates, however, not so much. They had to deal with a great deal of bullying throughout the majority of their junior and senior years, only getting relief when they left the school system shortly before their senior year. Iseul was a dancer when they were young, and it was and will always be their first true love. They specialized in contemporary dance, and it was their favorite thing to do. Dancing comes as naturally as breathing to them, and it’s something that they feel very lucky that they’ve never had to work at. Everything else, on the other hand, has not. Unfortunately, when they were about 19, they fell during a routine, rolling their ankle severely. They broke a bone, and that was that. It never quite set right, as they didn't realize it was broken until it was too late to set it properly. They wouldn't be able to dance the same way ever again. Not being able to do the thing they loved anymore cut deep to their core, and the only way that Iseul could think to relieve themselves was to move away. They decided to take a trip to Anchorage, and later on figured they'd make it permanent.
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yandere-romanticaa · 7 months
Hiii !!! What kind of fashion are you into ? As in what style do you usually go for before you go out ? I hope these questions aren't too invasive I just love fashion and I bet your style is really interesting 😅
I'm actually a sucker for aesthetics such as cottagecore, dark/light academia with a hint of gothic but that's unfortunately not what I wear.
My style is very plain and comfortable, I usually wear something along the lines of black pants, maybe jeans if I'm feeling adventurous, a t-shirt, usually black lol. When it gets colder I often have my long black coat on me, maybe even a tan one that according to my friends have endlessly deep pockets because I'm always carrying something in them. They call them "The Ana coats". As for makeup I hardly ever wear any but if I do, it's usually lipgloss if it's the day, pink or red lipstick in the evening, some mascara and MAYBE some eyeliner if the occasion calls for it. Most, if not all, of my clothing is black though because I just really like it but my mother hates it lmao.
Not a very exciting answer, sorry to disappoint. Although, in my defense, I'm pretty sure my fashion would be much more interesting if I lived in a more developed country that had some options I'm sure I could give you a better answer. There really isn't many options here to choose from and I mean that. 95% of the clothing for women are teeny tiny crop tops that I can't or don't want to wear, massive oversized hoodies that don't look good on me, very basic jeans, maybe the occasional cute sweater but 9 times out of 10 it's beyond overpriced. Things such as Hot Topic and Forever 21 (those are the first two that came to my mind) have always been a pipe dream of mine. A pipe dream I'll most likely never experience but still. Dreams can stay dreams.
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asublimehimbo · 2 years
okay so i'm fuming i just went to urban outfitters website and they have this line called "urban renewal" and it's supposed to be ethical or sustainable or whatever has become in fashion to be now and i just would like to say. there is no reason for that shit to be so expensive. i literally can make better looking stuff with my own two hands in a single day. and i'm not saying it doesn't look good because it does and that's why i'm angry because it's expensive and I can't afford it even though I love the way it looks, but also this is a psa if any of you all see it and like it:
go to the thrift store. go to goodwill or your local one or go to depop or threadup or ebay and find some really really cheap stuff that's ugly. and make it better. remake the things you found into (ideally) a couple pieces that are more unique than whatever uo is up to. because it was made by you. and if you don't know how to sew or how to chose stuff that will be able to be turned into something cool or don't know how to bleach or whatever dm me and i will literally help you. i will give you a tutorial. urban renewal looks the way it does for a reason, and that reason is incredibly easy to replicate!
this way its also more customizable to your own aesthetic -- you can make something dark academia or cottagecore or whatever you want.
a color scheme, $10, and a trip to goodwill, and the ability to sew are all you need.
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benchowmein · 1 year
really missed the point. to say its laden with colonialism when talking about how a house is built feels only true by proxy of where it exists, not the role it played in colonialism (which you can make a stronger argument for the prairie farms, but they aren't the "cottages" in "cottagecore".) to break down parts of an aesthetic like cottagecore -- which can markedly vary -- and say it is influenced by colonialism (not even addressed the conversation about classism) implies more than just the era these "aesthetics" originated from (which is equally arguable, since then it becomes an argument about where an aesthetic's components originate from.) calling for colonialism to be mentioned on an aesthetics page is deviated from the conversation one wants to have about these countries and their cultures as a whole, which becomes a much larger task, and not about the components themselves, all of which are cherry picked for an individual's preference and what they consider cozy and cottagecore
dark academia is different in the sense that it heavily regards its aesthetic origins and ongoings with intellectualism and old european colleges (which spots its roots in harry potter and the "magical" novelty of going to school in a castle.) and the very heavy history of said colleges which, if an individual wanted to learn more about the implications around such colleges, then they should go to the respective places and learn about the college histories themselves.
I love that you describe cottagecore as being "cherry picked for an individual's preference and what they consider cozy and cottagecore". You are right: cottagecore girlies do cherry pick the palatable elements of a bygone age, and ignore their deep roots in feudalism, enclosure, colonialism, misogyny, and conservatism.
Your prose style is very leading: you use the impersonal pronoun 'one' to encourage a reader to agree with you. But Wikipedia is not about a 'conversation one wants to have', it is about compiling sources to present the pertinent information to readers. The article also goes into extreme and superfluous detail about Greek pastoral poetry. Do you think this is as relevant to cottagecore's development as, say, the Arts and Crafts movement? Do you think we shouldn't mention Orientalism when we discuss fashion in the late-Edwardian period because it turns the conversation into one about colonialism?
Just to point out as well: you can't say that prairie farms arent' the 'cottages in cottagecore'. There is no defined principle for what is and what isn't cottagecore. I would never describe Gierthoorn as the archetype of cottagecore, but I can recognise how it conforms to the aesthetic. Media set in early America and on the frontier is often used in cottagecore.
Dark Academia is much more obviously steeped in elitism, yes, but cottagecore is steeped in merely a different mindset from the same period. To consider the cottage as 'free' from the constraints of the town, to think of agriculture as an ornamental task, to idealise the 'natural purity' of the countryside and of a life of knitting and painting, is to romanticise the aesthetic of being poor. The cottage was not free. The common land was taken from the farmers and worked by a wealthy landowner. Farmers worked for a pittance on land they did not own, often in houses they did not own outright, and had barely enough to scrape by. Sure, we can cherry pick the good side of this, but that is exactly the danger of aestheticising a complex and multiply-realisable way of living.
It can all be summed up by this: the other editor's last edit to the article changed "According to critics cottagecore offers a nostalgic, romanticized view of rural life" to "According to critics cottagecore offers an realistic romanticized view of rural life". This is unfounded in the critics' work. It is not true. It is the personal opinion of an editor being inserted into an article. And they are describing my inclusion of documented critiques of the aesthetic as a personal opinion. And...they changed it to "an" for no reason
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granolagaeilgeoir · 1 year
Is there a greater arching reason for your collection of dark cottage core aesthetic photos? Like for inspiration for art or writing. Or is it meeting a happy place for you to escape to at the end of the day? Great content, just curious if theres something deeper behind the blog.
Hmm. Great question.
I think it started off as just a way for me to collect images and ideas that I found to be very beautiful or relatable. And from there it began to sort of inspire me to do little things in such a way as to be beautiful as well. Little moments of joy. Gradually it helped me find my own sense of what I find to be beautiful, and more and more people began following who evidently share those ideas. I think there's something inherently comforting in sharing and agreeing upon things of beauty in the world with others.
And, there didn't really seem to be many designated "dark cottagecore" kinds of blogs out there - so I made my own. I love rain, moss, forests. Grey, overcast, cold, and windy days. And I especially love the idea of a dual academic and homebody, the fusion of dark academia and cottagecore. As a woman I don't think we should be forced to categorize ourselves into the achievers and the homemakers, with crossover between the two forbidden. I am very passionate about my career, and I feel very called to do it to my fullest as a vocation - but I also love the idea of being a wife and mother, and doing simple, everyday, beautiful things like making fresh breakfast for my family or sitting and enjoying a cup of tea while I watch rain and storms roll in across the fields. Becoming an educator to the best of my ability, but getting to run a homestead as well. Learning and teaching Gaeilge to others but also speaking it at home with my own kids.
As I have grown in my faith I have found that I see more and more beauty in Christ, the Church, the Eucharist, Creation.....Faith has become the center of my life, as I never thought it possible. I feel completely transformed by Christ's love, and I've never felt more joyful, truly. And you can see it reflected in my blog posts throughout the past year or so. I post what I find beautiful and what I am passionate about - what I see Christ in.
But, y'know, sometimes I also post the random shit that comes to mind, since this is Tumbler, after all.
So, I'm not sure if I answered your question at all, let alone in the way you had wanted. I hope I did.
Go mbeannaí Dia dhaoibh, a chairde
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mayullla · 1 year
Mayu helphelp I wanna revamp my writing blog’s theme @/bamboowrites and I wanna learn 🥺🤲🏻🪤
look at other people's blogs that you admire and mix and match the ideas from there you would find something that you might be satisfied with.
consider if the BFY and DNI are absolutely important for your blog... some people just don't bother to read those things if they are in another link. having it on the pinned post above the masterlist link can help as they end up glancing at it just dont make it too long if you do.
now the theme itself depends on what you are going for but you can go for a. pick a theme like maybe cottagecore, gothic and such and build a mood board from it on Pinterest and from those pictures choose the colours for like the accent? b. would be picking the colors first (maybe a certain shade of color, or maybe a palette you like) and then the pictures. (another idea/way could be like a "3 words" too, like my main account theme @mayulli has a star, royalty, navy theme, but not necessarily galaxy tho. My reblog account @mayullii focused more on a princess fairytale pink.)
Build a pinterest board, everything usually starts from there to be honest lolll
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Now for my own... uhhhhhhhhh okay this is mainly for the people who cant pick a theme and wants them all (or at least most)
A lot of people say that sticking to one theme and staying with it is a good idea and to be honest, they are not wrong, and absolutely right it is just that I don't like staying in one theme I guess lol? Example:
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Something like this! Or-
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Look at all those differences hehehe. Nowhere here do you see green forest themes except for like Diasomnia (twst)? And then I also have the borders of all my writing posts:
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I have like probably over 100 fic/original oneshots by now all that uses the borders above which is like alot and gonna be supppperrrr tiring to edit everything if I think about swapping everything. (will cry if I must.) but one thing is very obvious in all the pictures is that all have this pastel, soft dark, neutral tones, and has a mix of flowers, nature/outdoor and vintage themes/vibes.
I tried to make the blog as colorful as possible with the mindset that I will be changing my blog theme often. I just made the blog take all the themes that I personally like and mix and match. The forest green I currently have matched well with all the leaves in the pictures above cause of the leaves of the flowers. With an odd one here and there, but it is not necessarily painful to the eyes.
For me, with all this, I have multiple options of things I like so from like a white background which I can make it look like a canvas where the pop of colors would be from the multiple masterlists, blue where you could call it the outside/sky and the posts are the flowers essentially a garden, dusty tones, most pastel colors but more so the neutral tones like both dark and light academia would be a-okay most of the time. princesses and fairytales also~
Now what would not match with everything here would be neon colors, most bold/bright colors (my heartslabyul dorm masterlist is suffering rn cause of that red), pure black, city street and downtown, sci-fi stuff would stick out like a sore thumb for me but they are themes that I don't care for much so it is fine.
It doesn't have to flower only, to be honest if you want you can go for something jewels which has an array of colors, or maybe fabrics/clothes as like the main theme. really just make a pin board and add everything that you like and pick all the common stuff they have with each other.
Ah! one more thing that probs might help but who knows but like as you saw my twst wonderland masterlists are all different colors. So I use gray as like a divider from the main theme and the dorms. I also did the same for General/multiple characters masterlist and school staff and other characters. The gray is like a refresh for the eyes in a way (like how you sniff coffee when you smell multiple perfumes so that the scent won't mix?) so that the color of my main theme and the masterlist theme won't mix/crash in the eye much.
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Genshin is genshin lol but the colours matches well with the colours of the flowers i have so it is fine. my original works masterlist is white as it was part of the white theme that i had once before, but since it is not related to any fandom it is essentially my own empty canvas (lol) so i kept it like that, naruto masterlist is obviously yellow cause... naruto lolll
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
I need urgent help!!!
I am doing a rebrand of my fashion style, and I would like your help. I am aiming for a girly type of style. Lana del ray aesthetic, dark/light academia, plaid skirt, dollycore. If you know other names tell me about them please.
You seem like that type of girl, which lead me to ask you about this. Could you help me with how to build a closet and where to find brands that are targeted to this style.
To be honest, please just share all the brands you know. Or how to find these types of clothes.
Hope you are having a wonderful day.
Hi Love! What's been in your heart lately?
I tried to reply to this as fast as I "adult-ly" could and I highlight the part of "adult-ly" because I had to be an adult today and it sucks.
OMG! Just the single thought of you thinking in me about style already brings tears to my eyes. Thank you so so much!
I adore ... that my style can even transfer the physical barrier of me not posting pictures about me but yet all of you know my style hahaha I adore it. I'm 100% an "old money/dark/light academia/preppy/cottagecore" girl.
But I'm also a student with a budget so hear me out hahaha my dream is one day open a "fashion/makeup" youtube or instagram but AFFORDABLE. People dream of running for president, I dream of helping other poor students to look fashionable. It's not much but it's a humble job.
Ok I don't know much about "brands" but I adore the style, the vibes and some of the pics they put together in this brand called "Miss Patina". Look it's quite expensive BUT BUT heard me out. I think it's expensive because "western" fashion isn't about dark academia, preppy, sweet dolly style. Therefore you should look into a certain country that basically their style is about that. Yes, I'm talking about Korea. Even if you don't speak "korean" like me, you can try to translate "dark academia style haul" really badly in google, search in youtube and look for videos of online-shopping. Even if you don't understand what they are saying, you can use "Miss patina" and other "expensive" brands for inspiration and then search for affordable options online with this method. I don’t know where you are from but Koreans, sadly, have a lot of economical problems and their appearance is quite important in the society. So they usually have more affordable nice looking clothes that fit this style.  I do this a lot, Korean clothes aren't maybe "the best" in quality but the style is "chef kiss" and usually they are quite good.
Also, adding to this. If you're going to "redo" your wardrobe, think about what you would wear EACH DAY EVERYDAY. And maybe it is worth investing in some better quality, better reviewed pieces. For example, I've 4 pairs of good quality shoes (I can't recommend the brand because it's from Argentina but) 2 oxfords (brown and deep purple), 1 loafer in black  (a classic) and one pair of mary janes in a nude colour. I've had them for like 4 years, the loafers for example, and since they are good quality they look really good. Then I've 2 coats, one black and one deep red and I adore it lol. One french coat in a nude is water resistant for more autumn/spring vibes when it's not too cold. These are more what I consider ... basics in my style so I am happy I spend money on them. Other stuff like button-up shirts, turtle neck shirts, sweaters etc. I know that I'll be running to take the train to my classes, etc. I don't want to "care" if I sweat them on a day that gets hotter or I use them and the wood kinda loses its quality. Plus, I think that replacing certain pieces of your wardrobe to fit maybe a trend of the winter that you like etc is good.
Also, think about what colours you like. There was a year I was obsessed with "stripes" and I brought a couple of sweaters with stripes. You can always buy some fun pieces that you like even if it doesn't fit "the style" you're going for. I have a sweater with KITTENS on it AND I ADORE IT. I don't care if it doesn't fit my "dead muse of a depressed poet", I love my kittens. It makes me feel good, I like it, it's enough for me. It's important that you feel yourself in your clothes.
With all that said and done, if you're still struggling to find maybe inspiration pages for outfits or even explore new brands... search in google a couple of times "preppy style, dark academia style," or send a couple of whatsapp about it and believe me that the algorithm will do it's thing LMAO I always do that when I can't find what I want.
Fashion recommendations? This is 100% MY personal opinion, I don't hold the truth... less is more (ESPECIALLY in jewellery), there's no such thing as too much black and, as my nona (grandma) would say "you carry the clothes don't let the clothes carry you," Own what you wear, own your worth and you could be wearing sweatpants and make the world turn heads for you. "make your daily life your own runway"
Hope this help! Kisses!
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diovstheworld · 2 years
Part 5 Characters and Fashion Aesthetics
i started thinking about this mainly because i saw one aesthetic that really reminded me of secco but i didn’t want to put him in the la squadra post so here we are ✨ (i will do the bucci gang eventually i promise ahhh). also i want to say i’m not trying to make any of these moodboards look exactly like what they wear nor do i mean they would wear that exact thing, it’s more for the general idea, though maybe some of the outfits would look good on the characters! (now i’ve almost finished this post i see tiziano and squalo could probably share either of the styles i assigned them but anyway on with the post).
୨ ╭ ୨୧ ✦ ︶꒷꒦・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・₊ˎ✧๑
okay honestly the first thing that came to mind was like scene or emo, especially with green day being his stand and the green hair he’s got going on
bright colours, also black too
stripes and other sorts of patterns (lots of animal prints especially in the hair lmao)
layered belts and accessories and those big ass knee high converse (which i desperately wanted when i was younger and still do </3 one day i will fulfil my emo dreams lmao)
bracelets and those armband things and necklaces made of ring pulls from monster cans
here’s a moodboard! again some are more feminine but y’know, if you can’t picture him in a skirt just imagine him in like the same pattern but as trousers or even just as black skinny jeans? idk ahhh:
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his aesthetic would be avant apocalypse 100%. i literally just discovered this was a thing and immediately went when i saw it i thought of secco
like ripped and kind of baggy clothes?
also most of the outfits i seen ran along a kind of neutral colour palette like beiges and creams and stuff with some green tones. earthy tones i guess? idk this aesthetic is kind of weird to me it just looks like something he would wear though lmao
annnddd another moodboard:
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i kind of feel like the soft boy aesthetic would suit him well
sweaters with shirt collars coming out at the neck and some sort of rolled up pants lmao
general comfort i guess? it looks comfy to me
here’s a little moodboard! i think some of these would actually suit him but it might be bc of the colour schemes lmao:
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when i look at him the first thing that comes to me is like a preppy style?
lots of blue and whites were in a bunch of the stuff i’ve seen
also those tennis sweaters or cricket sweaters or whatever they’re called i cannot for the life of me remember what they’re called
for some reason when i think of preppy my mind immediately goes to tommy hilfiger and ralph lauren lmao
and another moodboard:
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i feel like 60s/70s fashion would suit him
more like because of the browns and oranges etc and how that matches the outfit he already wears
also that like flower pattern on his shirt reminds me of it a little as well
another moodboard!:
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this isn’t exactly a narrowed down aesthetic and i guess it’s ultimately up to the person who wears it but i think like, maximalist? so pretty much every jojo character every lmao/j
so lots of colours and patterns that often clash but they work somehow?
basically just an excess of everything lmao
honestly he was pretty hard to think of at first but i didn’t wanna leave him out bc i love him too much
here’s a moodboard!:
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honestly i was so stuck for him but i think i’ve finally settled on goblincore for him
it reminds me of cottagecore and also a little bit of dark academia? (mainly bc of the colours)
greens and browns so earth tones again?
sweaters or some kind of baggy article of clothing seemed to be common when i was looking into it
it gives me very chill autumn vibes. i love this aesthetic a lot <3
and another moodboard:
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emo. i didn’t even need to think about this one. he screams emo to me
a whole lot of black
stripes also seem to be a pretty common theme?
chains, fishnets, those bracelet things again, that sort of stuff. idk, i can totally picture him in this sort of stuff
here’s another moodboard. i feel like i’m messing all these alt styles up and keep using them in the wrong places and maybe that’s cause when i dress i mix like 500 different aesthetics lmao:
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I see that the match ups are open. This is my first match up aghhhh. Before that, I hope u are having an amazing day! If not, I wish everything will get better. I do enjoy ur blogs!<33 mwaah.
So let me start: Hello! My name is Natalia. I am 19, soon to be 20 ( I’m getting old, oh no ) and I’m a law student. She/her. I’m a demisexual. I’m attracted to men ( sadly ) ( jk, or am I? ) ( I have trauma with men, I do cope by hating on them ) ( I’m also a feminist ).
I’m romanian but I also have a bit of russian blood in me. The russian genes can be noticed in my face shape, I have a small-ish face, with big enough lips and a small-ish nose. The only thing that is missing are the blue eyes, I have brown eyes instead, sometimes they tend to be hazel. My eyebrows are “ rich “ enough ( I always have to take care of my eyebrows because I do not like the mono-eyebrow on me ) let’s just say I’m a very hairy person but I do love my body hair even when I shave it haha. I’m very pale and kinda short ( not too short tho ). I’m not “ skinny “ but not “ chubby” either. But that doesn’t matter, I’m happy as long as I’m healthy. I do consider my body very feminine, I’m not afraid to show it haha ( and every type of body is beautiful and feminine in my opinion, it’s all about confidence ). My hair is VERY but VERY VERY long, it’s a dirty blonde. I have a very flat and small beauty mark on my nose.
My mbti is enfp.I love academic validation, I love to spend my time with a good book. I am in love with Dostoesvki, Gogol, Jane Austen, Arthur Conan Doyle and Oscar Wilde. Let’s just say simple books don’t satisfy me enough so I always go for a challenge. I love to give a good challenge to my intelect. I tend to get bored of things that don’t give a plus to my intelect. Intelect is the most important thing to me ( I’m not an elitist, don’t worry, I’m just fixated on my mind ). I also tend to overthink a lot.
About the way I dress, depends on the season. When it’s hot, I go for cottagecore, I love a good-aesthetic and elegant white dress and I do ADORE to look like a fairy ( ahh white eyeliner is just my cup of tea ). When it’s cold tho, I’m either dressed like a vampire ( ironic, I’m romanian ) or dark academia. But my personal fav is cottagecore.
When it comes to my romantic partener. I guess I need a curious mind like mine, someone that can make me laugh, lift my mood when I’m sad. Someone that would literally protect me from other men, even when it comes to a cat call ( as he should ). I do love a guy that is gentle with me, with my heart. I love to know that I’m adored and I do love to get gifts ( material gooorl ). I want something REAL. Not just something to impress me and wake up one day with an a*shole. I’m not jealous at all and I would never verify what my bf is doing, that’s his business. If he ever cheats on me, it’s gonna be faster to end things if I do not verify anything, I will just pretend he never existed. I’m very independent by nature, my parents are divorced and all my life I admired my mother, working and raising me and my sister alone. I think I do have the bad habit to run sometimes from the realtionship just because I feel like my freedom is taken from me and I love independence, let’s just say I need someone that is as independent as me.
That’s it, haha idk what else to say. Once again I wish u an amazing day!❤️
Thank you! I kinda got emotional with all of your kinda words. Thank you again.
William T. Spears!
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I think that this is the type of relationship that will have a pretty rocky start but will lead to something really good. There may be troubles at the beginning with William’s severe lack of showing/expressing emotion but in time, he’ll definitely be more open. I can see him gaining interest in you because of your love of reading as he too appreciates that. You too would most likely start off the relationship with recommending books. I can also see that he’d like to challenge you academically so you found the right guy for that.
I think he’d find your appearance rather charming and would especially like your interest in cottagecore fashion. Due to him being in the Victorian Era, it would be very new to him if you were to introduce feminism and he may be a bit reluctant at first (only because what he’s used to) but he’ll warm up to it and even value your beliefs as his own soon enough. He’s pretty independent too but may have some moments where he wants to make sure you’re safe. He’ll trust you completely and protect you if you ever need it. Don’t worry about him being unfaithful because when he’s in love, he will only see you as the most important but because of how important he may view you, it may be a bit pressuring to stay in the relationship but just let him know and he’ll understand. In the end he wants what’s best for you and always let you know that you’re safe and can choose what you want.
Other matches are Othello and Ronald Knox.
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undeadfinitely · 2 years
About me
Saw that on @greenblueish 's page and decided to do it. Thank you for posting the tag game!
💎 why did you choose your url?
it was a pregenerated one that i never changed, because it... it just fits, ig. i also suck at making up names!
💎 any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
a cottagecore one, a dark academia one, a wellness one, a homestuck one... i love making sideblogs and organizing it all. it feels like putting all my fixations in neat boxes.
💎 how long have you been on tumblr?
for a loooong time, but i've became active fairly recently, lol.
💎 do you have a queue tag?
no. i forget to tag my posts way too often.
💎 why did you start your blog in the first place?
... for invader zim, nightvale and homestuck fanart. the classical weird kid triada, huh.
💎 why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it's green and i love hayao miyazaki. also anna and i look a bit simular, so that's also a nice touch :p
💎 why did you choose your header?
it's green and i love green!! and it matches fairly well.
💎 what’s your post with the most notes?
i accidentally purged it, but it was a tag yourself called "night vale characters as kids from my class" and jokes on you, i was all the kids mentioned. well, almost all of the kids mentioned.
💎 how many mutuals do you have?
please, don't make me do the math... not much, though. but i would love to make more friends!!
💎 how many followers do you have?
💎 how many people do you follow?
230. i know.
💎 have you ever made a shitpost?
 i usually shitpost on my homestuck sideaccounts, but yes.
💎 how often do you use tumblr each day?
it depends. usually for an hour or two, but sometimes less... (and sometimes more). tumblr is my comfort social now.
💎 did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
nope. i'm mostly a lurker u_u
💎 how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i don't like them. you do not control me, mr. internet post >:(
💎 do you like tag games?
yes, i surely do!!!
💎 do you like ask games?
oh YES i sure do!!! they are so, so much fun!!!!
💎 which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
@spicy-cleanness and if not, he should be. for real.
💎 do you have a crush on a mutual?
does my girlfriend count as a mutual? if so, yes, i have a huge fat crush on @amans-noctua :D
💎 tags?
@amans-noctua @foxlun @unholy-ghosting @kingmayk @orioleunknown @snokoms @the-pessimistic-cupcake @stabbykiri @spicy-cleanness and anyone else who wants this!
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dailyrandomwriter · 10 months
Day 314
The other day, while waiting for the pharmacist to fill a prescription of mine I happened across a small stationary aisle. Most of the time the aisle is filled with basic school supplies, it’s the sort of section you go to if you need something in a pinch because you’ve run out like pens, metal ringed notebooks and sticky notes. Every once in a while though there is something interesting in there.
That day there was a small stack of journal style notebooks. The covers were slightly plush, and made out of something soft to mimic leather. There was a pretty turquoise once, which I grabbed to feel the cover and flip through its pages. I didn’t need a journal, I already have two journals I’m working through. Journals that my mother would disapprove of due to the fact she had many journal notebooks (for reasons no one knows) that she could have given me. In fact, I have one of those journals, a kitschy one filled with kittens on the cover.
In the end, I put the journal back, not out of some adult fiscal responsibility, but rather because the paper quality was so poor I knew crafting in it would be a disaster. However, I walked away from that journal thinking seriously about the nature of aesthetic cultures. Because the reality is, I had a fourth journal in my bookshelf that I did want to use. It was a handmade journal by a friend of mine; a red velvet covered thing with rough thick pages inside. The book isn’t perfect, it was her first attempt if I recall correctly, but as I’ve fallen in love more with the art of junk journaling, I’ve been waiting for the right pages, the right tapes… the right everything to fill it. 
And the reason why it made me think about aesthetic culture is because it is something I personally indulge in to a degree when I can in my daily life. I’ve mentioned in the past that I like cottagecore, but I wouldn’t decorate in that style because I’m very lazy and cleaning that would be a nightmare, but I do in small ways indulge in other types of aesthetics.
I like the idea of Lolita and by extension Mori and Elegant styles of dress, and while I don’t actually buy brands associated with those styles, I do like to wear long skirts. I like clothes that have flowers, frills and lace on them. There’s a style of clothing I used to own in high school that is now very hard to find in regular wear now, and that is elbow length flowing shirts with large frills at the end. I have a dress shirt (that is a very short dress meant to be worn with tights) that I prefer to wear with a skirt. 
This style is not considered the most modern, nor at times the prettiest style of dress (Mori especially can make you look kind of frumpy), but I like that style.
And junk journaling, also known as vintage scrapbooking, or as I like to call it page crafting, also allows me to lean into an aesthetic culture. The type of journals I prefer to work out of is one of the ways I express how I like to take part in that culture. So is listening to lo-fi music while crafting.
So is the occasional decision to take time out to seep delicious but also visually pleasing teas and make the effort to do something chill while I have this tea. Maybe that is to craft, or to read to chill background music, maybe even music with rain in the background. This is a common aesthetic out of cottagecore and dark academia aesthetics. 
Culture aesthetics has become a way for me to give words and descriptions to things I like. More importantly, in a growing community to those aesthetics it gives me as an adult permission to indulge in those aesthetics and take time out for myself.
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