#i want to emphasize that like yeah it probably happened and i thought we already knew if for some reason idk
leprosycock · 2 years
new holly claims:
a. she's okay with j kissing men
b. j and ster kissed apparently 😭???
j and ster could fuck each other in front of me and i’d be bored and irritated the whole time but if j and lud held hands and pressed their noses very gently together i’d cum all over myself
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captainlexapro · 2 months
hang on. I just need to talk about quinn's autograph for a minute because i have so much appreciation for the effort and intention he puts into it. (also i love linguistics/language/writing and how people sign their name is actually very interesting to me)
Been thinking about this (x) article from 2021 (and also very much demko saying "thoughtful" for his one word to describe huggy at the nhl awards this year. demmer u don't understand the implications of what you just said).
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teammates chirping quinn for being a slow at signing because it's not a scribble or an unintelligible flourish...but he straight up doesn't give a fuck what they think because HE wants HIS signature to be easily distinguishable for FANS. like the awareness of how special that stuff can be for people. 💙 antoine agreeing that "you should always be able to tell the name without the number." YES!!! YOU GET IT!! (don't get me wrong, there can be iconic autographs that aren't legible whatsoever but idk. to me it's something about how it's a name and i'd like to be able to read it. it's so personal and a scribble doesn't feel personal).
i wanted to see how his signature has changed/progressed over the years, so i dug around a bit to see where he's landed at this point. let's back up to the beginning!
2018 (screenshot from this vid) -
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huggy's first official nhl signature!!
his draft day signature shows he's still fully spelling out his first name. it also looks just very. teenage boy who can't do cursive.
BUT the elements are already there - heavy on the Qu, the Hu, (new nickname Q-hoo? like yoohoo? no? fine.) and the s. starting to stylize the gh.
*side notes: Qu is such a rough first letters pairing rip... it's a distinct shape. printing Q doesn't flow easily into the u while cursive Q is ugly (in my opinion) and idk if a lot of people actually know what a true cursive Q looks like (hint: it looks like a 2). also, "quinn" is hard just because it's SEVEN vertical elements back to back. i honestly think doing it in cursive requires more focus than printing. hughes is fun because it has the high and low elements right next to each other, which he emphasizes.*
2019 (nhl debut) -
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oh boy. sill very choppy. still have those main elements of emphasis happening.
i feel like he probably hadn't started worrying about his signature yet (this was his first game, to be fair).
not a lot of connectivity (especially in Hughes)
the n has hints of what it will become later, though, which is cool to see!
2021 (from article)-
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only writing Quinn now (only one dot for an i). maybe to speed it up, maybe just bc that's the nickname he goes by, maybe both.
seeing the connecting line/stroke between the g and h more prominently
s is looking more stylized as well
i think he's picking up the pen a fair amount still (maybe up to 8 or 9 strokes in this one?). so yeah, i'm sure it took a while compared to others...
2022 (from this silly vid)-
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this is kind of not a 'true' signature to me bc 1) given the nature of the video i kind of doubt he would have put 100% effort into it (complete lack of stylized s) and 2) you can tell the surface/pen combo isn't great - see the jaggedness on the gh?
this is the most ~scribbly~ version i saw. like i said, idk if i really count this one but i don't want to dig around forever to find a confirmed 2022 signature
regardless, he seems to have sped it up and is better at the cursiveness aspect. Most of it is connected - i'd guess 5 total strokes for that version.
2023 (from wallpapers on the canucks' insta)-
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definitely more committed to a "look"
Qu is kind of aggressive lol and the gh stroke isn't super smooth either. HOWEVER it is 100% a stylistic element he focuses on. also it's fast to connect them, so it probably feels pretty natural. just needed more practice on keeping that stroke aligned.
officially no dotting of the i anymore - just swooping up high (again, probably helps with speed)
we have the fully stylized s! i'm actually very fond of that part because lots of people will let the last letters fall to the wayside and basically just draw a line. he's kinda doing that a smidge with the n. but there's intention on the s and it looks very nice!
2023/2024 (from canucks' wallpapers & inhousemade insta)-
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here we have our latest iteration
I reallyyy like the finishing on the n - it matches well with how he does the s, which is so pretty. such a fun letter to write lol
i think the gh line has been fully mastered at this point. and it's a good way to keep his signature legible but still give it a unique flair. not everyone's signature/name has that type of line so ppl can pick his name out rather easy i would guess.
i think huggy's probably settled on autograph style/look at this point. but i will still keep an eye out to see if he decides to try a new element!
thanks for reading and hopefully you found this mildly interesting ☺️
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undercover bait | s.r. x liaison!fem reader
tw: criminal minds type case. use of the words (killer, rapist, whore. mentions of killing and blood) 3K
it was weird for spencer to see you fashioned in non-work attire. dressed in a baby pink mini dress that hugged to your figure with ruffles at the bottom, your back was open and you had a plunging neckline. sparkly heels that gave you a few extra inches and a small pink clutch, your hair was styled along with your usually bare face that was now dolled up from jj’s help. your eyes were smoky and seductive, a more than natural blush to the apples of your cheeks and your lips were glossed and shiny. spencer’s eyeline kept bouncing between your lips and lower, he wanted to fight his brain.
“well hot damn,” derek stood beside him. he gave a low whistle as you waltzed into the conference room of the local las vegas police station. there was a string of assaults and murders along a street of packed clubs, there was too many bodies so the bau was sending in unsub bait, and you happened to be picked.
“i wouldn’t be able to tell it’s you. looking like any other pretty girl partying the night away.” spencer saw how you rolled your eyes at the compliment. probably in a friendly teasing manner.
crossing your arms over your chest, oh gosh, and cocking a hip you tilted your head, “i wasn’t deserving of that nickname before, morgan?” asked with a fake pout. spencer doesn’t bother diverting his eyes, you pulled him into a trace. your beauty was something he wished could be for his eyes only.
he heard derek click his teeth, “oh we know you were, this one wouldn’t dare disagree. ain’t that right, pretty boy?” a nudge to spencer’s arm caused him to blink back to earth.
“what?” a deer in the headlights, his eyes were wide and he was frozen. derek smirked smugly at him while your sculptured brows furrowed in worry, “you okay?” stepping closer to him, your heels clicking on the linoleum.
his neck and ears felt warm, “uh yeah. yeah, just worried for you. not- not that something will happen, just that you’re usually away from the field and- and you’ve never done an undercover.”
spencer eyed your smooth lips as you rubbed them together, “it’s definitely new and nerve wracking, but if it’ll help the case that’s all that matters.” shrugging it off.
the way you tossed your life off made spencer frown, “your life comes before the case. if you feel unsafe, we’ll pull you out.” wanting you to understand that none of the team would put your life at risk, spencer especially. he’d keep you within reach of him if possible but he’s supposed to stay in the stakeout van.
you smiled prettily, it was extra nice with the blush, “i know. i trust you.” he hoped he wasn’t imagining the way you emphasized you. putting the trust of your wellbeing into his hands, it made his heart race.
“ready?” hotch entered the room and stopped beside you. his stone face nodding as you confirmed, “i’ll drop you off and pass over your earpiece. emily is already waiting at the bar, she’ll be your look out, when she locates him try and discreetly engage. flirt, be touchy, anything that’ll want him to draw you away.” you nodded along to the information. spencer felt his insides twist.
“when he leads you away, say ‘i’d like some fresh air’ and emily will also confirm. we’ll have all exits secured, no one comes or goes without us knowing.” he made sure that you knew you weren’t gonna be on your own. not a single hair on your head was gonna be harmed trying to take down this killer.
that thought made acid rise in spencer’s throat, they were sending you to a killer and a rapist. just one simple slip up and you could become another victim, spencer had to restrain himself from keeping the both of you locked away.
as everyone was walking to their respective cars he stopped you by taking ahold of your hand, his larger ones enveloping yours and it made his heart beat faster. “if- if you need some type of company just ask about a random fact. i’ll provide the answer.” he wanted to be with you every step of the process.
your fingers squeezed along his comforting, “thank you, spence.” you pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, not needing to press onto your tiptoes. spencer closed his eyes and let his head lean into the touch, wanting to savor this moment.
a loud coughing pulled both of you from the safe bubble to see hotch with his arms crossed, “can we be professional?” his eyes mostly set on spencer, probably thinking about having him sit out.
“yes sir,” speaking for you both. you gave spencer’s hand one more reassuring squeeze before slipping free with hotch following a moment after.
“if you’re not comfortable, emily is fine doing it alone.” hotch spoke after ten minutes into the drive. the surveillance van drove the other direction and he’ll meet up with them after dropping you.
you fidgeted with his blazer that was thrown over your lap, “why does everyone keep telling me that?” mumbled to yourself. “do none of you believe i can do this?” eyes honed in on hotch’s side profile.
he looked to you briefly then back to the road, “it’s not that. we’re just worried, this wasn’t your training.” you barely passed self defense training, staying in the shadows was more your thing.
you scratched at your thumbs knuckle, “i just- i just feel i could be more valuable to the team. i- i don’t want to be the extra liaison then have you realize there’s no point for two.” you flattened your palms over your clothed knees.
“you may not see your importance for this unit, but you’re a glue helping us stay together. you’re more than an assist or liaison, your family and a beloved friend.” he rolled to a stop a store from the bar.
he held your earpiece in his open palm, “we just want to make sure you understand that it’s okay to put yourself first. there’s nothing wrong with changing your mind.” he spoke softly, a full sincerity dripping in his words.
you picked the small device from his hand, eyes meeting his shaded ones, “i can do this.” a slight hardness in your tone.
hotch just nodded in understanding, “just remember the code phrase for when he’s taking you outside. emily can jump in if needed.” back to ssa mode.
you took a deep exhale and grabbed your clutch, “is it okay if i have one drink on the job?” joking but also a bit serious. you need something to calm your nerves.
hotch raised a brow, “kidding. kidding.” you passed him back his suit jacket and pushed open the door, putting yourself in character as you stretched your bare leg out and pretended you were in a music video. shutting the door behind you, shimming your shoulders you strutted to the bar entrance.
“show time.”
“calm down, pretty boy. she’ll be fine.” derek’s words did nothing to comfort spencer’s racing mind. they only had access to one security camera and emily’s own eyes, you could easily slip through the crowd without any of them knowing.
spencer’s knees bounced, “just wish i could be in there as well. be back up.” his eyes stayed focused on your static figure near the end of the bar, leaning your chest in as you curved your back and kicked a foot in the air. he felt his mouth pull into a frown as he saw different men and women looking in your direction, a couple walking over to you at the bar.
derek hummed, “sure does look like she needs a man like you to protect her from those tipsy bar crawlers. you could split the free drinks she’s gonna accumulate.” he nudge an elbow into spencer’s bicep, “oh lighten up man. we all know your the only one on her mind, those chums don’t stand a chance.”
spencer kept his eyes focused on the screen. you had an arm propped up, pushing into your cheek as your head moved to survey the space.
“tell me about seahorses, spence.” your voice a whisper but clear enough to be heard over the loud music. spencer perked up, ignoring the judging eyes of rossi and morgan.
“well two most common facts are that male seahorses are the ones who carry out the pregnancy and they mate for life, one of the few species.” a hum was heard on their end. “also seahorses are the world's most uncommon species, and they have to eat all the time.”
it went silent on your end, they could see you turning your back to the bar with a drink in hand as you scoped out the room. then emily’s voice crackled to life, “leather jacket with the guns and roses shirt. twelve o’clock.”
spencer’s eyes made quick work to spot their unsub. he stood a bit off to the side of the crowded floor, a beer bottle in his hand that he lifted to his lips for a minute then back down. he stuck close to the shadows, bits of him being highlighted by overhead lighting, even through the fuzzy imagine spencer was able to spot the moment his eyes landed on you.
“he’s heading in your direction, y/n.” derek reported over the mic so you could prepare for the approaching man. the monitor showed your back straightened as you curled your body into a more provocative stance, the unsub sliding into the open space between you.
spencer and derek could hear your end of the conversation, the flirtatious tone sweetening your words mixed together with a soft feminine laughter that stirred butterflies in spencer’s stomach. he took a deep swallow when he saw you place a palm to the man’s bicep, he had to clench his hands into fist on his lap.
“your girl is doing good out there,” derek praised your show. spencer proudly took that title to heart, his girl. “i know, just don’t like having her within reach of a killer.”
“i’d love some fresh air.” the code phrase causing everyone to hurry to position. spencer went with derek to a back alley exit while hotch and emily were stationed for the front, local cop’s canvas the block.
“everyone in position?” hotch’s voice echoed over the radios. derek radioed back, “ready,” and now they just had to wait for the both of you to exit the bar.
after five minutes they knew something went wrong in that quick exchange. “anyone have eyes on, l/n?” hotch’s stern voice wavered just a bit through everyone’s earpieces.
“i lost her in the crowd,” emily’s worried tone as her breath sounded just a bit airy. spencer could feel his heart crawling up his throat, ready to spill onto the ground.
you’re mia with a killer rapist.
everything was in a blurry haze, a sharp pain stabbing behind your eyes all the way to the back of your skull. your eyelids were weighted down, it took so much concentration just to peel them open so you can find your surroundings. your limbs were heavy, you could barely lift a finger.
the space was dark except for a single hanging light in the middle of the space, a harsh yellow glow only highlighting a small circle of area. it looked to be a basement of sorts, barren of furniture except for the bed you were laying on and a wooden table off to the side. you tried rolling off the mattress but stopped short by the chains wrapped to your wrist and ankles.
“finally awake. worried i used a bit too much before i could have my fun.” a deep voice hidden in the dark corners.
the chains clinked together, “wha- where are we?” your flight or fight starting to activate, and you can’t even choose either option. “jason, what is this?”
it was silent for a beat, just your heavy breathing then you heard deep footsteps that carried the unsub into the fluorescent light. “your team must think i’m real stupid to not notice what this was. a fucking trap, well jokes on you, you’re my next victim.” his hands jumping out to grab your throat in a tight hold, restricting your airway. your body twisting unlessly in an attempt to escape his hold.
“you’ll just be another dead whore that i rip and shred to pieces, not a single piece of your body left behind for the fucking fbi to find. just another unsolved case, another hole to-“
jason was cut off by someone yanking him from behind. you took gulping inhales that brought a harsh coughing to your damaged throat. a shadow loomed over you and you whimpered in fear, “no, no, no. ple- please.” starting to sob in terror of whatever horror will be brought to you.
“it’s spencer, love. it’s just me, i’m gonna uncuff you now.” you kept your eyes squeezed shut as you hear the small click of the cuffs being undone and peeled away from your irritated skin. you immediately curled into yourself, needed to be as small as possible.
“we have emts coming right now.” a soft, gentle voice spoke near you, it brought a warmth to you compared to that icy chill from earlier. a touch to your bicep caused you to flinch and cause more tears to fall.
“it’s spencer, he’s gone. we need to get you checked out.” he kept his voice low, tucking his arms close to his chest in fear of startling you more. your eyes slowly peeked out and stared the doctor down, “spence…” his name weak on your tongue.
he smiled shakily, “yeah, love. it’s me, he’s in custody now.” spencer shook off his fbi jacket and held it open for you, “you must be cold. why don’t we go upstairs?” he helped your arms through and zipped you up.
spencer protectively led both of you out into the red and blue lights surrounding the property, he tucked you closer when swat and officers walked past or stared at the both of you.
one of the emts greeted you both and asked for you to lay down on the bed in the back, she shined a light over your eyes causing you to groan at the sharp pain it caused. “looks like you have a concussion and your throat is gonna be sore for about a week with bruising to follow. keep an eye on her, take her to the hospital if she starts vomiting or passing out.” giving the advice to spencer then leaving you both alone.
“why don’t we head back to the hotel? they can handle everything from here.” spencer’s thumb rubbed softly against your makeup rosy cheek. you nodded, “pro- probably best.”
the shower was scorching, you needed to rub yourself raw to rid his filthy touch from every inch of skin. the running water was cloudy and muddy from dirt and your foundation then finally turned clear with bubbles of body wash circling the drain.
a knocking on the door snapped you from your spiral, “you doing okay?” spencer’s concerned words made you swallow harshly to reply back, “yeah. almost done.” you could feel a few tears mixing with the running water.
the small hotel bathroom was well steamed up, the little fan barely doing anything. you toweled off your hair then quickly wiped your body down before throwing on your giant sleep shirt and plaid shorts. you wiped a hand on the mirror to see your red eyes watching you, judging you.
why’d you think this was something you could do? you’re a media liaison, not a fucking behavior analysis agent. sure you want to be more involved with cases moving forward, but this taught you that field work wasn’t something you were cut out for. if it was emily or elle they would’ve been able to find a way out and save themselves, but you just laid there and pleaded for your life, just like those other girls before.
numbly you exited the bathroom, strands of damp hair wetting your cotton. spencer sat on the foot of the bed, his head bent and hands folded into his lap. he looked up just as you moved to sit beside him, your back was rod straight until you just slumped into yourself and leaned your head onto his shoulder. everything just poured out.
“i- i- i could’ve di- died.” you felt spencer shift and wrap his arms behind your shoulders while yours held tightly to his waist. “i- i don’t want to do- do that to you.”
“i know you don’t,” he whispered beside your ear, “and i’m sorry he got past us, luckily hotch sewed a tracker into your dress and garcia found it quickly.”
“i- i didn’t want to be his next victim. is- is that selfish?”
“no, absolutely not. those other girls didn’t know about him so they couldn’t properly defend themselves, but you didn’t. you know what he’s capable of.” spencer placed a kiss to your temple, “and i selfishly wouldn’t want you to be another victim. i’d never forgive myself.”
you leaned your head away to look into his soft brown eyes, “it wasn’t your fault. i agreed to doing it.”
his large palm caressed your cheek, “but i should’ve tried harder to- to be a second watch or- or something. i should’ve done more.”
“hey,” your fingers circled his wrist, “don’t blame yourself. let’s- let’s not go back and forth on what we should’ve done. i’m alive and in your arms, i love you and we have another day together.” turning to kiss the heel of his palm.
“okay,” spencer whispered. he leaned in slowly, wanting you to take the lead for your comfort. your lips touched gently at first, a small lingering peck before you pushed in and let your lips wrap around spencer’s more firmly. you let yourself melt into his touch, feeling at peace for the night.
you gave him one more solid kiss, “why don’t we get some sleep?” spencer nodded and the both of you quickly made yourselves comfortable in the bed, spencer’s back to the door as he pulled your back close to his chest with his arms keeping you secure. “i got you, love. i’m always here for you.”
a/n: be honest, when i write longer fics do they seem messy halfway through?
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ohno-the-sun · 1 year
Spoiler heavy fnaf ruin dlc rant up ahead
I am so fucking proud of steal wool they really took every criticism from the original game and fixed it and even added more
Like Cassie actually acts like a human being?? And like her knowledge of the original characters and cute little comments on every item are so endearing there is so much detail going into this.
The fact that they expanded on one of the fan faves Roxanne and giving her a great arc I’m in love I’m so happy
They honestly gave more depth to all the animatronics too like we finally see Bonnie’s design and get and get a taste as to what happened, also that poster Freddy gifted him I’m crying they are so cute and gay I love them
Also the whole dark ride section with Monty is so fascinating like is that narrative kind of true or is it just fabricated by fazbear inc to cover up the decommissioning of Bonnie
Why replace Bonnie with Monty?? Why not make a new Bonnie model?? With the prototype label on Freddy it may be confirmed that they make multiple models (well we already kinda knew that with Freddies comments but oh well)
Also Freddy?? Like is that our Freddy or a different one?? They very clearly highlighted the prototype label so they want to emphasize it, but then the head is still missing like in the princess quest ending so what is the truth??
Feel bad for chica fans tho she really was sidelined hard
Aaaaa and my baby boys!!! There’s 3 now aaahaga
I was really not expecting eclipse to be the way they were, very… normal? Is that the right word?? Like obviously a little delusional on when the daycare is gonna open again, but in the right mindset of like this child needs to leave this place is not safe. It is interesting to me that both he and Roxy thought that it was Cassie’s birthday, maybe that was the last day before she left the plex? Or maybe that was the day the plex caught fire? Or maybe most depressingly we are playing on Cassie’s birthday so the animatronics have it in their systems what her birthday is and wish her a happy one (if they are in the right state of mind lol)
Some peeps are upset moon is a little too villainous
I think you can still say it was mainly the virus but I would argue even if it’s not the virus I feel like moon is kinda justified here. Like sun has been shutting him away for a long time before this (if the books are to be believed but also in general) so when he finally gets a chance to roam free of course he’s gonna take it. And idk about u but if my alternate personality was constantly trying to shut me out and I finally got control, I probably too would try and keep my control for as long as possible. Also from what I have seen so far, not even moon is all that aggressive? Like he grabs you at the beginning, but I think that’s just his very ineffective way to get kids to sleep and other than that he just kinda stays away
Poor sunny baby is stuck in the ar world 🥺🥺 I didn’t notice at first but yeah everytime you talk to him it’s only in the ar world. And the end part where you switch them out for eclipse if you do that in the ar world, he says not for me it’s for moon.
I will say though I noticed the voice acting for them changed a little this game, like both have a higher pitch and are more goofy sounding? Like more gremlin energy than evil villainy. I wonder if that was on purpose? Both of them sounded more like the other so maybe that was the reason? Interest interest
Also their mouth moves?? Sort of?? That’s so silly to me they have a whole working mouth system and their face mask doesn’t work with at all 😭
Does give me lore intrigue tho cause like why do their mouths move but not anymore?? Did something happen?? Are they just not maintained enough?? They also move outward instead of up and down (at least from what I saw) so is the mechanism different?
Also the way that sun and moon talk about eachother is so interesting. Like moon says the light hurts “us” and sun says “no the other me” like they seem to almost consider eachother more connected than we first thought, like they’re not just coworkers or strangers they are almost like two sides of the same person. It’s very interesting and I wonder where people will take this.
Overall great job I’m so excited to comb through the game and find every little secret (especially regarding the dca) aaaa
Ok ok update moon does have a jump scare but it’s ridiculously hard to get and I’d still argue he’s not as vicious as he was base game. I mention in another post but eclipse being as kind as he is and being (presumably) a combination of both AIs, gives even more evidence moon is supposed to be kind and caring like his posters suggest but something went wrong. Also Cassie’s comments on their plushes show that there were kids who truly liked the daycare.
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foreverisntenough · 4 months
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Summary: You were his and he was yours but what would it be like adding one more? Thrust into a whirlwind romance you never could’ve imagined that became your forever love. You continue building a new life across the pond with a very beautiful Scouser. A sequel to the ‘You’re Mine’ fic.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestion, smut (unprotected sex,) pregnancy, parenting, self doubt, body image, mention of the word ‘daddy,’ kind of angsty, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! Try not to nitpick with any real pregnant/ baby logistics it’s better if you just read along happily :)
Chapter 13 - Mama | ‘Ours’
Trent finally returned home and the first game of the season was imminent. He was exhausted and it was late, like very late when he came back. You had long put Teddy to bed but waited up for a cuddle with him. It wasn’t like you had spent months apart but it felt like that. The feeling of being back in his arms felt like paradise. The smell of him fresh out of the shower, the warmth of his skin pressed against yours, the feeling of his soft lips every time they pressed into yours. You could die happily right here. This was pure bliss.
“I just want to spend time alone with you. I miss being your main focus” you cooed tiredly nuzzling impossibly closer into him. You were talking about how your trip to the US was filled with family and friends and of course… your baby. Which was lovely but time alone with him was rare and you missed it.
“You’re always my main focus.” he kissed your nose and you couldn't help but smile even though you knew he was lying. Teddy was both of your main focuses 24/7 which you didn’t mind, in fact you loved it but you’re only human you, of course, missed moments of interrupted alone time sans baby monitor. “That’s not gonna happen here either though, baby. We have our eternal plus one.” You smiled just thinking about Teddy. “As much as I love her, you know what I was thinking?” you nodded for him to continue. “We should start planning the honeymoon.” he spoke softly, rubbing his hand over your thigh you had thrown over his torso.
“Yeah? You’ve thought about that?” you giggled surprised he’d thought about any of the planning at all.
“It’s one of the first things I thought about after I asked. Like the wedding will be amazing. Family, friends, yeah, yeah, yeah. But c’mon baby… after, when we’re married, just me and you on a beach… you in bikinis, my wife.” He puffed out some air from between his lips expressing just how great he thought it could be.
“We should probably plan the actual wedding first, no? Before we skip ahead.” You gave him a cheeky look knowing that you two actually had to start making finite plans if you wanted it to actually get to be his wife in a bikini.
“Yeah, you’ll get going. I know you already know what you want.” He replied cheekily, squeezing your thigh a little.
“No, no, no, this is a team effort.” You waved your finger at him making sure it was clear he was not exempt from the planning process. This was not your wedding, this yours and his* wedding.
“You're the captain of this though. I’m only merely a vice captain. Google it.” He teased creating a half assed defense for himself. You rolled your eyes, not amused and definitely not letting him get out of this.
“Fine. Team talk; me and you tomorrow morning… with the boss.” You instructed him. He looked at you confused for a moment. Tilting his head looking down at you not fully understanding the reference you were making. “The boss.” you repeated picking your head up to look at him with a ‘why do you not understand what I am saying’ type look.
“Ah…Teddy.” He laughed. You put your head back down and smacked your hand against his chest gently.
“Yes, Teddy, your daughter. The one who runs this entire house. The boss.” You emphasized, giving him a hard time about how he didn’t pick up on your bad joke initially. You both were tired.
“Aw, she is like a little boss.” He cooed thinking it actually was really cute Teddy ran the show. She wasn’t spoiled you’d say. Maybe she was by the Alexander-Arnold boys but it was more the fact that she couldn’t do anything for herself so she was in charge. It could also be her chubby cheeks, puppy dog eyes, and little pink pout but that’s besides the point.
“Goodnight, baby.” You extended your neck up to reach for him and kissed his lips before settling in to get to sleep.
“Goodnight, skipper” He joked so you playfully slapped at his chest again. “I love you so much.” he kissed your head and you dozed off in your favorite place in the whole entire world.
“Mmmm that feels so good, baby.” You woke up feeling Trents lips on your back. He pushed your silk camisole up beyond your shoulder blades. He placed kisses slow and methodically down your spine. You laid on your stomach with your face to the side pressed into your pillow.
“Morning, beautiful.” He muttered in between kisses. He was moving slow and it was actually kind of tortuous until his fingers dragged down the outside of your thigh. You hummed as he dragged them over the back, sending chills through your body. Before you knew it he was drawing slow circles against your covered clit. Your back arched and you turned your face into the pillow to stop yourself moaning from something so small. You could hear him puff out a short laugh amused with himself and his ability. He knew your body probably better than you did. He definitely liked it more. He reveled in how responsive you were to his touch. His long finger slipped under the hem of your thong pulling your panties to the side to toy with you. “This wet just f’me, pretty girl?” He asked you simultaneously working his fingers. You let out a moan he could hear clearly now. “That a yes? Gotta tell me.” He spoked slipping two fingers inside of you easily.
“Jesus, oh my god, yes. Just for you baby.” You were caught off guard by this morning affair. You had no control right now. Barely awake and face first into the bed. He pulled his fingers out of you suddenly when you thought you might be getting closer to reaching your high. He dragged a trail of your arousal down the inside of your thigh. Trent loved to find himself in between your thighs, lapping his tongue through your folds. He wanted to take care of you, your pleasure was a top priority. It was like a game to him, something he needed to win and conquer. Hearing and feeling you falling apart on his tongue was the best trophy he could ever win. He pulled your hips off the bed and you gasped. “T…” you threatened him with zero backbone. You knew what he was doing. He loved this.
“Shhh, baby. I got you. Just arch your back f’me.” He instructed you and you did but not because he told you but because he licked you completely front to back. “Good girl.” He praised you. He moved to suck at your sensitive throbbing clit before he dragged his tongue back through your folds over your entrance towards your ass.
“Don’t…” You threatened with some real sincerity this time. He laughed and the vibrations made you quiver. You’d gone there. You’d let him too many times you’d even like to admit to Lauren but 7 am in the morning was not the time for that. He listened to you, thank god. He pushed his tongue against you again. His nose bumped against you everytime he moved his jaw. You were shaking. This is not how you thought your morning was going to go.
“Mmmm, so fucking good.” He lewdly slurped the slick from your pussy. You should scold him. You should think he's being overzealous but… you don’t. You moaned. He could feel his dick getting almost painfully hard but that wasn’t his plan of action right now. He’d have to wait. He wanted to get you to a place he loved and you were halfway there moaning for him. He brought his fingers back up and thrusted them inside of you. You whined and pushed back against him. You reached out behind you and grabbed for him. You wiggled your ass back desperate for more. He groaned. This is what he wanted, for you to want this.
“Oh my god, T… please. Please.” You were practically crying for more. You came unannounced and uncontrolled on his tongue. He loved seeing your back arching in pleasure because of him. The way your thighs trembled attempting to hold yourself up. Your face pressed into the pillow but not innocent enough to not try and twist around to be able to see him and admire him. Your slick covering his pink perfect pout.
“My pretty girl. Perfect fucking pussy f’me.” he spoke pulling away for a moment still letting his fingers work nimbly inside you stroking the spot he loved to reach. The squelch of your wet pussy was embarrassing but it felt too good to care. His free hand massaged the fat of your ass. This didn’t merit any embarrassment but you still couldn’t believe he gets you like this. Your legs were actively shaking.
“I’m gonna cum, T… fuck. You’re gonna make me cum again.” you whined his name quivering as your juices dripped down his hand. He slaps your ass and the sting shocked you back into reality for a moment. He smugly laughed and placed his lips to your clit again. A shudder ran down your spine. Your pussy couldn’t handle this. You clenched around his fingers. He moaned against you at the tightness. He continued swirling his tongue around your sensitive clit. You repeated his name like a prayer as a second orgasm tore through you. He continued his movements like he wanted a third. You whined way too overstimulated for that. You attempted to move away from him and slap your arm at him but just crashed onto the mattress unable to achieve any of that. He decided to let you come down from your high instead, kissing your ass cheek. He removed his fingers slowly from you but just moved his soaked digits up to rub your clit in soft circles.
“So fucking beautiful like this.” He cooed. You let out one final whine before he totally took his hand away from you. He kissed the small of your back, his big hands moving to massage your hips.
“Oh my g…” you tried to talk but were cut off with a harsh slap to your ass.
“Let’s go.” He quipped with a laugh as if he didn’t just devour you. You blinked your eyes a few times attempting to come back to the room. You propped yourself onto your forearms. Your heart was still racing but you at least had most of your senses back. You hear Teddy through the monitor. “Do you want me to get her?” He cheekily asked and you just rolled your eyes at him dropping back into the bed with a sigh.
He brought Teddy back into your bedroom. You had to get ready for the day and after your morning you needed to shower. You were going down to London with your mum. Trent didn’t have training till later in the day so he let you get started and walked around the room with Teddy playing games with her bouncing her up and down. That was until he walked past the dresser and clocked a business card tucked under a notebook of yours.
“Who’s Bentley Brown?” Trent called to you from outside the ensuite with Teddy in one arm picking up the business card in the other. You’d forgotten you even got it and had thrown it in with your planner.
“Some man I met.” You responded without thinking. You were in the middle of doing your makeup. It wasn’t really the time you wanted to get into the whole in depth conversation you had with him. You were focused on getting your brows to look just right.
“What?” Trent asked you very blunt and short. You picked up on his offense to your vagueness but he didn't know you were talking about a 65 year old man at the airport helping you with your bags and not a handsome 26 year old lad you’d met outside a pub.
“He was cute, as well.” You pretended to gush about this anonymous man you’d met. You decided it’d be a little funny to tease considering Trent was the only reason the man spoke to you more. Trent’s brow furrowed confused why you were so open about talking with another guy. “Google him” you cooed, setting him up. He picked up his phone immediately and typed away.
“Oh… very funny.” He rolled his eyes, annoyed he fell for your silly joke. “Mummy is so funny, Ted, huh?” he shook his head at her before placing a kiss on her forehead. “I know this geezer” he yelled out to you.
“Yeah, I know.” You giggled. “That’s the only reason I spoke with him.” you explained. Trent came into the bathroom and put Teddy on the bathroom counter in front of you. She sat kicking her legs as you squeezed at her chubby tummy.
“Gonna miss you, beautiful” he kissed your cheek, hugging you from behind. You turned your head to give him a kiss on his lips in return.
“It’s only for the day.” You whispered, ghosting your lips over his centimeters apart before turning your head back to continue your makeup and Teddy.
“I know but me alone with the boss” He watched you carefully apply a lip liner with one hand. He flicked his gaze to see Teddy smiling at you also mesmerized by your precision.
“And your mum… “ You cut him off with a giggle, stopping for a moment and staring at him through the mirror.
“And my mum… but I don’t know, we’ll miss you. Right, baby bear? We’ll miss mummy all day.” he cooed, kissing your cheek again and then Teddys.
“I’ll miss you both” you grabbed Teddy off the counter and leaned back into him.
Your mum had flown into Liverpool and you were meant to meet her at Lime Street to take the train to London with her. It made no sense at all. When she left tonight, she was flying out of London as well. She expressed how badly she wanted to see Trent and Teddy but ‘couldn’t stay’ she was meeting your dad in Marbella for some holiday. You didn’t really understand but she at least offered to come with you to go to your first appointment to look at wedding dresses.
You remember hiding your relationship from her and your whole family when you first flew to Liverpool. Lauren came to your apartment before you even went to visit Trent confused where you had been, you’d been that MIA before you were even out of the country. Once you got over to England it was like you disappeared. Your friends were blowing up your phone asking you where you were but you just read the messages as you looked at Trent with heart eyes next to you in bed. Trent was cautious but definitely bolder when it came to admitting he wanted you to be his girlfriend, telling you he loved you. He was out in the open about it. You were scared. So telling everyone you knew you loved a boy you met that just so happened to be your celebrity crush. You thought your friends and family would roll their eyes thinking you were getting played. You had good intuition though. People always say they can read others well. You never say that but you really could. You could tell out the gate Trent was genuine and that’s what was so scary. His words and actions did nothing but reassure you. It was hard to wrap your head around the fact that someone loved you the way he did. Everything he did to and for you was so genuine all the time. He touched you in ways, literally and figuratively, no one else ever had or could. He was in love with you. He did things for you he’d never done for anyone else before and put you before everything. You were the most important person to him and that was how you got here on the train sitting across from your mum passing through rolling hills and small towns on the way to London.
“So no venue yet but we want the dress?” She spoke looking at you. You could feel her inspecting every single pore on your face. She meant well she just wanted the best out of you all the time.
“Mum…I’m just getting the ball rolling. I thought it’d get me excited, motivated to start looking.” you tried to explain as calmly as possible. You kept your voice low and slow but inside you were not surprised at all by her.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry you’re right.” She waved her hands dismissing her first comment. “but I still do think we need to do Gurneys” She followed up just reinserting herself about selecting a venue she preferred.
“I know what you think but it’s not we” You paused gesturing between the two of you. “It’s me and T. It’s our wedding. I want it to fit us, reflect us.” She nodded like she understood but kept talking anyways.You actually did always want to get married there but you needed her to understand you wanted to not for any other reason.
“So what date would you do if you’re going to be out east?” She asked. ‘Out East’ is what you called the beach for context. You couldn't stop yourself from rolling your eyes. “You couldn’t possibly do it midsummer, your makeup would drip right off but with his schedule…” She rambled. She was essentially talking to herself, that's how little you were entertaining her. You understood all of the logistical hurdles you’d have to handle considering you were marrying a footballer you didn’t need anyone to remind you.
“Mum please.” You, as kindly as you could, asked her to stop once and for all, at least on this ride. She rolled her eyes the exact same way you did. A third party would probably laugh at how similar your features and mannerisms were. You opened your phone to read your texts, one from Trent that was a picture of Teddy.
‘Missing mummy xx’ you smiled and then one from Winnie
‘Have fun lol’ You knew she sent it to tease you. Your mum had been ranting to Winnie everytime she couldn’t get a hold of you on the phone to talk about the wedding. Winnie knew preemptively that your train ride would be filled with just this type of conversation.
You got into London and were able to walk to Halfpenny, a bespoke bridal salon. Your mum actually knew Kate Halfpenny through a friend of a friend of a friend, they met at some gala. Regardless, since you heard the name ages ago her dresses had been pinned in your mind to remember for when you did get married. It just sort of fit though and you thought it’d be nice to wear an English designer if you were going to get married in America. You probably wanted to wear more than one dress on the weekend but that was a topic for later. You stood on a pedestal in the changing room of the atelier and had tried on about 10 styles of dresses. If you did like one from Halfpenny you kind of wanted it to be bespoke but this would help get you started on what looked right. The first dress you tried on almost made you feel sick. It was bizarre seeing yourself in a wedding dress. You felt 5 years old like you were dressing up but you weren’t. When you got to the eleventh a warmth came over you as you stepped into the fabric. Your heart slowed as the stylist in the room with you zipped it up.
“Oh my god.” You felt your eyes water looking back at yourself in the mirror. Your breath completely left your chest. “Mum…” You croaked out barely above a whisper. The stylist peeled back a curtain for you to walk out for your mum. She was sat on a couch drinking a glass of champagne. She looked quintessentially her.
“Oh my baby girl. Now this….this was made for you.” She cooed. Your eyes watered more hearing her compliment. Her approval. She got up from her seat, placing her glass down and stood behind you in the mirror. She slid her hands around your waistline stretching her thumb and index finger as if she was measuring you but you couldn’t even process that when she started speaking again. “He was made for you Y/N. This is the one for both of your special days.” You sniffled. You were shocked she felt this way. You were surprised she actually listened and acknowledged it was your and Trent’s day.
“I think so too.” You cried with a little bit of a giggle. “Sorry.” You apologized, wiping your tears away. You really hadn’t anticipated finding anything close to something you actually wanted to wear on your wedding day. You left the salon with a lot of information about possible alterations you could make to the dress, things that could make it yours* You wanted this dress, it felt right but you needed a moment to have a think about it. You didn’t want to pull the trigger just yet.
“Are you happy hun?” Your mum asked as she held your hand in the black cab as you made your way to a late lunch at Claridge’s a little further in towards Mayfair. You nodded. You sat across from your mum inspecting photos she had taken of you in the dress.
“I don’t want to tell him I found one in case it jinxes things so don’t tell anyone.” You explained to her without looking up from your phone.
“I haven’t kept a secret in years.” She laughed. Her admission was probably very true. “We haven’t had secrets in years.” she cooed, reaching her hand out across the table to grab yours. You flashed your eyes up to hers. She looked sad but in a sentimental way.
“Well,” You cut the emotional moment. “Then it’s only fitting.” You picked up your champagne glass and stuck out your pinky unfolding it from the stem of the glass. Your grandmother always used to do that with your mum when they agreed on something. You linked pinkies clinking your glasses. Always with a drink, always with a secret, always with a coy smirk. She returned the smile back at you appreciating your gesture.
You and your mum parted ways and you were on your way back to your little family up north. Trent had gone to training so Dianne watched Teddy but he was back home now waiting for you. You could’ve stayed down in London but you wanted to get home and see them. You also didn’t want to put Dianne or anyone else you leaned on to take care of Teddy while Trent had training. Your uber dropped you off and you walked in through the side door of the house. Trent was on the couch with Teddy when he heard the alarm for the door opening beep. Teddy’s eyes widened noticing the sound.
“Is that mummy? Hmmm?” He asked.Her face beamed excitedly recognizing the word. “Yeah, we are excited mama’s home.” Trent stood up with her. You almost squealed seeing them. You didn’t think you’d feel emotional leaving for a day. You put your bag on the table and ran towards Teddy. She let out the squeal you were feeling.
“Hii my Teddy bear. You look even more beautiful than when I left you. How do you do that?! Give me a kiss.” you pursed your lips and she did her best imitation. “Mwah!” You kissed her. Trent gestured his hands as if he had been waiting patiently. “Oh and a kiss for daddy. Hi.” you sighed leaning into his chest.
“Missed you” he pulled you into him swaying back and forth. “She’s been so chatty, today.” He informed you.
“Oh wow, really? Daddy talks a lot. huh?” you pinched her cheek and listened as she in fact did seem to be babbling a lot of ‘bah’ and ‘pah’ sounds lately but you didn’t miss the chance to poke fun at Trent, the certified yapper. He ignored you.
“Yeah. Like non stop ‘bah, bah, bah’” Trent impersonated her including a sloppy kiss onto your cheek. You laughed and pushed at his chest to get him off of you.
“So accurate… Thank you.” You giggled, wiping his slobber off of your face. Teddy’s kisses were cute but if you weren’t helping her or guiding them… the unannounced ones were wet. More of a raspberry effect. She didn’t totally get it just yet. Her mouth was open a lot of the time. She loved to try to copy you and Trent. She would randomly try to kiss you the same way you did to each other but you just found yourself with her mouth over your nose or her lips sucking on your cheeks just drooling on you. She wanted to try to replicate the sound but failed miserably and adorably
“Need to change you, Yeah?” you asked Teddy, flicking your eyes to Trent. “Daddy’s so nice waiting for me to come home to do it.” Trent tried to talk and explain he didn’t realize but you just shook your head and proceeded upstairs unbothered. You actually didn’t mind that’s how much you missed her. You were just giving him a hard time. You walked into her nursery and set her down on the changing table but she reached out her chubby arms trying to grab for you.
“Did you miss mummy, Ted? Because I missed you so much.” You spoke to her. You picked her up and gave her a big hug swirling her around before returning her to the place you needed her. She continued to coo. “You’re so sweet, baby.” She happily kicked her legs. You were on autopilot.
“Mamba” she grabbed for you again with her tiny hands.
“What baby?” You asked her wide eyed. Your heart practically stopped beating.
“Mama” She cooed again more concretely and clearly attempting to move towards you. Your eyes welled up immediately. You started to cry with a pout looking down at her. She just stared up at you like she’d done nothing. She clutched onto your shirt hugging the material to her little body.
“T! You yelled tearfully. She said it once more when you heard his footsteps sprinting up your staircase. You weren’t in the frame of mind to tell him everything was more than okay.
“What’s wrong?” He rushed into the room grabbing the doorframe to swing in. “Fuck! Sorry. What happened?” He scanned the room frantically. You stood by her changing table stroking her cheek with tears in your eyes as she just stared at him innocently. You turned your body towards him.
“She said mama. Like her first word was mama. She said mama first. Oh my god, I really thought she’d say daddy.” You cooed tearfully as Trent waked over closer to you listening intently making sure nothing was actually wrong.
“Oh my days! Shut up!” He first reacted excitedly, leaning his head onto your shoulder to look at Teddy in all her first word glory. It was a millisecond later that he registered what you said. “Thank you for rubbing it in by the way. But wait really?” he laughed and then questioned you if she really did. Recently she was getting close to a lot of ‘almost’ words. He crouched down to her and picked her up. You put your arm on his shoulder, looking at both of them. “Did you say your first word, smart girl?” He asked her.
“Sorry! Sorry! Oh, now I feel bad but I’m so excited.” You pressed your face into the nape of his neck. You giggled a little not meaning to offend him. He kissed your hair and held you with his free arm.
“Be excited. She loves you so much, I told you she does. Don’t you love mummy, Ted?” He asked her with a big smile. Seeing both your faces covered in joy and excitement was compelling enough for her to give it another go.
“Mama” She squealed again, liking your reaction to her. She reached for you. Trent blew raspberries on her stomach, not letting her get to you teasingly. He stopped for a moment amid her giggles though and pouted happy to hear her talking.
“Yeah! Good girl. It’s Mama and dada.” You kissed her cheek as she wiggled in his arms repeating the word loving the attention.
“So smart already, baby bear. Do you want to say daddy now? Trent asked selfishly. You rolled your eyes. He was genuinely excited for her and for you but he loved to win. He wanted to be first.
“No! We’re happy like this.” You giggled. You snatched her from Trent. You gave her a big kiss on the lips as you spun around holding her. “Mwah!’ Mama loves you so much, Teddy girl.”
“Wow…..” he folded his arms but felt like his heart was going to explode. Of course, he was a little jealous but seeing you with her, seeing that smile on your face, seeing the big smile on Teddy’s face, this is all he wanted for you. For your family. These moments. You laid on a soft pink play mat on the floor with her.
“Come lay dada!” you beckoned him down to sit with you. He groaned having to bend down complaining he was ‘sore from footie.’ You laid on the floor of her nursery mesmerized by the two syllables babbling from her perfectly pink pout. ‘Mama’ again and again. You never got tired of it. Teddy tired out quick though so you set her up for her nap and headed down stairs once she was fast asleep.
You and Trent made your way to the cinema to watch something. You didn’t really care what he chose. You sat with your legs criss crossed on the couch while you worked on your Mac emailing about wedding things. Researching. Planning. Organizing.
“Baby I think we need to split the wedding up between two places.” You cooed, scrolling through a mock itinerary you made.
“Oh yeah? What do you mean?” He looked at you intrigued. Trent slid over and squished next to you wrapping his arm around you. He rested his head onto your shoulder to look at your screen with you. You smiled excited to show him.
“Okay, so we do Manhattan one day and then Montauk the next. But” you emphasized for him to not respond yet, you had more to say. “I was thinking we can do a fun play on words thing though for like invites or napkins or whatever… you get it.” His brow furrowed watching your mouth move but not understanding fully. “From Manhattan to Merseyside… It’s good right?” you asked, bright eyes turning to him.
“Clever girl” He kissed your lips. You asked him what he thought and he was quiet for a moment. “I actually really like it but it’s whatever you want. One question though, napkins… explain that to me?” You laughed and kissed him. Bless. He didn’t spend his time as a teenager online thinking about his wedding and what cute graphic would be embossed on the cocktail hour napkins the way you did. So you explained and showed him.
“Okay, so we’ll do me and you and Teddy at city hall…here, just us.” You started burning through the docket of how you wanted the sequence of events to go. “We’ll fly to New York. Then do a big lunch at Tavern On The Green, right?” you looked at him for approval but you could’ve said the moon and he would have agreed with a smile. “That night.” you paused continuing to scroll to the next page of your document. “A party at The Plaza, of course.” He hummed. “Next day, we can go out to Montauk and have the actual ceremony at Gurneys like my mum wants, then just an easy intimate dinner at my parents, just our people.” You finished taking a deep breath. You really loved the idea of having the reception at your parents. You and Trent were private so as much as you wanted to have a blowout you wanted it to be with people you loved and trusted. You’d seen massive parties your parents had thrown at your house before overlooking the beach and they were perfection but you loved the challenge of out doing your mum.
“Yeah, I’m into that. Just our people and us.” He kissed your temple while examining your document again reaching over you to scroll. “What’s the vibe like?” He asked. He obviously knew all the places you were talking about, you’d been together but he wanted to know the overarching theme. He knew better than to use that word though. You emphasized early that you personally did not like a themed wedding.
“Okay, like very…” You rambled about 15 adjectives describing your dream wedding ranging with the juxtapositions of “coastal but city” and then “chic but relaxed.” He listened intently. “You get it. That je ne sais quoi.” you gestured with your hands.
“Gonna have to give me visual aids here I think.” he laughed, squeezing your hip. “ but it sounds good, sounds perfect, baby.” You tilted your head to look up at him to make sure he actually meant it. You wanted to plan this together. He wanted you to take the reins but you wanted his input. You just had built a mock structure but the details, the things that made it intimately him and you, you needed him, the things that mattered.
“Do you want a dress code? I can’t decide.” You asked with a perplexed look he loved. He liked when you were in thought. Not in a patronizing way, it just was really cute. He saw it on your first date as he made you guess what was in the cocktail he ordered. Trent smiled watching you. “What?” You asked shyly, confused why he was looking at you like that.
“I’m glad you're finally excited.” he cooed, admiring you.
“I always was.” You shrugged. You were. It was amazing from day dot. You felt bad he thought you weren’t.
“Nah, now you're proper into it. What changed?” He asked. His big hand coming to grab your chin to tilt your head to look at him.
“Want to know?” You giggled. You were never very good at keeping secrets from him anyways. He nodded, brushing his nose against yours. Encasing you in his scent. “I think I found a dress.” you told him quietly.
“Oh baby.. can I see?” He asked naively. You showed him what you bought or had tried on at shops more often than not. He’d sit in person or facetime nodding as you rambled on about why you pick one color over another and he liked it. He liked listening to you.
“Erm no? That’s not how this works.” You giggled at him forgetting that was traditionally he wasn’t meant to see your dress until the day of your wedding.
“Yeah, but I want to see. Oh my days…” He interrupted his own thoughts with an intruding one. “What are you gonna wear under it that night?” He groaned, working himself up getting ahead of things.He pulled you by your waist closer into him.
“Something.. you’ll have to wait and find out… maybe nothing” you cheekily replied. He groaned, pressing a kiss onto your temple.
“You’re my fucking dream girl.” He rolled his head back onto the cushion and watched you continue to work on the computer with a smile. He loved you. He loved that he was able to make you happy.
Days of ‘mama’ on repeat continued but ‘no’ had also been introduced into Teddy’s vocabulary. It varied from ‘na’ to ‘nob’ or ‘nap’ but you could tell by the facial expression she wanted to say a clear ‘no.’ Tent had gone to training but had to stay late so by the time he came home it was pretty close to Teddy's bed time. Once you started following a bedtime and nap routine, Teddy was sleeping a lot better at night and was taking much longer naps during the day. You were laying in your bed with her. You had just given her a bath before you began her routine you were adamant about keeping for your own sanity. You were just having a cuddle first when a voice nearly made you jump out of your skin.
“Whose in my bed!?!?” Trent came into your room and honestly you didn’t even hear him come home. It scared you. You placed your hand over your heart trying to make sure it was still beating normally.
“Mama!” Teddy yelled. She crawled to you excited to show Trent she knew what the word meant. You pulled her into you and gave her a tight hug and hummed.
“Mama that’s right. Good girl.” You cooed, pressing a kiss to her head.
“Yeah, mama and who else?” Trent asked, putting his stuff down and walking to the bed. “Is my baby bear here?” He asked as he searched around the bed purposely avoiding her as she tried to get his attention. He picked up pillows and moved you a little even. “Mummy, is Teddy here in dada’s bed?” he asked you and you just shrugged with a smile. Teddy fumbled her way over to try to get to his side of the bed crawling, struggling over the bedding like it was a mountain but she managed to grab at his arm. “There she is! My sleepy girl. It’s almost bedtime, yeah?” he continued talking. She giggled but yawned. He faked a yawn himself to tell her that’s what time it was. That daddy was tired too. You moved closer to them on the bed and you cupped Trent’s cheek and kissed him. Teddy almost instantaneously objected with a ‘na’ noise, her little hand reaching for Trent’s face.
“No? Mummy wants to kiss daddy though. We missed him, didn’t we?” you asked her as Trent pulled her in closer to him. He adjusted her in his arms leaning his forehead against hers.
“Did you miss dada?” He asked before he gave her a kiss with her favorite ‘mwah’ sound then all was right in the world because she got a kiss from him as well. “Mmmm. Thank you.” he hummed after she returned it. She nuzzled her cheek against the cotton of his shirt. You caught up about his day but it wasn’t long before you noticed she had already dozed off. “Is it weird that I like that way she smells?” He laughed kissing her. It was so special to see him as a dad. You always knew he’d been good with kids but seeing it first hand, it being his child was so different.
“No, I get it.” You giggled fully understanding him. “I definitely get it.” you cooed kissing her on the head.
It was a hectic week. Everyone was visiting. This weekend was Teddy’s first birthday which in itself had your brain completely scrambled and just for fun, to make things that much more interesting one of the biggest games of Trent’s season coincided with it. Conveniently the Manchester City Liverpool game was at Anfield the Saturday before you had planned to have a party with family and friends for her.
“Come on my big girl! Let’s go see dada.” You grunted picking up her heavy 20ish pound weight from her seat to go sit outside for the start of warm ups. You stroked your thumb over her cheek that had a little bit of the yogurt she had just managed to get literally everywhere. You definitely couldn’t sit outside with her for the full 90 but you could come in and out if she was in your arms and there was food involved, yogurt the first of many snacks.
“Hiiyaaa!” You cooed while walking out into the open air seats of the box seeing George and Tyler.
“Who is that big girl?” Tyler asked standing up to give you a hug. “You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, we’re all good. Just hoping this result goes our way or tomorrow will not be fun.” you laughed. Trent would be fine but the thought of him coming off a loss and having to go to your one year olds birthday with all those people at your house wasn't great. You sat down and placed teddy on your knee. “Do you see dada?” you asked her pointing in front of her to follow your finger. She definitely couldn't process what was happening or make out that it was him but you still did it. Trent looked for you between drills and blew a kiss. “Dada loves you so much. Huh?” you cooed to her kissing her temple.
“Doesn’t do that when it’s just me here.” George quipped. He leaned back in his seat pretending to be annoyed.
“When is it ever just you here… like when?” you asked, teasing him because you weren’t sure there’d ever been to a game either you or an immediate Alexander-Arnold family member was at in the last almost 4 years.
“Relax, you got the ring, you had the baby, I’m not competing with you anymore, you don’t have to worry if I’m at his games and you're not.” George made fun of you. Tyler laughed. George was amazing. He adjusted well to the fact that he went on holiday with his best friend and Trent had returned with you and you’d never been apart really since. It was a joke though constantly who knew Trent better, who he liked more, stupid stuff like that but he waved his white flag after your engagement. It was just purely banter.
“Never were in the race, George, you were never even in the race.” You teased, patting his knee jokingly patronizing him.
“Ted, are you excited to be one year old?” George asked as he tried to pick her up off of your lap to come and sit with him. She wiggled in his grasp trying to grab back for you though. “No? You don’t want to be one? Don’t worry mate, I don’t want to be turning twenty six either.” He told her. George had a birthday a few days after Teddy’s which was cute in theory but you did feel bad that last year she kind of stole his best friend. Trent had just had a child at the very beginning of his season, things were busy to say the least so George’s birthday wasn’t really celebrated the same way they had in the past.
“Mama!” Teddy cooed as she wiggled more and more adamantly trying to get back to you.
“Oh… she just doesn’t like me, got it. It’s because I’m almost 26 innit?” George joked, handing her back to you. She clung to you as if she had been away from months, not momentarily still only an arms length away.
“Don’t say that! She just loves mummy, huh? Gimme a kiss, Ted.” You asked her. Her grubby hands gripped both your cheeks. “Mwah!” you kissed her lips but in her attempt to imitate you she just practically spit onto your face.
“See, that’s… that’s lovely that… That is enough for me to wear a condom.” George quipped with a laugh.
“George! Don’t say that in front of my baby!” you yelled at him. Cupping your hands over Teddy’s ears. It wasn’t like he actually said anything bad you were just being dramatic but you definitely didn’t want Teddy's third word to be condom, but that would be far fetched.
“I’m teaching her about safe sex! Her parents clearly don’t understand how that works.” George made fun of you looking at Tyler for some back up. He wasn’t wrong. I mean you understood safe sex in regards to health and STD checks or other partners pre trent but from the night you met to date… ‘pulling out’ wasn’t really something either of you enjoyed. You were tempting fate every time. “I'm kidding! I’m kidding! Relax!” He teased you.
“You’re right she doesn’t like you and it is because you’re almost 26.” you chirped back at him snidely just as Teddy reached out to inspect what he was holding. It was only his phone but his case caught the light enough to catch her attention. “Oh Ted…” you cooed disappointedly. Her leaning back towards him kind of debunked your comment that she didn’t like him, which wasn’t true to begin with. She was so cute and open minded. She wanted to be held by you. Be right where she could feel you but she wanted to explore at the same time and you liked that she was curious.
The final whistle blew. A draw. It wasn’t the result you had hoped for. It definitely wasn’t the result Trent had wanted but he was fine, just disappointed. You went home from Anfield and went through your family’s normal post match routine but as Trent was winding down you we're finishing a few things downstairs for Teddy’s birthday tomorrow. You had wrapped all her gifts, you had the party planner coming over tomorrow morning to set up in your back garden so you wanted to make sure what she needed was ready, you had written Trent a little note thanking him for the best year of your life and giving you Teddy, you also set up your dining room table to be decorated for her breakfast tomorrow, stuff like that.
“Can you believe a year ago you had our baby?” He asked half asleep. When you woke up Sunday, Trent was absolutely exhausted. He cuddled into you laying on top of you practically with his face in your boobs. You hummed “Thank you, beautiful.” He muffled out into your chest.
“I guess you're welcome.” you giggled. “I mean you were there as well.” you cooed stroking his high cheekbone.
“Nah, baby. You do so much more than you give yourself credit for. You carried her for 9 months, you gave birth to her, you’ve been the most incredible mother to her for a whole year. I mean look how smart and beautiful and kind and happy she is. That’s because of you. I know I’m not at home with you two as much as I wish I could be but honestly, baby, you’re amazing. You’re the most supportive partner. I cannot wait to marry you. Thank you for everything you do for her, for me, for us. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. You’re such a good mummy like you don’t understand what it’s like to watch you with her…” He kept babbling on and on talking like he didn’t have an off button but his voice was slow, tired, and sleepy.
“Go back to sleep, baby.” You whispered into his hair, placing a kiss. You appreciated all the love and you felt the exact same way about how he was as a dad but he was so tired. He needed to get some more sleep before people swarmed your house for the party.
“I love you so much.” He whispered, a sleepy haze beginning to fall back over him. You massaged his back with one hand the best you could. “I’d do it all over again, just the same.” he mumbled again and then he was out cold.
“Good morning my beautiful baby girl.” You cooed standing above Teddy’s crib. She sleepily in the most adorable way ever rubbed her hands over eyes. “Are you one years old today?” You sang leaning over to smush a kiss onto her. You picked her up in her cute little pink onesie slow and steady bringing her up into your chest. She laid her head onto your shoulder but reached her tiny hand out for Trent next to you.
“Happy birthday baby bear. You’re such a big girl now. Can you stop getting so old please?” He cooed with a little laugh. You did your morning routine with her and then carried her downstairs. “Aw baby this is nice.” Trent turned to look at you now holding Teddy. “What do you think of all the balloons, Ted?” He asked her tapping at one hover at their height. You covered the dining room in balloons and decorations.
“Yeah, it’s sweet. I know she won't remember but it matters to me.” You spoke as you worked your way through the breakfast you were cooking for them. They sat at the table playing some variation of peek-a-boo. You finished and brought Trent his plate, omelet, sausage, little bit of fruit, and one pancake. You walked back to the kitchen before Trent could even say thank you to grab the plate you made for Teddy. You had stacked pancakes and put a few birthday candles in it. Trent pouted as you brought it to her. You were really good for them. You put time into taking care of this family. You sang happy birthday to her and she clapped along before you helped her blow out her candles.
“She might not remember but I will, I remember every little thing you do for us. I won't let her forget how good you are to her. Plus, we have photos to show her” Trent whispered just to you and then kissed your temple. It warmed your heart and made you feel good knowing he noticed how much effort you put in everyday. “Did mummy do a good job?” Trent asked Teddy as she ate one tiny bit of pancake at a time. Trent poked his fork into one of the small pieces and popped it into his mouth. “MMMmmm, good job mummy.” He looked at you with his mouth full. Teddy spread her hand as wide as she could and tried to cover her food. She did not like that he just took a piece. It was so cute watching her develop a personality. You were helping Teddy with her food when Trent slid a small neatly wrapped gift box over to you.
“For Ted? Do you want her to open now? I thought we’d do gifts before everyone came over but…” You asked him confused for a moment.
“Nah.. for mummy.” He corrected you that this gift was not for Teddy. He wiped her chin and she giggled. “Yeah, is this for mama from Teddy?” He asked her and then flicked your eyes to you. You pouted unwrapping it with tears filling your lash line.
‘Thank you for bringing me into the world and all you’ve done since. You’re the best mummy. You make daddy and I so happy. I love you more and more everyday. xx Always your Teddy.
“You okay?” Trent asked you softly, letting you have a moment first. It was a small gold teddy bear necklace. It was adorable yet chic. You couldn’t wait to put it on. It’d look amazing with the current stack you’d been wearing but that wasn’t really got you. He was so good to you.
“Sorry I didn’t think I’d be this emotional today.” Him writing a little note from your daughter just about shattered your heart. You couldn’t believe you had a whole family. “When did this all happen? I have a child, T. I had a child. “ You pointed out the obvious to him.
“Yeah, I know.” He laughed. “I was there for the whole thing. Start to finish, quite literally.” He joked, pressing a kiss to your lips. “I love you so much. I’m so happy this all did happen.” he cooed.
“I am so glad this all happened. I love you.” you tearfully got out more words but started to giggle when you felt a tiny hand pull at you. “And you… I love you the most on the planet! Thank you my Teddy bear! Mwah!” you kissed her. “For my necklace. Mwah!” You flicked your gaze to Trent acknowledge him. You kissed her again. “And for making us a family. Mwah!” you kissed her once more as she giggled away excitedly cooing a ‘mama.’
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter … 🤍
Next part - Chapter 14 xx
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babbletaels · 2 months
I don't know exactly how to put this into words without rambling too much. I saw some people say something along the lines of "totk and botw have bad stories but so what, all zelda stories are bad because zelda games focus on gameplay". Now, of course I saw a lot of people and youtube videos proving this post wrong by pointing out the amazing stories in oot, majoras mask, twilight princess, and more.
But something they fail to ever mention is.. breath of the wilds story is not bad!!!! It's just not!
Breath of the wilds story IS:
Told in a very new format
Not experienced totally by the protagonist
But that doesn't make it a bad story! But all these qualities DO make tears of the kingdoms story bad, and that's because the way of telling the story of breath of the wild was curated perfectly in order to tell that story, not tears of the kingdoms story. It's very clear to me that with this brand new open world format they thought very hard about how to make the game "as free as possible" and still make it interesting to play through, and they did this by putting you totally in Links shoes: You and Link both wake up with no memories of where you are or why, with the vague idea that your name is Link and that you're supposed to like save a princess or something. You and Link both set out to explore this world in the way that you want to do it. That's how they made you relate to the protagonist, not by giving him a gripping story but making him and you have the exact same experience going through this world. Instead of throwing you into a world where the protagonist knows everything but you don't, and making the protagonist learn things that he probably already knew, they made him and you be in the same boat. I don't know about you but I loved exploring this world and wondering what different places could've been a hundred years ago, so that's what my Link was doing. All of the "bad" game decisions made in this game were made so that you could feel as free as possible. Yes, the divine beasts were all the same kinda which is boring, but they did that because they wanted to emphasize the freedom in this game, they wanted it to be a totally new kind of zelda game. Yeah it was a bad decision, I agree, but like that's their idea on how to make the game as open as possible, okay? I personally don't care how many "walking through the door" cutscenes a game has, but that's me and whatever they wanted it to have as little as possible, that was their vision for this game.
The actual story of breath of the wild is not bad, but it IS short and simple, and it takes place 100 years before we come into the picture so it feels a bit detached, however I personally found it very gripping figuring out what happened all those years ago and very tragic knowing that there's nothing I can do to save those people who I failed. I don't want to ramble on about the zora storyline but that story is especially gripping as suddenly everyone in that domain knows who we are and blames us for the death of their princess or were jealous of your relationship with her and just finding out how much she loved you and realizing yeah, they're right, she did die because of you. She only joined this mission because she wanted to help you and your cause because she loved you so much. I felt sad learning this in the story, and knowing there's nothing I can do to bring her back or make things right. Not only because of Mipha but also because of Link, how tragic his story all of a sudden became, knowing that he can't do anything to right this wrong and imagining the future that he could've had if all of this never happened, possibly a future together with someone he loves, but all of that's gone now. The story feels detached because it IS detached and it's so tragic because of it, and the world feels so lonely because of it.
This format does not work in tears of the kingdom. If there was any chance of me having actual emotional attachements to characters from 10 000+ years ago that my character never even interacted with, that chance was minimized by a million percentages because they were the exact same cutscene where they say the exact same thing, they always wear masks so you can't even see their face, and we just know literally nothing about them. We get to know three characters a little bit, but it's like.. Can I really be that invested in what my new girlfriends adoptive parents and aunt did 10 000+ years ago? Yeah I want to find Zelda and finding out she's a dragon and all that was very cool and stuff. But the story doesn't work, especially since it doesn't fit in with anything we saw in breath of the wild AT ALL except one npc saying she can see a castle in the sky. Ooh we're finally learning what the Zonai ruins were! Oh, they're actually not where the zonai resided at all and actually the ruins didn't even look like that somehow someone built the ruins around a different ruin how do you even do that using stone? Are the zonai ruins made of clay since they're wrapped around the older zonai ruins? Like idk they didn't tie any of this to anything we were emotionally invested in, so why is it in a direct sequel? Oh wait I know why, because they wanted to reuse the world since they had already created it and it's so big and it did have untapped potential. But then make a story that actually has anything to do with the story that its a sequel to!!
Actually, majoras mask did the exact same thing as tears of the kingdom, kind of. Except the story in majoras mask, while largely detached from ocarina of time, is an actual good and gripping story!!!!!
Okay I can't rant any more. Breath of the wild is an actual good game that actually had a good story even if it was short and simple, and it accomplished exactly what they set out to accomplish, and it does not deserve to get dragged as a bad game just because tears of the kingdom had a bad story and used the exact same format as botw. Since you're reading this I assume you have played botw and don't need me to explain exactly what happened in the story. Like you know, how everyone failed? How the kingdom fell to ruin because literally everyone failed at their job? That story.
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evilpenguinrika · 2 months
Okay so I had another thought about Descendants Rise of Red
Under read more cuz it's gotten a tad long. Also spoilers.
Throughout the movie, I legit thought that Uliyana was a red herring with the whole horrible prank on Bridget that made her turn from a sweet girl into a tyrannical leader because of what Ella said about it when QoH was staging the coup.
Like I DON"T KNOW to me it felt like they were setting up Ella as the person who actually did the prank (maybe against her will or was just part of a group that decided to do it and she just stayed quiet and went along with it despite not vibing with the prank at all).
And then we got introduced to Uliyana and her group and like they very clearly obviously had her set up as the one responsible (even though I was still under the impression that she was still a red herring and it was actually Ella)
But no
It... It was Uliyana
I felt like the writers had such a perfect opportunity to dive just a little deeper into the complexities of high school drama and high school cliques and teenagers. Because yeah, teenagers can be so incredibly cruel and so incredibly mean. And like, I kinda also assumed it was like your typical dumb love triangle bs with Bridget Ella and Charming as well and maybe that's why Ella did the prank idk. Like the two girls are interested in him but it's also a little more apparent that Charming is interested in Bridget and maybe Ella got jealous. And with how horrible her home life is, she just wanted something for herself for once and had a horrible lapse in judgment in playing a mean prank on Bridget.
And like if you think about it, how horrifying is it to discover your one and only friend stabbed you in the back and humiliated you for selfish reasonings (or maybe other reasonings) and that's how she became the QoH, which could tie back into that song about how love ain't it or whatever it was called, like it would further emphasize just why QoH is the way that she is and why she finds the notion of love and trusting humans/humanity so asinine because she had something horrible happen to her, a trust and betrayal, that has since hardened her heart.
Idk if this made any sense I'm just word vomiting at this point
like IDK THEY HAD A PERFECT SET UP. ULIYANA WAS LIKE A CLEAR RED HERRING (kinda like first movie with snatching of the wand and ppl thought it was Mal but nope it was Jane. See? Red herring. Kinda. Probably.) like it was an obvious choice but then the reveal that it wasn't Uliyana would have been juicy
Oh, I also wished they had more of a clear consequence of time travelling at the end. Like I was holding my breath the entire time anticipating some sort of time-travel consequence
There was none
Which makes no sense because when you time travel and change the timeline, there's gonna be consequences. It's sort of an important story beat to have (one example I can think of right now is the first Life is Strange game with Max's time travelling powers and how the more she uses her powers, the more fuckery shit happens where you either watch your best friend die to save an entire town or sacrifice an entire town to save your best friend). I wish they gave us something, because then it would definitely help set us up for the next movie since apparently people are saying Rise of Red is supposed to be a two parter? Or maybe not have it so blatantly obvious but still have something there to let us know "oh, something ain't right" (like I get QoH having that drastic change is already like its own thing, but idk give us more. I want more.)
ANYWAYS again, idk, just word vomiting don't mind me
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space-helen · 4 months
Tumblr media
Words: 1019
Pairing: Pike x Reader
A/N: May have taken this a different way slightly but I hope it's ok <3
Request: hi, Pike X reader, how would pike react to him over reacting, he is attracted, your falsely accused and/or punished, because he was far harder on you due to his attraction than he would normally have been so how does he attone- @Emeraldsyndicate
“That’s totally irresponsible of you.” the man could feel himself bubbling inside “You are relieved of landing party duties from this point forward. You’re dismissed.” with his final word he stormed out of the room back onto the bridge.
You could feel tears brimming in your eyes. Taking a moment to compose yourself you turned and also left the room. Crossing the bridge you left and made your way to your quarters, you knew everyone on the bridge had caught on instantly. Heck half of the ship probably knew about your colossal fuck up and being reprimanded for it already. But was it really that big of a deal?
If the Captain had acted that way then sure, it must have been. But would he have reacted that way to anyone else? 
You groaned and allowed yourself to crumple once inside your quarters, thankful that you weren’t scheduled to be elsewhere right now. You allowed some tears of fall.
You knew the mistake was silly. One minute you’d had your phaser on you and the next it’d fallen off. You’d gone back to retrieve it and nearly got caught by the inhabitants of the world. They weren’t supposed to know you were there but no one was entirely sure that you weren’t seen in some way.
The Captain sat on the bridge and tried to calm down. He could feel the anger slowly leaving but he was still annoyed at the situation. You could have been hurt. The inhabitants of the world were known for their anger, for you to drop your phaser and go back for it? A stupid idea really. He mulled the situation over in his head some more. 
He could see why you went back for your phaser. They weren’t to know that you were there under any circumstances and finding a phaser would surely give it away. But the danger you’d put yourself in? Absolutely unforgivable. But was it?
He tried to get on with work but the situation kept crossing his mind. Had he been too harsh on you? Yeah, he really had. Guilt started to flood his brain before he excused himself from the bridge and made his way to you.
You just got up to leave your quarters when you were greeted by the Captain as you’d opened the door. With a sigh you allowed him inside, prepared for another ear full for how you’d behaved. You hated to see the man angry and hated this more especially because he was angry at you.
“I’m sorry.” you spoke out before he could even turn to face you “I understand what I did was irresponsible and I accept-”
“Stop.” he raised a hand and spoke softly “Let me speak.”
You did as you were told. Not wanting to get into more trouble.
He hesitated for a second before finding his voice again to speak. “I need to apologise for earlier. I think my punishment was too harsh and I’d hate for you not to be part of the landing parties anymore.” He looked away from you nervous before looking back “I think I blew up like that because I was really worried about you. I was thinking about how you could have been injured or killed down there and I never want that to happen.”
“Every Captain’s thoughts.” you added “totally understandable.”
“That may be the case for the most part but my main concern was you.” he tried to emphasize “I have no clue what I’d do without you.”
Your heart felt like it froze for a second. Surely Chris wasn’t saying what you thought he might be saying. Gosh you’d known each other for years now and were friends but never in a million years did you expect this. Sure you’d had a crush on him when you’d first met but you’d buried it.
“We all have our part to play” you tried to joke.
“No Y/N.” he grumbled and nervously looked away again “I was trying to say it without saying it but… I like you, more than I probably should and thinking about a future without you was killing me. I flew off the handle because I can’t bare to lose you. Sitting on the bridge thinking about the whole thing made me realise that firstly, my reaction was unjust. Secondly, that I should stop pining and do something about it otherwise it’ll eat away at me.”
You stood dumbfounded for a second and just stared at the man.
“Y/N?” he questioned, scared he’d way overstepped the line.
“Don’t let the others hear you say you were only concerned about me down there.” you laughed.
It was the man's turn to be rendered speechless. Not entirely sure what to do next.
“If you’re saying what I think you’re saying without outright saying it.” you added “then I feel the same way about you too. I like you a lot. I had a crush on you early on in our friendship but buried it because I thought it’d never go anywhere.” you admitted.
“Now why would you think that?”
“Because you’re a Captain and it’d be really inappropriate for someone under you to make a move.”
He laughed “not as inappropriate as a Captain making a move on someone under them.” 
You smiled “I supposed it’s a good thing we feel the same way then.”
He took a step closer to you and reached for your hand “I’m truly sorry about earlier Y/N I was just scared.”
“I understand.” you gave his hand a squeeze and looked into the man's eyes briefly before looking away.
“I suppose I should go back to the bridge” the man admitted “How about I make you dinner though after my shift. You’re done for the day aren’t you?”
You nodded “I start early tomorrow though.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll come get you after my shift.” 
“And you’ll take me for a romantic walk back to yours to cook?” you teased.
“Of course I will.” he gave you a wink and released your hand before disappearing from the room.
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tiny-flickers · 3 months
i actually wrote down all my thoughts as i listened to the sounds of nightmares and i thought they would be funny to share so here (instagram followers have already seen this but.)
all under cut bc i’m just gonna post it all at once (brackets are things i added later)
ch 1: the workers in the walls
“patient number 1220… referring to children by numbers…….” is SOOOO CRAZY LMFAOO 😭 they know what they did there
imagine being named “no one” (noone) bro that is crazy. that’s even sadder than “mono” because at least he is SOMEBODY. like ik that’s not her actual name but the fact that that’s what she chose as her alias…
“otto” sounds a bit similar to “mono” idk [no it does not?? idk what i was going on about here]
i wonder if noone’s nightmare of being trapped inside a giant relates at all to the giant baby that’s going to appear in ln3
i wonder if she’s talking about the wax bellman (who was removed from the games but still has a portrait in the maw) when she describes the guy who appears in that room in her nightmare [she wasn’t btw]
the shadow children???? or glitched remains perhaps
the music & audio is very maw-like
gears?? making a song???? the giant is totally some sort of living music box or whatever. & she keeps describing the area as being made of stone and it’s sort of implied in the ln3 trailer that the giant baby turns people into stone so…
noone distinctly smelling this chained up guy and saying that he smells of sausages gone badly is sooo guestcore
perhaps the world of little nightmares is an alternate dimension which one can access through dreams
the lady??? noone describes her as being the keeper of the stone giant and the world beyond the walls
AND describes her face as being equally old and young
or perhaps the “stone giant” IS the maw [it’s not]
“the ceiling was a white clock face, but all the numbers were wrong” time loop reference fr
oh yeah this is a prison
so it’s gotta be the maw or something similar at least (but it doesn’t seem to be a boat so)
ok when the mysterious lady appears and gets noone’s dream friend the lady attack music from the first game plays which definitely makes me think she is the actual lady. and she’s covered in chains because she herself is a prisoner if you think about it (especially considering the six/lady connection)
and noone describes her mouth as having “blackened teeth inside; hungry for something” which further emphasizes the connection
^^“…something that swelled inside me” she wanted her SOUL fr!!!!!
noone saying that she feels like she doesn’t exist sometimes :( probably why she chose the name
also “water sickness”???? silo??? [silo trilogy reference]
she thinks she’s possessed by bugs or whatever and idk if that will connect to ln3 or what [more like parasites but.]
mutual dreaming bro what if that’s what happened with six and mono
see cuz “cece” kinda sounds like “six” too (i mean i’ve already seen theories about this but)
ch 2: a penance at the bathhouse
“the candleman” has GOTTA be the wax guy [except he’s not…. the name really threw me off here]
noone says she likes moths. there are big moths that can be seen in cages in ln2
noone’s nightmare!!! maw reference!!! she saw an ocean and saw a bunch of boats coming out?? “and from their mouths, plump men and women emerged. faces hidden behind wooden masks” ITS THE GUESTSSSS!!!! are all these “fish-like contraptions” part of the maw then?
also she mentions that they’re going to a “lantern-lit market” which might be what we saw in the ln3 trailer???
“a voice whispered ‘hey!’” LN2 REFERENCE
“gazing into its spiral always gave me relief” no man you are going to be hypnotized!!!! hypnotherapy is a bad idea in the little nightmares world!!!!!!!!!!
noone saying that the candleman wants her to open herself to this world and that he’s been with her all along…… i feel like that sort of connects to the wax bellman’s profession LMAO [HELP]
makes sense that these guests would be obsessed with cleansing and purification considering the masks and the fact that they were likely warped by the signal tower
“i was quite happy surrounded by the dark” six energy
ch 3: the theater of the mind
“in the dark, a hand let go of mine” SIX & MONO REFERENCE
noone being trapped in this big shopping mall is kinda giving fnaf security breach tbh
mannequins…. no……… not again….
the projector shaped like a giant eye??? like in the maw??
no wonder she chose that name
“this place had been warped by pain” “even the walls began throbbing” definitely related to the signal tower
“don’t take her. not this one, too” ok but what if that’s like. mono or something trying to get someone to stay with him in his nightmare [it’s not but that would be cool]
ok so noone was on tv probably because of her sickness thing but the fact that tvs are such a prominent thing in the ln world also makes it suspicious….
ok so otto’s professor was like what if there’s other realities beyond our perception guys lol [ln multiverse]
ch 4: two of a kind
oh ok so he kinda does believe that noone is traveling to another reality/world at night not only because of her nightmares but because her body keeps disappearing before his eyes….
guys this would be so crazy for my ln/dracula au [LMAOOO]
she’s going into the upside down fr
guys they’re going on a ferris wheel
is this like the carnival place that’s gonna be in ln3
“it’s nowhere” that’s the world the games are set in!!!
not sure if this means that six & the other characters are just dreaming or if noone is just in a world parallel to theirs
perhaps cece is a previous version of the lady
wait he just said “the ferryman” ????? not the candleman?? like the ferryman from little nightmares???!!! the guy who took six to the maw??!?!?!1!?! [guys no way it’s the ferryman from little nightmares]
ok yes i’m thinking now that the nowhere is a parallel universe
ch 5: a deluge of the inevitable
i guess it would make sense that the candleman/ferryman is the guardian between worlds since he’s sort of like. someone who delivers people between places (like six to the maw) plus the two characters do look similar… the ferryman could totally be the candleman but just wearing a mask [i was too fixated on the wax bellman thing]
noone has a tumor???? wtf!!?? :( is this because of the water sickness or whatever
“little mushroom fairy” awww
“the first non-hostile being you’ve met that wasn’t another child” oh buddy do i have something to tell you
“you believe this place transformed him?” YES THE SIGNAL TOWER DID IT!!!!
ok so otto created this contraption that allows noone’s dreams to be projected onto a screen
but the screen was all blinding and static-y and showed a creepy eye looking at him….
the signal tower’s transmissions are gonna leak into your world bro do you have any idea what you’ve done [it didn’t really but. this would have been an interesting way the story could have gone]
ch 6: the lonely way
she reappeared somewhere that was not her bed?? weird
nawww he’s just using her now
i was wondering why otto was calling the candleman the ferryman but it’s because that’s what cece called him… and that’s what we know him by because of six…
“a doctor’s coat, a pink tutu and shoes, and a yellow raincoat”
THE RAINCOAT BROOO (and ik otto reacted strangely to the fact that it was yellow which is why ppl think cece is six but i’m not sure yet)
“tan trenchcoat” that is SO mono
“a shape in the distance. an outline of a door,” DONT OPEN IT DONT OPEN ITTT!!!!!
“it’s a liquid” it’s the signal tower goop! do not open the door bff!!!!
ahh shit the door is creaking open
wait the candleman is behind the door? not the thin man?? maybe this specific door is the bridge between the worlds then (bc noone said it didn’t have a doorknob on it which i’m pretty sure it did in the game)
“where is my sister” wait is cece his sister :00
ohh that’s why noone asked if the picture otto had was of his daughter because she looked so young…. but he just lost her at a really young age
the stairs are going every direction at once?? this HAS to be the signal tower. or some dream-like manifestation of it at least
all the stars noone sees in this place are EYES i KNEW it!!! the facade is crumbling!! it’s the signal tower!!!!!!
the door merging into faces of children… probably the children that were taken to feed the signal tower….
nawww he’s going to start experimenting on another kid now 😭
wait so did the candleman just… take noone away????? I NEED MORE EXPLANATION HELLO??????
wait if it was the lady that was the weird mannequin it would make sense for her to have the raincoat in her chest wouldn’t it because of the pictures in her chambers of (possibly) rcg???
so if rcg IS her daughter then she probably would’ve gotten the raincoat from her
or maybe CECE is rcg….
idk i’m going to have to look up more theories now
[spewing my ‘rcg=flashlight girl and the lady’s daughter’ nonsense]
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goldeneyedgirl · 7 months
Hi Lexie! So Hybrid Babyverse: so well written and well built, I love this version of hybrid a lot, mostly because is so unexpected to see Jalice being parents (and GOOD parents). I've been reading a lot of angst lately thanks to flowerslut and babyverse has been like a cozy day in a warm cabin to me (even if you already said it's not exactly a comfy story). So if you have more of this universe I'd love to read. Also, one of the most interesting things about this fic, for me, is how protective and loving Alice is as a mother. If I'd picture her as a momma, I'd do it exactly the way you did, responsible and put together even when the world is ending above her head (and probably a bit too liberal as well). I just want to emphasize how amazing you are doing with the characterization of Alice and Jasper in a universe we don't see much at all.
Aww, anon, thank you so much. At some point I'm going to have to get into the actual plot of the fic, but I have a very good time just writing little slice-of-life scenes that are low stakes. I'm really glad that you are enjoying it because I know the scenario is really out there, but it's just the right level of dramatic to appeal to me. 
And yeah, Alice is super liberal and a teenager, which makes her so much fun to write - she has her convictions, and sometimes she's just trolling everyone for shits and giggles. Some of her nonsense definitely gives Bella a little more confidence not to feel like she has to be as 'perfect' as the Cullens; it's okay to be messy and human. 
Alice does clash with some of the Cullens' more old fashioned and conservative beliefs at times. Jasper and Alice definitely discuss a lot of things privately, but when it comes to a lot of the discourse in the household, Jasper's response is something along the lines of 'I was a Confederate soldier in the 1800s, I trust Alice's judgement in this issue.' Or 'As Alice is the one possessing the uterus, I'm pretty sure her thoughts on the matter of abortion are far more relevant than mine.' 
(I, for one, am fixating on the idea that the one thing that Jasper puts his foot down about is the family wealth during Oliver's upbringing. No luxury cars or designer clothing, no outrageous toys, no luxury prep schools, and Oliver has to get into college on his own merit. Alice, from a foster care background, hates the idea at first but warms up - a kid doesn't need a battery-powered BMW to drive around the house or a private jet to go to Disneyland, they need loving and supportive parents, and a secure home. And the houses they live in are insanely nice places, and Oliver still has nice stuff. Just very much more of a middle-class image, than a 1% image. Oliver getting into a good college with a partial scholarship is one of Jasper's proudest moments.) 
(Is that a dig at the upbringing Renesmee gets? You betcha.) 
I could sit here spewing headcanons for Oliver and Alice and Jasper all day, but here's a scene I wrote for purposes that remain mysterious. Still toying with Alice being angrier at Jasper when he returns, and how their reconciliation looks. 
It’s not hard to find Jasper after dark these days. The Brandon house is helpfully tucked away from the road, so no one can see anyone who happens to be sitting on the roof. It takes no effort to join his brother, Emmett landing nearly silently next to him. “Long night? Alice kick you out?” He tries to make it a joke, but he knows that their tentative reunion is a sore spot for Jasper.
“No longer than normal,” Jasper shrugs, ignoring the joke but Emmett knows he’s hit a sore spot.
There’s a book next to Jasper; some heavy thing with the words ‘Child Psychology’ buried in the title, and Emmett nearly feels sorry for Oliver.
“She doing okay?” Jasper hasn’t been home much since they got back. He’s trying to get back into the Brandons’ good graces, and get to know his son. Jasper’s son. Those words are a mind-fuck - of all the Cullens to have an accidental kid, Jasper was bottom of the list; Emmett’s been trying to wrap his mind around the idea for the last few weeks. And counsel Rosalie through a lot of different emotions. 
It’s been a weird summer. 
“Tired, stressed, frustrated…” Jasper recites emotions like a catalogue, and Emmett can hear the frustration of his own in Jasper’s voice. “We’re talking, she knows I’m staying at night. Her fathers aren’t happy, and Cynthia’s still leaning towards violence but it’s something.”
“How’s Oliver?” Emmett can hear the disappointment in Jasper’s voice, and talking about the baby always cheers him up. If nothing else, he’s watching Jasper change. Kind of reminds him of when Jasper joined the family and was so bewildered and curious about how they all seemed to like and trust each other. The rare times that Jasper has been home lately, Oliver is one topic he will freely talk about - his relationship with Alice is almost entirely off-limits, as was whatever the Brandons had said to him. But he would almost always give this small smile and update them on Oliver.
And like clockwork, Jasper looks over and smiles. “He’s finally doing better in his own room. He took a while to settle, but he's sleeping now.”
Ah, the bedroom project. It had started two weeks ago - a freshly decorated bedroom of Oliver’s own in the Brandon house that everyone had heard about in great detail, mostly because Esme had been hanging on every word.
Things were … pleasant but cool between Alice and the rest of the family. There was a guest room ready and waiting for Alice and Oliver if - when - they finally stayed over, but Esme was absolutely bursting to get to work on two personalized rooms - a bedroom for Alice (and Jasper) and a nursery for Ollie. But for now, Esme was living vicariously through Simon and Alice’s nursery decorating and trying to gently encourage Alice to spend more time at the Cullens.
But after the bedroom was finished, it had been a struggle to get Oliver to sleep alone in there; he didn’t seem to want or need twelve hours of sleep at night, had disliked being left on his own, and had made that everyone in the house’s problem. Alice had been very short-tempered for the last two weeks. 
Jasper was perched in between Alice and Oliver’s bedrooms, with the soft glow of a nightlight filtering through the bedroom on the left. It was nearly certain that both windows were unlocked, and that Jasper had probably timed himself getting in and out of both of them, in case of emergency.
“D’you ever wonder…” Emmett begins before stopping. It’s a dumb question, he knows the answer.
“Wonder what?” Jasper pauses for a second; from his crib, Oliver lets out a grizzle and a gurgle, but resumes sleep quickly. 
“…what it would have been like if we’d stayed?”
Jasper lets out a bark of laughter; Emmett can hear the regret. 
“I think about that every day,” Jasper says, rubbing his hand over his face. 
And he does.
He imagines Alice telling him, nervous and afraid and desperate. He pictures her flat stomach curving. Getting to feel their baby kicking, looking at the sonograms. Planning for this bizarre future they had found themselves in. Getting to see and to hold his son within hours of his birth, and not months.
And being there for all the ugly stuff that the Brandons alluded to - Alice being unable to get out of bed, complaining of aches and pains, unending vomiting and fainting and seizures… he wanted to be there, to comfort her, to make sure she wasn’t alone. 
He wanted to be down in that bedroom right now, tucked up beside her with her arm thrown over his chest. Her face pressed against his shoulder. To kiss her cheek and read as she slept. 
He wanted it all so badly. 
Instead, he had this - sitting on the roof, watching over them in silence.
And he deserved it, for leaving her the way he did. She was being more forgiving than he expected, really - he had prepared himself for Alice to tell him to fuck off and never contact her again, when they returned. But for some insane reason, she had been willing to talk, willing to let him know their baby.
He just had to earn the love and trust back. 
“Every fucking day,” he echoes. 
“Sorry man,” Emmett shook his head. “It was a stupid question. But… you missed what, less than a year all up? Ollie’s not even one yet. He’s never going to remember a time without you here, being his dad. Alice will forgive you; she’s always been crazy about you, and she’s hardly going to let you sit on the roof if she was planning on kicking you to the curb. In ten years we’re going to turn around and it’ll be crazy that you and Alice weren’t always together.”
“I hope so.” Jasper looks both much older and so very young in that moment. “I… it was stupid to leave.”
Emmett let out a bark of laughter. “Yeah, I think you made that clear. Edward’s still fixing his CDs.”
A light flicked on in the right window, and both of them could hear movement as Alice climbed out of bed and left the room. She returned a few moments later, the light going out.
“It’s gonna be okay, man. I bet you fifty that you’ll be dancing at your wedding before your kid hits middle school,” Emmett stood up, ready to head home to Rose.
“Middle school?” Jasper half-chuckled, half sounded horrified.
“I said before - and Alice didn’t look impressed when Edward and Bella announced their engagement. I think she’s more of the ‘live-in-sin’ kind of girl, myself,” Emmett shrugged.
“Go home before you wake someone up,” Jasper said, picking up his book. “Alice won’t care much unless you wake up the baby, but Cynthia will cuss you out from the bathroom window.”
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ejzah · 1 year
Since Densi decided not tell the team in the finale can you please write a fanfic where they finally reveal the news!
The One Where It’s Twins
Kensi rubbed her hand over her lower abdomen, over the slight bump there. It had appeared at 11 weeks and grown a tiny bit each week. For the past six weeks, it had been their little secret.
“You know, we don’t have to do this today,” Deeks said from beside her, reminding her that they still sat in the parking garage, inside his truck and probably had been for at least five minutes. “We can wait to tell everyone you’re pregnant.”
“This bump says otherwise.” She framed her stomach again, emphasizing the bulge.
“Nah. You were baggy shirt, carry a big bag and they’ll never notice. Works on TV all the time,” Deeks disagreed teasingly.
“And maybe I should wear a parka too.”
“Only if you get transferred to a really cold post.”
“Yeah, that’s not happening.” Sighing, Kensi reached over to take Deeks’ hand. “No, it’s time. I can’t stay on limited field duty for much longer before someone starts asking questions. I guess I got used to it being just the three of us knowing and now it’s going to be the team, and my mom—”
“And my mom.”
Kensi huffed a soft laugh at his addition, sliding her hand up to cup his cheek. God, she loved him so much. Being pregnant, and all the new challenges it brought along, had only reinforced her affection for him.
“Yeah, it’s going to be a lot, and as much as I’m going to miss having this be our secret and sharing all of this with just you and Rosa, I’m also excited be at this stage. Our babies are going to have a lot of people who love them,” Kensi said, and Deeks squeezed her free hand.
“Yeah they will. Come one.”
Fortunately, everyone was already gathered on the bullpen, so they didn’t have to make a big production of it. They stopped, hands linked, between the two sets of desks, reminding Kensi of another time in their lives when they’d awkwardly announced they were moving in together.
The amount of progress they’d made since then was amazing.
Callen noticed them first, lifting his head with a teasing smirk. “Hey, I thought you guys were playing hooky. Sam and I leave for a couple weeks, and these guys think they can come in whenever they want.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Deeks apologized. “We had a couple things to discuss.” He shared a smile with Kensi, who just squeezed his hand in answer. “Um, actually we have something to share with you.”
He got four looks of concern, and quickly assured them. “It’s something good this time, I swear.”
Kensi offered Sam, who was sitting closest to her, a card sized envelope. Frowning, Sam untucked the flap, slipping out a picture. He studied it for several seconds, face inscrutable.
“Is this for real?” he asked finally, waving the sonogram in the air. “You’re pregnant?” Callen immediately leaned over his shoulder while Fatima and Rountree hurried closer.
“Yes,” Kensi confirmed, grinning like she did every time she thought of the life growing inside her.
“Oh my god! Congratulations, Kensi, Deeks. This explains why you’ve looked so radiant the last few months,” Fatima said happily.
“And the never ending food poisoning,” Rountree added in an undertone.
“Ah, on that note, I would like to formally state that I did not poison Kensi with my shawarma,” Deeks spoke up.
“He’s been very firm on that point. Though I suppose I understand since I was pretty nasty about the whole old takeout thing.” Kensi inclined her head.
“Congrats,” Rountree echoed Fatima. “So, how far along is Baby Deeks-Blye?”
“15 weeks,” Kensi answered, sharing a knowing look with Deeks. They were 99% certain about the night of conception.
“And actually, it’s babies,” Deeks corrected. “As in multiple.”
“Oh no. You guys are not having twins,” Sam said, shaking his head emphatically. “The world is not prepared for that amount of craziness.”
“He means congratulations,” Callen interpreted, reaching out to shake Deeks’ hand, and then gave in and offered each of them a one-armed hug.
“I’m joking. Not about the crazy part, but, I am happy for you guys. No one deserves it more,” Sam told them. He hugged Deeks, briefly squeezing the back of his neck affectionately and then tucked Kensi against his chest. “And they’re going to be two lucky kids to be born into a family like yours.”
“Thank you,” Deeks whispered. Kensi was too moved to do more than hug Sam more tightly.
A/N: In this scenario, Kensi and Deeks have not resigned or moved to different positions yet.
Stay tuned for a small part 2 tomorrow.
Thanks for the prompt!
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pro-mammonologist · 2 years
The Smell of Fear
CW: angst, mentions of violence, trauma, etc (nsfw in future parts)
Fem!Mc x Mammon
Part 2/(?)
Part 1 here
There’s lots of dialogue so readability is in question!!! But I got emotional writing it!!! So it’s quality!!!!
You awoke the next morning, sweaty and oily. Mammon had clung to you all night, probably drooling on you in your sleep. You stretched your legs and turned to face him. He was already staring at you, eyes gentle and concerned. You smiled at him and kissed his forehead.
“Mornin’.” He said, brushing his fingers through your tangles.
“Morning. How’d you sleep?” You asked as if it were a regular morning.
“Okay, I guess. Are you okay? Any nightmares, concerns? I already told Lucifer we’re stayin’ home, you have no choice.” He told you, much more stern than usual. You smiled at him, not used to him being assertive when he isn’t joking. “Whatcha gigglin’ at, ‘m serious.” He re-asserted.
“I know. I didn’t really want to go to RAD anyways.” You stretched and moved your limbs to touch the cold parts of the bed. “I feel better here. Let’s just sleep all day.” You suggested, expecting Mammon to agree.
“I wanna take you to a doctor and then we can chill. Are you okay?”
“You already asked that.”
“But you didn’t answer. I don’t want you feelin’ bad. Makes me feel bad.” He shot back, his tone going from irritated to concerned. His eyes averted you for a minute. “Sorry.” He rolled onto his back.
“It’s okay. I’m fine Mammon, nothing really happened.” You responded, sounding distant.
“There’s gotta be something!” He looked back at you, already readjusting to be back on his side. “You don’t sound like you. I know it was scary…” He trailed off. “Did I scare you?” His face was undeniably flushed, emphasizing the blue in his eyes.
You hesitated before answering. “Would my answer upset you?” You asked, looking away and fixating your gaze on your hands, doing anything to be distracted.
Mammon also hesitated. He went to open his mouth as if he planned to speak, but remained silent. The silence lasted for a few more seconds before you sat up on the bed.
“Because it kinda did.” You told him, not wanting to turn around and see his face, afraid of outlash or disappointment. “I came here with the predisposition that demons were immoral, heartless, and evil. Each religion has taught that. I came here with an open mind, now knowing that everything I was taught was bias or—like—a control thing. But I know you guys have lived since before, you know, mental health stuff. So I figured you did bad things. However, people change and since you’ve been around longer, you’ve seen more and had longer to mature and stuff.” You stopped your ramble and struggled to choke back tears. Mammon didn’t respond, remaining quiet. You didn’t want to turn around and show him your tears, though he could see through your voice and body language what state you were in.
Finding the courage to continue, you breathed and finished your thoughts. “While I’ve been here, I can tell you feel empathy, you a lot more than all of your brothers. You’ve shown me kindness and love that I’ve never experienced, but you’re those ‘evil’ demons. Sure, Belphie… well. I—that’s a whole other story. But I’m not going to lie, seeing the blood on your hands and hearing what you said, it scared me. I wasn’t scared you would hurt me in that moment or after, but—“
“It’s okay. I know what you mean. I hate seeing myself become that person. It’s hard because I used to—after the fall—do things I wish I didn’t. I couldn’t stomach torture, but I would…” he stopped himself. “Is it okay if I keep talkin’?”
He leaned up to sit beside you. “I’ve definitely killed. I’ve beaten people. I have seen really awful things I don’t even wanna say. I hate seein’ any of it. I guess that’s kinda why I don’t like horror movies or anything scary.” Now it was him choking back tears. He tried to push a chuckle with the last comment, but it came out strained and fake. You continued to listen to him. “I hate talkin’ about it. Me and Beel have talked about it before, I guess you could say we’re the most sensitive. Lucifer, Satan, and Belphie have mostly done the worst stuff, the things I could do. As time has passed, I’ve learned that my sensitivity is not weak, but definitely causes me problems, so I hate talkin’ about this stuff. But to be honest, I was scared of myself in that moment. I had to stop myself from killin’ em, I thought they were gonna… I don’t wanna know.” His voice broke up and the tears started to fall. You turned to him and instinctively put your arms around him.
He leaned into you and you both broke out in tears, ugly crying your hearts out. He clutched onto you almost in a death grip, unaware of his own strength. You didn’t mind, it made you hold his back just as tight. If someone were to walk in, he’d be humiliated, but his ego might get stroked a little bit with your arms around him like so. You remained like this until both your eyes were drained and throats were hurting.
Mammon was the first to speak. “I don’t think I wanna keep talkin’ about this. You can, but I can’t.”
You nodded. “It’s okay. I don’t wanna get into the bad stuff anymore. Just know that it’s my, I guess you could call it, my remnants of indoctrination.” You snorted, bringing a smile to his face. “I know you’d never hurt me. Don’t know about others, but you’re more human than most humans.” You smiled at him and he looked at you squinting his eyes. “What are you insulted?”
He blew a raspberry and shook his head. “I’m playin’ with you. I know what you mean. I think you’re more human that most demons, humans, and angels. Actually, I think you’re the human-est of all humans.”
Now you shook your head and laid back down, checking the time and realizing you cried for around 20 minutes. You put your DDD away and poked Mammon’s side.
“I love you. Hearing you talk about that made me feel a lot better, I feel like we are more connected now.” You sniffled a little bit, the aftermath of your crying session still impacting you.
“You tellin’ the truth? You ain’t scared?” He turned his head to look at you.
“If I am, it’s my own paranoia. I really, really love you. You have done more for me than anyone I’ve ever met. I don’t lie to you, ever. I wouldn’t lie to you or trick you like what you’re used to.” You reaffirmed, adding more strength to your voice.
“You make me feel things I ain’t ever felt, ever. I love my brothers but you—you’re different. Every time I see you or am around you, I feel a warmth I’ve never felt before. Even if you were lyin’ I’d still love you more than anything in all of existence. And I mean that. I will do whatever I need to to make you happy, to keep you healthy, to keep you alive, and to make your life easier. I can’t even tell you in any way how I feel it’s more than I can say.”
“You’re gonna make me cry again.” You said, tears falling again. You wiped your eyes and leaned back up, pulling his head to yours. You kissed him, a long but gentle and passionate kiss. You cupped his cheeks and he tangled his hands in your hair. When you separated, you put your forehead to his. He cupped your cheeks as well and huffed a small laugh.
“What’re we doin’? I like it but it’s weird. Is it some human thing?”
“I guess? I just wanna be close.”
He smiled and you stayed like that for a few seconds more and then pulled back, yanking him into a laying position on the bed with you.
Following a few more minutes of laying on your asses, scrolling on your DDDs, you finally convinced yourself to get out of bed to go to the bathroom, prompting Mammon to arise as well. The two of you brushed your teeth and washed your face. Through brushing his teeth, Mammon suggested the two of you go get lunch then you go see your doctor. Initially, you didn’t want to but Mammon was rather persuasive earlier so you accepted your fate. The both of you ended up just changing part of your clothes instead of all-together because that’s what trauma and depression tends to do to you. Mammon decided to take you across the Devildom to a breakfast joint you’d never been to. Sitting down to eat, you noticed strange glances in your direction.
“Mams, why are they looking at us? Was there a news report or something?” You whispered.
“No, I don’t think so. And I don’t think rumors spread that fast. Ignore ‘em.” He took a long sip of his drink and pushed yours to you. “Drink, baby.”
You rolled your eyes and mimicked him, gulping down a decent portion. When you received your food, Mammon watched to make sure you were eating enough and pushed you to eat more. You humored him, knowing how stubborn he is. Mammon also insisted on paying in full, which for the most part is rare. He’s much more of a split kind of guy.
You left the restaurant, full and feeling as though your fears were nothing but irrational. Mammon could say he felt the same. To him, you could’ve forgotten what happened the day before, you were so ecstatic to be with him. Mammon’s heart was feeling as full as his stomach and his doubts disappeared as fast as the money in his wallet.
After a much more relaxed doctors appointment which you thought was going to be unusually annoying and stressful, you told Mammon you still wanted to relax. And Mammon being Mammon said he had a great idea. He went to the nearest corner store to buy a few things without your knowing, telling you that you weren’t allowed to see. Mammon hid the bag to the best of his ability and drove you home straight into his room-garage.
“Okay, so I want you to lay on your stomach! On the bed!” He turned on the car and quickly raced to the bathroom.
“What are you planning, Mammon?”
He shushed you loudly. “Oh and you might need to strip!”
“Strip???” You went down the stairs of his room and removed your top, shoes, bottoms, and socks. You plummeted yourself onto the bed only in undies. “Are you gonna give me massage? I feel like you are. I could’ve sworn I saw oil.” You shouted loud enough for him to hear through the door.
“Okay, but it’s a special massage! And I’m not gonna do anything dirty! I promise!” He shouted back and opened up the door, a small group of items in tow.
“Okay, lavender oil for stress… chocolate… and…”
“…it’s an over-the-counter magic item.” He told you, giddy with excitement.
“What’s it do?” You pondered.
“You’ll see.” He waggled his brows and you look at him with suspicion. “If I tell you it’ll ruin the surprise!” He hopped on your back, sitting on your backside.
“It’ll be good right?” You asked.
“I will be your favorite person for forever! It’ll feel great, I promise!”
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jomiddlemarch · 10 months
My thanksgiving is perpetual 
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For the first time in Grace’s memory, watching Joel unbuckle his belt and unbutton his jeans was not erotic. 
At all.
“Oh, that’s better,” he sighed and closed his eyes, which also was usually erotic as hell. She had no impulse to jump his bones, to drag his jeans down, to get on her knees and rest her hands on his bare thighs…
“I will not be insulted if you fall asleep,” she said, settling herself down at the other end of the sofa, a squashy pillow at the small of her back. He reached over and grabbed her feet in their wool socks and set them on his lap. “Though don’t blame it on tryptophan. That was debunked a long time ago. Before.”
“I thought we were going to play cards or charades or something,” Ellie said. She displayed no signs of lethargy and in fact, seemed like she might literally bounce off the walls. The fire was already burning merrily and there was plenty of wood split, otherwise Grace might have suggested Ellie go work off some energy restocking the woodpile, despite the sleet beginning to tap against the windows. There wasn’t even sugar to blame, since they’d decided to follow tradition and serve all the pies (Why were there seven? Why were three some variation of sweet potato? What if the mincemeat one was good?) at their regular dinner time.
“Gimme me an hour,” Joel said. Grace snorted. The hand that wasn’t wrapped around her left ankle was splayed across his belly, breaching the divide between the sides of his plaid flannel shirt. She didn’t doubt he could leap into action if there were cause, like a full-on invasion of clickers, but nothing less would get him off the sofa.
“I didn’t think this would happen,” he remarked. “I thought, after the world ended, at least there’d be no more fucking turkey to choke down—”
“You ate a drumstick and like half the breast, Joel. You ate that pope’s nose thing and that was disgusting and not even on a dare. Didn’t seem like you had any trouble, ‘choking it down,’” Ellie said, really emphasizing the air-quotes. She’d rather play charades, Grace could tell, and she’d probably be on the winning team, not only because she was the most alert. If the school decided to move ahead with their Shakespeare production, it would be a crime if Ellie wasn’t cast.
“That’s because Ted can actually roast a turkey properly,” Grace said. He’d arrived soon after dawn, fully kitted out with his white apron underneath his heavy coat, a chef’s toque in place, Beard beside him looking like Death, if Death carried two large string bags filled with root vegetables, a dishtowel over his shoulder in lieu of a scarf. “I don’t know what Ted did and before you start to explain, I don’t think I want to. I want there to still be miracles in the world.”
“And the miracle is turkey?” Ellie said. “No offense, but I preferred the venison pie.”
“Yeah, the miracle’s the turkey. And being here, people in the kitchen fussing over basting it, someone setting the table, lighting candles. Sitting together and finding something to say when you’re asked what you’re grateful for. Meaning it. Eating yourself into a food coma,” Grace said. “Fighting over the wishbone—”
“That wasn’t a fair fight,” Ellie said.
“It never is. Not supposed to be,” Joel said. His cheeks were flushed even though he’d taken off his sweater before they sat down for the meal and his five o’clock shadow was making an early appearance, one Grace had no problem with. “Wasn’t ever like this in a QZ. FEDRA couldn’t risk it—”
“Risk what?” Ellie said.
“People rememberin’,” Ted said from the doorway of the kitchen, toque off, hands shoved in his pockets. “Who was gone, how much everybody lost. People liable to just lay down and die or start a fight to feel somethin’ else.”
“Also, they didn’t have an adequate supply of turkeys,” Beard said. “Trying to breed wild turkeys in captivity’s a bitch.”
“As usual, Coach Beard speaks the truth, Baby Ruth,” Ted said. “This is probably as close to Before as anyone’s likely to get. Except Joel must’ve forgotten—‘’
“Forgotten what?” Ellie asked. She either knew Ted well enough not to ask about the Baby Ruth remark or it was one he’d made before, she’d asked, and she was now entirely familiar with the history of the candy bar and specifically, Ted’s childhood encounters with it.
“To wear elastic waist pants to Turkey Day if you can swing it,” Ted said. “So you’ve got plenty of room. For pie and leftovers.”
“Did people actually have special pants just for this?” Ellie said. The adults all smiled at her earnest tone and expression, one the children often used, as if Before had been a thousand years ago, subject of archaeology and speculation, a culture so far distant they might as well need a new Rosetta Stone to decipher its intricacies.
“Nah,” Joel said. 
“Lots of people would wear sweats,” Grace said. “Or change into them. Scrubs were good for Thanksgiving too—I don’t think there were any doctors I knew who didn’t have a spare pair for kicking around in at home.”
“So, it wasn’t fancier Before,” Ellie said. 
“Thanksgiving wasn’t a fancy holiday,” Joel said. “New Year’s, Christmas, folks had big parties for those, but Thanksgiving was just more about family. Making enough food for the whole block. Football.”
“Turkey trots,” Beard called out.
“Thanksgiving-themed races, usually for charity and to work-off all the carbs or justify them,” Grace said, before Ellie could ask whether he meant turkeys suffered from loose bowels and if that was why turducken had been invented. Beard had been sure to explain turducken at a recent soccer practice. Grace yawned and saw Joel’s eyes were drowsy. Trying to convince Ellie to take a nap seemed to be a miracle beyond all hope.
“It’s clearing up,” Ted announced. From what Grace could see, Ted’s was a generous interpretation of the current level of precipitation, but she wasn’t about to quibble as he seemed to have some ulterior motive. “Let’s you and me and Coach go for a walk, Ellie. We can fetch Tommy and Maria and whoever all’s at their place and bring ‘em back for dessert and charades.”
Beard gave Grace the slowest wink that could still merit the name (as opposed to evidence of a stroke induced by the roughly nine hundred pounds of butter Ted had used on the bird) and heaved himself up from the chair he was in. Within a matter of minutes, all three had bundled up and headed out. Their departure made the house seem all the cozier, the brief glimpse of the rapidly approaching dusk dissipated by the firelight’s gold and amber painted on the walls, the floorboards, the planes of Joel’s face. His hand tightened around her ankle, then stroked up the curve of her calf.
“I hate to disappoint you, but I don’t think I’m up for much of anything,” Grace said. “I definitely overindulged in those mashed potatoes. And the stuffing and that squash gratin thing. The gravy, good Lord, that was like Michelin-star level
“Well, I want you to be on my team when we play charades. And later, I’d like to split a piece of Ted’s apple bourbon pie,” he said.
“Split a piece?”
“I’d like to get hungry again, darlin’. Once everyone goes home,” he said. “I’d like to be grateful, together.”
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wolfiemcwolferson · 1 year
May i please ask for 14 piarles with a pet cat? 🫣
Hi Anon! I'd be happy to. Here's another thing that maybe you will see again.
He comes highly highly highly recommended to Pierre by every person he asks for a piano teacher and he cannot believe he's driving to bloody Monaco for it, but then he's standing in this hallway of this building and the door opens and -
The first thing that happens is Pierre sees the most gorgeous pair of eyes he's ever seen in his life and the second thing that happens is a cat darts between his legs.
Pierre doesn't think that was supposed to happen and the muttered curse emphasizes that and so gorgeous piano teacher and Pierre exchange a look and then bolt down the hallway after the cat.
"Welcome to your first piano lesson," Charles - the piano teacher that comes highly recommended to Pierre - says through a giggle after he's got an equally beautiful cat squished to his chest.
He's wearing green trousers and a pair of mismatched socks and a soft sweater and black rimmed glasses and he's smiling at Pierre before shuffling closer to Pierre so that Pierre can pet the cat if he wants and Pierre is is...Pierre is spiraling already.
"It is good to meet you," Charles says, lips pursed into a smile. "I know that you were probably expecting someone else? Based on your look of shock."
Pierre wants to wrap his accent around his brain because it's melodic. It's perfection. Coupled with the little quirk of his eyebrow? Pierre is so fucked.
"You are younger than I thought." Pierre settles on.
Charles smile is feline. Pierre thinks that he looks too much like his own cat. "Yes, you are cleaner than I imagined. When Seb convinced me to take you on, he said you were smelly and grungy, but you are not."
It shocks Pierre into laughter. "Okay, I can see how that might be a bit insulting."
Charles turns a delicious shade of red and yeah - f u c k e d. "I am a very good piano teacher, Pierre. Come on. We are wasting lesson time chit chatting in the hallway."
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universestreasures · 7 months
Extension / Spinoff Of This Thread With @shacchou
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The vibration from his pager in his pocket was sudden and out of nowhere, but he reacts to it as effortlessly as he did anything. Tasuku, along with Jack who was back in his card form, both move away from the other members of the Buddy Police that had gathered to arrest the criminal they both apprehended. His face shifts to one of concern as he presses the button in the center, immediately connecting the human to the youngest of the two Kaiba Brothers.
"Mokuba, are you okay?! Are you hurt at all?! What's your status?!"
"Tasuku...I'm...I'm okay. I'm not in danger or anything. I just...didn't want to contact you through...normal means."
"Oh..." He can feel his heart rate slow with that confirmation, but he still remains on edge. "Well, I'm glad you're not hurt. Didn't expect you to use the pager for a non-emergency, but that's no matter. It's clear you called me for a reason through these means. So, please. Say what you want to say. You...don't sound like yourself."
"Y-Yeah...I...I kinda have a big favor to ask of you."
"I see... Well, all you need to do is ask me, Mokuba. I'll do my best to help you in anyway I can. I promised you that the day we met, and that offer still stands now."
"Thanks, Tasuku."
The officer can hear Mokuba taking in a deep breath next. It was clear as day something was up. The way he was speaking now reminded him of how he was during the period his older brother was in a coma, when he was in agony over his brother's condition despite what Seto Kaiba had done to him. He was a caring and loving soul, Tasuku knew that much to be true.
"I...I wanted to ask if I could...stay with you for a while? I...I need some time away from my house, away from...away from..."
"You don't need to say it. I already can understand what probably happened. In any case, you're more than welcome to stay at my place for as long as you need. It's no trouble at all."
"A-Are you sure? I wouldn't...be burdening you at all? I know how busy you are with your work."
"Of course not. Friends and family are never burdens." He makes sure to emphasize that for him before continuing. "And while I'm an important part of the Buddy Police, I'm not the only officer on duty. Besides, Mr.Takihara was going to have me go on forced vacation for a few weeks now that the Rare Hunter situation is handled anyway. So, it really is no trouble at all."
Ruby hues widen once the sounds of sobbing reach his ears. The sounds of crying where among his least favorite noises, but not because he found it irritating. Crying often was a signal someone was in pain. Pain was a form of suffering, and as someone who wanted to rid the world, especially children, of suffering, hearing it made his heart ache and his ranger towards his assumed source of it grow.
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"How...How dare he..."
The thoughts echo in his mind as he clenches his free hand, it shaking in his righteous anger. Seto Kaiba was already someone he didn't exactly like for several reasons, but to think he'd do something again to hurt his brother after the stunt he pulled at Death-T? Did he really learn nothing after almost losing everything?
Whenever he runs into that bastard again, he's going to give him a personal taste of Tasuku's own brand of justice. No one, no matter who you are or what the circumstances, should treat the only family they cherish in such a horrible way. He didn't even need to know the full details to know just how bad the situation was. Mokuba's tears he can hear through the speaker spoke volumes.
"It's going to be alright, Mokuba. I'm going to help you get through whatever it is that's troubling you. Just stay strong until I see you, okay? Know you're not alone."
"...T-Thank...T-Thank you...C-Can we meet at...the park?"
"Sure, no problem. Jack and I will meet you there. He can carry you back to my place. You did say you always wanted to fly on a dragon, right?" Jack normally wouldn't be too comfortable carrying someone on his back, but considering the circumstances, even Tasuku knows his Buddy wouldn't turn this down. The dragon cared for the young boy just as he did, after all.
"Mhmm. S-See you soon."
"See you soon. Be careful."
The transmission ends and his hand falls to his side. His teeth gritt in frustration, his breaths almost sounding like a dragon's growl. Despite his politeness and warm smile he tried to maintain as a part of his professionalism, he was still a rather emotional person. He felt thing so intensely, so deeply, that they threatened to consume his actions. And his emotions right now were screaming at him to go down to the Kaiba Mansion and personally give Seto Kaiba a piece of his mind.
It's at that moment when he feels a warmth and sees a glow coming from his chest. Tasuku knows right away it was his Buddy calling out to him, no doubt sensing his emotions. He puts his hand over the pocket where Jack's card was stored, closing his eyes as he moves to communicate with him telepathically.
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"Tasuku... I understand your feelings toward the situation. You are not wrong to feel how you do. Your righteous heart of justice always cries out at the suffering of others, especially those you are close to. However, if you wish to truly help your friend with the emotional troubles he is facing, then you must calm yourself first. If you are consumed by your anger, then you won't be able to help anyone. Your friend is counting on you right now. Do you understand what I am saying?"
In situations like this, Jack really acted like his own consciousness. Everything he was saying was absolutely correct. Getting upset now would not help the situation. It would probably make it worse than anything. Mokuba was his priority right now, not his brother. All his focus should be put into making sure the younger Kaiba was safe and taken care of. In a way, he's to assume the role of an older brother for the time being, the role at this very moment Tasuku thought Seto Kaiba didn't deserve at this moment. And it's a role he will not fail at for the sake of his friend who reached out to him desperately, a friend who needed him and wanted his aid.
He would not fail.
"I...I understand, Jack. I know what must be done." He takes a deep breath then, trying to steel himself before he makes his next move. Tasuku reaches into his pocket to remove his Buddy's cards, holding it up into the air as he prepares for their departure. "Let's go to work."
With that, Jack's card glows, the dragon manifesting in his mini-form before the human. Tasuku grabs his deckcase, the Star Pulsar, from his pocket and shows it to the other. The red gem in the yellow case's center resonates with a golden glow of Jack's eyes, the deckcase eventually transforming into its true form, that of a yellow drone with four points sticking out of it.
The technological voice from his device is soon followed by a light burst of wind as Jack's Buddy Skill makes itself known. Two green rings appear at the boy's heels, their power causing him to start floating in the air. Once airborne, he wastes no time flying straight into the clouds towards his destination, with Jack soaring at his side.
It is during this flight that he informs his legal guardian of the situation. Mr.Takihara, being the kind of person he was, had a soft spot for children. So, of course he was okay with the idea. Tasuku had his own apartment joined with his, anyway. It was up to him how he managed the one-bedroom space. He gave the boy that kind of trust as if he were an adult.
Within minutes, the pair made it to the park. They sit on a nearby bench as they wait for the younger Kaiba to appear, Tasuku getting anxious as the minutes pass. Would he get there safely? Should he have just gotten him? What if he got mugged on the way here? All these thoughts rushed through his mind, and he was debating about going, until he hears footsteps approach and Mokuba comes into view at long last.
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"Hey, Mokuba. Glad you got here safe."
He offers the young boy a warm smile he hopes will offer him some comfort and relief. Ruby hues observe the other's response, Mokuba providing only a small nod. The bag he was carrying with him was quickly noticed as well. Seems he brought things with him. Good. It be difficult to be away from home without some of your personal items, after all.
"Got everything you-"
Mokuba then approaches the Buddy Police Boy Wonder, Tasuku remaining still as he watches on. It is then that Mokuba slowly moves up his hands until they find themselves wrapped around the older boy's waist, the other's head resting on his shoulder pad. Before he can make a response, he freezes in place at the all too painful sound of crying reaching his ears for the second time tonight.
Tasuku responds soon enough, wrapping his own arms around the boy and providing gentle pats on his back. This is not his first go around comforting a crying child. It was something he, unfortunately, had plenty of experience with, considering his line of work. Children were often targets of game-related crimes, but that was part of why he did what he did, to protect those who could not protect themselves. It was his life's mission and one he continues to get stronger for.
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"Mokuba...Don't worry. It's all going to be alright. Have faith in me, Jack, and your friends to help you. We'll be right there by your side to help you through this. I promise."
His grip on the boy tightens slightly then, a physical confirmation of his promise. He was going to care for Mokuba as if he were his brother, just as he would do for Gao or any of his friends should they need it. The selfless boy who was too desperate to become an adult would always shoulder the burden of those around him, being their rock when they needed it most...even at the cost of himself.
"Now, let's get going. You must be exhausted after everything." The Buddy Police officer speaks up once he hears the sound of the sobbing decrease, gently letting go of Mokuba and directing him towards Jack who was now in his true form. He lowers his body to the ground, allowing Mokuba to climb on his back safely. Tasuku will be sure to thank Jack for allowing this to happen, considering he was not a fan of being ridden.
Once secured, the three then soar into the air and into the clouds, leaving the town of Domino behind for the neighboring city of Cho-Tokyo, a place where Seto Kaiba had no power in. Hopefully, this change of scenery would help his friend recover from the emotional wounds inflicted on him, wounds that he should have never been inflicted on one so young, so innocent...like Mokuba Kaiba.
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Hey mutual *wink*
Anywho so I’m a little hermit and I only read the same like 9 fics over and over again and I was re-reading What We Become and I was like what the hell happened to the Professor? Like did he try to figure out how to fix himself or did he embrace it? Like what happened to my boy Professor Membrane and also their MOM?!
(If you’d prefer to leave this to the audiences imagination and not answer then it’s chill)
Also I ADORED how you wrote that fic with vignettes :0
Have the bestest day, thank youuu!!
What We Become (link for reference; warning for new readers that it's a doozy). I gotta put that on ao3 eventually, huh? I think if I do though I'll split it into quarters. Thoughts for another time.
B r u h because tell me why I wasn’t already following you??? I was so confused when tumblr recommended me your blog and I was like, uh, yeah, I know, I follow them already??? But apparently not. I have rectified this crime post-haste.
Lmao because what a vibe, I do the exact same shit. I love burning through new stories but I also my precious handful. It’s such a comfort to have a story in your back pocket that you already know you like, ready and waiting for you whenever.
SO, Professor Membrane eventually learned to live and adapt. I think I touched on it briefly but he eventually is into the changes that the serum cause in his body. Not sleeping or eating as much is great, because it leaves more room for SCIENCE!™️ to happen.
I don’t think his relationship with Zim could ever return to what it was pre-serum. Membrane facing the reality that his own neglect led to a literal sci-fi monster creeping into his life—and that of his kids—long enough to for him to trust him so blindly is understandably traumatic. Zim could’ve killed him on purpose, on accident, on a whim, etc. A boy he treated like a son was actually a creature who deeply betrayed all of them, even if he didn’t mean to. That’s something you can maybe forgive, but never forget. So Membrane gets to live forever, yayay, and learns to adapt to his new body. But there’s a boundary between he and Zim that never really goes away completely.
There is however also a new bond, eventually, much longer down the line. As ill-executed as it was, Membrane would also eventually recognize that Zim acted out of love, not cruelty. He wanted his loved ones to live forever, and THEIR loved ones to live forever. Zim also does everything in his power to make the transition as comfortable for them as possible. Check-ups, vitals, the occasional medicinal or technological remedy to any and all hiccups that have or might happen. The effort is recognized.
Mama Membrane is actually not someone I thought about in the “yay everyone gets to live forever” category, but oooh what an interesting question.
If we recall, Zim traded the Tallest for a limited amount of serum. Three precious vials. But he bartered the serum, not the recipe. Three was all he got.
I like to think he considered Mama Membrane, but only got so much leeway with the Tallest. He was already asking for a lot. Something had to give. He had to prioritize.
It would be a hard pill for all of the Membranes to swallow that she wasn’t included in the bargain. It'd also be further complicated by the fact that even if they did have extra serums, they wouldn't be able to ask her consent. Given how disastrously sudden-immortality had on a mentally stable, highly rational man like Membrane, the reality of the situation would be simply that, vial or no vial, Dr. Mrs. Membrane wouldn't have been able to join them in immortality. It'd probably be incredibly painful, even with the rationalization that, immortality or no, they would've one day had to face her eventual passing anyways. It'd just emphasized how unfair her sickness was, and how much it'd robbed from all of them. Just super unfun and really shitty in general.
I think it might motivate them to start seeing her more, if and when she could tolerate it. Check in on her more frequently, and deal with their own traumas about what seeing her awoke inside them. Maybe everyone gets the therapy they need to face the living ghost they let the very real, unwell person their mother/wife was. Maybe immortality might make them better appreciate the finite, and be more willing to face hard things when they knew they only had so long to do so.
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