#i want to go back to that size so bad
brrr vent post cast your eyes away!
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redhotarsenic · 10 months
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keryth-fr · 1 year
started playing a minecraft pokémon mod with friends and i CANNOT recommend it highly enough. Cobblemon is still early in development and lacks key features (trading, nicknames, 90% of the dex) but has some big QoL things i’m a massive fan of
some of the things that makes cobblemon feel good to interact with:
- all starters start at level 10, putting you at a pretty even playing field w wild pokemon
- a PC is 4 iron ingots and 2 glass. a healer is 5 iron and 2 copper. it’s SO easy to get your initial set up going if you want to get right into pokemon training
- basic pokeballs are 4 apricorns and a copper ingot. no other steps. there’s recoloured versions of the normal pokeball to allow for you to use blue/green/pink/yellow apricorns if that’s all you have (or you like those colors)
- ALL held items are craftable. most evolution items are craftable. some are locked to late game (EXP share requires chorus fruit) but you don’t have to rely on RNG for most things
- you can change movesets from the menu at anytime
- if you’re at a bad camera angle during battle, you can move around (or do things like open chests and mine!!) extension of this means running away means sprinting away not just clicking a button (pokeballs are also thrown manually)
- the models are just GOOD. they’re all blocky and chunky and feel like they belong in minecraft. slugma looks more like slugma than the 3D game models
- the more completed pokémon have SLEEPING animations that play when they’re asleep during battle or when they get sleepy outside of battle (the zubat line sleeps face down. we thought they were dead at first)
- in addition to the above some pokémon have custom fainting animations and they’re so good (kakuna slowly tipping over, haunter flying straight up into the air before dissipating, etc)
tl;dr if you like pokémon and minecraft, try to give cobblemon a shot. i’ve been playing the last few days with a group of friends and we’re all deeply enamoured
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mildmayfoxe · 5 months
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omw to hardware store earlier
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idcallmyselfhuman · 7 months
i'd love to make another essay but i'm way too late to the party. nothing i say won't have already been said, so i'll settle for praising it.
i see why people loved this quest so much, it really is the best one yet. i've never been this emotional for this game. hell, i was sobbing alongside furina. she's such a beautifully tragic character i would not have her any other way.
^ i have more to say but like. hmm. maybe another day 🫡 (or maybe if i had sleep)
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mayplantstarrwaters · 9 months
teenagers are always fun and wear fashionable clothes you guys just hate to see the younger generation having fun without you
#writing this to remind me to not hate younger people or younger generation#especially when i get older a few years from now#kinda an out of nowhere rant but i been seeing alots of street interview about fashion with teen or young adults#and it pissed me off so bad seeing all the adults and elder millenials in the comment saying that this generation got trashy taste#trashy taste stealing style from other decade and also they love to be so defensive when someone mentioned that they hate skinny jean#personally i hate skinny jean too as a plus size girlie so its so pleasing seeing many people nowadays kinda go against it now#god please forbid that shit#anyways back to the main thing im saying here is that#fashion is a circle it came back and forth for many years so i dont see any point in the discussion about “gen z fashion is unoriginal”#as in the 70s there was a medival dresses revival trend#and in the 80s mod and 50s house wives dresses made a comeback#fast forward into the early 2010s we saw the hippie style suddenly became fashionable again#(though it was far from the “original hippies” from the 60s)#and now in the 20s y2k became trendy#so i just see no point in being noisy about nowadays fashion being so random#at the end of the day what everyone should do is that we should let whatever people want to wear instead of pointlessly critisizing them#people have different taste in fashion its not so hard to learn abt that espesially for older figures#rant ended please dont read these they are kinda pointless and incoherent since i have been wanting to rant abt fashion for a while#anyways peace#rant
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swagging-back-to · 2 months
im actually floored by how well the girls are getting along. they're all running on the wheel together and just napping. they are literally so chill together rn it's insane
#i was expecting it to go so much worse not even joking#it's why i decided to do it today bc i figured it would take them a while to really settle in and wanted them to be somewhat familiar by th#time the 50 gal came in#but honestly? theyre so chill rn.#mochi and sushi fought like one time since the time i got them despite not really liking each other so it's kinda interesting that they#arent opting to fight as much as some other mice even during the intros.#and they dont really chase like how the 5 p's did during their intro to the curries. the p's were bullying the curries HARDCORE.#pepper still does tbh but pepper does it with everyone bc shes an asshole and hates everyone#i do feel bad tho bc now theyre all in a (for the group size) small tank with no real enrichment for the next few days#potentially even the whole weekend if fedex is shit#but it helps the bonding#some sites (usually just brits) always say 'oh you need to leave tem in the small bonding tank for a week or more!'#and they say you should spend DAYS for each step of introductions. so literally waiting hours before you give back food and water and a hid#sorry not sorry but i have never ever ever needed to do this with any of my introductions.#the fighting is gonna happen regardless. mice who have lived with eachother for years will still fight. if you waited until 'a few days#of peace after a fight' then you'd have them in the small bare bones tank for their whole lives#i never even did intros this elaborate the last two times. i just introduced them on the table and when i was done setting up the tank with#clean stuff i put them back in. they fought but it's just because MOST of my girls are pretty dominant. theyre all related so thats why#the only reason im doing the bare bones small cage method is because its such a big group and it can be very fragile at first.#but honestly hese girlies are so chill coded it's wild#the ladies
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spikeisawesome456 · 2 months
#I might delete this later but I'm feeling a bit disheartened and want to just put this out there into the world but not super publicly#But like#The worst part of being overweight in my opinion is that it's so so hard to feel cute or pretty or even decent looking#I'm going to Japan with my older brother next week and I've been curating a cutesy Lolita-esque style outfit for the trip and I finally#got the last of the pieces so I tried it all on. And it's just... no matter how hard I try I can't really see myself as cute in it#I don't know maybe pink isn't my color and this just isn't my style. But.#I tried really hard to make an outfit I'd feel cute in and it's devastating to not really see myself as cute#And it's not really that I think I look bad per se it's just...#I don't know#Not what I wanted it to be I guess#And I know that if I posted pictures people would say ''wow you look great!!!'' because people always say that kind of thing#But I'd always think they were lying or were playing it up#Even if they really weren't#I just wanted to feel cutesy and everything and it hurts somewhere deep inside to not feel that way#I'll still wear the outfit in Japan since I spent enough time and money on this outfit but it really dampens my enthusiasm#And this wasn't the first time I've tried on the dress obviously. I've been trying it on periodically all along#But I kept hoping that once it was done and I had the makeup all on maybe I'd finally be able to see myself as cute#But no#I still don't. Not really.#It doesn't help that the dress itself doesn't even fit properly#I got it on sale which is what sparked this whole idea in the first place and it was always a size too small#It never zipped properly but I was able to work around that with an outer corset that held it closed#And a lace shrug that helped hide the weird bunching in the back#I can sometimes get the dress zipped now since I've lost a little weight#But it's a struggle and I can only do it about half the time and it feels like I'm going to break the zipper each time#I'd think to buy a new dress but a) that would cost even more money and I've already spent way more than I had wanted in my endeavor#to feel cute in this dress. And b) all of the accessories are tailored to this dress specifically#It would be hard to find a good replacement and there is no guarantee that would even help#So I just... I don't know#It's just hard.
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heartual · 3 months
#🍄.txt#i lost so much weight being sick in 2021 and finally got back around to where i used to be earlier last year#except w starting birth control this is now the heaviest i’ve ever been 😭#IMAGINE my struggle with clothes the last three years. omfg#before that too actually when i first got sick in 2018 too 😭#tried on pants i got at the beggining of 2023 that i went a size down in bc my normal size was too baggy#they were borderline trying to unzip on me as i sat down and cut off my circulation GODDBYEEEE#i swear that bc has only stopped my period and made me put on weight more easily#CAN U TREAT THE OTHER PCOS SYMPTOMES TOO PLEASE#i haven’t weighed myself in months PUGHHHH i do not wish to see because it’s going to give me a very very bad complex about my weight again#*w my >#the changes w body in the last few years i am going insane please pick one range please i beg#OUUUGGGHHHHHH#it’s not even the weight anymore like i’ve tried to leave most of the internalized fatphobia in high school#but by god are clothes stressful with significant weight changes#also my mom with an eating disorder she won’t acknowledge or go to therapy for constantly being ‘concerned’ for my wellbeing#i finally don’t want to kill myself but god forbid … some of the medicación makes me gain weighte……#anyway. i yam frustrated a little bit#took advantage of old navy’s 50% off sale and got some shorts and pance in a more comfy size at least#amanda small win 💪#should be here in april 1st which is not giving me high hopes already 😭 but we move!#weight mention#ed mention
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
they should invent shorts that actually fit you
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sugarsweetvirgo · 6 months
I have a question 🙋 Are you working on how Seto and Eve met or working on other artpieces that your working on?
That's such a rough and mixed question, and I feel bad about answering it ;-;
This is a long post so I apologize
The short answer is currently no. I'm actually working on a piece for one of my favorite video games, but because my life outside of art is so busy, I essentially only get to work on one piece at at time.
HOWEVER, I do have a pile of WIPs that sit in my iPad, and such a large pot of ideas that it nearly overflows at times. The only issue is... Half the time I tend to drop them, or get distracted by other works that I have. And what makes it worse is that I tend to struggle with my ideas and putting them into thoughts or words or images. Heck, I have a whole sketch of a comic for how Kaiba and Eve met, it's angst-y and scary, but I just. Haven't touched it, and I genuinely don't know when I will because my mind keeps changing what I want to do vs what I need to do.
What also makes this worse is that I have sketchbooks and sketchbooks and piles and piles of completed artwork of these two, mini comics and summaries and wholesome moments and scary moments, but I just don't share them. I'll admit that I'm a perfectionist at heart when it comes to social media, and despite having these literal mounds of small and messy doodles I don't tend to share them because I don't think they're worth being shared.
Mind you, the ENTIRETY of this AU is planned out. I've worked a long few years in every minor detail, to the anatomical differences Eve has versus a normal person to help adapt to her smaller life, to an entire time line of key events going from Millennium world to DSoD, to the tiniest of fun facts like Eve wears her choker because Kaiba gave it to her as her first gift or Kaiba hates being compared to storybook giants because he thinks it's an insult to his intellect. And I'm more than willing to share these details through asks and comments, but it'll take ages if y'all want an image or a comic ;-;
So TLDR from such a long and boring post, currently no. I am not working on an image/comic on how Eve and Kaiba met. But I want to, and I know at least two people on this app want to see it. And I want to show it to everyone. But it's going to take time and effort and I'm unsure when I'll finally be able to put it into that piece.
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mattodore · 1 year
fell asleep at my desk (!) while in blender working on the poses i need for the edits i want to do for matthias and imani... think i might be a little too absorbed in this edit idea lads
#river dipping#stayed up all night and fell asleep in the world's most uncomfortable position for WHAT? imaginary guys in my head. pixels on my screen.#the last thing i did before falling asleep was draft a post abt how it was six am and i'd only just finished the second set of poses lmaooo#well.......... because i feel bad i didn't manage to finish doing everything i wanted all in one day i'll make up for this#by instead posting the bloody matthias pics bc i did finish that a while ago but was so focused on cas and blender i didn't post them#...also i just noticed i have messages and stuff too i'm sawrryyyy i can't even blame the avpd this time#like the delayed response is just bc i'm being flayed alive by Creative Visions while my ocs point and laugh it's embarazzing#a two sim pose ended up turning into four sims + an alt version somehow........#it sounds crazy how long this has taken me but i had to make two children then two 15-16 year olds then two 18-19 year olds in cas#and i had to fix some cc so i could use it on the kids and the teens#and then i spent at least an hour or two downloading cc for their boarding school#and i needed to find a car imani could use for the last pose that has a decent sized window in the back#like i've been all over the place !!!!!! it's like i'm possessed i have such a clear vision of these three images in my head#like i just have to see it through. the lack of sleep is definitely getting to me tho................ i should probably lay down fr soon#my brain is a prison etc. etc. etc.#i'll play catch up before i go to sleep tho bc i really have been offline all day toiling over ideas
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sunjoys · 9 months
i hate customers i need to gnaw their arms off pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
#hen party from hell today at work#my coworker who was taking their order did fuck up a few times im ngl (like she kept going back to check stuff etc altho she did get#it all correct once it was put through to the kitchen)#but like i KNOW our service overall wasnt that bad bc a table that arrived at the same time + similar size tipped us 20 eur and said#“everything was great”#but like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the hen party !!! ohhhh my god .#17 people all trying to pay separately . i need my workplace to set up a policy of no splitting bill more than idk 5 times#anyway when there was about 5 ppl left my coworker was like “would you mind splitting the bill between you? it would make things simpler”#they said sure and paid#AND THEN THE BRIDE (?) CAME UP TO US AFTER AND OCMPLAINED#amongst other things she was like “halfway through paying you told us we couldnt pay separately and at the start u said we could”#GIRL MY COWORKER ASKED IF YOU COULD SPLIT IT BETWEEN YOUS. YOU COULDVE JUST SAID “NO WE WANT TO PAY SEPARATELY”#LIKE YOU HAVE THE POWER HERE#i just .. .. we told the manager after she complained and he was chill abt it lol#but then she SENT AN EMAIL. WITH PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONS OF US#“the one w nose piercings the blonde the redhead etc” like jesus crhist. if i gave you a gun you would def shoot me without hesitation#anyway . im sooo. i just had a coffee so now im like intensified. and i have to do hashtag homework mmm yummy#long post#<- in case the long tags r a pain. i probably couldve made a separate post but i couldnt be bothered to be quite honest. anywya. <3#live laugh love guys <33
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midifighter · 11 months
girls will literally have the scariest dreams and then wake up atfucking 7 AM
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amaraudermind · 1 year
I need to get over my self hatred so I can move into more important things
Such as cosplay.
I need to stop hating myself so I don't feel awful dressing up as characters
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toasteaa · 1 year
You ever have those moments where you don't realize how absolutely filthy your brain is being until you're brought back from daydreaming and you're still sitting at your computer at work?
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