#i want....i really want to see where mike goes from this present moment on
exsqueezememacaroni · 10 months
I've done it folks, I have listened to all of Mike*
(*so far, according to that giant playlist)
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thelifeofchuckmovie · 2 months
There are multiple Stephen King-centric stories to emerge from this past week pertaining to some anticipated upcoming Stephen King movies. And there was an update from writer/director Mike Flanagan regarding how his adaptation of The Dark Tower series is co-existing with his developing Exorcist movie.  
Not only has Flanagan been talking about The Dark Tower, but he’s made a couple of fantastic revelations about his new movie The Life Of Chuck (based on the Stephen King novella of the same name), and we have some major behind-the-scenes news regarding director Francis Lawrence’s The Long Walk, which has started production and added to its cast. The King Beat is here to catch you up on all of the developments. Let’s dig in!
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Mike Flanagan’s Description Of Tom Hiddleston’s Big Dance Sequence In The Life Of Chuck Will Make You Want To See The Movie Immediately
Anyone who has read “The Life Of Chuck” has long known that dancing would be a crucial element of Mike Flanagan’s adaptation. After all, the middle section of the three-part story is entirely about an impromptu bit of body moving in public when the titular character gets caught up in the music being played by a busker. That being said, it’s nonetheless fascinating to learn how Flanagan is approaching the sequence in the adaptation – and based on his recent comments, it’s going to put broad smiles on the faces of anyone who watches it.
The most recent episode of the podcast Talking Scared features a number of professional storytellers discussing their favorite Stephen King short stories, and in the 30 minute interview with Mike Flanagan, the filmmaker goes into deep detail about the Life Of Chuck dance sequence. In the movie, Tom Hiddleston is playing the titular Chuck Krantz, and his performance is evidently so delightful that it actually left Flanagan’s face hurting from smiling too much. Said the writer/director,
It's one of those that you read it in a book where dancing is described. And I think King did a really good job with that. You read it in a script where dancing is described. But when you see it and hear it, and we're talking, it's a five-and-a-half minute scene. It's substantial... I've watched people when they watch this, and even people who have seen the movie dozens of times and worked on it... when we were on set filming, it took four days to shoot it, and my face hurt from smiling that long, that sustained, for four straight days. Like, my cheeks hurt by Friday. And, that's the thing I see, is you watch this smile break out over everybody who's, who's watching it.
This description of the sequence in the new film is exactly what one would hope for. The second section of the novella is all about celebrating the random joys of life, with Chuck finding himself caught up in the moment listening to music and finding a wonderful dance partner in a beautiful stranger who also happens to be walking by. It’s a sequence full of effervescence, and it sounds as though Mike Flanagan has worked particularly hard to capture it on screen.
The filmmaker also helped clarify why it is that the movie is earning comparisons to Frank Darabont’s The Shawshank Redemption – which is a film that can be described as an antidote to cynicism. Flanagan explained that his approach for The Life Of Chuck was to make the work sweet but not overbearing:
That joy comes in and it's not saccharine and it's not forced at all. It's kind of undeniably purely joyful. And there are so few opportunities in storytelling to exist in a moment utterly devoid of cynicism and not trying to force an emotional reaction where you're presenting something so purely what it is that the natural human response is to put down the guards and just let yourself be happy to experience it.
If that sounds like it is a very different mode for Mike Flanagan – a filmmaker best known for his work in the horror genre – you’re not wrong, and he said as much in the interview, adding,
I've never worked on anything that had that opportunity. I'm going the other way. I'm way more interested in making people uncomfortable and scared. [Laugh], you know? That's my whole business. And so to exist in a story that was just bringing forth this kind of earnest and bittersweet and realistic and honest joy and introspection. It's my favorite movie I've ever gotten to work on for that reason.
That’s a terrifically exciting sentiment given the extreme quality of Mike Flanagan’s filmography – but that’s not the only cool update that we have from him this week about his new Stephen King adaptation.
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Mike Flanagan Reveals One Key Way The Life Of Chuck Will Differ From His Previous Stephen King Adaptations
Mike Flanagan’s love of Stephen King’s work is unquestionable, and it’s obviously reflected in his work. Gerald’s Game and Doctor Sleep feature details that are changed from their respective source material, but they are primarily very faithful adaptations. There is, however, one thing that the upcoming Life Of Chuck has that those two movies don’t, and that’s voice over narration that brings King’s words directly to the screen.
In the Talking Scared interview, Neil McRobert highlights a particularly beautiful passage from “The Life of Chuck” about the character reflecting on his impromptu dance while dying from cancer, and while discussing the material, Mike Flanagan explained how the film adaptation demanded that the prose being directly brought to the screen:
Frequently, when you look at things like that, the concept of narration in a movie, it's wildly improperly used, and it's a crutch in a lot of cases. It's unnecessary or it's distracting. This is one of the only times in my life where I looked at it and said, 'It is essential to this story that King's prose be driving and structuring the movie.' And I'm so glad that, that we did it that way. I don't want to spoil who narrates the film, but that's a big part of it. And having the right voice to these words is critical.
Continuing, he added that there is plenty in the story that is visually captivating in The Life Of Chuck, but that voice over narration was a necessary component in bringing it together. Said Flanagan,
It's a literary experience that has some incredible cinematic weight to it. It's visually incredible to watch the stars burn out or to watch a wonderfully classically choreographed dance number or two. All that is there. But then more than any other thing I've ever worked on, the prose was essential. And not just as a King fanatic, not just as a Constant Reader, but just for this particular story, it had to be there.
The Life Of Chuck is set to make its world premiere this fall at the Toronto International Film Festival, and being a completely independent production, it does not yet have theatrical distribution. Fingers are crossed that will change following its Canadian debut and that the movie will find its way to theaters before the end of the year.
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theapangea · 1 year
Night Out
Chapter: Boys Night Out Pt.2
Pairing/Characters: Steve Harrington x Reader, Dustin, Mike, Lucas
Summary: You and Steve have been dancing around each other for sometime now, neither of you wanting to make the first move. All your friends decide it is finally time for you both to confess your feelings.
A/N: So happy you all are enjoying this series. I think it's just so cute! Thanks for supporting me. Liking, commenting and/or rebloging goes a super long way!! LOVE YOU!
Forgot to link the other parts lol
Part 1 | Part 2
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The reddish-brown sedan races down the quiet street as the overlapping voices of the younger boys fill the car. The bickering pounds in Steve’s ears as he grips the steering wheel. This was his chance to finally tell you how he feels and you are nowhere to be found. 
Why did Hawkins feel so big at this moment? Why does everything besides telling you the truth feel so small?
These feelings - the feelings that he has been pushing down for so long - were fueling him. Were the motivation to press on the gas pedal, to drive all around Hawkins just to find you. The adrenaline pumping through his body, the overwhelming feeling on what is going to happen next.  He shakes his head, pushing any sort of negative thoughts away. He didn’t want to think about the what ifs. About what could, should, or would happen. He didn’t care. All he cared about was telling you how he felt, he had to tell you.  
Steve’s thumbs tap the steering wheel, following the beat of the faint music as he tries to drown out the sound of the three teenage boys. “Ok, where do we start?” He practically had to yell over them. The mindless driving around while the boys shouting in his ears for the past 10 minutes was really beginning to get on his nerves. 
“Arcade.” Mike firmly states from the backseat, very confident in his answer.
“Why would she be at the arcade?” Steve snaps back. He didn’t mean for it to sound as venomous as it came out. 
“You never know.” Dustin contributes to Mike’s suggestion. Steve sends a flat unamused look at him.
Huffing, a hand shooting through his brown locks, “Guys, she isn’t a preteen she doesn’t spend her time at the arcade.” 
And it was like the car went silent, like they all couldn’t come up with a better idea than the arcade. Steve rolls his eyes knowing that he shouldn’t have listened to any of them or better yet taken them on this wild goose chase. But then, the idea presents itself to Steve as he glances at the clock. “Oh shit.” The boy’s listen intensely, “I think she’s working tonight.”
The car stops abruptly, propelling the group forward and then slamming back into their seats. The groans were short lived as Steve violently turns the car around in the opposite direction towards the Family Video Store.
The row of buildings come into view as the car rolls over the hill. The blicking, half-working neon lights brightly cover the surrounding sky. And to Steve, it looks like heaven. He could barely hear the sound of his own heart pounding over how fast the car was reviving to get to the store. 15 miles above the speed limit was definitely needed in a moment like this.
Wiping into the available parking space outside the front door, all four car doors opening simultaneously as the boys run into the building. 
She looks over curiously at her name being called, her head previously in a book, her eyes growing wide as she sees the four boys rapidly making their approach at the counter.
“Need help finding a movie for babysitting?” Robin teases towards the group.
“He’s not babysitting us.” Mike rebuttals as he crosses his arms.
“At least not tonight.” Steve adds. Definitely not what he was intending to say but he shook it off his mind, hand in the air to clear the conversation.
“We're looking for Y/N.” Dustin finally says their real intentions for the appearance. 
“She left about an hour ago.” Robin answers. “Why?” The pen she was playing with between her fingers is momentarily lost as she waits for Steve to answer.
“Do you know where she was going?” Steve huffs, clearly annoyed that you weren’t there. 
“Maybe.” She leans onto the counter, staring at the boys.
“Well can you tell us?” Lucas asks nicely.
“I first want to know why.” Her eyes landing on Steve, basically telling him silently that she can wait here all day for his answer.
It was as if no one could speak. That the room was closing in on the three young teenagers as they quickly share glances at each other.
“Really now you all shut up?” Steve rolls his eyes, he pauses and then whispers, “I like Y/N.” 
“I’m sorry I don’t think any of us heard that.” Robin waves the pen around. 
“I like Y/N.” It was as if the words rolled off of his mouth like butter, like he has been saying them his whole life. He continues, “Happy? I want to tell her that I like her and I want to ask her out.” Leaning to be eye level with Robin on the counter, “Now where is she?” His voice was stern and definitely demanding. 
Licking her lips before poking fun at Steve’s confession, “Awh does Stevie have a little crush?”
Dustin, Mike and Lucas share a laugh as Steve drops his head in defeat. He knew that Robin would give him a hard time. So he just patiently waited for them to tease him until he was finally able to get his answer.
“Are you done?” Steve says while standing back up straight again.
“Yeah…” Her voice trails off, “She went to the Wheeler’s house. Said she was going to some party.”
“Who’s party?” Dustin butts in.
“Jason Carver’s.” Robin’s answer shooting a wide hole into Steve. 
The sheer mention of his name tightened the knot that is in Steve’s stomach the moment he left the Wheeler’s house tonight. He knew that this was too good to be true, knew that driving all over town and trying to find you was a mistake.
“But…” Robin’s voice pulling Steve from his thoughts.
Maybe it wasn't a mistake.
“But what?” Dustin speaks as Steve has suddenly forgotten how to put letters into words and words into sentences.
“Nancy may have told Y/N that you all were talking about her and that maybe Steve likes her.” Steve's hanging onto every word that just fell out of Robin’s mouth.
“She was spying on us?” Mike quickly interjects. 
“And?” Steve hushes Mike with a finger.
Robin pauses for a beat, all the boys practically leaning in close, waiting for her to continue, “And I think you have a shot doofus.”
The three younger boys cheer loudly at the news. Steve couldn’t believe it, happy that coming here wasn't a mistake. The little voice in his head was wrong. He had a chance with you and there was no damn way that he wasn’t going to tell you tonight.
Hope you enjoyed!!! Let me know what you think!!
Kisses for supporting me <3
Tags: @shireentapestry @lifecanbehardbutyouarestrong @ash5monster01
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
𝟭𝟮 𝗱𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗮𝘀: 𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 
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day eleven: secret santa with steve | fluff, friends to lovers, 1.8k 12 days of christmas masterlist
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Steve opens his front door and his smile makes your face feel hot immediately. It's getting really tedious, being in love with him, And the holidays haven't made it any better -- everything you do together as friends feels like a date and you've dodged so much mistletoe you never want to see a sprig again. 
"Am I the last one?" you ask him as he gives you a brief hug and takes your coat. Your gift is hidden in a bag dangling from your fingers. 
"Yeah, but I've only just got them all to sit down, so you're just in time." This is your first year participating in the Secret Santa exchange with everyone else, and you're a little nervous, not in the least because it's his name that you drew. And in addition to the holidays exacerbating your feelings for Steve ,your friends haven't been a great help, either. Everyone has been teasing you about it for months and on days when you're feeling optimistic you're pretty sure Steve is getting the same treatment. You allow yourself to consider that he likes you, too. But most days the thought of confessing to him and being rejected and losing your friendship is too much, so you keep your mouth shut and swallow your affection.
"How did you manage that?" you ask. He purses his lips and runs a hand through his hair. The sleeves of his sweater are a little too long for him, the cuffs dangling to the edges of his fingers. You want to hug him again. 
"Promised them hot chocolate after it's over." You laugh and Steve beams like you've given him a gift. "Which you're going to help with," he adds, trying to sound stern. You scoff and make your way into the living room where the rest of your friends are in a wonky circle. Small bags and wrapped packages are piled in the center, each addressed to someone in the room. You shuffle them around and try to bury yours in the pile without showing it too much.
"You took forever," Mike says. "Eddie won't stop guessing who has him." The metalhead shrugs from his place on the couch, unbothered. 
"Not my fault you're easy to rile up, Wheeler." Steve appears behind you, letting his hand rest on the small of your back for just a moment before you head to a spot on the floor next to Robin. She eyes you and you refuse to meet her gaze. 
"How are we doing this?" Nancy asks.
"Someone starts and opens theirs and then guesses who gave it to them," Will says. "And when they get it right that person goes next."
Max is eyeing a very round package on the edge of the pile with a furrow in her brows. "Who goes first?"
"Steve," Robin says, a little too innocently. "Host goes first." Everyone titters a little but no one objects. 
"Uh, sure," he says. He digs through the pile in the middle before pulling out a square wrapped in blue paper with his name on it. "I think it's a baseball," he says, getting laughs and groans. 
"That was terrible, Harrington," Eddie says. "Truly awful."
"Bite me, Munson," Steve shoots back, taking his package and plopping on the couch across the circle from you. 
"Not my job," Eddie mumbles. The kids dissolve into giggles and you suddenly find your fingernails fascinating as Steve opens his present carefully, sliding his fingers underneath the taped seams to avoid tearing the paper. You didn't know he'd be so careful with it, so methodical. It makes your stomach flutter. 
"Oh, shit," he says when he sees what it is. "No way!" 
"Well, are you gonna show us?" Max asks. Why is she looking at you like that? She's going to give you away! Steve holds up the now-unwrapped album: Bruce Springsteen Live: 1975-1985. It's more a box than a sleeve, considering it's got five LPs inside. 
Jonathan whistles. "Didn't that just come out?" he asks. Steve nods, eyes raking over the cover as he turns it over with careful hands.
"Those are impossible to get," Eddie adds. "Record shop has been sold out for weeks."
Eddie is right. You had to beg the guy at the store to save one for you over a month ago. It cost more than you'd like to admit but you knew that Steve would love it and you were right. The look on his face is worth every penny. And then he looks up and right at you. You have no idea how he can tell you got it for him, but he's right. 
"You," he says. His tone makes you feel hot all over. The room seems to hold its breath and then you nod and everyone cheers. 
"Got it in one," Lucas says. "Wonder how he did that." Max elbows him. 
"Your turn," Robin says. You stand and dig in the pile for yourself until you find a soft package wrapped in green plaid with a kind of droopy white ribbon bow. You hold it up as you settled back into your spot and everyone oohs and awws appropriately. 
As soon as you tear the paper you feel your throat grow thick. 
"What is it?" El asks. You rip off the rest of the paper and inhale sharply as you realize what you're holding. 
"It's my scarf," you say quietly. Well, it's a newer version of the scarf that you wear all the time but lost a few weeks ago. 
Steve is the only person you told that you lost it. 
"Don't you have one just like that?" Dustin asks. "Kinda lame to get another."
"No," you say, clearing your throat so your voice sounds less hoarse. "No, I used to. But I lost it."
"It's pretty," Nancy said kindly. "Do you want to guess?"
You don't hesitate. "Steve," you say. You finally look at him and see that he's leaning forward, his elbows on his knees, watching you intensely. He blinks a few times and then rubs the back of his neck. Is it blushing?
"Yeah," he says. "Yeah, I'm glad you like it--"
"Crazy how you guys got each other, right?" Lucas says. Max elbows him again. "Who goes now?"
You realize then that it's been rigged. You and Steve were supposed to get each other so that your friends could see what you'd do, could watch this embarrassment play out in front of them. But they aren't cruel, so the only reason they'd do that was if they thought you both needed some nudging. So, that must mean...
You wish you could say that you pay attention to how the rest of the exchange goes. But you don't, not really. You just stroke your scarf and try not to stare too hard at Steve and fail for the most part. Your stomach feels full of butterflies and you can't believe he figured out how to find a scarf that looks exactly the same and you want to kiss him so badly you wonder how much longer you can bear not telling him so. 
Lucky for you the opportunity to do so arrives quickly. All the presents are exchanged and everyone is toying with their new items and gossiping, so when Steve stands to say he's going to start the hot chocolate, no one even blinks. And when you stand to go with him to the kitchen to help, no one says a word. 
And then you're in the kitchen, alone. 
You don't help much, instead hopping up to sit on the counter and watching as Steve pulls out a huge sauce pan and pours milk into it, setting it on the stove so that it'll warm up.
"So," he says, turning to you once he's done and crossing his arms. "Thank you for the records. It's too much, but--"
"It's not too much," you interrupt him. "I know you've wanted them ever since it was announced they'd be doing the collection." 
"You kept the secret pretty well," he says. "I don't even remember telling you that." He steps forwards and you move your knees so that he can stand in the v of your legs. His gaze is so intense you swallow. 
"You kept yours pretty well, too," you say, softer. Your hands tug on the hem of your sweater. You're starting to get worried that you'll reach out and touch him if you don't keep them occupied. "The scarf, Steve--"
"Is such a good color for you," he says. "I know you loved the other one." You hum and look away from him. "So, we're good at keeping secrets. Got any others you want to spill?"
He steps even closer, his hips hitting the counter and your knees brushing his belt. He keeps his arms crosses, still, but he's so close you can see his pupils dilate. You look down at your own hands. "Cause I've got one," he says. "I think it was rigged."
"You do?"
"I do," he says. Laughter trickles in from the other room but Steve doesn't move.
"Why?" Your words sound more like breath than anything else, but Steve understands. He always does. 
"I can think of a few reasons," he says softly. Then there's a slight pressure on your chin and you realize he's guiding it up with the knuckle of his pointer finger. "Can't you?"
"Yeah," you admit. He doesn't move his hand, keeping it touching your face, and you feel him put the other one on your knee. You cover it with one of your own and it's his turn to gasp a little. But he quickly recovers and smiles softly, eyes crinkling at the corners. 
"Wanna share with the class?" The Harrington charm is softer than it once was, and it worms its way into your heart and makes you feel like a million bucks because it's directed at you.
"You don't want to guess?" you say lightly. Steve is leaning forward now, inching closer and closer, but he's doing it so slowly.
"I don't think I have to," he says. "Do I?"
"Steve," you breathe. His hand moves from your chin to cup your jaw, thumb running over the corner of your mouth and up your cheek. You close your eyes and gently squeeze his hand. 
"Okay," he says softly. And then he's kissing you. He's kissing you right there in his kitchen, your knees digging into his hips, milk boiling on the stove, and everyone you love in the next room. He's kissing you and kissing you and kissing you and you clutch at his arm with your free hand and he pulls back a little before touching his forehead to yours. 
"Milk's probably ready," you say, eyes still closed. You feel his huff on your skin. 
"Just a second." His nose rubs against yours. "I'm enjoying my gift." A laugh bubbles out of you at his shameless flirting and you pull him in for a hug, burying your face in his neck. 
"They're gonna be smug," you say. You feel his chest rumble.
"Not as smug as me," he says. "I've got you."
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thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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will80sbyers · 3 months
So I already talked about how the plot of Legend (1985) seems it could fit in a parallel with Will, Mike and Vecna in a previous post but I'm finally watching the movie and I'm finding these things interesting:
So Lily is a princess with a pure heart and she's in love with her friend Jack, one day she commits a sin when she's with Jack but against his recommendations, by touching a sacred creature (the unicorn)... If the two unicorns die this brings perpetual darkness to the world and the villain needs that...
She didn't do this intentionally but basically after this happens the goblins sent by the villain kill one of the unicorns and take the horn, this transforms the earth from a beautiful summer to a frozen land full of snow where even time seems to stop (Upside Down much)
Jack thinks she's dead for a bit but then meets other creatures of the forest that reveal he must be sort of the hero and save the unicorn so he goes on a journey to take the weapons
At the same time, while Jack was taking the weapons, Lily wants to remedy her mistake so she goes to seek the other unicorn to protect her when she learns that the goblins want to kill her too, but she gets captured by the goblins and brought to the villain that looks very Vecna like in how he presents himself, there is one of the main scenes where he comes out of this giant mirror and the first thing that appears is his hand
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Also the villain is fascinated by lady Lily (Will) because she is pure and he talks to some evil spirits that tell him to corrupt her before and make her one of them ( do I have to explain??? )
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So he makes her see some illusions and dresses her up as an evil version of herself, Lily tries to resist him while he gives her jewelry and stuff to corrupt her
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(very Vecna)
Meanwhile Jack found out she's still alive so he goes where the villain brought her with other characters that help him and he makes up a plan to use the shining things in the house and make the light of the sun come inside the place because the light kills the villain
The villain and Lily start to talk, and he offers her to spend eternity with him and says stuff like
"I was content with solitude, until that moment I felt your vivid presence."
Imagine if Will has powers and Vecna felt it and took him because of that!
He also says to her that he values her thoughts and he's trying to manipulate her and make her join him!
She pretends she's accepting him and she asks him one wish, that she'll be the one to kill the last unicorn (what if Max is the unicorn, or Holly! Or El ? )
He accepts... But remember she's tricking him 🤭 he even says this shit to her about ''creating a new world'' like Vecna wants to make a new world
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at this point, Jack is watching her almost kill he unicorn and other characters think she really joined Vecna so they want him to kill Lily
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but you know, true love and all that....
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Lily frees the unicorn and makes her run away! The villain, that's called Darkness, hits her and Jack goes to attack him... they fight while the other characters try to make the light go inside to kill the Darkness... Jack takes the unicorn horn and stabs him with it while the light comes inside and almost finishes him, Darkness is holding onto the walls before a void of space and Jack cuts his hand making him fall in the void!!!!
At the end of the film Lily is under a sleeping spell and Jack has learned confidence in himself and has to find a way to wake her up now (Mike's confidence journey eheh)
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he has to keep a promise he made to her to save her so he goes to do that, he has to retrieve a ring in a lake.... he does that, brings it to her and then the true love kiss wakes her up! They kiss!! Super cute!! Happy ending and obv the unicorn comes back to life and all is good!
some final moments:
I love you, Lily. Come back to me. Come back to me.
I… love you, Jack.
I love you, Lily.
I had such a terrible nightmare.
Did you? It's over.
Jack, was it all a dream?
You're safe now.
So many terrible things happened. I… I learned something about myself… and something about you.
What's that?
You belong here. You're my prince.
I'm only Jack.
My Lord Jack.
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My son was right, this was a good movie!!!
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dndfantasygirl · 5 months
Little Red Rogue (Chapter 13: Where You Are)
Rating: Mature Word count: 2.3k Pairing: Astarion x Female Tav (named)/OC Warnings: violence, strong language, innuendo, mentions of past-abuse
Summary: Ruby tries to prevent Astarion from striking a deal with Raphael.
*Link to AO3 Post
*Link to Previous Chapter
I know you're bruised by the world Trying to clean your wounds Wearing a mask with a smile I see you
If you want you can go through this life alone Let me know how it goes without a hand to hold
All the while, heart is torn I just wanna be where you are Through the fire, through the storm I just wanna be where you are
~Where You Are, Tommee Profitt (feat. Mike Mains)
As they observed Raphael's nefarious dealings with Mol, the young tiefling, Ruby felt a surge of anger and disgust. The sight of Raphael preying on someone so young and vulnerable ignited a fierce sense of protectiveness within her. She was ready to confront him, to unleash her fury upon the fiend who dared to exploit innocence.
But before Ruby could act on her impulse, Astarion intervened with a gesture, halting her in her tracks. His hand extended in a calm yet authoritative manner, signaling for her to hold back. Confusion etched across Ruby's features as she glanced at her companion, seeking an explanation for his unexpected restraint.
"Astarion, what are you doing?" she whispered urgently.
Astarion's gaze remained fixed on Raphael, his expression unreadable as he leaned in closer to Ruby, his voice a mere whisper tinged with a hint of urgency. "He can read those runes on my back, I'm sure of it."
"This is a bad idea," Ruby pleaded. "What if he tries to take your soul?"
She knew all too well the dangers that lurked in dealing with creatures like Raphael, and the thought of Astarion falling victim to his machinations sent a shiver down her spine.
Astarion's response was swift and matter-of-fact, his tone devoid of the usual charm or humor that often colored his words. "I'm a vampire spawn, Ruby," he stated flatly. "I don't have a soul."
"Exactly," Ruby pressed on, her concern deepening as she sought to reason with him. "You're a spawn. You're not a fully-fledged vampire."
The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning as she saw the flash of irritation in Astarion's eyes. Her heart sank as she realized her words had struck a nerve, stirring up emotions that lay just beneath the surface.
"Oh, really?" Astarion retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he delivered his reply. "I had no idea."
Ruby reached out, her hand trembling slightly as she sought to offer him solace in the face of his inner turmoil.
"That's just a tall tale anyways. You have a soul, Astarion," she insisted, her voice soft but resolute, refusing to let him succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume him.
Astarion's gaze remained fixed on some distant point, his features a mask of conflicting emotions as he wrestled with the demons that haunted him. For a moment, it seemed as though he would reject her words, retreat into the shadows of his own doubt and despair. But then, almost imperceptibly, he relented, allowing himself to be drawn back into the present by the touch of her hand.
As Ruby's fingers intertwined with his own, a flicker of vulnerability flashed across Astarion's face, a silent admission of the fear and uncertainty that gnawed at his very being. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead.
"Please, just listen to me," the dhampir implored, her voice barely above a whisper. "Someone else might be able to read them, like Karlach."
Astarion's crimson eyes bore into hers. "Do you trust me, Ruby?"
Ruby's heart swelled with emotion as she returned his gaze, her eyes reflecting the depth of her devotion. "Of course, I do," she replied without hesitation.
"Then let me do this," the vampire spawn declared, his voice firm and unwavering as he made his final plea.
As Ruby lowered her head, a sense of reluctance weighed heavy upon her shoulders. Her fingers slowly released their grip on Astarion's hand, the warmth of their connection fading into the chill of the night air. With a hesitant nod, she silently acknowledged his decision, though her heart still fluttered with apprehension.
Astarion, now unencumbered by Ruby's touch, straightened his posture and stepped forward with a determined stride. His movements were fluid yet purposeful, betraying the resolve that burned within him.
With a steady voice that betrayed none of his inner turmoil, he spoke, his words echoing through the dimly lit hallway with a clarity that demanded attention. He laid out his proposition, his tone measured yet assertive, as he sought to navigate the treacherous waters of their impending negotiation.
In that fleeting moment, as Astarion stood face to face with the devil himself, the dhampir watched from a distance, her heart heavy with uncertainty yet filled with unwavering support. She knew that whatever transpired between them, she would stand by Astarion's side.
The tension in the air was palpable as Raphael vanished into the shadows, leaving the vampiric elves to grapple with the uncertainty of their situation. Despite the temporary reprieve, Ruby could sense the storm brewing within Astarion.
As they stood in the aftermath of their encounter, Ruby's gaze lingered on Astarion, noting the furrow of his brow and the restless energy that pulsed beneath his skin. She could see the torment etched upon his features, the fear that gnawed at his soul with each passing moment.
The meeting could have gone worse, she mused silently to herself, but for Astarion, it was a torment of its own kind. His relentless pursuit of answers had brought him to this precipice, where every delay felt like an eternity stretching out before him.
But Raphael, that wily devil, had vanished into thin air, leaving behind nothing but uncertainty and unanswered questions. He insisted he needed time to come up with a price for Astarion's request, a vague promise that offered little solace in the face of their mounting anxieties.
The good thing, if there was any solace to be found in such chaos, was that Raphael hadn't expressed any interest in Astarion's soul. But Ruby knew better than to let her guard down, for Raphael was a master of deception, his motives as murky as the depths of the Abyss itself.
And so, as they navigated their way upstairs, Ruby couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that settled over them like a shroud. It could be tendays before they encountered Raphael again, and the uncertainty weighed heavily on Astarion's shoulders.
Ruby could see it in the way he carried himself, in the haunted look that clouded his crimson eyes. She could sense his desperation, his relentless pursuit of answers that always seemed just out of reach.
As they settled into the familiar warmth of the bed Ruby claimed, the two vampiric elves sought solace in the comfort of each other's presence. Cocooned in the soft embrace of the covers, Ruby nestled herself against Astarion's side, her head finding its rightful place upon his bare chest.
After Ruby's harrowing episode a few nights ago, they had come to a silent agreement that their nights were best spent intertwined in each other's arms. In the sanctuary of their shared bed, the haunting voices that plagued Ruby's mind seemed to fade into the background.
For once in the past decade, Ruby felt a sense of grounding, a tangible connection to the one person who understood her in a way that no one else could. Their fingers laced together, resting upon Astarion's sternum as if to anchor them both in the present moment.
Together, they lay in quiet contemplation, their gaze fixed upon the expanse of the ceiling above them. After a few moments, the dhampir found the courage to finally gaze up at him. At her gentle movement, Astarion glanced down to meet her eyes.
"Yes, my love?"
Ruby's heart fluttered at Astarion's endearing words, his tender acknowledgment of their bond sending a thrill of warmth coursing through her veins.
"I'm here," she blurted out, her words spilling forth in a rush of honesty and vulnerability, "for you. You don't have to face this alone."
"As you've told me so many times before, darling," he replied, his tone laced with a hint of playful sarcasm. Despite his attempt at levity, Ruby could see through the facade, recognizing the vulnerability hidden beneath his carefully crafted exterior. "And I really appreciate it."
"Then, humor me," she implored, her eyes lighting up with hope. "Just let Karlach take a peek."
Astarion's response was immediate, his eyes closing in embarrassment as he turned away from her. The vulnerability he displayed struck a chord within Ruby, igniting a fierce determination to ease his burden, to offer him the solace he so desperately sought.
"I-I can't."
As Ruby's mind pieced together the puzzle of Astarion's hidden insecurities, a wave of empathy washed over her. Just like his fangs and the scars that marred his neck, Astarion carried another burden hidden beneath his leather armor – the grotesque scars etched into his back, a painful reminder of the torment he had endured. It was a vulnerability he guarded fiercely, a part of himself he had tried to bury deep beneath layers of secrecy and shame.
Ruby's heart ached at the realization. She understood now why he was so guarded, so hesitant to let anyone glimpse the scars that marred his flesh. It wasn't just about physical appearance; it was about the memories they held, the wounds they represented – both literal and figurative.
With a tender gesture, Ruby rubbed the back of Astarion's neck. She felt him tense beneath her fingers, his breath catching in his throat before he finally eased at her touch.
"That's okay," the dhampir whispered softly, her voice a tender caress as she leaned into Astarion. With a gentle touch, she planted a kiss on his cheek, the warmth of her lips a fleeting yet comforting gesture of affection.
Before she could fully withdraw, the vampire spawn closed the distance between them, his lips meeting hers in a soft, tender kiss. With a gentle touch, Ruby released Astarion's hand and cupped his cheek, her fingers tracing the contours of his jaw with a tenderness that spoke volumes.
As Ruby's fingers halted their gentle caress on the back of Astarion's neck, she instead reached for the small curls at the nape, feeling the soft texture of his hair beneath her touch. With a tender gesture, she pulled him closer, her lips meeting his once again.
The kisses they exchanged were unlike any they had shared before. There was a depth to them, a tenderness that transcended mere physical desire. In that fleeting moment of intimacy, they bared their souls to each other, revealing the raw emotions that simmered beneath the surface.
Gone was the urgency of passion that had ignited their previous encounters. Instead, their kisses were imbued with a sense of reverence, a quiet acknowledgment of the profound connection that bound them together.
As Ruby's violet eyes fluttered open, she was met with the sight of a single tear trickling down Astarion's cheek, glistening like a diamond in the soft glow of the protective Selunite energy that filtered through the window. Her heart clenched at the sight, a surge of tenderness washing over her as she realized the depth of vulnerability he was displaying in that moment.
Gently, she brushed away the tear that had escaped his eye. And then, without hesitation, she leaned in to kiss him once more.
Feeling the strength of his arms enveloping her, Ruby allowed herself to be pulled closer, her body melting against his as he drew her onto his chest. In that moment, she felt a sense of safety and security unlike anything she had ever experienced before, as if she had finally found her true place in the world – cradled in the arms of the man she loved.
As Ruby lay in Astarion's embrace, her mind raced with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The realization that she loved him took her by surprise, a revelation that left her grappling with a myriad of uncertainties. Love was a concept she had never truly understood, a feeling she had never experienced firsthand. How could she be certain that what she felt was indeed love?
Questions swirled in her mind like a tempest, each one casting doubt upon the authenticity of her emotions. Was this truly what love felt like? And if so, how could she find the courage to admit it to Astarion? He was just beginning to open up to her, to share the depths of his own vulnerabilities, and she feared that revealing the extent of her feelings would only drive him away.
She knew him well enough to recognize his hesitance when it came to matters of the heart. He was timid, guarded, his true feelings buried beneath layers of self-preservation. If she confessed her love for him, would he run? Would he retreat back into the shadows, leaving her alone once more?
But as she lay in his arms, feeling the odd warmth of his cold embrace enveloping her, Ruby knew that she would give anything to hold onto this moment. The thought of losing him was too much to bear, and so she made a silent vow to keep her feelings hidden, locked away in the depths of her heart.
For now, she would cherish their time together, relishing the simple pleasure of being close to him. And perhaps, one day, when the time was right and their bond had grown even stronger, she would find the courage to confess her love. But until then, she would keep her feelings a secret, knowing that she held his undead heart in her hands.
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justhere4thevibez · 9 months
annual writing self-evaluation
thank you @pipergirl17 and @erythromanc3r for tagging me!
1. List of works published this year (in no particular order):
oh gosh, I've been busy-busy this year with fanfic, so here goes!
Complete works:
... And a Hellcheer New Year 
Galentines and Valentines
Hold Onto Me
Devil in the Woods
Every Time I Run, I Run to You
Eddie and Chrissy Go to a Wedding 
Knocking Me Out With Those American Thighs
Cooking Up Something Sweet
Please Don't Say You Love Me
Let Me Start Over Again
You Got Me Good
Be My Breath (Through the Deep, Deep Water)
This Old Man
Do You Wanna Touch Me
My Words Will Be Your Light
She'll See I'm Not So Tough 
She Knows What She Wants
Give Me a Taste
The Right Kind of Sinner
Release My Inner Fantasy
Hooked on a Feeling
Whiskey & Wine
The Graveyard Smash
Long Is the Road Out of Hell 
In a Sentimental Mood
Set My Soul On Fire
Burnin' Out of Control
Looking For Something Dumb To Do
I Can't Get Rid of You 
If You Fall, I Will Catch You 
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
hmmmmm, that's a tough one! I love them all for different reasons, but I will say I'm very proud of Long Is the Road Out of Hell because it's my longest fanfic to date (almost 60k!) and at one point I really wasn't sure if I'd be able to finish it. but I did!
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
tbh if I'm not proud of something, I won't publish it. but I think the work that frustrated me the most was Whiskey & Wine, my kinktober fic. I pushed myself too hard with too big of a goal and burnt myself out halfway through. but I did learn the importance of setting boundaries for myself (and why I need to be careful committing to challenges 😅)
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
not gonna lie, once I publish something, the words tend to leave my brain, so I don't always remember what I write lol. I should probably keep a doc of good lines from my fics so I have something to present when people ask me 😂 but here are two excerpts that I'm pretty proud of.
Devil in the Woods: He had loved her since the first time he opened his eyes to find her snuggled up on his chest. He had loved her longer, since the moment he’d held her in his arms on that endlessly rainy night. And longer still, he’d loved the little girl who played jacks with him on May Day and laughed at his wild antics.
Hooked on a Feeling: He knew he could be… a lot, as kinder people said. A goddamn nuisance, according to everyone else. He didn’t mean to be, he just tended to… latch on to things. Kind of like a bulldog (but in a nice and lovable way, thank you, Jeff). And right now he had ChrissyChrissyChrissy clamped tight between his jaws, and he hoped to god she didn’t ask him to let go.
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
I have a few regular commenters who give me the longest, loveliest comments where they literally analyze each chapter section by section 😭 it makes me feel so loved. but as for one individual comment, I distinctly remember a commenter from one of my early fics commenting on a really tough scene I did re: chrissy's eating disorder. they said that they also had an eating disorder, and that chapter was very healing for them. I don't think I'll ever get another comment as powerful as that.
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
I go in and out of mild anxious/depressive episodes, mostly due to outside stressors, and that makes it really hard to write. writing is the one constant joy in my life, and when I don't even feel like doing that, I know something is very, very wrong. but luckily, they don't usually last too long!
7. A scene or character that you wrote that surprised you:
mike's redemption arc in Long Is the Road! that one was a total curveball to me, and it only came about because it was the closest place I could think of to have Chrissy walk to after her mom kicked her out. total accident, but it spawned on of my favorite sibling-ships for chrissy that I've ever written!
also writing wayne's pov! i never intended to do that, but once I started, his voice just kind of stuck in my head 😂
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I wrote a lot. like over 300k of fanfic. and i even got back into writing some original fiction, which I'm so excited about!
I also started writing smut for the first time in 2023, which was something I never anticipated doing, let alone enjoying! but it's been super fun
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
I'd like to work more on my original fiction, maybe get a short story published. I'd also like to get better at world-building! I tend to get so focused on the characters that I forget they exist in a place I should spend some time creating lol
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
@slumped-in-the-arms-of-fiction all the way! she's been such a wonderful beta reader, cheerleader, and overall positive influence on my writing. I Can't Get Rid of You wouldn't ever have happened without her support and feedback!
11. Anything in your real life show up in your writing this year:
ooh, buddy! pieces of myself get sprinkled all over the damn place 😂 but as for specifics...
Galentines and Valentines opening scene was reminiscent of the girls' nights me and my college friends used to have (and still have sometimes)
Hooked on a Feeling had elements of my own past experiences of being laid up in a hospital (and being very annoyed about it)
This Old Man was absolutely inspired by my love of Columbo
You Got Me Good definitely included some of my own thoughts and feelings about when I get a little too high 😂
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
give your writing time.
it's so tempting when you have a new idea to jump on it and then get frustrated when it doesn't immediately turn out the way you want, but I've found that if I give myself time to think over a piece before I write it, and let it sit for a little while after I write it, I'm much happier with the end results!
13. Any new projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
finishing my three WIPs! and hopefully a little christmas fic 😂 I don't have anything else immediately in the works, thank god!
14. Tag three writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read:
@1lostsoul0fishbowl @pearlypairings @rose-n-gunses and anybody else!!!
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michaelgruberfan · 7 months
Finding humanity in ‘A Chorus Line’s’ toughest role
By Paul Hodgins August 15, 2008 at 3:00 a.m. (X)
If the 1984 Olympic diving trials had gone a little differently, you might be hearing the name Michael Gruber mentioned alongside giants such as Greg Louganis.
“I was at the University of Michigan on a diving scholarship,” recalled Gruber, who was ranked the No. 2 diver in the world when he was 14. “When the ’84 trials passed me by, I lost my scholarship and my parents said, ‘Well, if you want to keep going to school, you have to do it in state.'”
That meant coming back to his native Ohio. Gruber decided to pursue his second love, acting, and enrolled in the Cincinnati Conservatory. He hasn’t had many quiet moments since.
“I kind of always have been where the work is. My career’s been on this constant linear path of doing musical theater,” said Gruber, who plays Zach, the controlling choreographer, in the national touring production of “A Chorus Line.”
The show begins its two-week stay Tuesday at the Orange County Performing Arts Center.
Gruber’s relationship with the famous 1975 Michael Bennett musical predates this version by almost two decades. He joined the original Broadway production of “A Chorus Line” the year before it closed in 1990, playing Mike, one of the auditioning chorus dancers.
Gruber saw and learned a lot during his first stint in the show, which features 17 hopefuls spilling their hopes, fears and ambitions to Zach, an intense, Bennett-like choreographer who conducts Freudian interviews with each character that probe their deepest recesses. One of the high points of Gruber’s first “Chorus Line” experience was watching the original Zach, Robert LuPone, reprise his role near the end of the run.
“It was especially great to see Bob. And I’ve watched a lot of archival footage, which is great – the Tony Awards the year ‘A Chorus Line’ was the opening number. I was also fortunate to see a pristine tape of the gala performance that took place when it became (Broadway’s) longest-running show.”
Though others have played Zach with a Machiavellian, almost evil twist, Gruber doesn’t see his character that way.
“I think it’s important to remember that ultimately the show isn’t about him. That, to me, is the biggest trap about playing Zach: making him too much of a presence. He’s there as a catalyst for the people in the line.”
Another danger point for actors portraying Zach is the moment when he makes the transition from disembodied voice (we hear him but don’t see him in the first part of the show – he’s in the tech booth) to flesh-and-blood character.
“When he finally comes on stage and becomes more of a human being, it’s kind of a soap opera – it’s written very melodramatically. But if it goes too dark, it becomes people screaming at each other. It’s not really that. I’m trying to constantly find the balance and walk the tightrope.”
Some are turned off by Zach, accusing him of being overly controlling and even sadistic in his treatment of the dancers. Gruber sees that point of view, but thinks Zach shouldn’t come off that way if he���s played correctly.
“He’s not an unlikable character, but you know, being a choreographer and a director is not a popularity contest. Michael Bennett had the incredible talent of making people love him, even though he could be really impossible and demanding and game-playing – someone we might call a borderline personality nowadays. You have to let that be present, but he’s not all one way or the other.”
“Bob LuPone played him very dark, but this time around Bob (director Bob Avian, who assisted Bennett in the original production) wants me to be a little more likable. If he’s too much of a tyrant, we really can’t understand what Cassie sees in him (Zach and Cassie, an aging auditioner, are former lovers). But if he becomes too warm and fuzzy he loses his authority.”
Gruber said it helps to be a mid-career performer when playing a character with some history and emotional baggage.
“Someone asked me, ‘What was the difference between playing Mike back in ’89 and playing Zach now?’ I was 24 when I did Mike – the perfect age for him. I’d just moved to New York. Now I’ve been in nine Broadway shows and I’ve lived in New York for 20 years.
“I’m going to be 44 soon. I’m in a whole different place. I’ve got the right experience now for this part.”
When he was in the original “Chorus Line” production, Gruber was full of questions about Bennett, whom he never worked with – the choreographer died of AIDS in 1987.
“I’d ask people who knew him, ‘What was Michael like?’ They told me he would compartmentalize. He’d act one way toward one person and a completely different way toward another. He’d seduce and fragment people.”
Gruber laughed. “But everyone who knew him had completely different perspectives. So in the end, you have to forget about all that and make your own choices.”
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
I just watched Game Theory’s analysis of the Ruin Trailer for fun, but now I’ve got something to say. I am going to put my main thoughts for a certain section below for spoiler reasons, but the basis is that he’s close with it but I have to respectfully disagree with his conclusion.
So, when MatPat reached the mystery rabbit shot, he realized that the duality thing was an intentional motif and that green and purple was involved. After some inspection with SB TV and thinking back to who could possibly be associated with green, he came up with the idea that Charlie (due to the green wristband and the green eyes of the security puppet) and William (as Glitchtrap) are fighting over something.
And, while I see where he’s coming from there (as Charlie and Will being rivals dates all the way back to the Silver Eyes books and continued until Fazbear Frights Epilogue #7), I just cannot accept the second half of this idea. The duality and the green-and-purple stuff is great. Glad we’re on the same track there. But there’s a few details I want to consider.
(1) While Charlie is a good candidate for green association, the Puppet mask present in the Blob does not have lit eyes like the rest and seemingly has no tear streaks. If we are to take red eyes and tear streaks this as sign of Charlie’s presence, then it’s clear that she’s not back this time. Also, if I recall correctly, the only time she was really associated with green was in that one FNAF 6 mini-game and in the Silver Eyes graphic novels trilogy with the green jacket (which, fun fact, was originally a denim jacket in the book trilogy proper). If anything, the Puppet’s trademark black and white stripes would be a better indicator for her at the moment.
(2) Even if Charlie was the sole character that had green, why would she choose to haunt a rabbit? Wouldn’t something like Sun be a bit more likely, as it’s Puppet-like frame help her adjust faster? ..And make her able to focus on her mission more instead of more likely having memories of dealing with Scraptrap in FNAF 6?
(3) A better candidate would actually be Glitchtrap himself as a separate entity, given the whole Mimic situation (which I’m not going to delve into because this post is probably going to be rambling enough already). Considering the fact that he has been green-colored at least three times [one for the “repaired” version in Help Wanted, another after his whole merging attempt seemingly goes south, and the last this plush according to Princess Quest 3), it would make more sense to associate him with green rather than purple. Well... At certain points, that is. He does still have the purple motif, but it’s more of an accent color really.
(4) Also, given that the Steel Wool logos on SB TV are not perfect reflections of each other (and going opposite directions, as MatPat noted), then wouldn’t that line up with what’s implied with the Mimic if he is supposed to be Glitch [or at least the programming is]? He’s trying to impersonate someone who most likely is terrified and/or very reluctant to do what he used to do thanks to all that time in UCN. Sure, Glitch is doing a pretty good job keeping up that villainous legacy. The problem is: William might not want that legacy to be how he’s remembered. A strange take, I know, but it’s the best one I’ve got since the last time we know we saw Will was in UCN– And he was trapped in his own literal nightmarish landscape and screaming for Henry and Mike. That can’t be great for someone who’s been.. *checks notes* burned twice, self-cornered into a fatal robotic costume accident, and losing most of his family for varying reasons. Prideful though he is, all that building pain has got to have put him in his place by now. I would be mildly surprised if it didn’t.
(5) So, if this is the case, then that means we are dealing with a battle of identity here. And, as it was stated in a different Game Theory video, we might have to use William’s own memories to set him free. Make him remember everything else that happened in his life, then maybe help him come to terms with things... After taking down Glitchtrap, of course.
But, of course, this is all speculation until we get more info. I could be wrong, MatPat could be wrong, we both could be wrong. The point is this: Duality is a key theme at the moment, Afton is still involved somehow if we take the purple as a clue, and he might be fighting someone else in the same robotic body.
Oh, and uh, Elizabeth having green eyes does make it seem like she’d be a good candidate.. Until the same evidence for The Blob version of the Puppet shows up in its version of Baby. Besides, Circus Baby was always her thing– Even in the novel trilogy.
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wontbyers · 2 years
I need gifs of the Mlvn almost kisses because I have a point to make but I need gifs instead of screenshots to prove it.
El is the one who leans in first.
In the bathroom in 1x07 (beginning of the episode) after El asks for confirmation that she’s still pretty and Mike agrees, then says he’s happy she’s home, El slowly steps closer to him, moving in while he stands still—then Dustin bursts in interrupting the moment.
In the next episode, Mike makes the move and kisses her in the school cafeteria.
In season 2 after they reunite, towards the beginning of 2x09, after promising that he won’t lose her, El is again the one to move in like she’s going to kiss him while Mike stands completely still.
Then at the end of the episode at the school dance, Mike is the one who leans in and kisses her.
Season 3 starts with them making out so we don’t see who initiates those kisses (although interestingly Mike removes her hands from him) and he interrupts it to sing along to the radio and be silly, but she doesn’t like it so they go back to kissing. Then later in the episode they are once again making out (though he isn’t taking her hands off him now.)
At the end of the season, for the first time we see El both initiate and follow through with a kiss without interruption, but much like the ones where she started leaning in and Mike didn’t match the movement (1x07 and 2x09) he stands still with his eyes fully open the whole time, not reciprocating.
They only kiss once in s4, when they reunite at the airport in 4x02 and they both run to each other and mutually kiss so it’s not a matter of which one leans in first then. But it is only a quick peck.
In fact, each time that we see Mike is the one to initiate a kiss under his own terms, he makes them short and sweet.
In s3 finale when El is the one to kiss him it lasts longer and more intense although he’s not matching the energy like he did at the start of the season.
The 3x01 make-outs (and implied more of the same during the summer up to that point, as Hopper said it was basically constant for them) are the only times we see Mike fully engaging more with the kissing, than the other situations where El is the one leaning in first or where Mike makes short little kisses—but we don’t see the context of how they started. And it honestly doesn’t look like Mike is the one leading the way because it’s always El holding his face in her hands (one time of which he specifically took her hands off him.)
I don’t know what to make of the fact that El is usually the one who attempts the move first, then Mike follows through in a subsequent scene. She leaned in first in the bathroom, he didn’t move, but then later he decided to go through with it and kiss her after asking her to the Snowball. She leaned in first outside the Byers house, he didn’t move, but then later he followed through and kissed her at the Snowball.
It’s like he let her lead the way in their relationship and make things romantic, but hesitated whenever she tried to kiss him, only ever going through with it when he could control the situation and give her a smaller kiss. Perhaps because it’s not something he really enjoys?
How did he actually feel during the s3 make-outs? Did he interrupt the first one with singing and goofing off because he wanted a break, because El is the one who wanted to kiss and he just goes with it because it’s expected of him and he’s trying to fulfill that duty to her?
I respect bisexual Mike interpretations (I am bisexual myself, I know we could use the representation and there’s no denying the canon potential) but I just truly feel like things have been presented in such a way that it would not surprise me if Mike is gay and the whole thing with El comes down to him giving into heteronormative expectations placed on him and responding to El’s initial attempts to start romantic moments. It would be a very compelling kind of storyline to explore.
And I really don’t know what to make of the fact that she is the one who leans in first in 1x07 when she honestly shouldn’t know what a kiss even is yet—unless it’s just that she was trying to be close to him, maybe not even going for a kiss, but he interpreted it that way because of what it looks like to a worldly-informed perspective, which is why he actually went for it in the next episode, thinking she wanted their relationship to be like that? But she seemed surprised (if happy) when he kissed her, so quite probably she didn’t really expect that either.
From Mike’s perspective, El was the one who started things romantically by appearing to move in for a kiss first, but from her perspective he’s the one who started it by actually kissing her first (because she never meant to?)
Maybe they’re both playing a very long game of heterosexual chicken with each other because they think it’s what the other wants 💀
Like now I’m not actually sure how much of their relationship from El’s side is true romantic feelings towards Mike, and how much is built on the fact that he’s the first person her own age she met outside the lab, and he kissed her and promised to go to the dance which was not like a brother/sister thing, and she watched all those romantic drama shows while she was alone in the cabin etc etc.
So how much is actual romantic attraction vs just “this is what she’s been taught is normal and is what their relationship is supposed to be like, it’s all she knows.” She told Max she doesn’t know if he’s a good kisser because he’s her first bf. She admits herself that she doesn’t have the experience necessary to compare her feelings for Mike against anyone else, so how are WE supposed to trust that she has genuinely romantic feelings/attraction towards him vs. her just accepting what she assumes she’s supposed to be doing?
Like I just don’t see the canonical proof/evidence that they love each other romantically when it could just as easily be explained by lack of other experience for them to compare their feelings against. (Just because they SAY “I love you” means nothing in a show where “show don’t tell” is important.)
My god just let them try to be FRIENDS first this has turned into an incomprehensible rant bc I love these 2 little characters so much and they deserve so much better than to be guided by heteronormative expectations from such a young age that they don’t even get to decide for themselves what they truly want and truly like. BOTH of them.
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bylerschmyler · 2 years
Still a delusional idiot here, but if the difference between the time on the show and the time on Lucas On The Line actually means something. There's something to point out, may be nothing but i can't stop thinking about it. LOTL makes the point that both Dustin and Lucas are trying to move on, on the first day of school they both try "new looks" while Mike it's just his old self. This is also commented on the show, because Eddie remembers seeing Mike in the clothes his mom bought for him. Now, if we look at Mike. If we look at Lucas, Dustin and Will - Lucas is trying to move on, meet new people, he doesn't want to be the freak anymore ans that annoys both Mike and Dustin. Dustin has been on a very different path than the rest of the party since he got paired with Steve. Looking at Dustin, he usually hangs with older people, he is teamed up with Robin, Steve, Eddie, while not trying to be some he isn't he is growing up. Will is, as said by many of the viewers, still stuck in the time when they party was still the four boys, when times were "easier" (if he ever got an easy moment really) and he doesn't wanna grow up. Some people ignore the fact that he is gay and call him "a late bloomer".
Now let me present you what i see happening to Mike Wheeler because yes, this boy.
Mike followed the progression of time along side with Dustin and Lucas until the epilogue of season 3. He tried to be 'normal' (still does), he got a girlfriend, and he even fought with Will because "what did [he] think? That [they] would never grow up?". Here's the thing. As a total metaphor - time has always been ticking for Mike, he is late every start of season, because he is the late bloomer. While Will, Dustin and Lucas know what they like, Mike only gets there at the end of s3, and then? HOP'S LETTER saying he wants to turn back the clock. To stop everything from changing. So, from s3 to s4 Mike stops his moving forward, he goes back to the stuff he likes, d&d and videogames. Lucas says that's all he is being doing after the Byers left. But what makes Mike want to stop time and not grow up? How come in these two parallel timelines we are avoiding the birthdays of the both characters who don't want to grow up? They don't have a problem with discussing Dustin's birthday with HIS GIRLFRIEND because he is moving forward into adulthood, so no problem there. But Will and Mike? If they keep getting older, there will be a moment when they are going to have to face their truths. Maybe Will is getting there already, we don't really know much about what Will's being doing aside of working on the painting so i'm not really sure if he still plays videogames and such just by himself, but the moment he is with Mike all he wants is to be exactly where Mike is waiting (probably for him). Mike has gone back to how things were for him at the begining of s1 (aprox.). Only this time he doesn't have Will there. And you know, Max and Lucas and Dustin are great (even though when you think about it, he and Dustin were mad at Lucas and were hanging out that much anymore) and Max distancieted herself from everyone after that summer. But what makes Hawkins not the same is not having Will there.
So, yes, this delusional Byler anon thinks they didn't forget Will's birthday, they based Mike's monologue in s4 on Mike monologue in s2, yes, i do believe he just changed his words ao it would fit E*. Even the i love you in your good days and in your bad days? Are you sure about that Mike? Because i never saw you loving her in her bad days, you loathe her in those days... however there was someone you loved and cared about in his worsts and in his bests.
Does any of this makes any sense? I don't know, but i tried my best.
Hey nonny!
I think I get what you mean. And yes I agree mostly.
Mike being late/running out of time at the start of every season.
The time running out for the victims when they are cursed.
Wills Birthday being forgotten in the show and Mike's being forgotten in extended canon adds up (Mike's birthday is only mentioned in extended canon and Will's only mentioned in the show. So forgetting Will's birthday in the show and Mike's in extended canon makes sense).
There is something up with it. But I am not 100% sure what it will be because the show did suprise me in the past with the path it took storywise so I hope that after analysing this show I haven't figured out everything and spoilered myself. Because as much as I want a "I KNEW IT MOMENT" for some stuff (#victimgate) I want to stare at my Screen, jaw dropped, thinking "They didn't actually do that?!" (in a good way). But Currently I am very positive that it will be like that.
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gabenvrhappened · 5 months
MoviesOr... Challengers
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Do you really want to know where I was April 29th? Watching Challengers, of course. My feelings were mixed about this movie, to be honest. First, because I'm not much of a fan of Luca Guadagnino's work (Call Me By Your Name, to be more precise), and because Zendaya intimidated the hell out of me here since the first time I saw the trailer. She's phenomenal, as always, and I had no problem watching her in Euphoria or all Spider-Man movies, but here? I don't know why, but it just felt like I couldn't handle her. That just goes to show how she really embodied her character: fearless and strong. But it was during the London premiere, when I had the chance to see all her goddessness in front of me, that I decided: I had to watch Challengers.
At first, it may seem like a movie of "who gets the girl" (and I loved that it was Mike Faist who did because… well… look at him), but it's so much more than that. Especially because we start the movie in the current days, so we already know that who won with Tashi was Art (Zendaya and Mike characters respectively) and Patrick (Josh O'Connor) is now just a washed-up loser (which is sad to see). But the golden couple isn't perfect, and the intimidation I felt for Zendaya was there alongside her character. It was heartbreaking, for example, to see the cutest and defenseless Art say that he loved Tashi, just to receive an "I know" as a reply. And for the longest of time I felt like her kid wasn’t Art’s because they felt so distante most of the movie.
We discover how Art got the girl and how things went down the drain slowly, and the movie goes back and forth into the present and the past to pint-point us that. It was confusing a bit for me at first, and I found myself trying to connect the dots of how everything came to be. Maybe that's me just being lazy and I might just need to watch it again to understand these bit holes in my mind, but that’s also a positive side, since it shows that the movie avoids self-explanatory overexposed dialogues which is always a plus for me. Still, like the ball being thrown from side to side, it was intense to watch the story unfold slowly and progressively. Things were only being showed when they needed to be shown, and that made the rhythm flow.
The way we're immersed in the main match as if we were watching it through a TV broadcast, and how sometimes we were the player and then the ball, were a genius idea from Luca (though not necessarily original), but what stole the show was (apart from the score, which is amazing just how you would expect it would be coming from Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross) was the sexual tension among every one of the three main characters.
The scene where they're all in the bed of a hotel, and the two guys start making out with Tashi was so intense that I felt awkward watching it. Then it became a triple kiss, and then a usual kiss between the guys with Tashi maliciously just looking and they just going for it. Man… that for me cemented how controlling she was and how she loved putting them two against each other. Also, that scene was the pivotal moment that confirmed to me how the relationship between Art and Patrick was unilateral. For me, it was obvious that Patrick loves Art, more than just in a bromance way. I could go on with that idea for days using as examples the way he touched his leg during the match where they saw Tashi for the first time, the churros and the sauna scene, but I don't want to be that insufferable.
Even though the only reason why I rooted for Art (at first, at least) was because he was played by a blond version of Mike Feist who is one thousand percent my style (especially if you remember that he also sings), I couldn't help but feeling like Patrick should have had a happy life. He was trying to leave the shadow of a rich family while clearly in an unrequited love with his best friend, while also being rejected by Tashi who was more interested in Art from the beginning. No wonder why it turned him into the biggest asshole by winning the match that would decide who would have Tashi's number, even though he promised Art he would let him win before they met her (again, look at how manipulative she was). Seriously, dude, you were supposed to be his best friend, and now you're double-crossing him over a girl?
Still, that was a good direction for the story because it made me want to know how Art managed to get the girl. Which was just through an asshole move, where Art tried to twist Tisha's mind by shit-talking Patrick behind its back. When the scene of the accident happens (which was so uncomfortable to watch), Art sees the perfect opportunity to be by Tisha's side to the point he shouts to Patrick to leave them two alone at the infirmary. Okay, I get that, minutes before, the couple had had a fight, but they were still together and love and care come first in a defining moments like that. It doesn't matter if they had a fight; Tisha was supposed to have Patrick by his side, not Art. But then again, we're talking about teenagers, and it's was all connected to what Tisha wanted. First, she is the homewrecker she said she was trying to avoid to be, and that's how she likes it. It gives her power. At the same time, that was the perfect opportunity tool for her because since the beginning, she wanted Art anyway. And that just goes to show how she doesn't care that she's splitting up the boys, as long as she gets what she wants. It doesn't matter that they changed their whole behavior towards each other because of her. And honestly? That's badass, I don't judge or blame her, for anything. I would have done the same, even though I'm too romantic and nice for that kind of mind games.
That's the reason why I believe that it was Tisha who organized the whole thing to try to bring Art and Patrick together by making Art play in the Challengers match. She wanted real tennis from him, and she knew he would get that flame again if he was reunited with Patrick. What I'm still not sure is the reason behind it. Considering how selfish and unhappy she was with the fact that her golden boy was now just a coward, I have to consider that she only did that in spite of not looking bad to be with someone who was declining from the biggest position in the game to a pitfal. All the same, it could have been because she felt guilty to tear apart a beautiful friendship and wanted to repair it, but that would mean she had a heart, and she proved to be pretty cold during the whole thing, so I doubt that.
With that being said, I think I had the ending a bit figured out. I'm not going to lie, I hate open endings. I want to know exactly what was the idea on the writer's mind; I don't want to guess. But at the same time, for me, the ending of an open ending is the one that first pops into your head when the screen gets dark, and for me it was: they finally saw that they had each other again and, that the spark was only dimmed by all the drama she brought to them, therefore, they didn't need her anymore. Which makes her plan backfire, then. Even though it sounds great, we will never know. The match ended, but we didn't really know who won and who lost.
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fbfh · 2 years
You made me SOFT AHHHH
No bc when he holds his first kid he just has this moment of clarity where he’s like wow i could never imagine beating up my own kids wtf was wrong with my old man lmfao??? And when that little girl eventually comes, she’s got him wrapped around his finger and he does not CARE bc that his princess <3
Look bro Billy and Max creating a healthy bond with each other is quite literally everything and it’s something both of them never knew they needed until they made it happen. He probably tries to get a little closer to Susan too?? Idk even though he basically hated the Mayfield women, I think he probably still tried to protect them the best he could from his dad, even if he was the main punching bag at the end of the day. But now that he’s older and trying to grow as a person, he’s trynna make more bonds
Also he def goes all out on Halloween costumes with the kids LMAO - 🧍🏽‍♀️
I couldn't have said it better myself 😭😭😭 literally like he gets home from a long day of work and he's all tired and you grab your boys and toss them some nerf guns and you're like "guys dads home lets sneak attack" and as soon as he steps foot through the door he's just attacked by his ball of sunshine boys and they're all yelling and happy he's home and they're climbing on his back and hanging off his biceps and his energy immediately picks back up and he's just so happy to see all of you!!!! He greets the boys and sees you wearing one of his shirts and making dinner and plants a big old smooch on your lips and the expected EWW comes from the kids and he's like wow 16 year old me would literally never ever ever believe this could happen and it's happening?????
And when you have your little girl BELIEVE he'll teach all of his sons how to be little princes and not roughhouse and play nice when she wants to, they will ALL happily be participating in tea parties and barbie drama 🥺🥺 and when he sees her watching you do your makeup or helping you pick out your clothes or generally having those sweet mom/daughter moments (or just parent/daughter moments) HIS HEART FUCKING EXPLODES!!!!!!!!!
Aunt max and aunt el are the coolest!!!!! When el tells your daughter the story of when Mike gave her a makeover she starts demanding he do her makeup even though he's kind of shitty at it and it's so cute!!!!!! She thinks it's hilarious!!!!! Delightful!!!!!!
Literally like within a year billy and max will have their own secret handshake and everything!!!! They have this unspoken "siblings by chance, siblings that get along by choice" kind of thing, and god they're always so ready to hype each other up!!!!!! So supportive!!!!! Love telling each other about their days and the drama in their friend groups and all that!!!!!! And Susan really is trying her best and Billy totally recognizes that, sometimes he and Max will team up to surprise her by making dinner or going out to a movie together and with flowers and cards and little presents on mothers day and her birthday and all that 🥺🥺 when Susan thinks about how much better things are and how much better Billy is she has to try not to cry and honestly same
Jrjsjdjsn i have a very angsty delightful one shot in the works where reader helps Billy sort out his feelings and talk to max and apologize for how bad things got 😭😭
JDJHDKSJWJ THE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES!!!!!!! Omg his first kid as slimer while the party are Ghostbusters??????? 🥺🥺🥺 11/10
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shifthours · 2 years
OK why I think byler would help Mike's character let's go
SO we all know Mike was a great friend (tho a bit of a hothead) in s1 and s2 but then suddenly in s3 and s4 he's kind of an asshole (conviently when he starts dating el)
So right there it's alr a clear connection that milkvan isn't good 4 him bcs?? A relationship isn't healthy if u feel the need 2 detach from all your friends and give nobody else attention except each other...
BUT ANYWAYD I think byler s5 would change SO MANY THINGS 4 mike LIKE 1. HES WELL KNOWN 2 BE NOT THAT GOOD AT FIGHTING RIGHT okay well hear me out will is good at fighting and they have a moment where he teaches him (kind of like that jancy moment where Jon and nancy swapped the gun and bat 2 find out which 1 was better 4 them) and WE KNOW that will brings the bravery out of him (ex he litr goes 2 all means 2 save will despite knowing there's monsters and ppl dying and things) a bravery that was sort of snuffed out in the fact that Mike didn't really have 2 do anything after they found el, he just kind of was like 🤯 el use ur powers and she did so he doesn't rly have 2 do any of that anymore BUT WITH ELEVEN GROWING INTO INDEPENDENCE I think it wld be so nice 2 see a scene of him also learning 2 take care of himself and I think the best one 2 teach him that wld be will (showing him how 2 load a gun nd aim nd shit)
2. He wld finally be able 2 open up abt how he was feeling more often
In the show we've seen like.MANY many times that Mike opens up 2 will more often and more genuinely than he does 2 any1 else (including el)
If byler ends up being real I think it wld be so much more healthy for Mike bcs he would be lying all the time which is like the main msg of their group (friends don't lie!!!!)
3. Again I think we would get better insight 2 mike as a person for the first time since s2, his thoguhts his wants, needs, motivations, everything. Again when has he ever had a truly honest dialogue with eleven about how he feels (and don't tell me the stupid superhero speech bcs that was trash), he never has not really. He never tells el the complexities of his emotions but rather dumbs it down 2 😟 sowwy I was angy and that's it
But with will they really deeply talk abt things and admit things 2 each other that they don't talk 2 any1 else abt and having a connection like that be one of the main focuses in the show wld totally let us see into mikes thoughts and therefore him as a character so much better
4. HE CLD INTERACT W HIS FRIENDS IN A NORMAL WAY AGAIN one thing that irked me so bad w milkvan is they are insanely clingy 2 thr point of being unhealthy
Even though Mike and will have one or two moments in s4, this like?? Unhealthy obsessed attitude is still present (in mike at least, el seems 2 be getting over it), all he talks abt is el, he hardly even mentions anyone else at all despite seeing will for the first time in a year (u think he wld talk abt the party more?? b4 el got kidnapped I mean)
BUT ANYWASY yeah s3 was also rly bad w that where he wld just abandon his friends 4 her ALL THE TIME and there's a point where like.you really aren't a good friend if all u do is ditch them 24/7 and they all call him out 4 it.
BUT when el's out of the picture he seems to have no problem hanging out w the party (ex. When hopper told mike 2 stay away from el or else, and mike immediately starting hanging out w lucas and will again?? Yeah)
so I think byler wld make him a better friend as well
OK I think that is all the points I wanted 2 hit I feel like I'm missing one but ill just come back later and add on if I rmbr 😟??? BUT ANAYWAYS YEAH byler real
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pappydaddy · 3 years
Oblivious (r.b.)
A/N: Another request down! This one is another Robin request. It's a bit longer than the last one I posted, but it's a bit dry unfortunately. I tried to make it like my other longer fics, but I just felt like this is was meant to be this length. I threw in a funny scene in the end. Anywho, I hope you like it lovely anon💛, I really tried to do your request justice (I loved it btw).
P.S: Not proofread yet. I'm gonna go over all my fics in these upcoming fics to proofread and I will do this fic then
TV Show/Movie: Stranger Things
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Fem!Byers!Reader
Stranger Things/Robin Taglist: N/A
Warnings: Fluff, a parent being obvious, getting caught getting hot and heavy the backseat. Pretty short in length.
Note: Not proofread yet. I'm gonna go over all my fics in these upcoming fics to proofread and I will do this fic then
masterlist | taglist | wips | navigation - my gif -
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The cool night breeze rolled in through Y/N Byers’ open window as she and Robin laid in her bed. Late Summer nights spent in bed with her girlfriend were Y/N’s favourite. Having their legs tangled together, their arms holding each other close as they lightly traced random shapes on each other. It was true bliss in her eyes. “You think your mom is back with the movie yet?” Robin broke the comfortable silence with a whisper. Y/N shrugged, pulling her hand away from where it was playing with Robin’s short hair.
“We would have heard her car so probably not,” She answered, shifting as she propped her elbow up. Robin automatically rolled onto her back, gazing up at Y/N with big blue eyes that sparkled in the silver moonlight, the sounds of frogs and crickets filling the silent room again as they enjoyed the company of each other. “Steve is probably taking forever to lock up the store and she’s probably waiting for him to leave so we don’t start without him.” She hypothesized, looking down at Robin again.
Robin hummed, nodding as she pictured Steve fumbling around with his keys, trying each one to figure out which one locked the store door. “He can never remember which key goes to what. We should get him a label maker so he can label them.” She suggested making Y/N snort out a laugh, flopping on her back, untangling themselves from each other completely.
“Are we really going to be that couple that gives friends stationary for presents,” She asked, lulled her head to the side to gaze at Robin who shrugged, pulling a face that asked her why they couldn’t be. “Because those couples are the boring couple that never get invited to any parties people actually want to have fun at.” She answered Robin’s silent question.”
“Fair point.” Robin agreed just as Y/N’s bedroom door opened. The two girls pulled themselves up, looking at the door as Joyce popped her head in.
“Sorry to interrupt girls night, but Steve is here with the movies and I got the snacks, come on out to the living room.” She told them, leaving the door open as she disappeared down the hall, getting Jonathan from his room. Silently, the girls rolled off Y/N’s bed and shuffled out into the living room, being greeted by Steve and Will placing bowls of chips and popcorn on the coffee table that already had a display of soda and water sitting on it.
“Hey, Dingus,” Robin greets Steve as she brushed past him to sit on the couch. “Will.” She nodded at the younger boy, slapping hands with him in a greeting as he sat beside her.
“Hi, Robin.” Steve breathed out, taking a seat in the armchair, cracking open a can of soda, taking a drink. Y/N stepped over his sprawled-out legs, plunking herself down on the other side of Robin, her feet kicking up to rest on her lap comfortably.
“Where are the other kids?” Y/N wondered, looking over her shoulder at Steve as he sat his open soda down, popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth.
“Dustin is sick, Max is busy being grounded, Lucas is sulking being Max is grounded, and Mike is at a family dinner with his grandparents,” Steve listed off the location of each kid easily. Making Robin laugh. “What?” Steve asked with furrowed brows as he grabbed a chip, crunching on it instantly before wiping his hands on his jeans, bouncing his knee.
“Oh nothing, it’s just that you’re such a mom.” Robin made fun of him, her hands resting on Y/N’s ankles as Joyce walked back in with Jonathan in tow looking like he just woke up from a nap, the pair sitting on the other couch.
“So, Steve,” Joyce started, reaching for two sodas, handing one to Jonathan. Robin reached over, collecting three and placed them in her lap. “What movie is first?” She asked as Y/N and Will each plucked a can from Robin’s lap, opening them at the same time, both cans hissing loudly.
“Have no idea, let Will pick-”
“Rawhead Rex!” Will interrupted excitedly, shocking Joyce since she obviously hadn’t picked that one up.
“Wiliam Byers, did you pick that up without me knowing?”
“No, please, I don’t like scary movies!” Joyce and Y/N said at the same time.
“Which is exactly why I didn’t pick any scary movies, mister.” Joyce told Will in a semi-scolding manner.
“Don’t worry, Y/N, I’ll protect you from the scary movie.” Robin looked over at her, her tone somewhat teasingly. Joyce cooed at this, tilting her head slightly.
“Aw, you two are so cute together,” She sighed longingly. “Wish I had had someone like that in high school.”
“I’m heading out for a date mom,” Y/N announced as she walked down the hall from her room, slinging her purse over her shoulder. Joyce opened her bedroom door, popping her head out just as Y/N was about to walk past, scarring her daughter. “Jesus mom,” She exclaimed, her hand flying to her chest as her heart tried to calm down. “You scared me! I thought you were in the kitchen!”
“Sorry dear,” She apologized, opening her door all the way and stepping out of her room all dressed up. Y/N furrowed her brows at her mom’s appearance. She was awfully dressy for a night home alone. Parting her lips as she followed her mother into the living room, she went to say something but Joyce interrupted. “You said you were going on a date, but I don’t see a car.” She pointed out as she looked out the window.
“I’m actually driving tonight.” Y/N explained before opening her mouth the ask her mother about her plans for the night.
“How progressive,” Joyce smiled, turning to face her daughter again, clasping her hands together. “I love a good feminist moment, you have fun on your date and tell me all about it when you get home.”
“So I can have the car,” Y/N asked tentatively. She had assumed that her mother would take the night to relax as this would be the first night in years she has to be home alone. Joyce nodded, looking at her daughter oddly as she tossed the car keys towards her from the bowl by the door. “You don’t have plans? You seem like you do.” Y/N pressed, not wanting to ruin her mother’s plans.
“Oh, I do have plans, I have a date.” Joyce confirmed as if it was nothing. Y/N sputtered, taken aback by this information and how nonchalantly her mother just disclosed it. She watched her mother walk into the kitchen as if it was any other day.
“If you have a date then you need the car, I’ll figure out how to work around not having a car right now-” Y/N rushed into the kitchen behind her, holding the keys out to Joyce who shook her head, pushing her hand away and cutting her off.
“No, I don’t need the car, he’s picking me up here, you go on your date with the car and have fun!” Joyce told her, grabbing Y/N’s shoulders and forcing her to turn around.
“But, this is your first date since Bob died. Do you want me to stay home in case you need to bail? What if something goes wrong and you can’t reach me or Hopper? What if this guy is secretly a mad scientist connected to the Upside Down? What if he’s just a horrible person-” Y/N rambled, fighting against her mother’s hold as she pushed her towards the door.
“Trust me, Y/N,” Joyce started, opening the front door as Y/N continued to ramble off scenarios that could possibly go wrong. “None of that is going to be an issue. I know this guy, you know this guy. He is perfectly safe and I will be fine. Besides, this isn’t even our first date.”
“Mom-” She tried to say something but was cut off by her own mother all but pushing her out of the house. She let out a shriek, stumbling along the porch.
“Go on your date, Y/N and don’t come back until your date is finished.” Joyce warned, closing and locking the front door. Her face was glaring at Y/N through one of the small windows at the top of their door, almost daring her not to go on the date. Huffing, Y/N turned on her heel and headed off to the car.
Joyce’s mysterious date had been pushed into the back of Y/N’s mind the second she saw Robin open her front door. Now, it wasn’t even a thought in her head, all her mind could focus on was the way she felt as Robin’s lips traced down her neck, pecking and sucking as they went. Airy moans left her mouth as she squirmed under her girlfriend, her nearly bare back rubbing against the cold backseat of the car. “Oh god-” She whimpered as Robin’s lips travelled lower, dancing dangerously along the cup of her bra, her fingertips just barely slipping under the underwire. “Oh god!” She gasped when her eyes fluttered open after seeing the flash of red and blue hues on her eyelids.
“Am I making you feel good, baby?” Robin pulled her lips from Y/N breast, looking up at her flirtatiously thinking her exclamation was from pleasure, not fear. Her face fell when she noted the wideness of Y/N’s eyes and flashing lights reflecting off her glistening face.
“That’s fucking Hopper,” Y/N hissed as they both scrambled to sit up, Y/N’s arms crossed over her bra-clad chest. They both tried to squint through the fogged-up back windshield, seeing two figures getting out of the car, the beam of a flashlight clicking on. “Shit, where is my shirt?” She panicked, looking around until Robin threw it at her.
“Duck,” Robin pushed Y/N and herself down as the beam of the flashlight swept over the back window. Grunting, Y/N tried to wiggle around and pull the shirt over her head as Robin watched the beam of light. “He’s looking in the woods, let’s crawl out the front seats!” Robin ushered her, letting her crawl over the console first.
“Something tells me we’re not gonna make it to the front seat,” Y/N trailed off as her eyes squinted at the brightness of the flashlight pointed right at her through the driver’s side window. “Hi, Hop,” She smiled, waving awkwardly. In response, Hopper simply pulled the backseat door open, revealing Joyce standing there, looking confused. “Mom, what are you doing here? I thought you were out on a date?” Y/N froze, her knee digging uncomfortably into the middle console.
“I am on my date, we were heading to the restaurant after the movie when we saw the car looking abandoned.” Joyce explained.
“Your date was with Hopper? You’re dating Hopper?” Y/N asked, shocked as she crawled out of the backseat, Robin following closely.
“You didn’t know that?” Robin asked her as if it was obvious.
“Your date was with Robin?” Joyce ignored the two girls, her brows furrowed.
“You didn’t know they were dating?” Hopper looked at Joyce as he pointed his finger at the pair.
“No idea.” Joyce shook her head.
“You two are really oblivious. Everyone knew both of these things,” Hopper informed them with a laugh, earning two glares from Y/N and Joyce. “Well, anyway, we’ve got a reservation-”
“Wait,” Joyce interrupted him. “I thought you guys were just friends-” Joyce pointed to Y/N and Robin who both shrugged sheepishly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked her daughter, slightly embarrassed for not realizing and a bit let down that she didn’t tell her.
“I thought you knew.”
“Well, now that I do know, I want to get to know Robin as your girlfriend so would you guys like to accompany us to our dinner reservations?” Joyce asked, her eyes wide as she hoped her daughter would say yes. She always knew that she liked girls, but she had no idea they were dating.
“Only if I get to drill Hopper with questions to make sure he’s good enough for you.” Y/N playfully glared at Hopper, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Deal.” Joyce nodded firmly.
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
The Other Sinclair
Stranger Things; Black!reader x Everybody
Description: Lucas’ older sister gets back in town and is not very happy to hear about the events that took place. Especially when it comes to someone putting their hands on her little brother.
Warnings: I mean.....mild violence, but again this page is 18+ so y’all be aite
(Unedited .)
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“5 minutes Lucas! I leave you guys for 5 got damn minutes and everything goes to shit!”
Y/n was livid.
It wasn’t really anyone’s intention for her to find out. Lucas knew better than to involve her unless he really needed to. If there was one thing she didn’t play about it with her family. It would’ve all been fine too, however when Y/n saw Steve, she asked what happened to his face and he couldn’t help but blurt everything out. Now, being that she was included in all the events the previous year it didn’t come as a surprise that the moment she left for 2 weeks for the cheerleading competition they’d get themselves into more shit.
“I just want to know what made him think he could put his hands on you!”
Now she knew about the new kid and his rivalry with Steve. That was purely their egos and a mess full of entirely too much testosterone and high school cliche for her to bother with. That would come to pass as Steve was proving to be less and less of asshole everyday. But to hear Steve’s face, though healing, looked like that as a result of protection her little brother and the rest of the kids..
No, ma’am.
“Was anyone gonna tell me?” She fussed at the preteens.
“It’s over, we handled it.” Lucas groaned knowing his words were falling on deaf ears.
“Uh huh. I’m sure.” The elder Sinclair rolled her eyes, arms crossed and hip poked out. “And this Billy kid is related to who? Your little girlfriend right?”
Y/n’s gaze quickly shifted to the girl in question.
“Yeah. H-hi. I’m Max.”
Y/n said nothing, just continued to stare and assess the child. Finally she smiled.
“Max, you look like a sweet kid and I really don’t wanna not like you. So spill. What’s his deal?”
Max twiddled her fingers only hesitated for a moment before she gave her boyfriend‘s sister the backstory on her stepbrother and his dad. Giving her a little bit of detail about how he also felt about black people.
“Interesting. And where can I find this Hargrove?” Y/n inquired.
“The arcade.” Max answered.
Nodding she went over to the front door of the Sinclair residence and opened the door.
“Ma, I’m taking the boys to the arcade with Steve.”
Barely take time to get a response, she grabbed her house keys off the hook and closed the door behind her.
“Y/n I don’t think-“ Steve began but she cut him of.
“Don’t hurt yourself doing that.”
“This isn’t a good idea.” Lucas mumbled.
“I don’t remember asking you.” Y/n replied.
“I forgot that’s where Erica gets it-“ Dustin commented in a failed attempt to whisper.
“Shut up Dustin. Everybody in the car.” She snatched the keys from Steve. “And I’m driving.”
The ride to the arcade was quiet, everyone afraid to speak as Y/n drove them the short distance a little quicker than usual. Soon as they pulled up, she parked randomly and they all hopped out.
“Where is he?”
Max looked around before pointing him out.
Once Y/n laid eyes on him she scoffed before rolling them. There stood Billy Hargrove leaning against his car with Tommy and a few girls fawning over him. He looked like the king of douche bags like he had some grade A daddy issues. Any other time she’d feel for him, but he did the one thing he shouldn’t have and that was a mess with her little brother.
“Hold these.” She practically shoved her pompoms in Steve’s hands before heading for Billy.
“Babe,” but the look y/n gave Steve shut him up.
All The kids followed her protesting the entire way trying to get her to change their mind scared of what Billy might do to her regardless of the deal he made with Max. After all, she was just a stranger approaching him in a hostile way, and the gang expected nothing more than for him to react in true Billy. Steve on the other hand, was preparing to possibly receive another busted lip if Billy decided to retaliate and even think about raising his hand to her. He’d go out fighting again if need be. However Y/n wasn’t scared.
Less than a few feet away she bawled her fist, feeling all the anger toward the white boy surface.
“Hey asshole!”
He barely spared them a glance before doing a double take. Once he spotted his sister and her friends a cocky smirk planted itself on his face.
“Well well if it isn’t the losers-“ y/n held up her hand to silence him, her steps coming to a halt.
“You Billy Hargrove?” She pretended to smile flirtatiously.
“Who’s asking princess?” He asked with a cocky smirk, giving her a once over.
“Y/n Sinclair.” And with that Y/n cocked her arm back and punch him squads in face.
“Well, shit.”, Dustin said as the rest of the party gasped.
Wow they didn’t hear a crack or anything, they could see Billy’s now blooded nose, leaking while he grabbed it.
“Fuck! You bitch!” He quickly got in Y/n’s face to where she took a step closer staring up at him.
“I dare you.” Y/n challenged not even flinching as his nostrils flared and fist balled at his side as if he was thinking about retaliating.
“I don’t know who you think you are, but put your hands on my little brother,” she pointed at Lucas. “Again and I promise you’ll have bigger problems when my brother and daddy gets a hold of you and yours.”
“Brother?” Billy repeated sounding surprised.
“Howard Star QB.” She smirked.
Anthony Sinclair was older than Y/n by two years. Currently not present since he was off at Howard University but that could all change with a phone call from her or Erica.
“Are we clear?” She asked crossing her arms.
Billy continued to glare at her as he held his blooded nose, but nodded nonetheless.
“Manners, William. Use your words.”
“Yeah, yeah, now fuck off.”
“Glad we’re on the same page Willy.” She smiled before turning back toward the kids who all continued to stare in shock.
“Are you sure Mrs. Wheeler is picking you up?”
“Yeah-“ they chorused.
“Mom.” Dustin added.
“Good! I’ll see you at home Luke. Bye guys.” She smiled taking her pom poms from Steve and heading to his car.
“Oh. And don’t touch Steve either.” She called over her shoulder. “He’s also mine.”
“Wow,” spoke El and Max in awe
“She’s scary when she’s mad.” Mike commented.
“Yeah.” Steve agreed. “And hot.”
“Very hot.” Dustin added earning a punch in the arm from Lucas and A hit upside the head from Steve
“Come on Harrington.” Y/n beckoned from the passenger seat. “This ice cream isn’t going to pay for itself.”
The teenager grinned to himself goofily as he headed toward his car.
“Yes ma’am!”
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