#i wanted to color them but HHHH THE DETAILS.....
beingderanged · 3 months
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
eep sorry if youve been asked this, but when u go abt drawing bgs for ur comics, do u look up references or use imagination, and how do u practice drawing bgs for storyboards rather than illustrations? im rlly not sure where to start, and i feel like a lot of advice focuses on rendering bgs rather than it feeling ~lived in~ or actively being used or augh not sure how to say!!
hhhh ok this is something I am also still in the process of trying to figure out, and I am not a professional storyboard artist so I will attempt to answer to the best of my ability.
when it comes to storyboards, the amount of detail bgs will have during the boards phase will depend largely on both the studio AND the specific production. some 3D shows will have a render of a commonly used room the board artists can angle around for their shots. Adventure Time boards tended to be pretty loose, while the Owl House boards are EXCEPTIONALLY clean. DTVA seems to have bgs created in a several step process, and I'm not exactly sure of the timeline, but I know they have vis dev artists that do more illustrative, conceptual drawings to get the vibe, then the board artists draw out what general angles will actually be used, then layout artists/bg designers who actually go in and DRAW those bgs and add in all the little details, and THEN the colorist comes in and...colors it. I don't think every studio distributes the work in this same way. Not every studio is going to want board artists to draw clean backgrounds, but MOST will get pissed if you refuse to draw them at all djfhgdjf
If you want some tips about adding small details, this has some really useful advice.
I don't add lighting or grayscale values to my comics unless it's important to the tone/clarity, and I think that's generally the case with boards too (at least for TV, I don't know as much about boarding for feature). Here's some advice about adding lighting.
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^ here's a bg I put a little more effort into than usual. I referenced some images of thrift shops I pulled up on duck duck go, some of my own memories of thrift shops I've been to, and even went on the shiftythrifting tumblr. This was just a silly comic I knew I'd be posting on tumblr rather than a serious board, so it didn't matter to me if it was perfectly clean or not. some of the shapes are... vague. and loose. but who cares sdjhfjd I think (?) it conveys the concept that this is a thrift shop.
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^ for THIS comic I wanted imply hunter crowded them in the bathroom to "talk in private" which felt like a very 16 year old thing to do + there were already some nifty references of the Noceda's bathroom. and listen I know it's not perfect. I didn't draw ANY perspective guides, did more trial and error than I probably needed to, the cabinet is WAY too high. (even in the original, why is this bathroom so spacious???? why is the toilet so far from the wall where the toilet paper is???) but even with all the mistakes, it doesn't matter! no one probably noticed while watching. you see it so briefly, and your attention is still focused on the characters.
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I'd say the main thing when drawing bgs for storyboarding & comics is to focus on Perspective and Composition above all else. It's ok to be loose, but make sure you still have Clarity. Be mindful of proportion ("how big is this character in comparison to the objects around them?") and angles ("if this is a low angle, shouldn't I be seeing the ceiling/sky?") etc etc because even if you know you won't be drawing it perfectly, it helps to still have it in mind.
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the-irken-pony · 1 year
Free spot to talk about your ocs!! Gimme whatever thoughts you've gotten!
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Gahhhhh fuck it. If people know ahead of time then people know ahead of time, I need to talk about them hhhh.
Traci Wells:
First of all I have adjusted her palette again. Reverted her CCC uniform to its original colors, made her shoes and glasses a bit more purplish, and made her hair a bit more reddish (and more vibrant).
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I haven’t gotten around to it yet but I may redo how I draw her hair bun. I know it’s possible for one person to have multiple types of curls depending on the location but bun doesn’t match the hair that’s pulled back to make it, if that makes sense.
Basically I need to draw her again so I can share an updated design
Okay some actual character info now-
The original idea for Traci came from one of Ellie’s lines in Capital Gainz. Ellie mentions having “contacts” who are capable of acquiring private info, such as where the Toppat Clan is located. The fact that said contact(s) a) are willing to rat out the Toppat Clan and b) doing have enough of a vendetta to target the Toppat Clan themselves, was what led me to make her a member of the CCC, rather than a more major faction. (Though my own favoritism towards the CCC also played a part.)
Traci is… not the most physically fit. She prefers to assist in combat from a distance, and unlike the militarily trained Charles Calvin, Traci does not adapt well to field work or close quarters combat.
That said, she’s petty as fuck and not afraid to start an argument.
As I have said before, she works for the Subject Surveillance (SS) Wing of the Center for Chaos Containment. Unlike the Area Protection (AP) Wing, SS is devoted to capturing, “tagging”, and releasing individuals known to have high chaos levels (such as Henry, Ellie, RHM, Kabbitz, etc.). This does two things: allows them to distinguish between “area chaos” (e.g. the Toppat vs Govt fight in ItA) and “localized chaos” (e.g. the Ellry vs Kabbitz fight) and approach the situation accordingly (in a way that doesn’t result in wiping out the 1% or so of the population that has superpowers), and lets them study and observe superpowers in their natural state.
Ever since the CCC started working with the Wall, SS has been underfunded because why worry about all the nitty gritty details of where the chaos is coming from when you can just lock up any chaotic specimens (alongside whatever criminals Dmitri thought looked neat) and then take any remaining chaos and blow it up?
Speaking of the Wall, I've mentioned that Traci has a vendetta against Kyle Baxter. Before Kyle was stationed at the Wall, he was another member of SS. He volunteered for the new role for a couple of reasons. 1) With SS funding going down the drain and the CCC getting buddy-buddy with the Wall, he figured it'd be a more financially stable position in the long run; 2) he had experience working with high-chaos individuals so he assumed that it would be similar. (His panic during the big bust-out? That incident falls under the "area chaos" category, which he's not as equipped to deal with.)
Traci is, shall we say... less than pleased with this. And she's not afraid to mention it.
And now, some ✨backstory✨
I have mentioned that Traci has a twin. That twin is actually RHM. They’re biological twins; RHM is transgender.
Yes that does mean that she’s Cockney. I still need to remind myself this sometimes.
Sometime in his teens, RHM got kicked out of the house. I haven’t fully settled on the reason yet; either it was related to him having superpowers or some huge fuckup that’s his fault, or possibly a combination of the two. (Toyed with the idea of it being trans related, but I imagine him discovering that a bit later on in his life.)
He’d live on the streets for a couple of years before being picked up by the Toppat Clan. Almost definitely joined a gang or two in that time.
Traci stayed at home at the time; as much as she cared about her sibling, she also didn’t want to give up the security of having a home (the fact that she wasn’t treated as a “problem child” the way RHM was didn’t help).
Over time she’d grow to regret this decision more and more until she eventually made it her goal to reunite with him somehow. This is what originally motivated her to join the CCC—not only would she have a flying mobile unit, but she’d also have equipment that would help her track down RHM.
She would quickly find her new job to be a perfect for her (even if achieving her original goal would prove to be more difficult than originally thought).
Cael Summers:
So far, there isn’t a whole lot about them that I haven’t shared yet. I was a lot more open when introducing them than I was with Traci. I’ve also had Traci for much longer so she’s had more time to develop than Cael has.
Lots of scrapped ideas incoming!
They weren’t always nonbinary—or maybe they sorta were? When I first started developing them I kept flip flopping between male and female for them. Then I decided that if it was that hard of a decision then maybe they were a secret third thing.
I originally imagined them with a bit of a calmer disposition, but I felt that it made them a bit too similar to Ellie. So I pushed them closer and closer to how they are now: nervous fella who’d rather be at home than dealing with any of this shit.
Their hair became less emo with each iteration. When working on their more recent design I tried to emphasize the fact that they were recently captured by the Wall after getting caught in the middle of a scuffle between them and the Toppats. And that’s how I settled on the more messy hair they have now.
And now some actually still relevant information,
On their off-work days they like to dress more stylishly; they do their hair all nice and add a brooch.
I already mentioned the whole “they swallowed a rock and got powers from it” thing, but I didn’t elaborate on what those were: mind-related powers. Telepathy, mind reading, mind control, mind wiping, astral projection/possession, that sorta thing.
Aside from the telepathy, most of their newfound abilities scare them. They went from “will try to avoid a fight at all costs” to “I accidentally shattered one guy’s mind and turned another guy against his gang” and they don’t quite know how to handle it.
They do meet Ellie at some point—or rather, they might meet her. Cannot share too much more about that, since that’s directly related to the actual fanfic plot. Still working out how exactly they play into her story, but their general dynamic is “Ellie is a bad influence”.
Uhhhhh that’s about it for now? Have fun with these I guess lol
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da3dm · 1 year
AYUP i request some prompts from that lil collection of yours! i could always look for them myself but this is easier fdbgjffd
anyways it's for like aaaaa green setting? if any prompt reminds you of the color green that'd be good. the work-in-progress title is "you saw over my world (but can you see me?)" if that gives u any inspo,,,,
hhhh to go more into detail it's a little bit like avatar but mainly "character a is an explorer and wants to find out more of the history, religious practices, etc. of a civilization that's been thriving for almost an eon, character b doesn't want them to for a reason character a doesn't know of"
if any kind of prompt strikes that concept then it'll probably be useful! i just need something to get my creative juices on the run cause rn i'm staring at a pinterest board, a playlist with 1 song in it and an empty google doc :')
— brick
I don't really understand associating things with a color very much but I found some that might work? I actually went all the way down the folder collection for it lol. Lemme know if any do or don't work!
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Here's only a few! I mainly have vampire and hero/villain prompts so it took some searching
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batterygarden · 1 year
THANK UU PLZ SHARE ALL UR THOUGHTS AB IT 😭😭 the anime has yet to come and the fandom discussion is like nilch. YES I HAD THE BIGGEST CRUSH ON AZA HES SO FINE when he was on screen I was paying ATTENTION!! PLEASE tell me all ur thoughts ab him I’m actually begging you. And the way gabimaru 1) had a platonic relationship w a badass woman and 2) was so Devoted to yui. And Shugen is so fine too 😭 I am SO hyped for the anime I can’t wait for them all to finally be animated and the I’m my own god part w aza like 🤩🤩
AHH I just watched the trailer and it’s NUTS to see it w all the colors omg—so different to see everything look so vibrant vs the black and white. Esp the tensen w their hair…I will admit I also do… find the lord tensen hot 😞… but aza… hhhh i simply LOVE his character.
SO tough and strong; honestly at first I was like okay so… he’s just like bakugo? (im watching mha for the first time rn and they look kinda similar imo)… but his personality is different! He does like to do things his own way and is justifiably confident similarly but he’s also rlly.. mature! like he’s not particularly stubborn (aside from his unwavering will to live) or petty he’s just … a survivor. Like I get the sense he’d be the bigger person in disagreements if it wasn’t something he took super serious—I hc him to be really patient that way! Hmm like I’m imagining kinda condescending boyfriend! Aza ….
You’re watching him wash his face—observing as he scrubs his eyes all harsh then rubs his skin dry with a towel. You look so concerned when you correct him, all “baby you’re doing that so wrong! You’ve gotta treat your skin like it’s delicate.” And he could not care less about skin care but he listens to you explain the correct method in detail with this patient, almost patronizing little smirk on his face. Thanking you for the tips and pecking your temple after, thinking about how cute you are with the random things you spend your time worrying about. He doesn’t wash his face any different when he’s alone (his “harsh” method is way faster) but he’s sure to do it how you suggested if you’re ever in the room watching again.
(MIND YOU I have half the manga left to read so his character may develop further I wouldn’t know, pls be careful not to spoil I’ll likely finish it by Wednesday) And ur SO RIGHT the I’m my own god part was !!! Revolutionary. Also THIS:
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HELLO???????? I genuinely moaned. FUCK he’s so …. Ugh! And don’t get me STARTED on how big he is plssss.
His reaction when I tell him I want him to tie me up and do whatever he wants to me after only our first date:
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GOOD GOF the glasses fuck. He simply does not stop getting prettier (also I just got to the part where he gets some of the plant Tao or smth and oooooo OOO he’s going to get even more cool now huh 😞. )
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rosaacicularis · 2 years
learning each other’s little details about body language and facial expressions and little things they do and figuring out which ones are more a cultural thing with respective species and what’s unique to them alone 🥰 and GOD. I’m such a sucker for the “really specific gesture that’s almost definitely interpreted as romantic in nature in their society that the other doesn’t know about” trope (cough cough Star Trek Vulcan kisses with the hands), like hmm Grian touching his fingers to Scar’s lips or touching noses as like a friendly comfort thing, but it just makes Scar all flustered. Scar casually crushing Grian in a very tight hug or something else, and Grian being very caught off guard and flushed from the immense amount of physical contact that he’s not accustomed to (it’s just a hug to Scar but a lot more to Gri). Finding ways to communicate through a language barrier, especially if it’s similar to mutually formed sign language, that gradually gets more intimate and touch-based and just a part of them as they grow to like each other more and more. Making each other flustered when one of them sits and looks so intensely over all the unique little features they aren’t used to, like Grian tracing all of Scar’s scars, or being fascinated with his hands and holding them in his own to press and move and watch all the small muscles and tendons and joints move. Scar petting the soft, feather like bristles (bear with me here lol) that mesh with Grian’s skin along his cheeks and shoulders, seeing the little patterns and colors and textures of each one, or feeling the texture of the tiny but sharp talons at Grian’s fingertips, and comparing their hands together. God I just really love human and alien falling in love and scarian makes it even better aaAAAAA 🥰🥰
Sorry I’m back again I’m brainrotting the human/alien au idea so freakin hard like, HHHH ITS SO GOOD. They do their best to make food from their own planets or just cultures in general and loving seeing their partners eyes just light up at some flavor or texture they’ve never had before and loving it to pieces. Learning new little details about each other all the time and TICKLE SPOTS. Both of them being delighted to figure out they’re both ticklish, even if it’s in weirdly different ways (like Scar being ticklish under his arms and the back of his neck, and Gri being ticklish on his shoulders or thighs) and just taking advantage of it when they’re playful 🥰. Finding little things they do or noises they make very endearing, Grian having never heard someone snore in his life before, and hearing Scar make soft little rumbles when he’s sleeping and Gri thinking it’s adorable, or Scar figuring out Grian’s little face feathers puff up when he’s embarrassed or frustrated. Heartbeats and pulse points!! Grian discovering Scar’s heartbeat and just in awe of how loud it is and being able to feel it if he smushes his face against Scar’s chest. Gri not really having a central circulatory muscle and just having much more noticeable pulse points in certain places like his neck and joints and wrists, or maybe having something similar to a heart but in a very different place than Scar does, and Scar wanting to learn all about it. Gah, I love this so much >_<
so true anon!! space au’s are so slay <3 they hit so different and i love them
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fall-cryptid-beetle · 12 days
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AAAAA FINALLY 1/9 of my mane 9 inspired designs. Just warning I have a lot to say with this being the first part sorry ;w;. Still not the final design but! A good step! Ever since I started this series on a whim I’ve been absolutely fighting with these designs. After I finished the original drawing of Desert I decided on these sort of chibi refs (which originally were gonna be more simple but of course I complicated things haha). Things were going well, I got the clean up sketches done for all 9, but as I was trying to finish Pinkie’s lines I burnt out.. and I honestly just need to completely redo her again (aside from the human form which I am happy with). Pinkie and Starlight have been the biggest challenges species wise for this whole series. Honestly there’s a lot I need to change with all “pony” forms in general, aside from Trixie who’s human form I’m the most dissatisfied with. I’m not sure this’ll make sense, but when it comes to the human races I tend to just go with the popular head cannon’s (since I agree with them) or what I imagine them as. But Trixie… I went with something random for the sake of it (Hawaiian), I don’t even remember why, but I feel almost wrong for doing it because it had no thought behind it. Maybe I’m over thinking it? I’d like to hear some feedback (or even your own race head cannons for Trixie!). Either way I’m definitely gonna redo these a lot in the future after all the refs are done because there’s plenty I could improve on.. Plus.. The canvas’ are so small I lose so much detail I wanted.. Ah well..
Aside from the general stuff, here’s some info on Desert herself! Species wise I knew pretty quick I wanted to mix her with a kitsune to have a nyan cat thing going with the tails, I specifically modeled her after a fennec fox because I adore the interpretation of RD being the smallest. Then I used the rainbow bee eater for colors and used the American kestrel as some loose inspiration. Body type was super obvious for me, pear shaped and athletic, which I definitely wanna push more in the future. For the human form I’ve seen lots of people make her Latina, so I went with that (plus I just can’t see her pale-), along with Japanese because well, kitsune, thought it’d make sense. Outfit wise, while I do love the simple tomboy outfits she’s usually given I really wanted her to have some kinda athletic punk outfit, which I probably will change up later to look cooler but it’s fine for now I suppose. Some fixes I know I wanna do is make her tails less plain, and give her actual paws because I just think it’ll look nicer even if I’m a bit sad she looks more fox than pony.
Hhhh that was a lot of info dumping, but! I’d love to hear some feedback :3 I know a lot could be improved so feel free to give some criticism! Also it’s obvious but when I started these I decided on doing a little artistic top nudity.. No real reason, I just like it.
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sleepinglionhearts · 4 years
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do you need more stickers? of course you do!
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can i have some aushun hcs? im in desperate need of fluff cuz i just had a bad day haha
Sure thing! Yes, fluff is good, fluff is very good, especially when you’re having a bad day :)
(Sorry these kinda took a while though—)
Ok, one of my biggest hcs for this pairing has got to be this one: ok, so I feel like Austria can’t sing for c r a p—like, ofc everyone knows this man is incredible on the piano but he just can’t sing lmao. Hungary is basically the opposite—she can’t play an instrument to save her life but she has an amazing singing voice. Sooo in short, it works out perfectly for them! Austria plays the piano while Hungary sings the lyrics :)
Austria looooves Hungary’s hair. Like he’s just obsessed with it. Whenever she’s sitting next to him, 90% of the time he’ll reach his hand out and play with her hair. It’s just so thick and curly and long and beautiful and hhhh—he can’t get enough of it :’) Oh, and also, he loves to brush her hair and does so at any opportunity he can get.
Hungary, on the other hand, just adores Austria’s eyes. She loves looking straight into those deep purple orbs, it’s just the prettiest color in the world to her tbqh. He’s also got super long, pretty, dark eyelashes that she 100% e n v i e s.
I honestly feel like sometimes Austria gets s o invested with writing music/playing his piano/other things he might be doing that he sometimes forgets to do literally basic things for himself, like eat or take a break or whatever. Sooo most of the time Hungary is there to remind him it’s ok to take a break. Also, while he’s in one of these moods, Hungary will usually just serve him his plate of food/his drinks right at the piano—and when the food still goes untouched she’ll scold him again until finally he relents and either eats his food right there or even, if she’s lucky enough, goes to eat with her at the table. Deep down he’s v e r y grateful for this though :)
You can’t tell me Austria hasn’t written like a million love songs for Hungary.
They’re not too too physically affectionate with each other, but honestly, for both of them, just being in each other’s mere presence is comforting af. The big ways they show each other love and affection though is more of the smaller things—gift giving, remembering small details about each other (like how they each like their tea/coffee, what their favorite food is, stuff like that), etc.
They are super snuggly together in bed though. Usually Austria will sleep super close to Hungary and wrap his arm around her tightly.
Austria normally: *cheap af lmao* Austria when Hungary even ever-so-subtly mentions wanting something: *doesn’t even think twice about spending as much money as possible to get it for her*
Ok, that’s all the hcs I have for now! Hope y’all enjoyed and I hope that made you feel just a little better, anon :)
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the-pigeolympics · 2 years
Hi! I'm thinking of making and selling keychains online sometime in the future... if it's not too much to ask, could you give me some tips or pointers? I've been researching a lot online but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere, hhhh
sure! here's some general tips that come to mind for me but let me know if you have specific questions!!
try to evaluate how many people are interested in buying so that you can make sure that you at least break even. i usually do this by running a preorder period. that being said, running a preorder period does have its own risks and makes timelines and shipping a bit trickier sometimes so just be aware of that.
i use google forms to take orders because it's easier for me to run everything from this blog, but you'd probably reach a wider audience if you used a storefront. i hear etsy is becoming increasingly expensive to use so i think some people are moving to bigcartel? this is an area i'm not too experienced with though.
i'd recommend starting small at first... i actually started with selling stickers because the upfront cost is much less than keychains. also, shipping stickers is way cheaper than shipping keychains. when i did start with keychains, i only did 1 or 2 designs i think...?
when adding up production costs, make sure to add in shipping materials like envelopes, tape, additional accessories, jumprings, etc. it can add up!!
i'd recommend really familiarizing yourself with the postal system of wherever you'd be selling from if you're not used to sending mail! especially if you'll be taking international orders because you might need to fill out customs forms, etc.
all printed merch (keychains included) is printed in CMYK colors. i found it really confusing to figure out at first but if your colors are not formatted correctly then the colors might print waaayy off. i usually draw in RBG and then switch it to CMYK and change the colors until it looks about how it does in RBG. but i think some people just draw in CMYK directly?
i've found that keychain designs don't need to be super detailed or anything, especially since they're printed pretty small. but using bold shapes / colors / motifs really helps your design to stand out!
there are a lot of suppliers out there - i've tried zapcreatives and vograce which each have their upsides and downsides. i know there are more out there so researching suppliers beforehand is be helpful depending on what you want to make and how many charms you want to make
ummmm last one. in an ideal world i would order individual samples of my designs and check them over before printing my whole order and sending it to people. unfortunately, a lot of suppliers make it really hard/expensive to do that. so making your entire order without seeing a sample might be a risk you'll have to take. it can be really intimidating with big, expensive orders and i haven't found a way to get around that OTL
anyways that's all i have for now but as i said let me know if you have more / specific questions!!
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ultratoyherb · 7 years
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my paper is warping, but fuck me amiright?
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spruceplank · 4 years
I told you I was brave but I lied
AN: based on this post by @blocklasagna
Or the AU from the time after Wilbur’s death and before Tubbo’s peaceful driven presidency can really begin because rebuilding has just started: The universe takes Tommy from Dreamsmp and asks the admin of Hermitcraft to help him heal. Cue Tommy now in Hermitcraft re-learning how to live again and not just survive because he deserves a chance to be a kid again.
ao3 || 4k words || First | Current | Next 
It's warm. He can feel cool air on his skin but for some reason he feels the warmth more. He feels safe. Safe in a way he doesn’t remember feeling for a long time now.  He can hear the whistle of wind and the occasional sound of flapping wings. There’s a steady heartbeat he can hear clearly nearby. This is the best dream he’s had in a long time. He doesn’t want to ever wake up.
When he wakes up he’s in a place he doesn’t recognize. It's bright but only in the way the sun catches on the yellow and white block pallet around him. Where is he? It's warm here, warm and bright. His hands catch on the grey blanket around him as he slowly sits up, hesitantly eying the area around him. The sound of footsteps catches down the hallway and he freezes in place. No, no, no, please not again. His hands curl into the fabric of the blanket and his panic is all but halted when he realizes there’s something on his wrist.
There on his left wrist is one of Phil’s wristbands. The red heart seems to help keep his own steady even though it's merely a picture. At least he thinks its only a picture, Phil had magic he didn’t usually understand on a good day. He slips a finger under the band and spins it around his wrist, making sure it's actually there and not some sort of hallucination. He catches the feeling of a piece of paper on the inside part of the wrist band. Slowly he turns his arm over and pulls out a small, folded up piece of paper from the space between his wrist and the band. Ignoring the way his fingers tremble slightly, he begins to unfold the paper to reveal a message.
I’m sorry to do this without asking you first but I feared that if I did not get you out of this smp asap I would lose another one of my bois to whatever has infected this server. I cannot say for certain where you will be once you wake up, but you will be safe wherever you are. I wish I could say all I want to let you know but time grows short and there is much to do. I will get your brothers back to normal I swear it. When it's safe again I will come for you. By wearing my wristband I will know you are safe and you are alive, just as you will be able to tell the same of me. I love you Tommy, and I hope wherever the universe has decided to send you will give you a chance to remember and experience the world as it should be, unaffected by whatever has dream’s smp. A world full of all the things you think are merely dreams. I love you Tommy, please never doubt that, and I'll come bring you home soon. 
His heartbeat is echoing in his ears. Phil, Phil abandoned him. Something was wrong on the dream smp, no one actually hated him. Phil loved him. His brothers were in danger. His friends were in danger. Wilbur was dead and Techno had killed him. Phil left him to keep him safe. Phil loved him. He was all alone now.
Someone clears their throat way too close to him. Immediately he crumples up the paper and swallows it whole. Ow, his throat is scratchy already before eating paper so that doesn’t help it in the slightest. 
“Oh my goodness me, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” An unfamiliar voice apologizes. He turns his head to look at a tall person in some sort of bed outfit? Yeah no, that's a bee outfit alright. It's a weird one, like it's painted armor of done sort but the colors don't lie. Especially not with an actual bee hovering next to the person. He narrows his eyes to try and make out the details of this person who isn't even that far away from him. Why is his vision blurry? 
He blinks rapidly, trying to get his eyes to focus but it doesn't seem to be working. He's so confused. Where is he? Why is he here? Who is the bee person? Someone is talking to him or maybe he's just hearing voices again. The entire world blurs together and his head throbs. Everything goes dark. 
Waking up again is painful. His head hurts, his throat hurts, and he feels so weak. Is he sick? He doesn't remember the last time he was sick. 
"Are you back with me now?" There’s that unfamiliar voice again. It's soft and warm like one of Wilbur’s sweaters he used to wear when he was small and they were much too big for him. He manages to open his eyes enough to make out the weird bee themed man at his bedside. Two bees over the man’s shoulders can be seen flying away out of the room when he starts to move.
"...hhhh?" Is all he manages to get out in some sort of whine. His mind nor voice wanted to cooperate with him. He felt like absolute shit.
"I'm assuming you have questions for me, yes?" The bee man asks and he nods slowly. He very much so would like some answers to whatever the fuck was going on. The bee man's expressions are hard to read through the dude's helmet with only the visor really giving him a glimpse of what bee man's expressions are. He thinks that the bee man is worried about him though because the bee man keeps talking, "Well I'll be happy to answer them if in exchange you could eat some of this food and at least drink some of a regen potion."
The bee man brings a pink potion and some bread into his field of view. The bee man looks at him expectantly and he is hungry and he feels like shit but he can't. Bee man has only been nice to him but he doesn't trust anyone. Not after Wil blew up L'manburg. Not after Techno killed him and his friends. He manages to get his voice to work enough to rasp out a response, "...No…" 
"No? Do you not feel like eating? You surely have not been eating enough with how light you are, never mind how pale your skin looks." The bee man looks worried and he feels bad for making the bee man worry. The bee man keeps talking, "Well I would rather you don't pass out on me again, gave me quite a scare there earlier. Is there something wrong with the food? Do you not like bread?" 
He loves bread. Bread reminds him of L'manburg in the very beginning. Of Niki's bakery and laughter. Of better and more peaceful times. He's dragged out of his thoughts when the bee man keeps talking. 
"I promise you it's rather good, I just baked it fresh myself earlier. It wouldn't hurt to at least give eating a try would it? I promise you it's edible, I'm not that horrible in the kitchen." Bee man looks at him and he feels like the bee man can read his mind because the bee man asks, "Would it make you feel better to see me eat some of it first?" 
He nods as much as he can without making himself dizzy. Which isn't very much sadly. Bee man doesn't take it personally though because bee man chuckles and he finds he doesn't mind at all because he knows the bee man isn't laughing at him. 
"All right then give me a moment," The bee man says and he's confused for a moment before the bee man lifts his hands to the sides of his helmet, flicks some latches, and pulls it off. There's a soft hissing noise as the bee man removes the helmet and sets it to the side. He watches the bee man pick up a piece of bread and rip a chunk of it off to eat. Purple eyes seem to glow slightly just like the purple freckles on the bee man's face that he hadn't seen before because of the helmet. The bee man eats and remains completely fine after the fact. He feels better about this now and the bee man offers him some bread while saying, "See, perfectly fine. I'd be happy to brew a new potion right here in front of you if you're worried about it as well."
"...Thanks.." He says as he slowly starts to eat the bread. He's starving but he knows eating too much too fast will only hurt in the long run so he forces himself to eat slower. There's simply silence that is strangely not uncomfortable while he eats the first loaf of bread. He thinks the bee man leaves the room for a moment, because when he looks back up after eating the bee man has out a brewing stand and potion materials. The materials for a regen potion. With the man is another few bees that the man waves away out of the room.
It's when he's handed the second loaf which he takes with another quiet thanks that the bee man breaks the silence, "You're quite welcome. Ah goodness me where are my manners, I did say I'd answer your questions. Well for starters my name is Xisuma and I'm the admin of the world we currently both are in which is called Hermitcraft."
The bee man, Xisuma, is the admin of this world. Hermitcraft is not a place he's ever heard of before. He only has more questions now, "How…?" 
"How did you get here?" Xisuma finishes, looking to him before continuing at his nod in response to the admin's question. "Well to be honest I only know so much about that myself. About two days ago I found you in the middle of nowhere in the deep End. You definitely could not have gotten there on your own nor could you have survived there on your own. I was tasked by the End itself to help you and keep you safe until your father could come for you. That is all I know."
That answer only makes him more confused, "The End?" 
Xisuma stops paying attention to making the potion and turns to him, the admin's helmet still being off allows him to see the expression of hesitation on the man's face before he asks, "What do you know about the End?" 
What does he know about the End? He has to think and recall all the vague memories he has of it as he lists them off slowly, "... Other realm… endless void… endermen… Dragon legend… Dad likes it there…" 
"Does your father have magic?" Xisuma's sudden question nearly makes him jump but he manages to only flinch instead. The admin doesn't comment on his reaction even though Xisuma has been watching him while he was listing things off.
Does Phil have magic? He has to actually think about the things Phil has or does that he's just accepted are a part of Phil that are probably not normal. There are only a few things he can think of off the top of his head for sure, "Wings… World walking… This is his…"
He holds up his left wrist to Xisuma so the admin can see the wristband he's wearing more clearly. Xisuma looks at the band for a moment before coming closer to inspect it. 
"May I?" Xisuma asks. He nods and goes to remove it but Xisuma holds up a hand to stop him, "You don't have to remove it, don't worry, I just want to get a closer look."
Xisuma gently takes his wrist and stares directly at the wristband. It's kind of weirdchamp but he doesn't find it all that awkward actually. After a few moments Xisuma hums in understanding, "Hardcore? So your dad's an ascended player then. An old one too at the likes of it. That explains it."
"Wha…?" He questions, not really processing what he's being told. How did Xisuma know Phil was a hardcore player? What was an ascended player? He knows Phil was old but he wasn't that old was he? 
"What do I mean?" Xisuma asks, once more chuckling at his rapid nod in response. He doesn't think Xisuma is making fun of him though and he likes the admin solely for that alone. Xisuma hums for a moment before beginning to explain, "Well not only did I find you, a human, out in the deep End where the air should be too thin for you to breathe normally. You were completely unharmed and not even seemingly aware of the coldness in the thin air of the void. The End, my home, went out of its way to call me back there and lead me to you. Something that no doubt cost quite a lot both from the universe and your father. The fact that you were not only there but alive and guarded by the void itself, means your father is loved quite a lot by the End. And because he loves you so dearly that means the End adores you just the same."
That's a lot to process at once. He finds himself blankly trying to make sense of all that information until he feels a warm potion bottle being pressed into his hands. He takes it without thinking and drinks some of it before stopping. Bleh, he forgot how bad these tasted. Thankfully it kicks in rather quickly and he manages to get enough of his brain back in working order to ask a full question this time, "... Then why, why am I here?" 
Xisuma looks at him expectantly and he drinks more of the potion without even thinking about it. Xisuma smiles with an approving nod and he ignores how he feels about that. He does not have the time he needs to unpack all of that right now because Xisuma starts talking again, "I don't want to make guesses or speculate on a situation I don't know anything of, but while I said you are unharmed I only meant physically and even then really only unharmed currently. You have a number of scars that some of the players in this world don't have despite a history of fighting. I was told to watch over you until your dad could come for you and while I can only make guesses as to what that entails I'm fairly certain your father wanted to make sure you were safe in his absence. As for what your dad would currently be doing, well I'd wager a guess it has something to do with all this corruption clinging to your code like pollen to a bee. Goodness me I haven't even really tried to deal with it because I know people are sensitive to having others digging through their code but this is ridiculous."
Phil wanted him to be safe. He doesn't know why but he believes it more when Xisuma says it than when he read it in Phil's letter. Phil wanted him safe while he was fixing something with the smp. But what was wrong with it? Corruption? Code? He has no fucking clue what Xisuma is talking about, "My code?" 
Xisuma nods at his question, "Yes your code. It's what makes you, well you. It's the thing that allows you to come and go between worlds at ease. To respawn upon dying and travel between overworld, nether, and end."
"I don't see anything." He says looking down at himself curiously. This is the first time he's ever heard of this code shit. 
"Would you like to?" Xisuma asks and it's not even a making fun of him question, but a genuine offer. He feels excited about learning something new and can't help the smile that breaks out on his face when he nods. Xisuma shakes his head amused but gestures to the half drunken potion in Tommy's hands, "Drink the rest of that potion and I'll show you."
"Bleh." He complains after finishing the potion. A small price to pay for cool new knowledge. Xisuma laughs at his response when the admin takes the empty bottle from him and he feels embarrassed about it. 
"You're right, they're not very good but trust me they used to be worse. Give me a moment to readjust the settings here for you." Xisuma explains, picking up his  discarded helmet from earlier before he fiddles with it. At least he wasn't making fun of Tommy's response or telling him he was just being a big baby. He decides to ignore those thoughts and thankfully is given the opportunity to when Xisuma says, "Alright, go ahead and put this on then."
He takes the helmet which isn't as heavy as he thought it would be. It's certainly not as heavy as netherite or even diamond. He swallows his sudden anxiety and sticks in on before he can overthink it. He looks around the room confused, "Nothing looks different?"
"Give me a moment here… " Xisuma says, trailing off as a screen pops up at the admin's finger tips. It just looks like a translucent blue screen which glows white wherever Xisuma taps it. It looks like the admin is typing but he can't see anything on the screen so it just seems random. Xisuma stops tapping at the screen finally to ask,"How about now?" 
He's confused because nothing changes at first. Then like a furnace roaring to life suddenly there's a flash of purple across the visor as everything suddenly gains a slight glow around it. It's pretty pog to see, "Woah"
"Okay so look at my arm here, what do you see?" Xisuma asks, holding an arm out between them. 
"An arm? Wait it's got all these little numbers popping up around it…" He watches amazed by the numbers. They radiate off the admins arm, briefly glowing white before vanishing from view. 
Xisuma nods,"Now look at your own arm, what do you see?" 
"It's also an arm. Wait the numbers, why are they all glitchy like that? What's this weird glow?" He likes this. He thinks it super cool right up until he looks at his own arm and it does not pass the vibe check. The numbers coming off his arm are like vibrating in the air. Appearing like static in a mess of colors before vanishing much sooner than the ones around Xisuma did. 
His attention is pulled away from it when Xisuma talks again and he turns to look at the admin who watches him with a look he can't decipher, "That, my friend, is the corruption."
"Oh… wait, the wristband…" He nods mutely and goes to pull off the helmet when the wristband catches his eye. It's surrounded in a soft, solid green glow with no glitchy numbers but rather opaque blue boxes. Like the screen Xisuma was tapping earlier but this one has white text on it. He looks at it and starts to read, "Health bar, monitors player's health and displays it. Currently tracking,... Dad."
"If you look at the details of how it works, you'd find it's a set. One wristband out of two. The other, is connected to you." Xisuma explains, tapping on the floating description next to the wristband. Indeed there is a whole description he doesn’t bother to read but he does notice the 1/2 in the corner of the tiny screen. 
That’s why he has one of Phil’s wristbands? So Phil can make sure he’s still alive? He hesitates for a moment but asks despite feeling stupid for asking, "So if I died he would know?" 
Xisuma hums, considering it before answering, "Not quite? Because your dad's a hardcore player it's set directly to his code. Hardcore players take damage directly to their code, or well a subsection of their code. Your dad has it wired so if either your own code or his code starts to become so corrupted then it will be displayed on the corresponding wristband. It's a genius design in these bands if the other makes the matching set I'm assuming it does."
He has no idea what they’re currently talking about. He has so many questions, "But he doesn't stay in his hardcore world?" 
"Even so, his base code is written for a hardcore player. It'd be the same as a hybrid player, where their base code contains their hybridness? That didn't work quite the way I wanted it to." Xisuma explains. When the admin looks at his face though it’s very clear that he has no idea what Xisuma is trying to tell him. He thinks about hybrid players, people who aren’t human, usually part mob or something and then thinks about the bee theme.
"Are you a hybrid player?" He asks before thinking about it. 
"That's quite the personal question." Xisuma answers looking surprised. 
"Shit my bad, … I wasn't aware it was personal. I just can't tell if the bee thing is an outfit or not." He explains hoping Xisuma won’t be too mad.
Xisuma looks even more surprised by him swearing, "Does your father know about your language?" 
"You sound like Bad does! Yes he knows and he doesn't care!" He groans, waving off the concern. He wasn’t twelve, what was wrong with swearing?
"Alright, alright just asking." Xisuma assures him before saying, "As for the bee theme, it is just an outfit."
"It is? But the bees seem to like you more than they even like… A friend…" He trails off looking down as his thoughts drift to the people he’s left behind back on the smp. Even if it had felt like a rift had been forming between him and Tubbo, they were still best friends. 
Xisuma doesn’t comment on his weird sentence thankfully, "Hmm well I can't give away all my secrets to someone whom I don't even know the name of." 
"What was that?"
He looks up and repeats himself, "My name is Tommy."
"Well then Tommy, allow me to formally welcome you to Hermitcraft. I'll show you around and such tomorrow when I'm sure you won't faint on me, though for now I will be needing my helmet back." Xisuma says, gesturing to the helmet still on his head.
He pulls the helmet off and hands it over, "Oh shit, sorry." 
"No need to apologize, I did let you use it after all." Xisuma tells him, taking the helmet back and fiddling with it for a moment before putting it back on. It was strange to see the admin with the helmet on again but he guessed this was the usual norm. Xisuma stands up and checks something on his communicator. Idly he wondered where his own communicator had wound up before his train of thought is derailed by Xisuma offering, "Well if you feel up to it I could show you around my base here for today so you're not bored in bed all day."
That sounded so much better than being bored in bed all day. 
Xisuma's base was incredible. Not only did he base stretch through multiple tower buildings full of so many different redstone contraptions he had never seen, but he was the only one who even lived here! It was entirely his base and his base alone! And it was full of bees! They were so cuddly and soft! He didn't know bees could hang around people so much! Even Tubbo's bees got bored of them eventually and went back to doing bee things. And Tubbo's bees loved Tubbo! 
Not only that but the amount of resources the admin had! It was ridiculous! Phil was the only person he knew with this many resources. Well Phil and Techno but he didn't want to think about Techno so only Phil. 
At some point Xisuma went to go check something or whatever, he had stopped paying attention to the admin when a couple bees flew over and started buzzing around him. Eventually he sat down in this grassy area with the same bees who all piled around him. A fuzzy bee pile. It was nice. He really was curious as to why these bees were so friendly. But for now he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Its warm, soft, and safe. He doesn’t even realize it when he falls asleep. 
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lia-artss · 3 years
Hello! I really love all your art--it always makes me smile even when I'm feeling down. Your latest Lumity comic is really funny! I was wondering how you apply lighting to your lineart, like on Luz's face in the second panel? (the way the edge has the orange glow to it.) Thank you!
Hhhh I'm!!!! Really really happy my arts can make you smile!!! Thank you!!!!
Before I talk about the lightning, I think it's important to note I always color the lineart: I usually use a dark brown as base color, then either lock the layer and paint the lineart or add a clipping layer- I try to avoid pure black as much as I can, as it draws the eye the most and tends to kill the palette and the mood-especially when it comes to bright and soft pieces.
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(Side note in case you’re not familiar w this stuff- here’s where you can find layer clips and lock transparent pxel/opacity lock in paintool sai and clip studio paint. Clipping layers make you only paint the pixels in the layer beneath the ones you’re using, opacity makes you paint only the areas you’ve already painted)
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Moving on to the actual lighting, just have fun with overlays and glow dodges!!! (You can find both in the layer modes) Keep in mind to put these layers above the lineart!! In this drawing I first added a tiny bit of overlay at 100% opacity (I put the picture with the colors I used on the left, overlay mode on the right)
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Then added glow dodge at 50% to make it even softer (again, normal mode on the left, glow dodge at 50% on the right)
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As you can see, sometimes it’s about small detail and tweaks! I tried to explain the way I added lights on this drawing, but I change the settings all the time and alwyas fool around with lights- I highly recommend trying out what works best for you!!! Try to experiment using different brushes, different layer modes and different colors and see what yuo find yourself most comfortable with!!!
One last note- please be mindful of what and who you’re drawing, and try not to go overboard with the lights...by which i mean, don’t whitewash characters. You can still make a piece look as soft as you want while keeping the character’s skin tone dark: you can keep the lights on the edges of the drawing like I did in this art, or you can add a multiply layer and use it to darken the parts that are too light ....let’s just try to be mindful and respectful both of the characters we draw and even more of the people who can be affected by them.
I hope that was useful, please feel free to ask if you need anything else!!
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summoner-chan · 3 years
It's always kind of hard to identify what makes one's style different huh, but if I had to say what I most like about yours is the way you draw your complex lines without losing any readability, its most clear when you draw long flowing hair and in your OC's arm as well!
I totally get what you mean with coloring digitally, coloring is one of the main reasons I haven't done traditional art in a looong while.
From your Question Game: Sitri, Aizen
I think those haven't been asked yet?
I mean, I DO have a tendency to do complex things and make my life harder by making those lines for the hair 😂😂 but it makes me satisfied looking at them in the end so it'd a give and take situation
No doubt, what said made me realize it's one of the prominent features I have in every artwork skskksksks
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Okay but for real, I was SO confused on what you mean by my OC's arm and thinking SO SO HARD on what was so complex on my Summoner's arm until then. I realized. You were referring Darius 😂😂
Maybe my art style is overcomplicating lines or just over detailed line works skksksksk (also please excuse the cake she has in that one picture- I swear the main focus was her tattoos and the dragon which was cropped off and not her asscheeks 😂-)
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I rarely do coloured traditional artwork because they end up looking not as good as the sketch so it pains me hhhh (´;︵;`) but yeah, I really like sketching in traditional because it feels much more natural(? I have no idea but this is what I feel, like nyoom nyoom my hand go brrr- oh no I smudged a line FUCK- that sort of thing 😂)
Also time for the Housamo Ask Game!~✨✨
Note, this is going to get pretty lengthy so I apologize for that (。•́︿•̀。)
Someone who I look up to when I was younger? Hmmmmm, hard to say because I admired a LOT of people when I was younger, even if it was the most simplest of things. For example, someone being able to cook a certain dish, someone who can tackle on multiple tasks and etc etc. 😂 I was a kid that get excited at almost everything so I tend to try to do what everyone does. You're cooking? Well, I'm gonna cook too!! (A 6 year old little girl who couldn't even reached the sink yet-)
Fun fact, I started drawing because my second sister watched anime and started to draw so me being the a mazed little sister I am, I quickly followed in her footsteps. Usually siblings would bond over that kind of thing but unfortunately not for me and my sister 😂
She absolutely hated my guts that time and she hated me even more once I started to follow what she was doing. Basically calling me a impersonator/copy cat and she would throw a fit if I was drawing anywhere near her when she was drawing.
Though along the way, she eventually stopped drawing when she had reached high school while young me continued to draw anyway. At first, the reason why I wanted to draw was because that I wanted to get praises from my sisters since during my childhood, they would shoo me off and they would play only between themselves, making me having to play with my mom most of the time or just plain watch the tv the entire day.
I was constantly drawing something everyday and every moment I had the chance, simply because I wanted to get better so that my second sis would acknowledge me. This lead up to being the hobby of drawing ingrained into me, the simply hobby now fully a part of me and my childhood.
I vividly remembered where during in primary school, we were having an art test where we would have to draw a flamingo and of course since I was the quiet art kid in class, some of the popular young girls begged me to draw the flamingos for them which I then profusely refused since cheating was a bad thing. Though I'd wish that young me wouldn't have been so easily scared by the threat of them not being friends with me anymore ( ;∀;)
In the end, I ended up drawing for half of the class in secret and got scolded by the teacher for drawing for them (she said something along the lines of 'You can't help other people! They should do their own!' like Miss, why are you getting angry at me :( I was 6 + this wasn't the first time the popular girls cheated, it also happened during English test and they kept bothering me about the answers, same threat btw)
Now that I'm older, I don't have anyone specific that I look up to but I look up to anyone in general. Like, I'd admire someone who takes up their courage to do things they were scared of doing or someone who's confident in their abilities when they're usually so shy like yeah!! I admire you so much!!! It maybe insignificant but to me it might have been the most extraordinary thing!
What ticks me off but not for others? Hard question 😂
I don't get mad easily but when I do, it's just a short while before I go back to normal, the only thing you're going to witness me being angry is just not talking to you for a certain amount of time, completely avoiding you and staying in another different room 😂 then once I cool off, I'm back to being to a annoying rat skskksskks
Though, if I were to really answer this properly, I think what ticks me off the most when someone just cuts me off while I'm talking and tells me that I'm being too loud. I know that this thing would probably tick anyone off if they can't help controlling their voice volume-
I can make my voice really loud when I want it to be without even straining my throat 😂 One time, I was calling out to my fellow art members who was across the field which in turn I had to make my voice a bit louder.
This caused one of the passing group students (they're somewhat troublemakers sksksks) following suite of trying to call them (they were mocking me) and this whole shouting thing made one of the disciplinary teachers come out of her office and yelled at the group of students, telling them they were being too loud and they were causing a ruckus (ngl I was scared shitless but like internal happy dance because I didn't get scolded by her 😂 Still feel bit bad tho for them)
Eventually, the fellow art members saw and heard us from a distance and came right over, promptly saying that my voice could be hear across the field (they can also hear my voice from the 2nd floor too)
Thank you for sending an ask in!! Another thing is that, so sorry for talking too much- I tend to get carried away with these kinds of things since I'm too much of a chatterbox and open person myself-
Feel free to send in more by the way! (人*´∀`)。*゚+
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radlegowaffle · 5 years
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tell me what comes after this first glance
0 notes
un0vian · 4 years
Hear me out, SSS Miraculous Ladybug AU?
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oh man you guys have no idea how much I’ve thought about an au like this before
The anon is new, but this has been in the inbox for a while, I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long! Also this kind of takes a general understanding of the show to make any sense!
This is just a HUGE bundle of ideas lmao I’m sorry it’s so disorganized. I’ll put some of the doodles up here and put in a read more for all of my bullet points (I wrote almost 2K words for this hhhh)
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No Pokémon in this AU, and I’m not clever enough to shape the Miraculous after any of them lol.
I think Lance being the Guardian of the Miraculous fits the most.
Lyra becomes the Ladybug Miraculous holder the same way Marinette does, by showing and acting upon her compassion towards someone in need (not the same exact way, considering Lance isn’t nearly as old as Master Fu; she probably saves an old man and Lance notices).
In this AU’s origins I think it would make sense that Giovanni and Silver just moved to Goldenrod from Kanto. Giovanni (obviously) was a part of the crime-world, but found out about the Miraculous and their power, got ahold of the Cat and Butterfly Miraculous, learned of the Ladybug Miraculous’ general location, then decided moving was a good idea. They move into a place like the Agreste mansion (Silver thinks the move is just random btw).
I would say Giovanni holds Silver to high standards like Gabriel does for Adrien. Giovanni has Silver play the Violin and Cello (READ FVAWA!!!), and was probably homeschooled in Kanto. I’ll also say he probably has basic self defense training.
To blend in, Silver becomes enrolled at the same school that Lyra, Kris, and Ethan attend.
Lyra, Kris, and Ethan always try to yoink the back two tables, and every new seating chart the three play Rock Paper Scissors, loser sits alone. Lyra loses and ends up at the table next to the other two with an empty seat.
Their teacher, Professor Elm (I mean, who else would it be?? There’s Oak ofc but eh), introduces Silver to the class and has him sit with Lyra. 
It’s obvious to Lyra that Silver is more socially reserved, but she introduces herself anyway.
Lyra moved from New Bark Town to Goldenrod City early in her childhood (Her and Ethan were childhood friends, Ethan moved to Goldenrod a little before Silver. Kris grew up in Goldenrod). I think it would be cool to keep the Bakery; Lyra’s mom would work there with Lyra helping out a lot.
I’m thinking Lyra could possibly be a model like Adrien, but wayyy on the DL in comparison. She has the right temperament for being in the spotlight (aka not being a flustered mess all the time), hence why she’s so well suited for the Miraculous.
Her passion is writing! Writing poems, speeches, music, all of it. And she enjoys public speaking. She’ll pull out a notebook (or just type on her phone like a sane person) whenever she gets a new idea.
Lyra sings and plays the synth. She plays songs she writes sometimes!
Tikki helps Lyra a lot with her worries about being a Superhero, and is great at giving suggestions and ideas of what Lyra should write if she has a block. Basically usual Tikki being great.
When the first Akuma appeared, Lyra found her Miraculous the same way Marinette did. The difference is when Tikki appeared she was less fearful, and learned about de-evilizing Akumas from the start.
When Ladybug showsed up to stop the Akuma there was no other support. She was able to defeat the Akuma, but damn, what a workout.
Hear me out here, what if there wasn’t an umbrella scene? I’d rather have their feelings for each other grow over time as Silver begins to doubt his father’s reasons for needing the Ladybug Miraculous and reflects on his actions. Besides, Lyra having feelings for Silver in the beginning would be kinda cringe 😬 (@Marinette in the PV smh)
The first Akuma was Giovanni’s way of testing the waters, and confirms that the Ladybug Miraculous is in Goldenrod. The night afterwards he approaches Silver with the Cat Miraculous. Giovanni explains that he needs the Ladybug Miraculous along with the Cat Miraculous to bring Silver’s mother back (which is total bullshit, all he wants is power), and offers him the Miraculous.
And about Silver’s mother; I know there’s a theory about Ariana being his mom, but in this AU (and in general, really) I HC his mother being kindhearted and not part of the mob ahah. (Also same sitch as Adrien’s mom in this AU)
Silver is apprehensive towards the “offer”, but can he really say no? And he does want to see his mom again. So he accepts. Giovanni barely hides the vile smirk on his face and throws in a “I’m proud of you, son” for good measure :/
From then on, Cat Noir shows up to battle Ladybug after an Akuma is de-evilized.
Plagg is somewhere between neutral and good. He’ll (not-so) subtly suggest that Silver should join Ladybug, and point out how much of a dick Giovanni is… but he won’t actively try to stop him because he can’t really do anything about it anyways. Plagg supposes he’ll just have to be patient. And he teases Silver about anything and everything, and his reactions are priceless.
Already having no partner to rely on during Akuma battles, Ladybug is most definitely tired out and has far too many close calls in her battles with Cat Noir. Lyra vents about this to Tikki, and worries about being unable to contact the guardian and request more help.
Lance realizes his mistake after a particularly nasty fight when a stroke of luck saves Ladybug from de-transforming. He introduces himself right after that fight, and apologizes for his oversight.
At this moment I don’t know if it would make more sense to introduce only one more Miraculous holder or two, and if they should be permanent or temporary. I’ll put down my bare-bones ideas for the Miraculous holders anyways.
Ethan - Fox Miraculous, Kris - Turtle Miraculous. I see Kris suiting the Turtle Miraculous because she waits for the right moment instead of jumping right in. I see her as being a great protector compared to Ethan.
Sheesh this is already super long any I haven’t really gotten to the SSS portion 
Slow burn like the show, but in this case neither has a crush for a whiiiile. That part is quite different from the show, but the context is not the same.
Eventually there’s a semblance of a friendship between Lyra and Silver. They got close through sitting at the same table in class and working on different projects together. They also find they both share a love of music.
Anyways, Lyra gets really excited about their friendship and prattles on about it to Tikki.
“Wow, it almost sounds like you like him!”
“Whaaaaat? No!!! He’s just a friend, Tikki!” (Nice Adrien impression, Lyra 😃)
Along the way Silver begins questioning Giovanni’s reasons more and more, but it’s difficult for him to decide whether to keep fighting Ladybug or not because of all the things that could happen. 
Eventually Plagg sits him down and is like:
“You don’t want to fight Ladybug.”
“You have a friend (Lyra) who has made it clear to you that you are welcome in their home, so you would have somewhere to stay if Gio-bitch kicks you out.”
“Ladybug may not trust you at first, but if you explain yourself she may begin to understand, and the act of switching sides paves the path to redemption.”
Then there’s the ol’ switcheroo. During the worst Akuma yet (with Kris and Ethan helping as heroes), Cat Noir is able to get close to the Akuma and Cataclysms the Akumatized object. He flees immediately, thinking it better to show loyalty in small increments pffff
It’s a HUGE shocker to Giovanni. And Ladybug for that matter. Silver already packed a bag and had his violin ready to go, he grabs his things and doesn’t bother staying. He’s a little pissed Giovanni didn’t even try to stop him.
At this point Lyra and Silver like each other, but neither know how the other feels. Silver feels SO awkward about showing up at the Bakery with his stuff and almost turns around when Lyra’s mom (who had a bad vibe about Giovanni in the first place) spots him.
“Do you need a place to stay?”
“You’re lying. Tell me what happened.”
Silver reluctantly explains that he couldn’t stand staying there anymore, and that he had had enough of his father’s shit. So he left.
Lyra’s mom is a bit iffy on letting him stay. Without enough context it seems like Silver is just angry with Giovanni. Silver can tell she doesn’t understand and tries to explain the situation more.
“I… betrayed him. In a way. I’m sure he doesn’t want to see me around for a while.” “I understand. Feel free to stay the night, but you should talk to your father about whatever’s going on tomorrow. If he doesn’t let you back in you’re welcome to stay.”
Lyra shows up moments after, very confused. Her mom explains the gist to her and leaves them alone to talk.
Tikki overhears Silver explain the situation with a bit more detail and becomes suspicious. If Giovanni was Hawkmoth and Silver was Cat Noir, this situation would make a lot of sense. And Silver has the same hair color as Cat Noir (Lyra is obviously none the wiser because Adrien and Marinette be like that). Tikki doesn’t draw solid conclusions (it’s very easily just a coincidence) but she takes a mental note.
I think that’s where I’ll leave it. I’m already delving into so much plot skdjfbfb Anyways here’s a bunch of bonus drawings for sticking til the end!
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