#you betcha!
catfindr · 11 months
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reynaruina · 10 months
Do you still make art abt Competent Zim?
if so
PLS MAKE MORE (with gir i want to find out more abt them and dr mem)
its one of meh fav iv AUs beside Merzim and lovebug
(First of all, sorry to everyone who have been tossing asks my way! i've gotten them all, my inbox is just more stuffed than a gimp on a good weekend and it gives me Mad Performance Anxiety. Literally having to have a friend of mine in a corner of the ring here massaging my shounders as I sip on mineral water, to even consider tackling this. Jesus)
There will be more CZ coming, yes!! Very soon, matter of fact!! finished a new comic on stream a bit ago, just leaving it on Patreon first for the ppl there then will bring it here :D And I DEFINITELY wanna touch up more on Membrane and Gir later on!! Especially Mem and his relatiohship w the RoboParents, It's one of my favorite dynamics of this entire AU, just a lil' glimpse of how f'ed up things can get over here :D
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alectoperdita · 9 months
i’ve been thinking of yakuza/underworld aus where jounouchi takes the fall for somebody on gozaburo’s orders and he goes to prison for 15+ years because his family was going to be taken care of. Him, too, when he got out. but gozaburo is dead and seto’s like “mm, kaibacorps makes games now, not crimes. i don’t owe you anything.”
Oh damn.
(Lol is Seto going to shoot Jou and dump him in another city for trying to get what's his ala Like A Dragon?)
On a more serious note, I can just see this going sour so fast. Jounouchi, newly released from prison and thus no other prospects, goes to get what's rightfully owed to him, finds that not only is his benefactor dead, but his benefactor's son, someone who should honor the debt he's owed, has nothing but disdain for the whole affair and refuses to "pay up." Maybe Jounouchi could let it go (probably not in an AU setting like this), but then he finds out that Shizuka hasn't been cared for as promised. Maybe she was for a while when Gozaburo was alive, but that all tapered off once Seto took over. Maybe Shizuka still needed money to get that surgery to save her eyesight but couldn't. Finding that out makes Jou madder than anything. But more than mad, he now also wants to get even. In his view, he reckons Seto could never get this cozy if Jou hadn't done Gozaburo the favor in the first place. So really everything Seto enjoys; he owes to Jou and Jou intends to collect.
My mind personally goes down the route of planning to kidnap Seto and hold him for ransom. (He could also try that with Mokuba, but I think Jou would want to keep this between him and Seto). It's either that or find some other way to extort Seto. 😈
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wambsgender · 8 months
this is one hundred percent canon. this is just nikki and wrench between schemes
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forsty · 2 years
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self indulgent doodles of my comfort fighter pilot and comfort cowboy
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loonsightneedshelp · 11 months
Whats your favorite color?
"I like a good orange!" They pause, and think a bit more, "Oh! and i really like the color of this flower my mentor, Silverchime, gave me. I had done poorly on my first hunting assessment, I get distracted, you know?" they giggled to themselves, "I absolutely wiped out, tripping over a rock while tracking a rabbit. I ended up scaring not only my prey, but 2 other apprentices preys too when I yelped!" They were speaking animatedly, enjoying the old memory.
"I remember being so embarrassed, especially when Silverchime started laughing. I wanted to join StarClan right then and there." they smile wistfully, emotion clouding their eyes.
"I was a mess that night, I didn't want to talk to anyone. I couldnt look my mother in the eyes. I was so ashamed. But then Silverchime brought me a few lilac flowers. To decorate my fur."
"I didn't understand, 'I failed my assessment' I said 'i don't deserve a gift. Everyone looks at me and sees a failure. Who am I to decorate my pelt with something as beautiful as these?' "
"He rolled his eyes at that, the cheeky tom, then told me that, though i may feel that way, StarClan knew what was in my heart. Which was love and care for my clan. He told me that those lilacs will let the rest of the clan see what starclan sees, and what he sees." Loonsights eyes were full of tears now, her voice was choked with emotion.
"I wore those lilacs as long as I could, and then i asked our medicine cat to preserve them for me... after the divorce. So I could always have him with me."
They overturned some bits of their nest, and you see a bundle of lilacs on a grass cord. Along with a few other knick-knacks from Loonsight's life.
"Sorry I got a bit lost in the past there... I don't even remember what you asked..." they let out a dry laugh, "well, i hope I answered it well enough, thanks for speaking to me Anonpaw!"
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chocomd · 2 years
happy ffwf! tell us about a fic idea you have 👀👀👀
Happy FFWF!
A fic idea that’s burning in my mind is a Gaang meets court intrigue fic. I recently watched my first historical kdrama, Under the Queen’s Umbrella, with @itsmoonpeaches and it was AMAZING! I don’t want to write fic for the kdrama, but I DO want to write court intrigue! And how much more fun would it be to involve the Gaang? Besides, court intrigue fits perfectly into the ATLA world!
I already have a basic plot in mind, and here’s the summary I have so far:
The world gathers in the Fire Nation to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the war’s end and to honor the Avatar. But when King Kuei’s closest advisor is found murdered in Caldera City, all evidence points to the Avatar and the last airbender—Aang himself.
Thanks for the ask!
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bklynmusicnerd · 2 years
Jordan talking about how she wants to protect Curtis when she could be taking advantage of this chem with Taggert smh. It's clear based on their conversation that Taggert is over Portia romantically but committed to their coparenting family unit with Trina (pain).
Jordan is definitely not over Curtis and refuses to admit to herself that it's a motivating factor in her interest in Portia's mess. I think Taggert assuming Jordan was referring to the affair also concludes that Taggert is in the dark about the paternity issue.
It could be one of those things where he's been in denial about the math because he's attached to Trina but it doesn't seem like he's been in on this lie from the start. If he was, I doubt he'd be encouraging Portia and Curtis at this late stage at all.
This reveal is kind of the key time for Gia to return to support Taggert and Trina. Portia has her side of the family showing up. Curtis will have the Ashfords. Taggert should have family, besides Trina who will be overwhelmed, in his corner too.
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chapinii · 8 months
the rat fic has landed in the docs. I repeat, the rat fic has landed in the docs.
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mooneggtarts · 5 months
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Something something Radioapple Reincarnation AU... I told you I love reincarnation tropes right?... did I..???? Anyways expect more cause I have a lot of ideas for this 💥💥
Here some closeup of the comics
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ohhcinnybuns · 2 months
Chuuya and freckles.
Chuuya with freckles.
Chuuya with freckles all over his body.
Chuuya with freckles all over his body with corruption tattoos.
Chuuya with freckles all over his body, corruption tattoos and bite/love marks.
Chuuya with freckles all over his body, corruption tattoos and bite/love marks from Dazai Osamu.
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lavendervirgos · 5 months
If we date, we're doing quickies everywhere
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charliewrites99 · 10 months
It's so funny to me how season one Lokius shippers went: Oh I love how an all powerful god has a crush on just this guy. This random man.
And then some people were like NO! Mobius is going to be a watcher or a he who remains variant or x,y,z important person.
And season two rolls around: Oh look at them, just a human man and a diety.
And AGAIN people go: NO! Mobius is going to be thor or odin or balder.
But in the end...He did end up being just a guy. A random SINGLE dad selling jetskies.
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wambsgender · 1 year
fargo is great and it feels like one of the few shows where every season gets better than the last. that being said billy bob thornton's performance in S1 absolutely blew everyone else (cough martin freeman) out of the fucking water. and the show knows it!!! they get him narrating episodes in seasons he's not remotely tied to!!! man. good tv
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jeeaark · 8 months
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Shirtless Disaster Pt. 1
So. pretty sure the emperor cusses. just. never had the reason to say out loud. or has a filter on when they talk. Until Greygold happened. You ever try and look with the emperor's perspective when Tav makes decisions and go, 'H-how are you not ceaselessly cussing like a sailor at Tav?'
ANYWAY- HERE'S THE THING. TRULY. Always had my squinty-eyed caution on Emps. Trying to ascertain if they were for real with their words/actions/intentions or not. but. Squid buddy sharing their feelings of caring was the uh snowball that started this avalanche. Can't fake feelings huah, GREYGOLD FINALLY FOUND THOSE MUSHY BITS HUAH.
I ain't gonna let y'all wonder what Greygold's answer was, so uh. Bonus!
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manofthepipis · 6 months
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good ol spammy sketches
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