#i wanted to draw a mini comic for this ask but i thought i could make it better with a story instead! hope you don't mind :P
calamari-inari · 6 days
"... you become what you believe."
Dimitri and AM!Ferdinand mini doujin, 7 pages. Read right to left!
Transcript and personal captions under the cut
CW: blood
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Comic transcript. Thoughts/monologues are in parentheses. Background dialogue is in brackets.
D: Ferdinand.
D: I've been wanting to ask you a question...
F: (He looks like a demon..!)
F: Yes? What is it? Please speak properly...
D: Why did you leave the Empire?
D: I remember how you were during our time at the Officers Academy.
D: You placed so much pride in your heritage.
F: What is the use of pride if I have nothing left?
F: The former Duke Aegir was dismissed. My title, my land... They are all gone now.
D: ...It's because of that woman.
D: Tell me, what do you seek?
F: I am not sure I understand.
D: Last night, I entrusted one task to you.
[P-please! I'll tell you what I know!]
F: Yes. I killed the Imperial soldier as you had instructed me.
D: That is what I mean.
D: You are simply following my orders.
D: You did not want to kill him, correct?
F: Dimitri, he had vital information for us and you did not let him finish!
D: Anyway, similarly, I also lost the throne. I have little care for that, however.
D: Now, I'm fighting with a single mission: avenging the dead. They will not be satisfied until I have her head.
F: *sigh* You had said that, but you should not accept that as true.
D: What rubbish. Anyone that deserves to die will die.
F: Dimitri! That is-
D: Silence, Ferdinand!
D: This hatred and regret I feel... Nothing I do will ever be enough until that witch is gone.
D: What are you-
D: ... Hmph. What a pest you are.
D: Why do you insist on staying by my side? As you used to closely affiliate with that woman, I could easily kill you here and now.
F: You do not wish to, do you? Because your heart says otherwise. Learn to forgive yourself.
D: But do I deserve forgiveness? The guilt that weighs down on me is...
F: Dimitri, while I may have left the Empire behind, my nobility has not dulled.
F: Create the grandest vision for yourself because you become what you believe. Do you understand? It is a noble's duty to support you until the end, no matter how far you may stray.
F: That is why I am here for you.
I don't really draw comics often, but this was certainly worth the effort!! I've always thought Ferdinand is the greatest support character ever, and with him joining the Blue Lions, his role won't change. Just like in the stories of Pan and Loog, Ferdinand would choose to help Dimitri on his path to become the restoration king of Faerghus without ever taking any credit. It's quite evident in his character based on some of his paired endings. I just think that's one of the things that makes them so great and sweet 🥺 I imagine Ferdinand wouldn't hate Edelgard in AM, but rather, he wants to show her that he's able to support his lord (Dimitri) in a way that she never would have thought of. After all in AM, Edelgard only ever knew his snobby academy version who would always childishly rival her.
Please let me know if you liked it!! I'm definitely creating more fanart of these two (maybe a little more intimate next time because I want to lol 🫶)
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thelunarfairy · 11 months
Holaaa, First of all I want to tell you that I really like your account and your analysis💖Your points of view are very accurate and you give me my daily dose of hananene, so thank you 🫶
Now let's get to my question, it is not new that AidaIro makes "jokes" about Hanako harassing Nene, however this usually reaches strange limits, let's say, that Hanako tells Kou that he has touched Nene's breasts (clearly a lie) wanting to see up her skirt in a final comic of the Guardians of the Clock arc, hinting at her a lot, in another final mini comic he imagines what it would be like Nene if the water won't affect her (She would clearly be naked and he knows it) I even once saw a user of this app talking about how there is a fairly old mini panel drawn with a pencil in which Hanako wants to imitate a scene with Nene from the romantic movie Ghost (a scene that ends in something sexual) and the most famous imagen:
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Clearly if you see this scene without having some context you are going to think badly, everyone thinks badly, the link I am leaving you is an analysis in which it is mentioned that eating and sex go hand in hand in the manga.
And so we could continue talking about the many times that Hanako makes advances to Nene, to which I asked myself this, is Hanako sexually attracted to Nene? Maybe my question makes you uncomfortable, so if so, don't answer it :), even I feel bad and uncomfortable asking you this, I would just like to know your point of view, I also analyze these characters.
Many greetings from Mexico ☺️
Aww I'm the one who thanks you for your kindness, I'm very happy that you're enjoying my posts >.<
This answer was a little long, so I'm going to put fewer images to avoid making it twice as long, I'm going to rely on your memory on this one haha
Finally someone asked about this, and I'm immensely happy because it's a subject I've wanted to address for a long time. It turns out that I never really went into depth about it because I didn't know if people would feel uncomfortable.
JSHK has very strong and heavy themes, so I try to be cautious when talking about some things, even if I have theories about the topic. But to be honest, I'm thinking about talking to people about it.
Some of these themes are important to the main plot, and their analysis has a very important outcome for us to draw some conclusions about the characters' behavior, but anyway, returning to your question, let's talk about two of these themes, and one of the most controversial.
Hanako died at age thirteen, but he maintained his consciousness and physical presence for over fifty years. People still debate his mental age today, some say he has a mental age equivalent to the age he died, others say he already thinks like an adult.
Hanako has a duality, he will never be just "one" thing always, he is not just a good boy, but he is also not just a bad boy, I can spend hours exemplifying this, but that is not my intention, making it clear that this applies to most of the characters, so since we're talking about his mental age, this applies too.
He acts like a child, not like Tsukasa, but you still see him playing with toys or playing with other people, Hanako likes to have fun. He also has some childish thoughts about some things and does wrong things like a child. Tsuchigomori is sometimes seen teaching him things, as if he were responsible, like when the boy wanted to sell Tsuchigomori's objects without permission to buy a hat, the teacher teaches him that this is wrong and he understands.
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We can clearly see that there is a very childish side to him, but at the same time he also has a more adult side. Let's consider him to be a side younger than an adult properly speaking. Hanako was thirteen years old so he was in puberty, about to leave pre-adolescence and enter adolescence. In fact, sexual desires are common and very latent at this age.
But, we are already talking about two topics, I will separate them so that we can better understand the connection that sex has with hunger.
Let's start by talking about sex.
Hanako clearly has strong and very latent sexual desires, this was made very clear from the beginning, what happens is that the "comic" side of the series leaves this as a situation that is supposed to be "funny" as if it were just a joke. It is common in works to see perverted characters being used as comic relief, but this does not apply to JSHK.
Hanako does indeed have latent desires, the way he acts, the way he behaves and the way he looks at Yashiro is almost always with a lot of desire. Just look at many panels of the manga, the way Hanako looks at Yashiro with desire, as if he was always about to kiss her, the way he is always touching, hugging, putting his arms around her, it's because there is a desire he tries to control.
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The face he made when she was touching him
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I talk more about his desire in this post here
Make no mistake, Hanako has actually touched her breasts a few times, I talk about that in this post here
Hanako doesn't just feel desire for Yashiro, he has a sexual desire that is natural to him, that is, this desire didn't start because of her. He always walks around or finds some suggestive items.
Erotic books (whether with girls in bikinis or magazines teaching what to do at "the right time" such as the magazine that teaches how to reach your girlfriend's G-spot)
Books teaching how to win someone over (like the one he used to help make Yashiro's wish come true) the book was very worn out, which means he read it very often. This indicates that he was wanting to learn to do it with someone (conquer someone).
The Kokeshi doll.
Let me tell you about this doll. There are some meanings behind it, such as the fact that it is used as an amulet to guarantee the protection of children, but at the same time the doll is also associated with sex and the sexual desire of boys, due to its shape.
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On some Japanese sites I found it being linked to use for boys' sexual "relief", if you know what I mean. Not only does Hanako have a kokeshi doll, but he also thinks it's "Sexy." Again, people associated this moment where he says this as comic relief, but the signs are there.
See other examples
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So, let's move on to the sexual desire he feels for Yashiro.
When Hanako was a child, he said that Yashiro was his type, that is, he had been attracted to her since that age (even though he was so young). When Nene met him again when he was older, the first thing Hanako did when they formed a bond was flirt with her, and he flirts very often.
His flirtations are different from those we usually see in other works. He always uses touch when he does, and Nene has noticed this to the point of claiming that he sexually harasses her. Do you see that Yashiro herself noticed this? At first Hanako had no criteria, he actually didn't care about touching her or imagining her naked, trying to look under her skirt or watching her take a shower (despite her turning into a fish).
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And he didn't care because it was purely physical, he actually felt a strong sexual desire for her, even though she wasn't the only one. Yes, Hanako has also touched Aoi-chan, and even talked about the size of her breasts.
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Then, Hanako falls in love with Nene and his way of acting subtly changes. We saw how he was reluctant to go after Yashiro when she went to take a shower with Sumire because he was afraid Yashiro would be mad at him. Do you think he would do this before? Hanako now has feelings for her, so he starts holding back.
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Holding back is something that represents Hanako well.
And we see this all the time, the confirmation that he holds so much back came precisely in the chapter on the mokkes of the dead. Hanako doesn't have his normal consciousness, he's letting himself be carried away by his desire, in this case for sweets, but did you notice that he recognized Yashiro's voice when she called him? And the way he "attacks" her is different from the way he attacks Kou. We clearly see the sexual connotation here, Hanako's desire for Yashiro, and he pursues her until the end.
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The way he "attacks" Yashiro
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the way he attacks Kou
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see his eyes of desire in this last panel
In this chapter we see that just by "relaxing" a little, he already tried to fulfill one of his own desires. Hanako already had several opportunities to kiss Yashiro but he was always holding back, he couldn't hold back any longer during their reunion because he hadn't seen her for a long time, because she risked her own life to see him, she saved him from Teru and She still confessed that she loved him. He couldn't hold back any longer and kissed her.
So, I've been thinking about this whole situation and whether Hanako would start putting pressure on Yashiro if they started dating. If Nene is his girlfriend, he'll be able to tease her, right? I was wondering if this possibility could happen and I started to think so after what happened between Hakubo and Sumire.
So, after an intense kiss between the two, would we see Hanako trying to touch Yashiro? Or even succeeding? Nene is not difficult to convince, and she must know that when she wanted to have a boyfriend, sex would be part of the relationship, the question is, how long could Hanako stay before he started wanting to consummate with her?
This is where I start to talk about the second theme, "hunger".
You sent me the link to a post (very good indeed) talking about the relationship between eating and sex, which are directly linked to JSHK, and it actually makes perfect sense. Aidairo made it very clear that this duality exists and the constant use of this metaphor.
That's because sex and hunger have one thing in common, desire
Everything in JSHK is about desire. Make wishes, fulfill wishes, always wishes.
Hunger and Sex are represented by the desire to obtain, to consume, to obtain something at will. Or are you going to tell me that you don't feel pleasure when you can eat delicious food when you're starving?
Eating is a word that actually has a sexual representation not only in JSHK but also throughout the world. I'll give you a personal example here.
In the country where I live (Brazil) the word "eating" is almost a synonym for sex, depending on the context in which you use it. If you say that you desire or want to "eat" someone, the person listening to you will SURELY understand that you are going to have sexual relations with the other person and that you will be the one who will be on top (active). So, if you come here haha, don't use that term because people will interpret it as being about sex.
I want to eat someone is the same thing that I want to have sex with someone. It's a very popular term even though a lot of people hate it (especially women).
I imagine that in other places in the world the word "eating" could be related to sex too, not just here in Brazil.
So back to JSHK, let's talk about hunger. We know that cannibalism is present in the work too, in addition to the extra arts in which the characters are represented as food or something like that.
We see Hakubo and Sumire's relationship, and we have to admit that the moment Hakubo went to "destroy" Sumire, he ate her. It was very obvious and very clear that it was a sex scene.
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Obviously not in the most common way, but remember that Aidairo literally uses eating to represent sex itself. This is the most explicit example we have in the work (for now).
So let's move on to another topic, the way supernaturals relate to humans is different, of course it's different. Supernaturals like to devour humans and the way they deal with feelings is different but at the same time similar to that of humans.
Hakubo was a supernatural, he was born that way, and he reflected what was part of his nature. He did it the way he liked, he could have destroyed Sumire in any other way, but he chose to eat her, to consume her.
Do you know who is also a supernatural?
Even though he was a human and understands better how relationships between humans work and that he can actually fall in love, he is still a supernatural.
Hanako is also hungry, and the whole time he is next to a kannagi girl, and he said that kannagis are delicious for supernaturals.
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Hanako feels desire for Yashiro, he is a supernatural, she is a human with that title, with the blood that supernaturals desire. So, Hanako wants to eat Yashiro?
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What if in the end Hanako has to "consume" Yashiro in the same way as Hakubo and Sumire? It's a possibility.
He has to stop himself from doing that. Which brings me to another point that people don't really like to think about
Hanako's relationship with Tsukasa.
Have you ever stopped to think? Tsukasa is Hanako's yorishiro, and if Nene doesn't remove Tsukasa's seal, will Hanako have to "eat" Tsukasa too?
Tsukasa seems to be looking forward to it.
What kind of relationship did these two have?
I won't delve into that now, let's get back to Nene and Hanako.
Their relationship is troubled, not only because he is supernatural and she is human, but also because of the way this relationship develops. There is a supernatural side to dealing with "love" and "desire" that we don't know about, but which is dangerous.
Hanako desires Yashiro in human form (sexual) and also in supernatural form (hunger), he wants her in the same way that Hakubo desired Sumire. Hakubo was supplying both, wasn't he?
It could be the same thing with Yashiro, it will depend on Hanako and how much he can control himself, which side of him will speak louder? the human side or the supernatural side?
This is the question he fears so much, he is afraid of his supernatural side, and the proof of this is the desire he has to remain sealed because he can control himself.
Hanako's human side wants to touch every part of Yashiro's body, wants to take her as a wife, wants to give and feel the purest pleasure with her, but the supernatural side actually wants to consume her, wants to devour her.
Which of these sides will be able to win in the end?
It's like I said, everything always begins and ends with a wish.
Hahaha the answer was longer than it should have been, sorry, but I loved finally being able to talk about it. There are a lot of things I think about these topics, but I'm still thinking about whether I'm going to talk about it or not, I need to know if the public is okay with it.
A big hug to Mexico from Brazil \o/
I hope you liked it, thanks for the ask! ♡
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uraichievents · 1 year
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Welcome to this year's UraIchi Prompt Challenge! For our 8th PC, we will be focusing on crossovers!
Like we did for a previous mini-event, this year will also have a spin-the-wheel component. For PC8, you will be spinning for at least one random fandom and creating a crossover fanwork with it. A total of 300 different fandoms were nominated in the space of a week, so you'll have plenty to choose from. For most of them, I tried to copy the fandom names straight from the AO3 tags. The only exceptions are if they're not on AO3, or if I thought a catch-all name suited it better (ie. Marvel Comics (Any) because there are just too many of them, and this way you can pick whichever Marvel comic/movie/etc. you want). But overall, all fandoms that were nominated have been included in one of the wheels.
Before we get into that though, here are the rules for PC8:
1) Fanworks must be UraIchi-centric and complete. Obviously, this year, they must also be crossovers in some shape or form. UraIchi can be romantic or platonic (lovers, friends, family, enemies, etc.), so long as you can stick a / or an & between them, and they and their interactions are the main focus. 2) Any kind of fanwork is allowed if you can pull it off (fic, art, vid, gifset, etc.). There is no word limit for fics. 3) Poly ships are fine so long as UraIchi is in there somewhere. 4) The general definition of a crossover is a fanwork where two or more fandoms are combined in some way. For the purpose of this event, dimension travel, fusions, isekai, reincarnation, and resurrection would all count so long as your work includes at least one other fandom outside of Bleach. Likewise, Bleach must obviously be one of the fandoms. Basically, so long as Bleach and 1+ Other Fandom(s) are combined in some way, starring UraIchi as the main characters, then you should be good. If you are unsure whether your idea of a crossover counts, you can always send in an ask to check.
Post Date:
The due date for this event is December 31st, 2023, and the AO3 Collection will open at 12am (PST). I’ll reblog this post with a link to the collection closer to the date.
If you’re posting your work (or a link to your work) as a post on Tumblr, you can tag it #uraichi prompt challenge 8 in the first five tags so I can reblog it here.
And finally, what you've all been waiting for:
As I mentioned before, I used Wheel Decide to make the wheels, but each wheel has a limit of 100 items, so since we ended up with 300 fandoms, I've had to split it into 3 wheels.
There's no specific theme or category for each wheel. I threw everything into a random choice generator, and then threw the results onto each wheel in batches of 100, so it's all random, and you can play this in a number of ways. You could just pick one wheel, spin, and get your fandom that way. You could also spin two or three wheels, and then pick your favourite out of the fandoms you get. Or you could spin all three wheels and write a four-fandom crossover like a crazy person. The point is, there's pretty much no wrong way to go about cobbling together your crossover.
If you want to submit more than one fanwork, feel free to spin for as many as you want to write/draw/etc. (of course, they should all be complete). And yes, you can spin more than once if you're really stuck on the fandom you get, or you just don't know the fandom at all.
I think that's about it, if anybody has any questions, please don't hesitate to send in an ask. Then, without further ado, here are the wheels:
Have fun!
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joycew-art · 1 year
Someone asked what my process was to make the Rickbot comic, so I thought I'd make a separate post to show it. The process was kinda all over the place and spread over many months from December 2022 up till June 2023, so I'll try my best to make it understandable. And if you have any questions feel free to ask them!
The idea
So it all started with the idea of; What if Rickbot came back? And then the idea immediately made me think of two things;
How would Rickbot react?
Why is he brought back?
Which ended up with these two scenarios in my mind;
A. Rickbot awakens and he's not happy B. Rick tells the reason he's activated again
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These were the very first scenes that started it all.
So then the question became, how do I go from point A to point B?
I would take moments from the show as reference for how they would act in these scenarios. And I'd take inspiration from manga and other comics of how I wanted the dialogue to flow and what the comic layouts would look like. In this case I knew a lot of dialogue would be involved cause these guys talk a lot! But I also didn't want the panels to feel too crowded and rushed so I limited myself to the amount of dialogue per panel.
Right now I'm writing it down like it was very planned, but for me this was often a very subconscious thing I did. I just thought up scenarios while I was taking walks or daydreaming in the shower etc. And sometimes these very specific moments would pop up that I would write down or draw out later.
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I would make mini thumbnails of how I wanted the pages to go and write the dialogue next to it. At this point I'm mainly thinking of what I want characters to say and how I want the story to flow. Sometimes I make multiple versions of the same scenario to see how it flows better.
At times I even only write down dialogue and then make the thumbnails for them later. I have a tiny a6 sketchbook for little thumbnails and ideas like this. These were often moments were I didn't know where I wanted to take the comic yet, so I would separate the two to keep it more organized for myself.
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As you might have noticed, not everything is the same in the final comic. I always fine-tune or change stuff up as I go. Sometimes things don't flow as well as I thought they did or some dialogue feels awkward or unnecessary.
Once all the pages were planned and I have a good idea of how the story would go I opened a new Clip Studio Paint file and used the comic feature to set that up.
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I would then copy the thumbnails I made in the page files and exported a thumbnail draft of the whole comic and 'read' through it to see how it flowed.
After I was satisfied I finally started sketching the pages.
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Most of the pages stayed the same from the thumbnail, aside from some poses or expressions here and there. But I would also change up stuff I wasn't satisfied with.
For example, initially the Prime panel looked like the left one, but I didn't like how the pose flowed with the text balloons. There was a lot of empty space as well. So I decided to redo it to the one on the right.
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Even now for the final version I'm thinking of resizing Rick a bit more. These kind of changes just happen throughout the process.
The backgrounds
I knew the comic would only take place in the garage, so to save myself a lot of time I decided to make it in 3d.
First I decided to sketch out the four walls of the garage as planes;
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Then I imported those in Blender. I did some simple 3d modeling to get the basic shapes for the counters and the cabinet et voila! 3d sketch version of the garage!
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I know this is a very watered down explanation, but trying to explain how I did it would take a whole new tutorial. And there are many other ones out there that explain it much better than I could. I was lucky that I already have some Blender experience cause of past works I've done for school and stuff.
But if you got the time to delve into it I would recommend it! For this here you only need to know the basics. Also Blender is free to download :)
This has saved me a lotttt of time drawing the same backgrounds over and over again!
Lastly I did the cover. That one has also gone through multiple versions. I had a vague idea of what I wanted, but I wasn't happy with the execution so I redrew that one as well.
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So that's the whole process so far. I do I wanna continue the comic once I got the energy to work on it again. Gonna do some test pages first to see what kind of rendering I wanna go for. Not sure if'll be in black and white, color or a combo...we'll see.
I hope this helps! And if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask them.
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multiisketch · 2 days
Multi's Ramblings: A Warped Perspective
Given the attention my Mini-Comic has gotten and the fact that I've had people asking about a full AU and such, I thought I would collect my thoughts on it here.
As of right now, I don't have plans to make an extensive comic for A Warped Perspective as I am focused on Sonic Boom: Revisited currently (please check it out if you haven't! I plan to play around with Sonic's morality and transformations in that as well!) but will write and draw stuff for Warped as I have the inclination to do so.
This is going to be a long one, so I will be placing it all under the cut!
The Personality of Fleetway Super Sonic
I like to imagine if Fleetway Super Sonic ever did come to the mainline comics, he'd be a sort of... manifestation and release of Sonic's normally tempered rage. If Sonic is the wind, then Fleetway is a hurricane of unchallengeable and intense emotion. Even the smallest infraction on his person would result in an explosive response. He's not necessarily evil at first. After all, he's still Sonic. He still desires the same things, he's just incapable of gauging how severe his actions are.
For example:
Sonic likes destroying Badniks. He likes the rush fighting gives him, but he doesn't let himself relish in the destruction or defeat. He reaches down and offers his hand at the first sign of reluctance. Fleetway doesn't have the luxury of restraint. He's too blinded by his anger. He'd fight a rival like Knuckles or Shadow to the brink of death simply for standing in his way.
Sonic likes making jokes at the expense of his foes and rivals. He chuckles when he manages to throw someone off balance, but he's not cruel. It's all in good fun. Fleetway finds it all hysterical. The more appalled they look the better. He's seeking the same high, but is unable to get it without pushing boundaries well beyond their limit.
Fleetway would be Sonic's entire personality and morality weaponized until it looses all sense and becomes madness.
Eggman's 9th symphony
I think back to that line in IDW Issue #50 where Sonic says something to the effect of, "That's the problem with giving people a choice. You can't stop them from making the wrong ones." This line always stuck out to me because it almost seems like a prelude to a potential breaking point for Sonic. While Issue #50 comes long after the warp topaz is dealt with (for the most part), I think it makes for an interesting moral quandary to touch on with Fleetway. Eggman poisoned the world with the Metal Virus and some part of Sonic blames himself for that. Shadow and Espio's words did not help.
Now... Sonic, normally, is not one to let that type of talk keep him down for long. He always keeps moving. Live and Learn. But even as he moves on some part of him must still linger on what he could have done differently.
As Fleetway, Sonic's emotional dissonance is heightened. That ounce of doubt he has in his actions grows out of control along with all his other emotions. He's tired of giving people a choice only for them to make the wrong ones. And now? Now they don't get a choice. If they want to resist--if they want to stand in his way--FINE. But he's not holding back, anymore. For anyone. And he's gonna enjoy it.
How Does This Fit into IDW?
AKA the AU part
Note: this is just a general overview of what I personally think would be interesting to see. Feel free to speculate further!
Remember issue #30-32? So, take that plot, but instead of Sonic incidentally warping into Blaze's dimension with amnesia, he crashes back onto his planet in the middle of nowhere (some nice lake area). Strangely, he's still in his super form, but the Chaos Emeralds are nowhere to be found. Instead, the Warp Topaz, imbued with chaos energy has become entangled with Sonic's form. This would not be visibly on his person, but its energy effects are evident in his glowey bits and the red rings around Sonic's eyes (tbh I didn't think about the design connections between Fleetway and the Warp Topaz until just now, but it's weirdly there). Imagine how the Shadow Crystal in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess sinks into Link. That's the imagery I've got in my head as Sonic lays in his self-made crater, unconscious. Maybe I'll draw this initial crash eventually, idk.
I think it would be cool for Dr. Starline to find him. At first, Sonic wouldn't remember anything, falling back on the original amnesia plot. Except something about his behavior is noticeably different. He's more... prone to his negative emotions and extremely skittish for the normally laid back hedgehog. His... awareness is dialed up to 11.
Starline would take care of him for a few days to analyze the effects the Warp Topaz is having on him. He would conclude that the Warp Topaz is somehow managing to maintain Sonic's super form through latent Chaos Energy while granting Sonic the abilities of the Topaz itself. This means Sonic can create portals to warp around at will. However, it has also effected Sonic's personality, intensifying all his worse aspects. Satisfied with this version of Sonic, Starline would try to manipulate him emotionally against Eggman, conveniently playing himself out to be a victim as he explains the Metal Virus, the Zeti rampage, and all the harm Eggman caused.
But... Sonic's not stupid, he's just got amnesia. As soon as he realizes Starline is conveniently leaving out his own involvement, it's game over. He doesn't kill Starline--he says it wouldn't be any fun if he did--but he does leave him with a crippled hand before rushing out to find Eggman. Because at the end of the day he's still Sonic. He still wants to stop bad people.
From there, Sonic would tear through cities looking for Eggman, calling the attention of his friends. They'd track him down. Try to talk him; remind him of who he really is. And, oh, yes, he'd remember, eventually. He'd remember everything. There'd be a soft moment for that unescapable second--a chance. But, in the end, it doesn't change anything. And that's where the real pain is. You see, he's had time to think now. He realizes why he's been so angry even without his memories. And it's because Espio and Shadow were right. He was being too soft. Not just on Eggman, but on everyone. He can see it all now though the Warp Topaz's power. The pain and suffering Eggman's caused the world over. And not just Eggman, but the everyday people. The vagabonds like Rough and Tumble or the Zeti. All the evil in the world that just eats at his planet like its nothing but a tool to be used up. He's ashamed of how blinded he was to it all. And he can fix it, now. Nobody will disturb their peace again. They won't be allowed too.
But now his friends are telling him his clarity is blindness. That everyone deserves to be able to make choices for themselves. Even if they're wrong because how else are we supposed to grow and learn?
And this angers him. His hands shake. His teeth grind. They're saying this isn't him. That Sonic wouldn't do this. Their Sonic. They think he needs to be stopped. Whatever he is.
Well, who needs them? Who needs anyone? They deserve to be stepped on if that's what they think. He's so powerful now. They can see it. Are they scared? Are they scared of him? Are they all scared? They should be. They should be terrified of what he could do. Because it's frightening. It's... It's...
Is he scared, too?
Eggman attacks with his Omega Robot. Sonic rips through it like it's nothing.
Eggman's collar is wrapped tightly around his fist. He's so close to ending it all.
But... Oh man. Why is he hesitating?
Because Eggman's not scared. He just looks... disappointed?
And Sonic's laughing now. He's laughing like a madman. He can't do it. Why can't he do it? What is this? What is this?
Sonic doubles over in pain. His chest is hurting. The Warp Topaz. It wasn't built for this. The Chaos Energy fueling it is quickly beginning to dissipate. It's going to kill him. It's killing everyone. He's...
Sonic plunges his hand into his chest. It phases through, gripping the Warp Topaz inside of him. Screaming, he pulls it out.
It clatters on the pavement as Sonic slumps over. His blue hue returns. His friends gather around, checking him over. Eggman watches from a far.
That would be the end of it, right? The hurricane. It's dissipated. Sonic's... okay. Shaken, but okay. He can think straight. He can--
We're so pathetic, you know that?
There's a voice--right in Sonic's head.
The power to right all that's wrong with the world, to stop Eggman once and for all and what do you do with it? You throw it away! Just to feel better about yourself!
You might be in control, now, but next time?
Next time, I won't let you stop us.
The voice cackles as it fades with the flow of the wind. Everyone else thinks its over now because the Warp Topaz and Sonic are separated. But Sonic knows it's power created a wound inside his heart. Who know what could tear it open, again?
Couldn't be when Sonic almost gets electrocuted to death or when there's a bunch of chaos fueled crystalline structures causing havoc, could it? :)
That's what I got for yah! I've been agonizing over posting this for a while, so I hope it makes sense.
Thanks for reading this far, too! I don't exactly know what to call this AU-thingy yet. If anyone has any ideas please let me know in the comments! I read every single one I get! And if you have any further questions about it, my ask box is open!
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lucygriefer · 9 days
Apothecary AU question
Okay I have a quick question. I'm typing up some drafts to the mini comic ideas for the apothecary Nightmare au universe. I'm not use to making comics so it's gonna take me a bit to draw the pages for each story (still working on them but it's taking some time). I'm wondering if anyone wants to like read the draft pages/scripts once one of them is done? Since it's just the draft most of what's typed up most likely would either be changed, removed, or something is just completely scrapped from the main idea to the au.
I'm only asking if anyone would be interested in reading these draft scripts cause I thought it could be fun for some people to see what part of the original story idea was before something got scrapped or altered.
Have fun with this silly poll. Never done one of these before.
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lara-cairncross · 4 months
Hi I did not expect to be hit with this much nostalgia for pixie hollow fairies lol
The way you draw them is so pretty!?!?!?!?! I love their designs so much
I'm considering drawing fanart now, especially since I saw the suggestion of drawing my personal OCs in your fairy au, and I realized.... I have an oc. That I created recently. Like so recently that I haven't even named her yet. And she's already kinda fairy-like??? She's the result of a one-night stand between Leo and a random bird yokai who decided to dump the egg on Leo (it's the accidental baby acquisition trope except its more like you-really-should-have-expected-this-leo baby acquisition XD)
Don't worry though, she's not bird-like enough to want to eat your fairy boys if she met them. She's basically just a feathered turtle who loves shiny things, and I haven't even finalized her design but now I wanna draw her as a fairy haha. I do know her feathers are blue-purple-pink-ish with red streaks, so her colour scheme matches Fairy Leo haha
Hmmmm maybe I should actually put a question here uhh....
You keep hinting at plot points but you've also said you don't plan on making this a comic, so are we ever going to find out what the heck is going on???
And I know the idea of making a whole entire comic can seem overwhelming, but have you considered viewing it as just doodling and practicing? For my own au comic I only have one part drawn so far and it is the first part, but I'm planning to just draw any part of the story at any point in time, just depending on what I feel like. Cuz no one says you have to do it the "normal" way, right? And I like to think of drawing the comic pages as practicing new skills, like learning how to do page layouts and composition better. Aka focus on the journey and not the end goal.
Whoo, that got kinda long and I only really asked one question, but based on previous asks you've answered I have a feeling you don't mind ;)
OK that was entirely just stream of thought after going through the whole au tag (there are more thoughts but most are incoherent and overlapping so this is what i managed to pick out of my brain), but to summarize: I love your fairy au and the boys are gonna be living in my head now, along with every other version of the turtles that I love <3 <3 <3
I'm glad to hear you're liking the fairy au!! I had a ton of fun coming up with their designs :D
I do actually plan on making this into a comic of sorts! I dunno if I could ever make, like, a long-form webcomic or anything like that-- but I'm definitely planning on doing at *least* a few mini-comics to elaborate on the story! And maybe build my way up to something longer and more fulfilled :D As of now, I'm trying to experiment with different comic styles on my own time so I can try and find something that's quick and easy, but still looks decent. I like the idea of treating it as essentially a glorified doodle page. Honestly, as soon as I try to take any of my stories too seriously, I burn out fast-- so I'm trying to stay pretty chill about this one and just making content whenever I feel like it lol
Yup, I'm totally cool with everyone drawing their OCs as fairies if they want to! It's not like I own the idea or anything lmao. The only caveat is that I have jurisdiction over whether or not something is canon to my particular au. Leo and the rest of the boys are still canonically kids/teenagers to me, and I've been writing/drawing them as kids this entire time, so I won't be including anything/anyone related to one of them having a "one night stand" with somebody. I can't really police what anyone else draws though, so have fun :D
Sorry about these little guys buzzing around in your brain ❤️💜🧡🩵
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just-a-carrot · 2 months
Hello Carrot!
Ok so I was the anonymous poly asker but since I wanna draw some of the Au’s I yapped about I don’t see a reason to ask anonymously anymore.
that and I was originally soo terrified of asking a question cause I’ve been in many many toxic fandoms (I had to be hyped up to even originally ask my question )
First of all, this fandom has been one of the nicest and most respectful fan bases I’ve ever encountered.
Second, Ow was one of the first media’s to ever make me shed a tear I honestly loved everything about Ow (I also developed I mini obsession with Jerry, that and I sounded like an absolute crazy person playing the game while on call with friends and during arc 5 I out of nowhere yelled “NO MOTHER JERRY”)
But the reason I wrote Is because I got an Au idea and ist been plaguing my mind all day.
Basically at the end of every arc Iggy wished for smt and the two that stuck with me where the wish he never existed and the wanting to make his friends happy one.
And in the Au that popped up he kinda gets that wish with everyone waking up back at home with like a déjà vu feeling and since I think bucks ended up there too ig the reason she goes to wonderland is to save their kid.
They all end up in Wonderland at the same time with the feeling of wanting to find smt and end up hearing a conversation of one of the bunny soldiers scolding someone for exploring all by himself and that dinner would be soon.
Fast forward and their at the town and find the younger versions of Bucks and Gidget and they offer to take them “home” witch is similar to Gidget’s house in arc 5 but with the downstairs area being filled with toys and plushies with caretaker bunnies running around and the upstairs being more nicer and put together kinda like an apartment
They they end up meeting Iggy who’s like also kind of a caretaker with him occasionally joining the kids for dinner or to play games with them on their request (which refers slightly back to the wanting to make all his friends happy wish)
But the others want him back of course, which would lead to like a minor conflict of him not wanting to leave the kids but also wanting to make Wonderland safer because it was not safe when he first entered etc.
I’d dunno how I’d end it might make a comic about it cause I feel like there’s some potential in the Au I’ll have to see.
I’ll most likely take a brake of asking questions (and also learn to yapp less) to focus more on drawing Ow stuff until I get a good grip on how to draw everyone.
Again soo sorry for yapping this much 
ahhhhhh i'm sorry you felt nervous!! i get it though it's really hard for me too to reach out or message someone / send in an ask, etc.
i never mind long asks! though i don't always know how to respond very well all the time lkdjfad so you'll have to sometimes forgive me. and hahaha i'm really glad you liked jerry!!
that sounds really interesting. like an AU where somehow the kid versions of them are also there in wonderland or something?? unless i'm misunderstanding. admittedly the "make my friends happy" wish was the wish he made AS a kid (and why he's now stuck in loops trying to make them all happy, except that he can't), but i could see like, some interesting possibilities where it somehow becomes even more morphed and convoluted with the different versions or something, perhaps if like, there just get to be too many different timelines so they all start to converge perhaps. i've never thought about something like that before
a version of wonderland that's NOT all messed up even when they're adults would be particularly interesting to explore. well, i suppose that's what bucks, gidget, and orlam experienced at first when they first went in LOL
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lizaluvsthis · 10 months
Huuuuh I don't know how to put this... 😅. I always wanted to try a collab with an artist with an interesting story plot.
I find yours amazing (and I love those SMG's idiots so much🤩) so I just wanted to ask if we could collab on the illustrations ?
It's totally okay if you refuse of course. Those kind of mini comics are supposed to be personal for sure. I just... want to ask bc at least I tried you know 🤣😂
Here my art and paneling level, I work only on papers 😖
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No matter what, have a great day and I send you lot of strenght for the rest of your comic 😁😁😁
Hey there! I'd be happy to collab with another Artist :DD these are AMAZING artworks btw! Thought I recognize that SMG34 sitting on the chair and also the Mario art- I've seen the art! And I must say- it's wonderful!
I've never done an illustration collab before this is my first time actually- but I'll manage :0
Ofcourse we could do an interesting story plot <33 it's quite nice to finally find people to collab with me (it's been a day)
Its alright if you work in paper only (traditional) I don't draw that much SMG4 stuff in traditional- I could only draw it here 🤳
Those are wise words my friend :] The pages are almost done actually- but it will be posted soon enough!
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jennilah · 7 months
jenna gone got high and started rambling about nothing again
the amount of times ive drawn something that i thought i would be appealing or even only make sense to an audience of me and maybe 2 other people, only for it to get blown out of the water with response is shockingly often
like hoffman and strahm from the Saw franchise getting high together, yeah
but also my nonsense comics about Michael Myers from specifically the Thorn trilogy, the RZ remake, and the Green sequel hanging out like weird brothers
or every time I draw a weird AU like slashers as fish. or mini characters that live in the pockets of either someone else or the normal versions of themselves
any self indulgent crossover ive ever made like Jason hanging out with Godzilla and Mothra
and i do it for every fandom. if anyone remembers my old spn comics and AUs, some of those were off the wall cryptic and nonsensical. to the likes of which i havent come close to recreating
many of these get hundreds to thousands of notes/likes/whatever on various websites. so many people just see my nonsense and let me take their hand, no questions asked
thats it i just think its funny
jk im not done that reminds me,. the results of my dumb little poll came in where i asked what people sort of ideally want from me and im kind of surprised
i think i rambled this already but deleted it bc it felt too dumb but actually i dont think its dumb. i think its really interesting and relieving that people actually want my sketches and doodles and dumb things.
& yea i enjoy occasionally making a fully rendered piece but i mean. its not easy, and im never totally happy with the end result most of the time. but if im only posting sketches and doodles and sketchy doodly comics i feel bad like i feel like im just holding people over until the next piece where i actually put in effort.
but it turns out people are totally ok with stuff that i dont kick my own ass trying to polish. people arent settling for it, people voted- they want it.
and i dont know where this attitude against myself came from because i was never unhappy seeing sketches from artists i like
maybe its the part inside of me, which im pretty sure is inside every artist who has ever experienced self doubt, which makes me feel like i should be putting my best effort into everything. like, if i could only just muster up the courage to fully render some of these comics I do, then they would be even better...
but i wouldnt have as much fun. thats too much work, i get overwhelmed
so, they stay sketches. with varying degrees of refinement and shading.
so idk im glad ppl like them
anyway rambling done i think ive made my non-points
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akesdraws-blog · 1 year
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Situation: Casey arrived at the sewer with a small boy asleep in his arms, the little teasing from Rafa and Mikey did not wait, he explained that a friend asked him to take care of his son for a while, but Casey forgot that he had a game that day, so he thought about leaving the little boy for a while in the home of the turtles, before they objected Casey only saw when the little boy woke up and told him that he would leave him with some friends for a while and literally left the boy on the sofa to run away saying that he would return later, the boys having a small child curious about everything his little eyes saw.
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Leo is the one who took it upon himself to tell him that they were "special babysitters" who only show up in front of good children.
he would try to leave the candles out on that day, since he would not risk the child being burned by accident, in addition to the fact that he would lift any sharp object with which he could injure himself
He gave him paper and some colors to draw while he began to meditate for a while, keeping the little boy close so as not to lose sight of him, he felt a lot of tenderness when the little drawing of that huge mutant
When the little boy saw him train, he tried to imitate him by moving rather clumsily, to which I read he taught him a little the correct way to do it, having his first mini-apprentice
This little guy called Leo's katanas "Huge Swords", no matter how much Leo corrected him, he kept calling them that.
When Casey arrived to take the little one away, he didn't want to leave, but Leo convinced him to be good and go home.
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This huge guy did not know how to take even the little one, for him children are a super fragile thing from which he preferred to be away as much as possible
He gave him some balls to play with to keep him busy, but since he didn't know exactly how to treat him he would throw the balls at him so he would go get them and give them to him.
If the little boy saw him doing push-ups, he would climb into his shell, leaving him stiff, since he was afraid that if he moved he would fall and hurt himself.
When he least realized it, he noticed that the little boy had fallen asleep on his shell, so he stayed completely still without making any movement until one of his brothers passed by and took him off.
When he saw Rafa's sais he called them "Killer Forks" Rafa was not bothered by how she sounded so she just agreed with him
When Casey arrived for the boy, Rafa handed him over immediately and told him to take him away, but he waved goodbye to the boy from behind, and the little boy did the same.
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This turtle went crazy when he saw the little one, it was like having a new playmate
He let the boy play on his skateboard, although when he was breaking almost everything in the place he had to stop him before his brothers scolded him.
Mikey read the comics of him making the sound effects which the little one loved
The boy's favorite activity was climbing Mikey's shell, who when he didn't see him got scared and asked his brothers if they had seen him, when they denied it, they realized how the little boy was clinging to his shell and they just laughed. silence
He named Mikey's nunchucks as "Slamming Sticks" after that Mikey also named his weapons that.
The most difficult thing was when Casey had come to take the little boy, Mikey was hugging the boy and the boy was clinging to the turtle, his brothers had to pull him while Casey took the boy from him, they both ended up crying because they didn't want to be separated
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For Donnie it was like an interesting and complicated project at the same time, he didn't know exactly what to do with it.
After a few minutes he had the little boy passing him different tools while he was fixing the truck, he kept him busy for a while
Constantly taking care of him so that he does not touch certain things was not as difficult as he thought, he literally told him what would happen if he touched them
That the little boy was a small boat of questions pleased Donnie, who answered each one without any problem, from what he was doing to what it was for.
He called Donnie's bō "Stick" although when donnie corrected him and explained the difference he ended up calling it bō, plus it was easy for the little boy to pronounce.
When Casey had come to take the boy away he left with a little toy cane courtesy of donnie, that would be a problem for the parents now.
@post-apocalyptic-daydream . @turtle-babe83 . @turtlesmakemehappy . @dilucsflame33 . @thelaundrybitch . @scholastic-dragon . @leosgirl82 . @tmnt-tychou . @mackbunny . @happymoonangel .@lazyafgurl
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twin-books · 2 years
Hello I would like to know if there is any concept art with Marietta from Ladybug:Mini Menace
Hello there! There sure is! You certainly came to the right place! The annoying bit is how Tumblr only lets me go to 10 photos so I'm going have to be picky here. I have some Mini Menace covers. Now, as far as I'm aware, Thomas Astruc drew all of these and I must say he's a very talented artist! (Yes, I can compliment him too). I like seeing his art. And this is technically "not his best" stuff, if you want to go there. Since he's grown a lot since this and he already seemed to be pretty good at reference drawing. All the Mini Menace covers are spoofs on popular comic covers. Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less from someone who started out as a storyboard artist. So anyway, here are some of my favorites:
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This next one is a fun one because it hints at Marietta's origins. Originally her father was meant to die and she was supposed to be a vigilante. She seemed to have got her powers, or her inspiration at least, from the necklace that her father died with:
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And this next one seems to follow directly after it where she decides to become Ladybug and get revenge on the people who murdered her father. Eventually she was going to become a vigilante:
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This one is just cute and I thought it would be fun to share because Miraculous season 4 actually makes a reference to this cover, specifically:
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I love this next one the most. It's one of my absolute favorites:
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Now this one is extra fun as this hints at the relationship between her and her Chat Noir. See, Marietta's original Chat Noir was supposed to be a mentor figure for her, much like Master Fu. A vigilante before the Ladybug. It looks like in this cover he has discovered her identity and she's trying to deny it but she knows she's been caught. It almost appears as if she's getting scolded:
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Here's her using what I imagine is either one of her powers or her gadgets:
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And, here, of course is a full-body action pose of Marietta's Ladybug from right when the show was probably picked up. This, I don't believe, was drawn by Astruc, but I could be wrong. But this is where it all truly began, I imagine:
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Now, there isn't a whole lot more, but I do have a few more covers saved. Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot on Marietta. She shifts into Marinette very quickly after this, then goes through that "Bridgette" (I put this in quotes not to disrespect it, I actually very much love this name, it just isn't an official name used for her) phase, before coming right back to Marinette.
Thank you for asking about her! I had fun digging through my files! And lucky enough for you I had already organized my files a bit a week before this just to make sure I could find this stuff easier. Come to me any time about the concepts! I'm very happy to talk about them! Hope you're having a wonderful day, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever time it is where you are!
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It’s that time of year again (even though I really don’t do this yearly, more like whenever I remember to post) for me to post the art I’ve made recently. There will definitely be a trend of LMK (Lego Monkie Kid) art here because I’m currently hyperfixated on Monkey King things. (but honestly he’s a mood and I wish I could have someone like him in my life because I need that chaotic energy in my life). Anyways here’s the art, which is mostly ocs but I don’t care lol
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Okay so to start us off on what I’ve drawn is (newest to oldest):
Xiaoyue (the first two pictures) is one of my lmk ocs. She is Mk’s sister and pretty much his Macaque just without the trauma (which comes during s2/s3 when LBD briefly gets into Mk’s head and causes him to attack his sister which results in her getting a scar. She is blind in that eye, but I forgot to show that so imagine her eye is a grayish color instead or she’s simply wearing a colored contact).
Next up is Red Son. Though it’s more of a redesign/AU design because I was on a redesign kick, but I really enjoyed his design in lmk (at least his outfit) so I just changed up his colors and added more bull features on him along with the five rings that Guanyin put on him in JttW (though I believe one is supposed to be around his head like with Monkey King, but I decided to put it on his neck instead. Sort of like a necklace).
Next is a lil mini comic thing (that I used a reference for that I found on Pinterest) of JttW Wukong and pre-curse Bao (another lmk oc who’s pretty much transcended to anything Monkey King related lol) when they first meet and pretty much fall in love with each other. Though they have technically met before then, back when Wukong was causing trouble in heaven for the Jade Emperor. The two never really interacted for various of reasons, but young Bao did find Wukong to be a breath of fresh air (metaphorically speaking) compared to everyone else in heaven. (If you want Bao backstory I’ll give it just send an ask and I’ll spill the tea lol)
Next up is Qingling (another lmk oc lol) who is a young goddess that can turn into the twelve different animals of the zodiac as well as communicate with them. The purple robe is from when she was placed to guard the map of the Samadhi Fire with Nezha, who pretty much became her mentor but not really (he just taught her how to fight so that she’d be able to actually guard the map). The red robe is from when she left her position, which happened some time before the events of the show, and met Mk (who she gained loyalty to and a crush/partner which is totally based off of a rp with a friend). She’s pretty much like Mk, but more on the side of being similar to early Monkey King (mostly because she used to terrorize people with her powers for the fun of it plus she honestly didn’t know how to treat mortals before meeting Mk since she was sort of taught that they were beneath her).
Next we have Possessed AU (my own little AU) Bao, which is about how Bao ran away from heaven upon finding out Wukong had been trapped under a mountain (she had a crush on him and was overreacting lol) and ended up meeting Lady Bone Demon, who used her powers to possess the vulnerable young goddess. Unlike “Mayor”, Bao is a mute and does what either LBD or Mayor tell her to do (she’s referred to as his receptionist many times to mostly hide her true identity). The staff was something created for Bao by LBD to channel her powers and allow Bao to use both LBD’s bone magic (like Macaque did in s3) and her own sunlight magic. (If you want to know more about the AU just send an ask, I’d be happy to answer it)
Next is actually a fusion design/redesign/AU design for Macaque. It’s a mixture of his 2009 Monkey King show design and his LMK design. I really liked the design of young Mac so I thought it’d be fun to merge the designs. It’s kinda like his true form, or at least my version of his true form. I’ll eventually draw the full body version of it lol.
Lastly is a random thing I wanted to make that got stuck in my head for days before I actually drew it and I love it so much. The two characters have evolved from just random characters to ocs that I’m slowly making a world around. For now they’re just referred to as the Princess and the Vampire since I don’t have names for them yet. Though I do know that he’s the “villain” of the story and their lives are intertwined with each other no matter what they do.
Alright. That’s all, for now. Feel free to send in asks about any of my ocs or AUs, I’m always down to talk about them with anyone who’d listen. Also feel free to ask my opinion on lmk stuff since it’s apart of my current hyperfixation. Anyways, have a lovely life!
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certifiednobody · 2 years
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I just found out about the Syndicate Ranboo skin and had to draw him.
I also wrote a little mini-fic for it. (Post-finale spoilers) ------------------------------------------- REGENESIS: A Dream SMP Epilogue ------------------------------------------- Alive? No, he shouldn’t be. Ranboo remembered his death, the years of numbness spent in limbo. his punishment for dying with unfinished business. And yet here he was, laying on his bed back home, being watched by a small army of crows that had gathered at his bedside, Phil’s worrying eyes and ears. He was in pain, but very much alive.
In the coming days Ranboo would come to learn of what had happened. At first they thought it best to let him be at ease before letting him know the gut-wrenching news, but he could tell something was off by the bitterness in Techno’s voice, the way Phil seemed to hold back the pain in his heart during their chats.
The news that the server had been nuked was almost comically tragic. All these years of love and loss, and yet none of it mattered in the end. Nearly everyone was gone. For a moment Ranboo wondered if he’d even left Hell.
Nobody knew how he was alive in the first place, even if Dream had revived him, he should’ve been incinerated in the blast that would’ve come moments after. And yet they’d discovered him completely fine, laying unconscious at ground zero of the devastation. The same place they assume Dream died. They couldn’t imagine why he was able to return, but Techno preferred not to look a gift horse in the mouth, so they just accepted that maybe the universe was trying to repay them for all they’d lost. It was easier than trying to understand Dream’s dark magic.
Apparently he owed his life to Nikki. If she hadn’t spotted him while scouting the ruins with Techno, his body would have been eaten away by the intense radiation.
Ranboo soon recovered, They had hoped he would, but Enderman biology was a mystery to them, so they weren’t confident a diet of healing potions and golden apples was enough to combat the radiation poisoning.
Eventually Ranboo was about to suit up in protective gear and join their scouting missions. It was clear most were long gone, but they did find a few survivors. Among them were Foolish, who had taken the full force of the blast, Eret and Wilbur, who had apparently been away from the SMP in some land called “Utah”, and everyone that lived in Las Nevadas, which had been just out of range of the explosions and fallout. Surprisingly, they also found Fundy, who had been travelling through the Nether at the time of the explosion and camped out there until he stumbled out of their portal a few nights ago. 
And the last, but most important, survivor they found while exploring the remains of Snowchester. Ranboo was devastated that he had nothing to remember Michael by, as everything he owned was nothing but ash now. Then they went to explore the bunker where the nuke had been launched, the only untouched part of Snowchester, where they all heard a familiar oinking in a nearby closet.
Whether Tubbo had the foresight to hide him or he’d wandered in there himself, Michael was alive and well, locked inside a closet with years of rations he’d been gobbling away at for the last two weeks.
The next decade had been an era of bittersweet peace and reconstruction for everyone. Whether they wanted to admit it or not, the devastation had shaken Techno and Quackity’s boldness. Maybe they had finally realized just how mortal they were, or maybe they just saw what endless war would do to the world. Either way, the Syndicate and Las Nevadas joined forces to repair their broken world, the original members of both factions being gifted special clothing.
It would take a long time for the people of this new land to get past their trauma. Almost everyone still clutched tightly to their Life Totems. Even after al this time, it was still surreal seeing Phil, Wilbur, and Fundy acting like a family again. Michael had grown a lot in these last ten years, and Ranboo was quick to ask Techno to tutor him in the art of self defense.
As he watched his son skillfully parry Techno’s blows and counterattack, he knew he was no longer scared of the void, of what came after death. He’d gotten his happy ending, and maybe in the next life he’d be able to reunite with Tubbo.
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wesperbrekkered · 1 year
hi rae !!
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
🍭why did you start writing?
💎why is writing important to you?
Thanks for the ask yolanda! ♡
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
Does The Longest Hour count? Considering its still a baby?
Eh I'll talk about it anyway hehe. I really enjoy writing this fic because it gives me a chance to just relax while writing, considering how much I love horses. Giving my own horses roles is just so special to me, Pie and Ila my loves ♡
🍭why did you start writing?
Honestly, I don't even remember! I've been making stories since before I could read. When i was young I used to draw pictures and mini comics without words and spin a whole story about them. I'd even draw book covers for my stories and get my mom to write the titles. So ig it was inevitable that not only would I seriously get into writing (ie my novel) but that I'd make fanfiction too.
I guess the delight of making little stories never wears off.
💎why is writing important to you?
Oh god where do I start...
For me, writing is an escape. Its an escape from my life, my head, my worries. Its a way to get the swirling thoughts out of my brain and into somewhere productive. It's a way for me to spin the stories in my head into something beautiful for others to enjoy and smile about.
Because that's what it's all about for me.
Making people happy. I want to write things that make people feel seen, and happy and a little place for them to escape into. I don't just write to write and I don't write for money, I write for people like me to read.
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gaiaplantress · 2 years
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Fuck it, posting stupid MDZS OC/Canon comic.
Sometimes you end up writing OC/canon mini-fic as a break between working on other fics, and then end up wanting to draw it but not put that much effort into it and things like this come out.   I love my boy Nie Weiqiang even though he was just supposed to an NPC to fill in space in a fic.   I’m just too attached now and things like this happen.   Fic excerpt I based this on:
“Mo Xuanyu!”  The familiar voice made him jump.  He’d thought that Nie Weiqiang had left with the rest of the Nie delegation, yet here he was striding towards him.
  “Yes..?” he’d thought the man wouldn’t want to talk to him after he brushed him off earlier, and he hoped this wasn’t another argument.  He watched with trepidation as the cultivator stopped in front of him.   For a long moment he just stared, and Mo Xuanyu shifted uncomfortably.  It wasn’t like he had never known the man to hesitate for anything.  Was he really that annoyed about earlier?    He was about to open his mouth to finally ask what he wanted, when Nie Weiqiang darted forward and grabbed his arm.  Before he could even feel anything but surprise, something was pressed into his upturned palm.
 “....This is for you,”  he  said firmly before releasing him. Mo Xuanyu stared at him for a moment before finally glancing down at his hand.   A small wooden frog stared up at him. What. A frog.  Why had he been given a frog?  Was it supposed to mean something?  Was it payment for something?  He didn’t think he’d ever done anything that Nie Weiqiang would have to pay him back for
.Since the taller man was still watching him he cleared his throat, “thank you,” he said, “but…why?”    The last words slipped out before he could stop them. 
The other cultivator blinked in confusion opened and closed his mouth a few times, and something like panic seemed to cross his face for a second, “I..” he said, “don’t know!”  the last was said with an aggressive scowl, and Mo Xuanyu wouldn’t tell who it was directed at.
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