#i wanted to draw these kids in funky clothes
wojtekaneko · 2 years
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They're going shopping in Harajuku. Saiki is invisible (he doesn't want people to thinks he's with them)
From this au
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banananami · 1 year
Couple Costumes with JJK Men!
A/N: October is here so here is a halloween related thread! I couldn’t find a photo for the second costume I chose for Megumi and Gojo but just imagine there is one! Plus, apologies in advance for these photos - I couldn’t find any photos that reflected the vision in my head (who knew it would be hard to find simple halloween related photos!)
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Trying to figure out Gojo was so hard, but honestly all i can guarantee is that he’d want you to look sexy as FUCK.
He’d probably do the Ken and Barbie couples costume. Little did he know that he’d get so turned on by you in a pink cowboy outfit. BUT then he would remember the plot to the Barbie movie and ask questions like if it’s feminist to say you look sexy in the barbie costume 😭😭.
If it was a halloween party with the first and second years, then I feel like he’d dress up as a mummy. He typically wraps his eyes up so it’s an easy costume idea! You’d put on a cute archaeologist/Indiana Jones-esque outfit on! The kids thank you for wrapping up Gojo’s mouth with a bandage so they don’t have to hear him make corny jokes about their costumes 😭
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I was originally going to suggest Geto and you dressing up as a priest and a nun, but I feel as though that might be offensive!
SO, you guys dress as Grimm and Malaria (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)! It’s a cartoon show you both loved watching during your times at school (Shoko loved it too but she couldn’t handle you two flirting whilst the three of you would watch it on TV).
If not Billy and Mandy, then I could imagine a Batman and Catwoman costume (Rob Pat and Zoe Kravitz version). Simple, cheap, and effective! Plus, Geto in eye makeup??? Yes please!!
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I think it would be difficult to persuade Nanami to wear a costume but if he did, it would be most likely something simple like Morticia and Gomez from the Addams Family!!
All he has to do is slick his hair down, wear a suit and a fake stache! Plus, he loves you just as much as Gomez loves Morticia so!!!
BUT if you can somehow really convince him then there’s also the option of dressing like Woody and Jessie from Toy Story.
The funky patterns of the Cowboy Costume reminds him of his funky tie so why wouldn’t he!! Plus, Nanami in a cowboy hat would be so cute (I need an artist to draw Nanami in a Woody costume ASAP!!)
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Similar to Nanami, I think it would be difficult to convince Megumi to do something eccentric as a halloween costume.
He’d do something low maintenance with you like being skeletons together!!
Unless you trick him and paint cat whiskers on his face instead 🤭 Megumi as a lil black cat 🐈‍⬛ is so cute to me !!
He’d be slightly annoyed at first but the look on your face over him being a silly little kitten makes it worthwhile! The meowification of Megumi Fushiguro!
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I just know this boy loves Halloween!!! If he loves horror films then best believe he loves Halloween, okay!
That being said, I don’t think he’s super creative at designing costumes. The most creative he’d be is cutting two holes in your white bed sheets and throwing it over you! You might even pop some shades on Yuuji to make him look cooler 😎.
HOWEVER, if Yuuji is willing to splash some money on clothes and makeup, then best believe he’d dress up as Beast boy!! You’re obviously Raven ofc. Would definitely win best couple costume!
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cupid-roses · 3 months
Mythos melodies au designs: asl!
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↓ Design notes below! ↓
So for some context I tend to change up my art style depending on what kind of story I’m telling which I feel a lot of people do so for this specific fic I wanted to do the art in a very funky collage style! So shanks is supposed to look like a water color painting but the kids are supposed to look like they came out a coloring book ^^
The fic is set around late fall / early winter so the kids get comfy clothes
Sabo was the easiest for me mostly because he is my favorite lol. I actually got inspired by @/where-does-the-heart-lie and how they draw him so that’s why he’s albino, because he is so pale in their artwork and then I have to give him blue so I gave him the star sweater from coraline
Luffy was fun to design. I gave em polka dots to match with shanks since their relationship here is very important to the plot. Also bandaids because I think they are cute. Luffy is also trans in this fic! Which way? I think it’s obvious if you go through my other posts lol
Ace looks the most different here but I have a good reason I swear! He’s not human, and for his species i took the dnd version of it where there appearance changes on the season ( it’s emotions in dnd but eh) so in the summer he has black hair but in the autumn it turns red (and it explains why his freckles are fire colors) and then I took the sweater colors again from coraline
Fun fact: ace was the one to suggest they match outfits but he will deny it until the day he dies:]
And for another context crumb: this is set in the canon universe essentially except there is a shit ton canon divergence if you couldn’t already tell. I will try to keep everything in line with canon lore (mostly) , character and world building customs the same but the way the plot is going to go is taking an entire left turn into hell very quickly
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mojo-is-rising · 4 months
 I Hate Him (conditionally)
Day 4 - AU (hosted by @minthe-drawings )
Baxter and Akio - What if Akio lived in Golden Groove? Baxter POV (yes, i'm doing a AU for both of my Baxter MCs, that way they get an equal amount of content C: )
Warning: Angst, Underage Smoking
Words spread fast in small towns, the autumn wind helping the whispers fly far and fast, reaching even into the depths of the forest where the solemn mansion Baxter has the privilege of calling home is. 
A boy his age has recently occupied a house long left behind in the suburbs, right next where his best friend lives.
And Baxter absolutely despises him.
He stands taller than him, taller even than Ren and his voice is already deep, drowned out by his pride and snotiness, even if he has no reason to be like that. He doesn’t go to Baxter’s private school, he's never seen prowling on the dance studio nor the band nor any extracurricular worthy of pride, his house is nothing to cry for either. Yet, his predatory eyes of overwhelming darkness always seem to find their way into the Boy’s Club usual hangout places.
He hangs out in the park with a crowd half from his own school half from Baxter’s private one. Then he invades the private bridge tucked away in the forest’s core, smoking hidden from his family and spewing teasing words towards Baxter, even going as far as desmissing Qiu’s authority because he’s just “some kid”. Not to mention the diner or the convenience store or the bicycle paths and everywhere else! Baxter just can’t catch a break.
Even late at night, when Baxter’s legs ache from the continuous lessons and he just can’t seem capable of snoozing, that incredulous person seems to find his way into Baxter’s most private, inner thoughts. Thoughts about how he so effortlessly breaks rules, right behind his parents back, while still presenting politeness in the face of the adults - something Baxter can only fantasize of doing. The way he dresses rebellious, with chains, funky patterns, earrings and black. In fact, a lot of things in him are black and white, Baxter’s most adored contrast of colors, from his raven hair to those haunting eyes all the way to his fair skin and the silver of his jewelry. Baxter hates it, hates it all, hates spending so much resting time agonizing about how his canines fang out of his plush lips when he smugly smiles - re-playing every interaction they’ve shared on that day, no matter how minuscule it may have seemed.
Baxter loudly sighs as the night goes on.
He truly hates Akio Takahara. How dare he be everything Baxter wants to be while having nothing at all.
Minutes couldn’t go slower, seconds couldn’t take more decades as Baxter waits to be dismissed from that stuffy class. He has to force himself to chant in his head over and over again how it is a privilege to afford a level of education not even half of the population can just to power through the unbearable speech of his senile professor. Trying his best to focus on the words instead of what's awaiting him after the class.
Finally, after a few more agonizing moments, he is met with such paradise. Akio Takahara - sworn enemy and rival - hangs out behind his posh school, leaning against the wall aloof while puffing his cigarette and scrolling on his phone. He’s visibly disheveled and clothed comfortably in gym clothes, he must have just left his judo lesson, Baxter concludes. 
They briefly greet each other with teasing words. “Loser”, “idiot”, “bastard”, “weirdo” and many other pejorative terms are common in their lexical of endearments, even if to the eye of an innocent onlooker it may seem like the very opposite. Baxter smushes Aki’s cheeks together, remarking how ‘cute’ he is, and Aki grazes his hand a little too close to Baxter's waist. And then they leave that place behind walking side by side.
It’s a funny sight, Baxter in his carefully-picked dress coded clothes with Akio, now much shorter than the former, dressed relaxed yet walking with pride and conviction.
They finally arrive at the diner, grab a quick lunch, and find themselves tucked away from society in that little abandoned bridge. There they can almost forget who they are, where they came from, what awaits them outside the forest and just focus on the boy before them. Both seventeen and incredibly stupid. 
Sure they kiss a few times, go even further than that. Risk their reputation much more than they should. And sure, Baxter may enamour the people from his dance hall and Akio enjoys toying with the handsome boys from school. But at the end of the day, they always find themselves together, having conversations they don’t have with anyone else, including Baxter’s childhood club who is now long gone. Hidden from all prying eyes and expectations. 
Their relationship doesn't have a label, ‘enemies’ are not exactly known for making out under bridges in the middle of nowhere. But they won’t allow themselves to address whatever they have as more of a ‘rivalry’. 
After all that, when Baxter is once again lost in his thoughts in his bed, enveloped by the night, he can’t help but wonder if he has the option to ask more from Akio. What exactly, he’s not sure. Is it commitment he wants? More attention and time? Security in their relationship? (Can he call it a relationship?) No matter how far his thoughts go, they always end up with the same answer.
No. He doesn't deserve whatever he’s dreaming about, it is not achievable or possible. A great life awaits for Akio, a life of fame and beauty. And a different life is reserved for Baxter.
He hates how Akio makes him dare to wish for more.
The last autumn leaves fall, the trees are now barren and the wind is getting chillier. Baxter looks back on his mansion as his chauffeur stuffs the last of his baggage into the car’s trunk. He finds himself leaving the comfort of his lavish conditions to venture into college life, a new beginning in his independence, a goodbye to the small mountain town he has lived in for his entire existence - he doesn't plan on rotting there after he gets his degree. 
“Mr. Ward, I must inform you that we have to stop for gas before leaving Golden Groove.” His pessimistic thoughts are interrupted by the chauffeur, Baxter weakly nods and does little to complain. A trip down memory lane couldn’t hurt, right? 
Baxter stays inside the car while his employee worries about mundane tasks, he bores his sight into the line of trees barely seen behind the gas station. He supposes that view won’t be reachable for a long stretch of time as he tries to glue the memory onto his shambled mind. But then, a certain someone is seen leaving said gas station.
Clad in black and red, holding onto two small bags of cheap snacks, drinks and, of course, a cigarette ready to be lighted. His nemesis.
Baxter forgets about the stupid forest and glues his eyes to Akio’s figure, he looks divine and Baxter wishes to remember his image for the rest of his life.  
And then Akio recognizes the chauffeur, looks into the car and freezes at Baxter like a deer in headlights. Many would call it true destiny but Baxter sees it more as miserable unluckness, to lock gazes with him just moments before they separate for…forever.
Akio understands the meaning of it all. His eyes lack their usual brightness, portraying a deep, unsettling helplessness. Silently says goodbye with a shy nod and walks away. Baxter thinks he saw tears but it must have been his hazy mind playing tricks.
As the drive towards the airport continues, Baxter finally comes to the conclusion that he won - he no longer has a rival. Akio can't get to him anymore, he has no conditions to hate anymore.
He doesn't have to worry about stumbling upon a rude, self-assured bully. Nor hide away from everyone in secluded places. No pesky feelings about wanting more. He’s at peace, at least.
Baxter is finally able to close his eyes for good, falling into a slumber while the image of Golden Groove disappears from the car windows.
He sleeps, even if his throat dries, his limbs go limp and his heart clenches with pain.
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canidkid · 10 months
A continuation of -> this post (kinda)
(Yes. The guy from the funky museum movies.)
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-> If you wanna get into technicalities, I'd say Ahk would fall under being a "perma regressor." He's forever a teenager !! There's no more going forward from here.
-> I'd peg him anywhere between 18-0, which is a really broad range. His childhood holds some of his most intense living memories. Its only natural to relive them physically, too.
-> he's very scared of the dark when he's little. It bothers him even when he's in adult headspace. But when he's anywhere under 12, it gets very difficult to put him to bed at the end of the night.
^ Larry had started calling Ahk's return to his sarcophagus "going to bed". Especially when he's small. Even if the blanket and stuffie can't stay in there- he's still getting tucked in with them. Yeah, it's weird taking those things away from an unmoving mummy...but it's best just not to think about it too hard !!
-> Larry, Nicky, and Teddy know him best.
Nicky has always been a bio brother to him anyway! So it's easy when the two have to "swap roles" sometimes.
Teddy's always there! With a kind word and a pat on the back. Even when the little prince wants nothing but to be held and carried. Ted is on board.
Larry is basically everyone's CG anyway. He's a father, and he's been taking care of all the museum's inhabitants. It's not a big surprise or adjustment when he finds out his glittery fancy Pharaoh needs some downtime to be a kid.
-> Larry is the one getting Ahk his gear (duh). The first thing he gets him is actually a sketchbook and pencils! Ahk loves to draw. Sometimes, he's just drawing colorful shapes to stim, or even some pretty impressive realistic artwork! He mostly has art supplies, plushies, and random trinkets. He'll play with anything so there's little need for real toys.
^ he does use pacis! But he prefers things like stim toys and chewlery.
-> little Ahk is a really fussy kid. He doesn't mean to be annoying or bratty, but lots of things just upset him. Bright lights, flashing, banging..construction down the street becomes an enemy if he happens to be teeny. He's largely mute, can't, or won't speak. But will cry. He's picky about his clothing, his toys, what rooms he's in...better not to do anything without consulting him first !
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Feel free to RB, comment, send asks, etc!! I love talking about my weird little niches :]
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randoimago · 7 months
yayyy the askbox is back!
so... remember the photographer ask for ryuji and yusuke? what about like. some sort of fashion designer s/o? and s/o wants them to try on their clothing for them?? and uhhh sorry if this is too much but i realized ann would also be GREAT to throw into this mix LOL
happy writing!!!
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Ann Takamaki, Ryuji Sakamoto, Yusuke Kitagawa
Note(s): Here you go!!
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She's had small deals before where she'd model clothes and then get some designed specifically for her, nothing too big though and definitely no big brands. But for her S/O to offer to design her clothing, she jumps at the opportunity.
For one thing, she is trying to be a more serious model so having clothes specifically designed for her would help her feel more comfortable with posing and getting the feel for things. For another thing, if she can take good selfies and stuff in the clothes that her S/O makes then hopefully it'll give her S/O some recognition too. Seems like a win/win to Ann.
Ann is used to posing and having measurements taken so she probably has most of her sizes memorized, which is helpful for you to get started. She can't help but be a bit like an excitable kid as she asks you all kinds of questions like what material you'll use, what types of clothing you'll make, if you need her to lend her any cash for anything. She'll try not to be too annoying with her questions, but she's just really excited.
Ryuji has a really cool punk style thing going and he doesn't really realize it. He just likes what he wears, not realizing that he looks good wearing it (I mean, he hopes he does, but most of the time he throws something on so he's not late to school).
So when his S/O offers to design him some clothes based on his style, it does throw him for a bit of a loop. The idea of getting his own clothes designed by his S/O sounds a bit too good to be true. And as long as it's free, then he'd be glad to agree!
It's a bit awkward for him with trying on his clothes and acting like a model for his S/O to get an idea of how to design new clothing for him. He suddenly understands how tough Ann's job must be. And seeing you sketch things out or come and take measurements makes him feel more awkward and a bit flustered depending on where you have to measure.
This boy doesn't even realize how aesthetically pleasing his outfits are. Sure, he wears some funky stuff now and then, but he's still very nice to look at. Yusuke does have an eye for art so it makes sense that his clothing matches or have the same color schemes as others to pair them. But he also doesn't have a lot of money so he doesn't have a lot of new clothing.
Which is when you offer to design him some. Yusuke doesn't really know what that process entails, but it sounds like another form of art and he's happy to help you with creating it. He also asks you many questions throughout the whole process too.
Is thrown for a bit of a loop when you have him model the outfits that he does have. He's never really been the muse for anything, but he supposes that this lets him know how those that he draws feels. Might ask you if you'd prefer him to be nude when you take measurements (feels flustered at the idea even though he tries to remind himself that it is in the name of art). Is a bit relieved when you don't need him to strip that much.
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Taglist: @reo-the-leo @abellaheart-blog
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dewdroppdraws · 1 year
Hi I’m new to tumblr so I’m not sure how you normally post on here but I wanted to try posting some sketches of earth from tsams! I’m not the best with anatomy so I won’t lie I did trace over some photos (REAL PHOTOS NOT ART) I found on Pinterest and modified the proportions to fit my design, but I’m trying to improve lol. For now I just rlly wanted to flesh out my design for earth which I couldn’t do while my anatomy looked like crap 😭 all the full body ones I used references for but the one in the right corner was all me so I’ve got that to my name at least 💪 I’ll include my “reference” pictures as well :> and below the pics is an explanation of the design because I love to gush about this kind of thing. Fair warning, it’s pretty long LMAO
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Hehe now it’s time for me to gush about my lil design 😈
So the first major difference you probably noticed (aside from body shape) is the very fluffy clothing I have her in. The leg warmers and… fingerless gloves? Leg warmers that she put on her arms? Idk what the arm ones are called but yk what I’m talking about lol. When I first noticed earths little rainbow headband my brain immediately said “80’s workout videos”. The big hair, the rainbow headband, it just immediately jumped ot at me and stuck. I decided to give her oversized leg warmers in that same rainbow pattern because it made me sad that her actual design doesn’t have the rainbow anywhere else. It’s funky and I like it what can I say.
Next I decided I really wanted her to wear thigh-highs. I personally love thigh-highs and also it gave me an excuse not to think about her leg mechanics. I tend to draw Sun and Moon like ball joint dolls, but it gets a lil funky to draw when they are bending their limbs so having a fluffy excuse to hide them was ideal lol. I decided to go with the bold choice of putting thigh highs and leg warmers on her, which I don’t regret even tho it probably seems like a lot. I might change a few things about her later down the line since these were just basic sketches so don’t worry if you hate it.
I gave her shorts because a skirt just didn’t feel right for her. I feel like a daycare attendant would be very active, even if earth tends to sit with the quieter kids, and a skirt would be very awkward to climb around in. I figured shorts would be good. I drew them like jean shorts since that was the original intention but they could be cloth rather than denim gimme time to think about it 💀
I had a lot of trouble decided whether the thingies on her shoulders were stand-alone or like pieces of hair she keeps up front (probably attached cuz she’s a robot) I decided on making them attached to the bigger floor of hair cuz I thought it looked cutest on the pic with her shoulders up and in front of her face lol.
Onto her chest plate thing, I was considering making it an actual shirt but decided against it. I wanted her to have a crop top bc I love crop tops so I just made it so her chest area was painted like a shirt, and then her middle area was back to her “skin” color, so it’s almost like a crop top but not really…?
Last but not least is her face, I also made that her “skin” color and just put the blue and green as her cheeks! I thought it looked cutest that way. She also has heterochromia cuz when a character has two main colors I really enjoy putting them on opposite sides as often as possible haha. So her green cheek has her blue eye and her blue cheek has her green eye. I know her original model has two blue eyes but this was what I went with.
Anyways that was super long and I’m super nervous about posting this so I’m just gonna hit post and if I find a typo or decide my lil explanation was 4 paragraphs too many I’ll fix it later. Have a nice day whoever is still reading this! :>
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as-i-watch · 2 years
Straw Hats as Fashion Trends that makes me go insane*
*you can wear whatever want to express yourself or whatever you like idc. What i hate if when brands™ overprice shit bc is "trendy" or set stupid trends like these. Seriously, dont look up the price of some of these
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Enjoy!
Detachable Shorts
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Of course this feature was a need in the trouser world, think about the people with hot knees
I think it would be funny if Luffy wore this and undo the buckles to get into fight mode. The trouser equivalent of putting down the straps in your crocs.
Tits Out. [period]
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Your arms are always cold? Hate vests? Well this is for you!
Still, i think this is so fitting for Zoro, we respect our tits out king and adds a little bit of himbo energy i appreciate.
Oda draws weird shit like this all the time
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Yes this item was for sale and not on etsy. Why? beats me but here we are
I think its a nice refference to pre timeskip Nami outfits, but it actually fits into the post timeskip fanservice theme. I seriously see Nami wearing that.
Cool but why
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Its a cool recycling project but im not even going to talk why brands selling these upset me.
I think i would be a fitting addition to Usopp's funky hats collection. Not only he would pull it off, he would steal the desing and make one himself like the king he is.
Pretty but WHYYY
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I really like the effect and sawing this fabric is hard af but is more of a texture thing for me. Also my little practical self is screaming at this gloves but i see the aesthetic pleasing side i guess
So naturally i gave the gay gloves to Sanji. Tell you you cant picture him wearing these with his WCI white suit, come on do it, lie to me.
A classic we love to hate
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Not you Chopper you are a delight. Im talking about the clear plastic backpacks. In case you missed thia trend, the issues with this are as clear as the bag itself.
So naturally, bc he always carries one, i gave the backpack to Chopper. Hope he fills it with colorful candy
I have vivid memories of this being a thing at some point
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This are more of a pre timeskip item since they are from mis 2000's but yeah. They are useless, impractical and they offend me
Yet, i think Robin could've feature a look in a filler or something with these...anklets? I guess? Not the most far fetched imo
Cut and pin.
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Not an issue of looks but of pricing. This are cute little tops but overpriced af, they just cut it and pin it.
Nevertheless, they scream Franky to me. They even kinda follow Franky's own stiches on his chest lmao
At a lost for words
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I just dont get it. This is not a price thing, just a ok but why? thing.
If someone can do weird shit and get away with it is Brook and i love him for it. He could show up one day at Sunny wearing his coat backward and i wouldnt question it. I imagine him wearing that as a fancy look in a movie. He already wears high heels on the reg, and idk why but i know he has a pair of fishnets.
This fuck me up to this day
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I dont mind the ilusion drawing idea, but seeing a whole rack of these in a sleep deprived state kinda fucks up your mind. I dont think it was a clever trend for clothes tho and im glad it died away.
I dont think Jinbe would wear the shirt, but hear me out. His kimono but in that stile, custom made. One day Usopp, Chopper and Luffy will paint it in and is going to be hilarious to see Jinbe walking around like a Father that let his kids do his hair and nails.
You can find more idiot post like this in my tag #straw hats as i make no promise of quality but i have fun
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myriadium · 1 year
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written notes:
does her hair herself
steals her brothers' clothes
ballet sneakers (stolen)
"purple" vs "red" mode
gets into fights a lot
Nene (no last name), she/her, 13, japanese, 4'8'', ventus
i was debating on who i wanted as the 9th place person on the leaderboards (as you know, in the legaseries 7-9 places were absent). to be funny i wanted to pick a super random side character (like literally black hair, barely drawn face background character) to be on the leaderboards but then i remembered nene and i was like yes. i need her to fill the last position as 9th brawler in the entire world. a 13 year old! she's going through her rebellious phase so when some dweeb masked loser came up to recruit her she thought he was with the cops and decided to run away.
so presenting nene no last name! a rascal of the Bakugan underground, nene comes from an underfunded orphange where the kids run the place more than the adults do (she is the king). to earn money she and the other kids enter betting contests to fight against one another, and purposefully rig the battle so they go home with a pay day. she realizes she can earn more if she enters high level games, so she uses her sweet baby face to lower her opponents' guards, then demolishes them with a highly aggressive strategy rarely seen in ventus players. she is not above underhanded moves and prefers to finish battles quickly so that opponents can't adapt to her.
it was fun to redesign her; i recently thought of a character with partial heterochromia in both eyes, and depending on the angle in which they look at you, it would appear they have different eye colors. when nene is looking up to you, you see a sleepy purple, a girl who seems slightly dazed and not really all there. when she is looking down on you, you see a street urchin peering into someone's pantry.
also she keeps her triple ponytails. i feel like this would be exactly the stupid funky hairstyle a kid would give themselves because they think they're doing something so unique and different.
another note! i saw some ballet sneakers (specifically akiko aoki's "giselle") and thought they looked amazing and worked very well for the kind of fashion i want to draw. nene wants to be a ballerina when she grows up, and she stole this pair from a store. she keeps it in mint condition and is willing to throw hands to anyone who wants to dirty them.
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adorerinn · 2 months
HIII I LOVE UR MATCHUPS AND IS totally normal about them and would love one too pls, and I'd like to be 🎏 anon!
I'm a girl and l'd love a LONGGG romantic matchup with a guy please
A brief desc of what I look like: I'm 167 cm, l've got long brown hair w new bangs which I love. I have some semblance of siren eyes which unfortunately scare some ppl off ://, therefore I’d prefer someone on the taller side please 🫶🏼
Personality: I'm the most versatile person I know, a true ambivert I believe. love quiet time but also feed off of energy when I'm around people and is totally okay with just sitting in silence with my friends. I'm attentive to my people and my giving love language is gift-giving, acts of service and quality time. I'm very aware of a lot of things happening around me, especially myself. I notice things most don't see like how my friends walk in different shoes (literally) or how they shift their body when they're uncomfortable. But this awareness also makes me feel bad sometimes when I notice something's up and I do nothing cause it gets so tiring, and then i feel guilty afterwards and think about what I should've done to help when literally no one had either.
I'm an ENFP and l'd love to be paired with a char of a suitable mbti. I'm confident, a little too much sometimes but mostly as a joke, about my looks and values in life. I also LOVEE deeptalks, depth in conversation is what i live for!!
I'm an artist and I love to draw and want to become an art director when I'm older cus l'm also a businesswoman at heart (gotta get that bag yk)
I'm also a huge fashion kid, as in whatever funky piece of clothing i see, i style and wear. I mix it up a lot so anything with squiggly fabric or ruffles and skirts as tops, you get the gist.
Ideal type:
I'm not super sure i can encapsulate a "type", but I'm not into gruff types (like iwa l'm so sorry), a little mean yes but not gruff yk. I'd love someone with a sense of humor and one that can match my energy, both calm and otherwise. I need someone attentive towards me as
much as i am to others. And someone wealthy please, i love giving gifts to people and showering them with support and affection and sometimes i just feel like it's one sided (apart from my family I receive gifts like i do others with only 3 friends :/). It might be a little selfish i know but i just need to feel loved like that i guess? And someone willing to ride all the scary rollercoasters with me (adrenaline junkie)
Appearance-wise, l'm into more feminine faces, my max for masculine is like chris evans , but i think all asian faces have a touch of femininity in them so i have practically no rejects in terms of characters. No facial hair tho, I'm super icked out by that, and body types are also versatile. My fav char is tsukki and he's built like a pencil but i love bo's body type too :))
Dream date: I'D LOVE A DANCE DATE, not professionally but like dancing tgt to pop classics from the early 2000s is a dream, literally anywhere (a club, the living room etc)
I hope i got everything, sry if it's long i love to ramble looking forward to a reply, thanks so much 😋😋
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I match you with Suna Rintaro!
✧ Suna would definitely be a perfect match for you!
✧ you could for sure have a long and romantic relationship with him (I just feel like once he's found that special person he sticks with them no matter what)
✧ loves your ambieverted personality even if he's a bit more on the introverted side
✧ likes being able to spend some quiet time maybe put on some music while he's at it (I just KNOW he has a good playlist for every occasion)
✧ always keeps any gift you give him. he will probably just have the all scattered around somewhere in his room but he does appreciate them a lot
✧ likes being able to spend time with you even if you aren't doing anything or just sitting in silence. he just appreciates your presence
✧ definitely notices how you notice the tiniest things and thinks it's cool especially since he's the same way. you both would probably whisper to each other and just point out the smallest things ever
✧ always reassures you that it's okay and that you don't have to always help out people even if you noticed it
✧ likes how you can be confident even if it's just as a joke he thinks it's cool you can be confident even if it's not real. he just appreciates it and prefers people to be confident instead of just always being shy or something like that
✧ would for sure have late night talks about the most random things which will eventually lead to deeper conversations but he all for them
✧ he probably watches you draw and if you were to give him a drawing he would most likely have one of your drawings folded up in his wallet or some random jacket pocket
✧ likes how you have a dream to be an art director. he likes it when people have a goal set in mind instead of just going with the flow
✧ adores your fashion sense. he just thinks it's cool to have such a unique fashion taste. would also probably want you to choose some of his outfits if he can't decide what to wear
✧ most definitely has a sense of humor. (I feel like he has brainrot humor IT'S TRUE BC I SAID SO)
✧ would be able to match energy (he's probably still a kid at heart I just know it)
✧ of course most of them time he is very calm and attentive. he would probably notice when you're feeling even a little bit down and would try to cheer you up as best as he can
✧ would definitely buy you small gifts that he sees in shops and gets them just because they reminded him of you
✧ LOVES going on roller coasters and will go on whatever ride you choose. he just likes the thrill of rides
✧ would like to just mess around and dance to stupid music. he would enjoy to dance in the living room (he probably wouldn't wanna go to clubs just because he tries to act all nonchalant)
✧ overall I think Suna Rinatro would be the perfect match for you and you both would get along great
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hi anon!! I hope you enjoyed your match up feel free to request again!
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stars-tonight · 2 months
HIII I LOVE UR MATCHUPS AND IS totally normal about them 🫶🏼
would love one too pls, and I’d like to be 🎏 anon!I’m a girl and I’d love a LONGGG romantic matchup with a guy please 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
A brief desc of what I look like: I’m 167 cm, I’ve got long brown hair w new bangs which I love. I have some semblance of siren eyes which unfortunately scare some ppl off ://
Personality: I’m the most versatile person I know, a true ambivert I believe. I love quiet time but also feed off of energy when I’m around people and is totally okay with just sitting in silence with my friends. I’m attentive to my people and my giving love language is gift-giving, acts of service and quality time. I’m very aware of a lot of things happening around me, especially myself. I notice things most don’t see like how my friends walk in different shoes (literally) or how they shift their body when they’re uncomfortable. But this awareness also makes me feel bad sometimes when I notice something’s up and I do nothing cause it gets so tiring, and then i feel guilty afterwards and think about what I should’ve done to help when literally no one had either.
I’m an ENFP and I’d love to be paired with a char of a suitable mbti. I’m confident, a little too much sometimes but mostly as a joke, about my looks and values in life. I also LOVEE deeptalks, depth in conversation is what i live for!!
I’m an artist and I love to draw and want to become an art director when I’m older cus I’m also a businesswoman at heart (gotta get that bag yk)
I’m also a huge fashion kid, as in whatever funky piece of clothing i see, i style and wear. I mix it up a lot so anything with squiggly fabric or ruffles and skirts as tops, you get the gist.
Ideal type:
I’m not super sure i can encapsulate a “type”, but I’m not into gruff types (like iwa I’m so sorry), a little mean yes but not gruff yk. I’d love someone with a sense of humor and one that can match my energy, both calm and otherwise. I need someone attentive towards me as much as i am to others. And someone wealthy please 😭😭, i love giving gifts to people and showering them with support and affection and sometimes i just feel like it’s one sided (apart from my family I receive gifts like i do others with only 3 friends :/). It might be a little selfish i know but i just need to feel loved like that i guess? And someone willing to ride all the scary rollercoasters with me (adrenaline junkie 🙋‍♀️)
Appearance-wise, I’m into more feminine faces, my max for masculine is like chris evans 😭, but i think all asian faces have a touch of femininity in them so i have practically no rejects in terms of characters. No facial hair tho, I’m super icked out by that, and body types are also versatile. My fav char is tsukki and he’s built like a pencil but i love bo’s body type too :))
Dream date: I’d actually really love a gym date since I don’t like exercise outside of the gym but I don’t have access to one rn so i need motivation 😭 like let me come over to urs. BUT I’D ALSO LOVE A DANCE DATE, not professionally but like dancing tgt to pop classics from the early 2000s is a dream 😍
I hope i got everything, sry if it’s long i love to ramble 😭😭, looking forward to a reply, thanks so much 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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🥛 so suga's mbti is infj which is apparently compatible with enfp's
🥛 suga's also an ambivert; he has a lot of energy around his friends (and his students post-timeskip) and likes to do stuff with them but also just needs time to wind down and relax
🥛 he's a very good friend and would definitely pay attention to everyone's habits
🥛 he notices when you're not feeling good (physically or mentally) and always takes very good care of you
🥛 lowkey babies you a bit (especially post-timeskip) because he works with seven year olds
🥛 suga is a bit of a jokester but is also solemn when he needs to be and could definitely hold a serious conversation
🥛 he loves seeing your drawings! he just enjoys seeing other people's creativity and work in general
🥛 he's also super supportive of your dream
🥛 i don't think any of the hq characters are extremely wealthy post-timeskip (save for yaku and maybe lev) but suga wouldn't hesitate to get you gifts
🥛 although i feel like he'd prefer to make little presents for his partners because he thinks it can be so much more personal
🥛 but yeah he wouldn't hesitate to spoil you at all
🥛 he'd be a very attentive partner and would treat you very often
🥛 he'd definitely be a restaurant date kind of guy, but he also likes more fun and casual outings
🥛 as long as he's with you, he's happy with pretty much anything
🥛 although i doubt he goes to the gym very much, especially post-timeskip
🥛 his job is more mentally demanding than physically demanding 😭 so it's not necessary for him to be jacked
🥛 and more often than not when he comes home after a long day with little kids he's too exhausted to exercise
🥛 not opposed to walks or light jogs on the weekends though
🥛 also he probably goes to the gym with daichi every now and then to hang out (bc daichi definitely has to keep in shape with his job)
🥛 but he'd be more motivated to go with you so you can both laugh at each other's form and struggle together
🥛 probably treats you to ice cream or boba after though which lowkey destroys the point of going to the gym
🥛 suga has some mean dance moves and nobody knows it because he's never had the chance to show them off before
🥛 but he'd go all out at a little dance / karaoke party with you
🥛 imagine suga break dancing on the floor 😭
🥛 i don't imagine suga to be the insecure or easily embarrassed type so he's perfect for being a little wild with
runner up for you was akaashi keiji!
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A/N: hi 🎏anon! thank you for your request, i hope you liked your matchup!
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frogs-in3-hills · 1 year
Day 4 of the @domaystic prompt challenge: "Packed lunch"
Stardew Valley | Gen | SFW | 2,285 words
Relationships: Krobus/Player, Jas & Penny & Player & Vincent
POV Stardew Valley Player, 1st person
Summary: Krobus makes the Farmer some very strange, but inexplicably delicious lunches.
Winter in the Valley is harsh.
Maybe I’m biased, since the weather’d been much more temperate in the city where I used to live. I still remember when I was a kid and we came down here to see Grandpa during our school breaks, when we all thought it was so magical to watch the snow fall, like a real-life Disney movie. Now, unfortunately, I don’t the the luxury to sit back and feel all the lingering astonishment at the blast of wind and snow pushing back against my every step.
The constantly-burning furnace in Clint’s shop had certainly been a welcome reprieve, and it made me feel terrible to leave so soon when Clint was clearly happy to have my company, but I really had to get going. I’m pretty sure Gunther had asked me to keep an eye out for some malachite, and I now have a little chunk of some with his name on it weighing down my backpack.
The library isn’t quite as comfortably warm as the blacksmith, but I’m mostly just relieved to be out of the cold again. How any of these people can be walking around in this weather like it’s no problem, I have no idea. I’ve just spent my morning slaughtering dangerous slimes in a cave hundreds of feet below the surface, but apparently a typical Stardew Valley blizzard is where I draw the line.
It’s a weekday, so Penny and the kids are sitting in the back doing school stuff. My eyes are still reeling from the onslaught outside, so I can’t really see what’s on the blackboard. If I have to guess, it’s probably math. Jas peers up over her textbook to look wide-eyed at me, and I realize I probably could have cleaned up a little better before coming in. Hopefully there isn’t too much blood/monster guts/other gross cave stuff clinging to me at the moment. And yeah, now Penny’s looking, and she has that kind of disapproving glint in her eyes. Or, I think it’s disapproving, at least.
I hand off the malachite to Gunther, who tells me I should really be wearing gloves when I handle that kind of thing, before disappearing into the back with it all wrapped in a little baggy. I wander into the main area and sit in my usual spot, far away from the kids so I won’t distract them from school (this isn’t very effective most of the time, but I like following tradition).
“Auntiiee,” Vincent turns whines predictably from his seat. “Mom packed me a turkey sandwich for lunch todaayy.”
“That’s crazy,” I say, unsure how I’m expected to feel about this.
Penny clears her throat. “She worked hard to make you that lunch, Vincent. It was your choice to either eat it or be hungry for the rest of the day, so I don’t want to hear any more complaining.”
It’s kind of cool seeing Penny interact with the kids, since she’s so obviously more comfortable asserting herself with them. I mean, I guess you kind of have to be. I’m the kind of person who wouldn’t know how to deny a little kid, so I really respect how effortlessly she balances that stern teacher persona with her natural gentleness.
“Mm,” Vincent sighs, then looks back to me. “Can you pack me a lunch sometime? I bet you could make anything, since you’ve got a farm.”
Case in point: before Penny can scold him again, I am already replying, “Totally.”
Speaking of lunch, I should probably eat something. I’d plucked up a few cave carrots in the mines earlier, which should be good enough—but then I remember Krobus handed me something this morning before I’d run off to do my usual thing. Maybe it’s food. I dig into my backpack and pull out the cloth-wrapped tupperware, seething with the dark, magical aura that seems to cling to everything Krobus puts their funky little hands on.
The first thing I notice upon opening it is the interesting smell that instantly wafts out, sort of earthy and a little mildewy—typical cave smell—with a hint of something peppery and… floral? Or at least, something adjacent to floral. I can only describe it as lavender, but to the left.
And frankly, it looks kind of indescribable, too (but I’ll do my best). It’s almost Lovecraftian how the black sludge seems to bubble, the fluorescent light dancing on its surface, simultaneously deepening into a supernatural, cosmic hue, and brightening its surface into a pretty chromaticism of treasure-box color. Texture-wise, it kind of seems similar to curry, but with a base of what’s potentially quinoa, rather than rice. The aforementioned darkly lapping sauce contains chunks of something thicker, maybe potatoes or mushrooms, with some wilted, unidentifiable greens stretched throughout the dish like limp noodles. It’s garnished with a cute little crumble that makes it look a little bit like those takoyaki you might see in an anime, but looking at it closer, it might be some kind of grub or maggot.
I only have myself to blame for this. Krobus really loves cooking and sharing their unique meals with me, and what kind of terrible friend would I be to turn them down? I already gave them a list of things I was absolutely not willing to eat, and bugs were not on that list, and maybe they should have been, but we’re here now and I’m not as opposed as I probably should be. Plus, they’ve never made anything that tasted bad before. Complicated for my palette, sure, but nothing I couldn’t finish a bowl of if I was hungry enough.
I am currently hungry enough. Autism be damned.
“Whoa… what’s that?” Jas’ voice startles me out of my equal parts fascinated and horrified haze.
“Uh. Lunch,” I say. I probably shouldn’t tell her that this was made by my monster roommate, so I don’t elaborate.
“It looks so gross,” Vincent comments, his face painted with that particular brand of distress and outrage that only a child can manage.
“Looks like… lunch,” I say.
Penny stands up to herd the kids away. “Alright, guys, let’s not be rude about… oh, what is that?”
It’s lunch, but I feel like reiterating this would be socially bizarre, so to speak.
Instead, I just pick up the plastic bento fork and take a bite.
When you’re looking at it, it’s kind of hard to piece all the different elements together. There’s so much weirdness to explore that you’re not really thinking about the forkful. When it’s actually in your mouth, though, it really doesn’t feel too complex, with all the ingredients melting together into one unified front, like Macbeth making his army hold tree branches while they march so that it all looks like a giant moving forest. It’s both light and deeply warming at the same time, thick with potatoes that have almost melted into the rich black sauce, accompanied by a union of floral and herbaceous high notes.
Like all of Krobus’ food, it’s also still perfectly warm somehow, like it had just been served up two minutes ago instead of having spent the last nine hours wedged under a giant Winter root in my backpack.
I flash Penny a very situationally-appropriate thumbs up before turning to the kids. “Wanna try?”
Vincent responds with the saddest little frown I have ever seen. “I don’t think I want you to pack me lunches anymore.”
“It looks like an evil wizard made it,” Jas adds.
Oh no. This is not going the way I had hoped.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” I ask, helplessly.
“Vincent, Jas,” Penny scolds. “We’ve talked about this before, haven’t we? Just because it looks strange to us doesn’t mean it’s bad. Tell me how we’re supposed to act when we don’t understand something?”
“Open-minded,” Jas parrots, her eyes still locked onto the packed lunch.
“But some things really are just weird, Miss Penny,” Vincent says.
“Oh, hush,” I cut in. “I agree with Vincent. Some things are totally weird, and it’s okay to not like them, as long as you don’t make fun of people who do.”
His mouth pops open. “Even if you’re literally the only person in the world who likes it?”
Penny glances at me, and I have no idea whether I’m supposed to interpret it as a “thank you” look, or a “don’t tell me how to teach my students” look. Her next words are equally confusing, since they sound sort of mean, but she’s also smiling while she says them, and both the meanness and the smile are directly addressed towards me.
“You’re impossible.”
Are we close enough friends to joke like that? Maybe? I was growing poppies last Summer and she was the sole recipient of at least a quarter of them, and that had gotten us into a nice little rapport. But it’s been a while since then, so I thought she might have forgotten about it.
“Here, can I try some, please?” she continues.
“Oh, sure!” I tell her, and hand her the spoon from my little utensil set.
She’s very confident about the whole thing, right up until there’s a heaping spoonful of Shadow Brute curry hovering about two inches away from her face. She looks down at it, slightly cross-eyed, while the kids watch enraptured. I think maybe she smells or sees something then, because I can pinpoint the moment of regret on her face with startling accuracy. However, in yet another instance of Penny being kind of awesome, she powers through whatever reservations are flickering through her massive brain and shovels the thing into her mouth.
A long moment proceeds as she swirls it around her mouth, makes a variety of intrigued faces, chews, and swallows. I’m mostly watching Vincent and Jas, who both seem a little starstruck that their prim-and-proper teacher would willingly put such a seemingly noxious thing into her mouth.
“Wow,” she says.
“Do you need the trash can, Miss Penny?” Jas asks, being very considerate.
The air lightens a little as Penny smiles. “No, thank you, Jas. See, kids? It’s actually really delicious. Sometimes it’s worth trying things that seem bad at first. But I suppose the Farmer’s right. You don’t have to try it if you really don’t want to.”
Jas gives the lunch a long look before shaking her head. Vincent follows suit, having been watching his friend’s face in a way that makes me think he would have just gone along with whatever Jas said.
Penny looks back at me with a sheepish expression. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to volunteer your food like that… you look hungry.”
I smile at her. “Good thing they said no, then. You can have some more if you want though, Penny.”
“Oh, I couldn’t…”
“It’s fine,” I assure. “I like sharing. Uh, don’t feel pressured, though.”
She glances back towards the forgotten chalkboard for a minute. “Okay… we only have one lesson left for today, so if it’s really okay with you, why don’t I finish up with the children and I can, um, pick at your leftovers, I guess…?”
“Sounds perfect!” I say, because it does.
When I get home, it’s a little later than I would have liked it to be, but Krobus is still up, puttering about the kitchen and taking stock of the fridge contents.
“Hello,” they greet, then gets straight to the point. “Did you find any Winter root on your way out this morning?”
I already have it in my hands for them. “Uh-huh. Got any plans for it?”
They take it from my hands, then tuck themselves into my side for a short hug. “I’d like to try making a creamy potato soup tomorrow, but we don’t have many regular potatoes left.”
“I’ll start growing a bunch of them soon, when Spring comes. And hey,” I add. “My friend Penny liked that cool curry-type thing you made.”
“Oh… how kind of her.”
“And I liked it too, obviously. Thank you.”
Krobus smiles at me in that terribly sweet way, their scraggly mouth perking up and their eyes squinting happily. “Of course.”
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
Hi there Sleepy dear
For any OCs of your choosing, what hobbies do they have? Or if their current situations don’t leave room for hobbies, what hobbies would suit them?
is my nickname Sleepy dear? I'm down for that. I have a friend I refer to exclusively as Jordan Darling, so if I want to add an affectionate moniker after that, he turns into Jordan Darling, darling. so I could be Sleepy Dear. just saying.
I must think of ocs who actually have hobbies. for a lot of them, I confess, their profession IS their hobby, which is not super great development on my part, but here are some who I have managed to give interests separate from their arcs!
Jae (youth story) loves drawing. he's good at it, too! I imagine his style to be a cross between @myhusbandsasemni and @artbyeloquent and sometimes @woodhousejay (thank you, artist friends, for influencing my stories, I love you so much)
Savannah (youth story) loves swimming, badminton, running and listening to music.
Cal (youth story) loves to cook and bake, which the other kids are very much a fan of. Savannah loves peanut butter cookies, but Mark hates them, so it's a joke that he loves either of them more that day if peanut butter cookies do or do not show up at hangout time.
Zan (summon story) was a tailor's apprentice *the urge to break out into song is SO STRONG* and he really does like sewing! he mends everybody's clothes and also likes to practice bits of embroidery on leather when he gets the time, which is not often, but he likes it.
Marz (guild story) collects rocks. not pretty rocks, just rocks. he likes it if they're funky-shaped or have like, stripes, but he will just collect rocks from anywhere he goes. he's got a fantastic memory when he wants to, and he can tell you where and when exactly he acquired each one.
Eshku (mercenary story) is starting to collect and press flowers, which is an impractical hobby for someone who is often on the move, but he's just trying to cope with his traumas and little pressed flowers helps.
Mirai (mercenary story) asks for fighting tips from everyone, from her personal guards, to visiting dignitaries' sons who are weirded out by her asking, to the mercenaries she hires to help her find her brother. mostly hand-to-hand techniques, but also skills involving archery and short knives. Mirai is a splendid archer.
onto what would suit who:
Marden (mercenary story) should be a birdwatcher. he needs the meditative quality of it.
Erin (summon story) should take up boxing or something. active, combative, exhausting. she could use that kind of hobby.
Irina (youth story) should do typography. she'd be good at it, and it would teach her patience.
I have so many more ocs but I don't feel like listing any more. thanks for asking, Rainstorm!
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salmonellaandcheese · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You!
Tagged by the lovely and talented @lady--lisa (So sorry for taking so long! I didn't forget! I just couldn't figure out a way to copy all the questions easily on mobile)
If you saw the first version of this no u didnt
What book are you currently reading?
I'm halfway through Anne of Avolea by L.M Montgomery and a few chapters into the Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett. I really should read more, I used to devour books back when I was a kid, but the library I volunteer at is based on community requests so its almost entirely formulaic ghostwritten thrillers (curse you James Pattison). If anyone has book recommendations let me know!
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I think the only movie I saw was the new Top Gun, which I only watched because my mum loves the original and we went for her birthday. I wouldn't say its fantastic, but I did end up infodumping to my friends about propaganda and pop culture.
What do you usually wear?
Usually loose jeans or other sturdy pants and some variety of print t-shirt with my red flannel. Anxiety kind of made it into my uni uniform, I never thought I'd miss my high school uniform that much. When I'm at home I'm usually wearing shorts and an old singlet that I got in grade 8 or something. Winter means I get to wear big jumpers! I have this horrifically ugly one on it that says New Zealand with a red kiwi on it, I adore it. If I'm reaching out of my miniscule comfort zone I'll wear a funky button up or a more form fitting shirt, I've always dressed quite modestly (although not entirely by choice) and this year I cut my hair off and started to explore my masculinity and being openly and visibly queer. I pretty much only wear natural fibres and very practial/sensory friendly clothing, so most of my clothes are made to last and will be repaired until I deign them unwearable.
Fun fact, I used to actually dress in a style I'd say is somewhere between classic lolita and cottagecore, lots of pinafores and frilly shirts and ribbons. Next year I'd like to step out of my comfort zone and dress in any way that sparks joy, maybe experiment with makeup, different styles or more revealing clothing (ooh a shoulder, scandalous).
How tall are you?
I'm actually not quite sure, between 165cm and 170cm I think (5'5" to 5'7")
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
I introduce myself with my name but with hopes that I'll get a nickname, I've always wanted one.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
I'm still in uni but by a technicality yes? I wanted to be a scientist but came to dislike science in high school, but now I'm doing archeology (and history) through an arts degree but I could do it through a science degree. I did really enjoy digging in the dirt as a child, so I think little me would be happy about that, even if i was more into paleontology.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
No. I do have a bit of a crush on my best friend, who I turned down a year ago because I'm the stupidest person alive and can't tell the difference between friendship feelings and romantic feelings.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I'm good with precision and detail orientated things. I love knitting and I've picked up archery and bread making recently. Its actually why I got into archaeology, I wanted to work in restoration and conservation.
I'm bad at remembering to do stuff. It's the ADHD man. Assessments? whoops. Consistent meals? Forgot. Cleaning? sorry not happening
Dogs or cats?
Dogs, I've never had a cat and don't really know how they work.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
I knitted my best friend some lovely socks, they're my first pair of socks and my second time doing fair isle.
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What’s something you would like to create content for?
Look I know this means fandom but I have to start planning for what I'm putting in the show next year, it's only 6 months away. I'd love to do some more sewing, maybe make a gunne sax style dress (provided my anxiety will let me wear it out of the house) and I want to find something technically challenging for knitting, maybe lacework? Send me knitting/crafting inspo. I was thinking of maybe picking up counted thread embroidery too (yes I hate myself).
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Star Wars. I've got brain worms about it. I've been microwaving it for months. Its been on my mind constantly, yet I have no thoughts. I'm forcing all of my friends to watch it. I'm rewatching all of it. I know nothing but also everything. I'm being excessively autistic about a background character wearing a cable knit jumper.
Good thing is that it makes conversation with men under 25 incredibly easy. I've made industry connections over a conversation about Lego Star Wars.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Uhhhhhh. My uni's archaeology society? The history society raised my standards high, they do a lot of fun events, whereas the archaeology one is useful but a lot more industry training and connections focused instead of having regular pizza and power-point nights like the history one.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Hmm. I'm not too sure. I can flip an egg without using anything other than the pan, does that count? Like just wiggle, wiggle, throw it up in the air and catch it.
Are you religious?    
Catholic but in a cool and funky queer way
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
A concrete plan of what the hell I'm doing and how to do it. A solution to my joint pain?
Tagging: (only if you want to) @elprupneerg @rights-for-redshirts @doveyluvey @notaghost3 @swagtalia @radioactivehydronerd @hetaari @arthoe-iceland @ratfish-blues and anyone else who sees this is welcome to join in!
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emeritiii · 2 years
Heck do all the asks
I had two more cups of coffee while working on these and my nervous system is undergoing a transformation
1. Art programs you have but don't use
I bought Clip Studio Paint on sale but still haven't dragged myself over the learning curve. I also have FireAlpaca downloaded and only use that for cropping images.
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
I find forward the easiest! Left and right are about the same for me, but I also do a lot of canvas-flipping, and about half the time the angle I start drawing is not the angle I end up with.
3. What ideas come from when you were little
Project-wise? I still kick around character designs from when I was a kid. In general, I think the brightest constant is that I do pretty much exclusively character art and not scenery, still life, or real-world living subjects because all my ideas are related to fiction.
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
I love monsters and extremely complex character designs, but they're hell on my stamina.
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
Right now, I post maybe ten percent of my art? Most of it is just for me or for one other person.
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
I guarantee there are still remnants of anime influence in my art, since anime and manga were what really cemented my identity as an "artist" (insofar as I can cal myself one, which is probably up for debate). One bit of evidence that comes to mind is my love of like... knockoff chibis? I don't think I can call them chibis, but funky lil guys.
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
*Watercolor.* My sister works mainly with watercolor and it's something I have never been able to grasp.
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
At some point I wanted to make a collection of group pictures with the main characters from all of my comfort stories.
9. What are your file name conventions
You need to see the thumbnail if you're going to have any idea what the file contains. I drew a three-part series of doodles and the filenames are "BEE," "too," and "tree." I'm also fond of variations on "HELP" and "ohno."
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
Tailcoats or long, flowy dresses
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
Whatever I'm feeling! Music, a podcast, an audiobook, a YouTube video that doesn't require me to look at it, a stream if I'm on a call with ~Geoffrey~ while she's playing a game. I'm not picky but my autistic ass (affectionate) needs the sensory input to focus
12. Easiest part of body to draw
Lukewarm take, I know, but eyes. Or eyebrows if I'm allowed to be a smartass
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
I don't know anything about this person so it's purely from an artistic standpoint, but I respect how wildly recognizable the JJBA art style is (the actual art, the expressions and poses, the character designs, all the things)
14. Any favorite motifs
e y e s and also bones and time-related symbols
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
Almost entirely at home at my desk, but sometimes I doodle during downtime at work
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
*U h* I don't think I'm good at a wide enough variety of things to have an answer to this
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
I need to have a drink nearby at all times or I will Die. Flavored water, soda, and coffee are the big three, but I also like sweet tea and assorted fruit juices. I don't love eating while drawing for sensory/cleanliness reasons, but sometimes I'll have something crunchy
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
Not too many! I do tend to mangle colored pencils because I'm too rough when sharpening them, but I don't use a lot of materials that are easy to break and I'm neurotically careful with my tablet because I can't replace it. The closest I've come to breaking that was keeping the cord in a drawer my kitten learned how to open
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
Anything That Glows
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
Armor, mechanical parts, and bones. I'm not saying I don't find them difficult, mind you, but I love it
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
Slowly grasps Cinder's sleeve. Also Fern's. Also ~Geoffrey's~. If I have to choose someone I don't know personally, crow-caller
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
This is a thing I definitely *should* do :)
23. Do you use different layer modes
YEAH I abuse Multiply and Screen
24. Do your references include stock images
Oh naturally. AdorkaStock is my go-to
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
Nothing that I can think of? I think that's mostly because the art communities I used to participate in heavily discouraged comparison, so I haven't heard any variant of "Your art reminds me of ____" in at least five years.
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
I don't have anything specific on hand, but I had a friend in middle school who jumped to sexualizing everything I drew, if that counts. There's not a lot to interpret in my art, though. It's. How do I put "shallow" nicely?
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
This is another thing I should really do!
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
I used to do Art Fight.
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
Most live-action media! I also don't generally feel artistic inspiration from podcasts—the exception would be TTRPG podcasts, but even those don't tend to do it for me unless the characters have canon designs.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
I don't have it anymore, but there was a drawing I did a few months ago of two characters of mine. It came out to about twenty hours of work (which is a lot for me) and no one really seemed to like it, but I attribute that in part to the fact that I drew a lot of it in a stream, which kind of desensitizes people.
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muggycuphead · 2 years
weird flex but ok i guess pt.26
War… Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ (and dark themed) designs I made while having funky fever bc o h m y g o d do I get a little crazier every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [XXIII]
EDIT 26/10/2023: Updated the drawing with a rescanned, more clean version
1.- Her first invitation
"(Psst!) (Hey! You there?)"
"(awaken)....? Huh?"
"G? What are you doing here?"
"Just came to invite you to hang out tonight, wanna come?"
"...What? At this time?"
"Yeah, why?"
"....It's literally midnight"
"And what's the matter about that? If anything, it's more fun this way. Just come along, promise we'll come back in due time"
"....Just hold on a sec"
"(turns to Broddy) Yo, Imma gonna go out for a while with G over here"
"....yeah, heard you guys talking 'bout it. Ya can go, you got my permission (wink)"
"What the- Broddy?!"
"Hey, let Lil B have some fun, he's a clever rascal after all. Besides, he's going off with someone he trusts, what's the worse that'd happen?"
"....fine, just be careful out there, alright boy?"
"(thumbs up)"
"(turns back to GF) Alright, I'm going with ya, just let me dress myself up and bring some stuff along"
"Cool, I'll be waiting"
A shadowing practice sketch w/ graphite variants+perspectives, bitch
"Alright! Uhm..."
"What is it now?"
"....how do I get down? The front door is locked, and I can't risk opening it"
"Simple, just drop off the window"
"Don't worry, I'll catch ya"
"....Y-you sure?"
"(arms spread forward) As long as you trust me"
"(tighten nerves) Alright, here I go..."
"Aah! (grabs onto GF)"
(...too close)
"Ah! Sorry, got a little nervous there, hehe"
"Yeah, can see so, heh"
Same with the previous one, but it's charcoal this time
Let's be fair, he was justified to be afraid there
A fall that high can turn your bones into crumbs with no hesitation
3.-Friday Midnight Escapade
"So, what'd ya wanna do first B?"
"Dunno, what're your suggestions?"
"Hm, well -there's a 24-hour store around here, I heard they got some good snacks for sale"
"Awesome! Let's go get some!"
Sanguine with graphite, probably the best of the whole bunch here
Also, from beyond this point, the rest of events (except for the firs two) sort of happen on different Fridays, hence why their clothes and GF's haircuts look different in some of them
4.-Not fresh enough
"Hm, what should we get...?"
"(points at one of the chip bags) How about this one? Looks kinda interesting"
"(face twitches in disgust) Eugh, you sure you want those?"
"Uh, yeah? Why?"
"Their smell tell me otherwise about their taste..."
"....You're kidding, right?"
"(takes one of the bags and puts it close to GF -gently might I add) Take a sniff, then come back to me"
"(sniffs and notices the odd scent from the bag) ...Oof, yeah, that's...definitely not appetizing at all"
"Bet it's made of brussel sprouts, yuck"
"Don't think so, let's just get something else"
BF showing off his strong smelling senses to GF for the sake of saving their tastepads from an unpleasant fate
And yea I headcanonize he hates brussels sprouts, fight me vegans (?)
5.-Nice shot!
"Damn, nice one!"
"Heh, thanks! Been practicing enough"
"Yeah, seem so. Here, let's see if you catch as good as you shoot! (throws B a cookie from the bag baseball pitcher style)"
"(catches it on his mouth, then falls on his back, uninjured) Got it!"
"(laughs) Hey, mind if I try it too?"
"Uh? Oh- Sure! Do you want me to teach ya on it?"
"Nah, can do it myself (takes the sling and aims towards a glass bottle) Now, focus and"
(bottle falls off and lands onto someone down there)
"Ouch! What the-?!"
"Oh shoot"
"Ah, guess we're good for tonight. Let's get outta here!"
"Yeah, sounds like a plan"
6.-Premonitive scenario??
They vibin on the dumpster yo
Silver pan as a hat, crazy dave style
He got the rhymes, she brings the rhythm
Funkin' together, at a late Friday Night
I'm sorry
7.-Oh shit, it's a rat
BF became the dog whisperer there lol
Not really a surprise though, he owned a dog before, so he knows what to do...kinda
Still, quite some balls of steel for such a little kid
8.-Healing fire
(While escaping from the dog's garden, BF wounds his knee, and despite running for a few inches, he starts to waddle, with GF noticing)
"Woah, you okay there?"
"Uh? Oh y-yeah, it's nothing, just...resting a little, y'know?"
"Uh-huh, and it's not like that rip on your pants' fabric has something to do with it, does it?"
(both sit down)
"Lemme see how bad it is"
"(roll his pant up) What are you gonna do?"
"I'll try to close the wound with my fire, just gonna ask you to hold in as much as you can"
(G puts her hand over BF's wound and starts 'burning' it)
"Hold in there, it won't last for too long"
Yeah she can heal physical damages through heat, now stfu
9.-Visiting the local skatepark
I originally wanted to draw GF on a bike -or at least sort of- but I just can't tell at this point so I'll let you guys guess if that's so or if it looks more like she's on a monoskate(?)
Also, guess you can tell what's that side of the park's theme about if you were at the right time and place ;)
10.-Highgrounds experience
"Hehe, first time on the air, I see?"
"Ahah, yeah, pretty much. The view from here's kinda cool though, I can even see my family's workshop from here!"
"Love to see you actually like it <3"
Hashtage DefectDemonThingz amirite-
11.-Sharing the Moonlight
(BF and GF staring at the moon, until BF yawns all of a sudden)
"Yo, tired already?"
"(sleepy) Yeah...been having lotsa fun tonight with ya...but guess the sandman magic's finally getting to me"
"(holds BF close) Don't worry, you can go on and drop yourself off; I'll take you home in a while, promise"
"(starts to fall asleep) Thanks, G...you're the best... (rests on G's shoulder)"
"(smiles and puts her head carefully above his) ...Anytime, my little hood boy..."
Wholesome af
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