#i wanted to make undercover....and thats not off the table... but it HAS to be higher
belit0 · 1 year
OMG, can I request a Vampire!Madara x vampire Fem!reader.
It's midnight and the reader is outside, she see's a window thats closed but doesn't have a curtain or the curtains are open and Madara is secretly a vampire but he's a vampire that can go in his human form, but the reader thinks he's a human and not a vampire. Lets just say that he went into someone's house to kill or suck their blood and then outside his window is a beautiful female vampire, the reader, who thinks he's a human, or you could say this is his house but he's just undercover as a human for some reason? Idk, but in this vampire AU, the vampire can only enter the persons house if the person invites them inside. And she's tapping gently on the window, the window being thin reminding him she could get in and saying all things to manipulate him into letting her in. Since even if the window is thin he has to invite her into the house for her to get in.
And she says stuff like "You've got the most beautiful neck....lift your neck up...let me see if ill be able to paint you or draw you...maybe I can draw a portrait of you.."
"you've go the most beautiful eyes.." and she keeps on saying stuff to manipulate him to let her in.
She doesn't know that Madara is secretly a vampire.
Context: vampire Madara in his human form, notices another vampire, but she's trying to manipulate him, throwing in excuses, into making him let her inside the house..so she could suck his blood thinking he's a human when he's not.
demons, vampires, angels, you name it, i fucking love it, living for this type of AUS, bring it onnnnnnnn
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First she smells him, and then she sees him.
A delicious scent wafts up to her nose, tempting her to look to the left as she walks down the street. (Y/N) is hungry, her last feeding was a week ago, and it's time to find a new victim. She doesn't distinguish between men and women, only avoiding children, always open to any opportunity that comes her way.
When that wonderful scent dances in front of her face, she has no doubt that she has found her perfect target.
She spots him through the glass, a quiet night in search of prey, and senses how her fangs tremble with the need to dig into his wonderful neck. The man is tall, big, full of what is probably the most delicious blood she will ever taste, inviting her to do everything she can to hunt him down.
The street, cold and desolate, lends her the perfect setting to execute a silent plan, manipulate, eat, flee, and decides she can't leave without first getting this human. Dressed in a tailored suit, (Y/N) notices how the top clings to his skin, perfect fit in a beautiful color combination, his pale skin matching the chosen shades.
He has good taste, which probably means wealth, equating to tasty flavor.
She surveys him coming and going, galley resting on the table and cane against a chair, moving back and forth within the house. His actions denote ownership, comfort in the space he walks, and when he ties that long hair into a ponytail, her mouth waters at the sight.
His jugular seems to beckon her into a deadly dance, begging to take every last drop, and without realizing it, (Y/N) lifts her dress off the ground, her boots rattling against the cobblestones with each step she takes to approach the window. Her corset suddenly feels like a prison, her lungs demanding to inhale that scent more deeply, and she has to remove her headdress due to the sudden discomfort she feels.
She wants to undress in front of that human, make him bleed to death, and bathe in a delicious feast.
She taps the window pane with a long red fingernail, attracting the man's attention inside the home. He wears his shirt rolled up to his elbows, and three buttons undone. His tie and vest lie sprawled on a chair, and the waistband over his pants looks ragged.
He is a beautiful mess of a man, disheveled as few are accustomed to, accepting to be seen by a lady in an unpresentable state. How nothing matters to him ends up cementing the idea of having to consume him completely, and when he flashes a nice seductive smile she knows it will be a straightforward hunt.
Usually, her victims die for her attention, and that's the very thing leading to their doom.
"Hello there, handsome." She purrs as the crystal opens, pretty much convinced the man will instantly invite her in. "What's your name, gentleman?" Her red lips and flawless makeup consolidate a perfect image, the woman everyone wants to have between their sheets at the end of the day.
"This one's name is Madara. To what do I owe the pleasure of a beautiful lady like you knocking on my window at this time of night?" White teeth glisten next to his messy hairstyle, that ponytail is what gives him the touch. (Y/N) can't help but stare at his neck, hoping it's not too obvious.
"I was attempting to get home, though I'm afraid I'm lost, could you perhaps invite me in? Assist me with directions?" She struggles against her fangs, straining to keep them from showing without her consent, trying to maintain a humanly acceptable image.
"I don't know, for what would become of me if this was oh a terrible hoax, and you swooped into my home to steal all my belongings? The world is a cruel place these days, you ought to know that far better than anyone else." There's something about his words that doesn't quite sound right, but she finds herself so focused on that vein, the way it beats and flames her, she fails to notice the hints.
"Oh no sir! Don't take me for one of those little rascals who dare to cause disturbances, besides, you have such beautiful eyes, full of kindness, the most beautiful ones I've ever seen, you won't abandon a poor woman like me, will you?" She moves even closer to the window, the glass open inward, unable to cross the boundary that separates her from her precious prey without a verbal invitation.
The man smiles, alluring gaze still on her, and scratches his neck while seemingly pondering the situation. "You've got the most gorgeous neck....lift it up...let me see if ill be able to paint you or draw you...maybe I can draw a portrait of you, perhaps in return you can lend me your help, hm?". She grips the window frame with both hands, red nails almost digging into the wood, her body increasingly desperate to try him. What is taking him so long? No one ever ever doubted her or her false alibi.
"Would you happen to know, by any chance, the latest rumors in town, my fine lady? Evil tongues say there are vampires around, ready to end one's life and steal all one's blood." The man leans his body against the other window pane, the one still closed, and (Y/N) could catch him if not separated by that stupid ancestral barrier.
"No... I didn't hear... sounds scary..." Her senses begin to lose control, instincts desperate to devour, ravage the man, losing track of what she's saying and letting her inner beast take over.
"Yes, quite terrifying, I certainly can't fathom it, think of having a creature sucking on your neck, outrageous!" Madara looks at her, that smile not having moved an inch out of place, unnaturally stiff. If (Y/N) wasn't so hungry she might notice the signs, but her senses are too altered to think or evaluate anything.
She needs to feed.
"Want a taste, love?" The man purrs, turning the game around. He exposes his neck, and strokes the pale skin with his hand, inviting her to look closely. "You're hungry, aren't you dear?" It's not a question, but a statement, a fact she fails to notice.
"Yes..." (Y/N) whispers almost imperceptibly, pupils dilated and uncontrollable fangs sprouting from her mouth. Her nails become too sharp, ready to rip and tear.
"Too hungry? How long has it been since you've fed, sweetheart?" He reaches out his hand through the window, inviting her through the windowsill into the house, surrendering to whatever instincts she thinks are right. (Y/N) doesn't waste a second, pushing him viciously against the wall and sinking her fangs immediately into him, moaning at the satisfaction of having penetrated his skin.
Had she been in her right mind, she would have noticed the lack of a verbal invitation.
Now something is wrong.
His blood is cold, an unpleasant sensation in her mouth, and it tastes terribly bitter. Contrary to what she expected, the vampiress suddenly pulls away, spitting out the mouthful of almost black liquid she drank. She could vomit if her body worked that way, but she must settle for feeling violently nauseous.
Before she can compose herself it is she who is now thrown wildly against the wall, Madara pressing her with a strangely pointed hand. His nails are claws, and they dig into her cheek mercilessly, exposing (Y/N)'s neck. "How old are you, love? A century? Two? Too young you are."
The adrenaline of being attacked brings her back to her senses, pushing her instincts to the core of her being, watching the man she thought was human with careful attention. There is blood on the ground, a huge puddle, that being the scent she probably picked up from the street. An entire family of four lies in the room, all with dull looks on their faces and bleeding to death on the spot.
"I had to feed, it's been about fifty years since last time." His eyes show themselves in their true form, crimson red and intimidating to say the least. Extremely long fangs dig into her, sucking from her jugular as if she were a human.
(Y/N) whimpers in equal parts pain and indignation, struggling against the vampire who thinks it prudent to prey on her. "Your blood is still sweet, somewhat warm, it hasn't been long since you were turned."
He releases her so suddenly she falls to the ground, her wonderful dress getting soiled with Madara's victims' blood. "I've been in the game for about five millennia, you still have too much to learn, beautiful. If you ask me nicely, I may even teach you."
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nandorthecloser · 2 years
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❤️Jun🍊in Higher M/V
happy birthday @highwarlockkareena!!
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easily-infatuated23 · 4 years
Undercover- Part Three (Healer!Draco Malfoy x Reader)
Prologue, Part One, Part Two , Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
a/n: ok i kinda love where this is going and i’ve decided that the Reader is a spy lol comment if you would like to be added on the tag list for this series! also sorry if this is a cliff hanger 
pairing: Healer! Draco x Spy! (?) Reader
word count: 2.1k
warning: mentions of trauma and death
summary: During her stay at Malfoy Manor, Reader finds some evidence that will help figure out who had been ordering the killings of muggle-born witches and wizards but will Draco trust her?
This assignment had really taken a strange turn. Not only had I been imbedded with Death Eaters, but I had been stabbed and was now hiding in Malfoy Manor. Draco was much kinder and happier than the last time I saw him. Of course, I had heard the stories of this newer and better Draco, but witnessing it first hand was something else. No matter how many times I told him I had to leave to keep him safe, he would just assure me that the protective charms he placed around the house would keep us safe. I remained on edge. After all, safety is a matter of perspective. I had a feeling part of the reason he was against me leaving was not just for my safety, but I suspected he was glad to have the company. It truly was a large house. A large and empty house for just one person. With his father in Azkaban and his mother taking a much needed vacation abroad, he was the most alone he had probably ever been…physically that is. After my slip up in revealing the name of the organization after me, I tried to speak about the subject as little as I could. All I wanted was to be relieved of the burden I was carrying but, I knew if I did, Draco Malfoy would surely be killed. So, I continued to bear the burden of knowledge as Draco began healing me again.
Draco had lead me to his kitchen and motioned for me to hop up on to the counter. He had attempted to assist me but I was stubborn and struggled through the process myself. He opened his medical bag and pulled out a needle and suture thread. He rolled up his sleeves as he went to wipe some disinfectant on my side before turning to thread the needle “How did you figure out who I was?” I asked my Healer on the second day of my stay. “Well, the appearance change was pretty hard to see through but once those Death Eaters said your name at St. Mungo’s I remembered you”. “Remembered me?” I questioned. “I don’t think we spoke once while at Hogwarts and I have been off the grid pretty much since I finished there. Ouch! That hurts.” I said, wincing as he tended to my side. “Stop fussing, it’s only a few stitches. And if you hadn’t apparated I wouldn’t have to give you stitches you know” he replied, slightly laughing at my inability to stand the pain, especially after I had refused to let him use a pain relieving potion on me. I was worried I’d say something I would regret later. Whether I was worried about spilling something about my assignment or something else was still up for debate.
“You are avoiding my question” I said matter-a-factly. He sighed. “You knew me back then, I always noticed the pretty girls” he said with a slight blush. “That’s just a cop out answer, I don’t believe you” I replied, not making eye contact so that he couldn’t see the slight smile on my face. He shrugged his shoulders and stood up. “Believe what you’d like”.
He walked over to the sink and washed his hands. I jumped off the counter. “Fucking hell” I muttered. He laughed again. “You should take it easy for at least two weeks” he said. I groaned but then, remembered something. My heart sank a little as I remembered where I was and the history of this house. “Hey look I am gonna ask you a question that’s gonna make you really uncomfortable so I apologize in advance. And, please know I am only asking because I feel like I have to.” He turned to face me, a worried look washed over his face. “Do you have a record of all You-Know-Who’s followers? There were rumors about a book. I know he used this place as a headquarters during the second war and I am desperate for any lead on…..well a lead” I said, holding in my reasons. He grimaced slightly. “Unfortunately for me, yes but I guess that’s fortunate for you” he replied harshly. I felt guilty for bringing up the awful things in his past like this but I truly felt I had no choice. And besides, if this caused him to feel some apprehension towards me that might be beneficial in stopping his relentless questions.
He walked past me and began down a long hallway. I followed close behind him. He took a sharp left turn and continued down a spiral staircase that seemed as if it went on for ages. As he lead me down, neither of us spoke a word. When we finally reached the bottom, it felt like an entirely different place. This couldn’t possibly be the basement of the surprisingly homey manor I had just been inside. Could it? As we exited the staircase, we stood facing a large green door. The green paint on the door was faded, as if the door was centuries old but there was a large golden key hole shining on the front, underneath an equally shining golden door knob. The two looked as if they’d been installed recently.
“Mother and I tried to destroy it but nothing we did worked. There is some serious dark magic in this book. We locked it down here to make sure it wouldn’t fall into the wrong hands.” He turned towards me, his face only inches from mine. If he hadn’t done this in such a menacing way, I might have swooned a little but now was not the right time for that. “I hope I am not putting it in the wrong hands now” he said. I shook my head. It had just occurred to me, there was a possibility that he didn’t believe my story. I knew it was true and the thugs after me were good evidence in my favor, but it all could have been a plant. Thats why he was asking so many questions. Maybe I would have to tell him after all. He turned back around to face the door. He reached into his shirt and pulled out a small golden key on a string. Had he been wearing the necklace the whole time? I wondered why I hadn’t noticed. He took off the necklace and put the key into the hole. He took a deep breath and unlocked the door.
Once the door opened he stepped aside, allowing me to look inside the small room that had been revealed. The inside was dark and gave off a feeling of uncertainty and slight panic. There were only two things residing in the small room; a podium and a large black leather bound book. I started to walk in when Draco put his arm across the entrance and stopped me. “Prepare yourself. Once you go in and open it, you will never feel the same again. The book can have an effect almost like a Dementor” he said. “What exactly is the book?” I asked. “The Binding of the Death Eaters” he said with a shiver. “Before someone could receive the Dark Mark and be fully inducted as a Death Eater, they would have to sign their name. It binds your fate to the Dark Lord” he said. The way he stared at the book could only be described as a raging and powerful fury. I knew that Draco Malfoy had been a Death Eater but I had no idea that even after the Dark Lord had been killed, he still had so much power of Draco’s life. “I am really sorry” I began. “I know that sorry means nothing especially since I have forced you to come down here but I truly am. I’m also sorry that you never got to chose not to sign.” He looked at me. The fury was still spinning in his eyes but with every moment it lessened. He said nothing but simply nodded. I entered the room and, with a deep breath, opened the book. I titled my head to one side and turned to Draco. “It’s blank” I said. He looked almost relieved. “The names are only revealed to someone who has the Dark Mark” he said. “So you were testing me and my story” I said. He nodded. He then turned side ways and gestured with his left arm for me to exit the room. “This might freak you out so you might want to leave now” I said, pulling my wand from my jacket pocket. “Obscure Appareat Vestigium” I whispered, pointing my wand at my left forearm. The black skull appeared on my arm and a snake slithered out of its mouth. Draco stepped back with a horrified expression on his face. “It’s not a real Dark Mark and it’s not permanent” I said quickly. “The task force I’m apart of developed this charm for undercover work”. Draco looked me in the eyes, turned, and hurried up the staircase.
Now I’d done it. Just as he was going to fully trust me, I broke his trust. The look he gave me made me feel sick. Just another horrified face to add to the growing list that haunted my nightmares. I sighed deeply then turned my attention back to the book. I flipped through the pages. I saw plenty of names I recognized, all ex-Death Eaters who had wound up in Azkaban or served lighter sentences and some were names of people who were killed in the Battle of Hogwarts. I even saw Draco’s name. His signature was much shakier than most of the other names. He had been so young. The more I looked I realized something was missing. I started to realize an option that I had never considered. It made the sick feeling in my stomach lurch again but before I could fully register the awful feeling, I saw a name I recognized. This was a name I had never seen associated in this way with the Dark Lord. Suddenly, things started to make more sense. My heart was practically beating out of my chest.
I jumped out of the room and shut the door. Draco had left the key hanging on the door knob which I grasped and used to lock the door. That book had just become very important evidence in a trial no one knew was beginning. I spoke the Dark Mark removing incantation and raced back up the spiral stair case. When I got to the top I was out of breath. I turned right and made my way back into the kitchen. Draco was sitting at the kitchen table. He looked dazed and upset. “I can give you an explanation now” I said breathlessly, tossing him the key. He looked up at me suddenly, just barely catching the key. I had clearly startled him. “I know who is behind the Dark Saints and right now you may be the only chance there is that this will all stop.” He stood up. “What are you talking about? Stop what? You being chased?” He was clearly frustrated. “You have every right to be frustrated with me and I promise I will explain everything but first I need to get one more piece of information.” I said. “And what’s that?” he retorted, crossing his arms. “Do you know where I can get the last…let’s say year of Daily Prophet obituary sections?” He looked at me, clearly feeling very puzzled. “I mean…” he started, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “I guess they did start offering a digital option two years ago-” “Perfect!” I said, cutting him off. I raced back up the stairs to his bedroom where I remembered seeing a computer. “Wait! What are you doing?” he called after me.
When I entered his room I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I sat down at the computer and began furiously scanning through the obituary pages. He entered the room moments after me and stood over my shoulder, curiously watching my frantic scribbles. Once I had finished I slumped back in the chair for a moment. I hadn’t noticed when I started crying but once I did, the tears flowed at a hotter temperature and more quickly down my cheeks than they ever had before. I finally turned to face him. “There’s at least twenty of them” I said, trying to hold my voice steady. “What does that mean?” Draco asked. He understood that I meant twenty people had died but he wanted to know how that was important in my explanation. I slowly stood only to suddenly become so dizzy my balance faltered. “Y/N? Are you ok you’ve gone very pale”. I started to nod but then shook my head then everything went black.
@pointlesscoconut @bi-andready-tocry
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tonio-dawson · 4 years
First date
Antonio Dawson x Reader
Words: 1,578
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Tonight is going to be your proper first date with Antonio. He invited you to a very famous Puerto Rican restaurant in the city. Didn’t say how he managed to make a reservation in such short notice, because with this place, usually people need to make booking one month prior. You put on your black dress and stiletto, not your typical attire but he said to dress formal, so you go all the way. 
You met Antonio through Gabby, who invited you to Molly’s right after you met her in an incident that she responded to that day. Working in Narcotics, you know quite a bit about the Intelligence unit and how exclusive it is, so you were surprised to find a Latino detective being very friendly to you that night. You hit it off right away with him. After a few late night drinks at Molly’s, you both made it to his bedroom. And that’s when Antonio asked you out, “I want to take you on a proper date, what do you say?” he asked while lying down in bed and caressing your head. “How can I say no to this face?” you smiled and kissed him.
Antonio knocked on your door and you opened it right away, “Woah, you look.. amazing.” as he pulled you into a kiss. You’d never seen Antonio in a suit either, so you’re just equally as stunned. “As you do," you traced your hand to his collar, “Better than a T-shirt and a leather jacket?” you asked. “Well, I like the badass Y/N too.” he smiled. 
The restaurant was packed and you both sat on a table in the middle of the room. You finished the appetizer and enjoying your wine while Antonio excused himself to the bathroom.
But when he came back, he had a concerned look.
“Everything okay?” you asked. He put on his thinking face this time - eyebrows curled up and put his hand on his temple. “Tonio?” you asked again. He looked up, took a deep breath. He had a decisive face, whatever it was, he made a resolution. 
“I need to go under tonight. If I need you, can you please follow along?” he asked. You’re confused at first but he explained that he saw Pablo Cortez - who is the right hand of Juan Carlos, a big target of the Intelligence team - sitting at the restaurant’s bar. Antonio had gone for an undercover op for months last year but the case did not find a light and took a back step as the gang folded their illegal business. But recently, there are chatter that they’re active again. Pablo was just released from prison and looked like he kickstart the gang's business again. 
Antonio told you his cover story, Perez - he was a runner in the gang at that time, has no strategic position but was trusted enough to do their errands. They'd never let Perez to be involved in the gang again but certainly Perez can pose as a potential buyer.
Antonio looked at you and said, "Your cover is..." he stopped and think, "You'll be my sugar mama." he said in a serious tone. 
"What?! May I remind you that I'm a few years younger than you?" to say that you're shock was an understatement, "Or...Do I look older now?"
Antonio laughed, "That's not what I meant. You're my dazzling girlfriend - rich, successful and such, who's dating a dirtbag like me, Perez, because...well, because you love me. That’s the only way to explain why Perez is flushed with money." you had to say that this cover story was a bit unconvincing. “Antonio, this is crazy, I could go in trouble-” but he already got up. 
You knew he’s going to do it anyway, Juan Carlos is a high profile criminal who’s hard to pin. To know that Intelligence managed to have someone going under to infiltrate his gang was already admirable. No police department could get that close. So if your cover blew, Antonio could be in serious trouble. 
He walked up to Pablo who has been at the bar, you can only saw that they exchanged conversation and looked at you. Antonio waved his hands and you waved back. Not long after he texted you saying to come over to the bar. “Pablo, meet my girlfriend, Natalia.” you smiled at Pablo. 
“Oh I know you weren’t getting to a place like this if it wasn’t for a fine lady.” he smirked at you. 
“You got me. This place is too fancy for me. Natalia is a restauranteur, her friend is the head chef here.” as it turned out, the head chef is Antonio’s real friend. You tried your best to look composed. “This is Puerto Rican finest. You must have a great taste.” he turned to you, “So, tell me, what do you like about this Puerto Rican restaurant?” somehow his question sounded like a test. 
“Well it's the only authentic one in the city. It somehow reminds me of my grandma's cooking. She's from Bayamón. I spent my childhood time there.” you didn't of course, you can only thank your dad who is half Puerto Rican and can’t shut up about his childhood stories - you learned a thing or two about Puerto Rican food. 
“A fellow island kid. I like her more than you already, Perez.” he said. 
“Yeah, yeah, don’t flirt with my girl unless you have something. As I said, her cliques have some demand that maybe you can provide?” Antonio fished him out.
“That true? What happened to your usual provider?” Pablo looked to you again.
“Well, we usually get them from Englewood. But you know now the blue is all over them because some moron tip them off.” you said. 
Luckily, you have some knowledge of the gang as they have been under Narcotic’s radar too. And you know how much they take pride snatching buyers from bigger competitor. “You know that once you do business with us, you can never go back to them?” Pablo asked, giving a cold look this time.
“I don’t care? As long as I get the products. In my line of work, these pretentious white people... think I'm only valuable if I can get them what they want. You gotta help me here.” you scoffed at him but put your best puppy eyes look at the same time.
He shrugged and pulled his phone - texting someone.
“Alright boy wonder, today’s your lucky day. I happen to have something tomorrow. But it needs some serious cash, I’ll text you the details.” he pat Antonio's shoulder. 
“Thats what I'm talking about.” Antonio shook his hand but Pablo let out a loud whisper, "You know what happens if you don't show up."
"Oh believe me, I have more green than you think." you winked at Pablo. He grinned at you. 
The two of you walked back to your table and sat down. 
Antonio took your hand, squeeze it and bring it to a kiss, “Darling, I’m so sorry to ruin our date. But we better drink this and I gotta go back to the office and pick this up.” 
You blushed at the word ‘darling’ and smiled, “Well, any guy could take me to a fancy dinner, but only you can make me a sugar mama to put down a drug king.” Antonio reached out his hand and brush your cheek. 
After paying the bill, Antonio took you by the hand, held it the entire time as you were walking to the car. You looked at your tangled hands and looked at him, a bit confused with all the affection. He noticed your confused look and said, “We’ve gotta look the part. Who knows if Pablo is watching us.” Antonio put on a cheeky smile. 
“Oh, I’m loving this already,” you cupped his face with other hand and kiss him.
Sitting in the car, Antonio seemed to have something on his mind, “Hey you know, Natalia is Perez’s girlfriend and everything. Can you go along with the cover? Pablo here seems to like you more than me.” 
“Of course, how else I can get the excuse to see you at work everyday?” you replied as playfully, “Thanks, Y/N.” he kissed your cheek before driving the car to the station.
With the case closing, Antonio and you spent time chilling at your apartment. You were tired after finishing all the paperwork, so you sat back on the sofa and lean your head on Antonio’s arm and turned on the TV. “Thanks for going through with the case.” Antonio kissed your temple and pulled you into his chest. You can hear his heart beating slowly. “You’re welcome.” you gently stroke his arm that wrapped around you.
“Well about our first date...what do you want to do?” he asked.
You let out a small chuckle can’t believe that he’s actually still thinking about it, “Babe, we just wrapped up the case. We won. So it was officially the best. date. ever.”
He tighten his arm around you, pulled you closer and kissed your head, “Love you.” he whispered quietly, not noticing that he said it out loud. 
When he realized that he just blurted out the first I love you despite seeing you only for a couple of months, “I- uh..” he tried to explain himself but you cut it, “Love you too.” you said in the tiniest voice possible.
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malfoysqueen54 · 4 years
In The Name Of The Father
Steve Rogers X OFC
Warnings: Character Death, Cussing? Thats it for now
18+ Only PLEASE! Beware my work can end up anywhere in smutville!!
Phil Coulsons daughter was devoted to her father, now in his death she devotes herself to Steve Rogers. In his memory. The girl she never felt he wanted no matter how she tried to be the super solider he dreamed of having as a son. Now as Steve's friend/ partner/ agent, she must deal with her baggage, but that chip on her shoulder is hard to remove. Even with Steve's charms.
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She fell to her knees in front of her commanding officer and he approached to help her up with his lieutenant. Her father was gone—he was dead. She felt as if a huge slab of cement was laying on her chest. She couldn’t breathe. She didn’t know if she ever would again. Her eyes squinted at the bright desert landscape around her. The noise of the encampment was being drowned out by the rushing sound in her ears from her blood pumping so fast.
“You need to pack, Major. You're going home. Your ride is already here.” She looked up at the General, her vision still hazy, and he gestured to the opening of the tent behind her. She knew and got up running to the man who recruited, trained and loved her like a father. Her gaze met Fury’s after a few minutes of silent tears.
“Let’s go, Brooke. I got you.” His hand gently smoothing over her back.
 Everything was a blur…she couldn’t even go to the funeral. The Avengers were there and she saw red because of that. It wasn’t their fault, but she was so angry. Plus, he would be there. The bane of her existence, even if they hadn’t met yet. Brooke couldn’t face that, not yet. Her activities were simple for nearly two months. Drink, barely eat, barely sleep, drink more. So, of course, the reinforcements came.
Fury never knocked and she heard his booming voice first. “Brooke! Where are you?” It made her hangover worse.
“Jesus Christ, Nick, really!” she snapped, pouring more vodka in a glass. It was breakfast; why the hell not. Nat showed up, grabbed the bottle and poured it out. Brooke groaned and rolled her eyes, and Nick took the glass from her.
That one eye of his judging her like it always did. “You look like shit,” he said gently, yet matter-of-factly.
“Well I feel like shit, Fury.” She saluted him with a sarcastic grin, and then leaned on the kitchen counter, holding her head.
Nat put her hand on Brooke’s arm. “This won’t bring him back. You know he would be pissed.” Nat’s grip getting a little tighter to get her attention
Brooke turned to her friend and glared gently. “I was never enough. He would always be pissed, no matter what I did.” Her retort was dry and sorrowful; she knew how true that was. She had been trained almost since birth. You name it, she did it, including Army Special Forces and S.H.I.E.L.D. Nope, still not good enough.
Nick looked at Natasha and then back to Brooke. “I need a handler/partner/agent for Steve Rogers.” It was to the point.
Brooke sobered like cold water had been thrown on her. She snapped her eyes up to meet his and Natasha’s. “Are you kidding?!” she practically screeched.
“No, and you are the one who knows the most about him. You know stuff we probably don’t.” He gestured between him and Nat.
Brooke pushed off the counter, running her hands into her hair, her blood boiling. “You want me to babysit that little shit!” Her stance turned angrily towards Fury.
“Actually, he is like six foot two, so he only beats you by like two inches. Unless you wear your heels,” the redhead replied.
Brooke snarled. “I know how tall the bastard is.” Brooke took deep breaths, the scenarios running through her head. She owed this to her dad. Steve Rogers was his idol. She closed her eyes. “Fine, but that jerk will not know my personal past. Work related, fine.” Her hands were on her hips, sternly looking at Nick and Natasha.
Fury nodded, folding his arms. “What do you want your cover name to be then?”
She smirked and scoffed a little. “How about Barnes?”
Natasha sucked in a breath through her teeth. “That’s just cold, Brooke.” Fury shook his head.
“Fine, Collins, same thing we have used before.” She rolled her eyes as she waved her hand dismissively, turning to go shower and sober up.
“Your first get together is tonight at S.H.I.E.L.D.” Nat informed her.
“Yippee,” was the only bored reply they got as she closed her bedroom door on them.
The director and agent took their leave. Natasha was nervous, though. It could be a nuclear disaster in the making. “Are you sure we should do this? Put them together like this? Steve can be just as stubborn as she is.”
“If anyone can handle him, it’s her. Plus, she needs this. Her grudge will have to subside. He’s a damn boy scout, for Christ sake,” Fury replied, opening the door of the SUV.
“And she has a personal vendetta,” Natasha said getting into the passenger seat.
Fury sighed, falling back into the driver’s seat. “You have known her for years, trained with her. You know she will do everything to her father’s memory and credit. So, I know she may hate it, but she would die for Captain America. She is a soldier, she is loyal and one of the best damn assets we have.”
Natasha nodded with a knowing smirk. “You're right.” She sighed with a gentle chuckle. “She’s gonna hate it.”
 Steve blew out a breath as he stood before Fury, Nat, Clint and Tony. He still didn’t know why he needed agent backup, or a handler, as they were also known as. Nick just looked at him sitting there and gave a slight smirk to Clint and Nat.
“So- when does his babysitter get here,” Tony asked. Clint and Nat shook their heads while Steve just sighed heavily.
“It’s not a babysitter. You Avengers all have loyal backup and agent help. Captain Rogers is no different,” Nick corrected him, glaring him down with that gaze of his.
Tony shrugged. “Alright, well does this guy have the ability and skill to back up the Capsicle?”  Steve exhaled heavily through his nose, narrowing his eyes at Tony. “Just looking out for you Cap.” The billionaire folded his arms with another small shrug.
Steve hated to admit it, but looked at Fury and wondered the same thing. “He has a point.”
Clint and Natasha glanced at one another, smiling as Nick picked up a file. “Well, Army Special Forces, Green Beret. A Major in the Army. Three tours in Afghanistan.” Nick glanced up and Cap nodded as Tony looked unimpressed and gestured him to go on. “Three black belts, mixed martial arts fighting and winner, mind you. Weapons training, including blades, knifes, Asian weapons, swords and HYDRA weapons, as well as archery. A licensed pilot, a trained spy with undercover ops in Russia, Iran, England and Germany. Fluent in fifteen languages, do I need to keep going on?” He threw the file down on the table.
“How old is this guy? I mean, that’s a lot. Can’t have a lot of life experience. I mean no serum making him young like gramps over here.” Tony jerked his thumb at Steve. Steve shrugged—sounded qualified.
“Agent Collins is thirty-one,” Clint raised his hand. “Why are you here again, Tony?”
“Oh, I was updating tech for S.H.I.E.L.D.,” he replied. “Wanted to look out for Cap here.” He smirked walking slowly over toward where Steve was seated.
“When’s he supposed to be here?” Steve asked ignoring Tony.
Agent Collins is here, Director.
They heard over the com on the desk.
“Show her into the conference room. We will be right there.”
“Her?!” Steve and Tony both exclaimed while Nat and Clint snickered at that.
“Yes. Her. Unlike you, Stark, I can trust Captain Rogers with a female,” Fury stated as Tony put his hand on Steve’s shoulder.
“Sorry, you will be stuck with a real dog.” Tony patted his shoulder as they set to leave the room to meet this agent Collins. Steve really wasn’t happy now. Fury picked up the folder and they all followed him to the conference room.
“Fury, really, a woman, why?” Steve huffed slightly.
“Because she’s the best, next to you guys,” the director replied
“She’s a real old, deadly hag- he means,” Tony chirped in.
“Enough, Tony,” Steve snapped at him.
Fury opened the door and they walked in. Her back was to them, sitting in the chair. Her blonde, or was it strawberry blonde, hair—Steve couldn’t tell in the lighting—was pulled up in a ponytail. She turned in her chair, not getting up, and looked at them.
“Are you kidding me?” Tony looked at Fury, flabbergasted.
Fury nodded as Steve looked at her face. She didn’t look like she was in her thirties. She didn’t look too young, either. He walked over to her. “You’re Agent Collins?” he asked, not too sure he could believe this woman was the one Fury just described.
She looked him up and down, and not in the usual way women did. Steve tensed under her gaze as if he would have to fight. Her eyes held contempt or was it arrogance? Anger—yeah, he was sure he saw that. She turned her chair and stood slowly, and Clint and Nat shook their heads as she met Steve eye to eye.  Yeah, she wore the heels, just to let him know she would match him toe to toe. Steve’s eyes widened slightly as she smirked, and he glanced down over her and back up.
“Yeah, Mr. Rogers. I am Agent Collins.” She folded her arms in front of her smirking defiantly.
Tony’s eyes bugged a little and looked at Fury again. “Really? Are you kidding me? How tall is she? Did you find her at a Victoria's Secret show?”
“Six foot, to be exact, Mr. Stark. I am no model. Just a soldier and agent.” She looked at him blandly, turning to look at him.
“Play nice, Brooke. You know it’s Captain Rogers.” Fury eyed her. Steve kind of stared; this is what the army was churning out now? She couldn’t be that lethal, could she?
Brooke exhaled heavily, looking at him then back to Rogers and held out her hand. “Captain, I am Agent Brooke Collins. Yes, I am thirty-one, and yes, I am highly trained in a lot of things. Not all of us are lucky enough to get super solider serum.” She grinned sarcastically at him.
Steve raised a brow at her. The woman had some bite to her, and she wasn’t overly fond of him. Yet, he trusted Fury. He took her hand and shook it. They were soft, yes, but well worn. She worked with her hands and her grip was firm. “Major Collins,” he said, tilting his head slightly. “From what I hear, you don’t need serum. Now do you?” He felt her arm tense and her hand tighten in his, her eyes narrowed as well.
“Oh, this is going to be fun.” Tony smirked watching the two amused.
“No, it’s going to be work.” Brooke let Steve go and grabbed her file, tossing it at the table. “Clint.” She smiled brightly and hugged him, which he returned.
“Hey lady, you doin’ ok?” he asked without giving away anything. He knew she didn’t want anyone knowing who already didn’t about her dad.
She smiled and nodded.
Steve took her in as she hugged Natasha as well. She had on a simple black jacket and tank top underneath and jeans that hugged her, but were modest and showed the long legs adorned with black heeled boots. The look was unassuming , comfortable and gave her mobility in case of a fight. She wasn’t wearing makeup but then he thought she was pretty without it. She wasn’t superficial or materialistic, it seemed. Her posture was straight, hands placed behind her back. Yeah, she was a soldier. He could almost guarantee she had a weapon hidden somewhere as well.
Fury took in their stance and smirked. “So, can you work together? I need you to be Roger’s partner and back up.”
Steve folded his arms, watching her. “I think we will be fine.”
Fury looked to Brooke. She nodded. “From what I am told, he has no libido. So, I am fine, no worries for me.” She saluted Fury with a wink.
Fury let his head fall and shook it. “Um, question.” Tony raised his hand as Fury left for them all to talk and Tony followed. “Why does he get the snarky Christie Brinkley and I get a computer?” The doors cut off the rest of the conversation.
Steve walked up to her as she spoke to Clint and Natasha. “Have we met before? You seem to not really care for me. That’s odd if we haven’t met.” Clint and Nat glanced at one another before saying goodbye so Brooke and Steve could talk.
Brooke looked him over and took a deep breath. “You're right, I don’t care for you. Be that as it may, you are a huge asset to S.H.I.E.L.D. and America. So, I will do all I can to have your back.” She folded her arms across her chest once again.
Steve narrowed his eyes at her but nodded. “Alright, I trust Fury. Let’s give it a shot.” He nodded as he spoke, agreeing with himself.
@thorne93​ @pegasusdragontiger​ @magellan-88​ @buckysforeverprincess​ @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams​ @emoryhemsworth​ @st-eve-barnes​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @superfanficnatural​
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taslikestodraw · 3 years
Sneak Peak of my star wars series on watt you can find other chapters here: Taslikestodraw02 on Watt
00||The Days Deeds
Tatooine - The Desert planet. Small workshop in the Scorching Vile
Cal Kesterin was an ordinary young man. Shaggy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, worn down clothes from the harsh sun and tiring days. you would never look twice of someone so. . well, ordinary. At least, a normal person wouldn't look twice. And maybe, just maybe if you looked hard enough, you could see the truth behind Cal. The horrifying truth.
Sun ablaze down off the seemingness never ending pit of sand. Kesterin was eagerly looking to get the pay for today. His Tauntun (The creature he was riding on) Built for the harsh climates of the desert could bring him miles upon miles out into the pit. There he could find all sorts of metal parts and scraps hidden below the sand. Each one clocking in for one credit.
And today? He was able to pull out a outstanding ten metal scraps including a engine. That would be more than enough to get a whole banquet of food at the table. Maybe even a helping droid if he was lucky.
Taking a glance back to check if it wasn't a dream and all of the parts and scraps were still strung behind him on the back of the Tauntuns feathers (luckily he wasn't dreaming) Taking a pair of homemade goggles he placed they firmly of his eyes, as we as a bandana to filter stand he was on the move once again.
"Hip," Cal said, kicking his transportation firmly. The Tauntuns gave a smalls quack of despise, before running on two powerful hind legs and towards the Scorching Vile.
It never actually occurred very much to Cal his life before the Scorching Vile. He never actually liked to think about it. . besides, it only happened when he was young. He could move forward, live in the present and not the past, besides, the empire hadn't been to Tatooine for nearly a year. There was no need to worry, there was no need to run. . Right?
The Scorching came on fast. A massive wall around kept unwanted people out, and those wanted in. The perfect mechanism for disaster. Stormtrooper helmets, along with the heads still inside, were pierced through long skewers surrounding the top of the wall. Gruesome, but something that screamed "Beware".
As long as Cal had gone undercover her, (ten years in a couple of days) he still could never brush off the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins the minute his home came in sight. Shaking his head out of the feeling, he turned his attention back to the gates which were now startlingly close.
Cal knew the gatemen, a man much like himself seeking refuge from the empire. Cal never actually figured out his real name, but he just liked to call him Bloch. He had dark brown curly hair, and a amputated leg from a battle that happened long ago. When he was little, he came up to Bloch every day to try and convince him to tell the story on how he lost his leg. And every day he would say the same thing, "When you're older". Well, now he was 23 and he still never got to learn that story.
The gates stretched all the way up towards the top of the wall. Massive big and sturdy bars held it in place. There were two stations on entry, Blotch's station, as well as a older woman who worked across from him. They never talked, and Cal only went over to Blotch's area.
Cal steered the Tauntuns his way, metal parts in the back clanking as it ran. Blotch looked up and slid a toothy grin from ear to ear. Cal smiled back, pearly white teeth radiating a good energy between the two.
"Well! If it isn't my favorite man. Cal! Gotta' good load today?" said Blotch, still smiling. That was another thing about the amputee, he had a tendency to not shut up. He just blabbered and blabbered about his old wives and what he had seen at the station.
"Hey, Blotch. Yeah the load was pretty good." Cal shrugged jerking his finger back to the cart. Blotch followed his gaze and his eyes locked on the engine. "You'gotta engine. Pretty lucky."He said, handing Cal a square of paper as his entry.
"Thanks, cya tomorrow?" Cal asked, leading the Tauntums into the town. "Like always!" Called Blotch, waving. Cal let out a small chuckle, steering the animal towards the trading post. Unlike Blotch, the trading post people were less nice. Usually giving less what they deserve for the profit.
Cal jumped off his transportation, getting another annoyed squack in return. Grabbing the reigns he swiftly tied it to a log on the outskirts of the trading building. Placing a small bowl of foo and water in front of it, immediately it shut up and got to work devouring its meal.
Cal walked back behind its feet and untied the cart, dragging it over to the post. It was surprisingly heavy, and that made Kesetrin even happier of how much he might make on this specific night.Taking a quick breather, he hauled it up onto the empty slate counter.
A small person poked his head up. Cal had seen many aliens, but none looked as deformed as this one. He had burn scars along one side of his face, and sort of resembled a hammer head. Two eyes were played at the corners of elongated sockets, and his mouth seemed much too far down. He had little accessories. An eye glass and a tattered yellow scarf around his neck.
Cal blinked, and pushed the scraps towards him. "I'd like to cash in for the night." He said politely, gesturing to the pile. The alien man looked skeptical, but continued to study each one of the peices, tapping them into a cash register to his left.
He stopped briefly at the engine. Squinting his small eyes, then returned back to the cash register, and entered a few numbers. "All of these scraps are worth 12 credits." The alien said, his voice sticky like it was covered in syrup. Twelve credits? That could barely buy Cal a quarter of a banquet.
"Twelve? Couldn't we turn it up a notch? I mean, that's a working engine! It has to be worth more." Cal argued, spreading his fingers across the table. The man/alien looked back up at him with an expression that read 'get what you get' Cal huffed, snarking.
Thats when small mechanic's of a little droid kicked in from behind the stand. Cal peered over the traders shoulder and spotted a little two legged droid with a flat head. The trader however, obviously did not want cal to see it, and ushered it back into the room behind the counter.
"How much for the droid?" Cal said evenly, raising an eyebrow. The merchant had already turned and was putting away the parts on the back shelf. Without looking back he said, "Not for sale." Cal rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"How about this. You give me eight credits, and. . I. . uh, won't bother you again about the engine." Scolding himself for rushing the last part, this deal would never slide. The merchant stayed silent for several long moments, and, to Cal's success, he grabbed the two legged droid and placed it on the counter. "Deal." He said sharply, and handed Cal a pouch of credits.
Cal smiled, hearing the satisfying jingle from the bag, but when he looked back up, the dealer had closed his station and retreated for the night. Cal looked down at the two legged droid, who seemed to be looking around and hopping on his two legs.
"So, what's your name little droid?" Cal asked, he knew small bits and pieces of the language, learned it from small teachers when he was young. The droid let out a few beeping and whining noises, and Cal eagerly caught on what it was saying. "BD-1? Odd name." Cal said in return, letting BD-1 climb onto his back and nestle behind one of many straps on his back.
"Well, BD-1, im Cal, nice to meet you." The droid let out another spurt of engine noises, before it seemingly close it's eyes and nestled into Cal's back. He smiled sheepishly, and turned his gaze up and into the story night sky.
constellations of all types were dancing through the stars. Two full moons shone brightly on the left, Cal could never get tired of this. It was, indeed, paradise, a perfect way to hide from the empire. It was all he needed.
Thats when the first four beams of light fell from the sky. Glowing an eerily red. They were moving. . and they weren't just doing that, they were coming towards the Scorching Vile. A sinking feeling settled deep in the pit of Cal's stomach. Something was happening.
The orb's of red light kept getting closer and closer. Hyper speeding their way over sand dunes, through the black sky. Four of them, four recognizable ships Cal didn't want to see ever again. His days with the emperor were done. They would never find out. Never. Or maybe they're just doing a check, maybe I'm working too much.
that, was another possibility. That was the hopeful possibility. But now, watching four sphere shapes heading straight for his home, straight for him. This was not his possibility.
His hand reached down to a hidden sheath behind his shaggy clothes. There was his lightsaber, the last thing his master had given him. There he had become a true Jedi, and he always carried the trophy with him. And now he knew he might have to use it one last time.
The ships kept getting closer and closer. Now their true shape was taking form. Ty Fighters. The empires minions ship's. Cal let out a small gasp looking around. He refused to let this happen, even if it took his own life.
A small woman was walking quietly through the misshapen streets of the Scorching vile. A large bag held out in front of her. She was just walking, perfectly normal and taking a stroll on this fine evening. Cal would have been too.
Suddenly, a familiar sound of two plasma blasts came from the ships, and straight for the woman. Cal's eyes widened in horror. "Get out of the way!" He screamed already on the move, running with all his might.
Cal slammed into the lady knocking her aside as the two blasts fired in the exact spot she was standing only a minute previous. Cal's ears were ringing when he opened his eyes, letting go of the lady apologetically and watched her flee into a dark alley way screaming like a victim' who's head had just been cut off. "Yeah, you're welcome." He muttered, going into a coughing fit.
Cal blinked a few times. Coughing once again, letting out a heap of sand and dirt. He flipped on his back swiftly, holding up his hand to shield a bright light coming from the marketer's place. He let a small gasp escape his lips as he looked at the deviation before him.
The streets were screaming with horror as fire raged through buildings. People were on the ground, presumably dead. Now, six Ty fighters were shooting red beams of light throughout Cal's home. It wasn't his fault, right? He wouldn't- he- he couldn't. .
The empire was attacking.
And Cal was the reason why.
⋆ . ⁎ ★ ⁎ . ⋆
I hoped you enjoy the first chapter! Sorry I felt like the ending was a little rushed ack.
Anyway, Im so happy to start a new series, and make now a Star Wars one. Be sure if you love marvel as well to check out my other two books Avenger Oneshots and Natasha Romanoff in - S.H.E.I.L.D turning!
signing off for now!!! Words: 2000
~𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧
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Love Uncercover - Ch 7
Title: Love Undercover
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Pairing: Greg Sanders x Nick Stokes
Rating: Mature
Summary:  In part one of this series, Nick and Greg get sent on a special undercover mission by Grissom and Brass, an undercover mission as a couple at an all exclusive couples resort. Their mission is to find their targets and keep them safe while maintaining the illusion that they are a happily married couple, but they may end up finding more then they bargained for while at Lovers Lane Resort.
*** My works are not to be posted on any sites without my permission! Please and thanks!!
Chapter seven
     “Nick!” Greg moaned out his name as his head fell back against the floor of the cabin, back arched into Nick, and chest heaving. 
     Nick was laying on top of him, his chest heaving in time with Greg’s beneath him. He ran his hand down Greg’s leg that was lazily wrapped over him, “That was amazing.”
     Greg chuckled, “I will never get enough of this, Nicky.”
     “I don't think I’m ever going to get enough of you calling me Nicky,” he shifted slightly off of Greg to hover over his face and kiss him, “you know, we could just stay in the cabin today,” he moved his lips to his neck, “mess up the bed some more,” another kiss, “keep our clothes off all day.”
     Greg moaned and squirmed under Nick, tightening his fingers in his hair as he continued kissing him all over, “As much as I would love to do that, we can't,” he sighed as Nick’s lips ghosted over his belly button, “we need to stick close to Oliver and James.”
     “Yeah I know,” he licked a trail from Greg’s belly button up to his lips and kissed him again, “but maybe when we get back and have some time off, we can spend a full day at my place, you and me, no clothes…”
     Nick wiggled his brows at Greg with a smirk and he wrapped his arms around his neck, “That sounds like a fantastic day, but for now,” he pulled Nick in and kissed him soundly. 
     The two started to get heated again as they rolled around on the floor, kissing like their lives depended on it, clinging to each other. They were starting to get hard again, starting up a slow grind, when, “Breakfast!”
     The knock on the door of the cabin sparked them both into a panic. Nick looked down at Greg with impossibly wide eyes, “It's the lady from the front desk!”
     “Answer it!”
     Nick scoffed at Greg as he shuffled out from under him and stood up, “Why me?! I’m naked!”
     “So am I,” he laughed, grabbing the robe off the floor and holding it over his chest, “hurry, she's gunna wonder what's going on.”
     He shook his head and turned to answer the door as she knocked again, and opened it part way, slightly hiding behind it. “Good morning,” she chirped.
     “Uh… g-good morning.”
     A shuffling behind Nick and a light giggle had her shifting her eyes behind him just in time to see the completely naked backside of Greg ducking into the bedroom. She just smiled and handed Nick the tray who muttered a quick thanks, and before he shut the door she added, “Sorry for interrupting, but I just wanted to let you know that if y’all are late for the first round of activities this morning, it's totally fine. This is a place for couples to come and unwind, so we completely understand. You wouldn't be the first and you certainly won't be the last.”
     She flashed him a quick wink and walked back down the porch to continue her rounds, leaving Nick to stand wide eyed in the doorway, while Greg was nearly in tears behind him.
     He snapped himself out of it and quickly closed the door then placed the tray on the table. Greg was still laughing in the bedroom, laying on the bed with his arms over his eyes, so Nick ran inside and jumped on the bed. He crawled over Greg and straddled him, removing his arms from his face and laughing himself. “She knew!”
     He only continued to laugh as he said, “Yes, but she also said that this is a place where couples come to unwind….” He then rolled over and pushed back, rubbing his ass against Nick’s growing cock, pulling a moan from him, “So I say we take her advice and do just that.”
     Nick grabbed his hips, rutting slowly up against him as Greg reached for another condom and passed it back. Nick ripped the package open and rolled it on, lining himself up with Greg’s still loose hole. “How are you still ready to go after all the sex we’ve had since last night?”
     Greg rubbed his ass against Nick again and tilted his head, “I could ask you the same.”
     He leaned into Greg, running his tongue along his back and up to that sweet spot on the back of his neck he loved so much. He closed his eyes as he felt his cock twitch when Nick sucked on it and whispered in a husky voice, “You just drive me so wild, darlin, I can't help it.”
     In one swift movement he pushed all the way into Greg, both boys throwing their heads back with a sultry moan of the others name.
     Grissom sorted through the papers in his hands as he walked through the halls. He breezed past lab techs as he marched the maze he had memorized in his head, all the way into a familiar office.
     Without knocking he walked in and sat down, placing the papers on the desk, and a hand over his eyes. 
     “No, Jim, I've got nothing.”
     Jim sighed and turned away from his computer, folding his hands over the table and leaning towards Grissom as he spoke. “I just got off the phone with Judge Howard. Another letter showed up on his porch this morning, again threatening James, I put a rush on it. But I don't know where to go with this Gil. We've got no leads so far, Judge Howard has no idea which ex con he put away could be behind this. Has trace gotten anything yet?”
     “Not that I've heard yet,” he shook his head, “something’s gotta give, Jim. We can't keep this up forever.”
     “I know, and I'm sure Nicky and Greg wanna come back and get back in the field.”
     “Yeah,” he grumbled and leaned on the arm of the chair, “hopefully something will come up on the letter you sent to trace and we can bring them home.”
     A knock at the door gained their attention and they both turned to find Hodges.
     “Yes, Hodges?” 
     “So, I processed that letter from Judge Howard's house that came in this morning, and I got a partial which kicked back a match on codis,” he walked in and placed a file on the table between Grissom and Brass. 
     Grissom leaned over the file on the table and read back the name, “Tyler Watkins. Ex con with a rap for petty theft and escalating to armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon.”
     “Yes,'' Hodges nodded as he took the seat next to Grissom, “but I did some checking and he has zero ties to Judge Howard. In fact, the judge that put Mr. Watkins behind bars was Judge O’leary. Judge Howard never came within three feet of this guy's cases.”
     “So how does that help us, Hodges?” Grissom held a questioning hand out to him.
     “It doesn't,” he smirked, “but it at the very least gives you a starting point, right?”
     “It gives us reason to warrant his arrest and holding.” He turned then to Jim with a look, and he just nodded as he reached for the phone.
     “I'll have him brought in,” he placed the phone to his ear and dialed, “yeah, I need a Tyler Watkins brought in for questioning on the Judge Howard case, immediately.”
     He hung up and met Grissom’s expectant eyes. “I'll meet you in interrogation in twenty minutes.”
     “So, Tyler,” Jim drawled, leaning across to the brunette sitting across from him, “you're a convicted felon, charged with armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, but I didn't think someone with as impressive of a rap sheet as you would stoop as low as idle threats.”
     “What are you talking about?! I didn't threaten nobody.”
     “Mr. Watkins, do you know a man named Bruce Howard?” Grissom tried this time. Sitting casually at the table, legs crossed and arm resting loosely across them.     “Never heard of him.”
     “Thats funny,” Grissom opened the file in front of him and tossed a bag with the letter across, “because we found your prints on this envelope that was delivered to Judge Howard’s house this morning. A letter that threatens the life of his son, James Howard. So tell me, if you don't know Bruce Howard then how did your prints end up on this envelope?”
     Tyler stared at the envelope on the table in front of him for a moment before punching the air in front of him. “Man, I didn't do anything!”
     “Then how did your prints end up on this envelope!” Jim leaned further across the table as he shouted, “If you don't tell us, the evidence will rat you out, and I will take personal pleasure in making sure you end up right back in your old cell block. I'll even throw away the key myself, cuz you see, Judge Howard is a personal friend of mine.”
     “Look, all I did was deliver the letter,” he raised his hands in surrender, “I don't know the guy, didn't even know the name of the guy who lived there. I was just handed an envelope and an address and told to deliver it before nine this morning.”
     “That's it? Just a hand off?”
     Tyler leaned into Brass with a curled lip and growled. “I owed money to some bad news, this was my way out alive. I deliver the letter, my debts free and clear.”
     “Did you deliver any other envelopes to this address?” 
     He looked to Grissom this time, still sat back in his casual position, and shook his head. “Naw, just the one.”
     “And who was it that asked you to deliver this envelope to the Judge’s house?”
     “I don't know his name.”
     “Convenient,” Brass chirped.
     Tyler smacked his fists on the table and stood, hovering over Brass, “I don't know the guy’s name, alright!” The guards stationed at the door moved forwards to intervene but Grissom raised a hand to stop them.
     “Mr. Watkins, is there anything you can tell us about the man who gave you this letter?”
     He looked over to Grissom, calmed, and sat back down. “He had a green hat with a logo on it. That thing the lucky charms guy has on the commercials.”
     “A four leaf clover?” Grissom asked with a raised brow.
     “Yeah,” he pointed at Grissom, “that's the thing. And he wasn't no man either, he was a kid, maybe twenty-five at most. But that's it. I was in and out, grabbed the letter and delivered it in no less than fifteen minutes. Now can I go?”
     Jim just waved a hand at him and the officers at the door escorted him out.
     It was silent for a minute before Brass asked, “So that's it? That’s all we've got to go on here? A kid with a lucky charms hat?”
     “Four leaf clover, Jim, not lucky charms,” he eyed Jim, then turned to him fully, “he said he was in and out in fifteen minutes right? So let's get a search going starting at Judge Howard's house, anything within a fifteen minutes drive, and see if we can't find a store with this logo.”
     “Alright,” he nodded as he stood, “i'll get some uniforms on it, I'll call you if they find anything.”
     “Nick, Greg!”     The two boys turned in the direction of their names being called and found James and Oliver waving them down. They ran over, hand in hand, and stood with the boys.
     “Sorry we’re late guys,” Nick drawled, trying not to smirk.
     “Well it seems like you had good reason,” Oliver reached out and pulled Greg’s slightly unbuttoned shirt to reveal the skin underneath and laughed, “showing off some love bites there, Greg?”
     Greg smirked, not even bothering to try and hide his smugness unlike Nick.
     “Not just some,” James chuckled, turning then to Nick, “I uh, think you missed a spot there, boss.”
     “Did I?'' Nick turned Greg in his arms and pretended to examine his purposefully exposed chest. “Look at that, partner, you're right. Guess I'll have to fix that.”
     Greg giggled as he pulled him in closer, flush against him, and started kissing his neck. After a few moments of letting Nick have his fun, and some awes from James and Oliver, he pushed Nick away and said, “Alright, alright, let's get going, we should pick an activity and get a move on. We can continue this later.”
     “Mmm,” Nick hummed, finding his way up to Greg’s lips and kissing them, “you know we will.”
     Greg laughed against his lips and kissed him once more before turning to James and Oliver, both staring at them fondly. “So, what are the plans for today?”
     James grabbed the itinerary out of his pocket and handed it to Nick, “We were hoping you guys would be down for the pottery class this morning, and there's a baking class after lunch.”
     “Right,” Greg nodded, wrapping an arm around Nick, “and didn't you say there was also a bonfire tonight?”
     “Yes!” Oliver jumped over to stand beside Greg, “And pottery class is going to be starting in five minutes so we better hurry or there might not be any seats left.”
     As Oliver started hopping away he latched onto Greg’s arm and started pulling him slightly ahead of the others, though it took quite a bit of effort to pull him out of Nick's tight hold so he could whisper to him.
     “So,” he drawled, “seems like the talk went very well last night.”
     He wiggled his brows at Greg and he just chuckled. “It did go very well.”
     “Well do I get any details, or are you gunna hold out on me?” 
     Greg leaned in a little, looking back over his shoulder at Nick and James chatting behind them, then turned into Oliver, “Let’s just say that I didn't know that man could move his hips the way he did last night!”
     They made it to the pottery class just in time and managed to get seats beside each other near the front. Everything they needed was already set up, clay, water, carving tools, and of course one wheel and two stools.     Nick led them over and sat Greg in the stool closest to the wheel and sat on the stool behind him, immediately leaning over his shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waist. James and Oliver sat beside them and shortly after, the instructor walked in and to the front of the class. 
     “Alright, I am Emily, nice to meet everyone, and welcome to pottery class.” She looked once around the room then sat behind her own wheel at the front. “Today we’re going to start small with some bowls, so first thing’s first, let's turn on the wheel.”
     She showed them where the power button was and Greg reached over to turn it on.
     “Alright, now that you’ve  gotten past step one, step two is to make sure you have a decent amount of water on your clay and then, very slowly, push your foot down on the peddle and start turning your clay.”
     Greg wet the clay and then turned back to Nick, “Wanna work the peddle?”
     “I got it,” and he pushed down… way too hard.
     The wheel spun into overdrive, shooting sludge all over Greg and Nick. He took his foot off the peddle in a panic and in the silence of the room Greg started howling with laughter and Nick soon followed, the sound completely contagious.
     “Lightly, Nicky, lightly,'' Greg chuckled as he wiped the mud off his cheeks.
     “Okay, let me try again.” 
     Greg braced himself but thankfully Nick managed to press light enough this time that it didn't shoot mud all over them. Then the instructor went on with the lesson.
     “Now, start in the middle of the clay using your thumbs to press down in the center, and cup your hands around the outside to shape the bowl.” Nick and Greg watched her intently before they decided to attempt it.
     “Okay, Nicky, let's do this!”
     “Go ahead, darlin’, i'll follow your lead.”
     Greg slowly reached his hands forwards and started to form the bowl… kind of, then tilted his head back to Nick. “Get in here, Nicky, I know how much you like to get your hands dirty.”
     Nick hummed and slowly ran his hands down Greg’s thighs, then back up towards his crotch whispering in his ear, “I’d much rather be using my hands for other things right now.”
     Greg sucked in a tight breath then turned his head towards Nick’s who started devouring his lips. Greg lifted a hand up to Nick’s neck to pull him in closer, and Nick didn't even care that Greg's hand was covering his neck in thick sludge from the clay as they continued to makeout.     A smack of clay hit Nick in the cheek and he pulled off Greg’s lips with a smack and a laugh turning to the couple beside them. “Get a room!” Oliver laughed as he hucked another piece of clay at them.     “I’m pretty tempted,” Nick wiggled his brows at Greg and he laughed and turned back to the work.
     “First things first, Nicky, let’s finish our bowl,” then he leaned back into Nick's neck again to whisper, “but hold onto those other thoughts for later.”
     Nick moaned softly into Greg’s neck then leaned in to help him mould the clay bowl. 
     “It's beautiful.”
     “A piece of artwork if I do say so myself,” Nick nodded along with Greg as they both gazed upon their finished piece. 
     They both broke into uncontrollable laughter unable to hold it back any longer or keep a serious face. It was the worst excuse for a bowl they had ever seen. It was uneven, tilting to one side, and at some point Nick’s hands had found their way back to Greg’s crotch and what was supposed to be smooth sides ended up looking more like pleats. 
    James and Oliver's bowl looked significantly better than theirs, it was actually round for starters.
     “That's uh…” James stifled a laugh as they came to stand beside Nick and Greg, “that's pretty good guys.”
     “It's terrible,” Greg laughed, running a hand down his face, “maybe we can put our keys in it or something.”
     He leaned back into Nick's arms and Nick's head instantly nestled into the crook of his neck, arms around his waist. They laughed over their failed bowl for a few more minutes before Nick glanced at his watch and looked over to Oliver and James. “It's just about lunch, y'all ready to head over to the food hall?”
     “If you guys don't mind, i think I’d like to go back to the cabin and change first,” Oliver laughed reaching a hand up to Nick’s collar where Greg's hand had smothered it in clay, “I think you guys could use for a clean up too.”
     “You're probably right,” Greg nodded, taking Nick's hand and walking out of the pottery class with their bowl, “we still have about forty minutes until lunch. How about we shower and meet then?”
     “Sounds like a plan, we'll meet you guys at the food hall.”
     A clay covered shirt was flung across the cabin, hitting the wall with a smack as Nick pushed Greg backwards into their room. He whipped his own shirt off as Greg’s legs hit the bed and he fell backwards, his hands quickly undoing his pants as Nick climbed on top of him and started sucking on all the bruises from last night.
     Greg arched his back and wrapped his legs around Nick's waist as he ground hard down into him, making him throw his head back with a moan. “Nicky, we shouldn't be doing this right now, we…” He moaned as Nick ground down again, “We have to be with James and Oliver. And lunch is in half an hour.”
     “It'll be fine,” he licked a trail up from Greg’s ear to his lips, dipping his tongue into his mouth then pulled back to whisper against his lips, “We’ll make it fast, shower, then be back in time for lunch.”
     “Oh,” he wrapped his hands around Nick's neck and tilted his head with a smirk, “can you make it fast, Nicky?”
     “I really don't want to,” he leaned down to nibble on Greg’s ear, “I’d much rather take you torturously slow,” he moved his lips to his neck, “take my time and make tender, tender love to you.”
     “Mmm,” he hummed into Nick’s mouth as he took his lips again, “you don't know how much I want that right now, but,” he moved his hands from Nick’s neck down to his pants and started undoing them, “we now have twenty-five minutes and still have to shower in that time. So let's get a move on here.”
     Nick laughed and kissed him once more before kicking his pants off while Greg did the same, then climbed back on top of him. “How about a quick hand job before we shower then?”
     “Oh, yes!”
     Nick laughed, “We haven't even started yet, Greg,” he slowly slid his hand down between them, taking both of their hard and leaking cocks in his hand and stroked once. The friction had both of them groaning, Greg's chest flexing under Nick’s touches. “Oh, Greg,” Nick continued to stroke them together, picking up the pace, “god you make me so crazy.”
     “Nicky,” Greg moaned, wrapping his legs tighter around Nick's back to get better leverage to thrust into his hand in time with his strokes, Nick doing the same thing. “I love you so much.”
     “I love you too, darlin’,” Nick leaned down to kiss him again and sucked in his moans as he stroked them harder, faster. 
     Both of them were so close to the edge, their thrusts becoming frantic and scattered, moans and groans mixing as their tongues tangled. Nick’s hips stuttered as he leaned heavier on Greg, “I'm gonna come, Greg.”
     “Me-ah,” he threw his head back as Nick squeezed, “me too.”
     And before either of them could say another word they were covering their chests. Nick collapsed onto Greg's chest and laid there for a few minutes while Greg ran one hand through his hair, and the other up and down his back. 
     He leaned in to place a soft kiss on Nick's head, “We should get going.”
     He hummed as he lifted himself up, their chests sticking together as he lifted Greg with him. “How much time do we have to shower?”
     Greg glanced over at the clock on the wall then back to Nick, “Maybe five minutes before they'll be expecting us at the food hall.”
     He shrugged as he scooped Greg up into his arms and walked them towards the shower, “It was worth it.”
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Tags: @panchostokes @greggonpancho @cadenceh2o
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herocentral · 5 years
Possible Hero 6
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Well a couple of days some watching of KP, Marvel Rising & BH6 for inspiration later and heres chapter 6 of Possible Hero 6 this will be a two part chapter and will lead up to events before the finale which will be based off the storyline of the BH6 season finale. But for now lets begin.  Kim Possible & Big Hero 6 (c) Disney, 2020 I don't own the characters this is just for fun!
Chapter 6 Destructo- nightmare part 1
In the wake of last nights undercover mission Team Possible and Big Hero 6 now know who Drakken is working with and what Yama is having him build a robot filled with enough weapons to put Ultron from the Avengers to shame. 
In the morning air of San Fransokyo Baymax, Hiro and Kim were armoured up/suited up and flying around the city skyline looking out for trouble Baymax was using his super sensor to scan the area for Shego and trying to find any traces of ion emissions from her powers.
“Anything Baymax?” Hiro asked. “Negative there is no sign of Shego or Drakken.” Baymax replied. 
The Kimmunicator then sounds off and Kim answers it. 
“Wade any news?” Kim said. “Nothing Kim, I can’t get an exact fix on Drakken, ever since he blew up his lair I can’t see, to track him or Shego.” Wade relayed. 
“Same Sitch on our our end, they may have gone underground in hiding.” Kim deduced.
“So how are we going to find them?” Hiro asked. 
“Well from experience, Drakken usually shows up when he moves his plan into action, so until Wade comes up with any new leads we’ll have to wait.” Kim decided. “But I’ve got a feeling Drakken will play his hand soon.” 
With that Baymax flew away back to Hiro’s garage. 
Periodic Table Cafe (SFIT)
Later that day after a number of classes Honey Lemon, Gogo, Wasabi, Fred, Hiro and Baymax were at the periodic table cafe having lunch.
“Fred you sure you should be eating that mystery meat again?” Wasabi asked a little concerned. 
“Hey it wasn’t so bad last time and it’s a known fact that something’s better the second time round.” Fred explained as he started eating. 
“Maybe in some cases but here it’s really not.” Honey Lemon said. 
“Yeah, so any word from Kim yet?” Gogo then asked. Hiro checked his phone with no recent messages from the red headed teen or from Ron. 
“No nothing I don’t like it when a villain goes quiet.” Hiro said feeling a little anxious. 
“Yeah kinda like Obake.” Fred observed with his mouth full whilst Wasabi used wipes he’d brought from home to clean up the mess his spit was causing. 
“Yeah but the difference is Obake is unpredictable and we don’t know what he has planned.” Gogo said. “We know what Yama and Drakken are planning but have no idea what he’s doing or when he’s going to do it.” 
“Yeah I have to admit guys I’m freaking out a little.” Honey Lemon admitted. 
“Yeah but don’t forget we’ve got Kim Possible helping us we’re bound to stop this evil scheme.” Fred said confidently. 
“Working together has had a higher success rate than working individual.” Baymax explained. 
Just then Karmi came by with a tray of her lunch and looked to Hiro. 
“Hey Hamada.” Karmi called getting his attention. 
“Yeah what is it Karmi” Hiro asked. “Just wanted you to know there’s some robotics doctor looking for you.” She then said. 
“Really who?” Hiro asked with interest. “Don’t know he didn’t give his name he said he was looking for you.” Karmi shrugged as she left. 
This had gotten everyone curious Hiro especially but none the less he left the cafeteria table to go to his lab.
“Well I guess I better find out what he wants.” Hiro said and Baymax soon followed. The team did have a look of concern on their faces because if any robotics experts had come to see Hiro they would’ve been notified by Professor Granville. 
Soon Hiro and Baymax arrived in the robotics lab and made his way to his lab. When he opened the door he saw someone in a black trench coat sitting on the chair with his back facing Hiro.
“Uh hello?” Hiro asked. “Ah greetings Mr. Hamada.” Said the ‘robotics doctor’ however Hiro could tell something was up the voice sounded familiar. 
“I understand your a robotics expert impressive.” The figure then stood up and turned around to reveal..
“For a teenager!” It was revealed to be Dr.Drakken himself. 
Hiro was frozen in fright and was about to act when suddenly he felt a sudden pain in his back and it revealed to be Shego who just stunned him with a taser. 
“Oh no” Baymax said but before he could act Shego tased  him too right on the face shorting him out and he fell to the ground. 
Hiro saw this right before he lost consciousness. “Baymax....” he groaned before everything went black. 
Soon he woke up a little disoriented and he could feel he was on a cold metal surface when his senses returned to him he was tied down by metal clamps on a cold metal table he could see he was inside some kind of lair not surprising who. 
“What the..” Hiro said as he woke up. “Where am I what’s going on!” Suddenly a light lit up showing Baymax was stuck inside a cell surrounded by energy bars. 
“Baymax?!” Hiro called. “Hiro.” Baymax said. 
“Well well look who’s finally awake.” Called a voice and it was revealed to be Drakken and Shego. 
“Drakken!” Hiro exclaimed. “Hmm” Drakken said in surprise. “You’ve heard of me.” 
Hiro quickly made up an excuse as he didn’t want Drakken to know who he really was. 
“Uh yeah your Dr.Drakken a major super villain I heard about on the news.” Hiro said chuckling nervously. 
“Ah so I am well known ha beat that Professor Dementor!” Drakken gloated however Shego just eyed the young teenager suspiciously she couldn’t help but wonder where she’s seen him before. 
“Now then I’ll get straight to the point mr. Hamada, I have a little robotics problem and according to my associate Mr.Yama your the person to talk to about this problem.” Drakken then explained. 
“What ever you want your not going to get it.” Hiro said. “Oh maybe you’ll change your mind when I show it to you.” Drakken said as he gestured to the Destructo Yama in the room. 
“Behold the Destructo Yama a robot designed for one thing.” Drakken explained “don’t tell me world conquest.” Hiro cracked.
“Gah another lippy teenager!” Drakken said. “Look all I need is a robotics expert to fix some glitches in the programming and the cyber circuitry and that is why I need you.” Drakken said. 
“We’ll forget it I’m not helping you.” Hiro said. “I mean why would you think I would for an evil genius your pretty stupid.” He then cracked. 
“What I’m an evil genius!” Drakken exclaimed. However at that moment Shego realised something as she looked at Hiro closely. 
“Wait a minute.” Shego said as she took a long hard look at Hiro and noticed his face and eyes looked a lot like someone she’d seen before then it hit her. 
“No way !” Shego exclaimed “What what is it?” Drakken demanded. 
“Dr. D this is one of those Big Hero 6 guys.” This caused Hiro to grimace in horror a supervillain knew who he was. 
“What him? you sure Shego?” Drakken said. 
“Gah it’s that one in purple armour with that big red robot, I’ll bet you anything that walking balloon is said red robot.” Shego said pointing directly at Baymax who blinked. 
“I am a personal healthcare companion.” Baymax simply said with his know it all finger pointing up. 
Drakken took a close look at Baymax and noticed his eyes. 
“Hmm, well he does have the same eyes as that red robot.” Drakken observed. Shego just groaned in frustration then decided to persuade Hiro herself.
“Okay kid, lets try this again.” Shego said approaching him. “We need you to fix these robots otherwise we could just hand you over to Yama, apparently he’s got a score to settle with you.” 
“I’ve seen Yama before and I’m not scared of him.” Hiro said. 
“Only when you didn’t have your friends backing you up, cause without them your just a defenceless genius.” Shego said. 
“Says the one helping mr blue clueless over there.” Hiro cracked. 
“HEY I HEARD THAT!” Drakken shouted. Shego knew this kid was good and couldn’t be intimidated, however she had another means. She then proceeded to lower the bars on Baymax’s cell. 
“Wait what are you doing?” Hiro said a little frightened. “Yes I’d like to know too.” Drakken asked. 
“Your going to help us kid, because if you don’t…” Shego ignites her plasma energy in her right hand  and thanks to the energy enhancers made it glow brighter with energy. She then places it close to Baymax. 
“I’m gonna cut this robot of yours into tiny little pieces.” She then smirked. 
“No don’t touch him!” Hiro said “Fire can be dangerous and cause sever burns.” Baymax then pointed out. 
“Hm your smart for a marshmallow, no offence.” Shego said.
“I am a robot I cannot be offended.” Baymax just says. 
Shego then notices the circular port on Baymax and when she touches it it opens to reveal his data disk port. 
“Ah I wonder what happens if I burn some of these.” She said smirking. 
“No!” Hiro cried. “Why you making such a fuss he’s just a robot.” Drakken asked. 
“He’s not just a robot, he’s like my family.” Hiro then exclaimed angrily. “Please don’t hurt my friend.” 
Shego just gagged in disgust whilst Drakken just walked over to Shego. 
“Well thats, actually quite touching but lets see..” Drakken was about to finish his sentence he noticed one of the chips had a familiar looking ‘KP’ logo on it. He then proceeded to remove the chip and looked at it with curiosity. 
He goes over to the computer console and inserts the data chip into it and reviewed its contents he saw it was all the data Hiro collected during the teams training sessions with Kim and Ron. This development made Drakken grin from ear to ear.
“Ohh ho ho, seems you’ve already been very useful to me Hamada, with this the Destructo Yama will be invincible!” Drakken exclaimed. 
“So kid what will it be.” Shego said getting ready to burn Baymax’s data port and chips Hiro knew he couldn’t help these bad people finish their robots but at the same time he couldn’t lose Baymax not again. 
“STOP!” Hiro cried. “I’ll help you but if any harm comes to Baymax I won’t fix the robots!” He then added.
This put a smirk on Shego’s face and even more for Drakken. 
“Good.” Then let’s get to work. He then grinned. 
Meanwhile at the Hotel
Kim was sitting on her bed next to her Kimmunicator waiting to hear from Wade about Drakken and Shego’s whereabouts. Minutes passed and still nothing. 
“Kim.” A voice then startled her and she turned to see Ron standing at the door with Rufus on his shoulder. 
“Oh sorry Ron you just startled me.” Kim said. Ron then proceeded to sit next to her. 
“So I’m guessing there’s no word from Wade.” Ron asked. 
“No nothing, and I don’t like it.” Kim said. “Come on chin up KP we’ll find Drakken and stop his evil scheme like we always do.” Ron said. “especially since we have a group of superheroes helping us second only to the worlds best teen hero.” 
Kim then turned to Ron with a smile and a slight chuckle. 
“Thanks Ron you always know just what to say.” Kim said.
“Well what kinda friend or sidekick would I be if I wasn’t there for my best friend.” Ron smiled and Rufus squeaked in agreement. 
Just then they could hear a voice and it was Kim’s mom on the phone to someone. The two exited the room and could see Ann was on the phone. 
“No Cass I haven’t seen him.” Ann said as she was talking to Hiro’s Aunt Cass. 
“Oh no no don’t worry I’m sure he’s fine he’s probably out with his classmates.” Ann said and she saw Kim and Ron standing in the room and then she had an idea.
“Look if it’ll put your mind at ease I’ll ask Kimmy to go to the campus and look for him.” Ann said and with that Kim, Ron and Rufus left the hotel room waving to Ann and she waved to them. 
When they were walking down the hallway Kim’s phone started ringing. She looked at the screen and saw it was Honey Lemon calling her. 
“Hello.” Kim said. “Kim its Honey Lemon..” “I think I know why your calling have the others meet me at SFIT.” Kim replied.  
Hiro’s Lab:
Soon everyone was gathered at Hiro’s lab looking for him but so far couldn’t find any trace of him on campus. Whilst the team looked around campus Kim went to the deans office.
She knocked on the door and waited. “Come in.” 
Called a voice and Kim opened the door to see Professor Granville at her desk. 
“Professor Granville.” Kim said coming into the office. “Ah Miss Possible this is a surprise, can I help you with anything?” 
Granville asked. 
“Well is Hiro around on the campus, it’s just according to his Aunt he hadn’t come home after his after his classes.” Kim explained. 
“I see, well I haven’t seen Mr.Hamada since this morning or anywhere on campus since then.” Granville explained. 
This had gotten Kim even more confused and a little worried Hiro doesn’t just disappear and not tell anyone, he couldn’t be bot fighting given he’d given it up, unless…
“Professor, have you seen any strange people lately on campus people you didn’t know about?” Kim then asked
Granville was a little more than surprised and took a moment to think when something came to mind. 
“Well I can’t say I’ve seen any strange people around the campus Miss Possible.” Professor Granville explained. 
“However I did overhear someone talking to my biotech student Karmi asking her to leave a message to Mr.Hamada, said he was a robotics expert wanting to meet him.”
“Whats strange about that?” Kim asked. “I wasn’t notified by any visiting robotics experts to the campus its university policy.” Granville then explained.
“I see are there any security cameras in the robotics lab if so I’d like to have a look at the footage.” Kim then requested. 
“Well normally I wouldn’t allow someone access to the security footage.” Granville said “however if one of my students maybe missing I can make an exception for his safety.” 
Professor Granville makes a few types on her computer and brings up the security footage from the robotics lab and shows todays log. They look through the footage and sees two figures leaving the lab with Hiro and Baymax in hand Kim recognises the two figures almost instantly. 
“Oh no!” Kim breathed. “They’re kidnapping him.” Professor Granville said in slight horror then turns to Kim. 
“You better find Mr. Fredrickson and the others Miss Possible.” She then suggested much to Kims surprise. 
“Wait Fred why do him and the others need to know?” Kim asked while trying to keep their secret. 
“Well so you can find Mr.Hamada of course after all if these people took him for a reason you’ll need the remainder of Big Hero 6 to help you and Mr.Stoppable.” Granville then said. 
This surprised Kim even more she wasn’t expecting the dean of the university to know who Big Hero 6 were much to her surprise, but the how would have to wait. 
Later everyone met at Hiro’s Garage and Kim explained her recent discovery minus another recent thing. 
“So Drakken and Shego have Hiro!” Honey Lemon said in concern. 
“But why? why take him to start with?” Ron asked. “Best guess Drakken must need him for something and I bet after our little trip to the Bot Fights, Yama must have told him about Hiro as payback.” Kim deduced. 
“Like he’d ever help Drakken.” Wasabi then said. 
“What if Drakken threatens Hiro with Baymax to make him work it’s a classic move in the comics threaten what the hero loves most and he’ll comply.” Fred then pointed out. 
“That actually makes a lot of sense.” Gogo said. 
Kim then pulls out the Kimmunicator to call Wade. “Wade are you there.
“Yeah Kim I’m here no leads on Drakken yet.” Wade relayed. 
“Drakken and Shego’s taken Hiro and Baymax we need to find them fast.” Kim then explained. 
“How we don’t have Baymax?” Wasabi said. 
“Well I’ll see if I…” Just then the feed to Wade started to cut out and the screen glitched. 
“Wade are you there, Wade?” Kim said but the screen just went black and was replaced by a certain red devil avatar. 
“Greetings Miss Possible, Greetings Big Hero 6” A voice then sounded from the Kimmunicator and the rest of BH6 recognised that voice all too well. 
“Wait who is this?” Kim demanded “And how’d you hack this frequency?” 
“Oh we’ve never officially met but I’m sure the heroes that your with know all too well.” Said the voice.
“Its Obake!” Gogo glared. “Obake?” Ron asked and Rufus just shrugged not knowing who that was. 
“Oh he’s basically our arch foe who we’ve been trying to stop for months its on the conspiracy board over there.” Fred explained and point to a board with various images and pins of Obake’s avatar with push pins and thread linking different images to him such as a painting done by Linor Shimamoto and various other things. 
“You know for someone who can do anything it seems you’ve hit a road block finding where your enemy’s hide.” Obake said. 
“I don’t know who you are but if your not going anywhere with this then I’m…” “I’m only saying maybe you need a way to ‘chip’ a way to find what you seek.” Obake said interrupting Kim. 
“Farewell for now.” then the Kimmunicator screen goes back to normal. “Okay that was weird.” Kim said a little creeped out. 
“Kim!” Wade then called in. “Wade what happened?” Kim asked. 
“Someone hacked into my system then into the Kimmunicator transmission frequency.” Wade explained. 
“What I thought the Kimmunicator was hack proof?” Ron asked. “Yeah?” Rufus asked.
“It is whoever this Obake guy is he’s good he didn’t even leave a trace for me to follow.” Wade then explained. 
“Yeah he’s as good as they come.” Wasabi said. “Okay 411 me on this guy later right now we need to find Hiro.” Kim then decided. 
“Again how without Baymax we can’t scan for him.” Honey Lemon then reminded. 
Kim took a moment to think, they couldn’t find Hiro since they didn’t have Baymax’s super sensor and Wade couldn’t find any leads on Drakken’s lair, she knew interrogating Yama wouldn’t do much good as he probably wouldn’t crack. Then something rang in her she remembered what Obake said ‘chip’ in then she realised something. 
“Wait.” Kim said getting everyones attention. “Wade is it possible for you to track Baymax via the data chips in him?” She then asked.
“Its possible but I’d need said data from the chips in order to track the chip.” Wade said.
Kim realised that they would need a copy of the data and she turned to the others. 
“Guys Tadashi built Baymax right?, if so would he have back up files of Baymax’s health care matrix if he lost the chip?” She then asked the rest of the team. 
“Yeah they may still be on his computer in his old lab.” Gogo deduced. 
Drakken’s Lair: Location Unknown:
In Drakkens lair the Destructo Yama’s head was open and Hiro was working on its cyber circuitry and was being watched by Shego to make sure he didn’t try anything. 
Drakken meanwhile was busy making a copy of the data found on Baymax’s KP chip and transferring the data to the Destructo Yama’s CPU. 
“You know for a mad scientist this is pretty impressive work.” Hiro then said for the sake of conversation. 
“Why thank you I do know how to build a robot.” Drakken replied to what he thought was a compliment but…
“I mean for a college reject.” Hiro then cracked. 
“Drop out thank you very much they let me in I let myself out!” Drakken then exclaimed. 
“Yeah just because you couldn’t make a robot date for a dance then later developed versions of said robots turned on you to become their own villains.” Hiro then said remembering some of the stories Kim told him. 
“Grr shut it brat!” Drakken said. Shego can’t you get him to go faster!?” He then said to his assistant. 
“Yeah yeah whatever.” She said reading her magazine. 
“Oh and by the way Shego I heard you used to be a superhero.” Hiro then said. 
“Ancient history kid.” Shego dismissed. “But heres what I don’t get, you were given incredible powers and use them for good to start with but now you use them to hurt people why?” Hiro asked the green villain who didn’t say anything. 
“It wouldn’t have anything to do with your brothers would it?” Hiro then said when suddenly a shot of green energy blasted past him and hit the ground. 
“If I were you kid I’d be careful what you say next.” Shego said with a death glare. 
“Okay okay but just out of curiosity where’d you get those energy enhancing gauntlets?” Hiro asked. 
“Stole them from Krei tech.” Shego said. “Doubt it no way Krei tech could produce things like that.” Hiro observed. 
“Okay since your not going to see the light of day, I got them from some creepy guy who called me out.” Shego explained. 
“He didn’t happen to have a glowing part of his face did he?” Hiro then asked. 
“Yeah whatever.” Shego brushed off which all but confirmed his theory about where Shego got the energy enhancers. 
“You done yet?” Drakken demanded. “Nearly, by the way where’s Baymax?” Hiro then demanded back. 
“Oh don’t worry about that walking balloon bot he’s safe promise.” Drakken said but secretly had his fingers crossed behind his back so Hiro couldn’t see it. 
Back at SFIT
In Hiro’s lab the team was looking for Tadashi’s data files for Baymax’s healthcare matrix hoping to find a way to track Baymax himself. 
Soon Gogo found a file on the computer marked Baymax, she opened it and found the data they needed. 
“Here it is.” Gogo said and Kim connects the Kimmunicator to the computer and downloads the data to Wade. 
On the other end Wade received the data and began using it. “Okay guys I’ve got the data.” Wade said as he set to work converting the data into something he could track when finally. 
“Kim I’ve converted the data to an update for your Kimmunicator tracking system.” Wade explained “I’m beginning a scan of the city for similar data.” 
Soon after short time they had something. “Got it they are at a warehouse on the west side of the city.” Wade relayed showing a map on the Kimmunicator.
“We know where that is, it’s where we first fought the Mad Jacks.” Fred explained. 
“But how do we get there?” Ron asked. “We’ll take my car.” Wasabi suggested showing his car keys only for Gogo to snatch them away. 
“I’m driving.” Gogo said. “Oh no no no I am  not letting you drive especially after last time!” Wasabi protested as he chased after her. 
“Last time?” Ron asked rather worried. “Its a long story.” Honey Lemon explained. “Well how bad could it be?” Ron asked to which Rufus nodded. 
In the car Ron was screaming his head off in Wasabi’s small grey car as he clung to Wasabi who was in the back with him, Rufus Honey Lemon and Fred (in his monster suit) whilst Kim (in her mission suit) was in the passenger seat Gogo was driving in her armour. The car sped through the streets like a racer possessed and the engine roared like a racing car down a track. Later at the warehouse The car pulled up to the warehouse then did a power slide as it stopped. 
Wasabi and Ron pushed each other to get out of the car first panting like crazy whilst Ron just threw up. Rufus was dizzy and couldn’t stand up straight. 
When Ron came around he looked to Wasabi. 
“Seriously where the heck did she learn to drive!” Ron exclaimed. 
“I’ve literally asked myself that very same question since the last time she drove my car!” Wasabi exclaimed. 
“Hey this is an emergency we didn’t have time for your safety checks.” Gogo pointed out as she got out the car with Kim and Honey Lemon. 
“Well look on the bright side at least the car didn’t end up in the bay this time.” Honey Lemon smiled trying to look on the bright side. 
“Okay crazy good driving aside let’s go.” Kim said getting on the mission. They arrived at the door to the warehouse and when Kim tried pulling on the door she found it was locked by a pad lock. 
“Locked.” Kim groaned. “No worries KP.” Ron said “Rufus your up.” Ron said and on cue Rufus emerged and crawled up to the pad lock and using his finger he’s picks the tumblers in the lock until, click. The padlock opens and Rufus squeaks triumphant. 
“Whoa?” Wasabi said impressed. “Yeah gross but handy.” Gogo said with a slight smirk. They then proceeded to enter the warehouse. 
They look around and see its a little condemned and but still in use given the amount of shipping containers stored there. Everyone looked around for any sign of their missing team mates but so far nothing, nothing but darkness.
It was rather quiet however the only thing that could be heard was Fred humming a song to himself in his suit. 
“Hmhmmhmhm, Freds Angels, hm,mmm, Freds Angels, m..mmm.” Fred hummed. 
“Fred zip it!” Gogo whispered. “Yeah keep your head in the game.” Kim agreed. 
They looked around the warehouse but they still couldn’t see any trace of their friends. 
“I don’t get it where’s Baymax?” Honey Lemon said. 
“Baymax!” Ron called then all of a sudden the door of the warehouse slammed shut surprising everyone in the room then a lone light shone in the room revealing a certain robot now in his red armour. 
“There he is!” Fred said as Ron went over to him. 
However when they looked at him he didn’t move an inch it looked like he was deactivated. 
“Baymax, buddy you okay?” Ron asked however there was no response. 
Looking at the scene Gogo could see something wasn’t right about this situation. 
“Hold on, somethings not right here.” Gogo said in caution. 
“Yeah guys my super hero senses are tingling.” Fredzilla said. 
Ron looked closer at Baymax then suddenly his eyes lit up in red. Before Ron could react Baymax smacked Ron to the side with his fist and into a container. 
“Ron!” Kim exclaimed Baymax then raised his left fist and fired his rocket fist at the rest of the group!
“Get down!” Gogo said tackling Kim to the ground to avoid the rocket fist which then returned to Baymax who began to approach the group with his rocket boots and tries to crush them. The team quickly move aside to avoid the impact from his fist Honey Lemon was slow to recover and saw Baymax aiming his rocket fist at her however. 
Acting quickly Gogo jumped on Baymax’s arm and directed the fist to the roof. 
“Baymax stop its us your..” Gogo tried but Baymax just swatted her away and across the floor and his right fist returned to him as he turned his attention to her. From his point of view a targeting grid was locked on Gogo with a list of targets including the rest of the team, Kim and Ron. 
Baymax readied his fist to fire at Gogo. 
“Fred we gotta do something!” Wasabi exclaimed and the two quickly jumped onto the robots back trying to pull him away from Gogo which does work and Baymax tries to pull them off his back. Kim hurries over to Gogo to help her up. 
“Gogo what’s wrong with Baymax why is he attacking us?!” Kim asked. 
“This has happened before when Hiro removed his healthcare chip to attack Callaghan.” Gogo explained. 
“Wait what?” Kim exclaimed in shock. “Look he was angry about Tadashi but right now we need to snap Baymax out of this!” Gogo then said in a serious tone.
Kim nodded and turned to her Kimmunicator. 
“Wade Baymax is attacking us we think somethings causing him to do this!” Kim said. “I need you to scan him.” 
“On it Kim!” Wade said and Kim held up her Kimmunicator and a beam of light emerged from the top above the screen and it scanned Baymax whilst Wasabi and Fredzilla tried to hold him back. 
The scanning light retracted back into the Kimmunicator giving Wade the data. In analysing the scan from his computer he could see there was something in Baymax’s data port. 
“Kim there’s a chip inside Baymax causing him to lash out and it’s programming him to attack you, and the team.” Wade explained. 
“Can you hack it and reboot Baymax somehow?” Gogo asked. 
“No go, it’s preventing me from hacking in your going to have to remove it manually.” Wade explained. 
“Oh that’ll be easy.” Kim said sarcastically. Baymax grabbed Fred by his suit tail and threw him away into a wall and then slammed Wasabi into a nearby wall with his right fist forcing him to let go. 
“Guys there’s a chip inside Baymax we’ve gotta try and remove it!” Kim exclaimed and so Honey Lemon helped Ron up and Fred gets back up as does Wasabi. 
“Everyone surround him we need to restrain him on all sides.!” Gogo relayed as she began skating on her mag lev skates getting Baymax’s attention whilst Wasabi jumps on his back and tries to reach his access port in his chest but Baymax just grabs Wasabi by the head and tosses him into Gogo. Honey Lemon throws some chem balls from her purse aiming at her legs.
The impact created ice goop around Baymax’s legs restricting his movement so he couldn’t move. 
“Fred now!” Honey Lemon exclaimed and Fred moves quickly performing a super jump and landing on Baymax back and reaches for his access port however Baymax grabs Fred by his suit collar and tosses him away into a container knocking off the top half of his suit. 
Baymax fires up his jet boots and breaks free from the goop then fires his left rocket fist which crashes into the ground near Honey Lemon and the force of impact sends her flying. 
“I’m coming!” Ron exclaimed and quickly caught Honey Lemon in his arms but the force sent him crashing into some crates rendering them unconscious. 
Before Baymax can finish them off wrapping round his rocket fist was a cable which was trying to pull Baymax back. He turned to see Kim with her grappling hair dryer trying to use the cable to pull Baymax back. 
“Thats enough Baymax!” Kim exclaimed but Baymax’s eyes glowed even brighter and then pulled the cable towards him yanking Kim forwards and Baymax readied his right-hand  rocket fist but acting quickly the red head teen quickly planted her hands on his arm and flipped over him. She landed on the ground only for Baymax to fire his right hand rocket fist towards Kim who quickly backflips out of the way to avoid it she then runs and leaps onto Baymax’s shoulders using on of her cheer routines. 
She tries to reach for his access port however Baymax grabs her by the arm and tosses her into the front wall leaving a crack in the wall. She falls to the ground groaning in pain. 
“Kim!” Wasabi called as he Fred and Gogo hurry to help Kim by trying to hold Baymax back as he tries to approach her. 
In the stack of destroyed crates Rufus emerges from the unconscious Rons pocket and saw what was happening he could see the rest of BH6 trying to stop Baymax only for him to whack and toss them away from him. He was horrified when he saw what the red robot was going to do so he quickly scurried over to him and climbed up his leg and Baymax hadn’t yet noticed. 
As Kim was coming around groaning she saw Baymax raised his arms and was getting ready to crush her. Kim looked in horror and she couldn’t move away, for the first time in her life and career she felt very afraid. However before Baymax could deliver the finishing blow, Rufus reached for the access port opened it and quickly pulled on a blue coloured chip on the right from his superhero chip, until finally he pulled it out and fell on the ground. 
With the chip removed Baymax’s eyes turned from raging red to their normal Black circles and he began to lower his fists and from his POV his normal settings were restored and could see Kim looking at him a little scared and relieved whilst everyone else was recovering from the beating they received by his hand. Wasabi helped Fred to his feet whilst Honey lemon was supporting Ron while Gogo slowly got back up on her feet. 
Baymax blinked if he had a face he would’ve been horrified. 
“My healthcare protocol has been violated.” He finally said as he waddled over to Kim and helped her back up on her feet as she pulled away. 
“I regret any distress I might have caused.” Baymax apologised. 
Rufus breathed a sigh of relief the panic was over as Honey Lemon picked him up with her hand. 
“Nice work Rufus.” She said stroking him. “You okay KP?” Fred asked. 
“Yeah I’m fine a little bruised but okay.” Kim said. Rufus then handed Honey lemon the chip he pulled out of Baymax. 
“Kim.” Honey Lemon said handing her the chip and upon close examination she noticed a small symbol of Drakken’s face which she recognised from a certain shampoo he once used. 
“Drakken!” She said crushing the chip in her hand in anger. 
“He must’ve placed this into Baymax left him here so we could find him and let him destroy us.” She deduced. 
This left everyone in surprised how could someone go this low to have a robot built to help people try and destroy them so they wouldn’t get in the way. 
“Okay, that’s just crossing more than a few lines.” Wasabi said. 
“Seriously, what’s this guys deal?” Gogo said a little angered. 
“Uh newsflash Gogo, hes a bad man!” Ron said simply. 
“Alright enough games, now it’s getting personal.” Kim said before turning to Baymax.
“Baymax, find Hiro” She said and Baymax started scanning however there was a problem. 
“My enhanced sensor has been disabled.” Baymax relayed. 
“How much you willing to bet Drakken disabled it knowing that’s how we would track him.” Fred deduced. 
“And the only person who could get it up and running again is being held captive by him.” Honey Lemon said. 
“Come on Wade can get it up and running right?” Ron wondered. “Wades good but not at this kind of robotics.” Kim said and then had an idea but it meant taking a risk.
“But don’t worry, I know someone who can help.” Kim then decided. “but it’ll mean doing something you guys might not like.” 
This had gotten the team rather worried what wouldn’t they like and who exactly is it that could help them with Baymax’s sensor who just blinked in response. 
Later  that late afternoon back at Hiro’s Garage behind the Lucky Cat, Kim was waiting for someone to show up. Soon she heard footsteps approaching and she saw it was her parents James and Ann with Jim and Tim in tow. 
“You made it.” Kim said in relief. “Kimmie cub we got your message but why the sudden urgency?” James asked. 
“Well, some friends of mine need help and well, just promise you won’t judge or freak out.” Kim said which brought about confusion amongst James and his wife why would they judge or freak out while Jim and Tim had a good idea of where this was going. 
So they followed Kim into the garage and were rather surprised by what or rather who they saw. It was five of Big Hero 6 standing in Hiro’s Garage as Honey Lemon waved awkwardly Wasabi was a little worried whilst Gogo kept a mutual expression as for Fred inside his suit he too was a little worried. 
“Hello.” Baymax greeted with a wave. 
“Wait aren’t they?” Ann asked. “Yeah Mom, dad meet Big Hero 6 or at least five of them.” Kim introduced. 
“Kimmie your going to have to explain this to us?” James then said. 
“Well, the thing is Drakken and Shego are in the city and these guys have been tracking them too so after our second encounter we decided to work together, so I trained them to fight better but now their leader has been captured and now we need help.” Kim then breathed after spitting out that large story. 
“Hm fair enough.” James said but whilst Kim was explaining everything Ann was looking rather closely at the red armoured robot and noticed something familiar about his eyes.
“W, wait a second…” Ann took a closer look and then she remembered where she’d seen those eyes before. 
“Is that Baymax?!” Ann said rather surprised. “Baymax?” James said as he took a look. 
“Wait why is he wearing carbon fibre armour?” James then asked. “I also know karate.” Baymax said by moving his hands in a karate fashion. 
The two looked to their daughter for an explanation. “Well that brings us to the next explanation.” Kim then said and turned to the rest of the team. 
“Guys go ahead.” Kim then said and so the team took a deep breath and one by one unmasked themselves, first was Wasabi, followed by Gogo, then Honey Lemon, Fred and finally Baymax. 
The Possibles looked to the faces of the five heroes and instantly recognised them. 
“Hey aren’t you those classmates Hiro always hangs out with?” James observed which then connected more dots in this puzzle. 
“Wait is Hiro part of this too?” Ann asked. “Well technically he started this, or rather his brother did.” Ron explained. 
This had gotten the Possibles even more confused until Baymax weighed in. 
“After Tadashi perished in the fire caused by Professor Callaghan AKA Yokai  Hiro wanted to catch him to improve his emotional state which lead to Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Gogo and Fred helping him, after this we decided to form Big Hero 6 as a way of honouring Tadashi’s legacy.” Baymax explained. 
“Tadashi’s work has become Hiro’s work.” He then added. 
“And right now Drakken has him and forcing him to finish his latest creation but we can’t find him as Drakken disabled the super sensor Hiro added to Baymax and we need help to get it up and running again.” Gogo explained. 
“So Dad we need you and the Tweebs to help Wade fix the sensor so we can track them down.” Kim then explained. 
“Please will you help us?” Honey Lemon said. 
There was a minute of silence for a moment but then. 
“Okay lets get to work.” James then said which more than surprised BH6 to say the least. 
“Wait just like that?” Wasabi said in surprise. “Yeah no lecture on how we shouldn’t be doing this?” Honey Lemon said. 
“Well I’m not one to judge but if my daughter supports this then so do we.” James explained. 
“Don’t worry your secrets safe with us.” Ann said then her phone sounds off and its Aunt Cass. “I’ll deal with Cass you all get to work.” Ann said as she took the call outside and so the crew set to work. 
Using the data on Hiro’s computer and from coordination from Wade James used the computer data and tools in the garage to fix the sensor and Jim passed him the tools needed, whilst Tim was looking at another set of armour for the team that was silver which he thought lacked colour. 
Soon the sensor was finished and so James placed it back onto Baymax’s head. 
“Okay Baymax is it working?” James asked and Baymax turned his head to test the sensor, he looks back to James. 
“My sensor is operational.” Baymax said “Kimmy it's working.” James called and she came over. 
“Great Baymax find Hiro.” she then said and so Baymax stood up and used his sensor to scan for Hiro and then from his eyes created a holo map of his location. 
“I have located Hiro.” Baymax said and the holo map showed a marker of Hiro’s face on an island a distance away from San Fransokyo. This was an island that the team recognised all too well. 
“You have got to be kidding me.” Gogo said deadpanned. “Not there again.” Wasabi said. “Why what’s bad about there?” Tim asked. 
“Its basically an abandoned Krei Tech facility where they were developing portal technology, it was called Project Silent Sparrow.” Honey Lemon explained. 
“Silent Sparrow, I heard that mentioned somewhere from some old contacts of mine but never thought they’d do it.” James remembered. 
“Well they did and long story short it nearly blew up the city when Yokai used it to attack Krei tech.” Fred said. 
“Alright we know where Hiro is let’s roll!” Kim declares. 
Mean while at Drakken’s Lair:
Meanwhile Hiro had finished applying the finishing touches to the Destructo Yama and closed a panel indicating he was finished. 
“Well is it done?” Drakken asked. Hiro climbed down the ladder and faced Drakken and Shego with several henchmen standing behind them clad in red and black suits wearing black visors. 
“Yeah it’s done, now let me and Baymax go.” Hiro then demanded. 
“Ah yes about that, I’m afraid I can’t let loose ends go.” Drakken said as he singled his henchmen to grab Hiro which they did. 
“WHAT!” Hiro said as he struggled to break free. 
“If I did let you go you’d just warn Kim Possible and I’m not letting her foil my plans this time.” Drakken said. 
“Your going to regret this when my friends come for me…” “HA, they’d have to find us to do that and without balloon bot they won’t be able to find us.” Drakken interrupted Hiro. Hiro just looked round his surroundings and instantly recognised the frame work. 
“Its the Krei Tech Silent Sparrow test site isn’t it?” He said with a bored raised eyebrow. 
“WHA, HOW DID YOU?!” Drakken exclaimed. “Dude I’ve been here before.” Hiro said with a smirk. 
“Yeah well we won’t have to worry about Kimmie showing her face here your so called friend has probably seen to that by now.” Shego then pointed out. 
“What are you talking about?” Hiro asked rather serious. 
“Oh let’s just say the doctor gave him a little personality adjustment.” Drakken smiled evilly giving Hiro the impression that he did something to his friends. 
“No you said no harm would come to him!” Hiro exclaimed. 
“Newsflash kid, I’m a bad man.” Drakken then smirked and motioned for his Henchmen to take Hiro away who was kicking and screaming. 
Meanwhile Drakken looked at his creation with pride but then began to wonder should the new found potential of this robot be wasted by a city crime boss or could it do something more. 
In the hallway of the facility two of the henchmen escorted Hiro towards a cell. Hiro knew he couldn’t allow himself to be detained so he devised a plan. 
“GAH!” Hiro cried as he dropped down to the ground in pain. “Get up kid now!” Demanded one of the Henchmen.
Hiro slowly got up whilst smirking but then he quickly performed a leg swipe and tripped up  the henchman on his left. Suddenly the Henchman on his right tries to grab him but Hiro slips out of the way quickly and as the Henchman turned and ran towards him Hiro quickly leaped into the air over the henchman then tripped him up with a leg swipe knocking him to the ground and into an unconscious state. 
“Did I mention I know self defence and was trained by a cheerleader recently.” Hiro smirked as he straightened his hoodie. 
However his smugness was short lived as coming from the left in the hallway was a gang of henchmen who saw their comrades knocked out on the ground and saw the teenager who did it. 
“In Baymax’s words, Oh no.” Hiro grimaced. 
The henchmen began to approach Hiro with every intention to beat him up and carry him to a cell. All of a sudden the right wall exploded and a it catapulted everyone to the floor. Suddenly Hiro saw several coloured balls emerge from the smoke which then encased the henchmen in a blue and pink solid substance. 
Then emerging from the smoke was Gogo, Kim, Honey Lemon, Baymax, Fredzilla, Ron and Rufus standing in a superhero like pose. The moment was dashed when Wasabi started coughing as did Honey Lemon given the dust around them. 
“A little much wouldn’t you say?” Wasabi said. 
“Guys!” Hiro exclaimed in joy and he was even more happy to see a certain robot with them. “BAYMAX!” He said in joy as he jumped up and hugged him. 
“Hiro.” Baymax replied as he hugged him back. “Hiro, are you okay?” Honey Lemon said enveloping him in a hug. 
“You guys came.” Hiro said as he looked to Kim and Ron. 
“Hey we super heroes gotta stick together.” Ron said giving Hiro a fist bump to which he accepted. 
“Hiro where’s Drakken?” Kim then asked. “He’s down there Yamas on his way to get the Destructo Yama which he forced me to finish we gotta stop him!” Hiro said. 
“Well then, you’ll be needing this.” Kim said pulling off her  back pack and revealing its contents to be Hiro’s gear seeing this put a confident smile on his face. 
Back in the main Lab, Yama had just arrived on site to inspect his robot looking it over to make sure it was the specs he wanted. 
“Hmm and your sure Hamada corrected all the issues.” Yama asked suspiciously. 
“Absolutely he took very little convincing threatened what he loved most and he ignored his better instincts.” Drakken then gloated. 
“Hm classic move.” Yama said “Well you’ve delivered now as we agreed I’m gonna use this thing to level the competition in this city and all the crime bosses will answer to me!” Yama then gloated with pride knowing he now had the edge he needed to work his way to the top and also satisfy another associate of his. 
“Uh yes Yama, well there’s a slight change in plans.” Drakken then pointed out which caught Yamas attention. 
“What?” Yama said. “You see, I’m keeping the Destructo Yama.” Drakken then said smirking. 
“WHAT! YOU DARE DOUBLE CROSS ME WE HAD A DEAL!” Yama shouted in anger. 
“Yeah well deals changed you think I’m going to let you use something that can easily conquer the world just to satisfy your needs to be the biggest crime boss in the city well think again I built it I use it to take over the world!” Drakken gloated. 
“NOONE SWINDLES YAMA!” Yama said as he marched over cracking his knuckles intending to hurt Drakken however he was suddenly stopped by Destructo Yama as it picked him up by his shirt collar.
“Put me down you tin can!” Yama exclaimed but the robot didn’t comply. 
“Oh ho please did you forget it only takes orders from the one wearing this.” Drakken said pointing to the bracelet on his right wrist. 
“Destructo Yama please evict Mr.Yama from my lair at once!” Drakken ordered and the robot just launched Yama into the air sending him crashing through the roof out of the building and landed in the bay. 
“Ha now who’s not a big time supervillain!” Drakken gloated. 
“Now with this I shall conquer the world, and better yet that little squirt made it all possible. That’s the thing with genius it’s easy to manipulate and coheres.” Drakken gloated but was then met by two familiar faces and he already squeaked in fear as they clanged their fists. 
It was Hiro armoured alongside Kim with the rest of Big Hero 6 in tow. 
“Your right about one thing Drakken, being a young genius can be tough.” Hiro said “But you know what’s easy?” Kim then asked. 
“This!” They said in unison and both punched Drakken right in the face sending him flying back to the ground. 
“Easy team work.” Wasabi said with pride. 
“Hm impressive.” Drakken said “but so is this!” Drakken pressed the green button on his belt and that activated a force barrier in front of the heroes cutting them off from the other room. When Wasabi and Gogo tried to cut through using their plasma blades and mag lev disks it had no effect. 
“Oh please you think I wouldn’t take precautions!” Drakken said “I found this among some of the old Krei junk in here and you can’t break through it why? Because the off switch is….ALL THE WAY UP THERE!” Drakken pointed out a small red switch on the wall opposite. 
“Okay why would you tell us where the off switch is seems kinda dumb?” asked a deadpanned Gogo. 
“I know right!” Shego agreed “Finally someone gets it!” 
“Zip it Shego!” Drakken said. 
“Now you can witness my plan come to foliation!” Drakken exclaimed “Now with the Destructo…” “Hold on your blabbing out your evil plan?” Wasabi questioned. 
“Uh yeah its standard super villain procedure.” Fredzilla pointed out. “Yeah they actually fill in some blanks.” Ron added. 
“Ahem would the trapees please listen to the uh, trapper please!” Drakken interrupts. 
“Now with the Destructo Yama I shall finally conquer the world and I have you and Kim Possible to thank Mr. Hamada!” Drakken then explained. 
“What?” Kim asked “Well let’s just say that training of yours has proved quite useful to me.” Drakken waved around the ‘KP’ Chip Hiro made for Baymax. 
“No!” Hiro breathed in horror.. “Yes a robot programmed with data from Kim Possible that’s better than I could have hoped for I guess your not as brilliant as you think.” Drakken gloated right in Hiro’s face.
“He’s brilliant enough to use his gift to help people.” Kim then defended Hiro. “Just as his brother was smart enough to build Baymax to fulfil that dream, which he still works to carry out today. Thats what you don’t get ‘Drew’ it’s not the brilliance it’s how you use it!” Kim then said which did put a smile on Hiro face. 
“Yeah and we may just be smart enough to have an ace up our sleeves!” Fredzilla pointed out. 
“What ace lizard boy?” Drakken asked. Just then without warning something busted through the wall on Drakken’s side of the shield and the smoke cleared to reveal a small round robot wearing armour similar to Baymax’s except it was blue and Persian blue and the visor revealed similar eyes to Baymax only his were blue. 
“Have no fear Mini Max is here!” Mini Max declared in a super hero way. 
However all Drakken and Shego could do was laugh out loud with Drakken clutching his stomach. 
“What that, that’s your ace a pint size robot!” Shego laughed. 
However just then Mini Max flew forward and punched Shego in the face and then kicked Drakken in the face and took back the KP chip then flies up to the off switch and presses it deactivating the shield. 
“MINI MAXIMUM HEROICS!” Minimax proclaimed as he landed on Freds arm. 
“Booyah Mini Max!” Ron said and Hiro took back the KP chip and inserted it back into Baymax. 
“Okay guys lets take them down together!” Hiro declared and so the team leaped into action. 
“DESTRUCTO YAMA ATTACK!” Drakken exclaimed and the Destructo Yama responded by charging forwards with blades swinging. The team scatters in different directions and attack from all sides. Gogo attacks first with her mag lev discs to skate along and throws her arm discs to slice at the robot but it deflects the disks then forms blasts from its hands and tries to blast Gogo with them but she is quick to avoid them. Wasabi then tries and leaps in using his plasma blades to try and cut into the robot however it activates a laser blaster on its back and fires at him Wasabi uses his blades as a shield to hold back the blast but it didn’t stop him from falling off the robots back. Thankfully he landed in a soft pink ball compliments of Honey Lemon. 
“Man this robots tough!” Wasabi said. 
Fredzilla then jumps in and unleashes his fire blast from his mouth however it didn’t seem to affect the robots outer shell. 
“WHA?” Fredzilla said in surprise. The robot then blasts Fredzilla into a wall with his right arm cannon just then Baymax flies in and fires his rocket fist at the robot however the Destructo Yama just back flips out of the way using its advanced servos and then leaps in the air and punches Baymax to the ground knocking Hiro off his back. 
“Whoooaa!” Hiro yells thankfully before he hits the ground Kim swings in with her rocket skates and grabs Hiro bridal style before he hits the ground. 
“Nice catch!” Hiro said “Your welcome.” Kim said as they skated to the side. 
“This robot isn’t gonna be easy to take down!” Kim said. “Yeah so how do we beat a robot that fights like you?!” Ron asked hastily. 
“We’ve got to get that controller on Drakkens wrist it should stop the robot!” Kim said. 
“You handle that Kim we’ve got the Destructo Yama!” Hiro suggested and Kim nodded as she and Ron headed after Drakken. 
(Music starts: Born Ready Dove Cameron.) 
Big Hero 6 regrouped around Hiro and faced their opponent Destructo Yama. 
“So what’s the plan?” Gogo asked. “Yeah how do we fight something that learns and fights like Kim?” Wasabi then added. 
“Yeah but remember we’ve trained with Kim, she’s taught us how she fights so we have an advantage so we attack quick and at the same time so it can’t scan all of us!” Hiro strategised. 
“So hit and run combo attacks got it!” Fredzilla said. 
“I’m game.” Honey Lemon said. 
The team then charges forwards with Hiro on Baymax’s back the Destructo Yama fires missiles from its shoulder blasters and the group quickly avoid them and as Wasabi runs Gogo skates along side. 
“Lets sling shot this thing!” Gogo said. “Right.” Wasabi agreed and grabbed Gogo’s hand and zoomed in a circle really fast before throwing wasabi forwards who formed his plasma blades and slashed at the robots shoulders slicing off the missile launchers. The robot turns and tries to slash at him however just then. 
“SUPER JUMP!” Fredzilla exclaimed as he leaped into the air and then rolled into a ball whilst breathing fire hitting the robot in the arm slightly denting the armour on its right arm. 
Meanwhile Drakken watches the battle from afar. “Oh this is getting good!” He said excitedly 
“Hold it Drakken!” said a voice and Drakken turned to see Kim and Ron heading towards him. 
“SHEGO!” Drakken called and on cue Shego lands in front of the two heroes. 
“Going somewhere princess.” Shego teased. Kim just ran towards her and attacked throwing some punches but Shego avoids them and uses her enhanced abilities to attack forming her plasma energy to form a blade to slice at Kim which she quickly ducks to avoid the slices. Ron quickly slips past and goes after Drakken. 
“Hand over the remote control thing Drakken!” Ron demanded. “Why don’t you try and take it side kick!” Drakken challenged. 
Ron just leaped at Drakken to try and take the control bracelet. However Drakken just moves out of the way to avoid Ron who quickly turns around to tackle him to the ground. 
The Destructo Yama fires lasers at Gogo who quickly avoids them on her skates whilst Honey Lemon uses her Chem balls to make a bouncy stair case of pink goop to jump over the robot and fires from her purse a number of blue chemballs which on impact with the robots arms ice up the blasters. 
Honey Lemon lands on the ground next to Gogo. 
“Sling shot punch?” Honey Lemon asked. “You know it!” Gogo smirked and so Honey used produced two orange chemballs from her purse and claps them together then launches them at the walls on the right and left. Gogo skates far away then launches forward but then the Destructo Yama blasts off the ice from its blasters and tries to shoot Gogo however Baymax’s rocket fist flies in and punches it back which returns to Baymax and the Destructo Yama focuses on him. 
This buys Gogo the time she needs and so runs straight into Honey’s slingshot keeps pushing back until finally she turns round and launches from the sling shot propelling her forwards and readied her arm discs then as she pulled a fist back she slices off the robots right arm with one shot and lands skidding on the other side. 
“Spankin!” Gogo smirked. “He’s all yours Baymax!” 
“Thank you Gogo.” Baymax said flying at full speed then lands a punch in the Destructo Yama’s chest to then get punched away by the robot. However what the robot didn’t see was Hiro who quickly jumped onto the robots back. 
“This looks important!” Hiro smirked and using the magnet in his glove pulls off a panel and then yanks out some wiring generating sparks from the bots back and suddenly it’s eyes go black.
Hiro acts quickly and leaps off its back and Honey Lemon quickly launches a pink chem ball from her purse which hits the ground creating a soft cushion for Hiro to land on. 
Things were heating up in the fight between Kim and Shego. The green villain put her fists together and fired a massive blast of energy at Kim who quickly back flips away to avoid it but the next blast sent a shock wave that knocked Kim back and landed on her back. Shego leaps up and tries to crush her with her foot. 
Kim quickly flips back up and throws a round house kick to push her back only for Shego to ready a plasma blade with deadly intent. 
“KIM!” Called a voice and Kim turned to see Gogo toss her one of her gauntlets with a mag lev disk attached and as Shego leaped forwards you strike her. The blade was blocked by the mag lev disk as Kim had just managed to slip the gauntlet onto her left wrist. 
She pushes Shego away then proceeds to throw the disk at Shego but misses. 
“Bad shot princess.” Shego smirked. “So not!” Kim said and then the disk came back around and hit Shego in the back of the head knocking her down to the ground and the disk returned to Kim. 
“Wow, I’ve so gotta get one of these.” She said impressed. 
Ron was still trying to get the control bracelet off Drakken’s wrist but he just kicks him off him and Ron lands on his back. 
“Ha good try side kick but good only counts in....” Drakken looks to his wrist and sees its gone. “What!” He exclaims.
A whistle then gets his attention and he turns to see Rufus in his armour holding the bracelet smirking. 
“Why you little!” Drakken tries to grab Rufus however wings emerge from his back and he flies in the air to avoid Drakken grabbing him. 
“Give it back!” Drakken said trying to swat Rufus down. 
“Catch!” Rufus squeaked as he tossed the bracelet to someone Drakken tried to grab it only for a certain small blue robot to fly in and grab it. 
“Mini Maximum touch down!” Mini max said as he then threw the bracelet to the ground destroying it. 
“Oh yeah wait a go Rufus and Mini Max!” Ron cheered. 
“Excellent work naked companion.” Mini Max said hovering next to the armoured mole rat.
“Boyah!” Rufus said then offering Mini Max a fist bump which he accepted. 
“Ba-la-la-la-la-la!” The two said. 
However their joy was short lived as the Destructo Yama was still fighting Big Hero 6 even with the control bracelet destroyed. 
“Uh that shouldn’t be happening!” Ron said as Kim looked and could see what was happening she hurried into the battle ground near where Hiro had just avoided a blast from the robots remaining arm. 
“The remotes gone but the robots still kicking!” Kim exclaimed to the young genius. “It must be on systemised commands meaning it’s carrying out the last order it received.” Hiro theorised. 
“Meaning we’ve gotta stop it now.” Kim suggested. “My thoughts exactly.” Hiro said and looked to Baymax. 
“Baymax, Overdrive Mode!” Hiro ordered and so Baymax begins transforming. The Destructo Yama sees Baymax and runs towards him only for a mag lev disc to hit him in the head and turns to see it was Kim who threw it. 
It directs its attack and speeds over to Kim throwing a saw blade with its remaining arm and tries to slice Kim which she’s able to avoid. 
She’s about to back flip again only for the robot to perform a roundhouse kick which kicks her to the ground. She forgot this robot was programmed with her skills and could learn from its opponents if locked down to one. 
The Destructo Yama hovered over her ready to attack but then. SLICE!
The Destructo Yama stood silently for a few seconds before it fell apart in two halves and went crashing to the ground. It then revealed Overdrive Baymax standing behind it retracting his energy sword revealing he was the one who sliced it in half. 
(Music ends)
“Nice Baymax!” Kim thanked as Baymax returned to his normal form. 
“I did a thing!” Baymax said rather drunk as she was low on power and lost his balance and fell over. 
Hiro and Ron ran over and helped Kim back on her feet she then looked to the young genius about what just happened. 
“Yeah overdrive mode puts a massive drain on the battery.” Hiro explained. 
Soon the rest of the team could hear slow clapping and turned to see Drakken standing there clapping and giving an evil smirk. 
“Oh yes yes very impressive.” Drakken said sarcastically. 
“You seem in a good mood for a guy who’s plan is down the drain.” Hiro smirked. 
However the smirk on Drakken’s face persisted something that Gogo noticed. 
“Let me guess you have a trick up your sleeve don’t you?” Gogo said not surprised. 
“Ohh you catch on quick.” Drakken said as he clicked his fingers the wall near the team opened to reveal a room full of Destructo Yama robots all identical to the one that was destroyed there was an army of them much to the teams horror. 
“Oh no.” Ron, Rufus and a drunk Baymax said in unison. 
Then from behind Drakken the floor opened and then rising from the hole was a much larger Destructo Yama, the only difference was a small compartment in its head was made for someone to pilot it. 
“Please as if I would build more than one.” Drakken then said as the robot picked him up and placed him in the cockpit. 
“Now watch as I take over the world starting with this very city! Come Shego!” Drakken announced evilly. 
Shego who had just regained consciousness jumped up to the robots cockpit to join Drakken at the controls. Then the feet of the Destructo Yamas roar into life with jets of fire and began to ascend and the other robots soon followed. 
Outside the roof of the abandoned facility on Akuma Island explodes and the Destructo Yama army erupts from the top like a swarm from its hive. In the cockpit of his Destructo Yama Drakken smirks evilly knowing this was the time to conquer. 
Back on the island the ground is covered in wreckage and rubble everything completely buried. Just then Rufus and Mini Max emerge from the rubble. They look around and can’t see their friends anywhere and Rufus squeaked in worry for Ron and Kim. 
“We must find our fellow Heroes” Mini Max suggested and they began looking around Mini Max looked from the air whilst Rufus scurried along the rubble suddenly he saw something move he scurried over and then saw a large pink dome emerge from the rubble Rufus looked in confusion as Mini Max landed next to him. Then when he touches it the pink goop starts cracking to then shatter only to reveal the eight heroes alive and safe.
“Everyone okay?” Kim asked as she stood up. “I’m good.” Gogo said “A.Okay!” Fred said as he lifted off the top his suit to reveal his head. 
“Oh I’m fine… on a scale of one to whoo you look filthy.” Baymax said rather drunkly as he looked to the rest of the team. 
“Whew nice thinking Honey Lemon.” Hiro breathed. “Yeah I’m still surprised that worked.” She replied just the Ron was greeted by his naked molerat companion who wasted no time hugging his face. 
“Rufus you okay buddy?” Ron asked. “Uh huh.” Rufus said with a smile. 
“Uh guys.” Hiro said getting their attention as they all looked up to see the army of robots flying towards San Fransokyo Bay. 
“We maybe okay but now the city isn’t.” Hiro said with a deeply worried voice. 
End of Chapter 6
Dun dun dun! Looks like an army of evil killer robots are bent on attacking San Fransokyo will Team Possible Hero 6 be able to stop them?! Find out next time on PH6. Now if you've noticed I’ve made a reference to BH6 (the movie) when Hiro removes the health care chip and turns Baymax into a killer robot and also some references to the live action KP movie like Drakken telling them where the off switch is, because when I heard him say that it just screamed classic Drakken. I must admit this chapter was rather hard to write given my mind was all over the place what with uni projects and all, but it all worked out in the end I’ll try and update soon there's just a few more chapters to go plus and epilogue. 
Until then TO THE POWER OF 6!
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hanorganaa · 5 years
All 15: darhkatom
jesus christ marisa. well ask and you shall receive. 
1. Who is the happy morning person and who is grumpy and just wants to go back to bed?
-rays the happy morning person and nora is obviously the big grump. even when ray stays up all night working in the lab or something he never really gets grumpy, just tired. he looks like those videos of puppies yawning. while nora even if she slept twelve hours is gonna be a bit of a grump. but when she wakes up next to ray its not so bad :)))
2. Who falls asleep on the couch and who puts a blanket over them?
-okay nora takes naps like all the time and thats facts and ray of course wants to make sure she stays warm. but also this got me thinking i feel like ray never falls asleep in a normal place?? like he doesnt really take naps but also works a lot in the lab and stuff so whenever he doesnt get eight hours he just falls asleep fuckin wherever. at the dinner table?? sure. in the lab? of course. just where ever he is.
3. They end up going to a party? What couple are they? Ex- Clinging to one another? Just there to steal some free food and leave? Both want to party?
-if and when they ever go to party that isnt undercover as a mission where they have an alibi and stuff nora stays GLUED to ray. shes like “i dont know these people. what if they ask about me? what am i supposed to say? ‘oh yeah ive been recently exorcised’??” i mean shes either glued to ray or the snack table.
4. If they were in a zombie apocalypse AU, how would they meet?
-ray travels with a group of people (aka the legends) and he comes across nora who is like “yeah i can take care of myself i work alone” and they end up trapped and surrounded and they bond and stuff and when the legends come to rescue ray he convinces her to stay with them for a while.
5. Where is their number one date spot? Why do they love it so much there?
-like in the show 10/10 they go to camelot whenever they are like in a special day type of mood. but like in real life i dont think they would really ever do something fancy. like i think both of their fav dates is just staying in.
6. Who would be more likely to hug their partner and pick them up off the ground?
-ray. he’s too big not to.
7. If one partner isn’t the best at communicating their feelings, how do they show their feelings to their significant other in other ways?
8. How did they try to impress one other before they were dating?
-we’ve already seen ray try with the mustache and good god no. if i had to say something for nora i’d say she probably pretends to like all of rays nerd stuff way more than she really does. she doesnt hate any of it but she pretends to be a way bigger fan.
9. Who is being way over the top and dramatic and who just nods and cheers on their partner from the sidelines?
-nora is such a drama queen and i love her for it forever and ray is perpetually the proud bf and will cheer her on no matter what.
10. Where did they confess that they loved one another?
-i have no idea. i wanna say like on the ship or in his room but thats boring. I mean lets be real they basically did in last weeks episode. my angst heart wants to say its when one of them gets in trouble or injured on a mission. but my fluff brain says its when they are snuggling in bed and rays running his fingers through her hair the way she likes and she just kind of blurts it out. 
11. What is something small, but cute they do for one another? Ex - leave cute encouraging notes for one another on the counter.
-whenever ray wakes up early and knows he wont be there when nora wakes up he leaves a note by the bed. nora does little doodles for him and pins them up on the white boards in the lab. ray lets her have more of the blankets. nora lets him pick movies.
12. Who is the one who does the cooking while the other helps prep the food?
-i feel like nora wants to cook everything fast so shes like “keep it on high” which has led to many meals being burnt on the outside and fucking raw on the inside as well as getting burnt. so now rays in charge of cooking. (i keeping thinking about jenna marbles videos where they cook and nora is julien)
13. What is a memory they share together that makes them both laugh so hard they cry when they think about it?
-look ive thought about this for ages and im coming up short i have literally no idea the only thing i can come up with is they were quarter backing on the ship (aka hooking up) while the rest were on a mission and something similar to the unicorn happened and they all came back talking about “peace and love” and “letting yourself surrender to the force and love of the universe” OR if we wanna go @noradarhkpalmer family au route theres this video of like a little baby sitting between her mom and dad in bed and the baby takes the moms hand out of the dads and pulls the dads hand in hers and thats baby penny to a T so yeah
14. They are having a water balloon fight, who wins and how do they deliver the winning shot?
-nora does. its not hard. ray is a huge target just becasue he big. also rays not really trying to get her out.
15. Who would give the other their jacket because it’s cold?
-ray does. noras always cold so most of the time she doesnt have to ask. also i just thought about ray squeezing into noras jackets and im fucking cackling.
also tagging @superstitious19 and @tomaztastic because they also asked for darhkatom
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keithsblackknight · 6 years
Sheith werewolf au where
Keith is a high school (or college) student (along with shiro) who regularly hangs out with his friends, pidge, hunk, and Lance. That is until transfer student allura shows up and befriends them. Leading to the other three becoming enamoured by her and slowly start to forget about Keith. Like it’s gradual. Oh that movie we all wanted to see? Allura invited us. I’m sorry buddy, we were so excited we forgot to tell you. Oh yeah sorry we can’t hang out allura invited us to this supper fancy art show. We know you hate that stuff so we didn’t mention it! Sorry. And it just progresses to the point that Keith will show up to their regular or scheduled meetings and they already left/didn’t show up. They’ll all agree to go to this place together and when Keith shows up to the meeting place they had already gone and forgot to tell him. So he’s stuck waiting for them to show up for sometimes hours befor finding out they left him behind. So he just, stops showing up. He stops asking, he no longer goes to their regular hangouts. And the three just don’t seem to even notice. And after weeks of this Keith finally breaks down (you can choose where, ie the bathroom, top of the building, behind the school etc) and THATS when shiro finds him.
Shiro is the star of the football team. Strong, loyal, handsome, and has a huge friend group. But the truth is is that shiro is a giant space nerd. (Who may or may not have a small crush on the small spitfire known as Keith with whom he shares a few astronomy/aerodynamic courses with) and he has noticed his favourite “human” hasn’t been around his normal friend group as of late but doesn’t want to ask for free of coming off as weird or stalkerish. One his way to practice(or smthin) he hears sobbing and goes to investigate, only to find Keith in a middle of a heart wrenching breakdown. So his instincts take over and immediately goes to comfort him. He finally gets the story for the reason he’s breakingdown where he’s at, and shiro has never been more furious then he was at that moment. So he declares that Keith is more then welcome in his friend group and would love to have him at the table. Keith is bewildered by this, after all why would this gorgeous man want to hang out with an anti social wreak like him!! But ultimately agrees.
So he starts hanging out with shiro and co, who readily accepts him without so much as blink. After a month of being with shiro and his new set of friends shiro invites him to hang out. Alone. So they go on a coffee date where shiro confesses and asks him if he would be his boyfriend. Keith, about over whelmed, accepts. So the two start dating, and the longer they are together the more pda they get, to the point that Keith is routinely sitting on shiro’s lap now whenever they go to their regular table with their friends. Who tease them relentlessly but all in good fun. Keith knows they aren’t trying to hurt their feelings.
Keith’s birthday comes and passes and his old friends are pissed. They had planned this super awesome Birthday party for Keith and the guy doesn’t even show up! So the next day they go on a hunt for Keith when they realize he isn’t coming to their usual hangout spot (at this point it has been 3-4 months and only now do they notice). They start asking around and keep getting funny looks from their fellow classmates. Until someone final goes, “you guys haven’t talked to him in months, why are you looking for him now? I mean, I thought you guys weren’t friends anymore?” Which to them is preposterous, of course they’re still friends with Keith! So they finally get told that Keith has been hanging out with shiro and his gang for the past few months and make their way too him. Only to be met with Keith sitting on shiro’s lap and making out with him in front of all his friends who aren’t even batting an eye at it nor do they seem bothered. This. This isn’t like the Keith they know. But they brave their way through and ask to speak with Keith. Privately. Keith just looks at them confused. Like why are they looking for him?
The group makes there way to an empty classroom, after a little see you soon kiss, where the three pulse allura start to lecture him about him not being around recently and how they made him this awesome birthday party and he doesn’t even bother to show up. At which Keith just reply’s “what birthday party? You guys haven’t texted me or messaged me in months! So how the hell would I have known to show up if I didn’t even get an invite!” And it slowly dawns on the group that he’s right. They never even told him to come to his own party. What else have they forgotten to invite him too? So then Keith getting angry at his so called friends and starts telling them off for what they did, and how alone and forgettable he was made to feel. Tossed aside for this new comer that they had just met (no offence allura) and how he’s moved on and has made himself more friends and got himself a very dotting and reliable boyfriend, before leaving in a huff letting the effects of their neglect hang in the air. Later when the group is sitting solomly at their hangout, mopping over the fact that they had pushed one of their best friends away does allura apologies. The group is quick to reassure her, its their thoughtlessness that caust them a friend after all. But then she tells them a secret. She tells them that the reason she came her was to find and eliminate a group of werewolf’s that lives in this area, and that she initially infiltrated their friend group to purposely try and break them up. It’s how hunters undercover learn who is and isn’t human. And that when she got here she was practically convinced that their small group were a werewolf pack. But seeing how she succeeded in tearing them apart she feels awful. The group is initially mad but then they are too exhausted to stay mad. After all it was just as much their fault as it was hers. But then she says something that terrifies them. She tells them that the group that their friend Keith is with now, she believes is the true werewolf pack and that they need to warn/save him. Especially as it seems the leader, shiro, has taken a possessive like likening to him.
So they find Keith later up against a well being practically devoured by shiro (in a pda I wanna fuck you right now kind o way) and demand to speak to Keith alone. Again. Shiro is unwillingly at first. After all the last time he let them speak alone Keith came bake in tears of anguish and frustration. But Keith assured him he’ll be fine and so he tells him to yell if he needs him. So they get him alone and urgently tells him he needs to get away from shiro and co, that he’s in danger. Which makes Keith laugh. Seriously? Shiro would never hurt him. Unlike they did. But then allura steps up and openly apologizes and explains to him everything she told the others. Which cracks Keith up even more. He then tells her with mirth dancing in his eye and asks how she’s so sure shiro is a werewolf and he’s not? And it causes allura to freeze and become fearful. She asks what he means by that to which he replies that his mother was a werewolf but his father human, so by all accounts he himself wile not a full one and can’t transform is a werewolf himself. And she just outed herself to him. As she starts to get angry Keith shouts for shiro, who comes running around the corner asking frantically what’s wrong. And Keith tells him he wants to get out of here and that he’s done listening to his old friends and their bullshit. Latter when they are safe he tells shiro what allura had told him so shiro can keep his pack safe, he then proceeds to call his uncle kolivan to tell him the situation. Needless to say alluras father and uncle are very disappointed in her for harming one of their allies own. After all. The altae hunters and the marmora pack are aged old allies. And Keith was their youngest member. Even later then that, the garrison pack and marmora pack become unbreakable allies themselves. Thanks to shiro’s and Keith’s union ;)
(Note! I do not hate allura, at all. I love her to bits actually! But for this au she is meant to be a homewreaker for Keith and co. And it works. So I’m sorry to all allura fans in the tag!!)
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iamvegorott · 6 years
Undercover Love Ch. 11
Anti sat at the kitchen table with a carton of chocolate ice cream in front of him and a spoon in his mouth. He got another spoonful of ice cream as he stared at his phone, the next episode of the Netflix show he was watching began, the opening theme playing again.
“Ant?” Robbie asked, stepping into the dimly lit room. “Why are you up?”
“I was gonna ask you the same thing.” Anti lightly chuckled, gesturing for Robbie to join him. “What’s got you out of bed, Robocop?” He asked as Robbie sat in the chair next to him.
“The dream,” Robbie answered, hand going to his throat. “It still hurts.”
“It’s okay, buddy.” Anti wrapped an arm around Robbie’s shoulders and rubbed one of them. “We’re here for ya and you’re a lot stronger than you were back then.”
“I’m scary strong,” Robbie said in a whisper.
“Terrifying,” Anti confirmed. “How about you join me for some ice cream and Netflix?” Robbie perked up a little and nodded his head. Anti took his phone and touched the screen a few times. “Go pick out what you want in the living room, I’ll get you a spoon,” Anti said and watched with a small smile as Robbie smiled himself and left the room. Anti sighed as he got up and went over to the silverware drawer, at least this would get his mind off of his own problem.
“Why are you up?” Robbie asked again the moment Anti came into the room.
“I had a dream too,” Anti answered honestly.
“What was it about?” So much for getting his mind off of it.
“Nothing too big.” Anti sat down with Robbie, seeing that the television was fully raised and on. Robbie just made a face. “It was about someone and I’m confused about it,” Anti admitted.
“Who was it about?” Robbie asked. Anti chewed the inside of his cheek before answering in a soft voice.
“Dark?” Robbie tilted his head and saw that there was a little pink to Anti’s cheeks. “Do you like Dark?” Robbie asked after making a little gasp.
“What? No.” Anti protested, face starting to go red.
“Do you wanna kiss him?” Robbie asked, pressing his hands to his cheeks.
“No!” Anti got himself some ice cream and stuck the spoon in his mouth.
“Ant has a crush~” Robbie sang with a giggle.
“No, I don’t,” Anti said with a full mouth.
“Was the dream about you holding hands? Or cuddling? Or-” Robbie placed his hands on his mouth before leaning a little to ask very quietly. “-did you dream about kissing him?” Anti didn’t say anything and Robbie squealed. “That’s so dirty.” Anti still didn’t say anything, he was not going to let Robbie know about that part of the dream. “I can go get Mr. Dark.” Robbie offered,  getting up
“No!” Anti wrapped his arms around Robbie and pulled him back down. “You can’t tell him or anyone, okay?”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m still unsure about how I feel,” Anti said and Robbie could see the fear in Anti’s eyes.
“I won’t tell. Promise.” Robbie held up his hand, his pinkie sticking out.
“Thank you.” Anti took the pinkie with his own and shook their hands.
“You wanna kiss Mr. Dark.” Robbie giggled.
“Shut up.” Anti pushed Robbie to his back and started scratching at his sides.
“A-Ant!” Robbie squealed, laughing as he was tickled.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t quite hear you.” Anti teased as Robbie continued to laugh.
Dark stepped out of his room, having not been able to sleep well throughout the night and giving up. He figured he could get himself up and ready and start a search for new jobs and a place to remake their headquarters.
He stopped when he heard music, was someone else awake as well?
Dark went into the control room and found Anti and Robbie curled up together on the couch and sleeping. There was a television Dark didn’t know they even had, playing the ending credits to a movie.
There was a strong warmth in Dark’s chest as he watched the two sleep, they were peaceful like this. Dark ended up heading over to the control panel and he crouched down, remembering where the extra blankets were from when Chase had gotten them. He pulled out the box and took a blanket out, seeing the box that held the earpieces and he paused when he saw a briefcase. There were fingerprint locks on it and a quick knock to the top of it told Dark that it was made of a strong metal. What was in there?
Dark decided to let it go, that would be a question for another day and he went back over to the couch. He placed the blanket over Robbie and Anti and made sure they were both fully covered. Dark took his hand and gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind Anti’s ear so it was no longer over his eye and his hand lingered there. Dark caught what he was doing and he stepped away, heading over to the television, finding the power button on the side and soon made the room go silent, the light from the kitchen allowing Dark to just barely see.
“Thank you, Mr. Dark.” Dark turned at Robbie’s voice and saw the man nuzzling into Anti and holding the blanket tighter to himself. Anti just mumbled under his breath, showing that he was still asleep. Dark just lowered his head and went towards the kitchen, catching a flash of pink in the corner of his eye.
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” Dark asked when he reached the tea kettle.
“Shouldn’t you?” Wilford asked back.
“You know I don’t sleep much,” Dark stated.
“As do I,” Wilford stated back and there was a long pause between the two as Dark prepped some tea. “Dark.” No response. “Dark, I’m your best friend.”
“You are,” Dark said softly.
“That means I know you very well.” Wilford went over to Dark and placed a hand on his shoulder. “And I know when you’re being too stubborn for your own good.”
“I’m being reasonable,” Dark said. “I know how people see me and if he ever discovered who I actually am…” Dark let out a sigh. “He’d run for the hills.”
“How do you know that?” Wilford asked.
“Who wouldn’t?” Dark cracked his neck. “Who wouldn’t run from this?”
“I’m not,” Wilford said. “Neither is Host or Yandere or Bim or Edward or Bing or Google.”
“Edward is the only normal one of us,” Dark said.
“Since when was Edward normal? He works with us, none of us are normal.” Wilford chuckled. “And the Speticeyes aren’t normal either. Jackie with his powers, JJ can go invisible, who knows what else they’re hiding?”
“Emotions are weird,” Dark mumbled.
“You get used to it.” Wilford laughed.
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a-baleful-howl · 7 years
This is Not a Love Story: part 2
Check out or refresh with Part 1 here.
To tell a good love story on screen, scenes, dialogue, camera angles and shots are important. Usually you have lots of quiet "get to know you" moments. Or single shots showing one of the love interests reactions. You need to give obvious and believable reasons for them to be falling in love. Television caters to the lowest common denominator for exposition. Usually its the big plot twists and mastermind moments that are subtle little easter egg hints.
When you compare the scenes between Jon and Sansa in S6, to the Jon and Dany scenes in S7, there is a big contrast. And the audience picked up on it, and thats why we now have a lot of Jonsa shippers after S6. People speak in body language, and movie language helps audiences to pick up on that. If you surprise your audience with a romance that wasn't well built up, you're audience will be colder to the idea and it will not feel believable. Or, the love story will not be the main focus, instead perhaps the conflict and the repercussions of it will be. It would not be a love story.
I am not sold on really anything right now. Ive said it before and I'll say it again. Im not sold on undercover!Jon. I'm not sold on horny!Jon. I'm not sold on Jon being in or out of love right now, either. It could go so many ways. But, after months of doing research on how to write romance for my own books and stories, I know when I see a well written romance vs a bad one. And I sure hope this badly written romance isnt the victim of a rushed season or cocky writers.
I definitely got the feeling from S6 that Kit was given direction that he was slowly falling in love with his "sister" and super conflicted about it. I know Kit can do it. I know he can - so why are we not seeing it here? He could be fighting against the idea of a relationship because he has bigger things to worry about (See: Night King) but what would he be falling in love with?? Right now, the only conceivable answer would be "her looks" - which is just....infuriating. Enraging. Just... jaw droppingly maddening.
Looks can be a starting point - yes. But once Jon sees more and more of who Dany really is, theres just no way he would fall in love. They have totally separate goals. Old, pre-crow Jon would have looked at Dany and just laughed.
So have the scenes theyve shared so far shown us how they would possibly fall in love? Let's see.
Directly after the power-struggle cave scene, we have Jon and Dany exit the cave onto the beach where Dany gets some bad news.
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She flips out. Jon and Davos stand awkwardly by while mommy Dany and daddy Tyrion fight at the dinner table. When Dany turns around to bite Tyrions head off, Jon steps several steps back. She is frightening everyone else on that beach. This is a display of Dany's temperamental behavior. She is angry and turning against someone who was supposed to be her most trusted advisor. Her loyalty and diplomacy is hanging by a thread. She is not as calm and level headed as everyone would want you to believe. She will turn against anyone, at anytime.
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She accuses Tyrion of being too attached to his family. Who else thinks family is super important? Jon, of course. He sees Dany basically say "fuck family" and threaten Tyrion, her hand, for putting family over her. Apparently, the only one allowed to be sentimental towards family is her?
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She is worked up in such a rage over starting to lose her war that she immediately goes into the "dark place". Fire and blood. Tyrion tries to calm her down but she bites his head off more.
Emilia says in the BTS, "Every time that things go wrong, more Targaryen comes out. More fire comes out."
She's being rude to Tyrion, embarrassing him in front of others, disrespecting his advice. We have seen this in the past - Dany DOES NOT like being told what to do. More often than not she completely disregards her advisors advice, does what she wants to anyway, and it comes back to bite her in the end. Every season highlights a direct piece of advice she ignores and how it fails horribly. Why hasnt she learned her lesson by now? Because she never admits when she fucks up and learn from her mistakes.
Then she turns her attention to Jon when Tyrion doesn't tell her what she wants to hear.
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Dany has shown Jon little, if any, respect since he arrived. Being cold, distant, imprisoning him, not calling him by his appointed title, only offering to help if she gets something in return, etc. So why does she ask him for his advice? Its surprising and makes little sense. And Jon does not want to get in the middle of this. This isn't his war, thats not why he came, and he just saw how she treats her advisors. But she's insistent. She wants advice from someone different.
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Back to the dragons. He uses them to take a stab in the dark about how/why she has so many followers. He makes that great speech that boils down to "don't be more of the same. Be different." He's also taking a little bit of his own story here. He came back from the dead, did something impossible, and is trying to be a different ruler for his Kingdom than what they've seen before.
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What's odd is that Jon visually calms her. She doesnt bite his head off for saying pretty much the same thing as Tyrion. She's a little more receptive to his advice. She already likes him more than Tyrion. Her eyes soften, she doesnt yell.
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But as we see later, she didn't really take the advice to heart. Yes, she didnt storm Kings Landing with her dragons and kill thousands of innocent people - but she does go off immediately to kills soldiers, burns loot and frightens people into bowing to her. Thats not what Jon said to do, either.
So we see Dany softening to Jon. He made it about her dragons - and *whew boy* is that a way to get to her heart. He praised her to be this savior she wants to be. So, this is another hint that Dany is coming to like him and respect him. But where are the signs for Jon feeling the same?
He is frightened of her when she has her tantrum. He only answers when she insists. He wants no part of this. He sees her basically say "fuck family", turn on her most trusted advisor, flirt with a dark place and do what she wants anyway. Not attractive qualities for Jon. They are still opposites. She is still preoccupied with her quest for power.
She flies off, and then we see Jon and Davos walking around on Dragonstone, probably relaxed because Her Grace is gone for the moment.
Davos makes a comment about how Jon has been staring at her "good heart."
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1. What have we seen yet, that would make Jon think she has a "good heart"? Shes been cold, uncooperative, prone to anger and entitled.
2. When have we ever seen Jon look at her boobs? In the cave, he keeps his eye line at her face/eyes. On the beach they were too busy backing away from her yelling to even look at her chest. In the throne room, any attraction he might have felt when first seeing her was eclipsed by her personality and attitude.
3. This is weird exposition to try and force the audience into thinking Jon is attracted to her. You should not have to spell out a romantic attraction. Looks and camera angles and dialogue should do it for you. We're watching film, not listening to a radio show.
Maybe this was a way of the writers spelling out why Jon is avoiding an attraction? "Theres no time for that". He is single-minded with the fight against the Night King. He's not open to the idea of romance.
Then, Jon reenforces this idea that he doesn't trust Dany at all. He is hesitant to believe she respects her subordinates because that is the opposite of everything he's seen so far. He's a King and she has imprisoned him against his will.
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But Missandei's response gives him a little bit of insight into why people love and follow Dany. He had not seen it himself before Missandei spelled it out for him. He's been imprisoned, he's seen her be cold when he asked if she believed him, and he's seen her turn against Tyrion. He doesnt necessarily believe it, but he listens to Missandei.
This is why his speech on the beach made no sense to me. Why have him give that speech before he talks to Missandei or another one of her followers? Where did he get that speech from? Its almost an identical speech to Missandeis. And if he believed that, and came to that conclusion before talking to Missandei, then why is he doubtful of Dany's "good heart" in letting Missandei leave or Dany giving hope to her followers?
It would have made more sense to have him talk to a follower first, before his speech on the beach about Dany making "impossible things happen." Unless he came to that conclusion on his own - but then why ask Missandei? Why look so reluctant to open up to her? It makes no sense.
Immediately following is the Theon scene. Honestly, the more I rewatch this scene, the more I realized I love it more than the LF crypt scene. Oh god, the nuances. Jon's quivering rage voice. His dead eyes, which are more expressive than we get to see lately. Holy crap I love this scene.
But this, I guess, is also important to show Jon what kind of rag-tag gang Dany has as her allies now. Theon was such a little shit - growing up and when he betrayed Robb. It speaks to the type of person Dany is that she has this guy on her side.
Kit says in BTS "I think he's willing to forgive anyone if they are willing to help fight against the Night King."
But Jon explicitly says he is only sparing Theons life because of what he did for Sansa. Theon helped her escape. He sacrificed himself to save her - to take her away from that awful place. I'm sure Sansa and Jon have had many conversations since her escape about what Theon did. And not only did Theon tell Sansa that he didnt kill Bran and Rickon - that he murdered two innocent farmer boys, instead - but they got the proof in Rickon on the battlefield and Sam seeing Bran beyond the wall.
But Theon still did horrible things. He's still a slimey person in Jon's eyes. And here he is, on Dragonstone, fighting for Dany. What does that say to the company she keeps? That shes allied with morally questionable people? Or that she's a forgiving person, with a weakness for "cripples, bastards and broken things"? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Theon asks where she is, and Jon does not look happy or okay with the answer.
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So far, we're in episode 4 of 7 and there is no reason for Jon to be attracted to Dany. He has seen bad sides of her. He has given her a few chances to show any good side, and she doesn't.
Dany is intrigued by him. He's kind and different. She asks for his opinion. His advice seems to calm her. He's played to her good side. So we can see her starting to soften.
But Jon is not really intrigued by her. He wanted to go home. He's been held against his will. She is stuck on this quest for power. She is hot-headed, selfish, and short sighted. He has seen very little redeeming qualities to warm up to her. He just wants his dragonglass and to GTFO. So far, she has only agreed to help IF he bends the knee. She wont help simply to save people. She wont help because of her "good heart". She wants his power and his kingdom in return. Not what he was hoping.
So then we have Dany coming back to Dragonstone after scaring people into bending the knee. The Tarlys dont, so she burns them to a crisp. She aint playing around.
Jon is just standing out on a cliff, in his cloak, probably brooding some more? Waiting for her? Welcoming party? Why is he out there?
And then we have a moment between him and her dragon. This is a moment ONLY between him and her dragon. Dany is just a spectator here.
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He is frightened of the dragon, but YOLOs and faces his fear. He is literally facing his fear. Testing his own courage. Proving his own strength to himself. This moment has nothing to do with Dany, but everything to do with him.
He is awestruck. Dragons were a thing of legend. And now he is connecting with one. His adrenaline must be off the charts. Its a magical moment.
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Now Dany is very attached to her dragons. She believes she is the only one with a connection to them. Most people would scream or run away. Her dragons have reacted violently to those who have ever threatened her or wished her harm in the past. They are one with her. And here is Drogon, a dragon which is aggressive and unpredictable, acting so gentle and different towards Jon. And shes just an outsider to this moment.
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Another check mark that would make Jon attractive to her. Her dragons didn't scare him. Her dragon liked him. And Jon seems to like the dragon. Thats different. Thats new. Thats on the same level as her. He's surprised her yet again.
Now, Jon looks up at her as if "this is yours? This magnificent beast is yours?" But as soon as she comes down, he's all business again.
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His moment with her dragon warmed her up to him a little. She wants to talk about her babies with someone else who probably has the same unhealthy admiration for them like she does. But he's not quite on the same page. Now, what word was Jon thinking instead of "beautiful"? Frightening? Terrifying? This sets off another one of Dany's "fire and blood" looks which scares Jon back into submission. She's a firecracker just waiting for a match. Dont want to get on her bad side. She's mama dragon - and hes seen that quite a lot.
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Now, here is The Look(TM). Arguably the only time Jon seems to really look at her without thinking. In the scripts, the stage direction is "He watches her watching her dragons and wishes that he could keep looking at her and forget about the world events weighing on his shoulders." And dear god, was the impact lost.
In contrast, look at how Jon gets lost staring at Sansa in S6.
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honestly, this scene is just ripe with Jon looks.
Focus shifts, single shots, close ups, and lingering on him lost in thought with no context. If you want to point out a look or reaction - THIS is how you do it. There are focus shifts, to highlight Jon's face. To bring attention to it. You can't miss it.
Him watching Dany in 7.05 is actually so subtle you might miss it. Its not the focus. We arent supposed to be honed in on his reaction. If it was oh-so-important, there would have been a single close-up, or a camera shift for us to see that he was distracted watching Dany.
Also, this is related to her dragons. Her relationship with those dragons is important to Jon. Jon only seems to show thought and softness when her dragons are involved. And it is over before you know it.
Back to business. He brings up what she left to do. And it's not good.
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He's conflicted. She did the opposite of what he hoped she would do. He can understand why, but it's disappointing. Not a turn on. Not an attractive quality. Not something that is winning him over. Another chance she had to show him she was good, and she chose not to.
She has dragons. And shes not afraid to use them.
Then we move on to the talk and walk. He is still acting reserved. Shes in charge of the "get to know you" talk again. Shes standing closer. She's warmed up. She's talking much more like an equal and not like a cold ice-queen.
And she grabs his arm. But there’s no close up. ;)
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Then she tries to get more acquainted by asking a more intimate question, in a more intimate way. Why is she so stuck on this knife in the heart line? And why is he still so insistent on not telling the truth? He still doesn't trust her. He is still on the fence about her. He lies to her face. And she just wont let it go.
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This is not level playing ground. This is not "getting to know each other". Dany is trying but Jon is resisting her getting to know him any better. Why?
It looks like its about to get uncomfortable - that he is upset by lying and she might press the issue. But thankfully Jon is saved by Jorah. Dany looks so happy she might cry. Jon is confused by her sudden change in attitude. Who is this guy shes much more agreeable towards? Thats not the Dany hes seen in his time there.
Then she introduces him. Jon knows who he is.
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Now, some say Jon looks "jealous". Um - why? Why would he be jealous? He trying to avoid a connection between them, as evidenced by his lie right before. He's simply clicking the pieces in his head - figuring out her relationships.
He sees her embrace and welcome this man who he was raised to think as a traitor, a bad man. Someone who his father had sentenced to death for doing unspeakable things. A coward who ran from his sentence. And here Jorah is, acting noble and completely loyal to this girl who has been cold to him and her other advisors the entire time he's been there. He sees more of her misfit rag-team, first Theon and now Jorah, and how she treats those who are loyal to her.
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He's only clicking the pieces and starting to figure her out. His "good heart" line would have fit better after this scene, too. It made no sense where it was before.
This is the first time we see any hint that Jon might be able to warm up to her. The way she cares for her dragons. The company she keeps. How warm she really was to Jorah. But thats overshadowed by her action towards her enemies. Her look when he almost dare speak ill of her children. The fact that he still wants to keep his own secrets from her, whatever his reasons may be.
Its now episode 5 of 7 - and just now his side starts to come into play in this "supposed epic love story", and it's shaky at best. He is still wary of her.
Jon is staying very mysterious. Honestly, ever since he showed up in Dragonstone we are not shown much of his POV. We see a lot of Dany's POV - her talking with her people a lot. Her talking in her war room with Tyrion. We don't see a lot of Jon talking with his people, or talking about his wants and plans. He is staying a big mystery. Davos and him talk a little about how "theres no time for that." Jon and Theon have a Sansa moment. Gendry and Jon have a bonding moment. But do we ever see him talk about his plan for bringing Dany to his side? We really only see his actions through Dany's eyes or someone else's.
These non-focused looks are very mysterious. Why does he get lost staring at Dany? Why does he keep lying about dying? Theres no exposition. Which is really odd, because Dany has quite a bit of it.
This romance is shaky, forced, rushed and confusing at best. I mean, it helps explain the backlash and the disappointed fans. How viewers are confused by this outcome. Why everyone is desperate to think there is something else going on besides "true love".
I think everyone can agree that this relationship is doomed in one way or another. But the big question right now is - does Jon actually love/have feelings for her? What evidence is there for that? What has been shown on screen to support a mutual romance? Not much, so far.
I'll do the rest later. Tumblrs mobile update might ruin my current work (it only lets me tag one hashtag at a time because I have to use the mobile browser- blah) - but I'll get onto it! These take a lot more work than I'd expected, and coding from a smart phone is a bitch. Part 3 and (maybe?) Part 4 coming soon.
edit: and it keeps fucking up on me. T.T I hate formatting on Tumblr so much...
305 notes · View notes
svubloods · 8 years
Imagine realising that Mike likes you back
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(A/N: For Anon, I hope you enjoy this. Sorry for the wait and sorry if this is a mess. I’ve rewritten it so many times and I liked this version better than my other and I didn’t want you guys to stay waiting even longer for something. So sorry if this is bad) 
Imagine realizing that Mike likes you back
Loads of people developed crushes on their superiors, well that was what you kept telling yourself. It wasn’t like you could help it. He was nice, sweet, respectable and attractive. What could you do? Nothing, and that’s what you did. You kept your feelings a secret because there was no chance that he liked you, the way you liked him. And you were great at acting like you had no romantic feelings towards him, maybe too great.
And you kept the act up…well, until everything changed.
“You know he only does that because he likes you,” Sonny commented casually, turning away from the two-way glass and looking away from your Sarge interrogating someone.
“He what?” You spluttered in response, completely taken aback to the point where you had to turn around and face him just so you could lean on the small shelf by the glass.
“The Sarge has a crush on you, Y/N,” He repeated, gesturing through the glass at said Sergeant, Sergeant Mike Dodds.
“That one?” You asked, pointing at him through the glass.
“Uh huh,” He nodded.
“Okay,” You nodded skeptically in response, realized trying to be casual, ending the conversation and looking away briefly before piping up again, “You mean our Sergeant?”
“Yes, Y/N. Our Sergeant,” He chuckled, clearly amused by your reaction, “Don’t tell me you realized that yet?”
And in that moment almost everything over the past couple of months suddenly made sense. You had started at Manhattan’s Special Victims Unit around eight months ago. And you hit off with everyone there, especially your new partner Sonny. Sure, they thought they you were a bit weird but they found you amusing occasionally which is this job is not only good for your ego but for everyones wellbeing. Your Dad always used to say that you were the bright light in darkness, but he's your Dad so he is biased.
The only person you didn’t instantly hit it off with was your new Sergeant. Sergeant Mike Dodds,s on of everyones least favourite Chief, well according to Fin that is. He didn’t think you were as funny as everyone else did and he didn’t find any of  your ‘behaviours’, as he called them funny or entertaining. And you thought he was a bit too ridged and too concerned with procedure and not enough with justice. And he thought that in job like this you needed to take things a bit more seriously and see rules as they were. Rules.
You followed the mentality that in some cases ‘by the book’ were just suggestions. Reflecting back on it now though, maybe you can see why this may have been problematic for the Sergeant that was in charge of you. Regardless, at the time because you knew he found you annoying and didn’t approve of you and messing with him quickly became one of your favourite things to do.
Though that was only for the first month or two, after that you got know each other better and you were on good college terms. Did you keep on messing with him, though? Of course you did and sometimes he took it in stride and sometimes he berated you. It was like a game, you didn’t know which one you were going to get. But all in all you were on good terms even if you didn’t agree on some things…most things.
Recently, however you’ll admit that things had been different between the of you. He was still himself but he was much more agreeable with you. He was around a bit more and was much more friendly. He also wasn’t getting that annoyed by you either, it was almost like he suddenly found you endearing. He acted like he usually did but something had clearly changed.
Maybe he did like you.
“I don’t think so, Sonny.” You commented casually, shaking the thought off and coming back to reality.
“Come on, Y/N! You know, thats why you mess with him so much.” He continued.
You looked up at him with a confused expression as you shook your head slowly.
“Seriously?” He questioned seriously.
You nodded quickly.
“Well, its pretty obvious to everyone well to apparently everyone but you.” Sonny said.
“Are you sure?” You countered.
“I had my suspicions but then some things happened that made it pretty obvious.” He mentioned.
“Like what?” You inquired.
“A lot of things, like the time you went undercover as a background couple.” He mentioned.
You thought back to that. It was about a month ago, it was an undercover operation at a restaurant that a Pimp was using a front. You and Mike didn’t have any ‘main roles’ in the operation so you just played a couple in the background for back-up and to make sure nothing went wrong.
“Y/N,” Mike scolded in a hushed tone so no one could hear, “You ordered fries?”
“It’s going to take a while to convince that pimp that uniform is a sixteen year old and I’m hungry so,” You shrugged, taking a bite.
“We’re supposed to watching the restaurant to make sure nothing goes wrong.” He reminded.
“I eat with my mouth not my eyes. I can do both.” You winked, taking another bite.
“And you’re doing a great job,” He sighed, gesturing to your face.
“Ketchup?” You asked.
“Mmm,” He confirmed.
You started dabbing at your face, looking at him to indicate where it was. Apparently you kept missing it despite demonstrating on his own face.
“You know what,” He sighed, before leaning across the table and wiping  it off your face himself, “There you go, now you’re presentable.”
“Thanks Sarge,” You chuckled, while his hand was still on your face.
He lingered a little bit too long before removing it quickly and sitting back straight. He looked away from you and you smiled to yourself. You continued to case in silence.
“Hey,” You whispered, “Did you see that?”
He nodded, “Let’s go.”
You both got up casually and followed one of your suspects associates. You followed down a back corridor. Hanging back a bit so you could listen to his conversation but not have him see you. The guy confessed almost everything you had suspected but of course you needed more than just a witness confessing what your suspect had done. Mike gestured that you had heard enough, so you could go back and not ruin the rest of the operation that was still going on. You nodded and began to sneak away expertly, quietly enough so he wouldn’t suddenly hear you and catch you. Unfortunately, you had more stealth than Mike, who accidentally knocked over a vase as he attempted to walk away.
Footsteps immediately began to race towards you. You couldn’t run and have him not catch you. it was a a split second decision and also the only the thing you could think of. You grabbed Mike quickly, pulled him close and  started kissing him. Needless to say he was shocked and even more so when you kicked him in the knee, so he stumbled slightly. Hoping to give the impression that you were both drunk. The guy huffed, muttered something and slipped pass you. You both continued until he was gone.
“I think he’s gone,” You breathed, pulling away finally.
He nodded, not speaking and also not looking you in the eye.
“We should head back,” You suggested, slightly confused by his behaviour.
“Definitely,” He finally said, looking up as you both started walking, “I don’t think he suspected anything.”
“It was pretty good thinking, right?” You smiled, giving him a nudge.
“It was something,” He commented.
“You can tell me if you liked it,” You teased
“I…I..um,” He stuttered uncharacteristically.
“Speechless?” You smirked.
“Go eat your fries.” He ordered annoyed as he opened the door for you and ignoring the topic of conversation.
“How do you know about that?” You asked, snapping back to reality and looking up at Sonny.
“He was smiling about it for at least a week after.” Sonny added.
“You can’t definitely say that was because of me,” You reminded.
“So you noticed it to,” Sonny deducted.
“I may have noticed that he was a bit more smiley around that time,” You admitted.
“And it was because you planted one on him.” Sonny continued for you.
“I did what I had to so we wouldn’t get caught.” You stated.
“And the only way you could do that was by kissing him?” He speculated.
“Do you have a better idea?” You asked.
“Well, I don’t have one right now but I could think of one, eventually.” He said quickly.
“Hmm, course you could,” You said sarcastically, “And how does that prove if he likes me. I kissed him, he didn’t kiss me.”
“No, it’s how he acted afterwards.” Sonny said.
“The smiling?” You asked.
“He was happy. Like something great happened.” Sonny shrugged.
“But that could have been anything.” You suggested.
“It was you Y/N.” He stated.
“What else is there? Other than the kiss?” You asked
“It’s everything, Y/N,” Sonny sighed as if explaining it was hard, “Sometimes you just know when people like each other, when they are meant to be together. And that’s what I see when I see you and Mike together. You’re meant to be together.”
“In what way?” You probed.
“Y/N, are you asking me this because you feel the same way about him and you need some sort of confirmation that he feels the same way before you do anything?” He questioned, an expression of understanding on his face.
“Well, I don’t know how he feels.” You commented.
“Y/N,” Sonny interrupted.
“Maybe,” You confessed.
“I knew it,” Sonny cheered to himself.
“Have I been that obvious?” You sighed, looking back through at the interrogation and nursing your temple.
“You? No.” Sonny confirmed, appearing beside you, “ But he definitely has.”
“Really?” You asked.
“Can’t you tell?” Sonny inquired.
“I guess I was too busy trying to hide I feel to notice how he may feel about me.” You chuckled dryly.
“I mean if anyone could ignore what’s right in front of their face, it’s you.” Sonny teased, “I mean just think about it,”
And that’s what you did. You cast your mind back to the day you realised you liked Mike. It was a quiet day and you and him were the only ones at the station. Everyone else was either working leads or off for the day. You on the other hand were doing the mountain of paperwork you had been avoiding for weeks.
“Y/N?” Mike called from his desk.
“Yeah, Sarge?” You replied spinning in your chair childishly to face him.
You caught him stifling a chuckle as you did which made you smile as well as make you feel  like you were blushing.
“Have you finished yet the Brisk case-notes yet?” He asked seriously, in his large and in charge tone.
“No,” You said softly, shrugging your shoulders.
“Y/N,” He sighed, leaning back in his chair and shaking in his head, “What are we going to do with you?”
“I’m sorry,” You apologised, “But it’s so boring.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be if you didn’t let it all build up.” He reminded.
“Yeah but I look at as a future me problem which is the reason why present me hates past me right now.” You elaborated.
You watched as Mike sighed audibly, before launching out of his chair  and walking over to you. He grabbed the chair to a desk nearby yours. He dragged it over to the edge of your desk and took a seat.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
“Taking half,” He informed putting his hand out.
“Really?” You questioned but with a happy expression as well as happily handing him the files.
“I’m not doing it for you. I’m doing it for my own sanity.” He responded, not looking at you and flipping open the first file.
“Thanks,” You smiled genuinely.
“It’s okay,” He returned, looking up briefly and locking eyes with you.
You both talked a lot as you worked through the files. Discussing everything and nothing, if that makes sense. He asked you questions about your life and about you and you did the same. You got to know each other really well. And you remember exactly everything he told about you. It felt as if you were actually e=becoming friends.
“It must be hard being a cop and having him as your Dad.” You commented as he told you a story.
“You think so?” He prompted.
“Yeah, it must be hard having everyone assume that your Dad got you here and not all the hard work you do,” You elaborated casually, not realising the significance to him at the time.
“You think I do I hard work?” He asked.
“Yeah, it must be hard being in charge of people in a job like this, especially ones as challenging as me.” You agreed.
“Then why don’t you make it easier of me?” He chuckled.
“Where’s the fun in that and come on! You secretly like it, really.” You stated.
“It does make may day a little bit more interesting,” He confessed.
“Exactly!” You exclaimed, “You like me really,”
“Well, I…” H began before being interrupted by Fin coming in with a suspect from one of his cases.
“Sounds like he was about to tell you how he felt.” Sonny said.
“I think so too,” You agreed, reflecting back on it and realising.
“What are you going to do?” He asked.
You were about to respond but the door opened and the suspect and Mike walked out of the interrogation room. Both you and Sonny straightened up simultaneously and dropped the conversation. Falling into silence.
“Sonny, can you take him down to booking?” Mike questioned.
“Sure thing, Sarge.” Sonny agreed, taking hold of the suspect and taking him away and flashing you a look as he walked by.
As if he trying to say that you should tell him how you feel.
“That was a pretty good time, right?” Mike asked once Sonny was out of earshot referring to the completion you had about who could break suspect the fastest.
“Uh huh” You agreed quickly slightly fidgety.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked concerned, looking directly at you.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You reassured, avoiding eye contact.
“You sure?” He persisted.
“Of course,” You replied with a weary smile.
“Okay, but if anything is up. You can talk to me, if you want.” He reminded, with a reassuring and friendly smile.
“Why do you think something is wrong?” You inquired, slightly curious and conveniently forgetting your nervousness for a couple moments.
“You haven’t made fun of my tie or my suit or my hair yet and it’s been thirty-seconds.” He commented jokingly.
“I’m not some evil bitch, you know?” You snapped playfully while folding your arms over chest sassily.
“I know,” He chuckled, looking in your direction and locking eyes with you, “I just always thought it was your idea of endearment.”
“It’s true. I only make fun of people I really like.” You confirmed, smiling up at him.
“You really like me?” He asked curiously, as if he wasn’t already sure.
“Of course I do.” You confirmed, surprised.
“That’s nice to know.” He commented casually.
“There is something.” You announced after a few brief moments of silence between the two of you.
“What’s up?” He asked, his voice laced with concern once again.
“I have a pretty good idea of how you’re going to react to this but I still worry that it may ruin things.” You warned beforehand.
“Well, I’ve never known you to be anything but fearless, take the fire extinguisher incident of example…” He began to say.
“What else could I have done?” You interrupted.
“I’m not saying there was anything else. I’m saying have the same mentality. So, take the leap or the swing in your case.” He continued before finishing.
“Do you want to get coffee sometime?” You asked as directly and fearlessly as he had suggested.
“Coffee?” He repeated.
“Yeah, but not as colleagues but as…” You confirmed before elaborating.
“Yes,” He answered immediately.
“What?” You spluttered, taken aback slightly by the quick response.
“Yes, I want to get coffee with you and not as a college.” He confirmed, already knowing what you had meant.
“That’s great?” You replied, still a bit confused.
“You seem unsure.” He commented wearily and dejected.
“No, no,” You began to  clarify, “It’s that no one had ever agreed so fast before.”
“Well, I’ve been waiting a while,” He chuckled.
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borgatabent · 8 years
Heist Plan Log
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:19 AM Sits in the kitchen making spaghetti and meatsauce. Lots of it. For reasons. Definitely legitimate reasons.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:21 AM Drawn by the smell of Spaghetti, he takes himself a seat. A scrutinous peer at the pot. "Smells good."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:22 AM Turns around, wearing a "Kiss my Heart" apron that has a butt on it. "S'almost done. New recipe I'm tryin out."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:25 AM Lights up a cigarette and pulls the "newspaper" from beneath his arm, opening it up to take a gander. "What's in it?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:27 AM "Prospitian." You grin wide.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:27 AM "Ohhh." A shiver and a smirk. "All white meat. The good stuff."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:29 AM "Nothin but the best." Dip your spoon in and taste it. Yep, thats prospitian alright. Tastes like sausage, a little spicy but not as hearty as beef. "Wanna taste?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:30 AM "I'll let you finish. Never let a work in progress spoil the surprise of the finished product."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:30 AM You shrug, turning back to stir the pot. "Fair nuff. Anythin interesting in the paper today? Been kinda quiet on the far side a the river since... well, yknow."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:32 AM You pretend you aren't perusing your GRAY LADIES periodical for SOPHISTICATED GENTLEMEN and turn down the corner to get a look at the newspaper. "Nope. 'Still no leads on the arson case, and bombing case.' And the Mayor's aide gots themself a new puppy. Cute little bastard."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:35 AM Droog is a classy guy, but youre no fool. You just dont get why he has to read his smut in public. "Huh. Figures. At least theyre writing about important stuff." You snort, stirring the noodles.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:36 AM "Yeah, well." Tap the ashes. "Ain't like they've got anything more interesting to talk about. The green fucks have been all busy drying each other's tears or some shit, sucking each other off, who knows. Been quiet. But we have too."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 3:36 AM arrives 15 minutes late with coffee "hey" siiiiiiiiiiiiiip
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:37 AM "Hey, Deuce."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 3:38 AM "What is going on?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:39 AM "Boxcars's making dinner. Spaghetti." Another drag of his cigarette. "LAM enting how quiet shit's been."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:40 AM "Too quiet."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 3:40 AM "Oh that was the delicious smell, nice nice." another sip "i like the silence, it helps me sleep at night" "Unless you mean the silence on the streets"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:40 AM Laughs. "That too."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 3:42 AM "Personally," says Slick, his voice coming from down the hall. He doesn't continue until he has arrived in the kitchen. He's grinning, papers rolled up under his arms. "I think the silence is fuckin awful."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:42 AM A timer goes off and you take the giant pot of noodles off the stove. "Hey boss." You smile, turning back to drain the noodles. "I'm with ya, aint like this city ta stay quiet fer too long."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:43 AM Droog sighs deeply, folds his paper up. He taps it on the counter in front of him, moving his cigarette to the corner of his mouth. "Remember when we were just starting out? A heist every night, it seemed like, making all kinds of noise."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 3:45 AM "I remember," says Slick. He seats himself at Droog's side, taking the pill from his lips to steal a drag. He puts it back and rolls one of the papers out. A map of the city. "Hmn. Look different now than it used to," he comments. It's a newer map. In much better condition than the original map they had way back when. All the pen and knife marks on it.
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:46 AM Back in the before times™. "Needed it back then." You comment idly, fixing plates up for each person at the table. Though you stop to take a look at the map. In the back of your mind you hear 'heist, heist, heist heist'.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 3:49 AM "This city needs a needs some radical remodelation "
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:49 AM "You just wanna blow stuff up." You laugh, putting a plate in front of him.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 3:52 AM "Yes but i thouth i didn't need to point that out. I can blow stuff up while still teaching the felt who owns this city, it's a win win situation" wink
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:53 AM "Now thats a lesson I can get behind."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:55 AM Droog smirks and lays a hand on the small of Slick's back, giving it a rub as he looks over the map. "Bigger now. More places to hit."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 4:04 AM "So any place that makes your mouth water ,boss?"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 4:20 AM Slick cackles to himself, peering over the map. A few key points are circled in red. Many others in green. Those are for later. "These circles, here," he explains, "Are neutral territory. I tried to strike a deal here--" He points to a large casino in the middle of town, "And they turned me down. I told them I'd make 'em regret it."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 4:21 AM Three more plates down on the table, piled with spaghetti, well away from the map. Just in case. "Sounds like a promise we should make good on."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 4:22 AM A nod of thanks towards Hearts, and he says, "Never been one to break a promise."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 4:33 AM Slick is buzzing with excitement. He looks to his men with pride. "So I take it you're all with me?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 4:35 AM You grin, lifting a fist in excitement. "Hell yes, boss. Till the end."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 4:35 AM Droog smirks again and he says, "No place else I'd rather be."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 4:42 AM nods "of course boss!"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 4:47 AM He grins, content. And he enjoys the fuck out of his spagetti, unraveling the papers beneath the map. Blueprints, already bought off one of the original designers of the building. An ex-runman for the Crew. Retired. But still willing to offer Spades a hand, all things considered. He says to his men, "Their security ain't a joke but they ain't loyal, neither. Bought half those boys behind the cameras are Crew loyalists and the other half can be bought off."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 4:49 AM Take the apron off and sit at the table, eating quietly as you listen. "S'cAM eras all they got?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 4:53 AM "Imagine they gotta have bodies manning the floor. Maybe something meatier behind the curtains, so to speak."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 4:54 AM You snicker and crack your knuckles.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 4:56 AM "Nothing would be a problem depending on how the boss wants to do this, silent and deadly or just ...you know. " Deuce imitates a 3 gunshot noises and a register cash one.
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 4:57 AM You choke on your spaghetti trying to hold back a laugh. Well said, Deuce.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:01 AM Droog snorts, taking up his fork and spearing the spaghetti. "Why not both?"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:02 AM Slick sneers, leaning over his plans. "Yeah, boys, this ain't an undercover job. This is a fuck-you job. This is a, We are the Midnight Crew and this is Our Town, job. We take out their best turncoats, we steal their best Crewmen, make off with the dough, and then we level the joint to remind everyone who they're messin' with. The neutral joints make me sick."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:06 AM "We'll need a bit of finesse to get inside. Nothing undercover, but not goin' in, guns a-blazin."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:11 AM "Your expertise," says Slick, smiling at Droog matter of factly. He takes a bite out of his spaghetti, eating it like a goddAM n savage. No slurping noodles for this guy. Just biting in. Fuckin delicious.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:12 AM Droog tosses Slick a wink, chewing thoughtfully. Ahh. Such tender Prospitian. "My compliments to the chef," he says lightly to Boxcars, his eyes still locked on the blueprints and plans. Searching...
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:12 AM Nod in agreement. They need to pick a side. The right side. Or...is it the left. Whatever. "Thanks, doll." Its your new favorite. "So we're workin from the inside out? How're we gettin in?"
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:15 AM "we could make it moon landing style?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:16 AM You tilt your head. "Whats that mean, Cassy?" Arent you already on the moon?
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:19 AM "Who wouldn't be around such gorgeous man" wink wink "i mean like " again with the noises this time of a car accelerating and then crashing drAM atically " and then we get our entrance spot"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:21 AM You laugh again.
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:22 AM Slick wags a finger at Deuce. Although he doesn't seem upset by the idea, it's clear it ain't gonna fly. "We make connections. Get get our men in there and get information out. Then we strike. Gotta be smooth."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:25 AM he shrugs "ok then, just a suggestion. I will run with whatever plan you have boss"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:27 AM You clear your throat. Right. Smooth. "Maybe we can try out a new face?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:28 AM "New face could work. Fix ourselves up, look like someone we ain't. Get in that way. We can..." Droog imitates the noises Deuce made. "...our way out, once we've finished bleeding them dry.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:29 AM deuce claps delighted by droog's will to mimic his silly noises "i like the new face idea but wouldn't that take a bit of our glory?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:30 AM "We take the new faces off once we're past the security problems, see? Go in with new faces, leave with the old ones."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:34 AM "Ooooooooooooooooooooh"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:38 AM You nod. "Suit up, get in, take out the muscle." Time to break out those new iron knuckles.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:40 AM "Oh we are doing it now?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:41 AM "Well, no. We've got this delicious fuckin' spaghetti to finish, at least."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:42 AM he nods while finishing his pasta and checking his phone, talking with his mouth half full "i was going to tell Clover to hang out with me but i guess it will be some other night"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:43 AM You frown a bit, choosing to ignore the mention of Clover. "Wonder what face I should choose. Havent had ta switch it up in ages."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:44 AM "Doesn't have to be drastically different. Just noticeably different."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:45 AM "I want to be a woman for tonight!"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:45 AM Slick nods, seating himself back down. He'd stood up in his excitement. "You fellas make me proud, you know that? God, I can already feel the adrenaline comin on."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:45 AM Suddenly struck by either genius or idiocy, you cover your face in a poof of purple smoke and come out with Droog's face. Tattoo and all. "How do I look?"
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:46 AM "Handsome!"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:46 AM "...Buff Droog."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:46 AM Droog blinks once before saying, "Handsome. Proportion's off, but I guess you can't beat the original."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:46 AM "I would take both"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:47 AM Slick turns to Droog with a cheeky grin. "I've always wanted you to impale me. "
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:48 AM You make a kissy face at them.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:48 AM Droog barks a laugh, brandishing his fork at Slick. "You can get impaled all night long, after we bust the place wide open. Capiche?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:49 AM You laugh as well, face returning to normal. It felt weird, you're glad you didnt have a mirror. An arm goes around Deuce's shoulder. "Lets do each others faces, huh? It'll be fun."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:51 AM "ahaha yes!" do it wonderwoman style and make circles before poofing into a miniature boxcars "MY DICK IS THE SIZE OF THE RADIO TOWER OUTSIDE" "ahahahah!"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:51 AM "Capiche." "Holy fuck."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:51 AM "Frog alive."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:51 AM "Fuck" You crack up again, smacking a hand on the table. "Alright, if thats how ya want it." You stand up in a controlled explosion and come out as a giant deuce. "I'm human married ta a crate of tnt."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:54 AM Droog snorts a laugh, waving his hand in the air. "Botha ya, too fuckin' much."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:55 AM You cast a sheepish grin at Droog, laughing quietly. "Guess it wouldnt exactly be a disguise if we were each other, just different sizes."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:55 AM "I want to human marry a crate of tnt!"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:55 AM "I knew it!"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:56 AM "No, it wouldn't. A good exercise though." Droog points at Deuce. "I don't think that's a thing."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:57 AM Slick turns to Droog, now wearing his face, plus a darker complexion and an eyepatch. "Am I beautiful."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:57 AM "You've always been"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:57 AM You fall back into your chair, cackling loudly.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:58 AM Droog looks to Slick. He deadpans for a long second. "More beautiful than ever before."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:59 AM "Why i can't human marry a tnt crate? you guys destroy my dreams" disguise changed to a mini slick "i mean the boss can marry his knifes but i can't marry my bombs?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:59 AM Droog's face shifts into Slick's, albeit paler, several of those thick locs now shocked white. "I ain't marryin' no fuckin' knives, Deuce."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:00 AM "An impostor!"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:00 AM You laugh still, sweating just a bit as you poof back to your normal skin. Its been a little longer than you thought since you used this much magic.(edited) "I wish I had a camera."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:01 AM "Once we're done with this heist, Boxcars, you can afford any and all the cAM eras you want." Droog observes the light sheen of sweat on Boxcar's forehead and checks his watch. Only a couple of minutes hold, huh...
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:02 AM Are you saying he's too quick, Droog. Rude. "Fair enough."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:03 AM "This is getting insane."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:03 AM "i think i can do one more. i think i can do a felt"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:03 AM "A whole Felt, huh?" Droog's face shifts into Deuce's, the Boxcar's. "Let's see it."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:04 AM finger snap and a little clover with the wrong shade of green appears tap dance
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:04 AM You watch, smiling wide the whole time. "Holy shit, Deucey, thats real good. Looks just like the lil fucker."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:05 AM "I still can't quite do his skintone, it's a strange green. and the freckles are a pain, but i think it looks pretty convincing!" ok back to normal and to melt on the chai because holy shit this is tiring
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:06 AM Droog nods his Boxcars-y head, not feeling the least bit tired. He says, "Pretty impressive. A bit of make-up work on top of it would seal the deal, I think."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:06 AM "I need to practice the disguises though...i can't seem to hold them for too long and it's a shame"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:06 AM You nod, glad to not be the only one.
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:07 AM Slick would do Crowbar but he realizes it would be inappropriate. He tries his hand at Snowman instead. It's a perfect recreation save the bright stars. He lounges across the table. "Hello boys."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:07 AM "OH FROG NO "
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:08 AM Droog's lip curls in disgust, hissing between his teeth. Which, now, belong in the mouth of Death himself. "Froggin' hell bitch."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:08 AM You sit up in a bit of shock, half smlie on your face. "Shit, boss." So impressive. Star eyes, motherfucker.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:09 AM "Slick this isn't even funny , you will stink the place with BITCH" disgusted noises
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:09 AM His breasts are practically bursting out of his shirt, too small to contain them. "Mmm, tell me more. I clearly get off to being called out for begin the bitch I am~"
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:10 AM "ew ew ew ew ew ew. your boobs are so nice this is not fair!!
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:10 AM "Hah!"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:10 AM He kicks a leg in the air. "Make me a three course dinner and bring me my crown while you're at it."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:11 AM "oh hell naw"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:11 AM "Jesus jumpin' toadstools, Slick, I know you spent an eternity in the void with her, but you gotta stop makin' it look so real. Givin' me the jeebies."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:12 AM You cover your mouth, trying not to laugh, despite the weirdly accurate portrayal.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:12 AM "I think i am not hungry anymore"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:15 AM "Aw dont be like that, Cassy. S'just fer fun."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:16 AM Droog rubs his face subconsciously, remembering briefly the... Incident from a few months prior.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:17 AM "....I don't like her anymore ok?. she's mean...It's not even fun anymore like it used to be"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:18 AM Tilt your head confusedly from him to Droog. Yep, theres definitely something youre missing. "Uh...well, maybe we should try out new looks instead, then?" You offer, a half smile still lingering on your face.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:19 AM Droog continues to rub his face for a moment before looking between Slick and Deuce. "I think these two are onto something. What if we go in as dames?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:20 AM "Ooh, Now yer talkin."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:22 AM Slick groans. No fun allowed. He turns over and appears as a dAM e. Sleek, short hair. Freckled skin. Luscious lips. Well, he always has luscious lips. Typical flapper look. He grins.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:22 AM Droog points at Slick and he says, "Yeah, just like that."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:26 AM deuce picks a tiny double horned alternian "ive always wanted to do this" "does it look too strange?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:26 AM "Nah, looks good. Real classy."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:27 AM "Like the double-horned look. Reminds me of your boy."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:27 AM "i know! i like this whole 2 theme!"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:27 AM You sit up, taking a quiet breath and shifting into a very lorge lady. Bushy hair shortening out of its bun, square jaw smoothing into soft chubby cheeks. Also the first button of your shirt pops open. "Hows this?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:28 AM Droog whistles low and gives his hands a clap. "Gorgeous, the three of you."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:29 AM "can i dive into your boobs?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:29 AM You laugh. "Pretty sure yer horns would stab me, Cassy. But sure, why the fuck not."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:32 AM "they are not that pointy, i like the round variety like that kitty girl"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:32 AM Slick pushes his boobs together. "Mmn. Soft."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:33 AM Droog taps his chin, humming softly. "Wonder if my normal dAM e disguise would do it, or if I should try on somethin' new..."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:34 AM "Just for the fun i would say try something different" disguise off, her face is too different from yours it's tiring
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:35 AM "Y'do use yer dame disguise a bit more'n any of us." You point out.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:36 AM "True. Though most still don't know to connect 'em. Maybe I'll try Alternian..."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:37 AM "Be my alternian big sis"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:37 AM "Ha. Let's see..." It takes a bit of concentration, but he assumes the form of an Alternian woman with long hair (a bit still shocked white), wearing ram-esque horns on his head.
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:39 AM Slick purrs.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:40 AM "Hello there gorgeous, are you single?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:41 AM "Damn, nice one."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:41 AM Droog curtsies, or pretends to, anyway, while he's seated and not in a skirt.
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:51 AM You smile, though its forced, and abruptly poof out of your female form.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:53 AM "Ah you guys are so gorgeous"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:53 AM "Same ta you, cutie. Come here often?"
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:54 AM "I'm new in town maybe you can show me around" wiggle eyebrows
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:54 AM "Sure thing. I know this great casino. Bout ta come under new management." Snicker.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:57 AM "Oh really? i hope the new owners are gorgeous as you are~" pfff "AHAAHHA"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 7:06 AM Slick laughs as well. Resting his cheek on his knuckles. "Alright. We got the looks. Just need to figure out the next steps."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 7:19 AM "That's steps 1-6 then. I suppose the question is, are we favoring bleeding them dry first, or going straight for shooting the place up?"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 7:29 AM "Bleed dry. I want everything."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 7:30 AM "Think they got a vault?" You glance down at duece. Best way to get into one of those is exploding things as far as youre concerned.
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Jesse James lied to Pablo Escobar and told him that I killed his men for fun. I loaded them on the boat and executed them, telling them i would take them to w barge where our drug supply was.
A barge is a flat boat very huge that can hold hundreds of train cars or semi truck trailers stacked up like 10 high and 20 wide and 50 long
So it's like a small island if it's empty.
Said its where i grew. Obviously if you watched with El Chapo last night, you'll clearly see that i didn't and don't grow anything. It's illegal in the United States.
I probably have a few pot farms now but... Its all about money to support my "kids" to buy land and build apartments and supply food, clothes, medicine and etc. Its a rare time i can make some cash on something that we should not even have. And it's excellent quality with low THC although marijuana and not just CDB as some people need THC. And so i take alien money, clone money and human money.
So Jesse lied and then got Pablo Escobar onto the military base by telling him how to get on and loaning him a car that had been on frequently and even had a sticker cause he bought it from a guy who just had gotten a sticker -- saw a fresh expiration date and offered him way too much cash for the car.
That's what he often did. I even saw people get straight out the car and hand over the keys. Saying "call me for the title"
Because it had a pass to get on the military base which are now banned thanks to Jesse. No more car stickers.
So Jesse says "i didn't get them on"
Well he did all but fucking drive them on the goddam island
I always wondered how the aliens put the grinder and slicer in the trash compacting area. I knew it shouldn't been there. And now i recall Jesse doing it. Jesse having it all set up while i watched from the window
Jesse was, as he says, jealous because we were so happy. He wanted me ground up while i was pregnant
So then when he saw Mark Anthony he could bully him or hit him from behind and kill him.
But that didn't work out. So it was all called "an accident" everything happened "on accident" because it didn't work out the way they wanted.
Well as you saw on the video with El Chapo. I killed everyone on the boat. I also killed Pablo Escobar, myself.
And then for revenge in killing my husband and child Erich was revenge for killing Freddy and Gacha, I then Made sure El Chapo was and still is the World's Cocaine King.
So I totally killed the Medallion Cartel's leaders and the Cartel itself -- they had no time to sell cocaine nor herion. They sell weed. Thats it. Mexican Red Hair. CBD. Hemp. Not even marijuana. 0.2% over the legal limit of THC to be legal hemp. So they could still be arrested for selling. Of course the Medallion Cartel changed its course and became good so they won't be arrested. And i bought their products when i was in high school. And smoked Snoop Dogg under the table 5 days in a row. All the way in Okmulgee, Oklahoma from Columbia, South America.
So Jesse was responsible. He says he deserves to get to Heaven, to receive the benefits Pablo Escobar has.
Pablo Escobar was LIED to.
Pablo Escobar does not human traffic.
Jesse James today had people in human trafficking that we have not found.
Which by the way check satellites for full or half full parking lots which move around 2x per week or even daily but don't move all cars from the lot. To change the way they look to people driving by. Up to half will leave. Before we looked for empty lots and abandoned factories.
Of course the whole issue with the evil media got me distracted and Jesse called them because that's what we did in Houston... When we called undercover CIA because the majority were picked up by cops and were scared to death of any law enforcement even military. So we had them undercover in news media then we exposed them as police to let them know they were Safe with some but not all.
"We know you were kidnapped by police and were fake arrested. No one will arrest you here. Before i have them stand up, I want you to see if you can find them"
They always guessed me. But rarely without hints did they guess news people. Because in their town because the cops were bad because it was the mayor and Pablo Escobar and all that and every time we cleaned up They got messy again. The town was staffed with under cover police.
Gas station employees, Arbys, Taco Bell, McDonald's, Wal-Mart. Almost everyone they saw was police to keep them safe.
Usually they would be in my school cafeteria or the high school more usually in Clear Lake Texas.
Then we would load them on a school bus on a Friday night and take them home. To the high school near they were from where we switched into smaller mom vans and dropped them off at home.
Because Friday was game night. And we used that southern Texas school bus so it was like they returned from an away game. They haven't had problems for at least 25 years with kidnapping since Pablo Escobar's death
Yet Jesse thinks he deserves something kind.
Pablo Escobar never sent 35 Chinooks in an hour to shoot at my house. And laugh.
Pablo Escobar was lied to like Japan was in WWII.
Had he not been lied to he would never killed my husband and son and i would had other things to do than kill all his kidnapping men. Like put them in jail for 50 years till they were too old and tired to kidnap. And paid them not to. Drug test and random follow to ensure they were good and pay them every month. GPS on the car even then it was less than $1000.
And then i killed him. I never gave him a chance to be good. So he got one after death.
I have given Jesse 30 years of chances. And now he wants to partially work on it? Its not good enough.
I have exploded over 3000 Chinooks out to kill me.
Those Chinooks attacking ours trying to save the kidnapped? The kamikaze. JESSE JAMES' troops.
He thinks he has a chance to get to Heaven as he sees its fairly obvious he won't take over the world. Hes at a 15% chance still tho. He hasn't given up completely.
But he's at a solid 95% to get to Heaven. Be resurrected and come back to Earth.
Lets vote.
Lets see what the people say.
Yes No Earth (take over)
Yes No Prison
You'll get a prize for your participation no time limit.
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pink-valkyrie · 7 years
Lance and Catherine Summer siblings
Disclaimer I do not own One piece. Lance Summers One Piece OC :Messy dark hair an bright green eyes like his father.Thought to be dead by his sister, which was the only other survivor of the house fire so long ago. Lance Is a few years older than Catherine. He was taken by one of the staff members who conspired against his father. The staff member was going to do the same with catherine but she had fled the mansion long before he could get to her. Seeing it being the best choice.  He knocked out Lance and escaped the fire . Promptly dropping him off at a Marine base with a note that his family had died in a fire and he aspired to be a marine.  All this time Lance trained and fought on the side he believed good. The shock of his life came a few years later when he saw his younger and very much alive sister on a wanted poster, with a high bounty serving as the captain/navigator of a small pirate crew.   Lance sighed and ran a hand through his messy black hair. He was thinking over what his commander had said about all pirates. HE was alittle disqusted. To him not everything had a black and white view. Not all of them were bad. He knew for a fact where his sister beliefs lied. When sent to aphrend pirates he always desired to bring them into justice of the marines alive. Lighting another cigarrette sighing into it. Being a marine hadn't been what he'd thought it was. They only thing it did was hone skills and make him strong. An gave him a chance to find his sister.  He was gonna have to find her first. Her safety was of upmost importance. He went out on a huge limb to convince the his superiors she'd be a asset. Make her a warlord he pleaded. She may be a free spirit but she's not a bad person. Fairly reasonable. They said theyd look into it for his sake. Finally after much pleading he made some head way. He set sail to the new world where Catherine and her crew had been spotted. She just had to go an pick a dangerous profession. He had taken his time to read upon his sister, her crew, her conquest. Catherine he smiled. If she'd denied his request he'd leave the marines and join her crew. They'd spent so long apart. An he owed it to her. Looking at her poster if given the choice between his career/life and his sister he throw it all away for her happiness. He remebered bits of his life with her before the fire. He had always a soft spot for the girl. He knew if she'd lived her life would be a great one. As a child she was smart, pretty, possesed charm, was ambitious, wanted to see the world more than anything and had a bubbly personailty. She was younger than him, had so much to live for. He'd catch up, offer the request wait for her answer. Go from there, he just hoped she knew what she was doing. Trying to catch her was something in itself. She was like the wind itself.Here and then gone just like that. Calm/gentle and violent and angry. Her skills and powers had got her very far indeed. -------- Great his fellow marines  just had to complicate things. It was gonna be hard to convince her to join now.  The reaction to fire fist ace's death caused her activity spike. He'd heard rumors about the two pirates meeting up frequently as good friends.While she had refused to harm civillians an wreck towns. She had gone out on a limb to just cause unnecessary conflicts within the world government itself. Finally he'd finally reached her. Sending a messenger bird he'd waited to recieve word back. Boarding her ship they'd hugged. She was fairly cautious of him. He asked where everyone was. SHe'd alway had a hard time lying t him at least. They left its only me, Ray, and Issac now don't worry though we do just fine on our own.They discussed everything from the fire up until now. He extended the offer. But warned her to decide quick. She confided in him her fear of dying but vocalized that she couldn't fight along the side of people who had taken the life of someone dear to her heart. Thats when he asked who exactly is/was fire fist Ace to you Cathy. Smiling at the nickname for her long ago. "Ace, He was a friend, albeit an attractive and captivating person. He was someone who looked at me.  We'd grown to respect each other in brief passing. She hadn't known about his father or anything else. I just knew who he was as a person and he helped me out more than once. "I told him a few things while we were sharing drinks. "It wasn't romantic feeling that I felt for him, at one time it might've been. But we both had to many issues and responsibilities to indulge in that. I don't believe he deserved what happened to him, the real reason behind it, how the whole thing went down. Everything went too far. I don't wanna die but I can't exactly side with them now. I'm sure you understand that. I could always wait for another oppurtunity. What will you do now brother? Don't think I'd wanna fight you." You came onto my ship under the pretense of truce and cooperation. Sighing he'd figured it'd come to this. Her eyes were averted waiting for him to say he'd already chose which side he'd wanted to be on long ago. Eyes widen when he decalred. "Guess I'll join you, Cathy, you could use my help right. My dream wasn't all I thoughted it'd be so. Don't think you'd mind my new one. Goes without saying I wanna stick with you. Make sure your happy and you reach your goals. I'll report back to headquarters say I'll be staying with you undercover while you think it over. An I'll stop you from doing anything too crazy.I'm sure they'll figure me out soon enough though. So what about it sis?  A journey with your big brother won't be so bad right?" Sighing but trying to fight the smile." Yeah, just don't try an take over though or interfere into things to much. I don't want the marines on a immediate manhunt for your head. So reckless. Just decding to for go everything you worked for just to..to." Her green eyes had began to water and her voice stating to crack before she could get it out. "To protect my lovely little sister. What kinda of brother would I be if I chose the little things over someone as important as you." He finished and hugged her, she had dissolved into a sobbing mess, the marine part of his mind told him it was a dumb decision and now would be a good time to strike. But the brother part of him knew he'd never hurt her, or betray the trust she'd placed in him. He noticed two guys emerging on deck and were regarding him with narrowed eyes. Seems they were protective of her. He took his eyes off them, and went back to soothing his sister, finally her cries subsided and exhaustion took over. Going lax in his arms, he swept her off her feet. "Care to direct me to my sisters room?" At that the mens eyes widen, and while they still seemed weary, looking at Catherine, they begrudgingly showed him the way. The second he placed her in bed with a kiss on the forehead and tucked her in like him and his mom used to. He noticed the smile in her sleep as she turned over. As he exited the room he was met by Issac and Ray. "Lets go have a chat." Following them upstairs to the dining hall/kitchen. Ray fixed some coffee, and set down three cups. That surprised him. He didn't expect that but he didn't trust them completely not to posion it. Noticing his reluctance Issac grinned and switched all three drinks. Ray I trust you didn't do anything to our guest drink but if you did, your going to be the one drinking it. Nodding they all took a drink at once. "Whats your business here marine?" He had to hand it to them, they got straight to the point, he didn't dislike it. He answered the reason, and then that when she denied the offer he decided he join her." They shifted in their seats  "Why now?" Ray spoke up. "I've actually been trying to find her since her wanted poster came out, I was told everyone died in that fire. But when I saw the poster there wasn't the smallest bit of doubt. She may have grown up, but the thing that never changed about her would be that smile.  She looks like mom. But that smile has always been her own. Its always reached her eyes, its always been an assurance that its going to be okay. No matter what she'd seen or whats happened. I always told her to never lose that smile."  He smiled sadly. "I was worried that the events of marineford would take that away so I wanted to hurry. I don't plan on leaving her sight. Her recent activty has caught the attention of marines, bounty hunters, and pirates alike. Just three of you isn't gonna cut it anymore. We actually need alot more than for people to operate." Issac cut him off. "I know that, her decision though, I was going to ask her if we gather a whole new crew or find another stronger one to join. She'd wanna ally herself with Ace's little brother if she had the chance but I doubt she could do that right now." Ray went to strike a cigarette but Lance had already held out a lighter. "Thanks." It was gonna be a long night. When their captain awoke she was surpised to find them at the table talking civily. Her laugh brought them out of their conversation. "Don't suppose you have room at that table for one more?" Moving out of a chair Issac stood and went to reheat the breakfast he'd made that was starting to go alittle cold placing it and her orange juice at the table she'd got the message. Sitting down she bega to eat, noticing the stares of the man around her after taking a drink. "Not going to kill me are you, the silence and the fact im the only one eating as you stare holes in my head is a tad bit unnerving. Anyone wanna speak up and tell me whats going on?" What came out as a bright scarcasting remark turned into a grumble toward the end.  Ray glanced at the other two who had averted their gazes. Son of a b..."Ray?" Gulping he knew since he'd automatically been volunteered to talk to her by the older guys in the room he'd have to address the matter the best we could. " Well actually the guys and I were discussing what you'd do next. Things are getting to dangerous for just the four of us to take on everyone and everything at once. I was wondering if you had a plan for our nex course of action." Her intense and caculated gaze turned into a beaming smile that had him and the others wondering if he'd finally said something tactfully when talking to her. "I do indeed have a plan, but I was hoping to discussing it with everyone last night however everyone decided to go to bed early and Lance showed up. I recieved a letter a few days ago and I've thought it over, you noticed our ship changed course correct?" Waiting for the nods to go around. "A very well known pirate in need of a navigator. Has extended an offer to me to become part of his crew, you've been made an offer as well but I will not speak for you." Her voice seemed firm, but unsure. "Whos the pirate?" Ray asked. Noticing her unsure gaze. "I believe we are well informed of him, Its captain Eutass Kidd." After finally choking out the words she noticed the wide eyed stares. " Thats why I said you'll have to answer for yourselves. A supernova made me a offer I couldn't refuse, I've already decided to ignore the marines offer." She looked around the room. "Can't change your mind I'm down" Ray looked to Issac. "To think I was gonna retire soon, Marie would kill me if i let you do something so reckless alone." Issac and Ray glanced at Lance. The former marine actually stood against everything the Kidd pirates did. Noticing Catherine didn't even look his direction he watched her, she knew how he felt, She actually disapproved of the unnecessary bloodshed as well. If she thought she could stomach it, he'd join her. "Already told you Hope, not leaving your side. Lets go meet him. If he goes back on his word or does anything you don't like. You could become a warlord by taking his head." Issac and Ray definetly liked that idea. After that discussion they branched off to their jobs at the ship. WIthin a day they'd be meeting the infamous captain Kidd. Catherines last thought as she docked the ship was. "I hope this meeting goes well."
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